#I was on the absolute /edge/ of my seat
When they started talking about how much Carson loves Survivor and how young he is and then everyone said how proud they were of him, I was about 90% CERTAIN he was going home… but my boy lives on to play another day!!!!!
Survivor Editors, I applaud you; I just experienced one of the best pieces of reality television I’ve ever seen and I am overjoyed /gen.
This is why I love this show so much. It never ceases to be exciting, even after 44 seasons.
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somuchbetterthanthat · 2 months
(Insert disclaimer here that I'm really not trying to judge or decide if there is "one person obviously wrong" in this interaction, because i'm here to enjoy the MESSINESS and the ANGST of humanity, i'm eating the delicious food and drama provided to me)
The thing is, on the one hand, Sam is completely within his right to set that boundary with Alice - not being comfortable talking about his new building relationship with his ex is like, yeah, a very normal thing to be uncomfy about, there is nothing irreasonable about him asking Alice to back off about prying into it, and Alice should be able to respect that;
on the other hand, if they are friends, and they truly seem to be friends (Sam affirms they're friends! And I believe it after the 13 episodes we saw of them!), AND Alice is the one who reached out to help Sam out of a very bad mental (and probably financial, by that point) situation, helping him get a job, then, yeah, the word professional used in that context is NOT the good word to use at all, and obviously Sam realizes that, and obviously that's what really gets to Alice, beyond the new boundary trying to be established.
At the same time, Alice is clearly digging to get more infos and Trying to be the Cool Friend while being somewhat masochistic about it, since by now it's plain to see she does have lingering feelings for Sam, and the way she goes about it is not always nice, so she's hurting both herself and Sam by pushing and pushing about it and not listening to Sam giving them both a out from that.
BUT ALSO, Sam saying "I know you're not happy about me and Celia" means that he knows that she's hurting herself each time she talks about it; means that he KNOWS that she still feels something for him that he doesn't anymore, and that means that this beautiful, warm, sweet, lovable, people-pleaser of a man has been purposefully using those feelings to get her to do something she didn't want to do literally three episodes ago, and with no shame at at all about it.
THE POINT IS. They're so MESSY. They KNOW EACH OTHER SO WELL. They LIKE each other. They're going to have SUCH A BAD FALLOUT ONE DAY AND ITS GOING TO BREAK BOTH THEIR HEARTS (and mine, while i cackle from the pain).
(oh, and yeah: "We dated in uni, I tried to help her after her parents died, then we lost contact" ??? What a summary, Samama. I'm sure NOTHING is hiding behind those lines.)
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etrevil · 10 months
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Dazai screwing Fyodor over in two fonts ✨
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mariocki · 4 months
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The China Syndrome (1979)
"I may be wrong, but I'd say you're lucky to be alive. For that matter, I think we might say the same for the rest of Southern California."
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rounove · 1 year
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Are you still mad at me?
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daisywords · 6 months
I do tend to like the trope of "one or both characters faking or being disingenuous about their role in a relationship but ending up being shaped by it anyway"—and yes "fake dating" and all its variants are included in that! but! that is not the end-all-be-all; the possibilities here are endless. for example:
fake mentor/mentee
fake siblings
fake bodyguard/person they are protecting
fake parent/child
fake prisoner/guard
fake royalty/servant
fake rivals
fake divorced
even just. fake friends please I love fake friends
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delta-piscium · 1 year
after Eddie graduates he still wants to play dnd so Steve let’s them play in his house and the kids are so excited because maybe this way they can get Steve to play?
he doesn’t, but he watches and that’s something right? Except it isn’t because he keeps humming and snorting and he fucking giggles at one point when they’re deciding how to fight the big bad
they slowly realize that it’s because Eddie tells Steve his plans for the campaign, so Steve is sitting there laughing because he knows what will happen and oh my god this is so much worse than Eddie ever was on his own because now he’ll give Steve these looks and Steve will smile or raise an eyebrow or something and there’s no pattern to what happens after so they can’t even brace themselves, and yeah they should have kept them apart this is a nightmare
#eddie munson#steddie#steve harrington#stranger things#listen I just think Steve wouldn’t want to play but he’d love to watch#and Eddie starts planning sessions when they’re hanging out and he tells Steve everything and Steve is on the edge of his seat knowing what#will happen and seeing what the kids will do#and with all the shit they give him about not knowing stuff so what if he lets out a little snort when they choose to go left instead of#right when actually both options are equally bad#it’s just a little harmless thing to mess with them#Eddie picks up on it and will sometimes look at stave and raise an eyebrow and Steve knowing nothing is about to happen will smile and nod#and the kids will literally loose all the blood in their face and all that happens that session is they buy some new weapons but next times#it happens they get attacked so what actually does it even mean?#it means Eddie and Steve are messing with them just a tiny bit#but also that Eddie is including Steve because he knows he’s hesitant to play bc he thinks he’d ruin it but this way he gets to be a part#of it and also as much as Eddie loves to DM it can get lonely and it’s exciting to share this with Steve#sometimes Steve is humming and nodding because he’s impressed with them though#but it still drives them absolutely crazy bc these kids has such a need to know everything and the DM being the only one who knows is#the point so they can deal but this? yeah it’s a struggle#my post#dels steddie thoughts
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mediapen · 3 months
this is the worst fucking trip of my life. i spent a week in russia having a massive panic attack every fucking day and THIS is the worst trip of my life
#ive literally never experienced such rude people im gonna snap so fucking bad soon#it’s EVERY DAY if it was a one off it’d be at least a bit better but it’s EVERY TIME I GO ANYWHERE WHAT IS IT ABOUT ME!!!!!!! oh my god#i am so sorry central maybe it’s not you. well it was you but your shitass contagion has spread around the world#I’ve had like six people cut in lines ahead of me people walk so close they push me into walls i just stop dead now it’s the only thing tha#works some guy walked through my arm and WHACKED his arm on my water bottle in my bag and it HURT him i could hear it it’s the highlight of#this entire fucking trip#i have been hit in a cathedral nearly stood on multiple times kids running into me people trying to walk through me ive just lugged my case#onto a bus where these two old cunts with like cabin bag sized cases managed to move to take up SIX SEATS as i got on the bus with my big#case so i had to stand. then nobody would let me off the bus with my big fucking case so hopefully i broke some toes. and THEN in my three#minute walk to this airbnb i am supposed to just get off the planet apparently and also walk in the road because god forbid other people#develop an ounce of brain matter and not walk four abreast on the pavement im fucking over it. fuck off and die you can see me im 5’9#also the bus people im not done with those fucking bus people like they were in the four seats and one of them went to a two seat but the#one on the four stayed on the edge with his case so i couldn’t get past and there were no other case-friendly seats#like it was fucking intentional what level of fuckhead do you have to be to stop someone sitting on a bus absolutely wank#google translate I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF the next time something happens and i will do it for real#dl
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
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I think about this moment often.
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punkbxt · 1 year
would b’elanna see barbieheimer :3 would tuvok????
YES i really think they would (in a tsundere way)
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dakotacoie · 4 months
sighs idk why im moving through jrwi pd so slowly literally got through 5 episodes in 9 days
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torntruth · 1 year
i love that two immortal people wanted amicia starters because i'm gonna love the concept of the rat swarm being the one thing 'immortal' will definitely not win against.
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hmmwellok · 1 year
not to be dramatic but i would, with no hesitation, die for kim kitsuragi
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aromacaque · 9 months
my friends every time i say something that alludes to me not being romance or sex-repulsed even though i am aroace
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chirpovs · 8 months
just wanna say that the new murtagh book was written for me specifically
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hyacinthquetzal · 8 months
Just saw the FNAF movie, and I can already see myself talking about it to new, younger kids in the future like, yeah, that came out when I was 16, it was so long ago 😂 It’s so fascinating and cool and borderline fever-dream-ish to see it on a theatre screen when you’ve known it as games and art your whole life— especially with the visual references and the sound design. I can see this becoming nostalgic reaaally quick— and with so many people cosplaying at the theaters as well, maybe including myself? I mean, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of sudden jumpscares, as that is what the games use as their mane scare tactic. Also the random change of lore a tad? I’ll uhhhh. Vibe with it.
It was crazy to see everyone absolutely going hard XD I went low key, but I still got recognized a few times, it was pretty awesome! It was so cool to see everyone excited and coming together over a shared interest. It’s like going to a football game and finding someone wearing the same jersey as your own, I suppose! I’ve never been super hardcore in the fandom, but seeing the community in person and the excitement and creativity and the dedication— it’s something I respect. Y’all go and be awesome, guys.
Also spoilers below here for a single sentence about something I noticed —————
Micheal getting yeeted and having a short-lived toss-across-a-table throw-down match with Peepaw Willy was 100% something I did not expect, but 100% something I needed to see, regardless if I knew it or not 😂 also that design and literally every small detail. I can tell you that me and my friend were death gripping each other and they were digging their nails into my arm in excitement, my gosh XD It was a super great experience, even if I’m not one for horror. I’m glad I went!
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