creamflix · 2 hours
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EPISODE #2 — CATG1RLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE! — featuring choso kamo (1.9k words) & suguru geto (1.7k words) content warnings reader wears cat ears, dub-con, yandere themes (over-obsessive (!!), overprotective (!!), mentions of murder (!!)), unprotected sex + creampies, manhandling, mean dom! suguru, dom! choso, collaring, pet-play, recording during sex, whiney + pussy drunk choso, degradation + humiliation, mindbreak + dumbification, cock drunk reader
— kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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CHOSO’s hands tremble as he watches you. 
you’re just standing there, adjusting your cute little cat ears in the mirror like it’s nothing, but to him? god, it’s everything. his heart feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest, his dick already straining against his pants from the sight of you. you’re too cute, too perfect — so much so that it’s almost painful, and he’s seconds away from losing it completely.
“choso?” you call out softly, glancing at him over your shoulder, your innocent tone only making it worse. “are you okay, baby? you look —”
but before you can finish your sentence, he’s on you, crowding you against the dresser with his larger frame, his breath hot and heavy against the back of your neck as his hands grip your waist tightly. he can’t form the words to explain what’s happening to him, can’t tell you how your cuteness has him on the verge of tears, how every little thing you do makes his chest feel like it’s going to explode.
“s-sorry… i can’t —” he gasps, his voice already shaky as he presses himself against you, desperate for any sort of relief. “i can’t take it, baby, i—fuck, you’re too cute. y-you don’t even know what you do to me…”
his hips grind into you as he speaks, and you can feel just how hard he is, his cock throbbing against your ass even through his clothes. the desperation in his voice is palpable, and you can tell he’s barely holding it together. when you turn to look at him, his eyes are glossy, his lips parted as he pants heavily.
“choso,” you whisper, reaching up to cup his cheek, but that only seems to break the last bit of control he has left. his breath hitches, and before you know it, he’s dragging you to the bed, practically throwing you onto the mattress as he fumbles with his belt, hands shaking so much he can barely get his pants off.
“p-please… please let me,” he’s babbling now, voice full of need as he kneels between your legs, already tugging your panties down. “i need you, i need to feel you—so bad, baby. it hurts…”
he’s barely holding it together, and the second he frees his cock, he’s pressing the tip against your slick entrance, groaning softly at the wetness already coating you. but he doesn’t wait — can’t wait. he’s too far gone. 
with one quick thrust, he’s inside you, burying himself to the hilt, and the feeling of your tight, wet heat around him almost sends him into tears right then and there.
“oh fuck… oh fuck, you’re so tight,” he whimpers, his voice cracking as he pulls out just to slam back into you. his whole body shudders as he moves, and the way he’s already so deep inside you has you gasping beneath him, clenching around his thick length as his pace picks up.
but choso’s not done. no, the moment he feels your walls tighten around him, it’s like something snaps in him, and his thrusts grow frantic, sloppy, desperate. he’s fucking you like a man possessed, eyes squeezed shut as he babbles uncontrollably, his hands gripping your hips so tight they’ll probably leave marks.
“f-fuck, fuck, you’re so —” his voice cracks again, and you realize with a start that he’s whimpering, his hips stuttering as he pounds into you harder, chasing the high that’s building inside him. “so good, baby… so good for me, so tight, i can’t — i can’t fucking take it. i’m… oh god, i’m gonna cum already, i —”
you can hear the panic in his voice, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he tries to hold himself back. but he can’t. you’re too perfect, too tight, too cute, and it’s driving him out of his mind.
“choso…” you moan, reaching up to pull him down closer, his face now buried in the crook of your neck as he fucks into you with abandon, his hips slapping against yours with every desperate thrust. you can feel the wet heat of his tears against your skin, and the sound of his broken whimpers sends a shiver down your spine.
“i-i can’t… i can’t do it,” he chokes out, his voice thick with emotion as he presses himself impossibly deeper, grinding into you with each thrust. “you’re too much… too perfect. i don’t deserve you — fuck, you’re so tight. ‘m sorry, baby, i can’t help it. i can’t… oh god, i’m gonna cum, i’m so close…”
his words are spilling out in a continuous stream of needy, pussy-drunk babbling, and you can feel just how close he is, his cock twitching inside you as his movements grow more erratic. and then you hear it — the softest little sob escaping his lips as he completely loses himself in the sensation of you, his thrusts turning messy, frantic, desperate to reach his release.
as choso pounds into you, body trembling from the overwhelming pleasure, his tear-filled eyes catch a glimpse of the cat ears perched on your head. the fuzzy little things are slightly askew — probably from how hard he's been fucking you — but they’re still there, perched so cutely on top of your head. for a moment, the sight of you, flushed and panting beneath him with those ears still on, nearly short-circuits his brain.
he swears he can barely see straight, his vision blurred by the tears filling his eyes, but when those ears come back into focus, it drives him insane — completely insane.
“f-fuck,” he snarls, though his voice cracks from desperation, a dangerous mix of aggression and need. his hips slam into you harder, each thrust deeper, more punishing. “god, y-you… look at you. those fucking ears. you think you can just wear them and expect me to hold back?”
his words are slurred, teetering between broken babbling and rough, possessive snarls. it’s like he’s warring with himself, torn between the raw need to destroy you and the overwhelming softness he feels, the need to hold on to something so precious.
“cute little thing… driving me fucking insane,” he growls low, his grip tightening on your hips as his cock slams even deeper inside you. “you’re mine, baby — mine — you get that? nobody else gets to see you like this. nobody else gets to have you. you’re all fucking mine.”
he’s panting heavily, chest heaving, his voice cracking between each rough thrust as his emotions churn violently inside him. he wants to be soft, to worship how cute you are, but something darker claws its way to the surface, the possessiveness boiling over into something almost primal.
his head dips down, tears staining his flushed cheeks, but his gaze locks on those ears again — the ears he bought for the both of you, for that stupid halloween party you were supposed to go to tonight — but instead, you’re beneath him, completely cock-drunk, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“fuck… baby,” his voice turns shaky, whiny even, but there’s a hard edge to it, like he’s just barely holding on. “you’re… you’re so fucking cute, i can’t — god, i can’t —” his thrusts grow erratic, hips slamming wildly into you as he whimpers and moans, overwhelmed by your tight heat and the image of those cat ears on your head.
“shit… those fucking ears…” he chokes out, voice cracking as his hands come up to grab your wrists, pinning them above your head roughly. “you think — fuck — you think i’m just gonna let this slide? you look too cute, baby… you… you don’t get it… i’m gonna ruin you — fuck, i’m gonna ruin this cute little body.”
you whimper beneath him, and he lets out a shaky, guttural groan. his cock twitches deep inside you, harder than ever, and he swears the sight of you in those ears makes him lose whatever fragile control he had left.
“don’t look at me like that,” he snarls, voice raw as he leans down, lips brushing over your neck, leaving biting kisses along the way. “fuck… i c-can’t take it. you’re gonna make me fucking lose it. i… i’ll never let you go… never. you’re too perfect — too fucking perfect for me to share.”
his hips snap against yours, harder, faster, desperate as he battles the overwhelming need to own you completely. he growls in your ear, teeth grazing your skin, each possessive word dripping from his mouth like venom.
“n-no one… no one else can touch you like this,” he spits, voice trembling between aggression and whining, his need for you overwhelming. “they even try, and i’ll fucking kill them. i’ll kill anyone who thinks they can take you from me.”
his tone is feral, his hips driving into you with an intensity that makes you dizzy, but then his gaze flickers back to your face, tear-streaked and beautiful, those fucking cat ears still on, and his aggression melts back into a whimper.
“oh god — oh god, baby,” he babbles, voice slurred and desperate, as his thrusts grow frantic, erratic. “you’re… so cute, so fucking cute — gonna make me… make me fucking cum so hard, i can’t — fuck, you’re too much…”
his hands are shaking, body trembling as he grips your wrists even tighter, nearly shaking as he leans down to kiss you, his lips needy, teeth grazing your bottom lip.
“y-you’re mine,” he babbles, voice cracking with emotion. “you’re mine… my pretty little kitty… i can’t let you go, can’t ever let you go. fuck, i’ll — i’ll destroy anyone who tries…”
and then his blurry vision catches those ears again, the fuzzy little things wobbling slightly as he pounds into you, and something snaps inside him. his cock twitches violently, his whole body shaking with how close he is to completely losing control.
“god — don’t move those ears,” he whines, breath hitching as he slams into you, rough and deep. “please… please… baby, keep them on, f-for me… you look so fucking cute — i… i can’t…”
his voice is high-pitched now, slurred, and teetering on a sob. the desperation in his tone is palpable, the way he’s clinging to you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear.
“gonna cum so fucking hard — so fucking hard, baby — oh fuck, i can’t… can’t take it — i’m gonna fucking fill you up,” he cries out, body tensing as he gets impossibly rougher, driven purely by instinct and overwhelming lust. “you’re mine. all fucking mine.”
with one final, erratic thrust, he buries himself deep inside you, his cock twitching violently as he finally spills inside you, letting out a broken cry. his whole body shakes, tears streaming down his cheeks as he clings to you desperately.
“thank you, t-thank you, baby,” he whimpers through labored breaths, his voice trembling as his cock continues to throb inside you. “you’re mine… my pretty little kitty… n-never… never letting you go…”
his voice trails off into soft whimpers as he continues to thrust weakly into you, his cock still twitching as he fills you up, his mind completely lost in the overwhelming pleasure. and as you finally let yourself go, cumming around him with a soft moan, you can feel him trembling beneath you, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he holds you close, his heart still racing.
and even as he’s coming down from his high, his cock still buried deep inside you, he catches another glimpse of those cat ears, and it makes him shudder, his body reacting like he’s ready to go again.
“fuck… those ears…” he murmurs, breathless. “god… you’re so perfect. too fucking perfect…i love you” he whispers brokenly, pressing soft kisses to your neck as he finally starts to come down from his high. “i love you so much… fuck, baby, you’re too cute. i can’t handle it…”
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SUGURU always liked to admire you in every possible way. 
from the casual days when you’d wear oversized hoodies and sunhats, to those cutesy moments when you managed to convince him to match your ridiculous frog hats. no matter what you had on, you always looked perfect to him. well, except for one thing.
cat ears.
he’s never seen you wear those, and when he brings it up, you always laugh it off. “they’re so outdated, sugu! plus, it’s so cringe.” but suguru? he isn’t going to let that go so easily.
he’s stubborn when it comes to these little things, especially when it involves the idea of seeing you in something so specific, something that could flip a switch deep inside him.
tonight, it’s one of those nights where you both get lost in the heady intensity of the moment, the dim lights casting just enough of a shadow to make everything feel deliciously intimate. you’re on all fours, his strong hands gripping your waist as he takes you from behind, deep and slow at first, like he’s savoring every second, every sound you make.
your voice is hoarse from crying out, pleads slipping through your lips between breathy moans. “s-suguru, please… it feels —” you gasp as he tightens the custom choker around your throat, his name engraved in delicate diamonds. it’s tighter than usual tonight, just enough to cut off your air supply in a way that leaves you dizzy, your senses on fire.
“what was that, pretty?” he growls, leaning over you, his lips brushing your ear as his fingers dig into your hips, steadying your trembling body. “use your words.”
“so… so good,” you manage to choke out, your voice barely a whisper. “feels so —”
before you can finish, he pulls back, his hands leaving your waist for just a second, and you feel the cool touch of something being placed on your head. you don’t even have time to react before he’s shoving your face into the mattress, his weight pinning you down as his pace picks up, thrusts harder, rougher.
“look at you,” he mutters, and you feel his hand tangling in your hair, yanking your head back roughly so your body arches. your vision blurs from the tears pooling in your eyes, but you catch a glimpse of his digicam in the mirror propped up at the side of the bed. he always films these moments, every expression you make, every time you fall apart beneath him.
but this time, it’s different. he’s got you in focus, every angle perfect, and then you see them — cat ears perched on your head.
“suguru, what —”
“shh,” he cuts you off with a tug on your hair, forcing you to keep your eyes locked on the mirror, on the sight of yourself wearing those ears he’s gifted you. “just look at yourself. you see how pretty you are? wearing the ears i bought you, wearing my choker —” his voice drops to a low, teasing purr. “— you’re mine. every part of you.”
your heart races as you meet your own reflection, your face flushed and tear-streaked, the cat ears perfectly perched on your head like some twisted accessory, the choker around your neck shimmering in the dim light as a constant reminder of who you belong to.
“suguru, i —”
“quiet,” he growls, yanking your head back harder, his other hand gripping your throat, just under the choker, applying pressure until your breath hitches. “you’ll speak when i tell you to.”
you whimper, your body trembling under the intensity of it all — the way he’s controlling every part of you, making you watch yourself fall apart in front of his camera, the weight of his dominance heavy in the air.
he pulls out suddenly, only to push you down onto your back, the shift in position making your head spin. your legs instinctively wrap around his waist as he leans over you, the digicam still recording every movement, every expression.
“look at you,” he says again, his voice low, rough, as his eyes roam over your body, the way the cat ears frame your face. “so fucking perfect. you don’t even know, do you?”
you shake your head weakly, tears still threatening to spill as you gasp for breath, his pace relentless as he thrusts into you again, harder this time. your hands claw at his back, desperate to hold onto something, anything.
“these ears suit you,” he grins, leaning down to kiss you, biting your bottom lip just hard enough to make you gasp. “makes you look like the perfect little pet f’me.”
the intensity of his words, his actions, everything sends you spiraling. “s-sugu—”
“that’s right, baby,” he groans, eyes half-lidded as he watches the way you struggle to keep up, the way your body trembles beneath him. “keep saying my name. let me hear you.”
you can barely speak anymore, your throat raw from moaning and crying out, but his demand is enough to push you over the edge, and you scream his name, feeling the overwhelming pleasure rip through your body.
“that’s my girl,” he mutters, his voice low and possessive as he watches you, his hand wrapping around your throat once more, his thumb brushing over the choker. “mine. every single inch of you.”
he finishes right after you, his breath ragged as he presses his body into yours, keeping you pinned under him as you both ride out the high. but his eyes don’t leave you for a second. your expression — completely dazed, flushed, lips parted as you struggle to catch your breath — does something to him, sparks something primal.
"fuck," he growls, barely giving you a moment before he’s reaching for the digicam on the nightstand, grabbing it almost too roughly, and shoving it in your face. you’re too lost in your post-climax haze to register what’s happening right away, until you feel his hand gripping your chin, forcing you to look directly into the lens.
“look at you,” he hisses, eyes dark with lust and something more — something dangerous. “look at how fucking sinful you look right now. all ruined for me.”
he holds your face tight, his fingers digging into your skin as he angles the camera, making sure every inch of your flushed, wrecked face is caught on film. you can’t even think straight, your mind still clouded, but the possessiveness in his voice, the way his eyes burn with something obsessive, has you trembling.
“you know you’re mine, don’t you?” his voice is a low, dangerous growl, sending shivers down your spine. “no one else gets to see you like this. no one else gets to touch you, to fuck you. only me.”
you nod weakly, but that’s not enough for him. he leans closer, his grip on your chin tightening, the edge in his voice unmistakable. “say it.”
“i-i’m yours,” you stammer, barely able to get the words out as he holds you there, your face still shoved in front of the camera, the red recording light reflecting in his eyes like a predator cornering its prey.
“damn right you are,” he sneers, satisfied, but his hand doesn’t let go. his gaze hardens, and the next words that leave his mouth send a chill through your bones. “and if anyone tries to come between us — anyone tries to take you from me —” he pauses, smirking darkly, “they won’t even live long enough to regret it.”
you blink through the haze, and it’s then that you realize his breathing’s gotten more erratic, and his eyes — those deep, sharp eyes —are nearly wild now, like something inside him has snapped. he’s still holding the camera close to your face, filming every inch of your wrecked expression, but now he’s... rambling. a dark, possessive stream of thoughts that pours from his lips without pause, like he’s talking more to himself than to you.
“no one else could ever have you. no one else could even come close. you’re too perfect for anyone but me. and god, if anyone even thought about coming between us…” his grip on your chin tightens, hard enough that it’s starting to hurt. “i’d tear them apart. no hesitation. i’d make sure they’d never touch you, never even look at you again.”
you shudder beneath him, a small part of you, deep in the back of your mind, that’s starting to feel... worried. the way he’s talking, the intensity in his voice — it’s like he’s slipping away, like you’re reaching for him, but he’s just out of reach.
you try to speak, to pull him back. “s-suguru, i —”
but he isn’t listening. his hand cups your face now, almost tenderly, but the look in his eyes is anything but. “you’d never leave me, right? you’d never... try to go?” his voice softens for a moment, but the sharp edge is still there, hovering just beneath the surface. “because if you did... well, i don’t think i’d be able to handle that. i’d lose it. completely. and, darling, i’m not sure what i’d do.”
he’s still filming you, still holding your face, but his grip is tighter now, more desperate. you can feel the tension in his body, the way his words seem to carry a weight that’s sinking deeper and deeper into his mind. your heart races, not just from the intensity of everything but from the realization that something about this moment has him teetering on the edge.
you swallow hard, trying to keep your voice steady, trying to pull him back to you. “suguru, i’m not going anywhere,” you whisper, though your breath hitches with the pressure of his hand. “i’m yours, remember?”
his eyes flicker, and for a second, you see the suguru you know, the one who adores you, the one who treats you like you’re his entire world. but it’s fleeting, and before you can even catch your breath, he’s leaning in closer, the camera still recording, his voice dropping to a near-maniacal whisper.
“mine,” he repeats, almost to himself, like he’s reaffirming it, reassuring himself. “always mine.”
and as his lips brush against your ear, his breath hot and shaky, you can’t help but feel that slight tug of fear deep in your gut. he’s still your suguru — your darling suguru — but right now… he’s out of reach. you can only hope that the next time he pulls you close, he won’t hold you too tightly.
coming up next . . . bunny girls ! starring gojo satoru & toji fushiguro ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
294 notes · View notes
creamflix · 5 hours
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EPISODE 4 — FOXxXY MAMMA ! — featuring shiu kong (1.3k words) & ryomen sukuna (2.2k words) content warnings: reader wears fox ears, heavy predator/prey dynamics, backshots + unprotected sex, shibari, manhandling, marking, possessiveness, gagging + use of a gag, thigh humping, nebulophilia (aroused by smoke), brat taming, degradation + dirty talk + humiliation, cigarette play [please do not try this at home. this is for entertainment/fiction only], dom! sukuna, mean dom! shiu — kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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SHIU stares at you with a blank, tired expression, his eyes narrowing as he takes a slow drag from the cigarette dangling between his lips. 
his day has been long, stressful, and exhausting, and the last thing he wants is to play your games right now. but there you are, standing in front of him with those damn fox ears perched on your head, twitching like they’re part of some innocent little costume.
you know exactly what you’re doing, and so does he.
“you’ve really got some nerve,” shiu mutters, smoke curling from his lips as he leans back in his chair, his eyes flicking from your playful expression to those ridiculous fox ears. “after the day i’ve had, you think it’s smart to fuck with me?”
you tilt your head, letting the fox ears shift ever so slightly, your lips pulling into a teasing smile. you know he’s tired, that his patience is thin, but the thrill of seeing how far you can push him is too tempting. besides, you’ve always had a thing for the way shiu handles brats.
“what? you don’t like them?” you ask, your voice a mix of innocence and seduction, hands running over the soft ears. “i thought you’d appreciate a little distraction.”
his eyes darken, and for a second, the air shifts. shiu takes another drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke linger between you as he exhales, his lip curling in annoyance. “oh, you want to distract me, alright. wanna play?”
before you can even register the change in his mood, shiu’s hand shoots out, grabbing your wrist and yanking you down onto his lap. his movements are swift, the grip on your waist strong as he presses you down against him. you squirm slightly, feeling the hard outline of him beneath you, but his hand tightens around your hips, keeping you in place.
“you wanna be a brat, huh?” his voice is a low, dangerous growl, smoke curling from the cigarette still hanging between his lips. “think these little fox ears make you cute enough to get away with it?”
he grabs the plush fox ears, tugging at them roughly, almost knocking them off your head. the humiliation stings, your cheeks burning as the teasing element you thought would rile him up turns into something he’s using against you. his grip on the ears is rough, mocking, as if to remind you that in this game, you don’t have the upper hand.
"look at you," he sneers, his voice dripping with disdain. "you think wearing these stupid ears makes you special? like i’m gonna just roll over for some brat in a pair of cheap props?"
your heart races, the thrill of the situation mixing with the sharp edge of arousal as he yanks the ears again, your body jerking in response. you try to keep your composure, but the way his rough treatment affects you is undeniable. the heat between your legs is growing, pooling dangerously as you press down into his lap, trying to find some relief.
shiu notices, of course. his eyes drop to where your hips grind against him, and a slow, cruel smile spreads across his face. “oh, i see what’s going on here. you’re already getting off on this, aren’t you?”
before you can respond, he reaches for the gag — a strip of black leather he’s used before, one you know too well. without a word, he forces it between your lips, fastening it tightly behind your head. the humiliation is instant, the gag muffling any protest or response you might have as you stare up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
“there we go. much better.” he takes another slow drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke directly into your face. the scent of it fills your senses, making your head spin, and the arousal inside you intensifies. it’s sick, how much the smoke turns you on, how the scent of tobacco in the air makes your body tremble with desire.
"you’re such a filthy little slut, aren’t you?" shiu mutters, flicking the ashes from his cigarette onto the floor beside you. “getting wet from just a little smoke and rough treatment. i bet if i checked right now, i’d find you soaking, wouldn’t i?”
you try to shake your head, to deny it, but the gag prevents anything more than a muffled whimper. shiu’s hand moves between your legs, his fingers pressing down firmly against the fabric, feeling the wetness that’s already soaked through. his expression twists into one of pure amusement as he looks down at the growing stain on his pants.
“pathetic,” he mutters, pushing his fingers harder against you, making sure you feel every bit of the humiliation. “you’re so fucking wet, you’re ruining my pants. like some desperate little bitch in heat.”
your body jolts at his words, a muffled moan escaping the gag as you press harder against his hand, your arousal overwhelming your sense of shame. the degrading words only heighten the feeling, and you can’t help the way your hips grind down into his touch, seeking more.
“you’re disgusting,” shiu growls, his voice filled with mockery as he watches you. “but i guess that’s what you wanted, huh? to be treated like the filthy lil’ slut you are?”
he takes another drag from his cigarette, holding the smoke in his lungs before exhaling it slowly, letting it drift around you. the smoke hangs in the air, heavy and thick, and your body reacts almost instinctively, your hips jerking against him as the scent fills your senses.
shiu watches you with cold amusement, the cigarette hanging between his lips as he moves one hand to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “you’re getting off on this, aren’t you?” he asks, his voice low and cruel. “you like being gagged and humiliated, wearing those stupid ears while you grind all over me.”
before you can respond, he pulls the cigarette from his lips, holding the glowing tip dangerously close to your thigh. the heat radiates from it, and your heart races in anticipation, your body tensing as the sting of the burn brushes against your skin. shiu’s grin widens as he presses the cigarette down, the sharp burn making you jerk in his lap, your muffled cry filling the room.
“that’s what you get,” he sneers, watching the red mark bloom on your skin. “a little reminder of who’s in charge here.”
he stubs the cigarette out on your skin again, the burn sharper this time, the pain mingling with the overwhelming arousal that’s taken over your senses. the heat, the humiliation, the way shiu’s degrading words cut through you — it all pushes you further into the brink of submission.
“you love it,” he mutters, pressing down harder on your hips, forcing you to grind against him. “you love being treated like this. and look at those fucking ears, still on your head like a little fox in heat.”
his fingers curl around the fox ears, tugging them roughly as he forces your head down, making you look at the stain you’ve made on his pants. “see this?” he mocks, his voice dripping with condescension. “you’re so turned on, you’re soaking through everything. fucking pathetic.”
you squirm in his lap, the shame and arousal too much to handle as his degrading words wash over you. shiu’s hand tightens on your waist, his voice dropping to a low growl as he leans in close, his breath hot against your ear.
“you’ll take whatever i give you,” he murmurs, dragging the tip of the cigarette along your skin once more, the heat of it a constant reminder of his control. “because that’s what filthy little sluts like you are good for, aren’t you?”
you nod, your body trembling under his control, your arousal soaking through the fabric even more. the fox ears wobble on your head, a humiliating reminder of how far you’ve fallen, of how shiu’s tamed you completely. and as he leans back, a satisfied smirk tugging at his lips, he knows he’s broken you in exactly the way he wanted.
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the sprawling halls of SUKUNA's estate are eerily silent, save for the faint whisper of wind filtering through open windows. 
the place is ancient and grand, but there's something cold and unforgiving about it — the vastness, the shadows stretching unnaturally along the walls, and the sense of being utterly alone. 
well, not quite alone.
you feel his presence even when you can’t see him — that unsettling awareness that he’s close, always watching, always in control. the fox ears atop your head — a prop you jokingly suggested — now feel like they’re mocking you. the soft fur brushes against your skin as you move, trying to be quiet, but your footsteps still echo in the empty corridors. the estate is a maze, but no matter how far you run, you can’t shake the feeling that he’s just behind you, always closing in.
his voice breaks the silence, low and dripping with amusement. "where are you hiding, little fox?" his tone is mocking, predatory. "did you really think you could escape me?"
your heart races. 
the thrill of the chase sends adrenaline pumping through your veins, but there’s a flicker of panic too — you know deep down that there’s no real escape. darting through a narrow hallway, your breathing quickens as you glance over your shoulder. no sign of him, but you can feel him — his presence like a shadow, inevitable.
you slip into a side room, pressing yourself into a corner, hoping to disappear into the shadows. your breath is shallow, heart pounding in your chest as you try to still the frantic rise and fall of your chest. the ears on your head shift slightly with your movement, reminding you of the game you’re playing, the role you willingly stepped into.
then, a sound — a single, deliberate footstep. 
the door creaks open, and there he is, standing tall, framed by the doorway, his eyes gleaming with amusement. he leans against the frame casually, his arms crossed, that smug, predatory smirk on his face. the dim light catches on the sharp lines of his features, his gaze focused solely on you.
“found you.”
before you can react, you make a break for it, but he’s faster — so much faster. in a single movement, his hand shoots out, fingers wrapping around your wrist like iron. the other hand grabs at the fox ears on your head, yanking them playfully. his grip tightens, pulling you back against his solid chest, his breath hot against the side of your neck.
"you really thought you could get away?" he whispers, voice low, vibrating with dark amusement. he spins you around, pinning you roughly against the wall, his body towering over yours, completely engulfing you in his presence. his eyes gleam with satisfaction as he takes in your breathless, wide-eyed expression, the fox ears now askew, a reminder of the game you foolishly initiated.
he presses his lips to your ear, voice dripping with amusement and command. "now, let's make things interesting." from within the folds of his robes, he pulls out a long length of rope. the coarse texture brushes your skin as he lets it unfurl, his eyes never leaving yours, the smirk on his lips widening.
he makes no attempt to hide his anticipation as he begins. his hands move with precision, his movements deliberate as he drags the rope across your body, teasing you with the sensation. he starts by wrapping the rope tightly around your chest, forming a harness as he ties a diamond-shaped pattern across your torso, pulling the rope snug against your skin. his fingers work deftly, securing each knot with practiced ease, making sure it’s tight enough to restrict but not to hurt — yet.
as he moves, he steps back occasionally, admiring his work, enjoying the way your body reacts to the binding, the soft gasp that escapes your lips as the rope pulls taut around you. the friction of the fibers bites into your skin, not painful but enough to make you hyper-aware of every movement.
"stay still," he growls, his voice dropping lower, more commanding. "or i'll make it worse."
he brings your arms behind your back, securing them at the wrists with an intricate weave of rope, then binding them to the rope harness across your torso. the tension in the ropes pulls your shoulders back, leaving you exposed, vulnerable. his fingers trace along the ropes, tugging lightly, just enough to make you shift, the ropes digging deeper into your skin. he pulls the rope down, wrapping it around your thighs, the friction making you squirm, then ties your legs together at the knees and ankles with tight, controlled knots.
this isn’t just any binding — it’s the karada, the traditional body harness style of shibari. sukuna is precise, methodical, tying each knot with an air of control that feels like it’s been rehearsed a thousand times. the diamond patterns of the karada crisscross your body, the ropes creating a web that holds you completely at his mercy. you can feel the ropes pressing against every inch of your skin, restricting your movements without cutting off circulation— tight, secure, but not unbearable.
"perfect," he mutters, stepping back to admire his work. his eyes rake over your form, bound and helpless, the fox ears still perched atop your head, now a stark contrast to the elaborate ropework that encases your body. he circles you slowly, his gaze never leaving your face, savoring the way your chest rises and falls with each shallow breath.
"you look good like this," he murmurs, crouching down to meet your eyes, his voice a dark purr. his fingers trace the outline of the diamond pattern across your torso, tugging lightly at the ropes as he goes, making you gasp. "completely helpless. my little fox, all tied up."
his hand slides to your chin, tilting your face up to meet his intense gaze. "you wanted this, didn’t you?" his thumb brushes over your lips, a taunting, possessive gesture. "well, now you’re mine."
he stands, towering over you once more, his presence overwhelming as he looks down at you with that same smug, predatory grin. he tugs at the rope, pulling you to your feet despite the restraints, the tension of the ropes pulling at your skin with every movement. his fingers playfully tug at the fox ears once again, a reminder of the role you chose, of the hunt you started but never stood a chance of winning.
"the game’s over, little fox," he growls, his voice low and dripping with satisfaction as he pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "now it’s time for your reward."
with a firm tug on the ropes, sukuna drags you toward the center of the room. your movements are restricted, stumbling as the bindings hold your arms and legs tightly in place. the ropes dig into your skin with every step, heightening your awareness of your vulnerability, and the plush fox ears atop your head shift from the motion. they feel ridiculous, a contrast to the intensity of the situation, but sukuna’s gaze never strays far from them. they amuse him, like a symbol of your submission — his prey.
he pushes you down to your knees effortlessly, a dark chuckle rumbling from his chest as you kneel before him, bound and helpless. his fingers hook into the rope harness, pulling you closer until you’re practically pressed against his legs. he leans down, grasping the fluffy fox ears and tugging them playfully, his smirk widening at the way your body reacts to even the smallest touch. "still wearing these?" he taunts, voice low and mocking. "cute. you really wanted to play this part, didn’t you?"
you look up at him, heart pounding, breaths shallow. the feel of his grip on the ears, the pressure of the ropes, the looming presence of him towering above you — it all sends a surge of adrenaline through your veins. the thrill of being at his mercy, knowing you’re entirely in his hands, is undeniable. his predatory gaze scans your face, savoring the mix of fear and anticipation he reads there.
“look at you,” he growls, eyes dark and gleaming as he grabs your chin roughly, forcing you to meet his gaze. “such a good little fox, all tied up. do you understand now? you never stood a chance. i own you.”
he shifts, moving behind you in a fluid motion, yanking on the ropes with one hand to guide your body into position. sukuna is ruthless as he maneuvers you, pulling you down onto all fours, the tightness of the bindings holding your arms behind your back making it harder to balance. you’re bent over, exposed, vulnerable. your body trembles slightly with anticipation, and you feel the plush fox ears wobbling on top of your head — a constant reminder of the game you started.
he crouches over you, his massive form enveloping you completely, one hand gripping your waist while the other snakes around your neck, pulling you back against his chest. his lips brush your ear, hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "you wanted to be the prey?" he growls, voice a low rumble filled with dark satisfaction. "then i’ll take you like one."
without warning, he thrusts into you from behind, his movements forceful and unrelenting. there’s no gentleness, no hesitation — he takes you with the intensity of a predator claiming his prize. his hands grip your hips hard enough to bruise, holding you in place as he sets a punishing pace, each thrust powerful and precise, driving deep into you. your body jerks forward with every movement, but the ropes keep you restrained, unable to escape even if you wanted to.
"that’s it," he grunts, his voice filled with raw pleasure as he watches you squirm beneath him. “don’t run now, little fox. you asked for this.”
your gasps and moans fill the room, mixing with the sound of his rough breaths and the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin. every movement sends the fox ears wobbling slightly, catching his attention again. he laughs darkly, leaning forward to grab at the ears once more, tugging them back roughly as he pounds into you.
“look at you, with your cute little ears,” he taunts, his voice thick with amusement. “you thought you could play the fox? you thought you could escape me?”
his hand snakes around to press down on the plush ears, forcing your head down to the floor as he continues to fuck you from behind. the pressure makes the ears fold awkwardly, a symbol of your submission under him. "stay down," he growls, voice dripping with dominance. "this is where you belong — under me."
every time your body clenches around him, his smirk widens. he leans over you, sinking his teeth into the back of your neck, marking you with the force of a predator claiming his prey. the bite is sharp, possessive, and he doesn’t let up, holding your skin between his teeth long enough to leave an imprint. the growl in his throat vibrates through you as he pulls back, admiring the mark he’s left.
“mine,” he growls, his voice thick with satisfaction, pressing a hand into the small of your back, forcing you down harder. “you’re mine, little fox. no one else gets to touch you like this.”
sukuna’s grip on the fox ears is relentless, pulling and twisting them, reminding you of the game you started. but there’s no denying it anymore — this isn’t a game to him. this is a hunt, and you’re his prey, caught and claimed.
“i’m going to break you,” he mutters darkly, his voice a low, dangerous whisper against your skin. “i’ll make sure you never forget who you belong to.”
his pace quickens, merciless now, each thrust driving you further into submission. your body is on fire, every nerve alive under his brutal touch. his hand slides down your side, fingers digging into the ropes that bind you, tugging them just enough to make the tension bite harder against your skin.
“tell me,” he growls, his voice harsh and commanding. “who do you belong to?”
you can barely form the words, gasping for breath, but he waits — his grip tightening, his hips slamming into you relentlessly until you finally stammer out the answer he’s waiting for.
“y-you… sukuna, i — i belong to you.”
his smirk widens, his hand sliding up to grab the back of your head, pushing your face harder into the floor, his dominance palpable in every movement. "good girl," he purrs, his tone dripping with satisfaction. “my little fox. always mine.”
his pace becomes erratic, his growls deeper as he revels in your submission, the way your body trembles beneath him, the way the ropes keep you completely at his mercy. with a final, punishing thrust, he holds you in place, his fingers digging into your skin, his breath ragged as he cums inside you, the tension in the room hanging heavy. the fox ears atop your head, now askew and slightly crushed from his rough handling, are a reminder of how he’s tamed you. he stands, his breath still coming in heavy, satisfied with his conquest. he looks down at you, still bound, still trembling, and a sadistic chuckle escapes his lips.
"tamed at last," he murmurs, bending down to grab the ears one last time, giving them a playful tug. “but i’m not done with you yet, little fox. not even close."
coming up next . . . studco president & nurse roleplay ! starring gojo satoru & geto suguru ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
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creamflix · 8 hours
ok so im like butt naked in the shower rn but WOWWWWWW loser 27 year old choso….you made him SO ADORABLE??? like I am SO in love with the concept. the fact he’s so pathetic and respectful of the reader being younger than him. I just think it’s going to be SOOO CUTE especially with yuji as his little bb cheerleader haha.
it is SUCH a cute fic and I really hope you extend it 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ ur brain is so immense and you cooked
aashi im litr gonna sleep rn and this is the last thing im seeing and im in litr tears. this concept is really special to me because i've been dying to right this for SO long, but had no idea how to approach it until i finally made the post
i answered a question on the "age gap" thing and how it isn't that bad, some other related questions about choso's ageism here. this fic is really special to me and i can't wait for yall to read it 😖🙏 i have a good feeling about this
♡ much love, have a blessed weekend ahead
salaryman! choso sneak peek here
0 notes
creamflix · 9 hours
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EPISODE #O1 — B1TCH IN HEAT ! — starring nanami kento & ino takuma (seperate) content warnings: reader wears dog ears & a collar, mean + soft dom! nanami, mirror sex, spanking, fingering, degradation + humiliation, praise, mean dom! takuma, backshots + doggy style, unprotected sex + pulled out, clit stimulation, hair pulling
— kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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you’re fumbling with the bell collar around your neck when the bedroom door creaks open. 
your heart skips a beat as NANAMI walks in, earlier than you expected.
for a split second, time seems to freeze.
there you are, standing in front of the mirror, dressed in a frilly maid outfit complete with a pair of cute dog ears perched on top of your head. the bell around your neck jingles slightly as you stand frozen, staring at nanami’s shocked expression through the reflection.
“nanami, i... i found this on sale,” you stammer, your voice shaky, trying to explain yourself, but the words trail off. you can’t help but notice the way his eyes darken, that composed, stoic demeanor slipping as he stares at you, his gaze traveling over your outfit, lingering on the bell collar and then... lower.
there’s a moment of silence, heavy and charged. your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you stand there, nervously twiddling your fingers, waiting for him to say something, anything. was he going to think this was weird? perverse? your mind races with the possibilities, and your hand instinctively reaches for the collar, fumbling with the clasp as you start to pull at it, desperate to take it off and escape the tension in the air.
but nanami doesn’t give you the chance.
“don’t.” his voice is low, commanding, and it sends a shiver down your spine. you freeze, your fingers stilling on the collar as you look at him through the mirror. his eyes meet yours, burning with something dark, something raw. it’s not disgust. it’s far from it.
“leave it on.” the words are barely a whisper, but they hold so much weight, and you find yourself unable to disobey. your breath catches in your throat as his large frame approaches you from behind, his presence looming, his hand gently grabbing yours to stop your frantic attempt at undressing.
“you’re really going to try and take this off?” he murmurs, his voice rough as his fingers brush against the zipper of your dress, his touch light but firm. “after putting all of this on for me?”
the way he says it makes your stomach flip, heat pooling between your legs as you bite your lip, unsure of how to respond. you feel his breath against your neck, hot and heavy, as he leans down, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“turn around,” he orders, voice deep and laced with a quiet authority that you can’t resist. your body moves on instinct, and you find yourself facing the mirror again, his broad figure looming behind you, his eyes trained on you through the reflection. he’s not the nanami you’re used to — calm, composed, always in control. no, this version of him is something else entirely. something darker. more primal.
his hand grips your hip, fingers pressing into your soft flesh as he studies your reflection, his gaze sharp, heated. “you look so good like this,” he mutters under his breath, his eyes never leaving yours as he speaks. “did you think i wouldn’t want you like this? dressed like my own little pet?”
you can’t help the way your thighs clench together at his words, your body reacting to the heat of his gaze, the low rasp of his voice. it’s overwhelming, the way he’s looking at you, like he’s ready to devour you whole.
before you can respond, his other hand comes down sharply against your ass, the loud smack! echoing in the room. you gasp, your body jolting from the impact, a sharp sting blooming on your skin as you instinctively arch your back, pressing into his touch.
“you didn’t even bother wearing panties?” nanami’s voice is tight with restraint, but there’s an edge to it, a simmering frustration that makes your heart race. his hand cups your bare ass, feeling the wetness already slicking your inner thighs, and he groans lowly, almost as if he’s struggling to keep himself in check.
“look at yourself,” he demands, his hand moving to grab your chin, forcing you to meet your own gaze in the mirror. “look how fucking needy you are already.”
his words send a rush of heat straight to your core, and you can’t help the soft whimper that escapes your lips, your legs trembling under his intense scrutiny. your eyes dart between the mirror and his reflection, seeing the way his jaw clenches, his composure threatening to crack as his fingers slide down to your dripping folds, teasing the slickness pooling there.
“already so wet for me,” he mutters, his voice dropping to a growl as his fingers gather the moisture, dragging them along your slit before pressing against your swollen clit. your knees buckle slightly, the sensation of his touch sending jolts of pleasure through you, but his grip on your hip keeps you steady, keeps you from falling.
you gasp, your hands shooting out to grip the edge of the dresser in front of you as nanami’s fingers work you expertly, rubbing tight circles on your clit while his other hand continues to deliver sharp smacks! to your ass, alternating between pleasure and pain. each slap makes you yelp, your ass tingling with the aftershocks as his palm lands again and again, leaving you breathless.
“fuck, nanami,” you whimper, your voice trembling as you struggle to keep your eyes open, to keep watching yourself in the mirror like he ordered. his gaze is unrelenting, his eyes fixed on your reflection, watching every little reaction, every twitch of your body.
“you like this, don’t you?” his voice is dangerously low, his fingers moving faster on your clit, his touch relentless. “you like being my little pet, don’t you?”
your breath hitches at the degrading words, your body betraying you as another wave of arousal floods through you, your hips grinding down against his hand as you chase the release building inside you.
“yes... yes, nanami,” you cry out, your voice breaking as his fingers push you closer and closer to the edge, the overwhelming pleasure making it hard to think, hard to breathe. —
“good girl,” he murmurs, and the praise sends you spiraling, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave, your body trembling as you moan his name, your legs barely able to hold you up as the pleasure wracks through your body.
nanami doesn’t stop, his hand still delivering sharp spanks to your ass as you ride out your orgasm, your slick dripping down his fingers, coating his hand. he’s breathing hard now, his chest heaving as he finally pulls his hand away from your clit, admiring the mess he’s made of you.
as your trembling body slowly comes down from the overwhelming high, nanami’s hands, which had been so rough moments ago, now move with surprising tenderness. he gently caresses the reddened skin of your ass, his fingers brushing softly over the spots where he’d spanked you. the contrast between his earlier dominance and the care he’s showing now makes your heart race in a different way, a warmth spreading through your chest that’s almost as intense as the fire still smoldering between your legs.
you feel his breath ghost over the back of your neck before you feel the press of his lips — soft, gentle kisses trailing from your shoulder to the sensitive spot just beneath your ear. you shiver, your breath catching as his mouth lingers there, his warm breath sending goosebumps down your spine. each kiss is slow, reverent, like he’s savoring the feel of your skin against his lips, and the contrast between his earlier roughness and this tender affection makes your knees feel weak all over again.
“you were so perfect for me,” he murmurs between kisses, his deep voice filled with warmth and admiration. “so, so good… my perfect girl.”
the praise makes your heart flutter, and you can’t help the small whimper that escapes your lips as he continues to kiss your neck, the soft scrape of his stubble adding an extra layer of sensation to the tender affection. his hands, which had been holding your hips so firmly, now move to wrap around your waist, pulling you gently back against his chest. you feel the hard press of his clothed cock against your ass, the firm ridge of it straining against his slacks, but nanami doesn’t move — doesn’t thrust or grind against you like he so clearly wants to.
instead, he tightens his grip around your waist, holding you close as he presses his forehead to your shoulder, his breathing heavy and labored as he tries to keep himself in check.
“you have no idea how much i want you,” he breathes, his voice thick with restraint, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he speaks. “but you’ve already been so good to me tonight… i don’t want to rush.”
his words, his control, only make you want him more, and you instinctively press back against him, your body aching for more of his touch. but nanami just chuckles softly, his lips finding your neck again, peppering you with more sweet kisses.
“no, love,” he whispers, his voice gentle but firm. “not tonight. let me take care of you first. you deserve all the praise in the world.”
he’s still holding you close, his hard-on pressed against your ass, but he makes no move to relieve himself. instead, he continues to murmur sweet nothings in your ear, telling you how beautiful you are, how perfect you are for him, how lucky he is to have you. his voice is low and soothing, each word sinking deep into your chest, filling you with warmth and contentment.
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when you first suggested being a dog girl to TAKUMA, you caught the way his breath hitched, how his eyes darkened just slightly, and the unmistakable bulge that formed in his slacks. 
his normally soft and doting gaze flickered with something primal, something you hadn’t seen in him before, and it sent a thrill up your spine. he was used to you trying new things, surprising him in bed, but this? 
this was different. 
seeing you on all fours, with the prettiest little dog ears perched on your head and a collar with a bell jingling softly every time you moved, did something to him.
"fuck... you’re really going all out, huh?" his voice was low, strained, as if he was holding back. but there was no denying the hunger in his eyes as he took in the sight of you.
“you like it, don’t you?” you teased, giving your hips a playful wiggle, watching as his eyes narrowed, jaw clenched tight. you could almost feel the tension snapping between you.
takuma swallowed hard, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "yeah, i do." there was something in his voice that was different, rougher. he sounded like he was barely holding on to his usual gentle persona.
you hadn’t expected the shift. it was subtle at first, but as he grabbed your hips, pulling you back into him, there was no mistaking it. the usual sweetness in his touches was gone. replaced by something deeper, more intense. takuma's hands gripped your hips tightly as he lined himself up behind you, the head of his cock pressing against your slick entrance. there was a moment of stillness, just the sound of both your heavy breaths filling the room, before he slowly slid into you, inch by inch, his thick length stretching you in ways that made your knees buckle. the feeling was overwhelming, the fullness nearly too much, but you relished in it, a moan slipping from your lips as your walls fluttered around him.
“fuck, you're so -–,” takuma hissed through clenched teeth, his voice rough and unsteady as he bottomed out inside you, his hips flush against your ass. he stayed there for a beat, letting you adjust to the stretch, his breath hot on the back of your neck. but there was an urgency in the way he held you, like he was holding back, fighting the need to move.
“please, takuma,” you whispered, your voice shaky as you pushed your hips back against him, desperate for more, for him to move.
that was all he needed.
with a low, guttural growl, takuma pulled back, the slow drag of his cock making your breath hitch, before he slammed back into you with a force that nearly knocked you forward. the sudden intensity made you gasp, the sound catching in your throat as he set a relentless pace, thrusting into you over and over, each one harder and faster than the last.
the wet slap of his hips against your ass echoed through the room, mingling with your breathy moans and the occasional groan that tore from his throat. he was rough, so unlike the usual soft, sweet boyfriend you knew. it was like something had snapped inside him, some deep, primal need taking over as he pounded into you without mercy.
“you like that, huh? being my little bitch?” his voice was a low rasp in your ear, breath hot against your skin as he leaned over you, his chest pressed against your back. his words were filthy, but the effect they had on you was immediate, a rush of heat flooding your core as you whimpered in response.
“y-yes... yes, takuma,” you managed to stammer, your fingers gripping the sheets beneath you in a desperate attempt to ground yourself as his cock drove deeper, hitting that perfect spot inside you with every brutal thrust.
“say it,” he growled, his hand sliding up your back to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back slightly as his lips brushed against your ear. “tell me you’re my little bitch.”
your heart pounded in your chest, the intensity of the moment nearly too much to handle, but the pleasure coursing through you left you unable to deny him. “i’m your bitch,” you whimpered, the words barely coherent through the haze of ecstasy that clouded your mind.
takuma groaned at your words, his pace growing even more frantic, his thrusts erratic as he chased his release. the slick sound of him driving into you, combined with the jingle of the bell on your collar, was almost overwhelming, a constant reminder of just how far gone you both were.
his hand left your hair, snaking around to your front, his fingers finding your swollen clit. he rubbed it in tight, fast circles, his movements rough and desperate, sending shockwaves of pleasure shooting through your entire body. the added stimulation was too much — your vision blurred, and the knot in your stomach tightened painfully as you hurtled towards the edge.
“fuck, you’re close, aren’t you?” takuma groaned, his voice ragged as he felt the way your walls clenched around him, your body trembling beneath him.
you could only manage a choked sob in response, your entire body tensing as the orgasm crashed over you, wave after wave of pleasure rolling through you as you screamed his name. your walls fluttered around his cock, squeezing him tight, and he cursed under his breath, his hips stuttering as he tried to hold out just a little longer.
“shit... fuck...” his voice broke, and with one last deep thrust, he pulled out, his hand quickly wrapping around his cock as he came with a loud groan, thick ropes of cum spilling across your lower back. his breath was heavy, uneven, as he milked the last of his release, his body trembling from the intensity of it all.
for a moment, neither of you moved, the only sound in the room your labored breaths as you both tried to come down from the high. but then, takuma blinked, and the haze that had clouded his eyes seemed to lift.
“shit,” he breathed, his voice soft and almost panicked as he looked at the mess he’d made of you. his hands, now gentle again, ran down your sides. “i’m so sorry, babe, i— i didn’t mean to —”
you smiled weakly, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder. “it’s fine... i liked it.”
takuma’s cheeks flushed, his usual bashful, sweet demeanor slowly returning. “really?” he asked, his voice softer now, filled with that same warmth you were used to.
“really.” you reassured him with a smile, feeling the afterglow of the intense session still lingering.
he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder, the contrast between his earlier roughness and his current tenderness making your heart swell. “you’re amazing, you know that?”
you chuckled, the sound light despite the exhaustion settling into your bones. “so are you, takuma. i didn’t know you had that in you.”
he scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “yeah... neither did i.”
coming up next . . . cat girls ! starring choso kamo & geto suguru ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
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creamflix · 10 hours
22/23 isn't that big of an age gap from 27. you'd be in your last year of uni or a fresh grad and its when you'd start going into the work force and dating guys in that range. i see that you are 18 so I understand why that gap seems bigger to you but once you get to bar drinking age of 21, the gaps stop mattering as much unless it's like someone in early 20s with someone mid-late 30s into 40s and higher. so maybe make choso like 34? i like the concept a lot and what you wrote so far, i just think the ageism and age gap is weird if he is only 27 cause no one would really blink an eye. but please do continue writing it i dont mean for this to come across as hate!
the point of my fic isn't to necessarily make choso "older" - it's to show how he's just scared of change and something "new" in general
i'm well aware that reader and choso's age is far from being considered controversial, and reader is much more of an adult than choso can take it to be. more than an evident age gap i wish to show how there's a difference in emotional maturity if that makes sense. choso's seen and experienced a lot more than reader, given the fact that he's already a corporate slave (too quickly).
also, the message of this fic that i wish to put out not a "oh he's older that's so hot," more of a "oh no i'm older this sucks i don't deserve to enjoy life and put myself out there (choso's pov.)"
i wish to show choso's deep rooted ageism more than an age-gap. he sees his job (but more so his lifestyle, if we are being honest) as a crutch and something that pulls him away from a life he could have, and that's what reader represents/shows him in this story
i'm glad you like the concept anon, i hope you stick around when the time for a tag list comes
♡ much love, have a blessed weekend
read a sneakpeak of my salaryman! choso fic here <3
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creamflix · 12 hours
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EPISODE #O1 — B1TCH IN HEAT ! — starring nanami kento & ino takuma (seperate) content warnings: reader wears dog ears & a collar, mean + soft dom! nanami, mirror sex, spanking, fingering, degradation + humiliation, praise, mean dom! takuma, backshots + doggy style, unprotected sex + pulled out, clit stimulation, hair pulling
— kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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you’re fumbling with the bell collar around your neck when the bedroom door creaks open. 
your heart skips a beat as NANAMI walks in, earlier than you expected.
for a split second, time seems to freeze.
there you are, standing in front of the mirror, dressed in a frilly maid outfit complete with a pair of cute dog ears perched on top of your head. the bell around your neck jingles slightly as you stand frozen, staring at nanami’s shocked expression through the reflection.
“nanami, i... i found this on sale,” you stammer, your voice shaky, trying to explain yourself, but the words trail off. you can’t help but notice the way his eyes darken, that composed, stoic demeanor slipping as he stares at you, his gaze traveling over your outfit, lingering on the bell collar and then... lower.
there’s a moment of silence, heavy and charged. your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you stand there, nervously twiddling your fingers, waiting for him to say something, anything. was he going to think this was weird? perverse? your mind races with the possibilities, and your hand instinctively reaches for the collar, fumbling with the clasp as you start to pull at it, desperate to take it off and escape the tension in the air.
but nanami doesn’t give you the chance.
“don’t.” his voice is low, commanding, and it sends a shiver down your spine. you freeze, your fingers stilling on the collar as you look at him through the mirror. his eyes meet yours, burning with something dark, something raw. it’s not disgust. it’s far from it.
“leave it on.” the words are barely a whisper, but they hold so much weight, and you find yourself unable to disobey. your breath catches in your throat as his large frame approaches you from behind, his presence looming, his hand gently grabbing yours to stop your frantic attempt at undressing.
“you’re really going to try and take this off?” he murmurs, his voice rough as his fingers brush against the zipper of your dress, his touch light but firm. “after putting all of this on for me?”
the way he says it makes your stomach flip, heat pooling between your legs as you bite your lip, unsure of how to respond. you feel his breath against your neck, hot and heavy, as he leans down, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“turn around,” he orders, voice deep and laced with a quiet authority that you can’t resist. your body moves on instinct, and you find yourself facing the mirror again, his broad figure looming behind you, his eyes trained on you through the reflection. he’s not the nanami you’re used to — calm, composed, always in control. no, this version of him is something else entirely. something darker. more primal.
his hand grips your hip, fingers pressing into your soft flesh as he studies your reflection, his gaze sharp, heated. “you look so good like this,” he mutters under his breath, his eyes never leaving yours as he speaks. “did you think i wouldn’t want you like this? dressed like my own little pet?”
you can’t help the way your thighs clench together at his words, your body reacting to the heat of his gaze, the low rasp of his voice. it’s overwhelming, the way he’s looking at you, like he’s ready to devour you whole.
before you can respond, his other hand comes down sharply against your ass, the loud smack! echoing in the room. you gasp, your body jolting from the impact, a sharp sting blooming on your skin as you instinctively arch your back, pressing into his touch.
“you didn’t even bother wearing panties?” nanami’s voice is tight with restraint, but there’s an edge to it, a simmering frustration that makes your heart race. his hand cups your bare ass, feeling the wetness already slicking your inner thighs, and he groans lowly, almost as if he’s struggling to keep himself in check.
“look at yourself,” he demands, his hand moving to grab your chin, forcing you to meet your own gaze in the mirror. “look how fucking needy you are already.”
his words send a rush of heat straight to your core, and you can’t help the soft whimper that escapes your lips, your legs trembling under his intense scrutiny. your eyes dart between the mirror and his reflection, seeing the way his jaw clenches, his composure threatening to crack as his fingers slide down to your dripping folds, teasing the slickness pooling there.
“already so wet for me,” he mutters, his voice dropping to a growl as his fingers gather the moisture, dragging them along your slit before pressing against your swollen clit. your knees buckle slightly, the sensation of his touch sending jolts of pleasure through you, but his grip on your hip keeps you steady, keeps you from falling.
you gasp, your hands shooting out to grip the edge of the dresser in front of you as nanami’s fingers work you expertly, rubbing tight circles on your clit while his other hand continues to deliver sharp smacks! to your ass, alternating between pleasure and pain. each slap makes you yelp, your ass tingling with the aftershocks as his palm lands again and again, leaving you breathless.
“fuck, nanami,” you whimper, your voice trembling as you struggle to keep your eyes open, to keep watching yourself in the mirror like he ordered. his gaze is unrelenting, his eyes fixed on your reflection, watching every little reaction, every twitch of your body.
“you like this, don’t you?” his voice is dangerously low, his fingers moving faster on your clit, his touch relentless. “you like being my little pet, don’t you?”
your breath hitches at the degrading words, your body betraying you as another wave of arousal floods through you, your hips grinding down against his hand as you chase the release building inside you.
“yes... yes, nanami,” you cry out, your voice breaking as his fingers push you closer and closer to the edge, the overwhelming pleasure making it hard to think, hard to breathe. —
“good girl,” he murmurs, and the praise sends you spiraling, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave, your body trembling as you moan his name, your legs barely able to hold you up as the pleasure wracks through your body.
nanami doesn’t stop, his hand still delivering sharp spanks to your ass as you ride out your orgasm, your slick dripping down his fingers, coating his hand. he’s breathing hard now, his chest heaving as he finally pulls his hand away from your clit, admiring the mess he’s made of you.
as your trembling body slowly comes down from the overwhelming high, nanami’s hands, which had been so rough moments ago, now move with surprising tenderness. he gently caresses the reddened skin of your ass, his fingers brushing softly over the spots where he’d spanked you. the contrast between his earlier dominance and the care he’s showing now makes your heart race in a different way, a warmth spreading through your chest that’s almost as intense as the fire still smoldering between your legs.
you feel his breath ghost over the back of your neck before you feel the press of his lips — soft, gentle kisses trailing from your shoulder to the sensitive spot just beneath your ear. you shiver, your breath catching as his mouth lingers there, his warm breath sending goosebumps down your spine. each kiss is slow, reverent, like he’s savoring the feel of your skin against his lips, and the contrast between his earlier roughness and this tender affection makes your knees feel weak all over again.
“you were so perfect for me,” he murmurs between kisses, his deep voice filled with warmth and admiration. “so, so good… my perfect girl.”
the praise makes your heart flutter, and you can’t help the small whimper that escapes your lips as he continues to kiss your neck, the soft scrape of his stubble adding an extra layer of sensation to the tender affection. his hands, which had been holding your hips so firmly, now move to wrap around your waist, pulling you gently back against his chest. you feel the hard press of his clothed cock against your ass, the firm ridge of it straining against his slacks, but nanami doesn’t move — doesn’t thrust or grind against you like he so clearly wants to.
instead, he tightens his grip around your waist, holding you close as he presses his forehead to your shoulder, his breathing heavy and labored as he tries to keep himself in check.
“you have no idea how much i want you,” he breathes, his voice thick with restraint, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he speaks. “but you’ve already been so good to me tonight… i don’t want to rush.”
his words, his control, only make you want him more, and you instinctively press back against him, your body aching for more of his touch. but nanami just chuckles softly, his lips finding your neck again, peppering you with more sweet kisses.
“no, love,” he whispers, his voice gentle but firm. “not tonight. let me take care of you first. you deserve all the praise in the world.”
he’s still holding you close, his hard-on pressed against your ass, but he makes no move to relieve himself. instead, he continues to murmur sweet nothings in your ear, telling you how beautiful you are, how perfect you are for him, how lucky he is to have you. his voice is low and soothing, each word sinking deep into your chest, filling you with warmth and contentment.
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when you first suggested being a dog girl to TAKUMA, you caught the way his breath hitched, how his eyes darkened just slightly, and the unmistakable bulge that formed in his slacks. 
his normally soft and doting gaze flickered with something primal, something you hadn’t seen in him before, and it sent a thrill up your spine. he was used to you trying new things, surprising him in bed, but this? 
this was different. 
seeing you on all fours, with the prettiest little dog ears perched on your head and a collar with a bell jingling softly every time you moved, did something to him.
"fuck... you’re really going all out, huh?" his voice was low, strained, as if he was holding back. but there was no denying the hunger in his eyes as he took in the sight of you.
“you like it, don’t you?” you teased, giving your hips a playful wiggle, watching as his eyes narrowed, jaw clenched tight. you could almost feel the tension snapping between you.
takuma swallowed hard, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "yeah, i do." there was something in his voice that was different, rougher. he sounded like he was barely holding on to his usual gentle persona.
you hadn’t expected the shift. it was subtle at first, but as he grabbed your hips, pulling you back into him, there was no mistaking it. the usual sweetness in his touches was gone. replaced by something deeper, more intense. takuma's hands gripped your hips tightly as he lined himself up behind you, the head of his cock pressing against your slick entrance. there was a moment of stillness, just the sound of both your heavy breaths filling the room, before he slowly slid into you, inch by inch, his thick length stretching you in ways that made your knees buckle. the feeling was overwhelming, the fullness nearly too much, but you relished in it, a moan slipping from your lips as your walls fluttered around him.
“fuck, you're so -–,” takuma hissed through clenched teeth, his voice rough and unsteady as he bottomed out inside you, his hips flush against your ass. he stayed there for a beat, letting you adjust to the stretch, his breath hot on the back of your neck. but there was an urgency in the way he held you, like he was holding back, fighting the need to move.
“please, takuma,” you whispered, your voice shaky as you pushed your hips back against him, desperate for more, for him to move.
that was all he needed.
with a low, guttural growl, takuma pulled back, the slow drag of his cock making your breath hitch, before he slammed back into you with a force that nearly knocked you forward. the sudden intensity made you gasp, the sound catching in your throat as he set a relentless pace, thrusting into you over and over, each one harder and faster than the last.
the wet slap of his hips against your ass echoed through the room, mingling with your breathy moans and the occasional groan that tore from his throat. he was rough, so unlike the usual soft, sweet boyfriend you knew. it was like something had snapped inside him, some deep, primal need taking over as he pounded into you without mercy.
“you like that, huh? being my little bitch?” his voice was a low rasp in your ear, breath hot against your skin as he leaned over you, his chest pressed against your back. his words were filthy, but the effect they had on you was immediate, a rush of heat flooding your core as you whimpered in response.
“y-yes... yes, takuma,” you managed to stammer, your fingers gripping the sheets beneath you in a desperate attempt to ground yourself as his cock drove deeper, hitting that perfect spot inside you with every brutal thrust.
“say it,” he growled, his hand sliding up your back to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back slightly as his lips brushed against your ear. “tell me you’re my little bitch.”
your heart pounded in your chest, the intensity of the moment nearly too much to handle, but the pleasure coursing through you left you unable to deny him. “i’m your bitch,” you whimpered, the words barely coherent through the haze of ecstasy that clouded your mind.
takuma groaned at your words, his pace growing even more frantic, his thrusts erratic as he chased his release. the slick sound of him driving into you, combined with the jingle of the bell on your collar, was almost overwhelming, a constant reminder of just how far gone you both were.
his hand left your hair, snaking around to your front, his fingers finding your swollen clit. he rubbed it in tight, fast circles, his movements rough and desperate, sending shockwaves of pleasure shooting through your entire body. the added stimulation was too much — your vision blurred, and the knot in your stomach tightened painfully as you hurtled towards the edge.
“fuck, you’re close, aren’t you?” takuma groaned, his voice ragged as he felt the way your walls clenched around him, your body trembling beneath him.
you could only manage a choked sob in response, your entire body tensing as the orgasm crashed over you, wave after wave of pleasure rolling through you as you screamed his name. your walls fluttered around his cock, squeezing him tight, and he cursed under his breath, his hips stuttering as he tried to hold out just a little longer.
“shit... fuck...” his voice broke, and with one last deep thrust, he pulled out, his hand quickly wrapping around his cock as he came with a loud groan, thick ropes of cum spilling across your lower back. his breath was heavy, uneven, as he milked the last of his release, his body trembling from the intensity of it all.
for a moment, neither of you moved, the only sound in the room your labored breaths as you both tried to come down from the high. but then, takuma blinked, and the haze that had clouded his eyes seemed to lift.
“shit,” he breathed, his voice soft and almost panicked as he looked at the mess he’d made of you. his hands, now gentle again, ran down your sides. “i’m so sorry, babe, i— i didn’t mean to —”
you smiled weakly, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder. “it’s fine... i liked it.”
takuma’s cheeks flushed, his usual bashful, sweet demeanor slowly returning. “really?” he asked, his voice softer now, filled with that same warmth you were used to.
“really.” you reassured him with a smile, feeling the afterglow of the intense session still lingering.
he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder, the contrast between his earlier roughness and his current tenderness making your heart swell. “you’re amazing, you know that?”
you chuckled, the sound light despite the exhaustion settling into your bones. “so are you, takuma. i didn’t know you had that in you.”
he scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “yeah... neither did i.”
coming up next . . . cat girls ! starring choso kamo & geto suguru ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
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creamflix · 19 hours
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EPISODE #2 — CATG1RLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE! — featuring choso kamo (1.9k words) & suguru geto (1.7k words) content warnings reader wears cat ears, dub-con, yandere themes (over-obsessive (!!), overprotective (!!), mentions of murder (!!)), unprotected sex + creampies, manhandling, mean dom! suguru, dom! choso, collaring, pet-play, recording during sex, whiney + pussy drunk choso, degradation + humiliation, mindbreak + dumbification, cock drunk reader
— kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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CHOSO’s hands tremble as he watches you. 
you’re just standing there, adjusting your cute little cat ears in the mirror like it’s nothing, but to him? god, it’s everything. his heart feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest, his dick already straining against his pants from the sight of you. you’re too cute, too perfect — so much so that it’s almost painful, and he’s seconds away from losing it completely.
“choso?” you call out softly, glancing at him over your shoulder, your innocent tone only making it worse. “are you okay, baby? you look —”
but before you can finish your sentence, he’s on you, crowding you against the dresser with his larger frame, his breath hot and heavy against the back of your neck as his hands grip your waist tightly. he can’t form the words to explain what’s happening to him, can’t tell you how your cuteness has him on the verge of tears, how every little thing you do makes his chest feel like it’s going to explode.
“s-sorry… i can’t —” he gasps, his voice already shaky as he presses himself against you, desperate for any sort of relief. “i can’t take it, baby, i—fuck, you’re too cute. y-you don’t even know what you do to me…”
his hips grind into you as he speaks, and you can feel just how hard he is, his cock throbbing against your ass even through his clothes. the desperation in his voice is palpable, and you can tell he’s barely holding it together. when you turn to look at him, his eyes are glossy, his lips parted as he pants heavily.
“choso,” you whisper, reaching up to cup his cheek, but that only seems to break the last bit of control he has left. his breath hitches, and before you know it, he’s dragging you to the bed, practically throwing you onto the mattress as he fumbles with his belt, hands shaking so much he can barely get his pants off.
“p-please… please let me,” he’s babbling now, voice full of need as he kneels between your legs, already tugging your panties down. “i need you, i need to feel you—so bad, baby. it hurts…”
he’s barely holding it together, and the second he frees his cock, he’s pressing the tip against your slick entrance, groaning softly at the wetness already coating you. but he doesn’t wait — can’t wait. he’s too far gone. 
with one quick thrust, he’s inside you, burying himself to the hilt, and the feeling of your tight, wet heat around him almost sends him into tears right then and there.
“oh fuck… oh fuck, you’re so tight,” he whimpers, his voice cracking as he pulls out just to slam back into you. his whole body shudders as he moves, and the way he’s already so deep inside you has you gasping beneath him, clenching around his thick length as his pace picks up.
but choso’s not done. no, the moment he feels your walls tighten around him, it’s like something snaps in him, and his thrusts grow frantic, sloppy, desperate. he’s fucking you like a man possessed, eyes squeezed shut as he babbles uncontrollably, his hands gripping your hips so tight they’ll probably leave marks.
“f-fuck, fuck, you’re so —” his voice cracks again, and you realize with a start that he’s whimpering, his hips stuttering as he pounds into you harder, chasing the high that’s building inside him. “so good, baby… so good for me, so tight, i can’t — i can’t fucking take it. i’m… oh god, i’m gonna cum already, i —”
you can hear the panic in his voice, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he tries to hold himself back. but he can’t. you’re too perfect, too tight, too cute, and it’s driving him out of his mind.
“choso…” you moan, reaching up to pull him down closer, his face now buried in the crook of your neck as he fucks into you with abandon, his hips slapping against yours with every desperate thrust. you can feel the wet heat of his tears against your skin, and the sound of his broken whimpers sends a shiver down your spine.
“i-i can’t… i can’t do it,” he chokes out, his voice thick with emotion as he presses himself impossibly deeper, grinding into you with each thrust. “you’re too much… too perfect. i don’t deserve you — fuck, you’re so tight. ‘m sorry, baby, i can’t help it. i can’t… oh god, i’m gonna cum, i’m so close…”
his words are spilling out in a continuous stream of needy, pussy-drunk babbling, and you can feel just how close he is, his cock twitching inside you as his movements grow more erratic. and then you hear it — the softest little sob escaping his lips as he completely loses himself in the sensation of you, his thrusts turning messy, frantic, desperate to reach his release.
as choso pounds into you, body trembling from the overwhelming pleasure, his tear-filled eyes catch a glimpse of the cat ears perched on your head. the fuzzy little things are slightly askew — probably from how hard he's been fucking you — but they’re still there, perched so cutely on top of your head. for a moment, the sight of you, flushed and panting beneath him with those ears still on, nearly short-circuits his brain.
he swears he can barely see straight, his vision blurred by the tears filling his eyes, but when those ears come back into focus, it drives him insane — completely insane.
“f-fuck,” he snarls, though his voice cracks from desperation, a dangerous mix of aggression and need. his hips slam into you harder, each thrust deeper, more punishing. “god, y-you… look at you. those fucking ears. you think you can just wear them and expect me to hold back?”
his words are slurred, teetering between broken babbling and rough, possessive snarls. it’s like he’s warring with himself, torn between the raw need to destroy you and the overwhelming softness he feels, the need to hold on to something so precious.
“cute little thing… driving me fucking insane,” he growls low, his grip tightening on your hips as his cock slams even deeper inside you. “you’re mine, baby — mine — you get that? nobody else gets to see you like this. nobody else gets to have you. you’re all fucking mine.”
he’s panting heavily, chest heaving, his voice cracking between each rough thrust as his emotions churn violently inside him. he wants to be soft, to worship how cute you are, but something darker claws its way to the surface, the possessiveness boiling over into something almost primal.
his head dips down, tears staining his flushed cheeks, but his gaze locks on those ears again — the ears he bought for the both of you, for that stupid halloween party you were supposed to go to tonight — but instead, you’re beneath him, completely cock-drunk, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“fuck… baby,” his voice turns shaky, whiny even, but there’s a hard edge to it, like he’s just barely holding on. “you’re… you’re so fucking cute, i can’t — god, i can’t —” his thrusts grow erratic, hips slamming wildly into you as he whimpers and moans, overwhelmed by your tight heat and the image of those cat ears on your head.
“shit… those fucking ears…” he chokes out, voice cracking as his hands come up to grab your wrists, pinning them above your head roughly. “you think — fuck — you think i’m just gonna let this slide? you look too cute, baby… you… you don’t get it… i’m gonna ruin you — fuck, i’m gonna ruin this cute little body.”
you whimper beneath him, and he lets out a shaky, guttural groan. his cock twitches deep inside you, harder than ever, and he swears the sight of you in those ears makes him lose whatever fragile control he had left.
“don’t look at me like that,” he snarls, voice raw as he leans down, lips brushing over your neck, leaving biting kisses along the way. “fuck… i c-can’t take it. you’re gonna make me fucking lose it. i… i’ll never let you go… never. you’re too perfect — too fucking perfect for me to share.”
his hips snap against yours, harder, faster, desperate as he battles the overwhelming need to own you completely. he growls in your ear, teeth grazing your skin, each possessive word dripping from his mouth like venom.
“n-no one… no one else can touch you like this,” he spits, voice trembling between aggression and whining, his need for you overwhelming. “they even try, and i’ll fucking kill them. i’ll kill anyone who thinks they can take you from me.”
his tone is feral, his hips driving into you with an intensity that makes you dizzy, but then his gaze flickers back to your face, tear-streaked and beautiful, those fucking cat ears still on, and his aggression melts back into a whimper.
“oh god — oh god, baby,” he babbles, voice slurred and desperate, as his thrusts grow frantic, erratic. “you’re… so cute, so fucking cute — gonna make me… make me fucking cum so hard, i can’t — fuck, you’re too much…”
his hands are shaking, body trembling as he grips your wrists even tighter, nearly shaking as he leans down to kiss you, his lips needy, teeth grazing your bottom lip.
“y-you’re mine,” he babbles, voice cracking with emotion. “you’re mine… my pretty little kitty… i can’t let you go, can’t ever let you go. fuck, i’ll — i’ll destroy anyone who tries…”
and then his blurry vision catches those ears again, the fuzzy little things wobbling slightly as he pounds into you, and something snaps inside him. his cock twitches violently, his whole body shaking with how close he is to completely losing control.
“god — don’t move those ears,” he whines, breath hitching as he slams into you, rough and deep. “please… please… baby, keep them on, f-for me… you look so fucking cute — i… i can’t…”
his voice is high-pitched now, slurred, and teetering on a sob. the desperation in his tone is palpable, the way he’s clinging to you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear.
“gonna cum so fucking hard — so fucking hard, baby — oh fuck, i can’t… can’t take it — i’m gonna fucking fill you up,” he cries out, body tensing as he gets impossibly rougher, driven purely by instinct and overwhelming lust. “you’re mine. all fucking mine.”
with one final, erratic thrust, he buries himself deep inside you, his cock twitching violently as he finally spills inside you, letting out a broken cry. his whole body shakes, tears streaming down his cheeks as he clings to you desperately.
“thank you, t-thank you, baby,” he whimpers through labored breaths, his voice trembling as his cock continues to throb inside you. “you’re mine… my pretty little kitty… n-never… never letting you go…”
his voice trails off into soft whimpers as he continues to thrust weakly into you, his cock still twitching as he fills you up, his mind completely lost in the overwhelming pleasure. and as you finally let yourself go, cumming around him with a soft moan, you can feel him trembling beneath you, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he holds you close, his heart still racing.
and even as he’s coming down from his high, his cock still buried deep inside you, he catches another glimpse of those cat ears, and it makes him shudder, his body reacting like he’s ready to go again.
“fuck… those ears…” he murmurs, breathless. “god… you’re so perfect. too fucking perfect…i love you” he whispers brokenly, pressing soft kisses to your neck as he finally starts to come down from his high. “i love you so much… fuck, baby, you’re too cute. i can’t handle it…”
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SUGURU always liked to admire you in every possible way. 
from the casual days when you’d wear oversized hoodies and sunhats, to those cutesy moments when you managed to convince him to match your ridiculous frog hats. no matter what you had on, you always looked perfect to him. well, except for one thing.
cat ears.
he’s never seen you wear those, and when he brings it up, you always laugh it off. “they’re so outdated, sugu! plus, it’s so cringe.” but suguru? he isn’t going to let that go so easily.
he’s stubborn when it comes to these little things, especially when it involves the idea of seeing you in something so specific, something that could flip a switch deep inside him.
tonight, it’s one of those nights where you both get lost in the heady intensity of the moment, the dim lights casting just enough of a shadow to make everything feel deliciously intimate. you’re on all fours, his strong hands gripping your waist as he takes you from behind, deep and slow at first, like he’s savoring every second, every sound you make.
your voice is hoarse from crying out, pleads slipping through your lips between breathy moans. “s-suguru, please… it feels —” you gasp as he tightens the custom choker around your throat, his name engraved in delicate diamonds. it’s tighter than usual tonight, just enough to cut off your air supply in a way that leaves you dizzy, your senses on fire.
“what was that, pretty?” he growls, leaning over you, his lips brushing your ear as his fingers dig into your hips, steadying your trembling body. “use your words.”
“so… so good,” you manage to choke out, your voice barely a whisper. “feels so —”
before you can finish, he pulls back, his hands leaving your waist for just a second, and you feel the cool touch of something being placed on your head. you don’t even have time to react before he’s shoving your face into the mattress, his weight pinning you down as his pace picks up, thrusts harder, rougher.
“look at you,” he mutters, and you feel his hand tangling in your hair, yanking your head back roughly so your body arches. your vision blurs from the tears pooling in your eyes, but you catch a glimpse of his digicam in the mirror propped up at the side of the bed. he always films these moments, every expression you make, every time you fall apart beneath him.
but this time, it’s different. he’s got you in focus, every angle perfect, and then you see them — cat ears perched on your head.
“suguru, what —”
“shh,” he cuts you off with a tug on your hair, forcing you to keep your eyes locked on the mirror, on the sight of yourself wearing those ears he’s gifted you. “just look at yourself. you see how pretty you are? wearing the ears i bought you, wearing my choker —” his voice drops to a low, teasing purr. “— you’re mine. every part of you.”
your heart races as you meet your own reflection, your face flushed and tear-streaked, the cat ears perfectly perched on your head like some twisted accessory, the choker around your neck shimmering in the dim light as a constant reminder of who you belong to.
“suguru, i —”
“quiet,” he growls, yanking your head back harder, his other hand gripping your throat, just under the choker, applying pressure until your breath hitches. “you’ll speak when i tell you to.”
you whimper, your body trembling under the intensity of it all — the way he’s controlling every part of you, making you watch yourself fall apart in front of his camera, the weight of his dominance heavy in the air.
he pulls out suddenly, only to push you down onto your back, the shift in position making your head spin. your legs instinctively wrap around his waist as he leans over you, the digicam still recording every movement, every expression.
“look at you,” he says again, his voice low, rough, as his eyes roam over your body, the way the cat ears frame your face. “so fucking perfect. you don’t even know, do you?”
you shake your head weakly, tears still threatening to spill as you gasp for breath, his pace relentless as he thrusts into you again, harder this time. your hands claw at his back, desperate to hold onto something, anything.
“these ears suit you,” he grins, leaning down to kiss you, biting your bottom lip just hard enough to make you gasp. “makes you look like the perfect little pet f’me.”
the intensity of his words, his actions, everything sends you spiraling. “s-sugu—”
“that’s right, baby,” he groans, eyes half-lidded as he watches the way you struggle to keep up, the way your body trembles beneath him. “keep saying my name. let me hear you.”
you can barely speak anymore, your throat raw from moaning and crying out, but his demand is enough to push you over the edge, and you scream his name, feeling the overwhelming pleasure rip through your body.
“that’s my girl,” he mutters, his voice low and possessive as he watches you, his hand wrapping around your throat once more, his thumb brushing over the choker. “mine. every single inch of you.”
he finishes right after you, his breath ragged as he presses his body into yours, keeping you pinned under him as you both ride out the high. but his eyes don’t leave you for a second. your expression — completely dazed, flushed, lips parted as you struggle to catch your breath — does something to him, sparks something primal.
"fuck," he growls, barely giving you a moment before he’s reaching for the digicam on the nightstand, grabbing it almost too roughly, and shoving it in your face. you’re too lost in your post-climax haze to register what’s happening right away, until you feel his hand gripping your chin, forcing you to look directly into the lens.
“look at you,” he hisses, eyes dark with lust and something more — something dangerous. “look at how fucking sinful you look right now. all ruined for me.”
he holds your face tight, his fingers digging into your skin as he angles the camera, making sure every inch of your flushed, wrecked face is caught on film. you can’t even think straight, your mind still clouded, but the possessiveness in his voice, the way his eyes burn with something obsessive, has you trembling.
“you know you’re mine, don’t you?” his voice is a low, dangerous growl, sending shivers down your spine. “no one else gets to see you like this. no one else gets to touch you, to fuck you. only me.”
you nod weakly, but that’s not enough for him. he leans closer, his grip on your chin tightening, the edge in his voice unmistakable. “say it.”
“i-i’m yours,” you stammer, barely able to get the words out as he holds you there, your face still shoved in front of the camera, the red recording light reflecting in his eyes like a predator cornering its prey.
“damn right you are,” he sneers, satisfied, but his hand doesn’t let go. his gaze hardens, and the next words that leave his mouth send a chill through your bones. “and if anyone tries to come between us — anyone tries to take you from me —” he pauses, smirking darkly, “they won’t even live long enough to regret it.”
you blink through the haze, and it’s then that you realize his breathing’s gotten more erratic, and his eyes — those deep, sharp eyes —are nearly wild now, like something inside him has snapped. he’s still holding the camera close to your face, filming every inch of your wrecked expression, but now he’s... rambling. a dark, possessive stream of thoughts that pours from his lips without pause, like he’s talking more to himself than to you.
“no one else could ever have you. no one else could even come close. you’re too perfect for anyone but me. and god, if anyone even thought about coming between us…” his grip on your chin tightens, hard enough that it’s starting to hurt. “i’d tear them apart. no hesitation. i’d make sure they’d never touch you, never even look at you again.”
you shudder beneath him, a small part of you, deep in the back of your mind, that’s starting to feel... worried. the way he’s talking, the intensity in his voice — it’s like he’s slipping away, like you’re reaching for him, but he’s just out of reach.
you try to speak, to pull him back. “s-suguru, i —”
but he isn’t listening. his hand cups your face now, almost tenderly, but the look in his eyes is anything but. “you’d never leave me, right? you’d never... try to go?” his voice softens for a moment, but the sharp edge is still there, hovering just beneath the surface. “because if you did... well, i don’t think i’d be able to handle that. i’d lose it. completely. and, darling, i’m not sure what i’d do.”
he’s still filming you, still holding your face, but his grip is tighter now, more desperate. you can feel the tension in his body, the way his words seem to carry a weight that’s sinking deeper and deeper into his mind. your heart races, not just from the intensity of everything but from the realization that something about this moment has him teetering on the edge.
you swallow hard, trying to keep your voice steady, trying to pull him back to you. “suguru, i’m not going anywhere,” you whisper, though your breath hitches with the pressure of his hand. “i’m yours, remember?”
his eyes flicker, and for a second, you see the suguru you know, the one who adores you, the one who treats you like you’re his entire world. but it’s fleeting, and before you can even catch your breath, he’s leaning in closer, the camera still recording, his voice dropping to a near-maniacal whisper.
“mine,” he repeats, almost to himself, like he’s reaffirming it, reassuring himself. “always mine.”
and as his lips brush against your ear, his breath hot and shaky, you can’t help but feel that slight tug of fear deep in your gut. he’s still your suguru — your darling suguru — but right now… he’s out of reach. you can only hope that the next time he pulls you close, he won’t hold you too tightly.
coming up next . . . bunny girls ! starring gojo satoru & toji fushiguro ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
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creamflix · 19 hours
UPDATTTEEEE i have to serve for the ladies too, so i'm gonna do #needthat drabbles for the hsr/gi ladies too (yukong, natasha, yae miko, beidou etc.) !11!!!!!!
yall i swear after kinktober im gonna start posting more fluff or actual stories 😭😭 posting smut all the time is lowkey draining me out ‘cuz im stupid and can’t think of more stuff
that and i’m also gonna write more for honkai star rail and genshin impact 🙂‍↕️🤲🤞‼️ jjk ily but i need to cook for my gaming boys too
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creamflix · 20 hours
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EPISODE 5 — NURSE & STUDCO PRESIDENT ! — featuring suguru geto (1.4k words) & gojo satoru (2.1k words) content warnings: all of this is implied as roleplay, semi-public sex (fingering), breathplay (choked with a tie), overstimulation, riding, praise, temperature play, latex play/stimulation, slight knife play, edging, spanking, body worship, teasing + slight humiliation, teasing dom! gojo, dom! geto — kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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the sterile brightness of the examination room feels suffocating, with its white walls, gleaming silver instruments, and cold air that makes your skin prickle. it’s not the kind of place where you'd expect to feel anything but nervous tension — but right now, that tension is thick with anticipation. SUGURU stands before you, radiates power in his pristine white doctor’s coat. his long, dark hair is tied back, though a few strands fall free, framing his face in a way that only heightens the intensity in his eyes.
he’s toying with the hem of his latex gloves, stretching them tight over his long fingers. the snap! as they settle into place is sharp, loud in the quiet room, and it sends a shiver down your spine. those gloves, smooth and shining under the harsh fluorescent light, are a reminder that you're in his territory now — his patient, his nurse, his to do with as he pleases.
he gives you a look — dark, dangerous, and filled with amusement. 
“strip,” he orders, voice steady, rich with authority. there’s no hesitation, no doubt in his command. your heart pounds in your chest, but your body moves on instinct, obeying his every word.
your hands tremble slightly as you unbutton your scrub top, sliding it from your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. the cool air brushes against your now-exposed skin, and you can already feel the goosebumps rising, though you can’t tell if it's from the cold or from the weight of his gaze as he watches every movement with that same predatory gleam. next, you slide out of your pants, standing before him in nothing but your pretty underwear.
suguru’s smirk deepens, and he steps forward. the latex of his gloves gleams in the light as he reaches out, brushing his fingertips lightly against your bare arm. the sensation is electric — cold and smooth at the same time, the latex offering an almost unnatural feel as it drags along your skin. it’s enough to make you gasp softly, the contrast between the coolness of his touch and the warmth building within your body making you squirm in place.
“good girl,” he murmurs, his voice low, with just a hint of approval mixed into the condescension. his fingers glide down your arm, tracing the curve of your shoulder, then lower to your waist, leaving a burning trail in their wake despite the coolness of the latex. you feel the slow, deliberate way he’s touching you, like he’s savoring every moment, every twitch of your body under his hands.
“on the table,” he orders, gesturing to the examination table behind you, the vinyl surface gleaming in the harsh lighting. without hesitation, you climb up, feeling the cold, sticky surface against your skin. the chill of the vinyl presses into your back as you lay down, sending another shiver through you.
suguru moves with calculated grace, pulling the metal tray of instruments closer. the sharp clink of metal against metal reverberates in the quiet room, and your heart pounds faster in your chest. he picks up a slim, silver thermometer, his fingers rolling it between them as he watches you with that same knowing smirk.
“temperature check,” he says, his voice mocking, as though this were a routine medical procedure. but the way he moves tells you this is anything but routine. he presses the cold metal tip of the thermometer against your inner thigh, dragging it upward slowly, deliberately, teasing you as it brushes dangerously close to your core. the sharp chill of the instrument sends a jolt of sensation through you, your hips instinctively shifting at the touch.
“you’re already warm,” he muses, his eyes flicking down to where the thermometer presses against your skin. “but let’s make sure.”
he holds it there, resting against you just enough to make your breath hitch, but not quite enough to give you the pressure you’re craving. the teasing is unbearable, and you squirm under his gaze, your body reacting to the frustration of being so close yet so far from what you need.
suguru watches with a smirk, enjoying every second of your torment. “impatient already?” he teases, pulling the thermometer away with a slow, deliberate motion, the coolness of it disappearing, leaving your skin tingling in its absence. he sets it aside and picks up a new tool — a scalpel. the blade catches the light as he holds it between his fingers, and your heart races at the sight of it.
“don’t worry,” he says, his tone almost playful, though the glint in his eyes betrays his true intentions. “i’m not going to hurt you... unless you ask nicely.”
he brings the scalpel to your skin, pressing the flat side of the cold blade against your stomach. the metal is sharp and icy, a stark contrast to the warmth of your skin, and it sends a jolt of sensation through you. you gasp softly, your muscles tightening as he drags the blade slowly, teasingly, down your abdomen. the scalpel doesn’t cut, but the pressure is enough to make your skin prickle with fear and excitement, your body reacting to the thrill of danger as much as the sensation itself.
he moves the blade lower, tracing a line down to your hip, his eyes never leaving your face as he watches every reaction — every flinch, every gasp, every quiver of your body beneath him.
“so sensitive,” he murmurs, his voice low, almost reverent as he sets the scalpel aside, replacing it with his hand. the latex of his gloves feels warm now against your skin as he continues where the blade left off, his fingers sliding over your body with a slow, deliberate rhythm. “it’s almost pathetic, really. barely touched you, and you’re already trembling.”
his fingers find their way between your thighs, brushing over your most sensitive area with a light, teasing touch. the latex is smooth, slick against you, and the sensation is overwhelming — foreign, intense, as it drags along your skin, the coolness of the material heightening every touch. he rubs slow, deliberate circles, applying just enough pressure to make you gasp, but not enough to give you what you need.
your hips buck slightly, seeking more contact, but suguru’s other hand grips your thigh, holding you in place. “oh, no,” he tuts, his voice a dark, mocking purr. “we’re not finished yet. be a good girl and wait.”
his hand delivers a sharp slap to your inner thigh, the sting of it jolting through you. your skin burns from the impact, the sharpness of the smack leaving a deep, tingling sensation that radiates outwards. the sound of the slap echoes in the room, and you bite your lip to keep from moaning at the mix of pain and pleasure.
“look at you,” he says, his voice filled with amusement as he leans in closer, his breath hot against your neck. “so desperate, aren’t you? already trying to cum, and i’ve barely done anything.”
his fingers return between your legs, moving with more purpose now, rubbing slow, agonizing circles over your slick cunt. the latex glides effortlessly, the material gripping and sliding in a way that makes you whimper, your body quivering under his touch. every time you feel yourself inching closer, he pulls back just enough to keep you on the brink, his control over your body absolute.
“such a needy little thing,” he mocks, his voice dripping with condescension as he watches you squirm beneath him, desperate for release. “begging for me to let you cum. is that what you want?”
you nod, gasping softly, but your voice is caught in your throat, too overwhelmed to form words.
“use your words,” suguru demands, his tone sharp as his fingers deliver another sharp slap to your thigh. the sting is enough to snap you out of the haze, and you manage to stammer out a breathless, 
“please, doctor… p—please let me cum.”
he smirks, clearly satisfied with your response. “that’s better. but i think you can beg a little harder.” his voice is dark, commanding, as he continues to toy with you, edging you closer and closer to release, only to pull back again just before you can fall over the edge.
“p-please… please,” you whimper, your voice shaky, your body trembling with need. “i need it… please, doc —”
“good girl,” he purrs, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear, his breath hot against your skin. “such a good little nurse, begging so sweetly.”
finally, after what feels like an eternity of teasing and torment, suguru increases the pressure of his touch, his fingers moving faster now, the latex slick and hot against your sensitive skin. his hand moves with a steady rhythm, pushing you closer and closer to the edge, your body tensing as you feel the wave of release building inside you.
“cum for me,” he commands, his voice low, thick with dark satisfaction, as his grip tightens, pushing you over the edge. your body convulses as the wave of pleasure crashes over you, your breath hitching as you cry out, your hips bucking against his hand as you finally find your release.
he doesn’t stop right away, continuing to stroke you through the aftershocks, drawing out every last bit of sensation until you’re trembling, your body completely spent beneath him.
he pulls back slowly, his gloved hand glistening as he wipes it off with a cloth from the tray. he leans in close once more, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, “such a good nurse. but don’t think we’re done yet.”
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the air was thick with tension inside the dimly lit classroom, the kind reserved for after-hours meetings. the kind of meeting tonight was anything but ordinary.
"you’ve been skipping classes again," you say, voice clipped as you sit behind the student council president's desk. your glasses, purely for show tonight, slide down your nose as you scowl at the man lounging in front of you — legs kicked up on the desk, a smug grin plastered on his face.
GOJO SATORU, the delinquent in question, didn’t look fazed. in fact, he looked downright amused. “oh? prez, i didn’t think you’d care that much about little ol' me,” he teased, twirling a pen in his fingers.
your grip on the edge of the desk tightens. “care? i have a responsibility to keep order in this school, and you're making it difficult."
his grin widens, those crystalline blue eyes glinting with something dangerous — something hungry. he shifts forward, kicking his feet off the desk with deliberate slowness, like a predator ready to pounce. “well, prez, maybe i just need someone to teach me a lesson, huh? show me what it means to behave.”
you feel your pulse quicken, the carefully constructed role you’re playing teetering on the edge. gojo’s hand slides across the desk, fingers brushing your tie, tugging on it with just enough force to pull you slightly forward. his eyes flick to yours, then down to the barely-there gap in your blouse, a sharp smirk curling his lips. "you look a little tense. wanna do something about that?"
the flush that rises in your cheeks is impossible to hide, but you lean back in your chair, crossing your legs in a way that draws his attention immediately to the skirt barely covering anything beneath. “focus, gojo,” you manage to say, though your voice falters slightly. “we’re here to talk about your behavior.”
“i am focusing,” he replies, voice dropping to a husky tone as his gaze drags down to your legs — specifically your stockings. “it’s just hard to concentrate when the prez looks this good… maybe i should just... fix that, huh?"
before you can protest, gojo’s long fingers grip the waistband of your skirt, tugging you forward so you’re perched on the very edge of the desk. your breath hitches when you realize just how exposed you are — your skirt doing nothing to hide the fact that you’re wearing absolutely nothing underneath.
“oh? prez,” he teases, leaning in close, his breath hot against your ear. “seems like you were expecting this all along.”
you try to maintain composure, but it’s impossible when he’s looking at you like that, eyes dark and lips so close you can almost taste him. you’re aware of how indecent this is — but the thrill of being so exposed has your skin prickling with anticipation.
"gojo," you manage to say, but it's more of a breathy plea than an actual reprimand.
he smirks, clearly hearing the shift in your tone. “mm, that's more like it. let’s get you out of that title for a while, prez. maybe you’ll learn to relax.”
his hand slides up your thigh, the smooth material of your stockings making his touch feel electric. your pulse spikes as his fingers inch higher, teasingly close but never quite giving you what you crave. his other hand grips your tie, tugging you closer still, until you’re practically in his lap.
“so fucking pretty like this,” he murmurs, his voice heavy with praise as his fingers finally slip between your legs, coaxing a shiver out of you. “all ready for me, aren’t you? just waiting for me to ruin you.”
you bite your lip to stifle a moan, but he catches it, eyes flashing with amusement. “none of that. i want to hear you.”
he presses his fingers deeper inside you, curling them in a way that has your back arching off the desk, lips parting in a breathless gasp. his free hand tightens around your tie, pulling it just enough to restrict your breathing — just enough to make your heart race faster. your vision swims slightly, but it only heightens the intensity of the sensations coursing through your body.
“good girl,” he murmurs against your lips before kissing you, deep and slow, like he has all the time in the world to savor you. “you like that, don’t you? being taken like this, right here where anyone could walk in.”
the thought sends a thrill down your spine, and you nod weakly, too lost in the heat of his touch to form a coherent reply. he rewards your submission with a harder press of his fingers, thumb brushing over your clit in a way that has you gasping, your body trembling beneath him.
“that’s it,” he praises again, breath hot against your neck as he pulls the tie a little tighter. “look at you, prez. all proper on the outside, but just begging to be fucked, huh?”
he leans down, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin of your throat, and you let out a sharp moan, thighs trembling around his hand. “so fucking perfect for me.”
the way his fingers work you over, combined with the tightness of your tie around your throat, has you teetering on the edge of bliss, your vision starting to blur from the lack of air. gojo seems to sense it, easing the pressure on your tie just enough for you to take a shuddering breath.
“close, aren’t you?” he whispers, lips brushing your ear. “want me to let you cum, prez? or should i make you wait?”
“p-please,” you manage to gasp, barely able to hold on to the role of the stern council president any longer. “need to c-cum.”
he laughs softly, the sound dark and low as he finally gives in to your plea, fingers working you faster, more precise, until you’re coming undone around him, a choked cry of his name spilling from your lips.
but he doesn’t stop. even as you tremble in his grasp, he keeps going, dragging out your pleasure until you’re practically melting into the desk, barely able to think straight. his grip on your tie loosens completely, letting you breathe freely again as he presses one last lingering kiss to your lips.
“good girl,” he murmurs, wiping a tear that had slipped down your cheek. “you did so well for me.”
you try to catch your breath, the aftermath of your release leaving you feeling weightless and dazed, but gojo isn’t done. he pulls you further up into his lap, adjusting your position so you're straddling him, and you realize with a sharp intake of breath that he’s been hard this entire time, straining against his pants.
“but i think it’s time for another lesson, prez,” he says, voice dripping with lust as his hands grip your hips, guiding you down onto him. “don’t you think?”
you can barely form a response as he fills you in one slow, deliberate motion, but the look in his eyes tells you he doesn’t need one. this lesson was far from over.
your body trembles as gojo pulls you onto his lap, his hands firmly guiding your hips down until you're fully seated on him. the stretch has your breath catching in your throat, your mind fogged over with the intensity of how deep he feels inside you. gojo’s smug grin only widens when he sees the way your lips part, the barely-there skirt still fanning over your thighs doing little to hide the way you’re stretched around him.
“fuck, prez, you feel amazing,” he groans, his hands flexing against your hips, fingers digging into your skin as he keeps you still for a moment, savoring the way your body wraps around him. “so perfect. just made for me.”
you can only whimper in response, the sensation of him buried so deep overwhelming your senses. his voice, dark and low, tugs at something deep inside of you, making you want to hear more, to be praised for taking him so well.
“go ahead, ride me,” he murmurs, his breath hot against your ear, “show me just how much you want this, prez. show me how much you need me.”
your legs shake as you try to lift yourself, the tight grip of his hands giving you just enough control to rise before sinking back down onto him, the friction causing a gasp to rip from your throat. the feeling is intoxicating, every slow, deliberate movement sending sparks of pleasure through you.
his grip tightens as you pick up a rhythm, your body moving on instinct, wanting more — needing more. gojo’s eyes never leave you, those icy blues half-lidded and clouded with lust as he watches the way you work yourself on his cock. the sight of you, still wearing your stockings and that damn skirt, barely covering the way you’re taking him, seems to drive him wild.
“look at you,” he breathes, voice dripping with admiration as his eyes rake over you. “so fucking beautiful. you’re doing so good for me, prez. so good.”
his words light a fire inside you, spurring you on as you ride him harder, your pace becoming more desperate. your breath is coming out in short, ragged gasps, your body moving in rhythm with his, but it’s not enough — not yet.
gojo’s gaze flickers down to the tie still hanging loosely around your neck, the same one he’d used to pull you closer earlier. a wicked grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he grabs it again, this time pulling it taut between his fingers.
“open,” he commands, and though his voice is playful, there’s an edge of dominance to it that has you immediately obeying.
you part your lips just enough for him to slip the end of your tie into your mouth, and with a firm tug, he pulls it tight between your lips, effectively gagging you. your eyes widen, but the rush of it — the feeling of being silenced like this — only heightens your arousal. the fabric digs into the corners of your mouth, muffling your moans as you continue to ride him.
“that’s it,” he groans, his hands returning to your hips, guiding you down harder on him, your pace erratic but frantic with need. “fuck, you look so hot like this. can’t even scream my name, can you?”
your muffled cries of pleasure spill around the gag, each sound sending a jolt of heat down your spine as he thrusts up to meet your movements, his cock hitting deeper with every roll of your hips. your legs start to shake, the sensation overwhelming, and gojo’s eyes darken as he takes in the sight of you barely holding on, so close to the edge.
“such a good girl,” he praises through gritted teeth, his voice rough with arousal as he watches you lose control. “taking me so well, just like you’re supposed to. you like this, don’t you? being gagged, fucked, all while pretending to be the perfect little president.”
you nod helplessly, unable to do anything but submit to him, to the pleasure building inside you with every thrust. the gag in your mouth makes it hard to breathe, the fabric soaked with your saliva, but the rush of being so controlled by him, so utterly claimed, only makes the pleasure more intense.
“gonna make you come just like this,” he growls, his hips snapping up harder now, meeting your every movement with brutal precision. “gonna make you fall apart on my cock, and you can’t even scream.”
the knot in your stomach tightens unbearably, and you try to muffle the sounds spilling from your throat as he fucks you harder, the chair beneath the both of you creaking with the force of it. your body trembles, teetering on the edge of release, your breaths coming out in short, desperate pants around the tie still gagging you.
“go on,” he coaxes, voice low and dangerous. “cum for me, prez. let me feel you.”
with one final, hard thrust, he hits that spot deep inside, and your body goes rigid, your orgasm crashing over you like a wave. your vision blurs, your thighs trembling as you ride out the intense pleasure, the gag in your mouth stifling your cries as you clench around him, completely undone.
gojo watches with a hungry grin, his eyes locked on yours as your body trembles against him, his hands never leaving your hips. “so fucking beautiful when you fall apart for me.”
he holds you there, letting you ride out your high, and only when your body starts to relax does he pull the tie from your mouth, tossing it to the side. you gasp for air, your lips wet and red from the fabric, but before you can fully catch your breath, gojo flips you over onto your back, pinning you against the desk.
“we’re not done yet,” he growls, his voice dark with lust as he positions himself between your legs again. “you still owe me another lesson, prez.”
and with that, he plunges back into you, the sound of your gasps and the creak of the desk filling the room once more.
coming up next . . . heinen era & student assistant/teacher roleplay ! starring ryomen sukuna & choso kamo ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
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creamflix · 23 hours
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friends and fiends, welcome to a creamflix original — starring our favourite jujutsu kaisen men. since we are heavily understaffed at the moment, we have split kinktober into six factions, of which you can see below. keep in mind that all these pairings are seperate (see: content warnings per post ). redacted files will be revealed closer to the day
comment if you would like to be tagged for any of the pairings, or in general! stay safe…or not ;)
ⓘ the following content contains dark, unethical and nsfw themes, included but not limited to; dubcon, yandere, murder, cnc and etc. minors + those who are not comfortable are advised not to engage with the same. creamflix advises you to read the content warnings for each episode before interacting.
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EPISODE O1   —   B1TCH IN HEAT  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ino takuma
EPISODE O2   —   CATG1RLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE  !   —   featuring choso kamo & suguru geto
EPISODE O3   —   CARROT CRAVINGS  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & toji fushiguro
EPISODE O4   —   FOXxXY MAMMA  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna and shiu kong
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EPISODE O5   —   NURSE & STUDCO PRESIDENT  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE O6   —   ROYALTY & UNIVERSITY  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & choso kamo
EPISODE O7   —   BOUNTY HUNTER & FIREFIGHTER  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE O8   —   BURGULAR & BUSINESS  !   —   featuring ino takuma & nanami kento
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EPISODE O9   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 1O   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ryomen sukuna
EPISODE 11   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 12   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 13   —   SHOWER & ATTIC  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 14   —   PRISON CELL & ELEVATOR  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & nanami kento 
EPISODE 15   —   CUPBOARD & BATHROOM STALL  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 16   —   TRIAL & LOCKER ROOM  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 17   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 18   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ryomen sukuna
EPISODE 19   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 2O   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 21   —   DOG DAYS  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
EPISODE 22   —   CAT CALL  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & nanami kento 
EPISODE 23   —   FLAME GAME  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & suguru geto
EPISODE 24   —   WOLFISH DESIRES  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
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♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡ please have your age visible on your profile, or you will be blocked.
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
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creamflix · 24 hours
hi friends!! `(*>﹏<*)′ a little buffer from kinktober to introduce a little au i had in mind, involving salaryman! choso being paired up with you (a 4th year uni graduate) for a blind date — will it be for better or for worse? — publishing this only to gauge a response on the concept, so please enjoy! [and let me know your thoughts in the comments, please] ⓘ please note that this story will contain heavy themes of ageism, insecurity that comes with it and age gaps (reader is 22/23, choso is 27), so if you aren't comfortable with that then uh...anyways! ⓘ this is beta and is not indicative of the final work
you didn’t expect him to be so… old.
as you approach the booth, you realize this isn’t what you had in mind at all. sure, blind dates are supposed to be unpredictable, but this feels a little too much. he’s sitting there, awkwardly out of place in his formal suit, looking like he just stepped out of an office meeting. it’s clear he didn’t have time to change. his hair is tousled, his tie slightly crooked, and his eyes are focused on the street outside the window, lost in thought.
for a second, you wonder if you should’ve picked a different cafe — something less... youthful. maybe he would’ve fit in better in one of those quiet, old-school coffee shops. but no, this place feels right for you, and isn’t that what matters? still, the disconnect between you two is painfully clear.
he looks so stiff... does he even want to be here?
you clear your throat, feeling the nervous energy crawl up your spine. his head snaps toward you, eyes blinking in surprise. it’s like he didn’t expect you to actually show up, and honestly, you’re starting to feel the same way. his eyes settle on your face, and for a second, neither of you say anything.
she’s young. a lot younger than i thought. 
choso feels a wave of awkwardness wash over him as you sit down across from him. his mind races, trying to make sense of this. what was he thinking, agreeing to this blind date? he feels out of place, like he doesn’t belong here — especially not with someone like you. the trendy, casual vibe of the cafe makes him feel even more out of his element, and your energy contrasts sharply with his own.
he’s not sure what to say, how to start. you must feel it too, the gap between your lives. still, you offer him a small, friendly smile, trying to ease into things.
"you must be...y/n?" he finally speaks, his voice quiet but deep, carrying a slight rasp to it. his eyes are still on you, like he’s trying to figure out what exactly he’s gotten himself into.
"yeah, that’s me," you answer, hoping your voice doesn’t betray your nerves. "and you’re... choso?"
"yeah," he nods, a little too formally, like he’s on autopilot. how am i supposed to keep this going? she probably thinks i’m boring as hell.
you glance at him, taking in the way his fingers tap nervously against the table, the awkwardness of his posture. despite his cool, reserved demeanor, it’s obvious he’s not as composed as he seems. he’s definitely not used to this kind of setting. he looks uncomfortable, like he’d rather be anywhere but here, yet at the same time, there’s something about him that feels... genuine.
“came straight from work?” you ask, trying to break the silence with something light, something neutral. 
he exhales quietly, his shoulders tensing. “yeah... didn’t have time to change.” his eyes lower to his suit, almost apologetic. “didn’t know it would be this casual.”
i should’ve known. this place is way too trendy. i probably look like some out-of-touch guy. he mentally kicks himself, feeling the awkwardness settle into his bones. he wasn’t expecting you to look so energetic and lively, not in a place like this.
“no worries,” you smile, leaning in slightly. “you look good.” you say it casually, hoping to ease the tension, even though you feel like you’re navigating some unspoken awkwardness between you two. he’s formal, sure, but there’s something oddly endearing about the way he’s trying, even though it’s clear this isn’t his comfort zone.
choso feels a small sense of relief wash over him on hearing your words. he’s used to people thinking he’s cold or distant, but you seem... different. your eyes are kind, understanding, even though the situation is a bit awkward. “thanks... you look nice too.” his compliment comes out stiff, almost hesitant, but it’s the truth. there’s something about the way you carry yourself, like you’re comfortable in your own skin, and it makes him feel a little more at ease, even if just for a moment.
the silence between you two stretches a little too long again, and you glance down at the menu, searching for a way to keep things moving. okay, it’s not that bad. just need to keep it going.
“so... what do you do?” you ask, hoping to find some common ground.
“finance,” he says, his voice flat. great, she’s going to think i’m the most boring person on earth. “long hours... mostly desk work. nothing exciting.” he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, his gaze dropping to the table for a second before flicking back up to you.
you nod slowly, processing his answer. figures. he looks like someone who’s always buried in work. no wonder he seems so tense. but instead of judging him, you find yourself wanting to know more. “sounds like a lot of responsibility,” you say, genuinely curious.
“it can be,” he admits, his voice softer now. “but... it pays the bills.” wow, real smooth, choso. she’s probably ready to leave now. he mentally berates himself for sounding so... mundane.
but instead of checking out, you smile. “well, at least you’re stable, right? that’s better than a lot of people can say.” there’s a lightness to your voice that catches him off guard.
she’s still interested? even after that? choso feels the tension in his chest ease just a little more. maybe... this won’t be a complete disaster after all.
“yeah... stability’s important.” he nods, feeling the conversation inch forward, slowly but surely. and though the gap between you still feels wide, there’s something about your patience, your willingness to keep things light, that makes him feel like maybe he’s not screwing this up as badly as he thought.
choso shifts in his seat, fingers still tapping nervously against the edge of the table. the conversation’s been flowing, albeit awkwardly, but there’s one thing gnawing at him, something he can’t shake.
she’s young. too young, probably. he sneaks a glance at you again, taking in your bright expression, the way you seem so at ease compared to him. the cafe, the casual vibe — it all fits you so perfectly, but it’s a stark contrast to the formality he’s wrapped in. how old is she?
the question lingers in his mind, making his chest tighten. his stomach churns at the thought of there being a ridiculous age gap. what if she’s fresh out of college? god, what if she’s still in it? he feels like a complete idiot for not asking earlier. he should’ve known better before agreeing to this blind date. what if this is wildly inappropriate?
but you seem so relaxed, so unbothered. you don’t give off the energy of someone who's too young to understand life’s responsibilities. yet, he can’t shake the feeling.
you notice his tension, the way his brow furrows slightly as if he’s lost in thought. you tilt your head, curiosity bubbling up. what’s going on in his head? he seems so quiet, so introspective, but you can tell something’s on his mind.
before you can ask, choso clears his throat, shifting in his seat again. “uh… i have to ask,” he says hesitantly, his voice quieter than before. “how… how old are you?”
you blink, a little surprised by the question. oh. so that’s what’s been bugging him. it makes sense now — the way he’s been glancing at you, almost like he’s worried about something. you can practically see the unease in his eyes.
“i’m in my last year of university,” you answer, trying to keep your tone light, even though you can see how his face stiffens at your words. “i’m 22. turning 23 soon.”
choso's chest tightens as your answer settles in. 22. she’s 22. his mind spirals, and suddenly, everything feels... wrong. his stomach twists, panic bubbling up as he realizes the gap isn’t just a small difference — it’s enough to make him feel like he’s completely out of place.
he’s inching toward his 30s, for god’s sake — he’s 27. what am i even doing here? the age difference hits him hard, and it feels like the ground beneath him is shifting. the casual banter, your youthful energy, the trendy cafe — it all feels like he’s intruding on a part of life that’s slipping further away from him with every year that passes.
you, on the other hand, seem so relaxed, so at ease. you’re in your last year of university, talking about the future like it’s this bright, endless horizon. choso can barely remember what that felt like. i’m too old for this. i shouldn’t be here.
“27,” he mumbles under his breath, almost like he’s reminding himself how out of place he is. his fingers fidget with the edge of his tie, pulling it loose in discomfort. he can feel the weight of his age pressing down on him, the years of work and responsibility stretching out between you like a chasm.
he can’t stop thinking about the difference between you two, the way your lives are in such completely different places. what am i doing on a date with someone still in school?
“choso?” your voice pulls him back, and he looks up, meeting your eyes. there’s no judgment in your gaze — just curiosity, maybe a little concern. but that only makes it worse.
his mouth opens, but no words come out at first. he feels trapped in this moment, caught in a moral crisis he can’t shake. he shifts in his seat, uncomfortable with how much younger you are, how carefree you seem compared to the life he’s been living for the past few years.
“i’m sorry,” he blurts out suddenly, standing up so quickly he almost knocks his chair back. your eyes widen in surprise, and he can see the confusion on your face, but he can’t help it. he feels like he’s suffocating, like this is all wrong.
“i... i don’t think this is a good idea,” he stammers, the words rushing out faster than he can stop them. his heart pounds in his chest, and he feels like he’s losing control of the situation, like the gap between your lives is too big to ignore. “i didn’t realize... the difference.”
you blink, stunned, and for a moment, it’s like neither of you knows what to say.
“wait, what do you mean?” you finally ask, your voice small, trying to understand. you weren’t expecting this reaction at all.
“i’m too old for this,” choso mutters, shaking his head. “you’re still in school, and i’m... i’m almost 30.” his hands run through his hair in frustration, like he’s trying to pull himself out of his own thoughts. “i shouldn’t have come.”
he can’t even look at you, the weight of the situation too heavy on his shoulders. he feels like he’s crossed a line just by showing up, like he’s made a huge mistake. his heart races, his mind overwhelmed with guilt and confusion.
“i’m sorry,” he says again, softer this time, his voice thick with regret. “i just... i need to go.”
before you can say anything else, before you can stop him or reassure him, he’s already walking out of the cafe, his footsteps quick and uneven.
— ✿ —
choso can’t get home fast enough. as soon as he steps out of the cafe, his heart hammers in his chest, guilt flooding his mind. what was i thinking? he curses himself silently, dragging a hand through his messy hair. the cool night air does little to calm the storm brewing in his head. it’s not like you did anything wrong — you were kind, understanding even, but the age gap weighed on him like a brick tied to his chest. how could they match me up with someone still in university? i’m almost 30!
his footsteps echo down the quiet street as he makes his way to his apartment, frustration building. blind dates were always a gamble, but this felt like a cosmic joke. he’s a working adult, buried in spreadsheets and deadlines, and you’re still navigating the last stretch of your education. who thought this was a good idea?
by the time he reaches his front door, he’s exhausted — not just physically, but mentally too. pushing open the door, he’s greeted by the familiar clutter of his younger brother yuuji’s sneakers tossed carelessly near the entrance. choso sighs, toeing off his shoes and stepping inside. before he can even fully process the fact that he’s home, yuuji’s voice calls out from the living room.
“oi, nii-chan! how’d the date go?” yuuji appears in the doorway, eyes bright and curious, his high school uniform still on even though it’s late. there’s a smirk on his face, and he’s clearly eager for the details.
choso groans, his shoulders slumping as he tosses his coat onto the nearby chair. he doesn’t want to talk about it, not when his mind is still spinning with awkwardness and regret. but yuuji is persistent, already closing in on him like an excited puppy.
“it... didn’t go well,” choso mutters, walking toward the kitchen, hoping to avoid his brother’s barrage of questions.
“what?!” yuuji exclaims, trailing after him. “seriously? why? was she not your type or something?”
choso grabs a glass of water, the cool liquid doing little to quench the unease still gnawing at him. he sets the glass down with a heavy sigh, leaning against the counter. “it’s not that... it’s just... she was way too young, yuuji.” he runs a hand through his hair again, staring down at the floor. “she’s still in university, and i’m... i’m almost 30. it just felt wrong.”
yuuji blinks at him for a moment, completely dumbfounded, before he bursts out laughing. his reaction is so loud and sudden that choso flinches.
“that’s it? seriously?” yuuji slaps his hands against the counter, still laughing. “you’re freaking out because she’s still in school?”
choso frowns, clearly not amused by his younger brother’s reaction. “yuuji, it’s a big deal. i’m 27. she’s 22. that’s a huge difference.”
“dude, it’s not like she’s 12 or something,” yuuji fires back, still grinning, though his tone has a hint of exasperation. “she’s literally an adult! and it’s not illegal, so why are you acting like it is?”
“it’s not about it being illegal,” choso mutters, rubbing his temples. “it just... felt off.”
yuuji throws his hands in the air, clearly baffled. “bro, you’re making it weird! she’s, what, like five years younger? that’s nothing! you know how old dad was when he met mom? they had like a 10-year difference!”
choso winces at the mention of their parents. not the comparison he wanted to hear right now.
yuuji leans against the counter next to him, crossing his arms. “okay, listen,” he begins, his voice full of that kid-like certainty that makes him sound so sure of himself, even when his logic is all over the place. “you’re overthinking it. she’s in university, yeah, but she’s probably got her life together more than half the adults you work with! and honestly, five years is, like... nothing. by the time you’re both old, it’s not gonna matter if you’re 85 and she’s 80. you’re both just gonna be old.”
choso blinks at him, a little thrown off by the bluntness of yuuji’s reasoning. he opens his mouth to argue, but yuuji barrels on.
“and anyway,” yuuji says, his voice getting louder with the passion of his rant, “what’s the big deal? if you like her and she likes you, who cares about the stupid number? she probably didn’t even care, and you ran out like a scared old man.”
choso stares at him, the words sinking in slowly. he’s got a point... a childish point, but still. yuuji’s logic is clumsy, but there’s truth in it. maybe he was being too paranoid.
“you can’t just run away from this stuff because you’re afraid of a little difference,” yuuji adds, his tone softer now, but still full of that youthful conviction. “if she was cool, you should’ve just given it a shot.”
choso sighs, staring down into his glass of water. yuuji’s words echo in his mind, the absurdity of the situation starting to feel a little less... suffocating. he’s right. you didn’t seem to care, so why did he?
“maybe you’re right,” choso finally says, his voice low. “maybe i was thinking too much.”
yuuji grins triumphantly, punching choso lightly on the arm. “damn right i’m right! now, next time, don’t be such a wuss.”
choso rolls his eyes, but a small smile tugs at his lips despite himself. yuuji’s reasoning may have been boorish and a bit clumsy, but it hit the mark in a way choso hadn’t expected. maybe it wasn’t as big of a deal as he made it out to be.
“thanks,” choso says quietly, glancing at his younger brother. “i needed that.”
yuuji just shrugs, already moving toward the fridge for a snack. “anytime, nii-chan. but seriously, stop thinking so hard. it’s not good for your hairline.”
choso leans against the counter, swirling the last bit of water in his glass as yuuji continues raiding the fridge. he feels a little better after his brother’s impromptu rant, the panic starting to fade. maybe i did overthink it. but just as he’s starting to relax, a new realization hits him like a freight train.
he didn’t get your number.
his eyes widen, and he straightens up, almost dropping the glass. “shit,” he mutters under his breath. yuuji, who’s in the middle of biting into an apple, glances over.
“what now?” yuuji asks, his voice muffled around the apple.
choso runs a hand through his hair, his face scrunching in frustration. “i didn’t get her number.”
yuuji freezes, mid-bite, staring at his older brother like he’s just said something incredibly stupid. “wait... what?”
“i left the cafe without getting her number,” choso repeats, more panicked now that the reality has set in. “how am i supposed to talk to her again? i don’t even know her last name.”
yuuji slams his apple onto the counter, eyes blazing with frustration. “are you serious?!” he practically shouts, throwing his arms in the air. “you had one job, nii-chan! you didn’t even get her number?!”
choso winces, rubbing the back of his neck. “it didn’t exactly come up...”
“oh my god,” yuuji groans, shaking his head in disbelief. “this is why you’re single, bro. you can’t just run out of a date and not get her number!” he paces around the kitchen, clearly fuming, as if choso had committed some unforgivable sin.
“i know, i know,” choso sighs, feeling the weight of his mistake. what was he thinking?
yuuji stops pacing and suddenly whirls around, his eyes lit up with determination. “we’re going back to that cafe. right now.”
choso blinks, confused. “what? why?”
“because, idiot,” yuuji says, grabbing his jacket off the back of a chair and tossing it to choso, “you’re going to find her, apologize, and get her damn number! before she thinks you ghosted her or something.” he grabs his own jacket, already heading toward the door. “and i’m coming with you to make sure you don’t screw this up again.”
“yuuji, you don’t have to —”
“yes, i do,” yuuji cuts him off, yanking the door open with more force than necessary. “let’s go. we’re finding this girl.”
with no room to argue, choso follows his brother out the door, guilt twisting in his gut. i really messed up.
as they walk through the streets, yuuji keeps up a steady stream of grumbling, mostly about how ridiculous it is that choso managed to forget something as basic as asking for your number. choso stays quiet, letting his brother vent, the weight of the situation sinking deeper.
when they finally reach the cafe, yuuji whistles in approval, taking in the cozy vibe. “okay, this place is actually cool. good choice on her part.”
“yeah, it was nice,” choso mutters, scanning the cafe from the entrance. but his heart sinks when he realizes you’re not there. of course you wouldn’t still be here. he’d been gone for too long.
yuuji’s expression falls too when he notices choso’s face. “damn. she already left?”
choso nods, his stomach churning with regret. what did i expect? that she’d just sit here waiting for me to come back after i bailed like that? he moves toward the counter, trying to keep his disappointment in check. maybe someone saw her. maybe i can at least get her name.
he approaches the barista, clearing his throat. “excuse me, did you happen to see a girl sitting by the window earlier? maybe wearing a beige coat?”
the barista looks up, raising an eyebrow before shaking her head. “sorry, i’ve been busy with orders. didn’t really notice anyone in particular.”
choso nods, stepping back, feeling the weight of the moment crash down on him. no number, no name, and now no way to find her.
yuuji, still at the door, sighs deeply. “well, that sucks.”
choso stands there for a moment, staring at the empty booth where you had sat, the awkwardness of the situation settling in. he really screwed this up.
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creamflix · 1 day
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EPISODE 4 — FOXxXY MAMMA ! — featuring shiu kong (1.3k words) & ryomen sukuna (2.2k words) content warnings: reader wears fox ears, heavy predator/prey dynamics, backshots + unprotected sex, shibari, manhandling, marking, possessiveness, gagging + use of a gag, thigh humping, nebulophilia (aroused by smoke), brat taming, degradation + dirty talk + humiliation, cigarette play [please do not try this at home. this is for entertainment/fiction only], dom! sukuna, mean dom! shiu — kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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SHIU stares at you with a blank, tired expression, his eyes narrowing as he takes a slow drag from the cigarette dangling between his lips. 
his day has been long, stressful, and exhausting, and the last thing he wants is to play your games right now. but there you are, standing in front of him with those damn fox ears perched on your head, twitching like they’re part of some innocent little costume.
you know exactly what you’re doing, and so does he.
“you’ve really got some nerve,” shiu mutters, smoke curling from his lips as he leans back in his chair, his eyes flicking from your playful expression to those ridiculous fox ears. “after the day i’ve had, you think it’s smart to fuck with me?”
you tilt your head, letting the fox ears shift ever so slightly, your lips pulling into a teasing smile. you know he’s tired, that his patience is thin, but the thrill of seeing how far you can push him is too tempting. besides, you’ve always had a thing for the way shiu handles brats.
“what? you don’t like them?” you ask, your voice a mix of innocence and seduction, hands running over the soft ears. “i thought you’d appreciate a little distraction.”
his eyes darken, and for a second, the air shifts. shiu takes another drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke linger between you as he exhales, his lip curling in annoyance. “oh, you want to distract me, alright. wanna play?”
before you can even register the change in his mood, shiu’s hand shoots out, grabbing your wrist and yanking you down onto his lap. his movements are swift, the grip on your waist strong as he presses you down against him. you squirm slightly, feeling the hard outline of him beneath you, but his hand tightens around your hips, keeping you in place.
“you wanna be a brat, huh?” his voice is a low, dangerous growl, smoke curling from the cigarette still hanging between his lips. “think these little fox ears make you cute enough to get away with it?”
he grabs the plush fox ears, tugging at them roughly, almost knocking them off your head. the humiliation stings, your cheeks burning as the teasing element you thought would rile him up turns into something he’s using against you. his grip on the ears is rough, mocking, as if to remind you that in this game, you don’t have the upper hand.
"look at you," he sneers, his voice dripping with disdain. "you think wearing these stupid ears makes you special? like i’m gonna just roll over for some brat in a pair of cheap props?"
your heart races, the thrill of the situation mixing with the sharp edge of arousal as he yanks the ears again, your body jerking in response. you try to keep your composure, but the way his rough treatment affects you is undeniable. the heat between your legs is growing, pooling dangerously as you press down into his lap, trying to find some relief.
shiu notices, of course. his eyes drop to where your hips grind against him, and a slow, cruel smile spreads across his face. “oh, i see what’s going on here. you’re already getting off on this, aren’t you?”
before you can respond, he reaches for the gag — a strip of black leather he’s used before, one you know too well. without a word, he forces it between your lips, fastening it tightly behind your head. the humiliation is instant, the gag muffling any protest or response you might have as you stare up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
“there we go. much better.” he takes another slow drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke directly into your face. the scent of it fills your senses, making your head spin, and the arousal inside you intensifies. it’s sick, how much the smoke turns you on, how the scent of tobacco in the air makes your body tremble with desire.
"you’re such a filthy little slut, aren’t you?" shiu mutters, flicking the ashes from his cigarette onto the floor beside you. “getting wet from just a little smoke and rough treatment. i bet if i checked right now, i’d find you soaking, wouldn’t i?”
you try to shake your head, to deny it, but the gag prevents anything more than a muffled whimper. shiu’s hand moves between your legs, his fingers pressing down firmly against the fabric, feeling the wetness that’s already soaked through. his expression twists into one of pure amusement as he looks down at the growing stain on his pants.
“pathetic,” he mutters, pushing his fingers harder against you, making sure you feel every bit of the humiliation. “you’re so fucking wet, you’re ruining my pants. like some desperate little bitch in heat.”
your body jolts at his words, a muffled moan escaping the gag as you press harder against his hand, your arousal overwhelming your sense of shame. the degrading words only heighten the feeling, and you can’t help the way your hips grind down into his touch, seeking more.
“you’re disgusting,” shiu growls, his voice filled with mockery as he watches you. “but i guess that’s what you wanted, huh? to be treated like the filthy lil’ slut you are?”
he takes another drag from his cigarette, holding the smoke in his lungs before exhaling it slowly, letting it drift around you. the smoke hangs in the air, heavy and thick, and your body reacts almost instinctively, your hips jerking against him as the scent fills your senses.
shiu watches you with cold amusement, the cigarette hanging between his lips as he moves one hand to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “you’re getting off on this, aren’t you?” he asks, his voice low and cruel. “you like being gagged and humiliated, wearing those stupid ears while you grind all over me.”
before you can respond, he pulls the cigarette from his lips, holding the glowing tip dangerously close to your thigh. the heat radiates from it, and your heart races in anticipation, your body tensing as the sting of the burn brushes against your skin. shiu’s grin widens as he presses the cigarette down, the sharp burn making you jerk in his lap, your muffled cry filling the room.
“that’s what you get,” he sneers, watching the red mark bloom on your skin. “a little reminder of who’s in charge here.”
he stubs the cigarette out on your skin again, the burn sharper this time, the pain mingling with the overwhelming arousal that’s taken over your senses. the heat, the humiliation, the way shiu’s degrading words cut through you — it all pushes you further into the brink of submission.
“you love it,” he mutters, pressing down harder on your hips, forcing you to grind against him. “you love being treated like this. and look at those fucking ears, still on your head like a little fox in heat.”
his fingers curl around the fox ears, tugging them roughly as he forces your head down, making you look at the stain you’ve made on his pants. “see this?” he mocks, his voice dripping with condescension. “you’re so turned on, you’re soaking through everything. fucking pathetic.”
you squirm in his lap, the shame and arousal too much to handle as his degrading words wash over you. shiu’s hand tightens on your waist, his voice dropping to a low growl as he leans in close, his breath hot against your ear.
“you’ll take whatever i give you,” he murmurs, dragging the tip of the cigarette along your skin once more, the heat of it a constant reminder of his control. “because that’s what filthy little sluts like you are good for, aren’t you?”
you nod, your body trembling under his control, your arousal soaking through the fabric even more. the fox ears wobble on your head, a humiliating reminder of how far you’ve fallen, of how shiu’s tamed you completely. and as he leans back, a satisfied smirk tugging at his lips, he knows he’s broken you in exactly the way he wanted.
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the sprawling halls of SUKUNA's estate are eerily silent, save for the faint whisper of wind filtering through open windows. 
the place is ancient and grand, but there's something cold and unforgiving about it — the vastness, the shadows stretching unnaturally along the walls, and the sense of being utterly alone. 
well, not quite alone.
you feel his presence even when you can’t see him — that unsettling awareness that he’s close, always watching, always in control. the fox ears atop your head — a prop you jokingly suggested — now feel like they’re mocking you. the soft fur brushes against your skin as you move, trying to be quiet, but your footsteps still echo in the empty corridors. the estate is a maze, but no matter how far you run, you can’t shake the feeling that he’s just behind you, always closing in.
his voice breaks the silence, low and dripping with amusement. "where are you hiding, little fox?" his tone is mocking, predatory. "did you really think you could escape me?"
your heart races. 
the thrill of the chase sends adrenaline pumping through your veins, but there’s a flicker of panic too — you know deep down that there’s no real escape. darting through a narrow hallway, your breathing quickens as you glance over your shoulder. no sign of him, but you can feel him — his presence like a shadow, inevitable.
you slip into a side room, pressing yourself into a corner, hoping to disappear into the shadows. your breath is shallow, heart pounding in your chest as you try to still the frantic rise and fall of your chest. the ears on your head shift slightly with your movement, reminding you of the game you’re playing, the role you willingly stepped into.
then, a sound — a single, deliberate footstep. 
the door creaks open, and there he is, standing tall, framed by the doorway, his eyes gleaming with amusement. he leans against the frame casually, his arms crossed, that smug, predatory smirk on his face. the dim light catches on the sharp lines of his features, his gaze focused solely on you.
“found you.”
before you can react, you make a break for it, but he’s faster — so much faster. in a single movement, his hand shoots out, fingers wrapping around your wrist like iron. the other hand grabs at the fox ears on your head, yanking them playfully. his grip tightens, pulling you back against his solid chest, his breath hot against the side of your neck.
"you really thought you could get away?" he whispers, voice low, vibrating with dark amusement. he spins you around, pinning you roughly against the wall, his body towering over yours, completely engulfing you in his presence. his eyes gleam with satisfaction as he takes in your breathless, wide-eyed expression, the fox ears now askew, a reminder of the game you foolishly initiated.
he presses his lips to your ear, voice dripping with amusement and command. "now, let's make things interesting." from within the folds of his robes, he pulls out a long length of rope. the coarse texture brushes your skin as he lets it unfurl, his eyes never leaving yours, the smirk on his lips widening.
he makes no attempt to hide his anticipation as he begins. his hands move with precision, his movements deliberate as he drags the rope across your body, teasing you with the sensation. he starts by wrapping the rope tightly around your chest, forming a harness as he ties a diamond-shaped pattern across your torso, pulling the rope snug against your skin. his fingers work deftly, securing each knot with practiced ease, making sure it’s tight enough to restrict but not to hurt — yet.
as he moves, he steps back occasionally, admiring his work, enjoying the way your body reacts to the binding, the soft gasp that escapes your lips as the rope pulls taut around you. the friction of the fibers bites into your skin, not painful but enough to make you hyper-aware of every movement.
"stay still," he growls, his voice dropping lower, more commanding. "or i'll make it worse."
he brings your arms behind your back, securing them at the wrists with an intricate weave of rope, then binding them to the rope harness across your torso. the tension in the ropes pulls your shoulders back, leaving you exposed, vulnerable. his fingers trace along the ropes, tugging lightly, just enough to make you shift, the ropes digging deeper into your skin. he pulls the rope down, wrapping it around your thighs, the friction making you squirm, then ties your legs together at the knees and ankles with tight, controlled knots.
this isn’t just any binding — it’s the karada, the traditional body harness style of shibari. sukuna is precise, methodical, tying each knot with an air of control that feels like it’s been rehearsed a thousand times. the diamond patterns of the karada crisscross your body, the ropes creating a web that holds you completely at his mercy. you can feel the ropes pressing against every inch of your skin, restricting your movements without cutting off circulation— tight, secure, but not unbearable.
"perfect," he mutters, stepping back to admire his work. his eyes rake over your form, bound and helpless, the fox ears still perched atop your head, now a stark contrast to the elaborate ropework that encases your body. he circles you slowly, his gaze never leaving your face, savoring the way your chest rises and falls with each shallow breath.
"you look good like this," he murmurs, crouching down to meet your eyes, his voice a dark purr. his fingers trace the outline of the diamond pattern across your torso, tugging lightly at the ropes as he goes, making you gasp. "completely helpless. my little fox, all tied up."
his hand slides to your chin, tilting your face up to meet his intense gaze. "you wanted this, didn’t you?" his thumb brushes over your lips, a taunting, possessive gesture. "well, now you’re mine."
he stands, towering over you once more, his presence overwhelming as he looks down at you with that same smug, predatory grin. he tugs at the rope, pulling you to your feet despite the restraints, the tension of the ropes pulling at your skin with every movement. his fingers playfully tug at the fox ears once again, a reminder of the role you chose, of the hunt you started but never stood a chance of winning.
"the game’s over, little fox," he growls, his voice low and dripping with satisfaction as he pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "now it’s time for your reward."
with a firm tug on the ropes, sukuna drags you toward the center of the room. your movements are restricted, stumbling as the bindings hold your arms and legs tightly in place. the ropes dig into your skin with every step, heightening your awareness of your vulnerability, and the plush fox ears atop your head shift from the motion. they feel ridiculous, a contrast to the intensity of the situation, but sukuna’s gaze never strays far from them. they amuse him, like a symbol of your submission — his prey.
he pushes you down to your knees effortlessly, a dark chuckle rumbling from his chest as you kneel before him, bound and helpless. his fingers hook into the rope harness, pulling you closer until you’re practically pressed against his legs. he leans down, grasping the fluffy fox ears and tugging them playfully, his smirk widening at the way your body reacts to even the smallest touch. "still wearing these?" he taunts, voice low and mocking. "cute. you really wanted to play this part, didn’t you?"
you look up at him, heart pounding, breaths shallow. the feel of his grip on the ears, the pressure of the ropes, the looming presence of him towering above you — it all sends a surge of adrenaline through your veins. the thrill of being at his mercy, knowing you’re entirely in his hands, is undeniable. his predatory gaze scans your face, savoring the mix of fear and anticipation he reads there.
“look at you,” he growls, eyes dark and gleaming as he grabs your chin roughly, forcing you to meet his gaze. “such a good little fox, all tied up. do you understand now? you never stood a chance. i own you.”
he shifts, moving behind you in a fluid motion, yanking on the ropes with one hand to guide your body into position. sukuna is ruthless as he maneuvers you, pulling you down onto all fours, the tightness of the bindings holding your arms behind your back making it harder to balance. you’re bent over, exposed, vulnerable. your body trembles slightly with anticipation, and you feel the plush fox ears wobbling on top of your head — a constant reminder of the game you started.
he crouches over you, his massive form enveloping you completely, one hand gripping your waist while the other snakes around your neck, pulling you back against his chest. his lips brush your ear, hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "you wanted to be the prey?" he growls, voice a low rumble filled with dark satisfaction. "then i’ll take you like one."
without warning, he thrusts into you from behind, his movements forceful and unrelenting. there’s no gentleness, no hesitation — he takes you with the intensity of a predator claiming his prize. his hands grip your hips hard enough to bruise, holding you in place as he sets a punishing pace, each thrust powerful and precise, driving deep into you. your body jerks forward with every movement, but the ropes keep you restrained, unable to escape even if you wanted to.
"that’s it," he grunts, his voice filled with raw pleasure as he watches you squirm beneath him. “don’t run now, little fox. you asked for this.”
your gasps and moans fill the room, mixing with the sound of his rough breaths and the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin. every movement sends the fox ears wobbling slightly, catching his attention again. he laughs darkly, leaning forward to grab at the ears once more, tugging them back roughly as he pounds into you.
“look at you, with your cute little ears,” he taunts, his voice thick with amusement. “you thought you could play the fox? you thought you could escape me?”
his hand snakes around to press down on the plush ears, forcing your head down to the floor as he continues to fuck you from behind. the pressure makes the ears fold awkwardly, a symbol of your submission under him. "stay down," he growls, voice dripping with dominance. "this is where you belong — under me."
every time your body clenches around him, his smirk widens. he leans over you, sinking his teeth into the back of your neck, marking you with the force of a predator claiming his prey. the bite is sharp, possessive, and he doesn’t let up, holding your skin between his teeth long enough to leave an imprint. the growl in his throat vibrates through you as he pulls back, admiring the mark he’s left.
“mine,” he growls, his voice thick with satisfaction, pressing a hand into the small of your back, forcing you down harder. “you’re mine, little fox. no one else gets to touch you like this.”
sukuna’s grip on the fox ears is relentless, pulling and twisting them, reminding you of the game you started. but there’s no denying it anymore — this isn’t a game to him. this is a hunt, and you’re his prey, caught and claimed.
“i’m going to break you,” he mutters darkly, his voice a low, dangerous whisper against your skin. “i’ll make sure you never forget who you belong to.”
his pace quickens, merciless now, each thrust driving you further into submission. your body is on fire, every nerve alive under his brutal touch. his hand slides down your side, fingers digging into the ropes that bind you, tugging them just enough to make the tension bite harder against your skin.
“tell me,” he growls, his voice harsh and commanding. “who do you belong to?”
you can barely form the words, gasping for breath, but he waits — his grip tightening, his hips slamming into you relentlessly until you finally stammer out the answer he’s waiting for.
“y-you… sukuna, i — i belong to you.”
his smirk widens, his hand sliding up to grab the back of your head, pushing your face harder into the floor, his dominance palpable in every movement. "good girl," he purrs, his tone dripping with satisfaction. “my little fox. always mine.”
his pace becomes erratic, his growls deeper as he revels in your submission, the way your body trembles beneath him, the way the ropes keep you completely at his mercy. with a final, punishing thrust, he holds you in place, his fingers digging into your skin, his breath ragged as he cums inside you, the tension in the room hanging heavy. the fox ears atop your head, now askew and slightly crushed from his rough handling, are a reminder of how he’s tamed you. he stands, his breath still coming in heavy, satisfied with his conquest. he looks down at you, still bound, still trembling, and a sadistic chuckle escapes his lips.
"tamed at last," he murmurs, bending down to grab the ears one last time, giving them a playful tug. “but i’m not done with you yet, little fox. not even close."
coming up next . . . studco president & nurse roleplay ! starring gojo satoru & geto suguru ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
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EPISODE #3 — CARROT CRAVINGS! — featuring gojo satoru (2.9k words) & toji fushiguro (2.5k words) content warnings: reader wears bunny ears, voyeurism + exhibitionism, overstimulation + mindbreak + dumbification, findom (financial domination), praise + dirty talk + degradation + humilation, unprotected sex + heavy breeding kink, lots of edging + orgasm manipulation, sort of voice kink, sadomasochism, dom! gojo, dom! toji — kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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GOJO SATORU leans back in his chair, a sly grin tugging at his lips as he watches you step into his room. 
the air is heavy with his presence — his endless, carefree confidence that always seems to fill every inch of the space. his blue eyes light up with that familiar spark, a mix of mischief and intrigue, like a predator who's just found its next prey.
"ah, there you are," he drawls, voice silky smooth, but there's a teasing lilt to it. "i was beginning to think you'd chicken out. but look at you…"
he trails off, his gaze dropping from your eyes to the bunny ears perched on your head, and lower, tracing the way the suit hugs every curve of your body. his mouth opens slightly, almost like he's savoring the view, his eyes darkening just a bit as they take in every detail. the bunny ears flop with every slight movement you make, the light catching them in a way that makes the silky material shimmer.
you feel your cheeks flush as you shift on your feet, nervous under the intensity of his gaze, but you force yourself to do what he asked. you start to turn, slowly, giving him a full view of the suit from every angle. the tight fabric clings to your figure, accentuating every line, every dip of your waist, every curve of your hips.
"oh?" his voice comes out low, an almost mocking purr. "aren't you just adorable."
you stop mid-turn, catching his gaze. you know that tone. it’s the one he uses when he’s amused, but also when he’s toying with someone, testing their limits just to see how far they’ll go.
“satoru, i —” you begin, your voice shaky, but he cuts you off.
“shhh, no need to be shy,” he says, pushing himself off his chair and walking toward you. his steps are slow, deliberate, like he’s savoring the anticipation. “you look… perfect.”
his hand reaches out, fingers brushing lightly over one of the bunny ears, making it flop. he chuckles under his breath, clearly entertained by the way you stiffen at his touch.
"you know," he continues, his tone dripping with amusement as he walks around you, eyes never leaving your body, "when i said i wanted to spoil you, this wasn't exactly what i had in mind, but… i think i like this much better."
he stops behind you, his presence a heavy weight on your back. you can feel his breath ghost over your neck, and you shiver involuntarily.
"doing little 360’s for me? how obedient," he murmurs, his voice lowering an octave. "you’re making this too easy, sweetheart."
you swallow hard, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks again, but you can’t help the way your body reacts to his words. it’s almost like he’s pulling strings you didn’t know you had, teasing out a response with every word.
“how does it feel?” he asks, suddenly stepping back to admire you from a distance, tilting his head with that familiar cocky grin. “knowing that i’d spend anything on you… whatever you want, it’s yours. but right now —” his eyes narrow playfully, “ —all i want is to enjoy this little show.”
his words hang in the air, thick with implication, and the way he says them makes your pulse quicken. the tension between you two is palpable, and you can’t shake the feeling that satoru is the one in complete control.
he walks over to his bed, sitting on the edge, leaning back on his hands as he watches you again, eyes roaming slowly over your body.
“come on now,” he coos, almost mockingly sweet. “let’s see another spin, hmm? i’m not done looking at you yet.”
the heat from his gaze is almost too much, and yet you can’t help but obey. you slowly turn again, feeling the way the tight fabric shifts over your skin, hearing the slight rustle of the material as it stretches with each movement.
“god, you really are something,” he mutters, his voice softer this time, almost like he’s talking to himself. “so damn tempting… it’s almost cruel.”
he leans forward, elbows resting on his knees as he watches you stop again, his eyes practically devouring you.
“tell me,” he says, voice smooth as velvet, “what do you want? hm? is it money?” he quirks a brow, smirking. “you’ve got that look in your eyes, ya know, like you need something. and lucky for you, i’ve got plenty to give.”
your breath catches in your throat as he leans back again, his smirk never fading. he knows exactly what he’s doing, making you feel small under his gaze, making you feel like the center of his world and yet completely powerless at the same time.
“all you have to do is ask,” he murmurs, his voice soft but commanding, as if daring you to take that final step.
gojo leans back further, his eyes half-lidded as he stretches out on the bed, making himself comfortable. the room feels smaller under his gaze, the weight of his presence pressing in on you. a crooked smile plays on his lips as he watches you, waiting, the anticipation palpable.
"so," he starts, voice lazy, but laced with that familiar teasing tone, " i can give you that. or… we can do things a little differently."
your heart skips a beat at the way he says it, the way he lets the words hang in the air, leaving you to wonder what he means. but you know gojo, and deep down, you already have a pretty good idea of where this is headed. his eyes flicker toward the bunny ears again, a spark of amusement dancing in them.
"you see," he continues, sitting up slightly, leaning on one elbow as his gaze sharpens, "you can ask me for money, just like that. i’ll give it to you — i have more than i know what to do with, after all. but… that’s boring, don’t you think?" his grin widens, his eyes glinting with something darker, more dangerous.
"why not make it fun?" he suggests, voice dropping lower. "you work for it. show me just how badly you want it." his gaze slides down to your body again, lingering on the way the suit hugs your skin, the bunny ears flopping slightly with the movement of your head.
your stomach tightens, and you swallow hard, feeling a wave of nerves wash over you. "w-work for it?" you stammer, though you already have an idea of what he means. the way he’s looking at you, the hunger in his eyes, makes your entire body tingle with anticipation.
"oh, you know exactly what i mean." he grins, his voice practically dripping with amusement. "it’s simple, really. you touch yourself, right here, right in front of me. wearing that suit. and especially those cute little bunny ears." he points at the flopping ears with a lazy flick of his finger. "i want to see them move every time you squirm."
you can’t help the way your heart races, the way your skin heats up under his gaze. his words, as shameless and commanding as they are, stir something deep inside you. and yet, there’s a part of you that wants to resist, to question how far you’re willing to go for his money, for his attention.
he notices the hesitation, the way your body tenses, and his smile softens, just a little. "don’t be shy," he says, voice smoother now, almost coaxing. "you do this, and you’ll get exactly what you need. maybe even more." his eyes darken, his grin turning a little wicked.
"the more you cum, the more money you get. sounds fair, doesn’t it?"
you can’t believe what you’re hearing, but at the same time, you can. this is gojo satoru after all — he always finds a way to turn everything into a game, to push boundaries just for the thrill of it. and you, standing there in your bunny suit, feel like you’ve stepped right into his playground.
“so?” he prompts, tilting his head, “what’s it gonna be?”
your legs feel weak as you consider his offer, the way his eyes burn into you with expectation. you know what he wants. and the truth is, a part of you wants it too — the way he looks at you, the way he makes you feel like the most desired thing in the world, even if it's in the most twisted way.
he leans back again, one arm resting behind his head as he waits, ever patient, but you can see the hunger simmering just beneath the surface. "come on, sweetheart. show me just how much you want it."
your breath catches, and before you can stop yourself, your hands move. you trail them down your body, your fingers trembling slightly as you touch yourself, the fabric of the bunny suit stretching and shifting beneath your fingers. the bunny ears flop slightly as you move, just like he said they would, and you hear a soft chuckle from where gojo is watching.
“good girl,” he murmurs, eyes never leaving you as you continue, your body heating up from both his gaze and your own touch. “don’t stop. i want to see it all.”
his voice, his words, they send shivers down your spine, and you bite your lip, trying to suppress a whimper as you slide your hand between your legs, the tightness of the suit adding to the friction. you can feel your body responding, your heartbeat quickening, and it’s almost too much to handle with the way gojo is watching you so intently.
“that’s it,” he purrs, his voice growing more intense, his smile never fading. “you’re doing so well. and remember, the more you cum, the higher the payout. so make it count.”
his words push you over the edge, your body trembling as you give in, your fingers working faster, your breaths coming out in ragged gasps. you feel the pleasure building, the pressure mounting until you can’t hold it back anymore. with a shudder, you let go, the wave of pleasure crashing over you as your body jerks beneath your own touch.
you collapse slightly, your legs trembling, and you hear gojo’s voice, low and satisfied. “that’s one. but we’re not done yet.” he chuckles softly, his tone both encouraging and teasing. “come on now, keep going. i told you — the more, the better.”
you can barely catch your breath, but the way he looks at you, the way he speaks to you — it makes you want to keep going, to please him, to earn what he’s offering.
your heart pounds in your chest, body still trembling from the first wave of pleasure, but gojo’s voice cuts through the haze, pulling you back to reality — or, rather, pulling you deeper into the world he’s built around you. his grin never falters, sharp and predatory, as he watches you struggle to catch your breath.
“one down,” he drawls, his voice low and teasing, “but that’s just the start, isn’t it? you’re not done. not even close.”
you’re barely holding yourself up, knees weak, fingers slick with your arousal and cum, but the way he looks at you — like he’s hungry for more — fuels something deep inside you. despite the exhaustion creeping into your limbs, there’s a spark, an urge to continue, to give him what he wants. to prove yourself.
your hand trembles as it moves down between your legs again, fingers slipping against the tight fabric of the suit. you can barely think, your mind foggy from the pleasure and the constant pull of his voice, his eyes, the overwhelming sense that you need to keep going for him.
“there you go,” he purrs, his voice soft but commanding. “that’s it. keep fuckin’ yourself. don’t stop now, sweetheart. show me how much you want it.”
his words seep into your brain, wrapping around your thoughts like a vice, pushing you to keep moving, keep going despite how sensitive you are. your fingers slide over your clit, rubbing it in hasty circles, the pressure building again almost too quickly, but you can’t stop. not now. not when he’s watching you like this.
“you’re such a good little thing,” gojo coos, his eyes locked on your face, watching every expression, every gasp that escapes your lips. “look at you. you’re already falling apart, and i haven’t even touched you yet.”
your breath catches, body arching involuntarily at his words, and the pleasure spikes again, your hips grinding against your own hand as you chase the next high. it’s too much, but you can’t stop — won’t stop.
his voice becomes your lifeline, guiding you through the haze. “that’s it, keep going. faster now. i want to see you break.” his tone is smooth, encouraging as you mindlessly obey, fingers working faster, rubbing against yourself with a frantic pace that leaves you gasping for air. your thoughts blur, and the world narrows down to the feeling of your own touch and the sound of his voice, the heat building in your core, ready to burst again.
“you’re such a good girl f’me,” gojo purrs, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “look at you, working so hard for that money. don’t you love this? being so desperate, so need, that you’ll keep touching yourself over and over until you can’t even think straight.”
his words burn through your mind, twisting your thoughts into something mindless and obedient. your only purpose, your only goal, is to keep going. to finish again and again, to earn his approval, his money — whatever he’s willing to give you for the way you’re falling apart in front of him.
“you need it, don’t you?” gojo’s voice is soft, almost mocking. “you’re so desperate, you’d do anything i tell you. look at you — barely holding yourself together.”
your body shudders violently as another orgasm crashes over you, your hips jerking, your fingers soaked as you cum again, harder this time. your legs buckle slightly, and you slump forward, but even as you gasp for breath, your fingers never stop.
“that’s two,” gojo says, his grin widening as he watches you, “but you’re not done yet, are you? you’re going to keep going until you break for me. until you can’t think about anything except how good it feels.”
you nod weakly, barely aware of anything but the sensation between your legs and the sound of his voice. your mind is foggy, thoughts scattered, but his words fill the gaps, leaving you with nothing but the need to keep going, to keep working for it.
“you’re already so close, aren’t you?” he teases, his voice soft and patronizing. “you’re just a dumb little bunny, playing along with whatever i say, aren’t you? chasing after that money like a good girl. can you even think right now?”
you shake your head, barely coherent, your body moving on autopilot, hips grinding against your fingers as you chase another orgasm. you’re so close, the pleasure building higher and higher, your body trembling with the effort of keeping up with his demands.
“thought so,” he chuckles, leaning back and watching you with amusement. “just keep going. don’t think. don’t stop. i’ll tell you when you’ve had enough.”
his words echo in your mind, and you let them take over, let them guide you as you push yourself closer to an orgasm again. you can’t even form coherent thoughts anymore, just a string of sensations and his voice, urging you on, demanding you to keep going.
you cum again, body spasming as your orgasm hits you hard, your mind going blank for a moment as you collapse against the bed. but gojo’s voice is still there, still calling to you, and even though you can barely breathe, your hand moves again, fingers trembling as they continue to work.
“good girl,” he purrs, his voice soft and satisfied. “keep going, just a little more. i know you got one more in ya.”
you can’t stop. you won’t stop. your body moves without thought, your fingers working frantically, the pleasure so overwhelming that it feels like your mind is melting, like you’re breaking apart under your own touch. you whimper, gasping for air, your body trembling violently as you push yourself to the brink again and again.
“there we go,” gojo’s voice is low, almost a whisper now, his gaze dark and hungry as he watches you crumble. “you’re such a perfect little thing, aren’t you? so obedient, so desperate. i could watch you do this all day.”
you whimper, barely able to register his words anymore, your mind too far gone, too lost in the overwhelming pleasure that seems to swallow everything else. your fingers are moving of their own accord, your body arching, hips jerking as you chase your next orgasm, completely mindless now.
“how many is that now?” gojo muses aloud, sounding amused. “three? five? doesn’t matter. you’ll keep going until you can’t anymore. until you’re completely broken.”
his words are the final push you need, and with one last shuddering gasp, your body gives in, collapsing in a trembling heap as another wave of pleasure tears through you. you’re barely aware of anything anymore, mind blank, body spent, your fingers weakly pumping themselves inside you. they keep moving, keep working for him, because that’s what he wants. and you’ll do anything for him.
“good girl,” gojo murmurs, his voice soft and pleased. “you’ve done so well.”
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TOJI comes home with the weight of the day sitting heavy on his shoulders.
the creak of the door as it swings shut barely registers in his mind; he's too wrapped up in work stress to care about much else. that is, until he steps into the living room.
he halts in his tracks, eyes narrowing slightly as he takes in the sight before him. there you are, perched on the sofa, legs folded beneath you, wearing his old, oversized shirt — worn enough that the fabric hugs your frame just right. but what really catches his attention are the floppy bunny ears sitting atop your head, comically cute against your otherwise laid-back appearance.
he doesn’t say anything at first, just stares. a slow, lopsided grin tugs at the corner of his lips, the kind that always spells trouble. it’s like all the stress of the day melts away in an instant. he can feel it — his mood shifting, turning from annoyance to something else entirely.
“the hell’s this, huh?” his voice is low, gravelly, the amusement seeping through even though he’s trying to sound tough. his eyes drag lazily over you, taking in every detail. the way his shirt slips off one shoulder, exposing just a hint of skin. the way your eyes meet his, playful, like you know exactly what you’re doing.
“what?” you feign innocence, a teasing smile playing on your lips. you adjust the bunny ears a little, letting one flop down more than the other. “you don’t like it?”
toji chuckles, deep and throaty, as he walks toward you. his movements are slow, deliberate, like a predator sizing up its prey. he tilts his head, his dark eyes gleaming with something wicked. “oh, i like it, alright. i like it a lot.”
he reaches out, fingers grazing the edge of the sofa as he stands in front of you. the way he looks at you is almost predatory, his gaze burning into you, yet filled with something softer. his hand slides along the back of the sofa before it dips down, his fingers brushing the hem of his shirt that you’re wearing.
“what’s this about, huh?” he asks, his voice dropping even lower. his thumb skims across your bare thigh, teasing but firm. “you waitin’ for me, bunny?”
your eyes flick up to his, that playful grin still on your lips. “maybe. thought you could use a little distraction after your long day.”
he hums, not quite a laugh, but close. “is that what this is?” his fingers slide under the hem of the shirt now, just barely grazing your skin, enough to make you shiver. “you think you can pull this shit and i’m not gonna do anythin’ ‘bout it?”
his hand finally settles on your thigh, squeezing slightly as he leans in closer. his scent — earthy, masculine — fills your senses, overwhelming in the best way. the way he looms over you, his presence dominating, makes your heart race, anticipation buzzing through your veins.
“you’re somethin’ else,” he murmurs, his lips hovering just above your ear. “ya know that?”
your breath hitches as his lips brush your neck, soft but with a rough edge. his hand slides higher, the fabric of his shirt hiking up inch by inch. your skin prickles with heat, and all you can do is lean into his touch, your fingers clutching the cushions beneath you.
“so damn cute,” he mutters, almost to himself. “but i know what you’re really like.”
his free hand moves to your chin, tilting your face up to meet his gaze. his eyes are darker now, filled with that dangerous glint that always makes your stomach flip. “you like playin’ these games, don’t you? tryna get a rise outta me.”
“maybe,” you say, voice soft but teasing. “maybe i just wanted to see how long it’d take for you to crack.”
toji chuckles again, this time with a darker edge. “oh, you’re gonna regret that, sweetheart.”
without warning, he grabs your waist, pulling you into his lap as he drops onto the sofa. you let out a surprised gasp, but it quickly turns into a soft laugh as you settle against him, straddling his hips. his large hands grip your thighs firmly, his eyes locked on yours.
“you really think you can get away with this?” he growls, leaning in so that his lips are just a breath away from yours. his hands slide up your sides, thumbs brushing the curve of your waist before dipping under the fabric of his shirt again. “dressin’ up all cute f'me like this. you know what you’re doin’, don’t you?”
you nod, biting your lip. “maybe. figured you could use a little fun.”
toji grins, that wicked smirk making your heart skip a beat. “oh, we’re gonna have plenty of fun, bunny. trust me on that.”
his lips finally crash against yours, the kiss rough and hungry, like he’s been waiting all day for this moment. his hands tighten on your hips, pulling you closer, making sure you feel every inch of him beneath you. your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging slightly, and he groans into the kiss, his grip on you tightening in response.
the bunny ears slip a little as you lose yourself in the kiss, but neither of you seem to care. toji’s rough hands and teasing words have you completely wrapped up in the moment, forgetting everything else but him. and as he pulls away, his lips still ghosting over yours, his dark eyes filled with that dangerous mix of affection and desire, you can’t help but smile. you know you’re in for a long night, but that’s exactly what you wanted.
toji's grip on your hips tightens as the heat between you builds, his lips trailing along your neck, leaving hot, rough kisses that send shivers down your spine. you can feel the weight of his body pressing against yours, the heat of him overwhelming. the world outside doesn’t exist anymore — it’s just you and him.
his lips hover by your ear, and through the haze of desire, you hear him chuckle low, dark and filled with that teasing edge he loves to torment you with. his breath is warm against your skin as he speaks, voice rough and dripping with sin.
“ya know somethin’ about rabbits?” he murmurs, his tone almost playful, but laced with something wicked. his hands glide over your thighs, squeezing just enough to make your breath catch. “with good food and care, they can have up to fifty kids.”
your heart skips at the sudden shift in his words, but the way his hands roam your body keeps you grounded, your pulse racing with anticipation. his lips graze your ear again, and you can feel the smirk on his face as he continues, the words sinking deeper.
“and i’ve been givin’ you plenty of that, haven’t i? good food, takin’ care of you...” his voice drops even lower, a dark, seductive whisper that makes your skin burn. “so my little bunny can give me at least one kid, right? maybe two...”
his teeth gently nip at your ear, and your breath hitches, a soft gasp escaping you as the reality of his words settles in. you can feel his smirk widening against your skin, enjoying every second of your reaction.
“bet megs would love that,” he growls, his hands sliding higher, possessive, almost territorial. “a little sibling to keep him company. you’d be a good mama, huh?”
you barely manage a response, your mind spinning, caught between the fire in his touch and the weight of his words. your hands grip his shoulders as he pulls you closer, his gaze burning into yours.
“c’mon, bunny,” he whispers, lips brushing yours, “you know you wanna give me somethin’ to remember. let’s see how many we can make together, yeah?”
the intensity in his eyes is overwhelming, and you can feel the heat between you spike as he pushes forward, his mouth capturing yours in a kiss that’s hungry, demanding. his hands slide under the shirt you're wearing, rough fingers tracing your skin, sending jolts of pleasure through you.
the thought of what he’s saying lingers in the back of your mind, but all you can focus on is the way he’s holding you, the way his voice dips lower, every filthy word he whispers pulling you deeper into the moment.
the room is filled with the sound of heavy breathing, the slap of skin against skin as toji’s strong hands grip your hips, pulling you back into him with each thrust. you’re on all fours, back arched, his old shirt bunched up around your waist, and the oversized bunny ears perched atop your head — barely hanging on as he moves with rough, unforgiving intensity.
“just one,” he teases against your lips, “or maybe we’ll aim for two tonight. wouldn’t wanna keep megs waitin’, right?” 
but deep down, toji’s still not content. no, the sight of you in those floppy ears, submitting so perfectly to him, has unlocked something inside him — something he didn’t even know existed. with one hand wrapped around your hair, he grabs the base of those bunny ears, yanking hard enough to make you gasp, your body jerking against his.
“look at you,” he growls, voice thick with lust and something darker, almost feral. “didn’t think i’d like this shit so much.” his grip tightens, pulling your head back just enough for him to lean over you, his breath hot against your neck. “but you look so fuckin’ cute like this, bunny.”
you whimper, the mixture of pleasure and the sting from his hand in your hair making your whole body shudder. the way he’s holding you — his control over you — only adds to the heat pooling in your stomach. you try to steady your breath, but each rough tug on the ears sends another jolt through your system.
“don’t you dare move,” he growls, his tone dropping low, dangerous. “not until i say so.”
he lets out a dark chuckle, pulling at your hair and ears at the same time, forcing you to arch even more as he continues his relentless pace. the sheer power behind each thrust has your mind going blank, all you can do is cling to the sheets, your body trembling beneath him.
“gonna make sure you don’t waste a single fuckin’ drop,” he mutters, voice rough and demanding. “that’s what good bunnies do, right? they take it all.”
you can barely form a coherent thought, let alone respond. but you can feel his words, deep and commanding, sinking into you. every inch of him pressing against you feels like fire, the burn of his grip on your hair and ears keeping you in place, like he’s making sure you know exactly who’s in control.
“say it,” he hisses, yanking your head back further, making you gasp. “tell me you’ll take it all.”
“i–i’ll take it,” you manage to stammer, voice shaky, breathless. “i’ll take it all, toji.”
“damn right you will,” he growls, satisfied with your answer. “gonna fill you up so fuckin’ good, bunny. don’t waste a single drop, or i swear —” his voice cuts off, replaced with a low, dangerous laugh as he leans in, lips grazing your ear. “you’ll regret it.”
his words are like gasoline on a fire, your body trembling with a mix of desire and the sharp edge of his threat. you can feel him nearing his peak, each thrust more powerful than the last, the rhythm growing more erratic. his grip on your hair tightens even further, pulling you back into him, as if he’s making sure you’re completely his.
the room is thick with heat as toji continues to claim you, his powerful thrusts pushing you closer to the edge. every movement is raw, every sound primal, and the only thing you can focus on is him — his body, his hands, his wicked grin as he watches you unravel beneath him.
“ya know,” he murmurs, leaning down to press his lips against your ear, breath hot and tantalizing, “i didn’t think those floppy bunny ears would turn me on so much.” his fingers curl around the base of your bunny ears, pulling them just enough to send a rush of pleasure through you. “but here you are, all mine.”
“toji,” you gasp, the combination of his thrusts and the way he pulls your ears has you teetering on the edge of bliss. every tug is electrifying, heightening the sensations coursing through your body. “please… i need more.”
“more, huh?” he growls, voice thick with lust, as he grips your bunny ears tighter, yanking you closer, forcing your body to arch up against him. “wanna be filled, lil’ bunny? to feel me deep inside ya, breedin’ ya, makin’ ya mine?”
“please,” you whimper, overwhelmed by the intensity of it all. the weight of his body pressing down on you, the way he uses your ears to pull you closer — it’s intoxicating. “w-want it, toji. want all of you.”
he smirks, his gaze darkening with desire, and with a sudden, rough movement, he shifts your position, flipping you onto your back. your heart races as he spreads your legs wider, his hands gripping your ears once more, holding you in place.  
“look at you, all spread out f’me,” he taunts, leaning in closer, lips brushing against your neck as he maintains that delicious pressure on your ears. “my lil’ bunny, ready to take everythin’ i have to give.”
he thrusts into you again as you cry out, the pleasure washing over you like a tidal wave. his control over you is intoxicating, and the way he keeps pulling on your ears has you on the brink of madness. the sweet tension between pleasure and pain heightens every sensation, making your body respond eagerly to his every command.
“gonna take it all, aren’t you?” he growls, pulling your ears just enough to elicit a gasp from you. “gonna be so full of me, no one will ever doubt who you belong to.”
the world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you — but just as you feel that familiar coil tightening within you, just as you’re about to cum, toji pulls back, his grip on your ears loosening slightly.
“not yet mama,” he whispers, a devilish grin spreading across his face as he watches your frustration build. “want ya to feel this for a while longer.”
your heart races, the need for release clawing at you, but the way he’s teasing you, holding back just when you need it most, makes it all the more unbearable. he leans in closer, his breath ghosting over your skin as he speaks softly, but with an edge that sends a thrill through you.
“just think ‘bout it, bun,” he murmurs, his fingers trailing down your body, “what if i don’t stop? what if i keep ya here, keep fillin’ ya up, keepin’ ya on edge? could pull on those pretty ears all night long, makin’ ya mine again and again.”
the thought sends a shiver down your spine, excitement and longing mixing in a heady rush. your body screams for more, for him, but with the way he’s holding you in place, the pleasure just out of reach, all you can do is wait — teetering on the edge, craving what he has to offer.
“let’s see how far we can take this,” he growls, eyes glinting with hunger. “we’ve got all night, bunny.”
coming up next . . . fox girls ! starring ryomen sukuna & shiu kong ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
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creamflix · 1 day
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friends and fiends, welcome to a creamflix original — starring our favourite jujutsu kaisen men. since we are heavily understaffed at the moment, we have split kinktober into six factions, of which you can see below. keep in mind that all these pairings are seperate (see: content warnings per post ). redacted files will be revealed closer to the day
comment if you would like to be tagged for any of the pairings, or in general! stay safe…or not ;)
ⓘ the following content contains dark, unethical and nsfw themes, included but not limited to; dubcon, yandere, murder, cnc and etc. minors + those who are not comfortable are advised not to engage with the same. creamflix advises you to read the content warnings for each episode before interacting.
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EPISODE O1   —   B1TCH IN HEAT  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ino takuma
EPISODE O2   —   CATG1RLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE  !   —   featuring choso kamo & suguru geto
EPISODE O3   —   CARROT CRAVINGS  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & toji fushiguro
EPISODE O4   —   FOXxXY MAMMA  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna and shiu kong
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EPISODE O5   —   NURSE & STUDCO PRESIDENT  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE O6   —   ROYALTY & UNIVERSITY  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & choso kamo
EPISODE O7   —   BOUNTY HUNTER & FIREFIGHTER  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE O8   —   BURGULAR & BUSINESS  !   —   featuring ino takuma & nanami kento
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EPISODE O9   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 1O   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ryomen sukuna
EPISODE 11   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 12   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 13   —   SHOWER & ATTIC  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 14   —   PRISON CELL & ELEVATOR  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & nanami kento 
EPISODE 15   —   CUPBOARD & BATHROOM STALL  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 16   —   TRIAL & LOCKER ROOM  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 17   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 18   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ryomen sukuna
EPISODE 19   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 2O   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 21   —   DOG DAYS  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
EPISODE 22   —   CAT CALL  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & nanami kento 
EPISODE 23   —   FLAME GAME  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & suguru geto
EPISODE 24   —   WOLFISH DESIRES  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
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♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡ please have your age visible on your profile, or you will be blocked.
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
252 notes · View notes
creamflix · 2 days
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friends and fiends, welcome to a creamflix original — starring our favourite jujutsu kaisen men. since we are heavily understaffed at the moment, we have split kinktober into six factions, of which you can see below. keep in mind that all these pairings are seperate (see: content warnings per post ). redacted files will be revealed closer to the day
comment if you would like to be tagged for any of the pairings, or in general! stay safe…or not ;)
ⓘ the following content contains dark, unethical and nsfw themes, included but not limited to; dubcon, yandere, murder, cnc and etc. minors + those who are not comfortable are advised not to engage with the same. creamflix advises you to read the content warnings for each episode before interacting.
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EPISODE O1   —   B1TCH IN HEAT  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ino takuma
EPISODE O2   —   CATG1RLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE  !   —   featuring choso kamo & suguru geto
EPISODE O3   —   CARROT CRAVINGS  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & toji fushiguro
EPISODE O4   —   FOXxXY MAMMA  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna and shiu kong
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EPISODE O5   —   NURSE & STUDCO PRESIDENT  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE O6   —   ROYALTY & UNIVERSITY  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & choso kamo
EPISODE O7   —   BOUNTY HUNTER & FIREFIGHTER  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE O8   —   BURGULAR & BUSINESS  !   —   featuring ino takuma & nanami kento
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EPISODE O9   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 1O   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ryomen sukuna
EPISODE 11   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 12   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 13   —   SHOWER & ATTIC  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 14   —   PRISON CELL & ELEVATOR  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & nanami kento 
EPISODE 15   —   CUPBOARD & BATHROOM STALL  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 16   —   TRIAL & LOCKER ROOM  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 17   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & suguru geto
EPISODE 18   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring nanami kento & ryomen sukuna
EPISODE 19   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
EPISODE 2O   —   [REDACTED FILE]  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
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EPISODE 21   —   DOG DAYS  !   —   featuring choso kamo & ino takuma
EPISODE 22   —   CAT CALL  !   —   featuring gojo satoru & nanami kento 
EPISODE 23   —   FLAME GAME  !   —   featuring ryomen sukuna & suguru geto
EPISODE 24   —   WOLFISH DESIRES  !   —   featuring toji fushiguro & shiu kong
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♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡ please have your age visible on your profile, or you will be blocked.
produced by creamflix on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, modify, repost — support your writers by liking and reblogging. ♡ banners by cafekitsune
252 notes · View notes
creamflix · 2 days
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EPISODE 4 — FOXxXY MAMMA ! — featuring shiu kong (1.3k words) & ryomen sukuna (2.2k words) content warnings: reader wears fox ears, heavy predator/prey dynamics, backshots + unprotected sex, shibari, manhandling, marking, possessiveness, gagging + use of a gag, thigh humping, nebulophilia (aroused by smoke), brat taming, degradation + dirty talk + humiliation, cigarette play [please do not try this at home. this is for entertainment/fiction only], dom! sukuna, mean dom! shiu — kinktober masterlist ♰ general masterlist
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SHIU stares at you with a blank, tired expression, his eyes narrowing as he takes a slow drag from the cigarette dangling between his lips. 
his day has been long, stressful, and exhausting, and the last thing he wants is to play your games right now. but there you are, standing in front of him with those damn fox ears perched on your head, twitching like they’re part of some innocent little costume.
you know exactly what you’re doing, and so does he.
“you’ve really got some nerve,” shiu mutters, smoke curling from his lips as he leans back in his chair, his eyes flicking from your playful expression to those ridiculous fox ears. “after the day i’ve had, you think it’s smart to fuck with me?”
you tilt your head, letting the fox ears shift ever so slightly, your lips pulling into a teasing smile. you know he’s tired, that his patience is thin, but the thrill of seeing how far you can push him is too tempting. besides, you’ve always had a thing for the way shiu handles brats.
“what? you don’t like them?” you ask, your voice a mix of innocence and seduction, hands running over the soft ears. “i thought you’d appreciate a little distraction.”
his eyes darken, and for a second, the air shifts. shiu takes another drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke linger between you as he exhales, his lip curling in annoyance. “oh, you want to distract me, alright. wanna play?”
before you can even register the change in his mood, shiu’s hand shoots out, grabbing your wrist and yanking you down onto his lap. his movements are swift, the grip on your waist strong as he presses you down against him. you squirm slightly, feeling the hard outline of him beneath you, but his hand tightens around your hips, keeping you in place.
“you wanna be a brat, huh?” his voice is a low, dangerous growl, smoke curling from the cigarette still hanging between his lips. “think these little fox ears make you cute enough to get away with it?”
he grabs the plush fox ears, tugging at them roughly, almost knocking them off your head. the humiliation stings, your cheeks burning as the teasing element you thought would rile him up turns into something he’s using against you. his grip on the ears is rough, mocking, as if to remind you that in this game, you don’t have the upper hand.
"look at you," he sneers, his voice dripping with disdain. "you think wearing these stupid ears makes you special? like i’m gonna just roll over for some brat in a pair of cheap props?"
your heart races, the thrill of the situation mixing with the sharp edge of arousal as he yanks the ears again, your body jerking in response. you try to keep your composure, but the way his rough treatment affects you is undeniable. the heat between your legs is growing, pooling dangerously as you press down into his lap, trying to find some relief.
shiu notices, of course. his eyes drop to where your hips grind against him, and a slow, cruel smile spreads across his face. “oh, i see what’s going on here. you’re already getting off on this, aren’t you?”
before you can respond, he reaches for the gag — a strip of black leather he’s used before, one you know too well. without a word, he forces it between your lips, fastening it tightly behind your head. the humiliation is instant, the gag muffling any protest or response you might have as you stare up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
“there we go. much better.” he takes another slow drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke directly into your face. the scent of it fills your senses, making your head spin, and the arousal inside you intensifies. it’s sick, how much the smoke turns you on, how the scent of tobacco in the air makes your body tremble with desire.
"you’re such a filthy little slut, aren’t you?" shiu mutters, flicking the ashes from his cigarette onto the floor beside you. “getting wet from just a little smoke and rough treatment. i bet if i checked right now, i’d find you soaking, wouldn’t i?”
you try to shake your head, to deny it, but the gag prevents anything more than a muffled whimper. shiu’s hand moves between your legs, his fingers pressing down firmly against the fabric, feeling the wetness that’s already soaked through. his expression twists into one of pure amusement as he looks down at the growing stain on his pants.
“pathetic,” he mutters, pushing his fingers harder against you, making sure you feel every bit of the humiliation. “you’re so fucking wet, you’re ruining my pants. like some desperate little bitch in heat.”
your body jolts at his words, a muffled moan escaping the gag as you press harder against his hand, your arousal overwhelming your sense of shame. the degrading words only heighten the feeling, and you can’t help the way your hips grind down into his touch, seeking more.
“you’re disgusting,” shiu growls, his voice filled with mockery as he watches you. “but i guess that’s what you wanted, huh? to be treated like the filthy lil’ slut you are?”
he takes another drag from his cigarette, holding the smoke in his lungs before exhaling it slowly, letting it drift around you. the smoke hangs in the air, heavy and thick, and your body reacts almost instinctively, your hips jerking against him as the scent fills your senses.
shiu watches you with cold amusement, the cigarette hanging between his lips as he moves one hand to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “you’re getting off on this, aren’t you?” he asks, his voice low and cruel. “you like being gagged and humiliated, wearing those stupid ears while you grind all over me.”
before you can respond, he pulls the cigarette from his lips, holding the glowing tip dangerously close to your thigh. the heat radiates from it, and your heart races in anticipation, your body tensing as the sting of the burn brushes against your skin. shiu’s grin widens as he presses the cigarette down, the sharp burn making you jerk in his lap, your muffled cry filling the room.
“that’s what you get,” he sneers, watching the red mark bloom on your skin. “a little reminder of who’s in charge here.”
he stubs the cigarette out on your skin again, the burn sharper this time, the pain mingling with the overwhelming arousal that’s taken over your senses. the heat, the humiliation, the way shiu’s degrading words cut through you — it all pushes you further into the brink of submission.
“you love it,” he mutters, pressing down harder on your hips, forcing you to grind against him. “you love being treated like this. and look at those fucking ears, still on your head like a little fox in heat.”
his fingers curl around the fox ears, tugging them roughly as he forces your head down, making you look at the stain you’ve made on his pants. “see this?” he mocks, his voice dripping with condescension. “you’re so turned on, you’re soaking through everything. fucking pathetic.”
you squirm in his lap, the shame and arousal too much to handle as his degrading words wash over you. shiu’s hand tightens on your waist, his voice dropping to a low growl as he leans in close, his breath hot against your ear.
“you’ll take whatever i give you,” he murmurs, dragging the tip of the cigarette along your skin once more, the heat of it a constant reminder of his control. “because that’s what filthy little sluts like you are good for, aren’t you?”
you nod, your body trembling under his control, your arousal soaking through the fabric even more. the fox ears wobble on your head, a humiliating reminder of how far you’ve fallen, of how shiu’s tamed you completely. and as he leans back, a satisfied smirk tugging at his lips, he knows he’s broken you in exactly the way he wanted.
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the sprawling halls of SUKUNA's estate are eerily silent, save for the faint whisper of wind filtering through open windows. 
the place is ancient and grand, but there's something cold and unforgiving about it — the vastness, the shadows stretching unnaturally along the walls, and the sense of being utterly alone. 
well, not quite alone.
you feel his presence even when you can’t see him — that unsettling awareness that he’s close, always watching, always in control. the fox ears atop your head — a prop you jokingly suggested — now feel like they’re mocking you. the soft fur brushes against your skin as you move, trying to be quiet, but your footsteps still echo in the empty corridors. the estate is a maze, but no matter how far you run, you can’t shake the feeling that he’s just behind you, always closing in.
his voice breaks the silence, low and dripping with amusement. "where are you hiding, little fox?" his tone is mocking, predatory. "did you really think you could escape me?"
your heart races. 
the thrill of the chase sends adrenaline pumping through your veins, but there’s a flicker of panic too — you know deep down that there’s no real escape. darting through a narrow hallway, your breathing quickens as you glance over your shoulder. no sign of him, but you can feel him — his presence like a shadow, inevitable.
you slip into a side room, pressing yourself into a corner, hoping to disappear into the shadows. your breath is shallow, heart pounding in your chest as you try to still the frantic rise and fall of your chest. the ears on your head shift slightly with your movement, reminding you of the game you’re playing, the role you willingly stepped into.
then, a sound — a single, deliberate footstep. 
the door creaks open, and there he is, standing tall, framed by the doorway, his eyes gleaming with amusement. he leans against the frame casually, his arms crossed, that smug, predatory smirk on his face. the dim light catches on the sharp lines of his features, his gaze focused solely on you.
“found you.”
before you can react, you make a break for it, but he’s faster — so much faster. in a single movement, his hand shoots out, fingers wrapping around your wrist like iron. the other hand grabs at the fox ears on your head, yanking them playfully. his grip tightens, pulling you back against his solid chest, his breath hot against the side of your neck.
"you really thought you could get away?" he whispers, voice low, vibrating with dark amusement. he spins you around, pinning you roughly against the wall, his body towering over yours, completely engulfing you in his presence. his eyes gleam with satisfaction as he takes in your breathless, wide-eyed expression, the fox ears now askew, a reminder of the game you foolishly initiated.
he presses his lips to your ear, voice dripping with amusement and command. "now, let's make things interesting." from within the folds of his robes, he pulls out a long length of rope. the coarse texture brushes your skin as he lets it unfurl, his eyes never leaving yours, the smirk on his lips widening.
he makes no attempt to hide his anticipation as he begins. his hands move with precision, his movements deliberate as he drags the rope across your body, teasing you with the sensation. he starts by wrapping the rope tightly around your chest, forming a harness as he ties a diamond-shaped pattern across your torso, pulling the rope snug against your skin. his fingers work deftly, securing each knot with practiced ease, making sure it’s tight enough to restrict but not to hurt — yet.
as he moves, he steps back occasionally, admiring his work, enjoying the way your body reacts to the binding, the soft gasp that escapes your lips as the rope pulls taut around you. the friction of the fibers bites into your skin, not painful but enough to make you hyper-aware of every movement.
"stay still," he growls, his voice dropping lower, more commanding. "or i'll make it worse."
he brings your arms behind your back, securing them at the wrists with an intricate weave of rope, then binding them to the rope harness across your torso. the tension in the ropes pulls your shoulders back, leaving you exposed, vulnerable. his fingers trace along the ropes, tugging lightly, just enough to make you shift, the ropes digging deeper into your skin. he pulls the rope down, wrapping it around your thighs, the friction making you squirm, then ties your legs together at the knees and ankles with tight, controlled knots.
this isn’t just any binding — it’s the karada, the traditional body harness style of shibari. sukuna is precise, methodical, tying each knot with an air of control that feels like it’s been rehearsed a thousand times. the diamond patterns of the karada crisscross your body, the ropes creating a web that holds you completely at his mercy. you can feel the ropes pressing against every inch of your skin, restricting your movements without cutting off circulation— tight, secure, but not unbearable.
"perfect," he mutters, stepping back to admire his work. his eyes rake over your form, bound and helpless, the fox ears still perched atop your head, now a stark contrast to the elaborate ropework that encases your body. he circles you slowly, his gaze never leaving your face, savoring the way your chest rises and falls with each shallow breath.
"you look good like this," he murmurs, crouching down to meet your eyes, his voice a dark purr. his fingers trace the outline of the diamond pattern across your torso, tugging lightly at the ropes as he goes, making you gasp. "completely helpless. my little fox, all tied up."
his hand slides to your chin, tilting your face up to meet his intense gaze. "you wanted this, didn’t you?" his thumb brushes over your lips, a taunting, possessive gesture. "well, now you’re mine."
he stands, towering over you once more, his presence overwhelming as he looks down at you with that same smug, predatory grin. he tugs at the rope, pulling you to your feet despite the restraints, the tension of the ropes pulling at your skin with every movement. his fingers playfully tug at the fox ears once again, a reminder of the role you chose, of the hunt you started but never stood a chance of winning.
"the game’s over, little fox," he growls, his voice low and dripping with satisfaction as he pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "now it’s time for your reward."
with a firm tug on the ropes, sukuna drags you toward the center of the room. your movements are restricted, stumbling as the bindings hold your arms and legs tightly in place. the ropes dig into your skin with every step, heightening your awareness of your vulnerability, and the plush fox ears atop your head shift from the motion. they feel ridiculous, a contrast to the intensity of the situation, but sukuna’s gaze never strays far from them. they amuse him, like a symbol of your submission — his prey.
he pushes you down to your knees effortlessly, a dark chuckle rumbling from his chest as you kneel before him, bound and helpless. his fingers hook into the rope harness, pulling you closer until you’re practically pressed against his legs. he leans down, grasping the fluffy fox ears and tugging them playfully, his smirk widening at the way your body reacts to even the smallest touch. "still wearing these?" he taunts, voice low and mocking. "cute. you really wanted to play this part, didn’t you?"
you look up at him, heart pounding, breaths shallow. the feel of his grip on the ears, the pressure of the ropes, the looming presence of him towering above you — it all sends a surge of adrenaline through your veins. the thrill of being at his mercy, knowing you’re entirely in his hands, is undeniable. his predatory gaze scans your face, savoring the mix of fear and anticipation he reads there.
“look at you,” he growls, eyes dark and gleaming as he grabs your chin roughly, forcing you to meet his gaze. “such a good little fox, all tied up. do you understand now? you never stood a chance. i own you.”
he shifts, moving behind you in a fluid motion, yanking on the ropes with one hand to guide your body into position. sukuna is ruthless as he maneuvers you, pulling you down onto all fours, the tightness of the bindings holding your arms behind your back making it harder to balance. you’re bent over, exposed, vulnerable. your body trembles slightly with anticipation, and you feel the plush fox ears wobbling on top of your head — a constant reminder of the game you started.
he crouches over you, his massive form enveloping you completely, one hand gripping your waist while the other snakes around your neck, pulling you back against his chest. his lips brush your ear, hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "you wanted to be the prey?" he growls, voice a low rumble filled with dark satisfaction. "then i’ll take you like one."
without warning, he thrusts into you from behind, his movements forceful and unrelenting. there’s no gentleness, no hesitation — he takes you with the intensity of a predator claiming his prize. his hands grip your hips hard enough to bruise, holding you in place as he sets a punishing pace, each thrust powerful and precise, driving deep into you. your body jerks forward with every movement, but the ropes keep you restrained, unable to escape even if you wanted to.
"that’s it," he grunts, his voice filled with raw pleasure as he watches you squirm beneath him. “don’t run now, little fox. you asked for this.”
your gasps and moans fill the room, mixing with the sound of his rough breaths and the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin. every movement sends the fox ears wobbling slightly, catching his attention again. he laughs darkly, leaning forward to grab at the ears once more, tugging them back roughly as he pounds into you.
“look at you, with your cute little ears,” he taunts, his voice thick with amusement. “you thought you could play the fox? you thought you could escape me?”
his hand snakes around to press down on the plush ears, forcing your head down to the floor as he continues to fuck you from behind. the pressure makes the ears fold awkwardly, a symbol of your submission under him. "stay down," he growls, voice dripping with dominance. "this is where you belong — under me."
every time your body clenches around him, his smirk widens. he leans over you, sinking his teeth into the back of your neck, marking you with the force of a predator claiming his prey. the bite is sharp, possessive, and he doesn’t let up, holding your skin between his teeth long enough to leave an imprint. the growl in his throat vibrates through you as he pulls back, admiring the mark he’s left.
“mine,” he growls, his voice thick with satisfaction, pressing a hand into the small of your back, forcing you down harder. “you’re mine, little fox. no one else gets to touch you like this.”
sukuna’s grip on the fox ears is relentless, pulling and twisting them, reminding you of the game you started. but there’s no denying it anymore — this isn’t a game to him. this is a hunt, and you’re his prey, caught and claimed.
“i’m going to break you,” he mutters darkly, his voice a low, dangerous whisper against your skin. “i’ll make sure you never forget who you belong to.”
his pace quickens, merciless now, each thrust driving you further into submission. your body is on fire, every nerve alive under his brutal touch. his hand slides down your side, fingers digging into the ropes that bind you, tugging them just enough to make the tension bite harder against your skin.
“tell me,” he growls, his voice harsh and commanding. “who do you belong to?”
you can barely form the words, gasping for breath, but he waits — his grip tightening, his hips slamming into you relentlessly until you finally stammer out the answer he’s waiting for.
“y-you… sukuna, i — i belong to you.”
his smirk widens, his hand sliding up to grab the back of your head, pushing your face harder into the floor, his dominance palpable in every movement. "good girl," he purrs, his tone dripping with satisfaction. “my little fox. always mine.”
his pace becomes erratic, his growls deeper as he revels in your submission, the way your body trembles beneath him, the way the ropes keep you completely at his mercy. with a final, punishing thrust, he holds you in place, his fingers digging into your skin, his breath ragged as he cums inside you, the tension in the room hanging heavy. the fox ears atop your head, now askew and slightly crushed from his rough handling, are a reminder of how he’s tamed you. he stands, his breath still coming in heavy, satisfied with his conquest. he looks down at you, still bound, still trembling, and a sadistic chuckle escapes his lips.
"tamed at last," he murmurs, bending down to grab the ears one last time, giving them a playful tug. “but i’m not done with you yet, little fox. not even close."
coming up next . . . studco president & nurse roleplay ! starring gojo satoru & geto suguru ♰ — comment to be added to taglist ♡
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creamflix · 2 days
oh my GOSH,, your kinktober is literally the highlight of my month!! the way you write each of the characters is just *chef’s kiss* PERFECT! sending you so many kisses and hugs, bb! ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚
i'm so glad you liked them !! comments like these make all the hours i put into it worthwhile ☺️⭐ i can't wait for you to read tomorrow's sukuna & shiu fic <3 thank you for your support!
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