#I tried putting this under a read-more and it refused to let me post it when I did. This is Attempt Three
hollowtones · 2 years
Okay I wanted to clarify on the Hades thing as it’s the only Supergiant game I’ve played out of the ones you listed:
1. They went with one of the more favorable interpretations of the myth. Basically, Zeus did a dick move and left Hades and Persephone both in a place where if they did anything but what they did it would have started a divine war. Hades never asked Zeus to kidnap Persephone, and Persephone wasn’t mistreated when she got there.
2. As for the Zag romance point, Meg was never Zagreus’ sister. Nyx is not her mother, and the game implies that she and Zag had a thing before the events of the game. As for Thanatos, it’s a *little* weird, but the game always takes care to say that they were *childhood friends*, not raised as brothers. How that works precisely I have no idea, probably in some “kids don’t know what’s weird about their home life” way.
Anyway I don’t want to sound like I’m saying your feelings are wrong, I actually agree about the other stuff, I just noticed you said you didn’t remember it as well and as someone who is pretty deep into the lore I never really felt like any of it was handled poorly. Heck, Demeter is even Zeus’ step-sister (and older to imply they were never ‘siblings’) to remove the connotations of Zagreus’ parentage.
Anyway have a nice day and I’m sorry if I was rude.
My issue with Persephone wasn't how they contextualize her relationship with Hades (I thought it was fine from what I remember); my issue was I spent most of the game after meeting her thinking "I wish this character had more agency", which is at least in part What They Were Going For, I Think, but something about it still bugged me. I have not played this game in maybe a year so I don't remember specifics.
The game says Nyx is Meg's surrogate mother. It squirrels that away in the codex entries, and does not go into much other detail from what I remember. There's wiggle room to give these a more generous interpretation than how it felt to me, sure. It still feels weird to me.
It's okay if you have a different reading of a story than I did, or felt a different way about it. That's normal. You do not have to justify it to me. It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm not really interested in getting multiple messages of multiple paragraphs from anonymous strangers over the course of a couple days about two specific plot points in a video game I otherwise loved that I haven't played in a year. I appreciate your politeness about this, I imagine you specifically haven't sent all five of these messages yourself, so this is not me singling out you personally, and I'm sorry if I sound kind of exasperated here. I hope you'll understand: when I post a quick sentence or two about my opinions on something, in a casual setting, having a bunch of people come up to me to then say "well actually, here's a longform response about how I felt about it, what do you think of that", as well-meaning as most of it was, feels weird and exhausting! I like talking my thoughts on things, which I guess is why I'm replying to this. It just feels disproportionate, y'know? It feels weird to post a quick thought and then have people respond as if I'd written an essay & make assumptions about things I did not say. You're not being rude, I'm just tired, bud. No more messages about this, please.
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propertyofwicked · 24 days
based on this request ✧ my inbox is open for requests (or if u just want a chat!) ✧
warnings - smut! MDNI!! unprotected, praising, sorta soft!dom, co-workers to lovers??? not proof read
masterlist the playlist
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the energy of the mclaren garage was palpable, with engineers and mechanics scurrying around, ensuring everything was perfect for race day. y/n had been working with mclaren for a couple of years now, her role integral to the smooth running of race weekends. but today, something was different.
in honouring the master of monaco, ayrton senna, the two drivers had been given race suits that showed tribute. yellow and green suits that screamed heritage, elegance, and - in y/n’s opinion - undeniable charisma. both drivers looked good, they always did, but every time y/n caught a glimpse of lando, time seemed to slow. he looked every bit the part, embodying the spirit of senna effortlessly.
she couldn’t help but stare, her eyes seemingly glued to his form as he interacted with the team, each glance lingering a little too long. maybe he caught her a few times, heat rising her cheeks every time she quickly averted her eyes. maybe he hadn’t even noticed her, though had she not been so eager to hide her face, she would’ve seen the way he smirked to himself.
lando felt smug.
the race was typical for monaco, aside from the first-lap crash. oscar finishing P2 was significant for the team and for him, marking his best finish of the season so far. after the chequered flag waved and the celebrations began, y/n tried to busy herself with post-race duties, wrapping up some paperwork in hospitality whilst the rest of the team fulfilled media duties and packing away equipment.
or at least she tried. the room seemed to be filled with tv screens, all displaying lando’s post race interviews, hand on his hip, sweaty curls and a boyish grin. y/n was distracted, trying to avoid looking at the screens for too long, but she couldn’t help but let her mind wander at the sight of his black fireproofs clinging tightly to his frame - she was just a girl, after all.
“so,” lando began, smirking as his eyes sparkled with mischief, “you think i look good in the senna suit, huh?”
her heart skipped a beat, and her whole body jumped, not expecting lando to be stood directly behind her, his hands resting on the back of her chair.
“what? no! i-i mean, yes, but –” she stammered, “paperwork,” she added, unable to form any sort of coherent sentence. he chuckled teasingly, though his smirk grew more smug as he noticed her cheeks going red and her hand shooting up to play with her necklace.
“i saw you looking at me. a lot. couldn’t help but notice.”
“i wasn’t – i mean, i was just –” y/n stuttered, trying to regain some composure as he leant down, using the chair to support him as his head dropped to rest closer to hers. she refused to make eye contact.
“it’s okay, you know. i’m flattered,” he muttered, glancing around to ensure no one was in earshot before continuing, “but if you keep looking at me like that, i might start to think you’re more interested in what’s under the suit.”
“lando, i...” she choked out, finally turning her head to face him. he was grinning, his mouth curling into that cocky, confident grin that she had seen too many times - but this time it was directed at her, and y/n was enthralled.
“how about we discuss this further in my driver’s room? less chance of interruptions,” lando told her, his tone leaving no room for an argument, though it wasn’t as if she was going to refuse. his eyes flicked around the room once more, before grabbing her wrist to tug her along behind him. once inside the room, he closed the door behind them, the small space suddenly feeling much more intimate.
“so,” he said again, turning to face y/n, “you think i look good, huh?”
“yes, i do. very good,” she told him, suddenly deciding to put on a brave face. his smirk softened into a genuine smile.
“good to know. because i think you look pretty good too,” lando replied, stepping closer, his hand reaching up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, “especially in that skirt you wore a few weeks ago.”
she looked at him puzzled for a moment, she knew exactly which skirt he meant, but how did he? how had he noticed her enough to remember what she was wearing?
“how did yo-”
“at least when i stare at you, i don’t make it obvious angel,” lando grinned, before dropping his head to press a kiss to her lips quickly, almost hesitantly at first. she kissed him back quickly, her arms wrapping around his neck as his hand moved to cup her jaw, the other settling on her waist. his hand pushed her head back, allowing him better access as he deepened the kiss, all whilst moving the two of them towards the sofa.
“it wasn’t that obvious,” she retorted in defence, pulling away from his lips quickly to catch her breath.
“it was,” lando replied, shifting the two of them so that he fell comfortably on the sofa, her landing on his lap, “even oscar noticed.”
“shut up?” she replied, tucking her face into his neck to hide her embarrassment, but trailing kisses down his skin.
“make me?” he replied, matching her tone as she nipped at his skin lightly, “good thing i’ve finished media for the day, isn’t it?”
“sorry - i didn’t mean t-” she started, pulling back to look at the red mark forming on his neck, but found herself interrupted by the shake of his head.
“i’d say do it again, but we have…20 minutes until everyone needs to leave,” lando told her reassuringly, his fingers gripping at her hips as his fingers rubbed harsh circles into her skin. her grips rolled into his, as if instinctually, whilst he moved back to kiss her, harsher than before.
“as much as you like this suit, it’s about time i take it off - don’t you think?” he asked, watching as she nodded quickly, her hands moving to the zipper. her hips rose momentarily to help him strip down, a pile of his clothes forming on the floor next to the two until he was left in just his boxers, her in equally as little clothing.
“lace?” lando asked, smiling up at her, his fingers trailing the hem of her underwear teasingly, “id ask if this was for me but there’s no way you could’ve seen this coming.”
“no, id say you were right,” she shrugged, her hand moving to grip his cock through the fabric, “i like to come prepared.”
“and ‘come you will,” he joked, which she couldn’t help but smile at despite the intimacy.
lando pushed a rugged finger past her panties, moving the fabric aside as two fingers slid through her folds, circling her clit a few times. he looked at her face, watching how she reacted to him. her mouth had opened slightly, already feeling pleasure from the anticipation, but it widened as the two fingers pushed into her, stretching her out around him. her hand was still working up and down his clothed length, thumb finding his tip as his precum leaked through the fabric of his boxers.
“did you say 20 minutes?” y/n suddenly asked him, her eyes widening at the realisation.
“i did,” he nodded, stuttering slightly as her hand pulled at his waistband.
“have we got time?”
“from the way you’re working yourself on my fingers, id say we have time to finish this, get dressed and be back at mine with 5 minutes to spare,” he exaggerated slightly, though continued twisting his fingers into her, engulfed in the way she rolled her hips into him as her walls tightened around him.
though lando didn’t give her time to get embarrassed about how quickly she was coming undone for him, before his fingers moved away from her. she whined slowly at the loss of contact, but lando ignored her, moving to take his fingers in his mouth, tasting her on his tongue.
“so good,” he muttered. he grabbed her face harshly, kissing her again so that y/n could taste herself, his hips lifting from the sofa to free himself completely. her hand resumed it’s ministrations, thumb resuming a circling motion on his tip. lando found himself distracted the moment her fingers dragged precum down his cock, following the patterns of veins that spread across his length.
“fuck,” he mumbled, the two of them trying to stay quiet as footsteps could be heard from outside his door, “need you now.”
y/n raised herself up on her knees quickly, lando’s hand on her waist guiding her towards him. his free hand gripped at the base of his cock, tracing it through her folds quickly and lining up with her entrance. the hand on her waist pushed her down slowly, helping to lower herself on him.
“big,” she whined, unable to form a full sentence, her head dropping to rest on lando’s shoulder as she sunk down further.
“thanks,” he laughed out, though the action made his body move causing y/n to slip, taking the rest of his length in all at once.
“fuck,” y/n mewled, nipping at the flesh of lando’s shoulder quickly to distract her from the stretch.
“you’re fine, you’re ok,” he reassured her, his voice soft despite him fighting the urge to thrust up into her.
she nodded into him quickly as her hips began to roll into him, feeling the way his length filled her. small grunts and incoherent mumbles from lando urged her to move more, so she raised her hips slowly before dropping back down over and over again until she settled on a good pace. lando’s fingers dug into her hip, barely guiding her movement whilst his fingers left bruises in his wake.
“wanna see you,” he told her, a hand pushing her shoulder back to look at her face. the new position awoke something in her, the angle sending her into overdrive as she used him to get herself off.
“and these…” lando added, moving to grip her breast in one hand, neck straining to take the other in his mouth.
“fuck, lan- fuck,” y/n uttered, feeling the way his tongue flicked at her nipple quickly before moving to nip and suck at the surrounding flesh. her chest was littered in red marks, sure to form into a constellation of bruises that would adorn her skin for weeks.
“taking me so good baby,” he told her, feeling the slowing of her pace with her legs growing tired, “you need me to help?”
she looked at him intently, before nodding. lando’s eyelids were half closed, but she could still see the way his pupils were blown with lust - he groaned deeply as she came to a stop, returning to rolling her hips into him instead.
“need to hear you say it,” lando insisted, his fingers trailing circular patterns up her thighs before settling on her clit. he felt her tense around him, the rolling of her hips coating his length in her slick as shoots of icy pleasure seemed to move directly from his fingertips to her brain.
“please, lando.”
“please what? what do you need, baby?” he teased, his own hips beginning to slowly jut up into her.
“need you t-to take over,” y/n stammered, gripping at lando’s shoulders tightly, “please.”
as much as he wanted to hear her beg, the way she had whimpered the word please was enough for him to pull her into a tight embrace, her legs anchoring around his back before he started thrusting himself into her at a brutal pace. oh how she prayed no one was stood nearby at this very moment, as all they would hear was the distant sound of skin slapping against each other, slightly muffled by the two of them panting.
“so responsive,” lando praised her, slowing slightly to sneak a hand between the two of them, fingers finding her clit once more, “fit me so well. like you were made f’me,” he grunted.
y/n’s mind had gone blank as lando mindlessly praised her, he himself unable to think about anything else.
“you gonna cum f’me?” he cooed, feeling the way she began to claw at his back, raking her nails into his skin and she grinded her hips into him, matching his pace.
“mhm,” she muttered out, her lips returning to his in a heat kiss - the type of kiss that overall had too much tongue and too much teeth but fit the haste of the moment so perfectly.
“go on then,” he prompted, “show me how good i make you feel.”
y/n didn’t respond verbally, she couldn’t. no, instead she came hard and fast, letting lando grip at her hips to hold her down harshly so that his length stayed deep inside of her.
“fuck me,” she panted out, though tried to keep the rolling motions of her hips to bring lando to his own finish.
“so good to me,” he grunted, taking in the sight in front of him, “you feel so good,” he added, barely able to utter another word before he was pulling her off him, ropes of cum shooting onto his stomach as she hovered over him.
“you didn’t have to do that,” she told him after a few moments of silence with lando catching his breath, “im on the pill anyway.”
“i didn’t think,” he told her, laughing lightly as she clambered off his lap, searching for her clothes, “now i know for next time.”
“next time?”
“yes, next time,” he doubled down, “trust me, ive wanted this for months. and now i’ve had you, i don’t think i want anyone else.”
heat rose to her cheeks again - she’d hoped this wasn’t a one time thing, but she was now blushing at the thought of it being a regular occurrence.
“tonight?” she asked him, cautiously.
“eager?” he teased.
“sorry i-” y/n started to apologise, stuttering slightly in her nervousness.
“y/n - tonight, tomorrow night, next week. my schedule is clear, for you.”
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Under a Star-Flecked Sky
Author's Note: This was supposed to be some Rhysand x Reader fluff, but the depression brain-rot got the better of me and I wrote some angsty, post-UtM Rhys moments instead (don't worry there is some fluff at the end). My baby just needs a hug, and honestly I think SJM did him dirty by brushing his trauma Under the Mountain under the rug.
Warnings: Mentions of Amarantha, Rhys' Post-UtM Trauma
Summary: You're Rhys' mate, having already been with him before the Mountain, and are navigating Rhys' healing journey as best you can.
The bed was cold; the realization jarring you from the deep clutches of sleep. Your bed was never cold, not when your mate was in it. Rhysand ran warm, your own personal heater, usually spending the night curled around you, cocooned inside the safety of his wings, but those great wings and the male attached to them were nowhere to be seen. His side of the bed empty, the sheets rumpled, blanket haphazardly clinging to the side of the mattress like he'd flung it off in a hurry, even though you hadn't heard him get up.
You sat up, shivering in the chill coming through the open windows, the satin curtains billowing in the autumn breeze. It would be too cold to leave them open soon, a fact you knew often put your mate on edge, especially after...
You called for him down the bond you shared with your mate, worried. It had been a couple months since Rhys had returned home to Velaris after Amarantha; the nightmares had been constant the first couple of weeks, at one point they had gotten so bad he'd started spending the night at the Moonstone Palace, claiming he had work to do to avoid you and the rest of the Inner Circle from seeing him like that, but with some help from Madja and some other healers in the city he'd been able to get a handle on it. Usually. Some nights were worse than others. You'd tried to be as supportive as possible, even going down to the Library to read up on ways to help. There were calming teas you'd started making for him before bed, the recipe tucked in one of those old books, but you suspected Rhys drank it just to make you feel like you were helping, the cup still half full on the bedside table. You'd drifted off shortly after handing it to him last night.
When there was no answer down the bond, you crawled out of the bed, dragging the blanket with you. The black silk slip you wore did nothing to stave off the cold, you'd worn the birthday gift from Rhys down to its threads over the years he was gone. He'd offered to buy you a new one--multiple in more colors--but you'd refused. It was your favorite, you'd find some magic to keep it held together if you had to. Still, it was the wrong time of the year for it, and you opted to stay warm under the blanket instead of pausing to change into something else as you left the room in search of your mate, still calling for him down the bond.
He gave no answer, his end silent. As silent as it had been for the last 50 years, that great, formidable wall of adamant shielding him from you.
You bit your lip as you checked each room in the house, all empty, save for the one Cassian was snoring in at the end of the Hall. They'd started taking turns sleeping over, keeping an eye on their brother. Azriel had stayed the night before, Mor the night before that. They stole your wine and played old board games until the early hours of the morning, trying to get Rhys' to laugh, or smile at the least. He didn't do a lot of that these days.
Your heart clenched painfully in your chest. He'd been through so much and half the time he'd just shut down and shut you out, unable to explain what had happened. What she had done to him. Most nights you wondered if there was a way to let you into Hell, just so you could kill her a second time. You'd had a long time to think about what you'd do if you ever had the chance to get your hands on her. Not that it mattered in the end, you'd never been able to get into the Mountain. You'd failed him then and it was starting to feel like you were failing him again now as you all but sprinted through the house.
It took longer than you would like to admit to notice that the balcony doors in the living room were open. Rhys left the windows open, never the doors, even if Velaris was the safest place in Prythian, he'd never leave you vulnerable like that, not unless he was nearby.
Tears pricked your eyes, your lower lip bleeding from how hard you'd been biting down on it as you stepped out into the frigid night air. The lounge chairs and tables along the edge were all empty, no glass of Rhys' favorite whiskey in sight.
Your heart thundered in your ears, thoughts racing. Where the hell was he? Had something happened? Was he in danger?
You were about to start calling his name in desperation before a shifting tile on the roof caught your attention. One of the pieces had been knocked loose--a new occurrence because you'd had to replace them after a drunk Cassian had tried to do a back flip off it last week.
Clutching the blanket around your shoulders with one hand, you used the other to pull a chair over to where the corner of the roof hung over the balcony, and carefully climbed up. The townhouse roof was not as steep as the Palace roof, or even the cabin in Illyria, where you and your mate used to sit and talk about all his plans for his city and his people.
That ache in your chest returned tenfold as you spotted your mate, sitting at the highest point of the roof, knees to his chest, wings wrapped around himself to fight against the cold. His head was tucked against his knees, ebony hair covering his eyes. This was not his spot to stargaze. This was not like all those times you'd sat together, whispering your dreams to the stars, so hopeful and eager for the future. This was not the ambitious and hopeful High Lord who had swept you into the glittering world of the Night Court and mapped out a future among the stars with you all those years ago. You had gone to the cabin in Illyria only once while he was away, and the loss of him, the bond so quite and empty and cold in the place you had formed it had been so devastating you'd almost ripped the place apart one wood plank at a time. At the time you had been so sure you had lost him forever that you'd nearly ripped everything you had built together apart in your grief. You had left all those dreams you shared in those woods and vowed that you would never whisper any prayers to the stars ever again. Not if their heir was gone and their reflection in his violet eyes would never look your way again. You had stopped dreaming in his absence. Nights like this you wondered if he had too. Perhaps the Mountain had taken more from both of you then you dared to admit, even to each other. What good were dreams if the stars no longer listened, if they would no longer answer you?
It was an easy climb to him compared to all the other roofs you had climbed to sit with him in the past, even with the blanket still clutched around your shoulders.
Rhys didn't look up. You weren't even sure he'd heard you. Still, you lowered yourself to sit next to him, the worry swirling in the pit of your stomach only beginning to settle as you took in the jasmine and citrus scent of him. This was the part where you said something witty, threw the blanket around him and chastised him for leaving you alone, but maybe those were games for the people you were before. The last time he hadn't heard you coming, too caught up in his own head to hear you, he'd flinched so hard his powers had knocked a bookshelf over, panic flooding the bond. He accidentally showed you a flash of red hair and pointed nails, scratching at his back before he'd ripped the memory away and locked himself in the bathroom. You'd been trying to find ways to avoid doing it ever again.
It was a long, tense few minutes before Rhys lifted his head off his knees just enough to look at you. "Did I wake you?" His voice was raw, like he'd been screaming.
You wanted to touch him, to hold him in your arms and stroke his hair and make it all better, as his touch had always done for you, but everything was so different. Sometimes you were sure he let you hold his hands because he knew you wanted to, not because he wanted to.
It had been a long couple months, you'd been weighing and measuring every word, trying not to startle him, trying not to make him feel any guilt or shame. He had saved you, and your family, had given everything he'd had to ensure that she didn't taint any bit of your home, you owed him a solid front, a shoulder to lean on. You had not spoken of how scared you had been, how cold and empty and wretched you had felt for every moment of the last fifty years. You'd crafted a nice mask for the court to see, holding steady in his absence, not taking it off, even after his return in hopes that it would ease his burden. But the words came tumbling out of you, the tidal wave of emotions bubbling up and bursting out in a rush, "You scared me."
He sat up a little straighter, pain flashing across his star flecked eyes.
"The bond was quite," tears pricked your eyes. "Cold. You wouldn't answer me. You'd shut me out." It was that last bit more than anything. You could handle the nightmares. You could handle this new version of your mate, because truth be told there had been times you weren't sure he was ever coming back, whatever shape he was in was irrelevant in the long run as long as he was alive. All the newness, the unease and uncertainty, the new quite version of him was easy to handle. But the quiet, knowing he'd shut you out again...
"I know that you need time, and space, and I'm trying to give that to you, Rhys, but..."
He unfurled his wings enough to wrap one around you, an arm sliding around your waist to pull you against his side. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he whispered against your temple, planting gentle, feather light kisses against your skin as you buried your face in he crook of his neck.
He was here. He was safe. This was real. All things you often had to remind yourself of.
"Please don't shut me out like that," you whispered, the tears falling freely down your cheeks. "Not again. I can bear a lot, Rhys, but not any more of that."
His wings came back around to cover both of you as he stroked a hand through your hair. Still, aside from a few more whispered apologies, he didn't speak, didn't attempt to explain himself. You tried to tell yourself it was fine, he didn't have to explain, he'd earned the right to keep whatever he needed to to himself, if he wanted to tell you he would. But he still had not lowered his shields, did not project anything down the bond. A part of you wanted to scream, grab onto that tether that linked your souls together and shake it like you could somehow force life back into it. Maybe things would be better if you could. Maybe they'd be worse. You tried to tell yourself this was enough.
"There are things," he said finally, his voice pained like he was having trouble putting it together, no sign of that silver tongue of his. "Things I can't... can't talk about."
You laid your hand over his heart, feeling the uneven beat. It was rare for Rhys to be so obviously anxious.
"Things I won't talk about."
"It's not healthy-"
"No," he growled, tightening his grip on your waist to keep you from pulling back to look him in the eyes. By the uneasiness of his breathing you thought he might be crying himself. "You do not need to know. You will hear enough of my sins from everyone else."
Sins, as if he had done any of it willingly, as if he'd had any choice in it.
"You didn't have a choice," you began.
"It doesn't matter," Rhys countered. "That is not the story they will tell."
He would be the villain, the little lackey that did her dirty work, the monster that ripped people's minds apart for his evil queen. You'd heard the story in the High Lord's meetings over and over again--and worse, especially from Beron and Tamlin. "I don't believe anyone else's stories. I don't care what they think you've done, or why you'd done it. I don't care, Rhys, because it's not true."
He buried his head in the top of you hair, a shuttering breath ripping out his chest.
You shot as much understanding and love down the bond as you could, hoping some of it would eventually break through that wall between you. "I love you, I'll always love you, Rhys, nothing will change that."
His wings tightened around you, soft moonlight shining through the soft membrane, highlighting centuries worth of nicks and battle scars. You longed to run your fingers over them, familiarize yourself once again with the patterns and feelings you had forgotten in the last fifty years.
"But how are we supposed to move forward if we don't talk to each other?" You whispered. "I miss you. I miss talking to you. You're my best friend, my mate, we promised to always be honest and open with each other."
You twisted to be able to look at him, pulling away just enough to catch the glimmer of tears in his eyes. You reached out gently to wipe one off his cheek and he shuttered at the contact.
"It doesn't have to be tonight. Or tomorrow. Or next week. I know that you need time, and I am not asking you to give me details you don't want to, but there's gotta be some way for us to talk to each other again, isn't there?"
He tilted his head to kiss your fingertips. "I'm sorry, I know I've hurt you," he murmured against your fingertips, his lips soft and warm against your chilled skin. "I'm trying." He moved his lips to your palm, placing featherlight kisses on the way down, his offering of another apology, as if to tell you he was sorry you had to be there to wipe away any tears. He'd been like that before, but not this bad.
"I know," you said, "but in the mean time, can I at least have a thought for a thought?"
He hummed against your palm. "You first."
"I'm thinking we really should have put in more comfortable roof tiles," you said, twisting against the tile that was biting into the underside of your thighs.
He shifted and pulled you to sit in his lap with a huff of what was almost a laugh. The shift in conversation was good, kept you both from spiraling further into all the uncertainty the future still held. If you couldn't talk about the past, at least there were things in the present to talk about.
"And I'm thinking," you added as you settled against his strong chest, his heartbeat a bit more steady against you now. "That you make a very comfortable seat."
"That's two."
"First one was free," you say, resting your head against his shoulder.
He was quiet for a long moment, just the two of you wrapped in each other under the stars.
"I'm thinking..." his arms wrapped around your waist, his hands finding yours so you could intertwine them. "That I clearly need to get you some new socks, your feet are freezing!"
He was clad in nothing but his underwear, you only now realized, and you had instinctively wrapped your legs around his, seeking any kind of warmth you could find. There wasn't a full sleep set between the two of you.
You couldn't help but laugh, even if this wasn't how you'd hoped the conversation would go, at least it was a conversation. "You know I hate sleeping with socks on, that's not fair."
"Slippers than," he conceded.
You intentionally brushed your cold feet up the side of his leg. "Fuzzy ones. And only if they're bright pink."
"Ridiculous," he huffed, "but if you insist."
"I want them to look like cats too."
"Pink cats?"
"Pink cats."
"Pink cats it is then."
You grinned at that. "We can go to the Rainbow tomorrow for them?"
"First thing in the morning," he promised as he settled his chin on your shoulder.
"We should go for breakfast. There's a new bakery on the Sidra. Well, new as in neither of us have been there, it's technically been open for awhile."
"You didn't go?"
You two had met in a bakery in Illyria, had fought over the last chocolate croissant until the shop owner had kicked both you out for scarring the other customers, it had become something of a weekly tradition to find which shop in Velaris had the best ones since. "I was waiting for you."
The arms around your middle squeezed a little tighter.
"I have a list of things for us to do, actually. A lot changed and I thought if, maybe I kept making a list it gave the Mother a reason to bring you back to me." It felt stupid, now that you'd said it aloud that you had hoped depriving yourself of a chocolate croissant would somehow force the Mother to bring your mate home, but you had been desperate, you weren't always thinking clearly.
Rhys nuzzled into the side of your neck. "Thank you, for waiting." You knew him well enough to know he wasn't talking about the bakery or the croissants.
"I would have waited a thousand years for you," you whispered.
"That's a long time without chocolate croissants," he teased.
"They're worth the wait," you replied, hoping he knew you well enough to know you weren't talking about croissants either.
He merely hummed understandingly as he settled against your shoulder, his breathing evening out against your back. You relished in the rise and fall of his chest, of his warm breath against your throat. He was alive, he was here, he'd made it home.
"What else is on this list of yours?"
"There's a new dinner cruise around the Sidra, an art exhibit in the Rainbow, three new plays," you counted them off on your fingers, trying to remember all of them now. Sleep was beginning to beckon again, your eyes heavy, speech slowing. "The Night Orchestra is coming back into town, you missed them twice. There's a new ice cream shop to try..." there was something else, but your mind was growing hazy. A yawn escaped you.
Rhys tried to stand, but you grabbed frantically at his wrists. "I'm ok. Wanna stay here with you."
He settled back against the roof, laying back now with you tucked into his side. The blanket had gotten twisted between the two of you, doing little to keep out the bite of the roof tiles. You didn't care.
"Oh! There's a new place that sells some lacy things I think you'd like," you mumbled as you pressed your face into the crook of his neck and breathed in deep.
"For you or me?" He teased.
"For you to rip off of me," you said.
He kissed your temple, "We'll definitely have to stop there then."
You were trying your hardest to keep your eyes open, really you were, but they were growing heavier and heavier, the stars over head blurring in your vision. Maybe you had been wrong to stop wishing on them, despite all your pain, your mate had still returned to you, that dream had still been answered.
"We're gonna be ok, you know," You murmured into his neck.
"You think so?" He whispered.
"I'll wish it onto every star I see until it's answered," you vowed.
Rhys gripped you a little tighter, you gripped him back, eyes drifting shut fully now.
"Maybe I'll start making wishes again too," he said in your ear. You hoped, as you drifted off, that the stars heard him and would answer this wish too.
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alocon · 3 months
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be [8] - Max Verstappen
written by alocon
Note: Name and Part One based on the song A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be by Jess Benko.
Summary: Mini chapter. When the FIA tries to stop you driving at the next grand prix weekend, the drivers decide to take a drastic, but necessary, turn to stand up for you.
Before you read: Use of Y/N
fc: Blanca Soler
[Previous Part] [Masterlist]
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A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be- - MV¹ x Fem!OC
“So, question for Y/N.”
You were currently sat in the interviews before the next race, in a press conference with you, Lance, Zhou, Logan and Nico. You had been expecting this question when it came but had not expected it only 3 minutes into the questions.
“We hear you're under investigation by the FIA, would you like to expand on that and what you are under investigation for?”
“Yes,” you sat up in your seat, more than happy to speak. “I have been put under investigation for creating a hostile work environment since 2019. Apparently, I have been acting hostile towards Christian Horner, despite the fact its more like the other way around.” You shrugged.
“Right.” The interviewer shrugged. “And how might this affect your driving?”
“Well, pending the results of the investigation, they may, as a punishment, revoke my super licence.”
“So let me get this straight,” Crofty said, speaking up. “You're at risk of losing your racing licence because of you allegedly being hostile to the Team Principal of Red Bull Racing since 2019?”
I nodded.
Lance then spoke up. “I think it's suspicious that these rumours suddenly came around just after a podcast episode about some of her treatment at Red Bull and a post of her and Geri together.” He said. “It seems very strangely timed.”
“Almost like they're trying to silence her for Christian's actions.”
The drivers in the conference all started defending you, putting a smile on your face. It was sweet to see them all so defensive over you, instantly jumping to your protection without even being asked their opinions.
“It had been oddly timed.” You said. “All of a sudden, after me putting in a complaint about Christian Horner to the FIA, I was the one under investigation. I think that it's ridiculous to be honest. I provided evidence - more than enough. And yet I am still the one under fire.”
“I hear a lot of drivers and other staff are supporting you.” Crofty said. “Do you have anything to say to that?”
“Yes. I am so grateful for the way that the drivers have treated me, and other staff, both at Mercedes and other teams. I appreciate that they have been defending me to the FIA, and taking a stand with me against the unfair treatment that I have been under by Red Bull and the FIA in the past couple of weeks, and Red Bull since I joined.”
“So are you still racing this weekend?”
“No. They've told me I'm not allowed to race until the investigation is over.” you explained, frustrated.
The rest of the press conference went well and, soon, you were back in your drivers room and soon heard the door open. You looked up, seeing the drivers slip into your room. All of them.
“We're here to take your mind off of all the bullshit going on. So. We have fifa, Uno, monopoly, Mario Kart, we got your switch so you can play animal crossing if you want,” Lando began to list off everything.
You chuckled, smiling sweetly at them at the kind kind actions of going out of their ways to try to cheer you up. So that's what happened. You all sat on the floor talking, playing games, chilling out and discussing how to sort this out when Charles came up with an idea.
“A strike.”
“A what?” You looked at the Monegasque, confused at the sudden outburst.
“We could go on strike. Refuse to race until Horner is gone and the investigation is dropped.”
There were some cheers from the drivers.
“Guys. What?” You said when you saw the agreements. “You don't have to do this.” you said.
“Let's vote then.” Charles said. “All in favour?” 19 hands went up. “All against?... Then it is decided.”
After some planning, it was in order.
El Plan (2025 Driver's Strike edition)
Step One: Pack our stuff.
You all got to work, packing out bags, everything we needed.
Step Two: Prepare the vehicles.
That went by quickly too.
Step Three: Tell Our Team Principals
You walked into the emergency meeting with George and Toto, sitting down.
“What's this about? What's going on?” He asked, confused.
“We're going on Strike,” George announced.
“You're doing what?”
“This wasn't my idea,” you started. “But one of the drivers suggested a full driver Strike. Because of the investigation.”
George started explaining the details. The plan. Afterwards, there was a moment of silence.
“Fair enough,” Toto said. “I wouldn't be able to stop you and to be honest, I don't even want to. I don't want you losing your seat, Y/N. Go wild. Have fun. Call me when you're off strike and keep me updated, yes?” He said. You and George looked at each other, surprised it went so well.
Over in the Red Bull office, it wasn't going as well.
“You're doing what?” Christian snapped, angrily.
“Going on strike.” Max leant back in his chair.
“Until the investigation is dropped, we will not race.”
“This is insane! What is wrong with you?” He snapped angrily. “You shouldn't do it if you want your contract renewed, Max.”
“I'm sure there are other teams who would happily take me,” He said standing up, walking straight out the door without another word, being quickly followed by his teammate.
Step Four: Announce the Strike.
“Right, hello,” Crofty said, looking at the camera. “So, we've got a sudden broadcast request from the drivers so… that's what is happening here.”
Bernie spoke up. “We have no idea what this is about. Take it away.”
Your designated speakers - Charles and Max - stepped up to take the mics.
Max got up his script. “Today, Charles suggested something and we did a vote, getting back unanimous agreement.”
“All of the drivers on the current Formula One grid will be going on strike. None of us will drive until our demands are met.” Charles paused before speaking again. “Demand Number One: The investigation on the Mercedes-AMG Petronas driver, Y/N L/N, is dropped. The treatment she has received from both Red Bull and the FIA recently, and since 2019, has been absolutely unacceptable. They are trying to silence her and stop her from racing, so if she can not race, we will not race.” He looked at Max, nodding for him to read the next demand.
Max smiled, looking at the camera. “Deman Number Two: Christian Horner is removed as the team principal of Red Bull Racing indefinitely and an investigation is opened on Red Bull, Christian, and the head of the FIA. I should've stood up for the treatment of Y/N back in the day, and I didn't. But I will do it now. The treatment she had endured was something I would never wish on a driver. The constant hours of berating her for doing her job, and blackmailing her by threatening to reveal that she miscarried are unacceptable and they, Christian especially, should be taken into account.”
“We want to make it clear that this was not the decision or suggestion of Y/N L/N. This was entirely my suggestion, and all of the drivers instantly agreed. Do not send her hate for this. We will ensure that anyone who has attended any races or paid to attend any of the races get compensated somehow, and we will ensure that every single person who has paid to attend the races gets an apology that it has had to go this far. Action will not be taken until we make a drastic move, so this is our drastic move.” Charles then said his final sentence. “None of us will drive until our demands are met.” Charles repeated again.
-word count: around 1,300-
Hi All!!
Hope you're well. Here is a mini chapter for the Max story. Expect some drivers' strike chapters soon. This is unedited. Love you all x
Have a good day
Taglist: @c-losur3 @itsjustkhaos @reidsworld @d3kstar @casperlikej
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subwaytostardew · 3 months
▽ Subway to Stardew - Adoptable Joltik ⚡️
This would play after Emmet's 8 heart event and getting Joltik up to 8 hearts as well.
I released a separate mod specifically for adopting Joltik, so you only need to get them up to 8 hearts to adopt them! You can do it right now!
Adoptable Joltik Mod Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21002
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And of course... Commentary under the read-more.
Joltik's adoption event sat in the drafts for quite a while. It took me whole a day to implement and I didn't let myself sleep until I finished everything. (It's 1 PM now...)
The event ended up wildly different because of how extra custom pets are implemented. You would think that they would be added in the same way as you get your cat/dog that you select during character creation. No. You have to buy a license. Only Marnie is authorized to sell them.
Here's the original script for Joltik's adoption event:
[Joltik Adoption Event]
Emmet: @! Joltik likes you verrrrry much. They want to stay with you. I'm letting you adopt them. Yup. I filled out all the paperwork. The Joltiks are legally documented now. 
I never gave ours a name... Galvantula wouldn't let me. She is verrrry picky about it. But that's okay. Joltik is yours. You should name them. She came along for approval. So. What name should I put on the adoption form?
[Name input box like Marnie's adoption thing...]
[Galvantula pauses for a moment to think and then offhandedly agrees.]
Emmet: Galvantula didn't shock me for that. That name is okay. Yup. I will file that with the Ferngill Republic. Don't worry about it. Make sure you take verrrry good care of our little Joltik!
[Joltik jumps and heart emotes]
The whole naming portion was a source of much more frustration than it should have been. In events, the name input box is brought up by the "catQuestion" command (which applies to dogs chosen at the start, too...
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If you refuse, then Marnie also shows up no matter what you do. Farmhouse positions are also tricky and made even harder to find reference for after 1.6 added the farmhouse being moveable. Joltik kept spawning where Emmet was supposed to be so I had to use a move command just to get them to spawn one tile to the side. Galvantula was fine. I didn't get to updating her vanilla portraits yet so she's staying quiet.
The catQuestion command also only adds the pet you pick during character creation. There's no fields to target the usage. You have to buy a license. It's the only way to get another pet. I didn't want Joltik to replace a cat either since in-story you would have to earn the trust of both Emmet and Galvantula... There's no way you can do that by the first 25 days of spring. It's immersion breaking and you lose a cat.
I did find the license aspect funny though. It was oddly fitting for the mod's lore of Pokemon being pretty much banned from the region. Emmet is a threat to Stardew Valley's ecosystem. Not the best guy for the task of combating anti-Pokemon xenophobia.
Pet sizes are apparently hardcoded so I had to make a new spritesheet for Joltik as if they even need a 32 x 32 pixel area per frame. I did end up making new sprites for them while I was at it. I tried to base it off of the cat's behaviors so I have less animation fields to edit (I was tired). The cat loafs a lot. Trying to convey that in a tiny spider posed quite the challenge.
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After everything was done, I figured that the whole adoption portion of the mod could easilly be taken apart to be its own mod as a demo of sorts for the expansion. So I went and made a content pack to post.
Bringing up your starter pet's friendship level takes quite some time, so it would be awkward if I let the event play with no preconditions. Because of that, I ended up including Joltik as an NPC and locking their adoption behind their heart level.
We actually only had two lines per day of the week (not including season) for daily dialogue. That shot up to six lines per day of the week for a full 0-2-4-6-8-10 in spring because I was determined to publish a mod. (I've been modding for nearly a year nonstop and I don't have anything playable... humiliating...)
Anyways! I hope you're all having fun with 1.6! It certainly brought new challenges and opportunities to the modding scene!
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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spinningwebsandtales · 9 months
Imagine Jason Holding Your Hand While You Struggle To Walk Beside Him
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Jason Voorhees X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, abuse, bodily injuries
Word Count: 940
(A/N:) Happy Friday the 13th sick things! I'm here to bring your boy Jason as a favor to my friend! She loves the franchise and this masked slasher! Guess he's her equivalent to my Michael Myers. I had to write something for her and I really wanted to post it today because duh! So hopefully this will make the other Jason Voorhees fangirls happy! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Your parents had forced you into being a camp counselor at the newly reopened Camp Crystal Lake. Despite your protests at having to spend summer with cruel students you went to school with, you were shipped off and left to fend for yourself. It didn't take long until the horrible things that they did to you during the school year began to happen at the camp. It didn't matter how many times you told the overseers of the camp, your dilemmas fell on deaf ears. Two days into your camp stay and you escaped to your cabin and refused to come out. You locked the door, letting the pleas of the staff go ignored. Thankfully your mother had packed you snacks, so you had no reason to leave.
That second night you had been holed up everything changed. You had fallen asleep, the sounds of night bugs filling the silence until a scream pierced the air. You jolted awake, a shiver going down your spine. Several moments passed as you tried to steady your breathing, your mind chalking it up to the others trying to get you to come out of your cabin. Laying back down you tried to go back again, when another scream froze your blood. You could hear thundering footsteps as the door to your cabin began to shake. One of the counselors beat upon the door, pleading for you to let them in.
"Haven't you tortured me enough," you shouted pulling your blankets over your head. "Go prank someone else!"
Another scream as a machete pierced through the wood of your cabin door and blood splattered across the frosted glass. You choked back a scream, trying to keep as quiet as possible, praying that whoever on the other side would go away. No such luck as the door shattered letting in the attacker. You shook violently at the giant of a man standing before you. Your eye had been blackened from your fellow counselors throwing rocks at you and the palms of your hands had scabbed over where they had tripped you on the gravel.
"Please," you whimpered. "Don't hurt me."
Though he didn't treat you the same as the now dead girl on the ground in front of your cabin, he didn't just leave you alone. You found yourself walking beside the tall killer through the camp that now was stained with the blood of his victims. Your legs felt like jello as you tried to think of some way to get away. He put a hand at the small of your back, trying to be careful of your bruises. No one had treated you so gently but you really didn't want to go into the woods. He was adamant as he pushed you further. How he could see you didn't know as the moon was hidden by the dense foliage of the trees and small bushes. Sticks cracked under your bare feet and despite his large size he stalked through the darkness in absolute silence. You tripped over roots, sticks snagging on your hair, and thorns scratching up your already battered face. He patiently waited for you to catch up, never letting you fall too far behind. The further in the woods you got, the more exhausted you became until every step you took you were tripping. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face and the terror was beginning to swallow you.
The adrenaline you had before was keeping you going, but now that wore out and you were exhausted. You watched the large man disappear in a thick brush. Letting out a relieved breath you hoped that your luck was finally beginning to change. That didn't last long as he returned not seconds later. Seeing you on the ground he slipped the rusted bloodstained machete under his belt and holding out a scarred and bloody hand. You reclined away from his hand. He grunted wiping his hand on his stained pants before reaching out again. He wasn't going to leave so you gave in, placing your much smaller hand in his large palm. He pulled you upwards, getting you back steady on your feet before starting forward again. A few steps in and you noticed that he hadn't released your hand. It was much easier to walk and keep up with him as long as he held your hand tightly. The coolness of his skin against your warmth was a pleasant contrast it had you shivering.
You lost track of the time and how long you had been walking before exhaustion once again nipped at your heels. Despite him leading you, you were beginning to falter once again.
"I'm tired," you mumbled.
Wordlessly and in one motion you were lifted and held in this stranger's arms. He carried you tenderly making sure no branches snagged in your hair or struck your face. He seemed tireless as he pressed forward. Though he hadn't said a word or made any sort of motions to harm you, it had been the nicest you'd ever been treated. The horrors at the camp, not just from his killing spree, seemed to melt away as exhaustion overtook your body. You fell asleep in his arms as he kept walking forward with a purpose. Thoughts of what everyone would think with you missing was at the back of your mind until you were swallowed by sleep. You couldn't bring yourself to worry as you finally felt safe at last, you melted into his embrace and let yourself be carried away. The unknown before you vast and uncharted, but maybe it would be better. Time would only tell.
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hihelloheyhowdy · 1 year
They Don't Know About the "I Love You"s (Nagi x reader)
In which pro athlete!Nagi is discovered to be in a relationship with you, and refuses to deny it.
Nagi's publicist always told him what to do, who to talk to, and how to act. He felt like aside from constantly having to keep up with his 'genius' soccer plays, he also had to keep an act that'll allow him his career.
Football had become one of the very few things that brought him passion, and the ability to make a more than steady income from something he enjoyed. However he found himself hating being in the spot light.
One thing that he looked forward to was coming home to you at the end of the day, and sitting there as you ran your hand through his hair whispering a 'you did good today' or 'I'm proud of you'. It was moments like those where he felt himself keeping pushing forward despite becoming tired of it all.
When Reo's on his ass about practice, when everyone is complaining about how his goals were no longer as 'genius' as they should be, when the crowd seems to find him not entertaining enough, it all fades to nothing in your presence.
Because you're the only one who never wants anything from Nagi. All you've ever asked for in exchange for all your understanding and affection, is that in return. The most beautiful part about it, is that loving you came easy to Nagi.
He was willing to put in 'work', but he rarely felt that it made him tired. In fact every moment spent with you feels like tons of weights have been lifted off of him. You know Nagi, and you've seen him at his worst yet you still found it in you to love him.
So he couldn't stand there, and let you simply take the pressure that the public suddenly threw at you. An article came out of the two of you on a picnic date in the park. It was titled 'Star Footballer Nagi Seishiro Not As Single As He Lets On?"
It sickened him to his stomach when he saw people saying that you weren't 'attractive enough', or seemed to not be 'good enough' to be dating him according to their standards.
It couldn't be further from the truth. In Nagi's eyes you were gorgeous, and if anything he didn't deserve you. Always putting up with him when he was unmotivated, or snapped at you for no reason at all.
When you'd seen the article didn't think anything of it, but people quickly were able to identify you. Millions of dms and commented flooded in, and not all of them were sweet. You tried to ignore them, but with so many it was hard until you went on private.
The next morning you'd woken to having been tagged in a post made by Nagi last night a million times. It was a photo from that picnic date, one where he was kissing your cheek. There was a caption under it, and it read 'more than perfect for me, i love you'.
You felt your heart swell as you smiled as you looked down to the Nagi sleeping soundly next to you. You ran a hand softly through his hair as he seemed to lean into your touch. You whisper out a small 'I love you' into the air, even though he couldn't hear.
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isroji · 2 years
Different ideas | Attuma
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Attuma x reader
Summary: Attuma and you get involved in an argument over your opposite ideas.
Warnings: Angst, Wakanda Forever spoilers.
A/N: Hey! This is my first time posting some of my writing here in Tumblr :) I never thought I'd do it, but this king here deserves content. I apologize for my English, it's not my first language and I know there be some things written wrong. I still hope you can enjoy it c: Btw, sorry for the gif's bad quality, it was the only that I could found.
thanks for reading!
You were never Namor's biggest fan. You understood perfectly the reasons of the king of Talokan and above all, you understood his way of thinking, because you shared it. You also believed faithfully in protecting Talokan above all things, you also thought that the city and its people were the most important thing... But you could not, under any circumstances, support Namor's actions.
Declare war on the surface? If history had taught you anything, it was that in wars everyone dies. The good ones, the bad ones and the innocents. It was neither ethical or moral to go and start a war on beings who did not even know of your existence. You refused to put innocent people at risk on the surface lands and you refused even more to put the people of Talokan, your people, at risk. To your family, to your friends, to Attuma...
Oh, Attuma.
If there was one reason for you to remain in Namor's ranks, it was Attuma. That cold-hearted general you'd put your hands on fire for without even thinking about it. You joined Talokan's army in search of the ideals you grew up with, but your only current motive was him; the one who could not see beyond the orders of a blind leader and nonexistent dangers.
The one who at that precise moment was looking at you with great annoyance in his eyes.
"How can you even think of betraying Talokan in this way?" He asked, bitterly and even with a little contempt in his raspy voice.
Your stability faltered. You used to easily forget how incredibly imposing Attuma was. His whole body tensed as a sign of rejection and that look that would break anyone. If you were not so sure of your position, you would have already abandoned the stance and given up.
"It's not a betrayal to Talokan," you managed to find your voice and, surprisingly, make it heard. "You know me, you've known me since I was your student and you know I would never do anything like that. My life is Talokan and that's precisely why I tell you that everything Namor plans is crazy. A madness that puts this city at risk."
He looked at you with even more contempt than before. There was a surprise lodged in those dark irises, like confusion and pain. It seemed that what he heard sounded like craziness, technically desertion and betrayal. It was not a surprise, Namor could be very convincing and you saw firsthand how Attuma absorbed his ideas.
There, in the depth of the sea, between the marine stones and the immense blue, Attuma managed to look even more bigger than the sea itself. He came minimally close to you, keeping the distance that such a conversation required, transmitting perhaps more than you would have liked.
"Talokan is hidden, not to mention that it has the best warriors. You know it because you are part of those warriors." he argued, making clear his displeasure.
He seemed it like it would never understand you.
"They're smart, Attuma! They have resources, they have people who could, if they wanted to, find our city. I remind you that we are not the only ones who know how to fight, and no matter how well we do it, the people on the surface also have an army." You explained.
He still didn't understand you.
"Namor wouldn't do something that would put us in danger, he will ask Wakanda for help-" He tried to talk, but you didn't let him continue.
"Namor is blinded!" You raised your voice "And you too. You are a fool if you think that something good will come out of a war."
That seemed to offend him in the extreme.
"Watch your mouth, kid." He pointed his finger at you.
You bit your tongue. In spite of everything, he was still your general. Older than you, with more rank than you and above all, more important -in every way- than you.
Attuma turned his head, watching Talokan shine. He looked angry, very angry. It took him several seconds to look back at you, and when he did, you found in his look a painful disappointment towards you that hurt more than any possible war.
"In the end you're just that, a kid. A kid who does not understand anything and above all, does not have no loyalty."
Those words hurt. They hurt deeply. They reached the depths of your heart and stabbed you. And maybe hurt more because you knew he said it coming from his blinded posture. It hurt because before choosing to listen to you, he preferred to follow orders.
"You want to support a war, a war where people who don't have any kind of bad intentions will die. You want to endanger Talokan and yourself, but am I the one who doesn't understand anything?" You claimed, letting all absolute pain be heard in your voice.
He, for a second, seemed to empathize with you. He wasn't averse to your pain, He never had been entirely.
"We will not endanger Talokan..." For the second time in that whole conversation, Attuma was interrupted by you.
"Yes, you all will! You will! You will endanger yourself, you will expose yourself to fighting an enemy we don't know" Your voice threatened to break "It is that you do not understand Attuma... how do I make you understand that if something happens to you-
You couldn't go on, you weren't able to say the rest. You had struggled for days not to have that image in your head, but the mention of it in front of him made it so real and palpable that it was terrifying. You knew those superheroes on the surface, now you also knew the Wakandians, imagining Attuma's blood on one of those hands hurt you to levels he would never understand.
A senseless war was not worth the death of the man in front of you.
You ended up hiding, refusing to show how much hurt the mental image that you couldn't get out of your mind now.
Finally, your general understood everything. Or at least the most part. And that only made him look, in his own perspective, like a real jerk.
He may not showed it, but whatever feelings you had for him, they were reciprocated. He was not a person who could afford such personal things as love, in the end, love was a danger and a weakness. However, if something as pure as love could lead to exist in a man like him, it was certain that you were the owner and responsible. Only you.
Insecure, he approached you, the little mess of emotions you were. Hidden in the palm of your hands, squatting. Attuma came down to your height, holding your hands and revealing the face that he allowed to admire in the solitude of his thoughts.
Your eyes met, both pairs sharing similar feelings.
"Do you disapprove of Namor's ideas for fear that something will happen to me?" He asked, unable to avoid being direct.
You avoided looking at him, turning your face. That was the answer to his question.
He let go of your hands and brought his to your face, forcing you to look at him. His hands, big and rough, but strangely comfortable. His eyes, dark, but full of devotion.
That personal contact managed to penetrate deeply into you.
"My little girl... My precious little girl"
He didn't dare to say anything more, because his posture had not changed. In fact, nothing beyond the growing empathy in him had changed. Still, his last words were charged with emotions you never thought he could convey.
He kissed you, kissed you as the only way to communicate without continuing to fight over your different ideas. A kiss that started soft, reflecting his desire to take care of you, but progressed with the passion that you both desired so deeply. Years of getting to know each other, of keeping feelings that came out so easily after fighting over things that didn't even seem so relevant now that you could only think about how good his lips felt over yours.
You two would never agree. He, stubborn and loyal to Namor. You, true to your ideals and to yourself. You only had that kiss left, nothing else.
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nocasdatsgay · 10 months
From the Ashes, The Wildflowers Grow
Chapter 1: Family
Word Count: 2675
CW: IDK a baby? None
Chapter Summary: Eris and his wife, Celeste, hold a family get-together to introduce their new child.
Also read it on A03 Here
MasterPost and full fic summary here
First time posting chapters on tumblr AND ao3 so comments, likes, etc are welcome and appreciated.
Waiting in his chambers with his mother, Eris felt the wards break. He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and watched the magic simmer. He then watched as they immediately repaired themselves. 
“Your son is here,” he said, with a sigh to his mother. He stood from his chair. “Dramatic as ever.”
Not even a moment later, the doors to the chambers opened. No knock; his brother never knocked. There was a squeal of a female and golden blonde hair rushing to him. 
“Eris,” Elain said, hugging him. Eris took a moment to realize what happened and hug her back. She pulled away and looked towards his mother. She gasped. “Is that the baby?”
“Good to see you Elain,” he said with a slight chuckle. 
She left him quickly with her lilac dress twirling around her feet, and went to the couch his mother occupied. She murmured her greetings and his mother handed her the babe swaddled in a green blanket. Elain sat beside her and he could hear his daughter’s little grunts from being shuffled around.
“Oh Eris, she’s beautiful.”
Eris felt another presence beside him. “Where’s your wife?” 
He looked toward his brother. Eris was surprised to see him in a tunic and trousers, and not in day court attire. Coupled with Elain’s dress that meant they must have come from Spring. 
“She’s napping. I’d rather not wake her. She refuses to rest. So when she does, I don’t disturb her.”
“Sounds like Celeste.” Lucien walked over to his mate. 
“You know you can't keep breaking the wards, Lucien.” Eris crossed his arms. “You’ll start a war because you’re too lazy to walk in.”
“I keep telling him that,” Elain said. “But he doesn’t listen.”
Lucien himself replied by dismissively waving a hand and giving his mother a hug. He then peered down at the bundle in Elain’s arms. “Oh thank the cauldron, she looks like her mother.”
“Careful,” Eris frowned. His mother didn’t suppress her laugh. 
Lucien only smiled at him. “Have you named her yet?” 
Eris didn’t answer him. He heard familiar footsteps to his right and tried not to scowl as his wife rounded the corner. She had changed into a red knit sweater and brown trousers. He was at least happy she didn’t feel the need to put on something more formal. Her brown hair looked hurriedly put into a bun, loose strands framing her face. The dark rings were still under her eyes. He wanted to tell her to go back to bed but he knew not to argue in front of family. She gave them all a smile and Lucien walked over to her to hug her. 
“I was just telling your husband what a blessing your child looks just like you,” he teased. 
“I heard,” she replied with a little yawn. “But she does have his hair.” 
“She’s beautiful, Celeste.” Elain told her with a smile. 
Celeste said her thanks while Lucien stepped back and looked her over. Eris glared but didn’t say anything. He knew it was ridiculous, but he refused to feel guilty for being jealous and protective. Even if they’d been married for nearly a century. 
Lucien frowned, “Eris was right, you still need rest. You look absolutely terrible.”
“Lucien,”  his mother hissed from the couch. 
Eris didn’t bother to cut his eyes to his brother. Celeste smacked him on the arm for the both of them. Eris chuckled when he saw Elain, still holding the babe, glared over for a brief moment before schooling her features. 
“Elain, come get your mate,” she laughed. “It’s been over a week. I’m fine.”
“She refuses to let me help,” Eris interjected. Celeste rolled her eyes. “It’s the truth. I practically have to steal my own child to bond with her.” 
“Now that is a lie if I ever heard one,” Celeste came over and took his hand. “If I’m not holding her, he is. Edith said it would spoiler her.”
“Nonsense,” his mother replied. “She’s always said that. What she didn’t tell you is when she was my healer, she coddled every single one of my boys.” 
Celeste grinned. “I think she says it mostly because Eris also takes her to all his meetings even if she’s sleeping.” 
He brought her hand up and kissed the tops of her knuckles. He held her gaze tightly. “How can I not? I love to show off your work.”
Lucien made a gagging noise. “Please get a room.” 
“These are our rooms,” Celeste replied. 
Eris pulled her to him and kissed her cheek, then her lips. He was very pleased with the way she hummed in response, kissing him back. 
“Disgusting,” Lucien grumbled. 
Elain, ever the polite one, changed the topic. “Did you name her?” 
Celeste pulled away, and turned towards her. “We have.” She looked back at Eris. 
She asked him a silent question and he nodded. He saw the brief sadness in her eyes and he gripped her hand tight. He knew it would be hard for her, especially with Lucien present, but he stood by her decision when she asked before the baby was born. 
He watched her look over to Lucien. Her voice cracked a little when she said, “Her name is Andrea.” 
Realization washed over Lucien and his eyes widened. He looked to Eris but Eris only shrugged. Their mother, who had been watching quietly, stood and went to Lucien, squeezing his arm. Elain looked confused. 
“That’s a lovely name,” their mother replied. 
Celeste let go of Eris’s hand and she went to Elain to retrieve their child. “She’s named after Andras,” she said softly to her. “He was a dear friend,” she turned to Lucien. “A very dear friend to the both of us back in Spring. He gave his life for us to be free. I wanted to honor him.” 
Lucien was still eyeing Eris. “And you’re fine with that?” 
Eris glowered. “She could have named her Tamlin and I would be fine with it. Truly Lucien, that’s the first comment you want to make?” 
Celeste thankfully took no offense and laughed. “Would you let me name your child after my former high lord?” 
Eris bristled a little at the reminder. “You labored for two days, as long as it wasn’t Morrigan I was fine with anything.” He swore he heard Elain snort at that remark. 
Lucien nodded and looked him over with a grin. “Just checking. You are the jealous type. But I should have guessed Celeste gets whatever she wants.”
Eris only looked to his beautiful wife again, holding their child. He didn’t bother to change his expression into something other than the adoration he felt. “You say that as if it’s a terrible problem to have.” 
Another knock came to the door. His other brothers, Piran, Asher, and Cillian filed into the room; followed by Celeste’s mother. 
“These three were loitering in the halls,” she stated with great humor before curtsying towards Lucien, Elain, and his mother. “Something about how my daughter’s husband would murder them if they woke her.” 
Eris didn’t hide his grin. “I can’t fathom where they heard such an outlandish story.”
“Eris,” Celeste shuffled the babe in her arms so she could smack his arm gently. 
“It was kinder for me to kill them if they woke you than to let them suffer your wrath.” Eris retorted. “Everyone in this room knows you’re a monster to wake up.” 
Celeste scoffed, dramatically looked very offended. “You wound me deeply.”
Piran stepped around them to greet Lucien and Elain. “Good to see you both.” He turned his head to Lucien. “You keep breaking the wards, Lucien and I’m going to have you banned from Autumn again.”
“I repaired them, didn’t I?” Lucien replied. 
“Boys,” their mother said with a tone of warning. “Lucien, promise to your brothers you will stop breaking the wards.” 
“You treat me as if I’m a youngling.” He rolled his eyes. 
Asher spoke up from near the door. “That’s because you act like one.” 
Everyone laughed, including Elain, which made Lucien scowl. She finally cut him a look and he replied. “Fine, I promise I won’t break the wards again.” 
Cillian said from beside Asher, “this room is a bit crowded. We came to fetch you all.” 
They all filed out the chamber and Eris took Andrea from his wife. He still wasn’t used to it; holding the little being the cauldron blessed them with. She was still so new to the world, for any stark features to truly stand out other than the red hair, pale skin, and her blue eyes. Her little face scrunched as she settled in his arms while he walked down the hall. He smiled down at her for a moment and glanced at his wife walking beside him. He’d probably never understand what he’d done to earn this kind of happiness. 
They all reached the conference room that was refurbished as a sitting lounge several decades ago. Once Andrea was placed in the cradle, he sat with his brothers to continue talking. Even Lucien joined them. Eris would never admit how much that meant to him. His mother and Celeste’s mother were off to one side chatting. They offered to sit close to the cradle to keep an eye on the baby. Elain and Celeste went to the far side of the room. Eris could hear his wife talking, catching bits of gossip from Spring and how Elain was bullying the Tamlin into letting her redo the flowerbeds during her visits. He did catch the shift in Elain’s tone that had him worried for only a moment. 
“I started that book you sent me. You are just as terrible as my sister,” Elain said. He could see the blush on her face from his seat. “You did not warn me about chapter 33. You told me it wasn’t that bad.”
Celeste laughed loudly. “It’s not! But if that made you blush, then skip 40. It’s nothing but-” 
He instantly knew exactly what they were discussing and immediately blocked them out. His wife’s reading habits was something he decided a long time ago was none of his business. He glanced over and his gaze caught Lucien’s. Apparently he was doing the same thing, from the look he shared. Eris bit back his laugh and focused on what his other brothers were saying. It wasn’t long before a knock came to the door, stifling the conversations in the room.
Rowen, the captain of the guard, poked his head in. “Lord Helion is here. Shall I escort him in?”
Eris looked at his brothers. Unspoken words were exchanged between them with a look and Eris stood. 
“I’ll go.” When he got to the door, he looked at Rowen and nodded to the room. “Go in and visit.” 
Rowen looked at him skeptically. He ran a nervous hand through his dark hair. “Are you sure?” 
“You’re family, aren’t you?” He patted his friend’s shoulder. “Go meet the baby. You haven’t even seen her yet.” 
Eris understood his hesitation. Rowen was a good leader but very reserved. Asher was always the more outgoing one and Rowen gladly let his husband take on those responsibilities. He watched Rowen stare into the room for a moment. He then gave Eris a nod and went through the door. He took a shortcut to the main hall and found Helion waiting near the front entrance.
“Afternoon Helion.” His greeting was short. Even after all the time that passed, their relationship was still complicated. 
“Eris.” Helion gave a little nod. “Apologies for running late. Congratulations. I know your mother is excited to have a new youngling around.”
As if summoned, footsteps echoed in the hall. Eris turned to see his mother and wife walking towards them, his wife holding their daughter.
“You look well.” Helion said to Celeste as they approached. 
Celeste scoffed. “Don’t flatter me, Helion. Lucien’s already told me I look worse for wear.” 
He frowned. “Did he?” 
Eris replied with a little pride, “she handled it.” 
Helion cut his eyes to Eris’s mother, who nodded. He looked back to Celeste. “You look like you have a new babe keeping you up at night, but that’s expected. All that considered, you do look well.”
“Eris helps.” Celeste readjusted the baby resting in her arms. “Would you like to hold her? Her name is Andrea.” 
Helion nodded and Celeste handed her over to him. He grinned as he took her, part of the blanket falling to the side as she squirmed in his hands. She seemed more awake, her legs shuffling under the white gown they’d dressed her in. Helion cooed a greeting to her and Eris could see her yawn. 
“Isn’t she beautiful?” His mother sighed and leaned onto Helion’s arm. 
Watching them awe over his child made Eris wonder if somehow, in another life, that would have been how they looked at their own babe. Would that have been how they looked at Lucien? How they would have looked at him? He must have let his emotions show. Celeste slipped her arm around his and took his hand. She weaved her fingers around his own and she squeezed gently. With a blink, he squeezed back. 
The moment didn’t last for long, however. Eris knew instantly by the quick little movements his daughter was making that she was about to start screaming. As if on cue, her face scrunched up. Celeste moved first, holding out her arms as Andrea let out a little cry. Helion thankfully wasn’t offended, letting out a soft chuckle. 
“And she’s hungry,” Celeste quickly took the wailing babe. She held her close and looked at Eris.  “I’m going to feed her and drag out Elain. I left her alone talking with my mother and she was trying to needle out of Elain her cinnamon bread recipe,” she added, making a face. 
“I’ll go with you.” His mother told Celeste and stood on her toes to kiss Helion on the cheek. 
Eris caught her gaze for a brief moment. He knew she was leaving them alone on purpose. He didn’t hide annoyance on his face. His mother flashed her eyes in a way that told him to behave. Eris crossed his arms. He and Helion turned to watch them retreat for a moment. Eris could taste the awkward silence hanging between them. 
Helion finally turned to Eris. “You know you’re welcome at my court, Eris.” Eris could only nod. “I do mean that. Next time Celeste visits, you should join her. I know your mother wants to see more of you. Especially with the baby-“ 
“I am aware.” Eris finally snapped back. He said it more harsher than he intended to. Helion frowned and Eris continued. “What I mean is, when Andrea is old enough to handle winnowing, I will send notice.”
That softened the Day High Lord’s demeanor. “There is a lot of bad blood between us. I’m not asking for a miracle; I’m merely asking to start making amends. We are family.” 
Eris nodded again. He knew he needed to try harder. It had been over a century. He was at least trying. Even if it pained him. 
Helion didn’t let the silence lapse for long. “I spoke with your mother and we both agreed there will be Pegasus waiting for her when she’s old enough.” 
“That’s hardly necessary,” Eris replied, taken aback. 
Helion shrugged, wearing a smirk eerily similar to Lucien’s. “So was giving us two smoke hounds as a mating present.” 
Eris rolled his eyes. “Again, hardly. Aspen and Jora missed my mother dearly.” 
Helion didn’t seem to buy it but also didn’t further argue. “Shall we?” He asked, looking toward the hall. 
“Of course,” Eris nodded. 
He told himself one day he would be used to the family he made and acquired, just like he had gotten used to the peace. For the time being, he would try to enjoy it for what it was and accept the happiness the cauldron and Mother granted him.
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disfrutalakia · 10 months
Okay, I had been meaning to write this for awhile and what best time to do it than at 3am in Brazil right?
Anyway, time for me to be ill about Forever which will be under a read more cause you guys know how much I like to ramble.
Okay first of all, I'm specifically talking about Forever post happy pills arc.
When he woke up from his coma he was meet with a bit of chaos, a lot of people were at the order during this time but still Forever managed to thank the people he wanted to and even made promises of "bringing your color back" to Bad they hugged and then he managed to talk with Pac and let him know that for him, Pac is a hero.
After this there is the chaos of the event but Forever is quiet comparing with how he usually his, he takes time to resolve everything and Bagi is found, they go on a walk and he is hit with a frying pan, she tells him she doesn't care about his missing son and he just accepts her words, too deep into his own head to really retaliate. And then, at the end of the day he goes back to the "moon house" and takes his first step towards healing, he breaks stone Richas. Which takes a lot out of him.
The next day when he wakes up he is overjoyed, he sees that his beloved sister is back and maybe, just maybe he could have someone to hear him out, but when he arrives he notices she has been crying and when she says it was because of her knee hurting, he didn't believe her for a second, but didn't want to be push, and then she asked about the drugs she heard about him using and if he was okay and what can he do but say that he will be someday? He can't worry Baghera when she looks so much worse than he does. So his wellbeing is not important.
And then the flower thing, Forever is not someone to show he cares so directly, he knows who he cares about it but he rarely shows it but now? He is making an effort to at least try to cheer up his sad friends with flowers, he wants to investigate Bad to figure out what's going on with him, he wants to bring his colors back, he wants everyone he cares about to be happy again even if he is still screaming from pain inside.
Then that meeting with cucurucho happens, on the old times he used to joke and laugh even during those meetings but not now, now he is tense, his lands probably shake a bit and his voice is carefully crafted to not show much emotions, Cucurucho trusts those pills on his hands again and for a moment, a very brief one he thought about them, thought about how he would let himself become lost in then if Richas was truly dead. Then, he sees old pictures of him and Richas together and he decides against using the pills ever again, he hides then away, under a fireplace so if he ever gets tempted to touch them again, his hands will burn with the fire. But he is keeping them safe to make antidotes with incase shit ever happens again, he refuses to let Pac's work go to waste.
He refuses to not be himself again, to lose his agency like that.
Right now, his only focus is helping his friends who are very not well, he can take care of himself the others are always a priority and they will remain the priority for the rest of his life. His pain being buried deeper and deeper, not cause nobody would be willing to hear it but because he isn't willing to talk about it.
So he tries, he tries to joke and laugh with his friends, to forget the horrible reality but they all can notice how his smile is not really there, how his laugh is a lot more quieter now.
The old Forever is gone, what remains is the most self sacrificial part of himself that would rather putting everyone else's problems before his own.
Because for him, he is nothing without his family.
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renranren · 1 year
TWC what-if scenario: what if the detective became a cat?
Out on a pair mission with their LI, the detective got drenched in some unknown potion and turned into a cat. The Agency's staff said they will return to human form in a few days. Meanwhile, LIs will need to take care of them during this time.
- Gave you a trademark monologue ramble about how reckless you were, how you should had listened to her, how the situation could have been worse, how defenseless you are in cat form, why you need to be under their protection at all times until the potion’s effect wears off. All of this while assembling a cat tree, scratching post, and a cat bed in their bedroom. “F will not enter my room without permission. You will be safer here than your own room.”  
- "I did some research and found the best cat food brand but the pet shop in your small town does not sell it and those in nearby town all ran out. No matter what form you take, your safety and well-being are still my...our priority," muttering about nutrition and started cooking your three-course homemade cat meal.
- Did their best not to touch you but never brush you off when you approach. One morning A woke up to find you sleeping on their chest. Afraid to wake you up, A just laid there like a statue (not because you are so tiny or adorable or precious or anything just that cats need more sleep).
- "I'm more of a dog-person but I can't deny that I don't enjoy this." Let you lie on their lap while they read. One hand on a book, another lazily petted along your body, or scratched under your chin or behind your ears.
- Brought out the softest, most comfortable piece of clothing they own to use as your bed and cat-proof your bedroom. Stayed the night with you. Didn’t mind about cat hair on their own clothes.
- Let you get away with anything, "Just please don't scratch the furniture or throw up on the rug." Set up A's training dummy as your scratch pose just in case.
- Cooked you cat-friendly meals and treats. Others caught them spoon-feeding you. Yeah, spoil you rotten.
- Loved brushing your fur while telling you how pretty you are. "Let me hear your purr. Now, that's my kitty."
- "Babe, you are absolutely adorable!" They practically shrieked with excitement while picking you up and spinning you around. "Don't worry, babe. We will have a lot of fun!"
- Three hours in and already set up a social media account for you. "I have to spread your cuteness, babe!" The account got erased by the Agency’s tech, of course.
- Dressed you up in whatever cloth they can put on you and take you out while wearing matching outfits. Took tons of pic and video.
- Tried out every cat viral video they saw on the internet (definitely the purrito one). "We only have three days before you turn back. Not that I don't adore you in your human form but we might not get this chance again."
- Helped get rid of cat food because you couldn't stomach it and sneaked human food for you behind N's back. Sweet F.
- Refused to touch you for the first couple of hours. They are not familiar with animals, and you are so small. What if they accidentally broke your leg or something?! After a quick Cat-101 lesson from N, they finally let you approach.
- Hesitatingly petted you and the first time they heard you purr; they just froze. Your buzzed purr and blissed out expression were incredibly soothing for them and made they feel warm inside.
- Kept you on their lap while you were stargazing together at night. Absentmindedly petted you and played with your toe beans the whole time. Spoke softly to you about everything that came to their mind.
- After knowing that cats love sunspots, they drawn a curtain open just a little for you. They still avoided sunlight but really enjoyed the scent and warmth the sun left on your soft fur, holding you close for hours after that.
- Would probably put you in their jacket in front of their chest if the weather was cold.
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
Kick in the door waving the coco hello it's me, your favorite omega here to request some consented somno for Jihope because energized and wired post-concert Hobi using sleepy and flushed eager to please Jimin has rotted a hole inside of my brain the size of lake Michigan. I love you. Did I mention I love you? Okay cool I love you.
OH HELLO LOVE OF MY LIFE !!!! this idea has also rotted straight thru my brain so thank u for sharing it with me and putting it in as a request so i can subject everyone to the jihope agenda 😭 this got soft af because of who i am as a person but i refuse to apologize!!!!!!!
~taking jihope drabble requests all month!!~
pairing: jimin x hoseok wordcount: 1k on the dot 💪 contains: heads up!!! this is literally member x member!!! so perhaps do not read it if that is not ur bag !!! POV switch bc i was feelin feisty, post-hobipalooza hehe, jihope have fucked before but they're not like together (but they Are in love), very small amounts of biting and scratching, anal fingering (w lube ofc), protected anal sex, consensual somno obvi, a little under-negotiated within the context of this specific scene but I HAD LIMITED WORDCOUNT OKAY everyone is FINE WITH IT i swear, dirty talk, overuse of the word hyung bc i'm me, and there are some lines in here that really punch me in the chest emotionally so uhhhh have fun !!
Hoseok can’t sit still.
He’s got that post-adrenaline energy running through him, giggly and stupid in the afterglow, and Jimin can’t keep up. Not with the bone-deep exhaustion that’s settling into him, his body thoroughly out of whack from waking up on the other side of the world this morning.
Jimin drops onto the mattress like a stone, and Hoseok pounces. He’s all hard angles, slimmed down from stress like this– knees digging starbursts into the duvet, sharp elbows and dainty wrists caging Jimin in as Hoseok covers the body beneath him with his own. 
They mouth at each other, Hoseok really laughing more than kissing. His teeth catch on the plump fruit of Jimin’s bottom lip; his breath comes hot in Jimin’s mouth.
Jimin sinks into the familiar warmth, the fireworks that pop in his gut when their hips slot together. His cock twitches in his pants.
“Jimin-ah,” Hoseok rasps, nose skimming the line of Jimin’s jaw. “This still okay?”
It hasn’t happened in a while. It’s sweet, Jimin thinks, that he asks, even after all this time. He answers with a sleepy nod.
“Tired, baby?” Hoseok croons.
Another nod, this one purposefully cute.
“Hyung’s keepin’ you up, huh?”
Jimin’s eyes blink open– when did he close them?– when Hoseok shifts a little above him. He catches glimpses, slips of honey skin, in the gaps between the buttons of Hoseok’s shirt, bought oversized and now enough to drown in.
This lingering feeling has been surging up in Jimin’s chest all night, and it hits him again with the way Hoseok’s looking at him: overwhelming, right behind his ribs, ocean-deep.
“Not,” he answers, voice mostly air– he’s made himself hoarse, he screamed so much at the show. Hoseok’s pretty painted nails are already dragging down the zipper of his shirt, pressing faint pink lines into the smooth skin they find beneath it.
Jimin is pliant, letting himself be played with. He lifts up enough for Hoseok to work him out of his clothes and tries to remember what he was even saying. “Want you to. I like it.”
“Gonna let hyung fuck you right to sleep?” Hoseok punctuates the question with another sweet laugh and kneels up to strip himself, efficient as ever.
Jimin’s own giggle flutters through him, face flushing a little. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
It’s true, they’ve done this before: just one of those things that happened, growing up together. Sharing cramped bedrooms and ruined sleep schedules and adolescent hormones; using each other’s willing bodies, fucking to shake off fear, adrenaline, jetlag.
With a grunt of effort, Jimin gracelessly flops over onto his stomach. His favorite way to take it. He’s sure Hoseok still remembers.
“‘M your fan,” he slurs into the pillow, the world already smeared at the edges when he tries to look back at Hoseok. “Your groupie, hyung. Let me watch from backstage, took me to your hotel room, so fuck me.”
“Aw, baby,” Hoseok purrs. “‘Course I will. You came all this way.”
Jimin can feel it now, the firm outline of his own cock, filled out and pinned beneath him. He thinks he feels Hoseok’s hands, too, warm on his thighs, guiding them apart.
There’s a click– probably the travel-sized lube Hoseok keeps in his meticulously organized toiletries bag, Jimin remembers that from the last tour– and it’s chased by the warm, wet stretch of Hoseok’s fingers slipping past his rim.
“Fuck,” Jimin breathes. “Feels good, hyung.”
“Just relax,” Hoseok murmurs, pressing deeper, rubbing at his walls. “Open this pretty little ass up.”
Jimin means to answer, but the dark blue pull of sleep weighs his tongue down thick in his mouth, and then it drags him under entirely.
Jimin’s hot inside, squeezes the head of Hoseok’s cock so right that it works a rough whine out of him.
Hoseok sinks himself in to the hilt and stays there. Barely thrusting, mostly grinding, letting the vice grip of Jimin’s tight little hole suck his mind blank.
It’s so good, Jimin’s body beneath him so sweet, softer and rounder at the edges than he was the last time Hoseok had him. Jimin’s complained about it nonstop, threatened a diet when he gets home, but Hoseok likes him so much like this, with hips that beg for the kiss of fingertip bruises and an ass that jiggles.
“So pretty like this,” Hoseok groans, not even sure if Jimin’s still present enough to hear him, saying it anyway. “Jiminie, baby. Taking hyung’s cock just like he taught you.”
Hoseok drops down over Jimin’s frame beneath him, watching the steady rise and fall of his breath, until his nose brushes at the stretch of Jimin’s spine.
He’s riled up, has been all night, all week, and he can’t keep himself from babbling, the way he always does when he’s close.
“Did that whole show, just thinking of you. Really did mean it, baby. I was in the dark and you, fuckin– pulled me back. Don’t think you even know. What you do to me. Everything’s easier.”
That cord of arousal in his gut pulls tighter, and Hoseok chases the feeling, watches the whole of his cock disappear up inside Jimin on every thrust. Laying all sweet and open for his hyung, cheek smushed into the pillow.
Hoseok grunts, dips to smudge a kiss to the nape of Jimin’s neck, and it's enough. He’s coming, giving a final ragged gasp as he spills into the condom.
It takes a second to get his breath back, and then he withdraws. His legs shake under him as he slips into the bathroom to clean up.
Fuck, at least he’s finally starting to feel tired.
Jimin has rolled over when Hoseok gets back, away from the wet spot– there’s space in this king-sized bed. A luxury from how it used to be, twin dorm bunks with no sheets.
Little miracles, Hoseok thinks, and then Jimin stirs.
“Sleep. Said I’d make you.”
And, well. That feels like a miracle too.
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thatuselesshuman · 28 days
Making Art Until I Learn to Enjoy the Process Again Day 1
So I'm going to start this series where I make art I enjoy and post it until I learn to like art again. I'll put the why under the read more, so you don't have to read all that lol
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Boom, day one. This is made out of makeup products (lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, and highlighter) and also nail polish
Looks terrible but i had fun
Why I'm doing this:
This gonna be kinda serious and I'm usually a goofy silly person so stick with me.
As a child, art was my shit. I asked for a drawing tablet for my birthday, and my favorite class in school was art. I dreamed of becoming an animator or a comic artist. Then I hit 6th grade, where I figured out I was colorblind. It's not that serious or even that severe, but it still hit me hard. It seemed like everyone suddenly became sympathetic towards my goal, instead of supportive. They no longer believed I could become a professional artist because I had a disability that prevented me from fully seeing one of the main facets of art: color.
I didn't give up though, because I'm stubborn as hell. That didn't help me any with my art teachers though. My art teachers suddenly became highly critical, seeming to think they were doing me a service by letting me down early. Soon, that critical nature infected me and I started hating my art. It wasn't bad, just typical child art, but I refused to show it to anyone or do anything with it because I thought it was never good enough. I was tired of fighting the fight to convince people of my plan. I stopped trying at art by the 8th grade, and dropped out of art classes entirely by 10th grade.
The story continues however, when I was forced to take an art credit this year at university. I had long since stopped caring about art by then, so I just tried to get through the class. My art teacher, as per usual, was highly critical of my art. She found it childish, and eventually just stopped trying to genuinely critique it. She gave up on me. It didn't hurt me all that bad, but it did make me realize something. I used to love art. Now, it was a chore I had to get through for the credit. That didn't sit right with me for a while, and I finally decided to do something about it today.
Is my art good? No. Does it have any deep symbolism? No. Do I hate to show it to the internet? Absolutely.
But that's exactly why I'm doing it. I'm not going to get anywhere by having such thin skin, so I'm putting it to the fire of Tumblr. I'm going to enjoy making it, post it, and do it day by day (aka when I have time lol) until the comments on it no longer matter. Until I enjoy the art I make not because it's good, but because it's fun.
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years
For the pure fluff prompt: How about one where Tony brings a sleeping Peter over to a meeting for whatever reason? Maybe because he's sick? (I've read multiple of fics but none of them have been because Peter's sick. And since you are the queen of sickfics, I'm offering you this prompt)
Anyways, hope you have a great day!
I finally made it through my last mini-fic prompt. I'm not sure it's exactly what @bluequeen0803 had in mind, but I think it turned out pretty cute! And! It's longer than the others I posted today, clocking in at 944 words!
Koala Care
“Alright, Kiddo. Time to go inside,” Tony said. When Peter didn’t move he rolled his eyes and released the seat belt himself. “Come on, Bud. I know you don’t feel good, but you can’t just stay in the car.”
Apparently, Peter had arrived at school with a minor case of the sniffles that had exploded into the full-blown flu by second period. He was stuffed up, sneezing, and had a fever high enough to alarm the school nurse. As expected, they’d tried to call May. But when they were unable to reach her, they’d pulled up his secondary contact information instead. That’s how Tony ended up ducking out between meetings to pick a sick kid up from school.
“I’m serious, Peter. I’ve got a meeting to get to, and I refuse to leave you in the garage,” he nagged. When the sole response he received was a pathetic whine, he huffed an annoyed breath. He’d already missed the second half of the R&D meeting he’d been putting off for weeks. Pepper hadn’t mentioned anything about it when he’d left the room. Although he was sure, her generosity had been more for Peter’s sake than his own. Either way, he wasn’t likely to get away with skipping out on mandatory board meetings as well.
“Do you want me to carry you?” he sarcastically inquired. Peter perked up slightly and mumbled something at a nearly inaudible level. “Was that a ‘No, Mr. Stark. I’m perfectly capable of dragging myself to the penthouse?’” he asked. He was surprised when Peter blinked up at him, his cheeks bright red with fever, and shook his head. “Wait, you do want me to carry you?” he asked, sure he’d misunderstood the response.
Peter hummed in the positive and sat up a little taller in his seat. “I’m tired,” he croaked, “and everything hurts.”
Tony considered cracking a joke about how the kid was entirely too big to be carried to bed. Then he got a good look at Peter’s glassy eyes and sighed sympathetically. “Alright, Kid. Just this once,” he said before hopping out the car and walking around to open the passenger side door.
After coaxing Peter out of the car, Tony crouched down to offer access to his back. The kid wrapped his lanky legs around his waist and his arms around his neck before propping his chin on his shoulder. He could feel heat from Peter's body radiating through the layers of his three-piece suit. “It’s like I’m giving a piggyback ride to a furnace,” he mumbled under his breath as he crossed the garage into the elevator.
The plan had been to unceremoniously drop Peter onto his bed, grab him some meds and then rush downstairs to attend his meeting. However, once he arrived in the penthouse, Peter refused to let go. “Peter, you have to get down,” he prompted. “If I don’t get to this meeting Pepper’s going to have my head. You don’t want to be responsible for my beheading do you?”
Peter giggled quietly but didn’t let go. If anything he held on more tightly.
“Okay, I guess you’re coming with me then,” Tony said, half expecting the kid to slide off of his back and slink into his bedroom. When that didn’t happen, he grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the fridge and pocketed a couple of tablets. Once he reached the elevator, he paused and craned his neck to try and get a look at the kid’s face. “Alright, Clancy. This is your last chance to disembark.”
“I don’t feel good and you’re super comfy,” Peter mumbled, half asleep, into his neck. Tony scoffed at the accusation and swayed his head.
Resigning himself to his fate, Tony sighed and entered the boardroom with a confident stride. All eyes were on him, more so than usual, as he strode across the room with his sleeping teenager attached to his back like an overgrown koala. “What?” he asked, then pulled a chair out and whipped it around so he could sit down without squashing Peter. “It’s ‘bring your kid to work’ day. Did you not get the memo? You all should really check your email more often.”
“Tony,” Pepper smilingly chastised. “There is no such day on the calendar. What are you doing?”
Tony shrugged and reached awkwardly over his shoulder to brush Peter’s sweaty bangs off of his forehead. “The kid’s sick,” he flippantly explained. Then grinned widely. “Actually, don’t people usually get time off when they have a sick kid?”
“He’s fifteen, Tony. And he’s not your kid,” Pepper laughed and Tony gasped theatrically.
“You can’t talk like that in front of my son!”
The entire boardroom went quiet, save for Pepper’s giggling and Peter’s quiet snoring. “Oh for heaven’s sake,” Pepper said. “Take Peter upstairs and tuck him in. I’ll reschedule this meeting for when he’s feeling better.”
Tony opened his mouth to offer a snarky remark, but before he could Peter lifted his head, eyes still closed and said, “Thanks, Ms. Pott.”
Pepper smiled softly, crossed the room and placed her hand on Peter’s forehead. “You’re welcome, Kid,” she said, then smirked in Tony’s direction. “You did a great job getting your dad out of his meeting.”
“Yep,” Peter replied, followed by a sleepy sigh. “And now he has to take me upstairs and tuck me in.”
Still grinning, Tony turned towards the exit. He knew Pepper had a lot of explaining to do on his behalf and he was sure he’d hear about it later. But for the time being, he was more than happy to carry his clingy feverish kid up to his bed.
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tragedyofdevotion · 2 years
Wanderer, my love
"Beh," he said sticking out his tongue. It had become a regular occurrence these days. He would prank you like the little brat that he was and then proceeded you laugh at you.
This time he snatched the book you were reading eagerly and floated it up in the air using his anemo vision. Again and again, he was always disturbing you whenever you left him alone for more than one minute.
"Give it back," you said, hands on hip.
"No way," he replied, waving you book around at an arm's length.
"That was the last straw," you claimed, walking towards him.
"What are you threatening? You can't even do a thing to me, Beh." he sticked out his tongue again.
But what he did not expect was for you to hold his face gently and lean closer. "That is cheating," panicked, the boy thought. "He is not prepared for this!!!"
When he thought that your lips will touch in a second, you bit his tongue.
"Delicious," you said, licking your lip while he was still processing what has happened.
Paralyzed with surprise and shock, he let your book fall. "Good boy," you said, as you walked past his patrified figure to pick up your book.
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"Welcome back," Gorou said, his tail wagging behind him. " I am really happy to see you again after a long time. How was Sumeru?"
" It was a fascinating city. I will tell you about it later."
"Yes, you must. But before that let's eat. Dinner is ready. I have prepared so much since I heard are coming back." Thoma cut in looking as joyful as Gorou.
You were having so much fun with your friends that you forgot that a certain someone tends to jealous so much.
"Wanderer, are you in there?" You knocked on his door but heard no reply. Worried, you came in hurriedly and found him, looking out from the window.
"I don't remembering permitting you to come in," he said without looking back.
"What? Do I need permission to meet my boyfriend?" You saw his ears flushed into a bright shade of red as you mentioned the word "boyfriend."
"Am I really? For a moment, I thought that dog was your boyfriend."
"Are you being jealous right now?"
"What? Of course not." He denied it bitterly.
But you know your boyfriend the best, and that includes how to get him to stop sulking.
You walked behind him and hugged him. From behind, you whispered, " My dear (wanderer name), you have no need to worry. They are just friends. I love you and only you. So, won't you let me see your beautiful face?"
"That's what all players say," he replied, his voice still sounded like a pout. But at least, he turned back to face you.
"What if I really am one?" you asked teasingly.
But his answer was so serious that it surprised you.
"Then, I have no choice but to dispose of all the insects around you."
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"Hey, are you asleep?"
He was not. But by not replying and staying still, he pretended to be.
He felt you move around in bed and reach out to the lamp post beside it. After searching around in dark for a while, you took something out of it.
What? Are you finally deciding that you will kill him? It would not be so bad. To be killed by the hand of his loved one.
But you did not try to stab him with anything and instead moved near the lower edge of the bad.
When he was wondering what you were doing, you took his bare ankle and clasped something around it. Something that felt like a thin metal string.
"What are you doing?" He got up and asked.
"Were you awake? It's... uh... It's a present for you. I was afraid you would refuse if I gave it to you openly."
"So, you tried to put it on me? While I was asleep?"
"I am sorry."
"Are you stupid? There is no way I am going to refuse anything from you."
Under the moonlight, he could see the present clearly. It was a silver ankle bracelet with a noctilucous jade dangling from it. It was a beautiful accessory, shining brighter than the stars themselves.
You got down from the bed and dropped his leg from the bed, too. Then, you knelt on your left keel and pressed a gentle kiss on his foot.
"My dear, I swear my eternal loyalty towards you. I will let neither the wishes of the highest celestial nor the darkest abyss come between us. Even if the heaven burnt down or the hell freezed over, we will always be together. I love you so much that I don't know what to do? Will you allow it?"
With the cold hard floor as your stage and the moon as your lighting, you looked absolutely ethereal.
"I adore you even more," the heartless puppet answered.
P.s, I don't have a thing for feet. I just wanted to show the dedicated pledge of reader.
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aita-blorbos · 7 months
(tma oc ask content warning for canon typical levels of buried fuckery)
am i the asshole for driving away my friend?
hey reddit . im posting from a throwaway bc i dont want people connecting this to my work (though i doubt youve heard of me anyways) but i think i messed up terribly and i want to know if this is something i can still fix
also sidenote sorry if my grammar or punctuation or word choice or anything of that sort are poor. i have not been sleeping well for some time
i (19m) am a video game developer. its been my passion for years now and i am currently in uni studying computer games development and programming and level design . although i have considered dropping out but thats a point for later . i post on itch io and such and sometimes i make flash games but idk if anyone reading this has played a single one
its been a bit of a hard time for me, if im being honest. i really like games and i really liked making them but i dont think im very good at programming or art or level design or any of the other things that go into the process of making a game . at least a profitable and fun one .
so i ended up coming to this computer science study group in the hopes maybe someone could teach me to be better at programming. and i met this girl. i dont know exactly how old she is, but i want to say she was maybe two or three years ahead of me in her schooling, so probably about 22. anyways lets call her E
E was studying pure computer science and wanted to do it at a high level . so of course she was pretty good at helping me with my really rudimentary programming stuff . and she was friendly and funny and we liked hanging out so we ended up being good friends . she actually complimented my games, once i got them to function, and said my pixel art was cute . my point is we were close . maybe we wouldn��t have been so close if we had anyone else, but i was still new and she was pretty lonely .
really shortly after i met her though i started having fucked up dreams. ok that’s not entirely accurate because i had been having fucked up dreams on occasion for a while . but they got worse and she showed up in them. it was all me locking her in stairwells hitting her over the head and piling earth over her body filling her mouth with mud and cement. terrible things
so i stopped sleeping. i tried not to at least. im pretty sure most uni kids pull all nighters. i know i did even when i was younger. but i wasnt studying for exams or whatever. i was just trying and trying to force myself awake and i started to lose it a bit. my grip on things. it felt like i was sleepwalking through classes and even like i was dreaming when i was awake. id nod off for a moment in a lecture and id feel dirt caked on my hands under my fingernails. and no matter how much i scrubbed and how much i knew with my eyes it wasnt there it just. refused to come off . and it felt like her blood
i don’t remember how we got on the topic but i remember she told me how she always worried a little bit about being trapped . like claustrophobia of a flavor that shows itself in locked doors and thick walls and collapsing underground stations. that made me feel even more odd about the whole thing . of course i felt awful about hurting her but that part of it was like a joke i didn’t get
and then weirdly enough i got really into nineties 3D games. they have these skyboxes that make it really obvious they’re not actually infinite . and i thought that was kind of interesting in context. like the whole world is a box you’re in so why worry so much about if the stairwell door will lock behind you
i kind of started thinking that was something i would like to replicate with my art . like if i put all my issues into one game they would be out of my brain and gone . maybe it could even be pleasant without the whole preying on my friends terror thing
so now we get to the part of the story where i fear i really really messed up . i made this game . and honestly i dont remember the development very well . sleep deprivation is a dreadful thing . i remember again and again while i was making it kind of coming to my senses not knowing where i was and finding massive parts of the game that i didnt remember making at all.
it was set in a stairwell but i dont remember buying or making the models for the door . there was a really weird kind of way the game functioned with an infinite path going up but how that functioned i couldnt tell you . and i dont remember composing the audio or where i might have downloaded it from except that i never liked to listen to it for very long . i dont know why i kept it in the game
i always showed my games to E but i really wanted her to see this one in particular. so she came by my flat and played it and then i remember she just glared at me . there was something to the look she gave me . it was like she was completely horrified and was trying to pretend she was just angry instead
she hasnt spoken to me since . and i think i fucked up . i knew it was playing at her issues and i think maybe i even made it at least subconsciously to pry at them. like the same part of me with dirt under my fingernails was also sitting there typing away on that keyboard .
but at the same time its just a game . and im better at programming now too . like something just clicked there
honestly though development lately has been weird. its been hard trying to go back to the old sort of pixel art platformers and shoot em ups and that kind of thing i used to make. every time i open any program its like im just staring at it and imagining skyboxes. putting it all in a box imprisoning every world i make that kind of thing. like i said earlier ive been considering dropping out. but i dont know. i think id need to sleep on it
i still have weird fucked up dreams but E isnt in them anymore . i dont know where shes gone . i think maybe my idea worked somehow and i did transfer all that shit to my art . and then that just all went right to her . but i dont know if i like that idea or hate it
anyways reddit am i the asshole?
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