#I want to swear but tumblr don’t like it :(
zaerxa · 11 months
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Oh take me back (to the night we met)
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savvylittlecoxswain · 3 months
Oh noooo I’m totally here to maybe potentially ruin your day 🫣
So imagine the boys are working one night cleaning up after some event and there’s leftover cookies on these large trays on the refreshment table. And Bobby is like “oh hecks yes don’t mind if I do” and starts eating one and stuffing as many as can fit into his pockets and shit. The boys are all like “I know we call you a gremlin but the frick Bobby??” And makes a snide remark back but doesn’t stop eating cookies, and eventually one of them is like “Jesus H Christ Bobby keep it up and the bow’ll be in the air with how much you’ll be weighin us down.” Bobby just totally waves them off and all nonchalant says “Quit your complaining I’ll just purge it all up later. When have you ever seen me weigh in above 120?”
Almost all of the boys are new to rowing, right? Or at least they’re new to this structured environment rowing 8+ crew and the competitive culture around the sport. So they have no freaking clue what he’s talking about and are immediately all staring at him like “hold. the frick. up… you what now??”
*Cue the camera panning over to Bobby frozen in place mid-shoving another cookie into his mouth* and he’s like: 👁️👄👁️ “was it something I said?”
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lessamao · 6 months
These dice are for vtm 5th edition! But if that’s not what you play you can commission me for other styles! These will be in my next drop
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jagi11 · 10 months
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If there’s one shameless headcanon about Maria I have is that she LOVES fancy underwear. She would never I mean it NEVER wear any plain undies unless she absolutely has to. She likes to be classy even when nobody can see! This is what that one drawing was about. Like, I know they wouldn’t put lace panties on the Maria plushie for reasons I can understand BUT STILL! CRUELTY!
This was the beginning of a big big rant on Twitter about my underwear headcanons for my various AUs so bear with me (under the cut!)
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Butterfly Agenda has probably the most lore but is the least explored for obvious reasons. I can’t really make you know them without making the comic spoilery can’t I? But still let me tell you that Prince Basa binds with bandages. Her thing is that she kinda struggles with her gender expression and sexuality because well a heir to the throne liking girls??? Can you even do that??? Of course she can but she thinks about it too much.
If you think about it, none of my AU Basas wear proper bras, because Bird probably doesn’t know what these are and Vow is a guy so he doesn’t have to have ones. EVEN SO I genuinely believe he’s the most knowledgable solely through getting dragged around shops by his Maria
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… have you ever thought about how Vow technically has top surgery scars but. on the back….
… can you tell I’ve been thinking about this song way too much lately guys
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i-may-be-an-emu · 2 months
Hi I wrote some shoot from the hip fanfiction on ao3 but it’s like one of the worst things I’ve ever written in terms of quality so read at your own risk
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stinkrascal · 5 months
i hate you monetization of hobbies i hate you i hate you I HATE YOU!!!!
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wexpyke · 2 years
no but what was that finale… i miss longer shows so much… give us 22 episodes per season again!!! give us more time for character growth and relationship development and bring back fun filler episodes!!!! because what was this finale 😭
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sweenstar-reblogs · 8 months
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is this not like . a complete admission of Israel’s true intentions ? Beirut has Nothing to do with what Hezbollah do at the Lebanese border with Israel. it’s hours away . the only thing it has in common w Gaza is that there’s a lot of Arab people in it :|
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chloepleasestopdying · 9 months
Being on the internet is exhausting sometimes. It’s all information all the time and I don’t have it in me to try and wade through the incorrect trash to find out the true information about something I can’t influence any fucking way.
It’s double annoying when I see other people say this only to then see them get attacked because ‘it’s a privilege to not have to be informed’ which isn’t completely wrong but also- what do you want me to do? Most issues like this are so far out of most people’s control or influence that unless you’re capable of sending financial aid or support you aren’t really doing anything.
And before anyone says anything- sharing information is great, if that information is true. Sharing incorrect info is worse than doing nothing and most people don’t have the time to fact check everything they share.
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aesthetography · 1 year
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- the golden hour -
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kagemane · 6 months
Tumblr comments have always been a ride, but I swear they’re getting more and more like TikTok comments and it’s like…breaking my soul
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meowydoe · 10 months
I wish that one really popular post I made didn’t get, yknow, really popular because it feels so awkward with people following me for just that one post and now my blog is like. not really just a little thing for people with similar interests anymore
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givemaycoffee · 1 year
how would someone say get to know you? (i think you’re really cool) 😅
🥺 Well this is a very sweet thing to wake up to first thing in the morning ❤️
Hard to answer tho 🤔 And it really depends on you, my dear! If you’re ever comfortable with it, you’re always always welcome to send me asks (both on or off anon), tag me in posts (this always makes my day), or just straight up message me something! I have no idea if we’re mutuals or not, but either way, if you interact with my blog a lot I’ve probably noticed and am fond of seeing your blog name.
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delicateimage · 2 years
I think I just twisted my ankle but oh well
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kolnoyokan · 2 years
trying to pick my major bc i’m still undecided…………….I’m down to two choices but. This is really hard Never go to college you will have to make choices
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samfishy · 2 years
How do you un-reblog??? Can I do that? I should be allowed to do that because I have reblogged on accident twice now I need it off my dash it’s causing me physical pain
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