#I will update with some vids tonight
jeffbiblesupremacy · 2 years
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Jeff in นักร้อง2ชั้น (tv program)
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beautifulmindset111 · 5 months
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If you checked my post below this one at the bottom of the post I was saying i was trying to enter void state using yoga nidra (Jason Stephen yoga nidra his worked the best for me) I didn’t enter last night bcuz my muscle was jerking so I thought it would mess up my progress buttt it was just falling asleep quickly so if I js ignore it and didn’t pay so much attention I would’ve entered the void state and that’s what it’s going to happen tonight im deciding and allowing myself to go in the void state finally after so long (since 2021) im gonna stop yapping and update yall later but yesterday was night 1 so the first update will be from yesterday night
5/16/24 - did the guided meditation (Jason Stephen’s) at 2:00 am 2x and affirmed and didn’t enter bcuz of the muscle jerks I was having .
same day - At 5:00 am rn i did the meditation and affirmed but i was not in right state it helped feel relaxed kinda but i was not focused on the meditation. so it didn’t get me into that state of deep consciousness that i tapped into 2 days i wasn’t focused on what he was saying and was kinda late to his commands some i didn’t even know what to focus on buttt i sooo recommend his yoga nidra and I spelled his name wrong it’s Jason Stephenson yall 😭but like i was saying i recommend his vid sm 2 days ago when I was focused on it I felt idk how to explain it but like a good light headedness when I was done . So I js wasn’t focused enough tho. I needed to ground myself kinda but yh guys happy manifesting and shiftingggg🫶🏾✌🏾
5/17/24- didn’t do it 😁
5/18/24- i just tried a 2hr yoga nidra guided meditation by ally boothroyth and I didn’t even do deep breaths I js laid there focusing on my breath listening to her talking. I didn’t do any deep breathing exercises bc I’m not really good at them and I’m lazy 😭 i wanted to do a longer version bcuz I js thought it was better bc it’s 2hrs and Ik I’m gonna probably enter/wake up in the void by then and I’m not a fan of silence it makes me bored and fall asleep i started seeing a light white flashes it wasn’t literally flashing at me but like yk when ur under water and u see the waves type shii thats how it was and then my left hand started feeling floaty and then I started feeling like I was spinning like I was a roasted pig on a bonfire and yea then I opened my eyes! im definitely going to try this tn !!! I’ll update u guys tmrw!!!!!!
5/19/24- I tried it this morning and my hand felt floaty that’s it my end time was 23:22.
5/25/24- hey guys ik I’ve been distant and im ngl i haven’t rlly been doing anything these past few days i going to stay off of tumblr for a while and stay consistent with my void journey but off social media i love u guys sm and im thankful for u guys sticking by me and watching my progress. once I get into the void I’ll come back and tell u guys my experience and what I manifested im going to stay on tumblr and give u guys advice !! So farewell for now my bunnis until I come back 🩷 - ariisrealities
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queen-scribbles · 11 months
Girls Night Out
Post-Gauntlet Keme & Elara friendship fic bc I caught a plot gizka off the most recent time through. ft Jaxo's Checking In mission and Elara giving relationship advice :3 [~3500 words]
The medcenter hallway was 763 tiles long.
Keme knew this because she'd counted them while pacing. Thrice.
The lovely thing about being Havoc's CO was that it allowed her to know the "status of her team" but didn't necessarily let her do what she wanted with that information. Which was why she was here, in the kriffing hallway, instead of in there. When the medcenter said no visitors they meant it. No exceptions for commanding officers.
She'd memorized the list of Jorgan's injuries, too.
Which was why she was here. Pacing the hallway. Instead of out enjoying the brief--rare--shore leave, or restocking, or any of the half dozen other things she could think to do.
It was hard to read the words "punctured lung" and not worry.
Keme finally halted and slouched in one of the barely-padded chairs, fingers nervously tapping the armrest as she stared at the wall. Please be okay.
[Punctured lung. Multiple contusions and blaster burns from sustained heavy fire. Significant plasma burns to left leg, extensive bone and nerve damage; below knee amputation recommended. Potential retinal--]
Footsteps echoed down the austere hall and Keme snapped to her feet. Her shoulders dropped fractionally seeing it was Dorne.
"Not to be insubordinate, Major-" the other woman began, settling into parade rest posture when she reached Keme.
Keme waved off the concern. "We're on leave, Elara. And regardless, if you're about to dispense medical advice, it's hardly insubordinate for you to do your job." She shifted her weight, fighting the urge to pace again.
"Very well. You should go do something, Keme. This" --she gestured to the hallway-- "is not healthy for you, and it isn't helping anyone."
Keme snorted and rubbed at gritty eyes with the heel of one hand. "Like what, Elara? I don't have anyone to visit, I'm not much for shopping, and I'll bet my next three paychecks I couldn't focus on a book or vid to save my--"
Her comm beeped with a message notification. Keme frowned. Garza or the medtechs would've commed, no reason for her parents to be contacting her right now... She spotted a terminal and headed for it, Elara on her heels.
"Something the matter, sir?" Elara asked.
"Don't know yet." Keme signed in and pulled up her messages. There were two--one text, one audio. The text file proved to be the official notice of their promotions; major for her, captain for Jorgan, lieutenant for Dorne, and the medals and commendations earned on the Gauntlet mission.
"Would've made captain soon if Command hadn't hung me out to dry." She chucked internally at the memory. Hope this wasn't too much of a delay for you.
The audio message was from Jaxo. "Hey, hotshot, heard you're back on Coruscant, with leave no less. Some friends and I were equally lucky, and we're gonna do something fun with it. Swing by if you wanna join us."
"That sounds like someone you could visit," Elara commented. "As a distraction."
Keme rolled her eyes as she closed down the terminal. "C'mon, how much fun d'you think I'll be tonight?"
"You never know," Elara said with a shrug. "Maybe once you start relaxing, it'll help more than you expect."
Keme chewed the inside of her cheek. Under other circumstances, it would be fun. Maybe she should give it a shot. "I'll go if you come with me."
Elara arched a brow. "I wasn't invited."
"So I'm inviting you," Keme said. "I'll tell Jaxo since we both have leave we're a package deal."
"Oh, alright. If it'll get you out of here."
Keme gave a wry smile. "Guess this means we need to go find other outfits, that fit the tone of having fun better."
"I suppose we should," Elara said with a faux-sigh, and they started down the hall.
Keme couldn't help a last look back over her shoulder, as if that would make a doctor materialize with an update and justify her staying.
It didn't.
This cantina was too loud. The first couple hadn't been bad, which almost made the pounding music and din of customer chatter worse. Keme took the drink--gizer ale--Jorda clumsily shoved in her hands and surveyed the crowd. Dancing, drinking...
The song changed and Keme wrinkled her nose. It was too loud to think in here, let alone really talk. She took a sip of her drink as that clicked. The other places they'd hit so far; five of the eight Jaxo had tallied at the start, were busy, noisy, but not so much to prevent conversation. She could listen to Jorda or Keran's war stories, Jaxo regaling them with one of her declassified exploits, and it was at least somewhat the distraction she needed.
With this place too loud to think, her thoughts were slipping back to the default track, even as she sought some level of refuge at the high tables away from the dance floor.
Punctured lung. Multiple contusions and blaster burns from sustained heavy fire. Significant--
"Hey." Jaxo hoisted herself up on one of the other tall chairs. "This seems a dang'rous combo with drunk people," she muttered, briefly distracted, before looking back at Keme. "Why don't you look like you're havin' fun? The whole point of this is t' have fun!"
"It's too loud in here." Wasn't technically a lie; she was all but hollering just to talk. "Can hardly hear myself think."
Jaxo snorted. "Y' aren't s'pposed to think, you're s'pposed to dance, have fun, drink people under the table." She studied Keme for a moment, expression sobering at the half-shrug she got in response. "You've been quiet all night, come to think. Dorne looks like she's havin' more fun than you." She lightly kicked the side of Keme's boot. "Didn't you just save the Republic an' get a big promotion?"
"Yeah," Keme acknowledged, distracted by a specific flicker of movement as Elara worked her way through the crowd.
"Well, I've about had my fill of this sort of fun," she commented, setting her half-drunk Johrian whiskey on the table and claiming the remaining chair.
Jaxo rolled her eyes. "Think you've rubbed off on your CO, Dorne; she'd rather sit an' mope into her drink than celebrate."
Elara let the jibe roll off without acknowledgement, giving her attention to the latter part. "The promotion may be cause for celebration, but since the squad XO was seriously injured in the course of that mission, I think her reticence is understandable, don't you?"
Jaxo had the grace to wince at the explanation. "Didn't know that part, sorry, major." She nudged Keme's shoulder. "Still, you being all sullen an' worrying isn't gonna help him get better any faster, right?" Isn't it better to be in a good frame of mind for dealing with whatever Command throws your way?" She glanced around the room, did a double take and grinned when it passed over the others from their group. "Looks like Keran found us some new friends." She slid off the seat, tottered a little finding her balance, and flashed Keme a genuine smile. "Hope you'll feel up to joining us, hotshot."
Keme appreciated Elara's silence as they watched her leave, headed for the gaggle of clean-cut 'friends' who had joined Keran and Jorda.
"How d'you think she'd feel, knowing she agreed with you?" Keme sighed, folding her hands over her cup and resting her chin atop them.
"About what?" Elara took another sip of her whiskey.
"Relaxing's the point of shore leave. Unwinding so you're ready for your next assignment." She tried not to dwell on the likelihood Havoc would be running a member short for whatever theirs was.
The song changed, something slightly quieter, and she sighed in relief at the reprieve.
A small smile tugged Elara's lips and she swirled the remaining whiskey in her glass. "True as that is, and as good as it would be for your mental state regardless, I think you were 'wound' a bit further than the rest of us, so it follows it'll take you longer to unwind."
"But you two also have a point there," Keme said, idly watching the animated body language of Jaxo and Keran's "friends". A challenge had clearly been issued; Jorda plunked a tray of shots down on the table. "What good does worrying do? Not gonna speed up the healing process, not even gonna magically create an exception to the 'no visitors' policy." She straightened with a huff. "But it's like I can't help myself."
"Well, I'd say concern for your people when they get injured in the line of duty makes you a good CO." Elara raised her glass and slanted a mischievous look at Keme over the rim. "Though I'm under no illusions it would be quite so much a... distraction, in my case."
Keme made a strangled noise of indignation. "I- You're my friend, of course I'd worry-!"
"I know, and I'd appreciate it," Elara said with a smile. A loud whoop dragged their attention to where Jaxo was clearly winning whatever game was going on. "I also know this is different."
"No point playing dumb, huh?" Keme groaned and rubbed her temples. "It is and I don't know why."
Elara scoffed, barely audible under the music. "No? Need I remind you the ship's medbay is right next to the armory?" She arched a brow. "Or that I have functional ears and it isn't as if you two whisper?"
She should probably be a little embarrassed by the implication, but she wasn't. Keme slugged down half her drink in a go, cleared her throat at the burn. "Then you know it's just been talking." So far, she added mentally. "Maybe a little flirting, but nothing serious, nothing to justify wringing my hands over him getting hurt. 'Specially in this line of work."
Elara studied her. "Keme." She set her now-empty glass on the table. "Jorgan didn't just 'get hurt', he was seriously injured, almost died--"
"Thanks for preventing that, by the way," Keme muttered into her drink, suppressing a flinch at hearing it so bluntly.
"You're welcome. My point is, just because you two have been outwardly taking your time, exhibiting caution due to your positions, doesn't mean your heart was on the same timetable." She leaned back in her chair. "You've not done anything by half-measure since I met you, it would hardly be a surprise for this to follow the pattern. And... close calls like this can easily serve as catalyst for realizing the true depth of feelings."
"Very astute." Keme finished the last swallow of her drink and slid off the seat to stretch. "Both the advice and the noticing."
"As I said, it's not hard to pick up." Elara smiled and likewise slid out of her chair. The song changed back to something that pounded, prompting the two of them to head for the relative quiet of the street.
"Well, in that case, thanks for not reporting me for fraternization or something," Keme said dryly, taking a deep breath of comparatively cooler air.
"I don't see a need," Elara said, shrugging. "It's clearly mutual, and hasn't kept either of you from doing your jobs, quite well. So long as it doesn't interfere with operational effectiveness, I don't see it as my place to report anything you or Captain Jorgan haven't, sir."
Keme slanted a glance her way, smirked at the mischief glinting in her friend's eyes. "You playing matchmaker now, LT?"
(A small but undeniable pulse of glee burrowed through her gnawing worry at 'clearly mutual'.)
Elara tilted her head, brows arching in faux-innocence. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, major. Should I stop??"
"Depends, do you think I need the help?"
"I have every confidence in your ability to pursue a man who's interested in you," Elara deadpanned. "If that's what you're asking."
Keme snorted. "Thanks. Then I guess it's just a matter of if you wanna be complicit should we get written up for fraternization down the line."
Elara perked up. "Oh, there's a form authorizing romantic relationships."
Of course there is. And of course you knew about it off the top of your head. "Great, more paperwork. Jorgan'll be thrilled."
"I think he'd do it for you."
"I think we should wait until it's actually a relationship before we worry about that, rather'n just flirting, huh?"
"If you insist," Elara said with a shrug.
Keme wondered what the odds were that form would be downloaded and waiting to be called for, when she was ready. Probably pretty high. She looked up, watching the racing lights of traffic flight paths for a minute. "Thanks, Elara. 'M sorry Jaxo's not exactly warm and welcoming, but I'm glad you came along."
"I was an unexpected addition," Elara said mildly. "And I'm far from ignorant of my reputation among Republic personnel. Their opinion of me is their business. Staying true to myself is mine."
Keme nodded. Good outlook. "How much d'you think it would shock them if we rejoin and I said you're the one who talked me out of moping and into havin' fun?"
Elara snickered. "Oh, that might almost be worth stretching the truth."
It wasn't that much of a stretch; talking about her muddled feelings had helped her feel better. More like celebrating. But they didn't get a chance to run their experiment. Even as they turned to head back inside, Jaxo and the others emerged from the cantina.
"Another one down," Jaxo crowed, hooking an arm around Keran's neck. "An' our tab's covered 'cause I drank her Navy buddies under the table!"
Ah. So that's who they were. "Quite the achievement," Keme drawled. "Where to next?"
"Done moping, major?" Jaxo teased.
Keme shrugged. "You and Elara made some good points. Tonight should be for fun."
Jaxo was too tipsy to hide her surprise. "Yeah? Glad we, uh, got through to you. We still have two stops left, hotshot. I expect you to pull your weight for them."
"Aye, aye," Keme said with a mock salute that Jorda found hilarious from her loud bout of laughter.
"Right then." Jaxo steered the group toward a taxi stand. "On to the Sloppy Tauntaun!"
Keme gave a startled bark of laughter. "That is not its name!"
"Oh, you're in for a treat," Jaxo sniggered as they piled into a cab. "Hole in the wall cantinas are the best."
Keme wasn't completely sure she'd agree with Jaxo's assessment once they're had their fun at the ironically well-kept Sloppy Tauntaun--she preferred cantinas with a bit of polish--but the drinks were good and they did have fun.
Last stop was the Silent Sun because it was closest to Jaxo's place. Smart move on her part; Jorda couldn't make it more than a few steps without giggling, Keran and Elara were weaving a little, and even with her slow start, Keme was feeling the buzz of not-quite-drunk(but more-than-tipsy). Still. She could walk a straight line, so not too bad. And she knew now Elara could match Jaxo shot for shot, which was fun information and had definitely increased Jaxo's opinion of the Havoc medic.
They'd turned down the hallway to Jaxo's place, Jorda now leaning on Elara while Jaxo punched in her access code--it took two tries, Maybe she was more plastered than she showed--when Keme's datapad beeped. She glanced at it out of habit.
Medcenter alert.
The pleasant alcohol buzz was gone.
She didn't open the message but its mere arrival was a reminder of reality.
Later. I'll deal with it after we leave. It still felt like her datapad was burning a hole in her pocket. She shook it off and followed the others into Jaxo's place. There was still the harsh reality of she couldn't do anything(except pace a groove in the hall), anyway.
"Hey. "Jorda's hand settled heavy on her shoulder. "You're amazing, y'know?" She blinked like a newly-sighted loth-kitten. "J'st amazing. Savin' our butts on Quesh? The Gauntlet? Amazing," she proclaimed with all the gravitas of an emphatic drunk.
"Thank you, Jorda," Keme said with a chuckle.
Elara materialized, gently tugging on Jorda's arm. "I think it would be best for you to lie down a bit, Corporal. Jaxo said you can use her bed, come on."
"Well, this was fun," Keran drawled as Keme joined her and Jaxo. "'Specially now that you've guaranteed I'll get heckled for the next month."
"Hey," Jaxo said with a grin and shrug. "If your Navy buddies can't drink a sweet little thing like me under the table, that's their problem, not yours. You heckle them right back."
Keran laughed. "Good plan. On that note, I better get going. We ship out late tomorrow, so I should work on sleeping off the incoming hangover. See ya 'round, Jaxo, Major."
"Later, Keran," Jaxo said, turning to Keme as Keran headed out. "Glad you made it. Even if it took a while for you to get in the spirit."
"I did need the distraction," Keme allowed, trying not to dwell on the medcenter alert. "Sorry I was a bit of a drag."
"Hey." Jaxo shrugged. "While I'm of a mind we should enjoy the good times when she get 'em, you had a pretty decent reason for that being tricky." She hesitated a moment, smile tugging her lips, then, "I gotta ask, this XO of yours... wouldn't happen to be the grumpus watchin' your six when we worked together, would it?"
Keme huffed a laugh. "Yeah. He's good at it."
"'Course he is." Jaxo snickered and sobered. "Well, I wish him a speedy recovery. And maybe Havoc can wrap this war up quick for us, huh?"
"You lookin' to swap for a desk job, Sergeant?" Keme teased.
Jaxo barked a laugh. "Please. I'd go insane inside a month." Her gaze flicked to the side as Elara rejoined them. "Am I gonna need to clean any of my stuff?"
Elara shook her head. "Not so far. But I would advise making sure she stays hydrated."
Jaxo gave a mock salute. "Aye, aye." She flopped back on the couch. "I'll let you two go. Thanks for coming."
"Yeah, sure," Keme said with a wave as she and Elara made for the door. "Thanks for the invite."
"Anytime, Major," Jaxo called after them just before the door closed.
They had to keep an eye for gangsters and so didn't have time for conversation until they were in the speeder back to the Senate district.
"Glad you went?" Elara asked lightly.
"Yeah. Needed the distraction," Keme said even as she dug out her datapad and pulled up the unread message. "Unfortunately, reality is persistent and has really bad timing..." She only skimmed the first couple sentences before handing the datapad to Elara. "Medcenter alert. You're better with parsing the jargon than I am."
One corner of Elara's mouth twitched and she took the datapad, lips moving silently as she read. "It's a treatment update... they were able to repair the retinal damage with no scarring..."
Good the squad sniper's vision isn't compromised, Keme thought sardonically, something tight easing in her chest.
"...they did have to amputate, the requisition for a cybernetic leg is attached. Being in SpecForce, particularly Havoc, that should be filled by end of day tomorrow; Command will want their top unit at full strength ASAP..." she read further. "...overall prognosis is good; full recovery and return to duty within two standard weeks."
"That fast?!" Keme blurted. She wanted Jorgan back, no question, but not because the medcenter rushed him out the door.
"The miracle of kolto," Elara said, shutting down the datapad and handing it back.
"And skilled medical personnel, and you," Keme added, tucking the datapad away. The tightness in her chest and gut eased further.
Elara arched a brow. "Wouldn't I fall under 'skilled medical personnel'?"
"No, 'cause you saved his damn life in the field, without access to all the fancy equipment here, that puts you in a category all your own, Dorne," Keme retorted.
"Don't forget Forex while you're doling out praises," Elara said, glancing at the buildings whizzing by.
"Oh, never. I've already bugged Garza twice about giving him whatever's the best commendation we can wrangle for a droid." Keme smirked a little, toying with the clasps of her jacket. "Squad loyalty and cohesion are grand."
"Your leadership's helped us get there," Elara said. "You're a fine commanding officer, and if I may say so, an even better friend."
"You may, and thank you." Keme shifted in her seat as the speeder pad came into view. "You're a good friend, too, Elara. Right down to talkin' me into girls' night out when I wasn't sure about it."
"That's what friends are for, sir," Elara said as the speeder settled on the pad and they climbed out. "As well as supporting you in rough times," she added when Keme's gaze went toward the medcenter. "Heading back?"
"Just to check in. Then--unless by some miracle the 'no visitors' policy has vanished--it's back to the Starbreaker for some rest."
"Sounds like a plan."
Keme nodded absently. Her bunk on the ship would be more comfortable than a medcenter chair, at least.
And she could always resume counting hallway tiles in the morning.
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ssixely · 15 days
Where have I been?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Idk what to title this lol
I will post an update of the pl4t34u thing later today, promise. Instead of a 3-day b1ng3s it turned into 5-dag b1ng3s unfortunally. More about that in the next post tho. Also maybe a scheduled post for tonight about "wannar3x1cs"? Not sure.
Skipped school today because really bad chronic pain n tremors in my arms aaaagh (typing this entire post took SO long). So I couldn't skip breakfast BUT it's currently 2 pm, breakfast n lunch together was 205 c4ls. My mom is leaving home right now too so I'll be home alone. Gonna like pour some soup in the sink n stuff so it looks like I ate, that way I could hopefully leave today's c4ls at 205!!!
Also I think the chance that I have bul1m14 is higher than me having 4n0r3x14 so cool. I will be still tagging my posts with 4n4 tags tho, to reach more people.
Last thing, unrelated but I've been 'getting into' hellenism, been watching vids n stuff to know about it more lol. Thought I'd share.
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hitechlatte · 2 years
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In honor of this amazing moment I'll be doing some overdue updates!
Tattered Cloak
No Release Date yet, but it is in progress still! I've got about 11K words so far and I've started writing the 4th chapter out of 14! Once I have a full rough draft I'll have a better estimate for when I'll be able to release!
Interactive Fic Poll Winner
And to no surprise most of you wanted an interactive Donnie X Reader fanfic!
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I'll post a separate post later tonight about that, but know it'll be coming soon!
Turtle Tots Donnie Eyebrows Poll
The official winner of the poll is Chonky! So the following eyebrows will be included going forward on Turtle Tot Donnie:
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Also eventually once I fix the issues with my website and get my site to be hitechlatte.com and not the site.google.com URL it is now, I'll be posting images, gifs, vids, etc of the turtles so you all can use them in your own content! My only thing is just give me cred if you're using them in your fics, edits, etc!
Thanks again for all your love and support along this journey I don't think I'll ever be able to express how happy you've all made me
Seriously, just thank you <3
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itsbeenclaireified · 1 year
Y’all it’s been a whirlwind.
Let’s start with a small update, I went to Japan and it was amazing. Highly recommend! It was very easy to navigate around and everyone was very nice to us tourists.
Maybe I’ll make another post with just some pictures because it was so pretty and wonderful. There were however some challenges: we had travel delays because of a typhoon and then about half way thru the trip I came down with what I was obviously hoping was hayfever and upon testing at home was Covid.
My mom was also struggling the first half of the trip with like…things not meeting her expectations? And admittedly our tour guide was not doing great work with communicating or organizing or honestly even counting our too big group. So she wasn’t eating a lot and then there was a day she snapped at me, and while later she apologized it was not for snapping at me. It was because she thought she had embarrassed me when she yelled at the tour guide. But then I got sick and her mood improved! Which is always sort of a mindfuck, but it also was nice to not spend my mental energy worrying if she was having fun on her dream trip.
So yeah, I came home and while I was feeling better I had wanted to go into my office to meet my coworker’s baby. And because I was congested I was like, I should test just in case. Even if it had been negative I would have worn a mask and stayed back but it was sort of a shock to be positive. Because denial is a great thing and while there had been a single day that I had the same body aches I had after I got my vaccine…I thought it made since because we had spend like 6 hrs on the cement floor of the train station because of delays. But nope, it was Covid.
So I came home to a single day of work and was like hey guys maybe I can’t go on this business trip next week to Kansas. Which I warned them before the trip too and everyone was like nah it’ll be fine. And then BOOM I’m positive and I’m like uhhh guys idk that I will be allowed into hospital to watch this procedure because of the vid, can someone else go? Crickets.
And then a lot of “oh well policy says you’ll be at day 10 so you should be fine” and “let’s just play it by ear” etc. and lucky now I have tested negative twice and also my symptoms are almost completely resolved. But I can only thank myself for completely resting all weekend to get there.
Like…only got 500 steps total on Friday rested. And then I had to be like is my back stiff because I’m sick? Or is my back stiff because I haven’t moved in literal days? And am I tired because of jet lag? Or am I tired because of Covid? Or traveling? Or the long day at work? And we’ll literally never know.
Which also, I used this app called Timeshifter I saw on TikTok and it worked GREAT! I felt very little jet lag. Or at least not the type of jet lag that made me drag my feet and not want to do things.
So catch me in Wichita tonight, and being sad not to be home with my kitty.
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My adorable nurse over the weekend.
And an amuse bouche of photos from Japan.
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frostedlemonwriter · 2 years
Find The Word
Thanks @mrsmungus for tagging me in this and I decide to use: station, celebrate, mountain, electric, curl
I will tag @late-to-the-fandom (because I love tagging ya heh), @athena-anna-rose and anyone else that wants to be tagged!
Your words are: Indirect, snow, slow, intense, and inspire
No station surprisingly
“Miranda is comin’ by tonight. She’s been recordin’ a new album.” Logan grabbed the chip from Emily before she pushed it into the slot implanted on the side of her neck. Her account balance popped up with the previous amount before it was updated to the new number. “Oh, very nice. Great payday, but be cool, all of ya..”
All three of her friends tried to talk simultaneously, each protesting how cool they already were and how excited they were to meet Miranda. As the evening went on, Logan didn’t drink as much as she would but enjoyed her time around her friends. But, like every celebration with the four of them, Logan found herself standing at the bar. Loud music and grinding bodies in the neon lights both existed in reality and not in her reality. Renee was off doing her job with a smile and a chuckle in her voice as she went from patron to patron with the ease of a professional.
(kind of cheating but still)
Logan needed the traditional remedy of a hot shower; shame was never so easy to disappear, however. Through the haze of steam, Logan heard Witchy Watch play from the phone, still confined to the slim denim pants she kicked off. The picture was taken when Emily and herself went to the mountains on vacation some years ago.
“Choomba!” Equal parts tired and excited, Emily’s voice came through the phone. “Why don’t ya have the vid on?”
“Just hopped outta the shower,” Logan replied.
Like teens behind the gym, they smoked cigarettes with gentle ribbing between them. This was the type of moment Logan lived for the majority of her adult life. The rush from the adrenaline that she felt as bullets whizzed past her to ricochet off the walls with a weird metallic zing. Sulfur and ozone aromas as blasts of fire and bursts of electricity shot from an angry street mage’s fingertips. Logon loved those moments, even more so when she came out unscathed. But what she loved most were these moments of pure honesty.
(also kind of cheating but I don't care)
Logan had to catch her breath as she held the slim form of Miranda in her arms. A smile crossed Logan’s crimson-hued face. Sweat lingered upon her brow as Logan brought a cigarette to her lips and drew a long, satisfying breath from it.
“Please?” Miranda asked in a faint, sweet voice.
Logan briefly handed the cigarette to Miranda as she contemplated how happy she felt. Her hand ran through a couple of curls at the back of the elf’s head.
“Baby,” Logan whispered, “I don’t want ya to leave.”
“I won’t.”
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first tintin day of 2023 whoo!!!!!! i haven't been on tumblr much today so i haven't reblogged ms edorazzi's art yet but i'm so so excited to 👀
speaking of new year things i watched the bm&am 2022 video!!! it was hilarious, i had such a good time <33
okay y'all i wore SUCH a cute outfit today!!! i was SO so cute like y'all don't even KNOW, i was so cute <3 and i wore the heels that i was planning to wear a couple weeks ago but couldn't bc weather?? SO cute you guys
i made an omelette!! it was a bit of a mess but it tasted good <3
and then my fam brought me cookout for lunch! they got me a peach milkshake and i have not actually eaten it yet* but i'm looking forward to doing so on like. tuesday**
*i finished off my cookie dough instead!! yum yum yum so good <33
**we have dnd tomorrow!! i'm so excited !! i have a bag of pineapple gummy bears saved to snack on while we play a;lkjdfsl;kf
there are these really good rolls that my family likes a lot and we had them with dinner tonight <3
i had more of the tea i had last night!! it's a new flavor for me but it's really good :]
i played minecraft with my sister!! we made a world together a few days ago and our spawn point was in a forest so we have been constantly under attack 😫 it's really fun though, and we just made a second bed so we can sleep through the nights now
also played skipbo with the whole family!! it was p fun? kinda more chill than highkey enjoying myself y'know, but it was neat to play with everyone + there was music in the bg that i had fun singing along with
watched some rottmnt vids!! that was fun <33 cassandra jones my beloved <333
listened to eureka from the backyardigans on loop while playing spider solitaire?? vibes <3
oh oh like a week? ago then i mentioned a fic i was reading that i was like playing chicken with myself bc i didn't think i was going to finish it but i wanted to see how far i got before i stopped reading? yeah i got past the part i thought was going to make me stop and now i am just enjoying the fic alkdjf;sdkjfa;slf
OH ALSO a fic i loved updated and !!!!!!!!!!!! going to go reread that whole series 👀👀👀
speaking of fics then i read two (2) of my friends' fics today and left comments on them aslkjfs >:3
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Everything is so quiet. I thought there'd be more promotion before the midseason finale
Well, I've been quiet because you could say I'm working on my own thing with a deadline. For what it's worth, an hour and twenty of content is exporting right now, at about 24% with just over an hour and a half remaining.
One could say I hit my development project thing out of the park, or more TPTB did because they're shooting straight through, and the only way to really illustrate it is BY updating the spiral narrative project.
I initially thought I'd get one (1) vid done by the time reflections aired and develop the rest over hiatus, the way I did with the first round of the project 4 years ago (I had started on it and released the namesake Lateralus along with episode 300, then finished developing the other 12 songs over hiatus and released them with Ouroboros, For Reasons.).
Instead, I uh. Have what I could call a 1x6 Art of Dying Edition that I'll be streaming in the server tonight and tomorrow for those interested, then once the episode drops and I can get a decent copy, update it for a few final pieces I'm waiting for and drop it Wednesday and everyone can entertain themselves picking at it for the month we're down.
So that's why *I've* been quiet. Basically I silently adjusted my deadline a while back when I realized how SMOOTH the updates went.
For those interested, beyond Grudge and Reflections that were *also* updated on S15 hiatus (and shelved when things smelled funny, before being sent. somewhere.), what mostly worked was actually re-establishing the base premise.
S1-13 spiral narrative
S14 Master Track (including post-Ouroboros updates), and S15 itself becomes a List Of Processes in alchemy, which then tag in over the master tracks of Season 14 and The Winchesters running tandem, trying to find the proper order.
...and you could say some metanarrative framing.
It's. It's a lot. It's 333 episodes shuffled to mythic math and 4 years of video development so. If people like my shit, damn, you about to be entertained af.
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cam-see-yuh-nna · 2 years
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Ikea Art by Clara Wells
November 9th, 2022 - Wednesday  | 100 DOP day 17/100
As you can see from the lack of posts of mine. My days have been very off. My goal tonight is to come up with a more structured plan for the rest of this journey and to also be more lax about my documentation. So it doesn't also present itself as work. But today was good. Got in a lot of writing today so I'm proud. Learning to not give up and champion my ideas is hard but alas.
Also I got the start date for my new job!!! I really want to get into a solid routine before then which I hope this challenge will help me do. Will post updates in the morning of plan!
Here was my day today tho:
Worked out in the morning Worked on 2 beats. Finished 1 and worked on ideas on another Wrote a couple verses and 1 complete song today Watched some vids on some production concepts
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starlling-writes · 2 years
Steel My Heart fanfic WIP
So basically this fanfic is gonna be my take on the story Ginny Di's OC Temper "wrote" under the same title, Steel My Heart. After watching Ginny's vid with Edith & Augury, I got motivated to really work on this again (after my initial kick to after this tweet exchange (yes that's my main twitter, which I barely use))
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—so I've decided to share what I have so far. If you haven't heard Ginny's ad with Temper (I cannot for the life of me find the vid with the world anvil ad she was in T^T), basically she's a blacksmith that moonlights as a writer; her current story is about an "adventurer who falls in love with [his] sword, but they can’t be together because the sword is so sharp, their love is dangerous."
I don't know how long it's going to take me to finish this fic, or if I'll actually write beyond the beginning/meet cute between the MC & the sword (in which case I'll release my brainstorming notes that have a lot of fun details). Once it IS done, I'll be posting it in a new post here, and on AO3. Links will be shared on Ginny's patreon discord too.
Anyway, enjoy the WIP as I update; or wait until I properly post the fic and enjoy the anticipation :)
March 5
[As this is a WIP, everything is subject to change. Also, it's not edited at all, so dont be surprised by mistakes/inconsistencies/etc.]
CH 1 - Woe to Weal
“How much can I get with—” Anneal paused as he dumped his coin purse on the bar and counted, meekly continuing, “three silver?” He was down to his last coins. He didn’t enjoy relying on the sympathy of others, but he had no choice but to bank on it.
The barkeep gave him a pitying look before going back into the kitchen. Hopefully that was good. There hadn’t been much in the way to scavenger or hunt on his way into this village, so any food would be good. On cue, his stomach growled like an owlbear. Not that it could be heard over the boisterous group that stumbled in, making everyone turn and look. A hallow pang turned Anneal’s head back to his measly fortune.
A fortune that was swiftly swiped up by the barkeep. In its place, a plate of food and a stein of mead were set. And the key for a room.  He was about to thank the barkeep but one of the new, rowdy patrons all but slammed into the bar beside him. “Good friend, some drinks and food, if you please!” the halfling lilted. “And later some rooms so we may rest at ease.”
They eyed the gold she offered, then the group of hers who were all lost in their own conversation. “You’re adventures.”
“That we are, indeed. And we’re open for hire, should you so need,” she honeyed on.
“Yeah, actually.” They reached under the bar and pulled out a small flier. “Go see the mayor. She’ll give you the details. If you can manage to handle this tonight, you can imbibe and stay for free.”
“Well well, what a deal—”
“Sorry,” Anneal cut in, “but is this request open to all adventurers?”
They both looked at him. The barkeep raised their brow as they looked him over again. “You’re an adventurer?”
“I am.” Anneal cleared his throat, then straightened up and adjusted himself. “I admit, I’m… a bit down on my luck at the moment, but I can hold my own.”
A strong hand clamped on his shoulder. It seemed that the halfing’s group had been listening in and were all now circled behind me. The orc woman leaned in close. “Trying to be competition, little man?”
She could easily snap him in half—he had mixed feelings about that. “No, no!” he quickly defended. “I—I’m clearly no competition for the four of you.”
“Correct,” she said.
“I merely meant more of a… partnership? If you will—if the job is even something that would benefit from more fighters?” He glanced to the barkeep, hoping his desperation wasn’t noticeable to everyone.
It was.
The barkeep shrugged. “Hell if I know. Mayor knows more,” they deflected, then promptly removed themself from the situation developing between all of the adventurers.
Anneal slowly turned and faced the group he callously interjected himself into for this job they knew nothing about. Their expressions ranged between friendly, curious, reluctant, and unimpressed.
The orc spoke up again. “So, how do you fight? You look like fragile magic wielder.”
“Uhh…” He didn’t enjoy being called fragile, but compared to her, it was fitting. Especially with how scruffed up he was at the moment. “Well, I guess it’s sorta like magic.” He flicked his hand and in it appeared a spectral dagger. “Right now, these are all I got. But I know how to fight with other weapons, too. I’m best at being sneaky and such. You know—rogue shit.”
She nodded acceptingly. “Not bad. Maybe we work on more fighting skills for you.”
“Wait, so… you’re all fine working together?”
“We all fall on hard times at least once. It’s always good to help others when you can.” The elf with pastel hair held out her hand. “I’m Cerromet.”
“Anneal. Nice to meet—ahh!” When he went to shake her hand, a small creature jumped over Cerromet’s shoulder and tried to bite his hand. Luckily, he withdrew in time.
Acting fast, Cerromet turned her hand and grabbed the little psudo-dragon by the belly. She held the fang-bearing creature to her chest and pet it sweetly below its chin. “Sorry about Bloom. She’s just hungry.”
“She’s not the only one!” piped up the gnome. She hopped up on the stool beside him and leaned over for a better look at the plate the barkeep left him. “It’ll be nice to have some actual food instead of goodberries.”
“I’m sorry the ones I make are so sour,” Cerromet pouted with a little attitude. “That’s just how my magic is, Pen.”
The halfling leaned on the bar and stole his stein of mead. She took a swig then said, “I’m Burr, by the way; and Bi’Kern is our burly friend. She’s tough, for sure, but kind in the end.”
“I don’t mean this as a criticism, but just an honest question. Do you always speak in rhyme?” Anneal asked.
“It’s more fun to speak in song. Try it sometime and tell me I’m wrong.”
“Do you ever not speak in rhyme?”
“You’ll sooner see ancient dragons fill the sky, than you’ll hear a lilt fail from I.”
“Okay, okay… what’s a rhyme for orange?”
Bi’kern smacked the back of his head. “Stop being ass. Just drink already.” Burr made a point to start chugging the drink she stole from him while conspicuously returning to the table they had claimed.
— — —
Fun Notes: Most main characters are blatantly based off Ginny’s other OCs, and renamed after smithing terms (in case it doesn't come up later in the story, Pen is short for Pennyweld). Also, going to be adding various quests Ginny has made too (can you guess what this first one is gonna be?)
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swiftsholidayhouse · 5 years
anyone else obsessed with blueberry flavoured things?!
im literally craving blueberry muffins with streusel topping rn
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
u going out with all ur girlfriends for just a girly night and harry stays at home to do some lad stuff that ur maybe not all that fond of and it's perfect bc then neither of u are away from the other missing each other toooooo much and throughout the night ur friends send harry lil videos that are just simply short and sweet not really an update just like fun lil things throughout the night and he smiles at each and every one and tells ur friends to tell u how gorgeous u look tonight from him and the vids start out v classy like ur flirting with him through the camera like all u girls clinking ur drinks together and a friend zooms in on u so u give ur sweetest smile and gradually the vids become a lil more unhinged like ur just sat eating ur dessert and smiling at the camera and it's clear a few drinks have been had and ur friend is like "look at what a sexy bitch ur wife is!!!! she's the hotter styles sorryyyyy except i'm not sorry lol" and he is definitelyyyy not gonna argue with that and then there's vids of u guys at a club just dancing and grooving and then one of his songs comes on and he gets sent a vid of u cheering when u recognise the chords which is within like one second of the song playing and all he gets sent is u not knowing ur being filmed and ur going so fucking hard to his song dancing and dancing around and shouting the lyrics and u just look so happy that they're playing ur mans' song and he just can't help but smile and get all secretly shy at how good his wife looks, even drunk, and she's dancing to his songs, and it's bc she truly loves him and his music, and it's not just bc they're at his show or he's her husband, she's dancing and singing like there's nobody else around her bc she trulyyyyyyy just loves him and the music he makessss
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nctsworld · 4 years
can’t take it anymore
✩ jaehyun x reader | office au | smut | 1.5k
→ summary: jaehyun wants to take you now, in his office, right before his next meeting. → warnings: smut, oral sex (male receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, desk sex, power dynamics (jaehyun’s your boss), fluff  → rating: explicit → notes: okay, but we all thought the same when the yearparty vid dropped, so i had to 
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→ gif created by me, please don't repost or share without credit!
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“On your knees.”
Standing at the front of your boss’s desk, you perk your head up from the paperwork within your arms. 
As Jung Jaehyun’s personal assistant, you sometimes take part in things more intimate than other assistants normally would, but you’d by lying to say you didn’t love it (and technically, you did get paid for it).
However, Jaehyun would usually ask for such things after work or if he had no meetings during the day, so you’re taken aback by his three words when he has an upcoming meeting in thirty minutes. 
You shake your head, holding your professional stature. “Mr. Jung, you have a meeting soon. Let me finish my update on the third quarter numbers and then I’ll come back after—”
It’s his turn to shake his head. He stands up from his leather chair and lays his palms firmly on his desk. 
“On your knees.” He repeats once more, raising an eyebrow, and you note the familiar flicker in his eyes, making you gulp. “That’s an order.” 
Although it’s second nature for you to always close his office door behind you, you whip your head back to double check. You place the small stack of reports on his desk before you do as you’re told. 
Jaehyun makes his way over to you, head to toe in a slick, baby blue suit. He unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants, letting his desire free in front of your face. 
Almost as if you’re conditioned to do so, your mouth waters at the sight of his full possession. He lazily strokes himself, ensuring he’s fully erected for you and drowns in the view of you gawking at his cock.  
“Now, suck.” 
The moment your touch encompasses his length, he releases and grants you permission to control him. Knowing you don’t have much time to spare, you skip the usual, slow foreplay and barely give him a few swipes of your tongue before your mouth consumes him whole. 
You grip his cock firmly, stroking to the rhythm of your bobbing head as your tongue twirls around his girth. Moans emanate from above, and you glance a peek up at Jaehyun leaning his head back. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, almost whines. He loosens the collar of his shirt, giving him the false sense that if he loosened it, he’ll be able to breathe more. He then forces himself to face the extravagance below him which has a hold on him. 
You keep your pace steady and he fiddles with your hair tie to give him the freedom to do as he pleases with your hair. Jaehyun begins to run his fingers through, before caressing the back of your head. 
When you begin to flick your tongue at his tip and give it your sole attention, he grips hard at your hair. 
Calling your name, he groans, “Slow down. I don’t want to come just yet.”  
Pulling away from his tip with a pop, you jerk him off languidly and look up at him. 
“Then why did you want a blowjob right before a meeting?” 
You quicken your strokes, causing him to bare his teeth and throw his head back. He tugs once more at your hair, so you stop. 
“Because,” he pants, rubbing your head in a silent apology due to the tugging. The soft gesture contrasts against the emerging smirk that dances upon his lips and the dark haze in his eyes. 
“You’re mine, and I can have you whenever I want.” 
Your sex pulsates at his words, finding pleasure in how Jaehyun calls you his, even if it was just in the confines of the office. 
“...And because you just had to wear my favourite outfit today. I’m only human, you know.”   
You roll your eyes at your boss’s words, moving on from his sentiment seconds ago. Before you have the chance to taste him again, he grasps your hand and aids you off your knees to stand. Jaehyun turns you around, his chest embracing your back, and his hands start to unbutton your blouse with ease. His nimbleness always astounds you, wondering if it’s innate or from experience, or both.
A gasp flees. Like you attending to his desire before, he suddenly pushes your bra upward, freeing your breasts and goes straight to the point of pinching, twisting, and rubbing your nipples between his fingers. Moans take over, and you relax your neck into his shoulder.  
He captures your neck with kisses as he drops a hand that descends, shifting your skirt to give him enough leeway to feel your wetness. He chuckles into your neck, his hot breath tickling you just a bit, while he trails two fingers against your covered folds.  
“Jae…” you suck in a breath, sinking further into him, and he lightly nibbles your ear. 
Suddenly, his fingers are gone. You whine for a mere moment, then Jaehyun leads you to the front of his desk. He snakes his hand underneath the bottom of your back beneath your blouse, gesturing for you to rest your chest upon the desk. With your bra still pushed up and your breasts bare, the immediate coldness of the desk’s wood stimulates you further. You bite back a moan.
Kisses disperse down a line, starting from the back of your neck, further upon your back as he lifts your blouse up, and finally reaches his haven of your ass. Not forgetting to slap what’s his, he does so. You yelp with a bite of your lip. Jaehyun feels your body’s curves, worshipping the way you look in your pencil skirt, before dragging said skirt and your underwear down to your ankles.  
Both bodies are now bare from the bottom; he lays atop of you and presses himself against you, with his hands on top of yours and his hard-on against your ass cheeks. 
“What do you want?” The question burns against your ear. Your hips writhe with want, your backside rubbing and grinding against him. 
You try your best to look back at him as much as you could. “I want you, Jaehyun. Please...” 
So he peels away from your body and you expect him to tease you more with his cock, but instead, he slips his fingers into you. Your breathing hitches as your walls tighten in delight around his full, long fingers. 
“Feels good?” he asks, as if your uneven moans and incoherent affirmatives aren’t enough to tell. 
The feeling blossoms throughout your body and you nod fervently. Although you relent over his fingers fast, you don’t give any indication for him to stop and continue to ride the satisfaction, your body happily accepting more and more.       
Jaehyun, assuming you’ve already come at least once from the way you’re reacting and how drenched you are, plants another smack on your ass and hastily withdraws his digits to replace them with his inches. 
He has one hand stuffed with his dress shirt, trying his best to not stain them, while his other grip is around your waist. Your lover takes you roughly, knowing that his strength will leave bruises on your skin afterwards, but he knows you can handle it and enjoy it just as much as him.  
His inches deeply penetrate you. The position provides you a fuller experience of his length and the slaps and your cries that echo in the room are proof of his intense thrusts. Struggling from the ecstasy, you feel around the desk to grip onto something, anything, but the desk is too large; the corners are too far, so you end up running your fingernails along the wood. 
“Are you all mine?” he grunts.  
Hardly able to nod, you manage to do so anyway. 
“Say it.” 
“I’m-” A mix of a moan and whimper leaves your lips. “I’m all yours, Jaehyun.” 
You unravel over and over on his shaft and you can’t see it, but Jaehyun’s eyes tremble, along with his entire body, as he draws back, spurting himself all over your ass and back. 
Aware of the time, the two of you fumble to clean-up and put your clothes back on in a hurry. To no one’s surprise, Jaehyun’s phone rings. 
“Yes?” he pants, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, I’ll be right out in five minutes.”
Still buttoning up your blouse, you ask if he needs anything from you for the meeting, your professionalism turning back on as if sex didn’t just occur. 
“No, but before I go—”
However, you revert back and lose your work ethic when Jaehyun steps closer to you, moving the flyaway strands of hair that are sticking to your face, before he helps you finish buttoning your blouse for you.  
“I know I’ve never asked this of you before, but can you do overtime at my place tonight?” he whispers, glancing at you in between his buttoning with a soft smile. “Just to catch up on the third quarter update, of course.” 
Your heart’s stuck in your throat, along with your breathing, but you keep your cool. 
“Just to catch up on the third quarter update?” You raise an eyebrow skeptically. 
His smile broadens, his dimple deepening. 
“Maybe some other things too...” 
When he’s done, you place your arms around his neck and near yourself to his ear. 
“Yes, but only if I can call you mine, too.” 
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Masterlist of my Måneskin posts, I will update it when necessary. Dates are in the YMD format, the newest additions are purple. Red are things you might want to look at.
This list was getting too long, so I decided that if there are 4 or more vids/pics from a certain event, there will be the date, name/place of the event and a link to all the posts I've made about it.
Sometimes some links don't work - in that case you can search for the date or go through the tag "mine".
Tags I frequently use.
Photos (including screenshots, press scans etc.)
2018.01.15 - Milan Fashion Week
2021.01 - TV Sorrisi e Canzoni
2021.01 - TV Sorrisi e Canzoni part II
2021.01 - RaiPlay
2021.08 - Teraz Rock cover
2021.08.19 - Måneskin in Poland - Poland smashed everything (including Damiano's hand)
2021.08.19 - Måneskin in Poland - more of Damiano's injured hand
Videos (lives, MVs, interviews etc.)
2017.12.14 - X Factor Italy (finale) - Medley: Beggin, Take Me Out, Somebody Told Me
2018.01.07 - Che tempo che fa - Chosen
2018.03.25 - Che tempo che fa - Morirò da Re + interview
2018.10.28 - X Factor Italy - Torna a casa
2019.01.20 - Che tempo che fa - Torna a casa and Fear for nobody
2019.10.31 - X Factor Italy - Le parole lontane
2020.03.29 - making of Stato di natura
2020.11.01 - Che tempo che fa - Vent'anni (part 1)
2020.11.01 - Che tempo che fa - interview (part 2)
2020.11.01 - Che tempo che fa - backstage
2020.11.05 - X Factor Italy - Vent'anni (and talking)
2020.12.17 - Sanremo Giovani finale
2021.01 - RaiPlay
2021.01 - TV Sorrisi e Canzoni
2021.03.02 - 2021.03.06 - Sanremo 2021
2021.03.06 - Zitti e buoni after winning Sanremo
2021.03.07 - Che tempo che fa - intro + Zitti e buoni
2021.03.07 - Che tempo che fa - interview, Orietta Berti
2021.03.08 - Soliti Ignoti - Zitti e buoni (and they talk here for about 30 sec)
2021.03.22 - Le parole lontane
2021.05 - Måneskin for Crudelia (Cruella) 2021
2021.06.18 - Humberto (Dutch show)
2021.06.25 - newonce.radio - interview with Måneskin
2021.07.15 - BlickTV - Måneskin playing the Never have I Ever game
2021.08.06 - I Wanna Be Your Slave with Iggy Pop
2021.08.11 (published) - 1LIVE SESSION - live from Cologne, Germany
2021.08.15 - Damiano and Legolas
2021.08.15 - Interview in Belgium
2021.08.15 - Golden record for Zitti e buoni in Belgium
2021.08.19 - Lividi sui gomiti Thomas remix
2021.09.10 - Gucci Aria Advertising Campaign
2021.09.23 - Genius Verified: I wanna be your slave lyrics & meaning
Damiano singing IWBYS a cappella
Concerts, tours (photos, videos etc.)
2021.08.13 - Rock for People Hope (Czech Republic)
2021.08.14 - Ronquière Festival (Belgium)
2021.08.19 - Open'er Park (Poland)
2021.08.19 - Open'er Park (Poland) - Damiano explaining what happened to his hand
2021.08.19 - Open'er Park (Poland) - Damiano and Ethan with fans, Damiano showing what happened to his hand
2021.08.30 - Russia
2021.09.01 - Radio Europa Plus
2021.09.11 - Austria
2021.09.25 - France, Global Citizen Live
2021.10.06 - Germany
2021.10.28 - NME: Måneskin on their first ever gig, first tattoos & their first jobs
2021.10.29 - Ed Sheeran talking about Måneskin
2021.10 - Mammamia promo tour (Italy, France, Sweden, Netherlands, UK...)
2021.10-? - Mammamia promo tour in the US
2021.10.26 - The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
2021.10.27 - New York show (not every post is tagged, check the main tag for the US trip, search for "new york" or "27.10.2021")
Halloween 2021
2021.11.01 - Z100 New York interview
2021.11.01 - DC101, Mike Jones interview
2021.11.01 - LA show (not every post is tagged, check the main tag for the US trip)
2021.11.02 - Gucci Love Parade
2021.11.04 - 106.7 KROQ Private Concert
2022.02.06-2022.03.24 - Loud kids on tour
Text (translations, how-tos etc.)
putting Amandoti (and any other song) on your Spotify playlist
2021.06.25 - naTemat - translated interview with Måneskin
2021.09/2021.10 - Mammamia promo
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juggey · 4 years
ok im kind of out of the loop but. WHAT happened with ryan??
this morning kiwifarms (notoriously second worst place on the internet) posted allegations about adam kovic exchanging nudes with someone catfishing as an underage girl. in this post they linked an entire google drive folder of explicit photos/vids that adam sent from a burner instagram account. the post also mentioned that some of the photos were of ryan.
true: adam sent hundreds of vids/photos to someone who is presumably Not His Wife.  however: there is zero evidence the underage thing is true (i’ll elaborate later in the post) and none of the photos in that album were of ryan.
concurrently, someone on 4chan posted a photo they’d taken of their google drive that showed a screenshot of ryan sexting on instagram. the post was very alt righty (direct quote: roosterteeth the company that recently went ULTRA WOKE and started deleting “offensive” videos). they alleged that he was sending this stuff to underaged fans.
i’ll be honest, i thought the ryan stuff looked really thin. i thought it was weird that they’d taken a physical photo with their phone of their computer screen. i thought it was weird that it was on 4chan from people who defend vic with their life, i thought it was weird he was falsely wrangled into the adam stuff and i thought it was weird that it was one (1) screenshot from instagram that was NOT posted by the person who was receiving the messages.
my friend did some digging after this, and i’ll reblog her sourced post when she puts it together, but this is what she found:
in early september of 2020, one person uploaded all the adam photos that went around this morning + the ryan screenshot + a non public suggestive selfie of what they said was ryan (it was headless). they said they were a catfish. they said nothing about pretending to be underage. i’m inclined to believe the instagram screenshot is real because of this.
so at this point: adam stuff is real, ryan stuff is proooobably real, but there’s literally just one screenshot. 
at about 8 pm tonight on twitter, someone started name searching ryan and replying to “the ryan allegations are obviously fake” with super explicit videos + pictures that were clearly ryan. a lot of them show his face, a lot of them show his streaming room. this is their allegation: “ryan’s been cheating on his wife for years, sending nudes, meeting up with young girls and having sex with them. they will come forward when they’re ready to do so.”
this account later clarified that they did NOT mean underage when they said young, and they have no knowledge of him sending photos to minors. i went through the account. it’s been around since may 2020, and they’ve been tweeting things (unrelated to ryan) since august. this isn’t a burner account created this weekend to fuck over ryan. 
at this point: ryan stuff is like 100% true, and i will not be surprised when more comes out.
update as of 10/5/20 10 am: several people on twitter are backing up the allegations and saying ryan’s been sending explicit stuff to fans for years, since at least 2017. i dm-ed one of them and they allowed me to post our dms and their old photos for proof. link here.
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