#I used the knowledge about test to my thesis on study
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The Romanticism of One Piece V: Personal Freedom, The Idealized Child, and Monkey D Luffy
AO3 Part I Part IV
“God will not have his work be made manifest by cowards” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
In chapter 507, Oda writes his thesis for the entire series when he has Luffy state that the Pirate King is the freest man on the sea. It’s a simple statement said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, but it completely recontextualizes everything that’s come before it while setting the stage for everything to follow.

When making a close analysis of this entire scene, you’ll notice that Rayleigh spends much of the conversation not directly looking at the Straw Hats. He’s physically turned away from the people he’s talking to, and the framing Oda uses often puts an added layer of distance between the two parties.

It’s only when Luffy refuses to hear the secrets of the One Piece in favor of having his own adventure that Rayleigh turns around. He looks Luffy in the eye, and…he smiles. Rayleigh had already agreed to help coat the Straw Hat’s ship, but you get the impression that in this moment Luffy’s passed some sort of test, that Rayleigh finally sees in Luffy the same potential Shanks did all those years ago.
It’s impossible to say if this is the reason Rayleigh came out of hiding to save the Straw Hats later in the arc, but there’s no denying that he went above and beyond to ensure Luffy was strong enough to make it through the New World. After all, there’s no reason for him to spend two years training Luffy if he wasn’t rooting for him to become King.
It’s scenes like this that make Luffy a deceptively difficult character to write about. On the surface he seems like the perfect shonen archetype: simpleminded, glutinous, with a vague enough end goal to support a long-running manga series. But it’s as you dig into the specifics that he becomes increasingly difficult to define.

One reason for this is that Luffy remains amazingly consistent as a character over the course of the series. He is both the unstoppable force and the immovable object. He will not be denied once he sets his mind on something and remains unshakably sure in his own convictions. He starts the manga fully convinced in what he believes a pirate to be, spending much of the East Blue saga beating up rival pirate captains for not living up to his exacting standards. While he does go through character development, it is less a change in personality than a refinement of what was already there, like burning away the dross from a precious metal. By becoming a better leader and captain he becomes a better pirate, and at heart, Luffy has always been a pirate.
I’ve already mentioned the importance of Jean Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract to the Romantic movement, but he wrote a second work that was just as influential. In Emil, or Concerning Education, Rousseau lays out his theory of childhood education. He was very concerned with maintaining that which was natural, starting with the infant remaining unrestrained by the binding chains of swaddling clothes and continuing through adolescence with Robinson Crusoe as the only book his imagined student ever studies.
By the age of 15 his student would have learned nothing of history or ethics or metaphysics. In Rousseau’s own words, “You are probably alarmed at the number of subjects I have brought to his notice. You are afraid I will overwhelm his mind with all this knowledge. But I teach him rather not to know them than to know them” (emphasis mine).
It was during the Romantic era that childhood began to be understood at its own separate stage of development, rather than seeing children as very small adults. A veneration bloomed for the innocence of childhood, similar to the myth of the noble savage that was equally popular at this time.
My favorite example of this idea of childhood innocence I stumbled across in my reading was Percy Bysshe Shelly’s strange and unfinished poem "A Vision of the Sea". The poem rather gruesomely depicts a ship ravaged by a terrible storm that’s killed everyone on board except a mother and her small child. There are also a pair of tigers that fight a bunch of sea monsters to the death, but that’s mostly unrelated to the point here.
Shelly describes the child of the poem—again, surrounded on all sides by death and destruction—like this
She clasps a bright child on her upgathered knee; It laughs at the lightning, it mocks the mixed thunder Of the air and the sea, with desire and with wonder It is beckoning the tigers to rise and come near, It would play with those eyes where the radiance of fear Is outshining the meteors; its bosom beats high, The heart-fire of pleasure has kindled its eye,
The mother bemoans their fate and tells the child not to smile. She recognizes that death is near, understands the hopelessness of their situation. She mourns. But the child, still innocent and pure, just wants to play with the tigers.
Is there anything more Luffy-like than that?

Oda has said in multiple interviews, most recently when talking with Iñaki Godoy when he visited the set for season 2 of the live action, that he writes Luffy as an idealized child. He recognizes that as people enter society they lose personal freedom in exchange for social responsibility, so he created a character that truly has the freedom to do whatever he wants.
But for as childlike as Luffy can be, he isn’t actually a child. He bears enormous responsibility as captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. But it’s a responsibility of his own choosing, because he wants to, and it’s not something that’s been forced on him by the world. Luffy’s continued rejection of his Grand Fleet shows how he eschews any attempts to add any additional responsibility he does not want.
To the Romantics, society and civilization were seen as corrupting forces, so anything that stood apart was by default pure. The solution was to be found in nature and the natural. After all, Adam and Eve only fell after eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If one could separate themselves from this knowledge, they, too, could enjoy paradise.
This idea would eventually snake through Europe, developing as it went, until it landed on American shores, and in the 1830s the Transcendental movement began in the United States. It marked the first true American philosophy, and overlaps with American Romanticism. The central tenant is a focus on self-reliance and an inherent distrust of institutions, which they saw as corrupting of the spirit.
One of these early Transcendentalists was Henry David Thoreau, who famously spent two years living alone in the woods as a sort of experiment, building his own house and growing his own food, stretching the limits of his own self-reliance. His experience would become the basis for the book Walden It’s here he muses on a great many subjects, and was preoccupied with the artifice of modern society.
To Thoreau, too much stock was put into material things, with countless people working jobs they hated to support a living that the world told them was required before they could be accepted. The same man was judged completely differently depending on whether he’s dressed well or poor, or the size of their house, or by working a socially acceptable job. People enslaved themselves to the ever-changing whims of modernity and denied themselves the satisfaction of living exactly as they pleased. To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thoreau’s close friend and fellow Transcendentalist, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”. And to quote Emperio Ivankov when explaining how they managed to carve out a slice of paradise amidst the hells of Impel Down, “We have our freedom”.
Neither the veneration of childhood nor the self-reliance of the transcendentalists match exactly with what’s presented in One Piece, but in Luffy there’s an interesting mix between the two. While Luffy makes his reliance on his crew clear, he is beholden to no one but himself. He maintains a child-like innocence and wonder all throughout the series, but unlike many characters who follow this template, he isn’t naive.

Luffy has a unique ability to cut through bullshit. He relies on instinct and follows his heart above all else. During Alabasta when Vivi was worrying herself into knots over the enormity of the coming civil war, he maintained a laser focus on the root of the problem: Crocodile. For most of us, as we grow up our vision is clouded by the outside interests of the rich and the powerful. We get so tripped up trying to make our way through the complexities of modern life that we lose sight of what’s truly important. We worry in equal measures over the past and the future, and in doing so miss out on the beauty of the present. Contrast that to a character like Luffy, who is so committed to the present that no future scheme survives contact with his whims, and who remains so unconcerned about his past that he had no idea that he had a father.
Thoreau makes it clear that he spent two years living in the woods because he wanted to. During the early chapters of the book he says outright that he didn’t want or expect others to follow his path, but to find fulfillment in their own way. For some, this can be seen as selfish, and to an extent Thoreau agreed. He, for example, said he didn’t believe in giving to charity. To him, it was better not to give than to give out of some kind of obligation.
Likewise, Rousseau recognized the child’s ability to turn self-love into selfishness as they grow into adolescence, and took great pains in describing how he would instruct his imaginary student in pursuing his own happiness without infringing on the happiness of others, by having him empathize with even the lowest parts of society.
Selfishness in One Piece is often treated positively, and is one of the key traits that makes a good pirate. In order to chase one’s dreams without abandon, you have to be willing to shove everything else aside. It’s why characters like Yassopp and Olvia are never condemned by the narrative for abandoning their families, and is even the crux of the entire Baratie arc while Sanji struggles to find his “spear of spirit”.

One of the most commonly sited examples of Luffy’s self-centered morality comes in Impel Down. He doesn’t free the prisoners or team up with character like Crocodile out of some moral outrage for the despicable conditions of the prison or because of the inhumane torture of his fellow man. He just wants to save his brother. If he could have reached Ace without setting off a riot he would have, and wouldn’t have felt guilty about leaving the rest behind.
A more interesting example, I think, comes from Luffy allowing Robin onto the crew after Alabasta. It’s easy to forget that Robin at this time had just finished helping Crocodile orchestrate a civil war. The artificially-created drought displaced and killed untold numbers of people. Innocent people, who had personally done her no wrong. While Robin had no intention of giving Crocodile the in-universe equivalent of a nuke, her plans put Vivi and other people Luffy cared about at enormous risk.
And yet, he says she isn't a bad person. Why?

Well, Luffy’s selfish. He doesn’t judge people by their clothes or their work or if they help start civil wars. Robin personally saved his life twice, and for him, that was enough.
The secret that makes Luffy work as a character is that his selfishness is often exerted in the service of others. During the post-Marineford flashback Luffy makes it very clear that he’s ultimately motivated by the desire to not be alone. Similar to what’s described in book IV of Emile, he’s experienced suffering and takes great pains to avoid feeling that way ever again. He’s very quick to recognize others who are hurting and is willing to fight on their behalf.
Nothing else matters. Luffy’s willing to work with psychotic criminals like Bege if it means saving Sanji. He’s willing to team up with Crocodile if it means saving Ace. He’ll declare war on the World Government for Robin and take on the biggest bounty in the East Blue to save Nami. Luffy lives a life without regret, and in doing so does the sort of things that readers bound by the constraints of society only wish they could.

Luffy doesn't fight in pursuit of systemic change. He’s not a Revolutionary. He helps the gladiators of the Colosseum not because he recognizes the horrors they experience under Doflamingo’s rule but because they gave him food. And he expects to be judged in the same way, not caring how the citizens of Fishman Island look at him, but leting them come to their own conclusions based on what they see. Yet systematic change follows wherever he goes, the chaotic, disrupting force of Luffy’s personality refusing to kowtow to any of the great powers of the world.
This brand of selfishness would be terrifying if Luffy were not so quick to make friends. In searching for his own liberation he ends up liberating others by complete accident. At the same time, the characters who catch Luffy’s attention are the characters who fight for themselves, even if they aren’t strong enough to win without his help. This is seen from the very earliest chapters in the series, when Luffy only intervenes on Coby’s behalf after the latter insults Alvida, or how the Straw Hats only help Usopp fight off Kuro because he’s first willing to protect his village. Even the Revolutionary Army is only interested in helping those who are willing to pick up arms, making this a theme that transcends the pirate-focused narrative. The overwhelming force of nature that is Luffy empowering rather than conquering as he pursues his own ultimate freedom.
With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that the original Joyboy was the first pirate, or that Luffy is his successor. The character of Joyboy seems to be based on Caribbean myth brought over by West African slaves, and is a figure of dance, joy, and chaos, uniting people via celebration. It’s no accident that every big arc ends with a party and that people are brought together by their ability to genuinely laugh and be happy.
(Credits for this go to this reddit thread. Sadly sources on the real world Joyboy myth seem to be sparse)
While the ultimate significance of Joyboy and the nature of Luffy’s devil fruit have yet to be revealed, Luffy is no stranger to fighting against in-universe religious powers while ultimately taking the form of a god himself. It’s important, I think, that Oda portrays religious beliefs fairly neutrally up until the point where they cause human suffering. Skypiea remains a theocracy even at the end of the arc. The destruction of the spirit tree grove of the Shandians is treated with utmost seriousness. Dorry and Broggy fighting because of their belief in the god Elbaf is one of Usopp’s main inspirations throughout the series. And yet in both a literal and figurative sense, Luffy is God’s natural enemy.

Because at the end of the day no one, not even God, should stand in the way of progress and liberation. For Luffy, he finds that freedom in his adventures across incredible and impossible lands. This is something that would have resonated with the Romantics of old, as they often found God not in dark, dusty churches, but in nature, and their pursuit of the sublime.
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Character: Indiana Jones
Warnings/Important info: Fem reader, implied English or at least has been to Oxford University. Angsty, miscommunication.
Notes: I watched Indiana Jones the other day and obviously my first crush never leaves because young Harrison Ford as an archaeologist adventurer is just *chefs kisses*
It's bizarre really, potentially concerning, worrying to a degree, that after 5 years you know the back of his head from a glance. Suffice to say you try not to draw attention to yourself when you recognise who stands mere meters away from you talking to two of his students about antiquarianism.
Maybe you should have expected it, after all Henry Jones seemed to have a way of haunting you. Maybe you should have been prepared to see him, despite assuming that the United States was so vast that your move from the University of Oxford to Marshall College as a newly qualified Doctor of History would certainly not guarantee seeing him. Perhaps, it was the Moirai, the fates, trying to test your resolve or simply coincidence.
But, after five years without a single letter, a single telephone call or telegram, you certainly weren't keen to stick around and have a conversation with the man. Besides, you had lectures to teach, students to help, papers to grade (okay, maybe not the last one considering it was in fact the very first day of the academic year).
It is with a sharp back peddle that has you careering into a pair of students behind you with a clipped apology that you make your daring escape and it is a surprised call of your given name that has you freezing, turning about face and responding with a strangled "It's actually Dr. Y/L/N now."
"What? I'm not allowed to call you by your name anymore? Guess you've already recinded the right to call you Honey Bee too." There are students stopping to watch, what feels like the entire student body eager to watch the new History professor and the most loved Archaeology professor at each other's throats. A mystery arising from their familiarity and a curiosity at what history lay between the two. You certainly weren't eager to put on a show.
With a flick of the wrist you smooth down your skirt, turning on your heels and walk away calling out to him, "It was a pleasure to see you again, Dr Jones." It leaves Indiana gaping in the centre of the quad, watching the sway of your hips and the click of your shoes on the pavement as you leave him behind.
You choose to ignore the bubble of anxiety it puts in the pit of your stomach all day. Your lectures help to distract you at least somewhat from the reality that your former...you're not even sure what to call him...something, is present and working at the same university as you and you briefly wonder if it isn't too late to go back to your job at Oxford. You're sure Professor Haylett would let you come back, you might need to grovel a bit but...perhaps that was preferable to the potential mess that was being in close proximity to Henry again.
The last time you'd see each other, he'd been a 27 year old Archaeology professor. Young, dashing, charming, with every student at the University of London eager to please him and hoping the American would give them extra attention. You had been a 23 year old History PhD student, one of the few women allowed to do so, after much hard graft and determination. You had refused to let anything or anyone distract you from your studies, from your goal...and then you'd been told that he could help you with your PhD, that he had some specific knowledge on the Battle of Syracuse that you could use and...you'd found yourself suitably distracted. You would be being bitter and unfair if you didn't admit that in the year you'd known him he'd helped you with your thesis immensely...but he'd also put your reptuation at risk, broken your heart and made promises that he never would fulfil. Your mother was right...romance was certainly a tricky business.
You're so frazzled at the end of the day that you don't even recognise that your office has the lights on, if you had, you would have stopped before entering, instead you bulldozer your way in and stumble at the sight of him sat in a chair waiting paitently as if he wasn't phased one bit by your reappearance in his life.
"So, Honey Bee, you gonna tell me why I get such a frosty reception?"
"Yo-The absolute...I cannot...ugh!" You find yourself unable to stutter out a complete sentence as you slam the door shut, it reverberating on its hinges. "You have some nerve, Henry Jones! As if you don't bloody know!" You storm around him, putting the hard wood desk between the two of you and shuffling papers to keep from looking at him knowing he'd melt your anger in a second just with a smile.
He always had the most ridiculous ability to placate you and you wanted to feel angry today, not soothed like a skittish horse or malcontent cat.
"Sweetheart, if I knew I wouldn't have asked!" It's the silky smoothness giving away to frustration that causes you to look up, your bottom lip shuddering under the weight of the sadness that sits in your chest, old feelings that you thought you'd processed and put to bed coming to the surface.
"You promised..." He's silent, confusion deepening as you take a deep breath and begin to pace back and forth behind your desk, agitation growing with each movement. "You promised to write me, to call or send a telegram and you never did. I...I waited to hear from you and I heard nothing. So I am dreadfully sorry, Henry, if I do not feel particularly like pleasentries or intimiate nicknames in front of an entire cohort of students! I have had to earn my place and I am still fighting for respect and no man, one who doesn't even honor his promises, is going to ruin this for me!"
You are breathing heavily, body warm, shoulders rising and falling with every agitated movement of your lungs as he looks down at his lap. Silence falls between you for so long that you turn to look out the window of your office, at the street lamps with their warm glow, the last few students wandering across campus as evening sets in.
"I did...I wrote you." His voice is low, quiet, the sort of quiet that Henry Jones never was, so quiet in fact that you turn to check he actually spoke.
"I wrote every day for three months...half of it was stupid, five lines about my day or a single sentence to say hello. I wrote for three months, sweetheart."
"Three months?"
"But, I never...how...if you wrote for three months then how on earth did I not receive a single one!" You're unsure if you believe him, at the same time you never knew Henry to be a liar and it...it boggles your mind. There's an impending sense of your world teetering on it's axis, emotional whiplash as you feel a soaring sense of hope, yet a feeling of disbelief, fear, all rolled into one.
"I don't know, honey, but I wrote for three months to 21 Hanover Street and you never wrote me back so I assumed...I assumed you'd moved on, found yourself a nice, sensible husband and gotten married!" There's an anger that you'd never noticed til now, a sense that he'd been hurt to, that he'd felt like you'd abandoned him. So far removed from the debonair, rakish persona he so often displayed.
"21 Hanover Street? You wrote to 21 Hanover Street?"
"Yes, goddamn it!"
"Henry...I lived at 12 Hanover Street."
"I lived at number 12, one two, not two one. 12!" It is so absolutely absurd that you can't help but start laugh rather hysterically. That you felt abanonded all these years, angry, resentful, heartbroken and he'd simply gotten the wrong house number, a stupid, ridiculous mistake that had broken your heart into pieces, only to reforge it again.
"You're telling me that for three months I was writing to the wrong address...?" Henry is out of his chair, rounding the table and closing the distance between you so fast that it makes your head spin...or perhaps that is the effect of the emotional journey you're currently experiencing.
"I'm afraid so..."
"Goddamn it...well, shit, honey..." There's a pregnant pause as your eyes scan his profile, the frustrated set of his brow, the clench of his jaw, the familiar bend of his nose. He's not changed, not really. He's older, more lines around his eyes than last you remember, and a few more grey hairs, but then you're older too. Your first grey hairs finally settling in, the soft baby fat of your face having melted away somewhat over the years. But, he's still Henry and you're still the busy Honey Bee he used to chase around the library to the chagrin of the librarian. Things haven't really changed, you realise. With the removal of the one point of hurt between you, you can acknowledge that you still love him without the weight of anger or heartbreak pushing it down.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"Kiss me." It makes you laugh against his mouth how quickly he follows your request, the scrape of his stubble against your skin an old, familiar sensation that you'd all but forgot. It was like coming home, so familiar that it sent a sharp stabbing sense of yearning into your chest even as his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you to him.
The woodsy smell of his cologne surrounds you, the familiar tweed of his suit jacket scratches your arms, the soft strands of his hair through your fingers, the press of his nose against your cheek. It's like there hasn't been five years since you last kissed, like you hadn't been so angry with him up until five minutes ago that it hurt.
God, and to think, you'd nearly gone your entire life thinking he'd never cared. All because he'd mixed up two simple numbers.
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No-stress Summer Learning Challenge 🌞
Where did the idea of the no-stress summer learning challenge come from 🤔?
I see do many posts about summer studying, that it makes me worried. People spend their time studying during summer holidays, already preparing for the upcoming semester/school year. It's your free time and, as someone, who already has a full-time job (and is trying to finish her thesis to get a master's degree), I can tell you, that you probably won't have that much free time in the summer once you start working. Yes, it's sad and unfair, but unfortunately, it's real 🙁. So please, take your time, use it for something else, than worrying about exams, preparing for school and getting stressed and burnt out before school even starts. Don't waste your energy sitting in front of your PC/laptop, or with a course book, learing stuff by heart, while the sun ☀️ is shining outside, children are playing and other people are going out with their friends and families. And if you already work full-time, but also are still a student, don't use whatever free time you have on summer to study even more. Unless you absolutely have to, of course (I'm in this kind of situation, I have to write my thesis during summer, because the deadline is in September), but even then, don't use all your time for schoolwork. Although I consider summer studying an unnecessary stress factor, there's a difference between studying and learning. Studying is for school, learning is for yourself 🙂. I'm not telling you to be lazy the whole summer, but to consider learning something, that doesn't include schoolwork. It may be related to what you're studying in college/at school, or it may be something totally different. It may be something about technology 🔌 (programming, robotics, electronics...), art 🎨 (drawing, painting, embroidery...), nature 🌱 (gardening, foraging, birdwatching...), music 🎶 (singing, playing an instrument, making electronic music...), foreign languages 🗺️, sports ⚽, cooking 🍲, baking 🍩, kintting 🧶, sewing 🪡... the list is endless. So, as an alternative to summer studying challenge, you can start a no-stress summer learning challenge.
The main rules 📑
The main purpose of this challenge is to find motivation to learn for yourself 😀 again, so no exams, no homework, no grades, just you and your goal .
You're free to choose what you're going to learn, based on your own passions, dreams and ambitions 😍, without worrying about other people's judgement and expectations.
It's supposed to be stress free 😌, so there are no fixed schedules or deadlines. It's up to you to plan your learning and decide, how long it's going to take you.
To stay focused, please choose one topic and stick to it. It doesn't mean, you can't learn anything else. Actually you should, because staying concentrated on one thing for too long can make you burn out quickly, but have one main goal 😎.
Remember to take proper breaks 🥱. Learning all the time will only make you sterssed and tired. It's not school, so you don't need to worry about any fixed due date or preparing for a test.
Don't be too hard on yourself and remember that mistakes are a part of learning 😯, not a failure or shame.
Preparing for the challenge and completing it 📚
Think about, what do you want to learn this summer. It doesn't have to be very specific at this stage. For example, it can be something like "I want to learn about cats 🐈", or "I want to learn to draw 🖼️", or "I want to learn about tea 🫖".
When you know, what you want to learn, do your research, to be able to set a more specific goal. Read about this topic, watch some videos, maybe try to find people, who have more knowledge about it, than you, and talk to them. Let the "I want to learn about cats" become "I want to learn proper cat care 😸", the "I want to learn to draw" become "I want to learn to draw manga 🎏" or the "I want to learn about tea" become "I want to learn, how to brew various kinds of tea 🍵".
You've done the research, so now it's time to find your "why", because to stay motivated, you need to remember that you're doing it for a reason and that this knowledge is useful. The "I want to learn proper cat care" becomes "I want to learn proper cat care to make my cats healthier and happier 😻", the "I want to learn to draw manga" becomes "I want to learn to draw manga, because I'm interested in art and Japanese culture 🌸" and the "I want to learn, how to brew various kinds of tea" becomes "I want to learn, how to brew various kinds of tea, because I like tea and I want to make it even better 🍃".
Once you find your motivation, look for the learning resources 💻. It can be an online course, internet articles, scientific papers, books, YouTube videos, TikTok videos... whatever, depends on what you're going to learn. You can also contact someone, who is na expert in what you're learning, and ask them for help. While learning from blogs, videos, etc., remember to check the sources, to make sure the person, who created this content, knows what they're talking/writing about.
When you know your resources, plan the whole thing ahead 📝, considering your other summer plans (like traveling or going out with friends), to make sure, that you have enough time for learning and that the time you're going to spend working towards your goal is fairly evenly distributed to avoid stress and burnout, but remember to make your schedule flexible, so you don't have to worry about learning at a fixed time. Again, it's not school.
You've planned everything, now set reminders in your phone 📱 and/or write it down in a planner 📔 or on some post-it notes 📄... whatever works best for you to remember about your goal and the time you've decided to spend learning.
To minimize the risk od procrastination, divide the tasks into smaller tasks. You can write to-do lists ☑️ (either digital, or on paper), so you can see your progress and know exactly, what needs to be done.
To avoid getting burnt out 🤯, step away from what you're learning once in a while. Don't overwork yourself, you're not preparing for an exam.
To ensure you have enough energy ⚡, take care of your health, both physical and mental. Take breaks, sleep long enough 😴, go out with your friends, stay hydrated 💧, exercise 🏃🏻♀️, spend some time in nature 🌲.
Last, but not least: remember to post regular updates about your progress on your blog. It can be every day, every three days, once a week... you decide. It can include photos, but doesn't have to. Just make it regular and tag it with "no-stress summer learning challenge" or "no-sslc" 😊.
#lightningstormstudies#no-stress summer learning challenge#no-sslc#studyblr#motivation#studying#engblr#engineering student#engineering studyblr#summer learning#learning challenge#goal setting#ambitions#college student#study#student#school#academia#college#passion#hobbies#healthy studying#summer holiday#summer vacation#study advice#study tips#study techniques#university#studying challenge#studio ghibli
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Tag Game: MBTI Edition
Tagged by @acdooodles (Thank you !!!)
in case you don’t know and want to participate here’s the test! [there are many, I’ve taken them all lol but this one also has good information attached to it]
Codenames: “The Mentor” ; “The Protector“ ; “The Counselor“
Function order: Ni - Fe - Ti - Se
Type Description: INFJs are distinguished by both their complexity of character and the unusual range and depth of their talents. They tend to be idealists, and because of their J preference for closure and completion, they are generally "doers" as well as dreamers.
Some things about your type that you relate to the most:
Due in part to the unique perspective produced by this alternation between detachment and involvement in the lives of the people around them, INFJs may well have the clearest insights of all the types into the motivations of others, for good and for evil. The most important contributing factor to this uncanny gift, however, are the empathic abilities often found in Fs, which seem to be especially heightened in the INFJ type (possibly by the dominance of the introverted N function).
They are sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people -- a product of the Feeling function they most readily show to the world. On the contrary, INFJs are true introverts, who can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates."
INFJs hold deep convictions about the weightier matters of life.Those who are activists - INFJs gravitate toward such a role - are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power.
They often are found in the wake of an emergency, rescuing those who are in acute distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless.The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to the INFJ.
These are the people that you can rarely fool any of the time.Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their friends. Such a friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words.
INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in communication. In addition, nonverbal sensitivity enables the INFJ to know and be known by others intimately.
Writing and counseling are areas where INFJs frequently find their niche.
And finally, some Characters that are typed as INFJ that you relate to as well!:
Kaname Kuran (Vampire Knight)
John Coffey (The Green Mile)
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Rose Dewitt Bukater (Titanic)
Princess Hinoto (X/1999)
Yuuko Ichihara (xxx Holic)
I like that ! ;3 I was also close to ENFJ, but as a result INFJ is the final resulf. I also did two another tests, when I was close to “E” too, but “I” has always been a little bit stronger.
I’m tagging: @f-l-chernabog @fuzzykiddreamer @millennialxletters @liebevollkuran @vk-crzy @aphrodytevalentine
Do it if you want and have fun ! ;)
#E.B. - by Estelle#Tag Game#MBTI#personaly test#I used the knowledge about test to my thesis on study#Thank you once again for reminding this test and the time of that study <3
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Useful and practical advice for everyone starting college
So... Yes, I graduated! To celebrate this, I thought it would be a good idea to pass on some knowledge to those new students starting college this year (I feel like a Senpai). If it was difficult for me, I cannot fathom how much difficult it's going to be for you guys starting this year with all the things happening around the world. So good luck and I hope this really helps you out!
Try to get along with everyone. Look, prior to entering college I was asocial AF. It's not that I was shy, I just didn't like hanging out with people. However, my time in college taught me that interaction IS a very important part of life. I will be forever thankful to my classmates, who approached me on my first day (I entered college mid-year with no experience in business or economics. I was completely clueless). They were very nice to me and tried their best to explained how the school works, what classes we will be taking, what the professors and exams are like and such. Without their help, I would have had a harder time trying to get used to college. Truth is, you WILL need help at several points in college. And if you're not on good terms with anyone, who will be willing to help you? No one. So don't be a jerk and try your best to be nice and genuine with everyone in the class.
Help your classmates. Just as you will need help, your classmates will also need help. Don't wait for them to ask you for help. Offer to help them if you can! This can help you make friends or find new study buddies. Do not underestimate the power of helping others. When you help people with something, it is very likely that they will help you back when you need to. They might even recommend you for a job or internship position just because you helped them.
Find one or two study buddies. Study buddies will make studying more bearable. The study material that you will get in college is nothing compared to high school. So having a few study buddies that can help you make summaries, explain and work together on assignments will make studying much easier! I remember I had a study buddy for one of my minors in which we had to learn 16 chapters. We divided the summary workload and took turns explaining the chapters we each summarized. We literally cut the study time in half because of this!
Keep in contact with your classmates and professors. Chances are you will be separated for some time during minors, study abroad programs or internships. But that doesn't mean you have to lose contact with them. I'm not saying you have to chat with them every day. But contacting them once in awhile is good. I have been able to help some of my classmates with some subjects and applications. I have also become one of my professor's running buddies. So keep in touch because you never know what good you can give and what good it might bring you!
Be persistent. I have had instances were my school coach has ghosted me AND the school completely. Putting my internship and thesis at risk. Shit happens. And when you see things taking a turn for the ugly, fight back with all you got to get things back on track. The truth is, college is a business. And it will continue with or without you. A bit toxic, yes. However, it is up to you to not let things go south! Take action. Contact your professor when needed. Contact the administration. Contact management. Be persistent!
Plan as soon as possible. Don't wait for the first class to get your curriculum and then plan a week later. Download the curriculum BEFORE going to that first class. Plan BEFORE going to the class. Bombard your professor with questions regarding the curriculum on the first day. Make changes accordingly. Execute that plan ASAP. Your worst enemy is time. But your best friend is also time. The sooner you start, the more prepared you will be for your exams. Read more about how I plan here.
Don't say "yes" to everything. Yes, I am guilty of this one. I learn fast. I'm young. I have lots of energy. I can do whatever I put my mind to. WRONG. This kind of thinking led me to severe burnout. I was helping my parents in their business. I was doing a full-time internship. I started my own business and had 9 clients. I was training for a marathon. Shit went down horribly at some point. I'm glad I went through that burnout because it taught me the importance and necessity to be balanced in life. And that my ability to say no is sometimes more important than my ability to say yes.
College is more than just learning theory. Look, classes are not the thing you should focus on solely in college. If there's anything more important than classes, I would say is your ability to network and leverage this to get experience in the field. That is what college is about. College opens so many opportunities, not because of what they teach, but because of the resources that you are able to get. I'm not saying go slack on your classes, but keep in mind that a lot of times, people don't hire because you have a perfect GPA.
Have a plan to be smart with your money AND stick with it. I had a plan to be smart with my money. And I did so for 3 years. But in my fourth year... I fucked up. Guys... stick to your financial plan and avoid goddamn headaches. Learn about budgeting,
Do not pull all-nighters. If anything all-nighters made me perform worse. Also, they completely messed up my sleeping schedule, which in return messed up my entire schedule. As a result, I would stress out because I was behind schedule and I did not have the energy to catch up. Guys, do not underestimate the power of a good night's sleep.
Time batching will be your best friend. Having a set day to do similar tasks is honestly, one of the best ways to work. One day I would do all my homework for the week. The other day I would only study. One day I would do all of my house chores etc. It's much simpler and effective this way.
Having a study routine will actually help you to pull a miracle. A lot of people swear by a morning or night routine. I swear by a study/ work routine. For real... why aren't work routines more common? Once I start my routine, my brain knows its time to work and study and will not get distracted. You can read about my study routine more in detail here.
You will get fat pretty fast, so exercise. You will not have a lot of time on your hands. You no longer have breaks to play sports, you don't need to go to gym class, you probably have a car now. Your sedentary life will pretty much begin in college. And because you have the money you will start eating out or order takeout. So EAT WELL AND WORKOUT. I realized that the weeks I ate healthily, were also the weeks I was more energized. So do these 2 things religiously.
Don't be too uptight. Relax and have fun. If you're the type A, teacher's pet kind of student... don't be afraid to loosen up a little bit. After my burnout episode I understood the importance of having fun once in awhile. Turns out that going to parties, clubs, having girls night out is a fun experience and you'll look back at those memories with fond!
Start applying for internships as soon as possible. THIS. Honestly. Apply early. Finding an internship position isn't hard. But finding the right internship place that will allow you to grow and learn and at the same time get along with the culture is MUCH MUCH MUCH harder! So take your time finding an internship. Go to as many interviews as you can. Don't accept the first internship position because it's the first you got. Look at it objectively and talk to others that work in that company. I had the opportunity to work for 2 days under the guidance of another intern before saying yes. Ask for a similar opportunity so you can test the waters before accepting the internship offer.
Taking care of yourself is harder than you think. Develop a routines. Stick to those routines. Develop a personal hygiene routine. A workout routine. Eat healthy. These things are easier said than done. Constantly work on these things. If you let one fall, others will start falling too. Self care is a work in progress so never stop improving yourself no matter how many deadlines you have!
Older students are a godsend. If you want to hear a goddamn unbiased opinion, please refer to an older student. The administration or professor might tell you a process or application goes a certain way, but the older students that went through it, know better as they literally had to go through it. The advice they will give you will be more practical than the advice the professors can give you. So listen to them carefully. They will also be able to help you with tips for exams, summaries or explaining. So be friends with them too!
Get a mentor. I was lucky enough to find 2 excellent mentors in my college journey. I became good friends with one of my professors, and she was the one that taught me all I know about personal investing. Honestly, she was the real MVP. Amazing professor, explanations were top notch, and really enjoyed her work. The second one, was my thesis coach. She helped me built my business and her expertise in the field helped me a lot in starting up. Don't be afraid to ask your professors or experts in the field to help you get started! Sometimes, they are eager to pass what they know unto someone. You got nothing to lose!
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I had two conversations recently that must have really resonated with me because I’m still thinking about them. One was with my girlfriend last week, and an unrelated conversation with a coworker yesterday at the testing center where I work.
A week ago my girlfriend, the Queen of Niantic, and I talked about my experience meeting a specific person. We determined that meeting this person on my own was remarkable as compared to what it would have been meeting them within a group of people.
The short answer: Filters.
The Long Answer: Filters.
Lemme ‘splain.
Filters and the way I use them affect the relationship I develop with the person I’m interacting with.
You may be familiar with the sensation of adjusting your behavior to make the people around you-your “audience”- more comfortable with accepting you.
You may find you do this when you transition from chilling at home to going to work. The you that sits on the couch with a slice and a drink is typically not the same you at work as a librarian or server at a restaurant. Or, when you were in high school, you may have presented yourself differently when you moved between your fellow athlete friends to your theater friends and the other cliques you may have associated with. (I am definitely guilty here. I used to prioritize fitting in, okay?)
I have been realizing the last few years, as I adjust to the Aurora who is Surviving Susac, that my filters get switched extremely frequently.
The Aurora that my doctors see is different from the Aurora that my gaming friends see; is different from the Aurora the candidates and my colleagues see at work; is different from the Aurora the court sees; is different from the Aurora my mom sees; is different from the Aurora my daughter sees.
So when the Queen of Niantic tells me she wants to introduce me to her other friend, I’m all, “Yes, my Queen,” and also This is your chance, Aurora; meet them alone so that you don’t have to apply any filters.
I did the no filter thing and let. me. tell. you. Being authentic Aurora for a few hours felt SO GOOD and now this friend is probably the person I feel the most comfortable around, like, ever.
Now, I’m not suggesting you drop all your filters ever in every circumstance. You will always need a professional filter for professional situations. But I would encourage you to find where you feel comfortable dropping filters to see what it feels like to set yourself free and be authentically you.
A Recent Filter
Now, yesterday, in this conversation with my coworker Juanderful, I did use my educational filter. Juanderful and I bonded over the career path he’s currently pursuing. He told me his life story (I swear there is a sticker on my forehead that says in all caps, TELL ME ALL YOUR STUFF) and turns out that he is called to be a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT). And this guy is literally designed for it. Everything he says about interpersonal interactions sounds like it could be in one the of case studies or textbooks I read during my master’s program in MFT. Only he does it in such a natural, casual way that he’d be one of those professors on RateMyProfessor.com who gets a super positive review with almost only positive feedback.
Yesterday we had this atypical huge gap of time with no candidates so we took the opportunity to just talk with one another. He shared with me his love of music, the details of his educational path and degree progress, and then it happened.
Juanderful asked why I didn’t write my final paper for the MFT degree.
*Educational filter, activate!*
I explained how I completed literally all my courses and all I had left to turn in was a successful thesis/cap stone paper when the effects 8 years of an overactive sympathetic nervous system (hello, psychological abuse) led my immune system to commit mutiny. Then how after my body took the time to repair itself, the courses began to expire and I would have to retake and pass all the classes again.
I taught him what Susac Syndrome is, how it works, and how it presented in me.
Juanderful’s love language must be Words of Affirmation. Because he gave me the best pep talk I‘ve had in 5 years.
He tells me that the Aurora who defeated Susac Syndrome is a person to be proud of. He is in awe of my ability to say, yes, I earned this master’s degree and have all the knowledge, but I also recognize that given my life experience and perspective I would not be able to guarantee healthy client-therapist relationships. Apparently, to be able to recognize that and walk away to find another way to help people (remember, I’m pursuing sonography) is something he finds admirable. And I guess there’s a stereotype that people with master’s degrees don’t just sit around and chat like we did today? If that’s a real thing, this no chatting, then that would have been a BIG problem for me. Because I am VERY talky! Hence this blog, LOL.
We spent about two hours talking about his music hobby, my diagnosis, divorce, various regions of the brain and their roles.
Like I said, educational filter.
This filter wasn’t quite as exhausting as most filters. I still Facetimed my no-filter, authentic Aurora friend afterwards to recuperate. Then I felt amazing.
My suggestion is for you to think about the various filters you may have in place; some are even put up as a protective measure. Consider carefully lowering them to see if you can find a healthy way to feel your most authentic self.
Surviving Susac,
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Linguistics Jobs: Interview with an Exhibition Content Manager
I was first introduced to Emily Gref, this month’s linguist, in a Linguistics Job Interview she did for All Things Linguistic back in 2015 when she worked as a literary agent. Emily did her MA at SOAS while I was working there, and has gone on to use her skills to support minority language publishing, help us set up transcripts for Lingthusiasm, and, in her current role, participate in the development of Planet Word as their Exhibition Content Manager.
Planet Word is a language museum, opening in Washington D.C. on May 31, 2020.

What did you study at university?
I received my BA from McGill University with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Anthropology. My focus was pretty theoretical at the time — my honours thesis was on morpho-syntax in Austronesian languages — but one of my favorite courses was field linguistics. I definitely wanted to go to SOAS, University of London, or the University of Hawai'i and learn how to document languages after that course. I ultimately decided I didn't want to stay in academia, though, so after graduating I took a detour and spent several years in book publishing. But I missed linguistics too much! So in 2015 I went for my MA in Language Documentation and Description at SOAS. There my focus was primarily on language revitalization (though I also dipped a toe into some other schools of syntax, because I love it), and my dissertation was about what kinds of books are being published in Indigenous languages of North America and how and why. It was a way to combine my love of linguistics and books with my expertise in publishing. (I've also helped to publish some books in minority languages.)
What is your job?
My official title is Exhibition Content Manager at Planet Word, a new museum about words and language in Washington, D.C. Pretty much anything and everything to do with the exhibits and all the content within them falls under my list of responsibilities! That means 10 main exhibits, and 17 auxiliary exhibits, all about everything from child language acquisition to the history of the English language to language diversity around the world to literature to songwriting and everything in between. Practically, what that means is I do a lot of liaising with our exhibit designers and media producers and our founder to make sure the material we're presenting at the museum is accurate, engaging, and accessible to the general public, especially our core audience of 10- to 12-year-olds. A lot of that is project management stuff (keeping track of licensed assets, streamlining approvals on deliverables, managing outside contractors and consultants, and updating many, many spreadsheets) but I also do a lot of fact-checking, copy editing, and some research and scripting as well, particularly for the linguistic diversity gallery (my personal favorite). How does your linguistics training help you in your job?
Although all of my colleagues share of love of words and language (as you would expect), most of them are more from the museum world than the linguistics world. And although most of our main experiences aren't linguistics-heavy (we're a language arts museum rather than a linguistics museum), I'm the one that takes the first pass at content to ensure that it's correct and uses the most up-to-date research. So I've had to draw heavily on my general linguistics knowledge — Planet Word is incredibly privileged to have an advisory board full of amazing linguists, but I'm sort of the "resident" linguistics expert!
Because the museum is for a young, general audience, it's been really fun to try and get back to a beginner's mind — thinking about the things that most excited me about learning linguistics, or even learning about other languages, or weird facts about English. This has really informed some of the experiences we've created, and it's pretty gratifying to test them out on non-linguists and see them get excited and interested. (Although I will fully admit that I have advocated for some... esoteric aspects of language that nobody but me was excited about. They did not make the cut, and it's for the better, but hopefully some visitors will be inspired and find out more about linguistics for themselves!)
On a more granular level, having the research skills honed by two degrees in linguistics has been invaluable, as well as the data management skills I acquired mostly during my MA. (Hello, database of 2,000+ books.) Knowing about phonetics is also pretty handy when you're trying to coach a voice actor (most of our experiences are auditory and interactive) on how to pronounce non-English words! I have also spent an incredible amount of time with the OED and Etymonline, looking up etymologies for various exhibit-related reasons.
Do you have any advice do you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
Linguistics is such a funny field. I don't think there are a lot of people who end up in it by accident, or just because they've always loved that subject in high school, so they might as well continue it in college/university. Really, you discover by happenstance that it exists and then you fall for it hard. But that means there's almost a sort of assumption that if you're going to Do Linguistics, you're going to be an academic for the long haul. That doesn't necessarily have to be the case. That's why resources like this interview series are so great, but I do wish there was more support within degree programs for connecting linguistics people with jobs that aren't necessarily academia, or computational linguistics, or speech pathology. This is not really advice, sorry! But if I were going to turn it into advice, I'd say: ask early and often what graduates from your program have gone on to do that aren't "traditional" linguist jobs. Any other thoughts or comments?
If I could help open language museums for the rest of my life, I absolutely would. This has been a dream job, and I'm so very lucky. Unfortunately it's a bit of niche field, but I have learned so much by leveraging my linguistics knowledge and skills into a job that opens up many more opportunities.

Interview with a Community Outreach Coordinator
Interview with a Marketing Content Specialist
Interview with a Software Engineer
Interview with a Product Manager
Interview with a Communications Specialist
Check out the Linguist Jobs Master List and the Linguist Jobs tag for even more interviews
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Fic: Through a Telescopic Lens
AU-gust Day Thirty-One: A Combination of Two Previous AUs. (19th Century & Professional Rivals) Fandom: Once Upon A Time/Stargate Universe/War of the Worlds Pairing: Rushbelle
Rated: T
Summary: For all that they don’t seem to get along, Ogilvy is certain that there are finer feelings at work between his two assistants, Belle French and Nicholas Rush, and he decides to help them on their way.
Through a Telescopic Lens
Ogilvy had long since accepted that finding true love was probably not going to be on the cards for him, and he had learned to live with this sad knowledge, and he had made his peace with it. Far from vowing never to have anything to do with love and romance and becoming bitter about the whole affair, he had decided that whilst he could not in good faith hope for himself, he could definitely do something about helping others towards true love.
That was why, when Miss Belle French first came to his observatory with a keen interest in astronomy and a desire to learn as much as she possibly could, having heard tell of the accuracy and resolution of his telescope, Ogilvy began to wonder.
He began to wonder even more when Miss Belle French first met Mr Nicholas Rush.
Rush had been Ogilvy’s assistant for the past three years. Unable to afford university attendance and having been dismissed from his hard-won scholarship after one too many arguments with the professors, becoming an apprentice had been his best chance of increasing his knowledge and putting his intellect to good use - and even Ogilvy would admit that Rush was a brilliant scientist, although he never used quite such strong terms to Rush himself, fearing that the younger man’s hubris would one day be the better of him.
When Belle came into their lives at the observatory, Ogilvy knew that day had come.
To say that Belle and Rush hated each other at first sight would have been incorrect. Belle had no feelings towards Rush one way or the other, so the hatred went one way only, and Ogilvy didn’t think that Rush’s strong feelings really manifested as hatred, more a fear of losing his prestigious position. If Ogilvy took Belle on as another apprentice, then where did that leave Rush?
He needn’t have worried, and Ogilvy had tried a few times to reassure him. Ogilvy would quite happily have taken on as many apprentices as his observatory could hold. Still, it was clear that Rush viewed Belle as an imposter and a rival, and he seemed to be devoting as much time to needling her and trying to push her out as he did to actually working on his observations.
Belle, for her part, took no notice of Rush’s insistent prodding, which only served to infuriate him even more. In fact, Ogilvy would go so far as to say that Belle found it amusing and would needle Rush back just as much in jest in order to get a giggle at his expense. The interactions between the two of them were fascinating to watch, and Ogilvy was certain that had he been a naturalist instead of a chemist and astronomer, he would have been able to write an entire thesis on the courtship habits of the human male and female using Belle and Rush as a case study.
There was definitely something there between them that neither of them had acknowledged yet. He had first seen it on the very first day that Belle had come into the observatory and set up at her little desk, much to Rush’s chagrin. It had only grown in the weeks that had passed since then. For all Rush professed his ire towards her, he couldn’t take his eyes off her, and Belle, for her part, would sneak little glances at her rival whenever she thought that he wasn’t looking.
There were definitely some finer feelings going on there, although getting them to admit it might prove rather more difficult. Ogilvy had toyed with the idea of simply leaving them alone in the observatory together for increasing periods of time until they actually talked to each other properly without the sniping or sarcasm that usually accompanied their conversations, but given the high levels of antagonism that were heavy in the air, he feared for the safety of some of his scientific equipment if he were to take that option.
The one thing that was clear was that they were not going to get there under their own steam, and Ogilvy, in his self-appointed position as matchmaker and helper along of true love, was going to have to coax them in the right direction. First of all, though, he had to establish that he had not misread the signs completely. Like any good scientist, he was going to have to test his hypothesis before it could be confirmed as a viable theory.
Ogilvy put his hypothesis to the test one evening after Belle had left the observatory and gone home. She lived with her father, who, whilst he did not actively condemn her interest in science and astronomy, was certainly rather iffy about the whole thing, and he did not like her staying out the entire night with only two single men for company. Ogilvy smiled at the notion. There was certainly nothing to worry about from his quarter, but he felt that Mr French would have to get used to the idea of Rush being in his daughter’s life sooner rather than later.
“You know, Mr Rush,” Ogilvy began as they were packing everything away for the night, “I think that some days you spend more time attempting to aggravate Miss French than you do actually doing your own work. Perhaps if you were to focus your attention more on what you’re supposed to be doing, you would not feel so incredibly insecure in your position as to feel the need to watch her every moment of the time you’re in the same room.”
Rush stiffened. “I just want to make sure that she doesn’t make any stupid mistakes,” he muttered. “She hardly has the experience that her position requires. She’s barely more than an amateur.”
“We were all barely more than amateurs once,” Ogilvy pointed out. “But in all the time that you’ve been, ahem, supervising her, has she ever made a stupid mistake?”
“Mr Rush, there’s really no need to sound so incredibly disappointed in that fact. This game of one-upmanship that you’re playing with Miss French isn’t at all gentlemanly, especially since she isn’t playing back. Might I suggest that you try and take your eyes off her for a while? Although I will admit, she is certainly beautiful, and I can quite see why a man such as yourself would want to gaze upon her so intently for such extended periods of time.”
At this suggestion, Rush began to splutter indignantly, the tips of his ears going distinctly pink. Ogilvy just smiled to himself. It appeared that part one of his hypothesis had been nicely proven. Now all he had to do was to get Belle’s side of the story.
Given that Belle did not bristle every time Rush’s name was mentioned, this was a far easier process, since he could as good as ask her outright. It was the next day, and Rush had been sent on a contrived errand to the post office to get him out of the way. He had gone grumbling that as the more junior of the two of them, Belle should be the one sent to the post office, but Ogilvy had just smiled benignly and waved him on his way before turning back to Belle. They had been working in a companionable silence for a little while before he spoke.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, Belle, what your thoughts towards Mr Rush are. I know that you always respond to his jabs marvellously, but in the moments when you’re not verbally jousting, how do you find him?”
“Well, he’s rude, and arrogant, and incredibly insecure. He’s got a chip on his shoulder the size of Cheddar Gorge, but there’s something about him that I can’t help but like. In the moments when he puts aside this stupid rivalry he has with me and gets talking about the science and the stars he’s so passionate about, he becomes a completely different person. It’s wonderful to hear. Then it’s almost as if he remembers that he’s supposed to be snipping at me rather than enthusing about science and it’s back to the way it was before. For those moments, though, it’s like getting a glimpse into the real him…”
She broke off with an embarrassed cough, looking away.
“Sorry. That probably wasn’t what you meant.”
“Oh no, my dear, it’s proved most insightful nonetheless.”
Belle sighed. “Do you think that he’s ever going to stop hating me? I can handle the verbal jousting, as you so quaintly put it; in fact I quite enjoy it at times, but I can’t help thinking that it must be exhausting for him to maintain such a high level of petty dislike for so long, especially when I can see it’s just for show, and I’ve seen the glimpses of his true nature.”
“I don’t think he hates you at all, Miss French. In fact, I’d go so far as to say the opposite.”
“He’s got a very funny way of showing it.”
“He is, as you correctly surmised, incredibly insecure. He’s had to fight hard for everything that he’s received in life, and he can’t bear the thought of what he has now being taken away from him like his other opportunities have been. Put frankly, he recognises your brilliance and he feels threatened by you. Once he realises that he has nothing to fear from you, then I think you might be surprised.”
Belle smiled.
“I do hope that you’re right, Dr Ogilvy.”
For the next few days after these conversations had taken place, Ogilvy continued to watch the progression of Belle and Rush’s conversations. At first, it seemed that nothing had changed between them. The sparring continued, and so did the constant glances. But after a day or so, he noticed the change. Both of them mellowed a little, the back and forth no longer as sharp and biting but more in the spirit of fun. Rush actually praised one of Belle’s observations one evening, which earned him a glowing smile from her, in turn making his ears go pink again.
Ogilvy just smiled to himself as he superintended. Things were definitely going in the right direction. Perhaps they could be trusted to be left alone together after all. It would only be for a few minutes – he couldn’t afford a scandal, after all – but hopefully it would be enough for something to happen. If Rush didn’t feel the need to keep up the façade of hatred for Ogilvy as an audience, maybe true feelings would come to light.
It was a sunny day in the observatory when he announced that he was stepping out into the garden for some trivial reason or other, and he promptly proceeded to walk around the perimeter three times doing absolutely nothing of note before coming back into the observatory. Belle and Rush were standing a little closer together, their heads both bent over the same book as they worked together, rather than against each other for once. After a while, they seemed to realise the proximity that they had got into, looking at each other as awkward silence reigned.
Belle took the initiative. Ogilvy had thought that she would be the one to do so. She snapped the book shut and pecked a chaste little kiss to Rush’s cheek before saying her thanks and moving away. Rush was left standing as if petrified for a long time afterwards, and it was only Ogilvy taking pity on him and attracting his attention that pulled him out of his stupor.
Ogilvy smiled to himself again. Yes, he was certain that those two were going to be heading in the right direction now.
#rushbelle#rushbelle fic#anyelle#Belle French#Nicholas Rush#Ogilvy#bellvy friendship#AU-gust#Worry does AU-gust#Professional Rivals AU#19th Century AU#Fic: Through a Telescopic Lens
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Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 6 - The Beach
Saturday had come and Varian and the rest of his new friends were all crowded in Wasabi's car. Wasabi had precisely enough room to fit six people, though perhaps a bit uncomfortably. He and Varian rode in the front seat, with Varian carrying Ruddiger in his carrying cage, while Hiro, Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Fred were squished together in the back seat. The robot, Baymax, was folded up inside his battery pack and tucked away in the trunk to make room.
Apparently today was a holiday and they were all heading to the beach. Well in truth the actual holiday was on Monday, but Americans spent the whole weekend in celebration. Said holiday was Memorial Day and was meant to honor warriors who fell in battle. However, despite this somber origin, most considered the weekend to be the official start of summer and would mark the occasion with picnics, parties, and public swimming.
For Varian and his friends though, this was the end of spring break. Starting on Tuesday, the university they now all attended would open back up and the summer semester would begin. The thought of which sent Varian's stomach churning with butterflies. He'd never been to school before and didn't know what to expect. He was filled with anxious excitement and to calm his nerves he looked out the car window to admire the scenery.
He'd been in this strange new world for a week now but he'd had little chance to admire it. For the past five days he'd been busy studying for his entrance exams for college. Passing the 'graduation' test in particular was important for gaining admittance into the school and Varian had to do some serious cramming to prepare for it. Squeezing twelve years worth of educational knowledge into his brain in less than a week.
Fortunately Varian was very good at memorizing facts and all his new friends were on hand to help him. On Monday, Hiro had helped him gather up the study materials he'd needed and told him what to expect. Wasabi gave him practice tests throughout the week and helped him pinpoint the areas he was weakest in. He was pretty good with math and grasped most of the science quickly, with Wasabi being on hand to fill in the gaps, but he needed help in other less familiar subjects.
Gogo had swung by on Tuesday and spent the whole day giving Varian a crash course in Social Studies, which was a combination of history, geography, and civics.
Varian took a special interest in America's founding and it's chosen form of government, which was unlike anything he had heard of before. They had no king nor royalty of any kind. In fact the country was founded by people who committed treason and fought a war to overthrow their ruler, and who then put into place a democracy made up of elected representatives instead. It most closely resembled the government of ancient Rome, before Julius Caesar had taken over, but was expanded upon to encompass a vast kingdom, larger than even most empires.
Varian had already thought San Fansokyo was an impressively large city, but was completely flabbergasted to know that not only was it not the largest city in the country, it wasn't even the biggest within its own providence; and there were fifty of these states that stretched across the continent from coast to coast with similarly massive metropolises in each.
It was mind boggling and it took him sometime to wrap his brain around the concept. And that was just the tip of the iceberg, he also had to catch up with some four hundred odd years worth of world events on top of that. But Gogo was a patient teacher and she carefully broke down everything into manageable chunks, giving him timelines, charts, and maps for him to refer back to. By the end of the day he had perhaps learned more in those eight hours spent with her than he had in his whole sixteen years.
On Wednesday, Fred had showed up to help Varian practice for the writing portion of the tests. He would have to complete two essays on any given subject for each of the two exams. Fred himself had actually completed one of the same tests, the S.A.T, just a few months ago and knew what the graders were looking for when it came to such essays.
Mainly, they just wanted to know if Varian could follow the basic guidelines of writing; paragraphs and sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and his overall ability to form an argument on paper. All things Varian felt pretty comfortable with, but it was nevertheless a good refresher of those basics. Essay writing and thesis statements were apparently expected of any student attending higher education and he would have to write many during the course of his studies.
Thursday, Honey Lemon stopped by to help Varian with Language Arts. Both tests would cover reading comprehension and even more grammar. Once again Varian was pretty comfortable with those two subjects, especially given the writing practice from the day before, and so they finished pretty quickly. Even with Honey Lemon adding in extra information about various important books and plays that had been written in the past four centuries, just in case any of them made it into the reading part of the exam. Though Shakespeare was still deemed the most influential even in this modern age. A fact which disappointed Varian; he personally thought Marlowe to be superior to the bard.
"You don't even like Romeo and Juliet?" Honey Lemon asked aghast, "But it's sooo romantic."
"But it's sooo stupid," Varian mockingly admonished with a laugh. Which in turn made Honey Lemon give him a not-so-serious pout.
"Look, what was stopping them from just leaving together in the first place?" Varian explained his point.
Honey Lemon opened her mouth to retort back but just as soon closed it again; she had never considered that question before. She screwed up her mouth in thought as she searched for a better answer.
"Weeelll, sometimes it's hard to leave the only home you've ever known. Isn't that why you want to get back to your world?" She asked him.
Varian just stared at her for a moment, thinking of an answer to give that didn't allow him to explain his past in detail. Finally he said, "I wanna get back because my dad is there. I couldn’t care less about Corona itself."
"You don't care at all?"
"It's just a bunch of buildings." He mumbled with a shrug, then he added, more assuredly, "What matters is the people in your life."
"I guess," She replied, "all I know is that I had a hard enough time just leaving Sacramento. Even though it's only an hour and a half away and I can still see my family whenever. I can't imagine what it's like to be lost in a whole other world."
Varian ignored her attempts to sympathize, not because he didn't appreciate the effort, but because he was ready to move on from the conversation. Instead he shut his eyes tightly and tilted his head back, trying to recall some of the new information he had recently learned. "Sacramento; that's the capital of California, right?"
"Yeah. But don't worry, no one actually memorizes all fifty states and their capitals. I only know like twenty or so." She admitted.
"Oh, good." Varian breathed in relief. Soon both he and Honey Lemon were just giggling, happy to relieve the tension in the room.
"Oooh, you know what? I brought my make-up bag with me!" Honey Lemon suddenly exclaimed, and just like that all previous talk about literature and writing gave away to other subjects, mostly chemistry.
Honey Lemon made her own cosmetics. It was a passion of hers to find new, safe, and 'biodegradable' chemical compounds to replace some of the more toxic stuff on the market.
"And absolutely no animal testing." She added in all seriousness.
She even sold her wares over the internet, shipping them to customers as they ordered them, as a means of making money on the side.
She poured out the contents of a rather large tote bag onto the floor and walked Varian through each item, what it was for, and how she had made it. Varian listened intently and even tried some of the stuff himself.
He found he didn’t care much for lipstick nor cakey foundation, the texture was off putting to him. He also didn’t like anything with a heavy perfume. However, he did like the eyeliner and the black fingernail polish he had previously bought. He was still fascinated by the concept of synthesized polymers.
They were both sitting on the floor, makeup strewn everywhere, laughing over nothing in particular, when Wasabi came home from his part-time job. Honey Lemon was in the middle of applying mascara to Varian’s eyes and he was trying his best not to blink but failing at it, which only sent both of them into more fits of giggles. Meanwhile, unnoticed by them both, Ruddgier had gotten into the powered blush and was making a mess in another corner of the room.
“I thought you two were studying.” Wasabi said with a hint of annoyance to his voice. He was tired from work and none too happy to find makeup scattered about his dorm room.
“Sorry,” Honey Lemon tried to say through her laughter, “but we finished early and I’d promise to teach Varian how to paint his nails.” Varian held up his hand to show Wasabi his newly painted nails as a way of response.
“That’s nice.” Wasabi replied back in a sarcastic tone. “Did you also teach the raccoon how to put on foundation?”
That’s when they both finally noticed Ruddiger. Varian got onto his pet and went to clean up the mess, effectively ending the study/make-up session.
The next day, Wasabi gave him two final practice tests and then it was time for him to take the real thing. He met Professor Granville at the school and, alongside a few other hopeful students, took the two tests.
The first test, the S.A.T., went smoothly, but he wouldn’t know his actual scores until his answer sheet and essay were sent off to be graded. The graduation test however was taken over the computer and it took several hours to complete with a few breaks between parts. He felt he could have finished sooner had he had the chance to take the test using a pencil and paper instead, as he found the mouse and keyboard awkward. But the positive thing about using the new technology was that he got his scores back sooner. He managed to pass all the parts, even with him just barely scraping by on the Social Studies section. His official certification would come in the mail, the professor told him, but for all intents and purposes he now had a high school diploma.
Which was apparently a big deal in this world. Earning a diploma was considered to be something of a rite of passage. Obtaining one meant you were ready to start entering the adult world and with it you could gain full time employment or seek higher education, like college. According to his friends, he should’ve been extra proud of this accomplishment since gaining a high school diploma at his age, while not unheard of, was unusual, and he had done it in less than a week when most took years to achieve it.
To signify just how important this was, all his new friends threw him a party at the Lucky Cat. Even Aunt Cass had pitched in and made him a special dinner. It was something called ‘sushi’ and she typically prepared it for celebrations like this one; having cooked similar dinners for both Tadashi and Hiro when they had graduated high school as well.
Varian was appreciative of her efforts, though he didn’t quite know what to make of the food itself. The ‘sushi’ consisted mostly of rice topped with raw fish wrapped in seaweed. The taste wasn’t bad but the texture of the uncooked seafood was weird to Varian. Fortunately, not everything was raw. There were different kinds to be had and Varian was able to pick out some that he did enjoy; ones stuffed with crab, egg, or just veggies. He especially liked the ‘dessert sushi’ made with tropical fruit.
He’d just finished recalling last night, when Wasabi loudly proclaimed, “We're here!”
There were whoops and joyous yells in response from the various passengers and Varian looked out the front windshield to see the familiar blue streak that was the ocean just up ahead. Wasabi parked the car in the designated parking lot and then they all piled out of said vehicle and made their way down to the beachfront.
The sandy beach was tucked in between two rocky cliffs and you had to walk down a wooden stairway to get to it. As he made his way down the stairwell, Varian could look out and see the expanse of dark blue ocean and lighter blue sky go on forever. It didn't look much different from Corona's coast. What did look different were the inhabitants. Corona's coastline was usually deserted save for the ports and the occasional fishing boat off in the distance, but here the beach was a mass of half naked bodies and swarms of vacationers enjoying the summer sun. Spread out along the sandy tolls were towels, blankets, folding chairs, and umbrellas of all sizes with scantily clad people lounging upon or underneath.
Varian tried to remember Gogo's words from a week ago, about how this was deemed normal and not to bring himself to attention by starring. But everywhere Varian looked he was met with the sight of a lovely lady's long legs or a handsome lad's toned chest. Not looking was very much like asking a small child in a pastry shop to hold their nose and ignore the sweet smells of pies and cakes surrounding them. Fortunately, he was able to keep his composure long enough for them to reach the shore and find a spot to set up camp for the day; managing not to hold his gaze for too long on any one person or thing.
They had brought a variety of towels and folding chairs of their own, along with a large parasol and ice chest full of food and drink for the day. Varian and Wasabi had spent that morning making sandwiches for everyone; tuna fish salad, sliced cucumbers with butter, jam mixed with a spread made from ground nuts, and some sort of mystery meat called 'baloney' paired with cheese. Varian couldn't figure out if said baloney was made from ham or chicken, as it didn't really taste like either, though it also didn't taste bad per-say. They also stored small bags of crispy fried potatoes, individually wrapped miniature cakes, and bottles of some sort of fizzy drink called 'soda' in the chest as well. Varian found the carbonated sugary drink to be odd but surprisingly tasty.
While everyone was setting up Hiro unpacked Baymax from his portable charger, the robot inflated to full size again before stepping out, and Varian released Ruddiger from his carrier. The raccoon was grateful to be let out of the small cage at last and promptly snuggled up on one of the folding chairs under the sun to catnap. Varian didn't think the leash necessary as there really wasn't any place for his pet to run off to.
Once done with setting up, the gang then proceeded to unpack the various toys and games they had brought along as well. There was a game you played with a net, like tennis, only you used your hands to pass a 'volleyball' over said net instead of a racket and you didn't want the larger ball to touch the ground at any point. They also brought a flat discus called a 'frisbee' which you threw from person to person. Gogo had with her a flat wooden board used to ride the waves that broke along the shore. Which she let Varian and her other friends try out for themselves.
Varian however was not very good at any of these new sports. While he was fairly athletic, capable of running, climbing, and whatnot, he had never been the best at coordination. More often than not he'd simply trip and fall in his efforts to keep up with the ball or maintain his balance on the surfboard.
Instead Varian found himself wandering off occasionally to try and strike up conversations with new people. He'd hadn't had a lot of social interaction while growing up, especially with others his age, and he wanted some practice before he started school in a few days. Hopefully to ease the awkwardness of being dumped in a world that he knew next to nothing about.
However every time he'd smile at a pretty girl or make eye contact with a cute boy his age, his efforts to make small talk were sabotaged by some mishap or other. Either his own clumsiness would get in the way or he'd put his foot in mouth, as the saying goes. One particularly unfortunate incident involved him getting beaned in the back of the head from a misthrown volleyball while trying to chat up a couple of vacationing teens. Fortunately, his embarrassing failures at flirting would be followed by one of his new friends trying to engage him with some other activity so he was never left alone with his awkwardness for long.
Swimming, sand castle building, more games; like 'chicken', where you tried to push one person off another person's shoulders into the water, or 'Marco Polo' where one person had to find the others with their eyes closed, using the ancient explorer's name as a call and response, digging for seashells, and other similar actives were to be had to pass the time away.
Finally, the sun started to hang low in the sky and they all headed back to the car. They were wet, tired and covered in sand. They tried to knock the irritating substance off their shoes and things before all squeezing back into the ill fitting vehicle in order to head back home. They all sat on towels so as not to get the seats wet and their bathing suits and cover up clothes all clung to them dripping with sea water.
Varian sat again in the front seat, only this time Honey Lemon had asked to hold Ruddiger on the ride back. She, Gogo, Fred, and Hiro were all fast asleep in the backseat with Baymax once again tucked away in his battery case. Wasabi had the radio on in order to keep himself awake as he drove (and to drown out Honey Lemon's snoring if he was being honest). The music that filtered out of the speakers was called 'classical' music, which just meant it was mostly orchestral music from ages past. To Varian it sounded very modern and sophisticated to his ears, like chamber music played for royal courts, not the more rustic folk music he grew up on.
Right now a gentle suite with piano and strings was playing and it along with the steady motion of the car moving was beginning to lull Varian to sleep as well. He looked out again at the houses and scenery that passed by and thought of the day's events and the fun he had had as his eyes grew heavy. This world was so much more inviting and nicer than his own, it was a shame he'd have to leave it soon, but his Dad needed him and that was that. And with that final resolve Varian drifted off to dreamland.
#varian#tangled the series#BH6 the series#Hiro Hamada#Honey lemon#ruddiger#Wasabi#GoGo#Fred Frederickson IV#rapunzel's tangled adventure
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Career In Bioinformatics: Is It Worth?
What is Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field concerned with developing and applying methods from computer science to biological problems. For example, the Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2001, wouldn't have been possible without the contribution of intricate bioinformatic algorithms, which were critical for the assembly of millions of short sequences that are molecular.
Bioinformaticians need a background that is solid computer science but also a good understanding of biology. Since bioinformaticians work closely with biologists, they need to communicate complex topics in a way that is understandable to keep up-to-date with new developments in biology.
Studying Bioinformatics
I took part in a preparatory maths course at university before studying Bioinformatics at Saarland University. It turned out to be a smart decision to take that course for university because I realized that my high-school education was not as comprehensive as necessary to prepare me. For example, only in the preparatory time learned about proofs by induction or set theory.
I understood why the university offered preparatory maths courses: the maths lectures were brutal when I started my studies. There would usually be two lectures, each spanning two hours a week. The approach was the following in terms of teaching. The lecturer would scribble definitions and proofs onto the blackboard, and the students would try to keep up with the dizzying pace. Due to the short lecture speed, I always felt that attending the courses didn't help me learn the material.
In my Bachelor's bioinformatics curriculum, roughly 70% of the program's credit points had to be earned in computer science (e.g. programming, algorithms and data structures, concurrency) and maths courses (e.g. Analysis, algebra, stochastics). In contrast, the remainder of the credits could be obtained from the full life sciences. I felt that the first three terms at university were the hardest because each semester featured a maths and a computer science course that is basic. The semesters that are later a more significant share of Bioinformatics courses as well as more hands-on seminars.
Comparing life-science and computer-science courses, I found the life-science procedures much more straightforward and less effort. While life-science lectures just required attending the classes and passing the exam, computer-science methods involved much more work. There are weekly tutorials where the solutions to the assignments are weekly discussed. Additionally, some classes featured short (15 minutes) tests. In these classes, it was usually necessary to reach 50% of the maximum score in the assignments and tests to take the exam (either only a single exam or a mid-term and end-term exam).
What differentiates the Master's through the Bachelor's system is that it is more research-oriented and allows for much greater specialization. Including, I used my Master's to consider machine methods that can be learning as supervised learning or reinforcement learning. The Master's thesis uses up a much more significant element of the total credit points than the Bachelor's thesis. Therefore abilities such as, for instance, literary works analysis, method development, and scientific writing become even more critical in terms of research.
Job Leads as being a Bioinformatics Graduate
Learning bioinformatics, I happened to be often expected where you could act as a bioinformatician. About 80% of bioinformatics place have been in research or the public sector. The issue with research jobs is that they're usually fixed-term (age. g. two years) because these positions in many cases are financed task that is using. Into the public sector, bioinformaticians are often desired in the medical industry (e.g. in hospitals) plus in health-related federal government institutions. The benefit of roles in the public sector is the fact that they've been usually permanent. Nonetheless, employment in an organization that is the general public as being a hospital often involves method administration duties such as, for instance, starting computers and databases - tasks that have little to accomplish with bioinformatics itself. Furthermore, both research and public-sector positions provide fair salaries being low to industry.
In my estimation, no more than 20% of bioinformatics jobs come in the industry. How come the percentage therefore low? The main reason is the only industry sector that employs bioinformaticians is big pharma, within my view. Right here, bioinformaticians are expected to perform tasks such instance:
• Modeling: Estimation of protein structures and simulation of molecular interactions
• Data processing: processing and evaluating sequencing information, for example, from next-generation sequencing or sequencing that is single-cell
• Virtual screening: breakthrough of leads (prospective brand new medications) using computational practices
• Data technology: Analysis and interpretation of data
Since bioinformatics is very research-oriented and industry jobs are few, many graduates (maybe 40%) join PhD programs. The people industry joining work in non-bioinformatics roles is an example, since it consultants, software designers, solutions architects, or information scientists.
Some individuals advise against studying bioinformatics because it is difficult to find an operating task afterwards. I didn't have that experience at all, and I received a job that is numerous from recruiters. I might argue that having a bioinformatics degree, job prospects are acceptable due to the fact bioinformaticians have a particular skill, helping to make them appealing for organizations:
• Bioinformatics graduates exhibit the traits of T-shaped experts. This permits them to execute many different tasks and to behave as facilitators in interdisciplinary teams.
• Bioinformatics graduates often have more experience that is useful software than computer-science graduates.
• Bioinformatics graduates are keen learners. Their proficiency in numerous disciplines shows that they can effortlessly conform to situations being brand new.
Advice to Prospective Bioinformatics Pupils and Graduates
Whether I would study bioinformatics again, I might be torn backwards and forwards if you asked me. Regarding the one hand, I must say I liked the variety of the bioinformatics system, and, with a degree in bioinformatics, many jobs are possible. The economic truth is there are few bioinformatics roles, so when you take a non-bioinformatics work, all your specialized knowledge decreases the drain having said that. Hence, I could also imagine studying a less subject specialized as computer or data science.
If you are thinking about studying bioinformatics, here are a few bits of advice:
• Do not study Bioinformatics if you hate maths. Especially the semesters that are first maths-intensive.
• Do no study Bioinformatics that it is very similar to studying biology if you were to think. Keep in mind that bioinformatics is more associated with computer technology than biology. You will find excessively biologists, which can be a few results in the change to bioinformatics.
• if you aim to operate as a bioinformatician in industry, plan. Remember to take courses that are industry-relevant forge industry connections, for example, through internships.
• Be flexible in your career ambitions. After graduating, you could not act as a bioinformatician. Nonetheless, you won't have problems locating a place when you have good programming and information analysis abilities.
Bioinformatics Versus Data Science
• possibly the most useful definition of "bioinformatics" is processing and analyzing large-scale genomics and other biological datasets to develop biological insights. As a result, other terms are often used, such as "computational genomics" and data that are "genomic."
• Data science is a little broader, mostly a more general term whose meaning is similar to bioinformatics minus the focus of biological processing and evaluating large-scale datasets to produce insights.
• in an article in Towards Data Science by Altuna Akalin, who cites audacity.
An information scientist's primary abilities include programming, machine learning, data, data wrangling, data visualization and communication, and data intuition, which probably means troubleshooting data concerns that are analysis-related.
• What comes up in bioinformatics is domain-specific information processing and quality checking, fundamental information transformation and filtering, statistics and device learning, domain-specific analytical tools and information visualization and integration, capacity to write code (programming), the power to communicate insights which can be data-driven.
• the difference that is key in Akalin's definitions is "certain domain data." The domain is genomic, proteomic, hereditary, and healthcare-related information in life sciences. It does not necessarily add sales and data, which are economical. Another method of putting it's that a bioinformatics professional is probable an information scientist; however, a data scientist is not necessarily a bioinformatician.
Bioinformatics Facts & Figures
• Persistence Market Research recently published a report, "Global Market Study on Bioinformatics – Asia to Witness Fastest Growth by 2020," which valued the worldwide bioinformatics market at $4.110 billion in 2014 but likely to grow at an annual mixture growth (CAGR) of 20.4 % from 2014 to 2020, hitting 12.542 billion in 2020.
• The Future of Jobs Survey 2018 by the World Economic Forum estimates that 85 per cent of surveyed businesses tend or very likely to consider data analytics being big. It also indicated that the revolution that is "industrial create 133 million brand new job functions and that 75 million jobs are disappearing by 2020."
• And yes, you guessed it, many of the jobs which are now in the regions of information technology and bioinformatics. In reality, the #1 top ten job champion ended up being "data analysts and scientists" followed closely by "artificial intelligence and machine learning specialists." The number 4 spot was data that are "big," followed by "digital transformation experts" (#5), "software and applications developers and analysts" (#9) and "information technology services." (#10).
• together with job outlook for bioinformatics for 2018 to 2026? The Bioinformatics Home weblog writes, "The easy reply to this real question is that the overall outlook is excellent, the demand outweighs the supply. However, the devil is within the details as usual. Nevertheless, it's good to become a bioinformatics scientist."
Job Titles and Search Terms
• Although "bioinformatician" could be a certain job, and there are various keywords that are frequently related, including bioinformatics.
Bioengineering, computational science, pc software engineering, device learning, math, data, molecular biology, biochemistry, computer technology, biostatistics, biomedical engineering, engineering, biology, information systems, genomics, computational biology, information science, and epidemiology.
• a search that is single BioSpace developed over 100 jobs mainly using "bioinformatics." The idea being: biostatisticians in the space that is biopharma to have a good comprehension of both data science and particular aspects of the life span sciences.
• Akalin had written, you're kept with most of the information science skillset plus some more "If you eliminate the particular domain needs from the bioinformatics set of skills. Individuals who result in the switch from bioinformatics to information technology will most need that is likely to adjust to the company's information organization and circulation environment. The issues are from a different domain, so they will have to adjust to that also. But the same would be true, at the least to some degree, for the data researchers jobs that are switching various employers."
• Akalin also points out that much of the difference is regarding mindset, particularly in academia to industry. Several information researchers who switched to bioinformatics or vice versa said that the sector is more product-oriented and customer and that the models needed on the market require more maintenance. "Besides," Akalin writes, discussing Markus Schuler, "he shares the idea itself is as important in product-oriented thinking that you don't constantly select the coolest and the most useful models; other factors like operating time, execution demands, scalability and architecture fit and also interpretability for the model. However, in terms of skills, he adds that bioinformatics and data technology is very comparable if not identical."
Job Growth and Median Wages
• The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't execute a task that is great of down specializations like data science and bioinformatics, tending to lump everything under Mathematicians and Statisticians. The BLS claims the task outlook from 2016 to 2026 is 33 per cent, much faster than average, and that the median pay in 2017 ended up being $84,760 with a Master's Degree for that category. Statisticians were cited among the fastest-growing occupations, at 34 per cent, and epidemiologists have an improvement rate of 9 per cent and pay that is median of Master's Degree prospect of $69,660.
• In 2018, O*NET OnLine, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, projected task development for bioinformatics researchers within the U.S. to be 5 to 9 % and as high as 12 % in California. They launched that from 2016 to 2026, there is 3,700 new job, and that total employment in 2016 had been 39,000 staffers. Based on the study, the same median wages in 2017 were $76,690 yearly for bioinformatics boffins and $47,700 for specialists.
While the Bioinformatics Home blog correctly notes, "In any case, median salaries give just a proven fact that is vague of because the wages differ enormously between quantities of employment."
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Chapter 2
I walk down the long hallway of the rebuilt estate of the Hellsing organisation. What was once a top-secret property, has now opened their doors to the public for people to get trained in combat, weapon handling and knowledge about dark creatures.
Sir Integra Hellsing know that when she passes away, there will be no one to truly lead the Hellsing organisation, except the government. This was her way of making sure the Hellsing legacy would continue – by opening a sort of school for people to become hunters. I had taken some time to learn how to become a hunter, and apparently, only a few were selected. The criteria – have a specific set of skills one could only be born with.
A set of double doors are open, and inside are people fencing. I note one of the people watching, dressed in a burgundy red uniform with a red writhing mass as her left arm – Seras Victoria. I have read about her, the second human to have been turned by Alucard. She was only 19 years old when she was turned. She had a tragic past and a hard upbringing. Now she was head vampire and the one to train the new hunters.
I watch as two people fence with grace. It’s almost a dance, but one of them is clumsier than the other. The footwork is almost to perfection and the movement like calm waves on the ocean. The fencing ends and they pull off their masks and one of them is revealed to be Integra herself. I look in awe as her long white hair flow down her slim body and her right eye shimmer in the bright ceiling light.
“Well done, Oliver, but you need to work more on your defence.” She points out as she shifts her weight to one side. “I believe you have quite the potential.” She adds before her eyes meet mine. I keep her gaze locked with mine, letting her know I am here for her. She gives me a slight nod. She turns to Seras. “Keep them training. I will be right back.” Integra makes her way over to me, assess my presence before gesturing me to follow her.
We walk in silence down the hallway until we finally enter a room to the left.
The room is open and high ceiling. The back wall has huge fixed windows, letting in the grey light from outside. In the left corner is dark red chesterfield couches, with a dark oak coffee table placed in front decorated with a bouquet of flowers. In the right corner is a small bar filled with all kinds of liquor and crystal glasses. The walls are decorated with huge framed paintings of different historical figures. In the middle of the room is a long dark wood executive desk with a lamp, a landline phone, papers neatly stacked, pens placed in order and a silver box with cigars. Behind the desk is a dark green executive chair.
Integra makes her way to the desk, places her mask on top and sit down in the chair. I walk over to the desk and wait patiently while she reaches for her cigar box. She pulls out a thin and brown cigar, places it between her thin lips, light it up with a golden lighter and inhales deeply. She breathes out the light grey smoke while taking in my form.
I feel her eyes etch into my skin, making me want to spit out words at her, but I know she is a respectable woman with high standards. It took me three years to get this interview and I am not planning on screwing this up.
The silence linger between us uncomfortably as she takes another drag from the cigar. The smoke makes me want to cough, but I supress it. She turns the chair a little, leans back and crosses her legs as she lets the cigar rest between her lips. Her eyelids are heavy, not from lack of sleep, but from the fact that she knows she can somewhat relax in this room.
“You’re from the London History Chronicle.” She says as she finally drags her eyes away from me. She looks absentmindedly at one of the paintings hanging on the wall. “You’ve been nagging me for the past three years for this interview. Why?” She adds and continues to look at the painting.
Nagging her? I mean, yes I have tried desperately to get this interview, but nagging you is a bit too far. And I have never been in direct contact with you, but rather your new housekeeper; Stella Cherrier.
I scan the side of her face. A brown patch covering her left eye from a gunshot wound that made her go blind on that eye. I can see a thin line of a scar peeking from below her patch. It must have been one hell of a shot, yet I have a feeling she didn’t even flinch. That’s the kind of woman Integra is, hard, unfaced, strong, relentless, cold and deadly. I know she could stare death in the eye and still not bat an eye.
“I have been studying and reading about what happened in London 31 years ago.” I begin to explain. “I even wrote I master thesis on the events. I want to ask y…”
“It was nothing more than just an exchange of bullets.” She cuts in, still not looking at me.
I bite my tongue. So she is one of them. “Just an exchange of bullets? I am sure the bill for rebuilding the whole of London would disagree with you, Sir Hellsing.” I lean my weight on one leg as I cross my arms. It makes her turn her head towards me. She looks at my posturing, she seems to dislike it. “I am also sure the three million people who died that night would also disagree with you.”
She narrows her eyes at me, before a smirk grows on her lips. She shifts in her seat, leans forward on her desk with her fingers intertwined. “I like you, what is your name?”
My eyes widen at her remark. She likes me? I felt rather cocky spitting those facts out, showing off my knowledge. I just spat at her and she likes me? I let my arms hang down to my sides and I straighten up. “I am Alessa.” I introduce myself.
She leans bank in her chair and take another deep drag from her cigar. “How much do you know of what happened 31 years ago?”
I scan her face. Is this a test or an actual question? Besides, I thought it was I who were going to ask the questions. “I know everything that is available in writing plus the rumours and fairy tales.” I begin to explain.
“And how do you know the distinction between what is true and not?”
“I go with my gut, my knowledge and what seems reasonable. I hardly believe there were actual angels during the battle, but rather the image of angels because of Iscariot the papal knights joined the battle on their helicopters. I also heard dragons interfered in all of this too, but I mean…” I glance at her grin as I speak. “Vampires and werewolves, that’s okay, but dragons? That’s a bit too far.”
“You would be surprised.”
I let out a gasp at her remark. My eyebrows shoot up as I stare at her questioning.
“But you are correct, no dragons exists. At least to our knowledge. Now you seem like a person who has a great deal of knowledge about what happened and more than enough information to write an article, so why are you here?” She places her cigar in the ashtray and leans forward on her elbows.
“I am here because I want to hear from someone who saw it all. Who was in the middle of it. Yes, there are some corrupted videos available, but you are the only human, as far as I am aware of, who saw and experienced everything.” I explain. She raises an eyebrow at me and I once again cross my arms in front of me. “And who is still alive.” I add.
She smirks at me. “Well then, Alessa. Please go ahead with your interview.”
I pull my backpack off, pull out my notes and my phone to record the interview. “I hope you don’t mind.” I show her my phone and she shakes her head. I start the recorder on my phone, places it on the desk and look at my notes.
I clear my throat. “When the vampire attacks leading up to the reveal of the Millennium, did you ever think it would be linked to something greater than just some random vampire attacks?”
“I had my suspicions, but vampire attacks are not that uncommon, we are just good at hiding it and cleaning up before anyone else sticks their noses in it. We know that humans are not strong enough or equipped with knowledge about vampires that they can fend for themselves, which is why we stepped up from the start. Wasting human lives and sacrificing them as ghouls is a fait I wouldn’t send upon anyone.” Her eyes fall to my phone and there is a twitch at the corner of her right eye. “The police has no knowledge or equipment to fight off vampires or ghouls for that matter. Which is why it is crucial Hellsing is the first to know about these kinds of attacks.”
“It this why you have opened up to the public to train new people?”
She looks up at me. “Yes. I have realised that family run businesses is a thing of the past. When I pass away, the government will take over. I know Seras will do a fine job leading everyone, but I don’t know what will happen to Alucard, as there are no heir to the Hellsing family.”
“What do you think will happen to him?” I am intrigued to know what she thinks. Her head must be filled with the most wonderful things imaginable, both dark and light.
“Who knows. Alucard is the most powerful being to ever exist and without a master, he might go rogue, find a new purpose, find a master within the government or clench his thirst for whatever is going on inside his mind.” She sighs out. “All I know is that the government will take over the Hellsing organisation and it is my duty to make sure the standard of our hunters are the best.”
I nod in agreement. I wonder how England would be without the Hellsing to protect us. Who knows how many creatures they’ve kept at bay by just existing.
“I read that you gave the command to Alucard to release all his powers, did you know what it entailed? From what I read about it; every soul he has ever consumed was released from his coffin and fought alongside him. It was described as a sea of dead souls.”
Integra lets out a chuckle and it somewhat takes me by surprise. “I knew what it entailed, but I had never seen it before. It was quite the sight. To see his raw power unleashed upon this world was almost frightening.”
I raise my eyebrows. Integra, scared? Sounds impossible based on everything I had read about her. She was calculated, strong and fearless. If she was somewhat frightened, who knows what everyone else felt.
“I remember as soon as my command slipped my lips, everyone, from all sides, attacked him. The Nazis and the Iscariot. They could feel the annihilation was about to wash over all of them. Their lives snuffed in a flash.”
“What did it make you feel to know you commanded such powers?”
She leans back in her chair and locks gaze with me. I notice she is chewing her inner cheek. “Responsible.” Is the only word slipping out of her.
My jaw lowers slightly as I am stunned not to hear the word powerful come out of her.
“I feel responsible for every innocent life lost during that night. This war begun because Alucard exists. I believe that if it happens once, it can happen again.” Her eye lower and I sense a hint of sadness. “And I don’t know which state Alucard is in now, considering what happened 31 years ago.”
“What?” I gasp and take a step closer to the desk. I can see she realise the last sentence was not meant for my ears. “What do you mean by state? What happened?” I ask desperately.
The stands up. “This interview is over.” She declares and press a button on her landline phone.
Within a second, a woman dressed in a black dress with a white apron – the housekeeper – enters the room. “Stella, please escort Miss Alessa out of the estate.” Integra commands with a calm voice.
I sigh, letting her know I dislike her decision to just throw me out. I reach for my phone, end the recording and put everything back in my bag. “Safe travels home, Alessa.” I reluctantly follow Stella out of the massive building.
#hellsing#hellsing ultimate#original character#original female character#writing#ao3#anime / manga#integra hellsing#seras victoria#alucard
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We Stand, Fate-Tested - II
Sticking with the longer chapters. I finished this part up instead of an essay due in 5 hours, so it’s a gift you should run with. I have the outline for the story roughly in place, but no promises about when the next update will be.
Rating: T+ Genre: Mystery, Friendship, Romance Characters: [Byleth/My Unit, Dimitri B.], [Byleth/My Unit, Claude R.] Words: 5,826
Byleth leads the first tutorial of the year. / The Blue Lions return home for the second time since the war's end.
II - In Circles We Tread
Garreg Mach University - 14 Horsebow Moon, 732 AU
Byleth arrived at the classroom where her tutorial section was meeting ten minutes early. She was hoping that whatever class had the room before her would be done early so that she could set up her laptop and her review slides for the session. Fortunately, there didn’t appear to have been a class in the room so she was able to enter as soon as she arrived.
Byleth was in the midst of setting up her laptop with the tangled, university-supplied cables when her first student arrived. It was the same girl with straight, dark hair that had been the first student to arrive in the lecture the week before. She approached the front desk and smiled at Byleth.
Byleth paused in her set up. “Hi,” she greeted.
“Hello, Miss Eisner,” the girl replied. “My name is Lysithea.”
Byleth nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Lysithea. You’re a bit early, but please, have a seat wherever you’d like.”
The girl nodded and sat right in the front row. She pulled out a laptop and began tapping away at the keyboard. Byleth went back to setting up her presentation as more students trickled in. She recognized the boy with green hair, half of the group of students that had sat near her in lecture, as well as Claude and Dimitri. Claude took a seat in the back, flanked by a girl with bright pink hair and a boy with purple hair and expensively styled clothes while Dimitri sat with the friends he had sat with in lecture.
Byleth finished setting up her slides and glanced at the clock. It was one minute before 1:30, when the tutorial was supposed to begin so she stood up, assessing her class. Her tutorial section had half the class and Seteth ran the tutorial with the other half. As it was the first tutorial of the section, attendance was at almost, or entirely, full capacity, something which likely wouldn’t continue throughout the whole semester.
“Hi everyone,” she greeted when the clock finally ticked over to 1:30. The chatter in the room mostly died out and all the curious faces turned to face her. A bead of nervousness pricked in her chest, but she smiled and forced it down. “As I’m sure you guys know, I’m Byleth Eisner and I’ll be your TA for this class. I’m leading this tutorial section, Tutorial 2, and Dr. Cichol leads Tutorial 1.”
She leaned down and moved to the first slide in her slideshow which was a trio of pictures. The first was Byleth and Seteth working in a lab doing hands-on analysis of artifacts. The second was a shot of Byleth posing with her undergrad thesis team at Shambhala where they had done an expedition. The last photo was Byleth in the Main Hall of the university as she presented her undergraduate thesis.
“I’m in my first year of my Masters here at Garreg Mach University with a specialization in Unification Era Archaeology focused on the Guardian of Order. I did my undergraduate degree here and graduated with a combined honours in Archaeology and History. Dr. Cichol is currently my Masters supervisor which is why I’m here as your TA.”
There were a few murmurs across the class as people assessed her qualifications. Byleth ignored them and moved to her next slide which held a photo of the ancient sword that was rumoured to have been wielded by the Guardian of Order. They had discussed it in lecture since it was one of very few relics from the Unification Era that hadn’t been lost to looters or fire. However, since it was still early in the semester, they’d looked at the blade objectively, not as a relic wielded by the Guardian.
“Archaeology is the study of material remains of humans and societies. In our first class we talked about the first step of working with artifacts: description, classification, and analysis. The next step is the placement of an artifact within its historical context. If we take this image here, can someone give me a description for it?” She gestured to the screen and the image of the sword. “And, for the first few classes if you can just say your name beforehand so I can get to know everyone, that would be much appreciated.”
The blonde girl sitting with Dimitri raised her hand and Byleth nodded. “I’m Ingrid,” the girl introduced, brushing her braid back over her shoulder. “The first step would be to identify the weapon as an ancient blade, likely a longsword. It appears to be made of some kind of bone or clay material due to its lack of metallic qualities.”
Byleth nodded. “Excellent, thank you, Ingrid. Now, can someone give me a guess about the historical context of the blade based off of that?”
Lysithea, the girl who had been early for class, raised her hand. “Given the design of the blade and its recovery location, this is likely a blade that had been used in the Unification War. Due to appearance, it is likely that the blade was used by a highly ranked soldier, officer, or commander. It fell to disuse probably after the fire in 101 and 102 AU.”
Byleth nodded and was about to commend Lysithea when Claude raised his hand. She raised an eyebrow and gestured for him to speak.
Claude was leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head as he made steady eye contact with Byleth. “Maybe I just know this as a History major, but that blade fell to disuse before the Great Fire of Garreg Mach. It would have been around 9 AU that it was no longer wielded. It’s structure greatly resembles the other legendary weapons of the time known as ‘Relics’.”
Byleth appraised Claude. He was correct, of course, but it had taken her a lot of research to actually find the year when the Guardian was reported to have disappeared, leaving her legendary blade to the Royal Collection. “That is correct, Claude,” she agreed. “This sword,” she paused to continue the presentation on her laptop which let the label pop up on the screen, “is known to us as the Guardian’s Blade, the weapon that was wielded by the Guardian of Order in the Unification War.”
There were a few more jumbled murmurs around the room as students processed what she was saying.
“Pardon me, Miss Eisner,” the green-haired boy said, raising a hand, “if you’re saying this weapon is one of the Relics, why was it recovered separately from the rest of the ancient weapons?”
“That’s an excellent question,” she trailed off, gesturing for the student to give his name.
“Linhardt,” Byleth repeated. “In the year 7 AU, after the death of the Saviour King, the Guardian of Order called for the collection of the Relics to be displayed as artifacts and historical trophies instead of used as weapons. It has never been confirmed, but historians have theorized that since the Guardian of Order disappeared just under a year after her husband’s passing, she took her blade with her when she vanished. The discovery of the sword here at Garreg Mach is one of the biggest mysteries regarding her disappearance.”
At the back of the classroom, Claude’s friends were whispering, but Claude’s green eyes were fixed sharply on Byleth as she explained. Byleth tried to ignore him as she continued to field questions as well as offer her own discussion questions. The rest of the 50-minute section passed relatively quickly, but right until the end, Byleth could have sworn that Claude didn’t take his eyes off of her.
At 2:20, Byleth concluded the discussion and dismissed class, saying she would see everyone back the next week. Conversations broke out and people started packing up. She unplugged her laptop from the projector and started putting away her own things. She slid her laptop into her bag and looked up when someone cleared their throat in front of the podium. Byleth found Claude smirking at her, his hands wrapped around the straps of his backpack.
“Good discussion,” he complimented.
“Thank you,” Byleth replied. She still felt on edge around Claude. There was something about him that was so infuriatingly familiar and she just couldn’t figure out what it was because it certainly wasn’t just because he was the son of an ambassador.
“Combined honours with History, hm?” he continued. “Sounds familiar.”
Byleth rolled her eyes but smiled faintly. “Yes, it appears we have similar interests.” She contemplated something for a moment before she pushed forward with it: “Have you taken a lot of courses in Unification Era history?”
Claude shrugged. “I took 234 and I’m currently in 316.”
Byleth had taken both of those courses herself. History 234 was the Unification War History course and History 316 was History of the Unification Years. Neither was particularly heavy in information about the Guardian of Order and the Guardian’s Blade, topics Claude had already proved himself knowledgeable in.
“Is knowing everything just a hobby then?” she asked.
Claude laughed this time. “If I knew everything I don’t think I’d be in your class, Teach.”
The nickname caught her off guard and she blinked dumbly at him for a moment. Claude seemed to recognize his blunder and he winced.
“Ah, sorry if that was weird, it just felt right.”
Byleth bit her lip and shook her head. “It’s fine, really,” she assured. In all honesty, the nickname had felt fitting and familiar. It was weird.
“Anyways, I don’t suppose there’s any way we could sit down and talk about your thesis, is there? I’m incredibly curious about the research that you’ve been doing,” Claude continued after a short cough.
Byleth raised an eyebrow. “I have office hours and my email is on the course outline,” she replied flatly.
Claude laughed. “Yes, but your office hours will be filled with students with academic, course-related questions. Email, also, doesn’t have the same personal touch as a face-to-face conversation.”
Byleth sighed. “Look, Claude, I’m your TA, I don’t know what you want me to say.”
He held up his hands innocently. “I’ve just got questions about your Masters, surely that’s an innocent enough intention? What about Thursday afternoon at the coffee shop in the student centre?”
Byleth considered it for a moment. There was nothing in her contract that said she couldn’t get coffee with someone who was interested in her academic projects and if she managed to convince Claude to pursue a graduate degree in her field after graduation, she knew Seteth wouldn’t care about the nature of their conversation.
She sized up Claude and folded her arms. “I’ll meet you at Anna’s at 4 on Thursday,” she consented.
Claude’s smirk widened and he nodded. “I look forward to it, Teach.”
With one last cheeky wink, Claude strode away and headed for the door where his two friends had lingered, waiting for him. Byleth watched him for a moment before she resumed packing up her things. She slid her attendance sheet into her folder and placed it in her bag.
“Miss Eisner,” a new voice interrupted.
Byleth shook her head and looked up. “Byleth, please.”
Dimitri, standing in front of her desk, gave her a small smile. “Byleth,” he agreed. “I hope Claude wasn’t bothering you. He’s a strong personality.”
Byleth laughed lightly and smiled. “No, no, he was just asking about my area of study. I’m happy to talk about it. I wouldn’t be studying it if I wasn’t.”
Dimitri looked relieved. “That’s good to hear. You’re certainly interesting to listen to in tutorial. You know your stuff.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Admittedly, I’m feeling a bit out of my depth in this class.”
Byleth nodded. “That’s understandable, but really, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You’ve got some smart classmates, if today was any indication, and both Dr. Cichol and I have office hours reserved for this class section so feel free to come to either of us if you need anything.”
Dimitri nodded. “Yes, thank you very much.” Someone called his name from by the door and he turned to walk away, pausing once to give her a last goodbye.
Byleth pulled her bag up onto her shoulder and bit her lip. Dimitri and Claude and Edelgard were so familiar that it hurt her to think about them. Even so, she had a job to do and a meeting with Seteth to get to. She strode out of the classroom, fishing her tangled headphones out of her pocket.
- ~ -
Seteth placed a new folder on the desk between them, gesturing for her to take a look. Byleth slid it towards herself and opened it. It was a stack of about five pieces of paper and the first was an email between Seteth and the Fhirdiad National Museum of Unification that was set to sponsor the expedition below Garreg Mach.
Byleth scanned the email and grinned when she found the phrase she was looking for. “On behalf of the Board of Directors here at the museum, we consent to allow Miss Byleth Eisner a position on the Garreg Mach Research Team to assist with her academic development,” she read aloud.
Seteth was smiling. “Keep reading.”
“In the interest of the success of the dig, funding has also been secured for an additional team of researchers to join you on this endeavour. The idea is to have undergraduate students join you to develop practical archaeological skills.” Byleth stopped reading abruptly and looked up at Seteth. “Let me get this straight: you not only got approval for me to join, but now they want us to take on a group of undergrads?”
Seteth nodded, knitting his fingers together atop his desk. “I think this will be an interesting opportunity for them.” He reached for the file, pushing Byleth’s hands away and pulling the documentation back towards him. “The expedition is set to begin next year, in the Guardian Moon of the new semester. I was thinking that we would extend this opportunity to the students currently in Archaeology 356. That way we have a semester to evaluate the students so we can choose ones we think will be beneficial, not hindering, to the studies.”
Byleth nodded slowly. “Yeah, that makes sense. Still, this kind of opportunity for undergraduates means everyone will want in. I know I would have when I was in my third year.”
“I’m going to put an announcement up on my website about the opportunity and discuss it next class. I was hoping you would be able to design some kind of application form so that we can immediately narrow down our options.”
Byleth slid her laptop out of her bag and opened a blank document. “What kind of questions were you thinking for the application?”
Seteth pondered for a moment before he answered: “Ask about any experience they have, and how many prior archaeology or history credits they have. I would also like to know about their own interpretation of the Unification Era, since that’s what this is all about.”
“If I asked what they think is a major, lasting influence of the Unification Era on current Fódlani politics?”
Seteth smiled. “I like that.”
“How many students can we take?”
Seteth flipped through papers briefly to find the definite answer. “We can take ten, but that’s too many. I think eight is an appropriate number.”
Byleth noted that down and she tapped out a few more rough questions. “I assume we’ll do a vetting process with the written applications and then call the best candidates for interviews with the rest of our dig team, right?”
“Yes,” Seteth agreed. “It’s important that they meet and can get along with the rest of the team because they are an addition to the team that is meant to help their skills, not hinder the results of our expedition. Too many people have put too much effort into this for it to fail now.”
Byleth knew why Seteth was nervous because the last time someone had led a dig under the university, it had fallen apart just a few weeks after it began. Byleth paused and exhaled slowly. “Seteth, this might be overstepping, but I want to ask about my father.” Seteth tensed and Byleth swallowed her nervousness before continuing. “I know he was a part of the last research expedition to the underside of Garreg Mach five years ago. I know he pulled out of the project part-way through and that the project fell through after he withdrew. What are we going to find down there that caused my father to pull out so suddenly?”
Seteth stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Byleth, are you asking me if I know why your father was killed?”
“No,” she said firmly. “He was stabbed five years ago. That’s unrelated to his work. I’m asking you why the excavation couldn’t continue without my father.”
“I honestly don’t know,” Seteth admitted. “I wasn’t a member of that excavation team. It was led by a woman named Catherine Charon. Catherine cancelled further progress once your father withdrew his support. The excavation was privately funded by a private collector from Zanado and apparently the money stopped once your father left the project.”
Byleth frowned. “My father was a security contractor, not an archaeologist. His withdrawal from the project should have just meant that they brought on someone else, not that they cancelled the dig entirely.”
“I agree. It was something that I could never get Catherine to explain and she left the University that year before I could get a real answer out of her. Your father never liked to talk about it either, as I’m sure you know, and then he died just five months later.”
Byleth sighed. “I’ve been through the site notes and the inventory of every artifact recorded as recovered. There are no mentions of what caused him to pull out or anything that might lend to the private donor withdrawing their support or Dr. Charon calling off the project.”
Seteth studied her for a moment. “Does your interest in being part of this dig only have to do with your father?”
“No,” Byleth assured. “I’m interested in what we might be able to recover and how it can support my thesis, but I won’t say I’m not curious.”
She closed her laptop and stood up from the desk. She pulled her bag up and prepared to head out of Seteth’s office. “My father was a different man after that expedition than when he went into it. I do want to know why, and I don’t want that to happen to anyone else, either, if I can help it.”
- ~ - ~ - ~ -
Garreg Mach Monastery - 21 Red Wolf Moon, Unification Year
A knock at the door drew Byleth’s attention and she turned in her seat to look at the entrance to her room. It was one of the monastery’s monks who stood patiently in the doorway, waiting for permission to enter. Byleth waved her in and the monk bowed briefly before stepping in.
“Your Grace, I have received word from an advanced scout that His Majesty and the court will be arriving in the next few hours.”
Byleth smiled faintly. “Thank you, but please, I’m not the Archbishop yet, so Professor or Byleth is more than fine.”
The monk shook her head, but she was smiling as well. “With all due respect, you are ascending in rank tomorrow, Your Grace. You’ve been acting head of the church for several months as well.” She bowed briefly once more before leaving the room, leaving Byleth alone again.
Byleth sighed and stood from her desk, heading towards her balcony. She pushed open the doors and stepped outside. The stone was cold against her bare feet and the air was chilly enough that she instantly shivered. Byleth looked up at the clear blue sky and twisted the ring on her finger thoughtfully.
After the war had ended, Dimitri had stayed for a month of negotiations with the church and for his coronation before his council of advisors had finally managed to get him to return to Fhirdiad. Byleth missed him dearly–him and Felix and Sylvain and Ingrid and Dedue who had returned with him. Annette and Ashe had stayed at the monastery for another couple of weeks before they too left for the capital, leaving Byleth with only Mercedes, Flayn, Seteth, and the Knights of Seiros.
She and Dimitri had announced their engagement officially on the day of his coronation, but all of their close friends had known much before that point. It had been just over a month now, since all the former Blue Lions had been in one place and even though part of Byleth was dreading her formal ascension to the head of the church, she was grateful for the opportunity it offered to gather her friends and allies in one place.
Of course, there was also the wedding that would follow Byleth’s ascension. She and Dimitri had argued about the wedding for nearly two weeks since while they both wanted a smaller affair, Dimitri had been the only one willing to go through with a small event. Byleth knew that a private wedding would invite more scrutiny than the marriage of the church and the state already would. She also knew it would be important for Dimitri to use the wedding as a political event to continue to smooth relations with former Empire territories. Eventually, her argument had won out and they’d been thrown into planning the wedding of the century.
Byleth didn’t linger too long on the balcony. The chill was going to get to her and she really couldn’t afford to get sick with a few very important days ahead of her. She slipped back inside her chambers and moved to pull on a pair of slip-on shoes to chase away lingering chills. The ornate furniture and decorations in the room felt wrong to her. Three weeks after the war, Rhea had departed and Byleth had moved into the former archbishop’s chambers.
Byleth ran her hand along the top of the dresser near the balcony and frowned. Being in Rhea’s old room felt weird enough on its own, but the fact that Byleth had not gotten a moment alone with Rhea to ask about what Seteth had told her before the former archbishop had departed made her feel even more uncomfortable.
Seteth’s words, and their implications, weighed on her daily. She had not managed to get another candid conversation with her advisor since that day two months ago. Flayn too, seemed to be avoiding Byleth or only approaching her when there were other people around. Byleth pulled her hand off the dresser and touched it to the left side of her chest. As always, there was no heartbeat beneath her palm and she exhaled wearily.
Another sharp knock on the door caused Byleth to jolt upright and snap her hand back to her side. This intruder was a much more welcome sight than the monk who had interrupted her earlier.
“Mercedes!” Byleth exclaimed as her friend stepped into the room.
“Hello Professor!” Mercedes replied cheerfully. “You look lovely,” she complimented.
Byleth blinked and took in her own outfit. She was wearing one of the ceremonial dresses that had been commissioned for her, but it was nowhere near as high end as the dress she would be wearing for her ascension tomorrow. She smoothed her hands over the cream-coloured fabric and smiled softly.
“Thank you. What are you doing up here? I thought you were going to wait in the entrance hall for the others.”
Mercedes laughed. “Well, Professor, we sent someone up to let you know they were almost here, but you never reappeared, so I decided to come fetch you myself.”
“They’re almost here?” Byleth repeated. When the monk had mentioned that they would be arriving in a few hours, she had not been expecting their arrival in the next half hour.
Mercedes’s eyes were shining. “Their party had just been spotted entering the monastery grounds when I came up.”
- ~ -
Standing outside the main entrance of the monastery, Byleth felt like her blood was singing. The first few riders of the party had just crossed into the marketplace of the monastery and already two of the riders were breaking in her direction. Above them, a pegasus whinnied and descended.
Sylvain and Felix, the first two riders, dismounted and covered the remaining distance on foot. Ingrid barely managed to get herself off of her pegasus before she was also breaking towards Byleth and Mercedes. Felix reached her first and he paused, forcing himself into a stiff bow. Byleth rolled her eyes and pulled him into a hug. He didn’t reciprocate immediately, but he did pat her back after a moment.
As soon as she released Felix, Sylvain pulled her into a tight hug. Sylvain was wearing more armour than Felix so the hug felt stiffer, but he was warm and solid against her and Byleth drank in his familiarity. She pulled away from Sylvain and turned to hug Ingrid as well. After she had hugged the last of the trio, Byleth stepped back and smiled broadly.
“Welcome back,” she greeted.
Sylvain laughed. “Come on, Professor, we know we’re not the ones you really want to see.” He gestured behind him where the rest of the party was arriving including Ashe, Annette, Gustave, and Dedue.
Byleth’s breath caught as she recognized the rider at the front of the pack. He seemed to have noticed her as well, practically leaping off of his mount and jogging towards her. Byleth brushed past her former students to move towards him, nearly tripping on her dress as she descended the steps. He was in front of her before she could trip, his hands gripping her forearms as he stared at her face. A dazzling smile cracked across Dimitri’s expression and Byleth felt herself smile too.
“Hello, my beloved,” Dimitri greeted gently.
“I missed you,” Byleth said. She had intended for a more eloquent greeting, but her heart had won out and she had spoken the naked truth instead.
The life glimmering in Dimitri’s good eye softened and he bent his head, pressing his forehead to hers. “I missed you too, Byleth,” he murmured.
Byleth didn’t get to reply before he was kissing her. Her hands framed his face as she kissed him back fiercely, pouring a month’s worth of emotion into their reunion kiss. It wasn’t the most proper or befitting of greetings for two authority figures, but it was the genuine, real reaction of two young people in love who had nearly lost each other in a brutal 5-year war. Finally–and unfortunately–Byleth had to pull away, breathing hard.
She laughed when Dimitri didn’t let her pull far away and she felt her adoration for him cause tears to prickle at the corners of her eyes. She ran her thumb across his cheekbone and smiled warmly.
“I don’t know if that was the most proper greeting,” she teased.
Dimitri’s laugh rumbled in his chest. “A man can be excused for missing his fiancé,” Dimitri refuted and Byleth laughed again.
“Welcome back, my love,” she said quietly. “It’s good to see you.”
“And I am always glad to see you,” he replied. He looked past her towards the monastery where many of the clergy were gathered to watch his arrival. “I really have made a scene, haven’t I?”
Byleth slipped her hand into his and tugged him back towards the monastery. “Come on, I want to hear about Fhirdiad. I want to hear from all of you. Surely we can spare an afternoon in the Blue Lion’s classroom to reconnect?”
Dimitri followed her lead as they walked towards the monastery. “You’ll get no complaints from me on that, but won’t Seteth protest?”
Byleth huffed. “I am not Archbishop until tomorrow, but I do hope that he’ll allow me this time with my friends before I saddle myself with responsibility for the rest of my life.”
“I suppose I could busy myself with keeping our guests from Fhirdiad occupied,” Seteth admitted, catching the end of Byleth’s sentence as she and Dimitri rejoined the group gathered at the monastery’s entrance. “Your Majesty, it is nice to see you, as always,” her advisor added for pleasantness’s sake.
Byleth beamed and pulled Dimitri past Seteth heading into the monastery. Their friends, including the rest of the Blue Lions plus Flayn, followed them as Byleth led the way. Byleth watched her friends as they walked, noting who was talking to who and the expressions on faces.
Dedue was listening intently to Mercedes as she spoke softly, Ashe was chatting with Flayn, Annette seemed to be having some kind of minimal conversation with Felix, and Ingrid and Sylvain were conversing in light and teasing tones. Byleth smiled to herself as she watched them and tightened her grip on Dimitri’s hand unintentionally.
“You look satisfied, love, is there something you’d like to share?” Dimitri asked curiously.
Byleth laughed lightly. “I don’t want to scare this away,” she admitted, gently tilting her head in Felix and Annette’s direction. Felix’s ears were pink at the tips and Annette’s cheeks had a rosy glow.
“Ah,” Dimitri replied, his own lips twitching into a smile. “Well I could let it go, but I know Duke Fraldarius has been spending much more time in conversation with Baron Dominic.”
Byleth squeezed his hand. “I wonder why that could be,” she replied teasingly. “Perhaps the same reason why Ashe has been my best communicator with Brigid recently.”
“Or why the son of the esteemed Margrave Gautier has taken to spending his time split between his own lands and the lands of Count Galatea,” Dimitri replied, glancing over at his other childhood friends.
Byleth shook her head fondly. “I don’t think our wedding will be the only one in the future, my love.”
“No, I would be inclined to agree with you on that,” Dimitri hummed.
Finally, their little group reached the room that used to be the Blue Lion’s classroom. All of them stopped just outside the room as if none of them could make themselves set foot inside the room. After a moment of nothing, Byleth dropped Dimitri’s hand and stepped forward across the threshold.
The monastery’s reconstruction effort had obviously begun to move into areas like the classroom since all the furniture was righted and placed mostly back where it had been before the war. The bookshelves were emptier than they used to be, thanks to thieves, and Byleth’s blackboard that had been used for lectures was leaning in two large, broken pieces against the rear wall.
Byleth moved towards it like a magnet and ran her fingers across the still chalk-dusted surface with a wistful smile on her face.
“This place feels like it was frozen in time,” Sylvain said idly as he stepped in and moved towards the windows on the front wall.
Felix snorted. “I’m not sure that’s how I’d describe it.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve been here since the war ended,” Ashe admitted.
Annette nodded. “Me either. I used to come here to work on things when everywhere else was crowded.”
“We’ve shared a lot of memories in this place,” Ingrid agreed. She walked curiously over to one of the bookshelves and pressed her fingers in the empty spaces between books.
“Will you get the Officer’s Academy up and running again, Professor?” Dedue asked after a moment.
Byleth blinked and she realized that she honestly hadn’t even considered it until that point. She had been focusing so much of her effort on unification campaigns and the physical and spiritual repairs to the church that she had almost forgotten it was once a school as well.
“I think we should try,” Dimitri answered for her. He stepped up next to Byleth and wrapped a warm arm around her waist. “So much good came out of this place.”
“I think it would be easy enough to convince my brother to divert some efforts into getting this place all fixed up,” Flayn said brightly. “As much as he tries to pretend, I know he has a soft spot for the Academy and for the Blue Lions House especially since you all did take me on as a student partway through the year.”
“We’d all have to get together more often in that case,” Mercedes said cheerfully. “An annual gathering to celebrate the new classes,” she suggested.
Sylvain chuckled, throwing an arm over Felix’s shoulder as he headed for the centre of the room. “I like that idea, Mercedes. It reminds us all of that fateful day we all took a chance to return here and we met up with our Professor and our Prince again.”
Dimitri tensed at her side, but Sylvain’s words held no malice and he relaxed after a moment. Slowly, the rest of the Blue Lions congregated at the front of the classroom. Annette and Mercedes had linked their arms while Sylvain had thrown his other arm over Ingrid’s shoulders as well. Ashe moved to stand between Ingrid and Annette, Dedue stood between Mercedes and Dimitri, and Flayn slipped in between Byleth and Felix.
In their odd, sort-of circle, Byleth felt a lump well up in her throat. She loved these people more than she knew she was capable of. The moment felt like it needed a toast of some sort to cement it, so Byleth swiped Dimitri’s flask from its position on his belt. Her fiancé made a noise of surprise, but Byleth just ignored him and raised the flask.
“To the best students I could have asked for and the best group of friends I could have ever needed.”
Smiles rippled around the room and Byleth took a swig from the flask, letting the hard liquor Dimitri was carrying burn down her throat as she swallowed. She handed the flask off to him and he took a sip before passing it off to Dedue. The flask made its way around the ring and everyone drank to differing successes (Ashe, Annette, and Flayn pulling strange faces while the rest managed to stomach it with little reaction and Sylvain even took two sips).
“Thank you, my friends,” Byleth continued as she received the flask back from Flayn. “I am so grateful you were all able to come to support me in this endeavour. Your support means so much.”
“Of course, Professor,” Ingrid replied gently. “You believed in us when no one else did so it was only fair that we did the same.”
“Besides,” Dimitri continued, “my rule is nothing without the support of the Church of Seiros.”
Byleth rolled her eyes and elbowed him, but he just tightened his grip on her waist and leaned down to kiss her temple. She smiled.
#the writing section#we stand fate-tested#dimileth#claudeleth#fire emblem three houses#f: fire emblem#fic: we stand fate-tested#ship: dimileth#ship: claudeleth#words: 5.8k+#r: t+#c: dimitri#c: byleth#c: claude#c: seteth#c: the blue lions#fe3h#fe3h fic#g: mystery#g: adventure#g: romance#g: friendship
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The Myth of Genius (?)
I just watched Iron Man 2 (finally), a movie in which Elon Musk has a cameo. Stark is a genius - he has the charisma and underutilized singing ability of Robert Downey Jr., he can invent time travel like it’s nothing, and he has a seemingly infinite wealth of knowledge in everything from physics, to computer science, to fictional science. Maybe I’m reading too much into the Elon Musk scene, but it felt like he was a nod to the viewer: He served to remind us that even though Stark is a fictional character, there ARE geniuses out there.
Wisecrack just made a video called “The Myth of Genius,” which highlights some of the extremely dumb things supposed geniuses have done throughout history, draws limitations on individual areas of expertise, cites a popular, comprehensive study that proved the IQ test was a poor predictor of success, then ends with the thesis that there may not be a such thing as genius.
If I could talk to Jared, the narrator and co-writer, right now, I imagine our conversation would go a little like this:
Me: What about John von Neumann? He learned calculus at the age of eight.
Jared: I think you’re missing the point…
Me: You’re saying that geniuses are restricted to one area of expertise. John von Neumann invented game theory, published his first math paper at age 18, made incredible contributions to the modern-day computer, and provided physics insight in the Manhattan Project
Jared: The purpose of this video wasn’t to suggest that individuals are restricted to one area, but to suggest that they have limitations
Me: How dare you
In all seriousness….
So maybe on one side of the spectrum, you have fictional characters like Stark - they can basically invent anything, for plot convenience, as well as to appeal to the natural human desire to watch someone who’s unquestionably competent. Somewhere else, you have people like John von Neumann and Elon Musk. All this video is really saying is that Elon Musk is no Tony Stark, that he has certain abilities developed through lots of deliberate practice.
I think that there definitely ARE geniuses, but I use the term rather loosely. I think John von Neumann was a genius, but I also think my old tech lead is a genius for the conversion library he wrote, my old scrum master is a genius for his encyclopedic knowledge of C++, a Harvard graduate I know is a genius, the guy at church who writes his own music is a genius, and the person I knew in 8th grade who took community college classes is a genius. Maybe that’s its own philosophy, or maybe it’s a simple abuse of the word.
There is, perhaps, an implication in this video that genius is just another name for hard work...but I think we all know there is a little more to the story than that. Focus is an underlying ability, a mix of motivation, clear thinking, and the ability to use habit and ritual to make continued learning a priority. There are also people who have the ability to draw connections in seemingly unrelated fields, and use that to their advantage. This might be a stretch, but a hypothetical example might be someone who’s really good at music realizing that writing is similar. Writing, they might reason, actually employs rhythm and changes of tone in an “auditory” sort of way, and the best writing is writing that has a distinct sound. Most people would never associate the two, but creative people might.
Maybe a better example is people who figure out piano makes them really good at typing, but that’s a little bit less of a creative stretch.
If we don’t have so-called geniuses to draw inspiration from, the entire learning process and “deliberate practice” becomes a little bit more tedious. If we believe we can become geniuses, then maybe there is a myth...but it’s a myth that still may be worth upholding.
I think that the education system is really good at measuring intelligence. IQ tests are good at that as well, but intelligence itself is a very limiting way to characterize potential.
In every field, there is a collection of required skills that are never taught in school. In healthcare, for example, it’s the ability to demonstrate compassion. In software, it’s the ability to get a reading on people, particularly customers, and to understand what it is they’re really excited about. This, and many other things, are hard to boil down to intelligence. A technical person might be brilliant in the technical realm, but he/she still needs to gauge what technical things so-called “non-technical” people are interested in. Without this, entire projects can be cut.
There are these two people I encountered, briefly, who are currently heading a research project. I didn’t understand their core infrastructure, and still don’t, but noticed an obvious bug in their web design and submitted a potential fix. These two might be called geniuses, if not brilliant, each with numerous publications pertaining to computer architecture.
They accepted the change graciously and, however briefly, made me feel like I was part of their community. From the time I worked the fix, to the subsequent code review, to the merge, it’s like I was treated as an equal.
I think THAT’S the thing a lot of teams are missing. We raise people up in school, and try to convince them that they’re all special, that they all might one day be the best...and some of them are, but we use things like participation awards to try to make everyone feel special. What’s missing from the equation is that what’s really required is collaboration. Good leaders don’t do everything themselves, they take on their own part and do it well, but what’s important is that they inspire others to move with them.
And probably, if there may not even be such a thing as genius, it’s okay not to be a genius. What matters are the combined efforts, those who are inspired to follow, and how much the structure invites, rather than rejects, continuous support and a diverse set of knowledge.
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No Words - Interlude iii-
Pairing: Taehyung x OC
Type: Interlude [Flashback]
Genre: Poly!Idol!AU, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]
Warning: continued mention of the racist situation from the previous interlude. Sexual tension.
A/N - And it all goes to hell with a kiss.
Words: 2288
Random spin the bottle, truth or dare, and pepper eating moments ran late into the night. Poor Minjae lost Tasha to Namjoon; she was too happy to pick the leader’s brain.
She was happy to put the incident behind her, relishing in a well earned moment with this makeshift family. The older member slowly, but surely, began to make their escapes. Suga bowed out with Namjoon, much to Tasha’s dismay. Although, she did manage to score a kiss right on a dimple before he left. Minjae collected the gooey remnants as Jin stood to leave, Hoseok following behind. The maknae line was full of energy and vigor until Jimin decided he needed some hot water for his aching joints.
He put his hands on her shoulders, wrapping her in a warm embrace. His head rested on the side of hers as he whispered to her. Her hand sat atop his as she nodded softly. Tae managed to keep his jovial demeanor as he saw this out the corner of his eye. She turned a wobbly smile to Jimin as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He clapped the younger members on the shoulders, “Don’t be too long, yeah?”
“Yesss.” The two replied in unison toward the dancer, and he was off. It was getting extremely late. But it had been too long since they’d all been so exuberant like this. Luckily, everyone planned to sleep in for the next day or so.
Everyone began to gather their things, as the shop owner started to shoo them away. Minjae and Tasha were leaning on each other, giggling like teenagers. “Uh, I’ll uh, catch you later!” Tasha waggled her brows before giving her a tight hug. She watched the two of them, fingers interlaced, leave out into the winter night.
“You should ride with us.” Came the sudden vibrato of Tae’s voice.
“Ah, no. It’s fine. I can ride wi-”
“Us.” Jeongguk interrupted again. Her mouth fell open as she tried to figure out something to say. They didn’t look like they were in the mood to go back and forth. She held up her hands in surrender.
“Fine, fine. I suppose I’ll be riding with you then.” One of the TDs laughed as she acquiesced to the troublemakers.
“You’ll learn not to argue with them.” He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. Another PD smirked, “Or run before they get a chance to corner you.” They laughed as they began to file out.
“Hey, this is helpful knowledge to have before this happens!” She half yelled, waving her hand between the two. Everyone laughed because they knew better already. “Aish, these smartasses.” Tae and Gguk smirked at each other, and she just caught it. She raised both hands, and with a flick of the wrist, they both got a slap to the sternum.
“A-ah!?” Tae blinked as he looked ready to curl and hit the floor.
“Ow, ow! So mean!” Gguk turned to rub at his pectoral.
She looked between the two of them with a smirk. “Serves you right, jackass. Be quick if you’re going to be sneaky.” She stuck her tongue out, and with a fluff of her curls, she got the headstart to the van.
“I think I’m in love,” Tae muttered as he pocketed his phone. Jeongguk laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they filed out. Music, fresh air, and a bit more laughter soothe things over. She realized how much alcohol was consumed when they were shrugging out of their coats. They piled, giggling, out of the car and into the dorm. It was just a massive space with the students on one side and the boys on the other.
“Thank you.” They reached the split in the hallway that would take them in different directions. The boys were leaning on each other as she moved away. Their laughter ceased as they turned to look at her. Her fingers clasped as she rocked back on her heels. “For tonight. I..,” She sighed. “..probably would have come back here to mope. Then pretend like I didn’t care about it, as usual.” A curl tucked behind her ear as she smiled at them. “Thank you for changing my mind. You’re right. I’m not a coward.”
The boys looked at her, prepared to brush it off as nothing - then she kissed them. Both. Right on the cheek, so close they could smell the coconut on her skin. She bit her lip as she stepped backward, spinning on a heel with a wave. “G’nyte, boyos.”
It was a full two minutes before they stopped staring in that direction. They turned to look at each other, their mouths agape as they pointed at twin sets of red ears. Embarrassed about their own embarrassment, they covered their ears while turning away from each other.
“We should shower.,” Tae mumbled.
“…yea. Good idea.” Jeongguk replied as he made haste toward their side of the building. Tae turned to follow, his feet dragging into the tiled floor. His hands rubbing against the nape of his neck before he turned on his heel - cursing.
The dorm was actually a complex in Hannam-dong that BigHit purchased. It was an easy way to keep staff, bodyguards, and the boys in one spot. It kept everyone close and in contact should things need to happen before shows and schedules. Everyone had their own apartment to occupy, even though she and Tasha spent a lot of time in each other’s spaces.
She let her keys fall into a basket by the door. Hopping out of her shoes, jewelry, wiggling out of her clothes, and jumping into a fluffy hoodie and sweats in a matter of minutes. The electric kettle started as she pulled a giant mug from the cabinet. A jar of citron tea from the fridge, a bowl of fruit was settled on the counter. She pushed her hair into a lazy puff on the top of her head. She reached for her glasses after taking out her contacts.
She stared at the clear lenses for a moment, the echoes of conversation threatening to eat her good mood. She shoved the lens case in a drawer. A tired reflection in the silver of the kettle had her huffing. A piece of melon popped into her mouth as she filled her cup. She thought about going to sleep, but their thesis projects were coming up. They had the next few days off, so getting a head start was more her style.
Knock, knock
Her head tilted to the door, “Tasha, go to bed!” A laugh as she set the kettle down. “I’ll hear about your escapades in the morn-,” She flung the door open to find Kim Taehyung filling the space. “V? I’m sorry, I thought you were - Uhm, what are you…doing here?” She stopped rambling before asking him the question that mattered the most.
What was he doing here?
“I just..” His arm braced on the frame as his fingers played over his lips. “Can I come in for a second?” She looked hesitant but nodded while stepping aside. “Thank you.” He murmured as he moved inside.
He’d been inside a few of the staff apartments - they looked lived in. While hers? It felt like nothing. It didn’t look like she had tried to make any kind of home out of the place. His brow furrowed as he turned to face her. His gaze traveled from her feet all the way to that ponytail at the top of her head.
“I was making some tea if you’d like?” She offered, moving by him. In her shoes, she was about equal height with most of them. But without? It put her just a hair shorter. “V, I’m fine if that’s what you’re worried about.” A couple spoonfuls of the citron concentrate before a quick slurp tested to her liking. She turned to put the jar in the fridge, turning back as he had the cup lifted to his mouth.
He took a healthy gulp, rolling the liquid before chewing the peel gathered in his mouth. “Mm. Just how I like it.”
“I don’t want your cooties.” She made a face as he handed her mug back to her.
“Cooties? Are you five?” He almost choked laughing.
“I don’t know where your mouth has been!” A soft whine as she reluctantly took a sip from her cup. “What is it you want, anyway? I have studying to do. Like I said, I’m fine. You don’t have t-..” He rounded on her suddenly. Long fingers trailed against the countertop as he moved in front of her. “What are you doing?” The whir of the heater was so loud in that thick silence.
“What I’ve wanted to do for some time now.” The treble of his voice sent shivers down her spine. His fingers danced over hers, causing them both to turn their heads to the sight. His thumb sailed over her fingers, rubbing at the soft skin of her knuckles. Those long fingers wrapped around her wrist, the shock causing the artery to throb as her pulse spiked. He rubbed the skin there as she turned back to him with her brows furrowed.
She pulled her hand, and he held on to it. “Please don’t.” A soft sigh as she kept her head lowered. “I’m nobody here. Plus, I’m years older than you.” A scoff as his thumb ceased its movement. Suddenly, his hold tightened as another long finger tilted her gaze up to his.
Of all the things she thought she’d be experiencing in her life? This wasn’t in the sourcebook. Because this wasn’t anything, she would have fathomed. There was a pink tinge to his skin from the alcohol. But there was absolute clarity in his gaze that had her taking a hesitant step away from him.
“Who are you trying to convince?” Cocky confidence in his voice. He undid everything with that question.
“Listen here, V. I don’t cater to the rumors and backstage shenanigans I’ve heard from others, ok? But I have heard some things. I will not be apart of that rumor mill. Got it?” His features fell as he realized his folly.
Shit. shitshitshit. That’s not what was supposed to happen! That’s not how he meant-? Stunned at her, even considering that’s what he meant?! “Look, I appreciate you extending a hand and all, but -” She removed her arm from his hands while stepping away. “I have a lot of work to do. And it’s almost Christmas time, so I’m sure you guys have planning to do.” Turning on heel to go to the door, he followed. Before she could pull the door open, he closed in on her again.
“V didn’t I just say…” She turned. He put his hands on either side of her head, pinning her back to the door.
“Why are you so scared of getting close to anybody…to us..” He leaned in. “…to me?”
“Because that’s not what I’m here for. And if you haven’t noticed?” She raised a hand to wiggle her fingers, just as long, in front of her face. “It’s not been exactly easy.” A muscle ticked in his jaw as he thought about what they walked in on.
They didn’t think they were going to make it dine with the staff. But, with the next few days off? The holidays upcoming? They figured now would be the best time to start having the big dinners before they broke off to visit family. The leads and supervisors, along with BTS, crept in through the back of the place. The conversation was so loud that they had easily gone unnoticed. They were approaching the table when some rather unsavory topics had come up.
They were mortified when the professor wanted to rush toward the table. The head PD, TD, and Namjoon stopped her. They wanted to check for something these situations only let you see. Jimin frowned deeply; Jin sighed softly while shaking his head. Suga let his head fall back as he looked off, a vein in the side of his forehead, throbbing with his anger. Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, and Jeongguk were boiling. Tae had to grab onto Jeongguk’s arm to keep him in place.
And from what they were to understand? That wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Apparently, they tried to go out to a club in Itaewon, only to have the girls harassed and denied entry. This was in the first six months of their arrival. They didn’t want to bring it up or talk about it - choosing to just move on. They chalked it up to only one of many life experiences.
Their classmates, on the other hand, weren’t keen to let it rest. They reported it to their supervisors and their professors. There were some learning curves with this program, and blatant racism wasn’t one of the boxes on that checklist they had. But, it was one they kept watch over.
She didn’t want the pity or the strange atmosphere that speaking on it could bring. So she clammed up, kept quiet, cordial, and separate. It was good to really enjoy the camaraderie of her work family. Maybe she could try to loosen up a bit. But always in the back of her mind, even if she didn’t want it to be there.
It was.
“You’re not a coward.” He vibrated the air, snapping her back to the present.
“No, I’m a realist.” She bit back. “This is against the rules you even being here, V.” She put her hands on his chest to push him away.
He leaned in and kissed her.
#smutcentralnet#bangtanarmynet#bts imagines#v imagine#taehyung x female#bts smut#v smut#boy wants what he wants#pray to namjesus#i'm just along for the ride
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Can you lift more than 100lbs? I can’t even lift 100 lbs flat. The most I’ve been able to deadlift was I think 80 or 90 lbs, but I already count that as an achievement since I weigh around that much anyway. What's your opinion on incest? Big yikes. Some memes can be hilarious but when you think about how incest will sometimes come from a place of sexual abuse within the family, it stops being funny so I’d rather take it seriously like 98% of the time. Do you have a favorite color for cats? Mmm I think orange is really cute. The few cats that have been nice to me are usually the orange ones. What was your latest email about? It’s an email from a transcribing website inviting me to their Slack. Since I can’t get a legit job for now, Gab let me know about these websites that’ll let you do some transcribing and pay you a few cents (around ₱15-20) for each of them. One of the sites I joined, whose test I passed, invited me to their Slack earlier today so I can be a part of the team. I’m still feeling too anxious to join the group so I haven’t addressed it for now, but maybe by tonight or tomorrow. What video games did you play when you were younger? Our parents weren’t too strict when it came to video game supervision so we were already playing Grand Theft Auto, Silent Hil, Resident Evil, etc. as kids. Those games eventually ended up being my favorites. I liked other less-violent games too, like games from the Burnout franchise, The Simpsons: Hit and Run and that one Spongebob video game based on the first Spongebob movie hehe.
Would you ever get a tramp stamp? That’s not really a place where I’d like to get a tattoo. I want it to be somewhere I can constantly see, like my fingers or wrist. Do you like Lady Gaga? Yeah. It has a sentimental point to it too because she’s essentially a part of the root of mine and Gabie’s friendship. When we first met I was heavily into Beyoncé and she, into Gaga. Telephone was still a super popular song then and people were really into the Bey-Gaga duo, so it was the perfect recipe for a friendship to form. We make it a point to like each other’s bias so she’s caught up with Beyoncé’s new material and I also always support Gaga’s. What's your favorite commercial? I love the sports car ad of Fita and the ‘First Love’ McDonald’s ad. Jollibee’s Valentine’s Day ads have also been pretty gut-wrenching in the last few years. Did you cry when Michael Jackson died? I didn’t, but by then I already knew how big of a star he was because of how much Beyoncé hyped him up before he passed lol. It was also easy to understand that it was a big deal because the news covered his death and funeral for hourssss during that week. What does the last notification you received say? “home” Gab drove out to run some errands and I asked her to let me know when she gets home, because the weather isn’t looking good. What's the ugliest species of animal? Cockroaches. Are you embarrassed about any songs on your iPod? I wasn’t embarrassed over the punk bands I listened to but I knew my classmates weren’t going to understand my taste and possibly ostracize me even more than I already was, so I kept my punk playlist all to myself. Who is on your Top Friends? I don’t have Myspace but Facebook ranks friends based on how much you interact with them and my top 5 are Angela, Gabie, Mils, Alique, and Andrew. What do you use to listen to music on the computer? Spotify. Do people know a lot about you? You guys sure do. But yeah when it comes to irl people I wear my heart on my sleeve, too. What was the last thing you said out loud? “That’s enough for now.” Do you miss anybody? Of course. All my friends. More than ever. Have you ever heard the song What A Wonderful World? Yes, though I think I may have only ever heard the chorus since that’s the most-played part of the song. Who was the last person you said I Love You to? Gabie. Have you ever deleted someone off of Facebook? I’ve unfriended countless people and blocked a handful of others. Do you have any bug bites right now? No. Puppy bites, yes. Have you ever been burned? My finger has. When I was 7 I stupidly laid a finger on a clothes iron that was plugged in. My grandma had been using it but she left for a while to do a task. It’s still up there on the stupidest things I’ve ever done. Who was your last inbox message from? It’s the same message from Gab I mentioned earlier. Would you ever consider being a critic? Nah. Analyzing works of art has never been my strong suit. I once had to keep a movie review blog as one of the requirements for my Film 100 class and I honestly found it difficult. Being a critic requires rich knowledge on anything and everything you’re critiquing, and I don’t know if I’m well-versed enough for that. I just want to enjoy my films, dude. Same goes for TV shows, paintings, food, poems, etc. Who was the last person you slept beside? Gab probs, but it’s been a while. Do you like Metallica? I loved For Whom the Bell Tolls from the very first second I heard it, which was when Triple H used it as his entrance song from one of the recent-ish Wrestlemanias. Other than that, I’m not familiar with their music.
What's your favorite kind of soup? Miso! What’s your best friend's favorite band? Angela loves The Maine. I know Gab doesn’t pick a favorite anything. Who was the last person you IMed? Again, Gabie. Have you ever heard of the band Thin Lizzy? Nope. Who was the last person you took a picture with? I haven’t had a photo with anyone in a while, but I want to guess that it’s my family. Do you play Guitar Hero? I used to. But I always preferred Rock Band because I really liked the concept of switching from one instrument to another. Do you play any real instruments? No. What are un-real instruments lol Where are your siblings right now? They’re both in the living room. Whose house did you last visit? My grandma’s house, aka the house where we used to live. My uncle baked me a tres leches cake as a graduation gift so I briefly came over to pick it up :) Since I was already there, my grandma also gave me a portion of the lengua she had made for dinner. Who was the last person to come to your house? ^ Same grandma, and my cousin. They went over to meet Cooper and to do a lot of catching up. What time do you usually eat dinner? 7-7:30 in the evening. Have you ever searched your own house on Google Earth? Hahaha yeah, I think most of us have at one point. I also looked up myo old school when I was still studying there. Does it bother you when people have a loose grip on hugs? No. I know some people aren’t the most comfortable with hugs. Are you looking forward to next year? If I can be promised that the virus will be gone by 2021, then hell yes. What have you done so far this summer? This has been one long-ass summer...I’ve finished my thesis, relinquished my duties as VP for my org, owned a puppy, gotten sick for the first time in years, seen my girlfriend once in four months, cooked something from scratch for the first time, and tried to apply for simple side jobs over the interwebs. Do you have a common name or uncommon? It’s kinda in the middle? It’s not a unique name, but it’s also not a very popular choice. What's your favorite punk band? Against Me! I have my other fave punk bands but none has done it for me the way AM! has.
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No Words -interlude iii-
BTS - V Imagine - Tall Girl - Interracial - Interlude [Flashback continued]
TW: mention of a racist situation/racism
Random spin the bottle, truth or dare, and pepper eating moments ran late into the night. Poor Minjae lost Tasha to Namjoon; she was too happy to pick the leader’s brain.
She was happy to put the incident behind her, relishing in a well earned moment with this makeshift family. The older member slowly, but surely, began to make their escapes. Suga bowed out with Namjoon, much to Tasha’s dismay. Although, she did manage to score a kiss right on a dimple before he left. Minjae collected the gooey remnants as Jin stood to leave, Hoseok following behind. The maknae line was full of energy and vigor until Jimin decided he needed some hot water for his aching joints.
He put his hands on her shoulders, wrapping her in a warm embrace. His head rested on the side of hers as he whispered to her. Her hand sat atop his as she nodded softly. Tae managed to keep his jovial demeanor as he saw this out the corner of his eye. She turned a wobbly smile to Jimin as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He clapped the younger members on the shoulders, “Don’t be too long, yeah?”
“Yesss.” The two replied in unison toward the dancer, and he was off. It was getting extremely late. But it had been too long since they’d all been so exuberant like this. Luckily, everyone planned to sleep in for the next day or so.
Everyone began to gather their things, as the shop owner started to shoo them away. Minjae and Tasha were leaning on each other, giggling like teenagers. “Uh, I’ll uh, catch you later!” Tasha waggled her brows before giving her a tight hug. She watched the two of them, fingers interlaced, leave out into the winter night.
“You should ride with us.” Came the sudden vibrato of Tae’s voice.
“Ah, no. It’s fine. I can ride wi-”
“Us.” Jeongguk interrupted again. Her mouth fell open as she tried to figure out something to say. They didn’t look like they were in the mood to go back and forth. She held up her hands in surrender.
“Fine, fine. I suppose I’ll be riding with you then.” One of the TDs laughed as she acquiesced to the troublemakers.
“You’ll learn not to argue with them.” He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. Another PD smirked, “Or run before they get a chance to corner you.” They laughed as they began to file out.
“Hey, this is helpful knowledge to have before this happens!” She half yelled, waving her hand between the two. Everyone laughed because they knew better already. “Aish, these smartasses.” Tae and Gguk smirked at each other, and she just caught it. She raised both hands, and with a flick of the wrist, they both got a slap to the sternum.
“A-ah!?” Tae blinked as he looked ready to curl and hit the floor.
“Ow, ow! So mean!” Gguk turned to rub at his pectoral.
She looked between the two of them with a smirk. “Serves you right, jackass. Be quick if you’re going to be sneaky.” She stuck her tongue out, and with a fluff of her curls, she got the headstart to the van.
“I think I’m in love,” Tae muttered as he pocketed his phone. Jeongguk laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they filed out. Music, fresh air, and a bit more laughter soothe things over. She realized how much alcohol was consumed when they were shrugging out of their coats. They piled, giggling, out of the car and into the dorm. It was just a massive space with the students on one side and the boys on the other.
“Thank you.” They reached the split in the hallway that would take them in different directions. The boys were leaning on each other as she moved away. Their laughter ceased as they turned to look at her. Her fingers clasped as she rocked back on her heels. “For tonight. I..,” She sighed. “..probably would have come back here to mope. Then pretend like I didn’t care about it, as usual.” A curl tucked behind her ear as she smiled at them. “Thank you for changing my mind. You’re right. I’m not a coward.”
The boys looked at her, prepared to brush it off as nothing - then she kissed them. Both. Right on the cheek, so close they could smell the coconut on her skin. She bit her lip as she stepped backward, spinning on a heel with a wave. “G’nyte, boyos.”
It was a full two minutes before they stopped staring in that direction. They turned to look at each other, their mouths agape as they pointed at twin sets of red ears. Embarrassed about their own embarrassment, they covered their ears while turning away from each other.
“We should shower.,” Tae mumbled.
“...yea. Good idea.” Jeongguk replied as he made haste toward their side of the building. Tae turned to follow, his feet dragging into the tiled floor. His hands rubbing against the nape of his neck before he turned on his heel - cursing.
The dorm was actually a complex in Hannam-dong that BigHit purchased. It was an easy way to keep staff, bodyguards, and the boys in one spot. It kept everyone close and in contact should things need to happen before shows and schedules. Everyone had their own apartment to occupy, even though she and Tasha spent a lot of time in each other’s spaces.
She let her keys fall into a basket by the door. Hopping out of her shoes, jewelry, wiggling out of her clothes, and jumping into a fluffy hoodie and sweats in a matter of minutes. The electric kettle started as she pulled a giant mug from the cabinet. A jar of citron tea from the fridge, a bowl of fruit was settled on the counter. She pushed her hair into a lazy puff on the top of her head. She reached for her glasses after taking out her contacts.
She stared at the clear lenses for a moment, the echoes of conversation threatening to eat her good mood. She shoved the lens case in a drawer. A tired reflection in the silver of the kettle had her huffing. A piece of melon popped into her mouth as she filled her cup. She thought about going to sleep, but their thesis projects were coming up. They had the next few days off, so getting a head start was more her style.
Knock, knock
Her head tilted to the door, “Tasha, go to bed!” A laugh as she set the kettle down. “I’ll hear about your escapades in the morn-,” She flung the door open to find Kim Taehyung filling the space. “V? I’m sorry, I thought you were - Uhm, what are you...doing here?” She stopped rambling before asking him the question that mattered the most.
What was he doing here?
“I just..” His arm braced on the frame as his fingers played over his lips. “Can I come in for a second?” She looked hesitant but nodded while stepping aside. “Thank you.” He murmured as he moved inside.
He’d been inside a few of the staff apartments - they looked lived in. While hers? It felt like nothing. It didn’t look like she had tried to make any kind of home out of the place. His brow furrowed as he turned to face her. His gaze traveled from her feet all the way to that ponytail at the top of her head.
“I was making some tea if you’d like?” She offered, moving by him. In her shoes, she was about equal height with most of them. But without? It put her just a hair shorter. “V, I’m fine if that’s what you’re worried about.” A couple spoonfuls of the citron concentrate before a quick slurp tested to her liking. She turned to put the jar in the fridge, turning back as he had the cup lifted to his mouth.
He took a healthy gulp, rolling the liquid before chewing the peel gathered in his mouth. “Mm. Just how I like it.”
“I don’t want your cooties.” She made a face as he handed her mug back to her.
“Cooties? Are you five?” He almost choked laughing.
“I don’t know where your mouth has been!” A soft whine as she reluctantly took a sip from her cup. “What is it you want, anyway? I have studying to do. Like I said, I’m fine. You don’t have t-..” He rounded on her suddenly. Long fingers trailed against the countertop as he moved in front of her. “What are you doing?” The whir of the heater was so loud in that thick silence.
“What I’ve wanted to do for some time now.” The treble of his voice sent shivers down her spine. His fingers danced over hers, causing them both to turn their heads to the sight. His thumb sailed over her fingers, rubbing at the soft skin of her knuckles. Those long fingers wrapped around her wrist, the shock causing the artery to throb as her pulse spiked. He rubbed the skin there as she turned back to him with her brows furrowed.
She pulled her hand, and he held on to it. “Please don’t.” A soft sigh as she kept her head lowered. “I’m nobody here. Plus, I’m years older than you.” A scoff as his thumb ceased its movement. Suddenly, his hold tightened as another long finger tilted her gaze up to his.
Of all the things she thought she’d be experiencing in her life? This wasn’t in the sourcebook. Because this wasn’t anything, she would have fathomed. There was a pink tinge to his skin from the alcohol. But there was absolute clarity in his gaze that had her taking a hesitant step away from him.
“Who are you trying to convince?” Cocky confidence in his voice. He undid everything with that question.
“Listen here, V. I don’t cater to the rumors and backstage shenanigans I’ve heard from others, ok? But I have heard some things. I will not be apart of that rumor mill. Got it?” His features fell as he realized his folly.
Shit. shitshitshit. That’s not what was supposed to happen! That’s not how he meant-? Stunned at her, even considering that’s what he meant?! “Look, I appreciate you extending a hand and all, but -” She removed her arm from his hands while stepping away. “I have a lot of work to do. And it’s almost Christmas time, so I’m sure you guys have planning to do.” Turning on heel to go to the door, he followed. Before she could pull the door open, he closed in on her again.
“V didn’t I just say…” She turned. He put his hands on either side of her head, pinning her back to the door.
“Why are you so scared of getting close to anybody...to us..” He leaned in. “...to me?”
“Because that’s not what I’m here for. And if you haven’t noticed?” She raised a hand to wiggle her fingers, just as long, in front of her face. “It’s not been exactly easy.” A muscle ticked in his jaw as he thought about what they walked in on.
They didn’t think they were going to make it dine with the staff. But, with the next few days off? The holidays upcoming? They figured now would be the best time to start having the big dinners before they broke off to visit family. The leads and supervisors, along with BTS, crept in through the back of the place. The conversation was so loud that they had easily gone unnoticed. They were approaching the table when some rather unsavory topics had come up.
They were mortified when the professor wanted to rush toward the table. The head PD, TD, and Namjoon stopped her. They wanted to check for something these situations only let you see. Jimin frowned deeply; Jin sighed softly while shaking his head. Suga let his head fall back as he looked off, a vein in the side of his forehead, throbbing with his anger. Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, and Jeongguk were boiling. Tae had to grab onto Jeongguk’s arm to keep him in place.
And from what they were to understand? That wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Apparently, they tried to go out to a club in Itaewon, only to have the girls harassed and denied entry. This was in the first six months of their arrival. They didn’t want to bring it up or talk about it - choosing to just move on. They chalked it up to only one of many life experiences.
Their classmates, on the other hand, weren't keen to let it rest. They reported it to their supervisors and their professors. There were some learning curves with this program, and blatant racism wasn’t one of the boxes on that checklist they had. But, it was one they kept watch over.
She didn’t want the pity or the strange atmosphere that speaking on it could bring. So she clammed up, kept quiet, cordial, and separate. It was good to really enjoy the camaraderie of her work family. Maybe she could try to loosen up a bit. But always in the back of her mind, even if she didn’t want it to be there.
It was.
“You’re not a coward.” He vibrated the air, snapping her back to the present.
“No, I’m a realist.” She bit back. “This is against the rules you even being here, V.” She put her hands on his chest to push him away.
He leaned in and kissed her.
#taehyung smut#taehyung imagine#taehyung x female#bts imagines#bts smut#boy wants what he wants#pray to namjesus#find your holy water#two more to go#hot mess#he has a mind of his own i'm not running this show anymore
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