#I wanted to time them for halloween but it wont let me
dyrewrites · 9 months
Marketing! How does it work?
Deals! I signed all of my spoopy shorts up for deals. There will be price drops starting on the 17th, they run till the 24th. (I think it starts at $1)
Check em out.
Get spooped, possibly unsettled, hopefully not traumatized.
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paper-mario-wiki · 7 months
I used to play TF2 a lot in the late 2000s/early 2010s, and I miss it terribly, but the times I've poked back in there haven't really been like... any findable servers I want to play on. Let alone nocrit servers! What's the server situation like these days, I heard there were terrible bot problems, have all the good ones gone private? Are private servers even still a thing? How do people find good servers to play on nowadays, basically.
As of right now, the biggest no-crit no-RNG-bullet-spread server that people play on are the Uncletopia servers, but I don't play on them cuz they're always full and TF2uber fans are kind of annoying. Plus there's class-limits, which I find ultra smelly and extra boring.
I play almost exclusively on casual matchmaking.
I am able to shrug aside random crits and a relatively unmoderated playerbase (as composed to the moderated Uncletopia) in exchange for being able to get into random games with new people almost instantly whenever I want.
Bots are around, but the entire playerbase has basically figured out efficient bot-kicking as if it were any other regular part of the gameplay experience, so unless there's a situation where there's more bots than people OR in the rare edge case when an entire team is full of cunts who wont kick, they're not a gigantic issue. At least, not in any capacity that'd stop me from queuing casual. There's typically a noticeable uptick in bot activity around the time events roll out tho, like the Christmas and Halloween events.
I don't know anything about private servers. The last thing I'd want to do is lock myself into a room with a bunch of people who are always there. The fun part of TF2 is fighting new people, who have different costumes and personalities and loadouts and fighting styles!
That's why I queue casual.
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acescavern · 9 months
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Navi - M.list
Pairing: Soulmate!Johnny x Soulmate! reader, Taeyong x reader. ( Ft Mark, Jungwoo, Ten, Jaehyun, Taeil, Yuta. Mentions Jaemin once.)
Genre: Heavy angst my guys, soulmates au, neo frat au, university au, fluff, Hanahaki Soulmate trope.
Synopsis: Taeyong had been perfectly happy to sit back and watch you and Johnny be together. However, when he starts to notice certain behaviors that are all too familiar, he finds himself unable to watch you slowly die. Just because Johnny may not love you anymore... doesn't mean Taeyong doesn't love you either.
wc: 4.9k
Warnings: Heavy angst, Blood, Mentions of death, suffering, choking, johnny is unfaithful, it's a Hanahaki au so they basically cough up dead and thorned flowers. It's not a graphic description but there are descriptions of pain too, mentions of weight loss due to being unwell, Unrequited love, hurt, Taeyong's been in love with the reader since before her and Johnny got together, heavy rejection, soulmate rejection ( Just because i have written this does NOT mean that i think any one of the nct members would cheat or act thi way. this is pure FICTION.) Please let me know if i have missed any warnings
Note: Hi! I have a few fics in the works but I'm worried I wont get them done for Halloween. So, I am blessing you with this heart-breaking fic. I wanted to release this fic early as a thank you for all your love on Operation Rizz! Now, this is the same frat universe as all my other NCT fics. they can all be read as stand alone though, so don't worry! Any feedback is once again appreciated. I do not own the concept of Hanahaki.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated
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Soulmates were supposed to be someone's everything—the one person who was meant specifically for them. Someone you can lean on and cherish, who would dote and adore you. Someone to dish out as much love to you as you unto them. To stay by your side and grow old together. However, some people are already at that stage when they meet their destined person. There was also the worry of some people not having a soulmate. Legend says that only the blessed are gifted with such. 
Gifted? Yes. To many, the Soulmate system is a curse - depending on what type you are assigned to. Tattoos? Easy. Mind reading? Okay a little more difficult. Red string? That practically takes you straight to them.  Eternal life? Near impossible! You could spend many years with someone you thought was a soulmate only to see a wrinkle and realize you aren’t made for each other at all. Seeing things in black and white only to suddenly be overwhelmed with color at a music festival and not know who the hell you’d bumped into in that massive crowd that could possibly be your soulmate. Not everyone even had a soulmate, they could be with whoever they wanted without consequences. 
But there was one type in particular that nobody wanted. Hanahaki. Named after the fictional Japanese Hanahaki Disease. It comes from the Japanese words Hana - meaning flower and Hakimasu - quite literally meaning, to throw up. 
In a soulmate's case, when they first meet each other a seed is awakened. It grows thorned roses - the flowers of love - cradling the person’s heart and twining around inside their lungs. For the most part, other than the occasional flutter and heartburn, it goes unnoticeable. So long as the soulmate reciprocates the feelings of love. But, should one soulmate start to fall out of love? The other will suffer terribly. The flowers will die, the spikey stems squeezing at the organs they were once gently caressing with love. Crushing in their anguish.
Of course, unlike the other soulmate types, there are two ways out of Hanahaki... Let the weight of the unreciprocated love drag on painfully until you die, or convince your health insurance to accept the cost of the operation to remove the offending plants. However, by the time one realizes they are soulmates, it is likely that the bond has already been unreciprocated. 
Taeyong knew this. He knew this because it happened to him. He had once been on the receiving end of the agonizing scratch of dead rose stems climbing up his throat in a mess of blood and wilted petals. Taeyong had nearly died. He recognized the signs clearly and that was the reason he was so shocked to see them in who he did. 
Johnny’s soulmate.
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Taeyong first took notice when you walked through the door of the club. A celebration night to celebrate the frat’s anniversary alongside Taeyong’s new choreographer position in the dance studio he works in. Your face had a slightly paler tone and although you were doing a good job at keeping your breathing even… Taeyong recognized the telltale signs of a wince when you took the air in too harshly. 
But when he saw Johnny approach you and press a loving kiss to your forehead, he scolded himself for thinking such things. Taeyong knew something was up though, your smile didn’t meet your eyes and when you congratulated him with a hug, he swore he could feel your body tremble. 
He tried not to worry too much throughout the night but when he saw Johnny by the bar, his charming smile dazzled at some sorority girls that had been invited… Taeyong wondered where you’d gone. The disappointment within him only grew when he watched his best friend and frat brother go home with one of them. 
So, maybe his suspicions were correct. A few weeks passed and he’d not seen a glimpse of you, Johnny hadn’t even uttered your name. The rapper hadn’t had time to sit him down and ask him about the incident. Until now. 
Taeyong dabbed the sweat from his brow with the neckline of his shirt, swiping his water bottle from the floor. He shuffled toward his friend, watching as he grinned at his phone as he typed. He was talking to someone and Taeyong only hoped it was you. That you’d both mended things to stop it getting worse. The thought of it all being a misunderstanding had a relieved smile spreading across his face as he settled on the floor next to Johnny. 
“You texting ____? Tell her I said Hey.” Taeyong said, twisting the cap off his drink to take a swig. Taeyong was almost taken aback at the irritated flash that crossed Johnny’s expression at the mention of your name. 
If Taeyong wasn’t so observant, he would have missed it. Johnny shook his head, swiftly locking his phone when his leader went to peer over his shoulder. “It’s not. It’s Yuki.” 
Taeyong’s eyebrows scrunched, posture freezing for a moment. “The sorority girl you went home with?” He tried to keep his tone level. Memories of the same thing happening to himself reoccur in his mind. “What about ____?” The question hung awkwardly in the air, Johnny staring at Taeyong as if he’d asked something ridiculous. 
“What about her?” He shrugged. “Just because I do stupid things, doesn't mean I don’t love her. She’s my soulmate.” He paused, an almost defeated sigh sagging at his shoulders. “The only one I got.” 
Taeyong took notice of the slight bitterness in his words. Almost as if he didn’t realize that he did it. “Do you?” 
Johnny rubbed at the back of his neck, his mouth opening but no words coming out. Once again, a defeated shrug of his shoulders. “Yeah… yes.” He cleared his throat as his voice broke. “I’m sure we’d of noticed by now if I hadn’t.”  Johnny left no room for debate, standing up with a clap of his hands to suggest they continue their lacrosse practice.
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You knew. You knew Johnny’s feelings for you were dwindling. You were reminded every time you coughed. Reminded by the way your breath left you in an agonizing squeeze when Johnny would kiss your forehead.  
But, even though you knew… it didn’t make you love him any less. You knew what he got up to when your nights weren't spent together. You didn’t do a thing, didn’t bring it up. You almost tried to ignore it. You loved Johnny. You always would. And, as long as you continued to love him, he wouldn’t have the same fate as you. You would never wish this pain on him even if he was the cause. 
You wished you’d heeded Mark’s seemingly lighthearted warning at the beginning of your relationship. ‘He’s one of my closest friends but he doesn’t always do the right thing, just… please be careful.’ Mark had said one evening. You hadn’t truly understood why he had said it, nor did you get to question him before Johnny had slid his arm around your middle. 
You understood perfectly now. Especially as a sharp tickle wheezed in the back of your throat, your eyes discreetly scanning the new text message from your seat at the very back row of English lit class. ‘Can we rain check date night again? Coach is being a hardass and wants us to stay late.’ For the third week running, the same excuse. Sure, you’d seen Johnny. But Thursday was always date night. Something you’d both stuck to like glue once before. 
Pain twisted in your chest, your breath rough. You brought the sleeve of your hoodie to your mouth, attempting a discreet cough. It didn’t do anything for you, the feeling like you’d swallowed razorblades. The world felt like it was spinning for a moment and you had to close your eyes and count to ten to steady it again. 
One look at your sleeve had you frowning. The next stage had started. You’d read about this. Discoloured petals. You’d only coughed up one but one was enough for you to be sure. With one last attempt at clearing your throat, you brushed the blackened petal to the ground. 
Taeyong shared this class with you. Whilst he didn’t often sit next to you, he was mostly always on the same row. Not many people occupied the back row and so, when he heard the muffled hack come from your direction he had looked over, shoulders tensing as he watched you. 
He approached you at the end of class, watching your sluggish movements as you shoved your laptop back into your bag. “____, Are you alright?” He asked softly, noting the sheen of sickly sweat coasting your forehead. 
Lips pressed firmly together, you nodded. You were certain if you opened your mouth you'd start coughing and choking again but you didn’t want to be rude. “I’m fine.” Bad idea. “Sorry, Yong, I gotta go-” Taeyong had never heard your voice so scratchy and coarse. He had also never seen you flee so quickly before he could even open his mouth, your notepad falling from your unzipped bag as you vanished before his eyes. 
As he knelt down to collect it from the ground, his fingers made contact with a velvety, withered texture. 
A blackened rose petal. 
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 The next time Taeyong saw you, you were much worse than he could have imagined. He had only turned up at your apartment because he assumed Johnny had left his phone at your place. He couldn’t really understand the rushed words of ‘Shit! I left my phone at her place, I’m already late!’ When Taeyong offered to go and get it, he naturally thought of your place. 
So when you answered the door, he was standing frozen at the sight of you. Your eyes had bags under them that would put JFK airport to shame. Your complexion was grey, lips cracked and dry. Taeyong could definitely see you’d lost some weight too, your knitted sweater nearly slipping off one shoulder. His gaze caught onto the marks along your neck, long red streaks almost looking like you had been clawing at it in your agony. Your winced call of his name kicked his brain into gear. 
“Now isn’t a good ti-” His hands flew out to rub and pat your back as your words were interrupted. 
Taeyong’s heart broke as he watched you struggle. You couldn’t get your breath, your face turning red from the strenuosity. Taeyong backed you into your apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. He sat you on your couch, disappearing from view for a moment.
You didn’t even take note of what exactly was being thrust under your nose, only that it would catch what your body rejected. One of his hands held the bucket, the other sweeping your hair away from your face. It was all too familiar for him. Except for Taeyong, he had done it alone. 
“It’s okay, ____” He hushed, palm flattened over your back to rub comforting circles. “Breath through your nose and count to ten. It helps.” 
You did as such, shoulders relaxing as the air finally seeped into your lungs. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, sighing at the crimson residue that was becoming all too familiar. You opened your mouth to speak, only to be gently hushed once more. 
“It’s okay, it’ll hurt too much if you talk.” He set the bucket down on the side table. “You should get yourself some grapeseed oil. A teaspoon a day should at least prevent the attacks so often.” Taeyong didn’t look at you as he spoke, his hands busying themselves with opening the small drawer to your coffee table in search of tissues. 
“You mean this?” You rasped, pulling the small droplet bottle from your pocket, and setting it down on the surface before you. Taeyong’s eyebrows creased. 
It was the exact same bottle he was sure he had. Though, catching sight of the label on the bottle he knew it was his bottle. ‘Taeyong’  scribbled messily on the labeled sticker. He looked at you expectantly. 
“Johnny gave it to me.” Just uttering his name sent a pang of hurt through you, a wave of emotion rippling from your jaw to the tips of your toes. 
Taeyong understood immediately, a deep sigh resonating as he nodded once. “He knows then.” To which you nodded, eyes fixed on your lap. 
He had never seen you cry, and he would hate to admit it but your eyes looked pretty when you did. It was as if the glaze of tears enhanced the colors of your iris. “He doesn’t know it’s this bad. He thinks the tickle has just started.” 
“____, you’re dying and you’re telling me Johnny hasn’t noticed yet?” To say that Taeyong was in disbelief was an understatement. The new knowledge that Johnny knew now had floored him. 
Why? Because Johnny hadn’t once let it show. Taeyong had been around the guy all week and he was still the happy comedic genius he always was. Not a hint of anything bothering him. 
“Yong, It’s okay. I..” You drew your knees up to your chest, patting the spot next to you for him. “I’ve come to terms with it.” 
“Come to terms with it?!” He spluttered. “____, you are in your twenties! You can’t be okay with dying in your twenties.” His hand raked through his hair, eyes blinking rapidly like he couldn't come to terms with how calm you looked right now. 
Taeyong could feel the anger bubbling up in his chest, his gaze hardening as he addressed you once more. “You know he’s been seeing her too, don’t you?”
You were silent, shame eating at your subconscious. “If I ignore it then he won’t have to be like this too.” 
Taeyong sprung up to his feet. “Wake up! He’s out there living his life with no regrets and you’re the one to suffer? I can’t…” He shook his head, shoving his clenched fists into his pockets. “I’m sorry, I just-” With one last shake of his head, Taeyong left you there. The slam of your front door announcing his absence.
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Johnny remembered the conversation between the two of you very clearly. He was convinced he still loved you a lot. Just not in the way you need. At first, he thought it was doubt, but as time went on he started to notice the dry tickly cough and the abundance of petals scattered in your trash. He was sure it wasn’t harmful yet, certain that he still held the love in his heart for you. 
Johnny didn’t love Yuki. She was fun. She was different. She wasn’t you. He could spend time with her without any strings attached. It was freeing, knowing he wasn't destined to be with her no matter what. 
He felt guilt at first. He didn’t like lying to you, but it was for his own selfish gain that he did. Johnny had seen Taeyong go through the pain and near death of a soulmate falling out of love, he didn’t want that for himself. Johnny had too much to live for, as arrogant and self-centred as that sounded. 
 He remembered what you said when he gave you the vial of grapeseed oil, how your shaky hands had placed over his own. How you told him it was okay, it wasn’t his fault. But Johnny couldn’t help but think it was. Johnny tried so hard to make himself love you still. Your words of comfort swirled in his mind and kept him up at night. ‘Nobody can help who they do and don’t love. Feelings change, People don’t’ You’d said to him.
Johnny felt ashamed. Being unfaithful to you whilst you still loved him with every ounce of your soul. Deep down, Johnny knew you only had two options he just hoped you made a decision before it was too late. 
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Taeyong had been seen by barely anyone all week. It was as if he was attending his classes and then picking up every extra shift or odd job imaginable. The Neos were even more shocked when Mark slapped a flier down on the dining table ping pong table in front of some of the brothers. A for sale flier, advertising their frat leader’s motorcycle. The very same one that he cherished and spent a fortune to modify. 
“Do you think he’s in debt?” Jungwoo frowned, setting his beer on the table. 
That question alone earned a chortled laugh. “Woo, we’re in university. We’re all in debt.” Yuta clapped him on the back. “But, on a serious note, He’s been acting super weird lately.” 
Everyone launched into debate, trying to determine why Taeyong would be selling his pride and joy so suddenly. Conversation ceased when the front door opened and the man in question shuffled into the open-plan living space with an exhausted wave. 
“Ty, are you actually selling the bandit?” The question came from Taeil, Neo frat’s oldest member. 
Taeyong moved through the living area, taking a seat at one of the beanbags littered around the table. “Already sold it.” He bobbed his head in a nod. 
It earned him many concerned looks. “Are you in trouble or something? Are you trying to cover the water bill from when Mark broke the faucet?” 
“No, Jae. I’m not in trouble. It’s not for me.”  He reassured, his voice dying down quietly. “It’s for ____.” 
Everyone stopped. Mark locked his phone, Yuta stopped chipping at his nail polish, and Taeil nearly spat out his beer. Jaehyun and Jungwoo were already staring at him. 
Taeyong took a deep breath, anticipating the question.It didn’t take long for him to catch them up to speed.  “You haven’t noticed? I can’t watch her die. Even if she’s come to terms with it.” 
“She’s not been to class for a few weeks. Professor Choi just straight-up skips over her name now. I’m guessing they know.” Jaehyun hummed. 
“Hm, Jaemin said he saw her last week on his midnight ramen run.” Mark recalled, “Said she looked like something out of living dead.” 
“Mark,” Taeyong gave him a warning look. The younger just shrugged his shoulders. “I’m going to book the operation for her. She doesn’t know. I just need the deposit. After that, it’s monthly payments. I can scrape enough together for the monthly just fine.” He looked pained. “Whenever I see her, it’s like I’m watching myself go through it again.” 
One by one, Jaehyun, Mark, Jungwoo, Yuta, and Taeil offered their help. 
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The six of them didn’t make it known what their plans were but soon enough, after Taeyong had put what he had already saved with what the others offered, it was enough. He rocked up to the private medical center, cash in an envelope that was tucked neatly within the inside pocket of his jacket. 
Taeyong was pleasantly surprised that he was allowed to schedule and pay the deposit on your behalf. Acting on best interest. The receptionist did stress that you needed to fill in the form and sign consent upon arrival but Taeyong was more pleased that he was giving you a chance at life. That there was a possibility that you could carry on.
What he didn’t expect, was your immediate refusal when he brought the leaflet and forms over to your apartment the following morning. The smile dropped from his face as you tried to hide away from him.  ‘He could die.’ You’d cried at him. And whilst it had been proven he wouldn't, you were convinced. 
“He won’t, ____.” Taeyong begged. “Please, you can’t just accept this.” The bed dipped as he sat on the edge. The many times he had visited you now, you had always been. The last time you got up to open the door, Taeyong honestly worried that you would pass away right there on the doorstep. He took your spare key after that. 
Taeyong’s gentle fingers lifted the damp wash cloth from the bowl at your bedside, running the cool material over your brow and cheeks. A light smile twitched at the corner of your lips, the sensation easing your fever, only a little but it was better than before. He knew he wasn’t going to get many more words from you this evening. You’d exhausted yourself already for the evening. Taeyong was just content enough to sit here and care for you. 
Honestly, before it was known that you were Johnny’s soulmate, Taeyong had hoped you’d notice him. He had often found himself wishing that it wouldn’t last so he could at least have a shot with you. His hopes were crushed when Johnny had run through the fraternity declaring you were both soulmates. Taeyong had made peace with the idea that maybe he was meant to be alone, satisfied just by seeing you whenever Johnny brought you over to hang out. 
He never wished for this, though. 
Tenderest of touches brushed your hair away from where it had clung to your forehead. Taeyong clicking on the standing fan in an attempt to offer you some cool relief. “Trust me, ____.” He whispered, voice brittle. “I went through this.” His confession had your right eye cracking open. 
“Back in the first year,” Taeyong recalled. “Watching you and Johnny go through this… it’s like a mirror. I nearly died,” He picked up your hand, engulfing it in both of his own. “I refused the operation until it was nearly too late. For the same reason, actually.” 
Your fingers twitched in his own, your index finger hooking around his thumb to offer comfort. You have suspected Taeyong had some close experience with this. Especially in the way he always seemed to understand your pain, the sad gazes, and his drive to help you. You had never expected that he would be the one in your position though. The meer thought had tears welling up in your eyes. You seemed to cry a lot around the man these days. 
“He didn’t die though. Apparently, he just… coughed up the root.” He lifted your hand, the ghosting feeling of his lips against your knuckles. “I promise you, Johnny won’t die… At least think about it.” To which you nodded in agreement. 
Taeyong made you soup, your favorite kind. You weren’t even sure how he knew it was your favorite but he did. He parted from you with a lingering kiss to your hairline. Just like every night. This form of unrequited love seemed to of hurt him more than his last. 
He’d left the forms and leaflets on the empty bed space by your feet.
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You’d asked Taeyong not to come over for the last four days. As worried as he was, he had to respect your wishes. You didn’t want him to see your sudden decline as you entered the last stage of the rejection. Meaning, that Johnny had almost fallen completely out of love with you now. 
You were expecting it, Taeyong too. You and Johnny had broken things off the last time you saw each other. Both of you doing so without even having to clarify the matter. He was free. Almost. 
Taeyong had been stressed all week, even his frat brothers had given him a wide berth. Many put it down to the lacrosse game the pending evening. Only a select few really knew that it was because today was the same day Taeyong had scheduled for your surgery. 
He hadn’t known it was the same day as the game, Jungwoo uttering the words with caution the day before. Taeyong swore to himself that he thought he booked it for next week. He didn’t even know if you were going to accept it… Any time he brought it up you tended to change the subject. 
How Taeyong managed to even pass the ball with steady swings amazed even himself, his hands hadn’t stopped shaking. He had nearly skipped the game in favor of being with you, but he knew he couldn’t.  The game had gone smoothly, they were winning by one. In fact, Johnny had to take the penalty shot. 
The whole field waited on bated breath, all eyes on Johnny as he just stood there, his expression morphed in such a way that Taeyong exchanged a look with Jaehyun.
“Seo! Take the damn shot already!” The coach didn’t even get through his ending word before Johnny’s form curled over, knees slamming into the ground. 
Taeyong rushed over as his friend tore off his helmet and spat his mouthguard to the ground. He would worry about that later. Taeyong slid to his knees beside Johnny, his own helmet crashing to the ground out of his grip. 
Johnny had never felt such pain. His airways were burning. The sensation in his chest felt like all the oxygen was being torn from him. The team crowded around him, blocking anyone else's view of the scene.  A choked cough left his throat, a shout of agony following after. Petals. Blood. Stems.  The flower was unwinding itself, pulling at the roots from within his chest and lungs. 
The team managed to maneuver Johnny back to the locker rooms, it took four of them to carry him but soon the male was slumped against the tiles of the showers. Taeyong was beside him once again. “Cough it up Johnny, you’ll do more damage if you don’t.” He tugged Johnny’s arm to sit him forward, his fist thumping down in the center of his back. “Johnny, come on!” 
To say Taeyong was relieved when Johnny finally started coughing again was an understatement. “You gotta carry it on, it’ll hurt but I’ve got you.” He pleaded over the sound of his friend’s cries and chokes. 
Johnny doesn’t know how long he continuously coughed for. All he knew was the last one to shake through his body finally offered him release, Taeyong tugging him away from the mangled mix of plant and blood only to rip him, Johnny, from his shock-induced state by shoving him under the freezing cold shower stream - kit and all. 
A big, clear breath left him. 
“What the fuck, John?” Ten peaked his head around the corner, having raced in after the team to check on his best friend. 
“Dude, that's your flower.” Mark grimaced, crouched down next to the offending object. 
The announcement made Johnny’s spine straighten, and Taeyong hung his head. “What does it mean?” Johnny shakily stood, pressing the button to stop the stream of cold water. 
It was fascinating how Johnny already felt better. He felt no pull in his chest, no weakness even after the whole ordeal. He felt new. But if he felt like this… then what had happened to you? The realization of what had happened weighed heavy on his guilt. 
He turned to address the sort of traumatized, faces around him but it wasn’t him that spoke up. It was Taeyong. “It means I need to find ____.” 
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Taeyong had raced past his teammates and into the locker room without any further explanation. His phone cramped between his ear and shoulder as he tugged on his sweats at record speed. “C’mon, Petal. Pick up.” He swore to himself, only removing the device from his ear to throw on a t-shirt from his locker. It was a term of endearment he had taken to calling you of late, though quite often when you were too dazed to notice. 
He ignored the looks of confusion from his friends. Well, from those other than Mark and Jaehyun. From the look on Johnny’s face, he was still piecing things together. Taeyong didn’t have time for that, snatching the keys for the beat-up Honda he had gotten recently and sprinting from the room. 
Taeyong continued to call you on the way to your apartment. He had just hoped you’d gotten yourself to the appointment. He didn’t want to think about the possibility of losing you like this. He found himself afraid to enter your building, scared of what he may find. His head thumped against the steering wheel, eyes burning with unshed tears. You had to be okay. 
His phone buzzed, body jumped when he saw your name flash on the screen. He swiped to answer, bringing it up to his ear with a relieved sigh. “____.” He listened to your breathing for a split second, registering the steady beeps in the background. 
“Is he alive?” Your tone was filled with urgency but your voice was clearer than Taeyong had heard in weeks. It had a relieved laugh bubbling from his chest, salty droplets cascading down his cheeks and leaving his tear ducts with the tension in him. 
“He’s fine.” He sniffled, rubbing at his face. “ Petal, you’re okay. I tho-” You interrupted him with a soothing call of his name. 
“You were right.” He listened to you pause, the sounds of you sipping through a straw present in the receiver. “There are things I do have to live for.” You spoke quietly. “The first one being myself.” 
He hummed in agreement, starting up the car again. “Yeah? I’ll be there soon and you can tell me all about the second, Petal.” He was rewarded with a breathy laugh. “What?”
“Petal.” You murmured, Taeyong could hear the slumber lingering back into your tone. 
“Get some rest. I’ll be there soon.” He was about to pull the phone away from his ear when you quietly called his name again. 
“Yes?” He hummed, clicking the hands-free and setting the phone into the holder on the dash. 
“Can I tell you my second reason?” 
“What’s that, Petal?” He smiled softly to himself. 
“It’s you.”
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©Acescavern - I do not give permission for my works to be copied, translated or reposted
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
As a Dad: Raph Edition
• we can all agree that as burly and as hard headed and as gruff and as *violent* as this man can be, this man adores kids
• yes as he matures he becomes more level headed but nothin knocked his head on straighter than having children (again biologically by a miracle or adoption)
• screw the books, he's gonna watch movies and wing it
• very patient for the 0-8 month stage with the crying and getting up at ungodly hours because hey, not the kids fault they can't talk
• loves naptime and tummy time the most because he loves baby noises...and yes, they do carry on a conversation
• definitely tries to get the kids to walk and talk as early as possible because they "need to learn quick to keep up with me"
• very hands on dad with bathtime, bedtime, and feeding time. he can't operate a diaper to save his life
• once the kid is walking and able to say some words, oh this man becomes prideful real fast
• ages 2-7 were definitely something else because he learned quickly silence was no bueno
• not a yeller but his voice does elevate to some degree, especially if his kids back talk
• that being said, while he doesn't have schedules for the kids (he leaves that to his partner), they do have to have some sort of a routine to keep them in line
• not a big stickler for bad grades but like leo, if the kids are genuinely trying their best and still get a C, he's fine with it...they better have a good reason for below a C tho
• his father was strict but still allowed him to be a kid, so he does the same thing with his own
• thus comes the 13-17 ages. oh boy.
• tries to channel his kids anger into ninjitsu, which works, but then it very quickly back fired cause now the kids are trying to kill each other
• his temper is definitely inherited by his kids and now he knows how his father felt, so he often goes to him for advice
• now his kids have to clean the house top to bottom and they can't go out for a week when they act up
• doesn't believe in physical punishments, rather he prefers to make the kids do things he doesn't like to do (example, clean).
• he teaches his kids how to be polite and respectful, especially around splinter
• don't let him anywhere near their homework.
• always asks the kids what they're up to and stays very involved with everything they do
• like leo, he's nonbiased when it comes to gender, but he's secretly dad girl coded
• has no problem getting on the floor and playing with his kids
• he definitely calls it babysitting
• he's the more fun parent but the kids also know not to give him attitude
• little girl wants dad to be a princess for halloween? no problem
• son wants dad to teach him how to kill a man? no problem
• will not remember school schedules...like at all
• makes sure his kids know how to sew/knit
• makes sure his kids know how to cook
• creates a space where they can always talk to him about anything
• obviously kids make mistakes, he just doesn't want them trying to lie or cover it up. honesty is key
• number one fan of the kids sports teams and never misses an event from the shadows
• definitely the parent that gets mad at the coaches
• calls the kids nicknames based on their height or distinct personality trait
• dad yawns and dad sneezes
• if his kid has friends, he needs to know everything about them for...science reasons
• definitely the "well i guess you wont do that again, will you?" dad
• he totally tells his kids their limb needs cut off if it's bleeding
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jackmanbj · 8 months
trick or treat!
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summary: you and jack take your 2 year old to trick or treat but she gets more candy then you thought and you and jack get into an argument about if you need to take some away or not.
“you really to go baby?” your 2 year old daughter excitedly shook her head yes “ok baby how about you go get daddy and tell him to come on so we can go?” “ok mommy!”
sarija ran to the living room where she knew jack was to find him sitting on the sofa putting on his 550’s “daddy hurry!!” “mama wait please daddy has a headache” “oh no..” you daughter ran back to you “mommy daddy has headache? he ok?” “yes baby i’ll go check on him you wanna come?” she shook her head no while you walked over to jack.
“you ok baby?” “my fucking head hurts” “do you still want to go trick or treating with us?” “yea of course” “ok i’ll go get you some pain medicine stay put.”
you came back to jack talking to sarija while she was giggling “im back, now lets hurry this up so we can go hhm?” “yes mommy!!” jack took the medicine and sarija told jack yo bed down so she could kiss his head “feel better??” “yes princess thank you! you kisses always make me and mommy feel so much better!”
eventually you all had left the house and were on your way to your first house “now what do you say when you get the candy?” “thank you!” you gave your daughter a high five “good girl” at the first house jack went up to the door with her while you stated back at the driveway.
“trick or treat!!” “hi missy! what are you?!” “minnie mouse!” sarija put her hand over her mouth and giggled “ok well i have something extra special for you!” the house owner gave her a huge minnie mouse lollipop “thank you!” “of course!” jack and sarija started walking back to you.
“show mommy what you got princess!” “i not princess today! i minnie!” “ok minnie, show mommy what you got!” you daughter took out the huge lollipop and showed it to you “thats awesome! but baby you need to apologize to daddy, you yelled at him that could hurt his feelings baby, right?” “yes.. im sorry daddy” “thats ok bug.”
you were headed to the 8th house of the night, it was 9:30 and your feet were starting to hurt being as though your costume needed you to wear high heels.
“jack i think im gonna head home, you ok by yourself?” “yea mamas” “ok baby, come home when its to much candy, no going over the limit, im serious” “i got you baby”
you had made it back home and ended up playing some music while cleaning the kitchen, your bedroom, and sarija’s room, you took out sarija’s pajamas and placed them on top of her dresser while you headed back to your room to take a quick 10 minute shower thinking jack should be on his way back with half a bag full of candy.
after 45 minutes of you waiting jack walked through the door with a full bucket of candy and a smaller bag of candy.
“uhm thats way over her limit jack!” “baby its fineee, it’s halloween!” “yea mhm, we’re going to talk later” “fuck!” “JACKMAN!” “DADDY!” “WHAT??” “you said bad word!” “sorry princess, wont happen again!”
you started bringing your daughter to the bathroom and putting her into the bathtub and cleaning her off.
by the time you were done she was good and tired.
“mommy i sleepy..” “ok baby lets go to bed” you took her yo her room putting the clean pajamas on her you had laid out earlier, tucking her in and kissing her goodnight.
you walked out of the room to find jack sitting on the sofa scrolling on his phone.
“jackman bedroom now” you said walking past him, you head jack huff and get up.
“why would you let het get that much candy?” “baby its halloween, its not like were giving it to her all in one day.. its going to take her like 5 months to eat all that” “dont care, your missing my fucking point” “whats your point?” “if i were out there with yall the whole time you would have stopped halfway, you disrespected my wishes” “baby, j really dont see this as a big deal” “its not a big deal but j.. you just went against everything i made rules about, if you keep this up shes going to think whatever i say doesn’t matter, like what her monma says doesn’t matter because daddy said something else, if you would have called me and just simply asked me if you could stay out longer and get more candy i wouldn’t mind, yall had daddy daughter time but stop disrespecting me, understand?” “understand.”
you turned over laying on your pillow falling under the blanket as you felt jack come wrap his arms around you pulling you closer.
“goodnight mamas, your doing so good, great wife, even better mom. i love you” “goodnight baby boy, you doing better, you balanced your work like, made me and sarija your number one prioritys, amazing husband, amazing daddy. i love you.”
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starfxkr · 5 months
i would die for fratbro!rafe headcanons omg ur writing is adorable
OH MY BREAD AND BUTTER RLLY i went on the hunt for a fratbro on halloween bc of rafe 😭
okay but heres i imagine fratbro!rafe x kook reader (kook but not a sorority girl u feel me?)
first off hes a fucking dick no way around it and youre attracted to him partially because of the allure surrounding rafe cameron
you actually dont meet at a frat party, you end up partners in a group project. at first you expect him to slack off and leave you with the workload but hes surprisingly…proactive?
being with him actually exposes you to a brand new world of drugs and debauchery but he still likes to keep a layer of separation between the two of you: he wont let you buy coke on your own but he’ll give you a bump or two if you ask
rafe would actually much prefer staying at your little on campus apartment because its much calmer
he def parades you around frat parties tho because he got the hottest girl around are you shittin me?
the sorority girls hate it tho….they constantly try to make you feel insecure and bring up their past flings with him
youre smart enough to not show weakness around them but you do cry in his car later that night because despite everything you dont always feel on his level
and hes not the nicest about comforting you, just tells you “if i wanted to be with those dunb sluts i would be, but im sitting here with you while youre crying in my car aight? get your shit together.”
rafe actually really hates when you cry because it makes him uncomfortable, so he will just stand there with his hands in his pockets like “u good lol”
def takes you on vacation with him during the holidays because he cannot stand his family
absolutely doesnt allow topper or kelce to talk crazy around you
keeps an eye on your drinks at parties because he unfortunately he knows how those guys get
yes he has some of your stuff in his room no he doesnt give a shit what his frat brothers think
but hes gonna kick his shoes off and knock all your stuffed animals on the ground once hes in your room every time, he snuggles in your fluffy sheets like he owns it
you maybe have a whole folder of pictures of him sleeping in your bed
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stitchwraith-stingers · 6 months
godd i hate fazbear frights so much they ruined the lore ://// whats next, fazbear frights tumblr dash simulator??? fuck this
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🌙 motts-talking
i swear to god my brothers little pets are so freaky they ate my fish and made him into them, like spontanious mitosis or something and now im trying to get rid of them and i swear im so afraid of accidently drinking them
🌙 motts-talking
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🔎 detective-larson
just got called into work today and they want me to look into this case and they think its associated with the stitchwraith... why do i work here 🔎 detective-larson
its been 3 months since i last posted and i may or may not have not known what i was getting into
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anonymous asked:
can you stop posting about your werid doll thing i get it ur like rich and shit now but its so hidieous and ugly it almost makes me want to unfollow and vomit
🍀 luckiest-boy-blog
i LIKE my ADVICE DOLL its just this little thing i like and you REJECT IT. YOU HATE IT BECAUSE I LIKE IT
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🎀 dovewing-kinnie
sorry ive been so inactive on this account, lets just say my mental health has been doing better! :) got some help from a family friend, ill be back to posting soon
🎀 dovewing-kinnie
the junkyard
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anonymous asked: aita for accidently indirectly killing my friend?
sorry for any spelling mistakes, im still shaken up by the whole thing
so i (14F) and my friend, who ill call P (14F) have recently both gone on a school trip to some werid factory (wont bother specifying which as to not doxx me), now i was known for being kinda, i guess "rude"? and while we seperated from the group and P was already slightly nervious about that, we went onto the catwalks and despite her pleading i decide to walk to a sign that said "NOT SAFE" or something along those lines
surprise surprise i fell, near me was a vat of boiling hot sauce or whatever and me, having somehow survived the fall, i decided to play a little prank, i would stay hiding in there for afew days, i think i managed to stay in there for 3 days? before i got kicked out
now first i visited my boyfriends house to tell him that im alive and whatever, and then i went to P's house, knowing it was like 2 am or something, i rang like three times i think and then i heard something fall
as it turned out, P had fallen off the roof of her house (i have no idea what she was doing in the first place) AND HAD SNAPPED HER NECK, i obviously screamed, who wouldnt, now i went from being the most popular girl in school to an outcast because of this
❓ aita-official
What are these acronyms?
🥀 the-ravens-death
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🐩 useless-dog-lesbian
utah is so werid, what do you mean people have an urban legend about a werid tall thing that has a trashbag with them at all times and can kill people with just a single touch
🥨 pretzel-liker-173
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💡 yuri-ka
the stitchwraith is 100% funnier if you imagine theyre two kids in a trenchcoat with a halloween mask just trying to clean the planet, like ive seen it but it avoids people like the plauge
🐩 useless-dog-lesbian
what the fuck do you mean youve seen it
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⚡ chucks-vent-blog
are you really living life if you havent gotten an expirience where your older sibling just dissapears or dies
⚡ chucks-vent-blog
like when i was younger my brother had these reaccouring near freak-accidents of him almost loosing an eye or an arm and i was trying to tell him that maybe he had annoyed this one animatronic he tried to freak me out with and he yelled at me and then told me to come find him after school and then it turned out he got hit by a car, i wish i could explain to people normally about this without ti sounding werid
🎫 silliestlittleguy
how normal is this expirience? not my brother but my cousin just dissapeared suddenly, i had saved up so many tickets just to get him a gift from the nearby arcade! :(
🍬 horse-sona
god this is so true, i had a step-sister who dispised me because i was getting all the attention and just out of spite ate my candy that was specifically given to me by the place we were visiting, the next day we found out she had snuck out and the car was taken elsewhere with no sign of her, we figured she ran away or something but its been so long we decided shes dead at this point
🐟 fish-enjoyer
my older brother tried to flush my pet sea bonnies down the toilet because he apparently saw them eating his fish or something, never saw him again after that and the only witness just said he looked blue, i still have no idea what that means
⚡ chucks-vent-blog
i did not expect this to be more common then i thought what the fuck
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🍂 phineas-taggart-official
hello tumblr! sorry for not posting, ive been working on getting some stuff for an experiment and they finally arrived, will keep you updated
🌱 gregsexperiments
phineas taggart had died afew hours after posting this, detectives believe this is the stitchwraiths doing
🦋 restingatdawn
frankenstein behavior
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🐇 bnuuygirl
just saw a girl in the school cafetirea disintigrate into trash, cant have shit in utah
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🥀 the-ravens-death
i just witnessed my crush talk to some basic girl all lovey dovey in the school and i just ran back home while all i want for christmas is you was playing.. im so tired i fucking hate everyone i hate my life i want to die im so tired
🦇 vampire-girl-shelly
guess all he wanted for christmas is her huh
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🦉 justanothermiddleagedguy
my collgues are such assholes man first i hear them just kissing in the game testing room out loud for some reason and then when its my birthday and they do some werid freaky birthday surprise they misspell my name, its not hard to spell jeremiah correctly i promise you
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🥈 scrap-metal-enthusiast
might fuck around and kill someone else idk
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael x Reader [together please] but separate is fine also . 🎀
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
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Major Halloween ends spoilers, don’t read if you don’t want spoilers!
 These two are my current obsession, and I love yandere stuff, but I just haven’t gotten to write it much, so thank you for requesting it. 
If you guys want more yandere stuff just let me know 😘
-          In the beginning you are only Coreys obsession. You had stood by his side after the accident and as his mental state suffered, he became obsessed with you.
-          Corey at this point isn’t the type of yandere to do much, he is all obsessive and loving thoughts but is so insecure and self-hating to act on his desires. He sees himself as trash and unworthy of you in every way.
-          This doesn’t stop him from stealing some of your things though, but its things you wont miss like a shirt you haven’t worn in years or an old notebook, or a chapstick from the bottom of your backpack.
-          When you have sleepovers at each other’s places, Corey lays awake to watch you sleep. When he’s feeling extra bold, he might even touch you. But its small like holding your hand or brushing your hair out of your face.
-          After you leave the sleepovers at his place, he always crawls into bed in as little clothes as possible and smells the pillow you used and gets off to it. He always feels ashamed and disgusted with himself afterwards.
  -          After meeting Michael Corey becomes more bold and less ashamed of his thoughts, hell start stalking you in a very Michael like fashion. Like standing just out of view or lurking in the shadows.
-          Starts stealing more important things, like your favorite shirt or your toothbrush. He has a shrine built for you down in the sewers where he keeps his most priced items.
-          One of the first people Corey kills is someone who has been flirting with you for a long time and not leaving you alone, Michael can only watch his interest as Corey rips the person to shreds.
-          After looking into Coreys memories Michael starts to be drawn to you as well, seeing you as someone who might have loved him too when he was younger. You had stood by Coreys side even during everything, so why not Michael.
-          Where Corey still feels ashamed or shy at times and stays cautious, Michael does not. He will stand above you whilst you sleep or sneak into the bathroom to watch you shower without you noticing.
-          Michael is the one who will target your family if they pose a threat. If you a close to your family Corey will try and leave them alone, but if you aren’t they will both kill them.
  -          During Halloween night they still go on a rampage, but instead of Michael killing Corey they work together like a well-oiled machine and end up kidnapping you and bringing you to the sewers with them.
-          They break into your house or work or wherever you are. If you are at home they’ll just sneak in and knock you out, but if you are in areas with other people they will rampage and kill everyone there and then knock you out and take you.
-          When you wake up you are confused at your surroundings, and you scream at the two towering figures above you, both wearing the same thing. You try to run, and that’s when you realize you aren’t tied up. As you try to flee one of them catch you and bring you back.
  -          When you break down crying after multiple attempts to run away, thinking you are here to be killed and they’re just toying with you, Michael actually hugs you to his chest with an almost too tight grip.
-          Corey comes up behind you and pulls his mask up and tells you that its okay and they aren’t gonna hurt you. You try to demand answers from Corey, but he just kisses your neck and wraps his arms around you too.
-          You can’t do anything but shiver as they hold you, the metallic smell of blood filling your senses as Corey keeps kissing your neck and muttering all kinds of things about fate and love and losing you, Michael’s grip steel tight and his eyes unblinking as he stares down at you, almost daring you to run away.
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mtfstuff · 2 years
Life changing night
As a child I always wanted to protect my country when I'm older, just like my father did. He was the police chief of my hometown and I had great respect for him. When I turned 21 I found out that I was somehow gifted with a magical power. I could control minds and transform bodies. After I found out I started to improve myself. I gave myself abs and pecs as well as huge arms and legs. I was in an instant the strongest guy in my year at school and I changed the memories of the others to accept it. I kept it a secret for about a year until my father had a work accident. He got shot and had to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. I told him that I could help him but he didnt believe me at first. I started to change his spine to get him to walk again. At first he was happy but it didnt last long. Shortly after it he became afraid of what I could do but he didnt let it show. It was that night where I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night surrounded by swat teams. My father had called the police and told them about me.
I was drugged and imprisoned in a secret facility so that the government could study what makes me different. Lucky me, I found a way to act like I was drugged. Every meal I got a pill to stay submissive and compliant but after some time I managed to break free and sonce then I've kept every single pill in a secret hiding spot. I was in there for about 2 years before I was fully conscious again. That was 19 months ago and every spare minute I had, I worked on a way to break out of the facility and today is the day.
Its Friday, 31. October. Halloween.
I woke up and had breakfast before I was lead into a test it was short and I had the rest of the day off. I waited until dusk and then I broke out. I moved away the mirror above the sink in the bathroom and entered a secret tunnel. I silently left the estate and walked towards the nearest town.
My prison uniform wont be noticed anytime soon as everyone is dressed up. I walked through the streets at the edge of the city, hoping to see an open window or door to sneak into a house do change my clothes but sadly everything was closed.
I started to think about other options. Breaking into a house or store? Probably too loud.
Knocking out a parent to steal his clothes? Possible if no one is around.
I continued walking down the streets alone, no one around until I suddenly saw someone coming towards me. From the way the person walked I could see that its a man and while coming closer I finally saw that he wore a military uniform. It seems like he noticed my clothes too as he started to change his grip on his gun.
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We finally stood in front of each other.
"No need to worry, its a costume.", I said.
"Oh good. While I dont know of any prison around here I was still cautious.", he answered.
"I'm Luke.", I introduced myself.
"Mike.", he answered.
I sized him up. We were similarly tall and muscular. I wouldnt even change a lot about myself to be him physically.
"And whats a soldier doing on the streets all alone?"
"Oh.", he chuckled. "Yeah, I'm a real soldier but I'm wearing it as a costume today. I was walking around with my nephew and he wanted us to be soldiers together. I just brought him home. What about you?"
"Just brought my son to my ex.", I lied. "He wanted to be a police officer and I should be his prisoner."
Mike laughed. "Sounds like he got you under control."
"Yeah, he does.", I chuckled.
It followed a short moment of weird silence.
"I have nothing else to do this evening. You seem like a good guy, want to come with me for some beer and small talk?", he asked.
What an opportunity, I thought.
"Yeah, sure!", I answered.
We walked to his house and he let me in. We sat down in his living room and talked a lot. At the end both of us had like 6 to 7 beer and I wanted to alter his mind to let me transform him as he asked a sudden question.
"You know, this may sound weird to you...", he burped. "But I really like you. I never had a feeling like this towards anyone."
Well, this is another way to get what I want, I thought.
"I feel the same.", I said. "Since the first time I saw you in your uniform I wanted to have you, to serve you."
"Well then why dont we go upstairs together."
He took my hand and lead me upstairs. He sat down on the bed and pushed me to my knees.
"If you dont want to go to prison again you maggot, start sucking my dick.", he said firmly.
"Roleplay, I like it.", I said.
What was that maggot?!", he said.
"I dont want to go back, sir!", I answered.
"Then suck. And make sure that not a single drop gets on my uniform."
I opened his fly and took his hard 6 inch cock in my mouth. He grabbed my head and slid my head up and down on his shaft. After a few minutes he exploded his warm seed without warning into my mouth and I made sure that I swallowed every bit of it.
"That was awesome!", he panted.
I started to strip him out of his uniform. I opened his boots and peeled off his green wool socks. I opened his belt and pulled off his pants and underpants, followed by his vest, shirt and undershirt. He was now laying naked in front of me. He was a sight to behold. Great abs, big pecs and massive calfs and biceps.
"Oh no! This poor soldier got stripped by the prisoner he wanted to bring to the police. I hope he doesnt fuck me rough without lube.", Mike said with a smile.
"You soldier can only hope to see the daylight again now that I have you beneath me!", I role played further.
"Oh, help. Please!", he said while I turned him on his stomach.
I pulled my dick out of my pants and quickly enlarged it to a nice hard 9 inches.
"This could hurt, soldier boy.", I said as I slowly entered his hole.
Mike gasped as I entered his hole but he quickly moved up and down on my dick. We had sex for about 2 hours and it was a blissful experience. Both if us covered in sweat were lying next to each other on the bed. We looked each other deep into the eyes.
"Hey Mike, I...", I stammered. "I've got a question."
"Of course. What is it?"
"Could I put on your uniform?", I asked.
"That would be hot.", he answered.
I hopped out of his bed and walked towards the pile of clothes I left on the chair while I undressed Mike.
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I took his still warm boxers and sniffed them. I looked at Mike and saw how he stroked his dick.
I stepped into his boxers and slid my feet into his damp socks. I pulled on his undershirt and his pants. I closed the belt and put on his shirt and vest. I wiggled into his boots and tied them up. I slipped my hands into his gloves.
"This feels awesome!", I said.
"Hello staff sergeant! How can I help you?", Mike asked.
I could see how aroused he was seeing me in his uniform.
"I know I'm not a cop so I have no rights to indrude your home Mr., but I was told that a prisoner was seen entering this house. Do you know anything about this?", I asked firmly.
"No sir, I havent seen a prisoner here.", he said still stroking his dick.
"Do you mind if I take a look around?", I asked.
"No, not at all sir."
A walked around the room until my old clothes were in front of me.
"What do we have here...", I said, picking up my orange shirt and pants. I threw them at Mike, followed by my orange loafers.
"Put them on. I'll bring you to the police, prisoner!", I said.
I saw how excited Mike was. He stepped into the pants and slipped the shirt over his abs. After that he slipped into the loafers.
"Please, I was falsely imprisoned. I'd do anything to get away from it.", Mike said.
"Well, if thats the case, suck me off and I'll see what I can do for you.", I answered.
Mike crawled towards me, opened my fly and pulled out my hard dick. He went right down on it without hesitation. His mouth engolfed my dick like a wet, warm cave. His tongue played easily with my hard dick and I put my hands behind his face. I slowly started to facefuck him, getting rougher and rougher until I exploded into his mouth. He immediately started to swallow until he got every drop.
It made me feel ecstatic and my knees got weak. I dropped on my knees and was now face to face with Mike again.
"I love this feeling of power. I love wearing your uniform. I'd love to be you, a soldier.", I said panting.
"And it suits you good.", he said.
He came in for a kiss and I didnt stop him.
We kissed and I wanted to shove my hand beneath his shirt as he suddenly pulled me to the ground.
We wrestled for a short time but it was clear from the beginning that Mike had the upper hand by knowing all the fighting tactics. Je quickly had me locked in a position where I couldnt move my right arm and leg.
His arm moved over my chest down to my dick.
"You may wear the uniform and look like a soldier but you dont know a thing being a soldier.", Mike whispered in my ear.
I felt how he started stroking my dick.
"And now the soldier will be fucked by the prisoner.", he continued.
He managed to turn me around while keeping me pinned down to the ground. I felt how he pulled the pants from my butt before his dick entered.
He got a fast pace but I figured out that he was to focused on fucking me that he wouldnt pay attention to my body changing. I focused on Mikes appearance and started my transformation. I lost my tattoos, made my muscles slightly grow and then I started to change my face.
My hair got shorter, my jaw more square. I now resembled Mike in all his glory.
At last I changed my voice to match Mikes.
"You wont get away with this you scum. You cant just fuck a soldier and think you can just leave.", I said, hearing Mikes deep baritone voice.
"Oh my... wait, what the- uurgh!", Mike sounded confused but he shot his load into my ass.
Mike pulled out and turned me on my back.
"How can you sound like me? Look like me?!", he shouted.
"I do what?!", I answered, playing unknowing.
He stood up, pulled me with him and pushed me in front of the mirror.
He looked at himself, I could see a slight relief and then he looked at me.
"We're like twins!", I said moving my hands through my hair and over my jaw.
"How can we revert this?", he mumbled.
"I'd love to go to your work as you.", I said under my breath.
"Impersonating a soldier.", I didnt think he'd hear me. "Hot but dangerous."
"You'd let me do it?", I asked.
"I think so but you dont know a thing about my work, let alone my colleagues."
I turned around to look at him. My hard dick in the uniform pants brushed against his thigh.
I started kissing him and he moved his hands to my bubble but. We kissed passionately.
"You know I could change that deficit.", I said.
I quickly kissed him before I started to copy his memories. He felt that something was wrong and tried to push me away but I didnt let go.
I finished copying before he pushed me away.
"What did you just do? I- I feel a bit dizzy.", Mike said.
"Easy there Mike.", I helped him to sit down on his bed. "I just copied your memories. I could now go to your work and no one would know I'm not the real you."
"But- but how?", he stepped away from me.
"I dont know how to say it.", I said.
"Then try to explain it.", he said taking my hand.
"I have...this power. I can change the body and mind. And I really wanted to be you because I like you so much."
"So you could make my power fantasy real?"
"Your what?", I asked perplexed.
"I- I always- okay, since my early teenage years I somehow liked, maybe even loved being talked down, even though I was muscular since the beginning. That was the real reason I joined the army. I wanted to get screamed at, dragged through the mud and so on. But I quickly found out that that didnt really happen, I quickly shot up the career ladder and suddenly I was supposed to scream at others."
I was totally surprised.
"Could you maybe make me your submissive prisoner?", he continued. "I mean, you'd have your dream of being me, staff sergeant Mike Walker."
He got closer to me and grabbed my bulge.
"And I could be the muscular prisoner who you use as a slave and humiliate.", he continued.
He squeezed my bulge and it was so good.
"Please, I beg you Luke.", he said. "Influence my mind, make me forget my life as a soldier. Maybe even change my face to fit a slave."
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A year later and I have the best time of my life. I am the soldier I always wanted to be and my life with Mike, now called Mouse is also incredible. I lift the blockade in his mind on special occasions and he always tells me how much he liked the past time as his dream. Tonight is halloween again and my nephew wants me to be soldiers with him again. The real Mike asked to come with us, fully conscious. He would be one of my friends, of course dressed as a prisoner. My nephew loves the idea and Mike cant wait for the time when we are alone again.
This definitely is a much better life than I thought I would ever get.
I'm back and sadly I didnt manage to hit my deadline to post this story on halloween, but at least I'm close. I'm working on more stories again so look forward to them.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
ooh jon pov!! maybe a blurb of jon pov from halloween? from the party or him taking nancy home? i love the dynamic between the four of them sm <3
YES !!! jon pov ur so loved
enjoy <3
"so, you come here often?" jonathan winces at his own stupid question.
samantha, the goth girl, snorts into her cup. "nice one."
"yeah," he looks around. why arent you back yet? you know how scared he is of girls. for years its all youve made fun of him for, and now, when a girl has approached him, youve abandoned him.
samantha takes another sip from her drink and jonathan really wants to die. he doesnt know where youve gone, and now hes starting to get worried. normally by now youd be back by his side, teasing him and making him feel like an idiot, but youre not.
maybe youre with nancy, bonding over a cup of random liquor and giggling over boys.
yeah. right.
"do you like the music-"
"sorry, did you see where my friend went?" jonathan interrupts the girl, who gives him a wicked glare.
she shoves her cup towards the kitchen, her voice now gruff. "that way."
jonathan turns around and finally sees the flash of your red dress. he exhales, relieved, and apologizes to samanatha before making his way over to you.
he takes his time. it looks like youre talking to someone, but as he gets closer, jonathan starts to notice the way your eyebrows are scrunched with discomfort. the tension you hold in your shoulders. how your eyes are flashing in alarm as you push against a figure.
"just get the fuck off of me-"
then, jonathan notices the arms that encase you against the wall, pinning you so that you cant move, and suddenly all he can see his red. he doesnt know what hes doing next until its done.
pain spreads throughout jonathans fist.
its automatic, a reflex innate within him.
the guy hes punched crumbles to the ground and jonathan is about to start kicking the fuck out of him when steve appears. he drags him back by his jacket and jonathan is about to punch steve as well.
but then he sees the way youre shielding yourself against the wall and all the residual anger in jonathan vanishes. youre scared. he wont make it worse for you. youd kill him if he did, anyways.
jonathan leans over the guy. "she told you to get off of her."
the guy smiles again, slowly gets up, and then takes a bow. "not bad, loner boy."
again the rage returns, but not as violently as it had only a few moments ago when jonathan saw the guy about to assault you. no, anyone could do what they wanted with him, but you? it was always red when it came to you.
jonathan tries to step closer, but steve grabs him again. "hes not worth it, man."
he knows steve is right, but youre shaking. the lights may be dimmed and you may be covered in a long gown, but jonathan sees it. youre pale, the normal fire in your eyes is gone. the guy had really gotten under your skin, something he hadnt thought was possible.
jonathan has never hated anyone so viciously before.
whoever this blonde mullet asshole is, jonathan wont ever let him near you again.
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whois-jess · 8 months
Can I request a Rhea x Fem! reader in which reader in which they go to do some horror mazes and reader acts brave to make Rhea who's insisting to have them all happy, but ends up getting scared? I used to like horror mazes (I watched them on YouTube because I live in Europe and we have only four or five horror mazes in my country, but some traumatized me and now I don't like them anymore xD)
Horror maze
Rhea Ripley x fem!reader
(Sorry this took so long to get done)
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It was the start of October and many would know one of Rheas favorite time of the year, for months now she was talking about it and all the horror movies we can watch and she brought up a horror maze which she was thrilled about and wanted to go to so as my surprise/early birthday present i was taking her.
To me this maze looked and sounded like death but i knew Rhea would love it and thats what mattered to me. "Rhea hurry! We have to get going" i yelled to her as she was the one taking ages this time "damn baby girl i am ready" she chuckles walking around the corner "come on you will love it" i smile grabbing my car keys "will i now" she raised an eyebrow "yes you will" i smile back "maybe if you tell me i will know" i chuckled this time as she has been wanting to know since i told her i had a surprise "nice try love" i said kissing her cheek as we left the house getting in the car.
"Excited" i asked her "yeah i am can i have a clue?" She asks "fine, okay so its to go with Halloween and all that" i said turning left going on to the motorway "Halloween?" She questioned "yes" i smiled when a van cut in front me "bastard!" I yelled honking my horn "if you cant drive fuck off the road!" I yelled again and Rhea laughed "your funny y/n" her hand comes to my thigh patting it not moving her hand afterwards.
"Okay well are here!" I say as well pull into a car park, Rhea looks around beforw her face lights up "oh my god! Its the maze!" She says smiling "yep!" I smile back parking the car turning the engine off "i love you babe" she leans over kissing me "now shall we go in?" I say taking my belt off "uh yes!" Rhea quickly gets out making me laugh as she waits for me "dam girl calm" i say locking the car and she walks over pulling me close to her "your the best girlfriend ever" i smile at her words "i know" i kiss her nose before we walk to the entrance.
As well got closer it has signs says warning dont come closer and crime scene tape the normal 'scary stuff' "welcome you two" a man says dressed as a creepy zombie said "hello" Rhea said holding my hand "stay safe and have the scare of your life" the man said in a creepy way before we walked to the start of the maze "ready?" Rhea smiled "yeah lets just get it over with" i said as we walk in "dont be like that baby it wont be that bad" Rhea say as we take our first corner we turn to see a man dressed as a zombie which jumped scared me a bit "jeez who hides behind a corner" i say and Rhea giggles "he does its his job, looks like a dead end lets go left" she smiles taking my hand "y/n if you want we can go back" Rhea says i knew she was doing because i wasn't the biggest fan of horror mazes right now but she was loving it and i didn't want to ruin it "no baby it fun" i smile at her and she squeezes my hand "okay babe". We turn another corner to see two more zombies walking over "fuck sake".
"Rhea are we lost in a maze of creeps" i raise my eyebrow "Y/n its a maze not a straight line" she smiles kissing my cheek "yeah" we walk down a path and hear a sound "you hear that?" I ask "what sweetheart?" Rhea looks round at me "i think we are being followed" i say looking back "followed? Don't be silly no one is there" we kept walking when i hear something the corner behind us "Rhea there is someone there" my grip tightens on her hand "don't be silly Y/n your fine" my eyes stayed on where the sound came from when a woman in blood and too realistic makeup ran at us "Shit Rhea!" I jumped into Rheas arms "Fuck!" Rhea screamed as well and she runs a bit carring me.
When we got far enough she hugged me and we both laugh "shit that was scary" i laughed "yeah your reaction baby" Rhea chuckled we stood there me in Rheas arms for a bit "lets get out of here" She smiled and kisses me "yeah we have a lot more scares to go" i smiled at her "you got you big strong girlfriend to help you" Rhea jokes and i kiss her "what a hero" we both laugh again before continuing the maze and lets say it was a terrible night sleep but a lot of cuddles.
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
It's time to d-d-dress up!
Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. I really like horror and being scared. You could say I'm a thrill seeker. Anyway, enjoy this filler while I work on other stuff lol
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Content: Various Yugioh people x gn!Reader
Warnings: Sexual themes (Yami Marik) but no actual sex so it's still SFW, unsure whether or not Yami Marik's fake blood is actual blood
Notes: Halloween is my favorite holiday. I wish I could do this for every fandom I write for, but that'd be too much for me right now, sadly. I'll probably do one or two more, but that's about it
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❥Yugi Muto
You and Yugi would obviously go with a couples costume.
He would be the dark magician, and you would either be dark magician girl or celtic guardian (they get shipped the most with dark magcian)
You two probably wouldn't trick or treat, probably just party with your friends while helping grandpa hand out candy
Would kiss you as much as you were comfortable with, because you just look so pretty/handsome to him
He's also grateful that you decided to match with him this year
Takes a shit ton of selfies to remember this moment and to post on his story/social media
Before Halloween, he probably would have spent all of October decorating the shop with you
Would absolutely want to make certain cut out cookies with you, he thinks the ghost ones are cute
Very wholesome Halloween. 100/10.
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You already know mans isn't original with Halloween costume ideas
He'd go as an Egyptian Pharaoh and would like it if you went as his queen/king, though he wont force you
He wont know what Halloween is about until you tell him, he's just a confused old man lol
He would love being in Pharaoh-like clothing again after so long. He'd proably try tanning the entirity of October, then be confused when there isn't much of a difference.
Help him, he's trying his best lol
Would also help you decorate if you asked, but he'd be asking questions non stop about the meaning of lights and window stickers. He doesn't take "tradition" or "it's fun" as an answer lol
A little annoying, but still wholesome. 8/10.
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❥Seto Kaiba
Seto isn't crazy about Halloween. It's six days after his birthday, that's the only way he remembers the holiday exists every year.
Because he's not crazy about the holiday, he hasn't dressed up for it since his parents were alive
Mokuba still dresses up, and he tries his hardest to get Seto to as well, but it just never happens. You're not an exception, unfortunately
Unless you get a blue eyes white dragon onesie.
He'll go as himself then, and you're his trusty dragon
Otherwise, he won't care about dressing up and will let you go as whatever, so long as its outside of the scandalous range. He's very much in the public eye, remember? He's also a raging virgin, so leave the risque costumes for private time
He'll probably especially enjoy it if you tell him it doubles as a birthday present
Either very funny or very boring. 5/10.
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❥Joey Wheeler
He'd probably be the cheesiest motherfucker out of them all
Would definitely have you two go as matching vampires or werewolves
He has such a generic look on horror and monsters in general
Dude you literally play duel monsters, there's more than just vampires and werewolves-
Would buy cheap fake blood that ends up staining your skin for a week after.
It would also strangely taste like apples?
You should probably go to a hospital after the party
Halloween with Joey is accidentally lethal. My kind of party. 10/10.
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❥Marik Ishtar
Dude I have no fucking idea what he'd be, and therefore neither would he lol
He has 0 creativity when it comes to this, so usually he'll turn to you for costume ideas
Would also be like Joey with the cheesy, overdone costumes
I can really only see him being werewolf and you being little red riding hood
He'd probably get a kick out of that, in multiple ways...
Marik doesn't understand Halloween decorations, but if it makes you happy, he guesses he'll help you put stuff up
Absolutely sneaks candy for himself though
Pretty average Halloween. 5/10.
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❥Yami Marik
Absolutely a vampire. No. Shh. Shut up. I am taking ZERO criticism on this one.
He takes it all the way. He's basically a blond, Egyptian dracula lol
He'll probably have you not dress up so he can be the vampire that corrupts you
He takes it a little too far, biting your neck with his fake fangs in
He also sprays fake blood on himself and everywhere else, but you're not entirely sure it's fake blood...
Like Marik, he also sneaks candy for himself, but very openly. He knows you can't do anything to him anyways
Yami Marik will help you put up decorations once he learns just how spooky Halloween is supposed to be
If you were hoping for a cuter Halloween, where children weren't afraid of approaching your house, then kick Yami Marik out until Halloween is over lol
Terrifying Halloween, but a great 'afterparty.' 7/10.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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iowkey-ioki · 1 year
How i made xenos nails!!
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-2mm eva foam
-heat gun
-soldering iron (technically optional but helps A LOT)
-gesso (i used regular gesso, but if you can id buy heavy body gesso)
-P400+P600 sand paper
-acyrlic paint (just silver is ok, but black will help)
-white gloves
-hot glue
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PART 1- forming the base
This part is VERY hard to explain so hopefully the diagram helps- ill explain every step here
Finger tips
1. Cut out a piece of worbla thats double the length of the finger tip you want + a little extra.
2. Heat it slightly and fold that piece of worbla in half around your finger.
3. Form it slightly around your finger, leaving a little extra space for the glove material, then cut it out with good scissors. (NOTE- if you try to form it on your finger while wearing gloves, the worbla MAY stick to the gloves. Id recommend just doing it on your bare finger)
4. Heat it up again until its very soft and round out the shape, making sure the sides stick together. If its too small when you test fit it around the glove, try to push out the walls a bit more.
Watch this video before starting this part-
1. Find a good length for your nails- mine are approx. 3 inches. Make a template and then cut the shape out of eva foam.
2. Cut out TWO pieces of worbla a little bigger then the nail strip and heat one up, sticky side up (the sticky side is shiny). Put the eva foam strip in the middle. Heat up the second piece of worbla and put it on top, sandwiching the eva foam.
3. Score all around the eva strip then cut AS CLOSE as possible to the edge.
Attaching the pieces
1. Heat up the finger tip and half of the nail. Attach the nail to the finger tip while wearing it to make sure it doesnt cave in. Use a picture from the manga as reference while doing this part
2. Once again, using a manga reference, use scrap worbla to fill out the sides and smooth everything down. This is the part where you can use a soldering iron to smooth everything out- be careful though, because you can easily burn the worbla.
2.5. I forgot to make a diagram but dont forget to curve the nails! I used a little metal dome to get a consistent curve for all of them.
3. Make little worbla balls, flatten them with something flat, then attach them to the nails while still hot.
Now repeat ALL these steps for all 10 nails! Yay!
PART 2- priming
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For priming i used regular gesso because I was impatient, but if you have plenty of time I recommend heavy body gesso. It took me 12 layers to get everything decently smooth, but if you used heavy body it would probably take 3-5 layers.
I also used floral foam, craft sticks, and sticky tack for my painting setup- if you can think of a better method without sticky tack id recommend trying something else- just because i had to pick out the sticky tack with tweezers, and it took forever lol
Two things to note about gesso-
1. It doesnt self level so you need to sand it smooth
2. DO NOT DRY SAND!! Always wet sand gesso
My exact steps were this-
4 layers of gesso -> sand with P400 -> 4 layers of gesso -> sand with P400 -> 4 layers of gesso -> sand with P600
This part is very time consuming if you use regular gesso, but its definitely worth it for the smooth finish.
PART 3- painting
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Before adding silver, I threw down a quick matte black layer. It tends to make metals look much better and it wont take long to dry, so I highly recommend it.
For the silver, i used decoart extreme sheen in silver, which i highly recommend. Relatively cheap and can be found in any craft store
Id also recommend having all your brush strokes go vertically if you can- it looks much cleaner.
PART 4 (final part)- attachment
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I used a pair of white gloves i bought a while back at spirit halloween, but you can make them or buy them- doesnt matter as long as you like them.
This part is kinda dumb but I genuinely dont know if theres a better method… i put hot glue in the nails, let it cool for a couple of seconds, then put them ON MY FINGERS while wearing the gloves. It gets you the best fit possible but also burns a little so watch out.
And thats it! Thats all there is to it. Let me know if you found this helpful, and if anything was confusing leave a comment and ill try to help you.
As a bonus heres a picture that works very well for reference
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melonlthawne · 8 months
I’m laying down cause I have a killer migraine but here’s some baby!thad raised by Mel thoughts :
When they’re very little, Bart and Thad actually get along just fine. It isn’t until they’re around 5-7 that they develop their own personalities and stuff that they begin to bicker but in a normal sibling way not in a “kill each other way” and just like most siblings although they bicker back and forth both of them are willing to go out of their way to defend the other because they’re still family and deep down they care about each other
Bart and Thad love don of course but both kids definitely prefer Mel. It’s not even like for a real good reason it’s just probably because Mel smothers them with love and support and although don does the same Mel’s love is just so contagious to people
When the boys are first learning how to walk it’s an actual nightmare for Mel and don. Having speedster toddlers who have no idea how powerful or fast they can be ends up creating a lot of chaos. Don tries to keep up as best he can since Mel doesn’t have super speed but typically Bart goes in one direction and Thad goes in another. Eventually they use child leashes for them both cause it’s the only way to keep them from getting into trouble or possibly getting hurt
In this verse, I think that Don is the current flash since he didn’t die/wasn’t killed and takes over at least for their own time. Bart especially idolizes him and gets upset when he goes out fighting crime cause that’s his papa and he doesn’t want him getting hurt. SO SOMEHOW, Bart manages to tag along with don, wearing a cute little replica of the flash suit but for a kid and tries to help don out. Most villains get completely distracted and baffled about a 5 year old trying to fight them that they don’t even know how to handle it. Of course every time this happens don rushes to deal with the criminal and then scoop Bart up, take him home, and have a heartfelt conversation about how he appreciates Barts love and concern for him he just doesn’t want to get Bart hurt.
Similar to that other point, Bart and Thad are both mamas boys. They’ll still listen to don but sometimes he has to finagle it and plan in order to get Bart and Thad to listen to him
From the day Meloni brought home thad til he’s old enough to dress/style himself, Bart and Thad typically wear those precious matching clothes/outfits with maybe the color scheme being red and green for each boy
Thad is a late bloomer when it comes to talking. The way he was genetically engineered makes it hard for him to experience a normal life without all these expectations President Thawne basically programmed into him. He’s quiet a lot with a resting bitch face but he talks a lot for consistency around the family.
Baby Bart n Thad wear the cutest matchufn Halloween costumes ever and every single person in the flashfam us sent like 30 pictures of them becusde Meloni could NOT let people miss out on how cute her little babies are
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koritoraa · 2 years
At a haunted house w/them ❦
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Feature: Kazutora, Draken, Baji, Shinichiro
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❦ Kazutora
❧ it could go either two ways with him. Either he’s scared for his life; I’m talking about grabbing onto you whenever something pop out from the dark or any type or noise he’s literally dragging you out of that damn house.
❧ the second way is he’s not scared at all. Like if a clown or something start running after y’all he’s gonna turn around and knock that mf out.
“Omg- Kazutora you knock that clown on conscious let’s get the hell out of here, so you won’t get sue.”
“Alright but I didn’t even see him.”
❧ anyways he will make sure he stay far away from any haunted house every Halloween, he don’t have time to he getting stressed out or scared.
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❦ Draken
❧ he’s literally unfazed by it, like he don’t care about the jump scares or anything he just want to look around and hang out with you, since you was the one that invited him out.
❧ Just know that he will make it his duty to protect you from anything and make sure you’re okay since it’s really dark in there and y’all don’t know who or what will appear.
❧ all in all he’s just nonchalant about the whole thing as long you’re having a good time that’s all he care about.
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❦ Baji
❧ literally don’t give a shit about anything he’s just here for laughs & giggles.
❧ he wont hesitate to knock the shit out of anything that jump out even if it’s just random people that’s not apart of it, if they happen to bump him or surprise him just know it’s they fault.
“Baji, you just knock the shit out of those people for what ? They don’t even got nothing to do with it.”
“They was in my way and step on my shoes now it’s they probably.”
❧ When he’s not acting like a crazy mf he will hold your hands so you won’t get lost or vice versa.
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❦ Shinichiro
❧ it doesn’t matter if you taller or shorter than him he’s gonna hide behind YOU, since he feel more safe that way. But who’s gonna tell him that he’s still in the opening…..
❧ yeah he may be scared but if you’re scared he feel like it’s his job to make sure you feel better, so he will act brave until y’all leave.
❧ well, he was *trying* to act brave until a fake bat fell on his head now he’s running out of the haunted house without you.
“I love how this mf just left me in the dark by myself.”
“Sorry y/n but imma wait for you outsideeeee!!.”
He’s literally yelling that as he’s running out of the haunted house leaving you & not looking back with his scary ass.
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bridgyrose · 8 months
Blake has to keep stopping her partner from murdering people who make "sacrifice a black cat" jokes for halloween.
“Yang, you know they dont mean anything by it,” Blake said as she held Yang’s arm. “They’re just a bunch of idiots-” 
“A bunch of idiots who need to learn to keep their mouths shut!” Yang growled out as she threw a small rock to get a few people to scatter. “Arent you tired of this? Its been like this for days for us and Halloween is still a week away.” 
Blake sighed and shook her head as she turned to walk off. “And its easier to ignore them than to keep fighting them. Otherwise, we’ll just keep fighting with them.” 
“They keep saying they want to sacrifice you!” 
Blake went quiet as she stopped in her tracks, the voices of a few civilians ringing in her ears as their words echoed through her mind. 
“Black cats are bad luck, you know. Sacrificing a cat like you might actually bring us luck this year, keep the grimm at bay. The grimm always get worse around this time, maybe we should use you to stop them!” 
“I… I know what they say.” Blake’s voice trembled for a moment as she reached up to her ears. “Ever since I was a kid, its always been the same thing. Black cats have always been seen as bad luck, and because of that, any cat faunus with black hair are seen the same way. Even among other faunus.” 
Yang put a hand on Blake’s shoulder. “And it shouldnt be that way. So if anyone is going to treat you like that, I’m going to make sure they stop.” 
“I dont need you threatening them, Yang.” Blake turned to look at Yang, pulling her hand off her shoulder. She put up a small smile, hiding just how much the words from the civilians stung. “I can handle a few angry words.” 
“They threw rocks at you!” 
Blake’s smile dropped and her hand went to the bruise on her arm that was hidden by her sleeves. “Its not like any of them hit me,” she lied. “But please leave it. I dont need any other issues.” 
“Yeah, but..” Yang sighed. “Alright, fine, I’ll leave it. But if anyone hurts you, all bets are off.” 
“I can agree to that.” 
Yang smiled a bit. “Then see you back at the apartment later?” 
“Yeah, later.” Blake kept a quiet eye on Yang as she watched her partner walk off, her own amber eyes glowing in the night as a few of the streetlights started to turn off. She slowly faded into the shadows, her eyes blending into the few lights that were lighting the street as she moved towards the civilians that had given her trouble just a little before. Once she reached them, she appeared behind them, shadows coalescing around her to create an almost physical darkness as her voice echoed in the air. “So, you think its fun to harm black cats around Halloween, do you?” 
One of the civilians turned around, not seeing her in the shadows as he shouted back. “We already left you alone! You can let us be now!” 
A smirk crossed Blake’s lips as she took a step forward, shadows blocking out the streetlights and consuming the street into darkness. Her voice continued to echo around the shadows as she spoke, the shadows itself clinging to her to keep her hidden. “I intend to make sure that none of you are able to hurt any more of them.” 
Creatures of grimm with amber eyes started to walk out of the wall of shadow, growling and dripping with each step they took. The three men stood back to back as they watched the creatures walk closer to them, shaking as they realized they were surrounded. The man who spoke before called out again, his own voice shaking with terror. “We get it! We wont do this anymore! We promise!” 
“Then let this be a warning to you,” Blake said as she walked up to the man, whispering into his ear like a quiet breeze. “If I find you hurting any other cat faunus or continuing to harm any black cats, I will make sure that is the last thing you’ll ever do.” 
The shadows started to disappear as Blake walked away from the men, slowly letting light back onto the streets as the grimm disappeared without a trace. The shadows that clung to her started to fade away once she was far enough away, leaving her like smoke from a flame. She licked her lips, savoring the taste of the fear she felt from them as she walked into the light illuminating the street near her apartment. 
“This is the last time I do this,” Blake muttered to herself, holding a hand to her forehead. A headache pounded at the front of her head while her body ached as the last of the shadows left her, taking the power they had given her.  “Yang and Ruby would be disappointed with me if they ever found out the truth.”
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