#I was in the girl scouts
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karrova · 1 year ago
been thinking so much about my childhood recently. I used to do so many things, I rode horses, and I did ballet, and I took art classes and theater classes and I'm still so dumbstruck and confused by how much of a 180 my life took and I cant figure out why I'm so afraid of so much now
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pussyevisceration · 10 days ago
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they’re growing on me
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consultingfujoshi · 3 days ago
having some barely formed thoughts about the three severed women we know of (excluding o&d) and how they're all sort of experiencing their own misogynist hellscape and how severance not only exacerbates the existing struggles of women but reduces those women down to nothing but their suffering
gabby's innie exists purely to gestate and give birth to children and then is switched off again and never gets to raise or even meet her child until her husband decides it's time for the next one. episode 7 suggests gabby is not the only woman who has done this to herself. how many female innies exist just to be a walking baby incubator?
gemma is quite literally in hell. dozens of versions of her are being subjected to physical or psychological torture at the hands of the same white guy, at least one of which is in an endless performance of housewifery, her body given over to the hands of strangers, and she has to willingly walk into each room knowing anything could be happening to her in there and she will never know what, only that her alternate selves have literally never known anything except suffering. you did it to yourself, you asked for this.
and even when she tries to free herself she is immediately sent back by one of these innies who literally does not know what is going on and why she's here, and doesn’t know enough to question what she's being told. these women she becomes do not have the tools, the knowledge or agency, to fight back. if you'd known better, you'd have stopped it. why didn't you stop it? why weren't you smarter about it? why weren't you more careful?
tell me you love me before you go, sweetheart
and helly. she's more complicated but there's really something to be said about helena, a woman that by all accounts should see her as a sister, and uses that very idea to propagandise herself and inflate her own status, but in reality does not even see helly as human - she is constantly at the mercy of a woman far more affluent and powerful than herself who feigns care for her to the masses whilst happily subjecting her to torture. and then without that support from another woman, without that sense of solidarity, she seeks refuge in the arms of a man who can somewhat understand what she's going through because that feels like her only option, to gain approval or social standing through a man, but even that is hollow and it is soured by the very woman she is at the mercy of competing with her for that same man. she has been forced to place all her bets on the love of a man, like that'll prove she's real and worth something, and even that she can't have for herself
severance is used in all of these cases as a means of further dehumanising, objectifying, and reducing women down to their base biological functions and forces them to subject themselves to the whims of men. all in totally unique ways but all very real experiences that women go through every day, crytallised by having it quite literally be all they exist for. severance as just another tool to exert violence upon women
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pupkinpumpkin · 3 months ago
Thinking of Rook always having this mask of humor and chillness at all waking moments, but there are these little moments, where the worry and the stress and the fear are shown in a small downturn of the lips, a quiver of the voice, a furrow of the brow, or a nervous laugh. And then their mask is right back on.
The companions joke about how hard it is to read Rook or they comment on how confident they always look. Rook is their leader and sometimes they seem utterly untouchable.
Then they get sent to the Regret Prison. Everyone is obviously terrified and worried for their safety, but they don't imagine Rook being scared. They imagine Rook blazing through the prison, too stubborn and fierce to be kept down. So the only option is to meet them in the middle. Rook has inspired and helped them all so much that they spend those missing weeks working to get them out, because Rook would've done the same for them.
Finally, after weeks of trial and error, they find a tear in the Fade, just big enough to pull Rook out of. When they pull them out, they expect to see Rook exhausted but relieved. They expect a joke or for Rook to tease them for worrying so much. But that's not what they find.
They find Rook, shaken, sobbing, and scared. There is relief in their eyes, but that mask they always wore is gone, worn away by the prison, revealing all the terror and doubt that they tried so desperately to hide.
For the first time in this entire adventure, Rook is the one who needs to be comforted and taken care of. But that's a lie. Rook always needed help. They were just so busy helping the others with their problems that they never allowed themselves to feel the true weight of their emotions and they NEVER allowed their friends to see how fucking fragile they constantly were. How they were always so close to losing themselves. Rook never truly allowed anyone to see them. Not even their lover.
And now, in this moment where they are finally letting out everything they've kept so hidden, the companions rush to their side. Emmrich is checking if they're hurt, Bellara or Lucanis insists on making them food, Taash or Davrin go look for the comfiest blanket they can find(if Davrin is alive, that blanket is Assan), and, if Harding or Neve is there, they calm Rook down enough to where Rook can finally speak without their voice shaking. Rook's love holds them close while the others all sit around Rook and just listen.
Rook never expected anyone to take care of them, that was their job. They're the leader. Helping everyone else with their problems was enough. But as they explain what happened in the Regret prison, and realize that their friends don't judge or see them any less, Rook feels this profound sense of catharsis. Before Tearstone Island, all the companions set out to deal with their own problems and worries, with Rook by their side, and now each one is here for Rook as they finally let that mask fall and allow themselves to feel everything.
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fexjam · 3 months ago
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omg power outages SUCK.
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homkamiro · 3 months ago
just wanted to let you know that i've thought about your masc scout/fem sniper art. it is genderous to me, thank you
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Ahhh thank you so much anon!!!🥺I really like them too, they give me a nice change in scenery and a very funny dynamic to play with
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elfcollector · 7 months ago
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DRAGON AGE: THE VEILGUARD (2024) — Lace Harding what is happening to me?
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theladyeowyn · 3 days ago
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Is anybody listening? I open my mouth and nothing comes out Nothing, nothing gonna wake me now
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knightorchids · 1 month ago
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Harding holds the line.
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autumndragon · 1 month ago
I know it's the wrong timeline, but imagine if in the lycanwing episode, they had gone to Viggo for help out of sheer desperation.
If Tuffnut doesn't accept any of their help, it's time to get more drastic. None of them can figure out what dragon caused that bite mark, but you know who might? An expert dragon hunter. So, Hiccup goes to Viggo, he lays out the deal and says they need help with a dragon they can't identify, and in exchange they might be willing to leave some of the hunters' ships alone for a while. Viggo, intrigued (and flattered Hiccup is recognizing his expertise) agrees, and goes back with them to the edge.
They go to the stables, where Tuffnut is locked in a cell. Tuffnut, being Tuffnut, sees Viggo and immediately starts wailing that they've SOLD HIM to the DRAGON HUNTERS, how COULD THEY, they're going to HAND HIM OVER to VIGGO. Hiccup tells him to just stick out his arm.
Tuffnut: FINE, i'll show him, and then you will all believe!!! he will prove the truth you are too blind to see! HERE IT IS
Viggo: oh, that's a canine bite
Tuffnut, Hiccup & Fishlegs:
Viggo: you can tell by the u-shaped pattern and the circular marks of the canine teeth next to the smaller imprints of the molars. i'd say it was a wolf, most likely.
Tuffnut: now that you mention it. it was large and furry and walked on four legs. it didn't have any wings either. i always thought that was strange for a dragon, haha!
Tuffnut: it would also explain the howling.
Hiccup: are you fucking serious
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jjknoraly · 8 months ago
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if u do like any of these pls friend me (im desperate)
(sry for so many tags)
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crewtawn · 1 year ago
Trans-Fem Scout!
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weirdglassthing · 8 months ago
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Huey and Gosalyn have some summer camp fun!!
This may have something to do with a comic idea I had
Ironically this is my last post before I go to summer camp (I kind of hope there are no glowing eyes in the woods but c’est la vie)
I will be back in a week hopefully with more ducktales art!!
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(No, no he should not be)
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tbhcreaturelover69 · 4 months ago
Trying to animate!! My animations are very poor, so this one made me very proud!
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homkamiro · 4 months ago
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Her gaze softened
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useradeer · 5 months ago
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Scout as a Bunny Girl. That's the post.
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Idea taken from @starlightsinger32 's fic "Tricks and Treats". It was so hilarious I had to do it, hope it's to your taste m8.
Also, I'm moving my Team Fortress 2 art from @useradeers-tf2-problem to this account, if y'all don't mind.
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