marlinspirkhall · 3 months
Throwback to the time I watched midnight mass without knowing anything about it and the moment the vampire's eyes appeared like headlights in the darkness like this •• and I almost threw my knitting needles in surprise
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lightsoutletsgo · 7 months
the one where ollie lives alone (cl.16 x bearman!reader)
pairing: mainly ollie bearman x oldersister!reader for this part but there's a plenty of charles leclerc x bearman!reader here and there!
word count: 4.2k
warnings: a whole lot of stupidity mentions of death, seemingly angsty in some parts (you'll see what I mean) this might be one of my favourite parts I've written for any series ever 😭 it's so dumb but so funny (according to the people who proofread for me!) as always let me know what you think! your comments are always appreciated. happy reading! mimi 🤍
taglist: @arieslost @iamapersonwholikesunicorns
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“Jesus Y/N, what the hell is in here?” Ollie wheezed as he staggered past you, arms straining under the weight of the box he was carrying. You rolled your eyes, “You’re so dramatic Ols, it’s literally just makeup.” 
“Is that the last box ma belle?” You turned and saw Charles in the doorway, staring at you fondly. “Mhmm! Everything else is in the van.” You held your arms out to him and he crossed the room, pulling you in by your waist and kissing you softly, “I can’t believe you’re finally coming home with me…” You smiled, looping your arms round his neck, “Me either,” He booped your nose with his own, a loud cough making the two of you jump apart as Ollie leaned against the doorframe, one eyebrow raised, “Are you two done being gross?” “Shut up dummy.” You punched his arm as you walked past him towards the front door. You inhaled deeply, it felt strange but exciting to be moving out and into Charles’ apartment. 
Behind you, Charles watched Ollie stare at you, looking like he wanted to say something. He quietly padded up behind the younger driver and nudged his arm,  “Are you going to miss her?” Ollie was startled but quickly scoffed, “Hmm? No way!” Charles gave him a pointed look, “I get the whole place to myself! I can’t wait!” Charles gave him a smile and punched his arm gently, “We’re only ten minutes away if you need us.” Ollie laughed, “Thanks but I can manage!” 
♯ incident 1 - the dishwasher ⊹.∿  As it turned out, Ollie could in fact, not manage. Mere hours after you’d left him, you found yourself sprinting back up the stairs, cursing the old apartment building for still not having an elevator. You reached the floor of your old apartment and checked the door to see if it was open, turning the handle and entering you called out, “Ollie? I got your text!” You poked your head into each room as you went, searching for him, “What’s the emer…gen…cy…” You trailed off as you reached the kitchen, Ollie staring up at you with wide eyes, crouching next to the dishwasher that was… pouring out soapy bubbles? “Ollie!” “I think I made a mistake.” He said dryly, suspiciously poking some of the bubbly foam next to his shoulder, “Yeah, no shit Sherlock.” You said sarcastically, thinking of a solution, “You put dish soap in didn’t you?” He nodded sheepishly, “There were no dishwasher tablets left so I just… thought on my feet?” You facepalmed and sighed, “Okay well, we need to- DON’T OPEN IT!”
You looked on in horror as Ollie pulled open the door and a torrent of soapy warm foam spilled out and all over the kitchen floor, creeping further into the centre of the room, was it… growing? You looked over at your brother to see him staring back at you with comically wide eyes. “So that’s why we don’t do that.” You said, face deadpan. Ollie giggled nervously, “Oops?” A snort from behind you had you turning round to see Charles filming the whole thing, “Oh some help you are babe.” Charles coughed to cover up his laughter as he put his phone away and entered the foamy bubbly monstrosity that was now the kitchen. “Somewhere under here there’s a bucket and mop.” “Ollie?” “Yeah?” “You’re going in.” 
♯ incident 2 - french toast ⊹.∿ A few days had passed since the dishwasher incident and you dozed in Charles’ arms, enjoying the lazy Sunday morning sun slipping through the bedroom curtains. The previous night’s activities had left you a little worn out and with no plans for the day, you had wordlessly agreed that a cosy day in bed was just what you needed. A shrill sound pierced the air and jolted both you and Charles awake. You scrambled to find your phone, as Charles groaned, hands rubbing his face as your hand came up to feel how quickly your heart was pounding. You glanced at the screen as your hand met your phone and you scowled, Charles rubbing your back and doing his best not to laugh as he saw who was calling you,  “Ollie Bearman, you better have a damn good reason for calling me this early on a Sunday morning.” There was a pause, “It’s eleven o’clock?-” “That’s not the point!” You sighed, “What do you need?” “Well, you see… I have a question.” “Go ahead,” “So I was making french toast right? And I followed the recipe exactly as you wrote it out! Right amount of eggs, milk and sugar.” “So what’s the issue?” Ollie sighed, “It won’t cook but it smells a bit smokey…” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Then turn it down?” “I don’t know how!” “Turn the hob dial down dummy!” Ollie went silent for a second, “Did you say hob dial?” Alarm bells started ringing in your head, “Why would I adjust the hob when I’m using the toaster.” You froze for a moment before pulling your phone away from your ear and putting it on speaker, unable to believe what you were hearing, “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Charles gave you a concerned look, sitting even closer to you and wrapping one arm around you while the other rubbed your knee comfortingly 
“I said, I’m using the toaster.” You stared at your phone, mouth slightly agape, “You’re making french toast in the toaster?” “Correct.” Charles snorted and choked back a huge guffaw of laughter as the hand he’d placed on your knee came up to cover his mouth, his face turning pink with how hard he was laughing, “Ollie! French toast isn’t made in the toaster!” “It’s called french toast!” You pressed the video button and changed the call to facetime. Your brother stared back at you, looking rather dishevelled, “That’s a rather deceiving name if you ask me!” You groaned, facepalming, “You make it in a frying pan” Charles was no help next to you as he wheezed silently, grabbing his own phone to record the conversation for later use and hilarity. “Well how was I supposed to know that?!” Ollie was indignant as he pleaded with you through the screen, “OLLIE! You’ve watched me make it hundreds of times!” He pouted through the screen letting out a little ‘hmmph’ “Well if you hadn’t abandoned me, we wouldn’t have this issue would we!” You rolled your eyes, “For the last time, I did not abandon you! I live a 10 minute walk away!” 
You sighed before laughing at your brother lovingly, “Alright then silly, head over for lunch and I’ll show you how to make french toast the proper way.” Charles snorted once more and you both burst into giggles as your brother scowled at you, “Stop laughing at me!” Ollie whined, you caught your breath and wiped your eyes, heart warm at the silly moment you knew would turn into a fond memory, “Uhhhh Y/N?” You looked back at the screen to where Ollie was turning the camera round to show you a sparking, smoking toaster, “I don’t think it should be doing that…” You cursed as Charles scrambled out of bed, pulling mismatching socks on as you grabbed a hoodie, “Change of plans Ols, we’re on our way!” 
♯ incident 3 - Gerald ⊹.∿ Things were peaceful for a couple of days after the french toast debacle - something you were more than thankful for, wrapped up in your perfect little bubble with Charles. Of course you continued to text Ollie, but there had been no major crisis that required your immediate attention. Until there was. 
It had been one of those long lazy days spent at home, until Charles had announced he was taking you to dinner and told you to get all dressed up. You’d slipped on one of his favourite numbers and he’d shown his appreciation more than once, sliding his hands round your hips and squeezing while you waited to be seated, pulling your chair out for you to sit down and sliding his hands down your arms once you were seated, moving his chair round the table to sit closer to you so he could place a slow smooch against your neck. You hummed happily as he fed you a mouthful of his dish, “I knew you’d like it!” You smiled at him, “I like most things you suggest…” He bit his lip as his eyes darkened slightly, “Is that so?” You nodded, eyelashes fluttering as your lids close, “What if I suggested something a little… more intimate?” You giggled, picking up your wine glass to take a sip and hide your face, too shy to keep the eye contact, “I wouldn’t mi-” Your phone blaring cut you off and you gasped, rushing to put your glass down as other customers in the restaurant glared at you, Charles chuckling quietly next to you, his hand resting on your thigh and rubbing soothingly. 
“Ollie I swear to go-” “He’s dead.” You heard your little brother sniffle and adrenaline kicked in, “Ollie, who’s dead?” You kept your voice as calm and quiet as possible, you heard him sniffle once more before a sob left his mouth. That was all you needed to hear before you were grabbing your clutch and nodding towards the door. Charles tilted his head and you mouthed your brother’s name. He nodded understandingly and rushed to pay the bill before you were both scurrying back to his car. As soon as you were buckled in you put your phone on speaker, “Ollie… Honey… what happened?” Charles also looked panicked as he heard Ollie’s choked sob, “He was fine and then he just… wasn’t.” “Who Ollie, who’s not fine?” You pleaded, “Ge-” You cursed as the call cut out, “It’s okay ma belle, his phone probably just died, we’re almost there okay?” You nodded, hands nervously twisting and wringing together in your lap. Charles eyes darted to your hands for a second before looking back at the road, one hand leaving the steering wheel to gently hold your hand in his. You looked at him and squeezed, a wordless thank you. 
As soon as Charles pulled up, you were racing out of the car, slipping your heels off and carrying them in your hand as you sprinted barefoot up the stairs of the apartment building. You reached the door and rang the bell, knocked, called his name, anything you could think of to attract his attention. The door opened slowly and it wasn’t Ollie that appeared but Arthuer Leclerc, looking ever so sombre, “Arthur?” Your eyes were panicked as you looked him over for any injuries or obvious isses. He simply held his hand out to indicate to you to enter and you slowly stepped through the door, “Where’s Ollie?” Arthur nodded, head down towards the ground and the panic rose in your chest again, “He’s in the living room, saying his goodbyes.” “Goodbyes to who?” You paced down the hallway and burst into the living room, your jaw dropping at the sight you saw.
Ollie stood in front of the coffee table that was lit with candles, dressed in a suit and your brain suddenly registered that Arthur had been dressed the same way. You were even more concerned when you saw Arthur’s girlfriend fully dressed in black,  standing next to Ollie with a comforting hand on his shoulder. You approached him slowly, arms opening and your expression softening as he turned to you with a red splotchy nose and red-rimmed eyes, he fell into your arms and you patted his back, gently shushing him, “What happened, Ols?” “He’s gone.” Ollie croaked out, “Who’s gone honey?” Your voice was gentle as you stroked his hair, the same way you did when he was younger and couldn’t sleep, “Gerald.” “Oh.” You said softly, “Was he a friend?” Ollie nodded and you held back a wince as he rubbed his snotty nose onto your shoulder, knowing he needed you, “He was such a good friend.” You led him over to the couch and sat down, his head falling onto your shoulder as you continued to play with his hair. 
You were aware of Charles appearing in the doorway and you gave him a brief smile, before turning your attention back to Ollie, “Would I know this friend?” Ollie nodded, his sobs quieting to sniffles, “You were his friend before I was.” Your stomach dropped as you frantically thought of who Ollie could possibly be referring to, feeling guilty that your mind was blank, “The funeral was lovely.” Arthur’s girlfriend nodded solemnly, a hand over her heart as the other hand came up to dab her eyes with a tissue, “The funeral has already happened?” You were confused as Arthur nodded, “Just before you got here.” Your eyes shot to Charles who was just as concerned and confused as you, “Wait, the funeral was here?” Ollie scoffed, “Well where else would it have been?” “Wait Ollie,” You held his face in front of yours, “Why was the funeral in your apartment?” “He wanted to be remembered in the place he was most happy…” Ollie sighed wistfully, his head turning to look at the coffee table once more. 
You squinted, focusing on a shape amidst the flickering candles and once more your mouth gaped as you stood up and stormed over to the other side of the room. “Ollie. Bearman.” You gritted your teeth, “Don’t tell me that this was all about a fucking cactus?” “Succulent!” Ollie snapped at you, wiping away a tear from under his eye, “He was a succulent,” He whispered as he looked down at the floor. Charles broke first, snorting in the doorway and you watched as he did his best to choke down his laughter, coughing and shaking his head, you watched as he excused himself from the room for a moment to force a solemn expression back onto his face. He returned but you could see the laughter threatening to bubble over as he took in the sight before him. Ollie, his younger brother and his younger brother’s girlfriend all dressed in black and in mourning for a succulent that sat sadly on the coffee table and looked like it had been watered a little too much.
“I’m glad you got here,” Arthur spoke up suddenly, “Oh goodie, do tell me why.” Your tone was sarcastic. “We’re about to do the funeral exit.” Charles was holding in his laughter so much that he now had tears streaming down his face and Arthur patted his back with a ‘there, there’ and handed him a tissue. “Arthur’s girlfriend has agreed to sing the exit song and we’re so thankful she has.” “Who is we Ollie?” You brow furrowed as you looked around the living room,  “I-I…” You sighed. “Go ahead.” You all stood still, heads to the floor as Arthur’s girlfriend launched into a rendition of ‘Memory’ from Cats, “Miiiiiiidniiiiiight, not a sound from the paaaaavemeeeent.” Charles quietly crossed the room to stand next to you, nudging you gently with his shoulder, “Interesting date night hmm?” You growled, “Don’t you dare encourage him.” Ollie approached you,  “Do you want to say your final goodbyes?” “Ollie, why would I care about a succulent?” He gasped, “It’s Gerald!” “Yes Ollie so you said, but why would I care that it’s name is Gerald?” Ollie shook his head, “Don’t even recognise your own friend…” Arthur tutted and even his girlfriend gave you a disapproving look as she continued wailing in the background, you mentally made a note to apologise to the neighbours the next time you were here during normal sociable hours. 
You rolled your eyes at your younger brother and stepped forward to ‘pay your respects’ to the succulent. Your eyes narrowed, “Oliver. James. Bearman. That’s MY fucking succulent!” “It was nice of you to wear black.” He continued, nodding towards your dress and Charles blazer and pants, ignoring your exclamation. “We were on a date!” You screeched, Charles once again powerless to help in any way, instead just collapsing with laughter. You growled as you lunged for your brother, “Ollie, I swear there will be a funeral tonight.” You hissed, “Yours!”
♯ incident 4 - spiderman ⊹.∿ After everyone had said their goodbyes to Gerald, he had been unceremoniously dumped into the rubbish bin and that had been the end of it. Ollie had promised to buy you a new succulent and had learned that they did not, in fact, require watering every day, and you now forever had ‘Memory’ stuck in your head. Once more, peace had been restored but you doubted it would last much longer. 
Your theory was proved correct when a few days later, your phone rang. An unknown number. You ignored it at first, all too aware of strange reporters and crazy fans who would do anything to get closer to Charles. You simply went back to reading your book, until your phone rang again. It was an unknown number still and you grumbled, rolling your eyes and answering quite snappily, “Yes? Hello?” The voice on the other end of the line seemed almost taken aback, “Umm excuse me is this Y/N Bearman?” You sighed, “Yes it is, no I won’t give you a quote and yes Charles is great in bed, goodbye!-” “No wait please! I’m from downstairs! You live in 10B yes?” You stopped as your finger hovered over the end call button and brought the phone back up to your ear, “Uhhhh I used to, yes, can I ask why?” “Oh, well there’s a man trying to climb onto your balcony and I was concerned that’s all.” Your stomach flipped, your mind rushing to thoughts of someone breaking in when your little brother was home alone, “I’ll come over now! My younger brother still lives there.” You raced to grab your keys and jumped into your car, deciding to get there as soon as possible rather than walk. Who was stupid enough to break in in broad daylight? You briefly considered calling the police but you were sure the idiot would be gone by the time you got there. Your car pulled up and you craned your neck to look up at the balcony of your old apartment. Your eyes widened and you gasped as you spotted that there was indeed a man hanging off of your balcony, “Holy shit,” You mumbled, scrabbling to open the door and race towards the apartment complex. The closer you got you squinted as you realised the hoodie looked ever so familiar. “Ollie?!” You yelled up and shrieked as your brother looked down at you, giggling nervously as his feet kicked back and forth as he desperately searched for a footing, “What the fuck are you doing?” “Uhhh I can explain!” He yelled back to you, “H-hold on, I’m on my way up!” You hurried up the stairs, once more cursing the lack of elevator as you finally reached your floor, unlocking the door and rushing through the apartment to french doors out onto the balcony. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?” You screeched, leaning over the balcony and diving to grab him and pull him up, “Ollie that’s so fucking dangerous!” “Look!” You heard a kid shout from the street below, “It’s Spiderman!” You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "He wishes!" You paused for a moment to yell back, before resuming hauling your brother over the apartment balcony. “How did you even get up here? Why are you up here?” Ollie chuckled, panting slightly as he finally threw one leg over the ledge, “Funny story actually…” You raised an eyebrow, “Well please share,” “I forgot my key…” “I-” In your shock you almost let go of him and his scream attracted the attention of yet more passers by below, laughing and pointing at the odd sight they were witnessing. You smiled down awkwardly before turning back to Ollie once more, “Why didn’t you call me?” Ollie whined as you began to tell him off, “Because I didn’t want you to find out…” “Oh so this was a better idea- Ah!” You squeaked as Ollie tumbled over the ledge and onto the balcony. Landing on your stomach in a tangle of limbs, “Your foot is up my butt!” “Yeah well it wouldn’t be if you hadn’t been being stupid! Anyway, get your elbow out of my eye!” “Oh I’m sorry, I was making sure I wasn’t about to fall to my death!” You shoved Ollie off of you and led there on your back, panting, Ollie much the same,
“For the record, you are the shittiest spiderman there is.” “Thanks, that’s really boosting my confidence.” “Glad I could help.” 
♯ the resolution ⊹.∿ “We need more protection.” You announced loudly, stepping into the kitchen “Excuse me?!” Charles choked on his protein shake, cheeks turning pink and you heard Max snort on the phone, “God, no! You pervs… I meant like, we need protection from Ollie and his dumbass incidents.” Max cackled, “Charles has sent me the videos, I was dying at the dishwasher incident.” You groaned, crossing the room to stand next to Charles who sat at the breakfast bar. He grinned as you rolled your eyes at Max who you could now see was on facetime.  “Yeah, well I’m turning grey way sooner than I should!” You joked. You chatted with Max a little longer before Charles signed off with the promise of joining him to game later. 
You sighed, leaning against Charles’ side,  “What’s wrong ma belle?” You took another breath and paused, “I’m just… worried about Ollie…” Charles put his arm around you and rubbed your back soothingly, “What has you so worried mon amour?” His expression was warm and you knew he wasn’t angry with you, rather genuinely curious, “I just feel like… maybe he isn’t ready to live on his own yet?” Charles nodded at you and you took that as a signal to continue, “I mean, he’s always had me there to help him and I know someday he’s gonna have to get used to me not being there but I just feel like right now…” You trailed off with a sigh, “He still needs you.” Charles finished and you gave him a grateful smile and nodded. “But, I don’t wanna leave you. I love living with you and having you around and I love just... living life with you. Am I selfish for not wanting to give that up?” You bit your lip, moving away from Charles to pace the kitchen floor. Charles shook his head with a fond smile, 
“Ma belle… You’re not selfish for wanting to do something for yourself and I’m proud of you for wanting to pursue that, especially since it’s me you want,” he slid his arms around you as you stepped next to him and dragged you backwards to him, making you giggle, “but I also know that you want to be there for family and I can understand that, you guys are close, the same way that me and Thur are, probably even closer.” You hummed, leaning back against him, “Thank you for being so understanding.” You sighed, “Now I just need to work out how to fix it…” Charles smiled and turned you round in his arms, nudging your nose with his, “Well… we have a spare room?” 
Which is how you found yourself hauling boxes upstairs a week later, “Jesus Ollie, what the hell is in here?” You wheezed out and Ollie simply smiled at you, patting you on the head as he walked past you, arms empty, “You’re so dramatic Y/N, it’s literally just a few bits.” You poked your tongue out at him as he mimicked your words from just a couple of months ago. “Is that it mate?” Charles head appeared from behind the apartment door and Ollie nodded, as you finally conquered the stairs and planted the box down on the hallway floor. “Now let’s go over the rules one more time Ols.” He sighed, “Fine…” “Rule one?” You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow, “No dish soap in the dishwasher…” He grumbled, Charles chuckled, “Rule two?” “No cooking without supervision.” Ollie recited as you nodded, “Don’t worry, that rule applies to Charles too.” “Huh?!” “Shush baby, rule three?” You turned back to Ollie, “No watering the succulents unless instructed, no matter how sorry I feel for them.” You nodded, “I am not having a repeat of Gerald and the… funeral.” You shuddered, as Charles snorted before asking, “Rule four?” “Always call one of you two if I forget my keys…” “And?” You raised an eyebrow, “No climbing balconies under any circumstances.”  You clapped your hands together and smiled, “Good! Well I can’t think of anything else, can you?”
You turned to Charles who shook his head and Ollie who just shrugged, “In that case, let’s go! Pizza for dinner sound good?” The three of you walked into the apartment and the door to the hallway swung shut, your arguments about pizza toppings muffled through the door, but the happiness and love you felt for each other not dulled in the slightest.
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luveline · 6 months
Hi I love you coworker! James series feel free to ignore if you don’t like this idea but what if Remus convinced reader to go to a karaoke bar with them and she gets a little tipsy and signs her heart out and James is just heart eyes over it
thanks for requesting <3 fem!reader
“What is that?” James asks, genuinely scornful as he points at you where you’re leaning on the bar. “Is that another margarita? Jesus Christ.” 
“You should be enjoying this.” Sirius smiles around the lip of his beer. 
“Why would I enjoy this?” 
“She’s coming out of her shell, isn’t she? You’re always calling her a priss.” 
“She is a priss, but binge drinking isn’t the same as extroversion.” 
Sirius taps their beers together. “And what are you doing tonight, James?” 
James scowls as you collect your new drink. You’ve had four or five by now and they’ve more than started to affect you, your giggling endless, your hand wrapped around the crook of Remus’ arm for balance. 
“Remus! It’s your turn, hun, get up here!” your general manager calls from the stage, a mic in her hand.
“Me!” you shout suddenly, to James’ shock and Sirius’ bright laughter. “Remus, please let me have your turn, please! I know exactly what song I want to sing.” 
Remus, who’d convinced you to come through a lot of pleading and a promise that you won’t have to sing at all if you weren’t ready, looks at you like you’ve grown horns. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes? Can I please?” 
You take his arm into your hand and you look at him with widened eyes, thumb rubbing a line that James zeroes in on, doesn’t mean to, can’t believe he’s noticed at all. He’s irked you’d even look at Remus that way. 
Because you’re annoying. Yes. Very annoying. 
You drink a good half of your Margarita and ask Remus to hold it for you before you take the steps onto the stage and chat with your general manager about what song you want to sing. You put your hands on the mic stand and prepare yourself with eyebrows pinched together, determined, even though you look a little shaky at the same time. Sirius nudges James from behind, the two of them joining Remus in the small crowd of your coworkers as the music starts. 
There are two screens for lyrics. A huge one for you, a smaller for everyone else beside you. You clutch the mic and stare resolutely at the bigger one as the melody becomes recognisable. James watches in what he thought would be smugness, but instead lays somewhere between awe and mild horror as you begin to sing.
The song is Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl) by Big Head Todd & The Monsters. James loves this song, he sings it every time he has to drive Remus to cornwall. He knows every word back to front and he likes how you seem to like it too, even if you’re butchering it, and the drunken slur to your words is ridiculous. You know the chorus well enough and sing it with a beaming smile. James maybe doesn’t like you, but it’s hard not to smile when someone else is happy like that. 
“Don’t make fun of her, James! Please don’t, she’s trying her best,” Remus says at his smiling. “And she won’t come again.” 
“I’m not,” he says, not bothering to look away from you.
Your eyes scan faces and get caught on his. He can feel the moment you realise he’s watching too, see your slight falter, and then, magically, your excitement. “James! It’s Brandy! You love this song!” 
Sirius snickers at his expression. “Mate,” he says quietly, “I thought you didn’t like her?” 
“I don’t.” 
You stumble a little where you’re standing and James has to stand extremely still so as to prevent his hands from reaching out for you. “James, I didn’t take your favourite song, okay? You have to sing Don’t Stop Believin’! Oh, shit–” You don’t realise your cue to sing the chorus until it’s halfway through, but when you do find the right words, you’re extremely passionate. 
“She sounds like Melly coughing up a hairball,” James says, wrinkling his nose. 
An emotion far from disgust settles hot at the base of his neck. 
“She looks cute,” Remus says.
“Sure, if you’re blind. And deaf.” 
“Well,” Sirius says, “you do wear glasses.” 
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newtonsheffield · 5 days
face blindness is totally real with baseball players lol, imagine an au where Anthony plays baseball for Kate and Appa’s favorite team and she starts enjoying watching him playing but when she meets him outside of baseball she doesn’t recognize him and starts going all protective mother hen on him for something he did and doesn’t realize she is giving a dressing to her favorite baseball player and Anthony is enjoying it
Genuinely when they have their hats off in the dugout: I don’t know who that man is! That is not the man I recognise. Sorry to that man.
Okay but imagine Anthony, after having a pretty ordinary game the night before sees a woman standing in a Bridgerton jersey when he went to get his coffee in the morning. He waited for her to notice him when they were in line together and she didn’t and now, as they stand there waiting for their orders he’s actually starting to get a bit offended. It doesn’t hurt that this woman’s absolutely stunning and he thinks it’ll be fun and flirty to go over to her and make a joke about the jersey.
“Were they out of all the others at the team store? Didn’t even have any plain ones left?”
She’s even more beautiful when she looks up from her phone, her eyebrow raised. “Would you believe, I went there with the express purpose of buying this one. Love me a shortstop, I guess.”
Anthony smirked a little, “Did they give you a discount on it? I’d be happy to reimburse you.”
“Are you one of those pathetic people that think one game means they’re done?”
Anthony’s lips parted, the realization dawning on him that she didn’t recognise him. “I… not usually.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Sure he hasn’t had a hit in two games now but let’s not pretend there haven’t been some awful calls. Some umpires obviously think the plate is 3 feet wide.”
Anthony chuckled, “I agree actually,”
“Bridgerton’s spent his whole career being touted as a hero when he does well and washed when he doesn’t hit and other people get away with much more mediocrity.”
“You seem like you know what you’re talking about.”
“You thought I wouldn’t because I’m a woman?”
“No, I just-“
“Bridgerton!” A man called out as he passed, clapping him on the back. “We’ll get ‘em tonight man! World Series is coming home!”
“Thanks man!” Anthony called back turning towards the woman who was staring at him in horror.
“Oh, my god. You’re him.”
Anthony grinned at her, “In my defense: I only meant to do a flirty, cute little bit. Thanks for telling me I’m great though.”
“You look so different without your cap on.” She gasped, “And I’m usually much… further away from you when I go to games with my Dad.”
“I’m handsome in and out of the cap, thanks.”
“I’m so fucking embarrassed.”
Anthony shrugged, “Don’t be. Are you coming tonight?”
“Nope.” She shrugged awkwardly, “Postseason is tough to get tickets for.”
He had no idea what it was about this woman that made him want to do it but he shrugged, “I’ll leave some tickets for you. What’s your name?”
“You… Don’t have to do that.”
“Least I can do for my biggest fan.”
She scoffed, “I’m not your biggest fan.”
“Oh sure.” Anthony said, “What’s you name?”
“Kate. Kate Sharma.”
“Well, I look forward to seeing you there tonight, Kate Sharma.”
He’s not sure why he feels nervous as he gets ready in the clubhouse that night but it’s the first thing he does when he steps onto the field; Look for her in his seats behind home plate. She’s sat next to a man who could only be her father, both of them in their jerseys and he can’t help but make a show of putting his cap on for her, calling out:
“Do you recognise me now?”
Her face splits into a wide smile, “There he is!”
For some reason it’s her he looks to when his song plays over the speakers in the 8th inning, two runs down with the bases loaded.
She’s staring at him, her thumbnail caught between her teeth as he adjusts his batting gloves and taps the plate with the bat before he takes his stance.
He stares down the pitcher, takes a deep breath as he waits for the ball and swings.
He felt the crack of the ball against the wood of his bat and The ball went soaring up over the outfield and the crowd roared as they realised what was about to happen just as he did.
He flipped the bat, fists in the air as he pointed to Kate, rounding the bases, soaking in the moment. Hero once again.
He felt a little stupid as he snatched the bat up at the end of the game, begging someone for marker as he scribbled on it, hoping she hadn’t left already before he scrambled out of the dug out, over the wall.
She was just leaving, her father ahead of her and she turned around shock and surprise written on her face.
“I um- Thanks for um… thanks for coming tonight.”
She blinked at him, a little embarrassed as everyone stared at them, taking photos. “Thanks for the tickets. That was sweet and you didn’t have to and my Dad’s going to be talking about this forever.”
Anthony waved to her father who was watching curiously over her shoulder. “Well, I’m glad I could put on a good show for you.”
“Congrats. Hero again.”
“I wanted to give you this.” He held the bat out towards her. “I’ve been having a… yeah I haven’t been playing my best but thank you. I just… I’m… thank you.”
“I can’t take that.”
“Yes you can.” He grinned at her. “And who knows… maybe you’ll use it.”
He waved at her father again and pushed his way back through the crowd before he could lose his nerve, her voice calling after him.
“Is this your actual fucking phone number?!”
“Call it and find out!”
130 notes · View notes
knightyoomyoui · 5 months
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Welcome to another brand new TWICE fic series of mine! This story will serve both as an adaptation and a soft reboot of the TWICE horror-comedy book titled “Living With Vampires” written by SaiDaChae29 published in 2020 which was sadly left discontinued until this day. For this one, it scrapped some of the parts from the original while others were kept and applied changes which will lead to its direct continuation. Special mention also to @nchris00 who ordered a commission and entrusted me to recreate this interesting story as his request. Hope this one won’t disappoint! Thank you so much again! -> Read the PROLOGUE here <- “LIVING WITH VAMPIRES: UNDER THE VEIL OF NIGHT” By knightyoomyoui Commissioned by: @nchris00 Part: CHAPTER 1 : "A Nightmarish First Encounter" Word Count: 5,879
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I knocked at the house where there was an old man living in there that I used to help throwing the garbage every night. As he opened the door, he greeted me with a curious gaze as soon as he saw me standing in front of his doorway.
“Jeonghoon? What is it?”
“Uhh hey pops uhm… I was just wondering if you have some extra food left there?” It took some courage to ask that from him, since this is my first time begging from somebody straight into their home for some food to eat. Also, I just did this now from him because he only just know me as a hobo who helps people throw trash in their neighboorhood.
“I already ate the leftovers that I collected few days ago so… if you won’t mind, can I-”
“You came at the right time, Jeonghoon. Ofcourse I will.” He nodded understandably after cutting off my words. I didn’t find it disrespectful at all now that he responded the same thing I was expecting for him to say to me.
He left me in his doorway to grab something from his kitchen. I heard some metal clanging and probably procelains, maybe grabbing something from the plates. I was curious but I remained in his doorway, without any intention to come inside and do something that would break his trust.
Because I will never do that. I may have know how it feels to lose something… but just because it happened worse to me that doesn’t mean I have to make others feel what I felt.
It’s painful, enough to have your life get destroyed in an instant.
Which is what I’ve been going through these days. Imagine I was having these things for me too until that person I thought would be the nicest one among everyone took it all away from me and didn’t spare nothing.
I didn’t noticed I was too occupied at my thoughts when pops here even had to pat my chest twice to steal my attention. “Hey, are you okay young guy? You must be spacing out.”
“Oh u-uhm… I-I’m really sorry pops, I didn’t heard what you said.”
“No don’t worry, I just called your name repeatedly and you can’t hear me, so I checked up on you and I found you hear staring at nothing.” The old man waves it off for me. I looked at his hands and he was carrying a tupperware of the food he cooked for dinner.
“I cooked too much that I wasn’t able to finish it all, that’s why I said that you came here at the right time because I feel a bit dismayed at leaving this extra for tomorrow.” Pops said to me. He handed it to me and I accepted it.
“Do you want to eat here?”
“I would be honored, pops but I think i’m fine out there. I would like to grab some fresh air afterwards.” 
He nodded and he took my answer well. “Okay, eat well Jeonghoon.”
“Thanks a lot again, pops. Good night.”
“You too, kid.”
I bowed again to double the respect I have for his kindness and he smiled softly for me because I helped him close the door. I looked at the beef steak he has for me and probably this is the first day since I lost a home that I smiled with pure genuine.
I looked for some spare bench here along the road and thankfully I found one where I can sit and enjoy this meal I have tonight. I opened the container and smelled the food, oh it was surely mouth-watering and fragrant. 
I prayed as my gratitude to have this kind of food despite of my poor situation. Without wasting much time, I grabbed the spoon he gave for me and I ate my dinner in less than three minutes, an effect of the hunger I was tried to hold onto since earlier.
After I finished my dinner, I went to my scraps to place this in a plastic so that I can return this to pops tomorrow. Then I went back at the spot where I decided to sleep along with my carton as my sleeping mat to make myself more comfortable.
I laid on the couch and stared at the stars above, deeply wondering what the future still awaits for me even after my life had its rock bottom state. Will I still be able to save myself and get back up to slowly reclaim what I never lost in the first place or… if I will be lucky…
Is there someone else out there who will be willing to lend me a hand and assist me with it?
I don’t know exactly, but not gonna lie I don’t lose hope yet. Well, I just think that’s what I should do while I’m still breathing and living you know? I don’t want to waste this opportunity yet, that’s why i have to find a way to look for something that will add more purpose of why i’m living right now. 
I still believe that just because we lost something in our life doesn’t mean we remain worthless forever. 
Anyways, enough of these deep thoughts. I just want to relax myself and call this a day. I just hope there’s a karma awaiting for that person who made me like this. There’s no instances that someone can just ran away freely after doing something reckless to others who did nothing wrong to them.
I closed my eyes and breathe deeply before I let my body soak into slumber.
However, few hours later I suppose, well since I don’t have a watch or a clock -I do have my phone with me but it’s still lowbat since I didn’t get to have my charger with me when I got abandoned-, my ears caught something irritating that woke my senses back up even if it doesn’t want to yet since it’s still midnight.
It was gibberish loud and since it’s slightly audible, I can tell that those noises were coming just nearby from me. I slowly opened my eyes and I blinked rapidly as I try to hear the noises again that caused my peaceful sleep to be rudely interrupted.
I groaned as my reaction before I stood back up. The sound became much clearer now, and I grabbed some of the words they’re talking about. Not being overly interested in gossips, but I do caught that they’re talking about ‘paying something because it’s already due’ thingie.
I looked around to find out what it is, and what I saw didn’t gave me a surprise, it just explained why the sound was so close to me.
There are three kids being cornered by a tandem of intimidating guys cornering them from left to right as they ask them about something.
They’re too busy at what they’re talking about so I tried to hid myself from the nearby lamppost to eavesdrop their conversation more.
“That’s a part of our deal, and we told you that each of us would respect our rules and roles here. We let you borrow our money… and you have to pay us back on the due date.” The guy on the right said, and he’s talking directly at that tallest kid who looks like he’s protecting those two little kiddos he has with him from them.
“I’m telling you sir please, I’m going to pay for it I know about that! It’s just that what I’ve been saving as of now isn’t enough yet to reach that amount.” He replied while trembling in fear.
“And do you think it’s a good thing that even if you don’t want your deadline to pass, you have no choice but to let it? Do we look like we are nice enough to give a second chance?” The left guy said, stepping forward to scare the three kids more.
I understood their situation now. So this kid took a loan agreement with them and these guys are the sharks who are trying to collect the money they gave to the kid as per the agreement says. I get it that they’re just following the rules but… does it really have to come this way?
“Look kid, you better do something right now to pay what you requested for us or else… we are the ones who will look for an alternative.”
“And hey man, I think I know what we should took rather.” He grinned evilly at his partner on the right before his sight landed on the kids.
He tried to reach the arm of that little guy but the tallest one sways his hand away to avoid having contact with the kid. “Get your hands off from them!”
Wait… oh no, are they thinking about the kids being the substitute payment for this guy’s balance?
“Then pay us right now or else you won’t be going to see these rats ever again!”
“No please, I’m begging you leave them out of this!” He shook his head and tried to rid them away while pleading for mercy.
“Shut up!” The left dude pulled his wavering hand at them and shoo-ed him away from the kids. My eyes largened and felt nervous for this guy and what these dudes would do to the poor kids who are crying now in fear.
“WELL THEY ARE NOW, BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT THEM INTO THIS MESS YOU SHOULD’VE AVOIDED IF ONLY YOU COULD’VE PAID US!” The right dude locked his grip on this kid’s slim arm. It tried to force himself out of the hold until this kid tried to bit his knuckle, making the dude scream in pain.
“AAAAISSSHHH, YOU LITTLE DEVIL!” He shook his hand before looking at the kid dangerously and unexpectedly slapped its face.
“No… NO!!!” The guy tried to approach the dude but he only received a huge blow onto his midsection, shutting him off. 
I couldn’t take this sight anymore, so I have to do something for these younglings. I know I’m not that much of a skilled person when it comes to self-defense or challenging somebody in a combat but… I can’t just let these kids to end up somewhere with fate unknown in the hands of these bastards.
Stupidly, I quickly went out of my hiding and tensely approached the dudes who are double-teaming the tall guy before they try to bring the kids with them. I noticed also that the black van that is parking on the side of the road belongs to them.
“HEY! Didn’t you heard what he said!” My puny self yelled at them with bent toughness. “He said they have nothing to do with your problem, so leave them alone!” I said while I eyed the kids who are looking at me right now with their pitiful watery eyes.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just a random guy on the streets that you two bitchasses ruined his sleep with your annoying rumblings.” I said with much confidence with them. This is the hilarious thing about me, I’m so brave at trashtalking bullies but when they come at me, I’m like a flower who easily covers itself for protection.
In short, I don’t know how to fight back with fists. Great.
“Well, is that so? We don’t give a shit about your beauty sleep, so turn around now, mind your business and you can get yourself back to your little sleep because we’re almost done here. How about that?” The left dude said as he tugged the hair of the tall guy’s hair, making him yelp at the sting it must have caused on his scalp.
I hissed irritably at the stubbornness of this loser. I sighed deeply then went back to arguing with them when I noticed that the dudes were about to carry the kids with them through the van. The tall guy looked at me, crying and pleaded.
“Please… mister… they can’t get away…”
“TYLER!!!” An old man suddenly shouted this guy’s name. I saw that he just came out of the door from this huge looking place. Then I figured out it’s name plastered on top of the entrance.
Wait a minute? Orpha- so these kids are orphans? Now I know why this Tyler guy is so protective with these kids and highly concerned for them. Plus, their home is actually just right in front of them! That means they were about to head home when these bad dudes blocked them off from doing so.
“HEY, W-WHERE ARE THEY TAKING THEM!” The old guy saw the dudes carrying the kids who are crying and trying to wiggle off in their arms to escape.
I looked at them and breathe drelpy before I let my urges control me.
I ran immediately and just before they’re about to open the sliding door of their van, I pushed them both off into the ground, while apologetically involving the kids on the ground. I just thought that it’s the better way to stop them by getting distracted at the kids bodies colliding with them as they fall.
“GO, RUN!” I commanded the kids who were a bit confused at what I just did. I looked at both of them and they got my signal. They stumbled to stand but luckily they are able to ran back from Tyler and the old man. 
“You son of a bitch, look what you just did!” The dude who is laying down beneath me suddenly kicked me on the leg, effectively making me kneel on the ground at how painful it is to endure while standing.
As I was busy seething off the pain, the other dude took the advantage by blowing me in the back of the head with his hammered fists. I faceplanted on the ground and then I felt my entire body filled with shots coming from their attacks.
They kicked me with pure despise. It stopped for a while until I felt by body getting rolled and face up, the dude straddled me and gave me repeated punches to the face before my sight went blurred and complete black.
My eyes suddenly sprung up, and what greeted me was a view of a girl who seemed like she flinched a little when my eyes opened. Her head is upside down, so I figured that she’s looking at me from the edge of… wait, am I laying down on a couch?
“Jihyo-unnie! There’s a man sleeping on our couch!!!” The girl suddenly shouted for her Jihyo-unnie. I guess that was her sister or something but hold up, where was I?!
I made the hardest and most painful sat-up I ever did in my entire life, as I feel like my abdomen are tightening while I’m doing it. My head also feels a little dizzy so I groaned and hold it for support before I turned around.
And where the hell was I? Why am I in a very cozy looking room filled with women sitting around in front of me.
What I first noticed was the girl who is staring at me upside down, she is indeed on the edge of the couch on my side looking suspicious at me with her knitted brows.
Then on the other hand was the rest of the girls with her. The first one is wearing a purple T-shirt with a girl character on its chest, she’s watching the TV in the floor along with the pale-looking girl who I can almost compare her similarity to Snow White because of how bright her skin was.
The other ones on the couch were this girl with long legs, wolfcut haired, and in black t-shirt building a Lego figure on a table and the one beside her is a very gorgeous looking one with uhm… enticing thighs, sitting like a ball and very focused on her phone.
I seriously don’t know who are these girls and why did I end up here, but for now I’ll just leave what will happen to me based on their actions… but ofcouse that doesn’t mean I won’t do something about it.
“W-who are you?” I asked the long-hair girl with tattoos. “And how did I end up here?”
“I was about to ask the same thing about you, Mr. Nobody.” She crossed her eyes and popped the bubble gum she was chewing. “We just woke up and I just went down when we found you here laying so comfortably here in our dorm like it’s yours.”
Where in the blue hell am I actually am right now, seriously?
“What did you say? A dorm?” I asked her again.
“Yeah! Are you deaf or something?”
“I seriously don’t know this place. I don’t even have any idea why I’m here!” I felt embarassed when my raising voice accidentally caught the other girl’s attention, and now they’re looking at me with curiousity.
“Oh, he’s awake!” The girl in purple said. She doesn’t seemed to be frightened that a stranger is on a room with her friends, she rather sounds glee about it.
“Look wait, let me explain-”
“Tell that to her instead.” Chaeyoung flicked her head back when she sensed that a footstep is growing near from us. “Jihyo- unnie!!!”
“Yes yes I’m coming Chae, jeez.” This Jihyo said to her, sounding like she’s so done at this girl’s whiny voice. Oh, didn’t I just heard this tattoo girl’s name to be Chae?
While i was awaiting at this Jihyo’s arrival, Chae decided to scare me off with her gesturing me with her index finger that tells me I’m screwed… which was kinda effective and not at the same time because I don’t even know what this Jihyo can do and… her giving death warning isn’t suitable for a short girl like her with cute features.
I gulped but I hid my nervousness by glancing at her cluelessly at her. Then, a figure stood beside Chae, a short-girl one with large round eyes, almost had me questioning if she’s actually Korean or she’s half.
She was about to ask Chae but her eyes landed at me and just like how Chae greeted me when I woke up, she shared the same judgmental look.
“Who are you and what are you doing here in our place?”
“You asked exactly the same thing as this girl right here.” I pointed at Chae. “And I can’t give the answer as for you too, because I don’t even know how did I end up here.” I shrugged.
“Are you sure about that?” She raised her eyebrow to me, unsure if I was speaking the truth.
“She’s probably speaking lies, Jihyo-unnie! Who knows, maybe this idiot is an intruder!”
“Intruder?! I don’t even know how to lockpick or climb walls!” I said to this brat over here as I felt offended.
“Well guessing from that look of yours and how mysterious your identity are, you should be considered as one.” She traced my appearance from head and toe, as if she’s wondering why such a being like me is existing in this world.
“Look, I’m not as dumb as you think I am. I am very aware that such a hobo like me wouldn’t have even a slightest chance to enter or hell, own a dorm such luxurious as this!”
“Both of you, silence your mouths!” Jihyo stops me and Chae from having a war of words. “Chaeyoung is right, you better give us something you know or else we don’t have a choice but to call security and forcefully get you out of here.”
“Wait wait, I don’t know how but I’ll just tell you instead what I know!” I paused her after this irritating Chaeyoung even handed Jihyo her phone. She’s so obvious of making me look like I’m not very welcome here in their territory.
“But first uhm… where is your bathroom?” I said as my expression softened after sheepishly admitting that the nature is calling for my reproductive organs to release something in effect of my hydration.
“And what are you gonna do in there?” Jihyo questions me.
“She’s probably gonna try to run away, Jihyo unnie! Quick girls, block the-”
“I JUST WANT TO HAVE A BATHROOM BREAK, PLEASE.” I said as I hold my kidney spot tight, constricting my legs as I hold on my pee.
“Oh.” Jihyo reacted. “Cmon, Chae as if he’s gonna be out here by his own. Our lock is equipped with passcode remember?” She said as she patted Chaeyoung’s shoulder who seems sulking that she was proven wrong. “Anyways, the bathroom is on the right, you can see the hallway down here.”
“T-thanks”, I immediately stood up and bowed at them thankfully before I went for the location of it.
As I already reached the kitchen which is where the hallway that Jihyo mentioned was near at, I noticed that there’s another girl coming from upstairs coming rushing down and went for the fridge. She even ignored me as she just passed by at me.
I just gave her the same treatment and walked through the bathroom door but just as I was about to grab the knob and opened it, I heard what she said from behind that grabbed my attention.
“Ahhh… oh a fresh blood in the morning after a hangover is incomparably great!” 
I turned my body around slowly to look at Nayeon after what she just said, just want to confirm it if she’s joking or something.
But what I found out after was instead something much more serious to be like that.
I saw Nayeon holding a transparent pitchel filled with red substance on it while gulping its content with a glass on her other hand. She was kneeling in front of the open fridge.
It was like in the movies where a protagonist gets a camera shot where his or her figure gets zoomed in while the background shrinks as soon as that character finds something mind-blowing, that’s what it looked like to mr when I felt chills in my body.
“Nayeon, hurry up! I want that blood already!”
How in the fuck can they just pronouce that they are consuming blood so casually?! It’s nit even normal at all?!
Or else…
As Nayeon followed the voice where it came from, she caught my figure standing in the middle of the hallway, watching her in horror at the strange act she’s doing. I wished she didn’t even stopped, because she terrified me further when she leans away the glass from her, revealing her blood stained mouth.
“What the fuck… are you?” 
She stood up and left the kitchen as she starts walking towards me. I hurriedly turned the doorknob but it was locked. My heart beats even faster as I got confused and even more desperate to get myself away from this bloodlust woman.
It only stopped when my vision went back to pitch black as I couldn’t control my movement anymore.
I have no idea how long I snapped out, but in an instant i just recovered my consciousness back in this comfy couch again. This time, they aren’t around to be seen in what it seems to be their living room. However, I heard clanging noises from the back, I peeked to see what it is and there they actually are, all seated on their dining table with plates and foods all around their table.
The wolfcut girl was distributing the spoons for her roommates while the short-haired woman was assisting her on scooping up the foods for them. I was just silently watching them when someone caught.
“You’re back.” A girl that I haven’t seen yet spoke me as she faced her sitting posture onto me.
I just stared at us and she probably figured out that I haven’t met or know her yet. She chuckled and smiled as she realized it. “Join us.”
Her soft voice and elegant moves piqued my interest on her. She looks so gentle and very nice to get along with. Out of all the girls who I saw, my attention was pinned sharply at her. She just lets out an unexplainable aura that carries me to her.
I nodded and I stood up, which again caught their focus. Chaeyoung’s bright face turned back into an intense and angsty mood when she noticed me back alive again. Jihyo just looked at me seriously but my eyes averted more at this girl named Nayeon who was somehow avoiding her face at me.
I felt my heartbeat quicken again which caused my head to ache and feel a bit dizzy. I almost stumble but thankfully, the wolfcut girl caught my back. “You okay?”
“My head is a bit spiraling, but I’m good.”
“Yeah it’s better to eat first. I’ll give you a medicine after.”
She was about to direct me to their table but then I refused. “S-sorry, but can I go now? I don’t even have to be here, I’m sorry again for the incovenience that I caused-”
“Don’t disrespect unnie like that, now follow her and sit with us!” I didn’t expected that those inviting words, even though they were sounded a bit rude… came from Chaeyoung herself. I looked at her with shame and I just nodded in defeat. I don’t even want to try making this girl’s blood boil more if I already feeling weak.
Oh, great. Speaking about the blood.
As I slowly make my seat, my eyes are still staring at Nayeon who seems uncomfortable now with my look. I try to stop it but at the same time I’m just completely puzzled and disgusted at what I caught from her earlier.
“You can join us for breakfast, because what we learned about you gave me a bit of an assurance that there’s nothing wrong with you.” Jihyo said as she grabbed her spoon and fork before she nodded at the person in front of her from the distance to proceed as she starts eating her food.
It turns out to be the elegant girl sitting with the wolfcut girl and the one with tattoos beside her. “May we know your name first?” she asked me.
“J-Jeonghoon. Min Jeonghoon.”
“Do you remember how did you end up here in our dorm?”
I stopped for a while as I attempt to recall the last scenarios I’ve gone through, which was from last night… but it was like some sort of a missing puzzle pieces, because I couldn’t remember it entirely.
“A bit. All I know is just I beat up some guys because I caught them trying to abduct the siblings of this kid that they intimidate. I’m pretty sure I got knocked out, but… I really don’t know how am I now here, in this type if place with you all.” I explained.
“Someone brought you here with us. That person found you unconscious outside with a badly beaten body.” Jihyo starts to enlighten out the things I temporarily forgot.
“And you should be thanking right now at her.” She glanced back at the elegant girl who just smiled at me and nodded back. My eyes widened when I understood that she was the one who saved me. 
“I’m sorry if you haven’t met me a while ago when you woke up, I just went for some exercise in our gym.” She bowed her head. “My name’s Mina, and I’m the one who brought you here.”
“W-wait, but how…” 
“Since you couldn’t remember when you went through last night, I was a friend with the old guy who owns the orphanage and a guardian of those three kids you saved out there.” She started to narrate what previously happened. 
“He called me along with the police because well… lets say he knows me as someone he can entrust a lot about.” Mina shrugged. “I volunteered to get you healed here while the old guy reported the incident to the police so… that’s the reason how you end up here in our place.” 
I felt relieved and contented that I have an idea now of what I just did, that I was also responsible actually of bringing myself into here, sharing a room with these 9 girls that even though I never met them in my entire life, they seem to be good people and I can somehow try to connect and make myself trustworthy to them… in return of what Mina did to me.
“We learned from Tyler, the kid you saved that they were caught by the loan sharks and you went there to stop them from kidnapping his fellow orphans in exchange of his unpaid balance.” Jihyo said. “And your kind deed was enough to make me convince that maybe you’re not actually what we hope you won’t be. That’s why we talked about even thought Chaeyoung here was… still hesitant-”
“We still don’t know him, unnie! I won’t still trust him around us.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she spatted a toxic gaze at her before returning to her food.
“Exactly what I was saying, but she was still right. We may be appreciating what you did for the kids Jeonghoon but… you got to prove us more. We still don’t know much with you yet.”
“But you’re now welcome to interact with us.” The wolfcut haired girl spoke to me with a nice smile. I felt grateful that they gave me a chance somehow even thought I ended up looking weird for them.
“Thank you so much, I will do my best, I promise.” I said to them, bowing respectfully. 
I started to eat along with them. While I was savoring how delicious the food was, my eyes caught this girl that I last seen drinking blood. I still can’t get it out of my head. As I get drown fron my curiosity, all of us flinched and got a mini heart attack when she suddenly stood up and slammed her fist on the table, towering at me with her deadly stare.
All of us went silent while I found the other girl with bangs slapped her head frustratingly. We locked into a staring contest until Jihyo slids between.
“Nayeon! Calm down!”
“What did you just said, Nayeon unnie?!” Wolfcut asked her older friend which revealed to be her name as Nayeon. Her voice has sn evident disbelief in it. 
Nayeon realized what she just accidentally released in her mouth, so she quickly covered it with her palm as she nervously looked around at us especially to Jihyo.
“I-I’m sorry… I-”
“You heard her right.” I said as I still confronted Nayeon. “I caught Nayeon drinking blood from the fridge, even complimenting that it was the best thing to aid hangover.”
All of them gasped and this girl beside me who was using her phone earlier clicked her tongue thrice. Wait, did I mentioned already that she looks like the tallest of them all? Well, excluding me because her head is leveled just right on my shoulder.
“Do you girls know about this? Why is she drinking blood? What are you girls hiding from me?”
They all went suspiciously silent for a moment, my fear and nervousness is increasing my heartbeat’s rate at this point, being beware of their secret that hides their true identity.
“W-wait, Jeonghoon can you give us a minute to t-talk?”
“No more time needed, just tell me right away!” I stood up, feeling alarmed at them. They all posed a taken aback expression at my frightful demeanor.
“Are you girls belong in some crazy ass cult or what? Because you girls didn’t disposed the fact that she drank blood means one thing only that you girls know about this and this just seems normal to yall. Thinking that you girls ain’t normal makes me wanna leave this room already!”
“Jeonghoon, please wait!”
They all stood up at the same time, which even looked like more creepy to me. I stepped backwards, being defensive for myself. “NO! DON’T YOU DARE TAKE ANY MORE STEP COME NEAR ME!”
I looked at the door at the near end of the hallway, which helped me to plan what I have to do after. I gotta get out of this place as they all soon to come after me. I better hurry out and ran as fast as I can.
Just as I had a plan formulated in my mind, the elegant girl took our attention when she suddenly yelled that I couldn’t even consider if she actually yelled because of how light like a feather her voice was.
“W-we are v-vampires, that’s why!”
They all gasped unbelievably at their friend who just exposed and retreated at their guilt.
“MINA! WHY DID YOU SAY IT?!” The bangs girls got infuriated at her.
“I-I just couldn’t take it anymore. I can’t lie!”
“Shit… you all are…” I looked at them and soon the sight of them looking like these precious set of women goes shifting into this unimaginable monsters that I never wanted to come across with.
“Oh god… so that’s probably why you all took me, to feed me to become more healthy… so that later tonight you all can eat me and have my blood huh! You girls like the dark and a fresh blood, like what that girl said!” I hauntingly said while pointing at Nayeon who lowered her head, probably felt pain at my accusation.
“Guess what, you all can’t have it. Because I’M GETTING OUT OF HERE!”
I moved as fast as I can, sprinting to the door and tried to open it. I looked back to see all the girls except Jihyo, the wolfcut one, Nayeon, and the thighs girl not joining the rest who is chasing after me.
I realized that there’s a keypad underneath the knob. I remembered that Chaeyoung told me that I have no chance of getting out of here because their door is secured with a pass code.
I pounded the door as loud as I can before I felt the bangs girls tackled my lower part and pulled my legs, sliding me to the ground with my front colliding on the floor.
Meanwhile, Jihyo and the wolfcut girl was talking about something when I saw the tall girl suddenly speak with them.
“Just tell him the truth, unnie. We can’t do anything about it already. It’s too late.”
“Nowhere to run, Jeonghoon!” Chaeyoung said to me before she maniacally smugs and laughs. I saw a glimpse of her fangs growing wiith her pupils shrinking and eyes glowing into color red.
The three of them just watched the rest pulled my body away from the door as I clawed in the front while screaming in dread and terror, with my fate unknown being at the possession of these girls who turned out to be vampires in disguise.
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renjunniex · 6 months
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader Series
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Party Guessed |
Prompt: the killer now about to be revealed means things are about to get very interesting. how will y/n choose to deal with every problem she is currently facing?
a/n: heyyy guys, hehe.. I’m back. sorry for the long time away, it’s been… chaotic to say the least. I just barely finished the chapter before i posted it so it’s not edited so please excuse any and all mistakes. i plan to go in later and edit when i have a chance, just wanted to get a new chapter out since it’s been so long.
You never got to have your morning kiss and you were definitely not happy about it. The boys had called you to tell you to get to the police station as fast as you could.
"(Y/N), you need to get here NOW!" The voice of your sarcastic friend made you have to pull your phone away from your ear.
"Jeez, okay, I get it. But I can't leave, I can't find Derek and they're barely keeping themselves under control."
You felt a hand grabbed you wrist and you knew it was Isaac's, "Go, it'll be okay, I can handle everything." You sighed and nodded before confirming you would be at the station as fast as you could.
That's where you were now, the lady at the front desk had let you in. You found Scott, Stiles, and the Sheriff staring at the computer screen. "Okay, what was so important that I just had to be here," your hands were on your hips and they all looked at you.
"The one killing people is Matt," Scott said. You swore you felt your brain explode, "I'm sorry, what?"
"Look he's on the video tapes," Stiles pointed to the computer. "We don't know that it's him Stiles," His dad exclaimed. You walked out to the computer and looked on the screen, you saw a nurse walk up to the boy on camera, "Well, hey, someone talked to him. Maybe you should try to get a statement." They're heads snapped to you and then back at the screen. That's when you got to take a closer look at the nurse that was talking to the supposed Matt.
"Oh, my god," you gasped.
"He's talking to my mom," Scott said horror dripping from his voice.
Scott had called Melissa, under the request of Sheriff.
"Scott, you know how many people I deal with in a day."
"This one's sixteen. He's got dark hair, looks like a normal teenager," Scott expressed. "Yeah, he looks evil," called Stiles.
"Scott, I already talked to the police about this."
Scott got his phone out of his pocket, "Okay, Mom, I'm gonna take a picture and send it to you." He snapped the picture and texted it to Melissa. "Did you get it?"
"Do you recognize him? Do you remember him?"
"Yeah, I did. I mean, I remember I stopped him because he was tracking mud in the hall. Scott, what's going on?"
"It's nothing, Mom. I'll explain later. I gotta go," Scott stuttered ending the call before bringing his attention back to you guys. Sheriff shuffled through papers until he came across the ones he was looking for, "Alright, we've got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks outside the trailer."
"And if they match, that puts Matt at the scene of the three murders," Stiles exclaimed.
"The trailer, the hospital, and the rave," you listed.
"Actually four," Sheriff corrected, "A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt at the garage where the mechanic was killed."
"When," asked Stiles.
"A couple hours before you got there."
"Alright, Dad, if one's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern, what's four?"
"Four's enough for a warrant," Sheriff motioned to Scott, "Scott, call your mom back, see how quick she can get here. If I can get an official I.D., I can get a search warrant. Stiles, go to the front desk. Tell them to let Scott's mom in when she gets here."
Stiles dashed out the room, "On it!" Scott had started to call Melissa and with all the stress you couldn't help but pace around the room. "She's on her way here," you glanced up at Scott and then looked at Sheriff to see his expression change, "Sheriff, what's wrong-." When you turned in the direction his eyes were directed you saw Stiles come back in, only he wasn't alone. Matt was behind him, with a gun.
You moved slowly to Scott and Stiles while Sheriff began to try and talk to the striped shirt boy, "Matt? It's Matt, right? Matt, whatever's going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun."
The boy waved the firearm around like it was a toy, "You know, it's funny you say that, because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are." You saw Stiles' head raise up slightly and despite the dangerous situation, you couldn't help the scowl that made its way onto your face.
"I know you don't want to hurt people," Sheriff tried to reason but something told you that reasoning wasn't going to get you anywhere, "Actually, I want to hurt a lot of people. You four weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cell phone, like McCall is doing. That could definitely get someone hurt. Everyone."
Stiles and you both turned your heads to Scott, who had pulled his hand out of his pocket. You took a deep breath as you felt your nerves shoot through the roof, your head was hurting. You knew you were losing control because of the spike in emotions. It must of been your intuition trying to take over.
Gripping your hands into themselves you tried to stay focus on the conversation, "Now!" The loud voice made you jump slightly, "Come on," Sheriff nudged his head you guys and you three threw your phones on the desk.
Matt had made Stiles handcuff Sheriff in the holding cell area, while you and Scott stood just barely off to the side. When he was satisfied with how tight the cuffs were set, he grabbed Stiles and jerked him forward causing Scott and you to follow close behind. You had reached a hallway and there were officers laying all across the floor, blood, from their fatal chest wounds, spattered all over the walls.
A loud gasp of horror spilled from you, your hand coming up to cover your mouth. "What, are you gonna kill everyone in here," Scott asked in horror.
"No, that's what Jackson's for," he answered, "I just think about killing them, and he does it." Matt roughly pushed your shoulder forward as he guided you back to the main office. He made Stiles go on to his dad's computer to delete any and all files having to do with him. Scott and you were given the job of destroying all physical files.
"Deleted. And we're done," Stiles stated pressing the key on the keyboard, "So, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first, whatever that means, we're good here, right? I'll just get my dad, and we'll go, you know, you continue on the whole vengeance thing. Enjoy the Kanima."
Lights moved across the windows outside and you felt your breath stop, Melissa was here and there was really nothing you could to protect without risking everyone else. "Sounds like your mom's here, McCall," Matt taunted.
You shook your head while Scott had a destressed expression, "Matt, don't do this," he said, "When she comes to the door, I'll just tell her to leave. I'll tell her we didn't find anything. Please, Matt."
The door opened in the distance as Matt scoffed a laugh, "If you don't move now, I'm gonna kill Stiles first, then (Y/N), and then your mom."
Maybe it was the adrenaline but you couldn't stop yourself from barking back, "You try to put one finger on any of us, and I'll send you through the wall so hard you'll forget who you are." Matt's head cocked to side as if he didn't understand what you meant but even then you could tell he was holding a brave face.
He once again, dragged you three to the front of the Sheriff's office, "Open it," he directed. Scott didn't look towards the door but showed his hesitation, "Please."
"Open the door."
You could practically feel all three of your heartbeats erratic from fear. Scott slowly reached for the doorknob, turning it to reveal not Melissa, but Derek. "Oh, thank God," sighed the werewolf in relief. That relief wore off sooner than it appear as Derek fell to the floor in front of you, he had been paralyzed. Jackson walked into the room standing where the Alpha werewolf once was. His eyes rolled, turning into his usual terrifying slits.
Matt stood over Derek, "This is the one controlling him? This kid," Derek observed in his monotoned voice. "Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big bad werewolf. Oh yeah, that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, Kanimas. It's like a fricking Halloween party every full moon. Except for you two. What do you turn into?"
"None of your business."
"Abominable snowman. But, uh, it's more of, like, a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal."
Matt especially didn't like Stiles' answer, he tipped his head and instantly Jackson's claw swiped the back of Stiles' neck sending him to the floor and onto of Derek. You and Scott made noises of protest only for Jackson to mock you by wagging his finger.
"You bitch."
"Get him off of me," Derek gritted.
Matt laughed at the sight, "Oh, I don't know Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair. It must kind of suck, though, to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck. I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless."
"Still got some teeth," Derek quipped, "Why don't you get down here a little closer, huh? We'll see how helpless I am."
"Yeah, bitch," Stiles muttered out, his voice muffled.
More lights passed by and this time you knew it had to be Melissa. Matt had seen them too, calling out, "Is that her? Do what I tell you to and I won't hurt her. I won't even let Jackson near her."
"Scott don't trust him!"
Matt grabbed Stiles' shirt pulling him over and placing his foot on the boy's neck. "Stop, stop! Leave him alone!" Scott had to get a hold of you to keep you from making any sudden movements. Stiles gasped and gagged for air, his face turning red, "This work better for you?" Matt had gone into a stare down with you two and you were seconds from losing control at this point. "Okay, just stop! Stop," Scott pleaded.
"Then do what I tell you to."
You glared at the boy, the amount of hatred you felt in this moment was unlike any other, "Let. Him. Go." You voice sounded so different and you couldn't tell if it was just your imagination or not. "Okay," Scott urged, "Alright, Stop!" The foot on Stiles' neck was released and the boy desperately gasped for air. Matt nudged his head in a direction as he commanded Jackson, “You, take him in there.”
“You…” Matt’s eyes locked onto Scott once more, “With me.” You had no ability to react as Matt grabbed your arm and twisted it behind your back, preventing you from doing anything as he made you walk in front of him. He guided you both to the front where Melissa came into the police station.
Melissa sighed at the sound of Scott’s voice and made her way around the corner, “You scared me, where is every…” She stopped speaking when her eyes fell on you both, Scott in front with Matt’s gun pointing at the back of his head and you locked in position guarding Matt’s body. “Mom, just do what he says he promised he wouldn’t hurt you.” Frozen from the shock of the situation you just stood silently your head hanging slightly. “He’s right,” Matt confirmed. Everything felt slow, your ears began to ring and your mind tried its best to process the next few seconds.
You watched as Scott hunched over and Melissa cover her mouth as you assumed she screamed, you didn’t know. Your ears were buzzing like a bomb had gone off right next to you. The smell of gunpowder filled your nose and the sight of smoke covered your vision. Tears seeped from your eyes and dripped down your cheeks. Rationally speaking, Scott was going to be okay, being supernatural had those perks but your brain didn’t seem to register that in the moment. You pulled your arms down trying to release the grip Matt had on you but that only resulted in you having a gun pointed at your head.
“Back, back!”
Matt screamed his voice making the loud bells in your ears ring more, “Mom! Mom, stop, Mom!” Scott covered his wound, the pain making him wince. “Scott,” Melissa said shakily. You felt Matt bang the side of your head harder with the barrel of the gun, “I said get back, unless you want me to blow her head off,” Matt spit venomously. You heard Sheriff called from the holding cells and it caused an explosive reaction from the troubled boy.
“Everyone shut up! Shut the hell up! Now get up or I shoot her next!”
Your eyes closed instinctively, you heard the rustling of Scott’s clothes as he stood slowly. Matt forced Melissa into a cell, she stood at the bars her face covered in her running makeup from her tears. You and Scott stood off to the side, both not moving afraid to cause everyone else to get hurt. You held up Scott as best as you could, your hand also covering his gun wound putting pressure the best you could.
“Please, he needs to see a doctor,” Melissa pleaded.
“You think so?” Matt whispered back.
Sheriff yanked on the handcuff keeping him on the wall, “Hey! Hey, you listen to me!”
Scott interrupted to reassure both his mom and the Sheriff, “It’s alright, I’m okay.” Melissa could handle her son’s words as she shook her head in denial, “No, honey, you’re not okay.” Scott continued on to tell her it didn’t hurt, Melissa again denying her son’s words saying it’s the adrenaline talking, she pleaded once more with Matt to let her stop the bleeding. It only caused Matt to look at you both taunting you, “They have no idea do they?”
“Please. Just let me take a quick look at him!”
“Shut up! Shut up! Lady if you keep talking, I’m gonna put the next bullet through his head.” Melissa finally conceded and Matt order you both to the front.
Your heart raced, sweat dripping down your temple as your mind ran through every possible outcome. So far, not a single solution came to you, at least not one that allowed for most of you to get out of here alive. If only you knew of some kind of spell or chanting that could get you to call for help. Maybe a way to send a message mentally?
Every thought in your brain was cut off as Matt pushed you into Scott, nearly falling on your face had the werewolf not had caught you himself.
“The evidence is gone. Why don’t you just go?” Scott stressed to Matt.
“You think the evidence mattered that much, huh?” Your eyebrows scrunched at Matt’s reply, which only got you a look of annoyance back from him. “No, no, I want the book.”
The bestiary? Why would he need the Argent’s log of every creature?
You soon found out when Scott asked your same thought out loud and Matt lifted his shirt to show his ribs now scaly, reflecting the same sickly greenish gray that the Kanima did. You grimaced at the sight as if just the picture of it made you ill, which it practically did after everything you’ve been through this semester because of it.
You felt a grip on your arm pulling you more into a different room, Scott not far in front of you. You jolted as the cold metal of the gun Matt held to you touch your skin. Scott grimaced, leaning against the desk as he kept his palm on his bullet wound. You tugged at Matt’s grip on your forearm, “Let me try and heal him please,” you pleaded with not an ounce of venom in your words. Nothing but pure fear dripped from your lips, it was truly the first moment in your life that you felt helpless. Nothing, not Peter, not Derek, not even the death of your parents made you feel as useless as slowly watching Scott, who should be able to heal, die.
Matt tugged you away from Scott, twisting your arm as he spoke, “You know, I feel sorry for you, McCall, cause right now you’re thinking, ‘How am I gonna explain this when it heals?’ And the sad part is you don’t even realize how incredible it is that you actually are healing.”
Matt’s eyes were probably as wide as saucers, you hear the frothing that seeped from his mouth as malice flew with his words, “Cause you know what happens to everyone else when they get shot? They DIE.”
You flinched at his tone, trembling as the coldness that came with fear froze every nerve in your body. You couldn’t believe you were even thinking about this but in this moment you wished Isaac was here. Not even because you thought he could protect you from everything but just because you wanted him near you. As much as he continually pissed you off, now that he was working with you guys his presence had become much more comforting.
“Is that what happened to you,” Scott had cut off your panicked thoughts with his question to Matt. “You drowned, didn’t you?”
You watched as Matt took a shaky breath, “He shouldn’t have let them drink,” he muttered. Scott gave him a confused look, “What? Who? Matt, what do you mean?”
Matt’s voice boomed making you flinch once more, “LAHEY! He shouldn’t have let them drink.”
“Who was drinking,” you asked softly. Matt scoffed stepping forward a little, “The swim team you idiots!”
“I didn’t what was happening! I didn’t know that they had just won state, and Lahey, he’s letting his favorites come over to have a couple drinks to celebrate. Who cares if they’re seventeen, right?”
Your eyebrows scrunched up at Matt recounted his story, “Were you at Isaac’s?”
“He had this first edition Spider-Man, or was it Batman? And we were gonna make a trade. But then I’m over there and I hear music. And everyone’s having a good time and I see Sean. He throws Jessica in the pool. And then Bennett goes in and.. and…”
“Bennett, the hunter,” Scott interrupted his monologue. Matt ignored his question, nodding his attention on the floor, his eyes blurry from the light pool of tears he was started to collect.
“And then Camden. Isaac’s jarhead brother, he grabs me. He thinks it’s funny.”
You eyes widened in realization, the fear in your mind clearing when you connected the thoughts, “They threw you in.”
“I yelled that I can’t swim, but nobody listens. I go under and I swallow water,” Matt describes in detail, sweat dripping from his temples, “and no one cares. And I see these bodies underwater. I see Jessica’s got her hands down Sean’s board shorts. Tucker’s grabbing Kara. And I’m drowning. I’m dying, and they’re laughing. All of a sudden, I’m lying by the pool. And Lahey is right there right above me and he says…”
“You tell no one! This, this is your fault! You don’t know how to swim? What little bastard doesn’t know how to swim? You say nothing! You tell no one! NO ONE!”
“And I didn’t. I didn’t tell anyone. And I would see them at school and they wouldn’t even look at me. I’d wake up in the middle of the night, I’d gasp for breath. And my parents,” Matt spit out his story like he could taste the horrible memory, “They thought I was asthmatic. They even gave me an inhaler. They didn’t know that every time I closed my eyes, I was drowning.”
Matt finally turned to you and Scott, as if his trance had been broken, “You know about that little white light that they talk about, you see when you die? Well I didn’t see anything. Just darkness. Everything was dark. But then.. Then came the Argent’s funeral, and everything changed. I was taking some photos and they completely by accident, Lahey gets in one of the photos. I look down at the screen of my camera and I just had this unbelievable rage that fills up inside of me and I just… I look at him and I… I wanna see him dead.”
There was a moment of silence from Matt and that’s when you realized you had a tear trailing down your cheek. Was it for Matt, Mr. Lahey, maybe? Even despite what each of them have done, the raw emotion coming from Matt must have triggered some type of reaction from you.
“And the next day, he actually was. You know, Einstein was right. Imagination is more important than knowledge. It was like something out of Greek mythology.” He began to pace as he ranted some more and you took the chance to step closer to Scott, your hand coming to clench at Scott’s now bloodied shirt. “Like… Like the furies coming down to punish Orestes.”
He gave Scott an unimpressed look upon seeing the dull expression on Scott’s face, “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”
“Was he the guy who stabbed out his eyes?”
Matt’s face turned red as he marched up to Scott and you, waving around the pistol in his hand, “God, that’s Oedipus, you dumbass!” Clenching Scott’s shirt tighter in your hand, you jumped as Matt’s gun waved right in your face. “The furies are deities of vengeance,” you whispered, your voice shaky with horror.
Matt without so much as a beat of pause, continued on “Their tears ran of blood and they had snakes for hair. If a crime that had gone unpunished, the furies would do the punishing.” Matt looked off in the distance where Jackson stood, hovering practically on top of Stiles and Derek. “Jackson is my fury.”
“When I saw him the next night, it was like this bond had been cemented between the two of us. I knew he had killed Lahey for me, and I knew he would do it again. So I went to Tucker’s garage. I even paid for an oil change, and guess what? He didn’t even recognize me. So when he wasn’t looking, I took a shot of him with my camera. And in a few hours, he was dead.”
Matt grew this satisfied smirk on his lips as he glanced at both you and Scott, “So I took more pictures. All I had to do was take their picture and Jackson would take their life.”
As if on cue with the end of Matt’s speech, the lights began to flicker on and off. The alarm system sounding from the malfunctioning of the lights. Matt freaked out from the sudden obstruction, “What’s that? What’s going on?”
He pointed the gone at both of you as Scott tried to assure him that you two didn’t know what was happening. A light scanned across Matt’s face and when you looked out all you saw were burly men with automatics before they began shooting into the window. Without thinking, you grabbed Scott by the back of his shirt and pulled him back out of the line of sight. Glass flung everywhere, scraping against your arms. In your haziness you barely heard the sound of a clank before the fog grenade exploded.
Scott took off with the knowledge that now you two were hidden, his hand in yours as you both ran towards the door, smoke filling your lungs. You saw the glint of Jackson’s half turned figure within the smoke and you took a chance. You flung your arm to the side casting a blast that smacked Jackson into the wall, giving you both enough time to get to Derek and Stiles. Scott went to Stiles and you to Derek only for you to be pushed away from the now almost healed man.
“Take him. Go!” The Alpha werewolf commanded, you scrambled up just behind Scott and Stiles, leaving Derek behind. Jackson recovered finally, walking after you three. You ushered the boys into the hallway of many doors, closing each one behind you to gain even just a spare second away from Jackson. It was short lived considering how rapidly the lizard boy smashed each barrier. You turned once more this time not just closing the door but sending another blast into Jackson’s chest. It sent him back just long enough for you to slam the door closed once more.
Scott set Stiles down somewhere safe, considering that he still couldn’t move, Stiles would only slow you guys down. “Don’t move,” you said dumbly. Stiles gave you a straight and unamused look, Scott sighed, “You know what she means.” Stiles head slinked down when Scott finally let go of him and you two rushed out the door, closing it quietly to hide your location within the station as best as possible.
Scott ran ahead, you only a few feet behind, when you smashed into his back from an abrupt stop. Allison was the reason for the stop, her cross bow pointing directly at Scott’s face. You figured it was from the tense situation, that is until she spoke with such venom.
“Allison,” Scott breathed in surprise.
The dark haired girl disregarded his tone, “Where’s Derek?”
You looked at her with concern, “What are you doing?” Allison did nothing to acknowledge your existence, “If you’re not going to tell me, then get out of my way.” You could feel the sadness start to radiate off the werewolf as he whispered her name once more only to get cut off, “Where is he?” Her words laced with such venom even made you shiver.
“What happened,” Scott asked once again, this time taking a step towards her. She raised her crossbow again, practically pushing it into his chest, “Scott…” Her voice hissed at him, “Scott, you need to stay away from me right now. You need to go. Just stay out of my way.”
Allison pushed passed Scott her shoulder brushing against yours. You tried to reach out to her, calling softly, “All-.”
“Back off.”
It became hard to breathe for a moment as you watched one of your best friends brush you off so coldly, so callously, as if you didn’t even matter to her.
Reality was brought back to you as Scott gripped your forearm gently, leading you through the still foggy police station. You could hear Sheriff yelling as he tried to most likely free himself, with the frighten encouragement of Melissa. Shortly after you hear the terrified shriek of your only mother figure. Scott and you made eye contact before rushing faster through the halls. You found the Kanima hanging along the bars of Melissa’s cell and Derek on the ground. Scott unleashed his claw, piercing the scaly flesh, grabbing ahold of Jackson’s lizard form and threw him on the ground.
Melissa made relief gasps as she saw that you and Scott were okay, “Scott…” She breathed for a second, “Oh, god Scott are you okay,” she cried through her worried tears.
You stood just in front of Scott as the Kanima stood once more, lunging at you. Without a second thought, you felt your eyes flash, your left hand raising to smack the Kanima’s scaly forehead. Your magical glow ringed out in a ripple effect, making the creature stumble from the force of your power. With the extra bit of time, you placed your right hand of his chest and blasted him back. The loud boom from your power echoed in the holding cell room. It gave just enough time for Derek to recover as he snarled, jumping the desk and chasing after the escaping lizard monster.
While your abilities may have saved you and Scott from the scaly claws of paralysis, it did nothing to aid you in the fear in Melissa’s voice. “Scott? Y/N?” She called clearly terrified and exhausted. Your eyes hadn’t stopped glowing from the amped up power you just displayed but it wasn’t like that was the only thing that gave you away. You slowly turned, flinching as Scott rose and you witnessed Melissa’s scared expression. She backed away into the shadows of her cell, as if to try and disappear from the monsters that were her kids.
You had never truly felt any different to how you were before until you saw the look on Melissa’s face, the only mother you’ve known since you were just a little kid and she looks at you like you had just crawled out of the depths of hell.
Scott looked at Melissa like a frightened puppy but eventually left, running off to catch up with Jackson and Derek you had assumed. You on the hand stayed frozen staring at the woman with a longing for comfort. You didn’t get it as she continued to shake her head and whisper a cry of, “No!” A tear whisked its way down your face as you stepped closer to the bars, your hands wrapping around the rusted metal. Melissa quickly turned, holding herself as if to hide from you.
“Mom, please,” you whimpered, your eyes cloudy from tears. When you got no response in return, you did the same as your best friend, turned and ran away.
a/n: …um was that good for a sad ending? idk lol i guess let me know. Hope you guys enjoyed!
taglist: @somiaw @vvicaddiction @mushroomelephant @breadbrobin @traumverloren-anderswelt @fandom-princess-forevermore @vanessa-boo @mxltifxnd0m @thepopcultureaddict @rachlovesactors
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silverpetrichor · 1 month
My Love Is Mine All Mine
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A/N: I know I’ve been MIA but the mania surrounding Gravity Falls right now has awoken me from my slumber. I’ve had a huge crush on Ford since I got into the series during the pandemic and I just had to write this.(I've also never written smut before so please forgive me if it's cringe.) I’ve never written him before, so forgive me if he’s a little (or a lot) OOC. As always constructive criticism is welcome and please enjoy! 
Last Summer. . .
You were helping your brother cook dinner for his heavily pregnant wife and 2 kids. Laughing and joking as your younger brother arrived with his husband, wine and dessert. It was shaping up to be another ordinary evening hanging out with your family when you got the call. 
Next thing you know you’re hugging your loved ones goodbye before opening a portal to the outskirts of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Staring up at the darkness enveloping the town that you’d only heard of in passing, watching on in horror before assisting the others in reinforcing the natural barriers around the town to keep it from spreading…  
“—Y/n! Earth to Y/n! Are you okay?” Your coworker asked as you looked up from where you had zoned out while shelving the new books.  
“Yeah? I um, I’m fine really. Just lost in thought for a second.” you respond. 
“Oh, okay. Well, I was just trying to tell you that it’s lunch time,” Tracy said, smiling up at you. 
You tilted your head to the side, brows furrowing “Geez, already?” you looked at your watch, and low and behold it was noon already.  
You cast one more glance to the book still in your hand, a post apocalyptic romance who’s cover had evoked memories of the centralized apocalypse that had taken place last summer in the seemingly innocuous town. You recall arguing with the council about actually getting involved and helping the town instead of just doing damage control. You didn’t like the stances they often took, and were preparing to go in despite their decision when all of a sudden the oppressive feeling of Bill’s presence vanished and with it your need to be there, standing sentry. 
Or, so you thought. Now, you have moved from the hustle and bustle of New York City to the quiet and peculiar little town of Gravity Falls. All because you dared to go against the council and nearly disobeyed them, you were now stuck as a librarian here indefinitely. Merely monitoring the situation and living in a cottage not too far from the Mystery Shack, hidden by magic and finally inhabited again after decades of going unused after the last council assigned witch moved.
You shook your head as if shaking off your thoughts, shelving the book in your hand and heading to the breakroom in the back where your homemade lunch sat in the fridge. 
You ate your lunch with Tracy in relative silence letting her do most of the talking. She was a sweet woman who was a few years older than you, in her early forties married with three rambunctious kids. She was also very talkative, which you didn’t mind despite being more introverted yourself. 
You never liked the quiet anyway, ironically enough even though you had moved out to a cottage in the woods, you always had music or something playing. You’d even gotten a fluffy pet cat a week before who moved out here who you dubbed Lady Arson the III. 
You’d actually grown fond of this little town despite being a city girl, this town had its own unique charm. Even though you had to chase some gnomes out and renew the old wards on the old cottage. (Thank the stars you had a magical ingredients supplier for the unicorn hair you needed. Unicorns are such stuck up assholes and if you never had to interact with one again it’d be too soon) You had redecorated the cottage and made it your own. You also found a nearby lake to go swimming in relative peace during the spring and summer.  
You talked for a while with Tracy as you found yourself having a bit of fun. While you missed the city there were plenty of things and people that made it worth it. Like your crush on your friend Ford Pines. . . 
He came to the library every other day or so in the afternoon sitting in the back alcove reading and writing in a journal with weathered pages. You’d actually managed to strike up a rapport with the man instead of hopelessly pining after him in silence. (Which you still did but you felt less pathetic when your hands would wander late at night when you couldn’t sleep)  
And, speaking of the devil, Ford was present with his teenage niece and nephew Mabel and Dipper. You found them in the back of the library searching the shelves for a book as you came around the corner to reshelve the last of the book on your cart. 
“Good afternoon Y/n!” Mabel excitedly stated, having noticed you first as her brother and grunkle were absorbed in searching the shelves. 
“Afternoon Pines family, what trouble have you gotten into today?” You greeted and asked, taking in their disheveled appearances as you raised a brow. 
“We were exercising a category five ghost in the woods near Fiddleford’s mansion when we encountered a hostile gremloblin!” Mable replied as her and Dipper shuddered in unison. 
You scanned them for injuries upon hearing this, before asking if they were okay. They nodded their assent before Mabel leaned in and whispered “But I’m pretty sure Grunkle Ford has a concussion or something.” 
Your eyebrows raise as you release your hold on the cart you’d been pushing. You tap Ford’s shoulder and he turns around, rather quickly almost stumbling. As he does you notice the gash on his forehead covered in Hello Kitty bandaids, that are clearly Mable’s work. But despite that you still see some red on the gauze the two bandaids are holding down. 
“Hello, beaut—I mean Y/n!” clears throat, while rubbing his head with his free hand, “How are you doing today?” Ford asks awkwardly, blushing. 
“Certainly better than you, you’re bleeding! Come with me.” You say, grabbing Ford’s hand after seeing the slightly dazed and unfocused look in his eyes and the bloody gauze on his hand. 
You pull him to the breakroom, the twins following. Ford huffing and blushing even harder at you holding his hand. You sit him at the table as the twins walk over to the vending machine drawn to the candy and chips in it respectively. 
You wash your hands quickly before going to bend and look under the sink and after a minute or two of rummaging around, pull out the new first aid kit that you’d brought to replace the old barely full one. Ford’s head tilts and his eyebrows raise as he mentally thanks the infinite cosmos for pencil skirts and the fact that you seem to love to wear them. 
When you stand straight he guiltily turns his head to the side, finding interest in the fake foliage and book themed posters hanging about. You raise a brow at his odd behavior, chalking it up to his concussion and head over after smoothing out your black pencil skirt. You walk over, heels clicking on the linoleum floor as you take off your colorful blazer before rolling up your white blouse sleeves.  
You open up the first aid kit with practiced efficiency after laying out a piece of paper towel from the roll in the middle of the table. You sanitize your hands quickly with an alcohol wipe before you gently pull the Hello Kitty bandages and gauze off his forehead. Apologizing quietly as Ford winces still, you move to grab the alcohol. You end up muttering another apology as he winces whilst you dab at the slightly deep cut with a soaked cotton ball.  
Ford’s face stays flushed as he realizes how close your chest is to his face. Trying his best to not make it obvious that he’s staring at you in that way. His eyes flicker to your face, focusing on how cute you look with your face scrunched up in concentration as you gently dab.   
While Ford struggles to be covert about his feelings you seem to be fairing slightly better with a barely there flush to your face. You place butterfly bandages on his forehead after dropping the alcohol soaked cotton ball onto the paper towel. 
You then gently grab his hand before unraveling the gauze, and dabbing at the cut with another alcohol soaked cotton ball. 
Mabel looks over, noticing the look in each other's eyes and Ford’s blushing face. A smirk falling over her face as she realizes what is happening, nodding to herself.
“Matchmaking time!” she whispers under breath before choking on a gummy kola. 
Dipper rolls his eyes as he slaps her back, the gummy kola flying out her mouth. Of which, she promptly picks up off the floor and eats much to Dipper's disgust. 
“So…Y/n huh? Do you. . .like her?” Mabel asks Ford as they leave the library, raising her eyebrows and smirking. 
Ford chuckles nervously, blushing furiously “What? I, I uh. . I have no idea what you’re talking about!!” He says, eyes shifting about nervously. 
“ Oh my gosh! Yes you do!! You love her! Love, love, love her!!” Mabel yelled, jumping up and down around him as the trio walked back to the Mystery Shack.   
“And I thought I sucked at hiding my feelings.” Dipper nudged Ford, laughing. 
Ford sighed, scratching the back of his neck as he nodded in defeat before telling Mabel to quiet herself despite no one being near. 
“Yes, I am very fond of Y/n. I find her to be endearing and enchanting in everything she does,” Ford muttered as he nervously laughed. 
“Well then Grunkle Ford, you should ask her out!! All the other blind dates I've tried to set her up on went nowhere!!” Mabel said as she skipped backwards in front of him and Dipper.  
“I don't know, I mean, aren't I too old for her? And I haven't really had any sort of  relationship in a while.” Ford muttered as the Mystery Shack came into view.  
“Trust me, Grunkle Ford! You got this! She's into nerd stuff like DD&MD! She's a librarian and she’s a historian!! And she likes listening to you rant about your research! Plus she's beautiful! It doesn't get any better than her!!” Mabel yelled as they sat on the couch outside the shack. 
“Yeah, in fact I know just what I need to do!!” Ford declared as he grabbed a graph journal full of blueprints for inventions out of one of his trenchcoat inner pockets.  
“This was a terrible idea,” Ford whispered as he hid from Flirt B0t 3000.  
“Wow, really who would've thought a robot built for romance would've been a terrible idea? Let's see, uh everyone!” Dipper harshly whispered back. 
“This is Giffany all over again,” Mabel sighs as she hands Ford her compact so he can check around the corner for Flirt B0t 3000. 
As he did so, the robot's half melted face snapped in their direction, its intact eye rolling to look at him through the mirror. 
“When I say run, you run as far and fast as your legs can take you and don’t look back,” Ford harshly whispers, tightening his grip on his gun. 
“But Grunkle Ford!! We can help!” Dipper responds as he clutches a crossbow in his hand. After Weirdmageddon, he’d asked Wendy to teach him how to use one. 
Before Ford could argue further, Stan came around the corner baseball bat in hand. “Take this you stupid robot!!” He screamed swinging his baseball bat, just as Flirt B0t 3000’s head turned to face him. 
It’s head flies clear off, Dipper shooting it with his crossbow as it flies in front of him. Stan beat the headless body repeatedly until it stopped twitching and was nothing but a pile of mangled metal and wires. 
“Grunkle Stan!! How’d you know we needed help?” Mabel asked as she ran up to him, hugging him. 
Stan let out a small “oof” upon impact before explaining “Well, when Ford mentioned making a robot to practice asking out Y/n with and then none of you picked up the phone when I called, I figured it went horribly wrong. And would you look at that, I was right!” Stan kicked the robot's remains once more.   
“Thank you Grunkle Stan!! But did you see that shot!?” Dipper asked, laughing. 
“Sure did kid! Wendy's one hel-heck of a teacher ain't she?” He asked, giving Dipper a noogie. 
“Yeah!” Dipper agreed, grunting as he tried to get out of his head lock.
Stan released him before walking over to Ford and popping him upside the head. 
“What was that for Stanley?” Ford cried out rubbing the back of his head. 
“You know for someone so smart you sure can be a real dumbass sometimes. I may not be the best at romance or reading signals but even I can tell that you and her like each other. So for God's sake just ask her out already!” Stan harshly whispered to Ford as he gave him a hug. 
“Yeah, you're right. I mean the worst she can say is no right? Oh God what if she says no? I don't think I can do this!” Ford panicked, pacing. 
“Look Poindexter! You got this, you're the total package, even with those sideburns! Just take a deep breath and go ask her out before you lose your nerve,” Stan said, nudging Ford.
Ford ran out of his laboratory in the basement and headed for the library. 
“Ten bucks says he chickens out,” Stan says, waving at Ford's retreating figure. 
The young twins sigh in unison, shaking their heads at Stan's antics. 
Since Ford had awkwardly asked you out that first time a little over a month ago, you’d been spending almost all of your time together. Flowers from Ford littered your cottage and desk at work, and Ford would often have smudges of your dark red lipstick on his face. Even Lady Arson the III approved of him, and she never seemed to like any of your dates. You were both falling hard and fast for one another. 
But you still hadn’t told him about the whole you being a witch thing. Afraid of losing him, even if he was a lover of the supernatural you didn’t know if he still would, once you tell him the truth. You haven’t felt this way about someone since college. But every time you thought about telling him, you chickened out. 
Tonight though, you were going to have a picnic on the hill near your cottage and Ford was going to bring a telescope so you could stargaze. After mentioning to him how you loved astronomy but only ever got to see the stars in textbooks and online since you grew up in New York.  
You hoped nothing paranormal would interrupt your date, seeing as you were planning on finally telling him about your powers maybe. But of course, you just had to say it out loud. 
And well, now here you are in your cute floral sundress and cardigan fighting a very hostile spirit after it had attacked you and Ford while you were skipping stones at the nearby lake. Ford almost cracked his head on the rocks when he stumbled back in shock, at hearing the haunting childlike laughter reaching into his trench coat for holy water.  The category four spirit took this as an opportunity to attack, its cute face morphing into that of horror as it rushed towards the two of you.   
But then much to his surprise, you shoved him behind you before raising your hands and suddenly it slammed against a forcefield you had seemingly created if your glowing hands were any indication. Then a blast of blue light emanated from your open raised palms and the spirit froze before evaporating into thin air.
You sighed in relief before lowering your hands and wiping your brow. You then turned and began kissing Ford's face, pecking all about after you checked him over for injuries.You finally pull away when you feel satisfied with Ford’s blushing disposition. 
“Thank the stars you're okay! I can't believe we stumbled upon a hostile spirit all the way out here. My wards and presence usually keep stuff like this from happening,” you said sighing deeply. 
Ford stuttered his brain attempting to reboot after seeing you use your powers and you kissing his face so much,”Your wards, as in magic? Magic that I just saw you use. Why didn’t you tell me?” he questioned as she paced in front of him, running his fingers through his hair. 
“Well, I—” you cut yourself off sighing deeply. “My being a witch isn’t exactly an ice breaker that I bring up on dates. You know how I haven’t had a serious relationship since college? It ended when she found out I was a witch and since then I just have gotten used to hiding that side of myself from anyone that didn’t already know. So yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I just didn’t want to scare you off because I’m falling for you and I think I might actually even be in love with yo—” Ford cuts you off, grabbing you by the back of your neck and kissing you passionately. 
You stutter, before humming into the kiss. Cupping his face in your hands as one of his hands makes its way to your waist.  You have matching goofy smiles as you pull away for breath resting your foreheads against one another. 
“You could never scare me off because in case you couldn’t tell, I’m in love with you too, darling.” he whispered softly to you, staring into your eyes as you bit your lip bashfully. 
You could feel the heat flushing your face as you felt him pull you closer. In the moonlight, you could see that he was blushing fiercely. You kiss him deeply, opening a portal behind you as you pull him backwards. 
You trip and fall right onto your bed at the cottage, much to Ford’s shock as he pulls away from you. He looks around baffled. 
“Fascinating! You can create portals? I knew that witches existed but I didn't know you could do that!! What else can you do?” Ford asked excitedly as he began to sit up reaching for his journal.  
You followed, grabbing his trench coat lapels, kissing him and flipping him to his back. Ford’s hands went slack, his focus recentered on you as you pulled away with a self satisfied smirk.   
“We can have a Q & A later, right now I’m more interested in other things,” Y/n breathed out before grinding on Ford's lap, feeling his hardness grow underneath you. 
Ford blinked, swallowing as he let out a whine at your continued movement. You kissed his lips again before muttering a soft “Off,” lifting the hem of his turtleneck. He eagerly obliged–almost knocking you in the face if not for your quick reflexes–practically ripping off his trench coat and turtleneck and flinging them across the room. You pulled your cardigan off as you admired his slightly pudgy and hairy physique before running your hands up his hairy yet muscular arms.  
He moaned as you ground down on him again, gripping the back of his neck as you clung to him. You giggled into his mouth, kissing him before standing to remove your sundress and flats. Ford followed suit, kicking off his combat boots and damn near ripping his pants and underwear as he pulled them off. Almost tumbling to the ground as he did so, causing you to both giggle. Until he looked up at you, breath catching at the sight of you still in your matching black lace bra and panty set.
He surges forward, kissing you like a man possessed and kneading your ass. You moan into his mouth, as you feel your panties dampen with your arousal. You feel his hard cock standing at attention, smearing precum onto your stomach. 
Before you know it, Ford has you lying on the bed kissing a trail down to the apex of your thighs. He lingers at your chest, sucking at your nipples through the lace before removing the barrier entirely. You shudder at the attention he gives your nipples, sucking one and rolling the other in his hand. 
You whine as he releases his grip on your chest and his mouth moves south. He teasingly kisses your aching clit and nips at your thighs before slowly pulling down your underwear. 
You buck your hips slightly at the feeling of his breath on your now exposed cunt. 
“Gorgeous,” you hear him whisper before diving in and eating you out like you were his last meal.  
You mewl as he laps at your folds before latching onto your clit and sucking. You buck your hips and whimper as you attempt to shut your legs. Ford pins your right thigh with one hand before moving to open you up with his other. 
You gasp and grasp at his hair roughly when you feel his index finger at your entrance before slowly sinking into you. You moan loudly, whining as he thrusts his finger in and out before adding another. Your eyes slam shut as your back arches at the feeling. 
He scissors his fingers briefly before he makes a come hither motion with his fingers. You begin to shake, your heels digging into his back from where your legs have been perched over Ford's shoulders. 
You whimper out a soft “oh fuck,” the only warning Ford receives before you're cumming all over his face. Whining and moaning as he fingers you and sucks at your clit through your high, moaning into your cunt. Which triggers another harsher orgasm as you sob out, pushing Ford's face away. 
You look down at him between your thighs, his face flushed and glasses askew as he kisses your thighs. As if to apologize for the accidental overstimulation, your chest heaving and thighs twitching still as you smooth out his messy hair. 
You sit up and pull Ford's mouth to yours by the nape of his neck. Kissing and licking into his mouth roughly, tasting yourself on his tongue. He moans into your mouth cupping your face gently. 
You both pull away to breathe, foreheads pressed together. “Are you sure you're up for more?” Ford questions against your lips. 
You smirk as you reach down to grab his cock, stroking its ruddy head. “Oh, I'm just getting started baby boy” you whisper in his ear as he whimpers in yours. 
You flip your positions again, spreading your thighs over his as you position yourself over his cock. Grasping his cock and guiding it towards your entrance, your other hand gripping the sheets by Ford's head. You moan in unison as you sink down his thick cock, gasping when you're fully seated. 
Ford whines as you begin to ride him, slowly at first before gaining a rough rhythm. You pin his hands above his head as he gasps at the sudden move.  Moaning loudly as you nip and lick at his neck, his eyes rolling back. 
You giggle sinfully in his ear, before moaning as he flips you onto your back. Ford grips your hips “My turn,” he growls out before beginning a punishing rhythm that has you crying out once more, tears streaming down your face. 
Your hands grip the sheets before clawing at Ford's back, causing him to moan, and move a hand to grip at the bedspread. 
“Fuck!! I'm close, are you there yet darling?” Ford pants out. 
It takes you a minute to speak coherently, gasping out “Inside, cum inside me! I need it, please” you manage to babble out through your tears.  
“Shit,” Ford hisses, moving to rub at your clit in rough circles. 
You whine and cry out Ford’s name as you writhe, your grip on Ford adjusts as you pull him in for a rough kiss. 
You both moan into the kiss as your walls flutter around his twitching cock. He groans at the feeling, breaking the kiss to press his forehead against yours. You pant into each other's mouths as he breathes out “Cum for me, darling.” 
You let out a silent scream as you cum for a third time, Ford groans as he feels your wetness drench yours and his thighs as you squirt on his cock. His head drops to your neck as he bites your shoulder, shuddering as he thrusts deeply, his spend coating your walls as you pant and sigh. 
You lock your feet together around his waist as he collapses onto you. You play with his hair as the smell of sex and sweat permeates the air in the afterglow. 
You wince as you feel his softening cock slowly pull out. He groans at the sight of his cum dripping out of your wet cunt. You feel your combined cum drip down to the crack of your ass as you sit up. 
“So, I'm a mess. Wanna help me clean up?” You smirk up at him, eyes glinting deviously. 
He laughs before pulling you up, “I thought you'd never ask,” you both smile into the kiss you share as you grab his hand, kissing it and leading him to your bathroom.  
You might just send the council a thank you basket for sending you to Gravity Falls after all. . . 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I had fun writing this!
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grimoireofhayley · 1 year
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ Content, Stalking, Possessiveness, Dirty talk, Religion talk, Suppressed Mental Health problems (I.e., reader has some issues that she isn’t aware of)
Word Count: 1.2k
Tag List: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @fanfic-enjoyer123 @darkenwolfie
A/N: I hope you all are enjoying this series so far, it’s going to be a long one! Let me know in the comments what you think about it thus far, what your favourite chapter is, or even part of a chapter. It makes my day reading your guys’ comments (: and it motivates me more to do more chapters! Also, I’m almost at 100 followers and I couldn’t be any more grateful 🥹 I’m thinking that once I hit the 100 mark, I’ll write a short story for said 100th follower of their choice! Or you guys can request any character for me to write about and a prompt on my page, it’ll make it a lot easier lol. Thank you ☺️ I hope you like this chapter!
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 6
The atmosphere was quickly illuminated by red, white and blue hues as the now-new crime scene unfolded in front and inside of your house.
“Jesus, (Y/n), what happened?” Tatum sprinted to your side, maneuvering under the caution tape and into your living room.
You sighed, rubbing your temples in slow-soothing circles, stress appearing in dark patches under your eyes.
“He was here…” You whispered, traumatized as the image of Steve’s heart flickered in your memories.
“Tatum, you shouldn’t be here. This is official police business, now.” Dewey scolded his younger sister, walking up beside her.
“Ugh, as if…” She rolled her eyes, “She’s staying with Sidney and I tonight. I was coming to pick her up…”
“That was still happening… even after the fight Sidney and I had?” You looked up at Tatum, momentarily forgetting about all the fuss that was going on around you.
“Yep, it’s a good thing too.” Tatum chuckled, sitting next to you. “I don’t care what happened between you and Sid earlier, you were my friend first and I’ll be damned if I let a bitch-fit between the two of you get in the way.” She nudged your shoulder, playfully. You smiled, but it quickly faded, hearing the staticky-voice over Dewey’s walkie-talkie.
“Dewey, you might want to come see this.” Sheriff Burke spoke, concern coaxing his words.
Your stomach twisted in all sorts of directions, squeezing tightly at the acid that was forming in it, causing it to travel up to your esophagus. You were ready to vomit, but you swallowed it, fighting the feeling, not wanting to go anywhere by yourself.
You wondered what Sheriff Burke meant.
“Right away, Sir.” Dewey spoke into his device, walking into the direction of where his boss was.
“So, what exactly happened, ( N/n)?”
“I got a phone call, then it quickly escalated from there…” You placed your hands over your face, futilely attempting to suffocate yourself with the pressure. “I thought nothing of it at first, but I-I was already getting the heebie-jeebies from the call, but he sounded genuine, so I ignored the feeling and kept talking to him…” You brought your hands to your lap, looking at Tatum, “Then the ph-phone went silent and at that exact moment, my doorbell r-rang…” You stumbled your sentence, struggling to find the proper words to continue explaining. “I was hesitant, so I peeped through the eyehole, trying to see if anyone was lurking about, but there was no one.” You sighed, “I decided I’d open the door, and you know, maybe get a better look, again, there was no one.” A tear rolled down your cheek.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, take it easy..” Tatum tried to comfort you and brought you into a hug, you were quick to wrap your arms around her, squeezing her, as you whimpered.
“Th-There was this box, and I didn’t think twice before I brought it into my home… oh, god.” You sobbed, “His heart was in it, Tatum, his fuckin’ heart!” Your voice broke.
“Hold on, whose heart?” She asked, baffled by what she was hearing.
“Steve’s.” You let out a quiet mewl, hugging Tatum tighter.
“How do you know?”
“Because he said it in the note and I-I believe it.” You sobbed yet again, “That’s not e-even the worst part…”
As bad as that may sound, it was true, the heart in the box wasn’t your main concern, but the fact that he was watching you, that he admitted it over the note that he had sloppily written, that he stated it over the phone; he was there, he could have been in your house the entire time, waiting for a moment to strike.
You could have been his next victim, the next book Gale Weathers would’ve written about. However, what’s even more concerning is that you thought it was sweet that he’d given you one of your biggest heartbreaks in a box. Pun intended.
The killer gave you Steve Orth’s heart; the guy that gave you both hell and pure bliss behind closed doors. The guy who seen you at your most vulnerable, the one who continued to defile you even when he was in a relationship.
You had his heart, officially. That’s all you ever wanted, but that was months ago.
This was karma doing what she did best, revenge…
Did the killer know about the affair? The humiliation? Did he kill Steve just for you? No, he couldn’t have, but did he? Was he someone you knew? Probably not, but he could be. You’ll never know and it’s eating you up inside. Why make a grand gesture and not show who he is, or even give you a subtle hint of who it may be.
As much as it scared you, it also humbled you. It was romantic, but completely unnecessary, yet, you wanted to thank him. Thank the stranger; the killer, for doing God’s dirty work, or in this case, Karma’s.
What is wrong with you? For fuck’s sake, he killed two people, and probably will kill again. Why would you want to thank him for that, are you that depraved? Maybe.
“Earth to (Y/n)?” Tatum snapped her fingers in front of your face, startling you from the never ending thoughts that corroded your mind.
“S-Sorry, what?” You stuttered, wiping a single tear from your cheek.
“I thought I lost you there for a moment, Hun. Dewey wants to speak with you…” She smiled, lightly, nodding towards her brother who appeared out of nowhere.
“Okay.. yeah, y-yeah, for sure..” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
You pushed yourself off the couch, making your way to the kitchen with Dewey.
“We’re sending the heart and the box away for DNA testing to see if it actually is Steve’s heart, alright?” Dewey explained, “We also want to take the note…” He stopped, turning around, picking up some other object, “And this to see if the suspect had left any fingerprints.” He showed it to you, and you paled, but the colour soon came back to your face as you felt yourself blush.
You were met with a paper-white face with two hollowed eyes and a gaping mouth, it was a mask, a mask that looked utterly horrifying, yet, disturbingly attractive at the same time.
Was it wrong that you were starting to get wet from the sheer thought of a possible tall and muscular man killing for you, wearing this mask?
Probably, but you didn’t care.
You squeezed your thighs together, putting pressure on your heat, trying to not let it slide that the mask was getting you off.
“We found this outside in the bushes by your house.” Dewey said, “Have you seen it before?”
You shook your head, biting your lip, you’ve never seen that before in your life, you’d be sure to remember it if you did. Though, now that you did see it, it wasn’t going to leave your mind, especially with how it was making you feel.
‘It almost looks like a Ghost Fac—‘ You cut yourself off mid thought.
“G.F…” You mumbled at no one in particular, “That’s what it stands for, Ghost Face, the killer dubbed himself as Ghost Face…”
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jaytalking · 3 months
Okay okay.
So your Plasmius design.
*claps hands together multiple times*
Where do I even BEGIN to appreciate it OML I would fail at doing so-
Okay so.
Numero uno *cough*
The whole thing about him looking younger to embrace the vampire part. Yes. Yes I love that. That is now canon in my heart because it just WORKS. SO MUCH.
Because I feel like it could also tie into the fact that Vlad in the show is so obsessed with having lost everything and wanting all of it back, his youth included-
So he'd look younger as Plasmius EEEEEEEE
Also I LOVE how his eye shape changes as Plasmius and he looks more. Hostile and dangerous if you will—*explodes* eyes are the windows to one's soul I love eyes sm-
The way you turned the top of his cape into flames??? That is literally so so SO cool and amazing
Makes me wonder if he can maybe. Change the shape of it/make it appear and disappear whenever he wants?
Also his hands constantly looking like they have blood on them??? AND IT CAN SPREAD ONTO THE SURFACES HE TOUCHES??? TEN OUT OF TEN ISTG THAT IS JUST SOMETHING ELSEEEE/POS
Your young Vlad looks so huggable idk why
(Sorry kinda unrelated but I feel like younger Vlad was SUCH a timid person. And he'd get shy fast but he'd also be quite confident whenever he wanted.)
THE LOWER PART OF HIS HAIR BEING WHITE. I WILL—*holds head* "yes officer it's this design right here—"/silly
Gosh my favorite part EVER
He looks like a fiery demon from the pits of hell I love it
I'm here for it
I'll put him in a freezer so he can cool down—/silly
I think we should give him pomegranate sorbet I think he'll like it
Cuz like
It's sour, but also has a sliiiight sweetness to it, and it has a bitterness in its core because of the pomegranate seeds. Idk I feel like that is just. So Vlad. Shfjfkvkvkv—/silly
Also very randomly: Vlad be like:
"Oh look, a sophisticated business man!"
"Oh, he’s a little bit messed up, actually..."
Jophofhchvv thank you I never know how to respond to but know that we're screaming together!
Here's some fun facts about EctoScience Vlad:
-I really wanted to give him a dangerous vibe, ghosts can eat other ghosts to grow stronger extremely quickly in this AU and that's partly why he's as strong as he is, the other part being... halfas are just very powerful. Simply. Anyways everyone in the Zone knows and fears him; at the start of the series he's almost a boogeyman of sorts there until Danny starts beating him.
- Vlad didn't have a ghost form at first! His becoming a Halfa actually took a long time due to how it happened, and that's technically how it'll go for Danny too, he's just further along due to his own death being wayyy more violent than Vlad's. The progression into full ghost has slowed down a lot in Vlad's case, but for the reason I just mentioned, Danny's progression is fast.
- The "I hate you!" "You're like me!" Exchange is something I've had in mind since the start. In this AU specifically the circumstances of their "deaths" are extremely similar, but above all Danny fears turning fully into a ghost will make him lose his humanity and turn him evil due to, you know, actually listening to the "all ghosts are evil" bogus his parents believe. Vlad can sense that insecurity and in this AU he latches onto it like a vice to make Danny think him joining Vlad's side is inevitable in the end.
- Yes, he CAN make his cape disappear if it starts getting in his way in a fight, but I would also like to highlight his fire core making him very warm. Cats love him.
- His general behaviour as a ghost has been changed a little, he acts and fights fairly normally at first, but if the fight drags on for too long or his opponent runs away he's going FULL HORROR MOVIE VILLAIN. That first fight in the mansion was a lot longer and made Danny genuinely fear for his life. Let Vlad be MORE unhinged when he's pissed off I say.
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miniy00ng1 · 2 months
Not Yours pt.3
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Five Hargreeves x Female!Reader
wc: 1896
warnings: swearing, fighting, death, lmk if i missed anything
part one, part two, and masterlist!
hii lovelies! i really loved writing auntie y/n and stanley in this chapter! im 95% sure next chapter will be the last, but i also thought part 2 would be before i started writing it lol. also at this point i think this is a semi slow burn??? but anyways i hope you enjoy, please give me feedback, and pls ignore any grammar errors! thank you <3
It turns out babysitting your new “nephew”, who was also babysitting you, was a lot more fun than you thought it would be. Stanley told you that he needed to practice his karate skills and you decided to help him. Using your powers you change your appearance to mimic the boys, “Watch and learn Stanley.” You do a series of attacks as well as blocks. The boy looks at you in amusement, “This is so sick Auntie Y/N! I looked badass.” You switch back to your previous look, “No Stanley, I looked badass. You still look like a fool, keep practicing and you’ll get there eventually kid.”
“Oh shit, they’re here.” You hear Luther mutter from a table nearby. You look towards the door and see your siblings, minus Marcus, walk through the doors of the hotel in their matching outfits. “Have we always looked that stupid wearing those outfits?” You question aloud. “Nah, they look stupid but I bet you looked sick wearing that Auntie.” Stanley replies, standing next to you. “Stanley, I need you to stay out of the way okay? They said it was going to be peaceful but knowing them, I highly doubt that. So go hide or something and no matter what, don’t come out.” You usher the boy to the side of the lobby while he complains the whole time, saying that he could help. 
Once the boy is out of the way you join the two groups of siblings. “Give us the briefcase.” Allison spits out, glaring at the Sparrows in front of her. “Not until you give us Marcus and Y/N.” Ben replies with just as much venom. Allison grips your arm tightly, dragging you over to your siblings, “There’s one of them. Show the briefcase and you’ll get the other.” Ben grabs your arm and passes you off to Sloane who examines you quickly for any signs of injury. “That wasn’t the deal. But since you can’t seem to produce Marcus, I guess the deal’s off.” Your eyes widen in realization of what’s about to happen and you shout, “Run!”
A yell from behind the Umbrellas distracts everyone, in comes Stanley with a molotov cocktail, “Molotov this, bitches!” Diego whips around at the sound of his son’s voice, “Stanley! Not now.” The boy stops his tracks and drops the molotov cocktail causing it to shatter and ignite a nearby sign. You watch as your siblings begin to power up while the Umbrellas are distracted. Diego is fast on his feet and tosses Stanley behind the bar out of harms way before Christopher uses his powers to stun the Umbrellas bringing them to the ground. Ben waves his hand, signalling to finish the Umbrellas off. You fall to your knees and squeeze your eyes shut, not being able to watch the family be killed.
You then hear screams of agony but they’re not coming from the Umbrella Academy. You look up to see an elderly man release a vibrant gold pulse from his body, knocking Ben and Fei to the ground and killing Jayme and Alphonso instantaneously. “Fall back!” Ben yells in pain, rushing out the door with Fei and Christopher. You look in horror at the mutilated bodies of your siblings who have been left behind and crawl over to them. You let out a scream of anguish as you grab ahold of their hands, bringing them to your chest and letting sobs rack your body. Sloane wraps her arms around you from behind, crying into your back. You gently unwrap Sloane’s hands from your body and move out of the way, letting her hold your dead siblings. You rise from the ground slowly before turning and running full speed at the man who murdered Jayme and Alphonso. Viktor manages to grab ahold of you before you can attack the guy, “Let me at the bastard! Let me go Viktor! I’m going to kill this monster!” You struggle against Viktor’s grasp before Diego takes over leading you out of the lobby and into an empty room.
Sloane joins you minutes later with Luther. “Get the hell out of here Luther.” You hiss teeth clenched together. The man nods and leaves you two alone. The two of you are sitting on the couch holding each other, you stroke Sloane’s hair while she sobs into your arms. “I’m so grateful you’re alive Sloane.” You whisper in her ear. Sloane nods her head and proceeds to cry harder. The girl pulls away from you, “Do you think I could have a moment alone please?” You nod getting up to leave, you glance at the crying girl once more before leaving.
You decide to roam the halls to empty your head. You’ve cleared four floors before running into someone. Stanley rushes out of a room clearly panicked, “Oh hey Auntie Y/N. What’re you doing on this floor? We should go to level five, I heard it’s got a great view!” The boy grabs your hand trying to lead you away from the room he just exited. You pull your hand out of his grip and make a tutting noise, “Absolutely not kid. You’re being suspicious. What the hell did you do?” Stanley looks at you as if he’s about to cry, “I swear I didn’t mean to! It was an accident, it just went off.” Stanley opens the door to the suite and there lies Klaus Hargreeves with a hole in his chest and no signs of life. “Please don’t be mad at me Auntie. Oh my god, what am I going to do. I’m going to go to jail.” The boy cries. You hush him, “Don’t worry kid, I’m not mad. We’re going to fix this. First, I need you to find acid, we’ve got to dissolve the body and get cleaning supplies too–there’s a lot of blood. In the meantime, I’ll wrap the body in the carpet. Do you think I can pretend to be Klaus and myself for the rest of our lives?” You send Stanley on his way and get to work.
After half an hour, Stanley returns with Diego, “Holy shit, what did you do?” “It was an accident! Auntie Y/N and I were going to take care of it! You said you wouldn’t be mad at me.” Stanley whines. Diego’s eyes dart between you and Stanley then at the bottle of acid in Stanley’s arms. “You were going to dissolve the body?” Diego exclaims in realization. “It was her idea!” Stanley exclaims, pointing his finger with accusation. “What the hell kid? You kill someone and I try to be the good guy and help get rid of the body and you snitch on me!” You throw your hands up in exasperation. “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was, we’ve got to move him before someone finds out.” Diego states with a sense of urgency. The three of you manage to get Klaus’ body into the elevator. It’s quiet and awkward in the enclosed space but not for long. Klaus jerks awake taking in a deep breath of air. You all scream at his sudden movement. “I thought you said he was dead puta!” Stanley yells in distress. Diego grips his heart, “He was! And now you know Spanish? Klaus we thought you were dead.” Klaus nods his head looking down at his chest. “Oh thank goodness, I thought I was going to have to be you for the rest of my life.” You let out a sigh of relief and help Klaus out of the carpet when the doors open. You all walk out as if none of the past hour had occurred and beeline towards the bar where the rest of that Hargreeves sit.
“Fuck Five, pour me a shot.” You say exhausted. Lila and Five explain their findings at the Commission and how the world will be ending in a couple of days. “Make it a double, would you Five?” You tune the siblings arguing out as they follow Viktor to question him more about Harlan. You happily stay at the bar downing a few more shots before grabbing the full bottle. Five and Klaus join you back at the bar taking your bottle and pouring shots for themselves. You pay no mind to the conversation between the brothers until Five gets up and tells you that you’re going on an adventure.
The two of you end up at a sketchy bar where Five tells you to wait for him outside.It’s not long before he rushes out and forces you onto motorcycle. You snake your arms around his middle as he speeds off. You guys finally arrive at a trailer getting off of the stolen bike to speak with whoever Five was following. Five approaches the lady sitting on a couch outside of the trailer, she seems to be giving him a hard time so you take it upon yourself and go invisible. Once invisible, you waltz right inside the trailer only to see a very familiar face. “Pogo! I’ve missed you so much!” You say with excitement, wrapping your arms around the chimp. “It’s been a long time indeed, even longer as I still can’t see you.” The chimp replies, reminding you that you are still invisible. You show yourself, a big smile on your face. “Five come inside. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me we were chasing Pogo the whole time.” You call out to Five, motioning from the door to come in. The woman from earlier looks at you confused, wondering how you managed to sneak into the trailer. 
You sit down on a small couch at the front of the trailer so Five and Pogo can talk. Five shows the tattooed skin to Pogo, explaining everything that’s been going on. In return, Pogo gives Five information on Reginald and his schemes. “I guess we should get a move on and get that thing inked on me.” Five says sighing and moving to sit next to you on the couch. “Are you sure about that?” Pogo questions. “I don’t think destiny really cares if I’m sure or not.” Five states blatantly. Five has already taken off his blazer and it loosening his tie. “Um…Five…Where is that tattoo going?” You ask blushing as he now starts to work on the buttons of his shirt. Five leans close to you and whispers so only you can hear, “Aren’t you eager to find out Darling?” 
Five blinks you back to Hotel Obsidian where you are immediately bombarded by a freaked out Diego and Lila. They drag you to the room where Klaus died and talked about an alternative hotel with monster samurais. In their whole explanation, they also mention that Stanley was kugelblitzed right it front of them. “My poor, poor sweet nephew. Curse the damn thing that took him. Five you have to figure out how to fix this, the thing ate my nephew.” You cry, clearly upset that the kugelblitz got Stanley. Five looks at you strangely, trying to figure out when you became so close with the boy. Luther and Sloane enter the suite asking the four of you to meet at the Sparrow Academy in an hour as Ben has called for a family meeting. You agree on behalf of everyone in the room, hoping to figure a way to get Stanley back.
@ohmyitsfaith @clairoscharm @mel-vaz
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luvneymar · 2 years
Hii could you do a Neymar jr X fem!reader when they met when they were teenagers and when she was 17 and he was 18 they had Davi, they were best friends at first(they didn’t want to ruin their relationship so none of them said anything, but then they got drunk and had sex) but after they had sex and had a son together they started dating, because they had always been in love with each other.
now they are like 25 and 26, and she is a famous marvel actress(make her the scarlet witch pls) and they go to a premiere together, and everyone is obsessed with them, such a beautiful and powerful family.
I’m dying to read something like that, if maybe you decide to write this and, if you really like the idea, make it a series, I have more ideas!!
thank you if you’ll do it!! I love your writing so much!!
ps:sorry for my broken English, not a native speaker.❤️❤️❤️❤️✨
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SUMMARY: You and your best friend have been in-love with each other since forever, one day you both get drunk and you end up pregnant
PARING: teen!neymar x teen!reader
It was a late Saturday night & you had invited Neymar over for alcohol, games & more alcohol. You both were laughing the night away as you played the 100th drinking game tonight. “Okay I’ve got a good one, Drink if you’ve ever cried during sex.”
You hesitated before chugging the vodka in your cup eyes avoid Neymar as much as possible, while you chugged he laughed loudly spilling his drink all over your carpet. “No way! You’ve actually have?”
You wiped your mouth of the excess alcohol dripping down your chin laughing along with him so hard you fell onto the floor. “I was 15 & in-love, the only reason I cried was because he kept asking if I came. Like yeah I came, to my senses.”
You both laughed until you couldn’t breath & you were pretty sure you peed your pants a little. Once you sat up you scooted yourself towards Neymar placing your head on his shoulder. “You’re Unbelievable.”
Neymar rubbed his hand up and down your exposed thigh stopping every 30 seconds to take another sip of his beer. You sat up turning your body to face him before continuing. “Okay, I have a good one. Drink if you’ve ever flashed someone.”
Neymar hesitated before taking a sip of his quick sip of his bittersweet beer, you stared at him in horror before laughing uncontrollably again barely able to construct your sentence. “You’ve flashed someone?”
“You haven’t?” As you both stared at each other before bursting out to laughter rolling on the floor type of laughter. For the millionth time tonight. “How did you even?” You asked as you sat back up downing the rest of your drink.
“It happened at a concert, it was by accident though.” He begun pulling your body closer to his as he handed you another bottle of vodka, you rolled your eyes at his confession knowing that was the complete opposite of the truth.
“Uh-huh. I know you Neymar.” You answered as you open the bottle pouring into your whiskey glass, as you did you felt Neymar’s eyes on your every move. “Oh really? In what way?”
“In all ways.” You answered shortly before placing the chewed up straw into your mouth, you noticed Neymar nervously gulp as he looked away. You giggled lightly nudging him in side trying to get him to face you again.
Neymar sighed hesitating before he finally pushed out the words he’s been meaning to say the whole night. You both were obviously attracted to each other and by the way you both acted around each other many people seemed to think so as well.
Neymar took a large sip of his beer before pushing out his deepest darkest thoughts. “Is it me or being drunk made you look really sexy?”
“Really? Tell me how.” Hearing you say that Neymar not only gained an extreme boost of confidence along a sense of relief also washed over him.
Clearly the alcohol was doing all the talking to the both of you since you placed your cup to straddle him, wrapping your hands around his neck. Your actions had shock Neymar but only for a second before he placed his on your waist
“Well I want nothing more than to touch your body, especially your breasts. I wanna kiss you & touch you.” Neymar whispered into your ear brushing hands up and down your waist. “Do it then.” You whispered back pulling his hands up to remove your shirt.
“Really? Are you sure this is what you want?” Neymar asked you for consent before continuing with anything before hand, “I don’t want to ruin our friendship or anything—”
“You’re gonna ruin this friendship if you don’t take off your pants and kiss me.” You whispered pulling him in for a kiss as you both shuffled your clothes off throwing them all across the room.’
“God you’re incredibly sexy.” Neymar pulled away from the kiss just so your lips would be a few millimetres apart before pulling you in for a kiss once again.
The sun shone directly into your eyes as you opened your eyes hand blocking the sun you realized you were completely naked right beside Neymar who was also completely naked. You shook him awake to ask what had happened. “What happened?”
“We fucked that’s what happened.” He groaned pulling the blanket over his head trying to block out the sun that was shining in his eyes. “God my head hurts.” You groaned sitting up pulling the blanket up to cover your boobs.
“Mine too, rock paper scissors?” He asked peeking his hand out from under the blanket, you won with your paper covering his rock
“You’re making the hangover tea, i’m gonna take a shower.” Neymar groaned, pulling the blanket right off his head as you left the bed walking towards the bathroom. As you passed the other side of the bed you felt a hard impact on your bare ass causing you to jump.
“Friends don’t slap each others asses.” You reminded him as you smacked him on his forehead before continuing into the bathroom turning back to look at his cheeky smile. You laughed before slamming the bathroom door.
“What we did last night wasn’t what friends do.” He yelled out jumping out of the bed and walking towards the door before you could lock it.
“But that’s what friends with benefits do.” He reminded you, you were already in the shower where the glass was blurred so you had no problem with him being in the bathroom with you.
“Whatever, I’m gonna grab the tea put it a cup & head to work. Remember to lock the door alright?” You shouted back as you heard the bathroom door close.
“See you later?” He peaked into the door to ask once more. “Maybe, Maybe not.” You answered shortly before shooting him away.
Ever since that day you’ve avoided Neymar like the plague despite making it very clear that you both were cool, the only reason why you were avoiding him was because you felt odd. Your boobs were tender, you’ve gained weight, you’ve been bloated and all the sorts.
You assumed you were just ovulating until you realized your period was late 5 days, you were never late. It hadn’t dawned on you until your friend Anne had groped you in the change room and you winced.
“Anne do that! That hurt.” You shrieked as you backed away from her holding your chest tightly, even hold your chest made your breasts hurt. “Your boobs are tender? What are you pregnant?” She laughed as she put on her shirt.
As she was chuckling at her statement she turned around and saw you frozen in position hands remaining on your chest standing with a look of horror & disbelief on your face.
She jogged towards you placing her hands on your shoulder shaking you back and forward trying to get you to snap out of your trance. “I was joking girl, you can’t be pregnant. Are you pregnant..?”
Hearing her voice snapped you out of your trance despite still holding your hands to your chest, you stood there staring into the distance trying to think of a reply .“I think so.” You replied nodding slowly finally facing your friend.
“The best way to fight fear is with information. I’ll be on the other side of the door.” She took to your hand into hers pulling you towards the change-room bathrooms knowing there had to be a pregnancy tests somewhere.
As you walked tower the bathroom as your legs shook in fear, you were a senior in high-school and was about to accept a full-ride to your dream collage. You felt nothing but terrified as to what could happen if the stick has 2 lines instead of one.
Your friend handed you a pregnancy test she found from another storage closet hugging you before she ushering you into the stall sending a warm smile your way; that smile made you know what no matter what the results were you’d be okay.
A few minutes after you walked out of the stall pregnancy test in-hand still loading the results, you walked towards the sink staring at yourself in the mirror as you clutched the test as tight as you could. Anne walked beside you taking your hand in hers. “Well what’s the result?”
“I don’t know it hasn’t say.” You answer shortly unaware that you were still sharing from the fear of all the possibilities. You never thought you of all people would put yourself in a situation where you could become a teen-mom.
“Okay let’s wait.” She whispered into your ear as her hand rubbed your back, as you both waited some time passed and you knew the test must’ve been done by now. “It’s up, can you look for me? I don’t want look.”
She took her hand off your back and grabbed the test from your hand taking a quick look at it before sighing, “Positive.” Hearing those words your knees finally gave out and you fell to the floor as tears begun to fall from your eyes.
Once you finished having your feelings you stood up from the dirty bathroom floor legs wobbling like a baby deer as you stood up wiping your tears away. Anne got up along with you “What are you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know.” You replied quietly “I have to tell the father I guess.” You took the pregnancy test from Anne’s hand and threw it at the wall as hard as you could, as it shatter into pieces you
“Do you know who it could be?” Anne asked you in a quiet voice as you both walked out of the change-room ignoring the shattered positive pregnancy tests on the floor.
“Good luck then, tell me what happens.” She patted your back as she exited the change room leaving you all alone in there, as you stood in the empty quiet change-room.
It had been a few weeks once the since you found out you were pregnant and you still hadn’t told anyone but Anne that you were pregnant, you wore double layers, walked as fast as you could & skipped first period so you could vomit in the bathroom.
Once you were finished throwing up in the stall for the 3rd today you exited the stall to see Anne standing right in-front of you with a disappointed look her on her face. “What?”
You pushed pasted her towards the sink to wash your mouth as she followed arms crossed & an angry look on her face. “You still haven’t told him that’s what! He came to me today asking for the 100th time why you were avoiding him.”
“Tell him it’s because i’m busy.” You muttered out as you finished washing out the vomit smell from your mouth, as you looked up at your reflection in the mirror you could tell that you looked a mess & everyone else thought so.
“No. I’m not lying to him the way you are, tell him today or I will.” Anne firmly replied walking out of the bathroom. Her sentence had just filled your entire body with rage even though you knew deep down she was right.
You had to tell Neymar you were pregnant with his child it was the right thing to do, but if he wanted nothing to do with you after he found out he could go on to live a full life while your a single mother begging for change on the street as you cant afford to feed your baby let alone yourself.
Once you exited the bathroom you bumped into non other than Neymar himself looking at you with an upset face that morphed so sadness once he saw how unwell you looked. “Finally! I can track you down, now please. Tell me what’s wrong. Is it something I did or—?”
“Come with me.” You cut him off dragging him by his blazer into the storage closet right between the boys & girls washrooms, as soon as you both were in the room you looked up at him as your eyes watered.
“What’s going on (name)?” He asked as he raised his hand to cup the side of your face. You sighed taking a breath of faith before continuing, “I’m pregnant.” You answered in a voice so frail & quiet not even a mouse could hear.
“I’m pregnant!” You shouted out looking up at him taking in what you had just said, he released his hand from your face just to pull you in for a hug as he caressed your hair. “It’s gonna be okay.” He whispered as you begin to bawl into his chest.
“We’ll be okay.” He told you as he pulled away not even acknowledging the snot & tears all over his uniform, seeing your eyes well up again he pulled you in holding you carefully as your knees gave out and you slid onto the floor.
“How far along are you?” Neymar asked you as you stroked his hair while he laid in your lap snacking on the chips he stole from the vending machine while waiting for you outside of the bathroom.
“I don’t know but it’s been a few weeks since I took the test so, 2 months? 2 and a half?” You answered stealing a handful from his bag, he smacked your hand before it could even exit the bag. “Why’d you wait so long to tell me?”
“Because you know how easy it is for teen dads to abandon their children while the mother is stuck with them.” As you confessed your true thoughts about this situation causing Neymar to sit up from your lap to stare at you.
“Well, you know me. I’d never do that to you. You know that.” He replied sitting up against the wall with you handing his chips over. As you took a handful of the over salted chips you answered his sentence with another question.!“What are we going to do now?”
“Well do you want to keep the baby?” Neymar asked the question you’ve never given much thought too, you’ve told nobody about your pregnancy so you thought if you hadn’t told anyone it wasn’t real. “Do you?”
“My football career is taking off so If you decided to keep it i’ll provide for both of you.” Neymar replied before laying his head back down on your lap snatching his chips back to find them almost empty.
“So we’re keeping it?” You questioned as a conformation to all of his questions/answers. “I guess so.” He answered nonchalantly munching on the crumbs of the chips before tossing the empty bag to the other side of the dark closet.
As you both say in silence just enjoying each others precedence after a long time of being apart you finally asked the soul crushing question you’ve been meaning to ask. “Do you love me?”
“If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t sleep with you.” He answered nonchalantly trying to ease his own nerves, the moment you asked the question all he wanted to do was shout yes.“It’s yes or no Neymar.” You answered smacking him on the forehead.
“Geez and I thought girls had a knack for this. Yes Im in love with you. So madly in-love with you that I want to raise a child with you.” He grumbled out rubbing his forehead trying to fade the red spot forming on his face. “Good.”
“Good?” He questioned, looking up at you with a confused look on his face, you laughed at the expression on his face before continuing, “I was just making sure you loved me too.”
“Do you love me?” He continued his questionnaire sitting up to stare at you as best as he could in the dark. “Did you not just hear me say ‘loved me too’?”
“It’s yes or no (name).” He flicked your forehead quite hard causing you to wince at the pain shooting throughout your forehead. “Ouch!” You grumbled out turning your head away from him. “Yes I’m madly in-love with you as well, or whatever.”
“Good.” He kissed your cheek before laying back down onto your lap. You both sit in silence again just enjoying each other‘s company before you reminded him after remembering something funny, he had said a few months ago.
“We’re not naming him Neymar Junior Junior, if it’s a boy of course.” You reminded him settling into your original position of his head on your lap & your hand in his hair. “Wouldn’t dream of it. It’s a mouthful anyway.”
“Do you have more chips?” You asked feeling your stomach rumble as you suddenly remember you vomited up everything you ate this morning. “I do, not for you though.” Neymar admitted as he opened another bag of chips he pulled out of his pocket.
“Do you hear that?” You asked listening around for a noise that wasn’t even there.
“Your baby crying because their daddy won’t feed them.”
“Oh please.” As you both laughed at your lame joke you heard on the intercoms; “(Name) (Last Name) & Neymar Santos please return to class.”
“That’s our cue, soooo I’ll see you later?” You asked as you stood up from the floor dusting off your uniform.
“See you.” Neymar kissed your cheek before leaving the storage closet and walking back his class.
[ neymarsluv! ] next →
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juniperdugong · 3 months
Perfection Pt.3; Amongst the Living
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Suspicions, shopping, and slowing down; Your first official day alive, and the burdens of life are already trudging in. Thank goodness you have Mingyu close at hand through it all!
Pairing: mortician!mingyu x corpse!fem!reader
Genre: Mortician!au, Horror!au || Fluff, Crack, Romance, Angst || Inspired by Frankenstein and other undead media
Warnings: Reader is smaller than Mingyu || Mentions of death and corpses (Nothing in-depth and nothing intended to disturb) || Mentions of suicide || Necro-romance, aka romantic attraction to a corpse. || {Please let me know if there are other warnings you would like me to add}
WC: 6.3k
Songs that inspired this fic
Series Masterlist
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"Can you be quiet?", "I'm trying my best…", "Obviously, not trying hard enough.", "Gyu, do you have those side dishes I like?" "Christ, can you guys just leave?" You overhear the bickering and banter from the stairs and your nerves return to you with the news that Mingyu hasn't made the other men leave yet.
Stuck in paralysis at the thought of awkwardly walking into the living room you just stand outside the entrance; breath becoming heavy. You try to calm yourself but eventually resolve to hide in the guest room until they leave or until Mingyu comes to get you. As you're about to turn and scurry back up the stairs someone bumps into you, catching your wrist to keep you from falling. "Are you ok- woah, you're so cold…" you lurch backward, yanking your hand away from the man. He's wearing athleisure but you're too focused on his concern to take in his visual. The horror that grew on your face caught the man with even more surprise, his concern turning into complete confusion and worry. He begins to reach out again but emerging from the living room Mingyu intercepts. "Y/n! You're awake!" his eyes bound towards you and then towards his friend, now it's his turn to look concerned. "Did something happen?" "Gyu, she's cold." His attitude has an underlying sense of curiosity and alarm. Whoever this man was he was clearly unsettled just by your touch and that thought alone terrified you to the core. Your first morning back and suddenly you're in danger of being found out or maybe even more stressful, you're being suspected of something. Whatever is going through the mans mind you're not able to piece together but you know that gears are turning.
Seeing you in distress Mingyu speaks up, "Seungkwan, you're scaring my guest. Can't you see she needs some space?". It's the first time that you've heard Mingyu's tone so adamant, the seriousness willing his friend to join the others in the living room without much question. Unbeknownst to you, Seungkwan's curiosity was killing him, the peculiarity of you and his friend's sudden change of mood in your presence had him on the lookout for answers.
"Sorry about him…are you cold?" Mingyu turns towards you and softens, now worried that his friend was right. "I'm fine. I didn't know I was that cold. He just grabbed my wrist and said-" you try to hold back from the discomfort of this discovery but your tells are quite apparent to Mingyu. "Hold on." He goes off and returns with a sweater. "Wear this. It'll warm you up and hopefully will keep you from any unwanted touches. I'll go make some food for you, okay? Come in whenever you're ready. Oh! And don't mind them, they're…like I said before, annoying, so don't pay them any mind." Taking the sweater from him you nod. It's larger than you and you can't help but smile as a familiar scent enters your nose, Mingyu. You hadn't noticed it before but your skin is chill to the touch and the sudden warmth of the sweater only emphasized the lack of heat. For a while you sit, enveloped in the comfort even something as small as Mingyu's possessions give, using it as tangible courage to make your way into the living room.
"No, she was like stone. Her skin was hard and cold…" the man from before was whispering to 2 others on the couch. Seeing you enter he retracts from the conversation, instead keeping his eyes on you in something like terror or worry. "Y/n, let me introduce you to my friends!" Mingyu comes from the kitchen as you make your way towards the couch, wiping his hands on the black apron he wore.
The morning is passed with introductions and food. You meet three of Mingyu's close friends who he's known since middle school. Now you're able to identify the dolphin scream; Seokmin, a very gentle soul who is easily startled and especially loud once he gets comfortable, his smile akin to the sun itself and it's easy for you to see how Mingyu befriended him. Then there was the curious cat with glasses; Wonwoo, someone nearly antithetical to Mingyu in every way, shy, reserved, somewhat unemotional but even with the description it's obvious that his friends bring out something in him, a permanent smile of adoration whenever one of them is talking. And then there was the man. The one you'd bumped into and the one whose eyes were trained on you this entire time. Seungkwan. The way the others described him opposed how he acted in this moment. Energetic, kind, outspoken, a comedic genius, and overall a leader when it came to idle conversation and hosting. But now, as they were listing off only his good traits and waiting for any kind of banter or retort from him, his eyes stayed on you. The intensity made you curl up into yourself which in turn made Mingyu reach out to place a hand on your thigh, a small comforting action to soothe you in the moment.
"Who are you?" Seungkwan says with a sudden start, interrupting the previous conversation. "Sorry?" "Who are you?" he's steadfast in his words and they pierce through the air like knives, now all the attention was on the two of you. "My name is y/n…" "Yeah, but like who are you? To Gyu, I mean." "Oh! I'm-" "My girlfriend!" Mingyu squeezes himself into the conversation sensing the tension growing. From the look on his face, it's obvious that Seungkwan can tell that something is amiss. "Girlfriend?" "Yep, she's my girlfriend!" "Weird…" "What do you mean?" "No, it's just- you know…I would've thought that we-" he gestures towards the rest of the table, "might've heard about a crush long before you actually asked someone out. It's just not like you to keep something like that secret from us." "Yeah, well…this was one I was keeping to myself for quite a bit." the words coming from Mingyu are biting. "Hmm." is all Seungkwan gives in response, not satisfied with Mingyu's explanation.
The air begins to feel suffocating by the tensity but thank goodness for Seokmin! With a quick glance towards Wonwoo, he's picking up the conversation on a more exciting note. Droning on and on with more fervor about random topics. How the weather is, favorite foods, good movie recommendations. It's through this that you learn that Seungkwan works as a P.E. teacher at one of the elementary schools nearby, Seokmin manages a movie theater, and Wonwoo is an up-and-coming streamer. With the mood much lighter and everyone on better footing, it's easier to hide your reaction when you find out Wonwoo's day job.
"He's an up-and-coming streamer!… But until he gets to the top he's working as an assistant at the morgue." Seokmin excitedly explains to you. "I know, morbid, but hey! Not as morbid as the one sitting next to you!" he jokes and everyone gives their light-hearted chuckles which in turn disguises your disquiet as your eyes bug out of your head, your vision trails towards Mingyu. The way you tense under his touch after Seokmin says that catches Mingyu's attention. Your unease signals that it's time for you guys to be alone before anything else happens. He lets the conversation come to a natural end before suggesting that the guys leave and get on with their days like they were meant to hours ago. A few more jokes are cracked and although the subject has passed Seungkwan's staring isn't lost on you as they exit.
Mingyu sighs in relief as they begin to walk out, stretching as he walks back in, leaving you to close the door. A sliver left as you close it and something blocks you, looking down you see the tip of a tennis shoe. Opening the door once again you come face to face with Seungkwan. Now the glaring is inescapable, he doesn't blink once while you cower under his gaze. "Sorry, almost left my keys." he grabs a keychain from the hanger beside the door. "Wouldn't want to walk home in the weather we're having, might freeze to death…" he mumbles towards the end of the sentence making you unsure if you heard him correctly. "Excuse me?" "It's nothing, have a nice day y/n." he shakes his head and shines the friendliest smile you've seen from him all day. Finally, you can close the door. Gathering yourself from the interaction you head back toward the living room where you find Mingyu waiting for you.
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"That was-" "He works at the morgue." you cut Mingyu off and get to the source of your anxiety. "I know-" "You knew and you didn't tell me before suggesting- He works at the fucking morgue, Mingyu!" your outburst comes as a surprise urging Mingyu to stand. Every time a new emotion rises in you it's as if a panic attack strikes your system and you're suddenly overwhelmed by the strength of your mood. Mingyu holds you by your shoulders, rubbing circles gently to calm you down. "Hey, it's okay. Let's just talk about everything, yeah?" he guides you back to the couch. The surge of emotion still running wild within you doesn't allow for your body to settle; Your legs bounce like your working a pottery wheel and your hands fidget with your nails till your sure that hangnails will be in your future. "I'm sorry, I don't-" "You don't need to explain anything to me." Mingyu stops you before you start, seeing your current state of unrest he pulls you close to him, letting your head rest on his chest, "Let's just talk."
Without much choice, the conversation calms you. Mingyu rambles on with such a speed that your anxiety has to leave you for you to comprehend what he's saying. You laugh at how eager he is to prove that you should let him carry any burdens you have. The dispelling of your worries are the only thing on his mind and he continues to attempt to pacify you not realizing that you're lost in his sea of words. Barely focused on the subject at hand you have to ask him to slow down.
"Mingyu." your hand goes up to cup his face. "Yes?" his eyes glaze over in puppy-like attentiveness, and he looks down as you stop his one-sided conversation. "I have no idea what you're talking about…" "Oh? What part-" "Just, slow down, and let's start from the beginning, please" "Of course" he pats your head as you both look at each other, he can't help but think that even in this tense moment where things could go awry that he could live here, all the anxiety and the stress of what's to come completely worth it if it means to have you in his arms. "So, as I was saying, you don't need to worry about Wonwoo." "I don't?" "Nope. Because he won't be working." "How do you know?" "Well, other than security guards, I don't think many people should be at the morgue during the night." "We're going to sneak in at night?" your face pleads for further explanation but all Mingyu sees is your eyes and how they affect him so completely, he's loved you for a lifetime and you just met yesterday, you just woke. His heart is completely taken by you and you aren't even aware of the fact. And for a second he's baffled that this is happening, that his yearning is turning into something with you. His hand glides down your arm, taking your hand in his, playing with your fingers as he continues, no regard to how intimate this feels. "Unless you would like to get caught during the day, where more people are likely to recognize you?" you respond with a hum, acknowledging his logic. "If we're lucky there will only be one guard and if we're even luckier it'll be some kid who doesn't know me." his words were more like whispers now, speaking as though you were sharing secrets between each other. You cursed yourself silently for wanting to reach out and press his lips to yours. "I'll explain to them that I'm the mortician and I just need to pick up some possessions of a recent client." "And me?" "My get-away-driver?" "Really?!" He laughs at the naivety, "No no, you will be waiting in the car though." "I'm not going to help?" "You are the most crucial part of our plan, y/n. After all, you're the only one of us who knows what was written in your note."
That's right. It isn't like a mortician is privy to the information left behind by the dead; They are there to help in the preparation and celebration of life, not to dig into how the life itself was lived or how it died. You knew what he meant, you had to recreate your suicide note. In all of its emotionally numb phrasing and complete despair, you had to rewrite what was essentially your last will and testament. Just trying to remember those last moments were pure torture. With time the feelings you felt when trying to remember parts of your life turned into more solid memories. The most solid of which were your last moments, honestly, they are the only truly solid memories that you could gather from your former life.
Mingyu sees you lost in thought and brings your hand to his lips, pecking at your knuckles, as intended you snap out of your daze and look at him. "Too forward?" he asks with a grin, trying to gauge your reaction. "Not at all." you push your hand closer to his face, allowing him to continue, he leaves a final kiss on the back of your hand as he moves forward with the conversation.
"And, y/n, none of this has to happen immediately. We can wait for however long you need. Enjoy being back amongst the living for a while before doing anything too exciting." His words take a weight off of your shoulders, Kim Mingyu once again grounding you back to the earth with him. "I'd like that. But I do think we should get the morgue over and done with soon." "How soon are you thinking?" "I don't know, maybe we wait 3 days? Then it'll be the weekend right?" "Yep, the weekend sounds good. Gives us some time to spend with each other…alone this time." the implications make you weak but even in the short time that you've known Mingyu you are certain he wouldn't do anything untoward without explicit permission. That is made much clearer by the way that he holds you like you're the last precious thing on earth and not even sin should be able to touch you.
You guys sit and talk for a while, the conversation eventually veering off to a more casual topic. There weren't any new clients for Mingyu to take today so he was all yours. You stayed on the couch for a while, learning about each other and having mini-arguments over pet peeves.
As lunchtime rolled around Mingyu made you guys some katsu sandwiches to share. You would almost think that he's a professional chef with his skilled cooking but even when complimented he insists that it's all his mother's doing for raising him so well. He leaves you in constant awe at just how lucky you got meeting him, seemingly the perfect man, and he wanted you? It was insane to dwell on that thought too long; Had your last thoughts of wanting someone to love been answered by the grace of a god? Again, it just leaves you speechless, almost as speechless as Mingyu. You were a wonder to him and, by no exaggeration of my own, he believed that you were his gift from god. How comfortable you were with him already, the conversation without judgment, everything down to the way you looked was truly perfect, in his humble opinion.
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"We should get you some stuff. Y'know, while I'm off." you nodded your head, your hand in his as you both walked along the pavement. Mingyu suggested a stroll to the convenience store near his house to help with digestion or something along those lines; You didn't fully understand but agreed nonetheless, just enjoying the time you have with him. "What kind of stuff?" "Clothes, toiletries, anything you want really. Oh! Maybe some makeup and heating pads, to make you seem-" "Less dead?" "Yeah…" you chuckle at how shy he gets around the topic as if it's something to be embarrassed about around you. "I feel bad about spending your money though." "Please don't, y/n. I want to take care of you and that includes being able to uphold whatever standard of living you are accustomed to." "Really?" you look up at him. "Yes. I know this isn't the traditional way to woo a woman but I feel like being taken care of garners a lot of affection, and since you're in my house I can't help but kind've treat you like my wife, hopefully…eventually we'll get to that point though." Now you're both blushing at the idea.
I will say it is rather crazy to move this fast with someone you've known for a day but in truth you both felt as if you've known each other for years, like whatever love you harbored from your former life and whatever love Mingyu had held onto in his heart until he met you were puzzle pieces that have finally found each other.
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Your thoughts of the future are cut short as you arrive at the convenience store. Perusing the aisles you gravitate towards the snacks you remember liking in life, your comfort foods. Chips, ice cream bars, cup ramen, etc. all staples in your life when you were at your worst. For a moment you feel a need to break the chain reaction of junk food and old habits but Mingyu swoops in with a basket in hand every time you even slightly reach out for an item. He doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to getting the things you like, following you around the store like you've got him on a leash, or like he's your bodyguard and your the sacred princess of Genovia.
He pays and you take notice of the stare-down he gives to the young cashier. While you were picking out your treats the young boy kept glancing at you and giving a shy smile, you hadn't noticed but Mingyu sure did! He made sure to punctuate his "Thank you" with tsks and clicks of the tongue, all while gripping your hand in his quite tightly. "Are you jealous?" "What?" you take him out of his fugue state as you exit. Holding up your hand which he still has in a vice grip you repeat, "Are you jealous? Jealous of that little boy in there." you grin as Mingyu begins to form a pout. "He was checking you out!" "Gyu~" you tease bumping into his shoulder. The sudden nickname makes his heart skip a beat, he has to swallow the lump in his throat if he wants to retort, "I'm trying to make you fall in love with me, it gets a lot harder if there's competition." "Trust me." you once again hold up your conjoined hands, "There is no competition."
The effect is immediate as a smile grows on his lips and he's suddenly dragging you towards the nearest shopping district, repeating something about getting you all the things you want and like. Luckily it doesn't take long for you to arrive on a bustling street where the crowds are endless and the lights shine so brightly that they rival the sun in your eyes. The overstimulation gets to you fast though, and you're quick to grab tightly to the back of Gyu's shirt, attempting to hide yourself from prying eyes and unwanted attention. Instinctively, Mingyu is holding you by the shoulder, keeping you as close to him as humanly possible in this space. He couldn't care less that one of the bags of snacks he's holding is beginning to tear as he roughs his way through the crowds to get you to a quieter place.
A cosmetic store, that's where he's able to stop and let you take a breather. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay, sorry it's just…a lot out there." "No, I should've asked if you felt okay to come here instead of pulling you along of my own volition." "It's fine. Just-" You look around the space, "You said I might need some makeup right? And toiletries? Looks like we ended up right where we should be for those." He acknowledges with a tilt of his head, clinging to you as you begin to walk around.
You breathe out a heavy sigh under all of the gazes following you around the store. Under normal circumstances, you would be trying your best to look as inconspicuous as possible but you know that the eyes aren't on you. Instead, everyone is practically fawning over the man next to you, a mini crowd forming just to be near him. The attention you garner isn't anything more than scoffs and menacing looks from the ladies that hang around. Mingyu doesn't even notice what's going on, typical man you think but honestly all his attention was on you. He was earnestly trying to pick out makeup and skincare that suited you and your complexion, constantly asking if you remembered what products you used in life. All of which only made the other woman gawk and you proudly sport a smile; As if you trained him to be this way but no, he was just madly in love and obsessed with you.
Your excursion ends with Mingyu having bought two large bags worth of beauty and health products, a shit-ton of new clothes for you, the snacks from before, and nearly anything you even mentioned was cute or pretty. Oh! And a new purse and backpack, the purse for you and the backpack for Mingyu, these purchases were made mainly to hold all the other things you guys bought.
Opting to call a taxi rather than lug all of these bags home you both took a catnap in the car. The entire time your pinkies were interlocked, the sight made the driver go red with the overload of sweetness.
By the time you were back, the sun was beginning to set. Mingyu insisted on bringing all the bags inside and up to your room on his own, even lightly scolding you for attempting to bring in the snack bags (the lightest of the bunch). Your stomach growled as you waited so you opened one of the smaller bags of chips, happily munching away as Mingyu transported everything. "Yah!" his yell startles you. "You're not supposed to eat snacks before dinner!" you're shocked at how serious he is about this, his tone like a worried sick mom. Snatching the bag from you he gives you an angry look before placing it, and the rest of the snacks, on a high shelf where you shouldn't be able to reach them without asking him for help. You smile at his antics turning so that you're able to watch him on the couch. Under his breath, he's fabricating an argument about why that's bad for you but he doesn't outwardly explode toward you, he just wants what's best, and even more than that he wants you to eat dinner with him if you ruin your dinner with snacks he would just be left sulky and by himself. You admire the way he holds it in, the cute little pout making you grow heart-eyes for the man.
You turn on the TV to serve as some white noise while Gyu prepares dinner. As you begin backtracking through the day, a small movie plays in your head of all the most memorable moments. You contemplate love and being in love and the ease of your relationship with Mingyu. All the affection is suddenly hitting you at once and you're at odds with yourself. On one hand, it is so incredibly strange to be as comfortable and loving towards Mingyu as you have been; On the other, it just feels so natural, to be in his presence and accept and give love to him. You start to question your own beliefs, are you able to call this love? Is this simply a crush and honeymoon phase? Love can't be grown out of something as simple as physical attraction but you're so sure that it's much more than his body that you like and you can only hope that it's the same way for him.
You're mulling is interrupted as Mingyu brings over your plates. Katsu curry and rice, the perfect warm meal during these colder days. Gyu explains that he just cooked what katsu was leftover from lunch and then made a simple curry from stuff he already had. You both dig in, watching a K-drama and pointing out all the ridiculous exaggerations and cringing at all the lovey-dovey scenes, however, both of you make it apparent that those scenes are still cute, perhaps an attempt to convince the other to recreate them someday but who's to say?
The steps of the previous day seem to turn routine. Gyu washing the dishes while you head upstairs to get ready for bed.
You finish with your nighttime routine when there's a knock at your bedroom door. Opening it you find Mingyu leaning against the doorframe, freshly showered and smiling down at you. "Mind if I come in?" "Not at all" You open the door wider, welcoming him inside. "Just wanted to see if you needed any help putting all your stuff away." he gestures to all the disorganized bags littering the floor, some of them already rifled through so you could have pajamas to wear tonight. "I will take any help you're willing to give me…" your voice trails off as you're applying moisturizer that'll hopefully add a youthful glow to you skin according to the packaging. Once finished you meet Mingyu in the middle of the room, sorting the bags into different areas of the room according to where the contents should be stored.
"Gyu?" "Yes?" "Do you think we are going too fast?" the thought just came to mind while the silence overtook the both of you as you arranged your belongings; You couldn't help but ask. "Too fast?" "Yeah, I mean with the touching and holding hands and stuff…" He turns to face you, you're putting away all the makeup and skincare from earlier, avoiding how he's studying you right now. "Are you comfortable with what we're doing now?" he rests against the dresser completely focused on your response. "It's nice. It's just- I don't know if the pace is normal, I've only known you a day."
He thinks for a moment before approaching you, placing a hand on your shoulder as he looks at you through the mirror. "If you want me to slow down, I will. I don't care about what the normal pace is. I care about what you feel, y/n. Nothing else matters to me." "I don't know. What we've been doing has been comfortable, maybe overly so. A part of me is worrying that if we treat this like we've known each other forever then we are only blinding ourselves to actually getting to know one another." he's stunned at your reasoning, he gets the gist of what you're saying but a part of his heart does break knowing that he might be setting up unintentional barriers between the two of you. "Oh. I don't- Sorry. Everything is really comfortable for me too. I've just been acting on instinct when it comes to you and I guess that's mainly been romantic in nature. But I can slow down! We can start with keeping some distance, not holding hands, getting to know one another…" It pained him to say this. After yearning for someone like you for so long and now to have you, only to say that he'll distance himself? He can feel the cracks in his heart form but if it meant that you were able to feel normal and feel good about this situation then he would do it, albeit reluctantly. Just saying the words made him miss your touch.
You nod along in agreement; A part of you wants to resist everything you're saying and doing, an almost carnal want to continue with what you have now. But an even bigger part of you is saying that this is the right choice. Pushing yourself too far and too fast can only cause trouble and with the way your mood affects your entire being, you'd hate to move forward and unintentionally create a ticking time bomb within yourself.
With Mingyu's help your able to organize all your new possessions, probably much more efficiently and tactfully than you would've been able to do on your own. You thank him and as he's leaving you hang by the door, although his room is only a few feet away you have to resist the urge to tell him to stay, to hug you goodnight, to suddenly refuse the terms you both laid out before. But instead, you close the door, moving to sit at the edge of your bed, and plop down backward with your head in your hands. God, you think you're starting to fall in love.
As he leaves Mingyu prays in his mind with all his might that you'll call him back, that you'll catch his wrist and pull him into the room once again, or that he'll have the courage to completely refute what you said before and just hold you as close as he can until you both fall asleep. But the door shuts with a click of the knob. He waits, just emptily staring at your door, what he's waiting for he doesn't exactly know but he stays there until he sees the lights in your room go out. Dragging himself to his own bed he curls under his sheets. He can't stop thinking about you.
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The next morning you wake with the sun shining, the birds chirping, and no noisy men screaming and barging into your room. In fact, the house was very quiet, eerily quiet. After washing up you decide to take a peak into Mingyu's room thinking that maybe he's slept in but surprisingly there's no sign of him anywhere. His bed is tidied, and judging from the state of his bathroom he had already been awake and had gotten ready. Curiously you wandered downstairs, taking light steps out of fear, ironic given that you were probably the scariest thing in here right now. And no signs of life, no Mingyu, no friends, the house was completely empty with the exception of you.
You're about to start full-on investigating the disappearance of a man who was previously attached to your hip when the talk from last night hits you. Was he giving you some distance? And if he was why did he feel the need to put this much distance between you two? Fortunately, your questions are all answered when you find a note on the kitchen counter.
"Forgot to let you know that I have to go back to work today. I'll be home by 5, please help yourself to anything in the house. I made you breakfast and lunch, it's in the fridge, just heat them up in the microwave. And don't eat snacks until after you have a good meal, please!! We should really get you a phone."
Sure enough, you found two bowls neatly plated and wrapped in saran wrap labeled "Breakfast" and "Lunch" in the fridge. You wonder how he found the time to cook these before work and make a mental note to thank him for it once he gets home.
The rest of your day is spent lazing around the house extremely bored without any other forms of entertainment than the TV and the few magazines/books around the house. You spend an embarrassing amount of time just looking at the clock in the living room, counting down the hours and minutes. Then around 3, an idea sparks.
Carefully you creep upstairs and towards Mingyu's room, trying your best not to make any noise even though you know that no one can catch you right now. The sudden urge to rummage through Gyu's personal effects has taken over you. It's not like you're trying to find anything incriminating but more so like you're trying to piece together his life like he's pieced together yours.
As expected his room is as flawless as the rest of the home, you'd known it was clean from your peak earlier but that thought is driven home as you open the drawers and closet. You'd almost think he's in the military with how uniform everything is.
Guilt starts to seep through the longer you're in here however and you take a step back from his closet. What am I doing? You sit at the edge of his bed looking for an answer as to why you feel the need to do this, scrutinizing yourself for going behind his back even if you don't harbor any bad intentions. You let yourself fall backward, now completely lying down. You can't help but hum as the familiar smell of Mingyu comes to you like a warm hug. Getting lost in his scent you decide to close your eyes for a while.
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"Y/n, I'm home!" Mingyu yells as he takes his shoes off at the door. Silence...The lack of response makes his eye twitch.
Unlike you, Gyu has not been bored all day, if anything he's been overly stressed. Two different clients to deal with, one service, and all that's been on his mind is you. While working he's been scolding himself for not getting you a phone yesterday to keep in contact. Over lunch, he has half the mind to drive all the way back home just to make sure you're okay but holds in the itch to do so.
"Mingyu! Mingyu hyung!" he snaps out of his daydream as Chan, the Crematorium tech, shouts at him. "Hyung, are you okay?" "Huh? What?" "You're so out of it that you've barely touched your food…" "I'm good, just thinking." "What about? The case we have today? Yeah, it really sucks having to do deep reconstruc-" "No, not that." "Ohhhh" a grin spread across Chan's face, "Is this about the you know~" he raises his eyebrows suggestively. The confusion on Mingyu's face is enough for Chan to continue, "Kwan hyung told me you had a girl over at your house." Suddenly Gyu is listening attentively at your mention. "He said what?" "Yeah, he said that him, Seokmin, and Wonwoo all went over and met your girlfriend" he teases Gyu, nudging his shoulder. "He was all weird about it though…" "What do you mean he was weird?" "I don't know, he kept going on and on about how strange she was acting. I'll be honest I started tuning him out after the first couple of sentences…Don't tell him that though! He thinks I was super into it." Chan keeps the conversation going while Mingyu pokes at his food uninterested past the subject of you.
His mind races thinking about Seungkwan and his prodding. He hadn't thought much about the interaction from yesterday but now he felt like it was something to worry about. And chances are if he's worrying about it then you're probably being tortured by the thought, his resolve breaks an hour before he's meant to leave work. Making sure everything is in order he gives quick goodbyes to everyone at the mortuary before speeding back home.
Your silence as he returns has him on edge. Gyu continues to shout your name while searching around the house. He's thinking about all the possibilities at once, could you have gone to the convenience store? Oh god, what if you went back to that busy shopping district without him? Had Seungkwan came and interrogated you, forcing you to leave? WHAT IF YOU WERE DROWNING IN THE BATHTUB????
Hurriedly he's opening doors like a madman, his anxiety only increasing as he enters your room and you aren't there. The last place he thinks you could be is in his room, he didn't think you'd have any reason to be there. So as he opens the door, phone in hand to call Kwan in case he had come by to see you, the biggest sigh of relief is let out as he sees your sleeping figure sprawled across his bed.
Without a second thought, he's kneeling at the side of the bed that you're facing. Gently he brushes the hair from your face so that it doesn't disturb his view of you. A slight chuckle comes from him seeing your face squished up against his sheets. Disregarding what you had talked about last night he climbs on the bed, slowly bringing your back towards his chest to spoon you, careful not to rouse you from your nap. For a moment he thinks about how he should change out of his day clothes but it's a secondary thought that flits away the moment he feels you turn towards him.
Even in your sleep, you covet the warmth that Mingyu brings you, unconsciously tugging at his shirt to bring him even closer.
Now entangled in your embrace Gyu can't resist the invitation to doze off. He rests his head on yours, a smile creeping onto his face as he drifts off, the only dreams he wants are ones that have you in them and he's happy to have no dreams at all as long as he has you with him in the waking world.
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A/N: Sorry for the late post, I actually went crazy writing this. Can you believe I pulled off 6k in 2 days? The most insane thing is that I didn't even end up getting to the point in the story that I was meant to with the chapter... ;-; Also, the Texan urge to type "y'all" in every paragraph had me in a choke-hold. Have a nice weekend lovelies! Tell me what you thought of the chapter by commenting, reblogging, liking, or shooting me an ask! The taglist for this series is open and my requests are open as well!!
TAGLIST (open):@jjin-kun @mydolle-dd
61 notes · View notes
haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
ghosthunting - rhea & dom
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rhea ripley x gn!reader x dominik mysterio
word count: 4k words
warnings: haunted jail, language, can be read as platonic if you want <3
despite the hot florida weather, your hands trembled slightly as the cameras started rolling. shotzi and scarlett had invited you, dominik, and rhea to be the guests on the first episode of their new ghost hunting series, Chamber of Horrors. you were excited, but also nervous about the idea of exploring a haunted jail, so you were relieved to have two of your closest companions by your side.
“hey guys,” scarlett introduced the three of you as you stood next to her and shotzi. you all greeted your two hosts, and they asked if any of you had encountered any ghosts before. dominik and rhea each shared a story, but you didn’t have one. you weren’t a sceptic, you just hadn’t experienced anything you would consider paranormal activity.
the five of you followed the tour guide inside, a few camera people following close behind as you stopped in the first room, the sheriffs office.
“you okay?” rhea whispered to you, and you nodded, smiling as you felt dom standing behind you, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“yeah i’m good,” you assured her, as scarlett and shotzi set up their equipment in the centre of the room. they had a few rem pods, which would light up different colours and beep if something got close or touched them, and scarlett had a spiritbox on her phone that allowed spirits to communicate using white noise and radio channels.
“how many spirits are in the room right now?” she asked, and a voice on the radio replied ‘eight’. rhea scratched her shoulder nervously, and leaned into dom’s side, as scarlett and her both repeated the number out loud. another device they had could supposedly answer yes or no questions, and it lit up green, confirming the number.
“is that how many spirits were hung here?” scarlett asked, and over the radio came a short ‘yep.’ dominik laughed nervously, and you felt rhea grab your arm and pull you behind dom, sandwiching you between the two of them, not that you were complaining. it was comforting to have them in either side of you.
“oh man,” dom said, crossing his arms in front of him.
“i know it’s weird right?” scarlet laughed, and you admired how she didn’t seem scared at all.
“i don’t my brains, shot. it’s mush,” dom said, looking at you and rhea. “i’ve never experienced anything like… this is above my pay grade. i don’t know what’s going on.” he scratched the side of his head, trying to find the right words to explain how he was feeling.
“i thought we were wrestlers,” rhea joked, and you all laughed, and you mentally thanked her for being able to lighten the mood.
“yeah, let’s get out of here, i’d much rather take a power bomb right now” you played along, and rhea pretended like she was gonna walk out, grabbing your hand a dragging you a few steps towards the door.
“my eyes keep getting randomly like.. teary,” dom said, rubbing his eyes.
“yeah i keep looking around, thinking i’m seeing shit,” rhea said, glancing around the room, her hand still holding yours. scarlett and shotzi were still using the necrophone app to ask questions, when a chill ran up your spine at the words ‘come here’ on the radio.
“you heard that?” scarlett asked, and you all nodded. “are there any child spirits here?” all of the rem pods went off, lighting up and beeping at the same time, and your chest tightened. you wrapped your arms around dominiks waist, hiding your face in his shoulder as rhea, still holding your hand, was pulled towards you by your actions, and she hugged you from behind.
“i feel very warm,” dom noted, and rhea nodded.
“yeah idk if i’m sweating because i’m nervous, or because this one won’t let go of me,” rhea teased you affectionately.
“sorry,” you mumbled, but she wouldn’t let you out of her grip.
“do you guys want to ask it a question?” scarlett asked the three of you, and you all frowned, staying silent. “you’re good?” she laughed, and it got another laugh out of the room.
“yeah, this is a lot. i heard leave,” dominik suggested, and scarlett and shotzi laughed harder as he pointed to the door, but shotzi agreed that she had heard it too.
“do you want us to leave?” she asked, and the green light lit up meaning yes. you took a deep breath, and dominik made a cross sign over his chest.
“let’s go into another room,” scarlett suggested. “there’s a cold breeze behind me,” she added, and a laugh came over the radio, making shotzi giggle.
“it’s laughing at you.”
the rem pod lit up again, and you all decided it was time to move to a different room, scarlett suggesting the general population area next. as her and shotzi moved the ghost equipment, the camera man stayed with you, dominik, and rhea for a short interview.
“yeah, i mean i’m terrified. but you know… i… someone’s gotta do it,” dominik laughed nervously. “and why not, the double champs and the future, nxt champion?” he said, pointing to the three of you, and referencing your future title opportunity that was coming up.
“exactly,” rhea agreed.
you stood behind dom and rhea next to where the equipment was set up outside one of the jail cells. scarlett held the necrophone in her hand, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you swore you heard a voice behind you.
“did you guys hear that?” you said, and dominik turned to look at you.
“freezing,” scarlett echoed what the voice on the radio say, and rhea wrapped her arms around herself.
“yeah, i just got the shivers,” she said to scarlett.
“what is it?” dom asked you, the only one who had heard you, and it drew the attention of the others. your throat went dry and you swallowed hard.
“i don’t know, i thought i heard someone say something behind me a second ago, just before it got cold in here,” you explained. dominiks arm snakes around your back, pulling you into his side. “you guys didn’t hear anything?” everyone shook their heads, rhea mumbling a soft ‘no’.
“would any spirits like to communicate with us?” scarlett asked, and the device lit up green for yes again. “yes, the spirits would like to communicate with us!” she smiled, and both her and shotzi raised their hands in the air. you admired the positive attitude they managed to keep throughout the night.
“my eyes just got teary again,” dominik said, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his t-shirt.
“are you okay?” rhea asked, placing a hand on his back.
“yeah i’m good,” he laughed.
“is it bringing back memories?” shotzi asked him, referencing the time he had spent in ‘jail’.
“nah, this is just.. different,” he said, and rhea put her arm over his shoulder as he stood between you and her, dom still holding you close to his side. all of the sudden, rhea flinched, scratching her shoulder next to where her mic was clipped to her shirt.
“you okay?” dom asked softly, and rhea laughed nervously.
“thought i felt something touch me,” she replied.
“why do you choose to stay here?” scarlett asked, and over the radio the voice spoke ‘lucifer’.
“lucifer!” shotzi repeated, everyone laughing as dom turned around and pretended to walk out, raising his hands up in surrender.
“there he goes,” the cameraman said, as you pulled dom back to the group.
“you’re not allowed to scare us,” shotzi reprimanded the spirits. “we know you’re not lucifer; you can’t trick us.” rhea hid her face in her hand as she curled into dom’s side, you clinging to his other arm. scarlett was explaining how the necrophone worked to the camera when dom spoke up.
“so, quick question - not to be rude,” scarlet nodded telling him to continue. “so h..how do we know it’s not like a south park episode and there’s like a big dude behind the screen, just like..putting noises or something?” and shotzi laughed.
“well i mean, it is answering our questions pretty good.. so.”
“we’ve gotten very clear photos of faces, where there shouldn’t be anything. we’ve gotten like - figures on our sls camera,” scarlett explained. suddenly you heard another noise behind you, and dom and rhea must have heard it too because they also turned around to look for the source of the sound. your knuckles had turned white from how tightly you were holding onto dominiks hand, and could feel his finger tips digging into your side.
scarlett noticed that the three of you were distracted, and dom and rhea pointed in the direction the noise had come from, and the tour guide had heard it too.
“we heard something,” dom and rhea said at the same time, and the tour guide described it as a growl.
“i don’t know what the hell it was,” you said, your voice trembling.
“you guys are not allowed to touch dom, rhea, or y/n,” scarlett scolded the ghosts. “you’re not allowed to touch any of us.”
“he asked how we do we know there’s not someone behind the scenes, i swear to you i heard a growl and it came right over there,” the tour guide said, pointing behind you. “you all heard it right?”
“yeah, yeah, yeah,” dom repeated nervously, and you and rhea agreed.
“what was that growl? who was growling?” shotzi asked.
“what that the creeper growling?” scarlett asked, getting another laugh out of everyone.
“i don’t know if it was a growl or - it was just like a ‘rahhh’,” dom scratched the back of his neck as he imitated the noise you had heard.
“you heard another noise?” the tour guide asked.
“no no no, when we all heard it just now,” he clarified, and rhea stole you from his grip as she nervously fiddled with her necklaces.
“i just saw something over there,” scarlett said, pointing at where the noise had come from. “there was something over there, what was that? i saw a light go through.”
your were starting to feel a little overwhelmed, and you turned around, closing your eyes and burying your face in the crook of rheas neck, her arms wrapping around you. you instantly felt safer as dominik noticed the two of you, and hugged you both in his arms, gently stroking the back of your head with his tattooed hand.
“are you okay?” rhea asked, and you nodded against her collarbone.
“i just need a minute,” you admitted, and dom squeezed you and rhea tighter.
“you’re okay, we’ve got you,” he mumbled. when you felt like you could breathe again, you mumbled a soft ‘ok’, and they let you out of the cage they had made around you with their arms, but they each still held one of your hands.
shotzi and scarlett were now sitting in one of the cells, and dom and rhea stood outside it. you had taken a step back for a moment, just looking over the shoulder of the camera man. dom seemed nervous as you heard scarlett say to shotzi that there was definitely a ghost in the cell with her, and the offered her hand for him to hold, which he took. suddenly shotzi yelled out in shock, and stood up off the bed.
“what! what just happened. are you okay?” scarlett asked, concerned. “wait wait, are you okay? what happened?”
“i’m fine, i just felt the bed shake,” shotzi said, laughing, and dom and rhea clung to each other.
“oh god.”
“i’m not going over,” rhea laughed, content with staying far away from the cell.
“can you not scare my friend, please?” scarlett asked.
“no, it’s okay, i allow you to touch me,” shotzi offered.
“why would you say you want it to touch you?” scar laughed.
“but respectfully! like don’t hurt me but a little,” she tapped her shoulder to demonstrate.
“i would not like to be touched,” dominik said.
“please do not touch me,” rhea agreed.
“i feel like i’m scared, but i just don’t know what going on, like-“ dom was interrupted by scarlett yelling to him and rhea.
“do you want to come in here with us?”
“nah, i’m cool,” he smiled, and the girls laughed.
the laughter had lightened the mood once again, and you had calmed down, deciding that you were ready to get back on camera. you snuck behind the camera man to head back over to dom and rhea when suddenly, you felt a stinging sensation on for back. dominik smiled as you approached him, but his face dropped when he saw the concerned look on your face.
“what’s wrong, did you hear something?” rhea asked.
“no, i thought i felt something on my back though,” you replied, trying to feel for the spot with your hand.
“want me to look?” dom asked, and you nodded, turning around so he could see if he could see anything. his hands were warm on your skin despite the chill in the room, and he rolled your shirt up slightly, and you heard rhea gasp.
“what? what is it?” you panicked, and went to turn around, but felt her manicured hand touch your back.
“wait wait wait. let me take a picture so i can show you,” she said.
“what the fuck, guys,” dom muttered, and your heart pounded in your chest. dom let you turn around, but his hands remained on your hips as rhea showed you her phone, on it a photo of a scratch on your back, about four inches long.
“what…. how did i get that?” you stuttered, and scarlett and shotzi noticed the commotion and came over.
“what happened?” scarlet asked, concern in her voice as she placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. your eyes were wide and you couldn’t form words as rhea showed her and shotzi the picture.
“oh my god, how did that happen? guys?” shotzi asked, covering her mouth in shock.
“i don’t know, maybe i bumped into something,” you mumbled, trying to rationalize; it was possible you could have, but wouldn’t you remember it?
“are you okay to keep going?” scarlett asked, and despite the sinking feeling in your stomach, you nodded. dom and rhea clung to either side of you again, and you were grateful that they refused to let go of you. scarlett and shotzi had gone back into the cell, and called for the three of you left outside to come join them.
“come sit with us,” dominik said, and him and rhea pulled you to sit just outside the cell door with them; none of you interested in actually going inside.
“come in, you guys. we’ll scooch over, there’s room for everybody,” shotzi invited.
“i’m good here,” dom said, and the two in the cell continued asking the spirits questions as you rested your head on dom’s shoulder, rhea doing the same to yours.
shotzi offered her hand for the spirit to touch as she and scarlett were talking about the boo bear, another device of theirs that was going off.
“are you sure you’re okay?” rhea whispered next to your ear.
“i think so,” you replied. “or i’m just blocking it out.”
“am i on video?” shotzi repeated what the spirit had said. “yes you are, and we want to tell your story,” she explained, before the radio said dom’s name. you felt his body tense against you, and you and rhea both held onto his hand.
scarlett suggested going to visit the isolation wing, and once again as they went to set up the equipment, the camera man interviewed you, dom, and rhea.
“i’ve never done anything like this, so this is my first time experiencing..like… this sort of like.. energy wise?” dom tried to explain.
“yeah, especially going into it and expecting something,” rhea added.
“yeah like, knowing… there’s just a lot of beeping going on,” dom said, gesturing with his hands. “i don’t know - we heard our names, and then y/n got that weird scratch…”
“can we show the camera?” rhea asked, and you nodded, turning around to let her lift up the bottom of your shirt.
“it got cold before too - and hot,” rhea continued recounting everything that had happened so far.
“yeah i’ve been going through like a mixture, but again, that’s probably just me cause i’m nervous, and scared. so like my body’s probably just fluctuating with all sorts of temperatures,” he raised his hand up and down to demonstrate. “but i don’t know, this is all very interesting, but fun in a very new way.”
“yes,” rhea agreed.
“except the maybe getting scratched by a ghost part,” you added, and they both laughed.
“except for that,” dom clarified.
“to the wardens room!” shotzi exclained as dom went first into your next location, a quick pit stop on the way to isolation. he jumped slightly, getting scared by a coat rack as he turned on the light. you and rhea laughed at him as he held his chest, taking a deep breath as you all walked into the room.
“do you feel the heaviness in here?” scarlett asked.
“wow, it is - woooah. oh my goodness,” shotzi agreed, and you could also feel a weight in the air.
“it is very heavy,” dom said, and rhea expressed how warm it was in the room.
“it’s hard to breathe in here,” shotzi added.
“yeah a bit actually,” rhea replied, and you nodded.
the rem pod in the ground started freaking out, and scarlett asked who was touching it, when a voice over the radio clearly said ‘find my body’.
“where are you?” rhea asked.
“don’t,” dom whispered to rhea, either not wanting her to interact with the ghosts, or not wanting to go looking for a body. she smiled, pulling him close to her as scarlett asked more questions, before she held her forehead, complaining of head pressure.
“yeah my face is tingling,” rhea said, holding either side of her face in her hands.
“my head hurts too,” you agreed.
“if you can touch one of the rem pods we’ll leave this room, scar offered, and a voice on the radio replied with ‘want us to leave’. the rem pod lit up, and scarlett and rhea both mentioned how it had gotten even hotter in the room.
“yeah my foreheads a little hot,” dom replied, rhea once again resting her head in his shoulder.
“i just got cold; it’s like a total fluctuation,” the camera man added.
“i think we should try downstairs,” scarlett suggested, and you all moved to solitary confinement. you tugged on dominiks hand and gave him a look that thankfully he understood.
“we’ll let you guys handle business, ya know?” dom said, getting the message that you had had enough.
a brief stop in the women’s wing had left you and dom standing outside a cell while rhea sat inside.
“are you sitting next to rhea?” shotzi asked.
“are you on the bed?” rhea asked when no reply came. a voice said ‘move’, and rhea asked if it wanted her to get if the bed, to which it replied ‘do’. rhea raised her hands in surrender and you leaned against the wall, letting your eyes close as your head fell back. as much as you had surprisingly enjoyed yourself, you were just about at your limit for being scared for one night.
“fam, ima listen to you,” rhea clapped her hands together as she stood up, more than happy to get out of the cell. “you call the shots; it’s your bed, bruh.”
scarlett complained of a smell that the tour guide explained was sulphur, and shotzi mentioned that sulphur meant demons.
“yeah, i’m gonna go outside,” dom joked, getting another laugh out of everyone. “yeah that’s uh... that’s where your boy dom.. dirty dom-“ he stopped when you, him, and rhea all heard a noise coming from a cell down the hall behind you.
“i heard that too,” she assured him, and you nodded.
“right?” dom asked. “is there anyone over there?” he asked, pointing the the direction the sound had come from.
“no, we’re all in here,” the tour guide replied.
“i just heard footsteps,” dom said, as him and rhea tried to see if anything was over there.
“dom has crazy hearing,” shotzi commented, before over the radio a voice said ‘she’s coming’.
you stepped away again, dominik following after you as you stepped out of view of the camera.
“are you okay?” he asked, and you nodded. “you can tell me the truth.”
“it’s just a lot,” you admitted, and pulled you into a hug. rhea looked over, concern in her face, but dom gave her a thumbs up to let her know you were alright.
“we’re leaving soon. i think i’ve had enough for one night, too,” he said kissing the side of your head before the two of you walked back over to rhea. she held your face gently in her hands and you nodded to let her know you were ok.
you were pretty checked out by this point, blocking most of the sounds out as scarlett’s phone starting acting wierd, and her and shotzi talked to a spirit in the solitary confinement cell.
“we can watch a movie or something fun when we get back to the hotel, okay?” rhea suggested, holding your hand once again. you nodded, still not completely present. “maybe paranormal activity?” she joked, and you focused on her again, slapping her shoulder lightly as her and dom laughed. “kidding!” she pleaded. she got a wierd look on her face, and dom stood in front of her.
“what is it?” he asked.
“i had like -“ she gestured to her neck with her hand. “my throat got like.. clogged. and then it got really warm and then like rushed to my head. it freaked me out,” she explained.
the five of you decided that that was enough ghost hunting, and shotzi and scarlet gathered their equipment while you stood with dom and rhea as they filmed an outro.
“yeah i’m ready to get out,” dom said, and rhea laughed nervously, muttering a soft ‘please’.
“you wanna use that big light of yours and guide us out of here? good sir, please and thank you?”
you filmed another short outro all together outside the jail, before the three of you said goodnight to shotzi and scarlett and the crew, thanking them for having you on their show. an uber had arrived to take you back to your hotel, and the three of you sat in the backseat, you in the middle as you curled into dominiks side, happy to have made it out in one piece, and ready to go to bed.
rhea shook you awake as you pulled up the hotel, and you rubbed your eyes as you sat up. dominik had also fallen asleep, his head resting on top of yours, and he sat up at the feeling of you moving.
“we’re here, sleepyheads,” rhea laughed, and you all got out and headed up to the hotel room you were sharing. you kicked off your shoes, and got changed into your pyjamas, before immediately getting under the covers, pulling them high up under your chin. rhea laughed at you, before she sat down on the other bed.
“guys?” you said softly.
“yeah?” dom replied, taking off his t-shirt, leaving him in a black tank top, his gold chain reflecting in the low light from the lamp on the nightstand.
“can you come here?” you asked, and they both laughed, rhea jumping on top of you and pulling you into her arms. dominik laid on the other side of you, and you became trapped between them.
“if i have nightmares tonight i’m blaming shotzi and scarlett,” you said.
“don’t worry. we’ll protect you,” rhea promised, getting under the blankets, her legs tangling with yours and dominiks, becoming a mess of limbs.
“goodnight you guys,” dom mumbled, already half asleep as he kissed the side of your head, reaching out and entwining his hand with rheas.
“goodnight,” you murmured, before drifting off to sleep, safe in the arms of your two favourite people.
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filthgarbage86 · 1 year
The List: Dominant!Eddie
(this is part of a series that I've been writing but the general idea is that you're trying to figure out which nickname makes Eddie go crazy for and in that attempt, you prove how naive you still are as well)
Part 1
Part 2
CW: daddy kink, daddy!eddie munson, bunny!reader, dom!eddie, submissive!reader, smut smut smut and did I mention smut, trying out different nicknames, dirty talk, fingering, pentration, rough but caring? squirting, etc.
Name 1
You were so nervous to start but you were too excited not to start as soon as the first bell rang and you were going though the hallway at the high school getting to your locker. He was already there, waiting for you like he does everyday. He does a "morning check in" which is seeing how you slept, seeing what you've got going on today, and getting one more kiss before going to his English Class. It was one of the many things that he did that made your heart melt.
"Good morning princess, how my sweet bunny doing?" He immediately has his hands on your waist and is greeting you with those kisses.
"I'm good, sir, and how are you?" "Sir? What am I, a warden?" "Yeah, you're right, not a good match" "What?" "nothing, don't worry about it" Okay, not the reaction you were hoping for. Noted. Moving on. To be fair, you weren't a big fan of it either. Eddie is looking down at you with a quirked eyebrow and then a sudden realization, and his eyes squint down into a knowing grin. You were going to be such trouble for him. Name 2
It was lunch time and you were all sitting together at your table, listening to the freshmen talk at length about some alien in one of the new horror movies you're assuming and how "inaccurate" they are as if they've ever seen them. You soon figure out that they were talking about a part of the campaign that you missed out on while you were talking to a teacher. While they continue talking in length, Eddie is paying close attention to everything they're saying, taking mental notes. He's definitely trying to figure out how to control the game from this naïve information they're giving. He does look like he is in his element. Fully scheming, knowing exactly every move that they could make and how it would impact the players and the game as a whole. He really was the...
"Well it is up to our generous dungeon master, isn't it?" you pipe in, last minute, emphasizing master. You look Eddie directly in the eye as you say it almost as a challenge. Eddie looks at you again, daring you to try that again. It's finally his turn to blush, cough in attempt to hide his face. He focused back on the table, every now and then glancing at you. Okay we're getting closer.
Name 3:
The last one, you didn't even really fully mean to do it. it was like your name all over again, a slip of the tongue and a moment of realization. You were at his trailer, it was after hellfire again but this time, you're both a little high and listening to music.
You're sat on his couch, already curled up into him, and he just looks delectable. Delicious even. He is a little blissed out, head back on the couch back, and nodding along to the song. His haze is a beauty to you and you just want to be so good for him again.
"you're so pretty" "Thank you bunny, I think you're stunning" you whine. you wish it was easy for you, that you were some sexy vixen that he seemed to take you for but the truth is that you don't know how to do this. it makes you a bit sad honestly.
"Where are you baby? What's that pretty head thinking about?" "You" "Oh? In what way?" He turns towards you, propping his head on his hand and propping himself up. "You make sexy look so easy" He lets out a laugh "Sweetheart, I'm flattered but you are just by design" "Not really though" "What on Earth do you mean?" "It's just... you were able to figure out what name I liked so easily. You knew exactly what you were doing and everything you do just makes me go crazy like a puddle-" Oh no, you're rambling. You tend to get like this when you're high and sensitive. It makes it all the more embarrassing and arousing, it's very confusing.
"I just want to be good to you too, I just want to be good for you. I want to be able to say something and it makes you really excited and flips that switch for you but I don't know how to figure it out. I went through like 20 different videos trying to find suggestions-"
"Wait a second, videos? What kind of videos are you watching, princess?"
Shit. You spoke too much.
"You know... videos that could give me ideas of what to call.. you.. in a.. hot, sexy way.."
Eddie is trying so hard not to crack a smile. He is actively fighting down a little laugh, not in a mean way, of course. His sweet, kind, caring, very literal girlfriend had decided to research how to dirty talk in an attempt to please him too. He was just teasing her by saying she needed to try his way. In reality, he had no idea what he was doing either, he was just trying shit. His heart melts at the idea of how much effort you were putting in for his benefit. He really didn't know what he was going to do with you so he just smiled and leaned in giving you a warm, long, deep kiss.
He's holding the side of your face/head and just leaning in ever so slightly. He made you melt in a moments notice. "You mean to tell me..." he starts kissing you gently all around your face and you're blushing from the tenderness of it all. "That you went out of your way to go rent some half-assed, fake-orgasming porn just to try to figure out how to dirty talk to me?" it sounded so silly when he said it like that. You were so embarrassed. Fuck, of course this wouldn't work.
"Bunny, that is the cutest and hottest thing I've ever thought of, you're going to kill me"
"Wh.. What?" You're on the brink of tears, you're so sensitive and so high and you're recognizing so, SO needy.
"There's no right or wrong way to do this as long as we're talking to each other about it. I can teach you things that you don't know yet, don't be embarrassed about it."
"Really?" "Yes baby, of course. It's not an issue or turn off in any way, in fact its literally the opposite. Just let me teach you and let me help you out okay?" You were blushing, you felt hot with want. You were steaming already and all he had done was tell you how much he cared about you. In that moment, it made sense to you. It wasn't the words, or the names, it was feeling and desire. And the way he made you feel was so cared for, so loved, so dominant and strong, and so... daddy.
Eddie breathed in and dropped down to a low whisper "What did you just say?"
The cassette player started to rewind itself, whirling as you started spiraling. You are zoned out enough to where you perk up a big at his acknowledgement and you realized you must have spoken aloud what you were thinking.
And it seemed to have worked, but you weren't sure how yet.
"I didn't mean to say that, Eddie" "No nono no. You said something that definitely was meant for me to hear." "I don't know what I said, I just said it and I'm just a little buzzed babe-"
He straddles you on either side of your cushion, leans in slightly, and gentle grasps onto your throat. He applies a light, barely-there amount of pressure on the sides "Now bunny, you and I both know that's not what you just called me, so I will ask for the final time, what. did. you say?"
Your eyes are glazed over and your breathing goes shallow "um.. I.. I.. said.. daddy.. BUT I don't know why and it was just a thought in my head and-" You're cut off when he squeezes a bit more and your airway is blocked. His strong hand chokes you upwards and he takes another draw from his joint he had been holding. He blows the smoke into your face and smirks "that's about to be the only thought in your head."
He sits right down on you and you immediately feel the bulge that's already formed. This was just from calling him daddy? You were definitely going to play with this later. He starts by motioning you to take off your shirt and you quickly comply. Since it was Friday night and you were in for movies and joints, you didn't have a bra on, meaning Eddie instantly was greeted by your sensitive tits from sudden exposure. You both gasp, you from the temperature change and speed, him from want.
He looks down at you and grabs the right one and holds it all in his hand, while his mouth is latched and sucking on your left tit. You're creening at this, just choking down moans before he moves his hand back onto you throat and you exhale the noises you were trying to hold down
"Don't you dare hold back those sounds, you filthy, dirty, needy bunny. You take that pleasure away from me and I'll leave you here high and dry until you're screaming and begging me to finish you off"
"Please what?" He's stood up long enough to slide your sweatpants off and everything off, leaving you completely exposed to him, while he's still completely dressed. You have never felt more naked than in this moment.
"Please daddy"
He growls "good bunny. Now stay still, I need teach you how to say my name properly".
He hoists your legs up and over his shoulders. He places his fingers in front of your mouth, "suck. Make them as wet as you bunny." so you take them into your mouth and start giving him a show. You're sucking, swirling your tongue, and at one point even deepthroating his fingers until he's taking them out of your mouth and into your pussy. The squelching sound that followed had you both moaning again.
"Fuck meeee"
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that, did you say something? Address me when you're talking to me"
"fuck me pleaaasseee daddy please finger me, get me ready"
He does, he starts moving his fingers at a consistent pace, one that starts to bang out a rhythm, and has you groaning. He starts to do the 'come here' motion to start hitting that gummy part inside you that makes you see stars. Your eyes go glossy.
"yes yes yes fuck me daddy, yes, thank you thank you, wanna cum-"
"don't you fucking dare, you will cum on my cock and when I say, you've got that?"
You're nodding, too fucked out to fully listen to him until he's pulling his fingers out and you whine at the lost of sensation. He stands up to undress himself and boy it's like a show for you. Seeing him with such a radiant energy to him, all his tattoos on display, his hair as frazzled as he was and his cock, oh my gods, it's just as pretty as it always is. It's already leaking and begging to be touched. You sit up a bit, just about to give it some attention when your legs are being hooked around Eddie's waist and he's giving it a few strokes
"Not today princess, we got other things we need to focus on first" He starts sliding into you and inch by inch just groaning as it goes. He leans down to offer more kisses along your jaw and neck line, as well as playing with your nipples to try to relax you. Eventually, once he bottoms out, he all but grinds into you. His crotch is robbing up into your clit, while his cock is deeper than you could ever imagine it. You almost wonder if you're drooling over his cock right now and just as you start to imagine that, he pulls back just enough to where just the tip is there and re-enters you with a bit of force.
He starts a slow, steady, pace that is highlighting how deep he can go. It doesn't take long until your cunt is so wet for him that he's sliding in and out with ease and you're both making sounds that if the neighbors could hear, they would be blushing too.
"Who makes you feel this good? Who's the one that can fuck you this dumb?"
"You daddy! Always you! You!"
"That's right, because you're mine. You are my girl, my little fuck toy, my good, needy, perfect bunny. This is my pussy, you are my girl, and nothing. is going. to change that."
Your head is going all the way back into the cushions, you are so far in the clouds, he's fucked you beyond well, he's fucked you dumb
"My dumb little bunny, my good bunny"
He doesn't show signs of giving up when he's puncturing every thrust with a whispered chant of mine. mine. mine.
You're whining, you're so close and he can feel it
"Just a little longer bunny, you can do it, hold it.. hold it for me, don't you dare cum, I'm almost there."
You're holding on so hard, the knot in your stomach seeming to be climbing more and more and more until you can barely hear when he finally does give you the confirmation "cum for me, bunny, cum all over me. Take it. Take it really good." and you're just a string of daddy daddy daddy daddy until you're both limb from each other. You're both cumming harder than ever before and wetter than ever before when you realize you're squirting all over Eddie's cock and over the couch.
He gasps and chuckles at it before falling forward and turning over to the side so you can curl into his chest and he can slip out of you slowly.
You're both out of breathe, sweaty, and covered in marks and different bodily fluids. You're disgusting and you've never been more starstruck than you were right now.
"Thank you daddy"
"Anytime bunny"
He holds you for a little longer until you both go shower each other off and start trying to figure out how you're going to clean off your couch. So incredibly worth it though.
A/N: Ahhh this is already so long so I'm going to cut it off here but if you want more daddy!Eddie or dominant Eddie just make sure to leave a comment or to ask in my ask box! I'll be looking for writing inspo through those two ways! I hope you liked this!
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
My thoughts on Bsd chapter 117
Spoilers below
I knew it!
Well not really but I knew Bram being here had something to do with Akutugawa. That's his godamn coat.
... Wait nooo.. Nooo! Fuck you don't make me watch Bram die again.
Aya trying to mean to lessen the blow. Bram feeling like he failed her. The flashbacks to his daughter...
"One day I'll carry you on my back"
Devastating how dare you.
Honestly considering how seriously Akutugawa keeps his promises, this seems like a good idea.
Ayyy Kunikida!
I do love how we're leaning into making Fukuchi some eldritch horror. Because fundamentally he should not exist.
Because it goes against everything. He is not of this world, of course his very existence fills you with dread.
I didn't think one look would take out Junichiro tho.
Kunikida filled with absolute terror and still having the strength to say what are you, fuck he's so cool.
Oh... Fukuchi can talk. Kinda ruins the vibe a little tbh but okay that's a choice.
"I am all. I am none." I am justice. I am the night. I am Batman.
I agree Kunikida what is going on at this airport? Everyone in Bsd talks about shit going on in the Train station but that is nothing compared to whatever this is.
Public transport man don't use it in this universe. Or any transport to be honest.
I love that Fyodor's just standing here not saying a word like okay fine you can have this one.
Ohhh ohh why did he sneak up on him ahhh nooo. Also you can't see one of Kunikida's hands and I am concerned.
Oh yeah this is the first time anyone in the Agency but Atsushi and Fukuzawa have dealt with Amenogozen.
Someone really should've told the others this fucker lives up to his name as the space time sword.
Atsushi you might wanna go the other way, whatevers going on there isn't looking so good.
Thank you Kunikida, see why don't we all just pack up our shit and leave.
"Tanizaki when I give the signal use your ability to escape"
You know this means whatever comes next is going to have everyone be like erm actually it could just be Junichiro's special ability.
Asagiri knows this fandom to well.
That better have been Junichiro's ability I swear to God nooooo! OHH AND ATSUSHI GOT THERE TOO LATE
Whyyyy why would you do this?!
Ohhh his hands are melting I'm like actually crying.
I feel like this itself is a sign that those killed by Amenogozen can come back because no one dies in this series. Because there's no way Asagiri would just kill Kunikida off... I hope.
Atsushi grabbing Junichiro out of harms way like that must've been the hardest decision to make to go.
"Fantastic move"
He's so proud of them.
Very confusing statement from Fukuchi that this blade shouldn't be able to harm Kunikida(?) as it stabs him. I don't know what this line means, if it's meant to mean anything.
Literally paralleling lines to when we thought Kunikida died in the helicopter soo... I dunno what to think anymore.
Also during the helicopter thing, Kunikida essentially told Junichiro that he was in charge... And now Junichiro's had to watch him maybe die again.
The shot of his notebook on the ground is just foul.
Atsushi no it's not you're fault!
I share the sentiment Junichiro I really do.
And it ends.
I don't think they'll get Junichiro too but Atsushi was alone in the epilogue.... Oh no.
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spectralscathath · 23 days
Tour Guide to the Unexplained- A Gravity Falls Fanfiction
Chapter 3- Monster Truck
Stan and Ford didn’t expect much when getting shipped up to Gravity Falls to stay with estranged family. Not a truck-stealing creature, not scary movies, and definitely not the Mystery Shack and their lying uncle who runs it. But with Ford’s smarts and Stan’s punching, there’s no mystery they can’t solve.
Ao3 Link
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"A sleepover, Stanley, can you believe it?" Ford beamed as he screwed in another bit of plating on his magnet gun, Test Design #1. Lucky that the attic that had been turned into their room had a bunch of stored random stuff he could use. He'd cleaned up a bit in preparation for tonight, made more space. "We've never had one before!"
"What's all the 'we' about?" Stan flicked through one of The Grimdark Chronicles comics, lying on his bed. Ford had gotten the first one in the series because he thought he'd like the supernatural mystery story, but it was just depressing. Stan seemed to like it though, at least. 
Maybe it could get him to start drawing again? Ford missed reading Lil Stanley, it was funny. 
"Oh. Sorry." Zoned out again, too stuck in his head. It kept happening. "I just mean- we've never had friends to have a sleepover with? Aren't you excited?"
"They're your friends, poindexter," Stan rolled his eyes and munched on toffee peanuts. Ford had been trying to get him to store his food in the kitchen, where food was supposed to be stored, but Stan was convinced something was eating them. It was probably Grunkle Dipper. "Why would I be excited?"
"I- because-" didn't Stan want a sleepover? "What's going on with you?"
"Nothin'." Stan flicked a page of the comic and offered the bag of snacks. “Want one?”
"No, I don’t want a toffee peanut! Something's going on with you!" Ford knew it, he knew it- "First you don't wanna go to a party even though we've never been to one, now you don't want a sleepover? These are normal things boys our age do, it's exciting."
Stan sighed and closed the comic, sitting up and stretching. "Yeah, for you, maybe. Bet you're gonna do a whole buncha nerdy stuff. No thanks."
Ford pouted. "C'mon, Stanley, you could at least give it a try. Tad said he'll bring over his MonsterMon cards and his Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons kit. I've always wanted to play those." But dad thought they were frivolous.
"You know that stuff's got too much math for me," Stan laughed. 
"I could help you with the math!" Why didn't Stanley want to play with him? "Are you mad at me?"
Okay, now Stanley was looking at him like he was being dumb. Which was weird, because he normally made that face at Stan. Being on this end of it was not normal. 
"What? I'm not mad at you, doofus." 
"Then what are you mad at?" It had to be something. 
"Hot Belgian Waffles, I'm not mad at anything," Stan rolled his eyes. "You gotta stop overthinking things."
"But I-" was that what he was doing? He fidgeted with the sleeves of his jacket, pulling them over his hands a bit. "Hm."
"Told ya." Stan shrugged.
"What are you gonna do instead then?" The idea of Stanley being alone didn't feel right. Maybe he still felt guilty for ditching Stan at the party.
"I was gonna ask Grunkle Dipper if I could watch one of his old horror movies he's got beside the TV."
"Stanley, those are scary!" And absolutely none of them were PG-rated. 
"I know, right?" Stan's eyes sparkled. "Maybe he'll let me watch one of the really scary ones."
Ford pulled a face. "Then I'm definitely not joining you."
"Yeah, I figured," Stan snickered and hopped down off the bed, stuffing his toffee peanuts in his vest with a singsong. "Doo-dilly–doo, hidin' my snacks- You comin'?"
"To let your friends in?" Stan looked at him with That Face again. "It's four pm already, nerd."
"Oh my gosh, is it really?" Ford jumped to his feet like he'd been shocked and ran downstairs, nearly tripping over his extra toes in his haste to get to the door.
He adjusted his glasses and pulled it open, beaming wide at Tad and Fiddleford, Fiddleford's hand raised as if to knock. "Hi! You got the right door!"
"The gift shop entryway looked crowded," Fiddleford smiled, a banjo in his other hand. 
"Hi. I brought various activities." Tad lifted the boxes in his hands to show them off, and Ford forgot completely about everything else because there it was: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons! 
Finally, he could put all those ideas he had for characters and enemies and dungeons into play! He'd done so much research!
"Come in!" He held the door open for them. "You've met my brother Stanley-"
"It's 'Stan' to you guys," Stanley leaned against the wall, jumping when Dipper leapt into the room, in full Mr Mystery gear, fists raised in a fighting stance.
"I heard intruders and I know Dan's fixing my truck! Come get some!"
"... and that's our Grunkle Dipper." Ford sighed. "Dipper, you said I could have a sleepover yesterday, remember?"
"Oh." Dipper relaxed from his fighting stance and scratched the back of his neck. "I did?"
"Yep. You were sleeping in your truck before though, mighta forgot." Stan confirmed. 
"Well." Dipper looked like he was processing before he waved at Tad and Fiddleford. "Hi, I'm Dipper Pines."
"You both live in town?" Dipper joined Stan in leaning against the wall, scanning both of Ford's friends in interest. What was he looking for?
"I'm from Tennessee. Got sent up here to stay with my pa Tate on account of-" Fiddleford paused. "Reasons."
"Wait, the lake guy?" Dipper tilted his hat up. "Huh. I'm banned from renting boats there."
"Yeah… your picture's up on the 'banned forever' wall beside Old Lady Chiu's."
"Okay, we're gonna go set up, thank you!" Ford tried to rush his friends past his weird Grunkle. "Our room's up this way."
"Don't touch my stuff, poindexter," Stan reminded him before he turned. "Grunkle Dipper-"
"- can I watch one of your scary movies?" Stan asked, certain he'd get a yes. Dipper was pretty 'free-range' in his guardian style. 
Dipper stared up the stairs. "Was that kid holding D, D, & More D?"
"Yeah, Ford's always wanted to play it," Stan shrugged. "What a nerd, amirite?"
"Oh, I love that game," Dipper blinked a few times before he seemed to zone back in. "What was the question again?"
Stan groaned and smacked his forehead. Really? "I wanna watch one of your horror movies while my brother's having a sleepover. Can I?"
"You don't want to play with him and his friends?" Dipper's brows did that furrow they did every time he got puzzled. He seemed to do it a lot when talking to Stan and Ford. 
"Nah." Stan shrugged it off, stuffing his hands into his pockets and staring at an old stain on the floor. "His friends, after all. I don't really like all that stuff anyway." 
He wasn't lying when he said he wasn't angry. Just wasn't happy either. He and Ford were supposed to do everything together, they weren't meant to have anyone but each other. But Ford did now, he had friends, and Stan wanted to be a good brother, be happy for his brother's success, like always. Ford succeeded and Stan stayed outta the way, that was how dad preferred things.  He could do that. He and Ford could hang out another time. Stan was no leech.
Dipper knelt down to his level and put a hand on his shoulder. Stan tensed a bit, just because. He wasn't big on touch, he and Ford just weren't. 
"Hey. I get it." There was a faraway look in Dipper's eyes before he focused. He and Ford both did that a lot, got stuck in their heads. "How about this: I gotta go give a tour before I close down for the day, so how about you go and get Dan to show you some car stuff, and after dinner you can pick a movie and I'll watch it with you. They're better when it's dark anyway."
Stan perked up. "You wanna watch a movie with me?" And not play Ford’s nerd game he said he liked?
"Kid, they're my movies," Dipper laughed. "Like heck I'm missing a chance for a rewatch."
"You got yourself a deal," Stan grinned and stuck out his hand to shake. 
Dipper's whole body retracted like a mollusc Stan once saw on Glass Shard Beach, staring at Stan's offered handshake like he was going to be sick, before he put on a smile and ruffled Stan's hair instead. “Now go bother Dan."
"Okay." Stan grinned toothily and grabbed his sneakers, pulling them on and running outside, past the remaining tourist cars still in the dirt patch that was technically a parking lot. Some of the cars were nice, he thought, if he knew cars. 
He didn't know much beyond what Shermie had told him, but it sounded like knowing cars was a cool thing. Not only that, but Shermie finally buying his car with his own money had been the first time Stan saw what freedom looked like on someone else's face. Stan's freedom might have been a boat and a promise to sail away, but cars could be a good Plan B. 
Boyish Dan was elbows deep in Dipper's truck, flannel sleeves rolled up his biceps. He had to be the only sixteen-year-old Stan knew with a beard. He was huge. 
"Hi, Dan." He still didn't know how to talk to this guy. He seemed loud. "Grunkle Dipper said you're working on his truck?"
“Yeah!” Dan grabbed him with one hand and hefted him up onto his shoulder, no hesitation or strain in it.
Stan laughed in disbelief and waved his arms to keep his balance. "Jeez Louise- what do they feed you out here, Dan? I'm not that tiny!"
"Yeah, you are!" Dan grinned at him through the beard, a gap between his front teeth. This close, it looked a little wispy in places, but still. It was a beard. Stan didn't have one, didn't even have stubble. "Don't feel bad, Mr Pines ain't the biggest guy 'round either, but he's definitely the best!"
"Yeah, I'm curious about that," Stan admitted bluntly. "You're like, some sorta hardcore woodsman, right?"
"Whole family is!" Dan boasted proudly. "You seen that big mansion on the hill? Us Corduroys cleared that whole mountain and built it hundreds'a years ago!"
"Wow, so it's like, in your blood. Hardcore."
"Yeah, but my uncles are kinda weird about it." Dan's volume dropped to a normal speaking level, something Stan wasn't sure was possible. "They drive my mom crazy, always yellin', doing stuff just 'cuz they think it's manly. I love 'em, but I don't wanna stress out my mom too. And Mr Pines is the manliest guy in town and he doesn't do that stuff!"
"You think my uncle's manly?" He listened to girly music and did all the cooking. That wasn't very manly by Pines standards. 
"Listen, little man!" Dan closed the hood of the truck, lifting Stan to stand on it. He still wasn't sure about being lifted around in one hand like a kitten, but it was also super cool, so he could live with it. "Mr Pines is the smartest, toughest, strongest, bravest, MANLIEST man in Gravity Falls! And if he hadn't told me not to punch people for saying otherwise, I'da punched everyone in town who does! But I don't gotta punch 'em, because being a man isn't about throwing your weight around just because you can!"
"It's not?" Stan blurted out. Dad threw his weight around all the time. He had so much weight that all it took was a word sometimes. 
"NO!" Dan paused and cleared his throat. "Sorry. Workin' on a 'inside voice'. My uncles think that way sometimes. The Gleefuls think that way. But I ain't seen them take on a manotaur without blinking!"
"A what?" Did he say that right? Wasn't that one of Ford's myth stories? Stan didn't remember.
"I said what I said! Bein' a man's 'bout a lot more than flexing muscles and thinkin' you're the best 'cuz of it!"
"Is that why you work for him?" Stan still wasn't sure how Dipper was meant to be any of that stuff Dan said. 
"Yeah! And my mom thinks it'll be good for me, said a job might make me chill out!"
"You can tell her it's working." Stan couldn't resist a little sarcasm. 
"Yeah!" Dan threw his meaty fists up in the air. "So you ready to learn about trucks, little man?!"
"You kiddin'? 'Course I am- uh, big guy!" Dan was kinda weird, but not bad weird. Fun weird. He scrambled back onto Dan's shoulders as Dan opened the engine up again, and decided to be nice in return. "Hey, want a toffee peanut?"
He pulled out the bag of toffee peanuts and shook it in offer, a few crumbs falling into the truck. 
He didn't see a tiny three-fingered hand reach out from beneath the engine block and pull them in.
"Wow, you even have minifigures!" Ford's eyes were huge behind his glasses. 
"I do," Tad smiled serenely, setting out all his D,D, & more D stuff. "I'm not very good at being a dungeon master though. Would either of you like to take the role?"
Ford wanted to, so so bad, but- "Fiddleford?"
"Gracious, no, I'm fine being a player. Too much to keep track of," Fiddleford looked around Ford's room in interest, steering clear of Stan's stuff that Ford pointed out. Stan did ask them to stay outta it. "I like all the splinters."
"You sound like Stan," Ford laughed. "I hate splinters. You know- yesterday Waddles Jr. was on my bed? Sometimes Grunkle Dipper lets him in the house."
"Pigs are very affectionate creatures," Fiddleford smiled fondly, poking at the stained glass window. The window had a strange design, arrows and diamonds and circles. It looked a little like an anchor, but definitely wasn’t. "I like the design here, very intricate. Looks freshly put in?"
"Yeah, a lot of the windows are new," Ford had noticed as well. "Not sure why they all need to be Waddles-themed or question marks or whatever that thing is, you'd think he could keep the branding to the tourist part of the house."
"There's a recurring issue with property defacement in town." Tad noted, setting out all his dice in neat rows. "People find windows broken and scratches in buildings or landmarks. Very strange. Perhaps Mr Mystery was the most recent victim."
"Really?" Ford reached for the diary. If Fiddleford and Tad were going to tease him on it they would have done it already. "There's no mention of that in this diary."
"I was meaning to ask about that there book of yours," Fiddleford crossed his legs as he sat down. "What is it?"
"It's a diary of someone who came to Gravity Falls, I think they were… maybe a researcher?" It was ambiguous. "But they catalogued all of the weird supernatural stuff here, it's fascinating. And the pages stop halfway through, it's so cool!"
"Gravity Falls is quite unusual," Tad smiled, pulling emergency bread from his backpack. "My parents moved here from the Southwest, they quite like how it reminded them of their old town. Personally, I like how unique it is."
"So you grew up here? Maybe you know some stuff the diary missed?" 
"Maybe," Tad shrugged with a smile. "We'll compare some time."
"I'm not very fond of all that spookifying stuff myself." Fiddleford reached for his banjo, plucking the strings in a random pattern. "Back in Tennessee my family would tease me a lot, make up scary stories about things, things that sound like people but aren't, things that live in the fields and watch you, things that take the pigs in the night. Fake stuff, I told myself. But- I swear I saw somethin' in the lake here one time, somethin' big."
"Really?" Ford pulled out a pen. "Where did you see it? Did you get a look at any defining traits?"
"No. I wish I could forget it," Fiddleford sighed and tuned a banjo string. "I don't handle that type of things very well."
"That's okay," Ford hesitated before he patted Fiddleford's shoulder. "You just like other types of science better than cryptozoology, I guess."
"We can phrase it that way, sure," Fiddleford stated dryly. "You sure your brother doesn't want to join us?"
"Nah, Stan said he doesn't wanna play. Je and Grunkle Dipper are gonna watch a movie instead." Ford started setting up D, D, & more D. "Maybe after this you could give me some pointers on my magnet gun idea?"
"Sure can."
Ford smiled as Tad set down a figurine on the graph paper, and rolled the 38-sided die across the back of his fingers, blushing only a little when he fumbled it. He just had to practice.
Fiddleford and Tad were fun to play with, making good use of a Rogue/Cleric duo as they began working through the starter adventure provided by the guide. Ford grew more confident, starting to put his own spin on things, add in new enemies, build towards a twist in the plotline. 
They had just cleared their third encounter, a group of coldbolds with a surprise buzzbear from Ford drawn by the noise, and had entered the main starter dungeon when Boyish Dan threw open the door and yelled, "The truck! Ate! Stan!"
Ford dropped the handful of dice he was holding. "What?!" 
"I was showing him how to check tire pressure!" Dan pulled off his hat, clutching it in massive hands. His knuckles were raw and red. "I tried punching it and it didn't give him back!"
"Can you get Mr Mystery?" Tad smiled brightly. 
"He's doing a tour, he's doing a tour now." Dan fumbled with his hat. "Help?"
"Yes!" Ford yanked his shoes on. He couldn't even be mad that Stan had interrupted his sleepover and his game. How did a car eat someone? "Boyish Dan, did you see anything strange?"
"The back of the truck grew a trunk lid! And scales!"
"Scales…" Ford flipped through the diary. "Here! Gremobiles, it's a type of gremlin- they're a subspecies of the goblin family- that can meld with a vehicle, the author had to fight one that stole a bus and had to rip it out of the engine block." The caricature of the angry monster was super funny, the author gave it a silly face.
"How?" Fiddleford looked over his shoulder, scanning the page as well. 
"Grappling hook, apparently." Ford put the diary away. "If my magnet gun was finished I'd use that-"
"I can finish it," Fiddleford promised and pulled out his tools from his belt. "Go get your brother."
"Tad Strange would welcome the excitement of fighting a living vehicle." Tad grabbed a baseball bat from the pile of random stuff that the twins shared the attic with and gave it a twirl.
"Let's go." Ford nodded at him and Dan and rushed down the stairs, past the museum area of the house.
"Behold!" Dipper's voice was muffled by the closed door. "Genuine cursed pirate gold! Look at how the coins turn invisible when removed from the water! Who wants to try and grab a coin? Twenty bucks if you do!"
Ford scoffed at the shameless scam and followed Boyish Dan out to the dirt parking lot, looking for the offending Gremobile. 
Dipper's truck did not look like it was supposed to. The faded blue paint had been replaced by green-brown scales, the hood popped open to show the top half of the little monster fused with the engine block. The headlights glowed red and the back, normally open, had more of those scales, grown over the open space. The lil monster had a mohawk, shoving something in its mouth and chomping away. Ford recognised the packaging. 
"Toffee Peanuts. That must have been why it ate Stanley!" So maybe Stanley was right about something stealing his snacks.
Ford could hear muffled banging from inside that space and swore his vision went red, like that time Crampelter broke Stanley's nose and knocked out a tooth. Ford hadn’t been as good at boxing as Stanley, but he’d still pounced on Crampelter like a rabid possum, biting and clawing to protect his twin. 
"Over here!" He yelled at it. "Everyone spread out, we need to keep it distracted until Fiddleford finishes the magnet gun! Then we can hold the truck still and rip the Gremobile out!" He was gonna break every part of its face. No one hurt Stanley. Not in front of Ford.
Stan's hands hurt from where he'd been trying to punch his way out. He tried not to think about how much his braced wrist- two days 'til that was off- hurt more than the other. It was basically healed anyway, how much damage could he do?
Also- it had started getting really slimy and soft and slippery in here, and that was making it hard to find anything he could hit. 
He reached into his pockets, wondering if maybe now was the time for the pocket knife, he didn't think he could smoke bomb his way out. It was dark too, he was too old to be scared of the dark, but-
He heard the engine rev and roar before he was thrown around a bunch, elbows and knees knocking against the sides. The slime coated him and smelt gross, he clamped his mouth and eyes shut, hands over his ears so it didn't get in any of the holes in his face.
There was one massive move that knocked him against the far side, right as it stopped being all soft and squishy and sunlight hit him. "HOT BELGIAN WAFFLES!"
Ow. His head hurt. He cracked open an eye and squinted up at the sky. Ford's face appeared right in front of him and he yelped, leaning back and hitting his head again.
"Stan!" Ford beamed. "You're okay!"
"Sweet Moses, Sixer, warn a guy first," he grumbled. "What happened?"
"You were eaten by a gremobile, which must have gotten a taste for your candy. My magnet gun held it still long enough for Dan to rip it out- Look!" Ford pointed and Stan poked his head out of the truck bed. 
Dan held up a tiny weird thing in his massive fist, scaled and green-brown, with a wild mohawk and no legs. It held an empty packet of-
"Hey, my toffee peanuts!"
"Ready for a home run?!" Dan prepared to drop the evil little critter, trying to gnaw through his hand like an angry ferret.
"I'm a bit rusty, but we'll see." Tad stood right beside him with a serene, unblinking smile, and drew back a baseball bat, winding up a swing.
Dan dropped the monster and Tad knocked it clear into the woods, its fading shriek all that was left of it as it went flying off to probably die somewhere. Fiddleford stood beside them and whooped at the sight, holding Ford's magnet gun.
"Okay that was cool." Stan admitted. "Help me up?"
"Uhhhhh-" Ford leaned back from him. "I think that's some sort of mucus. Or saliva. Or- uh, other fluids. I'm good."
Stan looked at the slime covering him and got an evil idea, grinning at his brother as he shifted his weight. Slime time. Ford looked at him, recognition sparking followed by immediate horror.
"Stan? Stanley Pines don't you dare- STANLEY!" Ford shrieked like a girl as he jumped out of the truck, Stan's goop-covered pounce barely missing him. 
"Coward!" Stan clambered out of the truck after him, laughing even as he slipped and landed face first in the dirt. 
"Ohmygosh are you okay?" Ford dithered, just enough hesitance for Stanley to grab him and smosh ooze into Ford's hair. 
"Gotcha!" Stan went for the noogie, really wedge it all in there.
"Ew! What's wrong with you, I don't wanna get slimed!" Ford yelled, but he was giggling as he pushed Stan off.
Stan felt a hand on his shoulder and tensed, looking up as Tad Strange lifted his hand, examined the goo, and slapped his own face with it. 
"Slime fight." He looked way too pleased with himself.
"That's no slime fight," Fiddleford chuckled, standing with Boyish Dan with his arms crossed. "When your cousins dunk you in a pig pen- that's a slime fight."
Stanley's eyes sparkled as he glanced at Waddles Jr's shed. Since when were Ford's nerd friends into gross things? And giving him tips on messing with his twin? "Ford?"
"Do it and I'll dye your hair pink." Ford warned him. "I'm not joking, Stanley. Also we need to go wash off."
"C'mon, Fordsy-"
"No, seriously, this is disgusting." Ford's hands hovered over his hair, unwilling to touch the gunk. "Tad, why would you do this willingly?"
"I am driven by an insatiable curiosity."
"I like you, Strange, you and Fidds are pretty cool," Stan announced, brushing himself off a bit. His head wasn't even hurting anymore. 
Dan lumbered over to kneel down in front of him, face pulled in a scowl. "I'm sorry you got eaten, little man!"
"All good, big guy," Stan gave him a thumbs up. "You gotta show me more car stuff some time, it's really interesting."
Dan's frown turned into a smile and he hugged Stan so tight it mighta cracked a rib, hefting him off his feet. Stan froze up, fists clenching on instinct and sending a bolt of pain up his hand before he relaxed. He should have figured a hug from Dan would be like getting hugged by a furnace. A furnace with a chokehold. 
He patted part of Dan's arm, wheezing the words out. "Gotta breathe, big guy."
"Right!" Dan set him back down. "No injuries?"
"Nope!" Stan gave him a big thumbs up. "Thought I'd have to chew my way out though!"
"That would severely damage your teeth," Ford informed him. "Fiddleford, Tad? You alright?"
"I barely had to see that nasty lil beast," Fiddleford twirled the magnet gun over and over in his hands. "Workin' on a solution sure does help."
"Tad Strange has never felt more alive." Tad hefted the bat across his shoulders, and Stan…
Well, they were Ford's friends first, but maybe he could be okay with them. He could be friendly, or as friendly as he was capable of. These weren't going to be the kinds of kids who played mean games like 'pretend to be a friend to play a mean prank'. That happened once and Stan made sure it wouldn't happen again. Tommy-Tim still had a scar through his eyebrow from where the skin split.
"Whoa- what's going on out here?" All five heads shot to the entryway to the gift shop. Dipper stood with his hands on his hips, some of his Mr Mystery attitude in place. 
"Slime fight." Tad informed him. 
"It's coolant!" Fiddleford jumped in with a lie before anyone could tell their grunkle about the genuine supernatural creature. Stan clicked his tongue. Ford wouldn't be pleased about that.
"Oh- you should not have that on your skin," Dipper winced. "Anyway- everyone, outta the parking lot and out the back, this tour's on its way out of the gift shop and I don't want anyone getting hit by a tour bus, so go on, get, skoosh, shoo." he waved them towards the back of the clearing.
"Yes, Mr Pines!" Dan agreed, before he physically pushed the truck back into place, because Dan was a beast and Stan was quickly placing him high on the 'cool person' list. Not above Carla, but still. 
"And clean up before dinner! Don't get gunk all over my house!" Dipper called as Dan started ushering them around the back, towards Waddles Jr.'s pen.
Fiddleford stopped at the edge, reaching over and giving Waddles Jr. a friendly scratch behind the ear. "Golly, that was terrififying. Are you alright, Stan?"
"Eh," he shrugged it off. His hand would be fine.he punched Ford's shoulder, not too hard. "Told you something was stealing my snacks."
"Okay, okay. You told me so." Ford smiled, punched him back. "Knucklehead."
"Nerd." Stan sat on the grass. "How's your nerd game going anyway?"
All three of them immediately began chattering in excitement, and he felt surprisingly okay with it. Ford and his friends dropped their nerd game to save him from an evil car, maybe that meant something. 
Dipper set down a big bowl of popcorn and sat on the couch, aching joints glad of the softness that fit him perfectly after many a movie marathon. "Whatcha picked out, kid?"
"There's so many good ones," Stan looked over all the DVDs, stacked higher than the TV. "You've got a lot."
"Yeah, I got way better stuff than the Gravity Falls Horror Movie Rerun Channel, they exclusively have B-movies." He still watched them though. Guilty pleasure. "I got all the classics."
"How about this one?" Stan held up The Exorcist. 
"That's something a responsible parent probably wouldn't let a kid watch," Dipper commented. "Good thing I'm an uncle! Let's do it!"
"Yes!" Stan scrambled to his feet and started setting it up. Dipper watched him as he had some popcorn. The Exorcist, huh? He remembered seeing it in theatres when he was on his own. Scared him half to death at the time. Now he could probably recite the whole script off by heart.
"Got it!" Stan finished setting up and sat back on the rug.  
"Hey, you wanna share the couch?" Dipper offered. "And the popcorn?"
"Really?" Stan looked at him, suspicious and hopeful. 
"Yeah, get your butt up here or I'm gonna eat it all myself." Dipper pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and tossed it in Stan's face.
Stan laughed and hopped up on the couch, settling in on the other end as Dipper got the lamp, the room plunging into darkness as the title flashed on the screen. 
"Grunkle Dipper?"
"Shh. Movie time."
Stan hesitated, voice surprisingly quiet from such a boisterous kid. "Thanks for watching this with me. I know you like Ford's game."
Dipper paused, hand in the popcorn bowl. "Yeah, sure, but who wants to have a sleepover where an old guy plays a board game with them?"
"Ford wouldn't mind. He said once it's a game that's best with more players. And you're smart enough to be great at it, I bet." 
"Yeah, true." Dipper didn't want to admit this but fine. "I didn't really… aw man. Look, I-I wasn't a sleepover kid growing up. But-" Mabel and her slumber parties, he used to hate them- "your gramps was. Had 'em all the time."
"Yep. I know it can feel-" irritating, lonely, jealous, bitter, what's wrong with me- "annoying, being the one that doesn't want to do what everyone else does." 
“Yeah.” Stan pulled his knees up on the couch, wrapping his arms around them.
He reached over and messed up Stan's hair, still damp from where he'd gotten clean. "But you can always come watch a movie with me, kid."
"Heh." Stan smiled, eyes still on the screen. "Cool."
"Yeah, yeah, now shh. You're missing key plot information." Pazuzu was a hack.
"Wow, pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles?" Ford had never seen so many colours on food before. 
"Eh, someone once told me it was perfect sleepover breakfast food." Dipper flipped a pancake over the stove. Ford had been woken early by Fiddleford, who apparently woke with the sun on account of 'farm life'. 
It had been weird to see Dipper reading a book when he came downstairs, an arm around a snoring Stan, even as Ford felt a pang of something that wasn't worth investigating. It was good Stan wasn't alone for the night, he probably wouldn't have slept great anyway, they stayed up really late playing MonsterMon after finishing the starter dungeon and defeating the evil wizard, a servant of Probabilitor called Algebraius the Beatable.
"How ya holdin' up there, Stan?" Fiddleford checked in.
Stan had dark rings under his eyes, haggardly cutting into a pancake and nursing a glass of milk the way mom did with her morning coffee. "Pfft, I'm fine. No nightmares at all. That screaming you heard last night was coyotes."
"Well, Tad Strange slept great." Tad had denied the offer of pancakes, instead buttering some of his bread and adding sprinkles to that instead. 
"I did too," Ford agreed. "I had a super cool dream, I was playing chess in space." The other details had slipped away, as dreams did.
"Nerd," Stan poked him with a tired laugh. "Of course you did."
Ford poked him back. He didn't remember much else, but… he felt like he was playing chess with a friend.
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