weareloserstogether · 4 years
Anyone want to do any of these rps?
Maybe an OC Hufflepuff x slytherin? (I'm hufflepuff)
Pirate x siren
(Eithere of these can be female or male but i do prefer gay relationships, i can do straight tho if you want) i am bottom, I prefer it. I top too much in rp.
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
I cant get this out of my head so like imagine you get sassy with umbridge and she takes you to her office to do the whole pen thing and your Hogwarts crush finds out. How would they react? God can someone write this? I don't have time to (P.S. if anyone does, please tag me)
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
Ayeo, if anyone would like to do a Reddie rp hit me up! (I can do Fem!Reddie as well) I'm planning to do a teen reddie with them in highschool and such, we could each take a few characters to play and maybe even do some other ships we like alongside Reddie. I haven't done many of these but I want to. (Looking for a richie) I can play Rich but I prefer not to ususally, Just because I never really get to play Eddie. DM me!
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
I am currently living through this so I decided to post it here. It'll get better and these things are very true, please keep them in mind and keep yourself safe ^^
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Credit: Ashley McMinn
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
I uh couldn’t stop thinking about this
I re-blogged a post a while ago that gave me a soulmate idea and i just couldn’t stop thinking so here’s a very short and kinda skippy one shot i had to make with the idea (it is quite skippy but i made it in like a day, might make a more detailed version of this on a later date with more characters and such)
Eddie was in his room, staring at the ceiling of his room as he twirled the unmagnetized half-circle of steel between his fingers. Eddie could hear his mom in the area below his haven, listening to the TV and most likely asleep in her lazy boy.
Eddie always wondered who his soulmate was, who would hold his hand and make his half-circle magnetize. He took a look at his bracelet before letting it fall with a sigh. He was already 16 years old and hadn't found the one met for him yet, and it weighed down on him.
After a few thoughts, Eddie let himself fall asleep with the same uneasy feeling that he had every night.
The next morning he woke up and started his same routine. He started with a shower, washing his hair with both shampoo and conditioner and stepping out once he was clean. He would stand in front of his mirror and look at his body to make sure he was staying a good weight. Once Eddie was done, he kissed his bracelet and hoped for a good day.  
Eddie dried his hair, pushing his fingers through his hair to get the right style for the day, combing it and re-styling it again. Before putting on his clothes, which were just his usual Tee and shorts. 
Eddie took one last glance at himself before heading out of the bathroom towards the bottom floor. His mother had made the food for him and set it on the table, but she was nowhere to be seen. Eddie assumed she was already sitting in her chair, seated in front of the TV, and he would be correct. "Morning, Mommy" He smiled to his mother, and she nodded back with a similar smile, "good morning, Eddiebear; how was your sleep, sweetie?" Eddie shrugged to this but decided not to say anything about it. His mother nodded and kept the same smile plastered on her face.
This conversation went on for a little before she insisted Eddie eat before school. Eddie had given her a slight nod as he began eating half the food off his plate. Once the 5’ something boy finished eating that half of the food his mother had prepared for him, he began to leave the house with his small backpack that slung around his shoulders effortlessly. Eddie got about 20 steps from his home before getting bumped into by some fucking asshole who wasn’t looking where he was going “Fucking watch it!” Eddie yelled out without thinking, wanting to hide in a hole afterwards since he knew he could easily get beat up by anyone who came across him. Eddie fought the fear and looked up to the other that had bumped into him in the first place, immediately knowing who it was that decided to talk “shit man, sorry. You alright?” It was that fucking Trashmouth that many people had hated back in elementary (Except those two kids named Stan and Bill that seemed to enjoy him quite a bit despite his non-stop talking) Eddie nodded and looked at the hand that the male in front of him outstretched to him. This person didn’t seem to wear his bracelet. It was odd to him, but he didn’t see the need to think about it “are… you sure? You’ve been staring at my hand for a good little bit there,” Trashmouth spoke with a chuckled. “Yeah… yeah, I’m fine” he nodded and grabbed his hand, almost immediately hoisted up to his feet by the relatively taller male. Eddie was quite astonished by the strength of a teenager who was only a year older than him. The Trashmouth that stood in front of him was quite good looking, Eddie had thought to himself as he glanced up and down the form of him. When they were younger, Eddie had seen him messing around, and it always caught his eyes, but he was never allowed to hang out with those ‘rowdy kids that’ll get you hurt Eddiebear’ hearing his moms’ words in his head made him feel weird. He admired the way Richie seemed careless, and like all the world, just rotated around him. Eddie was pulled out of his state when Richie petted his hair and smiled, “I’ll be careful not to bump into you next time, Eddie?” Eddie nodded to this, which caused Richie to smile “right, well, See ya, Eds!” he waved and walked away with a bright hop in each step he took
Stan and Bill, who had been smiling the whole time and looking as if there was a joke somewhere in the words Eddie and Richie were sharing that Eddie wasn’t getting, were pushing Richie along and brightly laughing, knowing some Eddie didn’t. Richie looked back at him with a soft smile, almost like he didn’t want to stop looking at Eddie. Eddie shook these thoughts and sighed, ‘There’s no way Richie, the loudest and irritating kid in school, would linger on Eddie of all people.’ 
These words that Eddie told himself were far from the truth, which he would soon find out. See, Richie had been lingering on Eddie probably his whole life. Still, he thought that Eddie would never want to talk to a Trashmouth like him, so he just watched from afar until this day and damn...now that Richie had a taste of talking to this sweet boy, The Trashmouth would damn himself to hell if he didn’t continue. 
Even though Eddie thought that Richie would never like him, he wanted more than anything to check if his bracelet had magnetized from their hands, closing contact with each other. Eddie finally got his thoughts out of his head and grabbed his things, walking to the school that he now had another reason for liking.
That day had started an event that happened every single day before school, and then during school and slowly every minute of the day that Eddie was free, Richie was there.
They became best friends, inseparable. Eddie was brought into Richies’ group and loved every second of being there. Today was the middle of summer, and Richie brought Eddie to get some ice cream, and Eddie finally brought it up. “Hey...Richie, why don’t you wear your bracelet?” He asked, lifting his ice cream cone and pointing to the bracelet, that slid a bit down his arm from the movement, with the other hand. Richie looked down at this and shrugged, “I don’t think it has much of a purpose, plus what if my soulmate isn’t the one I love now? Do I have to wait and go through not being with the one I want?” He asked questions that Eddie hadn’t thought about before, “I guess you’re right, though I’d like to know the person I love will be with me for our lifetime,” Richie nodded, understanding what he meant. Eddie had been thinking about if Richie was meant to be his soulmate for a long time now, but since Richie didn’t wear his bracelet...he wouldn’t know ever. Richie saw the look on Eddies’ face and sighed, “I can wear it tomorrow if you like? Maybe we are soulmates, Eddie Spaghetti” Richie spoke with a smirk on his face that Eddie kinda loved, but he glared at him “yeah, right, that’s fucking stupid.” Eddie licked his ice cream, secretly enjoying the idea of holding the others hand and their magnets clicking together. Richie chuckled and again had the idea that if they didn’t click, he would officially stop looking for a good and stay with Eddie because he finally knew that Richie loved him, and he really couldn’t give a fuck.
The rest of the day, they were together was filled with banter and just all-around fun times that Eddie would look back on and smile to himself while trying to fall asleep.
Once Richie had let the other back to his house at curfew, Richie sighed, “I was serious earlier, Eddie” He looked at him and smiled softly, waving and walking home, leaving Eddie to wonder what he was serious about all night long.
It had been two months since then, and neither of has had mentioned that day again, Richie was too scared to find out the truth, so he just kept his bracelet in his room, in the drawer that it had been in since the beginning of middle school. Though today was the day before school would start and Richie decided he should find out. He already got dressed and tried to brush out his hair today, though it didn’t quite work. He deep dived in his sock drawer and pulling out the fucking bracelet that he had wished didn’t exist for years. Richie put it on the wrist; he would always hold Eddies’ hand with if he ever fell or wanted contact. He put it under his sleeve so no one would see it and walked out of his room for the day, anxiety whirring through his stomach, making him want to puke and stay home today, but he knew Eddie wouldn’t want to be with him if he wasn’t his soulmate.
For the last day, all the Losers were meeting in the clubhouse out in the woods. Some additions were made to it since Eddie had joined like beanbag chairs, new lighting fixtures and some end tables that were used for things like an ashtray and a lamp that was never on, only put there for design. 
Bev and Richie just got back from smoking, and all Richie could think about was the bracelet that wrapped around his elbow from the sleeve, moving it up more and more as the day went on. Richie had told Bev his plan, and her reaction to that was getting quite excited and chanting random old elementary songs that were written from the idea of the bracelet. Richie’s eyes planted on Eddie, sitting in the hammock with a comic in his hands that Richie had been reading the day before. Richie sighed and walked up to Eddie, leaning against the post “let me in” He stretched the side of the hammock and Eddie got scared by this at first but chuckled and nodded “I’m not stopping you, Richie.” Richie got into the hammock without a second thought, not without trouble, of course, but he didn’t mind that. Richie just sat and grabbed a comic. Richies’ legs were quite long actually; they reached Eddies’ shoulders when lying on the hammock, so he liked to get in without shoes and put them under the younger boys back. The time went by past, and Richie hadn’t touched Eddie’s hand the whole day, he was scared. 
Most of the losers had left, leaving only Mike, Bev, and Ben in the clubhouse with the two boys lounging on the hammock. Bev finally got up and smiled, “alright! I’ve got to go home, and Mike is the only one with a car, so let’s go” Bev reached out her hand to Ben, and when Ben took her hand, their magnets connected. They had found out they were soulmates since the two met, and they truly loved each other, it was amazing to see. Unlike them, Mike had been actively avoiding the group leaders, Bill,  hand since he was brought into the group since he was scared they weren’t meant to be, but maybe if Riche and Eddie were meant for each other, he would try. Bev had pushed the two out of the clubhouse, earning a little pout from Eddie and a slight nervous stare from Richie. Bev winked to Richie and waved, “bye, boys!”
Once the hatch of the clubhouse closed, the room filled with silence. A thick, dense thing that would only leave if Richie spoke, so he did, “Do you have your bracelet on today?” Richie asked, knowing the answer, Eddie never too it off “Yeah. why?” He asked, and Richie shook his head, “can...can, I see?” He asked, hoping that if this didn’t work, Eddie wouldn’t realize. So, Richie reached out. He started with taking his small finger in his hand, and slowly he passed his hand, grabbing the bracelet and bringing his write towards himself. Eddie looked confused but leaned towards him. Richie knew that it would only magnetize the half circles when they held hands entirely, but Richie wanted to make it an intimate moment. Once Eddie was leaned up and just staring at Richie, he started talking, asking him why he was doing this with small laughs. Richie then moved his hand down, caressing his hand to his own and intertwining their hands together, and that’s when he felt it, a surge of energy, something that he knew Eddie felt just by looking into his eyes. Before Richie could speak, the bracelet travelled down his arm, connecting his magnet to Eddies, creating a full circle of intricate designs that describes their own personalities “fuck…” Richie trailed off, and neither of them knew what to say, but Richie smiled. This was the moment he had wanted for years, and that only grew as they got to know each other. 
Eddie didn’t believe what was happening. Their circles were connected, held tight to each other, “Richie...are we?” He asked in a hopeful voice, Richie not speaking for a moment before nodding. A huge smile broke out onto his face “yeah” They both smiled to each other in disbelief, and Eddie finally made a move to hug Richie, laying his body between his legs and wrapping his arms around his waist and snuggling in close. Richie chuckled, “Jesus Eds; you can’t be this cute” Eddie looked up at him and laughed before adding a pout to his face which was cracking due to the urge to laugh and smile. 
Richie smiled down at him. He kept their hands together, taking his other hand and lifting his face to his own and planting a kiss to the other’s lips leaving Eddie to kiss back if he pleased, which he did. They stayed like that for hours, talking and laughing, not caring about the time.
The next day they went to school hand in hand, their magnets attached, walking to the Losers and smiling, Richie making it quite apparent by holding their hands up. The group smiled ever bright and congratulated them, bringing them both into tight hugs, the whole time keeping their hand interlocked, sharing looks that could only be described as love.
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
So apparently I wrote a 2 paragraph text on discord of how much I hate gravity at 4 am.....?????? I'm...scuse me?
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
Hi! The first chapter of my first IT fic is up!
It's a Fantasy AU of IT and I really hope you like it! (Please read the tags, the first chapter doesn't have r*pe in it but it will have mentions of it, no in depth descriptions but if it triggers you please don't read as it is for Bevs character.)
Thank you so much for taking the time and I truly hope you enjoy
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
I can now say that season 2 of TUA is just a self insert fanfic. Change my mind.
(Ikea mafia guys are my favorite but only because I like them and I wish they would have made it so they never talked on the season cause they...didn't have to)
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
Okay okay hear me out TAG but the losers gang. Like, come on.
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
This but a soulmate AU where they arent magnetized till you hold the hand of your soulmate and they bind together...
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This beautiful and unique Magnetic Love Bracelet is the Perfect gift for your Friends, Family or Special Someone! Express your love in the most adorable and meaningful way! Made with durable and high quality magnetic clasp and adjustable strap to fit all wrist sizes! 
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
Idk if this has been seen yet but...I cant just not share this.
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
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the losers club: coming to netflix soon
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
I know I truly have no one looking but it may help someone in the future or..something and honestly it might just help me as well. Dont be scared to ask for help if you need it.
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Please make this go viral.
It is so important I don’t even care if you delete what I write here, just help it be seen. 
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
Hi! So my name is (well going by) Klaus. I wanted to make a post just saying what I will be posting here so uh here ya go.
So I am writing a plot line for my first ao3 fanfic (a reddie) so there will be snips from that and shorts that I cant make a story around.
There will also be some things from other fandoms I'm in but mainly it'll be Reddie things or things from IT itself.
I'm not too sure what else I'll be doing so only time can tell but uh yeah ^^ (dont mind me, I'm very awkward)
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