#I was so stressed after the triangle that I forgot
Hello! Today I went with some Zoro, because he's my favorite. He's a bitch to draw, it's so hard. I'm used to writing his pov, and find that pretty easy. But drawing him is hard. I don't know how people do it.
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Under the cut are some different versions as always, since I can't decide on anything lol.
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You know what's the thing that almost made me want to throw my laptop? Doing the triangle in the demi flag. But I'm happy with the result.
As always, I don't know how to draw hair and face, but who cares!
Is it obvious that I have a thing for Zoro covered in blood? Probably. Do I care? Not really.
Close up of Zoro's boobies and chest hehe (since I hate how the face turned out).
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kindheart525 · 10 months
Do you have any really silly mane six headcanons
Twilight Sparkle once smoked weed during her equivalent of college and to this day is terrified that Celestia will find out (Celestia already knows)
Twilight has very little knowledge of memes and her friends frequently have to explain new slang to her before she causes political scandals (“no Twilight ‘kys’ does not mean ‘keep yourself safe’”)
Much like a real horse, Twilight often falls asleep standing up during her late-night stress & study sessions. Spike has had to wake her up and tell her to go to bed numerous times
Twilight was that kid who reminded her teachers there was homework when they forgot. Her classmates didn’t really like her for that
Her love life is very…active lol, including when she’s in a stable and committed relationship (like active within that relationship not as a serial cheater). She loves learning new techniques if you catch my drift
Fluttershy is surprisingly confident when she’s attracted to someone, and when she’s in a committed relationship she has a lot of fun facts about animal mating patterns to share with them for…no particular reason
Unlike Twilight, Flutters is surprisingly well-versed in memes because she’s learned a lot from Discord (and also Treehugger). She doesn’t really understand the humor in all of them but she’s aware of them
(In a universe where FlutterCord is canon) She had to absolutely fight for her life in the Mane 6 meetups when she told her friends she was dating/crushing on him
Daring Do eventually loses popularity, partly because so many of her books involve actual artifact theft and social attitudes have changed, and partly because ponies just moved on to newer book series. Rainbow Dash still remains her biggest die-hard fan even when she looks pathetic doing so
Rainbow Dash acts like a big baby every time Tank hibernates for the rest of her life (he outlives her) but after the first few years it’s kind of silly
This isn’t an idea I came up with but I really like all the jokes about RD writing really bad fanfiction, and it’s a headcanon I subscribe to
(Mostly a joke because I do ship her with mares outside of my next gens) Rainbow Dash is straight but has a lot of mares asking her out because of her mane, and it’s hard to get stallions because they also think she’s gay. She also has a hard time relating to her friends who all like mares
RD doesn’t take good care of her hooves because she flies all the time and forgets to trim them due to not walking very much. Because of this, they look funky and overgrown and her friends kind of clown on her for it
When she’s older, Rainbow Dash wrecks some of her joints trying to do stunts that she did when she was younger (like carrying her “little” sister). She has the worst midlife crisis out of all her friends
When Rarity was a filly, she used to create the most elaborate and dramatic plotlines with her dolls that easily measured up to any soap opera, with betrayals, love triangles, custody battles, the whole works
She enjoys listening to soul-crushingly sad music (like Marina’s discography) during her ice cream-crying sessions, in the process roleplaying a life much more dysfunctional than she has because it helps her cope with her actual problems. Also listens to that music in a good mood if she needs to be inspired for a certain fashion piece
She overstocks her supplies to a sometimes comical extent, like she has 400 refills for her bedazzler machine. How does she have room for all that stuff? A lady never reveals her secrets, darling✨
Applejack loves singing country songs like “Thank God I’m A Country Colt” and “International Harvester” at the top of her lungs, they literally never fail to get her hyped up
(In a human context, ignoring Equestria Girls) it took her awhile to learn that Apple Bloom had TikTok and other social media accounts because she only uses Facebook on her clunky home computer
AJ is incapable of enjoying any kind of sitcom because she’s always poking holes in the plot. Her least favorite storylines are the “caught in a lie” and general miscommunication tropes
She also can’t watch well-written, dramatic tv shows either if any of the characters behave dishonestly (such as Breaking Bad)
Pinkie and Cheese once performed “Amish Paradise” for her parents and sisters (even in universes where they aren’t a couple). Reactions were VERY mixed
Also some of my “how they explain the birds and the bees to their kids” headcanons for my next gens are pretty funny
Fluttershy is really good at explaining the whole life cycle (including reproduction and death) because taking care of so many animals means she’s seen it all. Nothing squicks her out anymore. She explains things matter-of-factly but gently as she guides her little ones through various examples involving her animals.
Twilight would do a good job and be comfortable with it but she would also go overboard, giving a college-level lecture about the full reproductive process when her 10 year old daughter only wanted to know what going into heat meant. Twi’s partner calls Fluttershy in to help for the kid’s sake.
Rarity buys her daughter the pony equivalent of those Care & Keeping of You books (and her son gets the male equivalent of those books). She uses those books to bond with her kids over “becoming a mare/stallion.”
Applejack is very overprotective of Apple Bloom and probably procrastinated on giving her “the talk” only to find out that AB already learned from the other CMC (especially Scoot “left completely unsupervised 24/7” aloo /hj). A similar deal would probably happen with her own kids as well unless her partner is better about it. Even though, years before, Granny Smith was very straight with AJ like “ya wanna know how our new batch of chicks was made?”
Pinkie isn’t uncomfortable with the talk at all, except her explanation gets so convoluted and off topic that her kids go off to ask someone else.
Rainbow Dash says “go ask your father”
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/olderthannetfic/718173342545412096/i-changed-my-mind-while-writing-my-very-long-fic Hi I'm this anon and I forgot to say that I don't like my fandom anymore and the friends I made there all moved on and I will leave it after the fic is done and orphan it and go live as a hermit because fandoms aren't fun anymore which is why I don't really care about undeniably being the asshole here. They tried to stalk and harass me so I don't feel that bad about doing this when the fic has always been posted anonymous and I don't care if this follows me to my other well hidden socials should it be linked to me. I want to finish the fic because my ND gives me stress when I don't finish things fully and giving up would feel like cutting off my leg, so starting a new fic isn't an option for me and idc enough about the first ship anymore to finish it at all. The fic was a will they won't they with a love triangle for the first part where the love interest likes both and it might suck if I go from the NB main as choice to the fem side chara but that's fine by me because I lost attachment to the show. Is this what people say is trolling? I don't know but I just stopped caring about these people and charas and I'm kinda curious to see what will happen now if I just follow my heart. I sent this to gauge what might be the reaction before it happens, not that I'll ever read the comments after finishing the fic
Dude, you already know what the reaction will be.
No one cares about all these details.
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neteluvr-library · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty except its w/ 8 ft tall blue aliens
the summer i turned pretty except it’s a love triangle between the reader, neteyam, & lo’ak....like can you just imagine reader who is from a different clan, but somehow manages to visit the omaticaya clan every year for a short period of time, who is childhood/family friends with the sully boys and family. she visits one year (after maturing beautifully) and shes so excited to finally visit again !!! but suddenly nete (conrad) is just a brooding asshole (idk probably cause jake is stressing him tf out with duties) and lo’ak (jeremiah) is just his normal, playful self and they are both in love w/ reader ??? maybe there’s a huge festival coming up and all eligible women are encourage to participate in some traditional coming of age festivity (the debutante ball but make it omaticaya)?? and reader participates for the fun of it. will reader stay loyal to her first love (neteyam) or does she finally notice how cute and dependable the younger brother is (lo’ak) ?? (or does she meet someone new aka cam cameron) 
ensues a love triangle bc who doesnt love will they/wont they, love friends to lovers, first love, unrequited love, heartbreak, angst?? its all making sense in my head ... 
my apologies if someone has already thought of this but im rewatching s1 of tsitp and forgot how good it is HAHAAH cant wait for s2...i dont post/write at all but i had to get this out of my brain i’ve been thinking about it all day 
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aleksa-sims · 1 year
First off, I LOVE your story. You’re so strong and every obstacle you over came made you into the beautiful person you are.
Second, I have a question, you don’t have to answer .. but does writing about your life eve trigger old emotions or make you sad during the harder times? I just always wonder how a writer feels when they’re writing their stories esp. when it’s a personal one.
I adore you. 🤍
Hey, friend! 🤗
Thank you sm! This is so sweet! 🤧 💜💜💜 and I apologize for my "long" absence. This week school started and well, was a bit hectic and stressful.
And of course, I’ll answer your question. You can ask me anything!
To your question. When I started with that Simself thing (2 or 3 years ago), I didn’t think anything serious about it. It was just some kind of... gameplay fun?
I remember having Sandra’s Simself in my library. Seeing her Simself made me so sad. I came up with the idea to tell her/our story. By now, most of you few, who still follow my story after all this time, know, that Sandra is no longer with us. 😞 Sandra was a part of my life. We were together all the time. But somehow I couldn’t understand certain things Sandra did or experienced. I'm simply not her! But I will tell what happend to S.! Soon. I just have to.
And the more I started to tell about myself, my family & Sandra, the more... complex it became. And I remember how unpopular Nico was at the beginning.🤭 A nice person here, was even worried about me and my little son. 😬 She knew I was still with him. But I wasn't offended or upset. I understand, some topics are serious and I certainly have often expressed myself incorrectly. My English was totally shitty, bad & embarrassing. 😶‍🌫️🤦‍♀️
Over time, however, I decided to write about my addiction. This was hard! I was ashamed and totally nervous when I first posted it. But I got a very nice message from another Simblr here. She had the same issue and we even become friends. But unfortunately, she is no longer active here on Tumblr. Idk what happend to her? ☹️ Maybe some of you know who I mean?...
Back to the topic: As for my addiction, I noticed that I can write about it without getting/having this ....craving for that drug. I totally forgot after almost 7 years, how it even feels to be high. And do not intend to do this shit ever again!
As for my feelings and emotions, yea, I cried when I told certain things. It made me sad, but I knew the future and this fact made it possible for me, to continue. That I could write about Nico's & my break-up, I only succeeded, because I knew this wasn't our end. He was right next to me, in the room next door, while I was writing about it.
As for Daniel, the whole thing looks totally different. When I started to write about this... triangle thing between Philip, Nico and me, I didn’t want to tell/write about Daniel a little later in the future. I was afraid I’d be considered crazy. I mean, this is insane and also embarrassing, what I have experienced and done with those 3 men. I thought when I started telling you about Daniel and that I even got married to him, nobody would take me seriously anymore. How can I fall in love with 3 different men, in just one damn year? You know? But when I played with Daniel’s Simself, I realized I couldn’t do this to him! 😭 I felt so bad, that I decided to just tell the truth. Even if people don’t take me seriously afterwards or think I’m a lunatic, hidding the truth or changing reality, is just weak and cowardly. Also why I wasn't sure, if I should tell about Daniel is, I was afraid of the feelings I still had for him. I knew, once I remember Daniel and the time with him... my life, my reality, will become complicated. But it was too late anyway. Daniel was already in my mind and heart, before I mentioned him here. And actually last year, I went through a very though time. I was depressed. It was hard for me to write about my life. I just didn’t see any hope. Mainly, because of my illness. My leukemia levels have worsened. As it looked, I had to take a new drug which has very serious side effects. So I got panic attacks again and was afraid to leave our home. The only task I could do alone was to pick up my son from kindergarten. I couldn’t do anything outside our four walls by myself without help, without Nico or someone else by my side. I was just scared...
I decided to continue my story. I thought, if I can do that, I can continue IRL too! The chapter Daniel went on forever. 🥵😔I noticed that I can’t let go of Daniel, neither in Sims nor in my reality. I just wanted to move on and finally close Daniel's & my chapter. But it was hard. IRL I started to withdraw. I didn’t let anyone get to me. All the feelings and emotions that have been triggered by writing my story have made something clear to me. I had to see Daniel! And I swear, seeing him and having him with me, helped me get out of my depression. The darkness that surrounded me faded, thanks to him. ❤️
So yes, writing about my life definitely brought up emotions in me and also opened up old wounds. But some wounds that I thought would never heal, are gone. Just because I told and wrote about it, I was able to reflect on some experiences and conclude with them. Especially my relationship with Nico has become more stable.❤️
Anyway, telling my story taught me one thing! After every difficult, hard life phase, follows a good one. Last year was hell, but I managed to take care of myself and my health. And I also got good news about my illness last month. My leukemia levels stabilized and I didn’t have to change my medication. Even if everything seems hopeless, small miracles can happen. And so that these little miracles don’t fall into oblivion, I write about them. Certainly not perfect and flawless. I am still learning. And I lost a lot of time last year, because I wrote and posted so irregularly, but I hope that I will get better in the future and my posts will be shorter again. 😬
Thank you sm for this ask. You also inspired me to improve my storytelling skills, reading your stories helped me a lot and I love Delilah. I’m always excited when I click on your posts to catch up on Deli’s life.💜🤗
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isatumbles · 5 months
Hi okya Im doing it :3
Topic of the day: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
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Ive heard of this game ever since it got popular around 2015 - 2017, and it has always intrigued me as a kid! A fun (and stressful) co-op game about defusing a bomb that has several puzzle-like modules on it with no idea how to complete them without the help of an expert? My grabious goodness that was like music to my ears for young me! But unfortunately, I did lose interest as I forgot about the game.. until a certain Roblox game (Looking at you, Defusal) brought me back to this game
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, or in its abbreviated name, KTaNE, is just as I said above, a bomb defusal game where one must defuse a bomb with instructions from an expert that can only see their manual! The game comes in a really nice painted aesthetic while keeping the tenseness of having to defuse a ticking bomb! Ill be discussing the general game and mods as well bc why nont
So the game has you go through several sections containing missions that gradually get harder as you progress. Each mission gives you a bomb with differing amounts of modules that can range from slightly easy to quite difficult (Depends on how well you can relay information, for me I am pretty good with all the modules, even morse!). The game sets the atmosphere really nicely with music that swells in intensity as the timer ticks down and the beeping of the timer that goes down, reminding the defuser of their job!
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The modules this game presents are all super unique and fun to wrap ones head around, and one may even notice improvement with certain modules after doing them many times! Some modules that come to mind are:
The Button: A large button that can come in different colors and have different labels. The defuser has to either press the button or hold it and release it at a certain time. If the button is held, a light will appear on the right to tell when to release the button depending on the numbers on the timer! (I have a pet peeve watching people play this game and them giving the color of the button instead of the light next to it weeps)
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Complicated Wires: Several wires that may come in striped or solid colored, as well as LEDs and Stars indicating if the wire should be cut or not. The expert has to read the given Venn diagram to see if the wire should be cut or not, resulting in heavy mind chugging and additional info such as if there is a port or a certain number of batteries!
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The Knob: A needy module (Think a module that reactivates at random times that forces you to focus on it before handling other modules again) that shows several lights and a knob that you have to set in a certain direction before its own timer runs out! This one is a pretty annoying one considering the knob can reorient itself to throw off the defuser!
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There are several more modules, but the game only has about 14 modules! So for more customization, the creators made it so the game is moddable, allowing people to make their own modules! Lets just say, as of the time I upload this, there is about 2,000+ modules made by the community. No, I am not kidding. These people have dedicated many years to creating and uploading modules for others to defuse and enjoy, and it is still heavily active with new modules almost every week or two! Some cool ones Ive seen are:
Forget Me Not: A boss module (A type of regular module that makes the defuser and expert record information every time a module is complete, and then having that information be used at the very end when all other modules are done) that displays a single digit for every solve before making you input a code with said digits. This module has plenty of variants and is commonly used in challenges.
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Triangles: A group of similar-looking modules that require you to click on the triangles depending on what type it is such as Slipping Triangles, Dripping Triangles, Tipping Triangles, etc. Each have their own unique set of rules that range in difficulty. There are other modules that have similar-looking modules themselves such as the Squares, the Switches, the Flashes, and plenty more, but I prefer the triangles bc theyre my favorite lmofa
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Simon Spins: A Simon Says module that has spinning arms with different colors, shapes, and movements. This is my all-time favorite Simon Says module as it is pretty fun to deal with! The large list it has in its manual as well as the unique combos makes it a new experience each time, even more so with seeds!
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SO YEA I LOOOVE love KTaNE so much, and Im super glad the community is not only thriving but super friendly too! People are always available to play in the discord server, and some even allow themselves to teach other players how to do difficult modules that may stump new players! Its honestly such a blast and Im sure its a fixation thatll stick with me for a while!
Ill end this off with a large doc that I made for the sake of documenting on KTaNEs history and fanbase! Id be super elated to receive feedback on it and such, go take a look here!
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helluvapurf · 1 year
*oop almost forgot to post* -BUUUT, looks like HB's second-half of S1's finale is finally here! 👀Lets talk about it~
Spoiler thoughts below for those who haven't seen it-
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The Positives:
-The background & Gluttony ring setting were pretty gorgeous to look at, wonderfully sickly sweet & inviting with all the honeycomb/beehive aesthetics~
-Kudos to Kesha making a stellar guest appearance as "Queen Bee(-lzebub)"; a charismatic and charming party girl who turned out to have more of a heart when it all came down to it (making sure everyone was well-fed, nudging Loona to go look after Blitz, her tender side to Tex, etc.), what a vibe~ 😊
-Loona gets to shine again in a speaking role, and this time wasn't too overly-moody/aggressive, but more anxious and unsure of how to make friends with all these wild party guests (which I'm sure anyone could relate to, in some degree 🥺). Even getting to see her acknowledging more of Blitz as her dad was a nice touch (for the time being at least) ^^
-Nice to see Blitz arrive as he could to help out Loonie, even after he already had a stressful night from "Ozzie's" (+drank himself silly at Bee's party), his daughter's presence being there for him in the darkest parts of his life is what matters most, aww~ ☺️
-Tex gets to return as the best wolf bro that he is, and his lil moments with his girlfriend Bee (while arguably a bit overdone with the “royalty x commoner” theme, given some other HB pairs we got atm-) were still pretty wholesome on their own too~ 💛
The Negatives:
-As sweet as it was to see more of Loona's softer/vulnerable side (especially when tending to her dad at the end)... idk, it just makes me all the more crushed at how "Seeing Stars" just threw away that potential development out the window, so her & Blitz actually get along for once here isn't meant to "mean" anything in the long run… 😔*sighs*
-Pacing felt a teeeensy bit rushed/unfinished in some parts... like on one hand you have Bee's song running for a good chunk of time (like a standard iTunes single), but stuff like Loona's anxiety/rivalry with those snobby dogs at the party wasn't really addressed afterwards once Blitz entered the picture (opting instead for filler of him drinking/fooling around while Loona's just... kinda "there", up until they go home)? Idk, I kinda get in-hindsight why Viv had to make this a shorter ep, but in this sense I feel like just a few more mins added could've really enhanced the story a lil better.
-While the tonal shifts weren't... too clunkily-handled compared to some of S2's lineup, I'll admit there's some parts that could've used a bit of tweaking in the emotional bits imo (Like Blitz just abruptly throwing up after moping about his love life... while funny initially, it still makes one wonder if it really "needed" to be there, yknow?)
-Enjoyably catchy as a classic lil callback to the early 2000s!era of pop/clubbing music… after a few listens. "Cotton Candy" does feel a lil too long/repetitive in a couple parts, I'll admit .w.; Which… probably was the intention now that I think about it ('cause yknow, Gluttony-) buuuut, ye lol
-As much as I enjoyed seeing Tex & his friendship with Loona again... ehhhh, with her lowkey still seeming to have a crush on him (+her implied jealousy at Bee), I'm a bit afraid this might lead to some unnecessary love triangle bs if not handled carefully .x.; Since we already got enough of that with Blitz' love life atm, we really don't need more melodrama tbh >>
-Finally... yeaaaaah I know this is already getting kinda "debated" enough already in the fandom, but as far as my thoughts on Bee's design goes? ...Kiiiiiinda don't really know what to think still tbh- ^^;;
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Like, okay there's parts I do genuinely love about it, like the bee-theming, the honey hair & lava lamp aesthetic (+the lowkey-callback to the "Die Young" wolf girl was a cute touch)... buuuuut then you get to the random canine-bod/blue tuft of hair that the design just loses me from there, I'm afraid glkjgk .w.;;
Again, I don't hate the canon Bee design overall, and I'm curious to see if she'll make any other reappearances down the line (even if they might need to recast her for budget issues like w/ Striker)... buuut idk, if I had to personally reimagine her myself I'd personally lean more to her being a cute bee demon imho .3.
-Aaaaand yeah, that about covers it for my thoughts regarding this ep! :> I'd say overall I'd give it.... hmm, a B-rank perhaps? (hehe bee pun-) .3. A lil heavy on the filler in some parts (and in the long run could arguably be one of the more "skippable" eps), but for what its worth it had some good vibing moments for me as a palate-cleanser to some of the "lesser" S2 eps, previously ^^ 👍
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pokedocbedlam · 2 years
Decided to make a series of body headcanons for Selkie AU now that I've had more time to think about and draw everyone! So let's get started with the twins!
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Putting under readmore to be safe, even though they’re only shirtless.
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Notes on Ingo!
-Doesn’t retain many scars, but he does have one on his chest that hit quite hard...is it from an Alpha Pokemon as is often HC’d, or somewhere else?
-Yes, those are all the tattoos from the “Poetry in Ink” fic. Full sleeves of his Hisui and Modern teams, the triangle (that I forgot to shade oops) with his initials, and the railroad tracks on the spine (broken where the worst of his spinal injuries were). Also a wedding ring tattoo in case the physical ring ever gets lost.
-Ingo’s Z-Crystal aligns with his special move as a Guardian Selkie, “Seventh Wave”. Thus, it is a blue Water Z-Crystal!
-Ingo’s hair tends to be long and scruffy, though folks usually don’t see that under his hat.
-Of the two, Ingo has better upper body strength, especially after Hisui. He also tends to be stockier overall, which is perfect for his defensive shield-based fighting style; once this train gets moving, it is nigh impossible to knock him off course.
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Notes on Emmet!
-Even less permanent scars than Ingo. However, he’s got a bad case of dermatrillomania, so his shoulders and upper arms are riddled in scabs when he gets stressed. He tries to keep his nails short and gloves on in order to circumvent this.
-His Z-Crystal aligns to his unique move as a Warrior Selkie, “Tempered Edge”! Thus, it’s a silver Steel Z-Crystal!
-Emmet’s actually had most of his tattoos longer than Ingo. The leg tattoo is a growing collection of initials from his many loved ones over the years, while his back tattoo is from a painting one of his previous partners painted. He got his white triangle tattoo to go with Ingo’s black one.
-Emmet keeps his hair shorter in general, and gets antsy if it’s too long. It also tends to be staticky due to the constant Joltiks.
-Emmet is slightly leaner than his twin, though he still has a decent layer of insulation. Where Ingo is more top-heavy with his muscles, Emmet has stronger lower-body strength, which helps with his hit-and-run swordplay tactics.
-As seen here, he defaults to standing on the balls of his feet, and his movements tend to be bouncier.
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staynoonaz9290 · 2 years
Temptation - S2 (Ch. 8)
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Where Maddie and Lila are back six months later, still managers of Stray Kids, navigating the world of incubi, and worse… Dealing with unexpected feelings
Group: Stray Kids
Pairing: Each SKZ Member/Fem! Reader (Third Person-Lila and Maddie)
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Sexual Content (a LOT of sexual content-please don't read if this makes you uncomfortable), Sex with multiple members (at separate times), Sex-to-survive (Incubi/Succubi), Desperation, Oral Sex (M-Given/F-Given), Fingering, Language, Supernatural Love, Excessive Drinking, Crack Fic, Age Difference, Slight OOC, Slight Angst, Love Triangle
Word Count: 4,626
Main Masterlist | Stray Kids Masterlist
7 | 8 | 9
Lila and Changbin had been in the car together for four hours, and so far it had been…
While she really always liked Changbin, in a big group, the man seemed to feed off of everyone else, being particularly obnoxious when he wanted to be.
And Lila wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting- maybe Changbin to be talking a mile a minute the entire drive or to be looking through his luggage, realizing he forgot something again.
But what she hadn’t been expecting, was driving with Changbin to be so weirdly peaceful.
They’d been listening to his music for most of the trip, Lila switching through song after song, the two of them either singing along to the words or listening in a comfortable silence, just enjoying it instead.
Sometimes, they would talk, too; just light conversation when things came up, like when Lila saw an airplane overhead and she told the man about her flight to South Korea from the U.S. with Maddie terrified beside her for fourteen hours. Or when they passed by a farm and Changbin told her he’d milked a cow before, and it was way cooler than he’d expected it to be.
The four hours had passed so quickly, Lila checked the time and was surprised before the song was changing, her eyes widening in excitement.
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed, Changbin glancing over at her with a small smile. “I love this song!”
“Me too!” he said, laughing a bit before she couldn’t hear it anymore, turning the volume up way too loud.
They were singing at the top of their lungs again, Lila giggling between lyrics as Changbin kept his eyes on the road, smiling brightly.
“If I lay here… If I just lay here…-”
“Would you lie with me and forget the wor-”
But the music stopped both of them looking at one another in confusion before Changbin’s phone was lighting up, a call from Chan coming in.
Lila’s stomach flipped at the picture of the man on the screen- he was making a super goofy expression, face way too close to the camera- and Changbin muttered something under his breath about the song being ruined before unplugging the device, answering the call and bringing it to his ear.
“What’s up?”
She couldn’t hear Chan on the other end, and knew the man was probably giving some kind of update, a little worried about their arrival time.
“They just got there?” Changbin asked, adjusting the phone on his ear, driving one-handed. “Okay-”
Lila bit her lip, checking the time again and the map on her phone.
They’d known this trip would take an hour longer than the rest of the group; that the subway was called express for a reason, and by car, they would just make it on time.
So- despite her efforts to avoid it- Chan had still been rather stressed when he found out their dilemma and how they’d had to solve it. But he’d been calm of course- he always was- telling them to be safe and even getting there an hour before, it would be enough prep time.
Changbin had practiced enough, he’d be fine.
“You did?”
Lila looked at Changbin again, watching the man’s eyebrows raise in slight surprise.
“Thanks dude- Yeah, I know-”
He was scowling, but she could tell the man was trying not to laugh.
“Yah! It’s not my fault she canceled-”
Lila giggled under her breath.
“Well, none of my usuals answered me this morning, and I was running out of- Yes, women want me!”
She couldn’t help the surprised laugh that slipped from her lips, and it seemed Changbin couldn’t either, chuckling as he gripped his phone, turning his head to talk loudly into the mouthpiece.
“Shut up dude- Yeah, yeah, we’ll get there on time, don’t get your panties in a twist- no you wear panties- bye- bye- ANNYEONG!”
Changbin was cracking up by the time he hit End on his phone, handing it back to Lila who was still giggling, the man shaking his head.
“God, I hate him.”
The words weren’t even remotely convincing when he was still grinning brightly, a certain fondness in his eyes Changbin and Chan always had for one another.
Like brothers.
“Sure you do,” Lila teased, plugging his phone back into the radio.
He didn’t argue, only chuckling under his breath as he wiggled his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Chan found someone to help me out before the concert,” Changbin explained. 
This had been one of their biggest concerns about arriving a little later than the rest of the group; Changbin needed to feed still, and they hadn’t thought that through when he’d volunteered to take the car ride with Lila.
But Chan had told them he would figure something out, and it looked like he had.
Of course, she thought to herself with a smile.
“I guess it’s some worker at the venue. She knows us from last time and told him she would,” Changbin explained, sounding slightly surprised by this.
Lila’s eyebrows raised; she guessed the girl thought Changbin was pretty sexy if she remembered him and was willing to help out just like that.
But to be honest, she really couldn’t say she disagreed with whoever this worker girl was…
Changbin was actually really hot.
Being in the car with him for this long, Lila kept noticing things.
The tightness of his black t-shirt he so often wore, the way the sleeves slid up his arms as he gripped the steering wheel, showing her just how big his biceps were nowadays.
The casual, handsome way he drove, one hand on the wheel, the other resting at his side, fingers drumming to the beat of the music, always a little bit of a smile on his face.
The way his leather pants hugged his legs so tightly, it left very little to Lila’s imagination, her eyes always darting away when she felt the first tingles of desire in her throat.
She wasn’t sure if being enclosed in a car with Changbin for so long was affecting her. 
Maybe he’d waited too long to feed and now his need was emanating in the car, like pheromones or something, but-
Lila had definitely been noticing him for most of the ride.
She shook her head, trying to stop the creeping burn of her blush as it spread across her cheeks.
“-you think we’ll make it on time, right?”
Changbin nodded, glancing over at her for a moment before looking back at the road.
“Yeah!” he replied like it was no big deal. “Chan’s just a worry wart. We’ll make it in more than enough time as long as we don’t run into any snags. Which we won’t-”
At that exact moment, his words were drowned out by a very large POP, both of them jumping in alarm before Changbin was holding tightly to the steering wheel, the car bumping rather severely.
“Shit, shit, shit-”
Lila’s heart was hammering in her chest as she held onto the dashboard, Changbin slowing the car and pulling over onto the side of the deserted highway.
When they came to a complete stop, both of them were still frozen in their seats before staring at one another, eyes wide.
“Uh…” Lila said weakly.
“I think we just-” Changbin swallowed, letting go of the steering wheel to run a hand through his hair. “I think we just got a flat tire.”
A beat of silence followed his words before he was unbuckling his seatbelt.
“My dad taught me how to change one,” he said lowly. “I’ll just-”
And then he was climbing out of the car before Lila could stop him, suddenly coming to life from the shock.
He lifted the hatchback that was her trunk, Lila quickly yanking her seatbelt out of the way and turning around.
“Um, Changbin-”
“Geez, this thing is small, where the hell do you keep a spare tire?”
“Probably under this here, lemme just-”
The man looked over the headrest of her backseat, eyes wide with alarm.
“I, uh-” Lila smiled guiltily. “I don’t have a spare tire…”
“I used it like, two years ago on a roadtrip with Maddie,” she explained. “And I guess I never… got around to getting another one…”
She cringed, Changbin looking at the trunk before staring back at her.
He ran another worried hand through his hair, and Lila watched him, surprised when she saw purple flash across his eyes for the briefest of seconds.
“Maybe we can just call roadside assistance.”
“Good idea,” she nodded, slightly distracted as she continued to watch him. “Do you want me to call, or-?”
“Nah,” Changbin was already pulling out his phone, unlocking the device. “My parents have a special one we use that can get to us faster-”
Lila nodded while doing some quick math in her head, wondering when exactly Changbin had fed last.
Things had been insanely busy the last few days, and to be honest, Changbin wasn’t someone they typically had to worry about. 
Sure, he made jokes and probably didn’t hook up with as many girls as he claimed, but Changbin was good at being an incubus, and had yet to have an actual incident other than his sore throat issue Maddie had helped him with.
But that wasn’t a lack of feeding; he was just sick.
However, as she thought about it, she realized Changbin had been pretty pre-occupied himself.
Working with Chan and Han on some last minute songs, holding down the fort in Incheon while the two went to Busan a day early, doing some extra dance practice with Felix, helping Seungmin re-record a couple songs he’d been working on-
Holy crap
Lila’s eyes widened as she stared at her fingers, counting them slowly.
Changbin hadn’t turned a contract into them in almost five days.
“Yeah, that’ll be fine-”
Changbin was nodding, holding his phone to his ear as he paced back and forth.
“Yes, we’re safe, no one’s really around… Mhm-”
Lila got out of the car, closing the door behind her and looking around.
They were in the middle of the country it seemed, not a car in sight in either direction, flat grass on either side of the two-lane highway, some large rocks just a few feet from her car.
She glanced at the tire that’d popped, cringing when she saw the deflated rubber, her hubcap scratched and a little bent.
“Thank you so much.”
Changbin hung up the phone before reaching up to close the trunk, making his way around the car to stand beside her.
“They said they’ll be here in about an hour.”
There was a jolt in her chest at that, knowing they were already cutting it kind of close as is-
“Crap,” she said softly.
“Yeah…” Changbin pressed his lips together, glancing around before walking to one of the rocks, sitting down slowly.
Lila came to the rock just beside it, sitting down with a heavy sigh.
“I guess all we can do now is wait.”
Changbin nodded, a small, nervous grin pulling on the corners of his lips.
“So… who wants to tell Maddie and Chan?”
Lila was playing a game on her phone, feeling slightly anxious, Changbin tapping his foot beside her as he scrolled through social media.
It had been about thirty minutes since they’d called Maddie and Chan, letting them know they were both stuck on the side of the highway, waiting on roadside assistance.
Chan had been okay- albeit, still a little stressed- and Maddie had insisted they’d be alright. Lila wasn’t too worried- Maddie and Chan actually made a pretty decent team- but she still felt bad she wasn’t there to help with the chaos.
Nevertheless, there was a much more pressing issue she and Changbin needed to deal with, and neither of them were talking about it.
She glanced over at the man, watching him check the time on his phone again, still tapping his foot.
And then his eyes were changing color, purple lingering there for a few seconds before Changbin was squeezing his eyes shut, running his hand up his thigh before looking back at his phone.
Lila swallowed, worried about time and how he would be able to feed with them already running so behind…
She said his name quietly, heart pounding in her chest at her own thoughts as he turned to look at her.
The purple was there again- glowing in the darkness of the night- gaze wandering up and down her figure before he was quickly looking away, shaking his head again.
“Are you…”
She felt anxious asking, but at the same time, Lila couldn’t pretend she didn’t see it; Changbin was obviously struggling. 
“I can see your eyes.”
He turned to her again- purple, brown, purple- before looking away, scowling.
“I waited too long,” he muttered, sounding annoyed. “I lost track of time with everything going on.”
Lila knew exactly what she needed to ask- to offer- but her stomach was a little twisty with nerves as she looked at Changbin, watching him swallow hard.
“Did you… want some help?”
The man turned so fast he shifted a bit on the rock, eyes wide as they glowed purple again.
“Are you serious?”
In the back of her mind, Lila thought it was honestly kind of funny, how every single one of them in the group was so surprised when she or Maddie offered to help.
They were literally hired for these exact situations.
But she didn’t laugh, only smiled softly, nodding in answer.
“I don’t know if you’re going to have time otherwise,” she admitted quietly.
And Lila knew this was true; there was no way they would make it to the venue an hour later than they were supposed to, Changbin could get ready and feed before showtime.
It was impossible.
Changbin seemed to be thinking the same, locking his phone and looking at her with a slightly nervous expression, eyes darting up and down her face.
“Um, okay…” he was nodding as well, stuffing the device in his pocket before looking around. “Where?”
“Uh…” Lila looked around too, staring at her car before turning back to him. “In there?”
She pointed to the vehicle and Changbin chuckled lightly.
There wasn’t much more discussion needed, and Lila knew it was because they were both aware that this was just necessary; at this level of need, Changbin would not be able to perform tonight.
Still, Lila wasn’t sure if their conversation was awkward, or it was just a weird situation in general, but she knew she was a little tense, following behind Changbin to her car, watching him pull the passenger side door open, staring inside for a moment.
“We should probably…” he paused. “Here.”
He leaned down to slide the seat as far back as it could go. Then he was turning to her, taking a step forward, eyes darting up and down her face again.
“I think this’ll be the best way…”
His voice was low, eyes flashing purple before he was getting into the car, sitting down in the seat. Lila moved closer and neither of them needed to talk about it; she knew what he wanted.
With a small breath, Lila climbed into his lap, legs on either side of his thighs, and they adjusted together, laughing a little, Changbin having to scoot back while Lila had to adjust her knees.
But finally they were comfortable and close, Changbin’s hands caressing her arms absentmindedly.
The mood lightened a bit, their struggle to get situated seeming to ease the tension, and he grinned up at her.
“Why do you have such a small car?” he teased.
“Don’t hate on her,” Lila said, speaking much quieter than usual. “I told you; she’s gotten me through a lot…”
Changbin dragged one of his hands up to her shoulder before pushing her hair off her neck slowly, eyes following his own movements.
When he looked at her again, something in the air seemed to shift, a small dose of hot, liquid incubus powers sliding down her back as Lila felt her heart still racing in her chest.
“You’re sure about this?” he asked, cupping the back of her neck, touch surprisingly gentle.
“Yeah,” she whispered.
Changbin’s eyes were fluttering to her lips, using his hand on the back of her neck to pull her closer- carefully- Lila’s eyes slipping closed just after seeing the purple in his irises-
And then his lips were hot against hers.
Almost instantly, he was setting a rhythm, both of them turning their heads, Changbin using his free hand and sliding it up her leg.
Another dose of incubus powers, seeped just beneath her skin at his touch, the man’s fingers stuttering against her neck, Lila’s own hands wandering up his arms.
His skin was smooth and hot beneath her palms, fingers rising and falling with the defined muscle, and then she was wrapping her arms around his neck, resting them on his broad shoulders.
This new position brought them a little closer, and Changbin breathed against her lips, deepening the kiss, his hand on her leg now moving to her hip, holding her as his thumb slipped into the belt loop of her jeans.
He was losing control fast- she could feel it- more heat sliding through her veins, Changbin’s grip on her just a little bit tighter, increasing their rhythm, Lila following his lead, getting a little into it herself.
He took his hand from the back of her neck, tracing the curve of her spine, seeming to like the position she was in, groaning softly as his fingers squeezed her hip, making her gasp.
At the parting of her lips, Changbin was kissing her more completely, tongue sliding against her own, taking the air from her lungs as more pleasure was snaking its way through her entire body, Lila shuddering at the feel of it.
Changbin used his hand on her back to push her closer, roughly, Lila squeaking in surprise as her arms tightened around his neck, fingers in his hair.
He had both hands on her hips now, his grip on them turning Lila on more than she wanted to admit, the two of them turning their heads, tasting one another, heavy breaths loud and echoey in the silent car, Changbin slipping a bit on the seat.
He exhaled sharply at their new position, Lila’s hips right against his own now, and she could feel how turned on he was, fire shooting through her system at the realization.
And they hadn’t talked about what he needed- how much he needed- had only started going, Lila not knowing what level of desperate he was at-
But she knew she’d done the math- knew it had been five days as far as she or Maddie knew- and could see the way his eyes flickered purple, even just waiting outside with nothing going on.
Changbin was running on empty, and Lila knew he was going to need more than this.
They were still kissing, Changbin leading the fast, breathless rhythm, his fingers still wrapped in the belt loop of her jeans, nails digging slightly into her skin, making her eyelids flutter-
Sliding her palms down his arms again before moving to his torso, just admiring how nice he was really under that t-shirt, Lila’s fingers were moving just past the button of his pants, right over his erection she could see clearly through his zipper.
Changbin groaned automatically at that, breaking their kiss to suck in a breath, Lila’s hands a little shaky as she started sliding down the zipper.
And unlike the others, he didn’t ask questions; just watched her every move, chest heaving, Lila glancing at his handsome face and purple eyes before wrapping her hand around his dick, sliding up and down in one quick movement.
Changbin’s head fell back almost instantly, breath hitching as he continued to hold her. Lila thought he looked so hot like this- eyes closed, lips slightly parted, neck exposed- and before she knew what she was doing, she was leaning forward, kissing along his jaw.
She was stroking him at an even, steady pace, thumb swiping across his slit to tease him, Changbin moaning low in his throat, shifting a bit beneath her.
He let go of her hips, running them up her thighs and squeezing them just as she was kissing down his neck, tongue coming out to taste the salt upon his skin.
Twisting her wrist, she increased the rhythm, hearing Changbin gasp a bit before his palms were sliding up her thighs and over her ass, following the curve again, stopping at her lower back.
She ran her tongue along a small spot on his neck, feeling him shiver beneath her, more incubus powers sinking into her system like molten lava before she was taking the flesh between her teeth, sucking lightly.
Lila knew she couldn’t give him a hickey- especially not there- but she wanted to tease him, not disappointed when Changbin arched a bit off the seat.
“Ah yeah-”
She released him before she could leave a mark, squeezing her palm around his dick, Changbin’s nails scratching up her back, leaving a delicious burning behind-
He moaned loudly when she moved even faster, his hands under her shirt, holding the bare skin of her waist, gripping hard, the heat beneath his palms burning her in the best kind of way. 
“Mm, Lila-”
Her name came tumbling from his lips, hushed and quick, like he’d lost himself entirely, Lila feeling a little lost herself, throat constricting at just how hot he sounded beneath her-
She was moving quicker, mouth moving down his neck, stopping where the collar of his shirt was slipping, showing just a hint of collarbone.
Biting the spot lightly, Lila felt Changbin shudder, moving into her hand as he held her hard enough to bruise-
He let out a low cry, fingers curling, and finished right into her hand, Lila working him through it, Changbin’s head digging into the back of the seat, eyes still shut in obvious pleasure-
Lila swallowed as another wave of incubus desire slid down her throat, ignoring it as she slowed the pace of her hand before stopping completely, feeling slightly out of breath.
Changbin was feeling the same it seemed, chest rising and falling quickly as he slumped back into the seat, chuckling slightly.
Lila was laughing too, feeling Changbin take his hands from beneath her shirt before he was lifting his head, finally opening his eyes.
“Thank you,” his voice was lower than usual, and he was grinning at her, eyes still switching from brown to purple.
“Yeah-” Lila said weakly. “-no problem.”
Changbin was looking at her for a moment, hands sliding down her sides and to her legs, caressing them slightly-
“Can I… return the favor?”
He raised an eyebrow at her, and while the question sounded playful, she knew he was serious, Lila’s stomach flipping at such a tempting offer-
But they both jumped when swirling, orange and yellow lights were suddenly shining in the distance, Changbin turning around, Lila leaning close to get a better look out the back window.
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed. “It’s roadside assistance!”
“Finally!” Changbin turned back to look at her, smiling apologetically. “Bad timing, though-”
“It’s fine.”
Lila was giggling, shaking her head; she was probably better off not knowing what that was like.
“This was just for you to make it through the concert.”
Changbin was nodding, glancing over his shoulder again as the truck got closer.
“Uh, we should probably-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Lila was scooting back on his lap, grabbing the napkins stuffed in her cup holder and wiping off her hands, Changbin hurriedly opening the door.
They quickly scrambled out of the car, laughing together, and fixing their clothes, trying to make it look as if nothing had ever happened.
Changbin and Lila rushed quickly down the back hallway of the venue in Busan, pushing open the double doors that led to the makeup room, completely out of breath.
They’d gotten the tire changed quicker than they’d expected and- with a little bit of speeding on Changbin’s part- they made it with fifteen minutes to spare, beaming proudly at one another.
Maddie yelled her name happily from the other side of the room, hair pulled into a messy ponytail, pen behind her ear.
“You made it!”
“Yes!” she cried, beaming and looking around.
Everyone was ready, styled, and mingling, talking amongst themselves and antsy, pacing around the area.
“Lila,” Chan came in just behind them, she and Changbin turning around with a jump as the man grinned at both of them. “Binnie. Glad you could join us.”
Even with the light-hearted joke and an easy going smile, Lila could tell he’d been worried, a slight pinch between his eyebrows.
He was ready to go on stage, wearing black pants and some kind of crop top Lila was trying very hard not to pay attention to, his tan skin glowing and beautiful against the dark color. His hair was bright blue and lifted off his forehead again- as if the stylists knew that was her favorite- and she swallowed hard, fixing her shirt and looking away before she started blushing-
“Okay, here, Changbin, we’re gonna keep the outfit you’re wearing actually-”
Maddie had come across the room now, a handful of accessories with her as she started handing them to the man.
“Kaylee already told me, I’m just sending you to her to gel up your hair, but put these on first-”
“Okay-” the man nodded, quickly putting on rings and clasping a bracelet around his wrist.
“How did you guys do?” Lila asked. “Everything go okay without us?”
“I’d say so!” Maddie said brightly, untangling the wire on Changbin’s headset and smiling at Chan. “What do you think?”
“Oh yeah,” Chan joked. “I’d say we whipped them into shape.”
They all four laughed before Maddie was handing over the earpiece.
“Put this on- please don’t lose it-”
“I’m not going to-”
“-and then meet Kaylee for hair, okay?” 
“Got it,” Changbin nodded, giving her a small smile.
Maddie turned to Chan and Lila. 
“Channie- see you on stage. Lila- see you soon.”
She saluted them both before turning on her heel and walking away, Lila and Chan chuckling as Changbin started fastening his earpiece.
“Bin, I’ve got Boyoung waiting for you in the back, she said she’s ready whenever you are-”
“Oh, I don’t need it anymore.”
Changbin said it casually, glancing at Lila as she grinned at him before he was slipping the wire of his earpiece beneath his shirt.
Chan’s voice was slightly different- sharp- and Lila turned back to him, the clipboard in his hand going slack as he looked between her and Changbin.
Realizing that- of course- Lila was the only one who could’ve possibly helped Changbin when they were stranded on the highway…
He’d been smiling just a moment ago, but the expression was gone, lips pressing together, the man swallowing hard-
And then Lila saw it again- the red flash across his eyes- and her insides jumped at the sight of it, Chan quickly shaking his head, pressing his palm to his forehead.
Changbin didn’t notice a thing, still messing with his earpiece.
Chan’s voice was tight, the man taking a step back as he nodded at the ground.
“I’ll- I’ll see you on stage.”
And without looking at anyone, he was rushing past them and across the makeup room, Lila watching him run a quick, stressed out hand through his hair.
To Be Continued...
7 | 8 | 9
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
UFO anon here! Yeah my bro tried to murder me, just family things 🤪 Anyways it was super wild so buckle up.
I was up super late at night when I was a teen cause I was a menace and never went to bed before like 4 am. And you know that thing where something happens so slowly you don’t notice it until it’s right there? Well over the course of like half an hour a sound kept getting louder. It was a deep humming that sounded like a mosquito fogger a block or two away, so I brushed it off as it’s common in my area in the middle of nowhere. I didn’t realize til later that it was WAY too early in the season for that my months. I brushed the noise off until I could feel it, it had three tones a mid tone, a very high pitched tone, and an incredibly deep bass tone. The made my guts shake like when you stand too close to a bass. I thought it was strange that nothing else was shaking.
I still brushed it off 🙄
My blinds were open as I lived in a middle of nowhere town (can’t stress that enough) so there was really no risk of creeps. I could see a street lamp, the top of my neighbours house and some trees. I saw another light but we had had a storm a few days before and figured maybe a branch had been knocked down so again, ignored it and went back to playing video games, until it moved.
Obviously I thought ‘no fucking way’ but decided to watch it anyways just to confirm. It moved so slowly but it moved. So I got up to get a better look. It was huge, similar in colour to the street lamps but more red. There was just enough light pollution in town to see a giant black triangle behind the single light.
I grew up right next to an airbase and was an air cadet on the base, and my mother was an aircraft mechanic (I know, sounds super convenient) even seeing tons of aircrafts in my life, I had never seen anything close to it. Considering it’s size and general height to the ground it shouldn’t have been able to move as slowly as it was.
My first instinct was to be excited, even if it was alien in origin it was still probably not seen by really anyone. I thought maybe it was a flight test for a secret craft? But why would they be flying it over my town?
I had a game plan. I was going to grab a phone and go to my back porch to get a photo or any evidence that I saw something, I was ecstatic! I practically skipped to my bedroom door.
As soon as I opened my door and was just about to do through it, it was like a switched flipped in my brain. I went from giddy to the most but deep terrified I have ever been in my life. I remember thinking ‘if you go outside, you’re not coming back’ but it made me sick because it didn’t feel like my own thought, like someone was telling to me.
As I was standing in the doorframe I could see someone or something in my peripheral at the far end of the hall. I could hear my brother snoring, and my mum was in bed too. They were the only other in the house.
My body felt like it was on auto pilot. Almost mechanically I took off my slippers and my glasses, and went to get in bed. For a minute I thought of looking for something I could use as a weapon but again the ‘other’ thought was in my head and said (and I will never forget it) ‘there is nothing you could do, no weapon you can have, that’s going to stop what’s going to happen from happening’
So I just accepted it and got into bed, pulled the covers to my chin and laid like a corpse totally defenceless, I’ve never felt more like a prey animal than in that moment.
I waited for anything to happen, and nothing did. After such a long build up the noise faded in what fell like maybe five minutes. I’m a big trust your gut person, so I waiting until I felt safe and RAN to my mums room. (This is mad long so I’ll send another part lmao)
AGH I forgot to answer these I’m so sorry for the delay!
brushing stuff off is so real though, idk I feel like it’s just What You Do. Holy shit this is all so much, you’re far braver than I am, idk if I could investigate things like that all on my own abdjgjkt. Your reaction is also so real like, I’d also end up running to my bed until I felt safe then running to the nearest adult or person
0 notes
vivacissimx · 2 years
can you expand on rhaenyra's maladaptive relationships
re: this post
Sure! So this is book canon obviously, but Rhaenyra as a child is described as precocious, bright, appropriately socialized, and we see that she's able to adapt to life after her mother who doted on her passed away (excited about a tourney, being involved in her father's second marriage celebrations). She does well at her job as a cupbearer. All good and normal development.
A few years following Viserys I's marriage to Alicent Hightower, we find that she has become intensely attached to Criston Cole (only had eyes for him) despite being mocked for it by Alicent and having other suitors. She grows up in a court where grown noblefolk whisper against her claim & she knows it. Dresses dramatically to make a statement due to the breakdown in communication between her and Alicent/Viserys, she's also seemingly unable to bond with her siblings. When Daemon returns to King's Landing, Rhaenyra is adamant that he stay, and whatever happened between them it's clear that she at least strongly attached herself to him. This is all intense stuff, her all or nothing attitude to relationships, & the result of growing up in a less than united home where her place was uncertain.
I wouldn't call Rhaenyra's triangle with Laenor & Harwin maladaptive today, but for the time period it is a bit of malicious compliance. Viserys orders her to get married, claim her seat on Dragonstone, and multiply? No problem *has 3 kids with Harwin* (best boys in the world btw). Harwin is at least somewhat emotionally entangled there, rumored to be by her side in the birthing chambers and spending his time at her keep despite being heir to Harrenhal, but Rhaenyra's feelings for him are conspicuously absent. So was it love? A bit of a fuck you? A nervous latching onto Harwin? Maybe some of each.
Rhaenyra does have nervous ticks & anxiety as well, ofc.
Her bodice often glittered with pearls and diamonds, and there were always rings on her fingers. Whenever she was anxious, she would turn them compulsively, round and round. Though Rhaenyra could be charming, she was quick to anger and never forgot a slight. --SSM
Anxiety, anger issues, basically maladaptive behaviors that indicate all the uncertainty of her position in the realm & in her family taking a toll on her.
Daemon is obviously the most intense relationship of them all; even after claiming Dragonstone Rhaenyra always kept him close and Laena dies it's implied they fall into bed with each other very fast. Part of a pattern where Rhaenyra never stays single long (in general periods when people go through romantic/sexual partners in rapid succession aren't during the most stable moments in their lives). A fear of being alone doesn't mean she doesn't love her partners but it presents a question mark
Daemon is a combination of everything--her family like Viserys, her husband like Laenor, her lover like Harwin, their shared grief over Laena. This is a headcanon but I think Daemon knows all that & that Rhaenyra and Daemon had a push-pull thing with control. Rhaenyra sending Daemon to kill Vaemond Velaryon. Daemon sleeping with Mysaria under her nose. Rhaenyra saying it's fine cause she's busy ruling. Daemon taking vengeance for Lucerys into his own hands in a very... flashy manner. Rhaenyra summoning him whenever she had a need. She did that back-and-forth before with Viserys as well, considering that Viserys was constantly giving her & Alicent gifts/honors etc to appease them, as proof of his love.
King Viserys loved both his wife and daughter, and hated conflict and contention. He strove all his days to keep the peace between his women, and to please both with gifts and gold and honors. --F&B: Heirs of the Dragon
There's a lot said about her stress-eating once she takes the throne, isolating herself in the Red Keep, having her children at her side 24/7 after losing several sons, her sudden flip in trust in the dragonseeds when Mysaria advises her to and is once of the only councilors left to her (which probably led Rhaenyra to placing more trust in her that she should have). In case I haven't stressed it enough, Rhaenyra doesn't do well alone! She relies on her supporters because she learned to at a young age, is hypersensitive to the thought of losing them, and has explosive reactions to betrayal.
It's not that any of these things are 'unreasonable,' it's just that they're all learned behaviors that are not random nor do they arise for no reason. Rhaenyra is a survivor, with all that implies. Her story very much reflects that.
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fqiryspit · 3 years
𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 ; 𝐞.𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐫
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𝘌𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘪 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Summary: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐘/𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞?
CW: College!AU, Full smut, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, getting absolutely railed, Relationship Problems, Love Triangles, Smut, Historia is pregnant with Erens baby, Eren and Y/n are together, Levi is with Petra, Sad sex, Y/n is lowkey depressed, Eren is bad at feelings, Starbucks Levi, Levi is Bad at Feelings, Historia the Hoe, mega toxic, Toxic Eren.
Chapter 2: 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘶𝘮
12 am.
12 in the fucking morning and Eren isn't back yet.
he left at 8 pm talking about how Historia texted him and, how he'll be back soon
your eyes slowly made their way to the cold dinner on the counter
he also mentioned he'd be back in time for dinner.
whens fucking dinner because it ain't at 12 in the morning
you sat on the couch staring at your phone waiting, praying for Eren to text or call you
he better have gotten into a car crash.
taking a sip from the wine Hange has blessed you with a couple of days prior you cross your legs.
you were in sweats and a tank top, real fancy.
your head snaps at the door hearing it unlock
Eren walks in getting startled by your presence
"Fuck baby you scared the shit out of me" his chuckles lowly turned into him clearing his throat to explain his absence
"Sorry about that, Historia and I were talking for a while after we put Alma down..."
sucking on the gums of your mouth you try to keep in the urge to just start screaming at him
you place your wine glass on the coffee table and get up to leave for the bedroom, you have so much you want to say but you just can't.
"Honey, wait" he grabs your hand and you finally look at him.
"I'm sorry that I was gone for so long...are you alright?"
"I'm I alright?" you ask in almost a whisper, is he serious?
"You left me to hang out with your friend and look at a sleeping child...honestly Eren I'm getting fucking tired at being the second choice"
"Come on Y/n you know how much Alma means to me..."
"I'm not talking about Alma..." your voice lightly cracks, awaiting his response.
"You can't be serious...Historia?" he slightingly chuckles just to straighten himself up at your stern gaze
"You're jealous of Historia?" he looks at you, taking your silence as a yes.
"I'm upset that you constantly put Historia above me, over and over again"
"You know it has to be that way, for Alma"
"It doesn't seem like it's for Alma anymore."
he stumbles back a little, laughing
"What? You want me to stop seeing Alma because you're jealous that her mother has a good  relationship with me?"
"I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is that I'm still you're girlfriend Eren."
"What, Do you think I forgot something? What do you want from me?"
"I want to know if a 6-month-old baby cries, does her dad need to drive over right away to calm her down? I'm asking if you need to end dinner with your girlfriend to say goodnight to baby and talk with her mother for 4 fucking hours."
"I want to be a part of Alma's life y/n, I want to be there even if its the small things. you don't know how much it hurts that I can't be there 24/7"
"Oh well, maybe you should move in!" you say sarcastically
"Yeah, maybe I will."
"You don't know how fucking stressful it is. I don't get a break. I have to be a dad there and the 'perfect boyfriend' here." he snaps at you
you scoff at him,
"Eren...you haven't touched me in 2 weeks. I haven't had affection from my boyfriend for 2 weeks, I'm not asking for the perfect boyfriend I'm asking for the bare minimum."
he looks at you with hurt eyes, that really did it for him.
"Me. me being here is the best I can do. if you want more I'm not the guy."
"I want you to be with Alma and I want you to have a good relationship with Historia... it's just..."
"I don't think you actually like being here...with me." you say as you choke on your tears
"No baby, I love you why can't you see that?"
"I- I just feel like you'd prefer to be with her than me...I'm sorry Eren if I'm asking for too much but all I want is for you to love me. I'm not asking for you to choose me or her, I'm asking if you're still here for me."
"I don't know how to explain it...I just feel...neglected in this relationship" you say as more tears escape your eyes
you look into his eyes with burry ones, he looks hurt.
"Please Eren...please...all I want is for you to show me you care...I won't keep doing this if you don't want to"
"No, no, I'm sorry...fuck, I'm really really sorry" he walks up to you wrapping his arms around you
you start wetting up his shirt with your tears as he picks you up and takes you to bed
placing you on the mattress he turns to get changed but you tug on his sweat pants indicating for him to stay
he takes off his shirt and crawls into bed where he held you in the entire night.
maybe, it'll be easier if I just let him go
maybe, it'll be easier if I just shut up
maybe, it'll be easier if I just suck it up
maybe, it'll be easier if I wasn't such a pain
maybe, it'll be easier if I never existed.
Chapter 3
˜”*°•.˜”*°• see you soon •°*”˜.•°*”˜
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ok | sjy
↬ series: cameras & caffeine | chapter three ↬ pairing: cafe owner!jake x ceo!reader (ft. sunghoon) ↬ overall series genres: fluff, slight angst, jake also bakes, reader is a single mom, we fell in love when we were kids but life happened so we broke up and now we’re reconnecting because we’re adults and i don’t think i ever truly got over you au, love triangle if you squint really really hard ↬ navi: previous | next | series masterlist ↬ warnings: none ↬ word count: 1.3k
Jake takes in the sight of you, feeling as if the ability to breathe has suddenly been forgotten in all the years that he’s been living. He watches Layla’s excitement increase and he knows that it’s really you. You look different now, of course you did. After all, it’s been years since you last saw each other, the breakup one neither of you really expected. He couldn’t help but wonder, did you miss him too? Jake hears your question leaving your lips,
“I know you’re busy… but can we talk?” you asked.
“I’d never be too busy for you,” he wanted to say.
“I’ve missed you,” he wanted to admit.
“How have you been?” he wanted to know.
“Let’s talk inside,” he settled on.
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You followed Jake into the cafe, somewhat shock at the sight of it all. The place was stunning, bustling with people despite being newly opened. You remembered the nights you and Jake stayed up talking about the things you wanted in the future and how you saw life going. You remembered how Jake would talk about settling down with you, you’d own a cafe and a bookstore next to each other and a little house to call home. Here was Jake, fulfilling his part of that dream but you weren’t here to live it out with him. Because to you, owning a bookstore was meant to stay as a dream, and running the family company was what you truly wanted.
“The place looks good,” you said as you sat at the booth Jake had led you to, Layla settling by your feet.
“What do you want to drink?”
“Surprise me.” While Jake went to the counter to make your drink, you decided to get up and look around the cafe. There was no specific theme you could pinpoint the cafe as there were a bunch of different ones running throughout the place. The entire back wall of the cafe was converted into a huge shelf wall full of books of different kinds that ranged from educational physic books to fantasy books and mystery. When you saw Jake heading back to your table, you did too. Taking a sip of the drink he had made for you, you were somewhat surprised by its taste.
“You remembered?” you asked, upon tasting your favorite drink. Jake used to make it for you
“I never forgot,” Jake replied. You took a deep breath as you set the cup on the table,
“So-” you and Jake said simultaneously.
“You go first,” you said.
“I, uhh… I don’t know if this is a good place or time to ask but I’ve just been curious. You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to but are you and Sunghoon together? I just, I saw his wallpaper when he and Jay came over and it was of you two with a kid.” You stayed quiet for a few minutes, simply trying to process Jake’s words. That meant Jake had seen Heeseung and as you and Sunghoon talked about once, while you never hid that you had a kid, you never actively advertised it either.
“Sunghoon and I aren’t together, at least, not in the way that you’re thinking. While Sunghoon isn’t the father of Heeseung, he’s the closest thing Heeseung’s ever had.” If Sunghoon wasn’t the father, Jake wondered who was but figured that it wasn’t his place to ask.
“How have, how have you been?” Your question was a simple one, Jake knew.  Yet despite its simplicity, he had felt attacked in ways previously unknown because he didn’t know how to answer.
“Missing you,” he wanted to say.
“Hoping we could have another chance,” he wanted to admit.
“Wondering if you’ve missed me too,” he wanted to know. All these thoughts running through his head, all these questions popping up in his mind, all these feelings he couldn’t put into words.
“Ok,” he settled on. “What about you?”
“I’ve been ok too,” you replied. Neither of you was sure of where to go from here. You wondered to yourself if coming here was a mistake, maybe you should’ve stayed home with Sunghoon and Sunoo which would’ve avoided all of this awkwardness if you did. It’s the sound of Jake’s name being called throughout the cafe that causes you to turn around only to be met with the sight of a woman around your age, a little boy following her. Jake smiles at her and greets her with a hug, patting the little boy’s head lightly.
“Oh, were you busy? I didn’t mean to bother you two,” the woman said as she greeted you with a smile. You found your eyes fixated on her, she was stunning if you were being honest. Clearing your throat as you stand up,
“I was just about to leave,” you said. The lady tilts her head and looks up at you, then hands you a business card.
“If you ever need flowers, call me! I’m Hwayoung and this is my son, Sunoo!” You looked at Sunoo who smiled brightly at you and you could tell where he got his smile from. In an attempt to be courteous, you told her your own name and let out a fake smile.
“Are you and Jake together?” you found yourself asking. Jake’s eyes widen and you hear him clearing his throat,
“Naur, naur. It’s not like that! Hwayoung gives me free flowers to brighten up the cafe and I give her free coffee to help her get through her day.”
“Are you a poet now?” you wanted to say sarcastically but held yourself back.
“Ok, well, I really should get going. I’ve got a bunch of meetings at work tomorrow.”
“Wait, let me give you some pastries to take home. For you and, uhh, Heeseung, right?” Jake said.
“It’s ok, you really don’t have to.”
“Please, just take some? I even have those cupcakes that you like.”
“Chocolate chocolate chip?” A smile makes its way to Jake’s lips, a smile that could make your heart swoon any day, anytime.
“Chocolate chocolate chip,” he confirmed.
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As you head out of the cafe, in your hands are two boxes of various pastries from Jake as well as a bouquet of flowers offered to you from Hwayoung. You head into your car, glancing at the business card before driving off, you found out that Hwayoung’s flower shop was named Sunshine & Smiles. The name looked incredibly but you couldn’t place just when or where you had heard it before. Deciding not to think much of it, you pushed all thoughts related to Hwayoung towards the back of your mind.
When you get home, you’re greeted with the sight of Sunghoon tucking Heeseung into bed, Heeseung already asleep. You can’t help but lean against the doorway, watching the two and noticing Sunghoon’s smile the whole time. Sunghoon notices you before you’ve been granted the chance to make your presence known, cheeks turning just a tinge of red. He walked shortly, closing the door to Heeseung’s room so that the two of you could talk.
“Thank you.” Your voice was so low that Sunghoon almost didn’t hear you.
“I don’t do these things for you to thank me, I do it because I want to.” Most days, Sunghoon downplayed all the things he did for you and acted as if it wasn’t a big deal. But it was. Sunghoon had been there the nights Heeseung was crying and you were too exhausted to get up. Sunghoon had been there for you the days you were stressed and offered you support when no one else did. Your mind went back to what Jake had mentioned earlier, about a photo of you, Heeseung, and Sunghoon as Sunghoon’s homescreen. You didn’t realize it earlier but it was only now that that meaning was beginning to set in for you. You and Sunghoon weren’t together, not in that way but you wondered… was there a possibility there?
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❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul ) | main blog masterlist | blog navi
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spiderlingh · 3 years
Élite Season 4 Review
as an og fan of élite who’s been binging every single season on the day it came out, i watched the fourth season yesterday. here’s my thoughts. obviously includes spoilers for both the new season and some short stories.
the short stories of carmuel and caye/rebe/guzman were the best for me.
the new characters were… uh… how do i put this nicely
ari is the new lu. but less interesting. hated her at first, felt kinda sorry for her at the end though.
mencía is a cardboard copy of miss marina. 🙄
idk how to feel about their dad?? uhhh
i was really hyped for phillipe’s character (idk how to spell it i’m sorry lmao) but man what a letdown.
ya know what… i really liked cayetana this season! i felt neutral about her before but i rlly liked her this season. wish she’d had more screen time.
i liked ander back in season 1… but his character just becomes less and less likeable over the seasons. fight me.
shoutout to samu’s hair this season. hot.
okay but what the fuck was up with all the fucked up relationships this season?? omander. carmuel. guznadia. samu and guzmán. samu and rebe’s friendship, which come on, could’ve gone back to the way it was back in s2.
speaking of rebe, this girl got hurt way too much this season?? pls stop she deserves happiness thanks
HAHA i forgot patrick… no. nah. i didn’t like him.
i cannot stress this enough: FUCK LOVE TRIANGLES. for me it worked in season 1 with carla/polo/christian because they actually seemed to be into polyamory and it actually benefited the fucking plotline around covering up marina’s murder. but that was it. AND THEY HAVE ONE OR TWO EVERY SEASON. it’s exhausting. jesus.
HEY BY THE WAY… what happened to la inspectora from the first three seasons? ma’am?? where you at?? the kids fucked up again and someone nearly died. then someone actually died.
the mystery this season was so fucking dull. like i forgot what was even going on kinda dull. the interrogation scenes were not nearly as compelling as in the previous seasons, they didn’t give you chills, didn’t make you wonder what the hell happened.
you don’t even need a murder mystery to make it interesting. season 2 was my favorite season, and there was no murder mystery — samuel had gone missing. his disappearance and the interrogation scenes were interesting, no one saw the guzmán teamup coming or his relationship with carla. it was exciting and thrilling and this season did not have that even a little bit.
solid plot twist. i’ll give them that. i did not really see that whole armando storyline coming, although i did figure out he had something to do w it because they kept him around for so long.
at the end after guzmán shot that mf in the back i was like NO DONT LEAVE THE BODY?? and then i saw he and samu and someone else i think (i don’t even remember man) dropped his body into the lake. i liked that, reminded me of the trophy.
the fuck is up with the fasion getting more and more extra this season? compare the party outfits from season 1 to the ones we have now. a little extra is good, but now they’re just plain ugly. anyway s1 and s2 fashion >>>
that one scene in the restaurant where guzmán spoke of marina and the way she was as a person and a daughter… that was so well written. i feel like so many people (the writers included) forgot about marina bc she was the first to die and only appeared in season 1, but still. like this teenage boy lost his sister (and so much more) in such a short span of time. i’m glad they at least acknowledged it.
dude… obviously i know that the show isn’t realistic at all but these kids have been through so much. guzmán has been through the worst shit. losing his little sister to murder and then his best friend as well? seeing him die in his fucking arms? and the other kids? they’re still teenagers man. it is beyond wild to think that they’d be as carefree as they were displayed to be this season.
obviously that joke rebe made in the short story about not being able to take any more interrogations and murders and shit was, well, a joke, and it was delivered well, but if you think about it… come ON. they’ve been through hell and back. the show has never been just light-hearted, it has dealt with several serious issues and deaths and murders and things like that. these kids are broken. why couldn’t they have shown more of that? or at least acknowledged it a little? have someone go to fucking therapy??
i thought overall the whole season was underwhelming. kinda boring.
before the season came out, someone said that they didn’t think the show could thrive without carla, lu, nadia, valerio, polo… and i agree now.
i feel like this season had such a different vibe than the previous seasons. not in a good way.
i miss season 1 and 2 man. those seasons had the best mystery, the best vibe, the best cast. i don’t just miss carla, lu, polo, valerio, nadia… i miss christian and nano as well.
even the soundtracks of the previous seasons were better. i’m sorry to sound this negative in the whole review but man i waited so long for the new season only to be disappointed.
you could consider this a small rant. might add more later.
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Texts from The Lost Tomb, part 3
I didn’t mean for this to stray into angst but like the lack of updates with Li Cu in LTR?? I had to do it to em.
Wushanju Crew Chat, 11:05pm
Li Cu: what’s up losers I’m outside
Li Cu: someone come on and open the damn door
Wang Meng: Language:(
Li Cu: fine, someone come on and open the damn door please
Snake Eyes Chat, 7:00am
Wu Xie: hey are you awake? Sorry I missed you coming in:) was finishing up some work. How was the end of your first semester? Did that geology paper go well? Did the food budget work out or do you need some extra money next semester?
Li Cu: yeah about your work
Li Cu: heard a little rumor
Li Cu: about you going through some stuff during ur recent trip
Li Cu: some stuff you maybe forgot to mention
Li Cu: and you told me we gotta check in with stuff, so this is me checking in, okay
Wu Xie: oh? What stuff?
Li Cu: idk just like
Wu Xie: oh. That stuff.
Li Cu: yeah asshat I’m in the kitchen whenever you’re ready to explain your fucking bullshit. Also you’re out of milk wtf how am I supposed to make breakfast here
Main Chat, 11:14am
Wu Xie: okay so it’s possible I fucked up a little bit.
Zhang Qiling: What’s wrong?
Honorary Wu Chat, 11:30am
Wang Meng: Welcome home, Li Cu <3 not much has changed, ultimately.
Li Cu: it’s okay. not your fault, uncle. Doesn’t matter how I found out. Wait wait hold on what do you mean “the rest of us figured it out” who figured it out
Liu Sang: …hello.
Liu Sang: uh…so you’re Wu Xie’s protégé, huh?
Li Cu: oh well howdy there homewrecker
Liu Sang: Excuse me??
Zhang Qiling: I think someone on the roof is calling me and I should go find out.
Wang Meng: I would also very much like to be removed from this conversation.
Li Cu: all I’m saying is aren’t you the little creep who’s obsessed with Xiao Ge
Liu Sang: ???
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu is referring to a brief period of irrational thought on Wu Xie’s part, where he mistakenly believed you to be a threat to our relationship.
Liu Sang: what do you mean a threat??
Wang Meng: can you please take me off this chat.
Liu Sang: Wait, so Wu Xie told you about me, but…reading between the lines, he didn’t mention the cancer or anything bad that happened? Oh yikes.
Li Cu: don’t change the subject “Liu Sang”
if that is your real name
Like yeah you’re right abt it but still
just saying
heard you got good ears but I’ve got snake powers
so like no more funny business okay you superhearing harlot
Wang Pangzi: LMAO OH DO WE NOW
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu, this is all unnecessary and childish. Please apologize.
Li Cu: you say that now bruh but apparently you weren’t complaining when he was all “idol this” and “idol that”
oh and hey Wang Meng while we’re here can I show you my business class grade report later bc Wu Xie is all “what matters is that you learned and enjoyed the experience” blah blah all eat pray love you know how he gets and I want to actually discuss areas to improve so that when I take over this joint I do better than Wu Xie? Tho that shouldnt be hard lol
Wang Meng: hurtful but accurate. I’ll bring my best red pen:)
Liu Sang: oh my god. I’m too jetlagged to keep up with any of this.
Not A Homewrecker Chat, 11:52am
Liu Sang: Okay, we started off on the wrong foot.
Li Cu: I agree let’s start over
Start with how your little prank game almost got ppl killed
Liu Sang: And I seriously regret that. But we moved past that.
Wow, he seriously skipped over so much bullshit but didn’t skimp on mine, huh.
Li Cu: AHA so you ADMIT IT
Liu Sang: I’d like to think I’ve grown since then. That I’ve come to see Xiao Ge as a person and mentor, rather than an idol. I count Pangzi and Wu Xie as my close friends. I’m going to be staying here with them right now, I hope you can be okay with that.
Li Cu: see in my head you were going to be a lot less mature about it and I had a bunch of great follow-up insults planned
Liu Sang: I figured. I’d like us to be friends, though. Or at least not enemies.
Li Cu: okay but only bc you don’t know me yet so you won’t judge too much for this and I need to get this out to somebody I’ve been thinking about it for hours and my friends are still in finals and I’m stressing a little bit maybe
Liu Sang: ?
Li Cu: I yelled at dad
*Wu Xie sorry autocorrect
Liu Sang: …uh huh.
Li Cu: I yelled at him earlier. for keeping all that stuff from me. He started crying
Liu Sang: Wu Xie has been pretty emotional since we got back. Not necessarily your fault.
Li Cu: I made him cry right there at the kitchen sink and it felt like maybe the worst thing I’ve ever done
Snake venom and stabbings, no tears
Me saying I wouldn’t have gone to his funeral, all tears
Which I know was shitty to say but I was really mad
Liu Sang: If it’s any consolation, I think Wu Xie can understand the concept of being led by his emotions to make bad decisions…better than most people.
Li Cu: Xiao Ge came in then and looked weird
Like weirder than usual
Like he didn’t know which of us to be more mad at
Liu Sang: A common problem for the iron triangle, I understand.
Li Cu: I just ran out I didn’t have words right then and I feel stupid
but whenever they come back from their walk I’m gonna say sorry and stuff bc i could’ve come home to his funeral and I’m mad about it but also like. I could have come home to his funeral. I can get mean when I’m in a freakout mood. It’s not like I was scared or anything at all I don’t get scared really anymore ever but just like. Freaked out.
Liu Sang: He’s probably going to say sorry, too.
Li Cu: sorry I called you a homewrecker. Didn’t mean to slut-shame either
Liu Sang: I admit that after the initial shock, it was pretty funny. Super hearing harlot, it should be on my business card;)
Li Cu: this situation with Wu Xie is weird but kinda good ya know. And I have these freakouts sometimes that something maybe bad could happen to this situation. So consider this a shovel talk. But like, also not a shovel talk at the same time.
also I appreciate you saving his life and whatnot
Liu Sang: Noted. Now. Coffee?
Li Cu: sounds sick.
Be in the kitchen in 10. You can pick out what we watch for the household tv show tonight. no way is Wu Xie choosing some dry documentary about gravestone rubbings again. Pangzi just watches real housewives reruns and Xiao Ge won’t watch tv after he caught the last half hour of A Walk To Remember. Also i need my phone now to send some $ to Hei Xiazi since I owe him for…providing some intel
Liu Sang: Not even surprised.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | five
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> series masterlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: (2nd bts member to be revealed) x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut (to come)
words: 4.2k
warnings: implied sexual content, cussing / mature language, relationship issues, angst, club scene, alcohol consumption, intoxication, seokjin is ready to risk it all cause reader is a huge flirt, the love triangle mess shall begin
notes: AH IM SORRY, THAT’S ALL I HAVE TO SAY?!? I TRIED to make this as fair as possible, but i..... clearly have an issue and just really wanted this to be messy lmao 
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish​ @photographic-girl (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Waddup bro." Namjoon steps aside to let Jin in. "Wasn't expecting you to come by since we're seeing each other tonight." Jin chuckled.
"Fuck, that's right." Joon laughs as he hands Jin a bottle of water before sitting.
"What, you forgot? You planned this for your own stepbrother."
"No, I know. Just a lot of things going on." He sips on his water, manspreading in Namjoon's loveseat in the livingroom. He tilts his head back and closes his eyes, the headache he felt earlier this morning no longer as bad, but still lingered. After getting home last night, he had tried to push you out of his mind, but failed miserably. It didn't help that he really and genuinely tried to clear the air with Grace, only for her to push him off and sleep on the far end of their bed.
"You alright? What's going on? I feel like I haven't seen you this stressed in a really long time. Last time was probably when you were planning your proposal." Jin softly chuckles, his head still tilted back.
"Yeah, it's been quite the shit show lately."
"Can't be that bad, can it? Have you and Grace been fighting?"
"A tad."
"A tad? The way you're acting right now says it's much more than a tad."
"We've been distant. Busy. We don't do things together anymore." He shortens the shpeel cause quite frankly, he's tired of repeating the story even though he hasn't told many people.
"Why don't you guys talk about it?"
"We can't communicate properly. I try, she gets even more upset and blows me off."
"It's probably just a rough patch in your relationship. I'm sure if you just give each other enough space, you could figure out how to fix things and have a serious conversation about where you both are at and what you need from each other. Remind each other that you're a team, and not working against each other." Jin's slightly shot his head up, his eyebrow raised.
"That's actually pretty solid advice coming from you."
"Shut up, you need help right?" Joon laughs.
"You're right though, it's just been hard. I feel like we've been constantly pushing each other away."
"You two are stubborn."
"Yup, that too." Jin sipped his water.
"I know that's not the only thing on your mind." If it was anyone in Jin's circle, you could count on Namjoon to figure things out before you can even say anything to him. "It's a little hard to believe you came over here to tell me this." In which, he's right. Jin never really talked about his relationship problems, let alone did he go out of his way to tell his friends what was going on. It was more of a thing that naturally came up in conversation when they were all together.
"Don't know what you're talking about." Joon shakes his head.
"Who is she?" Jin watches Namjoon's curious eyes as he leans into the palm of his hand. He was trying to come up with excuses or find ways to see himself out of his conversation, but he couldn't. Namjoon was too smart for this. If it were Yoongi or Hoseok, maybe he could get away with it. The only thing that Jin can come up with is a stupid smirk before he shakes his head and breaks eye contact. "See."
"See what?"
"That smirk. You can't tell me I don't know that smirk. I've been there before, dude. Who is she?" He repeats, causing Jin to succumb to defeat.
"She's a grad student in my creative writing class." Namjoon pauses before he bursts out in laughter.
"I need to sit back and get comfy on my couch for this." He says leaning back and crossing his arms. "She's a grad student? What's her name?" Jin nods.
"Y/N. 25 and so fucking attractive. It's frustrating." Jin groans into his hands.
"And you're telling me you see her more than just a distraction? I mean, I have to ask cause you are going through a rough patch with Grace." Although this is definitely not what Namjoon agrees with, he was only going to advise Jin on how to approach things. But execution-wise, it was up to Jin because this was his life. Namjoon was only part of it.
"She's smart, and she's fun. And.. she's refreshing."
"What did she do to make you feel this way?"
"She kissed me. In my classroom. And," Jin swallows the lump in his throat. "It happened again last night. It almost escalated into other things. But she stopped it." He quickly says because he can see Namjoon's facial expression changing. "She stopped it and she put me in my place because it just made things even more complicated. She said that we should keep our distance from each other."
"Which, she's right Jin. You really can't be doing this." Namjoon says sternly. "Please don't be stupid. This can hurt alot of people, especially since you're still engaged to Grace."
"I know, but likeeeeee--"
"No but's." Joon shook his head. Honestly, he didn't expect this behavior from Jin and it concerned him. "I can't force you on how to act, that's solely up to you. But you need to understand that it has to be one or the other, it can't be both. You either try and work things out with Grace and leave Y/N alone, or you call it quits with Grace."
"Y/N has been occupying my mind lately and it's been hard to push her out."
"Maybe that should be a sign as to what you need to do?" Joon sighs. "I don't know. I don't know her, so I can't say much, but are you really ready to throw away all these years with Grace for her? Like, is it really that serious?" Jin shrugged.
"I don't know, she doesn't want this."
"Correction - she doesn't want this because you're engaged. It's obvious that things would be different if the circumstances changed."
"I love Grace. A lot. We've been through so many things together, lots of ups and downs that taught us things."
"Yeah, and I love you both. I love Grace like a sister. But you can't stick around just because of history and because you both are comfortable, if that's what it really comes down to. It's not fair for both parties. If you find out that this is the end of your relationship with Grace, then it's the end."
"I'm just torn."
"Look, whatever you do, know that I support you no matter what and I'm always going to be here for you. But please do this right, no matter what that is. You can't have both of them."
"Yeah I know, I hear you." Joon nods.
"You're selfish, you know that?" Joon laughs. "You couldn't even introduce her to your single friends?" Jin smiled.
"Nope. Finders keepers." Joon rose his middle finger. "Just do me a favor and keep your mouth shut until I tell Yoongi and Hoseok myself."
"Sure, whatever. Not my battle anyways." He stood up and stretched. "So, where are we taking your little Jungkookie tonight?"
"The club so he can get some for his birthday."
"What a good older brother." Jin laughed.
"Is Grace in New York already?"
"Yep. I'm probably just going to head home and sleep until then. I don't remember the last time I stayed up this late, let alone the last time I went to a club."
"Yeah go home, and not to Y/N's house."
"Should I?" Jin joked, but Namjoon rolled his eyes. "I'm kidding, don't worry. Everything didn't just go in one ear and out the other."
"Yeah, please reassure me and tell me that I didn't waste time giving you advice."
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"Oh my god, hurry up!" Jimin groaned loudly as he laid sloppily on your couch, getting restless while waiting for you, Ryujin and Taehyung to finish getting ready. To be fair, you all had been getting ready and fooling around for 2 hours, while Jimin sat patiently and watched whatever was on TV.
"Shut up, Jimin! I'm going to make sure I look good tonight." Ryujin yelled back.
"For who?"
"The dick I'll be getting."
"Why did I even ask?" Jimin sighed and dug his head into a pillow while you and Ryujin continued to yell and sing along loudly to every song that came through on your bluetooth speakers. "You all look good already, please, what else do you need to do?" He mumbled into the pillow. Don't get him wrong, he loves you all to death. He truly does. But it's just been such a long time since you all have gone out like this. He forgot what it was like.
"You know, she really means me." Taehyung tugged on his collar and swiped his thumb across his bottom lip.
"Okay, honestly. You two should probably fuck already. Get it out of your systems, you know?" You say as you dab lip gloss on your lips before shrugging and rolling your eyes. "Jesus Christ."
"Okay, no. You're supposed to be on my side, and that doesn't help." Ryujin's cheeks flush to a rosy tint as she pulls you aside. You knew damn well she was feeling embarrassed because it was true. She wanted to. Once Ryujin finally dusted herself off and was satisfied with her outfit, you both walked out into the living room to meet Jimin and Taehyung. Their eyes widened as they caught sight of you two, Ryujin in a pink, ruched dress with matching pink heels and you in a matching 2-piece skirt and low cut crop top.
"Oh shit, you both look good as hell." Taehyung says as he gets up and continues to eye both of you up and down. Mostly Ryujin, though. "Shall we head out?"
"Yup!" You say as you come to Jimin's side and lead the way out of your apartment. Jimin decided he'd drive tonight since he didn't feel like drinking too much, but he still wanted to go out and have fun. The crew headed to grab dinner at the Farmhouse Kitchen, which served the best Thai food in town. You all enjoyed some good grub, along with some really strong cocktails. You felt super happy that you all had time to finally do this since it's been a minute. You felt like you could finally let lose and get your mind off of things. The things that your dearest bestfriends don't even know about.
But, stories for other days. Tonight, you felt good and you looked good. You were all that and then some. Maybe tonight was the night you could meet a single, fine ass man to dance up on and act up with.
The cocktails were hitting you and Ryujin the most, already feeling tipsy before heading into the club.
"Wooooo!" Ryujin yelled before laughing out loud. "I'm ready!"
"Okay, yes, same, but please keep it together so we can at least make it inside the club." Jimin pleaded. He led your crew up to security, flashing your IDs one by one and paying for the cover fee before stepping in to the already packed nightclub. You and your friends ended up walking in a straight line, holding each other's hands to navigate through the crowd to the bottom floor. The top floor was the most crowded, being it was the house / EDM floor, while the bottom Hip Hop floor wasn't too jammed packed.
"Shots, my friends?" Taehyung asks as he swings over to the front of the bar. You follow behind him and line up against the bartender, asking for some good ol' Don Julio tequila. It wasn't your fave, but it was definitely Taehyung's go-to, and you can't lie, it got the job done quick for you. You all stick around the bar to take your shots, kicking them back to back [besides Jimin] to really get this night started.
As you waited for the final around, Taehyung is scanning the room and notices a group loudly making their way from down the steps and over to the bar. They were cheering on whoever the birthday boy was. A face in the group had looked familiar, so Taehyung squints his eyes to get a better look, and realizes its no other than Jin with his friends.
"Oh, shit! Look! Mr. Kim's here!" Taehyung laughs and says loudly, pointing towards the other end of the bar.
"Is he really?! Let's go take a shot with him and his friends!" Ryujin squeals as she sees him come into full view. You too, get a glimpse of him as they approach the bar and suddenly, you felt hot and nervous - the alcohol being of no help during this time. He looked good, and he didn't look like the already-handsome-professor you had. His hair was more natural, slightly curly, and almost like he had showered and let it messily air dry. The look was perfect on him. Not gonna lie, you were somewhat happy he was here to see how good you looked and part of you really wanted him to crave you until he couldn't take it anymore. You wanted to drive him crazy, and little did you know that you already were. It was a game you didn't mind playing, especially since you knew you couldn't have him.
You shouldn't.
"Ayeeeee! Mr. Kim!" Taehyung's ass yells with Ryujin cheering in the back. He does nothing but flash that smile of his while chuckling. His friends are all really handsome as well, one especially caught your eye with the way his wavy black hair fell down his eyes as he stood against the bar in black ripped jeans and a button up shirt. He seemed to be the youngest out of the group, but you were just assuming.
"Let's take a shot! On me!" Ryujin yells as she runs over with her loud ass. You follow behind her with Taehyung and Jimin, slightly hiding behind Jimin since you were feeling a little shy and awkward at this encounter. The events of the past days just flashed before your eyes, and you can feel Jin's eyes burning holes through you from your peripherals.
"These are your students?" You overhear as one of them looks behind at Jin and laughs.
"Yup." Is all he says, hands deep into his pockets.
"That's her isn't it?" Namjoon says in his ear, loud enough to make sure its clear over the music blasting. Jin simply looks at him without saying a word before returning his attention back on Jungkook, who he noticed was eyeing you. The look said everything to Namjoon.
"Do you know her?" Jungkook points at you and Jin nods.
"Why? She's gorgeous." His eyes light up, causing Namjoon to slightly choke and laugh behind Jin.
"Go for it." Is all Jin says. He's honestly livid right now, because the thought of someone else being able to get a taste of you while he hasn't fucks him up.
"Ohhh, boy." Namjoon sighs. "I hope you're truly over her or else it's going to get really fucked up, you know that right?"
"Don't worry about it." He says, dismissing him as he takes the shot from Yoongi's hand and immediately downs it.
"Hey." The black-haired cutie that caught your eye pushed his way through the group to come into full view. "I'm Jungkook."
"Y/N." You lightly shake his hand before tucking a strand behind your ear.
"I just wanted to say that you're absolutely gorgeous." He says cutely, his hands tucked into his pockets.
"Aw, thank you. That's so sweet."
"I, uh—"
"It's his 23rd birthday today!" One of the guys against the bar yells, grabbing Jungkook's shoulders and playfully massaging it.
"Yeah, it's his birthday Y/N! Give the boy some love!" Ryujin winked from where she was at.
"Happy Birthday." You chuckled as he nods.
"Thanks. Maybeeeee you can bless me with a dance after this shot?" He asked shyly. Boy, was he fucking attractive. You could see his thighs poking through the rips of his jeans, his sharp collarbone poking out from the unbuttoned portion of his shirt and his arm muscles defined even in the dark.
"Yeah, I'd love to." You leaned back against the bar as he stood next to you, waiting for the round of shots to come. "Are these your friends?" He chuckled.
"More like big brothers? That's Yoongi, that's Hoseok and that's Namjoon. They're Jin's friends. Jin is my stepbrother." You swallowed the lump in your throat as you quickly glance at Jin, who's side-eyeing you as he leans against the bar. You have got to be fucking kidding me. God was truly testing you.
"Ohhhh." You respond. "That's sweet of them to take you out."
"I honestly didn't wanna do much, let alone come to the club. It's not really my thing, but I'm glad I did or else I wouldn't have met you." He smiled, his smile being just as perfect as his stepbrother's.
"I'm glad I could make your birthday a good one after all." Ryujin suddenly comes to your side and gives your arm a good squeeze.
"He's a cutie! You better hop on that since Mr.Kim is taken." She says in your ear, pulling you into a hug.
"That's his stepbrother."
"Even better!" She exclaims, making you shake your head. You all gather and take the last round of shots in honor of Jungkook's birthday and shit gets wild, quick. Your group led them to the dance floor, partying together like you had known them since forever. It didn't feel awkward at all knowing it was Jin and group of friends, but it did get awkward when you felt the tension with Jin every time you were near him. He didn't like seeing you dance all up on his stepbrother, getting all handsy and touchy-feely when just the other night, you were straddling his lap, ready to risk it all.
Hell, what was he gonna do though? He couldn't do shit. Not with his people around, especially Namjoon.
You knew this. He didn't have to say anything for you to know he wasn't a fan of it. You'd catch him looking at you throughout the night, his eyes hungry and almost dark. Let's get this straight - there's no bad blood here. You're not mad or bitter [slightly]. You're just having your fun because you're single and can do whatever the fuck you want. You know he wants you, what's wrong with a little tease?
A couple of songs have passed and Ryujin has made her way through Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon, and now she was back to doing her own thing on the dance floor. Jimin has had a couple of ladies welcome themselves onto his lap, and he gladly accepted. You loved seeing Jimin have fun and you especially loved when girls swooned at the sight of him because he was deserving of it and he was mighty good looking. He always worked hard and never gave himself a break.
You, on the other hand, had been stuck to the hip with Jungkook and you had brought him deeper into the dance floor, away from the group just to get a little alone time. You had danced up on him majority of the night, his muscular arms always gently bringing you back against his body. You both were feeling some type of way with the alcohol running through your veins, but you weren't complaining one bit. Alcohol or not, Jungkook was fine.
"So, are you going to let me take you out on a date?" Jungkook asks in your ear, causing you to bite onto your bottom lip.
"I'd love to go out on a date with you." You face him, his smile going from ear to ear as he nods and starts taking down your number. To be honest, you could be here all night with him, but you decided you needed a break from all this dancing and from the crowded dance floor. You quickly excuse yourself to the bathroom, suddenly needing to break the seal really badly and freshen up. As you were exiting the bathroom, Jin was also exiting the men's bathroom at the same time. You both locked eyes, with you breaking the contact with a small, toothless smile before walking off.
"Y/N." He says, gently grabbing your wrist and pulling you back towards him. His body is against the back wall, both of your groups distant and not as visible from where you're standing. He looks down at you, his hand still wrapped around your wrist.
"You haven't said one word to me all night."
"I'm trying to keep my distance from you, remember?"
"You know that's not necessary." His hand was now on the small of your back, fingers gently caressing your back in small circles.
"It is. You know what you do to me." You say as you look down at his lips. Truthfully.
"And so do you." You can feel his breath against your skin and it sends goosebumps down your entire body. You're trying your hardest right now to not get turned on by this man, let alone throw yourself onto him. "This isn't fair, you know?"
"I gotta get back to everyone." You say, slightly pulling back.
"Just for the record," He gently pulls you back, his other hand lifting your chin. "Jungkook might have you right now, but I know in the end you'll be coming home to me and that's all that matters." He lets go of your wrist and walks away, leaving you slightly dumbfounded at the way he stood his ground like that. Your panties felt soaked, and you wanted nothing more but to ride this man into the next dimension. He was truly testing you, and quite frankly, you could burst any minute now.
"You okay?" Jimin says, lightly squeezing your arm. "You were gone for awhile."
"Yeah, long line." You lied.
"We're thinking about heading out, you good with that?" You nod silently. You look around to see Ryujin flirting with Yoongi and Namjoon, making you shoot him a look. "Not me, all you. Go get her." He shakes his head, chuckling.
"Alright, I need to say bye to Jungkook anyways."
"Oooh, Jungkook." He wiggles his eyebrows. You make your way over to the area that Jin and his friends are occupying, prying Ryujin's drunk ass away. You give Jungkook a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, letting him know you'd be waiting for his text.
Finally, you all headed out of the club and into Jimin's car, Ryujin being the first drop off of the night. Thank God he had decided to drive, because all three of you were still pretty tipsy and in no condition to get behind the wheel.
"Y/N, listen to me. You need to hop on Jungkook because he's fine as fuck!" Ryujin's drunk ass yells in the backseat as Jimin is making his way to her house.
"Ouch, Ry, stop kicking my chair." Jimin whines.
"Y/N, did you hear me?"
"I hear you loud and clear, Ry. Thank you." You laugh.
"And you, Jimin! I hope you grabbed a ton of numbers because there were tons of pretty ladies feeling you tonight and you need a girl!"
"Perfect, thank you for pointing out how single I am." He says, making Taehyung snorts.
"What about me?"
"Shut up, Tae. You don't need shit. Mind your own business." You and Jimin laugh in your seats.
"Also, Mr. Kim was really eyeing the hell out of you tonight, Y/N." She adds, making you sigh silently to yourself.
"Actually, I concur." Jimin chimes in. "He couldn't keep his eyes off of you."
"Mistress Y/N." Taehyung calls out, causing you to turn and pinch him on the leg. If you haven't gotten it by now, Tae loves to tease the fuck out of you by calling you a mistress. It's been his thing since you got all googly-eyed for him. And you hated it. You truly wanted to fight him every single time.
"It was nothing. He was probably just drunk."
"Sure." Jimin responds. "Call it what you want, he was definitely feeling you tonight." The ride goes silent, which, you're happy that none of them are pressing on it. You were not trying to get caught up at this moment.
Ryujin gets dropped off before Jimin makes his way to your apartment, parking in the yellow passenger/loading zone. Taehyung is knocked out in the back seat, while Jimin throws his hazards on and walks you to the front door of the lobby.
"Thanks for driving, Chim." He smiles and pulls you into a hug.
"No prob. Call me if you need me?" You nod. You walk in and get into the elevator, Jimin and his car disappearing in sight. You take a deep breath and sigh because you had been having an internal battle since the moment you stepped out of the club.
You were losing.
You stepped out of the elevator, only to step into your apartment to quickly freshen up and throw on comfier clothes. You find yourself heading back downstairs to meet your Uber. You knew exactly where you were going and you knew exactly what you were doing.
But you didn't give a fuck. You had been dying to get your needs fulfilled and the only person you wanted was a quick 25 minute Uber trip away.
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