#I wrote this instead of practicing the speech I’m giving tomorrow
fuchsiafellbeast · 4 years
Minecraft Manhunt Music Analysis
AKA Why Dream’s pacing and music choice in the Manhunt videos is so effective
Buckle up lads this is a long ramble. 
So I’m sitting here thinking about minecraft manhunt in light of Dream’s new manhunt analysis video, and I was thinking about what makes these manhunts so excellent to watch. There are so many factors, and maybe I’ll dive into those on another day, but I was thinking a lot about Dream’s pacing and music choices in making these Manhunt videos. 
For one, Dream’s editing skills are really good. He knows what clips to leave in and what to take out to optimize the pacing of the end product video (and I feel like the extra scenes videos really show that. A lot of those extra cut scenes are funny and neat to watch, but Dream really knows what he’s doing when he leaves out the comparatively irrelevant scenes that don’t show something the audience needs to see to understand what’s going on). 
The pacing of his videos is very well done, with the way he intersperses the heart-stopping chase scenes with more chill sections of gathering resources and playfully bantering. And this brings me to my next point. The music slaps. Dream has mentioned that he gets a lot of his music from Audio Blocks, which has a small subscription fee ($10/month for access to all the music). I feel like this fact alone makes his songs stand out far more, since most youtubers when they start out (or even if they’ve been in the game for a while) use the same batch of free-to-use songs (particularly those from composer Kevin MacLeod). More people use songs that are free to access as opposed to songs they have to pay for, which makes total sense, especially given that smaller channels might not be able to or want to afford the cost of paying for rights to use music. 
I’m not faulting many youtubers (especially beginners) for using these free songs (in fact I think it’s extremely excellent that they have access to these resources, even if it results in many youtube videos sounding the same, and Kevin MacLeod is an angel), but I do find it interesting that by using a paid service, Dream is using music that is used less frequently in the youtube landscape, and it makes his videos stand out even more.
The music really adds to the atmosphere. Music is important in general for youtube videos (as it minimizes the so-called “dead air” that can make stretches of silence awkward), but Dream takes it even further with the particular songs he chooses for his manhunt videos.
One example is in the scenes where he’s gathering resources, like when he’s shaken off the hunters and is going around the nether looking for blaze rods and trading with piglins. For the most part he’s safe in these scenes — he’s not being chased, but he still can’t let his guard down. He’s like an antelope in the savannah — trying to achieve his own goals while always remaining on the lookout for lions in the grass. Listen to the song Dark Electronic Cinematic 01 by Denis Kotenko and you’ll get the vibes of the scenes I’m talking about. These scenes are a good breath of fresh air after the chase scenes that often come before, but despite the relative safety, they still have an ambience of wariness to them. 
Or I particularly love the song Action Preparation by Jason Donnelly and Dream’s use of it in scenes of escalating tension. This song has a very shaky and wobbly tone to the melody, like when your voice trembles when you’re anxious. The faster-paced light percussion in the song also makes you feel like you need to hurry, lest whatever the shaky melody is worried about will catch up to you. The song is really good for establishing an uncertainty in the outcome of a scene. Dream uses this to great effect in the Minecraft Manhunt three hunters Grand Finale Rematch during that scene where Dream uses the boats to cross the lava lake. This song is used to great effect to heighten the tension of the scene, ramping up in volume as the hunters draw closer, until it cuts out at the peak of the scene’s tension, when Dream’s plan succeeds to his amusement and the hunters’ shock. The tension surrounding whether dream will be cornered and die to the hunters is reflected in the shaky and uncertain this song, and by the song fading, the tension and worry that Dream will die also fades, replaced by our astonishment at his stunt. 
Clock is Ticking by Benny Hawes is another great song in the manhunt videos, and it’s used to great effect in scenes with more of a trickster subterfuge vibe. This song starts playing and you know some jacknapery’s about to go down. The first example that comes to mind for me is about 9 minutes into the Minecraft manhunt 3 hunters Grand Finale Rematch. In that scene, Dream is trying to smelt iron so he can mine the diamonds before the hunters catch up to him. The tension in the scene is escalating, the music has the vibes of the notes slowly yet urgently creeping in, which reflects the fact that the hunters are gradually closing in on Dream and that time is of the essence. He ends up having to “leave” the diamonds behind so that he can escape, but true to the tricksy nature of the song itself, Dream ends up tricking them by losing the hunters for just long enough so he can loop around the cave and come back for the diamonds. This song is great for scenes that are heart pounding, but still have that light-heartedness that comes with good ol’ fashioned trickery. 
These are just a few examples of the songs Dream uses and why I personally think Dream’s use of them is particularly effective. It’s been consuming my thoughts all afternoon and I thought I’d share. 
I’ll add more analysis on this or on minecraft manhunts if anyone’s interested. I think about these videos a lot and I like writing papers for fun. 
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starlitangels · 3 years
Big thank-you to the ever-amazing @floofdeloop for the inspiration! 1k words (short, sweet, to the point. Angst born from dramatic irony. Enjoy!) Inversion spoilers??? Technically this takes place before the Inversion but the dramatic irony is only dramatic irony if you’ve watched Inversion... still, even though I wrote this on Feb 2, it got thrown in the queue and even Aftershock is over by now so I don’t think I need to tag spoilers anymore...
“Lovely, we can’t just go home,” Vincent said. “You medalled!”
“So, we have to stay for the rest of the events to see you stand up on the stage for the closing ceremonies. They’ll present you with an actual medal. Which means we have to stay. You can’t just leave and be the only medalist not to show up.”
“You expect me to stand up there in front of thousands of people in this uniform just for some admin to put a disc on a ribbon around my neck? I’m tired, Vincent! Pleeease can we just go hooome?”
Vincent took my hand in both of his. “Lovely, look at me. This is important. You should be proud of yourself. You’re in your first year, and you medalled. That’s damn near unheard of, even in Energetic categories. Right, Sam?” Vincent looked over his shoulder at where Sam was pretending not to pay attention to our conversation in lieu of looking at his phone.
He glanced up. “Uh-huh. Even for raw power, it takes a lot of practice to externalize,” he said.
Vincent pointed. “See? You did a great job! You have to stay so they can honor you.”
“But... I might get gold next year,” I said. “That would be worth staying for the medal.”
“This year is worth it too. Please, baby. You’ll enjoy it a lot more than you think. And, if you don’t, you can drive to go get dessert when we get home. Both there and back.”
I raised my eyebrows. “That’s bold. I’m going to hold you to that.”
Vincent gathered me into a hug. “I know you will. I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t mean it, though. I really do think this will be important for you.” He kissed my head. “You don’t have to say anything—it’s not like you’re giving a speech. All you have to do is stand there, looking amazing like you always do, and let them put a fancy-ass necklace around your neck while you smile and wave at me from the stage. That’s all. There’s no pressure. The hardest part is already done. You already showed these people that you’re one of the most powerful Electro Energetics in the country. Now you get to be rewarded for it.”
“The best reward would be going home and taking a nap,” I said.
“Come on, lovely, what’s the worst that could happen? Really? You trip on your toes while climbing on the stage? No one will care tomorrow. All that matters is that you’ll have a pretty decoration to put in our room.”
I sighed. “Fine. I’ll do the stupid closing ceremony,” I muttered.
Vincent laughed. “Good. Today’s a day to be proud.” He kissed my forehead again. “So. Let’s sit and watch the rest of the events before it’s time for you to go. It won’t be nearly as exciting as your performance, but it’ll pass the time.” He squeezed me and took me over to the seats in the vampire viewing box. I sat beside him—deciding to be polite given Sam was still present and pretending not to listen—instead of sitting in his lap.
Near the end of the last event, it was time for me to go backstage to be escorted to the stage for the closing ceremonies. I fidgeted, not wanting to leave, but not wanting to disappoint Vincent either by preferring to stay with him, rather than being presented on stage.
“It’s going to be fine, baby,” Vincent said gently, noticing my hesitation. “It’s not like the sky is going to come crashing down. What’s the worst that could happen?”
I sucked in a deep breath. “You’re right. It’ll be fine.” I squared my shoulders and accepted Vincent’s kiss. “I’ll see you in a couple hours. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
With that, I marched out of the box.
Vincent watched them go. His partner. His lovely. His bolt of lightning.
He chewed on the inside of his cheek, staring at where the door to the box shut.
“What’s on your mind, Vincent?” Sam asked, finally looking up from his phone.
“Who says there’s something?” Vincent retorted.
Sam scoffed. “I’ve known you for thirteen years. I can tell when somethin’s troublin’ you.”
“I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong. Just worried. Because they’re nervous about the ceremony.”
“Alright. If you’re sure.”
Vincent knew Sam didn’t believe him, but had decided this wasn’t a battle he wanted to fight.
In truth, Vincent was thinking about his future. Well, his and his partner’s future together. Mentioning that next year they might win gold had been weighing on him for the last couple hours. On the one hand, he wanted them to enjoy their powers for as long as possible. On the other... his partner was mortal. He wasn’t. They would age. He wouldn’t. They would out-mature him fast. He’d stopped mentally aging in his early twenties. Hell, they probably already were more mature than him.
Neither of them talked about it much. How their future would have to take shape the closer it got. They both avoided talking about it. He knew his partner loved their powers. But... if they were turned sooner rather than later, they might not be as... attached to their powers. It wouldn’t feel like as much of a loss. Maybe.
If they even wanted to be turned. But both of them knew if they wanted to be together—forever—then eventually he’d need to turn them. Neither of them ever mentioned it, though.
We have time, Vincent thought, trying to soothe his racing mind. Maybe next year, after they’ve won gold in max amperage and maybe even medalled in freestyle performance, we can talk about it again. He chewed on the inside of his cheek again, feeling more satisfied than he had before.
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tteokggukk · 4 years
all an act → ksj
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✳ pairing: acting major! seokjin x acting major reader, basically they’re both acting majors
✳ genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, college au
✳ warnings: swearing, copulation is implied (not written), just PG-13
✳ words: 10.6k
✳ a/n: I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE i’ve had this idea on my mind longer than my published stuff so far. i also didn’t think this would even reach 10k+ words, i initially thought it’d only be ~5k but my hand kept slipping and slipping and 10k happened. anyways, enjoy reading! and again, if you’d like to send some comments (esp on things i can do to improve), don’t hesitate to comment or send an ask!
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"How many years is it gonna take for you to finish writing a sentence?" You sighed and began tapping on your foot. You were sitting in one of tables outside to finish a short paper about a film your professor tasked you to watch with a partner. Normally you were fine working with anyone, and even if it was individual work you'd have no problem getting it done in no time. However, today was different. You almost wanted to tear your hair out and scream for as long as you could until this was all over.
You didn't expect Kim Seokjin to be your partner this time.
"When you stop acting like a priss, that's when," Seokjin rolled his eyes as he typed out the remaining sentences of your "collaborative" effort. You wouldn't even call it collaborative unless it meant having to argue about several different points of a story just to piece a whole paper together. You rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue, muttering a "Looks who's talking," underneath your breath.
For the whole year you survived not being partners with him and you thought you'd be able to get away with it, until your professor stopped allowing people to choose partners and started assigning them instead. You desperately hoped this was the last time you'd ever be partnered with someone you loathed.
You were both acting majors and were well known as two of the most top performing students in your batch, but you never got along well. When you respectfully asked your professor why he paired you with him in hopes of trying to get out of it, he started talking to you about both of your “potentials” and “how much better it'd be for the two of you to work together”.
"Here. I'm done," he pushes your laptop away from him and towards you, "Can I leave?"
"We still have to print and pass this," you told him through gritted teeth.
"And you need me for that? Wow, I'm almost flattered," He snickers before standing up and grabbing his bag.
"I'm so glad you aren't."
Slamming your laptop shut, you trudged ahead to the library to have the paper printed, moving slightly faster to avoid having to talk to (or argue with) Seokjin. You didn't have the energy to keep bickering, you were just glad this paper was over and you'd never have to talk to each other again.
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You stood next to Seokjin, making sure there was distance between you two as your professor, Mr. Brown, began silently reading your work.
So far so good, he was nodding and smiling as he mouthed the words on the paper, making only a few marks on every other page. 
All you needed to do was wait for him to announce your grade and you could both go your separate ways. Why couldn't time move any faster? You began counting the seconds to save yourself from boredom, but also to keep your eyes away from your partner.
"Wow, this is…" Mr. Brown spoke, breaking the silence.
"Yes?" You and Seokjin both asked in unison before glaring at each other for a millisecond.
"Unexpected," Mr. Brown says as he places your paper in front of you.
"Sir?" Your right eye narrows as you call in confusion. What does he mean?
"Unexpected. I thought for sure bringing you two together would produce a well-thought paper, but… this is terrible."
You felt your heart sink. No one has ever called your paper terrible. In fact, most of your papers almost always had good comments and praises and perfect marks, how could this have happened? You even made sure to check everything thrice before finalizing everything.
"What?" Seokjin exclaimed, "What do you mean our paper's terrible?"
"It lacks unity. Your opposing ideas are all over the place, I can tell you tried to link them, but you failed at it," Mr. Brown sighs in disappointment before taking his glasses off to breathe deeply, "You're aware of how many points this paper is, yes?"
"Yes," you and Seokjin spoke nervously.
"And you know only one submission is allowed, yes?"
"Yes," you both answered.
"You know where I'm getting at, right?"
You swallow nervously before speaking up, "Sir, can't we revise it and pass it again? We'll just tweak some of the—"
"I'm afraid you can't. You know the rules very well, Ms. Y/L/N," Mr. Brown shook his head. You sighed, feeling defeated.
"You both clearly have problems working together. Teamwork is part of the criteria, you know," Mr. Brown stood up to sit on the edge of his desk, "You're both our top performing students. I can understand how much your grades mean to you, but did you not consider how your differences could affect your output?"
"Is there any way we can get some extra credit to make up for this paper?" Seokjin asks. You felt a little relieved at his question as you were already feeling too nervous to ask any more.
Mr. Brown looked around in thought, "Well, there is a way I suppose. Some of the upperclassmen under my class are creating a short film and they need extra actors for their project. If you'd like to help them out, I'll give your paper full marks and add some extra points to your other outputs. It might be too taxing for you though."
"No! It's alright, could you give us their names so we can talk to them?" You asked. Mr. Brown nodded and began writing something down on a piece of paper before handing it over to you.
"I wish you two the best of luck. And please try to get along." Mr. Brown says before you and Seokjin excuse yourselves out of the room.
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"What do you know? Even our papers show we don’t work together well," Seokjin mutters as you two rushed to find those seniors you needed to work with, "I could've passed if I just had the right partner."
"You're blaming me?" You couldn't believe it, the audacity, "I would've gotten perfect marks even if I wrote that paper with my eyes closed."
Seokjin laughs, "Yeah, okay. You might not have even gotten any marks if you weren't with me."
"You know, my expectations for you were low, but holy fuck," You snickered, "This is the first time I've ever gotten a comment like that on an output. I don't think you being my partner this time around was a coincidence.”
"Oh yeah? If you had just agreed to add my opinion on—"
Just as Seokjin began leaning in to you to defend his ideas, you turned around to face him, abruptly stopping his speech, "Could you just shut up and walk while we look for the guy on this paper?" Your blood was boiling at the sound of his voice, all you wanted to do was get this over with.
The two of you continued searching rooms with Seokjin following behind until you reached the room with the door number your professor had written down. You stared at the piece of paper and looked at the door, hesitating to knock.
"Give me that," Seokjin took the paper from your hand and quickly knocked before letting himself in as you followed.
"Hello, is Oliver Beck here?" Seokjin asked and everyone around stared, making you feel a bit uncomfortable. A guy with long hair wearing a plaid shirt came forward, "That's me, what is it?"
"Hi, we're students from Mr. Brown's class and we were wondering if we could participate as extras in your short film? He says we need the extra credit," Seokjin explained.
Oliver looks confused. "Extras? We've already got that covered," he says, "We need main actors."
"Main actors?" You asked.
"Yeah, no one has agreed to do it yet, but we've already asked some to—"
"We'll do it," Seokjin cuts him off, causing Oliver to raise his brows in surprise.
"You will?"
"Yeah, we really need the credit."
"Are you sure? You haven't seen the script yet," Oliver asks hesitantly.
"Positive. We'll do our best," You spoke.
"Er— alright then, follow me," Oliver motioned for the two of you to walk along. You and Seokjin couldn't help but send each other mutual confused expressions.
Neither of you knew what you were getting into. How bad could the film be that no one has agreed to do it?
Oliver pulls out two copies of what seemed to be scripts from his bag and hands them to the two of you, "Here. It's pretty short, so it shouldn't take long to memorize."
The script wasn't as thick as you thought it would be, so you decide to flip through pages to see what some of the scenes were like. Seokjin just stares at the title on the front page.
"I don't mean to pressure you but we start filming next month, so I'd start practicing if I were you," Oliver announces, "Anyways, I'd better get back to my friends. Send me your numbers so I can contact you guys for details."
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After exchanging names and numbers with Oliver and a few of his group mates for the project, you and Seokjin finally left the room.
"Why do you think no one agreed to film with them?" Seokjin asks. You didn't exactly think you were both on friendly-conversation-terms, but the same question did linger in your mind.
"I don't know. Why? Are you backing out?" You asked mockingly.
"If there's anyone between us who'd back out from this, I'm pretty damn sure it wouldn't be me," He scoffs.
"You know, if we had just done that paper properly we wouldn't be stuck here doing some film that I don't even know," You sighed angrily.
"God, get over it. You should be glad you're even part of this extra credit thing. Technically I was the one who asked about it," Seokjin grunts.
"I am so close to taking this script and stabbing you with it," You glared at him.
Before you two parted ways, you both agreed to meet tomorrow at an empty rehearsal room to practice some of the scenes. You didn't know how this was even going to work, you blamed the whole thing on the paper even though you knew it was both your faults. How would starring in a film make up for everything if your paper couldn't even save you both?
You hung around in your dorm for the rest of the day to read through the script. A few hours later, Courtney, your best friend and roommate, arrived.
"I got your texts," she said a little too loudly as she entered, "Seriously? You're filming with Kim Seokjin?"
You let out a groan as you fell back on your bed with the script covering your face, "Ugh, I know! Can you believe my luck?"
"You know if any other girl had the chance, they'd thank all the gods right about now," Courtney laughed as she lied down on your bed, "I'm sorry about your paper though."
She was right. Seokjin was incredibly liked by everyone. He was the kind of person that exuded this welcoming aura, like you could easily be friends with him. Even people from other classes knew him. He always had that bright smile when it came to others. It was just different with you.
"It's fine. I didn't think our hate for each other would be reflected on our paper," you sighed, "And now I have to meet him tomorrow just to practice, ugh."
"You're meeting tomorrow?" Courtney raises a brow. You nod disappointingly.
"Well," Courtney sighed in annoyance, "Make sure he even gets there. If he stands you up again, I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of—"
You laughed, "Please, Court. He'll have to come this time. He's the one who got us into this."
"Yeah he'd better. Listen, call me immediately if he doesn't, okay? Wouldn’t hurt to give him a piece of my mind."
Ranting about Seokjin left you feeling ravenous, and it didn’t take long before you two decided to leave the room to grab some food from the cafeteria and talk about your day. When you both got back, you headed for bed and began reading the script, mouthing some of the lines to familiarize yourself with everything. 
Not even a few pages later and you felt your mind wandering off as your eyes rolled back, feeling yourself drift away with the script falling off your bed as you fell into a deep sleep.
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Seokjin was a few minutes late in the rehearsal room but you decided to let it slide since you two had to be on good terms to make this practice work. Based on what you've read so far; the story was about friends who've had feelings for each other for so long but couldn't do anything about it in fear of ruining their friendship. Generic, you thought.
"I'd say sorry for being late, but it's only you waiting," Seokjin says as he enters the room and drops his bag on the floor.
"I'd say no problem, I didn't wait long, but you're an imbecile that probably made me wait on purpose," You faked a smile before quickly turning back to a stern expression, "Did you read the script?"
"Just halfway," He says and pulls his copy of the script out from his bag, "Did you?"
"Same," you muttered, "So, let's start with the first scene?"
For the first thirty minutes you two had agreed to sit down and rehearse your lines. You were both good at reciting the dialogues, it almost seemed like you were professionals. You thought there wouldn't be any problems when it came to actually acting out the scenes until you both finally had to practice with delivery, you both sucked.
"What is so hard about not being stiff?" Seokjin exclaims.
"I am not stiff! You're just not moving that close to me!" You retorted, crossing your arms in defense.
"You know what? We've been going at this scene for an hour now and nothing looks right," Seokjin sighs.
"Of course nothing looks right, it's our first time practicing together. I've literally never done a scene with you before," You sat down on the floor and ran your fingers through your hair.
You'd think two top performing students would have a piece of cake acting out simple scenes with perfect chemistry, but you and Seokjin were far from it.
"We've never been partners before?" He asks, sitting down in front of you.
"No, never. And I honestly thought it'd stay that way," You grumbled.
"God, you talk as if this was my fault," Seokjin glares at you, "If we were the last people on Earth and had to do that paper again, I hope you know I'd rather choose a monkey than work with you."
"Why? Because great minds think alike?" You fought back.
"It's a well-known fact those animals have bigger brains than you do."
I swear to God, hold me back or I am gonna hurt him so bad.
"Why don't we just practice reading the lines and act them out tomorrow?" You suggested politely with a smile that was so painfully forced. 
And so that was what you did for the next two hours, only rehearsing the first half of the film. That was what you did for the next two days, but the problem was though you two did sound great in dialogue, your act wasn't close to it.
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Jin had a secret.
He's been keeping it for months now, and only his best friend, Yoongi, knew about it.
He didn't actually know why you two hated each other so much. He had no idea why you hated him at all. He just started going along with it until it became a habitual thing, but as to why this all started he had absolutely no clue.
"She's nice to me," Yoongi spoke as he shoved another potato in his mouth.
"She's nice to everyone," Jin added.
"Everyone but you," Yoongi laughed.
"I think the reason why you two can't get your scenes right is because you act like you hate each other," Yoongi told Jin as they ate their lunch, "Why don't you just ask her why she hates you so much?"
"I can't, she thinks I have a reason. It wouldn't make sense if I asked her," Jin shrugged, "It's kinda fun though, bickering with her. I just don't understand why."
Yoongi raised a brow, "Fun? Hold on, you're not…"
"It's not whatever you're thinking," Jin rolled his eyes, earning him a smirk from Yoongi.
"Right," Yoongi spoke, "What are you gonna do about your practice? Hasn't it been like, two weeks?"
"Yeah, and we're nowhere near done," Jin sighs, "Speaking of which, I have to go meet her now."
"Sounds like a date," Yoongi teased.
"I will hit you with this script," Jin warns him before taking his bag and muttering goodbye.
He hurriedly walked to the rehearsal room and checked his watch, he was late again today. Jin was sure he'd earn another lecture from you and how he lacked punctuality and that they'd never get anything done if he never arrived on time. Today he brought ear plugs, and before walking in he made sure to put them on before entering the room.
There was no noise.
It took him a minute to find you lying down on the floor on the side of the room, using your bag as a pillow. You were sleeping soundly as you clutched your script in your hand with earphones plugged in.
Jin closed the door behind him and quietly sat down in front of you. He watched as you slept peacefully, hair strands falling on your face.
You're pretty, Jin thought. You always have been attractive to him, and kind to others-- but it was always a different case when it came your relationship with him, or lack thereof. Without thinking, he found himself reaching out for your face, tucking the strands of hair behind your ear.
You opened your eyes and saw Jin sitting in front of you, his hand close to your face. His eyes widen and he quickly moves back, his ears turning red.
"What are you doing?" You asked, pulling your earphones out of your ears.
What was he doing? You hated each other. Was he not thinking straight for a moment just because you looked so peaceful and harmless while you slept? Was he forgetting how much you hated his guts?
"There was a bug," he lied and quickly stood up, shyly turning away from you.
That was odd. I could've sworn…
"Okaaay," You spoke awkwardly and stood up, rubbing your eyes to get rid of any eye crusts that may have formed while you were sleeping, "Whatever, let's practice."
You had to admit though, your practices were getting better. There was less banter and more productive work and you couldn't help but feel like a huge weight off your chest has just been lifted. Oddly enough, there were less insults coming from both sides and subtler, masked compliments.
"You know for a monkey, you're doing pretty well," Seokjin teased, causing you to roll your eyes but smile anyway.
"You can just say I'm talented, don't be shy," you joked, making him chuckle a bit.
It was awkward though, being "nice" to each other. With Seokjin, you were more used to insults and arguments rather than trying hard at compliments. At the same time, it felt kind of nice to know that it was possible to have more to your "relationship" rather than constantly fighting.
By the time you two had finished practicing, it was already dark out. You both sat on the floor for a good ten minutes before standing up and deciding to leave.
"Hey, Monkey, it's dark outside," Seokjin spoke, breaking the silence between you two.
"Yeah, I know," you replied. You were already used to going home alone in the dark, so you figured him trying to scare you wouldn't make any difference.
"How far is your dorm?" He asks.
"It's a twenty-minute walk, I guess," You tried not to sound surprised at his question, "Why?"
"Come on," he says and opens the door, "I'll walk you home." Seokjin turned all the lights off now, which thankfully hid his ears that were now red.
Your eyebrows were raised in shock as you stood there wondering if you heard him right.
"What are you doing standing there? Hurry up!" He called.
You stared in disbelief as you walked towards him, silently analyzing what food he must’ve had before practice that messed with his brain and made him nice all of a sudden. He closes the door behind you two and you both start walking.
It was silent. And awkward. And you were confused. Why was he suddenly being so nice? It felt so… weird.
"Are you sick?" You asked.
"No?" He looks at you, confused, "Why?"
"You're being nice," You said, a little too quietly.
"If something happened to you people would blame me because I was with you last," he explained quickly, "Plus, there are many animal abusers on the loose—"
"Oh, shut up, forget it," you shoved him lightly, holding back a smile as Seokjin laughed.
And then there was silence again.
"How do you wanna go about the last scene?" Seokjin asks out of nowhere.
The last scene? Oh, that scene.
It was your turn to turn pink now as you avoided trying to sound like the question bothered you. You tried your best to sound nonchalant as you answered.
"I don't know, just go with the flow, I guess…" you told him.
"When do you wanna practice?" He asks, sounding casual.
"Whenever you're ready," You muttered. Am I even ready?
When you finally got to your dorm, you contemplated whether or not you would say bye to him. While silently debating with yourself on what you should do as you stepped on the stairs leading to your building door, Seokjin beat you to whatever decision you might've made.
"I'll see you Monday, Monkey," Seokjin said, stopping in front of the first step.
"Thanks for walking with me, see ya," you said in a voice that sounded more monotone than you wanted it to be. Neither of you said anything else so you went ahead and walked in. Seokjin watched and finally left when you were no longer in sight.
The way he was acting today bothered you. Not in a bad way, you just didn't understand why he was being that way. Had something changed?
Once you entered your dorm room, you tried to fix your face into a normal one as you pushed your thoughts aside. Courtney immediately rushed over to you to ask you questions.
"You don't usually come home after dark, what took you so long?" She asked.
"I practiced with Seokjin, remember?" You spoke, carefully avoiding eye contact as you placed your bag on your chair.
"For this long?" She asks suspiciously.
"Yeah, we finally got some scenes right," you turned to face her as you plopped yourself onto your bed.
"About time," she sat on her chair, "Hey, will you go out with me tomorrow?"
"Ooooh, are you asking me out on a date?" You teased as Courtney rolled her eyes with a smile. 
"No, at least not with me," she grins.
"Huh?" You asked, squinting one eye.
"Micara set me up on a blind date with someone on campus. Apparently they're bringing a friend so now it's a double blind date," she sighs.
"You agreed on a blind date? That's so sketchy," you commented, earning yourself a look from Courtney.
"Yeah, yeah, it's sketchy. I just did it for fun, Micara says he's really cute. I don't know about the friend, though."
"Cute is subjective."
"You have to come with me," Courtney pleads with puppy dog eyes.
"Courtney! No, ask someone else," you tried to shake your hand away from Courtney who was now holding onto your arm.
"It's gonna be so weird if I hang out with the two of them!"
"Well, that's what you get for saying yes to blind dates."
"Please! What if they actually are weirdos who want to take advantage of me?" She pouts. That did make you think twice. A smile begins to creep up on Courntey's lips, knowing you were about to say yes.
"You're lucky I love you," You sighed.
"Yes! Thank you so much, y/n," She pulls you in for a tight hug, "You won't regret coming with me."
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The next time you saw Seokjin wasn't on Monday.
You saw him the next day. On the double date. In a movie theater. 
Your heart nearly stopped.
At first you thought Courtney's date came alone and you almost made an excuse to leave, until Seokjin came carrying two bags of popcorn with him, almost dropping them when he saw you standing there.
"Monkey? What are you doing here?" Seokjin asked in shock.
"Do you two know each other?" Josh, Courtney's date, asks while taking one bag of popcorn.
"They hate each other," Courtney whispers to her date.
"You’re the friend?" You asked out loud.
"Before you two come for each other's necks, why don't we fall in line for the movie?" Courtney anxiously smiles as she and Josh begin to walk away to line up, leaving you and Seokjin staring at each other. The whole situation reminded you of that Spiderman meme.
Seokjin sighs and walks closer to you, "Guess I'm gonna have to stay with you."
"No one's forcing you to," you told him.
"Do you want me to leave then?" He challenges.
"I never asked you to come!" Your voice slightly raises in defense.
"Great, then!"
But neither of you moved from where you stood. You just stared at each other, arms folded while Seokjin clutched onto the bag of popcorn. Finally, you let out a deep breath.
"I can't leave my friend," You spoke.
"So can I," He says, "Let's just fall in line."
Courtney and Josh were so far ahead now you could barely see their faces from where you were. Seokjin stood behind you in the line. Neither of you said anything.
There was a group of guys standing in front of you talking loudly to themselves. Suddenly you notice their voices turn down and they began whispering among themselves. You could've sworn you caught them stealing glances at you. The guy in front of you turns around to face you. You raise a brow.
"Hi, I'm Max," he introduces, "I couldn't help but notice you."
Well, duh. I'm right behind you.
"Oh, hello Max," You forced a polite smile.
"These are my friends," he motions at the group of guys behind him and they all wave, "You should join us."
Does he not know the tickets have assigned seats? Embarrassing.
"No, I really shouldn't," you tried to sound as friendly as possible to avoid any trouble, but the guy was persistent and he was beginning to annoy you.
"It's alright, we don't bite. Are you alone?" He asks, slowly moving closer while you tried to move back. This guy was extremely creepy.
"She said no. Fuck off," You heard Seokjin speak up from behind you, his voice much deeper and more intimidating causing chills to run down your spine. It was different from the way he spoke to you whenever you would banter.
"I was talking to her, who even are you?" Max says rudely and glares at Seokjin.
"I'm the guy she came with. What's your deal?" Seokjin moves forward and places his hand on your shoulder to subtly move you away from the guy.
"Oh, yeah? I never saw you talking to her," Max challenges.
"I think she already said no once. How many times does she have to decline before you understand that no means no?" Seokjin crosses his arms. He was much taller than the creepy guy, who was obviously starting to become intimidated by him.
"Dude, back the fuck off. We were here first," Max spits. They were so close, you almost thought a fight was about to happen.
"Do you realize how stupid you sound?" Seokjin frowns. That was enough. People were beginning to stare so you held onto Seokjin's arm, "Seokjin, it's fine. Just stop talking to him."
"No, this guy is extremely disrespectful and creepy!" Seokjin's voice was a little too loud now, "You don't get to force girls you don't even know to stick with you and your friends. That is so close to predatory behavior," he points at the guy and people start backing away from him and his friends.
"She already said no once, you shouldn't try to peer pressure her into coming with you!" Seokjin says, "And she's not alone," he grabs your hand, taking you by surprise, "She came with me. Now screw off before I call security."
Max, along with his friends, were evidently scared of Seokjin now as they all glared at him and left. Your heart was beating fast from anticipating the worst out of the scenario, but Seokjin handled it pretty well. You were too shy to admit it, but he saved your ass today.
The two of you watched as the group of guys left, his hand still clutching onto yours. When they were gone, he looked down at you, "Are you okay?" He asks, concern evident in his voice.
You were at a loss for words. He defended you, and he's still holding onto your hand really right. This was the first time you've ever seen him truly concerned about you. You'd like to think you could've defended yourself as well, but the fact that Seokjin did it for you sent this warm feeling in your chest that you couldn't understand.
"Yeah. Fine," you spoke but it came out as a whisper. You cleared your throat, "Thanks. I really appreciate it."
"No problem," he gives you a small smile, "I don't suppose you still wanna watch this movie?"
"God, no, honestly," you laughed a bit, "I never wanted to."
He laughs and steps out of line and so do you, then he politely mentions the people behind you two to take your place. His hand was still holding yours, and you were beginning to wonder if he had noticed. You didn't let go, either.
"Let's hang out then," Seokjin blurts out. He tries to ignore the feeling of heat on his ears as he looks at you to wait for your response. You tried your hardest not to seem at all fazed.
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Seokjin suggests going to an arcade, and so you did. When you got there, you both had to stand outside for ten minutes or so trying to finish the popcorn he bought because food and drinks weren't allowed inside.
"Why'd you buy such a big bag anyway? Were you planning on feeding the whole audience?" You tried to chew and swallow five at a time to hurry up.
"I thought the movie was gonna be boring, this was all I could do," Seokjin says defensively.
"At the rate we're eating this we're gonna get some kind of ulcer," You grumbled.
"You don't seem to be having a problem," he laughs and you playfully slap his arm.
Once you got in, you raced to one of those zombie shooting games. Seokjin was good at aiming and definitely had more kills than you did, but you couldn't help but laugh at how startled he got every time a jumpscare appeared.
"Look at all your deaths, you suck at this," he laughed while pointing at your score.
You blushed, "Ha-ha, funny. I bet you can't beat me at racing," you smirked, challenging him to a race.
"You're on," he grinned.
The two of you then proceeded to one of the car games and true enough, you beat him at it. He wasn't even close to being good. He hit every sidewalk and his car kept slowing down.
"Are you even driving? You might as well run if you even want a chance at winning," You teased as you continuously accelerated.
"How are you so good at this? Are you secretly part of those illegal street racers?" Seokjin was struggling with his car as he moved his steering wheel around.
When you were done racing, Seokjin spots one of those stuffed toy machines. "Do you want one?" He asks jokingly, not actually expecting you to say yes, though he didn't exactly mind getting one for you…
"No. Nuh-uh, that is so cheesy," you laughed and shook your head, "Let's play guitar hero."
It was difficult to admit it to yourself at first, but you were having so much fun with Seokjin. Of course, you two never stopped teasing each other with little insults, but now it felt so much more lighthearted. You started getting along well with him, it no longer felt awkward or forced.
Seokjin felt the same way. In fact, there were moments where he'd subconsciously find himself staring at your lashes, or giving you soft pats when you won a game as an excuse to get close to you. He didn't realize how natural it came to him at all, until he found his gaze fixed upon your smile that sent a warm feeling all over him.
You've never smiled at him so genuinely before. Seeing it now, it was as if your beauty had been completely magnetized. Now all he wanted to do was see more of that smile. In almost all the games you played, Seokjin decided to go easy on you so you'd win most of them. It was amusing to him, seeing you so competitive. Seeing you happy every time you won felt like a win for him as well.
When your eyes shifted to meet his, you noticed how he quickly looked away while the color of his ears turned into that familiar shade of red.
"Let's just play one last game, I'm starving," you held your hand to your stomach.
"Really? After all that popcorn?" He teased, followed by the sound of his own stomach rumbling, making you laugh.
"You tried," you laughed, "Let's play that one." You pointed at the Just Dance machine.
After a minute of arguing on what song to pick, Seokjin ended up choosing (your song of choice). Of all the games you could have picked, you started to regret choosing Just Dance. You didn't even /know/ how to dance, what made you think you could beat him at this game?
You glanced over at Seokjin who was dancing flawlessly and effortlessly. Your mouth dropped, and you stopped dancing altogether to watch him move. He was so focused on the game, he hadn't noticed you stopped playing just to watch him.
Your eyes fixated on his every move. He moved so well, you could feel your heart thumping louder as you watched in awe.
He was so attractive.
Finally, the game was over and Seokjin was surprised to see you standing there, just watching him with your mouth open. He holds back a laugh and moves towards you, placing his finger on your chin making you close your mouth. He was so close to you; you could feel your cheeks heat up.
"Surprised?" He asks.
"Who knew you could dance like that?" You spoke, but mostly to yourself.
"I don't know, natural talent I guess. Why'd you stop dancing, monkey? I thought you'd beat me at it," Seokjin pokes your forehead.
"I was just giving you a chance," You played off, "You should me thanking me."
He raises a brow and smiles, "Then as thanks I'll buy you food, come on."
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You both decide to go for churros in a cafe. Seokjin suggested to dine in because you'd probably spill the chocolate as you walked, so you sat across each other in a small but comfortable space. Even though you insisted on paying for your own food, he beat you to it and paid for it instead.
"Just take it as a thank you gift for 'letting me win'," he says while adding air quotes. When he was no longer looking, you broke into a smile at his thoughtful gesture.
"You know, I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually having fun," You told him in manner where you tried to play it cool. He smiles and nods at this.
"See what happens when you aren't busy hating me?" He says with a cheesy smile, "You'll never find anyone as fun as I am."
"Sure, Seokjin," you rolled your eyes, "Just wait ‘til we start practicing and start ripping each other's throats out."
"That's not gonna happen."
"And why is that?"
"I'm confident something's changed," he grins charmingly with eyes looking fond for a moment you had to look away for fear of turning red in front of him.
You cleared your throat, "Whatever you say."
As you two continued to eat, you started talking about all sorts of things. Why you got into acting, how he was so good at dancing, how you and Courtney met. The flow of your conversations came naturally and you found yourselves wanting to know more and more about each other.
Time kept ticking, but you two didn't seem to notice. Even when you were done with your food, neither of you seemed close to running out of things to talk about.
Out of nowhere, Seokjin suddenly stopped and brought his hand close to you and you felt him gently touch your face. You stopped breathing.
"An eyelash," he says while moving his hand back.
"Oh, thanks," you tried hiding how flustered you were.
His phone started ringing, muttering a "One moment," before quickly answering it.
"Josh," he spoke. Your eyes widened.
You checked your own phone as Seokjin spoke to his friend. Your phone was filled with hundreds of messages from her asking where you two were and what you were doing.
"I'm with her," You heard Seokjin say, "You want us to leave you two alone? Then I guess you're doing well."
Leave them alone? That made you look up at him before typing a message to send to Courtney.
I'm with Seokjin and I'm doing great. I'll tell you everything later. I think Josh wants us to leave you guys alone. You alright? Are you having fun? Message me if you need me.
"Alright, see you tomorrow then. No, no it's fine, I'll bring her home," Seokjin continued, "Bye. Stay safe."
"They want us to leave them."
"I have ears, Seokjin."
"Big ones too, monkey," He jokes, "I'm kidding. And stop calling me Seokjin, no one calls me that."
Right, his friends called him Jin.
"Just call me Jin," He says, "None of my close friends call me Seokjin."
"Are you saying we're close friends?"
"I feel like we're moving too fast," He says sarcastically, laughing at his own joke before he continued, "No, our relationship's much more special than that."
You choked on your own saliva, "What?" Did you hear that right? Our relationship's what?
"We're partners that failed a paper and are now working on a movie," He laughs, "I'd say it's been great journey so far."
"And I'd say it's been a pleasure but it really hasn't."
"Seeing as you had fun with me today, I don't think that's true," he smirked. Why was it getting harder to get back at him?
"Shut up," You couldn't think of anything anymore.
You suddenly thought of asking him about it.
The reason why you disliked him so much in the first place. Why he left you alone without telling you.
Does he even remember?
But the mood between you two was great right now, so you decided to push the thought aside and ask some other time.
Shortly after, you two finally left the cafe and walked around, continuing your conversation. After a few more hours later, you decided it was getting late and that you should probably get back. Jin offered to take you home. The ride home was just as fun, blasting music and playing songs that you both knew.
He walked you back to your dorm and you both stopped at the steps outside the building.
"Thanks for today Monkey, I had fun," Jin smiles.
"Stop calling me that," You laughed.
"Then what do you suggest I call you?"
"Your highness."
"Too long. Princess?"
"Jeez, I was kidding," You chuckled nervously, obviously flustered so you took a step back on the first step, "Keep 'Monkey', I don't care."
He raises a brow at your response. "Your replies were better than that," Jin took a step in front of you, your faces were now close and your eyes levelled each other's. You gulped nervously.
"I'm just running out," You said coolly (or at least, in your head you thought it was cool), "You're moving to some new level of annoying and it takes some getting used to."
"I annoy you?" He asks.
"Yes. 24/7."
"I guess I'm living in your mind, rent-free," he smirks, "24/7, huh?"
You were beginning to feel even more flustered now and you knew that Jin noticed by the smirk on his face. He begins to step back and his face turns back to a warm smile.
"You wish," you spoke, "Bye, I'm leaving. Thanks for the drive." Before you could turn your back, Jin takes your hand and holds onto it. You almost muttered an "Oh my god" out loud at his action.
"Y/N, wait," he says, pulling you close to him, making you step down. Your faces were inches apart now.
You heart was beating, trying to anticipate what he was gonna do next. Was he gonna lean in? Why was he staring at you like that? His face was so near. Did you want him to lean in?
"The last scene," he spoke.
"What?" Seemed like the only words you knew how to say now.
"The last scene," he spoke again, "We haven't practiced it yet."
Whatever it was you were expecting was off the table as you let out a sigh that Jin thought was out of relief. "Monday, we'll do it Monday. But we can't use the rehearsal room," you told him.
"Yeah, I figured. Where do you wanna practice, then?" He asks.
"Is your place available?" You asked before realizing how suggestive you sounded, "Because Courtney's usually home early."
Seokjin grins, "Yeah, my place is fine."
"Okay, great."
"So, I'm gonna go now," You said slowly.
"Right," Jin lets go off you, "I'll see you Monday. For real this time."
"Monday, okay. See you," you waved before turning around and entering your dorm. You resisted the urge to look back and check if had already left, so you walked quickly before you changed your mind.
However, if you did look back, you'd find Jin patiently waiting until you were out of his sight, smiling to himself because of today's events. When he was sure you were gone, he finally left.
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Jin was right. Something has definitely changed between you two. The day after your "date", you couldn't stop thinking about the way he was with you. He was kinder, more fun to be around. You didn't expect him to be that thoughtful, either. Of course, he was all these things to others, but now he was like that with you. Then you realized he was all you've been thinking about. It scared you slightly.
He really did live in your mind, rent-free.
"What happened, by the way?" Courtney asked.
You snap out of your thoughts and looked at her, "Yesterday?"
"Yeah, you and Seokjin disappeared."
"We decided not to watch the movie, then we hung out in an arcade."
"You hung out with him?" Courtney eyed you suspiciously, slowly making her way towards you to sit next to you on the bed.
"And you're both still alive?"
"So what was he like?" She asks.
"He was… nice. He saved my ass from a group of creepy guys," you smiled as you thought about it, "And he's good at dancing."
"You danced with him?"
"No, on Just Dance."
Courtney just stares, obviously shocked because she never thought you and Seokjin would get along, "You basically went on a date."
"It wasn't a date!" You said defensively, "We just… left you two. Didn't Josh tell Jin to leave you guys?"
"You call him Jin now, that's actually really cute," Courtney teases, then changes her expression to a frown, "Wait, no. Josh never said anything like that."
Huh? But I thought... "What do you mean?"
"He called Seokjin two hours later after you two still didn't show up, then he started going all 'What? What are you saying? No, I never said you two should leave us' and all that," Courtney explained, "Then he said Seokjin offered to take you home and that you two were still together. I got your message minutes later and you said you were doing great so I didn't worry."
"What? But Jin said he asked us to leave you guys…" You trailed off.
"He did? Well Josh never asked you guys to leave."
Oh my God. It didn't make sense. Why would Jin…?
"I'm thinking he wanted to spend more time with you," Courtney says, giving you a teasing look like she knew something. You only look at her. You didn't really know what to say.
It took you a while to sleep that night trying to analyze what was going on with Jin. Every little thing he did stuck in your head and it was making you confused. He affects you now in ways you never thought he ever would, you weren't sure if that terrified you.
One thing's for sure, this was the first time you wanted the weekend to pass by quickly.
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You saw Jin on Monday, and the next day, and the day after that. Sometimes you'd practice, other days you'd both just sit down and talk if you were too tired. You still hadn't got the last scene right, both of you were still in the "dialogue-only" phase. Truthfully, you were both just waiting for the other to initiate it first.
On days where you and Jin would decide to just hang out and take a break, you began to notice how much nicer he had become towards you. Apart from that, you noticed him so much more now that you almost admired whatever it was he did.
Today was the last day of your practice and you both finally got through the scene. Tomorrow would be the actual shoot and you were already feeling confident that you'd do well. Just one part made you a bit uneasy, the actual kiss. You could feel how you two were so obviously trying to distract yourselves by doing other things, just to prevent an awkward atmosphere.
"Let's take a break," Jin says tiredly, sitting down on the floor.
"Shouldn't Yoongi be back by now?" You asked and sat down across him.
"No, he's over at his hometown visiting. Says he needs his space on his music project," Jin takes a piece of chip from the bag of snacks you brought, "He'll be back in a few days." You only nodded, staring at the television that was showing a movie with people drinking some fancy wine.
"I want that," you said quietly, mostly to yourself.
"Want what?" Jin looks at you, "That high class society? Fancy people around?"
"No, what they're drinking," You pointed at the wine.
"Wine?" His voice slightly sounding shocked.
"Yeah, I should tell Courtney to go get some…" you muttered absent-mindedly as you continued to watch the people drinking onscreen. Jin suddenly stands up and walks over to their mini fridge. You watched as he pulled a bottle of wine out and proceeded to grab wine glasses from a cabinet.
You sat up straight, not expecting him to actually bring you wine. "What are you doing?"
"You said you wanted wine," he says, setting the glasses down on the small coffee table.
"Yeah, but—" You stared at the bottle, "How do you even have that?"
"Yoongi drinks them to think," He says and pops it open, "I drink them with him." You stared as he poured himself a glass. "Do you want one?" He asks.
You took one of the empty glasses and moved it close to him, so he poured you some as well. Jin sat next to you on the floor as you two sat in silence, watching— no, just staring at the TV screen, sipping on your glasses of wine.
Later on, the TV was shut off and you two went back to talking. Your scripts were set aside on the bed, almost completely forgotten.
"I don't get drunk easily," Jin says, "I think you do, though. You're turning slightly red."
It was either that or because of how close you two were right now.
The wine made you talk so much, much more than usual. Jin found it interesting. He really did have a high alcohol tolerance, and watching you talk about the most random things amused him a lot.
"There's something I wanna know," You spoke, "Two things, actually." This was it. You weren't drunk, but you were beginning to lose the ability to filter the words coming out of your mouth.
"What is it?" He asks softly.
"Why did you tell me Josh told us to leave them alone?" You stared at him, he stared back at you.
"How'd you know about that?" He asks.
"Courtney." You heart beat fast. You knew what you wanted to hear, you just wanted him to say it fast.
"I'll answer you, but you'll have to answer my question after, deal?"
Jin set his glass down before looking deep into your eyes.
"I wanted to spend more time with you." He wanted to say something more than that. Something more serious, but he had to know your answer first.
You weren't sure what to make of that now. It was what you wanted to hear… or was it? Now it could mean completely different things.
"Oh, okay," your face began to heat up, and it wasn't because of the alcohol now, "So what's your question?"
"Why did you hate me so much? I mean, assuming you don't anymore… unless you still do," Jin asks.
You looked at him, searching for any sign of sarcasm or a tell that he was lying. He wasn't. He looked back at you with a serious expression on his face. There was a silence that lasted for a minute, almost as if time had stopped.
"You don't remember?"
"Don't remember what? Was it something I did?" Jin looks confused. Maybe he really didn't remember. But it only happened eight months ago. Has it really been that long?
"Eight months ago a friend set me up with you," You explained, feeling slightly embarrassed at the context.
"Someone set you up with me?" Jin asks, raising a brow.
"Yeah…" you could feel your face heating up now, "It was supposed to be like a blind date thing, so I initially didn't know it was you. So I went to the place and waited but you stood me up and when I told my friend about it, she told me Kim Seokjin couldn't make it."
"Then when I saw you the next day, you didn't seem to care and it made me so angry— the fact that you never apologized or even talked about it," You continued, "And that made me despise you."
Jin was staring at the floor now trying to recall what happened. He looked lost and confused. He reached out for his glass and took a sip before turning to face you again.
"I don't hate you anymore," You told him, in fact maybe you were beginning to feel the opposite for weeks now.
"Y/n, are you sure that happened? Because I don't remember ever being set up with you—or anyone, for that matter," Jin says, "And believe me when I say that because I've always turned down set ups and blind dates and whatnot."
"I swear, that really wasn't me. Someone must've used my name."
"Why would someone use your name?"
"I don't know, I—" He runs his hand through his hair, "I've been told there are guys who are jealous of me or something. Maybe they used my name to get back at me."
"That's so low," you felt a pang of guilt now. You've been hating on him for all the wrong reasons, everything suddenly felt like a false memory. If only you'd known sooner, "What the fuck," you muttered quietly.
"What the fuck indeed," Jin sighs.
"I'm so sorry, I should've known," You looked at him.
"No, don't be. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I apologize you thought it was me all along," He held your hand, "If anything, I should've known. You were never just mean to anyone on purpose. I should've asked you."
There was silence between you two as he stared at both of your hands intertwined, while you stared at his face, trying to get everything to sink in.
"What was your second question?" Jin finally asks.
"Why you stood me up," you laughed, "Turns out you didn't."
"You know," Jin spoke while his free hand reached for his glass. He finishes the drink in his hand before continuing, "If you did ask me out, I wouldn't leave you out in the cold."
You laughed, "Why would I ask you out?"
"I don't know. Got any ideas?" Jin teased. You smiled and bit your lip, not knowing what to say next. The lip bite did things to him, but he was trying his very best not to seem at all fazed before realizing he was already staring at your lips.
Maybe you were tipsy enough to finally do this.
You drank your wine and grabbed your script from the bed. Jin watched as you flipped over to the last scene.
"Michael," you began reading your lines as you stood, Jin's hand leaving yours, "You know we can't do this. It'll ruin everything."
Jin doesn't even need his script anymore due to the countless times you've both practiced the dialogues alone, "It's not gonna ruin everything, or anything for that matter." He stands up to face you.
"Yes, it will. You know how this will risk our friendship. This won't end well."
"Your eyes tell me otherwise."
"I don't—"
"You do, and you know it," Jin moves closer now, and you can feel your heart beating.
"Emily, I love you. I always have, and you know that. I know you feel the same." He places his hand on your waist. There were no lines left for you to read now, just one last thing your characters needed to do.
It was at this point where you both felt the wine was getting to your system.
He leaned in close, staring at your lips as you slowly moved back. When you couldn't anymore, you felt his lips meet yours, and before you knew it, he was kissing you— and you were kissing him back. You could feel his soft lips pressing against yours as your hands travelled up to his chest. You both fell back onto his bed as the kiss progressed into a rougher pattern of movements. Your hands grabbed onto his shirt while one of his hands gripped onto your waist, the other pushed back onto the mattress for support.
When you two pulled away to gasp for air, the awkwardness of the position you two were in never registered your brain. Instead, your eyes met each other's, searching for any sign of denial. When Jin sensed that there was none, he crashed his lips back onto yours.
Your mind was overflowing with euphoria and adrenaline. You were nervous, excited— you didn't know what was going to happen next. The moment his lips started trailing down your neck, small sounds began to escape from your lips. Whimpers that drove Jin wild as he began to pick up the pace.
The scene about to happen was no longer part of the script, but you were both more than willing to play the part.
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The next morning, you woke up next to Jin who was sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around you. Last night's events started coming back to you as you gently tried to squiggle out of his hold.
Panic was the first feeling that rushed over you.
1. The shoot was in a few hours and here you were, dressed in Jin's oversized shirt and sweat pants.
2. Your tendency to over think began creeping in.
What if he only did it because of the heat of the moment? You suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment because you thought you had initiated the whole thing with the script reading and all. Maybe he liked you. Maybe he didn't. Neither of you said anything about liking the other last night, so what if it didn't mean anything? You couldn't deal with this right now, so you silently picked up your things and left.
It was still pretty early in the morning, so you tried your best not to make a sound while Courtney was asleep. You took a shower and got ready before you headed out and went to the place where you had to film.
The group of upperclassmen greeted you as you walked in and made your way to Oliver, who would be directing the whole film.
"Hey, y/n. Glad you're here early, where's Jin?" Oliver asks.
"I think he's on his way," you lied. As if on cue, Jin enters the room and people start to greet him. Oliver calls him and Jin makes his way to you two. You couldn't look at him at all.
"You two should start changing, we'll start in 30," Oliver announces and you two head for the changing rooms. You walked a little faster to avoid conversation.
For the rest of the filming process, you both received compliments from everyone on your acting skills. You barely needed to repeat takes which was a relief. You and Jin had the perfect chemistry.
Jin kept trying to talk to you in between breaks, but you'd just give short and simple answers, sometimes just avoiding him altogether. You just couldn't bring yourself to make any eye contact that wasn't on set, or else you'd feel this churning feeling in your stomach and it made you uncomfortable. Soon enough, Jin got the idea and suddenly turned all silent as he observed your every move.
Finally, you had to shoot the last scene. You tried your very best not to appear bothered which seemed to work because no one has asked about why you look so uneasy. Jin was trying his best not to beg you to tell him what was wrong.
"I want you guys to give this your best shot. This scene is the most important, and I need to see more of your chemistry, got it?" Oliver tells them.
The cameras began rolling and Oliver shouts "action".
"Michael, you know we can't do this. It'll ruin everything." You were sat on a sofa and Jin was standing next to it.
"It's not gonna ruin everything, or anything for that matter." Jin says his line and sits close, next to you. You look back at him.
"Yes, it will. You know how this will risk our friendship. This won't end well." You stood up and turned away from him.
He places his hands on your waist and turns you around for your eyes to meet. He pauses for a brief second before his line, "Your eyes tell me otherwise."
"I don't—"
"You do, and you know it." Jin continues, pulling you closer to him. "Emily, I love you. I always have, and you know that. I know you feel the same." he places his hand on your cheek, and you both stare at each other.
"Maybe I do," you muttered, shocking Jin. He continues the act and finally pulls you in for a kiss. Everything came flashing back. You wanted more than what you two had now, it was so easy to see.
"Cut!" Oliver shouts and he begins to clap and you and Jin began to pull away. He looks at you for a moment, and you look back at him.
"Y/n, that improvisation was amazing!" Oliver shouts, still clapping his hands together. You snap out of it and laugh nervously, "Thanks."
"If I hadn't known better, I'd think you two were seeing each other," Oliver teases, "I'm glad you two took this role. Thanks, you guys."
After a few more praises from Oliver, you headed back to the changing room to wear your normal clothes. Scenes of your kiss and scenes from last night began replaying in your mind. You wanted to ask him what it meant, but you were afraid to be the only one falling.
You left the changing room and decided to leave quietly. As you were about to head out, you heard a voice call from behind you.
The voice alone made you stop in your tracks. There was no need to turn around to know who it was; it was Jin. He walked over to you, holding your wrist so you would face him.
"You're avoiding me," he spoke. You looked around, checking if the coast was clear. When you decided it was, you soon.
"I'm not," you lied.
"Stop lying," the hurt in his voice was evident, "You are. You wouldn't even answer my texts."
"You texted?" You hadn't checked your phone since you left his apartment, "I haven't checked my phone."
"Why did you leave?" He had this disappointed look on his face. Knowing it was because of you made you feel even worse.
"Honestly? I was scared," you admitted.
"Of what?"
"That we only did that because of the heat of the moment. That it was all just for fun. That it was because of the alcohol. That it meant nothing."
"Is that really what you think?"
"No," You looked down, "I mean, I'd like to think it isn't."
"Y/n, you know it isn't," Jin said quietly.
"I didn't think it was," he admits, making you look up at him, "I meant it all. Me wanting to spend time with you. Walking you home. Kissing you. It all meant something to me."
"It did?"
"Yeah. When you fell asleep before I did, you looked so peaceful. I started thinking about how I could look at you forever, and the thought of waking up next to you made me happy," He held your hand, "But when I woke up, you were gone."
"I'm sorry, Jin, I just—" You sighed, "I thought of all the worst things and left. I panicked. That's really all I can say." He nodded.
"But did you mean what you set on set? Or was it really just improv?" He asked, his eyes staring deeply into yours.
You nodded, "Yeah, I did."
Jin just nodded and looked at your eyes. Had you really upset him this much?
"Jin, I'm really s—"
Before you could finish your apology, Jin takes his free hand and grabs you by the waist, pulling you closer for a kiss.
This time it felt different.
It felt so, real. No alcohol, no script. It was just Jin.
You wanted it to last forever.
When you two finally pulled away, Jin was the first to speak.
"I like you, a lot, y/n. And I've realized that for a while now," he tells you.
"I like you too," you couldn't help but smile, ignoring at how much your cheeks burned. It was fine, Jin's ears were just as red, "Even though you suck at racing games and my ideal boyfriend is an illegal street racer.”
Jin laughs, and you couldn't help but laugh with him because of all this. All the banter turned to compliments and all the eye-rolling turned to kisses. Now you were more than just partners who failed a paper and ended up working on a movie.
"That's alright, Monkey," Jin grins before placing a kiss on your forehead.
"The only thing I need to keep racing is your heart, not a car."
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a/n: sorry it got longer than expected. anyways if you read until here, thank you for reading! i hope you liked it! send me comments/asks anytime if u want.
also, if you’d like to read my two other works, here are the links!
let’s fall in love for the night
welcome to my youtube channel
which are both taehyung x readers.
see you in my next fic/edit!
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Emily Prentiss x Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Canon typical violence
A/n: I wrote this through a sleep deprived, midterm frenzied daze, and I’m not 100% happy with it. But I hope it turned out okay.
“We have three victims in six weeks. They were all abducted from public places and were held for three days before being discovered in a different, but equally public place first thing in the morning,” Garcia begins the briefing, clicking through the slides of the abduction and dump sites, “all three victims were high risk-”
“Holy shit,” Emily cuts her off as the mugshots of the victims appear on the screen.
“You okay?” You ask cautiously. Emily isn’t one to interrupt a meeting, and the outburst makes you a bit nervous.
“You’re seriously telling me you don’t see it?” Emily looks between you and the screen, making you even more confused.
“I do,” Morgan says, JJ and Spencer nodding along.
“Alright, you all are going to need to let me in on your secret. What are we seeing?” The team is now all staring at you confused.
“You really don’t see it, do you y/l/n?” Rossi says and you groan in frustration.
“What is there to see?” You practically yell.
“They all look exactly like you,” Emily says and you freeze. You lock your eyes onto the screen and furrow your brow. Sure they have the same hair color and eye color, but surely you’re not identical in any way.
“No they don’t. Can we just get on with the briefing?” You huff out. Annoyed at all the attention on you. You’re here to help these women. Not agonize over their looks.
“Right, of course. The three victims were high risk, making them easy targets, but he could become bolder as time goes on,” Garcia finishes and you all nod.
“Then we better stop him before he does. Wheels up in twenty,” Emily dismisses you and you all move to leave the room. But she grabs your arm, forcing you to stay behind with her and the rest of the team pauses as well.. Rossi looks between the two of you, debating if he should usher the team out and give you some privacy. But before he can decide Emily looks at the rest of the team.
“She can’t go.” Your jaw drops at her words and you pull your arm from her grasp.
“What the hell Emily? You don’t think this is a conversation we should have in private?” you hiss, trying to keep your voice low.
“No because you’re not going to listen to me,” she crosses her arms and you roll your eyes at the stern look she sends you.
“Because you’re being ridiculous!” you yell this time and Morgan speaks up.
“She’s just trying to keep you safe. I know you say you don’t see it but you do look exactly like them.” You look around the room to see everyone nodding along and you sigh.
“I get that you guys are concerned for my safety, and I appreciate the thought, but it’s unnecessary. When you look beyond appearances I am nothing like those girls. More than that, I have you all to protect me. Now we can waste time with you forcing me to stay here and I’ll hop on a commercial flight tomorrow and meet you there, or we can get on the jet and help these women. So let’s save me the time and money and get going. These people deserve our help Emily, that’s our job right now,” the team stays silent but you can see their resolve cracking, Emily finally giving a nod that disperses the team. A look of anger crosses her face but you can see the fear that’s barely concealed. You step towards her, gently taking her hand.
“I’m going to be okay,” you promise and she sighs, placing a lingering kiss to the side of your head.
“You better be.”
“We need to hold a press conference,” Rossi says and you all nod, having been thinking the same thing. “Y/n needs to do it.”
That is where the agreement stops. You wouldn’t mind doing it, but everyone else begins voicing their concerns, nobody louder than Emily as she jumps out of her chair.
“Do you seriously think we’re letting him see her?” Emily snaps and you take her hand, pulling her back into her seat before she tries to lunge at Rossi’s throat.
“We all know this is the best idea. The profile doesn’t indicate that he’d be willing to try and grab me in public, but just in case I’ll wear a vest and I’ll have all of you to protect me. He’s not getting anywhere near me, but this is what needs to be done,” you try to sway her and you can see the conflict in her eyes. She wants nothing more than to catch this guy, but she won’t do it at the expense of losing you.
“I’m gonna be up there with you,” she says and everyone nods.
“We can do that. Morgan and Reid I want you taking pictures of the crowd to send back to Garcia. We know he’ll be there so be discrete, but get a shot of everyone there. Any questions?” Rossi has taken over the briefing and at the shake of your heads he dismisses the team. Morgan and Reid going to find their equipment, you and Emily sitting down to write the release, and everyone else scattering to set up the conference. In what feels like no time at all you’re on the stage getting ready to address the public.
“Thank you all for coming. As you all know, there is a predator in your community. Over the last several weeks, three women have been murdered…” you start your briefing. Emily stands silently beside you, sunglasses on and scanning the crowd. She looks more like your bodyguard than your girlfriend, but you let it slide. She’s nervous, and if standing next to you helps you’ll let her, that’s where she’s been the whole case. Your speech is long, definitely longer than it needs to be to get the point across but you plan on giving the team as much time as possible to scout the crowd. You continue sharing the profile, adding details and talking slowly until you hear a call through the coms that they’re ready. With that you wrap up your speech and exit the stage with Emily following behind you, both of you silently praying that this was enough to get the bastard.
“Samuel Finnigan. 1492 Beach road,” Garcia rattled off the address of your unsub as you all grab your vests and make your way to the SUVs.
“Thanks Garcia!” You end the call as you reach the parking lot.
“Woah woah woah. You are not coming with us!” Emily steps between you and the vehicles so fast you almost run into her.
“You mean you’re finally letting me out of your sight?” You can’t help the snarky reply. You’re getting really tired of this.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She snaps and you roll your eyes. You take a deep breath, trying to stop this from escalating.
“You’ve been attached to me all week. You’re always right next to me, and normally I wouldn’t mind that, I love spending time with you. But I can’t stand you watching me like I’m gonna snap in two. I’m fine. I’m a big girl, I can protect myself!” you yell, any sense of calm going out the window, and it’s her turn to roll her eyes.
“That doesn’t matter to this guy! Until he’s in custody you’re not going anywhere near him.” you groan and run your hands through your hair. This is absolutely ridiculous.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“I’m in charge here, and what I say goes,” her words make anger boil deep within you, she sounds like a child fighting for power, and you half expect to see her stomping her foot like a toddler.
“You can’t just switch from being my girlfriend to being my boss to win an argument.”
“I’m your unit chief first,” she says firmly and something within you snaps.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be my girlfriend at all!” There's a moment of heavy silence. Even the wind seems to die down, leaving the two of you staring at each other in the parking lot, both waiting for the other to be the first to break.
“You aren’t coming,” Emily’s tone changes. This is the voice she uses when lecturing recruits, not the one she uses with you, so you put on an emotionless mask. If she’s gonna pull the unit chief card, you’re not letting her see how much it hurts.
“Is that an order?” you ask and she sighs.
“Y/n. Please don’t make me-”
“Is that an order?” you ask again, cutting her off mid sentence.
“Yes. That’s an order,” she knows she’s won the argument, but a look of defeat crosses her face anyway.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be here when you get back,” you say with a sharp nod.
“Y/n-” she takes a step towards you but you take one backwards, placing your hands behind your back and standing up straighter.
“You better get going, Unit Chief Prentiss.” She sighs again at your words but makes her way to the SUV. You can see the team staring at you through the windows and you lock your jaw at the looks of pity on their faces. They will not see you break. You won’t let them.
You don't go inside when they pull out of the parking lot. You need a few moments to compose yourself first. Looking up to the sky you try to blink away the tears forming in your eyes. You stay still for a few moments before hearing footsteps behind you.
“Sorry you just missed-” you cut yourself off. The man looking back at you is not a local officer, but instead the face from the DMV picture Garcia showed you. You drop your vest to move your hand to the gun strapped to your hip but he’s pointing one at you before you can grab it.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re going to follow me quietly and you won’t get hurt. At least not yet,” the sick smile on his face makes your stomach turn, but you nod. His smile widens and he gestures with the gun to his run down pick up truck parked behind the station. As the barrel of the gun is pressed into your back you take a few shakey steps towards the truck, weighing your options carefully. You wish you would’ve just put on the vest inside. You make a note to ask Emily about making that protocol if you get out of this.
The closer you get to the vehicle the more you realize you’re running out of time. In a split second decision you throw your elbow back, catching his nose as you try to duck out of the way of his gun. You manage to move enough that the bullet misses any vital organs, instead it goes straight through your shoulder. You scream in pain as he shoves you into the back seat of his truck. Blood pours out of your shoulder and your thoughts start spiraling as you slip into unconsciousness.
I’m gonna die.
Emily thinks I hate her.
I’m gonna die and Emily will never know how much I love her.
God I love her.
“He wasn’t there,” Emily tells the police chief as she enters the precinct and he nods. The rest of the team isn't too far behind, talking amongst themselves and debating their next steps.
“You still think it’s him?” a he asks the team, but another person speaks before any of them can.
“Where’s that other girl? Y/l/n, right? The one who looks like all the victims,” a rookie speaks and the BAU freezes, their attention snapping to him.
“What do you mean where is she? Is she not here?” Emily snaps and the poor man takes a step back, his fear clear as day.
“N-no. She went outside with you all. She never came back in. DId something happen?” He never gets an answer as Emily pulls out her phone and steps towards the conference room.
“Garcia I need you to pull the security footage from outside the precinct,” she says as soon as the line connects.
“I can do that. Why though? Do you think he was-oh god” Garcia cuts herself off and Emily’s jaw tightens.
“What’s happening Penelope?” Her voice has the same mix of anger and fear it’s held for days as she paces the room.
“I’m sending it to your tablets now,” Garcia’s shaky voice does nothing to calm their nerves as they all lunge for their tablets, watching in horror as you get shot, cursing themselves for leaving you alone.
“How the hell did these dumbasses not hear a gunshot right outside their door!” Emily yells, moving to storm out the door. JJ steps into her path, grabbing her shoulders to stop her.
“Emily, take a breath. You can go yell at the cops or we can sit down and figure out how to find y/n,” JJ’s voice is steady, much calmer than she feels, and Emily nods.
“Garcia, start looking for any properties in Finnigan’s name,” Emily orders and the team snaps into action. They’re going to find you, no matter how long it takes.
“No, that one was demolished, look,” Rossi slides a tablet in Reid’s direction. There’s a news article on the screen depicting a foreclosed property, half collapsed and surrounded with construction equipment.
“How has one man owned so many different properties in such a short amount of time? It’s like he was doing it intentionally, trying to make it harder for us to find him,” JJ’s voice is thick and scratchy, she hasn’t slept since you disappeared two and a half days ago, none of them have.
“He was definitely hiding from something, whatever it was. This is a man who doesn’t wanna be found,” Morgan says, tossing another empty coffee cup into the trash can that has long since overflowed. The team has lost count of how many pots of truly disgusting break room coffee they’ve made it through in the last few hours, Reid doesn’t think he’ll stop shaking for a month.
“I think I have something,” Penelope’s voice comes through one of the screens and they all snap awake. “His sister died 5 months ago, right before he started spontaneously buying and selling properties at an alarming rate, he clearly went on the run.”
“She must’ve been his first victim, and once he started he couldn’t stop. Who knows how many more victims there are that we haven’t even found yet,” Rossi says and Emily swallows hard.
“She looks like y/n, doesn’t she?” Even knowing the details of the case, it scares her to think he may see his sister in you.
“More than any of the others,” Garcia says, sending a picture along. The girl they’re all staring at could be your sister. You’re identical, right down to the way you style your hair. Under better circumstances Emily may joke about doing a DNA test to make sure you’re not actually related, but right now it makes her sick to her stomach.
“So we know why he’s doing this. Now we just need to figure out where,” Reid says and Penelope nods, smiling slightly.
“I may have that answer as well, this one fits all the parameters. It’s isolated, and he’s only had it for a few weeks, it’s definitely still standing,” she says, a bit of hope creeping into her voice. Even though she’s not there, she’s as scared as the rest of the team, if not more. They’re all a wreck, you’re family and they all have a feeling of terror that you may not be coming home with them. But none of them more than Emily. None of them feel the pain she does, but they’re all determined to make sure that pain is a temporary one.
“Send us the address,” Emily’s voice is firm and her fists clenched as they make their way to the SUVs once again, praying it’s not another dead end.
You know it’s them when there’s a banging on the front door of the cabin you’re being held in, it has to be them. The words “FBI open up!” are being yelled and you know you’re saved. You don’t think you’ve ever seen anything as satisfying as the look of terror Samuel’s face as he takes off running. You hear what must be Derek kicking the door down before several sets of footsteps sound off through the house, Spencer being the first to appear in your line of sight.
“He went out the back,” your voice is weak, but he hears you loud and clear.
“Finnigan went out the back. I have eyes on y/n, you guys go get that son of a bitch.” You let out a weak laugh at that, you can count the number of times you’ve heard Reid curse on one hand with two fingers to spare. Unfortunately that laugh turns into a cough, and you’re quickly reminded of the extent of your injuries. The bleeding in your shoulder has never quite stopped and you have more bruises and cuts than you can count.
“Spencer. Tell Emily-” you pause, coughing weakly once again, “tell her I love her. Tell her I’m sorry and I didn’t mean it.”
“You tell her yourself,” his tone is harsh but you know it’s because he’s scared. As he takes a few steps closer to you he begins to frantically look around, for the rest of the team, for the medic he’s calling through his radio, for anyone. His head snaps back to you as your coughing continues. “Hold on, just a few more minutes.”
You nod at his words, your eyes starting to slip closed as he puts pressure on your shoulder. Your face scrunches up and you can feel tears starting to pool in your eyes, “Spence, stop. It hurts…please stop.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” his voice cracks but his hands don’t move. You can hear the someone jogging over, and you hope that means they have him in custody. It takes all the energy you have left to pull your eyes open again, seeing Emily’s face above you as she takes your hand.
“Emily I-” she shakes her head, cutting you off.
“I know, and I love you too. Just take deep breaths, it’s going to be okay.”
“Emily, I'm really sorry,” you whisper, hours later in a hospital bed with tears filling your eyes once again.
“I know. I am too. We both said things we didn’t mean, we didn’t want to hurt each other. It’s okay, love,” she says but you shake your head.
“It’s not okay. I almost died today and the last thing I would’ve said to you is that I didn’t want to be with you. I do. I promise you I do,” the tears start falling, but Emily is quick to brush them away.
“I know that. Even then, when you said that, I knew you wanted to be with me and I with you. I was so scared for your safety that I over reacted, and that reaction left you alone. If there’s one thing I learned from the last few days it's that we’re better together. We’re safer, happier, and stronger together. I wanted to do this later, maybe over a fancy dinner or a walk in the park, but now seems more appropriate,” Emily says and you furrow your brow as she reaches into her jacket pocket. Her smile is wide as she pulls out a ring, and the tears in your eyes are no longer from sadness. “Y/n, you are the love of my life and I almost lost you today. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, however long that is. So, will you marry me?”
You nod as she slips the ring on your finger, laughing in disbelief. As soon as it’s done you crash your lips into hers. The kiss is salty from tears and is broken by your smiles, but it’s perfect.
“Yes, I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you. Even if it means dealing with your ridiculous overprotectiveness,” you tease and she rolls her eyes.
“You know you love it,” she tries to argue but you just laugh again.
“Shut up and kiss me,” you breathe out, and Emily is happy to be the one taking orders this time.
tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @im-salt-but-not-salty @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
CM tag list: @reidingandwriting
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Charmed I’m Sure [G.W.]
Description: George is in desperate need of assistance with his Charms essay and he turns to you. Working together brings you closer than you expected.
Pairing: George Weasley x Gryffindor fem!reader 
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: I wrote a bunch of these short stories/one shots a while ago that I decided to post them on here! Keep in mind I wrote this one AGES ago, so I know this one isn’t great but it sets the scene for some of the others I have. As I post these, they should get better :) Also I’m new to posting fics on Tumblr so bear with me as a work the kinks out
 “Hermione, please!?!?” You heard from across the common room. 
“For the last time George, no! I will not write your Charms essay for you!” Hermione said. 
“But it’s due tomorrow and I haven’t even started yet!” 
“Sorry, that’s your problem. I’ve got other things to work on.” She left the common room and you chuckled quietly to yourself. 
“Waiting until last minute again, are we?” you asked George. He gave you a look that said it all.  
“If you’re going to give me the speech about being more responsible and managing my time more wisely you can just skip it because I’ve heard that one too many times.” 
“Me lecture? Never.” 
He rolled his eyes and you said, “Come here, what’s this essay about.” 
He sat down next to you on the couch and said,  “Y/N, you’re brilliant at Charms! Will you please write this for me!?” 
“Write it for you? No. But I will help you with it.” 
He hugged you suddenly and said, “Thank yoooooou!” 
“Easy. You can thank me when you finish the essay. I think you’re putting a little too much faith in me. I’m a year behind you so I might not even know about what you’re learning.” 
“Eh semantics,” he said nonchalantly and you gave him a skeptical look. But sure enough, it was a topic you were familiar with. You helped him form a thesis and explained some of the critical information he needed. He put quill to parchment  as you verbally gave him some sentences to include. As you sat there with him, you noticed he started to form his own words on the subject and everything he was writing was accurate. He seemed to be comfortable working on his own, so you pulled out some of your own work but sat with him for moral support.
After several hours, he convinced you to take  a break with him. He set aside his parchment and said, “So, Y/N. How have you been?” 
“I am just peachy. Things have been going quite well for me recently.” 
“Things always go your way. Your Irish blood brings you luck.” 
You shrugged and said, “Is that why you wanted my help? Because I’m lucky?” 
“No, it was more because you’re wicked smart. And I missed talking to you. I haven’t seen you much this year.” 
“Yeah I guess it has been a while. It’s mostly because you and Fred are always working on a prank of some sort.” 
“And you’re always talking to someone different, Miss Socialite.” 
“Oh that is not true. I’m just friendly.” 
“Sure,” he said with an eye roll. 
“Any good pranks in the works?” 
“Y/N,” he chucked, “I know that you’re dying to be a part of one of our infamous pranks, but I don’t think you’re qualified.” 
“I think you’re underestimating me. Think about it, filling me in on a prank would be very beneficial for you.” 
“Oh? And why is that?” 
“Because I’m logical and detail oriented. I think of everything, therefore there would be no chance of error. And, you know, I’m fun to be around.” 
“I will agree with you on the latter part. We do need to hang out more. Outside of quidditch.” 
“Well you should remember that and ask me to hang out sometime. I’m sure you’d much rather spend time with me while we’re doing something fun instead of writing an essay. And speaking of essay...” George groaned and went back to his books. 
“Come on, you  only have a few paragraphs left to write.” He started writing again and you looked up at the clock and noticed it was 2AM. You let out a big yawn and felt yourself become tired immediately. 
“You sound tired. You should go to bed. I don’t have much left to write, I can handle it,” he said. 
You shook your head and replied, “No, I’m okay. I’ll stay up with you.” 
“It’s good enough as it is. I can bullshit the next few paragraphs.” 
“Nope. I’m staying here. If I leave, who's to say you won’t fall asleep?” 
“Yeah, fair point.” 
By this time the two of you were sitting on the ground in the common room with your books sprawled out and your backs leaning against the couch, directly in front of the fireplace. You started getting cold so you grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders. As you continued your reading assignment, you kept checking in on George to make sure he was getting work done.
“How’s it going?” you asked. 
“I’m just trying to get this thing done. I don’t care how good my writing is as long as I get my point across.” 
“Okay,” you yawned. A moment later you found your head was resting on his left shoulder. He noticed but he didn’t seem to mind. Soon you felt your eyelids flutter over your eyes and you were out.
You woke up the next morning and found yourself in a room that was not your own. It was not the common room either. It was definitely a dorm but whose, you weren’t sure. 
“Morning sunshine,” someone said. You looked up to find George’s face smiling down at you. 
“Morning,” you mustered, as enthusiastically as you could. “Where am I exactly?” 
“In my room. See last night you fell asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you. I was going to carry you to your room but that wasn’t an option, with the enchantments and all. So I just took you to the next place I could think of, which was here.” 
“You could have woken me up. Or just left me on the couch in the common room, you know?” 
“Sure I could’ve, but you looked so peaceful sleeping. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you. And the common room was a bit nippy. I just thought you’d be more comfortable in my bed.” 
“Well that was very sweet of you. But where did you sleep?” 
“On the floor. I grabbed some spare pillows and blankets and-” 
“George! You didn’t have to sleep on the floor. You really should have just left me in the common room. I would’ve been fine. I never meant to take your bed.” 
“I just wanted you to be comfortable. Any gentleman would have done the same thing. Now please stop arguing with me because there isn’t anything you can do to change it.” 
You opened your mouth to say something but found you had nothing to say. Instead, you slouched and crossed your arms, clearly annoyed with his previous statement. 
“How did the essay come out?” 
“I showed it to Hermione already and she said it looked decent. I just need a passing grade. If I pass this, I pass the class.” 
“Oh, I didn’t realize this paper was so important...” 
“You did all you could. Most of it was on me, for being a slacker. But thank you. I’m really happy we got to hang out for a bit last night.” 
You smiled at him. “Me too. And it’s no problem. Really.” 
You left his room and headed to your room, receiving a few  curious looks on the way. Last night made you realize how much you had missed George. You used to be best friends growing up, but recently you drifted apart. You were still friends, but nowhere near as close as you used to be. You only hoped he would take your advice and ask you to hang out soon.
“Y/N!” You turned around to see who was calling you. It was George and he seemed very excited about something. You excused yourself from your current conversation and headed to see George. 
 “Y/N! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
“Oh have you?” 
“Yes! Guess what?” 
“Do you really want me to guess? Because I’m not a great guesser.” 
“I got my paper back and I got an O!” 
“O as in outstanding!? That’s amazing!” 
“I owe it all to you! You practically wrote the paper for me.” 
“Don’t sell yourself short. You did all the heavy lifting on that paper. I was just there for moral support.” 
“You really don’t understand do you? You are the reason I passed! I couldn’t have done this without you” 
“I’m really happy for you George! I can’t remember the last time I saw you this excited.” 
“I am over the moon!” He embraced you in a hug and picked you up off the ground and spun you around. When he finally put you down, you just smiled at him. Then the last thing you ever expected to happen happened. His face became suddenly serious and he leaned in and kissed you. It was a relatively short kiss. It seemed like he just did it without thinking because he quickly pulled back and his face was that of panic and shock. 
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what-” he started, before you cut him off. You grabbed his tie and pulled him down towards you to kiss him again, this time more passionately. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you reacted by snaking your arms around his neck. 
George pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he breathed. 
“Well good, because you’re about to do it again.”
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rreeaahh · 4 years
“I would be falling without you” | George Weasley
pairing: george x hufflepuff!reader (fem)
word count: 3,645 (unedited)
request:  “ Hi honey!!! 💖 Can I request a a hufflepuff reader x George?? I'm thinking something about him failing Herbology and needing tutoring😉 “ - @alwaysnforeverfangirl​ a/n: sorry for the long, long waiting, my dear! hope you like it!
prompt: 33. Don’t make me get violent.
summary: after Fred gets on her nerves, Y/N is a little more stressed than usual and a little more aggressive, but George still needs her help.
warnings: maybe some angst? a little fluff? the reader being called ‘hun’ by george? are these warnings?
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“You need to take a break, Y/N,” Madam Sprout laughed as you watered the plants in the greenhouse. “Kids your age spent their Saturdays at Hogsmeade, not with their Herbology teacher.”
“You mind my presence, Professor?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
It was true that you, sometimes, preferred to spend your free time in the greenhouses, to water and take care of the plants or to clean the place, and your Head of House really appreciated all your hard work – that’s why she supported you and talk with Professor Snape and Dumbledore himself to create a Potions Club, where all the members talked about Potions and Herbology – the two subjects being practically inseparable – and they helped each other with anything they needed.
“Of course I don’t mind your presence, Y/N!” she rapidly said, making you laugh as you arranged the pot of a plant.
“Well, I think I’m done for today,” you announced her and took your gloves off.
“Thank you very much, darling,” she said, her voice warm and sweet as always – she was a lovely person, always telling every Hufflepuff that, in her heart, every one of them were her children. “Have some rest, will you?”
“You know I have to write some reports for Professor Snape, Ma’am,” you sighed and thought about how you always wrote down what happened at every meeting of the Club, because Snape wanted to know if you used his classroom and in what way. The truth is that even if the name was “Potions Club”, none of the members really wanted to enter that classroom – you’d always meet in the greenhouse and study together at those two objects. You went to Snape’s classroom only if necessary.
“You work very hard for that group of yours, don’t you?” Sprout asked again, a proud smile on her face.
“You know it’s my dream,” you also smiled and tried to hide the disappointment in your voice, “Only if more students would like to join.”
“Ah, don’t worry, Y/N! I’m sure only the best want to be in such a great club,” she tried to cheer you up and you gave her a smile, thanking her and leaving the greenhouse.
In the courtyard the sun was shining but it was a little colder, the temperature from the greenhouse being higher than the one outside, so the plants could grow beautifully. You were only in your shirt and the wind gave you goosebumps but it was pleasant after a long morning of working.
You knew the library was already full of students who were late with their due dates for projects or essays, so you didn’t go there – you needed to focus and not be disturbed while writing those papers. Your Common Room was by far a better idea, because many of your housemates were in that trip, probably drinking butterbeer and eating chocolate frogs, so the place must be quiet. And you were right, the welcoming room was empty, the yellow sofa cushions were at their place, the little plants were healthy and everything was as it should be – your Common Room always gave you that feeling of home, it was simple and comfortable and just perfect. You sighed in relief as you laid down on the couch, looking at the roof and then closing your eyes, only wanting to enjoy that little moment of peace. Your body felt relaxed, like a big weight was take off your shoulders. You thought about how you needed to write those papers and how to attract more members, how to make the club be more appealing to the students. Sure, it wasn’t as fun as the Dueling Club, but it was important in its way. More images of students filling the greenhouses, chatting and helping each other with their homework, taking about plants and making new potions were playing in your mind and you felt a feeling of peace, falling asleep with a smile on your face.
“Y/N? Y/N, wake up!” whispered a sweet voice, a warm hand touching your arm.
You opened your left eye, sleepy, looking at Leanne who was smiling friendly at you.
“Rise and shine, Y/N,” she laughed, “it’s time for dinner,” she told you as you got up, your eyes wide open.
“Dinner time?!” you shouted, already stressing. “I need to write those stupid reports for Snape, shit!”
Leanne seemed to find your situation funny, because she continued to laugh quietly as you searched for some parchment on the big, round table in the center of the room.
“You need to come to dinner, Y/N, the elves made mashed potatoes, your favorites,” she tried to convince you but you rolled your eyes.
“They make that nearly everyday, Leanne,” you laughed and sat down, your quill in your hand, already starting to write down the activity of your club. “I’m skipping dinner tonight,” you let her know so she could go without you, but she didn’t approve your decision.
“You can’t skip meals and stress over paper-work, Y/N,” she said and tried to get you up, but no success – she was only making you laugh at her failure.
“Let me be,” you asked her but she was too stubborn, continuously trying to make you leave your seat and follow her to the Great Hall.
“What are you two doing?”
“Cedric, thanks Merlin!” Leanne greeted him with a big smile on her face, nearly smirking devilish. “Y/N wants to skip dinner,” she said and you watched Cedric’s face become serious as you got ready for a speech. “Would you help me?”
Instead of answering her or tell you how important was to eat three meals a day and stay hydrated, Cedric came to you and his arms surrounded you, grabbing you from your waist and lifting you up from your seat. In that moment you were able to held to the quill and some papers and asked Cedric what in the name of Helga Hufflepuff he was going.
“I’m taking you to the Great Hall, in the name of Helga Hufflepuff,” he laughed, Leanne behind him, laughing as well.
“I have work to do Mister Prefect!” you said laughing, but still a little annoyed by his actions. “Besides, I’m not hungry.”
“And I’m not hearing you,” he continued and walk out of the Hufflepuff Common Room, walking on the corridors with you in his arms, holding tight. Everybody was looking at you when Cedric stepped in the Great Hall, but they were aware of your friendship and Ced’s silly jokes.
“You can let me down now, Diggory,” you scoffed when you got to your seat. He did as you asked and he sat down next to you, Leanne in front of you, on the other side of the table.
While eating, you took advantage of the fact that you grabbed some parchment and your quill so while eating, you could write a thing or two; well, actually you were eating while writing, more or less, because the mashed potatoes started to cool down as the papers started to fill with ink.
“Could you guys be a little quiet?” you sighed stressed and looked at Leanne and Cedric, who were talking about his next Quidditch practice. “I need to focus.”
“Hi, Y/N,” the voice interrupted the conversation going on between your friends and you looked at Penelope Clearwater, a friendly smile appearing on your lips.
“Hi, Penny, what’s up?” you said happy to see her. Last week she couldn’t come to the meeting of the group, a sickness making her stay in bed the whole weekend.
“I’m fine, much better, actually,” she said and you invited her to take a seat, so she took a place next to Leanne, who only greeted her and went back to pay attention to Cedric. “How about you? Doing Snape’s reports?”
“You know how he can be sometimes,” you rolled your eyes. “Anyway, how can I help you?”
“Um, well,’ she started and you already knew it was about a favor – you didn’t mind, but it wasn’t exactly the right time, ‘you know the twins, right? Percy’s brothers? A year above you?”
“Yeah, who doesn’t know them?” you laughed.
“Well, I told George that I know someone who can help him with Herbology, he’s failing and his mum’s going to kill him if he doesn’t do something about it. Maybe you could… help him?”
You looked over to the Gryffindors’ table, two pairs of identical chocolate eyes looking directly at you. From that distance you couldn’t say who’s who, you weren’t able to tell them apart even if they were in front of you. That until one of them would open his mouth, of course, because Fred’s the first to talk and George’s the one who’s patient enough to explain his brother’s idea. And that was somehow strange – from the two of the George was the one failing, not the louder twin.
“You don’t have to, of course,” Penelope added when ypu didn’t come up with an answer. “I know you’re really busy with your own homework and the Potions Club and all.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. I think I need to talk to him before, to see what are his problems and how we could fix them, but not right now. Maybe tomorrow, after the meeting?”
“Sure! I’ll let him know, he’ll be excited,” she said happily and got up, smiling brightly to you. “Thanks, Y/N.”
You told her it was your pleasure as she left, going back to the Gryffindor table where she always sat, eating her meals with her boyfriend, Percy Weasley – they were cute together and Percy treated her amazing, you saw that everytime he would wait for her to finish the Potions Club by the greenhouse entry.
Leanne and Cedric didn’t bother you anymore, giving you some peace to write those papers as fast as you could. And you were so focused that you didn’t notice another person’s presence until they grabbed the paper you were writing on.
“Hey!” you shouted and looked angrily at the red-head who sat were Penelope did, an identical clone behind him.
“Well, hello,” he greeted you with a smile on his lips, reading the stolen paper. “You must be Y/N, if I’m correct.”
You weren’t so sure who was who, because you never were good enough to figure out which twin is Fred and which is George. By the daring attitude and confident smile the one who was in front of you, you thought it was Fred; Cedric always told you how loud he could get, describing George more responsible, but not too much.
“You’re correct, Weasley,” you spoke giving him an ugly look. “Besides that, I’m busy, so give it back, please,” you asked nicely and Fred continued to read peacefully.
“It can wait,” he said nonchalantly and put his hands on the table, the parchment still in his possession. “Penelope told us you’ll help Georgie with Herbology.”
“I said I’ll think about it after I have a chat with him,” you corrected him and looked to George, who gave you a friendly smile. “Tomorrow, not now,” you added looking back to Fred.
“Oh, c’mon,” Fred laughed, “what’s a little time, right, George?”
His twin cleared his throat. “Maybe we should leave, Fred,” he muttered looking at how frustrated you seemed to be.
“No,” the older twin said annoyed with his attitude and looked back at you. “Look, Y/N,” he started, playing with the paper’s corner, “George needs you to tutor him. Mum will kill him if he’s failing classes.”
You were a calm person – quite, friendly and always wanting to help other people; you hardly got mad, but in that moment you felt your self-control leaving your body. If you hated something it was the moment when someone would tell you what to do and treat your problems less important than theirs. And it was not the case.
“Listen here, Fred,” you laughed slightly. “I won’t say twice,” both of them were paying attention to you and George was feeling like something really bad was about to happen. He felt it in his stomach, that feeling of sudden sickness which was knocking in his body. “It not my job to tutor your brother over here,” you began and looked at George, “and if I said I’ll talk to him tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll do it. My responsibilities are way more important than your little games and I won’t ignore them just to please you.”
You got up, grabbing your things – without the parchment in Fred’s hand – and slammed your hand on the table, making eye contact with him. “And if your brother needs to be tutored he could speak for himself, y’know? Tomorrow I have a very important meeting in the greenhouse with my Potions Club – I can speak to him after that,” you let him know, speaking like George wasn’t present.
You started to walk away from your table and leave the Great Hall, too annoyed to even finish your dinner or your paperwork. A part of you felt horrible for the way you acted but the stress took control over you – the fault was half yours and half Fred’s, so he couldn’t blame you. But then it was George, who just wanted a little help and didn’t really bother you at all and you still spoke of him like he wasn’t there. You hated how easily you could get mad, but sometimes you just couldn’t help it. The worst part was the regret that came afterwards.
It was still early and the weather was lovely, a warm night was about to come above Hogwarts and that was another good reason to finish your activity in the greenhouse; the Common Room was always crowded during the night, a lot of Hufflepuffs chatting and doing homework, and the library was a risky place – Mrs. Norris and Filch were always inspecting that part of the castle, searching for students to get in trouble.
You casted Lumos as soon as you entered the greenhouse, the specific smell taking over your senses. You sat down at Madam’s Sprout table, the quill in one hand and your wand in another, and you started to focus again in those papers.
Your concentration was over, anyways. All you could think about was the guilt that was born inside you – George did nothing wrong and you still were a prick. Now he won’t ever ask for your help again, he’ll tell everyone what an unbearable person you are and nobody will ever sign up for your club. You putted down the quill and read the last sentences again, trying to find the logic in your own words.
When the door opened you immediately casted Nox and stood in silence, you held your breath and waited. It wasn’t Filch, for sure, because the steps were lighter and there was not a single caterwaul from his cat.
“Who’s there?” you asked, making an effort to hide the fear in your voice.
The silence continued to scream in your ears so you casted Lumos again, but the distance made it impossible for you to see anything. “It’s not funny, Cedric,” you said without realizing, not even thinking if it was or not Cedric.
When a red-head appeared in your sight you rolled your eyes. “What do you want, Weasley?”
The boy continued to walk to you, his face being more pale due to your wand’s lighting and his red hair. “I might have something for you,” he informed you, showing the parchment that he stole from you earlier.
“Give it back,” you simply said, facing him, He stopped from walking at two steps from you and he was watching you like he wasn’t sure how to start or even what to say. “Give it back,” you repeated and reached out for the paper, approaching him.
In a fast move, he lifted his arm up and held the paper above your head. “You need to hear me out, first,” he warned you.
“I’m not negotiating with you,” you scoffed and went even closer.
“I won’t give it back,” he laughed and looked down at you.
The tip of your wand made contact with the skin of his neck, the surprised look in his eyes making you laugh internally. “Don’t make me get violent,” you whispered as the wood pressed harder into his neck. You could see how he swallowed and looked at your wand and then at you, directly in your eyes. You could swear you saw a little sparkle in his brown iris.
“You’re a little too small for that, hun,” he chuckled and grabbed your wand, taking it away from him.
“Give it back, Fred!” you shouted annoyed and jumped, trying to get back your parchment.
You both were holding into your wand, his other hand having the paper and yours trying to get it back, but that action – you jumping – only made you lose balance and step wrong, causing you to fall on him, his back making contact with the ground.
“Auch,” he complained and opened his eyes, seeing you now over his body, your hand laying on his chest and your eyes big, doe-like. “I’m not Fred,” he started and you felt a little bad, because your harsh feeling were meant for his brother.
“Why didn’t you give it back to me, then?” you asked, too scared to move away from him.
“I wanted you to listen to me first,” he said and cleared his throat, looking away, as he was embarrassed. “I want to apologize.”
A bright color of red came across your cheeks as you heard him. You literally threatened him not even knowing what he was about.
“I’m sorry my brother and I bothered you at dinner,” he continued, “Fred can be a little impatient sometimes, but he didn’t mean to upset you,” he explained and you could see how much he wanted to clear his brother’s name. “He’s just worried about my grades and how mum could react, that’s why I need your help with Herbology.”
His voice was warm and calm, like he didn’t want to scare you. You were mesmerized by his tonality, by the way his lips were moving with every word he said.
“I’m sorry for being a prick,” you started, whispering. “I should’ve made some time to listen to you.”
You got up and George helped you get on your feet, your hand still in his – that made you blush and he seemed to notice but did nothing about it.
“It’s fine,” he smiled, “I’ll come tomorrow at the meeting, if that’s alright.”
“You don’t have to, George,” you said looking around. “The meeting is over at 11, you could come then.”
He continued to smile when your eyes were back on him, “I actually wanted to participate to one of the Potions Club’s meetings.”
“Oh,” was all you could say at that moment. “Ok,” you added.
“You guys start at 9, am I right?” he asked and gave the paper to you. You nodded and looked confused at the parchment, like the writing wasn’t yours. “See you then, hun,” he said and left, leaving you in complete confusion about what just happened.
That night a part of you didn’t believe that George actually wanted to spent his Sunday morning in the greenhouse, talking about homework and plants. That idea was even stronger when ten minutes passed by 9 and he wasn’t there, but five more minutes later he came in, apologizing for being late. He sat down on a chair, with a notebook in his lap and a quill in his hand, writing down every idea that he thought it was important or interesting. He even asked you and the others some questions, made assumptions and tried to find logic in what you were saying.
“Thank you guys very much for joining me today,” you told to your little team and waved them goodbye as they left the greenhouse. You were alone or so you thought until a clapping sound made you jump a little in surprise.
“It was amazing,” George said to you, proudly.
“Thanks, George,” you laughed and crossed your arms over your chest. “You did well today, I actually don’t think you need tutoring if you’ll pay more attention.”
“No,” he said fast, “I need you to tutor me, I’m a mess on my own.”
“Then you should join the club.”
He got up and came closer to you, your body already kind of burning when he was in front of you. “I will, but I still need some private lessons.”
You bit your lower lip to stop a chuckle and looked at him, “Fine, George, I’ll tutor you.”
He shouted in joy and grabbed your hand, spinning you like in a waltz and making you laugh loudly. “Thank you, thank you!” he laughed too, stopping you from spinning when you bumped into his hard chest, a big smile on his lips before he kissed your cheek and a bright blush appearing on your face. “You’re my savior.”
You laughed lightly, looking in his eyes as he radiated pure joy all over the room. “I would be falling without you,” he declared, making you confused.
“You mean failing?”
“No,” he simply said, “Let’s have my private lesson next Saturday, is that fine?”
“Yes?” you said still confused with his words.
“Great, I’ll take you to Hogsmeade,” he smiled confident.
“Is this a date, George Weasley?”
“It’s a study date, hun,” he rolled his eyes. “But I take it any way you like to call it,” a smirk appeared on his lips as he winked at you.
“What did you mean, George?” you asked, referring to his declaration from earlier. “You would fall without me?”
“I said what I said, Y/N, and I mean it,” he told you in a serious tone. “I would be falling without you.”
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chicksung · 4 years
stray kids reaction to their (idol) s/o being made fun of by fans? if that's not against your guidelines of course!!
Stray Kids reaction to their idol s/o being made fun of by fans
A/N: Hi beauty! Of course not! This is my first time doing a reaction so please bare with me here! Thank you for the request @dreamsaboutnct
Warning/s: cyber bullying, crying, disappointed chan
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Bang Chan: When he came home to find your shaking form in waves of tears, he knew something was up. He knew that you were in preparation for a comeback and he thought maybe it was the stress of it, but when you broke down futher in his arms and said that it was the fans that had you in this state, he was speechless.
To say he was disappointed was an understatement. He was baffled when he saw the tweets and comments regarding your appearance, your talent and abilities and even your relationship with Chan.
He decided to host another episode of Chan’s Room that night. As he greeted the fans, he watched the comments carefully, seeing if there was anything negative said about you.
“Now, I actually wanted to talk to you guys. I love being with Y/N. I truly do. But there are some things that need to be addressed. For as long as Y/N and I are together, I expect you guys to respect her and treat her like you would treat me. It breaks my heart to see how many negative comments my s/o has been getting and I am giving you one warning and one warning only. It has got to stop.”
He had never been so strict when talking to stays but he needed to knock some sense into this ridiculousness, but it seemed to work.
The next morning, #RespectYN was trending #1 on twitter and the negativity was outweighed by the positive. Chan smiled as you read out all the cute things fans had written.
“And if anything like this happens again, let me know. I’ll fix it.”
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Lee Minho: He hates seeing you cry. In fact, he hated seeing you anything but happy. You couldn’t explain yourself through the tears so instead you showed him your twitter feed, when he read it, he was frozen. How could his own fans do this to you. Not his stay. Everyone seemed to be supportive of your relationship. This was until he saw one tweet and he felt his blood boil.
“I’m not a stay but I am a (y/n’s fandom name) and honestly? Y/N doesn’t deserve Lee Know”
“Come with me.” Minho whispered, grasping your hand tightly and leading you elsewhere.
Sometimes, you really loved being in the same company as Minho. He told his manager and your manager about the whole situation and they said they would bring it up with the CEO.
Not a week later, Twitter once again say something that they knew was somewhat bad.
‘안녕하세요, JYP입니다.’
The article explained that if any further malicious comments were made about either idols, there would be serious consequences in place for the perpetrators found guilty.
Minho took out on a date that day, to clear out all the negative thoughts and feelings in your mind and heart with all the love he could possibly give to you. He really loves you.
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Seo Changbin: Changbin immediately pulled you into his arms when he saw the tears on your cheeks. He didn’t need to know if it was dance practice, a conflict between you and your members, or even if it was that time of the month again. All he knew was that you were upset and he needed to fix it. He pet your hair and let you cry out your feelings until your loud sobs slowly turned into soft sniffles.
“What’s wrong, love? What’s got my baby all upset?” He asked you, pulling you away from his chest and wiping your tears away with his thumb.
“It’s the fans. They’ve been telling me that I don’t deserve you and it’s getting to a point that I’m too scared to post on Twitter and Instagram or turn on vlive. I’m so scared, Binnie.”
Changbin needed to find a way to fix this. And what better way than to write a song. He knew it would take a while and he told you to just try and hang in there.
A few weeks later, he dropped his song on SKZ-Player and the response to it was overwhelmingly good. He decided to turn on vlive and he saw a comment asking what the song is about.
“The song is from the perspective of a fan. They really love this idol to the point where they think they will eventually get married to him. However, it shows the developed hatred towards the idol’s partner when the idol announces that he’s dating. I actually wrote this song to express what could possibly be going through a lot of your heads in regards to myself and my own s/o. They haven’t been taking your...’criticism’ too well.”
When he turned of vlive, within minutes, translation of what he had said had spread like wildfire throughout different social media but people seemed to get the message.
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Hwang Hyunjin: Hyunjin felt his heart break a little as he heard you blame the fans for your fragile state of mind. He almost didn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Come on babe. Let’s go and get some ice cream and come back to this with a clearer mind.” He whispered before a small peck on your cheek was delivered and he took your hand and headed out the door.
A few days went by and the messages were just getting worse. Hyunjin couldn’t ignore anymore and your state was deteriorating to the point where Hyunjin banned you of your phone and laptop. “If you keep reading them, it’s just going to put you in a worse state than you already are.” He argued.
JYP and your company both released statements concerning the mental health of both idols and if such behaviour was kept up, they would turn off the comments all together. That seemed to get the fans to see just how much their comments were hurting you and your mental state.
Hyunjin smiled when he saw the comments turning from negative to positive almost overnight.
“See? All it takes is a little shove in the right direction for people to realise what they’re doing is wrong.” He said as he cuddled you into his side.
“Ice cream to celebrate?” You asked with pleading eyes.
“Ice cream to celebrate.” He sighed.
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Han Jisung: Jisung listened to you talk out your problems. He judged watched you carefully as you vented about the heated argument two of your members had engaged in and now left tension between the two, but since the announcement that you and Jisung were dating, some of the fans were not being so...kind towards you. Your normally weekly vlives slowly became fewer and farther apart as you were too scared to see the comments.
When your eyes got watery, Jisung momentarily forgot everything else in existence. He forgot about the new album Stray Kids were working on, he forgot about his ramen that he was cooking. All his mind was filled of was ways he could make you feel better.
“Wait wait. Stay here.” He said, gesturing for you to stay put before sprinting out of the room. A few moments later, he returned with a blanket and the teddy bear he was planning to give you on your birthday but decided that you needed it now more than ever.
All wrapped up in a blanket and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in your hand plus hugs from Jisung, your tears were long dried and gone.
“I’ll speak with my managers tomorrow, but right now, let’s just cuddle for now.”
“I love you.” You mumbled, your voice still a little crackly
Jisung chuckled.
“And I love you just as much...if not more.”
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Lee Felix: Felix was always good at reading people’s emotions. He was able to tell when people were angry or sad or just genuinely happy. However, it didn’t take a genius to see that you weren’t doing so crash hot.
“Sweetheart?” He called out as he patted the outline of your figure under your blanket cocoon. All he got was a sniffle in return. He sighed and collected you up in the blanket and scooping you up like a baby.
“Why are you crying, love?” He whispered into your hair as he pressed light kisses to your cheeks and forehead. You just broke down further, the only words he was able to pick up were ‘comeback’, ‘fans’ and ‘hate’.
Felix had a burning dislike for the four letter h word and didn’t really like using it unless he had really strong opinions on it.
“What about the fans, sweetheart?” He reworded his question and that just seemed to make you more upset.
“They’ve been calling me fat, ugly, useless, untalented, and even worse, that I don’t deserve to be with someone as talented and amazing as you.” You cried out, tears falling so often that your chest was constricting.
“Baby, baby, shhh. It’s okay. I’ll deal with this later. But right now, let’s focus on you.” He pressed his lips gently against yours and hugged you tightly. A small smile tugged at Felix’s lips. “Do you wanna bake some cookies with me?”
You’ve never said yes so fast in your life.
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Kim Seungmin: Your usually bubbly aura and personality was nowhere to be seen or felt when Seungmin dropped by your group’s dorm on a surprise visit (and partially to congratulate all of you in your first music show win)
When he saw your slumped over figure and your phone in your hand, his first thought was maybe you were tired, but when he looked closer at you and saw the tears, he walked straight over to you and picked your phone out of your hand like a grape.
“Hey! Minnie! Give it back!” You demanded, trying so hard to wipe away your tears. Seungmin ignored your pleas and started to look at what seemed to be the reason for silent crying.
“If Y/N really thinks she can sing, she’s got another thing coming”
“If I got hit by a truck, I’d look like Y/N”
“Can’t believe some bitch named Y/N got to Seungmo before I did”
Seungmin felt his blood boil, reporting each of the tweet for hate speech and turned back to you.
“How long has this been happening?” Seungmin asked, his eyes softening as he gazed over to you, sitting next to you and grabbing your hands.
You sniffed and couldn’t even look him in his pretty eyes.
“A while now...” Your voice trailed off as a new wave of tears cleansed your eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, petting your hair and tilting your chin up to lock eyes.
“I didn’t wanna worry you.” You sobbed out. Seungmin wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you into his chest letting you cry it out.
“What worries me more is that you didn’t tell me and you didn’t tell the company either.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“How about I take you out to that barbecue place you really like? I’ll pay for it.” He offered, tracing patterns in your hands. You smiled and looked up him.
“That would be nice.”
“Go get your coat, sweetheart.”
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Yang Jeongin: You were Jeongin’s first serious relationship. He was shy around you even after being together for almost a year. He finally built up the courage and told the whole world that he, I.N of Stray Kids, was dating you, the member of the hottest debut girl group.
That shit spread like wildfire. Even though the majority of your fandoms supported your relationship, more recently some fans, who seemed to be notably younger, had been sending hate, not towards Jeongin but towards you for ‘taking away their oppa away’ from them.
It was a stupid thing to get upset over but as the days went on it, it just got worse and it was starting to chip away at your emotional state.
That’s how Jeongin came to find you, curled up and alone in the middle of one of the practice rooms.
“Y/N! Oh my god, are you okay?” He bombarded you with questions and checking you over for any injuries.
“I’m fine, Innie. It’s just...” You didn’t finish your sentence and just sighed.
“Just what? Please tell me. I wanna help.” He said with his round doe eyes.
“I’m guessing you haven’t been keeping up on Twitter.” You let out a half hearted laugh, trying to put on a brave face as you wipe your nose on your sleeve.
“Is this about...” He finally got the hint when he saw your phone thrown across the room with a new crack in the screen.
“The amount of horrible words that they’ve thrown at me is starting to eat away at me. I hate it, Jeongin. I hate it!” You yelled out the last part before wailing into your hands.
Jeongin wrapped you up in his arms and rocked you back and forth. His hands rubbed soothing circles on your back and started humming in your ears. Soon, your sobs were reduced to just small sniffles and he pulled your face of the crook of his neck. His eyes held an idea.
“Follow me. I know what will cheer you up.” He said, pulling the both of you up onto your feet as he guided you through the JYP building.
He lead you up a small staircase on the top floor and swung the door open. He had taken you to the rooftop. The soft noise of traffic below paired with the bright twinkling of the stars made the scene feel like it was something out of a movie. It brought an unfamiliar sense of serenity wash over you and for the first time in about a week, you smiled.
Jeongin laid down on the floor, his head resting on his arms and gazing up at the sky. His gaze cut to you and he patted the empty spot next to him, inviting you to join him.
You watched the stars shine vibrantly above you and you sighed with content.
“Y/N. Don’t you ever forget how much I love you. No matter how bad the comments get, that won’t change how I feel about you. I’m doing a vlive tomorrow night so I’ll address it then.” He told you as you rested your head on his chest.
“Thank you, Jeongin. What would I do without you?”
“I’m not quite sure.”
“Nor am I.”
I hope this was good. I know some were longer than others but I got more inspired the more I wrote it :))
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I could use a good story. Can i ask for a little nix fic? Maybe one where his gf thinks hes cheating cuz hes been avoiding her but really hes super nervous about proposing to her?
Not According To Plan; Lewis Nixon
Fandom: HBO War; Band of Brothers
A/N: not me coming back from the dead with a 1K+ word imagine oop- anyway... My inspiration to write has been negative lately so I wrote this over the course of a couple weeks, and I’m so sorry this took so long! I hope you like it tho. Also, Y/N/N = your nickname
Warnings: none :) but it gets a lil sketchy on the angst front; FEMALE reader
Taglist: @liebegott @stressedinadress @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @teenmagazines @hbohmygodx @meteora-fc @punkgeekchic @vintagelavenderskies @hoosiers-hoe @mavysnavy @inglourious-imagines @warrior-healer @alienoresimagines @hannahbear1 @easy-company-tradition @wexhappyxfew
(Let me know if you either want to be taken off/added to the taglist; also let me know if you’ve changed your url so that I can be sure I’m tagging you)
"I was thinking dinner," you said into the receiver. "And possibly a walk?"
"I'd love to, Y/N/N..." Lewis started.
You held your breath for the-
"But I'm busy tonight. I've got some things to finish up. How's tomorrow?"
"I've got work tomorrow," you reminded him, hoping he might give in.
"Right." He breathed a curse just barely audible. "I'll make it up to you, alright? Next day you don't work."
You sighed, realizing he was dead set in his own plans for the evening. The romantic urges that had been tugging at your heart began to gain some slack. "Alright. I'll see you then."
The next date was a spontaneous visit to his house with food.
"Y/N," he stammered, surprised by your appearance at his door. He kissed you in greeting before letting you in. "I wasn't expecting you."
"I missed you," you pouted, holding out the bags of food you were carrying. "I brought lunch, so you can't tell me to leave because I know you haven't made anything to eat."
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He took the bags from you and into the kitchen.
"More than one I hope," you scoffed.
He gave you a sly smirk and was about to say something else just as the phone rang, cutting him off. "I'll be right back." He kissed you before leaving the kitchen to answer the phone in the hall.
Taking the moment of his preoccupation to plate the food, you hummed to yourself as you scooped green beans onto two plates.
"Listen, not now," Lew's voice carried in from the hall. "This isn't a good time. I'll call you back later. Alright, bye."
His tone concerned you, but you weren't going to grill him. If he wanted you to know what it was about, he'd tell you.
Incidentally, he did not want to divulge because when he reappeared in the kitchen, he wore an unreadable expression but made no mention of the short-lived conversation he just had. "Lunch looks great, sweetheart." A smile stretched across his face and you momentarily forgot about what you had heard. "Don't skimp me on those potatoes."
Another cancelled date. It was just supposed to be a night out to the movies, but Lew had called to say he needed to stay late at work.
"Babe, I'm sorry," he apologized.
"It's fine," you assured him, though once again, you felt yourself deflate. "You don't need to apologize for being busy. I get it. Don't work too hard, alright?"
"Next time," he said, "I promise."
"I love you. Be safe getting home."
"I love you too, Y/N/N." He waited for you to hang up before letting out an anxious breath. The idea of lying to you made his skin itch, and he was burning right now. He ran a hand over his face and got up from his desk.
"I didn't know you were staying late," Delia, the secretary, commented seeming to have appeared out of nowhere. "Is there some new project you're working on?"
Momentarily startled by her sudden presence, Lew shook his head. "I'm not staying late." He got up from his desk and grabbed his coat. "In fact, I'm leaving now. I've got reservations to make."
"But you just..." her voice trailed off just as her eyes widened. "Sir, not to pry, but does this have anything to do with the thing that I definitely did not see on your desk a while back?"
"Yes," he replied, slipping his arms into the coat.
Her jaw dropped. "Does Dick know?"
The look he gave her made her facepalm.
"What am I saying? Of course, Dick knows."
"Delia, I really do have to go," he reminded her. He stopped for a moment. "Please don't mention this to anyone."
"Mum's the word," she promised as he rushed out.
It had been over a week since you had spent any real time with your boyfriend, and you were growing more nervous and self-conscious by the day. There were thoughts that you couldn't help but entertain, even against your better judgement. As much as you wanted to push these thoughts away, they gnawed at the pit of your stomach at any given moment.
But out of the blue, Lew called.
"I know you don't work today—I called and checked—so I'll be over in half an hour to come get you. I figured I still owe you that dinner and walk."
As happy as you were to accept, your anxiety grew as you got yourself ready. You shed a few stray tears but primarily held yourself together. Your thoughts persisted as you heard the knock at the door.
“How’s my best girl?”
You offered him a tight smile. “You mind stepping in a minute? I’m not quite ready to go.”
He followed you back into the living room of your small apartment.
Trying not to choke on your words, you finally managed to spit it out. "Why have you been avoiding me?" You feared the answer, and the look on his face didn't ease your anxiety.
"Avoiding you? Have I been..." His voice trailed off as he noticed the hurt you were trying to conceal. He closed his eyes, releasing a breath. "I'm so sorry."
"I want you to be honest with me, Lewis." Your expression hardened at the sound of what you thought was a confession. "Are you seeing someone else?"
He blinked incredulously at you before sputtering out, "What? You're joking right?" He wanted to laugh, but he knew it wasn't the time. Instead he pulled you into his chest, tucking your head under his chin. "In retrospect, I see how you could have thought that, but I swear that's not it."
You pried free from his embrace, still not entirely convinced. "Then why the secrecy? Why the phone calls and late nights and cancelled plans?"
"There goes my surprise," he mumbled. He sighed before lightly sitting on the edge of the couch, beckoning you to join him. When you did, he looked pleadingly into your eyes. "I was... dammit. I was so nervous about asking you, and I guess subconsciously I avoided you to keep from doing it too early."
"Doing what?" It came out harsher than you had intended, but your patience was wearing thin. "What were you going to ask me?" The vaguest idea of what it could be formed in the back of your mind, but your skepticism was refusing to let it grow.
"I wanted to propose," he admitted gently. "I had the perfect spot picked out. Dick helped me practice the speech I was going to give leading up to it down pat. I've had the ring for... a while. But every chance I had to move in the right direction, I got scared."
That little inkling that had formed was yelling "Told you so!" And you felt your heart melt immediately. "You were going to propose to me?"
He nodded, suddenly looking more nervous than you'd ever seen him. "Would you say yes?"
You raised your eyebrows. "Are you asking?"
He gave you a sideways glance before moving from his place on the coach to bended knee in front of you. "Y/N, will you marry me?"
"Absolutely," you practically gushed. Even expecting it, your heart raced at the sound of the words. You flung your arms around him, pulling him close. “I’m so sorry for-“
“Shhh...” he coaxed, rubbing your back. “Don’t apologize, baby. Let this be a happy moment.” He loosened himself from your embrace to look at you. “I just want you to be happy.”
“If I get to be with you for the rest of my life, then I’ll be happier than I’ve ever been.”
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itzagothamcitysiren · 4 years
Welcome to the Family
Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers and motherly figures out there! This story is kind of inspired by my relationship with my older sister, who was honestly more of a mother to me than our actual mom. She’s awesome and I wish I could see her today but quarantine sucks lol. 
Also, too me Logan Lerman is Tim. He’s just so awkward and cute and nerdy, and I think he’d be a great Tim. 
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Mother’s Day pt.1           
 “What the hell are you doing, Drake?” Damian’s snippy voice cut through the empty living room like a knife.
           The once comfortably silent room, now held an awkward and thick tension as Tim Drake popped his head up from his work, annoyed at being interrupted.  He looked back down at the paper and other supplies cluttered around the coffee table for a moment, not even embarrassed at being caught. It was a normal thing that he started doing shortly after moving into Wayne Manor all those years ago; Damian was still the one who was the odd one out.
           “Making Mother’s Day cards; what else does it look like?” Tim rolled his eyes, motioning his hand with a slight wave to the finished card at the edge of the table. That one was meant for his mother, he made sure to finish it first, wanting to drop it off at the post office tomorrow after school so it’d get to her in time.
           “Tt.” Damian shook his head, crossing his arms against his chest. He took a seat at the other end of the couch to look over the older boy’s work.
           Damian Wayne wasn’t the type for such sentiment. He scoffed at the idea of Mother’s Day. Could you just imagine him, an al Ghul, giving his mother a card? Though, he didn’t put it past someone as pathetic as Drake to be one to celebrate the commercial holiday. Even Grayson and his father celebrated, and their mothers were dead. They’d both journey to the cemetery and placed roses on their mother’s grave. But that made much more sense to Damian, than making a card, they were paying their respects, while Drake was just giving his mother a worthless piece of paper.
           “A simple piece of paper will really satisfy your mother? Tt.” Damian leaned back into the couch, arms still crossed but now lifting his leg to rest on his other thigh.
           “Yes. It. Will.” Tim gritted, not in the mood for Damian’s taunting and insults; he was actually in a genially good mood for once.
            He moved to open his mouth again, clenching the marker in his hand tightly; who did this kid think he was? He was glad the kid was over his phase of trying to actively kill him but he still found pleasure in making Tim’s life miserable. He tried closing his mouth, not wanting to get into it again but the third Robin still felt the need to defend himself against the spoiled blood son. He pushed the disappointed look Bruce would surely show him away after the old man would end of having to break up another fight between the two boys.
           “I’m not just giving her card; I’m also sending her a gift card to her favorite restaurant and another one for a trip to this day spa. It makes her happy and since I’m not around I want to make sure she knows I miss her. You know like normal mother and son stuff, not that you would know anything about that.”  
           Tim cursed to himself as soon as the bitter and smug words left his mouth. Shit.  He went too far; the dead silence that followed told him that much. He didn’t dare look up to see Damian’s face. He could practically feel the scowl, the deadly glare, beaming into the side of his head; it was like he was being blasted by Superman’s laser beams. Maybe that was being a little dramatic but Tim knew he shouldn’t have said that. He was better than stooping that low and saying something that brash. Even with the pair being fair from close, barely even being on speaking terms, Tim still knew how sensitive Damian was about his relationship with Talia.
           He was half expecting to feel a punch come down from him, or a shove, anything that would physically harm him in response but much to Tim’s surprise he was just met with Damian’s signature sound, ‘Tt’, and then him shifting in his place. Tim scratched the back of his neck, unsure why Damian reacted so calmly, not that his body and pride weren’t complaining. He mentally shrugged and went back to making his second card.
           The younger boy watched as Tim got back to work. He wanted to lash out at Drake’s dig at him and his mother’s relationship but Damian didn’t want to give Drake the satisfaction of knowing that he was insulted. He thought back to his father’s speech after their last fight about how they both needed to learn how to be the bigger person. Damian rolled his eyes at the memory and instead quirked an eyebrow up as he watched Tim begin to get back into making what appeared to be a second Mother’s Day card.
           “Correct me if I’m wrong but last time I checked you only had one mother, Drake.” Damian said, nodding towards the second card.
           “You would be correct.” Tim nodded, not looking up this time as he spoke. He reached for the blue Sharpie instead, filling in the bubble letters he wrote with it.
           “Then why are you making another card? Did you realize how stupid that other one is and are starting over?” Damian pressed, leaning back once again to get comfortable.
           Tim huffed, already over this conversation. It was times like this that he wished Dick and Halley still lived at home. Damian would be Dick’s shadow if he was here and not bugging him like this. With Halley, she’d swoop in the moment she felt a fight forming and would’ve gotten the demon spawn to shut up by now. But now that they were the only two left living at home Damian was all Tim’s problem. Maybe it was time to go back to the Titans?
           “No, my mother’s card is done. This is for someone else.” Tim said, using his minimum art skills to draw a decent flower next to the y in Day. He huffed again when Damian responded immediately asking who specifically it was for. Tim let the marker drop from his grasp, losing his nerve. Rubbing his head, he pushed the hair fallen in front of his face out of his face, letting out a deep breath. Why did he care what he was doing? Damian has shown more interest in his current activity than he’s shown in anything in Tim’s life since they met.  “It’s for Halley.”
           “Tt.” Damian rolled his eyes, smirking. “Halley isn’t your mother, Drake.”
           “No, but since I’ve moved here, she’s always been there when I need her and she’s done so much for me so this is my way of thanking her and showing that I love her.” Tim let himself get cocky again, snipping right back at Damian. He put emphasis in his speech, knowing that not only was it true but it would rub Damian the wrong way. “I do this for her every year and every year she gets all mushy and loves it.”
           Damian narrowed his eyes at the older boy. Was Drake questioning his relationship with his older sister? They may only be half siblings but that was more blood than she shared with anyone in the bat family. When the pair first found out they shared the same mother, Damian had been less then enthused about no longer being an only child and furious at his mother for failing to mention her having a child with Deathstroke. Halley had been just as shocked and angry, but at her father for never telling her. She wasn’t surprised but still angry. Though unlike him, she quickly rushed to try and get closer to the boy. Even though Damian wanted no part of it, Damian was clearly her favorite brother; right?
           Drake said this was a yearly thing but why has he never noticed before? He did know that they would occasionally spend what they grossly called Mandatory Sibling Bonding Day together, where’d they’d go out just the two of them, much to the annoyance of Damian. He didn’t understand why she wasted her time with Drake; what could they possible do for fun together? Granted, she did do the same with Grayson whenever they were around at the same time. The pair of them also being close, Grayson having been the one to help get her out of her old life with her father, Slade Wilson.
           Damian thought about how his sister had a close personal relationships with all the Robin’s and Batgirl’s, even the failure that Damian deemed as Stephanie Brown; Halley was close to them all, all but him. Though that wasn’t completely true, they did have somewhat of a bond. They both had what she phased as shitty-ass parents, her father being Deathstroke himself while his was the Dark Knight, and they shared the same mother, Talia al Ghul. They’d never known about the other until Damian was brought to live with his father by their mother and Halley had long been taken in by Dick and Bruce.
           He still remembered their first meeting, they hadn’t yet known about sharing the same mother but yet she was still eager to accept him. He of course didn’t share her gusto, especially after Slade revealed that Talia was her mother after he attacked the League of Assassin’s and killed his grandfather. Damian wasn’t keen on having an actual sibling, especially one with the blood of Deathstroke. But they also shared the same al Ghul blood and was quite the efficient fighter. But they were both incredibly set in their ways and persistent, as she was dead set on getting the younger boy to open up while he was dead set to prove that he was the most worthy al Ghul.
           It infuriated him enough that she said she didn’t care about being an al Ghul, having  no memories of being with the League of Assassin’s, as Slade and Talia agreed that she would go off to live with her father for her training. Damian said she was unworthy of the blood they shared and she didn’t deserve it. Though even now, he wouldn’t admit it but sometimes he swore he could still feel the pain from the beating she gave him when he tried to kill her in her sleep his first few months staying in the manor whenever he looked her way.
           That was something he admired about his sister, again not like he would ever admit it, but her persistence was something he looked up to and even came to appreciate. Even after trying to kill her, being cruel, and treating her like how she treats Drake, at first even worse, she never gave up on him; a feat that no one else could say they’ve come close too; perhaps Grayson, but there were times where even the star-child of Bruce Wayne’s collection of wayward children would walk away from Damian’s outbursts because he simply had enough of the all give an no take. But not Halley; she’d stay every single time and with that she’d even give him a smile at the end of it.
           She understood what it was like. Being raised by Slade Wilson was basically the same as being raised by Ra’s al Ghul. They never had a conversation about it, Damian always calling her a fool, she didn’t know what his childhood was like and then brushing her off. But who was Damian kidding? She made her first kill by age eight, so did Damian. She had expectations placed on her that no child should’ve been held up to, as did Damian. They shared bruises, scars and nightmares.
           Grayson had tried with him, after his father failed but Halley was the one who truly helped him adjust to this new life he found himself in without even knowing it. What Grayson and his father didn’t understand was that you just couldn’t stop being who you were raised to be in a second, it took time, and Halley had been through the same transition. Granted she was looking to escape the life she had with her father whereas Damian was forced to be with his by his mother, but there were just some habits that where hard to break.
           “You good there?” Drake’s voice cut Damian out of his thought process.
           Damian snapped out of it, narrowing his eyes down at the card, noting Tim had stopped working on it and was looking at Damian as if he was a frozen computer screen. Scoffing, standing up to his feet, he uncrossed his arms, pointing a finger at the card for his sister. Trying to hid the fact that Drake caught him in such a deep thought, he cleared his throat before sneering,  
           “Her favorite color is purple, not red.”
           Tim watched, mouth left agape as Damian made his way out of the room without another word. He took another look down at the card and grunted, reaching for a new piece of paper, getting ready to start all over again. What a kid, he thought as he got back to work.
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ellewritessometimes · 4 years
It’s a Gift
Summary:  Cas and Dean have become very close. Dean develops a crush and is afraid to say anything. He continues to fall harder as the days go on. As the Valentine's Day party approaches, Dean wonders if he'll share the secret he's been harboring.
Ships: Dean/Cas, Crobby
Word Count:  3,552
TW: Mentions of violence and Homophobia, Swearing
Notes:  This is a work from an abandoned Valentine's Day group writing project. I decided to post it still because I worked hard on it and I wanted the original intended recipient to get their fic as planned. I want to thank Luc for allowing me to reach out to them and @kermit-drinking-tea-dot-jpg for betaing this fic.
Link to read on AO3
The smell of greasy tater tots and dry nuggets wafted through the cafeteria as I walked in and took my seat at the table. The rest of the team sat down as well.
"Does anyone have a date for Valentine's party tomorrow?" Garth asked.
"I'm sure Sam will be my date," Gabe smirked. The guy was kinda obsessed with my brother.
Garth rolled his eyes and continued to take a bite of his chicken patty. I turned the page of my notebook, trying to decode my notes from last week. 
"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.
"What?" Gabe asked with a mouth full of french fries.
"I can't read my notes, and the test is next period," I said in frustration. I had scrawled them down distractedly during the class.
"Would you like to borrow mine?" Cas asked. 
Of course, I would like to borrow Cas's notes. He was a great student, always crazy organized.
Cas slid a spiral-bound notebook with perfect notes written in blue gel pen. The lettering looked like a font. I could never be like this. I could never sit still for that long. Oh, to be like Cas; Quarterback, Captain of the Football team, debate mentor, NHS, he really had it all. I was just a linebacker struggling to remember physics. God, Dad, is gonna kill me.
"Thanks, man," There was relief in my voice. Maybe I'd pass. A.P. Physics is not the move when you're a dumbass.
Cas smiled and picked up his book, On the Road. I've never seen him eat during school. He's always reading, helping us with homework, or keeping Gabe and Garth out of trouble. 
The bell rang, so I handed Cas his notebook back. He winked, and I felt my heart pound. I'm sure he was just saying ‘you're welcome’.
* * *
Mr. Crowley handed out the test, and I inhaled deeply. I can't do this. I can't do this. 
Cas looked toward me and mouthed, "Are you ok?" 
I shook my head. The little shit winked again and raised his hand.
"Mr. Crowley, I think Dean is going to be ill," Cas fibbed, "I should take him to the nurse just to be sure."
"We wouldn't want that. Take him to the nurse," Mr. Crowley gave him the ok.
Cas and I walked out of the classroom and into the hallway. Cas gestured to me to follow him. He led me into an empty classroom and shut the door.
 He set his notebook and pencil down on a desk and bluntly said, "Sit."
I did as I was told. I watched him write a kinematic equation on a fresh sheet.
"What do you know?" Cas asked.
"I don't believe that."
"I'm a dumbass," I shrugged.
He tilted his head, and I noticed a change in his eyes. 
"You don't believe you deserved to be helped," He stated and quickly changed the subject in an attempt to take what he said back. "Let's start easy."
I leaned my head over to see the problem he wrote. A hair fell on my face, and Cas pushed it away. I jumped. Cas jumped as well, startled by my reaction. His disposition changed.
"I'm sorry, I…" His voice trailed off.
"It's fine, Cas." I made an attempt to reassure him.
We moved along with the problem like it never happened. But it did happen. I would feel the touch on my forehead the rest of the day. The way his hand felt, soft and warm against my rough skin. 
We must have done at least 20 problems until I finally felt comfortable doing it independently. The bell rang, and I thanked Cas. He really didn't need to do that. I wasn't shocked that he did though, he always tried to help the guys somehow. The dude's a friggin angel.
* * *
I was distracted all of the football practice.  I was preoccupied thinking about Cas.
"Winchester, get your head in the game!" Coach Bobby yelled out.
I had known Bobby my whole life. He'd been more like a dad than my own blood. He was always there when Dad was deployed, on a hunting trip, or just drunk, unable to take care of Sam and me. Dad was never the most stable person. 
I nodded to Bobby and tried to focus. I'd been meaning to talk to the school counselor about getting me to see a therapist or something to get diagnosed. Bobby and I suspected I had ADHD but we wouldn't know for sure. Unfortunately, I knew that Dad didn't believe in therapy. And anyway, the doctor can't fix it if I'm distracted by Cas. God, the dude can move. His passes are perfect, he makes almost every goal, and his touchdowns are so impressive. God, I sound like I have a crush.
Practice finished, and we all headed to the locker room. Bobby gave a speech.
"We've got an away game tomorrow, folks. I expect the best behavior from you all, or you will not go to the sports Valentine's Day party. I mean it." Bobby continued, "I know that this year has been hard with the Superbowl being delayed due to extenuating circumstances, but I still need you idjits to be good."
"Yes, coach," We deadpanned in unison like cult members. We started exiting the locker room.
"Dean, I would like you to stay," Coach said sternly.
Oh shit. 
Bobby led me to his office and motioned for me to sit in a chair.
"What's up with you, son?" Bobby questioned, "You've got that look, is it a girl? You're not back with Jo, are you? Lisa? Or is it a guy or an enby? You know that I don't care…"
"No, it's no one," I'm such a liar. I've had a crush on Cas since he moved here in fourth grade, and Bobby can see right through my bullshit.
"Bull," Bobby raised his eyebrows.
I shrugged. I couldn't even imagine what dad would say. Actually, I could. It would be to get out of his house and never come back.
"So that's it, you just wanted to be nosey? Besides, it's no one, and dad would never let me." I sighed.
"Don't worry about your old man. I'd take care of it. Mr. King and I always have a place for you and Sam anyway." Bobby was dating Mr. Crowley, no one but Sam and I knew.
I thanked him and left to go pick up Sam from the middle school. Boy, he had grown up so fast. I remembered when he was born. And when mom died.
* * *
I pulled up at the school, music blaring. Sam rushed to my car and opened the door.
"Can you drive me to Jess's house?" Sam asked.
"No, tonight's family dinner night." Dad's A.A. sponsor told him that it was a good idea to start trying to be more of a part of our lives. That started with dinner, I guess.
* * *
Dinner with Dad was painful. Sam and Dad bickered back and forth about every single little thing. Sam wanted to go to college, Dad wanted him to keep up with the family business, then Sam said that hunting and the military don't count as a legacy. I hate it here.
"Sam, give it a rest." I dropped my fork into Cambell's chicken noodle with stars.
"You're not siding with him, are you?" Sam's face was defensive.
"I'm the adult here." Dad slurred.
"A half of one at best," I muttered under my breath.
"What was that, boy?" Dad's face had that look I didn't like.
"Nothing, sir," I was trying not to get killed.
Creak. Dad slid his chair back and walked over to me. As he hovered over my head, my heart dropped to my stomach. He held his hand out and swung. 
I could feel the tingling on my face as he said, "Say something else, and it's gonna be somewhere else."
Sam got up from the table and ran to his room. I hated when Sam saw this. I knew it would hurt him more, but I still spoke anyway. It's hard. I knew Dad loved us. He just didn't know how to express it.
I walked away from the table as Dad drank more beer.
"Sam, you know that…" I couldn't think of an excuse, so I said, "Open the door, please."
Sam opened the door. His eyes were red, stress hives had formed on his arm. I wanted to hold him and tell him I would get us out here. I tried to protect him. I wanted him to always be safe. I just wish he knew Dad before Mom died. 
"Why?" Sam asked, "Why do you just sit there and take it."
So he won't come after you, I wanted to say. Instead, I just shrugged as he closed the door in frustration.
* * *
I woke up early to go on a run to clear my head. As I ran, I saw a familiar face. It was Cas, walking a fluffy golden retriever. There was a redheaded girl next to him. I didn't know her, but she was pretty. I stopped jogging and stared for a moment.
"Hey!" I waved.
"Oh hey, Dean!" Cas's face brightened. He turned to the girl, "Anna, this is Dean Winchester."
Anna threw up a hand shyly. I smiled in response. 
"Catch you later, I guess," I said as I walked away.
It was nice to see Cas, and he looked happy to see me. His sister was nice as well. I thought of the interaction as I strolled to the abandoned house on the end of the street. Sam always asked why I liked that place so much, but I don't know why. I just like creepy things. The house feels almost supernatural. 
* * *
"Hey!" Someone hit me in the back. Jo.
"Hay is for horses," Jo grinned. "Got a date for the party?"
I shook my head. I was planning on asking Lisa but Jo was a fun party person. This could pose an issue, but I decided to ignore it.
"Well, you do now, silly goose," Jo said snarkily. 
I always took Jo to parties. She was indeed the life of them. We'd go, she'd flirt, I'd scope out the crowd, we'd both be disappointed, then drunkenly make out in the Impala. Maybe grab a milkshake. It was tradition, but I had never taken Lisa before. Jo and I were more like flirty friends; I really had something with Lisa.
"Same as always?" I asked.
"Yup, come get me at five, and I'll bring the refreshments." She was referring to the whiskey she would steal from her mom's bar.
Jo walked away, and I turned to see Lisa standing at her locker. She was grabbing a math textbook and a copy of Gatsby.
"Hey Lis," I started.
"What do you want, Dean," She seemed annoyed.
"Are you ok?"
"I thought you've been ignoring me," Her voice had little emotion.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't realize how distant I was," Now was not the best time. I decided to say nothing about the party.
"Also, I'm not going to the party. My mom is making me watch my sister." Lisa was disappointed.
"Aw man," Score. This would work out.
We departed from the hallway, and I went to class.
* * *
School could not end fast enough. I couldn't wait for the game.
"Winchester, come see me," Mr. Crowley ordered me to his desk.
I hesitantly got up. He seemed pleased. I could not think of what this could possibly be about.
"Dean, your make-up test is perfect," His voice was enthusiastic. "I'm very proud."
Wow. I could not believe this. I thought for sure that I had flunked. As I breezed by, Cas gave me a thumbs up. I would have to thank him later.
* * *
The rest of the day flew by like cake. 
The team gathered in the locker room before entering the busses. Coach Bobby gave us one last speech.
"Alright, boys, remember what I said yesterday. Be polite and respectful but kick butt," The team cheered as soon as he said it.
We filled into the bus like sardines. This would be unpleasant on the ride home. I made sure I sat next to Cas to talk about science.
"Hey man, thank you so much," I patted his shoulder. 
"Of course," He didn't even look up from his book.
"What's it about" I pointed to On the Road.
"Oh, it's not your kind of book. You wouldn't like it," Cas muttered assertively. 
"I'm sure I would"
"When I finish, I'll let you borrow it," Cas clearly was uncomfortable.
"Ok," I decided not to press.
We sat in awkward silence. It was painful. I tried not to stare while he read his book, but he's all I wanted to pay attention to. I noticed the way his eyes glowed, the way his lip curled when he read something funny, the way he brushed his fringe away from his face.
"Dean...Dean...Dean," I finally noticed that Cas was talking to me.
"Huh?" Shit.
"You're staring," 
"You're a pretty picture," I tried to laugh it off, and I guess it worked because he smiled.
He titled his head in surprise at the comment, but he didn't say anything about it, just turned to his book again. I stared more this time, making it very obvious. He looked up again and grinned. This time, I scooted closer. Now, we were only inches apart. Without looking up, he put his head on my shoulder and continued reading. His hair was soft against my cheek. His arm fit perfectly next to mine. I felt so warm and fuzzy. I never had this feeling before.
* * *
"Hut, hut, 67," Bobby was yelling out commands, "Let's go, boys!"
The bright lights lit up the dark field. It was the fourth quarter, and things were looking good. Tried to keep my head in the game as I made a pass to Cas. Cas fumbled the ball, and another player tackled him.
"What are you doing, Novak?" Bobby yelled. Fumbles were out of character for Cas.
I noticed that the opponent was on top of Cas. This was more malicious than just a tackle. 
"Hey!" Gabe tried to break them up but got lost in the mix. 
Finally, a ref noticed and threw up a flag, "Fifteen-yard penalty!"
Cas stumbled up, his lip was bleeding, and a bruise formed around his eye. We cleared the field to regroup. Cas would most-likely be evaluated, and that player, Azazel, would be suspended. Bobby took Cas to the medical station and, after, walked to the refs and the other coach. You could see them conversing. Bobby's face was solemn.
"So, after talking to the other coach and the refs, we've decided to end this game. The behavior was unacceptable, and we want to prevent any other incidents from happening." Bob said, disappointingly. 
"Ugh, I want to kill this kid!" Gabe yelled. His face was red hot.
"Exactly," Cas spoke up from the bench. No one even noticed that he walked over. "This is what we want to prevent." 
Gabe crossed his arms. He's quite the drama queen.
Bobby told us to gather our stuff and meet him outside to get on the bus. Most of the team was able to grab their belongings quickly. I was about to leave the locker room when I heard someone grunt. They sounded frustrated. 
"Dean! Are you still in here?" Cas called out.
"Um...yeah? Why?"
Cas walked out from behind a row of lockers, shirtless. I tried to contain myself, but the sweat against his skin, the ruffled wet hair, the smile, he looked hot. I must say.
He looked defeated, "I can't find my bag."
I nodded, and Cas continued, "Can you tell Coach Singer that I'll be late? I need to find my bag."
I ran to Bobby, "Cas can't find his bag. I'm gonna stay and help him. I'll call for you to pick me up later."
"Sounds good, kiddo," Bobby gave me two thumbs up.
I ran back to Cas just to find him with his head between his knees on a bench. I didn't know what to do, so I just placed my hand on his back and left it there. 
The room smelled of old sweat and mud. The smell was so overwhelming, I don't know how I didn't notice it earlier. There are lots of things I haven't seen, I start to think about what I've actually paid attention to.
"Cas?" I question. "Are you ok?"
He shook his head. He didn't even move from his position, so I got up to look around. The lockers didn't have locks, so I opened all of them. Nothing. I checked under benches, in stalls; I even looked by the toilets.
"Man, I can't find it," I sighed.
Seconds after I said those words, the lights went out, and I heard the twist of a key.
"Damnit!" I'd never heard Cas curse before, "What are we gonna do?"
"Cas, I don't know," I said as I tried to think. 
I opened my phone to see that it was dead. I couldn't use the flashlight, and if Cas didn't have his bag, he didn't have his phone with him. Thankfully, I had a charger in my pocket, but it would take at least an hour for my Motorola to charge. Damn, that phone takes forever.
"We're gonna miss the party, and it's all my fault," Cas started sobbing.
"No, don't cry," I don't do well with tears. I sat back down on the bench.
"Dean…" Cas scooted away from me.
"What?" I moved closer so I could hear him through the sobs.
Cas turned and kissed me. His soft lips against mine felt like heaven on a platter. He ran his hands through my hair as he swung his legs over onto my lap. I lay down on my back as he leaned into me. I began kissing back but still letting him lead. This is what I wanted. I've been yearning for this. He moves from my lips to my neck, and I run my hands across his muscles.
"God, I love it when you say my name," He says as he undresses me faster.
* * *
After we finish, I check my phone to see if it is charged. The time says 7:15. It's only been an hour since the game ended, so we're not too late.
"So what do we do now?" Cas was lying on the bench, looking at the ceiling.
"Call Bobby to pick us up, I guess?" I ran out of solutions, "I think someone stole it."
"You're probably right, but how do we get out of here?" Cas questioned.
I did not think about that. We were in a locked locker room after school hours with no way of getting out or seeing.
It took me a moment, but I came up with a solution. There's a window high up in the back, so I slid another bench towards it so I could reach it. I flicked the lock on the window, and it budged. It was a small window, but I could climb up and slide my torso through without issue. 
"Cas!" I yelled as I slid downwards out of the window, back into the locker room.
"I found a solution."
* * *
Bobby arrived quickly to pick up a poor freezing shirtless Cas and me.
"No bag?" Bobby questioned.
We shrugged and told him we couldn't find it. Bobby said that we were never playing this school again. Cas and I were content with that. I looked over to Cas and smiled. He smiled back and giggled. I held out my hand, and he took it. I felt the warm sensation through my body again as he touched me.
"What's up with you guys?" Bobby asked.
"Nothing," I smiled but quickly pulled my hand away from Cas. I wasn't ready to tell Bobby yet.
* * *
We arrived at Valentine's party, and Jo was the first to greet me.
"Did you forget about me?" Jo wrinkled her nose in annoyance.
"Sorry, I was looking for Cas's bag." I'm not lying.
"Well, I found another date." Jo turned to a girl, Lisa.
"Hey Dean," Lisa waved and pointed to a redhead, "Meet Charlie!"
"Hi! I'm Jo's girlfriend!" Charlie stuck out her hand enthusiastically. 
I laughed—what a wild night. I strolled over to the drink table and grabbed some punch. Cas found me through the crowd. He was shy now.
"Dean? Are we going to talk about this?" Cas insisted.
"I like you."
"I get that." I wondered what the problem was.
"And?" Cas seemed unsure.
I moved closer to Cas and hugged him. 
Cas told me that Gabe had grabbed his bag from the locker room because he knew that Cas was hurt. Gabe was goofy but kind at heart. Cas was thankful that he did, and no one stole it.
That reminded me that I had something to give Cas. I opened my bag and handed Cas a mixtape with some Zeppelin favorites.
"Dean, I can't take this," Cas was in awe.
"It's a gift; you keep those." I smiled and took his hand to dance.
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tipsydipsydo · 5 years
When the members have a crush on you! 🌼 [their feelings]
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Hello my Dears!💙
Here I am again! I have my Life again!!! On friday I hand my scientific work in and now I'm free again!!! ...more or less... next week starts exam phase. School hates me really.
But here I am again, with the first part of "the members having a crush on you"! It's the fluffy one, Smut will follow😉🤤 (their dirty thoughts about you while having a crush on you!~ it will be two seperated Scenarios, one for fem! readers and the other one for male! Readers!)
This here is for both genders! I wrote it gender neutral!🤗💜
My Masterlist could be found here!
My Imagines could be found here!
(I just want to say sorry for all stupid mistakes in here... English isn’t my first language and I wrote this scenario directly in English (and not like usually at first in German and then translating it to English) that’s why the sentence structure is... let’s say à la carte... sorryyy) 
So, enough talk, here we go! 
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「© tipsydipsydo」
These following headcanons are my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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In my opinion he would realize pretty fast that you're different to others... a way more special for him
How would he know that? Because your makes his heart pounding so much faster, makes his hands sweaty when you're around him and even sometimes makes his voice stutter, when he isn't prepared to see you
like you just came over spontaneous and he opens the door, thinks it's just someone of the maknae line and you just stand there and smile at him so freaking sweetly
everything would fell out of Jin's face, nothing reminds you of his usually super confident behaviour
= super cute stuttering from Mr. Handsome the most selfconfident guy in the universe
the boys are confused what the heck you did to him
why he act like shy Kookie back in his teens
why he's so shy and didn't dare to ask you out even when he's so flirtarous to you
but when he found his voice and his super duper selfconfident mask after a des seconds again (I say mask because around you he's shy like a schoolboy) he would always wants to make you laugh with his dad jokes
"annoy" you a little bit with his "I know it because I'm World
Wide handsome!" speeches
blow an overdramatic kiss to you, so you just roll your eyes chuckling and say that so much confidence isn't good for him and smile cheekily at him
and when you're down he would say that you should come over to the dorm (even when he's still at dance practice until 10 p.m.) so he could cook your favourite meal at midnight for you and talk about whatever the thing is that bothers you
and he would be so caring but in a really cute and adorable way...
he couldn't stand it, when you're down and didn't know how to deal with these problems
would take you into his arms/rub your back gently and try to calm you down
say that you're not alone and he'll be there for you whenever you need him
cooking with Jin is so cool and they would be so much lovey dovey tension in the air
when you're standing infront of the counter and don't know how to cut this specific ingredient for the meal
he would come over to you and wrap his arms from behind around you and lays his big hands on top of yours to help you cutting and whisper gently into your ear how to do that
I think Kookie would be the wing man for you two
teasing Mr. Handsome for being so shy around you when all the boys come into the kitchen to eat dinner together
Jin would shoot death glares to the maknae and would blush lightly... stirring passive-aggressively in the pot
Namjoon and Yoongi wouldn't lecture the youngest for being rude to the oldest
they think it's about the time that this 'sneaking around eachother' finally comes to an end
you set the table in that moment and look up to Jin confused when you hear Kookies teasing words
when you see Jins red ears, hear his cursing and the way he's stirring in the pot
a shy but happy-exited smile spread over your lips
when you see in the corner of the eyes five boys smiling encouraging at you, you blush furiously
just Yoongi rolls his eyes and says: "inform me, when I finally can start to plan your damn wedding! I can't look at this here anymore!"
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I think Yoongi would realize slowly that you're more for him than only a "friend" or a "good friend"
but he would never admit it to someone, even himself
that poor guy is way too afraid to show his feelings and with it (in his opinion) his vulnerable and weak spots
his biggest fear is to interpret too much in your nice gestures and smiles
when he would confess only to get rejected or the worse, to make you laugh like "how could you think I'm interested in you, I mean..."
count 1000+ reasons why you just CAN'T be interested in him and why he would never deserve your love
lowkey jealous at everyone who get your attention, your smiles, your laughs etc.
you didn't do anything wrong, you’re only kind like always to the other members or peoples
but that would cause the reason why Yoongi pull even more away from you and hide himself in his shell, aka his room in the dorm or his studio
Yoongi was never really outgoing, he's a more reserved person and need his time to warm up with someone
and you know that and accept it absolutely, want to give him the time to trust you enough
but instead of getting closer you have the feeling of getting even more distant to him than before
whenever you're in the dorm, he's out in the studio or locks himself away in his room
only comes out to get some Snacks or eat dinner silently with the boys... and you.
I think Namjoon would be the first of the boys who would realize why Yoongi is so distant to you
then Hobi... because of the Rap Line and they work a lot together
the third one would be Jin I think
then Jimin and JK who overheard accidentally a conversation of the rap line to encourage Yoongi to let himself warm up to you
just only Tae didn't get the info (early enough?)
One time at lunch, Jimin and Kookie snickers together that Jin placed your seat right next to Yoongis
Tae wants to know what is so funny
Jimin wisper into his war, that Yoongi likes likes you
"What?? Yoongi likes Y/N?!"
he asks it way too loud
Yoongi next to you seems to crush his glass of water when he hears Tae's question and shoot glares at him to shut his fucking mouth
but Tae didn't get it, he's too exited over the new information he got
you look up confused and ask Tae what he previously said
"Well I didn't know that Yoongi likes you and you two are dating! Je always seems so distant to you and yeah, I think you two aren't so down for public affection but it didn't know until now you two are a couple!
well... know the whole table was silent, you blush furiously ans didn't know what to say
while Yoongi shoot Tae a glare that say that he'll went to bed castrated tonight
You're the first one now who dare to say something
"Y-You like me, Yoongi? I-I thought it's the exact opposite that's why I didn't dare to confess to you... that I have a little... big crush on you..."
Yoongi is speechless... with bright red cheeks
"Okay Yoongi, we think we have tomorrow still enough time to finish the Song. I think today's afternoon you have other plans in mind..."
says Namjoon with a wink to you both and Hobi nods in full agreement and his smile is bright like the sun
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When Namjoon realize that he developt feelings for you over the time, he thought he's a responsible grown up man who can deal with those things in an mature manner
...well lets say he thought could handle it like the adult man he is
one time he was out again, in a nearby park at a sunny spring day
he saw some daisies blossom in the grass
he checked the right and left side until he was sure nobody is watching him
then he bow down quickly and pick one up
with the words "they love me" and "they don't love me" he rotatory tear one tiny petal away until a single one is left
"they love me" comes over his lips and a small but super happy smile manifests on his lips
he knows it's a stupid game but he just couldn't help it when he saw the grass with all those little daisies
like I said he thought he's able to deal with his feelings in a mature way, but he also has to test the waters if there is already someone other who catched your interest
...or in the worst way your heart
so when you came over again for a nice Netflix and Chill evening (the innocent one guys!) with the boys the maknae line wanted to play truth or dare with you
what a great opportunity for Joonie
after a few rounds and you choose truth by Namjoons turn he dropped the question
"is there someone who catch your interest... I mean, in a romantic way... you know a crush?"
the boys try their best not to smirk like idiots over their lovesick leader
you blush a bit, why for the fucking sake has to ask your crush this damn question
you said simply
and Joonie didn't know what to do with this Information
should he ask further in the next found?
he dared to ask by the next round "can you describe this person for us?"
you look at Namjoon and sigh. Is he serious? Is it his goal that you confess your crush on him right infront of all boys?
"hm... he's funny, patient, so damn smart, a wonderful voice..."
with every bullet point you name on your list his heart swells and he Hey his absolute best not to smile like an idiot... until you say:
"...and he's really attractive, a really well built body, you know muscles and such stuff..."
and his smile drops. Yeah, maybe he's attractive in some ways but he learned that mostly the maknae line catch the interests of ARMYs.
he's not jealous or so but he know he didn't count to the 'really really well built guys' or to this kind of mens with a muscular body like Jungkook.
he has to accept that he's not your type
the next turn has Taehyung on you, he's your best friend and he was the one who invited you to the boys
"Y/N may I ask if you reveal to us if it's someone of the group and when yes if you dare to say his name
you look speechless over to your best (well tbh asshole) friend nur you didn't want to give Tae the satisfaction to think you don't have the guts to confess.
"Yes and it's Namjoon."
Joonie looks at you with big round eyes, can't believe his ears
you sigh, bit your bottom lip slightly: "yes Joonie, you listened correctly, I have a crush on you, but that doesnt mean we-"
"but you said it's someone who had 'a really well built body, you know muscles and such stuff'.... but I don't have such body traits..." he explain himself helplessly.
you shoot glare to Namjoon how he can still think he's not attractive!
"well, Joon I just can say Y/N loves your 'thick and juicy thighs' and all these dirty fantasies my bestie has about you... I didn't even wanted to know that!"
All blushy Namjoon didn't know how to react to this infos but then he found his voice again
"Y/N... would you like to go on a date with me... the next days? Because... I like you really much..."
applause from the rest of the boys
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Hobi has already for a longer time a crush on you and usually he didn't have many problems or fears to stand up for his feelings
but there is a thing
that you're already in a relationship
not that only this makes his heart aches, but also not to be able to accept these circumstances and be happy for you
because in his opinion your partner right now treats you like shit and gives a fuck about your feelings
yeah, he knows he has a hell of a busy life too but when he promised you to meet you and have an evening with you he try everything to keep his promise, even when that mean you two meet in the dance studio because he has to work on the new choreography and you just sit in the corner of the room in the floor and watch him
but it's okay, you two also enjoy it just being together with each other in a room
and then there is your partner, you two planned a date in a Café, Restaurant or Gelateria and then they just call you and cancelled it, without even explaining it
there is nothing wrong with feeling not well or just want a little bit time for themself but without being honest? To their own partner?
You got the reason three weeks later, they just cancelled your meeting again that's why you als Hobi if he has time and... offically not, but he didn't say that to you, he wanted to be with you when your damn partner seems like you are not important for them
and then you two saw them... with someone others.
you didn't say anything, just press your lips together and try not to cry right in the mall.
but you can't hold your neutral facade when you saw them kissing like there is no tomorrow
they never kissed you with such a passionate, it breaks your heart to realized that they just used you.
and Hobi our sunshine didn't know how to handle his anger to see this person you loved and paying all your attention and love to them cheating on you like they didn't even remember your existence
When he saw that they turned their head around to you, he didnt waste any time to grab your chin gently and press his lips gently but still determinant on yours
your body stiffen in pure shock to get a kiss from your best friend... in such a situation
but when Hobi wraps his left arm gently around your waist and places his right hand on your cheek
just to be sure that your kiss seems romantic and passionate
and maybe Hobi doesn't want to let your soft lips go away
but then it was time to let each other down from this literally breathtaking kiss
"Hey Baby- uh, Y/N... I-I just thought they just could take taste from their own medicine..."
shy Hobi try to explain his "rude" action
until you press your lips again onto his and wisper between two following kisses:
"Don't be sorry Hobi, that was the best kiss I've ever had and I hope you didn't mind that I want to feel your lips again on my owns..."
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shy cutie nr. 1
could get Jimin even cuter than having a crush on you and developt romantic feelings for you?
so blushy
his fingers run like nonstop through his hair, this habit gets even worse because he's so nervous around you
tbh he wants to be attractive and sexy for you but je also knows he couldn't be the cool sexy sassy man for you in this phase
he's just a cute auf blushy mochi
but when he thinks you're not there and he work on the choreography with all his sex appeal and body rolls
with his serious concentrated sexy gaze
oh god, NOW would be the deadline where you would absolutely fall for him, his cute boyish side and his serious man side
like JK he would try to impress you
loves to hear your laugh or even better, to be the one who makes you laugh
try to get your attention but not in the annoying way you know?
want to be your man to cling when you guys watching a horror movie and you just can't stand some scenes (tbh he too, but he wants to be the one to make you feel safe)
similar to Yoongi, he could get really insecure about himself if he's enough for you
lowkey jealous when you pay more attention to the other boys
even when he wouldn't admit it and he wouldn't mentions it either because he knows it's not your or their fault, it's his own problem
but you realize pretty fast when this cutie didn't smile like usually
"Hey Jiminie, everything okay? You look like something bad happen?"
He nods slowly but didn't dare to say the reason
you smile gently at him and sit down next to him
"Can I help you in any way?"
He fiddles nervously with his small fingers until he asks you:
"Y/N could... can we cuddle a little bit? Only if you want and it's not weird for-"
but before he finished his sentences you slung your arms around him and he could take a deep breath with your scent in his nose.
yeah now everything is fine again.
"When you're jealous... you don't have to be. I-I really like you..."
blushy mochi over 3000+!!!
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I think Tae and you are best friends and he wouldn't realize that his feelings for you changed over the time
Like usually he would buy you little gifts and souvenirs when he's on world tour
help you choose a nice outfit and style it fancy
he wouldn't accept that you talk bad about yourself
when you Start to compare yourself to his "unnatural" beauty, he would take your hands in his beautiful hands and say that it not true and count a list down why you're attractive and beautiful/habdsome
is a really great listener for family problems
I think he would realize that his feelings for you changed from platonic to romantic when he has more and more... wet dreams about you (we going to talk about it in the next part ;D)
and when the need to do things with you that are above every super close friendship like kissing and touching you..
and when you ask him for help to choose an outfit for your date with Luca
who the heck Luca is?!
jealousy hits him hard
he would ask you everything about them and why you two are dating etc.
you would begin to laugh about that not really well hidden jealousy
and then you ask him if he's jealous of Luca
"Would it be bad when I'm jealous? And to be honest I think I'm a much better kisser than this person called 'Luca!"
and then he would kiss you straight away
to prove that he's better than everybody else, he would kiss you very passionate
"tell me I'm better than anybody and I'm the one you want to be together... please!"
"yes tae... I want to. By the way, Luca is just a good highschool friend of mine, nothing to worry about.
"Thank God!"
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shy cutie nr. 2
The more romantic feelings this poor boy got for you, the more he didn't dare to be around you but at the same time he can't wait for the evenings when you come over with take out food for everyone and spend the night with them on the couch
yeah, maybe he teased every other member for having a crush on someone but when it comes to him having a crush on you... oh god
he got everything back
having sich member teasing the shit out of the poor bunny
but Kook learned it really fast not to play with the feelings of the others because he always got the same thing back
he would always blush like mad when you hand him his favourite dish of the restaurant in the way just he like it
try his best to act cool around you but literally everyone around two miles would know that he has the biggest possible crush on you
when it comes to playing Video Games together on these chilling evenings (and you're terribly bad at it) Kookie would be always there for you to be in a Team and win these matches nevertheless because he's so damn good in it even when your the last one in Mario Kart
always blushing around you
giggling a lot, so you start to ask yourself if you wear a weird T-Shirt or have things between your teeth, a reason why this guy act like this
doesn't realize that it's a nervous chuckling because he didn't know how to act around you
work out a lot more to look even more maskuline for you
he's afraid that you could be interested in his hyungs and just could see you as the always youngest, cute little boy of all of them
alone the thought how you could look when you see his toned body keeps him going to give all his best in the fitness studio and while dancing
but he would never have the guts to reveal his love to you
even when he ask his hyungs 100+ time how he could ask you out
I think the boys have to help him a lot until you finally come together.
"Y/N? We think there is someone who like to tell you something"
"Hm? What is it, Kookie?
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The Bookkeeper – Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Epilogue
pairings: logan/patton (logicality), roman/virgil (prinxiety) words: 1540 chapter warnings: none :) chapter summary: ...and they all lived happily ever after.
[read on ao3] [masterlist]
< previous chapter
The sound of polite applause echoed throughout the room. The buzzing of young students faded with each step across the stage. 
Steady hands shuffled paper on the podium. A deep breath. 
Logan Fray looked up at his audience: a group of people whose minds and souls were only beginning to blossom into a compass.
He looked down at his speech, pushed his glasses up, and cleared his throat.
“Here is what I know...” 
Logan was never one for happy endings. Happy endings always seemed too close-minded for his taste. Though this, perhaps, was ironic given what he now knows. 
After visiting The Midnight Forest, Logan’s hand seemingly never left the paper. He wrote through the night and throughout the next day. Patton and Roman were admittedly concerned at first, but grew too understand what was happening — Logan wasn’t writing, but searching. 
As all artists tend to do. 
He finished his speech a bit more last-minute than he had hoped, but knew it was perfect the second he dotted the end of the last sentence. He went out to a bar the night he finished, Patton by his side and even Roman, hidden yet curiously peering out of his shirt pocket. Logan vaguely remembered the blurry lights cascading across his vision, the cheers, the laughter, and the warmth that filled his bed not too long after. 
The days that followed were filled with practicing his speech, revising it, and everything in between. Logan felt himself bouncing across the walls of Fray and Far Fables. Despite his efforts that he was fine— truly fine—Patton had convinced Logan to let him help out. And, of course, everything was better because of it. 
As for him and Roman, they grew as inseparable as Logan was to his own magic. Roman would give him notes each time he practiced and, in secret, Logan would take The Midnight Forest with him on another project he pursued. 
On the quiet days—the days when the rain would slowly fall onto the roads outside—Logan would sit down in the armchair next to his window with a cup of tea, and would always feel a small presence resting on his shoulder, watching alongside him. 
The shop was quiet, but it was home; something that Logan hadn’t felt in years. In every corner he’d turn to, there was someone he could live for; someone he found purpose in. 
And he glowed; oh, how he glowed. 
The night before his speech came before he knew it. Patton helped Logan close up as Roman departed for some “beauty sleep” before his trip out into the real world. Logan ran through his speech a bit more before Patton eventually pried it from his hands, leading him upstairs to the bedroom instead. Logan begrudgingly, but gratefully, followed. 
“And just like that, the day is done!” Patton flopped onto the bed with a sigh as Logan changed into his pajamas. “Time flies, huh?” 
“It does, perhaps too quickly.” He joined Patton in bed, letting himself melt into Patton’s embrace. “I can’t believe it’s tomorrow.”
“You’ll be amazing, Lo. You always are.” 
Logan smiled, curling up in Patton’s arms. They laid there in silence for a few moments, letting the moon float towards the peak of the sky. His eyelids grew heavier and heavier, and Logan quietly thanked each and every star for bringing him to where he now was. 
“Hey, Lo?” Patton’s sleepy voice buzzed against Logan’s chest. 
“I...I love you. I love you so so much. And whatever happens out there and whatever’s beyond it, I...I’m going to keep loving you.” 
A beat of silence. Logan cleared his throat.
“There is simultaneously everything and nothing in life, dear. There is pandemonium and solace in every corner, all at once. And...and there was a time where I had to navigate those truths alone. But now, there is a light guiding me in my pursuit, regardless of where I turn.” 
Logan held Patton a bit tighter as sleep closed in on him. 
“You make me stronger and more resilient each day, Patton,” he murmured in the crook of Patton’s neck, “which is to say, I love you too.” 
Early next morning, just as Patton left the shop with Roman on his shoulder, Logan placed a few papers besides the copy of The Midnight Forest on the front counter with a smile. 
“So all this being said, I present to you, once more, my question: If life has no inherent meaning under the lens of nihilism, why are humans so eager to escape and create art if they are simply creating something out of nothing? What, then, do you suppose is the answer?”
Logan looked up at the hungry and curious eyes that met him, and smiled. 
“The answer lies beneath the former of the statement, ‘creating something out of nothing’. With every bit of nothing that could ever follow us in this life, there is something. There will always be something.
“Art is, hence, cyclic in nature. It takes the nothing and creates within it, something. And within that something are arms that will always reach out and beg others to do the same. There is a hidden fascination within us all to fill the void with purpose, with passion.
“Someone once told me that in a life with very little meaning, art worms its way into the spaces that it can fit. And with the help of others, art– and everything it represents– is made bigger than the spaces of life they initially occupy. Within those spaces is the possibility to grow, to foster bonds — to know, truly know, every corner of this life. 
“You are young and are now bouldered with a responsibility that may seem unshakeable. But you are also artists, searching for answers you may need to make yourselves.” 
Logan caught sight of Patton in the audience with a teary smile. And, hidden in his shirt pocket, a warm glow of red. Logan’s smile grew. 
“So continue searching,” Logan finished. Behind the podium, his hands glowed a reassuring blue. “Continue your pursuit of creation, of knowledge, of growth; for your questions will spark answers that spark questions again. And I promise you, such a cycle will allow yourself to grow bigger than the spaces of life you initially occupy.”
Later that night, Roman found himself alone in the shop. Logan had met some important scholars (Roman had scoffed when he told him) who dragged him out for drinks to talk about prospective research. Patton had tagged along after some gentle reassurance from Roman that he would alright on his own. 
So Roman took it upon himself to clean each shelf and each book of Fray and Far Fables, weaving himself through stories and letting each one breathe, if for a little while longer. 
He eventually found his way to the shelves behind the front counter, frowning at a small gap between one of the books. He narrowed his eyes. There was a book missing. 
He descended onto the front counter, pursuing his lips and trying to figure out where the book could have gone, until he nearly tripped on his answer. 
Roman looked down. His face softened. Right at his feet was a copy of The Midnight Forest , resting neatly and soaking in moonlight from outside. 
He carefully walked onto the cover and laid down on it, trailing his hand across the title. 
Suddenly, he caught sight of a few papers next to the book. Roman frowned, standing back up and floating up to read the whole papers. His eyes widened at a few selected words. 
‘Riptide Publishing Co.’
‘Upcoming dates...sign here…’ 
‘Possible release date for…’
Roman saw an image plastered on one of the papers. 
‘The Midnight Forest by Virgil Aries: With a new foreword by: Dr. Logan Fray’
Roman felt himself glow brighter than he had ever had before. His glow illuminated a small sticky note on the paper. 
‘To my dearest friend,
Here’s to the new stories the world will finally get to hear. Here’s to light, here’s to love, and here’s to hope.’
Roman grinned. He immediately flew onto the cover of The Midnight Forest and placed his hand on it. Red rippled across the whole shop as Roman tumbled through the front cover.
As soon as he opened his eyes, Roman dove into the forest, weaving through trees, searching and searching and hoping…
And then, everything around him froze.
Hovering in the centre of the forest clearing was a faint outline of a small silhouette, only a little taller than Roman, basked in moonlight. It stood still for a moment, as if looking right back at Roman. 
The silhouette then pulsed with a soft, familiar, purple glow. 
Roman grinned, tears running down his face as he flew towards the silhouette. He reached a careful hand towards it, worried that if he moved too fast, it’d all disappear. 
But when the purple silhouette just outstretched a hand, Roman knew it was going to stay; after years of waiting, Virgil would finally stay. 
Roman took the silhouette’s hand and swept him into a waltz; one that took them high above the forest clearing; one that brought them even just a bit closer to the stars.
a/n — thank you for reading <3
[read more of my works here!]
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reggies-bass · 4 years
The Journal
This is my second RamKing fic! I hope you all like it. Also I’m on mobile so there’s no way to put an under the cut thing in here so sorry about that!
Ram wasn’t good with communication, he couldn’t talk to people. He always found it difficult to express his feelings. It was like he could never think of the right words, he kept his talking simple, and to the absolute minimum. He loosened his lips around his friends and family, the people he trusted more than anything in this world, as he knew they wouldn’t judge him for his lack of communication skills. However when he wrote his feelings down, he felt the pen flowing so much easier than his speech. That’s why King had a journal, he wrote down everything, from what he was feeling and everything he couldn’t say, to recipes and things be needed to remember. It was a safe place for all of his inner thoughts.
The thing is, his inner circle of trust hadn’t changed for a long time, he didn’t make any new friends, he didn’t need them, he and his friends all went to the same university, he had classes with Phu, he didn’t need to change anything.
Until a smart, talkative senior bounced into his life, talking him by storm and figuring Ram out almost immediately. It only took a few run ins with the boy for King to figure out that Ram only spoke to people he trusted, and decided, for whatever reason, that he wanted to be one of those people. Of course Ram could have stopped him at any moment he wanted, but all thoughts of telling the senior to leave him alone disappeared when he saw King walking towards him, his face lit up with an almost contagious smile, the key word being almost. However as time went on, Ram thought King would quickly lose interest, leave him alone and never talk to him again. But that wasn’t the case. As the days turns into weeks, it seemed like Kings interest in him only grew stronger, Ram felt himself wanting to trust the older boy, wanting to open up to him, but he needed more time. He needed King to prove that he wasn’t going anywhere.
And he did.
He proved Ram with study notes for things he was stuck on, he showed that he trusted him by letting himself be dragged around by Ram, it didn’t bother him that Ram didn’t speak to him, only finding out later that he didn’t mind because he talked to his pants, who definitely didn’t talk back to him. He apologised for lying to his sister about his voice and bought Ram a Venus Flytrap, something he’d showed an interest in when he saw it on Kings walls. He was interested in Rams tattoos and the meanings behind them. Be didn’t get annoyed with him when he challenged Bohn to a boxing match, and won. Over time Rams feelings for his senior blossomed into something more than friendship. Every time King smiled, Ram had to fight back against his lips wanting to return the smile to him. When he grabbed his wrist, he resisted the urge to his hand instead, wanting to feel their fingers intertwined. When they were sat close together, he fought the urge to run his hands through the other boys hair. But most of all, he found himself watching Kings lips whenever he could. He looked at them when the other boy looked away, but when he was teaching Ram something he was struggling on he tried really hard not to, he concentrated on the words and didn’t look at him, however when he got the question right, he indulged himself and turned his head to look at the beautiful face of his crush, his full lips that he wanted to capture with his own. He tried not to be too obvious but the more he observed the boy, the more he thought the feeling was mutual.
Now when he observed King, he tried to subtly catch him looking at Ram the same way he looked at him. And just when he thought he was just imagining it, it happened.
They were at the university on a Friday after classes, King was tutoring him and a few of the other juniors. One by one the others left, having completed their work, thanking King for his time and his help. However Ram stayed, having one more question in his pack to complete. King talked him through it, sitting close to the other boy while explaining, once Ram completed it correctly, he looked at King, thanking him with a small smile that graced his lips. King turned to him at the same time, it was only then he realised how close they were. It would have been so easy to lean forward an inch or two and be kissing the beautiful boy he had a crush on. He decided to indulge himself, only a little, and move his eyes down to look at his lips, not caring that King could see him looking longingly at his lips, he looked back into Kings eyes, only to see him looking at Rams lips. Ram felt his breath hitch in his throat as he watched King, swallowing down a lump as he felt himself struggle to breath, drowning in the look King was giving his lips. King finally looked back up to Rams eyes, both boys could sense the tension between them and the gravitational pull that was put into action as they both started slowly inching towards each other. Just as they were about to collide, they were interrupted by the loud ring of Kings phone, both boys quickly pulled away as King picked up the phone.
“It’s my mum, I need to take this” he said apologetically, looking at Ram hoping he would understand.
Ram looked at the boy and gave him a small smile, nodding once to let King know it was okay, not trusting his words at all.
He let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding when King stood up and walked away to answer his phone, he felt his heart still going crazy in his chest, he was sure king could hear it when they were so close to one another.
Deciding their moment was over and it was getting pretty late, Ram started packing his things away, waiting for King to get back. As he was waiting he devised a plan of action, he knew it might just be wishful thinking, him just tricking himself into believing that King liked him, but he couldn’t just observe anymore, he needed to confess. Making his mind up as he saw King walking back to him, he stood with his backpack, his heart still pounding in his chest. God the effect this boy had on him.
“Hey, sorry about that Cool Boy” King said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Seeing that Ram had packed up he couldn’t help but feel disappointed, “I guess I’ll see you Monday then?” He asked, expecting a simple nod from the younger boy before he left. However the actual answer was much different to what he thought.
Ram took a deep breath before speaking up, “actually, can I come over tomorrow?”
King felt his mouth drop.
This beautiful beautiful boy in front of him, who is only just starting to talk to him, has this adorable smile on his face. Before Ram started to regret asking, Kings face broke out in the in brightest smile he’s ever seen.
“Yeah of course you can Cool Boy! Come by whenever you want!” He was almost shouting at this point, but he was too overjoyed to care.
Ram chuckled softly at the boy in front of him, who was practically buzzing with excitement. He did that, Rams the one who made King feel this way. That meant he couldn’t stop the smile that was taking over his face over the thought of King actually having feelings for him.
“I’ll text you, see you tomorrow” Ram said softly as he started walking away, trying to escape before King could see him increasingly red face.
Now he would start his plan.
No backing out now
Here he was, stood outside Kings door, journal in hand. All of his feelings for King written down and about to be shown to the guy! But he couldn’t chicken out now, he was already in so deep for the boy.
No backing out now.
He took a deep breath and knocked at the door.
No going back now.
Okay well maybe King didn’t hear him? Maybe he could just leave now and he wouldn’t n-
King opened the door, dressed in skinny jeans and a fitted sky blue button up shirt.
Ram took a moment, that was probably too long but at this point he didn’t care, to just look at him, because... wow.
Which is exactly what he said.
“Wow” Ram expressed, feeling a little light headed as he stared at Kings body, seeing how the jeans he was wearing highlighted his perfectly sculpted legs. His shirt showing off his waist and chest, Ram almost physically restrained himself to stop his hands from exploring the older boys body. He suddenly realised how long he had been looking at Kings body instead of his face and snapped his head up to look into his eyes instead of his enticing body.
“Hey” King finally spoke, a warm blush spreading through his cheeks and to the tips of his ears as he stepped aside and welcomed Ram into his condo.
He shut the door and he turned around to face him when his hand was grabbed, yes his hand not his wrist, which had made him even more excited than he already was, basically putting him on cloud 9, and he was lead to the sofa. Ram sat him down and opened the book he had in his hand.
As the confusion spread across Kings face, the book was suddenly shoved in his face.
“You want me to read it?” He asked hesitantly. Ram gave him a nod, and with that King took the book from his hands and looked at the page in front of him.
‘King, as you know, I’m not someone who is able to open up easily, I don’t talk to people I don’t know or trust. But that’s not the only reason I don’t talk very much. The truth is I’m not good at expressing myself, I find it very hard to put my feelings into words and actually speak them into existence. However when I write them down, it’s a lot easier. So I have wrote this to express my feelings for you.
So here it goes.
When I first met you, I didn’t want to get to know you, because I thought you’d get bored of me not talking to you and you’d just lose interest in me. I thought it was inevitable, because it’s happened more times than I care to think about. But you didn’t lose interest. You didn’t think I was some kind of freak. You actually wanted to get to know me. And the moment I realised that was the moment I started falling for you’
King felt his eyes widen. He was now filled with a new determination, god how much he liked this boy.
‘I like you, King. I’m not sure when it started, but it’s just grown and grown so much that I can’t hold it in anymore. I like the way you‘re so secure in yourself, you don’t let what others think affect you. I like how you’re so smart and don’t brag about it, yeah your friends and people around the campus brag about you being the smartest student in the engineering faculty, but you’re so humble. I like how you help anyone who asks for it and make sure you still have time for your own studying. I like that you care so much about your plants, whenever you talk about them you get so enthusiastic and excited. I like when you talk about them because you’re so cute, your face lights up and you smile so bright it could rival the sun itself. I like how you greet each and every one of them, making sure to give them all equal attention. I like how you’re so patient with me, you never force me to talk to you, you show me so much understanding it’s almost unbelievable.
Everything about you makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside, as cliche as that sounds, it’s true.
I like you. And I really hope you like me too.’
The first thought King had after he finished reading was, ‘holy shit’. This beautiful boy he’d been crushing on for months actually liked him! Which reminds him.
King looked up to a very nervous looking Ram.
“I like you” Ram said softly, as he was still stood up, standing over King, who was sat on the sofa. He swallowed a lump in his throat as King slowly stood up and made his way over to him. When he finally got to Ram, he looked into his beautiful eyes and places a hand gently on the side of his face caressing his thumb over his cheekbone. “I like you too, Cool Boy” he spoke softly, afraid that if he stopped looking at him he’d disappear and it would all be a dream.
Ram released a shaky breath as his face broke out in the widest, and most beautiful, smile King has ever seen, placing his hand over the one King had on his face, leaning into it softly.
King spoke up again, “Now that we’ve cleared that up, Cool Boy, will you be my boyfriend?”
Ram felt like crying, never had he felt so much at the same time. He felt happiness and love and softness and fondness as he looked at King. He moved to give him a gently kiss on his cheek, “I’d love to be your boyfriend” he answered, wrapping his arms around Kings waste, holding his boyfriend close.
King was his boyfriend! He could definitely get used to that.
The boys captured each other in a tight hug, both worried it might still be an amazing dream that they could wake up from at any moment.
But here Ram was, holding his boyfriend close to him, his heart pounding so hard King could probably feel it as he held him. But he didn’t care. King was finally his.
And he wouldn’t be letting him go.
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
Rebel Without A Cause-Epilogue #1
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A/N: First part today; second part tomorrow. I was going to do them both a few hours apart but I got busy at work and am only just now getting to post this and since my favorite show returns to the tv tonight, I’ll post the 2nd part of this tomorrow.
Maggie stands in shocked silence as she takes in the scene before her. Dean proposing was the last thing she ever thought would happen. And the fact that he surprised her so abundantly!  Listening to him sing the song he wrote for her had made her heart swell and tears well into her eyes.
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Through new tears, she smooths out the white dress that she is donning, taking one last look in the mirror before applying the veil to her head. It is just a simple maxi dress  with a V neckline and a  full skirt that flowed down to her feet,  long sleeves made of crochet lace. Rayne had gifted her a necklace with a single pearl on it and pearl earrings that now adorned her chest and ears. On her feet she wore a pair of basic white leather sandals.
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A series of knocks on the door sound and Maggie smiles. Leave it up to her soon-to-husband to not stay away. She walks to the door and places her hand against the warm wood. "Dean, you know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."
"I can't see you, baby," Dean points out. "I just needed to hear your voice. And make sure you weren't going to stand me up." The chuckle in his voice bubbling out.
"I'm not going anywhere," Maggie promises. "I told you when I said yes that you were stuck with me always and forever. I love you, Dean Henry Winchester."
"I know. But with everything that happened...I just had to check. I love you Margaret Eugenia soon-to-be Winchester."
"I'll see you out there, babe," Maggie says with tears in her eyes. "I'll be the one in white."
Dean's laughter can probably be heard through the whole church; hell, the whole town.  "Okay, baby. See you out there."
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All media, social, and entertainment tabloids, ran with the story of Dean's proposal. Pictures and videos of him down on one knee asking Maggie to marry him and her subsequential 'yes' was the news for a few days afterward. 
The coverage, unfortunately, lead to unsolicited calls to Maggie's phone, Lisa and her mom's messages the most unwanted and unnecessary. Phrases such as "sloppy seconds" and "he doesn't know what he's in for" weren't even the worse. No, the worse came from her own mother in the form of "is there enough white silk to make a dress to cover the piglet?" Maggie listened to the devastating messages in the privacy of the bathroom while Dean slept in the other room. Tears ran down her face as she listened to Lisa Braeden and Barbara Fitzgerald continually put her down for finally being happy.
'He isn't even that good in bed,' Lisa had taunted. 'And his dick? Jesus, I have toys bigger than that. Has he even learned how to use it? I remember the first time we fucked, he didn't even know where to put it. And when he did figure it out, I had to ask him if he was in because I felt nothing. Nothing, Maggie! Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life feeling nothing?"
Maggie deleted the messages and washed the remnants of her crying from her face. She knew she shouldn't let their taunting get to her but she couldn't help it. The two people who were supposed to be ecstatic about her engagement and upcoming nuptials were instead trying to tear her down. But, Maggie vowed to be better than that. She wasn't going to let them destroy her or her happiness. She had the love of her life, her best friends Rayne and Meg, along with the rest of the band as a family. She didn't need to share the same blood in her veins with the ones who lifted her up and supported her.  She and Dean were going to be married and they were all ecstatic for them. 'Family doesn't end in blood' someone had once said. And it didn't start there either.
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Maggie stands outside the closed wooden doors of the chapel, taking deep breaths. 'This is it,' she thinks to herself. 'In an hour, I will be Mrs. Dean Winchester. I will finally be married to the man I have loved for almost a decade!' A smile crosses her face at the thought. Maggie Fitzgerald had a schoolgirl crush on her older sister's boyfriend but never thought she would end up here, moments away from seeing the same boy, a man now, in a tux and waiting to make her his wife. Amazed was an understatement. 
"It's almost time," Rayne joyfully announces as she and Meg, Maggie's two bridesmaids, join her. "Are you ready?"
"She better be," Meg says jokingly. "I'm about to bust the seams on my dress!"
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Maggie and Rayne look over at the brunette and, sure enough, the tulle is stretched taut across her swollen stomach. Two months after Dean's proposal, Meg had fallen ill and had to be hospitalized, only to find out she and Cas were expecting their first child. Everyone was overjoyed for the couple and even though she would be close to delivery for Dean and Maggie's wedding, Meg had insisted she would be a part of it and not "laid up in bed because someone just came out of my vagina". 
Since becoming the PR person for the band, Maggie had gotten close to all the band members, save for Benny. Maggie still was uneasy around the band’s drummer. He had seen her naked and in the most vulnerable situation ever. She was affable with the big Cajun but she was more open with the rest of the band. Maggie and Meg had gotten to be close and Maggie considered the keyboardist one of her dearest friends. 
When Maggie had asked Meg to be a bridesmaid, the brunette had broken out in tears and agreed almost immediately. Looking back, it was probably one of the first signs of her pregnancy. 
"I've been ready for practically 10 years," Maggie says as they get in position to enter the church. As the doors slowly open, Maggie takes a deep breath. This was it; this was the day she was going to marry Dean. She didn’t even notice as Meg, then Rayne, left her making their way down the church aisle. Maggie stood in the vestibule waiting for her queue, the song “At Last” by Etta James- her pick to walk down the aisle to. At last, she was getting what she wanted; a man to love her completely. 
Maggie was making this most important step by herself. Her father had passed away a few years ago and there was no one else significant to take his place. As she heard the opening chords of the song she’d chosen, she stepped up to the door and immediately searched out Dean. 
Maggie's eyes are fixated on Dean as she makes her way down the aisle. She doesn't notice their guests or the extravagant decorations around the room. Her main focus is the green-eyed man waiting for her at the pulpit. He looks so damn fine in his black tux, the white shirt bringing out the emerald in his eyes. Even from halfway, Maggie can see the awe in his face and the tears threatening to escape. Her heart squeezes in her chest. 
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When she finally reaches her destination, Dean steps up to her side and whispers, "You are a dream come true, baby." That earns him a smile and a wink.
They turn their attention to Pastor Marv, a friend of Chuck Shurley, the band's lawyer. Marv begins his speech as he smiles at the couple. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Dean Henry Winchester and Margaret Eugenia Fitzgerald. Love is a most wondrous affair and these two are the embodiment of it."
They exchange I do's and nervously slide rings on one another's fingers, much to the amusement of their guests. Dean's vows are profound and heartfelt causing Maggie to allow tears to fall down her cheeks. Maggie's vows, in return,  are sincere and honest and Dean feels as though nothing could touch or hurt him.
When Pastor Marv announces it was time to kiss the bride, Dean ardently pulls the veil over her head and cups her face in both hands. The kiss was like nothing either of them had ever experienced. So much love and emotion went into that first convergence as man and wife.  Maggie nor Dean hear as Pastor Marv announces, "I give you Mister and Missus Dean Winchester" or the cheers of their guests. It is just the two of them in that moment.
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Meg's screams can be heard even in the waiting room where Maggie, Dean, Sam, Rayne, and the rest of Meg's family awaits the new arrival. Rayne looks over at Maggie with wide eyes as they hear Meg cuss at Cas but Maggie can't help but giggle. To hear Meg telling Cas that his dick ain't coming anywhere near her again and she's being ripped in two and it's all his fault is amusing to her. 
When Cas emerges with a tiny blue bundle, the whole waiting room descends on him, wanting a glimpse of the baby.
"Everyone, I want you to meet Jack Asmodeus Novak."
"Asmodeus?!" Dean exclaims with a chuckle. "Where the hell did you get that from?"
"From me," Meg's father, Asmodeus Masters speaks up behind Dean. Dean turns and looks at the older man apologetically.  "Sorry,  Mr. Masters. Meant no disrespect."
"None taken, son. Now get out of my way so I can meet my grandson and apparent namesake."
The friends all step back and watch as the grandparents and aunts and uncles all gather around Cas to dole out affection to the infant. Maggie wonders what it would be like for that to be her and Dean's child. Would there be people here awaiting his or her arrival and overjoyed when the babe got here? She knew Lisa and her mom would be nowhere near them, but would Dean's family, other than Sam, be there? Did Dean even want kids?
Shaking those crazy thoughts off, Maggie followed Dean, Sam, and Rayne as the four of them went to visit with the new mother and congratulate her on the beautiful baby. 
Moments later, Cas returns and put the sleeping infant in the plastic bassinet. They guys take off to congratulate Cas in their own way, probably with cigars and liquor while Maggie and Rayne stay behind with Meg.
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"So you're a mother now," Maggie says. "How's it feel?"
Meg glances over at the transparent cradle and smiles.  "Wonderful now that he isn't inside me. That fucking hurt like hell!"
"Ah, it couldn't have been that bad," Rayne chuckles from the other side of the bed.
Meg turns her head towards the young woman. "Wanna bet? That kid pushed his way out of my vagina, Rayne! I swear he stretched me so much down there, I'd hate to see the mess he left." 
Maggie and Rayne look at each other and cringe. Meg giggles at their expressions. "Girls, you know it's the truth. I swear I better shrink back to normal!"
Maggie and Rayne sit there and listen to Meg go on about her most private area, laughing and making faces at the woman's bluntness. 
When the guys return, it is obvious that they have splurged on the celebratory drinks as all of them were flushed and have half-lidded eyes. Hugging and kissing the new parents, the four of them leave the room and head home. 
Seeing Dean's state of inebriation, Maggie decides to hold off on bringing up the subject of children. They have plenty of time to discuss that.
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@pink1031​ @spnbaby-67​ @winecatsandpizza​ @joseyrw​ @kricketc29​ @tftumblin​ @markofdean79​ @sandlee44​ @michellethetvaddict​ @lyarr24​ @travelingriversideblues-x​
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Currently Untiled Witch Au? - Anonymous
A/N: Hi, I don’t usually do this kind of stuff but it’s quarantine and I’m bored. I really liked the Black Bride runway so I wrote a vaguely AHS Coven inspired thing. It’s not great because I was trying to rush through all the groundwork to get to the meat but it still ended up a prologue. I don’t know what else to put here, goodbye.
Three hundred and sixty-five days and nights do they wait.
Fifty-two weeks do whispers spread from the source.
Twelve months for the simple disciples across the country to dare utter unearthed names at the risk of being heard by those they wished were deaf.
The months had run their course, the weeks have made their peace, and the days have lived and died until the hourglass had emptied and the time to find a new Supreme had dawned.
Twelve names, twelve witches from coast to coast had been called. Even for the eleven witches who would not ascend to the status of Supreme, the chance to fight for the title was a level of status of its own. The opportunity alone practically elevated one to a legendary status but the Supreme truly was a class of its own.
To be a Supreme, that aspiration had driven Jan for as long as she could remember. Any information past Supremes, witches who didn’t quite make it, and the challenges they would face Jan devoured. She studied their magic religiously; she knew the game like the back of her hand and saw an empty seat at the table waiting for her.
Upon the morning when she found an elegant black envelope sealed with pink wax and pressed with the seal RU, Jan jumped up and down and squealed so loudly that her downstairs neighbor threw a shoe at his ceiling. The following weeks were a practical blur as she prepared. Everything from restocking her spell components bag to texting her friends to let them know that she couldn’t host musical night for the next few weeks. Jan had fretted over the prospect of not having someone around to water her plants but that concern was short lived as she had no reason to doubt her own innate magic. Giving things energy was what she did, reviving a wilted vine would be nothing.
The journey proved to be an interesting one. Past witches who tried to become the Supreme had revealed secrets here and there but many of the details remained hidden ad that largely had to do with who sat at the head of the table. Though the Supreme was considered to be the highest position a witch could take, one witch sat above the others. An ancient being who had seen many come and go, revered by almost every witch aligned with the Supremes and under whose authority they were named.  
Ru. How she became so powerful was an enigma. Ru was reclusive these days, a witch of her power earned her a top spot on many witch hunter’s watch list, even the location in which the Supreme was decided was kept secret and Jan practical shook with excitement as her eyes flitted across the letter to find the location.
It’s Wyoming, apparently. Jan wasn’t sure how to feel about that. What was even in Wyoming, cows, bears? She couldn’t name anything about the state or what role it had in any bit of witchcraft history. It’s- that’s- just why?
The journey there also turned out to be less of a journey and more akin to a business trip. Arrangements were made to have all magic items and materials sent separately to avoid suspicion and as Jan boarded a flight from New York City to Cheyenne, she wondered if this was how it was actually supposed to go. When she exited the terminal, however, she spotted a well-dressed man standing in front of a car holding a sign with her name on it. The sign was writing with the same cursive pink font of the letter and, to be quite honest, the man had a face that made her not even care if he was a hunter in disguise, she’d go anywhere with him. She smiled and greeted him with her usual cheer but he simply smiled and nodded before putting her luggage in the trunk and holding the door open for her.
Jan noted that another identical black car was parked just a few meters down, with another well-dressed man holding a sign, Jan craned her neck to try and make out the name on it but the driver was already pulling away. The drive was peaceful, but peaceful was another word for dull sometimes. The driver did not speak no matter how many times Jan tried to start a conversation and Jan eventually resigned herself to watching videos on her phone, occasionally looking up to see the scenery. They made their way out of the city and down a long drive towards the mountains and into a heavily wooded area, the paved road long since having run out and turn to worn dirt.
The slight glimpses that broke free from the thick canopy above showed that the sky had turned a wave of oranges and pinks and purples as the sun took its rest. The forest on the other hand held onto darkness so tightly it may as well be midnight, shapes defined only by distant glows that grew stronger as the car winded down the path.
Finally, there came a break in the trees and Jan rolled down the window to peer out at the structure before them. An old looking manor sat in the center of the clearing, the driveway looped around the front and three other black cars sat parked around it. A white van stood out among the bunch, the back doors folded open and two men working to pull luggage from it and carry it inside. The car came to a stop and the driver helped Jan to her feet. She could have stood there all night just taking it in until the driver reminded her with a flourish of his arm to the door that she actually had to go inside.
With her suitcase in tow, Jan had to restrain herself from sprinting inside but she managed to go at what she would have consider a reasonable pace. The grand foyer was a vision of black, purples, and pinks and Jan found herself once again frozen in spot, wide eyed and mouth gaping open as she tried to take in every last detail. The statues that stood in the room caught her attention in particularly, all muscular men scantily clad, unbelievably lifelike but that didn’t stop Jan from yelping as the statue began to move.
It- he?- was as silent as the driver was but collected her suitcase from her and effortlessly hefted it over his head and moved up the staircase. Jan padded after him and followed him down a long hall lined with doors. He stopped in front of one and opened it, her bedroom for her time here it seemed. The bedroom was simple but matched the aesthetic of everything else in the house. It consisted of a single bed, a wardrobe, and a vanity, along with a few somewhat generic paintings and her other luggage neatly setup in the corner. Going through all of that was going to be a pain but as she was left alone, Jan decided to leave that for tomorrow and flop down on the bed instead. She buried her face into a pillow to muffle her screams of excitement before rolling onto her back and hugging it tightly to her chest.
Tonight was going to be the only moment of peace, the fight for the title of Supreme started tomorrow and Jan was more than ready.
The first stage of the competition was the debut, meeting all of the other witches and hearing the inaugural speech from Ru herself. Standing out was imperative, if a witch failed to make Ru realize she had potential then, she was doomed in the long run. Presentation was everything from personality to magic to what they wore.
The morning couldn’t come fast enough. The witches were expected to stay in their room for the first day while preparing with meals brought to their doors. Some moments seemed to droll on forever while others were a flash of practicing her introduction speech in the mirror, going over the dress she wanted to wear, and prepping the materials to demonstrate her innate magic, her eyes constantly on the clock counting down the seconds.
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Breakfast Invitation
Hey!! This is my first time posting a fic to Tumblr-- but I’m hecka proud so... :)
This is an entry I wrote during this weeks writing challenge in a discord server I’m in! I hope you like it, and if you want me to post more fics here as well I might start doing that :D
Trigger Warnings -- slightly unsympathetic Roman, anGst... tell me if I missed something and I’ll add it!
Ship -- Hints at Moceit, but is up to your perception.
Plot -- Janus gets another visit from Patton after his name reveal, and makes a deal he may not regret after all... maybe mornings are more of his thing now.
Breakfast Initiation
Janus ran a hand through his hair, sighing quietly. He set his hat on the dark oak nightstand, then thought back to when he revealed his name. While it was reassuring to have Thomas trust him for now, it still hurt that practically none of the others did.
He shook his head, laughing dryly before taking his capelet off and tossing it in the general direction of his closet. He heard a knock at his door and immediately knew by the softness who it was.
"Come in, Patton." He mumbled, looking over his shoulder to see the door open slowly.
Patton peeked his head in, then gave a small smile and a wave. "Hey, Janus."
Janus took his gloves off, and indicated with one hand for Patton to actually come into his room as he set them on top of his hat. "Hello, do you need something? Or do you just enjoy my company?" He joked with a smirk, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh," Patton closed the door quietly, then walked over to look at Janus nervously, "Well, I kinda got the sense you were having some... icky feelings." He fidgeted with his cardigan sleeves, waiting for a reply. But Janus was slightly speechless. It'd been so long since anyone had genuinely asked how he felt, and he didn't know how to reply.
"No... must be someone else." He smoothed back his hair with one hand, smiling. He faltered as Patton crossed his arms.
"Janus, don't lie to me right now. Please." His firm tone softened, "I know I haven't, well, been the best towards you in the past," he ignored Janus' small huff of disbelieving laughter, "but I do mean it when I say that I'm worried. I haven't felt such a strong wave of negative emotion from anyone since I met Virgil."
"Are you done with the self-righteous speech?" Janus muttered, raising a brow. He could've been mistaken, but he swore that Patton flinched, a flash of hurt in his eyes. "We both know I'm fine." He didn't mean to sound so harsh, but he was tired of Patton suddenly trying to be a saint. It was probably the fifth time this week, and it was only Wednesday mind you, that Patton had casually 'dropped by'.
"Janus-- I really do mean it! Won't you just talk to me? I've apologized, and I know I was wrong, so come on!" Patton raised his voice, surprising both of them. "I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry." He whispered, glancing down at his wrist as he messed with his bracelets.
Janus let out a breath, "Okay. If I tell you how I'm feeling, will you stop?" Patton hesitated, then nodded meekly. "Fantastic. Yes, I feel 'icky', but you shouldn't be surprised. I finally reveal that I'm not trying to do anything awful or be a bad guy, but now I feel more hated than ever." He leaned down slightly, glaring, but not necessarily intending it to be directed at Patton alone. "And now I have someone who keeps coming to my room to see if I'm..." he trailed off, the heat dying in his words as he realized something, mumbling the last part, "okay."
God, he was an idiot. Patton was Morality. Why would he of all people come here to mock him by pretending to care? He wouldn't. Turns out he just has such high built walls that he automatically assumed Patton was out to get him by worming his insecurities out of him.
"Oh. I see." Patton said quietly, looking away. "Well, we had a deal so... I'll see you around." The now-defeated side turned away, and suddenly a flood of guilt rushed at Janus. He grabbed Patton's hand, gripping it tightly, "Please, Patton, don't leave." He choked, desperation in his voice. Tears were welling up in his eyes now, and he realized just how badly he'd wanted someone to reach out to him all this time.
"I thought you didn't want me here.", Patton replied, sounding bitter but looking surprised. It was more a statement than a question, considering Janus had pretty much indirectly said as much.
"How could you ever think that?" Janus brought Patton close to his chest, hugging him and mumbling into his hair.
"Well, you made it pretty clear before." He replied, not pushing away, but not hugging back either.
"I... I'm sorry Patton. This whole time you've been trying to be nice to me, and I thought it was a trick. I'm so used to being on my own that I tried pushing you away so I didn't have to get hurt." He pulled back just enough to look at Patton face-to-face. "And in doing so I hurt you, didn't I?"
Patton frowned, then nodded, suddenly teary. He hugged Janus back, hiding his face in his shirt out of embarrassment. "I just want to do my best to right my mistakes, Janus. I know I've treated you bad, and the others have too..." He looked up at him, "I think if they see that I'm okay with you, they'll start to be nicer."
Janus sighed, "Alright. How about a new agreement?" He offered with a small smile. Patton was a bit hesitant given the first 'deal' they made, but nodded, looking up at him and wiping at his eyes under his glasses. "From now on I'll stop pushing you away, and I'll come to whatever breakfast or hangout you invite me to instead of refusing. And in return, I just ask you to be honest to me too and... be my friend."
Smiling, he could tell Janus was a bit nervous about his request. Patton nodded again, but this time he wasn't hesitant. "Silly, you don't have to ask me to be your friend with a deal. I already want to be!" It was a bit surprising to Janus as to how much that relaxed him, but they were both glad that they finally got over things. "Well, I guess now that we've agreed on that..." Patton grinned mischievously.
"Oh no, what are you thinking?" Janus narrowed his eyes, speaking in a mostly playful tone.
"Join us for breakfast tomorrow?" Patton gave him little puppy eyes, making him sigh and smile. So it was true that nobody could say no to that look, huh?
"Alright, I'll see you then."
"Yes! Patton~ did a good thing~!" Janus laughed, and a second later Patton followed suit with little giggles. "Night, Jan." Seeing the taller side's surprise, he quickly added, "Sorry, I won't call you that if you don't want me to."
At this point, they'd separated from the hug, so he put an ungloved hand on Patton's shoulder and smiled. "No, it's okay. As long as I get to call you Pat." He teased.
"Okay!" Patton beamed, making Janus melt a bit. "See ya then!" He left, still smiling warmly.
"Here goes nothing." Janus sighed, shaking his head fondly before getting ready for bed.
That morning Janus went down to the living room, looking around a bit as he didn't usually get the chance to see the difference between the real world one and the one the 'lights' occupied.
"Jan!" He nearly jumped out of his skin, whipping to look at the kitchen. Ah, it was just Patton.
"Good morning Pat," He walked over to the kitchen, leaning in the doorway and smiling, "What smells so good?"
Patton beamed, "I'm making pancakes! They have blueberries in them too." He turned back to the stove to check on the one currently in the pan, then flipped it.
"Sounds good." Janus pushed off the wall and began walking over to Patton to see if he wanted help, but was hit in the side of the head with a projectile pair of headphones. "Ow--"
"Why Is HE here?" Hissed a voice from the living room. Janus picked the headphones up from where they had fallen to the floor with a gloved hand, then looked up to see Virgil glaring at him.
"Ah, Virgil, morning. I think you dropped something." He held up the headphones to show, and smirked.
Patton glanced nervously between the two, then smiled at Virgil. "Now, Kiddo, that wasn't very nice. I invited Janus to have breakfast with us, so please apologize."
Virgil opened his mouth to argue, then let out a frustrated huff. Nobody could argue with Patton over something like this, so he begrudgingly muttered, "Sorry."
"It's alright." Janus shrugged, not in the mood to fight with him. This took Virgil by surprise, so he just stared as Janus walked over and held the headphones out. He honestly already felt out of place, so he wasn't about to give a reason to be shunned again, even if he wanted to make a mean-spirited remark.
"Okay," Virgil replied in an annoyed tone, snatching the headphones from Janus' hands and putting them back on, crossing his arms and sitting on the couch.
Janus sat at the dining table, Patton having added a fifth chair for him. He idly waited, fiddling with his gloves before looking up at Logan, whose footsteps had paused in the kitchen doorway suddenly. "Hello." He mumbled, waving.
"Janus. Good morning, I was not aware you'd be joining us this morning." Logan walked over to the table, sitting in his spot and closing his book.
"Oh, Patton invited me last night."
"So you finally stopped rejecting his attempts to talk to you." Logan scoffed, not trying to be mean, but most definitely having been annoyed when Patton whined in distress to him.
"... That I did." He looked down at his hands on the oak table, and they fell back into silence, the only sound being Patton humming as he finished cooking.
Logan finally spoke again, looking up from his book to realize he made the other more uncomfortable than he already was. "Janus, do excuse me, I didn't mean to be rude. It's only that I've seen how upset Patton was every time you rejected his attempts. I still am 'on the fence' about you, but if he has invited you to join us then it is illogical for me to intervene."
Janus smiled slightly, "Thanks, Logan." The other only nodded, fixed his glasses, then continued reading.
"Alrighty, everyone!" Patton beamed, making the three in the room look at him. "Breakfast is ready!" He put the plated pancakes at all five spots at the table, then looked around. "Where's Roman?"
"No clue," Virgil mumbled, walking into the kitchen and sitting in his chair, Logan thankfully sitting between him and Janus to prevent any bickering.
"It is likely he simply woke up late. I heard him singing whilst writing down ideas late last night, so it must have taken a toll." Logan stated as he set his book aside and picked up his fork.
"Well, if he doesn't come down in a few minutes I'll go get him. Poor kiddo must be tired!" Patton sat down, and they all began eating in relative quiet, occasionally talking or asking Patton if he added something to his recipe. Janus smiled a bit. Sure, Virgil was still upset at him, but it was nice to spend the morning around others and eat something that wasn't days old or burned. Neither he or Remus were very good cooks, and food poisoning was common with them.
Roman finally bounded into the kitchen, "I have arrived! Excuse my lateness, I was getting extra beauty sleep!" He went and sat at his seat, and Janus watched him while continuing to eat, wondering why he hadn't said anything to him.
"Great, now I have to look at Princey's face?" Virgil teased, rolling his eyes.
"Haha, very funny Panic! At The Everywhere." Roman shot back, picking up his fork.
"Good morning, Kiddo!" Patton smiled at their banter, standing up to take his and Logan's plates as they'd both finished eating already.
"Morning Patton--" He cut himself off as he noticed Janus and stood up abruptly, literally whisking out his sword to pointing it at Janus, who leaned away a bit, dropping his forkful of pancake back onto his plate. "Caution! The Reptilian Rapscallion has infiltrated our kitchen!"
Patton put the plates in the sink and frowned, "Roman--"
But surprisingly, Logan interrupted, soundly moderately irritated, "Considering Janus has a plate of half-finished pancakes and his own chair at the table, he has not infiltrated anything. It is illogical to assume he was not invited, so please do put away your sword." He firmly stated, staring him down till he lowered the sword and sheathed it safely.
"Why is he here?" Roman glared at Janus, who stared back with a bit less intensity, not wanting to back down but also not wanting to cause more trouble.
"Because I invited him, Kiddo." Patton put a hand on his shoulder, smiling softly up at him. "It's alright." Roman stared at him in disbelief, then groaned and sat back down.
"So that's why you made blueberry pancakes!" Roman outburst seconds later, gasping as he looked back at his plate.
Patton laughed nervously, blushing in embarrassment. "Yep!"
"You dare initiate him without a group decision?" Roman narrowed his eyes at Patton, but there was no heat in his gaze. Virgil let out an annoyed sigh, setting his fork down after finishing his pancakes.
"Roman, I think we all know there is no stopping him. I'm clear proof of that." Janus looked at the emo in surprise, considering he threw his headphones at him that very morning. But he really did just look like he wanted this to be over, accepting that Patton was too kind to let Janus be shunned
"No buts! Now eat up Roman! We have a long morning~!" Patton beamed.
Was Janus missing something, or did everyone but him know what that meant? Well... here goes nothing. He laughed quietly, a bright and happy noise, and the atmosphere lightened a bit as everyone resumed eating and chatting.
And that’s the end!
I hope you enjoyed :D
I actually didn’t add the second half to my entry, but I kept it in my post just because of the headphone toss lmao... I won first somehow,, Here’s Jamus’ drawing ^^
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