#I was in the girl scouts
karrova · 8 months
been thinking so much about my childhood recently. I used to do so many things, I rode horses, and I did ballet, and I took art classes and theater classes and I'm still so dumbstruck and confused by how much of a 180 my life took and I cant figure out why I'm so afraid of so much now
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elfcollector · 2 months
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DRAGON AGE: THE VEILGUARD (2024) — Lace Harding what is happening to me?
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cosmignon · 20 days
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ID: An illustration of Aika, a teen girl with star shaped hair puffs, and Savannah, a young adult with a purple argyle button up and gold glasses. Savannah is nervously smiling as she tells Aika “Look at the bright side, at least you’ve only got grade school homework to worry about after magical girl duty pulls you away from it!”. Aika has her arms crossed and eyebrow raised in doubt as she responds “I guess so…”. She also thinks “She’s old…”. End ID.
Oh boy, magic girls who don’t really wanna do their job!!
I wanted to draw @kianamaiart’s Aika bc I loooove the premise and art so far for Aika’s story. I hope you like crossover art too bc my own OC Savannah also starts out really disliking how much magic girl time(tm) takes away from her important college studies so I think she’d wanna try giving advice to Aika in this hypothetical meet up… tho she’s not actually too good with kids so who knows how helpful she’d be ^_^;
Anyways that’s all I wanted 2 draw!! Would love to draw Kiana’s other ocs from this concept (or Aika in her magic girl outfit) sometime later… but this is what I got for the day 👌✨
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homkamiro · 9 months
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"Love, huh?"
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jjknoraly · 3 months
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if u do like any of these pls friend me (im desperate)
(sry for so many tags)
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crewtawn · 10 months
Trans-Fem Scout!
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friendlyengie · 2 years
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I am so normal
Update! Ive been updating their designs! See them (most of them) here!
Refs for the fem fortress designs I threw around in this post!! Because I am a big fan of woman and also a little bit insane abt this little idea
tldr for anyone who doesn’t want to check out the og post: I wanted to make a counterpart team to the og mercs that was all girls but also like. Vaguely genderbend-adjacent? Genderbending but cooler. Some of these characters resemble genderbends more than others but they’re all their own characters that exist somewhere within the universe (a couple are even canon characters because I think Zhanna Deserves a Gun!) why are they also a RED team? I don’t know! And I’m too tired to try and bullshit some canon-sounding excuse for it. The administrator wanted to fuck with the og mercs or smth for fun
I probably have more to say about them but I’ll save anyone reading this from what would probably end up being multiple paragraphs of personality and relationship descriptions ! Enjoy a bunch of women with traced weapons (bc you’re insane if you think I was gonna draw them freehanded)
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ruthytwoshakes · 4 months
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(inspired by @teamfurtress go check them out 4 bunnnnnyyyy scouttttt and otheerrrrrs)
please share this fundraiser, and donate if you can. Khalil Abubaker and his family are nowhere near the donation goal they need to evacuate out of Gaza. (at time of writing.) a little bit helps.
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weirdglassthing · 3 months
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Huey and Gosalyn have some summer camp fun!!
This may have something to do with a comic idea I had
Ironically this is my last post before I go to summer camp (I kind of hope there are no glowing eyes in the woods but c’est la vie)
I will be back in a week hopefully with more ducktales art!!
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(No, no he should not be)
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spacedace · 2 years
Girl scout cookie season has to be fucking hell in Gotham
Like, okay so I don't actually know anything about girl scouts, but it has to be intense right? Every girl scout in the city has to know that Bruce Wayne is a soft touch and will buy out your entire stock if you just look at him with even a hint of a sad frown. Which means outside of Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Manor is prime real estate, the kind of hot spots that scouts and their parents are willing to go to war for. Like, full on street brawls breaking out between these little girls and their rival troops over common Bruce Wayne locations.
And it's *Gotham* so you know there are like, Gotham Specific badges for things like "Improvised Weaponry" and "Urban War Tactics" I bet there are badges for helping people during Rogue attacks, with like a badge for each specific Rogue and a badge you get if you've earned all the others.
Just. Gotham Girl Scouts have to be scarier than any Marine, and are probably on so many watch lists, both ad potential heroes and villains.
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cardsharksplayingames · 9 months
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vvalentine · 4 months
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In the name of the moon, I will punish you! 🌙
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rowrowronnie · 1 year
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thinking abt dadspy again
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homkamiro · 7 months
I have never been shocked to see femscout in a straight piece of fanart until your blog.
Sniper scout works no matter the gender!
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For no reason at all I've been craving for some femsniper/scout content!! Idunno, my dumb bisexual brain just wants to experiment on my hyperfixated ship in every ways
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immortalbutterflycos · 8 months
Girldad Rosekiller vs. Girldad Wolfstar: Selling Girl Scout Cookies
(Yes I'm aware the Girl Scouts are an American thing. Indulge me.)
They aren't so much "selling" the cookies, as they are threatening people to buy them in support of their daughter "Or else".
Some Dude: "Nah, sorry man, but I gotta sell my own kid's cookies." Barty, pulling a knife out of fucking nowhere: "You'll buy the damn cookies or the only thing you'll be selling is your own severed hands."
Short, Sweet, and highly effective.
They have a whole plan. They used to just go to James first because this man will just buy every single one of those fucking cookies with no buyer's remorse, but Regulus has a firm ban on allowing any more than 3 boxes in the house at any given moment because they just had palets of the damned things sitting in their cupboard and now he gets physically ill at the very thought of anything other than thin mints.
So instead, Remus has a sale plan that he and Sirius created. It lays out the best locations, and with their encouragement, their daughter is very easily one of the best salespeople in the business.
Sounds normal right?
Because even a well-thought-out plan can be somewhat derailed based on Sirius's influence alone.
Let me set the scene:
[[On a sale day, Sirius and their daughter are sitting at the breakfast table before Remus wakes up. Sirius drinks some bougie iced espresso drink he made, and she has a plate of smiley-face pancakes out in front of her.]] Sirius: "So what do you say when someone starts to walk close to the table?" Their daughter, smiling up at him: "Hello, would you like to buy some cookies?" Sirius, nodding: "Good. Now, what do you say when they say no?" Their daughter: "Please sir, my mum just died of cancer." Sirius, grinning proudly: "That's my girl." Remus, having just walked into the kitchen, his hair a mess, and his jumper hiked up due to the hand scratching an itch on his stomach: "Please tell me that you did not teach our daughter to use Cancer as a sales tactic..." Sirius: "Of course I did! It's brilliant!" *She raises her hand from her seat* Remus, with a soft sigh: "Yes, Angel?" Her: "But I have two dads. I never knew my mom." Sirius: "Ah, but that's the trick, Darling." *He pokes her nose.* "Sales is all about the blatant exploitation of other people's emotions in order to make a profit." *looking to Remus* "Tell me I'm wrong." *Remus breathes out a resigned laugh and shakes his head incredulously* Remus: "It's the fact that I genuinely can't that upsets me the most..."
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gallifreyanhotfive · 7 months
Help I took too much ibuprofen, saw a picture of a Thin Mint cookie, and am now wondering if Gallifrey has an equivalent of Girl Scout where a bunch of Time Tots go around trying to sell cookies or whatever to grown up Time Lords who are equally excited for cookie season.
Just thinking about Borusa rolling up to Beta Shrigma and Costco's cookie stand and ordering 20 boxes of the Shortbread of Rassilon.
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