#I wish cats lived forever...I know every moment I get to have with him is precious
vitiateoriginator · 18 days
Didn't get the chance to post about it earlier but, today is Klaus' 11th birthday!!
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Happy birthday my evil angel!! Every year I get to have with you is so precious to me. You may be a smelly old man now, but you're my smelly old man. I love you always and forever 💕💋💝
#crazy cat klaus#it anazes me how much time has passed#sometimes I look at klaus and still that adorable 3 month old kitten we saw advertised in the newspaper#other times I can see how much he's matured#his belly fur is all white now. and the fur just above his nose is going gray#I'm so grateful to get to have him with me in his golden years#I've never gotten to keep a cat past the age of 5 before#because at the old apartment we weren't allowed to have cats. and somehow we always got caught with them#around the time they were 3-5 years old and we'd have to surrender them to a shelter#except that one time...my poor precious Peanut. I'll never forgive my family for leaving him in the woods#but Klaus and also Mummas are special cases#especially now that we're in a place where we can have cats and not get in trouble#I'm literally so happy to have him with me#Klaus has been with me since I was 15. a very dark time in my life. he's been with me thru pretty much everything#seeing him age is beautiful. but its also scary#I wish cats lived forever...I know every moment I get to have with him is precious#sometimes I think about the inevitable and it hurts so much to think about. like rn.#I don't wanna rhink about it on his birthday but its hard#he's 11. that's old for a cat. not super old but still#Im p sure Klaus could be considered my soul cat#he isn't the most super cuddly. he doesn't lay on anyone usually. but he shows his affection very well#he's almost always there when Im sad or sick. he's my best friend#I love him so much. and he knows it. and I know he loves me too#happy birthday baby#sam's rants about life
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itsthestutterforme · 2 months
“Glad You Called” (Jack Reacher x black!reader)
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Summary: Two years ago, Reacher left your home with nothing but a note left behind. What does he expect your reaction to be when he shows up at your door, saying you were in danger?
Notes; GIF is not mine, mistakes are my own, friends to lovers trope
The faint pattering of the rain on the tin roof of your outdoor garage was the only thing you could hear from the house.
You stared down at the unsaved numbers flooding your most recent call list. Reacher had been on your mind lately.
Which was kind of out of the norm because you hadn’t seen him in years. And you didn’t exactly end on the best of terms either.
He ghosted you. You woke up one random morning and noticed he was gone. A simple note was left behind:
“You’re perfect. You deserve better. I’m sorry.”
I suppose it was better than nothing, but barely.
He was in the Atlanta area and needed some place to crash. You were the first person that came to mind. He knew you were in Atlanta but had no idea which part.
He would have been searching for hours until he happened to walk by the coffee shop you frequented.
You were eating a piece of bacon avocado toast when you felt eyes on you. You looked up to see the mountain of a man known as Reacher, and that was the start of a very slippery slope.
One night turned in six months. Neither of you crossed that boundary but it was very noticeable that there was something romantic between the two of you.
There was something about the way the looked at you that desperately made you wish that you were a telepath.
That man had libraries worth of words in that brain of his and yet he chose to remain quiet every time.
The best part about it was while he was selective with words, his presence spoke volumes whenever he walked into a room.
Little did you know that what was going through his mind when he would look at you was one thing: marriage.
And that scares the hell out of him. He never crossed the line because he knew he would never go back.
That would be the end of it. His time of being a wandered would be over and he would be forever tied to you.
The domestic life would have taken him over, and it would have been completely voluntary. Because he wants to be there, with you.
He would have lived out his life as a husband and as a father. And he knew he wasn’t going to be ready for that, so he left.
Over the course of the six months of you living together, you expected to see him when you got home. He would ask you how was your day was while he cooked dinner for you.
You’ve gotten used to that. You’ve gotten used to him. And then he was gone.
The letter was all you had left of him for two years. And now there is an unsaved number calling you every day for the past week like clock work.
Speaking of, your phone rings once again. It was the same unsaved number, but this timed you answered.
“Hello?” you heard a deep sigh through the phone.
“Reacher,” you added, your palms growing slick.
“Y/N,” he starts, it was almost as if he wasn’t expecting you to answer.
“What, cat got your tongue?” you said unamused.
“You’re in danger Y/N. When can you get to New York City?”
“What makes you think I want you to protect me?”
“Y/N, we don’t have time for this. They threw Franz out of a helicopter after torturing him for information. I need to know that you are safe.” he says all in one breath.
“Franz?” you repeated.
He remained silent for a moment.
“God. I was at his wedding last year,” you said in disbelief.
“How soon can you get to New York?” he repeats.
“I can protect myself, Reacher. Goodbye.”
“Then I’m coming to you,” he says before ending the call. You stared at your phone with your mouth open in disbelief.
You had a feeling that would be a face you would be making often.
You already knew who it was from the solid knock reverberating through your house. However, it is better to be safe than sorry.
You had to admit that you’ve been on edge ever since Reacher called you. You only went out for the essentials and even then, those trips were kept minimal.
Taking your Beretta from your table, you check the chamber and clicked off the safety as you made your way towards the door. Opening the door, you had the barrel of the gun pressed against it.
Much to your surprise, it was not just Reacher at your front door. O’Donnel, Neagley and Dixon were standing behind him.
“I was hoping you weren’t serious,” you start.
“When have you ever known me to joke?”he retorts.
“There was a time that I knew you to have integrity. Obviously that has changed.” you said, clicking the safety back on.
You walked back inside and tucked your gun under your waist band. Reacher took that as an invitation to enter and the rest of the group followed.
Reacher couldn’t help but look around the familiar house. You still liked to keep the house smelling of citrus with a dash of honey.
He loved the smell. It reminded him of Christmas. Reminded him of home. He almost ran into you when you stopped to turn around.
Your glossed over eyes met his and while your gaze remained on his face, his explored every detail.
Your voluminous, curly hair just barely touched your shoulders. Your favorite crop top and sweatpants outfit you wore more often than not. Your fuzzy Crocs that he initially hated but he grew to love.
He grew to love you.
O’Donnel and Neagley shared a look at how cold you were being towards Reacher.
Of course they didn’t know about what happened between you before. So as far as they were concerned, it was unwarranted.
“You guys didn’t need to come all the way over here. Like I told Reacher, I can handle myself.” You explained, breaking the silence.
“I’m sure Franz thought the same thing,” Neagley starts.
“We’re not losing anyone else. And I know I’m not your favorite person right now, but you’re just going to suck it up for the time being.” Reacher stampedes.
“If you somehow think you can just burst into my home and my life, and stick your chest out while you give orders. You’re insane. But if you really expect me to listen, you can fuck off.” You snark, crossing your game and narrowing your eyes at him.
“Okay, obviously we missed a few chapters.” O’Donnel voiced.
The group looked between you and Reacher for a moment until Dixon spoke up, “Whatever bad blood you two have, set it aside. I can guarantee you, it’s not worth your lives.”
“Yeah, we started coming up with a plan of action but it didn’t really get anywhere because Reacher was adamant about getting in touch with you. So now that we’re all together where can we start?” O’Donell facilitates.
“What do we have so far?” you questioned, giving Reacher one last pointed look before sitting down.
Should I make a part 2? 🤔
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﴾ i drink your blood and i eat your skin, part one.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x f!reader
genre: vampire au
word count: 3,5k
warnings: smoking ⋆ assault! ⋆ gory!
Stood up…again. That sickening and now very known feeling in the chest created another crack in your already shattered heart. You felt like a total fool. Why can’t you just get over the fact that maybe being a lover girl in this century wasn’t the right way to go. Oh, how much you wished to be more like your friend Mia. Just living in the moment, not worrying about the men and women you had in the past and only wondering who will be next.
Truth to the word is that love comes when you are least expecting it but you do overthink everything. Every occurrence with someone–hell even a stupid eye contact makes you think about the future you could have with a literal stranger. However you already set the bar low enough, it hit the ground a long time ago. Looks didn’t even matter anymore, if they just showed interest and knew how to act like a normal human being was enough for you. Your overthinking can do the rest but today it surely ‘did a good job’.
You met this guy just yesterday at the grocery shop, so romantic but you weren’t asked on a date like in forever so it was quite exciting. He wasn’t even that bad looking — short dirty blond hair, broad shoulders and fairly tall…The wandering eyes of his on your chubbier figure surely could be overlooked. It wasn’t like you hated your figure but seeing someone openly checking you out like that was a first and it made you feel wanted, so you went for it.
Well…it didn’t go as well as you thought it would as now you were sitting on a small bench in the middle of the night all by yourself. You shouldn’t have talk about him to your friend Mia, seeing that when you would talk about some potential love interest they would right after suddenly change their whole behavior, only leaving you feeling disappointed and embarrassed.
Date was at 6 p.m at this small Italian restaurant and by quarter to seven with no sight of your date and no text saying that he was running late, you learned that maybe your date was cancelled. At least the food and wine was good enough to hide your disappointment for awhile but after the third glass you felt like breaking down.
A 24 year old woman and no experience. Even the kids’ siblings you babysat had more experience with dating. You knew that by having no experience isn’t something to be ashamed of but you felt like you were missing out on life…
You took another drag of your cigarette, ignoring the coldness of the bench beneath you. You could at this point get a cat and become one of those rich cool aunts that traveled all around the world but reality hits you right there. No siblings, no parents and also being a hopeless romantic couldn’t help you become someone you knew you never will be.
You actually rarely felt sad about having no one from your own blood. As long as you could remember Mia was everything you had and needed and Mia’s parents gave you everything and more. You don’t even know how you became friends, all you knew was that you two have an unbreakable bond and couldn’t wish for anyone else.
You smiled at the thought of your friend. Maybe you don’t even need anyone but there was still a feeling like a piece of missing puzzle was somewhere out there to fulfill you. You shook your head and laughed at your own thought. Atleast no one was out at this hour, basking in the silence.
Seeing that you almost finished your cigarette, you stood up and dust of your white chiffon dress. If your friend saw you she would probably shoved that cancer stick right down your throat. You didn’t even smoked that much, a one cigarette after a while (a whole pack) can’t hurt nobody.
The starry night today was awfully pretty and made your attention shift to its dazzling beauty. Walking few steps, you leaned over the brick wall of of the bridge you walked your whole live on. This small stone bridge was built in Middle Ages and from that moment it connected the two sides of the town in one. Wrapping your lips around the cigarette, holding it between your pointer and index finger you watched as the smoke mixed in with the light fog of this cold spring evening.
Thanks to the alcohol, you didn’t even felt the cold seeping under the skirt of your dress that much. Last drag and then finally putting out the cigarette on the cold stone, you watched again how the smoke from your cherry colored lips danced through the night but suddenly your vision caught something way more interesting.
A man dressed in dark clothes was leaning against a stone railing few feet below her. You didn’t even know how you could see him because he was perfectly blending in with the darkness of the night. From where you were standing, you could make out that he had longer black hair, one side tuck behind his ear which was decorated by a small earring that twinkled in the moonlight. In his hands was a notebook, scribbling down something. You quickly learned that he was drawing the waters of the quiet river he softly lift his gaze to every now and then.
You lost yourself in his smooth movements and captivating beauty. Even by being far from this man, you could confidently say that he was one of the most beautiful creatures you have ever seen. His other hand caressed the paper like it was the soft skin of a lover, fingers decorated by multiple rings. You were in a trance, watching him draw, you could even hear the light scratching of his pencil against the page and then…a sudden movement of his makes your breath get stuck in your throat. As his gaze again went to the illuminated river, he suddenly tilted his head in your direction.
You were now met with a pair of blue eyes, so blindingly pale blue that seemed to look right through you. You were right…that man was beautiful. From his piercing eyes to his nose, strong jawline and perfect full red lips. He looked like an angel but by the look in his eyes, you felt like he was something completely different . He was dangerously beautiful.
Your heartbeat quickened as his glowing eyes slightly narrowed and then slowly trace over your features, just like yours did to him. You felt analyzed not only from the outside but also on the inside, almost waiting for his approval as he once again met your eyes in a burning stare that sent shivers down your spine. The look in his eyes changed. To what? You didn’t know but it made you feel uneasy.
His head turned suddenly to look behind him. Confused, you take a look in the same direction and after just a small moment of waiting, loud voices and laughter were heard as five men come up from the corner stumbling, they were certainly drunk. As you turn to glance back at the man, you were just openly gawking at you were only met with no one. It was like he wasn’t even there in the first place and you began thinking if maybe he was just fragment of your imagination after all.
Hearing and seeing the five men going closer, you decided to head back home. Turning on your heels, you began walking across the bridge to the other side. The streets were empty and it didn’t help that you lived quite far from where you were right now. A sudden feeling like you were being watched made you quickly look over your shoulder and learning that your were right about your theory.
Those same men were just few meters behind you and if you didn’t turn around, you wouldn’t know a thing because they suddenly became quiet, whispering to themself, their bickering blending into the light wind.
Your heart immediately sank, quickening your steps. ‘’Hey, you!’’ Echoes a voice from one of the men. You ignored it almost tripping from how fast you were now going. “Come on, pretty lady-‘’
Grabbing your bag in your hands, you fumble through it. “We just want to talk! And a girl shouldn’t be walking all alone in the middle of the night ya know..” Now the voices were too close to your liking. When you felt the pepper spray at the bottom of your bag, you grasped it and decided to do better and immediately take off running.
Your breathing become heavier as you heard sound of heavy footsteps from behind you. “Get back here!~” Today definitely couldn’t got any worse for you. Your ears ranged and legs screamed from your sudden burst of energy. Maybe this is a sign to work out more as you felt the irony taste in your mouth.
A sinister laughter echoed through the night making a small amount of tears well up in your eyes. You were too far from any house. Your feet hurt like hell and exhaustion slowly started to creep up to you, the cold air making you shiver as it kissed your reddened cheeks. Behind your blurry vision, you saw an open gate to a cemetery, quickly thinking of the risks you would have to make. It was dark and there was a chance hiding in the shadows…
Making a sharp turn to the left, you almost slipped through the open gate but a hand suddenly wrapped itself around your forearm tugging you to its owner. “Gotcha~” But before the man could finish, you turn your head away from him, spraying the contents of the pepper spray in to his eyes.
Screaming in pain, he let go of you, making you grasp the open side of the gate and smashing it into him making him tumble to the ground. You didn’t even look if there was a lock somewhere, seeing that the others weren’t that far from you and turning to run through the dark cemetery .
You tripped every step. You felt like one of those stupid girls in horror movies but it was so dark, you couldn’t see much of anything. When your line of vision caught a big gravestone, you cried up, there was no time to look for better hiding spot.
Falling onto your knees and squeezing yourself behind the big stone, you tried to calm down your racing heart and rigid breathing as it got eerily quiet. Pressing your upper back on the back of the gravestone, you pulled your legs up to your chest and prayed for your literal life. Your new dress was probably torn to shreds and dirty but you didn’t seem to care as your fear filled eyes stared into the darkness before you.
“Come out, come out wherever you are!”
“She can’t be far.”
“Look over there and I will~”
A small quiet sob flew past your lips, making you cover your mouth with your hand. This couldn’t be happening right now. They should’ve lost interest by now. ‘God why me?’, you thought, pressing the palm of your hand painfully onto your lips.
You heard snapping of twigs quite far from you but you still didn’t have the courage and strength to take it as a chance to escape and run and there was still chance someone was near you as there were five of them. The moon shined from behind you, making shadows that seemed even more scarier now because of your situation. Maybe a ghost or something would be better than this.
As your gaze burned the ground below you an unexpected shadow appeared on the ground. Your heart immediately sank. “There you are, pretty girl.” Whispered the new comer, making you immediately spring to your feet into the opposite direction but you were only caught by arms of a second man.
“No!~” You screamed into the night accompanied with laughter by the others. Trashing in the arms of the man, you screamed for help more and more as your blurry vision caught the other three men making their way to you.
The grip that man had you in was bruising, making you cry out in pain. You can’t just stop fighting…so the next thing you did was stomping your foot down on to the man’s foot. You couldn’t be more happy of deciding the last minute to wear heels as his grip loosened when your heel pierced his foot. Shoving yourself away from him, you ran, dugging right under pairs of arms that tried to caught you but you still didn’t make it far.
One of them made you trip over your feet. Falling so unexpectedly, you didn’t even have time to register anything in the dark, making you fall head first on a corner of a gravestone. A small cry came from your, gripping your throbbing head in your hands as your ears rang. Feeling yourself being grabbed at made you a little bit wake up from the small unconsciousness, swinging your arms widely and trying to hit anything you could reach but they were only caught in a painful grip.
Crying loudly you tried to wiggle away as you felt yourself being laid back on to the cold ground. Two of them quickly catch your legs mid air as you tried to atleast kick one of them. “No please~” You plead, feeling so stupid for even trying as they only laughed at you.
The one left that wasn’t holding any of your limbs, loomed over you, looking like a predator looming over his helpless pray. It was the one you pepper sprayed. Watching him as he took out a switchblade knife from his pocket made you for a moment stop your loud crying. “Scream and I cut you.” He said while going to his knees right between your legs. This can’t be it…
“Fucking bitch.” He says dragging the knife up your leg lifting your skirt with the sharp point, making you trash around a little in hopes of being spared. Your head fell onto the ground. You didn’t want to look down and have chance of seeing your assaulters or even to the side and seeing his accomplices’ sickening grins. For a moment you could only feel the stars and moon looking down at you. Oh, how much you wished to be as far away as them right now, trying so hard to ignore the sound of belt unbuckling.
“What~” That unexpected question came from your side, making you look in wonder and immediately a scream gets stuck in your throat.
The first thing you saw was red. Blood so bright that even in the pitch darkness you could see it covering your dress and lower body. Your assaulter with the knife was now held by the head as their newcomer had their mouth attached to his neck, watching as warm, crimson blood flowed freely from where they were contacted. The unknown person growled that sound so animalistic that it made goosebumps rise on the back of your neck.
As the body of the man fell limply to the ground you could finally see your so called ‘hero’. Before you stood the same man you saw under the bridge. The one whose beauty struck you as a lightning but right now you felt everything but admiration towards this man. Another–new and now even more strong wave of fear run though you as you look upon him.
His beautiful icy blue eyes were now red, pulsing blue and purple veins underneath his lower eyelashes that went across his cheekbones and his lips painted from the blood of his victim, made him look nightmarish. The crimson liquid dripped from his lips down to his chin and chest, seeping into his expensive looking dress shirt. The moonshine lightened his slim silhouette and his wild look in his eyes made them all see what…who the real danger truly is.
Shaking out of your trance, you felt yourself being grabbed at not so strongly as before. One of those men that kept your legs down, spring at your savior. But as quickly as he stood up the creature of the night grabbed him harshly by his neck, pinning him down and baring his sharp teeth at him. You, seeing a way out, took it and you definitely weren’t alone as the now only three men took of running with you. You choose the left side with one of those men and the other two right and as you turn to look back at them, those same men were stopped as now they were met with someone new.
A shorter man with sandy blonde hair stood before them and you must say, he was equally as beautiful as the other one. You stood frozen in your spot as the stranger with cold, almost bored looking eyes shoved both of his hands into those two grown men’s chests like it was nothing. Loudly gasping, you shrieked as now the man held their hearts in the palms of his hands, their bodies now an empty box, falling by his feet. You didn’t know what to do other than watch, frozen in horror, so you didn’t even see coming the only one man left, pauncing at you and grabbing you swiftly from the back and pressing the cold knife to your throat.
“Don’t come near me you fucking freaks!” Yells the man in your ear, now having both of theirs attention. Even breathing made the knife cut lightly the delicate skin of your neck.
But by a blink of an eye you were free, immediately falling to the ground as your own legs gave up on you in the same moment. You heard a short scream, followed by the loud sound of bones snapping, making your skin crawl. Crawling desperately away, you stopped at a tree that now seemed like the most supporting thing in this situation as you curled yourself up next to it. You couldn’t run, you knew that would be stupid. You got yourself from a dangerous situation and now you were in even bigger one. Bringing your knees to your chest, you sobbed. Never have you felt so afraid and useless. There wasn’t even a chance…so you did the only think you could. Plead.
“Please, I won’t say anything…please~” You say not looking up.
One of them slowly walk up to you, stopping right before you. You held your breath, quieting your sobs for a moment and peeking from behind your fingers to look at the boots of the same man that ripped someone’s heart right from their chest just seconds ago. “What do you want to do with her?” Spoke the man, his voice so calm almost soothing but his question for sure didn’t made you feel more relaxed.
Breathing through your nose heavily, you squeezed your eyes shut trying to imagine yourself anywhere else. Response wasn’t heard as the man whose beauty you so admired walk up to his company.
If you would be watching you could’ve seen looks being exchange between them.
The sandy blonde haired man grabbed the other by his arm stopping him from going any further to you. “If Chan hears about this, I will make sure to throw you into the dungeons myself.” Only a small smirk was send back his way.
You felt your body go stiff as someone crunched down before you, softly bringing their hand to the side of your face. Their touch was cold as ice and if you weren’t already freezing you would surely jump away.
Their fingers softly traced your face, stopping at your chin and slowly lifting your head. The same blue eyes you saw from before were now staring right into yours, noticing the subtle ring of red around the iris. You felt yourself drowning again in his beauty and strangely your breathing calmed down. You and the man look upon each other for a moment. His cold touch felt more like burning but you didn’t have the heart to pull away as this was probably the softest touch you have ever felt. “Please…” You didn’t even know for what you were pleading anymore.
His other hand, the hand decorated with those beautiful rings went to the other side of your face, having no other choice but to look back into his alluring eyes. “You will forget everything that happened tonight.” He whispered, his voice velvety and delicious to your ears. “From the moment you saw me to this very moment and go home.”
Your tear filled eyes look into his, watching his pupils grow in size with his every word. Just as quickly as he said those words, he was gone by a blink of an eye. So was his company, even the bodies of your assaulters were nowhere left to be seen. You swallowed the lump in your throat, not wanting to spend anymore time at this creepy cemetery. You stoop up on your shaking legs, surprised seeing your bag sitting right by your feet. You forgot about even loosing it. Bending over and grabbing it, you walked the way home and recalling his words in your head again.
“Forget…” The only thing was that you didn’t, not knowing the consequences that will come because of it.
author’s note
So this is actually my first ever fanfic on tumblr as you can see. So I hope you like it and I just wanted to say that even studying English my whole life it’s still not my mother language so I’m sorry for any errors you come across.
I used to write a lot on wattpad but I don’t make anymore stories but still if you want to, you can check them out on: @Audrey_Holland
Thank you for reading, can’t wait for you guys to read the next chapters.
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drinktaro · 4 months
out like a light 𐙚 jellycat
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~ start of written
you wait by the door of ur brother, sungchan’s, apartment and hear the door bell ring. when you open the door you expect to see momo. instead your met with wonbin and anton.
before you can say hello, momo rushes right pass wonbin and anton and drags you to your room.
when you reach your room, momo turns to you and asks you a question about sungchan.
“do you thing sungchan will like my gift?”
momo then pulls out a small keychain with a cat attached to it.
you question why momo would care what sungchan thought but ur thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door.
“hey y/n come and meet my frien- oh hey momo”
momo then stuffs the cute keychain in her pouch and greets sungchan by wishing him a happy birthday.
you and momo walk down the hall with sungchan. once you reach the end of the hall way, you see all 6 of his friends. you get nervous as they are all staring at you so you try speed walk to the kitchen with momo, but are cut off by two extroverts.
“hey y/n! when did you get so tall??” seunghan asks while waving his hand above your head. you get embarrassed and immediately respond to his rude comment.
“you just got taller! its not my fault you grow so much” seunghan laughs and shotaro shortens his laughter by stepping on his foot. seunghan squeals.
all the guys introduce themselves except, anton and wonbin. you felt flustered because you felt that every-time you looked their way they would make a weird jester or turn around at the sight of you.
later on everyone sings happy birthday to sungchan and cut the cake. everyone starts drinking and laughing at seunghan and sohee’s karaoke session. momo talks to sungchan about dancing together one day. you sit right next to wonbin and anton. anton nudges at wonbin.
you turn around to face wonbin and answer with a bright smile
“hi wonbin”
wonbin immediately gets flustered but tries to hide it by continuing the conversation.
“so how long have you known momo?” wonbin questions
“me and momo have been friends since we were kids. shes one of my best friends. what about you and anton?” you reply.
“me and anton have known each other since middle school but i feel like i’ve known him forever. he’s my closest friend.”
you guys sit in comfortable silence for a while.
until he brings up the first day of school..
“hey im sorry for almost falling in you on friday” he scratches his neck awkwardly waiting for your response
you look at him confused and he gets nervous because of your the immediate change in your facial expressions. it takes you a couple seconds to realize what he was talking about, but while you were staring at him he gets up out of embarrassment and spills his drink all over your lap.
you get startled by the sudden coldness on your lap and stand up to at least let some of it drip down. everyone stares at you guys as wonbin runs to go get paper towels.
“im super sorry y/n i didnt mean to drop the drink on you and im sorry for ruining ur dre-“
“its okay wonbin!” you say and laugh due to the awkward moment. you walk to the guest room that you will be staying at tonight and change out of your wet clothes.
momo burts into your room and immediately asks what just happened. you explain to her what happened and she laughs.
“why would he do that? thats so embarrassing”
you were also confused why he suddenly got up. your conclusion was that he was embarrassed so you didnt really think much about it.
you and momo go back to the living room and you sat where you previously were.
“im so sorry again for dropping my drink on you” he says while looking down.
“it’s genuinely okay wonbin. just know you owe me something” you joke.
“i can give you my number so i could make it up to you.” he exclaims
you immediately agree and let him type his number into your phone.
momo tells you that she needs to go home but you realize that she doesn’t have a ride home. sungchan offers to take her home so everyone took that as a sign to go home.
when everyone is leaving, momo teases you about the whole wonbin situation and you tease her about having to get dropped off by your brother. as wonbin was walking out with anton he stops and gives you something. you were gonna ask what it was but he had already walked out of the small apartment.
it was a box and inside was a jellycat plushie and a note that said sorry. you smiled and walked to your room.
~ end of written
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𐙚 SYNOPSIS. in which y/n is an anti-social nerd that loves to read and is going to major in music. while wonbin is also a music major who had a crush on her since middle school.
𐙚 PAIRING. non-idol!wonbin x non-idol!fem!reader
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��� notes. i did not proofread this so bare with me😓😓
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bangpop91 · 4 days
I'll Meet You In Between
It's day 2 of @bucktommypositivityweek round 2! Today's prompt was scenes from a firetruck. This drabble takes place directly before Mayday. I hope you guys enjoy Day 2
Buck woke a groan fumbling with his phone to turn off his alarm before flopping back down into the bed not wanting to get up for the day. It hadn’t been that long ago that he looked forward to every shift. But these days the idea of getting out of the massive plush bed that also happened to feature a big muscular pilot with ridiculous bed head, and is like his own personal space heater. Buck wiggled closer into Tommy’s side burying his nose into Tommy’s armpit making his man grunt.
“Your face is like icicles,” Tommy groaned, adjusting himself so that they were face to face.
“It's not my fault your house is like a penguin habitat.” That startled a laugh out of Tommy while Buck grinned, pressing kisses against Tommy's stubble covered cheek. 
“You have a shift baby.” Tommy reminded him before capturing his lips in a sweet kiss.
“So do you.” He replied in-between morning kisses, where if he played this right could lead to morning sex 
“I don't have to fight crosstown traffic.” Tommy countered sitting up scratching his scalp making his mess of curls even more out of control from where they curled frizzy and untamed on one side and flat against his scalp on the other. He looks so rumpled and soft, far from the cool guy exterior Tommy meticulously puts on like armor every morning. He's moved on to casually scratching an itch on his chest while checking the weather on his phone like he does every morning before he gets out of bed. He wants to live in this moment and it's domesticity forever, he knows that realistically it's too early to talk about living together, about forever. But he wants this to be the sight he wakes up to every morning. Tommy looks down at him, Buck still stubbornly burritoed under the blanket  with his face in Tommy's pillow.
“Bed head?” He asked, looking at him with a lopsided grin. It makes Buck laugh from his spot in bed watching Tommy go through his morning routine.
“Nicely tousled.” Tommy and him should not be laughing at what dorks they are being, but he loves that he and Tommy can be silly, and there is no pressure to be tough, or manly, or cool, they can just be themselves. 
“Alright Darlin, you do have to get up now.” Buck is feeling a little bratty and burrows further into his burrito of blankets and Tommy’s pillow like a petulant child. “Will you get up if I promise to shower with you?” Tommy teases leaned over Buck.
“I could be persuaded.” He responds and lets Tommy lure him from the bed with kisses. He does make it to work on time, he didn't have time to stop and get coffee on the way to work which is fine because Tommy had sent him on his way with a thermos of coffee, kisses, and a reminder to be safe.
It turns out to be one of the worst and craziest shifts he has ever worked. He knows Tommy's own shift has been just as hectic. And yet in the rare minutes of downtime that he had to check his phone there were messages from Tommy.
A picture of a black cat from the pet rescue site that Tommy likes scrolling through with the accompanying message.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : I love Salem almost as much as I love you.
Buck: Awe he’s beautiful. I love him.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : 🐝🐝🐝🐝
❤️ Loml ❤️ : Are you enjoying the bee-nado
Buck: look at you learning how to use emojis I’m so proud of my old man.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : Don't be a brat, Evan.
Tommy finds him in the aftermath of the plane crash. They are in-between the 118 and 217’s engines when Tommy pulls him in for a hug.
“How you holding up Darlin?” His voice is low and quiet in Buck’s ear.
“I wish today would just end already.” He mumbled clinging to the back of Tommy's flight suit. He doesn't want to let go of Tommy, because right now Tommy is the only thing holding him upright.
“Twelve more hours okay.” Tommy promised, “Just twelve more hours and we will have forty-eight hours together. We'll turn our phones off, catch up on Stylish Designs, and try that new chili recipe.” 
“Okay.” Evan nodded with a smile, Having something to keep him moving towards. An end goal for his shift. Tommy is called away, his chopper is ready, Tommy presses a quick kiss to his lips.
“I'll see you at home.” He says with a big, bright charming smile that makes him melt. He'll see Tommy at home.
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The Sun Says Hello - Omori fanfic - Part 1
Part 2
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Kel walked past Sunny’s house everyday. He’s been doing it for the past 4 years. 
Was it silly? Hopeful wishing? Yes. 
But he didn’t have to give up hope. Hope that Sunny might just.. peak his head out.. even for just for a moment..
But it never happened. 
Every day. 
Every morning, every afternoon, every night. 
When it rained, when it snowed, when the sun was beating down. 
Kel never gave up hope, even when he knew all hope should be lost. 
“You know that house down the street?” Whispered a group of kids, Kel’s classmates. “I hear the kid who lives there is actually a ghost! And every night he leaves the house to stall around. And he eats cats! And rats!”
Kel’s nose scrunched up at the gossiping kids. The story sounded like it was pulled straight from To Kill A Mockingbird. Kel would’ve laughed at how ridiculous it was if it he didn’t have any sense of empathy.
“Hey!” Kel exclaimed. “His name is Sunny! And he’s not some creepy ghost!”
The kids jumped in surprise. “You know him, Kel?”
“Yes! Well.. I did. When we were kids!”
The kids raised their eyebrows. “I heard he killed his sister!”
Kel stood up quickly. “You shut your mouth! Mari.. she..! THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!” 
And Kel ran off with tears in his eyes. He ran to Sunny’s house and leaned against the forever closed door and quietly prayed that Sunny would open it. Of course, the moon never came out to comfort the sun.
That was 2 years ago, when Kel was 14.
Kel found his reaction to have been overdramatic now that he’s older. He knew he should’ve just corrected them and told them it’s not cool to gossip. But Sunny was his friend. How could he have not defended him? Especially since Sunny was so.. traumatized. Lonely.. 
Kel was making his usual trip around Sunny’s house, but he felt his heart drop down to his stomach. 
A For Sale sign sitting at the front lawn.
Sunny.. is moving? No, he couldn’t be.. not when he’s been waiting for so long for Sunny to come outside.
Kel saw Sunny’s mom on the driveway and he ran over to her. “Mrs. Sunny’s Mom!” he exclaimed. 
She turned and smiled. “Oh, Kel! It’s so good to see you!” She pinched his cheek. “You’ve grown up so much!”
“Oh, haha.. yes, it’s good to see you too.. um.. is it.. are you.. are you moving?!”
She looked at Kel in surprise and she smiled sadly. “Yes. I.. I think moving will do me.. Sunny.. some good. Start new! Get away from this house..”
Kel clenched his fists and looked down, doing everything in his power to avoid hyperventilating. 
“Can.. can you maybe get him to come outside? So we can.. hang out?”
She gave him a sympathetic look and sighed. “I can try. But Sunny.. he just stays in his room all the time, asleep. He’s usually unresponsive. He most likely won’t listen to me if I ask him to.”
Kel looked down to hide his disappointment. 
“But..” she said. “I can perhaps try to encourage him. Here.” She pulled out her flip phone and dialed in a number. She put it to her ear and began to leave a message. 
“Kel saw our for sale sign and came by,” she said, winking at Kel who quickly straightened up. “He wants to spend time with you. I think it’ll do you some good to say goodbye to everyone.”
She hung up and turned to Kel. 
“You’ll just have to wait and see. I’m not even sure if Sunny even checks my voicemails, ha!”
“Do you.. ever actually talk to him..? Or do you just leave voicemails?”
Her eyes widened and she quickly looked away, almost guilty. “Kel, I don’t think that’s really any of your business, sweetie..” She paused and inhaled, forcing a smile. 
“I do hope Sunny comes out and you two can hang out. Like the good old days!” She squeezed his shoulder and got in her car and drove off. 
Kel watched as her car left and he turned to look up at the second story window. The window that belonged to Sunny’s room. 
Just behind those curtains was his best friend. In his room, alone, like he’s been for 4 years.. Kel’s heart hurt at just the idea. What was Sunny doing up there all the time, all alone?
Kel didn’t dare let his head drift off to the paranoid thoughts. He couldn’t think the worse! Letting his thoughts drift to ideas like that would only make him feel even more miserable and guilty. 
Don’t worry, Sunny.. he thought, clenching his fists. I’ll keep waiting for you to come outside.. and when you do.. I’ll make your last days here ones to remember!
Divider credits @firefly-graphics
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themimsyborogove · 3 months
@celias sent me the prompt “It’s nice to be safe, but why does your guardian angel have to hold your hand all the time to keep you safe” for the TID squad + Mina
It got both easier and harder every time, pulling the energy from the world around him just enough to make himself the slightest bit solid, just enough to–
Will caught Mina under the arms just as she tripped over a tree root, saving her from a tumble. “There you are Miss Mina,” he said, once she had regained her footing to the best of her two-year-old abilities, and for a moment he was sure she looked right at him, her bright, curious eyes so much like Jem’s, the inquisitive tilt of her head exactly Tessa’s. He smiled at her, and hoped she could feel it even if she couldn’t see it.
And then the world melted away and reformed into softer shades, the gentle burble of the river he spent his afterlife haunting filling his ears. He lay on his back in the grass, staring up at the forever-pleasant sky–always with just the right amount of fluffy white clouds floating by–letting the sensations of Heaven slowly return. The sound of the river, the prickle of the grass underneath him, the warmth of the breeze in his hair.
Gabriel Lightwood’s unwelcome face hovering over him and blocking the view.
“You’ll get stuck there if you keep trying that,” Gabriel warned.
Will sat up with a groan. Cecily plopped down in the grass beside him.
“Well, how is she then?” Cecily asked.
“Saved from grave peril, right in the nick of time. Possibly even from a splinter, which could have led to a deadly infection.”
Cecily rolled her eyes in the most sisterly fashion, and Will gave in to what she really wanted to know. “She’s growing up beautifully. She looks more like Jem every time I see her. Her hair was done up in braids like Tessa used to do for Lucie, and her shirt had some kind of sparkling cat on it, which I believe must have been a gift from Magnus. She was exploring the yard with Church.”
“Did you see Tessa this time?” Will turned to see that Sophie and Gideon had joined them.
Will shook his head. “Only Mina. I am sure someone was nearby keeping an eye on her, but I was not there long enough to see them.”
“I can feel it when she writes to me,” Sophie said, and Gideon put an arm around her. “I wish I could do as you do and cross over to reassure her.”
“Some things are not meant to be possible,” Will said gently.
“Yet you continue to do them.”
“Ah, but I am quite the expert in impossible things.” He, Jem, and Tessa always had been. It was risky for a spirit who had moved on from the world to attempt to cross back into it, but something in their bond allowed him to do it. Not as freely as he would have liked, but sometimes, at moments when he could feel that they needed him, he could let his spirit slip past the veil that separated the dead from the world of the living.
Cecily nudged him with her shoulder. “I do wish you would be more careful,” she said, like she hadn’t been the most eager for news just moments ago.
“I only go when I feel that I am needed,” Will protested.
“With the same definition of ‘need’ you used to apply to summoning Jem from the Silent Brothers,” Gabriel added.
Will shrugged. “Those were all moments of desperate need as well, and I stand by every one of them.”
“Mina cannot have a guardian angel hold her hand at every moment to keep her safe,” Cecily said. “She will have to learn how to keep herself safe from bumps and bruises at some point.”
“She will still learn,” Will insisted. “Not even a guardian angel of my caliber can protect her from every pain of the world. But why shouldn’t I protect her as much as I’m able, or at least as much as Jem was able to help protect James and Lucie? Fate owes me that much.”
Cecily shook her head. “Very well then, I shall stop admonishing you. Now tell us more about this cat shirt.”
Will leaned back on his hands in the grass by the riverside, where he waited for the ones he loved most in the world to eventually join him, and told their friends what he could about the child they could not meet, but still loved like one of their own.
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could you do a jd x Reader who he hates at first like despises their existence but ends up liking them with some smut at the end? (If ur comfortable with it!💕)
I took this idea and ran with it. It ended up being kind of backwards.
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The entire school knew you and JD had beef with each other, you were a Heather so JD hated you and You hated JD because he was a dick to you, Very simple reasons but you two still fought like cats and dogs every time you were around each other. You usually didn’t wish ill will on people, but you honestly didn’t care if JD lived or died. You were aware that if you left him alone he would most likely stop, but something always brought you back to fight with him. “God Y/N, just fuck him already. The sexual tension could be cut with a knife.” Chandler said, filing her nails. Her words interrupted your staring contest with JD, “Heather, he’s a dick. I would rather fuck Ram Swenney.” you said turning around and crossing your arms, “Yeah sure, Y/N.” Duke laughed. You just rolled your eyes and continued to eat your lunch.
You were driving home from a party and you stopped for gas. You got out of your car and filled your gas tank. Then you saw JD, Just glaring at you as you were filling your gas tank. You finally had enough of this bullshit and walked up to him, “What the hell is your problem? You asked, the anger very present in your voice. “Why are you here?” JD asked, you rolled your eyes. “Filling my gas tank asshole, you don’t own the fucking gas station!” JD got closer to you, he was so close that his face was inches from yours. “Don’t talk like that to me, you're just some bubbled brained bimbo.” You scoffed “Excuse me, but I’m actually very smart. You're just looking for reasons to insult me.” JD breathed out with an annoyed face. “No girl that’s smart walks around in those slutty little tops, your tits are practically falling out of your shirt right now.” You looked down to your crop top, it did have a deep neck line to show your cleavage. “Why are you looking at my boobs you pervert?” you asked, JD’s face turned bright red. “That’s not important!” You felt your face get hot, “That is important!” He just scoffed “Oh please, everyone else sees them too. It’s not hard to notice.” “ I knew you were an asshole, I didn’t know you were a pervert!” JD got even closer to you, “Shut the hell up bitch! Your so fucking annoying.” JD said as he placed an aggressive kiss on your lips. “What the hell JD!” you said as he pulled you to your car and pressed you up against it. “Be honest, do you want this?” he said as he placed his erection against you. It took you a moment to gather your thoughts. “Why are you doing this?” you asked JD laughed “I have to find a way for you to shut up somehow, now answer my question.” you blushed and said “Uhh sure, why not? I'm sure you have a small dick anyways.” Even you had to admit he was hot, and you would be lying if you haven’t thought about him in 18+ ways before.  He chuckled and opened one of your back car doors and pushed you inside.
Things quickly got heated as you two were making out and feeling all over on another. The shame you felt for fucking Jason Dean made you even wetter than before. “You getting wet right now? I haven’t even started.” JD said as he took your boobs out of your shirt. You moaned as he sucked and bit at your nipples, He only stopped to pull his pants and underwear down enough to get his cock out. “Suck my cock whore” JD said as he pulled you down closer to his crotch. You gave licks to the head and then took the tip in your mouth and started to suck his length. “Suck it like you mean it bitch.” Jd then thrusted into your mouth and grabbed a handful of hair and started to fuck your throat. You gagged as he fucked your mouth, it was starting to become too much. You felt him twitch in your mouth as he pulled out. “I’m going to fuck that pussy, speak now or forever hold your peace.” he breathed out. You nodded to give him permission, he the flipped up your skirt and pulled your panties to the side, then he slid into you and started to fuck you with a rough and fast pace. He was so fast you didn’t have time to think before you felt your orgasm coming very quickly. “Gonna c-cum!” you yelled out before you felt your orgasm crash through you. JD gave a few more sloppy thrusts before he came inside you and pulled out. You two sat in silence for a few minutes before your voice cut said silence. “You know, maybe you're not all that bad.” JD laughed quietly “Same to you, Y/N.”
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - A Blah Week
May June 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 - It’s so damn cute. Seme is still sus... but cute. I didn’t even mind the pratfall since they clearly both wanted to take advantage of it. These two are great kissers - like MaxTul level. I am PLEASED. Meanwhile, sides have a drunken MOMENT. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 2 of 10? - I’m enjoying it which is fucking with my head, trash watch here! 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 2 of 6 - Dome has aged so pretty! Do we think the café owner doesn’t want him because he is happy in love? I’m enjoying the high school story arc a lot, and I wish we were just watching that and none of the others (Dome or no Dome). I finally figured it out the actor playing Mai is from Manner of Death.
The Promise (Weds YT & WeTV) ep 10fin - Soap opera brother relationship suddenly? Also more not communicating and more separation? Just bullshit. The best part of the ep was the interstitial cat. It feels like this show dragged on forever I am so glad it’s over and I intend never to think about it again. Full review below (although I pretty much just said it all.) 
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - no ep this week, no idea why. It better not be because of the ZeeNew freakszoids or I am banhammering with a will. Our Skyy 2 (Bad Buddy & 1k*) eps 13-14 - skipped it this week as it concludes next week so I’ll binge all 4 at once.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - It’s just so good. I say it every week but it IS. Oh the running of the gays trope! Japan1 For us? How thoughtful. Awe, Yutaka’s confession in tiny was the best. SMILEY KISS! It took 3 BLs but Inukai Atsuhiro has finally actually kissed a boy. 
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI & Gaga) ep 5-6 of 8 - Oof this is such a hard show. Too much angst. It is a complicated story worth further analysis, but it’s too much for me and I don’t wanna dwell in it. Also, sweetie, you don’t get to cockblock the boy you rejected then invite him to sleep over, I don’t care how confused you are. Good for Hanjoon for standing up for himself, but holy shizz is this hard to watch. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - Cats are not caretakers. The neighbor is a cutie. Fun convo for a VBL - top/bottom & everything. Faen fatale showed up + a pratfall kiss and frankly I’m finding this show a bit dull now that the charm of the initial premise has worn off.
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 8 of 12 - I never know what to say about this one. This was the dark separation doom episode. I was pretty blah over it. I’m just not engaged with this show. 
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It’s Airing But ...
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
Stay (Pinoy ????) 7 eps - It’s mostly in English and set in LA so I’m not bothering to hunt.
Let’s Eat Together AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai (Japan movie) cinema release means no inter distribution. Looks cozy: daily lives of college students and roommates who enjoy meals together, and a v codependent, adaptation of yaoi Let’s Eat Together Aki and Haru. I’ll keep an eye open for it but assume we can’t get it for now.
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan Sun ????) ep 1 of 10 - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I? (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*) 
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Ended this week 
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) ended. I have been reliably informed it’s better left a DNF.
My Story (Pinoy YouTube) ended. I bounced at ep 4. Someone tell me if I should bother with the rest?
Pure Vanilla (Singapore) - 10 min short on Gaga featuring a cafe, boss/employee, friends to lovers. It’s very sweet. Bit awkward acting. I love seeing real tats on my screen. I wish Singapore would give us a full proper BL. 7/10 RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS 
The Promise (Thai YouTube) - Although well acted this show dragged a too simple premise out into the ultimate manipulative miscommunication repeats of idiotic "why don’t you just TALK!?” Phu & Nan are childhood bffs through college (almost lovers) until Phu disappears. After looking/waiting for him, Nan gives up and self isolates, and the actual story takes place 10 years later. Phu’s “reason” and inability to say it out loud makes the whole show just frustrating, squandering good chemistry, and a stellar cast of multiple faen fatals (whose personalities would’ve made them better boyfriends). Seriously do not bother. What a damn waste of talent, time, and electronic bandwidth. Fatally flawed. 4/10 NOT RECOMMENDED 
Okay it ended a while ago but I finished it:
Make A Wish (Thai grey) - 6 part PNR (from Sammon - Manner of Death & Triage) about a doctor who can see the dead and strikes a bargain with a wish-granting irreverent tree angel - naturally they fall in love. Stars Fluke Natouch opposite not Ohm, but who cares bc Fluke has chemistry with everybody. Once again the Thai afterlife is incredibly bureaucratic but I enjoyed the premise and the unfolding of the story (it’s not predictable but still satisfying and with nice little twist). I like that the doctor is just gay af and has a fag hag bestie and everything. The cast is excellent but the comedic stylings are too overblown and tonally off. It had sad parts and did make me cry but is ultimately happy with a great sex scene, good smiley kisses, and all the agency. 8/10 RECOMMENDED 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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6/7 Love Tractor (Korea iQIYI) 8 eps - announced in 2022 from WATCHA (Semantic Error) I've been WAITING for this one. About a stressed-out law student who family obligations force into the countryside where a series of strange encounters and misunderstandings with his hunky young farmer neighbour. Will this be an extended version of Strongberry’s Some More? Or Korea’s take on Restart After Come Back Home? I'm chuffed. Country boy meets city boy is a very underused romance trope in BL.
6/9 Boys Love Omegaverse AKA The Boys Love sequel no one asked for (Japan movie) - everyone jockeyed to release the first ABO but it looks like Japan will take it. They do like to do all things BL FIRST. This seems to just be borrowing the branding of Boys Love, showing little resemblance to either original, since it's about 4 men in an idol group. (But could go very dark with that title. Boys Love is technically the first and one of the darkest BLs ever made.) Movie+Japan = no inter distribution.
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Still Coming June 2023 
6/15 Tokyo in April AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Gaga) 8 eps - Based on a yaoi, this is a reunion romance that takes place in an office. Japan does Our Dating Sim? Yes please.
6/22 About Us but Not About Us (Pinoy movie from 2022 on Prime) - A professor grieving the loss of his partner meets an ambitious literature student.
6/24 Why You (Khmer BL ????) - Billed as a horror romance, not sure if this is a movie or a series where it will air... nothing except that it exists.
6/24 Tie The Knot AKA Under the Same Sky (Pinoy movie on Prime) Trailer - I guess Prime is coming for our Pinoy BL? From OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince), announced for 2022 based on a true story, Briggs's family runs a bridal business but he has never had a chance to fall in love until he meets Shao, a groom to be.
6/25 Dinosaur Love (Thai iQIYI) Trailer 5 eps - from Ultimate Troop about a uni student, Rak, whose partner cheats on him with Rak's best friend. This gives bad boy hazer Dino an opportunity to hit on Rak at last. From The Yearbook people so I will not watch this as it airs. After Remember Me? Never again with them.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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From Make a Wish. 
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Found my side dish. (Be My Favorite)
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We asked this question literally the ENTIRE show. (The Promise) 
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My point exactly! 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? BTOB on Killing Voice - honestly I’m ded, end this show, no one else can ever be this good. 
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
i overanalyze mrd songs/levels: mini moon (high moon)
bpm: 125
nightmare count: 61 (if I counted right)
(long post :3)
okay purepari already did a whole video essay on this (which you should watch…) so to avoid plate of corn-ing this game that has already been out for four years I’m going to do my best to only mention new things
In the video, purepari makes a really good point that Mini Moon is a more vertical level compared to many of the others, and I think that generates a lot of meaning in other areas. Because it’s such a vertical level, there’s a LOT of nightmares (the purple/yellow monsters). This, of course, is partly because… there aren’t many other ways to go up (except wall jumping and gusts of wind) but I think there’s also another reason.
When Mad Rat first encounters a nightmare in the first stage, Rat God calls it as such and tells him that to defeat it, he’ll need to make a wish and punch it. So I like thinking that every time there’s a level with a ton of nightmares (I think mini moon has the most?) it marks a point where Mad Rat makes a big wish. The wish could be a lot of things- purepari mentions that his goal goes from killing the scientist to dying peacefully, but a goal is different from a wish- a goal is more a wish that’s been put into action. So Mad Rat is wishing for something that he won’t be able to achieve right now.
It’s kind of similar to If We Could Be Friends, (which I will definitely also be covering) which I see as Rat God wondering what life would be like if she wasn’t forced to be a parasite by nature before cutting herself off because thinking like that would get in the way of her goal. Mad Rat’s lines about reincarnation and the next life, I feel, are him hoping for another life where he gets to spend more time with Heart, and where maybe Rat God doesn’t have to do all of these things just to live (which can be real if you read my fanfic!!1!). Thinking about this comforts him, and he feels a bit better about leaving this life (although some anxiety still remains). It’s not worth living forever and going against nature if you’ll be back anyway.
The verticality is also probably the reason why the level is called “high moon”- Mad Rat can’t possibly reach the moon in this life, but he can at least get close to it. Even getting close to it is hard, though, but like pushing through the hallucinations and helping others, Mad Rat finds the energy to make it to the top.
Mini Moon is similar to several other songs, whether it’s intentional or not. Most importantly, there’s the Heart’s Beat / Mad Heart motif at 0:59 (using this video as a ref), which makes perfect sense considering that this is such an emotional moment for both of them. Heart is scared because he knows he doesn’t have much time to tell Mad Rat about the truth of the operation, but he still doesn’t want to reveal who he really is. Mad Rat is scared because he’s about to die, and again, Heart’s beat is what is keeping him on his path up to the moon.
I’m very hesitant about this next one because they’re two songs by two different artists but I also hear Call Me Jack at 0:32 (here is the part in Call Me Jack if it’s hard to hear)?? I mean it wouldn’t be the first time considering Cottage House also uses Heart’s theme but even I’m struggling to think of a reason why it’s there. I guess it’s another one of Heart’s hints that he’s a cat like the black cat, or it’s his way of reminding Mad Rat of one of the marks he’s left by saving the black cat.
It also sounds similar to Outside and Mad Rat Heart in general which makes sense because they’re all by Dyes Iwasaki but surprisingly enough I think that’s how far it goes. believe me I tried. The only thing worth mentioning is that outside and mini moon both have a beat drop at 1:18 after a very long buildup which could be mad rat finally being able to see the real world after years of being in a cage / the two of them finally being free of the cycle rat god put them in
anyway yeah mini moon. crying. sobbing. if you made it this far thank you I will be doing more
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North Star Series
Chapter 42 - The Honeymoon
Start Here:
Warnings: hints of spiciness
Y/N's jaw dropped. "You got us a room at the Ritz?!"
"Only the best for my wife," George kissed her cheek. "But it's only for tonight. I can't leave Fred alone with the store this close to Christmas."
"Do you have any idea how much rooms here cost?" She stood frozen in place gaping at the hotel.
"As a matter of fact, I do," he chuckled. "Now, my love, what do you say we head inside before someone mistakes us for snowpeople and tries to shove carrots up our noses?"
"What?" Y/N shook herself and stared at her husband.
"We're starting to collect snow," he grinned and pointed to his coat, which was indeed beginning to accumulate a surprising amount of snow. "And the wind's picking up. The temperature gonna start dropping soon. I'd prefer to be someplace warm when it does."
George offered her his arm, and she took it. "Oh, right. Warm is good," she smiled sheepishly. "Sorry lovey, I just didn't expect this..."
"I know," he said. "I wanted you to be surprised."
"Well, you certainly achieved your goal," she assured him. "How did you manage to pull this off so quickly?"
George winked. "Magic."
"I feel like royalty," Y/N marveled, turning in a slow circle, before spreading her arms wide and falling back onto the massive bed, with George following suit seconds later.
Sinking into the downy mattress was like being engulfed in a cloud. All the wild, whirlwind exhilaration of the morning settled down into the gentle warmth of simply being together. They lay there for a while, wrapped in one another's arms, just talking and soaking in the realization that they were now officially Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.
George held up Y/N's hand, admiring the wedding band that graced her ring finger. "Mrs. George Weasley. Mrs. Y/N Weasley," he grinned. "They just roll right off the tongue. I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying them or introducing you as my wife."
Y/N giggled. "I'll never get tired of hearing you say it." Everyone they passed in the hotel knew who they were as George had proudly introduced themselves as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, newly married, to every soul that passed by them.
George sighed happily and kissed her hand. "You know, when we first met, I was close to giving up on love," he admitted. "I wanted so much to find someone just for me. Someone who didn't compare me to Fred or expect me to be his clone or whatever. But every girl I dated didn't really want me. They all wanted Fred. Every damn one of them. And, the thought of being someone's consolation prize was beginning to outweigh my fear of ending up alone."
He went quiet for a moment before a brilliant smile spread across his face. "Then, you just waltzed right into my life, completely out of the blue, and changed it forever."
"We changed each other's lives. I fully expected to end up being the crazy cat lady," she said. "Now here I am, married to the most amazing man on the planet."
George's ears turned a bright shade of crimson, and he kissed Y/N soft and slow, safe in the knowledge that his world was just as it should be.
"Order away, my love," Y/N smiled in response to George's suggestion to calling up room service.
"Your wish is my command, my lady," he said gallantly and sat up. "But first, I want to spoil you a bit more and run you a hot bath so you can relax while we wait for our food."
"Ooh, that sounds divine," Y/N smiled, sitting up to give George another kiss.
Y/N emerged from the bath to find food of all sorts gracing the table. "I ordered all the appetizers. I thought finger food would be best." George grinned like a kid in a candy store.
"Georgie, baby... " Y/N stared at the smorgasbord. "I'm not even sure where to start."
"How 'bout right here, then?" With a cheeky grin, her husband flopped down in the nearest chair and patted his lap.
"I love this," George smiled, kissing the top of Y/N's head.
"What? Muggle game shows?" She teased. They were snuggled up in bed, watching tv.
"No, silly," George chuckled. "Us. Forever. And all that comes with it. Cuddling while watching mindless tv, experimenting in the kitchen, and then ordering in pizza when it's a glorious failure. Getting into arguments and then making up. Smiling for no reason. Having the most adorable ginger babies and watching them grow up."
"You seem quite certain they'll all be ginger," Y/N interjected.
"Of course they will. All Weasleys are ginger," he said proudly. "But, that's beside the point..." George paused for a moment. "Now, where was I? Oh, right," His hand slid down the length of her body. "And lots of kisses. Good morning kisses," he gave her a peck on the lips. "Mid-day kisses," he moved down her jaw line and down her throat. "Afternoon kisses," George continued to work his way downward, paying extra attention to all her pleasure points. "And, of course, evening kisses," he smiled up at Y/N before disappearing under the covers.
Y/N giggled and grabbed the remote, turning off the tv.
@milivanili99 @slytherclaw1978 @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @fancy-pantaloons @samberriejams @totalwitch2 @aslanvez @mrsgweasley @morally-grey-obsessed @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @planetkt @thankyouforanonymity @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @smallsweetvanillabean @themaraudersslut @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @ceehance @whotfskai
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milkyway-personas · 2 years
No problem! Can I ask for morning fluff with Diluc or Thoma? Either of them is fine I love them both!
Character: Diluc
genre: fluff
cw: fem!reader, light editing
Author's note: This prompt,,,, I thought it would be simple and then it had me simping OEWHO. Hope you enjoy, I know I sure did LOLL.
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It takes an odd amount of effort to get Diluc to bed, but as you wake up with the both of you under the covers and you pressed to his chest, you think it’s worth it.
You shift just a little, and it instantly makes Diluc mumble in his sleep, so you don’t move. You sigh under your breath, fond. You don’t know how someone who  can spend days awake can still be such a light sleeper, but here he is, your husband. Sometimes you’re convinced it’s just a scheme to keep you in bed longer. If so, you begrudgingly acknowledge that it works. 
Not just because you don’t want to wake him but also the fact that he keeps you caged on top of him, his body only giving off a soft heat that you know took weeks to master. You carefully shift your head to look at his face, and he looks so peaceful. So innocent, almost. You wish he could be like that forever, but you know your promise. You only get him to sleep if you promise to wake him up, so you start to shake him.
“Diluc, come on. It’s time to get ready,” you whisper, but there’s no need. His red eyes open instantly, only a hint of sleep in them that leaves in a flash. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, love,” he whispers back, kissing your forehead. “Did you sleep well?”
You roll your eyes, just as you do every morning that this insomniac of a man asks you such a question. “Yes, I slept a good eight hours and have done so for the past couple of days, so it's only natural that I slept well.”
His face looks impassive to the naked eye, but you’ve known him long enough to know he’s pouting. You snort at him, and he only frowns further. 
You wait, and soon enough he is pulling the both of you upright. You stretch as Diluc takes his hair out of his bun and lets it pool everywhere. He always looks like a disgruntled hairy cat whenever he does this in the morning, and you try so valiantly not to laugh. 
He sees you smiling anyway and huffs. “You’re the one who insists I do this.”
“Some of us don’t like to wake up with hair in their mouths, mister. Also, think of the tangles, the shedding, the—”
“Yes,” he sighs, cutting you off, “I know. You mention this every time.”
“Well, someone has to care about your hair between the two of us, and it certainly isn’t you.” You tilt your head up high and mighty, and this earns you the first laugh from Diluc of the day.
“Come on,” he says, getting up, “I know you want to watch me do my hair.”
You get up, not even denying his statement, and as you watch him wake away you can’t help but think how did you earn this? How did you earn that confession all those years ago? How did you earn sleepy mornings with Diluc now? How did you earn the happiness the two of you share?
You’ll never know, but as he looks back at you wondering why you’re not walking with him, disgruntled as he probably expects you to start doing something outrageous, you think that you don’t need to know the answer. Why ponder when you can live in the moment?
(And he really wasn't wrong, you really did want to see him do his hair.)
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appleatcha · 10 months
Its been very, very rough. I can't bring myself to be open with the one or two people I speak to about how bad it is. If you speak to me regularly and see this, well here's my admission of guilt. I'm doing way worse than I let on.
Almost every day for a week now I write messages and record audio messages of me talking about how im really doing. But then I just delete them. I don't see a point in sending them. I feel like it would just feed into my anxiety and stress more.
I've cried at work every day this week. Over stress of life. My son struggling, myself struggling, the house being messy, the cats, it all. My main concern is my son obviously. I put spending time with him and making sure he's taken care of before anything else. But I just feel so overwhelmed. I'm constantly rushing all day. Except at work. At work I sit with nothing to do most of the time right now, and im left to sit and marinate on everything.
My brain is so stress-logged that I've made dumb mistakes at work, forgot to take the trash out for garbage pickup, left my water on top of the car today and ended up breaking my cup when it was launched off my car when I moved, forgot my sons bookbag at home and was nearly late for work rushing to get it to him.
If I let myself think about it, I crumble. And nobody wants to hear it. My friends who grew up with my husband and me aren't close enough to me to care. My husband's close friend just says "I wish i knew what to say".
The place my husband worked and died is right behind the Walmart where we live now. My son and i stopped and went inside the gas station beside it yesterday. The only time I'd been In there was with my husband. When we got back in the car I started to cry.
I feel like people think I should be angry and hateful and not care about him anymore. And I am angry. I do have days I think "fuck you". But its just not that easy. I loved him and I have no clue what was really going on in his mind. I can guess and have feelings but I just will never know.
In a recent video, Peter Monn was talking about addiction and helping people through it and he said "love isn't enough. If love was enough, there wouldn't be 12 step programs or detox programs or suboxone". And something about it just clicked in my head. And I think of my husband saying "this isn't worth being sober". Maybe what he was meaning to say was "love isn't enough."
I'll never know. I don't know if ill ever be able to open my heart to another relationship ever again. Part of me is desperate for it, part of me is desperate to stay away forever.
But the main thing is that my mental health is not great. It's not even this grand loud, chaotic energetic bad like it usually is. I'm not having full on panic attacks, telling my friends about what I'm feeling. It's a silent, calm drowning. Which I can't say I've ever experienced.
I'm not suicidal or anything like that. I could never do that to my son. I want to keep going. It's just really fucking rough. And I don't think people who are getting upset at me not responding or being active really grasp that. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, but its such a hard and treacherous path to that light. In my worst moments, I fear there is no light. That its all just ruined. But right now, I don't think that's true.
Its hard to imagine that January or even May were the same year as today. January, celebrating my one year marriage anniversary, working as a housekeeper. March, a housewife knowing something was up with my husband but not knowing what. August, an unemployed widow unsure of what happened, and December, a working single mom who happens to have been widowed, with more answers but also more questions now than I did the day he died.
Trying to take it moment by moment
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jamies-rambles · 4 months
Finding Noel
Noel, canon divergence, trans Noel, angst, dysphoria, mentions of suicidal thoughts, Jamie, flowershop, Tobi
1800 words
Author’s note: Noel pls don’t have an identity crisis. I just started writing this as a joke but then I was projecting a tiny little bit.
It was a warm summer night on Coastle, the gay bar was bustling with life. Noel, drunk and silly, had climbed on the stage, everyone looking at him with annoyance. “Women are stupid!” he yelled. “And fat people are gross!” Everyone groaned, used to his antics and wishing he would shut up. Tobi sprung into action, his tail fluttering behind him as he got up on the stage and snatched the mic from Noel’s hand. “Thank you Noel, now get the fuck off my stage. Next up are the Mushy Boys with Cool Like That!”
He guided Noel off the stage into a backroom, where Jamie was doing some writing. They preferred the relative quiet over the suffocating loudness of the bar, and it was the perfect spot to work on their next story. He sighed when Noel and Tobi came in. “You’re here to annoy me now, Noel?” he scoffed. Noel ignored them and plunged himself down in a cozy chair in the corner. “Why are you always so hateful?” Jamie asked. “Am not!” Noel protested childishly. “You’re always so mean to everyone though. Why can’t you be nicer?” Tobi nodded in agreement. “You even made Synker destroy my cat room! Where are my cats meant to live now?” “Yeah!” Jamie continued. “Do you have hatred in your heart, Noel? Where is that coming from? Maybe you need to do some soul searching!”
Noel thought on this for a second. Maybe he was acting out of insecurity. Did he really know who he was? “I’m sorry, guys,” he said. “I know I’m horrible. I should just go.” Jamie, too kind for their own good, couldn’t help but feel empathatic towards the sad drunk boy in the corner. “It’s okay, Noel, it’s not too late to change. If you need someone to talk to I’m here for you.” Noel smiled, thankful that he had such a good friend. “Thanks. I just feel like I’m wrong in some way, like there’s a piece of me that doesn’t fit. Maybe that’s why I lash out so much.” Jamie nodded understandigly. Tobi rolled his eyes, muttered about not wanting to hear this cheesy shit and made his way back to the bar. Jamie was generally more patient and deciced to hear Noel out.
“Do you ever feel you don’t know who you really are?” Noel asked. Jamie chuckled. “Do I? That’s been my entire life.” “No, I mean, when you feel like people don’t see you for who you really are but you couldn’t describe what that would be anyway,” Noel continued, sounding frustrated. “I just feel so unsure about everything, I can’t trust any thought I have. Maybe that’s why I like making strong statements, it gives some amount of clarity.”
Jamie sighs. “Identity can be complicated,” he says. “It’s perfectly normal to feel unsure. I can’t give you any magical answers, other than trying to figure out what seems right for you and going from there.” After a moment of contemplative silence, they continued: “I went through a similar thing a few years ago. I’m not saying you’re the same, I don’t know how you feel, but I can certainly understand the pain that comes with constant doubt. I wanted to die every day. But if you can embrace the doubt and are open to the possibilities, you might just find a whole new side of yourself.”
Noel stared into the night sky, thinking about Jamie’s words. How was he supposed to embrace the thing that was causing him so much pain? It felt much safer to stay where he was. Being completely open meant abandoning everything he thought was true about himself, and he wasn’t sure he could handle that. “I’m just tired,” he mumbled. “I want to stop thinking forever.”
Jamie nodded, seeing the exhaustion on Noel’s face. “Come, I’ll take you home.” Noel made a dissaproving sound, but got up anyway. Jamie guided the dazed Noel through the gay bar, out the door and back to their tree house in the South. “Forgot I owned this place,” Noel mumbled. It was true Noel hadn’t spent even one night in his house since Jamie built it for him. He even had a bed here, which was unusual for him. Jamie wished him goodnight, leaving Noel alone with his thoughts.
After an hour of tossing and turning he finally managed to fall asleep. It was not a restful sleep, his subconscious mind still trying to process his conflicting thoughts. He dreamt he was on a train, watching the rain flow down the windows. The conductor asked to see is trainpass, adressing him as a woman. Wait, was she? Noel showed her pass, after which she returned to staring out the window. It was dark outside, and she could clearly see her reflection when she focused on it. Soft features stared back at her, and she felt a sense of peace and clarity. She was a woman, of course, how had she ever doubted it.
Noel woke up with a strange sensation, the remnants of the dream lingering in his mind like a dark cloud. He sat up in bed, his breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps as he tried to shake off the unsettling feeling that had settled over him. He reached his trembling hand up to his face, which was still as it had always been. He felt a pang of disappointment, followed by immediate guilt for entertaining the idea. He was a boy, a man, and the thought of him being anything else was completely ridiculous. There was a pit in his stomach that seemed to be getting worse. Tears welled in his eyes as he found himself wishing he could just be normal. He’d had these kind of dreams before, and he was able to shake them off at first, but the more they occurred the more real they felt. He didn’t want to feel this way, he wanted it to just stop.
Noel spent many weeks trying as hard as he could to distract himself from thinking about it again. He found people to talk to, play games with and even when he was alone he made sure that his mind was always occupied, just so he didn’t have to endure the doubt again. But his efforts were futile. Late at night in bed they would return, and the pit in his stomach never went away. He knew he couldn’t go on like this. Remembering his conversation with Jamie weeks ago, he decided with much resistance that it might be worth being more open to the possibilities. Was he supposed to just become a woman now? Would that solve all his problems?
Frustrated and tired, he decided to explore the option. Standing in front of the mirror, he stared at his face, trying to find some sort of hint of what he was supposed to be. Did he really see himself as a man? Was that how he truly felt or was he just so used to it because it was expected of him? Could he see himself as a woman? Looking at their face with different eyes, Noel felt a sense of recognition. They remembered times as a kid when they had dressed up in their sister’s clothes, going out to play with other kids hoping to be seen as a girl. They also remembered the disappointment they felt upon being gendered as a boy by his peers. It was a long time ago, and they hadn’t really thought of it again until now. Did it mean something? Was it a sign all along, or were they just overthinking it?
They needed to talk to someone, figuring this out on their own seemed impossible. Tobi was a good friend, but he surely wasn’t very good with advice. Binero would just call him crazy. Jamie was the obvious choice, but what if he thought they were just faking it? Maybe they shouldn’t tell anyone until they were absolutely sure, otherwise people would surely think they were crazy or just following a trend. Oh no, were they? Did someone push them into feeling this way? Noel felt like they were going crazy. They needed to talk to someone before they went truly mad.
Jamie was hard at work in the flower shop when Noel walked in. “Hello Noel, how can I help you?” he asked with a friendly smile. “I need advice,” Noel said. “Hold that thought. What flowers can I get you? Some nice sunflowers?” Jamie walked to the back. “Actually,” Noel started, “I need to talk to you about… gender?” Jamie raised an eyebrow, putting back the sunflowers. “Maybe some lilies then? You know, they are often associated with femininity.” Noel looked around nervously, making sure nobody had heard what they just said. Luckily there was nobody around. They knew that Binero would never let them hear the end of it.
“I think I might be a woman,” they blurted out. Jamie paused, his expression softening with understanding as he turned back to face Noel. “Sit down, let’s talk,” they said, gently guiding Noel to a table in the back of the shop. Noel sank into the chair, their nerves buzzing with a mixture of anxiety and relief at finally voicing their thoughts aloud. "I don't know what's happening to me," they admitted, their voice barely above a whisper. "I've been having these... thoughts, these feelings, and I don't know what to do."
Jamie took a seat opposite Noel, his eyes filled with empathy as he listened intently. "It's okay, Noel," he reassured him. "You're not alone in this. Gender is a complex and deeply personal journey, and it's perfectly normal to feel confused or uncertain." Noel nodded, a tear slipping down their cheek as they struggled to put their feelings into words. "I just... I've spent my whole life trying to fit into this... this box of masculinity," they admitted, their voice thick with emotion. "But lately, I've been feeling like maybe that's not who I am."
Jamie nodded in understanding, his gaze filled with warmth and acceptance. "It's okay to explore different aspects of your identity," he said softly. "You don't need to have all the answers right now, or ever really. Just take things one step at a time. Discover what feels right to you.” Noel nodded, feeling reassured by Jamie’s words.
Noel felt much lighter, and without the pressure of trying to find the answer, a sudden clarity befell her. “I am a woman,” she mumbled to herself, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. And then louder she proclaimed: “Ik ben een vrouw.” And for the first time in a long while, she felt truly whole herself, embracing every facet of her being.
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dollarbin · 1 year
Dollar Bin #2:
Jerry Jeff Walker's Viva Terlingua!
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There are certain truths we hold as self evident. Anyone who ever takes their valuable time to read the nonsense in this blog knows that Blood on the Tracks and Damn the Torpedoes belong in every middle aged white guy's record collection. Similarly, they know that Eric Clapton, post Cream, is not worth listening to and that you are better off never having seen Van Morrison live in my lifetime, and I'm older than you. It's easy to know the truth. Neil Young has no faults, unless you wind up marrying him. Beer is good for me.
This second installment of the Record Bin makes the case for a lesser known truth: Jerry Jeff Walker deserves intentional, honored space in your very own dollar bin. Indeed, he deserves to take up significant quality time in your life! We'll use his best known record, Viva Terlingua!, as our basis of proof.
But first, if you don't already have its perfectly shambolic opening notes running in your head, give a listen:
Walker tells us exactly what we need to know in that opening riff and his "Ahhhh..... Buckeroos": we are mid-story already; he's just back from a smoke break in the pig pen and he's picking up where he left off, sliding some seemingly insignificant musings at us and his anxious producer Mike, musings which actually contain the meaning of life, at least according to Jerry Jeff.
This whole record sounds like a legendary party we are forever sad to have missed. Come to the end of the record and you'll wish the party would keep going - and then it does keep going, with the band diving back into yet another chorus of London Homesick Blues. Are these people still drunk?
I don't know about you but other music which strives to conjure up a live drunken hoedown - I'm thinking of Rainy Day Woman and the frat boy early take of Madame George - always sound a little sinister. Getting stoned, as in rocks being thrown at you, doesn't sound fun no matter how much those Nashville Cats scream, nor does getting raided by transphobic cops. But I'm forever fired up about the party inside Viva Terlingua. Burritos! Tacos! Everclear!
Not even The Basement Tapes sound like this much fun to me. Sure, I'd love find myself in Big Pink, making shit up with Bob during I'm Your Teenage Prayer. But while we were at it, I'd have to keep an anxious eye on Richard Manuel, knowing the doom that lies in his/our future. No so with Viva Terlingua: transport me back to Luckenbach, Texas in August 1973 and I'd get drunker than I did on car bombs at my famous brother's (https://doomandgloomfromthetomb.tumblr.com/) wedding. I'd remember every glorious moment of that night with Jerry Jeff for the rest of my life.
But let's talk about Jerry Jeff's singing. Van Morrison is my favorite screamer and Sandy Denny is the best singer in the history of white people, but who else can turn their own voice-crack into joyful art? Catch Jerry at the end of Sangria Wine: Woah-OH!-oh-oh-oh, he LOVES sangria wine. Jerry shows us just how high you can get on the stuff, his voice staggering with joy. It's not beautiful; it's awesome.
The voice-crack, I declare, is a vital ingredient to a lot of the best manrock from the 70's. It's a big part of Kristofferson's whole wonderful shtick, and I'd argue that one of the big reasons why we all love hanging out in the Ditch with Neil is because he falls apart vocally while telling us he's a vampire or while describing the sun climbing his hood ornament. Sure, Richard Thompson has shown us since the 80's that he is well poised to voice a cartoon British lion in a musical remake of Robin Hood, but I prefer him when he's searching for notes he'll never find on his first record. Apparently his song Mary and Joseph from that outing is too bizarre and off tune to even merit existence on youtube, otherwise it would appear below this sentence. But trust me, it features some Jerry Jeff level voice-cracks.
While we are at it, the voice-crack seems to be missing from modern music: a problem! Jeff Tweedy reaches for one on occasion, I suppose, and Adele has taken over for Sarah McGlachlan, turning them into graceful beauty. But who's out there Bob Pollarding themselves from amateurism to epic in one wild ride of a syllable?
Don't be fooled, however: Viva Terlingua is far more than just a jubilant rager. The songwriting and arrangements are discreetly brilliant: everyone sounds drunk, and maybe they really are, but they worked their asses off to get things straight beforehand.
Let's start with the second track, Desperadoes Waiting For A Train. Walker had already introduced the world to the relatively unknown Guy Clark with his cover of LA Freeway a few years before but Clark's Desperadoes is on a whole other level. It's the kind of song that leaves you wondering what else a songwriter could possibly have left to say afterwards about their own biography. Write a song like Desperadoes and there can't be much more in the tank. Name another song that is convincingly about the love between a boy and his grandma's drunk boyfriend. Can't be done. Find me another song that's half as sad and sweetly funny at the same time, or that's so straight-forward and concise in its story telling, yet cryptically elusive in its chorus. How are this kid called Sidekick and the weeping old man who is teaching him how to drive like Desperadoes Waiting For a Train? I don't know, but they are, and it's awesome.
The whole thing is a master class in song lyrics as far as I'm concerned, standing alongside Paul Simon's Hearts and Bones and Kristofferson's Sunday Morning Coming Down as songs that tell you exactly what you need to know about a relationship or person through surprising, crystalline imagery. They are perfect short stories.
And Walker owns the track, mournfully and righteously working through each stage of the boy's unique relationship with that driller of oil wells, that old school man of the world. Walker can flat out sing, and the slower the beat, the deeper and more aching he becomes.
Somehow, even though he was capable of writing a transcendent song like Mr Bojangles, Walker is often at his best when singing other people's songs. He doesn't cover them, he recreates them, a la our beloved late Sinead O'Connor. Check out Walker's version of One Too Many Mornings from Viva Terlingua's sequel of sorts, A Man Must Carry On. Jerry Jeff writes his own damn verse!
Finally, how about his amazing band. Take one of the album's lesser tracks, Get it Out. Leading into the bridge an organ surges, then backs off; no player on this record claims their own space for more than a perfect moment. Instead, they pass around leadership with as much care as a shared bottle of the good stuff among thoughtful friends. Later in the bridge all the players rest together and let Jerry ad his choir of drunken angels dive into some CSNish do do do dos. Together they make the blog's favorite villain, Stephen Stills, and his dopey band mates sound like they'll never even get the chance to love the one their with because everyone out there would rather get it on with Jerry and his crew.
Anyway, go and get your own copy of this record. I've bought not one, but three copies of Viva Terlingua in my life: the first for $12, which skips, the second for $5, which skips, and a final one, with full exasperation, for $1, which.... doesn't skip! Why, oh why, do I ever look outside the dollar bin?
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aquilaaktuk · 2 years
deathstar puss in boots last wish au? deathstar puss in boots last wish au.
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hastily doodled in a starbucks and everything. theres like way more tho
anyway i had an idea for this but it came to me at 6am after i just woke up so it’s probably REALLY eh. anyway kid is death because thats like the logical jump and blackstar is puss and tsubaki is kitty but not romantically involved at all because tsustar is. vile. anyway, they’re cat robin-hoods, steal from the rich give to the poor. one day blackstar steals something thats supposed to grant immortality and he’s like “theres no way this is real but lemme test it out anyway for personal reasons.” and then it ends up being real. and he’s totally chilling with that because this could be his shot at surpassing god ‘cept death and death jr are not okay with that at all and he looses in a really funny way to dtk and gets pretty pissed. his day is ruined more when tsubaki says she’s on her last life and wants to retire and blackstar properly freaks out. in my head i steal from the sandman a little and the thompsons are two regular twins who got killed during a robbery gone wrong and then get the chance to keep ‘living’ as presumably servants of death and they’re like ‘yeah sure whatever’ and then get passed off to his neurotic nervous wreck of a son and then also belatedly realise theyre ravens and definitely not human. they chill though theyre his literal wing-sisters. *flicks wrist*
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anyway because big daddy death is totally not chill with the idea of immortal cats wandering around he tells dtk to go and Git Him because its good training for when he succeeds him or whatever. anyway dtk goes and tries to do that and even though every time they fight he absolutely claps blackstar, b*star always gets away and its getting kinda really frustrating, so he just watches him trying to find a moment where his guard is down enough for a quick stab n go. doesnt really happen instead he just gets feelings which is really gay and lame of him everyone point and laugh. anyway eventually he goes from ‘i must kill this guy because dad said so’ to ‘i wanna be his friend and maybe also kiss him idk’ hes not very good at emotions. its just as well the thompsons are there. anyway eventually theyre on speaking terms and after much preamble they have a lil heart to heart and its very sweet.
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i imagine if ass*star was a cat he’d be a maine coon not because they’re large or particularly menacing, but because theyre one of the few breeds with enough fur to maintain that absolutely batshit hairstyle that hes got going
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anway kid is like totally freaking out because big daddy death told him to go and kill this guy and he’s absolutely not done that at all, in fact he’s done the polar opposite and romanced him instead so they’re running around trying to figure out what to do and liz is like ‘dude your dad would kill and die for you why not just be out with it’ so they do that and lo and behold, big daddy death is like. totally chill about it.
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anyway death dies and that really sucks but i also havent thought up to that point, all i know is that ass*star wont be allowed to run around like that forever and hes definitely not off the hook for becoming some fucked up god of accidentally gaining immortality. 
‘but what about the lines of sa-’ i dont care. 
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