#I would sleep with them more often but their skulls are too fucking big
kittehbiscuits · 3 months
Fun fact I own these guys
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They're enemies and I kiss their foreheads before bed
I hit my cousin on the head with Beetlejuice and his eyeball popped off (Beetlejuice's, not the cousins)
Beetlejuice gets the bottom bunk because when he tried to take the top one Lydia hit him with a pillow
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captain-mj · 7 months
The Journal
I don't know. Cw: Ghost's backstory
Soap found the unassuming book on his desk. The edges of the paper had turned slightly yellow and they were clearly flipped through quite often. He frowned at it, wondering who went into his room and set this there. It felt... almost threatening.
Soap gently opened the book to look at the first page.
I'm writing this journal as a "therapy" exercise. Frankly I think it's fucking bollocks. I'm fine. I dream about nothing.
Well. That wasn't very helpful. The handwriting was odd. Almost scrawling, like the person who was writing had shaky hands but also couldn't be bothered to hold the pen properly.
Soap frowned. This seemed a rather personal thing to give to a person. But it was in his room.
Just one more page.
Apparently I'm supposed to introduce myself. Fine. My name is Simon Riley. I belong to the SAS. I was a POW for a couple of months. I keep hearing numbers but none of them feel right. I think parts of me are still down there.
I hurt. Everywhere. Especially when people touch me. I can't sleep. Can barely eat. My mum is worried. So does Tommy. I want to tell them to fuck off. I have. But they keep worrying. I wonder if this is how Beth felt.
On the page was a polaroid. A baby faced Simon with nasty scars on his face, still fresh and angry. He looked half dead. Dark circles under his eyes and an expression nothing like his usual. Someone had their hand on his shoulder, but he could only see their arm.
Soap sucked in a breath. There was no way Ghost gave this to him. No fucking way.
He got up and grabbed the book, going straight for Ghost's quarters, planning on returning it immediately and pretending he had found it and couldn't find Price to turn it in.
Ghost's quarters were empty. His knives were missing, but his clothes were still there, meaning he was on a mission.
Soap paused and tapped his foot. He wasn't sure if Price was around. How did someone get this? If he left it in his room, he was worried someone would find it. He'd have to keep it. Just to be sure.
Soap set it back on his desk. When he saw Price, he'd talk to him.
After a minute of staring at it, Soap shoved the book into a drawer and closed it tight. He left to talk to Gaz to distract himself for a few hours.
Gaz was nice enough to tell him that Ghost and Price were on a mission together and that they wouldn't be back for a few days.
No big deal.
A few days with a book that potentially had a lot of answers to some questions he had about Ghost.
Soap didn't make it the night before he was reading more pages. He never claimed to have great self control.
Good morning. I feel like a teen, writing in a diary. I've been put on new medication today. Supposed to help. It makes me dizzy for some reason.
My mum keeps making me tea. She wants to make sure I'm real. I see her hands hovering around me. If I wasn't such a shit son, I'd tell her she can hug me. The thought makes my skin crawl. I see her dead body in my dreams. I see the skull they said was hers. I want to tell her I'm okay, but I don't want to lie.
Soap felt sick. There was a drawing. It was crude, clearly done out of boredom and with no real care behind it. Soap was pretty sure it was a skull that was dripping something. Maybe blood. The ink was all black so there was no way to tell. "Mum" was written several times around it.
I dreamed about her again.
That caught Soap's attention. Her? Was Ghost into women? That seemed unlikely.
She used to speak so soothingly in spanish to me. I wonder if she was like me. Did Roba rape her too?
Soap shut the book and shoved it under his pillow. Enough of that. Nope. He didn't want to think of those words and what they meant.
Fucking too.
The idea of something like that happening to his Lieutenant was... It just... didn't happen.
Soap pulled the book out and kept reading. Just... to prove it wasn't real.
I don't know. It's not a nice thought. Maybe I want someone else to hurt too. I tried to jack off the other day and ended up scrubbing myself raw afterward from how it made me feel. How pathetic right?
Not sure what this is doing. What benefit this has. I'm writing my thoughts. Trying to feel better. Tommy joked about me buying a hooker. I had a panic attack. it was like i was back in high school again. fucking baby.
There was a picture of someone, presumably Tommy, and Simon hanging out. They were both smoking and Tommy was making a sign with his hands. He had a giant grin on his face. Simon had a carved out Glasgow smile that looked like it hurt. Raw. it looked to be after the earlier polaroid. The dark circles hadn't gotten better, but there was more color and flesh in his face.
My mum wants me to talk to my dad. I don't know why. I don't know want to see him. Can't let him see me right now. Maybe when I'm recovered. Last time I saw him, I beat his ass. Doubt he's going to forgive me.
Bastard is pure evil. He gets off on hurting people. Got off on hurting me. I think he's trying to use the cancer as an excuse to get close to my mum again. I'll beat his ass again. I'm putting on more weight. I'll fucking do it.
There was a little stick man drawing labeled 'Simon' and 'Bitch' with Simon beating him to death. Soap thought the blood was rather well drawn, even if the stick figures wasn't.
As the week went on, he kept reading a few pages at a time. He learned... things.
Ghost liked Vanilla tea.
Ghost had been assaulted by more than one person.
Ghost's father had beaten him. A lot.
Ghost was scared of snakes.
Ghost loved his Mum.
Ghost hated most mystery movies.
Tommy was Ghost's brother and was the second most important in his life.
And that they were all dead. All of them.
He wrote an explanation of everything there. In a clinical, harsh detail.
I wish I had died down there in Mexico. I wish I had laid down in that grave and died. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault.
It kept repeating and then he had just started over and wrote over the first layer.
Soap was crying. He couldn't help it. Tommy was so... young. Not to mention the descriptions Ghost gave of his family in general. The pages after that were mostly drawings or scribbles, all made with heavy hands.
Simon knocked. He could tell by the sound he made when he knocked. "Johnny?"
"When did you get back?"
"...Just now. Can I come in?"
"Yeah." Soap wiped his face so he'd look... normal. "Yeah come in."
Ghost stepped inside and saw the book. "Enjoy it?"
"I left it for you."
Ghost hummed. "Thought it would be the easiest way to let you in."
Soap swallowed. "You don't do anything half assed do you?"
Ghost's eyes stared at him. Answer enough right there.
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stardust-sunset · 3 months
darry headcanons
Of course!!
tw for suicide mention at the very end)
He’s a really good woodworker. He used to make tiny wooden figures for his brothers and parents
He was kinda the golden child for a bit-not exactly in a bad way, but he was smart and athletic and he would be the one his parents would brag about
He almost lost it when he heard from Soda that a teacher had been comparing Soda to him. He was livid.
His second job is a daycare worker and a lot of people judge him for it because he’s a man (he has a soft spot for kids
Sometimes when Soda and Pony are arguing he’ll just clunk their heads together
He’s lactose intolerant (Darry can’t have dairy 😞)
He didn’t lay a hand on Pony for a good few months after the book and kinda flinched whenever Pony went to hug him because he was terrified of hurting him
He actively makes an effort to listen more to Pony after the book
The reason Darry and Paul fell off was because after their parents died Paul thought it would be funny to prank Darry by waiting at the train tracks with flashlights with a few other people and they held flashlights up to look like train lights (Pont and Soda were with him) and Darry nearly cracked into a ditch.
Hes a dog person and lowkey kinda wants a german shepherd or something
The reason he started going to the gym was because he kinda had a rebellious teenage phase and he realized he was just kinda angry and he wanted to work it out
Darry was actually really popular in school and he keeps his Bou of the Year award (and was honestly probably voted prom king too)
He’s REALLY good at singing country songs (Brent Comer I see you!
When he read Pony’s recollection of him he nearly had a breakdown because he realized how stoic and hard he seemed
He hates being called Darrel because that was his father and hearing it reminds him of his father and it upsets him to no end
He takes the longest showers, like half the time he just stands there and thinks
When he first got into working out he had extreme body dysmorphia and constantly tracked what he ate. Pony and Soda had to help him out of it after their parents died
He has a kinda hefty accent especially when he’s upset
He often thinks Pony and Soda would be better without him and this led to very…bad thoughts.
The only way to really break him is by giving him a big hug and he’ll just break down.
Hell subconsciously clutch his brothers’ hands when he feels like they’re in danger because he’s scared he’s gonna lose them
He often skipped meals in favor of Pony and Soda and only stopped when he passed out on the roof he was working on and broke his arm
His dad taught him to play guitar and he could play it really well actually. He stopped when their parents died because it hurt too much.
He cries himself to sleep a lot tbh-his brothers only found out because they were cuddle piling him and he just started crying because he thought they were asleep. They don’t let him be alone at night after that.
Pony was valedictorian and he was so incredibly happy for him and cried at his speech because he mentioned how much he needed to thank Darry for his success (Pony also got a buttload of scholarships and Darry was beyond the moon)
Hes really good at fishing because he went with his dad a lot
He kills them with his bare hands though. He literally punches its skull in.
He had a high school sweetheart actually but they broke up when his parents died (it was a clean one though)
He sleeps on his back and then wonders why it hurts so bad
He loves getting his back rubbed honestly. Someone should take him to a chiropractor
He cracks his knuckles a lot
His eyes are fucking scary like catch him in the sunlight and it’s like when a cat is in the dark and gets a flashlight in their eyes
He started drinking beer after his parents died. Then he kinda turned to harder stuff. He was quick to shut it down honestly.
He gets hangry. Like he will snap at just about anyone and anything
Hes tried to off himself once. Long and Soda caught him evacsue he was drunk off his ass and missed and they were absolutely horrified
Thanks for the ask!! Hope you like the angsty ones!
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mlmxreader · 1 year
September Sunflower | Bane x gn!reader
↳ ❝ anonymous asked: May I please give you a request to use the following prompts for big tiddy Bane X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: “I don’t wanna know anything, if knowing means losing you” ❞
: ̗̀➛ you and Bane cannot be together properly, there are secrets that can't be uttered, and although Bane is willing to do anything for you, he knows that the difficulty of navigating secrets weighs on you.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, angst
At first, Bane had been enjoying the time that he had with you; chilling out together and spending most days doing nothing but listening to music and talking.
He would knit during the nights when he couldn't sleep, always giving you a new scarf or a new pair of socks. It was nice to actually spend time together and to actually be a couple for once, and although you knew that your time together would come to an end soon enough, both of you didn’t want it to end.
If the world were to stop, if everything were to come to a halt for just a few more days, you would both be so happy with it in all honesty. To be together and to stay together for as long as it was possible, that’s all either of you wanted.
All you ever wanted was to be together in the end; but Bane knew that you could not stay forever, he wasn’t a fool enough to think that you could have. He would always know better than that. Bane was a lot of things, but an idiot was not one of them.
A lot of people would have said that his heart was too dark to hold any care, but they didn’t know Bane the way that you did. You loved him, which  was why you could never let him go in the slightest; you knew that when you left, Bane would bring your shirt to his mask, and would keep the soft fabric against the harsh metal until he fell asleep.
It was always like that, and in return, you often took his big fluffy coat. He would see you out and about wearing it from his place in the shadows, and if he could have, he would have smiled at the sight every time.
But nothing could ever be perfect; you had to keep the relationship a secret from your family, and you had to keep your family a secret from Bane.
You didn’t want him to look at you any differently when you told him that you were Bruce’s younger sibling; three years behind your famous brother, you were taken in by Alfred Pennyworth when you were just a baby and raised alongside Master Wayne. Bruce would never forgive you if he knew about you and Bane, and Bane would almost certainly look at you differently for being Bruce’s sibling.
You despised the thought of something like that ever happening. You loved them both dearly, you would never be able to choose. You sighed as you packed up your things, knowing that the time was nearing when you would have to leave; just an hour left with your beloved Bane, you wished that fate was not so cruel and that it would let you and Bane have just a few minutes more. 
He noticed your demeanour, and tilted his head to the side as he furrowed his brows. “Little one? Everything alright?”
You shrugged, not really sure how to answer. “I don’t want to hide anymore, but I… fuck, I can’t tell you.”
“I don’t wanna know anything, if knowing means losing you,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “No secret is worth losing you… ah Sun-flower, weary of time, who countest the steps of the Sun: seeking after that sweet golden clime, where the travellers journey is done. , where the Youth pined away with desire, and the pale Virgin shrouded in snow: arise from their graves and aspire, where my Sun-flower wishes to go.”
You smiled at him, nodding slowly as you cleared your throat; Bane always did like to quote poetry at you, and usually, it made you feel a little better about leaving, as the sweet words from his thunderous voice would echo in the back of your skull until you fell asleep… but not this time.
You still felt bitter and blue, melancholic and woeful, knowing that you had to keep such terrible secrets. You chewed at the inside of your lip for a moment, sighing heavily as you shook your head, licking your lips in hopes that the tears would not fall and your voice would not tremble too much when you spoke.
“I love you,” you told him. “I don’t want to keep secrets, but I know I have to and… I love you. Yeah?”
Bane nodded slowly as he cleared his throat and came to sit beside you, putting his hand on your thigh as he hummed softly. “Yeah.”
You were his September. He could see you through the sunshine of July, knowing that once April had passed, it would not be long until he saw you again.
His September, he looked forward to seeing falling leaves of brown and rust colours, to feeling the chilly and icy winds as well as feeling the soft rain against his head; he looked forward to hearing the owls in the night and the foxes in the evening.
Knowing that it would not be long before he saw you again. For you, Bane was willing to wait for years, months - he was willing to wait for a millennia if he knew that at the end of it, he would be able to see you one last time.
He would be able to feel your skin on his and see you smile when he read Wilfred Owen and William Blake to you, he would be able to hear you laugh. Bane would wait forever and a day for you, with no complaints; for you, he was willing to do anything. There were no boundaries for what he would do.
“I’m sorry,” you told him quietly. “I know it’s… difficult to be with me.”
“It’s worth it,” Bane told you with a shake of his head. “Any and every difficulty we come across, little one, it’s worth it when it means I get to hold you in my hands and see you for even just a few minutes. You don’t have to apologise. You are worth the difficulty.”
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Chlodineweek 2023 Day 3: Danger/Disaster
The only good thing about nightmares was that they happened in the confines of your skull. Even if you dreamt you were in a tsunami, swimming for your life against its pull, watching a black wave gain on you, being chased by the abyss, nobody would find out.
Gunshots ringing out like strange bells. Being flanked by unnamed faces in helmets. A firearm that vanished in her hands like smoke just when she needed it most.
The scenes weren't from any particular memory. That would have made more sense. Avalanches and floods featured as often as being thrown out of the safety of a vehicle by a land mine. Sometimes she had the feeling of being too high up somewhere, and about to fall from someplace narrow she never should have ascended to. And the complete certainty that where she would land would be nothing but razor wire.
Nadine shuddered with her whole body and snapped awake. It should be illegal for that falling sensation to feel so real in dreams.
Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. She scooted down the mattress and sat on the side. Put her face in her hands. Felt the sweat.
Maybe she could throw on a jacket and get in the car and drive around until her heart rate went down. Observing Johannesburg at night and reminding herself nightmares were made up and also stupid.
The noise she thought was a loud motorcycle outside was actually the thumping of her phone on her desk. She'd put it on vibrate. Should have turned the thing off. Nadine picked it up, blinking, glad she'd had the forethought to turn the brightness down.
Late there now huh?
Of course it was Chloe. Nadine scrolled up and realized it was preceded by a photo of a goat. The animal was all ears and beard, its eyes offputting in that minus-sign way, but Nadine knew Chloe found it cute. The woman liked odd things.
Nadine could have texted 'i see the family resemblance' or 'stop bothering livestock they can't sign a model release'.
Instead, it was I'm awake now. had a bad dream.
Why did she type that? Why did she hit send? Nadine bit her lip and rubbed her eyes with one hand.
She had just put the phone down when it buzzed.
What about?
No, Nadine shouldn't start this. Talking to Chloe as the girl traveled around to whatever weird places she liked, and sent whatever photos she chose for Nadine to admire? All right, yeah, it was fun. But Nadine only spoke to her mother about her dreams.
She had only ever told her mother.
A big wave and an avalanche and a lot of bombs. It was stupid. I'm so sweaty now. Almost every night this week. It's so stupid.
Why were her fingers tapping this out on the screen in front of her? Was her mind addled by sleep deprivation?
And you didn't tell me?
Nadine bit her lip. She typed 'it's no big deal. Good night. Or day or whatever' and rolled over.
The buzzing was long-form now. It was like a little drill going at the wooden bedside table, and Nadine rolled right back over and picked the phone up.
"Frazer, forget it."
There were field and farm background noises audible through the receiver. Nadine thought she heard the wind in the trees, the bell of an animal or two eating in the pasture.
"You've been having them for...what, four days now?" Chloe said softly. "You really only told me now?"
"It's childish things."
Why did Nadine's voice break when she said it?
"You think you're the only one, Nadine?"
"What?" Nadine forced her eyes to stay open.
"I get them and I'm not even a combat veteran, mate," Chloe murmured, "Always about my father dying. Or my mum unconscious on the floor ODing. I guess 'childish things' includes the fucked up shit from when I was a kid?"
Now Nadine's heart felt impossibly tight in her chest. "You didn't tell me about that either."
"Are you watching the news before bed, china?"
Nadine scoffed. "No. Are you eating dry pasta before you go to bed?"
An Aussie chuckle. "Every night."
Nadine wanted to bite something back, but she couldn't. She swallowed. "Yours are worse."
"Like hell they are," Chloe said. "We aren't doing that. That's not why I mentioned--"
"I didn't think you did, it's just--"
"It's just that you worry twenty-four hours a day instead of only all of your waking hours? Can't just have a nice dream about monkeys and candyfloss one night?"
"Ja," Nadine wouldn't choose that combination. That amount of sugar might kill the primates in real life. "I guess we can't choose."
"I can't believe you weren't going to tell me."
"Shut up."
"No," Chloe snapped. "It's that you thought having a bad dream was embarrassing. Is it a growing up in the military thing?"
"Good night," Nadine said. "Stop trespassing on farmland before you get shot."
"Excuse me, I have right of way in this field and the goats love me."
"They need to lose the beard."
Why did that make Chloe laugh. Why did her laughter nearly make her choke. Nadine actually got worried about her after the coughing fit.
"I'm--hack--fine. Just...just don't spring one like that on me, china. Came out of nowhere."
"Ja, just like the animals will. You'll be taking a photo of a dilapidated barn and get impaled on those horns."
Chloe said. "That's my Nadine. Worst case scenario girl if I ever met one."
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spider-mar2004 · 4 months
Fucking bored so gonna drop this.
🍂 𝕂𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕞𝕟 𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 🍂
Summary: Right now where i am is autumn, so somwhow randomly got some ideas for my comfort and fav oc x canon headcanons for have fun, hope you like it.
Extra: Our dear Ben will be there aswell as lil extra for fun HCs!
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𝕂𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣
- His favorite season totally, he feels relaxed as he feels the weather change, the breeze appearing and see the leaves change colors and fall.
- Feels himself calm but just stare the view from his home of that, god is just pleasing.
- He finds the temperature perfectly, not hot, cold yes but not soo cold. So he can wear anything he would like but when is time to do missions, he just would wear a simple sweater for avoid cold breeze.
- Kaine always invites and goes with his partner Marlette to take a walk around more nature zones like parks, gardens, etc. Is actually one of his favorite activities with her.
- Loves crushing the dry leaves, god the cracking sounds gives him satisfaction.
- Aracely when she asks him why he is in trees, he always would respond "Is 'cause i became a sloth now." Which is funny, but yes he can relax himself in trees and become lazy there.
- Hot Chocolate maker? Yes, he is good at it and would make for his small family.
- Kaine finds that the autumn can be more romantic for his partner than the spring, he thinks spring is just, boring and repetitive.
- When is time to have his kid, he wishes have him born during fall, but if it doesn't, is alright after all
[Little Spoiler: Their baby will be born in autumn 31th October!]
- He would put leaves on Ben's hair for mimic a bird's nest, and maybe put a chicken egg on and then take a picture for maybe bully him later.
𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 𝕊𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒
- She becomes slowly lazy when the fall arrives.
- Enjoys totally Kaine's hot chocolates while being comfy on their bed.
- When is time for a walk, she goes but would wear sweater, scarf, yes, she doesn't have good tolerance towards the cold even she is muscular and such.
- Marlette when she joins to stare at window with Kaine, she usually puts some soft melodies in a low volume, for make the moment more relaxing.
- "Are you still crush the leaves? Amor, you behave like a kid even though you are a serious man." Marlette would say that with a small and soft giggle.
- Agreed aswell with Kaine about the spring is boring.
- Would love really decorate painting skulls with Aracely, since she is mexican for celebrate El Dia De Los Muertos, which yes this big mama spends time with Aracely.
- She just loves but loves feel the fresh breeze flow over her face and hair, finds it calming.
- Dislikes getting out from their bed, specially when she and Kaine are hugging.
- Whenever Ben takes a visit, she would get annoyed when Ben comes with his shoes/boots dirty of mud and dead leaves, so since she gave that death stare, Ben as he comes he takes off the shoes first and then enter- Big lady dislikes clean everytime.
𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕥𝕙
- Bedtime? Yes but no sleep, just hugs, cuddles, kisses and enjoy themselves.
- Both becomes lazy beans.
- They always share a one scarf in case they both are feeling cold by the breeze.
- Tired of take walks and see being around just dead leaves? No problem, they also go to a cafeteria.
- Homemade food happens more often since well they likes being more in home than outside when the fall is in.
- They sometimes bath together with hot water, not too hot because we clearly know about Kaine's skin condition.
- Pick up apples together, yes. For then they together cooking yummy apple pies
- Watching Scary movies? Yeah but they both doesn't get scared, only Ben if he was there.
- When Halloween comes, they spend their time doing the scary pumpkins, Kaine uses his stings for do them while Marlette with her claws from her suit.
- Just, having a peaceful nap time, their bodies hugging each other, the sky turning red by the sunset for then the night comes.
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I was bored so enjoy lmao
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rosescries · 2 years
He's been staring at you for the past hour. You can feel his gaze on you, heavy and unwavering. Not even a flicker to something else, you wonder if he's even blinked. You don't think he has. 
You sigh, leaning back in your seat and giving up on doing anymore work for now. There’s just no way you can focus with the intense stare he’s giving you. You turn your eyes from the screen to the skeleton on the bed behind you, his gaze still not leaving you even with being caught. 
You doubt he even really cares that he's been caught. 
You’d be intimidated by the stare, you think most people would be. Your boyfriend is a rather intimidating Monster after all, and likely would still be even without the rumors circling around about when his kind did Underground. Most Monsters are though. Humans often cross the street whenever a Monster is coming towards them. 
But your boyfriend in particular is built like a fucking brick house. He’s big, making you look like a child beside him. He towers over literally everyone in the room, no matter how tall they are or if he’s slouching. He’s as thick as he is tall too, sturdy and heavy. Half of his skull is gone, a jagged hole left behind and leaving cracks along the rest of it like a cracked egg. Both eye sockets have the cracks running through them, though one is empty. The other has a giant red eye light in it with a little black pupil inside it. 
But what draws most people’s attention after the hole in his head, is the sharp and jagged teeth in his mouth. Which looks like they could sever your arm from your body with very little effort on his part. You know that he actually can do as such, and will if given enough provocation. 
Pair his sharp teeth and intense gaze, which makes it seem like he wants to eat you, he makes for quite the imposing figure. 
But you also know he’s a massive dork, and would in no way want to harm you. He may want to eat you, but not in the way he did to Humans in the Underground. 
You let out a puff of air, giving the skeleton a pout. 
"How am I supposed to concentrate on work when you're staring at me like that?" You ask, leaning onto the back of your chair. Sans finally gives a slow blink, but his gaze still doesn't move from you as he processes your question. 
".... sorry," he says. Your pout lifts, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. 
“Was there something you needed?” You ask, tilting your head a bit. 
“... come here?” He asks, offering one massive hand to you. You contemplate the request for a second, then get up to walk over, letting him gently tug you into his embrace. You’re immediately pulled onto his chest, enveloped in his thick and warm coat. 
“What’s got you so clingy?” You ask, resting your chin on your arms crossed over his chest. He just rumbles, gently nuzzling you. “Not feeling very chatty today, huh?” 
Your boyfriend’s eye sockets just lid slightly, the rumbling in his chest still going in a contented purr. You hum, mindlessly drawing shapes on his shirt. 
“That’s okay, we can just lay here too,” you sigh, nuzzling your head a little deeper into your arms and contentedly closing your eyes. 
Sans lets out a breath, ruffling up your hair a bit. He fixes it for you though, then proceeds to just comb his massive claws through the locks. He scratches your scalp a bit with the dull ends, just the way he knows you like it, making you hum in contentment. His other hand barely moves, content to just rub his thumb up and down your back. 
His rumbling purr is practically a lullaby, letting you drift off into a half sleep. It’s peaceful, he seems more than content and you are as well. 
The sun shines down on you both from the window, gently warming up whatever it touches. He’s laying on a comfy, custom couch built for his size with you resting in his arms. You can hear Papyrus muttering to himself in the kitchen along with the slight clashing of pots and pans, a heavenly smell coming from the kitchen where he’s at. You can hear the chirping of birds outside the open window too, a slight breeze rustling the pretty white curtains you convinced the boys to let you put up. 
This is more than he ever wanted, more than he thought he was ever going to get. Sometimes he just gets overwhelmed by it all, he likes to hold you as close as possible when he does. The sentimental giant that he is. 
“I love you,” you murmur, making Sans’ purring hitch for a moment. It comes back with a vengeance though, nearly vibrating you in place. You giggle lightly as he almost desperately nuzzles the top of your head, grin soft and more than content. 
You look up at the skeleton with a soft grin, giggling again when you see his eye light is big enough to nearly fill up his entire eye socket. You reach a hand out and cup the side of his head, gently rubbing your thumb over the bone. His eye sockets close even more, the man nuzzling into your hand. 
“You’re so silly,” you whisper, just getting more purring in response. You just shake your head lightly, pulling yourself up enough to press your lips to his teeth. He cups the back of your head just enough to keep you there for a little longer, then lets you settle against his chest again. He happily goes back to carding his claws through your hair, twirling and twisting the strands around and around before letting them bounce back down. 
“... love ya.. too,” he eventually whispers, making your smile widen just a bit more. You just nuzzle a bit closer to him, letting out a contented sigh. 
Too bad the peace is shattered a moment later. 
“GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASSES AND COME GET SOMETHING TO EAT!” Papyrus yells from the kitchen. Sans lets out an annoyed huff, but does slowly push himself into a seated position. 
“Love you too, Paps!” you yawn, stretching out. 
“SHUT UP AND GET IN HERE ALREADY.” Is Papyrus’ reply, just making you shake your head. 
Such silly skeletons.
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the-hinky-panda · 2 years
Day 8: Skullduggery
This one is so sappy! I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m this way. 
10/8: Skullduggery
Universe // Characters: Den of Thieves // Benny “Borracho” Magalon x IT Reader
Benny sits on the fire escape outside your apartment and smokes a cigarette. He can see into the bedroom when the breeze moves the sheer curtain aside and he watches your sleeping form around the curling smoke in front of his face. Every once in a while he gets like this, where his mind is too loud, too many thoughts and not enough space to box them up and shove them on the shelves. It also doesn’t help that his phone is blowing up from the guys who are still partying at the hotel and trying to get him to come over to finish out the celebration. 
Missing a good time, B! 
Nick lost BIG in the poker game. Fuckin hysterical! 
Girls are high class tonite, man. Got an extra too.
Lots of booze left since u not here bro. 
Nina was asking for you. 
This text was followed by a picture of a pouting redhead that he didn’t even recognize or remember from previous parties. He deletes the picture with a sigh and puts the phone face down next to him. There had been other times when he had to miss the post-drug test party due to family commitments and he remembers reading those texts and feeling like he was missing out on the fun. Now, he takes a deep pull on the cigarette and releases the smoke in a long, steady stream, he wants nothing to do the riotous party scene. He wants this, this silent contemplation in an actual home with someone who smiles when they see him. Is he getting soft? Losing his edge? Maybe. A few months ago that may have bothered him. 
He glances through the bedroom window and sees the rumbled sheets, the empty bed. You must have just gotten up. The night is chilly so you had thrown on a pair of sweatpants and draped one of the throw blankets around your shoulders. He moves over to make room for you in the small space. “Hey.” 
You climb through the window and sit next to him, your hip against his. You open the blanket and he takes the invitation to slide even closer, pulling the fabric over his shoulders. “Wasn’t sure if you wanted company.” 
He doesn’t want company. If he did, he would be at the hotel. He just wants you. But he doesn’t say anything to confirm or deny his wants at the moment. His phone lights up with yet another notification and since it’s trapped under the blanket, the entire enclosed space lights up and he huffs. 
“Your friends up to the regular Friday night skullduggery?” 
He almost chokes on his last pull on the cigarette. “Skull what?” 
“Skullduggery. Mischief. Bad behavior.” You laugh, causing your shoulder to vibrate against his. “You mean to tell me a good ole Irishman like Big Nick O’Brien doesn’t use words like that?” 
Benny shakes his head. “Nah. His favorite word is fuck.” 
“Huh. I thought that was his favorite thing to do.” 
“Say, do, same thing.” He drops the cigarette butt into an empty glass of water he had brought out with him. “So what do you know about the Friday night…skulldig-” 
“Skullduggery.” Your good humor diminishes and you fiddle with the fringe on the blanket. “Just rumor really. What the people in the building say about you guys.” 
“And what do they say?” 
“Well, in IT, we often refer to Major Crimes as Neverland. You know, Peter Pan and his lost boys.” 
That is actually a good analogy, accurate in a Disney-esque coloring. “You want to know what happens?” 
You think about it for a moment. “Actually, no.” 
Surprisingly, he is willing to tell you, to break that brotherhood trust bullshit that Nick talks about all the time. No one is going to snitch if the punishment can come down on them as well. That’s how Nick keeps them all in line. The alcohol, drugs, and girls are nothing more than dirt to bury the entire team when the time comes. And they all just keep shoveling away, week after fucking week, digging their own graves. 
“Can I ask you something, though?” 
His heart rate spikes. “Sure.” 
“Why me? I mean, when we first…started this, I thought it was just some bet you guys had going on, who could bag the dorky IT girl. But then you seemed genuine about it and I just…I don’t know why you would choose me to be with?” 
He has a mental book filled with reasons why it’s you, only you, that he wants to be with every waking moment. Reason upon reason, so many that they logjam in his throat and he can’t seem to spit just one out. So he switches tactics. “I could ask you the same question. Why are you slumming it with me?” 
“Slumming, huh? Clearly you haven’t met some of your predecessors.” 
You’ve never gone into details about your ex’s. He knows you have them, there are phrases and quirks that you have that tell him of a past even if you haven’t told him the details. You apologize for the most random shit, half of which he never noticed in the first place. There was one time that he opened a cabinet to get a mug and you flinched. That still bugs him. He slips his hand into yours and you squeeze it, pressing your palms together. It must give you some courage. 
“It’s just, there’s ten years between us. I don’t know if I’ll ever get into the FBI but if I do, I don’t know where it’ll take me. I’m all intellect, I can’t walk and chew gum, I hate exercising, and I’d rather stay home and read than go out…partying. You have an established career, you’re in LA to stay. You’re action driven, fit, and like-” 
“The skullduggery,” he finishes with a smirk and you huff a nervous laugh. “You are onto something with the whole lost boys thing. You can’t stay young, no matter how much you try to hold on to youth. You have to grow up sometime. So maybe I got tired of following Peter Pan towards the star on the right.” He turns and looks directly at you, your eyes wide and focused on everything he’s saying, like he’s handing out the secret to life. There is such raw, honest hope in your face that his chest twists slightly. “Maybe it’s time I tried following a different star.” 
You lean your forehead against his and smile. “Sounds like a lost boy just got found.” 
“And I’ll follow you for as long as you’ll let me.” 
“Straight on till morning.” 
Benny tilts his head and presses his lips to yours, praying for thousands more mornings with you. 
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fukozawa · 2 years
venting just ignore me // tw: weight, sui, sh
i really wish i had a therapist
I havent had a therapist since i was 15 over a decade ago. And even then i didn’t want to be there and didn’t take advantage of how much of a privilege it was
I don’t think ill ever be able to be vulnerable with anyone in my life. I don’t think ill ever not feel like a burden. And if that ever goes away it’ll surely be after years of therapy which i don’t and won’t have access to for the foreseeable future
Anytime I’m faced with the opportunity to open up or ask for a listening ear, I’m fully paralyzed from seeking that out. Its like right before i take that step, right as my foot is about to touch the shaky ground of opening up to someone that wants to be there for me, its like my own subconscious flings me backwards through midair and everything i wanted to say is blank and i physically cant utter the words. Its like all the feelings that made me want to seek out help in the first place suddenly disappear and I’m miraculously totally fine and not sure why I needed to reach out in the first place and waste anyones time or emotional energy.
Theres always this underlying feeling that i don’t matter and i can easily disappear from peoples lives and they wouldn’t notice, so why make them become further invested in my issues when I’m basically nonexistent as it is. Obviously its the avoidant attachment style but to an extreme. I don’t have to avoid people when i constantly feel like others are avoiding me. And especially avoiding my feelings, which have oftentimes been too heavy for others to carry.
Ive never had a irl friend who would just listen to me and be emotionally intelligent enough to not project their own ideas onto me, but who knew how to allow their presence be the comfort that i needed.
I cant stop myself from diverting the attention away from myself and focusing on other peoples problems or worries in order to avoid having to talk about my own.
In reality i could literally talk about myself and my constant self analysis for hours, theres so much that ive reflected on and so much i could use external insight on, but by the time i scratch the tip of the iceberg, the intrusive thought of being a burden/waste of time/emotional drain on those around me is too powerful to ever scratch the surface of what really goes on with me. Even on tumblr i try not to vent here as often as id like bc its literally so embarrassing being a human and having to have human emotions like literally so annoying i hate having to subject anyone to this.
Tho if im honest I’m lonelier than ive ever been and nothing is more affirming of my trauma and need for community than how expertly I’m able to isolate myself so diligently. Thats just one of the ways I’m able to self harm without anyone noticing. Another big way lately has been depriving myself of sleep, i cant stop myself. The feeling of being so ridiculously tired that i cant help but pass out is the best feeling ever cuz it means not a moment is spent with my own thoughts. I know its hurting me so much, bc my head screams at me with some of the worst headaches (which i realized recently are likely migraines) but its part of the sh i guess. When it gets too unbearable i just take some pain medicine and i can go about my day. Burning eye sockets are a lot easier to ignore than a radiating pounding skull.
Ive become so unhealthy but i don’t care. Sadly I’m skinny so no one questions it. I’m severely underweight but restricting food intake is another way i subtly self harm. I think its obvious but my parents are too self centered to notice and if they do notice they clearly don’t think its enough of a concern to mention to me. Its not actually on purpose tho, i have arfid due to being autistic and making myself a meal thats not instant ramen is literal fucking hell on earth and feels like I’m trying to run through waste deep water. I never have an appetite and the act of even having to eat at all is exhausting/draining. I hate food and if i could survive on vibes & Dr Pepper alone without having to eat food id be more than happy. I constantly have anxiety that there’s something seriously wrong with my body but id never know because my body is constantly being put through the wringer, experiencing such regular levels of discomfort/pain its impossible for me to acknowledge which of my bodies signals are truly dire.
Living with my mother is slowly killing me but i have no way out due to crippling levels of anxiety and absolutely zero energy to care for myself enough to be able to take action on things that would benefit my future self. It doesnt help that it feels like the world is ending and feeling like i may not have a lot of time left anyways so might as well spend my life in bed miserable under the covers starving and malnourished, cuz its the only thing I’m good at.
I feel like I’m always in some sort of dissociative state that i don’t know how to turn off. I try to ground myself and it just comes right back. When it comes to my emotional state i have absolutely zero support system and its hard to not feel like everyone is better off not having to deal with my bullshit drama. Its hard not to feel like I’m making all this up and just being dramatic, like I’m faking all of this and i bet if i wasnt such a coward I wouldn’t have all these issues.
A part of me is jealous of the people who took their lives already. They were powerful people. I wish i could be like them. And not have to deal with the pain of existing as an autistic gay person who never felt truly seen. As terrifying as that is thats all ive ever wanted, for someone to genuinely want to See me and Understand me. Cuz up to this point in my life ive gone out of my way for others to make sure they feel understood, but not once has anyone put that same energy towards me. Which is why I’m hesitant to continue trying to form new close relationships, whats the point when all my prior experiences have shown how little most people give a shit about forming lasting strong connections that stand the test of time. Even the bare minimum of asking someone to educate themselves on the autistic experience so they can begin to try understand my experience, is somehow too much to ask and too high of an expectation.
Anyways I’m done venting for now and its finally time for me to sleep after being awake for 24+ hrs lmao k bye
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augment-techs · 2 years
Sleepy and lazy + phone sex + Billy/Skull GGPR
The cellphone tune that Skull never thought he'd hear sounding off at almost three in the morning. The unwillingness to open eyes in the dark with the sounds of the empty house ever so slightly filled with birds outside on the wing hunting mice, or bats snatching insects out of thin air. The voice on the other end almost completely manic with sleep deprivation, but mustering up something like bravery.
Skull remembered something like this back when they were still too young to understand what dirty talk even meant, trying it out in the corners of the corners of Angel Grove when their parents weren't looking and then laughing because it sounded so ridiculous; almost the same as reading from a script by a not especially good writer.
Never mind the beginnings of erections and how they went home to poke and prod at themselves when they were alone.
"What does your cock look like?"
Skull rolled away from his pillow so his head fell over the side of the bed, still not opening his eyes, but pulling his underwear down far enough for the sleep hard appendage to lop out, almost heavy and getting more interested as Skull picked up on the wet sounds under Billy's breath.
"You've seen it before, if I recall correctly."
Still thick with sleep, his voice sounded deeper than it did in waking hours, and maybe that's why Billy let out a breath and soldiered on.
"I saw it before your balls dropped and your voice changed. That's not the same thing, Eugene."
A hum, and a swerve of the wrist down to the tip that was starting to leak in earnest.
"Guess, and maybe I'll tell you if you're right or not, Bones."
Billy echoed his hum, linen making noise as he made himself more comfortable, "I know you still have foreskin covering your head, but I bet the color has changed underneath when you're hard and want to fuck."
"That's the easy part, be a little more adventurous."
"Your balls aren't that big, and there's nothing more than a thin fuzz to keep them warm, but I bet they feel like silk and smell so good."
Skull jerked a little at that last bit, winding pale foreskin down over the head that was much darker than the rest of him, a pretty fuchsia that made him self-conscious in the locker rooms, but he often fantasized about slipping along someone's tongue to compare coloring with.
"Well, I...don't know about that last bit, but you're doing pretty well."
"And is reciprocity considered polite in this situation...?"
A little smile, twitchy little thing that would never see the light of day in his punk gear and among the other teenagers in high school that he hated, "I don't care what your cock looks like. I already know it's pretty, I just care about what you do with it."
"Well, ideally... I'd be sliding it inside of you at the moment... Open yourself up for me?"
Not one to argue with a request like that, Skull pulled open his side drawer and fished out the lube; blue water-based and slicked up his entire hand before bringing it down to start easily pressing in.
Still, words flowed out and he grinned wide on his next query making Billy almost choke on the other end.
"Hmm, and what would I be picturing to make this easier on my poor little ass? What little fantasies do I feature in within that genius brain of yours, perv?"
Billy breathed out, trying to organize his thoughts as his own pre smeared up and down his length; his honesty a true achievement as he described the most debauched things that somehow crossed his mind in waking hours, often in the morning or after being in the locker room surrounded by young men increasingly growing into themselves; but mostly featured Skull as Billy hadn't seen him naked since they were children, but what little bits of skin Billy caught at an exposed belly or feet without socks or shoes sent his libido into overdrive.
And once he started, he didn't stop until Eugene's heavy breathing reached its crest to stutter...
The amount of people in these fantasies was really something as well.
He described a thought he had, once, of Bulk bigger and heavier than a major league baseball bat, slick and holding Skull down on his back with his legs held together in the air at the ankle so he could ride his thighs; cock covering Skull's in an onrush of cum like a tidal wave.
He impressed upon Eugene the idea of his being gagged with rough leather in the abandoned warehouse district, bent over a dusty crate as Jason taught him a lesson about manners, ramming into him at full throttle until the crate almost broke apart.
Billy had a special place in his wank fodder for Skull being spit-roasted while blindfolded: Tommy holding his ass in the air, gliding into him like water as Zack used his mouth to full effect, the length of him visibly engorging Eugene's throat as his slid in to the hilt. Sometimes Billy had Skull occupy his hands with fingering Trini and Kim while they sucked on his nipples and jerked him off to no avail--this particular scenario tended to fade out to white when Billy came and had to leave the safety of his bed or the shower, after all.
Then of course there was the short, electrically charged scene that played out in his head where Skull ended up going to the fair with Matt instead of Kim and took his frustrations out on the punk; choking him like a chicken and whispering filthy, degrading things that was topped off quite often by spitting into Skull's mouth or Matt biting whatever he could reach. All the while pressing Skull's back against a dingy bathroom stall, one leg over his hip and pounding without consideration for anyone that might hear them.
Billy was pretty pleased with himself at the soft moan that escaped Eugene when he got to his best fantasy: a showcase of Billy slipping into Eugene's room in the middle of the night to suck him off for a good long, slow time while he slept, before pulling Eugene further down the bed, Billy balancing on his knees and sliding his cock to rest on Eugene's tongue. Just a soft glide, bare rocking that the tip made its way up to touch the roof of Eugene's mouth until the heat of Eugene's breath got Billy to come lazy, but strong. He always made sure Eugene swallowed every last drop, too.
"Kissing you unconscious probably wouldn't be as enjoyable as kissing you awake, though."
Skull breathed in once, twice, and then keened at a low hum that set off the domino effect; they didn't cum at the same time. Skull already splashing white over black bedsheets as his finger kept pressing inside, palm over his balls and thumb hooking over the base of his cock, but Billy counted off three seconds in the back of his brain--filled up with the best sounds and filling in for the images his eyes were lacking--and gasped hard enough that he had to let the phone drop onto his pillows so he didn't break it. 
They both took a moment to let the waves wash over them, feel the tingle follow from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes, before Billy picked the phone back up and did his best to sound like he wasn't half out of it, "...I miss you, Eugene."
Skull blinked his eyes open, stared at the ceiling for a moment, then closed them again, rolling back into his earlier position and breathing out a sigh as he pulled the blankets back over him, "I miss you too, Bones."
0 notes
tipsydipsydo · 3 years
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➳ the shower
➳ "keep teasing, I'll bend you over right here!"
➳ "it'd be better if they watched"
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Gender of the Reader: male
Word Count: ~1k
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut/PwP
Warnings: Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; Petnames; verbal Degradation; Mentions of Daddy! Kink; Dom-Sub-Dynamic (Top! & Dom! Reader x Bottom! & Sub! Jungkook) ; anal Fingering; Mentions of Exhibitionism-Kink; Teasing; Anal Sex; Mentions of unprotected Sex; In conclusion: Jungkook is a vocal brat
A/N: I know, I know... Pride Month is almost a month over but I had a writersblock lately and this shit kept me away from writing... so I'll try now to post some more bts x male reader stories! ♡ I hope you like my newest work ;)
Status: Un-edited
BTS Smut Drabbles
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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You should have known that Jungkook only offered you the option of showering together to simply tease the shit out of you. He said, it would save sooo much more warm water for his other roomates up and that Seokjin would yell at him when they run out of warm water again.
You were indeed way too naïve and trustful. The thought alone that Jungkook could get possibly in trouble because of him, his boyfriend, who neither live here nor pay for anything decided already for him. You're simply a guest who sleep over from time to time and your mom made sure that you'll grow into a man with good manners. So after Jungkook explained the urgency why you should shower together, you don't have any kind of reason why you shouldn't.
Well, you definitely should know Jungkook already well enough to realize, that your boyfriend like to use some white lies here and there to get what he wants. It's still hard to believe for you how the previous Jungkook, who was so terribly shy and nervous as you started dating each other, turned out to be so mishief and sassy. As someone, who could barely exchange some small talk without any stuttering at first, he has now a more than bold tongue and loves to be a brat that tests the limits of your acceptance. Little did you know that he is a masochist who needs to get put back into 'his place', eventhough he won't admit it openly. At least until now.
A cheeky pinch into your left buttcheek got you out of your thoughts and a boyishly giggle comes from behind you. You agreed to wash each others back and of course Jungkook couldn't let the perfect opportunity of grabbing your ass pass by.
"I like your ass, Daddy~ I love to see the how your muscles twitch when I am pinching you and how you gasp in surprise and disbelief, hehe.", chuckles Jungkook and you can literally hear the bright bunny smile out of his voice. It's pretty common for him, he has on his face whenever he teases or annoys you on purpose.
While his endearing smile makes your heart melt and let Jungkook getting away with his teasing way too often, the title he just called you does something to you and Jungkook knows that. Of course he do.
Your nose flare as you take a deep breath and the annoyed eye-roll had given way for a hungry and almost predatory-like expression. Slowly you turn around to Jungkook, who's eyes grows big the moment he sees your facial expression. A harsh gulp follows as you close the space between you two and cages him with your arms, sandwiching him between your own body and the cold tiles. The steady bobs of his adams-apple make it look so incredibly seductive. Some deep purple hickeys all over his neck would suit Jungkook very well.
"Hm, Babyboy? What was that? Would you mind to explain your bratty behavior to me? Keep teasing, I'll bend you over right here. Seems like you wouldn't mind to play around with Daddy for a little bit. Well, if we're already standing here in the shower together, then we need to make the waste of water to be worth it, right?", you wisper in a raspy voice into his slightly blushing ear.
A dark, satiesfied chuckle flees over your lips as you see how his bold and bratty personality starts slowly to crumble down and how your own teasing and promising words put him into his submissive mindset. Jungkook may be a tease but with the right words and gaze you can turn him easily back into a good, well behaving sub.
"What about a quick shower fuck? Isn't that what you wanted, Kookie?"
Your boyfriend exhales shakingly, didn't even recognized that he hold his breath the last few seconds. He nibbles at his lower lip with his cute bunny theeth before he gives you his confirmation.
"Y-Yes please, Daddy. Fuck me, I need you to drill your big dick inside of me, please split my asshole open with your girthy cock-", he whines weakly. Yes, that's what you like to hear. Suddenly he is such a good boy again, it's truly fascinating.
"Turn around, Baby. Spread your legs and pull your cute, little ass cheeks apart for me."
It only takes you a short moment to reach through the small slit of the opened glass door to grab into the drawer of the nearby standing bathroom drawer and pull a bottle of lube out.
It isn't the first time you have some fun in the shower.
The sight Jungkook is giving you let a deep grunt of appreciation escape your throat and leave your hard cock salivating in precum. God, he looks way too hot in this position. Literally awaiting for your cock to get fucked mercilessly.
To be honest... Jungkook is such a slut for assplay. The way already two of your fingers slip into his soft, stretched hole without any resistance. Just a few minutes later your third finger joins in without any problems. He must playing with himself a lot when you aren't around...
Just tiny whimpers and little pants left his mouth while you fingered him but now... now, where you lined your red and angry leaking cock up to his, in exitement clenching hole and slowly filling him up... whiny and highpitched moans filling the humid air in the bathroom.
Jungkook's right cheek is pressed against the tiles, eyes rolling back into his skull whenever you pulled out almost completely just to drill your cock balls deep back into him. To hear how the skin of your hips meets his bubble butt and create such obscene slapping noises clouds Jungkook's mind. He tries desperately to lift his trembling hand to his mouth to muffle his greedy moans, he would be mortified if his roommates call him out about being way too vocal once again.
Unfortunately his intention doesn't fit the plans you have for him. He teased you on purpose, very well aware that all of his roommates are at home today. He is the one who loves the thrill of getting caught doing something nasty. He is the one who jerked you off at the movie theater. So you don't have the need to cover up what you're doing.
You let Jungkook's hips go for a minute, just to grab both of his wrists and move his arms behind his back, holding them in place with one hand while the other one moves back to it's previous place at his hip.
"It'd be better if they watched. Just imagine how the bathroom door would open and they would stand there, watching us. Then they'd see how well I am fucking and wrecking this little ass of yours. What a good little fucktoy you are, taking my fat cock so well in your tiny asshole. Just think about how our nasty, shameless act turn them on to that point where they couldn't control themself anymore and start to jerk off to us. You would like that, yeah? I know what a dirty little boy you are. So let them hear what a greedy, filthy fuckdoll you are. Come, don't be shy. Be louder. Even more louder, Baby..."
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Rusted Remnants
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Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x mutant!Reader
Warnings: past noncon, smut, dirty talk, Stockholm syndrome, violence, mention of human experiments, swearing.
Words: 1924.
Summary: You felt better knowing he wouldn't have to leave for quite some time now, staring at the man as he leaned back against the pillow, watching the smoke slowly disappear in the air - Heisenberg wasn't your darling, but he's the only one who kept you sane in that fucking hole where human life mattered so little. Among other Lords he's the only one who had the resolve to fight that heartless bitch hiding behind the façade of a holy mother.
When a bearded man in sunglasses opened the door with a grinding, abrasive sound, you felt both fear and relief - Heisenberg was a mean son of a bitch who couldn’t stand people crossing him on anything, and you learned that the hard way. However, thanks to that insanely strong bastard who could smash in a Lycan’s skull with one swing of his hammer, you were still safe in his hideout, not having to worry about mutilated monsters this place was swarming with.
Besides, even though Heisenberg was as rotten and disgusting as any other Lord, he still had more human in him than Dimitrescu, Beneviento and Moreau altogether.
“Did you miss me, little monster?” He smirked, watching you laying in bed with some cheap romance novel you traded for bullets with the Duke: you had little hobbies since you barely left Heisenberg’s factory.
You rolled your eyes, knowing he hadn’t been home for a couple of days and now needed to get under your skin, feeding off your emotions like Alcina fed off her victims’ blood. It was something like a routine to him: he needed to know you had something human in you, too.
“Who else do you expect me to miss?” you snorted, leaving a worn book with a dirty yellow cover on the bed. “You know I don’t like when you leave for so long.”
“It’s not like I like it either.”
Leaving his monstrous hammer on the table full of blueprints, drawings, nails and all other things you were forbidden to touch, he took his glasses off, and you saw his weary eyes, the blood vessels widened in their white. It didn't happen often, but from time to time Heisenberg would abandon his façade of a smug, careless bastard, and then you could catch a glimpse of a deadly tired man who had long lost any hope to ever free himself from Miranda’s death grip. Something had happened in those couple of days when he had been wandering the woods and catacombs filled with Lycans, Samcăs, and Vârcolacs, and it certainly wasn’t good news if it stripped Heisenberg of his endless complacency.
Quietly slipping away from the bed, you put your shoes on while the man in front of you left his coat hanging on a chair and stilled, his dirty hands on the desk as he stared at it blankly. While he stood there, motionless, you turned on the large faucet in an improvised shower cabin - everything there had been old and rusty, and you needed time to adjust the temperature of water from icy cold to bearable cool or even hot if you were lucky enough. Thankfully, Karl never protested against showering, washing away dry blood, machine oil, muck and filth.
Saying nothing, you carefully lifted his hat, unclasped the belt on his chest and started unbuttoning his dirty shirt - nobody would believe it had been white once. Finally, Heisenberg came back to his senses, smirking and letting you strip him of his clothes, leaving his pants and huge heavy boots on the floor. As he stepped into the shower, he dragged you with him behind the old plastic curtains full of holes, and your nightgown got drenched within a couple of seconds, water pouring over your head. You didn’t protest anymore, knowing the man wouldn’t let you go until he blew off some steam, pushing you into a wet stone wall and wrecking you ass till you started sobbing - he loved when you squeezed his fat cock with your pussy, but Heisenberg couldn’t risk getting you pregnant, leaving his child to be endlessly tortured by that holy bitch until she turned his baby into some fucking monster doll. Sometimes he could buy some condoms from the Duke, but it was still a rare occasion, so most of the time Heisenberg spent using your other holes, filling you to the brim with his cum until he felt satisfied.
"Wearing that white nightgown like some noble slut from Alcina's castle." he growled into your ear from behind, grinding against your ass, his callous fingers gripping your hips as he forced you spread your legs for him. "Did you do it on purpose, baby? Did you want to bounce on my cock so bad?"
Turning your head to him, you didn't get a chance to speak up when the man crashed his mouth into yours, his arm lifting up the drenched fabric of your nightgown and baring your flesh. Landing a loud smack to your ass, he grinned through the kiss: he loved it when you behaved well around him, taking whatever he was giving you like a good girl you were.
You didn’t mind. At first the thought of him touching you had been giving you panic attacks and nausea, but as years flew by, nothing changing in this Hell of a place where sanity was a privilege, you clung to Heisenberg in a desperate attempt to feel human again - even if it was something as primitive as grinding your bodies against each other.
As he rubbed his cock in between your shaking thighs pressed together, you moaned, the water cascading down your bodies while Heisenberg fondled your breasts, biting and nipping his way down your neck.
"You're going nowhere until I fuck the shit out of you."
Breathing in the smell of his Cuban cigars, you watched Heisenberg smoke as he laid close to you, his naked body barely covered by a blanket: his skin was littered with nasty scars, and it seemed like every centimeter of it had once been burned, cut or bitten. Some of them were so old you could barely see them, others relatively knew where the scar tissue was still angry red and thick: most of the time he got them while working on his personal army down there, but with his regenerative abilities they were like a kitten bite to him. Of course, even of they weren't, Heisenberg would still pretend like it was nothing, wearing his shit-eating grin.
"The holy whore is up to something," he says after long minutes of silence, ash falling to the floor from his cigar, "and I don't like that I know fucking nothing of her plans."
You felt better knowing he wouldn't have to leave for quite some time now, staring at the man as he leaned back against the pillow, watching the smoke slowly disappear in the air - Heisenberg wasn't your darling, but he's the only one who kept you sane in that fucking hole where human life mattered so little. Among other Lords he's the only one who had the resolve to fight that heartless bitch hiding behind the façade of a holy mother. You couldn't call him sane, but he had enough sanity to remember what Miranda did to all of you and how fucking twisted was her desire to have a family. You weren't her children, regardless how many times Moreau was going to call her his mother. Whatever she did to you or those miserable villagers, her cannon fodder, she did only to revive her real daughter, and the thought had been making you sick since the times Heisenberg told you about Miranda's past.
"You think it's something big?"
"Yeah. She keeps disappearing into thin air, and I can't find a trace of her anywhere at all."
You grew silent, staring at the blanket with empty eyes: it certainly wasn't a good sign. Where was she going if even Heisenberg couldn't locate her? Was she crossing the forest to get to the outer world? The last time it happened she brought to the world one more horrifying monster with a face of a little girl. The only thing you knew about her was that she was destroyed a couple of years ago, just a failed experiment like all those Miranda had been involved in.
"I think she partners up with someone, some organization that can give her what she wants like, you knew, she did before." You muttered, and Heisenberg stared at you, narrowing his frightening light eyes.
"With whom could the old bitch partner?"
"I don't know, but I know she brought someone with her, willingly or not."
Now you had his full attention as he turned to you, his eyes burning a hole in your face. "Who did she bring here? How the fuck do you know?"
Rolling over to your stomach and hugging a pillow - a real pillow you got from the Duke a month ago, not that pile of garbage the man had been sleeping on for ages - you let out a loud sigh. You weren’t eager to go exploring the factory even though you knew where his soldiers were, but you couldn't just stay in his room for the rest of your days, and sometimes you would get out for a couple of hours, wandering empty corridors with rusted doors.
At first it was subtle. You knew this place well, but you couldn't sense monsters or people getting in the way Miranda did even after Cadou implantation. You just wandered the same places over and over, collecting semi-precious stones, bullets and other things you could trade for something with a merchant. As the time flew by, the feeling of uneasiness was washing over you as you stepped into certain rooms, got into certain places. There was nothing peculiar there, nothing that would catch your attention, but something was still eating you up as if you knew something wasn't right.
At one point you realized that what disturbed you were things moving from their original places - changes were small, barely noticeable for someone who didn't spend hundreds of hours walking around here, but you could know put your finger on what was wrong. Who was it? You knew it weren't the Lords who had no business here. Besides, the Master of Metal could always feel their presence. Obviously, it weren't humans from the village for whom the factory was sacred, and monsters possessed too little intelligence to put things on their places in the very same order. You thought it could be Mother Miranda, but she wouldn't be sneaky if she really wanted to show Heisenberg his place.
Now it all made sense. You knew the outer world would learn about this place sooner or later, especially after that monster girl incident, and it only proved the idea Miranda brought someone with her.
"I think it's someone smart, Karl. Someone who will either destroy Miranda or try to take control of her - and us, maybe." You said after telling him about your little adventures, and the man smirked, stroking your back. Of course, after her little Eveline had been released into the world, he had thoughts about other organizations having their fair share of Megamycete,
“Someone we can use against her, then.” He whispered, his eyes dark and perceptive as he leant closer, dropping a kiss to your shoulder, his complacency getting back as he sent you a smug grin, slapping your ass loudly. “Good job, little monster. Good job.”
Rolling you over on your back, he got on top of you, pushing your legs apart and licking his lips at the sight of your naked pussy right in front of him, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs.
“I’ve forgot to tell you baby," he grinned at you when you squirmed from his touch, his thumb already tracing tiny little circles against your clit. “I’ve got a rubber, so you better milk me dry with that sweet little cunt of yours.”
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pingutats · 4 years
at last!
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it’s the morning after harry proposed, and here you are, in heaven.
warnings: some sexual content, not very graphic.
word count: 2k
.                               .                           .                               .                           .
As soon as you start to drift awake, you feel this overwhelming sense of bliss. Like everything is right in the world, properly aligned and in harmony. Your heart feels full, warm like the way a lover would cradle their hands around yours on a chilly winter night. 
The thing that pulls you completely from the gentle embrace of sleep into the morning is someone actually grabbing your left hand. Not just someone, but Harry. And, you remember suddenly like a crack of lightning bursting through your sleep-weary skull, he isn’t just Harry, he’s —
“Morning, love,” he murmurs, his voice croaky and slightly slurred from sleep still, as he pulls your hand over to him and slips the ring back onto your fourth finger. “Y’always look so pretty in the morning. ‘Specially today.”
“H,” you whisper back, barely able to form a coherent thought. He’s your fiancé. You blink your eyes open, rubbing at them as you adjust to the weak light streaming through a window. “Oh my god, Harry.”
He’s grinning at you, eyes still half-closed. He brings your hand to his mouth and kisses the ring. “Oh my god, Y/N,” he repeats back, and you giggle.
You hold your hand up to the light, twisting your wrist so the small, classic diamond sparkles.  You’ve seen it before, of course. You’ve known what it looks like for ages. The two of you picked it out together in a store a couple months ago. You’ve spoken about this moment, over and over — sometimes in practical terms to try and plan for your future, sometimes whimsically as you spelled out your wildest dreams to each other — but now it’s here. It’s real.
He was insistent on being the one to propose. You could pick the ring, the wedding venue, write the guest list and choose his outfit and even curate the reception playlist, he offered— as long as he got to propose. You accepted, of course, without the bargaining. You wanted him to do it anyway.
Harry isn’t one for grand gestures. When you first met him, only knowing him as the glamorous rockstar that he performs as when he’s on stage, you had assumed he would be into the massive displays of affection, the lavish gifts and the kind of relationship that no one can tear their eyes away from. But he isn’t really like that.
Harry is a cup of tea set out for you in the morning before you even ask for one. The last segment of the mandarin he was eating, held out for you to take. A hundred kisses to your cheek over the course of a night out, for no particular reason except that he’s tipsy and he loves you. A playlist that he texts to you with a sweet note in the description. Making the bed by himself before you’re done brushing your teeth. Carrying you from the car to the door at three in the morning because your heels are killing you and he’d rather roll around naked on broken glass than see you in any amount of pain at all.
That’s what Harry is. So it made sense that, rather than flying you out to Paris and organising a string quartet to play in the background while he got down on one knee under the Eiffel Tower at night (something you had joked about often), he did it in his own little unassuming way. 
You wanted a surprise. That was all you asked. If he was going to ask, he better make it good.
It wasn’t big. It wasn’t grand or especially beautiful. You had been baking together all afternoon: flour all over the place, a small pile of chocolate chips that you’d “accidentally dropped” on the counter and were snacking on, cookies in the oven making the kitchen smell all warm and cosy. The echoes of your laughs and playful banter still lingered in the room. An Etta James album was playing in the background — Harry’s choice, of course. You were bending in front of the oven to check on the cookies. 
“They’re looking good, H,” you said, gazing at them.
“Y/N,” he said from behind you.
“I think we’ve got a perfect batch on our hands.” You straightened up, reaching over to swipe a couple more chocolate chips from the shrinking pile. “Better than last time, those were all hard and —”
“Darling,” he said, a bit more firmly.
“Yeah?” You turned around, sucking on the chocolate, and froze.
There was Harry, on one knee on the kitchen floor, holding a little box and smiling gently up at you.
“Hi,” was all you managed to breathe out, once you regained the ability to move.
“Hello,” he said, smile growing. He cleared his throat. “I love you so much, you know?”
“Harry, you’ve got flour on your nose.”
“Do I?” He was grinning widely now, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as he tried not to laugh. “I’ll fix that later, love, got something more important to do right now.”
“Okay.” Your voice was shaking slightly.
He chuckled, and then took a deep breath to steady himself. “Y/N. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. You make my days better, every day. Most gorgeous, funniest, kindest, sweetest girl I ever met. You’re so fucking amazing — sorry, I shouldn’t swear. Probably ruins the moment.”
“It doesn’t,” you said quickly. You could feel tears threatening to prickle at your eyes. “Keep going.”
“Nothing’s going to stop me, angel,” he promised. He set his face, playing at being very somber. “I really need to ask you something.”
You bit your lip through a smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. ‘Cause every day I wake up and hug you and I think to myself that I never want to let go of you. Ever.” 
You nodded, unable to speak for fear that you would just collapse from how unbelievably sweet he is.
“Y/N,” he said, finally. He took a deep breath and pulled open the lid of the little box, and there was your ring. His smile returned to his face again, bright and dimpled and so Harry you nearly starting sobbing right there. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” You were saying it before he even finished his sentence. “Yes, yes, yes, yes—” and you kept saying it until he was back on his feet and had swept you up in the tightest hug, pulling you into his chest and spinning both of you around. 
You clutched at the front of his fuzzy sweater and pulled him into a kiss that made the world feel like it was shifting. Because it had. Everything had changed now. It felt like the two of you had taken the world and cracked it open like a walnut, finding a completely new kind of life inside. A kind of life where you both completely, irrevocably, belonged to each other.
When he pulled back from the kiss, he rubbed his flour-covered nose over yours, then pecked another kiss on your cheek. “Got flour all over you, love.”
“Best go take a shower, then,” you said to him, grinning.
He raised his eyebrows, that mischievous glint in his eye that you so adored appearing. “Yeah? Okay, whatever my beautiful fiancee wants.” He let you take his hand and start to pull him toward the bathroom, before he suddenly jerked you back, making you stumble into his chest. “Shit,” he murmured. “Give me your hand, darling.”
“Oh.” You held out your left hand, and gently he slid the ring onto your finger.
He looked up at you, eyes shining. “Can’t believe I nearly forgot the most important part.”
“Me too. Silly goose.” 
He snorted, and you leaned forward to kiss him again. He held his hands to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. He was warm, his embrace firm, his mouth gentle. Tasting him, the sweetness of the cookie dough he had been stealing out of the bowl, the vanilla of the lip balm he used — you could have lived in that kiss forever. Any kiss, really. You weren’t picky when it came to Harry. But he pulled back, and ran his hands down to the back of your thighs.
“Jump, darling,” he whispered, and he pulled you up to wrap your legs around his waist, your arms looped behind his neck. He pressed his lips to yours again, then carried you to the bathroom, your giggles echoing through the house.
He got on his knees for you again in the shower — “Wanna treat my fiancee like a proper gentleman” —  with your leg thrown over his shoulder, your hand with the ring in his hair, your head thrown back against the tiled wall. He was always good (outstanding in the field, you would joke) but somehow today he was better. Like he was trying to tell you something just by the way he licked up your folds and sucked on your sensitive little bud until you were shaking and your hand tightened in his hair in a way that was surely painful. Like he was trying to show you just how much he loved you, as if everything else wasn’t already enough.
Later, you opened up the expensive bottle of champagne you’d been saving and split it over the takeout he had ordered over the phone in a rush while your hands were slowly creeping down his bare chest and playing with the waistband of the sweatpants he had thrown on after the shower. You ate outside. It was a pleasant night and as stars started to dust over the sky, you were sure they were shining just a little bit brighter.
And when you finally made it into bed, he was immediately over you, his arms snaking underneath you and hugging you to his chest while he thrust into you, deep and passionate. He had his head buried in your neck, his moans vibrating into your skin and you knew he was feeling more than just the physical. It was beyond that for both of you. Treasure this moment, you kept thinking. Keep this day safe forever.
You came together. As he got close, his steady rhythm starting to falter, he grabbed your left hand and pushed it down into the mattress, so you could feel the ring pressing into your skin. That was what sent the both of you over the edge.
Sleep came easily, your limbs still tangled together, your ring lying on the bedside table because you were scared to sleep with it. Harry must have fallen asleep after you — as you dozed off, you could hear the rustling of his pillow as he kept turning his head to look at the ring glinting in the full moon’s light coming through the window. His strong arm wrapped around you, holding you close, letting the rhythm of his heartbeat lull you to sleep.
“I’m so fucking happy,” he says now, in the morning, quietly, breaking the silence that had descended over you. He says it like it could be the last sentence he ever speaks. A neat epilogue.
You look at him, your arm still raised in the air between you. His eyes are trained on the diamond, and you could swear his eyes are sparkling just as much as the jewel is. He blinks, and glances back to you. “So, so fucking happy.”
“Me too,” you tell him. You let your hand drop, finding his and intertwining your fingers. “Love being engaged.” The word rolls off your tongue easily, and that was thrilling. You’re engaged. “’S better than I imagined. Better than anything else, ever.”
“Mm,” he hums, running his thumb over the ring, and then along the empty space of your finger just below it. “I think it just keeps getting better from here, love.”
.                               .                           .                               .                           .
hope you enjoyed!! i wrote this in barely two hours around midnight (obviously with at last by etta james playing in the background) because i just had to get this concept onto a page. it’s only been very lightly edited so if there were mistakes or it was structured messily ........ sorry. but i am just so in love with these very domestic, un-grandiose proposals because the important thing is the love between the two rather than the big displays... yeah. anyway hope you liked and if you want to send me a request or just chat, my askbox is very much open!!!
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bernadettefoxs · 3 years
friends don’t kiss me like you do
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summary: lou and debbie have to fight their feelings for each other while working/living together + one very jealous lou miller.
length: long (and gay) enough
warnings: extreme fluff!! and a little angst
“Just leave it there, TamTam, Jesus.” Debbie spoke with an angry tone while Tammy was sitting at the other end of Lou’s couch, trying to fix Debbie’s heel that broke when she and Tammy ran home together after getting out of the cab on a rainy New York city night.
Debbie almost twisted her ankle stepping on a cobblestone and Tammy laughed, tugging her arm and helping Debbie steady herself, but one of her heels was now wrecked and the brunette was cursing under her breath, meeting an impatient Lou waiting for them by the door, whispering “what the fuck” when both women showed up looking like train wrecks, both a little drunk too. It was supposed to be a business dinner with one of Debbie’s old friends who worked at the bank, and it ended up with margaritas and endless vodka shots.
Lou was a bit hurt, not ever admitting that to anyone, that Debbie didn’t ask her to come with her, calling Tammy instead. Sure, Tammy was her best friend too, but she wasn’t Lou, and Lou wondered why not just ask her when Tammy had to leave four snotty kids at home and Lou was always just… there. She welcomed their drunk mess with tea and dry towels, and now she was watching the silly shatter from the kitchen as Debbie snatched the heel from Tammy’s hand with a giggle.
“Leave it to me, honey, I can do it.” Lou knew it was all part of the banter, but hearing someone else call Debbie those stupid pet names was one of the worst things she’d ever witnessed. It only made her wanna throw up, thinking she’d been somehow replaced by Tammy as the best friend, and maybe as something else too. And it hurt her even more that Tammy was her friend, and that now she was starting to act and think like an immature teenager. Put it together, Miller.
Lou was in love. She couldn’t deny it. As much as she really, really, truly wanted to. She and Debbie had decided on staying “just friends” until they could really work things out between them and also get the heist successfully done. But every time Lou let time pass carelessly she’d find herself attached to the brunette, physically, almost too many times.
It would either happen after Debbie had a rough day assembling new members for the team or after Lou didn’t have a good day at the club. They would always find comfort in each other after midnight when Lou was about to go to bed but Debbie always stopped her before the australian could even step into her bedroom.
It was 1am, Debbie was sure because she’d had dinner with Lou three hours ago when she came back from the club, and afterwards she texted Tammy good night, assuring her that she was okay and thanking her for the help with the banker guy the other day, “also, fuck you, I ruined one good pair of heels because you thought you were Usain Bolt in the rain.”
She heard Lou turn off the kitchen lights and knew the australian was headed to bed, and she suddenly lost interest in the cooking book she was reading. It was Lou’s and she wasn’t even so sure Lou herself actually ever read that thing ever, but it was something to kill her time.
“Lou? Can I sleep with you?” the whisper filled the silent living room. All the lights were out except for the yellow ray from the creepy skull lamp Lou had gotten as a gift from her brother Rusty, she put it on her coffee table at first not really knowing what to do with it and she would always find Debbie sitting by the corner of her couch, using the light to read in the dark. She liked to sit there because she could always see when Lou walked around the place.
Debbie’s eyes followed her like a flashlight and even after almost fifteen years of knowing that woman the effect the australian had on her was still the same. Lou didn’t change at all. Being in prison for five years, she missed seeing that on the daily, and to her surprise, the first night she spent with Lou felt like home again. She never got used to being without Lou. And Lou didn’t either.
It would all fade to black again when Debbie decided to distance herself from those feelings, from Lou. She couldn’t escape the fear of fucking things up with the most important person in her life, so she would pretend to look away when Lou looked at her with that look, wouldn’t go out with her even just to run some stupid errands when Lou asked her to, every moment did something to her and she couldn’t bear it anymore. She couldn’t bare being Lou’s sidekick, even if she knew she wasn’t just that to her.
“Can I?” she whispered again.
“You- uh-“ Lou looked her up and down, her body covered by the robe she hadn’t known the brunette borrowed from her. She smirked, thinking about how she too would often just grab some of Debbie’s clothes and not even give them back later.
“I know we’ve talked about it. It’s not that. I mean- I just can’t sleep. I’m probably reading this stupid book for the 20th time only because I can never fucking sleep. It’s hard, without…” Debbie’s eyes would start to get watery if she hadn’t known any better, feeling so vulnerable in front of her partner. But she felt grateful for Lou’s silly smile growing wider, and the pang of pity as well. Usually that would piss her off, make her feel like she was nothing, like people were always just trying to be nice to her out of politeness and not because they cared for her, but this was Lou. And she knew the truth whenever it came to Lou.
“Yes, c’mon. Leave the bloody book there.” Lou walked to where the brunette was sitting on the couch and helped her stand up, grabbing the book with her right hand and Debbie’s waist with the other. Debbie looked at her with guilt in her eyes.
“Lou, I…”
“Yeah?” she watched the blonde rub her eyes in a sleepy way before yawning and sticking out a hand to her in the most loving, Lou way possible.
“Nothing. Thank you.” she closed her brown cardigan tighter around her shivering body, taking Lou’s hand and walking upstairs to Lou’s room.
Lou let Debbie make herself at home as the brunette tucked herself in and waited for her on her side of the bed. Lou usually slept in the middle of the bed, but she didn’t mind this, at all. The room was a bit dark and had one big window that shone the night lights from the shore outside. Lou loved hearing the waves break inside her head and how the shadows coming from outside the window made living shadows on her walls, it always helped her fall asleep faster, but tonight she didn’t mind that either. This was one of those nights where Debbie was all she would think of. Touching her and having her scent all over her and the room, felt like she could stay like that forever, falling asleep in the brunette’s arms as she scared Debbie’s nightmares away.
She cuddled closer to her, feeling the Ocean sniff her neck as they held each other tight, and Lou covered both their bodies with the heavy white blankets.
“I think we forgot to turn off the lamp, Lou.” Debbie whispered as she felt the blonde run her fingers across her arms.
“What?” Lou glanced at her, confused, making Debbie flush at how cute her stupid little frown was.
“In the living room.”
“Oh. That’s okay, Debs. Just sleep, alright?” she kissed the crown of Debbie’s head and held her like that, letting Debbie get closer and closer. “And you never know, maybe Tam will wanna barge in in the middle of the night to try and fix your heel for you. She might need the light to see.”
“Lou.” Debbie warned, holding back a chuckle.
“Sorry. It’s true.” Lou laughed, turning her back to Debbie.
“Lou?” Debbie called again, almost too scared to speak up.
“Yeah, Debs?” she answered like a mother angry at her child, making them both laugh.
“I miss this.” Lou’s heart stopped, and she looked at those dark eyes facing her in the dark. She could barely see Debbie, but she knew every inch of that face and that woman even more than herself.
“You miss sleeping with me, Ocean? Well that’s fucking impossible because you’re always in my bed.” they shared a laugh and Debbie rolled her eyes.
“You know what I mean, Lou.”
“I do.” Lou could feel her heart break inside her chest like never before. They both knew what they felt for each other, and how they’d left things between them before Debbie went to jail, and they hadn’t walked so far from that point after she got out. Five years later. They just knew it was still there, all of it. The painful silence, the electric touches, the desperate exchange of looks in a crowded room. The longing.
But they had agreed on staying like this for a while and that was the plan the had to stick with no matter what. No matter how much they wanted to go home together after a party with the team and just jump at each other with kisses and teeth, no matter how bad they were in love with each other in a way that nothing else could ever live rent free in their minds like each other.
“I miss… sleeping with you.” Lou smirked, covering her face with her arm.
“We really had it all didn’t we?” the australian whispered.
“We still can.” Debbie said, almost like a plead.
Lou shook her head, lying with her back facing the ceiling and her elbows supporting her weight.
“We couldn’t figure it out back then, Debs. What makes you think we could now?” Debbie cupped her face, bringing it impossibly close to hers.
“We were young, Lou. And stupid.”
“Yeah, well-“ the blonde scoffed, thinking about a 19 year old Debbie Ocean kissing her for the first time. “We still are. Stupid, at least.”
“I wanna be stupid together.” her voice came out broken, her hands finding Lou’s above her brown locks. Lou smiled.
“You do?”
“Yeah. I really fucking do. I can’t be just friends. I wanna kiss you all the time and every fucking day and I wanna be able to tell people that I’m yours and you’re min-“
Lou’s lips met hers with a calm pace, both in a way of saying “please shut the fuck up” and “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”
“I wanna be stupid together, too.” Lou whispered, kissing her again, and again, and again, and again, until they were both finally deep asleep.
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bunnyramen · 3 years
You know what such a cute headcannon for Kiribaku is?
Bakugou sees Kirishima do something cute and he doesn’t show any kind of emotion on his face but internally he’s freaking the fuck out.
Or vice versa, Kiri watches Bakugou do something cute and out right tells him “that’s really adorable!!” Or “so cute!!” and Bakugou gets visibly red but his face doesn’t change
-Bakugou just watches Kiri’s little quirks, like taps in his cheeks when he’s thinking, or puffs out his cheeks when he’s mad
- and Bakugou just internally clutches his chest while he just stands there with a scowl trying to keep his composure
- If they’re holding hands, Kirishima will rub his thumb over his and it’s just another “oh fuck, heart may stop, call ambulance” moment that Bakugou adds to his list
- Bakugou has this thing where if he would like to see Kiri smile, he points to the corners of his own mouth and mimics a smile
-Kiri thinks it’s adorable and it never fails to make him grin
-Katsuki also likes to put their hands together when they’re hanging out and measure (Bakugou’s hands are HUGE to accommodate his quirk) and Kirishima just dies on the spot
- Kirishima loves calling Bakugou cute nicknames but his favorite one to call him is “Suga’” because yes❤️
-Bakugou will never outright admit it but he absolutely LOVES the name
-Like every time Kiri greets him with “Hey Suga!” Or “How’s my Suga today?” his brain just repeats it a billion times
-Kirishima thinks it’s really charming that Katsuki gets wrapped up in telling stories about himself and his little victories
- He just stares with practically heart eyes when Bakugou just gets into telling a tale of his accomplishment and his hands are moving along to the story
- Bakugou has the habit of drumming his pointer fingers against things when he’s bored (thanks to him joining the band) and he will deny that he does it but Kiri has so many videos for proof
-When Kiri gets bored, he always has a white marker and starts drawing on his shoes and they always look pretty cool
- Bakugou ofc thinks it’s so lovable and just goes “❤️❤️❤️” in his head every time he does it
- Hc that Kiri’s pupils get real big like a cats, so when he sees Bakugou, they just get huge and Bakugou feels his heart squeeze
- Like bro.. you’re pupils got all big.. cause of me bro?? Bro..
-If Bakugou gets injured (like a paper cut or something), Kiri always has a bunch of bandaids in his pockets (Kiri’s skin is more prone to cuts so his hands are covered in bandaids) and they’re really colorful
- Bakugou has a name for Kiri, which is much rarer than “Honey” or “Darling” and its “Mona” ( After Ballad of Mona Lisa and because Kiri is almost always smiling)
-Kiri thinks it’s such a nice name and goes into a little gay panic on the off chance Bakugou calls him “My Mona Lisa” during a touching moment
-Kiri makes mixtapes in his spare time, so Kiri often gifts Bakugou the ones he made for him
- Bakugou keeps every one and even buys a stereo just to listen to them
- Bakugou singing really cutesy songs with his gravely voice and Kiri just wanting to fall on the floor
- Kirishima will give Bakugou gifts because “it reminded me of you”
- He got a skull keychain with light up eyes and refuses to take that shit off his backpack
- He also has a mini bear with a little mad face that sits in the side pocket
- The amount of times Bakugou has lifted/thrown/carried this rock boy omg
- I feel like Kiri gushes about how strong he is, especially those broad shoulders of his
- Oh boy, to hear the guy you like blabber about how strong you are and ask how much you bench, very cute
- Bakugou will flip and twirl any pen or pencil you give him (also thanks to drumming skills) and Kiri thinks it’s so cool
- Kiri likes to sing but only when he’s alone or else he’ll sing badly on purpose, Bakugou hears him all the time thanks to thin dorm walls
- it really helps because Kiri sleeps later than him and it’s almost like having a little radio
- If Bakugou is ever feeling down, Kirishima will hand him strawberry marshmallows (strawberry is his favorite flavor) and it always manages a smile, even if it’s little
- Kiri thinks it’s really cute when Bakugou smiles when he thinks no one is looking
- Like if they’re hanging out with friends, when they’re all distracted, he’ll smile
- Bakugou has a photo of Kiri that he keeps in his wallet
- Kiri has one too and will not hesitate to show everyone how cute his boyfriend is
- Kiri likes to hum while he brushes his hair and sometimes does it in front of Bakugou when he stays at his dorm
- Kiri never misses an opportunity to tell new people that the guy trying to capture a seagull because it pissed him off is his boyfriend and they stare at him like he’s crazy as Kiri looks over at Bakugou with heart eyes
- If Bakugou thinks in video game, do you think he added Kiri to his party or does he see him as an NPC that never goes away?
- Bakugou is a blind shit and wears glasses, and Kiri pretends he’s a whole different person
- They both know Morse Code and Kiri uses it to send love messages to him
- Kirishima actually has a huge potty mouth when it comes to video games and will regularly curse while playing
- Bakugou Of course sits right next to him to listen
- He’s oddly good at crane games and wins Bakugou anything he wants
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Moriarty the Patriot, a(n) (un)helpful guide for those who have not read the manga or seen the anime, pt. 2
221B Baker Street Group Edition
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talks to his skull ring more than he talks to people
women? not really his area
smokes a lot but often forgets to bring a matchbox
has zero manners
deduction skills are topnotch
can solve murders but cannot, for the life of him, figure out wtf feelings are
can't pay his fucking rent because he gives bonuses to the baker street irregulars
an apple a day doesn't keep him away
after all, he's a detective, not a doctor
plays the violin then proceeds to break its strings
he would then pick up his gun and fire at the wall mind you he does this without warning AND FOR WHAT
butter knife hates him with a passion do not put them in the same room
thinks of binomial theorem as his soulmate he's not wrong
blushes at the sight of binomial theorem i mean who wouldn't
murder cases and puzzles >>>> women
would laugh and point at you when you're in misery
fucking prick (affectionate)
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he's a gentleman but unintentionally comes off as a flirt
intentionally becomes a flirt for the sake of solving a case at ponytail's request
ponytail's partner in crime and matchbox supplier
gets excited over commencing a break-in
thinks too much that he can't sleep well
teaches ponytail some good manners and drills them into his thick, impenetrable skull
best selling author thanks to ponytail's big brain energy solved cases like HIS JOURNAL ENTRIES WERE FUCKING EMPTY AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO PONYTAIL THAT HE GAINED MUSE IN WRITING
a doctor and a writer, get you a man who can do both
when he loves, he loves deeply
lets his anger out with no hesitation he will pin you against the wall and scream at you
carries a gun anywhere he goes
very fit, has a nice physique
often clueless and flustered
he's honestly a ray of sunshine
has a cane
but can actually walk without it
he probably carries it in case he needs to beat some sense into ponytail
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forever young
for your safety, please DO NOT ask her about her age
just don't
developed wrinkles because of ponytail
cares for the 221b boys even if she doesn't show it all that much
she's a little devilish, if she chooses to
pots and pans at the ready in case 221b is under attack when really it's just ponytail firing his gun the little shit
wait till she finds ponytail's actually got cash
not your housekeeper you're on your own
loves to sew and knit on her spare time this is one of the ways she's letting her frustrations out on all the times ponytail failed to pay his rent on time
loves WHIPPED-son and ponytail and admires their friendship
will beat you tf up once she gets fed up
she can actually drink an entire mug of beer in one gulp which is both impressive and scary
emphasis on the "miss"
yes she wants to make it clear that she's single
Here's part one in case you haven't read it!
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