#I want vishnu to be but idk
mythological-mayhem · 8 months
...Kinda want to draw a comic on Sheshzalcoatl (Shesh x Quetzalcoatl), is anyone interested?
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h0bg0blin-meat · 8 months
I think I need to make it clear for many Vaishnav (looking especially at you, ISKON) Hindu extremists (and even many Shaivites) that ya'll can have your sects and your beliefs as Vishnu or Shiva as your supreme lords. I don't have an issue with that.
But when you try to say that this is the ONLY truth about the Vedic religion (I'm not using Hinduism here because it doesn't sum up the pantheon as much as the ''Vedic" word does, despite the term being associated with the Vedas, and yes we need to come up with a better word that comprises this entire pantheon as a whole), that's when I have a problem, because that is definitely NOT the entire pantheon.
Do not spread the beliefs of your sect as the ONLY canon belief and don't speak for the people who don't fall under this category. I have seen this in all of social media and it pains me how much of a linear pantheon this once oh-so flexible culture has become.
Yes the concept of Prajapati and the Supreme being has existed since the Vedas. But when you say that Vishnu and Shiva are somehow superior to other gods as the ONLY CANONICAL BELIEF, that just flips me off, and I'm gonna call it out.
How dare you forget the four Vedas, that had no mention of such an idea? This might tick some people off but Indra, Agni, Rudra (which later became synonymous with Shiva, but is a whole different deity), Mitra, Varuna, Vayu and a few other Gods were just as much powerful as Vishnu or Shiva, if not more. This is ANOTHER canonical truth that these extremists (again, somehow mostly Vaishnav) are denying.
Ancient pantheons weren't some linear path with just one canon event. These were their own multiverses of a plethora of VARIOUS canon events, myths and legends. So stop making the Vedic religion a linear, rigid pantheon. Remember? It's not an organized religion. There can be SEVERAL canonical truths. Like I definitely understand that a religion/culture changes overtime. It evolves. Fine. Vishnu is the supreme God now, fine. But you can't deny the history. The Vedas that didn't canonize this. Are you gonna say that these Vedas, that came BEFORE this Vishnu/Shiva being the considered the supreme lord(s), were wrong? I hope not lol.
Besides, I'm not even gonna get into ISKON. They have regarded anyone that's not Vishnu as a demigod, which is ABSOLUTELY VILE AND DISRESPECTFUL. Do they even KNOW what a demigod is??? FUCK NO. They don't. They just like to use that word to inferiorize other deities, due to their unhealthy and toxic obsession with Vishnu, who doesn't deserve it. On top of that they have claimed that worshipping such gods will not lead you to eternal peace, or that it's somehow wrong. Ah yes. Gotta love gatekeeping and toxic cult fan behavior. Call me rude but if you disrespect a GOD (yes, Indra, Mitra, Varuna and others are ALSO GODS, FYI) is WILD, and they should be called out for it. (Some Shaivites have done the same in case of Shiva, and they need to be similarly called out.)
In conclusion, worship whoever tf you want, but remember that theologically, and even historically, there can be more than one canonical story. It really depends on which sect/region you belong to. You CAN be a polytheist. Idk why Hindus these days are inadvertently trying to appeal to the monotheistic pantheons so much, to the point that they have an internal dislike for polytheism, which they're not aware of, but it shows when they speak up.
This pantheon (like every other pagan pantheon back in the day) is very broad. Remember that. And it's very flexible. So let it be like that, and stop gatekeeping it and having a war between who supreme Lord is. I'll stop my yapping here. But I hope people understand this. Cuz damn.
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kanha-mohana · 13 hours
You know how I'm not the youngest Gopi in Gopiblr? I'm in my mid-20s already, and while I have always been a Gopi, being from a convent school (and like, one of the most reputed onees in India) as a kid meant that I was part of literally every fad, and I still am (Justin Bieber, 1D, BTS/KPop and anime... I'm still very much into anime of course). But that also means I didn't take too much of an interest in puja and stuff until just a couple years ago (crazy since my mom and especially my dad were always so big on puja and teaching my sister and me about so many things ever since we were little) Which is fine, to each their own and blah blah blah, I know. But thing is, I see so many people here younger than me who have researched so much on Kanha (I have too, I know all the stuff they talk about now) but not only that, they have even read the Mahabharata, Vishnu Purana etc while I'm still just in the process of reading the Mahabharata (in English too, idk how y'all read it. But I'm not too comfortable in Hindi sadly, because my school was always strict on English and that's just wired my brain like that. It sucks, I know, but I am what I am). It just makes me feel a weird sense of....idk if it's FOMO to be honest. It's just...I feel like there could've been so much time I could've spent with Kanha, but I didn't. And now that I want to, I'm really busy with life/work etc, and that makes me feel really guilty these days sometimes when I watch anime etc? Is it just me? Probably lol
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mahavishnupriya · 1 year
~my name's harini
~i'm 17 rn, a rising senior as of 2023
~i reside in b'luru
~i see myself becoming a researcher in the earth sciences, maybe in geochemistry idk, and ooh id die for a sidekick in archaeology cuz why wouldn't i want to be involved in catching first-person glimpses of my lord dwarakadheesh's submerged city 🥺
~ive loved krishna since i think 3rd grade, anddddd i had this mangal dosh in my horoscope (which i see as a blessing now cuz- read on) to which the remedy was to marry hrishikesha himself! (vishnu vivah), and that was the best moment in my entire life, though i cried and put up a tantrum, i dont really know why
~i read and believe that mahavishnu is my (or any human's) first priority and gopiblr is what comes closest to a genz adhokshaja appreciating community and im looking to interact with my fellow gopis!
~my sidereal astrology placements : aries rising (ashwini), gemini moon (punarvasu) and capricorn sun (dhanishta)
~mbti type : entj
~jee is not my cup of tea, but i think i have my academics figured out and just need to be consistent and disciplined
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
1 for Thyjs, 7 for Ryder, 20 for Vijay, and 25 for Jaysen? :3
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What memory would your OC rather just forget?
That Miitech betrayed him (not Militech EU but NUSA), blew up his entire squad and is also responsible that his father had to die. Thyjs makes himself responsible for the failed mission out in the badlands he was assigned to. He knew something was off but he was too late in reacting so they got ambushed with a huge explosion where all his mates (except Mika) died. Some of them lay scattered into every direction. Thyjs got lucky because he managed to activate his Sandevistan just in time to get further away from the explosion but got hit by debris that buried him. Shrapnel grazed his left side of the face, hence his scars. He often gets back into the badlands near the tunnel and to the side he buried the remains of his mates and spends some time there in silence for an hour or two letting tears roll down his face thinking that he failed them all. He desperately wishes he could forget the horrible pictures of his best men all dead. most only burned to remains, in front of him. Thyjs has seen a lot of dead bodies throughout his soldier career and got used to it but he never lost one of his squad mates. They got wounded, sure, but they’ve made it all out alive except for this one time. His heart aches every time the memories come back to him.
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What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Ry didn't change much. The only thing I can in fact think of is that I've wanted him to be rarely smiling but I changed my mind as soon as I saw him smiling at me like he was the cutest boy I've ever come across. <3 Idk if saying I added a lot of techno to him is a big change since my original thought for him already was to make him a fan of dark industrial EBM music. The darker techno genre he’s into now is just another add-on that fits his overall style. Ooh, maybe that: I've imagined him to be a soldier at first but only stayed with him having interest in the Military. As I started writing his backstory I came to the conclusion since he went to Militech school but only business school as his family wanted him to lead their business later and him being my royal Corpo sounded odd to send him down a military path. So he never got to be a soldier, but he still got a soldier boy instead (I love to recycle my ideas yup)!
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Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Vijay can get jealous but I think of all my boys he's the one who is least jealous (Thyjs is most). I headcanon him to be jealous only when he sees there’s a netrunner who’s better skilled than him in certain things. Like just deciphering some codes faster or knowing of programs Vijay never ever heard about because Vijay thinks he’s always up to date and knows about everything netrunning. But he’s not the type of guy who gets jealous when his boyfriend chooses to be a little flirty with his best friend (Thyjs again, will xD). V knows he can trust his two Scorpio boys and is more happy about it to see them finally get along with each other rather than be jealous.
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What is your favorite thing about your OC?
My favorite thing about JJ is that with creating him as Vijay's twin brother, he gets all the bratty, more crazy traits and interests in car racing and cowboys I've wanted Vijay to have while he was still a PS4 oc. Once I made Vijay on pc, V went into a different direction because I thought he was too cute and too nice to be that bratty, do races and wear cowboy clothes (he did on my ps4) since I loved the thought of him being totally into 80s and Vaporwave. So Vijay went to be my colorful ginger boy instead of my original idea I had. Jay wasn't planned at all. He came to life through looking up Vijay's name origin again (Vijaya and Jaya, gatekeepers of Vaikunta, the realm of Vishnu) and I suddenly liked the idea that Vijay could have a twin brother named Jaysen. And the origin gave us a cool idea for the story. So Jaysen came to life and he's probably the most wicked under my boys and runs head first into trouble. He's more like the evil twin and Vijay is the good twin (who is capable of doing the same things as J but doesn't).
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kazaligog · 1 year
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“It is thus that often our progeny are our destruction, as fire consumes the wood from which it springs”
― Vishnu Purana
I reached over and pulled my hand across the rivets of this twelve mile long fence with a tender hand, imagining myself walking the line it created. 
I stood confidently on the center ring with my arms outstretched while every gust of sand tattered wind came to drag me through to the other side. My mother’s warnings rang through my mind like clock tower bells and every tug on the wrist would pull me through: into the world she thought I belonged to.
I thought of how she would see me as I turned my back on her and the world she slept through, turning to my father, dead where he stands, and walking on with eyes wide shut. 
My destiny was no longer a coin flip of my parent’s fates. It was mine to decide.
Fate was a game to my father. It was a plaything that chose for you which side of his war you were on. Fate made you where you stand but it was just as much a game, a roll of the dice by the hands of something you have never understood, as it was something that created your truth.
If my father had taught us anything, it’s that those fates are not gods or deities. 
They are men.
My childhood, like so many others, was cast off to the hands of those men who shape and mold your future, who you are "meant to be", in exchange for your true talent: your ability to simply be. 
The primal act of survival isn’t enough for the world anymore. 
Now, our parents, your guardians from birth till your ultimate debut, dress you up for a duty you can hardly comprehend and a fate driven by someone you know only by name. My father knew I wouldn’t matter and maybe I still don’t but I knew something about what he did to me. 
I search for his kind because they have woven into me something I cannot remove on my own: hatred. They dissect your nerves looking for recruits and once they puppeteer your life, you become what you hate: the man who became god's servant. My father's servant. 
A Plaster Saint.
Edit: You can send me asks about them too. I'll answer them to the best of my abilities since I don't want the whole blog to be an info dump about my children. <3 I also do art and am thinking about doing commissions?? Idk. I haven't gotten this far before.
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transgenderer · 5 months
balaji srinivasan (i think hes the guy who wanted to do tech zionism? idk. dont correct me) is named after two different names for a specific form of vishnu, balaji and srinivasa. he's basically named Venkateshwara Venkateshwara
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eirikrjs · 2 years
You know what? I thought about it, and it doesn't upset me that they're using Kamen Rider iconography in demon designs. It's a cultural symbol with a lot of associations by now. What really gets my goat is that it's never demons that make any SENSE.
There was a cartoon project a while ago that had the artist imagine his childhood stories of Hindu icons as superheroes as a way of relating to it as a modern kid from America.
Although I agree that superheroes aren't necessarily new mythology, they ARE new symbolism, and you could pinpoint mythological figures who filled a lot of the same roles culturally as superheroes do today, especially in the Genma line of demons.
But that never seems to be what they do. Odin was never a heroic idol. Thor, maybe, but Odin was always more of idk a Gandalf or Wizard of Oz type character.
Cu Chulainn? That you could argue for. Nezha kind of got something in that vein going for him with the Astro Boy imagery. Kresnik, Maui, Diarmuid, even Lugh if you wanna go godly could be justified in this "warrior savior from the dark forces" kind of way.
But no. It's never in a way that makes sense. The closest we've come is Frost Ace and it drives me NUTS that they choose to do this but not in any way that might have a shred of sense about it.
There is a design that incorporates Kamen Rider seamlessly:
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The belt:
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Judging from Kaneko's understanding of Vishnu from the Persona comments, he would probably see him and his avatars as representing a modern transforming hero; thus, he wears Kamen Rider's belt. But the entire design isn't Kamen Rider, it's also a Madonna backup dancer because Rama is not literally just a tokusatsu hero, he's also a lithe warrior. Following this kind of formula could have improved Ultra Odin or Zeus!
A common and fatal misinterpretation of the modern elements of Kaneko's demons is ignoring that they were overwhelmingly and deliberately designed for Devil Summoner/Soul Hackers with their modern context in mind. Compared to SMT where the world is blown back to the Bronze Age, Devil Summoner's setting allows heroes and pop culture to remain relevant to the people within it. Not understanding this is how we get Saint Seiya Artemis and Devilman Amon arms in designs for mainline SMT games.
Not like there isn't still some weirdness, though.
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Morax and Orias were designed for mainline SMT but wear decidedly not Bronze Age garb that's definitely inspired by the 1990s-to-21st century. Not only is that just how Kaneko's sensibilities as an artist evolved, these clothes are still accessories to both demons. Morax is not defined by his powder blue yoga pants, the scepter and bison head do that. Meanwhile, Ultra Odin is almost entirely defined by Ultraman; the Odin parts like the raven and spear are the accessories to the Ultraman.
So adding Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Devilman, etc. to a demon can be done successfully, the setting and context just need to be considered, the references need to be relevant to the identity of the subject, and you don't want the references to entirely suffocate the subject and their identity.
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voidsteffy · 2 years
Okay okay I know you probably watched the movie AGES ago but omg. Sita ramam. I cannot
I watched it yesterday and I cannot stop thinking about it ?? Afreen ?? Ram ?? Noorjahan ???
Everything was so pretty everyone was so pretty and it was so sad and I was bawling my eyes out. Also ugh vishnu like ok bro you had a family I get it but :(((( ram :((((
And his letter to sita. Chills. Literal chills.
Anyway idk who else wouldve watched the movie so I'm here don't mind me just crying on a monday morning T-T
You came to the right place, or probably the wrong place cz i can't shut up about this shit
Fun trivia, I saw the first look when it came out, and the music was quite different from the one in the interval and they were still figuring out the poster, the butterflies and stuff
It was a shot of ram on the stones in the flowing pond of the mountains and cut to, he was looking into the train (it didn't strike as the train scene at first, the frame where he peeps from outside to see sita reading his letters on her berth and he smiles, yeah that scene)
And then flash the title
I was (and still am, unabashedly) on a dq high so obviously i checked it out and fell in love
And then, it was afreen's character intro/promo kind of thing where afreen is praying and then she's throwing daaru through windows (car windows as we saw later)
The moment I see Hanu Raghavapudi and Vishal Chandrasekhar (from Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gaadha, ok watch it i love that movie it hits so right!) and DQ (from Mahanati and Bangalore Days and OKK like bhoooof) AND MRUNAL THAKUR (from Love, Soniya) and Rashmika IN ASSOCIATION WITH DUTT PRODUCTIONS like....
feed me.
And I liked the vibe the movie went for in the ending, it's bittersweet, sort of like that one Twilight Zone episode where one grows old for the other and all. I like that they left it at a tragedy cz that's how such stories usually end but that doesn't mean they didn't happen.
Ram is my sweet sweet bway who took the correct doses of respect women juice and sita desperately needs a therapist (much like myself) and a stress ball to stop all the clumsiness (much like myself lmao)
The mahanati references, the KGVPG references, and all the director cameos... Yeah they made my day. Vishnu is unapologetically the useless scared kinda prisoner and I respect Sumanth for taking that kind of role tbh, and i wished we'd seen more of Bhumika but eh she deserves her own movies too so imma imagine
Also, RAM AND SITA WITH KIDSSSS! Like, we know the outcome of their story and that's why it's so sad to see them be so cute with kids and get soul married and want kids but never getting the time to live the life they wanted waahhhhhh stap
The music..... Um.... Well i can tell you that each song comes off as a copy of old illayaraja/op naiyyar songs but that's ok cz this year needed such music. The lyrics have me in a chokehold and ram's eyes too
And my favorite scene of all, THE SCENE
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Ugh kill me why don't you!
They're on different sides of emotions about this and he's been so supportive and loving towards her but she can't lie to him anymore but she wants to live this lie bcz it's so beautiful and before she breaks it she just wants someone to be there for one last time AAAAAAAAH
In conclusion, Ram is my smolbean, Sita is me and someone can be Afreen so that i can play ninnati theepi and cry for a legitimate reason finally
(also, Rohini in vintage spectacles literally reminds me of my grandma)
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busghost · 2 years
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I posted 1,299 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#and i feel bad cause new players don't get all the events that were so fun and really made the 6 st. freya characters feel like a family
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pardo in lore: I cannot fight, I am weak like a small baby
Pardo in gameplay: I have replaced half the elemental supports in Memorial Arena
231 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Happy Pride Month to Honkai Impact
Kiana and Mei
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Bronya and Seele
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248 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
I dislike that the recent reveal has led to some people calling Kiana K-423, so they can call Bianka Kiana instead. They both already have names you know?
252 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
do we know what honkai beast each flamechaser has in them?
Not every single one but for quite a few!
Kevin has genes from the Emperor-class Honkai beast Parvati, the boss in MA and the Honkai beast Theresa killed when she was only 1 year old. Parvati has ice powers thus all the red/black ice Kevin uses and the -30°C body temperature.
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257 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know about those? I have so many questions...would you be willing to expand on that chart?
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The post in question, in case anyone missed it.
I'll just go down the list and start explaining every one I know in a sentence or two.
Welcome everyone to busghost explains the joke.
The first box is pretty self explanatory. Lobby 1 belongs in hell though. I once saw somebody say "use my tongue as your toilet paper" and that's the quality of statements said in Lobby 1 NA.
The Second Box begins getting a little more interesting.
Brilliant Light Fu Hua: there's a scene in the bunny girl video where Senti temporarily takes over Hua's body and feels up her own ass.
Dvalin: has a cameo in chapter 17 when Otto looks across the multiverse.
I dunno daily accounts, maybe it means playing every day.
LE/HoT/HoF Armada support: You always set your friend support as one of them because they give MASSIVE starting sp to people, unconditionally in LE's case.
Theres'a creation: This is just the Theresa Chronicle. She's a clone of Kallen with genes from the Honkai beast Vishnu. Otto was trying one of his many schemes to get Kallen back.
Genshin Appropriation: Genshiners™ only care about Honkai for the bare minimum it can provide them with Genshin Theories, don't actually know/care about the story, and treat it like a stupid little side game to the Holy Relic that is Genshin. "DAE HIMEKO IS DILUC'S MOM???" "OMG DILUC IS A COOLER HIMEKO" You've probably heard these phrases before.
Idk what the Otto homophobia is, probably people who think that Otto wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with Kallen and ignored the fact that she's gay. That opinion kinda misses out on all the nuance of Otto and Kallen's relationship.
Kiana flies herself to the Moon: I mean, she does. Characters do it a few times actually. Also Fly Me 2 the Moon was Mihoyo's first game and it's main character is Kiana.
The Day You Vanished with the Stars: The event that has broken everyone's hearts by making you watch the Captain try to save Kongming over and over and endlessly failing. A really good event, most people's favorite in the Captainverse.
"She will never forget the promise to go to the beach with her friend": Bronya promised to take Seele to the sea but then Seele got quantized and trapped in the Sea of Quanta. Very sad, won't be fulfilled for years.
The Third Box
A-303: Theresa is clone serial number A-310. Otto made her fight A-303 but Theresa refused to kill her. A-303 grows up to become Amber. (idk why she grows up and Teri doesn't, or why Amber is a cyborg)
Fu Hua's taxes: this a great meme from tumblr where somebody asked how/if Fu Hua would pay taxes all the way at Mt. Taixuan. https://busghost.tumblr.com/post/665322989875806208/well-the-answer-is-simple-does-fu-hua-legally
APHO Project Bunny: Project Bunny 19C has retired in APHO so Bronya gets a new gun from Theresa and she names it Project Bunny 0019
Schicksal is the Catholic Curch: I mean that's exactly what it says. The leader is an Archbishop, the Valkyries used to dress like nuns. There are crosses everywhere and Kallen mentions that they're supposed to follow the "Good Book" a name for the Bible. They also talk about "holy" this and that and there are churches everywhere. This makes it VERY funny that Schicksal's cover story in the modern day is as a religious charity/ idol company that calls their idols Valkyries.
Unfinished stories is to general for me say anything about, I'm certain there are unfinished/abandoned plots in Honkai.
Lesbian Jesus: After Kallen dies people start regarding her as the Holy Maid who died for our sins to save everyone... Sound similar to certain Christian religious figure?
Joachim Nokianvertanen: The name Welt Yang was given by his parents. He adopted the Name Welt after taking up the responsibilities of being the Herrscher of Reason. Yang is his mother's maiden name.
Honkai Tumblr: You are here.
Fetus Mobius: not 100% sure but Mobius spoke her first words minutes after being born, so that's pretty funny. The question is also posed that if Mobius died enough times will she revert all the way back to a fetus?
Adam x Mei/Bronya shippers exist: self explanitory and gross! they really did go "unlesbians your gays". Also Adam is a minor.
Durandal's Age: the origins of Bianka are known now but before the only thing we knew about Bianka's age was that Jan 1st, 2000 was a placeholder since she had no memories. This led to plenty of people calling Rita a pedophile for being in a relationship with, even though Bianka is clearly not 16-17. It's over now, We know how old she is, 19 nearly 20.
Fourth Box
Kiana B: Bianka is the original Kiana. Rearrange the letters in Bianka and it spells Kiana B. The other Kiana...
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262 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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omshant · 7 months
Real talk: do you guys think I am Shiva? He's the destroyer. Should I even ask that tho? That seems kind of strange to me especially as a prisoner/lover/and slave of Jesus Christ. But idk. I cannot get this idea out of my head. And Rudra is like calling out to me or something. I actually try to reject that stuff and not listen to it, it's too weird and esoteric and idk.. but it keeps coming up again. And who is NMUHAMODH NGU?
Was Muhammad (PBUH) a true prophet, a prophet sent only to and for the Djinn (earthbound souls of children and/or sprites), a covert apostle, a fraud, a victim of conspiracy and persecution, a charismatic, a conqueror, (just) another author, or someone or something else?..
Just another author: that's the funniest option to me. Covert apostle would be the most interesting. But I think my answer would have to be that he was a persecuted messenger sent only to and for the Djinn whose material got twisted up by the uncles and made into a religion. Idk. That seems really kind of random or specific I guess. But that's just how I feel. Dude actually I'm pretty confident on that, but I don't really have facts or support to back it. I don't know why I just really really feel it.
Islam is a cancer on the world still. But the fine points of beauty is Islam cannot be erased.
Also, do you guys believe the Apostle Paul is my Roshi? :) I love him so much. I love him more than words can tell. Dude his heart is so amazing. I just love him even though multiple times I've tried to reject him and consider the Bible without his books. Sometimes I don't even want to read his letters because I cannot grasp the contents and I get so confused. Other times I'm craving them more than anything else in the world. Ephesians. Philippians. Philemon.
I wonder if I embrace Shiva, if I then have to credit something to the other deities of Hinduism.. what would they be? Kali, Krishna and other avatars of Vishnu, Rama, Saraswati and Mahishasura Mardini (I'm very curious about those two).. Durga, Brahma, Ganesha, and others.. and what about Hanuman as Shiva.. what about Hanuman????? I thought maybe Shiva was an angel or just MAHA SAGAR or something. I guess Shiva is a time traveler kind of..
I just gotta quit this leaven, My Guys. I just don't know if I can.
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starlightmonitor · 1 year
In other news, La Fawn Épique has deigned to admit into her coterie of mutuals, a man who has nightmares about butterflies…and who is fairly convinced the sky changed (I meant to tell you about this but it requires gesticulations; regardless something has altered in the firmament).
I’m actually quite pleased you understood what I meant by the ‘psychedelic pynchonesque warscape’ thing. And I had no idea about the faux Hendrix thing…I read Coppola On Coppola years ago and I don’t think he mentioned it. Have you listened to ‘1983…(A Merman I should Turn To Be)’?
So finally I differ with you on something. One of the main things I didn’t like about Redux was the humanisation of Willard; I couldn’t see him doing that for Lance…and at one point I was mortified to see Willard smile. I took him to be a joyless man…as joyless and damaged as Kurtz. I do wonder if I’m defaulting to a framework of toxic masculinity in thinking this…I identify with Willard quite strongly.
Also, my own creative work deals with journeys/searches…a doomed voyage. So I think the austerity involved, emotionally, jives with me.
But…I’ve only watched Redux once. I recently I bought a 4K box set of apocalypse now, and it includes that cut…so I’ll give it a watch.
So…I wanted to ask which Hindu deity you’re most drawn to and why. Do you know any Hindus?
And also, I’m curious, are people intimidated by you at all? How do people irl perceive you?
omg 🤣 i had a feeling it was you lol… and you’re so eloquent i had to literally google words that u used. also wym the sky changed?? (pls do inform me about that). yeah from memory it wasn’t hendrix but a guy named richard henson? (and no i haven’t listened to that song i will now 😁).
yeah honestly haha i kind of both agree/disagree with u on the willard thing, i love the surfboard scene individually but i don’t feel like it works in the film because of how willard is meant to be portrayed. also what do u mean by ur creative work??? what do you make??? i’m intrigued… if you don’t mind sharing of course.
the hindu deity i’m drawn to most is definitely ganesha, i remember seeing him in this clothes store i shopped at growing up, they had this like glowing board with a picture of him lol it was so cool, and then my older sister gave me an old shirt with him on it, so yeah i just feel drawn to him. but also i had a vision of kalki the other night. i was just laying in bed trying to sleep then i had a hypnagogic vision of a blue god with a sword sitting atop a white horse and after i looked it up i realised it was kalki/vishnu which is crazy cos i didn’t know he was portrayed like that. so i want to explore that further. i also accidentally picked up one of iskcons books at my fave second hand store and became intrigued by krishna consciousness lol. it’s so beautiful and fascinating and inspiring. i’m curious as a hindu what beliefs do you ascribe to? or what deities/how many deities do you worship?
and no people are not intimidated by me, i am always intimidated by other people lol. i’m a normal girl irl i feel like people perceive me as like weak or smthing because sometimes older people that i know will talk down to me in a patronising tone and it makes me annoyed. idk if it’s because i’m a girl or they assume i’m stupid or something but it’s really demeaning. lol. so to answer your question i think people perceive me as a normal introvert 18yr old brunette from the suburbs
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h0bg0blin-meat · 8 months
Tez and Vishnu bonding hcs because Shesh and quetz are dating and they suddenly need to spend more time around each other go
Okay so
Vishnu was the one who first approached to Tez to ask if he wants to befriend him and see where this leads them. Tez, the reserved guy he is, was reluctant at first but then he decided to give it a try. Who knew only a few weeks after the "tryout" they'd be almost inseparable.
They had a platonic slow-burn skfndsjkfnskg
Tez and Vishnu are the classic openly chaotic x calm (but secretly chaotic) trope (idk if that trope actually exists but who cares)
Vishnu is always saving Tez's ass from making stupid decisions out of rage. But Tez stops Vishnu's enraged self from doing something stupid too by hitting him with the killer line "This isn't you!" (*insert the time when Narasimha, Vishnu's avatar, went out of control after killing Hiranyakashipu*)
Tez "somebody's gonna die-" catlipoca x Vishnu "-of fun!" Narayan
Tez's Jaguar form and Narasimha are besties
They both try to make Huitzilopochtli and Indra friends but the latters look at each other with death glares for some reason (maybe cuz I love unnecessary drama idk but Indra gets well along with Tlaloc and I think we know why)
Whenever Vishnu compliments Tez he always just exclaims "Holy smokes!" and Tez gives him the bombastic side eye but secretly loves the pun and hides a smile. (they like being silly)
Tez "let's go to a bar/brewery/science lab/old library" catlipoca x Vishnu "let's go to a cafe/planetarium/dairy/sweet shop" Narayan
Vishnu keeps gifting Tez with little mirror-polished obsidian rocks and Tez keeps gifting him dairy sweets but mainly buttermilk cartons.
Tez "Vishnu stop touching the feathers on my crown" catlipoca x Vishnu "But they're so pweety :3" Narayan
"Who's your favorite Smurf?" "Vishnu :3" (Vishnu: IM NOT REALLY BLUE DAMMIT)
Tez's fav avatars of Vishnu are Krishna, Parshuram, Narasimha and Kalki.
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fluffedstar · 4 years
i’m just trying to start my spiritual path and my dad is really judging me for it 😐
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epsilonnot · 4 years
cesium-sheep replied to your post: cesium-sheep replied to your post: ...
like, just because you’re not aware of every step of the process doesn’t mean you have no hand in it??? I hate this
yeah!! anyway it’s real hard to debate with these folks tho bc i can’t even conceptualize their position on the matter
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Yeah the whole Godjuna vs Zeus doesn’t really make sense when your realize that they said Arjuna ate every single Hindu God... That includes gods like Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. It just makes sound like the Hindu pantheon is weak which is just lol. But to me the reason they even wrote that Arjuna ate most the gods is because they didn’t want them involved in LB4. Which I find it a miss opportunity to actually deep dive into the Hindu pantheon and who knows when they ever gonna do that again.
tbh this is a persistent problem with basically all the lostbelts, bc you hear that they're gonna be set in scandinavia or india or wherever and you go 'oh poggers we're finally going to get some Deep Fate Lore on that country/culture's religion, mythology and heroes' and then you GET to the lostbelt and they're like 'uhhh theyre all dead except for this one random bitch we selected to be the king, and said person isn't even who they try to convince you it is it's like billy in a hat. and they THEN stuff the roster with a bunch of heroes who aren't even indigenous to the region or who have no history there (its been in literally every lostbelt- some done better than others but i really don't get why they wouldn't just make servants that match the area they're writing for)
its chronically disappointing when 90% of the time the only time they're even willing to touch the regions (are we EVER gonna go back to china or india again??) is when they're writing some alternate history where said country is completely different from the irl one bc 5 million years ago primordial artoria stopped fish from walking on land or whatever
like IDEALLY we would be getting more stuff like 5.5 or event singularities like ooku, where they're less constrained by feeling like they have to make it a 'what if' scenario and so they can pick an actual time period, location, and general cast so they can actually explore them deeply (i say that like ooku did lmao), OR if they did it like traum or atlantis but themed it after a specific culture's mythology, but atm none of the writers seem to...idk be interested enough to do it
and of course some of this is also writer-dependent bc in cases like atlantis mandricardo literally didnt belong there in terms of themes/nationality (ig it's an italian poem but still) but we learned a lot about his background, how it affected him into his servant form, AND we got a nice solid character arc for him in-story, so even if they did shove every god into arjuna alter if they'd actually written a proper backstory for him that showed us some of how that happened, or his relationships with the gods prior, or even what said gods were like in phh it all wouldve been made far more significant even as they did something completely off the rails with his actual existence
but that would require effort yknowwwwww
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