#cbs survivor
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white-weasel · 10 months ago
Survivor 46 has had so much balls to the walls insane (read: iconic) shit. Like ALL of this happened in one season:
Jelinsky quitting the Sweat task within like an hour of starting it and then throwing the hour glass in frustration
“Several means seven, not four”
Everyone clowning on Jelinsky (including Jeff!!!) for the rest of the season about the above conviction
“I didn’t come to win a million dollars, I came here to win a million hearts”
Bhanu cursing God for putting him on Survivor in the first place if he was going to be voted out
Bhanu legit getting on his hands and knees, begging Tiff not to vote him out and Tiff telling him to stand up because he’s a grown man
Really everything involving the Bhanu boot with him running around the island
Jem deciding to plant the Beware Advantage, but not planting anything below it, leading to Siga digging a massive hole and basically uprooting a whole bush
Venus taking credit for the Soda blindside, which pissed off Tevin who wanted to take credit for the Soda blindside, which pissed off Liz who wanted to take credit for the Soda blindside (or really just everyone fighting like children over “whose move” something was)
Q overanalyzing a game of hide and seek (Big mistake!)
Q blowing up tribal and asking to be voted out, only for Tevin to go home
The entire Applebee’s reward fiasco
Probably missed some stuff because of just how jam packed this season is and really hope the last few episodes deliver
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awigglycultist · 5 months ago
Me being a survivor and a big brother and a game changer fan can all be traced back to watching fetch with ruff ruffman as a child
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sugar-cube-in-a-teacup · 10 months ago
okay hear me out: heroes vs villains 2 but it’s just the cast of survivor 46 again
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jeffprobst-official · 4 months ago
Fuck Rome
- No-Vote Kyle, 2024
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idembroiderthat · 7 months ago
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This is the smallest ‘B’ I’ve ever stitched.
Pretty much everything Boston Rob says is a stitchable quote. But THIS LINE… pure Robfather gold.
Reason number 5,525,600 I could never be on ‘Survivor’: I’d totally cave. I’d be like ‘you said that so boldly, it must be true, here’s all the information I have’.
4x4 Inch Hand-Embroidered Hoop
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steve-needs-a-hug · 1 year ago
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an unexpectedly iconic runner-up duo
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jeremycollinsstan · 9 months ago
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stimboardboy · 2 months ago
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personalized survivor pet collar
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mintysneezes · 1 year ago
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The reactions of everyone from last nights tribal council is so good
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fleursfairies · 3 months ago
yeahhhh my winner pick won!!!!!! im so proud!!!
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dust-jacket-analysis · 3 months ago
A List of things I want for Season Fifty
Thirty-Nine days back
No more ways for players too lose their votes (Including the beware advantages and steal a votes)
Two tribes of twenty (realistically I know it won't happen, but it would allow you to pick players from all non returnee seasons and it'd be funny)
A final two (final three can burn)
A tradition FTC jury structure
The auction but no bullshit
Family letters at the auction
The family visit (where has she been? bring her home)
No more pre-merge purgatory (I want it too perish)
The Beg, Barter, steal start from Survivor Pearl Islands
Having only one Super Idol (the idol that can be played after the votes) in the post merge. As in, it's the only one of it's kind and can only be used once.
Reward Challenges being separate from Immunity challenges (all the time).
Giving the contestants the option to sit out of or quit individual immunity challenges for food (its great for information gathering and stirs the pot in a way that isn't to much of production influence)
Rewards that let one tribe sit in on the other tribes tribal council pre merge
Anyone who makes merge makes the jury (none of that, the first person voted out post merge isn't on the jury bs)
Organic emotional moments
Safety Without power advantage that has to be played before tribal council discussion (the added weight of not being able to here any tc talk and losing valuable information nerfs the advantage more)
No shot in the dark (that goes with not stealing players votes, but it deserves it's own bullet)
Somewhere that's not just Fiji. It doesn't even have to look different from Fiji. it can another random beach somewhere, just please... I beg... not Fiji
That's all I've got for now. This list was just my "production/Game Mechanics" wants/not wants for season 50. Essentially, just get rid of all the bullshit no one likes. Especially Non Traditional idol advantages, with some exceptions I've listed. Most advantages are so over played and there's just too many.
It's a way to make up for any potential lazy and non interesting casting on productions part. And allows Jeff and Production to say things like, "We don't want to cast any villains. We want this season to be joyful" :/
They can get away with it and excuse it more, because they rely on advantages to make their seasons interesting (they don't, most people just eye roll). The reason there's been a better attitude about the past three seasons, that had the same dumb and tiring advantages as the other previous seasons, is because the casting was good.
We have a very Gabon-Esque cast in season 46, iconic players in season 45, and a cast with good chemistry and big personalities in season 47. These past three seasons have been, in my opinion, some of the best in the budget era solely because of the casting. And Jeff should be noting this.
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chickenofliterature · 5 months ago
A list of my alternative career ideas if this whole historian thing doesn’t work out
Puppeteer or puppet maker
Survivor contestant
Renaissance faire person
Unfortunately I’m not sure any of those would be more profitable than academia
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awigglycultist · 1 year ago
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midwestvalleygirl-moved · 1 year ago
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parvati shallow & natalie bolton reunite for paper magazine
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jeffprobst-official · 4 months ago
Okay I genuinely hate Whisper Tribals and I’ll tell you why:
The players have days at the beach to talk and scheme and figure out who they want out and how they can make it happen. They know there are twists and idols and advantages. The have plenty of time to come up with contingencies and make plans B-Z.
Once they get to Tribal Council, it is Jeff’s turn to create some chaos (and a good chance for chaotic/strategic players to move their plans forward). Anything said at Tribal Council should be said aloud to the entire group. That is what the time is there for, it is an essential mechanic in the game.
Allowing players to get up and whisper to each other to figure out a new plan makes the players look childish and lazy. It ruins clever plans and quite frankly it makes for terrible TV.
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misguided-ghostz · 5 months ago
Andy in the back smiling while his tribe is fighting over a clothes line is hilarious.
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