#I want to retire in Hoenn so bad…
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Part Two
Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and some biscuits.
What I've explained so far is merely the intellectual portion of my hatred.
I don't think it's too much to ask for something to make sense and respect the history and laws of its own universe.
I haven't even started talking about my emotional reaction, which is somehow even more volcanic.
Little T.A.P. had what's known euphemistically as 'the artistic temperament' (nutter) and as such, was the most hardline, take-no-prisoners Rocketshipping extremist you'd ever have the misfortune to meet.
Worse than everyone on Tumblr, combined.
If anyone reading this considers themselves an obsessive, then no, mate, you're not.
You ain't seen nothing compared to my psychotic prime.
Glorious, it was.
I, but a simple, unassuming child, had a clear vision in life:
I will kill anyone who comes between you.
And I wasn't one o' these wishy-washy 'Oh there's nothing there now but it has potential' dishcloths, I was the Real Deal.
As far as I was concerned, it deserved to ranked alongside the great romances of history and legend.
• Romeo and Juliet
• Lancelot and Guinevere
• Anthony and Cleopatra
• Tristan and Isolde
• Victoria and Albert
• Orpheus and Eurydice
• Nicholas and Alexandra
• Hero and Leander
• Heloise and Abelard
• Pyramus and Thisbe
But, you know, without the death.
Besides which, I had no internet, and no friends who liked Pokémon, so I sincerely believed I was the only Rocketshipper in the world, and felt it more intensely on top of the rest as compensation.
And if you watch the early Indigo League in the view that Jessie and James aren't just destined to be in the future, but a fully-fledged, when-can-we-be-married legitimate couple, but it's never mentioned much because it's not relevant to the main story of Ash's quest, then it bloody works!
Suddenly you start thinking that maybe they want that one big heist so badly so they have enough to retire on and set up home together.
See talking about brings it all the bastard memories back and how they all died and led to nothing and now I want to sit in the corner and cry for the love that never lived.
Imagine me, in such a state, watching this utter abomination, matching Jessie with a man, and it's not James, and thinking I would ever take it well.
I don't understand how anyone could.
The best (THE BEST!) explanation I have is that these writers, now needing to string it out until the final moments of Johto, realized they'd taken the romance too far and wanted to hold back, but did it in the most cack-handed, clod-hopping fashion, undermining it so the whole ship collapsed about their ears, from which it's never really recovered.
This team, after all, thought Tracey was a good idea, so how much could we ever expect?
I'm not saying it died that day, as I still found things (the second film, by Shudo), but this was the first inkling I got that, well maybe it won't end happily after all.
And that hurt.
I should've seen it in Bad to the Bone, but this decision made the uneven writing far too plain, so how could I ever put my faith in it all turning out alright, if it's so dependent on an individual writer's whims?
What if the last-ever-episode was written by the wrong person, and it was left to his decision?
I dunno. Maybe the success of Pokémon went to their heads and drove 'em doolally, thinking they could coast serving up any old tripe.
Or they never wanted Rocketshipping to be so big, and deliberately set about a sabotage to put people off.
After all, the dearth of shipping content come Hoenn, the first region after Shudo left, can't really be explained otherwise.
And everything beyond that is the most paltry, blink-and-you'll-miss-it table scraps, like Jessie touches James back for half a second and the fandom flies out of its mind about it because they're so deprived of proper nourishment.
Then the supposed big stuff always comes with a catch that yet again chips away at their formerly established personalities, giving with one hand but robbing with the other.
I once heard someone defend XY063 (AND DON'T START ME ON THAT!!!) with talk of how:
For something shippy to happen, something anti-shippy needs to happen first.
We can't take one step forward before we've took a step back, so nothing ever moves.
In the present anyway. The canon gets ripped to ribbons.
Well who says it should?
'Cause I don't remember any price paid in the golden age of Rocketshipping. Back then it was just allowed to happen.
So what changed?
It can't only be they cut down on the romance to give it greater appeal to children, thus turning a bigger profit, as what do they think we were?
But here is where you start to see the almost brainless willingness to ignore all that's gone before.
Anything to keep it going, eh?
The entire reason Jessie and James was special is because it's two kids adrift from the worlds they were born into where no one understood them...until they met.
You go by the original canon, and it's them chancing upon their soulmate, realizing it, and never parting from that day.
They was only ever going to be the other in their lives, and they knew, and IT WAS SO BLOODY BEAUTIFUL!!!
The idea there's one person for everyone is the magic material woven into all the highest dreams of humanity, and it made Little T.A.P.'s tender heart sing hosannahs to its holiness.
Oh, but yer can forget that now, 'cause it's all gone to shit.
Turns out Jessie DID have one of them connections (honest!), but it was some other random knobhead named Darren who sniffs glue round the back of Netto.
Oh-ho, I bet Keats, Byron and Shelley are dusting off their immortal quills as we speak, keen as mustard to commit these wholesome snippets to paranormal paper.
Get this: she, apparently, knew Darren practically from the maternity ward, and spent her whole life with him, which is longer than her own parents lasted (supposing that bit of her past stayed the same, and I'm not sure it did, but anyway) meaning he's the biggest relationship of any kind she ever had, the one constant source of emotional support and companionship throughout her younger years, twinned with her as no one else ever could be (PFFT!!!) but he's never been bloody mentioned before!
And he's never seen again!
And he's got No Fookin' Eyes!
He's SO important, but he also doesn't matter at all, as them writers don't care no more.
James not only isn't The One, he ain't even The Two after Osstin got invented, and The Three is Darren part two, for Jessie's slummin' it for sloppy seconds.
James is well down the rankings of First Ever Love Evah in the modern configuration, which is nice.
And they just keep twisting the knife!
Pokémon Tech. is a school for Trainers, so first-year pupils must be at least ten, therefore I surmised that's how old Jessie and James were at their fateful encounter.
BUT she's evidently younger than ten here, so not only have they killed off her joint history with him, they've gotta mock it too by making out it couldn't even come close to the depth of dependency she had on ding-dong-merrily-on-high Daz, since they go way back!
As I said, Jessie's established past is oblitered by this scene, but so too is James's, and now he didn't abscond from school to join a bike gang, and I don't know where he comes from either because Holy Matrimony! is out too.
If I'm generous however, and overlook that, presuming the 'rich kid' theme still applies, there's no telling why, when or how he ran away, but I'll guess he was ten when he did, for that's the traditional age of majority here.
As the Training Daze version of events now takes precedent with everyone who isn't me, and those lauding it want to hammer yer into submission about how Duh Twenny Fyve, this makes a fifteen-year gap from James leaving home to swanning up at HQ, which is just an enormous black hole of cold emptiness.
Has there ever (EVER) been an episode dealing with what happened to him then, who he met, what jobs he had, how he survived?
With Indigo canon binned (apart from the following, apparently, which is convenient), I'm supposed to accept that James, who wasn't just a small boy, but a preened, pampered only child and precious son and heir, fêted and catered to by a household full of servants, with no life skills or survival instincts to speak of, somehow scraped by on the streets on his own FOR FIFTEEN YEARS, with no Jessie to take care of him, or Chopper, or Tyra, or any kindly biker?
As if! He'd have been dead within hours!
Of course, he caught no Pokémon during this period either (being most of his life) and consequently had no form of self-defence to hand, but this colossal plot hole doesn't seem to trouble anyone.
Who knows, maybe in this timeline he stayed home until the night before Giovanni snapped him up, which I suppose makes Jessibelle his own personal Darren in significance.
Except people never mind if, by default, every new Jessie backstory comes replete with endless gobshite wasters queueing up to give her Forgotten Major Trauma, but if James has another woman, and it's Jessibelle, there's hell to pay.
Well no wonder she's miffed, staying with him for decades only to watch him walk out the door as soon as she slipped on the veil.
I reckon it's only the good humour of Vileplume that keeps her from tipping into full Miss Havisham mode.
Whilst I'm at it, the art style of Training Daze is a bit...off, and doesn't resemble the rest of Hoenn.
I suspect it's an imitation of how they looked in their earliest scenes, in fact the above screenshot is suspiciously like this one, even if they haven't bothered fixing the colours.
See? They can draw better. They just won't.
My theory is the crew knew retconning the past was playing with fire, so deliberately designed 'em as close as they could to early Kanto, thereby easing fans into accepting it, as if now it's obvious Indigo Jessie and James really went through the prequel, and were originally invented with this past in mind.
Yeah. Not that it makes sense, for if the Kanto style was that important to anyone they'd still be going by its canon backstories come what may, and certainly wouldn't have rolled over blithely accepting the mushed-up faces on 'em recently, but then, who really cares about coherent thinking?
It's so overrated.
And I can't deny it worked. People tie themselves in all sorts of weird knots insisting Training Daze ackshully does fit with canon...if you just shut up and stop noticing.
Once that got through, in their view we'd swallow anything, so why even try making it match?
Who is this supposed to be, man? 'Cause it don't resemble any Jess I remember.
If this picture had gone round labelled as 'Young Nurse Joy' before Sinnoh, no one would've doubted it.
What's wrong with yer bloody eyes, love? They ain't even the right shape!
How can I believe a backstory that happened to someone else?
Now I, being a calm, mild-mannered sort of soul, don't ask for much in life.
But he should die.
Incidentally, years after the fact I skimmed a Cori Falls story where Darren knocked Jessie about, and although I would never once suggest that happened (but it did) I can't say I have a single ounce of sympathy for him.
I mean, if he didn't want that sort of representation, he shouldn't have bloody turned up.
Please understand, I haven't relentlessly insulted him merely from a shipping perspective (die), but also with a fine artistic sensibility.
Firstly, he has No Bloody Eyes, which, logically, constitutes some sort of Shadow Dæmon, but more importantly, and much worse, is the brown hair.
Brown hair.
You're in an anime, and yer got brown hair.
Even worse ('cause it's personal now), it ain't even arranged in some ker-razy spiky display as compensation.
Oh no. He's too good for that. Instead Darren's got his barnet all nice and smooth, like a human haircut.
See what I'm saying?
He comes swaggering in here, throwing his weight around and upsetting everyone, and hasn't even got the decency to look the part.
Not even an inch of sideburns on this oaf.
I wouldn't mind nearly so much if we were dealing with some ultra-cool world-class titan, the sort of shining star suited to front any other anime, where you could understand Jess taking an interest, but I am not putting up with sticking this bog-standard, penny-pinching tow-rope, with his all-over even wood finish and cow lick, into her past without so much as a by-your-leave, and thereby casting aspersions on her character.
Just consider the insult:
You're telling me Jess has gone from bagging herself James, who's not only young, good-looking, carrying the classic anime style, AND actually matters in the grand scheme with a massive fan following, because he's well-designed and interesting enough to pull a crowd (plus, let's not forget, HE'S FOOKIN' LOADED, MAN!!!) to settling (and come on, it's settling) for eyeless, bland background filler, who wouldn't even pass muster as a one-time guest character?
Yer can piss off!
Indigo Jess had some flamin' standards and wasn't gonna compromise 'em, but Orange Jess apparently has no taste whatsoever, and is just bloody grateful when any old slobbering air thief shows interest.
And I'm not 'avin it!
See that's why she's on the floor. He hit 'er.
All I said about Darren being Jessie's main source of stability also applies in reverse, as she is that to him.
And still he effed off.
Arsehole. Complete arsehole.
What a classy moral-of-the-story routine this was for the romantically-inclined Little T.A.P.
'Used t'be Jessie crossed paths with her everlasting soulmate (James) and stuck it out through thick and thin.
Message: True love is real, kids!
Together forever!
No matter how long!
From now until the end of time!
Now? Oh yeah, she had a thing once, and thought it was the proper stuff, but...meh.
'Cause even after years together you just can't trust 'em not to leave.
Message: Never feel secure!
Not for one second!
You don't know what he's plotting!
Oh, kill the dream, why don't yer?
Let's not aim for something higher anymore, trying to convey the soaring ideals of love, so that, despite their misery and poverty, Jessie and James have a little beauty to cling on to through the darkness.
Nah, mate, kick 'em when they're down!
Thus Darren departs continuity, oversized coat and guide dog in hand, as Orange Jess sinks to her knees, pleading for his return.
Have some bloody self-respect, Jess!
You're so invested in a walking Cuprinol advert you're actually begging him not to go?
You like minimum-effort mediocrity THAT much?
And you're STILL sorry it didn't last?!
Fuxake, woman!
For if I accept it, I think less of her.
There once was a time when our Jess pictured herself as an earthbound goddess served devotedly by adoring slave boys.
Ooooh. Some of them lads have brown hair.
They've all got curtains, perms and mullets, man!
That's the default setting of anime!
Being mere fantasy figures, they don't really exist in this universe, and thus I'm cutting 'em some slack, given this whimsy never buggered up canon.
They know their place.
But watching her debase herself like this, crawling across the scratchy nylon carpet, clutching at the tan polyester seams of Darren's best waterproof ensemble, really got my goat, as that ain't the Jess I loved and idolised.
Old Indigo Jess wouldn't have stood for any of that nonsense, as her lovely little speech in The Ghost of Maiden's Peak makes plain.
Oooh, but she's just trying to save face because of what she did in the past.
A. You're only saying that in hindsight, wanting to believe Pokémon has a solid continuity where both Barren Darren and Austin Powers fit, even when it's impossible.
B. Where's the evidence for this in original canon?
C. There's nothing wrong with learning from others' mistakes instead of going there yourself.
D. Orange Jess evidently doesn't regret it, what with telling us all about sinking so low she's hankered after Spirits From The Nether Realm, and giving it good woe-is-me in the aftermath.
Back in the first series, all the fellas Jessie wanted waiting upon her had James's lean physique, with the majority sporting some variation on his hair colour.
Is it really just a coincidence that since then, none of her supposed beaus look remotely like him?
Each one has either brown or dark grey hair, making 'em as boring as possible:
• Darren
• Aston Villa
• Dr. Shite
• Speccy in the Lucario film.
• Him from Mewtwo Returns, whatever his name is, the sub says Penicillin.
So the art department's going out of its way to tell us:
1. James is NOT Jessie's type.
2. She has really low standards, yet he STILL doesn't meet 'em.
Now Darren doesn't really matter too much, since everyone else who hasn't been nursing a grudge for two decades forgets him.
Even I don't care until he comes up in screen shots.
Osstin however is the real shithouse.
He gets an entire bloody episode nurturing his canon balls.
See here's where the slippery slope knocks yer down:
• Make Team Rocket look Indigo for Training Daze.
Once accepted, don't bother letting Jess resemble herself in Crossing Paths!
• Introduce other men in a minor flashback.
Now the past is broken, have whole episodes pissing on its memory.
And how the quality has sunk in the meantime.
Darren, whilst a massive step down from James, is at least reasonably masculine, and probably as attractive as shape-shifters get.
Osstin meanwhile...
I'm gonna ignore the brown barnet, being a tangle of jagged edges, evidently over-compensating for what lies beneath.
'Cause he is ugly, man.
Jessie's tastes have degraded so badly they've slipped into the perverse, juvenile blood throbbing at the sight of a squeaky, short-arsed four-eyes barely bigger than herself.
Why, God? Why do you curse me?
James was a wealthy effeminate fop, in his day, Darren was a normal, middle-of-the-road incubus, in his day, both of which are a sight load better than whatever this is supposed to be.
You want me to believe Jessie's gone from either of them to a squinting, emasculated and vertically challenged dweeb, fogging up at the mere sniff of Reddit and SY-UNCE, and truly hideous to behold?
She left Darren for him, did she?
Takin' liberties here!
Remember it, tho?
Back when she was taking expensive dance classes in an unspecified region paid for by her indulgent moneybags parents with those familiar best friends of hers?
You know, that pair we keep seeing on the road.
Never not on our screens, are they?
I'm sick of hearing about 'em.
It's always Jessie getting dumped, you notice. Never her kicking the useless sod to the kerb, realizing she can do better.
Nope. Only James is low enough for that.
But do they really expect me to still love and admire Jessie, look up to her even, as I once did, when now I'm told she's so pathetic even nerds don't want her?
Oh, you're sorry this didn't work out, are yer Jess?
You're crying because you didn't marry the gormless incel and birth a dozen bi-focal babies?
Just look at yerself, girl!
Worse, Darren left her when they were reasonably grown-up, about the age she was in the Orange League, meaning if it happened (which it didn't) it had to be not long before Kanto began, so I might understand her still being upset over a man she'd known since childhood, supposing I did believe it.
BUT Osstin buggered off when she was at best, about bloody eleven, and so they had no romance in the first place, yet she's still moaning about The Geck That Got Away well into Sinnoh, meaning she regrets losing him more than Darren!
You're rapidly going down in my estimation, Jess!
Of course, the irony is James morphing into said revolting breed of 'male' in the later eras, so by rights Jessie ought to be on him like a pigeon on Monster Munch.
I marvel at anyone who kept their Rocketshipping hopes up this long, given just how many warning signals the writers put out over the years.
Nothing blatant, obviously. They're not stupid.
Even the quote above quietly kills off any hint of Jessie and James's then-relationship, and as usual with retcons, once said, you're expected to apply them to the past and pretend it was always this way.
No one loves Jess, kids!
And certainly not James!
All that Indigo evidence was just in your head!
There's never a positive reflection of her being glad she met James and Meowth, that these various conflicting pasts led to them, and so it all worked out in the end.
Every time she bemoans a 'lost love', it's a tacit admission she wishes she was anywhere but here, and with anyone but them.
Anyone but James, in truth.
Oh, that's cheered me right up.
How miserable she looks.
If nothing else proves Holy Matrimony! is out of continuity (barring bits of it, when useful), it's that her Orange League whining come after this scene.
And this one.
And this one...
...When she is plainly in a relationship with him.
Jessie's first action after staring into James's eyes for an unnecessarily long period of time is to move closer and wrap her arms about his neck, for one of those entirely platonic embraces, no doubt, both so captivated by the moment they've forgotten Meowth exists.
But it never happened, did it?
They've always been Just Friends, haven't they?
See when I rule the world (it won't be long now), and people ask why I did all them war crimes, I'm gonna point 'em to THIS for setting me off.
The End
[Part One] [Part Three]
[Part Three 2.0] [Part Four]
#Rocketshipping#Team Rocket#Jessie#James#Jessie and James#Darren#Astin#Orange Islands#Wherefore Art Thou Pokémon?#Hoenn#Training Daze#Sinnoh#Crossing Paths!#Kanto#Holy Matrimony!#GIFS
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Intro post
[ID: A pokecharms trainer card. The card is purple, and the trainer avatar is of an alternative white man. His name is listed as Helios, and his team consists of a Pidove, a Gogoat, an Absol, and a Mabostiff. /End ID]
Hello! I see you've found my little blogging corner!
I'm Helios. I'm a physically disabled trainer, and this blog is mostly about the flock I keep and my service Pokemon. 23, He/Him, born and raised as a Kalos farmboy, currently residing in Hoenn, and a flying type lover through and through, though my heart goes to feathered friends specifically. I am a professional Pidove breeder and mostly focus on producing healthy, stable Pokemon that make good partners for people who want easy to care for mons.
I understand Pidoves can be wild caught and that the idea of buying a common pokemon seems idiotic. My operation is one that ensures quality flying types using specifically selected Unfezant, who are treated well and retired after a certain number of clutches to become flock or pet birds. All birds released into the wild due to poor temperament are properly raised to be able to survive.
The Pokemon I keep on me as my team are:
Doki, Pidove, Female, Impish Nature. A friend from my flock who I formed a bond with. I only keep more lax birds as breeding birds, but Doki sustained an injury and couldn't be safely released into the wild. She is one of my best friends now, and my pet for life.
Moss, Gogoat, Male, Calm Nature. One of my two service Pokemon. I have issues with walking, and Moss is capable of carrying me on bad days. He sits well in a pokeball and often has to for trips in which I may need him, but may not, but at home he likes to walk around outside by the loft or play with Jubi.
Jubilee Aka Jubi, Absol, Female, Serious Nature. Jubi is my primary service pokemon, trained to provide walking support, item retrieval, opening doors, and to seek assistance in case of a medical emergency. I've had her since I was a little kid, and she means the world to me.
Scrooge, Mabostiff, Male. Scrooge is a deaf rescue that I adopted for company around the house. So far, he's settled in very nicely!
Oh, and some photographs of me!
[ID: Two picrews of Helios. He is a young man with dark brown eyes and blonde hair that falls down his neck and almost covers his right eye. He has a somewhat alternative sense of fashion. /End ID]
(OOC under the readmore)
Hiii! I follow from the blog @unconscious-surmise . one of my special interests is pigeons, so I figured playing a character who owned the pokemon equivalent of a pigeon breeding operation would be fun. I promise that Helios does do things ethically around here, and I'm looking forward to interactions with the pokeblogging community!
I am interested in interactions but even if I don't get them I will just post Helios and his birds
I am a minor and I am not interested in romantic roleplay. If my age makes you uncomfortable please block!
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ohhhh in that case please tell me about ur fav poke gen and why :)
Predictably it’s Hoenn!!!
Ironically I completely missed Gen 3 when it was current though. (I was too busy with Yugioh and Tokyo Mew Mew as a kid but came right back to Pokemon as Drew let the door hit him on the way out and DP started, go figure 😔)
I think overall it just hits a perfect stride of building and improving upon the earlier generations but still having a strong sense of identity to it. For the games and the anime! For me, the Pokémon designs are a sweet spot of being creative and recognizable without being too simplistic or overdesigned. The region overall has a charming and laidback atmosphere to it that just fills me with love for the Nature and Possibilities.
And the battle frontier! Berries! contests! (Personally, I think Hoenn had a benefit in introducing contests because they just come off as an exciting new challenge For Everyone, where I feel some other gens contest-like things come across as a lesser, “girly” side quests. I guess like the vibe of a dog show vs a beauty pageant? It’s hard to explain. But knowing both forms of competition take skill and practice but there’s a big divide in how they’re marketed and perceived idk)
That sort of blends into why I like the AG characters too, May has such an amazing arc and is treated as a solid co-protagonist! Her rivals are all so interesting and surprisingly fleshed out in hindsight too! (but that could be the years of picking apart dialogue and individual frames talking lol) Overall I love the dynamic of May and Max and Ash and Brock. They’re a bit of a mess but so genuine and likable as a group 😭
Lots of truth in the trend that whatever gen you like best is probably the one when you were 8-11 years old but oh well! Hoenn has so much going for it, it’s always the top choice in my soul
#I feel like Drew got his own essay somewhat recent enough so I will be more Broad here#anon ask#I want to retire in Hoenn so bad…
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Character Headcanons #1
champions and the leadup to them becoming champions!
lance started his journey at 14, the traditional age in the dragon clan to let kids go out on journeys. they have to pass a certain test in order to receive a dragon type and he did (clair failed the first time rip). his first pokemon was a dratini ofc. he did all the johto gyms, beat the e4 and made champion rank, then went on to the kanto gyms (which i see as being a common thing among high level trainers from kanto and johto. you do your own region and make it to the champion level if you can then try the other 8 across the mountain). he travelled the world for a few years and after he returned, he joined the e4 at about 24ish and made his way up to being the leader of the e4. he was pretty content in that position but wasn't too upset to become sitting champion when red unexpectedly left.
steven became a trainer a bit older than most expect. he was content to travel and mine rocks and never really considered being a trainer until a bit after he turned 16 and his dad was like "well you're old enough to start learning how to take over from me someday : )" and steven was immediately like "actually i think im gonna try being a trainer I'll come back latermaybebye" and yeeted himself out of rustboro faster than you can say electrode. he ended up being very good at training which was just a bonus. shortly into his journey he learned about mega evolution and completely halted doing the hoenn gyms to yeet himself to kalos to learn about it properly. when he gets back he basically just. curbstomps everyone with the fairly unknown mega evolution ability and becomes champion at around 19ish.
wallace comes from a family thats very established in the contest circuit, with several older sisters who were all master ranks coordinators. he started young (10 or so) and very quickly rose to being a top coordinator in hoenn. however his older sisters all eventually stopped competing leaving him miles ahead of the rest. its very boring when you're basically just competing against yourself so he was like "well im going to try being a trainer now : )" at 16ish and was instantly successful at that too. it also scratched his competitive itch a bit better, especially when he became a gym trainer (and later gym leader) for juan as he liked the challenge of trying to fit his team to the challengers level. it got even better when this one guy managed to absolutely destroy everyone in the gym despite having a pretty severe type disadvantage and they became best friends and rivals : ) as for being champion, he takes over from steven shortly after the whole team magma-aqua fiasco.
cynthia had a very protagonist like journey. she set out at 12ish with her gible, got a pokedex from prof rowan and set about filling it (though she had already gotten a badge or two by the time she ran into rowan), had some grand adventure, became champion very young (13 or so) and has held onto her title ever since.
alder is super interesting to think about because he's old lol i imagine that the unova league was still fairly newish at that point in time so the concept of going to a gym to battle was very thrilling and unique, though not everyone thought it was a good thing. alder started his journey pretty young (13ish?) and took his sweet time doing the challenge as he just loved exploring so much. he only became champion at like 18 or 19 and not because he was bad at battling. he was probably one of the first champions in unova and reigned for quite a few years. then of course his first partner volcarona died. he resigned from battling for a long while until pulled back in a bit before bw starts. the previous champion unexpectedly retired due to illness, and since they hadn't been ousted by battle, all the members of the pokemon league voted for a new champion. alder was fairly surprised when he got a call saying he was up for champion duties round 2 if he wanted them, but agreed to come back until a new champion won the title.
iris challenged alder and won : ) haha, she's just a bit too young to have as much history as the others lol she wasn't ever a gym leader, but she did work as a gym trainer for her grandpa which was great practice.
diantha came from a rich family who wanted her to focus more on her acting career than battling but diantha was insistent on taking time off to try the gym challenge. (her parents were mortified. it's one thing to have a few leisurely battles at the battle maison where you can make connections but to join the rabble in the gym challenge? eugh.) but her parents bought her a specially bred ralts and off she went. she was young enough (14 or so) but by that point she had a decent acting career which led to her being noticed every so often. she quickly became champion (diantha's good and kalos doesn't exactly have a strong battling culture) which caused a huuuuuge argument between her and her parents who were still very stage parenting her.
leon is like cynthia. he was basically another little 10 year old protagonist prodigy who quickly rose to the top. but for some hc's, he got his sponsorship from kabu. motostoke was the closest gym so he and sonia took the train there to ask for it. kabu, as most gym leaders do, asked for a battle to see if they were good enough and was blown away by leon's already evident skill with his charmander.
#pokemon#pokemon headcanons#steven stone#champion cynthia#champion lance#champion iris#champion leon#champion diantha#champion wallace#champion alder#how do you tag pkmn characters!!!! i hate being in fandoms where charas have only one name#also no geeta until we get dlc and potentially learn more ab her....#pie has hcs
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name: Kas'hial Stormfront
race: Kobold
class: Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline - Bronze)
characterisation: An old musician 'banished' to a distant mountain, for on his retirement, he became carefree and played his instrument wherever and whenever he liked. He was 'gifted' his residence as a ploy to let the townspeople get some sleep - it would be a waste to stop such skill, but he had a bad habit of playing in the middle of the night.
On his mountain, he lived peacefully for a long time - playing for and talking to visitors when they arrived, and to the clouds when no others were around. He took good care of his gifted home, keeping it neat and tidy. Until the storm. As lightning crackled around him, he could have hidden underground and been safe. But then the town would have no warning - he couldn't let that happen, and let out a great thunderous cry, his voice echoing through the town and allowing the people time to get to safety. While catching his breath, though - another bolt - hit him... and was deflected...? Confused and exhausted, he passed out.
When he awoke, he expected his home to be destroyed - but it and he were miraculously unharmed. While the same couldn't be said for the town, even as he rushed to assist in rebuilding, it was clear that his intervention had saved many lives. None he asked, though, could explain the phenomena of the deflected lightning... and with a curiosity and inner strength not felt since he was a child, he set out on a journey to discover what had saved his life that day.
As a result of his 'exile' he's awkward around people now, and loud as ever, but in a surprisingly endearing manner. He's also somewhat clumsy, not being used to urban areas: unless he's being particularly careful, it's impossible not to hear him coming. But it is also a blessing: he's naturally a subject of curiosity, after all, and even rumours could lead to the answer he seeks...
inspiration: Qazlal (Dungeon Crawl) so, where to start on this one. was pretty difficult, but also one I really wanted to make - the thing is, I didn't want to favour one element over another, because Qazlal's abilities all use all four elements - this is why I didn't go with a genasi. I ended up with kobold for two reasons; one, kobolds' draconic cry means they're canonically able to be loud as heck, which Qazlal is. the other is, kobold having draconic blood means it can have some elemental affinity without me having to choose one explicitly. and then, we choose an elemental affinity explicitly. why? because draconic bloodline affinity doesn't affect /too/ much, and Qazlal does tend towards air a bit by virtue of generated storms being clouds - sorcerer can of course use whatever elements it wants, though. this was literally a last-minute change after a lot of annoyance on my part because the best thing for keeping the elements equal (four elements monk) I didn't end up liking how it worked with Qazlal's whole... loud thing. sorcs are more likely to be loud imo, thunderclap and stuff. he ended up a musician because of the loudness thing, too. not specifying the instrument because I didn't want to redesign and break how I liked it there's a lot of cool options you could go with. my first thought was cymbals, but I'm also liking drums and brass instruments... hoenn confirmed, heckers?
share link: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D33502360/
#dnd#heroforge#dungeon crawl#qazlal#qazlal stormbringer#srd builds#he is the embodiment of the meme#the smaller the battery the louder it screams
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Professor, what pokemon did you originally go on your first journey with?
Oh, those are some fond memories. When I was growing up my birth region of Johto was recovering some substantial wildfire damage, so I was sent to Kanto for my own journey when I was ten. All the Pokémon who were with me are all still alive and well, though most of them have dropped out of the battling circuit. Not that I battle much at all anymore!
My first Pokémon was Bulbasaur, on the entire boat ride to Kanto I made sure to stay wide awake so sleep wouldn’t hold me back from picking first, just to make sure I got a Bulbasaur. Turns out it probably wouldn’t have mattered as that species wasn’t as popular back then, but I wanted one bad. That Bulbasaur was old Maxwell, my first Pokémon. I thankfully have a small country home in Johto out by the Ilex Forest, but with a rather large yard so I don’t have to worry about space, and most of my Pokémon who aren’t active teammates anymore have that as a base to linger around and roam, including him. Maxwell’s a big lug and he’s really slowed down with his age now, but he’s fiercely loyal. We’ve had good fights together. The window in my study faces my yard, and old Max comes by periodically to rest his face on the windowsill and watch me write reports. He’s near the end of his life, near 70 years, but that old Venusaur has lived a good one and I’m making sure his golden years are comfortable. And that some of the... younger upstart Pokémon I took in give the old man some peace once in a while.
While camping in the Viridian Forest on my first night on the road, a Weedle crawled into my sleeping bag! I was honestly lucky to not get stung by accident thanks to the close quarters, but I figured it was a sign and took him with me. That was Hubert, my now-Beedrill, and though bug types are generally not long lived, Hubert is going on 20 now. Beedrill at their oldest tend to reach mid-thirties, so I have plenty of time with him. Hubert is my ambassador for the greatness of the bug type! Quick evolving bugs like him are often disregarded as beginner species, but he remained on my team as I collected all eight gym badges and contributed a lot. He’s pretty friendly for a Beedrill, but I’ve always made sure he was well socialized. He’s made his nest on the top of my wardrobe and always freaks out visitors because he’s so possessive of me.
In Mt Moon I got lost a lot, like, a LOT thanks to all the twists and turns, but I found a Paras on one dead end I hit. I’d always loved bugs and was in love with those big, cute eyes, so he came with. That was France, the now Parasect still wandering around my house. He’s pretty docile and usually stays inside, but as I warned before, it’s important to watch out for spores with a Parasect in the house. He was a pretty formidable battler for his calm nature, but I think he was happy to leave the battling scene. A lot of trainers who see him get concerned if he’s even alive thanks to all the misinformation about Parasect, but make no mistake, he is alive and fully alert! Lethargy is just part of the symbiotic relationship Parasect share with the mushrooms they carry thanks to a mixture of energy sharing, but most importantly, consistent exposure to sleep-inducing fungal spores.
I remember trading with a boy who was desperate for an Abra because he hated the psychic type he was given and thought it was scary. A Mr Mime! That was Marcel, and he was only 10 when I got him, not to mention most psychic types are super long-lived, so Marcel will be around for a very long time. He might not have liked Marcel, heck, most other trainers my age didn’t like him either when we were around, but Mr Mime has always been my type of Pokémon. I did contests and most prominently theater for a long time, and still do, and have been trained in clowning a lot, so I appreciate such a silly clown Pokémon! Mr Mime are great friends, they’re radically intelligent, you just have to be ready to manage such a smart and often mischievous Pokémon. Marcel has toned down the pranks now since I’ve established countless times I don’t have an appreciation for being tripped over invisible walls, but that doesn’t stop him from pestering other Pokémon sometimes. For all his troublesome behavior and a bit of a rough start with an unappreciative trainer, Marcel was a hard worker during my first journey and he never fails to make me laugh at least once a day.
Then there was Jane, an Elekid I found who washed up on the river by Rock Tunnel, probably from the nearby Power Plant. She was and still is quite the spitfire! Jane isn’t really used on the occasions I do battle, but she hasn’t been dropped from the battling circuit quite yet. I can’t bring myself to evolve her into an Electivire, though. She’s very content as an Electabuzz and I don’t see much of a reason to. Her and Marcel are a bit of a troublemaking duo but I love them both dearly. I do occasionally loan Jane out to people in need of a temporary Pokémon companion for things like trips through treacherous terrain with unfriendly wildlife. It’s good enrichment for her, which she constantly needs. I don’t think I would ever want to raise another Electabuzz, they’re far too high energy for my liking, but Jane is my special exception.
The last of my first Pokémon is actually the only one who’s still in the team I now regularly use for battling on the rare occasions I do it, but mostly for the sake of outings. Post is my Dragonite, which is probably the only Dragon type species I consider myself capable of handling. He‘s a retired mailworker, if you couldn’t guess by the name, haha! That was back when Dragonite were used much more commonly as postal service Pokemon, before breeders from Hoenn helped make the much more efficient Pokemon Pelipper more widely available outside its native region. He’s a kind and gentle soul, as most Dragonite are. There really aren’t many other dragons (besides the lovely Drampa or perhaps some Altaria) that can match Dragonite for its inherent friendly and loving nature. I use him for travel, as he does miss his delivery days, so we both win in that situation. I get a way to travel quickly for my research, and Post gets his exercise!
#pokemon professor#dragonite#long post#beedrill#venusaur#electabuzz#mr mime#pokemon headcanons#parasect
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Something Amazing
Hop x Reader
A/N: here it is! The first fic in the fake!engagement series. I’ll be writing one fic for Piers, Raihan, Leon- and others, if people request it, but only one fic per character with this prompt. I’m really happy with this one and I think it’s a great way to start the series, so hopefully you all enjoy it, too! Enjoy some good Hop angst!
Added note: the beginning of the story is told in your POV, and then the story shifts to Hop’s POV for the rest of the fic.
There’s a lot of ways you could ask this question. Some good ways, some absolutely awful ways- it all depends on how you decide to approach him and how you formed your words. As you’ve found yourself backed against the corner, lacking all other options, you decided that as you ask this somewhat big favor, it needed to be formatted perfectly. The least you can do is make the idea seem appealing in some way, lace it and sprinkle some sugar over the idea to make it tempting.
But when you’re finally alone with him, the perfect opportunity presented to you, you botch it all up as you ask in the lamest way possible:
“Would you want to get married? To me, maybe?”
Hop elegantly spits and drops the several important books he was holding, one of them hitting him right in the foot as they fall to the floor. He yelps at the pain and almost falls over in surprise before you quickly rush over and catch him, the two of you making awkward eye contact as you hold him as if it’s a dip for a dance.
To make it better, you drop him on accident.
His back hits the floor with a hard ‘thud’ and your hands fly up to cover your mouth as you gasp.
There were better ways to ask that question, and there were definitely better reactions to said question. You take half the credit for how horribly this went. The other half went to Hop and his lack of grace, because he’s always been like that, and you can’t control his explosive reactions to things.
Except you know the man well, so you should have predicted he would’ve at least slipped. So, fine, you take two thirds of the credit.
“I’m so sorry, Hop!” You apologize, and then you apologize again as he groans from his spot on the ground and he fumbles underneath him, holding a book that he most definitely landed on as well, “I’m so, so, so sorry, oh Arceus,”
“Married?” Hop coughs, sitting up and fixing the glasses that sit on his face. Thankfully, they didn’t fall off- you would’ve felt even worse if that was the case. His golden eyes are shining and squinting in confusion as he looks up at you- “why- why? ...Why?” He sounds like a broken record, but you can hardly blame him as your body deflates with a sigh.
Why, indeed.
“You know how I’m from Hoenn?” You offer your hand and Hop takes it, his long and slender fingers almost engulfing your hand in size as you help him off the ground. Your friend nods at your question, beginning to pick up the scattered books, and you quickly move to help him. “And you know how I have really pushy parents who really don’t like that I moved here?”
“Well, yes,” Hop comments, and he thanks you under his breath as you hand him the books that you picked up. “But that- that doesn’t explain why- married?”
You give Hop a sad look. “It’s not like I’m a fan of it either. My parents don’t control me, and I know that. I moved here for that very reason- to prove that they could never control me. But then some… legal issues came up.”
“Legal issues?” Hop’s eyebrows raise.
“It’s all bogus!” You practically explode as a reply, and Hop’s eyebrows raise even further up his forehead and you freeze. “Sorry,” you mumble, your tense shoulders going down as you sigh again. Truthfully, you haven’t been able to talk to anybody about your situation yet, so the stress is starting to pour out all at once and you have to try and reign it in. “I’m sorry I brought it up in such a bad way, too. Can we- sit? For a minute?”
Hop frowns with a nod and the two of you descend the staircase in Sonia’s lab, heading to the table next to the entrance. Once the two of you have sat down, you explain to Hop as best you can.
You tell him how your parents both owned a somewhat successful company that’s been passed through the generations, and because it was family-owned, you apparently had responsibilities as ‘heir’ to the company. You refused, moving to Galar just to prove how much you didn’t want to be stuck managing a Pokeball production company, and that’s where the trouble came into place for you. It didn’t matter how far you ran from Hoenn and your parents; because they had signed your name on pretty legal papers without you even knowing it that you would take their place once they retired. You could go all the way down to the place you grew up to talk with a lawyer to reverse those papers and their implications, but your chance of getting sued was higher than winning in court against your parents. You’re also not sure how much you want to go to court with your parents, anyway- the fact they signed something under your name without your consent was wildly illegal, but you don’t have the guts to punish them for it.
This is where the marriage part came in. Your parents said that if you could prove you had a life in Galar worth living (in their old minds, that was a spouse with a successful job that could ‘take care of you’, maybe some children, or a fancy job you couldn’t get anywhere else like being the god-damn president of Marco-Cosmos or some impossible goal like that), they would take care of the issue themselves and leave you alone. So, that was your situation.
Get married, move to Hoenn and work at your family’s company, or get sued. And you already told your parents that you were planning to get married this summer.
When you’ve finally finished explaining to Hop, he takes a big breath and lets it out slowly with an expression that can only be described as a wince. “That’s… Mate, that sucks.” He says simply, and you couldn’t agree more.
“It does,” you groan with a long frown, your hands folding together atop the white table. “So… I know it’s a lot to ask- but if… If you’d be willing to help me with this, it would mean so much to me. And it’s not like we’d have to be married forever!” You quickly explain to him. “Just until they get rid of those completely-illegal papers. Once that’s done, we can get divorced and go back to being friends like normal.”
Hop squirms in his seat, humming unsurely as his arms move across his chest. “___, I’d love to help, but…” His eyes go back and forth between you and the wall. “Are you sure you’d want me to help you? You said your weird parents are looking for a successful partner. I’m not exactly sure I fit that description. I mean, if we talked about it, we could probably convince Leon-”
(As much as it grosses him out to suggest such a thing...)
You quickly interrupt him before he can even finish. His arms drop from their defensive hold, eyes widening in surprise when you steadfastly refuse.
“No! No,” a nervous fit of laughter escapes you, “no way. I am not marrying your brother, even in this kind of situation. Like, sure, the fancy title of ex-Champion is nice and all, but it’s also… Leon.” You shake your head several times. “No.”
Despite himself, Hop finds himself laughing too. “Yeah,” he smiles, “that’d be a bit too much for me to handle, anyway.”
(It’s embarrassing to admit how relieved he is by how much you hate that idea, too.)
“Glad we’re in agreement, then. And, honestly, Hop-” it’s a bit of a bold move, but you reach forward and grab one of his hands as gently as you can. His eyes widen some more and there’s a pretty blush on his cheeks when you do, and you’d tease him normally, but not now. “In my mind, you’re plenty successful. And even if my parents don’t agree- that’s not the point. I’m sure as long as I’m married, they’ll change their minds. And I-” now you’re the one blushing as you finally look away from his golden eyes, “-I want it to be you. I’d- I’d be really… really thankful if it was you.”
The suggestion- the mere idea of it was ridiculous and outlandish, you knew that. Of course you knew that- but you’re at your wit’s end. This is the last option that you feel could work to get them to leave you alone for good.
Silence grows between the two of you, along with the tension in the room, tighter and tighter as Hop takes longer and longer to reply. As time ticks away, you grow more aware of the mortification growing in your belly and how you’re still holding his hand- eventually you have to let go as you quickly curl into yourself as best you can and put your hands in your lap.
...At some point, you’re somewhat convinced that you’ve broken your best friend. He’s probably trying to find a way to tell you he can’t- which- which is fine. That’s fine, and you expected as much. There’s other people you can ask, really… So you’re not disappointed. Not at all. Slowly you stand from your chair, taking a deep breath as you bite your lip. “I get it- it’s definitely okay that you can’t. I should probably go before I make things even worse-”
At the sound of your voice, Hop jumps in his seat, and he looks up at you with furrowed brows. Quickly, he stands up too- “No- I-” he stutters, gripping his chair so hard that his knuckles turn white, “no, that’s… I can do it.”
Now it’s your time to stutter as you look at him wide-eyed. “R-really? You will?”
(He can’t breathe.)
He smiles, wobbly and genuine as a small laugh escapes him. “Yeah. I’ll- yeah, I’ll marry you.”
In a rush of pure happiness and genuine shock, you jump in place and wrap your arms around Hop’s neck. He stumbles back in surprise, one of his hands wrapping around your back to keep you steady as you almost squeeze the life out of him. “Hop! Thank you- thank you so much!”
“No- No problem! It’s not a problem!” Hop laughs, his face and ears feeling awfully hot, and his arms slowly wrap around you as you keep embracing him. “Happy to help,” he nervously swallows.
(Definitely happy to help.)
——— — ———
Hop can’t breathe.
It’s hard to believe any of this is real, honestly. Getting engaged to you- hell, Hop hadn’t even gotten the courage to ask you out on a date, and here he was, engaged. Under unfortunate circumstances, yes, but you’re literally his fiancé. That’s a real thing. Technically speaking.
It’s solidified when you bring him a ring from your house- a simple silver band for the two of you. For some reason, probably because Arceus wants to laugh at him some more, the ring fits perfectly, and just looking at your matching rings makes his belly do awkward flops.
Eventually, you’re going to have to fill everyone in on your situation. Which is going to be even worse. Hop makes sure to appreciate the days that pass when no one knows.
And then Leon comes to visit him at work and he ruins it. He ruins everything. Because like the dunce his brother is, he sees the ring, and he asks, “when did you get a ring?”
And like the dunce that Hop is, he replies, “when I got engaged.”
And he’s never felt his soul leave him so fast. An odd feeling that is, really. It’s as if he got frozen from the inside out, no warmth left as he just stands there and wishes that someone would come and push him over so that he’d break and shatter into a million little pieces. Sorry, ___, he couldn’t marry you to help you out with your crappy parents anymore, because now he is dead.
Except he’s not really dead because he can hear Leon’s hacking and coughing as clear as day from the other end of the lab.
“Just kidding!” Hop whips his head around fast enough that his glasses almost fall off as he looks at Leon, his face successfully several degrees warmer than it should be. “That was a joke!”
“No, it wasn’t!” Leon stands quickly and rushes over, and Hop tries to back away but his left hand is already in Leon’s as his brother looks at the ring as if to make sure that it’s real. “It’s on the right finger and everything! Who on Galar are you marrying?!” Leon looks up from the ring to Hop’s eyes, and Hop still can’t breathe.
“Um- u- um, I- I-”
“Hey, Hop!” The door to the lab opens. Perhaps, Hop thinks, he really is dead, and this is just the unfortunate afterlife he was shoved into. This isn’t real. Surely that’s not you walking through the door, bringing him lunch like you said you would earlier today, in a text that he had completely forgotten about until this moment, “I brought you lunch!”
Surely not.
Leon gasps as he drops his brother’s hand, and dramatically, he points at you. “It’s you, isn’t it?!” He asks gleefully, and he looks back at his brother with a big, stupid smile- “when did you-”
And Hop starts laughing, very, very loudly, “___! You brought lunch! Guess who knows about our agreement!” He enunciates the word ‘agreement’ and promptly elbows his older brother in the gut before he quickly runs away and over to you, taking the plastic containers out of your hands happily. “Can you help explain it to him before I go jump off the nearest bridge?”
He’s not feeling like he’s kidding, but you laugh anyways as you hold up your own left hand, showing it to Leon. “Pretty neat, huh?” You sing happily, and Hop busies himself with setting up the table for lunch instead of focusing on how embarrassing it is that you sound happy to be fake-married to him. Not real-married, fake-married. It’s an important difference. “It’s all a ruse though, as sad as I am to tell you.” Your hand lowers as you place it on your hip.
“A ruse?” His brother asks, and he walks over and takes your hand just like he did to Hop so he can inspect the ring.
Hop leans over and smacks Leon away from you with a glare and his brother snickers.
“Yeah. Hop agreed to help me out, really. I’m stuck in this weird moral decision to not throw my parents behind bars over legal complications,” you shrug, “but getting married is basically what’s going to shove it all under the rug. Long story short.”
“Huh.” Leon says, placing his own hands on his hips as he stands still, taking in the information. His eyebrow hooks up as he gives Hop a look, “you’re really okay with that? Well, I guess you would be. Y’know, considering.”
“You’re hilarious,” Hop smiles, but his voice is strained and so is the smile. Instead of entertaining his brother further, he sits at the table and you sit across from him, opening your container and digging in. Oblivious to the tension your best friend carries and how he stares at Leon.
I’ll kill you, he mouths, and Leon smiles in return.
“Well,” the ex-champion dusts his hands off, “I can see I need to leave the engaged couple alone so they can enjoy their lunch. And other things, probably, that need to be done in private,”
“Ha HA,”
“So I’ll take my leave!” Leon heads for the door and Hop lets out a sigh of relief- until his brother points at him, door open mid-way- “I expect you to call me later. Bye, in-law!”
And then he leaves. Finally. You look Hop’s way, smiling as you take another bite of your curry. “So, looks like we’ll finally have to fill everyone in, huh?”
Looks that way.
Once you told everyone who needed to know (his parents and your shared friends), Hop knew for sure that he was in over his head when he first agreed to this. Because explaining it- having everyone jump in glee and surprise at the words ‘we’re engaged!’ only to deflate in confusion as you both hurried to say ‘but not really!’
You’d think the two of you would have found a better way to explain it, but you didn’t.
Having to live through it, though- it was dreadfully awful. Not because Hop was saving it all- the genuine, lovely way that his mother first gasped and his father had frozen- the moment in his mind a beautiful picture that he definitely did not think about all the time. Because it’s not like Hop had only dreamed about this happening to him one day, and it’s not like it killed him when he could finally tell his parents that he’d found someone who loved him unconditionally, only for it to all be fake. As if Hop really needed to hand them another reason to be disappointed in him.
But no, they were proud. They were happy he was helping you. They told him as much.
But he didn’t forget those reactions. He didn’t forget how their eyes glistened, and he didn’t forget how they shattered.
Once that was all over, it was established that the two of you would be having a small ceremony just to help convince your parents that this was a real marriage with real love. True love.
Except you didn’t love Hop, and Hop surely didn’t love you- but they couldn’t know that. So there was going to be a ceremony.
You and him. A priest between you. Speeches filled with words- fake words, lovingly beautiful hoaxed words. And then you’d put on your wedding rings, and then you’d kiss.
Married. You’d be married on August 10th. Isn’t that nice?
A beautiful summer day.
“I do not envy that kid.”
It was shortly after you and Hop had visited Hammerlocke where you asked everyone to meet up for your news that Raihan finally broke the ice. Leon sighed beside him, along with Sonia who was frowning into the cup she drank from.
“It’s so horribly obvious,” She says. “He talks about them constantly at work. And he’s been a mess this past week.”
Nessa hums, crossing her leg on the park bench she sat on and letting her head fall back as her hair flowed through the breeze. “I guess you’d see it up close, huh? How he’s so head over heels.” She opens an eye to look at Leon. “Have you talked to him? It’s nice that he wants to help, but maybe it’s not the best idea.”
Leon shrugs, crossing his arms at his chest. “Honestly, he’s grown up now. He knows full well what he’s getting into. But I did call him personally once I found out,” he purses his lips. “His denial is impressive.”
Raihan laughs as he hangs his head low, shaking it back and forth. “You fucking suck,” he wheezes. “You should really try to talk him out of this.”
“Shut it!” Leon shoves Raihan who sways just barely, “I gave him my big brother speech, but I’m done now. He doesn’t want me bringing it up, so I won’t. He’s been stifled enough because of me as is.” The ex-Champion picks up his own cup that sat on the table they all surrounded, and he downs the rest of the contents inside. “So he’ll do as he pleases. I’ll be here if it goes south.”
Sonia hums, her shoe rubbing at the grass unsurely. “If you say so…”
“It’ll be fine. Trust me.”
“Oh, sorry I forgot to trust the guy who’s never dated anyone before,” Raihan snorts.
“Yeah but I could nail your mum if I wanted to,”
“I dare you!”
“I’ve got her number, I could do it right now!”
Laughter fills the park.
As the date for your wedding nears, you bring it up more and more. As you would, because even if it’s fake, there’s questions to ask and things to prepare for. Obviously you hadn’t done this before and neither had Hop, so… how do you put together a fake wedding in the first place?
“We probably shouldn’t invite anyone,” you say as you lean back on your couch, your feet propped up and crossed at the ankles on your coffee table. “Or should we? For pictures? Memories?”
“Are you sure you’ll want to remember this?” Hop raises an eyebrow at you. He flips the pen in his hand, notepad sitting on his lap. “We’re going to divorce just a few months after it all.”
“Well, that’s true,” you shrug, “but we’re still getting married. Shouldn’t we make it fun? It could be a party.”
Hop squirms. “I don’t know,” he says, but his tone makes it clear and you smile at him reassuringly.
“It’s okay to say no, Hop. It’s your wedding too, you know!”
“Kind of.”
“Not kind of. It’ll be legal and everything- we should both be happy with it. So no guests? Or pictures?”
He bites his lip. He’d like to say ‘let me think about it’, but truthfully, there’s no time. Decisions have to be made now. “It might be weird if it’s just us and a priest. We may as well go to the courthouse if it was just that, so...” he comments softly, and you beam.
“True! Maybe we’ll just invite a few people. Ten, tops.”
...Ten is probably around the exact number of everyone Hop knows. He doesn’t know a lot of people. And he already knows everyone you’re going to want to invite- the only people it makes sense to invite- and Hop squirms some more in his seat as he swallows the bile in his throat.
“Sounds good!” Hop smiles instead of vomiting like he wants to. “We should find some chairs and stuff too, then. Order a pizza maybe. No cake.”
“No cake,” you laugh. “That’d be too much. Maybe we can slice the first slice of pizza together, though?”
“You better not put pizza on my face.” Hop frowns, and you burst out laughing.
...He laughs a bit too. He can’t help it when you look so happy and upbeat. He should really be more like you- Hop doesn’t know why he’s so tense.
“I won’t! I swear. As long as you promise not to do it either- we’re going to be married so you can’t lie!”
“Of course. I’d never.” He gives you a promising nod, and then his eyes light up as he thinks of something new. “...Should we dress up?”
“Oh, right,” you hum and look at the ceiling as you ponder. “Well, you would look cute in a tux.”
Hop furrows his eyebrows in worry, “I don’t think I even own a tux.”
“...Me neither,” you snort. “But we should probably dress up, right? Especially if we invite people. Even if it’s for a pizza party.”
He can’t believe his first wedding is being described as a pizza party. Probably his only wedding.
Isn’t that funny?
“I guess I can see if I can borrow anything from Leon… he might have something that fits.”
“Great! I’ll look around, too,” and that idea absolutely doesn’t give him more of those awkward stomach flips that he’s been feeling all week. Seeing you dressed up and looking gorgeous as you stand across from him, kiss him? Hop thinks that there’s no way this could end badly as he anxiously fixes the glasses on his face. “Let’s plan more on how we’ll decorate the backyard- we can have the ceremony there! And then we should both get our clothes planned, then the food, and we can ask Raihan to be our picture guy so we’ll have something to show my parents-“
There’s no way that this could end badly.
It’s August 10th.
It’s 9:43am on August 10th, specifically, and Hop didn’t sleep at all last night. Not even a wink. How could he?
He distracted himself instead. His suit that he borrowed from Leon has probably been ironed 50 times by now, his house is sparkling clean- cleaner than it's ever been, and he even emptied some boxes and threw away the things he’d been meaning to get rid of for months. Hop did possibly everything and anything he could just so he could stop thinking about how he was getting married today.
It shouldn’t be a big deal. And it’s not. Because, Hop reminds himself again, you’ll be divorced and back to being normal friends in a few months, just like you said. Just like you wanted.
But what does Hop want?
That’s why he’s cleaning.
You decided that the party, the wedding, will take place at 2pm. That’s only a few more hours. The two of you spent all day yesterday decorating the backyard, so that was all finished. All you had to do now was step in front of the official looking people and make it... official!
Easy peasy, Hop says to himself. He’s been standing still, staring at himself in the mirror for the past hour, and it’s easy peasy.
Then the doorbell rings.
It doesn’t process at first, so the doorbell rings again, and Hop slowly raises his head at the sound. He looks at the hallway outside his room, toward where the sound came from- and then his limbs go into motion as he walks toward the door. Who could it be? Maybe it was you, wanting to check in with him one more time if he was sure about this, and Hop would say he was definitely sure and then he’d joke that he’s not supposed to see you before the wedding, and then-
When Hop opens the door, his brother is on the other side, and Hop doesn’t think he’s ever fallen apart so quickly before.
Honestly, Hop wonders if he broke a record. How fast the tears and snot came, how quickly and harshly he crumpled to the ground- it’s got to be worth something. With how fast he was breathing in, in, in- how couldn’t it be? He definitely broke a record of some kind.
Leon holds him securely- squeezing Hop to his chest as he follows his sibling to the ground, and he lets Hop sob all over him as he stays quiet. Quieter than he’s ever been, because Leon always has something to say, but not now as Hop cries and cries and cries- loud enough that he’s probably notified all of fucking Wedgehurst that he was definitely sure about this! Absolutely sure, happy to help.
Happy to give you everything while he receives nothing? Yes. Because his whole life has been like that.
So why’s he crying so hard?
Leon’s hand is stable, heavy, and warm as it rubs Hop’s back. The movement is gentle and lulling, and Leon’s chest moves in a hypnotic matter as he slowly inhales deep and exhales just as deeply- over and over until Hop finds himself following along. Following along… he does that a lot.
The panic spikes up again, and so does the hyperventilating, so they start all over again.
Over and over, as many times as they have to, until Hop is simply shaking and exhausted as he’s cried all his tears into the fabric of Leon’s clothes. Which, he’s realized, is just a faded hoodie and some track sweats. Despite himself, Hop snorts and croaks. “You can’t come to my wedding if this is what you’re wearing.”
Except that’s a joke. He can still absolutely come. Leon has to come, and Hop doesn’t care if he’s wearing only boxers. As long as he’s there.
“Don’t worry,” Leon says as he loosens his hold on Hop, hands moving to securely hold his arms as he leans back and smiles at his brother. “I saved my fancy clothes for later, they’re with me. I had a feeling I’d need to be prepared for something like this when I came to see you. Aren’t I smart?”
Hop sniffs and laughs when Leon wipes at his wet cheek. “I guess so.”
“I know I am, you don’t have to say it,” Leon grins, and he grunts as he starts to stand, bringing Hop up with him. “Come on now, up you get. We’ve got a wedding to get ready for.”
“Does it have to be mine?” Hop asks and Leon wraps an arm around his shoulders, walking them out of the doorway and finally closing the door behind them.
“Afraid so, Hop. Afraid so.”
Things are still scary, but it’s a bit more manageable with Leon by his side. The crying session was embarrassing, yes, but needed. Leon practically threw Hop in the shower afterward, which was also very needed, and then when he’s finished, Leon had cooked a hearty looking breakfast for them both. Which they demolish.
It was mediocre and there were some eggshells in the pancakes, but that’s to be expected if Leon did all the cooking.
Then Hop gets dressed in his suit that his brother lent him and puts in his contacts, and Leon coos and calls him handsome. Hop shoves him, telling him to quit it, but he appreciates it nonetheless. Not that he’d say that, really, but he thanks his brother genuinely for being here with him.
Leon’s eyes soften at that and he mutters ‘of course I’m here’, and then they move on.
Time flies a lot faster when it’s not just Hop and his muddled thoughts. Sooner than he’d realize, it was a quarter to 2pm, so it was time to leave. Leon asked him if he was ready, Hop said he was definitely not ready, and Leon laughed as the two walked over to your house. It was a short walk, which was appreciated, because they’re both walking in public with fancy suits on and Hop doesn’t like the looks they get. Especially from that one girl who was walking her Yamper.
He could kill that girl for looking at him so funny.
“I can’t believe you’re taller than me now,” Leon says with his nose scrunched up and a frown on his lips, right as they’re about to approach your doorstep. Hop smiles, his ego successfully lifted at his brother's words.
“That might be the only thing I’m winning at with you,”
“That’s not true,” Leon shakes his head with a raised brow, “you’re also about to get married. I’ve never even dated anyone.”
Hop rolls his eyes at that, digging his hands as deep as he can in the silky pants pockets of his suit. “Hardly. I’ll get divorced before you too, so that’s really an achievement I’ll want to brag about to the family.” He scoffs and Leon elbows his side gently.
“It doesn’t have to be like that, you know.”
The two brothers are in front of your house now, but Hop comes to a stop when Leon does and he looks at him strangely. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’re in love with that person,” Leon looks toward the door, then back at him as he shrugs, “and you love them so much you’re going to marry them in order to help them out. But just because it’s a marriage of convenience doesn’t mean it can’t turn into something different.”
Hop frowns at that. He hadn’t ever entertained that idea, and that was on purpose- he doesn’t need to get his hopes up, only to be crushingly disappointed. “We haven’t even dated. It’s- it’s ridiculous to stay married, even if they felt that way toward me.” Again, his brother shrugs.
“Is it? Sounds awfully convenient to me.”
“And so the marriage of convenience stays convenient… right.”
“But it’s true!” Leon laughs, “look, I’m not going to act like I know what I’m talking about. I don’t. But don’t let this crush you. Everything has the opportunity to turn out amazing.” He places a hand on Hop’s shoulder, holding it securely as he looks into Hop’s eyes. Gold meeting gold- the two are practically identical, but so different.
“Hop. You’re my brother, and I love you. And as your brother, I’m going to tell you something very important,” Leon leans in close, and Hop does the same. “You can make this into something amazing.”
And then he slaps his brother’s shoulder, making Hop cry out in shock from how hard he hit with a look of betrayal on his face and Leon throws his head back with a barking laugh. The laughter is loud enough that you finally open your door, seeing the two brothers shoving each other on your doorstep, making you raise an eyebrow. “Look who it is!” You smile, their heads snapping toward you. You hold a hand out for Hop- it takes him a second to realize it’s for him, and when he does, he shyly takes it and you tug him toward you. “My husband-to-be and my brother-to-be. It’s about time you showed up.”
Leon smiles brightly at you, skipping to meet you with a kiss on the cheek which you return. “Good to see you! And I heard there would be,” Leon lowers his voice, “pizza?”
You meet his serious gaze, nodding firmly. “The best in town,” you tell him, and Leon whoops as he moves past you and Hop to enter your house.
Beside you, Hop remains quiet, and it’s not until you squeeze his hand that he jolts in place and looks down at you with wide eyes.
“You’re looking handsome,” you smile at him and Hop almost combusts. Why are you holding his hand, anyway? He’s sweating buckets.
“Y-you too! Great- you look great. Really good. Better than me.”
Hop sucks.
But you smile even wider anyway, your own cheeks heating up in a beautiful way. “Thank you,” you say gently, and all of Leon’s words of advice from his apartment has flown right out of his head. Instead, it’s just-
You’re in love with that person and you love them so much, you’re going to marry them.
“We should head inside, before the great Champion becomes Champion of eating all of our pizza.” You break through his thoughts, tugging on Hop’s hands as you make a step to go inside. Normally, Hop would follow you right away, but he freezes as he holds you tighter and keeps you from leaving. His eyes are wide, and you give him a confused look.
It’s a miracle he doesn’t stutter, but he sounds desperate as he asks you, “are you ready?”
The question makes you stop in your tracks, and you grow quiet as you look up at Hop. He frantically searches your eyes- hoping to find an answer in them- and he wonders if this is how you felt when he went quiet when you first asked Hop to marry you.
But then your blush deepens on your cheeks again and your eyes grow soft as your thumb gently swipes the top of Hop’s hand. “You know… I think I am. You?”
A breathless sigh leaves him. Along with it is all of his ghosts, fears, and doubts- because suddenly Hop feels so much lighter. “Yeah,” he says, nodding just to solidify his answer more. “Yeah, I think I’m ready too.”
The two of you enter your house, smiling and blushing, and the door closes behind the two of you. Ahead of you waits the beginning of something complicated, weird, and amazing.
Hop thinks it’ll be amazing.
He really does.
#pretends people who commissioned me cannot see this fic and its word count they Cannot See It#i forbid it#also i rly hope yall like this one#last time i liked what i wrote it was the raihan fic and yall let me DOWN w that one so we'll see. we'll see#hop#rival hop#rival hop x reader#rival hop x you#hop x reader#hop x you#pokemon hop x reader#pokemon#pokemon hop#pokemon x reader#swsh x reader#pokemon swsh x reader#pokemon sword and shield x reader#pokemon imagines#pokemon swsh imagines#pokemon sword and shield imagines#imagine#reader insert#fake!engagement AU
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Do you have any backstories for the gym leaders like thier parents and such?
Grew up on a farm his parents owned.
When they retired, they passed the farm on to him.
They still live in Turffield, they rented a little house and Milo’s father still has a garden in the back yard.
They have one pet wooloo but they don’t raise them anymore.
Milo had a really loving childhood, his parents had wanted kids really bad and struggled to have one so when Milo came along, they considered him a gift and a blessing.
It’s canon that Nessa’s father is a fisherman and her mother works in the marketplace in Hulbury.
Her mother would often bring home interesting things she had traded for in the market.
Her father was always tired after a long day fishing, its very strenuous work and he always came home smelling like fish and saltwater. As a kid, nessa would tease him to ‘go take a bath’
Her mother is the best cook in Hulbury. She has access to all the best ingredients for the best prices and her food is even better than the Captains table.
Her dad has a really big friendly smile. He gave her her first water pokemon when she was a toddler
From Lavaridge town in Hoenn (surprise surprise)
Flannery is actually his cousin, and they battle every time he goes home to visit.
His mom was the nurse in the pokemon center and his dad was one of the clerks in the pokemart
They’re both still alive, but they’re retired. They’re both about 100 years old now, they’re in their last few years
He goes back to visit them every Christmas (or Pokemon universe equivalent)
He has two little sisters who have kids and he loves to babysit his nieces and nephews
It’s canon that Bea’s parents are really really strict
They probably started training her in martial arts right when she was old enough to walk
They also push her to do really well in school
They love her, but they have a hard time demonstrating it. They likely had very strict upbringings too and it impacting their ability to express themselves
I hc that her father is the regional judo champion and her mother teaches karate
They both wish they could see her smile more
I hc that his parents had a ghastly that helped baby sit him, so he grew an affinity for ghost pokemon at a very early age.
I don’t think he can really see dead ghost pokemon, I think he can sense them and his living ghost pokemon definitely can see them. So he’s ‘seeing’ them in the sense that he’s perceiving them. metaphorical, not literal.
As for the accident that caused him to be able to perceive dead pokemon, I think it was likely a near death experience. Possibly an illness? And he was able to see both dead pokemon and dead humans while he was very very sick. When he was healthy again, he retained the ability to sense dead ghost pokemon. He isn’t able to sense human ghosts anymore though.
His parents were very worried when he developed this ability, needless to say. They were also worried about how a near death experience when he was that young would impact him. So, he’s been seeing a therapist since he was very young.
His parents care about him a lot and worry about him. They’re the only ones who get to see his face on a regular basis.
His father works in the market place and his mother researches fossils.
It’s canon that she took over the gym from her mother 70 years ago
Her childhood was much different than modern day life. She grew up while there was a war going on (the equivalent of world war two?) so things like food and fabric were really strictly rationed
She remembers things like her mother’s ration stamp book and her father teaching her how to sew and mend her clothes
Both of her parents were really young when they had her, her father was still studying at the university and her mother had already become the gym leader
She was an only child, her parents weren’t able to have any more kids, but she has fond memories of playing with her first pokemon, a togepi she found freshly hatched.
Her mother taught her how to cook, and she’s still amazing at it.
Her parents died about five years after she took over the gym.
We know his mom is melony, and that they had a fight. All of that is canon.
Now what they had a fight about, I have no idea. Probably some old family drama I feel like everyone has at least a little.
He still cares about his mom a lot, and his other mom (I hc that melony is married to another woman) tries to keep the peace between them.
Melony’s wife (who Gordie has always called ‘mama’) works at the restaurant in Chirchester. She’s an amazing cook.
He still goes home every Christmas but he still finds it hard to talk to his mom
He gets along really well with his other brothers and sisters though.
Her parents were originally from Spikemuth, her generally soft demeanor stands out against them pretty starkly
Even though they look scary, her parents raised her to be kind and loving which are things she still values.
They moved to Circhester from Spikemuth when Melony was a baby, her mother got a job there.
Her father was an ice fisher and her mother was a psychologist.
They’re both still alive-they’re in their 90s- but when they retired, they decided they wanted to live somewhere warmer so they moved to Motostoke.
When her kids were still little, Melony and her wife would take them to visit her parents every Christmas.
He and Marnie were abandoned outside Spikemuth when Piers was seven and Marnie was still a baby.
Team yell has always been in Spikemuth - they were supporting the current gym leader - and they took him and Marnie in and took care of them.
They gave Piers his first pokemon and taught him how to sing and write music.
He’s always felt like more of a father figure than an older brother to Marnie. They have a bit of a mix between a parent child and a sibling sibling dynamic. “You’re not my dad.” “I still changed your diapers.” “That doesn’t count!”
Piers is young but he’s really emotionally intelligent and responsible.
Music helped him cope with a very uncertain childhood and he used to sing Marnie to sleep when she was a toddler.
He’s lived in Hammerlocke his whole life
His first Pokemon was an Applin that followed him home from the wild area and his mom caught it for him
His dad was the Hammerlocke gym leader before passing it down to Raihan. His mom worked at the hair salon.
They’re in their 60s now so they’re retired.
Raihan inherited the gym after Leon beat him in the semifinals in their gym challenge.
#swsh#pokemon swsh#pokemon#pokemon sword and shield#sword and shield#pokemon imagines#swsh imagines#imagines#pokemon Milo#milo#pokemon nessa#nessa#pokemon kabu#kabu#pokemon bea#bea#pokemon allister#allister#pokemon opal#opal#pokemon Gordie#gordie#pokemon melony#melony#pokemon piers#piers#pokemon raihan#raihan#Anonymous
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Elaborate on the geopolitical thing you mention about Noelle???
My lunch break is a perfect time to write up a treatise about international relations and governance in my Pokemon ‘Verse! Just remember you were the one that asked about it. And thus, asked for a thousand words about it.
There’s two main governmental structures in the world - the Pokemon Leagues, and the Ranger Union.
The Ranger Union encompasses Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia, with that one governing body for the three regions. The RU is headed in Almia, where the standard laws are set; Fiore has more autonomy beneath that umbrella than Oblivia does, by virtue of having more local Ranger bases and leaders who can set their own local rules, as opposed to Oblivia, which is sparsely populated and has its few Rangers directly in contact with the RU.
Unlike the Union states, League regions are entirely independent of each other, and are just categorized together because they all follow the Gym/League structure. (Depending on the person talking about the geopolitics of the world, Alola may or may not be lumped in with the League regions or set aside as its own unique entity, because it recently set up its own League but it’s still governed by council led by the island Kahunas, rather than a Champion.) Each League governs only over its own discrete region - e.g. the Sinnoh League, the Kalos League, the Unova League - except for the Indigo League, which covers both Kanto and Johto.
And I could break down the internal structure of how the League regions run even further (in many of them, e.g. the Indigo League, “Champion” is sort of a complicated, muddied title that multiple people can hold at once but only one has the authority of it, while in Galar only one person claims it at a time but it doesn’t necessarily grant any authority) but right now we’re looking at an international level. We can get to that if anyone has even gotten this far into my chatter, and I haven’t even gotten to the question yet!
Noelle is, for reference, an Almian Pokemon Ranger. In my little meme answer about her, I mentioned that the Ranger Union states trend more tropical in climate than many League regions. (Alola being a tropical exception, of course.) The difference in their climates has allowed some species of pokemon that have gone extinct elsewhere to continue to thrive in Fiore/Almia/Oblivia - the “fossil” pokemon as they’re known in common parlance, like Aerodactyl in Fiore, Rampardos, Bastiodon, and Omastar in Almia, and Armaldo, Kabutops, Rampardos, and Bastiodon in Oblivia.
This...sometimes causes problems, when overzealous trainers from League regions find out about this. To get fully into that, now let’s talk about the cultural divide:
The Ranger Union promotes living in harmony with pokemon and sets very strict rules designed to protect the environment. Even ordinary-level Rangers aren’t allowed to take any pokemon but their partners out of their natural habitat. Immigration customs are very strict - Noelle’s family moved to Almia from the Sevii Isles, and fortunately for the ease of their being allowed into the country, none of them had any pokemon that needed to be cleared for entry. Trainers who are even only temporarily visiting on a trip or vacation are only allowed to bring one pokemon with them. Pokeballs are banned from crossing any of the Union state borders. They don’t want anyone disturbing the natural ecosystem by bringing pokemon in or out. Exceptions can be granted, but will take years to process and review - like if a retiring pokemon trainer wants to move to Oblivia to retire with their entire team, or if a trainer who visited for a few years made a friend that they want to take back to Hoenn with them, for instance.
Trainers wanting the tropical vibes generally choose to visit Alola instead, because Alola is more relaxed about its borders, but is still very different than most League regions with how they have their island trials.
League regions obviously have a very different cultural standard than the Union states. Galar is the only one with strict customs about what pokemon are allowed to be brought in (established by Chairman Rose and Macro Cosmos, but those rules are now loosening under Leon’s influence). And there’s a lot more free travel of pokemon around those regions as they accompany people.
The Union states are pretty tired of trainers trying to smuggle pokeballs into their borders to catch rare pokemon that are extinct in most other countries - again, go back to the “fossil” pokemon. And it’s worse when organized crime takes a stab at it - there’s poachers or Team Rocket type thieves who sometimes show up trying to take a bunch of pokemon out of the Ranger states to sell elsewhere. Omanyte fetch a real good price, you know! And they’re just...there, in Almia’s oceans!
So because of the cultural divide, the Ranger Union states don’t have particularly close relationships with any of the League regions. (Alola, again, has the friendliest relations with the RU.) And then relations soured further with a rise in poachers and other criminal types crossing the borders and causing problems. The Indigo League and the Ranger Union, quite frankly, have an abominable relationship that went very bad very quickly when Team Rocket first rose up under leadership of Giovanni’s mother. The RU demanded that they do something about this crime syndicate, and when the Indigo League couldn’t, they pretty much cut off any diplomatic ties that they had. (Giovanni when he took over Team Rocket honestly accidentally helped ease international tensions there, because he pulled Team Rocket’s scope back just into Kanto and Johto, rather than continuing to spread thin on the international stage. He caused way more problems for the Indigo League, sure, but at least the Ranger Union wasn’t one of those problems anymore!)
Toward the beginning of Lance’s tenure as Champion, after Team Rocket went to ground the first time (having been defeated in Kanto by two dumb of ass kids named Piper and Zeke), he started working on repairing relations with the Ranger Union states. Red (and his trusty Pikachu) ended up visiting Almia for a little while, so that the Ranger Union would actually have a good, friendly example of what Pokemon Trainers can be like, as opposed to them defaulting to assuming that they’re all lawless criminals. He and Noelle became fast friends after she was assigned to show him around Almia, and Red came back to Kanto to inform them all that Pokemon Rangers are very friendly too and aren’t just a bunch of uptight crunchy hippies with sticks up their asses. Isn’t cross-cultural exchange beautiful?
And that’s that on how the climate of the Ranger Union states causes problems in international relations between them and other regions!
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A song to heal a tired soul 13 (Piers x Raikichi)
Rated: Teen and mature
Warning: Bad language
Notes: Raikichi is around 25 years old
------------------PART 13-----------------
I woke up with a groan and when I saw the time in my Rotom Phone, I sighed and then, I stood up carefully cause I didn’t want to wake up Piers, who was sleeping pacefully. When I moved, he mumbled something on his sleep, so before he could wake up, I gave him my Galarian Zigzagoon plushie and I sighed in relief when he hugged it and turned, now his back facing me. I put my big hoodie on and after taking all my notebooks, I went to the living room. Since I had that weird dream last night, I understood I couldn’t give up gathering information about legends and stories about the Pokemon that all in all the regions. My maternal grandmother wanted to gather that information in a book, and I would do it for her.
Once I put all the notebooks on the living table, I prepared a cup of hot cocoa and after picking some Lava cookies and putting them on a plate, I sat down on the couch, my legs crossed as I started to read all the texts I had from all the information I gathered, from Sinnoh to Alola, going trough Johto, Hoenn, Kanto and Unnova as well. Glaceon yawned and stretched before starting to lick her fur and then, she called my attention. I put the cup on the table and after preparing some food for her and for my uncle and Piers’ Pokemon, I returned to my spot on the couch, crossing my legs again.
“Kiddo, do you know what time is it?” uncle Kabu asked as he entered the living room with a yawn
“Uh?” I said and then, I looked to the clock in the wall and saw that I’ve been there for two hours. I put the papers next to me and I drank the rest of my hot cocoa, and when I finished it, I went to pick another cup
“And all these papers?” my uncle asked as I returned to my spot while he examinated my notebooks
“Notes from by researches” I said drinking a bit more of hot cocoa before eating a Lava cookie “I want to finish grandma’s dream...”
I finished eating the cookies and then I drank my hot cocoa as I kept reading my notes. Uncle Kabu was preparing his breakfast when Piers came into the living room, yawning. He passed his arms awound my shoulders and put his chin on my head “Morning, babe...” he said with a yawn
“Morning, love” I replied with a chuckle as I finished my hot cocoa
“Did you assault a library?” he asked sitting next to me when I retired some of the papers
“Very funny” I said tugged him softly by his necklace in order to kiss him before licking his lips, and chuckling when he blushed madly at that
“You are gathering interesting information, babe” Piers said reading some of the papers “Maybe you could go to Hammerlocke again and trying to get to the vault and hoping Raihan doesn’t interrupt you and...”
“Piers, you have a great idea!!” I said happily, startling the Pokemon that were sleeping on the carpet “I’m going to prepare myself while you have breakfast” I added kissing his cheek before picking all the papers and ntoebooks, and once I organized them and put them on my black bag, I went to take a bath.
Thirty minutes later, Piers entered in the bathroom while I was still in the bathtub. “Did you eat your breakfast or you have devoured it?” I said laughing as he got naked and entered the bathtub
“I ate it like a normal person, babe” he said as he allowed me to wash his long hair “So...We should see the Flying Taxi that we can take as soon as we exited the house”
“You want to come with me to Hammerlocke?” I asked as I removed the shampoo from his hair and let him wash his body “I think you’re going to get bored seeing me investigating the Vault and reading a lot of books”
“Well, you could tell me about your findigs. Maybe ya could make me find history more interesting, ya know” he replied as we finished bathing
“Then I’ll hope you don’t get bored spending hours there” I said giggling as we get dried and dressed
Once we were ready, I put my snowflake pattern hoodie on, putting my black and blue jacket inside my bag. My outfit, the back and blue one with one bare leg, didn’t match very well with the hoodie that Raihan gave to me that day, but I didn’t care. “Where is the uniform I gave to you?” Piers asked as we took the Flying Taxi to Hammerlocke
“Washing” I said “I got in a middle of a little fight between my Salazzle and my uncle’s Salazzle”
“Oh, I see”
We arrived at Hammerlocke and we approached the Stadium, asking for Raihan. Where could Dragon Boy be? He was tall and he was always surrounded by fans, so it should be easy to find him, but today wasn’t my luck. “Glaceon, why you don’t go and find Raihan?” I said and Glaceon nodded, running to find Dragon Boy
“Do you think she would find him?” Piers said and then, we heard a loud yell “Yep, she found him”
Raihan ran towards us followed by Glaceon and when we saw him, we couldn’t help but laugh “Hey! Tell her not to freeze my legs!!”
“Okay, okay, calm down, Dragon Boy” I said as I gave a sweet Poffin “Good girl, you brought us Dragon Boy”
“And you are the one who complains about me calling you ‘Little Champion?’“ Raihan asked rising an eyebrow
“At least I don’t joke with your height” I said with a sigh “Piers and me are going to the Vault and since you interrupted my research the other day, you owe me a permission pass to the Vault. And Piers will come with me, to help me with my investigations”
“Alright, but keep your hands busy in the books and not in other things” Dragon Boy said teasing me and he won a hit on his side with my my elbow “Ow!”
“You deserved it” Piers said as he passed his arm over my shoulders before we went to the Vault.
Once in the Vault, I let my Meowstic and my Galarian Ponyta out of their Pokeballs while Glaceon found herself a spot to be comfy. “Ready to learn some history?” I asked Piers as I put all my notes in the floor before going to check the tapestries.
“With you? Always, babe” he said as he took the notebook I gave him and started to take notes of the things that called his attention.
I didn’t know how many hours I spent there. I knew that Piers and me had a short lunch before keeping investigating. Meowstic and Ponyta were using Psychic to make my notes float around me in order as I kept writing and taking notes. “These runes...” I murmured examining the runes of the tapestries again “How curious...But the books tell something different...” I murmured as I read the first notes I took about the Galarian legend of the hero that saved the region once “The statue in the Budew Drop Inn is a representation of one heroe...But the tapestries here in the Vault show two heroes...Two kings...” I murmured again as I kept taking notes ignoring that someone was coming to the Vault.
“Hey, Little Champion!” Raihan said and I shouted scared as I jumped startled. Ponyta and Meowstic jumped startled as well, and when they stopped using Psychic, all my notes fell down to the floor, messing between them.
“FUCK YOU RAIHAN!!” I yelled at him after I saw what happened “LOOK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!”
“Hey, calm down, Little Champion” he said rising both hands but Glaceon stopped him of approaching me
“HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN YOU HAVE RUINED MY RESEARCH?!” I said in the edge of tears “Those pages weren’t organized yet...”
“Calm down, babe” Piers said putting a hand on my shoulder “We can organize them, right? Don’t get stressed, love”
I took a deep breath before ordering Ponyta and Meowstic to use Psychic again in order to see the pages, and once I was sure about their order, I picked themm with Raihan watching with his back againts the wall and Piers helping me picking my things. “I think those are the last ones...” I said as I put them on the folder
“Hey...I didn’t want to interrupt you, Rakichi” Raihan said scratching the back of his head “But I was worried cause you were spending many hours here?”
“Many...hours?” I asked before looking to Piers “Piers, what time is it?”
“21:30 pm” he said and I gasped
“S-Sorry...When I focus in something, I don’t look at the time...” I said and then, I looked at Raihan when he gave me something that he picked from the floor “Oh...”
“I think this is yours” he said as I picked the photo
“Yeah...” I said looking at the photo of my grandma and me when I looked at Raihan, I sighed “Sorry for yelling at you...This research is something really important for me since it was my grandma’s biggest dream...And I want to finish it to honor her...And the idea of messing up those notes and loosing some of them...”
“That’s a good way to remember her” Piers said smiling softly “Shall we go now?”
I nodded and after making Ponyta and Meowstic return to their Pokeballs, I picked my things and together with my Glaceon, we left the Vault, saying goofbye to Raihan as we took a Flying Taxi back to Mototoske. Once in my uncle’s home, I explained my plans for the enxt days, and both Piers and my uncle looked at me like if I went mad.
“Are you serious? Remember what happened that day with that Haxorus” uncle Kabu said worried
“Uncle, it happens that I Charizard was flying over that Haxorus’ territory” I said preparing the things I was going to take with me “Listen, I know you’re both worried, but if I want to learn more about the Wild Area I have to explore it.”
“Uncle, I was in worst places. i travelled through many places” I said “Trust me, I’ll be fine”
My uncle gave Piers a look that meant ‘Help me with this’ and when they heard me sigh, they sighed as well. “And when are ya think to leave?” Piers asked as I finished preparing my things before prearing the dinner.
“Tomorrow early if I want to take the first Flying Taxi” I said “That will give me time to set the camp and make my first preparations. I want to investigate the Power Spots since I have the theory that both Dynamax and Gigantamax are related with the events of the Darkest Day, and that’s what I want to investigate.”
We spent the rest of the night most in silence until I went to my room. Piers and my uncle were really worried about me, but they wouldn’t stop me of opening new horizons. As I covered myself with the blankets once I laid down in bed, Piers entered in my room in order to change to his sleeping clothes and then, he spooned me, his chest againts my back.
“I want to go with ya, babe...” he whispered onto my neck
“I know, but I don’t want you to get in danger. Marnie woouldn’t forgive me for that”
“True...Promise me that you’ll call me if something goes wrong. Promise me that you’ll text me to tell me you’re okay...”
“I will...Or at least I’ll try, ‘kay? Now, let’s sleep”
“Did you make sure you have everything with you?” uncle Kabu said as we walked to the Flying Taxi, with the sun still rising
“Yes, uncle, I have everything”
“Take care out there, kiddo” he said, his hands on my shoulders before hugging me “Don’t forget I’m proud of you”
“I know, uncle” I said and then, he let Piers hug and kiss me “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll be fine...”
“I’ll trust you, babe...But please, be careful”
I nodded and after another kiss, I took the Flying Taxi in direction to the Lake of Outrage. Once there, I started to set everything and once I was done, I went to investigate the first Power Spots. Clouds were getting a bit dark, but I trusted I would have the enough time to make my first researches until the weather turned worst.
--------------------------PIERS’ POV--------------------------------
Three. Three fucking days had passed since the last time I talked to Raikichi. She promised she would be okay, that she would try to text me to tell me everything was fine, but from three days I didn’t get any calls or messages, and I was starting to worried A LOT.
I decided to go to Mototoske in order to speak with Kabu, and to my surprise, he was also like me; worrying about Raikichi. “Hey, Kabu” I greeted him “Did Raikichi call you?”
“No. No calls, no mesages...And she doesn’t answer my calls”
“The same happens with me” I said “I called her many times, but she doesn’t answer. I’m starting to think that something really bad happened to her”
“And what do you want to do? Right now most of the Wild Area is being affected by a really serious hail storm and the Flying Taxis aren’t flying there, not until the storm calms down”
I cursed to myself but then, I had an idea “I’ll go to the Wild Area. I’ll find Raikichi and I’ll bring her back”
“And how do you think you’re doing that?” Kabu asked
“I have a plan” I said before running to Mototoske main entrance as I called Leon “Hey, Leon, meet me in the main entrance of Mototoske, the one where ends East Lake Axewell. Don’t ask now. Time is running out” I said and I hanged out the call as I kept running.
“Piers, what’s going on?” Leon asked me once he arrived to the meeting place on his Charizard
“Raikichi went to explore the Wild Area” I said
“Well, she will be fine, you should...”
“It has passed three days since she went out there. Three days without knowing anything about her. The Flying Taxis don’t fly cause the hail storm, and Raikichi is out there, and who knows if she is wounded or in danger. That’s why I called you”
Leon stood in silence for few seconds beofre letting me mount on his Charizard “Hold on tight!” he said and Charizard flew away with us. The hail storm was really strong, but Raikichi needed help, and I wouldn’t leave my girlfriend alone in a dangerous and hostile place. “Did she tell you where she was going to be?” I heard Leon asking
“No, but we should fly a bit lower if we weant to see something!”
Charizar went a bit down and we went our way in direction to the Lake of Outrage, where the hail storm was even more stronger. When I thought I would never been able to see anything, Leon told me to look down; a Pokemon was using Ice Beam and Ice Shard, throwing them to the sky. “Charizard, go down” Leon ordered and Charizard landed near of the Pokemon that resulted to be a Glaceon. Raikichi’s Glaceon.
“Glaceon, girl!” I said running to her in order to stroke her. She was really REALLY nervous and scared, and when she saw me, she grabbed the sleeve of my jacket and pulled with all her strenght “Take us with her, girl”
Glaceon guided us through the hail storm, stopping some times to look around her, like if she was ready to run away if she heard something. After near thirty minutes, we arrived to Raikichi’s camp. Glaceon made a weak sound and Raikichi’s Infernape went out of the tent. Infernape pointed the tent and I didn’t doubt to enter inside. There she was, with her Salazzle, Quilava and Raboot trying to warm her up. She was very pale, and when I knelt down to check on her, I noticed she was really REALLY cold. Her lips were blue, and they were turning purple. Her hair was wet, so she had fallen in the Lake. But it worried me more were the wounds that she had, not very serious, but the enough to worry me.
“Hey, babe, it’s me...” I said taking her on my arms. She didn’t answer. I had to put my ear on her chest twice to make sure that she was breathing. Yes, she was breathing, but very weakly, and her heartbeat was also weak. “No, no...Please, open your eyes...Please...” I cried as I hugged her
“Piers, did you...By the love of all living things, is she...?”
“No, she isn’t death” I said as I wrapped her with more blankets “But if we don’t take her back to Mototoske, she will be”
I let my Obstagoon to get out of his Pokeball in order to grab Raikichi as I returned her Infernape, Quilava and Salazzle back to their Pokeballs. Then, I picked all her things as quick as I could with Leon’s help, including her tent, and once we were ready, I mounted on Charizar and then, I took her into my arms after making Obstagoon return. Leon mounted as well, and he made his Charizard fly as fast as he could. Time was running out for Raikichi, and I wasn’t going to loose her.
Once we arrived to Mototoske, Obstagoon was out again of his Pokeball and now he was grabbing Raikichi firmly. Leon returned his Charizard to his Pokeball and together, we ran to Kabu’s house, Glaceon in front of us. She looked exhausted, but for her trainer, she would do everything. Glaceon cried loudly in front un Kabu’s door and when he opened the door and spotted us, all the color left his face when she saw in what shape Raikichi was. “Take her inside” he said as he let us enter “I’ll prepare her a warm bath to make her get warm”
I nodded and as he prepared the bath, I hugged her closer to me, trying to keep her warm. Leon offered his cape and I didn’t reject it; we needed to keep her warm. Then, Kabu told me that the bath was ready and I quickly rushed to the bathroom, removing all the blankets, and her wet clothes. Once she wa snaked, I slowly put her on the warm water, and slowly, she started to recover a bit of color. Glaceon entered, with Raikichi’s sleeping clothes on her mouth. I thanked her and once I made sure Raikichi was warm enough, I took her out of the bathub and I dried her with care before getting her on her sleeping clothes. Then, Obstagoon took her to her room, and once she was on the bed, we covered her with the blankets.
“It looks that she has a very serious pneumonia” Kabu said after checking on his niece
“She will recover, I know she will...” I murmured squeezing her cold hand gently
“She will. We should know what happened but first, whe need to make sure she surpass this” her uncle said. His voice was trembling; he was near to cry, not like me. I was crying; I didn’t want to loose the love of my life.
With a sigh, I called Marnie and after explaining her what happened, I told her to bring me more clothes. Once I hanged out the call, Leon entered the room. “If you need help, don’t doubt on calling me”
“Thanks Leon..Without you, we wouldn’t be able to find her alive...”
He was near to say something when Raikichi started to tremble and shiver. I touched her forehead; she was burning too hot. Glaceon noticed that, cause she was now on the bed, her tail on her trainer’s forehead and using her ice powers to lower the fever. That Glaceon was really ready to do everything for her trainer. She was exhausted, but there she was, trying to low Raikichi’s fever, and in order to help her with Raikichi’s fever were her Alolan Ninetales and her Weavile, ready to replace Glaceon when she needed to rest. Leon said goodbye and told Kabu to call him if we needed something. Few hours later, Marnie arrived with my clothes and after telling me that Raikichi would surpass this, she left to the Budew Drop Inn while I stayed in Kabu’s house.
After having a simple dinner, I went back to Raikichi’s room. She was still unconscious, breathing with difficult as her breath and heartbeat tried to go back to normal. With a sigh, I changed to my sleeping clothes and laid down on bed, stroking Glaceon’s fur while Weavile was now watching in order to act if she needed to low her trainer’s fever.
“It’s going to be a long night” I said as I hummed a song for my muse, my brave love, my lovely girlfriend...Raikichi...”I know you’ll survive to this, babe...”
#piers#piers x oc#raikichi pkmn#trainersona#kabu#raihan#leon#marnie#pokemon sword and shield#a song to heal a tired soul
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It’s no secret that I love Pokemon. Like, I LOVE Pokemon. I have a lot of original characters for other series that I love and have loved since I was a kid, series that I still love and keep up with today as an adult, but I have one OC who has never, ever changed, since I created her when I was a little girl. She has always had the same occupation, the same love interest, the same pokemon. So I went ahead and made her a heavily detailed trainer card/profile!
Meet Miki, the Eevee breeder!
Miki has used Molly Hale’s pre-teen design since her movie came out in 2001. She’s one of the very first OCs I ever created. She is not Molly - she is a separate person.
Miki and her sister Nana were born in Ecruteak City, Johto. Their grandmother was a Kimono Girl, and because of her, Miki developed her fascination with Eevees. Miki and Nana began their journey as rivals, Miki with a Cyndaquil and Nana with a Totodile. They also each were given an Eevee by their grandmother.
Miki and Nana’s parents, evolution researchers, taught them to take a different approach to training and the gym challenge than others. Some pokemon trainers set out at the tender age of ten years old like the legendary Red, and others set out later. Some complete the challenge at a maddening pace like Blue, but Miki preferred to take the time to learn from and train with the gym leaders she would eventually battle, if they would have her. This led to deep, intense bonds with her pokemon, and her first Eevee evolved into an Umbreon during her second Johto gym battle.
Miki decided to travel the world around the time she completed the Indigo League, learning from experts and gym leaders, discovering different Eevees, and began breeding soon after entering the Orange League. Her first baby Eevees were evolved into a Vaporeon and a Flareon, respectively.
By the time of the Hoenn League, Miki had begun to wonder if battling was all there was. She discovered that in Hoenn, pokemon could enter Contests, and she enlisted her Umbreon, a four time League champion, in one. They lost. Contests were not like battling at all. Nana, who was not in Hoenn at the same time, encouraged her sister, and sent her countless articles about Contests from the region she was currently traveling through. Miki spent the longest time in Hoenn, putting off the gym challenge for months while focusing on Contests, eventually winning her first one with her Umbreon.
Miki was in her late twenties by the time she retired to the Pasio region, a small, quiet place. She was asked, for a time, to run a gym, being a highly decorated League champion from another region, and she agreed until Pasio got its own gym system running. She used her Eevees, for whom she was well known - her Umbreon, her Jolteon, and her Sylveon - and gave the Heart Badge to those who defeated her. The Heart Badge was retired after her gym closed, and special recognition given to those in the Pasio League who possess it.
Miki lives on a large farm outside of Centra City, Pasio. She runs a dedicated Eevee breeding program, breeding Eevees for battle, show, companionship, or breeding. Her former non-Eevee battling companions live in peaceful retirement, and any wild pokemon who wander in are welcome.
Miki’s world is ever so slightly AU from the actual Pokemon world. It includes the world of the fanmade Pokemon Uranium and its Tandor region, and Mega Evolutions are permanent evolutions, Z Crystals being a kind of evolution stone. The timeline of her Eevee evolutions also does not follow game canon.
This canon is a mix of the games, anime, and manga, similar to how I constructed my C’est la Vie 5 manga. Not everything that happened in one medium is canon, and in addition there is a lot of my own fanon mixed in as well. Most of this takes place in my own head, having stewed there since I was eleven years old.
Named Eevees
An Eevee breeder, Miki of course has dozens of Eevees and their evolutions running around. Ten have names, and these are the Eevees that have traveled with Miki, battled with her, won Contests, and been there through it all.
1. Umbreon: Nicknamed YAN YAN, this Eevee was bred by Miki’s grandmother and is the brother of Nana’s Eevee. Yan Yan is the oldest Eevee in Miki’s possession, having known her since she was a child and becoming hers once she set out on her journey. He is her strongest pokemon and her most highly decorated. He is one of her top breeders, and any Eevee fathered by him commands top dollar. His best friend is Abbi.
2. Glaceon: Nicknamed GLACIE, this Eevee was her second ever to evolve. Glacie appears dainty and frail like melting ice, which is part of a carefully calculated plot to make the opposing pokemon feel bad and resist attacking her. Her Ice attacks were deadly and when she was in battling form, Glacie was too. Glacie was always a motherly type, and took care of every pokemon on Miki’s team. Her first babies were the Eevees that became a Vaporeon and Flareon. She has several ribbons and did quite well in contests, but all Glacie ever wanted was to be a mom. She has retired from breeding, though she still mothers all the baby Eevees. Her partner is Luxe.
3. Vaporeon: Nicknamed RAINER, the daughter of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Glacie the Glaceon. Rainer is a powerhouse of a pokemon, one of the most powerful Miki possesses, and the second most decorated, taking after her father. When Miki leaves home, Rainer is one of the pokemon tasked with protecting her.
4. Flareon: Nicknamed PYRO, the son of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Glacie the Glaceon, and the younger brother of Rainer the Vaporeon. Pyro takes after his mother and likes playing with the baby Eevees. He and his sister do very well in Contests, especially as a team with their fire and water displays. He does not have the focus to compete in contests fully and Miki retired him; he nannies the baby Eevees.
5. Leafeon: Nicknamed LEAFY, Miki found him in the wild. He had been abandoned by a previous abusive trainer, and adjusting badly to life in the wild. Miki spent several weeks earning his trust and tending to his wounds. She offered to bring him with her, stating that he would never have to do anything he didn’t want to. Leafeon is a companion pokemon; his best friends are Sylvie and Nines.
6. Nucleon: Nicknamed NUKU NUKU. Nuku Nuku is the other fully evolved Eevee Miki has caught, this time in the Tandor region. Her sister Nana, having reached Tandor and deciding to settle there, was thoroughly immersed in the discovery of the Nuclear type and the absolute devastation it had wrought on the environment and she’d persuaded her sister to journey to Tandor after competing in the Hoenn League. Their parents joined them, curious at how pokemon could seemingly change their type (as Nuclear seemingly corrupts known pokemon like Pikachu into “Nuclear Pikachu”, for example), but upon learning this was not a new sort of evolution, they became disinterested and returned home to Johto. Nuku Nuku is technically Miki’s strongest pokemon, because of the inherent overpoweredness of the Nuclear type, but Miki only brings Nuku Nuku into battle against the strongest trainers or threats. Nuku Nuku is lazy and enjoys napping in the shade.
7. Espeon: Nicknamed ESPY, this Eevee has the distinction of being the last Miki ever caught in the wild. Bold, sassy, and determined, Espy can battle, she just prefers not to. Espy was born to be a star, and holds the rank of Grand Champion in every Contest she has ever competed in. Miki is flooded with requests for Eevees mothered by Espy, who is, as one judge described her, “the most perfect specimen of an Espeon ever born.”
8. Sylveon: Nicknamed SYLVIE, this Eevee is the son of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Espy the Espeon. He has all of his mother’s beauty and all of his father’s power and the combined charm of both. (Thankfully, he also got his father’s laid back attitude.) Sylvie loves life. Sylvie loves Contests and battling. And Sylvie loves Miki. There are very few things Sylvie doesn’t love.
9. Jolteon: Nicknamed SPARKY, the ambitious son of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Glacie the Glaceon. He was born nearly at the same time as Sylvie, and sees Sylvie as his rival. He is not as powerful as his father, and sometimes is not entirely in control of his own electricity, striving to be the best for himself and for Miki. Sparky enjoys picking on Espy.
10. Eevee: Nicknamed POOF, this Eevee resembles a Gigantamax Eevee but as a normal sized Eevee. She has a huge mane and a playful nature. She is a companion and Miki hopes to use her for Contests. Poof was a gift from Miki’s friend Shiru.
11. Eevee: Nicknamed SILVER, this shiny Eevee was a surprise! His father is Pyro the Flareon and his mother is Espy the Espeon. Miki hopes Silver will help her be able to breed more shiny Eevees for Contests, but for now he is a companion.
Named Pokemon in the Eevee Project
Some pokemon are not Eevees but Miki has included them in her Eevee breeding project, for various reasons.
1. Luxray: Nicknamed LUXE, Miki was forced to take this pokemon along after it took a liking to the Eevee that eventually became Glacie the Glaceon, after saving it from a wild Manetric. Based on Luxray having been the father of all my Eevees in his debut game. I love you, Luxray, I never forgot.
2. Mega Absol: Nicknamed SOSO, Miki stumbled upon an Absol and her cub while on her way to Lavaridge Town in Hoenn, being pelted with rocks. Not understanding Absols’ reputation as the harbringer of misfortune, Miki scolded the people responsible and she and Yan Yan the Umbreon ran after the mother and baby to see if they were okay. The mother growled and wouldn’t let them near, so Miki left some Berries and food for them and sat a little ways away. Absol had been trying to warn the town of the oncoming storm, which took out power to the town, but because of Miki’s kindness, Absol let Miki and Yan Yan shelter in her cave until the sky cleared. Soso and her cub left Lavaridge with Miki, and live in happy retirement on Miki’s ranch, where her warnings are taken seriously and the other pokemon love her.
3. Absol: Nicknamed ABBI, the son of Soso. Despite his very rough start in life, Abbi has grown up knowing love and affection from Miki and her pokemon and fiercely defends his friends, Miki’s property, and Miki. When Miki leaves the farm, Abbi stays behind to guard the babies. His best friend and father figure is Yan Yan the Umbreon.
(Part 2 shortly)
#pokemon#original characters#ffamran plays video games#ffamran shares personal projects#i really love eevees
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WIP Wednesday
I haven’t properly started anything new since I posted my last oneshot, but my multichapter is still a thing that’s in progress. So I’m going to cheat a little on my original plan to not let anyone see it until it’s 100% finished and give y’all the first chapter (of which many things are subject to change, I’m still editing here). Maybe putting this out there will motivate me to finish the dang thing.
For some context, it’s set five years after the events of Battle Frontier and diverges from canon on both a specific minor level (Drew’s Roselia is still Roselia for Reasons) and on the more major level of characters have aged and, because it was planned/started in 2017 when 90% of the Sun and Moon anime hadn’t happened (also, I haven’t been keeping up with the anime as of late), essentially takes its place in the timeline and the plot, locations, and characters introduced in Alola bear closer resemblance to the games.
Of all the new sights in Alola, Ash wasn't expecting to see the person who sat on Hau'Oli Beach, overlooking the water, a roselia at his side.
Ash ran to greet him, hoping Pikachu and the rockruff he'd recently befriended were keeping up. "Drew, is that you? Hey!"
Even donning a pair of dark sunglasses, he was unmistakable up close--he looked about the same as Ash remembered him, right down to the outfit; he must've really been committed to that aesthetic to be dressing the same way five years later. Upon noticing Ash, he let out a small sigh of resignation. "It starts." He stood, and Ash noticed that Drew was several inches shorter than he was. "If you're after an autograph, you'd better have a pen on you because I don't."
"Oh, I'm not a fan," Ash said. He saw Drew frown--in confusion or annoyance or what, Ash couldn't tell. "Wait, that came out wrong. I mean I'm a friend. You don't recognize me?"
Drew removed his sunglasses and slipped them into his pocket, blinking as his eyes readjusted to the light. "Not gonna lie, I have no idea who you are. Name?"
"I'm Ash." Did Drew really not know who he was? Maybe the mention of Drew's old rival would help. "I used to travel with May, back in Hoenn and Kanto, remember?"
Sure enough, recognition sparked in Drew's eyes. "Oh, I remember you now. It's been a while." He looked Ash up and down. "You've gotten taller."
"You haven't," Ash said. Drew's eyes narrowed. "Hey, easy, I'm joking. Sorry. Anyway, how have you been? How's May? Is she here too? What are you doing in Alola? Contests aren't a thing here," he added the last part with a note of confusion. He was pretty sure contests weren't a thing here, but Drew's presence made him doubt it.
Drew closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm well aware that contests aren't 'a thing' here, as you so eloquently put it. If you must know, I won a grand festival in Johto, ran through the Sinnoh circuit, and now I'm taking a break from coordinating." He paused and his expression softened. "May's not here, but last I heard she was doing well."
"Taking a break?" Drew, who had always seemed relentlessly ambitious and driven, was vacationing in Alola? "That doesn't sound much like you."
"A lot can change in five years," Drew remarked coolly. As Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder, Drew added, "Though I see your pikachu hasn't."
"Neither has your roselia," Ash said. "I guess we've got that in common. And what're the odds that we'd both end up right here at the same time?" A brilliant idea struck him. "We should explore Alola together! It's gotta be fate, us running into each other again after so long."
Drew frowned. "I don't travel with other people."
"The Drew I knew didn't take vacations either, but here you are," Ash pointed out. "Maybe it's time for another change."
"Hard pass," Drew said. "Let's go, Roselia. We have places to be." He turned his back on Ash and started toward the city, Roselia following closely.
"Well, see you around," Ash said. Then, to Pikachu, "What is up with him?"
Drew had managed to avoid Ash and his questions for the rest of the day, but even as night fell and he retired to his motel room he couldn't shake the thought of what had happened. As he went to his bed and sprawled ungracefully on his back on top of the covers, hands behind his head, his mind was still racing. Between this and the jet lag he was still feeling, he figured sleep would be a long time coming; if it came down to it, he might have Butterfree knock him out with sleep powder.
He never would've expected to run into one of May's old friends in Alola of all places. Maybe that was why he hadn't recognized him at first--well, that and the fact that (no matter what Ash said) they had both grown since they last saw each other; Ash was taller and tanner, leaner with broader shoulders. Drew almost envied him--he himself had never quite grown into his height.
"I'm good, Roselia," he assured his partner. "Say, do you think I should've taken Ash up on his offer?"
Roselia didn't answer. So this was his problem to solve. He groaned, moving a hand to cover his eyes.
He had always traveled alone in the past--apart from Roselia and the rest of his team--and didn't have plans to change that. But he hadn't planned to see Ash again either.
And he had come to Alola because he needed to make some changes. His recent run through the Sinnoh contest circuit had been the worst of his entire career--he was burned out, and he needed time off to try something new and find the spark he once had again. Was Ash the way to do that?
Drew doubted it. If he wanted to keep his head down and avoid media attention, hanging around with someone who did so much shouting would be a bad move. And all he knew Ash as was May's loud and cheerful friend who had, when Drew was like eleven, made him realize he might like boys too--not that that meant anything now. The two of them weren't even friends.
Still, something needed to change.
"This isn't accomplishing anything." Drew sighed, reaching for the poké ball that held his butterfree and giving it a toss.
"Free?" Butterfree looked at his trainer with concern.
"Can't sleep," Drew said. "You know the drill."
#not going to lie I am extremely nervous about sharing this#because I've spent literal years on this fic and put so much of my heart and soul into it#Andrew writes#respectshipping
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Meet the Family: Paternal Side
TL;DR: Duke regrets making the rule anyone with black hair and a white streak is somehow related to M.
{ PART I : paternal side }
{ PART II : maternal side }
{ PART III : adopted parents }
Hoenn Champion Swimmer Raziel (deceased) - biological father
faceclaim: azami nakiri from shokugeki no soma
The eldest brother of three children who are known to be impressive water type trainers. Born in Sootopolis City, Raziel was the prize child said to be gifted with water types. His pokemon of choice was a feebas, which evolved into his beautiful Milotic.
He became a man of wealth and fame, Raziel was known for being a very strong athletic swimmer. He’s the top Hoenn competitive swimmer before retiring early once he reached his peak. Living on his wealth and sponserships for a while, it wasn’t long before he became enthralled by Anahita (a women so reckless and untouchable that he was captivated). Over years of charming her, Raziel eventually got her to settle down with him in the small down of Pacifidlog to raise their son. He died twenty years later as expected.
Professor Sebastian || Dr. Shiranui (alive) - uncle
no image due to anime quality is bad
Calm and collect, Prof. Sebastian is a well known scientist who was interested in stones and crystals. Hailing from Hoenn, the concept of mega stones and evolutionary stones has peaked his interest at a young age and made him become close to Devon corporation. During his career he was picked up by Team Rocket in order to study evolution, his branch focused mostly on stone evolutions. However due to scientists being passed around to create and capture strong pokemon, Sebastian found himself in charge of things outside his field. From the Lake of Rage incident to trying to capture the thunder pokemon Raikou, Prof. Sebastian is well respected and highly praised to be given such important tasks.
Sebastian is the middle child of the three half brothers. Due to being in the shadows of his elder brother Raziel, he grew to despise water pokemon and gained a deep appreciation for electric pokemon just to spite his family. This obsession is what lead him to base a lot of his studies to be electricity based.
Raziel and Sebastian never had a good relationship with each other, mostly due to their mother comparing the two boys to each other too often. Sebastian has pretty much cut ties with his two brothers despite still being recognized as their sibling. Due to this, he didn’t come to family reunions often...but also he was invested in his work and Team Rocket. In essence, he doesn’t acknowledge Michael’s existence.
(ex) Gym Leader Juan || Adan (alive) - uncle (godfather) “the gym leader with the beauty of pure water”
source: pixiv artist || art
Known as an accomplished coordinator in addition to becoming the Sootoplis Gym Leader in his prime, Juan left his position to Wallace before returning to it once his student became the Hoenn’s League Champion along side Steven Stone. Juan is a passionate man who enjoys the elegant and sophisticated life. Beauty and passion. He is a man of class and wants to show the world the meaning of beauty and grace.
Juan is the youngest of the three half brothers. Being the younger brother, Juan was able to focus on his own ambitions - which lead him to becoming top coordinator and a successful pokemon trainer.
Raziel and Juan had a good relationship with each other as they both raised their feebas into milotics together. However Juan prefered his seadra (later kingdra) to his milotic unlike Raziel who treasured his milotic the most. They have a passion for the beautiful things in life and have an affinity for water types as they grew up in Sootoplis.
They were both in their mid-twenties when Michael was born. Raziel and his wife, Anahita, had moved to Pacifidlog with their newborn son while Juan stayed in Sootopolis. Every summer Raziel and his family would visit Juan in Sootopolis and every winter Juan would visit Raziel in Pacifidlog. To say the least, Juan was happy to have a nephew despite being against the marriage between his half-brother and such an atrocious woman.
“Michael Letterman” (alive) - the man himself
List of Traits gained from M’s Paternal Side:
White streak of hair (dyed black so he isn’t recognizable)
Affinity for water type pokemon
Passion to the point of obsession
Flamboyant nature
#ooc: { references }#ooc: { long post }#//shoves onto dash#//asdfjkl#//finally adds sebastian to the list#//sebastian probs doens't make sense but he does in my head#//*laughs in the distance*#//sorry not sorry for the long post
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Maximilian Pokemon Bio:
Pokemon List: Pokemon team and extras
Name: Maximilian Stella Reyes Nicknames: Max (Likes that name more.) Age: 29 Birthday: N/A Zodiac: Gemini Gender: Male Height: 5.5 feet Birthplace: Hoenn, but will says Johto is there home. Weight: 150 pounds Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Skin tone: Peach Family: Rather not talk about them. Romantic/sexual Preference: Graysexual Likes: Pokemon contest, fashion, proving that all pokemon are beautiful in there own right, crushing those on his list, and food/cooking. Dislikes: Mistreatment of pokemon, how people say that some pokemon are not beautiful, being slow or forgetting important things, and his anger at times. Jobs: Pokemon Trainer/Pokémon Coordinator. Personality: Cautions when meeting new people, is a man of very few words when you start to know him, but will say more when he feels the need for those words. Looks and acts distance, but is just a man who zones out a lot, is serious 24/7 so he is slow on some jokes or to what others are saying, and is different when it comes to his job. On one hand as a pokemon coordinator he is very calm and in sync with his pokemon, but as a pokemon trainer it depends. He is very relaxed with normal battles, and doesn’t care if he wins or loses, but when it comes some selected Gym Leaders or Elite Four members, then he will act crazed once they battle, and that’s when he dose care when he losses. For you see he doesn’t see it as a lose for him, but his pokemon, and feels responsible for his poor choices in the battle because of it. Background: As a young boy he was interested in pokemon moves, and as he saw it, a pokemon’s true power. He saw the beauty in them, and because of it his taste reflects that. Well to him at least. During his time as a trainer he found his first pokemon, Squirtle to help him through all the bad that will come his way, but after his time in Johto he realized he might be connected to something he dares not want to know about. That thing being the ability to sense people’s emotions, and even some of there thoughts from strong bonds. He has tried to keep it under control by meditation, but has become a failure thought out the years. So he tries not to get close to people or even touch them out of fear of sensing something he shouldn’t. He feels his second pokemon, Espeon might be connected to his awakening. Because he was trying to get a Umbreon, but failed when his Eevee turning into a Espeon. He doesn’t regret what happened. He is still close to his Espeon and is mostly seen by his side. Worse yet during this time away his brother took is Squirtle who was now a Blastoise, and released him, due to Max’s battles always winning with him, and some of the people from there town. His brother tied to do the same to his Espeon, but the trainer left home before that could happen. Never to return for his pokemon’s safety. He also had a Absol who was his main for pokemon contest, but that’s a story for a different day. But I can say this. He has picked up a bad habit when battling, and that’s playing music on his radio so his pokemon can battle with the music. Not to confuse or keep his opponent on edge, but because he likes to hear music when battling as well as keep in sync with his pokemon. Nothing more then that. With where he is now he’s done a lot in the name of pokemon’s beauty by his own hands in the past. All he will admit was pretty stupid, but at the same time he still wants to reach even higher heights with his views. He almost retired from anything pokemon related, until he went to Alola on a whim. it opened his eyes to the love he lost sight of with pokemon moves, and as well as open his eyes to something else. The love of seeing others who take pokemon that no one believes in, and show there true skills with battles. He has traveled to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Kalos, and Alola. He wants to visit every pokemon region out there to spread his views on pokemon’s true beauty, and battle those he has his eye on. As well on the side eat lot of different food from each region.
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Max Pokemon Verse:
Pokemon List: Might grow over time
Name: Maximilian Stella Reyes Nicknames: Max or Maxi (Likes these names more.) Age: 28 Born: N/A Birthday: May 26 Zodiac: Gemini Gender: Male Height: 5.5 feet Birthplace: Unova, but says Johto is there home. Weight: 150 pounds Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown skin tone: Peach Blood type: N/A Family: Rather not talk about them. Romantic/sexual Preference: Asexual Likes: Pokemon contest, fashion, proving that all pokemon are beautiful in there own right, crushing those on his list, and food/cooking. Dislikes: Mistreatment of pokemon, how people say that some pokemon are not beautiful, being slow or forgetting important things, and his anger at times. Jobs: Pokemon Trainer/Pokémon Coordinator. Personality: Cautions when meeting new people, is a man of very few words when you start to know him, but will say more when he feels the need for those words. Looks and acts distance, but is just a man who suffers from a resting bitch face as well as zones out a lot, is serious 24/7 so he is slow on some jokes or to what others are saying, and is different when it comes to his job. On one hand as a pokemon coordinator he is very calm and in sync with his pokemon, but as a pokemon trainer it depends. He is very relaxed with normal battles, and doesn’t care if he wins or loses, but when it comes some selected Gym Leaders or Elite Four members, then he will act crazed once they battle, and that’s when he dose care when he losses. For you see he doesn’t see it as a lose for him, but his pokemon, and feels responsible for his poor choices in the battle because of it. Background: As a young boy he was interested in pokemon moves, and as he saw it, a pokemon’s true power. He saw the beauty in them, and because of it his taste reflects that. Well to him at least. During his time as a trainer he found his first pokemon, Squirtle to help him through all the bad that will come his way, but after his time in Johto he realized he might be connected to something he dares not want to know about. That thing being the ability to sense people’s emotions, and even some of there thoughts from strong bonds. He has tried to keep it under control by meditation, but has become a failure thought out the years. So he tries not to get close to people or even touch them out of fear of sensing something he shouldn’t. He feels his second pokemon, Espeon might be connected to his awakening. Because he was trying to get a Umbreon, but failed when his Eevee turning into a Espeon. He doesn’t regret what happened. He is still close to his Espeon and is mostly seen by his side. Worse yet during this time his brother took is Squirtle who was now a Blastoise, and released him, due to Max’s battles with him, and some of the people from there town. His brother tied to do the same to his Espeon, but Max left home. Never to return for his pokemon’s safety. He also had a Absol who was his main for pokemon contest, but that’s a story for a different day. But I can say this. He has picked up a bad habit when battling, and that’s playing music on his radio so his pokemon can battle with the music. Not to confuse or keep his opponent on edge, but because he likes to hear music when battling as well as keep in sync with his pokemon. Nothing more then that. With where he is now he’s done a lot in the name of pokemon’s beauty by his own hands in the past. All he will admit was pretty stupid, but at the same time he still wants to reach even higher heights with his views. He almost retired from anything pokemon related, until he went to Alola on a whim. it opened his eyes to the love he lost sight of with pokemon moves and as well as open his eyes to something else. The love of seeing others who take pokemon that no one believes in, and show there true skills with battles. He has traveled to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Kalos, and Alola. He wants to visit every pokemon region out there to spread his views on pokemon’s true beauty, and battle those he has his eye on. As well on the side eat lot of different food from each region.
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Episode 21
Scene 14:
[A few days later, Ren and Steven arrive to her first League meeting as Champion. They are the first there and Steven pulls out the chair at the head of the large oval table for Ren. Steven heads off to the other end but stops when Ren kicks out the chair next to her. He turns back and she holds his gaze, jerking her head to the chair. Steven sighs as he sits down next to her.]
Steven: I just hope you know I'll be enduring Drake’s violent stare the entire meeting for this.
Ren: He'll have to adapt. At least for the first few meetings.
[The rest of the League starts drift in, starting with Senri. Drake stops dead as he comes in and glares at Steven before dropping into the chair opposite. He does not take his eyes off Steven, rage radiating from every pore. Steven does his best to ignore this, going so far as to turn and talk to Sidney who has sat down on his other side. Once everyone is there and the pleasantries are over with, Ren starts the meeting.]
Ren: So the first order of business is the keystone thefts. There have been four in the past month. Two are confirmed to be the work of Dr. Courtney Kagari, former Magma admin. We believe she is currently in possession of Maxie’s team, meaning that she could have up to eleven top battlers at her disposal. She also has a history of mental instability and willingness to use pokemon as weapons. I need all of you with keystones to exercise extreme caution. Keep your pokemon with you at all times and call it in as soon as you see her.
[Ren looks around to make sure she is understood and three of the Elite Four nod. Drake refuses to move his eyes from Steven and leans back in his chair in stony silence.]
Ren: The other two instances are unconfirmed but Courtney’s involvement seems likely. Maxie denied that Courtney was the one to take his keystone, but refuses to say who did. I'm not sure why he would give her his pokemon and not his keystone and thus far he has been staunchly protecting all former Magma members, so he has motive. The incident with Archie is a bit stranger. He is familiar with Courtney but insists another woman took the stone. The police currently suspect another trainer is in league with Courtney. We can’t be sure of Courtney’s motives for gathering keystones, but reportedly she is extremely loyal to Maxie and may be seeking revenge of some kind for his imprisonment. We all participated in the battle that led to Maxie capture and the dismantling of Magma, so for now it’s safe to assume we are all targets. Any sightings or suspicious activity are to be reported to the league and your local police department. I have sent all of you information on Courtney and the pokemon she is using for you to review. And now I’ll turn it over to Steven for the second item.
Steven: Thank you. The rest of you have been briefed on this topic already, but there are some updates, which I will incorporate as I get our Champion up to speed. A large meteor, just large enough to rank as a planet killer, was detected heading for our quadrant about two years ago by Dr. Keanu Pukui of the Fallarbor Observatory. Initial calculations of its trajectory estimated that it would miss us by a comfortable margin, but the Hoenn Aerospace Exploration Agency and other space programs around the world have since been working on technologies to destroy or redirect a meteor should it come our way. In the time we have been tracking Pukui’s meteor, its trajectory has been checked and rechecked. About a year ago it suddenly changed course and has been headed straight for us ever since. In addition to turning, it has accelerated, moving up the impact date to next Thursday.
[Ren’s face has become very twisted with the effort of not screaming. She glances away from Steven for the first time since he started talking to gauge everyone else’s reactions. They look tense but none are surprised.]
Steven: The good news is that the international community of space scientists have developed a device called a dimensional shifter that should safely warp the meteor away from us. This device will be sent into space via rocket and intercept the meteor shortly before it falls into our gravity. The HAEA just performed the final successful test and will be announcing the meteor and plan to deal with it to the public at a press conference later today. So, barring any drastic changes, we should all survive the event. [Ren is staring into the distance and Steven clears his throat.] Ren, Dr. Cosmo has requested that you come and personally tour the Mossdeep Space Center tomorrow afternoon. I can fly you there if you need transportation.
[Ren blinks several times to return from whatever plane of existence her soul fled to.]
Ren: Yeah, sure. Thanks.
[Ren slumps back in her chair, face slack and eyes still wide.]
Senri: You alright there kiddo?
Ren: [strained] Fine.
Phoebe: [chuckling] Yeah, you sure got a doozy of a first meeting.
Glacia: They won’t all be so bad, dear.
Wattson: [jovial] Most of the time it’s so dull I fall asleep!
Sidney: Yeah, don’t worry about it. I had kind of a rough first meeting too, though it was sort of the opposite problem. Pheebs, you weren’t there, but I bombed it. I forgot everything we were supposed to go over and I lost the itinerary and so I just sat there like “hi all, I’m your new Champion and a fucking moron, this should be fun!” And Glacia, you tried so hard to bail me out. She was sitting over there on the other end across from me and doing this crazy thing with her eyebrows, just trying to get me to remember one single thing we talked about right before the meeting and it was just blank, gone, all of it. So eventually she just had to prompt me. So really you did well.
Roxanne: Very professional up until the meteor thing. And goodness knows we were all a bit traumatized the first time it came up.
Flannery: I don’t remember a single thing we went over in my first meeting I was so nervous just being there. Did you all even tell me about the meteor then.
Lisa: We were going to but thought better of it.
Flannery: Thank you.
Tate: And let’s not forget the meeting where I had to come out to you all. That was a hoot.
[A muscle in Drake’s temple twitches.]
Wallace: Even better than when I joined up, right Drake?
[Drake does not respond but glares even more intensely at Steven if possible.]
Wallace: [turning back to Tate] Which reminds me, are you on for pride this year?
Tate: Conflict taken care of.
Lisa: We’ll be there.
Flannery: Ahh! I’m so excited! This will be my first time!
Brawly: Wait, what’s the date again?
Wallace: The fifteenth.
Brawly: Most excellent. I think I might get the whole crew over there this year.
Winona: Ren, Maia was wondering when we could arrange a joint practice.
Ren: Oh, uh, does Wednesday afternoon work for you?
Winona: Perfectly. We look forward to it.
Ren: Okay, if no one has anything else I think we can wrap—
Drake: [growling] I’m retiring.
Ren: Uh, what?
[Drake sits up straight and puts his hands on the table, still staring Steven down]
Drake: [more slowly and clearly] I am retiring and you are taking my place.
Steven: [disbelieving] What?
Drake: [spitting out one word at a time] I am retiring [pointing an accusing finger at Steven] and you are taking my place.
Steven: Well, I’m not sure that’s going to be possible. You know I don’t think being an Elite Four member is for me.
Sidney: Why not?
Phoebe: Yeah, you already only use two types and you were literally just the Champ. What’s the problem?
Steven: I was considering trying something else for a while.
[Ren pulls back a little, brow furrowing and head shaking slightly as if she is trying to shake something out of her ears. Everyone else looks almost equally confused except for Drake who has returned to irate stillness.]
Steven: Maybe going on a world tour: train in different regions, collect rare stones, catch up with old friends—
Ren: Excuse me?
Steven: Well—
Ren: When exactly were you planning on this taking place?
Steven: If the meteor business goes well, I was hoping in another month or two.
Ren: NO! Absolutely not! First of all, I am the youngest Champion in over a century, no way are you blitzing off without training me. Second of all, you’re contractually obligated to stick around for at least a year. Third of all, you promised me! We talked about this and I gave you plenty of outs. You insisted you were staying! I knew something was up! [hurt] Why not just tell me?
[Steven opens his mouth but nothing comes out and he swallows.]
Ren: [She sighs.] But even putting all of that aside, as your friend I am not gonna let you run from your problems like this.
Steven: [a touch defensively] I’m not sure how this is—
Ren: You love pokemon and you love training. I know you do. Listen to me: you’ve been here before and that’s why you came back. What good did leaving it all behind do?
[Steven looks away and Ren reaches out and puts her hand on his.]
Ren: I understand. I’ve been there too. You hang everything on one part of who you are and then when you can’t live up to that vision, everything starts crumbling away. It’s easier to run and it can even feel right—hell, maybe it is right now and then—but you’re never going to find who you are by turning your back on who you were. And I know you. You’re going to hate yourself if you drop all of your responsibilities.
[Ren lets go of Steven’s hand and he pulls it back toward himself, still unable to meet her eyes.]
Ren: I don’t mean to make you feel guilty and I don’t want to trap you here. If you still want to do all of that after your year is up, I won’t stop you.
[Steven looks up at her again and his lips part for a moment as if he is about to speak, but in the end he still can’t quite say anything.]
Drake: [clearly done with this drama] I. Am. Retiring. [He stands and looms menacingly over Steven] And you. Are taking. My place.
Steven: I, um—[He clears his throat.] I don’t know what to say. I always assumed one day you’d drop dead and that’s how you would retire.
Drake: [staring into the distance] We all would’ve preferred that.
Asuna: Retiring before me, eh?
Drake: [not looking at her] You’re semi-retired, Asuna.
Asuna: And I’m five years older. Looks like I get the last laugh.
Drake: [whipping around to face her] No, I’ll have the last laugh when Sal and I DANCE ON YOUR GRAVE!
[Drake storms out and Asuna laughs and laughs. Her cackling is literally the only sound in the room.]
Asuna: Best joke he’s ever told. As if I’d ever let myself die before the old bastard.
Ren: So was that his two weeks notice? Is that a thing?
Roxanne: He can’t retire until we select a replacement. That’s why he went after Steven.
Glacia: Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to him.
Ren: Thank you, Glacia. And sorry about that everyone. We’ll discuss this more at the next meeting. Dismissed.
[Everyone gets up except for Ren and Steven who are still reeling from the whole affair. The rest of the League chat among themselves as they file out and a few of them give Ren consoling pats on the shoulder as they leave. Senri pauses and gives her shoulder a squeeze. Ren taps his arm with her head an he leaves. Ren and Steven just sit in silence for a few moments until they can no longer hear anyone in the hall outside.]
Ren: I’m really sorry, Steven.
Steven: It’s okay, I deserved that. Well, maybe not the Drake part, but I shouldn’t have sprung that on you. I just— I panicked. I’m sorry, Ren.
Ren: Thank you.
[She looks at him hopefully, but once again he can’t meet her eyes. He stands, face tight.]
Steven: [haltingly] We’ll talk, okay?
Ren: Okay.
Steven: Do you need anything?
Ren: No, I’ll be alright. See you tomorrow.
[Steven head for the door but pauses for a moment with the handle in his hand. Ren waits, but he exits without saying anything. Ren waits again until she is sure everyone is gone and then face-plants on the table.]
#pokemon#nuzlocke#oras#running hot nuzlocke#story#episode 21#Ren#Steven#Drake#Sidney#Phoebe#Glacia#Senri#Wallace#Asuna#Flannery#Tate#Lisa#Winona#Roxanne#Brawly#Wattson#let the good times roll#jk Ren's life is a dumpster fire
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