#I tried more gray tones in this one but still feels weird
kobihydrangea · 8 months
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still trying new things to force myself out of the artblock
without "filter" + sketch :D
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oik-tooru · 3 months
KEY CHANGE — s. koushi
a/n this chapter has a written section so please be sure to read that part !!
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“i’ll meet you guys inside. my professor’s calling me.”
“you sure y/n?” keiji paused at the door. “i can stay with you.”
i shook my head and waved him off. “no keiji it’s okay, i’ll be fine! i’m right out here anyways.”
keiji gave me one last look before following kenma and kei inside the cafe, leaving me out in the warm june heat. i glanced at the caller ID and sighed, mentally preparing myself for the conversation i’ve tried to avoid for the past two weeks.
“hi prof—”
“y/n! finally you answered!” i winced slightly at the passive tone in my professor’s voice, but quickly shook it off and plastered my very best fake smile.
“yes, i’m so sorry i’ve been really busy—”
“with your exhibit piece, i hope?” i winced again.
“um…yeah it’s coming together. slowly but surely.” i ran a hand across my face, already drained. i heard the soft sound of my professor going tsk on the other line and the dread in my stomach intensified further.
“well you know the exhibition is in 3 weeks right? if i don’t receive any progress from you by then, unfortunately i’m going to have to cut you out.”
“i understand professor. i’ll have something for you by then, i promise.”
my professor sighed, his tone softening. i knew he did it to try and make me feel better but it did the exact opposite.
“you’re insanely talented, y/n. don’t waste it.” the soft click signalled that he had hung up, and i felt every muscle in my body finally relax.
leaning against the glass window, i held my head in my hands and sighed. the evening sun started beating down my back but i could hardly feel the sting due to the sickening feeling in my stomach.
i wanted to throw up. i wanted to pass out and throw up so bad—
“hey, are you alright?”
my head whipped up, startled by the unfamiliar voice. a figure stood in front of with one hand held out in the air, hanging awkwardly. my vision was still kind of blurry so it took a second for me to make out them out. slowly, their features began to clear.
tall. gray hair. pale skin. brown eyes. guitar in his hand. really pretty brown eyes—
you paused. you recognized this person.
and that’s when it hit you.
sugawara koushi. the sugawara koushi was standing in front of you, hand still awkwardly hanging the air but now with a deep blush on his face.
“hello? a-are you okay?” he asked again, taking a step forward. the small movement shook you out of your stupor and you straightened out.
“uh, yes! sorry, i didn’t see you there,” you said sheepishly.
sugawara smiled gently and you felt that warmth again, but it wasn’t from the sun this time.
“no worries. i just wanted to make sure you were okay. you looked kinda stressed.”
“no yeah, i’m fine. thank you though.”
a beat of silence passed between the two of us, and i awkwardly shifted my feet around, lost on what to say. thankfully sugawara was a much better conversationalist than i was, but his next question still caught me off guard.
“you were here last week too, right? you had asked for our autographs?”
i raised my eyebrow, shocked that he managed to remember who i was. “you..remember me?”
“yeah!” he beamed. “i mean, it’s kind of hard to forget your face.”
my face warmed up even more (if that was even possible) and i sent him a small smile, trying desperately not to show how much his comment affected me.
“i’m sugawara by the way,” he held his hand out. “but i’m pretty sure you already knew that.”
i laughed, taking his hand in my own and giving it a firm shake. “i’m y/n, and yes i very much know who you are.”
i ignored the weird feeling in my stomach the moment he pulled his hand away. if he noticed the way my fingers slightly caught on his own for a second, he didn’t mention it.
“but i do have to be honest with you,” i said. “i didn’t really know much about you or your band until a few days ago.”
sugawara looked at me, confusion written all over his face. “but i thought—”
“the autograph was actually for my best friend,” i explained sheepishly. “he was too nervous to ask on his own, so i asked for him.”
“oh really? is he here with you?”
i nodded, jutting my thumb over my shoulder. “yeah, he’s inside with my other two friends. we actually came to watch your band play. i’ve been listening to a lot of your music and i really enjoy it. i’m excited to hear your new songs too!”
at this sugawara’s smile grew even wider and he walked over to the cafe door, holding it open.
“well in that case, you and your friends should sit in the front. i wouldn’t want you to miss anything.”
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@wyrcan @twiishaa @elixrr @le000xxgrd @yuminako @sy1v30n @phoenix-eclipses @guitarstringed-scars @crownj1min @yukii-1 @walllflowerrrsss @iknowleeknowlikescats @cryptictheseus @mimi3lover @yomi2k @meeeepsworld @chemiru @mfcherry @yeehawgiddyup13 @kitnootkat @cloberrii @iluvaquaphor @kunimix @juie13 @msameikanevaeh @sunflowertroupe @icantcryicantstopcrying @shinsukeee @chizunata @citrustsuki @chloiyoomi @hanachiiii @gra-eae
141 notes · View notes
virgoilluminati · 3 months
A Match Made in England
Episode 2: New Beginnings; All things Madrid
series masterlist | previous part |next part
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Episode 2
The afternoon sun filtered through billowy, ivory curtains, casting a honeyed glow across the sleek, contemporary decor of the newly inhabited apartment. The walls, painted in a tranquil shade reminiscent of the Mediterranean Sea, harmonized with the airy atmosphere fostered by wide-open windows. A gentle breeze wafted through, carrying with it a subtle hint of sea salt, enhancing the serene ambiance.
In the living room, half-unpacked boxes, adorned with labels like "books," "kitchenware," and "clothes," stood as silent witnesses to the recent move-in. Their presence added a sense of anticipation and transition to the room.
You sat perched on the edge of a plush, charcoal-gray couch, your countenance a blend of weariness from the move and determination for what lay ahead. As you glanced at the camera with a self-conscious smile, you gestured lightly towards the still-disorganized boxes. "Sorry about the mess," you quipped, your voice a mix of apology and amusement.
Levi, seated opposite you in a sleek, armless chair, responded with a warm chuckle that resonated with genuine understanding. Adjusting the lapel of his finely tailored blazer, he leaned slightly forward. "No worries at all," he reassured you, his tone as comforting as it was professional. "Ready to dive in?" He paused briefly, a subtle nod signaling the start of the conversation. "So, things have changed a lot since the last episode…"
“You could say that, yeah,” you replied with a wistful half-smile, your voice carrying a trace of nostalgia and sadness intertwined. You shifted slightly on the couch, the fabric rustling softly beneath you as you leaned forward, your hands resting loosely on your lap.
Jude's hand clasped yours tightly, the warmth of his grip contrasting with the cool leather of the steering wheel he held with his other hand. His knuckles were white as he navigated the dense, chaotic Spanish traffic. He could hear your muffled cries, each one tearing at his heart, and see your body convulsing with every sharp jab of pain that racked through you.
When Jude first secured his place at Real Madrid, you both had dreamed of getting an apartment together. But practicality won over fantasy, and he found a place for himself, somewhere you could visit occasionally. It was in a secluded area, chosen more for its privacy than its proximity to conveniences, a refuge from the prying eyes of paparazzi.
It was supposed to be a sanctuary. But now, Jude cursed the distance with every passing second.
"Hang in there, love," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "We're almost there."
His foot tapped anxiously on the gear stick as the traffic light turned green, his eyes darting between the road and you. Normally, you masked your pain well, a stoic façade that he had learned to see through. But now, your labored breaths and desperate gasps for air betrayed the severity of your condition.
Jude glanced over at you and tried to muster a smile. "Hey, remember the time we got lost trying to find that tapas bar? We ended up in that weird puppet show instead. What was it they called it? 'El Show de los Muñecos Locos'? We couldn't stop laughing!"
You managed a weak smile, but it quickly faded as another wave of pain hit you. "Jude. J-jude, this feels different—" your voice trembled, a mixture of fear and agony.
"I know, I know. Just stay with me, yeah? It's just a couple more streets away," he responded, his voice cracking with panic as he tapped the GPS, willing the route to clear, only to face another red light.
He had never realized how many traffic lights separated his apartment from the city center until now.
"Remember the time we tried flamenco dancing?" Jude continued, desperate to keep your mind off the pain. "I stepped on your toes so many times I thought you'd never dance with me again. But you were so graceful, and I just looked like a wind-up toy having a meltdown."
"Jude, I'm sorry I didn't say anything—" you began, your voice weak.
"No, no, don't. Not yet—" he interrupted, his tone urgent. "I've still got a few more embarrassing stories up my sleeve. Like that time I tried to impress you by cooking paella and nearly burned the kitchen down. You said it tasted like 'smoky regret.'"
"I love you so much, and I guess I was scared because I hate people doting over me. But it was selfish because—"
"Stop, please," Jude said, cutting you off with a tender kiss, his lips trembling against yours. "We're going to get through this. Together."
He quickly pulled into a parking spot opposite the hospital.
"No more apologizing, alright? We need to make sure you're okay first," he said, rushing around the car to help you out.
He offered his hand, and you gripped it weakly as you made your way toward the building. The hospital's hard glass exterior mirrored your fragile state, cold and unyielding. Each step felt like a monumental effort, your legs growing weaker, every movement sending your head spinning. Jude noticed your slowing pace and immediately shouted for help in Spanish.
"¡Ayuda! ¡Necesitamos ayuda!" His voice echoed through the entrance, filled with desperation.
Confused nurses and doctors rushed over, their faces a blur as you drifted in and out of consciousness. Jude tried to hold onto you, his grip slipping as they whisked you away on a gurney. Desperation filled his voice as he asked for information in Spanish, his body aching with the loss of your touch.
"¿Adónde la llevan?" he pleaded with a young nurse who had pushed him aside. He watched helplessly as they placed you onto a hospital bed, your fragile form barely recognizable under the harsh fluorescent lights.
"Tranquilo, señor. Está en buenas manos," the nurse reassured him. "¿Necesita llamar a alguien?"
Jude shook his head, tears streaming down his face as he stole one last glance at you before they took you away. "Just... take care of her. Please," he whispered, his voice breaking.
The nurse guided him to a chair, her touch gentle yet firm. "She is in the best place, sir. Do you need to phone someone?"
Jude shook his head again, sniffling as he wiped away a few stolen tears. "No, there's no one else. Just... let me know what's happening, okay?"
"We will," she promised, her eyes meeting his with understanding. "Stay here. We'll update you as soon as we can."
Jude sat down heavily, his body feeling empty without your touch. He knew you would get through this. He just prayed that you would get through it together.
Back in the present, you slowly move your hands across your stomach, feeling the stitches' indentation through your summer dress.
"So, the diagnosis must have been a significant change for you."
"Yes, it was. One minute, I thought I was perfectly healthy. The next, I was left with half a colon."
When you slowly regained consciousness, the soft, steady beeping of monitors greeted you, blending with the low hum of hospital machinery. Jude's figure came into focus beside you, his eyes tired yet brimming with relief as he noticed you stirring.
"Ah, here she is. Had a nice nap, Dove?" His voice was gentle, infused with a mix of exhaustion and tenderness.
Your throat felt dry as you tried to speak. "What happened?"
"They took you into surgery," Jude explained softly, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your face. "They haven't told me much, just that they'll explain once the tests come back."
"Tests for what?" Your voice was barely a whisper, laden with concern.
"All sorts. They did a thorough investigation on you, Dove. Made sure of it." He offered you a cup of water, his touch careful and reassuring, before leaning down to place a tender kiss on your forehead.
Taking a slow sip of water, you savored the cool relief it brought. Despite the seriousness of the situation, a hint of your usual banter emerged. "What's the score?"
Jude blinked, momentarily taken aback by your question. "You can't be serious," he chuckled softly, pulling out his phone. "You just woke up from surgery and you're asking about football?"
"I never miss Arsenal games. Especially not against Chelsea. What's the score?" you insisted, managing a faint smile.
Amusement danced in Jude's eyes as he checked the score for you. "2:0 Chelsea."
"Wait, what?" You feigned surprise, your eyebrows shooting up.
"I'm kidding—2:0 Arsenal," he chuckled warmly, the worry lines on his face easing momentarily. You playfully threw a pillow at him, only to notice the IV drip attached to your hand.
"Idiot," you teased, a small smirk playing on your lips as you both shared a brief moment of light-heartedness in the midst of uncertainty.
Jude's expression softened, his fingers intertwining with yours. "I almost lost you for a minute there. I was so fucking scared. Don't think I've ever been that scared before."
"I'm sorry. For everything," you murmured, feeling a lump form in your throat.
"You were forgiven ages ago," Jude reassured you, his voice tender. "Now don't do that to me again, alright?"
"Alright," you promised softly, a genuine smile spreading across your face as you gazed at him, grateful to be alive and together.
A couple of minutes later, the door to your hospital room creaked open, and a friendly-looking doctor in scrubs entered with a warm smile.
"Hey there, I'm Dr. Martinez," she introduced herself cheerfully, flipping through your chart. "Glad to see you awake."
Jude stood up from his chair beside you, nodding gratefully. "Thanks for looking after her, doc."
Dr. Martinez nodded back, her demeanor calm and approachable. "No problem. How are you feeling now?" she asked, turning her attention to you.
"Like I got run over twice," you replied with a weak smile, trying to lighten the mood despite feeling gutted inside.
"Yeah, surgeries tend to leave you feeling that way," Dr. Martinez said sympathetically, reading your chart. "So, we did the surgery and found out it's Crohn's disease. It caused extensive inflammation in your colon, which led to a blockage. That's why we had to remove a significant portion of your colon in the emergency surgery."
Your heart sank at the severity of the diagnosis. You had secretly hoped it was something simpler like appendicitis.
"Crohn's?" you said, trying to process the news. "I was hoping for something less... life-altering. Can't we just fix it and get me back on the field?"
Dr. Martinez's expression softened with empathy. "I understand, but Crohn's disease requires ongoing management. We had to take this step to prevent further complications and ensure your health."
You nodded slowly, the weight of the situation settling in. Jude squeezed your hand gently, his concern palpable.
"Now, we'll start you on medications to control the inflammation and prevent future flare-ups," Dr. Martinez continued gently, her tone serious. "Given the extent of the surgery and the nature of Crohn's, I recommend at least six months off from football to allow your body to heal properly and to adjust to the medications."
Your heart sank further at the thought of being sidelined for so long. "Six months? That's... a lot. My team..."
Jude placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "We'll figure it out, Dove. Your health comes first."
"But—" you started to protest, feeling torn between your passion for football and the harsh reality of your condition.
"Listen," Jude interrupted softly yet firmly, his gaze unwavering. "We'll take this one step at a time. Right now, let's focus on getting you back to full health."
You sighed, reluctantly accepting his words. "Okay."
"Good," Dr. Martinez said with a reassuring smile. "We'll monitor your progress closely and adjust the treatment plan as needed. Our goal is to get you back on the pitch when you're ready."
You nodded, feeling a mix of apprehension and gratitude for their care. Jude leaned over to kiss your forehead gently.
"We'll get through this together," he murmured, his voice filled with determination.
And with that promise, you found solace in knowing that despite the challenges ahead, Jude's unwavering support and the medical team's expertise would guide you through this uncertain journey.
“What were you diagnosed with?”
“Crohn’s disease,” you replied calmly, the memory of those hospital days still fresh in your mind. “Which is actually more common in athletes than people first think. But because I had ignored the symptoms for too long, it caused severe inflammation in my colon, hence why I had to undergo surgery.”
“What sort of changes has this led to?”
“Well, firstly, it forced me to take a break,” you chuckled softly, though there was a hint of resignation in your voice. “I was withdrawn from the Arsenal squad within the next couple of days, doctor’s orders for at least 6 months. Then I had to break the news to the England squad, which was absolutely heart-wrenching…”
Your voice trailed off momentarily, recalling the difficult conversations and the realization that your career would be on hold indefinitely. The interviewer waited patiently, sensing the emotional weight of your words.
“It’s tough,” you continued, gathering your thoughts. “Football has been my life, and suddenly having to step away from it, especially at such a crucial time, was… devastating.”
“But it also made me reconsider my whereabouts. When I was withdrawn from the hospital, they forced me into bed rest for two weeks. It meant I was basically in Madrid constantly, and we were stuck in a one-bedroom apartment with nothing around. Jude was amazing, but we were on top of each other all day, every day.”
“Is this where I speak?” A muffled voice interrupted as Jude casually walked into the room, holding two drinks. You nodded, laughing, and gestured for him to join you, placing a cushion next to you in front of the camera.
“Yeah, like she said,” Jude chimed in with a playful grin, settling down beside you. “I’m basically a hero and all that. Such a doting boyfriend.” He rolled his eyes in mock humility before you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Nah, all jokes aside,” Jude continued with a more serious tone, “I’d been trying to get Y/N to look at apartments with me for months prior. In a way, that injury was the final step.”
“Final step for what?” Levi, the interviewer, asked with a knowing smirk. You lifted your head from Jude’s shoulder, exchanging a knowing look with him before he pulled out a pair of keys from his pocket, holding them up to the camera.
“We moved!” you both exclaimed simultaneously, sharing a smile that spoke volumes about your shared excitement.
“It was a big decision,” Jude added, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “But we needed a place that felt like home, where Y/N could recover comfortably and where we could both have some space.”
You nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of gratitude for Jude’s support and the fresh start your new home represented.
“We’re closer to the city center now, which makes it easier for Y/N to get around,” Jude explained, his tone earnest. “And we’ve got more room for both of us to breathe.”
“Plus,” you added with a grin, “we’ve upgraded to a two-bedroom. So now Jude has his own space to hide from me when I get cranky.”
Jude laughed, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Hey, you’re never cranky.”
You both shared a laugh, the tension of the interview momentarily forgotten in the warmth of your shared moment.
“So, how’s Madrid been treating you?” Lucy asks as you both sit outside a charming deli, tucked away from prying eyes. The café exudes a rustic charm, with ivy-clad brick walls and the inviting scent of freshly baked bread lingering in the air.
You hadn’t seen Lucy since the World Cup, and her presence brought a comforting familiarity. She looked unchanged—her tousled brunette hair and bright hazel eyes filled with genuine concern as she studied you.
“It’s been… okay,” you begin cautiously, taking a sip of your smoothie to gather your thoughts.
“Just okay?” Lucy raises an eyebrow, taking a bite of her sandwich with a knowing smile.
You chuckle softly. “Well, adjusting has been a bit challenging. I haven’t been able to explore much. The hill outside our apartment feels like a mountain sometimes,” you admit, hoping for a laugh, but Lucy’s expression remains serious, her concern palpable.
“You had major surgery, y/n,” Lucy says gently, her hand reaching out to touch yours. “It’s okay to take it slow.”
“I know,” you sigh, feeling a mix of gratitude and frustration. “Jude’s been incredible, though. Sometimes… too much.”
Lucy nods knowingly. “He loves you, y/n. Let him take care of you.”
“Yeah,” you agree softly. “It’s just hard to let go of that independence, you know?”
Lucy smiles sympathetically. “I get it. But sometimes, letting others in doesn’t make you weak. It’s a different kind of strength.”
You take a moment to absorb her words, realizing their truth. “You’re right,” you admit, a weight lifting off your shoulders. “I should appreciate what Jude is doing more.”
Lucy squeezes your hand reassuringly. “You’re stronger than you think, y/n. Remember all the challenges you’ve overcome.”
You smile gratefully, feeling a renewed sense of resolve. “Yeah, I do.”
“Exactly,” Lucy says, her gaze encouraging. “Now, how about we start that exploration of Madrid today? A little stroll through Retiro Park, perhaps?”
You glance at the bustling street beyond the café, feeling a surge of optimism. “That sounds perfect. No hills, right?”
Lucy laughs, standing up and offering you her hand. “No hills, I promise. Just a relaxing walk.”
As you walk side by side with Lucy towards Retiro Park, you feel a sense of anticipation and gratitude for her friendship and support.
Later that day, you arrived home carrying a couple of things to make dinner. You’d invited your family over for half term, and while they had all dispersed into different places in Madrid, tonight you had planned on hosting a dinner.
When you had told your parents that you had moved, it was only then that you let slip you’d also had major surgery. Hiding things was your worst habit, but it came with the territory of having a dead brother. You only told people things when it was either already sorted or deadly serious. In your case, it was sorted way before you needed to tell them.
When you told your siblings, you had severely underplayed the situation, telling them that you had been forced to take a break from football. They weren’t very surprised, aware of how hard you pushed yourself. So all in all, while your family knew of your condition, they were also shielded from the full reality.
As soon as you arrived home, you were greeted by a very sweaty Jude who had just come back from training. He often did this before games. He’d come check in on you and then go play or train in the evening with his team. As much as you loved him, that also gave you a little time in the day where you had your own space where you could pretend at least to be normal.
“Hiya, I missed you m’love,” Jude grinned, pulling you close for a quick kiss on the cheek.
“So did I,” you replied, pulling back slightly as he grabbed your arm, drawing you in for another embrace.
You wrinkled your nose at the sweat on his chest. “Ew, Jude, you’re all sweaty,” you teased lightly.
“You like it,” he smirked, stealing another kiss, moments of passion halting when you realized the time.
“Jude, I gotta start making dinner,” you managed between kisses.
“What are we having?” Jude asked, guiding you towards the kitchen.
“We?” you raised an eyebrow playfully. “Thought you’d rather be out playing football.”
“Yeah, thought I’d take the night off tonight. No games till Sunday. Besides, your family’s coming over; haven’t seen your brothers in ages.”
“Please, you just want to play with Casper,” you smirked, referencing your new baby nephew.
“It’s a definite factor,” Jude admitted with a grin before coming over to help you prep. “I don’t have to stay if you don’t want me to.”
“No, it’s not that. Of course, I want you here. It’s just…” You sighed. “I may have understated how bad my condition was.”
“Just because…”
“They need to know, Y/N.”
“Wait! Okay. My mum and dad already pester me non-stop about it. My brothers literally would not leave me alone. And I don’t think I can deal with Eden passively aggressively telling me that I need to quit football.”
“But they care about you, Y/N. They wouldn’t push you.”
“My family is different to yours, Jude. We don’t like overstating things. It’s different, okay? They know enough about it that it’s not going to change an evening. Please, Jude, it’s one night.”
“Alright, alright! But the second you get tired, you gotta say.”
As the evening approached, your family began to arrive one by one. Elliot and Rowan were the first to knock on the door, each holding a bottle of wine in hand. They exchanged knowing glances and grinned at you as you welcomed them inside.
“Hey, Y/N! Ready to enjoy some fine wine?” Elliot teased with a grin, holding out the bottle.
You gave him a playful look. “Tonight? I’m giving my liver a night off. Can you believe it?”
Rowan chuckled, nudging Elliot. “What have you done with our wine-loving Y/N?”
Before you could reply, footsteps descended the stairs, and Jude strolled into the room, a warm smile spreading across his face as he greeted Elliot and Rowan.
“Hey, guys, good to see you!” Jude said cheerfully, extending a hand for a handshake and pulling them into a quick bro hug.
“Jude!” Elliot exclaimed, setting the wine bottle on the table and returning the hug with enthusiasm. Rowan joined in, grinning broadly at their younger sibling’s partner.
“Good to see you too, Jude,” Rowan said with a nod, clapping him on the shoulder.
Elliot shot a teasing glance at Jude. “Planning to cook tonight, mate?”
Jude raised an eyebrow playfully. “What do you mean?”
Elliot chuckled, remembering a past culinary attempt of Jude’s. “Remember that time you tried to make beef stew and it ended up like mush?”
Jude feigned offense. “Hey, it was a learning experience! Besides, tonight is all about Y/N’s cooking.”
You laughed along with them, feeling a wave of warmth at their familiar banter. “Exactly. Let’s stick to what we know works.”
As Rowan and Elliot settled in, chatting amiably with Jude, the doorbell chimed once more, breaking the flow of conversation. You excused yourself with a smile, heading to the door to greet the next arrivals.
Opening the door revealed your sister Eden, her husband Charlie, little Bella clinging to her leg, and baby Casper peacefully dozing in his pram. Your face lit up with a bright smile as you enveloped Bella in a warm hug.
“Bella! Look how big you’ve gotten!” you exclaimed, ruffling her hair affectionately. "I love that dress." You smile referring to her red Spanish flamenco costume, as she twirls around.
Eden laughed warmly, stepping inside as Charlie maneuvered the pram through the doorway. “Hey, Y/N! Sorry we’re a bit late. Took those two to the city centre and they wouldn't leave-"
“No worries at all,” you reassured them, pulling Eden into a tight embrace. “I’m just glad you had time to explore Madrid."
Charlie greeted you with a friendly nod, a smile playing on his lips. “Hey, Y/N. Thanks for having us over.”
Meanwhile, Jude knelt beside the pram, gently lifting baby Casper into his arms. The little one stirred, blinking sleepily up at Jude with wide eyes. Jude grinned down at him, making funny faces that elicited a soft giggle from Casper.
“Hey there, little man,” Jude cooed softly, cradling Casper with care. “Ready for some fun tonight?”
Charlie chuckled, watching Jude interact with his son. “Looks like Casper’s already found his favorite uncle.”
Jude winked playfully, bouncing Casper gently. “We’re going to have a blast, aren’t we?”
With Bella clinging to your side and Eden and Charlie exchanging pleasantries with Elliot and Rowan, the room buzzed with warmth and laughter. The air was filled with the sweet scent of family reunions and the joyful babbling of little ones.
Later on, as you were bustling around the kitchen, exhaustion starting to set in, Jude noticed your mum and dad arriving with desserts. He greeted them warmly at the door, juggling baby Casper in his arms.
“Hello there!” Jude grinned, adjusting his hold on Casper. “Come on in. Y/N’s in the kitchen.”
“Hi, Jude!” Your mum greeted with a smile, stepping inside with a plate of homemade pastries. “It smells wonderful in here. How’s everything going?”
“Busy as ever,” Jude chuckled, carefully handing Casper over to your mum. “But we’re managing. Casper here seems to be enjoying the attention.”
“He’s getting bigger every time we see him,” your dad remarked, placing a box of chocolates on the table. “How’s Y/N doing?"
Jude glanced at your mum briefly before answering. “She’s doing okay. You know how she is, always trying to handle everything herself.”
“Stubborn as always, she is,” your dad chuckled, shaking his head fondly.
Your mum gently bounced Casper in her arms, her expression turning more serious. “And how is her condition?”
Jude hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. “It's definitely not been easy. But you know Y/N, she doesn’t like to make a fuss.”
“She’s been like that since she was little,” your mum sighed softly, exchanging a knowing glance with your dad. “Always wanting to protect everyone else.”
“She’s a fighter, that’s for sure,” Jude agreed, a note of pride in his voice. “And she’s got all of us looking out for her.”
With your mum cuddling Casper and your dad nodding in agreement, the warmth of family support filled the air. Together, they joined the gathering, adding their love and presence to the joyful atmosphere in your home.
As dinner progressed, the dining table was filled with a variety of delicious dishes prepared by you, each one meticulously crafted with care. You darted in and out of the kitchen, ensuring everyone’s plates were full and the ambiance remained lively. Jude hovered nearby, eager to lend a hand.
“Y/N, can I help with anything?” Jude asked again, his tone gentle and concerned.
You smiled gratefully, but there was a hint of tension in your voice. “Thanks, Jude, but I’ve got it covered. Just a few more dishes to bring out.”
Jude nodded, but he couldn’t ignore the weariness in your demeanor. “You’ve been running around all evening. Let me assist you.”
“I said I’m fine, Jude,” you replied tersely, your exhaustion starting to show. You hurried back into the kitchen, leaving Jude slightly taken aback.
Your siblings, Elliot and Rowan, exchanged amused glances. “Ah, classic Y/N,” Elliot remarked with a chuckle. “Always the perfectionist.”
Rowan nodded in agreement. “Remember when she insisted on redoing the entire living room decor in one weekend?”
Jude joined in their laughter, but inwardly, he felt a pang of concern. He knew your tendency to take on too much and push yourself beyond your limits.
Meanwhile, your dad, sensing the underlying tension, quietly excused himself from the table and made his way to the kitchen where you were organizing dessert.
“Hey there, kiddo,” your dad greeted you warmly, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You turned to him with a weary smile. “Hi, Dad. How’s everything out there?”
“Everything’s great,” he replied, his eyes filled with fatherly concern. “But how are you holding up?”
You sighed, the strain of the evening starting to weigh on you. “I’m okay, just a bit tired. I wanted tonight to be special for everyone.”
“I can see that,” your dad said gently, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze. “But remember, you don’t have to do it all alone. We’re here to support you.”
You nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude for your dad’s understanding. “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it.”
“You’ve always been strong-willed,” he chuckled softly, giving you a brief hug. “But even the strongest need a break sometimes. Let’s finish up here and get back to the table.”
With your dad’s reassurance, you and he finished preparing dessert together and returned to the dining room, where the rest of the family welcomed you with warmth and laughter. The evening continued with a renewed sense of camaraderie, each family member appreciating the effort you had put into making the gathering special.
As you returned to the table, the tantalizing aroma of the food filled the air, though you knew you wouldn’t be partaking in the meal. Quietly settling next to Jude, you glanced around at your siblings, Elliot and Rowan, who exchanged concerned glances, noticing your subdued demeanor.
“Y/N, how are you feeling?” Elliot asked gently, furrowing his brow with worry.
You managed a small smile, trying to divert their concern. “I’m okay, just not hungry tonight. Elliot, how’s your new project at work going?”
Elliot brightened slightly at the change of topic. “It’s been challenging, but exciting. Thanks for asking.”
Rowan grinned, sharing his latest travel aspirations. “Actually, I’m thinking of hiking in the Alps next month. Can’t wait to get back into nature.”
The conversation flowed on, shifting to lighter topics as you engaged with each sibling in turn, genuinely interested in their lives and experiences. When the subject turned to baby Casper, your attention was fully captured.
“And how’s our little troublemaker doing?” you asked, leaning in to playfully tickle Casper’s chubby cheeks. “Keeping you on your toes, Eden?”
Your sister, Eden, chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with affection. “He definitely keeps us busy, but he’s such a joy.”
The night continued with laughter and shared memories, though your siblings couldn’t help but notice your underlying weariness. They exchanged knowing looks, silently agreeing to check in with you later.
As dessert was served, your dad offered you a slice of cake with a gentle smile. “Cake, Y/N?”
You shook your head slightly, a touch of frustration crossing your face. “Still on an all-liquid diet, Dad. But thanks.”
“Of course,” he nodded understandingly, reaching for a slice for himself.
Throughout the evening, you engaged in conversations, laughed at jokes, and reveled in the warmth of family. As the night wore on, the atmosphere remained lively and supportive, each moment adding to the shared memories that made these gatherings so cherished.
Elliot and Rowan continued swapping stories, their laughter filling the cozy dining room. Elliot paused mid-sentence, casting a curious glance at you.
"Are we just going to skip over the fact that Y/N is deadly quiet?" he remarked with a playful smirk.
You managed a weak smile, grateful for the distraction. "Just enjoying the show," you replied lightly, gesturing to the lively banter around the table.
Jude, sensing your fatigue, leaned over and whispered, "You're doing great, love."
You nodded gratefully, squeezing his hand. His presence was a comfort amid the whirlwind of emotions and conversations. Jude's chocolate brown hair was slightly tousled from the day, a testament to his afternoon spent playing with Casper and helping you in the kitchen. His warm hazel eyes twinkled with a mixture of amusement and concern as he glanced around the table, ensuring everyone felt included.
Rowan, always the joker, leaned forward with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Come on, Y/N, spill the beans. What's the latest scoop in your life?"
You chuckled softly, knowing they wouldn't let you off the hook easily. "Well," you began, hesitating for a moment as you glanced at Jude for support, "you know how I said I was taking time off football?"
There was a curious pause as all eyes turned to you, waiting for your next words. Before you could continue, Eden, sitting across from you and beside Bella, raised an eyebrow playfully.
"Are you pregnant?" she asked with a teasing smile, her long brown hair pulled back in a loose ponytail.
The question caught you off guard, and you nearly choked on your water. Beside you, Jude spluttered, clearly taken aback. The rest of the table fell into a stunned silence, waiting for your response.
"Oh your serious-"
"Well you're not eating, you aren't drinking, and you're taking months off football, you've bought a new place with a new bedroom..."
"Oh, uh, well no," you managed to say after recovering from your surprise, shaking your head in amusement. Beside you, Jude chuckled softly and put a reassuring arm around your shoulders. "Definitely not pregnant."
Laughter erupted again around the table, breaking the tension and bringing back the familiar warmth of family gatherings. You leaned into Jude's side, grateful for his support and the light-heartedness of your siblings.
"Well," you continued, taking a deep breath and deciding to share more, "I ended up needing surgery... and now I have half a colon."
There was a moment of stunned silence before Elliot burst out laughing. "Half a colon? You should ask for the other half back!"
Rowan joined in, shaking his head with a grin. "Only you could turn surgery into a punchline, Y/N."
The tension eased as laughter filled the room once more, the playful banter a familiar rhythm among siblings.
Eden, sitting across from you, watched with a furrowed brow. "Wait, surgery? Are you okay, Y/N?"
You nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, I'm okay," you said with a smile, grateful for her concern. "Just feeling a bit worn out tonight."
Jude squeezed your hand again, silently offering his support. His solid presence and understanding gaze reassured you that you were not alone in navigating the challenges of your health.
"She's a trooper," Jude added with a fond smile, his voice low and soothing.
The conversation shifted to lighter topics again, stories and jokes flowing freely as plates were cleared and dessert was served. Eden, eager to change the subject, turned to Bella who was happily chattering away about her latest adventures.
"So, Bella," Eden began, "tell us about your school play. You were amazing as the fairy!"
Bella's eyes lit up, launching into an animated description of her role, while the adults listened attentively, their attention momentarily diverted from heavier topics.
Jude glanced at you with a soft smile, a glint of pride in his hazel eyes. He knew how challenging it was for you to openly discuss your health, and tonight marked a significant step forward. His silent support spoke volumes, reassuring you that you were surrounded by love and understanding.
As the evening continued, you found yourself relaxing into the comforting rhythm of family, grateful for these moments of connection and support. Each laugh, each shared story, reaffirmed the bond that held your family together through both laughter and tears.
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x-candy-guts-x · 1 year
Yautja x reader
Part two
Woooo another one baby
Again I suck ass at writing so this is gonna be yet another bucket of paint thrown at a wall and just hope to god it comes out coherent
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• you were originally abducted by another alien race. It started out just living your life going to work and coming home rinse, wash and repeat. But you started getting weird little signs that something wasn’t normal. Weird feelings in your head that turned into dizziness that lead to a particularly aggressive fainting spell in your own home.
• you woke up in a metal room. At first you were scared you had been drugged and kidnapped- not far from the truth but you thought it had at worst been traffickers not whatever the hell that thing was staring at you through the glass like door. It was slender small and gray with big eyes.
•you found out that they weren’t actually hostile and just wanted some info on you and some dna. They said they would bring you back home once they were done. But the universe had other plans. The ship was attacked and you among a few of the crew were taken hostage and thrown into cages. You had collars fashioned around your necks and were treated like pets. Or product.
•the ship landed on a strange planet with two suns. It felt arid but off behind the ship was a massive rainforest like place. And in front in a small distance was a city.
•taken into the city you were all being sold off. You tried to fight against the chain and you even bit the giant armored lizard fuck who dared to grab your chin to get a closer look. The kinder aliens who took you to begin with had give you a translator behind your ear. You were able to figure some things out. Like their species; the yautja and the planet.
•you were the last one who had yet to be sold. One yautja in particular came up and asked about you. He was about 7ft, leaner and had darker tones in his scales. Mostly muddied grays and black. The seller went and took off the chain. You still had the collar like mechanism however. As soon as he did you ran. You dodged between people and headed to the forest. They had tried to chase you down and even activated the collars shocking abilities but you kept going. Even after blood ran down your torso from the electric prongs digging into you.
It had been about a day and a half before you made it to an area that looked like a small calm village. There were some homes in the trees and some on the clearing. A cool river that ran maybe a hundred meters or so off to the side. And just up the hill past that river was a small cave. You didn’t know if these people were kind or trust worthy so you didn’t approach. Instead opting to stay in the cave. You fashioned yourself a blade with a very sharp obsidian like black stone, some wood for the handle and a vine to keep it together.
•it did okay. You were able to get small things down on the ground and even found a potato like root you could cook up and eat. The fires you made to cook needed to be small though. You didn’t want to alert anyone that you were there. Although you had a suspicion that they already knew.
•you took up wood carving to pass the time, making animals from your home planet. You went down to the river once and forgot your carving of a deer. When you went to retrieve it, a little yautja had already gotten to it and was inspecting it. It made a rapid little clicky noise and ran back to the village with what looked like excitement. Scared you ran back to your cave.
•unbeknownst to you there was a popular fairytale in the village. They told stories of humans to scare the little ones into behaving at night. And when the little one found the deer carving it certainly made the stories seem more vibrant. The kids made rumors about a big bad scary ooman in the forest. You- would sometimes sit behind rocks/trees and carve away while listening to them.
•they had concluded that the creature was a deer thanks to their parents. Buuut their imaginations went wild. Deer were now giant carnivores who impaled victims on their antlers and wore the corpses like rotting trophies. You giggled at that one. But suddenly everything went silent. Peeking between the two large stones that concealed you the oldest of the young ones was pointing in your direction. You abandoned your carving and very quickly but still quietly headed back to your cave.
•the found your carving. This time it was a fruit bat. Fruit bats can get pretty big on earth. Some with wing spans up to five feet! But they were so cute. They loved fruit and looked like puppies in your eyes. But the kids had once again made wild tales. Tales of giant fire breathing monsters. “Huh..” you sort of muttered under your breath. That one is actually pretty close to home. Not literally but it made you think about the tales of dragons on earth and how maybeeee that’s partially how they got started.
•you started leaving carvings more often. It made you happy to see them play with them and come up with fantastical tales. You would hide and carve and listen as they played. What you didn’t know was high up in the trees above you, was a certain masked individual watching your every move.
•your collar had been outfitted with a tracker. And it was just chance that you went right to the village the one who sought to buy you lived at. When you made it to the tree line they decided to not bother with the chasing. He paid and decided to hunt you. Maybe not kill you but he enjoyed the idea of toying with you. But once he saw you carving he stepped back. He watched. And he watched the children. He watched longer than he intended too.
•a month of this went by. The children now had maybe ten of your little carvings. All of different animals. Deer, bats, dogs, cats, horses, rams, weasels, giraffes, and all sorts. You were currently carving a T-Rex. You were in your cave carving it due to the heavy rain. Wondering where you should leave it for them to find you settled on the same place as the last two, perched on a big roundish but flat stone that was right on shore and in the middle of plain site. You figured you’d just leave it there again. When you placed it on the stone off to your left you heard a little shreek. The Rain was no more than a fine mist but rhe river water was sweeping away the little one. It wasn’t too strong but the rain didn’t help when it made the river just a bit deeper. You ran after the little one and dove in.
•Bringing the small but heavy child back to shore you sat him down. He was fine but startled. Wether it was from the river or you- the mysterious human in the hill everyone jokes about was anyones guess. When he just continued to ogle at you in silence you sighed. Being back and next to the stone you left the dinosaur on you picked it up and handed it to him. Then, hearing a noise in the tree line- you assumed it was his parents and bolted up the hill back to your cave.
•a couple days later you were awoken to some noises outside the cave. Afraid you grabbed your knife and jumped out. The poor little yautja that caused the commotion stumbled back and landed on his butt. Dropping the knife you squatted down to help him. He reached his chubby little hands out. In them was a little basket of fruit :)
•you were tired. So tired. Turns out whatever that fruit was made you extremely sleepy. So, after the little yautja left and the fruit was eaten you decided to take a nap. When you woke up it was dark. You felt around and concluded you were in a pile of furs. Wait- why was it so comfortable? The things you got to make your bed had been crude and hard, soft enough to sleep but not comfort. This was soft and plush. Sitting up quickly you realized you weren’t in your cave anymore.
Looking out the window, you were in the village. Oh boy.
Should I continue this? Is it baD
Please tell me how I could improve this I haven’t written anything since I was like 14 and making fuckin edgy ass creepypasta x reader fanfics on quiz quotev lmAO
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junethestudent · 11 months
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G!P Bada Lee x F! Reader
TW: Swearing, aggressive behaviors, unprotected sex, breeding, bondage, and degrading.
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Recently you had been taking private dance classes in hopes of achieving your dream of becoming a dancer. One of the perks of dancing at this particular studio? Your dance instructor was none other than Bada Lee.
Despite that beautiful face of hers, she could be quite intimidating as well as cold. You often stumbled while dancing, only to be met with harsh stares from Bada. Today was no different from any other. As you walked into the practice room you could make out Bada’s tall and slender figure. Sweat dripped down her neck and into her baggy shirt as she breathed heavily. She tilted her head slightly, and met your gaze before picking up her water bottle and taking long sips.
“Have you been practicing without me?” Her tone was low and somewhat intimidating.
Unfortunately for you, you hadn’t the time to practice lately what with work and all. “I’ve begun the first steps to the dance,” you mumbled quietly, keeping your head low and avoiding her gaze.
“Ah? So you’ve done nothing at all?” She moves towards you, the sound of her sneakers echoing throughout the room.
“I really have been practicing!” Your eyes widened as you realized your mistake of yelling. “I’m sorry Bada,” you quickly corrected yourself. But with the unreadable expression on her face, you realized you had already fucked up.
“Sit down.” Her voice was calm yet demanding. Out of fear you obediently followed her instructions, and positioned yourself against the glass mirror wall. Her eyes were set on you for some time before turning away. She walked to the speaker in the corner of the room, and pulled out the long aux cable before turning back to you.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You felt your voice drop anxiously as she bent down in front of you. Her hands skillfully began to wrap the cord around you until you were completely bound. You tried to deny that aching feeling that pulsed between your legs but it was too strong. She stared not at your face anymore, but the damp spot forming in your panties under your skirt.
“So you can get turned on, but you can’t learn a simple dance? What a useless whore.” She slipped her hand into your crop top and groped at one of your breasts aggressively. “Show me what a good girl you are.”
You whimpered her name out softly, your voice becoming hoarse under the pressure she inflicted on you. “Bada.. Bada it feels weird when you do that,” your sentences were almost incoherent as you moaned in between words. Although things between you two were becoming heated she still kept her cool composure as she fondled both of your breasts this time.
Your eyes wandered to the tent forming in her gray sweatpants as she touched you. But before you could comprehend anything she crammed her lips against yours, her bulge pressing into your thigh. “Fuck you taste so fucking good baby,” she grunted.
You could only speak in minimal words as her large hands grabbed and ripped at your clothes. Starting with your shirt and ending with your panties. “Fuck me.” You managed to huff out as she started to strip down.
That calm mask of hers started to slip as she contemplated on whether or not to untie you. In the end she untied the cable, desperate for your hands on her too. Her fingers ran through your hair as she humped you like an animal. You rubbed at the bulge in her boxers, only riling her up more. As you pulled her into another kiss she slipped her tongue inside your mouth and mixed her saliva with yours. She tasted so sweet.
She slipped her cock out of her boxers, even under the dim light you could still see her unbelievable length. Eight inches long with hung balls. She teasingly rubbed her tip in between the folds of your dripping wet cunt. Without warning she thrusted deep inside of you, her tip kissing your cervix. You cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain as she violently pounded herself inside of you. She planted soft kisses on your neck and arms as she buried herself in you.
You could feel yourself inching closer to climaxing with each deep stroke she did into you. “I’m gonna come,” you moaned out loud before your back arched and your eyes rolled back into your head. You felt that warm rush overtake your body as your breath hitched. She smirked but was quickly overtaken by her own orgasm, she swallowed and then groaned as her seed poured into your pussy, filling you completely. “Let me breed you little bitch..” She hissed through clenched teeth.
Your heart felt heavy in your chest as you struggled to catch your own breath. She flopped onto you for a moment, the heat of your bodies joining together. “That’s a good girl,” she kissed you softly on the head.
You both rested in that position for what seemed like hours. You could feel her semi-hard cock rising again as she pulled out of you with a wet pop sound. Her legs shook as she struggled to hold herself in front of you.
She smacked the tip of her penis against your lips multiple times until you opened your mouth welcomingly. She shuddered at the warmth of your mouth as you started to deepthroat her. To her it felt unreal as you held your arms around her waist, trapping her cock inside of your mouth. She bit her lip as you swirled your tongue and fondled with her balls, making sure to lick every inch of her erect sex. This time she cried out loud, but instead of releasing herself in your mouth she pulled out.
She came on your face, her semen thickly coating your pretty little face. Load after load splattered onto your face and down your neck and shirt until she dropped to her knees, defeated.
“Did I follow all the steps this time?” You teased her confidently.
But that sly demeanor of hers hadn’t left just yet. “Who said we were done?”
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June Note: This is my first fiction, so it’s not exactly my best! I do hope you enjoyed it though!
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cafecourage · 7 months
Dragon au part 4 of 4 (finally)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Another serpent boy. But he is a noodle with legs. Four’s scales are a pale yellow color but because of the Colors™️ you can see their respective colors reflected back in the light. Four’s dragon form has four sets of horns the second pair grew in later in life thanks to the four swords.
- Four comes from a family of Earth Dragons with metal ties. Meaning they are metal benders ATLA style. He can also infuse elemental powers into his weapons through the uses of gems. Everything he owns has been updated for him as he went through. Anything he wants to test or experiment he tries on his own weapons and. Equipment. Though I am sure Wild would lend him a few things. Four can also shrink on command and split.
- His scent gland is on his forehead, and honestly his scent is basically a berry medley with a bit smoke. He doesn't tend to rub his scent on things as he doesnt care about claiming much. His family has a lot in their horde already, he also isn’t the type to claim family.
- Unfortunately he does have cat tendencies despite his fear of them. But even then that isn’t something he has clued in on and I don’t recommend pointing it out as he would get pouty.
You honestly didn’t know that Dragons can purr. To be fair only the only ‘purring’ you have heard was Twilight but his was more of a low growl. Four has been cuddling into your side purring. He was a bit sick and being the other medic of the team. He has been rubbing his face on your shoulder for a while now. A fruity aroma was getting stronger and stronger.
You put your hand on his forehead. Still warm… well you don't have the heart to move either. Not when he is suffering this much.
- It honestly doesn’t even process that Four claimed you by accident. He probably just thinks it was temporary since he was sick and is kinda in denial about it all. Claiming isn’t something he was going to do for a while even though he is a slightly hopeless romantic. It’s not the end of the world.
- He honestly is pretty up front about what he did and his feelings. He understands if you don’t want to date him but Four wont let you down. This man is polite and respectful and will spoil you. What more do you need?
- I also feel like he wouldn’t be that subjected to his dragon instincts. He has been around enough treasure and making enchanted weapons enough not to get gold fever. So top tier in terms of semi normal.
Fierce Diety:
- A god in his own right Feirce Diety is of course the strongest dragon in the group. He is built similar to Time, bulky and strong. Similar to Time, FD’s Scales are marbled but instead of just the gray and black tones you find in white marble there is also red, blue and gold. Though on his face you still have his signature markings.
- Fierce Deities powers are weird. He has the ability to affect gravity in the sense that he can make his sword slash go down harder, he can make himself move faster and he can jump higher. He can also make himself stronger in general and change how he looks. Given that so many people wore his mask he can shift into them borrowing their image. Sort of. There are differences between what fierce looks like and whoever he is stealing from looks like.
- I actually don���t know what god would smell like. But I do know he probably has a scent gland on his sides. Making it so when he is protecting you his scent gets all on you as your tucked into him safe and sound. By the end of it would probably smell like dried herbs, sage is probably the highest note there is. But it’s warm and old and comforting to you. Maybe not to others.
The War God doesn’t understand how he was in this situation. Not that he was complaining. It just was so long since he was outside of that prison of a mask that he wasn’t used to so much physical touch. With one of the children cuddled into one of his sides, then the other side was you. The person he went into battle to save. You unfortunately were hurt but not too much. Fierce Deity sighs as he relaxes not really knowing if he should move or not.
But as your arms around him tightened gave his answer. Fierce Deity was trapped here. There was no moving here.
- Fierce deity is another person that honestly will tell you outright and might give you no choice. You are his that (might) be final. I say that only because FD is a god. I would imagine even with him being in the seal he would have the largest horde as it includes people. So if you’re not also courting him, you’re still in his horde and will be in his protection. But uh… I wouldn’t suggest saying no to courting.
- Either way he is more subtle but also the most extreme with his dragon instincts. Like out of all the boys in the chain FD will be the most traditional in his belief. He will not mark you out right but he will be pushy unfortunately.
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elliestrapp · 10 months
hii i hope you’re doing well!!
this might be a weird request but can you make a gf!ellie x sick!reader where you text her ur sick and she wants to come over and take care of you? kind of like a comfort one song i’ve been sick recently :’)
thank youu
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aww im sorry youre sick bby :(( get well soon and i love this request!
(and yes ellies contact name is munch)
cw: no warnings, lmk if you find anyy
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ellie has always had a soft spot for you, since you'd been friends for years before ellie confessed her love to you her obsession with you has only grown. when you messaged her at 8pm on a random thursday, she replied immediately.
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you were in a bitchy mood from how stuffed up your nose was and how much you were coughing and ellie could tell. she got in her beat up minty green pickup truck, which looked like it had been through both world wars, and drove to your apartment.
you were wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket sobbing into your couch, with the tv playing "Friends" and a box of tissues next to you. you hadn't bothered to pick up the used tissues on the floor and was way too exhausted to even get up to make food. once you heard the blaring noise of ellie's truck engine, you tried to wipe some of your tears but more just came falling down your cheeks like a stormy day. you heard her keys in the doorknob and tried to hide your face so she couldn't see what a mess you were but she was already sitting next to you on the sofa.
"hey, babes... why are you crying, love?" she asked in a sympathetic tone, rubbing your back and tilting your chin to look at her with her other hand.
"i feel like shit, i can't even take care of myself." you said through rushed breaths, your nose running and you shifted your face into ellie's chest. "can you just hold me?"
you ask, wiping your nose with another tissue. ellie nods quickly and holds her arms open, making room for you in between her legs. you quickly get up and wrap your legs around her waist, engulfing her into your blanket that was still around you.
"it'll be okay, baby, im here now.. do you want me to make you some soup?" you nodded slowly and got off of her, wiping your eyes once more. by now ellie had already taken off her signature gray hoodie (which had belonged to you 90% of the time), and was walking around in one of her little white tank tops you loved, hugging her body perfectly. ellie walked over to your small kitchen and started making some chicken noodle soup, obviously the one with the alphabet noodles.
so there you were, curled up in a ball on the couch with ellie's hoodie on, taking in her scent. shortly after els came in with a bowl of steaming chicken soup, all smiley and lovey dovey when you had dark under eyes and you looked exhausted.
"shh, baby.. here's your soup, yeah?" ellie spoke in a soothing tone, taking notice of how you said your head was pounding like a kick drum. you smiled and took the warm bowl in your hands, ellie going back to cradling you. you were just oh so tired, but you finally felt calm and at ease with ellie and she chuckled when she felt your muscles relax under her heavenly touch.
"thanks, els.. for everything, i really don't deserve you" you said calmly once you finsihed your soup. you smiled tiredly up at her and kissed her cheek.
" 'm gonna get you sick, babe" you chuckled, but she just smiled and kissed the top of your head back. "i don't mind, as long as i'm taking care of you i'm happy." you nuzzled your head into ellie's chest and she put another blanket over the two of you, stroking your hair.
"get some rest, angel. you need it, and i'm here now." you were already starting to doze off and the sound of the fireplace crackling and the rain outside your window. all of the noises, the tv, the fireplace, the rain, the candle next to you sounded so soothing and you were soon off to sleep. ellie stayed up, rubbing your back and your head while watching tv and hummed a soothing song to keep you asleep.
"i love you, baby." she said quietly before dozing off to sleep under you.
first fic so ill improve!!
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lonelywhalien22 · 2 years
trust me
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pairing: bang chan x reader
rating/genre: comfort, fluff, sprinkle of angst
summary: you're having a bad day and your boyfriend chan is there to try and make you feel better.
warnings: reader is low key hella sad in this (take care of yourselves yall <3) + a steamy kiss (very self indulgent ik i'm sorry)
word count: 2.7k
song(s) to listen to while reading: steamroller by phoebe bridgers (reader is hella sad so are we surprised lol), renee's song by bazzi, fall by chloe x halle
note: while i try to tame some bigger fic ideas into submission i'll occasionally polish up + share some of my more decent smaller pieces from years past. pretty sure i wrote this one in the throws of the p*ndemic while struggling with college and feeling hella touch starved...so yeah...enjoy lol <3
It was one of those days - one where that funny feeling had bubbled up inside of you, seemingly out of nowhere. You knew it all too well by now, knew its signs and its symptoms. One moment you’d be fine, and then it would happen - a dreaded phone call for an appointment that you could no longer put off, a tedious task at work, a much needed item that you’d misplaced and couldn’t find - sometimes it was all of these things in one day and more, and suddenly you weren’t ok. And as much as you’d try to not let all the frustrations of life get to you, as much as you’d try to hold on to the good, to the light, sometimes bit by bit it would still slip from your grasp until you were tired of trying and there was nothing left inside of you but a dull gray.
You hated when you got in these sorts of moods - used to think there'd be some stage in life, some milestone you could reach, thing you could achieve that would make them go away forever, but you’d survived enough of them by now to know that it was a lifelong battle. There were highs and lows, and today just happened to be one of the lows.
Today also just happened to be one where your boyfriend Bang Chan was supposed to be coming over. His presence was one that so often brought light into your life - fun and laughter and a smile to every situation, but despite having accepted that you were in a sour mood, the thought of him seeing you this way made you feel worse instead of better - like a recluse undeserving of such sweet affection. As if he could hear your thoughts from afar, your cellphone began ringing on the kitchen table, temporarily snapping you right out of your self pity.
“Am I still good to stop by in an hour?" You could practically hear the excitement in his voice, imagining his charming smile immediately, but the warmth in your chest only lasted for a second before you just felt even more upset with yourself. You didn’t wanna burden him with your feelings - tramp all over his joy with your frustration.
"Hey Chan. I'm sorry, but I'm kind of feeling like trash right now." You thought maybe that would be the end of it, hoped that he would read between the lines, but he was completely oblivious, a caring tone seeping into his words as he tried to help you instead.
"Are you sick? I can pick up something for you and bring it by if you want.”
"No, that's not exactly it," you began, struggling to find the words. There was a long pause on the line, and you could hear Chan shifting, as if he was sitting up. You cursed in your head. There was no way he was gonna let this go now - not when you were being so distant. 
“Babe, you know you can tell me anything right?” His use of the nickname made your heart flutter again, gently coaxing you to open up to him - to be honest.
“I know.” 
“Then talk to me.”
“I just…I don’t know, it’s stupid.”
“Nothing you say is stupid,” Chan said immediately. “Tell me what’s going on.”
You let out a sigh before nervously continuing. “It’s just…sometimes I’ll get in this really weird headspace and it makes me feel like crap and...I'm just annoyed with myself. I'm sorry if that doesn't make any sense...I think maybe I just need to be alone right now," you tried to get the last words out but began to break down a little as you really thought about what you’d said. Something about hearing it out loud made it feel all the more real, your eyes beginning to water and throat beginning to dry up.
“It sounds like you're upset. You sure you don't want me to come over?” 
You took a big breath, trying to calm yourself before speaking again, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find it in you to say anything else. It felt paralyzing - being stuck between the part of you that just wanted him to be with you and the part that was afraid you’d scare him away forever with your feelings. The more you thought about it the more emotional you got, and you felt a tear run down your cheek before you started to sob silently into the phone.
"Babe? Y/n?” Chan asked, voice becoming laced with concern. 
"Yeah?" It was all you could manage to sob out.
"I'm coming over right now," he said quickly, making the decision for you. You could already hear shuffling sounds in the background as he presumably scrambled to grab his things.
"Give me like twenty minutes ok? And just stay on the line with me please? Can you do that for me?" 
"Yeah. I'm sorry." 
“There's nothing to be sorry for," Chan said softly.
In less than twenty minutes you heard a hurried knock on your door. Hanging up on your phone, you pulled yourself off of the couch and shuffled over to the entrance of your apartment, unlocking and pulling open the door to reveal your boyfriend's slightly panicked face.
“Hey…” he whispered gently when he saw you. You moved out of the way and he quickly stepped inside, setting down a bunch of bags before he turned back around and immediately enveloped you in his arms. The warmth of his body pressed against yours easily disarmed you, walls falling down so that all you could think about was his sturdy embrace. 
"I'm sorry,” you mumbled into his chest, trying to look at him. “I didn't mean to worry y-" 
"Hmm. Shush. No apologizing. Just let me hold you for a minute, yeah?" 
You nodded your head against him, silent as you slowly relaxed all the muscles in your body and let yourself really feel his warmth, feel all of the love radiating from his body into yours. He smelled like his shower gel, a hint of spearmint seeping into your lungs as your breathing began to slow and your eyes closed, whizzing thoughts in your head beginning to dissipate one by one. Your fingers curled into the fabric of his black sweater, holding on as if you never wanted to let go, and he let you - staying wrapped around you for an entire minute, just like he said. One of his hands stayed firmly wrapped around your waist while the other went up to start rubbing all the way from your head to the middle of your back, repeating the motion leisurely. You released a sigh of content as he did this, feeling yourself start to calm down, heart rate beginning to slow. Eventually he loosened his arms just enough to pull back a little and look at your tear-stained face.
"Let's sit down and I'll get you some food to eat hmm?" he said quietly, thumb wiping across your wet cheeks. You nodded, feeling a bit like a child as he lead you to your couch and wrapped a blanket around you before getting you some food from one of the bags he brought. When he came back you noticed his hair was a bit wet, presumably still drying from a shower he must have taken right before calling you, strands curling from the dampness. And as you looked down at the container of food he’d placed in your hands you realized it was your favorite meal from your favorite place. He even remembered how you always asked for extra sauce. 
Chan stayed silent as you slowly picked up your fork and began to eat, still sniffling a little. He easily found the remote to your tv, switching it on in a practiced familiarity, and put on one of your favorite movies, letting it play softly in the background before digging in to his own food.
When you’d both finished eating, he silently patted his lap, and you knew without any explanation that he was asking you to lean yourself back into his embrace. You did so shyly, Chan grabbing the blanket and draping it around the two of you before he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you even closer. Finally you relaxed, leaning your head into the crook of his neck and turning slightly so that you could shamelessly wrap your arms around his middle, no longer even focusing on the tv at all. It felt so comforting to be in his arms that your eyes immediately began to close, his embrace luring you to sleep.
When you woke up it was dark outside. You blinked a couple times, shifting slightly before realizing that you were still completely wrapped up in Chan’s arms. To your embarrassment, you caught him peeking at you with the softest look on his face, your heart beating a little faster because you’d never been this close to him for so long before. 
“Better?” he asked you simply, thumb moving to rub against your elbow gently.
You opened your eyes a bit wider, immediately beginning to shift up on the couch.
“I’m sorry, I didn't realize how late it was," you said quickly instead of answering his question, feeling guilty as you shifted a little from his embrace. You’d essentially used him as your own personal pillow for who knows how many hours. “I didn’t mean to keep you here like that for so long,” you continued to ramble, but Chan only shook his head in response.
“Y/n. Hey - look at me,” Chan said with a soothing tone. You stopped your shuffling and did as he asked.
“Do you feel better?” he repeated his question from earlier, and you finally nodded a little before picking at the blanket on your lap.
“Yeah. I’m just sorry I wasted your time because of some dumb mood I was in," you responded, annoyed with yourself as you pushed your hair out of your face roughly.
“You know it’s not a crime to feel sad, right?” Chan started gently after a couple beats of silence, clearly trying to find the right words as his thumb continued to lightly rub against your skin. “Even if there isn’t a clear reason - that doesn’t make how you’re feeling any less real.”
“I guess.” You dismissed his words easily, clearly not taking them to heart.
"Why do you always do that?" he asked lightly.
"What do you mean?”
"Talk yourself down. Dismiss how you're feeling,” he elaborated, a little concern in his voice once again. “It makes me worry about you.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise before you looked off to the side. 
“I don’t know, I guess it’s just out of habit.”
Chan tapped your elbow, silently asking you to look at him again. 
"Can I tell you something?” he whispered into the quiet. You nodded curiously.
"I care about you - so much that it scares me sometimes,” he said earnestly, raking a hand through his hair. "You're so thoughtful, so kind, such an amazing listener - you make it so easy for me to be honest about how I'm feeling, and I've never felt more comfortable talking to anyone else,” he continued, looking down a little as he said that last part.
His words made you feel shy all over again, not expecting him to be so open with you. You willed yourself to keep looking at him.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that…I wanna make you feel safe too - safe to share how you’re feeling with me, the good and the bad. Because that’s how you make me feel.” 
“Chan…” you said, lightly smacking his arm in jest as you looked away from him, tears flooding your eyes for a different reason. But he just leaned forward and kissed your temple, pulling you back into his arms gently before continuing.
“Trust me, ok?” Chan asked as you nodded into his chest. “I want you to know that you can always share how you’re feeling with me - even if it’s sad or you don’t think it makes any sense - even if I can’t fix it for you - I’ll always at least be here to listen, I promise. Just don’t hide from me, yeah?”
Tears were falling from your eyes now - not because you were sad, but because Chan’s care for you felt so unconditional, so devoid of judgement - and you’d never known care like that from a partner before. You didn’t have any words to respond in that moment - all you knew was that you wished the two of you could stay on your couch, just like this, forever. 
"I didn't mean to make you cry again," Chan said, a little worried as he saw your expression. "Let me get you some t -”
But you leaned up and kissed him gently, cutting off his words. This wasn't your first kiss, but it was definitely the first that you had initiated. Usually you would just stare at his lips longingly or give the tiniest of hints until he finally caught on to what you wanted, but this time you couldn't hold yourself back. You just felt this boost of confidence, an unrelenting need to express a feeling that words couldn't define. 
Chan was shocked at first, but he quickly fell into it, closing his eyes and immediately wrapping his hands around your waist oh so gently as his lips began to move against yours slowly, lightly, with the utmost care. You each tilted your heads instinctively to opposite sides, still not coming up for any air as you maneuvered yourself back into his lap and brought a hand up to caress the side of his face before combing your fingers through his hair instead, a tiny noise of contentment leaving you in that moment. 
“Y/n…” he groaned softly against your smiling lips. 
"Hmmm?" you responded, still in a feeling of utter bliss. Your other hand was rubbing across his upper chest and shoulder soothingly, and you leaned in and kissed him again before he could even muster enough sense to respond, unable to stop yourself. Chan’s lips began moving against yours again, and he started to lean forward until your back was against a pillow on the couch and he was hovering over you completely. It felt as if he was trying to reach your heart with just the movements his warm, pillowy lips made against yours.
His thumbs started rubbing soothing circles into your waist and you felt like you were floating on a cloud, mind becoming hazy as your head became filled with thoughts of him and only him. He left three final pecks on your lips, finally mustering enough self control to pull back before things got even more heated. His hands slid from your waist all the way up to your cheeks, caressing them softly. 
You were smiling softly but genuinely, in complete bliss as he leaned in and kissed your forehead sweetly before finally saying, “I love you, you know?"
“I love you too,” you whispered quietly, just enough for him to hear. 
He rubbed his thumb near the corner of your lips, eyes crawling all over your face before he said a little regretfully, "I hate for this to end but I don't wanna keep you up any later than it already is."
“Then just stay over for the night. Please?" you begged a little bit and put a pout on your face. He immediately kissed it off of you and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
"Are you sure?"
Neither of you had ever spent the night at each other's place, so it was completely new territory and you could tell he didn’t want to seem like he was taking advantage of the entire situation. You shifted up a little to kiss his forehead back.
“Chan, I want you to. I promise. Please?”
You meant every word. You wanted nothing more than to hold him all night long.
"Ok," he said quietly, grin growing on his face until you saw that cheeky smile you loved so dearly.
That night was one of the most peaceful you’d ever had in recent memory. Buried deep under your sheets, nestled under the stars, you curled yourself into his arms - so close that you could feel his heartbeat against your cheek, slow and steady. And you fell asleep just like that - sweet dreams eventually melting away into the morning sun.
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snek-panini · 8 months
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At long last, I have a new book to share! Feels like forever since the last one. This is Vita Nova, a fantastic Good Omens fic by @philoomenaa that I asked to bind way back in October. It took me a while to get here and I learned several new techniques for this bind but it was so very worth the wait. It's an excellent pre-season 2 story from 2019-2020, involving the fandom's favorites dealing with an unexpected bout of both humanity and memory loss. It's just...really really good and I love it.
More photos and process talk under the cut! There are a lot of details to see with this one.
One of the things I learned for this bind was homemade book cloth. I used the heat n bond method and had pretty good results with this satiny bronze cloth that I found in the Joann's remnant bin. The making of the cloth was fairly straightforward but it handles very differently to regular book cloth. The satin is really slippery and absolutely would not hold a crease at the hinge. I think it also shrank a little at the gluing stage? Which sounds weird but I left my usual amount of space for the corner turn-ins but still had teeny tiny gaps on three of the corners, which has never happened to me before. I also had an issue with glue seepage when I applied HTV to the cover and spine. You can see this in the images above, and here in the spine photos:
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Part of the reason it has that fancy art nouveau frame on the cover is an attempt to hide this. I think it's the heat press re-activating the heat n bond to cause it. I found out two things here: that fabric requires less press time than book cloth or cardstock, and that if you move the heat press slowly but constantly like an iron it is way less likely to do this. I was super disappointed that it happened but now, a few days later, it doesn't seems so bad. I guess some items just come with a little personal history already baked in.
Here, have some more glamour shots:
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The geometric endpapers were chosen specifically to go with this cloth. I found them at the same craft store and knew I had use them together, they look so incredible. And I learned edge gilding for this project! It was very annoying. The final result here is with heat transfer foil, and I did about six tests on scrap text blocks before I got a result I was at all satisfied with. I tried rub n buff (great coverage, not shiny enough, kept coming off on my fingers even after curing for 2 days) and an actual gilding kit (flaked off as soon as I separated the pages). The heat foil still has some patchy spots but was by far the best-looking result. I also learned double-core end bands for this project! Because I wanted some kind of match for those opulent endpapers and didn't want to settle for just two colors. I think they came out pretty well for a first try and I'll definitely be doing them again.
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Couple of photos of the ribbon I chose for the bookmark. It's probably a little too wide for a book this length; you can see in the end band photo that I had to fold it in half to get it to lay in the spine properly. But it looks so good with the other design elements that I couldn't resist. Luxury all the way on this one.
Speaking of luxury, have a look at the interior:
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From left to right, we have the title page, the ornament I chose for the chapter numbers, and the scene break divider. All the images came from rawpixel with just the lightest amount of editing from me. The chapter image is the same as the star on the title page, but I made it gray and took out the center to turn it into a frame for the numbers. The cloth and endpapers really set the tone for this one all the way through, and all the other design choices followed from there. It's really gorgeous, guys. I love it so much.
And that's it! That was the last work in progress I had from 2023, and I'm so pleased to have finally finished it. Hope you like it, AMidnightDreary!
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writtenjewels · 10 months
More Denial
Salim twisted his wrists but the ropes proved to be unyielding. He glared at Nick's back; he couldn't believe the sergeant had obediently tied Salim up after only the most feeble of protests. He could hear the other one—Nick called him “Jason”—just behind him. Salim was glad he didn't have to look at the man: Jason was so ignorant and bull-headed. He refused to listen to Nick's assurance that Salim wasn't hostile, and he told Salim to shut up.
Well, what he actually said was “give your mouth some rest,” but the sentiment was the same. Salim couldn't help but mouth off to the marine.
The Americans led Salim to what he assumed was their base of operation. There were already tents set up and what looked like an old machine gun. Dynamite was strapped to the pillars. Of course, Salim thought with a roll of his eyes.
“You sit tight,” Jason ordered, shoving Salim into a sitting position. “Nicky and I are gonna set up some surveillance.”
“And you're going to leave me like this?” Salim demanded. Jason leaned in a little closer, giving Salim the first real look at his face.
He had a square jaw, his thin lips pulled up into a smirk. The visor of his gray cap shadowed his features but Salim could still see freckles on the man's pale skin. Looking at him gave Salim a weird twisting feeling in his stomach. Probably hunger, he dismissed. He hadn't eaten before Dar came over to drag him into this hell.
“We ain't gonna be far. You'll be able to see us on the monitors.”
“Is that the American solution to everything?” Salim spat out. “Just watch television?” Jason let out a soft snort before shifting his face to a neutral expression. If Salim didn't know better, he would think the man just laughed at his mocking joke.
While they were gone, Salim tried shifting his hands toward the knife he kept at his waist. He wiggled his fingers hoping to graze the handle. No luck; he couldn't quite reach. Instead he focused on the monitors. Screens lit up as the Americans got the cameras working. Salim could see Jason correcting the angle and his stomach twisted again. Even over a screen, Jason was making Salim sick. Yet Salim still watched, waiting for the next time Jason showed up.
The Americans returned with Jason making a beeline toward Salim. Salim glared at him and wiggled in his bonds.
“You have to untie me! Those demons will kill me!”
“Don't worry,” Jason drawled with a smile on his lips. The look was strangely playful. “Your buddy here will protect you.”
“We got this place locked down,” Nick added. “You're safe.”
“I'd feel a lot safer with a gun in my hand,” Salim retorted, eyes still fixed on Jason.
“No way am I givin' you a gun,” Jason argued. His tone was casual—nothing at all like the aggression he showed earlier. It was puzzling; Salim had expected him to be angrier at Salim's bold request. “But I ain't gonna let you be killed by those things, either,” Jason added.
Salim could not understand this man. Half an hour ago he was pointing a rifle at Salim and threatening him. Now he was being assuring and almost friendly. Through this whole conversation Jason kept that same playful smile and his eyes stayed fixed on Salim's face. Salim hadn't looked away from Jason, either, to the point where he almost forgot Nick was in the room, too.
Jason's skin was so pale that the faint dark shadow of stubble on his upper lip stood out. Salim's eyes dropped a little lower to the man's lips. The smile was gone, the mouth settled back to a line. Salim traced the line with his eyes, following along the slight dip of Jason's upper lip. He flicked his gaze back up and caught Jason's eyes. His heart skipped a beat. He had the strangest feeling Jason had been staring at his mouth, too.
“We should head out,” Jason spoke up, finally turning to acknowledge Nick. There was a tingling sensation going through Salim's body. He flexed his fingers to make sure he hadn't lost circulation. Jason gave him one last smile before walking away.
Salim's heart was only beating so hard because he was tied up, captured by the enemy, helpless against the demons. His reactions made perfect sense.
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steviebbboi · 2 months
The Defiance
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Pairing: Nick Gant x Original Female Character (OFC)
Adroits. The myth of a single individual holding multiple talents. The Division agency thought they could control them. All of the 'mutants'. Clara Miller plans to take charge on this war. Most people called it, The Defiance. [ONE-SHOT]
Disclaimer(s): I do not own Push nor do I own any characters other than Clara! I wrote this in 2014 when I was but a wee lad - that said, I edited this best I could lol but this work is unbeta'd.
Warnings: This has some mild depictions of violence/violent acts/harm against others. Largely angst and action ahead, not much romance but maybe if you squint!
Additional Note: We need more Nick Gant fics! Cassie isn't featured but she is mentioned!
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A shout full of anger, determination and pride seeped into her middle ear. It amplified to the point where she couldn't even cover her ears anymore. She ceased in her frantic movements and finally lay still on the ground…numbing into the abyss of limbo.
Clara gasped as she came out of the vision. A tear rolled down her cheek out of absolute fright. She looked down at her hands where the broken plate in her vision held still intact, yet ready to drop. Her face turned pale as she realized that she envisioned her own fate.
With a shaky breath, she put the plate back in the sink, not even bothering to turn off the tap. She raced upstairs, filled up her duffel with anything that she could put her hands on. The pounding on her door could be heard once she had reached the bottom of the stairs. She quickly ran outside and hid behind the large garbage disposal.
Clara held her breath as a Bleeder peered outside. He swept his gaze over the dark backyard carefully before he went back inside. Releasing a relieved exhale, she then waited an hour till she knew that they were gone. Clara knew what she had to do next.
She needed to find Cassie Holmes.
6 months later…
Panting slightly, Clara rested her hands on her knees. Japan, London-- Paris. She went everywhere to look for Cassie Holmes. Yet, she didn't appear.
“She could have a shadow on her.” She groaned softly at the realization. An intense pressure abruptly crashed on her as she reeled forward as the next vision hit. It went as quickly as it came. This time, it was on a more positive note. She and Cassie were talking. Actually talking. 
Catching her breath, she ran down another hidden alleyway within the depths of the Hong Kong region. No idea of where she was really going, just had the ideal focus that she would find her way or stumble upon her next clue. Faintly hearing footsteps behind her, Clara picked up the pace and settled behind a dumpster. She found herself peeking out to check the vacant space to see if it was clear of danger. Thinking that she’s in the clear, she stumbled upon the public area once more into a street market. 
Shouts and tones of demand echoed the streets as she noticed apartment complexes standing just up ahead. A weird knowing feeling took over her body with a shudder. Her intuition taking over her body, she started towards this 5-story tall building and approached the gray shadowed hallway. Walking slowly, she walked past steel doors one by one until she felt her feet stop in front of the last one. 
Clara turned to face the door and cocked her head to the right. Another brief vision hit her of a white man and Cassie standing in the very spot that she was standing. Her vision blurred out into black before she opened her eyes, not even noticing when she closed them. She so desperately wished her visions could show her more of a scene. But her visions were only as strong as she was capable of being. 
Feeling a sense of alert, she hesitantly knocked. She heard footsteps and then a brief pause behind the door. As the door opened, Clara refrained from letting a laugh out but she couldn’t help but smile in relief. Even if a gun was now being pointed at her.
"You could put it down. I'm not Division." She tried not to be offended when he still didn't lower the gun. 
"Who are you?" The man questioned warily.
She simply stared back at the man and responded awkwardly, "My name is Clara Miller.”                      
The man looked closely at her before tucking the gun into his jeans. "What do you want?" He bluntly asked.                                
She fidgeted a bit before responding. "I...I'm just looking for someone-"
Clara drew back a bit as and exhaled sharply as another brief vision hit. It showed the man. He sat up on his bed and sighed. He got up and Moved the cup that was on his bedside table all the way over to the kitchen sink. It cut to him moving a small black box. Clara felt her own body jump back into the present with a jolt of shock at what she Saw. She needed that box. 
"You're a second generation Mover." She spewed out on impulse.
The man didn't look surprised. "And you're a Watcher. Fantastic.”
Clara cleared her throat at his derision and looked at his placid face through her eyelashes. "I'm currently looking for someone. Her name…–her name is Cassie Holmes...would you happen to know where she is? It's really important."  
At hearing her plight, he seemed to clench his jaw in a threatening stance but suddenly changed back into a calm demeanor.
Clara’s eyes widened before narrowing into a knowing gaze, “Gotcha.” She thought to herself. 
The man met her narrowed gaze with one of his own before answering, "Sorry, can't help you. I have no idea who the girl is."
She looked at her feet disappointed. Naively, she thought that he would cooperate. Although she was intimidated by the man’s blaise denial, she was suddenly flooded with a burst of confidence. Looking back into his eyes with a determined glint, she responded, "You see, I can't help but not believe you."
They stared at each other in silence and after a few seconds, she interrupted the tension brewing in the space. "I am, sorry, about this." She muttered quietly.
Clara quickly reached into her beach bag and pulled out a gun. Only, it hovered in mid air with a simple thrust of her hands.
The guy’s eyes widened slightly at the move, but he quickly composed himself. Letting out a reluctant sigh, he put his hands up. All while keeping her eyes on him, Clara reached out towards the gun in his pants, grabbed it and tossed it into her bag. She proceeded to move into the dingy apartment as the man moved back slowly.        
"Thought you said you were a Watcher." He stated, gazing intensely at Clara. 
She shook her head slowly, "No. You did."
She came inside and shut the door without using her hands. She kept the gun pointed at him, as she rummaged through his drawers, filled with clothes, money, and endless amounts of junk and dust. Clara stopped tersely before slamming her hands atop the drawer table. She made a sound in the back of her throat which resembled a whimper.
"It should be here," she muttered repetitively.
Now out of focus, the gun fell and Moved into the man's hands as he used her distraction to manipulate the gun. He immediately pointed it at Clara. Getting her body ready for a fight, she turned with her hands posed before she heard the click of the gun that seemed to make her pause momentarily.
"How did you know that 'it' was supposed to be here?" He asked menacingly.
She sighed impatiently and rolled her eyes, "YOU said that I was the Watcher. Remember?"
"But you never denied it." The man carried a smirk on his face and quickly retorted with complete confidence.
Clara blankly looked at him and realized that she was beaten at her own game. She was hit, again, with superfluous colors that specified an image; it kept rolling like a film in her head. That's when she froze and stared at the man with incredulous eyes.
"What is it?" He asked hesitantly.
"You're him. You do know Cassie...the person I'm looking for,” Clara paused at her realization. “You lied to me... you're Nick Gant."
Nick stared at Clara with a grimace until he pointed 2 firing shots into the ceiling above her and quickly pointed the gun at her again. “Move.” He ordered.
Clara, having shrunken back slightly at the abrupt sound, flinched and stood up straight as he jabbed the gun at her once more. She silently stood up straight and walked towards the door. Before she could open it, he told her to wait.
Nick went in front of her, still securing her place with his gaze, and slightly opened the door while looking left and right to secure the perimeter. He opened the door wide before motioning at her to move forward. Clara looked down at her feet with a clenched jaw before stiffly moving out of the dingy apartment. Nick silently motioned for her to go downstairs to the exit of the complex.
Once they reached the streets and sidewalks of Hong Kong, Nick put the gun in the front of his waistband while forcibly gripping Clara’s forearm and said to her quietly, “Let’s go.”
They were quiet for some time until Clara mustered up the courage to ask, “Where’s Cassie?”
They faltered in their step a bit as Nick slowly gathered into a secluded area of the street. He gripped Clara’s arm tighter to face him. He clenched his teeth and said, “I don’t know.”
She looked at him for a second in bewilderment. “You don’t know?” she stated rather than asked.
Nick looked in her eyes and proceeded to throw her off, “She left. 2 years ago. I woke up and she was gone.”
Clara began to shake her head, “No, no– that can’t be. I Saw you with her.”
Nick frowned but grabbed her arm again in shock, “What-- where?! Tell me.”
“Ow! I don’t know! Why do you think I came to your apartment?! I knew that I had to go to your door…don’t ask me why but…I just felt that I could trust you.” She spoke as she looked into his eyes but then drifted her gaze down to her arm that he was grabbing tightly and looked back at him. “Though, I’m less sure of that now.” She told him smartly.
Nick looked at his hand and let go of her arm, slowly. “I’m sorry, it’s just hard to trust anyone these days. You know why.”
Clara rotated her arm at instinct and broke the intense moment. “Relax. As I said before, I’m not Division. I’m running from them myself.”
Nick fixed his stare as if he remembered something. “Right. That little stunt you pulled before. I didn’t think people like you actually existed.”
She retorted, “People like me?”
“Yes. You know damn well what I mean. Adroits.” He sneered back at her.
Clara staggered back at his brutal tone. Adroits. Very able or skilled. That was how people like her were described. People who were…multi- talented. Adroits were a mere story. A myth. Nobody truly believed they existed in the mutant world. Well, except a few people. Those people are Division. Adroits were listed at Divisions’ top priority list. They halt whatever and whoever they would be working on, just for that small alert on the location of an Adroit. That’s how Clara came to this situation. Someone either reported on her somehow or something else tipped them off to her location.
She stared down at the wet pavement morose and explained, “Someone tipped them off. Neighbor or stranger—I don’t know. But they know me now. I had to run. After I left, I arrived in Japan. I was hit by a vision of me with a blonde girl. The blonde girl. Cassie Holmes. Everyone knows about the two of you, you know. The people who defied Division rule,” Nick didn’t respond to her comment other than tilt his head away briefly before silently signaling for her to continue. “I don’t know where we were but I knew I was intoxicated. I don’t know what it was but she was gripping my head, repeatedly reassuring me, “”It’s alright, Clara. It’s over.” “
She stopped talking to draw her gaze up to his face. Tears were over the edge of her eyes, waiting to fall as she continued, “I keep having the same exact vision and I think it’s because I’m getting closer to her. In my visions, she was also gripping a key. I felt it…right on my temple. I thought she and it would be here.” Her voice broke on the last word and she swallowed down a sob. “That’s what I was looking for earlier but it was never there, was it?” Tears now spilling down her cheeks, she wiped at her face despondent.
Nick quickly softened at Clara’s tearful expression, and was finally looking at her. He saw a woman. A terrified woman who feared for her life, who was confused, disoriented and heading towards the brink of falling over the cliff of panic. Maybe she already fell. 
A flash of a young, 13-year old Cassie asking for his help came into his mind. Clara didn’t realize that the similarities between the woman in front of him and of Cassie six years ago is what ultimately made Nick decide to help her.
She let out a small, dry sob. “Please. I don’t know what’s going on and what it has to do with me. I just need to find Cassie and the key, please.”
A flood of empathy had Nick pulling the woman he barely knew into his chest and into his embrace. 
“I’ll help you. Don’t worry, we’ll find her.” He whispered as he rested his hand on the back of her head.
Clara proceeded to let out small sobs while her shoulders shook. The two stayed in that position for a long time until Clara sniffed and relaxed enough to put her hand on his arm around her. “Thank you.” She looked up at him and gave him a grateful smile.
Nick nodded with a frown and came out of his slight stupor, taking his arms away from her. “We need to go to a safe place, ok? I have a feeling now that my apartment isn’t exactly ideal.”
She shrugged half-heartedly, “Sorry about that.” Nick looked at her and let out a small laugh, “C’mon, I think I know a place where we can go for now,” while slowly jogging away with her following.
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“So, what’s this key you’re talkin’ about?” Nick asked her as they seated inside a Chinese, dim-sum restaurant, eating silently. He figured that they would need to replenish their energy after such a charged first meeting.
Clara ate her food quickly as she was famished and all before responding, “I’m not sure. I just know that it was there at the time. As an…Adroit—,” she stopped shortly before saying the word, “I could feel, well, essentially See, the emotional attachment that one would have to things, people…I mean, the list could go on.”
“Huh,” Nick let out in wonderment. “Can you sense the relationship between me and this bowl?” He teased curiously, half-joking to add brevity to the tension brewing.
Clara swallowed her food quickly, “No. But I could see the relationship you have with this food in front of us,” she leaned her arms on the table. “I could see that you would go without eating for days due to your financial struggles. I could feel the hunger you had to endure to survive and the suffering you feel when you look at food. Specifically, dim-sum, because this is your favorite. Isn’t it?” Clara knowingly ended while resuming to eat.
Nick simply stared at her with his mouth slightly ajar. “You’re good.” He spoke after a few seconds, choosing to ignore her tellings, interrupting the depressing tone set around them.
“I’m flattered. I’m still a 2nd generation, you know.” She responded sarcastically. 
“Clearly, well done.” His tone matched hers. She merely smiled at him before going back to her food.
“Do you have any idea of where Cassie would have gone?” Nick asked.
“Honestly, no. However, I still feel her energy surging through the streets. That means that she is currently here. In Hong Kong.” Clara told him while finishing her food and getting up, preparing to leave.
Nick looked up at her while also getting up, throwing down a few bills. “So, she’s definitely here. Makes you wonder why.”
Clara looked at him and said, “For you.” Nick stopped to look at her in confusion. “Nick, there’s something out there.  A war is coming. It’s between Division and us. The ‘mutants’. It’s spreading and quickly. Now, it seems like Division is winning. They’re coming for everyone, Nick and maybe. Just maybe, Cassie picked up on this to warn you. To let you know that it’s coming.”
Nick stared at Clara as she continued walking down the dimly lit street. “What is this war? Why?” 
Clara slowed down until they were right next to each other. “Division seems to have concentrated some type of antidote. Before, they’d do anything to hunt us down to experiment. Well they don’t need to anymore. They seem to be using it on unsuspecting mutants and rumors are that it works. Now, we all know that being like…this, isn’t exactly easy,” Nick hummed in agreement. 
“However, these gifts make us who we are. We may not like it, we may be confused on how to live with it, but it’s apart of us. Division wants to suddenly take it away? We wouldn’t tolerate that and you know it. We’re stubborn and for the sake of us, we’re fighting back.” Clara ended with a certain vindication that Nick couldn’t help but admire.
A prideful smile grew on his face as he realized that he couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment. It was about time.  
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
Could I ask for a number 10 or 21?? Whatever you want. Both sound insane for sladick. <3
10. "Don't you dare" + 21. "Say my name" - Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
(TW drowning, non-descriptive torture)
Waterboarding isn't the type of torture that should be attempted by amateurs, given that everything can go very wrong in a matter of seconds.
Dick is well capable of holding his breath underwater for more than five minutes. Not that much more than five minutes, but still. And it's probably because of it that his "interviewer" gets a bit overexcited, and decides to just... hold his head into the metal vat, without letting him up. At all. Dick makes a show of thrashing and trying to kick after less than ninety seconds, but it doesn't work and the asshole clubs him at the base of his back, strong enough for something in his pelvis to break, and Dick's focus is gone.
Water starts getting in his lungs and panic is quick to set in, but adrenaline fuels his burning muscles as Dick forcefully emerges with a snap, nape colliding with that fucker's face accompanied by the telltale crack of a nose breaking. And just like that he's out of the water but he still can't breathe. Regardless of how much he tries to cough and hack, his lungs stay full and it's with more rising panic that he realizes to be suffocating on the floor of the interrogation room.
He doesn't really feel it when someone lifts him up and cuts the rope around his wrists, he just registers that his arms now are free and there's pressure just below his rib-cage, then nothing, then a blow that forces him to bend over and expel a mouthful of water.
«Don't you dare.» A snarl comes from behind his back, then there's another blow to his upper abdomen, upsetting his already broken ribs, and Dick would likely scream if it wasn't that there is no room for air in his lungs. More water comes out. «Don't you fucking dare, kid. Breathe.»
Dick tries his best, fumbling for air and managing a strangled cry when more pressure forces him to cough, and finally he manages to gasp and draw a sliver of air in.
Again he's not sure exactly what happens after that, but at some point he's being held against someone's side, still mildly coughing but he's pretty sure he isn't going to die at this point. He chances a look around and sees the man who was interrogating him; he's lying face down in a pool of blood, and Dick's eyes narrow, he can't have killed him. He broke his nose, didn't he? But just that, the man shouldn't be dead. What the hell.
«There you are.»
Dick's head gets pulled up as he's held more upright, and he manages to sit up with a grunt, ignoring the pain all over. He frowns at the black and orange of the man's mask, and his addled brain puts together that Deathstroke is the one who killed Dick's torturer; all that blood comes from a bullet in the head, not a stupid broken nose. «Look up here.» There's a quiet hiss of smoke and then the man's helmet goes, showing gray hair and a sharp blue eye. Dick winces at his frown and looks away, but the other snaps his fingers and makes him reflexively look back. «Say my name.»
«Hn. Slade.» He croaks, but a moment later he's surprised to see the man's expression distend in relief.
«Yeah.» Slade roughly runs a hand through his damp hair on the nape, and weird as it is to acknowledge it, holds him tighter for a moment. «You're okay.»
«Were you... hah... doubting it...?» He rasps out, forcing a grin, and the man replies with a glare.
«What the hell came into you.» Slade pinches his chin with his usual "no arguments" tone, his glower staying. «I'm the one who decides when you work alone and when not. You were not supposed to take initiative.»
«What are you gonna do?» Dick coughs, having to turn around to expel more water. Slade lets him, helping him stay up in the process. «...punish me?»
«You know very well that I should.»
That's what Slade would normally do for a job badly done. It hasn't happened in a while though, and it's not like Dick remembers it fondly, but also... well, he kind of thinks he deserves it, because he really did mess up this time. He's gotten himself captured, to name one. Fledgling nonsense, that's what this is. At least he didn't speak a word and revealed absolutely nothing, even if it resulted in almost an entire week of starvation, a leg broken in two parts, a dislocated shoulder, contusions over the entirety of his back...
«Did they-» Slade narrows his eye and a flash passes through it, something wild that in another situation would make Dick wary. «Did they touch you...?»
Dick knows what that means. He shakes his head, not that it would change the fate of the people who captured him. He knows they're all dead already, or anyway they will be soon. But... at least it can help Slade's peace of mind. It's going to take a bit more convincing though, given the searching stare and the way the man grips him tight. Dick sighs and it sounds wet like he's had a chest infection, and tightens both hands on the man's biceps, forcing his swollen left arm to move.
«They didn't.» He says, trying to sound as assured as he can. «They didn't, Slade, I swear. They just beat me up. They wanted to know about you but they didn't make it personal... just this one,» he nods to the body of the man who went this close to drowning him. «I guess he had a few screws loose. But the others were, heh... pretty professional.»
The lines of Slade's face remain hard but there's something that unspools in his expression, Dick can tell. «Alright.» He concedes, touching a thumb to Dick's cheek subtly and briefly enough that Dick isn't sure he hasn't imagined it. «Now let's get out of here.»
Thank you for asking anon ♥ Here's the prompt list for whoever wants to peruse it, or send me another prompt :)
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fili-oeuvre · 5 months
Cosmos stared down at his tail as he absentmindedly groomed it.
A feeling of wrongness lingered over him like a swarm of mosquitoes. No matter how much he swatted at it, it always returned.
He had checked and nothing from him seemed to be missing. Whatever that weird tailed one had done, he had left no trace or evidence of having done anything.
Still, he felt… violated in a way that he had never thought he would be.
Cosmos: [ don’t think about that ] *he shook his head to try and clear away those thoughts, they weren’t going to do him much good except drive him crazy*
It had been a day or had it been two? Time seemed to just blur together in this place.
The lights in his room would automatically dim at certain times in the day. Which made him think that that was supposed to represent a day passing, but he couldn’t trust that.
He let out a heavy sigh before shifting to lay on his side. He stared blankly at the wall.
As he traced imaginary shapes on its white-gray surface, his mind wandered back to thinking about his family. He closed his eyes as he latched onto a memory from a few days before he was caught.
“What’s that?” Bramble had found him by a stream sharpening one of his daggers. Alba was with him as he often was. It was rare to find those two apart.
“It’s one of my daggers. Castor says that keeping them in top shape at all times is essential. You never know when you might need them and it’s no good having dull ones.” He had gone back to sharpening it. Suddenly, the light weights of two small kits leaning on his back and looking over his shoulders made him stop.
“Shouldn’t you two be doing chores?” He smiled as he put the dagger down to pat the fluffy heads of his little brothers.
“But our chores are boring.” Bramble had said.
“Maybe, but they’re important.” Alba moved to nestle into his side as he said that.
“You always away doing things. We barely see you anymore.” Alba hugged his arm and rested his head on his shoulder.
It was true, Cosmos was spending more time away as he started being more involved in the patrols and the drills. He had tried to still be back for meals, but… time seemed to get away from you when you were focused on something as big as the cause.
“You know why I have to be away all the time.”
“We know.” Their tones had sounded downtrodden, but understanding. Most if not all of the children knew of the war. Though it didn’t make it any easier, especially when they knew of the dangers that their families were often in.
They had sat in silence for a few moments that felt longer than they probably were. Just silently listening to the sounds of the forest and the sounds of the camp in the distance.
He had thought of something to try and make his brothers feel better.
“Hey, why don’t I finish up with this one and then we can go catch some mice together? I can show you some secret techniques.”
“Really?” Bramble has perked up almost instantly, the usual cheerfulness in his voice returning. While his reaction was more subtle, Alba looked at him intently with quiet excitement.
“Of course! It’ll be a fun way to prepare you for your first hunt.”
Bramble had hugged him, with Alba following suit. He had sheathed his dagger and the three of them had started to head towards one of the hunting areas. They had run ahead of him on the trail. Bramble was saying how he would catch more mice than Alba. Alba had countered with how he was the quieter of the two and was better at stealth than Bramble.
He had smiled, watching the two of them banter and play together as they walked.
The memory faded away as soon as it had arrived.
He opened his eyes to be met with the same lifeless white-gray walls that kept him stuck in hornet’s nest of a place.
Part 6 :3
The wonderful thing called ✨homesickness✨ and missing your siblings
Previous: Part 5
Next: Part 7
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Hi there! I'm gonna throw a few Pokémon that I haven't seen reviewed here, and just pick whichever one you have the most to say about: the Spinarak line, the Skorupi line, the Makuhita line, or Relicanth! (These are some of my all-time faves!)
(I'm going to do Makuhita because I haven't done it yet and it's my personal favorite out of these four.)
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I feel like Makuhita is one of those overlooked "cute" Pokemon that no one really acknowledges as being such. Look at that little face! The closed eyes and blush cheeks are super simple but very appealing.
Conceptually, it's also solid—it's based off a young sumo wrestler, with the topknot and boxing gloves, but it also looks like a sandbag of sorts—the thing sumo wrestlers use to train with. The body shape is just amorphous to get this across while still looking properly beefy.
My only real issue with this guy is the colors. It feels weird to have a very desaturated, almost black blue on most of the body, then have a much lower-contrast spot of pink on the cheeks (a relatively unimportant part of the design). The shiny swaps all of the blue out for a simple two-tone palette, and while it's not quite as cohesive with Hariyama, I do like this palette a bit more:
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Overall, though, this is a vastly underrated Pokemon in my opinion.
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There's something about Hariyama's design that I really like. I'm a sucker for weird abstract human-ish Pokemon, and Hariyama feels like a good blend of human traits (the cloth belt, the chonmage hairstyle, the geta-style feet, etc.) and weird very non-human elements, such as the stylized but still somewhat atomically-logical body shape and the lack of a mouth.
Visually, there's a lot that I like. The V shape of the hairstyle is mimicked by the V shape that the "belt" creates around the waist, and the large legs are counterbalanced by the equally large hands. The hands also have some bright coloration to help emphasize them, seeing as they're the most important part of the design.
However, I will admit that something feels a little off in the design. First, there are a few minor visual nitpicks—the body tries to make a downward V pattern, giving it good flow, until it's stopped by the rectangular belt. The belt is somewhat mimicked by the hands, but I can't help but feel like it would've looked better if the segments were also V-shaped. The ears are also distracting and probably could've just been dropped, and I'm not overly fond of the shape of the top of the head, which feels like it should've been smoother.
And, once again, the palette's a bit strange. The skin is kind of a sickly-looking gray color; I would've much preferred it to keep the cream of Makuhita. Meanwhile, the yellow only being on the belt is an odd choice, only really done to separate the orange and blue. Meanwhile, the feet, hands, and belly marking almost feel like too much orange. Just for the record, here's how I would've handled it (original on left):
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But anyway, as a whole, I do like this line quite a bit. The theme is clear, the actual design is very unique, and the visual direction is pleasing. The only thing really holding it back are some odd color choices; otherwise, these are some solid fighting-types.
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bowuigifire · 1 year
SUMMARY: Luigi found himself in a strange alien world, alone and terrified. But perhaps this place isn't so bad?
The first thing Luigi noticed when he came back to consciousness was that his arms were restricted, his cheek pressed against something very warm but hard. I might have fallen to the floor at some point, he thought, still drowsy. It took him several seconds to open his tired eyelids to see where he was. There were ropes around his wrists, tightened so that he could barely move them, a creature with a white mask and no eyes tugging on the rope. It made weird noises he couldn't understand. Looking around, he spotted more of them. Gulping down the uneasiness that overtook him, he forced his body to relax, certain they haven't noticed he was awake and aware just yet.
His body was lifted, the creature's grip strong. He could hear grunts and moans and rattling of bones close to him, the skeletons from before following them, perhaps? Wherever they are taking him, Luigi is sure it was no good but at least it should be better than being lost in an unknown forest while sweltering in the heat. Or so he hoped.
The shy guys tightened their grip on their prisoner, getting closer to their destination, clearly annoyed they had to drag the unconscious plumber all the way.
Luigi opened his eyes, gasping for air. It was getting harder to breath because of all of the warmth. It seems that, whenever he was, the temperature remained the same if not higher. Slowly, the realisation that he fell asleep again came crawling, leaving the poor plumber both embarrassed and confused. He was still tied up but he found himself on a comfy bed and alone. Leaning against the only pillow he was given, the human looked at the room he was in. Gray walls were the first thing he noticed, followed by a window revealing a lava lake outside. Dark clouds did not let the sun's rays pass, creating a somewhat gloomy atmosphere.
All in all, he's been in worse places.
Bored after ten minutes of waiting the plumber tried to pull the ropes. He tugged and tugged, unable to free himself. Twisting his body awkwardly, the man tried to bite into his restraints. It was then that the door was flung open, startling the plumber and forcing him to open his mouth in a strangled scream.
It was a strange looking turtle with yellow skin, wearing round glasses, and with blue robes and equally blue hat.
"You're awake, I see." Said the koopa, looking over the human. Despite his thick glasses, he was sporting a frown, puzzled by his King's decision to accommodate a prisoner. Granted, they didn't know who he was, what he wanted, nor if he was a danger to the kingdom. That's why he's still tied to the bedpost. However, he does look very similar to the red one, wearing the same overall and mustache. Even the same hat, although in a different color and letter. Speaking of, "Here's your hat." The magikoppa used his staff to make it appear and float towards the stunned plumber.
"Gr-Grazie." Luigi mumbled, holding it closely to his heart. He didn't even realise its absence.
"How are you felling?" The old wizard began with a professional and distant tone. Right now he had a job to do, to make sure the prisoner was in optimal health before seeing the King, as per His orders.
"Oh. Um. I'm alright." Luigi smiled. Shyly, unsure on what to feel. What is this place? Where's Mario?
The koopa used his wand to cast a quick check spell on the human. His fever seems to have dropped considerably despite the high temperatures, and any burns and bruises he had previously obtained seem to have healed without problems.
"It seems you're ready," He finally looked up at the human's blue eyes.
"Ready for what?"
"To meet King Bowser, obviously."
Luigi stumbled in his haste to follow the wizard, who was floating on his broom, his footsteps muffled by the red carpet. He couldn't help but shot a glare at the magickoppa for making him run when he just woke up. He wished he at least was given a cup of coffee. He's in a new world, so maybe they didn't have any? Not like it matters, he is a prisoner, there's no doubt about that.
A yell escaped from his dry mouth, stopping himself in time to avoid collision with the big door in front of them. It's huge with various small designs carved on it.
"The king is waiting for you." The koopa announced, the doors opening.
It was hotter in here, and Luigi felt his hair already getting sweaty on his forehead. Looking around this new room, he noticed it was filled with more lava. Are they living in a volcano? Then, his eyes landed on a dragon-like creature upon a large chair similar to the statues. He gulped down whatever feeling was rising from his chest. Huge wasn't enough to describe it, with its yellow fading to green scales, big horns upon its head, claws tapping against the arm rest of the throne, sharp teeth and piercing red eyes boring into his, and its burning hair and bushy eyebrows complimenting the rest. Smoke escaping from its scrunched mouth, the creature growled at him, the vibration passing through Luigi’s whole body despite the distance between them. Behind it, the plumber could easily spot a large green shell with spikes protruding from it. This is the King Bowser? Came the worried thought, and to his dismay, the creature rose to its full height, sending him into panic.
The green plumber instinctively raised his arms to protect his face feeling the monster's stare over him. When nothing happened, he slowly put down his arms, his eyes drawn to the king's tail thumping heavily against the ground. It's kinda cute, his thoughts betrayed him. Desperately, he hopes no one can read his mind.
Meanwhile, Bowser was focused entirely on Luigi.
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
Okay so I know that absolutely NO ONE asked but I want to say that I grew from hating JeRza to tolerating it, I don't hate it as much as I did before because I sort of understand as to why SOME ship Jellal and Erza but it hits the wrong way when I remember that there was barely enough development aside from the first time they met each other there was already unreasonable romantic tension or it was Erza being skeptical of Jellal and then they almost get to it on the beach through some words and yeah, and then they have mutuals feelings about each other after that reunion like if had Erza visit him a few weeks after her had arrested and talk to him and we got scenes or the manga revealed it to us, I would understand but we get none of that, just a meeting on one day refueled so many feelings and it confused me because if some guy was possessed and trying to kill me, I'd loose feelings after a while or a month..
I'm not a fan of Erza's personality change around Jellal, it confuses me but it is weird because Erza being I can't say romantic is a bit softer along with her tone and wording and it can be seen as romantic or her being friendly but the "Erza" around Jellal is so submissive without much reason, this is expressed in the 100 Year Quest when she...
Kisses on the window because Juvia had done it to... practice on a pillow so that she can do better on Gray and because "Erza" is a bit clueless Jellal saw it when he came to talk to her at a fast food place or somethin' when she tries it on the window and when Kiria the Diablos Guild Member (Fifth Gen Dragon Slayer) has Erza on a chain in provocative clothing or it's ripped up, I don't remember and honestly I don't want to for the sake of my mental health, a illusion of Jellal shows up and she eats up food in a bowl like a damn dog.
Tolerating is a bit of a stretch, and hating is a bit strong so I dislike this ship.
I totally get you, I don't quite hate the ship but I'm uninterested af. I think I've mentioned it before, but i used to be a huge fan of Jerza until I realized it was cause 1) I've a fictional crush on Erza and 2) it was actually the result of having found a decent writer on FFN that makes fluff i like even today. Aside from that, i literally could not care less for Jellal and it is, as you said, bc he has barely any character development.
I honestly think that Erza still having some feelings for Jellal in the nirvana arc can still make sense since they're relationship is based solely on "we used to be best friends until you were brainwashed and so i hated you for years but I still held a sliver of hope that you'd be back to normal" like i feel Erza can be a very hopeful character which is the only way that her dynamic with Jellal works, so the end in the nirvana arc is kind of a closure and i don't know how the council's prisons work but I feel she definitely could've been allowed to at least communicate with him via letters.
However, trying to extend their "romantic" tension only serves for the detriment of their characters because the only way their dynamic functions is with them never actually getting together and being in a constant stale point, which wouldn't happen of this had been let to remain as a friendship. As an attempt to romance, Erza's character becomes "woman who has not given up on a decade long teen crush and is ready to forgive everything if he turns to the good side" and Jellal's is "man who refuses to be with woman he likes cause he thinks she's too pure for him", it never moves from that point and it gets fucking boring very fast, which is why I prefer Erza in other ships where she is given space to be more. Hell, after writing a jerik fic for an exchange I even prefer Jellal with Cobra because it allows for a different better dynamic between characters that actually can have more similarities, it's the one ship where i felt Jellal's character could be explored.
Also, dear GODS I'm so glad i don't read 100yq, i did get to the scene where Erza was on a leash (though i don't remember much of it) and was appalled at how much mashima hates having a physically strong female character and feels the need to have them dominated (and also how he's gotten worse with the poorly disguised fetishes). I'm sure this is also connected to the "Erza becomes 'softer' when Jellal is around", like he's saying that at heart Erza will be submissive to the right man and i fucking hate it. To me FT ended with the main series and Erza got over Jellal and moved on with her life just being friends with him.
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