#I woke up 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
bunnygirllover45 · 15 days
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Working on the 'pathetic overworked guy that's also a deranged psychopath' agenda.
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satoriberry · 2 months
i had like a 4 second interaction with a very realistic looking karasu in my dream
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interstellarrisa · 3 months
Some subconscious fun
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You might've heard people saying that are our brain is amazing and capable of astounding things and well they're not wrong. Your brain is the most complex organ in the body with billions of neurons that have trillions of connections called synapses that makes it able to communicate, with this information how can we say that it's not amazing?
Our consciousness is thought to sit at the cerebral cortex and is said to have three levels to it. The conscious, subconscious and unconscious. They're all tasked with different things. I'll explain them all...
The conscious: This is the part that we have control over, our thoughts, feelings, decisions and acknowledgement are all made here. It's what you're using right now to read this post and also where the awareness of you reading this post is. Basically thoughts, feelings and awareness.
The subconscious: It's not in the current focus of our awareness hence called the subconscious mind. It's a barrier that's put up by our mind so that we don't become overwhelmed by all the information that we get when we interact with this world. For example our nose in the center of our vision, the feeling of our clothes or our tongue resting on the roof of our mouth. Because of this barrier we're allowed to focus our awareness on more important decision making and cognitive tasks without getting overwhelmed. This can be noticed when we decide (conscious) to pick up a new skill which can be hard to learn and do before we become a natural at it which then makes it an automatic (subconscious) skill.
The unconscious: It's perhaps the most mysterious form of consciousness since it's not available for introspection or analysis. We do know that it's a hoard of feelings, thoughts and memories lost from our conscious mind, it contains the painful past that we might simply want to forget about. Some people say that we never forget and that it just get's buried deep down within our mind and with the right signals we can recover the forgotten memories.
Now to the fun part. It's a small "experiment" that you can do every night just to see how amazing your subconscious mind truly is. Firstly I haven't found any article's stating that this is your subconscious minds doing, some say it might be your circadian rhythm (internal body clock) but I personally assume that it's your subconscious and if you know loa let's just go with it.
The experiment is you controlling when you wake up. You might go "really, that's it?" but when you first do it and it works it'll feel a bit 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, anyways here's what to do.
Go to bed. Doesn't need to be nighttime you just need to go to sleep for this.
While falling asleep tell yourself that you'll wake up in xxx hours/minutes. For example you go to bed at 00:00 and want to wake up in 8 hours, naturally that would be 08:00 so just affirm "I will wake up in 8 hours." or "I will wake up at 08:00"
Drift off to sleep~
Wake up and check the time and it should be the designated time.
This is actually a technique used a lot in lucid dreaming method's and could also be used in shifting/manifesting/void method's. Since the brain is just like a sponge when you wake up it absorbs any kind of information presented it with and sometimes induces "hallucinations". I'd recommend shorting the time you sleep if you're gonna use it as a method though. It's also pretty similar if not the same to SATS.
This has worked for me on multiple occasions and if you wake up and the time doesn't match when you wanted to wake up it might be because you already woke up earlier and just went back to sleep and forgot about it later, happened with me a few times but because of signals I remembered. I even got rid of my alarm for school because of this and I still woke up in time for school.
warning: if this post does NOT resonate with you or your beliefs feel free to ignore it, you don't need to send hate or make posts on how stupid this is or that it's wrong. some might misunderstand this post (like the last one) and make misguided comments, please think a little before you open your mouth :). yapping session is cause i'm really interested in this topic lol.
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mustainegf · 4 months
Can you do like RTL James is your best friend and he’s sleeping over at your house cause there’s a problem at home or something. He sleeps in your bedroom while you sleep in your parents vacant room (they’re on vacation) and you wake up at night to 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 sounds from your room and it turns out he’s like grindin the bed cause it smells like you.
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James and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember. We were inseparable, always there for each other through thick and thin.
Tonight, he was staying at my place because Lars wanted the house to himself. Lars had brought back a lady from the bar, and James had made a quick escape, not wanting to be in the middle of whatever was going to happen.
My parents were on vacation, so I had an extra room available, making it an easy decision for James to crash at my place.
We spent the evening catching up, laughing, and reminiscing about old times. It was always comfortable with James.
As the night went on, we eventually decided to call it a night. I set James up in my room, knowing he would be comfortable there, while I took my parents’ vacant room.
“Thanks for letting me crash here,” James said, giving me a grateful smile as he kneeled into the bed. “I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it,” I replied, smiling back. “Sleep well, James.”
“Night,” he said, his voice already drowsy as he nestled into the pillows.
I headed to my parents’ room, feeling the quiet of the house swallowing me.
It wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep, the events of the day fading away into dreams.
But sometime during the night, I woke up to a strange sound.
At first, I thought I was dreaming, but as I listened more closely, I realized it was coming from my bedroom. It sounded like soft whimpering, mixed with the creak of the bed.
With my curiosity piqued, stanch churning, and maybe a flutter between my thighs, I quietly slipped out of bed and padded down the hall towards my room.
The door was slightly ajar, and as I approached, the sounds became clearer. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should intrude, but the soft, desperate noises drew me closer.
I peeked through the crack in the door, my eyes widening at the sight before me.
James was on my bed, his body writhing against the sheets, his hips grinding down into the mattress. He was clutching one of my pillows to his face, his breath coming in gasps. He was desperately whining, his voice muffled by the pillow.
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned softly, his voice filled with need. “Smells—Fuck—Smells so good.”
My heart raced, a dangerous mix of shock and arousal flooding through me.
I had never seen James like this, so vulnerable, so desperate. It was clear he was pleasuring himself, grinding against the bed, lost in the fantasy of me.
The realization shot a thrill through me, and I felt a feeling of desire I had never quite acknowledged before.
With a smirk, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. James froze, his eyes snapping open in shock as he realized he wasn’t alone.
“James,” I said softly, closing the door behind me. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
His face flushed a deep red, his eyes wide with embarrassment and panic. “I… I didn’t… I mean, I couldn’t…” he stammered, struggling to find the words.
I walked over to the bed, my heart pounding in my chest. “You couldn’t what?” I asked, my voice low and teasing. “You couldn’t tell me that you wanted me? That you needed me?”
He swallowed hard, his breath in short bursts. “I didn’t want to ruin anything,” he said, his voice trembling.
I reached out, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. “James,” I said softly, “You should have told me.”
He closed his eyes, a shuddering breath escaping his lips. “God, I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice breaking. “I wanted to tell you.”
He reached up, his hands trembling as they settled on my waist. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, his voice uncertain.
I smiled, leaning down to press my lips to his. The kiss was soft and tentative at first, but it quickly deepened, the countless years of crushing and desire pouring into that single moment. His hands tightened on my waist, pulling me closer, my bare thighs spilling between his fingers.
I broke the kiss, looking into his eyes with a smile. “You know,” I said, my voice low and teasing, “you don’t have to grind against the bed anymore.”
His eyes widened, and he let out a shaky laugh. “Thank God,” he said, his voice filled with relief. “I don’t think I could have lasted much longer.”
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pr0cyon-lotor · 3 months
I had a weird ass dream about smash bros yaoi
Like I was in the lounging area where the characters waited for their matchup and I remember trying to polish my weapon
And these two ASSHOLES wouldn't stop arguing over some scholar stuff. Just going back and forth. And no one was acknowledging it because then they'd get dragged into it.
I think "just kiss already" sarcastically and then I think they heard me somehow because I remember Snake saying "they're right, a battle of tongues is the only solution" and cue aggressive making out
I look up because I'm confused and see Shake just absolutely making out with Robin. Then Mr Game and Watch pat my shoulder reassuringly and said "It's pride month. Freaks get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂."
Then I woke up in a cold sweat.
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deliicats · 2 months
I don’t know if anyone is going to read this, but is it just me, or am I tripping because Harlan Ellison keeps appearing in my dreams? The first time he appeared in my dream was about two days ago. In the dream, it started off with me and my friends running away from someone because we did something—I don’t remember what. We found a hiding spot, and suddenly Harlan was at his desk, writing on his typewriter. He looked at me, smiled, and said, “Oh, hey [my name], I’ve been looking for you! How’ve you been?” He was super nice to me (which caught me off guard because we all know how he can be). He grabbed me by the shoulders, led me to this desk with a typewriter, a copy of one of his books, and a lamp beside it. He looked back at me and said, “Congrats, [my name], you made it into the club!” I looked at him, confused, and said, “Oh really?” After that, I woke up. (I forgot the rest of the dream.)
After that dream, I was really confused. The second dream I had of him was that I was his wife (I have no idea what happened, but okay), and not only that, we had SEVEN KIDS in the dream (what the fuck, how did we get to this?). I forgot what happened, but that’s what I remember from that dream.
Okay, so then the dream I had of him last night was that him and I got 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 in our place (I don’t know why), and then the dream I had last night was the same 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 dream but in a different setting.
I’m tweaking out. Anyways, thank you for reading my yap session.
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Real pic of me yapping about the dreams that I had about Harlan Ellison
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 2 months
it's 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 time...
No it is not.
I just woke up.
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Fuck all your ABC's alphabet boy
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Edgar x gn!reader
Summary:Omg! Unaware shifting? Or just pure unluck? Anyway being transported into another world in the Middle of a fight was not expected.
⚠:Guns obviously, like, one tiny mention of blood- aha bleh bleh it's just a cut, and some cursing here and there
A/n: listening to buttons and 4 minutes or Mr Kitty and the neighborhood feels ethereal. I'm so excited for when I go to vacation to Morocco!! I can finally see my family and go to the blue city:3
Part 0.5 released!
Took abt 2 hours cuz I kept deleting and rewriting cuz I didn't know where I was going lol
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Taking your melatonin was the easy part, despite the weird aftertaste, rolling down your blinds you change to your nightwear and go tuck yourself into bed.
Co- ok I'm sorry
A weird sensation coming over you you open your eyes and find yourself falling down to something that looked like.. Uhh ew tf is that
Are those fucking guns oh damn
Finding yourself at a height with a fairly smaller statue you grab on the arm and just hang out oh oh now eyes are on you
"Damn who's that shawty"
"That fall is not that bad it's like jumping from a tree just drop down!"
Whispers and screams about you were heard. Good day to wear your night gown that looks like a fucking goddess wears that
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After getting down multiple people came to talk to you some looking a bit- 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 and some more basic a girl even had her arm bleeding. WAIT
The pressure was getting to you.
More and more people came to see what was going on
So like any sensible human being you hauled ass out. Good job I'm proud of you
Some post stands had clocks(wish I could read a clock😕) some had modern ones but it said it was like 2 pm wasn't it 2 am? Stumbling into someone you were quick on your feet and apologized
"I'm really so-"
A gunshot flew inches close to your head. Now it was your turn to run faster than before
Luckily you found a shop to stay at. A girl with a bit too bright smile greeted you and started rambling on about you and what has been spread about you
A deity from another world
A time traveler
More and more was said until one thing fought your attention
"And some people said you just transferred here that's really weird right?"
"Not to be mean but none of it is really true"
"Oh you know what happened?"
"Not really.. I never caught your name?"
The girls smile slowly dropped and then got to a -finally- normal Level
"Colette and what about you? What's your name and what happened"
"Uhh [name] if we're gonna have a conversation can we do it away from the door? Away from the gunshots?" You asked, still a bit worried about you safety. Clearly this girl wasn't worried she just chuckled and lead you to a counter and sat on it "so?"
Leaning on the counter you started talking:"I know this sounds weird but I don't really know what happened to be honest with you I just went to sleep and woke up here"
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tangpings · 2 months
Woke up at 12, had therapy at 1, cereal for lunch, and canes for early dinner ૮ ོᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̫̀ ོ𑁬⁩ now I'm gonna play Zenless Zone Zero till I get bored and then get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with fortnite
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hrtsdollie · 3 months
almost fell to my knees when i saw this
i keep forgetting we're moots & that people have the free will to read my fics😖 i lit love you
uh hello?! i love you 🫵 i actually got 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 today a read every one of your billie fanfics today because i woke up yearning for her 😭
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mindfxxk-163 · 7 days
hey guys did you know that i had a dream of 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 colleen ballinger (that was literally her name) chasing me through the backrooms and i got so scared i woke up
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greythroat · 2 months
SilverAsh woke up in the house on Slurpthatdick and ate a breakfast of an omelet and Frosted Flakes while reading the newspaper before driving his black Jaguar to hook up with the Doctor. SilverAsh was wearing Wayfarers, a pastel blue Easter egg-colored Ralph Lauren polo shirt with the pony logo, jeans, and Topsiders without socks. As he drove down Niagara Falls and turned onto Gulpgulpgulp, he put on the Gimme More Cupcakke Jiafei remix. On the drive, he also took a Valium. A bit of maneuvering through traffic took him to the house on Myvagina, where the Doctor was waiting for him naked and oiled up.
SilverAsh went into the house on Myvagina and stripped naked, throwing his clothes next to the Doctor’s. He picked up the Doctor’s jockstrap and started huffing it and ate it, enjoying their taste (ewww. I cannot believe I just typed that). They did a few bumps of coke together before they got down to sexing.
“Wow Doctor! You’re huge!”
“My butt feels bigger than usual and I’m feeling 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂,” the Doctor said, pointing to their massive ginormous dumptruck ass.
The Doctor was so hot, SilverAsh thought. They were so super mega hot and he was very horny. They 69ed and then did more coke and then sexed some more as Shrek played in the background.
Around that time, someone was brutally torturing and murdering Gnosis Edelweiss. SilverAsh was very horny. That someone, maybe even SilverAsh himself, had forced Gnosis to consume several Quaaludes before beating his ass and force feeding him goldfish. Not goldfish crackers, but literal animal goldfish. Then they bashed his head in and dropped him in his pool. But not before kidnapping and killing Tenzin. The poor bird was crucified and decapacitated. Its eyes were gouged out and its tongue was pulled out to lie on the pool steps. Never again would Gnosis Edelweiss get stoned and have super mega hot buttsex with Enciodes SilverAsh.
However, SilverAsh would break into Gnosis’s house and eat his underwear and jerk it to his corpse. He was very horny.
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mustainegf · 9 days
Rtl James with Somnophilia i beg but can the reader and james be friends before he gets 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
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I listen with a soft smile as my best friend James reveals his rather… interesting wish. "You want to do what?" I ask him, not wanting to stopping accusing. "Sex…while I'm asleep?" My fingers drum against my thigh nervously and a small chuckle escapes my lips at the absurdity of this request.
He nods with his piercing blue eyes riveted on mine, and there is something within that makes me tingle from the inside.
"Um… yeah," he nods in his deep voice resounding in the sleep bedroom. "But only if you're uh.. cool with it." His words just hang in the air for me to respond.
I hold my silence for a moment, considering this very unusual proposition. Something about giving up control during such an intimate act excites and unsettles me. "Okay, I’ll try," I finally agree, a little excitedly.
I get up and go over to my closet, where I pull out a plain white T shirt. I hold it up for James to see. "So long as I have this shirt on when I go to sleep, you can do what you want," I say, very smirky, and I hand him the shirt. "Deal?"
James takes the shirt, his fingers brushing against mine. Gravely, he nods his head, sealing our bargain.
"Deal," he repeats again, handing the shirt back. "Now let's get ready for bed."
There's a kind of anticipation in the room, a feeling that neither of us needs to comment on as we get ready for sleep. Slipping into some comfortable pajama pants, then the exact white shirt, I then slide under the covers, l vulnerable and yet strangely excited about what might go on when I fall asleep.
I lie beside James in bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying to clear my head so that I can fall asleep quickly. Every time I shut my eyes, though, James' burning gaze is all that plays in my mind and the idea of pleasure lurking.
Finally, sleep prevails, and I drift off, not knowing how deep my body would be taken in a few hours.
The next morning, I woke refreshed but a little groggy. I haven’t woke up feeling this good in a long time. As last night's memories revolve through my head, a warm blush explodes up my cheeks. I glance sideways to James, still asleep beside me. I try to think of exactly what happened during those hours when only one of us was conscious.
Of course, I remember what we agreed on last night, however, I must be a heavy sleeper, because I can’t recall a thing of what he may have done in those wee hours or the night. I stretch out my hand and press his chest lightly. I feel its rise ad I snuggle up to him.
James stirs softly at my touch, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal those pretty blue eyes staring back at me. He smiles slowly as he leans in closer, his hand finding its way onto my hip.
“Morning, beautiful," he murmurs, pressing his forehead onto mine. "How did ya sleep?" There's something lurking in his eye, something that says, I remember everything.
I bite my lower lip, still acting coy despite flames in my center from his closeness. "Pretty well, thanks to your… interesting suggestions," I giggle, matching his words with a wink as my fingers drew circles on his chest.
"Though I really don't remember much beyond falling asleep." My voice had fell to a whisper. "Care to fill in the gaps for me?"
James does that low, throaty chuckle that always made me shy, then takes my mouth with his slowly. His tongue licks around the inside of my mouth, leaving no doubt just how serious he is about to get.
"Oh, baby, I'd love to tell you everything," he whispers against my lips as his free hand slides under my shirt. "But maybe we should start with a little replay, huh?"
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