#I was cuddling with robin and then her eyes flashed purple and I was like YOU sly dog. you had me cuddling
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happy10thousandyears · 1 year ago
I really like ivory wraith but I wish there’s ways to actively seek them out to interact with them? Cool guy👍
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wwaestheticskatiestclaire · 8 months ago
Katie St. Claire had made a habit of watching her world die. The dreams she’d had the previous night were no different, but she naively hoped it would just be another dream. She scowled into the cold of the night, staring at her ceiling of frost covered branches. She took a deep breath, then another, soothed by the warm touch of her boys cuddling into her. She turned her head to look at Kyle, he seemed so peaceful in his sleep. 
In her dreams, it had been the opposite. She dreamt of a crack in reality and a long fingered hand clawing its way out of it. There had been a smile that stretched too wide across an almost human face and eye like a kaleidoscope that glittered with devilish glee as it picked up Kyle. It reminded her of that painting of wild eyed Cronus eating his young. 
She turned to look at Peter, as she carefully pried herself from underneath his and Kyle's arms. Peace  had placed itself across his face, but unlike Kyle’s this was a peace that had settled like the dust from rubble of a demolished building; Peter had cried himself to sleep again. 
“Shit,” Katie said under her breath. “He's been getting to you again, hasn't he, Petie?”
Gently, she kissed his forehead and tucked him in closer to Kyle. “Keep him safe for me, Starman,” she whispered as she began carefully getting up. It was unlikely he had heard it, but it warmed her heart when he pulled Peter closer. 
Then more flashes of the dreams. A maelstrom of space-time against the backdrop of nothingness, like an infinite web of spider webbing cracks in a never ending mirror. Peter cried her name in desperation as he fell forever into the endless void.
“I need to go for a walk.”
She took a deep breath of the crisp forest air, the sharp coldness of the winter frost already dissipating into the wet tones of spring. She closed her eyes to take it all in. This place had magic in its bones. It wasn't just the way the seasons changed as capriciously as the elves that called these woods home. It was the way it whispered to her, stoking her emotions from dying embers into a bonfire of feeling. But unlike her boys, the whispers weren't nearly as tempting.
“Boys,” She said, cocking a hip out and gesturing to a nearby tree. “Can’t just talk about their feelings. They gotta bottle it up and let a forest uncork ‘em. Am I right?” 
She winced at the Forest’s reply; a crippling silence that chilled her far more than the frost ever could.
“Tough crowd.”
 She continued to mutter under her breath and put on her boots as well as the piecemeal armor they had made from materials of the four different worlds they'd run to before this one. She carefully draped the violet colored cloak she'd stolen over her shoulders and gingerly pulled the hood low over her brow. She stiffened at the crackle of a branch underfoot, her palm aglow with purple flame as it aimed at the sound.
A child emerged from the woods, his ears were only slightly pointed and his impish face more humanly round than the jagged angular look of his kinsmen. His chlorophyll green hair and his crooked smile made the half elf look as though he were a plant turned into a human. Despite his appearance, Robin Goodfellow- Puck, to his friends- was one of the most powerful mages ever to have lived. 
“My lady,” he said quietly with a low bow. “I heard you enjoyed yourself last night.”
She pursed her lips. “I did, Puck. Thanks.”
His eyes twinkled humorously at her. “I heard you enjoyed yourself several times last night.”
Her lips twitched in faint amusement; despite his youthful appearance, Puck was one of the oldest people living in Broceliande. Had she not still been reeling from her dreams, she might've even laughed out loud at her mentor’s joke but she just wasn't in the mood.
“Uh oh,” Puck said. “What's wrong?”
“It's just the dreams again,” she replied.
“Uh huh. So, would now be a good time to tell you, you've got a visitor? Or should I wait?”
She shook her head. “Who the hell is it?”
Puck’s smile faltered, and for a split second the mischief in his eyes belied a sensation she'd never seen mar the half elf’s face; For the first time ever, Katie saw fear in Puck’s eyes. 
“Another Sealbearer. Knows about your dreams, stripped my wards. He says he wants to talk. Says he’s got a solution to your problem.”
Katie stiffened, she'd been dodging Sealbearers ever since she learned about them by accident from an old bookseller with the red beard, or more specifically from the book that Peter had stolen; the same book that haunted her dreams, whispering even louder than the forest ever could. It had predicted a faceless man would come and threaten her boys; It had promised he would kill them. So she decided to take them and run. 
“And what did you say?”
Puck smiled, but this time there was no humor in it. “What was I supposed to say? I said you'd talk to him.”
Katie flinched, her words more caustic than she had planned for them to be. “Really? No bargaining on my behalf?”
His eyes narrowed at her. “Contracts require a fair exchange of power, and a fair exchange this is not.”
Katie scowled at him. “...If anything goes wrong…”
Puck cut her off. “Nothing is going to go wrong. This time.”
“But if it does…”
“It won't.”
“BUT If IT DOES.. ” She paused, taking a deep breath. “...You get my boys out somewhere safe, okay?”
“I will see what I can do, but you can't run from him. He's… Em’Rhactn Fo Ed’tha.”
Katie's mind translated the Na’gramas tongue automatically and she winced.
'Merchant of Death. And if he's a Sealbearer, the title is probably literal.'
Puck smiled wanly. “Fortunately for you, he's actually here to help this time.”
She shook her head. “And what if I don't want his help?”
“You will.”
“But if I don't?”
“You need his help.”
“They're just dreams, right?”
Puck shook his head, his smile gone. “Dreams are never just dreams. Not even the fun ones where you can fly or are embarrassed because for some reason you’re pantless before The Oberon.”
Katie raised an eyebrow.
“The point is,” Puck continued. “Especially in Broceliande, Dreams are prophetic. And with the ones you've been having, you need all the help you can get.”
She sighed, annoyed that he was right, but utterly certain that this was something that would come back to bite her.
“Lead the way,” She told him, after what felt like the longest heartbeat of her life.
Puck nodded and clambered for a hidden ladder made of rope like vines and down the shaft of the stout ironwood tree that they'd made their home inside. She vaguely remembered Puck’s explanation about how he had a whole bunch of these across the forest to avoid becoming prey during his people’s hunts. She felt it ironic, that it hadn't mattered; She'd still become prey. 
It felt like forever, but they finally made it to a tunnel made from the branches of several willows carefully knit together.
At the far end of it, stood a young man her age with a cocky smirk and dark eyes hidden beneath a broad brimmed hat, his face was so indistinguishably ordinary that he might as well have had no face at all. The trench coat was well worn and dusty, with patches of both cloth and chainmail.
“Hello, Cousin” Corvus St. Claire said warmly. “I hear you've been having bad dreams. I can help with that.”
Katie didn't understand why Puck was so afraid of this man.
“Who are you?” She asked, confused. “What do you want?”
“We'll get into what I want later, little miss Tinkerbell, but as for who I am, well, you can call me Mr. Hand.”
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lily-drake · 3 years ago
Jason: holy shit- she's so tiny!
Dick: *agitated* Jason, focus, what do we do??
Jason: *coos at the baby Marinette* I haven't seen her this small in forever.
Dick: we need- Jason! Focus! what do we do???
Jason: *shrugs* wait it out? I don't know.
Inspired by @bambicambi
Annoyance coursed through Marinette’s veins as she saw the new Akuma of the day.  Of course it happened when her family came to visit.  Looking up to the sky and praying for strength she turned her back to the chaos, something she would soon regret.  Her brothers were asking her what the heck was going on, and as she opened her mouth a baby pink ray of light hit her, and Marinette poofed and in her place sat 4-year-old Marinette Wayne.
Jason and Dick stared at the small child on the ground in shock and after the moments were over Jason eagerly picked her up and spun her around.
“Holy sh*!  She’s so tiny!”
Jason called out as he held the small giggling girl to his chest.  Dick, was rightfully frustrated and walking in small circles and quickly said,
“Jason, focus, what do we do?”
Upon hearing Jason making cooing noises, he swiftly turned to look at Jason.
“I haven’t seen her this small in forever!”
He exclaimed, nuzzling his nose against the small Marinette.
“We need-Jason!  Focus!  What do we do?”
Jason shrugged as he held Marinette against his hip.  She giggled and tugged at his jacket.
“Wait it out?  I don’t know.”
Dick opened her mouth, but stopped when Marinette began to speak.
“Jay-Jay!  Ride!  Ride!”
Jason’s grin grew and gently set her down while holding her hand.  He squared down and carefully released her hand.  He could not express the pure amount of joy he felt when she climbed onto his back and wrapped her tiny hands around his neck.
“Jason, have you just forgotten the weirdly dressed flying child that not only turned Marinette, but all of Paris into kids?!”
He…had forgotten.  But can you blame him?  Marinette was so tiny when she was a kid, and he hadn’t seen her like this in forever.
“Look, contact Zatanna while I keep her safe and distracted.”
Dick sighed in relief replying,
“Alri-wait a minute.”
Jason was already running with a giddily screaming Marinette.
“No fair, I want to cuddle my baby sister too!”
He sighed in frustration, and no he was not pouting.  Quickly pulling out his communicator he dialed Zatanna.
“Hey, so I’m in Paris visiting some family, and this flying kid in really weird clothes is going around de-aging people.  Could you come see what’s going on please?”
“Pardon, but what?”
“Yea, it sho-“
Dick quickly ran through the streets dodging beams that were now directed towards him.  Why did stuff like this always happen when they traveled?
A few moments later a portal opened and he had never been more relieved to see Zatanna in his life.  Zatanna looked around and looked at the villain.  As she studied it and was about to jump in, a neon butterfly mask appeared over the child’s face and she realized what this was.
“I can’t do anything, sorry Dick.”
“What?!  Why?!”
“This is ancient magic, probably the most ancient magic in the universe.  There should be others…, see,”
She said pointing to a cat-like figure in the distance.  Dick stared in confusion, what was happening?
While Dick was trying to figure everything out Jason was having the time of his life with Tiny Mari.  He was especially thankful that when she was blasted that her clothes were transformed into a white t-shirt and overalls with lions stitched throughout them.  He had taken so many pictures of them.  We’re people running around everywhere scared, yes, yes they were.  But that didn’t stop him from enjoying as much time as he could with his tiny sister like he used to.
“Jay-Jay!  There’s a fairy in my pocket!”
“How is there a fairy in the Pixie’s pocket?”
He asked jokingly while swinging the hands back and forth!
“Lookin lookie!  It’s a Ladybug fairy!  She’s so pwetty.”
Marinette held Tikki in both of her hands and jumped up and down trying to get him to look.  Jason chuckled and looked down at the toy.  It was cute, he had never seen something like it before.  Then it blinked, and flew out of Marinette’s hand, and oh gosh, IT CAN TALK?!
“Marinette, you need to help Chat Noir defeat the akuma?”
“Akuma matata!”
Marinette called out with a giggle.  Jason would have laughed, if it weren’t for the flying bug thing talking to his sister, who was currently 4, telling her to help someone defeat the crazed villain.
“Woah!  Are you insane?!  Look at her?!  How do you expect her to fight?!”
The thing looked conflicted before sighing and saying,
“Well, do you want to fight it?  You just need to wear the earrings, I can run you through what you need to do!”
Marinette screamed.
“I want to be like you and daddy!  It’s my turn to help people!”
“Marinette, you're too young.”
Tears began to well up in the small child’s eyes.
“I-it’s no fair!  You al-always say that!  I want to help!”
She finished stamping her foot definitely with a sharp glare.  Jason sighed in exhaustion and turned to the floating creature.  He mumbles under his breath,
“Can’t believe I’m letting this happen.”
He knew by the way Marinette was gripping at her ears and the definence in her stance.  He could easily take them by force, but he didn’t want to hurt her or make her angry and feel betrayed.
“Can you assure above all else that she will be completely and utterly safe.  I will join as well in my hero suit to make absolutely sure.”
“Yes, she has a partner as well who will watch out for her.”
He sighed in relief at that, but there was a new and very heavy weight on his chest that wouldn’t leave until this event was over.  He listened to the fairy tell Marinette what she needed to do and almost smiled at the determined face she was making.  Her cheeks were so chubby and-no, focus!  He pulled out an extra domino mask he always carried with him and zipped up his leather jacket.  When he turned around there was a burst of pink light and where Tiny Mari once stood stood his sister in the cutest outfit he had ever seen!  It was similar to his old Robin outfit, but closer to Tim’s as she thankfully felt that there needed to be pants.  She had small wings on her back with a black cape with red bottom edges that shielded them from view.  And in her hands was a tiny yo-yo.  Before anything else could happen, he quickly pulled out his phone and took pictures.  He wanted to show this to Bruce and brag, sue him.
Soon after that they both left to the rooftops.  He was honestly surprised by how easily she maneuvered around the roofs and how easily her yo-yo grappled and released from things.  They soon landed next to a Cat Woman knock-off who turned to look at them in surprise and exhaustion.  When Marinette saw him she quickly turned to him and tugged on his sleeve.  Jason crouched down and Mini-bug leaned close to his ear and whispered,
“Does Selie have a son?”
Jason snickered and glanced up at the kid.  He seemed to have heard them if the ears twitching and confused look said anything.
“No Pix.  He was just inspired.”
“Oh, okie-dokie!”
“So, I’m assuming you two know each other and she was hit out of suit?”
“Yep, basically.”
“Right.  Well, we just need to break the wand, but I can’t get close.”
“Little Lady, cast your charm.”
Mini-bug puffed up her cheeks making her old —and most adorable— thinking face before yelling out while throwing the yo-yo into the air,
“Lucky Charm!”
“A red and black spotted rubber bullet dropped into Mini's awaiting palms.  Jason promptly took the bullet and loaded it into his gun, it was the perfect fit.  The hideously dressed child flew over to them and flourished her wand creating the opening Jason needed.  With one quick shot the bullet flew through the air and hit the wand causing it to snap.  A black and purple butterfly began to fly out and mini quickly caught it.  She quickly released it bouncing on her heels in pure joy as a wide smile grew onto her face.
“Told ya I coul’ do it!”
“Yes you did, good job Pix.”
Chat Noir, who they hadn’t noticed disappeared, came back with the bullet and handed it to the small girl.  She threw the bullet into the air jumping up as well and yelled out,
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
Millions of Ladybugs flew through the air repairing damages and Turing people back to normal ending with Ladybug herself.  Ladybug looked around confusedly and saw Chat on her right and Red Hood on her left.  Memories of the past hour flashed through her mind and she promptly hid her face in her hands and a deep blush bloomed across her face.
“This is a disaster, a complete disaster.”
“I don’t know Bug, was it?”
Jason asked with a crap eating grin.
Came her mumbled response.  Jason laughed and ruffled her hair, Marinette was too miserable to care.
“We should go make sure golden boy isn’t panicking too much, don’t ya think?”
Marinette sighed tiredly and nodded, I guess so.
“Sorry Chat, I promise I’ll explain later.  Bug out.”
And as quickly as she could she swung away with Red Hood laughing and not too far behind.
“B is going to hate that he missed this.”
He called through the air causing a loud groan to escape her lips.
“Don’t show him!”
“Too late Pix, already sent them all to the group chat.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you to Babybug.”
Marinette groaned again and Jason laughed all the way to where they found Dick and Zatanna talking in an alleyway.
@queenz-z @aespades @fandomsaremylifeline @stainedglassm @toodaloo-kangaroo @prettylittlebutterflie @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00 @unoriginalmess @buginetye @miraculouslydumb @aurcad123
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current-interest-writings · 4 years ago
Batboys and Batmoms Birthday
Requested: no, this is self indulgent
Started writing this on my birthday
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Your birthday in the Wayne house hold was the most important next to Mother’s Day, well at least to the boys.
You wanted to simply sleep in on your birthday, have your husband home earlier.
And sleeping in was more manageable when only two kids were trying to climb into your bed and share it.
Even though most of your children are adults, you do wake up to a dog pile on your birthday. With Bruce taking some weight to his upper body because dick and Jason are on top of his shoulder.
Damien at first wouldn’t participate, now he’s glued to your side on most days. Especially on your birthday, Damien has wrapped himself around your arm and cuddled into you. He always places himself in between you and Bruce. ALWAYS
While Tim was just cuddled into your side, it comforts him and gets him to sleep so you can’t complain too much. The boy needs to sleep.
Cass was near the end of the bed, wanting to participate but also wanting her own space.
Duke was on the other side, kinda out of the pile but he had a leg in.
And this was just the start, you being the first one awake to see all of your children in your bed. Laughing a little to yourself knowing Bruce was right, you did need a custom sized bed to fit everyone. But they still piled on each other, Bruce and you.
One side of your large bed had almost no limbs on it. While the rest of it was covered.
The next part of your birthday was breakfast in bed, which did mean your children would have to wake up sadly.
In your thoughts about breakfast Alfred walked right into the room, and sighed.
“ are your children aware the other half of the bed is bare? Or that master Bruce is not a mattress topper?”
Bruce opened one eye
“Alfred it’s been over 10 years, I think they know. They just don’t care anymore”
*mumbles from kids*
“Shh we know, and we don’t care. Just let us sleep”
Alfred set the tray down. And gave you a look.
“ I’m going to starve on my birthday!!! 😱”
Cue kids shuffling closer to Bruce so you can eat. Damien shifted his legs closer to his father, Tim just moved down to lay his head on your leg.
But the food smell woke the rest pretty fast. And everyone knew after food, they got to get their party started.
The “party” consisted of JLA members, your sons, husband, Alfred and you.
It was always small, just how you preferred it. Jon and Damien running around in the gardens, Clark and Bruce getting along for the moment. Diana relaxing and seeming human, Jason and Tim talking. Seeing the flash family run around was always funny.
The food was delicious and there was a ton of it. Your birthday was practically catered by every restaurant in the city, after all you needed enough food to feed everyone.
But the day flew by having fun with all of your friends, and eventually they had to leave. But you get to have more family time.
Few minutes after guest cleared out, your children ran to grab something. While Bruce came up behind you.
“Your gift from me is coming later today, but I assure you’ll like it”
“Bruce you’ve given me everything by just being home all day, and by being social and friendly.”
Your husband just chuckled, you both could here pounding foot steps coming down the stairs. With two sets walking calmly behind them.
“Boys so we don’t have a fight in the stair well let’s go into the family room”
They all followed behind like little ducklings (or robins)
Your kids had you sit in the large arm chair, and they took the couch while your husband stood behind you.
“Well Ma how are we doing the gift order this year?”
“Jay we are doing as we’ve always done, in order”
You’ve always made them follow the adoption order. It made sense, and made it hard to argue about it whose turn it was.
Dick smiled and handed you a small box and a card. “I hope you like it”
“I love anything you kids give me”
You opened it to see a small photo book. You turned the pages to see they were blank.
You eyed your son.
“Open the card”
The card he handed you was kinda thick. But once opened was full of pictures of the kids. In their uniforms, out of them, around the manor, and school ones.
“ oh Dick... it’s wonderful!”
You have your son a tight hug. Trying not to tear up.
“Alright Ma don’t cry.. yet”
Jason handed you a card, and motioned for you to open it. What was written almost made you cry.
‘To my Ma, you’ve loved me and hugged me. You’ve taken my anger in stride, and have forgiven me for my mistakes. I didn’t get you anything huge, but I’m giving you this promise.
I’ll be coming to the manor once a week. And we can spend time together. Like we used to.
Love your favorite zombie son’
You looked at Jason and stood up, you were crying. You just hugged him tight. You whispered “love you too my little bat”
Tim was next in line and new it was small but it would be meaning full.
He handed you another card, all he wrote was
‘I love you, this family and the memories we’ve made’
It was a small flash drive, you raised you brow.
“It’s got a lot of pictures and videos of us on there, so you can always take us with you”.
Your sweet babies loved to make you cry, you swore it. You gave him a tight hug. “I love it, thank you my little robin”
Damien went next and it was kinda large, he needed some assistance from his brothers to bring it in.
“ ummi I know I am tough to deal with, but I know you hold us close because you love us. And I know you like pictures of us as well. So I made you this. “
He pulled the sheet off and it was a portrait of you, and all of your children. You just grabbed your baby and hugged him tight.
“Oh it’s beautiful my little artist!!”
You knew just where you wanted it hung.
Next went cass
She signed, still not fully comfortable talking.
“I love you mom, and I hope it keeps you warm.”
You opened the wrap to see a hand knitted scarf, beanie and cardigan. It was beautiful, she had mixed purple and black into the pattern with a dash of yellow.
You lunged a hug at your baby “I love you too sweetheart, and these definitely will”
Duke went last he also got you a card.
He just nodded with a shy smile
As you opened the card to read it, you had a feeling the tears would keep coming.
‘To my mom, you’ve taught me it’s okay to have more than one mother’s love. That by loving you I haven’t forgotten about or replaced my mother.
You’ve also shown me patience and kindness when I may have frustrated you.
Thank you,
You opened your arms to duke while crying “hug?”
He just gave you the hug.
As he pulled away and sat down. You stared at your kids and then your husband.
“Why are all my babies so sweet!!! 😭”
And they jumped to hug you in a group hug.
Later that night batwoman showed up to cover Batman and you’ve never been so thankful.
All she said was “happy birthday have fun”
And it was just you and Bruce.
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years ago
Holiday Wishes, Mistletoe Kisses
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A/N: This was meant to be a blurb, but I got carried away. I honestly don’t know how I feel about it, but I wanted to post some Christmassy stuff in between now and Deck the Halls, so here’s a little something. It’s basically over a thousand words of Harry pining for some girl he just met. That seems to be my favorite trope, yeah? Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I hope that you all remember that Christmas isn’t about what you have or what you’re able to give, it’s about spending time with the people you love the most. I’m always here for you all if you need me and I love you loads. Thank you! 
Word Count: 5.1K+
Warnings: A little smut, pining, flash forward, ofc
Prompt: “You’re wearing the Santa hat, whether you like it or not” | Taken from this post here! 
It wasn’t that Harry hated Christmas. 
He loved spending time with his family, drinking mulled wine and talking shit with his Mum and Sister on the couch until the morning light. He loved the Christmas cookies that everyone seemed to bake just for him. Every single one of his friends would wrap them up in cute, candy cane striped cellophane bags with a little bow as if they were worried he’d been deprived of sweets. He loved the warmth that enveloped him when he stepped into any building, dodging the cold winter winds and brutal snowflakes that hit his skin. He loved most things about the season, but he truthfully hated the actual holiday itself.
He hated the music, each song covered by about twenty different artists, (yet, they always sounded the same, somehow), playing on a loop on every single Christmas station. He hated how rude people were in the shops and on the road, as if their time was more important than anyone else's. He hated the stigma around giving expensive gifts, stressing over the perfect thing to get each of his friends. If he could, he’d give them all something homemade, but he was shit at doing anything crafty. 
His boots crunched against the snow as he walked towards his mother’s front door. 
He let himself in, kicking his shoes off before he removed his scarf and his winter coat. He could hear laughter from the kitchen, Gemma and his Mum giggling far too loud. They must have cracked into the mulled cider a little early, and truthfully, he was jealous. He’d spent the last four hours stuck in traffic listening to white Christmas over and over and over again. He shut the front door as Evie wrapped herself around his legs, her soft purring catching his attention as he glanced down at the black and white kitten. 
“Hiya, darling girl.” He crouched down, scooping her into his arms before he delivered a series of kisses over her head. “Daddy’s missed you, eh. Have you been good for your nan?”
She meowed in response, causing Harry to coo at her before he scratched under her chin. 
“That’s my girl.” He pressed another kiss to the top of her head before setting her back to the ground. 
He knew they would indulge in several cuddle sessions over the next few days, so he wasn’t worried about missing his one and only pet this holiday season. He walked through the house, finding his way into the kitchen where Gemma was tipping back a glass of dark red liquid, and his Mum was rolling out cookie dough with a bright smile on her face. What Harry wasn’t expecting, was the curly haired girl with a cookie cutter in her hand next to his Mum.
“Hello!” He called out, offering a smile as he walked over to the kitchen island. “I see we’ve started having fun already.”
“It took you forever to get here!” Gemma said defensively, picking up a chocolate kiss before tossing it at Harry. “Do you want a drink?”
“Something hot, it’s like the bloody tundra outside.” He shivered at the thought of the harsh wind, his eyes trailing back towards the new girl. 
“Stella makes the best peppermint hot chocolate you’ve ever had in your life.” Gemma groaned out, her eyes rolling back in her head. “She puts peppermint vodka in there.”
“I can make you one if you’d like?” Stella’s voice was soft and painfully american. “We’ve got a slow cooker full of hot chocolate.”
“If you don’t mind.” Harry gave her a smile as he pulled out a stool, sitting next to Gemma. “Nice to meet you, Stella. I’m Harry, by the way.”
“She knows who you are.” Gemma reached over, pinching Harry’s side. “Stella is a new transfer at work. She’s new to England, and we thought we’d show her a proper English Christmas.”
“Stella, love, you should probably find another family to spend Christmas with if you want a proper English Christmas.” Harry snorted. “Ours is half arsed at best.”
“We have a lovely Christmas, thank you.” Anne piped up, flicking flour in Harry’s direction as Stella laughed softly. “Don’t scare the poor thing off, we’ve just made her feel at home.” 
Stella turned her back, walking towards the stove.
“I suppose we do have a good time.” Harry hummed out. “I can’t wait to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas for the millionth time.” 
“They’ve got an animated one now!” Gemma exclaimed. “We’re going to do a double feature.”
“Lovely.” Harry rolled his eyes. 
Moments later, a steaming mug of hot chocolate laced was placed in front of Harry. 
He looked down at the grinch mug before looking back up at Stella. 
“Thanks.” He offered her a smile, but she merely nodded back at him before taking her place next to Anne again. 
He watched her, sipping at his drink as Gemma and Anne chatted about some Hallmark movie that was meant to premiere at some point during the week. She wasn’t normally the type of girl that he dated, but he had to admit that she was beautiful. Her cheeks were round, a soft blush smeared over them that he assumed came from a makeup product. Her lashes were thick, and long, shadowing her hazel colored eyes. She had thick brows that seemed a little unruly, and plump lips stained with a plum colored lipstick that matched her smoky, purple eyeshadow. He wasn’t a huge fan of the plum color, but he had to admit that it brought out a lot of the warmer tones in her eyes and in her beautiful, brown skin. He also thought that it complimented the lighter strands in her curly brown hair that bounced about everytime she turned her head. 
He tried not to be too obvious with his curious gaze, but he couldn’t help it. He was almost mesmerized by her beauty, but he was more so confused by his attraction to her. She was far too quiet for his taste, her eyes cast down on the cookies she’d been cutting out for the last few minutes while everyone else chatted. 
He watched her place them on the tray carefully, obsessing over how they landed before she reached for the colored icing. He watched her pipe onto the little shapes, her tongue nestling in the corner of her mouth as her unsteady hands worked diligently on the cookies. 
This was a Styles family Christmas, and the Styles were a rowdy and messy bunch. He’d never seen his Mum or Gemma put that much work into sugar cookies before, and it was almost painful to watch her perfect each and every one before she slipped the tray in the oven. He watched her reach for the cheeky little chicken shaped oven timer that Gemma bought when his Mum fist moved into this house. In all of those years, he’d never seen anyone actually use it. 
“Did you hear me, my little turtle dove?” Anne brushed her hand over Harry’s back as he sipped at his cocoa. “They’re calling for a huge storm this weekend, are you packed for that?”
“I left some stuff here the last time I was around.” He turned his head, smiling back at her. “I think I should be fine if I get stuck with you lot.” 
“Good.” She nodded, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “I’ve missed you.” 
“Missed you too, Mumma.” He wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her into a hug. 
The warm scent of vanilla and musk greeted his senses, flooding him with comfort and nostalgic memories of cuddling with Mum on the couch. He missed having her around him. He missed having his best friend around to comfort him when he needed it the most. When he let go of her, his heart sank a little in his chest. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head before moving back to work on more cookie dough. 
“Why are you making so many cookies?” He asked, brows furrowing as he brushed his fingers over the sickly green mug with the cartoon characters face on it. “Do you plan on feeding an army?”
“No, but Stella suggested that we take some down to the local homeless shelter on Christmas Eve.” Anne smiled over at the girl. “That’s her family's Christmas tradition, and since she’s not with them this year, we thought we’d make it happen for her here.”
“Thank you again, for agreeing to this.” Stella smiled at Anne. “It really means the world to me, and I can’t thank you enough.”
“You’re a part of the family now, dear.” Anne teased. “Even if you’re not spending Christmas with us, this little tradition of yours has been officially integrated into our own Christmas tradition. We’ll always have a little bit of Stella with us during the Holiday’s now, eh.”
Stella laughed at that, reaching her arms out to wrap Anne in a hug. 
Harry almost felt a little jealous at how seamlessly she fit in here. 
“If you keep staring at her, she’s gonna want to run back to America.” Gemma nudged her elbow into his side. “We get it, she’s hotter than you.”
“Oh, shut up.” Harry rolled his eyes at Gemma as she smirked. “I wasn’t staring.”
“Okay, Casanova.” She snorted. “Whatever you say. 
Harry wasn’t sure why he was hard. 
He just wanted to close his eyes and go the fuck to sleep. 
After a long day of travel, and an even longer evening filled with Harry pulling down Christmas decorations from the attic, he just wanted to sleep. He wasn’t looking forward to taking the annual trip to the Christmas Tree Farm tomorrow. Since Robin passed, Harry was the only man in the family, which meant that he often had to do the heavy lifting. He found that most of his strength lay in his core, despite the amount of lifting he’d done to buff up his arms, and he wasn’t looking forward to tossing a tree on top of his car while everyone watched. 
Truthfully, that was the worry that should have been plaguing his mind as he lay in bed. Instead, his mind was lost in hazel colored waves that crashed on dark plum shores. He couldn’t stop thinking about Stella’s eyes or her perfectly shaped lips. He spent most of his night watching her drink from a wine glass, her cheeks turning a shade darker with each joke that she shared with his family. If there was one thing that he was shocked about, it was the dry humor that tumbled from her perfect plum colored lips. She was a funny girl, despite being quiet, and he laughed at every single joke she told without shame. 
As he shifted his about, trying to avoid any further thoughts about her lips, the tip of his cock brushed against the warm flannel of his pajama pants. He let out a throaty groan, reaching down to push his palm into the crotch of his pants to soothe the pressure building in his lower belly. He couldn’t jack off to the thought of Gemma’s new friend, it would be awful, and it would surely land him on the naughty list. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best not to picture her lipstick staining his lower belly, his upper thighs, and eventually...the shaft of his cock. But after a few minutes of trying not to think about it, that was the only thing he could see behind closed eyes. 
With an annoyed grumble, he dipped his hand into his pajama pants, tugging his cock out while his free hand pushed the band of the pants down his hips. He licked over his dry lips, making a mental note to buy some chapstick tomorrow as he gave himself one, swift stroke. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to moan as he brushed the pad of his thumb over the weeping slit of his cock. He was pathetic, dripping down his cock over a girl that he barely knew. He couldn’t believe that he was being that guy right now, tugging at his cock desperately to the thought of a beautiful girl on her knees for him. He wanted so badly to have her there, whispering filthy words in that gentle tone she had, encouraging him to cum on her tongue. 
When he did cum, her name spilled from his lips. 
His chest was heaving as he came down, the tinkling of Stella’s laughter filling his ears. 
Seconds later, he heard her bid goodnight to Gemma before the door next to his own shut. 
He was totally fucked for this girl. 
The next morning, he didn’t expect to see Stella sitting at the breakfast bar when he came downstairs. 
He stopped in the doorway, his cheeks growing warm as he looked over her sweater covered back. Thoughts of her name tumbling from his lips last night flooded back as he looked at her. She was wearing a lavender colored, cable knit sweater, and her curls were tied up in a messy ponytail on top of her head. Most of the curls had fallen out, covering up some of her neck alongside her fingers. Her cheek was propped on her palm, her gaze focused on her laptop as she lifted a mug of steaming liquid up to her mouth with her other hand. 
Harry cleared his throat, walking toward the stove so he could put the kettle on. No one else in the house would be up for hours, but Harry couldn’t turn off his internal alarm clock no matter how he tried. He also hoped that he might find a moment of peace from the very girl sitting in his Mother’s kitchen. She haunted his dreams, her face playing on the silver screen in his mind all night long. He hated how infatuated he was with this woman that he barely even knew. 
“Morning.” She spoke up first, her voice scratchy and tired. “Did you sleep well?”
“Splendid, yeah.” He nodded, filling the kettle with water. “You?” 
“I’ve slept better, but that’s to be expected.” She said softly. “I spent a little bit of time on a skype call with my brother’s, so I was up longer than expected.” 
“But you’re up fairly early this morning, aren’t you?” He put the kettle on the stovetop before turning around, his eyes landing on hers. “Why’s that?”
“I wake up this early anyways.” She smiled at him. “I usually like to go for a walk in the morning to wake myself up.”
“That’s nice.” He lifted his hand, scratching at the stubble on his jaw. “I usually like to go for a swim or a run in the morning, too.”
“Where do you swim?” She asked. 
“There’s a men’s swimming club not too far from my home in London.” He said. “It’s freezing cold, but you get used to it after a while.”
“Jeeze, you swim outside in this weather?” She lifted her head from her palm, her eyes growing wide. “I could never.” 
“It’s an acquired taste.” He chuckled softly. “What are you working on?”
“A new piece for my blog.” She said. “I started out using it as a diary of sorts, but people apparently love reading about the disaster that is my life.”
“I’m sure it’s not all horrible.” He hoped that he sounded encouraging and not rude. “You seem like a lovely, and positive person.”
“I try to be.” She shrugged, reaching for her mug. “I could say the same about you.”
“I try to be.” He smiled at her. “Would you like some breakfast?” 
“Oh, I was actually thinking of popping down to this little bakery Gemma told me about-” 
“Mandeville’s.” His heart picked up, a smile stretching across his lips. “Had my first job there.”
“Yeah, that’s the one.” She laughed, wrapping both hands around her mug as she leaned back in the barstool. “I figured I’d go grab some pastries for everyone. I know it’s kind of a busy day with the Christmas Tree Farm, so I thought it would be best if your Mum didn’t feel the need to cook.”
“She would love that.” Harry said. “Maybe I could go with you? We could both get our walks in, and I can see Mary before she hunts me down and drags me to the bakery.”
“I would love the company.” She smiled. “But enjoy your tea first, I’ll just be working on this until we’re ready to go.”
“Cheers.” He nodded, watching her eyes drop to her computer screen. 
She wasn’t wearing a stitch of makeup this morning, and Harry almost wished that she was. 
He wished that she had covered up her beautiful, freckle covered skin so that he didn’t fall harder for her beautiful face. He wished that she was hiding away those little blemishes that made him swoon, because she was actually a human after all, not some angel sent down from heaven to torture him. He wished that she covered those beautiful lips in that plum lipstick again so that he could imagine kissing it off of her. He hated the feeling stirring inside of his belly, the butterflies a tell tale sign of his feelings. 
He had a crush on Stella. 
And there was nothing he could do to stop himself from falling for her. 
Stella’s gloves were precious.
They were a bright red, little snowflakes and reindeer stitched into them. 
She offered to let Harry borrow a pair of her gloves, claiming that she’d brought plenty of pairs for the winter, but he politely declined before shoving his hands in his pockets. She looked so cozy, wrapped up in her winter coat with a beanie on top of her head and a matching scarf tied around her neck. Harry wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and cuddle her so that they could both stay nice and toasty on their walk. He wanted to kiss her bare cheeks, paying special attention to each freckle on her skin as the winter sun cast over them. 
He was so infatuated with her that it was almost embarrassing. 
“I can’t even imagine what it was like, growing up in a place like this.” Stella turned her head towards Harry, the tip of her nose a little red. “It’s so picturesque.”
“It’s alright.” He gave her a small smile. “I always wanted to get out when I was a kid.”
“Of course you did, we all do.” She chuckled. “I think everyone should run away for a little while, it really gives you all of the tools you need to really appreciate your hometown when you go back. I don’t know that I’ll ever move back to my hometown, but when I visit it, I feel a little bit more appreciative of the pivotal role it had in raising me.”
“I feel the same way about Cheshire.” Harry nodded. “It’s a big part of who I was, and that helped make me who I am. I wouldn’t be the same without this place.”
“Exactly.” She said. 
“So where exactly are you from?” He asked. “I mean, obviously America-”
“Is it that obvious?” She asked, narrowing her eyes playfully, her lips pursed. “I don’t think it is.”
“It’s a neon, flashing sign above your head kind of obvious, love.” He snorted. “But I can’t place what your accent is.”
“It’s not really an accent.” Stella shrugged, turning her attention back to the sidewalk. “I grew up on the road for most of my life, but my family settled in Georgia when I was about twelve.”
“Interesting.” He said. “How did you like Georgia?” 
“I didn’t, at first.” She laughed. “I hated it so much. I loved being on the road with my family, traveling places like Hawaii and Los Angeles. When we moved to the south, I despised everything about it. It was so plain and boring compared to places we’d lived before. But like I said, moving away has made me learn to love it more when I go back.”
“How long have you been gone?” He asked. 
“About three years.” She said. “I lived in Amsterdam for a year, and then Paris, and now I’m here.”
“Which place is your favorite?” He asked. “Be honest with me, now. You don’t have to say London just because you’re trying to get on my good side.” 
Stella tossed her head back, laughing loudly. 
“I think it’s truthfully London, Harry.” 
His name sounded like honey falling from her lips. 
“Why is that?” He asked. 
“Because I’ve found my chosen family.” She turned back, giving him a smile that thawed out the chill creeping up from his toes. “Starting with Gemma, of course. She was the first person to take me under her wings, and I’m so happy that I have her in my life. Then I started to find other people, and we all became this really close knit group of friends that felt more like family than my actual family does. I don’t know how I’ll ever leave this place.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t.” He said softly. “Maybe this is home.”
Please don’t go, Stella. 
Stay here with me forever. 
Love me. 
“My contract is up at the end of the year, but we’ll just have to see how things go.” She said. “I might be convinced to stay.”
“Well, I guess I have a lot of work to do.” He chuckled.
“Why are you so keen on me staying?” She asked him, her brows raising as she gave him a knowing smirk. “Do you have a crush on me, Styles?”
His cheeks grew hot against the cold wind. 
“Alright now, don’t let that go to your head.” He grumbled, tucking his neck into his scarf as Stella’s smile grew wider. “It’s all your bloody fault, you know?”
“What have I done?” She laughed louder. “I’m just me.”
“That’s exactly it.” He let out a breathy chuckle. “You’re you, Stella.”
The Christmas Tree Farm was going well. 
That was up until Gemma decided that they absolutely needed to take a family picture in front of the big Christmas tree, Stella included. They had picked up a few little trinkets and such while walking around the market included in the farm. Anne picked up a reindeer headband with bells stitched in, plopping it on her head the second she found it. Gemma found an elf’s hat with little ears attached to the side, putting it on her hair before fussing with her hair. Stella found a crown made of poinsettias that she plopped on top of her curls, the red and gold working perfectly with her red lipstick and gold eyeshadow. Harry, however, wasn’t exactly in the spirit. 
“You’re wearing the bloody santa hat, whether you like it or not!” Gemma shoved it towards him with a frown. “If you stand next to Stella, you’ll like Mr. and Mrs. Claus!” 
“Shut up, Gemma.” Harry sneered, snatching the hat from her hands. “I didn’t tell you about that so you could throw it in my face!” 
“Well, I’m doing it for the greater good of our family photo!” She glared at him. “Put that hat on before I shove it on your head myself.”
“Are you two alright?” Stella smirked, adjusting her crown on her head as she walked up to Harry and Gemma. “Santa is still putting people on the naughty list you know?” 
“If anyone’s going to be on the naughty list, it’s Harry.” Gemma tossed her arm around Stella’s shoulder with a proud smirk. “He’s being a pain in the arse.”
“Is the hat really necessary to the photo?” He groaned, dropping his head back. 
“Yes.” Stella and Gemma said at the same time. 
“Alright, alright.” He groaned, tugging the hat over his curls. “Are you both happy now?”
“Ecstatic.” Stella smiled brightly at Harry. “I think you look handsome.”
“I’m going to just point out…” Gemma pulled her arm from around Stella, tucking her hands behind her back. “That there’s mistletoe hanging from that piece of wood above your heads.” 
“Gemma-” Harry’s eyes grew wide. 
“And I’m promptly going to walk away.” She smiled at Stella. “Meet us at the tree in ten minutes.” 
“Gemma-” Stella held her hand out as Gemma walked away, her eyes growing just as wide as Harry’s were. “What a sneaky little elf.” 
“Tell me about it.” Harry shifted, adjusting the hat on his head. “Devious little-”
“Well, I guess we can’t break tradition.” Stella looked up at Harry, shuffling forward slowly with a little smirk on her lips. “I mean, what would Santa say if we didn’t kiss under the mistletoe?”
Harry licked over his bottom lip, his fingers twitching. 
“You really want to kiss me?”
“I might.” Stella’s toes were almost touching Harry’s now. “But the question is, do you want to kiss me?”
“I do, yeah.” He nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since I laid eyes on you, Stella.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” She raised her brows. “Now is your chance, Mr. Grinch, lay one on me.”
Harry lifted his hands, pressing them to Stella’s face hesitantly before he lowered his lips to hers in a soft kiss. It was a gentle peck, one that anyone would share underneath the mistletoe, but Harry wanted more from Stella. It seemed that she wanted more as well, her arms sliding around his neck as she pressed up on her toes. He let his hands fall to her waist as the kiss grew more intense, his hands holding onto her tightly as she brushed her tongue over his lower lip. He tried his best not to smile into the kiss, letting her have what she wanted by parting his lips. When her tongue slipped over his, he let out a tiny moan, gripping her hips tighter. 
“Get a room, you two!” Harry groaned, pressing his forehead to Stella’s. 
“Gemma, I swear to god-” Harry turned his head, whipping his santa hat off before he threw it in her direction. “Go bother someone else!” 
Stella laughed, ducking her forehead down to Harry’s chest as he rubbed his thumbs over her side gently. He felt her body shaking underneath his hands, his heart hammering in his chest when he realized just how close they actually were. He turned his head back, lifting a hand up to guide Stella’s chin up. He pressed his lips to hers once, twice, three more times before she pressed her palms to Harry’s chest. 
“We’ll never stop if we don’t move away from the mistletoe.” Stella whispered. “And I think Gemma might physically pull us apart if we miss that Christmas picture.”
“Let it be known that I’m only partaking in this picture because I want to stand next to you for as long as I can.” Harry smiled. “I think I have a little more than a crush on you, Stella.” 
“I think I have more than a crush on you, too.”
“Madeline, stop right there.” Stella let out a frustrated sigh as she looped her arm under the baby carrier, her eyes falling down to the sleeping infant. “Milo, promise Mumma that you’ll listen when you get to that age?”
“Give him here.” Harry brushed a kiss over Stella’s temple, his hand massaging her lower back gently. “You go catch up with speed racer, okay? I’ll be right behind you with the baby and the diaper bag.”
“Thank you.” Stella turned her head, puckering her lips out. “I love you.” 
“I love you.” He hummed out. “And our beautiful babies, even if one of them has a death wish and two left feet.” 
Stella snorted out a laugh, pulling her arm from the carrier before she stuffed her hands in her pockets. “I better go help her up the stairs.”
“Please, we don’t need a repeat of last year.” Harry smiled. 
“Yeah, I would like to avoid a trip to A&E this year.” Stella snorted. 
He watched Stella walk over to an antsy Madeline, her pigtails bouncing about as she jumped from foot to foot in excitement. Harry chuckled softly at his daughter, amused by her excitement. He was happy that she found so much joy in Christmas, just like her Mother did. He watched Stella hold a hand out, waiting for Madeline to take it before they both conquered the brick steps outside of his Mum’s house. When they got to the top, Stella lifted Madeline up, kissing over her cheeks as their daughter giggled. Harry lifted Milo’s car seat from the base, his eyes falling down to the six month old with hazel eyes and soft cheeks just like his Mother’s. 
“We’ve got our hands full with those two, mate.” Harry pulled the soft, wintery blue blanket up to Milo’s chin, tucking it around his shoulders so that he would stay warm. “Gonna keep us both on our toes, I know it.” 
Milo cooed up at him, causing Harry to smile wider before he ducked his head down to kiss his son's soft cheeks. 
“Let’s get you into Nan’s before you turn into a popsicle, my love.” Harry said. “Mumma won’t be happy if we have to spend Christmas thawing you out.”
As Harry made his way up the stairs, he couldn’t help but remember five Christmases ago. 
He was walking up the exact same steps on his own, unaware of the magic that was waiting inside for him. He was unaware that the girl Gemma brought home for Christmas would one day be his wife, and the mother of his two beautiful children. He had no idea that they would spend long nights together, planning their future and holding each other tight. He opened the front door to his Mum’s house, smiling at the sound of Madeline telling his Mother a story with animated gestures, her curly pigtails bouncing around as Stella tried to wrangle her jacket off. 
“And then Daddy told me we could get a puppy next year if I was good enough!” Madeline squealed out as Harry shut the door. 
He dodged the steely gaze he got from Stella after she heard the word puppy.
“Sorry.” He mouthed over at her, causing her to shake her head as she tried to fight off a smile. 
“You’re a menace.” She mouthed back. “But I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” He said it outloud, his heart soaring in his chest. 
Stella gave him a heart warming smile, Madeline’s coat still in her hands. 
Seconds later, Milo let out a tiny cry causing Harry to snap back into dad mode. 
He rested the carseat on the ground, carefully pulling his son out before pressing a kiss to his chubby little cheeks. As if Gemma could sense his presence, she barreled into the living room with her eyes set on Milo. 
“There’s my little man.” She held her hands out, wiggling them as Harry rolled his eyes. “You get to see him every day, Harry. Pass him over to his auntie.” 
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes. “Please be careful with him, I kind of like this one.”
“Piss off.” Gemma snorted out, sliding Milo onto her hip before pressing a bright red kiss mark into his forehead. “Has Daddy told you that without auntie Gem, you wouldn’t exist?” 
“Can you believe that?” She looked up at Harry, a hint of something nostalgic and genuine sparkling in her green eyes. “If I’d never brought Stella to family Christmas, we wouldn’t have two beautiful babies to dote over every year.”
“I can’t even begin to imagine what life would be like without them.” He whispered. “Thank you, Gemma.”
“Harry, I really didn’t-”
“Gemma.” He said her name sternly, pressing his palm to her bicep. “Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” She said softly, her eyes watering. “Now, if you could do me a favor and bring a hot friend around, I’d really appreciate it.”
“I’ll see what I can manage.” He let out a wet chuckle, his own eyes watering. 
“What are we managing?” Stella wrapped her arms around Harry. 
“We owe Gem a favor.” He sniffled, turning head to press a kiss to Stella’s forehead. 
“Why are you crying, baby?” Stella frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing at all.” He pressed his lips to hers, softly brushing his nose against the tip of hers as his. “Just so incredibly grateful to have you in my life, that’s all.”
“You’re so sappy around the holiday’s.” Stella brushed her palm over his belly. “I love you, Mr. Styles.” 
“I love you, too, Mrs. Styles.” He said. “Merry Christmas, Darling.”
“Merry Christmas.” 
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spooky-z · 5 years ago
CHP 2 - Funhouse
I've called the movers, called the maids We'll try to exorcise this place Drag my mattress to the yard Crumble, tumble, house of cards
P!NK – Funhouse
« Previous • The Au • Next »
“Good afternoon, Master Fu.” Marinette greets and bows.
Her mother had raised her very well and thank you.
"Good afternoon, Marinette." The man smiles. "It's good to see you, although I don't think this is an informal visit."
"And you're right." She sits on the mat, Tikki takes the opportunity to escape from the bag.
“We have important information for you.” The kwami says.
Fu's smile becomes smarter.
“I think I'll make some tea to accompany this conversation.
"Interesting." The man mutters, his hands scratching at the gray goatee.
"But you should have brought the book!" Wayzz exclaims.
Marinette knows she shouldn't be annoyed at such a powerful entity, but she can't stop the small fire burning in her chest.
She had already explained it twice. Twice. The reason for not taking Adrien's book and rushing to the Guardian with it, but the little green kwami didn't seem to want to understand.
Well, her parents said age wasn't the same as wisdom. She believed that was the proof of that.
“Wayzz, Marinette has already explained why she didn't do that. Are you even listening to what we're saying?!” Tikki scolds.
He looks at both of them, frowning firmly.
"For all I know, she may well be acting for selfish reasons." Says petulantly. "Not letting the boy she likes in a worse deal with his father."
Marinette's patience breaks.
“Wayzz-“ Master Fu tries, but she cuts the man.
 “I didn't do anything for the supposed boys I like.” Sharp as a scalpel “Have you ever stopped to think that if Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth, he might try to escape after discovering that the book is missing ?!” Growls through gritted teeth.
Wayzz seems skeptical at first, but soon his expression withers to regret.
“Alright, Wayzz. Everyone makes mistakes.” Fu intervenes. “But I really wish I could have seen this book. If it's the book I think of, then it's likely Gabriel also has the peacock's miraculous.” He sighs.
It seemed that things were getting more serious.
Marinette took her backpack off her back, opened it, and pulled out an obviously customized black tablet.
An insignia with two overlapping golden R's graced the cover.
“Here.” She reaches out to the man.
"Marinette thought of everything, Master!" Tikki says excitedly as she flies over their heads.
“And that would be?” The green kwami asks suspiciously.
"... The miraculous grimoire." Fu sighs in surprise as he flips through the virtual pages.
“How did you get this done in such a short time?” Asks to the girl.
"Tim." She says simple.
"Oh, the Red Robin boy." He turns off the tablet. "Tell him I really appreciate that."
Marinette smiles.
"Sure. Now I have to go. A friend of mine awaits me.” She gets up, Tikki goes back to hiding in her bag.
“See you, Master, Wayzz!” She squeaks.
“Marinette, Tikki.” Fu tilts his head in respect.
"Bye, bye." Wayzz.
“Bye guys.” Marinette nods and leaves the massage parlor.
Now she had to run or Kim would kill her.
When she arrives at school, Kim is waiting for her at the entrance. He has two paper bags in his hand, the Dupain-Cheng bakery logo stamped on them.
“Sorry, Kimmy. Tim called me needing my help with something.” She says, her voice coming out slightly unsteady from running the streets of Paris to school.
Kim raises an eyebrow suspiciously. He knew Mari and the Waynes were hiding something from him, but he never forced Marinette to tell because he appreciated their friendship.
And he knew that one hour Marinette would tell him. Then Kim would be the best friend she needed and would wait patiently.
He extends one of the paper bags to the girl and softens the expression.
"All right. At least you arrived with plenty of time to eat.”
Marinette takes the bag, her guilty face melting into a huge smile.
“Thank you, Kimmy! You are the best."
Kim heaves his chest in pride.
"Of course, I am."
He waits until Marinette was by his side to throw his arm over her shoulder, a dangerous smile on his lips. A smile the brunette would recognize even in the dark.
A competitive smile.
"Let's go now. I bet you can't eat everything before the bell rings.”
She narrows her eyes, countering her friend's challenge.
"Well, I bet I can."
Tikki laughs from inside the bag.
She loved when her chosen acted according to her age.
Mari wins the bet, but soon regrets. She can barely breathe under the weight of her stomach.
She almost throws up, but Kim is there to save the day.
Once again.
"... And then Jagged Stone wrote a song in my honor." Lila tells.
She was surrounded by Ms. Bustier's class when Marinette and Kim entered the classroom.
Her nose high, haughty like royalty and the others excited about her story.
Marinette notices that Adrien is sitting in the back row of the right corner, alone. Probably wanting to keep as far away from Italian as possible.
She understands the blonde's behavior.
Lila's manner belied everything she claimed to be.
And as Bruce had once said ‘instinct never fails’.
Her instinct screamed, red everywhere, that the Italian was a problem.
Kim frowned at his best friend, who had frozen in the classroom door.
"MDC?" He whispers and pulls the brunette to their accents.
Marinette blinks, finally coming to herself.
"Sorry, Kimmy." She sighs. "It's just... I don't like her." She mumbles. "She makes goose bumps on the back of my neck."
The boy looks surprised at her. A vivid memory flashing in his mind.
“Really?” She nods and hides her face around his neck. "Wow."
Marinette has always had a kind of seventh sense for bad people. She was a kind child to everyone, but there were people she made a point of being rude to and it never seemed to make sense to her family.
Until one day Marinette had bitten the hand of a Dupain-Cheng neighbor. A nice gentleman who distributed sweets and played with the children in the street.
They were seven when the police showed up at his house dragging him arrested for pedophilia and the only thing Marinette said was "I said he was bad!" before drawing again.
Kim found out some time later (at 9) that the Dupain-Cheng had become suspicious of the man and along with the Wayne, had obtained evidence about him.
He caresses her friend's head. Arms over her shoulder, cuddled up.
“I understand, Mari.” Whispers “To tell the truth, it's kind of unrealistic that Jagged has made a song in her honor that we have never heard. Or her being Ladybug's friend if she has come to Paris recently.”
“Alya believed it. The class is believing it.” Marinette points out “I just hope she only tells fantasy fan stories and don't become a problem for us later.
“If she gets you in trouble, I'll have your back. As I always have.” Kim replies.
“Thank you, Kimmy. Same.” She smiles.
"MDC, I already said ‘Kimmy’ no!"
They did not notice certain Agreste listening to their conversation.
 “So she's a liar, huh.” He whispers to himself and turns his attention back to the class around Lila.
He had managed to return the book to his father's safe without Gabriel knowing about it.
Plagg hadn't been much help, focused on eating his smelly cheeses. The little god had not even tried to check the book to know what it was about.
After Marinette returned it to him, he was left with nothing good to think about Lila Rossi.
Adrien still couldn't believe what she had done and it didn't cross his mind for a second that Marinette was lying about it. As little as he knew the girl, she was fair and honest with everyone.
And on second thought, he doubted his Lady would be best friends with someone so dirty like Lila.
“Adrien!” Lila calls, rising from Adrien's (old) chair and climbing to where he was sitting now. The whole class dispersing around the room.
He noticed the quick glance Alya shot Marinette after seeing the two of them (Lila and Adrien) talking alone in the back of the room.
This was a behavior Adrien didn't understand coming from Alya and some of the people in the class. Every time he did something, they would glance at Marinette as if expecting some reaction or for her to say something.
“Adrien!” Lila calls again, waving her hands in the boy's face to attract his attention.
And what before he could not see clearly, now he could see crystal clear.
He lived with models, knew fake smiles and opportunistic people. Adrien himself was a model, he was in the middle. Even so, he needed Marinette's help to be able to recognize the mischievous tone of those eyes and the plastic smile on this face.
He felt his stomach turn, but forced a polite smile on his face. The same one he used with his most... aggressive fans. So to speak.
"Hello, Lila."
She takes this as permission to sit by his side and claw his arm like a leech.
"Hi! I wanted to end our conversation from before.” She bites her lip, her eyelashes fluttering in an attempt at charm.
He shudders, trying to create a distance between them, but Lila was strong. Adrien is sure that as soon as he took off his shirt to look, he would find purple spots on the inside of his arm.
“Yes?” Questions “I don't even remember what we were talking about anymore.” Forces a bland laugh.
Lila's smile becomes bigger and sharper.
“Oh, no problem! Before Marinette-" Say the girl's name as an insult "-appear, I would tell you that..." She lowers her tone of voice "I was the one who gave the earrings to Ladybug."
Adrien gathers all his acting knowledge to force a surprised expression.
She looks away as if embarrassed.
"Yes. Actually, I have the power of Volpina myself. It is inherited by worthy women in my family.”
Adrien doesn't even have to pretend to choke. It seemed like there was nothing she wouldn't lie to get attention.
Lila kept talking and talking about how she was leading Ladybug and Chat Noir, how she became the heroine of the fox, the most powerful of heroes and blah blah.
Something pops inside him. His passivity, maybe.
“Lila.” Cut her out. “You can stop lying to me now.”
“You don't have to lie to fit in with everyone.” He says. “Alya and I were the new ones too, so I know what it's like to be the new boy and be afraid of not being accepted by the class, but you can already drop the act. They are very kind and friendly.”
Lila's expression wavered for a moment before returning to the act.
"But I'm telling the truth." Her lips quiver and her eyes fill with water.
God, she was a terrible actress.
“Lila.” Adrien stiffens the expression. “I know you're lying.”
There is a change of behavior coming from Lila. The serious face, the manipulative eyes.
It reminded Adrien of his father.
“Well it can't be helped.” She lets go of his arm and tosses the hair off her shoulder. "Now how do you- Oh."
Adrien looks at her and follows her eyes in the direction she is staring.
Marinette and Kim, sitting behind Ivan and Mylene.
“It was then, wasn't it? What did she say?” The voice dripping with poison.
Adrien believes that if he were a real cat, he would have hissed in disgust.
“Nothing.” He replies. “Or rather… Enough.”
Lila lets out a tired breath at the boy's words.
“Look Adrien, people like us-”
“People like us? People like you, Lila. Only you. Don't put us in the same category.” Growls “Either you are honest with my friends or you can keep lying and forget me. You choose."
The Italian can barely keep herself from laughing at the ingenuity of the model.
“Oh, Adrien. Do you really think that would work for me?” Purrs “I’m really surprised by your ingenuity. The big ones only stay big by lying and cheating. Even if you're beautiful and rich, I don't think you're worth the effort.”
She slides her finger over Adrien's arm that was spread across the table. He retracts his arm away from her, annoyed.
"So, I think you should leave me alone."
She seems to finally give up on the blonde as she gets up, but before leaving him alone, she leans toward him. The malicious look never leaving her expression.
"Then try to keep out of my way or I'll have the pleasure of destroying you." And get out, as if she hasn’t just threatened someone.
Neither of them notices Marinette and Kim watching the interaction.
Marinette had to insist to Kim go home to take a shower that day.
The boy had not left her for a second for the rest of the school day. He had even turned down a dispute with Alix (which had left half the class in shock) to stay with Mari.
She could only convince him to leave her (finally) alone when she said she wanted privacy in her feminine affairs and after that they could have dinner together while watching Law & Order.
Marinette came through the side door of the bakery, which was now closed for business.
When she gets home, the scent of Kung Pao Chicken attacks her pleasantly.
“Papa, Māma, I'm back!” She calls, opening the bag for Tikki fly freely around the house.
“Huānyíng huíjiā sweetie.” Sabine responds “Your father had to make a delivery, but he should be coming soon.” Says when Marinette arrives in the kitchen.
Marinette kisses the woman's cheek affectionately.
"All right. I need to do something at the bakery.”
Sabine turns around, her face abnormally serious for her daughter.
"All right. I'll call when the food is ready and your dad arrives.” She smiles again. “If Tikki wants it, there's a little chocolate mousse left in the bowl. She can eat while I wash the dishes...”
The kwami ​​materializes in the kitchen, her eyes shining.
"OK." Sabine laughs.
"I'll be right back." Mari says before leaving the house again and going down to the bakery kitchen.
There she pushes the heavy workbench, sliding across the floor until a metal trapdoor appears.
She rests her palm on the safety lock flashing red.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” She says and the light is quickly replaced by green and the trapdoor opens softly.
It was the time of truth.
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 And I know that Adrien is very OOC, but calm down! There is a reason for this that will be shown soon.
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flashhwing · 6 years ago
oh my god they were roommates
How nice would it be if Steph could just move to Bludhaven? And it could be her and Cass again, and things would be like they used to except they’d be Nightwing and Batgirl insead of Batgirl and Spoiler. Just like old times. Actually ... What was keeping Steph in Gotham? She very well could just up and leave, couldn’t she?
Pairing: StephCass Word Count: 2.2k
Steph peered at her reflection in the mirror and poked at the budding bruise on her cheek with a small harrumph!  It didn’t look that bad.  It was barely purple and didn’t cover her whole face or anything.
Her ribs, on the other hand, were a whole other story.  But Alfred had already wrapped those to the best of his incredibly impressive ability, so she figured that was fine.  She was fine.  More importantly, Batgirl had been more than fine out in the field, and three arms dealer jerkfaces were behind bars thanks to her, and she definitely didn’t need or deserve the Bitchman bitching about it.
“You’re still reckless,” she muttered in her best mocking tone.  It sounded nothing like Bruce, but she thought she got the main (bitchy) essence.  “You almost let them get away.”
Steph pulled a face.  Almost was the operative word there.  Again, three whole jerkfaces!  Behind bars!  Because of a lead that she found and she followed!  And okay, maybe she’d gotten a little ahead of herself, maybe she didn’t notice the crowbar in time, but she still maintained that she would’ve gotten a handle on the situation and finished them off without Batman’s help, thank you very much.
“You are a strong, independent Batgirl,” Steph said, jutting out her chin and pointing exaggeratedly at her reflection.  “Who don’t need no Batman.”
But really, it wasn’t even Batman’s interference that ticked her off.  It wasn’t Robin’s smug gloating or Alfred’s stern (and only slightly condescending) glances.  
No, what really got Steph’s goat was that after all this time, Bruce still didn’t trust her in the field.
Hadn’t she earned that by now?  Hadn’t she proved herself, over and over and over again?  She had Barbara’s respect, for crying out loud!  And Cass — Cass had handed Steph the Batgirl suit herself, and everyone knew Cass was the best of them.
Grumbling, Steph very specifically did not stomp out of the bathroom and very specifically did plop down on her bed (which her ribs immediately informed her was a mistake, but she was sticking by it).  She missed Cass.  She missed when they were Spoiler and Batgirl, patrolling Gotham and keeping her citizens safe under Oracle’s guiding eye.  But now Cass was in Blüdhaven being Nightwing, and yeah, it wasn’t technically far, but it wasn’t like Steph could just pop over to whole other city every night for patrol.  Not when she still had classes and exams and papers and all that.  They had video chats every couple days like any good long-distance girlfriends, but it just wasn’t the same.
Sometimes Steph thought Cass was lucky.  Actually, Steph often thought Cass was lucky.  Bruce only cared about Blüdhaven in that one of his kids was there — but Batman himself was never in the city, breathing down Nightwing’s neck.  Nightwing had total freedom, a whole city removed from the Family, the benefit of Oracle’s help without Batman’s shadow.  Must be nice.
Not that Cass could truly appreciate it, seeing as how she actually liked Batman, the absolute madwoman.
How nice would it be if Steph could just move to Blüdhaven?  And it could be her and Cass again, and things would be like they were except they’d be Nightwing and Batgirl, and they’d still have Oracle in their ear but there’d be fewer masked crazies and more casinos.
But Steph still had two years left in her marketing degree.  She couldn’t just … up and leave.
Unless …
Steph bolted upright (again? her ribs complained).  There were schools in Blüdhaven.  Gotham U’s sister school was in Blüdhaven.  And it was mid April.  She had plenty of time to apply for a transfer for the fall semester.
Steph very well could just up and leave, if she so chose.
And now was the time to choose …
“I have arrived!” Steph declared as she kicked open the door to Cass’s (now hers and Cass’s) apartment, carrying a large box of haphazardly packed clothes.  It was the first day of June, the sun was shining, she was enrolled for the fall semester at NJU Blüdhaven, and best of all, she never had to step foot in Gotham again if she wanted.  (Of course she’d be back to visit her mother (and Barbara, probably, though she hadn’t actually promised her) from time to time, but that fell under the category of “if she wanted”.)
Except … it didn’t look like an apartment.  It looked like a gym.  Like a big, empty gym, complete with one mirrored wall, yet no equipment.
“Uhh, Cass?” Steph called over her shoulder and waited for Cass to catch up and give her an inquisitive look.  “Please tell me you don’t live in a gym.”
“I don’t live in a gym.”
Steph made a small noise of distress.  Why did that sound so sarcastic?  Why did Cass choose to infuse that sentence with sarcasm so thick you could cut it with a knife?  
Cass rolled her eyes and smiled that cute little half-smile that made Steph’s heart do a flip.  “Come on,” she said, tugging on Steph’s wrist gently enough that she didn’t drop her box.
There was a door on the far side of the gym, next to the mirrors, and that is the door that Cass led Steph through.  Behind it was a studio apartment complete with a kitchen, a couch, a bed on a platform behind a little half-wall, and a door that Steph hoped led to a bathroom.  
“Oh-kay, so this is where you live,” Steph said with an exaggerated sigh of relief.  “That makes so much more sense.”
Steph surveyed the space a little closer.  There was a row of little cactuses lined up on the kitchen island, and more potted plants in every corner.  A bookshelf next to the television held several assorted knick knacks — decks of cards, a toy motorcycle, a few decorated fans, some figures of famous monuments, a couple sketchbooks, a snowglobe of Gotham, a little plush version of Cass as Batgirl — amongst framed photos of Cass with Bruce and her brothers.  On the wall above the bed hung a blue and yellow neon sign that said “girls girls girls.”
The sign brought a smile to Steph’s face.  She’d bought it for Cass as a going-away present when she first moved to Blüdhaven.  It was a bit of a joke really — Cass was never much into the Pride aspect of her sexuality, but Steph maintained that every lesbian needed a piece of Tacky Lesbian™ decor.
“You’re not a lesbian,” Cass had pointed out.
“No, but my girlfriend is,” Steph had replied, giving Cass a peck on the cheek.  “So I think I understand their needs.”
In retrospect, it was amazing it took Steph this long to follow Cass to Blüdhaven.  Well okay, Cass had moved at the end of February, so really it was only three months, but that was three months stuck in Gotham with Bruce breathing down her neck harder than ever.
And okay, now that she had some distance, maybe she could appreciate the stress Bruce was under.  What with Dick leaving, Cass moving out, the drama with Jason (whatever that was, she didn’t want to know), and Tim going AWOL, Bruce was kinda stretched thin.  
Didn’t excuse him for being a jerk, though.  
Steph strode purposefully across the apartment and up the three stairs to the bed (-room? bed-area?), where she promptly dropped her box.
“So,” she said, sitting herself down at the edge of the bed.  There was another Batgirl plush resting against the pillows, only this one had blonde hair and purple accents on the suit.  Steph picked it up and fiddled with it.  “Pretty nice place ya got.”
“No.”  Cass lightly swatted Steph’s arm with a mock-stern look.  Or it might’ve been a legit-stern look, but it was probably mock-stern.  “Finish unloading, then we can small-talk.”
“Whaat?” Steph whined, even as she started back towards the front door and the truck beyond it (well, the truck beyond the gym beyond it).  “But Caaass, I just drove two hours!”
Cass gave her a Look, and dragged her along by the wrist again.  “Come on,” she said in a tone of voice that somehow managed to be commanding and soft at the same time.
“Since when did you get so bossy?”
“You’re in my city now.”
And wasn’t that thrilling?  Suddenly any complaints Steph had, real or joking, evaporated and she was left with a giddiness that settled pleasantly somewhere below her stomach.  She bit her lip and followed Cass with renewed glee.
This was gonna be a good move.
“So, how much of this stuff used to be Dick’s?”
“None of it.”
Steph was sprawled longways on the couch with Cass draped on top of her.  All of Steph’s stuff had been unpacked (and it only took four hours!) and now they had Queer Eye marathoning on the TV.  They’d finished a half-pint of frozen yogurt between them two episodes ago, and the evidence had long since rolled away under the coffee table.
“Really, none of it?”
“It’s all mine.”
It was nice.  Cass was warm, and her weight on Steph’s chest was comforting in a way that no weighted blanket could hope to match.  Gosh, how long had it been since they spent some chill time like this?
“So what, he took everything to Central with him, or?”
“I think he doesn’t have any stuff.”
How lucky were they?  Where would they be if Nightwing hadn’t decided to move to Missouri (of all places, Missouri) to help the Flash with whatever?  Well they wouldn’t be cuddling in their own fully paid-off luxury studio apartment (was that an oxymoron?) in their own city, that’s for sure.
“I can’t decide if that’s inspirational or sad.”
Cass shrugged and snuggled further into Steph’s chest.  Her head was tucked underneath Steph’s chin, her arms looped under Steph’s shoulders, her legs tangled up in Steph’s.  It hadn’t exactly slipped Steph’s mind how clingy Cass was, but it was easy to forget how nice it felt.  Like a puzzle piece slotting right into place.
Carding her fingers through Cass’s hair, Steph pressed a small kiss on her girlfriend’s head.  “So … this is nice.”
Cass nodded.
“We should totally do this again sometime.”
Cass flicked the side of Steph’s head, but her smile could be felt through Steph’s tee-shirt.
“Give me your number, I promise I’ll call!”
“I’m leaving,” Cass declared, wriggling out of Steph’s grip.
“You will do no such thing!”  Steph lunged for Cass, trying to grab her ‘round the middle, but she’d already vaulted over the back of the couch, landing in a graceful somersault and finishing with a half-pirouette.  
“Catch me if you can, sucker!”
Some people (Tim) thought that introducing Cass to 90’s sitcoms had been a bad idea.  Those people, of course, were entitled to their wrong opinion.
“Why, I oughta —” Steph gave chase, vaulting over the back of the couch.  She did not somersault and came nowhere near performing a pirouette, but the vault served its purpose.
The game was on.  Cass led Steph all around the apartment (which wasn’t hard, since it was one room), gliding and spinning and flipping around every surface.  And Steph matched her every move — perhaps not with so much grace or fancy moves, but let it never be said that Stephanie Brown couldn’t keep up.
When Cass flipped over the kitchen island, Steph followed suit, sliding over it.  When she hand-sprung over the half-wall and onto the bed, Steph vaulted over it moments later.  When she leapt over the coffeetable, Steph was right behind her, though she didn’t go over the table.  No, she baseball-slid on the hardwood next to it, deftly snatching up something vital as she did so.
“Think fast!” Steph shouted as she threw the empty fro-yo carton directly at Cass’s head.
Cass caught it.  Of course she did.  She thought faster than anyone; she didn’t need a warning.  However, the action did cause her to slow her momentum, giving Steph just enough leeway to catch up —
— and go skidding right into Cass’s outstretched hand.
“Wait,” Cass said, tilting her head towards the open kitchen window.  Steph followed the gesture and saw a community garden nestled between this building and the next, lit up solely by a single streetlamp.
The sun had set on Blüdhaven.
A wicked grin spread itself across Steph’s face.
“Are you thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” Cass said, one eyebrow raised.
“Patrol time?”
“Rooftop tag.”
Just like old times.  That’s what it always came down to, wasn’t it?  You could change their names, move them across cities, hurt them, break them, abuse them, but at the end of the day, this is what they were.  Steph and Cass, Spoiler and Batgirl — or Batgirl and Nightwing, as it were.  It didn’t matter, so long as they had each other, the open city, a couple of bad guys to beat up.  They would always be just fine.
Steph really wasn’t gonna miss Gotham at all, was she?
She held out her arm as if to act as an escort to Cass.  “Shall we, Nightwing?”
Cass took the proffered arm, a brilliant smile lighting up her face.  “Ready when you are, Batgirl.”
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nightglider124 · 8 years ago
RobStar Week 2017: Day 3
Jheez, this is pretty dang late. Sorry about that. I’ve been busy and tired.
Actually quite happy with this one. Pure fluff ahead. Be aware. XD
Laughter and music drifted through air along with the warmth of the summer time breeze. The scent of burgers and hot dogs lingered in every single person’s senses. The atmosphere was light and joyful; just as it should be.
It was typical for the 4th of July.
Independence Day; the day celebrating America’s freedom, to act as one country, apart from any other. Commemorating the adoption of the ‘Declaration of Independence���, this day was one that the whole country awaited with delightful anticipation.
Happiness surrounded her and yet, she couldn’t bring herself to match them.
Starfire sat on the blanket spread over the grass in Jump City park with Raven and Beast Boy sat opposite her. Cyborg was whistling a light tune whilst he roasted meat on the barbeque. She had quietly giggled over his ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron but besides that, she hadn’t said much or made any sound at all.
In keeping with the celebrations, they were amongst many civilians in the park, glancing up at the night sky and waiting for the firework display to start. She wanted to enjoy it; she truly did but her heart just wasn’t in it.
Considering her heart was all the way over in Gotham.
Batman had needed Robin to work a case with him, their leader explaining it had something to do with having a history with the villain behind said case. And at first, it didn’t bother her too much. She had thrown herself into other activities; gone shopping with Raven, helped Cyborg with maintenance of the T-Car and attempted to play video games with Beast Boy.
It’d been months since then; one case turned into another and another one followed immediately after. Starfire didn’t doubt that the Batman truly felt better with Robin’s aid. She just wished her boyfriend would return home.
She missed him so very much. They called one another and video chatted all the time but it wasn’t the same as sitting face to face; having his arms around her and his lips on hers.
And now, on a night they had spent together since the birth of the Titans, Robin wasn’t even close.
Starfire’s eyes scanned the park. There were small children with sparklers, groups of friends enjoying a night out and couples wrapped up in one another.
Usually, she would be floating around, barely able to contain her own joy. Her emerald eyes fell upon Raven and Beast Boy who were being playful as well. Beast Boy was doing his very best to get a smile out of his dark girlfriend.
From kissy to silly faces, he was striving to amuse her. Raven was doing her best to resist grinning; Starfire could tell but slowly, Beast Boy was winning. By the looks of her expression, Raven was biting her cheek to stop herself from giving into an uncharacteristic trait which was a shame. Raven had such a pretty smile, in Starfire’s opinion.
When the corners of her mouth finally did turn upwards, Beast Boy crowed proudly, punching the air and getting a teasing eye roll from Cyborg.
Starfire smiled sadly but sighed, feeling the ache in her chest simply getting heavier.
She instantly cringed, realising that her empathic best friend would have felt it clear as day. Raven lifted her head, her dark brows furrowing and she appeared mortified. She opened her mouth to speak to Starfire but the Princess merely smiled and shook her head.
The Tamaranian hugged her arms and her knee jiggled in expectation of the fireworks to begin. She felt a shudder of melancholy rock through her. Fireworks had always been special between them. Even after finally getting the romantic relationship she had always wanted with Robin, she found herself fondly reminiscing over the early times of their friendship.
Starfire continually considered the night Blackfire had first shown up in her life after being separated but it was the Ferris wheel with Robin and the cotton candy, watching colours burst across the inky sky that Starfire could remember so vividly.
Suddenly, she felt a vibration against her hip. Starfire couldn’t help but jump slightly, completely caught off guard. She glanced down and unclipped her communicator from her belt.
As soon as she saw Robin’s name flashing, a smile lit her face; if a call was all she could have right now, she would take it.
She flipped the device open with a flourish, “Robin!” She beamed,
He gave her one of her boyish grins, “Hey, Star.”
Beast Boy appeared at her shoulder with Raven on her other and Cyborg hurrying around to see their friend as well.
“Hey Rob!” Cyborg called,
Robin chuckled, “Hey guys. Love the apron, Cy.”
Cyborg winked, “It’s workin’ for me.”
“I’m sure it is.”
“Dude, how come you aren’t here!? You’re missing 4th July!” Beast Boy squeaked,
Starfire lowered her eyes from the small screen and felt her heart tumbling through her chest once again. Robin watched her expression and felt the exact same.
“I know... I shouldn’t be here much longer though. I’ll be home really soon.”
Although she didn’t look up, Starfire could sense in his tone that that last part was for her benefit.
“So, this is just a courtesy call?” Raven droned,
Robin smiled, “Something like that. Just wanted to check in and say have a good night guys and... sorry I’m not there.”
Starfire glanced off to the side a little, the call working against her and making her feel worse than she did before.
“You’re here in spirit, dude! That’s the main thing!” Beast Boy chirped,
“Guess I’ll just have to snuggle up with Star in your place then, Robin.” Cyborg joked, pulling a small yet brief smile from the girl in question,
Robin smirked, “Do it and when I get back, you’ll wake up without your arms.”
Cyborg bellowed out a laugh and resumed his cooking, noting a hot dog going a little too dark.
Raven noted the apprehensive look on Robin’s face and so, tugged Beast Boy away,
“See you when you get back, Robin.” Raven stated,
He nodded, “See you guys then.”
There was silence on both ends of the call for a long moment that seemed to stretch on forever.
“Star, please look at me, baby...” Robin murmured with a heartfelt sigh,
Starfire did as he asked and lifted her chin to look at the communicator. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes, causing Robin to frown that much more,
“I’m sorry I’m not there. If I’d have known I’d be in Gotham this long, I would have figured something out.”
She sighed, “I know...”
“I love you, Star.”
Starfire smiled a tiny smile, “I know that as well... and I love you.”
“Try and enjoy the rest of the night, alright?”
She solemnly nodded, “I hope your evening is also joyous.”
Robin shrugged, “Bye, Star.”
Starfire held up her palm to say bye and the feed was cut. His image disappeared and so did the smile on her face. After seeing his handsome face, all she felt like doing was going back to the tower, clambering beneath her blankets and cuddling Silkie to her chest.
“Hey ya’ll! Get ready! Fireworks are about to start!” Cyborg informed them,
Shuffling until she was comfy, Starfire decided to at least stay for the fireworks but after would return home, her mood not budging in the slightest.
Raven briefly touched her arm which Starfire was grateful for before she sat with her boyfriend just a touch in front of where Starfire was sat. Cyborg remained by the grill, declaring the food needed his attention too.
The Princess sat there, cross-legged with her eyes on the dark sky.
Red and gold illuminated the sky as the first firework exploded in the luxurious colours. Next, a purple and green that obliterated, leaving a litter of spiral patterns in its wake.
Two arms snaked around Starfire’s middle and the scent accompanying the arms was way too familiar for her to not notice.
Starfire’s head turned to him so quickly, she could have damaged her neck.
Robin was staring back her, this cheeky little smirk on his lips,
“Hey Beautiful,” He whispered,
His Princess blinked before she suddenly threw herself at him with a squeal of,
Robin chuckled as he landed on his back with Starfire just atop of him, pressing kisses all over his face. His hands rested against her waist, just letting her go to town with the affection. He’d missed her a hell of a lot as well.
“Robin!? But- you’re... I’m confused!” Beast Boy whined,
Raven rolled her eyes, “You just have to be dramatic, don’t you?”
Robin turned his head for a second to smile, “Of course.”
Cyborg was chuckling over by the barbeque, “Hey, Rob. Hot dog or burger?”
He tilted his head, “Hot dog, please.”
Starfire forced his chin forwards so she could kiss him on the lips. She poured everything into that one, trying to show him just how much his absence had affected her.
The boy wonder pulled away, panting, “You’re gonna miss the fireworks.”
“I do not care.” She breathed,
Robin shook his head and pulled her up with him, “C’mon... you love them. Besides, I’m here now... you can enjoy yourself.”
Starfire remained in his lap, nuzzling his neck and only partially paying attention to the explosions of colour up above,
“Why did you not tell me you were here?” She whispered,
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“I have missed you.”
Robin kissed her forehead, “I’ve missed you too. Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“No more trips to Gotham soon please.”
He smiled softly, “Deal; that or Batman will have a feisty Princess punching down his door.”
She giggled and he breathed out in content,
“I’ve missed that sound more than anything else.”
Starfire merely smiled against his shoulder, surprised at how quickly her mood had skyrocketed.
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nightglider124 · 8 years ago
Counting The Days: Forgiveness - Chapter 19
A one time posting of one of my chaptered stories. I don’t usually post chapters of my stories here on tumblr; just oneshots.
But, I thought, why not. Have a peek at what I’m working on over at ff.net and dA. And of course, if you guys read and enjoy this, feel free to read the whole thing here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12156603/1/Counting-The-Days-Forgiveness
(It’s not yet complete; just be aware.)
Anyways. This took me the entire day to write. It is the longest chapter I’ve written but I really didn’t wanna split it up. I fucking started writing at 9am and it’s now midnight. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Like, I don’t even know what I did today. I got distracted multiple times.
Days after Beast Boy's incident turned to weeks which turned to months. Things were progressing well with him once again. He was settling back into himself which all of them breathed a sigh of relief over.
None of them wanted this setback weighing too heavily on him as time went on.
He had accepted the instability was something to be watched and monitored. He had recently taken his second antidote of the overall three that needed to be consumed over the space of a year since the first one.
Cyborg and Robin were keeping an eye on him but from a distance. They didn't want to overwhelm him and constantly be checking up on him. They knew he would be angry and upset if they fussed too much.
The others had to give him space, letting him know that he wasn't a fragile item at risk of breaking just because of the unstable morphing gene.
He didn't want that and neither did they.
In fact, he had seemingly returned to his usual self so much; it was hard to think he had ever lost himself in the haze of panic, as he sat in the kitchen beside Cyborg, taunting their leader.
Robin exhaled and fumbled with the collar of his shirt a little, tuning the terrible twosome's jabs and innuendos out as much as possible.
Despite their teasing, he smiled and felt his heart thump at the prospect of the night ahead of him.
He and Starfire had finally reached 6 months into their relationship. It wasn't the biggest milestone but enough to acknowledge and celebrate it. Half a year was something he was immensely proud of; that they had actually managed to maintain their romance for this long.
Robin didn't doubt them as a couple and he wasn't all that shocked the fact they had reached 6 months; it was more so a personal surprise. He was stunned he hadn't screwed things up with her yet.
In the beginning, he had been a lot worse than he was now. He had been a stuttering buffoon who, more often than not, said the complete wrong thing at the wrong time. He was learning alongside Starfire. They were both completely new to relationships and were being careful in how they dealt with things. There were miscommunications and grievances every now and then but the main thing was to work through them.
It was a two way street; a situation of give and take between them.
It was how relationships worked.
Of course, his coherent thoughts flew straight out the window when Starfire finally made her appearance in the common room. She was wrapped in a purple, chiffon spaghetti strap dress. The skirt was light and floated around her thighs as she moved whilst the top half was formfitting and showed off her assets rather well; in a tastefully sexy way, of course.
Tiny silver gems were dotted just below her breasts; a ring of diamantes around her ribs to give the dress a bit more sparkle.
He vaguely remembered heat flooding his face and his palms getting rather sweaty.
Starfire had giggled, given him a brief yet tender kiss and stroked her knuckles against his cheek. He'd stared back at her for a long moment, losing himself in the sheer depth of her emerald eyes.
Of course, a mocking cough from Cyborg had him turning beet red and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, suggesting they head out. Starfire had merely taken his hand and smiled, leading them out the door and leaving the teasing laughter of the boys behind.
Together, they spent the evening revelling in one another's company. It was so serene to just spend time together without the worry or hassle of having to rush off to a mission. The young couple held each other's hand throughout the entirety of the evening.
Robin had taken her back to the funfair, the place they had visited so early on in their friendship. That night, however, had effectively been halted and ruined by the mechanical probes chasing after her because of Blackfire.
But, he didn't want that to cloud Starfire's mind tonight. He did his best to show his caring nature. He gave her cuddles and brief kisses throughout the duration of their date, still keeping the pda on a somewhat neutral level. They weren't out as civilians; they still needed a dose of professionalism between them. Then again, he didn't think either of them were the type to make a huge deal in public. As affectionate as Starfire was, she wouldn't just start making out with him in a public location due to knowing how uncomfortable it can make humans feel. It was just a common courtesy.
Dividing their time between rides and sugared food and a short walk along the pier proved to be quite relaxing. Robin found himself sighing in content and not wanting to return to the tower.
They stood at the end of the pier, staring out at the moonlight hitting the calm ocean waves. It was peaceful and cosy, especially with Starfire resting her head on Robin's shoulder. His hand idly stroked at the small of her back as he gave her a side snuggle whilst subconsciously breathing in the scent of strawberries from her hair.
"Do you wanna go home, Star?" He whispered, the drowsiness practically radiating from her.
Starfire gave him a muffled, non committed sound.
Robin chuckled, "What was that?"
Lazily, she lifted her head to look at him, "If we must."
He tucked some of her hair behind her ear, "We don't have to but you're practically falling asleep there."
"Apologies... It is just so nice. We rarely have time together like this."
Robin smiled sympathetically. It was true. They didn't have the luxury of venturing out on too many dates. He knew, deep down, he would take her out a lot more if he could but being heroes was demanding to say the least.
He turned his head to give her nose a kiss, "I know." He murmured,
Inhaling a deep breath, Starfire lifted her head from Robin's shoulder and tugged at his arm.
"Come. I am not quite ready for this evening to end." She gave him a loving smile,
Robin found himself matching her smile and allowed her to lead him back to the funfair.
They did indeed spend a short time longer there. They got some candies to munch on and Robin won Starfire a plushie at a stall game. He had immediately smirked upon seeing the test of skill. It was a game of throwing darts at the playing cards pinned up on a board.
He weighed them up in the palm of his hand when the attendant gave them to him. More often than not, these carnival games were rigged in some form or other. He should know.
Finding they were clipped, Robin breathed out a laugh. It made no difference to him. Being raised by Batman had taught him numerous things. He fought with birdarangs all the time and knew how to throw practically anything with precision after years of perfecting such skill.
Feeling cheeky and smidgen cocky, Robin flashed Starfire a grin and threw the three darts all at once, nabbing 3 cards right in the centre.
Starfire giggled whilst the game attendant gaped at him. He shrugged that off; what did he think was going to happen? He was known as the boy wonder for a reason, after all.
Robin tugged on the sleeves of his jacket as Starfire floated up to claim whatever plush prize she wanted. When he turned to her, his cheeks tinted pink.
There she stood with a stuffed Robin plushie. It was a chibi styled toy; the mask on his cotton doppelganger taking up the majority of its face and the colour of his uniform so bright, he blinked a few times to adjust.
He tilted his head at Starfire, "Really?"
She just grinned at him, "Is it not adorable?"
Robin chuckled, "If you say so."
Placing his hand at the small of her back, Robin steered her away from the stall and they strolled through the fair which was slowly winding down for the night.
"I believe you may have the competition, Robin."
She gave her Robin plushie a squeeze, "Mhm. This Robin is so much softer and cuddlier."
He lifted his hand to the left side of his chest and gave a mock expression of shock, "I'm offended! Well, if that one is so much better... I suppose you won't be needing any more cuddles from me-"
She caught him off guard with a glomp, the Robin toy squished between them. He laughed as she wrapped her arms around him and Starfire found her heart fluttering. She loved it when Robin laughed. It was such a joyful sound; full of freedom and mischief.
He was so stern a lot of the time and to see this side of him, the more relaxed side was glorious. She felt special to be able to experience this part of his personality.
Robin's laughs simmered and he raised an eyebrow at her as she had stopped giggling to just gaze at him,
"I adore the way you laugh, Robin."
He smiled softly, brushing her bangs out of her face before resting his hands on her waist, "Yours is better."
Starfire rolled her eyes but timidly smiled, "Must you compare and compete with everything?"
"Pretty much."
Tilting his head a little, he brushed his lips against hers before resting their foreheads together. Through the veil of his mask, Robin stared at her rosy lips,
"Ready to go?"
Starfire nodded.
Returning to the tower was uneventful. The journey was quiet but affectionate with Starfire cuddling up to Robin's back on the R-Cycle and Robin caressing Starfire's fingers when they stopped in traffic.
As they made their way through the tower, the couple attempted to be quiet. It was late and the others were bound to be asleep. With a cocked head at Robin, Starfire silently asked and Robin answered with a single nod.
They slipped into Starfire's room and turned away to give each other privacy whilst they got changed into sleep attire. Robin swallowed several times as he pulled on his sweats; the only thing he slept in.
He was dangerously tempted to turn or even just glance up at the window where he would see Starfire's reflection. Robin restrained himself but god, did he want to look. The better and more gentlemanly side of his brain firmly reinforced the notion to not look.
Briefly, he wondered if Starfire would even mind him sneaking a peek at her form. She was very open about nudity and not wearing clothing. She had told him before that her uniform would be considered bordering on prudish back on Tamaran, yet here, it gave him heart palpitations.
Her honeyed voice pierced his senses and he turned, finding his chest tightening ever so slightly. She was very careful not to dress too skimpy whenever they shared a bed, which was becoming more frequent but even in more modest clothes; she still managed to take his breath away.
But, she was trying to put on more for Robin's sake. It was to aid them in not rushing their intimacy too quickly. She was aware how the male mind worked, of any species and so, did her best not to inadvertently tempt them.
Tonight she was wearing a silky strap camisole with matching shorts.
Shifting his eyes to look at her face, rather than anywhere else, he felt his heart shudder.
Starfire looked wonderfully dishevelled and sleepy; a combination which gave her an adorable appearance.
They both got beneath the sheets and drifted into slumber after some snuggling accompanied with kisses. Robin hadn't felt quite so at ease for a long time.
Starfire had this uncanny ability of bringing out the lighter side of him. It was so very easy to smile and to laugh in her presence.
The area was shrouded in complete darkness with a faint and eerie mist that seemed to be lingering. A peculiar silence filled the tainted air with only the minor sound of small twigs snapping as they were being stepped on. He glanced around in a daze. He was confused and disorientated. Where was he? How did he get here? Why was he alone?
He began panting as his control started to slip from his grasp. His chest heaved as bewilderment consumed him and the world around his form was seemingly becoming darker and overpowering.
The dark haired boy stumbled forwards in a vain attempt to make sense of this deliriously intimidating forest that he was trapped within. The trees swayed with such force that it would not be unexpected if the branches were to suddenly snap and fall to the dusty ground with a thud. The dead leaves crunched beneath his boots as his determination clawed at him, causing him to quicken the pace at which he was moving.
Menacing shadows and shapes flashed before him as he broke into a run through the incessant forest. The howling wind picked up and whipped his cheeks mercilessly, in an effort to halt his fortitude but he found himself persevering.
Suddenly, he staggered into a hushed clearing but something in his gut told him that he was not out of danger yet. The threat remained.
His eyes immediately fell on the other life source that stood a short distance away from him with her back towards him.
"Star?" He paused, "Starfire!?"
In a slow motion, the red haired woman turned towards him but her eyes remained closed. He breathed out a sigh of relief and the corners of his lips quirked upwards. The young boy knew that nothing bad could happen now that he was with her. He trusted her with everything that he was; surely he didn't need to fear her.
He jogged closer to her and gently touched her waist and used his free hand to cup her face and lead her into a kiss. A shudder of unfamiliarity and dread washed over him. Her lips were cold and felt hard like stone.
Her eyes suddenly snapped open and she grasped the front of his shirt and shoved him backwards, breaking the unreciprocated kiss.
The woman's eyes were dull and yet there was fury within them as she glared at the boy.
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Because... we're... we're in a relationship and-"
He winced at the mock laugh she offered him, "A relationship, with you?"
Wearing her scowl like a permanent mask, the young woman sashayed towards him keeping her monotonous green eyes trained on him the entire time. He gulped as she stood within inches from him, with only the faint sound of breathing being heard.
"What are you-"
"Silence, human."
He obliged her instantly.
She folded her arms over her chest and allowed her eyes to look him over ominously. She gave him a daunting smirk and her voice was that of a whisper,
"I truly doubt that we are connected as you claim."
"Why on Earth would I ever settle for someone like you?" She paused and placed him on edge with a tilt of her head, "I am royalty. I would never permit myself to do the dating with a simplistic circus brat, such as you."
He swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to maintain his composure, yet his voice still came as a croak,
"But... I-"
She rolled her eyes at him and stepped closer so that he could feel her breath against his face,
"I would never fall in love with such an embarrassing excuse for a hero. You are nothing to me."
The words hit him like a bulldozer to the face and his heart beat increased from the stress of believing that she honestly didn't care for his existence.
He could only stand there and accept it; his feet felt like they had melted into the soil beneath him whilst dark, crisp leaves fluttered around his ankles.
He felt numb. Her words had reached a weak spot within him. His world started crashing down around him as the icy statement repeatedly echoed inside of his head.
With a cackling laugh, she snapped her fingers and the ground vanished from beneath his feet. He screamed out as he fell, the sickening of his stomach only growing worse as he continually fell deeper and deeper into darkness.
Robin bolted upright, desperately gasping for breath. Sweat covered his body and his heart was beating so fast, it unnerved him a little. Shoulders hunched, he ran a hand through his damp hair and sucked in a deep breath to stabilise himself.
He cast a glance at his surroundings, immediately noticing and feeling comforted by the shades of purple splashed over Starfire's bedroom walls.
His eyes drifted down to the slumbering Princess beside him who was blissfully unaware of his inner turmoil. Inhaling a breath, Robin shuddered as the dream flashed in his mind. It seemed so very real.
Lifting the sheets, he silently crept from the bed and took a walk.
Robin inevitably ended up on the roof, having grabbed a white beater from his room on the way up. He needed fresh air to clear his mind and the roof was always so calming; and not just for him. He spent a lot of time up here with Starfire, usually talking about an assortment of things.
The boy wonder also knew that Raven meditated up here and that Beast Boy in the form of a cat would stretch out along the floor to get some sun. He was fairly certain even Cyborg used the roof for basketball when he needed his moments alone.
There was a bite to the air tonight but Robin found it extremely soothing.
Whilst he knew the dream had been just that; a dream, it held some very real insecurities. Insecurities that were hidden so well, he had almost forgotten they existed.
He frowned at the sea. There was a pang in his chest and he shifted a little.
It was a fear he tried to keep buried. He didn't want Starfire to be concerned about what anxieties were haunting his mind.
But there were moments where he truly felt he was greatly inferior to someone like Starfire. He could handle the fact she was more powerful and stronger than he was. But the thing that niggled at him came down to her being Royalty.
The fact she was a Princess constantly echoed in his head, more so at night.
He wasn't good enough for her. She was someone of a much higher status who should be paired with some Prince or army general.
As the demons in his dream had told him; he was just a human. He was a circus brat. He couldn't offer her what she deserved.
Robin felt himself slouch more at the sudden realisation of that.
Was she even that happy with him?
For once, he jolted if only a tiny bit. He was usually the master of stealth but he'd been so cooped up with his own thoughts, he hadn't heard her approaching.
"Oh. Hey." He mumbled, his brain still latching onto his dream.
She crouched down at his side with a small smile, one that quickly melted off her face when she saw his hard expression.
"I awoke and you were not there."
Starfire frowned, growing a little worried at his unusual behaviour.
"Please... it is cold, no? You should come back inside before you catch the cold." She gently touched his shoulder, only for him to jerk away from her.
"I'm fine."
A bit hurt, Starfire simply stood and turned, deciding Robin would clearly rather be alone. She'd barely taken one step before her hand was grabbed.
Swivelling, she looked down where Robin looked to be struggling with something.
"Wait... sorry. I just..." He trailed off but Starfire squeezed his hand and floated down to him again. Robin touched her waist and dragged her up onto his lap.
"What is wrong?"
His jaw gave into a miniature flex before he sighed, "I... had a dream."
"Was it of the nightmare calibre?"
"Most definitely."
"Do you wish to talk about it?"
That set him staring off at the sea again, apparently trying to figure out if he did want to talk about it or not. Starfire sat patiently, waiting for an answer.
"Yeah... I think so..."
He wanted to be more open with her wherever he could. It was hard for him to talk about things he considered weaknesses but maybe she could help dispel this particular one.
Starfire nodded, "What was it about?"
She blinked in surprise, "Me?"
Robin nodded, "Just... it wasn't you. I... I was in a forest and it was dark and cold and gloomy..."
She raised an eyebrow, "That does not sound like a location you would find me."
He gave her a brief, amused smile before continuing, "I felt scared and nervous... then, I found you but..."
Starfire touched his cheek, "But?"
"You were saying all these things that you wouldn't normally ever say..."
"Like what?"
Robin cleared his throat and cast his eyes sideways, not wanting to look her in the face whilst explaining, "That I meant nothing to you... how we couldn't possibly be in a relationship... how the very idea was laughable..." He paused, "You were repulsed by the very idea of it and you made it clear you'd never settle for someone like me; just some random human because you're a Princess... how I'm worthless and... what a sorry excuse I am for a hero..."
Starfire stared at him for a long moment, her brows furrowed in confusion before she suddenly laughed, "You do not truly believe these things?" She prompted, stunting her laughter,
He awkwardly shrugged, still refusing to look at her,
"Robin..." Her tone was hurt and he knew why.
It was very clear she thought the dream was preposterous and whilst the rational side of his brain said the same, there was the tiniest slither of doubt, hiding in the dark corners of his mind.
Starfire cupped his face and pulled him so she was staring at his mask. It made him nervous how she was practically spot on with where her eyes were looking, even through the barrier of the material he wore.
"How... could you possibly... I..." She stammered, not knowing what to say,
Robin sighed and finally placed his hands on her waist, "I know... and I know that it was just a dream and that it wasn't real..."
"And yet?" Her concerned eyes were searching his face,
"Sometimes... I do wonder about..."
"You truly believe I would be so shallow and-"
"No!" He blurted, "No, I know that you would never say any of those things."
She relaxed a little.
"But... sometimes, I do think I don't deserve you... or that you should be with someone better suited because of being a Princess... like a general or a Prince... not some human. I can't help but think you'd be happier with someone of higher stature..." He shook his head, feeling embarrassed by his confession,
Starfire rubbed her thumbs against his cheeks and leaned forward so their foreheads touched,
"Listen to me, Robin... I do not care for any of that. I do not care about the commanding rank someone falls within. I do not care that I am a Princess. I do not care if everyone in the galaxy thought I should be with a Prince of a general... You are the only man I want. You are brave and kind and strong and so very wonderful."
He felt his stomach and his heart flutter at her admission and quirked a shy smile.
"You have many strengths and you have flaws; both of which I accept and adore about you." She brought her arms around his neck, hugging him close, "I love you for you, Robin."
The words fell from her lips before she could think about what she was saying.
They both froze, tensing up completely. Robin blinked behind his mask, unsure if he had heard her correctly.
That was not something either had said yet.
"What?" Robin asked, his voice wavering a little.
Starfire reacted instantly. She scrambled away from him, stumbling back once she got to her feet and starting stuttering like a mad woman, "I-I am sorry! I did not... that was... I realise that is too forward! Please do the forgetting I said anything! Oh, please do not do the freaking out! I-I did not mean it! It was the slip of the tongue! I-I take it back!"
Her ramble ended with a high pitched squeak as Robin grabbed her around the waist and spun her back around to face him. She was apprehensive and her eyes kept shifting back and forth, her face flaming.
She looked gorgeous.
Robin kissed her, pouring as much zeal into the action as he possibly could. His fingers gripped her hips and after a moment of shock, Starfire's palms settled against his chest.
And slowly, without her realising, Robin pulled them back down to the ground.
He sat like before, with Starfire straddling him this time.
Starfire came away from the kiss breathless, her eyes twinkling with nerves,
"I love you too, Star."
Her eyes widened a fraction, "You do?"
Robin gave her a warm smile, "I do... it's not too forward. I just didn't expect it. But, I've wanted to say it for a while now."
Starfire sagged in relief, "So have I."
He tipped his head forward, rubbing his nose against hers, "Sorry I was a little slow there... I-I thought I'd heard you wrong at first."
His Princess giggled and smothered her face against his shoulder, giving him a tender embrace. She sighed and mumbled something too stifled to understand.
"What?" Robin chuckled,
Sitting up, she raised her eyebrows, "What?"
"You just said something."
"I believe you are mistaken, Robin."
"No, it was in Tamaranian and it sounded like... ot-otu n-an-"
Her cheeks flushed and she gingerly touched her fingertips to her lips, "I did?"
Robin nodded, rubbing her upper arms, "What does it mean?"
Starfire slid some hair behind her ear before speaking, "I-I... um... on my world an... Otu N'anya... is how we describe a significant other. It roughly translates as... uh... 'my one and only'..."
His lips quirked upward into a wide grin, his chest buzzing with the excitement of her words.
"I... am uncertain if there is a word for it on your planet." Starfire stated, tapping her lip thoughtfully,
"Humans tend to call their partners their 'soul mate'."
Starfire's eyes sparkled and she clapped her hands, "Oh Robin! What a wonderful translation!"
He smiled, gently pulling her to him and pressing a couple of kisses to her cheek. Robin cuddled her, feeling the silkiness of her hair brushing his skin. She was warm and loving in her hug. Starfire was very good at knowing her strength now.
And he spoke for a number of people when he said her controlled hugs were addictive.
"I love you, Star," He repeated, grinning into her hair,
He felt her smiling back as she replied, "And I you, Otu N'anya."
Robin sat there, just holding her for the longest time. Her breathing got so deep, he thought she'd fallen asleep at one point.
And, as he sat there with his girl, he considered the mask over his eyes. It seemed it was getting harder and harder to resist removing it.
All he kept thinking about was how much he wanted to properly share himself with her. His real self, buried and hidden beneath the cape and the mask.
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