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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 months ago
Alright, here are the CBorle mentions in Spamalot Diaries:
‘However, there are many pluses. Christian Borle, the young man playing Prince Herbert, a newcomer to many, is quite brilliant. He is a really funny guy. In fact, the cast is impeccable. Steve Rosen is hilarious as Galahad's mother. Despite a wander across the north of England, ending up in Scotland for the accent of Doug Sills, Christian is quite benevolent and well-meaning and he draws lots of laughs. He has charm and what John Du Prez calls "a delightful swagger."’ Pg 54
‘She chose an epic day to come to rehearsal, as she witnessed a rather dramatic scene. Mike greeted her with joy and sat her behind us at the table, where we were watching Doug Sills failing to be amusing with young Christian Borle as Prince Herbert. One day, lad, all this will be yours. What, the curtains? No, not the curtains, lad… While Doug was fine as the rather vain Sir Galahad, he could never get anywhere close to Michael Palin's Father of Prince Herbert role, neither the Yorkshire accent nor the gradually mounting frustration. He seemed only able to go straight to rage. Mike gives me a worried glance, and then suddenly and without warning Doug begins slapping Christian around. Real hard slaps, until Christian says, "Whoa, stop that! Time out." There is a moment of stunned silence in the room. A shocked Casey says, "Take five, everyone" People stand around confused. What just happened? Mike walks me over to the big window for a private talk. "What do you think?" he says. "Well, if I work with him, I think I can help him with the Yorkshire accent," I suggest. "No. I'm going to fire him," says Mike. "Might as well do it now." And he does. Just like that. Takes him out to lunch and Doug doesn't return. I love that about Mike. He doesn't tolerate anything for long.‘ Pg 81
“We move from the strong powerful voice of Tim and the sweetness of Michael's Patsy through the silliness of Christian (a uniquely gifted clown), to the magnificent control of David, who is cheered to the rafters for his amazingly deft and delicate and hilarious rendition of "You Won't Succeed on Broadway." Add the charm of Hank, the sweetness and confident lunacy of Steve, and top it with the amazing genius of Sara, and it is a heady recipe.” Pg 95
‘Wow. Spamalot was a triumph. Its first public dress rehearsal last night opened to prolonged, triumphant laughter… They adored "I Am Not Dead Yet”, and Christian throughout was a hit.’ Pg 100
“Prince Herbert was hilarious, largely because Christian is so funny.” Pg 102
‘On the way into the hotel my flight for the next day was already showing canceled, so I canceled my car—I knew I was going nowhere Saturday. Best see the show again. Which I did (twice); and to give myself a little fillip, I suggested to Christian that I come on as the Historian at the start of act 2, then he could come on and tell me to "fuck off." He liked that idea. Peter, the stage manager, was nuts about it, so I dressed up in the second costume, with the Historian's tweed jacket and waistcoat and bow tie, and stepped out onto the stage. Most of the cast was in the wings. I wasn't sure what the reaction would be, but I could never have expected how it was: the audience went absolutely crazy, there was a roar and then applause and then cheering and then a standing ovation. They wouldn't stop. I didn't know what to do. I tried to deadpan my way through and hope they'd stop so I could say my one line. But they wouldn't. In the end I had to smile and nod and recognize them, and even then they wouldn't stop; so I gestured for about a minute for them to quieten. Only then could I say my line. Then there was Christian standing next to me with hands on hips. "Fuck off, Idle," he said and I exited meekly to roars of laughter. "Everyone wants to be a comedian," he ad-libbed.... But it sure started act 2 with a wallop and the cast were overjoyed. "Thanks for waking them up," said Tim and David.’ Pg 140
‘NOTES: At the top of act 2, Eric Idle appeared as a Faux Historian in his own costume. He began the Historian's speech to loud cheers and applause from the audience, and was then interrupted (planned) by Christian, who said, "Fuck off, Idle." Eric promptly, obediently, left the stage-again to great cheers.’ Pg 143
“What Mike did was to find the very best and finest. Casey was a brilliant call. His first gig, too. Sara is about to be a star, Christian Borle is a comedy genius, Hank is a pillar of laughs, and Christopher Sieber, who came in at just the right time, is extraordinary. Mike is probably the best casting director in the business.” Pg 167
These are awesome ✨
Thanks for sharing!!
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 months ago
To any Christian/OBC Spamalot fans out there, Eric Idle recently released a book of diary entries from when he was creating Spamalot- The Spamalot Diaries. It has a lot of interesting stories and he has many nice things to say about Mr. Borle, so go check it out! I got the book for Christmas, so I can send the parts that mention Christian if anyone wants. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
That's super cool! If you want to share those parts, that'd be amazing!
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maybeeatspaghetti · 3 months ago
maybeeatspaghetti posts on my dashboard in 2024? It’s more likely than you think!
(For real though I do go back and re-read all of your fics every six months are so and they really are so well written)
Oh thank you!! 💕
I'm around occasionally! The pandemic made it very easy to be online all the time four years ago haha
Glad to know someone still notices when I post things!
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maybeeatspaghetti · 3 months ago
I just finished reading all of your Falsettos fics and I have to say they are some of the best fics I have ever read. They are absolutely amazing and I really love the way you write them! If you ever wrote more Whizvin fics in the future I will absolutely be reading them straight away ✋️😌💖
Thanks! 💕
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maybeeatspaghetti · 3 months ago
I have to say that one cursed fic you tagged with “chess pieces as butt plugs?” has come across the falsettos fanfic page while I was scrolling so many times it’s now a joke between me and all my friends. It is genuinely iconic and every time I see it I screenshot the tag and send it to everybody. Finally read it today because I avoided it for long enough and needed to research smut fanfics (my asexual ass needs to understand) and my life has finally come full circle. I finally got traumatised by the chess piece butt plug fanfic.
You're welcome? (I guess 😂)
I'm glad you find it so funny! I legit wrote that in a fever dream haha
I'm ace too, so solidarity haha 🤜 🤛
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maybeeatspaghetti · 1 year ago
To be completely honest I re read those smut things you wrote in 2020-2021 of whizzer and Marvin over and over again
Great work bee tee dubs!!
Aww thank you!! I appreciate it 💕💕
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maybeeatspaghetti · 1 year ago
once again, I'm asking you all to please acknowledge the gray spectrums of aromanticism and asexuality. the concept of attraction is so subjective and complex that it can't exist on a black and white area only, a- and allo- aren't the only ways you can experience attraction. acknowledge the gray!
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
In the early 70s Sesame Street was created with an eye towards educating poor, inner-city children for free, and became a massive hit with all children. In 2016, faced with going off the air forever after facing conservative efforts to destroy public broadcasting since basically its beginning, new episodes became a timed exclusive for premium cable network HBO. In 2022 HBO Max, newly merged with and taken over by reality TV channel Discovery, removed Sesame Street episodes and spin-offs from streaming as a tax write-off and scheme to avoid paying residuals.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
I know a ton of people have said this before but for the love everything PLEASE stop treating AO3 like instagram. It is NOT cringe to comment on an old story. It’s an archive old stories are still meant to be found and read. Please think about interacting with the fic you read: at least kudos if you read it, a comment would be ideal. The authors will be over the moon. I guarantee you not a single author is going to ask why someone is commenting on an older fic.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
Are you doing alright? :D
Yeah, I’m doing fine! Thanks for asking 💕 Been taking a long break from tumblr. Might slowly try to come back.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
Hi! I came from your tiktok and your writing tips really helped, thank you!
I'm not on tiktok.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
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on the announcement that Disney+ is removing a plethora of shows and films from its service, please read these tweets from Willow writer John Bickerstaff. this is not a tax writeoff like Batgirl, because these projects have already been released. this is a move designed to cut off financial support in the form of residuals, and break the spirit of the strike. here is the deadline article that lists the films/shows that will be removed.
as always, donate to the entertainment community fund, vocally support the WGA online and irl, or join a picket in a major US city if you can. let them know they can't keep getting away with things like this.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
I pointed this out in a Discord server I'm in and thought Id share here:
Bob Iger announced that Disney is going to absorb Hulu, and Hulu will no longer exist next year. All shows will move to the Disney+ app.
Disney also announced they were going to remove shows and movies periodically from their streaming services.
I believe both of these moves are because of the Writers Strike.
Disney knows its going to lose the strike. There is too much public support. Specifically, the WGA is going to win writers getting more residuals from streaming.
So if Disney takes shows off of streaming, they dont have to pay the writers the residuals.
They are going to use excuses like "not enough funding for the server capacity" or "not enough views to warrent keeping the show". These are BULLSHIT. Its all greed. Its only GREED.
Pay attention to what happens in the following weeks.
And keep supporting the writers' strike.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
anyway if for some reason you’re not sure whether to support the writers strike and “people should be paid for the work they do” somehow isn’t enough to convince you, just go on ao3 and find the chatGPT-generated fics
because aside from compensation one of the other big things the WGA wants is AI regulation.
look at the AI-generated fics. is that what you want to see play out on your television? really? chatGPT (& other similar language models) has no creativity. it works based on predicting the most likely sequences. you want a slate of tv programming that follows the most predictable plot beats possible?
and that’s not to even mention the fact that chatGPT can’t create character voice. you can ask it to write a monologue in the style of yoda and it’ll give you what you want, but chatGPT could never have created yoda. tv generated by AI will never create anything new, because everything AI generates is based on the training data it’s been fed.
so. you know. don’t be a little bitch and support the strike if you want to be delighted and surprised by tv ever again
(and nobody give me any of that iT’s OnLy AmErIcA bullshit, you know as well as i do that if american tv starts being run by AI, the rest of the world will eventually follow)
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
Don't let studio execs and streaming corporations convince you that this writer's strike is going to ruin the art that you love. The art is nothing without the artist, and our favorite artists cannot make our favorite art when their pay is too low, their contracts too short, and their writer's rooms understaffed!!!
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
Some union basics:
1. Striking is the LAST RESORT. If a union is at the place where a strike is being proposed it is because they have been bargaining for a long time and exhausted all their other options.
2. Before a strike happens, all the members vote. Everyone is very aware of the status of negotiations long before they’re made public. But if a strike is occurring it’s because an overwhelming majority voted to strike—you want almost everyone in the union to agree before you take such a huge step.
3. Strikes are difficult but necessary demonstrations of workers’ collective power. The hope is that your labor is so essential that the bosses lost profits will make them come back to the bargaining table. The bosses are hoping that the workers will starve to death.
4. Working during a strike is called scabbing. Coming in from an outside industry to do work during a strike is sometimes called crossing the picket line. Both send you straight to hell.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 2 years ago
I guess that this is as good of a time as any to remind people that WRITERS MAKE THE STORY!!!! I cannot count how many times I see posts praising tv directors for things that are simply not their doing. That iconic line of dialogue? Yeah a screenwriter wrote that. The characters you love? Screenwriter. The places, the plot lines, the developments? Writers.
A show CANNOT happen without a script because a script is necessary for EVERYONE to do their job right. It dictates what set to look for/create, the filming schedule, the casting calls, the costumes and so on. It's not just words on a paper, its the backbone for all of production and it deserves to get recognised as the integral part of tv and film as it is.
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