#I wanted to keep it so that Otto still was the one to introduce Lucy to the group
animegirlspongebob · 1 year
Hey Viper!!! I’d love to here about ur OC’s
oh wow oh wow thank you so much!!!!! okay there’s like a lot so sorry if this is long and incoherent im extremely excited about them all.
so!!! since they’re from slivering ghost town, i have to introduce some ocs that aren’t new, but i haven’t talked about them yet. also be aware that slivering ghost town takes place 16 years into the future!! (also some characters i mention while explaining are my friend’s ocs)
first up, there’s Vanilla! Vanilla’s biological parents are Michellis and Salem, although it’s widely believed that she was born to Michellis and Button. however, Michellis and Button died not long after Vanilla was born. so since then, she’s been raised by Button’s son Snake, and his boyfriend Sparkle! Vanilla’s nice, but a bit too nice, often prioritising others happiness over their own. they are 16 in SGT, and can see all ghosts!
then there’s Lottie! Lottie’s biological parents are Tessa and Anthony, but Tessa died also not long after her birth, and Anthony died when she was five, so she was also adopted by Snake and Sparkle! Lottie is very low energy, and struggles expressing herself properly. she takes it upon herself to look after the entirety of her friend group. she’s 16 in SGT, and can see some ghosts!
then there’s Doubloon! Doubloon is Sal and Goldie’s child, which makes her Otto’s grandchild! she, like her father, is a rowdy little pirate! unlike her father she can at least not throw chairs at people. she knows very well how to use a sword, though! she’s 13 in SGT, and can see all ghosts!
then there’s Chester! Chester is Candie and Onion’s child, making him Snake and Hudson’s younger brother! (he also has an older sister, but you’ll see her later on this list). Chester’s a sweet little man, but he’s frightened rather easily. he enjoys baking quite a bit! he’s 11 in SGT, and can see all ghosts!
and finally (kinda…there’s another kid whos one of the main ones, but she’s my friend’s oc, so i can’t go into detail on her) Medic! Medic is Doc’s younger child, and she’s nonverbal! she’s often bullied by her older sister, Bandaid, for various reasons. she’s pretty shy, but likes to help people as much as she can. she’s 11 in SGT, and can see all ghosts!
NOW, onto the actual new ones you asked about!
first up, there’s Apple!! Apple is Dahlia and Cheri’s kid! unlike the other parents on this list, Dahlia and Cheri are not in any kind of relationship! they were just uh…..getting a bit silly day if you catch my drift!! luckily for Apple there’s no tension between them and they get along fine. Apple however, wants to be more then just “the kid of that weird alcoholic and that weird mortician”. they aren’t the fondest of either of their mothers…..but they’re 13 in SGT, and can see some ghosts!
next there’s Charlotte!!!! Charlotte is Chester’s older sister i mentioned earlier, making Snake and Hudson her older brothers too!! Charlotte is one of the most rational of the group, and tries to keep them out of trouble. keyword: TRIES. but she’s a very lovely girl!! she’s 14 in SGT, and can see all ghosts!!!
then there’s Gracelyn! Gracelyn is Guts’ younger sister, and while she keeps a calm and stoic exterior, she’s extremely anxious. just like her older sibling, she unfortunately has, for lack of a better term, mommy issues. she’s 16 in SGT, and can see all ghosts!
and finally, one of my FAVOURITES, Sydney-Rose!!! Sydney-Rose is Lucy and Tobias’ child, but unfortunately for little Sydney, her dad dies when she is very young….possibly right in front of her. this is probably why she’s so angsty today, remaining quite a mystery to the rest of the kids. despite this, they treat her as apart of the group, which is nice of them. most people are still quite weary of her, due to her odd behaviour, “scary” appearance, and the fact that both of her parents are known serial killers. she’s 15 in SGT, and can most ghosts.
technically there’s more! but those are my friends ocs, so i can’t go into detail about them! im sure you’ll meet them all eventually, though!
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lunar-insanity · 3 years
Whispering Water: Meet the Interns
The elevator rocketed Lucrecia into the air, limbs flailing before she got ahold of her thoughts and pulled up her levitation balloon.
Once she did, Oh her thoughts could've kept her floating for days.
"I'm here. I'm actually here! Psychonauts HQ, the Motherlobe," Lucy's voice was full of awe, face split wide in a giddy smile. She spun around in place, taking in her new surroundings, when she spotted Otto, standing underneath a sign that read "Nerve Center" and talking to someone.
She lowered herself down to the floor partway before dropping, landing with a roll and a flourish. Bouncing on her feet, she jogged up to Otto, catching his conversation with a man in a suit.
"-C'mon you gotta tell me, that's Bob's uncle is up there! He's gonna want to know!" Otto said, frustration climbing up in his voice.
"Sorry Otto, you know the rules. We can't disclose anything until we know for certain."
"Mmmgh!" he growled, tiny sparks of electricity zipping around his hair.
The boy turned around and his frustration changed into a smile, "Lucy! Good to see you caught up. Welcome to the Motherlobe!"
"Thanks Otto, what's going on here?"
"Jared here won't tell me what's going on with Truman," Otto rounded on the adult, "Don't think you can keep Bob out when he hears of this! You cannot stop a Zanotto when they're set on something!"
"I'll take my chances," Jared said, blinking blandly at the teenager.
Lucy looked up at the adult, then back at Otto, "Why won't he tell you what's going on with Truman?"
"Ugh it's the mole madness. Everything's under lockdown and information is on a need to know basis. Hey, Ford's his intern you know! There's nothing stopping him from teleporting up there!"
"And he will be escorted back down as soon as he does. You're not getting around this Mentalis."
Otto threw his hands in the air and started walking away from Jared, "That's it, I'm out of options."
Lucy kept pace with him, "Well you're not the only one ticked off," the two stopped and faced each other again, "They put me in the intern program."
"Really?" frowned, "After what you did the past two days?"
"She said Agent Zanotto isn't in any shape to... commission new agents."
"Darn. Wait. WAIT!" Otto suddenly brightened, "That means you're with us! Oh yes yes!" He hopped in place excitedly, almost jittery as the static that zips around his hair.
"Us! The others I told you about! There's like, 6 of us," Otto said, the light in his eyes dancing like sparks, "They'd love to meet you! I gotta go tell them! Meet me by the classroom! It's where you gotta go anyway!"
"The uh-" and off Otto went, racing back up the steps, up a ramp, and through a doorway with 'Classroom' lit up on the arch.
Blinking for a moment, she spun in a slow circle, taking in all there was. She would... really like to sight see a bit but she had to meet Hollis quick, and she had a feeling she'd be making a pit stop with Otto anyway.
Hopping on her lev ball, she rolled up to the 2nd floor and down the hall. She could hear Otto's voice, excited rambles with barely any pauses for breath, only for other voices to interject.
"-I'm telling you guys! She may only know the basics, but she's done amazing with them!"
"You are hyping this new girl up a lot," another voice said, sounding slightly grumpy, "Sure you're not still woozy?"
"Bobby be nice," Another voice, this one with a laugh in their speech.
"Ha, ha, Cactus, it's been at least 12 hours. Seriously though! She must've chained like.. 40 sea creatures together with clairvoyance! And that's WITH the psilirium!"
"I-I don't know.. a new person after it's just been us for a-a long time?"
"Comps she's friends with your lil bro. You'll be fine."
Rounding the corner, she saw the people Otto was talking to. 4 other people; one of them resembled Dogen, with a more fancy cap, another was plainly dressed with a piece of plant and a pencil in his hair, another was big with long orange hair, and the last was tall. Very tall. Like wow tall. And she had a honey dipper stuck in her hair.
Hopping down from her ball, she walked casually up to the group, and saw the big one point at her with a big, friendly grin.
"Hey Otto, is that her?"
Otto turned around and shot an arm out towards her, presenting her to the others, "Hey! Here’s the 12 year old of the hour!"
"I'm almost 13!"
"Still means 12, that's how numbers work."
Lucy rolled her eyes but turned to the other four, "Hi! My name's Lucy Aquato and I'm... the new intern," she tried to say it with less disappointment but didn't quite make it.
"Hey there~!" the big one said, "Nice to meet someone new. Quick question, psychadelic rock, opinion."
"Hmmm," Lucy set her chin on her hand in contemplation, "I dunno! I've only ever listened to calliope music and the stuff we put on for shows. I'm game to hear it though!"
"Right on! I'll pick out some good stuff."
"Alright theatre kid, save it for later. Lucy's got orientation to get to."
"Wait, you said there's 6 of you. I only see 5," Lucy asked, and Otto slapped his forehead.
"Right! Nearly forgot. Hey where is Ford anyway?"
"He went to go get us some snacks from the Noodle Bowl," the tall one replied, "You know how he likes to do everything."
"Please tell me he's not teleporting with drinks," Otto asked, mouth pulled into a wince.
"He might," the plant boy commented.
Almost on cue, there was a warping sound behind her. Lucy turned around and-
"woah WOAH WOAH!"
-Immediately got hit by food and drinks.
"Gaah!" She threw up her shield but in her automatic movement only shielded her head, leaving the rest of her body exposed to the sodas and juice and food bits tossed at her by a highspeed teen in overalls
"OOF!" said teen fell flat on the ground. There were groans from behind Lucy and a tutting voice."
"Smooth move Cruller," the plant boy, arms crossed.
"Oh shut it , not like you can teleport," He grumbled, starting to push himself off the ground
"Ah... You also got food all over the new girl."
"New girl?" When he pushed himself up, he froze. Lucy was staring down at her clothes with a distressed look on her face before she looked at Ford in the eyes.
There was a beat of silence as the two just seemed to stare at each other before the tall one cleared her throat. That snapped Ford to attention and he suddenly looked stricken, bouncing to his feet.
"Oh jeez! Crud uh," he ran up, hands hovering in uncertainty as the two observed the damage to her close, "Double Crud I-I'm so sorry."
"These were all I had..." Lucy mourned, "I can't see Agent Forsythe like this!"
"Uh, maybe Morris has some spare clothes?" Otto offered
"Loboto should, I remember seeing him have a few kid sized shirts," Cassie said.
"But Hollis is expecting me! I can't be late!"
The group looked at each other, debating what they should do. Plant boy spoke up first.
"Maybe I can go tell her what's up? She's my mentor, I'm... sure it'll be fine... maybe."
"Yeah!" the big one, who Lucy recalls was called Helmut by the other, said while slinging an arm over him, "We can go vouch for you while you get cleaned up!"
"I'll go too, it... was my fault so," Ford said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"... Really?" Lucy asked, looking at them hopefully.
"Of course dearie! Now you hurry and run along. Best not keep Hollis waiting long," the tall one said.
"Right! Right, Thank you guys!" Lucy said, quickly summoning her lev ball and rolling down the hall way as fast as she can.
They waited until Lucy had disappeared around the corner, then Otto hooked his arm around Ford.
"Soooooo what was with the longing stare," Otto teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Stare? What stare, dunno what yer talkin about," Ford said, shaking him off and beginning to head towards Forsythe's office.
"Well... you were staring for quite a bit," Compton said, a small smile on his face even as he twisted his sleeves.
"Are we going to tell Hollis what happened or no?" Ford said, forcing stern into his voice.
The rest of the group laughed as they joined Ford, heading to the office.
"Flowers are usually a good way to apologize-"
"Zip it Zanotto!"
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Mystery (Psychoanuts 2, Otto/Ford/Lucy, SFW, major spoilers)
Stream-of-consciousness, Otto POV. Trying to get some ideas out of my head. References to major spoilers. Otto/Ford/Lucy with ace Otto. I can't decide how to edit this into something I can archive.
For this past year's Multiamory March prompts at @polyamships (Mystery.)
Their minds didn't have to stay a mystery.
Otto had done everything he could to further the understanding of the psychic mind. He'd known his own mind since he was a child, known what he could do and that there were people out there who were afraid of people like him... that would do horrible things to him because they were scared, and claim it was for their own good. He'd seen it happen to too many others, brilliant minds sliced to ribbons by their so-called doctors.
For so much of his life, he'd preferred to work alone. His own mind wasn't that much of a mystery to him, but other people's minds? That was a challenge that he'd thought he lacked the mental fortitude to unravel, for most of his life.
Really, it wasn't until he'd met Ford that he'd started to care. They'd been friends almost immediately - it wasn't often that Otto met someone who could keep up with him almost immediately, either as a psychic or as a fellow man of learning. The two of them had worked so closely together during their research - if Otto could say anyone knew his mind, it was Ford.
People had occasionally mistaken them for a couple. Well, "mistaken" - the only thing that they were actually wrong about was the presence of a physical relationship between them. Otto had always focused on the mind; the only kind of intimacy that appealed to him was the sort that could only be shared by psychics, and much of their research of Psitanium had been to find ways to use it to expand the mind. For most of the early years he and Ford had worked together, they'd spent much of their time trying to surpass their limitations, and had relied on each other to pick themselves back up during the inevitable failures. In a sense they were in a relationship, if not the sort that they were familiar with.
They didn't spend every minute together, of course; the more they researched Psitanium the more they found fascinating phenomena around the world, things that bore more research, and so sometimes one of them had to leave to examine them while the other stayed to further their investigations there. And it was on one of those research trips that Otto had met Lucrecia. Hydrokinesis had rarely shown up in the few texts he'd found about reported psychic powers, so of course he'd been fascinated. And when he'd realized how useful it could be to mine the more far-flung deposits, he'd known he had to introduce her to his partner. They had started to find other psychics at that point, and had both been discussing bringing others into their research project - more minds meant more opportunities to explore, after all.
Lucy might've been the first, but others had followed her soon after. And yes, Otto would admit he had never hit it off as well with most of the others. It wasn't that he disliked them; he'd just never really understood what they'd wanted from him. He was a researcher, a man of science, and he was trying to solve the mysteries of the mind - what else did they expect? He could tell that some of them thought he was obtuse, and maybe he was, just a bit... but it was only to conserve his energy for important research.
And as for his partner, and his new friend... he really wasn't that surprised that Ford and Lucy had hit it off as well as they had. They had a great deal in common, really, the same mischievous nature that had always amused Otto to no end. Maybe he was supposed to have been jealous, but seeing them being happy together always brightened his day. If anything, he'd just wished they would clean the beanbags after they fooled around on them - honestly, other people had to *sit* on those!
Still... those had been good days. The lot of them had been unstoppable, really - all of them pushing new boundaries in psychic research, breaking down all of the barriers within their own minds... if only they could've kept going, if they could've kept searching inwards, they could've made amazing discoveries. Maybe they could've found a way to freely explore the collective unconscious, discovered a font of all of the information ever known by any human being. Or built machines that could broadcast their mental abilities to anywhere on the planet... the possibilities were endless!
But... the outside world still didn't understand them. They either feared and hated them, or tried to use them... and both had happened to one of their own. To Lucy, one of his closest friends. She hadn't listened to any of them when they'd told her to stay away from Grulovia, even Ford - her sense of duty had been too strong, even stronger than her love for him. Ford had been so lost, and Otto... he'd done his best to raise his spirits, tried to remind him of his purpose, but he'd known that that wasn't much he could do except keep working, until she could come home.
And then... then....
It had all fallen apart. Everything he'd built, everyone he'd cared about. Lucy was gone, taken over by the monster that *he'd* had a hand in bringing to life, thanks to his experimentation - he tried to tell himself that it wasn't entirely his fault, that Maligula wouldn't have been created if Lucy hadn't left against their advice, but he knew he could try to change his own mind for a thousand years, and he'd still never be able to deny it. And that confrontation... that horrible confrontation.
Helmut was dead - another victim of his inventions. Bob was broken - he might never have seen eye to eye with the man but he'd never wanted to see him suffer like that. Cassie and Compton had withdrawn, outside of the very few official meetings, and Ford...
Ford... he didn't like to think about that meeting. He kept that memory under lock and key - the vacant look in Ford's eyes. The wandering, the menial tasks. Even when he'd finally taken him to the Psitanium lode, the only thing that seemed to make him a bit less scattered... he'd just stared when Otto had asked what had happened, why his mind had shattered, and quietly - sadly - admitted that he couldn't remember. Otto had tried all of his inventions, but... there was nothing that could replace whatever it was that he'd lost.
What he'd had taken from him, thanks to Otto's hubris.
He'd only ever wanted to improve people's lives. Psychics, yes, but not just psychics - someday he'd wanted to expand *everyone's* minds, make them realize that there was a world beyond what they could perceive with their five senses. And yet, when he looked back at his life, he could count so few people that he and his inventions had helped, and so many that they had hurt.
They'd called him the loner of the Psychic Seven - or Psychic Six, now, as they tried to hide the monster they'd created. Many had assumed he hadn't cared. That somehow, Maligula's attack hadn't affected him. They didn't realize that she was the reason behind every one of his strange and daring new prototypes. That every invention was meant to try to undo some of the damage he'd caused on that terrible day. That he had started his brain collection so that if any other Psychonaut was lost, at least they could have their memories, some record of their existence. No one else had to be broken or lost, not like Ford and Lucy. He could stop it.
Maybe it was too much for one man to take on. Maybe some mysteries were meant to be left unsolved. But what sort of self-respecting psychic genius wasn't at least going to try?
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glare0322 · 4 years
h.i.v.e. head canons
just some character and relationship/friendship head canons :)
- plays the piano and quite well. she doesn’t want to play much at h.i.v.e. because it reminds her of scotland and her family. after book eight, she plays a lot more frequently cause she really sees h.i.v.e. and the people there as her home.
- is not organized in anything but school and files on her computer. her brain runs a million miles an hour which leads to things getting messy fast.
- becomes a lot closer with raven after the greenhouse since they now have a bit of shared trauma especially in the fact anastasia favored to torture both of them.
- still sucks at driving even after h.i.v.e.
- after h.i.v.e. laura goes and lives with her family for a month back in scotland. they talk about h.i.v.e., shelby and her other friends, whats been happening here, and other general catching up topics. mary (mrs. brand) takes a special interest in meeting otto and laura reminds her mom every day not to make a big deal about it. yet she still counts down the days until she gets to meet her daughter’s boyfriend.
- gets very frustrated when he can’t grasp certain concepts or master specific skills. he is known as the boy genius after all.
- went through an edgy phase while at h.i.v.e. not emo, but he would throw in more hurtful quips towards shelby during their usually playful spits and his jokes were just a little too dark. otto got a lot more detentions during this time and even the thought of trying to escape again reoccurred in his mind. he eventually noticed how wing was not a fan of it and slammed the breaks. of course everyone still makes fun of him for it.
- if you don’t think otto wouldn’t cry at the sight of his newborn child/ren then um...you’re wrong
- he looks back on his little prime minister scheme with pride and cringes terribly at it. on one hand, it was his beginnings and the device he made not only worked but was something like no other. and then he remembers how he made the prime minister moon everyone. when he was younger it was hilarious, now that he’s a tad older otto hates the fact he did that. there is just something immature and lacking taste about the whole thing.
- lives in sweaters/jumpers. i know this one is random, but something about them just suits otto.
- has a gentle singing voice. he only sings lullabies to his kids and if one of his friends needs it. besides that wing does not sing often. it’s always a treat when he does.
- wing is really scared to be a dad. the thought of being like his father is incredibly scary to him.
- i really can not see wing becoming a villain but an antihero, now that i can definitely see. his methods are immoral in the sense he is still technically a murder, but he only goes after truly evil corporations. like human trafficking kind of evil.
- he teaches his kid/s self-defense and martial arts.
- trilingual and speaks english, japanese, and mandarin. the first two are canon to the story but i feel like his parents probably would have taught him at least some mandarin.
- shelby hated how laura would stay up for hours in the night tapping away on her computer. however when she moved out, it seemed weird not to fall asleep to the sound of a typing keyboard.
- if there is a h.i.v.e. gymnastics team/program (since there is a water polo team) shelby would totally do it. she waves to her friends before her round and even sometimes blows a kiss to her supportive boyfriend who is always there to see her.
- after h.i.v.e. she pursues gymnastics professionally. it provides the same wealth she was used to back with her parents, she likes to do it, but most importantly it’s an amazing cover up for why she’s traveling so many places around the world. (to steal of course) it also funds these trips and gives her, and wing for that matter, a great public image. plus she likes the spotlight a bit.
- i’ve said this before but shelby eventually gets lessons from raven. i just love this idea with my whole heart especially because how different these two are.
- had a bit of affluenza before h.i.v.e. which played into her desire for stealing diamonds along with her crappy parents. (my theory on shelb’s parents is right here)
laura and otto
- otto adores laura’s piano playing. there is something peaceful about it to him which he finds really comforting.
- they go to university together in scotland and help each other get through it. the two live in an apartment together go to school then see each other after classes at home.
- laura has some zero ptsd and it occasionally effects her relationship with otto in the sense she gets flashbacks and is genuinely scared. otto completely understands this though and is super patient with her. obviously it bothers him since he’s not zero, but he understands why she’s experiencing this and loves her enough to put his annoyance aside for her.
- these two wanted their kids’ names to be after someone. so if they would ever have a daughter her name would be lucy and the middle name of their son would be wing. laura wanted to include shelby but it just didn’t fit anywhere.
- if otto can’t find a shirt, then laura is wearing it. she wears his clothes super frequently and he won’t complain. she looks cute :,)
laura and shelby
- shelby likes things to look pretty, so she ends up being the one that keeps their room tidy, makes the beds, and other cleanly stuff like that. especially when they live together outside of h.i.v.e. she does the dishes pretty often, keeps their room looking nice, and stocks their fridge. laura is messy, but it doesn’t effect her much cause shelbs takes care of it. she doesn’t mind and only teases laura when people are over to embarrass her (all in good fun).
- laura doesn’t like girly things (we been knew). shelby tried for a while to get her into these things and a few stick on: nail polish, very light make up, and shopping. but never and i mean never would shelby make laura do something she didn’t want to. of course laura introduces shelby to her more geeky/nerdy stuff. they watch superhero shows together, shelbs has a black widow t-shirt in her closet now, and even some basic hacking codes.
- laura didn’t like shelby at first not only because of her nasty personality, but because she was a lot like the girls who would talk about laura behind her back.
- basically canon, but shelby was the number one ottra shipper. she had been rooting for them since day one of h.i.v.e. laura comes to her for advice with otto and shelby consoles her when lucy and otto get together. they both were disappointed the two didn’t get together.
- laura is really good at baking and shelby asks her once to help her bake something for wing. (she was really trying y’all) long story short, even laura couldn’t help shelby’s terrible baking skills and they set off the fire alarms in their apartment along with the sprinklers.
wing and otto
- otto wanted to do one of wing’s workouts despite his best friends many warnings it would be rough. it was safe to say otto underestimated the intensity of the workout.
- oh god the scene where these two will eventually leave each other to go move on past h.i.v.e. is just absolutely gut wrenching. they both acknowledge how the other had such an influence on their lives and hope to see them prosper in life. honestly this is like a rare moment where i can see wing legitimately crying.
- so we all know how wing has half the overlord protocol necklace (he has yang) if shelby doesn’t get the yin half then otto should because he kinda fits the yin meaning and is best bros with wing.
- for wing’s “bachelor party” they honestly just get all the guys from h.i.v.e. together and hang out for a couple hours. after, however, he and otto go out and go have some fun doing morally gray criminal activity.
- they still sometimes speak in japanese to each other on missions and stuff or if they need to plan something without anyone else knowing.
shelby and wing
- they move permanently to america, but visit china and japan quite frequently.
- one of the first things shelby does after she and wing get out of h.i.v.e. is watch a bunch of disney movies and american movie classics so he can understand the pop culture references she has been making for the past five years.
- i totally think shelby gets the other half over otto, or at least a replica. there’s kinda set up for this as well, the other half (yin) is known as the feminine half.
- if they would ever have a daughter her name would be mei or raven.
- she always knows exactly what to get him as a gift or even just in general. she’s observant and can pick up on what he needs before he does. wing has mentioned before shelby is a little...less predictable but he tries his hardest and oh my goodness does shelby appreciate his efforts. of course it irritates her, but she knows her slightly emotionally-unavailable boyfriend is trying an insane amount to sort through her emotions right.
shelby and otto
- they totally bond over how wing is great, but have an urge to smother him in his sleep because of the obnoxiously loud snoring
- menaces to the public when these two are together. i couldn’t even begin to tell you all the crafty things that would conspire between these two. pranking teachers, seeing who can steal the answers first, racing in stealth or in fitness classes. (wing beats both of them in combat/fitness so their efforts are often pointless)
- when they first came to h.i.v.e. shelby was taller than otto, by quite a margin too. she teased him into another galaxy about it. so when the day came that otto was officially taller than her, she mourned the countless jokes that could no longer be made.
- asks a lot of those “wait who logically thought to make butter?” questions. they also argue whether these people were geniuses or a new level of stupid. (seriously who thought to mix together milk until it gets to a solid consistency and then eat it?)
- they have to live together for one month after h.i.v.e. in the beginning, they like wanted to choke each other, but by the end of the month they were upset to not live with each other any more. (fic is dropping soon 🙈)
wing and laura
- after the greenhouse incident, laura went to wing asking him to teach her some martial arts since she felt really weak physically while in there. he doesn’t initially think it’s the best idea, but laura convinces him it will be okay.
- they’re a lot better friends then people would initially think. she hugged him like twice in the first book alone and is grateful for him saving her life. laura and wing seem like the two that just relax with each other. no shenanigans, no combat, honestly just vibing. they drink tea and watch murder mystery shows while catching up on the latest things and theorizing about the show.
- the entire gang goes to tokyo all together at one point in their life. laura and wing go to all the historical places in the city and chat about them for hours.
- they go on hikes together. that’s it. i’m right and you know it.
- i always imagined at least once wing decided to try and take the high road instead of cheating by asking laura to tutor him. it worked pretty well for him and now whenever he needs help with work, he just goes to laura and they work through it together.
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lunar-insanity · 3 years
I... may have spent all day working on these :3
Wanted to keep going on Whispering Water so BEHOLD! The Psychic Interns First up is Lucy and Ford! I wanted to keep Lucy’s hood, and it’s a stand in for what would be Raz’s glasses. So she pulls up her hood whenever she enters a mind. Ford likes to be useful and thus tends to do various thing around the Motherlobe, despite Hollis’ protestations at times. He’s naturally good at illusions, but he’s still learning his teleportation and is a bit of klutz when it comes to that. He tried teleporting to the group with food and drinks and was going too fast so guess who needed to find Loboto and Morris for extra clothes : D
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Next up, Helmut and Bob! The group’s pining duo who for some reason won’t just kiss already c’mon guys it’s obvious to everyone please put us out of our misery of watching you two every day. 
Helmut is, of course, a natural with mental projection, especially figments, and he uses them to help add some rockin flair to his performances. Bob is Truman’s nephew in this AU, and it’s somewhat weird to be under the supervision of someone who doesn’t smell of alcohol a lot or hide away in the greenhouse. He can’t help but worry though about his own Mom. Maybe if he does good here he can help her someday?
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Then we got Cassie and Compton!
Compton’s got animal puppets of most of the older agents, and is thinking about making ones of his friends since he’s running out of options. He looks... way too cute for his own good, help. Cassie is the oldest out of all of them, and secretly very good at forgery. Not that she’ll tell anyone. Currently helps out in keeping records straight.
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And of course, lastly, Otto Mentalis! The budding mad scientist himself. In a far too big lab coat for him but he’ll be damned if he gives it up. Not the strongest psychic of the group, but definitely makes up for it in mechanical prowess. He made that burger bot under his arm and rides it around. Most of the Motherlobe has gotten used to seeing him on it. He’s the one that introduced Lucy to the group!
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I have no idea for their proper colours atm, been at this for hours. Enjoy ;P
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