#I try tho and that’s what counts right 🥹
nonsensicalpineapple · 2 months
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Inspired by @kippipies Fic “A Light That Never Goes Out” on Ao3
I just couldn’t stop thinking about what would be done with the picture taken lol — idk if it’s bad that I made smth that hasn’t technically happened yet though but if it is then I’ll take it down because I’m in no way like, trying to say what they should do or anything.
I just love LOVE L O V E E E the Fic and COULDN’T stop thinking about it — which I already said, but it bears repeating.
I love mafia AUs sm 😭😭
Anyways yeah their Fic is soooo cool and you should read it if you haven’t and if you have you should read it again!!!
The drawings in color below!
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And I didn’t actually know what Harry was wearing in the scene in my initial drawing when I drew a suit and then I was like wait he wasn’t wearing a suit anyways I drew two alternatives ig lol
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115 notes · View notes
jals-stuff · 5 months
hello my love! If you don't mind I would like to request something for Orter. He and reader are still students in Easton and absolutely despise each other (something like academic rivals) and they ended up having to take care for a magical creature together for a class project during a few weeks! sorry if its a bit confusing, english is not my first language 🥹
good evening darling~
First of all, I would like to apologise because I originally wanted to make something short but it ended up being just a little longer than what I expected...
edit: part 2 ← right here
also i am receiving a lot of requests recently for some reason. thank you for your patience.
word count: 5.7k
warnings: f!reader, i hope you aren't scared of snakes (this one is cute tho), bit of swearing, not proofread
Taking care of it!
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Group assignments are, and always have been the worst. The extroverts usually left you with the heaviest workload and you'd just end up doing everything by yourself while they took credit for it. However this time, the assignment wasn't like anything you would've expected.
The teacher was going to pick random students and put them into pairs, and each duo would be given a small wooden box with an egg inside of it.
“These boxes contain mandragora snake eggs. This species hatches into different colours depending on how you take care of them and help them grow.”
The teacher explained and brought two different creatures to her desk. The left one had beautiful and healthy dark green, glossy scales and stunning purple flower patterns with big eyes and seemed extremely docile; it was a rather medium-sized specimen and it looked kind of cute. 
But the other one was a completely different creature; an aggressive beast with long, hooked fangs, completely hollow eyes and its scales were an alarmingly fluorescent shade of green with almost no patterns at all. Its scales were in a pitiful state and seemed uncomfortably stony. It kept trying to bite the teacher.
“The left egg has been taken care of perfectly, and is now a healthy, beautiful mandragora snake. The right one however, has absorbed too many negative energies from the ones taking care of it, resulting in… this.”
And just as you started wondering how it was possible to mess a beast up that badly with only negative energy, the teacher called out your name.
“(L/N) (Y/N) and Orter Mádl, come and get your egg as well.”
That couldn't be good, this snake was probably never going to hatch at all. The two of you exchanged an uncomfortable yet similar side eye. Existing in the same classroom as him was already enough of a pain in the neck, and now you had to raise a magical creature together?
Oh boy.
You were both sitting in front of this egg now, in absolute silence as none of you knew what to say or do. You had never taken care of a mandragora snake— or any type of pet other than a cat in the past, and surely anyone could guess Orter was not the nurturing type.
“This snake is going to have horrible parents.” You thought out loud, and for the first time, you saw the cold, distant jerk nod. He crossed his arms and looked at it for a while without saying a single word. Just… what was he trying to achieve? Did he think he was going to turn into a mandragora snake expert just by looking at an egg?
The teacher cleared her throat to grab everyone’s attention again and pointed at the blackboard. 
“These creatures usually hatch after approximately one week, and they will gain their patterns after one more week, but an unhealthy egg will take longer than that. You must take good care of them until their colours are completely visible. Your schedules have been cleared accordingly so taking care of the little ones should not be an issue for the next month.”
Orter didn’t quite appreciate the idea of spending a month with the likes of you, nurturing and hatching a pet together as if you were some kind of happy little family. He raised his hand.
“Is joint custody allowed?”
“Absolutely not.” The teacher deadpanned at his question and you almost slammed your own face against the desk at how dumb of him that was. After a while, everyone left except the two of you, still staring at the egg.
“That was dumb of you. I’ll be the one to hatch it since you can’t bear to have responsibilities.” You gently pet the egg with one of your fingers. “Isn’t that right, Rivers?” That last part was mumbled as if you were talking to an actual baby, and Orter rolled his eyes.
“Dumb? Should I remind you that your last two brain cells are fighting for third spot?” He mocked, giving you a condescending side eye. “And why are you giving it a name already? It hasn’t even hatched yet.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes and look at him as if he had just asked the most obvious question in existence. He made no commentary about the way you looked at him. 
“Since you don't even care enough to give it a name, Rivers will stay in my room. I’ll take good care of it.” You shrugged and very carefully picked the box up, holding it against your chest like an actual child.
“Isn't it supposed to be a two person assignment? How am I supposed to participate if it stays in your room?” He sighed, visibly growing more and more annoyed at your behaviour.
“You can visit if you want, it's not like I do anything other than going to class. Neither do you, I’m assuming.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and stood up from his chair to follow you as you walked to your dorm room. “You’re really going to ignore what the teacher said about joint custody? The snake-”
“Rivers. Its name is Rivers, don't call it ‘the snake’, Orter.” You shot an angry glare at him and he had to physically hold himself back from punching a wall. 
“Rivers can't only stay with you.” He sighed as he finally used the name you had given it; a small victory but a victory nonetheless, even though he seemed a little angry at you for being so damn annoying.
“Neither can it keep moving between your room and mine, and I’m pretty sure that's what the teacher meant when she said no joint custody, besides...” You trailed off, looking down at the egg. “I doubt you're the nurturing type, I wouldn't even trust you with watering a plant.”
You giggled mockingly and he clicked his tongue in annoyance, but you were also right, as much as he hated to admit it. He muttered something and walked away in the opposite direction, leaving you alone with the mandragora snake egg in your hands. 
You were determined to hatch it, with or without this jerk. Carefully, you placed it upon a cushion on the unoccupied bed in your room that was supposed to belong to your roommate, but she hadn't showed up in literal months, so Rivers was now your priority.
You enveloped the egg in fluffy, soft cloth and looked at it for a bit. Sure, you were the nurturing type… in spirit. How were you supposed to take care of a magical beast you had never even seen before?
None of your books had ever mentioned anything about it and you weren't really studious either unless Orter was about to get better grades, in which case you absolutely had to surpass yourself and crush him completely.
A few hours had passed and you were almost falling asleep, studying how the egg was reacting to sounds and touch. You could feel something move underneath the shell but you couldn't exactly tell what was happening.
It seemed stable, at the very least, but focusing so much and taking notes was draining. However, a knock on your door took you out of your drowsiness. “Come in?”
As you wondered who it could be, you were surprised to see that dear Mr. Mádl had stopped sulking and actually showed up, much to your annoyance. He closed the door and stepped closer to the egg, not even paying attention to you at all, which irritated you slightly.
“What's all this?” You asked as you noticed him holding an uncomfortable amount of handwritten notes. He pushed his glasses back up and finally looked at you.
“I went to the library to research a bit on mandragora snakes.” He stated with his usual emotionless expression. “Unlike you, I can put in some effort.”
Oh, he was getting on your nerves so much after only two minutes spent in your room. It took all of your remaining energy not to kick him out immediately. But for Rivers’ sake, you decided to keep calm.
“Look. I get that you despise me, because in case it wasn't clear, I despise you too. But for the sake of this assignment, can we please quit being passive aggressive?” You sighed softly, trying to calm your bad mood down.
“I’m not the one to blame here.” He shrugged, crossing his arms as he gave you his signature condescending look. “You didn't even research anything about this species, you're not even doing anything right now, and I bet you've been doing nothing for the past hours as well.” 
You exhaled softly, feeling the small creature in the egg get a little agitated and trying to stay calm. “I took some notes on its reactions to sounds and such. I believe it can actually sense negative energy.” You handed him your notes and he raised an eyebrow. 
“Sounds like bullcrap. It didn't say any of this in the books I read.” 
You held your snarky remarks for yourself and shrugged your shoulders. “Maybe the authors didn't think it was necessary. But it's clearly reacting. It also reacted when I sang to it.”
He chuckled, his expression unchanged, and you just knew he was about to say something rude, so you decided to talk before he did. “Anyway, it's good that you did some research.”
Orter raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Surely there had to be something snarky at the end of this sentence and that wasn't all.
“Because I couldn't have done it while checking its reactions, so it's good.”
The room grew silent quickly and the snake within the egg started to calm down a little. Though Orter didn't seem convinced at all, and still thought you were bullshitting him with this whole reaction thing.
“I still don't see it. Why would you sense reactions and not me? Are you just special that way?” He asked in a mocking tone, and you were getting more frustrated by the second. 
“Just touch the egg right now.”
He did. Even without touching it, you could feel the magical beast getting agitated, but it seemed like he didn't. Not one bit. 
“There's nothing. You're full of crap, (Y/N). Just say you haven't done anything the whole time, I won't be surprised.” He mocked, but you decided not to bite back. You knew what you had felt earlier and you wouldn't take his criticism for that.
“Whatever you say, Orter. But you'll have to stop acting like that because whether you want to believe me or not, it is reacting.” You sighed softly, wanting to change topics. “So anyway, was there any advice on how to help it hatch correctly?”
He flipped through his notes with his eyebrows raised in contempt, as if you just couldn't do that without him (you couldn't, let's be realistic here) and he stopped on one of the pages.
“They need company, warmth and lightning. I suppose even you can provide that, correct?” He looked up from his notes and you didn't have to look back at him, you knew exactly what kind of expression he had right now. 
“I suppose I could.” You sigh softly, already fed up with his behaviour, and you felt the snake get agitated again. As if instinctively, you ran your hand against the shell. “It really doesn't like negative energy…” You muttered, not really towards anyone.
“I really think you're making things up here, otherwise it would've been mentioned in those books.” Orter said, putting his notes back against the bed where the egg was resting. You shrugged again, looking at it pensively, and for once, the snarky sandman didn't say anything.
“It's late… I’ll sleep for now.” You rub your face with your hands and sigh softly once more, then stand up and make your way to your bed. He, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be moving an inch. It's almost like he's trying to catch up with the egg for some reason… 
“You could directly tell me to leave, you know?” He adjusts his neck tie as he stands up and turns towards you. You wanted to shoo him, send him flying or something, but you needed this mandragora snake to be healthy and you couldn't afford to do such a thing.
“I’m… tired, is all. Really tired. I wasn't kicking you out.” You muttered, sitting on your bed and looking up at him. Even when he isn't insulting you, he still finds ways to be insufferable.
“..right. I will be here tomorrow morning to ensure you won't be doing anything… dumb with this egg.” He cleared his throat and left without another word. What kind of jerk was he anyway? He'd been especially awful today and you had no idea why. 
Maybe tomorrow is going to be better?
You spent most of the night tossing and turning, occasionally glancing at the egg, and it felt like the beast inside of it was mimicking you. Since sleep was evading you, you made your way to the other bed and sat next to the egg, looking at it in exhaustion.
“What's going on in there..?”
As if it was going to reply, yeah. You rubbed your hands against your face and sighed, lazily grabbing Orter’s notes on mandragora snakes and flipping the pages until you found the hatching section.
As insufferable as he was, his notes were flawless and easy to understand. What a pleasant handwriting… you shook your head and kept reading through it until sunrise.
He kept his word and showed up early with a bag full of… something ? He sat on the extra bed close to the egg, and pulled some more cloth out of the bag, as well as cotton and other fluffy materials he placed around it.
“I went and got some more.. warmth for it, since you couldn't do it correctly on your own.” He scoffed, and you just chuckled, not even looking back at it.
“Ahah, thank you, that's really helpful.” You were way too tired to bite back and honestly, he was putting in effort when all you were doing was go with the flow and panic when something happens.
The sn- Rivers seemed pretty stable at the moment, which was surprising considering how agitated it gets whenever… oh.
“I think it likes you,” you looked at Orter, a little amused. “It's been agitated all night and now that you're here, it's just… calm.”
He pushes his glasses back with a neutral expression and looks at it for a bit. “Perhaps it likes me better.”
You groaned slightly at the idea. Even though Orter was the one bringing supplies for it, you were obviously the one caring for it! Making sure it's stable and safe! You stood up and stretched your arms.
“Maybe… since it likes you so much, I’m going to go and get coffee or something, I’m exhausted.” And as soon as you took a step out the door, he called for you.
“Wait, (Y/N), something is wrong, come back.”
You raised an eyebrow and when you stepped back in, you could feel the beast’s agitation, like it was panicking or something. You just sat back and touched it.
“What's happening?”
Nothing. Well, nothing anymore. It just calmed down immediately and went back to being stable. You looked at Orter in confusion and he returned that same look. What was going on with this beast?
“It’s merely a hypothesis, but…” Orter trailed off as he stepped outside of the room and… the beast was still pretty much stable. Sure, it was moving around a little but nothing too critical. 
“I think it likes me more.” You muttered, and heard him chuckle dryly and walk away. Did you upset him? That wasn't your intention at all, for once. Laying down and facing the beast, you wondered what was up with it. Why would anyone get such an assignment anyway? It was so much work!
The door opened again around twenty minutes later when Orter came back with a small bag. More supplies? Again? 
He reached for the inside and then handed you a cardboard cup. “Umm.. what's that?” You asked in a confused tone and he raised an eyebrow at you like you were the stupidest, silliest little thing he'd ever met.
“What do you think it is? It's coffee, you idiot.” Oh. Oh. Ohh. You grabbed the cup and looked up at him, a bit puzzled. This man really was unpredictable.
“You… got me coffee? But… why ?”
“You said you were exhausted, and apparently you can't leave Rivers for too long, so…” He crossed his arms, and you suddenly felt really weird. Was he being nice to you? It was so odd. Right now, you didn't want to rip his head off or throw him out the window.
“That's… thank you.” 
You couldn't say anything else, looking at him with the most disoriented look he'd ever seen before; there was no malice and no anger or frustration in your eyes, just… questions. 
“Don't get me wrong,” he sighed softly, “I’m only doing this because I don't want anything weird to happen to it.” He specified, looking straight at you. Could he just not ruin a moment like this?
“It wasn't completely stable when you were gone.” You said, looking at the egg and taking a sip of your coffee. “It's only stable when both of us are here.” You muttered while adding this to your notes, and he made no commentary. 
“It gets really agitated at night, even when I’m here.” 
Orter cups his chin with his fingers and looks at the egg pensively. “Then I suppose you weren't lying when you said you could… feel it.” He reluctantly admits. “Should I keep it at night and see how it goes?”
You know for sure it's going to be a problem if you try to move the egg, so what to do..?
“I think so… but we can't possibly move it so, I would suggest…” You trailed off, visibly looking for something to say afterwards as you really didn't have a clue what to do, but Orter finished your sentence.
“...for me to sleep in this bed, is that your idea? Really?”
You blinked once. Then twice. Was that your idea? Not really, but after thinking for a while, you would've eventually brought this possibility up.
“Yes, I mean- no. Or, ahh… I guess..? I don't know. I didn't really…”
He sighed loudly and looked down at you with something of a mocking glare, and it suddenly felt really embarrassing. What was embarrassing? The idea of having him sleep in the same room as you, or the fact that he was being so condescending about it and had you stuttering?
“So, you just gave me every possible answer in one sentence…” He mused and crouched to take a closer look at Rivers. “Well, I suppose I can do that. But don't expect me to be nice to you.”
“You don't have to tell me, you ass.” You muttered and his eyes narrowed as he turned towards you. 
“It's merely in case you forgot, since your brain looks a little… dysfunctional.” He taunted.
“Oh, you're taking care of my memory now? That's awfully nice of you, Orter.”
“Don't get too used to it, (Y/N).”
You chuckled as an answer and sighed softly, looking at the egg. “Can you hear that, Rivers? The audacity of that man.” You muttered, making sure he could hear you, and he gently pushed you aside to look at the egg.
“Don't listen to her, Rivers. Even you know I’m right.”
Did he just.. talk directly to it for the first time? And to say such a thing, too? You couldn't hold it in anymore and just burst out laughing, pointing your finger towards him, uncontrollably wheezing and giggling.
He looked very startled at first but then a little embarrassed. He slapped your hand away, pretending to be angry but he was just really flustered and had a very faint blush on his face. “Shut up… Hey, hey! Shut it now… Jeez.”
But you weren't exactly laughing at him. It was just very cute that he suddenly decided that it was fine to talk to this egg as long as it was to discredit you, and honestly, how could you not laugh?
Everytime he slapped your hand away, your finger came back to point at him, as if you were accusing him of something. It was really hard to stop laughing and it took you a good while to calm down, only to be greeted by Orter’s pouty expression, something you never thought you'd see.
“Ahh, I’m sorry Orter, I wasn't making fun of you. It was just really cute.” You said before realising what it implied, and it was your turn to be embarrassed. “I mean- cute as in, you know, you're talking to it now… and it's… you know.”
OHHH MY GOD STOP TALKING, SHUT UP! You internally yelled at yourself, and the way he sighed made it seem like he wasn't mad at you. Or was he? At least his flushed expression was gone, much to your disarray.
“Right…” He cleared his throat and crossed his arms as he sighs once more. “I mean… I suppose you are right and Rivers can feel our emotions..”
“..’so let's try to be good parents’ is what you're about to say, isn't it?” You muse, slightly teasing him. “C’mon, say iiiiit.” 
“So let's try to… to…” He sighs and turns around, his hand on against his hip as he adjusts his glasses again. “...I’ll get some food, since you can't.” And with that, he immediately steps outside of your room, feeling like… like something. He doesn't know, and he hopes you don't either.
You chuckle to yourself, somehow thinking he's cute when he gets embarrassed. But you remind yourself that he despises you, and that you also despise him… or, well, not that much. Maybe despise wasn't the right word. You just weren't so sure anymore.
Orter, on the other hand, was trying to get this awfully embarrassing moment out of his mind as he walked to the Academy's shop to get some things. However… He didn't know what to buy. He then walked to the counter and looked into the store employee’s eyes very seriously.
“What kind of stuff do girls like to eat?”
He should thank the gods that you weren't there because the way he asked this with a completely straight face and flat voice would've put you to your grave. 
While he was at the shop, you were reading his notes and humming slightly to try and soothe the mandragora snake inside the egg. It was working, but it definitely wanted both of you to be here. 
You stopped on one of the pages as something caught your attention: “...mandragora snake eggs will drain a parent’s energy to grow, which is why the other parent usually hunts for the family and is in charge of making the nest more comfortable.”
With this, you almost spit out your coffee. Was this the reason why you were so tired yet restless? And also why it was panicking every time you weren't close to it? Putting more thought into it, you also realised something else.
Orter was the one who brought most of the cloth to keep it warm and he had also brought you sustenance so far. The two of you had taken these roles in very seriously without even knowing it. But since you were the one giving energy to it, perhaps…
You sat up and tried concentrating your mana into your hands before touching the soft shell, as if giving it a part of it… And much to your surprise, it seemed like something happened but you couldn't tell what exactly. 
After an hour or so, Orter came back to your room only to find you laying down in exhaustion next to the egg, completely drained for some reason. You eyed the bag he was carrying and he just put it next to you. 
“I didn't know what you wanted.”
What you wanted? Does that mean..? You sat up and looked inside of it; tons of snacks, candy, pastries and whatnot. You did need sugar right now, and so you immediately grabbed a pack of sweets and opened it.
“You are a lifesaver, Orter.” You sighed as you ate a few sweets, regaining your energy bit by bit. Pointing at the specific paragraph on his notes, you slightly tapped your finger against it.
“That's why I’m so tired, this little rascal has been taking all of my energy.” You muttered, sighing softly as you kept eating more and more sweets. He read the passage, holding his chin.
“And have you tried sending mana directly into the egg?” With your nod, he hummed. “I could try it too.” And so, he put both of his hands against it and tried sending some of his mana into the shell. Neither of you could tell if it worked.
You decided that you needed to take a shower and go to sleep, and as soon as you tried to stand up, your legs gave up from fatigue and you started collapsing, but Orter was quick enough to catch you. “Oh, crap. Are you alright?”
You groaned in frustration and nodded, even though you were completely incapable of standing up again; the sweets were apparently not enough to let you use your legs. 
“You've really outdone yourself, haven't you?” He chuckled, and you looked away. He was being awfully nice and you just didn't know how to respond to that type of behaviour, especially coming from him. 
He gently lifted you up and put you down on your bed. As embarrassing as it was, you couldn't really have managed otherwise. You were thanking him when your brain just shut down and you fell asleep quickly. He made sure to pull the covers up against you and he sat there for a bit, looking at you. 
It was clear he hadn't been very nice at the beginning, and he was now trying his best to atone for that fact. While you rested peacefully, he couldn't help but move some of your hair away from your face and place it gently behind your ear. 
From that moment, this is how most of your days went. You'd spend your day giving mana and energy to the egg and Orter would bring you some coffee, water and food, and whenever he was about to sleep, he'd give Rivers some mana as well.
After six days, the egg had grown quite a lot and you weren't sure what size the “little one” was going to be anymore. All you knew was that it was getting more and more tiring to keep feeding it with your energy. 
You were laying down, exhausted even though it wasn't that late, and Orter was reading a book on the chair next to your bed. No insults, no snarky remarks had been exchanged since last time, and he was rather helpful to you. 
After all, you were the one spending all of your energy on helping Rivers hatch correctly. Most of the time, he had to move you back to your bed because you'd fall asleep while giving it your mana. You could've sworn you felt him touch your face but you could've very well been dreaming… or were you?
The embarrassing question was stuck in your mind now and you couldn't stop thinking about it as you kept giving your mana to the egg. “Should be the last day, right?” You asked quietly, visibly really tired.
Orter closed his book and adjusted his glasses as he looked at you. “Yes. If it's healthy, then it should hatch tomorrow.” His eyes softened just a bit as he looked at you. “Why don't you call it a day? You sound exhausted.”
You sighed softly and moved to the edge of the bed to stand, and he immediately stood up to come and help you. It was… unexpected. You held onto him as if the two of you had never despised each other, ever, and he helped you get to your bed.
As much as you didn't want to admit it, he was really helpful. And since he had stopped being so condescending, it felt quite comforting to have someone sleep in the same room as you, not that you’d ever let him know about this detail. He was also really thoughtful and good at taking care of Rivers, so that was a plus… 
In fact, he was rather nice overall. He seemed to remember what your favourite snacks were, and also what kind of coffee you liked, all of this just from studying your expressions carefully as you consumed what he had brought. He really was thoughtful, and since you had started taking care of this mandragora snake egg together, he hadn’t been snarky or mean even once.
“Are you alright?” He asked, looking at you with a hint of worry in his eyes. When you started wondering why he was concerned with you when you felt his hand slightly squeeze yours. Oh. Ah. Ah. You had unwillingly grabbed his hand when you tried to stand up, and hadn’t let go since then. While you were overthinking, he was just looking at you in confusion because you just… wouldn’t let go of his hand.
“O-oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- uh… I was just-...” Ah, it was no use. Your face was slightly flushed with embarrassment and you were trying to stutter your way out of this situation, but no words seemed to come out. You looked up at him and noticed that he was ignoring you. He had grabbed his book again and crossed his legs, reading it while flipping the pages with his free hand.
When he noticed you were talking to him, he just raised both eyebrows, but the gesture did not change his neutral expression. “I don’t need it right now, I don’t mind you keeping it.” And with this, he immediately went back to his book, as if he really didn’t care. The truth was that he just could not look into your eyes right now.
Orter was trying his absolute hardest to conceal the very faint blush on his face while you actually didn’t let go of his hand. Was it because you just wanted to hold it? Or were you just too embarrassed to do anything about it? Or was it both? 
Even if you weren’t near it, you could feel some kind of weird vibration— or maybe just an emotion coming from the mandragora snake egg. You couldn’t tell what it was exactly, but it had started as soon as you had grabbed Orter’s hand. Was Rivers absorbing whatever emotion that was too? 
That was just too much thinking for you and you decided that the only reasonable course of action was to collapse in bed and stare at the ceiling. That being said, you still hadn’t let go of his hand, and it didn’t seem like you planned on doing it anytime soon because as soon as you closed your eyes, you fell asleep. 
He didn’t notice until he closed his book and saw you resting peacefully against the pillow while still holding it. He was about to pull his hand back and let you sleep, but it didn’t look like it was keeping you awake or anything, so he just decided to look at you for a bit, his thumb unconsciously rubbing your palm soothingly. 
Sitting on that chair was rather uncomfortable, but he didn’t feel like letting go of your hand, so he was going to bear it anyway until you’d let go by yourself. 
…which you didn’t do. You were just resting and holding his hand hostage the whole time. 
Approximately two hours after you had fallen asleep, Orter heard a weird noise, something indescribable. As his eyes searched the room for its source, his eyes widened slightly. He turned to you and squeezed your hand. “(Y/N), wake up, hey.” His free hand reached for your shoulder, slightly shaking it. 
Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you groaned in frustration. But Orter’s expression looked amused and a little excited, which woke you up immediately. “What’s the matter?” you asked as he chuckled and pointed at the egg.
“It’s hatching!”
Holy shit. You immediately sat up and made your way to the opposite bed as you watched the small snake slowly get out through a hole it had pierced. It then slithered away from the shell and looked at you and Orter, as if it was confused. You couldn’t help but squeal at how cute it looked. It was just a little baby!
You extended a hand and it instinctively moved towards you, then rested in your hand. It was such a precious little creature, you were holding back your tears. “Oh my gods, oh my gods… What are we supposed to do now?” You asked frantically as if in a panic.
Orter immediately flipped through his notes and then reached for a small bag of supplies, taking out a small piece of mandragora root and feeding it to the small snake, watching it greedily bite against it like “chomp!” and swallowing the whole piece. 
“So, according to the notes I’ve taken, we can move him now and it doesn’t have to stay warm anymore. I’m assuming it’ll need to stay with us until its patterns start appearing. It also says it might sleep a lot.” He flips through the pages again to see if he hasn’t missed anything.
You thought for a bit. Maybe you could grab one of your scarves and put some cotton and such into it to make a… snake holder? This way you could walk around the academy with Rivers in your scarf and without worrying about it too much. 
You had literal stars in your eyes and Orter looked completely lost as soon as he laid eyes upon this beautiful expression of yours while you were holding the small snake.
There was still a whole week left to the assignment, and it felt to him that time was flying awfully fast.
164 notes · View notes
sexydoffyman · 1 year
hi! how you doin'?
can i get A and N , G. with shanks , benn Beckman or Trafalgar law 🥹🥹? thank you
genre: smut
characters: Shanks, Benn Beckman, Trafalgar Law.
word count: 737
A/N: I had to resist using manga panel of fem law. Sorry for not posting for so long. I don't know what happened, but I just felt like I wouldn't write my best. 🐋
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He gets really clingy after sex. Like really clingy. He will grab your waist with his one arm and won't let go. So cuddles are inevitable. It's his favorite way to show love and affection.
He would act like the sweetest boy after he had you pinned down to the bed screaming his name. He has you laying on his chest whispering sweet nothings to your ear. It would almost feel romantic if it wasn't for the way he was squeezing your waist.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
It depends. He has times when he is more serious, but I see him more as the goofy type. He would be serious when it comes to roleplay. He likes to stay in character, so being serious comes with it.
As for him being goofy, he would be goofy if you two would be in a longer relationship. He wants sex to be enjoyable, and his positive spirit really helps with it.
I can see him joking during sex. It just fits his character. He either does it to tease you or just because he thinks it's a good joke.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Shanks is the kind of person that would want to try anything at least once. Even tho it's quite freaky. However, he has some turnoffs. Not all of them would have reasoning like it being too disgusting. Some of them would be simply because he starts laughing and gets distracted.
Like he could be waiting to rip your clothes off for hours, but then you suddenly do an impression of Bennjamin, and he'd start laughing his ass off.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is more on the responsible side of the crew. He would rather want to get both of you showered until you get to chill out. But right after that, he would love to watch a movie with you.
He would have you on his shoulder half-asleep. His hand brushing through your hair. He will never admit it, but he is smiling like an idiot when you rest with him like this.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Benn, again being one of the more responsible people, would act more seriously. He makes sure that you both get your big moment and have a good time. But when you rest with him, he finds it a good time to make some jokes.
He also can be less serious during sex. It's just that he doesn't really find it necessary. He would rather focus on his task than joking around.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Now, Benny has boundaries. Of course, he is willing to push his limits. But he has some things that he just won't participate in. Things like scat are obviously a no for him. He is also hesitant about any kind of degradation or bondage.
He just wants to make sure he isn't hurting you. He wouldn't forgive himself if he ever made you a little scared.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Law is a doctor, so he knows that proper hygiene after sex is essential. He takes showering after sex very important. He also likes to do any kind of skincare. Massages are also a thing that he enjoys. He usually gives you one but won't resist if you try to give him a massage too.
His massages are amazing since he knows where to touch.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Law is definitely serious. He sees sex as one of the most intimate things. He really doesn't want to make it awkward. He will even stay serious after your private time. He just likes the vibes.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He would be pretty hesitant when it comes to extremely kinky stuff, but after a while, he would be down. He would also refer from being submissive, but if you plead enough, you will eventually get his attention.
Surprisingly he would also refrain from using his devil fruit. It just creeps him out a little. I mean, he's using this power to kill enemies. Why would you want him to use it on you?
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gojosnympho · 1 year
use me - c.jh
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pairing: jongho x black!fem!reader
genre: smut
word count: 1.9k
content warnings: friends to lovers, unprotected sex (no), oral sex (m receiving), breast play, dirty talk, rough-ish sex, multiple orgasms
synopsis: you offer to help your friend with his problem.
playlist: please me - bruno mars ft cardi b
author’s note: jongho has had me by my throat BAD lately so i finally got the will to finish this fic i started two months back! i also did NOT proofread this shit my bad y’all. i hope you love it anyways tho🥹🩷
tags: @ariesunz for you boo!
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“are you even listening to me, jongho?” you asked him. he wasn’t but it’s not because he wasn’t interested in what you were talking about, of course not. he was always interested in what you had to say, he was your friend after all. that’s why he felt so guilty about why he wasn’t listening to you. he was too focused on the way your boobs looked in your top to even begin to comprehend what you were saying.
“i’m sorry, love. what were you saying?” he asked, diverting his breath away from your boobs back to your eyes.
“i was just asking what movie you wanted to watch,” your words made jongho snap back to reality. both of you were sat on your apartment’s big comfy couch because… that’s right! it’s movie night. like it is every friday night. your boobs looked so good he’d forgotten what was happening. he felt like a stupid, horny teenager. he was a grown ass man for god’s sake, but the curve of your breasts and the way he could almost…almost see down your shirt had him going insane.
“you pick,” jongho told you.
“i picked last week,” you complained with a whine.
“fine,” he grabbed the remote that you held and began clicking through all the options hbo max had to offer. he looked over at you again, his eyes zeroing in on your boobs once again. he wondered if you’d let him touch them but he pushed that thought away. you were his friend.
“while you figure that out i’m gonna go get a snack. do you want something?”
“no. thank you though.”
you nodded politely and got up to walk towards your kitchen. jongho really did try to keep his eyes on the tv in front of him but it was almost instinct the way his eyes became glued to your ass. he watched you all the way to the kitchen until you disappeared around the corner. his heart was pounding in his chest and blood was rushing to his dick. he tried to pull himself together by going back to scrolling on the tv. he finally decided on a random movie that looked interesting enough, hopefully you liked it. you came back with a bag of your favorite chips and sat back down next to jongho.
“did you pick something?” you asked him.
“yup,” is all he could muster. he was so fucking pent up he felt like he was going to explode.
he pressed play in hopes that the movie would take his mind off of how horny he was for you. he didn’t know what the fuck his problem was. he always thought you were pretty, he had eyes he could see that. he always thought you had a nice body too, what was so different today? was it the fact that he hasn’t had sex in a while?
“jongho, what the hell do you have me watching?”
jongho was too busy staring at you again to even worry about the movie that was playing. he looked away from you to the big flat screen tv that was in front of you to see the most explicit sex scene you would’ve thought you were watching porn. jongho grabbed the remote and paused the scene before it could go any further. blood was rushing to his dick again and he was so painfully hard in his pants he thought he could cum untouched.
“i’m sorry. i just clicked a random movie,” he explained himself, blush dusting his tan cheeks.
“are you okay, honey? you look sick,” you reached out to touch his face to check for a fever. your hands were so soft, he wanted them to touch something else.
“can i be honest?”
“mhm,” you hummed with a nod.
“i really, really need you right now.”
“need me?” you asked in confusion. it didn’t click in your brain until you look down at his lap and saw how his sweats were tented by his erection. “jongho…”
“i’m so sorry. i’ll leave if you want,” you shook your head at his words.
“what do you want me to do for you?” you asked him, crawling over to him.
“i can’t let you do that.”
“but i want to, jjong. please let me help you,” you said with the cutest pout on your plump lips.
something snapped in him because without thinking too hard about it, he stood up from the couch and pulled you up with him. he kissed you, shoving his tongue in your mouth and his hands reached behind you to grab your ass. after he squeezed it, he left a rough smack on both cheeks causing you to jolt forward and moan into his mouth.
“you sure you want this? i’m not gonna be gentle,” he told you, pulling only slightly away from your messy make out session. your lips were still connected by a string of spit.
“use me to make you feel good,” you assured him.
he kissed you one more time before pushing you down to your knees. you looked up at him with your dark brown eyes and he almost…almost felt bad about how he was going to ruin you. jongho pulled his shirt over his head, followed by dropping the sweatpants he was wearing to his ankles. the only thing that kept you from seeing him fully was the calvin klein briefs. he grabbed himself through the fabric, squeezing it until he let out a faint moan. you were drooling now; you wanted to taste him so badly.
“you want it?” he asked you.
“tell me what you want then, sweetie,” your friend teased you, again squeezing his dick in his large hand.
“wanna suck your dick. wanna make you feel good,” you replied, reaching up to replace his hand with your own. you squeezed him and watched as he turned into mush from just your touch. you hooked your fingers into his briefs and pulled them down to join the sweatpants that were pooled around his ankles.
you were shocked to see what he’d been packing in his pants for the year that you’d known him. it was thick with veins running up and down the length. it was longer than you’d expected too. you couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you.
“you have a pretty dick.”
“suck on it then,” jongho said. he grabbed your hair in one hand and his dick in the other. he slapped the pretty pink tip on your lips before sliding himself into your mouth. he hissed, squeezing his eyes shut at the feeling of your warm mouth. he opened them to look down at you. you looked so pretty like this, he thought. your mouth full of dick. “you’re so fucking good at this, huh?”
you kept sucking him off. every once in awhile jongho thrusted his hips up making his dick hit the back of your throat. you had tears in your eyes from how deep he was.
he pulled you off of him, “you like me using you? this what you want?”
“i love it. i want more.”
so he gave it to you. he kicked his bottoms out of the way so that he could undress you. he all but ripped off your top. he started to place kisses all over your chest that were soft initially but they soon turned rough and bruising. jongho’s lips were on one of your breasts, sucking on the perky brown nipple while his fingers tugged on the other.
“feels good, jjong,” you moaned, carding your fingers through his hair.
he was obsessed with your boobs. he sucked and kissed on them until your pussy was a weeping, drooling mess. you kept squirming so he disconnected his lips from your other nipple to focus on undressing your bottom half. jongho didn’t speak when he grabbed you up and put you face down ass up on your plushy, pink carpet. in this position, he could see everything. your pretty pussy was just begging to be fucked the way it was soaked and damn near dripping.
“i don’t have a condom,” jongho said.
“just pull out. please, i need you,” you whined with a swivel of your hips. just that small movement made your ass jiggle and made jongho lose his mind even more.
“you want my dick that bad, sweetie?”
“i need it. i need to feel you, jjong. please, fuck me,” you whined some more. your whining and begging turned him on to the point he couldn’t wait anymore. he used one hand to grab your hip, the other he used to like himself up at your tight pussy. he pushed in, slowly.
“you’re so fucking tight,” jongho grunted through clenched teeth. he used both of his hands to grip your hips when he picked up the pace of his thrusts.
your skin felt hot all over. all you could do was moan while he fucked you because every other thought was static and white noise. he started fucking you even harder, his hands gripping your hips so hard you knew he was gonna leave bruises; bruises that you’d wear proudly. you cried out, your nails digging into your carpet, your pussy squeezing around his fat dick. his one hand moved from your hip to your shoulder for more leverage to pound into your pussy even deeper. you cried out his name in pleasure and craned your neck to look at him.
he smiled deviously at you, “making this pussy feel good, baby?”
“so fucking good,” you replied.
he was fucking you so good you understood why some girls couldn’t leave niggas alone. he was fucking drilling you. you didn’t think your legs were going to work properly after this.
“fuck me back, sweetie,” jongho encouraged you, leaving a stinging smack on your ass cheek. you complied with his wishes, backing your pretty ass up on his pelvis. jongho was in heaven watching the way your ass rippled every time you moved against him. “that’s my good fucking girl.” he praised smacking your ass again.
you kept at it for what felt like hours; fucking each other like rabbits until you creamed all over his dick with a loud moan that probably woke your neighbors. jongho wasn’t done though. he pulled out of your pussy and flipped you on your back. he pushed back in almost as quickly as he pulled out.
“wanna see your pretty face when i’m making myself cum from this pussy.” his dirty words not only made heat gather in your cheeks but your pussy fluttered around him. he smiled at you before giving you a sweet kiss on the lips that was a stark contrast to the way he was fucking you. his thumb came in contact with your clit, rubbing in small circles so you could cum again. you were still so sensitive from your first orgasm that this one came down faster and twice as hard.
“shit, jongho!” you cried out as you orgasmed again. your heart was beating out of your chest and your ears were ringing and you swore you were seeing stars.
“fuck, baby. fuck!” jongho grunted. he pulled out just before he could nut inside of you. his seed splattered on the soft skin of your tummy. you scooped up his cum with your fingers and brought them to your mouth, sucking them with a moan. jongho watched you with low hooded eyes and his chest still rising and falling from his own orgasm.
“you taste so good, jjong.”
jongho smiled and then leaned down to kiss your lips, “feeling alright?” he helped you up from the floor and sat you on the couch.
“mhm,” you confirmed with a nod. “we should do this again.”
“i’d love to.”
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zjpg · 1 year
you and your brain
summary in which you're a study vlogger and he's your biggest supporter.
pairing lando norris x fem! psych student! reader
genre fluff, smau
warning hate comments for like 1 second. might be cringe i hope not tho lol
a/n in honor of me starting my psych journey next week🫡 ps. not the biggest fan of the tweets but yanno.
yourusername posted!
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liked by landonorris and 214,494 others
yourusername exams stacking up before winter break. STUDY TIP: study with someone that cares about you! even if they aren't even in school (cough lando couch). they'll make sure you take your breaks and hydrate :) happy studying
view all 12,393 comments
landonorris always making sure you're not killing yourself over a textbook 😁 -> yourusername thanks love
landonorris i love you and your brain -> liked by yourusername -> user1 i need a lando in my life -> carloszains55 me too.
user2 idk how this girl travels to like half the races and still finds time for schooling🥲 -> yourusername my classes are online and don't require me showing up to in-person class. plus most races i go to are during my summer breaks 😊
user3 lando = wag materiel -> landonorris thank you.
user4 i could never study psych 😭
user5 oscar and y/n are so cute :(
oscarpiastri when is your holiday? -> yourusername like a week -> landonorris 1 week, 3 days, 4 hours, and 23 seconds as of typing. -> oscarpiastri but who's really counting right?
landonorris posted!
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liked by yourusername and 322,493 others
landonorris shopping and studying season!
oscarpiastri that all you've been doing during holiday mate? -> landonorris just until her exams are over :)
user1 so she's making him spend his holiday watching her... study. -> user2 she's not making him do anything. and if she supports him weekend after weekend why can't he? -> user1 he's worked hard all season and he can't even relax because his gf is dragging him down. -> user3 bro what💀 she's literally a psychology student, she's been working hard too. and she isn't dragging him down, she's literally just studying and he's supporting her.
yourusername thank you for being my support system🥹 -> landonorris of course baby🧡
user4 i do not regret dropping out...
user5 these two are so cute
yourusername posted!
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liked by oscarpiastri and 122,495 others
yourusername exam season is OVER. new vlog will be out tonight, i hope you all did amazing on your exams and if you haven't had them yet i hope the vlog helps you with your study dumps. YOU GOT THIS!!!
view all 10,293 comments
user1 i got a C on my big exam 😔 -> yourusername that's okay love! remember tests do not define you! try some new studying techniques next time around, until then try your best to relax -> user2 lando i'm stealing her from you. -> landonorris no.
user2 the flowers🥹 -> yourusername he's the sweetest
landonorris i'm proud of you and your brain -> yourusername 🥹
landonorris my favorite (future) psychologist🧡
oscarpiastri congrats brainiac! -> yourusername thanks you osc!
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lando.jpg posted!
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liked by yourusername and 343,394 others
lando.jpg i love you
view all 32,493 comments
yourusername and my brain??? -> lando.jpg always.
yourusername i love you i love you i love you -> lando.jpg 🧡
user1 lando jpg making a return just for yn🥹
user2 stop they are THE couple.
oscarpiastri how adorable -> liked by lando.jpg and yourusername
carlossainz55 my favorites! -> yourusername gracias 😏 -> carlossainz learning faster than lando! -> lando.jpg HEY!!
yn.jpg posted!
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liked by landonorris and 102,494 others
yn.jpg i love you (and your brain) more.
view all 12,303 comments
danielricciardo learning from the best eh? ;) -> yn.jpg meh 😊
landonorris my big brained baby🧡 -> yn.jpg my... baby!😁🧡 -> landonorris ynnn...
mclaren oooh, do we have to hire a new photographer 👀 -> yn.jpg i already have too many things going on bro😭
oscarpiastri can you take cool pics of me next?? -> yn.jpg sure!! -> landonorris no.
taglist: @enhacolor @bibissparkles @blueanfield @peachiicherries
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zukotheartist · 7 months
Atla live action spoilers
I hope there are some native speakers out there that have translated this but for now I haven't checked the tag and I do study mandarin (tho my level is 1.nothing%💀) so I tried to use my dictionary app to understand some stuff and so far im at the first 2 lines from the right page of this spread lol
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Oh and btw, these are traditional characters! I only really study simplified ones so im really at sea rn ajskdkeke
I can't even translate the sentences as a whole😭 (tho in my defense i can't see like 5 of the characters) but what i got so far:
First sentence to the RIGHT:
來 = to arrive
臨 = to arrive, overlook, to face, just before, just about to
的 = auxiliary
甩 (?? Not too sure if it's this one) = to throw, to fling, to swing, to leave behind, to throw off
Can't see
當 = to be, to act as, manage, withstand, when, during, ought, should, match equally, equal, same, obstruct, just at, on the spot
看 = see, look, read, etc
The first two together 來臨 = to come closer, to approach.
And i THINK 當 followed by 看 means "wait and see".
No idea how to string that together into a sentence tho (fr, im a begginer🤷‍♂️) but I guess the general idea is: Zuko's closer to leaving behind something? His banishment possibly? And he just has to wait and see.
Second sentence (first on the LEFT of the page with the 2 drawings):
暴 = sudden, violent, cruel, to show or expose, to injure
風 = wind, news, style, custom, manner
雨 = rain
Can't see a lot but I think it's 的
Can't see
Can't see a lot but maybe it's 生 or 上
籠 (??not too sure) = cage, to cage, to cover, basket, to embrace, to manipulate through trickery
暴風雨 all together is rainstorm/storm/tempest.
生 = student, to be born, to give birth, life, to grow, raw, uncooked.
上 = up, upper, above, previous, first, to climb, to get onto, to go up, to attend, on.
As for the 7th one, there's another lóng (this is the pīnyīn) which is 龍 but as you can see, it misses the upper part of the character (龍 vs 籠). However, the reason is I'm pointing it out is bc im still not too sure about that character and this particular lóng has a different meaning, dragon or imperial. Also, if paired up with 生 it creates an idiom: 生龍 = lively dragon and animated tiger = vigorous and lively.
So the second sentence mentions a rainstorm and caging something or manipulating someone or... yeah idk ajsksksks
That's it. I wasted like an hour between looking up the characters, trying to translate and making this post loool but it was really fun🥹 (even if i didnt achieve much lol) and ill slowly try to get through the rest. Honestly, im gonna count this as semi-studying🫡😂!
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Hey ! I’m looking at a braime ff but I don’t remember the title.. I remember tho Jaime coming to fight for the living, jaime stays with brienne.. a kinda fix-it ao3 fanfiction
WHAT i remember the most is Brienne got pregnant with triplets thus making her really sick. she doesn’t want to drink or eat anything. so jaime is pissed of with this attitude and decides to ask (in a bold way, with tyrion and brienne besides her) making her drink the medicine to her. she eventually listens to lady stark, vow obliged.
at the end of the ff they living a peaceful life in Tarth with their 2 girls (with savages behavior) and one boy more reserved.
Please if someone remember it make it known 🥹🥹
And Counting by nubbins_for_all
The scene you are talking about is in Chapter 6 and the ending fits as well, so I am fairly confident it is the right one!
But if not let me know and I will try to find the right one!
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
hi! currently reading all your okoye fics and they’re all so good 😭🙏 she’s always been my fave ever since the first black panther so i’m glad i found ur writing 🥹 if ur still taking requests, how about aneka/ayo where one of them gets jealous but she’s still denying her feelings and thinks it would be “weird” to fall for their co-worker 😩 i hc aneka as the more vocal one in the relationship so i think it’s also interesting to see if ayo was the one in denial. i’m okay w anyone tho and only if u like the prompt. thank u! 💗
My Adored One
Aneka x Ayo
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Summary: Not even the fiercest of warriors can deny love.
Author's Note: I actually like this one. So I'm gonna need you all to pretend that this is their Debut story from me, because Jurisdiction is possibly my least favourite work ever and I'd like to forget about it's existence.
Word Count: 3.5k
Light Angst, Happy Ending
Warnings: Very Minor Injury (brief mentioning of blood)
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If anyone were to ever ask Aneka about Ayo, they’d probably get a loaded answer. 
She’d let herself grin from ear to ear thinking about the woman. Trying to find the best way to describe her. 
“Ayo is…” she’d stop just as she thought she got the right words, wanting to find more. 
“Have you ever had a good thing that only you know about? So you spend your entire day fixating on how lucky you are to have it but you never physically say that you have it. And when you go to sleep you’re thinking of this thing, and how you want to have it forever. That’s Ayo.” she’d say with a content look on her face. Knowing that she didn’t answer the question, and that she was just spewing out her love for the woman instead. 
She’d describe her as this soft, caring, strong leader that is an integral part of the Dora Milaje. She’d easily confess that she liked the woman. 
If you were to ask her what she’d do if she were given the opportunity to be with her, she’d get serious. And with hopeful eyes she’d say “I’d take it. I’d take her and never look back.” 
Then she’d let you sit with that information. Hoping that you wouldn’t tell anybody what she’d told you, but also secretly hoping that you’d tell absolutely everybody. 
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If anyone were to ask Ayo about Aneka; they’d probably get a very limited answer. 
She’d tense up, looking around for the woman in question before even thinking of what to say. 
“Aneka is…” she’d stop to think of the briefest way to express how she felt, not wanting anyone to know too much about her feelings. 
“Aneka is the reason that Bast still makes humans.” 
In her head she’d go on about Aneka being the closest thing to perfect that there could be. But out loud, she’d stay silent. 
She wouldn’t want to elaborate on the statement. She wouldn’t even want to repeat it. 
Instead, she’d daydream about the woman, right as you spoke to her. 
If you were to ask her what she’d do if she got the opportunity to be with her, she’d hesitate. 
“I haven’t thought about it.” she’d lie at first, knowing that she was constantly thinking about it. Then, feeling bad for lying, she’d again try to keep it brief. 
“I’d think about it.” she’d say, before immediately retreating to go anywhere but where she was. 
“Ayo. What are you doing here? Isn’t it your day off?” Aneka’s questions are what welcomed Ayo into the room that she often chose to train in. 
She’d get home, and think about it. Then she’d be training, and she’d think about it. All day she’d think about it. Think about how quickly she’d say yes if Aneka asked her on a date. 
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At first she got choked up, not knowing what to say to the woman. She knew the answers to the questions, but talking to Aneka was a much more specific task. 
She wanted to say the exact right thing. She suddenly needed to make sure that she looked presentable. 
She struggled to find her feet in creating conversation, but Aneka -being Aneka- waited patiently with a smile as she watched Ayo look for words.
She cleaned her spear as she waited.
“I thought that I’d come see you. Maybe get in some one-on-one combat with you.” She lied. That wasn’t why she was there. She came to be alone with herself. If she had known that Aneka was going to be there, she wouldn’t have had the guts to go. But it was too late now. 
Aneka nodded, humming in delight. 
“Okay, beloved. I see you feel more than up for a challenge today.” 
Ayo blushed. Had Aneka just called her beloved? 
The room was growing warmer. More welcoming. Ayo quickly forgot her previous urge to get out and find another place to train. 
She got herself together, taking out her spear, just as Aneka did hers. 
The two spent some time circling each other. Aneka looked deeply into Ayo’s eyes, while Ayo tried to stay focused more on the combat than on Aneka’s charming smile. 
She became hasty in her attack, charging first to get the action going. Aneka’s expression changed quickly. Her battle face took over as she realised that Ayo intended to seriously train. 
‘ She's still charming.’ Ayo thought. Then she shook her head at herself. “Focus.” she whispered to herself. 
“I am.” Aneka said, swinging her spear under Ayo. 
The latter responded with a swift gliding motion of her spear to stop Aneka’s from hitting her feet.
Aneka retracted, and brought her spear up to clash with Ayo’s. 
Ayo tried to stay focused, looking down while blocking the other spear. But still Aneka retracted and took hit after hit, smiling when she was able to pass through Ayo’s defences. 
For once she was glad that the training spears weren’t electric like the vibranium ones. 
When she landed on the floor, she was even more glad that it was only the two of them in the room. Had the others been there, Okoye wouldn’t ever have let her forget it.
Especially because Aneka hadn’t even touched her, so she’d seemingly tripped on air. 
“Is that all you’ve got, Ayo?” She approached the defeated woman who refused to get up and continue to embarrass herself. 
When Aneka knelt down, her cocky expression turned worried. “Oh, my love. You’re hurt. Your head.” 
Ayo raised her hand to take a feel of her head, and unsurprisingly her hands returned with blood on them. 
“Stay here.” Aneka said. 
Ayo did as instructed, sitting up and waiting for Aneka to return. 
Though she considered leaving then and there, her mind told her not to. Her mind went back to the other thing Aneka had said. 
“Oh, my love. You’re hurt.” 
My love.
Was that something that Aneka usually called people? She couldn’t quite remember. 
Her memory was hazy. 
When Aneka came back with a first aid kit, Ayo’s mind came back to her injury. 
She tried to make a grab for the kit to handle her situation. 
“Don’t. Let me do it, Ayo.” 
So she backed off, letting Aneka disinfect and place a cream on the cut. 
“There.” she said when she’d put the thin bandaging on Ayo’s head. 
“Um.” Ayo tried to speak, her voice hoarse and throat dry. Aneka’s face was so close to hers. So close that Ayo could tell that Aneka could feel her breathing on her skin. 
She didn’t know what to do with the position that they were in. Aneka leaned closer to her face, her lips puckered. 
Feeling those lips on her forehead, Ayo automatically sighed, feeling her body release the tension that it had. 
“Thank. You.” she rasped out. 
Aneka smiled, bringing her face lower. 
When their lips were on the same level, and only mere centimetres apart, she stopped, Meeting Ayo’s eyes. 
.Ayo opened her eyes to see that she was in her bed, by herself. 
Just as the light touch of Aneka’s lips hit Ayo’s; she woke up. 
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She breathed deeply, processing the hyper-realistic dream’s events.
Her hand went for her forehead, feeling completely cut-free skin. 
Getting out of bed, she tried to ration with her mind. 
It was just a dream. Just because she felt so good in it, it didn’t mean that there was any truth to it. 
Sure, she found Aneka to be quite attractive. But that was it. 
That sensational feeling that she felt in that dream; that feeling of love. That was all fake. Just her mind playing tricks on her. 
But she couldn’t deny the tingling feeling that still remained on her lips for the rest of the morning. The remnant feeling of what could have been. 
She couldn't deny that she possibly wanted more of that. At least; not to herself.
To everyone else she would at least try her best. 
Walking into the palace, Ayo was greeted by the sound of the early-bird Adored Ones chatting in the hall before the day truly started. 
The leader of the noise was none other than the woman of her dreams. Literally. 
Ayo approached the glowing presence of the woman who spoke. She could tell that they were all engaging in lighter conversation, seeing as everyone was smiling. 
When Aneka caught a glimpse of Ayo on the sidelines, she lit up. 
“And if it isn’t the woman of the hour! Morning Ayo.”
Ayo was ashamed to admit that her heart skipped a few beats when everyone looked her way. 
Though her face was serious like it should’ve been, she could feel her face tingling. She had a feeling Aneka was the only one who could sense her uncomfortability. 
Aneka went to hug her, embracing her firmly. “You look amazing today.” she whispered into her ear. 
Ayo’s face was on fire now. The strong blushing sensation almost breaking her serious expression. 
“Thank you.” she said quickly. Unlike in her dream she was quick on her feet when she was talking to Aneka. It was the best way to stay ahead of the flirtatious advances that she often made. 
Not that Ayo thought it was serious flirting.
That would insinuate a completely different thing. It was just playful flirting… that was slightly more than one-sided. 
She said slightly more because she couldn’t always be sure with Aneka. 
She was a lot more talkative than her. Which often meant that compliments like the ones that she gave her were given to far more other people. 
That’s why being quick to dismiss her was the best option. It took the feelings out of it all. 
Unfortunately, that’s just about all that it did. When it came to staying focused around Aneka, quick responses didn’t help her. She was just as bad if not worse than herself in her dream. 
With everyone else joining them in training in the same room, she was more wary of how she behaved. But Aneka still acted the same. 
It made for easy distractions. 
Ayo landed on the floor much faster than in her dream. 
Aneka smirked at her, but quickly stopped and came closer to the woman, “Ayo, you’re hurt.” 
Ayo sighed, lifting her hand and just like she’d predicted, seeing blood. 
Aneka went to get the first aid kit, and Ayo couldn’t help but feel a part of her hurt for the missing “my love.” in her words.
Some of the others watched her as she sat on the ground, embarrassing her more. 
Aneka came back, and for 3 whole minutes, Ayo’s real life was matching the dream exactly. 
“There.” Aneka said.
She looked into her eyes, leaning in. 
But Ayo wasn’t ready to face the rejection. 
“Thank you.” she said. 
She stood up quickly, knocking Aneka over accidentally. “Ayo, Wait!” 
Rushing out of the room, she went into the opposite one, where no one had chosen to train alone in. 
She let herself catch her breath, feeling a headache approaching. 
Hearing a breathy voice behind her, she internally screamed. 
“Ayo.” Aneka said. 
Ayo turned around, seeing a confused Aneka coming towards her. 
“What’s wrong?” Aneka’s hand went to softly hold Ayo’s chin like she often did, but Ayo moved in protest. 
“It’s nothing.” 
“It doesn’t feel like nothing.” 
Ayo finally met the other woman’s eyes. “I don’t know what’s wrong, Aneka.” 
“Then we’ll figure it out. Just talk to me, Ayo.” Aneka begged.
The two looked at each other, breathing in deeper than normal. Time was temporarily halted. Ayo’s eyes looked down to the other’s lips for a moment before she tried to look away. 
Her eyes closed for a moment, and that light graze came again. Aneka’s soft lips wanting to touch hers. 
But not quite reaching them. 
“Ayo-” Okoye’s voice and frame came into the room, making the two separate. 
“Oh.” Okoye had stopped dead in her tracks seeing the two so close together. Even if only for a split second. 
“I heard Ayo got hurt. I was just coming to check on her.” Okoye said, looking the other way. 
“Okoye,” Ayo tried to explain
“You look okay, so- I’m gonna leave now.” She turned and left the room as quickly as she came in. 
Aneka’s attention returned to Ayo. “Maybe you should take the rest of today off. Just to figure out what’s wrong.” 
Ayo unknowingly moved her head. Making it look like she nodded in agreement. 
Aneka gave a slightly frown-like smile, going back to the room filled with the others. 
Ayo stood still for a while, trying to figure out whether or not she had imagined what happened. 
She came to no definite conclusion. 
For weeks after it all happened, there was a distance between the two. 
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At first, Ayo made a point to avoid Aneka. Making up excuses for her to leave the rooms that Aneka entered. Saying that she was busy, or just openly ignoring her presence. 
Aneka didn’t notice at first, actually believing that Ayo was busy all of the time. But when she noticed that she was purposely ignoring her on some occasions, she grew distant. 
She didn’t outright ignore Ayo, but you could sense the tension whenever she chose to compliment someone else instead of her. Aneka didn’t mean any harm in it. She just knew what she wanted, and since Ayo wouldn’t admit that there were mutual feelings there; it had become a way to make her see what she was missing. 
To Ayo, the ‘flirting’ became a clear confirmation that there was nothing special between them.
She let herself accept the fact that she would never get to feel that sensational love that she had secretly been hoping to have with Aneka. 
This didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt. Because it did. 
It hurt seeing those compliments going to others. It hurt seeing her face light up seeing other people. It hurt knowing that she wasn’t even an option anymore. 
Ayo always had her reservations about starting that type of relationship with a fellow Adored One, but having the option always felt comforting. 
Knowing that if she just got the courage to make that one decision; to take a risk. She’d have a chance of having something great. 
It was the one thing that made her day 100 times better. 
Now that that was gone, all she did was crave it. Hoping that she’d get it back one day. 
Spending another day avoiding Aneka, Ayo sat on a bench watching her from afar. 
As a woman approached Aneka, all Ayo could see was an excited romance-adjacent encounter. Aneka was all over the woman. Hugging her intimately. Whispering into her ear like she used to do to Ayo. 
As Aneka held on to her, refusing to stop hugging the woman, her eyes landed on Ayo staring. 
Ayo stood up, looking away with the hope that Aneka hadn’t fully caught her. 
She gathered her things, making her way around Aneka and her new woman. 
When Aneka saw the look on Ayo’s face at the sight of her ‘new interest’, she couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. 
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She’s known that using her friend as a jealousy tactic would have worked, but seeing her immediately leave with that sad look on her face again. It made Aneka want to fix things far sooner than she had initially thought that she would. 
She thanked her friend for the help, making her way home. 
There, she got herself ready for her big moment. Thinking about that one question. 
What would she do if she got the opportunity to be with Ayo? She’d so confidently thought she’d “Take it” when first asked. 
Now. she had to put that confidence into good use. 
She didn’t necessarily think that she had an opportunity, but she had a small opening. One that was only being held open because of that almost kiss. 
She’d been clinging to it from the moment it happened, wondering if she had imagined it.
She hoped that she hadn’t. She hoped that her opening was real.
Hope was the one thing driving her forward to make her move. 
When Ayo heard a knock on the door of her home, she groaned in exhaustion. She’d been self-loathing for a few hours by then. Embarrassingly wallowing in her own pool of self-pity. 
She was grateful that she’d at least changed into something comfortable, but presentable. Not needing to check for her appearance. 
She opened the door to yet another dream. Though it seemed very real. 
Aneka stood in front of her. Dressed like what Ayo could only describe as a glimpse of paradise. Like an angel.
Wearing a slitted cream-coloured dress, with silver earrings that stole Ayo’s attention and refused to relinquish it, Aneka stood far more confidently than she felt. 
“Take me on a date tonight.” she demanded, letting herself into Ayo’s home. 
Ayo turned to the woman who had passed her and was now getting comfortable in her house. She wore a confused expression on her face. 
“Excuse me?” 
“I said, take me on a date tonight. I'm sick of-” 
Ayo brought her hands up to tell Aneka to slow down. “Wait, can you stop for a moment and let me think.” 
So Aneka stopped, looking around while Ayo tried to process what was going on. 
When she had calmed down and filtered her questions down, she took a deep breath. 
“You want me to take you out?” she asked. Aneka nodded, 
“Where is this coming from?” She asked, not knowing how loaded that question was for Aneka.
“It’s coming from years of watching you from a distance and wondering what it would be like to have you up close.” she started. 
“I keep asking myself what I would do if I just got one chance to try this out. To try us out. Everytime I think about it, I tell myself that it might work. If I just get the chance. So I wait. And I wait, and wait. But I can’t keep waiting. It’s never gonna happen if all I do is wait. So I’m forcing myself to be the chance for once.” Aneka tried not to tear up at her words, wanting Ayo to know that she was serious. 
Meanwhile, Ayo was doing everything to make sure that it wasn’t another dream. She checked for the time. She looked all over her house to check for any small changes. She even pinched herself a few times. 
When she was sure that it was real, she still had her reservations. 
“What about the girl you were with earlier.?” she asked bitterly.
Aneka scrunched her face at the thought of explaining that. “She’s just a friend.” 
“A bit close to just be a friend, don't you think?” 
“Look Ayo. I’m telling the truth. She’s just a friend. We don’t usually act like that. I was trying to make you jealous.” 
“You were?” Ayo scoped out her whole body -mostly just to soak in the beauty of its presentation again- but more importantly to see if she was lying. 
Seeing her do this, Aneka smirked. “Mhm. And it worked too. Well, mostly worked.” 
“What makes you think I was jealous? “ 
“Ayo. Are you actually going to make me answer that? Don’t try and deny it.”
“I’m not trying to deny anything. Okay. Maybe I was a little bit hurt by it. But it wasn’t that bad.” 
“Really? What were you doing before I got here?” 
Ayo refused to answer, looking anywhere but at the other woman. Aneka folded her arms in victory, knowing that she had won.
Ayo considered her situation. Adding the new information that she had into the equation. Was she willing to take the risk?
What if it didn’t work? She wasn’t willing to risk that. 
“I don’t know, Aneka.” 
Aneka sighed, going in to hold Ayo’s hand. “Ayo. I’m not asking you to say yes to doing anything but take me on a date tonight. I know exactly what I want with you, and if you need me to tell you I will do so gladly. But I know how you are. You’ll stress out the entire time and feel pressured into taking a thousand steps at a time and making it work out as soon as it begins. Right now, all I want is for you to take this 1 step with me.” 
She kissed her hand, looking at her with her entrancing eyes. 
Ayo couldn’t help but start to feel that loving sensation all over again. 
“Okay.” she whispered. 
“Okay?” Aneka asked excitedly. 
“Yes, okay.” 
Aneka released her hand, going to hug her. 
“Just one step?” Ayo asked. Aneka nodded in agreement. 
Ayo let go, “Before we do that.” She couldn’t help herself as she leaned into Aneka. 
There was no denying that their lips touched then. They connected and held each other gently, until they were ready to let go. Then they did it again. And then one last time for good measure.
When they departed for the last time, Aneka couldn’t hold in her giggle. 
“Just one step at a time.” she told Ayo. 
She reminded the both of them of that one thing. 
It was just one step. 
One night.
One date. 
And a plethora of other possibilities. 
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screampied · 2 months
VEYGHUS GIRL OMG❗💞✋🏻✊🏻✋🏻✊🏻, did I hear you've been working on shiftingssss. For me it was 2021, i explodes (literally exploding my shi out) at this shifting trends. getting told I get to live w my comf char FOR FREE, I mean at that point I was like 'fucc yeah im buyin it'
And I began some research right, methods, scripts, save words, dr's face (I literally just get it on pinterest🛐), subliminals, etc. I WAS doing the VOID METHOD bcs yeah why not it was basically sounds like the easiest one (oh little did I know 🙄). Void method was like lying in star pose stuff, counting 1 to 100, let mind go blank (WICH I CAN'T MAINTAIN so I just focusing on 'im going to shift tn' 🥰 it's the same thing ig ueggh). Im quite an easy person to focus on their breathing n relaxing my whole muscle n not fall asleep directly.
So I decided to go to bed early if I wanted to get this whole routine done by night. BUT WHEN THAT TIME THE HALF WAY METHOD IS ABOUT TO KICK IN, MY BROTHER BARGED INTO MY ROOM *BANG* "sis look at this cat.... why you sleeping already" . Unbelievable.
Ok so what happened after that, I just keep falling asleep instead and have them in my dream. Like since that day I didn't feel the sparks between me and my method anymore 😖🥺. Yeah whatever dream is the cheap version of it, im- it's ok I guess 🥹🥹
omg i started around covid. i know right 😫😫 at first i didn’t believe it bc it seemed like cap but i slowly started getting more interested ?? like it’s sm to understand ‘n shit. ooooh the void method ? i tried but it never works for me 😭 same i usually do the raven method which is kinda the same pose ‘n everything. i count down from 200 tho bc im a deep sleeper.
LMAOOO NOT THE SHIFTING BLOCK. literally me whenever my dogs randomly jump on my bed and tackle me like 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️ but omg you can shift i believe in you !!!! keep trying 💗🎀
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hurrakka · 11 months
Hello I'm just wondering
1) The first time they got infected, did they freak out and try to look for antidotes? Who was the first one to get infected?
I know they are killing human in some of your comic but 
2) Are they aware that they used to be human and they used to kill anyone who looks like them right now? 
I've read a lot of Piers infected stories and even tho he is infected he still protect people
3) Is Piers like that in your AU?
an lastly 
4) If they had the chance to have an antidote, would they use it? And if they did, would they look like they used to or slightly different? (Again like some of Piers's stories he'd lose his arm and one of his eyes) 
Sorry I asked a lot of questions but I was just curious 🥹♥️
Whoever gets infected first is entirely up to you ;] since I p much covered characters from RE2, 3, and 4 which could suggest they got infected early on, who knows. Some would reasonably freak out and some immediately resigned to the infection.
Im p sure the actual kill count based on the comics I got so far was a total of 3. But even so, I tried to make it look that some were hesitant, but knowing what they are they don't have much of a choice. So it's either kill or be killed.
Piers remains unchanged. I don't plan on including characters who have already been infected or special cases like Jake and Sherry.
If ever a cure exists, I doubt it's gonna work on special infected. Commons maybe but if it does it'll be difficult for them to get back to their old lives as some are gonna live on without a jaw, limbs, half of their face, or burns all over their body. I think Leon, Luis, and Ada are more likely to recover quickly than the others since their mutations aren't severe. I think having a cure would defeat the purpose of the AU, as I see it more as a 'bad ending' to the characters. (this is my own personal opinion)
And dw these aren't a lot and thank you for asking ^^ Sorry if some of these don't fully answer your questions. At the end of the day, you can always come up w your own hcs. I don't want ppl to think I have full authority of this AU, I'm just some guy meshing 2 franchises just for fun :3c
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apoptoses · 1 year
I’d been waiting for the right moment to sink my proverbial teeth into Fade Into You (approximately 45 minutes ago) and I am yet again losing my shit 🥹 not that I was expecting any less from you/this series but that was somewhat of a religious experinece ngl. Loved how much of a soft, sensual and all-encompasing experience it was for both of them, and how much of an exercise in vampire lovemaking it was for Daniel. That shit will come in HANDY someday, and I wonder how aware of it Armand is at the time and how deep in denial he’s trying to remain. Like, if that was a test... Daniel passed with flying colors. THE perfect vampire lover idc what anyone says, Armand had to know right there and then that this was the man who’d keep him coming for the rest of eternity. He lucked out fr fr
First of all, Daniel tying Armand’s hair into a bun, some A+ imagery right there (have you ever seen those pictures of Christian Bale doing it to Natalie Portman? the armandaniel vibes are there imo). Then you had Armand slowly but surely letting his guard down for Daniel, letting himself be vulnerable and soft and needy, and Daniel isn’t sure why but he knows this is a huge thing and will make it count.
And this: “For a moment Armand only blinked at him, so sweet and drunk looking that Daniel couldn’t help but let out a laugh. He’d always assumed it would take something rough and forceful to bring Armand out of his head. He’d never imagined gentleness would have him drifting and slow to respond.” THE SONG OF MY PEOPLE!!! Such a gorgeous description of pliant, sweet Armand. I’m obsessed. How many people have had the chance of seeing Armand like this? Two, maybe three in 500 years? Incredible. 
“It was an unnatural coupling. A shared release no mortal was ever meant to experience, that maybe even god himself hadn’t intended for in the great design of the universe” yesss and that’s what so fascinating about them, Daniel should’ve never experienced any of the things he experienced as a human with Armand, they were not meant for him, and yet he did and they were and he loved every bit of it. He’s such a gift, which is exactly what Armand called him🥹
Can’t wait for the third installment!!! Over the moon that this is now an ongoing series. All of your WIPs sound heavenly tho how exciting 😭xoxo DA
dungeon anon, just the person i wanted to hear from after a rough day ♥
Loved how much of a soft, sensual and all-encompasing experience it was for both of them, and how much of an exercise in vampire lovemaking it was for Daniel. That shit will come in HANDY someday <- Right!! he's so curious about the vampire experience, there's some appeal there for him. like he knows what armand's body can and can't do and he wants to be like him regardless! so i really think he would fixate on it and want to experiment with what being one of armand's kind is like in the more literal sense, and what their physical relationsip could be like once he's turned.
and listen armand describing daniel as gentle over and over, even at the end of TVA when they're on a break is forever on my mind. and so it only made sense that he would be gentle in taking control! it's so natural that he's good at this!
and i just love any excuse to get armand out of his head so like. i had to do it, i had to let someone be gentle with him for the first time in centuries (and i had to let daniel see what he's like in that state because lord! what an impression having armand melt for him like that would leave. he'd be running the show in that bedroom for weeks after just to keep getting repeat performances)
so i'm so happy you loved it!! and i'm having so much fun working on the third part. i've never done freshly turned daniel and he's such a delight, so eager to share a first with armand ♥
Here's a snippet, the first few paragraphs:
It was a terrible thing they’d been through. The sudden threat, the burnings, Akasha. Like living through a World War in the span of just a few days. He should have found it all terribly traumatizing , the way they’d all narrowly escaped death- how he’d escaped death twice in mere hours!- and yet Daniel could only find it all surreal. He watched out the window of the SUV for the breaks in the palm trees and greenery where the lights of Night Island shone through. They were like great fireflies dancing in the darkness, there one second and then, as the cars crawled down the private road, blinking out of existence. Daniel touched the tinted window and tried to blot out the lights with his fingertips. He laughed to himself when a particularly bright one glowed like a halo around his ring finger. “Are you alright?” Louis murmured from the seat beside him. Daniel nodded. “Yes. I have to laugh to keep the dread away.” “Dread?” Daniel didn’t answer. Instead he listened to the low rumble of old Italian coming from the very back seat. Armand and his Maker, Marius, whispering in a dialect he couldn’t understand. Every now and then a word caught on his mind- ‘boy’, ‘danger’, ‘mistake’- but the grammar was lost to him. The declensions of the verbs were too unfamiliar, lost and mutated by time.
Meeting these people should have been an ecstatic thing. And it had been, at first. Walking into the great Sonoma compound and seeing vampires he’d only heard of in Lestat’s book alive and real before his very own eyes- it had been like being a child and discovering Santa Claus wasn’t a myth. Like seeing the living faces of saints. And then, one by one, those relics of Armand’s past had dismissed him. Marius declared he’d lacked common sense (he’d heard that thought and giggled at it at the time, now it sat in his dead stomach like a stone). Gabrielle ignored him when he spoke. Lestat- well, he had cast a glance or two Daniel’s way but then he’d been preoccupied by his mother and Louis, those artifacts of his own existence. And that was fine, really. Daniel was used to being something of an outcast by now. Always a peripheral presence in a group but never an intimate friend. He’d gotten used to that during his years with Armand when they’d uprooted themselves over and over, moving through cities and friend groups like fish through water. No, what sat wrong with him was Armand’s continued distance from him.
(and then- well I swear it gets better from there ♥)
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
hiiii - 🤍 here
but you know what i love more than the theme? CHAPTER 2!!!
first of all, christine. i liked her at first, then she annoyed me bc why is she fucking the guy trouble wanted to fuck. especially KNOWING they were hooking up? fuck off. even tho trouble didnt care it pissed me off djfjkdjkd
THE BEGINNING MENTION OF TRENT MADE ME SO EXCITED bc i read the prologue and had NO idea what was going on. like? are trouble and trent secretly hit men? what is going on. I WAS SO EXCITED AND YOU DELIVEREEDDDDDDDDD. peter RISKING IT ALL FOR TROUBLE ON LIKE, DAY 2 OF KNOWING HER is so real. and he acts like he doesn't care. puh-LEASE!
NFDJKHDSHFJKSHJ NO J IM SO FUCKING EXCITED ADHJSAHDFDKSHKJFSDH IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! THE KISS? ARE YOU INSANE? IT LEFT *ME* BREATHLESS. I WAS SCREAMING. I STILL AM FDHJKFHSJDKHFJDS AHHH BABY TROUBLE AND PETER🥹🥹🥹 im crying. reading this knowing how far theyve come makes me cry bv its fr BABY TROUBLE AND PETER. i love that shes always been delusional. she's just like me <3
SPEAKING OF ETHAN - peter wanting trouble so much he fr gets annoyed at ethan for thinking hes trying to get with her??? ARE U INSANE. I KVDJSKLFJKS. thats his brother for life but he wants trouble so bad, suddenly he cant think straight and is like puffing out his chest when ethans there. i giggled at the taylor swift mention. djsjkfksl
trouble high is my fav thing. its also making me think ab intox kink with peter but i wont go there rn
her not needing a trip sitter is so iconic but peter was def watching her every move incase she needed one and would pretend he wouldn't.
“Want my advice? Parker is your best bet.”  why was this so hot. im so down bad. like. its shocking. im obsessed
also using rice water bc of christine now.
ally is the cutest bestie.
“Funny. When I asked she said she had no plans.” 🤭 if you saw my face when i read thidshsjkshdjf
“She’s cool. You know, witty, kind, pretty…”
“She’s difficult and entitled.”  I SCREAMED J. I SCREAMED. i wanna film live reactions to me reading the next chapter bc i swear i screamed and giggled and threw my phone across the wall twice (the screen cracked but there's a screen protector so its okay)
“You saw her first, it’s only fair.” It’s tiny, and it’s a microflash, but Peter grinned. HAJGHJGFDKSHSAJKHJSKAHGJ
ethan saying she wants water and her being like omg i do! SO CUTE.
I could write a thesis statement on peter doing that shot with trouble vs ethan saying no. and i think i will. he's SOOOOOOO- DHJFSJKSHDS
him calling her princess🤭🤭 changing my name to princess brb. he was actually talking to me, j. you got it confused. he wasn't talking to trouble <3. me <3.
i hope trent dies. can we kill him later? just a lil poisoning in the cathedral hall, nothing major <3
him saying she isn't totally insufferable🥹🥹 bare minimum i know but from peter thats basically an "i love you"
“You’re a fucking dick.” 
“Yeah, and you just wanna stick yours in her.” If he wouldn’t be at grounds of expulsion from the frat, Peter would’ve laid him the fuck out right then and there. “Shut the fuck up, Simpson. Just leave it alone.” He does, and throws the door open before parting you with a middle finger.  I CRIEDDDDDD
him calling her freshman after ignoring her after kissing her hurt my feelings but then he breathed or smth the next line and i was like ahh <3 forgiven.
i could go on and on and on but '‘big brother season.’  made me dfjkksd
- 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
this actually makes my heart SWELL UP cause like... wow. this means the world. im over here giggling and throwing my laptop at the wall w this!!!
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faeiapalette · 2 years
I rarely ever send asks to blogs but I noticed the absolutely shitstorm taking place in your inbox from my OC blog and I'm so confused??? Like why did it escalate to such a heated discussion?? I actually fully agree with you that Ayato's LE route is anything but bad. It was one of my favorites amongst the S boy routes and while I did feel bad for him, I don't think the 'they don't deserve it' argument is valid for any of the DL boys. They've all done horrible things to Yui/the MC so they can't complain about karma biting them in the ass at one point or another. Also this whole 'which boy is the main one/Yui's canon S/O' is so silly imo. (and mind you, I'm a big AyaYui shipper myself) After translating over half of all the games' content, I can confidently say that Rejet is not that serious about the plot of DL and will defy or contradict their previously established lore literally ALL THE TIME. So why can't we - as a fandom - also be a little more chill and laidback about it and enjoy our own interpretations of the story instead of trying to prove other people's opinions wrong? ^^;; In the end, it's just fiction and there's no real right or wrong. Also big disagree on you not being able to voice your dislike for Ayato because he's generally loved by the fandom. :/ So it's okay to bash Cordelia or Karl because most fans agree that they're shitty people, but you can't speak ill of one of the main boys? Oh boy I better go hide now because I've lost count of how many times I've called Kanato a nasty purple gremlin.
I'm a Subaru stan but if I see someone insult Subaru, I don't get upset. I realize he has his flaws too and he won't be everyone's cup of tea. That's totally fine like go and call him a sad piece of emo trash for all I care. He might be my oshi, but in the end he's also just a bunch of pixels on a screen lol.
(😳 wait can i say “senpai noticed me”? Although i’m not too fond of this kind of “notice” and i don’t think it’s something i should be proud of it either, but still 🥹🤣💀🙈💗
Also… i deeply apologize for this massive tornado of… whatever it is 😭)
And 😭💦 I have no problem with Ayato tho? It started when i start wondering why the reasons i heard didn’t came from the inside of Ayato’s route (instead, as you can see, people compare his route to the other S boys’ routes, aka the external. Oh and actually an anon told me that problems lie in bad writing and horrible ending, that’s the first one for me. 🙌) So i just started analyzing things using internal infos in his route and speak it up in the form of an opinion. 🤔 Then people misunderstand what i said and see it as “i’m attacking Ayato”, and all of this happened. So… Thank you, but i’ll pass that 1st sentence in the 2nd paragraph to any other person who couldn’t say “i hate this character” in this fandom. 🥺💗 Sigh…. I do wish people can be chill and understanding like you and some people i know as well. Realizing all of this things isn’t that hard. 😔
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wickedlittleoz · 1 year
Hello! I'm the royal guard Anon and I just want to say I love love LOVE your interpretation of them!!! 😭🙏❤️‍🔥 The progression from fighting as a child but slowly realizing the beauty in one another is just sooo *chef kiss* 🥹 The part where they got separated almost scared my soul out tho, but I can always count on you to give them the happy ending they deserve🫶🫶 Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!!
Also I'm pretty late to the party, but I saw there was a poll about a shimadacest discord some time ago? I was wondering if there's any way I could join in case it's already created? If not then no problem! I'm just afraid I missed it. Thank you again! 🙏
ANON HELLO HI I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!! 🤧🤧🤧 awwwwweee thank you for writing back too like i always love to hear feedback so yeah thank you and i'm honored you share your beautiful ideas with me!!! and you know me lmao the canon is too depressing already, the boys deserve a happy ending!!! 💚💙
about the discord, maybe i should've put out like an "official statement" (lol) before but i was kind of afraid to disappoint everyone, and. welp.
after a lot of overthinking especially on my end because i'm delulu, tldr is that we decided not to do it.
i'll be very honest: we got talking to friends who have done this kind of thing (specifically the mod part) before and heard that it can be kind of draining... like, a lot of people get together in a small environment, shit breaks out, you know? and we love this community so much we feared we'd have to watch it come apart and somehow feel responsible for it?
also like, we have work and other real life things to worry about, so to us, much like to you probably and so many other friends here, participating in fandom spaces is where we go to relax. you get what i'm trying to say, right?
sooooo, even though we were very happy with all the responses (personally did not expect such a large number tbh), we decided we aren't ready for that kind of responsibility and that we'll not be doing it ourselves. obviously if anyone else feels inclined to start the server themselves, they're free to do it, no one 'owns' the idea (lol) and we'd love to like, see it come to fruition, yk? a lot of friends showed interest, and with that i feel like i also have to apologize,
for hyping it up so much and then just not seeing it through. we really, really are sorry. we saw (like mostly everyone who participated in the poll) the potential of the idea, but realized that it was a bite much larger than we could chew, and decided against it for our own sakes. again, really sorry.
sorry it's a wot, the tldr like i said before is, we didn't create the server and won't do it, you didn't miss anything because i'm chicken and, frankly, getting too old for internet drama lol just avoiding it at all costs even before it finds me
ANYWAYS, thanks for all the kindness and sorry once again, ily pls don't hate me + have a wonderful week <3
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cuephrase · 4 months
ask game: 🏜️, 🍓, 🎨, and anything else you want to answer :))
🏜️⇢ what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
any comment that indicates enjoyment! i will say the aggressively positive ones crack me up, like never thought i would enjoy being cussed out but it's pretty fun lmao. ummmm oh, bc i write angst, i like when i get comments saying 'i cried' LMAO. i also love long comments, which i feel like i have to make it very clear that i don't dislike short comments!! when i super fall in love with a fic i tend to like word vomit in the comments tho, so like receiving that kind of comment makes me malfunction, bc like what do you mean my writing was worth all that kindness?? actually. pretty much every nice comment makes me feel that way 🥹😭🫶 if you've ever left me a comment, just know i can practically guarantee that i blushed, looked slightly insane for a second, and then had a massive grin for the rest of my day
🍓⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
omg fun question!!! so!! okay, i've been writing since i was in first grade bc i read obsessively so when my teacher was like "dolphins can't drink coffee" my smart ass was like "ummm they could if it was the right story" and she was like "well then write it prove me wrong" and i was like omg i can write my own stories?! mind blown. got extra credit for that story actually, horrible influence, taught me to argue with authority figures. jk. kind of. where was i? oh!!! fast forward to when i was eleven, i got super crazy into tmnt and would spend hours just like...reading about them, like fact articles, don't laugh at me, anyways, something mentioned fanfiction and i was like, what is that? googled it. mind blown AGAIN. i would spend hours daydreaming new episodes okay, and even though i wrote all the time i never considered writing down my ideas bc i thought i needed to like work for nickelodeon to do that lmao.
wasn't allowed to have an acc, even once i turned 13 (which would've been on ffnet actually, had no idea about ao3 then), and also wasn't allowed on a computer so i just wrote in spiral-bound notebooks and my siblings waited for each chapter the same way they did for new episodes.
can't remember how i discovered ao3, weird, but that was when i was around 15. all the fic i posted then was bnha, has since been orphaned, whoops, i anon what i don't love now. and then i kept writing fic just for myself but i posted a bnha one shot back in 2022. got into batfam in august 2023, did some whumptober for fun, and now i'm posting my first multi-chap fic!!
i write...a lot, but share very little bc i'm super, super self-conscious. i'm trying to be less shy!! it's just hard *buries head in hands*
🎨⇢ link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
asjfjkskj I CAN'T DO ONE. i gotta limit myself somehow tho crap. okay okay okay
first up, is this absolute gem from @/danidoodels, i mean LOOK AT HIM. the lil pout, and then the hair ruffles and his smile and the colors and the and the everything. just everything. EVERYTHING. patpatpatpatpatpat
then, @/ashrayus dick and jay art had been a recent and joyous discovery, but this one i'm going to highlight this one bc he's holding him like a naughty kitten lmaooooo. i'm obsessed with how like soft and warm this art makes me feel, i want to wrap up in it like a blanket and sob
next, @/malenjoyer's delightful art is always going to worm into my brain but this cat dami?! SOG. i want to squish him. just SQWUISH
finally, this timkon animatic @/oneswordstyle- i've probs thought about it every day since i first saw it. it's just so soft and cute and i adore them and they make me sick to do not try to cure me
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🫥⏳💔⚖️🔂 (i don't think this counts as spoilers, right? hehe)
tysm for the ask anon!! i hope you enjoyed the answers <3
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zafetycar · 6 months
something i'm made for - LN4
⭐︎ lando norris & singer!female!reader - social media au
⭐︎ one in which lando norris' partner gets nominated for an oscar for "best original song" and wins
⭐︎ warnings: ⏀
⭐︎ word count: ⏀
previous part ⭐︎
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you asked, i shall deliver
in honour of billie eilish winning the oscar for best original song (i was so happy about this btw), this is the second (and final) part of the lando norris social media au i did in february !!!
requested by @/daniellef89x :)
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yourusername added to their story
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seen by 1,040,334
landonorris added to their story
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seen by 822,451
text: "whatever it takes"
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liked by dominicfike, landonorris and others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername thank you so much madrid, you lived up to your expectations well ;)
lil break before we go back on tour, heading to LA for some regular events 👀 ill update u guys on it
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user1 some regular event lmao bitCH YOURE GOING TO THE MF OSCARS
user2 no her acting as if she wasn't freaking out inside
⌞user3 she probably isn't tho
landonorris can I come along ?
⌞yourusername you're literally in my suitcase
⌞alex_albon can I come too ?
⌞yourusername bring lily with you
⌞lilymhe coming babe
user4 her shirt 🥹🥹🥹
⌞user5 i'm new can som1 explain ?
⌞user6 '4' is her bf's racing number !
⌞user7 i can't this is so cute!!!!!!!!
carlossainz55 told you rockstar, we spanish know how to party 😉
⌞yourusername you guys are massive alcoholics but yall got the moves
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landonorris added to their story
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seen by 908,977
text: "ready to go"
landonorris added to their story
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seen by 1,000,605
text: "look at my girl"
landonorris added to their story
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seen by 999,978
text: "what a woman, beyond proud to be yours"
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liked by barbiethemovie, landonorris, oscarpiastri and others
tagged: landonorris, americaferrera, theacademy
yourusername no words can describe how im feeling rn. last night was wild. kenergy is real. i have a second oscar. celebrated all night. don't wanna get out of bed now. (can't walk really).
also i was in the same room as cillian murphy aka 'ocean eyes' muse and i almost passed.
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user8 she's so real for this I would kms if cillian even just walked past me
user9 but the way he smiles tho omg
danielricciardo we literally screamed when they said your name!! huge congrats, you run the world!
yourusername 🫶
liked by yourusername
alex_albon I KNOW
lilymhe i wasn't talking to you
liked by yourusername
user10 im actually gonna cry she's my hero
user11 iconic shit here
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liked by mclaren, maxfewtrell, martingarrix and others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris winter break treated us good. my babe's taking over the world.
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user12 I want what they have
user13 screaming crying ripping my hair tf out
mclaren congrats to our favorite papaya girl 🧡
⌞user14 not mclaren admin gushing over yourusername
⌞yourusername she loves me fr
⌞user14 holy shit HI
oscarpiastri i think some of these don't belong here
liked by landonorris
⌞danielricciardo mate I told you it's no use
liked by landonorris
liked by yourusername
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liked by francisca.cgomes, domfishback, carlossainz55 and others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername my muse, my bitch
my album is mastered ❤️‍🔥
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landonorris my whore my whole 🤍
liked by yourusername
⌞user15 WE SAW THAT
oscarpiastri jesus christ
user16 this isn't onlyfans
user17 they're iconic
user18 uhm did i read this right or did she just say she's dROPPING AN ALBUM ??????
user19 wtf is going on
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landonorris added to their story
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seen by 1,007,455
tagged: yourusername
text: "❤️‍🔥"
maxfewtrell replied: so are we actually getting a duo ?
⌞landonorris 👀
⌞maxfewtrell oh lord
yourusername added to their story
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seen by 1,102,312
tagged: landonorris
text: "be nice people he's trying"
tagged: landonorris, carlossainz55
text2: "oh hi carlossainz55"
user20 replied: omg carlando reunion!!!!!!
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liked by danielricciardo, martingarrix, yourusername and others
landonorris i'm actually enjoying quite a lot
might change career and follow you on tour yourusername
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user21 wait is this the feat we're expecting ????
yourusername please don't.
user22 rockstar lando
oscarpiastri i hear it fills you with a lot of joy
⌞mclaren and gratitude
georgerussell63 pretty sure you're not the reason she'll win more oscars
⌞alex_albon agreed she's too badass for you
user23 someone check on lando after everyone just roasted him pls
⌞georgerussell63 he's fine
⌞danielricciardo he's fine
⌞alex_albon he's fine
⌞yourusername he's fine
⌞carlossainz55 he's fine
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note: hi! thank you for reading this piece, i hope you enjoyed it ! feedback is very much welcomed :) see you around ★
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