#I usually don't like seeing OCD characters
inkdrawndreamer · 10 months
A lot of OCD rep in media sucks, but Teddy from Bob's Burgers is the best I've seen so far. The hoarding, the constant worry about misunderstanding directions, the need to fix everything before getting rid of it. That Thanksgiving episode hits hard. The guy is so frazzled even before the family goes messing with his stuff.
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vasito-de-leche · 4 months
Do you have any specific queer headcannons of r1999 characters if so which ones and why?
I wrote a bunch of stuff for this post but then tumblr fucked me up and reloaded without saving it so here we are..... rewriting it all over again ... OAUGH. usually I default to seeing everyone as Vaguely Bisexual and Not Cis until stated otherwise, but you asked for specifics so here we go!
6 is aromantic or demiromantic.
On one hand, it's because I love projecting on my faves. On the other hand, it's because he genuinely doesn't feel like the type of person to be interested in relationships. But this isn't something that's tied to any potential disgust, repulsion or even trauma related to his Revelation and struggle against fate -- to me, 6 just doesn't feel romantic attraction. At the very least, nothing strong enough to consider pursuing. It's not in his priorities. I really dislike this specific thing that fandoms do in which every single character who is introverted, or who happens to be alone/isolated (either by chance or by choice) is secretly lonely, touch starved, pining and desperate for attention and romantic love. It feels like such a huge disrespect for their equally important platonic or familial relationships. 6 already holds a lot of love for his own community and his childhood friends, a type of affection that is shown in his subtle and unique ways. I like it when his character focuses on those aspects instead!
Mesmer Jr. is aromantic and asexual.
In her case, she's the opposite of 6. Mesmer Jr.'s trauma and OCD is much too intense for her to even consider the idea of an emotional or physical bond with anyone. She's disgusted at the idea of touching others so casually, and she's afraid at the possibility of allowing a person (someone she logically cannot have any control over) into her life because what if they throw her off her schedule? What if they mess every meticulous thing she's planned for herself and her mental stability? What if she loses her grip? Yes, it's plausible that she may find a partner who works perfectly with the way she needs things to be, and yes, you can headcanon that she heals and her OCD becomes "manageable" enough to have a stable relationship, but personally? I just like it when characters don't get to have stereotypical happy endings in which everything gets better through love and friendship and support -- like, yeah everyone loves to see their faves happy and all but eh... It's a bit of projection on my part! Some people don't get to heal and do all the things their disabilities prevented them from doing, even if we're given all this support and love. Some of us just have to find ways around these things, anything that works for us that makes our lives easier.
Sweetheart is queer but has a complex relationship with love. In a somewhat similar vein, Blonney has gone through every single letter of the LGTBQ+ community.
I tried my best to explain my thoughts on Sweetheart but at this point she deserves her own post because it's honestly a LOT, this single part was just too long so I cut it out entirely. Just trust me when I say she's queer and has a very complex relationship with love. In Blonney's case, we discussed the possibility of her being written as comphet and it got me to think a little about her. I see Blonney as the type of girl who presents as a straight bimbo, following the themes of her character and all, but who has constant crisis after crisis in the privacy of her bedroom, the only place she's allowed to be more than just a blondie. This constant journey questioning her orientations and gender happens entirely in her head and in private. I like to think that she just has these long monologues in her head. Sure, she's identified as straight her whole life, but maybe bisexual works better because there was that one girl she kept meeting under the bleachers. Oh, but maybe she's a lesbian, since all her boyfriends are just huge disappointments and none of them ever make her truly happy. Oh, but maybe that's just because she has bad taste in men, there was that one guy in class who keeps making her laugh after all. Ahh, this would be so much easier if she were a guy, her femininity is mostly performative after all. Ah, but she actually really loves pink and fashion... Nonbinary then? No, she's not the type to pick something so vague, it's one or the other. Oh, how about both? Genderfluid! Etc etc. If you ask her about how she identifies, she'll simply brush you off with a "What's it to you? That's none of your business, creep!" and move on, but this is something very personal to her. So far, she knows she likes being femme presenting and that she likes Jessica!
Eagle is a trans girl.
Have you guys seen those posts going around tumblr about how important it is that trans women exist because they fight for their own womanhood and girlhood in a world that constantly looks down upon feminine things and all women as a whole? Yeah. Yeah. Eagle being a scout that fights so hard to prove herself, the feelings of not belonging into the Boy Scouts and seeing how the Girl Scouts are created eventually, a space for her. The fact that she visits her father's grave so that he can see her grow up.
Kaalaa Baunaa, Oliver Fog, Medicine Pocket and Melania are probably bisexual, but they're super busy with work so they don't have time to address that.
Self-explanatory <3 I do like to think that Kaalaa and Medpoc are more chill about it, Kaalaa because she's a grown ass woman who is very mature, and Medpoc because they genuinely give no fucking shits about dating in general, so who cares about confirming whether they're bisexual or not. Oliver Fog is a little more flustered at the idea of exploring his orientation and whatnot, but it's tolerable. BUT MELANIA? I LOVE to think that she's FULLY aware that the MOMENT she acknowledges her bisexuality, she will have a crisis and then what will she do? She has 3 papers due next week and a heist this weekend, she can't possibly sit there wondering about liking girls! She's got things to do!
And here's the extra round of HCs that don't require that much text to explain or that lean towards being more silly!
Eternity has literally outlived the concept of gender. She/They royalty.
37 has QRPs instead. It Just Works. No one but herself and her partners understand the dynamics, though. As god intended <3
APPLe is a raging bisexual and has been spotted in many gay bars. Regulus is also bisexual.
The world would've been a better place if Bette was a butch lesbian.
Balloon Party and An-An Lee play with gender like its playdough.
Baby Blue is Not Cis and she's Not Straight either because none of that shit matters to her anymore, since she's been disconnected from reality and society for so long. She also doesn't care about labelling herself.
Diggers is trans, but no one can figure out which way exactly. It doesn't help that he refuses to clarify either. The same thing happens with John Titor, except she's very vocal about being a transwoman.
Bunny Bunny is bisexual but she hasn't realized this yet. In similar fashion, Horropedia is bisexual but he just forgets about it sometimes.
Druvis III as a trans woman goes hand in hand with Forget Me Not as a gay man. This is why they're both super divorced.
Leilani is pansexual because she prefers the colors of that specific flag over the bisexual one. Spathodea is pansexual because the personal distinction between pansexuality and bisexuality matters to her.
Tennant is bisexual because she can scam and seduce more people that way.
The Fool is nonbinary. Mf should've been born in the 2020's, I just KNOW he would've loved mirrorgender.
Zima is in the closet not out of shame but out of safety. Just in case.
Sotheby assumes that every girl in the world likes girls. So far no one has been able to prove her wrong because all she does is interact with other sapphic girls.
Pavia is nonbinary out of spite. But I also love transguy Pavia HCs so so so much, give that guy boobs, he would never get top surgery <3
Vertin is nonbinary too but she doesn't care about people knowing about it. She does, however, make the effort to be a little androgynous, as a treat for herself.
Madam Z and Katz absolutely had a Situationship going on during university. Katz was bicurious and Madam Z helped her experiment. Now the Situationship is between Madam Z and Constantine, the latter using Madam Z as a rebound after fumbling her relationship with Vertin's mother <- the machinations in my brain will astonish you.
TTT is genderfluid by virtue of being a picture on a TV, so I like to think she can just shift her appearance. In similar fashion, gender means nothing to Alien T and Voyager because they're aliens.
I specifically love the idea of all of the 1.2 gang joking about how Tooth Fairy is their token straight adult figure -- she's actually bi and asexual, but likes to keep that to herself so the kids can make their little jokes and have fun.
Enigma is gay and homophobic because his self-loathing is just that strong.
Turns out that the push Click needed to explore his own sexuality was getting killed on the battlefield, so now he's free to be gay. perhaps bicurious.
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sophsicle · 5 months
if this is too personal or triggering please please ignore it but i finished kyd and i was wondering whether you have experience with disordered eating because man the way you wrote regulus felt so very real and relatable. you really are a brilliant writer
tw ed discussion
no worries, pretty sure i've talked about this before because some people were very unhappy with me when i started kyd that i intended to write about eds
but yeah i've had a pretty disastrous relationship with food my whole life, and then in my senior year of high school i was in and out of hospital because if it. and it was actually way more cathartic than i thought it would be to write about it. i think partially because i've never really been able to explain it outloud to anyone in a way that I was happy with (there's a lot of embarrassment and shame that sort of gets in the way I think), but i feel like i was able to describe it in a way that was effective. and also because, as with most things, i have always found the mainstream representation of eds frustrating
i think the compulsive nature of eds gets missed a lot, or not emphasized enough maybe? i've said this before but i always think of it as being very similar to OCD in that way, you have a set of rules that you have to follow and they aren't always logical, but if you break them you lose it even if you can recognize that it's irrational
i think the lying is something that i also don't see talked about enough, like i get that we see people with eds lying, but again i feel like the compulsive nature of it is sometimes lost?
in general i think because we exist in a society which, in a lot of ways glorifies eds, it is also very difficult for mainstream media to avoid glamorizing them in a weird way
BUT yeah, anyway, so i wanted to write about it and try to get more at the compulsive need for control, the link with anxiety, and also i think, you know, i had a very bad experience with the hospital program i was in, i think ultimately it hurt me more than it helped me which is not usually portrayed either cause it doesn't make for a very clean ending, so i kind of wanted to show that with Regulus too
and it's been incredible the amount of people who have expressed feeling seen by this character, it really means a lot <3
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raspberryberyl · 2 months
ah I love the dsmp and some people (mainly cc's) are killing me.
I had to watch the cctommy video because idk ocd or i just felt like it would kill me if i didn't watch.
Tommy was usual tommy fashion, and the video was good! Don't get me wrong. I love that he didn't say it was cringe, and was nostalgic and positive about it. That he had good things to say.
I believe and want to believe in my heart that cctommy really cares about the dsmp and ctommy. Sometimes it feels like cc!eret , cc!quackity, cc!tommy are the only ones that really care. That care about the audience that they've created, that try to cultivate it. I want to believe that others care too but its these three that i feel are the most vocal about it.
But watching the new Tommy video, i feel slightly hurt. I know Tommy is just being Tommy fashion and being silly and "annoying", and maybe he's not being completely full hearted and serious because he wants to appease fans that do think it was cringe (which seems to be quite a bit, mostly twt).
But i just feel like, is it so hard to believe that people would care about the story you created? Especially one that is so unique and tackles such raw and real emotions and experiences. for my fellow ctommy fans, its family, home, abuse, suicidality, etc.
Maybe it's because it just doesn't feel real to the cc, that they made this popular series. Maybe it's because to a lot of them it really was just a game and goofing off. But to us fans, it was so much more. We poured ourselves into it. And it hurts to be treated like a joke and "cringe".
I feel grateful to cctommy for saying the positive things he did, but should I? Should i be appreciative that he treats us with bare minimum respect... like yes I know he cares, I think he does, but his joking attitude about it all makes me feel like a joke.
I did not like the constant sexual innuendos about c!tommy. was the foreplay one a little funny? yeah maybe. but describing the classic hurt c!tommy sigh/grunt/thing like a moan? no, i did not like that.
Maybe he's coping with humor. as other people pointed out cctommy was constantly sexualized on that server. And as he said he is an adult now that can joke about it anyway he likes because it is HIM.
I also did not like him describing ctommy as "a bad guy." ctommy had flaws, he was not perfect, that's one of the reasons he is so great, but he was not a bad guy. I could see c!tommy thinking he is the bad guy, but cctommy is the writer and should know better. I don't like being told that an abuse victim who is so very human, is "the bad guy". I might only partly forgive him for this because he talked about how c!tubbo (and cc!tubbo), was often an ignored victim and character that deserved to shine.
I did not like the "making fun of " suicide. Which is a major problem the dsmp writing has.
I am forever hurt by how the cc treat us. I devoted so much of my time and energy to this just to feel like a joke, just for them to act like they don't care. Well i choose to continue to care, because i really and truly do.
I've said it before but cc!ranboo was my main main, i watched every stream, even the non dsmp ones. But with how they treated c!ranboo, i just can barely bring myself to watch them. i did not get into generation loss, it hurts too much. I respect Ranboo for going with his passions and not doing things just to appease fans, but i am forever hurt that he had so little care in the end for something that so many of us cared about.
Most cc are just silent about their dsmp days and have no comment. But then others joke about how the fans cared? cc!puffy i was devoted and excited for your lore, and you failed to deliver it and now treat us like a joke.
And other cc where it just feels like they are trying to milk it for content, don't get me started.
And I'll be honest, I am still sick of all this dancing around the subject in the room that is the problematic cc. I get the cc don't owe us their views, and probably don't want to further drama. But Tommy can you just say you don't like or support Dream! Can any cc be open about it! Tommy stop giving me heart attacks by putting dt in your thumbnails 😭
And yeah this was really long and rant/venty, I feel like i forgot some stuff that i wanted to say so i will just add it later if it comes to mind.
But my point is, people cared about the dsmp. Some people moved on, and many of us are here and still thriving. People care, so stop being surprised that we do. Stop treating us like a joke.
If you're going to mention it cc, be respectful, kind, and maybe don't say anything if you don't really care about it.
the dsmp had many issues, no one is denying, but people cared.
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call-of-ishmael · 5 months
The Last Ishmael OCD Post
One of my first times that i dabbled into character analysis was about Ishmael's OCD, people like that post but i really feel i could have done better
Canto V was my last major chapter i was willing to read. As i put more distance between me and the story, i want one final farewell in the form of finally fixing up my analysis
Before i delve into the writing itself, here is some pointers the story gives to her OCD in the form of flavor text and descriptions.
Firstly we have her Bio
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This is easy to miss as its just a tiny blurb above her whole intro blurb.
Now, "obsessive compulsive neurosis" is a very weird way to phrase it, "obsessive compulsive" is clear enough but "neurosis" is odd, this is not TOO odd though, as "neurotic" used to be how OCD was classified as a disorder.
However if we look at her bio in Korean, the particulars do simply straight up say "OCD" very clearly, you'd need to MTL but this was also confirmed to me by a friend from SK
The sinner bios are biased though, and are written through a very corporate lens, so lets see if there's any other pointers elsewhere
Her base EGO, Snagharpoon, actually does just that
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Her passives name is called "Compulsion" and in its gameplay design its a very interesting way to also point to it
Ishmael is a very all or nothing person, you do it well or you don't do it at all, and this is reflected on how this passive aids you to play
This passive is excellent for boosting the consistency of playing by only going for "Favored" or "Dominating" clashes, while punishing you for taking chances on clashes you MIGHT win
Base ID Ishmael is also a unit with all single coins, rolling tails puts her in a very unfavorable position so this also adds an extra safety net on top. Worth noting being all single coins is also a high risk high reward type of play style.
Finally we see two more pointers id like to note, both from Canto V
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The Compulsive`s Knot, an ego gift themed after a naval rope, one of many in the dungeon all alluding to her struggles.
Most obviously though
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Her exclusive status effect, Compulsion. This is in direct reference to her EGO passive, providing an attack boost at the same time it provides a drawback in the form of low SP.
We are gonna talk a bit more about this passive since it ties into another gameplay oriented way to point towards her OCD
During the story dungeon we have an event where a noise is heard, you are given two choices, check, gain SP, don't check, lose SP.
Compulsive checking is probably the most well known (to the conditions detriment we will talk about it later) hallmark of OCD
Notably, this doesn't aid Ishmael, while checking can avoid the combat encounter, not checking only has a chance of triggering it, and most interestingly, her SP will always start at -25 during combat encounters. Meaning the temporary boost in her sanity will just get reset next battle, should you decide to check. Checking wont satisfy her anxiety for more than a brief moment.
Lastly the most obvious ones are all the references to Obsession. These are so abundant i feel if you are familiar with the Canto its redundant to have them, i wanted to draw more attention to the allusions to compulsion, as they are less common.
Even since before her own Canto, we can see Ishmael's ruminating and anxious tendencies pop up during previous chapters, which for OCD is important to explore as OCD is an anxious and ruminating disorder.
So lets talk a little bit about OCD! Its a disorder characterized by repetitive and constant intrusive urges to perform a task or a thought (lets keep this in mind for later)
These thoughts or actions are used to try to relieve stress from an anxiety inducing thought or situation. The most common example is OCD exacerbating germ phobia, and causing people who have it to wash their hands in excess.
While OCD is usually described as "irrational thoughts" i feel that's a pretty limited way to view it in my own experience with it. OCD compulsions and thoughts can be informed by very real worries, the worry of getting sick, of making the wrong moral choices, of hurting others. Being clean is a normal and a good practice to stave off getting sick, its the frequency and intensity that turns it maladaptive, OCD turns your own lived fears and traumas against you, and those might very well be real things to worry about, which makes dealing with it very hard.
Enough of that off to the writing!
Lets start with Canto II
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This is the first example of her constant need for a lack of ambiguity, previous to this we see her complain about the treatment the sinners are receiving from Effie and Saude, skeptical of the whole deal.
Until shes shown the plans, they are so well crafted shes able to anchor to that and calm down.
This by itself is not really much other than being very detail oriented, lets look a bit further into the chapter
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Here we see that aspect elaborated upon more, this moment is framed as a very important one between Dante and Ishmael in their dynamic later on, Ishmael is incredibly upset at the plan having fallen apart so quickly, while yes this is not unreasonable to be upset at, her anger is remarked on by Dante and Gregor as very intense and unusual. This in my opinion is a minor but clear indication her need for planning and considering every option is due to a deep anxiety, but don't take it from me, lets look at Canto III
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Here we are told pretty explicitly, Ishmael moving quickly and asking lots of questions is something Dante has noted as an anxious habit.
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And here we have more elaboration on what exactly that moment at the Casino meant for Ishmael, it was enough anger and disappointment she has stopped expecting Dante to perform well and instead taken it upon herself to see things go according to plan, this is VERY important to her.
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And her worries, are repetitive enough to annoy others, and to be remarked upon by Dante.
This is perhaps the more notable chain of events to point out previous to her chapters aside from 4.5, as it helps contextualize all her usual ways of acting in a more complete light, showing a lot of this is driven by a deep anxiety
And this all makes S.E.A all the more interesting as it pays off on this.
Something i quite enjoy about Limbus is how it re-contextualizes things characters have previously done and said. And the events of S.E.A and Canto V bring a lot of interesting stuff to the table
Lets get cracking with this chapter
In general shes extremely confrontational, and tense, more than usual
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But its her anxious outbursts i wanna focus on, what she puts
emphasis on.
This chapter is so crucial in this whole analysis. We see some behaviors way more clearly now, firstly we see her emphasize her need to be absolutely 100% prepared for this, no ambiguity no risks she wants certainty.
But we see something even more clearly and that's her ruminating behaviors, shes brought up things like this to a smaller extent before like commenting on a lot of aspects but here we see in full display her inner world become externalized, shes started voicing worries shes never voiced before can Dante turn them back always? What if Dante dies? What if the sinners get eaten can that be turned back?
And these don't all get brought up immediately, she mentions them in different conversations, pointing to the fact shes constantly going over the subject in her head with no pause, and she gets frustrated when she cannot work on these worries when she cant do anything to quell the anxiety.
And the last part, when Dante finds her so fixated in her planning its impossible to even talk to her. She has to perform some action do something to stave off the disaster she can see coming in her head
As someone with OCD inevitably i have to mention the personal component that drew me to analyze this was how real this feels to when you spiral
A lot of the times OCD is explained as the compulsions being something you do cause you feel its a sort of ritual to stave off disaster. Its in this way i see it reflected in this moment.
As we see with Heathcliff acting as her foil, he points out her worrying is really not doing much other than just her talking and talking, and by the state shes in when Dante checks in on her, aimless not even paying attention to anything else we see the main objective of the planning really isn't practical as much as a compulsive coping mechanism.
She has to do something
Lots to cover and honestly i will make a companion post to this with all the examples, so for this section i wanna cover some highlights instead, as well as a general discussion of the tone.
The way this chapter is structured is very interesting, its really reflective of the mental state of Ishmael. The chapter feels really aimless, they wander around not really ever finding what they need, which drives Ishmael more and more tense and frustrate
Its a good continuation to how we see her by the end of S.E.A fixated on one goal one thing
As previously stated shes inflicted with a constant special and unique to her status effect called "Compulsion" as covered in Part I
Her behavior is also reflective of this
For a good part of the first third of the chapter shes in her room, the whole time whetting her harpoon, nonstop
However you might notice compulsion is not as present as obsession, and compulsion is also important to OCD its in the acronym! And i have seen others point to it too
However id like you to remember, in the post earlier i said thoughts can fit into OCD, compulsions can be mental and sometimes almost exclusively or mostly mental. Its even in the DSM noted that for diagnosis the compulsions to count you for a diagnosis can be mental in nature
Its in this aspect that i feel Ishmael shines a lot
In general OCD in media is lacking in representation and is often a trait given to assholes or villains
The normal conception of OCD in movies or TV is of neat freaks or control freaks, Compulsion is usually heavily emphasized when it isn't the whole picture
Often ignored though is the aspect of Obsession, some people can have Purely Obsessional OCD (Pure O), this isn't a formal diagnosis or term but its colloquially used by people who have it. Its a bit of a misnomer, as compulsions are present but internalized as mental rituals or rumination
Usually its harder to diagnose, its harder to treat as there's no apparent compulsions others can see, and the people having it seem pretty high functioning to the people around them.
This can be noticed though in people avoiding certain subjects, avoidant behaviors can be the clearest external behavior.
I personally read Ishmael as having more mental compulsions, the way she tends to be a more ruminating and anxious character than outwardly compulsive
During S.E.A and Canto V we see outward compulsions more but from the examples from previous Cantos we can see that's not her usual and she operates more on anxious overthinking most of the time.
However another aspect that ties into mental compulsions is in the previously mentioned avoidant behaviors, we see her isolate and try to stave of having to deal with her worries in both S.E.A and the beginning of Canto V when shes in her room, in both cases doing some excessive preparation in a compulsive way.
As previously stated Canto V deserves its own companion post, and ill work on that later, i feel this encapsulates what i wanted to say well enough.
I wanted to discuss the previous signs of her behaviors that make me certain her OCD is an intended textual read, and in my opinion a well executed one
Canto V was hard to read as it felt very real and very familiar to the worst times i have had due to my OCD.
Shes a character that despite my distaste i have developed for the franchise, it will never stop meaning a lot to me same as her chapter will always be a piece of storytelling that affected me deeply in ways others haven't
To close i want to leave off what i feel encapsulates the feeling pretty well, in my favorite moment with the membrane consuming her as a metaphor for letting fear, anger, obsessions and compulsions cloud your mind until you forget why you were even there
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To you, dear reader, Bon Voyage
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ffb6c1lover · 10 months
The Madrigals and Anxiety
so, I think it's not a controversial statement to say that anxiety runs in the family... what I find oddly cute is that a lot of nervous ticks or outbursts are very similar to those of other family members, but let's proceed with order.
Alma, Isabela
Alma had it hard. I think homegirl is the culprit, but she probably had an anxious gene in her before everything.
do we need to explain what her anxiety looks like? absolute perfectionism to the point of insanity so people won't turn on her, constantly making Bruno check the future for possible dangers, self-soothing behaviours (asking Pedro for help, wearing the mourning shawl), always needing to keep a watchful eye on everyone, you name it.
The perfectionism moved straight through to Isabela. There's a whole song about not meeting expectations, so I don't think I need to go fruther into it.
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Pepa is another obvious one. Her anxiety is palpable throughout most of the movie and it is, unlike her mum, mostly related to things that are not life-or-death situations (Antonio's party needing to be perfect).
She is constantly seen spiralling and using self-soothing rituals (hair touching, "clear skies"), often to no avail.
Her mood swings and irritability outbursts are also proof of anxiety.
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Before you come at me!! He clearly has OCD... It's in the script so it was meant like this. And I know people say he was just superstitious, but I come from a very superstitious culture and it's not like that 😭
I can prove it!!
Throwing salt. It is usually done after you have spilled it. Bruno had not spilled any salt before the throwing over the shoulder. It is an act that is meant to cancel bad luck from an extremely specific action that he had not done.
Knock knock knock knock knock knock on wood. You are supposed to knock twice, say it once, only after someone has said something good you don't wanna jinx or bad you wanna prevent. Bruno hasn't been talking to anyone in 10 years, it's just a ritual to him at this point OR it's a reaction to his own thoughts. Superstitious people don't do things based on their thoughts: that's OCD. Also the number of knocks and the one on the head is oddly specific and not related to any superstitious beliefs as far as I'm aware.
Fingers crossed. Again, you do that when you are hoping for something good, but nothing happened he might want to cross his fingers for, it's just another ritual. Also, all of these rituals are kind of contradicting each other (hoping for something/trying to prevent something), he's just trying to bring as much good luck as possible.
I'm not saying he is not superstitious, he very much is, but his superstition pathologized to the point of becoming an illness. This is not how someone who's simply superstitious acts.
He also has a generally nervous attitude and lots of self-soothing movements, like the rubbing his arm we'll get to later.
The only other explanation could be that he thinks he is the bad luck, but that still does not explain things like the crossed fingers.
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Julieta, Camilo, Mirabel
They don't look like they struggle a lot with anxiety (I am only talking about the actual condition, not genuine worry that has a reason of being like Casita breaking or not receiving a gift). They are all very accustomed to dealing with anxious family members though and they are good at it.
Mirabel is probably the more anxious among the three, but she is also an incredible supporter for Toñito, who's not getting his own section simply because his fear was very much justified, but for a literal 5yo his anxiety shows great promise of becoming just like his mum's.
Honourable mention in this section goes to Félix and Agustìn, we stan some supportive husbands and fathers.
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My baby. The first time we see her as being relevant plot-wise is literally because her eye was twitching. Her character arc is learning to chill. I rest my case.
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Now, Dolores is a bit trickier, because she is not as loud as the rest of her family. She does always seem to be extremely on edge though and she is often doubting herself (she stopped believing someone was in the walls despite hearing Bruno for 10+ years because they told her it was not possible).
I don't know whether it's canon or if I've read too much fanfiction, but her room is supposed to have some degree of soundproofing, that she doesn't use because she needs to hear if her family needs help (Luisa's eye twitch).
The similar twitches and anxious responses
The arm-rub of Luisa and Bruno (+ supportive sisters <3<3<3<3<3)
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The hand movement while screaming, like mother like daughter
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lotomber · 1 year
Hello ^^ can i ask a Dazai, Fyodor, Nikolai and chuuya headcanon with an an autistic s/o ? for example she can be sad or angry in an extremely way if she doesn't have her usual food, she has a lot of OCD, like for example she wash her hands after touching an object, she never drinks after someone (even with the characters I asked for ^^), she's scared of loud noise and, and about the fear, it's also in the extreme and she has a sort of spasm , I have a little too detailed i'm so sorry 🙏, since I have an autism disorder but controlled I would like to know how they would react, after all that, if you just to pick 1 can you do for Dazai if you can do 2 characters can i have Dazai and Fyodor ?
Hello! I tried my best to write this. I hope it is want you wanted. Please do tell me if you enjoy this.(◍•ᴗ•◍)
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Them with an autistic s/o !
Characters: Dazai,fyodor
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Well he pretty much understood your condition without you telling him about it.
He also studied your daily routine habits so he can help you in any way he can.
He always knows how to deal with your mood swings like if are extremely sad about something he would get you your favorite ice cream or any snacks you like to make you happy.
If you ever get extremely angry or shout at him for something he would try to calm you down without arguing back.
He also plays his shenanigans on you trying to see how you would react.
He never judges you or say anything that could hurt you.
Although it hurts him a bit to see how sometimes you avoid his touch but he understand it.
He even gifted you pretty sanitizer bottle.
Once you both were on a mission with chuuya and chuuya suddenly shouted at dazai, which scared you. So Dazai punched the shit out of him.
He also offers you massage if you have spasms to help you relax.
Overall 9/10
Like Dazai he also understood your condition when he first met you .
It intrigues him to see how you react to different things.
If he ever heard someone commenting on you, he knows how to deal with them in his own way.
always makes sure that you get to follow your usual routine so you won't be upset.
He somehow relates to you not as in your condition but he has a weak body and always has to make sure to not get sick.
It doesn't bother him if you don't like to drink after him or something cause he respect your choices.
But He also somehow tries to get you out of your comfort zone not in a extreme way but to see how you would react to changes around you.
He never takes you to crowdy or noisy places so won't get scared.
Overall 8/10
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gin-juice-tonic · 1 year
Hey there! I have a friend who wants to write a character with OCD, but I'm worried that she might not have a fully accurate image of what it is. I don't really know many people with OCD, but if you could could you give some tips to pass on to her? Sorry if this is weird, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. I just thought it would be better to get information from someone who is affected by OCD than skim an article about it. Thanks again (p.s. I really love your comics!!)
This is going to go under a cut cause i wrote more than I really intended. It's very long. I put a video clip of a character who I think is a good representation in media at the end if you decide you dont want to read all of that and just skip down there.
The thing is that OCD varies a lot from person to person. My experiences arent gonna look the same as someone else's who also has it. Some people have very visible symptoms, some people have things that are still obviously ocd symptoms but would only be recognized by someone who knew what to look for, some people only have mental symptoms - you wouldnt be able to tell unless you were a mind reader. And just like any other disorder it has a range of severity.
Also not everyone's triggered by the same things. I know you said you'd rather hear from a person than an article, but I think she should look at articles that detail what typical obsessions are (Though she should go in knowing these thoughts are beyond people's control. They're sometimes extremely upsetting, and theyre of course upsetting to the person who has them. They may be very hard to read if you arent well-versed in this stuff.) In fiction I usually see perfection and contamination, but there are wayyyy more than that. Some triggers come and go even. One day I can be completely fine about something and encountering it a different day it might take me 3 months to stop spiraling about it.
An important thing that IS spread across everyone who has it is that giving into compulsions makes things worse. They are a feeling of momentary relief that can fade incredibly quickly, which is what leads people to do them over and over and over again much to the detriment of the person doing it.
There is not a lot of rhyme or reason to it. And it cannot be logic-ed with. You could be the smartest, most level headed, logical person in the world, but you cannot logic your way out of obsessive thoughts. (This usually creates an obsessive thought spiral even, which is bad and can be dangerous...)
Adding onto that, she should think hard about whether the character would know they have OCD or not. The public perception of OCD is not great. Most people dont understand what it looks like, including people who have it. And the people who do have it often feel like they cannot talk about it. (I was encouraged by a psychiatrist to never! talk about the intrusive thoughts I have to ANYONE. She sucked, but it shows the attitude that surrounds the disorder.) And whether they know or not will make a big difference in how they view themself and their mental health. Personally when I did not know I had it I was doing a lot worse mentally. A lot. Frankly it very nearly drove me to suicide. And then I found out what it was, and it helped. It didnt magically make things disappear of course, but it helped.
She also might be tempted to make the characters symptoms manifest in ways that are comedic or silly. I am not bothered by this necessarily, I think a lot of the things I do are silly and would be perceived as funny by an outsider. But if she is going to do this I ask that she makes sure she shows how frustrating and embarrassing it is for the character. If you want an example, there is a character in the show Scrubs with OCD. (Side note, Scrubs is rated TV-14 so turn back now if youre too young but)
His name is Dr Kevin Casey, though you could probably just find his scenes from looking up Scrubs OCD. He is played off as a jovial man whose disorder makes him quirky, but he is given a scene in which you can really see the toll it takes on him. One line he says "Nobody's supposed to see this" hits especially hard.
So if that was too long and you didnt read most of it the number one important thing I'd personally ask is however inconvenient this characters OCD is going to be to everyone else Id like her to make sure she shows that its a million times more inconvenient to the person who has it.
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cilil · 3 months
Hi! You’re really kind!
Sorry I forgot to say which character! Could you please do them for Caranthir?
(Thank you for the advise!!)
You got it! Thanks for clarifying🖤
♥ - family headcanon
Caranthir finds himself in the unfortunate position of being the fourth of seven - the ultimate middle child. This is made worse by the fact that he's constantly overshadowed by his older brothers as well as Curufin; even his names - Caranthir/Carnistir meaning red-face and Morifinwë meaning dark Finwë in reference to his hair color - are more reflective of physical attributes inherited from other family members than any distinguishing talents or features of his own.
His parents do love him; Caranthir sometimes forgets that fact whenever he feels overlooked, but he was in fact unable to get and retain as much attention as he would have liked.
His unhappiness with his position in the family is further exacerbated by his brothers forming special bonds with one another, most notably of course the twins, but also Maedhros with Maglor and Celegorm with Curufin, making him feel left out and not as close to them as he would like.
Caranthir loves his family very much, yet due to his discontent with aspects of his dynamics with family members and a perceived lack of affection and importance he has a tendency to be bitter, closed off and keep to himself. Still, they know they can count on him, they may just have to endure a few snarky comments.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Caranthir screamed a lot as a baby and continued to do so well into later stages of childhood. It's part of the reason why Nerdanel named him Carnistir. She and Fëanor would often joke about Caranthir becoming such a fierce little character and how he would surely share his father's temper.
As well-meaning as such comments from various family members were, the true reason why Caranthir continued to be prone to screaming and having anger issues is that he felt like that was the one way he could get attention when he needed it. He may have also struggled with OCD and/or ODD.
Whenever little Caranthir was crying and refusing to calm down, he would be handed from one family member to another until he arrived at whoever it was that he wanted to see, which would finally result in blessed silence.
★ - sad headcanon
Tying into the previously outlined family and childhood headcanons, Caranthir is someone who seems confident, capable and no-nonsense on the outside, but is very insecure on the inside. He's still prone to reacting to things going wrong with anger and while he has it under control most of the time, he could use some emotional support.
What is most harmful to Caranthir's relationships, however, is that he takes anything that could possibly be perceived as rejection very seriously and always assumes that he isn't people's first choice. His favorite cousin Turgon hangs out with Finrod? Surely he must like Finrod more. His brothers spend more time with each other? They definitely love him less. His parents go on to focus on his younger brothers when they are born? It's because he wasn't good enough. Haleth declines his offer? It has to be because she doesn't like him.
In order for Caranthir's outlook on life and relationships to improve, he has to separate himself from everything for a while and find his own little world to feel secure in, which he may be doing right now in Mandos.
☾ - sleep headcanon
When Caranthir sleeps, he sleeps. You don't want to disturb him. Conveniently for those around him, he's usually an early bird and therefore less likely to be woken up by someone, either accidentally or intentionally, which would result in a very grumpy Caranthir all day long.
Sometimes Caranthir can be heard mumbling in his sleep, doing equations and writing to do lists. There have been instances of him remembering what he came up with in his dreams and writing it down after waking up.
✿ - sex headcanon
Caranthir is the ultimate tsundere bottom who desperately wants to be topped, but will also be damned if he doesn't make it unreasonably hard for any top to get to that point. Due to being closed off and overall stiff (pun intended), he has also has trouble communicating his wants and needs, so the ideal partner for him is a dominant top who isn't impressed by his nonsense and moodiness and is also attentive to any signs and clues he gives.
Contrary to popular belief among his peers, he requires a lot of aftercare and reassurance from his partner. Nothing makes him happier than getting railed and afterwards praised for being such a good little whore and his lover's bestest and most favorite.
Caranthir continues the proud family tradition of enjoying being pegged by strong women.
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sporesgalaxy · 7 months
Talking about reading fanfic when you haven't interacted with the source material:
I think there's a lot of depends, especially when it comes to multi-player video games. There's not a lot of story and the game costs money, so instead you interact with fan artists & writers to get your fill.
I love horror games, but hate playing with random people and my friends don't play those games. Dead by Daylight has a lot of fanfic and fanart I like and I adore the original killers they have.
This happens with a lot of horror movies for me too just because there's a lot of meh movies with good concepts and fanfic writers often do that concept better and/or I'm more interested in the killer's story and character more than the leads.
I guess I technically interact with the source material if you count watching 20 min of compiled scenes from a movie. I love horror but there's so many tropes I hate about it that I don't want to sit through. Part of that may also be because I'm not a big scare person either. I'm not here to be scared by horror I'm here to find beauty in the disturbing and disgusting! And when I DO want to be scared, fanfic writers tend to do a much better job with how they make things feel so much more real
Video games are I think where a lot of people misunderstand what I (personally) mean by taking in the source material. How much you can engage with the source text without playing it yourself can vary a LOT on a case-by-case basis in games.
In my limited experience with multiplayer online game characters, playing the game yourself isn't as important as engaging with the character writing, which is usually more separate from gameplay since there's not normally cutscenes in online play.
I'm biased because I suck shit at games, but in my opinion, if the story of the characters in the multiplayer horror game is told through text blurbs and cutscenes and advertisement clips, and you watch/read all those things, just like someone who played the game would, that's close enough to engaging with the source material to me. You've taken in the tone of the source writing and you have most of the facts. Maybe there's some context lacking if you don't listen to every possible in-game voice line, but I think the effort to understand whatever you can get your hands on counts for a lot here.
With the horror movies...I guess I can't totally discount watching clip compilations based on what I just said about engaging with certain video games. But I stand by my assertion that you're missing out on valuable intertext for the parts of the movies you haven't seen, and I think it still takes away from your overall experience.
If there's a terrible sexist trope in the source movie, and the fanfic author changes how that scene goes, doesn't it matter how they changed it? How exactly the scene went originally? Did the original sexist trope fall in line with the themes the movie meant to convey? If it did, how does changing it effect that? Does it make the theme feminist-inclusive, or does it just gloss it over and pretend sexism doesn't exist and doesn't tie into the theme of the movie? If you never watched the scene, you can't entirely know / have formed an opinion!
I understand avoiding stuff that is too anxiety-inducing (I've done that with tons of stuff for most of my life because of my OCD). I can't really help you with dealing with when the movie just Is Successfully Scary. But for the stuff you read fanfic to see rewritten.........I feel like ignoring "sitting through" the shitty parts in the source material is robbing yourself of valuable experiences, too, even if those experiences kinda suck?
Understanding the structure of the shitty parts of media (and how one could disassemble them, if so inclined) is how we can learn to recognize shitty patterns we're otherwise accustomed to in all the other media we engage with regularly. It's a really valuable skill to have. So I think that specifically getting into stuff that HAS problems you KNOW about, and yet making no effort to Understand those problems fully (not that people can't fail to understand even if they engage with the source material, unfortunately), is just...a waste of a perfectly good learning experience?? I'm not the boss of you obviously but that's my two cents.
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snarky-magpie · 2 months
You are one of the few people who ship prongsfoot and Jegulus. How do you keep that up in the fandom and what is so appealing for you about both Jegulus and Prongsfoot? Elaborate
Hi nonnie, thanks for such an interesting ask (and also thanks for confirming my vague impression that most people choose one or the other ship but rarely both), and I apologize for the incoming wall of text.
How do I keep that up in the fandom—well, tbh, mostly by staying in my corner and not interacting with the fandom all that much. Connecting with people doesn't come naturally to me in general (hello undiagnosed autism), so this is my usual mode of operation anyway. However, Jegulus shippers have been mostly lovely, even though they don't seem to engage much, which I'm guessing is partly because they have so much material to choose from, so it can get kinda overwhelming and impossible to interact with everything and everyone. I did meet a few great people through Jegulus, though, and I treasure those friendships highly. When I tried to interact with the prongsfoot people, I was quickly taught that Jegulus shippers are not welcome. (I mean come on, this is ridiculous, it's just making imaginary people fall in love, it shouldn't be this divisive). It almost soured me on the ship altogether, but I love James and Sirius too much, so I just decided to stick to my lane, quietly write about them, and not get involved in this part of the community. It makes me a little sad, but that's the way things are.
Anyway. Now onto the more fun part, what I find appealing about both of these ships. To me, they're two different sides of the same coin, sort of. I believe I already mentioned this once, but Jegulus has a lot of inherently popular tropes going for it:
Enemies to lovers
Dating/pining in secret
Best friend's brother
Grumpy x sunshine
Sport rivals (quidditch or any other sport in modern AUs)
Second chances (in case Regulus joins the DE and then changes his mind)
Starcrossed lovers (pun intended)
Redemption arc
Tragic endings (if that's your thing)
So despite the characters never interacting in canon, there's a lot to build on and that's what makes the ship so attractive to a lot of readers and writers, myself included. Also, precisely because these two characters never really interacted in canon, we have so much room for interpretation, and almost nothing of it can be called wrong (I mean, it's fic, so it inherently can't be wrong, but still.). If you squint, you can even imagine Jegulus IS canon. Do we know who James dated before Lily? Nope. Him so obnoxiously crushing on a popular girl could very well be overcompensating. So yes, there's a lot to play with.
Prongsfoot, on the other hand, has a lot of basis in canon (I know this doesn't have to matter, but my OCD brain kinda likes it when things align with canon. That doesn't mean I agree or support JKR. She can rot for all I care.) James and Sirius are canonically besties. And not only besties, they're completely unhinged about each other. We only see them interact rather briefly, but it's clear they're devoted to each other. (I particularly love the moment when a girl eyes Sirius hopefully and he completely misses it because he's too busy ogling James.) Sirius is the only one who can make James behave. James is the one Sirius runs to when he needs sanctuary. They created freaking two-way mirrors to communicate when the other was in detention because they're so co-dependent an hour or two without speaking to the other is just too long. I know people argue with "yes, because they're brothers" - excuse me, do you actually have siblings? This is not sibling behavior :D (Also, they're not. Sirius lived with the Potters for about a year when he was 16 before moving out, and that's that.) Tbh, I don't understand why this ship isn't top-tier popular because, in any other fandom, it would be, but here, Wolfstar stole their spotlight, and the rest is history. Probably partly because we don't actually see James and Sirius both alive at the same time. (That's just my guess, though.) Speaking in story tropes, they're the epitome of friends-to-lovers, (possibly bi/gay awakening), soulmates, oblivious idiots. I'm generally a big fan of the friends-to-lovers dynamic, so that's probably what attracts me most to this ship.
So for me, as a writer, it's fun to explore these different facets of the characters—because the James from prongsfoot is not the same James who loves Regulus (although sometimes it's confusing to keep all these headcanons separated in my brain, and they start to influence each other, lol). It's also fun to write the different dynamics, so I don't get bored.
TL;DR: Both ships are great for different reasons, I wish people were more tolerant of other ships (and characters), and I've got a long prongsfoot and jegulus story coming in case you're interested. Cheers, and once again, thanks for the ask.
(PS. this is what happens when someone tells me to elaborate.)
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
Favorite headcanon you have for each turtle? (Both the Rise and 03 sets I’d love to hear them both). Also do you have any really niche or ridiculously specific headcanons that you don’t see a lot of other people having but personally adore? Be it events, character traits, backstory quirks, etc.
Personally for me I like to think that Draxum bred/hatched turtles in his lab so he would have perfect specimens for his project. As a result, the turtles actually have recorded hatch days in addition to knowing their mutation day, which they probably found out once they were on better terms with him.
Leo and Donnie hatched on the same day. Donnie is never living the twin allegations down. His compensation is hatching five minutes before Leo did (and being very disgruntled when he was only minutes old and suddenly had another baby turtle climbing all over him)
(Keep Scrolling anon)
God I literally have so many headcanons I can't even sort them properly in my head?? I love these headcanons though, very cute.
I've talked before about my 2003 Age Role headcanons. I have a headcanon that was originally @pileofpawns (I BELIEVE???) where 2003 Mikey couldn't figure out his music player so he's just been jamming to royalty free music that was already on the player this whole time. I find that amusing. I like it. Very Mikey-esque.
I headcanon 2003 Leo as absolutely horrible at cooking, 03 Donny also is (apparently canonically he cannot work a cooker to save his life which I found out recently) though I like to believe Donny got banned from the kitchen because he kept taking stuff apart instead of cooking. I see him more of a baking boy.
2003 Raph is an extrovert and no one will convince me otherwise !!! As much as he wants to be a lone wolf, he makes literally the most amount of friends in the show besides Mikey. LEO'S THE LONE WOLF IRONICALLY? I headcanon that it has something to do with the fact that he was manipulated by Shredder at the beginning of the show, and has a harder time trusting others unless his brothers do first. Donny's pretty friendly and makes a lot of friends as well.
2003 Donny has autism, Leo has OCD, Mikey has ADHD, and Raph has intermittent explosive disorder. Raph's far-sighted. They're all ace! Raph and Donny are both aro. Mikey's pan and Leo's gay. I generally headcanon Raph and Leo as cis, Mikey as genderfluid and Donny as nonbinary (usually agender). I do absolutely. LOVE trans Raph, "Ell" though, by @20s-turtle-posting. That's not really a headcanon I just love Ell.
For Rise, I feel like I have a lot of the usual ones? Like, Donnie's the older twin, Leo's the team medic (and also still can't cook), Leo's got insomnia, they basically all have one, the other, or a mix of adhd and autism.
I also have Raph's got dyslexia. I don't have any specific queer headcanons because I like a bunch of different ones, it tends to switch around depending on the vibe.
I haven't rolled the Rise boys around in my head for as long as 2003 so I don't know all of my headcanons for them fhgjdgh they pretty much all pop up in GitS though.
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it's so befuddling when ppl get pressed about other people finding a lot of joy in a piece of media. first of all, when it comes to enjoyment you're always gonna lose in some way if you go into it intent on comparing and contrasting it to other pieces of media as your primary objective. if you found Cherry Magic seriously lacking in ways that matter to you, that's valid, but also don't try and dismiss people who list aspects you don't like as reasons they love it because that perspective is valid as well.
i know, for example, that CM would not work for my roommate because there isn't a lot of critical conflict and her attention thrives on juicy drama. for me, the absence of that is why i love it so much - with OCD and anxiety playing a role, I struggle to make it through a lot of media and usually don't succeed if it's not mind-blowingly captivating and impossible to separate from (which usually only ever happens if it's significantly relevant to me and my experiences [and significantly gay]). that's why a lot of stuff I watch, like Cherry Magic, serves more to wash over me like a calming wave. i love the neverending stream of love and all the attempts at productive and empathetic communication. i love how the actors portray that love. i love the exciting localization to a place i'm deeply interested in. i LOVE the pacing, which is slower/calmer. that makes it perfect for me to enjoy the media in whole episodes bc it doesn't demand steadfast attention or hyper awareness. that sort of pacing might even allow me to be completely invested from start to finish because it takes the pressure off.
more often than not, i don't want to agonize over tragic missed opportunities, unrealistically bad communication, and frustrating character flaws. i know a lot of people would respond with 'but then what's the point?' the point for me is that i want to see situations resolve how I would probably resolve them in my own life. effective communication is very important to me and one of the things I'm best at. i love seeing it in others. it makes me feel so good! and when it comes to CM, i love that it's all slightly tinged with a hint of madness, simply by the nature of Karan's intense love and devotion, in equal measure with Achi's near-instantaneous instinct to receive it all like a river carrying him on a direct route straight to all of life's most memorable and significant experiences. and of course the general idea of 'put that boy in situations.' i love the characters and i love seeing them respond to their environments and to each other. that's vapid to some but for me its my primary framework for joy/deep enjoyment of media given how my brain works.
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I need the Gen-v kids and writers to fold Billy's ass because they're not like Maeve, Kimiko, Ryan, nor Starlight to take the disrespect from Billy. I need the to go off on his monkey ass because he not finna disrespect them, like he disrespects the former. Fuck around and find out.
oooohhhh i wish. but i can't picture it honestly, i get the feeling he will absolutely trick and hurt them as per that usual game of his
billy's been fucking awful from the get go and very good at it, it's only now that his team is getting fed up with his bullshit but that was a long time coming. i love this motherfucker to death in all the wrong ways but i ain't fittin' to turn a blind eye to all the shit he pulls and how grossly manipulative he is, even with hughie
like it's very concrete clear *what* he is from the start, something a certain darling mentioned to me was that billy technically never actually lies about who he is to the reader/viewer (don't get me wrong, there is a bit of deception and the build up and showcase is also def there, rather i should say, he lies to those around him and this is made clear to the reader/viewer)
he is awful, makes it clear he's going to be awful, and then does awful things that line up perfectly with the total piece of shit he is
but it is SUPER consistently clear.
*it's the characters around him that don't see the truth in what he is, give him the benefit of the doubt, or at the time being, don't see through the lies he gives them*
astonishingly enough, even when he's *actually* honest with them.
mallory said it perfectly
"you're only here because you're desperate and fucked and you want something!"
mmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmm~<3 mah FAVORITE kinda billy bean<3<3<3
and mallory in both settings is one of the few people able to see through butcher's lies but i have big doubts those poor kids are gonna be on mallory or starlight's level, or even kimiko, because they just don't have that experience with him or what he brings to the table, especially if he starts promising 'jUsTiCe' for them. (it's not, it's never about justice, it's just straight up revenge porn. billy bean is a revenge porn addict--)
but hell, he drags mm back into that whole mess and mm won't blame him, but i sure as hell will because *mm has ocd* and butcher fucking *took advantage of that fact*, AND THEN--even mm says it
"always about becca with you." and "you are so hot for homelander right now"
LEIK--... i'm not gonna go into mah regular trash butchlander rhetoric (hey~<3) but leik, homelander literally does not give a damn about this man, there is always a legit *reason* or bargain that is *the* reason he *lets* the mofo live.
first time was becca cutting a deal with him, next time was blackmail, but like this mofo DID NOT hesitate to try to kill butcher when they met at herogasm which just shows how thin that ice is or how flimsy the 'scorched urf' deal was and how he's itching to be done with butcher, third time was RYAN. who got his attention and pulled him away before he could kill butcher when he very clearly wanted to, and now we're gonna get the euthanasia offering??? OOH--
yeah, homelander gives no shits about butcher beyond him being an inconvenience and it's pretty clear the main reason he hasn't bothered killing him is because he still doesn't perceive billy as any sort of threat to him... but butcher?
butcher is OBSESSED and yeah leik i know i say it every goddamn time but like he's really REALLY obsessed to the point where his brain rot for homie is 1000x WORSE than anything ANY of the girlies in fandom *COULD* have for homie--
oops look at that accidentally threw in a little more butchlander garbage lmao
there's def always a part of me that blames fandom misogyny for giving this boi a free pass half the time (motherfucker spends all his time shitting on becca's memory for his revenge porn fantasy+the way he treats all our lovely lady supes--)
amazingly, the framing is actually really well done because even though we know billy is fuckin' awful beyond any reasonable doubt or redeemability, it's still enough in what the characters around him believe to lead people astray and have them wishing for him to do the right thing even when we know he won't (with the rare few exceptions it's something that benefits him...)
altho deep down i think they know billy will just disappoint them because his whole ass job in the story is to make things HURT lmao.
the boi does know better... he just *chooses* to do *worse*...
i do think that because these kids have less experience with billy and aren't completely alone for him to be a vulture about, it also means they might be quicker to learn especially if they get help from starlight or the others. but unfortunately, i don't picture these kids being able to handle this crafty slimeball. maybe make the attempt but...
gawd, i do not have high hopes for these poor youngins...
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
Omori and its parallels with OCD, or my personal connection to this game
CONTENT WARNING: MENTIONS OF SELF-HARM, SUICIDE, SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS, DEATH, LOSS AND OMORI-TYPICAL CONTENT. I will also be referring to my own intrusive thoughts a lot, so please take caution if it might trigger you to spiral.
DISCLAIMER: I AM BY NO MEANS A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I am in the process of seeking a diagnosis (we're getting there :) ), but it has been otherwise confirmed by professionals that I experience OCD. This post is about my personal experience with OCD and trauma, and the way I believe these feeling manifest in the game. I don't believe Sunny or Basil experience OCD, but I want to compare my experiences with obsession, compulsions and trauma-related OCD. Other people may have completely different experiences, and those are valid!
You could call this catharsis, some form of healing. Really I'm doing this for myself, which was kind of why I started writing Omori analysis in the first place (???). and im a nerd for this game
Guilt has always been one of my biggest hurdles, and it's also a very relevant theme in Omori.
For the longest time, my brain and I have been actively trying to develop compulsions to cope with guilt, and it seems to consistently fail. I've tried singing songs on repeat, extreme self-harm, distraction, avoidance ect, and nothing seems to work. Sure, I've never committed recital day, but even small things can make me feel horrifically guilty, as my intrusive thoughts tell me I'm a horrible person or a liar.
I see this in Sunny, too. For the longest time, his mind has been trying to cope with the guilt, and it chose to delve deep into repression. But no matter how much he represses, the truth is still there, and so that guilt is still there.
The Fear Polaroids in the Omori Route are also a representation of guilt, as is the mirror during the Truth segment, both depicting Sunny has a hideous demon. My intrusive thoughts depict me as a demon, too, doing horrific things to myself and others. The images of mutilated, demonic Sunny capture the... inhumanity that my mind makes me feel.
I get it, Sunny. I don't feel human either.
Mewo's Death as an Intrusive Thought
Cat Dissection is an interesting area of Black Space, in that its immediate relevance to the truth is less obvious. It's also one of the more horrifying ones - on my first playthrough, I was running blind, and I figured you'd have to kill Mewo for the key. You do not. my biggest regret
Mewo is obviously linked to Mari, but at the time, we'd only ever seen this slightly mentioned in the real world photo album. At that point in Black Space, Mewo was closely tied to Sunny and Omori, being an essential part of White Space.
The player can stab themselves to get out, or cut open Mewo and suffer the regret. This room feels very reminiscent of a gruesome intrusive thought that just won't go away, those days where you see yourself murdering all your friends, or violently injuring yourself. Much of Sunny's hallucinations, or creatures like Something, also mimic this kind of thing.
That room has far deeper analysis to dive into, but this is as far as I'll go for this segment.
Compulsive Behaviour - Repetition
Basil is probably the first character that comes to mind when I think of compulsive behaviour. His most iconic line...
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This sort of repetitive action is the root of a compulsion - an attempt to relieve anxiety. Whether or not Basil fits the criteria of needing repeat those words otherwise something bad might happen is unknown, but this sort of behaviour is very relatable in my experience.
I have a tendency to not be consciously aware, but others notice that I'll mumble things to myself. Typically this is me trying to talk back to my intrusive thoughts, as far as I know, and trying to confirm to myself that they're wrong. This will often end in asking someone else or doing research to confirm.
By repeating these things, Basil is trying to ward off the reality, which is that everything isn't okay at all, and likely won't be. But the specific framing is future-oriented - he isn't saying that things are okay right now, he's saying that they will be. This could link to my later point about uncertainty.
Not many people talk about avoidance behaviours as a compulsion, which is probably why much of my OCD went unnoticed as a child. You don't really consider mental compulsions, and avoidance can be very easily hidden, especially if you the ability to force yourself through something if you have no other options.
While it's not exactly the same, Sunny's repression of rooms in his house and the shaking head that prevents you from going to particular areas are forms of avoidance. The sliding glass door that leads to the backyard and the piano room are the most notable - it's not repressed, it's there, but Sunny shakes his head every time you interact with it. He can't go in there. He just can't. There's no explanation for the player.
I relate to that. I have strange rules that mean I can't do things. I just can't. There's no real explanation for myself, either, and sometimes I don't even get intrusive thoughts of the consequences, just some insistence that I can't do it. Perhaps this was confusing or frustrating for the player, but I found it incredibly realistic.
Uncertainty and Abandonment Issues
I've heard somewhere that OCD is, ultimately, a fear of uncertainty. As a result of this disorder, combined with trauma, I also have abandonment issues the way Basil does.
Even before the recital day, Basil's abandonment issues are prevalent. He clings to the group with the photo album, preserving his memories. He took photos of the things he didn't want to lose. After the recital day, Basil really did lose everything, and he was broken as a result of that.
I imagine this sort of thing was one of his regular worries, everyone abandoning him, Sunny in particular. And I can relate to that - one of my more common intrusive thoughts is others leaving me after they find out I've done something horrible. It makes you want to shut off from relationships, just to be safe - what if everyone leaves?
I think that 'what if' is what made Basil so attached to Sunny in the present day of the game. He wants to save Sunny, he wants to make things back to the way they were before, but at the same time, there's this uncertainty - Sunny is moving? Sunny is leaving? What will happen? What if everything gets worse?
This wasn't the easiest to write, but thank you for reading.
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Okay this is like the third one I've sent in cause I just keep asking stuff because I discover more things you require for your asks and I'm not trying to make your life any harder than it probably is with all these request.
Anyway, I usually hate the "outsiders X YN" propaganda but I was super curious soo
I'm a female. I'm 5'6 with curly brown hair, I'm Caucasian, I have hazel eyes.
I prefer to go unlabeled. I like girls and guys. Doesn't matter to me.
I'm an infp-t, I have OCD, I'm super sarcastic all the time even when. I don't intend to be. People assume I'm mean whenever they meet me but usually that changes over time. My love language(Offering love) is acts of service but I don't care about what type I receive. I speak in a very monotone fashion sometimes which again leads people to believe I may be mean or negative but I'm very extroverted. I'm opinionative and sociable. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at holding a conversation because I love learning about other people's views and taking their comments into consideration. I also try to give people really in-depth and earnest compliments because I don't think anyone gets enough of those. I also love to give gifts and to give advice. I love having really long, genuine conversations. I love literature and writing and collecting poems and quotes. I love exploring new music genres. I'm pretty spontaneous, and spontaneity is something I value a lot in a partner.
I also value humor a lot. I'm an avoidant person but I go out of my way to show or tell people I care when I can. I, again, love writing. I love writing stories, ideas, concepts. It's all fun to me. Im a middle child. I also cook a lot and care a lot for people around me. Im also fairly empathetic sometimes, even when I don't need to be. It's hard for me to ask what I want. I'm also like disgustingly self-aware. Like I mean I just know when my actions are weird or embarrassing. I know the possible outcomes of things before I do them. Idk. I can see myself from a clear outside perspective. Im also really reflective of body language/words/actions and stuff. It's easy for me to pick up and read someone. Chronic over-thinker as well. I also have the teeniest but of social anxiety(but I'm comfortable with speaking on a stage and stuff?? Idk it's complicated.)
My mantra is that you'll never get to do the same thing twice, why not do it now? What will you really lose?
I'm very self-depricating. Woops. Uhh and idk. I don't have any specifics for any partner. I like all sorts of people I'm not picky.
Please lmk what you think 🤗
I’m so sorry first lol for making you repeat so many times. I just prefer to have as much information as possible to give you the most accurate answer and also some people didn’t include their sexualities the first time and then I messed up because I paired them with a person they weren’t interested in and then they I had to redo their entire ask because you know they were like oh I’m gay could you not be shipping me with a girl and I was like well you didn’t put that in your request so I have no idea. So thanks for tolerating that.
Your Outsiders Ship: Sodapop Curtis
(I could see you with Marcia too 😊 but I don’t know enough about her character to do a full analysis)
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Explanation: starting off with looks, I think that he would be extremely attracted to you. I think that he personally finds brown eyes and hair to be absolutely stunning and just loves the way that they remind him of the hot cocoa constantly consumes in the morning when Darry has his coffee and Ponyboy has tea. You’re shorter than him, but not too short and I think that he appreciates that because it means that you don’t have to reach up on your tippy toes to kiss him, but you can also just you know he’s you’re still short enough for him to tease you about it a lot which he definitely would. I think you guys kind of have an opposite attract thing going on like I think one of the things that really stood out about you was your sarcastic personality to him and I think he really appreciated it and your brutal honesty was really different from other girls he’d interacted with, and I just think that he would be extremely attracted to that. he had a really hard time using his charm on you. I think he’s one of the few people that sees past the oh you’re probably a mean person type of thing because I feel like he’s is a very big believer in you know second chances you don’t know that person that well they could be going through something type of ideology and I think as the people pleaser he is, he would definitely give you multiple chances and I mean, even if Steve was kind of like dude she seems kind of mean sodapop would instantly be at your side defending you. seriously he has golden retriever energy, and you have black cat energy all the way and I just think you’re dynamic would be pretty cute together. I feel like he would help you out a little bit with your social skills too and help you to be a little bit more friendly to people if you ever had an issue with that he would also always defend you with people didn’t get you the way that you talked or you know things like that. I think you could also balance him out with your opinionated Ness because I feel like a lot of his life. Sodapop is always felt kind of pressure to fit in with everyone else and go with their opinions because I headcanon personally that he’s a chronic people pleaser and really wants to just make people happy and I feel like you’re argumentative personality would definitely clash with that in such an interesting and good way. I just think you guys would fundamentally help each other and, be a good pairing because you would always be working on improving each other and not only through social skills either. Soda pop doesn’t get poetry that much but I feel like he would absolutely support you or if you ever found something that seemed kind of poetic he would definitely give it to you and he would absolutely melt if you gave him an in-depth complement or did something really nice for him because you also mentioned active service was another one of your love languages I think he would just melt. He’s the middle sibling so he’s used to being ignored and whenever you have your full attention on him he just feels like he’s floating. He feels like you’re one of the few people who see beyond the “ hot Curtis sibling” and see him as a person because he is. he’s also incredibly spontaneous so you’re in luck for that aspect of your relationship. I think he is probably one of the most if not the most spontaneous out of the greasers and just I think he’s willing to do random things because I mean, I don’t know. I just think he kind of enjoys the chaos plus he’s a pretty like chaotic a great partner to have I think like not chaotic bad but more chaotic like I enjoy making life interesting type of thing. I also feel like he would love the fact that you write because it reminds him a lot of pony boy and I think he would definitely just love it and stand next to you while you write and ask 1 million questions and end up kind of annoying you, but it would be cute.
Also, also, I feel like you guys would totally bond over being the middle sibling because I mean no one can really no one really gets the experience unless they’ve actually been in the situation of being the middle child and I feel like once he finds out that you’ve been a middle sibling before he can’t wait to talk about all the relatable shit with you and I just yeah, I feel like that would be one of your main bonding subjects that you guys first realize you had something in common. Also, he is also someone who values humor a lot and I feel like you guys would have a super fun time making jokes together and just laughing and enjoying life in general he’s a person that is literally described as not needing alcohol or cigarettes or anything like that to enjoy life, he just takes it by the hands and really knows how to live and I feel like that’s something that you really really need to have a good sense of humor besides being able to laugh at yourself and he absolutely has that. Also good luck with this man in the kitchen because it is just going to end up in a flower fight and you will not get any cooking whatsoever and if you do, it’s gonna be something weird as shit because he snuck food coloring into the dough or something like that. He really loves yourself awareness because he’s often had partners who aren’t so self-aware and are kind of oblivious to what their actions do and don’t know a lot about themselves and why they act certain ways so he really values that in a partner and I feel like that’s something you could fulfill and you could help him be more self-aware too, so he’s definitely glad that’s a trait you have. Also for your anxiety I feel like he can help a lot with that. He’s kind of a more carefree guy. I don’t feel like he has anxiety too bad and he has a pretty good coping system, but I feel like he would be excellent at you know spotting whenever you’re having a panic attack helping you get over a panic attack helping you remember to meditate for 10 minutes daily things like that I feel like he would be a super helpful person to be dating if you have extreme anxiety or if you’re an overthinking person. Anyway this is cute I ship it!! 💚💚
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