#I worship season 2 of bridgerton
lilyharvord · 1 year
Me trying to figure out why I love the romance between Kate and Anthony is Bridgerton season 2: 🤔
Also me: remembers that I worship a fictional relationship where a spicy woman hands a man of duty and of the highest social class his ass on his silver platter in every scene and still makes him come crawling back for more on his knees and beg for her.
Me: oh... right.
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I’d like to talk about my experience with being a part of a fandom. It’s something I’ve never been involved in before. It’s something I’ll never be a part of again going forward. This is all my opinion, my thoughts, and my experience. I’ll remind you that you do not have to agree with what I say but, I do ask for you to be respectful of my space, & keep the hate out of my comment section.
Let’s discuss toxic behavior amongst fandoms, shall we?
I, myself had never been a part of a fandom until recently, therefore I was unaware of parasocial behaviors. I must say that witnessing this sort of behavior has been quite an experience. One in which I could have went my entire life without learning about & I would have been A okay with that. 😅
I’ve always been a fan of Bridgerton. I began watching the show during the COVID lockdown & I immediately fell in love with the series. I was what they in the fandom would describe as a “general audience” watcher. I enjoyed the show immensely but, I wasn’t completely obsessed.
It wasn’t until the season 3 press tour that I became engulfed in the show, the storyline, & by the actors playing the roles of Penelope & Colin. I, amongst thousands of others became completely obsessed. We were completely immersed in the love story that was being sold to us. It became this unhealthy obsession which in turn lead to blurring the lines between fiction and reality.
The Bridgerton fandom, specifically the Lukola/Polin fandom has gone from great fun, excitement, & and a way to escape the hardships of life, to now a toxic atmosphere, full of bullies spreading hate & unrealistic narratives.
I’ve noticed that there are different groups within the fandom. It’s like High School all over again, full of clicks. You’ve got:
1.) Polinators: this group of individuals solely “ships” Penelope Featherington & Colin Bridgerton. Any content made or discussions had are kept within the show & to the characters. Luke Newton & Nicola Coughlan aren’t discussed as they are separate from the characters they play.
2.) Polinators/Lukolas: this group of individuals ship both Penelope & Colin as well as Nicola & Luke. This group will make content for both Polin & Lukola. Most individuals within this group can still separate the characters from the actors. Lines exist but at times become blurred. These individuals are still logical & will accept evidence presented to them. They recognize that storytelling and reality are separate from one other. Typically they can have conversations with others within the fandom without hateful rhetoric or bullying.
3.) LocoLukolas: these individuals have completely morphed Luke & Nicola into Colin & Penelope. They can’t decipher who is who, what is done for PR, or what is reality. The lines aren’t blurred, they are completely erased. These individuals took the PR tour as a real life love story unfolding between Luke & Nicola. They’ve created these elaborate stories and narratives in their minds & fed them to others within their SM platforms. The insane narratives spread like wildfire which in turn creates division within the fandom. Once division is created, bullying & unhinged, creepy behavior begins. There is no arguing with this group. They won’t be told differently from the narrative they’ve created within their minds. They’ll gaslight anyone who tries to go against the narrative they’ve created. They’ll use their platform to push this narrative which in turn creates more individuals thinking the exact same as they do. They can’t be convinced of anything that will go against the narrative they’ve created. These individuals can be very dangerous. Spreading lies and opinion as fact rather than opinion. Gaslighting anyone who doesn’t agree. Don’t waste your time fighting with them. It isn’t worth it.
LukeStans: this group worships Luke Newton. “All hail Luke Newton! He’s our King!” Do not criticize Luke, do not judge his life choices, do not disagree with his decisions, do not speak unkindly about Luke in any sort of way.. or these people will morph into vicious, venomous creatures who will attack you without mercy. Luke does no wrong. He makes no mistakes. He makes no ill choices. He’s perfect. Precious. Needs protected at all costs. These people will also talk all sorts of shit about his girlfriend. Belittle the relationship that him and her have. Encourage cheating with him and Nicola. Disrespect Nicola’s relationship if not with Luke. But.. don’t dare talk bad about Luke. Don’t defend Antonia. Don’t defend Nicola & Jake Dunn.. or be prepared to go to war.
NicolaStans: this group worships NicolaCoughlan. “All hail Nicola Coughlan! She’s our Queen!” Do not criticize Nicola in any sort of manner. Like the LukeStans the NicolaStans will also morph into vicious, venomous creatures that will attack you without mercy. They’ll state they love Nicola but only if she’s pinning after a taken man. They’ll defend Nicola but, only if it’s for reasons that include Luke Newton. They’ll quickly turn on Nicola if you mention her relationship with Jake Dunn. They’ll ask you to respect her privacy all while “manifesting pictures from Brazil” that would show both parties cheating on their significant others. Ope. They’ll turn on her if you even mention the idea that she could be in a serious relationship with a man 13 years younger than her.. insisting that “she would never be so public about her love life” or “she’d never date a man that young.” This group is only fans of Nicola if she abides to the expectations they’ve created for her in their minds.
When I first joined the fandom it was during the press tour. Therefore everyone was riding the high that the PR tour was providing everyone with. New videos were being released every few days. It was fun, exciting, and entertaining for everyone! We were eagerly anticipating the release of season 3. It was happy times, fun times.
Once the press tour ended & part two released the fandom imploded. I’d say exploded but no, it imploded. The fandom is collapsing within itself, quite suddenly, and violently. You’ve got rational fans who understand that Luke & Nic are separate from Colin & Pen and who respect their private lives. You’ve got semi rational fans who understand that they are separate from their characters but still hope they’ll be endgame. You’ve got the LukeStans fighting with the NicolaStans. Then you’ve got the LucoLukolas who are just outright insane. Spreading misinformation and creating elaborate false narratives to keep their already sunken ship afloat. You’ve got recovering Lukolas trying to be some sort of voice of reason.. and it’s all just one big chaotic cluster f**k at this point. The fandom is split. It’s chaos. It’s not fun anymore.
Luke went into hiding because fans are weird AF. He comes back after over a month MIA and the fans are already acting bat shit crazy. Fans were messaging the resort he stayed in, asking who stayed with him, forcing the resort to remove a thank you post to Luke. ABSOLUTE INSANITY! TOXIC BEHAVIOR! The entitlement fans have regarding Luke’s personal life is absolutely disgusting. This man owes the fans nothing. He deserves his privacy. He deserves to spend time with his girlfriend without the bullshit comments on how “he’s yet to claim her” or have his relationship be called a “situationship” only because he’s not made a post on his SM “claiming her” because “he owes the fans that.” Absolutely insane! He owes the fans nothing. If he wants to keep his personal life off his business SM page then we as his fans need to respect that decision. He’s travelled with Antonia multiple times, he’s been papped with her on several occasions, she attends work events with him, vacations with him privately, she’s close with his family and friends, that man HAS CLAIMED HER PUBLICLY. Something as ridiculous as a SM post means nothing when the evidence is already there for all to see. If fans choose to ignore that? That’s on them not on Luke. Stop with the entitlement. It’s weird. He owes you nothing.
Nicola has said over and over again that she is chronically online. She sees the weird shit that’s posted. She sees the lives discussing sunglasses reflections and t shirt creases.. elaborate stories from Brazil that never happened, the belittling of her relationship with Jake Dunn, calling her man gay and claiming he has a boyfriend when this man has NEVER stated his sexuality publicly, she sees this shit. It’s toxic, it’s weird, and it’s sure as hell disrespectful AF especially considering it’s coming from people who claim they are her fans. 🥴 She is posting less & less on social media & I can’t say I blame her. Who wants to have every single thing they post become a 3 hour TikTok live conspiracy theory break down? I sure as hell wouldn’t want that if it were me.
This fandom has got to take a serious step back. If it’s consuming your thoughts, disturbing your mental health, or emotional health then take some time away from SM & spend some time focusing on other things. Read a book, listen to some music, go out with friends or family, spend some time in nature, do whatever you need to do in order to protect yourself from all of the toxicity.
For the love of all things holy.. stop taking the crazy behavior directly to Nicola and Luke & to anyone involved in their lives. We as fans need to remember that these are real life people, with real life lives and loved ones, who like us have feelings and emotions. We need to respect their privacy. They owe us nothing regarding their personal lives. We shouldn’t expect as much. These two gave us such an amazing season. The least we can do is support their choices even if we don’t agree with them. 🫶🏻
Again, these are my opinions & my personal experiences with dealing with people within this fandom. I’ve had my fair share of arguments with people & I’ve been attacked by many who didn’t like the evidence I presented them with that went against their narrative. My experiences are my own. I understand not everyone is toxic in this fandom but, at the same time there are many that are. We as a fandom need to accept what is, let go of what isn’t meant to be, and continue to support Luke & Nicola in all their future endeavors. As their fans, we owe them that much!
Y’all behave yourselves & have a good one! ✌🏻
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wylldebee · 28 days
Lots of likes for my Derry Girls In Bridgerton AU, so here's a couple of ideas/scenarios I imagine would happen: —James being friends with the older Bridgerton lads. He's cute, he's awkward, and they love to tease him like he's a fourth brother. James has crushes on all of them. Penelope totally understands the Colin crush. It happens. She doesn't blame him. —If any of you think Michelle's dislike for the English and James doesn't exist in this world you are wrong. That shit burns just as hot no matter what universe she's in. —Lady Danbury is the only person who can get Colm to get straight to the point in his stories. She is practically worshipped in the Quinn household. Remember that 'swear on Dolly!' scene? Think that but with a portrait of Lady Danbury. —After Antony scares away Daphne's suitors, she threatens to marry Colm if he keeps interfering. He tries to call her bluff. Colm comes around the next day with flowers. Benedict sketches Antony's shocked, pale face and Daphne's evil smile, and it's framed pride of place in his room. Eloise wants a copy. Antony has never been more happy when Daphne marries Simon. —Violet is 100% friends with the other mothers. She has people who understand what it's like to have such dumb kids. —Erin sees Lady Whistledown as her rival. Penelope is giggling away on the inside. Erin joins Eloise on trying to unmask her. They almost get arrested. Erin tries to do her own paper. She somehow gets out of trouble with the Queen. —The only person who knows about Claire's sexuality outside the Derry Girls is Penelope. She never puts Claire in her paper. They're actually friends. They still don't understand why people say they look alike. Colin doesn't see it, either. —Orla is the most sought after in the entire group. Eloise is fascinated by her. And also a bit jealous. Mostly about how Orla can be, well, Orla and gets away with it. —Sister Michael is actually a noblewoman but people call her Sister Michael because she's scary like a nun. All the Bridgerton kids are intimidated by her. Earlier season 2 Kate was like '👀' when Antony ran tail between his legs at the sight of Sister Michael.
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inthethickofbleeding · 3 months
Thoughts on Bridgerton S3
I'M JUST RANTING OKAY I've only seen part 2 once and these are just my thoughts and feelings I am gonna throw here and delete later when I probably change my mind after rewatching?? I just gotta rant😭
Penelope was so gracious and understanding and forgiving and I felt she deserved, in many moments, to be rightfully more upset, more vindictive, more fiercely witty and proud. Though I do LOVE all the things getting resolved and solved and brought to light and happy endings (I actually do love it), the journey there for me was missing a healthy and (imo) realistic dose of female rage. Just for the dramaaa come on. All the other drama going on here and Penelope is 'grateful for your counsel?' bfr. I'll show you grateful for your counsel by hating on it! She can show everyone her heart AND her teeth. She is more than capable and I thought that her character was reduced too much in the last four episodes. Penelope I want you to have everything, including your full range of emotion and humor and wit. Drink more w/ Madame Delacroix okay?? And with Lady Danbury.
I feel like my husbandColin was weirdly sidelined? I'm actually quite grateful for Part1 Colin, because I haven't landed anywhere yet with Part2 Colin. I knew he was jealous, I knew he was always going to forgive her...and we all knew he loved her....so the conflict/tension between them was not as interesting- for me! Just for meee. And stupidly drawn out. FOR MEEEEE. He had taken so many 'gallant' steps in his relationship with Penelope so when their wedding day and night and subsequent honeymoon days arrived and he was stuck in that attitude I was so unmoved. Don't play with me, Colin. Go worship your wife.
I JUST WANTED ANOTHER PURE VIOLET MOMENT! OF ANY KIND! Like before/about her dance with Marcus come oonnn! This is Violet! Please for the love. Also give me a convo with her and Penelope! Just one real one?? Damn. Her resolution with Francesca was alright? I guess. I do love that she isn't perfect with all of her kids, esp her daughters. But I feel they planted a lot of stuff for her as a mother and as a woman wanting to 'tend to her garden' you know? And it fell awkwardly for me. My favorite Bridgerton forever though.
HATE HATE HATE that Colin went to Cressida's house to make things worse trope. Seen it before. Didn't like it then and I don't like it now. AND he was forgiven so quickly. Absolutely not. DO NOT GO INTO ROOMS ALONE WITH ANYONE ANYMORE COLIN BRIDGERTON UNLESS IT IS UR WIFE PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME SLASH MY SCREEN. Go home to your wife and fix it there before you try to be all heroic outside of it okay. I will shave your head. I think I need Daphne.
Dear Eloise, you don't know what it is to be a friend, to have a friend, or even to lose a friend. Maybe I'm interpreting it wrong, maybe I don't care idk. But we start the show humanizing Cressida, bully since season 1 episode 1, THROUGH Eloise. BUT WHEN IT CAME TIME FOR THE FRIENDSHIP TO MEAN SOMETHING TO EITHER OF THEM Eloise willfully gave up, walked away, ran to the comfort of her privilege with her family and way-too-understanding friend. HOW DID WE CHAMPION SO MANY WOMEN ONLY TO ABANDON THIS THING W/ Cressida at the end as she was literally sent away alone.
Lady Danbury complaints similar to Violet. She is usually a more prominent player, so when she wasn't this season, well, I missed her and wanted anything more about her. But! Love her all the same.
HOW DARE THEY throw Kanthony back and forth all weirdy like that. Kate is here, just let us have Kate. And her lil loving husband. Come oooonnn. Three babies at the end and none of them Kate's😭 And Violet was overwhelmed and they didn't get to have another moment?? A lot of off-screen moments are told to us and we just get to believe whoever says whatever. Every actor here has shown they have skills for show-don't-tell productions! All those beautiful eyes! I just am feeling upset about the random use of this gorgeous couple. EVEN ANTHONY, Viscount and eldest brother of them all just walks away at one point when Colin is obviously needing more of him. Whatever.
Why why why did we have an original song PLUS an orchestral cover of it for both to be so unused??? Tori Kelly's song is so wedding-coded and so romantic and earnest. But it didn't make an appearance for Polin at all. Not at their wedding, not in their home, not in the carriage, not anywhere...
Maybe unpopular opinion but I hated "Yellow" being the wedding song. First see the point above and then please please just remember how much Penelope did to distance herself from that fucking color and the horrible memories of it. NOW! IF COLIN HAD MENTIONED IT SOME WAY OR WHATEVER THEN SUUUURRREEE keep the song. HOWEVER. EVEN THE WEDDING WAS NOT YELLOW, HER FAMILY WASN'T IN YELLOW, WE DIDN'T TALK ABOUT IT AT ALL WHY IS IT THE FUCKING WEDDING SONG WHEN THERE ARE MANY OTHER OPTIONNNNSSSSS WHYYYYY (idc why, I just hated it, even if I did cry).
Benedict has been cute and boring for far too long and that did not change for me in this season. TWO BRIDGERTONS with queer representation in an already huge season with so many storylines going on, I wish we could've celebrated it better. Amongst the thousands of other things that were being celebrated, Benedict has still been separated from them in weird ways.
Not a big point, just an interesting one. But where did Debling go? He just effed off to the wilderness? We spent a lot of time with him (and Cressida) in the first four eps.....and then he was gone.....okay.
Charlotte, I love you. You should know that first. But man you love to crash a party, and a wedding, and I just feel like you should've at least killed someone by now with all these theatrics. Even for Charlotte, I felt she was strangely incorporated into this last half of the season. She and Penelope are technically equals in many many ways- BUT WE NEVER GOT TO SEE THAT WIT AND BANTER PLAY OUT MORE WHYYYY
All in all. It's just my rantings. I was absolutely in love with the first four episodes. There was something so fairytale about it and it was so romantic. So, yes, I was disappointed in part 2 on the initial watch, despite the many things I loved about it. There was a lot going on and, sadly, most did not land for me. Yet.
It's a good show, I still love the show. I will be watching the show. Give me more of the show lol.
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sweetbuckybarnes · 4 months
I Did Something Bad
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Pairings: Colin Bridgerton + Penelope Featherington
Summary: Penelope tells Colin about Lady Whistledown.
Main Masterlist | Albums Masterlist | reputation album
*More Speculation on Season 3 Part 2 - Do not read if you haven’t finished Part 1*
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‘Cause every lie I tell them, they tell me three! This is how the world works, now all he thinks about is me.
Colin stared down at Penelope in shock. His fiancée, the woman he would move heaven and earth for. The woman whose ground he worships is none other than Lady Whistledown.
The vile prolific writer who had destroyed Lady Crane’s reputation; nearly exploded Eloise’s reputation; and what she did to Daphne.
It was all Penelope…
This must be the reason she and Eloise fell out.
With tears rolling down her cheeks, she looked up at him with shining eyes. “Do not worry, I will see myself out, Mr. Bridgerton.”
She turned around and left Bridgerton House, Colin had been frozen but unfrozen too late as he missed catching her fingertips and the door shut behind her. “Damn it!” He exclaimed, thudding one of his fists to the door, the other dropping the parchment. He soon had two hands on the door; one in a fist, with the other flat. “Come back, Pen.”
Eloise watched with wide eyes as her other brother, the one who had always been there to play in the nursery after their father died, started to cry as he rested against the door. “Colin?”
He stood straight up and looked over his shoulder at his sister - the one who forced the confession out of Penelope. “You,” he growled. “I hope you’re happy,” he collected the parchment from the floor and shoved it into her hands. “Thanks to you, I may have just lost Penelope forever.”
With those words, he walked up the stairs to his childhood as tears started to roll down his face tenfold.
Eloise looked down at the parchment. ‘Dearest gentle reader, it has come to this author’s attention of the pending engagement ball between Mr Colin Bridgerton and Miss Penelope Featherington. Could this be the next Bridgerton love match or has Miss Featherington tied down the third-born Bridgerton?’
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I don’t regret it one bit, ‘cause he had it coming. They said I did something bad! Then why does it feel so good?
The next ball to be hosted would be held by the Bridgerton’s, and with every group that arrived - his hope dropped slightly. Was Penelope coming? He knew they had so much to talk about. He could not imagine their somewhat short courtship/engagement coming to such an abrupt end.
“Do not worry, dearest, Penelope will come,” Violet told her son.
He gave his mama a somewhat tight smile, he had not spoken a word to Eloise since he found her role in revealing Pen’s secret.
Then, when the doors opened, there were the Featherington’s. All dressed in ‘happy sunshine yellow’.
Including his Pen.
Colin’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched her quickly blend into the crowd, manoeuvring her way to the food and drink table.
She was so focused on hiding away from the ton, she stood on some toes. Belongings to Eloise Bridgerton.
“Oh. I am ever so sorry, Miss Bridgerton,” she said, before walking away from the family, straight to the food and drink table.
“Why did Penelope not say hello?” Violet asked.
Colin set his drink down. “I will go see her.”
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They never see it comin’, what I do next. This is how the world works, you gotta leave before you get left.
The first person to catch Penelope was Lady Agatha Danbury. “Well, Miss Featherington. Hiding away in our yellow dress again, are we?”
Penelope’s face flushed a little. “I am afraid so, Lady Danbury. I just could not imagine the eyes of the ton on me for another night,” she lies.
Agatha knew Penelope was lying, but allowed her the grace of not being called out. “Indeed, the ton can be a cruel mistress,” they were silent as they observed society. “I do hope you will return to your green dresses, perhaps they may be Bridgerton blue soon.”
Penelope laughed a little. “Someday. I hope, if I am to ever have a baby girl of my own, I would like to name her after you.”
Agatha rested her hand over her heart. Considering she had all sons, this was a true honour. “When you have your daughter, I would be truly honoured.”
“I have been honoured to call you my friend.”
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I can feel the flames on my skin. He says, “Don’t throw away a good thing.”
Just as Colin was about to speak to Penelope, she pivoted on her feet and made her way for the Bridgerton’s garden.
He let out a silent sigh through his nose and followed her out to the garden. Which was when he spotted her talking to Benedict.
“What happened between you and Eloise?”
“There is not enough time in the world to explain what happened between us.”
“Pen?” She turned her head and finally locked eyes with Colin. “Can we talk?”
This was it. This was the end. Thankfully, Colin hadn’t given her a betrothal ring yet.
She nodded her head got up from the swing and made her way over to where Colin was taking her (away from the earshot of society).
“I know what this is about.”
“You do?” Colin asked.
She looks down at the hem of her yellow which had the tips of her shoes poking out. “You cannot look at me the same, it would be best if we end our engage-”
“No! No! That is not what I want, ever!” Colin said, looking over his shoulders to see if anyone was watching them (there wasn’t, really, there was only Benedict), he stepped forward and cupped her face with his hands. “For the past month, you have been all I have thought about. I have imagined what our life would be like after we are married. What our children might look like.”
“You’ve imagined us having children?”
“I have,” Colin nods. “How many children we have is entirely up to you. As you are the one who would bring them into the world.”
Penelope smiled up at him. “I may have promised to name our first daughter after Lady Danbury…”
“What is Lady Danbury’s first name?”
Colin rolled the name around in his mouth. “Agatha Bridgerton. Aggie.”
“Aggie Bridgerton,” Penelope nodded. “She sounds perfect.”
“With you as her mama. She will be.”
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helenofjupiter · 10 months
assigning taylor swift songs to bridgerton couples (part 2)
with explanations that no one asked for (proceed with caution)
part 1 for a, b, c and d
eloise & phillip - i hadn’t even read the book and i knew paris was their song. i feel it captures their essence. “no, i didn't see the news 'cause we were somewhere else” while benophie are just as deep in the countryside, i think philoise truly don’t care about anything that goes on in the ton. “i want to brainwash you into loving me forever” i’m not sure why this line in particular stands out to me in context of their relationship. maybe because going into it they both had their agenda. also phillip constantly thinking he has to find a way to make eloise stay forever. “confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters” i think this one is self explanatory. secondly electric touch, i was hesitant about this one cause i’m just not a fan of this song sonically but the lyrics were too on point. “just breathe, just relax, it'll be okay // just the first time ever hanging out with you” - eloise sitting in her carriage on the way to meet a man who basically proposed to her without meeting once. from phillip’s “i've gotten used to no one callin' my phone” when eloise shows up and the servant’s “hey, we got a caller” and phillip going “wtf no one comes here, you sure about that”. also “i've grown accustomed to sleeping' alone” yeah eight years will do that. “i was thinking, just one time maybe the stars align, just one time and maybe I call you mine” 
francesca & michael - so i have a story regarding this one. as i got to the second half of the book and the spice started flooding in, i felt like the need for some equally sexy music in the background and i remembered (honestly don’t know how i ever forgot) the altarpiece of taylor’s music  false god. truly all the stars aligned, while i read the words “she felt cherished. worshipped. loved” miss taylor swift sang “we'd still worship this love”. other than that it does fall into the vibes category. tho if one day we are blessed enough to actually get their season i am expecting every social media feed to be drowning in edits of  franchel to this song. but also alternatively to don’t blame me. again, sexy. well the spice in this book was just on another level and i also couldn’t figure out if taylor has a song about being in love with your cousins spouse for six years. i think this is more from michael’s perspective. i mean “i've been breaking' hearts a long time” he even broke mine by being fictional. “if you walk away i'd beg you on my knees to stay” michael stirling would absolutely do this and frankly i can’t stop picturing it. if we do get to them in the show some glorious day, this is my official plea to include this song in the soundtrack. 
gregory & lucy - speak now is the somewhat lazy choice but have you read the prologue timed to this song. “i hear the preacher say, "speak now or forever hold your peace"” the church went silent “there's the silence, there's my last chance. i stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me” the priest stopped his drone, and every spine in every pew twisted until every face was turned to the back. to him. “horrified looks from everyone in the room but i'm only looking at you” she said nothing, but he saw her. // she looked so beautiful. i rest my case. it was really hard to pick a song for them because there’s so many twists and turns in the book so my honourable mentions are haunted (when gregory convinced everything is solved and then lucy goes and marries another man) and daylight. finally i settled with ivy. “my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand, taking mine but it's been promised to another” i mean lucy has been promised to another man from the start of the book. it just fits them, okay (can you tell i’ve been writing this for four hours at this point).
hyacinth & gareth - dear god, hyacinth is my favourite character in the whole books series. i adore her but for the love of god i could not figure out what songs to choose for hyareth. it was truly a headache and if anyone has any suggestions, please do not hesitate to tell me. because they are such a chaotic and energetic duo, i wanted something that would fit them musically but ended up picking cowboy like me and peace. both are truly in the vibes category, i don’t have much of an explanation. in cowboy like me “and the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up” felt kinda reminiscent of the whole polt line with gareth and his father who wasn’t really his father. peace has a little more substance to it. in my head this is more from hyacinth, she is wild and you will never get bored with her but she can also be a lot and tiring. “you know that i'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches. give you my wild, give you a child” this is who hyacinth is, she is a ride or die, and i truly believe she would sit in the trenches with gareth.
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dorkydegeneracy · 3 months
Bridgerton S3 Thoughts
So here's the gist. After reading some of the Bridgerton novels and knowing the main plotlines for most of the others, The Viscount who Loved me was the best story. Again, that may not be true for everybody, but from what I have seen on my little corner of the internet lots of people seem to agree. All of that is to say that any of the other stories imo will simply pale in comparison to Kate and Anthony's love story.
Considering that, I think this season was okay. Despite the changes from the novel to the TV adaptation, I do think it catches the essence of Polin from the books.
My biggest problem with the show is that imo the Polin romance was not the heart/focus of the show. And even if I were to describe it as so, it certainly was not the most enjoyable storyline this season for me. When the purpose of the show is to focus on each Bridgerton falling in love, I see this as a big problem. At the very least, despite the problems that existed in the last 2 seasons, season 1 was absolutely about Daphne and Simon, and season 2 was definitely about Kate and Anthony. This season they have managed to exasperate my number 1 complaint about last season: we spent too much damn time in what amounted to be meaningless side stories. Of course the Featherington plot last season set up season 3 and Eloise's story was good character development, but we could have gotten to the same point without needlessly wasting time.
Even worse however, my favorite storyline this season was actually that of Violet Bridgerton, and not of the two main characters. Her and Lady Danbury being able to reconcile their past was brilliantly handled in tandem with Violet's budding relationship with Lord Anderson. But the best part of her storyline for me was her relationship with her children and the ever changing dynamics of the Bridgerton household. Her and Francesca were truly beautiful this season!
And of course Kate and Anthony were beautiful and I worshipped them every time they were on screen! However, I am sad to see them go away. I hope we get to meet baby Edmond eventually!
I will say that at the end of season 2 I was upset that they skipped Benedict to bring us the Polin story first. Ironically today I am actually itching to see Eloise's love story, so there is something! Benedict and Eloise's dynamic has always been my favorite through line of the entire TV series and I really hope that over the next two seasons they heavily rely on that dynamic when telling their love stories!
All in all, I was never as excited about this season as I was for last season, so I tempered my expectations and they were met.
Anywho, If you have reached the end of this word vomit, bless you!
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cherrynpxches · 2 months
the last time i was sunburnt was in high school,
and it lasted for years. perhaps i wasn’t nifty in applying sunscreen or i’ve been touching grass too much, but it was arguably the former.
title: sunburn - chloe michelle howarth
rating: 4/5
warning: spoilers ahead! proceed with caution.
while i’m writing this, i’m watching season 2 episode 8 of Bridgerton if you care to know.
on a side note, this book is the book of the month (july) for the sapphic book club discord that i’m in.
i’ve seen people referring to Sunburn as a “sapphic Call Me By Your Name” which i would wholeheartedly agree with, if not because of the ending. id have to concede that the summer fling played a large role in the development of the romance in Sunburn, as was in CMBYN.
the novel revolves around Lucy who feels as though she was an outsider in her own community. it is a queer, coming-of-age novel that those struggling with their sexuality and the pain of first loves would relate with. an ongoing theme throughout the novel was that she didn’t understand why she was so different from the people around her. she struggled with not being able to have romantic feelings for her guy best friend, Martin. there were so much expectations from the people around her that they would end up together and get married. even she believed it herself, but she couldn’t love him. not romantically, but only platonically. she finds herself struggling to fit in with her girl friends who, as they grow up are becoming more and more different.
following a typical ‘closeted teenager has a secret relationship’ storyline, Lucy’s mom caught her getting all handsy with her secret lover in her bedroom, causing both relationships to spiral. the novel touches on religious trauma, and mother-daughter relationships. i think that it hits home when she decided to pretend to be in love with Martin just to appease her mother, though it’s a bit overkill. honestly, if my mother ignored me the way that hers did it would’ve killed me inside too.
“Isn’t she clever? Doesn’t she know me well? Of course I like her. I like her so much sometimes that I wish the other girls wouldn’t talk to her or touch her, and that it was only me and her. Is that too much?”
when i read this, i felt like i was transferred back to high school again, experiencing what would be my first infatuation towards a girl. the novel managed to capture falling in love for the first time towards someone of the same gender. the obsession and jealousy, the uncertainty and the denial. we were able to witness Lucy’s obsession towards Susannah becoming more intense through her monologues and conflicting feelings.
“It’s hard not be demolished by the thought of her, because I live in a body that has loved her and I see with eyes that have witnessed her. She is part of my muscles, my tissue, she is unforgettable.”
the way Howarth writes Lucy’s monologues about Susannah feeds the hopeless romantic inside of me. the letters, her thoughts… she worships the very ground that Susannah walks on. she has so much love for Susannah, but she’s torn between getting what she wants and what other expects of her.
i stand by my opinion that martin stays the best boy till the end of the story. he was a bit of a jerk in the beginning yes, but his reaction in the end says EVERYTHING. i feel bad for him but i love that he prioritized his friendship over his own feelings. i really hope that he finds a love big and genuine enough for his.
i’m sure that i missed a lot of details and how i feel about this novel but i hope that this provides some kind of insight for those interested to pick the novel up. these, however are my own thoughts and you are more than welcome to have your own thoughts about this novel!
have a good one, love <3
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
I swear, I swear this is the last unhinged thing about Shadow and Bone season 2 I’ll post today, I’m about to start rewatching episode 1 anyway. 
But for everyone who might have issues with season 2, I just want to put in my writing analysis point of view on the season as a hole. Not my shipper, fangirl, or Nikolai Lantsov Kanej worshipping brain, no the part of me that spends gratuitous amounts of time studying pacing, dialogue, and characterization when it comes to TV.
Shadow and Bone season 2 is an insanely strong step up from season 1. Season 2 is fast paced, well written, and the dialogue fits the tone and characters perfectly. 
The changes to the story all work in the narrative, the characters all fit together in well planed dynamics, and aside from a mostly slow final episode (which is purposeful and very on brand for Netflix, Bridgerton and the Witcher have done it too), the pacing is nearly seamless. Want people’s issues with season 1 was the pacing, well season 2 fixed that and made it better. 
Have an issue with the annoying YA feel of Malina in season 1? That’s gone now.
Confused about the crows motivations, save Inej, in season 1? Oh just you wait we get trauma for everyone!
Felt The Darkling was too broody for his title? You’ll be wishing for broody by the end of episode 3 I assure you. 
Season 2 fixes many problems from the first season, and while as a fan episode 8 was filled with torture and more cliffhangers than the fucking CW and a Shonda Rhimes series combined, I won’t deny, it’s compelling. 
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sunfortune · 2 years
i’m actually so scared they’re gonna ruin kanthony bc they’re not gonna know what to do with an established relationship dynamic without creating unnecessary strife or disrespect
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Credit to prompt list belongs to @aquagirl1978 .
{Though I did change a few to something I’m more comfortable writing.}
⇀the reason this is being posted so early is so that i have plenty of time to write and you have plenty of time to request since last time I put the list out I completely forgot.
my kinktober event is request based, meaning you can send in a theme/plot for the event and i will write a drabble (…something that is less than 2k words…) that will be posted. this takes place during the entire month of october. I be doing a non kinktober event too.. ↼
⇀since there are only thirty -one days in october i am only taking the first thirty -one requests that i get - if you send in a request and it doesn’t get put into the event i will always communicate that with you and some sort of compromise and be worked out (…like it can be included into my regular request schedule…) so don’t be afraid to ask about the event or to send anything in ↼
⇀I will be posting the fandoms below that I will write for this event↼
⇀i will only write for a character twice in this event. this is because i know that certain characters i write for are more popular, and i don’t want to write thirty - one days of the same character like last time. ↼
⇀ when you send a request in please specify that it is for this event or else it won’t be part of the event and will instead be seen as a regular request and therefore won’t be posted in october ↼
⇀Orange means it is taken. ↼
Fandoms for Kinktober 2022
Stranger Things { Season 3-4 }
The Quarry { or any of Supermassive game *1 character per game }
The Wolf Among Us
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Resident Evil
Assassins Creed
Ghost of Tsushima / Ghost of Tsushima Iki island
Far Cry 5/6/new Dawn
Fruits Baskets
Fma brotherhood
See a fandom you don’t like~ send me a character and I may write for them
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Day 1 - Breeding- Steve Harrington.
Day 2 - Exhibitionism- Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Day 3 -Injury sex. { you’re injured and I must comfort you with sex ) Kougaiji
Day 4 -Daddy Kink-Roy Mustang
Day 5 - Edging-Sobieski
Day 6 - Temperature play-Anthony Bridgerton
Day 7 - Morning Sex-Bruno Madrigal
Day 8 - Domination/Submission.-Decker
Day 9 -Strip tease/Lap dance.-Roy Mustang
Day 10 - Roleplay- Hatake Kakashi
Day 11 - Bondage- Nara Shikamaru
Day 12 - Blindfolds-Greed { Fma}
Day 13 - Sex while High - Nathan Drake
Day 14 - Shibari-Tadashi Hamada
Day 15 - Biting-Felix Fraldarius
Day 16 - Praise kink-Cho Hakkai
Day 17 -Thigh Ridding- Chris Redfield.
Day 18 - Car sex-Simon Basset
Day 19 - Mirror sex-Shigure Sohma
Day 20 -Formal Wear-Jean Havoc
Day 21 - Wax play- Sharky Boshaw
Day 22 -Fingering{With Rings}- Eddie Munson
Bonus: Birthday Sex-Andy Barclay.
Day 23 -Heels /Stockings-Percy de rolo
Day 24 -Knotting-Bigby Wolf
Day 25 -Size Difference {big dick}-Jason Kolchek
Day 26 - Pregnancy-Sha Gojyo.
Day 27 - worshipped and serviced -Jin Sakai
Day 28 - Cockwarming-Macready{the Thing}
Day 29 - Outdoor sex-Sylvain Jose Gautier
Day 30 - Military / Authoritative Kink-Jason Kolchek
Day 31 - Bath/Shower sex-Eli Palmer
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Finished The Duke Gets Even. Will give a full review closer to publication, and I'll probably blog a lot more about it (I literally can't wait until I can DISCUSS IT ON MAIN and give detailed recs re: the things that happen in it), but a few thoughts I think I can give:
--As I said earlier, this book is for the Bridgerton season 2 girls in a lot of ways... but is immensely stronger in terms of plot, character development, definitely sex. But if you're into the idea of a man obsessed and a woman who can't stand him... this is it.
--It is ALSO (and here's where I come in) for the Mark Darcy girls. If you love Mark Darcy, if you love his stiff upper lip concealing an inner freak, if you love his suave, gentlemanly nature hiding a man who is BARELY HOLDING ON TO HIS DIGNITY because he's so into this woman... This is a book for you.
--I cannot stress this enough, I've read a lot of books with heroes who intensely love their heroines (all books I love involve heroes INTENSELY loving their heroines and this isn't to suggest they don't love them as much, it's just different) but I don't know if I've read a man adoring a woman quite in this way. Like. The way he just worships her and is completely unashamed by it.
--And she's just an excellent heroine. Brash and strong and independently brazen and sex positive... But not always right. A woman with the kind of emotional issues that you'd often see ascribed to a hero. A woman who could be contradictory and messy and immature at points, with a strong and loving heart deep down, who just needed someone to *see* her capacity for love.
--FEMALE FRIENDSHIP!!! Discussions about its realities that are So True!!!!!!
--A sex positive book, but also a pro-contraceptives, pro-choice book in a way that is super explicit and I just... love that.
--Spitting is for quitters and Nellie agrees with me. That's all.
(For now.)
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pensbridgrton · 2 years
What was your favorite moment in season 2 of bridgerton?
oooooh. i cant pick one so heres one from each category:
favorite kathony moment: the 2x08 wrecking ball dance gets me every time… but the epilogue was simply chef’s kiss. (shoutout to the gazebo scene though, of course.)
favorite family moment: the harmony dance in 2x07 was literally what dreams are made of… in fact this might be my overall favorite. just all the different dynamics (my colin/kate crumb!) plus the absolute joy in that scene. i just love it
favorite polin moment: listen the only time all season colin acted like book!colin was when he smoothly removed that necklace from cressida’s neck. i actually loved everything that happened after too, of course, with colin enjoying pen hero-worshipping him and yes i even enjoyed colin being an idiot and getting knocked down in pen’s eyes. but yeah, colin removing that necklace and grabbing pen’s hand to go hide in an empty room, unchaperoned? sir?
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Mmkay. Been a long while since I have been on Tumblr. I have recently been coming for Bridgerton content, particularly Polin content. So we may be expecting a shift in profile here. With recent plot details released for season 3 I needed a place to put my thoughts so…here we go. First ever post on Bridgerton.
I’m feeling very conflicted about the plot of the season. The way they developed season 2 I expected Colin and Penelope to be next, but when season 2 premiered I hadn’t read any of the books. I quickly devoured all 8 of them. Having read RMB I knew that season 3 would need to be drastically different since majority of the plot of the book was around Whisteldowns identity. Here’s what I loved about the announcement: the fact they will be building Penelope’s confidence. I think we will see her blossom and really be on a path of self-love. Am I happy it will be Colin helping her with this?
Yes and no. I would love to see it portrayed similar to his own self discovery “if pen can see me this way certainly I can see myself this way” but I have a feeling it won’t be that way. Hence the no. I would love for Pen to realize how amazing she is and it come about naturally for them both. Will it happen this way? Likely not, especially with additional cast. I’m dreading the fact they will make Colin jealous. Jealousy is just not an attractive trait to me and petty. I would love to see Colin grovel and worship Pen, having him recognize what a jerk he really was without additional suitors. I don’t understand why they feel the need to have him help her find a husband. Why does Pen need to have a bunch of suitors for her to have confidence? Not to mention is goes completely against everything in regency times. Not knowing exactly how this will play out I can’t completely tear it down, but seems to me that Pen and Colin are going to have a lot of unchaperoned time together more than they already have and more than any of the other previous seasons and it just seems so unrealistic to me that Colin would be giving Penelope “lessons”. I do think this is how they’re going to work in Penelope asking Colin to kiss her, a lesson in kissing perhaps.
I apologize for the oddness to this stream of consciousness and all the different directions. Maybe once I’ve had more time to think about it all I will be able to make more sense.
let’s try to boil this down a tad to things I want to see and things I don’t.
Things I want to see: Pen realizing her worth and becoming more self confident, Carriage and mirror (goes without saying), Pen standing up to her mother and Cressida, Colin not being an asshat, Colin having other interests other than travel, Colin groveling, Colin and Pen both finding their purpose, Colin going to a sibling and having discussions of love, a very very very strong A storyline.
Things I don’t want to see: Colin jealous, Colin experiencing significant amounts of heartache (same for Pen), other suitors (don’t even get me started), all of the sexy times being put out like they’re “lessons” (don’t do it). Whistledown being the reason Pen has confidence. I don’t like that she may use it as revenge. I get she’s human and I’m forgiving of the asshole things she’s done, but I would much rather her try to make amends then try to tear more people down. not a comprehensive list but a great start. All in all I am just hoping to not be angry with the adaptation. Nicola had mentioned that they’re sticking pretty close to the book, but I don’t see it. I think there are several moments in the book that will definitely be included, but I’m just fearful that it won’t be as strong of a story as the other two seasons. I never will discredit Nic or Luke’s acting because I think they’re both amazing so if I end up unhappy it’s not because of them and their wonderful selves.
Always happen to have conversations about this. I’ve missed obsessing over a TV couple.
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alphinias · 2 years
Bridgerton writers are truly only here for the drama like this is shonda what did I expect honestly, only she would turn a lighthearted romance focused book series into a messy ensemble drama with romance. I am so glad we're getting a love story with a plus sized woman being desirable but this was not the time for polin. People are loosing it on twitter and for good reason, I haven't read the books so I have no skin in that game but after S2 Penelope is unlikable ( she did a lot of shitty things) and Colin is frankly extremely boring( when you're a rich aristocrate white man who never worked a day in his life and thinks the epitome of finding yourself and being useful is going on a trip on your brother's dime and then taking his money to buy diamonds you didn't know we're fake and then bitch about it) they needed more time to mature and grow until they were ready . Also lol I saw someone being like they did this so as not to have 2 back to back white couples because they cast a white actor as Philip and I'm cackling bc this might be part of it. I love Nicola but if netlfix couldn't stomach having the bridgerton family be poc the least they could've done is have every love interest be people of color but I guess having a plus sized woman of color as a lead was too much for them, also making Philip white is not it and I don't understand why did they that, did they think we'd be like oh we got 2 poc leads out of 178359 time for the white people to take over. Anyway I hope they'll give us a lot of kanthony in S3 since their season was full of nonsensical secondary plots it's what we deserve.
I’ll be honest, while I see why Pen isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, I also don’t think she’s as bad as everyone makes her out. It’s like one half of the fandom hates her guts and the other half worships the ground she walks on but what I see is a flawed character that has made some stupid decisions just like everyone else on the show. I think a lot of the Bridgerton fandom is a lot nastier than they need to be in general. The constant negativity in the tag is A Lot for a show that’s such blatant escapism.
That being said, my concern with polin S3 is I genuinely thought they could use another season to simmer and mature as people before we got their romance. I love polin, but I know a lot of people are stuck in a place where they don’t ship them as much as they want to right now, and I can understand why. I think the extra season could have benefited this. I also admittedly have some nerves about Luke as a leading man but they haven’t really given him anything to work with up until this point so I’m just going to choose to believe they knew what they were doing when they cast him.
I definitely think/hope we will get quite a bit of married kathony next season! That’s why I didn’t have much of a problem with how we got none last season.
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artemisia-black · 2 years
And he’ll naturally worship her in bed it’s still through the - well, I think of Anthony Bridgerton in season 2: “Do you know how many ways a woman can be seduced?” Also curious since I think Sirius wouldn’t have too much of a type (in his opinion XD), he just needs a bond developed between them outside of sex.
Yes I see Sirius as needing a solid friendship as a base. And I also see gender not being an issue, if the person has certain core traits and as mentioned previously a solid friendship, of equals, exists.
Sirius needs someone who won’t take his bollocks but also shows him unconditional love.
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