agentscrags · 9 days
moved scrags back to @bimother
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agentscrags · 1 month
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Keith had passed out the keys to the rooms, handing one over to Scrags and @neuronz with a mumble about having changed the reservations. It had earned an eye roll from the agent, but he bit back what he wanted to say. He didn't mind rooming with Esther... it was just nice to know ahead of time so that he could prepare his head differently. Originally he was meant to be rooming with Keith and really he was kind of grateful he wasn't anymore, but now he had to go through hoops of what to talk to Esther about. Maybe he could get away with just discussing the current case and the reappearance of the Demonic Apostle.
He'd handed the room key to Esther when they got off the elevator, phone buzzing in his trousers to draw his attention. He was in a text to his boss when they reached the door, barely listening to anything that left the other as they entered the room. He heard them scoff then noticed them turning to look at him--
are you the big spoon or little spoon?
Scrags steps into the room as the question is presented to him, eyes landing on the single queen bed in the room. He flicks his gaze around the room in hopes of catching the sight of a pull out couch, but he sees nothing of the sorts. He blinks and tries to go backwards a few steps in his head to recall what Esther had asked him. Their question rattling around in his brain a moment before he's shaking his head, "Real funny. This is just some kind of mess up, one I'm sure we can get sorted."
[ one bed ] sender and receiver are forced to share the same room and the single bed within it
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agentscrags · 1 month
@neuronz continued from 🐶
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It was the brief moment between staring at him and laughter that he thought Esther was actually going to back him up. It was a fleeting second of a thought, but it was there and it hit his shoulders like a heavy weight when they started to laugh. His shoulders slumped and his head hung, eyes shutting as a hand lifts to pinch at the bridge of his nose with long fingers. He exhales a sigh as they go on explaining their thoughts on the situation knowing that it was clear by the sound of it-- no one considered him the boss of this situation. Keith would argue he was the leader, but Scrags was aware of how far that actually went. There had never really been a boss when it came to the squad, but here he was trying to burden some of that load with a case given to him by the FBI. He wasn't even meant to have them helping, but... well, he enjoyed having the squad back around and solving mysteries was so much more rewarding.
He lifts his head after a moment, hand holding out between them as if to stop Esther from continuing. He clears his throat and breaks in when there's a moment, "Fine, okay. We won't use the term boss to avoid the idea of me being in charge of you. However," he waves his hand in a circle while dropping all digits but his index so he could emphasize his point, "this case falls under my umbrella of what to do and I'd really like to do this one by the books."
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agentscrags · 1 month
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uh… FYI. not my fault.
"Not your fault?!" His voice pitches at the end of the short question, cracking and head snapping around to look at the Brainiac beside him. "What?!" He exasperates the word then shakes his head, hands waving in front of him to emphasize his frustration towards the situation, "I blacked out on that stage! I thought I just fell into a really long day dream, but no! I was just this standing statue staring into space while a bunch of adolescents watched us give a speech about being mature, responsible adults!" He hears Keith snort and he shoots a finger in his direction, "Not now, Keith!"
Scrags exhales a breath and shuts his eyes, hands lifting to push at his hair and smooth it back before he starts again in a much calmer tone, "You said you gave me an edible, @neuronz. I think me not remembering anything that happened on that stage is certainly your fault. I could've made a royal ass of myself! God-- I, fuck, I don't know what to even say. I can't believe you'd do that." Maybe he's overreacting, maybe he's freaking out in a way he doesn't need to. He can't help it though. He's paranoid, antsy and unsure. He doesn't like not knowing something and not knowing a single thing that happened on that stage after a certain point? It boiled him and made his stomach knot, "Maybe next time we speak in front of a school we can all just share a joint! on! stage!"
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agentscrags · 1 month
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He wasn't sure what the response was going to be, but the action he was given in turn? That had been a hopeful possibility of happening. He could only beg whoever would listen that Esther wouldn't react terribly and just run away from this-- go into flight mode. Instead he melts, eyes rolling shut and shoulders slumping with a relaxed feeling he wasn't sure he'd feel again that morning. He'd been almost certain something of an opposite degree would transpire. Didn't it make more sense for them to run from whatever they missed out on? Wasn't that less scary?
A soft smile meets the kiss, hands raising to grab at their sides-- curling fingers into the fabric of their jacket. He tilts into the kiss, mouth matching the rhythm of the kiss she was pacing against him. It was hungry, wanton.. needy. It felt as powerful as it had felt the night before and he wasn't sure if that was coincidence or if it would happen every time. Wait-- did this mean there'd be more times? Was this the physical confirmation that it was going to be more than casual... or were they shutting him up?
He breaks away from the kiss, drawing back just enough to look down at the other, "This is a good kiss, right? Like... I'm not reading into it wrong and suddenly you're gonna whip out the peace sign and hit me with a 'duces'?"
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ah, just as they suspected. he folded nearly instantly after their analysis and expressed his truth. that, for some reason, he wanted them. he didn't know half of the shit they had gotten themselves into, but what he did know? jeepers, why would he want to get into that? the old esther had been so bright and full of hope and this one . . . this one chased a high to keep themselves as numb as possible. wasted and ruined potential, one might say.
but then again, scrags wasn't the same scrags as back in the day either. wasn't that kind of the point of all of this? jeez.
they didn't know how to properly respond. the pistons were starting to fire in their sleepy, hungover brain, and they knew it was a matter of time before the forest of overthinking started to sprout. so, they responded the best way they knew how -- cutting scrags off by grabbing the sides of his face in both of their hands and drawing him into a slow but hungry kiss. actions spoke louder than words, right?
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agentscrags · 1 month
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you're lying to me.
They begin pointing out every tell that fell over him, mentally fingering his chest with the remark about his heartrate. He knew his heart was racing, but he certainly didn't know what it was pounding at. He just knew Esther was making him anxious, this whole situation was making him panic. He knew if he didn't say something that they'd say exactly what was going through his head, but he couldn't get his voice to come out as Esther came to a stop in front of him. His brown hues watch their expression as they watch him and speak their thoughts, their calculations about this situation.
"I..." he stutters over the one letter, clearing his throat again then trying with a quiet, "I want this to be something other than casual." He forces his gaze to stay on Esther's, breath shaky, "When we were younger and we... you know," he flushes, "I never got the chance to ask you to be something more with me and I guess... fuck--" don't panic, just breathe. remember your exercises. in, out. "I don't want this to be casual, Esther. I don't want this to have been a one and done thing-- I mean. It can be." He's correcting himself, overthinking it as his eyes widen, "It can be a once and over with thing if that's what you want, but I... I guess I can't lie about what I'm thinking."
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esther blinked quickly after rubbing their eyes to get their lenses to focus. but when they did so, they noticed something about scrags that made them frown. the eyes darting away . . . the licking of his lips . . . the cracking of his voice that led to him clearing his throat. these were not just general tells, these were scrags' tells of --
" you're lying to me, " they mused bluntly as they turned more towards him. they hadn't had a chance to put on their socks and boots, so bare feet started to slowly pad across the floor as they continued to study their specimen. " your mouth has gone dry, judging from the way you just licked your lips and cleared your throat. if i had to guess, your heart rate just spiked into the 130s, and without a workout being currently present, that's very likely the signs of something making you anxious. of something causing you to start panicking . . . "
they stopped in front of scrags and tilted their head. their own heart rate was starting to pick up, and god, why was he still standing here? in two minutes, they could take care of this and start feeling nothing again. to be slingshot back into neutral territory.
" and if my calculations are correct, you want this to be something more than casual . . . "
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agentscrags · 1 month
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what is all this stuff?
When Scrags turned he frowned, eyes landing on where @neuronz had taken down a shoebox from his closet. They'd lifted the lid which meant they most likely saw the collar layered over other trinkets, toys, and pictures. Pictures of Cluebert, him and Cluebert... the Squad. But the box itself was filled with things meant for his dog, things that he couldn't let go of even twenty years later. He knows it's silly or something... maybe weird? He didn't know what to call it specifically, but he knew it wasn't okay for him to be holding onto all this stuff. Sure some would say the few items were okay, but the weight of losing his dog? Losing his best friend... the one thing his dad actually gave a shit about getting him too? It hurt like hell and it didn't matter that Keith had apparently nailed the killer with the van.
Scrags was still working through a lot in his head and lately it was starting to weigh on him again. He'd been recently attempting to reach out to his dad and tell him he was back around Mayberry quite often... but it didn't matter. Not even when Scrags finally moved into a small apartment near the pizza place downtown-- he'd tried showing up at the house only to find a neighbor watering the rose bushes outside. They'd said his dad was gone filming some indie thing or college thing or something acting-- didn't matter again. It was just another moment his dad wasn't around to see him actively trying to do good with his life.
But then again... why would his dad start showing up now?
He was pretty sure one of the first pictures in the box was one of him and Cluebert with his dad. He missed that dog, but he missed the reason the dog even existed in his life to begin with. "Ah, just... just things of Cluebert's and a few photos from the past." He walks over so he can stand beside them, but he doesn't move to take the box instead letting them peer it at a bit longer, "Things I couldn't let go of, ya know?"
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agentscrags · 1 month
and so what if i got myself a little treat in the form of a scrags/squad centric cameo??? it's a small gift to me for my birthday being around the corner. 😇
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agentscrags · 1 month
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In all honesty, Scrags didn't know what he wanted or expected from this. He should've known last night when they started tearing at each other's clothes that this was going to be less than anything he felt. Or thought. Esther wasn't an emotional person, not anymore at least. They'd numbed themselves to high heaven (literally) so to never feel any of that again. It was rare to catch them in a moment of being sober and last night they certainly weren't. But now? Now he was looking at the same doe eyed expression that dumbfounded him at fifteen-- bags under their eyes from lack of sleep, but the whites were white and the irises were dilated properly to the lighting. This was as sober as they were going to get before they eventually took another whatever.
But with them being sober? They could read him like an open book. Hell, they didn't have to be to do that.. but now those trees were sprouting in their head and reading him so easily. He knew the question was coming before it was asked and it tinted his cheeks red. His eyes darted away and he shook his head quickly, shifting on the balls of his feet-- tongue lashing out to quickly wet his lips before he was responding with a cracking voice, "What's there to talk about, right?" He clears his throat despite knowing he couldn't lie worth a damn to Esther, but fuck did he try, "It was just two colleagues being casual."
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esther had spent twenty years trying to numb themselves of any sort of feeling. any emotion could inspire their mind to explode in a redwood forest of thought, something that had become so painful and draining that they had poisoned their body with all sorts of shit in an attempt to fry their neurons. but nothing seemed to stick. their tolerance kept getting higher and higher, and right now, all esther wanted to do was take the fattest bump to try to get over what they were feeling right now. because with scrags? esther felt possibly too much. they always had.
they felt around in their pocket for the little baggy and sighed with relief when their fingers curled around it, but they were forced to pause with scrags standing there. in the beginning, they had no problem using in front of scrags, but the sad pity that would fill his eyes when they did anything stronger than weed sent their stomach into flips and flops. he was a master of those fucking brown eyes, and they were pretty sure he had no idea of it.
they gave a small nod in response to his affirmation that casual was fine, though they glanced back at him and studied him for a moment. " did . . . you want to talk about it? "
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agentscrags · 1 month
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In the most honest way he knew how to be, Scrags didn't have too many bed partners in the last several years. He'd had a "situation" here or there with someone, but nothing ever stuck and they usually bailed out on him after the third or fourth night together. Sometimes not even that far. So he knew his way around a figure if he needed to, but he hadn't needed to in quite a long time. He had really just started burying himself into the FBI for the last two years especially-- wait, had it been two years since he'd last...? Not that Scrags had it in his head that he'd need a refresher course in going to bed with someone, but damn had that been awhile. Again, not that he thought he'd need it. Why would he? He was busier than ever now-- working gigs for both the FBI and the Squad, mostly the latter.
But being in the Squad again was like a whiplash he didn't know how to get past. Some days were better than others, but on most occasions he found himself in the same old song and dance of the glory days. And that was most often at the side of Esther [ REDACTED ], the two always getting paired off because Keith made it obvious where his attention really was. So it was up to him and Esther to find clues on their side of things and just hope the other two did as well. But the problem here with being around Esther again was that Scrags was in constant flickering thoughts of their last interactions. He remembered the case. Remembered the way the group held a funeral of sorts for Cluebert and how Esther had stayed the longest at his side next to the headstone in his mom's backyard.
Not even Esther stayed though. Couldn't blame them, but Scrags couldn't deny he missed the other. Esther had been their closest friend in the group... maybe even more. He could say that, right? The two of them had been at least experimenting with the idea of something after what happened in that supply closet. Scrags so shaken and scared, trembling in Esther's arms up until the other teen was kissing him to draw his attention off the situation. He tried not to think back to that... it'd been nearly twenty years, right? What was there left between them beside the fact Scrags knew how to get into their head just enough to get their help.
Tonight had been a series of working through clues together that they wanted to present to Keith and Gwen tomorrow, the two of them out on some stake out of their own or whatever. He didn't press. He just made quips and jokes about it, so did Esther-- maybe that's what drew them in like magnets. He hadn't expected a kiss and he definitely hadn't expected the way they tore at each other's clothes. He tried to tell them he was out of practice, but a quick touch of their hand and kiss told him they didn't care. They wanted him and Scrags gave in entirely. His body moving against theirs in a blur of motions on the table... the couch... the floor... his bed. God. He didn't think he had that much stamina in him, but he found it with waves of second winds that just wouldn't stop until he finally had to tap out. Panting that if he didn't stop now that he'd probably pass out. They laughed and he nuzzled right into their neck, kissing a whispered thought that he was scared to admit. Words of how badly he'd missed them right there, but not coming out.
When he woke the next morning he was alone in the bed, hand reaching out in search for Esther only to find the warmth of where they'd been. It had him getting out of bed and finding a fresh pair of boxers to toss on along with a t-shirt. He eventually found them, dark hues landing on Esther working on tugging clothes over their frame. Something in his stomach tugged threatening to sink or twist into a knot. He finally spoke up, asking whether they should talk about it and the answer had his face falling. Eyes shooting away and hand anxiously moving to brush through his hair then down to the back of his neck, he rubbed the skin there, "Right, yeah, casual. Of course." He hadn't been sure what last night was, but he'd held in confessions that wanted to seep out and suddenly he felt glad that he had. If he'd told them he'd missed them while they laid naked in his bed? Would that have suggested something more? Fuck. No. He could do casual. "Casual is fine."
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esther was no stranger to having bed partners. they had been in a long term polyamorous relationship with a woman and her husband for a large part of their late twenties and early thirties, and amongst and around that relationship, they had brought plenty of one night stands home. just like the drugs that coursed through esther's system, rolling around in the sheets and fixating on the freaky of it all helped keep their mind at bay instead of all pistons firing.
there was no one that made esther feel like a walking fucking cliche like scrags, but lo and behold. he had been their first back when they were teenagers. it hadn't been some nervous touchy-feely shit in one of their beds, no. it had been in the heat of the moment in a supply closet. something full of passionate and emotion. it was one of the last times esther remembered feeling true joy before it was ripped away from them. they sometimes let their mind wander to what life might have been like if cluebert hadn't been killed . . . but they were always quick to squash those thoughts. there was no point in hypothesizing on what could have been. bong rips usually pulled them out of those thoughts.
with the gang getting back together and more time spent with scrags, they were feeling something start to creep back up inside of them. particularly in the way that they were spending more time alone together like the night before. they had been at scrags' place looking over some clues for a current case on their docket. and just like the supply closet, they didn't remember who looked at who or how that look prolonged. they didn't remember who dove in or if it was mutual. but the feeling of scrags' lips on theirs send shockwaves through esther's system. like a brain blast but something that made them feel like they were being kickstarted back to life rather than being overwhelmed by it. clothes were tugged off and thrown this way and that and esther let scrags have them right there on the table . . . but it didn't stop that one time like it had in the closet. they had twenty years of pent up emotions they let out on the couch, on the floor in between the couch and the coffee table, and eventually, in scrags' bed before the two fell asleep curled up with one another. thank god for the voluntary partial hysterectomy when they were thirty, they guessed.
the next morning, they arose before scrags and tip toed around the apartment to pluck and pull on their clothes that had been scattered about the night before. they knew they shouldn't just leave like they normally did. this was scrags. scrags . . . he deserved better than that.
they were lost in that thought while pulling on their jacket when they heard a voice in the doorway between the main area and the hallway that led to his bedroom. a sleepy voice that matched the expression on his face. their eyes flicked across @agentscrags' frame and noticed he had tugged on a t-shirt and boxers in the time they were getting dressed.
should we talk about it?
they licked their lips and lifted a hand to rub at an eye that had gone dry from sleeping in their contacts. " i assume you're not talking about the case, " they joked light-heartedly with a tug of the corner of their lips. " we don't . . . have to make a big deal of it if you don't want to. i've had plenty of casual partners -- "
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agentscrags · 1 month
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... could've had the Role of a Lifetime
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agentscrags · 1 month
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we were the coolest kids in mayberry. we captured hundreds of criminals before we even got to high school... and we were the best of friends ... 𝙱𝚄𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃'𝚂 𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝙽𝙾𝚆 . ©
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agentscrags · 1 month
PROMPTS FOR SPENDING THE NIGHT TOGETHER *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
[ storm ] sender sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists receiver stay the night and ride it out
[ too late ] sender notices how late it is and suggests receiver sleeps over rather than travel the long distance home
[ sleepover ] sender and receiver have been planning this sleepover situation for a while now, and tonight's the night it finally happens!
[ one bed ] sender and receiver are forced to share the same room and the single bed within it
[ accident ] while traveling with receiver, sender accidentally books a room with one bed, and the place is too crowded to find another option
[ sick ] sender tends to a sick receiver at their home and stays the night to watch over them
[ injured ] sender brings an injured receiver home and refuses to leave their side overnight
[ couch ] while receiver sleeps on the couch, sender leaves their bedroom to snuggle with them instead
[ sneak ] while receiver sleeps in their bed, sender abandons their place on the couch and climbs into bed with them
[ awkward ] sender and receiver, laying in the same bed, establish some distance between their bodies before falling asleep. when they wake up, they realize they're cuddling
[ movie ] while watching a movie together, sender and receiver fall asleep on the couch and end up staying there all night
[ car ] with no hotel or place to stay in sight, sender and receiver fall asleep in their car together
[ fort ] sender and receiver build a pillow fort and fall asleep inside it
[ read ] sender reads to receiver to help them fall asleep
[ work ] forced to pull an all-nighter, sender and receiver work tirelessly side by side through the night
[ tent ] there's only one tent on this camping trip/adventure, so sender and receiver are forced to snuggle down in cramped quarters and make it work
[ outdoors ] sender and receiver construct a temporary shelter to get through the night outdoors, huddling together for warmth
[ pretend ] sender and receiver are fake-dating/fake-married and have to be seen staying the same room together to fully sell the relationship
[ intimacy ] sender and receiver wake up in the same bed and, in the haze of a beautiful morning, kiss for the very first time
[ whisper ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to sleep) beside them, sender whispers affectionate, reassuring things to them thinking they can't hear
[ caress ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to be asleep) beside them, sender admires how wonderful they look and gently caresses their arm
[ innocent ] before the two of them fall asleep, sender leans in and presses an innocent kiss to receiver's forehead
[ kiss ] sender and receiver share a tender kiss before they cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms
[ spoon ] sender snuggles up behind receiver in bed and spoons them as they sleep
[ snore ] sender wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes receiver's snoring woke them up
[ hair ] sender gently strokes receiver's hair until they fall asleep
[ locked up ] locked away in the same cell/compartment, sender and receiver try and sleep side by side for comfort and warmth
[ cave ] out of options, sender and receiver are forced to spend the night together in a cave
i know my way around. i've stayed the night before.
is this the pillow i used last time?
mind if i stay the night?
you snore, you know.
i think i might fall asleep standing up.
it's not safe for you to drive home.
you should stay here. i don't mind.
i'll take the couch, and you can have my bed.
don't be serious. i'll take the couch.
this could be fun! it's a sleepover!
i have nowhere else to go.
i feel safer when you're here.
i don't want to impose.
are you the big spoon or little spoon?
would it be all right if i stayed the night?
i don't snore.
i'll stay on my side of the bed if you stay on yours.
pretend there's an invisible line down the middle of the bed. don't cross it.
there's no harm in cuddling.
i'm freezing.
is this the first time you've slept with someone?
this doesn't have to lead to sex.
this doesn't mean anything.
you fell asleep on my shoulder.
i'll protect you all night.
you'll never get home in a storm like this.
i don't want you driving in that.
i don't want you traveling in that.
bad news. the room's only got one bed.
is there a pullout couch we can use?
i'll just sleep on the floor.
pretty sure we cuddled all night.
you used me as your pillow.
i got you a blanket.
mind if i scoot in?
stay in bed. i'm here to help.
what's a little cuddling between friends?
i'm glad you stayed over.
what if we watch something to pass the time?
i didn't have anywhere else to go.
did you have to buy the smallest tent possible?
at least pretend that you like me.
do you like spooning?
this doesn't have to be awkward.
you're really warm.
this is cozy.
you should stay like this.
i don't want you to go.
can i hold you for a while?
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agentscrags · 1 month
PROMPTS FROM SHREK 2 *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
quick! tell a lie!
i can't believe you're just gonna walk away from the best thing that ever happened to you.
say something crazy, like "i'm wearing ladies underwear!"
i most certainly am not!
it's a thong!
i don't feel any different. do i look any different?
you still look like an ass to me.
nobody said i have the right to remain silent!
you have the right to remain silent. what you lack is the capacity.
stop. i have misjudged you.
join the club. we got jackets.
look, she's not seeing any clients today.
we're from the union.
we represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign.
are you feeling at all degraded or oppressed?
okay, we're going to have a look around.
think of the saddest thing that's ever happened to you.
oh man. where do i begin?
they all got drunk and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "piñata! piñata!"
i need you to cry!
all i got in my room was shampoo.
i hate mondays.
who on earth are they?
that's not little. that's a really big problem.
we came, we saw them, now let's go before they light the torches.
they're my parents!
good! now's our chance! let's go back inside and pretend we're not home.
quick, while they're not looking, we can make a run for it.
you can do this.
i don't want to die!
oh sweet sister mother of mercy! i'm melting! i'm melting!
i'm sorry, the position of annoying talking animal has already been taken.
oh look! a little cat!
look out! he's got a piece!
are we there yet?
oh god help me! please!
tell the truth. will i ever be able to play the violin again?
i drank the potion and well, now... i'm sexy.
oh pick me! i'll be your true love!
someday i will repay you, unless of course i can't find you, or if i forget.
fear me, if you dare.
i had hoped you would never see me like this.
i'm sorry to both of you.
i just wish i could be the man that you deserve.
go! your lady needs you!
today, i repay my debt.
who dares enter my room?
i hope i'm not interrupting anything.
you are told correct, but for this i charge a great deal of money.
for five minutes, could you not be yourself?
it wasn't my fault! he didn't get there in time!
are you kidding? he's gorgeous! his face looks like it was carved by angels?
i see london! i see france!
why don't we drop in for a spell?
oh mexican food! my favorite!
you have forced me to do something i really don't want to do.
my diet is ruined! i hope you're happy.
they just want to give us their blessing.
who said i want to be part of this family?
look out! here comes the new me!
first things first. we need to get you out of those clothes.
did i miss?
pardon me. would you mind letting me go?
quit messing around!
almost everybody who meets you wants to kill you.
whatever happens... i must not cry.
can i help you, your majesty?
tell us about where you live.
i guess that will be a fine place to raise the children.
oh, stop being such a drama king.
i don't care whose fault this was, just get this place cleaned up.
i'm not going.
he's completely lost his mind!
we can't be lost.
i wasn't the one who refused to stop for directions.
you're so tense.
do you think you could get up there?
i've made changes for you. think about that.
i guess i gave her the wrong tea.
sorry. i thought that question was directed at me.
uh... FYI. not my fault.
we just need to work out something smarter, that's all.
i need to have someone "taken care of."
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agentscrags · 1 month
TREASURE PLANET (2002) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the disney film, adjust as necessary
you're gonna rattle the stars.
now you listen to me, [name]. you got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm and chart your own course.
look at you, glowing like a solar fire.
you're something special, [name].
let me make this as... monosyllabic as possible.
how did i describe them?
i said something rather good this morning before coffee.
there you go. poetry.
i'm an astronomer, not a doctor!
i am a doctor, but i'm not that kind of doctor. i have a doctorate. it's not the same thing. you can't help people with a doctorate.
you just sit there and you're useless.
i won't bore you with my scars.
oh shut up. you know i don't mean a word of it.
i'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes.
you have wonderful eyes.
yes, you. i have a question.
is it that your body is too massive for your teeny-tiny head, or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny for your big fat body?
i have one more question.
is this yours?
well, this has been a fun day.
without the map, we're dead.
if we try to leave, we're dead.
what a joke.
at least you taught me something.
that's just what i'm gonna do.
you still don't know how to pick your fights.
are you saying this because it's the right thing, or because you really want to go?
playing games, are we?
thanks for the lift, guys.
don't mention it.
this is the answer to all our problems!
don't you remember? all those stories?
would you please explain how ridiculous this is?
it's totally preposterous! traversing the galaxy alone!
now at last we hear some sense.
you flatter me, [name].
i feel like such a useless weakling.
stay out of trouble!
that was more fun than i ever want to have again.
so... uh. how'd that happen anyway?
i've got two new friends i'd like you to meet.
are your parents around?
i've got some plans to make people see me a little different.
sometimes plans go astray.
you take care now.
this should be a wonderful opportunity for the two of us to get to know one another.
with the greatest possible respect, zip your howling screamer.
we're about to get under way!
i'll follow you.
you know the rules.
maybe your ears don't work so well.
i just don't want to see you throw away your entire future.
i don't know how you manage it.
did you actually aim for that?
what is all this stuff?
wait wait wait! what about the treasure?
i don't want to lose you.
i'll make you proud.
i'm sorry, my memory isn't what it used to be.
i say we kill them all now.
all my life, i've been waiting for an opportunity like this.
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agentscrags · 1 month
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sandwich trick.
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agentscrags · 1 month
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banners done. 🥰
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