#I was literally in fifth grade when the show started
conwayfamilytree · 4 months
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Happy 10th birthday Mianite !
I’m hoping the ten year old me who watched this series when it first came out is happy that the adult me is still crying over block people.
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heeology · 5 months
I have a request for a fic where both Jake and reader are starting their freshman year of college and jake is applying to be in a frat, but to be accepted the brothers in the frat make a bet with him to make the reader sleep with him ….
a/n -> omg i was literally thinking abt writing a jake fic (which i'll get to soon) and then this pops up lmao. but your mind...lord, this is such a good idea. anyway, tysm for being my first request !! it means a lot lol and i rlly hope you enjoy this :)) then, just in general, if you also sent me a request, i promise i have seen it !! i just work five days a week now, so i don't rlly have a lot of time to sit and write, but i promise i am working on them and will release them when i can 💕
are you down or what? | s.jy
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pairing -> futurefratboy!jake x fem!reader
genre -> college au, best friends (alludes) to fwb
warnings -> MDNI, smut, drinking, cursing, mention of weed (no drug use tho)
w.c. -> 7.3k
Going to college is already scary enough, moving to college is even scarier. You wouldn’t categorize yourself as the “outgoing type” and you had pretty much figured your college experience would be dull and stressful; Junior year of high school pretty much prepped you for that. Luckily (depending on how you see it) for you, Jake is the complete opposite. He loved extra-curriculars, joining clubs, joining sports teams, and always made honor roll; essentially, he loved making new friends, trying new things. Everyone adored him and he had practically a long line of people waiting to be his friend. If only they knew they just had to be allergic to any sort of social activity and he would’ve immediately taken them under his wing. He’s always tried to have you venture out of your comfort zone, and sometimes, it worked. This time, however, you honestly didn’t see yourself branching out alongside him. Which both bummed you out and seemed as if it was inevitable. 
Who knew that the kid you met at your fifth grade honor roll assembly and pizza party would be the one you ended up applying to colleges with, let alone plan on going to the same college with? Well, actually, you and Jake didn’t quite get along at first, it was your moms that became best friends well before the two of you did. But, thankfully, both of your moms showed up to the honor roll assembly and brought the two of you together. Even if at first he would try to make conversation with you and you would just nod your head in response, too shy to actually say anything back. At first, he thought you hated him and at the time, you thought he was annoying, but somehow you both came to find these qualities about each other endearing. There were a lot of times you were grateful to have met him and have him as your best friend.
But when he brought up the topic of a fraternity mixer while he was helping–well, more like he was the only one working–assemble an IKEA storage unit for your dorm room as you both sat on your floor, you automatically rolled your eyes. You weren’t surprised in the slightest that one of the first things he wanted to do since you guys got to college was join a frat; it’s like he was born for this, and you mean it in the least douchey way possible. 
“Come on, it’s just like, some mixer; nothing major. I really want you to come. Please?” he says as he drags out the “e” at the end. 
You roll your eyes again and let out a huff, handing him the screwdriver to which he rolls his eyes in return and takes it. “It’s only been a week and you’re already rushing a frat?”
“What? Think I’m not good enough for them?” he asks, joking as he continues to assemble the storage unit for you. You knew he was perfect for this sort of thing, you swear, he was already breezing through it as a pledge, or at least he was making it seem like it. Besides, you’re pretty sure that he is even mistaken as a member already around campus. “It’s not even going to be that bad. Plus, there’s going to be free booze and hella cute chicks, so there’s that to look forward to.” he says as he grins to himself.
“Gross,” you mumble, “it’s not really sounding like there’s anything for me at this dumb thing.”
He chuckles a little. “What? You mean the thought of hanging out with a bunch of sweaty dudes playing beer pong doesn’t sound enticing?”
You shudder, “You’re not really selling your case here, pal.”
He laughs. “C’moooonnnnn,” he whines, playfully bumping his shoulder with yours, “I promise you’ll have fun. And if not, then we’ll just leave after an hour and get some food. Sound good?”
You think for a moment before letting out a huff, “Fine. But if you even leave me alone for a second with those…heathens, then I will never speak to you again.” you say, half joking, half serious.
“You’re acting like these dudes are all terrible people; they’re not the spawn on Satan, y’know.” he says as he can sense the hesitance and apprehension in your voice. “I promise I won’t leave you and I’ll hold your hand the whole time.” he says as he coos and then laughs to himself.
“Dear god.” you mutter, rolling your eyes again, which only makes him chuckle.
“I’m just kidding. But seriously, you’re coming. Who knows, it could be a funny story later on.”
“Right. I bet it’ll elicit all sorts of chuckles.” you say, sarcastically.
He laughs again, shaking his head slightly as he focuses on working on the IKEA product. He shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe you’ll even meet someone there. Imagine if you fell in love with one of the frat dudes.” he laughs at his own thought. 
You scoff, “Ew.”
“I know, right? How mortifying, you fall in love with some muscular, frat boy named Chad.” he shivers, “Scary.” he says, teasing you.
You laugh, “Shut up.”
He chuckles softly and then stops working to look at you. “But seriously, will you please come with me? It would be nice having you there, and it will be our first college party together, how can you possibly pass that up?” he says as he pouts slightly, giving you his best “puppy dog eyes”.
You roll your eyes and playfully shove his shoulder, “Ew, fine! Stop doing that.”
He laughs and grins, “You are the best friend I could ever ask for!” he says, acting overly enthusiastic as he hugs you tightly, ruffles your hair, then kisses your cheek. “We’re gonna have so much fun, you’ll see.”
“Bleh,” you jokingly whine as you wipe your cheek, “yeah, yeah. Just finish my storage thing.”
He rolls his eyes, “Yes ma’am.” he says as he continues working for a few more minutes. He finishes working on the storage unit, turning it upright and smiling proudly. “What would you do without me, honestly? BOOM!” he says as he smacks it lightly, “There it is, built by yours truly; you’re welcome.” he says with a smug grin.
“Alright, alright, calm down.” you say as you laugh a bit. You stand up, rolling it over to a corner in your dorm room.
Jake follows your lead, standing up as well. “Here, I can even help you pick out something to wear for the party. I was thinking of wearing a Polo-”
You turn to him and grimace, “Dear god, you’re already becoming one of them.”
He laughs and scoffs, “Hey, I make Polo’s look hot, don’t even try to act like I don’t. Besides, if I wear a short sleeved one, it will totally show off my muscles.” he says as he flexes a bit, grinning. You roll your eyes and pretend to gag and he laughs and stops flexing before nudging your arm. “Shut up.” he mumbles and turns to look at your closet. “Do you still have that dress you wore to that grad party we went to over the summer?”
“I mean, I think.” you say as you walk over to your closet rummaging inside it (even if there isn’t much room to rummage through).
You were kind of surprised to hear him talk about a dress you wore almost two months ago, but you didn’t think too much about it. You suppose maybe he only did because it was the first dress you wore in a while, so maybe he just subconsciously remembered about it. He glances at you as you look for the dress. He was secretly grateful you didn’t tease him for remembering about it, but he just thought you looked pretty in it. Not that you aren’t pretty all the time just…that time…he shakes his head to himself; it’s just a pretty dress.
He crosses his arms and peers over your shoulder, looking into what clothes you have in your closet as well. “What about that white top?” he asks, pointing out a white, low-cut tank top that is discarded to the side of the closet. “Wear that with a nice skirt or something; that’d look good.”
You glance at it and laugh, “I wear that to bed when it’s too hot. I am not wearing that to the party; my boobs will literally be spilling out of it.”
He pauses for a moment before speaking again. “And that’s a bad thing because…?” He grins, giving you a quick wink which results in you punching his shoulder. He laughs and rubs his shoulder. “Kidding, kidding! But seriously, pick out something. You’ll look amazing in whatever you choose.” he shrugs casually. You roll your eyes and keep rummaging through your closet, suddenly hating every article of clothing you own. He leans against the wall next to your closet, “I swear to god, I can never understand why girls sometimes take so long to pick out what they wear. It’s like, how hard can it be to choose something quickly and then wear it?”
“Jesus, fine, you pick out something, then.” you say as you walk over to your bed, laying on it. “You’re the one who wants me to go, anyway.”
Jake smiles mischievously, walking over to your closet and looking through your clothes. “Do you have those tight, high-waisted jeans? The ones you wore last weekend?”
You raise an eyebrow. Is he talking about the ones you wore to the brunch your mom took you out to with him and his mom? You laugh. “Probably. My mom bought them, so she probably snuck them in there somewhere.” you don’t even realize you’re smiling a bit to yourself, a part of you secretly liking that he remembered them; maybe you looked better than you thought. “Aren’t skinny jeans, like, out or whatever?”
Jake shrugs. “All I know is your ass looked good.” he says as he spots them after looking through some of your bottoms. He grabs them and tosses them at you, the jeans hitting your stomach, causing you to let out a small “oomph”. “And pair it with that white tank top. For your shoes…” he shrugs, “maybe your Doc Martens or something casual. That’ll look good.” he says as he looks at you, nodding his head in satisfaction. “There. Done. And it only took, like, two minutes. See? It wasn’t even hard.” he jokes.
“You chose, quite literally, the most basic outfit known to man.”
“Oh, come on, it’s not even that bad. Besides, you’ll pull it off, anyway.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “I’ll wear the pants and the shoes, but I am not wearing my “booby” shirt, you perv.”
“Oh, c’mon. You know you like to show it off sometimes.” he says, grinning as he wiggles his eyebrows before laughing softly. “Just wear it, please? For me?” he jokes in a playfully flirty tone. “Plus, I need some sort of eye candy when we go to this thing.”
You scoff, playfully. “Ohhhhh, I see what this is.” you say as you sit up on your bed. “You’re hoping if you bring a hot girl to the mixer, you’ll have an automatic in with these frat fuckers, right?”
The tips of Jake’s ears turn slightly red and he scoffs, looking away before looking back at you. “What? No, that’s not the reason. Not the entire reason, anyway.” he says, laughing slightly to hide his embarrassment. “It’ll just be nice to go with you, okay?”
“Uh-huh, suuuurrrreeee.”
He laughs before going to sit beside you on your bed. “Okay, fine, fine, you got me. I did want to bring a hot girl so it'd be easier to get in with the frat. But that's not the whole reason! I also wanted to go with my best friend since we haven't really hung out this week because of classes. And I knew I'd need at least one sane person to keep me in check. Or, at least, as sane as you can get." he teases, wearing that stupid giddy grin of his he gets whenever he feels he said something hilarious. 
You scoff, playfully, “Watch it.” you warn.
He laughs, “Sorry, sorry. I meant a perfectly sane, normal human who doesn’t listen to musicals in her spare time.”
You nudge his arm, “Hey! That was middle school me, back off.”
He laughs again, “I’m messing with you. But seriously, I am glad that you’re coming. It’ll be way more fun with you there.” he smiles that typical charming smile he does, not because he knows he looks good doing it, but because he just does anyway. “I really do appreciate you. Especially since you’re ‘sacrificing’ your sanity to be surrounded by these frat guys.”
“Soon, you’ll be one of them.” you shudder, “I’ll have to start writing my obituary for you.”
“Oh, come on, we’re not all that bad. I'm sure there's at least a few decent guys there that aren't complete douchebags. They're just...eccentric." he jokes, "This mixer will be a great chance for me to maybe get an in with the career path I wanna take plus if I leave a good impression with the frat guys, maybe I won’t have to be a pledge for much longer."
“‘We’re’? Oh my god, you’re already clumping yourself together with them!” you say in fake horror.
“Oh my god, you’re right.” he says in the same tone with a shocked expression. “I’m turning into one of them without even realizing it! Quick, snap me out of it!” he says, laughing slightly. 
You shrug, “Gladly.” you say before punching his shoulder. It honestly hurts your knuckles, but you decide to keep that to yourself and ignore the pins and needles shooting through your hand.
He frowns and looks at you with an “i’m not mad, just disappointed look” which causes you to burst out laughing. “You know, you’ve got a mean right hook. Who knows, you might be the one joining the frat.” he says, rubbing his shoulder a little before wrapping his hand over your knuckles, squeezing it a little. He knows you probably hurt your hand a bit, so he hopes this makes your hand feel a little better before letting go. 
“I’d rather die.” you say in such a serious manner, he can’t tell whether you’re joking or not, but he laughs nonetheless. 
“Just get dressed. I’ll come get you later, okay?” he says as he gets off of your bed.
You groan, “Fine. But I hope you know, you are throwing me to the wolves by making me wear this outfit.”
He laughs and opens your door. “Have to let them know I’m there with the best-looking, smartest, and funniest girl at the party somehow.” he says with a wink.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms. “You’re lucky flattery works with me.” you mutter.
He grins, “What can I say? I know you so well, babe.” he says before nodding his head as a goodbye and walking out of your dorm room, closing the door behind him.
Against your will (and your own regard for fashion), you wore what Jake had picked out for you. He smirks a bit as he looks at you after opening your door when he knocks around a few hours later. He looks you up and down, and you notice how his gaze lingered a little longer on your chest before meeting your eyes. You cross your arms, unintentionally pushing your chest a little together, he scoffs as his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek.
“Yeah…I’m for sure getting into this frat.” he says, mainly saying it to himself, but you would be lying if it didn’t give you a little bit of an ego boost.
“Pipe down, it’s literally the most basic outfit known to man.”
“But you make it look hot…real hot.” he grins.
You roll your eyes and shove his shoulder. “Don’t even.” you mumble as you walk out of your dorm room, closing and locking the door behind you. 
He laughs softly as you start walking to the frat house, which is just around a block away. As you step outside, you shiver a bit from the cold and you frown at the fact that you didn’t bring a jacket, but you honestly felt too lazy to turn around and go back to grab one. He notices (and since he wasn’t wearing one either), he opts for putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you a bit closer. 
“You have to admit, this is a little exciting. I mean, it’s our first college party and I’ll make it my mission to make it memorable.”
He honestly means that; he genuinely wants you to have a good time. He knows how you would rather be spending your time right now, just laying in your bed as you watch some show you’ve seen a thousand times, but he wants to break you out of that. Not that he has any problem with you being more introverted or wants to mold you into something he wants you to be, he has a more…specific reason than that. Your smile. As you two walk, he smiles to himself just thinking about it. How, whenever he sees you smiling this certain way–like you’re smiling for the first time–it’s like time stops; like you’re the only thing of importance in that very moment because nothing else matters, nothing else could possibly compare to how special and beautiful you look in those moments. It makes him feel giddy and the first time he ever saw you smile like that, he knew he had to do whatever it took to make it happen again. 
“Maybe for you, but if it smells like B.O. and weed, I am so out of there.”
He laughs and covers his mouth, his laugh coming out louder than he expected it to. He runs that hand through his hair and turns his head to look at you. “I feel like you have some underlying stereotypes about frat boys.”
“And until this party proves me otherwise, it’ll stay that way.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Then you’re on your own once you join their cult.”
He chuckles softly and shakes his head a bit. “I’m not going to become some buff incel just because I want to join this fraternity.”
You knew that. Well, you were hoping that would be the case. But this is different. This is college. Dramatic, maybe, but you were afraid the two of you would split apart and although you have other friends, he’s the one you’ve had for years. He knows everything about you and has seen you through all of your phases and vice versa. You just feel this looming anxiety that him joining this fraternity will be the first step in the direction of you two no longer being friends; that you’ll just become people you pass by on your way to class. You don’t want to tell him this, though, you’re not really ready to have a discussion (which may turn into an argument) about this just yet. You feel terrible for wanting this, but you’re secretly hoping he doesn’t get in. Not because you don’t want him to branch out and experience his own things in college, well, maybe a little. Maybe you’re selfish. Or maybe you’re saving him from turning into a douche. At least, that’s what you’ll tell yourself to feel better about hoping he doesn’t get in. It’s just because you want him to not forget about you. You’re not as outgoing as him, so what if he starts to find you to be boring? The thought made you frown.
Ten minutes. It’s been ten minutes and this party is already making you feel like you’re being suffocated from the amount of people at this thing, all of whom already seem to be drunk. Once you and Jake got here, you could already tell you were going to hate every lousy minute you had to spend at this party. Especially since there have already been a few people who’ve had their eyes on you for a little longer than you wanted. You tried to make this situation a positive, trying to just relax and have fun as you see Jake greeting the many people he already knows. It’s only been a week since the semester started and he already knew at least twenty people here (yes, you counted). He introduced you to everyone he’s greeted, though, he didn’t want to make you feel left out. He could see you were a little uncomfortable, probably just because it was crowded and loud, so he decided to take you to the kitchen, getting the two of you some drinks. 
He smiles warmly, “We can dance if you want, or we can just talk, drink, get wasted, and judge people. Up to you.” he says, nudging your arm.
You smile a little and playfully roll your eyes. “I know that’s now what you want to do.”
“But it’s what you want to do.”
You look at him for a moment and before you say anything back, you hear a loud, booming voice calling Jake over. You both look and see some of the frat brothers laughing and motioning for him to come over as they yell at him like he’s some football player on the team they love. You glance at Jake. 
“Please go so they stop.”
He laughs and nods, walking over to them. You take another sip of your drink and then you see someone you met in one of your classes. They notice you and wave and you wave back before going over to talk with them.
Jake walks over to the group of four of the frat boys and greets them, dapping them up. One of them motions their head towards you, “So…who’s she?” he asks, crossing his arms as he grins. The others nod their heads and Jake turns to glance at you before looking at them.
He shrugs, smiling shyly, “She’s my best friend-”
“She rushing Delta Theta Zow?” another one asks.
Jake shakes his head, “Nah, sororities aren’t her thing.”
“Too bad, she’s hot.”
Jake feels himself frown slightly at that. Sure, his intention was to hopefully have them think you’re hot so they would be more inclined to go easier on him when hazing, maybe even just decide to let him in if he could prove he knew some hot girls despite how shallow that sounds. It’s just the way he said it, the way they’re looking at you, that makes him feel sick. 
“Tell you what, Jakey, you let us…get to know her, and who knows, you might just be exactly who we’re looking for.” one of them suggests.
Jake feels all of the blood suddenly drain out of his body and the frat brother grins, nudging another one. “Or, tell you what.” he says, putting his arm around Jake, “You sleep with her and you may just be one of the newest members of Alpha Omega Phi. Sound like a deal?”
“You want me to…”
“Fuck her.”
Well, there goes his chances of joining this frat, which surprisingly, is one of the more tame options out of the other ones. This one has great connections to people in the field of computer science and engineering, which is what he desperately wants to achieve. This could give him a big head start…but he can’t just use you.
He chuckles nervously, “I don’t know…she’s not like that-”
“Too bad,” the frat brother says as he takes his arm off of Jake, “We thought you would’ve fit right in with us.” the others nod their heads in agreement.
Jake thinks for a moment. “...alright…fine.”
The four of them cheer, which ignites cheers from other party goers, making Jake look around and find it a bit strange that they hold that kind of power. 
“You can use Bradley’s room, he could use some sort of action on that bed.” one of them teases and the others laugh. Jake nods his head, trying to laugh along and then they shove him to go over to you. Jake quickly walks over to you, setting his drink on the counter and grabs your arm. 
“The hell-?” you say as he quickly drags you upstairs into a bedroom and he closes the door behind the two of you, looking at you kind of panicked. “What the hell is your problem-”
“They want me to fuck you.”
You feel yourself freeze, all of your muscles tensing up at what just came out of his mouth. Was he being serious? “...deadass?”
“Damn…” you mutter, him releasing your arm from his grip. “So…”
He shrugs, “So…” he repeats.
“Guess you’re not getting into this frat.”
He looks at you for a moment, “So, this is like…a for sure thing.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Dude, I’m not having sex with you so you can join a frat.”
“Come on,” he pleads, using his puppy dog eyes again. To be honest, he knew you would say no for obvious reasons, but this was important to him. Sure, you’re important to him, too, which is kind of why he also figured you would be okay with doing this as a favor. “this is really important, I have to get into this frat. I could get an upper hand with some major companies I want to work for once we graduate. Please?” he clasps his hands together, “Just do me this one favor.”
“Fucking me is not a favor.”
“Well, it’s also not a punishment-”
You scoff, shoving his shoulder lightly and he laughs softly. It goes quiet for a moment between the two of you and he looks at you, expecting, wanting you to change your mind.
“How would they know, anyway? Can’t we just, like, pretend to have had sex? You know, like that scene in Easy A.” you suggest.
“In what?”
“Oh my god, we have to add that to our list of movies to watch, it has Emma Stone, so you already know it’s going to be good-”
“Okay, okay, yeah we can watch it later. Are you going to let me fuck you or what?”
You groan, “Can’t I just give you my panties or something and then you can wave them around and brag about it? Actually, don’t do that.”
“Look, this frat is made up of guys in business, engineering, chemistry, and physics majors, they’re not stupid. They’ll know, trust me, and I really don’t want to have to deal with any more hazing because I’m pretty sure it’s just going to keep getting worse and I would actually like to survive my first few weeks of college.”
“Or…you could just not join.”
He frowns, “You know how much this means to me.” You sigh. Yes, you thought this was stupid, but you also weren’t dumb enough to not realize how joining this frat could actually help him in the future. You saw the superficialness of it all and you knew he wasn’t dumb enough to see past it either, but Jake has worked really hard and besides, you would be lying if you said you saw this as a worst case scenario. “Please?” he asks, anticipating your answer.
You sigh again, “Fine.”
He smiles, “God, yes, thank you so much.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“I’ll make you feel so fucking good.” he says. You thought you should take it as a joke, but he says it with a more serious tone before he hooks his fingers through the loop of your jeans, pulling you closer as he leans in, kissing you. 
You were a little surprised by him just going for it so suddenly, but you close your eyes and kiss him back. His hand travels up to your waist, holding onto it as his other hand moves to the side of your face, cupping it as he pulls you closer, his fingers slightly tangling with your hair. He tilts his head, slipping his tongue past your lips, sending shivers down your spine as it slides over your own. He kisses you with a sort of hunger, not expecting to be kissing you with so much intensity, but once his lips met yours, it’s like a switch went off for him and he can’t help himself from wanting you more and more. 
He guides the two of you over to the bed as you continue to kiss, him grunting softly as his eyebrows furrow together, feeling himself getting hard from just kissing you. He parts from your lips, having you both gasp for air before he pushes your hair aside, feeling his long, thin fingers brush past your neck before being replaced with his soft, plump lips. He leaves open mouthed kisses along the side of your neck before turning you around, your ass pressing against his hard on, making him moan softly into your ear from the contact, his precum leaking and staining his underwear and pants. You tease him, grinding against him slightly which makes him bite your neck softly as he continues kissing along the side of it, down to your shoulder. He grips your hips tightly, stopping your movements and you feel his lips and hot breath brush against your ear.
“Don’t play with me.” he whispers, gently nibbling on your earlobe before pulling away. His hands slip to the button of your jeans, undoing it and slowly zipping down the zipper. He pushes your jeans down just slightly, a little past your ass and he feels like he’s going to pass out from his fingertips gently grazing the edge of your underwear alone. He kisses your neck again, his left hand going to your neck, gently gripping it as he moves your head to the side to give him more room. That action alone almost makes you moan, but you just gasp softly as his right hand slips its fingers past your waistband, finally feeling them push against you. He moans at the feeling of you already being so wet and he coats his fingers in your arousal, making a mess in your panties. 
He uses his middle and ring finger to press and circle your clit, causing you to gasp and close your eyes, your head falling back against his shoulder and he pulls away from your neck, breathing slightly heavily. He turns his head to look at you, leaving gentle kisses on the side of your face as he moves his fingers down, pushing them inside of you. From the way your lips part and you let out the softest moan, your eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly, he can feel himself almost cum at the sight alone. He pushes his fingers in and out of you, his thumb rubbing your clit and he leaves a kiss against your ear.
“That’s right, baby, you like this, hm? Fuck, you’re so wet, do you want me to just fuck you now?” he whispers against your ear, knowing he, himself, wants nothing more than to do just that. He fingers you faster, curling them against your walls as the pads of his fingers reach areas you can’t. You moan louder, feeling your legs shake and he smirks. “I bet you taste so good.” he whispers and he pulls his fingers out of you and your panties. “Open.” he demands and you open your mouth, slightly sticking out your tongue and he puts his fingers into your mouth. You lick them as he shoves them a little deeper and then pulls them out, sliding the mixture of your spit and arousal on your bottom lip before he turns your head and kisses you, wanting to taste you. He licks your lip, he sucks your tongue, anything he can just to have you on his lips. He moans softly and pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your lips before breaking. He’s decided he needs more.
He runs his hand along your back, slightly pushing you so you bend over the bed. You can feel your heartbeat against the comforter of the bed. He pulls your jeans down to your ankles, biting his bottom lip as he grins at the full view of your ass on display. His eyes look over how soaked your panties are, feeling a sense of pride knowing he did it. He gently squeezes and kisses one side of your ass, playfully biting it and then realizes he likes the idea of him marking you like this. He bites it a little harder, you moaning and whining at the feeling, your fingers gripping onto the bed sheet. He grins, kissing his teeth marks before he pulls down your underwear, feeling as though he is looking at the gates of heaven itself, his eyes locking onto your pussy. He mumbles something to himself that you can’t hear, but you suddenly feel his tongue slide slowly along and in between your folds. Your mouth opens as you moan, feeling yourself clenching around nothing and he chuckles softly, licking his lips.
He can feel his cock twitch in his pants, more warm precum sticking to his thigh and underwear. He goes back in for more, low groans and moans coming deeply from his throat as he buries his face into your swollen pussy, covering his face in your slick. “You taste so fucking good.” he says with a raspy voice, the vibrations feeling as though they travel throughout your whole body as you moan, feeling his tongue lick feverishly. You feel yourself drool at how he spreads your legs more, his nose and tongue all pressing into you more, him hooking his arms under your thighs, his hands resting and squeezing your ass, raising your hips slightly as he licks and sucks your clit. His nose rubs between your swollen folds as you moan louder, gripping the sheets tighter. 
He licks faster, making out with your cunt as his tongue slips in and out of you. You let out a long moan, feeling as if your knees buckle, cumming all over his tongue, lips, chin, and nose. He moans into your pussy, licking up all of your release and he pulls away, looking at your glistening pussy, rubbing his fingers between your slit, spreading the mixture of his spit and your cum all over. His tongue licks his lips clean, reaching down to lick the part of his chin it can reach and he lets out a low groan, relishing in your taste. You whine as he gives a soft slap to your pussy, licking his fingers clean before using it to collect your cum from the rest of his face and licking that up as well. 
He flips you over, leaning down to kiss you again and you kiss him back eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands roam along the sides of your body, his right one moving up to your chest and groping your breast through your shirt, you moan and whine as he squeezes it tightly, palming and kneading it as he starts to kiss you roughly. His breaths are heavy and before he even knows what he’s doing, he rips your shirt open, his patience dwindling with each second that passes. He kisses down your throat and buries his face between your breasts, kneading them as he kisses between them. He squeezes and pushes them together, licking across them and switching between each one to leave kisses on. He pulls down the cups of the bra, your nipples hardening more from the sudden cold air hitting them as your breathing becomes shallow and you moan with how he is handling you. 
He flicks his tongue over your nipple, sucking and gently tugging at it with his teeth. His tongue swirls around your nipple, his hand squeezing the breast to fill more of his mouth as saliva runs down his chin. He moves and does the same with the other one and your chest rises and falls, moans escaping your lips. Your hand moves and tugs at his shirt, pulling the fabric up and he notices, moving away from you as he takes it off quickly. You feel yourself get even wetter at the sight of his toned arms and abs, looking over every curve of his upper body and he grins. He takes your hand and places it on his abs, moving it over them slowly and you both moan quietly to yourselves. He lets go of your hand and slides off his shoes, you taking the initiative to do the same. You both undress the rest of yourselves quickly and you feel yourself stop in your tracks when you see his long, thick cock slap against his abdomen. You clench around nothing as your eyes look over each vein, biting your bottom lip. 
You reach out, using your finger to slide it over his tip, collecting the precum. His breath gets caught in his throat as he watches you, as you also collect the precum from the side of his thigh. You bring your fingers to your lips, licking them slowly as you look up at him. He watches you intently, his eyes shifting from your fingers, to your tongue, to your lips, to your eyes. You let out a soft moan as you taste him, licking your fingers clean and he reaches out, his hand grabbing your chin and lifting your head up to look at him more. He looks down at you, grinning before kissing you, tasting him on your tongue; that fact alone made him feel proud. He pushes you back against the bed, positioning himself between your legs. He kisses your temple muttering a “thank you” before pushing himself into you. 
Your back arches slightly at the feeling, the pressure between your legs, the way that your walls mold and clench around his cock makes your head spin. You can feel the ridges of the veins in his cock grazing against them, making you clench tighter. He grits his teeth, cursing under his breath as he pushes himself fully into you. He moans and whines a little at the overwhelming feeling of you around him. His forehead rests on yours as he catches his breath, his hands wandering down the sides of your waist to your hips, gripping them tightly as he holds back the urge to cum. He thrusts slowly, sliding in and out of you, subtle squelching noises of your wetness coating his cock. This sound alone, however, causes him to go faster, moans spilling from your lips as the bed creaks harshly, the headboard hitting the wall. His grip becomes tighter and he clenches his jaw, letting out short breaths as he pulls away, watching your tits bounce with each thrust. He reaches and grabs one, playing with your nipple and fondling the breast, his eyes rolling back a bit as he moans. He fucks into you harder and faster, his hips meeting yours quickly, his balls slapping against your ass, the sound of your skin slapping, your moans becoming increasingly louder as your cunt swallows his cock each time he thrusts into it, his soft whines with short moans, and your arousal spreading between your thighs while getting on his drives him wild. 
He pulls out and you gasp at the empty feeling. He grabs your hips and flips you over, pushing your ass up and spreading your legs, sliding himself back in, pounding into you harder and faster. You moan–almost screaming–at the sudden change of pace, your face buried into the mattress as your body shakes. He moans, gripping your ass tightly as he uses that to keep him steady while he fucks you. You moan and scream his name into the mattress, making him moan in return. He grabs a handful of your hair, pulling your head up from the mattress, making you moan and gasp.
“Scream it now.” he demands, fucking you deeper, his other hand reaching to rub circles on your clit hard and fast.
Your eyes roll back a bit and you comply, screaming his name, letting out a lewd moan afterwards as pleasure overtakes your body, your orgasm crashing down. You clench tightly around him, repeating his name over and over as you cum. That was all he needed and until now, he never realized that’s all he wanted. He thrusts harshly a few more times, going back to gripping your hips before moaning your name and pulling out. He pumps his cock a few times and flips you back over, you just giving in because your mind was blank at the moment. He moves up and moans deeply as he cums on your breasts, watching as the pearly white liquid spills on your nipples and the soft flesh, feeling warm and sticky on your skin.
He lets out a breath he seemed to be holding and kisses you. You kiss him back, sloppily, before he pulls away, moving to your chest. He kisses your nipples, a little bit of his cum on his lips before he licks it off. He uses his pointer and middle fingers to spread the cum around your nipples in a slow, circular motion, making you shiver. He smiles, and collects his cum onto his fingers off of your breasts. You open your mouth and he chuckles softly, sticking his fingers in your mouth as you suck and lick them.
“So good…so pretty…” he whispers to you. 
You blush a little and he pulls his fingers out. He moves off of you and you both just take some time to catch your breath. You sit up and you both look at each other before bursting out into laughter. You both calm down after a moment before getting up to put on your clothes, but after you put on everything but your shirt is when you realize you can’t. 
You glare at him, “Genius, what the hell am I supposed to wear?” you ask, holding up your ripped shirt.
He laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, “Damn, my bad.” he looks around and then he takes off his shirt, handing it to you. You raise an eyebrow and take it, putting it on. He walks to the closet and just grabs a shirt from there, putting it on. “I’ll give it back later.” he says, to which you laugh. 
You both walk out of the room, seeing two of the frat boys Jake was talking to earlier. They smile smugly and whistle, cheering a bit and you roll your eyes. They give a thumbs up to Jake and he smiles a bit awkwardly before leaning to whisper in your ear, “Let’s get out of here.” You both walk silently as you leave the party. After a moment, he speaks, “Thanks…by the way…and I’ll buy you a new shirt and…I definitely owe you one.”
“You better get into this frat, I swear to God.”
He laughs, “Damn right.” he says as he nudges your arm and you nudge back. “So, how can I make this up to you?”
You think for a moment and then shrug. “It wasn’t all that bad.”
He scoffs, “Gee, thanks.”
You laugh, “You know what I mean.”
He smirks and looks at you. “You know…you look even hotter in my shirt.”
You roll your eyes and laugh. “What a random thing to say.”
He shrugs, “Maybe…we could do this again.”
You look at him, quiet for a moment. “...very funny.”
“I’m serious.” he says as he looks back at you. He smiles a bit and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Are you down or what?”
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kissami · 8 months
UN ÁNGEL- Cloud strife Headcanons
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sum. Need boyfriend headcanons for cloud? SAY LESS.
warning: modern cloud, oc cloud srry I love him soft, might be a little self insert because of the stuff I like but that’s all
femreader! with she/her pronouns
song of the day: igual que un ángel - Kali uchis
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boyfriend Cloud who knows your order by heart at your guys’ favorite coffee shop and no matter how many times he does it, it never fails to make you blush and impressed.
Boyfriend Cloud who never fails to make you ticklish especially during intimate moments that you can’t help but burst out laughing.
Boyfriend Cloud who sometimes can’t handle all the attention and affection so he distances himself but can’t help but miss you even more.
Boyfriend Cloud who loves picking you up from university on his motorcycle to show off especially knowing that Reno would be there. He is still very bitter that Reno was your first kiss in fifth grade and not him because he was too busy helping collect Tifa’s shopkins from the grass at recess.
Boyfriend Cloud who loves going to Aerith’s flower shop because he helps her make your bouquets extra pretty just for you. #bestfriendprivileges
boyfriend Cloud who has recurring nightmares of losing you to Sepiroth. No not the “I’ll steal your girl,” kind of way. More like he murders you and Aerith at the same time. Perhaps something from a past life?
Boyfriend Cloud who loves watching studio ghibli movies with you especially ponyo and spirited away. Let’s not get started on his love for Princess Mononoke.
Boyfriend Cloud who goes with you at the bookstore for now on to carry your books because he found out that a guy put his number inside of a book after catching it for you when you accidentally dropped it from your stack pile.
Boyfriend Cloud who’s COMPLETELY and UTTERLY obsessed with you. Not the annoying obsession, but the obsession that makes your tummy in knots and the cute things he loves to do for you. Whether it’s making you lunch for school/ work, leaving cute notes on your door handles, or literally dropping everything instantly for you when you call.
Boyfriend Cloud who hid in the bathroom after you guys had…yk…and too embarrassed to come out. If only he knew you were on the bed breathless and wanting more.
Boyfriend Cloud who baby trapped you. With a cat. Her names Honey and every time there’s an argument he uses her as an excuse to visit you. “We can’t let our cat have separated household problems,she needs both of her parents so please answer the door.”
Boyfriend Cloud who had no idea him getting a lip piercing would be in the way of kissing you for it to heal correctly. He ran out of the piercing shop and only agreed to come back to get a matching eyebrow piercing with you instead.
Boyfriend Cloud who not only made you a playlist, but this mf burned a cd for you, made tifa draw a one in a million piece of art for you for the cover, has a sticker of it on his car, and even bought a necklace that had the Spotify playlist code. So whenever a person flirts with him, he’ll hold it up and say, “scan this and read the description. That’ll be my answer for you.”
Boyfriend Cloud who didn’t understand why you were so obsessed with kpop, especially BTS. Him and jungkook have beef apparently. He also buys you albums all the time and even sacrifices himself to let you use his phone to make sure you guys get tickets to concerts.
Boyfriend Cloud who WILL call your work to call off. He doesn’t care, cuddles are more important.
Boyfriend Cloud who forces you to drink water whenever you hang. You always complain about headaches and he makes sure when you’re with him you’re hydrated.
Boyfriend Cloud who is addicted to Dr.Pepper. You gave him some when you two went to watch Barbie in the summer and it’s his holy grail. “We need to head to Costco, I ran out of my pepper.”
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starsluver · 1 month
Random Facts About the Slytherin Boys
Part 1
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Mattheo Riddle
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In the first year, no one believed that he was related to Voldemort. mainly because no one thought he'd have a child
He also fluently speaks Spanish since he was raised by his mother (ngl I believe that Mattheo is either Guatemalan, Mexican, Colombian, or Puerto Rican) cause his father didn't want anything to do with him until he got older
Had a side part phase for most of his first through fourth year because his mom liked it until his fifth year where he learned how to take care of his natural hair and he takes VERY big pride in it, he literally spends all his money and time on it and REFUSES to let anyone touch it.
He got the scar on his eyebrow from trying to give himself a slit eyebrow in his third year because he'd thought he'd look cool but ended up with a scar and his mom yelling at him but tells everyone he got it from a fight
He got the scar on his nose in his sixth year from banging his nose on a sink but tells everyone that he got from a fight with a guy from racenclaw (Theo's the only one that knows the truth)
Secretly a theatre kid
Has the messiest hand writing, literally no one can read it.
Silver Tooth Kid activities !!!!!!
He had perfect grades until 5th year when he started slacking off cause his dad would always pressure him to get good grades
had a THICK Spanish accent and was kind of used to get made fun of for it. He barely speaks it around people which is pretty much why most people completely forget he's Latino
Made friends with Blaise, Enzo, Theo, and Draco in that exact order
Blaise thought Mattheo looked like he was gonna cry when his mom dropped him off at the train station first year. so he and Mattheo played on his Nintendo DS the whole train ride
Enzo soon met Mattheo in their second year after Blaise introduced them.
Afterward, Enzo introduced Theo to Mattheo that same year. They bonded over the fact no one else understood what they were saying and that they had deadbeat dads
"Blaise, what are they saying?"
"Don't know but at least they're getting along!"
His middle name is Andrés
He grew up with two cats and a dog. He had a ginger cat named Garfield who died from obesity because Mattheo wouldn't stop feeding him table scraps. He currently still has a black cat who he named Loki until later on finding out it was a girl because she got pregnant and had kittens, renames her Kali (inspired by Kali Uchis 😛) he currently has a pitbull named Dodger
He met Draco through Blaise again
"why do you talk like that?"
"why does your face look like that?" In a HEAVY Spanish accent
Used to bite people he didn't like
Sassiest 1st year
He was so obsessed with death note in his third year that he'd put the names of people he didn't like in the book hoping they'd just randomly drop dead. (They didn't)
He had a crush on Padma Patil since his FIRST YEAR TO HIS SIXTH YEAR. And even thought of asking her to the yule ball until he realized she was going with Ron. He beat Ron up as soon as he found out and told him to stay away from his girlfriend. (He never even had a conversation with her)
Theodore Nott
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He was SUCH a cute 1st year. All the older girls would tell him how cute he was and he thought he was sooooo cool.
Didn't know English until his second or third year and barely anyone understood what he was saying.
Enzo met Theo when he saw Theo alone on the train ride. Enzo showed Theo his Pokemon collection cause neither of them understood each other and Enzo was basically his only friend at the time.
"anch'io ho quella carta!"
Eventually Enzo introduced him to Blaise and Mattheo. Where him and Mattheo bonded the most
"è un tale sollievo che qualcuno mi capisca!"
"¿que es eso güey?"
Theo met Draco long after through Lorenzo again
"why can't anyone here speak proper English?!?"
"il furetto,"
"Ki sa l menm ap pale de?" (I feel like Blaise is Haitian on his mom's side idk why but I'll explain it in the next part!)
"pinche guëro"
He was named after his father and had two middle names. Niccolo and Brando (the real ones know)
He grew up in the country side of Italy and was a VERY energetic child
He started smoking after a random 5th year asked if he wanted a hit in his 1st year
Perfect grades and handwriting
He's secretly friends with Neville and Luna because they secretly sell weed on the side but also the fact that he was also a loner and refuses to let any of his friends bully them.
Had a crush on Ginny and thought of asking her to the yule ball until Mattheo told him she was dating Dean Thomas (he cried himself to sleep)
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zhounauts · 4 months
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ROMEO & JULIET ──── pairing nrk x fmr warnings cursing wc 530 this story is so cringey to me i literally gagged at the last line
“my head hurts i can’t do this,” riki groans, sinking back into his chair.
“oh please, we’re literally only halfway through the fifth scene of the first act,” you chide, bonking his knee, “pick up your book again,”
“this is so ass,”
“what!?” you gasp, “romeo and juliet is so good,”
“of course you would think that,” he teases, turning to look at you, “miss literature nerd,”
“oh screw you mr. haven’t picked up a book since book club in fifth grade,” you snap back, “i’m sacrificing my time to tutor you, so stop complaining and read,” riki grumbles, but he relucatnatly picks up the book again, flipping through it with obvious boredom.
“okay,” you sigh, “how about this? let’s read the lines aloud and act them out, you’ll remember them better,” riki shrugs, “you’re romeo, i’m juliet. now read,”
“if i. . .profane with my. . .unworthiest hand? This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this,” riki starts off awkwardly, “romeo takes juliet’s hand?”
“no dumbass, those are the stage directions,” you laugh, “like this,”. you reach over to riki, grasping his hand with one of your own, as you hold the book with your other. you nod for him to continue, not taking note of the red blooming across his cheeks.
“my uhm, lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender. . .kiss?”
“good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much. Which mannerly devotion shows in this,” you raise your interlocked hands, letting go so that you can place your palm against his. “For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmer’s kiss,”
"what the hell does that even mean? why are we talking about pilgrims? is it thanksgiving?? what are holy palmers? holy hands?” riki asks.
“they’re using religious talk to show the purity of their love,” you tell him, “read your footnotes riki, pilgrims as in worshippers. and the holy palmers are when priests put their hands together to pray. come on, keep reading,”
“Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?” riki furrows his brows, the words all jumbled in his head. he glances at your hand, still touching his own.
“Ay pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer,” you watch as riki grimaces, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head as he tries to make sense of the story.
“O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair,”
“Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. Come on, we’re almost done,”
“Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take,” riki looks up at you before his eyes go wide in alarm and he flushes red.
[He kisses her]
You meet his eyes, and burst out into laughter at his face. “did you just think we were gonna kiss?” protests explode from his mouth, and he sputters.
“no i—”
“it’s okay you were just in character, romeo,” you tease, “keep this up and i might have to give you a real kiss as a reward,”
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shun-nie · 1 year
Gojo Satoru x reader x Geto Suguru
->you guys are chilling in your room.
!!!!!reader is a grade 1 sorcerer, Gojo and Geto being fools around you. Fluff, mentions of getting hurt.
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"So, how did the last mission go?" Suguru asks, sitting at the floor since an annoying 6'3 white haired dumbass is taking the whole bed.
"It was fine, Utahime cried on me though." Y/N replies with a bored tone, she was reading a book, a book about murder to be exact. Suguru hums and smiles, it was the book he picked while you guys were out the other day.
"Don't act like you don't care, Y/N~ You always comfort her when she cries!" Satoru says and laughs loudly, stickin his tongue out when you glared a him.
"Your point is? You always whine on me and I have to shut you up everytime."
"Y/N is right, Satoru."
"You always back them up! It's not fair!!" Satoru crosses his arms and turns his back to you and Suguru.
Suguru sighs and turns his gaze over Satoru to you. Watching you close your book and stand up from your seat, walking over to your bed and sitting next to Satoru who was still laying down with his back facing you two.
"Hey, don't ignore us now. You'll probably give in and talk to us after 5 minutes anyway." Suguru chuckles as he watches you both. Satoru doesn't say anything, you roll your eyes and place your hand on his head. playing with his snow white locks, he told you many times that he likes it when you play with his hair.
"Just beacuse we team up to bully you doesn't mean we don't love you, 'toru." Satoru turned to you quickly, a childish grin on his face.
"So you admit you love me?"
"Yes, I love you."
Satoru hugs you tightly, making you groan and pat his back. Suguru watched the scene in amusement, you're a difficult person. That's for sure. If you loved someone, you would care for them and make them see that you loved and cared for them deeply, but you'd never tell it with words. The first time you actually said that you love and care for both Satoru and Suguru, they were shocked. Never did they thought they would hear those words from you. Suguru smiled at the memory, standing up and prying Satoru away from you.
"Hey!" Satoru glared at Suguru, making Suguru shrug.
"Thanks Sugu'." you said and smiled slightly, Suguru smiled back and sat next to you on bed.
"I heard you got an injury from the last mission." Suguru said quietly, Satoru's eyes widened at the information as he lokks over you.
You stayed silent. It was true you got injured, it was serious too, but you didn't want to tell them beacuse tey would worry.
"That's why Utahime cried, right? She was telling Shoko about how she thought you died beacuse of her." Suguru continued, both of their eyes were on you. You sighed and nodded.
"Why didn't you tell us--" a very angry Satoru started but Suguru placed his hand on his shoulder, making him shut up.
"It was a deep scar, but I was fine. I didn't want you guys to worry about me. So I didn't brought it up." you finally replied, voice calm and steady.
They both frowned at your answer.
"This is literally the fifth time."
"You think it's better if we found out like this?"
"You would actually kill us if we did the same thing but you're doing it yourself?"
"Show us the scar."
"Yeah, show us the scar."
You sighed and stood up, lifted your shirt up to show the scar on your back.
You heard Satoru's gasp and Suguru's sigh. They probably won't let you go out of your room for the next 10 days.
"Y/N. I'm sorry but you call this scar a nothing?"
"This will probably leave a scar."
You could hear their worried tone, you frowned. This is exactly why you didn't tell them. They worry too much.
"Relax, I'm fine. Better than ever." You turned to them, Satoru rolled his eyes and Suguru shaked his head.
"i'M FiNe. No you're fucking not. Get on the bed. You have to cuddle us as a punıshment."
"Damn, chill. Fine, I'll cuddle your nasty ass." you said and sat on the bed, opening your arms as they got comfortable with you in their arms.
"NEVER hide things from us again." -Satoru
"I agree with Satoru on this one." -Suguru
"Yeah, yeah. Just shut up and sleep." -Y/N
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operationandre · 2 months
got any cal hcs?
OF COURSE I DO! This is another long list, just like Andre’s was. I apologize for that 🙏 These are split up into regular headcanons and sad headcanons.
- Cal hates the taste of beer, but he’ll drink it if there’s nothing else. He prefers vodka and whiskey.
- Cal has a very low alcohol tolerance. Parties often end with him throwing up or passed out in bed.
- Cal has cracked and split his lips multiple times from getting them stuck in his braces.
- Cal hated the idea of using the bombs. He preferred a much more hands on approach than just throwing things at people and running away.
- Cal’s memory sucks. You could tell him something in the morning and he’s forgotten it by lunch.
- Cal writes letters often. No one will ever see them as he burned them a couple nights before Zero Day. They were addressed to multiple people, specifically Andre, Rachel, and his little siblings.
- Cal dated Rachel during freshman year, but they both decided they’d be better off as friends.
- Cal can make anyone believe anything. He could tell someone the grass is red and have them fully convinced in ten minutes.
- Cal has had a knife collection since he was 15. His mom hated it and asked him to throw them away. In reality, he just hid them under his bed.
- Cal has broken his nose multiple times. Twice when he was little. Once in his teens. Three times in high school from being punched.
- Cal covers his mouth when he laughs.
- Cal hates the movies his little siblings watch. He doesn’t hide it either. They’ll ask him to watch a movie, and if it’s not one he likes, he says no.
- Cal often gets in trouble for blasting music in his room, especially explicit music.
- When Andre honks his horn at someone, Cal curls down in the passenger seat and covers his face. He hates it.
- Cal CANNOT say tongue twisters. He’ll try and get genuinely angry when he messes up (which is always).
- Cal doesn’t really know how to show affection. He tackles and wrestles with Andre in an attempt to get closer to him, but it normally just ends in Andre getting angry.
- Cal started playing guitar before he turned 10. He started playing sitar at 14.
- When Cal gets upset, he shuts down. He’ll go to his room, slamming doors on the way, and sit on his bed for hours, just staring at the ceiling.
- The first time Cal thought of ending it all he was in fifth grade.
- Cal is not good in school whatsoever. He constantly compares himself to Rachel and Andre, two straight A students, and beats himself up over not being good enough.
- Cal used to be the favorite child until his siblings were born. Now, his parents view him as a babysitter and not like their son.
- Cal never wanted to be viewed as the nicer one out of him and Andre. It made him feel like shit when people said Andre was mean and that he was a bad influence on Cal.
- Cal jumps easily. He’s been conditioned to take care of everyone and to obey, both by his parents and his bullies, so he gets scared when he thinks something is wrong.
- There are days when Cal can’t get out of bed. His dad hates it and views Cal as lazy. Cal wants to care, but he can’t get himself to feel anything.
- Whenever someone criticizes Cal, or literally just disagrees with him, he gets really angry. He doesn’t know why. He only realizes that he was out of line after he calms down, and he hates it.
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libraford · 7 months
I don't mean to keep talking about work shit but I'm back in that place where I like what I do and want to continue to do it, but there are parts of it that are starting to wear on me personally.
Work bitching under the cut.
We have a whole new crew this season except for me. And my boss is getting more stressed out because of her bosses, which means that when the new crew has questions it falls to me. Which is fine- the person who trained me was real knowledgeable and I'm decent at coming up with solutions to problems on my own.
The new people think I'm 'very chill.' But the truth is that most of the problems they're fussing over are things that I've encountered before and I know how to solve them or who to call if I can't. Sometimes my solutions aren't perfect and the overhead bosses notice that we had to rig something.
My immediate boss wants perfection. I told her that I can't promise that. She still thinks that I can do that, but I've never been a perfectionist. She will show you every hair out of place, every wrinkle in every collar, every misplaced crop.
Our subjects are children and children are imperfect. I didn't wash my hair for a year in fifth grade because I had constant earaches and didn't want to get my head wet. Sometimes kids are just funny looking- they make weird faces when you tell them to smile, they bug their eyes out, they don't sit still. Like I'm sorry, parents, that your kid doesn't sit with perfectly placed hands and a natural smile- but that's your goofy kid. Love and cherish their goofy years.
With most kids, I have a few tricks for getting them to fix their shirts and hair, get into the correct pose, and somewhat approaching a natural picture smile. But when you're doing 60 subjects a minute, some of them are not going to be perfect.
Yesterday I had a student who was special needs, did not like to be touched, and had specific wants for her photo. Her mother died last month and she wanted a photo of her holding the locket with her picture in it. Its the cutest photo ever.
They'll see that I went off-book. They'll see that her skirt isn't perfectly pleated. They'll see that she has some stray hairs.
I made an accommodation for this child. I accepted that we weren't going to get it perfect, but we were going to get a photo that her grandparents were going to cherish forever. Its truly an adorable photo. If I waited for perfect, I wasn't gonna get it.
Another kid was having a bad day. She was crying. I had to take her picture while she was crying, which is insult to injury for a kid who is having an internal crisis. We weren't going to get perfect.
I instruct the special needs teachers to send their kids to me because I'm very patient and I know some tricks and I know my equipment and I know how to make some adjustments to make it easier that some of my new photographers might not. I may not get perfect. I hope for happy, I hope for 'looking at the camera.' Its a win if I get both.
When I'm doing yearbook candids, I do fast and good. I have a system that allows me to take a rather high volume of decent photos that I know will look good in a yearbook without interrupting a class to get them. You literally can't get perfect here except on accident. They're kids in their natural environment.
When I'm doing sports candids I aim for volume. I know where to stand to get the best shots. If I take enough pictures, occasionally I get a really good one. But I don't look for perfect. I can't be like 'hey basketball dude, could you twist your hips a little bit to get that flattering curve of your spine?' Not happening.
I learned to work fast because I am being asked to do multiple things within a short time frame, so I learned how to process tasks in an efficient way: learning the typical building layout to minimize my workload and prepare for certain hiccups that happen often.
I mention them to the new people. I tell them that I am good and fast because I have done these things for three years and I am familiar with thinking on my feet. Often, I have to get things done quickly so that I can go help the new photographers who are struggling. If they prefer to go slow and focus on details first, that's fine. I will focus on volume and speed, I will pick up the slack while they are still learning.
I am told that I am going too fast. I need to slow down, focus on details, get things right instead of get them done.
But which would you prefer? That your kid was just a little messy for their photo or that I didn't take their photo at all because we ran out of time? Last season, one of our photographers had an emergency and I had to photograph nearly 800 students by myself.
The boss was shocked that they were good. Glad to hear we were expecting garbage.
Yesterday, while at a job, the boss was there to help one of the new photographers with one of the more complicated tasks. The new photographer felt that she was being pressed to go faster than her standards would allow. I told her afterwards that speed comes with time, there are some things you can't account for, and it wasn't necessary to push her that hard.
Our other new photographer is a 'perfectionist' and she takes so very much time getting every hair and every position and every expression, but she struggles to put up her equipment every time and if there's a problem she shuts down and can't think of a solution.
I have to be able to set up quickly so that I can make sure she has an extra hand to help her with issues. I have to photograph quickly to make sure that if she needs help I'm available.
And her photos are not really that much better. I'm often coaching her on cropping, on posture.
Slow does not equate perfection. Every person I've met that calls themselves a perfectionist is a perfectionist until it comes to the actual job.
She wants me to do class groups. Every time she trains me on class groups, there is some reason that I have to hop onto a solo unit. The first time it was because one of our photographers, another perfectionist, was taking too long and it created a bottleneck. Last time, it was because our other photographer went into labor and the remaining photographer was slower than hell.
So I'm learning that my speed and ease is an asset in these situations, but in situations where speed is not an asset then I should slow down- which experience tells me that if you slow down you're not guaranteed to do better.
Earlier in the week, I was showing one of the new girls how to do a dance backdrop setup. I had her look over my shoulder while I did the white balance and then exposure. I had shown her how to do it on a previous day and this was just reinforcement. Its also something that we do literally on every job, just in a different context- she should understand the concept and I gave her the option to raise any questions.
The boss told me that if I'm training someone how to do something I should show them how to do it, then mess up the settings on purpose for them, and then have them fix it. We were running behind schedule and I had actually been on schedule to leave like two hours prior but chose to stay so that we could work on this project together. I was not intending on training anyone.
She asks me why I don't want to become a trainer.
Its not usually like this. Usually, I can coast a little. But I'm filling the shoes of a couple people that had to sit this season out and now she's busting my chops to be perfect when 'perfect' was never my goal.
I dunno.
Its exhausting.
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
I just need everyone’s reaction to the reader graduating/going to college now in the modern day au
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @bonnibuckets @liyahsocorro @wxnderingthoughts @itssiaaax @grierpilots @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @hjkshshjkhklh
graduating ( sully!daughter modern headcanons )
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oh my goodness he is so proud of his girl
like obviously he knew she would graduate and leave, but still... it's such a big accomplishment that she made it through thirteen years of the american public school system
not only that, but she literally made it into one of her top five schools
even though it's far away
when she first got the acceptance letter, neytiri and him looked at each other and were just like "oh no," only because their baby girl would be so far away from them
when they went to visit the campus, they knew there was no way they could convince her to stay closer
didn't cry on the graduation day because he knew he had to stay positive for [y/n] since it was a big accomplishment ( plus neytiri was emotional enough for the both of them )
the day she moved out though... yikes !!
he was a wreck
suddenly he had this whole montage of the moment he first held her, dancing around the kitchen with her when she was a toddler, taking her on her first rollercoaster, her fifth grade graduation, taking pictures with her at her eighth grade dance, all of it crashed down in him at once
dropping her off hurt
so much
but nothing could diminish how proud her was that he was [y/n]'s father
oh my goodness gracious
you know i'm about to rant about how emotional and stressful this mama bear was
she was so confusing because, while she dreaded the moment her daughter would leave them, she also wanted everything to be perfect
she wanted [y/n] to have the best senior night for sports / as the lacrosse team manager, the best senior prom, the best lady birthday while living with them, the best senior year
it was what her daughter deserved
the graduation party was amazing, but behind the scenes it was extremely stressful
lo'ak thinks he's traumatized from the entire week leading up to it
but it still ended up perfect with appearances from family members from across the country
uncle tsu'tey even showed up !!
neytiri put so much work in because she wanted the best for [y/n]
but after that graduation, it was the final moments of her enjoying the presence of her eldest child
the summer was interesting because, while [y/n] wanted to spend the last moments with her friends, with fali...
neytiri wanted [y/n] to herself
but she knew she couldn't do that
so she cherished the moments that she did have !!
they had some really epic board game nights over the summer
it was really dangerous and competitive though
but, for some weird reason, by the time they reached the date in which [y/n] moved out
neytiri was ready to let her go
she was sad, sure, but she was also so extremely excited for her daughter to adventure a world beyond her own, so excited for her daughter to make her name known
she can't wait to see what her daughter does in the world
part of him doesn't really... realize that she's gonna leave
like he knows, but he doesn't know
for the majority of the year, he just treats it like the year before
there's nothing to make it weird or a big deal, it's just another normal year
it's only the end, as they near graduation, that he starts to panic
over the course of the last few years, he started making a box of memories being like, "oh, i'll give these to her when she graduates. that's going to be in like, a million years!" and alas...
as they get closer and closer to the moment in which he has to give her the box, he gets sad staring at it
sometimes he'll just sit there and look through, at one point thinking, "maybe i should just keep it for myself..."
but, one night at a pre-season lacrosse practice, he sees [y/n] sprinting towards him and fali
it's when she screams that she made it into her dream school that he knows he has to give it to her
( he'll never forget that night )
graduation is sad, but it's more happy than it tearworthy
they have the entire summer ahead of them, anyway! why ruin it now!
over the summer, they spend a good amount of time together, continuing to take their therapy drives as they scream music with the windows down
all neteyam can think is, "i'll miss this."
and all [y/n] can think is, "i'll miss him."
move out day is super rough
originally, neteyam was gonna fight tears and hold them in... but when he saw his big sister's sad eyes... the water works were heavy that day
nevertheless, it all just makes for an amazing time when she visits
aw man, this one is gonna be super bittersweet
they're so close, especially being the two oldest girls - they especially bonded in their childhood because they had to deal with neteyam together, and then eventually lo'ak
tuk came later, of course, but that was a good bit into their childhood
but, either way, she grew up looking up to her big sister
she wanted to be just like her
and eventually, when neteyam and kiri finally reached freshman year, they finally were able to get past the "annoying sibling" stage and just be best friends
sure, they hung out with different groups of people, but they were just happy with each other
and that's the only part that actually mattered to either of them
kiri isn't big on being emotional
but every time, over the past year, that kiri thought of her big sister leaving
she would get extremely sad
she refused to listen to any sort of bittersweet song with her sister ( ex. rivers and roads, landslide, vienna, etc. )
she keeps trying to be excited for [y/n] but she just keeps getting sad
kiri was eerily silent on the day of graduation, she honestly only really talked to tuk the whole day
when her big sister confronted her that night, kiri burst into tears in [y/n]'s arms and just spewed everything out
and that was when [y/n] promised, despite how far they were, despite her not being at home anymore
she would always pick up the phone when kiri called and she would not hesitate to book a flight home if kiri needed it
she was here for her baby siblings, even when she was gone
and that made kiri feel the tiniest bit better
although she was still a complete sobbing mess on move-out day, but that was more bittersweet than it was sad
lo'ak didn't know he was so attached to his big sister until she started applying to colleges
he began to keep tabs, noting exactly where she wanted to go, her chances of going to far away school, all that stuff
of course he wanted her to go to her dream school, but he also panicked
what if she was in danger one day? what if she was dying and she had two hours left to live and they missed the time slot because of airport traffic?
his sister assured that would never happen, but lo'ak still had an entire plan just in case it did
it was an extremely odd thing to have his sister leave after being in high school with her for only one year
it was gonna feel particularly emptier next year when she wasn't teasing him every time he hung out with tsireya at school
it was gonna be extremely sad when he didn't get anymore doordash or uber eats
but the graduation dinner she picked made it worth it, he supposes
she chose some really good food
he was sad, but he was just as excited for his time to leave so he couldn't blame her
he was more worried about just not seeing her
she's always been a constant in his life, so it's really weird when she suddenly... stops
they still keep their snapchat streak even after she leaves
ahh this poor baby
she's like a little bit clueless about it all ?? she hears her family talking about her big sister leaving, and she's like, "oh, that's gonna take forever to get here."
time just moves a little faster than anyone expected
she's more excited and happy than dad just because her sister seems so happy about it all
tuk doesn't really understand what it means
she doesn't quite get that [y/n] is actually leaving them
so, while graduation is fun and exciting, move out day is a wake up call for this baby sister
absolutely losing her mind as she hugs her sister goodbye
tears and snot all over
including on [y/n]'s shoulder after she picked her up and hugged her
will steal one of her siblings' phones and text or call her sister like all the time
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randomgurl2326 · 1 year
Ignorance Is Bliss Pt. 1
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A/N: Thank you to the beautiful Anon for requesting this fic. This has been one of my delusions that help me sleep at night. So, may I please introduce you to the ‘she fell first but he fell harder’ trope that we all love. With, of course, Ema and Mickey helping and hoping for them to get together💚💜
As the h/c girl closed her locker, Ema was yet again tired of the ongoing “will-they-won’t-they” of the l/n girl and the Spindell boy. “All I’m saying is, maybe you should tell him because you’ve been hopelessly in love with him since fifth grade.”
Y/N pointed at Ema and said with a cheeky smile, “ah no, sixth grade, get it right. Also, there is no way in hell that I’m going to tell him, alright?”
Worth that the Winslow best friend sighed, and the two best friends walked to French class.
Meanwhile with a Mickey and Spoon…
“…a-and she has this thing where whenever she’s talking about something she likes that she does with her hair, y’know, like this,” the rambling Spindell boy said while demonstrating what his object of infatuation does with his own hair, not quite show ing it right.
Mickey chuckles and shakes his head, “y’know, telling her how you feel would be a great idea. Maybe, I don’t know at the park or something. Oor-9r, hear me out, just telling her would be nice.”
“Oh, dear Mickelous, that is simply just not possible. You see, you cannot simply fathom how much platonic-ivory oozes from her when we hang out together. Also, Y/an does not like the park because of children and the grass makes her itch; it would probably have to be during the night while under the stars.”
“Oh yeah, totally platonic when she looks at you like you actually hung the stars in front of her. Just like that show she likes with Azipy- Aziry-, nope, can’t say it.”
Arthur sighs, “Mickey, my bestest friend in the universe, she doesn’t like me and she never will, okay? Now come on, we’ll be late for wood shop and I’m looking forward to making a bird house that can stand this year.”
As they walked down the hall to their next class, Mickey sighed and started to formulate a plan and text Ema:
M: we need to come up with a plan for these two — sent at 10:45 a.m.
Ik, I can’t take it anymore — sent at 10:46 a.m.
Meet me in the MILF room after lunch, well conspire there — sent at 10:48 a.m.
M:Ok, and btw, I hate that name — sent at 10:50 a.m.
Also y do u sound like an evil genius?? — sent at 10:50 a.m.
Ikr, horrible name. And, idk, I just do sound like one ig — sent at 11:00 a.m.
Meet u after lunch — sent at 11:01 a.m.
After Lunch…
“Okay, now, that was a rough forty-five minutes to get through,” Mickey said this as him and Ema walked into the abandoned boiler room, a.k.a. The MILF Room, a.a.k.a. The Spindell Spot.
As the Winslow girl sat down on the couch she managed out, “yeah, that was unnecessarily hard. It’s like they want to look into our souls and have us tell them everything. Y/N really needs to stop looking like she’s about to run over a dog.”
“It’s seriously out of hand how much information they can try and gauge out of us. Spoon is the worst. He literally has that look on his face where he look-“
“Looks like he’s the most innocent and pure thing on the world? Yeah, I’ve seen that look. He’s literally the devil in disguise,” Ema then pulls out her laptop to take notes on how to get the two oblivious, love-sick, diabolic, little love birds, “so, you ready to do this?”
Mickey smiled and sat down next to his other best friend, “ready to finally get them to stop pining over each other and being self destructive? Hell yeah.”
And so, the two of the four best friends created a plan to get the other half together.
“…by the way, when do I have to get you and Rachel together,” the Bolitar boy than got smacked by a book by the alt girl and continued with their scheming.
To be continued…
A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this, but I want to make my little anon chalupa(and my readers proud) so I’m doing this. Please give me feedback on how I could improve the is one.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
The Color of Love
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Request: If you're still accepting requests with that prompt list, I'd absolutely love to request 11/soulmate au with Jooheon if possible! 🥺 There are never enough MX fics, especially not adorable fluffy ones!
11) Soulmate AU
Pairing: Monsta X Jooheon x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Every love story was different, but always held the same three characteristics.
It could be ANYONE. Literally any person you pass on the street could be your soulmate. Didn't feel tiny in the expansive universe already?
It could happen at ANY time. Fifth grade math lesson? Accidental shoulder check at the grocery store? Awkward doctor's appointment? There was no telling where love would rear its ugly head.
Love in this new age? It always started with a burst of color.
"All I could see was this bright green going from my hand down my forearm," your best friend, Mina, rushed out excitedly. "It almost made me drop the weight I was holding."
"That's great, babe," you smiled, trying to be happy for her. "Who is the lucky guy?"
"His name is Hajoon," she continued dreamily. "I guess he'd seen me at the gym before but was too scared to say anything. Isn't that adorable?"
You would probably be going to Hell for not being over the moon for your best friend, but it was hard when you were still waiting.
Society put such an emphasis on finding your soulmate, it was impossible to think of much else. Going about your day, you tried to pay attention to who you brushed past or made casual physical contact with. That's how you would know.
When you touched your soulmate, color would bloom across your skin at the point of impact.
"Super cute," you sighed, avoiding eye contact. "So he saw you start to struggle and saved the day by spotting you?"
"Mhm," she hummed. "As soon as his fingers touched the back of my hand, it was like someone threw dye onto our arms. It was the craziest thing!"
"Sounds beautiful," you nodded, giving your best effort at a smile.
Clocking your failed attempts at support, Mina smiled sadly in return. "It's going to happen for you soon. I can feel it."
"Can you pass some of that feeling to me?" you grumbled. "I'd prefer not to ruin such a big day for my best friend."
"Hush," she cooed, wrapping an arm around you. "You haven't ruined anything. Sour mood or not, I have some good news."
"What's that?"
"Hajoon works for an entertainment company," she nodded. "He's an executive-"
"Cute AND rich?" you teased. "That IS some excellent news for you."
Smacking at your leg, Mina continued. "He asked if I wanted to go to a concert put on by his work. We have plans to meet up after, but do you want to go to the concert with me? He said I could bring a friend while he's working backstage on things."
"Why not?" you sighed. "Maybe I'll get elbowed in the crowd and accidentally find my soulmate."
"That's the spirit!"
A few days later, you allowed Mina to get you dressed up, acting as her doll for the night. You could admit that you were going through the motions as you followed her to the venue. Determined to make sure it was a good night for her, you put on as bright of a smile as you could when she handed you a light stick.
"The group is called Monsta X," she instructed. "They have six members, and their music is really exciting."
"Got it," you nodded, positive you had listened to their songs before. "Who's my favorite?"
"Not Hyungwon," she grinned. "He's my favorite."
"Point him out to me so I know to stay clear," you chuckled.
"We also have a high touch after," she said brightly, tugging you through the crowd.
"High touch," you confirmed, searching your brain for what exactly that meant. "Can't wait."
"You're going to have fun," Mina said slowly, looking over her shoulder at you. "I promise."
And she was right, the show was a blast. You had never experienced a live concert like Monsta X's before. The energy of the crowed literally radiated through your body. You were right that you had heard some of their music before and sang along to all of the songs you knew. Being lost in the crowd that was all feeling the same electricity was incredible. It's like you were one giant, synchronous being.
After the show, you were a bit flustered from all the activity, nearly forgetting you had a chance to meet the idols before leaving (yes, you did break down and ask Mina what exactly a high touch was). Allowing her to once again navigate you to where you needed to be, it wasn't long before you were thrust in front of the very men you had been howling at only minutes before.
Pushing you in front of her, Mina pointed to the first member facing your way for the high touch. "That's Hyungwon."
Assessing him, you could easily see why he was her favorite. Handsome was an understatement, this man was ethereal. "Yeeaah he is."
"Y/N," your friend giggled, giving you a slight push. Taking the few steps forward, you slapped your hand in his for a high five. The moment lasted only seconds but there was a bit of a rush to meeting a celebrity.
Next came a tall, tan, and buff member you would later learn was Shownu.
After, you locked eyes with the third member, remembering him as one of the vibrant mood makers of the group. He had been incredible on stage.
As your hand skid across his, you shot back with a gasp.
"Yah!" the member shouted, hopping backwards as well. His focus ricocheted from his palm to yours, mouth completely agape. Looking down in fascination, colors began to wrap around his wrist and trickle down his arm.
Shocked by what was happening, you glanced down at your own arm as well, getting lost in the cloud-like imagery blossoming across your skin.
Gasps erupted around you by both spectators and other Monsta X members. You couldn't help but feel like you did something wrong. Like you weren't allowed to have someone so interesting and good looking as a soulmate.
This simply could not be possible.
"Hey!" Jooheon yelled, bringing your attention back to him. He wasn't talking to you, but shouting at a staff member while aggressively waving them over. "Yo!"
Snapping out of it a bit, you took another step back, only to be slightly held up by Mina behind you. This was sensory overload to the nth degree.
"Y/N," she hissed, her own eyes darting across the scene. "Did...did you just sync up with Jooheon? Is he your soulmate?"
Jooheon. You had never heard his name before, but it just sounded right.
"I...I think so," you managed, not entirely believing what was happening.
A staff member had finally appeared, listening to Jooheon as he rapid-fired the situation to his manager. Occasionally shooting looks of surprise your way, he didn't stop talking until they had both sidled up to you.
"We're stepping away from the high touch," his manager explained, taking you by the elbow and guiding you towards an adjacent hallway. "The fan meet will continue without Joohoney."
"That's not fair," you said slowly, shaking your head. Glancing to the man you assumed you were tied to for life now, you heaved a sigh. "Your fans have waited so long for you."
Looking helplessly back and forth between you and his manager, Jooheon croaked. "But you're my soulmate."
"I'm not saying I'm going to disappear," you smiled reassuringly. "I'll just wait until you're done. I've waited this long."
Giving a curt nod, Jooheon's eyes searched your face for a moment. His lips pulled into a slow smile before he reached up, giving your nose a boop. Immediately, his manager's jaw dropped, presumably as color stretched across the middle of your face.
Pleased with himself, Jooheon turned on his heel and took up his spot behind the table again. Maintaining eye contact with you, he offered a dazzling smile.
"Alright," his manager breathed out on a sigh. "Let's get you backstage, shall we?"
Lost in your phone, trying to explain what was going on to the friend you had abandoned, you almost didn't notice him walk in.
Hearing the quiet click of the door closing, your head immediately snapped up to see Jooheon leaning against the entrance. His expression was full of hope, with a fringe of excitement. You could tell he was trying to reign in his enthusiasm. Judging by how hard he went on the stage; he seemed like a very reactive person. This quiet and careful side of him wasn't something you had really expected.
You supposed you had a lot to learn.
Crossing the room slowly, he took a seat on the coffee table in front of the couch you were sitting on. He bracketed your knees with his, creating an intimate space between the two of you.
Without hesitation, he took your hands gently between his, a light purple color already blooming from your fingertips. "Y/N, right?"
You barely remembered telling his manager your name, so he likely got passed the information.
"That's me."
"My soulmate."
You nodded weakly, looking from your joined hands and back up to his face. He smiled again before lifting your fingers to his mouth and kissing each tip in turn. As he did, it was like dropping food coloring into a glass of water. Different hues clouded out of your joints and went swirling around your skin. It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen.
Glancing up, you were immediately struck by the bright blue peppering Jooheon's mouth like ink blots. Slowly the color started to fade as your skin had lost contact with his mouth, but you still felt mesmerized by the whole experience.
"You're so beautiful," you said quietly, your eyes locking on his.
He gave you a close-lipped smile before tilting his head. Narrowing his eyes, he lifted his arm, and traced a small line on your cheekbone. You didn't have to see the result yourself to know that the visual had just as much of an effect on him as it did you.
"This is beautiful," he finally responded, dropping his hands to gather yours again. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of it."
"Me either," you breathed.
"I guess it gives me an excuse to hold your hand," he grinned, his eyes disappearing as it grew.
"You didn't need an excuse in the first place!" you laughed. "You're my soulmate now. You can hold my hand whenever you want."
"My soulmate," he whispered again. Each time he had voiced the words, there was a constant undertone of wonder.
"I don't think I'll get tired of hearing you say that," you chuckled, sure a blush was blazing across your face.
Jooheon furrowed his brows in thought. "Did you come to the show today as a fan? Was I your favorite?"
You coughed out a surprised laugh.
"It would be really awkward if you had a different favorite. If it was someone else, don't tell me who...
Okay, who was it?"
You continued to laugh as you shook your head. "I was only ever a casual fan. My friend had tickets and insisted I tag along. I promise I will be a Monbebe going forward, and you will always be my favorite."
"Damn right," he muttered. "And stay away from Minhyuk. He's more charming than I'd ever admit to him, and I don't want you getting caught in his cute little clutches."
"I will remain unshaken in my loyalty," you affirmed with a smirk. Plus, you had no idea who Minhyuk was, so that helped.
It was crazy to think of. If Mina didn't bring you here today, would you have ever discovered that Jooheon existed? Let alone that he was your soulmate?
You didn't want to think too hard on it. The universe worked in mysterious ways that you didn't expect to ever be privy to.
"So..." you hummed, glancing at Jooheon through your lashes. "What now?"
"Everything," he grinned, squeezing your hand. "We only have forever to figure out what happens next."
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l-polarisb-l · 8 months
My Funky Fifth Grade Experience
So basically my 5th grade was pretty normal until some guy showed up mid year and started trying to charm me/“rizz me up”(idk he did it in a weird way that made me think he just wanted to be friends, but had never had a social interaction in his life, even though he made it sound like he was madly in love, which was like ew no I’m in 5th grade) either way it was weird AF, like me and my friends would be playing at a fence near the edge of the playground, just randomly emitting primal screams like the autistic people we were, and this dude just comes strolling on down to talk when there was LITERALLY NO PROMPT TO DO SO, and just start talking to my friends and I(I should add, we weren’t even in any classes together) so I barely knew the guy. Anyway then the lockdown happened and I didn’t see the guy for like 3 years
And when I met him again 3 years later I was now of the same gender that he was and it was awkward af and super funny and we’re now sort of friends
He’s still kind of a rat but a cool rat
Any moots that had their own goofy experiences? @swerve-kinnie @professional-termite @starshipcecil @gatalentagoddess
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lenasprouts-words · 5 months
olderbrother!skz headcanons pt 2!!
ahh maknae line! hyung line
you guys are inseparable
you also get mad at minho for stealing your brother
also han and u are actual soulmates
minho is second (and less cool in ur opinion)
only about one-two years apart
when yall meet he does the ‘where my hug at?’ thing
its either you koala hug him or he does
just like, legs wrapped around waist typa hug
or he’ll bury his face into your armpit
you think it’s disgusting but he argues its comfy 
he sends you all his photos he wants to post
then you choose the ones you like 
he likes anime; you like kdramas
constantly fighting abt which is better
it got so heated once that even felix rose his voice for yall to stfu
its okay tho u made up a day after and went to the park to have a singing contest
you watch silly documentaries together
your chat is filled with stupid jokes and complaints
but he’s the first to know when something is wrong
started dissing this kid who bullied you in fifth grade
he got sent to the office but gave you a hug right before
steals things from photoshoots to give to you
spams you when he’s in the studio
asks you for lyric inspo and uses your terrible love life as inspo
once you showed one of his songs to your partner
’my brother wrote this about my last ex. dont make him do it again, he cried writing it.’
well your partner also cried so
matching stuffed animals <3
asks you to help him learn twice choreo
bc ur a huge once
he also got you a signed album from them
’oh here noonas gave me this idk why tho’
loves you to death.
like fr its scary
youre four-five years younger than him
so you basically have eight older brothers
nicknamed you smiley bc your smile is the cutest thing ever (and it is)
runs to you calling ‘smiley!!!’
and lifts you off the ground when you hug
he hooks his chin around your shoulder and smells you
you think him smelling you is weird but it isnt
bc according to him you smell like ‘vanilla and lavenders and lemon’
it is so very random but you love it anyways
you two balance each other out so well, in a really weird way tho
like he’s hyper and energetic and sweet
while your active and excited and a little bitter
your insults and comebacks make him cry laugh every time
and you do the same with felix
he will NEVER shut up abt you trust
like seungmin once put him on a ban from talking about you
but he just started texting about you so
taught you taekwando
and now you fight hand to hand against changbin (and win most times)
felix doesnt like it tho bc ‘changbinnie'll get hurt and cry!’
both of your puberty hormones went to your voice box
his got deeper and huskier; yours is silkier and in the middle tone range leaning deep
but its like a rich deep ya know?
when he’s sleepy he starts mumbling random sentences and you record them snd send them to you group chat named ‘skz (-1 sunshine +1 smiley)’
if seungmin thought felix was bad at gaming, youre even worse
most of the time you end up dying
its funny because you started gaming before felix did too
you gave each other sweatshirts for white day in korea
and now your roommate hates when you use it because its so worn down and lowk smelly
jeongin has to beg felix to take it off and put it in the wash
dance parties at random times
especially if you or felix are feeling down
the playlist ‘HOE DANCE DOWN!’ is blasting
consisting of twice, charli xcx, dua lipa, and olivia rodrigo
other artists too and some from jyp bc felix loves his jypnation
not jyp tho anytime felix complains abt the ‘stupid motherfucker who wont shut up and has no talent and too much confidence’
complains ESPECIALLY while yall r playing fortnite, on your request
baking is your shared therapy
felix makes brownies, you make cookies
perfect duo in the kitchen
you bake so often that watching you two is like a dance
members will literally watch you bake and you flip them off
rock paper scissors is YOUR thing
like felix will just turn to you and stick his fist out
you also win almost every time
you literally have twin telepathy
mainly bc your twins but he is also thirty two minutes older
so, day ones
gatekeeps you from his friends but not the group
because somehow they already knew who you were
you introduced yourself to them the day they debuted
only pretends to be sad abt not being a twin in the group
because he already has you and wouldnt change it for anything
the only person he will not hesitate from skinship is you
pats on the head, chin on shoulder, holding hands, occasional squeezing
his hugs are your safe spot
he’d tap you on the shoulder and take your arm
then he starts massaging you after pulling you into the hug
and it feels so good
and he’s surprisingly good at it too
treats you like a baby bc ur the youngest in you family (by a half hour)
once got you a new phone to stop you from complaining
you think its because he loves you but that is denied every time (its true tho, bc who wouldnt love you?)
only person who can calm you down
when you get too mad
he’ll call you or lay next to you
rub your back until you calm down
if youre on call he’ll put on music and start singing random shit
youre the orange kitty to his golden retriever puppy
you literally paw at him until he gives you his attention
he’ll get excited and its the cutest thing you’ve seen
wakes you up by singing the high note in ‘cover me’ in your ear
ever since he’d recorded that he’s been bragging abt it
but you dont mind bc his singing is nice and you know he would feel the same if you bragged about your fashion designs and website
every day you leave him sweet messages (like his older sister!!)
‘oh seungmo, love your hair today! your smile lit up my room puppy’
in return he sends cute gifs
he also learned french from the i am you tour to swear at you
asks for help in english before events/interviews where english will be used
you were the one who calmed his worries before the paris fashion week
since youre an english and fashion design major he relies on you
he will also never get over the fact that his TWIN is double majoring
your literally jeongin’s favorite tho
bc if seungmin says no you’ll say yes
very very mischevious
if one of you are having a bad day
you’ll just bring the other to a rage room
very effective
he’s the maknae of the group and hates getting babied
so he automatically doesn’t baby you
maybe he does a little bit….
but thats because you told him it was okay and you liked it
youre around three years younger than him
so everyone in the group babies you
jeongin is always the first to go and greet you tho
spooks you tho
goes behind your back and yells ‘boo!’ in your ear
he gets punched by you after that
you just tackle him and squeeze him
but he goes ‘oh youve grown so big now!’
he’s also been getting stronger so when he goes into his normal hug where he puts his amrs around and under your armpits, you get squeezed until youre out of breath
on that note
he takes you to the gym bc you’ve been wanting to work out since starting college
he wanted to b your gym buddy (also was scared of u dying bc of asking binnie)
pushes you enough to finish bc he knows ur limits <3
you go to a convinience store after your workouts
both of yall try to pay BUT you make a schedule for who pays
you switch off
innie is extremely proud he made that idea
share a gym playlist
and most of your playlist
bc ur music taste is so similar you end up collabing playlists
you both do daily fit checks
slowly you’ve been able to coax him out of terrible shoe choices
you’ll show him something new and he’ll be like
‘oh is this what all the youngsters are wearing now?’
he busts out these rubber shoes that give you a headache
‘im doing it for stay’ you know stay’s reaction bc u r one
you always show what stays are saying on pinterest and call them simps
but you also cant talk bc, and jeongin quotes this
‘damnn hyunjin looking fine enough to be mine’
but also jeongin constantly uses pick up lines on YOUR friends
if he ever picks you up he’ll turn to someone your hanging out with
‘are you the sun because youre so hot you burn my retinas’
and everyone is just. majorly confused
its his random space obsession showing okay
you went on a planetarium date one time
he talked your ear off and then you bit his ear
retaliation for all the times he’s bit you when he was a wee little one
after that you went shopping
a stay photographed yall starting dating rumors
but its okay bc jeongin addressed it in his lives
telling everyone youre siblings
there is a ten minute video of him cracking up, tears flowing bc of the situation
@chans-muffin i delivered!!!!
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hidefdoritos · 7 months
Haha yeah, you know me too well. Yeah, I've always been big on patterns. There was this one time when I was in like 8th grade I got invited to family game night at some friends' house. They explained a card game and let me watch a round.
In the game, the judge decides on a pattern in their head. "Red card, face card, clubs card" or something like that. Then everyone else takes turns laying down cards. The judge declares whether each card is correct or incorrect. At the beginning, it's all guesswork; at some point, the pattern emerges, and then we all congratulate ourselves and change roles.
They let me come in as the judge.
This was a mistake. I was small and full of spite. I didn't know about things like "sharing" or making things "winnable." I knew that the optimal pattern was something so complex they'd never get it but so simple my win would be legitimate. I wouldn't mess with the environment, or with counting the cards, or with a pattern of the frequencies of in/correct. It had to be a visible card pattern, and mine was going to be the best visible card pattern ever.
I chose my pattern. We started. And they started losing their minds.
From their viewpoints, there was no pattern. No rhyme or reason, no telling. I sat increasingly smug in my spot at the table. Half the deck was gone. They stared daggers at me. They had a very nice red-black pattern going, but it wasn't the deciding factor. They asked if I was sure there weren't any mistakes. I was sure. They played on. One declared she didn't have anything left to play. She was wrong, and I looked at her cards and told her so.
They started collaborating among themselves. Pointing at cards. Showing each other their cards. Two thirds of the way through the deck. Three quarters. Seven eighths. Card after card laid down, some accepted, some rejected. By far, farther than they'd ever made it in a game. It wasn't fun anymore, but I wasn't gonna call it off just because the kids were getting bored. I was full of more brainpower than those little twits could even conceptualize, and I was going to win.
One player went out--I confirmed nothing usable left in their hand. Then another. The remaining three played out their cards, swapping turns and swapping theories. Interest had waned. They stared at me glumly as they laid their cards, waiting for a verdict they couldn't predict. A parent left the room to work on the pizza and snacks.
Finally they were stuck. The deck was exhausted, and so were they. A few random cards left over, nothing discernably interesting about any of them.
"Give up?" I asked, a triumphant gleam in my eyes.
They stared at me.
I pointed to the array of cards snaking along the table. "If you'll see here," I gestured expansively, "it's a very simple pattern. Every other card has to be an even number."
They stared at me.
I swallowed.
"So, every other card could be literally anything?" asked an older sibling.
"Y-yeah," I said, losing 80% of my confidence. "...Isn't that fun?"
I was rescued by the remaining parent standing up from the table. "Why don't we start the movie now," they suggested, and started shepherding their glaring children into the living room.
"It could be worse," I explained lamely. "It could have been every fourth, or fifth, or I could have targeted people with their elbows on the table, or...." I trailed off as an adult started directing us toward pizza and snacks.
Anyway, I think that whole escapade says a lot about me in junior high school and also me as a person. Yeah, that pattern recognition is kinda like why I always get the same thing. Yeah, a number seven, ketchup only on the burger, regular fries, root beer with no ice. Can I tip you? Do you take cash tips?
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“Free will doesn’t exist, and if it does it doesn’t exist in the linear fashion you’re presenting it in.” Free will is a universal law. It doesn’t have to be linear as every creature in every dimension has freewill but the higher you go in dimensions the more freewill they possess therefore granting them more abilities. The difference between humans and animals is the consciousness we have of things that is better than animals, therefore granting us more freewill. Beings above us have more freewill therefore have an easier ability to shapeshift and contain easier access to powers. 5th dimensional beings have more power than that because they do not possess a physical form therefore giving them more freewill to go anywhere and do anything. That’s also why it’s kinda weird when people think that everything that happens to them is a reflection of themselves because sometimes it is just another person acting upon there own free will which then plays into another persons life. Like if someone cuts you off in the street it’s not always because you “vibed” for it to happen, it simply happened because the other person was being rude or inconsiderate.
On what you said about other people’s manifestations not imposing on yours. If you are referring to personal relationships and the things they manifested that would be explained by two things: 1- They were not limiting the freewill of which you are aware of. 2- Freewill can only be violated if it is recognized. For example: you’re somewhere in a parking lot looking for a spot and you manifest a parking spot to open up. One does but right as your pulling in someone gets the spot. That didn’t happen because you had low thoughts it happened because that other person became aware of that spot and used freewill to go into it. You didn’t limit ones freewill because you firstly manifested something others weren’t aware of until it opened and then when it did they had the opportunity/freewill to also attain that thing.
Also, I believe that spiritual beings are capable of anything essentially no matter what it is but I also believe there are steps into that. Like you don’t start in kindergarten and get the privileges and knowledge of fifth grade. It is good to think highly of oneself as we are all one with the most high granting us infinite abilities. But there are certain limitations put in place in different worlds/dimensions to guide our growth. Earth is meant to be a schoolhouse. If we all unlocked these infinite abilities just because it would defeat the purpose of human life. To learn, to love, and to evolve. If you could just manifest unlocking infinite knowledge of past, present, and future, you would know exactly what to do in every case. Not only making life boring and meaningless, but also you wouldn’t learn any lessons because you had no limits to knowledge and had no burdens to overcome and learn lessons from because you had the knowledge and completely ignored them.
Two things can be true at once?? I also never implied everyone is a puppet with no will at all, and everything is some movie your subconsciously planned out. I said in the most non-nuanced way free will doesn’t exist. But like your parking example above, yes that’s not true but it could be true for others and I’ve seen people use that literal example to show that. I also don’t believe a lot of the bad things that have happened to us, we manifested. At least at the beginning, if you’re born in a violent environment with abusive parents who call you names, that will then affect your ability to achieve highly in school, your self esteem, feelings of safety, and ability to love yourself and that’s just the state you’re in. And no it’s not your fault, nor did you ask for that. I also never claimed that humans are omnipotent, omniscient, beings. I literally said, you’re a godly being in a human vessel but you’re still human. most people don’t want that anyways lol. People love the human experience and if I’m being Fr, the bulk of our manifestations as a community are, wealth, beauty, success by our definition, feeling loved, being in love, intelligence, curation of our hobbies,being respected in our relationships, and a good social life….with a sprinkle of manifestations related desires, shifting and, superpowers that are usually more mental based and unknown to others because most people don’t want to be walking around with wings. But instead they’ll choose to fly without having wings like @pearlygrace pointed out. And I’m pretty sure @zen-shu manifested for her brother late last year. Though I agree with your sentiment about humans, learning, and maybe why we’re here… I don’t agree with telling other people what’s the point of their human life. If someone wanted to do all that shit and let it be known and chooses to not care about learning or being human anymore bc they lost their passion…I mean I think that would be boring but I seriously would not care whatsoever. Idk what got them to make that conscious choice, but it has 0 to do with me and how I choose to live my life
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humanautomation · 4 months
I figured for my first post on here, since it is the second day of pride month, I should start with talking about my identity.
I have felt, for lack of a better word, lost for most of my life in terms of recognizing who I am. Sometimes thats in the most literal sense, not recognizing the person I see in the mirror is me.
I started figuring out that at the very least I wasn’t straight in fifth grade. It was around that point that I started reading fanfiction. I don’t know why that made me stop to reconsider myself. I already knew gay family members, so it wasn’t like I was exactly kept away from the community. But as I started to question, it became an ever present thought on my mind.
I started telling my friends, and they were supportive. It took along time, but eventually I told my parents too. I was out as bisexual to the most important people in my life. Perfect ending, case closed.
And then 7th grade came and I started re-coming out, as an asexual lesbian. Already I saw the changes start to come. The comments about how it was too early to know, and honestly? I understand a lot more now, I was very young. But somehow, already I knew that the lack of sexual attraction was something that wasn’t going to fade.
And then 8th grade came. This was when I started admitting to myself that the last couple years had been an act. The desire to purchase a thousand skirts, the borderline obsession I tried to express that I had in women. It was a pushback I was having against the thoughts in my mind, that with puberty I was growing to hate the person I saw in the mirror.
I started experimenting with pronouns at the end of eighth grade, with one of my friends even being kind enough to make me bracelets so I could show my preferred pronouns. Half of my friends were extremely supportive, and for that I was incredibly lucky. Some, were, less. My best friend of six years refused to use my preferred name, my middle name. This was despite the fact that he too preferred his middle name instead of his first, as well as being part of the community himself.
Starting high school, I stopped experimenting, and officially came out as nonbinary to my friends. I even started telling my family that I was using my middle name, though the reason I did was a lie. Some sort of bullshit as it being an inside joke with my friends or that my first name was too common. Anything but the truth.
As I’ve gotten older, my family has gotten to know less and less about who I am. Less than ten people in my personal life know that I am Aromantic. Less than twenty know I’m Nonbinary.
It also has started to get harder to accept myself as I’ve gotten older. When I was a kid, it all felt easy in a way, there were no expectations for me to start dating. Now that my family starts to expect serious relationships, marriage, and children it gets harder to hide.
But, as pride month comes, I also take in all the other ways I’m lucky. My friends who know support me, and with so many also in the community I have to opportunity to support them back. For the ways my parents do know me, they are almost nothing but supportive. I hope someday they can know the full meaning. I hope someday I can look closer to who I feel like I am on the inside. I hope someday I can recognize who is looking back at me from the mirror again.
Until then, I’ll count all the ways I am lucky, and hope.
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