#I want to make it clear that I’m not a hater btw
hauntedparkinglot · 4 months
Ok wait I’m not done with this. Gender in Malevolent is driving me insane.
The way that women in the narrative are so absent, that the hole is so huge you can’t help but stare into it. And I do think a lot of the gender stuff is unintentional, it’s just that the way it’s unfolding fascinates me….
I actually stopped watching the show for a full year after episode 31…. The way Arthur talked about Bella’s death upset me in a way the other visceral horror didn’t. He didn’t resent Bella, he didn’t really…. Feel anything super deep about her. He got stuck with her, she was better than him, she was an equal to him but her life and death didn’t affect him the way every other loss in his life did. He didn’t want a wife, and in the end that’s all he saw her as….
Kind of insane how he finally shows some sort of emotion for Bella in the name of mutual rebellion, she didn’t like what her dad stood for either. Arthur thought he was making a sacrifice for her and Faroe by marrying her…. But she didn’t want it either. Arthur was honour bound she was actually literally trapped. She made the sacrifice.
Everything about Bella makes me so mad. I hateeee the dead wife trope. I feel like a type of subversion was attempted but idk. When I think of this situation from her perspective it becomes a much scarier horror podcast, lol. We all know Arthur Lester is a mess, his flaws make the show. But for this one. Arty when I get u…
I actually thought Bella was gonna turn out to be a figure like Anna Stanzyck when I first started listening. Idk how to elaborate.
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base0h · 30 days
a/n - I’m alive I swear 💀 I just rewatched some of haikyuu so I’m more familiar with that rn 😂😂
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, fluff/crack, pre-timeskip characters btw, I don’t feel like making picture banners for all of them like I do with one piece forgive me for just putting text 🥲
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- yeah you just broke your bro’s heart into a billion pieces
- remember that time when he got nailed in the crotch by a ball in S4? Yeah that’s what it felt like
- “Isn’t he so cool Shoyo?!” -you
- but he’s also torn because he also thinks they’re awesome af 😭 so he can’t decide if he’s more saddened by the fact that you’re not saying that about him or if he’s excited that you also like one of his idols
- “…Yes he’s— very cool.” -him
- “…You do know my fav player’s always gonna be you though right?”
- oh you don’t even KNOW. How happy you just made him. You just turned his life around with just a single sentence
- bro could burst through the ceiling now
- he basically smothered you with a hug after that and did one of those koala hugs where he was basically just clinging onto you with pure adoration and affection
- it’s one thing if some random other student or little kid came up to him saying he was cool— like don’t get me wrong he’d probably freak out in a good way about that too
- but when it comes from you? He could have all haters but if he still had you? He’s totally fine. All bro needs is your support
- but do be careful because he might actually suffocate you one day if you compliment him too much
- each time you say something good about him his hugs get stronger?? If that’s even possible idk 😭
- you’ll have a great free chiropractor tho so woo hoo😁👍
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- bro has a thing for getting compliments or getting praise. I saw it VERY clearly when Hinata gave him that compliment about his spikes during the shiratorizawa training camp
- and then when Tendo said his bangs were cool bro was so happy 😭 (he’s so sweet oml)
- but of course when you watch his matches— I mean— you’re gonna be impressed by ushijima
- who wouldn’t be? Bros a literal nuclear bomb ahh spiker 💀
- after one of his matches you went up to him and started talking about ushijima and how cool his spikes and serves were
- “I feel like he’s gonna literally pop the ball everytime he hits it! It’s awesome!” -you
- he agrees wholeheartedly with you! But— man. He wanted you to say that about him 😭
- “Yeah— he’s amazing right..?” -him
- “He’s a third year right?”
- Goshiki nodded and scratched the back of his head sheepishly, looking a bit down
- “Oh so he’s just clearing the way for you then! There can only be one ace so he’s gotta move out of the way for you.”
(I couldn’t find the proper meme to put here so here’s the actual screenshot of him)
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- bro could ascend
- he could die right then and there
- but then he remembered he has to show off for you still so he stayed on earth
- ushijima heard you say that btw
- it looked like he wanted to murder you but in reality he thought it was very nice of you to say that to lift goshiki’s spirits
- he just— looks like he wants to crush you and send you to mars 💀
- also Tendo makes fun of him for being so happy about being praised
- “HAHAHAHAH— you LOVE it when y/n ever tells you something positive about you huh~??” -tendo
- yeah no he’s not gonna leave your poor bowl cut boy alone about it now
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- like the other two, he’s big on praise
- I mean before every match the manager tells him someone in the audience said he looks cool so he plays better 😭😭
- having you supporting him at his matches is like having an entire stadium full of people cheering his name
- you make Akaashi’s life less stressful. Good job y/n, Akaashi loves you for that and will legit pay you money to keep coming even though he knows he doesn’t have to. He’s that grateful for you
- I ain’t kidding one time Akaashi just started tearing up thanking you for being his fail safe plan if his 2000000 other plans to get Bokuto out of his emo mode don’t work
- he knows just like one compliment from you will cure Bokuto
- yeah so guess what you had to go and say right before a match started?
- “I just saw itachiyama play and wow that Sakusa guy who’s one of the top 3 spikers was just as good as they said he was!” -you
- akaashi might just do a backflip off of the stadium roof at this point 🙂 hardcore parkour
- the way you could literally see Bokuto’s hair droop down is insane
- konoha and sarukui were like: holy shit we’re absolutely cooked 😀
- this wasn’t an emo mode this was an avant garde mode
- but right as Akaashi was about to seriously jump off the roof, you saved everyone from the disaster you created
- “I don’t know why you’re not in the top three though, imo you’re a lot better than that guy, and a lot cooler looking too.” -you
- Akaashi looked like he was gonna live again
- Bokuto’s hair flipped back upwards and he excitedly smiled at you, giving you a big hug before going onto the court with an ecstatic air about him
- Akaashi is genuinely terrified of how you can simultaneously destroy their team and bring it back together with singular sentences
- you’re Bokuto’s weakness number 38 which akaashi does not have a solution for 💀
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- Akaashi is honestly happy you’re just with him
- he doesn’t really mind it if you can’t come to see him play, of course he’d love for you to be there but he totally understands if you can’t, and won’t be destroyed about it
- he loves your support and will always appreciate you for cheering him on (and being his mental support because taking care of Bokuto is life draining and he probably gets about a month taken off of his life everytime Bokuto goes into his emo mode)
- during the match with nekoma, you noticed how the setter on their team was also quite an intelligent and skilled player despite seeming so bored and uninterested in the sport entirely
- he had a hold on Bokuto for a good while and it was impressive how he managed to put Bokuto in a slump so smoothly and discreetly
- after the match, you congratulated fukurodani on their victory, and akaashi thanked you for coming like the gentleman bro is
- “That setter on nekoma was really good— he was so calculating and calm about his strategy to make Bokuto go into a slump!” -you
- Akaashi was still a bit traumatized by Bokuto literally forgetting how to do cross shots entirely so uh— 😀
- yeah it didn’t really sound great to him
- bro had to pull out a whole ass speech plus hinata to get Bokuto back on his feet and then you say that 🥲
- he isn’t mad or anything but he isn’t very overjoyed either
- “Yes, he was a really tough opponent. Kuroo-san was too.” -him
- Akaashi was good at hiding his displeasure, so it just sounded like he was saying something normal like he usually would, in a straight steady tone
- “No match for you and the team though, you guys definitely deserved the win. And you actually look interested and not like you want to die on the court unlike that setter on nekoma— he looked like he wanted to collapse and sleep forever after the first set.”
- he wasn’t expecting you to say that, and he looked pleasantly surprised
- Bokuto grinned and put his arm around the setter
- “Y/n’s right as always, Kenma’s no match for akaashi!” -Bokuto
- the rest of the team wholeheartedly agreed, and akaashi felt glad, happy to know that his team, and especially you thought so highly of him
- no one else could handle Bokuto like he could, and no one could be as cool in your eyes as he was
- you could probably tell him his glasses looked nice and he would never take them off again—
- he’s the type of guy to listen to whatever you say a bit too much sometimes 😭
- he legit remembers the outfit you wore the day he first met you
- kinda creepy but sweet ig? 🤷
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- bro has a billion fans and only really cares abt you cheering him on
- like ofc he needs other people to be cheering him on too because he’s extra like that but it’s 80% you
- don’t ask abt the 20%
- yk how all those girls were asking for his picture and stuff? Ever since he got together with you, he’s been avoiding them a lot more
- he knows it’s probably especially annoying for you to see a bunch of random people asking your boyfriend for pictures and giving him handmade things
- just know that he thinks you’re better than any girl combined and if you ever like start walking away before he’s finished trying to get the girls away form him he will legit sprint after you while screaming
- my dude is running, and I mean running like a mf track star. You piss off his fangirls so much bro it’s so funny how they look at you like they want to poison you in your sleep💀💀💀
- he reassures you on the daily that you’re beautiful and amazing, but still it’s annoying to see all the girls fawn over him
- so you decided to give him a similar taste of his own medicine
- at the next matches, you were watching with him a match with karasuno and shiratorizawa. You know VERY well that he does not like karasuno or shiratorizawa
- ushijima is probably the one who’s the worst…
- perfect.
- “Whoa Ushijima’s serves are so cool!! And he uses his left hand too damn that’s unique! I’ve never seen a left handed player like him before, and those spikes look like they’re about to tear karasuno’s blocker’s arms off!” -you
- I don’t think he’s ever been more simultaneously heart broken, and pissed at ushijima at the same time before
- he’s such a baby about it too
- he’ll cross his arms and act like he doesn’t care when obviously he does, and with the way he’s pouting about it like a little kid was proof that your little plan worked very well
- “Hmph, I guess so.” -him
- “What, you salty since you lost?” -you
- “Would you mind not rubbing salt in it? It’s only been like two days!”
- you couldn’t help but burst out into laughing because of how upset he was by this— it was ridiculous
- if you had your phone out you would’ve taken a picture of his face and sent it to iwaizumi for shits and giggles
- “I’m joking Oikawa, I think you’re much cooler than ushijima. You have a lot more personality than him.” -you
- “That’s damn right I do!” -him
- “…I didn’t say a good personality or anything.”
- “Pardon me?! I’m very demure and cute thank you very much.”
- “You saying that just proves you’re anything but that.”
- “Y/N BE NICE TO ME :(“
- “No. :)”
- “I knew I shouldn’t have let you hang out with Iwa-chan, he’s turned you against me!”
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- you’re the carbon to his dioxide
- the hydrogen to his peroxide
- the deoxyribose to his phosphate group (I paid attention in science kuroo, yw)
- even if he doesn’t get to be interviewed by some reporter, and even if he doesn’t get to go to nationals
- if you’re there and supporting him he feels better
- talking to you and hearing you say how cool he plays is more than an interview could ever mean to him
- seriously you make him chemically insane
- like he does not understand how just being around you releases endorphins somehow (you’re magical)
- you had heard of their opponents nohebi from eavesdropping on a couple of random people’s conversations in the lobby
- they were a strong team, and you were intrigued by how a lot of people seemed to dislike them a lot for the way they played.. which was very underhanded
- but even with their underhanded tactics, they were a solid team with good technique and teamwork
- “Whoa the captain of nohebi is actually pretty good!” -you
- “Ugh I know right? Come on nekoma!” -Akans
- I feel like kuroo has horrible eyesight but then absolutely amazing hearing? Idk 💀 but whatever the case was, he heard that
- loud and clear
- mhm he’s ready to kill nohebi now
- bro is legit a one man Great Wall of china now
- he’s “powered up” as Kenma would say
- Kenma took note that you were kuroo’s power up skill, and would remember to use you in the future as well
- I’m serious bro is flexing so hard on you rn 😭
- yaku hasn’t needed to save the ball because kuroo’s trying so hard to impress you 💀
- honestly it’s kind of amazing— seeing him sprinting left and right and slamming balls down like it was no one’s business but his
- he checks like every five seconds to see if you’re watching his amazing skills
- and after the match— Kenma went up to you first and thanked you bc Kuroo did like 70% of the work for him 😭
- Kenma legit gave you a Nintendo gift card he’s had in his back pocket since 2019 as a thank you gift and as a “please continue making kuroo do all the work” gift
- god knows how it’s stayed in his pants that have probably been through countless wash cycles 💀
- “Oh kuroo! Fukunaga’s last spike was so cool! He totally hit that line shot perfectly!”
- way to stab kuroo in the back 🥲 he’s legit about to collapse from emotionally throwing out his back
- old man down over here
- he was so destroyed— you left no piece of him intact he’s in literal shambles
- “But kuroo you were so cool! You kept blocking and repelling the balls like you were oppositely charged from the ball!”
- and he’s alive again, you’re a magician
- complimenting him using a science reference?
- oh just marry him already 😭
- he knew you must just be dopamine bc he smiles like an idiot whenever you’re around
- somehow his smile gets even dorkier when you compliment him
- if it’s a science compliment he could quite literally ascend to the moon
- “Hehe thanks y/n.” -him
- “Were you tryna show off in the last set?” -you
- “…Why? Did it work?”
- “…Hm. Perhaps hypothetically, yes.”
- “How does one go about making that hypothesis a true statement? 😏”
- kuroo is so smooth but he’s so nerdy and his pickup lines are so bad that it just takes his smooth factor away 😭😭😭
- like pls when he first met you when yall were paired up to do a science project about magnetism— bro said
- “Even Neodymium would lose if it were to compete against your magnetic personality 😏🌹” -him
- “…What? 💀” -you
- you weren’t really sure if you should love bro for his effort or be scared of how bad his pickup lines were
- the answer is both
- it all ended up ok anyways— you’re bonded to him together since yall are oppositely charged ✌️
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a/n - no I don’t know how to make pickup lines 💀
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foryoupeko · 16 days
If haters are gonna vague me, can you not make it so obvious. When you say “that popular kuzu/peko artist on tumblr”, it’s really fucking clear who you’re talking about. I’m literally the only one who draws kuzu/peko consistently.
And can we not make up lies about me?
Here are some things I’ve seen people blatantly lie about me: I’m homophobic, I support child grooming, I hate women. Those are serious fucking accusations over the fact you project your issues onto Peko and hate others who disagree.
That’s another thing, I got a lot of hate from people who hardcore believe Peko is a lesbian. Like that’s fine and dandy but jumping to the conclusion “I think child grooming is hot” because I ship kuzupeko is a bit excessive???
IDK, I just want ppl to block me and stop thinking I should have their opinions just because I draw well.
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wolsalwastaken · 1 month
Friendly reminder that reblogging my posts with hate for what I’m doing not only gives me free engagement but promotes me. Whatever irks you so much about me hosting a fun community event, I’m not sure, especially since I’m working within canon limitations! If you’re the type of person who feels the need to personally share my content to make fun of it or tell me to stop, thanks for the sentiment, but I’ll pass.
While I’m sorry your stellar sense of humor didn’t appreciate a funny joke, it wasn’t targeting your audience! Anyways, wanna be clear on the fact that I am not upset or angry or hurt or whatever by these replies. They just give me something to laugh at, and free engagement. Keep it up if you want, because I don’t care, but I really think you should take a moment to reflect on yourself on why you feel personally attacked at someone drawing the cat devil in short shorts. Here, accept my YouTube apology video!
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Regardless of whether you despise or love my work, any engagement helps me in the algorithm and spreads my art. So, I give my thanks to all of those supporting my art, intentional or not.
Ok ok, jokes aside, seriously thank you guys for all the support on the FHN event! Really didn’t actually think anyone would participate, but lo and behold, here we are! I’ve genuinely really enjoyed looking at all of your amazing art (you guys are so talented btw wtf???). Wanted to acknowledge all the talented participants, and I hope to see more! Thank you all for your artwork, I’ve gotten lots of giggles, because you guys are as funny as you are talented artists.
Now, wanna clarify, my above statement on haters isn’t vague posting any 1 person, I’ve had a few people do this, but wanted to mention it because it’s honestly hilarious. If you see anyone doing it don’t harass them obviously, but don’t harass or shame others for drawing this stuff either! Kindness goes both ways.
I also wanna say, just in general, wow you guys are so nice. Like genuinely. The amount of amazingly kind people I’ve had reblog + comment on my art who genuinely enjoyed it is like… crazy. I’m not used to getting much positive feedback on my art, and like I wanna sincerely say I really appreciate it. It makes my day, like really. You guys are so accepting and nice to newcomers and it’s just really nice to see! Ending the sappiness here, I hope you continue to enjoy my art!
Leaving on that note, here’s a compilation of the wonderful people who have submitted their art thus far (in order of submission time), be sure to give them some love because they deserve it! (Imo the posts aren’t getting even half the attention they deserve- really there are some incredibly artists)
More to come soon, as this challenge is never ending!
1. @tectonicatomic
2. @eckodrawsgoobers
3. @rataartista
4. @donutfloats
5. @abyssal-enby
6. @ciaosonounapersonalol
7. @/Shadow (certified gay)
8. @a-peachie
9. @multifandommadnessblog
10. @theskeleton117
11. @calamaricollie
12. @adairtrashart
13. @woodlandwildfolk
14. @itsartlee
15. @of-fallen-gods-cotl
16. @rainy-intel
Edit: just realized all the hate is literally slut shaming Narinder omg…
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zeni1098 · 18 days
There’s something I just wanna rant about and it has to do with angst is the TSS fandom. Specifically the dark sides and Logan. Whenever I see angst for them it usually has unsympathetic Sides in them and that just sort of annoys me. It might just be me but I HATE unsympathetic sides.
Usually when it’s Janus or Remus angst the person who’s making it likes to villainize a light side or two *cough* *cough* Patton and Roman *cough* *cough* to make the side they’re making angst of more sympathetic or make their actions more justifiable. And that isn’t the way to do it.
I get that Janus and Remus and Logan are sort of angsty (2/3 of them at least) but you don’t need to put down the other sides that aren’t at fault to make it more appealing. I’d understand if another side CONTRIBUTED to the angst but to make the OOC to the point they’re heartless is insufferable. NONE of the sides are unsympathetic or heartless. Stop trying to over sell or exaggerate how they are to make them more hate able. (Looking at you Roman haters)
I see more unsympathetic roman in Remus angst but you’re acting like Remus is a delicate snowflake “AWWW ROMAN IS BEING MEAN BECAUSE HE DOESN’T LIKE REMUS” like did y’all watch remus’s episodes?? 💀✋. He has a right to dislike Remus, he’s basically hurts Thomas a lot and is very disturbing (i love Remus btw). I assure you is Remus was YOUR sibling you’d get sort of sick of him too tbh. “Oh but Roman was mean to Logan and the others!” Ok and Logan and the others were always such nice and loving and careful people to Roman too. Stop acting like Roman is the only one doing this stuff jeez. “HE MADE FUN OF JANUS’S NAME” ok, I can’t really defend him in that, Janus was comfortable enough in being vulnerable with them for once and Roman shouldn’t have done that. But it was also wrong of Janus to say something HE KNEW Roman was insecure, sensitive and vulnerable about by comparing him to his brother. Stop acting like Janus did absolutely nothing wrong. People sometimes even try to villainise VIRGIL to make Janus more sympathetic and in the right when no one but Thomas knows the proper context of.
Now Logan, yes Logan is ignored and that it bad for Thomas and for Logan’s health (he’s interpreted as a person to Thomas so he’s a person get over it) but he needs to learn to talk about it so he can get help. But talking about problems isn’t easy especially when you say you’re emotionless and don’t like emotions. But let’s be real, he sort of ignores everyone too. Obviously it’s not his intention (vice versa) but he still does. Thomas listens to his heart more and strives to be better but in doing so ignores logic.
Now onto Patton, let’s get one thing clear. HE DOES NOT HAVE A BLACK AND WHITE PERSPECTIVE! Did you guys even watch Virgil’s arc? Patton was nice to him FULLY knowing he was a dark side then (I think). Most unsympathetic Patton is Patton being mean to the darks sides or trying to push them away from Thomas which is almost the OPPOSITE of what he does in the series. He doesn’t necessarily WANT them around all the time but he’s certainly not pushing them away. He wants Thomas to be a good person but the doesn’t have all the solution, answers or idea on how to do that or what’s the right choice. HE TURNED INTO A FRICKIN AMPHIBIAN UNDER THE STRESS FOR PETE’S SAKE!!
What I want to discuss is the fandom’s interpretation of Remus and Patton rn. I’m sorry, but what part of the lore did I miss did Patton show ANY sort of bias to Remus? (Other than Remus’s debut?) Ever since Remus’s debut Patton has done nothing but try to get along with him! He’s not abusing him whatsoever?? (Remus wouldn’t let him let’s be real 💀) Patton isn’t responsible for anything of Remus’s behaviour or anything like that (as far we know) so stop trying to make Remus seem more vulnerable and sensitive by villainising Patton so OOC.
Patton didn’t separate Remus and Roman, roman and Remus grew apart on their own. Patton doesn’t have any power over them other than being morality. Stop making Patton seem like a dictator when he’s basically the opposite. (I may add to this another time broskis)
Anywho thanks for coming to my ted talk broskis!!! 💙💙
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circular-bircular · 5 months
Sup! I’m not a part of the whole be nice to persecutors squad, but I do rehabilitate persecutors sometimes as an ex-persecutor myself and I would like to hear your thoughts on my opinions (genuinely I am open to change. Ik I'm harsh). This is going to be a long one and I’m sorry if I sound dismissive of other feelings it’s more of a how it all feels to me.
This is all persecutor discussion that may be upsetting. Please read with caution or delete from your inbox as you see fit.
So yes of course persecutors should not be treated like monsters they are a part of a system. They are people (or whatever word refers best to one’s conscious collective) and they deserve love and respect like anyone else. So are the people they hurt though. I feel that’s really forgotten in this positivity around the guy that hurts people.
So in my villain era I just chose to be an asshole. I was pissed at the system and wanted to make their lives hell. Letting me front was a mistake I was purposefully off putting around our friends (no they didn’t bloody deserve it I knew what I was doing. I also wasn’t mean I was off putting, to be clear). I wasn’t a confused protector. I wasn’t protecting us. I made the conscious decision and effort to hurt or disturb anything I came into contact with because I was mad. Not all persecutors are like this but my annoyance is at the whole persecutor positivity that includes people like me.
I didn’t change because the system was nice to me. I wouldn’t have changed because someone got me an ice cream or sympathised with me (and they tried) I changed because I happened to be fronting one night and someone was vulnerable in front of us. I’d been nothing but an asshole up until them but I was trusted because in that moment I wanted to change and trusting that I would try I was allowed to. I masked and helped the guy.
That’s not advice btw that’s just, what happened. No one being nice to me or trying to get me to change made me change it was having room for the decision to change that changed me. Getting mad at me for being an ass, making me say sorry for being an ass and treating me like someone who was an ass didn’t stop me from recovery. I whole heartedly believe that you don’t owe all persecutors kindness.
I was reforming a dipshit and I’ve been nothing but kind to her and she was still a dipshit. She understood she was being a dipshit but was fulfilling a role she thought had to be fulfilled and while I slowly undid that the person she was “tasked” with being a dipshit toward was allowed to be angry and upset and hurl insults back. You should be allowed to feel like you’re protecting yourself.
And finally my most controversial statement. System jail is fine. Locking up parts of your system for being assholes isn’t good for them but when you can no longer take the constant abuse or you have too many other problems that’s fine. I don’t understand the weird obsession with being nice to the bully. In my experience that wont stop em and sometimes there is no space to give them room to change all you can do is protect yourself until there is space.
I’m not a persecutor hater. I’m just an internet guy that says the online advice f being nice ignores the people that get hurt. It’s a nuanced and individual situation. Internet advice does not fix that. I am nice when there’s room to be nice and I believe that prosecutors will heal but the shit they fucking did should not be overlooked.
& If any recovering persecutors are reading this. I see you. You’re on a difficult path. You deserve love and respect and to live life.
This wasn't one of the eaten asks, but I've honestly been trying to work out how to respond to this for a long time. I'm gonna try and break this down for myself. And by that I mean, here's Debbie with the weather.
So yes of course persecutors should not be treated like monsters they are a part of a system. They are people (or whatever word refers best to one’s conscious collective) and they deserve love and respect like anyone else. So are the people they hurt though. I feel that’s really forgotten in this positivity around the guy that hurts people.
Absolutely, anon. The people we've hurt need to be rewarded for the shit they've survived from us. I was a complete and absolute bitch, and I apologize for how much of a bitch I was -- but not for the reasons why I was a bitch. I'm not going to apologize for my trauma. For any persecutors reading this, nobody here is asking you to apologize for who you are. We're just saying, acknowledging that you hurt someone is a good place to start.
So in my villain era I just chose to be an asshole. I was pissed at the system and wanted to make their lives hell. Letting me front was a mistake I was purposefully off putting around our friends (no they didn’t bloody deserve it I knew what I was doing. I also wasn’t mean I was off putting, to be clear). I wasn’t a confused protector. I wasn’t protecting us. I made the conscious decision and effort to hurt or disturb anything I came into contact with because I was mad. Not all persecutors are like this but my annoyance is at the whole persecutor positivity that includes people like me.
Anon, take this whatever way you want, but that to me sounds like protecting your system. I purposefully made myself unpleasant to be around. I fucked with my friends and purposefully pissed them off, not "to protect us UwU" but because they were fucking stupid to be friends with these idiots. The other fuckers in my head were weak, pathetic, and pointless. I pretended to be other parts, just to pull the rug out from under my friends, because god was it easy to, and it was absolutely hilarious to see their reactions. I tortured my other parts innerworld, because god was it fun to make them realize just how pathetic they were, just how much better I was than them. My goal was to get the other parts to kill themselves (what I understood as dormancy after some time) and let me just take charge, because I wanted to live.
And yeah. That's me protecting my system.
Because the more I bashed us, the more I said, "let me take over because I'm better than you," the more I pushed away all my friends... It was the more I "kept us safe" from getting hurt from the outside. Rice won't be hurt if she doesn't exist. Rice won't break down from trauma memories if fill her brain with trauma memories 24/7. Rice won't lose her friends and break down if she has no friends to begin with.
I didn't do that on purpose, of course. I didn't look to help these assholes. I wanted them GONE. But now that I'm reformed, now that I can look back at what a mess I actually was, instead of the perfect being I thought I was, I can understand that all of that was my misguided way of protecting us. Even if I didn't understand that at the time.
I made that conscious decision to hurt, and it was influenced by the unconscious decision to protect.
Now, maybe you really were just a pissy lil bitch who wanted to hurt people, whatever, I really couldn't care less about you. But at the end of the day, alters in DID systems split for a reason -- to cope with trauma and make it bearable to survive through. So regardless of what edgy pre-teen bullshit you're spouting, if you're an alter, you're a form of protector in some way. At least in my eyes.
I didn’t change because the system was nice to me. I wouldn’t have changed because someone got me an ice cream or sympathised with me (and they tried) I changed because I happened to be fronting one night and someone was vulnerable in front of us. I’d been nothing but an asshole up until them but I was trusted because in that moment I wanted to change and trusting that I would try I was allowed to. I masked and helped the guy.
Cool! Glad you worked your shit out. I started getting better because someone was really fucking mean to me. I mean, I had food poisoning, was running out of the room to vomit, and my friend still sat me down for like a 2 hour or so lecture about how I was a fucking awful person and she wouldn't stop lecturing me until I shaped the fuck up and understood why she thought I was bad. That fucking BROKE me.
Being nice to your persecutor is one way. Torturing them after fucking cafeteria mozzarella stick induced food poisoning is another. To each their own, y'know? (Side note, I know you don't follow me here bby but I love you, thank you for slapping the shit out of past me with your words and anger <3)
That’s not advice btw that’s just, what happened. No one being nice to me or trying to get me to change made me change it was having room for the decision to change that changed me. Getting mad at me for being an ass, making me say sorry for being an ass and treating me like someone who was an ass didn’t stop me from recovery. I whole heartedly believe that you don’t owe all persecutors kindness.
I wholeheartedly believe nobody is owed kindness. Kindness is a choice I make -- one that can easily be decided against if it is no longer beneficial to be kind. I owe no loyalty to kindness. I choose to be kind, because why the fuck wouldn't I be, you fucking idiot?
I was reforming a dipshit and I’ve been nothing but kind to her and she was still a dipshit. She understood she was being a dipshit but was fulfilling a role she thought had to be fulfilled and while I slowly undid that the person she was “tasked” with being a dipshit toward was allowed to be angry and upset and hurl insults back. You should be allowed to feel like you’re protecting yourself.
Ok but that was a kind thing to do. Like. That's what I mean when I say to be kind to your persecutors. Letting them BE ANGRY IS A GOOD THING???? So confused why this isn't seen as being kind. You took the time out of your fucking schedule to help give that person a space to be upset and angry. That's kindness. That was a choice.
And finally my most controversial statement. System jail is fine. Locking up parts of your system for being assholes isn’t good for them but when you can no longer take the constant abuse or you have too many other problems that’s fine. I don’t understand the weird obsession with being nice to the bully. In my experience that wont stop em and sometimes there is no space to give them room to change all you can do is protect yourself until there is space.
God you're so fucking hilarious tbh.
Yeah, sure, whatever, system jail is fine, esp in cases like. Where you're still in an abusive situation. That's because you're allowed to make mistakes, and system jail is a mistake. It's perfectly valid and fine while also being really fucking awful and stupid.
The "weird obsession" with being nice to the bully isn't "it will stop them." It's "that's an entire ass part of yourself, stop fucking airing your self-hatred out in public for everyone to see, it's nauseating."
TL;DR: Being kind to your persecutors is a choice. Obviously, it's not one you HAVE to make, but it's highly suggested. The issue is, "kindness" looks different for everyone. For me, it was "kind" to have someone do the equivalent of a guttural scream for 2 hours. For others, it's fru-fru shit that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. For you, it was just giving someone the time and space to be angry. Making mistakes is okay. Do what you want forever and who even gives a shit? And FFS, OBVIOUSLY, LET'S NOT IGNORE THE VICTIMS OF OUR ABUSE. (But yknow, let's not ignore the fact that persecutors are also victims of abuse and they get blamed for literally every fucking thing jfc).
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pistachi0art · 4 months
omg imagine reblogging my post 3 times?? 🥰 to not even give yourself a good defense, d’awww 🤭
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But in all realness why even bother replying at this point? You say you don’t care/that it’s over only to then rant and post about how much people hate you. And what’s even funnier is you also pulling out the minority card with every 5 posts because you HAVE to make it clear, in a community full of ppl who also are probably like you in that regard, that you are apparently the “underdog” who’s being attacked by the “mean antis”!
And to then say that i’m the one being irresponsible for informing my friends/mutuals about your degenerate ass behavior is also really funny, because I wouldn’t have even made the callout in the first place had you just kept your illegal sexual fantasies to yourself! And don’t even try dragging the A03 filters into this bc hey! Guess what dipshit, some people just want to look at the recent fics without having to go through the hassle of trying to filter out every single gross thing you decided to tag! And next to that sometimes people want to look at darker fics without having to read about traumatic events! simple as that.
Not only that people here just sometimes don’t want to check every account bio to make sure that whoever’s post they liked/reblogged isn’t a creep! you keep making points that seem to fly over your head, but you said it yourself, my fan base has minors in it! What if they saw a post, like your recent drawing, and just went and liked it. I know for a fact your ass isn’t going through every single account to make sure that whoever interacted isn’t a minor/anti.
(Also nice job screenshotting every satirical hate comment! Aw what, they said something mean/negative? don’t worry AGAIN you said it yourself, it’s not real so it doesn’t matter! Psst guess what? Tumblr too has a fascinating filter called the delete button! Maybe you could use that and ignore the “haters”!)
It’s clear you must have a very strong humiliation kink. No shame to that but I’m sure you can find healthier options! Oo here’s a good idea! Maybe write about that instead of children!
Better yet go to a mental health consultant and get evaluated! I’m sure they’ll have plenty to say about how this isn’t healthy in any aspect for you, nor is posting about it online!
(Btw did you know that most medical mental health professionals say that your behavior is more likely to be a trauma response from an event within your childhood? Fascinating stuff right? isn’t great to know that your potentially kicking up a whole new wave of people who could potentially become pedophiles because you’re attempting to normalize it? Fun!)
anywho, nice talk! If you really didn’t care you’d block me and move on 💖
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Hi liv!
First up looove your reclists! I read through so many in your pinned post and whenever you rec something I gotta check it out even if at first it doesn’t seem like my thing - and you’ve never steered me wrong!
If you like, I would love some recs for really cheeky, snarky sharp-tongued maybe posh/high society Draco!
Im thinking of the hilarious draco in Luckiest Fucking Size Queen Alive by loveglowsinthedark it just always makes me laugh or Nights with you by the_sinking_ship for something that’s currently ongoing.
I just love myself some fun and snark (and occasional smutt👀) sooo maybe you can help me find more?
Anyway, hope you’re doinh well!
Hi Vik, thanks for the lovely message! Your ask truly made my night 🥰 love those bangers by @l0vegl0wsinthedark and @the-sinking-ship btw, Size Queen is a classic and I’m so hooked on Nights already, the UST is killing me! I can’t wait for next Sunday after that cliffhanger 😩
I also adore snarky posh Draco even if I don’t read crack-y fics very often, here are some of my favourites. Enjoy!
Student Digs by Lokifan (2016, E, 4k)
Harry’s living in *student accommodation*. Just the phrase makes Draco shudder.
Stand Back: I'm About to Perform Archaeology by Blowfish_Diaries (2018, E, 9.7k)
A new Muggle Studies professor takes the Eighth Year students to work on an archaeological excavation. In which Draco is lazy, Harry is sweaty, Hermione is drunk, and Ron turns red.
On Target by @the-sinking-ship (2021, E, 13k)
A charity dunk tank, some sorry excuses for friends, a Slytherin with freakishly good aim, a (mostly) empty locker room, and one very small towel. Because, apparently, everyone is dying to get Harry Potter wet.
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (2014, E, 15k)
As Draco leaned on the wall to wait for them to get dressed, he could not help feeling like he had done a very kind thing by disrupting them. Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had.
Reparatio by astolat (2016, E, 17k)
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
Meddling, Menswear, and Magic by @writcraft (2022, M, 18k)
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (2019, E, 21k)
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
Slithering by astolat (2016, E, 27k)
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Bite Me, Hate Memes by pir8fancier (2007, E, 44k)
Draco Malfoy is incensed to realize that someone is trying to usurp his position as the premier Harry Potter hater.
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi (2016, E, 57k)
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
The Trouble with Wanting by waldorph (2021, E, 60k)
Draco Malfoy is cleared of all charges; this is what happens next.
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (2017, M, 131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
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alexhandersenblog · 11 months
„It’s the same principle. Because liking or dislike is simply a personal interpretation of what we think and feel about something even without knowing something/someone well or personally.“
Hi the anon from a few days ago here😉. I agree☝🏻. Alex could post a thousand happy smiley kissing pics with her, could say anything in public, she could say anything and you may follow them and enjoy all of it, but you still wouldn't know what was really going on behind closed doors🤫. Every post they do is intentional and posted to make YOU double tap. Instagram is fame, money and attention. Either you like what you see and hear online or you don’t but you‘ll never know them for real. Which is why I asked if it was ok to share my OPINION and our (me&friends) predictions after a year of following everything. Simple as that.
The anon calling me a hater: Spreading hate wasn’t my intention. I’m glad you’re enjoying Johanne and Alex together. For me her pretentious act on Instagram and the things she has done like lying and trolling ruined the experience of being a fan for Alex for me personally. It made me see Alex in a different way. He was always hiding his true colors and actions from his fans and now I see why. Even before Johanne was in the picture I felt a little irritated at his boyish behavior during fan conventions. It didn’t look genuine to me but more like acting. And reading several Danish interview in the recent years about how he feels about his fans, like „I feel nothing“. But then turns around and says completely different things at conventions to his fans who pay him a shit ton of money of course 😅 Him just saying something in English when he wanted money for something. And just the way he obviously spend every hour on Instagram over the years but told his fans maaaany times how much he hates social media and doesn’t even like using it. And lastly his interviews about how „self promotion is the most boring thing you can do on social media“ etc. it’s all just …meh.
Our main points were that he already made up his mind, but if he had really been madly and genuinely in love, he would’ve been completely different from the jump. The point was that he made a mental checklist of what he has to accomplish by a certain age and that his mom is a little pushy
I didn’t say he wasn’t an adult, although not having any serious adult relationships before this one isn’t too good.
Him saying he has to give it another month and he has to find a wife and he has to this and that is not great here. But ultimately it doesn’t matter because like I said, I believe it’s already a done deal and I believe he will be hurt in several years. My opinion.
And just to be clear : We have seen many examples of Johanne "push him", we have seen examples of her "manipulate" him and there are even screenshots that prove she is staging her posts on Instagram for likes and lying to his fans and deleting evidence. There are examples of her trolling his fans and just btw the endless posing in his clothes is a little psycho at this point. Looks like there are examples of her sucking up to „important“ people as I saw the other day on another blog.
This blog is just kind enough to let a few remaining fans express their opinions before leaving for good..
But I wish you much fun following them over the next years. Especially Johanne will offer you a lot of content that will appeal to you. ✌🏼. I believe Instagram and his fan accounts are free of criticism anyways. So just enjoy?
Anon to anon.
Especially the part about Alex… I’m having the same feeling about it tbh… bit sad but it is what it is i guess 🥲
Always welcome to share your opinion. I try my best to post it! ☺️
By the way, props to both of you for having two different opinions, but still being able to share your views in a respectful way 🥰
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ayamturd · 3 years
aroace│mcyt hc
warnings: small mentions of hate, fluff
prompt: (requested) “could I request headcanons on how each mcyt would react to reader coming out as aroace? platonic btw!”
pairings: irl platonic! dream, ranboo, and tommy ; c!technoblade
a/n: as i myself do not identify as an aroace, pls correct me on any misconceptions or things i did not portray accurately 
a special thanks to new friend @youtubesthings​! they’re pretty pog and gave helpful insight to specific parts 
wc: (1.0k) - m.list
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dream - 
you’ve known dream for a while now, long before he began to attract online fame
even then, you were still hesitant to come out to him 
rationally, you knew how supportive dream was for his friends, but reason doesn’t stop the fear of rejection for being yourself 
he’s an affectionate guy that isn’t afraid to express his (platonic!) love for others, and while you’re not romantically involved with him, it’s still terrifying to think that he might push you away for how you perceive relationships
whether you identified as an aroace for some time or only recently discovered the fact for yourself, you felt trapped and needed to tell someone
would approach him one evening and be closed off the entire conversation
he obviously would take note to your strange behavior and softly confront you about it
“Y/n, you okay? You seem on edge.”
“Actually, I-I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.”
moment you managed get get the words out, there’s a slight pause before he speaks
“Oh. Is that all?” 
he’d pause and realize the implications to how his words sound and begin panicking
“No, wait that’s not what I meant. Y/n, that’s honestly so amazing, I’m so glad you trust me.”
if you were still wary to telling others, dream is the most trustworthy of your secret until you’re ready (he’s able to disclose only the things he wants people to know very well considering he’s faceless)
but if you decided to fully come out, you can bet he’s the loudest and most supportive person you know
will not hesitant to defend you from any haters or trolls and tries speak out for all aroaces 
admits he’s not the most knowledgeable but tries (will search things up in his own time)
genuinely takes your coming out seriously but treats you the same like the person you’ve always been
c!technoblade - 
let’s be honest here, technoblade isn’t canonically shown to have any romantic advances towards anyone in the smp
as a close ally and friend, you trusted techno easily and didn’t think much about coming out to him
“Hey Techno.”
“I’m Aroace.”
“‘kay cool.”
this isn’t to say he doesn’t care, but he doesn’t see a point in fawning over the fact when it’s just you coming out as yourself
he’s closed off to some degree about how he normally feels on certain things, but your trust in him makes him feel more welcome to sharing his own thoughts and feelings
will honestly become confused should a person mock or be unaccepting of the fact, and instinctively will unsheathed his weapon
“Why are you laughing?” 
*pulls out Orphan Obliterator*
“No seriously, why?”
that being said, he honestly just forgets about it from time to time
he can keep secrets, no doubt, but considering how normalized he finds it, he isn’t really strict about talking about it if the situation comes up
if someone were to somehow imply you both were romantically involved, Techno would be so casual about it
“Aren’t you two together to something?”
“What? No, y/n’s Aroace, that’s weird.”
“…what?” :D
i mean you should’ve expected this when you first told him-
he’s the almighty Blood God, a fearless warrior that strikes down all his opponents mercilessly, and truth be told, someone who respects his friends greatly
ranboo - 
ranboo is unmistakably someone you thought of first when contemplating coming out
from his donation stream to his constant efforts of normalizing LGBTQ rights, ranboo has always been considerate of the fact
so one day you decided to tell him after a stream
it was late and he was honestly tired, but you wanted to get it out of the way before you lost the confidence go through with it again
“Hey Ranboo?”
“I’m Aroace.”
“Sorry what? I didn’t hear you.”
he had yawned in the middle of you talking and didn’t hear you come out
honestly it was really funny to look back on, but he’d probably feel awful every time you reminded him
once you repeated yourself though, he was quick to celebrate and congratulate you
ranboo isn’t one to go into many heavy conversations, but if he noticed any hate or criticism once you fully came out, he will stop his stream just to emphasize how any hate is not tolerated on his channel, especially regarding his friends
if ever need be, he will (with your permission) speak on your behalf if someone didn’t understand what being aroace meant
he knows how to lightly joke around the topic and chooses to do so as a way to show he accepts you for how you are
that being said, doesn’t mention it often since he knows doing so can be demoralizing like a label
overall, never fails to express his support and (platonic!) love, and sees you beyond your coming out as his friend that he respects and appreciates
tommy - 
alright, okay
this is tommy we’re talking about here, a known advocate for LGBTQ rights; though he can say some mixed up intentions, his devotion to enforcing those rights on his channel and throughout his daily streams has always been endearing, but much like dream, the idea of telling someone so emotionally driven was nerve-racking 
it’s not like you didn’t plan on telling him, but he probably would have found out by accident
you had been in a discord call with him late at night and it slipped out naturally
“Have you noticed you’ve been shipped recently with (someone someone) lately?”
“I have, yeah. I hate it.”
“… why?”
“Oh it’s nothing against them, I’m Aroace.”
“Wait really?”
“Oh fuc-”
after you explained to him how you trusted him but honestly didn’t mean to tell him, he’d respect you for what it was and leave it be
tommy is sincerely mature when he needs to be, and won’t bring the subject up until you wanted to talk about it with him (since he wasn’t originally meant to know)
once you were ready though, he would go full protection mode
online, he’d make his support loud and clear, and while he’ll make mistakes from time to time, he has good intentions to heart
privately, he always tries to be subtle in his understanding if the topic or situation called for it
he’s proud of his friends (that’s a given), and will never hesitate to make it known that you are someone he admires for being themself
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maoam · 4 years
i love how sasuke haters accuse sasuke fans of being biased to the point we condone sasuke's wish to commit genocide and excuse everything bad that sasuke did while they stan characters that did way more shit than him. like they bitch about all the shit sasuke did and they turn around and stan characters like gaara?? obito??? itachi??? gaara literally killed for sports and for the fun of it until he got his ass beaten and tnjed by naruto and then he suddenly became this nice guy. and the people in his village had no problem to allow him to become kazekage despite him having been a psychopath for years?? if he was able to become kazekage after something like that, why couldn't sasuke become hokage, for example? i can't express how tired i am of people insulting me for being a sasuke fan, calling me stupid and whatever while those people are so fucking full of shit and have ZERO self awareness. the worst sasuke did was kill some samurais in self defense, threaten to kill some shitty people, which he gave up on doing anyway, and yet those bitches won't get off his dick while stanning and making excuses for characters that ACTUALLY killed innocent people for fun? i have nothing against him, but i gotta love how people give gaara a free pass for everything despite him being, in part 1, worse than sasuke ever was, while they constantly bash sasuke. make it make sense
Let’s not forget that Temari, the girl-power character everyone loves, was smiling joyfully and taunting the victims when Gaara was brutally killing fodders in the forest. Meanwhile Sasuke couldn’t even kill Orochimaru’s henchmen because he was “too soft” as Orochimaru said. People also died during the invasion to Konoha but I don’t see people calling the sand siblings “irredeemable”. So they had their reasons? So did Sasuke. Team 7 could have died but Sasuke’s words to Naruto gave him motivation to protect Sasuke and Sakura and beat Gaara. (I’m not hating on Temari btw)
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It’s funny how they mention genocide when the only genocide that happened was towards the Uchiha lol. Not that anyone cares about it or think Konoha should pay any reparations. And they also genuinely think Konoha which discriminated the Uchiha for decades leading to the extermination of them should be allowed to imprison or execute the last living one. Do people in the Naruto fandom understand you can’t prosecute people for saying stuff they never act on or even come up with a comprehensive plan for. Sasuke had a clear opening and didn’t do it not to mention he helped save the village anyway. It’s almost like people say stuff in a severe psychological breakdown without going through with it. 
There are real life victims of genocide and state violence as well as child soldiers that have violent ideations that don’t lead to anything, it’s hard for normal people to understand how mentally broken these type of experiences can leave people. Sasuke’s comments during team 7 reunion during Kages arc are actually uncomfortably realistic, many victims of violent massacre have violent thoughts and feelings. I’ve read about cases where victims wanted even the children dead, the thing they said were messed up and uncomfortable but it was all because of how broken the experiences had left them, it’s honestly sad.
People should sometime talk to people who deal with things like these as their daily work, or read about it. This is the reason we have things like rehabilitation and therapy, people who have suffered severe injustice don’t need prison or execution. Not that I mind Sasuke having self-reflection or even doing  community work, but what he truly needed was understanding and someone to validate his feelings, as well as some help. And no, “power of friendship” is not the same at all and I don’t get why people think it’s realistic it would heal people like that.
By the way, this seething Sasuke hate comes mostly from the west, I remember someone once mentioned being confused why people hate Sasuke, and saying this must be western people misunderstanding his character or something. I think partly it might be that, but I also think people don’t want to understand characters like this. Look at how everyone adores the army in Fullmetal Alchemist, especially characters like Mustang or Olivier who are both war criminals who massmurdered Ishvalans, Olivier even defending the genocide. Why is it that we are okay forgiving and liking characters for committing war crimes and massmurdering disadvantaged people but not when victims lash out after years of psychological abuse and trauma?
Anyway, continue on your Sasuke loving, he’s great! Don’t care about other people’s opinions.
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mymelancholiesblues · 3 years
No, Mia isn’t  "low-tier" compared to Ada (morally speaking, or w/e) – a measured answer?/essay
So, a couple of Ada haters tried to put up a false symmetry between both of these characters there on twitter, and it inspired me to put my own thoughts down in a more articulate essay as to why that's (Ada's somehow being morally worse than Mia) not sustained by canon in Resident Evil.
standing there, killing time
can't commit to anything but a crime
all the good girls go to hell
'cause even God herself has enemies
and once the water starts to rise
and heaven's out of sight
she'll want the Devil on her team. ⁕
First things first: let us debunk the false symmetry that they tried to establish between these two characters with extremely distinct archetypes – and worse, the following replies to this false symmetry and its poor arguments trying to validate it, pointing out that, in fact, no, character B (that would be Ada, btw) – which is so evidently and ridiculously different from character A (and that would be Mia) – is, in fact, WAY WORSE than character A, and then proceeding to assert some unsupported propositions about misogyny in Resident Evil (which, tbh, definitely IS a recurring problem in the franchise, but that in this case particularly, little or does not apply AT ALL) and how Ada contributes to "the perpetration of a biological cold war".
Starting with what differentiates Mia from Ada grotesquely: we know NOTHING of Ada's true alliances in RE's world. Mia, however, canonically worked for a group that participated in the importation and exportation as well as the manufacturing, testing and marketing of biological weapons: "The Connections", a CRIMINAL SYNDICATE which, amongst other things, was also involved in money laundering, assassinations as well as weapons and drug trafficking. I don't care at all about Mia, so I don't intend to waste much of my time going on about her role in the plot, but people should've already realized by just that much how infinitely dishonest is to try to put these two characters as "similar" ones, or argue that Ada is somehow worse.
Another detail that shouldn't escape anyone's attention too, are the origins and nationalities of both – and yes, I intend to briefly bring up racism against eastern-Asian looking characters (a silent plague that takes form by each passing day in all fiction fandoms) and anti-China xenophobia, but for now, hold this tea there just before I drop it: Mia is canonically American, and previously a Texas-state resident; meanwhile, we have no confirmation of Ada's nationality except for her pretty evident Chinese ancestry. But, as I said, hold it there for a while.
i) espionage — the job
red so silent
wait a minute
or just a little while.
what are you looking for? ⁕
At all times that Ada's "job" was brought up in this franchise, in ALL of her cameos, she has NEVER been called a mercenary in the original Japanese. She's always referred to as a SPY. Even in RE2R, the most recent title in which she's featured in, the original text of the game makes a point of labelling her as a SPY (and not a mercenary) in the dialogue that transpires between Annette and Leon.
It's the North-American translation and correspondent localization that now and then falls for the equivocal use of this other term. This distinction is important since espionage NECESSARILY implies operating in an organized service for, perhaps a country, or a political cause, or a class/group, or a corporation, or whatever. While a mercenary is someone who's acting per their self financial interests, indiscriminately selling their specialized "labour" and skills to anyone who'll offer more.
Ada's not a mercenary, she's a spy. But Mia, in addition to being hired to a canonically criminal company, was also the handler personally assigned to Eveline. I don't care how exactly Mia got in that predicament but the fact is: Mia was canonically employed by a company that profited over illicit activities and directly watched as a family was destroyed and toyed with by this new killing machine (Eve). Yet, we can't state for sure that we know to whom or to what Ada is truly affiliated with.
ii) sources — check them
who's a heretic now?
am I making sense?
how can you make it stick?
and I'm on a trial
waiting 'til the beat comes out. ⁕
This fandom should put a little more thought into which translation and localization of the game texts, dialogues and files they are using to support their arguments. I know that in some cases the United States people have a bit of an inclination to think of themselves as the owners of the planet and deem English as the only language that matters in this world, but let's not forget that RE is a Japanese franchise (wow, insane, right?!). Therefore, the most valid script, with the greatest amount of details, and highest credibility, is the Japanese original. Throughout these years, there have been several errors in translation and localization of the Japanese original to North-American English. And, believe me, curiously enough, plenty of those concern Ada, since she's often mentioned or referred to in a very vague way – without the use of pronouns or adjectives or adverbs that could help in indicating gender. This ended up causing those details and mentions to her to get overlooked, even though in the Japanese text it was a clear reference to her character (per observation of context).
iii) the good guys — one of
head in the dust
feet in the fire
labour on that midnight wire
listening for that angel choir
you got nowhere to run
careful son, you got dreamers plans
but it gets hard to stand. ⁕
Yes, as much as haters try to minimize it, it is SIGNIFICANT that Ada saved so many important characters and stood for unquestionably heroic actions in so many moments - like stopping everything she was doing so she could help completely random Chinese civilians with the helicopter she managed to pilot in that chaos in China (yeah, I know you haters love to forget about this, but it happened, it's there in canon, and no, it wasn't her direct OR indirect responsibility what was going on in China: REPLAY RE6 and for the love of GOD, never again argue that what she did was somehow "the equivalent of evacuating a city after selling a WMD to destroy that same city". It's a case of pure intellectual dishonesty to say such a thing. It's canon that Carla was the one who caused what happens in China, PLEASE, PLAY RE6).
Furthermore, Ada shows compassion on some occasions even for characters who are directly putting her in harms ways, like Annette (in RE2 OG, right after - in order to defend herself - she slaps Annette leading her to lose balance and collapse over the sewers fences, Ada makes an effort in trying to pull Annette back and prevent her from falling) and Carla.
Replay RE4 and pay attention to it, pay attention to her solo campaign: getting involved with Leon's journey in Spain hasn't brought any real benefit to her mission or herself: Ada deviates from her main path several times due to worrying about him and trying to help him and almost ends up dead in several of these occasions over her insistence in doing so: by saving him from Bitores Mendez, by helping him and Ashley against Sadler, by confronting Krauser and stopping him.
It's so lazy to only read/listen to a file in which she says in English that "Leon might be useful to her plans" (this is way more nuanced in the Japanese original of Ada's Report), and ignore everything that was SHOWN in the game: every effort she made to ensure that Leon could rescue Ashley, remove the parasite from his and her bodies, and escape from that hell-island.
The jet-ski she left for their escape was ALREADY there before she was captured by Sadler (or you think she arranged it while she was caught?). Leon having to intervene and save her from Sadler WASN'T her plan. It WASN'T her plan to take the sample from Leon's hands. She wanted to help him get out of there with Ashley and she guaranteed he could do so, she wanted to get the sample by herself and escape too while sending that hell to kingdom's come. But, because she chose to help Leon rescue Ashley right in front of Sadler, she ends up captured.
On her end, Mia never did anything minimally compared to that, and all of her "selflessness" or self-sacrificing actions involved a much, MUCH smaller scope than Ada's: wanting to help her husband and HERSELF is not at all comparable to saving a few dozens of unknown Chinese civilians. So no, they aren't "cut from the same cloth". They don't come from the same place, nor do they share the same intentions or goals, and their contributions to the RE storyline are quite different.
iv) unknown true purpose (shades of grey)
lining up in the background
waiting for the crowd shot to be seen
in the shadow of the big screen
everybody begs to be redeemed. ⁕
In databooks, Ada is recurrently described as "a Chinese spy with extraordinary physical abilities, vigorous health and composed mind and spirit, capable of coping with grim situations and handling even the most difficult requests without losing composure". If we are paying attention to the storytelling ingame, however, we know that this isn't always the case: Ada did let her mask of unswerving emotional and physical strength fall and showed a very fragile side under strenuous circumstances a couple of times already.
Also, in these databooks, they often point out that "she has her own 'true purpose' and has FREQUENTLY betrayed organizations and clients to achieve it". Huh, we can AGAIN, by this only, see how completely different she's from Mia, who personally watched an entire family being driven to insanity by Eveline's hand.
Furthermore, in these databooks, it's often said that "this true purpose is still obscure and whether she truly cared for anyone or simply used her charms to manipulate people that crossed paths with her isn't ever clear". If people are willing to be open-minded and exercise their text comprehension skills, though, they'll see that in multiple occasions of emotional confrontation it has been established time and time again that yes, Ada DOES care. She wasn't capable of shooting Leon and there has been a couple of other times that failing to choose a cool, sociopathic calculation and pragmatical demeanour over empathy and humanity towards others has put her in harms ways: nonetheless she still chose it.
v) positive impact
I'm gonna break the cycle
I'm gonna shake up the system
I'm gonna destroy my ego. ⁕
To this point, RE's plot systematically leads us to believe that Ada has been covertly acting behind the scenes of multiple biological incidents COLLECTING INFORMATION (the job of a spy, who would've thought! lmao), that is valuable to numerous organizations, companies, groups and different contexts, but at the same time of allegedly offering to handle this knowledge for the right price to the big players involved with bioterrorism and clandestine trading of bioweapons, she's also working to sabotage said players.
This is evident throughout the franchise: she intended to hurt Umbrella's business. She outwitted and deceived Wesker multiple times. She even undermined Simmons, someone who was in a position of power in the US government and actively using that position to lead bioterrorist ventures on the parallel side.
There's no concrete evidence or hint as to what she does with the information she collects, and for all purposes and effects, I can presume that she's gathering this knowledge to assist in the discovery of countermeasures and vaccination studies. I might as well argue that she is a Chinese spy who is working against European and North-American capitalism and the imperialism that creates such monsters like the biochemical and bioweapons industry and that her real objective is to dismantle the market for bioweapons and bioterror supported mainly by the USA (see: Simmons and The Family).
That is, as long as it is unclear what her true purpose is, I have the freedom to surmise whatever the heck I want and that all of what she's been doing was for the sake of the greater "good" - and I'll even have canon moments to support this reasoning as it's clear that she regularly sabotages her customers (customers that are unquestionably established as playing for the "evil" side, with perverse intentions) - throughout the franchise. She did this on RE2, RE4, RE6 and Damnation. It's there, transparent in canon, people just choose to ignore it.
She laughs in the face of whoever she's talking to by the end of Damnation, saying she doesn't intend to deliver the Plaga; she scoffs at Simmons; she betrays Wesker and kills Krauser. She had been sabotaging Wesker for so long, that he sent Krauser to be the main agent in the mission in Spain, and Ada was just a "side effect" that he didn't have in control and had to keep an eye on, so he ordered Krauser to keep tabs on her. It's not a mutually beneficial dynamic. Ada doesn't want Wesker to succeed, she despises him; this is clear in the games in which they interact. There are even files that indicate that she was trying to double-cross and get in the way of his plans for at least 2 years before Spain, and he was constantly catching up with her. See here and here.
On her end, Mia was employed by and consciously working for a criminal syndicate.
vi) a (secretly) helping hand
oh, I'm a master pretender
just felt more alone
the further I'd go
but I'll stick around
I'll be your master defender
yeah, I'll stick around. ⁕
Ada approached characters such as John Clemens and Luis Sera, and both had a canonical intention to, in addition to putting an end to their connections with the criminal companies and organizations they've been working for, also expose and denounce them for their crimes. It's in this context that Ada comes into contact with them. And why is that?
Check John's background: he had made up his mind about disclosing Umbrella's crimes to the public. Check Luis' background: Ada went to Spain to assist in his extradition since he feared for his own life if he resolved to turn his back on the cult of Los Illuminados, and also dreaded the consequences of the liberation of Las Plagas on an international scale.
Keep in mind that Ada handed over to Wesker a USELESS Plaga sample. Wesker only got the sample currently circulating in the underground market because he went after Krauser's body. We don't know what Ada did with the master Plaga sample she obtained. We only know from Ada's Report and the Plaga Recovery file that she didn't deliver it to Wesker, and he needed to go out for a plan B to get it.
Even the G-Virus sample that fell into the hands of the clandestine business, it's possible to argue that Ada's involvement in it was flimsy, since Simmons CANONICALLY made over a thousand laboratory tests in Sherry, and, as we know, he was a leading figure in bioterrorism and bioweapons trading with the aid of his position in the US government.
But, guess what, Ada clearly is a non-white character with obvious Chinese heritage and Mia is white, so of course, OF COURSE, someone can so nonchalantly affirm that Ada, this "vile bitch", is somehow WORSE than Mia. The same Mia who watched the Bakers being destroyed. Right.
Also: trying to validate one's point by claiming anything related to the misogyny present in RE franchise, while IN THE SAME BREATH AND TWEET reducing Ada's entire character arc to that of "a sociopathic bitch cured by the magic dick of her love interest" is supposed to be a joke, right? No, really. Joke.
conclusion and a word against misogyny
we are waiting on a telegram to
give us news of the fall
I am sorry to report
dear Paris is burning after all
we have taken to the streets
in open rejoice, revolting
we are dancing a black waltz
fair Paris is burning after all. ⁕
To any Ada fan that has been reading this so far: PLEASE, I ask to consider refraining to use the "oh yes, Ada did some bad shit, bUT" take to defend the character because that isn't sustained by canon in RE, lmao. She didn't do anything evil that had an indisputable bad impact on the plot and other characters arcs. For one, I myself do love some villains, but that isn't the case with Ada.
She did do some unconventional shit yes, since she's a morally GRAY character and an anti-heroine, but by the end of the day, each and every action of hers had a positive impact on the journey of other characters and main plot. Just pay attention to it.
Like idk man, Black Widow, Elektra Natchios, Scarlet Witch and Black Cat from Marvel, Catwoman from DC, Yennefer from The Witcher (some pop culture examples that come to mind).
Saying that this is an "extremely selfish prototypal bad bitch except when it comes to the magical redeeming dick of her love interest" it's a grotesque reduction of a complex female character, and, in its attempt to critique the misogyny present in RE's franchise an expression of misogyny in itself.
Remember: Ada has actions and impact on the franchise ASIDE and IN ADDITION to her romantic involvement with Leon.
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
I'm so hype about the overwatch deathlock rebels, finally my gurl Ashe gets a more clear background story but I sad at the same time because it seems like many hate ashe for unreasonable causes. They hate Ashe just because she gets in the way of a their ship. These are the same people who said they're not in the overwatch fandom because of ships, but throws rock just because McAshe is hinted to crush/smth. Btw I'm a McGenji shipper but I do like McAshe stuffs too and I see its potential as canon
Oh, mad respect to you, McGenji anon, mad respect. I've been so out of things lately because I'm still REELING from that book, I swear I have never known a feeling quite like this one? xD I was afraid the book might end up validating a lot of toxic ideas people had about Ashe, but instead I feel it completely outruled them and showed that, whether people like it or not, she and McCree had a pretty good relationship (whether you wanna see it as romantic or not) back in the day. The minute these two were face to face in Reunion my shipper senses just went BONKERS, and I already thought that Reunion was all they'd ever give us, canon-wise... but nope, they just went all out with this book and now there's so much more context to so many little things in Reunion too *sobs* I am completely overtaken by these cowboy renegades, my head's cowboy brainrot 24/7 since June 1st xD
But yep, people are really unbearable with their mindless Ashe hate. I keep thinking that, if she were a guy, everyone trashing her would jump at the opportunity to ship her with just every possible male character they could find, not only McCree. I don't even know, honestly, just how difficult can it be to ship what you ship without turning any characters into boogeymen because "they get in the way of the ship"? It's a childish, dumbass thing I've seen in fandoms since I was a kid and I can't believe I'm still seeing it happen in this godforsaken year of 2021. Ashe and McCree are absolutely at odds in the latest events in Overwatch's timeline: I love the idea of them slowly regaining their trust in each other while working together to stop Null Sector, Talon or whatever they'll be fighting in OW2. But anyone who DOESN'T ship them? They can easily imagine whatever else they want to imagine for their future and move on just fine. McAshe absolutely can be seen as a past relationship, or even as a past friendship with unresolved feelings, when making content for any other ship with McCree or Ashe, if they even feel the need to acknowledge it altogether. It's not even challenging to do this.
Heck, as someone who has spent ages creating content for a ship that, however much traction it has gained lately, isn't likely to become canon, where one half of the ship has been in a canon, confirmed, actual relationship since the show ended (even if it's still not confirmed as his endgame relationship), this hissy fit by the Ashe haters, mainly from the-ship-that's-better-off-not-named, is beyond ridiculous. I've written stories where a canon relationship ends, giving way to my OTP, WITHOUT trashing the other character in the canon relationship, and without turning her into a monster just to justify my ship's existence. If I can do that without a hitch, I don't see how they can't? It makes no sense to me, honestly.
There's also an apparent uproar because McCree and Ashe are "het" now? There's no canon confirmed sexuality for either of them to this moment, no matter if there were definite sparks flying in Deadlock Rebels, just as there was no confirmed sexuality before the book. A lot of people think of McCree as bi, and that headcanon wasn't killed somehow by the contents of this book, was it? Heck, I'm even thinking of games like Dragon Age, where straight characters have deliberately been written to reject advances from any same-sex MCs, and players have made mods to romance them with same-sex MCs anyway because they don't give a flying fuck about canon sexuality if it's straight. In my experience? That's how fandom always works. Typically, it's when characters are confirmed gay that anyone who shipped them in straight relationships have to back off, since it's highly frowned upon to alter the sexuality of any gay characters. But even if a character has nothing but opposite-sex love interests in canon, the fandom always does whatever it wants. Why the heck is it different here, to the point of spewing that much vitriol at Ashe just because she exists and McCree is/was into her?
Oof, I just say live and let die, man. Frankly, I am living the dream with this book, I've loved every new tidbit of lore it offered, especially those recontextualized hints of Reunion content (hell, even the "plothole" with the Est. 1976 in the Deadlock logo was addressed, it's amazing xD). Apparently, McAshe shippers aren't entitled to "canon status" thanks to the cinematic, or through all the history these two characters share, history that's been expanded through this book... I find that fair and valid, but just so, no other ship is entitled to demand for canon status, not in this franchise, not in anything else, as far as I'm concerned. Blizzard has made a bunch of bad choices in the last years, there's no denying that, but as far as I can tell, caving in to what a certain cluster of fans demand just because their ship is "popular" has NEVER resulted in anything good. If anything, every time I've seen big media give in to whatever their loudest fans want, the quality of their content tends to spiral downwards at ridiculously rapid speed, because that isn't what their creative vision used to be, and it's not an organic choice but a forced one, done just to sell more (and typically, they don't achieve that goal at all). Could list a few examples of that, but I'd be here all day, I suspect x'D
At any rate, thank you for being such a good sport, McGenji Anon :D shippers who respect other ships are the absolute best and I'm really happy to know there's people like you out there in the OW fandom. I'm not crazy active in the OW fandom myself, partly because I can't even play the game, only watch friends play it, and because I have signed my life off to Sokkla, as everyone knows... but I gotta say, the ideas, the THOUGHTS that have come to mind over this unbelievable book... I've already doodled a couple of them and if I had enough time to go all out, I absolutely would xD Now, I just need to see how to buy myself an Ashe keychain and then I'll be set to cry about these two for life. I've been doing plenty of progress on that front as it is... X'D
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shitsngiggles666 · 4 years
I am not one to use social media, but this whole sh*t show is something I will not take sitting down. I’ve seen some messed up things on the internet, but the cyberbullying by the “Camily” is really disturbing me. Before I get to my criticisms and thoughts, I will briefly address Luke Deacon. The allegations against him are not without evidence, namely from a public social media account. One of these allegations is very serious, and can be considered “revenge p*rn which can actually lead to charges in the UK. I’m not sure if it’s the same in the UK, but in my country Luke can be legally labeled as a sex offender if convicted! This is all I know of the situation but since many of Luke’s fans are underage girls who are also fans of Queen and the Bohemian Rhapsody movie I don’t feel this issue can be totally ignored. I consider Luke “innocent until proven guilty”, as I am an inhabitant of Freedom Land. The first issue I will address is both of Cam’s parents, as I want to discuss them before the “Camily” as they’re not directly involved with the cyber bullying, at least to my knowledge. I admit that I have never met John or Veronica Deacon. I have no knowledge of the intimate details of their family life, and their parenting skills. I do have a fair amount of knowledge of John‘s time with Queen as he is my favorite surviving member of Queen. I find researching his life and trying to understand someone who seems an overlooked and complex figure in music. Yes, John is Cam’s father and to me he’s an interest, a subject I enjoy learning and trying to understand him like I do with other things I’m interested in. Meanwhile, to Cameron he is “dad”. I understand that it must be hard seeing people on the internet either make untrue statements or discuss aspects of one’s father that isn’t flattering. I get it, But Leopard (my nickname for the victim) made it clear when replying to asks that she doesn’t know things and addressed when discussions involved speculation or rumors. She also made it very clear that she didn’t like discussing John’s competence as a father and his children. These subjects made her uncomfortable but she still addressed them in a respectful way. John Deacon was a part of one of the biggest bands in the world. People are going to discuss him. Leopard didn’t do anything wrong. She admitted that John Deacon had flaws but was still sure to admit that she doesn’t know the whole story. I think her attitude is reasonable. I saw the stream the night Cam’s parents came on stream. At first I saw it quite humorous with a boomer bumbling in, ignoring his surroundings. He almost seemed senile. But as the stream went on things got uncomfortable and my attitude changed. Cam’s parents were doing the right thing as loving parents. They came over because Cam has a history of not managing his diabetes properly. His father (his mother explained) was becoming worried about his son’s glucose levels and tried to contact him. When he wouldn’t pick up his phone his father became worried and the two went over. Cameron was peeved and rude to them. I don’t think John cared about if people on the internet saw him. He was too focused on making sure his son wasn’t in danger and that his phone was charged. He only left when he knew his son’s levels weren’t too low and his phone was charging. He even mentioned off screen that he brought some treats (I have no idea what he said, and if it was a favorite sweet or what) from the store. I’m just making an observation of a stranger peeking in, but I think it’s clear John adores his son. Maybe the scant bit of interaction I observed of John Deacon as a person (instead of Queen’s bassist) was of a devoted father who was telling his adult son “I love you, I want you to be happy and I will be devastated if anything happened to you” without saying it verbally. People have different ways of showing their love. I know (per interviews with John) he experienced loss at a very young age when his father passed away. I don’t know John’s personal thoughts and relationship with Freddie Mercury and how his death affected him personally, but watching someone’s health decline due to AIDS is probably an upsetting and unforgettable experience. I bring these two examples up because this to me suggests Cam’s dad knows first hand how delicate and precious life is, wisdom that Cam seems blissfully unaware of due to his disregard of his parents’ anxiety. Cam obviously knows his father better than I can ever, but sometimes it’s good to have a different perspective. On to Mama Deacon. Yes, she was shouting at her adult son while he was live on stream. Like Cam’s father, she was completely in the right. When she said they were making sure Cam “wasn’t dead” and that Cam’s life was at stake, she was not being overly dramatic. If a diabetic’s blood sugar is too low their body can actually go into shock and than into a coma. If one doesn’t manage their diabetes this can happen and it can kill you. Diabetes is a life threatening condition. I’m not a diabetic, and I’m sure it sucks and isn’t easy to manage. Cameron is an adult at 27. His parents will not always be around to help him. If he wants to live by himself his priority should be learning to manage his diabetes without his parents’ help. His life literally depends on it. His glucose levels is far more important than his streaming career. Until he proves he can consistently manage himself to them his glucose levels are their business. Additionally, since they pay for his flat it’s technically their’s and thus can come over when ever they want. If anyone was being “inappropriate” it was Cam. His mother carried him for nine months, at age 43. For a woman her age, pregnancy can be risky and very hard on her body. She has cared for her son’s health issues, helped him through school and has loved him unconditionally. She seems to have done everything she can to protect Cam and pushed him to be the best person he can be. And this is only what I’m aware of. At her age, she should only leave her home when completely necessary to protect herself from Covid-19, for she is in the age group most at risk. Her son wouldn’t even leave his chair to greet her. Do you know how my parents would react to me if I acted the way Cam did Sunday? Most people can only dream about the privileges Cam has. Again, I don’t know everything about Cam’s life but what I saw was a mother and father trying to do what is best for their son. If Cam is so concerned about his parents’ privacy, why didn’t he turn off his stream? He could’ve even walked off to talk to his parents rather than continuing to play and yelling at them from his chair? This whole situation can be solved simply by Cam answering his phone, keeping it charged or even walking off camera to talk to his parents rather than barking orders from his screen. As I said earlier, to them their son seems more important to them rather than their privacy. Cam makes such a big deal over their privacy but I think he also has to respect his parents’ feelings and all that they do for him. Part of respecting them should include making a better effort to take care of himself. Five hours without food excepting a bowl of cereal could give me low blood sugar to the point of trembling and not being able to concentrate. Since Cam did just that, maybe his parents’ concern of his blood sugar is not without merit. Cam mentions his mental health issues and depression. One of the ways to help stabilize his mood would be stabilizing his blood sugar. The Camily should consider my words as they criticized Cam’s parents’ behavior. I have addressed the Mama and Papa elephant in the room, I will now focus mainly on Cam’s “Camily”. Due to time restraints, I will address the Camily in a later post. In the mean time, there is a difference between “haters” and critics. A hater says things simply to hurt or insult. A critic disagrees for a reason. If anyone thinks I’m a hater that needs to be “bunny blocked” go right ahead. I don’t care what strangers, many of them children think of me. I think bunnies are cute. Send me bunny emojis if you all think I’m spreading hate. This will only lend more evidence that the Camily is leading an internet harassment campaign. BTW I have been owned by pet rabbits since I was seven. Let me tell you, Mr. Bunny is unhappy to know his good name and image is being used as a symbol to bully. No, I am not jealous of Cam. I am proud of my family and wouldn’t trade them for any other. My dad has a profession I consider noble and was the one who raised me. The same goes for my mother. My extended and nuclear family includes firemen, a priest, nurses, teachers, librarians, a researcher studying cancer, a lawyer and engineers. None are famous but I don’t care. They are good people and it doesn’t matter how much the public knows about them or how much they earn. What matters to me is that they work hard and have a strong moral character. If you do wish to harass me, I ask of one thing. Show my post to Cameron Deacon and have him read my post (and any later ones I hope to soon put up) on his Livestream. If Cameron thinks I’m being a bully or am wrong about anything, please have him show this to his parents, the two people who love him more than anyone else does. If they think I’m wrong about anything or am bullying their son, have them PM me so we can discuss. Do not bully anyone who posts or likes this.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hi!!! I’m kind of new to the fandom and I was hoping I could ask you something. In 1x10 Michael shows Alex his stuff in his bunker and says “if anyone’s going to destroy me, might as well be you”. I don’t fully understand the implication he’s making here. I know it’s not necessarily romantic but I also know he’s not saying he believes Alex actually would. But I guess I don’t understand why he would say that or feel that way either.
One bummer about coming into the fandom late is missing all the fun posts and freak outs over lines like this. (Although I am grateful to miss out on what seems like a lot of drama from the show and in the fandom.) Alao just wanted to thank you, being new I’m a little overwhelmed in what I need to get caught up in and what to ignore or avoid. You’re very informative and kind and levelheaded so I’m staying in your corner of this fandom.
Hiiii, sweet nonnie, and welcome to the fandom! 🥰
Yeah, I can imagine that it sucks to come in late, but there’s always reasons to flail and get excited, insofar it’s not the worst thing. We should get some news about S3 soon-ish, and then you’ll be right in the middle of flailing with us! :D
Okay, on to 1x10 (sorry, I’ve been flailing about Superman & Lois all day, and it took me a while to write this reply 🙈)
“If anyone’s going to destroy me, might as well be you.” Ooooof, that’s Michael Guerin’s way of saying I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU. At least that’s how I understand it.
Michael’s learned earlier, that the man responsible for his severe injury, and ultimately Alex leaving a decade ago, knows about aliens and that he’s one of them. And just an episode ago, Alex told him “Sometimes the world ends with a whimper, Guerin.” 
So by all means, they are NOT on good terms when Michael learns about Project Shepard, and who’s behind it. Alex made it clear that they are over earlier (even though he kinda said that their love was “the world” 🥺), Michael went to Texas, made out and woke up with someone else in the desert, and only hours after he’s back in Roswell, Alex finds him at the junkyard.
And Alex pretty much makes a U-turn from what he said earlier in the episode (that things are over). He tells Michael he wants to get to know him [better], he wants to be friends [not just friends, but building a friendship as a foundation for something more - whether Michael understands Alex’s words that way’s a different question tho], and he admits, that there’s always been something “bigger” between them, even though they didn’t actually know each other that well.
Michael defines their connection as cosmic, and yeah, for lack of a better word, that’s what it is. Michael then asks whether Alex wants to know who he is, or what he is. And Alex says YES. To both.
When they talk, Michael’s basically vibrating out of his skin, he’s been dying to share his secret with Alex, he’s so tired of keeping that part of himself hidden, and he’s even more tired of all the lies.
He’s taken aback, when Alex doesn’t want to know about all the “cool alien shit” and instead asks about Michael’s childhood. I think Michael doesn’t realize that Alex is way more interested in getting to know who Michael is, that what he is.
Michael’s trying to move their conversation back to the topic of aliens, but Alex doesn’t seem to be overly interested in that. So Michael decides to pull out the “big guns”. He shows Alex his secret lair, and while that’s pretty cool and kinda Bruce Wayne-esque (minus being a billionaire), Alex still doesn’t seem to be too interested in the alien thing.
So Michael reveals his secret project to Alex, a project not even Isobel or Max know about. It’s something Michael’s been doing for almost a decade - finding and buying parts of the console in an attempt fo fix it. 
And while I’m sure that Alex is intrigued, he also seems to be a little horrified that Michael confides in him with something that important. And that’s when Michael puts his cards on the table. 
“If anyone’s going to destroy me, might as well be you.” meaning “I trust you with this knowledge, but if this revelation is ever going to bite me in the ass, then I want you to be the one who comes after me”. 
It’s kinda twisted. Michael knows Alex is a Manes, and I think he still has this lingering fear that Alex might turn out to be (or become) a Manes man (even though deep down he knows that’s not who Alex is, or ever will be), not because Alex is evil incarnate, but bc of Jesse.
Jesse who had so much power over Alex for basically his entire life, who very likely had a hand in Alex joining the military, who - to Michael - is at least in part responsible that Alex “broke up” with him in episode 1x03, Jesse, who’s running Project Shepard and might be able to “recruit” Alex in some way or other for it (not bc Alex is an evil killer or alien hater, but bc Jesse always had his way of getting what he wants from his sons).
So yeah, I think Michael’s kinda afraid that Alex could get roped into this alien hunting operation, but he trusts Alex, and even though confiding in Alex and letting him in on all his secrets might be his undoing eventually, he wants Alex equipped with all the knowledge.
Imo this is Michael’s way of telling Alex “I love you, and I trust you.”
Alex on the other hand, has a somewhat different conversation. He understands very well that Michael’s letting him in on a huge secret, and I think he would’ve preferred not to know (possibly bc he’s afraid of Jesse and worried Jesse might find out via Alex somehow?), but what’s even bigger for him is the fact that Michael’s telling him, that he’s been trying to leave the planet for a decade, and that once he has all the pieces, he might give it a try. 
And just a couple feet above their heads Alex’s car is parked, where - hidden in a backpack - one part of the unfinished alien console is waiting to be handed over to Michael.
AWKWARD. Also the realization for Alex, that it’s up to him whether Michael will ever be able to leave bc as long as Alex has the console piece, Michael won’t be able to finish rebuilding the console. 
Alex then cuts the entire conversation short and leaves. He has to process what Michael just told him (and imo it’s not about the fact that Michael’s an alien, Alex has known that for a while, I think he’s shocked to his core that Michael’s been trying to leave this whole time, and now it’s up to him whether Michael can).
So, Alex leaves to process, while Michael just sees a familiar thing happen: Alex is leaving. Always leaving. Leaving him behind. Leaving him alone. Leaving because Michael told him what he is. Only that’s not the case, Alex doesn’t care that Michael’s an alien. 
Ugh, these two. 😩I really hope they finally start TALKING in S3, and they’ll speak the same language while doing so.
I’m not sure whether any of this makes sense (my brain’s all over the place today), but that’s how I read this whole thing.
As for you trying to navigate the fandom: there are plenty of kind and really awesome people part of this fandom. I’m sure you’ll figure out fairly quickly which people are “your” people. Stick to them, and I’m sure, you’ll have a great time. 
My inbox is also always open (also off anon btw, I usually reply to off anon messages privately, or you can just put a “pls don’t publish” in your ask to make sure I don’t publish it), in case you want to chat. 
Hope you’re having a great time with us! ❤️
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theclownandtheflame · 5 years
AIGHT FELLAS it's me ya slut writing a Gaius x MC fic so if you don't like Gaius or feel grossed out by the idea of a ship then DON'T READ IT haaaa no seriously don't read it. Also don't shame those who like it. PEACE! 🧚🏻‍♀️
Btw I didn't quite finish it bc idk my imagination gets dry sometimes and stuff. BUT if any of you want me to keep writing, then ask so and I'll do it! I'll do it either way but oh well ksksksks here we go!
Victim, Victim, Monster
A Gaius Augustine x MC drabble/fic
Written by @theclownandtheflame
DISCLAIMER: Some NSFW, slight mentions of PTSD (not romanticized tho!! ew!!)
Characters used &/or mentioned belong to Pixelberry!!! All rights to them even if they take ours on a daily basis
My mother language is Portuguese so please excuse my grammar should it be necessary!
MC's name is Athena because,, :)
Final warning for Gaius' haters: don't. read. below. the line !!!!!!!!
"Athena, I did terrible things to you. I abducted you. I raided your mind. I tortured your friends. I killed you."
Funny how stating the obvious got him stuck in her mind the whole night. Fragile, the bloodkeeper clutched her pillow and busied herself with happier thoughts. As if there were any at times like these.
They had just escaped the island when its effects fully wore out. She couldn't blame "grandpa" for her restlessness, as much as she wanted to. So much to consider after trekking across the ugly truth and all she could think about was Gaius. Gaius Augustine.
She heaved a dramatic sigh before changing positions. Now, laying on her back, Athena realized this was probably the best night of sleep she's had in a while. Even if there was, like, absolutely no sleeping involved.
What kept her up wasn't the nightmares this time. Something about their talk, as eerie as it went, helped her conceal the fact his face would haunt her forever. Because, oh, it would.
"You can't sleep, can you?"
The agony, crawling under her skin, hit so deep she could hear his voice at any given time. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she stared at the ceiling, counting sheeps for a change. No nightmares, no daydreams, but absolutely not a hint of tranquility.
"... Athena."
She huffed. If she knew coming to good terms with the enemy would bring him inside her head, she wouldn't have taken the high road. Her lips still tingled from the kiss she pressed to his cheek. The electric warmth shared upon breaking a boundary she would've never have crossed days prior.
If only her friends could see her now. Touching her lips with her fingertips. Thinking fondly of a monster they swore to kill.
"Are you asleep? Do you actually sleep with your eyes open? You are one strange woman."
"Leave, demon!" She hissed, forcing herself up to sit by the edge of the bed. Both hands rubbed at her temples as she whispered words of discouragement, praying to have her brain raided by better thoughts. A psych vampire who can't watch after her own mind was most likely a joke.
Until she glanced towards the door, slowly, blushing deeply at the owner of her inner voices who simply stared back in awe. So it wasn't her imagination playing tricks, huh?
He blinked. Fast.
"... Did you think I—"
"Shut up." She lisped. Her hands continued to cradle her head even as he walked in, eyebrows arched.
"I was hoping you'd be less fussy after our conversation."
Without expecting an invitation, he crossed the distance between them and leaned into the wall across from her.
Surprisingly she didn't budge. Not until her body flinched at the cold breeze that entered freely from the gap he left by keeping the door open.
"Yeah, so was I." The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath to keep herself from shaking.
Once aware of the situation, Gaius snatched her pillow and tossed it on the door. It slammed closed from the impact, but it wasn't loud enough to startle the others.
"Hey!" She gasped, watching the scene with eyes wide. "Couldn't you just go and close it manually? Like, running for it? You're a powerful vampire, dude."
Entertained by her fright, he smirked.
"I'm also way too comfortable standing right here... dude."
Gaius Augustine was a monster. Is a monster. She couldn't really tell. Decades of cruelty couldn't be wiped out so easily, as Kamilah strongly suggested whenever she mentioned his name. Yet, the way he looked at her with a mixture of sorrow and regret proved it true: Rheya broke him whole.
He stood still, stiffening once their eyes met, and suddenly all she could see was a wounded hound looking for shelter.
"Why are you here?" She asked at last. A simple question that sent him looking for scrappers of answers he couldn't quite provide.
Why was he there, really? Because she's the only one who didn't give him a hard time? Because she knew how his mind worked, and therefore they had a reliable bond?
Because she's the only good thing left of the Rheya he once loved?
He needn't consider any further. That last possibility drained all colors from his face. Staring blankly ahead, his mouth slightly ajar, Gaius ignored her altogether and hurried towards the door.
"Wait!" She called out. Without further ado, Athena leaped to her feet and approached the man to lay a hand on his as it reached for the knob.
The look he gave her was a haunting one. Desperate. He couldn't bear looking at her face without feeling himself break further.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
He was terrified of her.
"I must leave." He blurted out, but his body remained unmoving. The gentle touch he felt on his hand moved on to his cheek, and suddenly he found himself leaning into it.
What the hell, Athena? What are you doing?, She thought. He abducted you, raided your mind, tortured your friends, killed you!
Their eyes met once more, and this time they didn't go astray. They glared at each other's hues while their heads swirmed with questions of where they stood and what they meant.
Victim, victim, monster.
Both experiencing a strong attraction that most likely came to life due to their shared fear:
To lose a purpose without making it right.
Pulling away out of a sudden, Athena turned on her heels and walked in front of a mirror. He followed short after, magnetized, his hands yearning to grasp her hips but resting on his belt instead. His towering figure could be easily seen behind her as a smile crept on her rosy lips.
"What?" He frowned. "What's so amusing to you that clearly isn't to me?"
Biting on her bottom lip, she gestured towards their reflections, believing it would be enough. By the way his lips puckered, it wasn't.
"We're vampires. Yet we can see ourselves on the mirror. Hollywood's fishy, isn't it?"
Sighing sharply not to roll his eyes at her foolishness, he leaned into her to touch the mirror's surface. The way his chest pressed into her back so that his palm could reach the glass made her heartbeats quicken.
The funny look he gave her through a squint was enough to say he heard them loud and clear. And enjoyed being the cause of it.
"You don't believe Vlad's tales, do you? It's outrageous. The man is a buffoon." He quirked an eyebrow. Looking at the mirror at the same time, the two shot each other challenging glares until she burst into laughter.
"Nah. He's not that great, by the way. I don't see the appeal... and I've certainly had better."
Wiggling her eyebrows, Athena fist-bumped the air upon spotting a crimson shade spread on his cheeks. He'd have pulled away to adjust his posture if she hadn't laid her hand upon his.
Her fingers grazed his until curling around them, her touch so gentle he could barely feel it. He closed his eyes when she laid her head back on his shoulder, and his arm slowly slithered around her waist in return.
Humming to herself, Athena shrunk into his arms and cherished the warmth of his hold. Then, the touch of his lips on her ear, of his breath tickling her skin.
"I do see the appeal in this." He growled, softly, making her body shiver from goosebumps. "Of holding you close to me instead of hunting you down. Of saving you instead of dragging you to harm's way."
The hand he had holding on her waist moved up to her breasts, hovering over her cleavage as he reached for a necklace as an excuse to his gestures. Her heart was entirely out of control at this point, beating faster by the minute – but she didn't care. She wanted him to be aware of his effects. Tilting her head, she brushed her lips across his jawline and smirked at the hiss she got in response.
"Well, there is a saying for that, y'know? Make love, not war."
Having distracted him with an array of kisses on his jaw, she reached back around her neck to unclip the necklace and toss it away. He needn't an excuse. Not anymore.
"So which one's gonna be? I'm warning you though, I'm great at waging war."
"You are infuriating." Without further notice, his hands clutched her hips to flip her around.
Once she could face him properly, Athena inched forth to try his lips for the first time, but he made sure to keep her at arm's length. His eyes, dark with lust, studied her frame before locking on her features. It's like he was seeing her for the first time, savoring the sight of something he craved despite unaware.
He took it in without a wish to kill but to touch, appraise, caress. Taste.
"Kiss me." She ordered, her voice but a whisper as his thumbs drew circles around her hips.
"No, Bloodkeeper..." He hummed, his nose brushing hers as he fought the urge to give it in. "I'm not so sure I am worthy of your lips."
Dodging temptation, he pressed a kiss to her cheek instead. A warm reminder that there's still good in this world as much as there could be in him.
"Goodnight, Athena."
She shook her head. He couldn't leave now, not when she found a way around the sharp edges of his heart. However, he was too determined to cut it short before it was too late. Even if something told him they were way past that.
Averting his gaze not to meet her hungry eyes, he planted one last kiss on her forehead and left with haste.
"Great..." She mumbled, more restless than ever. "Now I definitely can't sleep."
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