#I tried to edit the description but it wouldn't let me
mistymisfit · 2 months
How he shows he loves you
Summary: 3 short blurbs on how Jason shows reader he loves them.
warnings: mentions of reader being kidnapped, but descriptions are very vague lol.
wc: 2k
a/n: This isn't edited at all, but it has been sitting on y drafts for wayyyy too long
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Disappointment is not the initial reaction he hoped for when he came in through your front door. Shock would've been a more appropriate response, since your music was too loud and you didn't hear him come in. He decided to pull a prank and scare you, silently making his way to the kitchen where you were having a karaoke session. Which given how quiet he could be when he wanted to, it was not that hard at all. Now Jason tries to hold back his laugh, a boyish grin plastered across his features that he wouldn't be able to suppress even if he tried.
"What are you making?" He whispers next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. If he was being honest, he'd say he is concerned about how long it takes you to notice there's someone else in your apartment. But right now, he's too caught up in the bliss of being in your presence that he can't bring himself to care.
"Oh, you're early." You say after the scream you let out when he comes up behind you, seemingly out of nowhere to whisper in your ear.
"Why? You're mad?" He replies, hiding his insecurity behind sass. What if you didn't want him there? What if he's overstayed his welcome? But before he can come up with some convoluted reason for why you don't want him anymore, you're stopping him.
"I just wanted to have this done by the time you got here" You signal back at the food with your head. And he looks over, finally realizing you were cooking his favorite meal.
"What's the special occasion?"
"Nothing," You blush "Can't a girl just cook for her boyfriend?"
"Not unless she wants me to make her my wife," He teases, you roll your eyes, growing accustomed to these types of jokes. Once he reached a certain level of domesticity and was comfortable enough in the relationship, he started to talk about how he was gonna marry you. Jason would even jokingly refer to you as his wife. At first, he made you blush, now it was just the usual routine.
You would lie if you said it didn't excite you and make your feelings all mushy when he did that, your heart felt warmer when he showed how committed he was to you. You felt giddy whenever he said "When we get married", he never said if we get married, he was very certain about wanting to spend the rest of his life with you. Your heart skipped a beat whenever he'd drop a detail of his dream wedding, "We're having a chocolate cake, like the one in Matilda" or "I'm kissing the fuck out of you on that altar". One time he said: "If you liked that, imagine what our honeymoon would be", that one got him a soft slap on his chest as you chuckled.
"How did you get here anyways?" You change the subject, going back to your cooking.
"Used the front door" He answers with a smirk, arms wrapping around your waist as he steps closer to you.
"Really? How?"
"Cause I'm your boyfriend," He replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world. It is, but he didn't need to say it like that. "I have been for a while, and you gave me your keys"
"Damn, my doorman just lets anyone in these days" You joke and you can hear the little "tsk" that comes from his mouth as he lets go of you.
"I can leave and come back from your window" He's kidding, but you know him well enough to know he's willing to follow through just for the sake of doing a bit. Instead, you hold his arm, pulling him back to you in between giggles.
"Please, I finally have boot imprint-free windowsills"
He laughs, it's real laughter, not his usual chuckle. It makes your heart work overtime as you watch his smile reach his eyes so much that he ends up closing them. He pulls you in for a kiss before he lets you go to finish the dinner you worked so hard on. The food that when he takes a bite from has him asking:"You want a summer or spring wedding?"
Even if he's less inclined to admit this, Jason knew that before you met he was touch starved. And now he can't get enough of it, he's constantly on your side or with his hands on you in any way, shape or form. It came as a shock--to him-- how badly he needed you sometimes, he never felt this about anyone before. He swears he's not usually this clingy.
You are walking down the street and suddenly you're not holding his hand or bicep and he's grabbing your hand and putting it back. He could never be one of those boyfriends who don't notice when their partner stops holding their hand, if you ever so that he's immediately holding your hand again and asking what's wrong.
Sometimes his touch is protective. You are going through a crowded space and he has his hand placed on the small of your back, guiding you and making sure nothing ever happens to you. It turns a little too protective when another guy tries talking to you and he wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in for a kiss.
But most of the time, he's all alone with you, lying down on bed or a couch, and he's tracing shapes on your uncovered skin. He leans his head closer when you play with his hair or God forbid you touch his face, it has his knees giving out. He loves feeling your weight on top of him, loves feeling you're real and that you're with him and not going anywhere. Maybe he sneaks a hand under your clothes if he feels daring, and your attention doesn't shift. It amazes him how he's allowed this, how much access you give him. And over everything else, it doesn't have to be sexual. Casual skin to skin contact did not have to mean anything else; it was just that.
With you he's experienced that not every touch has violence behind it, not every contact has an ulterior motive. So he's so gentle with you, maybe he is not good with words, so he makes up for it. You know he shows his affection in action rather than words, he's not that far from worshiping the ground you walk on. He's specially kind when you know you're vulnerable; he presses kisses to your face as much as he can and to your shoulder blades when he can't. You know he's a big softy since you've pretended to be asleep multiple times as he played with your hair. An more than once you've heard him whisper hushed love confessions he never thought you'd hear. His hands are rough with criminals but you'd never be able to tell by how kind he's around you.
Jason wants you to know you can count on him for anything, he makes a point of it by telling you multiple times. You ran out of milk? He's buying it on his way to your place Your apartment needs fixing and your landlord won't help? Problem's solved within the hour. Maybe you got terrible cramps, he's there to help you however you want him to. So it's no surprise to you or anyone that the second you're in danger he drops everything else. You're his number one priority.
"Where is she?" He pushes Bruce for information, which he was adamant in not telling him. Knowing Jason, he'd end up acting before he thinks it through, he'd show up unprepared and end up causing a disaster. Or at least that is what Bruce thinks about the son who plotted his revenge against him for years to the last minute detail.
"Jason" He mutters under his breath.
"I swear to God if I find out someone touched a hair in her head because you wasted time-"
"You go with me or you don't" He threatens "at all."
And Jason loves you so much, he's willing to agree to work with him in a heartbeat. He puts all his resentment aside when he thinks it will help you, if it meant working with the bat and abiding by his rules, then so be it. He'll track down the poor fucker who took you and kill him later. He didn't like being around him, it made him feel tense due to the incredibly strained relationship between the two of them. Bruce loved Jason, but sadly his way of showing it translated quite the opposite way in the younger one's eyes.
Bruce was being too quiet about what happened to you. All he knew was that he couldn't reach you, you were not at any of the usual places, and your friends had no idea where you were either. He checked your apartment and things were perfectly placed, no one had broken in--other than him. Then when he tracked your phone, which he only promised to do in extreme situations like today, he found it inside your purse thrown in some dirty alleyway. That's when his panic hit its peak and turned back to get his red hood gear and ask the bats if they knew anything about you.
He got to a warehouse, standing next to Bruce he decides to push him a bit more to get anything out of him. His mind was killing him with questions, were you okay? what happened? how did he know? and couldn't bear another second next to the stoic figure not willing to tell him anything.
"It's Mad Hatter, he's been taking people off the streets for-"
"Is she okay?" He cuts off, he has no space in his mind for whatever crazy thing he had planned against Batman or the city. Not when he's not sure you're safe, when Bruce won't even tell him if you're alive.
"She should be" He gives in "I'll take care of him, you handle hostages"
That's all he needs, he braces himself before following after Bruce, watching every step he made as it could make the difference between losing you or saving you. Jason's a bit pissed he's relegated to hostages much like he was during his time as Robin but decides against questioning for now. He steps and breathes as quietly as he can while he makes his way past the sign that reads "Wonderland". He silently signals to Bruce that they should split and cover more ground, to which he agreed with a curt nod. His masks allows him to have a better vision in the dark, so he can see how filthy the place was and how worn down the wonderland decorations were. He doesn't know if the man was there, but knowing Bruce he sent him on a path he wasn't likely to find him alone.
He finally finds some of his hostages, two twins laying unconscious on the floor. He tried waking them up to no success; he saw their chests move up and down as they breathed, so he knew he could worry about that later. Moving further, he sees a couple more people, all dressed up as characters like the twins were, in the same state. He then moves to the tea party, where another two kids dressed as the animals in the book sat with their heads on the table. He picks one of them up and rests them in a more comfortable position on the floor using what he could to make a cushion for their head, then does the same with the other kid. He thinks it's the least he could do if he couldn't wake them up. After a nerve-wracking walk through Lewis Caroll's nightmare he finds you, he feels his soul getting back to his body when his eyes finally land on you.
You lay on a floor that resembles a chessboard wearing a white dress and a crown, a little blonde girl with a light blue dress is cuddled up on your arms. He kneels down next to you, whispering your name and grabbing your shoulder to shake you in an almost desperate attempt to wake you.
"Please, please" He's sure if someone could hear how pathetic he sounded, his reputation would be ruined forever.
"Jay?" You manage to mutter under your breath, still not opening your eyes.
"Yes, I'll get you out of here"
"Hm, hats" you hummed, he doubted you were even aware of anything.
"I know, baby"
"off" Your voice was low and it seemed to him that you were fighting to stay awake and losing.
He took off the crown from your head and the headband from "Alice's". Listening to your advice, even if you were barely conscious. Once he confirmed you were okay, he carried you out. Then he came back for the little girl next to you, and so on until everyone was out and hat free. By that time police had arrived, and Batman was handing Jervis' ass to the cops to begin the cycle once more. He holds back, watching from afar to avoid getting caught. He watched as Batman shared a few words with Gordon, then Barbara tuned in to let him know which hospital they were taking you to.
When you wake up he is next to you, holding your hand and with the biggest eye-bags you've ever seen him with. He almost starts crying when you call his name in a hoarse whisper.
"I'm okay,"You whisper, wrapping your arms tightly around him. The scene is too touching as you see someone put a hand on his shoulder and tell him something.
"I'll go tell the doctors you woke up" He excused himself, reluctant even to let go of your hand, much less entertained by the idea of being separated from you too long.
You didn't see him as Jason's frame covered the man behind him but now you notice the one and only Bruce Wayne standing in your hospital room. It was too much to take in.
"Oh, Jason must really love me if he was willing to work with you"
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Swimming (Matt Sturniolo)
description: y/n and the triplets go swimming for content. But matt and y/n's sweet intractions definitely do not go unseen.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual things.
I have had a crush on Matt for the longest time. Everybody always tells me that he likes me back, but I never belive it.
Today, Matt, Chris, Nick and I have rented out a swimming centre, so we can film content in there. I was so exited, I had done swimming in the past and it was always a huge part of my life, something that I could do where I don't overthink or get stressed or anxious. "Y/n?" Matt says, breaking me out of my thoughts. "You alright?" I nodded, continuing to gaze out of the window humming quietly to 'TV by Billie Eilish.'
I suddenly felt a warm feeling on my inner thigh, I peered down at my lap and saw that it was Matt's hand. Slowly rubbing circles with his thumb. I felt a hot flush of heat run to my face as I turned away, biting my lip.
Around 5 minutes later, Matt removed his hand from my thigh to park in a space outside the swimming pool. I was sad at the loss of contact, but I knew matt had to use both hands so he didn't rear end the car beside him. As soon as he had parked we got out, Chris came up behind me and ruffled my hair "hey!" I said looking back at him annoyed. " I was having a good ponytail day!" All he replies with is "whoopsies" as he runs away like a child. Matt came up behind me and wrapped his arm over my shoulders pulling my back into his chest as he walked behind me. He carefully moved my misplaced strands of hair back to their original places. Little did we know Nick was recording us behind long enough to catch the whole thing. "Definitely keeping this in, it will be good for the edits." Whispers Nick to Chris. Chris just chuckles and agrees.
I start to get giddy as we walk inside because I smell the familiar scent of chlorine. I ran into the changing rooms, Chris running behind me as Matt and Nick slowly walked behind us. As me and Chris were fighting over who should get the family sized stall, Nick started to talk to Matt.
"So when are you two gonna get together?" Asked Nick. "What are you talking about?" Says Matt his gazed still fixed on me as I tried to push myself into the stall that Chris wouldn't let me have. "C'mon you know exactly what I'm taking about. Don't think we don't see the way you too look at each other. AND don't think we didn't see you putting your hand on her thigh or when you did all that weird shit in the car park coming in."
"Okay okay geez, I would love to talk to her about a relationship but I'm not sure she likes me back." Nick looks at him with an expression mixed of disgust, shame and shock. "Are you fucking stupid?" Matt laughs and walks away to get changed. All he could think about was y/n. Her beautiful voice, her soft hair, her flawless skin, her eyes, her curves, her lips. Oh god he loves her lips, they are so plump and naturally pink that he just wondered what they taste like.
Matt was quickly shook out of his dirty thoughts when y/n called his name "Matt! Hurry up we're all waiting for you!" Matt quickly shoves his clothes in his bag as he stepped out. He was wearing blue trunks. He scanned the floor and looked up when his eyes met y/n's but not for long as he traveled his gaze down to her bikini. A white fabric with little cherries on it. It looked so good on her. "You okay?" Y/n said giggling. He snapped up out of his trance. "Yeah I'm good." He said as he walked past her, grabbing her hand as he did.
30mins into filming we ended up doing races.
I always remember being really good at breaststroke. It was an easy swim for me as I didn't have to suffocate myself for that long. "Hey Matt!" I yelled " I bet you can't beat me in a breaststroke race!" ( A/N: help why does that sound so weird.)
"I bet I could." Matt says as he runs up to me grabbing my waist and jumping into the water. Nick laughs as he points the camera to us and zooms in. When I pop up from under the water, we both get ready to start the race. "GO!" screams Chris. I take off, my hands and legs moving rapidly, I got a pretty good headstart so I was ahead of Matt but still in arms reach. We were close to the end of the pool when I felt Matt's hand wrap around my ankle as he pulled me back into his chest. Kissing my head subconsciously and whispering in my ear "slow down sweetheart." Oh. My. Word. My somache filled with butterflies as I smiled shamlessly. "Or what?" I whisper back. In that moment I could feel him getting hard against my ass. He pulled away and continued swimming the rest of the pool as I stood there in shock.
Later when we were home, I was lying in my bed, hair washed and feeling squeaky clean, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." Slowly, my door opens to reveal Matt. I put my phone down and stand up, slightly flusterd as I remember our last interaction. I patted the spot next to me inviting him over. He slowly walked and sat down on my bed, I felt the space sink down and I struggled to stay balanced. "Hey." He said
"Hey." I repeated. He looks me dead in the eye his gaze burning imaginary holes into my soul. I opened my mouth to talk but he got there before me. "You know, I never did answer the question earlier." He said. I nodded, waiting for him to continue...
A/N: Hey guys! This was my first imagine and I just wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger for you guys. English is not my first language so if i spelt anything wrong or something just doesn't make sense, please let me know thanks xx ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO SAVE DRAFTS ON HERE?
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simsi45 · 5 months
The Sims 4 Amber House Pack - PUBLIC RELEASE!
Oh...my...GOD!!! I can't believe this is actually happening....
After 3 years of hard work, I am here to welcome everyone to:
The Sims 4 Amber House Pack!
It's time to create your own mission style dream house, with this collection of 345 brand new and hella cool build/buy mode items, inspired by Dontnod's "Life is Strange: Before the Storm" game.
EARLY ACCESS: You can get the pack right now, on my PATREON on the 3-5$ tiers, or wait for the 12th of May for the public release!
Please read EVERYTHING included in the post as it contains useful information about the pack!
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DISCLAIMER: Simsi45 or The Sims 4 Amber House Pack is NOT affiliated or associated with Electronic Arts, Square Enix, Deck Nine or Dontnod in ANY way. This is a purely fanmade pack made by me, a fan of both games that wanted to get the best of both worlds.
 345 new items (including sofas, tables, decor, windows, doors and much much more!)
 Search for "amberhouse", "lis", "simsi45" to find most of the items in the build/buy catalog.
 Custom original names and descriptions. (the best I could come up with :P)
 Tons of custom recolors (based on original textures) to mix and match items more easily.
 Heavy modification on original meshes and textures, including english text turned into simlish.
 Everything has been playtested thoroughly.
 Included are a couple of easter egg items from The Sims 2 that I thought fit the theme well.
New lot I made showcased in the trailer and pics (found in the gallery under my tag @simsi45_mods) a recreation of Rachel Amber's house.
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Included in the pack is the lot recreation of the Amber House that's featured in the pictures and videos.
You can get the lot by:
Using the gallery. Make a search under my EA id: @simsi45_mods and download the lot as usual. I've included customized pictures to identify my own lot more easily. Make sure you have the "enable custom content" tag ENABLED for the lot to show up in the results.
If you have difficulties using the gallery you can download the lot tray files from the bottom of the post, and move them inside your own tray folder. This can be found in your documents/electronic arts/the sims 4/ tray folder. This way you can install the lot without the need of the gallery.
~ The pack is in an EARLY-ACCESS STATE! I have dedicated a lot of time to test everything but I'm a team of just a single person. If you find any issues please let me know so I can take a look.
~ Because of the amount of items the size of the pack is quite big. I tried my best to make everything as compact as possible with the final size being 1.5 GB of required free space. 
~ The majority of the meshes and textures of these items are ripped straight from the LIS: Before the Storm game, and then each individual item (both mesh and textures) has been heavily modified and edited to fit and function properly within the Sims 4 game's engine. That's why some items will look identical to the original game, some look somewhat different, and some are brand new meshes I made using the original items.
~ Some of the original ripped meshes' poly counts were WAY too high so I had to lower the polygons so The Sims 4 wouldn't explode when filling a lot with them. I lowered the polygons and edited most of the items as much as possible without compromising their original look too much. In other words I tried to find the best balance between looks and performance and after lots of testing on my moderate PC system, I can confirm the game runs super smoothly on my end. 
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This pack started with an idea I got back in 2017 when I first played Life Is Strange Before The Storm. When visiting the Amber house, I immediately fell in love with it as I am huge fan of the craftsman architectural style, it's literally all I'd want my dream house to be. The art team has done an incredible job on it, and as I personally find the art style of the Life is Strange series and The Sims 4 to fit very well with each other, I wanted to make these assets available for The Sims 4. Of course back then this all seemed impossible, however a few years later in 2020 during quarantine I revisited the idea as it had been stuck on my wishlist ever since.
To make a long story short, this project has been in the works for about 3 years now, and after a lot of hard work, head scratching and quite a few sleepless nights I managed to overcome all the obstacles I came across (which were a lot mind you) and I'm honestly hoping you'll be as pleased with the results as I am. Seriously this exceeded my expectations as it started as a small little pack for my personal use, to what I'd consider an expansion pack's (or even more) worth of build/buy content.
Due to the size of the pack I had to split it up into multiple parts. You will need a .RAR extractor unpack it. More specifically:
1 -> Download ALL 6 parts of the pack and put them ALL in the same folder. 2 -> Right click the 1st part .RAR file named "Simsi45 - The Sims 4 Amber House Pack.part1" and click "Extract Here"   3 -> Once that's finished a package file will appear, this is the entire pack and you can now move that into The Sims 4/Mods. Simple as that!
~Dontnod, Square Enix, Deck Nine for the original meshes & textures ripped from Life is Strange: Before the Storm that were used to create most of the items.
~EA for some meshes & textures used to convert some items from The Sims 2.
Special thank you to all the patreon members that stuck with me throughout me developing the pack. Although not many I really appreciate every single one of you for the support you've given me and for sticking around!
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lunnaris-sims · 4 months
IMPORTANT: I've tested this in my game and so far I haven't had any catastrophic glitches. However, I still recommend you make a backup of your neighborhood in case anything goes wrong. Huge thanks to @bstu for helping me out with this one!
*haven't tried this with part-time jobs but I assume it works the same way. Just remember to look for the teen-elder jobs in the career tab once you get to step 4.
Okay for some context, my Sim (Drake Walton, now Drake Jocque) works in the Politics career as a congressperson. However, since his hobby is music and dance, I wanted him to work at Cleo O'Mackey's nightclub as a DJ at the same time for some extra money, but no matter how hard I tried, the game wouldn't let me.
As I said, @bstu came up with an idea. To do this, you absolutely need to use SimPE. This method won't work with mods like Sim Blender, Sim Manipulator or similar hacks. Why, you may ask? Because we need to avoid the pop-up that shows up when switching jobs:
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That being said, let's start with the tutorial:
First of all, hire the Sim you want to work in your business as you'd normally do. When the switching jobs pop-up shows up, click on "Yes". After this, save and exit your game.
Go to SimPE, open your neighborhood under "Tools -> Neighborhood -> Neighborhood browser...", then click on "Sim Browser" and look for the Sim you want to edit, in my case Drake Jocque.
Once you do this, click on "Career", above your Sim's description:
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4. In here, go to the career tab, where it should say "Unknown". Change it back to your sim's previous job and career level. In my case, it was Politics, Lvl 7. Commit your changes, save and close SimPE.
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5. Open your game and see if your changes got saved. If you go check your sim's job, you may encounter a glitch in which it'll display the name of the business your sim works at instead of their vacation days. Again, this is just a visual glitch and will not affect your gameplay whatsoever.
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That would be pretty much it! Hope this small tutorial was of any help to anyone in here lol, I'll keep you updated in case I encounter any important glitches, but so far my game has worked as intented.
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1ovede1uxe · 7 months
09. just something to think about┊ ┊⋆ beyond the stars
series synopsis - you've been sent to join the joestar crew on their mission to defeat dio by... dio? y/n is an undercover stand user who joins the sdc to report back to dio their findings and notes about their stands, up until a few moral dilemmas get in the way of your original mission.
ch. synopsis - hold onto your socks bc theres some accusations being thrown around and nothing but airpods separating the romance blossoming, + light fluff
italicized text is your thoughts!
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Five arduous hours later, your hand crafted dune buggy of a car was up and running. You only prayed that your father's extensive knowledge on cars he attempted to pass on to you was somewhat accurate.
Everyone toppled into the car, up until you yelled out "HOLD IT!" Everyone's heads snapped toward you, a look of concern decorated the men's faces.
"I want shotgun." Everyone let out a sigh of simultaneous relief and annoyance. "What? I made the damn car let me sit up front in it."
"Oh good grief." Jotaro said, annoyed.
"You're gonna give this old man a heart attack!" Mr. Joestar complained
Polnareff got out of the shotgun and squeezed himself into the trunk, the only remaining space. For the first time in a while, an awkward silence settled in the back of the car, each occupant lost in their own thoughts and/or devices.
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The hum of the engine seemed louder than usual, filling the void left by the absence of conversation, until Avdol broke the silence.
"So (y/n), tell me about your stand in full. I'm truly curious, especially since it's not aligned with the tarot."
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, caught off guard by the sudden inquiry. "Uh, sure," you began, trying to gather your thoughts. "I named it after a song I liked. As for its power..."
As you delved into the description of your stand's abilities, Avdol listened intently, nodding along at certain points as he absorbed the information.
"So forgive me for asking, but how did you and Kakyoin end up together?" Avdol's question came out of left field, causing you to nearly choke on your own spit.
You whipped your head around to gauge Kakyoin's reaction in the back, only to find him seemingly unfazed. "HA!" Polnareff chuckled from the trunk, enjoying the unexpected turn of events. Both Jotaro and Kakyoin had noise-canceling earbuds for car rides, much to your relief as you mentally thanked whatever divine force prevented Kakyoin from hearing the question.
"Oh, Mr. Avdol, Kakyoin and I aren't a couple," you clarified, trying to mask the discomfort in your voice.
I mean I wouldn't really mind. Even solidification of his feelings for me would be nice.
Avdol seemed taken aback, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Forgive me, I had just assumed over his gaze at you as he complimented Midler earlier on, as well as spending time together on the island."
You chuckled awkwardly, feeling the weight of the misunderstanding hanging in the air. "Yeah, I guess we do spend a bit of time together," you admitted, taking a sip of water to fill the uncomfortable silence that followed.
"I guess its just something to think about."
Mr. Joestar finally had caught up with the conversation after another minute or so. "Wait you and Kakyoin aren't a couple?!" You sighed and facepalmed as Polnareff continued to giggle to himself. You had returned to your devices until you reached your destination
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previous chapter // next chapter // masterlist
Mariah is on private so the crusaders don’t see her tweets 🤞🏻 also aw kakyoins finally figuring out his feelings :3
Sorry for the shorter chapter! Tried to make this one a little more social media based, I'm honestly struggling to write out Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'doul. Hopefully it'll be out soon! I have a very busy month, so I wanted to get this chapter out a little earlier than usual in the month. I'm also beginning to edit some of the earlier chapters. As always, constructive criticism is always appreciated. taglist is open! you can request through message or askbox!
Thank you to everyone on my taglist and all of you who interact, your support means the world <3
taglist: @kerto-p, @pancakesyrupthief, @kakyoinslastcherry, @marvelmayo
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vinxhwrites · 9 months
I watched porn today and got sad and horny; wrote a part 2 for this; I don't fully know where this is going but I've got some ideas. I'm not that happy with how this turned out so I might edit it later.
pairing: ghost x f!reader x price
word count: 2k
cw: NSFW! +18!; masturbation, dirty talk, slightly dom!ghost; probably inaccurate job descriptions/situations, pet names, not proofread.
previous I next
Price wasn't usually one to complain or whine. Today, though, he had spent the entire morning lamenting about how poorly he had slept, how much his shoulders and neck were sore, in how much pain he was.
You offered to get him some pain medication, a muscle relaxer maybe, but he rejected the offer every time you offered. You started to think he was teasing you, smirking playfully at you every time he whined from pain. You thought of offering him a massage, even if you had no idea how to give a good one, for the simple reason that you wanted to take any excuse you could to touch him.
He definitely knew the effect he had on you and seemed to enjoy playing with it.
After lunch, Ghost joined you in the office.
He'd gotten into the habit of greeting you, with words instead of nods, ever since he'd seen you crying in John's arms the week prior. Your presence didn't seem to bother him that much anymore. You tried to rationalize this change and attribute it to some new sense of intimacy between the two of you.
As soon as he sat down on the couch, came another little comment from Price: "my back's killing me". He was definitely teasing you.
You finally offered him a massage and immediately wanted to take the offer back. The way he looked at you in response didn't seem appropriate at all. But, fuck, you wanted to touch him so bad.
You raised from your chair and positioned yourself behind him, wiping the sweat from your hands on your jeans before raising them to grip Price's shoulder. You could smell his shampoo now, and feel how warm his skin was beneath his shirt. You tried to feel casual about it, but couldn't.
You took a glance at Ghost on the other side of the room, he was looking directly at you, not even pretending to look through the paperwork on his lap anymore.
You started to rub John's shoulders gently and he let out a groan. He let his fall back, closing his eyes. His hat brushed against the fabric of your shirt.
His muscles were stiff and you did your best to make them feel less tightened up with your fingers. You wanted to stop abruptly whenever he whimpered in response, but it seemed worse: like you'd be acknowledging how sexual it sounded. He caressed your forearm lightly. It felt obscene.
You didn't dare to look at Ghost anymore, trying to ignore the fact that he was there to witness the sounds the captain made in response to your touch, but you could feel his gaze burning into you the entire time.
"that's it, baby" he groaned when you pressed between his shoulder blades with your thumb. You hated how hot it made you feel.
You took a deep breath, consciously reminding yourself to breathe normally. You tried to distract yourself from the sudden urge that grew between your tights.
"How does your back feel, lieutenant?" he asked with a smirk.
Ghost took a deep breath before answering "It's fine".
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, sir"
"You don't look too comfortable" John insisted calmly. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping you" he suggested and you gulped, finally looking at Ghost again, he had his eyes closed.
"Isn't that right, honey?" John asked, looking up at you. You nodded.
Ghost straightened his posture once more, clearing his throat before uttering "I'm fine, captain".
He left the office without saying a word less than five minutes after you sat back down to continue your work.
"Sir," you started in an apologetic tone, your voice barely audible when you looked at your captain beside you "I feel like that wasn't adequate."
He chuckled without looking away from his laptop.
"Don't worry about it, baby" he muttered.
That same night, you heard two firm knocks on your door. You immediately sat on the bed.
"yes?" you tried not to sound too sleepy.
The door was opened to reveal a tall figure. Ghost promptly came inside your bedroom and closed the door behind him. The room was barely lit through small rays of light that came from beneath the door, only clear enough for you to see his dark figure contrasted with the wall. His face was completely dark, except for his eyes, so you imagined he was still wearing his mask.
"Is everything OK, sir?" you asked, your heart racing a little. He always managed to make you uncomfortable with these prolonged silences. You were glad you couldn't see well in the dark, but you were sure he looked directly at you.
"Yes" he answered, his voice was low but still clear.
He grabbed the metal chair that stood beside the door and put it a bit closer to your bed, sitting on it afterward, right across from you.
He let his arms rest on his thighs, his posture very erect even while sitting, "Why did you do that?"
"Why'd massage him in front of me like that?" he asked, and you felt your cheeks burn.
"Oh," you gasped, feeling inadequate all of a sudden "I'm sorry?"
"Are you attracted to me?" he fired then "Hm? Are you trying to tempt me?"
"Uuh...-" you mumbled, lost for words, trying to process his straightforward questions "I...-?"
"I really wish I could touch you." He said, ignoring your mumbling. Your heart almost left your chest. You could feel your palms sweating on the sheets.
"Sir-" you started.
He leaned in a bit, his face getting closer to you, enough that you could feel the air get warmer around you "But I really shouldn't, you know?".
You could feel yourself getting wet under your panties, but you weren't sure if this was an honest sexually charged conversation or if you were being kindly reprehended for giving being so goddamn inappropriate.
"I understand," you said, a bit embarrassed that he'd come here in the middle of the night only to tell you this. Your dignity had already flown out the window at this point, so you continued, hoping to make the awkward silence go away "I'll do better, sir."
Ghost let out a short muffled laugh, which made you even more confused and embarrassed. Your eyes had adjusted better to the lack of light to the point that you could clearly see the outline of his body in front of you, you could even vaguely distinguish small details on his clothes, but the mask didn't allow you to see the devilish smile that played on his lips.
"Fuck" he sighed, adjusting himself back on the chair, his eyes still glued to you. Then, after a few seconds: "Lay down," he demanded in a low voice.
Your body obeyed immediately, resting your head on your pillow. You tried to close your eyes, imagining he'd leave, but the excitement that his presence caused within you wouldn't allow it.
"Take these shorts off" he instructed calmly, almost a whisper.
Your eyes widened, looking at him in shock, but before you could even process the information properly your hands had already guided the shorts of your pajamas down your legs. His left hand touched his own crotch over his pants. "God, you look so good." he closed his eyes for a second but readily opened them again. "Now, touch yourself for me, baby." he wasn't asking.
A part of you wanted to protest, you could hear it yelling inside what the fuck are you doing?! , but another part, the one that was winning the inner dispute at the moment, adored just being told what to do without a thought or concern: just let him take the reins.
You seemed to be working on auto-pilot, with no real space to feel any shame or to overthink.
"Good." you heard him mutter as your fingers reached for your clit. You closed or eyes again and heard him reposition his chair, still not close enough to touch you. "Imagine I'm touching you," he instructed, and you let out a moan as you heard him unzip his pants.
Your eyes opened again instinctively, and you tilted your head to the side to get a better look at him. You could see him get his pants only low enough to free his cock from his underwear. You couldn't help but moan again at the sight.
Ghost took a deep breath, "look at what you did to me." he said, dick in his hand.
"I'm sorry," you said instinctively, as if this situation was somehow your fault.
"You should be."
You could only make out the movement of his hand in the dark, going up and down on himself. His other hand rested on his left knee. You felt really wet under your own fingers, and you wished he could feel it, but didn't dare to express such a thought out loud.
He seemed to relax on his chair after a few minutes, leaning his head back a bit and closing his eyes. "Wish you would sit on it, love" he said, but you knew it wasn't an invitation, "Would you like that?"
"U-hum" you nodded obediently, the image of it now stuck in your mind's eye.
"Bet you're really wet, huh?" his voice now sounded more like a moan, an absolutely delicious sound. Again, you nodded in response. "Bet it feels really good inside of you".
You couldn't help to twitch your body in response to his words, the images he described playing as a loop in your head, and the low sound of his moans in the background only made you want him more. You kept anticipating he'd touch you, he'd let you touch him, but he barely moved.
He spoke just enough to keep you going, so quietly you could barely hear him at some points, only filling the silence with barely discernible sounds, leaving you wondering if he was even talking to you.
You craved to know what he was saying, wished he'd come to whisper his words in your ear. But he didn't.
"Want you to cum for me" he muttered, a bit more clearly now.
"okay" you nodded, he didn't even have to ask for it, an orgasm was already brewing in your lower stomach.
You begged him to come closer at one point, to no avail. You tried again, dared him to touch you. He didn't even hesitate on the chair. "Please" you insisted with no shame, making him grunt, but not move.
"You're making this really hard," he said, and you did your best to stop talking, only speaking again to announce that you were about to cum, which pleased him beyond words.
He came in his hands seconds after you, and you could only tell by the way his shadowy figure got suddenly rigid and then relaxed again. He threw his head back on the chair, staring at the ceiling for a few moments.
You turned to your side on the bed when he stood up and came in your direction, but he didn't look at you, reaching for the box of tissues beside your bed. He cleaned his hands and crotch and threw the tissues in the bin. Then, he put the chair back on its original place.
You put your shorts back on in an effort to look a little less affected by him.
"Tell no one about this," he said firmly, his back turned to you, his voice back to its normal cadence.
"Ok" you responded, in a weak and low voice.
"I'll tell Price myself"
"No-" you squeaked "You don't have to. Please."
Truth is, you'd been so distracted by Ghost that you didn't give much thought to the consequences at the moment. The idea of Price knowing about it suddenly scared you. Maybe he'd get angry at you, feel like you betrayed him somehow. Did he even like you this much? Did he even like you this way? The idea of him getting angry suddenly felt nicer than the one of him being indifferent to it. Would he punish you for it? Please, God, you hoped, what if he punished you?
"I tell him everything.” he said simply, ignoring your sudden burst of anxiety "Have a good night."
He turned his head to look at you for one brief moment, seemingly pondering something, before abruptly opening the door and leaving your room.
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irislikeswriting · 2 years
Finally, an imagine. I am working through all the requests, slowly but surely, as well as a few other ideas of my own.
This was a request by @alannnina for a halstead!sister who is in an abuse warning.
This is a heavy one and there’s a few big TWs. So tw for graphic scenes of psychical and verbal abuse. Mentions/hints of rape and sexual assault to minors, as well as a description of what rape is. Lots of misogyny towards women and misogynistic language is used.
I do have ideas for a part two if people enjoy this. It’s also not fully edited so any mistake please point them out! And without further ado, enjoy!!
"You're late."
You jumped at the sudden intrusion of the silence, knowing it was just Jay, and so let the door slam shut, not bothering to close it quietly anymore.
"I know," You were uncomfortable, you always were when Jay took the authority role, way more so than with Will, "Sorry."
Jay would use his police voice on you, some sort of an attempt to psych you out, or to scare you. You didn't know which was more important to him but you did know it wouldn't necessarily stop you from doing whatever you'd done again. Not know that you knew why he'd use that voice. And, it was Jay, you brother, who you were never scared of because you knew him. You trusted him.
"Jesus, Y/N, where were you? I was worried," Jay dropped the bad-cop act and instead let his voice show emotion, "I tell you a time and you've gotta be back by then."
"I know," You shrugged, "Time just got away from me, I guess."
"Time just got away from you? You're sixteen. That's not an excuse."
"Sorry." You shrugged again, what else were you meant to do?
It was just something that happened to every teenager, a bit of healthy rebellion or just having fun. God knows that Jay must've done that, even if you weren't privy to that stuff.
Jay searched your face, just standing there slightly illuminated by the moonlight coming through the window. Jay hadn't shut the blinds in the living room, he never did.
It was a few more beats until Jay spoke again, "Go to bed. We can talk about it more in the morning. And I mean go to bed, no sitting on your phone or whatever you think I don't know that you do."
You couldn't help but smirk a bit at that one, because you did know that Jay knew, you were way too confident in his detective abilities to assume anything else. But he never told you off.
“You want me to turn the light on?" Jay asked, his hand reaching up the light switch.
“No!" You said, a bit too quickly and a bit too loudly and Jay furrowed his eyebrows at you, "No. It's fine. I'm used to the dark."
Jay knew something was up, of course he would now, how could he not? He wasn't going to let it go, and it was going to become harder and Jack was going to become meaner and it was all more things that you'd have to deal with when you were already dealing with enough-
Suddenly the light was blinding your eyes, and causing a headache to begin to pulse in your head.
"Jay, no. I said no!" You tried to turn away from Jay before he could see your face, even if it was pointless because he'd see it anyway, he wouldn't let it go now.
"Y/N," Jay's voice suddenly sounded very, very old, "What happened?"
"You're not angry?" Was the first thing you could think to say. You'd spent so long being angry at recently.
“It was Jack." Jay said, not a shake in his voice.
“No," You shook her head, suddenly feeling a very deep need to explain it all before it could get out of hand, "I mean, yes, it was but Jay you don't understand. It's not what it seems like."
“What does it seem like?"
“Abuse." It was the first time you had said that word out loud.
“If it's not then why did you say that?"
You felt hopeless, you felt that returning feeling rising up from your stomach, numbing your body, "It's what it looks like, I guess. But that's not the case, I swear."
“Will needs to look at your face," It wasn't phrased like a question, but Jay was still watching you, and you knew he was waiting for permission.
“Okay but can we- can you not tell him anything. I don't want him to get the wrong idea or anything."
Jay just looked at you.
"So, I've heard you're having a bit of a tough time recently. You want to talk about it?"
You were sat opposite Dr Charles, it'd been a week since you'd come home to Jay waiting in the dark for her. You hadn't been able to see Jack during that week and so you'd refused to go to school. You'd see him there, is what you said. Really, you just didn't want to go. You hated it and you'd hate it even more with a massive bruise on you face.
Jay had relented almost immediately, and you had your way. You had your phone and you could just leave the apartment during the day. Jack would skip, and then you could explain this all to him and he would understand and it'd all be fine. Some big misunderstanding.
That hadn't happened. Instead, Jay took your phone and when you got it back you couldn't find Jack's contact, nor could you add anyone new to message. Not just on your texts, on anything. And to be honest, you were shocked. You didn't think Jay knew about any of these apps, or at least not enough that he'd know to do all this.
But it was whatever, it was fine. You could still go and meet Jack during the day.
Except Jay had other plans for that. So you went and sat in the break room at the precinct and did work online. You couldn't even leave the room because of all the stuff the team were doing outside. However, true to his word, Jay hadn't told anyone about it. The team were confused, sure, but no one looked at you any differently. Even if they were trying to hide it.
Will, however, had known almost immediately. You had told him he had it wrong, and he didn't argue. Just fixed your face and told you to get some rest. No doubt so he could sit and talk to Jay about you.
"Y/N?" Dr Charles said again, "You with me?"
“Sorry," You said, you didn't want or need to be here but you liked Dr Charles and so you would play along, "Just got a lot on my mind."
“I bet," Dr Charles smiled lightly, "So, Will didn't tell me too much. You want to fill me in?"
“Sure," You sat forward slightly, putting your hands under your thighs, "It's not a big deal or anything, though. Just so you know."
“That's fine," Dr Charles smiled again, "Just take you time."
“Uuuh," You shrugged slightly, "They think my boyfriend, Jack, is abusing me."
“But he's not?"
“No," You shook your head, "It's not abuse. I'd know."
"And, if you don't mind me asking, how would you be able to tell if it was abuse?"
“I'd be scared. Of Jack."
“You aren't scared?"
You shook your head, "I'm not scared of Jack. I'm scared of the way he acts when his brother is around."
“Is that not the same thing?" Dr Charles asked.
“No." You said, because it wasn't and you knew that even if Dr Charles didn't.
“Alright," Dr Charles smiled, "I want to talk about Jack and his brother some more, is that okay?"
“Do I have a choice?" You asked.
“Yes. Of course," Dr Charles said, "If you don't want to we can have a game of chess, how about that? I already talked with your brothers and I'll see you every week but it will all be at your pace, Y/N."
“Okay," You knew Jay or Will would probably be pissed but Dr Charles was the psychiatrist, not them, "Let's have that game of chess."
The team had been gone for a while and you were bored. You'd been left with school work to complete, Geography, and you had finished hours ago.
Normally, you'd wander downstairs, maybe say hi to Trudy. But today something felt wrong, deep in your stomach you could just feel that something bad had happened.
Your fears were confirmed when everyone arrived back and Jay had that look on your face and he was trying not to look at you but he still was. And so he was talking about you.
He came towards the door of the break room and you almost wanted to ignore him, pretend you were annoyed with him so he'd go away and wouldn't tell you whatever bad news he had.
“Y/N, I need to talk to you." Jay shut the door behind him, so it was just the two of them.
“What?" You asked, ready to try and delay things, "Now? I'm, like, busy."
“You need to sit down," Jay pulled another chair out, opposite yours and so you listened to him and sat.
“It's about Jack. Y/N, I need you to listen to me."
You nodded, sick of hearing about Jack but the tone of Jay's voice almost made you feel sick.
“He has a younger sister, right? Sarah."
You nodded, "Yeah. She's 11 I think. I went to her last birthday."
Jay nodded but you knew he wasn't fully listening, "Jack, he hurt Sarah. She's in the hospital."
“Hurt? What do you mean he... hurt her? Like he hit her or?"
“He did something much worse, Y/N. I can't tell you the details but he hurt her."
“It was because of those videos, right?" You couldn't stop the words from spilling out because if you had just told someone then maybe Sarah wouldn't be hurt.
You had known the videos were bad news but you'd just say and watched them and nodded and agreed to what Jack said to appease him.
Maybe he hasn't abused you. But he'd hurt Sarah and he had hurt you. Even if that wasn't him. It wasn't the Jack before his brother showed him videos. It wasn't the Jack that you knew Jack was.
But it had been Jack who had hit and punched and strangled and apparently really hurt his sister.
“Videos?" Jay frowned, leaning in closer to you, "What videos."
“Um. He used to show me these videos that his brother shared to him," You said slowly, not looking at Jay, "They were of these men and they were saying stuff about how your girlfriends should behave. How women should behave. I just, I thought that, that..." You trailed off because you didn't know what you thought. You didn't fucking know.
Jay paused for a second before talking, obviously realising this was progressing to something that may need to be recorded, “Y/N, Kim is going to join us." Jay said and you nodded. That was fine. Kim was fine.
Jay gestured through the window on the door and Kim came in, smiling at you and pulling a chair up. Jay spoke to her in a low voice and she nodded
“Y/N, can you tell me what the men in these videos said?" Kim asked, "You can stop if you feel uncomfortable."
You bit the inside of your lip, "I guess. For Sarah."
“Y/N, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. But it would help."
You nodded, "I know, so I'll tell you."
You didn't know where to begin because the videos were all so long and the men in them all had their own ideas and opinions but you just said what you remembered. Starting slowly and it all came tumbling out afterwards.
“They said your girlfriend should do what you want. If she didn't, you should punish her. Like, hit her or slap her. If she misbehaved too often then you should get her to count the bruises. Tell you what they were for. If you want to kiss, she should kiss. If you want to.. have sex, then she owes it to you. You shouldn't let her speak out of turn, or be rude to you. You shouldn't let her mock you in public and she should just let you show her off."
Jay had written most of it down, but you could see where his handwriting had gone weird, or messy. Presumably because of the things you were saying.
“That's really helpful, Y/N. If it's okay could you tell us about an instance of where Jack hurt you?" Kim asked, smiling at you.
You shrugged, "I guess."
Kim nodded for you to go ahead and so you did, but not before taking a deep breath.
“We went to a party. One of those massive house parties you see in the films. I was 15 so it was like, 6 months ago I guess..."
“I didn't know these actually existed!" Y/N clung on to Jack's hand, looking around the room.
There were people everywhere, they were even holding those little red cups that the teens do in the movies. Fuck yeah. You were one of those teens now.
You and Jack both grabbed your own red cups, filled with some nondescript alcohol that burned your throat when you drank it.
After saying hello to your friends, Jack led you over to a group of boys on the sofa. You recognised a few of them, being Jack's older brother and his friends.
They whistled lowly when they saw you, one going as far to wolf whistle. It made you feel uncomfortable and you went to look at Jack to let him now but he wasn't looking at you. Instead he was beaming over to the group of boys. Looking like he was showing off a trophy.
And so you didn't say anything, letting Jack pull you down on to his lap. You tried to move off, to have your own space but he held on to you tightly and tilted your face over to his.
“Gimme a kiss, baby." He said, tapping his cheek.
You did as he asked but it was weird. He'd never called you baby and he'd never asked you to do that and he had never acted like this with you in front of his brother.
After giving him a kiss he pulled you back down, kissing you. His hands made their way to your dress straps, pulling them down and there was whoops on the background and what the fuck was Jack doing?
You pushed him off of you, "Jack," You hissed, "What are you doing?"
“He, like, shoved me off his lap then and his brother said something to him. But I was trying to pull my dress back down and fix it so I didn't really hear. But then Jack dragged me away and I let him because I wanted to get away from all those boys. They scared me."
“I just didn't want to sit on your lap and make out in front of all those people, Jack. They're older than us, it just freaked me out!" You stepped away from him when he shut the door to the room he had dragged you in.
“So my brother and his friends freak you out?" Jack's eyes were little slits and you would be lying if you said you weren't a little bit scared. But you were mostly annoyed, very annoyed.
“That isn't what I said and you know it." You shook your head, "I'm going to go find Katie or someone, I'll see you later. There's no point us hiding down here fighting."
Jack grabbed onto you wrist and you turned around, your eyes already rolling, "Jack, c'mon."
Suddenly your back was smacking against the wall and you couldn't even cry out because you were so fucking shocked. You didn't know what had happened.
“Jack?" You was staring, wide eyed and his name was the only thing you could get out because what the fuck? And your hands were shaking and your voice was, too. And you felt a bit sick.
Jack pressed his forearm against your throat, cutting off your air supply slightly, "When I want to make out, we make out."
“Jack?" You said again, it was all you could say and you instantly wished you hadn't when Jack pressed his arm harder and okay, now you couldn't actually breathe. At all.
“I could knock you out, right here. I'm in charge, bitch."
You didn't know what to do and your entire body was pulsing with fear because you were so fucking scared. You'd never been so fucking scared before in your life and all you could think was that you were scared.
“Do you understand. Y/N!" Jack barked your name at the end and you opened your mouth to speak but you couldn't because he was pressing against your throat too hard.
Jack laughed then, and let his arm come away from your throat a bit, "Stupid bitch."
“Yes," You gasped out, "Yes, Jack."
Jack smiled then and stepped away, "Good girl, Y/N. I'm sorry I had to do that but you embarrassed me, y'know. My brother and his friends, they'll laugh at me if you don't listen to me. They barely believe I have a girlfriend, it hurts."
You held your throat, trying to ignore the pain in it and the ache in your chest from the lack of air and listened to what Jack was saying to take your mind off it.
“Please don't tell anyone. I was just scared. I act out when I'm scared and I'm sorry....."
"... I won't do it again. I promise. I'm sorry." Y/N recited the words Jack had told her that night, still avoiding looking at Kim or Jay.
“I knew then I wasn't going to tell anyone."
“Why, Y/N?" Jay said from beside you.
You stiffened slightly, "Because he was right, his brother was a dick to him. And it was easier. I loved him. I really did, and I didn't want to lose him."
“How often do you think these events took place?" Kim asked, still not looking at you any differently.
“It wasn't like... regular or anything, it was just here and there."
“Could you tell us a few more of the instances? What he did and what happened before and after?" Kim asked gently.
“Yeah, I guess," You didn't know where to start, what would be most helpful to Sarah's case, "Uh, the night I got back late. We... I just told him I had to go, because it was late. But I'd told him I'd ask Jay if I could stay round, even though I knew he was going to say no. Jack got mad that I couldn't, I guess. I said I had to go and started to leave but Jack followed me downstairs and we argued for a bit. Then his brother, Aidan, was stood in the kitchen right next to us. He was laughing, or smirking, I think. And then Jack got angry. I mean, so angry."
“Why do you love to make me into an idiot, huh? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jack was in your face and you wanted to get away from him but there was no room.
“Jack, I don't- I don't do that. I just, Jay he'll be angry I can't stay." You spoke as quick as you could, needing to get the words out.
“Wow. I wouldn't let my girl speak to me like that, Jack. Mine would be apologising." Aidan called from the back of the room.
You closed your eyes, wanting to get out of this situation.
“He's right. You love to make me look like a fool, why are you denying it?"
“I'm not-"
The slap came so quickly you ended up hitting the wall behind you harshly, biting your lip to stop yourself from crying out.
“You are, you bitch." Jack hissed, spit hitting your face.
“I'm sorry," You forced out, "I'm sorry I don't think you're stupid. I love you, Jack. I'm sorry. You're right, I do."
“I am right," Jack nodded, "You should be grovelling."
Aidan started towards the two of you, talking as he came, "She admitted it. So she needs to be punished, little brother."
“I'm sorry." You said again.
“How many bruises does she have this week?" You heard Aidan say to Jack.
“I don't know," Jack turned to you, "How many bruises do you have, bitch?"
The number was burned into your memory, it always was, "Seven. I have seven. I'm sorry. I swear, I'm so sorry."
Neither boy listened to your apologies, "It's eight now, I guess." Aidan shrugged and then clapped his little brother on the should, "You're the boss." He said before smirking at you and walking away.
You shrunk away from Jack, "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."
He rubbed a hand over his face, "I don't want to do this, Y/N! But I have to. You have to be better, okay? You understand that?"
You nodded, "I understand." You sniffed, preparing for the hits to come.
Jay looked like he was ready to leave, whether to cry or to kill Jack, you didn't know. But he was on the edge of his seat, his eyes small and his leg moving. He never jogged his leg unless he was seriously upset.
Kim was hiding her true feelings, you had no doubt, "That's really helpful. And I'm sorry that happened."
You shrugged, not replying.
“I need to ask you a quick question, okay Y/N," Kim said, and you nodded, half knowing what Kim was doing to say anyway, "Did he ever force you to have sexual intercourse against your will?"
“No," You shook you head, "We did, uh have sex but it wasn't rape. He didn't, like hit me to make me." Y/N almost blanched at the word rape and the fact that Jay was sat right next to you as you were saying all this.
Kim leant forward, ever so slightly, "Did he ever pressure you into having sex, and I don't mean did he hit you. I mean did he tell you you owed it to him, because you were his girlfriend? Or did he just keep saying he wanted you to make him feel good? Maybe you refused at first but eventually agreed because Jack seemed like he really wanted you to?"
You clenched your jaw, "That's not rape, okay? It wasn't rape it was just a girlfriend helping out her boyfriend. And I don't want to," You turned to Jay, "Can we stop? I'm finished I don't want to do this anymore?"
Kim stood up before Jay replied, "I'll leave you two here. You did great, Y/N. It will really help Sarah."
Kim left and you and Jay sat in silence for a few seconds, and you knew he was going to say something but you had to first.
“I don't want to talk about it right now, Jay, okay? You can send me back to Dr Charles and I'll took to him tomorrow but right now I just- I just want to ask you something and then I want to go home. I don't want to think about this anymore today." The tears were coming to your face and you wiped them away angrily, "Why did Jack do it? To Sarah? To... me?"
“We can't know for sure yet, Y/N but those videos you described? It sounds like they radicalised him." Jay answered, focusing on your question and for that you were grateful.
“He's just a kid. How can a kid do all this?"
Jay took your hand suddenly, squeezing it tight, “What he did wasn't okay, Y/N and we will get to the bottom of it. But you don't need to worry about him anymore."
“But there's going to be a trial, right? For Sarah. Maybe for me. This is going to be hanging over my head for years until it's done. And I just want for Jack to be gone. I don't want this to have happened to me, Jay."
Jay pulled you into a hug and you clung on to him, the sobs coming so suddenly you could barely breathe.
“You don't think these things, do you? That the men said?" You had to ask him, you had to know.
“What those men said is wrong. It's not true. I will never, ever expect anything from you or from Hailey. Or from any other women. I will never look down on you. I will never punish you, or Hailey. I swear to you, Y/N."
You believed him, you'd always believed that. But you had to ask because you had to be sure. You had to know that there were men like your brothers out there, among all the bad.
You'd have to face Jack and a trial. You'd have to tell people what he'd done and what you hadn't done. You didn't have a choice.
But you did have two brothers who loved you and who didn't blame you. Not only did you have them, you had people they worked with who were basically a family. Who would all fight to support you.
Nothing was okay right now, but with the love from the people surrounding you, you believed it could be.
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r4zberrygirl · 1 year
Mr. Superior Thinkin'
miya atsumu x gn reader, slight iwaizumi hajime x reader, post timeskip, angst
cw: past relationships and breakup
an: fully aware this is shitty, i had a good vision in the beginning but totally lost it like halfway through lol ill probably edit this later, no pronouns and no physical description of reader :) -raz
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : I Bet You Think About Me
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
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Entering the venue where Japan’s national men’s volleyball team was holding a party for all of the players and their partners to interact with one another, you take a deep breath. The music is loud and the lights are low. Everyone is having a good time, laughing with old friends, drinking with plus ones. You think you even see Sakusa Kiyoomi having fun from an assumed safe distance away from strangers. You look around, knowing you’re one of the best dressed attendees and smile seeing familiar faces. You grab a martini from the bar with the captain’s wife and chat with her about her husband as she asks you about your own relationship. You feel a pair of eyes on your back and you turn around to meet a once familiar brown gazing into your own, his new partner oblivious to his staring.
Your relationship with Atsumu lasted well over two years, carefree, loving, and happy. Yet you never felt wanted when his friends were around. You weren’t clingy. And you made sure of it by giving him space when his friends came by, but sometimes you couldn't help wanting to sit with your boyfriend while he did his own thing. Atsumu’s friends never verbalized their distaste of you being around, but you weren’t stupid enough not to notice their judgemental glances when they thought you weren't paying attention. It was clear you and Atsumu weren’t from the same crowd. His arrogant and self centered attitude couldn’t be more different from your selfless heart. But people always say, “You can’t help who you fall for,” which is exactly what came out of Atsumu’s mouth the day he asked you to be his. 
The next few years with Atsumu flew by and though you both had your disagreements, you made things work. Your second year of college is where things started to go awry. School became more challenging for you, but you worked hard for your degree. Atsumu would scoff and ridicule your effort towards your goal that to him seemed worthless. Your boyfriend had his dream career on a silver platter laid out for him, needing nothing more than the talent and determination he already had. And you tried your best to be supportive of his dream but when he told you during one of your scuffles that you wouldn't go anywhere in life without someone to guide you, enough was enough. You ended your prolonged relationship with a simple, “Don’t come looking for me to apologize.” And he never did. 
It took you a while to start dating again after your breakup since you wanted to achieve your dreams on your own to prove your self worth. Only one man made you feel whole again after Atsumu took a piece of your heart and shattered it, and he happened to be the one who invited you to come to this event in the first place. The eye contact you had with Atsumu crumbled when you felt a strong, comforting hand glide across your back to rest on your hip at the bar. You smiled and gave a kiss to the cheek of your boyfriend who asked if you were feeling alright. Assuring him you were, he disappeared to go talk to Kageyama and his date for the evening. You stole another look at your ex boyfriend whose eyes never stopped staring, but were now full of regret. His mind flashes back to his brother’s words, harsh but true, “Why would you let her go?” Atsumu remembers his brother’s shouting like it was yesterday and yet he still couldn't pick himself up to go after you all those years ago. All Atsumu could do now was watch in anguish as his team’s athletic trainer wraps his arms around the girl he used to call his. You leave the venue early with Hajime, feeling lucky that you met him after becoming successful, even though you're sure he would’ve loved you the same either way.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 2 months
questions for ao3 writers
tagged by @secretlystephaniebrown and @radishhqueen! thanks!
i will tag @bobtheacorn @kithnkin @spectralsleuth @decepti-thots @desdemonafictional, and if you see this and want to please consider yourself tagged!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 108!
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 895,129. (I started the year with vague hopes of hitting a million words--we'll see where I end up after finishing current major non-fic project.)
3. what fandoms do you write for? right now, I've got active WIP docs open for rottmnt, transformers, usagi yojimbo, and one piece.
4. top 5 fics by kudos? Deaged Batgirls, tried to raise you right, Universe Collision, words that it was forming, and Intelligence, or vision, or the truth.
5. do you respond to comments? I try to! Especially if I have something to say more than just 'thanks.' I love talking about my fics.
6. fic you wrote with the angstiest ending: Any way you go you lose, which was specifically written as a bad ending for a different fic.
7. fic you wrote with the happiest ending: Mmh. I write a lot of happy endings, but I think the most uncomplicated/least bittersweet one is probably Heart's still beating, guess I'm pretty lucky.
8. do you get hate on fics? almost never, fortunately!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? yes, trending towards kinky.
10. do you write crossovers? sometimes! arguably all the turtles/UY fic I've written is a crossover, though I don't think of them that way because it's usually about blending the canons rather than crashing them into each other.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge
12. have you ever had a fic translated? I've had requests, but nothing completed!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! A few different ways--written bouncing back and forth, trading off scenes, each person taking one half of a story, each person taking a scene that fits in a larger narrative. it can be really fun.
14. all-time favorite ship? ooooooooough um. hm. hard to say. i've got the most words written for leo/usagi, so i'll go with that even though drifting out of turtles fandom has kind of taken a hard turn into absolute disinterest for me.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? hahaha uh. let's say The Days That Follow, which was part of what i consider my first 'real' major fic project, for Young Justice. maybe if i ever get around to watching the post s2 stuff i'll come back to it.
16. writing strengths: I'm good at worldbuilding and I'd like to think that extends to detail and description/immersion in general
17. writing weaknesses: i basically never edit on a macro level and i think i tend towards glibness in a way that leaves holes behind the main action.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i used to, and stick the translations in the end notes! and now i probably wouldn't--I'd either indicate the language via dialogue or have the narrator say they don't understand. my priority has become making sure the reader understands.
19. first fandom you wrote for: there's a very old percy jackson oc fic somewhere in the depths of my hard drive from when i was like. 12.
20. favorite fic of yours: i recently reread 'Fathomless' and I'm still so fucking happy with it.
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voidedaurora · 3 months
May I ask why you and Quartz don’t talk anymore? You two seemed to be close and last month they posted you on the radiomagicshow account??
This is no disrespect, but if Quartz hurt you, we would support you!
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I honestly really want to talk about it because what happened/how It happened wasn't ok at all, I was honestly treated really unfairly and terribly by her + 2 other (now ex) friends but to be 100% honest I don't think I can currently speak on it, at least not here. I also don't wanna start a bunch of drama but idk some of the stuff is just :( I have proof for 80% of the things I'd need proof for so I'm covered on that end, there's some really fucking weird/questionable stuff going on behind the scenes that I never got any clarity on so I'm weary to throw things out there only having my point of view- (though she wouldn't let me talk to her or clear things up so I guess If I do speak on them its her fault for not talking to me about it I guess?) ASWELL to talk about her I also have to directly bring down the other two Ex friends which I have no issue doing bc they are foul people but its just alot There's ALOT I've kept to myself for a long time because she was my closest friend and I didn't want anyone attacking her anymore but now im left with her gone and absolutely no reason to keep that loyalty She's surrounded by people who constantly glaze her and refuse to recognize toxic behaviors or even accept she's flawed so im a bit scared to fully speak out I really do not want to be witch-hunted by the really dedicated ones, nor do I want her to have a "Ha!" moment and frame me speaking out as some "freak out". On that last note though, Its absolutely crazy to me that I got booted/treated badly because I treated her like a normal person and tried to communicate with her but yes I am the villain TLDR: I wanna talk about it but I think her fans + friends will gut me no matter what or how I say it! If any of y'all think its important for me to talk about it based off of the vague description I'll try my best to because I do need some sort of closure but AUUGHH sorry this post is scattered, I originally actually wrote out what happened but I didn't think it was written correctly (I'm better at verbally talking about "drama" than I am writing about it) Also a little edit + Side note for the record If she ever wants to talk this out and communicate like normal people do then I've made it 1000% clear to her already that I'm more than willing to talk to her about everything in private because this whole thing is something that genuinely could be worked out with a conversation or two (respectfully I know she will in fact NOT talk to me herself, if anything i'd probably have to "pass notes" through a mutual or something bruh)
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lycorogue · 5 months
Latest Story: You Pretended Not to Care
HOO BOY! THIS STORY! (And by that, I mean the source material) I've barely written 3k words of fictional prose since 2022. Then I read through episode 20 of the webcomic adaptation of Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story (aka I Thought It Was A Common Transmigration), and I churn out a 7200-word BEAST to fill in that "fade to black" we got.
I did try to write this so even if you don't know/remember the source material you can still (hopefully) enjoy this sweet bit of smut. Hope I did right by all of you!
Oh! And btw, it wasn't until after I had this story edited did I go back and find the English translation of the original Korean webnovel. I'm pleasantly surprised at how close I was to the character's motivation and inner monologue. It was so cool to find out that I was able to pick up on the crumbs the author (and adaptor) left for me.
Also, in case it isn't clear, any italicized text between two chevrons (<>) is Killian remembering passages from Edith's diary. Also, for any who may be unfamiliar with the source material, or who might need a refresher, the reason Killian had Edith's diary in the first place was because she used it as a handwriting sample to prove papers were forged in her hand.
Finally, I tried really hard to make it evident when I switched POVs. If any part (or the whole thing 😬) feels "head-hoppy" please let me know.
OK! Enough stalling!
Summary: When Suna Choi reincarnated as Edith Rigelhof, the villainess of the novel Suna read the night before she died, she knew she had to do everything possible to avoid Edith's cruel execution at the hands of her own husband. Seemed easy enough to avoid the pitfalls that led to Edith's demise. She attempted to befriend the novel's protagonist Rhyse Sinclair. She refused to be her despicable father's spy. Most importantly, she wouldn't fall in love with her husband Killian Rudwick. His heart already belonged to Rhyse, and his arranged marriage to Edith wasn't going to change that. Despite her best efforts, Edith is still being forced down the same path as the original novel's plot. At least, that's what it seems like. But when Edith finally waves the white flag and decides to just follow the plot after all, the novel again has other plans. Edith steels herself for the next main plot point: a failed attempt to seduce her husband… except… this time it isn't going to fail…. **A more in-depth look at Episode 20 of the Webtoon adaptation that doesn't shy from the smut** Rating: Mature/Explicit (due to description of a sex scene) Word Count: 7,228 Status: completed one-shot Continue reading below, or find this story over on AO3 or on DA.
You Pretended Not to Care
Dreading what she was about to do, Edith cracked open Killian's bedroom door. She hated this. She hated it all. She hated that she had no control over this life either. She hated that her fate was locked in. She hated that she had no choice but to have the entire Rudwick family despise her. To have Killian hate her.
Worst of all, she hated how she didn't hate him in return. She wanted to. She needed to. It would make everything easier. Despite the past three months, though, she didn't hate her husband. What's worse, there were those quiet moments where he didn't seem to remember that he was supposed to hate her as well.
Those quiet moments -- those glimmers of hope that he could maybe learn to love her -- were the cruelest parts of this new life. Those breaths of fresh air where she truly believed that she might have found a home where she could relax and enjoy life. That she found a loving family. That someone could maybe fall in love with her. That she wasn't destined to have her own husband cut her down while she begged for his mercy.
She didn't want to advance the story to its next plot beat. It was too painful to be so vulnerable, and for that vulnerability to be twisted into manipulation and used against her. She had no choice though. That was now clear. Despite how much she fought to not be the Edith Rigelhof she had read about, despite showing kindness and humility and making every strategic move she could think of to avoid Edith's downfall, the story marched on exactly the same.
Edith purposefully didn't pick out dresses for herself while the dressmakers were at the estate, and she was still accused of being rudely disapproving, unappreciative, and entitled. She graciously accepted the dainty ruby necklace Rhyse picked out for her, and yet Killian's older brother Cliff still bought all of the other jewels for Rhyse in order to make a point. Just like in the novel. Edith wanted nothing to do with espionage and smuggling information to her father. She even sent him a letter stating precisely that. She was then framed and accused of espionage nonetheless. It didn't matter what she tried. The story was already written. There was no way to change it. The plot would just correct itself to keep following the path already carved by the novel.
Tonight, Edith will attempt to seduce her husband. There was no getting around it. The story would find a way to make sure of that. Even if Edith never left her room again, she'd probably still be accused of it; hated for it. She'd lose Killian no matter what she tried. She might as well lean into her fate. She could at least enjoy getting one kiss.
Edith stood beside Killian's bed. She stared at his beautiful face; his bangs fallen into his eyes. His white shirt was loose and partially unbuttoned, leaving a tantalizing view of his strong, broad chest. A chest she wanted to lie upon; to be held against. Edith knew she was doomed the second she set eyes on Killian. Not just because he was destined to literally kill her, but because – aside from his older brother's mesmerizing golden eyes – Killian was the most breathtakingly beautiful human she had ever seen.
She knew the deal. Killian was madly in love with his family's ward: Rhyse Sinclair. He'd spend his whole marriage to Edith loathing the arrangement and resenting his wife's very existence. It was impossible to win her husband's affection, especially away from the gorgeous and charming little Rhyse. There was no point in falling in love with Killian.
She couldn't resist no matter how hard she tried, however. Even before being reincarnated as Edith, Suna Choi had preferred Killian. He was the secondary love interest of the novel Stop Obsessing Over Me, Brother! She knew that his attempts were hopeless, that Rhyse and Cliff were end-game. Still, the way Killian loved Rhyse and supported her felt so much more sincere. Suna had wondered what it would be like for Killian -- or, really, any man -- to love her the way he loved Rhyse.
And then she was reincarnated as his wife in an arranged marriage. She saw him pine over Rhyse instead of her. Suna didn't fault him, though. It was that devotion towards Rhyse that Suna had fallen in love with Killian for in the first place. She didn't begrudge Rhyse for making Killian smile so brilliantly. She just wished he would smile her way now and again as well.
After tonight, there was no hope that she'd ever see Killian smile again.
Good, she thought, I can't keep pretending this marriage will ever work out. I can't keep holding onto hope. After this incident, please hate me like you're supposed to. So that I can resolve my own feelings.
Edith brushed her hair back and out of her face as she leaned down towards her husband. His soft lips were temptingly parted as he slept; beckoning. It would be the last bit of fun Edith would be able to have. She could give herself a treat. Make what she was about to do worth it.
Even with how cruel Killian had been to her, though, she couldn't do that to him. She knew that he was saving every part of himself for Rhyse. He was going to hate Edith either way, but she couldn't bear to take that away from him. She wasn't the villainess they had all decided she was.
Instead, her lips drifted to his forehead, softly brushing his bangs out of the way without use of her hands. She soaked him in best she could; inhaling his scent as her lips tenderly kissed his smooth skin, the tension of his daily scowling at her relaxed as he slept.
Her lips lingered a bit longer than they probably needed. She didn't want to pull away and give up the only loving contact she'd probably ever have with her husband. Edith needed it all over with, though. She retreated slightly, but still stayed close enough that her face would fill Killian's vision as he opened his eyes.
Now, when he wakes up, Edith thought, he'll look at me with disgust.
She wanted to avoid this next part so bad. She feared seeing what true disgust would look like carved on Killian's angelic face. She knew she'd seen close, and it pained her each time she remembered each of those cold, heartless looks. This would be a new level, though, and she struggled to not cry in anticipation.
Killian stirred oh-so-slightly. His breathing shifted. His lashes fluttered.
Here it comes. Get it over with, Killian. Prove to me that you will only ever hate me.
Edith expected a scowl upon him seeing her. Shouting. Shoving. A demand for guards to take her out of his sight. A berating for her vulgar behavior.
She did not expect Killian's right hand snatching hold of her left wrist.
Edith jumped back, tugging slightly against Killian's tight -- but still gentle -- grip.
“You pretended not to care this whole time.” There wasn't any grogginess in his sharp tone. It was as if he had been awake the whole time. Edith panicked that he had somehow known about her seduction attempt and had faked being asleep.
She wiggled to break free, but Killian tightened his grip. Edith was startled not by his strength, but by his control. His grip was firm, unrelenting, and a bit ravenous. But it didn't hurt. The tension made it seem like he wanted to hurt her, and yet his grip never once clamped down enough, as if something inside him was able to stop his muscles just before breaking that thin line.
“Are you now so overwhelmed with lust,” Killian continued, “that you can't pretend anymore?” He was sat up in bed. His head was tilted forward, knocking his bangs back into his eyes, giving him a mischievous, fox-like stare. He finally smiled at Edith, but it wasn't the warm, beaming, kind smile he would give to Rhyse. This was a lecherous smile full of cunning and the satisfaction of a successful hunt.
This wasn't how it was supposed to happen! Everything else had gone exactly how Edith had read it in the novel. No matter how she handled the situation, the end result was always the same. Edith was still accused of being vulgar and entitled after the dressmakers visited. She was still left with just the dainty necklace while Rhyse received the rest of the stock the jewelers brought to the estate. Edith was still accused of espionage, put under house-arrest, and eventually let go. It shouldn't have mattered what she did that night. Killian was still supposed to awake disgusted with her seduction attempt.
Killian's look was anything but disgusted though.
“No,” Edith choked out in fear. Her mind raced as she tried to sort out what Killian was planning on doing with her. “I just--”
“That's fine,” he interrupted. With the elegance and strength only gained from years of sword mastery, Killian yanked on Edith's left arm, pulling her towards his bed while also flipping her onto her back. In an instant, he was straddling her knees.
Edith's long, red hair billowed out behind her like a messy halo; pinned beneath her body. Her left arm equally pinned to the bed by Killian's stern grip still on her wrist. Her right arm was free, but it felt too heavy to move as Killian looked down on her with that mischievously lustful grin.
“Satisfy me, Edith. Seduce me like the Rigelhofs taught you.” Killian started undoing another button on his thin, white shirt. His eyes drilling into his stunned bride beneath him. “Who knows? I might end up attached to your body.” His voice got deep and had a voracious gravel to it.
What is he doing? This isn't right! This isn't how it was supposed to go at all!
“W-wait! Killian!” Edith willed her right arm to move, and she pried Killian's hand off of her. Without him pinning her down, Edith sat up best she could. Her eyes flashed with worry, panic, and confusion. She knew this wasn't what Killian wanted. It couldn't be. The novel version of him had no interest in Edith. He would never fall for her seduction attempts. He was too devoted to--
“Are you sure...” She took a deep breath. She didn't want to ask. She didn't want to hear his answer. She didn't want him to change his mind. She knew she had to be certain, however. “You'll be alright with me?”
Killian stopped undressing himself. The passion and thrill of the hunt flushed from his face as Edith looked up at him in full earnest.
“...and not Rhyse?” she finished.
A pain shot through Killian's chest and his stomach twisted slightly. Does she truly not care, he wondered, enough to bring up my feelings for Rhyse?
He pulled away, stepping off the bed and allowing Edith to sit the rest of the way up. Her eyes were so huge and sincere. It was hard to not recognize the surprise painted across her face. It made Killian want to both retreat from her and devour her.
Even if we were forced into a marriage of convenience... she really doesn't expect anything from me, her husband....
Her lack of expectation from him infuriated him. She was fully aware of his love for Rhyse, and she had resigned herself to a loveless marriage. Even so--
<His face is glowing and his body is so hot! I can't stop drooling, just thinking about him....> <I really think Killian is more my type than Cliff.> <I happened to see him wave at Rhyse-- I thought I might be blinded by his smile.>
Killian was giving himself to Edith, and yet she stopped him. Even when he thought he was offering her exactly what she desired she still expected nothing from him.
Killian wanted to satisfy her. He demanded that she satisfy him, but he knew he wanted it the other way around. He wanted to reward her words in her diary. He wanted her to keep watching him and desiring him. He didn't want her to give up her fight for his affection. He yearned for her to crave him.
He rested a hand beside her leg on the edge of the bed, then made it creak slightly as he leaned towards her. She leaned away, giving him space as she studied him and tried to figure out his angle.
His angle was lust.
With the blinding swiftness he used before to catch her wrist and pull her onto the bed, Killian pinched Edith's chin between his thumb and forefinger. Halting her retreat instantly, Killian leaned closer, bringing her face inches from his. He stared intensely into her large, uneasy eyes, and delighted in how his boldness caused those doe-eyes to soften and close slightly.
They were the furthest from Rhyse's eyes. Edith's large breasts -- raising and lowering in quick, short breaths -- were far from Rhyse's as well. Edith's full, supple thighs and curved hips were the opposite of Rhyse's slender frame. Her wavy, fiery red hair equally foiled the elegant fairness of Rhyse's straight golden-blonde locks.
Killian loved Rhyse. It was true. He'd do anything for her. He wanted to spend every waking moment with her. He delighted in her smile. He wanted to protect such a gentle and delicate woman. She was sunshine personified. He had wanted to give her his all.
Edith was the farthest from Rhyse that he could think of. Yet he also wanted to give her his all. In a different way. In a more primal way. He wanted to gift himself to Rhyse. He wanted to lose himself in Edith.
And yet, Edith hesitated when he offered precisely that. If this was what she wanted, why would she care if Killian would regret their night together?
“I should be asking you that question.” He whispered. Soft. Firm. Challenging. Playful. Aloof. Yearning. “Aren't you the one who was so confident in yourself that you would crawl into my bed in the middle of the night?”
She wouldn't believe him if he told her he wanted this. He wasn't even sure he could say those exact words.
He'd get her to accept his offer. To forget Rhyse the way he did. This wasn't about her. This was about a man and his wife. This was about quelling a fire. This was about finally letting go and truly going for something he desired without hesitation.
Killian pressed his lips against Edith's.
Her eyes stayed wide; frozen in shock. Those lips weren't supposed to be hers, as much as she wanted them to be. They were Rhyse's. Killian had waited the last four years for her. He had never before felt the touch of a woman. Never tasted another's mouth. And yet he was pressed against Edith's.
It was a bit awkward. A little innocent, but still very lustful. Suna never felt this level passion before in her life. Either of them. It shot warm shivers through her core.
Killian ravenously pushed on her mouth with his own, trying to force her down. Edith retreated across the mattress, and he pursued her, crawling his way back onto his bed. His left knee wedged between her legs.
Edith's fear of the consequences and misconceptions of this night vaporized as Killian's kiss drained her brain of oxygen. This night alone didn't cause her eventual death, so why not enjoy the bliss?
With a gasp and slow exhale to steady his breath again, Killian pulled away. He towered over Edith as he remained kneeling with their legs interwoven. Before Edith could regain her own senses, Killian brusquely snatched her wrist once more.
<His face is glowing and his body is so hot!>
“After all the snooping and sneaking glances,” Killian aggressively teased, “now you can touch me all you want.” He finished unbuttoning his shirt and pressed Edith's right hand against his tight pectoral. With a shrug his undone shirt slid off his shoulders, revealing them to her as well.
Edith fiercely blushed as she remembered that Killian had read a portion of her diary when she used it to try to prove her handwriting was forged; that she wasn't the one who sent insider knowledge to her father. Her face and ears burned as she tried to mentally recount exactly what she had said about Killian; what he could have possibly read. How lustful had she been in her writings? Was he just toying with her to teach her a lesson?
“N-no,” Edith stammered in a panic, “that's not what I...” Her eyes darted from her hand on his chest up to Killian's deep, dark eyes. The puckish grin and challenging stare had both fallen; softened. Killian almost looked defeated; pleading. He couldn't have possibly wanted -- genuinely wanted -- Edith to lust after him, could he?
His chest beneath her hand was firm and silky, but it rose and fell in uneven, subtly quivering breaths.
That's right. Killian didn't know the touch of a woman before now. He wouldn't possibly go this far just to mess with me, right?
“What I mean is...” Edith relented. She pressed slightly with her finger tips, and Killian's grip loosened, more cradling her wrist than actually holding it. He gently directed her to follow the crease separating his pecs. Edith's fingers quaked against the soft ridges of his chest. Before her mind could catch up with her body, her fingers slid down to his abs. She outlined each one with her nails, memorizing the sensation as it shook through her.
Killian's muscles were all the more defined as he directed Edith to explore them. He flexed each one as her fingers wandered. He had to. It was the only way to keep himself from shivering at her touch. He wasn't expecting the tingles along his skin. He didn't anticipate how much his body would miss the delicate tickle of her fingers as they roamed to a different part of him. He wanted to collapse into her. He wanted to give her everything she desired of his body. He wanted to devour her in kind. He wanted to tear the nightgown she was wearing. Ruin his sheets. Decimate his mattress.
He had always been able to keep his desires in check before. He was able to have full control of himself. With Edith, however? With her feather-soft touch? With those fierce quips? With those saucer-large inquisitive eyes? With her quiet lusting for her husband? With that porcelain skin? He was becoming a beast and he needed to rein himself in.
“Are you happy now?” He asked her barely above a whisper. His voice strained as he struggled to contain himself. They hadn't even done anything physically strenuous, yet sweat already dotted his temples. He hoped Edith didn't hear him gulp down the sticky saliva making his mouth dry and his teeth hungry for her skin.
<I really think Killian is more my type than Cliff.>
He had never been preferred over his brother before. He was either Cliff's equal or he had fallen behind at some point. Killian knew his father would never overlook Cliff and name him heir of the dukedom instead. He also knew that it was pointless to think that he could ever win Rhyse away from Cliff. There was no world wherein Killian got what Cliff desired.
Killian didn't need to fight for Edith though. She was all his, and she preferred it that way. He wanted to make sure she would always choose him over his brother.
As he stared down at her, Edith melted at Killian's soft, flushed face. His tight voice rattled in her head; otherwise empty due to her brain traveling along with her fingers across Killian's exposed stomach. His hand giving her the guided tour. Happy? she thought, I could spend the rest of my life just touching this man's waist, stomach, arms, and chest...
Suddenly, she realized he had asked her a question that she didn't answer. Blushing harder, she focused on her hand traveling back up to his left pectoral. She was acutely aware of what she had been doing, and how humiliating it was that he had read her diary and then called her out on what she wrote via... this! She couldn't look at him. Not into those soft, pleading, lost eyes.
She tried to ignore the quivering in her voice as she answered. “Huh? Oh... I-I...”
Killian used his right hand to continue directing Edith's fingers as they skated across his chest. Meanwhile, his left hand found her ankle and started venturing its way up her leg, pushing up the skirt of her nightgown slightly as he did. His nails dug tantalizingly into the back of her calf just below her knee.
“Yes...” Edith breathed, finally answering Killian. Yes! Good Power Almighty, yes! In both this life and her previous one, she had never been more happy. She wanted this to go on endlessly.
Screw restraint. Edith's breathy “yes” was all Killian needed. That single word was filled with tension begging to be released. It broke Killian's willpower. He needed her now. His hand snaked from outside her gown to under it, feeling the silky lines of her bare legs. A fever raced through him and his groin twitched.
Like a taught fishing line, Killian's eyes darted to the nape of Edith's neck. That obscene lure that snagged him their wedding night. With an invisible yank of the line, Killian's lips crashed into her neck.
Edith gasped and twitched at the touch, which just made Killian linger there all the more. His teeth gently scraped across her collarbone and his lips brushed against her skin in phantom kisses. Each inch his mouth crawled caused her to squirm and gasp again.
This was a fun game. He wondered how many times he could make her quiver. Was it infinite? Would she eventually numb to his touch? Could he turn that gasp into a squeak or a moan?
I can't believe I find Edith Rigelhof adorable...
Her chest heaved in shaky breaths against his bare chest, and his heart raced knowing how undone he was making his fiery bride. His hand crept higher up her thigh, his forearm pushing the skirt of her nightgown up and over her knee. All of his slow, methodical, gentle touches made her shift and squirm, and it excited him all the more.
“K-Killian!” she gasped as her leg twitched against his touch.
There must be something wrong with me, Killian mentally berated himself as he shifted his weight forward, creaking the bed again.
Then it happened. Edith groaned. It was strained, like she was fighting against letting the lewd sound escape her lips. It was soft and deep and rumbled out of her chest.
Killian ripped his arms out of his sleeves and tossed his shirt to the floor. He then crashed right back into Edith, concentrating on her right collarbone this time. His hand reaching her bare hip as he rested more of his weight against her.
Edith's mind went blank. She knew she needed to keep her wits about her. She needed to strategize. She had to deduce how this act would be twisted by the story to keep the plot on track. Prepare herself. Find a way to at least lessen the blow.
Instead, her mind was filled with Killian's lips on her skin and his hand on her hip; wordlessly instructing her to strip. She was more than happy to comply.
Shifting her weight, Edith slid the back of her nightgown up to her waist so she was no longer sitting on the skirt. Lightning shot through her as her fingers entangled briefly with Killian's. She then squeaked out his name as his hand followed hers and he caressed her ass.
“What's wrong?” Killian roguishly chuckled into Edith's ear before nibbling on it. “No final words for me tonight?”
He was right. It was mortifying for her to be his putty like this. She needed to take charge. Just as she had always done with him. She had never allowed him the upper hand before. Every time he had pushed her she would push right back.
First, she needed to regain her bearings.
Edith arched her head to try to pull away from Killian's insatiable mouth. It backfired and instead left more skin for him to explore, making her squeak with surprise. Her nails scraped across the sheets, and she gathered whatever loose cloth she could into her tightening grip. Her toes curled. Her stomach flipped. She had failed. She didn't want Killian's lips to ever leave her skin. She panted his name once more as she submitted to him.
Shifting his weight to better balance himself, Killian kept his left hand exploring Edith's leg and hip. His right hand then traced its way up her spine, searching for the tie to her nightgown. Upon feeling the soft ribbon tail, he tugged. Her gown loosened. The neckline instantly drooped and slid off her right shoulder, granting Killian more real estate to traverse. As his lips and left hand continued their private expeditions, Killian's right hand traveled back down Edith's spine, making her shiver at his touch.
His middle finger caught the buttons along the ribbon at Edith's waist. It was a bit more work to slide them back through their restrictive loops than he expected. Despite normally being a very dexterous person, Killian was clumsy with his unbuttoning, and he growled his frustration about it into Edith's shoulder. Gasping, Edith grabbed the back of his head and held him against her skin. Her hips shifted in his grasp as well. Her left leg pushing against his right, spreading herself more for him.
Killian's chest tightened. His nails pressed against her hip. He slid his left leg over, shifting her leg as well. A new fragrance wafted into the room. It made his head spin and his heart race. Cradling the back of Edith's head, Killian broke from her grasp and collided with her lips.
Running on an autopilot she didn't even realize she had, Edith massaged Killian's lips with her own, demonstrating the proper way their mouths should dance. Her tongue gently tapped against his lower lip. He instantly granted her entry, and she gingerly ventured into his mouth. He greedily pushed back, nearly choking her.
She pulled back with a gag, and Killian instantly stilled. Heat billowed off of them both as they stared each other down, studying their partner for their next move. Cradling each side of his face, Edith gently pulled him down to her. She gave him a cautious, closed-mouth kiss. He allowed her to set the pace, so she tested the waters with her tongue again. His lips parted hungrily and welcomed her inside. She gently pushed against his tongue before trying to wrap her own around his. Understanding, Killian responded in kind. Softly this time. He let her take the lead as his mind instead focused on her buttons again.
Edith rested her head against the bed, and pulled Killian down with her. She left her back arched for his hands to undo her buttons. The new angle helped him, and they unfastened all the easier. Each time she felt her nightgown loosen a bit more around her waist, Edith ran her nails across Killian's back. Finally, the third button was released.
Realizing his task was done, Killian sharply inhaled Edith's scent. Pulling away from her mouth, he slowly let his breath back out with a ravenous sigh. His hands roamed her bare legs. Her hands explored his back. His heart pounded in his ears. He couldn't believe the next step he was about to take. There would be no undoing this night. He would never be able to pretend it didn't happen.
Her voice was too gentle. Too breathy. Her eyes were too wide and pleading. Her hair looked too enticing sprawled out behind her on his bed. Her skin was too soft. Too warm. Too welcoming.
“Tell me what you want, Edith.”
“I--” She studied him. This was her out. She could escape before this whole thing went any further. They'd regret this in the morning. She knew that much. At least, Killian would regret it the moment his lust was satiated. She just needed to tell him no, and he'd probably let her leave.
She couldn't deny what she wanted though. The weight of his body pressed against hers was too sweet. The slight roughness of his swordsman-calloused fingers sent electricity through her. Her body was feverish and her mouth was dry and starving. She'd break if they stopped now.
“I want you, Killian,” she whispered.
That puckish smirk returned, along with a glint in his eyes.
“What do you want from me?”
“Whatever you are willing to give.”
“What if I already did that?”
Edith's face fell. Of course he was just teasing her, playing with her. Her face burned with embarrassment and desire. She curled in on herself, and nibbled her thumbnail to try to release some tension.
“Do you wish for me to leave then?”
Killian's stomach flipped as Edith looked up at him with a little pout. Watching her bite down on her fingernail made him instantly miss her mouth. He wanted to hear her pant again; moan again; to gasp out his name again. He would never sleep again if he didn't know those sounds by heart.
He leaned in so his lips were tantalizingly close to hers. “I wish for you to tell me specifically what it is that you want from me.”
Her gasping breaths tickled his lips. Edith's mind raced for the right answer. She knew this was a test of some sort. Her brain was too full of lewd thoughts though. Now wasn't the time for strategy. Before she could finish calculating, her mouth blurted out, “I want to feel you.” Her eyes darted towards his waist before blinking back to match his gaze. “All of you.”
Killian's crotch twitched. In an instant, his tongue was in Edith's mouth again, and his hand was tangled up in her hair. His free hand scrambled for the bottom hem of her nightgown, and he was startled to find her hand already pulling it up for him.
They broke away from each other, and he hurriedly peeled her gown up and over her head. He didn't look at her skin as it was exposed. Instead, his eyes followed the cloth as it slid up her body and through her long, thick hair before it dropped to the floor. When he turned back to his bride she sheepishly had her arms over her chest and her knees pressed against his leg still wedged between them.
Could Edith Rigelhof be shy about her body?
With a tenderness Killian didn't understand, he brushed his fingers against her exposed collarbone. He then played with her shoulder for a second, drawing a few circles and causing Edith to shiver at his touch. He then traced her arm down to her elbow, and then across to her wrist. His hand never ventured towards her breasts, instead concentrating on the goosebumps growing on his wife's arms.
Edith squirmed beneath him. Her breath quaked in anticipation. She fought the urge to just grab him and do whatever she needed to satisfy herself. She felt so close to the brink as it was already, it wouldn't take long.
What is he doing? she thought as Killian's feather-light touch skated across her skin. Why is he so--? It kept her a second to realize the word she was looking for was sensual.
She was still nervous about letting him fully see her. True, he had watched her in the tub their wedding night, but she was able to partially cover up, and the rose water obscured his view slightly. Killian's room was dark, but this was still different. He could destroy her at any second.
She didn't take her eyes off his face from the moment her nightgown was tossed to the floor. That fox-like mischievous hunger he first had when he caught her in his room was gone. As his hand traced her arm his eyes had a soft concentration to them. He focused on exploring every inch of her skin with genuine curiosity. His upper teeth brushed his lower lip, as if fighting against biting it. He gently pressed his knee against her bare crotch, and Edith resisted grinding against it.
Why isn't he simply taking me?
Then Edith remembered how new Killian was to all of this. As flustered as she might be, she still had some experience in her previous life. Killian didn't. When his hand reached her wrist she relented to his touch and let him pull her arm away with ease. With her free hand, she cradled his face and brushed his cheek with her thumb.
“Edith.” He whispered her name. He had no clue why. It was like a prayer. Like a confirmation that he wasn't actually asleep. She was there. She was waiting for him. She was gorgeous.
He started at the nape of her neck, then kissed down to her cleavage. He tasted the faint salt pooling along her skin. He felt her chest shiver at his touch. He focused on her soft panting. Her breasts were so velvety. He never imagined how pillowy they actually were. As his lips and tongue explored her chest Edith moaned again.
“Killian--” She sharply inhaled as he switched to the other breast. “Please.” She whimpered slightly, but held his head in place.
Hearing her plead with him awakened the animal instincts in him once more. In a flash, his pants were off and on the floor. He then grabbed behind each of her knees and angled her so he was pressed against her soft flesh. She gasped at him simply knocking on her door. Her heat engulfed him. Juices already welcomed him.
“Do it again,” he growled. It wasn't malicious. He meant to demand this of her, but his voice came out wanting.
“Plead.” He hoped she didn't hear the pleading in his own voice.
Edith's nails dug deliciously into Killian's upper arms as she weakly tugged on them. She looked up at him with her large, saucer-wide eyes, her eyebrows pinched in yearning. “Please,” she whimpered. “Keep going. Don't stop.”
Killian's crotch twitched again in response, and he thrust forward, causing Edith to cry out. His angle was off and he instantly knocked into bone.
Edith winced, but truly didn't want him to stop. She pulled his hands down to her hips. Then laced her legs around his waist, holding him in place so he couldn't retreat. She then shifted her hips and arched her back. As she readjusted around Killian he rubbed against her clit and she cooed.
“Are you okay?”
Edith blinked up at him.
Did he seriously ask me that?
She nodded. “Slow. Please?”
He complied. At an achingly slow pace, he slid out of her until just his tip remained inside. He then slid back in just as slowly, allowing Edith to shift and readjust his angle as he crept back into her. He watched every inch of her shifting body and blushing face.
“Like this?”
Edith whimpered out an affirmative as she bit her lip.
Killian gave her a couple more slow thrusts to memorize the proper angle. He felt like he was going to burst at this pace though. His whole body vibrated as he ached to build up the pressure faster.
“I can't keep going this--”
“Faster,” she interrupted. “Please.”
He gladly complied. Noting the angle he needed to be in, he shifted them both so he could thrust his hips faster. Edith cried out once more, and Killian instantly paused, nervous that he hurt her again.
“No. Please. Keep going,” she panted. “Like that. Please.”
He did as his wife asked of him, causing her to squeak and moan some more. It was becoming Killian's new favorite sound.
No. Hearing her pant out his name like that. That was his new favorite sound.
He leaned in and kissed her neck and along her jaw. She shuddered at his touch and ran her fingers through his hair.
Suna had boyfriends in her past life. She had slept with them before. It wasn't terribly frequent, but she wasn't inexperienced.
Nothing felt as good as Edith felt in that moment, though. Her body was feverish. Tension was knotting in her stomach. Her mind grew foggy. Her skin tingled. Killian's body was the exact weight to counter the pressure building inside her.
Maybe it was the learned vigilance of a swordsman. Maybe it was because Killian was a virgin. Maybe it was because he was exploring and experimenting. Maybe it was because he was subtly looking to Edith for direction while pretending he was still in charge himself. But Edith had never known a man so attentive. Every changed note of her moans told him where to press. Every shift in her breath directed him where to kiss. Every mew that escaped her lips informed him of how fast he should be going. A few sharp gasps instructed Killian on where to focus while inside her.
“Killian,” she panted again. She was cresting the hill. Her whole body felt so tight. She didn't realize that sex could feel so amazing. She wanted more. She didn't want Killian to ever let her go.
His back was clammy against her greedy hands. The sweat from his chest mixed with hers. His primal grunts and growls only made her body heat up faster. His face remained buried in her neck and chest.
“Edith,” he gasped, causing her heart to skip. She didn't want to admit until that very moment that she had been wondering if he was just picturing her as Rhyse. That he was ignoring who he was actually sleeping with. That he was using her as little more than a sex doll stand-in for his true love.
“Edith, moan again for me.”
He quickened his pace again. One hand anchored him to the bed. The other wrapped around Edith's back and latched him to her. He rocked his hips, trying to remember to grind against her slightly as he thrust into her.
Edith's chest tightened as her breath became harder and harder to catch. She bit her lip and groaned against the tension. She whimpered with longing and pinched her eyes tightly closed. The pressure in her crotch increased, but the one against her stomach lessened.
“Edith.” Killian's voice shook as he struggled with his own tight chest. “Look at me.”
She did. She released a breath she forgot she was holding, and opened her eyes. He wasn't pressed against her anymore. He had pulled far enough away to look at her; watch her face again. He grunted as he quickened his pace once more, slamming hard into her. She didn't care. She needed that extra pressure as well. She winced, trying to trap a scream inside her throat.
“Don't.” He brushed her lip with his thumb. “Don't hold it in.”
He grunted and gasped as he climbed to his own climax. With an animalistic drive, he did whatever he needed to finish. He barely slid out of her, keeping the pressure of her vagina firmly wrapped around him.
Every inch of Edith felt too weak to do anything but let him use her. Still, she wanted to repay him for his efforts, so she tightened herself best she could. She instantly felt him pulse against her, and she screamed out. She didn't try to muffle herself this time.
Her constricting around him, followed by her crying out in ecstasy was the final push for him. Loudly moaning himself, he released all of that built up tension inside his wife. She responded in kind. Her back arched and she rocked onto the back of her head. Every muscle within her tightened like a rope about to snap. Her toes curled and her nails dug into his back. He felt her hips shift and her walls pulse around him; squeezing him dry. She cried out with a high pitched scream of pleasure, and her legs shook against his hips.
Both spent, Killian collapsed against Edith's chest. Her legs flopped to either side of him, and she melted under his weight. They both struggled to catch their breaths, but Edith had little problem running her hand through Killian's hair, petting him.
Killian was the first to even out this breathing. Gently, he lifted himself off of Edith and brushed his sweaty hair out of his face. Her hand rested against his chest, not ready to separate from him.
“Edith,” he whispered once more.
She couldn't respond. Her own breath was still too shaky.
Tenderly, he untangled himself from between her legs.
Here it comes. Edith looked away from him. He was satiated now. His senses would soon come back, and he would throw her out of his room; instantly regretful for his lapse in judgment.
Killian took her in. He watched her start to curl into herself again, her eyes tightly closed against him.
Is she nervous that I will want to go again before she recovers?
Killian brushed her hair out of her eyes and kissed her forehead.
Edith's eyes shot open, and she turned to face him. “Killian?”
He didn't say anything. He simply snuggled next to her and rested his head on her shoulder. He then pulled the sheets up around them.
“You should stay here tonight.”
She blushed as she nodded, then rolled onto her side. Killian's arm snaked around her waist and pulled her close to him. His body heat wrapped around her was soothing, and it wasn't long before she fell asleep in his arms.
Killian felt Edith's breathing slow as she dozed off. Her body relaxed against him. Her scent filled his nostrils, making him feel a little dizzy. He didn't hate the sensation though. Despite common sense screaming otherwise, he didn't hate anything that happened that evening.
He had been relieved to find out that Edith had woken up earlier that day, but didn't know how to approach her. He had feared that he was part of the reason she had fainted in the first place. He had assumed that she no longer wanted anything to do with him.
His heart had danced when he caught her in his room. She looked so earnest and innocent it had overwhelmed him.
Then he was inside her, and he never imagined a feeling so amazing. It took all of the willpower he had earned from years of training to not climax after that first corrected thrust. He couldn't let that opportunity go by so quickly. He focused on Edith instead of his own euphoria as best as he could to make it last.
Besides, after everything, didn't he owe Edith that much?
Killian kissed the crown of her head and pulled her in tighter.
What am I going to do with you, Edith Rudwick?
He buried his face into her plush locks, and fell into one of the deepest and most restful sleeps he remembered having.
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scarthefangirl · 2 years
Quit treating me like a wuss!
Peter Parker x fem!wife!reader
Description: after Peter comes home a little scraped up, Y/N tries to help him clean up but he pushes her away.
Warnings: Pet names, Peters kinda mean at first, ends with fluff, poorly written, not edited, quickly written
Story type: drabble
A/N: I am just now starting into write fanfics again and I wrote this one up real quick so don't hate me bc it sucks <3
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Y/N hummed along to her music as she silently swayed around the kitchen while making dinner. She couldn't help getting caught up in the moment. As she stirred her noodles on the stovetop and murmured quietly the song lyrics. The serenity was peaceful and helped Y/N feel calm after a stressful week. She continued to dance gently around as she made her dinner. She was feeling so content and happy, not a worry in the world at the moment.
But of course, the moment was fleeting.
As she made her plate of spaghetti she heard a loud crash from her bedroom in the apartment. She sighed, not a doubt in her mind what the cause of the sound was. She sat the pan full of sauce down and turned towards the bedroom down the hallway.
"Peter, is that you?" She calls. A grunt is the only reply she hears, but she would know that grunt anywhere. "I'm coming baby."
When she arrived in her room she wasn't surprised to be greeted with Peter already stripped to his underwear and sitting on her desks chair, clutching his rib cage on the right side. Y/N could already tell it was a knife wound. It didn't look to deep, but it was long and looked painful. He looked upset and grumpy, but who wouldn't be in this situation. It was normal for him to not be his normal peppy self after a fight.
"Come on out to the kitchen honey, I'll get you all patched up and you can have some spaghetti with me." Y/N said gently to her husband. offering him a hand to help him stand up. He slaps her hand away softly, surprising Y/N. It didn't hurt, but she was just surprised.
"I don't need your help I can patch it up myself. Can you just get the first aid kit and give it to me?" Peter struggled to stand up, cradling his side as he tried. It hurt Y/N to see his nose crinkle up as pain shot through her husband.
"Yeah sure. Its in the bathroom, you can go sit at the table by the kitchen I'll go get it." Y/N said solemnly, feeling like she should walk on egg shells not to make Peter more upset. Normally he accepts her help, even while grouchy. She wonders if she might've done something wrong but tries not to over think and be selfish. He is just hurting.
Y/N met him at the table and handed Peter the kit. "If you need help, Ill be eating spaghetti. Since you're fine on your own I'm not letting my food get cold. I'll be right across from you." So, she started eating the room temp pasta and cringed as she watched him try to patch the wound.
Every few seconds he'd either wince in pain or groan because he couldn't get the wound patched himself. He muttered cuss words under his breath as he continued trying. After ten minutes of the torture, Y/N had enough. She walk over to him and sat beside him, grabbing the supplies towards her.
"Here, you want to do it more like this," Y/N started to work her magic but Peter pushed her (not hard) away.
"Stop it!" He raised his voice, his volume was tipping down towards a yell, dangerously close to crossing the line.
"Peter! Stop what?" Y/N asked, clearly offended. She just wanted to help!
"Quit treating me like a little wuss. I can do it myself. I dont need your help. I don't need you." Peter shouted. Y/N felt a lump forming in the back of her throat, but she pushed it down as best she could.
"But Peter, I always help you patch up your wounds after patrol. Its basically a tradition." Y/N started, voice shaky while tears danced in her eyes.
"I don't need your help! Its embarrassing to have my wife clean up a tint little cut. Just be quiet and eat your dam food please." Peters yell slowly faded off at the end of his statement.
"I lost my appetite." Y/N's tears started to slip down her face quietly. She began to walk to their bedroom when Peter called,
"Clean off the plate and the kitchen if you're not gonna eat!"
"Since apparently you can do everything yourself, you can clean everything up!" She called back, anger boiling up in her chest. Why was he so pissed off?
As Y/N laid in bed for awhile thinking, and guilt started to eat at her. She was so dramatic and he didn't deserve that. He was out fighting crime and saving lives and comes home a little grumpy, so what! who was she to get mad at him? She didn't know what happened on patrol that night, he could have a reason for being so mad. She felt the guilt eating away at her and got up, waking out to the kitchen. Peter had grabbed clothes from the bathroom, a shirt and some pajama pants. Y/N always laid out clothes for him in the bathroom so he could shower right away and then change. Judging by his wet hair, he'd showered. Peter was currently starting the dishwasher. He closed it and turned around to face his wife.
"I'm sorry." they said in unison.
"Let me go first." Y/N said firmly and Peter nodded. She pulled him out to the tiny living room, having them both sit on the couch. "I love you so much and you go out every day and night to fight crime and I am so sorry that expect you to come home all peppy and stuff from that. I can't imagine how much it drains you and what those people do and say to you. I'm so sorry and if you need time alone after a long evening just tell me and ill respect it. I'd appreciate if next time you were a little kinder to me, but I will try and understand if you aren't." Y/N finished, looking Peter in the eyes. She looked so guilty and Peter felt bad.
"Y/N, you didn't do anything wrong but I appreciate what you said. Just because I have a long day doesn't give me any excuse to be mean to you. You do so much for me, and I need you. I really do. Tonight was literally so hard to patch up that cut myself. You're right, I just needed some alone time. But that was just a today thing honey, maybe every once in awhile I'll need some time again but I'll try to communicate better." Peter admired his wife lovingly as she hugged him.
"I love you so much Peter." Y/N smiled, pulling away from him. He leaned back on the couch and she cuddled up next to him.
"And I love you sweetheart." Peter kisses Y/N's head and grabs the remote, turning on the tv.
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Stay tuned for more works (better ones) and if you want to see them check out my pinned post for a link to join my taglist!
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for being an evil existence?
((Slight headcanons))
I thought the answer was obvious, but someone I know has been very insistent I ask other people. And explain more than just that.
I, R (teens, F), am a product of the Pendant of Luwa. It exists only to absorb as much magic and "love" from its wielder to produce a usurping being of destruction. I - as that usurper - exist only to do just that.
But one day, E (???, yes), a spacetime traveller took the pendant and gave it to A (teens, F). She’s a person who is very, very much filled with this "love". So while she was helping the Great Hero - A’s description, not mine - N (teens, F) and her friends get back home and save/fight S (old, M) (who pretended to be in danger the whole time for attention, apparently?), I slowly started to come to be once more. But when I did and took a form like A's, something happened. I questioned what I was. What I wanted. Ignore that second question, it doesn't really matter. I was created to consume, so I tried to just consume everything. Fulfill my reason for existing. I'll never understand this "love" A talks so much about or why she thinks something made to destroy has it. A, N and all their friends stopped me - still insisting I could be their friend too. But since I knew I would disappear if I didn't finish my goal, I desperately tried to get some magic from A. I don't really understand why I reacted like that. I failed, there was no more reason for me to persist. For some reason (amusement? Boredom?), S decided to use his magic to let me persist while E allowed me to enter and leave the pendant whenever I wanted. A still keeps saying we're close, that we're friends and that I'm the one she loves (she uses that word so much, I couldn't understand it if I tried) but I don't think she understands what I am. She wouldn't care about me if she really did. Not like I care. I shouldn't care. As long as I'm around, no matter what I or she or anyone does about it, everything will be destroyed. It’s a fact. Even now, I cause nothing but trouble. I’m pretty sure I should be asking “Am I The Idiot?” for not getting it or why I even consider wanting to understand it because I shouldn’t.
Whatever. ITA, aren’t I?
Edit: Yes, A is the one who wanted me to post. No, I still don’t get why. Also, I refuse to hear any reasons why she’d be “TA”, because she isn’t.
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justdancekid · 1 year
When Mothers Show Up, It'll Always Turn Into A Battleground - A JD Fanfiction
Series: Just Dance 2023 Edition
Characters: Alzena (Numb), Night Swan (Witch)
Battle: Alzena vs. Night Swan
Rating: T
Type: Action, Adventure, Monolog
Description: Night Swan is about to enact her plan to kill the Danceverse Crew, but she stops when a certain woman in Grey clothing shows up at her door
"My Majesty. It's ready." One of Night Swan's henchmen said to her.
"Perfect! If this goes as perfect as you guys planned it, I could get rid of that silly team." Night Swan said. She then held up a ray and shot it at the ceiling. Sending glass on the ground.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yes!!! Now all I have to do is blast it at their house and the people who'll stop my plan of a perfect world will be no more-" Night Swan said before she was interrupted by a fist that came through one of the glass and punched one of her henchmen.
"What the hell?!?" Night Swan said "Who did that?!?"
She then saw a woman wearing baggy clothes come through a bigger glass shard and land on her feet on the ground.
"Hmmph. And, who could you be?" Night Swan asked the woman.
"I'm Alzena." The woman replied "And, I've come to stop you"
"Oh, I've should've known that foolish team sent somebody to kill me."
"Believe it or not, I've yet to interact with the team. But, I have a daughter on that team." Alzena said as she got in her fighting stance "And, I'll do anything to not see her hurt."
"Funny. I have a son who is on that team." Night Swan then sharpened her claws "And, I wouldn't mind hurting him once more....."
"You're a monster!"
"Yes, and a perfect Swan. Now, get out of my sight!!" Night Swan yelled as she lunged as Alzena, but Alzena grabbed her arm as they both fell into a giant glass shard.
Night Swan opened her eyes as she saw that she was in a Grey pastel world with glass falling everywhere. She sees Alzena floating over her. Now sporting colorful clothing.
"Welcome to my domain." Alzsna said to her as she flew to Night Swan, and punched her. Night Swan got startled as she felt the punch. But, then she smiled devilishly.
"Now, this is gonna be interesting!" She said as she flew to Alzena and tried to strike her, but she blocked her claws. They were in a clash at this point
"What kind of mother would hurt their child?" Alzena asked her
"If a child is disobedient, you have to punish them. So, their resolve to stay with you is stronger" Night Swan answered "That's probably a lesson that you needed. Considering that your daughter moved out. Her resolve was weak." Alzena then pushed Night Swan away
"Nothing I've done could've pointed towards why Liv moved out. I've raised her into the woman she is now. She made the decision to leave on her own." Alzena said angrily
"Ah, so that Gothic vampire is your daughter? Thanks for letting me know who to drop your body off to!" Night Swan said as she lunged towards Alzena and sent them both back to her palace.
Night Swan then slashed Alzena's torso, causing her to bleed. Then, Night Swan, punched her to the outside of the palace, landing her on the grass.
Alzena vs. Night Swan results:
Night Swan Wins
Alzena was just there, bleeding on the grass, collecting her thoughts
I'm sorry, Liv.
I want to fight alongside you
But, I guess there's other plans for me......
2 hours later
Alzena wakes up and sees that she's in a dark room, with a coffin, and moths flying everywhere illuminating the room. She looks down and sees that she has three stitches on her body.
"Your welcome." A strange voice said to her. Alzena got startled and turned around to see two women standing behind her in a dark corner.
"Who are you?" Alzena asked them
"I'm Mothigan, and to my left is Freyja. She was the one to stitch you up, and I was the one who brought you back to life. If you have any questions, feel free to ask"
"Actually, I got a favor." Alzena said "Night Swan is gonna make this world perfect, and that starts with killing the Danceverse Crew. My daughter's on that team, and I don't want her to be hurt. So, I promised her that I'll join alongside her. So, can you guys bring me to them so I can join?"
"Of course!" Mothigan said "Come on, they're on a mission right now, though. But, this team could use someone like you."
Mothigan then grabbed Alzena as they all left her home.
"Don't worry, Liv. I'll see you soon." Alzena said as she, Mothigan, and Freyja flew in the night.
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liskantope · 2 years
So, Herschel Walker will not wind up a Georgia Senator, and the 2022 midterms are finally complete. That was dangerously close, though -- Walker has been hopefully one of the last of these ridiculously (both intellectually and morally) unqualified Republican candidates from a trend that became fully established with the rise of Trump but arguably began 14 years ago with Sarah Palin.
I've mostly held to a posture of declaring in such contests that it's not about policy or Republican versus Democrat, it's about being fundamentally qualified versus otherwise, and so it's outrageous that these contests even come close. This is pretty much in line with what I constantly hear from other left-leaning people. And yet...
Lately I've been coming to see a different perspective on this: many voters are just really pragmatic about trying to get policies they like. And I'm not entirely sure that this is wrong, or that I wouldn't be this way myself. I've just always had the benefit of preferring the policies of the major American political party that feels no real temptation to run candidates of that fundamentally unacceptable kind. As long as the parties stay more or less in their current states, only the Republican party has enough discomfort, resentment, and/or disdain for what we might call Established Expertise to feel any attraction whatsoever to candidates who thumb their noses at it. (The closest the Democrats have come to this in my lifetime may have been Marianne Williamson for president in 2020, and she didn't win the candidacy by a long shot.)
For simplicity, let's just narrow this down to one big issue that people on both sides feel very strongly about: abortion. If you're a very pro-choice Democrat who sees restrictive abortion laws as a huge middle finger to women, as extremely detrimental to the lives of millions of women and to the development of underprivileged communities, then the practical effects of electing someone who will defend the right to choose, regardless of that candidate's personality or basic qualifications for office, might outweigh most everything else. At least, I think most voters of this description, if they're really looking at themselves honestly, would admit that they put effect on policy over every other consideration here, even if it means holding their nose while they vote. Well then, doesn't it make sense, by the same token, that an ardently pro-life Republican, who sincerely believes that millions of babies are being murdered as long as abortion is legal (or who is just dead set against women having autonomy, according to a more cynical and less theory-of-mind-ful liberal) might prioritize that goal over electing someone who seems decently earnest and fundamentally qualified? Millions of human beings are going to be murdered / have their bodily autonomy taken away, depending on our point of view: surely the priority is to put a person in power who we can trust to prevent that! (And add to this a list of other issues that many of us are passionate about, each of whose sides tend to line up and fall under the preferences of one of our two main political tribes.)
I remember in my early years on Tumblr, during the rise of Trump, that Barry Deutsch (haven't heard much from him lately, I hope he's doing all right?) wrote a post that kind of shocked me at the time, about how he would put policy over character even in the case of a candidate who was obviously a rapist. I wanted to argue back and tried, but couldn't entirely deny deep down inside that I knew he was being quite rational, reasonable, and honest in the point he was making (just tried to find this exchange in my archive but am not up for going on a long hunt for it, hopefully my memory serves correctly).
[EDIT: wouldncha know it, a few days later I just ran across it while looking through my archives for something else from around the same period. Here is Barry's post with my response. I'm sort of bemused looking back at this, particularly at my part of it and how sort-of-right but sort-of-wrong I was.]
Just the other day, one of my colleagues mentioned that he couldn't imagine what personally disqualifying characteristics a Democrat running on left-wing positions could possibly have that would make him unwilling to vote for them in an election, because what they're running on is so vitally important. He said that even if they were a known murderer, he would kind of have to vote for them or at least consider it, maybe not because voting for a murderer might degrade his own character, so it would be a real dilemma. This conversation made a real impression on me (not that my thoughts had never before skirted to that kind of dilemma and how I or typical left-wing people would handle it) and is part of is compelling me to post this. And the most interesting thing is, this same colleague, on the subject of Herschel Walker, pretty much expressed the usual outrage over the fact that such a fundamentally unqualified candidate was only narrowly losing, not losing 20-80, parties and policy positions be damned.
If we're going to criticize the American Right for running and voting for clowns and obvious criminals and otherwise horrible and completely unqualified people, then we have to seriously ask ourselves whether we'd support similarly terrible candidates if we trusted them to support the positions we find extremely important. Because if so, it's just a little too easy a rhetorical move to point at and mock the other side for this.
One caveat: the main reason, I think, why most left-leaning people don't really consider my above point, is that it's a pure and very unlikely hypothetical that doesn't easily occur to us: the Left, compared to the Right, has enough respect for Established Expertise and general seriousness that the Democratic party in its current state would never dream of putting up the kind of ridiculous candidate that the Republicans have been trying out. As long as that continues to be the case, we don't have to actually worry about the dilemma my colleague brought up.
Another caveat: leaving aside general clownishness, incompetence, unseriousness, and outwardly bad character, if a candidate blatantly disdains the democratic process which is part of the self-correcting nature of our political system (which the Right is certainly overall far more guilty of today than the Left) by deciding that elections are rigged and shouldn't be trusted if they don't come out in their favor, then since this is sort of a huge meta-issue and in my opinion really does need to come before even most very important policy issues. In the (currently but perhaps not always) unlikely hypothetical situation where the shoe is on the other foot and it's someone with policies I strongly favor acting this way, I'd like to think I know how I would reluctantly feel compelled to respond.
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bretha-stitchwitch · 1 year
*deep breath*
So, here's the thing.
I used to write like breathing. Like something that both felt utterly natural and utterly necessary to survival.
I announced as a precocious seven year old, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, that I wanted to be a world-famous author "like Roald Dahl".
(There's an entire digression into how poorly his work has aged and the debatability of his fame, and that's not even touching on the mess that is the current sanitisation of his works and both the erasure of authorial intent and control AND the blatant money-grab by the publishers, not to mention the tone-deafness of the edits AND the fact that an old dead white dude's stuff is getting rehashed instead of highlighting new authors and stories... but that's not what this post is about.)
(This post might be full of similar run-on sentences; I'd apologise, but it'd be an empty gesture given that I'm pretty sure it'll happen again, and saying sorry is meant to mean that you're not going to commit the same act again, and, well... *gestures at this entire parenthetical* we can see how likely that is.)
So yes. At one point, and for a significant portion of my childhood and teen years, I fully intended to make good on that pronouncement. Moreover, I thought it would be easy to do so.
Writing certainly felt easy, and was something I both loved doing and felt compelled to do.
And then it was not.
I've told friends and friendly colleagues who've asked in the past why I stopped, that I am afraid, and could trace that fear back to a single class in university.
It's glib, but not entirely untrue.
It was a Creative Writing class, and we had a guest lecturer - a professional editor from the traditional publishing industry, talking about the realities of said industry and day-to-day work for editors like them.
It was insightful and illuminating, and some of the class left the lecture invigorated and excited to overcome the obstacles to becoming a successfully published author.
But I remember feeling my dreams shrivel and wither, as though they were delicate mosses blasted by sudden heat or sunlight.
Because I was suddenly confronted with the reality that my dream wouldn't be easy and might never come true - and that I would be just one of hundreds of others like me, lost in a crowd, not special or notable.
I had been a big fish in a little pond for so long, writing as easily as breathing, stories bubbling up inside and exciting me as I spilled them out onto the page.
And suddenly I knew that I was no longer that big fish. Suddenly, I knew I would likely face countless rounds of rejection and indifference, even ridicule, for the stories I wanted to tell.
I didn't have sufficient self-esteem or confidence to withstand the imagined scorn. In the span of just 40 minutes, I imagined everything that might be said of my writing, assumed it all to be true and warranted... And just like that, I no longer found writing as easy as breathing, and in fact was struggling to breathe as well.
(All this was probably exacerbated by undiagnosed autism and accompanying rejection sensitivity dysphoria, but since I'm still undiagnosed I can only offer that to my past self as hypothesis rather than known fact.)
I've tried, at various times, to recapture the old joy and excitement of storytelling. TTRPGs have helped - one glorious hybrid LARP with a heavy (and unplanned by the poor STs) online RP component certainly did the most to reignite the passion to write. Between myself and one friend, we wrote over 20,000 words back and forth in the span of 48 hours, which I then took and turned into over 30,000 words of fleshed out description and narrative that still holds up after 5+ years.
But each time, the fear crowds back in, smothering the fires of creativity, suffocating the flow of stories, and I sit there once more, staring at a blank page and gasping.
And I'm tired of letting the fear win.
So I'm going to try something. It'll take time, far longer than any of my childhood writing projects. It may go unfinished for years, possibly unfinished full-stop (though I am certainly going to try my best to finish).
Because for the first time in a long time, I can feel a story bubbling up, itching to be told. Multiple stories in fact, so many little stories woven into a full and whole cloth to become something greater. An anthology stitched together by a meta story behind it.
And all of those stories, instead of shrivelling or withering, seem to be waiting patiently - not delicate mosses, but hardy fungi flourishing secretly in the dark, waiting for a chance to burst forth.
And I'm reminded that the fruiting body of a fungus, marshmallow-soft, can punch through concrete when it finally comes time to sprout forth.
So. I might not breathe stories like air any more... But perhaps I can cultivate them like mushrooms.
This blog is the embodiment of that hope. It's a promise to myself to at least TRY.
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