Writing Enha Stuff Cause I Can
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years ago
Homework Fairy
Jay Park x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff as usual, maybe some grammar/spelling errors, "babe", homework
Hunched over your computer, you didn’t even hear the door to your house open, nor the door to your room. You’d been working on assignments for this class for what felt like an eternity; the teacher assigned so much work it seemed to never end. In fact, you were so caught up in the work you forgot about the visit your boyfriend was making to your place today.
Jay had finally figured out two days where he could make time to see you; heck, he’d even get the chance to sleep over, and he was ecstatic. He’d texted you when practice started, and once it was over, but he hadn’t gotten a response. Then he’d sent something about how he was on his way. No response again. He’d tried calling. Nothing. He was nervous approaching your house, worried that something may have happened. Thankfully, nothing had looked out of order, and he opted to let himself in. Once he had made his way through the house, there you were in your room. “Babe? Hello?” Jay walked over and tapped you on the shoulder, prompting a startled reaction. “Huh?” You turned around, seeing Heeseung standing behind you and immediately stood up. “Jay! Hi! Uh…how long have you been here?” “I just let myself in. I was worried, you weren’t responding to any of my texts.” “Ah! I’m sorry. I haven't been paying attention to my phone all day. I’ve been…,” you looked at the mess that was your workspace, “busy.” “Have you been working all day?” “Um yeah. I have a lot to do cause this one teacher won't leave us alone and has to assign a project every other day on top of so many other assignments. It’s tough to keep up with all the work, but I’m trying,” you sighed, moving some papers around. Jay leaned closer towards you and pulled you into a hug, his head resting on yours. “You’re doing great. Have you done anything other than work today? Have you eaten?” He pulled back at the same time your face displayed shock in response to his question. “You haven’t eaten all day? Babe, you can't do that! I know that you want to get your work done, but that’s not how it’s done! Come on, I’m gonna make you something.” “You don’t have to! I’ll figure something out!” “I’m making you food.” “Jay-” “You don't get a say here.” You could see the slight smirk within his serious face, and you knew nothing you did would change Jay’s mind. “Okay, okay. But I don’t even know what we have in the kitchen.” “That’s for me to figure out. Will your parents mind?” “Come on, you already know they don’t care, especially if you leave some behind for them to have!” you laughed, leading Jay out of your room to the fridge. He pulled out several ingredients,asked your opinion on the dish, and went straight into cooking. From a bit away, you couldn't help but admire how nice he looked while he cooked (and in general). You hadn’t realized you zoned out until you heard him make the traditional comment, “Like what you see?” “Maybe… Wait! I mean that’s so overused…” “Mhm. Sure,” he chuckled, giving you one more smile before returning to the food. It wasn’t much more time of admiring your boyfriend before food was placed in front of you. “I’ll grab utensils,” you offered, moving to stand up. “No. You’re not doing anything. You’ve been working all day, relax. It’s a miracle you even remembered to drink something,” Jay countered, placing a cup of water in front of you. He grabbed the necessary utensils and his food before sitting down. “So.” “Hm?” “What’s the deal with all this work?” “It’s just this teacher. She always assigns one thing or another, and sometimes even three or four things at a time. Right now it’s a slides presentation about something we covered in class on top of vocabulary and a lot of in class work as well. I wish she’d realize how much work it really is. Right now I’m working on a thing that requires drawing as well, and that’s not exactly my strong suit.” “And you’ve been dealing with this all year?” “Yeah. she doesn't let up.” “Alright, well I think you’re done for today at least.” “I can’t be. I still have so much to do and I-” “Babe. I can see how tired you are.” You paused for a second, going to disagree, but you knew Jay was right. You were tired; you had been working since you woke up with very few brakes. “Alright,” you sighed, “I’ll rest once we clean up.” It was already late after all, the sun had set before Jay had made it to your place. “I’ll clean up. Get yourself ready to go to bed.” The gaze Jay had on you once again told you you didn't have a
choice. So you got ready to sleep amidst the clangs of dishes and the running of water and moved to your room. Jay joined you not long after. “I’m going to put on pajamas as well. I’ll be right back. You’d better not try to do anything while I’m gone,” he said, grabbing clothes out of the drawer that was reserved for him. While Jay changed, you busied yourself with cleaning up everything lying around your room pertaining to the work. You stacked up the notebook and papers and placed your laptop on top of it all. When Jay got back, you were just closing the laptop. “I wasn’t doing any work! Promise! I was just cleaning up!” “I’m glad I managed to convince you to now continue working,” he smiled, walking over to the bed. “Come on. You need rest.” You laid down first, and Jay after. He wrapped his arms around you, and you buried your head between his shoulder and head, and quickly fell asleep. After a while, Jay shifted. He heard your breathing steady, so he quietly maneuvered himself out of your bed, walking over to your pile of work. He picked it up and walked to the dining room table questioning what it was he was about to do. Before he could change his mind, Jay opened the device and began to work. He started with the presentation, as he was unable to do the vocabulary since you had to write it. (But he could find the definitions, which he did.) Jay had no idea how long the work had taken him, but he knew when he finished you were still asleep (he checked), which he was thankful for, sneaking your stuff back into its original spot and sneaking back into bed. When you woke up later, you had planned on working right away, and that was what you moved to do. Upon opening your laptop, a finished presentation was not among the things you expected to see, nor were easy ways to find the definitions you were looking for. Maybe you’d work on the map then? You almost hesitated to open your folder, but you finally did. There it sat, drawn and color coded according to your teacher’s guidelines. You had your suspicions about how this had happened, walking back into your room. Jay was out cold, confirming your suspicion. You fixed the covers around him, whispering a small thank you, before walking back out. You didn’t want to wake him up after all. It was a few hours of finishing the work Jay had helped you with before he woke up, right as you finished. He lumbered out of your room to the table you were working at and sitting down. By the time he was across from you, he looked awake. "You're already working?" "Actually, I just finished! Thanks to a certain someone." "Oh? And who might that be?" You stood up and walked next to him, giving him a hug. "The homework fairy, Park Jongseong, my boyfriend, who does too much for me."
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years ago
*Ice Skating*
Park Sunghoon x gn!reader
Warnings: maybe grammar errors?, fluff, "babe", "baby"
You were at the boy’s dorm waiting for Sunghoon to finish up his practice. You were mindlessly playing a game on your phone sitting on the couch when he finally walked in. “Hoonie! Are you done with practice?” The boy flopped onto the couch beside you, “Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting.”
“Ah, it’s no problem! I didn’t mind.”
“You’re so nice to me Baby.”
“Yeah, Baby.”
“Ok, what do you want?”
“What? I don’t want anything Babe~” You stared at Sunghoon, questioning his intentions.
“You always call me “Baby” or “Babe” when you want something, Hoonie.”
Sunghoon’s smile fell a bit, but perked right back up. “Ok, maybe I do want something…”
“What is it, Hoonie?”
“Go ice skating with me!”
“Come on! It’ll be fun!”
“Hoon, you’re just gonna make fun of how bad I am at it!”
“No! I won’t! I’ll help you the whole time!”
“Hoon. You’re a master skater and I’m the farthest thing from graceful. I’ll feel bad if I skate with you cause I’ll just mess you up.”
“That’s not true! I can teach you some stuff about skating if you come too!”
“I guess I could, but only if you promise not to tease me or anything!”
“Yes! I promise! I’m glad you agreed, cause I rented out the rink already.”
“You what.”
“I rented out the rink!”
“You rented out the entire rink!?”
“Yep! Also, if you hadn’t agreed, you would’ve had a hard time getting home.” Sunghoon’s smile was so innocent, yet you could see the mischief hidden behind it. “Park Sunghoon!”
When you arrived at the rink, the two of you got your skates and walked over to the rink. Standing on the sidelines, you swapped out your shoes for the skates and were about to lace them when, “Allow me.” Sunghoon laced them for you.
“Ah, Hoonie, you don’t need-”
“I said I’d help you!” You could only smile at his chivalrous attempts.
“Ok, we’re going to go on the ice now. Take my hand.”
And so you did, and Sunghoon pulled you up so you were standing across from him. “Can you walk properly?”
“Um… I think so,” you said, taking a hesitant step forward. When you didn’t immediately fall over, you turned back to Sunghoon, who was smiling at you proudly. He motioned forward, and you turned back around and started walking. But when you finally reached the ice, you froze.
“Babe, are you ok?”
“I’m… fine.”
“Ok, move over. I’ll go onto the ice first, and then you can grab my hand to make sure you don’t fall over.”
“Oh, um, yeah.” Sunghoon stepped out of the ice and reached his hand out to you. “Are you ready?”
“I think so.” With that, you grabbed Sunghoon’s hand and stepped over onto the ice and… immediately almost fell over. “Woah! Careful!” Sunghoon had moved faster than you could fall, catching you in his arms. “Ok, take it slow. How long has it been since you last went ice skating?”
“Uh… I have no idea. A few years at least? I think?”
“That’s alright! Just hold onto my hands and you’ll be fine.” Sunghoon grabbed your other hand in his and began to skate backwards. Your face flashed to a look of concern, the feeling of gliding across the ice unfamiliar to you. “Don’t be so nervous! I promise I won’t let you fall, ok?”
“Ok. It’s ok. I can do this,” you tried reassuring yourself, but it didn’t seem to be working. Sunghoon, once again noticing your distress, squeezed your hands lightly and gave you a reassuring smile, which boosted your confidence a bit. “I can do this!”
“Yeah! You can do it Babe!” Sunghoon still didn’t let go of your hands. “Are you ready for me to let go?”
“NO! Please don’t…”
“Ok, ok, I won’t,” he laughed. “Hey! No teasing!” The two of you skated around for a while, well, mostly Sunghoon, with you clinging on for dear life before you spoke up, “Hey, did you wanna skate on your own for a bit? I know you really enjoy it, and I want you to have that chance.”
“But I wanna skate with you!”
“I know you want to do something a bit more complex than leading me in circles though Hoonie. Plus, I wanna see you skate in person!”
“Fine, but only for a bit. Do you want to leave the rink or do you want me to take you to the wall?”
“The wall, preferably. I want to see it up close.”
“Ok!” Sunghoon led you to the wall, only skating away once he was sure you were stable at the wall. “Interrupt me if you start to fall or anything, ok?”
“Yep! But don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine!” Sunghoon nodded at you and then skated to the center of the ring, preparing himself to begin a routine before finally starting.
It was like witnessing an angel dancing upon a bed of clouds. Sunghoon’s form was so beautiful, so ethereal. He flew across the ice, performing trick upon trick, spinning through the air and landing perfectly, and still not forgetting to flash you a smile that seemingly reached past his eyes every time he passed you by. It was a splendor to watch.
You were so enraptured by his performance that you didn’t register that your legs had begun to move forward before you had fallen down onto the ice. “Ack!”
“Babe!” Sunghoon had hurriedly skated over towards you, making it there in a flash. “Are you ok?! Are you hurt? Do you feel any pain? Is-”
“Hoonie, I’m ok. It was a light fall. I’m just a bit colder.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Hoonie, don’t apologize. I-”
“But I promised I wouldn’t let you fall! And you did!” A sad look adorned his visage as he held out his hand.
“But I didn’t know I was falling either. It’s not your fault Hoonie, promise. Besides, I’m perfectly fine, just a bit cold.”
“Ok. Do you want to keep skating or would you rather go do something else?”
“We can skate a bit more! I’m having fun!”
“See? I told you it would be fun!”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t ‘I told you so’ me, Hoonie, or else I’m leaving.”
“No, no! Let’s go!” Sunghoon grabbed your hands and brought you back out onto the ice. “Now you can’t leave!”
“Hoonie-” You were cut off by him letting go of one of your hands and leaving you across the ice.
“I’m glad you agreed to skate with me, Babe!”
“I’m glad too,” you smiled. You weren't sure how long the two of you were skating for, only that it became dark out too quickly. “Woah! Is it nighttime already?”
“Is it? I’ll go check.” Sunghoon brought you over to the closest wall and went into the area outside of the rink. “You’re right! It is late! We should go in a little bit.”
“We can go now! It’s probably better that you get back earlier rather than later, Hoonie.”
“Ok, we’ll get going then.” Sunghoon sat down and began to untie his skates when you called out to him.
“Hoonie! Get over here!”
“Hm? But I thought we were leaving?”
“Park Sunghoon! If you don’t get over here right now I swear!”
“And what if I don’t?” he laughed, continuing to untie his laces.
“We will never go skating again, and I will give you the silent treatment, Sunghoon. Maybe I’ll stop calling you Hoonie too-”
“I’m coming! I’m coming!”
And, indeed, Sunghoon had stood up and was making his way across the ice to you. He held out his hand once again, except this time, you didn’t take it right away, opting to look away sadly instead. “Babe… I’m sorry… Please don’t be mad…”
Your frown immediately turned into a smile. “I just wanted to hear you apologize,” you said, grabbing his hand.
“I’m mean!? You were gonna leave me here!”
“I was not! I would have come back for you eventually!”
“Sorry, sorry! I never would have left you, Babe. I,” he grabbed your hand and began pulling you across the ice, “love,” he helped you into the outside area, “you.”
Sunghoon pulled you into a hug before sitting you down and beginning to untie your skates. Once you two had packed up your things and returned the skates, Sunghoon turned to you, “Thank you for today.”
“Why are you thanking me? You did all the work.”
“Today wouldn't have been nearly as fun if you weren’t here, so thank you, Babe.” He pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. “Let’s do this again sometime, yeah?”
“I think I’d like that.”
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years ago
Imperfect Picture
Riki Nishimura x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, unedited
The picture you were looking at was different from all of the other ones you'd seen. This one was something you had quickly taken, a moment where Niki had just looked so cute you couldn't help but take a quick picture to save the memory. Sure, it wasn't some professional quality picture that had every pixel perfectly situated, but that didn't matter. The imperfection of the picture was what made it special, it wasn't planned, it wasn't taken a million times to get it right. It was a single frame, a single snapshot, of a moment that only the two of you got to experience, and a moment that would be forever preserved.
It was a rather bland night when you heard the knock on your door. Not expecting anyone, you ignored it, hoping it was no big deal. You relaxed a bit when you heard a key jingling in the lock, walking up to the door as it opened, revealing your boyfriend, Riki Nishimura. “Riki!? But, I thought you were busy today!”
“Mmm, I was. But now I’m not.” He moved forward and brought his arms up, his frame engulfing you in a hug as his chin rested on your head. He tilted his head down, face resting in your hair, and mumbled “Let’s go somewhere.”
“Where would we go? It’s getting dark out.”
“I have an idea.”
“But what if we’re seen?”
“No one’s gonna find us.”
“Alright, I’m trusting you, ok?”
“Mmhm.” Niki let go of you and grabbed your hand, dragging you out to the car that had taken him to your residence. The two of you piled in, and Niki signaled the driver to begin the ride.
It wasn’t too long of a drive before you had arrived. A wide, open field as far as the eye could see, and above it, a bed of stars that coated the heavens. You couldn’t help but gasp at the sight, admiring the clear sky dotted with twinkling lights. You had initially pulled out your phone to take a picture of the sky, but when Niki had turned around to face you, your camera was drawn to him, quickly taking a picture before he could shy away, and laughing as he chased you around for a bit saying he “just wanted to see” the picture.
Your night had ended with the two of you laying down in the field admiring the stars and each other; Niki couldn’t help but love the way the stars reflected in your eyes as you once again looked up at the sky of sparkles. When you were getting tired, he led you back to the car and gently placed you in the backseat, laying your head on his shoulder and his head on yours. After another short trip, you were back at your house, Niki gently shaking you. The both of you lumbered out of the car, still rather tired, and shared a melancholy hug at your doorstep. “When will I get to see you next?”
“Soon, promise,” he smiled. Niki’s smile was contagious, you couldn’t stop your own from rising onto your face. “You’d better keep that promise then,” you grinned, giving him one last hug and waving as he walked backwards off the doorstep, wanting to look at you for as long as he could.
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years ago
Not So Bad Results
Sim Jake x gn!reader
Warnings: bad test grade, comfort fluff, "love"
You stared at the paper you had received earlier with disdain. The test you had taken last week had finally been returned, and the grade you had gotten wasn’t exactly satisfactory, a 74. Had the examination been something worth less, maybe the grade wouldn’t have bothered you that much. But, unfortunately, it was a test, and maybe one of the only ones of the semester, being that the class had spent so long learning the lesson, plus there was a break coming up soon. What were you supposed to do? You sighed, just knowing your grade would absolutely plummet after such a grade. Making your way back home, slightly crinkled paper in hand, you made your way inside and immediately went up to your room, face planting onto your bed. How were you going to fix this? You didn’t know how long you lay awake contemplating the grade when a voice broke you from your thoughts. “Love? Where are you?” Jake. Sim Jaeyun. Your boyfriend.
Academic master. A master of the subject you had bombed a test in. You sighed quietly to yourself and didn’t respond, burying your head deeper into your pillow. The last thing you needed was to talk to someone who was amazing at school in general; Jake could look at your test and instantly know every mistake you made, and you weren’t in the mood for that.
You didn’t feel like talking to Jake, but he didn't share the same sentiment. Your door creaked open and he poked his head in through the doorway. “Love? What’s wrong?” You grumbled into your pillow in response. Jake looked at your figure laying face-down on the bed and noticed the crinkled paper. He quietly snuck into your room and, before you knew what was happening, grabbed your test from right next to you.
“Jake! Give that back!”
“Hmmm… No.” He was grinning at you. Aggravated, you stood up, attempting to grab the paper from him, but Jake only held it above your head. “Give! It! Back!”
“Why do you want it so badly if it made you so upset? What even is it?” He tilted the paper in a way that he could see what was on it, and his eyes widened for a fraction of a second. “This is… a test…?”
Your expression fell as you realized he saw the grade, and your gaze turned to the floor. “...yeah. I… I didn’t do very well. It’s ok, I know it’s disappointing.”
“What!? No, no! It’s not disappointing! Why would you say that!?”
“Jaeyunie, it’s a 74. It’s not very good. My grade is going to plummet and, no, I won’t have much time to bring it up. The semester ends soon, and we have a break in a bit, which means there’s even less time. What am I gonna do…?”
Jake walked over to you and looked you in the eye sternly; you prepared yourself for a lecture, waiting for him to explain that what you did wasn’t that hard and you should’ve done better and- He crumpled the test up. Right in front of you.
“Wha- Jake! What’d you do that for?”
Your boyfriend then proceeded to throw the test behind him before grabbing your hand and dragging you downstairs. He sat you down on the couch and sauntered into the kitchen. “Stay there!”
“What are you doing?”
“You’ll see~”
“I said stay there!” There was a pout in his voice, a cute tone that was saying ‘Don’t ruin my surprise!’ So, you sat and waited. A few minutes later Jake came out of the kitchen holding two mugs, and he handed one to you. “Here, your favorite.”
A small smile appeared on your face as you took the mug and a small sip. “Thanks Jaeyunie.”
“Now then, let’s talk about it.”
“Talk about what?” You feigned ignorance for a second, hoping maybe he would drop the subject. However, Jake’s gaze only hardened. “You know what. That test. It didn’t go as well as you would have liked, did it?”
“That’s an understatement,” you muttered to yourself. “Love.” You looked away from him. “One test is not going to drop your grade. You and I both know that you’ve been doing well on all your other assignments for that class, and your grade isn’t even that low to begin with.”
“Yes, but what if-”
“What if everything is fine? You do a few more assignments, the grade goes up after it goes down, and everything is fine? Love, I know you. You tried your best on that test didn’t you?”
“Well yeah… but-”
“No but. You tried your best, ok?” He placed his mug on the table and took yours from you, placing it on the table as well. “You did your best,” Jake pulled you into a hug, “and that’s what matters.” Jake rested his head on yours and placed a kiss on top of your hairline. “The one bad grade isn’t the end of the world, ok? We’ll get through it. Plus, you have me to tutor you, and I’m super awesome at academ- Ow! Why’d you hit me!?”
You pulled back from the hug and glared at him. “Ok, ok! Too soon, I get it! How about this, we can go over to my place and you can see Layla and we can watch a movie and do whatever else will make you feel better?” You smiled at him, “I’d like that.” “Ok! Then let’s go!” Jake quickly stood up, already preparing to walk out the door.
“Hey! Clean up the mugs first!”
“Awwwwww you’re no fun.”
You once again smiled in return in a sing-song voice, “The faster that gets done the sooner we leave~”
“ACK! I’m going! I’m going!” You could only laugh as you watched your boyfriend scramble to grab the mugs off the table and run into the kitchen, already anticipating your time at his house.
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years ago
S’mores in Your Own Backyard
Nishimura Riki x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff. lots of it
“S’mores? The things with the roasted marshmallows?” “Roasted…marshmallows?” Niki’s head tilted to the side as he asked you to clarify what exactly it was you were referring to. “Are you really that sheltered? You don’t know what a roasted marshmallow is, much less what it tastes like?” His head resumed its upright position and his cheeks puffed out as he looked at you, “It’s not my fault, I just haven’t had the chance to try it!” “Yeah, cause you’re always super busy~” “Well, I’m not today, so let's go!” Niki had practically shouted, grabbing onto your wrist. “Ok, ok, I’m going!”
You and Niki went outside to your backyard which was, thankfully, surrounded by tall trees, making the two of you virtually invisible to the outside world. In the center of the yard sat a fire pit and a small table, on top of which was a bag of marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers, and some skewers to hold them with. You rearranged the wood in the fire pit before you brought out a lighter and the wood went ablaze, a small cloud of smoke rising into the air. You handed him a skewer and opened the bag of marshmallows, skewering one for yourself. Niki looked at his own skewer and the bag of marshmallows before grabbing one and shoving the entire thing into his mouth. “Riki! We’re here to roast the marshmallows, not eat them before!” “But ish goof!” was his intelligible reply, which you translated to “But it’s good!”. He moved to grab another marshmallow and moved to eat it before you grabbed it out of his hand exclaiming,“The marshmallow goes on your skewer, not in your mouth!” His cheeks puffed out, but he complied, shoving the marshmallow onto his skewer and holding it up proudly. “So… now what?” You couldn't help the laughter bubbling up, and Niki gave you an annoyed look, “Hey! Just tell me!” you gestured to the fire pit, which was behind the two of you, fire still flickering. Niki walked over and held the skewer high above the fire and turned to face you, a look of “like this” present on his face. You shook your head and pointed downwards, prompting him to move the marshmallow directly into the flame. By the time you had realized what was about to happen, the sugary confection was already on fire, and Niki had almost ripped it out of the fire and was panicking over its current state. “WHAT DO I DO?” “Blow it out!” In his attempts to blow the flame out, the poor marshmallow had fallen into the fire pit, soon to become ashes. Niki was still staring at his skewer wide-eyed, trying to process what just happened as you mentally facepalmed and walked over with your own skewer. Holding mid way above the fire, you called out to the bewildered boy, “Riki. Like this. Now wait until the outside is a golden brown.” You carefully rotated the marshmallow until it was a golden color all around before lifting it out of the flames and holding it up. Niki made a grab for the confection, but you moved your skewer out of the way, preventing him from reaching it. “You want one? Then roast one yourself!” Niki looked at you sadly, a pout resting on his face. “But yours looks so good!” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’ll help you roast yours then, okay?” His face brightened up. “Okay!” You grabbed another marshmallow and stuck it onto his skewer over the burnt remains of the last one and guided his arm to the correct position above the fire. “Leave it here, and turn it gently every so often until the outside is golden.” Niki nodded, and his smile shifted into a look of determination. After a bit, he had achieved…something. It was golden on one side, burnt on the other. Niki held up the imperfect marshmallow, a proud smile beaming on his face. “Close enough, I guess,” you laughed. He cheered to himself, proud of his accomplishment. “Well?” “Hmm?” “aren’t you gonna try it?” “Oh yeah!” He poked the treat with his finger, testing the temperature, and then bit into the golden brown side of the mallow. His face lit up immediately, eyes wide, and he exclaimed, “It’s so tasty! How!?” “Haha, just wait until we add the graham crackers and chocolate!” The joyous look on Niki’s face only made yours light up in turn.
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years ago
Hand Warmer
Jungwon x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, unedited
Phone in one hand and hand warmer in the other, you sat next to Jungwon on your oversized couch. The tv in front of the both of you was turned on and ready to play whatever movie the two of you chose for the night, and there was some popcorn in a bowl resting on a small table within arms reach. Jungwon sat to your left, next to the hand clutching the small hand warmer that you loved the warmth of. It was the colder months, so the small item was rather useful to you, though Jungwon felt otherwise. He wanted to hold your hand, but that thing was in his way. So, he instead sat next to you sadly, his hand resting on the couch palm up as if to signal you. "Ok! What should we watch?" you asked, completely ignorant of his sign. He didn't respond, just looked at your hand, then at his. "Wonnie! What do you wanna watch?" "Mm… whatever I guess…" He watched as you shifted the hand warmer in your grip, hoping you'd move it to your other hand. You didn't. He sighed quietly to himself before looking up to see your concerned face. "Wonnie, did something happen? Is something wrong?" He turned away for a second, but turned back to face you. "Did… Did I do something?" Jungwon hated the sadness in your eyes. How was he supposed to tell you all he wanted to hold your hand when you were assuming you'd done something? His face flushed a bit red, and he looked down at your hand again. "Um… I wanted to hold your hand, but you're holding…" he gestured to the hand warmer. "Huh? This? You could've asked if you wanted to hold my hand you know!" You opened your hand and went to grab the hand warmer, but Jungwon grabbed it before you could, throwing it away from the both of you. "Won-" "You don't need that to keep your hands warm because you have me." He used his other hand to gently lay your head on his shoulder before he started speaking again, "So what was that about the movie?"
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guess-im-an-engene · 3 years ago
Imperfect Picture
Riki Nishimura x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, unedited
The picture you were looking at was different from all of the other ones you'd seen. This one was something you had quickly taken, a moment where Niki had just looked so cute you couldn't help but take a quick picture to save the memory. Sure, it wasn't some professional quality picture that had every pixel perfectly situated, but that didn't matter. The imperfection of the picture was what made it special, it wasn't planned, it wasn't taken a million times to get it right. It was a single frame, a single snapshot, of a moment that only the two of you got to experience, and a moment that would be forever preserved.
It was a rather bland night when you heard the knock on your door. Not expecting anyone, you ignored it, hoping it was no big deal. You relaxed a bit when you heard a key jingling in the lock, walking up to the door as it opened, revealing your boyfriend, Riki Nishimura. “Riki!? But, I thought you were busy today!”
“Mmm, I was. But now I’m not.” He moved forward and brought his arms up, his frame engulfing you in a hug as his chin rested on your head. He tilted his head down, face resting in your hair, and mumbled “Let’s go somewhere.”
“Where would we go? It’s getting dark out.”
“I have an idea.”
“But what if we’re seen?”
“No one’s gonna find us.”
“Alright, I’m trusting you, ok?”
“Mmhm.” Niki let go of you and grabbed your hand, dragging you out to the car that had taken him to your residence. The two of you piled in, and Niki signaled the driver to begin the ride.
It wasn’t too long of a drive before you had arrived. A wide, open field as far as the eye could see, and above it, a bed of stars that coated the heavens. You couldn’t help but gasp at the sight, admiring the clear sky dotted with twinkling lights. You had initially pulled out your phone to take a picture of the sky, but when Niki had turned around to face you, your camera was drawn to him, quickly taking a picture before he could shy away, and laughing as he chased you around for a bit saying he “just wanted to see” the picture.
Your night had ended with the two of you laying down in the field admiring the stars and each other; Niki couldn’t help but love the way the stars reflected in your eyes as you once again looked up at the sky of sparkles. When you were getting tired, he led you back to the car and gently placed you in the backseat, laying your head on his shoulder and his head on yours. After another short trip, you were back at your house, Niki gently shaking you. The both of you lumbered out of the car, still rather tired, and shared a melancholy hug at your doorstep. “When will I get to see you next?”
“Soon, promise,” he smiled. Niki’s smile was contagious, you couldn’t stop your own from rising onto your face. “You’d better keep that promise then,” you grinned, giving him one last hug and waving as he walked backwards off the doorstep, wanting to look at you for as long as he could.
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