starlightmonitor · 3 days
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starlightmonitor · 20 days
Okay. I love the furthest point of insanity and being located any length away from it feels like treason
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starlightmonitor · 21 days
I would like a MASSIVE android tablet
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starlightmonitor · 21 days
Literally feel like this emoji every time i think of summer
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starlightmonitor · 21 days
She rose to a new morning, sweetly alive. And her happiness was pure like the sun's reflection in the water. Each event vibrated in her body like little crystal needles shattering.
– Clarice Lispector, Near to the Wild Heart
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starlightmonitor · 21 days
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In many cultures frangipani represents immortality, and is planted in cemeteries.
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starlightmonitor · 21 days
I love the whole world
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starlightmonitor · 22 days
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
At the end of the day the cosmos will annihilate us all
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
im 19 and I've never been kissed or had sex either, hearing you say it makes me feel unashamed. Can I ask is it a conscious decision for you? Or just circumstantial?
Circumstantial i mean i could if i really wanted to but i’m a passive person and i just let stuff happen to me, i suppose i need to heal my solar plexus chakra. I could write whole paragraphs on this but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter and it doesn’t bother me anymore. What is going to happen will happen. All in good time. I’ve never met someone i’ve loved enough to let into my body
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
fade into that delicate impact
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
God manifested me in the physical so i could receive his grace in a sense gratifying way and that is why i will always choose the easy way out. Life is not meant to be hard. I am soft, only soft ware please, no hard ware
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starlightmonitor · 23 days
i am now only describing things as “Harmonious “ or “Discordant”
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