#I tried asking my teachers but as of now I haven't gotten any response
pyr0peyt · 1 year
I fucking hate Edgenuity man my last day of the school year is next week and these mfs are expecting me to finish an ENTIRE CLASS by that time are u out of ur MINDS?????
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years
Homework Fairy
Jay Park x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff as usual, maybe some grammar/spelling errors, "babe", homework
Hunched over your computer, you didn’t even hear the door to your house open, nor the door to your room. You’d been working on assignments for this class for what felt like an eternity; the teacher assigned so much work it seemed to never end. In fact, you were so caught up in the work you forgot about the visit your boyfriend was making to your place today.
Jay had finally figured out two days where he could make time to see you; heck, he’d even get the chance to sleep over, and he was ecstatic. He’d texted you when practice started, and once it was over, but he hadn’t gotten a response. Then he’d sent something about how he was on his way. No response again. He’d tried calling. Nothing. He was nervous approaching your house, worried that something may have happened. Thankfully, nothing had looked out of order, and he opted to let himself in. Once he had made his way through the house, there you were in your room. “Babe? Hello?” Jay walked over and tapped you on the shoulder, prompting a startled reaction. “Huh?” You turned around, seeing Heeseung standing behind you and immediately stood up. “Jay! Hi! Uh…how long have you been here?” “I just let myself in. I was worried, you weren’t responding to any of my texts.” “Ah! I’m sorry. I haven't been paying attention to my phone all day. I’ve been…,” you looked at the mess that was your workspace, “busy.” “Have you been working all day?” “Um yeah. I have a lot to do cause this one teacher won't leave us alone and has to assign a project every other day on top of so many other assignments. It’s tough to keep up with all the work, but I’m trying,” you sighed, moving some papers around. Jay leaned closer towards you and pulled you into a hug, his head resting on yours. “You’re doing great. Have you done anything other than work today? Have you eaten?” He pulled back at the same time your face displayed shock in response to his question. “You haven’t eaten all day? Babe, you can't do that! I know that you want to get your work done, but that’s not how it’s done! Come on, I’m gonna make you something.” “You don’t have to! I’ll figure something out!” “I’m making you food.” “Jay-” “You don't get a say here.” You could see the slight smirk within his serious face, and you knew nothing you did would change Jay’s mind. “Okay, okay. But I don’t even know what we have in the kitchen.” “That’s for me to figure out. Will your parents mind?” “Come on, you already know they don’t care, especially if you leave some behind for them to have!” you laughed, leading Jay out of your room to the fridge. He pulled out several ingredients,asked your opinion on the dish, and went straight into cooking. From a bit away, you couldn't help but admire how nice he looked while he cooked (and in general). You hadn’t realized you zoned out until you heard him make the traditional comment, “Like what you see?” “Maybe… Wait! I mean that’s so overused…” “Mhm. Sure,” he chuckled, giving you one more smile before returning to the food. It wasn’t much more time of admiring your boyfriend before food was placed in front of you. “I’ll grab utensils,” you offered, moving to stand up. “No. You’re not doing anything. You’ve been working all day, relax. It’s a miracle you even remembered to drink something,” Jay countered, placing a cup of water in front of you. He grabbed the necessary utensils and his food before sitting down. “So.” “Hm?” “What’s the deal with all this work?” “It’s just this teacher. She always assigns one thing or another, and sometimes even three or four things at a time. Right now it’s a slides presentation about something we covered in class on top of vocabulary and a lot of in class work as well. I wish she’d realize how much work it really is. Right now I’m working on a thing that requires drawing as well, and that’s not exactly my strong suit.” “And you’ve been dealing with this all year?” “Yeah. she doesn't let up.” “Alright, well I think you’re done for today at least.” “I can’t be. I still have so much to do and I-” “Babe. I can see how tired you are.” You paused for a second, going to disagree, but you knew Jay was right. You were tired; you had been working since you woke up with very few brakes. “Alright,” you sighed, “I’ll rest once we clean up.” It was already late after all, the sun had set before Jay had made it to your place. “I’ll clean up. Get yourself ready to go to bed.” The gaze Jay had on you once again told you you didn't have a
choice. So you got ready to sleep amidst the clangs of dishes and the running of water and moved to your room. Jay joined you not long after. “I’m going to put on pajamas as well. I’ll be right back. You’d better not try to do anything while I’m gone,” he said, grabbing clothes out of the drawer that was reserved for him. While Jay changed, you busied yourself with cleaning up everything lying around your room pertaining to the work. You stacked up the notebook and papers and placed your laptop on top of it all. When Jay got back, you were just closing the laptop. “I wasn’t doing any work! Promise! I was just cleaning up!” “I’m glad I managed to convince you to now continue working,” he smiled, walking over to the bed. “Come on. You need rest.” You laid down first, and Jay after. He wrapped his arms around you, and you buried your head between his shoulder and head, and quickly fell asleep. After a while, Jay shifted. He heard your breathing steady, so he quietly maneuvered himself out of your bed, walking over to your pile of work. He picked it up and walked to the dining room table questioning what it was he was about to do. Before he could change his mind, Jay opened the device and began to work. He started with the presentation, as he was unable to do the vocabulary since you had to write it. (But he could find the definitions, which he did.) Jay had no idea how long the work had taken him, but he knew when he finished you were still asleep (he checked), which he was thankful for, sneaking your stuff back into its original spot and sneaking back into bed. When you woke up later, you had planned on working right away, and that was what you moved to do. Upon opening your laptop, a finished presentation was not among the things you expected to see, nor were easy ways to find the definitions you were looking for. Maybe you’d work on the map then? You almost hesitated to open your folder, but you finally did. There it sat, drawn and color coded according to your teacher’s guidelines. You had your suspicions about how this had happened, walking back into your room. Jay was out cold, confirming your suspicion. You fixed the covers around him, whispering a small thank you, before walking back out. You didn’t want to wake him up after all. It was a few hours of finishing the work Jay had helped you with before he woke up, right as you finished. He lumbered out of your room to the table you were working at and sitting down. By the time he was across from you, he looked awake. "You're already working?" "Actually, I just finished! Thanks to a certain someone." "Oh? And who might that be?" You stood up and walked next to him, giving him a hug. "The homework fairy, Park Jongseong, my boyfriend, who does too much for me."
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"Are you just using me for my body?" feat. Asmodeus
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pairing: Asmodeus x Female!Reader
warnings: mentions of smut, distrust, mentions of cheating
A/N: this got REALLy emotional...
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Being the Avatar of Lust and all, Asmodeus couldn't help but have desires outside his absolute adoration of you and you alone; other than himself that is.
He was so sweet all the time, never once forced you to do anything with him, and waited patiently until you knew you were ready.
You loved Asmodeus with your whole heart and had confidence that he wouldn't cheat on you.
Asmodeus was many things, but a liar was not one of them.
Until now, it had been especially hard to keep a steady relationship with his desires rampant and constantly filling up his mind. Ever since he started to get to know you and realize his feelings for you, he stopped sleeping around as much until it came to a complete halt.
He really wanted to be with you, he realized, and he'd give up anything if only it meant he could spend every minute you were here with him.
Here you were, completely in tune and comfortable with each other, but come comments from demons at school today had flooded you with doubt.
You hated yourself for mistrusting your best friend and boyfriend, especially after working so hard to get where you are.
That thought alone makes you burst into tears.
Asmo, who was snuggling happily against your chest, had noticed something off about you and decided against asking if you wanted to fuck. He simply pulled you into bed with him, shared a kiss with you, and planted his face on your pillowy chest, hands caressing your sides oh so gently.
You were so pretty...
What was he going to do with you?
He should see what was the matter.
Maybe it was a test coming up, or an unfinished homework assignment, possibly a teacher being rude to you again, but worrying causes wrinkles! With or without them you would continue to be divine, but still!
At that moment, he heard a choked sob slip past your lips.
Worried, he regrettably peeled himself off of you and saw that you were hiccupping into your hand, trying to stop yourself from crying and making a mess of yourself and Asmo's bed.
"Oh, sweetie..." Asmo murmured, pulling you into his lap, "You can go ahead and cry, don't hold it in like this!"
With his permission, you start crying like a baby into his shoulder.
He held your head, pressing kisses to your temple and rocking you gently from side to side.
"Oh, baby..." He whispers, patting your back, "You have to tell me when you're feeling bad... Don't bottle everything up."
You sob an 'I'm sorry', but Asmodeus wouldn't hear it.
"Don't you dare apologize for crying. I'm right here for you, always. Okay?"
That only made you cry harder.
'Worried' could describe Asmo when he first gathered you into his arms. 'Panicking' is how the demon was feeling when you refused to stop sobbing into his shoulder.
Something was seriously wrong and he needed to get to the bottom of it before it became difficult for you to breathe and you got even more panicked.
"Baby, hey, look at me sweetheart," He murmurs, lifting your head up to face him, "You've gotta stop crying, okay? Can you try and calm down for me? I know you can do it, just take deep breaths for me, kay?"
You wiped your eyes on your sleeves way too harshly for his liking, and he grasped your wrists and put them in your lap.
"Inhale with me, come on sweets, you can do it."
You try to inhale, but your lips trembles and you can't help but let out another sob or two, covering your face in your hand, muttering apologies and trembling.
Asmodeus tried again, pulling your hands down and holding his face in his hands, showing you how to take deep breaths and holding your gaze and refusing to let it go.
"Yes, good job!" He smiled rubbing your lower back when you began mimicking his example, "I knew you could do it, hey, don't stop yet honey, you're really wound up..."
You pull your eyes away from his with great effort as it was unbearable to stare into those earnest sunset eyes any longer.
You were repulsed at the thoughts clouding your mind.
How could you call yourself a good girlfriend? You were terrible really, doubting the man you called your boyfriend and lover the moment the shadow of jealousy turned into a rumor.
You apologized again, gripping his hand tightly.
"What did I say?" He says gently, patting your thigh, "No apologies for showing emotion. Got it?"
You nod mutely.
"Yes baby?"
"Are you... Are you just using me for my body?"
You felt him stiffen.
Tears flooded your eyes again, dripping into your lap before you could stop them.
Asmo opened his mouth, then shut it again.
Of... Of course, he wasn't... He didn't need anyone else, only you.
Why didn't you trust him?
All these months of bonding behind closed doors, Asmodeus fighting his sin so vehemently he forgot who 'Asmodeus' really was, and hours upon hours of just thinking about how beautiful you were and that you deserved better than him. He had just begun to believe that maybe, just maybe he was worthy of your limitless affection, but it was not so.
You... You never trusted him in the first place, did you?
"A-Asmo I know what you're thinking and I'm sorry-"
"No apologies." He whispered airily, eyes locked on a singular rose, one of many that had wound their way up the bedpost.
The response was empty of emotion, as was Asmodeus's face.
"Oh Asmo, you've always been so good to me. I know you'd never cheat on me after going through so much pain-"
"Who said it?"
"WHO SAID IT?" Asmodeus had flashed into his demon form, angry tears spilling from his eyes as he stood in front of you, exuding rage, hatred, and most of all, despair.
Out of everything he was feeling at the moment, none of those potent emotions were aimed at you.
You were terrified, staring up at the enraged demon, tears soaking your cheeks once again, "Asmo, please! Calm down! You're above them!"
Mascara tears lined his cheeks, and he was just about to shout something else at you, but the door to his room was suddenly blown off its hinges, giving way to six more demons with their horns out, Lucifer in the lead.
He looked absolutely livid, especially after seeing the state you were in.
Asmodeus had the nerve to shout at you? Under any circumstance?
Not in the least.
"Stop this at once, Asmodeus!" He growled, standing his ground in front of you, "Any reason you have to be angry at MC can be taken up to me! Control yourself!"
"Lucifer stop!" You plead, "Don't yell at him like that-"
"Quiet, MC." He hissed, "You need to get out of here. He's too high-strung at the moment. He needs to be alone."
The larger demon grabbed you by the arm and started pulling you out of the room, but you fought against him, punching and crying and yelling at him to let go.
Mammon tried to step in and explain that Lucifer was "jus' tryna keep ya safe!" but you weren't having it and slugged him in the nose.
He screeched as blood started pouring out of his face, Lucifer loosened his grip when he heard his brother in pain he hadn't caused and you managed to tug your limb away from him and rush to your boyfriend who had collapsed onto the floor, face in his hands and sobbing.
His wings and horns were gone, but you wouldn't have cared either way as you tackled him in a hug and refused to let go.
Asmodeus latched onto you as well, and the brothers knew there was nothing they could do about it.
Lucifer pulled Mammon away to fix his bloody and possibly broken nose, and the others stood at the ready outside the door in case something else went wrong.
For a long time, you and the Avatar of Lust simply lay in each other's arms and cried.
It felt good to comfort and be comforted.
After a few hours, both of you were dried up, holding hands and staring sadly at the ceiling.
Asmodeus spoke first.
"Do you... Do you really think I've been using you for your beautiful body all this time? I'm not accusing you of anything, I need to know."
His voice was hoarse and quiet; tentative almost.
"I never thought that, Asmodeus. I the human world, there were some bad guys I was with and I guess I was prepared to accept it if you were. You've changed vastly since I first met you and you're nothing like those swine up there." You whispered, squeezing his hand before turning to look at him, "It was a stressful week and then, on top of that, I heard some demons talking about you so I stopped to listen. They were saying such terrible things about you; how you cheat on me every chance you got, you're just using me as an exotic fleshlight, and shit like that. We... We haven't had sex in a while so I just wondered if you'd gotten tired of me. Then, when we were cuddling, I just couldn't push those thoughts out of my head and I couldn't stop myself from crying..."
Asmodeus nursed at his lower lip, scooting closer to you, suddenly cold.
"I could never grow tired of you, MC. You have and continue to inspire me to be better for you and myself. I actually..." He giggled sweetly, resting his forehead against your own, "I was gonna ask if you wanted to bang when you first came into my room. Sex really is the answer to everything, isn't it?"
You smile and shake your head, "Not now though, you need some dinner and some rest."
He pouts cutely, ticking your sides, but he knows you're right.
You snatch his hands away from you and kiss his knuckles, "I never meant to make you think of yourself any less, because you really are perfect, Asmo. No one has ever tried to make me happy like you do and willingly spent all of this time with me. You make me feel so loved... I don't know how to thank you. I just want you to know that I love you."
He's literally glowing at your words, wrapping you tightly in his arms and whispering, "I love you too MC. More than I could possibly say."
July 7th: TWO. MORE. DAYS!!! (for us VIP members)
could you imagine being loved that much?? holy FUCK. is my giant single pringle ass showing? is it too obvious I'm lonely?
the shit I write... it surprises ME sometimes
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Main Masterlist
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
Buried Past - Part 6
Before you read: Please be careful, as this story could contain triggering content. If you wish to avoid it, please feel free to filter and avoid this story.
The remaining story parts will be more positive, focused on healing & positive changes, but just in case, please stay careful. - Mod
"'The well-dressed stallion, who had introduced himself as Fancy Pants, said that, for the moment, as construction was happening, the children couldn't yet enter. However, he and his entourage had expected this, and had planned ahead: the rest of the day would be a visit to the Gardens of Canterlot Castle, where we would hold a picnic, as a treat for the children.'"
"'He also told us that with the effort of the construction workers, the reconstructed building would be finished in no-time. At the end of the day, the children would already be able to rest in their own rooms again. I could only smile and say thank you, both to Fancy and his entourage, as well as Ivory for all her help. It was brilliant, knowing that things would finally get better.'"
"'I made sure that the children promised to be on their best behaviour, and together, with Star holding my hoof, we headed to the Castle. The sounds of their amazement when stepping into the Halls of the Palace, I will always remember. And walking into the Gardens, seeing such a beautiful variety of flowers and plants, many foals just wandered around for a little while.'"
"'Eventually, as the day went on, and the kids were starting to get peckish, Fancy asked a few of us to help us carry some things from inside, where we found big mats and bags of sandwiches and fizzy drinks to enjoy. There was enough for a group twice the size of everyone there, so there was no need to worry about anything. '"
"'As I was walking around, helping to place down the mats, I saw Starshine, sitting a distance away from other kids. After finishing with the set-up, I walked over to her with a couple of sandwiches and a drink. But when I sat down next to her, she lied down and turned away from me. I didn't know why, so I placed the sandwiches and the drink down, but she didn't move a muscle.'"
"'I started getting more worried again, and asked her if she needed anything, but no response. I wasn't sure what else I could say or ask, so I just sat quietly next to her for a little while. She did eventually grab a sandwich, but she still looked very sad. I reckoned she needed time alone, and as I stood up, I told her she could always walk over and ask me to chat with her.'"
"'But she didn't reach out the rest of the evening. So, after clearing up everything, the group prepared to head back, as Fancy had told us the children's rooms would be finished by now. I told Starshine we would be heading back as a group, and offered my hoof. She did take it with a heartbreaking defeated look, and we walked back together, but I didn't see her smile at all.'"
"'Any other time I saw her after that, I didn't see her smile. She became more assertive and quite rude, and I didn't understand why. But I think that I do know, now. The teachers, the school, whatever may have happened at the former orphanage, it ended up being too much. That was quite a few years ago now. I haven't made time to reach out to her since. I hope she's alright…'"
"After she finished her story, we just sat in silence for a little while. To think, all this time, Starshine had been enduring all of this by herself. Even after the source of the trouble stopped, everything that happened to her continued to haunt her, to this day… Her stoicism and uncaring nature are a well-built facade, to protect herself. I just wish she didn't need it…"
"Her tale helped me understand Starshine a lot better, but also, made me worry for her more than usual. I didn't know what to do, or how to help, and whatever I thought of, Cheerilee would have tried when Star was younger. By now, my tea had gotten cold, so I quickly drank it, and thanked Cheerilee for her time and her efforts. As I headed out the door, she stopped me and said:"
"'Please, take care of her. Even if she seems bothered, just… let her know you're there for her, alright?'"
(Thanks for reading part 6 of this request story! If you'd like a story of your own, feel free to send in an ask!)
Featuring: Morning Mist and Starshine Nova from @ask-light-rain-and-buds
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 [Finale]
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stefciastark · 3 years
Sickness ~ Webpril Day 27
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A/N: Here's my fill for Day 27's sick!Peter prompt :) Peter starts coming down with something at school, and Aunt May isn't picking up the phone, and the school isn't letting him go home until somebody picks him up. I haven't read through this one before posting, so I hope it's alright and that you enjoy the bit of IronDad at the end x
~Read it on AO3
~Read it on FFN
Peter hadn’t gotten sick since he was bitten and became Spiderman. That left many questions unanswered for him, many of which were still left unresolved. One of which was whether or not he could even get sick anymore. Well much to Peter’s displeasure, he could in fact still get sick. And it sucked.
It had started off as a tickle in his throat that had started that morning when Peter woke up but didn’t notice until the end of second period. That’s when the incessant throat clearing started to try and get it to just go away but around lunchtime is when the first proper cough reared its ugly head. Ned decided it would be hilarious to crack a Raid joke, and all that ended up accomplishing was making Peter wonder whether or not bug repellent might be his undoing. Maybe he should start writing his will and ask Ned to get started on his eulogy.
The fun and games really ended when a particularly harsh bout of coughing made it impossible for Peter to catch his breath, and when he opened his eyes - he didn’t even remember shutting them - Ned had slid in beside him at the cafeteria table, eyes bleeding with concern.
“You sure you’re okay, man?”
“Yeah, I’m fi-” The soundness of Peter’s point rapidly diminished as he failed at fending off another round.
Before Peter could backpedal and tackle the monumental task of getting a few words out once more, the back of Ned’s hand met Peter’s forehead.
“Holy shit, dude, you’re really hot!”
“Thanks, but you know I’m after MJ, right?” Peter smirked. If insisting that he was fine wasn’t working, then deflecting with humour seemed to be a solid Plan B.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Ned haphazardly stacked their now empty lunch trays on top of one another and slid them to the end of the table, not bothering to check whether or not they’d fall off the other side. Swinging Peter’s backpack over his shoulder, Ned’s knees buckled in surprise a little bit at the weight. With some choice words that Peter would have laughed at had he been feeling less like a poorly preserved corpse, Ned gave him The Look. Nobody ever argued with The Look.
Peter allowed himself to be herded to the nurse’s office with minimal complaining, knowing that one single cough would botch his argument, especially now. What had started as an annoying tickle that felt like somebody was lightly touching a feather to the back of his throat had turned into what would happen if a deranged person had made a poison ivy salad with croutons made of sand and forced Peter to swallow it.
As soon as they arrived, Peter had a feeling he would be sent home within a matter of minutes. Call it a hunch.
After the thermometer beeped, the display read 102.1 F, and he heard the nurse tsk.
“Told you.”
Peter sent a half-hearted glare at Ned. On any other day, Peter would have been glad to go home early and take a few hours of the afternoon off for himself, but his next class was the one that had the partner project with MJ, and he’d been looking forward to it all week. Plus, it was Friday, so that meant he wouldn’t get to see her again until Monday. Just his luck.
“Do you have a second emergency contact, dear?” The nurse asked from her desk, scrolling through his file on the database. “I’ve tried calling your aunt, but she hasn’t been picking up.”
Peter was initially hit with a pang of anxiety that combined beautifully with his aching head and bones; that was a new development. Before he could catastrophise too much, he reminded himself that May was at F.E.A.S.T all afternoon setting up for the weekend’s big fundraiser. Either her phone was off, or she was incredibly busy, neither of which Peter blamed her for.
“Um, no, not really.”
The nurse frowned in response. “I can only keep you here until 3:10, and I don’t want to send you home alone.” She tapped her pen on the notepad to her right, attempting to brainstorm plans B through to Z.
“Wait, what about Tony Stark?” Ned blurted out. Upon seeing Peter’s indignant expression and the nurse’s blush and look of surprise, Ned quickly added, “From the...the Stark internship. I’m sure he’d love to help.”
“I’m sure we have other options than to call Mr Stark.”
“Calling Mr Stark.”
Oh God. Peter’s whole body tensed. Scrambling for his backpack that was sitting across from where he sat on the medical bed, just beside the chair adjacent to the door, he felt waves of panic crash over him, turning his skin to fire and ice. Or maybe that was just the fever. Damn his phone, damn the fact that he felt like he got run over by a truck, and he prayed to whatever force in the universe that Tony would not pick it up.
It was just Peter’s luck that the moment he had his phone grasped in his hands, that the ringing cut out and Tony’s voice filtered through.
“Hey kid, this better be good, I’m in the middle of a - thing.” Tony paused for a moment, and Peter jumped slightly and pulled the phone away from his ear as a loud clang rang over the speakers. Peter heard a mumbled “shit” over the line moments later.
“It’s nothing, I was just talking about the internship and then my phone picked up your name in the sentence and then it called y-”
“Peter’s sick!”
Ned cut in, yelling over Peter’s shoulder at the phone at the same time that Peter broke into another coughing fit.
The silence picked up where it left off, and only the faint clinks and the sound of shifting tools filled Peter’s ear. “Do you need to go home or something?”
Peter sighed and winced, backed into a metaphysical corner. He couldn’t really lie his way out of this. “Y-yeah, that’s the thing Mr Stark,” he swallowed as another few leaves of poison ivy dancing in his throat. “Aunt May isn’t picking up and they won’t let me go home unless I’m picked up…”
“So, I’m your second emergency contact.” It wasn’t a question, but Tony didn’t seem...anything. His tone sounded indifferent, but Peter couldn’t read him.
Another awkward silence. Peter hated the nurse’s and Ned’s eyes on him, waiting expectantly. Peter cleared his throat.
“It just so happens that I want pizza this afternoon. Happy’s just getting the car ready. Be ready outside, don’t really want to have to deal with staring kids and the,” Tony slammed a drawer shut, “fawning middle-aged teachers.”
“Thank you so much Mr Stark, I -”
“It’s fine, kid. Just don’t get me sick or I’ll put your suit up for auction.”
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maybeeatspaghetti · 4 years
1) I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but do you have fics that you haven't posted, or don't plan on posting? If so, and if comfortable with sharing, are there any particular reasons, be it the content, how it's written, etc?
2) Somewhat generic question, but as someone who is interested in writing, be it fanfiction/smut (possibly?) or otherwise, do you have any tips? I know that reading more is the big one, but y'know.. still.
Have a great day/night! ♡
1) I have three fics that I haven’t posted and don’t plan to post. Two are short fics that are so similar to fics I’ve already posted that it would be redundant if I did post them. The third one is a 150k novel that was a Whizzvin fic, but the characters changed so drastically as I wrote the book that I changed the names and developed them into different characters. Maybe it’s a little bit selfish, but I wanted to keep that one for myself and not share it. And I actually cut down the sex scenes, to make it less about sex and more about the story—so instead of four or five sex scenes, I cut it down to two and rewrote it to sound more like Warm Baths, where there are no typical erotica words (like “cock” or “thrust” or “hard”) it’s more about feelings than anything else. 
2) Write, write, write. That’s the biggest tip, and I know it gets thrown around a lot to the point of “I’ve heard this so many times already,” but it’s because it’s true. If you’re starting out writing and you look at it and think, “this is terrible” and you stop writing forever, then you’ve prevented yourself from ever getting better. The more you write, the better you’ll be. I’ve been writing for 15 years, and I can tell you, the writing I did when I was in middle school is horrific. It’s really bad. And I got marginally better in high school, and a lot better in college, and even better now, beyond college, when I’ve really been able to develop my voice without being encouraged to write a specific way by my teachers and professors. So allow yourself to write badly.
Write and get feedback. It’s not as easy to improve if you’re writing into a vacuum and you’re the only one seeing your work. As hard as it may be, share your work with other people; let them tell you what works and what doesn’t. If you’re uncomfortable sharing your writing with people you know, look for beta readers on the Internet. Feedback is key to helping you grow as a writer.
Yes, reading is important, but I’d rank it lower than writing. Reading helps get a sense for how authors structure their sentences, pace their stories, weave in subplots, and split their chapters, but ultimately, I personally lean much more heavily on the writing than I do on the reading, though I do read, just not as much as some authors. Some authors say to be a good writer you must 1) read x number of books a year, 2) read with a pen in your hand, and 3) read “good” works of literature only. I disagree with all of those: 1) There’s no certain number of books you have to read a year that makes you a reader or a writer. Go at your own pace and read how much you want to. I know some people good-naturedly compete to see who can read more books, but if that’s not the way you work, then don’t feel bad about not reading as much as other people. 2) Taking notes while you read doesn’t necessarily make you a better writer. If you like marking up texts and it works for you, go for it! And I do it sometimes (my Falsettos script... there’s hardly any white space left), but it can make you feel like you’re at school when you do mark in the books or take notes, and that might kill your interest in reading it. Just by reading (without taking notes or writing in the text), you’ll unconsciously absorb a lot of information about what makes a story work. 3) “Good” is subjective. What’s considered “good” by the people who say things like this is usually confined to the literary canon. And while I agree that some knowledge of the literary canon is valuable, there are so many wonderful works beyond it that are just as good. So when people talk about “good literature,” they’re usually deliberately denigrating and stepping on everything beyond the literary canon (which excludes a huge range of diverse works/voices). So don’t listen to them. There’s plenty of good literature outside the literary canon, and who’s to say something they personally didn’t like isn’t good? It’s all about personal taste. So read what you want, be it novels or nonfiction or comics or manga or fanfiction—whatever it is, it can be valuable to you as a writer.
Going back to writing—sometimes, you just have to write something bad to get it out and then take it out and start afresh, and I know that takes extra time and effort, but sometimes you need to do it. For example, I was writing a serious story about depression and I just couldn’t keep from writing a specific scene in a humorous way. So I wrote the scene that way, with a completely different feel and tone and pacing to the rest of the story, and then copied and pasted it somewhere else and went back to the beginning of the scene. Once I had gotten that awkward funny stuff out of the way, I could write it seriously. 
I’ve never been particularly good at plot, as I’m a much more character-driven writer, so I’m afraid I can’t offer too many tips about that. I usually let my characters lead the story, no matter whether it’s a short piece like what I mostly post on AO3 or it’s a longer, more involved piece like What a Wonder You Are.
In terms of writing smut... let me tell you—my first attempts at writing smut about five years ago were dreadful, and I actually gave up until this summer, when I jumped right off the deep end into my Shameless Whizzvin Smut series. And I’d grown a lot since the last time I tried to write it, and I did my research and tried to focus on the language and the emotions over the actual acts themselves (though some fics require a level of detachment, like Pretty Little Thing, where the fic is about the acts rather than the emotions), and I thought I did alright. And in the last four months, I’ve gotten better.
If you want to learn how to write good smut, turn to fanfiction authors. I have rarely read a good sex scene in a published, literary, mainstream novel (but for god’s sake, don’t read Fifty Shades of Grey; I know that was fanfiction, but it really doesn’t depict healthy or safe sex in any way—The Atlantic article “Consent Isn’t Enough” is great at explaining why). A lot of novels do the “fade to black” type scene where they cut away just as the characters are falling into bed together (Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin is a “fade to black,” but it’s done really masterfully). But if you want to learn how to write good smut, read fanfiction and remember that you can write smut that’s sexy without foregoing safety, communication, and consent. 
There’s kind of a fine line between what’s sexy and what’s absurd, and it’s all too easy to step over the line into the absurd, and this is sometimes as basic as word choice—if you say “his cock was flushed and quivering,” it sounds much better than “his flushed and quivering manhood” or “his flushed member was quivering.” If you’re going for the absurd, then use all the ridiculous words you want (manhood, member, manmeat, prick, rod, love muscle, meat stick, loins, etc. etc. etc.)! Just know it’ll be more amusing than sexy and people will probably make fun of it. But if that’s what you’re going for, then go all out! 
If you’re wanting some more specific advice about writing in general or smut writing, you’re welcome to send an ask or message; this response would get entirely too long if I were to go into more detail here. 💕
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dangan-happy · 3 years
KAME-HAME-FORGET ABOUT IT! To Kokichi, Akane, and Kaito, in no particular order! I really haven't been feeling the best, lately, so would it be alright if I asked you guys to tell me the funniest things you could come up with? Anything to make me laugh, or even just smile! They can be events, jokes, completely made up, nonsensical quotes- you name it! Thank you so much for your time! Ya'll are swag.
Somethin’ funny, ey? Gotcha' dude!
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Listen up anon, so there's this dude named Kyle, his ass so extremely fat I swear.. It’s just huge! Enormous! Ya’ get the deal, right. His asscheeks just couldn’t be quenched, ever. This dude enjoyed his free time just fuckin’ twerkin’ at others to assert his dominance, the flappyness of his gigantic buttocks would intimidate anyone in a 10 mile radius! Literally! The second people heard the clappin’ of Kyle’s asscheeks get closer they would run the hell away! A lonely life he must’ve lived ey… but hey! He didn’t seem ta’ mind, his brain was stored in the ass so he didn’t really care about anythin’! Sounds like a fun life to me! 
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And so anyways.. Kyle was able to live a happy life, even though he didn’t have friends or a lover, he had his big fat enormously thick badonkadonkerlongerschinglers… and that’s what mattered.... THE END!
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Hope ya’ liked that, you’re hella’ swag too! Ya’ ass probably fat dude.
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What's up bro! Something funny huh? Well, you can call it open mic night because...I have no idea where I was going with that. That wasn't the funny thing, I can do better I swear. Ok, here's what I got for you. So, once upon a time, I was sitting alone in a basement watching a horror movie. Like, that was a BAD idea, because it was dark, and I was alone, and the movie was actually pretty damn terrifying, but I'm friends with a lot of horror movie fans, and in order to seem tougher, I kinda sorta told them that I love horror movies, and they were like "Oh great, go watch this list of movies so we can watch the next one that comes out together." So ya boy was like, great, ok, movies. I can do this. But bro, the Conjuring series is actually pretty damn terrifying, especially if you're alone in a basement.
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So I was doing pretty ok, vibing with my new best friend, a baby Yoda plushy that was the size of my torso, (he's doing good too, his name is Chad.) and I think I was watching Annabelle comes home, I mean, it was something creepy doll related, and I was at a part where a clawed monster arm slowly reaches for the child's leg. It was slow, scary music, all kinds of suspense, and as the monster thingy's claws reached the child...I FELT CLAWS ON MY HEEL!
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So I freaked, and I mean, totally freaked the hell out. I jumped off the couch, accidentally smacked Chad onto the floor (Sorry Chad) and I screamed louder and at a higher pitch then the damn eight year old girls in the movie. Like, if I was acting in a horror movie, I would have gotten an oscar award. I think that's the movie award, right? Anyways, I whacked my head on a wall, tripped over a chair, and sprinted to the back of the room. But then my brain caught up with me, and it said something like, "Kaito, bro, there's no way there's a monster under there." And then I saw it. I had left one of my socks by the couch. Slowly, something reached out, hooked itself around the sock, and slowly dragged it under the couch.
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There is only one creature that I know of that does that. It was my freaking cat. So the couch I was sitting on has a really low opening at the bottom, so I didn't think that my cat could even fit under there! But she did, and now I'm pretty sure that took at least six years off my life. It also turned out that I wasn't alone, and my friend came downstairs expecting an axe murderer or to find me dead, because apparently the whole country could have heard me scream. I didn't finish the movie, I will cut my losses on that one. I dunno if that's actually funny, but it was to me at the time, and it still is, so yeah, that's what you get. You're swag too, this was fun to answer. I hope it made you laugh!!
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Oooh, I totally got this. Ok, so this is probably one of my best stories, I think, so here we go. So once upon a time, I was a freshman. I know, wow, exciting. And my friend and I had the same class, so we were walking together, and he told me he had to use the bathroom, and then he told me to wait for him. So I was like, ok, whatever, and leaned on the wall outside the bathroom playing games on my phone or whatever. I'm pretty sure I looked sketchy as hell, but that's ok. So, my friend was in there for a while, like, twenty minutes had passed and we were officially late for class, but like I didn't care. Because screw education, I'm already a genius.
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Anywho, at this point I was pretty sure my friend had died or something, so I texted him something helpful, something along the lines of "Where the fuck are you?" Surprisingly I got an answer, and that answer was "I'm stuck." So I was like, wait what the hell does that mean? So I sent him about sixteen question marks as a response. And again, like the helpful bastard he is, he said "I'm stuck." At this point I was kinda over waiting for him, but I was still a liiiiittle curious, so I said "stuck how?" And my friend, my sweet, completely stupid as hell friend said, "In the urinal." So cue sixteen more question marks on my end, and he said "Now hear me out." Well, my choices were to go to class or hear him out, so naturally I stayed. My friend then called me to tell me his epic tale of stupidity. He started out with, "So the little floaty ball thing was broken." And I was like, ok, wow, fantastic, fabulous, get to the damn point. Then he said "So I decided to try and push it back down with my foot. And now my foot is stuck." I can't remember what I said exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of "Why the FUCK would you do that? That's disgusting!" and to reassure me my friend said, "Don't worry, I took my socks off before I did it."
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So this utter genius took his socks off, then put his shoes back on before shoving his foot into a urinal to try and fix it. The urinals at that school had like, freaking huge holes for some reason, (that sounded wrong), so it was honestly pretty believable that he had actually done this. To double check I opened the door, looked inside, and whacked my head on the door knob doubling over laughing, because there he was in all of his glory, my friend, socks on the floor next to him, left foot jammed into the urinal. He told me to go away, because he had it handled, and I think I was just on the floor laughing for the next five minutes. Eventually my friend said something like, "Ok, I don't got this. I need help." So I dragged myself off the floor and managed to find the janitor. 
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Amazingly, he thought I was screwing around when I told him my friend was stuck in a urinal. I had to literally beg him to follow me, which he did, and when he opened the door, there was my friend, who quickly tried to look casual. All the janitor said was "How in the hell did you do that?" Well, turns out my friend was stuck TIGHT, and the janitor couldn't get him out, so he did what any sensible person would do. He called an ERT. ERT stood for emergency rescue teacher, and that was a group of teachers who would rush out and go to help with an emergency, usually an injury. So, two minutes later, the godly sound of "ERT to the boy's hallway bathroom, ERT to the boy's hallway bathroom." was playing over the loudspeakers. The teachers held the door open while they were trying to get my friend free, so pretty much anyone could walk by and see what was going on. I was dying laughing with a few other friends that had showed up, and from that point forward, my friend was known as "Urinal Guy" until graduation. Oh yeah, they got him out, he's not like, still there or anything. Anyways, there you go. That's my story, and yeah, I don't really have anything else to say. I hope you enjoyed, I need to go ensure that my friend never finds out that I put this story on the internet.
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lancetuckershairgel · 4 years
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Warnings: language, angst :)
Tag List: (on my phone so sorry if I miss anyone) @southernbell91 @godofplumsandthunder @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @book-dragon-13 @brat-in-a-teacup @mycupoffanfiction @msruchita @anxiousamandapanda @jobean12-blog @bonkybarnes107
Lucy looked up from her spot in the floor of the common room when the guard called her name. She clutched the teddy bear close to her as she stood up.
"I didn't do anything" She said defensively
"Not why I'm here. Transport is pulling in, you've got court."
"What? My court date isn't for another month. I haven't even gotten placement yet."
The guard just shrugged and lead her into the processing area. Two county police officers entered the center and one looked at the bear in her hands. 
"Sorry Miss, the bear has to stay here."
Lucy reluctantly handed over Mr Snow to the guard. She wanted to argue but defying a guards orders meant having points taken off and privileges removed. She gave a longing look to Mr. Snow as the cop handcuffed her. Mr Snow, a proper name for any white bear, hadn't left Lucy's side since Chris gave him to her. He was comforting at night and  was a reminder that there was life outside of the jail walls, and that there were people who cared about her. She didn't care that the other girls called her a baby for carrying him around. 
"I'll put it on your bunk" the guard promised 
During the drive Lucy looked out the window, mostly admiring the scenes of the outside but also wondering what the court hearing was about. The officers driving her didn't have any answers so she just had to wait. Lucy hated waiting. 
When they walked into the courtroom Lucy first saw Chris sitting at the table with a man in a suit. Erin and the social worker were behind him. 
A high pitched squeal turned Lucy's attention to the other table where she saw the Michaels' and her sister. 
Lily struggled out of her foster mother's grasp and began to run toward Lucy but Chris stepped in and scooped her up, quietly explaining that she couldn't be with Lucy yet. Lily pouted and refused to go back to the foster family.  The officers lead Lucy over to the bench behind the Michaels as the bailiff walked in. 
"All rise!"
Everyone stood as the judge entered the courtroom. Lucy lowered her head, remembering the last time she was in front of him. 
"We're here today regarding custody of Lucy and Lily Griffin. Jeff and Samantha Michaels wish to adopt Lily Griffin and Chris Haven is requesting custody of both girls. Is this correct?" The judge asked both lawyers 
"Custody?! Chris?" Lucy thought to herself as she looked wide eyed over at Chris who turned to wink at her 
"The girls father abandoned them a month ago, and all attempts to contact him have been futile." Chris' lawyer began his statement "My client has known Lucy for a year now, having grown close to her during his time at her school. He then worked closely with Lily. Both girls are close to Mr Haven and respect him."
Lucy raised her eyebrows but kept quiet. 
"I see. Mr Haven, are you aware of the responsibility that taking on these girls will bring? You are a single male, why exactly do you want this task?"
Chris stood and chuckled as Lily clung to him so he lifted her and adjusted her against his hip. She buried her face shyly into his shoulder. 
 "I'm aware of what it takes, and while I don't doubt it will take some adjusting, I am fully prepared and ready for this. I feel that it's important for the girls to stay together, and they need a stable, loving household which I am prepared to provide for them." 
"Would the girls have a safe living space inside your home?".
"Yes, they would each have their own bedrooms. I have several ideas for furniture and design but I wanted to have their input, and custody, before I bought anything."
The judge then turned to the other side of the room and the lawyer for the Michaels' stood to present her case. 
"Your honor, Lily has only been with the family for a few weeks but has already made great strides in recovering."
"Recovering from what?" Lucy muttered bitterly but was shushed by one of the officers 
"She is in counseling and has been going to therapy for her speech and learning disabilities. Her academics have been improving and her teachers are pleased with her progress. We feel that the Michaels are a great fit for Lily."
Lucy rolled her eyes as the judge nodded and made some notes on his pad. 
"Now, for Lucy Griffin. She is currently staying in the Denton center for young girls for" the judge paused and looked over the notes "Leaving the group home and attempted kidnapping." 
"Hers didn't kidnap me! I ran away!" Lily said loudly to everyone's surprise and Chris tried to quiet her but the judge raised his hand before smiling softly at her
"You ran away?" He asked "Why?"
"Uh huh. I don't want to be with them." Lily pointed to her foster family and Lucy couldn't help but snicker as Samantha looked hurt.
"You don't? Do you not like Mr and Mrs Michales?"
"They're ok. They're nice but they ain't my sister."
The judge just nodded and made another note. 
After more questions and back and forth between the two lawyers and the judge, the meeting was adjourned without a decision being made. The judge set another court date for three days away and left the room. Chris and his lawyer talked quietly to the Michaels for a moment before they left with a crying Lily. The police allowed Chris a moment with Lucy. 
"You want us?" Lucy asked, her eyes still wide 
"I told you I was going to fix this. I want you and Lily to be together and I want you both to rebuild and be happy." 
"Do you think those people are really gonna get Lily?"
"They've got a strong case and a lot more experience than I do, but don't give up ok?" 
Chris nudged her chin with his knuckle and bid farewell to his fellow officers. They escorted Lucy out of the courtroom and back to the cruiser. 
During the ride Lucy thought about what it would be like to live with Chris.  To have freedom, but rules. To be with Lily again and to have a father. She tried to push the hopes and excitement away, telling herself that something would happen and she would end up disappointed. 
"He'll just leave us like everyone else." She thought to herself 
Back at the detention center, Lucy was hoping to be able to tell Julie about the news but she stopped short when she entered the bunks. On her bed was the scattered remains of Mr Snow. His head had been ripped from his body and white stuffing was spread out across the flat mattress. With a shaking hand Lucy picked up the piece of paper laying next to the dismembered head. 
"Cry about it, baby bitch."
"Who fucking did this?!" Lucy screeched, making several girls and guards jump "WHO?!"
Lucy's eyes angrily scanned the room until they landed on Valencia, the toughest girl in the center. Valencia was one of the "popular" girls. Everyone followed her around and wanted to be her friend, mostly because they were scared of her. Not Lucy. She didn't like Valencia's attitude, nor anything about her really. A rumor was going around amongst the girls that she was in for attempted murder. 
Lucy's hands clenched into fists and before any of the guards could move fast enough to stop her, she pounced on the girl, taking her to the floor. When two guards finally managed to pull Lucy away, Valencia laid against the concrete, blood pouring from her lips, nose, and a gash above her eyebrow. 
"I'll fucking kill you!" Lucy screamed as she was hauled away 
"Sit down." The guard huffed as he pushed Lucy into the isolation cell. "This is going to cost you big time."
Lucy sat against the wall and began to sob and shake with rage as she was plunged into complete darkness.  
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Jealousy is an ugly thing
Clare: was almost to the school when Dakota caught up with her. "Maybe I should give you my phone number so you can text me on the days you want to walk here together." She said half joking. Clare knew it was only because they were coming from the same direction. She doubted it would turn into a regular thing and that was okay. Clare smiled. "Sure, but I'm not good at making up excuses so you'll have to explain why yourself." She didn't mind doing favors for her friends and Clare guessed Dakota counted as a friend. She accepted the bag without question. She wasn't expecting what happened next though. Clare didn't know who the girl he was arguing with was or who Emi was for that matter. At first she thought it must be the name of the girl he was dating who went to another school. Maybe this girl was delusional and Dakota had been stringing her along without realizing it. Or maybe he did realize it and he really was the biggest player at Degrassi. Way worse than K.C and the boys Alli had dated as her best friend insisted on cautioning her even though Clare wasn't interested in Dakota. But if he was like that maybe she shouldn't become friends with him. Clare thought about turning away and going on to class like Dakota had meant for her to do. Then what Dakota was saying started not to add up because Clare didn't have any of the facts. Maybe Dakota could have been talking about a girlfriend. She didn't discount that he could be serious enough about his giirlfriend to say he loved her especially if she'd been abandoned by someone. Her parents? But for her to already be the most important person in his life? It didn't make sense. Clare hadn't gotten the impression he'd been seeing her a long time. What was all this stuff about how Emi shouldn't be wandering around alone because she could be kidnapped by a pedophile?! Clare blushed when Dakota turned back to her. She was embarrassed he knew she'd purposely witnessed the entire incident, whatever that was. "Okay, good idea. I've got questions about...school work." Clare said completely ignoring the girl he'd told to stay away from Emi. "Dakota, Emi's not your girlfriend is she?" She asked quietly as they headed towards the classroom.
Kota: looked at the Clare when she asked about school work. "Ok." he said and listened to her question as they walked to the classroom. "Emi's-" he was cut off when he felt something at his leg. "Sorry, Dakota, she ran threatening to look for you. I couldn't get her to cooperate unless I bought her here." the daycare teacher said and Dakota put his hand on Emi's head. "This isn't like you, Emi." he cooed and looked at her. "Please don't leave me Kota-momma." she cried and he picked her up. "Shhh. I'm not leaving you." he cooed and held her in his arms. "I think this is about the girl I saw bullying her yesterday. I went to interfere, but I saw you chase after her." the teacher said and he looked at her. "Yea I didn't catch her, but I caught a glimpse of her student ID in her book bag so it was easy for me to find her." he admitted. "Don't worry, Emi. Kota took care of it. You don't have to try so hard anymore and the girl won't bully you." he explained and looked at Clare. "Clare, that girl you saw me yell at, do you know her name? I wasn't really paying attention when I was chasing her." he admitted. "If I get her name, they can make sure she won't hurt Emi again or continue putting her through his." he said and looked at the daycare instructor. "You can go back to the daycare. Emi's sleeping and starting to burn up from the stress and bullying she's been put through. I'm probably going to take her home and take care of her." he explained and looked at Clare. "This is Emi. She's the reason I haven't been sleeping. Her mom abandoned her a few weeks ago after coming back from Japan. My uncle, her dad, died and my aunt couldn't hack it so it was decided that she'd stay with my family and since my older sister can't have kids and we all felt it wouldn't be right for her to raise Emi only to connect to her and feel worse about not being able to have kids on her own so I'm Emi's mom until my aunt returns for her." he explained. "I drop her off and pick her up from daycare, do my homework while she draws pictures besides me, share a bed with her at night so she won't feel alone, and scold her. Speaking of which, the onigiri I told you about, she wasn't mad. She slapped a kid for laughing at her lunch. She knows her mom left her and asks when she's coming back for her, but no one knows where she went or why she left. Emi right now does everything she can to be a good girl because she just remembers her mom yelling at her a lot before she left and connects the two together and blames herself for it. She keeps her feelings hidden in fear she'll burden us and at times we forget she's just five, but I think her memories are what causes her to be the best person she can." he explained and moved Emi a little to feel her head. "Kota, 'm kold." Emi muttered in her sleep and Kota did his best to get his jacket around both of them. When they got to the classroom Kota knew all eyes were on them. "I'm sorry, she tried to run here and forced a daycare teacher to take her since she wouldn't calm down. She's running a fever. I don't know what else to do." he explained to their teacher and watched as he walked over to feel Emi's head. "This is the only time I'm allowing this because both your cousin and your school work are equally important and as her guardian you're responsible for her. I'll make a small bed for her using the blankets and I'm sure the nurse has child's fever reducer and a thermometer for you." he said and Dakota looked at him. "Thank you, sir. It won't happen again." he apologized and sat down in his seat once Emi was taken care of. "What question did you have about homework?" he asked Clare.
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