#I wasn't even in icu yet
xproskeith · 3 days
"When you hear about a virus spreading overseas, somewhere really far away, it feels foreign. There's this really weird feeling that it some won't affect you - that it won't get you."
- Josh Dun
Man he nailed it. That's how me and so many friends and especially fellow coworkers felt and joked about it. We had no idea the fresh hell that awaited us.
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doctorweebmd · 3 months
afa;ldf;lakdflk;asdf urgh sorry i've been MIA i unexpectedly got super busy with the grant and my grand rounds and having to pick up shifts for people with emergencies/illnesses/moving PLUS my 'graduation' is tomorrow so i'm all over the place AHHHHH
#... AND fellowship number 2 starts in literally 12 days WHY DONT I HAVE MY SCHEDULE YET#i really REALLY wanted to finish the path to paradise by end of june but honestly i dont think that's happening#the most batshit thing i did on monday is cover for a shift at hospital A from 8am-6pm then cover a shift at hospital B from 8pm to 7am.#and they were both INSANELY busy#the first is just a consult shift so it wasn't too bad#but the second is my icu community shift and GOD#this person coded at 2am and i probably didn't leave her side until at least 5 am#its just INSANE. INSANE that i didn't get called before she coded#like i think the reason all my codes at this hospital get ROSC is because these people would NEVER have coded at the academic one#and this is FAR from the first time this has happened#you. you let this woman. sit on the floor. with BPs in the 70s. for HOW long? you left this OTHER woman completely obtunded on a bipap?!?!?#for DAYS?!?!??!?! WITHOUT TALKING TO THE ICU?! AND ONLY CALLED WHEN THEY GOT HYPOTENSIVE?!#this is horrifying. like legitimately. must be nice to practice shit medicine and when your patient crashes just wipe your hands and let#the icu doc deal with the fallout#i realize i signed up for this#but it always feels crappy when i can't tell families 'yeah no the reason your loved one is dying is probably because they were mismanaged'#and i'm gonna keep it real with you chief. its the racism too#hospital A is in the rich part of the city#hospital B is close to the border with mexico#less densely populated/less desirable areas hire less desirable doctors (all staff really)#its often like 30% people who care about the community#and 70% of people who can't get jobs elsewhere#and the economic disparity even between branches of the SAME HOSPITAL SYSTEM is staggering#healthcare in america is a fucking joke#also. like.#in rich person hospital A monday#got a consult for this guy who is a 'medical mystery'#seen at a bunch of different hospitals by a lot of different doctors#...and i'm 90% sure the way he got his lung disease is by crushing up pain and/or anxiety meds and injecting them#but see the reason no one suspects this. is because he's a wealthy white man
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callofdudes · 2 years
Hi this my first time requesting, if you do head canons, can you do ghost head canons where he has a crush on you. Please?
Hello 👋 of course I can do that for ya ☺️ I hope you are satisfied with them.
Ghost has a crush on you.
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Ghost wouldn't pick up on it right away. He was very sheltered as a kid and romance wasn't his main concern, even as a teenager. He joined the military early on life so the thought of a relationship absolutely NEVER occured to him.
He starts to pick up little signs though. Whenever you smile his way or greet him in the morning he can feel his stomach twist in a way it's never done before. You start to become a big part of his daily thoughts and he starts to purposefully seek you out.
When you first join the task force he isn't sure about you. He's a man built on trust and constant betrayal so you're a threat to his environment. But you are on the softer side. You start to bring him tea in the morning when he's stocked high by paperwork and start idle conversation during training.
He starts to realize that a lot of things he would do alone start to include you.
He found himself excited to spar with you in the morning or to join your table in the lunch hall. Every small thing you do makes him feral in a way he's never experienced.
It's platonic, but the first time you hold his hand he's a disaster. A. Fucking. Disaster. He wants to swat you away and curse you out for touching him without permission. He wants to pull away and find a corner where he cannot be bothered. And another part of him drops his shoulders and sits/stands there in bliss. The feeling of your warm palm soaking through his gloves. How you grasp his hand so firmly and yet it's so reassuring.
Ghost doesn't understand his feelings so he often gets frustrated with you and himself. He'll mutter and even yell at himself sometimes at night about what he was letting you do to him. Whatever it was. He'd lay awake in his bed thinking of you and all the conversations you'd had that day as his stomach drops in this weird way.
Tries admitting himself to the ICU for heart problems after you giggle at a very sarcastic joke he makes.
You're not dating yet but you for hell better treat him right. Bean is very hurt on the inside and it'll take a lot of nurturing for him to come clean to you about his affection.
He's scared when he takes off his mask in front of you and the others. Of course the others were seeing his face for the first time excepting Price. But something about the way your eyes locked. You looked over every scar. His jaw, his throat and his messy untamed hair. He almost felt ashamed. He felt so small until you smiled and nodded in what almost looked like approval.
Refuses to show you again though, even if you ask.
Being completely unsure of his emotions he grows protective over you. He has become very alert of when other men talk to you or when women give off a flirty remark. It makes his insides hurt and it confuses him as to why he cares.
Now, when he does figure it all out, he cannot, and will not come forth. You could kiss him on the lips and he won't say a word.
He physically can't say 'I love you'. Not because it isn't true, but he's never heard it said to him before, and he's never said it. He doesn't know love or how to love. He's scared of commitment and hurting you.
So instead he'll start leaving little notes and gifts in your sector. He'll watch from his desk filing paperwork as you walk in with a smile and a box of mints in your hands.
When you get hurt out on the field he panics. He does everything he physically can do protect you on missions and is even more alert on stakeouts. If there is a threat to you better rest assured Ghost is putting himself between you and the threat even if it's a fucking train.
What you do for him, he starts to do in return. He is always up first so when you get up and make it to your desk, Ghost is already there with a warm cup of coffee for you. You always see the way he stiffens and his eyes light up when you thank him.
Scary guard dog privileges.
Going on nightly patrol? He's your shadow. Going to a secondary base? He's your shadow. Bring harassed or annoyed. He's your fucking shadow.
It took a while of back and forth of witty remarks and hour long conversations but eventually you manage to confess to him. You were terrified because Ghost was a rollercoaster of mixed signals that whole time.
"I love you, Simon Riley."
Literally just stared at you.
And then slowly nods his head.
Your getting nervous at this point. Does he like you? Does he not like you? Is he about to kill you for saying such a thing? What do you do?
Simon over there is sweating bullets because. What does he do? The most beautiful person in the whole world is staring at him with love and adoration equal to a puppy and has just confessed to having the same tumbling stomach syndrome as himself.
"me too."
"You like you too??" You gulp.
"No! Me- you! You and me- fuck. I feel the same. I think. But I'm not sure yet."
You understand. He's a bit shy suddenly, surprisingly. He gets the hang of the whole boyfriend thing with your help. Though he's certainly an extraordinary man.
Has never kissed so when you roll up his mask and place your lips upon his... HOLY FUCK. Do it again. He's got no damn clue what he's doing but he will hold your neck as if you are glass and try to bring you ever closer.
He will suffocate himself on you until he's literally forced away. His new favorite thing to do is kiss you. Every chance he gets he'll kiss you. (Hates PDA though.)
He's very touch starved so you have a lot of work to catch up on.
I hope this works! I will die on the hill that Ghost is clueless at first on how all the love stuff works. ❤️
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munsonfamilyband · 2 months
In Everything But Blood (Pt. 2)
Finally, I have returned with part 2 of the random thing I came up with at 2 in the morning while finishing a 40 page paper.
TW medical descriptions (likely also inaccuracies), mentions of blood/bodily fluids, hospitals, mentions of parental abuse/neglect
The nurses assured them that Steve was doing better by the third day in the ICU.
It was hard to believe them when he was still being sedated and pumped full of as many antibiotics as they could give him. It was even harder when he looked so small in the sterile hospital bed. His skin was waxy and still had a pale yellow tinge to it, except for his cheeks that had remained flush and red since he had been found by Claudia in his room. His hair was limp and sweaty, which just broke her heart because she knew he would hate it.
Claudia had only left for brief periods of time when Jim was around, never wanting Steve to be alone, to not have a parent with him. (She recognized that this desire came both from her maternal instincts and from the conversation she had briefly had with Jim after he showed up the first day. She had asked if the Harringtons could, or even should, be contacted about Steve and Jim had just scoffed. Apparently he had tried to call Steve's parents in '84 when he had protected the kids from Billy Hargrove. Apparently all they did was say that Steve was being overdramatic and they would be home when they could. Apparently they didn't come home until well into the new year.) The first time she had to leave was to pick Dusty up from the Wheelers, the night Steve had been brought in.
When Dusty slid into the front seat of Jim's car he immediately turned to Claudia with a confused frown on his face. "Why are you driving Hopper's car?" He paused and looked at her appearance, taking in the now brown stains on the front of her sweater and around her cuticles, the smell of cleaner that he no doubt knows only clings to her when she has work. "Mom... what happened?"
Claudia took a shuddering breath in, leaning her head back against the headrest to steady herself before having to tell her Dusty news that will certainly break his heart. "You know I had lunch plans with Steve today, right?" She looked over at him, her heart in her throat as she saw the dawning realization on her son's face. He nodded slowly before she continued speaking. "He was supposed to come by around noon, but by 1 I hadn't heard from him and he hadn't shown up-"
"But that doesn't make sense, Steve is like, perpetually on time," Dustin cut in, his brow furrowed and clearly trying to deny what he knows the logical conclusion is.
"I know, sweety, that was my thought too. So I drove over to his house, and the porch light was off so I knew something wasn't right." She paused here to take another deep breath, blinking back tears. "He was in his room and... he was hurt, badly. I called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital-"
"What?! Mom, why didn't you call- he can't- I need to see him-" Dustin's voice cracked with anguish, tears already welling up.
"Dusty, I know you want to see him, but, baby, he can't-"
"No! Mom, I have to- his parents aren't-" She interrupted his panicking and pulled him across the center console into a tight hug. He muffled his sobs into her chest, clinging to her sweater with white knuckled fists.
"I know they aren't, baby, but they also aren't his emergency contacts any more. He's in the ICU right now so only family can visit. Jim, Robin and I are all his emergency contacts so we're allowed to see him right now. And-!" She quickly spoke to prevent Dustin from interrupting again. "I know you're also family to him but he's in really bad shape right now, and you and I both know he wouldn't want you to see him like this. I'm going to be visiting him for a while so I'll bring you with me so you can see Eddie, and I can try to bring him something if you want him to have anything, but you can't visit yet." Dustin just sobbed harder into her chest, clinging to her in the same way he had when she found him after the mall burned down. "I know, Dusty, I know." She pressed a kiss to the top of his head, holding him close as they both cried.
After a week of constant antibiotics and sedation the doctor informed them that Steve was going to be moved out of the ICU and into a regular room. Claudia knew that he wasn't fully better yet but this was significant progress. It meant that Steve wasn't at constant risk and it also meant that he could have regular visitors.
He was being moved in the morning so Claudia and Robin were alone, sitting together in his room. Claudia was sitting in a chair with her knitting (that she snuck in, after thoroughly sterilizing it first of course) and Robin was sitting on Steve's bed with a wet cloth as she tried to clean some of the grease out of his hair. She had the same heartbroken look on her face that she had all week.
“Robin, honey, I know what you’re thinking…” Claudia made sure to speak softly. Robin was clearly hanging by a thread. “It’s not-“
“But it is my fault! I knew he was hurt and I just-I just went home. I left him alone and hurt and-“ Robin cut herself off to take a deep breath. “How could I forget that he was hurt?”
“Honey, you had all just been through a lot and you wanted to check on your parents, that's okay. As much as it frustrates me to say, Steve chose to not get seen.”
“Exactly! He insists he's fine but he never is! It’s my job to make sure he takes care of himself because otherwise he won’t.”
“I know you two are close, but sweetie, you don’t have to take care of him.”
“I do, because-because he’s my-my-… he’s mine. And I’m his, and we take care of each other. I can’t-…I don’t know what I would do without him. So I have to make sure he’s safe, just like he does for me….. And I failed him.”
Claudia had thought her heart couldn't break further, but that one statement proved her wrong. She set her knitting aside and hurried over to Robin's side, gently taking the cloth out of her hands before pulling her into a tight hug. "Oh, Robbie... I know, sweetie, I know. But he's doing better now, alright? Let's focus on that, we can't focus on how we got here."
When Claudia was finally told Steve could have regular visitors it felt like a weight lifting from her shoulders. Visitors was a good thing - a great thing, even - because it meant he was getting better. He was still sedated, though they were lowering his doses slowly, and his doctors said that he was taking to the skin grafts beautifully. Looking at him still made her throat close up in panic, but it was lasting less and less time every time she saw him.
Telling Dustin was... interesting. He was overjoyed but then deflated when she made sure he understood that they couldn't all visit at once and he still wasn't awake.
She shouldn't have been surprised that Dusty and his friends found a way to show Steve they cared without being able to all be there.
The first time she was able to bring Dustin to see Steve he had dragged a huge bag with him into the car, just saying it was for Steve when asked. She found out what that meant when he immediately opened it after entering Steve's room. Inside were gifts from all of his friends. There was a blanket that looked suspiciously like the one from Joyce's couch, a set of hair clips and a new brush, bottles of shampoo and conditioner (these were handed to Robin who cracked a smile for the first time in days). There were also cards and drawings and photographs. Dustin went around and started propping them all up wherever he could, even pulling out tape to put up some of the drawings.
Claudia immediately recognized Will's art style but the drawings themselves were odd. There was one of Steve holding a baseball bat, studded with what looked like nails, surrounded by cars. Another had Steve in the adorable work uniform he had the previous summer, standing next to Robin with a white board in her hands. One looked like Steve, with suspiciously familiar injuries, ripping apart some creature that looked like that weird alien from the movie. She wanted to ask but the way Robin laughed at the one she was in kept her from interrupting the moment. Robin needed to laugh more.
The next few days were a rotation of children. The Sinclairs showed up together, rolling Max into the room in her wheelchair. The Byers stopped in one day, with the Wheelers showing up the next. Each visit was marked with cards and photos, everyone telling Steve some story to keep him informed.
Jim showed up most days, but one day he brought along his daughter.
Claudia knew of Jane, but had yet to meet her, since she had moved with the Byers while Jim was gone. She had been informed that Steve and Jane had been close before the move, so seeing the pure devastation on her face wasn't a surprise.
Claudia watched as Jane sniffled and then pulled a, frankly, offensively bright button down out of her bag and walked over to Robin with it. She whispered something in her ear that made Robin smile before gently taking the shirt from her hands. Robin started maneuvering Steve to place in under the back of his head with Jane's help and they both tied it around his head.
"Hi Steve, it's El- Ellie." She sniffed and wiped under her eyes quickly before continuing. "I know you're asleep right now but I wanted to help you keep your hair nice, like you showed me. So I brought Dad's shirt and Robin is helping tie it over your hair so it won't get so gross. I hope you like it. I miss you." She bent down once Robin had Steve fully settled and placed a kiss on his cheek before walking away, going right over to her dad and falling into his arms.
The days continued like that, until Steve was fully off of the sedatives. After that it was a matter of waiting.
Robin still showed up every day she could, same with Jim. Claudia was there every second that she wasn't at home.
Robin had finally been forced to go home for a meal after Steve had passed his second full week in the hospital. The nurses said that he should wake up soon, but Claudia insisted that Robin needed to eat and get cleaned up.
Dusty and a few of his friends were just across the hall with his friend Eddie who had been awake for almost a week now. He was gaining his strength back and if Claudia strained to listen she could here his laughter from the hall.
She was sitting beside Steve's bed, knitting in the quiet when she heard the sheets shifting. Glancing up made her do a double take because Steve's face was all scrunched up. The same expression he had made the previous summer when he woke up with a concussion.
Claudia was out of her seat before she was consciously aware of moving, rushing to perch gently on Steve's bed and grab his hand.
"Steve, sweetie, you're okay." She was petting his hair back with the hand not gripping his and she watched his eyes squint open, just barely able to see hazel. He glanced slowly around the room, head lolling from side to side, before looking back at her.
"Mom..." His voice cracked from misuse, barely even audible but she heard it nonetheless, eyes immediately filling with tears.
"Yeah, sweetie, mom's here, I've got you." She bent down and hugged him to her, breath hitching when she felt one of his hands grip her sweater.
Steve kept healing, awake this time, and he had a constant carousel of visitors.
Robin had started sobbing when she saw him awake, which just made him cry too. She had climbed into his bed and they had clung to each other for hours. Dustin had nearly collapsed when he walked in, not paying attention to Steve, and heard Steve speak. El had frozen in place before silent tears started to fall and she ran to hug him. The other kids had similar responses, even Jim teared up when he saw Steve awake. (And, if Claudia had overheard them talking late one night on her way back from a snack break, and heard Steve call Jim dad. Well, that's none of her business.)
Almost 4 days after Steve woke up, Claudia heard crutches in the hallway and looked up just in time to see Eddie slowly making his way into the room.
"Eddie! Look at you, up and moving around! Here, let me get you a chair." Claudia rushed around, pulling a chair up to Steve's bedside so Eddie could drop into it with a grateful smile. Steve had been watching TV and muted it to look at Eddie.
"Thanks, Mrs. H," Eddie spoke to her before turning all of his attention to Steve, a soft smile on his face. A glance at Steve showed the same smile and she watched as they talked, hands slowly inching closer together on top of the sheets.
Claudia went back to her knitting and watched over them, just happy that Steve had someone else in his life. She could see the bits of longing in the way they looked at each other, the laughter that Steve normally reserved for Robin, the gentle touches.
As Steve's mom she knew she would have to talk to Eddie later, but for now she was content watching young love grow.
@maya-custodios-dionach @eldtritchlizardblast @y4r3luv @devondespresso @zerokrox-blog @disrespectedgoatman @estrellami-1 @lingeringmirth @my-hyperfixations-hell-blog @spectrum-spectre @steddieasitgoes @puppy-steve @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @nburkhardt @sllooney @princessstevemunson @yellowdevilkitten @emchant3d @steddie-island @afewproblems @gregre369 @bookbinderbitch @salty-h0e @steddie-as-they-go @marvel-ous-m
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chronicowboy · 2 years
The first time Chris asks to see Buck, Eddie doesn't hesitate before saying no. The second, third, fourth, fifth times follow immediately after, Christopher's fury growing with each denial. But Eddie doesn't budge. He'll accept the abuses hurled at him, accept the weak punches Chris throws at his chest, accept the I HATE YOU! and slammed bedroom door.
Its nothing he doesn't deserve.
The sixth time Christopher asks, teary-eyed and pleading, Eddie wavers and says not yet. Chris huffs, but he grabs onto that little bit of hope like a lifeline. Eddie doesn't have the heart to tell him that hope is useless.
See, thing is, he knows Christopher is growing up. He knows his son is old enough to handle seeing Buck in a hospital bed - or, well, maybe not handle it, but he knows he's old enough to decide when he's ready to see Buck himself. But Eddie isn't ready.
Eddie wasn't ready when he tried to haul Buck back up onto the ladder, Eddie wasn't ready when he had to relinquish Buck's life to the others with no idea what was happening, Eddie wasn't ready to see Chimney straddling Buck's torso and begging Buck to wake up, Eddie wasn't ready to watch the doctors roll a still unresponsive Buck through the glass doors, Eddie wasn't ready to see Buck cold and still with a tube down his throat.
Christopher's always been braver than him.
But, selfishly, Eddie doesn't think he could handle seeing Chris beg Buck to wake up or say-
No. Eddie knows he couldn't handle it.
And, fuck, maybe its the wrong choice to keep Chris from getting to say goodbye to another parent. Its probably, definitely the wrong choice. But Eddie can't- He just can't.
He can't do this. He can't say goodbye.
Not to Buck.
Its when an Uber pulls up to the house and he catches Christopher trying to sneak out the front door that he realises he couldn't keep them apart anymore than he could have stopped that lightning from hitting Buck.
(You could have stopped it. You could have gone up in his place. You could have been faster. You could have been the one doing CPR. You could have-)
Eddie just grabs his keys and ushers Chris towards the Jeep - a fucking jeep, really? what is it? spit on Eddie day? - waiting for them outside.
He doesn't expect Chris to celebrate, but he also doesn't expect the stony silence that suffocates them in the back of the car. When Chris sniffles, Eddie grabs his hand and lets his own tears roll down his cheeks.
He should say something, but there aren't any words for this. This much he knows.
There weren't any last time either.
Eddie doesn't really register the journey from the parking lot up to Buck's room in the ICU. Not until Christopher suddenly goes very, very still and grabs his hand.
There's not a single part of Eddie that hasn't been shattered since he pushed himself up onto shaky arms and saw Buck hanging from the ladder, still, too still, but right now its the first time he really feels like he's going to fall apart.
"He's in there?" Chris asks, voice tiny and small and so, so scared.
"Yeah, buddy," Eddie croaks, "he's in there. But you don't have to go -"
"Yes. I do." Christopher takes a deep breath and marches towards the door like he's about to walk onto a stage.
Eddie follows. After a moment.
Chris has always been braver than him.
(He hasn't been in Buck's room once. Had only looked at him from beyond the window to his room for a few moments before using Christopher as an excuse to flee. Because he's a coward.)
Eddie doesn't know why he expects Buck's room to be empty. His family is at its biggest right now, even if Eddie remains quietly suspicious of Margaret and Phillip's sudden redemption. And he knows no one would ever let him be alone for more than a bathroom break or a coffee run.
Eddie doesn't know why he's so surprised to see Hen offering Chris her chair by Buck's bedside. She's known Buck the longest - along with Bobby and Chim of course, but between Bobby's superiority and Chimney's rebar, they'd gotten closest the fastest. He doesn't know why he expected Hen to still be at home with her wife and kid.
(Maybe because he'd been desperately jealous that she had someone to shoulder the weight with her.)
The grief-stricken, knowing look Hen shoots him is enough to have his chest tightening up worse than the suit shop.
And then, Christopher reaches for Buck's hand, looking so goddamn young but so fucking determined, and Eddie thinks it'd be fucking typical of him to have a heart attack three days after Buck's heart stops.
"I-I'm sorry, I c-can't." He glances at Hen in what he hopes she understands is a plea to look out for Christopher before fleeing from the room.
His legs don't take him far. His legs were made to get him up that fucking ladder to Buck. His legs weren't made to take him away from him. So, he collapses back against the wall under the window and sinks to the floor just as the first sob racks his body.
Its a painful thing. Like its torn from the very depths of him. Like someone has used the Jaws to pry his chest open and is ripping chunks of his organs out of him.
Its a desperate thing. A prayer and a plea to a universe he doesn't believe in.
Its a quiet thing, however. Because Eddie mastered that art so well that it is deeply ingrained in him.
Its a quiet thing which is why he can still hear Christopher's voice through the thin hospital walls.
"Buck, you promised me-" Christopher's words break, and Eddie breaks with them, pressing his fists into his eyes as hard as he can. "You promised you weren't going anywhere, and you never break your promises."
Eddie doesn't remember this promise. He remembers a hundred pinkie promises between his son and his- His Buck. But he doesn't remember this one. He wonders if it was before or after the-
It was before. Eddie knows Buck well enough to know it was before.
"Wake up, Buck. Please, I-"
Eddie's a coward. He's a coward, that's why he can't get up from the floor. He's a goddamn fucking coward.
"I want my dad," Chris wails, and Eddie doesn't know how he manages it - thinks briefly of stories about mothers lifting cars off their babies - but the next thing he knows he's watching Christopher bury his face in Buck's shoulder.
The left one, not the one with the Lichtenburg figures, the one near his heart.
Eddie doesn't need to look at Hen's tear-streaked face to know that Christopher wasn't asking for him.
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i am so in love with your comfort one shots. Can you write one about reader's mom is sick and y/n is worried and chris is there for reader because y/n is scared?
Going through that right now with my mom, she is in the ICU right now ;(
Forever by my side
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PAIRING | Fiancé!Chris Evans x Fiancée!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Your mom took a nasty fall down the stairs, and you're rushing to get back home. You don't have a way of contacting Chris, but when he shows up at the airport to be by your side, you know exactly why you said yes to this man when he asked you to marry him.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Hurt/comfort, mentions of a bad fall, broken bones, lots of tears and even more tooth rotting fluff at the end.
A/N | I'm so sorry to hear about your mom being in the ICU; I wish I could give you the biggest hug! (Or send Chris your way for an even bigger hug 👀), I hope she will quickly recover and be out of the ICU soon! Hopefully, this will be the comfort you are looking for right now, and I wish for this to make you feel a little bit better 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs would be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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Today is just a regular day at work filled with meetings, lots of paperwork, and even more meetings. This all changed when you suddenly got a phone call from your Dad because he only calls you at work when it's an absolute emergency.
You run out of the meeting room after excusing yourself before picking up.
''Dad? Is everything okay?'' you say when the door behind you is closed.
''Hi Darling, I'm sorry to bother you at work, but your mom just had a terrible fall down the stairs after she slipped, and she got taken to the hospital with an ambulance,'' he says, and the words don't seem to get through after ''bad fall''.
The world comes to a stop all around you, and your breathing gets quicker while the world around you seems to go in slow motion. Your phone drops out of your hand, shattering as it hits the ground below.
The only sound coming from you was a broken sob as you sank onto your knees, and your colleague rushed over to you to comfort you.
''What happened?'' she asks, but it sounds like you're underwater, and her words don't really register with you.
''M-my mom...'' you croak out, and you completely break down right then and there, not caring who sees or hears you. The woman you love and adore shouldn't be in the hospital, yet there she is right now.
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''Y/N?'' your Mom asks as she walks into your room. ''Are you awake, Honey?'' she asks, and you stretch as she walks in.
''Mornin' Mom,'' you say, followed by a yawn.
''How was your last night in your parents' house?'' she asks with a big grin and a small tear. This afternoon you're moving to the other side of the country for a new job opportunity.
''Weird, but overall, I slept okay,'' you tell her as you sit up. You love these conversations in the morning, and your Mom was there every single morning without fail.
''Good, I'm glad to hear it. Now, shall we head down for some breakfast before your flight?'' your Mom asks, and you nod. She leaves the room, and you pick up the outfit that you laid out the night before, stepping into it.
''Is our girl ready for our last breakfast before moving to Boston?!'' your Dad asks, and you chuckle. ''Yeah, I am! Hit me with those waffles!'' you say as you sit down.
The conversation over breakfast is light and exactly what you need right now. The tears and heavy conversations would be saved for the airport.
Your parents decided to drive you to the airport to say goodbye to their last daughter, who would officially move out of the house in a few hours.
It wasn't too bad when it was time to say goodbye to your Dad; a few tears were shed, but nothing compared to your Mom. 
''Honey, please promise me you will take care of yourself and that you will call me as soon as you land, okay?'' she says as she pulls you into a bone-crushing hug.
''I promise, Mom, please don't worry about me. You know I'll be fine,'' you tell her, trying to fight the tears - without success.
''I love you so much, Honey, and I wish you all the luck in the world in Boston,'' she says, unable to fight back her tears.
The two of you fell into each other's arms and sobbed loudly until it was time for you to leave, and you waved goodbye with tears streaming down your face.
This is definitely the hardest goodbye you have ever had to go through.
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Somehow you made your way to the airport in one piece, already waiting on the first flight home. Suddenly it occurred to you that you must inform Chris; you can't return to your parents without him.
You realize what has happened to your phone and can't reach him at that moment. When you started panicking about how to call him, you heard his voice through the airport.
''Y/N!'' he shouted, and it echoed through the airport. ''Y/N, where are you!'' he said again, and you quickly stood up to follow where the voice came from.
''Chris? How did you-'' is all you say before he reaches you and envelops you in a big hug.
''It's okay, Bubby, everything will be okay,'' he shushes you as you rock back and forth while you completely break down in his arms.
When you had calmed down a little, Chris went to grab a water bottle and got recognized by some fans, but he politely told them that now wasn't a good time for a photo, but he did sign some quick autographs.
He returns with 2 bottles of water and hands one to you before twisting the other for himself.
''What happened?'' he asks as he sits beside you.
''My Dad called and said she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, she had a nasty fall down the stairs and broke many bones, and she was unconscious when the ambulance arrived,'' you tell him as he pulls you in for a big hug.
''She's going to be okay, Bubby. She's a lot stronger than she looks,'' he tells you, and you know he's right.
''I'm glad to have you by my side, and I think they would be pleased to see you again,'' you tell him, thinking back to the first time they met Chris.
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''Are you ready to meet them?'' you ask, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
''As ready as I'll ever be,'' he sighs as the two of you head into your parents' house. You have been together for nearly 6 months, and they invited both of you over for a family dinner.
''Good afternoon, I'm Chris,'' he says as he introduces himself to your parents.
''Oh, Y/N, you didn't mention you're dating the famous Chris Evans!'' your Mom joked, knowing full well you told them to prepare them.
''Just kidding, Chris, Y/N has told us all about you. It's nice to finally meet the man who makes her look like she's glowing,'' she says, and you have the widest smile on your face.
''I told you they'd like you!'' you say as the two of you walk out to the garden, ready to meet the rest of the family too.
''Yeah, yeah, you were right!'' he says before leaning down and giving you a soft peck on your lips.
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The flight went on without a hitch, and before you knew it, you were in your Dad's arms, crying as you finally felt the release of being back home and back with your Mom.
''Darling, thank you so much for coming, and you too, Chris,'' he says as he nods to him.
''Anything for Y/N, and of course, you and Lily, too,'' he says. He walks over to both of you and softly brushes your hair out of your face before kissing the top of your head.
''When can we go see her?'' you ask, and your Dad tells you it should be soon.
''I believe she's coming out of surgery at any moment now,'' he says, and you nod before sitting down with either one of them on your sides.
You reach out for both of their hands, and your gaze is fixed on the door; Chris strokes your hand softly with his thumb.
After what seems like an eternity, she gets wheeled through the doors, and you shoot up, practically running to her with tears streaming down your face again.
''Mom! Mom, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you when you fell. But I'm here now, and I won't leave your side until you're all better,'' you ramble, even though she's not even conscious yet.
''Bubby, come on. Let's sit by her bed until she wakes up, okay?'' Chris says, and you nod, letting the nurse put the bed into place.
Chris sinks into one of the chairs beside the bed and pulls you onto his lap so you're sitting sideways on his thighs. Your head is leaning against his shoulder, and after all the stress and not knowing, you slowly drift off to sleep in the warmth and safety of Chris' arms.
''Bubby, wake up,'' he says softly after about 2 hours; he and your Dad have been wrapped up in conversations the entire time you were asleep, careful not to wake you.
''Honey? Is that you?'' you hear, and suddenly you're wide awake and next to your Mom's hospital bed.
''Mom, I'm here. You're okay, you took a bad fall down the stairs, but you're going to make a full recovery,'' you tell her while you hold her hand.
''Chris is here too, and Dad as well,'' you tell her, and she slowly turns her head.
''Hi, Lily; I'm sorry about what happened”, Chris says as he walks over to hold your Mom's hand.
''You have always been my favorite son-in-law, you know that?'' she says, and all three of you burst out in laughter. ''What's so funny?'' your Mom asks, and you're just happy she can still joke.
''I missed you so much, and I love you, Mom,'' you tell her and give her a soft kiss on her forehead.
''I love you too, Honey. Thank you for coming all this way to see me,'' she says, and the rest of the night is spent in light conversations and laughter until it is time to go home.
''Do you two want to sleep in your old room, or will you book a hotel?'' your Dad asks.
''We will stay with you, but only if we get waffles in the morning!'' you tell him, and he agrees.
''Deal,'' he says, and all three of you walk out of the hospital and to the car, all in dire need of rest.
''I love you, Chris. Thank you for being here with me,'' you say as he hugs you again.
''There's nowhere else I'd rather be,'' he says before kissing your lips passionately, lovingly.
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kuramirocket · 2 months
So, I had a Mario dream, specifically about Super Mario Sunshine and I'm just like fic idea maybe???
The dream was super short and pretty random, but this is what happened in it:
It starts off, with Mario being on trial for the crime of covering Isle Delfino in goop. With how unfair the trial is going Peach demands that Mario be released. However, her angry demands goes unheard as the trial comes to a verdict with the judge declaring Mario will remain in jail for 1,000 years for 'his' crime. Mario, Peach and Toadsworth are shocked, Mario the most as realization and horror about this whole situation hits him full force. So much so that Peach has to steady him with both hands on his shoulder.
Outside the courthouse and jail, Peach and Toadsworth are walking away, towards the plane that brought them to the island. Peach is determined to set things right, but is unsure of how to go about it. She had thought about informing Princess Daisy about the situation and joining forces to attack Isle Delfino and essentially, breaking Mario out of jail. However, she also does not want to cause a political nightmare or make enemies out of Isle Delfino. (Realistically idk how this would work because Delfino is a very small island with seemingly no army. Maybe in my dream this was different. Idk. Lol)
Luigi (who apparently is in this dream and wearing his Mario Tennis Aces outfit for some reason and idk why he wasn't in the trial lol) appears and tells Princess Peach they have to do something. How can she and Toadsworth just leave and abandon Mario to his fate. Without a word, Peach grabs Luigi by the wrist, intending to drag Luigi with them. However, steeling himself, Luigi forcefully breaks free from her hold. Luigi softly, knowing there is no point in yelling, his voice almost devoid of emotion, yet with twinges of anger and icuness tells Peach to leave, for her to just go. Her back turned to him, Peach says nothing as she continues to walk away. Luigi looks away to the side, wishing his big brother was there with him and regretting his reaction towards the princess. His brother could always be friends with anyone and always seemed to know what to do no matter the circumstances.
Nearing the plane, Peach is in inner turmoil having decided to leave Mario back there, her expression never once having betrayed her emotions all the while. It isn't until she feels the tears in her eyes, her eyes growing more wet with the second, her breaths coming in shallow intakes, shoulders now trembling, that Peach realizes she is crying.
Seeing this, Toadsworth comforts Peach in a silent hug.
Meanwhile, in the shadows Bowser Jr. has witnessed all of this. His sullying of the island bore fruit an unexpected turn of events. He never expected the Princess herself would abandon Mario. He knows, she is not his mother, yet he still went through with his plan to get Mario blamed for his deed. Bowser Jr. wonders how he and his father could use this to their advantage: the seemingly sudden damage to Mario and Peach’s relationship. Bowser Jr. decides to tell his father about the turn of events.
And then I woke up. Idk what this dream was. But again I'm just like fic potential maybe?
I haven't actually even played Sunshine and just know the bare bones of the plot since I try to avoid spoilers.
But I mean, the Mushroom Kingdom at war with an actual powerful military foce Isle Delfino sounds interesting, imo. Lol
You guys have any thoughts about this? :D
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hsdiaries · 7 months
chapter two
4.1K words.
Second chapter of eight count.
mentions alcoholism, cancer, and drug abuse.
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"Grabbed you a coffee, how's Mrs. Edison?" I heard Josephine say, my eyes landing on the large white cup she was handing me. After two code blues and multiple upset patients, I needed it today. I grabbed it, taking a quick sip, licking my lips as I went over Mrs. Edison's chart.
"It's tough, doctor upped the dosage on everything, the family isn't processing that she isn't going to get better," I sighed, finishing up my notes so I could submit everything to the doctor.
Josephine sat down next to me, grabbing her own charts and getting to work, "I lost Mr. Frankfurt this morning. Daughter yelled at me until she cried. You would think I was the doctor."
That was the thing about the ICU, most times we dealt with the patients directly more than the doctors did. We built the relationships, we created the small bits of banter with them to keep them entertained.
"It's just one of those days, can't seem to catch a break I swear," I smiled, rolling my shoulders back, stretching out my neck. Just five more hours and I was off for the next three days. It wasn't even the time to relax that excited me, it was wondering if I would bump into Harry again. If he would come over to have me check his wound.
I had theories on what happened, especially with living next to him and who by the yells, I assumed was his dad. It often sounded violent, yet every time I reported it like it was my job to do, all that came from it was a drunken man, just yelling at his son. To me that didn't feel like justification enough for the police to walk away, but they did, every time.
I didn't want to assume his dad hit him, but if he didn't, then I could only assume someone did. I could only assume someone, somewhere was hurting him. I took another sip of my coffee, pondering on his eyes; the everclear shade of green that seemed perfectly crafted for the softness of his smile. They way he nervously twisted and tugged at his hair. All of it had taken over my mind and it was getting me through this day.
"Did I tell you I finally met my neighbor last night?" I said to Josephine, neither one of us looked up from our notes.
"The guy you think is hitting his kid?"
"No, the kid. Definitely not a kid. Definitely a man. Definitely a beautiful grown man," I chuckled as Josephine joined me and laughed.
"So how did that happen?"
"He was catching the elevator as I was getting in, he held it open for me. His face was wrecked, a split eyebrow. He said he fell at work, stuff fell on him or something like that," I said, closing my chart and grabbing another.
"Right, don't they all. Makes me upset if someone is hurting him," Josephine said, switching charts as well.
"Yeah, but, he came over and I cleaned him up, used a couple butterflies on h—..."
"...—you what? E! He could have been dangerous? What if he was doing the hurting?" She scolded me in a low whisper yell, my eyes rolling.
"Jo, if I thought he was dangerous I wouldn't have done that. I swear, he was so nervous, tugging at his hair. I even...I left some mac and cheese at his door afterward," I said quickly looking away.
"Emilia, baby, you just gotta be careful," she said, reaching for my arm and squeezing it tightly.
"I know, I know I will. It's not like going to go knocking on his door randomly. I don't know what's going on in there, I would never be that stupid. It was just a quick knock and run - but trust me...you wouldn't have a single bit of fear if you saw him."
She narrowed her eyes, before nodding, "Okay, just don't be too trusting, okay? Make sure before you jump into anything stupid."
"It's not like I'm going to sleep with him, Jo," I rolled my eyes as a room in our unit called for a nurse, "You got coffee, so I'll get this."
I moved down the hospital halls, waving at the familiar faces of families I knew, each hoping their relatives got moved from this floor to another. I saw Tracy's room was the room calling and even though we weren't supposed to have favorites, Tracy and her family were mine. Tracy was a five year old that had spent most of her fifth year of life in and out of this ICU unit and the cancer ward. There wasn't much happiness to her story, yet, Tracy and the Warrens were the happiest people I had ever seen.
"Well hello Warrens," I smiled, quickly pulling up my mask and slipping on some gloves, "Everything okay?"
"Hi, E! I just wanted to say hi. I heard you but you hadn't said hi!" Little Tracy pouted, a chuckle coming from me.
"I'm sorry, Trac. Doctor gave me a ton of homework I have to finish up, cause I'm going to be gone for the next couple of days," I said, sitting on the bed as I checked her vitals.
"Gone! Already? You were just gone!" She exclaimed, remembering my previous days off. I laughed, her mom joining me.
"I know, but, if I don't sleep, my eyes will get stuck like this," I said, crossing my eyes, "And then I won't be able to find my way to your room!"
"Oh no, we can't have that. And boys won't like you either." Tracy said, causing me to laugh even harder.
"And I haven't told you my secret," I said leaning in, I felt her mother turn away, knowing Tracy loved our secrets, "I met a boy."
"A cute boy?" She whispered and I nodded.
"Yup. With green eyes and dimples like yours, but he's just my friend right now," I said poking her nose.
"Play soccer with him, boys like soccer," she nodded eagerly and I chuckled a bit.
"I'll make sure to ask him to play with me. Alright sweetie, I have to go back to the desk. But you just ring and I'll come or I'll send Jo, okay?" I said, running my fingers gently through her hair.
"Okay, E. Bring chocolate milk next time!" She smiled and I nodded standing up.
"I'll sneak you one from the cafe! I promise." I winked at her mom before saying my byes and making my way out of the room.
That unfortunately was the highlight of my shift. We lost five more patients that day. I called days like today "gray days". So much death, but they couldn't be completely dark, because there were bits of light, like Tracy and the patients that moved out of the ICU daily.
I wrapped up my day, grabbing my bag and jacket, never more eager than I was right now to leave and order a large pizza, grab a blanket and a whole bottle of wine all for myself. It wasn't often I got to work half shifts, so I would fully be taking advantage of tonight. I exited the hospital, my Uber driver waiting for me as soon as I made it out. I normally would take the bus, but on a day like today, I wanted nothing to do with public transport.
My thumb scrolled through my phone as we drove through the city, placing an order for my pizza and some groceries for the next couple days. I didn't tend to keep much in my home since I was hardly there, but on my days off, I tried to cook as much at home as I could.
Thanking the Uber driver, I got out of the car and quickly made my way inside the building, walking up to Richard's desk, "Hi buddy."
"Miss Park, you're home early today," he smiled, reaching over and hugging me.
"Half shift, you know I only get them like once a month. So I ordered a pizza and groceries, can you please send them up so I don't have to come down, and in return I'll let you have two slices and Twix I got just for you," I smiled, wiggling my eyebrows and he laughed.
"Always trying to butter me up child," he shook his head.
"Well....is it working?" I said tilting my head forward and he rolled her eyes.
"Get, before I change my mind!" He pointed at the elevator, making me laugh. I nodded, heading towards the elevator quickly stopping and turning around.
"Wait...Rich, you know everyone here. What can you tell me about the guy next door to me, Harry something," I said, scrunching my nose, walking back over.
"Styles? Why?" He said, leaning on his desk.
"Well, I patched him up last night. Split brow, lots of bleeding. I always hear yelling from his place so I—..."
"...—I need you to stay away from there, Miss Park. Not from Harry, he's a good kid, just had bad luck. I just don't need you looking for him, don't need you knocking on that apartment door, you hear?" He said sternly, his eyes fixed on me in a way that scared me.
"I won't, I just...I hear the things that go on. And he seems so...gentle. I just wondered." I said, crossing my arms across my body and hugging myself.
"He is, in his own way. Just don't look for him. Let him look for you if he chooses."
"Got it. Thank you," I smiled before turning and finally making my way back to my apartment.
Once inside, I quickly ran into the bathroom, turning on the water to warm up for a quick shower. I pulled my hair up into a high bun before undressing and making my way in, letting the scorching hot water wash over me. I loved the feel on my skin, the slight burning sensation making me feel alive. There was no better feeling than washing of the smell of the hospital, the skin crawling feeling of death that sometimes filled my days.
I got out of the shower, slipping on a pair of boxer briefs and an oversized Nirvana shirt, big slouchy socks on my feet. I checked my phone, seeing my food and groceries would be arriving shortly and began quickly cleaning out the fridge of any old food to make room for the new. I sprayed my counters and cleaned them down, lighting my favorite candle on the kitchen counter and dimming the lights; it felt like a romantic evening for one.
How thrilling.
A knock came from my door, my feet sliding on the kitchen tile before it hit the soft carpet, making my way to the door. I opened it, expecting to find either just my groceries or pizza waiting for me, but instead I got Harry, a napkin pressed against his eyebrow. Blood could be seen absorbing into the napkin, a look of stress on Harry's eyes.
"It won't stop bleeding," he shrugged and I reached over, removing his hand gently.
"Oh, yeah, that's going to need stitches. Probably an ER, I think most urgent cares are closed now," I said, moving his hand back to continue applying pressure.
"I can't - I don't have insurance," he said, the second half of his statement in a whisper. I took him in, remembering Rich's words.
"...he's a good kid, he's just had back luck."
I inhaled through my nose, breathing out slowly before looking over my shoulder into my apartment. Biting my lip, I took a step back, nodding my head, welcoming him in.
"Bathroom again?" He said, his free hand tugging at his hair.
"Ugh, no, the couch is fine. I'm going to have you lay your head on my lap, it's the only way I know how to do it. I'll find a light. Just sit down, I'll be back, um, watch the blood please. That's actually a hard stain to get out." I smiled softly before walking away to my hall closet. I opened it up looking for my dad's old medicine bag, pulling it out and searching for the suture kit he always kept in here, just in case.
I grabbed everything I needed, going into my room and grabbing my desk lamp for the extra brightness that was needed in the living room. Moving into the living room, I looked around the room figuring out how to best do this.
"Um? I know you're bleeding and all, but help me move all that stuff off the side table so I can set up?" I said and he nodded, quickly moving to clear the table for me. I carefully unraveled a clean towel on the it, placing down the lamp and all my medical material. I bent down to plug in the light, moving into the kitchen to wash my hands.
I came back over, slipping on gloves, this whole time Harry's eyes felt glued on me. I moved to sit on the couch, realizing he once again had taken off his shoes and I couldn't help but smile a bit. I glanced over at him, patting my lap, "Lay your head here, don't worry, I don't bite."
He chuckled, lowering himself onto the couch, causing us to both laugh as his long body hung over the opposite arm rest, "Not exactly built for friendly giants," I said softly, causing him to blush.
"Most things aren't," he said softly as I began removing the butterfly bandages, cleaning up the area again. I reached for a small black bottle and big cotton swab, opening it and dipping it in. I rubbed the mixture along his cut, his eyebrows furrowing softly against the sting.
"Sorry, I should have warned you. Hurts now, but it'll numb you up real good in a few." I smiled softly, moving his hair carefully off his face, "So while that settles, tell me about your day, you work today?"
"Not today. Just ran errands. Paid some bills, you know, adulting as they say," he smiled, eyes avoiding mine.
"Mm, that's my day tomorrow. Well, I covered groceries today, just have to pay some bills. So what do you do? You obviously know I'm a nurse, so?"
He chuckled, chewing on his lower lip before glancing over at me, "I'm a barback at Birmingham's down the way."
"Oh, I go there sometimes with my best friend Jo from work. Just for beers, that bartender makes his drinks strong. I've never seen you though," I said, testing his feeling around the eyebrow.
"Not the right night, I guess," he said, showing no reaction to my touch.
"Guess so. Alright, I'm going to stitch you up, I just need you to stay still, okay?" I said and he nodded, as I turned my upper body, grabbing my dad's kit and opening it up. I prepared everything, licking my lips as I turned to him, setting his injury closed properly.
"I didn't know nurses were allowed to do this?" He said, possibly from nerves, possibly to keep the conversation going.
"Most aren't. I sure as hell am not allowed and I will deny ever laying a hand on you," I pointed my finger at him, giggling a bit, "But uh, my dad was a doctor in the Marines. Always had this kit handy, taught me to do this when I was fifteen, 'just in case' he would say," I carefully begin stitching his would, letting my dad's voice guide me in my head, "I only had to use it once, my momma cut up her leg real bad in our backyard while he was deployed, fixed her right up. I remember he praised me so much at how well I did. Now you're my first patient in a while."
He chuckled, "Well, I don't know if that makes me feel easy about this, but I'm also happy to be the guinea pig."
I smiled, biting my lip, eyes moving to his for a brief moment then back up to his brow, "When you heal without a nasty scar, you'll start recommending me to all the bar backs that fall at your job."
I knew I was teasing, because I didn't believe his story. He probably didn't deserve it, but his cute side smirk let me know he was willing to play along.
"I'll have a sign up sheet, start scheduling appointments. Probably going to have to bribe Richard."
"Just buy the man a pound of Twix bars and he'll let anything slide," I smirked and he laughed.
"So that's the secret to his heart, here I thought I knew him well enough."
"Hey, don't be stealing my tactics now, you have to come up with your own bribes," I moved quicker now, my fingers remembering the patterns my dad taught me to make sure the wound healed properly. I snipped the end of the thread, gently cleaning off any excess blood.
"All done, now these aren't the fancy hospital ones, so I'll have to remove them when the time comes, so just gotta keep stopping by so I can check up on them," I smiled, patting his chest softly, surprised by the firm muscle I felt. He sat up carefully, allowing me to get up and pick up the mess. I made my way over to the kitchen to properly wash and dispose of things as the door knocked, "Oh, that's probably my pizza or the groceries."
"Richard let them up here?" He said, raising his eyebrow slightly.
"Like I said, Twix. Magic," I shrugged and he laughed tugging on his hair.
"I'll get it," he smiled at me, moving to answer the door. He helped bring in the groceries and as I finished up the pizza arrived. I moved over to tip the delivery man, closing the door as he walked away.
"Wanna stay for dinner? I usually can manage a large one on my own, but that doesn't mean I should," I smiled, setting the pizza on the kitchen counter and opening it up. I quickly moved to the cupboards, not really giving him a chance to think, pulling out two plates and two wine glasses.
"There is two slices missing?" He questioned and I laughed.
"I made sure Rich was fed," I winked at him as I handed him a plate. He shook his head, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek.
"I'm going to have to start taking note. I see how you run a tight ship around here," he teased, grabbing a slice of pizza as I pulled the wine from the fridge. I removed the cork, serving us each a glass, handing it over to him.
I watched his eyes move to the glass of wine, then up at me, "I um - I don't drink."
I felt my eyes widen, my cheeks turning a deep red, "Oh my gosh. I should have asked. I'm so sorry,"
"No, no, it's fine really. I am not insulted in any way at all," he smiled, taking the glass from me and placing it on the counter, "I'll be fine with just water, thanks."
My shoulders relaxed, rolling back slightly as I inhaled sharply, "Ice cold water coming right up."
I quickly grabbed a new glass, serving him some water from the fridge and bringing it over to him. I transferred his wine into my glass knowing I fully planned on having more than one glass anyway.
Watching him eat, broke my heart slightly, watching as he seemed to savor every bite. Made me wonder how often he had something as simple as a slice of pizza.
"What's your favorite take out food?" I said, finally taking a bite of the cheesy greasy goodness that was pizza from Valentino's.
"Hmmm, I don't eat out much, but when I do, it's always Chinese. Noodles, I can't get enough of noodles, loaded in beef." He smiled so big, popping pepperoni in his mouth.
"I love mongolian beef, with extra green onions. If my breath don't stank after, I didn't eat enough," I said matter of factly causing him to full on cackle.
"I knew there was something interesting about your scent earlier," he narrowed his eyes and I threw my napkin at him.
"Oh shut up!"
We both laughed, sitting in silence as we finished our pizza, my eyes glancing up to him, "So, is it just you and your cat over there?" I hoped I didn't push him away with this question, hoped he didn't shut off.
He finished up his slice, reaching for another, licking his fingers after he set it down on his plate, "Well, if by cat you mean my pops, then, yeah, just me and my cat."
There was a distaste to his tone, a clear disappointment on his face as his mind seemed to ponder on his own personal situation.
"Hey, we all have a cat, okay? I have a mom, she's my cat. She's not around, but, she's my cat," I said, reaching over carefully, giving his arm a squeeze. It was the first time I noticed the anchor tattoo on his hand, a small cross near his thumb. My finger carefully traced over the anchor tattoo.
"But she's not around, that's the key phrase," he said softly, my eyes glancing up to his.
"He's not the one that...you know...." I swallowed, unable to finish my sentence.
He smiled a bit, his dimple sinking into his right cheek, "No. I promise, this cat is declawed. Just a shover, but this is just me. Clumsy. Promise."
I pressed my lips tight, trying to fight the fuzzy feeling his smile gave me, "Okay. I'll accept your promise."
"Where is your cat?" He asked softly, my eyes moving back down to his tattoo, tracing the anchor again.
"Mmm, last I heard, New Mexico, finding herself or some shit. Probably finding herself with drugs, but, finding herself," I shrugged.
We both sat in silence again, until he finally spoke, "My dad finds himself with alcohol. Daily - hourly, actually," he cleared his throat, his hand moving from my touch, lifting my face gently, "So I get it."
I bit my lip, moving from his touch, taking a long sip of wine, "Thank you, for sharing. I know that's never easy."
"Give a little take a little, or something like that is what my mum used to say," he said, tugging at his hair, twisting through the ends.
I giggled, sipping more wine, "This was nice. I'm so used to eating alone, this was nice."
"You'll have to let me bring something over next time, we'll, um - if, you know there is a—..."
"...—I would love it if you brought something over. We can make it our weekly activity when I'm off. It'll be your escape."
He blushed, looking down and drinking water. He just nodded, eyes only landing on me momentarily. Before moving over to the floor where my groceries were still in bags, "Let me help you put those away, before I have to leave."
"Umm...as long as you don't make fun of my process." I hid behind my glass.
"Process?" He sat back, face of slight judgment already. I got up, walking over and opening up my fridge so he could see all the organizational containers and beverage containers.
"Oh, I should have known. I should have known you were one of those. I'm guessing we are going to wash your fruit before we put it away too?" He said, tilting his head.
"You can go, you are making fun and I won't tolerate it!" I said dramatically as he chuckled, getting up and grabbing a grocery bag. He pulled out the boxes berries, walking over to the sink and beginning to rinse the fruit.
"See, I'm being supportive," he smirked and I rolled my eyes, grabbing another bag and starting to put things away. He was patient with me throughout the process, refilling my beverage containers, helping me organize the vegetables and fruits in appropriate containers. As we were finishing up, thumping began coming from next door, Harry freezing at the sound.
I looked over at the wall separating our apartments, licking my lips and looking over at Harry. His body was tense, breath slow. I moved over, gently placing my hand on his back, rubbing gently, "You can always sleep on my couch after you handle that. Just so you know."
"Thanks. I should go though," he said slowly turning to me, "But really, thank you, for fixing me up, for dinner. Thank you."
"Mhm, truly, anytime." I smiled.
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pastafossa · 9 months
The last day of 2023.
And holy shit has it been a chaotic ride, one which you all shared with me, or that's what it feels like!
The Major Moments:
Feb: Cato's cancer diagnosis and discovery of weird mutated cells that likely won't be explained until after he passes away. He's still with me, fortunately! No idea how much time he has left but I'm grateful for every second
April: a small leak in my dining room ceiling turned into a bigger leak which turned into a massive hole in the ceiling, at least it wasn't winter???
May: DD Born Again Photos give us all a goddamn heart attack
May: I FUCKING REACH MY OVERALL 1,000,000 WORD COUNT ON AO3. 🎊 🎉 🎊 Next stop is 1mill for TRT!
June: At that same con, I finally FINALLY got to meet my bff @wonderlandmind4 in person after many many many late nights of chatting, and we just CLICKED like we'd been friends for years, which I should have expected, but still! And then I got to meet a bunch of my readers, too! Best con experience EVER
July: enter Whoops Covid Finally Got Me After 3 Years But Charlie Was Worth It ™
July: Finally dusted off my draft of Pasta's First Dark Fic cause even if my brain was too fuzzy to write, I figured I could edit a bit. And I did! And was pretty happy with the results!
August: Shit Now There's A Long Covid Heart Issue And I Can't Be Seen Until Late November Thanks Covid ®
August: leak in the garage leads to me losing about 65% of all the beautiful, special woods pieces I'd gathered over the course of six years for carving. Within a week I am gifted a huge bin of wood from a kind soul at my local witchy shop
Sept: TRT's 6th anniversary!
Nov: I was slowly getting back into the swing of things, doing a bit of writing in between learning to manage whatever was going on with my heart (which we'll hopefully figure out in January when I get all the results of testing in Jan)
Early Dec, and the worst week of my life: mom got sick. Within one day she went from not feeling good to needing an ambulance. By the next day, she was in the ICU - flu induced double pneumonia that was interfering with her breathing and heart issues. And with one more day, she was put into an induced coma and ventilated, without any of us sure if she'd pull through. They told us she'd likely be under for two weeks, potentially longer even if she made it. The amount of messages and supportive comments I got from all of you, the talks I had with @wonderlandmind4 and @shouldbestudying41, just the general sense of having a community to help me means more than I can ever say as you all helped me through that terrible, horrible moment, even if it was just gently messaging me to remind me to try to eat.
Mid Dec: against ALL odds, Mom was off the ventilator in a week. By week 2, she was out of the ICU. By week 3? Off to the physical rehab center. She was there a grand total of 1 week before she was allowed to come home to finish her recovery. Early December was the worst moment of my life, and yet it was also bookended by the best Christmas of my life even if it was spent at the rehab center, because I got to have my mama back, and hug her and tell her I loved her and make jokes, and now she's home and we've been watching Christmas movies and eating grilled cheeses, and as far as I'm concerned, that's what the holiday is to me: not presents and snow and lights, but this moment, this time with her. 'In all the places you find love, it feels like Christmas.'
In just a few hours for me, it'll be 2024. I have no idea what to expect going forward, or even what to plan for, much less a resolution. I know I want to get back to TRT when mom's a bit better (she still needs a lot of help, understandably). I know there are wood carvings I want make; friends I want to visit; witchy events at my local shop I want to go to. But other than that... who knows? If I'm lucky, things will be calmer than this past year. But even if they aren't, at least I know I have dear friends, all of you, and my family, including Pasta Mama, to help me through it.
Goodbye, 2023. Hello, 2024.
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arrthurpendragon · 1 month
Okay - I can share most of what has been going on now.
So, my former stepmother was in the ICU for a few weeks due to stage 4 COPD and respiratory failure issues. We thought she was going to pass several times. It was even to the point that I went up there to say goodbye and sang to her. (The relationship with my former stepmother is VERY complicated, but I didn't want her to suffer) There were times that even the doctors had no idea what was going on - she was in medically induced comas, but wasn't waking up when she was supposed to and such. But miracle of all miracles, she seems to have pulled through for the time being.
So, I was trying to be strong and present for my sister (who is technically my half-sister - former stepmom's biological daughter)
Then I started doing some more work stuff. After only one year in the public school (starting my second) I have been asked to chair a solutions team and be on the leadership team for my school.
Money has been very very tight due to what happened with my stepmother. I literally bought stuff I needed for school with points from my credit card. I'm not even sure I'll be able to pay my mortgage and car payment yet this month - I'm gonna have to get very creative or ask for money. (As a teacher, my pay stopped in the end of June, but will pick up again in September - so the unexpected expenses have broken my budget)
So, as a coping / relaxing strategy, I've been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley and snuggling with my fur babies while listening to audiobooks.
TLDR: Life has been crazy. I'm making the most money I've ever made in my life, but I'm broke.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Ayooo (some) Healthcare Boys are back! :D
(@hermitdrabbles56 @squigglywindy)
The emergency department was busy.
Very busy.
It wasn't even the usual kind of busy, the hustle and bustle of residents falling behind on paperwork and orders, leading to a backup in the line for mild to moderately sick patients. It wasn't half the city's population using the ED as their primary care because they either didn't have the time, patience, money, or opportunity to get an actual primary care provider.
No, these patients were sick. They were actually having emergencies, and there were a lot of them.
Legend and Warriors were each caring for the sickest in the department. Both patients desperately needed ICU beds, and they knew they were in short supply. Warriors, keen on listening to the charge nurse and hospitalist's words about the status of beds and patient acuity, had already figured out that there was one remaining ICU bed in the entire hospital. A neighboring hospital also only had one bed available, and was willing to accept a patient.
That meant they had to decide who to fly and who to keep. That decision was already a difficult one, left to the emergency physician who was trying to parse it out, but the biggest dilemma wasn't even that.
It was the blasted hospitalist.
Warriors had mostly dealt with emergency personnel in the war. Most of his experience was in a field hospital, which had little beyond immediate, urgent care before shipping a patient to an actual hospital for continued treatment. It wasn't until the waning years of the war that he'd transferred off the front lines entirely.
In that time, he'd learned that he didn't like hospitalists. They were the physicians who took care of acutely ill and injured patients who were being hospitalized, the ones who would usually be on the floor. They also were the buffer between the ER and the rest of the floors - even an ICU patient had to go through their screening, alongside a critical care consultation with physicians trained in whatever specialty was needed. Hospitalists often had to juggle far more patients than was likely safe, which stretched them thin and burned them out. He'd heard there were good ones in Hyrule Hospital, but he'd yet to meet them.
This one definitely did not fall into the criteria of a good one.
"We need to figure out who to fly," the emergency physician remarked.
The hospital crossed his arms. "Whoever doesn't die first, I suppose."
Warriors froze midway through charting something, having been basically living in the patient's room as they were too ill for him to leave. He saw Legend, who was walking swiftly out of his own room to grab supplies, also screech to a halt.
The emergency physician glanced at the hospitalist and cut through his remark. "Let's just assume they both survive the night. We still need to figure this out."
"I think we should just board both of them here," the hospitalist remarked.
Board them? In the emergency department? Was he insane? The ER was not designed to house patients with intensive care needs. The ER stabilized people, fixed immediate issues, and then moved them to where they needed to go, whether it was a follow up with primary care, a bed in the acute care floors, to the operating room, or a straight shot up to an ICU room. ED nurses could have up to four patients - they didn't have the staffing to dedicate a nurse to just a single patient, as these two clearly needed the extra care and undivided attention. The hospitalist was suggesting they stay?
Legend whirled on the pair of physicians. "Absolutely not. These two patients need an ICU. That's inappropriate care."
"We have no beds," the hospitalist argued.
"We have one bed," Warriors fired back. "And the other hospital has one as well."
"Our ICU nurses can't handle this kind of patient," the hospitalist retorted.
Legend huffed. "Then they're not actual ICU nurses."
The emergency physician piped up, emboldened by the nurses. "They're right. These patients are absolutely not staying here."
The hospitalist's face grew sour, and he started to shuffle towards a computer elsewhere to look more thoroughly at the patients' charts again.
The emergency physician glanced at the pair. "Thank you."
Warriors and Legend both nodded, watching the doctor follow his peer to ensure he actually worked this out. The two nurses looked at each other next, just for a moment, a silent respect settling between them, before they went back to work.
Hyrule stared at the dispatch information. "Does... does this say entrapment at the Salvation Army?"
"How...?" Mo started to ask, just as confused. "What...?"
Dot laughed outright. "Oh my gosh, wait - look at the age. That's got to be Beedle."
Hyrule groaned. How in the world had Beedle gotten himself entrapped somewhere around the Salvation Army?
The pair quickly found out as they arrived with the fire department. Beedle had situated himself in the donation booth, smiling pleasantly as they arrived.
"Beedle," Hyrule immediately said, hands on his hips. "What in the world are you doing?"
"I saw some shady looking guy walking into the store," Beedle explained. "I wanted to make sure he didn't burn the place down! So I hid in here."
"How are you stuck?" Mo asked.
"I can't get out!" Beedle gestured around himself.
"Well how did you get in?"
Beedle pointed behind him. "There's a door here."
Mo and Hyrule looked at each other. Then the firefighters.
One of their coworkers chewed his lip, half exasperated and half amused. "So uh... did you try the door, then?"
Beedle blinked and turned around, jiggling at the latch a little before the door opened. "Oh! Thank you!"
"Oh my heaven," Mo muttered, face in his hands.
A police officer then approached. "Sir, the store manager is also citing you for trespassing."
Beedle jumped, clearly affronted. "Trespassing? I was protecting them!" With a huff, he added, "That's it! The next time a shady person walks by I'm just going to let them burn the store."
Hyrule had to cough to hide his laugh.
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what-are-wordsss · 5 months
Im not sure if ypu are taking requests but i read one of your writing that had to do with suicideand i wanted to know if you could please write a platonic Aizawa (bnha) in which he got a daughter and she attempted suicide?
Thankss, lately i had been felling suicidal so i thought that reading some confort/angst could help 🫶❤️‍🩹
I hope that you get to feeling better soon, I'm here if you need anything ❤️ Things do get better, you just have to work for it. Ik it's really hard it took me like six years to get where I'm at today and im not even fully recovered yet but things will get better, even if its slowly and even if it's not right now. You've got this ♥️
It was the spur of the moment thing, fostering kids. But it wasn't something that Shouta regretted. Especially with the kid that he now considered his daughter who'd been living with him for a while. She'd turned into his whole word, his reason for waking up in the morning. He'd even thought about adopting her.
It had been a bit of a rocky start, like it was with most foster kids but they handled it. She eventually adapted and they learned to live with each other. And eventually they started talking and she started to like Shouta, seeing him as a father figure.
Shouta had thought that things had been fine, that she was recovering from her years in the system but she was struggling more than he knew.
She'd asked to stay home from school one day and Shouta had agreed. He was fairly lenient on mental health days, he knew that she struggled sometimes with dealing with people. He still had to do his own things, so he left for the day, leaving her alone.
When he returned for the night he was met with an odd stillness to the house. It scared him. "Y/N?" He called out, setting his stuff down. He knocked on the door to her room, listening for anything. There was no reply and no movement. "Y/N, are you okay?" He knocked again. He opened the door, scared for her and was met with the sight of his daughter deathly pale in bed with a pill bottle and a note on the bed side table.
He gasped and rushed over, shaking her. "Y/N!" He felt for breathing and was glad that she was. Barely but she was. He pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance, holding his daughter close as he waited for emergency services to arrive.
It was a slippery slope for a few days while they tried to get her body to heal but eventually she was out of the ICU and able to breath on her own. Shouta stayed with her the whole time, so worried for her. How could he miss this?
On the fifth day, she finally woke up. Shouta immediately noticed. "Hey..." He said quietly.
She looked away. "... Hey." Shouta grabbed her hand gently. "Look at me. Please, Y/N."
She hesitated but eventually looked over and met his eyes. He was exhausted and looked so, so worried. "I love you, Y/N. You are my daughter, okay? I'm sorry that I missed this. I'm sorry that you felt like you couldn't come to me."
She shook her head, tears in her eyes. "It's not your fault. It wasn't you, I promise."
He took a deep breath. "I will love you, no matter what happens. We'll get you the help that you need and things will get better, okay? I'll help you work for it, I'll be there for you." He promised. "Come here."
She nodded, leaning over to hug him. He hugged back, holding her gently and rubbing her back. He would be there for her no matter what. He loved her and that's all that mattered.
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
False Truth-2
Book: TRR AU
Pairings: Drake x Riley, Drake x Olivia, Liam x Riley .
Word count:3075
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: mental health, mention of death.
Catch up here for chapter 1
A/N: Thanks a ton @lizzybeth1986 for holding my hand and bringing this to reality. This is a mini series of 6 chapters loosely weaved around themes for the days of drake-walker-appreciation week.
Prompt: Day2: Throwback @drake-walker-appreciation week
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3 months ago……
Sirens blared through the roads as one ambulance after another zipped through the Capitol city of Cordonia. Olivia was  frantically driving her SUV, accelerating at a deadly speed towards the ruckus in the city. She wanted to reach the hospital, right now! The usually composed Duchess could not digest the blow of the phone call that she received an hour ago.
'The Crown Prince's convoy has been  attacked while heading to the palace from the airport. The prince and his chief of guards were reported injured. They have been rushed to the hospital.  Conditions currently unstable.'  
She had almost dropped her phone but her training had kicked in and she had rushed to the garage without waiting for any assistance. 
After driving for almost an hour, she hit the brakes, her vehicle screeching to a halt in the parking lot of the City hospital. 
She dashed to the ER but froze at the chaos she witnessed. There were shrieks and shrills, screams and shouts, wounded and attendings, cries and tears, pain and panic, all together overwhelming her senses. 
She tried to peer through the plethora of people in search of her husband, her friend….. maybe even a receptionist who could guide her. 
She caught hold of the nearest person in the hospital uniform. 
"Excuse me, I am looking for my husband, Drake Walker." 
The person filled her in quickly, "Ma'am, there was an attack on a whole convoy, we have thirteen injured and two deaths. I would suggest you to please connect with the front desk over there." 
She felt a chill run down her spine. 'Two deaths' her mind reverberated the words. With heavy steps, she crossed the distance to reach the desk. Her lips parted but her voice was choked. 'Two deaths?' she was questioning herself. Was she prepared for the worst? NO.NEVER! Her thoughts screamed back at her. 
She cleared her throat loudly enough to crush down her fears and to gain attention. She asked the relevant details. Thankfully, this time she was guided well till the entrance gates of ICU where Liam and Drake were being treated. 
Constantine and Regina were already seated there. They were holding each other's hands in silent prayers, waiting  to receive the news of the well being of their son. Olivia greeted them both with a downcast face and stood in a corner. They gave her a meek smile.
Moments passed to make minutes and minutes passed into hours. Nothing moved, except for the shuffling of  security around the royals. Savannah slipped in next to her sometime in between. But there was no effort to break the silence. Worried eyes met anxious ones, then shied away to hide their fear. 
After what seemed like ages, the glass doors slid open. The doctors stepped in the waiting area to let everyone know that things were under control. But, it was going to be a long road to recovery. 
Present day ……
The ivorine winged-back chair looked tempting with plush cushions. Olivia lowered herself into the softness of the upholstery. Her hands rested naturally on the arms of the chair. She let her head relax back while her long porcelain legs pointed out. She closed her eyes and stretched out with a moan. 
"Feels better?" 
She wasn't ready for any intrusion yet. But that was the whole reason to visit this place. Her heart was stalling the process of greeting the person in front of her, but she knew time was precious. She opened her eyes with quite an unwillingness. She adjusted herself to prop up on the chair with modesty. "How I wish!" 
Her interviewer sat down on a sofa across the spacious room. She didn't understand why they needed such a big room when the conversation could have very well been conducted in a small office across a desk. Her eyes traversed the gap between them, creeping over the fine carpets, hopping across the center table, revolving around the coffee mug to land on the clipboard they held. The click of their pen demanded her attention back to the present. Now. Here. 
"It didn't go well?" The stream of questions started. 
She shook her head in defeat. Her eyes trained low on the rug, lest her audience could see the tears floating over her emerald orbs. 
"What did he say?" 
She swallowed thickly before replying, "It was as if he didn't care. As if he had not even read the letter." 
"Are you sure he read the letter?" 
" It was lying open on his table. No one else visited the room. So, yes, he did read it." 
"But he refused to acknowledge it?" 
"He stomped away as soon as I went into his room." 
"Did he call you or did you go on your own?"
" He was talking to someone again." 
"On the phone?" 
"No, his phone was on the stand." 
"So, whom do you think he was talking to?" 
Olivia turned her head to the side and let out a sigh. "It was her." She swallowed over the lump in her throat. "He called out her name, again and again and laughed like a maniac. It scared the hell out of me." 
"What else did u hear him say?" 
"I knocked on the door only when I heard his laughter and her name in his voice. I don't know what conspired between them, before that." 
"Between whom? Are you saying you believe there is a woman named Riley in Drake's life?" 
Olivia leapt ahead in her chair with a snarl. "What do you expect me to say?" 
"Whatever is coming to your mind. What you feel is the truth." A calm reply came. 
Olivia stomped her foot on the rug and stood up. " The truth is, I am losing him. Every passing day." She said through her clenched teeth. "He is living in a delusion."
She got up and went behind the chair to create a safe barricade between them as she faced her interrogator. She wasn't sure she could control her actions. She clutched the back of the chair hard and lashed out, "The truth is that damn accident snatched away everything from me. I lost my friend, my love...my husband, my peace of mind...my happiness. Everything! All I am left to do is, struggle day and night. I have to remind the only man in my life…. Of who he is and who I am."
She paused but her chest was heaving with the burden. She was puffing out hot air to calm herself. She dug her nails deeper into the leather. "This isn't helping Dr June!"
"Olivia, we have discussed this earlier too, there is no magic wand that I  can use and get you the results. It is a slow process and it needs a lot of patience, especially from your end." 
Olivia hung her head in despair. She had no other option. She had tried every possible measure to get Drake out of his dreamland. Dr June , psychiatrist and behavioral psychologist was her last resort after much research. She had helped relieve Drake from the nightmares that had followed after the accident. Drake was on the recovery path, though with a memory loss. Olivia knew better, so she composed herself and came back to take her seat. 
"Thank you." Dr June nodded. "Now, can you tell me any special moments that you had spent together? Just the two of you. A moment that you think may have a deep impact on Drake's mind. Some place that he may still remember is related to you?" 
"Lythikan rites." Olivia blurted out without a second thought. 
"What rites?" Dr June asked, confused.
"It's an old, obsolete tradition from my province, which has been illegal for half a century. The Lythikan Rite of Union. An unmarried couple traverses the icy peaks of the Alps and on the dawn of the thirtieth day, they are wed, their officiant being survival itself." 
"Interesting…" Dr June encouraged her to continue. 
"I was always fascinated with it. Two years ago, when we decided to get married, Drake decided to do it for me."
She spoke as if in a trance, reminiscing those moments. "The very next day that we started our journey, I was in a mess. I was frustrated to not have my lady in waiting to manage my tousled hair.
When he saw me struggling, he unfeignedly took my comb from my hands. He walked me to a small rock nearby and sat down on the rock, his legs firm on the ground. He then pulled me closer, my back flush with his chest and made me settle against him. He started releasing the knots in my hair. He gently raked his fingers through my tangles. He then delicately brushed it smooth." 
Her gaze shifted to Dr June. "Do you know, I have never felt so much loved ever. He made me feel special. My world had zeroed down on him at that moment." 
Olivia had a smile dancing on her lips, her eyes transfixed into a dtstant space, as she spoke again. "I had never seen him so jovial before. He was humming. Drake Walker was humming a song!... for me!...while he neatly interweaved my tresses into a braid. He then cupped my face and said, 'I like them this way, so that, I can drown into the oceans of your green eyes. Olivia Vanderwal Nevrakis, I love you more than my life. I don't want to say till death do us apart because I can never forget you even if this body fades away.' 
Olivia suddenly paused looking puzzled at Dr June . "He was never supposed to forget me, doctor. What went wrong?" Her pain broke out through her words. 
"We will find it out soon and correct it, Olivia."  She reassured her. " Until then remember what he did for you back then. He took good care of you."
 Olivia nodded in agreement, dwelling into the past. "It was cold for him, snowy, harsh, yet I had him, all the time, beside me.…..holding my hand." 
She peered through the lone window to her left. Her eyes were dreamy, looking far away across the greens of the landscape outside. Her voice was soft and low. "Our hearts felt exhilarated. Our bodies shared the warmth. Our minds had an adrenaline rush." 
"It was cold…." Drake started narrating. "Snowy, harsh but it didn't matter to me. Riley was beside me……holding my hand. She said she felt exhilarated. And the warmth she felt with me would pull her through. She felt the adrenaline rush, she said." 
Dr June listened calmly. This was another session where Drake was imagining Riley, she was sure now. His description matched what Olivia had narrated earlier. Dr June had to be careful. 
Getting Drake into the sessions had been difficult enough. 
"Why am I here?" He would ask every time. 
"You met with an accident. You have a memory loss and I have been appointed by your kin, as your doctor." She would remind him of every appointment. 
"Oh!" He would look around disoriented and then just settle down for his family's sake.
Dr June knew one thing for sure, Drake would go to any extent for his family. But wasn't it the same for Olivia too? She was somehow washed away from his memory after the accident. And an unknown identity Riley had taken her place. 
The question was, who was Riley? Where did she come from? No one had ever heard of her. 
What Dr June had gathered from Drake was that Riley was a brunette as against his red-haired wife. She had honey brown eyes unlike Olivia's green eyes. She was dusky but Olivia was pale as a pearl. She was merely five feet as against Olivia's taller stature. Everything about Riley was in stark contrast to Olivia. 
Was Drake attracted to a different person altogether and was he done with Olivia? 
"I don't understand it." Olivia had repeated it umpteen times and Dr June always had tried to explain. 
" No one does, Olivia. We claim a lot in medicine, still, for the most part, the brain remains an unknown frontier. The human mind is a very complex area. Neuroscientists don't yet fully understand how information is processed by the brain of a worm that has few hundred neurons, let alone by the brain of a human that has 100 billion neurons. You never know where and how it gets jumbled up into a thick heavy ball that's impossible to untangle." 
Olivia stared at her in dismay. Dr June held her hand to show her support and give her some strength. "All we can do is TRY." 
And so they kept trying.
"Where is Riley from?" Dr June planned to test the waters in today's session, asking Drake the details of his imaginary girlfriend. 
 "New york." He answered casually. His thoughts seemed very well sorted. 
She further asked, "Where did you meet her?" 
"At a bar." That didn't give much detail. She anyway noted his answer. 
"How long have you known each other?" 
"Almost a year now." This was a surprise for her. Olivia did not even know and Drake claimed to know Riley for a year now. 
"Where does she stay?" 
"Here, with me." 
Dead end. She again hit a wall in her investigation. But today she had planned to dig deeper. So she continued, "Is she here with you today?"
"Yes, I requested her to wait outside." 
"Please bring her in." 
Drake got up promptly and opened the door to call her in. He came back a bit worried. "She is not there. Do you mind if I look around and get her?" 
"Sure. I will see you in ten minutes."
Drake wandered around the place for sometime while,in a neighboring room, Dr June filled in Olivia with the new information that she had. 
"New york?" Olivia tried to assimilate the newly received details. 
Dr June nodded. "Past one year." 
Olivia looked wide eyed. She started pacing the room.
Dr June asked, "Any accomplice who can throw some light on what his itinerary was like? Whom he met? Which places did he visit?" 
Olivia stopped and turned to Dr June. "He never visited New York. Past two years Drake has been busy managing the role of head of security guards here in Cordonia." 
"Hmm." Dr June pondered. They both stood in silence in their grappling mess. A knock on the door startled Olivia. She scurried behind the door before it opened.
Drake peeped in. "Dr June, I found Riley. She was in the gardens. I just came to inform you that we will be waiting for you in your counseling room."
"Sure, I will be there in a minute." Dr June forced a smile. 
Drake left. Dr June shifted her gaze to the left of the open door. Olivia had hid herself there and now she stood there stunned.  Riley was here. Again.   
Dr June took a deep breath and stepped ahead. She patted Olivia's shoulder in reassurance.  
"What are you going to do now?" Olivia questioned with teary eyes.
"Let's see. Maybe burst his bubble." 
As much as she wanted Drake to come back to reality, she didn't want to see him hurt and in pain. "He has been through a lot, Dr June. Is there no easy way?" 
"We are trying our best." She asserted and moved on. 
When Dr June entered her counseling room, Drake was alone sitting in his chair. She could judge his anxiety by his continuously shaking left leg. 
"Is Riley not joining us?" Dr June asked. 
"She started feeling dizzy and wanted some rest, so I sent her home. Maybe you can meet her later?" 
"Sure. Can I ask you something?" 
"Yes, please." 
"Sometime ago you mentioned your trip to the Alps. Do you remember any special moment you spent with Riley there that she really loved?" 
Drake smiled,"I hunted for her, I practiced making s'mores for her. "
"Something you still do for her and she misses?" 
Dr June observed the change in his demeanor. He was deep in his thoughts, his eyes had focused on the bouquet of red roses that brightened one of the dull corners of the room. 
"Her hair, they were always so bunched up. She still loves it when I comb and brush them for her." He was captivated when he uttered, " Her thick red mane! I just love them.. but i love them weaved into a braid. It shows her bright green eyes so clearly, you can drown in them." He smiled shaking his head.  
"You mean Olivia's hair." 
"No, I said Riley's." He looked at her suddenly with a jerk. 
"But you said red hair?" 
"No I did not! " He protested. 
"You just now  said 'her thick red mane." 
He stared at the doctor while she warmly looked at him and continued, "her thick red Mane, bright green eyes. 
Drake gave her a confused look. She tried to explain. 
 " It was Olivia with you, Drake. Always. All this time. Riley is… she is someone in your subconscious mind, playing games with your conscience. She is a figment of your imagination." 
Drake shook his head violently. 
" No, no, no!  That can't be." And he got up from his chair. "You are lying. You are all lying. You are trying to kill her. I won't let you. I will protect her. I promised, I will…" He ran out of the door. 
Olivia rushed in as soon as he left. "What happened, Dr June? Why was he running away like that? " 
Dr June replied, still staring at the door where he left from, a few moments ago. "He thinks Riley is in some danger. He wants to protect her, he said he promised he would." She then looked at Olivia. "Do you know whom he made promises as a chief of guard? To protect someone or to save someone?" 
Olivia pondered, " As a chief of guard he was answerable only to the king." She peeped out of the door and asked, "Do you think he can be left alone in this situation? I feel I should go after him. He may need me. " 
"Sure. We will meet later. Go." Dr June waved. Olivia turned around to leave, when Dr June called her. "And one more thing,Olivia…" 
"What is it?" Olivia looked back. 
"Somewhere deep inside, he still remembers you." 
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @gkittylove99 @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lizzybeth1986 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @riseandshinelittleblossom @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @yourmajesty09
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crystaldwightsworld · 2 years
"I'm definitely catching a cold..."
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So, in the recent Game Informer footage of Resident Evil 4 remake, you can hear Ashley say "I'm definitely catching a cold!" after her and Leon have escaped from the Church. It's pouring rain, probably chilly. Now, I know it's myth that catching a cold from the weather isn't really a thing but what if they BOTH got sick during the trip from Spain, and being forced to stay in isolation together.
-They're both being held in isolation either way, Graham wanting to be absolutely certain that any traces or remnants of the Plaga had been eradicated. Leon agrees to it only under the circumstance that 1. he gets to eat, 2. he gets a shower and 3. someone needed to go to his apartment, grab him some clothes, his medication, his laptop and to check up on his cats. "Graham, Sir, if you're gong to keep me here, I need to be comfortable. Ashley too, she's gone longer without food than me!"
-Hunnigan's there on location and is entrusted with the task of retrieving Leon's things. Leon has to tell her exactly where everything is, embarrassing enough that she was going to have to pick out underwear for him. "I hope you're okay with cats. Oscar is friendly but Millie is skittish. Just, you know, make sure they have enough food and water."
-Ashley's pissed, absolutely having none of it. "This is how you treat the agent that saved your daughter's life! I'd be dead without him! And what about me?! My word isn't good enough for you?!"
-So many tests done, so... many... even blood drawn. Ashley nearly passes out during her draw while Leon showered. They have them in a custom built ICU, wanting to keep surveillance on the both of them for the next 24 hours, heart rates being monitored on the constant. They both have their own section of the room, a bed brought in for the both of them. Ashley politely requests a tv.
-Leon can already feel it after the shower, that icky, not so great feeling as he dried his hair. He mentions it to the doctors on site. Sure enough, a few hours later, he's developed a fever, sore throat and body aches that keep him up most of the night despite how tired he is. Graham grows very concerned but the medic assures him that this was nothing more than the common cold. "He could have already been carrying a virus when he arrived in Spain. Maybe caught something on the airplane, from one of the pilots or staff. Happens all the time."
-Leon is miserable. He wants nothing more than to go home, to the comfort of his own bed, cocoon himself in his blankets and sleep. At least the bed wasn't too uncomfortable, the coffee wasn't bad either. He's been awake for an hour, coughing his lungs out and working on the report he was going to need to turn in eventually. Ashley stirring awake catches his attention with the addition of her now starting to cough. "Sweetheart, no! Not you too!" It was bound to happen. They had spent a lot of time together after finding her in the Church. She gets clingy after that and Leon doesn't have it in him to tell her no when she wants to hang out next to him. She develops a fever as well which results in shivering and a constant feeling of being cold. Good thing Leon was a furnace, body heat radiating off his frame.
-"The cooks are gunna make us some soup." Ashley tells him with a raspy voice.
"Oh God, that sounds amazing!" Leon replies, relieved.
-They unfortunately are requested to be kept in isolation for another night, just to be sure that it really was just a common cold. Leon grows just as angry as Ashley was yet they both make the best of it, by living on soup, ginger ale, warm tea, Gatorade, way too many fruit pops for the vitamin c boost, Alka Seltzer and the finest late night trash television has to offer.
-Ashley ends up falling asleep next to Leon but he's too exhausted to rouse her, knowing full and well that she needed her rest too. He doesn't care what the doctors would have to say, nor what Graham would think. As long as she was comfortable, he didn't mind. He ends up falling asleep not soon after, his head lulled back and resting against Ashley's. They had been through too much to be shy around each other.
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
Prompt: "I don't know if we're going to come home from this."
Ooooh I know I've been writing a lot of Eris recently but this really does feel like them.
____ Lost Gods
Word Count: 2.1k Content Warnings: graphic depictions of violence and injuries, angst, whump
"I don't know if we're going to come home from this."
Those were the scariest words he'd heard in his life.
It wasn't as if it was the first time Rick had heard them. It came with his line of work: things looked grim, and usually there was someone just frightened enough to voice what everybody else was thinking.
Sometimes they got lucky. Sometimes they were wrong.
Other times they weren't.
So far, Rick had been one of the lucky ones - if he could even call it luck, when he had to live with the echoes of a hundred other deaths etched permanently into his memory. But he was lucky in the fact that he survived, he made it home.
So it wasn't the words themselves that scared him. He'd heard those same words a dozen times in his life, if not more.
But never from Eris.
They came limping up to him mid-battle, spear missing and their right arm hanging dead at their side. At first he assumed it was dislocated, with their look of pain and the way she gripped it tight with her opposite hand. But then his grip shifted, and Rick saw bone and loose-hanging sinew through his fingers.
"Holy shit, doll-" he started, slinging his gun back over his shoulder and surging ahead. Eris just shook his head, readjusting his grip so the gaping wound - almost completely severed at the shoulder, Rick realized - was hidden again from view.
"It'll start healing up soon," he said, though his voice was tight with pain and something all too much like hopelessness, "Keep fighting. Don't stop for me."
Not that Rick's gun had been making much of a difference anyway. He wasn't even entirely sure what it was they were fighting, only that it was very large and very angry and had incapacitated the rest of the Squad. He hadn't had so much as a moment to check whether they were unconscious or dead. He prayed the former.
Eris let out a low groan, the only warning he got before their knees crumpled under them. Rick darted ahead to catch them, finally noticing the rest of the blood coating their clothing. After so many years, so many injuries Eris just brushed aside, he'd largely learned to tune out the sight of blood on them. But now he took in the sheer volume of it all - too much blood, too many wounds, more than any ordinary person would survive.
Eris' enhanced regeneration had taken care of most of them, but Rick could see that their energy was spent from everything it took to heal them. Some of the wounds were still oozing blood, darkening his clothing even further. And then there was the matter of her arm, still hanging by a few scraps of muscle and yet to start recovering tissue.
"I'm spent, Rick." they muttered, dropping their head against his shoulder with a shuddering sigh, "I've- I've got nothing left. It's too much."
"Okay, just- just rest here for a minute," he said, fighting hard to keep his panic in check. It took a lot to knock Eris down in any meaningful way. Eris' "shrug it off" was most people's "three days in the ICU". To see Eris laid this low, not only injured but struggling to heal...
Well, Rick was surprised he'd lasted this long himself. To say the least.
He steered Eris off to the side, shielded by a pile of rubble left from the fight. He could see the tendons and muscle in their arm beginning to weave back together, form new connections, though it was a slow and clearly arduous process. It left him wondering how many wounds they'd shouldered through already, to have drained so much of their strength.
"I couldn't land a fucking hit." Eris muttered, wheezing like he couldn't quite catch his breath, "It's got some kind of armor. Worse than the bugs. I couldn't do anything."
Rick struggled for words for a long moment. He wasn't sure where to start. Eris would brush off any attempt at comfort or reassurance, he was sure - even if they were still openly leaning on him, letting him take her weight. And everything else... there was just so much.
"Did you see any of the others?" he tried, figuring that was safest. Eris shrugged with their good shoulder. The other was still slowly mending, muscle creeping outwards in a vaguely entrancing spiral.
"Croc's down. Saw him slip into the sewers. Injured. Either bled out down there or just ran away." Eris answered, eyes flicking back and forth as she retraced the battle in her mind, "Bison's dead. Merlyn's dead. Didn't see DuBois. Probably hiding somewhere. Too smart to get caught out in the open with that thing. Nanaue's still up- fuckin' invincible, probably still chewing on its pinky toe or something."
"Figures." Rick agreed, running a mental tally of his own. Not great odds. Especially with Eris down. They were the team's real heavy-hitter, often just as impervious as Nanaue but with a lot more intellect to back it up.
"Rick, I..." Eris mumbled, baring him a deep grimace. He was shocked at the sight of fear in their eyes. It was not an emotion they wore often. "I don't think we're making it out of this one."
"Hey, hey, no- we'll come up with something." he insisted, "We've been through worse."
"You didn't see it. Not like I did." she insisted with a brisk shake of her head, "It's... it's like a god. It's like nothing I've ever seen. I don't even know where it came from. Look at this-"
He twisted around, reaching with his good arm to tug at the hem of his blood-soaked shirt. His abdomen was covered in half-healed punctures - only half-healed, even the oldest of them just barely beginning to clot.
"I'm not healing." Eris finished, "It's stopping me. Blocking me from my power. I'm..."
A heavy boom rocked the world, shaking the ground around them. Eris' words cut off, a yelp escaping her lips instead. Her shoulder, still a ruin of snapped tendons and half-regenerated flesh, appeared to slip free again, and she clutched at it with her good hand. His shirt darkened with fresh blood.
"See?" they muttered, pushing their shirt aside to show that the wounds had pulled open again, "It's got this... this pulse. Draining me. You know how much blood the average human body contains?"
"...Not sure I do, hon."
"Five liters." Eris answered, looking down at their clothing, "About this much. Dunno how much- I don't think-"
He cut himself off with a brisk breath, unable or unwilling to voice his thoughts. Rick realized a moment later that she was trembling. He couldn't tell whether that was exhaustion or pain or fear. More likely, some combination of the three.
The world rocked again, closer than before. Eris let out a low whimper, a shockingly pitiful sound to escape their lips. Any other time, with their spear and healing intact, they'd already be soaring back into the fight. Here, they hardly moved. Rick's hands were sticky with their blood, leaking more freely from their wounds.
"Yeah, darlin'?"
"I love you."
"Whoa- what the fuck is this?" Not his finest response. But Eris didn't share those words openly. Not at all. He could count the amount of times he'd heard them, all of them half-asleep and behind closed doors. Eris' love was a different thing than most. He'd understood that from the beginning.
So words like these, rather than reassuring him as they did on those late and gentle nights, only sent fear spiking through his veins.
"It's me, saying... I care about you, cowboy. Always have. Even if I'm an ass about showing it." Eris sighed, "And if this is all the time I get before you're gone, or both of us... this is how I want to leave it."
Something thundered from above them before Rick could respond, and the ground shuddered. Rick tightened his grip, shielding Eris with his body. Loose pebbles, chunks of concrete, rained down on his shoulders. He was beginning to think this outcropping of rubble wasn't the safest hiding place. But there was nowhere else to go. He could sense, in some primal way, that their eldritch adversary was creeping its way nearer, step by step, pulse by devastating pulse.
"Say it back." Eris muttered, the words almost lost against his chest.
"I need you to say it back. Please."
There was a knot in his throat. He couldn't breathe. Rick shifted his grip, cupping the back of her head in one hand and pressing a kiss to their forehead.
"I love you, wartime. You know I do."
Eris hummed, weakly hooking their good arm around his shoulders and tugging him down into a proper kiss. They pulled back far too soon, their breathing shallow. It was strange to see them so hollowed and weak. Any other time, it would be healed in moments, and he'd be right back on his feet.
Rick didn't like this. Not at all. He'd always assumed he'd be the first to die. He never imagined he'd have to watch this happen.
Another tremor racked the ground, this one so strong even Rick could feel a few old aches of his own threatening to spring back to life. His newest scars felt like they were unwinding at the seams. He couldn't imagine the pain Eris must have been in, with so many open wounds.
And then the shudders cut off, there and gone like a switch had been flipped.
A beam of plasma cut through the air, bright enough to make him wince. In his arms, Eris took in a sharp gasp, their whole body shuddering like they'd been hit with a cold breeze. New muscle, clean and pink, crept over their near-severed shoulder and sealed over in moments.
Within seconds, the remains of their wounds had healed - at least enough to move - and Eris wriggled out of Rick's grasp. She crept out from the rubble and let out an incredulous laugh at the sight of their savior.
"I have never been more grateful to see that cornhusking son of a bitch..."
Rick followed, vaguely confused until he saw an all-too-infamous blur of blue and red whisking through the air.
"Cornhusking?" he echoed, firing them what was meant to be a teasing look. He was sure it didn't come across quite right- not through the relief that swept over him like a flood.
"He's from Kansas."
"He's from Krypton."
"Heh." Eris said, baring him a familiar sharp grin. All their earlier fear, all their earlier pain, seemed to have vanished in a heartbeat. "You don't know him like I do."
Their dark eyes scanned the battleground, and he could see hope and thrill blooming on their face as they did.
"DuBois. Croc. Nanaue." he listed, pointing at spots on the battlefield. Eris beamed, bouncing on his toes as the fresh thrill of the fight washed over him. "And Supes. Now we've got a fucking chance. Get your gun."
Eris rolled her shoulders, newly healed, then picked her way through the rubble until he found an exposed shaft of rebar. He found a grip on it and hefted it like a warhammer, wearing a contemplative expression.
"Primitive." they decided, "But it'll do."
Rick did his best to bite back a smile as he reached around his back. His fingers closed on a leather sheathe, older and more worn than anything he usually carried, and he held it out in front of him- a foot-long dagger with a corded hilt.
"Want this one instead?"
Eris dropped their makeshift hammer at once, prancing over to him like a child offered an ice-cream cone. They took the blade and unsheathed it, giving it a few experimental jabs and swishes. The metal gleamed in the light.
"You packed me a spare?"
"Tell me you don't have an extra mag in your armor pouch." Rick countered. Eris shrugged and reached into one of the pockets at their side, tossing him the magazine with little more than a thought. Rick grinned.
"You and your damn smug face, I swear." Eris huffed, rolling his eyes as he sheathed the dagger at his belt. Avoiding his gaze, she hopped up onto the nearest pile of wreckage and took a second look at the battlefield. "C'mon, Flag, don't make me wait on you."
Rick laughed under his breath, picking his way through the rubble and readying his gun. Eris shifted their weight, fingers twitching towards the blade at their hip. Anticipation, dark and violent, gleamed in their eyes.
But just before she dove into battle, she grabbed Rick's shoulder and pulled him into a kiss.
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aki-draws-things · 1 year
Whumptober 2023~
Fandom: top gun
Characters: javy Coyote Machado, Jake hangman seresin (+tom, Ron and daggers)
Prompts: "you said you'd never leave "
Warning: flight accident, Jake's unconscious, but hey, he'll be alright
Summary: javy can only be there and wait for the one he was supposed to call husband soon to wake up.
(@oh-surprise-its-me javy/Jake not too angsty... Ronnie is currently testing the new version of the Darkstar instead of mav. It's not that tommy doesn't trust mav, it's ron who doesn't trust the jet, and with reasons...)
Javy whined. It was the only sound that Maverick heard come out of his mouth in the past hours. Small, almost soft whines.
He was ignoring everything and everyone that wasn't Jake. And hell, he couldn't even be with Jake. Doctors had been adamant. Family only.
He was family, for goodness sake! He was his fucking boyfriend/soon-to-be husband!
Chris wasn't picking up the phone, weirdly enough.
Ron's phone went straight to the voicemail. The one that stated classified things undergoing and he couldn't pick up yet.
Javy hated doing that because he knew how much the man was busy, but it still was Jake.
"Jaybird is in ICU. They don't let me in. I'm scared Tata"
God, he felt like a kid. And he still felt embarrassed like the first time when Tom said he could call him Tata too. Javy only did that when he was scared.
"We're coming in. Be there in 5 hours. Sorry, papa just landed. (No, son, you don't want to know what. Or how. Definitely not how)"
Javy knew what he was doing. Distracting him. Tom always knew how to do that, somehow, he was good at that. He was also good at making him curious. And worried.
"Tell them I give you permission. Stay with him, Jav."
Javy showed the text to the personnel, they grumbled and talked among themselves before finally letting him in.
Javy whined. His eyes filled with tears as he stretched a hand out toward Jake. Jake who was laying covered in cuts and bruises and blood on his hair. His lips quivered and he fell to his knees, grasping at the folded blankets. The whine turned into a wail. Mav flinched.
"Jake-- Jaybird-- you said you would never leave..."
His voice sounded so small, scared. Mav felt a pull, to reach out and hold Javy like he was a kid. He didn't. He watched him brush his fingers oh-so-gently over his face, he watched as he hesitated briefly by his neck, the heart monitor showed a stable rhythm, he didn't need to feel it-- he needed it.
"So you gotta come back to me, okay? You have to... cause baby, I can't lose my future husband like that, without even putting a ring on your hand."
Five hours later, and the whole dagger squad sitting in the waiting room with Maverick, the COMPACFLT, and Admiral Kerner showed up and didn't waste a moment longer with a nurse to point at the room and get in.
Mav could swear he heard Javy gasp.
"Why do you always land in the wrong way, papa? You're supposed to be one of the best!"
"Yeah, I'm the best when wheels come out for me to land, kid."
Javy whined again.
Waiting was going to be so very long, they knew.
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