#he’s just thinking it’s totally normal because it was but these boys are like Bobby thats not okay
savvylittlecoxswain · 3 months
Oh noooo I’m totally here to maybe potentially ruin your day 🫣
So imagine the boys are working one night cleaning up after some event and there’s leftover cookies on these large trays on the refreshment table. And Bobby is like “oh hecks yes don’t mind if I do” and starts eating one and stuffing as many as can fit into his pockets and shit. The boys are all like “I know we call you a gremlin but the frick Bobby??” And makes a snide remark back but doesn’t stop eating cookies, and eventually one of them is like “Jesus H Christ Bobby keep it up and the bow’ll be in the air with how much you’ll be weighin us down.” Bobby just totally waves them off and all nonchalant says “Quit your complaining I’ll just purge it all up later. When have you ever seen me weigh in above 120?”
Almost all of the boys are new to rowing, right? Or at least they’re new to this structured environment rowing 8+ crew and the competitive culture around the sport. So they have no freaking clue what he’s talking about and are immediately all staring at him like “hold. the frick. up… you what now??”
*Cue the camera panning over to Bobby frozen in place mid-shoving another cookie into his mouth* and he’s like: 👁️👄👁️ “was it something I said?”
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roe-and-memory · 9 months
Cal headcanons maybe??? :3333
cal is my boy, my son, my shining star, my silly, and many more.. allow us to fucking ruin his life (the favourite character treatment, if you will)
i hope u enjoy these 💥🔥
- hes deaf! this is my favourite hc ever i came up with it myself. hes Deaf and uses hearing aids - this was caused by the crash his parents died in (as he was in the vehicle with them if it wasnt obvious)
- he was 13 when his parents died
- he grew up watching his uncle race. he was a STAPLE in the dinoco pit box and when he was 11 or 12 he was strips crew chief for a race (strip won it too)
- strip taught him how to drive in one of the fields at their house - he mowed a track around it with a tractor, made cal get in the drivers seat, and told him to just Drive. (he was taught using Lynda’s old derby car because as strip expected, the very traumatized 14 year old he put behind the wheel DID in fact crash into the corn stalks and strip had to chase after him and pull him out of the car)
- he is probably the most careful driver you will ever meet. its the trauma, dare i say, but the probability of him crashing is much less than the Other Two. bobby and lightning poke fun at him for being so careful behind the wheel because “he doesnt have fun”, and whenever he gets serious behind the wheel they both giggle and quietly make fun of him (its like when you turn on the light in the car and your dad yells at you, white knuckling the steering wheel staring straight ahead and u dont understand why its so serious)
- cal’s the oldest of the three as well, hes a little less than a year older than lightning, so they’d both be the same age for like a 4 month period, bobby is the youngest and gets relentlessly bullied for it.
- i dont think cal ever learnt extensive sign language after the accident. his aunt and uncle didnt know it, and they were cautious of the situation so they found ways to communicate that they could all understand - he only learnt it after meeting red, because he was curious, and it wasn’t that hard.. plus it was a bonus that he could say things to lmq and bobby that they didn’t understand
- hes the only member of the trio with a consistent brain cell. hes the Reason, but hes also silly as hell which puts him barely a brain cell level higher than his friends
- he doesnt trust other people driving him places, he will ALWAYS volunteer to drive
- cal has a lot of his old, early racing days/pre-racing days memories on one of those old, handheld film cameras. he records a lot of stuff on it when theyre all running around the infield being silly
- his silly ass is so socially awkward its AWFUL. hes great in front of cameras but as soon as someone normal asks him a question or starts a conversation hes like. erm. Um. sure? (it was not a yes or no question)
- adhd
- hearing issues also comes with auditory processing issues, he’ll ask someone to repeat themselves and then realize halfway through their repetition what they said and be like OH YEAH TOTALLY!
- after the accident he went through a phase of being Terrified that strip and lynda were trying to replace his parents. he acted out, he hated every minute of their care and affection for a while, and finally he couldnt handle Not telling them why he was acting the way he was. they were both forgiving of course, they told him they understood he was scared and this was all New and they would NEVER try to replace his parents. that Helped.
- cal is short for calamari, full name calamari weather's (roe)
- hes blonde! he and strip are both blonde - and people HAVE mistaken strip for his dad instead of his uncle, but in reality cal just looks a Lot like his mother (who was strips sister)
- adding onto above: cal being upset makes strip think of his Sister and it fucking tears him apart every time. that kid looks so much like his mother its awful.
- when he was finally old enough to drink, he won the race, got to hold the champagne bottle and pop it open but it was so horribly hot outside that he fainted while on top of the car in victory lane, fell off, shattered the champagne bottle and smelt like berries for almost a week because it WOULDNT GET OUT OF HIS HAIR. he scraped up his elbows and tore the back of his t-shirt but there was nothing worse than smelling like alcohol for six days.
- he has a baby face and its his worst enemy.
- when he was a kid and a teenager he was obsessed with picking up small animals he found in the forest behind strip and lyndas house, and hes GOOD AT IT TOO. he once brought in a whole opossum into the house shortly after the accident, totally out of it on pain medications, and told his aunt and uncle that he wanted to keep this cat he saved from the garbage can down the side of the house. they were more shocked he got outside? how did he even..?
- he also picked up a habit of eating random berries he found in the woods? hes regretted it on multiple occasions and lynda has continuously told him to stop, but what made him really stop was accidentally grabbing blueberries that just so happened to be surrounded by poison ivy. he had it up and down his arms and all over his hands for three weeks.
- boy loves bugs, every bug ever he could identify and pick up with no issue whatsoever
- he had a marine biology phase and still LOVES the aquarium
- escape artist essentially
THIS IS SO MANY thats enough for now.. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED i love him so much. i hope none of this comes off as me woobifying him because i will lose my mind 💀
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beansnsoup · 1 year
“I love you.” “I know.”
Eric Forman x gn!reader
Summary- Halloween is right around the corner, and this year it’s Erics turn to pick costumes.
Warnings- fluff, cheesy romance, fem reader
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You sat in the Forman’s basement flipping through the style catalog that Jackie brought over for you to borrow.  You always tried to at least look decent, Jackie would always gripe about your and Donna’s style, but you brushed it off because you knew whatever you wore she would have some kind of opinion on it, you still loved her though.
It was quiet until a scream came from Jackie then a bunch of laughter following after, “Michael!”  You look over towards her to find Kelso taking off a cheap Halloween store mask, Hyde with Elvis shades on with the sideburns attached, and Eric holding a bag with two costumes in it.
“What’s that?” You ask him, nodding your head to the bag, he smirked, “Ours Halloween costumes.”  Oh god, you totally forgot he was in charge of costume planning this year, you did not trust him at all, last year you forced him to be Tommy while you were Carrie.  He pulled the costumes out of the bag and showed you a Han Solo and a Princess Leia Costume, it wasn’t terrible.
“I can work with that,” You turn to Jackie and point at her, “You, my very fashionable friend, will be doing my hair.”  She claps in excitement; you knew you wouldn’t be able to do your hair like Leias by yourself.  Eric jumps over the couch and throws an arm around you, “What are our plans for Halloween anyway?”  Donna asks, you guys obviously weren’t going Trick or Treating, you all knew for a fact the adult would turn you down for being “too old.”
“Dad was thinking about closing down Grooves for a Halloween party
 thing, he’s only letting a certain amount of people in.”  Hyde informed us, we all smiled at each other, now knowing what you all were going to do for Halloween.
You, Donna, and Jackie all say in a circle on Donna’s bedroom floor, “You’re not actually going to wear that costume, are you?” Jackie asked you, taking another puff from the join Donna handed to her.  You shrugged, “I actually think it’s really cute, Leia and Han are such a power couple.”  Jackie rolled her eyes in response to yours.  
“What are you and Kelso gonna do?” Donna asked her, she smiled like she was about to blow us away by her idea, “Daphne and Fred.”  You and Donna just looked at each other and laughed, “What’s so funny?”
“Well, they’re like super complicated, and Fred just kind of, I don’t know, is dumb and ignores her, kind of like you and Kelso.”  You tell her, causing Donna to burst out laughing again. Jackie huffed out and got up and walked to the bathroom, you turn to look at Donna who’s now rolling on the floor, “You should look for someone at the party on Halloween.”
She calms down and looks at you, “I don’t know, all of my relationships have been so bad.”  
“Yeah but, you won’t know unless you try, right?”  
You were in Erics bathroom, everyone was getting ready together before you all headed to Grooves.  Jackie had already stuck like 20 bobby pins in your hair just for the first bun, she was doing a really good job, better that you could’ve done, so you weren’t complaining.
Donna walked in dressed up as Wonder Woman, “Oh my God, Donna you look hot!” You compliment me her was she laughs, “Stop moving.” Jackie says, she has bobby pins held between her teeth so it’s hard to make out what she said.”
She sticks the last bobby pin in, “There! All done!” Jackie smiles at her work, “This looks awesome, Thanks Jackie.”  You get up from the stool and leave the bathroom as the girls follow behind, all the boys are down in the basement waiting for you guys.  Hyde was wearing the same thing he was wearing earlier in the week, a normal out fit with Elvis sideburn sunglasses.
“Are you guys ready or are we going to sit in the basement all night?”  Donna asks them, they all turn towards you guys while getting up, then everyone walks outside to the car to finally be getting on the way.
You’re all smooshed in the car; Hyde is flooring the gas so the limit of people doesn’t get before you guys.  He pulls in the parking lot of the record store, thankfully there aren’t a lot of cars parked just yet, everyone piles out of the car, Eric puts an arm around you and kisses your cheek, “You look awesome.”  You smile at him, “Thank you babe, just don’t ruin my hair.” You warn him.
He unwraps his arm and puts both of them up to “surrender.”  The store looks great, Angie did a great job, she’s in the corner of the store setting up drinks, she dressed up as Catwoman.  She noticed Hyde and the gang come in and walks up to greet you all, “So? What do think?”  
“It looks great!” You tell her, she smiles at you and kisses your cheek and walks off.  
You all got to this party at roughly 9:00, it was no 1 in the morning.  Hyde insisted on staying at the store to help out his siter in cleaning up for the workday, so everyone left without him.  You hopped in the front seat with Eric, sliding close to his side, he dropped everyone off at their places instead of taking them back to his place, you were the only one he took back home.
You both tried to hardest to be quiet when walking into the basement, not wake up his parents, scratch that, wake up Red.  He grabbed you hand once your feet hit the floor, dragging you to the couch, you guys had had a few drinks that night, not too many so Hydes dad wouldn’t go bazerk. 
Eric was still a little tipsy though, now that you thought about it, letting him drive everyone home wasn’t the best idea.  He glided his lips up to yours, bringing you in to a soft kiss, you obviously kissed back, he wasn’t terribly drunk.
After a few minutes of making out you both quietly headed upstairs to his bedroom, you told him no funny business, you were too tired to let anything escalate.  You sat down in front of a mirror you accidently left over at his house last week, taking out all the bunches of bobby pins Jackie put in your hair, it surprisingly stayed up all night.
He didn’t even try to get out of his Han costume, he instead walked over to you, you looked up at him and gave him a peck,
“I love you.”
Eric has alway been my go to for that 70s show boys, and he has like little to no fics, now that 90s show is pretty popular i decided to feed onto that, also how would yall feel about a Nate or Gwen Runck fic?
“I know.”
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try-set-me-on-fire · 10 months
#more points towards buddie canon: eddie treats buck like he treats his female romantic partners aka takes them for granted
yeah..... i didn't wanna say he was taking Buck for granted 'cause it felt kinda mean oskaoskas but he totally was taking him for granted because like, Buck almost died 3 times in what? maybe 6 months? and Buck really wanted his life to go back to normal so he did something extreme because nobody was checking in on him even though they had acknowledged that the 118 is all Buck has, and Eddie had his own shit going on and the way Buck doesn't notices and tries to fix it, like Buck has done in the past with noticing the way he was struggling with finding the right care for Chris and giving him Carla for instance, makes Eddie go ballistic as if somehow Buck has to prioritize him and that's so insane. But it also makes sense with the way they constructed Eddie's character with his particular flavor of abandonment issues and the struggles he has voicing his needs and expectations, and I also think a bit about the way he overcorrects because he trusted Buck, Buck let him down so he went straight to yelling at him. And the craziest thing is that it wasn't even about Eddie. He makes it about his feelings because he got caught in the crossfire between Bobby and Buck and that's such a fascinating reaction to the situation they were in. Kinda totally wish they had made Eddie apologize for the you're exhausting thing tho, because that stayed with Buck.
Yeah!!!!! I love Eddie I love that he has like real flaws he feels like an actual person! He absolutely does just kind of assume his partners will keep things running smoothly while never asking for the specific help he wants, or really giving that help in return! He defends Shanon to his parents after the fact but doesn’t support her while she’s actually around. And now Buck’s in that support role he just expects him to be there without asking, to take care of things and magically know what Eddie needs, which is something that Buck is very good at usually. He thinks of Buck as behaving selfishly while he’s literally saying why don’t you care about my problems….. the lack of self awareness is DELICIOUS to me!!!! And I really think he has grown past this, the Eddie who waits for Buck to come sleep on his couch and says “Now can I ask how you are?” Is an entirely different person than the Eddie who says “you’re exhausting, we all have our own problems, why can’t you just suck it up?” I’m really looking forward to see what he’s like in season seven, if new communicative Eddie who’s not burying his feelings sticks around or if we’ll see backsliding into old habits! And yeah would have loved an apology…. Maybe we’ll still get that some day…. Boys, talk out your feelings….
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mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e8 bugs (rachel nave, bill coakley)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
i haven't been avoiding bugs, i just have been avoiding listening to myself talk about this show. i'm tired, you're tired, etc. so obviously the effects are terrible in this one, and when i watched it the first time i fast forwarded through the climactic bug scene because it took forever. however, i do remember good bro talks
TRAVIS Man, these are some phat houses, huh? I'd like to live here.
were random white people saying phat in 2005? haha
xfiles noise as man falls into pit to get killed by bugs, very appropriate. also, i really do not like bugs as a horror trope in general, i struggle with being chill about bugs in real life. the xf ep with cockroaches? a good funny episode but *shudder*
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SAM You know, we could get day jobs once in a while. DEAN Hunting's our day job. And the pay is crap. SAM Yeah, but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world, Dean. DEAN Well, let's see: honest, fun and easy. It's no contest.
something endearing about sam just lounging on the impala while dean's inside hustling. also feeling soft because of this good but too-sad (for my current emotional state) stanford era story i was reading
find it kind of funny they're having sam be a scold about how they make money (but also that big smile after dean's answer, i don't think sammy's too pressed.) i can't imagine trying to scrounge up living expenses with day jobs in their nomadic lifestyle, especially with the amount they have to spend on gas
DEAN Besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do. SAM Yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked. DEAN Yeah, says you.
totally jacked and you're gonna be changing your tune sooner rather than later too, dean
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oh right, i made some gifs from this episode too. this was a... hmm. well. it was something. dean went on a slight masculinity panic face journey. i don't think sam was being a jerk about it really (? maybe i'm biased at this point) i think he was just genuinely surprised, not mocking. something something dean felt fine bringing it up but mildly freaked out when sam didn't acknowledge in a way that he would have seen it too. and how would dean have reacted if the situation was reversed and sam made the oprah reference? file that under my newly minted spn and masculinity tag i guess (with the comment about sam's "fancy" coffee drink in 1x07)
so i was like i'll add when dean calls sam samantha but like. i searched the transcripts (only searches transcripts on superwiki via google) and only crowley calls him that. has that just been fully absorbed into fanon? whew. the hazards of fic sometimes lol. bobby calls dean princess when he's scolding him in 4x22, rando bartender in 3x04 calls sam princess when he turns down a drink, and jo calls dean princess in 2x06 after he slept badly on a couch or chair while working that apartment job together. huh. interesting. dean calls him frances in that 1x07 instance.
what did i say about being tired of listening to myself talk about this show?
hoo boy, can tell this is a jay gruska music episode. eyes rolling back in my head. he has a gift for annoying me personally with his musical stylings
DEAN All right, I'll go if you're scared. You scared? SAM Flip the damn coin. DEAN All right, call it in the air... chicken. He flips the coin, and SAM catches it in midair. SAM I'm going.
10/10 sibling bickering
DEAN I know a good place to start. I'm kinda hungry for a little barbeque, how 'bout you? What, we can't talk to the locals? SAM And the free food's got nothin' to do with it? DEAN Of course not. I'm a professional.
again with the good banter/bicker
DEAN Growin' up in a place like this would freak me out. SAM Why? DEAN Well, manicured lawns, "How was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out. SAM There's nothing wrong with "normal". DEAN I'd take our family over normal any day.
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s2e20 what is and what should never be
sure, dean
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the x-files s1e5 the jersey devil - andrew airlie as rob / the killing s2e3 as dr madigan
well, we're brothers moment guy has been in a couple of my shows (and he pops up in 15x04 but i didn't hiky him) including being gillybean's date in the xf jersey devil ep!!
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as a one-off thing, someone assuming they're a couple, it's kind of whatever. skirting around straight up homophobic joke. but they (the show) make it weird by doing it more than one episode. anyway, i hadn't paid that much attention and didn't realize sam laughed and dean got vaguely indignant
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not me trying to figure out when dean switches to the logger boots. i know sam is in sneakers for a fairly long time (like that bad luck at black rock where he loses a shoe, still). good for running around but not great protection
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could dean's face get any more scrunched up before he decides to go with it. and sam's amused until he gets his ass smacked (course j2 smack each other all the time at cons, but i guess sam doesn't subscribe to the platonic bro butt smack)
(also whew that's some harsh makeup on this sales person. i get it's part of the personality they're trying to go for but it's A Lot)
LYNDA Who can say "no" to a steam shower? I use mine everyday.
read an article trying to figure out why people would like a steam shower and the long not specific reason was, repeatedly, "wellness." ok
MATT You gonna tell my dad? SAM I don't know. Who's your dad? MATT Yeah, Larry usually skips me in the family introductions. SAM Ouch. First name basis with the old man - sounds pretty grim. MATT Well, I'm not exactly brochure material. SAM Well, hang in there. It gets better, all right? I promise. MATT When?
got our sam-parallel character here. and sammy's not brochure material because he wanted to go to college 😤
SAM Remind you of somebody? Dad? DEAN Dad never treated us like that. SAM Well, Dad never treated you like that. You were perfect. He was all over my case. You don't remember? DEAN Well, maybe he had to raise his voice, but sometimes, you were out of line. SAM Right. Right, like when I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bowhunting. DEAN Bowhunting's an important skill. SAM Whatever.
i know people have very particular thoughts about john and how he raised them and what bad things he did to them. the show made me hate with him a particular intensity mainly because of the neglect when they were so young, and probably kinda sorta using them as bait. but dean's like well, he yelled sometimes, but it was justified. (all parents yell sometimes.) just the understanding that john was raising them as soldiers vs like, you need to learn to swim because it's an important life skill and i don't wanna.
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did you know the ever-resourceful superwiki has a section on the impala page for all the times someone besides dean drives baby?
DEAN Maybe they're being controlled somehow. You know, by something or someone. SAM You mean, like Willard? DEAN Yeah, bugs instead of rats. SAM There are cases of psychic connections between people and animals - elementals, telepaths. DEAN Yeah, that whole Timmy-Lassie thing
but dean doesn't know dick van dyke/mary poppins 🤪 is this gonna be another thing i start tagging...
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SAM We're gonna squat in an empty house? DEAN I wanna try the steam shower. Come on. (SAM doesn't move.) Come on!
dean wants some of that Wellness ™️i just can't imagine how sitting in steam would be more enjoyable than a good shower, but i'm not about that wellness life
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lol sam smacking him in the gut as he reluctantly pulls in to park the car, had to make gifs of that too 🤪
okay i couldn't forget the terrible effects of the spiders in the shower with the high strung makeup lady, but i did forget that she had a whole big ass spider crawling on her face that she just brushes away, mildly annoyed, beforehand. is this a regular occurrence? no freaking out??
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the most copy pasted looking spiders ever 😂
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towel for comedic effect 😑 sam has no patience for this nonsense, a lady is dead from BUGS, DEAN
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speaking of masculinity...
This is the only time we see the boys with umbrellas in the rain. Kripke explained why in a Tweet:
"Kim Manners directed X-Files, where they often had umbrellas, so figured it was fine. I called him, said "the boys aren't scared of demons, but they're scared of rain?" From that point forward, a hard rule: no umbrellas. Not easy for Vancouver."(source)
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matt is samandriel in s8 who i did a hiky for because he was in the killing too
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MATT Believe me, I've tried. But, uh, Larry doesn't listen to me. SAM Why not? MATT Mostly? He's too disappointed in his freak son. SAM I hear you. DEAN You do? SAM Matt, how old are you? MATT Sixteen. SAM Well, don't sweat it, because in two years, something great's gonna happen. MATT What? SAM College. You'll be able to get out of that house and away from your dad. DEAN What kind of advice is that? Kid should stick with his family.
said it before and i'll say it again, when the show wants to make a parallel it will hammer it over our heads 😂 sam and dean are just gonna have a little fight over sam going away to college right in front of matt's salad
DEAN Yeah, so with that kid back there... why'd you tell him to just ditch his family like that? SAM Just, uh... I know what the kid's goin' through. DEAN How 'bout tellin' him to respect his old man, how's that for advice? SAM Dean, come on. This isn't about his old man. You think I didn't respect Dad. That's what this is about. DEAN Just forget it, all right? Sorry I brought it up. SAM I respected him. But no matter what I did, it was never good enough. DEAN So what are you sayin'? That Dad was disappointed in you? SAM Was? Is. Always has been. DEAN Why would you think that? SAM Because I didn't wanna bowhunt or hustle pool - because I wanted to go to school and live my life, which, to our whacked-out family, made me the freak. DEAN Yeah, you were kind of like the blonde chick in The Munsters. SAM Dean, you know what most dads are when their kids score a full ride? Proud. Most dads don't toss their kids out of the house. DEAN I remember that fight. In fact, I seem to recall a few choice phrases comin' out of your mouth. SAM You know, truth is, when we finally do find Dad... I don't know if he's even gonna wanna see me. DEAN Sam, Dad was never disappointed in you. Never. He was scared. SAM What are you talkin' about? DEAN He was afraid of what could've happened to you if he wasn't around. But even when you two weren't talkin'... he used to swing by Stanford whenever he could. (SAM'S smirk fades.) Keep an eye on you. Make sure you were safe. SAM What? DEAN Yeah. SAM Why didn't you tell me any of that? DEAN Well, it's a two-way street, dude. You could've picked up the phone.
so this is the conversation that i think stuck out to me even the first time watching - it's obviously the kind of, culmination of all the parallel groundwork to bring up the issue. i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about it. the way it's framed, it feels like the show is trying to make us sympathetic to john's side, which is dean's side by proxy. which is nonsense. sam is the kid. john is the adult. it's not sam's job to try to go back and fix what john broke by telling him to never come back. there's this emotional music playing as dean tells us john checked up on him at stanford and like okay, so what? sam was still in the lived experience of being kicked out and cut off by his dad (and the show probably doesn't care but the logistics of having literally nowhere to go over the summer, living expenses not covered by his scholarshop, etc) ugh. and i think i complained to someone about wanting to smack dean because he's sticking up for john, and they mentioned that you know, dean's got his own warehouse full of john shaped issues that make him the ever obedient son at this stage. anyway, i'm not mad at the show or anything. but it definitely gets my defensive feelings fired up on sam's behalf. i also have my own little storage locker full of john shaped issues 🤪
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s1e8 jimmy herman as joe whitetree / the x-files s1e19 as ish
funny, david nutter directed that episode of the xfiles too (he directed the spn pilot and wendigo), he was a kim manners rec (who also worked on xf obviously, and directed this spn ep)
i'm never going to finish this episode and surely gonna hit the 30 image limit
always kind of... nervous when especially the supernatural-ish shows decide to bring in any sort of indigenous lore/plot, but at least this one revolved around fuck the white man colonizers
Eric Kripke often cites this episode as one of his least favorites in the series. When Chuck meets Sam and Dean, he asks them if they had to live through the "bugs". He laments that they were "forced to live bad writing."
well, i think they're heavy handed but overall has groundwork laying character moments for sam and dean. wouldn't argue about the rest though
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such a pretty shot. early days really were filled with them
MATT My dad doesn't listen in the best of circumstances, what am I supposed to tell him? SAM You've gotta make him listen, okay? DEAN Give me the phone, give me the phone. (He grabs the phone from SAM.) Matt, under no circumstances are you to tell the truth, they'll just think you're nuts. MATT But he's my-- DEAN Tell him you have a sharp pain in your right side and you've gotta go to the hospital, okay? MATT Yeah. Yeah, okay. He hangs up, and so does DEAN. DEAN Make him listen? What are you thinkin'?
SAM Look, this land is cursed! People have died here. Now, are you gonna really take that risk with your family?
made me giggle. so earnest. i mean, what can you do, those cheesy lines
dad tells mom to call 911. and tell them what? bugs? what are they gonna do about it?? lol and the bugs chewed through phone and power lines
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dead end chemical corp.!! i kind of love that. new blog name??? lol
i think i missed these progressive holes being chewed through the roof in my fast forwarding of this scene 😂
that was the shortest 6-7 hours ever. like, truly nonsensical. and they weren't able to keep the swarms of bees out, yet no one died? haha
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looks like a stock photo of a busted roof plastered onto this shot
sammy looking longingly over at matt and his dad reconciling over shared bug trauma...
SAM I wanna find Dad. DEAN Yeah, me too. SAM Yeah, but I just... I want to apologize to him. DEAN For what? SAM All the things I said to him. He was just doin' the best he could.
forgot myself for a second and blurted out, BULL. SHIT. haha. don't let dean get you twisted, dude. if you leave (go to college on a full scholarship), don't come back. IS NOT. DOING. THE BEST. HE COULD. never fucking mind everything else. aaaahhhghgfdsjkksfl LOL what did i say about my john issues. anyway, this isn't the end of that particular friction obviously :p
DEAN Well, don't worry, we'll find him. And then you'll apologize. And then within five minutes, you guys will be at each other's throats. SAM (laughs.) Yeah, probably. (They sit in silence for a few seconds.) Let's hit the road. DEAN Let's.
that is more like it :p it is a miracle i shut up long enough to finally finish this episode! too much going on
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
Pretty sure the vera/zelda/hank/bobby situation was some kind of mutual protocol bearding
"I haven't got the foggiest idea what you're intimating, but I'm quite sure I don't like it, greyface."
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I definitely don't think Hank was really aware enough of his sexuality back then to be consciously bearding, but unconsciously? Oh, almost certainly. I do think that Hank is much closer to bisexual than outright gay, just because I think there's a fair amount of substance and growth to be had from his relationships with Jennifer Nyles, Cecilia Reyes, and Abigail Brand, but then there's poor Vera.
Poor, poor Vera, who just. She knew before Hank did, honestly.
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Apologies for the quality of the scan, Defenders hasn't been fully remastered with re-done colours and fixes yet, but:
"Not only do you break more dates than I can count - flirt with everything this side of Boy George --"
Like . . . Vera is smart, romantic, resilient, understanding - but Hank very consistently blows her off to hang out with his guy friends.
With whom he is very normal and heterosexual.
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Very heterosexual.
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"Gosh I love women."
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Overmind just got an upskirt shot of Hank, by the way.
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Hank hugging Overmind's arm like this is the cutest fucking shit, I swear to god.
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Hank's eye just.
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diminuel · 2 years
It’s time for a lunch break and since SPNWIN is now uploaded, I’m going to write down my thoughts! Spoilers and some thoughts about fanfic, under the cut.
I still feel Dean sounds slightly different, like he lived in a different place for a while and picked up the hints of an accent. But I might be totally off. It’s normal that people sound differently when they’re talking and when they’re narrating something, especially something that was written down. It might just be that.
John’s already on his way to being an “obsessive bastard” (Dean’s words) while Lata and Carlos are trying to show him ways to work through the underlying issue of his aggressive behaviour. I think he does have the capacity to break out of it, at least he talks to Mary about it and he asks Lata for help. But things – the hunt – get in the way. So I suppose, like with Dean and Sam who are prone to anger and obsession, there’s always something that keeps him from figuring out a better path.
A statue of Michael in Mary’s parents’ office? It’s pretty conspicuous, as it doesn’t seem to fit the rest of the Campbell interior decorating style. Two times so far (that I’ve been aware of) we’ve seen Michael. Hm hm.
“Hunt’s over. You get to rest.” Did get me a bit. ;w; It does fit itself into the idea that the only rest a hunter gets is when the hunt is over – and for many hunters it’s not over until they get killed. Tracy tried to get out -for the wrong reasons – and has to go back. Mary wants out but if this follows SPN’s flashback episodes, then she’s going to get out because her family is dead and she had to make a deal to get John back. It’s tragic how we see Mary’s hope being set upon getting out (finishing school, going to college) and knowing what the future holds in store for her.
Though I did find it interesting that her plans for the future are school and college, whereas flashback Mary in SPN seemed to be focused on marrying and having a family. These things are of course not mutually exclusive but one could read the angelic meddling into it. Because angels don’t care whether she gets an education, they care about getting her settled with John so that she can give birth to Dean and Sam.
By the way, the presence of certain phrases we’ve heard before (in SPN) raises my alarm bells X’D Cute parallels or warning signs??
Both Lata and Carlos were of course also great. I hope Carlos gets out, buys Tracy’s farm and plants a lot of weed. :P
One last comment: I kept thinking about S12 Mary. How when she left the boys, she went to look for her old contacts and friends, who were mostly dead. Which then led me to think about a fic in which she does find Lata and Carlos. Which then made me wonder about whether we are going to be seeing SPNWIN elements in regular fanfic? I haven’t had time to read fics in a while so I can’t say! But I’ve been thinking about writing an AU set in the 90s and maybe it would make sense for Lata and Carlos to be around as family friends? So there’s not just uncle Bobby and aunt Ellen, but also uncle Carlos (though not sure he would enjoy being called uncle) and aunt Lata?
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ravenadottir · 2 years
I feel like Bobby might be nonbinary - idk whether this is coming from my nb mind, but Bobby seems to have that vibe. What do you think about this potential headcanon?
oh i absolutely see it!!
here's the thing... bobby to me is a bisexual non binary adorable creature, always has been, and for whatever reason, when i talked about this a couple of years ago, people came for me!
he does have a vibe to how he conducts himself. there's a familiar something that makes me think of him as an enby but i can't put my finger on it.
it might be the number of enby's i've met before... maybe it's his history of confidence and how he walks/talks today?
maybe it's the imagery of him on the outside? as in, how he dresses, how he legit doesn't give many fucks about what people has to say about him?
possibly how he often comes across as someone who doesn't follow gender roles?
'cause it's not only about priya's dress, even though it contributes to it, but it's also how i can totally see him in a skirt, on a night out, and it's NOT a kilt. it's legit a cute skirt.
i can see him wearing scene/emo shit back when he had a punk rock band, like... bobby was definitely experimenting with his looks and expressing himself through clothes and hairstyles for sure!
rocking the eye liner and colorful hair (hopefully not straightening it though).
i love bobby's character so deeply, you don't even know how much, and part of my adoration towards him is very this, how he defies gender roles through playful things and glosses over them, because those things are not a big deal.
they're normal. a dress is just a gather of fabrics. a skirt is just fabric wrapped around someone's legs and bum and that's that. but when a dude wears them unapologetically, i have to say, it stands out, all for the right reasons.
if i would guess his pronouns it would probably be a solid he/they. i feel like he would be comfortable with both but get gender euphoria when referred by they/them.
there's a unspoken thing about bobby, along with henrik, being the only ones that truly have thought about, and understood, gender and masculinity. i can't say the other boys in this season have.
or girls, for that matter.
it's kind of like, if someone asked you what masculinity or femininity is, as an enby you would probably have the answer ready to go. me, as a genderfluid person, i do.
bobby and henrik also do, the others haven't been asked about it, so there wasn't any thinking about the matter for them.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
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144 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
I gotta say I'm surprised (though I probably shouldn't be 🙄) at some of the backlash I've seen towards Grace for being upset.
Like, she very clearly says she knows it's not fair to any of them and she knows she shouldn't be upset because her and Judd weren't together then, but she communicates that she IS upset. Which is totally valid because everything they BOTH knew about their lives just got upended.
And she was so cordial to Wyatt, and left before causing a scene or lashing out at Judd at his place of work and after she has some time to process, she makes an effort to do what she thinks is right.
And for Judd's part, he didn't sit on the info for a month until he had a confirmed paternity test and THEN bring it up to Grace, he was upfront with her (mostly) from the start. And when she says she's angry, he validates her feelings and lets her know it's okay to be upset, and he gives her some space when she needs it. And when she chooses to invite the other lady over so they can talk, he is supportive and reaffirms how much he loves her.
Like, I'm not thrilled that this is the storyline they're doing, especially without a single week for them to enjoy being new parents, but neither Wyatt nor his mom came in with the intention to wreck a family, Judd and Grace both handled the situation incredibly well and communicated in a mostly healthy way, and I'm definitely not hating this as much as I could if it wasn't written as well as it has been so far.
It's okay to feel your feelings even if they aren't always rational, and Grace communicated so well that she knew it wasn't entirely rational but she was upset and Judd allowed her the space to be angry and work through those feelings instead of her suppressing them and exploding later.
Judd and Grace have one of the most solid relationships I've ever been blessed to see on TV and I find it interesting how 911 and Lone Star like to throw out these really big, dramatic, soapy storylines that are so common in dramatic show, but have the characters respond in very normal, human ways and have a less dramatic but more realistic and enjoyable resolution. Instead of huge cheating storylines where it's harder to root for the characters coming back together, you get things like this with Grace and Judd, or Bobby and Athena where she doesn't even consider that he's cheating but knows he's hiding something and digs until she finds out he's sponsoring someone and it leads to a discussion about their marriage and their future and they work it out. And same with the TK/Carlos breakup. These moments where there is no bad guy, just humans trying their best and not always doing the right thing but trying to be better is something 911-verse does so well and what really sets it apart from other shows. And I'll take that ANY day over every character playing musical beds, and being killed off half the time so you can't get invested in any character or relationship.
148 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Henren being happy and in love while everyone else is falling apart
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159 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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The Twins : *deliver a rancor for Boba's palace*
Boba: "Who's a good boy?!"
187 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"It's not the Buddie show" okay its not the Madney show either but it's still fucking disappointing that we haven't gotten to see their things happen on screen either. People aren't upset because every single episode doesn't fully revolve around Buddie to the exclusion of everything else, they're upset because SEVERAL well-established dynamics have been almost entirely cut and replaced with dynamics that aren't given us any weight or character information/growth/pushing arcs along etc.
272 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
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thebiggestmenace · 5 months
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me thoughts
why did I expect Mary to sort of know Dean? it makes sense that she wouldn't, but still
Dean knows everything about her :( I do not know all of this about my parents
so Sam did get shot
is Lucifer still around??
yeah, Sam, you tell her
that was a big hug, guys
I love how protective Cas is of Sam, I don't feel like we usually get to see this
wtf even is this drug??
of course they get hit smdh
I think I remember Mick?
Sam's trying so hard :(((
agents Beyoncé and Jay-Z 🤭
omg recap with everything for Sam's powers??? *
* oh, it's because she's psychic :(
Sam is so good with kids :(((
come on, Sam, you take all the fun out of antiquing!
surely in a house full of hunters, the demon would have limited vessels??? what happened to the anti possession symbol? does no one else have that?
I know he's the devil from the bible, but I can't say I don't get why Lucifer's so hurt about God leaving
omg isn't that Jack's mom? **
** it is!!!
of course Cas has the exact amount of time the boys have been in prison
Cas, don't beat yourself up :( there's no way you would've known
is someone just attacking all the angels???
"light stick!" tbh it is a light stick. that's not a normal lamp
firstly, this is the episode Cas professes his love. second, the fact that Dean immediately noticed Cas was hurt?? and Sam just kept talking to Mary??
oh, my god, is Crowley tearing up????
I knew it was coming, but don't you dare, Cas, don't you fucking dare
all that for the colt??????
Dean isn't gonna join the British Men of Letters, there's no way in hell
love the reference to the walking dead, JDM really does love bats
I love Claire
omg I have that nightstand!!! and a pretty similar bed? it's definitely from the same maker
he's learning sign language for her :(((
love that Sam is talking Dean down with Cas missing
actually, the nightstand is literally all of them???? Dean has it, too! I imagine the beds are all the same?
they're leaving their marks :((((
oh, the mixtape :(((
lmao they stole Baby
Cas is gonna be such a good dad
they never even took care of Toni???? I thought Mick would've killed her or something
why is there a hellhound after Eileen????
that's how they kill Eileen?? what the hell, man?? I thought we had more episodes with her
ugh, they are so cool
Mary, you will not be killing Jody.
I don't even know if I have words after Dean talking Mary out of that? just ouchie, such a big ouchie :(((
oh, it's a family hug :(((
he didn't actually kill Rowena, right? right?
Cas took a doula class? that's so sweet :(
Bobby!! totally thought it was gonna be someone else :o
Crowley, no. please, no :(
and Cas??????
they just lost everyone
hi, Jack
I do not even know what to say. that ending fucking hurted, man :( this was such a funky season, though. you got the British men of letters, you got Mary coming back, you got Sam finding a new love interest only for them to kill her, you have all of the Nephilim stuff, and Lucifer coming back, and then that ending. I think I'm just not gonna say anything if the finale is normal cause I feel like this one came with double the ouchie
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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Casey & Janis Pt.4
Casey: [picking something filling because y’all have used so much energy you’d be starving and sending it through as an order or whatever but so absentmindedly rn because what’s more important is the way we’re looking at her to be like are you okay/do we need to take a sec here to talk about any of the ones you have had]
Janis: [no complaints because we clearly are just hungry and do not care at the best of times ‘nothing I can’t handle’ being true enough ‘cos it’s mostly been telling the fam she’s away for some reason because we can lie to them about it no problem ‘just Libi wanting something, dunno what I should say to her’ with a shrug, ‘cos you can’t lie to the core group, in case the police do show up or Jimmy is just like SHE’S WITH CASEY so]
Casey: [a nod because he trusts what she’s saying and what he’s seeing on her face ‘you’re sorting my head out, nowt you’ve not done before’ cos true it’s absolutely not the first time]
Janis: [considering it like yeah, that might work ‘more vocal than Bob’ because we know the only thing Libi gets feisty about is protecting Bobby and there would’ve been so many times Janis would be like please don’t because no one wants Casey smacking you girl; so send off some text that says as much because what else can you say at this point]
Casey: [‘weren’t a total waste of time all of it you put into her’ like yeah she at least takes after you there, cos we know how annoying Casey finds her most of the time lol]
Janis: [a half amused half shh kind of noise ‘wonder if you would’ve liked her mum’ ‘cos we’re always wondering what Libi would’ve been like if she’d been raised by her parents instead]
Casey: [‘yeah’ cos he’s gotta know about her and he just would like her vibe I think]
Janis: [‘not a total wastes not a compliment to none of us’ just like btw, ouch]
Casey: [‘you know what I meant it like’ cos not trying to hurt you with it and it’s not your fault we find her so annoying]
Janis: [do a feelsy lean ‘cos we know you weren’t trying to be a prick about it ‘I don’t think you’d like her regardless’ ‘cos that’s just her role in this dynamic that was created, annoying little sister]
Casey: [‘if she was more of you, how could I not?’ but obvs we know it was never gonna be that way so we’re not saying it seriously like this is another one of Janis’ failings not to pull a Jimothy with Bobby and turn her into herself]
Janis: [a face like oh God no, likewise not being super serious about this convo now ‘last thing I need, however pleased you might be’]
Casey: [‘you’re not having [however many daughters we said Ian’s missus has rn, I have forgotten] daughters for us to take on then?’ it’s too close to the truth of what’s about to occur little do you know boy]
Janis: [not that reminding you that you and Jimmy came off birth control because literally, may as well have been another life and you’re just like oh no, oh no no no lmao]
Casey: [‘what?’ cos we see the absolute shock horror on your face gal you can’t tell me otherwise]
Janis: [trying to be super casual because we’ve done the maths in our head and remembered it’s only been a day so we’re fine FINE ‘I need to pick up some plan b when we leave, no worries’]
Casey: [giving her such an oi nudge for scaring us to death there for a sec when that’s actually pretty casual from our POV rn cos not gonna just jump to thinking about JJ trying for kids here in this moment, are you, just thinking she’s being extra careful like you normally are when you don’t go insane]
Janis: [‘I forgot I had my [whatever contraceptive you prefer] out’ like the nudge was an excuse me kinda nudge]
Casey: [‘it’s alright, piss easy stop to make tomorrow’ too casual about this because we really do think it’s fine]
Janis: [when you don’t wanna ruin his casualness by dropping it but you also can’t stand lying but it already looks like you were lying by the way you truly forgot, oop, what you gon’ do miss thing]
Casey: [‘what?’ softer because we know you’re in some kind of turmoil here but we can’t work out why]
Janis: [‘I thought you’d moved on for good, left me and this behind’ head in our hands because we have to say, we’re just that bitch ‘so, we came off birth control, see if anything happened, you know’ looking up even though we’re mortified and don’t want to because it’s important you believe us rn ‘I seriously forgot, today, with everything, it sounds like total bullshit but it’s not, that’s why I was so fucking-’ gesturing like you saw me and now this]
Casey: [‘when did you come off?’ because all we can think about is what the window of time is you’ve been banging your husband unprotected, nothing else is even registering rn]
Janis: [clearly something happened that made this but you’re just like I don’t even know, the whole timeline isn’t very long so clearly this isn’t either, probably a few weeks? ‘Couple of weeks ago’]
Casey: [a nod like he’s trying to convince himself it’s fine because as in the vibe of the OG, he knows JJ don’t bang like they used to, just telling himself that Jimothy has hardly been near her in that time]
Janis: [‘everything changed today’ after a while of silence because we don’t need to rush you]
Casey: [‘too right it did’ cos in no world are you just going back to Jimothy and attempting to have a kid, he knows that]
Janis: [‘we we’re both still trying’ meaning her and him, not her and Jimmy because if we’d have known you weren’t actually gone for good, shrugging because it’s done regardless ‘sort it back out, soon as I’m home’]
Casey: [‘why’d you reckon on having a kid with him, even if I was dead?’ when you think Jimothy is such a flop husband and would be such a flop father you can’t even fathom either of them telling themselves it’d be a good plan]
Janis: [‘why’d you reckon she’d be a good girlfriend?’ like it’s never that black and white and simple, shrug ‘he’s done it before? I don’t know’]
Casey: [‘she’s an adult, can make her own piss poor choices and deal with the consequences of ‘em’ like that’s absolutely not the same as bringing a kid into it with 0 say, thank you ‘yeah and we’re all chuffed to bits how his go at that turned out’ full shade Bobby but we also think you’re a flop tbh so]
Janis: [‘he isn’t 12 now neither’ like don’t say it’s the same when it’s a choice he made compared to being forced to because no one else was ‘it’s irrelevant ‘cos it hasn’t happened anyway’]
Casey: [‘he’d hack it no better than he did when he were’ because 100% believe that with our entire heart and soul and honestly he’s not wrong the state of Jimothy atm ‘you ain’t thick, you know that same as I do, that’s why it’s relevant’]
Janis: [‘I can’t undo it, you know I’m not gonna go back and repeat it, that’s the best I can say’]
Casey: [a nod because that’s all true and you think that’s the end of it now anyway and it’s not something you actually have to worry about lol lol]
Janis: [just hugging our knees up to our chest]
Casey: [‘come here’ softer than we were just being cos we hate to see it]
Janis: [not moving ‘you think I’m stupid’]
Casey: [moving himself and wrapping his arms around her so big ‘I just said you ain’t that’ holding her even tighter and pulling her closer ‘both our heads were fucked then, you said it, things are different now and it’s nothing we can’t sort once we’re back’]
Janis: [not fighting against it but not actively hugging you back right now ‘but it was stupid, a kid ain’t meant to be a last ditch attempt’]
Casey: [‘it’s gonna be alright, you ain’t having his kid, nor mine til you want to’ oh lads, soz]
Janis: [we’re so mean, squeezing his hand like okay, it’s okay]
Casey: [holding her like a Clove to his chest again and telling her it’s gonna be okay over and over, using okay instead of alright this time, we see you]
Janis: [just saying sorry as many times, to you, to Jimmy, to this potential baby]
Casey: [letting her get all that out and just holding her cos she obvs needs to, eventually ‘all that’s over, we’re here’ sure do wish it was over hun but baby Jac is coming, putting her down like it’s okay you can put all that down and we can move on]
Janis: [just doing a big breath out ‘we were all pretending, we can’t no more’ nodding like it’ll be better than that, somehow]
Casey: [‘we won’t no more, this is too real, you and me’ cos yep, it is]
Janis: [finally making eye contact again ‘and you don’t hate me for it?’]
Casey: [‘could never hate you, girl, I understand everything you think’ because we really do feel like that, however you fuck up, we get it, even if it makes us angry and frustrated, we still know why you did it ‘always work it out if I wanna or nah’ cos sometimes we have pretended but ultimately]
Janis: [holding you and hugging you instead of the other way ‘round ‘soz I’m so fucked’ like sorry you have to understand all that too, but we know you do]
Casey: [a laugh ‘me an’ all, right back at you’ cos she understands him the exact same and always has]
Janis: [giving you the gentlest kiss on your laughing mouth]
Casey: [doing his own big breath out as a happy sigh before kissing her again, still soft but more intense like ily so much]
Janis: [just all the emotion being poured into this right now because could not love you more]
Casey: [mhmm, not at all casual makeout sesh turning into such a soft but intense hook up, we all know it]
Janis: [it’s necessary and there’s no world in which it isn’t happening ‘thank you’ when it looks like you’re thanking him for the sex so you’re like lol no ‘for everything’]
Casey: [just shhing her because in no world does he expect or require thanks, this boy out here like this is the bare minimum of what I’m willing to do when I love you this much duh]
Janis: [‘rude, you’d let me show you’ 😏 giving you a little push like I’m trying to be polite here but then laying our head on your chest]
Casey: [‘I’m here for you for everything, there’s sod all you can’t tell me, we ain’t pretending no more, remember’ not this boy acknowledging this has been a fantasy and that’s all well and good but now if they need to get real they can get real]
Janis: [‘I’ll try and remember’ because we’re not used to it]
Casey: [‘I can hack it’ because soz he can he’s not Jimothy, you can talk to him gal]
Janis: [‘what should I do, would I do-’ because we really think we’re not pregnant lmao okay ‘-if I was pregnant?’]
Casey: [‘Whatever you reckon’s right, you usually are, and I’d support you’ cos he would, just facts]
Janis: [‘I dunno if I know, when it’s real’ because theory and practice is always different]
Casey: [‘it’d be nowt like before, we could do it’ cos y’all are not kids having to raise kids and again, he’s not Jimothy, no offense sir]
Janis: [‘could ain’t should though’ and shaking our head like fuck it, it’s not happening]
Casey: [‘I ain’t gonna say should for a bit, however much I want to’ just saying he wants to have babies with you nbd]
Janis: [looking at you so hard ‘do you mean that?’]
Casey: [looking back at her like you tell me, cos we know you know from this look rn]
Janis: [‘and you think I could?’ when your voice is quieter but too intense to be a whisper, just taking it that you also meant we’d be shit at it too when you said Jimothy could not hack it]
Casey: [‘I know you could’ cos he do, you’re not the flop here sis]
Janis: [clearly some part of you wants children, like most people do, because you wouldn’t just agree if you were truly like ew no, so we’re just here like oh ‘you’ll be good at it’]
Casey: [‘we’ll both be allowed to be’ shamelessly saying Jimothy would hold you back from being the best parent you could be cos that’s what he does think, like soz you can’t if you’re also having to hardcore look after him]
Janis: [‘one day’ because we do want it, just not in the absolutely chaotic way it’s going to actually go down]
Casey: [‘we’ll have it worked out when we both think we should, and then’ cos hard same, there’s a lot to sort out first and it isn’t remotely the right time, but there would’ve been if we hadn’t been evil]
Janis: [could not agree more, and you can tell from our entire demeanour and the way we’re looking at you, so there’s no need to verbalise it ‘then I can call you daddy whenever I want, yeah’ because if there’s any time to make a joke and calm the mood]
Casey: [‘there’s never a wrong time for that’ cos he LOVED it and you know damn well he did from his reaction at the time so]
Janis: [making a well… kind of noise like people probably would think there’s a time and a place, because you know we’re still shook that we did that]
Casey: [‘you heard’ unrepentant about any time and any place lol]
Janis: [‘it’s your fault’ like you have to keep acting like it, what am I meant to do lmao]
Casey: [‘blame me then’ in that saucy way he always tells her to do such and such then, like okay I guess you’ll have to take it out on me however you feel about it RN lol]
Janis: [fake playfighting you on every point ‘stop making me feel so small and safe and loved’]
Casey: [‘can’t, sorry’ not at all sorry dear reader]
Janis: [‘then I can’t be held responsible for my actions’ just pinning you on this bed rn unrepentantly]
Casey: [‘you’re my baby til we have one’ as unrepentant af]
Janis: [‘means you’re responsible for me’ like hehehe good luck with that]
Casey: [‘not fuming about it’ cos throwback to when he said he could feel all the things and he do be atm, pinning her to the bed because always]
Janis: [‘I’m fuming I ain’t’ because who are we, never thought we’d be here 😍 about this]
Casey: [‘are you?’ with the look and tone saying, gal I know you’re not]
Janis: [‘are you?’ matching energy]
Casey: [as per doing the most to show her how he actually feels about it, cos who is he otherwise, going over any and all marks caused during the feral daddy moment here]
Janis: [‘we nearly died’ because literally you did nearly crash but also it was just that intense and being reminded of it now is likewise doing the most]
Casey: [‘not very responsible of me’ like what a daddy fail but we’re still doing the absolute most here so can’t and don’t actually feel bad about it ‘I’m sorry, baby’]
Janis: [‘you had to let me, who knows what might’ve happened otherwise’ ‘cos felt like we were dying with all that we were not doing there, like no, you’re SO thoughtful ‘you always know what I need’]
Casey: [‘you’ve always needed me and I haven’t never let you before’ like yes true, very necessary actually, so mean of me to deprive you before today though]
Janis: [🥺 face ‘why?’ like we both actually know why but the energy is now we’ve done this why the hell did we wait]
Casey: [‘just the kind of dad I am’ like oh soz I’m SO strict and always telling you no]
Janis: [‘you thought I couldn’t handle it?’ doing the most we can whilst being pinned to show you we SO can]
Casey: [likewise doing the most to be like hmm let’s see if you can, just having so much fun here you two]
Janis: [‘let me prove myself’ like you have all day, casually]
Casey: [‘go on’ likewise, I’m loling because we know this takeaway is gonna appear at some point before y’all are done being extra]
Janis: [you’re owed a cockblock at this point, been wilding all damn day, you know we’re going to the door in the state we are in to prove ourselves that way, sorry delivery driver]
Casey: [unexpected bonus for this probably v bored middle aged man hahaha, just coming to get her and throw her back on the bed like I’ll sort it gal because obvs, not jealous but we are possessive, this man like hello?]
Janis: [he says and I oop, you know why the majority of people go to hotels like this sir, mind your business lol]
Casey: [me and my boo not telling them he’s seen worse or they’d only take it as a challenge]
Janis: [just let the poor man go children]
Casey: [also eat your food, even if you gotta be extra and feed each other it or eat it off each other or whatever, you do need it to be consumed and not totally forgotten about]
Janis: [the sustenance is vital at this stage, even if you’re grumping at the audacity of your order arriving lmao]
Casey: [we know you’re pregnant hun even if you don’t]
Janis: [not you becoming less grumpy like an actual toddler when you eat lollol]
Casey: [it’s a hard same from Junie b Jones personally]
Janis: [same but it’s amusing rn because you were so in the middle of something]
Casey: [this boy also eating v amused like okay then]
Janis: [shoving an unattractive amount in your mouth like and what boy]
Casey: [even more amused because he’s literally never known another girl like her in all the best ways]
Janis: [stealing one of his chips or similar, like whilst you are so amused, as was my plan all along obvs]
Casey: [bringing the food fight energy subtly by smearing some sauce on the end of her nose or somewhere like boop that’ll teach you but it just makes her look adorable actually and then he’s gotta just remove it for you with a lil smooch]
Janis: [‘you’re never gonna stop being so distractingly cute, are you’ because we know that’s a hard no and we’re still dying over it all, kissing you like we just wanna get that sauce back from you here]
Casey: [‘you started it’ like we’re just saying it to give that kind of playful response, but actually, has been obsessed and distracted by this girl for a decade already and won’t ever chill out now]
Janis: [‘and now you can finish it’ like it’s better because we can actually do something about it, not just die of frustration]
Casey: [‘dunno about that’ cos y’all can’t and don’t wanna stop lol as today proves]
Janis: [‘you owed me’ smiling, the ‘we’re making up for the last 10 years’ didn’t need to be spoken but we did anyway]
Casey: [‘paid up now, are we?’ amused like oh so you’re done now are you, cos we know that’s a hard no ‘nothing else to be made up for?’ with a raised brow like hmm okay sure]
Janis: [‘where’d you hear that?’ like not I, thank you very much ‘not a fair trade no matter how good of a day it’s been’ crossing your arms like he’s trying to trick you]
Casey: [uncrossing her arms because always, this time instead of shamelessly groping her like he did in the car, touching her stomach instead ‘thought I might’ve heard this were the best part of it for you’ playfully like you love that food more than me, I get it]
Janis: [me and this girl automatically thinking about the babygate of it all there like !! but keep on keeping on ‘free meal, is it?’ like do yourself down much, babe, at least you actually paid for this one, unlike the restaurant]
Casey: [same gals and you know he’s thinking about it in the sense of not yet knowing it’s a full kink unlocked but about wanting to have babies with her hence being too distracted when he has touched her to reply to the bants, leaving his hand there, looking at it like oh I really sent myself down a train of thought here]
Janis: [‘do you think-’ cutting you off ‘cos don’t need to vocalize that you’re blatantly wondering if you’re on the way to being pregnant rn with everything you’ve done today]
Casey: [‘we shouldn’t think about it’ because he as blatantly is and is into it but doesn’t wanna be like let’s have a baby rn cos not the time like we said earlier, has not moved his hand or his GAZE though so]
Janis: [‘no’ because that is correct but it isn’t as if you can stop yourself thinking about it either ‘wouldn’t be the right time’]
Casey: [‘but’ when you can’t stop yourself saying it because you’re just thinking about how a baby takes 9 months and that’s ages and how different things could be by then ‘it wouldn’t be born now’]
Janis: [‘you want it so much more than he did’ soz, again not something you needed to say but was unable to keep in]
Casey: [‘I want all of it more than he does, you, a marriage, kids’ because soz but we were at that wedding so we can say it]
Janis: [‘I want to give it to you, all of it’ putting our hand on top of his]
Casey: [‘he don’t deserve a proper adult life with you and you deserve so much more than putting up with the bollocks he can give you’ because again, tea, not him acknowledging that okay in spite of his crush JJ were in love and suited as teenagers ‘it ain’t good enough’]
Janis: [‘I want you, Casey’ pleading in our voice like he’s going somewhere ‘you want what I want, you can give it to me’]
Casey: [finally moving his eyes off her stomach to look at her ‘you got me, and if we’ve got a kid coming too, then’ like then is a full sentence because you know what we’re saying and it’s we want it and we’ll have it]
Janis: [looking down at your stomach as if one of you needs to always be keeping watch ‘there’s nothing to be scared of, you’ll be so good at it and I’ll be there with you the whole time’ when you’re talking to him but could be this imagined baby]
Casey: [gotta look back down at it too, cannot look away ‘not for none of us, you, me or the baby’ cos none of y’all need to be scared is what he believes, you’re all gonna slay together]
Janis: [‘the baby’ just letting yourself say it and imagine it]
Casey: [putting his head on her stomach like he’s trying to listen for a response as if this baby is gonna be like hello cos she said that]
Janis: [biting our lip so we don’t fully moan about that ‘you look so good there’]
Casey: [‘I feel good here’ getting more comfy with it because he does ‘hope you ain’t fuming about it’ whispered @ the baby that could be in there like hope I’m not squashing you with my big head rn soz]
Janis: [‘two babies’ stroking his hair like you get snuggled and I’ll try not to die ‘have to get used to sharing’ because you’re ours and we’re yours, soz baby]
Casey: [when that just makes you think about twins and die @ these potentially twin babies in the same whisper as he used before ‘her fault not mine if you’ve gotta get used to it an’ all, take it up with your mummy and auntie Gracie, like’ the slight shade on Grace’s name making me lol ‘not that you’d get a word in there but I’ll shut up myself before you don’t fancy getting out’]
Janis: [just there for a sec like why am I being lumped in with my twin, excuse me but then you realise what he’s saying and you fully GASP like oh shit ‘your head’d roll off, bump would be so big’ already obvious we’re into it but we don’t even fully get it yet ‘I’m well comfy, you know that’ like don’t blame ‘em]
Casey: [getting even more comfy like yeah you are and also I won’t roll off right now or any time soon, look, cos likewise too into it to say anything atm, the sound of his own he would’ve had to likewise stop with a lip bite is giving that away]
Janis: [lowkey stroking your hair too hard with all the energy we’re not expending touching ourselves or you right now ‘such a good dad, you’]
Casey: [when he was already so !! that if he doesn’t start kissing her stomach once she’s said that he’ll simply pass away, so that’s a thing happening rn not at all casually]
Janis: [you know we have to be playing with our nipples right now so we likewise don’t fully lose it ‘daddy loves you so much babies’ just going between watching you and being unable to because we’re so overwhelmed]
Casey: [was trying to do soft and little kisses at first there but now he’s just being fully feral and indecent about it ofc because how could he not when she says that ‘we’re gonna be the happiest family, you’ll see’ at all of you, her and these fictional twin bubs who are baby Jac actually]
Janis: [‘daddy makes mummy so happy, you’ll love him as much as me’ at our stomach, smoothing over every place he’s just kissed]
Casey: [‘I’ll take SUCH good care of the 3 of you’ kissing her on the mouth as feral as he was her stomach, while he’s touching it, like see, nobody left out]
Janis: [‘you are’ fully moaned into your mouth whilst we’re trying to mesh our faces fully together here ‘and we’re gonna take care of you, your girls’ clearly decided they’re girls because you and Grace are there ‘you’ll be so, so loved’]
Casey: [this boy touching her stomach with one hand while he touches her so saucy with the other and also can’t and won’t stop kissing her, we’re doing it all atm lads to show we can and y’all will be so loved too]
Janis: [you know we have to just touch you and shamelessly guide you inside us, all whilst kissing like you’re unable to stop because it’s true]
Casey: [it’s the only acceptable response and it gives him both hands to be touching and holding her stomach while you do this so simply must]
Janis: [fully in our element on this day, don’t even care where you are or all the actual drama that is currently being ignored and the drama yet to come, just yet again having the most intense sex you could imagine]
Casey: [I love it for y’all, there’s so much time for drama and I’m sure a lot of it will be heartbreaking, just be in love for now]
Janis: [there’s no alternative, we only have to get out of this mindset when the worst happens, basically, in all the ways lol, right now let us love on our imaginary babies]
Casey: [at least we can let you fall asleep again at some point cos the only way y’all ever stop having a sesh]
Janis: [at least you got to eat lmao, thank you delivery man for that unexpected convo]
Casey: [he’s the real mvp for that one lol]
Janis: [oh you two, still gotta go get a dog, WHO’S HE GOING TO LIVE WITH I’D LOVE TO KNOW]
Casey: [Oh Chubby, when you really do think you’re getting a puppy for your babies to grow up with, I mean, yeah, you are, but not the way you’re picturing it tomorrow when you do it]
Janis: [he has such beautiful eyes, I got a pic of him today, slay sir, I’m sure Billie and her man either have dogs already or will not want yours bumbling about so Casey is gonna have to take custody]
Casey: [Billie wouldn’t mind but I fully imagine her man acting like Chubby is gonna eat Cosmo or brawl any pets you may have, I need to check when she gets pregnant with Dash cos I know he’s around Jac’s age and that is a bit relevant to this if you are gonna be there gal]
Janis: [that was likewise the energy I got, like not in my nice house, tah, be awkward enough you being there pregnanting up the place, him like we have a new baby, can you go away, like she doesn’t hide in one of your many guest suites whenever you’re there and it isn’t just Baby Cosmo and Billie]
Casey: [like actually having Janis there would be a help and mean she can do more things for baby Cosmo herself than he lets her do so shut your mouth tbh sir]
Janis: [like I’m sure you’re nice enough to her face but it’s clearly just a vibe at all times in this house like yikes, at least you can get some baby practice in here]
Casey: [the way you just know she was going to see Billie at the start of this convo because she knows she’s not happy even though Billie is not ready to be saying that]
Janis: [mhmm, not that you’re in a similar boat or anything, yikes]
Casey: [oh girls, at least you do have each other]
Janis: [I can see why you wouldn’t wanna say shit though Janis, it makes your complaints seem like nothing in comparison, ‘cos it isn’t like Jimmy is bad or doing anything wrong]
Casey: [onwards with playing with puppies in the AM like nothing is or could ever be wrong though]
Janis: [casual puppy crawl occurring, so highkey buzzing and couply all these dog people gonna be like awh okay lovebirds lol]
Casey: [soz not soz that you deserve to be a couple in public places where nobody knows either of y’all]
Janis: [very much the energy of the day, shamelessly doing the most, being well chatty to these people as if you ever are, talking about your life like it’s the one you wish y’all were living]
Casey: [it’s a hard same for him as well as being a dog nerd, but you know he’d be especially buzzing to see it from her cos there’s no way Jimothy hasn’t at least slightly dragged her into his depression hole in the last few years, we all know you’d both have been even more antisocial than you usually are/used to be]
Janis: [it’s not been a good time since this wedding he didn’t want to have and we all know that, too codependent for it to not have an effect on her, obviously but yes, what could be a cuter day for y’all than to love on all these pups]
Casey: [and we’ll let you stay in a slightly nicer hotel for your last night away seeing as y’all have moved away from your teenage runaway fantasy now]
Janis: [and y’all did your utmost to wreck that room so you won’t be going back there anyway, at least you pay outright so you’re welcome lmao]
Casey: [that bathroom was absolutely destroyed, we all remember and I’m sure you’re lowkey bebopping all around ireland looking at puppies anyways so you’d be in a totally different area by tonight regardless]
Janis: [gotta find mr chubbs honey]
Casey: [I know he’s really not gonna help the situation and you two have actually gone insane with this one but I’m so excited to have him]
Janis: [we’re lowkey framing it like well if Casey wants a dog, why should we say no, then it’s irrelevant anyway because everything has to be blown up but still, not soz lol]
Casey: [are we saying y’all find him today or tomorrow before you go back?]
Janis: [I think you should find him today and go get him tomorrow, ‘cos they usually make you wait so you’re not being rash or whatever, and that can dictate that you have to go back energy]
Casey: [my thinking too, soz we simply have to stay a bit longer, and they’ll be so adorably buzzing all night and can go on a little shopping spree for him which is a vibe we always love]
Janis: [gotta be prepared baby, all the things you lowkey forget you need then you’re like omg, basically, it’s just all the cuteness we then have to destroy because we’re evil moos]
Casey: [I’m gonna have to insist you only go somewhere that’s v pet specific or else I simply won’t be able to stop him buying human baby things and we will really die]
Janis: [you’ve already hurt yourselves too much lads, you can’t do it]
Casey: [putting my foot down, hearts are gonna be broken hard enough]
Janis: [none of you can have the fairytale you do or don’t want here]
Casey: [I’m too hormonal for this lol, I’m gonna be sobbing]
Janis: [at least you will have time to properly eat today and not be as totally distracted, ‘cos you’ll be lowkey too excited to sleep when you get to your new hotel]
Casey: [Baby Jac is welcome for that sustenance]
Janis: [not saying you haven’t hooked up at all today though, lmao lbr about it, we know telling people about your life has you both like 👀]
Casey: [with all that driving from puppy destination to puppy destination there’s too many chances for y’all to pull over for that to not happen at least once, plus if you’re going out to eat that’s another restaurant you’ll never go back to with a bathroom you can make use of]
Janis: [we know who you are lmao, even if you’re having a very soft kind of day]
Casey: [softness kills you the most, you gotta, don’t talk to me about everyone thinking they’re married because she’s wearing a wedding ring, we can’t discuss it]
Janis: [peeps always do, the casual your husband/your wife thrown into convo and you’re like and I oop]
Casey: [could never be us, everybody out here thinking we’re sisters, he’d LOVE it though, that goes without saying]
Janis: [people simply forgetting that gay people exist is so funny to me honestly; but anyway, you’d think you’d hate it because of the reminder to your actual husband but like all of this, you can’t not love it a bit in spite of that]
Casey: [he’ll win you over telling some overly invested middle aged woman about your fictional wedding and it’ll be so much better than your devastating actual wedding that there’s no comparison, can’t help love him or the idea of it, soz Jimothy]
Janis: [‘might’ve just caused a divorce in there’ when you’re leaving, like that woman is gonna leave her husband now ‘cos you made that sound too damn romantic]
Casey: [‘not another one, [school therapist lady’s name]’s husband still ain’t over theirs’ because bants but also that woman was also as lowkey too invested in you for how crap she clearly was at her job so]
Janis: [pushing you as we walk like ugh, you’re the worst but pulling you back in as well]
Casey: [‘oi, no fair’ because if you’re pregnant we can’t push you back and we’re not letting that fantasy die yet, TOO clear what he means by his EVERYTHING, how he’s holding her rn and where he’s looking]
Janis: [‘deal with it’ very much looking at him with this is your fault energy and we are not mad about it at all ‘got to shamelessly exploit the perks or what’s the point, like’]
Casey: [just shaking his head like nope I cannot because can’t deal with you and how good you look and how you make us feel at all ever but especially rn ‘you’re alright, won’t tell them you said that’ like oh these poor twin babies of ours getting shamelessly exploited already ‘long as you promise to leave it out getting them an agent til they’re what, old enough to walk down the catwalk themselves’ when he really wouldn’t actually want his daughters to be models, soz hun we’re doing that to you]
Janis: [‘be even ruder of you to gang up on me already’ like don’t be chatting shit about me thank you very much, just making such a how dare you face and loling like god no ‘what am I, so washed up I need to live vicariously?’ pushing you again like boy stop, because so not that bitch ‘it’s not my fault I’m gonna make seriously cute kids’]
Casey: [‘daddy’s girls the lot of you, I can’t help that’ like they shamelessly take after you with that one gal, it’s not my fault they’re gonna love me that much, pulling her back in SO close when she pushes him because washed up is the opposite of what we think she is and that’s blatant ‘What are you? You’re the fittest lass in this whole country, weren’t like I needed to but good as seen it for myself now’ cos this this roadtrip energy bebopping everywhere, but we been knew before we went anywhere that that’s true ‘too cute’ also true like it’s gonna be dangerous how adorable these children are ‘dunno how we’re letting them live anywhere other than behind some massive wall, like’]
Janis: [doing the thing where you’re not stopping walking but you’re fully wrapping yourself around him so it’s a ridiculous dance of a walk right now ‘you don’t want to’ as a * because you love it as much as we do, and smooching you, again, like we’re not walking here, excuse us everyone ‘be taking the princess thing a bit far’ 🤏 and shrugging ‘cos can’t lock them up in a tower vibe]
Casey: [picking her up like so is this but I’m doing it because shamelessly can and will treat you all like princesses he is that bitch ‘I know what lads are like and it ain’t princes’ already no boys allowed dad energy happening here before they are even born lol]
Janis: [‘s’what they say, daughters are a punishment’ like yeah, you know what lads are like and you have to deal with it, babe, soz, welcome for Jac being a massive lesbian anyway]
Casey: [‘not mine’ they will be a delight and perfect angels, how dare you, looking at the bump she does not yet even have like you heard, it wasn’t me who said that gals, and best behaviour thank you]
Janis: [just smiling and shaking our head at you and then this bump like oh you, so cute, so naive]
Casey: [kissing her smiling face like we’re shutting her up even though she didn’t actually say anything]
Janis: [‘you’re gonna be such a pushover’ said in the sauciest way imaginable]
Casey: [‘they’re your daughters too’ likewise ‘such a good girl, you’ out here being feral on these streets]
Janis: [🥺 ‘you’re still gonna let me be your baby when they’re here?’ ‘cos he said until in that hookup and we were like * but not at the time ‘cos it was too intense]
Casey: [DYING at that face 5ever ‘you’re gonna be my baby no matter what’ cos literally nothing and nobody coming between y’all]
Janis: [‘promise’ like I do but also you must rn immediately]
Casey: [the most intense kiss of all time to promise himself and seal yours with ‘I need you’ whenever he can bear to break away even slightly, said with all the feeling and meant in every possible sense]
Janis: [‘always’ likewise in every way that could be taken ‘cos it’s real every which way]
Casey: [the heart eyes he’s rocking rn are as intense as that kiss was]
Janis: [y’all better get in your car right now]
Casey: [mhmm, there is only so extra you can be on the street lads and we’re not getting arrested today either thank you]
Janis: [repeating his ‘I need you’ when you are so you know what’s up]
Casey: [when you’re gonna have to drive at least a little bit away from wherever that wedding story lady lived and be dying every second, but I’ll be nice and say there’s a field or something nearby you can park up into, driving one handed so you can squeeze hers so hard with your other cos SAME]
Janis: [we’re just casually counting here by squeezing your hand in a pulse rhythm]
Casey: [bringing back from the OG when they were slowly counting from 1-10 like he was always taught to do when he’s angry but doing a different slightly saucier thing on each number and obvs getting there on 10]
Janis: [this just fully ending us bye, ‘I can’t handle you’]
Casey: [‘that ain’t true’ because we simply know you can]
Janis: [doing the most to handle you literally even if we’re shaking our head like nope]
Casey: [you are both welcome for this occurring in the day so this field isn’t giving full horror movie vibes again when he pulls up to it]
Janis: [unphased by our surroundings forever beyond the fact you couldn’t literally bang right outside that family’s home ‘cos a bit much, bit rude lol]
Casey: [she’s not that invested or shipping you that hard, there are limits lol]
Janis: [no random middle-aged lady threesomes, tah]
Casey: [not the mood ever frankly but especially not on this day]
Janis: [you aren’t invited, I’m sorry hun, we need some alone time immediately]
Casey: [they’ve been very restrained so far, it’s deserved]
Janis: [us when they go five minutes without banging, get it lads, self-control whomst]
Casey: [get it while you can, lord knows she’ll be moving out soon]
Janis: [can’t be overstated how much it’s all about to be crapped on so I do not blame y’all, live your dreams, be feral]
Casey: [we’re actually evil, not about to be more so by ruining anything before we absolutely have to]
Janis: [the way we could not foresee how bad Jimmy would take this, like none of us were expecting it to be easy but we’re like OH]
Casey: [it’s the tea though because everyone is so used to him barely reacting to anything anymore so to then have SUCH a big reaction is unexpected, especially because it’s gotten to the point she literally thinks he doesn’t love her anymore]
Janis: [exactly, we think this is over and we’ve lowkey been forcing you into everything since the wedding era, so if anything we’d expect you to be relieved, definitely furious over the Casey of it all, even if we’re not allowing ourselves to properly consider just how bad that is but this, it’d be really hard to not get back with you, like that’ll fix it, but we have to know deep down it wouldn’t]
Casey: [I wouldn’t blame her remotely if she did either seriously consider or actually get back with him but we all know if she did it wouldn’t fix anything and they’d be back to square one in no time and she obviously knows that too because the wedding hasn’t and she said herself he was not !! about the baby the way Casey is]
Janis: [exactly dr phil, it wouldn’t achieve anything and we all know that really but I’d understand the impulse when you’re lowkey terrified like no one wants to feel like a murderer but even that isn’t a good enough reason to do it hence the compromise is basically being like I’ll leave you both alone, I’ve done enough vibes]
Casey: [the vibe in that house is actually really upsetting me to think about because it’s like Jimothy might as well be your drunk af dad that you had to clean up after and care for because catatonic era, I know it’s kinda your fault he is Casey but I still feel bad for you]
Janis: [like obvs she’s going to help and not just leave because we still love him and it’s not like peace but emotionally like no, I’m here on a weird friend/family basis only, it’s truly not a time to be alive at all and that’s that on that]
Casey: [excuse me while I think about Chubby instead so I don’t sob]
Janis: [child of a broken home, poor fat fat, also I know you’re like 16 but respectfully Bobby, pull your weight here tah]
Casey: [he’ll have to at least a bit because Casey is not on the we must shield and protect him from everything at all costs team, soz Bobby this is your wake up call babe]
Janis: [there is 0 way for you to not realise what is happening anyway so no, and maybe you can actually get through to him on some level so you’re needed, not soz]
Casey: [like, Casey will do any of the really grim shit there is so Bobby or Janis don’t have to because he is that bitch but yeah you’ll have your own role to play here and truly if anyone could get through to Jimothy rn he’s the one who’s most likely to]
Janis: [not Bibi getting lowkey cunty like we’ll take it from here you two, like I see your POV and frankly, would be better but okay]
Casey: [respectfully children through no fault of your own you’re not ready, your intentions are good but that’d be the definition of throwing you in at the deep end and nobody’s trying to do that and risk things getting even worse]
Janis: [the point is there aren’t really other options, otherwise obviously it would be better to give him space]
Casey: [why do I kind of love the idea of bibi being absolute dicks? I think because they are such goodie two shoes normally haha]
Janis: [they probably would be, they’re obviously on Jimmy’s side]
Casey: [such fun, Winnie CANNOT wait to write it all he says]
Janis: [he loves the drama in all it’s many forms baby]
Casey: [but for now anyway, go find Chubby and then go celebrate finding him by going for food and drinks]
Janis: [chin chin gals, can go to a bar first so the drink is a more suitable vibe for you sir]
Casey: [it’s wild to think they’ve really only had that guinness this whole time, unheard of for this boy]
Janis: [not being slightly buzzed most of the time? Hello? Love to see it but also you can celebrate]
Casey: [he’s changing for the better already, very cliche of you sir but I can’t be mad about it]
Janis: [happy people make better choices, sorry]
Casey: [I do need him to befriend everyone and shamelessly take over this bar and get her put behind it so she can make him his much longed for personalised drink at some point, he’s that dramatic and extra, you know he would and could talk everyone into it and I’m defs bringing back from the OG when he stood on a table and made a speech]
Janis: [when you’ve got to pull it out the bag in front of these other bartenders now as well, no pressure boy, at least we thrive on a challenge but we will not be telling all these strangers why we’re picking what we’re picking so you will just have to infer it and we’ll let you know later]
Casey: [Casey and Jemily both have all the faith in her not to make a twat out of herself and she won’t, it’s fine, besides, he’ll definitely make you a new one, a mocktail for possible pregnancy related reasons so you’ll be almost even]
Janis: [will have to drag you down from this table though like ‘nobody cares’ with the faux energy of I do not care but we’re really 😏 and like stop telling these randoms all this unprompted please]
Casey: [the way it’s so close to sounding like a proposal cos it shamelessly would be if he had a ring to give you rn and you weren’t already wearing one from being married to his brother, oh sir]
Janis: [‘I’m a shit wife’ like you would not want that boy, because on some level we feel that, even before how we’re very clearly being an actual shit wife]
Casey: [‘Bollocks’ because it is from his POV, she’s been a good wife to Jimothy even though we famously think he’s a flop husband so there’s no way you’d be a shit one to us when we aren’t going to suck as hard]
Janis: [shaking his hand like oh hi, have we met, do you know what we’re doing here but then literally shrugging it off like whatever because there’s nothing to be done at this point]
Casey: [shaking his head because no we’re v serious actually ‘you heard’ up close and personal so she can’t not ‘he’d already left you’ cos again, how we feel about it, Jimothy be that MIA ‘ain’t worth the paper it’s written on, you being his wife in the first place-’ a pause to sigh because can’t not when we think of the wedding ‘but that’s not ‘cause of you, weren’t your lack of trying’]
Janis: [just looking at him for a while, before we reply, because simultaneously too much and nothing to say about this all ‘you’re still his brother’ the one fact of this we can’t change ‘only alright if you’re royalty or first one died in a war, like’]
Casey: [‘I’m his brother when I fuck up, yeah, when there’s something for him to hold up and say have a look who I ain’t and hold over my head, but that’s not what this is, not to me’ because we know damn well what he and other people are gonna say, he’s not stupid]
Janis: [press your forehead into his because you know that isn’t what it is, even with people saying it, we wouldn’t think it]
Casey: [‘getting there first don’t give him the automatic right to stay and the two of us sharing a load of dna don’t mean I owe him none of that no more than you do’]
Janis: [‘I’m the one that made promises, not you’ doing a big sigh ‘but I’ve broken them, there’s no point acting otherwise, not now’]
Casey: [‘he broke ‘em first, he don’t love you, treat you how he said he would up there in front of everybody you’re bothered about and invited to what’s meant to be one of the top of your life’]
Janis: [just blinking rapidly, nodding like wow okay]
Casey: [‘I’m not trying to hurt you an’ all, but when I know he did, I’m not sitting here having you feel like shit and the only one who’s done owt wrong’]
Janis: [‘I know it’s not just me but whatever’s going on with him…’ trailing off because obviously we’re heartbroken but we’re not going to accept that as a valid reason ‘don’t change this’]
Casey: [‘isn’t an excuse’ like a * when she trails off cos Jimothy has done wrong too and we know that’ll get swept under the rug by everyone else ‘this is what it is if I were his brother or some other lad you met down the town and proper fell for, he’d still feel as hard done by’]
Janis: [shake your head ‘nah, ‘cos he’ll be wondering how long and all the time we ever spent on our own without him, or with him about, if there was looks and touches that lingered too long and if I stopped loving him ‘fore he did me and it’ll do his head in like it has mine trying to work out when he did’]
Casey: [‘Why should it just be you having your head done in by all that? Let him have a turn’]
Janis: [‘you know why’]
Casey: [‘I know he’s a grown lad who made his share of the choices that got you here, there’s no one of us who can take more share of the blame than the other dickheads can, if it was that fucking easy, I would do, I’d take all of it and he can have at proper hating me how he’s always fancied’]
Janis: [‘He won’t hack it, whatever would or should, we both know that’s true, but we can’]
Casey: [‘he reckoned he could afford to have a kid, if that’s true, he can sit in a room with some stranger who’s paid to sort his head out, tell them everything he can’t hack and why instead of dragging you down with him’]
Janis: [‘I’ll get us a family discount’ because there’s nothing funny about this beyond the ridiculousness of the entire situation, like ffs]
Casey: [just look at her like !!! because ffs is right]
Janis: [just raising your hands because literally what else can I say or do]
Casey: [getting up to get more drinks before we say something out of pure frustration we don’t mean, but as he goes ‘you have no idea how much I’ve missed you, what it was like to watch you start to disappear an’ all’ so sadly because was actually heartbreaking to see her change since this flop wedding etc and we can’t even deal with thinking about it never mind trying to verbalise it]
Janis: [‘but I do’ quietly enough he’d probably miss it if he’d looked away because obviously, we watched it happen with Jimmy so we know exactly what it was like]
Casey: [Winnie says he did miss it because he’s that sort of bear, just bringing these drinks back after however long they take]
Janis: [drinking that with enthusiasm tbh]
Casey: [hard same because the fun vibe has taken a nosedive, soz lads]
Janis: [real 0-60 there, soz]
Casey: [when you can’t bear being in this atmosphere with all your new mates you’ve made any more actually, so you just gesture to her like let’s go]
Janis: [obviously do get up and go]
Casey: [walk for a sec and maybe you’ll calm down, boy]
Janis: [‘if you wanna say something, you just should’]
Casey: [‘I don’t have the right answers to chuck at you, I wish I did, like’]
Janis: [‘there aren’t any’ like that isn’t what I was looking for don’t worry]
Casey: [a big sigh cos yeah, we know that]
Janis: [‘you don’t have to tell me it isn’t bad when it is, it’s okay’]
Casey: [‘and you don’t have to tell me how bad it is when there’s gonna be loads of other dickheads lined up ready to’ an even bigger sigh ‘or make us feel like I’m in the wrong for the only thing that feels right to me’]
Janis: [‘it isn’t me, it’s what will be said by everyone else, like you said’]
Casey: [‘It don’t matter to me what everyone else reckons, never has and never fucking will, they don’t know sod all about me or this, it matters what you think, how you feel and if we’re gonna live the rest of our lives bothered more about the state of his head you might as well go back to being his missus’]
Janis: [‘I didn’t fucking say that, just that I can’t switch it off completely, which I’ve never said I could or would’]
Casey: [‘I can’t lose you to him like that, it were one thing having to when you was happy, but I won’t to guilt and misery’]
Janis: [‘I’m not going anywhere, its not an option’]
Casey: [‘you thought that handshake was a massive pisstake but nah, we have met again today, it’s been ages and ages since I’ve seen that girl’]
Janis: [‘well you’ve been gone too’ lowkey defensive there we see you but I get it, let’s not act like it’s been the same between y’all for a minute]
Casey: [‘when he’s like this, everything he touches turns to shit’ bit rude but I also get it]
Janis: [pulling a face like well excuse you]
Casey: [giving her a look like you know what I’m trying to say here]
Janis: [another like still rude though, but nudging into you slightly like yeah, I know]
Casey: [‘maybe I’m no better but I refuse to be alright with worse’ like yeah okay things between us have been not it for a minute but that’s because I’ve been deliberately trying not to also drag you down with me too]
Janis: [‘who’s judging that anyway?’ shrugging like that’s not the point because we don’t care about that]
Casey: [a shrug back, opening his mouth to say something which he then doesn’t]
Janis: [‘what?’ like no, go on]
Casey: [‘look at how easy I ruin shit, don’t take us the years it does him, can do it in minutes, me, can’t I?’]
Janis: [‘I’m the one who brought it up, or down to here, you were doing everything right’ ‘cos it really was her lol, not just saying that to make you feel better, ‘tis factual]
Casey: [‘we can’t just never mention him, learnt from my dad pretending our kid weren’t about, it don’t work out very well’]
Janis: [‘I didn’t have to do it today, I just-’ shaking our head]
Casey: [‘what?’ but softer]
Janis: [‘you deserve everything you want, what if I can’t give it to you?’]
Casey: [‘all I want’s to be with you, so you have done, and there’s nothing to worry about’ pulling her closer because ofc]
Janis: [‘I don’t want to fuck everything up this time’]
Casey: [pulling her even closer ‘I’m not him and who you are, or was, with him isn’t who you are with me’]
Janis: [just being held ‘I’m sorry’]
Casey: [‘me too’ holding her even tighter always somehow]
Janis: [making a noise that is as ‘no me’ without literally saying those words, hugging you back]
Casey: [a shushing noise without being like shhh bitch, stroking her hair when we can bear to even slightly loosen the hug]
Janis: [‘I don’t want to ruin this, you know that, don’t let me’]
Casey: [‘you won’t let yourself, you can trust that, you know I trust you’]
Janis: [looking at him like can I, but genuinely asking not pure I think the fuck not energy]
Casey: [‘you can do it, Janis’ namedrop so you know he’s v serious and means it totally]
Janis: [just giving you the most tentative kiss ever ‘stay with me’]
Casey: [telling her she can do it over and over and how much he believes in her and loves her and he’ll never leave her etc in between so many soft but intense kisses]
Janis: [doing that laugh you do when you feel like a hot mess like oh god ‘if I cry again, I swear to God’ making it more of a prolonged kiss with no stopping between for breathing let alone talking, so you don’t cry but also because it’s needed]
Casey: [doing the breathing into each other’s mouth thing they love to do when that long kiss finally gets broken]
Janis: [‘yours’ into his mouth on loop]
Casey: [such a good lil noise into her mouth in response because love to hear it]
Janis: [putting his hand over your heart and his other hand on your stomach and making serious EYE CONTACT ‘yours’]
Casey: [the EYE CONTACT back is indecent because feeling too many things]
Janis: [‘you’re too good for me but I’m keeping you’ biting your bottom lip out and drawing a heart on your teeth with our tongue]
Casey: [‘you’re too good for me but I’m keeping you’ like no no it’s the other way round actually ‘and them’ drawing 2 hearts on her stomach in a way that once again makes me so soz to dash your dreams like this]
Janis: [‘no one else loves us like you do, never would’ pressing our stomach against you harder, biting your adam’s apple in the process]
Casey: [if the blatant moan he’s just out here doing wasn’t enough of a giveway how into all that he is, there’s no room for any doubt with how he’s pressing as hard against her rn]
Janis: [putting your hand against his throat when you have to move your mouth to bite the opposite ear to last time and be up in it ‘I wanna be all the things you told people about me today, all the time’]
Casey: [I make the rules and he has to do the opposite ear he did to last time so they are mirrors again and be up in hers telling her she can do it like he did before except in the most indecent tone ever this time]
Janis: [using our fingers to collect the blood coming from his ear and mixing it with our own, tasting it, pushing our bloody fingers further into our mouth again to try and do something about the ‘daddy’ being moaned as indecently in response]
Casey: [meanwhile rubbing himself against her stomach too blatantly for wherever they are rn not to mention stealing those fingers out of her mouth to put into his own, just feral things]
Janis: [‘you can put so many more babies in me’ just watching these antics and DYING, pushing our fingers further into your mouth without even realising because we’re beyond distracted by how you look]
Casey: [having to sign ‘how many?’ cos you need to know IMMEDIATELY but you can’t speak with all those fingers there like that]
Janis: [smiling like oops sorry in the not at all sorry fashion and taking your fingers out, smearing the mess all over your own face ‘many as we can love’]
Casey: [kissing her whole face in the most extra way as if you’re thoroughly cleaning it and not just shamelessly making the mess worse ‘I’ve got so much love to give you’ plural you obvs for all these bubs but giving it to her rn literally with how he’s moving]
Janis: [just shamelessly spitting into your mouth and asking for the same ferally ‘I know baby, give it all to me and I can give you it back and more’ literally in the form of these babies ofc]
Casey: [there is no way it’s late enough in the evening for y’all to be doing this basically outside of/v close to a bar when you haven’t even been for dinner yet but here we are, gonna be kind to you and say there’s some kind of little alleyway he’s pulled you into after spitting into your mouth as requested because we’re doing this, there’s no stopping it]
Janis: [just here blowing raspberries and playing with this spit in our mouth like it’s our own ‘you taste like what I made you’ so happily]
Casey: [meanwhile he’s using all his spit and collecting it in her belly button, sticking his tongue and thumb in there, doing the most]
Janis: [being even louder as if this alleyway means you get to have 0 awareness for your surroundings, pop off lads, ‘I can’t wait ‘til it’s big, you can feel them inside me’]
Casey: [lol this alleyway is not remotely giving you the privacy you need but we’re sure pretending it is with how LOUD he was at the prospect of that, nbd just trying to fuck your belly button rn too as if that’s possible]
Janis: [casually the hottest thing we’ve ever seen and we’re letting it be known, pushing our knickers to the side so we can put how wet we are in your mouth, rough as fuck ‘I know you wanna feel them between us when you’re inside me’]
Casey: [the level he’s DYING cannot be overstated, the way y’all are just unlocking kinks like it’s your job absolutely sends me, giving her nips some love with his hands as rough as she was being with her fingers then because thinking about her boobs being massive too obvs but what are words atm]
Janis: [we’re both thinking about it ‘they already feel good’ because it’s true and you gotta know ‘sensitive’ still just mouth fucking you, wet fully dripping down our thighs now]
Casey: [take that cue to be going against her thigh instead at least because you can’t actually fuck a belly button I’m soz, but you can keep pushing one of your thumbs into it cos that feels really nice for some gals appaz cos of the nerve that’s there, the nips need the rest but you can spare that 1]
Janis: [‘it feels like you’re fucking me so deep’ ‘cos yet again amazed at this sensation ‘make me cum just like this and you can do whatever you want, I swear’ holding his mouth open with a thumb on either side, sticking your tongue in and out, seeing how far you can take it]
Casey: [signing ‘I wanna make you cum every way there is’ because he does and he needs you to know that rn but once again cannot talk with these antics, I have faith in you that you could with the belly button thing tbh so we’ll allow it]
Janis: [‘I know I want your cum leaking out of me when I give birth, that’s what I’m thinking about’ so in your grill saying this]
Casey: [I don’t know how someone hasn’t come and investigated and found y’all with the levels of drama this boy is being sound wise in this moment]
Janis: [when it’s winter and people wanna mind their own business so hard apparently, excuse us, acting like we can do what we want because we don’t live here, safe to say it’s mutual, we’re only getting messier and louder]
Casey: [we all know he actually does do his research in the future like a massive nerd but we’re purely in fantasy land here rn talking about how he’s gonna fuck her to get these babies out as if it’s occurring in this exact moment]
Janis: [begging him and telling him how bad you want it, running our fingers through his hair frantically because we don’t know what to do with ourselves rn ‘you put them in me you have to get them out, be the first person they see’]
Casey: [the feels are as high here, we’re all aware, being the most feral in this alleyway as if there’s no possibility of being discovered, could not be hooking up any harder right here and now]
Janis: [when the peeps clearly give that little fucks about being heard and/or seen, there’s no point trying to stop ‘em ‘cos they probably wouldn’t, you either call the police and report it or let ‘em finish lol]
Casey: [nobody wants the drama of getting involved and then likely in a brawl when they could just as hardcore mind their business and enjoy their own evening, plus bars are loud, you’re probably not making as much noise as it feels like you are]
Janis: [exactly, you two are just in your own world with it fully, we all know]
Casey: [glad your little domestic didn’t escalate, love to see it, finish up here and then go get some dinner and calm down]
Janis: [we all know the drama is looming, it would be odd if you made absolutely no mention of it as it gets closer, we’re not actually delusional, no matter how badly we wanna stay in this moment]
Casey: [I’m actually surprised neither of you have before now, so yeah, very necessary]
Janis: [had more time to be pretending but we know tomorrow you gotta go now, sad times but we still got tonight to enjoy]
Casey: [and Chubby to distract you tomorrow until you’re literally in the door]
Janis: [what a distraction technique, like excuse me who is this lmao]
Casey: [if only you could actually hide behind this giant dog, cos what a horrific convo to have]
Janis: [we could but we also can’t, not that girl]
Casey: [for now enjoy your romantic date]
Janis: [as per, chilling like you didn’t just behave absolutely insane out here on these streets]
Casey: [like butter wouldn’t melt]
Janis: [we’re nomming, still beyond essential for energy levels]
Casey: [for once he’s gonna be on his best behaviour and not start any kind of food fight, proud of you boy]
Janis: [we’re mature, we’re discussing Chubby and all the shit we’ve gotta get for him]
Casey: [I like to imagine because he’s not a baby pup and already had that name you’re both giving it the energy thank god it wasn’t a lot worse which sends you reminiscing about some of the terrible names from the dog walking era and then you start talking about peeps giving their babies dog names and the baby names you hate]
Janis: [forever dragging Asia, China and America for having the worst names of all times, ‘scuse us ladies]
Casey: [not the ideal time to bring up that you banged Asia but how could you not, she isn’t easy to get mixed up with anyone else]
Janis: [‘why?’ making such a disgusted face because genuinely]
Casey: [a shrug ‘why did I do owt back then?’ cos tea, everything he did was about you as you well know]
Janis: [‘another one for the register’ as if it’s a hit list and you aren’t the same age as her so it’s really not bad but you know, not happy to hear this obvs]
Casey: [‘least they’d write her name down for her’ like she’s so stupid she can’t herself because truly]
Janis: [just crossing our arms like ugh because shook by this news ‘it makes sense, she always was a massive slag’]
Casey: [leaning across this table fully to uncross her arms because always and don’t be mad at me thank you ‘be up for a murder charge if I went near the other two, better than their mate who’d get you done for beastiality, far as pisstakes go, but still’ when you’re just like Mia or Ella would pass away and Hollie is an absolute animal, rude]
Janis: [rolling your eyes ‘you’re predictable, I know that’]
Casey: [‘you’re the only one who’d get away with saying it and it not being total bollocks, that we both know’]
Janis: [just remembering when she asked Jimothy to rank them one time and he said Grace was the best and we were fuming lmao ‘Ella’d be more your type if she weren’t that gay’]
Casey: [‘Gracie would’ve if she didn’t take after you in reckoning I was an off limits kid in them days’ because she’s your sister not because he actually thinks she’s cute or anything]
Janis: [just kicking you in not a flirty manner under this table like shut up]
Casey: [a look like well it’s true, 1000% his type for what he was trying to achieve ‘would’ve got back to you if it had been her, can’t believe I bothered with Asia for sod all’]
Janis: [we’re scowling lmao ‘I doubt it pained you that much, boy’]
Casey: [‘you forgot what her teeth are like?’ Trying to amuse you but also fr, that would be dangerous lol]
Janis: [doing a little ha kind of lol ‘I hope it hurt’ but not seriously at this point]
Casey: [‘course, you never even heard, waited ages for you to bring it up’ cos genuinely gutted at the time that you didn’t find out as it was the entire point]
Janis: [‘when was it?’ shrugging like no, I obviously didn’t hear]
Casey: [telling her when it was and lowkey what went down without going into any deets more than where he ran into her and that sort of thing]
Janis: [just shaking our head ‘weren’t really bothering with messing with them by that point, I guess’]
Casey: [another shrug because obvs he knows that, he knows everything you were and weren’t doing at that point in time because crush ‘you should’ve told her, she might not have been so keen on calling us by his name’ because you can’t tell me she wouldn’t have called him Jimothy, I’m sorry, she’s just that bitch]
Janis: [‘I fucking hate her’ ‘cos we were fuming anyway but that’s really horrible and we’re not okay, rubbing your leg with our foot where we previously kicked it because sorry ‘be the first trying to get him post divorce’ trying to make it sound vaguely jokey but it’s a horrifying thought so it’s not hitting like that]
Casey: [when you don’t acknowledge it, even her physical apology, because you’re not acknowledging how fucked up that actually was of Asia seeing as you used her too and also it’s so long ago it’s basically irrelevant given everything that’s happened lately ‘sure there’ll be a list for that an’ all’ like Jimothy is still so in demand like y’all were as teens, it’ll be like an Agatha Raisin when a new man rocks up to the village]
Janis: [when you can’t remotely think about that actually, despite you being the one who brought it up and have already moved on in many ways, just doing your own shrug]
Casey: [‘be like you’ve died, all the lasagnes and that they’ll be bringing him round’ too true even though Jimothy can cook and look after himself better than most divorced useless dudes, it’s a shameless ploy]
Janis: [‘lucky him’ as if there’s anything about this to be wanting or jealous over]
Casey: [‘Ian had the time of his life with his go’ cos imagine what it would have been like when their mum disappeared and it was in the papers and everything, all the nosey hoes just appearing ‘surprised he ain’t bumped this missus off too to try and get another’]
Janis: [‘I bet, s’only reason I exist, know the score’ because we all remember what Caleb did]
Casey: [‘lucky me’ with more feeling than that suggests, because so glad you exist even though that situation was and is so fucked up]
Janis: [doing a little ta-da like here I am but carrying on eating like our life depends on it now]
Casey: [‘I’d have killed him if I weren’t beat to it’ cos we mean that wholeheartedly, fuck Caleb, said like I’m doubly lucky it wasn’t me who did or we’d not be here like this rn]
Janis: [‘as short of enemies as he was baby mama’s and kids’ shaking your head like what can you do ‘Rih and Gracie would be the only ones I’m proper related to’ like again, tah so much sir]
Casey: [a look like yeah okay I see that but I raise you Jimothy and Bobby who we think are both useless flops and are the only family we have that we know of]
Janis: [‘I’m not gonna concede the point’ but we’re 😏 too]
Casey: [‘have it, you’re giving me a new family, least I can do, like’ because marrying in but also babies]
Janis: [‘so generous, you’]
Casey: [leaning across the table again but to kiss her on the forehead this time like yep that’s me]
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buckleyblueyes · 3 years
buddie + " you're shivering. here, take my jacket. "
So, it's July, it's 95 degrees outside, and I have written Christmas/winter themed fluff ft. Eddie being touch starved and having a conniption over wearing Buck's jacket. Blame the prompt? I hope you enjoy!
Eddie isn’t cold. He’s not. It’s barely below sixty degrees fahrenheit, so he isn’t cold. It would be ridiculous for anyone to be cold. He’s fine. He’s sitting outside, on the frigid stone edge of a large fountain, in the middle of December, and he’s fine.
“I told you to bring a jacket,” Buck says smugly. “I knew you would be cold.”
Eddie grits his teeth. “I’m not cold.”
“Uh-uh.” Buck gives him a look of fond exasperation. “Which is why you’re currently staring down a mall Santa like if you glare hard enough at him, he’ll move through the line faster.
“I am not.” Eddie is not glaring at Santa Clause. He would never glare at the physical embodiment of Christmas joy. Least of all on what will probably be one of Christopher’s last trips like this. Next year he’ll be eleven, a full fledged preteen. He’s already expressed doubt over the legitimacy of Santa Clause. Next year Eddie is sure his son will want to skip the mall entirely. So, no. Eddie is not staring down Santa and willing him to move fast. Santa’s Elf on the other hand?
Buck grins. “Not glaring or not cold?”
“Both!” Eddie snaps.
“You’re shivering,” Buck sighs, eyeing him carefully, before pulling at the sleeves of the coat he’s wearing. “Here, take my jacket.”
Eddie wants to protest, opens his mouth to insist he’s fine, that he’s not cold. But the wind picks up, and his body betrays him, openly shaking in the chill of the December air. Buck gives him a look, as if to say see? before sliding his jacket the rest of the way off.
Eddie takes it, holding it in his hands. It’s a beige hoodie, with a thick fleece lining that’s soft to the touch, and it smells like Buck, warm and spicy and comforting. “Won’t you be cold?”
Buck shrugs. “I’m from Pennsylvania, Eddie. We have this thing called snow? It’s white and cold and it falls from the sky. I’ll be fine.”
Eddie could do without the sarcasm, but he can’t bring himself to turn down the jacket. He pulls it on and immediately relaxes into the warmth. It’s something akin to the feeling of being wrapped up in Buck’s arms--which is something Eddie doesn’t have nearly as much as experience with as he wishes, a desire which he finds himself desperate to give into everytime Buck pulls him into a bro-hug, a want so strong that he is always the first the pull away--and if wearing this jacket is the closest he can get to being held in Buck’s arms for an extended period of time, well. He’s going to take it. “You know,” he starts. “I have seen snow before.”
Buck laughs. “Maybe on TV.”
“In real life!” Eddie insists. “It snows in Texas sometimes!”
“Yeah, maybe,” Buck admits, thinking back to the news stories about the freak storms in Texas. “But not regularly, and not in El Paso, and certainly not when you were a kid, old man.”
“I’m four years older than you,” Eddie huffs. “Anyways, it frosted sometimes.”
“That’s not snow, Edmundo.” Buck rolls his eyes. “I’m talking about waking up in the morning to see your normally boring suburban block is covered in at least a foot of snow. I’m talking about boots stuck in snow drifts. I’m talking about peeling off your cold, wet clothes at the end of the day and curling up in front of the fire.”
Eddie has to admit, it sounds nice. “Alright, I’ve never seen that kind of snow before.”
Buck grins, a slight twinkle in his eye. “Maybe I should show you that kind of snow sometime.”
If it was anyone else, the idea of casually implying a shared vacation with your totally platonic best friend might seem weird. But it’s Buck, and knowing Buck, he’s probably already envisioning teaching Christopher how to build a snowman and thinking about how to make sledding as accessible as possible. Not about the inherent romance of a cabin in the snow, sitting by the fire, surrounded by nothing but quiet and calm. Eddie shakes his head, as if he can shake those thoughts out through his ears if he tries hard enough. “Maybe,” he agrees, quietly, even though he thinks he should probably say no.
Buck looks like he’s about to say something else, but that’s when Christopher gets up to Santa. Eddie reaches into his jeans pocket to pull out his phone, but he stops when he sees that Buck already has his out and is snapping pictures.
“Send those to me, will you?”
Buck is giving him that fondly exasperated look again. “Obviously.” In moments like these, when Buck is taking pictures of Eddie’s son with Santa Clause, and Eddie’s wearing Buck’s jacket, and their thighs are pressed together, he thinks Buck might be feeling what he’s feeling. The fountain shoots up behind Buck, creating a sort of halo around his head, and Eddie wants to kiss him. He doesn’t.
“Just making sure,” Eddie mumbles into the hood of Buck’s jacket, turning his head to focus on Christopher, watching as he laughs at something Santa says.
“He’s getting so big,” Buck says wistfully. “I remember the first time I came with you guys for this. He was so much smaller then.”
Eddie’s chest burns at the reminder of their first Christmas in LA, of Shannon coming back into their lives, only to leave permanently. But it’s a happy memory, too, one of the best memories they have as a family. So, he shakes it off. “Pretty soon he’ll be too old for this.”
“Don’t make me think about that,” Buck shudders. “He’s supposed to stay a kid forever.”
“Unfortunately, that’s not how it works,” Eddie responds, watching as Christopher hops off Santa’s lap and begins heading back towards the fountain. Eddie reaches out as Christopher approaches, pulling him into a quick hug.
“What’d you ask Santa for, Superman?” Buck asks, smiling widely.
“Can’t tell you.”
“Aw, come on.” Buck faux-whines, before leaning down to Chris’s level. “You can whisper it in my ear, if you don’t want to tell your dad.”
“Nope,” Christopher shakes his head. “I can’t tell anyone, or it won’t come true.”
The exchange is very familiar to Eddie, who just shakes his head. “Alright boys, let’s head home, and maybe Buck can make us his peppermint hot cocoa.”
Christopher’s eyes light up. It’s not a secret that both Diaz men love Buck’s hot cocoa recipe (which is really just a variation on Bobby’s cocoa recipe, but with a touch of peppermint extract). “Will you?”
Buck avoids looking directly at Christopher, knowing he’ll fold instantly if he does. “I don’t know, do you think it’s cold enough for hot cocoa?”
Christopher glances down at the thick coat that Eddie bundled him in earlier, because of course he remembered Christopher’s jacket and not his own. ��I think so.”
Eddie pinches his lips together. “Does cocoa necessitate cold? I feel like it’s just a festive thing to do.”
Buck groans. “You’re so stubborn.”
“So, is that a yes or a no on the hot cocoa?” Eddie asks.
“As if you didn’t know the second you asked that I would make it.”
Eddie did know, but it warms him all the same to hear it out loud, and a smile pulls on the corners of lips, as Christopher cheers. “I know.”
Buck just turns and walks off towards Eddie’s truck, Christopher following close behind him. Eddie lingers for a minute, watching his son and his--well, the man he loves--continue to talk and laugh.
The voice comes from behind him. “You have a wonderful family.”
He gives the elf a small smile, even as his heart aches. “Yeah,” he agrees, because they are wonderful, more wonderful than he probably deserves. “I do.”
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redhoodieone · 3 years
You’re so Lucky!
A/N: Hey y’all! Here’s another sexy story that was a request from the amazing @jasontoddslut! Enjoy my peeps!
Warnings: Language, Bad Relationship with Ex-Boyfriend, Smut, Voyeurism, and Jason’s Goddamn Dirty Mouth!!!!!
It was bound to happen. She couldn’t deny this was going to happen sooner rather than later. If she believed they that they could get through their issues and be happy like they once were, then she’s a real fucking idiot.
Gabi still couldn’t believe it though. One minute she was trying to calm Bobby down and the next, he’s screaming at her and telling her to get the fuck out of his apartment. He was in a bad mood to begin with. He’s a mechanic and he’s always tired when he gets home. He was expecting dinner to be ready and maybe have his loving girlfriend of three years rub his back since his shoulder pain is getting worse.
But no. Gabi made the mistake of asking Bobby where he was tonight as soon as he got home.
What set him off was her telling him to calm down. She should have known though.
You should NEVER. EVER. Tell an easily angry guy to calm down.
Because that’s like telling fire to not burn people. Or telling a baby to not cry.
She should have known better though. It’s no surprise Bobby’s into some serious shady shit that the low life Gothamites meet up sometimes at night in casinos or nightclubs. She knows they do illegal shit like selling drugs, ordering weapons from other countries, and maybe even kidnapping young women and children.
And Bobby had participated in the ordering weapons category.
How Gabi found out is another story: she knows for damn sure that Bobby once brought home fifteen state of the art total militia AK-47 guns. Bobby had foolishly asked Gabi to go get some important documents from his huge safe; totally forgetting the weapons were in there about five months prior.
Why would a normal mechanic need such weapons?
Gabi had decided to never bring it up. Bobby would either deny or lie about it. His temper had been getting worse right about then and she knew better.
But he wasn’t always like this. Oh, no. Bobby was a funny, laid back, and loving type who worshipped the ground Gabi walked on before they even started dating. But after two years of living with each other, things changed.
Simple as that. Things changed.
Gabi always wondered how things could just...change. So easily. The fact that it could happen in the blink of an eye frightens her sometimes.
Just like Bobby’s hidden anger. She never knew a hilarious and sweet guy could have the rage of a bull.
Bobby never hit her though. He always made sure to slam his fist against the wall beside her head, though. He was the type to yell and belittle Gabi as if she was a little girl.
But she wasn’t a little girl. She was a 23-year-old woman who moved in with her boyfriend so fast that she began to understand why her parents and friends disapproved of her choices and relationship.
I just had to learn the hard way, Gabi thought to herself.
She doesn’t know why she’s trying to think of sayings that relate to this experience. The point is, Gabi knows she seriously fucked. With Bobby only giving her ten minutes to pack whatever truly mattered to her, she had to hurry the fuck up.
The moment she made it outside the apartment building, all Gabi could do is replay her questions that she asked Bobby.
Where were you tonight?
Were you with someone?
What did you do?
Why can’t you tell me what you did?
Are you hiding something from me?
Are you getting into dangerous things?
No wonder Bobby kicked her out. Gabi should have never put her nose in his business. And now, she’s practically homeless. She knows it would be embarrassing as hell to go back to her parents’ house because of what they told her before getting involved with Bobby. She also knows her friends would treat her horribly, with the “I told you so” stares and lectures. Gabi was certainly running out of options just as the rain began to fall.
There was one person she could go to, who would never turn her away.
However, Gabi hasn’t spoken to this person in about a year because of her relationship with Bobby as well as this person’s own relationship with their significant other.
But Gabi knew Y/N was a good person, a good friend. She was a sweet person, with a big warm heart and she would never turn her away.
With nowhere else to go, Gabi walked alone in the rain all the way down to high class side of Gotham.
By the time Gabi gets to the high-class penthouses, she has to call Y/N to let her inside. Of course, Y/N excitedly tells her to come up, and Gabi immediately starts to feel somehow relieved that Y/N hasn’t changed at all.
As Gabi finally makes it to the correct floor, she sees Y/N waiting by the door, where Gabi assumes is where Y/N lives. Y/N is wearing a red and black flannel pajama pants and a thin black tank top. Gabi also notices Y/N’s barefoot, and her hair’s in a messy bun.
She must have just woken up. I’m so sorry, Y/N, Gabi thinks to herself.
But none of that matters when Y/N meets Gabi halfway in the hall where they collide in a tight, warm-hearted embrace.  Y/N smells like a woodsy, musky cologne, most likely from whoever she’s seeing with now. Maybe they were snuggling up against with each other until Gabi had called and asked if she could come over.
“Come inside. You must be freezing!” Y/N says, releasing Gabi from her hug and pulling her arm towards the front door.
Gabi follows on shaky legs, completely overwhelmed by seeing her longtime best friend. Y/N giggles and leads Gabi inside the penthouse. Gabi instantly is hit by the aroma of vanilla and musk, the smell of intimacy and seduction.  Her eyes take in the red and black walls and décor, some exquisite art pieces, and the big space that is more comfortable and warmer than most homes she’s ever seen.
“Welcome, mi casa es tu casa! Seriously Gabi, babe, make yourself at home. There’s absolutely no rush to leave. You leave when you’re ready, okay?” Y/N says seriously.
“Are you absolutely sure? I really don’t want to impose or put you and your boyfriend out,” Gabi confesses.
Y/N leads Gabi to the long, cherry red couch that is facing a huge flat screen TV. Gabi sets down her duffle bag and takes a seat next to Y/N on the couch.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Jay and I insist you stay here until you figure out what you want to do, okay?” Y/N says, before she turns around to get comfortable to face Gabi.
A vanilla candle is lit on the coffee table. Gabi’s cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I didn’t...interrupt something, did I?”
“Oh, no, you didn’t! I was just setting the mood in the living room to be more...comfy,” Y/N admits, with a chuckle. “Jason just got home a few minutes ago and is taking a shower. He should be done by now.”
As if on cue, they hear someone walking down the hall and towards the living room. He stops near the couch. There in all his glory, well half-naked glory, stands Jason Todd, God’s greatest creation of man...at least that’s what both girls were thinking.
“Gabi, this is Jason, my boyfriend,” Y/N proudly introduces Jason to Gabi. “Jay, this is Gabi, my best friend in the whole wide world.”
Still dripping wet and fresh out of the shower, Jason at least has a white towel wrapped around his waist; hiding his goods that Gabi wanted to see so desperately. He’s really tall, must be 6’2 or something close to that. She takes note that Jason is all man: there’s absolutely nothing that screams “boy”. Gabi inhales hard when she watches his large hand run through his soaked dark hair. The other hand holds the towel tightly around his hips.
“Hi,” Jason smirks at Gabi. She notices his eyes are green, almost like emeralds. He smiles at her, even his white teeth are perfect. “So, you’re Gabi. Y/N’s told me a lot about you.”
“She-she has?” Gabi chokes out. Why is it so hot in here? Why can’t she speak?
Her eyes zero in on the droplets of water running down his strong as fuck built chiseled chest and perfectly sculpted abs that she really wants to lick and bite his skin.
Holy fuck...
Gabi scolds herself for thinking such inappropriate thoughts about her best friend’s boyfriend. Even though Gabi’s never fantasized Bobby this kind of way, she realizes Y/N’s lucked out. Bobby wasn’t in shape or even remotely attractive like Jason.
“Of course, she has. You’re one of her best friends, and I’m happy to finally meet you. I would go over there to shake your hand and properly greet you, but I’m uh...not exactly dressed yet,” Jason chuckles, and almost seems shy now. “I’m gonna go get dressed real quick so we can talk.”
You don’t have to. You can stay the way you are. You can even drop the towel, Gabi thinks improperly.
Y/N smiles softly at Jason as they watch him leave. True to his word, Jason returned in a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt and took a seat next to Y/N. Throughout their comfortable and pleasant conversation, Gabi truly sees the way Jason cares about her best friend. Midway through their talk about what happened to Bobby, Jason clearly was paying attention and rubbed caressed Y/N’s thigh when Gabi recounted the latest scary fight with Bobby. Whenever Y/N looked shocked or worried, Jason made sure to calm her down through touches, forehead kisses, and whispers words along the lines of love, probably.
It almost makes Gabi jealous. Y/N’s life is clearly so much better than what Gabi had going on for herself. Jason seems like the perfect gentleman; always does and says the right thing. Gabi’s never seen a man pay so much attention to a woman before. Not only did he offer Gabi his advice and opinions on getting a better and more affordable apartment on their street, but Jason even voiced his hatred for Bobby, and even went on to criticize the man for treating women so poorly. He even made a joke about finding the man and breaking his legs; making Gabi and Y/N laugh their asses off and making the energy around them fun again.
But for some reason, Gabi couldn’t help but notice that Jason wasn’t laughing as hard as she and Y/N were. It almost seemed like Jason was serious about breaking Bobby’s legs, but Jason wouldn’t do that. She was sure of it.
He wouldn’t, would he?
By the time midnight came, the three of them stood up and decided to go to bed. Jason even surprised Gabi by giving her a hug and telling her that she can stay in their guest bedroom for however long as she wants and needs.
“I’m serious, kid. Don’t even worry about it. You mean so much to Y/N, and so therefore, you mean a lot to me, too,” Jason had said as he pulled back from their hug.
Gabi was speechless to say the least. She didn’t want the hug to end. He felt so good in her arms and he smelled so fucking good.
But it was bedtime now, and once Y/N and Jason had shown Gabi the guest bedroom, they went off to bed to let Gabi get comfortable. It wasn’t long for Gabi to quickly clean herself up and put on some plain pajama shorts with a tank top. As soon as she turned off the light, she was amazed by how big and comfortable the bed was. She figured it must be new and is probably the first person to sleep in here. In just a few minutes, exhaustion took over and Gabi fell into a deep sleep.
Her throat was dry. That’s what awoke Gabi at two in the morning and made her climb out of bed and go search for a bottle of water. She made sure to tiptoe out of the room and walk slowly and quietly to the kitchen.
As soon as Gabi made it to the end of the hallway, she stops dead in her tracks when she hears moaning. A woman moaning.
Her mind registers that it’s Y/N moaning. But why is she moaning in the living room?
Curiosity forces Gabi to peek out into the living room and see what’s going on, despite the logical part in her mind is screaming at her to have some respect for her best friend and her boyfriend.
But being a pervert outweighs being a prude.
Gabi is utterly shocked to her core when she sees her best friend straddling Jason’s lap. On the red couch where they sat a couple of hours ago, Gabi sees Y/N and Jason making out heavily. She couldn’t unsee it; she wants to keep watching them.
Gabi even sees the vanilla candle is lit again, after Jason had blown it out before they all went to bed.
But all Gabi could see is Jason’s fingertips digging hard into Y/N’s exposed flesh from where her tank top is pushed up above her bare tits. Y/N shamelessly moans in between the evident delicious kisses, and grinds against Jason’s apparent bulge.
Gabi quickly notices an isolated leather recliner that’s against the wall near the hallway. She throws herself down, sinks into the chair and watches the practically live porno show in front of her.
Jason pulls back from the deep kiss, revealing his red, swollen lips from where Y/N’s been biting and sucking since the beginning. He rests his head back against the couch and looks up with hazy, lustful eyes as Y/N grins down at him. She bites her bottom lip and pulls up her tank top, removing her top completely from her body.  
“Fuck...what the hell are you doing to me, sweetheart?” Jason asks breathlessly. He runs his hands up Y/N’s back and moves them to her front where he reaches for both her tits.
“I’m slowly...and softly killing you,” Y/N says, closing her eyes and moans when Jason gently grabs both her tits in his hands; her breasts fill his hands perfectly.
“I’d say...” he says, before sighing contently when switches from pinching her nipples to squeezing her tits before he sits up straighter and pulls Y/N’s body closer to lick and suck her sensitive nipples.
“Oh, fuck...oh Jay...feels so good,” Y/N moans louder than before. She whimpers and continues to rub herself against him. “I need to cum...please make me cum, Jay...”
Jason pulls back from her chest and gazes into Y/N’s eyes. “You wanna cum, doll? Do you want me to make you cum?”
“Yes, please...I need you so bad!”
“No, I don’t think you need to cum,” Jason teases, before he pulls off his own t-shirt. “Now, I’m going to take off the rest of your clothes, but if you touch your pussy, I ain’t going to fuck you.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” Y/N snaps. Her cheeks are flushed from being aroused.
Jason smirks at Y/N’s frustration.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, sweetheart. I’m going to check how wet you are,” Jason explains, as he raises Y/N off his lap to pull down her pajama pants and panties; leaving her completely bare on his lap. “If you’re soaking wet, then I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll be feeling me for days. But if I have to make you wet, then that means I get to do whatever I want to this pussy.”
Jason runs his hand up Y/N’s thigh until his fingers glide over her bare pussy. His fingers gently push inside her, he can feel the wetness, but wants to see it for himself.
“Stand up and put your pussy in my face,” he demands.
“I want to taste your delicious pussy right now. Don’t make me get up and literally put you on my shoulders to eat you out,” Jason threatens.
Y/N slowly moves to stand up carefully on the couch. Her legs are shaking, but Jason quickly grabs her to hold her steady. He doesn’t waste any time, and he dives into her pussy as if he’s a starving man.
“Oh fuck!” Y/N cries out.
Jason’s tongue on her clit is what she wants the most right now. He squeezes her thigh and flicks his tongue side to side until Y/N fears she’s either going to fall back or fall over him.
Y/N notices one of Jason’s pull up bars is above her. How convenient.
She grabs a hold of the bar to hold herself up just as he decides to slip a finger inside her. Holding herself up allows him to remove a hand from her thigh. He takes the opportunity to slip another finger inside and pumps them in and out fast.
Y/N’s body trembles when Jason curls his fingers and strokes the sensitive wall that he’s mastered so well. He can tell she’s close. She must have been excited earlier when they planned to stay in last minute. He manages to look up at her and he can see she’s barely holding on.
“You’re so close aren’t you, babe? You taste so fucking good that I want you to cum on my face. I want you to be my dirty girl tonight,” Jason says as he finger-fucks her harder and faster than before. “Are you going to be my dirty girl tonight?
“Yes! Fuck yes! Just-just make me cum, please!” Y/N cries out desperately, needing the push that Jason could only give her.
“You are my dirty girl. You love it when I make you cum with just my fingers and mouth. But I bet you want my cock right after, huh?” Jason asks, chuckling darkly when Y/N’s eyes roll back when he speeds up his fingers inside her. “You wanna ride me, don’t you?”
“Yes-yes I do...” she’s panting now.
“Okay, I want you to cum in my face and then quickly get on my lap and ride me. Fast, slow, hard, whatever, you pick. I just want to feel your warm, tight pussy around my dick, okay?” Jason says, quickly shoving his sweatpants and boxers down to his feet. “Fuck...give me your pretty, tasty pussy, sweetheart!”
And then Jason finally gives in. He pulls both her thighs to bring her pussy to his face. Y/N whimpers when he licks all around her wetness, and he hums in approval when he feels her hand stroking his scalp and pulling his hair, while she continues holding herself up with only one hand now.
The vibration from his humming helps her reach her release. He continues to thrust his fingers inside her and sucks her clit until she gushes in his face.
Y/N manages to silent most of her orgasm, but it didn’t help when Jason continued to lick and suck at her clit to swallow most of her juices. Once her body relaxes, she lets go of the pull up bar and drops down to the couch. Y/N quickly straddles Jason’s lap until her pussy is hovering above his hard cock.
“Spit on my cock, doll. Get it nice and wet,” Jason says, as he watches Y/N spit in her hand and stroke his thick cock until he’s nice and ready for her. “How are you going to ride me, sweetheart?”
Y/N slowly looks up into Jason’s dilated, misty eyes. “Deep. Hard. And fast,” she says.
Jason swallows hard but is able to quickly smirk up at Y/N before she takes full control. “Then ride me, sweetheart. Fuck yourself on my cock like the dirty girl you really are.”
Y/N finally lowers herself onto Jason’s cock, all logic and common sense flies out the window. Whenever his cock was deep inside her, they both tend to lose themselves and the world around them. Because whenever they were connected emotionally and physically in their bubble, nothing else fucking matters in the world.
When Jason fills her up completely, they both release a content sigh. They usually take their time in the beginning, mostly because of their fears whenever Jason leaves to work as Red Hood. But since they’re both so horny and want to cum sooner, they’ll have to just take their time during round two.
“Fuck me, sweetheart. Fuck yourself silly on my dick,” Jason moans, but he and Y/N laugh at the “silly” part, when he realizes that’s not very sexy.
But Y/N understands and slowly lifts herself up his lap until just the tip of Jason’s cock is inside her. She keeps a steady pace, lifting herself and lowering herself, until their rhythm flows. Within seconds, Jason helps her by holding her hips tightly and thrusting his hips in time with hers.
“Your cock is so big inside me, Jay. You fill me up so good,” Y/N moans and rides him a little faster; wanting the head of his cock to rub hard and relentlessly against her g-spot. She guides one of his hands off her waist to move towards her pussy, encouraging him to rub her clit. “I wanna cum again, Jay.”
“Yeah? You like ridin’ my big cock, you dirty girl? You want me to fill your pussy with my cum?” Jason asks, watching Y/N’s tits bounce while she rides his cock faster than before. He can’t help himself, he uses a free hand to pinch her nipple and leans in to bite and suck her breasts, until he puts his hand back to her hip to guide her thrusts. “You want me to fill you up with my cum?”
“Yes! Yes, please!” Y/N begs.
“Okay, my dirty girl. I’ll give you what you want.”
Well, Jason knows now that this is going to end fast, but he refuses to let it end without Y/N cumming hard again. He squeezes her hip with one hand and the other hand rubs her clit fast in messy circles. He begins to pull her down to meet his thrusts, fucking her harder and faster with everything he’s got. The squelching sound from his cock fucking up into her wet pussy becomes more noticeable, especially when their skin-on-skin slapping gets louder and harsher that echoes in the living room.
“Fuck...Y/N, you’re getting so tight. You feel so fucking good baby,” Jason pants hard, completely sweating and keeping his fast and erratic pace to get them to their releases. “Fuckin’ cum on my big cock, sweetheart. I wanna feel you cum so bad. Please cum for me, again.”
Y/N keeps her eyes on Jason just as her orgasm hits her hard; she squeezes and gushes around his cock, she calls out his name. Jason thrusts harder in her three more times, as he finally cums hard inside Y/N, calls out her name as quietly as he could. Y/N collapses against Jason’s chest, despite being hot and sweaty, but he doesn’t mind. He wraps both arms around her and holds her while they regain their breaths and can function normal again.
Y/N doesn’t see the loving smile Jason gives her as he kisses her forehead. “I love you,” he whispers, and hugs her tighter.
She looks up at him and smiles. “I love you, too.”
Before Y/N can lie her head against Jason’s chest again, she notices Gabi sitting and watching them. Y/N jumps up and covers her breasts with her arms, causing Jason to jump in panic and turn around to see what’s going on.
“Gabi! What-what the hell are you doing there?!” Y/N cries out in embarrassment. She can feel her cheeks are getting red again.
Gabi slowly gets up from the chair and makes her wave into the kitchen. She finds bottled water in the refrigerator, takes one, and goes back into the living room where Jason and Y/N are still frozen in fear.
“I-I was thirsty,” Gabi answers, even though she knows it sounds like a lame answer. She walks backwards until she reaches the hall. “And-and then I saw you guys, and then I couldn’t stop watching. I’m sorry, Y/N...Jason...”
But before Gabi leaves, she points a finger at Jason and smiles. She even chuckles. “But-but in my defense...he’s really sexy! He’s fucking gorgeous, Y/N, and you’re one lucky bitch! You’re so lucky!”
But Gabi is right about that.
Y/N is lucky...because she has Jason.
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matan4il · 3 years
Do you think Eddie realizes he reaches (or almost in some cases) out for Buck on calls? Does he know why? Is it instinct? Reflex? It's like he needs that touchstone. He doesn't do that with anyone else on the 118, not even Bobby, who he's closest to outside of Buck.
Hi lovely! Always happy to hear from you! :D *hugs*
Oh, that is such a good question, 'coz it feels like the second he becomes aware that he's constantly reaching out for Buck, then he would also KNOW that what they share is more intense than a normal friendship, doesn't it? I tend to think that currently, he doesn't notice it. Like, he honestly thinks this is just a part of how people are on calls, reaching out for each other, steadying one's partner... And Buck's his partner, so he doesn't think about how he needs that with Buck, but not with anyone else.
Just think about how Eddie positions himself on Hen's side in 505, right in her space, and she has to huff at him disapprovingly, because not for one second did he think it was out of the ordinary. We know that's exactly how he and Buck work! But does it register with Eddie that Hen's implicitly telling him that's it isn't what everyone else does? Our boy is so oblivious, I think he just figures Hen and Chim work differently. He really doesn't seem to have had an 'oh' moment yet where he registers that it's he and Buck who are different, that it's their r/s that is unique... Which is seriously a whole different level of obliviousness, because, Sir. SIR. You gave that man your child! And then you just walk around, acting like that's totally normal.
IDK, they drive me insane, but I love them so much. Thank you for this ask, lovely! Hope you're having a great day! xoxox
To anyone else who sent me an ask, I am going through all of them, thank   you so much for your patience! If you wanna check whether I've replied   to yours yet, you can have a look at my ask tag. xoxox
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issaxcharlie · 3 years
Someone To You
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Y/N and Luke have been friends for most of their lives and have already spent some time in love, but not knowing how to jump from friends to lovers, they have been stranded in that rare transition for much longer than they should, something that does not go unnoticed neither for them nor for the members of the rock band.
A lot of Luke and Y/N fluff, and a lot of friendship between Y/N and the Sunset Curve boys💖 (oh and my usual nonsense)
Word count: +3k
Songs used: Kiss me by Ed Sheeran and Follow You by Echosmith
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Two in the morning and Y/N has been lying on her bed for twenty minutes trying to go back to sleep without any success. She is about to give up and go to get her journal when an unmistakable knock on the window echoes through the room.
She gets up and turns on the lamp before going to open the lock, her best friend entering the room seconds later and closing the window again before turning to her. The second they are face to face, Y/N lunges at him, entwining her legs tightly across his waist, her face buried completely in his neck, letting the familiarity of his body and scent wash over her.
“Oh god, I missed you.” He whispers in a husky voice, putting his hands on her hips and carefully kicking off his vans with his feet, then moving to her bed, dropping her gently on her usual side.
That's when he can see the girl's face with attention, her features slightly illuminated by the night lamp and making clear that she had been awake before he arrived.
“Difficult night eh?” He asks just before pushing his body forward to jump to the other side of the bed, and she lets out a sweet wholehearted laugh when he stumbles at the last second and ends up falling on his belly on her hips. “This was supposed to be way cooler and smoother.”
“I know Lu, maybe try to just walk next time?”
“Y/N, darlin’. Rockstars don’t just walk, we have to do everything with style.” He gets up and lightly kisses her on the cheek before stepping carefully around her to lie down on his side.
“My mistake, Lucas.” She teases with a smirk and he frowns before playfully sticking his tongue out at her. “Now, what happened? Whenever you appear at the window out of nowhere, it’s because you feel overwhelmed."
He analyzes what she said silently. All the times that he has entered through that window passing through his head, as well as all the hugs and cuddles received. All the years, and feelings and memories making him feel blessed to love her. "I guess you are right, you are my safe place." Y/N's face lights up, and she confidently moves closer to give him a soft kiss on the nose. “And you are mine. Now, spill, handsome.”
He smiles at the compliment, and makes an exaggerated wink that makes her snort. “My mom made me leave the house almost impossible, I was minutes away to miss the gig. I don't understand why it's so hard for her to understand that this is what I was born to do. If I want to be someone in this life, I have to continue on this path, no matter what. I don't want to die and just vanish, I want to leave a mark. We all want our lives to be great and to be remembered." Luke drops his head against the pillow and covers his eyes with his hands, letting his annoyance out.
“I get you, and you know I will always support you.”
“But I just want you to know this. You are someone, Luke. To me, to Reggie, Alex, Bobby, and no matter how much you guys argue, you are someone to your parents. You don't need to connect with everyone to make an impact, just with the people who matter to you.”
He moves his hands behind his head and stares in silence at the ceiling for a few seconds, and then turns to see her with the most charming smile in his repertoire. “Will you come to the Orpheum after we nail the audition?” Anyone would be disconcerted by his attitude, but for Y/N it is a typical Luke Patterson defense mechanism. Whenever he feels like the conversation is getting too heavy or when he just doesn't want to respond, he drastically changes the subject with his best smile to try and distract her.
“Of course I will, It’ll be one of the most important days of your life, I would never miss it. And I would not change you singing in my ear for anything, but there is something so special when you are on stage, it is like being in front of the microphone sets your soul on fire.” She replies with a delighted smile.
"I totally get what you mean. So, you like me to sing you to sleep, huh? C’mere beautiful." He requests before trapping her against him, his calloused fingers quickly finding her hair, stroking it gently as he sings in her ear.
“Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me, and hold me in your arms” He stops for a second to meet her eyes again and give her a light kiss on the forehead, before confidently singing the chorus. “Kiss me like you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love, falling in love.”
Y/N smiles against his neck before finally falling asleep, the peace Luke always gives her completely invading her and melting her in his arms.
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In the morning Y/N snaps her eyes open when she raises her arm to wrap her best friend’s waist and finds the space empty. She sits down and finds a note on her nightstand, Luke's unmistakable handwriting peeking out due to a poorly folded sheet.
“Good morning darlin’, sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, I had to go to the last rehearsal before the auditions. After that we will pick you up to go celebrate <3
PS: you look so hot while you drool my shoulder and the pillows."
The girl can't help but blush, and furiously examines the pillow to see if she actually did it, only to find another little note below it.
“Gotcha.” She rolls her eyes and a little laugh escapes her lips.
Today is a ridiculously important day in the lives of the boys, if they manage to be among the 10 chosen for the second part of the contest, they will compete in the legendary Orpheum for the opportunity to land a record deal.
The four of them have been working like crazy even though the situation with their families has been getting worse in recent weeks, none of them have even thought about giving up. Without much to do during her day off, Y/N allows herself to remember the feeling of being in Luke's arms, the conversation she had with Alex and Bobby just a few days before in the back of her head.
“Why are we doing this again?” Alex asks clearly annoyed while Bobby and Y/N laugh, turning to see Luke and Reggie jamming some songs across the sidewalk, in front of one of the hottest clubs in LA.
“Something about making the band better known before auditions.” she reports, as she closes the buttons on Luke's bleached jean jacket she's wearing.
“I understand that, but couldn’t he wait til tomorrow? We practiced all day, I’m tired as fuck.” The blond replies, getting irritated from exhaustion.
Bobby yawns, his eyes getting heavier as he rests his head in Y/N’s shoulder. “Muffin, I swear, your man has infinite energy.”
“He is not my man, Bobs.” She answers as she rests her head on his, ruffling his hair gently.
"Well maybe you should let him know, because he refers to you as his girl all the time." Bobby informs her, raising his head to see her reaction.
“He does?” Even in the dark both boys can see how red her cheeks are, and how the smile on her face grows with each passing second. Bobby decides to take a chance and keep teasing her.
“My girl is so insanely talented, that’s my sweet girl, my girl said this and I thought it was so freaking awesome because I’m hopelessly in love with her.”
“Man, that was so accurate. 10/10.” Alex replies while laughing, they lean in to highfive above her head, and she can't help but blush even more at her friend's words.
“You guys are the worst.” She wrinkled her nose and they both turned to see each other, agreeing silently that now is the moment to ask one of the questions they had wanted to ask her for months.
“Since we met you are in this strange relationship, in which you are both aware that you are in love with each other, but neither of you does anything. What are you waiting for?" Bobby asks, indicating Alex to support him with his eyes.
“Yeah bro after 3 years, it gets kind of old.” He adds, trying to sound cool.
“I guess, we just think it is not the right time. Since you started the band he has worked tirelessly on his career as a musician and that is what I want him to focus on. We both know what is in our hearts and for now that is more than enough.” She blurts out, trying to get her thoughts in order.
“That was so cheesy I want to die.” Alex answers in reflex, and his eyes go wide when he realizes what he said.
“Oh my God, Alex. Go away! I will never open my soul to you again.”
The girl blushes again, a small smile at the corner of her lips as she remembers how after that her friends continued to tease her with Luke and called her Mrs Patterson for the rest of the night, both she and Luke totally embarrassed when they continued to tease them in the truck on the way home. She decides to get out her notebook and try to write a song, which she hadn't done since Luke formed Sunset Curve, and by the time she finished she had just some minutes before the boys arrived.
She managed to get ready in time, but what she found when she opened the door was not what she expected. The face that greeted her was Reggie's and not Luke's as always, and the sad little smile on the bassist's face wasn't normal either.
She instantly hugs him, making soft circles with her fingertips on his iconic leather jacket.
“Don’t worry about me, sunshine, I’m fine. But he needs you.” He takes her hand and walks toward Bobby's old truck, and Y/N is even more confused when she meets his beaming smile as they climb into the back of the vehicle. Alex is smiling too, but he looks clearly anxious, and Luke is nowhere to be found.
"Can someone explain to me what happened? Where is Luke?"
“We did it, muffin!” He embraces her excitedly, his clear happiness reassuring the stressed girl.
“Congrats guys! I’m so proud of you!” He released her and she hugs Reggie with her left arm and with her free one takes Alex's hand, who takes it in his and fondly kisses her knuckles.
“Thank you Y/N, but going back to Luke, we need your help. Things didn't go as smoothly as we expected and how to put it nicely… he lost it.” The blond informs her while anxiously playing with his necklace.
“You are the one who always shows him the way.” Reggie says with a bigger smile this time.
“Okay, start the truck Bobs, my man needs me.” Alex snorts a laugh and Bobby fulfills her request after smiling teasingly at her.
“You told Bobby he wasn’t your man.” Alex remarked with a smirk, turning his head toward the back seat to look into her eyes.
“And you told the boy at the club that you didn't know Reggie so you wouldn't have to give him his number. What's your point?” She answered swiftly with a mirrored smirk.
The drummer tries to counter attack but fails miserably, instead whispers a “...Well played.” and looks back to the front of the road.
“Was he cute?” Reg asks with genuine curiosity, and they all debate whether the boy was Reggie’s type or not on the way to where Luke is.
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The boys leave her in the big park where the girl already imagined her best friend was, and she walks directly to the place where they sat millions of times throughout her childhood and adolescence, in their little corner of paradise. It doesn't take her long to find a disgruntled Luke sitting against their tree with his guitar three feet away, lying on the grass.
“You look so hot when you are frustrated.” Luke looks up and calms down when he meets her eyes. “I think you are the one who needs a song to relax now.” She adds, pointing out at the guitar. He nods and she picks it up, sitting between Luke's legs, her back leaning against his chest.
She blushes as she begins to play the song she finished composing just an hour ago, grateful that he can't see her face because of the position they are in. “I thank God for you all the time. Someone who knows my faults, but loves me despite them all. And you, I'll follow you just like that. Doesn't matter how far, If I have you, I have it all.”
She feels him kissing her hair, his heart beating just as fast as her own. “I think I found my soulmate, yes I do. I think I found the one who knows me. I don't wanna think about what it'd be like without you. Anywhere, I’ll follow you anywhere.”
When the song ends she freezes for a few seconds and Luke takes the opportunity to take the guitar and move it to the side, so that he can hug her closer to him, his arms around her waist while his chin rests on her shoulder.
“Your voice always shows me the way home.” Luke whispers sweetly in her ear, and Y/N instantly remembers Reggie said something similar in the truck, which means Luke had probably already expressed that thought to his friends, causing her to melt in his arms. She guesses it’s her turn to apply the famous Luke Patterson defense mechanism.
“What happened? I know you guys did pass, Bobby was so happy he wanted to cry.”
“We passed literally with the last ticket. They said they couldn’t see Sunset Curve, just another wannabe garage band, definitely not material for the big leagues.”
“Wow, that’s rough. And how did you react?”
"Reggie and Bobby held me by the arms and Alex by the back to stop me from going berserker." She smiles softly, imagining the scene clearly, and stretches her neck to see the guitarist's face.
“Lu, what else is bothering you?” He looks deep in thought, like he's forming multiple ideas in his head.
“I don't approve of everything they said, but I think maybe they have a point. I spent so much time trying to get the band to be material for a discography that I neglected our essence."
“Okay, then what’s the next move?”
“I have an idea, but I can’t do it without you.” He admits, staring deeply at her with his beautiful hazel eyes.
“Good thing you don’t have to. Luke, remember when we first met?” She asks, trying to distract him from his problems at least for today.
“Yeah, we were six. I told you I wanted to be a rockstar, and you said Lucas wasn’t a rockstar name, that I had to change it immediately.” He recalls with a soft smile.
“After that day you got angry every time someone dared to call you by your name.” She remembers the scene with a laugh.
“You have to admit, little Y/N was wise, you wouldn't have a band if you were still a Lucas.” He chuckles, caressing her hair lovingly., and she leans at the touch.”
“From that day I knew that I always wanted to be by your side. All my life I have tried to be someone, someone for my parents, for my friends, for the public, but I have never had to try with you.
I've always been someone for you... and that's more than enough. You've always known who I am, even when I'm not sure myself. You have always been patient and have loved me unconditionally, and I want you to know that you can always expect the same from me. god, I know since I was a kid I would do anything for you. I need you, I’m tired to wait for the correct moment, because every moment with you feels right.”
“Lu… is this a love confession?”
“I- yeah. But it’s so hard, I feel so many emotions right now and I really want to kiss the hell out of yo-” Y/N pulls him towards her connecting their lips hungrily, both melting into each other's mouths. He bites her lower lip slightly and separates a few seconds to admire her face, her eyes shining with love and lust.
“Darlin’, you can admit now your thing for rockstars. That’s exactly how you see me when I’m on stage.”
“I’ll admit it as soon as you admit you pretended to drown in the pool last year so I could give you mouth-to-mouth.”
“I would never do something like that… again.” They both laugh adoringly and Luke kisses her hard, determined to make up for all the lost time.
“Hey lovebirds, it’s time to go, Alex is minutes ago to snap at Reg and I don't want to end in the middle again, Reggie bit me last time.” They part abruptly, looking up at Bobby with daggers in their eyes.
“You can’t be all annoying all the time about our relationship and then ruin a moment like that.” she says clearly frustrated.
“Wow, eager much, muffin? someone is already whipped huh?” He jokes, causing Luke to put his finger in his mouth and then in his friend's ear.
“Bobby If you don’t shut up I swear-” She starts to fight, but he interrupts her.
“Are you guys dating now?” They both turn to see each other and smile, Luke wipes his hand on Bobby's shirt as they start to walk to the truck and entwine it with Y/N’s.
“Yeah, yes we are.” He declares with a majestic smile.
“Dammit I lost the bet to Alex. He said this was finally the year and I bet on another five.”
“Five? Really?” The girl asks, unable to believe what she hears.
“What? You have been in this strange relationship for about 12 years, five more years would be easy peasy. Reggie bet that you would make your lives with someone else and meet in 20 years to realize that it was always you." He informs them as they reach the vehicle, she looks in shock for a moment but then recovers and feings anger.
“Yeah, that’s it we are walking.” She decides, pulling Luke onto the sidewalk.
“You're just looking for an excuse to make out with your new boyfriend, you never get mad at us, not even the time Reggie stuck gum in your hair.” Bobby calls her out, and Reggie rolls the window down to emphasize that it was an accident.
“Okay yeah, I want to make out with my boyfriend and stick my tongue down his throat because as you mentioned, I've been waiting for many years to be able do it. So get lost or admire the show.” Reggie quickly closes the window again, and Bobby makes a disgusted face before almost running to the driver's seat.
“I’m so in love with you.” He admits with loving eyes, and she stands on tiptoe to fill him with light kisses on the forehead, nose, cheeks and lips. “I’m so in love with you, Lu.”
“Hey darlin’, I know you said the tongue in the throat thing to scare them away but…” He tries to explain himself, but she stops him knowing exactly what he wants to say.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m kissing the hell out of you as soon as we get home.” She reassures, caressing his hand.
He lets out a big sigh of relief. “Good.” A big smile on his face while pressing her hand a little harder to make sure this is actually happening.
Thanks for reading ✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @strangerthanfanfiction713 @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc @bibliophilewednesday @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @tuttigunner @dpaccione @justalittleweirdoo
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Part One, Part Two
Warnings: just some swearing
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May 1995
“We’re totally gonna get a record deal!”
Luke said for the tenth time in the past hour as he bounced in his seat.
It was Friday night and normally, you would all be messing around at the park, the beach, or just watching a movie in the studio. But when your phone rang and it was the booking manager for the Orpheum telling you that Sunset Curve is officially the new opener next month, the boys insisted on being there the second your shift at the diner was over.
So instead of arguing about having another Star Wars marathon or playing at the pier, you were all packed in your regular booth at Cece’s for celebratory milkshakes. You sat on the very edge of the booth, practically falling asleep on Alex. Ever since you got the call that morning, every cell in your body felt supercharged with excitement.
But now that the day was coming to an end, you could hardly stay awake enough to pay attention to the conversation.
Bobby, who was in your usual spot, pinched Luke’s arm. “Don’t jinx it, dude.”
“It’s not jinxing if you know for sure.” Luke said. “I mean, we’re awesome! And we’ve worked so hard to get to this point. It’s all gonna pay off.”
As much as you wanted to believe him, you were still nervous. There was nothing you were prouder of than your music, and you knew that a crowd that big would be good for gaining a lot of new fans. But the idea of that many people seeing you perform and hearing your lyrics was nerve-wracking.
You could tell the others felt the same way. Bobby was biting his nails, Alex was bouncing his leg so hard it almost hit the table and Reggie was slumped against the wall. Luke just stared at all of you, his bright smile never fading.
He snapped his fingers so loud that you jumped at the noise, then he started digging in his pockets. “I know what’ll cheer you guys up.”
Luke pulled out a safety pin, then brought its point down into the table, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth in concentration. After a few minutes, he brushed off the table and presented his design proudly. It was four words in huge slanted letters.
“Seriously, Luke?” Alex said, his eyes wide. “Cece’s gonna kill you!”
Luke just smirked and handed him the pin, gesturing to the space under the words. “‘C’mon, man. You’re up first.”
It took a lot of convincing, but Alex eventually gave in, and one by one, you all signed your names.
You heard the sound of Cece’s heels hitting the floor as she exited the kitchen. Panicking, you shoved the pin in your pocket just in time as she came up to the table. 
Before she could even see that anything was different, Reggie pointed at Luke.
“He did it!”
Cece frowned before inspecting the table, letting out a deep sigh and putting her hands on her hips.
“Are you vandalizing my diner, Patterson?”
Luke paled. “It was a group effort.”
“But it was your idea,” Alex said with a smirk, no doubt trying to pin the blame on Luke to keep his spot as Cece’s favorite. You had to bury your head into his shoulder to contain your laughter.
You could tell from the way that she was struggling to keep a straight face that Cece wasn’t actually mad but you weren’t gonna tell Luke that. He tried to kick Alex’s leg under the table but he hit yours instead. You hissed in pain and Luke paled even further.
“Shit, sorry, (Y/n).”
“And abusing my staff?” Cece joked, shaking her head.
Luke flashed her a charming smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, Cece. Just got a little excited.”
“I can see that.” She laughed then turned to you. “Hey. Get up. I got you something.”
You looked up at her in confusion but she didn’t offer you any answer as you dragged yourself up. Cece pulled a small blue box out from behind her back and handed it to you. “What’s the occasion?”
Cece rolled her eyes. “Just open it.” 
The first thing you saw was a folded piece of paper with your name on it, under it was a silver key. You picked it up and held it in between your fingers as you carefully unfolded the paper to see three words in Cece’s careful handwriting.
just in case
You looked up at her, eyebrows knitted together. “Cece?”
She just winked as she put her hand on your cheek. “Honey, you know that I couldn’t have more faith in you and your rockstar dreams. But just in case things don’t work out...well, I couldn’t imagine giving this place to anyone else.”
You flew into her arms and hugged her so tight it was a little painful. Of course, all you wanted was for Sunset Curve to get signed to a label and take over the world. But this place was like home to you and the idea of owning it some day made your heart swell. “Thank you!”
The booth erupted in cheers and Cece playfully glared at them as she tucked you under her arm. “But you have to promise you’ll keep these boys of yours from doing any more damage to the property.”
Bobby scoffed. “Hey, we’re not-”
You slapped your hand over his mouth before nodding at Cece. “I’ll try my best.”
The bell on the door jingled to announce the arrival of another customer, and Cece left to greet them. You twirled the key around in your hand and looked at the boys' smiling faces, unable to hide your own.
As you settled back in the booth and took a sip of your milkshake, you couldn’t help but feel like everything was coming together.
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L.A was somehow so different, yet exactly the way you remembered.
The way the bright lights flooded the streets, to the way that every surface you see was decorated with a piece of art, made you anxious to re-explore the city you loved so much. 
You couldn’t help but stare through your swinging legs at the crowds walking around below, listening to the soft buzzing of the Orpheum’s sign above your head.
An hour ago when Luke had suggested walking around the city, you figured you would end up here eventually. But now that you were actually here, you couldn’t help the hollow feeling that settled in your stomach.
It must’ve shown on your face because Luke launched into one of his motivational speeches. “C’mon, guys. I know being dead wasn’t our first choice. But you gotta admit, it is easier to get around.”
Reggie pouted. “Easy for you maybe. I lost my shirt on that one.”
You hadn’t even noticed that he was shirtless until it reappeared in a flash and he sighed in relief.
“So, why did you bring us here?” Alex asked Luke. “Just another painful reminder of where we never got to play?”
You smiled sarcastically. “Yeah, thanks, Luke.”
Luke rolled his eyes. “Because, we’re not done yet!”
He slung his arm around Alex’s shoulder, and gripped yours as he poofed you all down to the sidewalk, pulling away from you as fast as possible once your feet were back on the ground.
“I’m telling you.” Luke said. “We’ve been given a second chance. Let’s go see how many clubs we can hit before sunrise!”
He started walking down the street and Reggie was quick to follow, leaving you and Alex behind. As you watched them skip down the sidewalk, Alex let out a sharp ‘hey!’ and you whipped around to see him rubbing his shoulder.
A man in a long black suit stared straight into your eyes before tipping his hat to Alex and disappearing down the street. Every hair on your body stood on end as you stared at the spot where he was just standing.
“That was weird.” You said, turning to Alex. “You okay?”
He ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I’m good.”
You could hear Luke and Reggie’s excited shouting as they ran down the street, but you and Alex kept your distance. He reached his arm out to you and you took it automatically.
Over the last six months, Alex had become your best friend. You had always been close but last summer when things got bad with his parents, he turned to you.
And when things started to get weird between you and Luke or you had a fight with your mom, Alex was the only one you wanted to talk to. 
“Alright.” Alex sighed. “Out with it.”
“Out with what?”
“I know you’re dying to talk about Luke.”
“I am not!”
Alex raised his eyebrows, clearly not convinced.
“Besides, there’s nothing to talk about.”
“Nothing-” He took in a sharp breath. “(Y/n), for someone so smart, you’re acting like a dumbass.”
You put a hand on your chest, dramatically gasping. “Alexander Mercer! I had no idea you were capable of using that kind of language.”
He flashed you his middle finger before unlocking his arm from yours and pulling you into his side. “Seriously though. What’s rolling around up there?”
You were quiet for a few minutes as you rested your head on his shoulder. “I just want to know what I did, you know?” 
Alex nodded, but didn’t say anything, as he knew that you were just getting started.
“I mean, he’s always been there. He's always been my person. The one who I could count on for anything. Then that night in the studio, I thought…” 
You trailed off and Alex held you a little tighter. Even though he wasn’t there, he could probably describe that night in exact detail from the amount of times you had told him about it. “I just miss him."
“Yeah, I know.” Alex said, his eyes glued to Luke’s back. “But, hey, you know that he loves you, and that didn’t change because of one night.”
He started to say something else but cut himself off as he saw Reggie and Luke approaching, both with big, goofy smiles. Reggie took your arm that wasn’t around Alex’s back and locked it in his.
“What are you guys talking about?” He asked.
“Nothing!” You said way too fast, cringing to yourself as you dragged Reggie down the sidewalk. “Come on, Reg. Let’s go see if that old comic book shop is still around.”
As the night wore on, you became more and more thankful that you weren’t able to get tired.
You spent the whole night sneaking into concert venues, clubs, and pretty much any place you wanted now that there was no chance of getting caught. It wasn’t until you passed a small street-side café that you let yourself think about the one place you hadn’t been yet.
Cece’s Diner.
When Julie told you it had been 25 years, you assumed that it had closed down. That Cece had moved away. Maybe even reconnected with her son and lived out her life. It seemed like such a perfect thought that you didn’t want to ruin it with reality. 
But now that you had seen the way things had changed in the time you had been gone, you were now filled with a sense of urgency. You launched up the sidewalk until you were in front of the boys.
“Hey, guys?” You asked. They all stared at you curiously as a smile slowly spread across your face. “Anyone up for milkshakes?”
When you walked up to the diner - for only an instant - it was as if no time had passed. You felt the urge to run inside, throw your hair up in a ponytail, and make a beeline for the kitchen before you got in trouble for being late for your shift. 
Only as you got closer, you realized how much had changed. The building, which had always been a little ordinary and worn like a well-loved home, now felt about twenty stories tall. You dragged yourself forward toward the door, unable to look away.
The boys lingered behind you, but no one said a word. 
Your hand reached for the doorknob before you remembered that you wouldn’t actually be able to touch it.
I really gotta get used to that, you mumbled to yourself as you walked through the door.
It looked so different that you almost didn’t recognize it.
The bright blue paint had been replaced with brown on every wall, bookshelves lined the corners of the room, and long leather couches had replaced the booths and tables. The old jukebox had disappeared, and some old jazz song was playing over speakers over your head.
“Can I help you?” 
A voice asked from behind the counter. It was a boy that looked a little older than you, messy black hair and an uninterested smile. He dragged a blue pen across the margins of a book as he waited for your answer.
“You can see us?” Alex asked, to which the boy rolled his eyes.
“I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” He said, raising his eyebrows when you all failed to answer either of his questions.
“My, my. Aren’t we chatty.”
“Who are you, exactly?” You said, trying to mask your annoyance with a smile.
“Teddy.” He said, pushing himself off the counter and making his way around until he stopped just a few feet ahead of you. “And you’re (Y/n).”
A shiver ran down your spine. “How do you know that?”
“You were a friend of my grandma’s.”
Before you could ask what the hell he meant by that, a man came walking out of the kitchen. He looked so much like Cece that it made your stomach flip. It was her son.
And as you looked back at Teddy, your mind slowly connected the dots. “You’re Cece’s grandson?”
He nodded.
“Okay, this is just too weird.” You said as you rubbed your temples. There was no way that this was actually happening, right? Maybe you somehow fell asleep and are having some weird ghost dream. 
“Okay, well I definitely feel old.” Alex sighed.
Your head was spinning. “What is even happening right now.”
Teddy smiled. “Well, it’s too bad we’re dead or else I would buy you coffee and explain it to you.”
You internally cringed at his pick-up line but you couldn’t help but laugh a little. Normally, random guys flirting with you made you uncomfortable but behind his cocky attitude, he seemed like a genuine guy.
Maybe it was the way that he twirled his pen between his fingers the way that Cece used to, but something told you that there was more to him than meets the eye.
Before you could answer, Luke spoke up. “Well, it was nice meeting you. But we really should be getting back home.”
You could see that he was right as the pale light came in through the windows as the sky started to lighten.
But you couldn’t help but notice that this was the first time he had interjected in the conversation since you got there, and a small part of you wondered if that had anything to do with the way that Teddy was staring at you.
You shook those thoughts from your head, giving Teddy a soft smile.
“Maybe next time.”
Though you weren’t capable of getting cold, you still shivered a little as you walked through the door and back out onto the street. You could feel Luke’s eyes on the side of your face, flickering down to the sidewalk when he saw you looking.
You gave him a light nudge on the shoulder, and he gave you a soft smile that you couldn’t quite decipher the meaning behind.
That was pretty much all you got from Luke these days.
“So,” Luke said, his enthusiasm returning in full force as he threw his arms over Alex and Reggie’s shoulders. “I think it’s safe to say we’re officially back in business.”
The second that you landed in the studio, your jaw dropped.
Julie was sitting at the piano, her voice shaky but full of passion as she belted out the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard. Her fingers hit the keys expertly and you smiled.
You closed your eyes, listening to her voice echo through the room and getting lost in the warm feeling the lyrics filled you with. It wasn’t until she stopped singing and sniffled quietly that your heart dropped.
Both you and Alex surged forward to comfort her but Luke shook his head and swirled his finger, signaling to meet up outside. You wanted to protest. To stay and comfort your new friend.
But Julie sniffled again and you thought that maybe it would be a good idea to give her space. You made a mental note to talk to her later and poofed out of the garage.
In Life, In Death Taglist:
@ifilwtmfc @instabull @wanniiieeee @tenaciousperfectionunknown
JATP Taglist:
Let me know if you want to be added!
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