#I thought it was a meme at first but no people are just being assholes
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shikai-the-storyteller · 10 months ago
It sucks seeing people being dicks to the admins, but it's especially embarrassing when I see that the majority of (the most recent) comments are coming from fellow Spanish fans. C'mon guys...
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enidtendo64 · 2 months ago
I just wanted to let you know that I think your art style is beautiful, and it always makes my day better when I see you post something because it's just so unique!
May I ask you about your thoughts on Dipcificia (I hope I'm spelling that right), and their relationship and what their favorite things might be about each other? By the way, have you heard of Over the Garden Wall? (cuz smoetimes people make otgw and gravity falls related posts). I didn't really want to waste your time and I apologise if I did, that was not my intention :) and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
Hi! Aw man thank you so much!
Oh I have too many thoughts about them—I’m on like a lunch break rn so I might not have much time to speak how much I want on them buuuuut I do have a relationship meme I did a while back that I can post here and explain a bit!
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So, here’s the thing, I think depending on the situation/AU/whatever they might have some different things in their dynamic, but I think overall a key feature to their relationship in any setting is that there needs to be banter!
Pacifica likes that Dipper is just as sassy as she is and isn’t afraid to call her out while still having that support system she needs, and just being someone she knows likes her for her and not her money or status.
Dipper likes that Pacifica despite the haughty toity stuff and bratty exterior is a real and witty person who can be brave and cares about people (even if it’s deep down) and bc she has these nuances and isn’t an ideal like he’d made for Wendy in his head, he can actually talk to her and have a good relationship.
Ok now this one is gonna veer more into headcanons but these first two are supported by canon so! I think Dipper enjoyed heavily the fact Pacifica is secretly nerdy, or at least nerdy without realizing. Canonically Pacifica is like, level 100 at some overwatch/warcraft hybrid that I’m convinced is the GF equivalent of League of Legends, and I have a heavy headcanon that Pacifica is so naturally good at numbers and shit like the reason she’s so good at minigolf is just like she sees the angles. Which is funny to be good at geometry when your series’ big evil dude is a triangle. Also Abigale Northwest reference of her being a tinkerer/engineer. I think Pacifica would decimate him in video games or any games in general and Dipper would be both parts competitively upset and genuinely impressed.
And theeennnn this is also backed by canon: I think Dipper is secretly a huuuuge romantic, liek does all the sweet shit type of romantic. I mean we’ve seen his elaborate Wendy plots, and I think it just makes sense for a guy who likes to plan to plan romantic stuff. And maybe he’d also like for someone to do stuff like that for him in return! He might not admit it but everyone picks up on it real quick I think. Pacifica is both surprised and endeared, if not used to it since she comes from a home that doesn’t really express affection. I don’t think she’s ever had anyone actually say they love her, and then here comes Mr. 12 step date plan. I think it just makes her fall even more!
Let’s see, I also think Pacifica falls first, Dipper falls harder. Paz got a crush at the end of NWMM, Dipper would finally realize he liked her like maybe the next summer or so, but by that point Pacifica has resigned herself to having a crush she will never speak of ever bc it’s embarrassing and also she has no clue how to give and receive affection. She’s still learning! I think it differs based on the situation but for post series canon, I’d like to think they started dating/long distancing like first or second year of high school and ended up being high school sweethearts. Bc I think it’s cute!
Let’s see what else…uh Dipper confesses first, Pacifica was his first kiss but Pacifica’s first kiss was when she was younger with some snooty boy and it was unwanted and she cried bc he was being an asshole who took it from her, and her parents didn’t give af. Typical. They both start arguments, though Dipper apologizes first only BARELY. They’re both equally stubborn. Pacifica will apologize if she knows it’s her in the wrong (like idk saying please thank you and sorry) but if it’s a real, both sides hurt and got hurt, type of argument, Pacifica edges out in the “how stubborn can I be” race. And then Paz brings up the past more bc it’s the most she can reference with her sheltered upbringing, and Dipper talks more bc Pacifica is genuinely interested in his interests even if she doesn’t outright admit it sometimes but also I think Pacifica tends to have gotten used to not talking as much unless it’s to judge so she’s got a lot of shit to unlearn, so she just reacts to being spoken to more than starting the convo, if that makes sense. And then Pacifica is more sacrificial bc I do think Dipper is super giving and definitely protective (they both are but Dipper more so since he’s just canonically like that) but I think Pacifica is more the type to sacrifice way more than she can give if it means doing what’s right. Even if she hates it lol. (The bell, idk wtf happened with her there but she’s genuinely scared out of her mind about that bell and yet she’s willing to risk it all!)
Ok and then lastly! I have seen OTGW! I love that show! It’s really well animated and the storyline is sweet!
And thank you, I hope you have a wonderful night too!
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parkaplayboy · 2 months ago
main 4 + butters trying to court you HCs!
warnings: mentions of puking (stan), marijuana mention (stan) all characters are 18+ ! gender neutral reader !
Kenny McCormick
he's a nervous wreck.
when he flirts with people it usually just a one-time fling, nothing serious.
so when you pop into his life, he doesn't know what to do with himself
he's never felt this serious about anyone before
it almost angers him from the absolute chokehold you have this man in.
"I'm fucking Kenny McCormick! The original flirt! So why the hell can't I talk to them"
after every fumble he usually ends up in stan's room to sulk yet again.
stan finds it amusing to see him fumble so often
he tries so, so hard to maintain his usual air of confidence, but every time he talks to you he starts to flounder
"heyyyy, hot stuff.. you.. uh *cough* you come here often?"
it's kind of endearing to see the way he trips over his own feet to come over and talk to you
has actually face planted directly in front of you one more than one occasion
the boys rip on him ENDLESSLY for it.
he may not have much money, but what he lacks in funds he makes up in experience.
he will offer to tag along with you for even the most mundane tasks
"Ken, I'm just going to the hardware store." "What you meant to say is we are just going to the hardware store."
fiddles with the hem of his parka when he gets shy
god forbid you flirt with him. he CANNOT handle it
the poor boy damn near passed out the first time you kissed him.
Stan Marsh
for the most part he's level headed
until you fluster him too much.
the first time you flirted back he projectile vomited all over his own shoes.
he tries to make up for what he lacks in the words department with gifts.
if you smoke weed he will steal some from Randy's farm and give it to you
if that's not your thing, he will buy you trinkets and say "i saw this and thought of you"
he will invite you to band practice and not so subtly "serenade" you
kenny heckles him when he does this.
he will offer to teach you how to play guitar as an excuse to see you
when he finally decides to formally ask you out, it would most likely be when you guys are hanging out 1-1
he doesn't like grand gestures nor the pressure of other people in the room
Kyle Broflovski
hands down the most romantic out of the group
he'll buy you all the cliche romantic gifts
however he's not very good at flirting.. nor receiving compliments. not in person at least.
he gets flustered very easily
HOWEVER ! he found a loop hole :3
he may not be good at words when it comes to being face to face with you, but that doesn't mean he can't write down his thoughts.
which brings me to my next point !
he will leave letters for you to find!
kyle decorated the envelopes like a cliche anime confession note
eric has yet to let him live it down.
he's definitely big on grand gestures!
when he asks you out he'd do it in a romantic spot
the top of the ferris wheel, during your favorite band's concert, etc
he wants to do it big !
Eric Cartman
I hate to say it.
but he becomes more of an asshole than usual
but not in the mean way if that makes sense?
he just generally becomes a grade A nuisance
eric is definitely one of those guys that think teasing = flirting
he's not too big on gifts (besides snacks) but if he does get you something, he will try to make it seem like the smallest deal possible.
"yeah, yeah, whatever, it was on sale. don't cry over it or I'll take it back"
deep down really likes it when you get excited because it makes him feel like he did a good job
circling back to the snacks thing!
he truly views food as the sixth love language
he won't ask you directly, but he will try hard to figure out your favorite foods so he can buy/give them to you
first time he has you over for dinner he begs his mom to make your favorite meal
he sends you memes daily,
it gets to the point where he's basically just sending his entire fyp to you
speaking of which !
when he asks you out, he will use one of those shitty text block memes that say smth like "we should hold hands in the burger king parking lot"
(its also a self protection method because if you said no he could pretend it was just the meme)
Butters Stotch
this boy is too nervous to ask you out, i'm afraid
you will infact have to make the first move
he's such a sweetheart
he will always walk you home
butters will offer his coat to you even if you have your own
"Butters for one, I have my own coat, for two its not even raini-" "You can never be too bundled up!"
like stan, he physically cannot handle affection.
he gets nose bleeds every time he gets flustered because he blushes like a tomato
he has to start carrying around a tiny pack of tissues when you two hang out
you MUST be direct with this man.
he will not pick up on the fact that you're flirting unless you spell it out to him
the first time you flirted with him was when you were hanging out with him and the main four guys.
you said something flirty right before they dropped you off but he didn't have a single clue
"Butters. what the hell was that?!" "Well wh'dya mean, eric?" "Did you seriously not pick up on the fact that they were flirting with you?" "Th-they WHAT??"
a/n: how obvious is it that kenny is my fav...
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
Wake up, BurningCheese/GoldenSpice babes, new poorly drawn blorbos just dropped
They look cooler in my head, I swear.
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the images didn't show up the first time wtf lol
The kids are finally here, yay. I promised I'd show you them, and I finally stopped being an asshole and followed through. Almost got 200 followers and I'm very grateful for it - really, I'm nobody. I'm just some clown who says dumb stuff and makes dumb memes and writes cringey stories, and yet I convinced almost 200 people to tune in. Thank you all so much, users on here and anons in my inbox alike. As a token of appreciation, you can all endure my rambling about my OCs and witness a person in their early 20s draw like a 12 year old.
The boy is Pepper Jack (or Pepper Jack Cookie). He's the firstborn and older than his sister by a few years. He takes after his mother in a lot of ways, primarily in her appearance (save for nabbing his father's red eyes). He's incredibly bright (and a smartass lol), preferring to think his way out of conflict rather than fight his way out... not that he's above violence at all, if that glaive doesn't give it away lol. He harbors a deep sense of love and loyalty towards his family and his peoples, and carries the weight of his responsibilities and heritage with as much confidence and poise as he can muster. (There are/will be times where he stumbles, of course. He's not perfect. He struggles a lot more than he lets on, really. But he tries his best, for everyone's sake.)
The girl is Matar Paneer (or Matar Paneer Cookie). Again, she's the younger one by a few years. She was all but made in her father's image, save for inheriting her mother's eyes. She's a little firecracker: lively and fun-loving and stubborn as a mule. She doesn't ask "can I have/do this thing", she tells you "I'm going to have/do this thing". Golden is proud as anything to see her daughter be so greedy... until that greed comes into conflict with her and Spice's authority lol. But she's a good kid, despite being such a handful. She has an enormous heart and is not afraid to stand up for others/what's right, and she loves her parents and brother more than anything in the world. She might doubt her own capabilities, she might secretly fear that she's not strong enough to do what she needs to... but she keeps pushing anyway, because she'd honestly choose death over quitting.
Your eyes are not deceiving you, Pepper Jack's wings are blue lol. There's an actual reason for that. And that USO (Unidentified Sitting Object) in Matar Paneer's hair is a lotus (the cheese one in the GCK decor set lol). There's a reason for that, too. I thought it would be cool to give Jack a glaive and swap out the normal blade for that of a khopesh sword (glaives are not Egyptian, they only saw use in Asia and Europe, but I just HAD to give him a glaive), to add that Egyptian touch. Paneer's supposed to be wearing a pattu pavadai, it's a traditional Indian dress for young girls. It's a blouse plus a skirt. She's holding katar, Indian knives (Cilantro Cobra has them, too). And her hair's supposed to be in a low ponytail.
Merchant thinks that if they explain what their terrible drawings are supposed to convey, people will understand their intended vision and the pain will stop
I sat down and did research into both Egyptian and Hindu mythology for the sake of drawing inspiration for them both. I'll explain in detail in another post, but basically: both of them take after one Egyptian god and one Hindu god each. Golden takes after Ra and Spice takes after Shiva, so I figured I'd follow along that line.
Please flood my inbox with questions about them now. I've really been dying to talk about them for ages now. I've drafted extensive character sheets for them both, I even made up in-game descriptions for them lol. They're my little fankid blorbos and I love them :') I hope you all come to love them, too
(Also, I'm sorry they're on lined paper. I'm visiting family rn and that's the only paper my grandmother has in her house. I'd have to drive to a stationery to get printer paper and I'd really rather not drive in this particular country lol (shit roads, even shittier drivers). I'll doodle them on printer paper whenever somebody remembers to bring me some)
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sakuralovespossums · 8 months ago
okok so im not the person that asked if u take requests BUT may i pretty pls request hcs for master shake x someone who's like.. the opposite of him??? could be gn but preferably fem 😭 my idea is like.. reader is soft spoken, actually cares about meatwad, pretty darn feminine..... yk u get the gist. ty vro currently under hurricane watch 😛
Human Master Shake x Fem Reader who’s his total opposite!
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General HCs
When Shake went around bragging about his new girlfriend, everyone just thought he was lying like usual and ignored him. That is until they actually met you and HOLLY HELL how tf did Shake of all people manage to pull a sweetie like you?!
You’re kind, soft spoken, bubbly and always dressed in pastel colored feminine clothing and glittery makeup. You always know just what to say and easily make friends with anybody you meet
Then there’s Shake…who’s…….Shake
He acts all surprised and offended to see people act shocked when finding out you two are together
“Of course we’re together!! You think I wouldn’t be able to hit this sweet piece of cake?”
*Smacks your ass, causing you to jump and glare at him*
Deep down tho, he’s REALLY kinda insecure about your relationship and is worried your only dating him cuz you want something from him and will ditch him at any moment
It doesn’t help that he has a shitty track record with women Svetlana and Freda
But you get that and are pretty patient. So you take your time with him and try to get him to slowly open up and be more vulnerable around you when you guys are alone. Wether that’d be cooking together, running errands, cuddling on the bed, and other mundane stuff
Shake acts annoyed and bored by all this at first, but over time begins to secretly enjoy it and feels more comfortable being with you
Like he’s shocked he doesn’t just like you for your sweet tits and ass!! He now actively seeks you out all the time cuz you’re the only person who makes him feel……..relaxed? Content? He doesn’t get it but he also can’t get enough of it!
Because of this, Shake grows more possessive/jealous. He will glare at anybody who looks at you and will snatch you away when your talking too long to other people
Doesn’t care who they are, he will let them known that you. are. HIS!!!!!
He feels justified in his possessiveness tho with how naive and too trusting you can be towards other people, making you easy prey for creeps who wanna take advantage of your kindness and good looks I kinda modeled your personality after Girlfriend from Friday Night Funkin
Despite being a bit of an airhead, there are random moments where you just say the most out of nowhere intelligent stuff ever that leaves everyone (especially Frylock) stumped
Despite liking you, Shake is still an asshole and can say/do some pretty dick-ish things to you sometimes. You quickly beat his ass reprimand him for it. You’re patient but not a pushover!!!
Shake groans as you drag him along on your usual shopping sprees, carrying home bags of new clothes and makeup from Forever 21, Victoria’s Secret, and Sephora. Meanwhile he’s blushing so hard cuz HOLY SHIT YOUR HOLDING HIS HAND!!!!!!
Peeks under your short skirt whenever he can
You know that 13-in-one shampoo bottle meme? That’s you and Shake
Your aesthetic is like NewJeans, Marina,pink core y2k (you) clashed with ICP, rap rock, horror core (Shake) I don’t know any other bands besides ICP I’m so sorry!
He smells (slightly) less after you forced him to start using hygiene products
He ALWAYS has you on his lap. Wether it’s the bed, couch, Carl’s pool, doesn’t matter
You love cuddling on his lap when he’s watching TV on the sofa, kissing all over his neck and face as he grows redder and redder
Other times he’ll get you back by suddenly ducking down and straight up tongue wrestle you with a sick smirk. His large frame not letting you go anywhere
Sure, you’ll often tease and fluster him. But he’ll also show you your place and leave you a mess too ;)
One time, he took you to an ICP concert and you were both decked out in the whole goth rocker outfit like in the Juggalo episode. God, he couldn’t believe how sexy you looked going from pretty pink to hardcore goth!
Shake cooks for you often after you compliment his meals. It fills him with a type of pride he doesn’t feel from telling others his usual made up stories
You like to hug him from behind as he stirs a pot on the stove, wearing the cute pink apron you insisted he wear he’s such a housewife
Shake still acts bored and annoyed when you try to be soft with him, but you get that that’s just how he is and go along with it while teasing him
He just grumbles into your chest. When Meatwad mentions how soft he gets around you, Shake just chases him with a bat
Shake is noticeably more mellow when you’re around. But that’s only when you around. Once you leave, he goes right back to being an ass to his roommates and neighbor. Please have him move out and live with you already!!!
Relationship with other characters
You and Meatwad instantly get along!
You guys always play together in his room with his dolls. You even gave him some of your old ones, which he loved so much!! Meanwhile Shake glares from the corner
He always goes to you for questions when Frylock is too busy only to be scared off by Shake, much to your frustration
You even exchanged phone numbers so that he can call/text you whenever he needs someone to talk to Shake has deleted his number off your phone numerous times and stopped when you confronted him about it. Now he just breaks Meatwad’s phone
Whenever Shake bullies Meatwad, he threatens him that he’ll tell him on you which instantly makes him panic
Frylock was skeptical when first meeting you. Did Shake pay you to act like his girlfriend? No, not even money could make someone pretend to like Shake. Did he brainwash you with one of his devices?
Regardless, he soon came to appreciate your company and is just glad there’s finally another sensible adult around here besides him!
He’s also appreciative of you for making his life less stressful by keeping Shake in check and being a friend/guardian figure to Meatwad
You like checking out whatever new invention he’s working on and even test some out (as super dangerous as that is)
Sometimes you both stand by the front porch and make chit chat while watching Shake and Meatwad annoy Carl
Oh yeah, Carl……
This greasy ass man is always hitting on you, no matter how many times you tell him you have 0 interest and are already taken
After a while, you become…….not friends but…..acquaintances is the right word. He still hits on you bcuz it’s Carl
“So I just got my pool decked out and it’s uhh….pretty hot out. Was wonderin if…maybe you know….you wanna stop by for a swim in your uhh….favorite bikini. Maybe like the smallest pair ya got………really shows off your boobs and—
*Gets blown up. You turn around to see Shake holding a bazooka*
NSFW stuff
Listen, listen!! I know we all like to imagine Shake as a pathetic attention whore sub!! BUT I also like to imagine him as a selfish dom with a size kink and fat dick that he doesn’t know how to use lmao
You’re just so smol and soft, he can’t help it!!!
He can’t get over how your strawberry scent always lingers on his skin, your soft voice, the way your back arches……..aw shit, did he bust already?
Gets a boner just from smelling your perfume scent
You’re both whiny brats crying for attention. You for his cuddles and dick. Him for your praises
Like I said in my last Shake x Reader fic, he burned all your toys!!! You didn’t talk to him for a week after that, which left him SO upset!!
Frylock: notices your bite marks “Oh my god, y/n!! Did a wolf attack you?!”
You: “Hmm? Oh, that’s just Shake!”
Fun Fact: Shake’s jizz tastes like pistachio milkshake
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dj-of-the-coven · 5 months ago
So, I've been thinking for a long time about why Beat is the most mischaracterized guy in the main cast of twewy, and last night I finally had a breakthrough. It's not only because he's not as popular as the others (though that's a part of it, and the two kinda feed into each other). It's baked into the game. More specifically, it's built into Neku's perspective as the main character.
Twewy has a lot of complex personalities interacting with each other, and for the most part it does very well at walking the players through their thought processes--obviously done the best with Neku, since we can see many of his thoughts word-for-word, but the other characters get similar treatment too. Joshua gets fleshed out in secret reports as well as his interactions on-screen, and Shiki's story doesn't require a ton of meta-textual explanation since envy is a common experience for teenagers. Beat's the only one of the main cast whose character needs a lot of connected dots to make sense, and the game trains you from the beginning not to look too closely at him because at first you're supposed to be empathizing with Neku.
When Neku starts out being rude to Shiki, the player already gets that he's being a dickhead. Everybody knows somebody like Shiki in real life, and if you don't know her, you probably are her: she's sweet, passionate about her hobbies, and extends her compassion to the people around her with basically no prompting. She has relatable self-image issues. You don't need your hand held to understand that Neku is the one in the wrong. On the other hand, what about Beat? We know that Neku has issues to work out by the time he shows up, but the game takes Neku's side on some of his harsher criticisms. He's not the only one who comments on Beat being "stupid" and impulsive. Most of the characters he interacts with have a line or two making fun of him. The player is generally expected to laugh at him alongside the others--he's nowhere near as easy for the average player to relate to.
The teens playing twewy probably know what it's like to feel better than everybody else, like Neku and Joshua, or worse than everybody else, like Shiki, but I'll bet that most of them don't have the same rebellious spirit that Beat does. Statistically, it's just not that likely that everybody playing the game was a delinquent with shitty parents. I was; some people were, but not everybody. It's a feature of Neku's character arc that the game gets you to see Beat the way that he does originally, just to break down the facade by showing you his compassionate side. Beat couldn't help but save Neku even though it would get in the way of his goals. He's just that kind of guy, and doesn't that mean more than anything his intellect could provide? Beat's character arc helps you understand Neku better by design, because it gets you to see how somebody with a judgy leaning could end up being such an asshole with only a little encouragement. The game presents its players with someone easy to make fun of, goads them into making fun of him, and then shows them why that was wrong.
Unfortunately, while this is really good storytelling, it doesn't make for an easily-digestible character to make art and fics about. The player has to look past what the game (and Neku, Konishi, and Uzuki) thinks about Beat in order to find his depth. I could be talking out of my ass, but honestly I think that this, along with more than a decade of fans getting him wrong in fics, comics, and meme posts is the reason why players of the original game don't tend to appreciate him as much as the other main characters, even though Beat collectively has the most screen time in the series besides Neku. It originates with dickhead teenage Neku himself--the players just didn't learn to look past his initial perception.
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sunnydust2003 · 3 months ago
It's official
I'm scared of her rn because since i deleted my account, she won't leave me alone.
She's still stalk and harassing me despissd facts, i left this god awful website.
She's calls me like a pedo, zoophilia, child murder and etc with no proof and took out of context.
Like explame this as possible i am:
1. Pedo stuff:
The reason why she's call me a pedo because i favourite parody of Cuties which was make funny of pedo which i favourite because i like people make fun of this type people who deserve that from piece of shit but i regrett favourite this art.
And one thing, i hate Cuties because you know why.
I'm glad it's got remove from good.
2. Zoophilia:
She's calls me a Zoophilia just because i comment of one my friends art of "Oh No, He's so Hot" gif of Squidward from picture of Donald being muscular (it's not fetish art btw) and she's believe i have crush on Donald which i don't have actually crush on Donald Duck.
Do i like Donald Duck, yes but do you have crush on Donald.
The answer is fuck no.
Donald isn't my fictional crush.
3. Shipping Ren and Stimpy.
She's believe i ship Ren and Stimpy just because of i comment one of person which i ask person where she's start ship Ren and Stimpy because i like heard when they start liles ship or anything.
Beside i don't ship Ren and Stimpy because i see them as friends and nothing else more.
4. She's hates when someone favorite artwork just because they don't like.
She's blame me of i favourite Spongebob x Vocaloid: Lust because she doesn't like song which okay fine but why you blame me from this.
Oh yeah because he's was prevent to female or some shit which btw i never actually listen to Lust or anything because i'm not interest on song.
Only i favourite because artwork was amazing and that's why favourite art in first place.
5. She's blame me over i ship something.
She's blame me over i made status about i cringe myself when i used ship Elsa and Selena Gomez just because i thought it's was adorable.
Keep mind, i was minor back the day, i didn't have brain development until i get olded and realized:
What the fuck is wrong with me.
Idk what's wrong with my younger self when ship this two.
I'm glad i stop ship this two because it's was weird af.
6. She's calls me a child murder.
Yup she's calls me a child murder because of i was hyper about FNAF movie and says i'm only watch movie because i want see kids get killed which wtf are you talk about?!
I'm not watch movie because kids get killed, i'm watch this movie because of how adoption of game it's was.
And i'm glad they didn't show kids get killed in movie because last time i have experince with kids get killed is was hard to watch.
7. She's rant about how i so called treat my friends shit.
Now yes, this was true i was asshole about my friends about whole of "Freddy hates his friends" but i was only mad at this because my friends is remind me of toxic cartoon community and i don't want my friends become one of them but since i watch AOSTH and Scratch, Grounxed and Coconuts are become my new favorite characters, i realized i was asshole towards my friends and i apologie to him from real this time and he's accept this apologie.
This now, we talks about Freddy fight Peck or other his interest, hell i even give him a idea and drawing based of i comment on this because i want make him a happy and i love make friends a happy.
But what really pissed me off is she's lying about me so called sent my whiteknight to my friends which it's was bullshit because i don't even have whiteknight and don't want harassing my friends over this.
I may was asshole but at least i apologie about my action and i want improve myself.
She's just lying herself with no proof of this.
8. Finally she's get trigged over i made one meme of Lincoln get kick out which was meant be make fun of toxic TLH fanbase of how overprotective Lincoln when Lincoln is no better.
Now if you see Such No Luck, i made meme this because i want pissed TLH fans off because how over sentisive about this when Lincoln is no better because he's was lying about he's got bad luck just want have free time when he's could tells his family honest.
Before you say, no i'm not defense Lynn Jr and facts, both of them are unlikable.
So yeah.
9. She's blame me over the facts, voice actor of Abby (Back at the Barnyard) is anti vaxxer and she's say i should proud of her because she's so called cares her children which i have question:
If she's so called cares her child, she shouldn't realized maybe i should protect my kids from infection but nope, she doesn't give a fuck about her children and forced on people who tells to wear mask is canceled culture which prove me a point, she doesn't care from children.
And i want talks about her double stands ass because i like how she's called me a pedo when she's also defense Rev Says Desu who is lolicon and she's defense him by saying:
"Oh he's not going after a real kids, they are just fictional characters" which is gross af.
And thing is she favourite of My Melody and Kuromi from Sanrio x Yu-Gi-Oh pillow sexual which remind me of:
"My Melody and Kuromi are underage" which is red flags because how she support this type shit.
So remember i tell you about she's thinks calling me a child murder just because i was hyper about FNAF movie.
About that, she's also double stands because she's calling me a child murder over FNAF movie but yet, she's have favourite FNAF on her DA.
Hey are you same person telling me about i'm so called support child murder just because of one movie but yet, you favourite FNAF despised facts, you just said to me i support child murder but i guess, she's become stupid af and acting like she's a innocent person.
Yeah fuck this bullshit.
So yeah, i'm done with this shit.
It's time to move on from good.
So yeah, if you reading this:
Please leave me the fuck alone, i don't want have deal with you or anything.
I just want get free from stalker and harassing i got from you.
So please leave the internet and get some seriously help.
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happypeachsludgeflower · 3 months ago
Qi Rong Transmitigation AU
I've been seeing a lot of people in the various mxtx fandoms posting their fic ideas in plot outline rambles and ya know what, that seems like a fun way to share some of my ideas that I'm not currently working on (and at the rate I write will never see the light of day otherwise)!! And who knows, maybe by sharing them, it'll spark more ideas and spiral into more plot info or even a full fic!! Asking me questions about a particular plot is a sure way to get me writing.
Anyway, so today's ridiculous plot ya'll get to hate me for is the newest one I came up with the other day!! Transmitigator Qi Rong!! (I was going to ramble about one of my many fengqing au's, but I was trying to pick one and then remembered that I hadn't written the Qi Rong/svsss plot out yet and-- yea, now we get cannibalism and violence instead!!)
Basically, the plot idea is that Qi Rong (who probably has a different name, but I haven't researched what to use instead yet... maybe something green?? The characters 绿色 lǜsè was the first thing that came up with the Chinese dictionary, so we'll go with that. His modern name was Qī Lǜsè) was from modern day and died reading tgcf, ya know, as you do. And he was really pissed off by Qi Rong's character in general because Reasons ™ (I'll decide later). Next thing he knows, he wakes up as a young Qi Rong, prior to Xian Le's fall, with a fancy system telling him to stick to the plot and stay in character!!
Now there are two ways we could go from here. One, Qi Rong can have a system similar to Shen Qingqiu's that allows the ooc feature to be unlocked after a certain point, but he has unavoidable plot points similar to the abyss, which would probably be the burning of Xie Lian's temples and/or the gilded banquet, that he has to follow through with or have his account terminated, i.e. die.
OR (and this is the one I've been brain rotting on because so. much. angst!! ...don't mind me I just like overdosing my fics on angst) Qi Rong is stuck with an asshole system that has decided he has to stay in character and cannot deviate too much from the main plot similar to Shang Qinghua's system. Just imagine!!
Qi Rong: but do I have to commit war crime atrocities?? A-System: yes ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡" Qi Rong: ...how 'bout I make it look like I'm doing war crimes and atrocities and then just.. don't? A-System: ( ¯ ³¯)♡ no Qi Rong: brb off to plot your murder A-System: (ó﹏ò。)
I suppose the third route would be to find a middle ground where we get a-hole system AND ooc abilities, but I have yet to have the epiphany on how to marry the ideas.
I personally think the concept of Qi Rong's internal dialogue being a constant stream of "wtf" and "why am I doing this again" and somehow, inexplicably, against all expectations, being more chaotic than OG Qi Rong with meme references and random song breaks would be entertaining. Also, the bitch is absolutely going to argue with the system every chance he can get just to be petty.
I have a lot of other thoughts on this, but I'm going to end this post here before I accentually write another 5k summary at 3am. I'll continue this another day ( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ
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aardvaark · 4 months ago
I just developed the Leverage brainworms, and they commingled with the House MD brainworms from when I was super into that show, so I came up with a rough outline for a House MD/Leverage crossover: Parker is in the ER after an injury on the last mission and overhears House loudly complaining to probably Cuddy about how some rich asshole is getting the organ his 16 yo patient needs because the patient got accused of something that he knows is fake. Everyone on the coms is telling Parker that it's not their job, to just drop it, but she fakes a much bigger injury and gets admitted as a cancer patient, so now they have to steal a hospital again.
House clocks Nate almost immediately and agrees to keep Cuddy off of them while they do whatever else they need to do. He also takes on the rich guy's case at the same time as the 16 yo, to keep him in the hospital.
Parker and Wilson get a few scenes together, and she has to talk him through some crime to help them along at some point. Foreman and Hardison get paired off, as well as Chase and Sophie, and Cameron and Elliot. At one point, Sophie and Chase have to fake dating for the case.
House and the team figure out that the rich guy's prognosis is even worse than he'd initially thought, even with the organ, he's not living past a year. This revelation comes at the same time as the Leverage team finding the evidence of the faked stuff that blocked the transplant initially. It's probably at this point that Cuddy is clued into everything as well.
The transplant committee agrees to give the organ to House's patient, and the rich guy gets scammed out of money somehow to pay the other patient's medical bills plus other things.
first of all, congrats on catching the leverage brainworms :) welcome to the party lol. secondly i love the idea of crossing over with house, because you’re so right, nate & house share quite a few major traits and would definitely clock each other! like the two spidermans meme. and the team has had a couple run-ins with medical & hospital settings and, notably, a guy trying to steal an organ, so it fits the jobs they take on very well. timeline-wise, the shows ran at the same time for a bit, too, so that’s nice because the technology level and their ages etc can be consistent.
i think eliot & foreman might bond a bit over their frustrating bosses. i’d love to see the ducklings eventually break into their patient’s house as they often do, and some of the leverage team already being there just like "umm we know what WE are doing here, but why the hell are this kid’s doctors breaking and entering??". and then bond over the whole "ohhh trust me, i know what having a really weird boss is like" thing lol.
also once parker’s recovered enough to sneak around, we def need to see more of parker pretending to be a nurse (eg order 23 job & miracle job) because 1) parker being a little disturbingly happy about being around sharp things (like needles & scalpels) or getting to drug people is always funny, and 2) easy seasons parker trying to comfort people is the best. her flight attendant alias in the mile high job? incredible. "death haunts us everyday :) <3" lmao.
thanks for the ask and infecting me with leverage/house crossover brainworms now too!!
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rxttenbxnes · 9 months ago
Hello! Do you have any fun headcanons to share about Idia? Honestly, I just find it painful to see how badly this guy gets butchered in headcanons sometimes. People always forget that he is in fact a complete ass with a massive superiority-inferiority complex and not just a sad boi, or they overplay the weeb part and ignore how he has other interests like science and art, or they make him too pathetic by assuming he would still be a blushing incoherent mess like a year into marriage, etc. Anyway, it’d just be nice to hear the headcanons of an actual Idia fan since that’s the only way to get anything sane.
Omg totally, first I'mma do a little rant, I'll make sure to label where the HCS begin so y'all don't have to read my rants 😭
܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
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Okay we gotta acknowledge the fact idia is indeed, an asshole you guys. 💀Well not completely obviously but he's not just gonna be nice to you for no reason. He's not just some depressed dude needing sympathy.
The way Idia is so Infantilzed by the fandom it's actually gets me tweakin, You guys this actually makes me mad, he's not some sensitive bottom uwu boy that stutters 50 times every sentence In fact I honestly cannot see him being submissive half of the time, this man is actually a asshole on the low. Most people get the fact that idia would be submissive from his shy and closed off personality which is just SO wrong to me.
Idia is extremely pessimistic and if we're being real Idia is actually not a good narrator for his own experiences, the constant self deprecation mixed in with his his thoughts about being superior to others is so fascinating to me, one moment he sees himself as nothing but a piece of trash while in the next moment he's boasting about how he's the only one component enough to be ignihyde's dorm leader. He's such a complex character I can Yap about him constantly
I get making jokes and stuff but some people genuinely think idia is some stinky incel creep that hates women and just purposely chooses to not go outside and be chronically online. Like yeah, he has nerdy and loser like hobbies but this man literally has trauma and chronic depression, along with an anxiety disorder, it's not something he can just make disappear. He likes science, engineering, art, anime, games etc which is all just cool, it's not like he's some creep that's afraid to talk to people, nor is he some super submissive guy that'll fold for you in a tiny interaction.
Had to get ts off my chest 💀
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܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
܀⊹ ིྀ𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠 🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
🎧 Caramelldansen. Idia adores this song unironically. At first he had just saw the meme and quickly ended up falling into the whole thing, laying on the floor completely dazed out of his mind as the colorful lights flash in the background from the music video playing on repeat lol
🎮 I said this in my earlier post but Idia definitely draws his crushes all the time. Luckily he has a little self control and draws anime/manga characters in most of the pages, he's really protective over his sketch book due to 1.) His social anxiety and 2.) The fact that he doesn't want anyone to know that he likes drawing and observing people, especially his crushes.
🎧 Idia constantly has his headphones on, I know of a fact that Idia listens to Nightcore, anime OSTs, Vocaloid, animation meme music, Vkei, video game sound tracks and breakcore religiously. I think idia would honestly listen to everything he can get his hands on
🎮 I feel like he had a 2020 alt kid phase lol. I feel like quarantine would've been his time to thrive, his peak enjoyment of life would be set during this time lol. Being able to express himself like he wanted without others seeing??? Sign him up
🎧 Ironically, he's not super weak. I feel like he just sucks at physical activity, especially running since he doesn't leave his room much. His hands/fist are definitely strong, I feel like he has a strong hit.
🎮 That being said, I think Idia’s hands are large, thin and boney. They definitely have a few scars and calluses from all the machinery he works with, you can't tell me that his hands aren't pretty rough.
🎧 Idia is a fashion icon, in games. Not irl, he would never due to the attention it would grab him, though he definitely is into all of the alternative and Gothic fashion stuff. He'll give his characters the most perfect and pretty outfits and make sure everything is customized perfectly, not mind at all if it takes him hours to do so.
🎮 This man definitely collects figures. I feel like they're all anime and video game figures; he's even commission artist and such to make custom work of his favorite interest and brag online about it.
🎧 Has an habit of repeating words and phrases he likes over and over again. It doesn't matter if it's from an obscure meme that literally only 5 people including him know or if it's in a different language, he'll constantly reference and repeat it like no tomorrow.
🎮 He's a biter. He bites a lot of things randomly, he'd bite someone out of love if he got the chance. I'm telling you he'll just naw on random stuff, not caring if it's edible or not. It could literally be a plushy and he'll randomly bite it while he's hugging it.
🎧 Idia definitely finds confort in the rain and gloom weather. Really, he just enjoys typically gloomy things. It's extremely comforting and relaxing to him to just be able to sit on his bed with his headphones on while it rains harshly outside, making the world around him dark and gloomy.
🎮 Curses, like a lot. Gamer rage is real you guys and he definitely has it. If he loses a game too many times or gets too frustrated with his teammates, he'll curse like a sailor. His anger isn't directly to his teammates or anything, it's of him being frustrated with everything in general.
܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
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geonwooz · 2 years ago
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bf!gunwoo x reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, domestic fluff, established relationship, swearing | request — hello👋 if it's not a bother for you can i pls request dating and jealousy headcanons for geonwoo and woojin? it's alright if you don't. thank you anyways
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gunwoo is such a soft boy like he’s so taylor swift song coded
not even a specific song, like if all her pretty love songs were made into a person; it’d be kim gunwoo
even though gunwoo is literally an almost six-foot muscle man built like mike tyson, when you first met him, the urge to protect him was saur bad
like you two would be the epitome of that hyper gf x calm bf meme pic
even if you are the biggest introvert ever, being with gunwoo makes you tap into that 1% extrovert in you which makes him so happy because it means you comfortable with him and that makes him so 🥺😭🥺😭
when you first starting dating, he was so pleasantly surprised by everything because this was a new territory for him
his lifestyle before you was just eat, train, sleep, and repeat — so this man had the shock of his life when dating you
the “good morning” and “good night” texts and the texts informing him what you were doing throughout the day + texts asking him what he was doing
he loved the way you’d always text him, even if it was like just a shower thought off the top of your head
literally everyone around him knew he was dating because bro kept using every free second of his to use his phone and the nonstop smiling at his phone like an idiot was a big giveaway
gunwoo is a selfless guy, meaning he’s always putting his loved ones before himself — and while you loved that for him, you always made sure to let him know when he needed to take care of himself
or you’d just take care of him yourself because you loved doing that
if he gave you flowers, you’d do the same after a couple of days, just wordlessly letting him know you loved him just as much as he loved you
even when you did something for him, he’d return the gesture, acknowledging your love for him and showing his love for you
as i said earlier, you are the hyper gf to his calm bf so one agenda i would like to touch on is how at one point you’d definitely be his curse dispenser of sorts
we know how gunwoo is a respectable gentleman who treats people with respect even in circumstances he doesn’t necessarily need to
so that’s where you come in, adding swear words between his sentences to make his words sound fiercer even tho manz probably has his polite smile on his face the entire time
“listen here-” “-you fucking asshole.” “just tell us what kim myeonggil is upto or-” “-we’ll shove your head so far up your ass, you’ll be able to eat your own shit.”
ok so maybe sometimes you have a little too much fun, which results in both your boyfriend and his woojin-hyung just staring at you, completely concerned
but they both love you, so a win is a win
honestly, gunwoo’s mama absolutely adores you and woojin feels the same, both of them just glad that gunwoo now has someone to take care of him and love him just like he takes care of others and loves them
you are always spending whatever free time you have with gunwoo’s mum and it warms his heart to see you two getting along together because honestly that’s all he needs in his life
if his loved ones adored you as much as you adored him, then that was it; he was indeed the happiest person in the world
it doesn’t take you long into the relationship for you to be comfortable with gunwoo, and he absolutely feels like he’s on cloud nine every time you mention how comfortable you are with him
like you can behave like an absolute madman, and he’d just love you harder — i don’t make the rules, it is what it is
so you best bet you sometimes leave your manz so bamboozlingly confuzzled by the most out of pocket questions you ask him because you have a curious mind
“why are buildings called buildings if they are already built?” “jagiya, please, it’s two in the morning.”
you two are a force to be reckoned with, i swear i feel bad for woojin already
sorrows sorrows prayers
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musedisorder · 2 months ago
Nerdy Prudes Must Die! Part 1.
This is a sentence / prompt meme with quotes from Starkid's nerdy prudes must die for roughly the first half of the show. I will make one for the rest at a later time! Feel free to alter / edit the quotes as needed! Lots of sexual implications / foul language / and mentions of violence in this one
"Help! Somebody help me! Please!"
"Wait until you get a load of this mess."
"Face down in the fucking john. What a way to go."
"The killer left a little love note for us. Penned in the victim's blood."
"Hey, do you think they're connected?"
"The nightmare started there but now has spread."
"I'm scared. Someone comes for me. I'm unprepared."
"I can't cut through all the tension"
"It's hell on earth, you know."
"I'm tweeting all about it."
"High school is killing me!"
"I'm so fuckin' dead."
"I was up all late last night and I couldn't fucking study."
"Hey, hey geek?"
"We've been in classes together a long time, haven't we?"
"Well, since the first grade."
"There's an unspoken bond between us. We're classmates. We're comrades."
"I got left behind this morning. Bus driver's a fucking asshole."
"We succeed together or we fail together. And I won't mince words. I'm gonna fail this test. Unless you help me cheat."
"Won't we get in trouble?"
"That little snitch!"
"Oh god. I am dead! I am so dead!"
"What's the matter? This your first academic misconduct?"
"I don't need this kind of attention!"
"This outfit is a tapestry of my trauma! It is designed to provoke as little teasing as possible."
"I didn't know you were funny."
"I like funny guys."
"You better leave your hopes behind."
"I never intended to walk through YOUR hallway."
"Oh, well there's a difference between intent and impact. I learned that at an anti-bullying last month, fuck-nugget!"
"Now move along, bitch!"
"Really? That's a hot take."
"Now you listen to me, you stuttering prick."
"Homecoming's just an excuse for kids to dry hump in the gym."
"You're funny!"
"Can I carry your books for you?"
"Carry my books? I don't think either of us are ready for that."
"Come on. You're breaking my balls."
"Just one little date."
"You don't know me very well, do you?"
"I know that behind closed doors, repressed chicks are the biggest freaks."
"Watch some porn."
"Don't call me that."
"I am only one man's girl. And his name is Jesus Christ. I suggest getting acquainted with him before you end up roasting on a spit in Hell."
"Forbidden fruit, dick-hole! It's always the sweetest."
"I'm the reason you run and hide!"
"Don't need no one to tell me high school with be my peak, so I'm willing to take advantage."
"So keep on judging me. That comes with infamy."
"No one's gonna stop me!"
"This is politics! Learn to multi-task!"
"I'd like to have an intelligent conversation with you. In other words, shut up."
"Hey that looks like my... phone."
"I've found a weak spot, haven't I?"
"Ready to make like Newton and get this physics project 'in motion'?"
"This project's on thermo-dynamics. What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I got it on good authority that I'm actually pretty funny."
"What was it like when she touched your arm? Did you cum?"
"Silence your cellphone in the library!"
"What's the matter with you guys? You just told me not to get my hopes up!"
"A naughty schoolgirl wants you to help her study?"
"Stop being gross, both of you!"
"You're telling me I gotta be funny again? I didn't do it on purpose the FIRST time!"
"I bet you'd call this luck. Well, that's your perspective."
"But what if all my thoughts were stronger? What if my beliefs were taller?
"Way cooler than I think I am."
"But what if I were wrong?"
"What if people see me as someone other than who I am?"
"Am I cooler than I think I am?"
"If I can finally be cool I will know that I'm not a loser."
"But is that who I think I am?"
"Who do I think I am?"
"Think you're better than me because you come from money?"
"Uhg! So you're a poor piece of shit then?"
"Had to sell your bowtie to feed your fucking family?"
"Look, I know what you want me to do, okay? You want me to grovel. Run so you can chase."
"Well I'm sick of your... s-shit..."
"I don't seem scary to you?"
"You're just a bully. And when you stand up to a bully, they lose their power."
"Does it feel like I lost my power?"
"I did not cosent to this rendez-voos!"
"I decide who's cool and who's not."
"I'm your god. Now on your knees, bitch. It's time to say your fuckin' prayers!"
"It's haunted. Everyone says so."
"This is wrong! This is so wrong..."
"I'll never tell ya to behave."
"I am expecting you to betray me."
"I'm only in if your over it, a one way ticket power trip with no room for censorship."
"Won't you love me like you don't care?"
"You talk to me like you're in a locker room. It's clear you never stepped in a classroom."
"You want me? Can't be skipping school."
"I am expecting you to behave."
"I don't care about you!"
"You got my judgement all muddy and cloudy!"
"I'm a good girl."
"I won't care about you!"
"We thought you were waifu material, but you're just a bully!"
"Come on. You can't stay in the bathroom all day."
"What a fucking psycho!"
"That's some cool-kid privilege right there."
"Isn't this like, breaking and entering?"
"You're the bait for our trap!"
"We're gonna bully the bully."
"We're gonna make it spooky!"
"It's goofy!"
"Got a better plan?"
"We're gonna make a dirty movie where the losers win."
"We're gonna cut off his nips!"
"No, we're gonna be real cool!"
"So we're not gonna kick his ass?"
"No, we're gonna be cool beans."
"Well then I'm gonna have to shoot the whole thing in a wide and it's gonna look like shit!"
"I don't know. I'm nervous."
"You're like, super nice to me."
"Not really. I'm just doing the bare minimum here."
"I brought the brews!"
"Oh shit. Where's that creepy music coming from?"
"Oh shit! Oh fuck! It's a fucking ghost! I always knew you fuckers were real!"
"I've been scared of you my whole life!"
"Float over here ghost! I'm gonna kick your fucking ass!"
"I make the dead run in fear!"
"Maybe I should just run!"
"Where? Back home so dad can call you a little cuck?"
"We can't have a party here! This place is hella haunted!"
"Get behind me! I'll protect you!"
"It's not real, stupid!"
"This was all a prank. A trick to scare the shit out of you 'cause you deserve it."
"I thought you guys hated me."
"Mission accomplished?"
"I'm gonna kill you all!"
"No, no no! This was an accident!"
"This wasn't murder. And it wasn't an accident. It was an act of God."
"Don't you see? We're free."
"We're gonna bury the body right here in the lobby underneath the wooden flooring."
"This is a lot."
"We're gonna hack all his limbs off."
"Did you say hack all his limbs off...?"
"Stop saying it!"
"You want me to film this?!"
"This has been the best two weeks of my life!"
"We could go sarcastically."
"Things really are different around here!"
"You want me in the huddle?"
"You smell like an open asshole right now."
"You fucking reek, man."
"They're my bros for life."
"I love this school!"
"I love being alive!"
"You said you wouldn't bully me anymore. Remember what you said?"
"Oh, I remember what I said."
"You fucking NERD!"
"No! No no no no! That's can't be! You're DEAD!"
"I'm free!"
"And you know that that means, bitch? No more Mr. Nice Guy."
"Did you miss me while I was gone?"
"Did you really think you'd get away?"
"You can see I'm much improved."
"That ain't good news for you, ya bitch."
"I got a list, and you're on it."
"You think I seek revenge?"
"You pushed me off the edge!"
"I'm on a new crusade."
"The world is just to well behaved, it needs to be saved."
"Expose the bloody lie!"
"I want you to repeat after me."
"Who will pray for me when I'm gone?"
"Can you repeat that one?"
"Is this the eternal dark without a dawn?"
"Who will pray for you when your body's gone?"
"This is the consequence for what you've done!"
"I'm not a loser!"
"What did you say!?"
"Don't kill me."
"But you have lost... everything."
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dreamwritesimagines · 5 months ago
Why would you do that, Dee?!?!!?!
Now I am plagued by HCs and imagines of Bucky's son and Rhett's firstborn (a girl he adores) being betrothed since they were like 14.
Now you're gonna have to put up with me.
• I think Alice was definitely unhappy and dissapointed when she saw she had a girl. She basically threw a fit, wouldn't hold her, wouldn't feed her, wouldn't even name her. She's a Chicago Wife, all her plans involved a boy, her whole life basically revolved around having an Heir. A girl is only a bargaining chip; now she'll have to wait even more to try again. Rhett was the complete opposite. He was sorta excited about the baby in general? He too expected a boy, its the way his whole life has been arranged- a daughter completely demolishes the plan. A daughter he can spoil. A daughter he can love without having to train. A daughter can be only his, at least for now, not the business'. He calls her Mina because he'd watched Dracula the other night and he'd only ever thought of male names so... it works.
• He eventually does have a boy. He loves his son of course. But things are not the same- everyone loves his son. His parents, his wife, his men. Mina is loved too, but it's always tinged with the slightest bitterness... no one can forget she was born first. Alice never fully warms up to her, he knows, only pays attention to her education, manners and makes passing comments about how she'll make a good match if she grows up pretty. It makes Rhett twitch.
• But of course Mina grows up gorgeous- it doesn't take long for people - boys - to notice. And Rhett isn't dumb, Mina would be a catch even if she were hideous, but he's never been unaware of just how ruthless his city can be to the women in his world, how uncaring. A man older than Rhett, one of his father's men that stuck around enough to make himself a fortune moving drugs, makes a passing joke about how Mina is his best investment yet, leering eyes focused on his eleven year old quietly eating at the table, and Alice agrees with a giggle. Rhett kills him himself that same night.
• But he had a point, and now Rhett can't stop seeing it. Boys in high school, in college, men his own age and older looking at his baby like they're...waiting. Like the second she 'becomes a woman' she'll be up for sale and they're all thinking up the different ways they can purchase her. Women in the Chicago Outfit are little more than accessories and maybe Rhett is an asshole for not seeing it until it affected his daughter but sue him, he doesn't want that for her.
• One day everything goes wrong. One day he wasn't looking and one of his men betrayed him, his right hand died and now he's got a war on his hands and he has to make a decision. Gather up his allies and think of something. He keeps his son close, Alice refuses to leave her precious boy and talk around fourteen year old Mina is bad enough he has to make a decision.
• Charm honestly thought he was kidding all those years ago. Yeah, betrothal still happen in their world but outright arranging one is kinda... old fashioned? These days you just gently nudge your kids in the right direction and they get the idea. But no, Rhett hasn't been subtle about anything in his life. So of course she's on a phone call with him talking about debts and loyalty and his daughter and her son at three am. "You're the only person I can trust with this, with her" he says. And okay, sure. His daughter can come stay with them until things settle down in Chicago. Yes, per their contract years ago, New York will back him up.
• Mina's stay in New York lasts about a year. Her father is the only one that calls her- her mother is happily living out the fantasy where she doesn't exist. Her brother mostly texts her memes when she asks him if he's okay so she knows he's not and she's just... isolated. She isn't from New York, but she can't be from Chicago either... and apparently one day she'll marry the boy who also lives in the penthouse? Honestly she doesn't even see him most of the time (which is a shame because he's two years older than her and just as hot as his dad but whatever) Mina is pretty sure he's knee deep into his training and too busy to deal with the weird girl that just showed up one day in the middle of the night. Mr Barnes is never there either, training his son or helping her father with his war, nor is his wife, the only woman her dad has ever spoken with true respect in his voice. They're both super nice to her, though. Overwhelmingly so- she isn't this used to someone other than her dad caring so much about how she's feeling or if she needs anything. They insist she never eat dinner alone, ask her about the online classes she's attending and they LISTEN when she answers.
• So her temporary guardians are great, her fiancee is far from one of the creepy boys from back home and the city is new and exciting... but her favorite part is the Barnes' daughter. Mina isn't used to being friends with girls her age, she's grown accustomed to being a friendly acquaintance and to keep any other girl at arm's length because they could turn into an enemy the second they feel like it; the friends her brother makes are the ones that matter, they'll be the powerful ones one day, at least that's what her mother says, so Mina isn't that well versed in the whole friendship thing.
• But the Barnes' daughter could give a shit about that, apparently. She's beautiful, confident and she'll inherit her mother's territory one day, so of course she felt no issue bursting into her room one day and introducing herself before announcing they would be best friends and did she want to get milkshakes?
"What?" Mina says, still shocked and in her pajamas.
"Milkshakes. Shit, do you not have those in Chicago? Mom said it was old fashioned but-"
"Of course we have them but... it's one am."
"Okay? Is that a yes or-"
They're best friends because ofc she's never wrong. They literally spend all their time together, Mina kind of expects her to drift away once she goes back to school but no, they remain steadfast. And Bucky's daughter kind of really likes how her brother turns red and stammering whenever Mina is around.
"I don't think your brother likes me very much," Mina whispers to her after her fiancee tried to talk to her for the third time that week but failed yet again because his stupid sister is just there, hogging her and making her laugh, so he just got moody and stomped out of there.
"No, like seriously," Mina complains in the middle of a party they snuck into. "I think he hates me." She sips her drink and ignores the way the boy she's supposed to marry glares at her. (He's actually glaring at all the other guys trying to get her attention.)
"I'm not that thrilled about basically being sold either, but you don't see me being a bitch about it," she informs her friend when she watches him get knocked down in a fight because ofc the first time he gets the nerve to talk to her is just before the definitive cage match of his life and of course the prospect of talking to the beautiful girl that lives in his house, that his parents adore and his sister can't stop talking about is actually more terrifying than losing the fight so of course his dumbass jumps in the ring before time and nearly loses. (He wins the fight anyways, but Mina thinks he literally would rather get beat up than have to put up with her so yeah).
YOU ARE AMAZING?! 😍 I am literally smiling at the screen, and I'm gonna fangirl over you, this is so so so good! ❤️😍
I think Alice was definitely unhappy and dissapointed when she saw she had a girl. She basically threw a fit, wouldn't hold her, wouldn't feed her, wouldn't even name her. Oooh I think so too! Like you said, having an Heir is the most important thing for her, and everyone probably kept telling her! Like Charm said, Chicago's underworld is basically medieval, and Alice is a part of that 😱
A daughter he can spoil. A daughter he can love without having to train. A daughter can be only his, at least for now, not the business'. This is so cuuuute! ❤️ I totally agree, I think Rhett was even relieved when he saw that they had a daughter, and he was surprised at himself ❤️ But like, he needs to be incredibly "stern" with his heir, just like his father, but having his daughter...she would be his princess! ❤️
He named her Mina after watching Dracula I LOVE THIS! ❤️
Alice never fully warms up to her, he knows, only pays attention to her education, manners and makes passing comments about how she'll make a good match if she grows up pretty. It makes Rhett twitch. I think Mina is going to be such a sore topic between them for completely different reasons❤️ Rhett is incredibly protective of her, and he wants to shelter her from all the business, and everything that comes with it, and to hear Alice being so harsh with her?
They would have such huge fights!
Like, that night, I think Rhett legit tortured him the whole night to the point of him begging for death, only then he killed him😏 There wasn't a bone that wasn't broken in his whole body, and his face was messed up beyond recognizable 😏
maybe Rhett is an asshole for not seeing it until it affected his daughter but sue him, he doesn't want that for her. Rhett as a protective dad🥺 I love him❤️
I think it's around that time that he realized what Charm meant during their break up, how she would never stay in Chicago even if New York wasn't an option 😏
Yeah, betrothal still happen in their world but outright arranging one is kinda... old fashioned? These days you just gently nudge your kids in the right direction and they get the idea. But no, Rhett hasn't been subtle about anything in his life. I can almost see Charm's confused expression AT THREE IN THE MORNING 😂
Charm still being the only person Rhett trusts after all these years asdfghjkl 🥰
Charm totally gave a talk to their son before Mina showed up😂 She would be like,
"The fact that I'm telling you this does not mean you can be mean to her in any way."
"I won't be mean to her. I don't even know her."
"Yeah well, keep that in mind. Because when the same thing happened, your father was the rudest person-"
"Charm we're married with kids, when will you let that go?"
"We're married with kids because I'm such a forgiving person."
Rhett being the only one to call Mina❤️
Mina instantly having sort of a crush on him 🥰
the only woman her dad has ever spoken with true respect in his voice. Have I mentioned I love Rhett? I LOVE RHETT❤️
They insist she never eat dinner alone, ask her about the online classes she's attending and they LISTEN when she answers. CHARM AND BUCKY BECOMING GREAT PARENTS, I-
But the Barnes' daughter could give a shit about that, apparently. She's beautiful, confident and she'll inherit her mother's territory one day, so of course she felt no issue bursting into her room one day and introducing herself before announcing they would be best friends and did she want to get milkshakes? She's gonna be such a great combination of like, Charm and Becca when they were younger!
"Milkshakes. Shit, do you not have those in Chicago? Mom said it was old fashioned but-"
"Of course we have them but... it's one am."
"Okay? Is that a yes or-" SHE IS SO MINI CHARM HELP-
And Bucky's daughter kind of really likes how her brother turns red and stammering whenever Mina is around. She would be having the time of her lifeeeee😂
"I don't think your brother likes me very much," Mina whispers to her after her fiancee tried to talk to her for the third time that week but failed yet again because his stupid sister is just there, hogging her and making her laugh, so he just got moody and stomped out of there. ASDFGHJKL HE PROBABLY WENT LIKE,
"Hey you're...you're here."
"Of course she's here dipshit?"
"...Do you have to be here?"
"Yes my dearest brother. I kind of have to be here because she's my best friend."
"No, like seriously," Mina complains in the middle of a party they snuck into. "I think he hates me." She sips her drink and ignores the way the boy she's supposed to marry glares at her. (He's actually glaring at all the other guys trying to get her attention.) Lolll and Mina so thinking he hates her guts while he's over there like,
"Who's that guy trying to buy her drinks? What the fuck?"
"This bar is in my father's territory. She doesn't need anyone to buy her drinks."
"Okay, but-"
"I'll go beat him up-"
"Your mom would be very pissed off."
"I'm not that thrilled about basically being sold either, but you don't see me being a bitch about it," she informs her friend when she watches him get knocked down in a fight because ofc the first time he gets the nerve to talk to her is just before the definitive cage match of his life and of course the prospect of talking to the beautiful girl that lives in his house, that his parents adore and his sister can't stop talking about is actually more terrifying than losing the fight so of course his dumbass jumps in the ring before time and nearly loses. HE IS HIS FATHER'S SON, HELP, THAT IS BUCKY'S SON RIGHT THERE 😂
Lolll and after the cage fight, Mina would go and find him and she'd be like,
"Um, hi."
"Mina! Hi! Did you...did you watch the match?"
"Yeah I did. Are you okay?"
"Yeah! Sure I mean, it's nothing."
"Your nose looks broken?"
"Yeah but it's nothing, who hasn't broken their nose at some point- so how are you?"
Aaaaaaand I ship them now thanks to you😂❤️
Honeeeey this is so amazing, you're a genius! ❤️ Thank you so so much for this, ILY! ❤️
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rengokuology · 2 years ago
I would love to see a lexi x fem reader from euphoria, maybe reader is like nates younger sister but she is the sweetest and kindest person, so lexi and reader both have a crush on each other and so maybe cassie and maddie try to get them to admit their feelings and somehow they do, so it's pure fluff with lexi and reader sharing a kiss at the end, something like that, and then them being in a romantic relationship
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WARNINGS !! nate jacobs, lots of sweet—tooth fluff! so yeah—
DEAR REQUESTER, thank you so much for being my first ever requester! this is my first time writing x reader so i hope you like it! if you don’t like it, you can send back in another request and i can write another one for you! enjoy your time reading!! <3 /p
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it's funny, you know? how such an asshole like nate jacobs can be related to such a sweet angel like (reader) jacobs.
i mean, that's what mostly anybody sane thought. people like lexi, rue and more.
but there were also douchebags who would try and say she was like him. but she was never.
nate jacobs never helped his friends to classes. never tried to be as respectful as possible. nope, that was all her.
that's what lexi thought every time she saw her with nate, and it would be common that she held an intense glare at him for being such an ass.
but that would go away when she always approached lexi, always being happy to see her friend / crush by their lockers that were across from cassie and maddy's.
you two had such a beautiful chemistry that maddy and nate were never going to have and so, maddy and cassie noticed.
"oh my god, they're fucking whipped for each other." maddy claimed, looking at the two of them that were laughing while they shared each other memes they found the night before.
"yeah, they are." cassie smiled at them, slightly jealous that she didn't have a relationship like that. but she was proud of her sister for having something she didn't. a healthy crush.
maddy turned to cassie, closing her locker as she pointed at the two.
"if we don't get them together, somebody's gonna steal one of them. and they probably need to be together." cassie lifted a brow at maddy, glancing at the two before turning back to maddy.
"i don't know. they can get together by themselves, plus, we shouldn't intrude on their love lives." cassie told maddy, as maddy crossed her arms, lightly laughing sarcastically.
"well, last night, i saw little angel with one of nate's friends at their house. we don't want that because that dude is lowkey a dick and doesn't deserve someone like (reader). plus, we wouldn’t be really do much, just give them a little push." maddy told cassie, grabbing out her phone and showing the guy she's been seeing.
cassie looked at the photo before looking back at the two then back at maddy.
"ok, let's do it."
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lexi and (reader) sat at their desks in history class as (reader) lightly scrolled through her phone in secret while glancing at the teacher.
(reader) smiled, looking across the room to lexi's chair as lexi smiled at her phone, glancing at their teacher as well.
we still hanging out at my place tonight?
sorry, i can't tonight. aaron just told me my parents got into a fight so i gotta help my mom
sorry about that
its fine, it happens
still tho, ur parents are kinda dicks
yeah, kinda but their still my parents, so yeah
(reader) frowned at her phone, thinking of what words to type next.
sorry i can't spend the night at your place again
its ok! your busy, i get it
still sucks tho-
(reader) put her phone away, slipping it into their hoodie pocket as lexi shut off her phone as well, kind of frowning as cassie looked at the two, finally finding something cassie and maddy could do to get them together.
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next class, maddy and (reader) sat next to each other in science class, (reader) zoning out through half of it, bored.
(reader) felt a buzz in her pocket, taking it out slowly to see a text from maddy.
(reader) glanced at maddy confused, as the two didn't really interact and would only contact each other if there was an emergency.
hi, u ok?
yeah, u going to lexi's tonight
nah and how do u know about that
cassie but who cares about that rn, why aren't u going
my parents got into a fight, gonna take care of my mom and make sure she doesn’t get wine drunk
who cares?
i do. it’s my mom, i need to take care of her
but do u want to?
. . .
how about u come over to their home and relax a bit, cassie says she misses you and plus, i’m gonna there, i’ll make up an excuse for u
she does?
i guess i’ll go then
cool, see u later then
(reader) smiled lightly, closing maddy’s contact and opening lexi’s
i’m actually coming over tonight
cool! see u
lexi’s mood lifted, putting her phone away as she was happy that she got to spend time with her and finally!
the two weren’t able to spend time after school because of her parents getting into fights constantly for the past month, which sucked because that was the time where they were able to spend most of their time together.
but because maddy persuaded her, she was finally able to go now that she had an excuse. which made the two lovebirds happy.
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so. . . maddy wasn’t there, same with cassie. they both lied.
but the two teenagers could care less as (reader) sat at the edge of lexi’s bed in silence, playing truth or dare.
“truth or dare.” “truth.”
“is it true that jules and rue are dating?” (reader) questioned lexi, resting her head on top of her knees, rocking back and forth, bored as a movie played in the background.
“i. . . actually don’t know.” “yeah? hm.”
“they definitely have some type of. . . tension though.” (reader) said, throwing her head back to the bed post as lexi nodded, agreeing with her as she typed on her computer.
“what are you writing anyway? just asking.” (reader) asked, picking at her painted finger nails.
“i’m trying to write a play.” “ooooo! what’s it about?” (reader) questioned, her interest being picked up as she raised her head.
“about our lives, my life, just what happens in this high school.” lexi explained, smiling at (reader)‘s sudden interested and smile.
“can i take a look? just for a second?” lexi nodded at her as she scooted herself closer to lexi, looking at her computer as lexi lightly scrolled through the plot she had.
the plot described the people, ranging from jade, hallie, marta, luna and angela. the plot focused one part on angela, the main character telling the audience that she liked angela, having a deep crush on her despite not confessing to not ruin the friendship she loved.
considering the play was about the lives in their high school, she assumed the main character was lexi as (reader) let out a ‘oooo’ in interest.
“who’s the lucky girl then?” (reader) turned to lexi, interested. lexi looked at her, hesitation rising in her as (reader) waited for a response.
“um. . . it’s you, (reader).” lexi confessed, staring at her with a slight blush on her cheeks while (reader) was frozen in place. not because she was mad but because she was shocked that her crush liked her back too.
“w—wait, really?” (reader) questioned, trying to make sure that she heard lexi correctly.
“yeah, i’ve liked you for a while now.” (reader) suddenly let a smile come onto her face, smiling the hardest to the point her cheeks hurt from the pressure.
“can i kiss you?. . . if your ok with it?” (reader) asked lexi as she nodded, moving closer to lexi, kissing her lightly on the lips.
the two separated from the kiss, lexi still having that blush on her cheeks as (reader) smiled at her, now holding her hand.
“this might be a dumb question because we probably are but can i be your girlfriend? if your comfortable with it, i don’t wanna—“
“i’d love that.” lexi interrupted her question as she smiled, clapping her fingers a little, happy.
“thank you.” (reader) thanked as lexi nodded, holding her hand still.
“can i help you with your play?” (reader) asked lexi as she nodded again, (reader) now laying on lexi’s side as she typed on her computer.
and for the rest of the night, they spent their time writing the play during their first night as girlfriends.
AUTHORS NOTE, sorry if this kinda sucked! i’m still getting used to writing x reader since i mainly write x oc on wattpad a lot so yeah, sorry if this wasn’t good, i hope you enjoyed tho and have a good day!
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queer-reader-07 · 2 months ago
favorite books
congratulations! you've unlocked the special interest!
since you said books (plural) who knows when this list will end!
my forever number ones:
Dune by Frank Herbert - this is like my one fav i can never quite articulate because it's just. so perfect to me. it changed my life though and i love it with my whole heart.
The Feeling of Falling in Love by Mason Deaver - this is the book i'm known for. this is the book i've gotten enough people to read that i've lost count. this is the book i've gained friendships because of. it's a t4t YA romcom that is equal parts tender, loving, emotional growth and absolute tomfoolery. i love it so dearly i genuinely cannot express to you how much i love this book it is my main special interest outside of chemistry i am being so serious.
sci fi & fantasy favs:
Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler - ok it's more spec fic than anything but you get the point. this book is about radical hope and its importance in the face of despair and oppression. set in 2024, written in the 90s, required reading if you haven't already. also "god is change" fundamentally altered my approach to deconstruction so there's that too.
Masters of Death by Olivie Blake - like a gaiman novel but written by a good person! very gay, very messy, literal games of the gods. your main character is a vampire real estate agent and she wants to sell this haunted house but the ghost haunting it won't leave. the godson of Death is like a cunty asshole but you also kind of love him? god it's an insane premise and i LOVE it.
The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams - this is what epic fantasy should be. the MC is like what if indiana jones was a Black lesbian and it absolutely rocks. empires on the brink of collapse, potential incoming apocalypse, running from the authorities, all the good stuff.
contemporary and litfic favs:
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong - i read this for the first time as a newly discovered queer 15 year old in my gender in lit and film class and my one memory from that experience is hearing my teacher read the line "do you think we'll be fags forever?" out loud and me immediately crying. i've since reread it and that line still ruins me, but it's also just a phenomenal exploration of queerness in the midst of being raised by and being an immigrant in White america. vuong writes this novel as a letter to a mother who the author knows cannot read english, which is art if i ever saw it. vuong is a poet writing prose and it shows in the most beautiful way.
If You Still Recognize Me by Cynthia So - this is for the fandom girlies (gn)!!! there's a bit where our MC says something to the effect of "i can't wait to read her fic and type out a comment saying 'i hate you for ruining my life!!' when really i mean 'i love you i love you i love you'" AND IT GOT ME IN MY FEELS. anyway this book had me like that one spider-man meme.
Old Enough by Haley Jakobson - i bring you an excerpt from my review: This novel is for the cringefail queers. It's for the young queers. It's for the queers who tried a little too hard when they came out. It's for the queers who tried to hold onto their closeted life in one way or another for a little too long. It's for the queers who feel that they never really came of age; the ones who maybe still are. What I'm saying is, this book is for me. It's about me in many ways.
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin - a queer classic for a reason. this novel explores masculinity through repressed queerness and self loathing and i think it altered my brain chemistry in the process. such a poignant and tragic piece of literature.
nonfic favs:
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin - this book unironically changed my life, baldwin is a genius. my copy is marked up to shit and i'm sure when i inevitably reread it i will mark it up even more. i immediately described this book as "timeless and thought provoking" upon finishing and i stand by that. this book was published over 60 years ago but so much of it still rings true. it's largely memoir, told through letters. it touches on race, masculinity, religion, and in many ways, radical hope.
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Y Davis - required reading for any leftist in my opinion. this emphasizes the important of collectivities and community care when organizing and fighting injustice. genuinely this novel reshaped the way i view community care (what it means, how to do it, etc etc). a foundational text on abolition and organizing as well. it emphasizes how freedom movements and fights for liberation are inherently connected. this book's thesis is "freedom for all or freedom for none" and by god it does a damn good job of communicating that.
“Whenever you conceptualize social justice struggles, you will always defeat your own purposes if you cannot imagine the people around whom you are struggling as equal partners.”
The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green - this book is part memoir, part love letter to the human story and i loved every moment of it. i think of how john reminds you in this novel that while not being able to see your future may mean not foreseeing the horrors, it also means not foreseeing the joy and wonder that awaits you. i think of how he describes hope as a "prerequisite for my survival" and how that has grown into the core of my politic. i think of how this book taught me that cynicism is unsustainable and we do a disservice to ourselves and each other when we give into it
special categories of favs specifically for the books about being mixed race that made me feel seen and real:
A Mind Spread Out on the Ground by Alicia Elliot - i wrote a whole essay about this one chapter out of this book because of how much it resonated but, in short: this is a sobering memoir to say the least. elliot tells the story of her life as a mixed race, First Nations indigenous woman through a collection of essays. she covers topics such as colonialism, racism and racialization, and misogyny. there's this one essay in particular that will always stick out to me personally as a mixed person, Half-Breed: A Racial Biography in Five Parts. it explores this specific grief around being mixed, around having privilege your non mixed family doesn't, around having to use that privilege to protect them. it's the best literary explanation i have ever found for the feelings i've held for so long. overall though, this novel is a great example for what i mean when i say the person is political. just, really good all around if you're looking for memoir.
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett - i read this book for the first time when i was like 15 and i really ought to revisit it but i remember being stopped dead in my tracks by how accurate the exploration of race in America was. how it explores the way that race is oftentimes less about your personal identity and more about how others perceive you (what does it mean to pass as white? how can and do some mixed people use that ability? what does that say about our society and our history?).
This Place is Still Beautiful by Xixi Tian - many of the same themes as The Vanishing Half but YA and more accessible! this one resonated particularly well with me as it follows two sisters, both White & Chinese, and their experiences with their racial identity. one sister looks "more Asian" and the other looks "more White" and the way that played out felt like a mirror to my life, i saw in them the same feelings i've felt every time someone told me my brother "just looks so much more Japanese" than me. and to see those struggles in a teen, to know that my experience wasn't isolated? it was so meaningful, revolutionary even.
ok that's all for now, i'm almost certainly forgetting some but these are all favs of mine <3
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ssinboo · 2 years ago
down bad.
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summary: You and your long time bestfriend smoke together
in reply to this lovely ask!
pairing: DJ!Bad boy!Vernon x Fem!Reader
word count: 1.6k (8~ minute read)
warnings: drinking, partying, weed, very explicit making out, extremely inaccurate drug use (I have asthma, i have never come even close to a single weed)
a/n: Sooo incredibly thankful for the unending love on my previous fics! The past two months have been so hectic and all your comments gave me so much joy!! I apologise for being M.I.A, but I am working on the second part of As it was! as well as some very abandoned wips!
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With a hypnotising smile, Vernon Chwe waltzed into your life like he belonged. A part-time DJ at the place you waited tables during your first semester, he was a womanising, chain smoking, asshole.
He was also your best – read: only, – friend.
You just got each other. his awkward, out of this world kind of humour was just up your alley. It wasn’t uncommon for you to burst out laughing at a stupid meme sent in your chat.
Tonight, he was DJing at a new club, a high-stakes sort of place downtown that had lines that wrapped around the block every Friday night.
This could very well be the moment he will make it to stardom.
Heading straight for the venue after your shift, you make quick work of wading through the crowd to find your bestie. And he’s talking to a guy, looking all important.
You blow him a kiss, which he makes a show out of catching and placing his palm over his lips.
The stubborn butterflies that find your stomach don’t go unnoticed.
You did have a teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy, little crush on your best friend. Maybe it wasn’t so little, after all. Not when he plagued your mind 24/7 with flirty smirks and caring gestures.
Vernon was a touchy guy by nature, his hands always finding their way to your body; Which wasn’t an issue at first but quickly developed into a problem as you found yourself falling for him.
“Hey, handsome,” You greet him, immediately getting pulled into his arms.
“There’s my girl,” Not a cell in your body can resist his warm words, you were his girl and would always be. Vernon wraps his arm around your neck, kissing your cheek.
You’d picked out his fit for tonight, an all-black ensemble with a knitted black top and cross jewellery, your favourite. But it still messes with your heart to see the chain draped over his collarbones.
“Thought you weren’t comin’.”
“Oh, please, I couldn’t miss your biggest gig yet.”
He smiles, nuzzling against your temple.
“Didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” The guy he was previously talking to finally makes his presence known.
“Nah…” Vernon laughs, “Man, you know I don’t do relationships– This is my homegirl, my best friend. She’s my ride or die.”
There’s only so many times you can hear those words and still have a reaction.
You force a smile, telling the stranger your name.
He’s a little shorter than Vernon with a slender figure and a defined chest that is visible even through his shirt. Bleached blond hair that falls over his forehead flawlessly and bedroom eyes. God, hot people only hung out with hotter people.
“I’m Chan, nice to meet ya.”
“Chan’s a dancer, you have to see him, man. He’s fucking amazin’” Despite his arm not leaving your shoulders, Vernon emphasises his words with large gestures, sending your head crashing against his chest more than once.
You slap at his arm, smoothing down your hair before turning to acknowledge Chan.
“Well, I’ll keep my eye out for you.”
Chan smiles.
You hear Vernon’s name being called out.
“That’s my cue,” He kisses your hair, and reaches out his hand to fist bump Chan.
“Give em’ hell, pretty boy,” You cheer, watching him walk away.
Before you can even dread the awkwardness of losing your common friend, Chan is easing you into conversation.
“Come on, let me get you a drink? I’ll show you the best spot on the floor.”
He takes you to a corner close enough to the stage where you can see Vernon but not insanely close to the booming speakers. You’re more than happy to have room to breathe in the packed club.
Chan returns with your drinks; he brings you a fruity cocktail with pretty colours and an undertaste you can’t be bothered to figure out.
Vernon is a master at reading a crowd.
He can and will pick out the exact song to fit the mood, he knows by heart every timing to drop the beat and get the best reaction. You always find your body moving against your will when you watch him.
“Do you dance?” Chan leans over, having to scream in your ears over the music.
You shake your head vigorously, denying this mischievous look he bears.
“Come on?” He reaches for your hand and since your drinks have long been discarded, you don’t have an excuse.
Chan escorts you to the floor, where it is a lot more packed than your excluded corner. The blinking LEDs are almost blinding, especially when they follow the beat.
Once you stop caring about your own inability to dance, you realise how right Vernon was: Chan is a fucking dancing machine.
His body is moving in ways you could never imagine someone could, every turn of his hips dripping in precision. Now, with the alcohol simmering in your bloodstream and Chan’s contagious moves, you can’t help but find yourself swaying along with the pounding bass.
Two hours.
That’s how long you’re having fun on the dance floor with Chan to the sound of Vernon’s carefully curated playlist.
You were so enraptured by the ambience, you happened to miss the way Vernon’s eyes did not leave your figures once.
And you think you might have gotten yourself a new friend. The night was so much fun in his presence and as Vernon is walking toward you both, it can only get more fun, right?
You smile, jumping in your place with open arms to congratulate him.
“You killed it!” You exclaim, clinging to his arm.
Vernon is burying himself in your arms, nuzzling at your neck.
“Dude, you are the best DJ they’ve ever had,” Chan taps at his shoulder, joining in on your praise.
“Oh, I’m sure of that!”
“Seriously?” Vernon questions, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He can smell the lingering fruity scent of your drinks.
“Of course!” Chan agrees.
You nod.
“I’ll trust your judgement, then,” He chuckles. “Wanna get outta here?” Vernon turns to you before looking at Chan.
Shrugging, you both look at Chan – Who has the slyest smile ever.
“Oh, hell yeah, I got something for you.”
You weren’t a big smoker. Sure you ‘dabbled’ every now and then, mostly whenever Vernon had some and you were in the mood to relax. OKay, maybe every now and then means twice and the last time, you thought you were going to die because you stood up too fast and got dizzy.
But Vernon and Chan are so into it right now.
Vernon is splayed out on his beaten up couch, laying against you with his legs over the second-hand coffee table you had to gorilla glue back together after it broke during moving.
And Chan is spread over the armchair, blunt between his pointer and thumb as he talks about the artful choreography of Michael Jackson’s thriller – Though, you zoned out minutes ago.
It’s only when Vernon is nudging at your side, offering you the blunt when you wake up.
“I’m not sure…” You whisper quietly, “You remember last time, it was too much.”
Vernon licks at his chapped lips, leaning back straight. He glances at Chan for a second before he stares back at you. “ We can try something else, might be better than pullin’ straight from it.”
You have no idea what he means by that, but you trust him.
So when against your better judgement, Vernon brings the burning bud to his lips, chest rising as he pulls, you’re surprised. But he doesn’t inhale or exhale, no.
He reaches for your cheeks, pulling your lips toward his. So close, untouching yet you can feel him so clearly.
The smoke tickles at your lips, stinging at your eyes until you say fuck it and inhale. You feel its warmth at first, following its path through your system, lazily pooling into your lungs with its languid daze.
And you think it’s all he will do, just so you will smoke and that was the plan. But when Vernon watched your eyelids droop above your adoring gaze, he couldn’t hold it anymore.
So he crashes his tongue into your parted mouth, devouring your taste with an unfound hunger; Specially when you’re humming so sweetly into his lips. It’s nothing near a chaste peck. Saliva drips from your connected lips, his grip on your neck tightens, bringing you further into him so he can ravish every bit of your eager tongue.
There’s a heat that burns in your chest, hotter than the blunt he holds between his pointer and thumb. And you melt into the shape of his body, dripping, seeping into every crevice, fingers reaching for his chest, curious touch mapping out every inch of his skin you can grasp.
You’re moaning against his lips, brain hazy under the intoxicating drug that he exudes. You wrap your arms around his neck, closing yourself off to the world and diving deeply into the perfect bubble he has created for you two and leans into you, chest rising and falling into yours.
And when the kiss ends, you’re panting, lips covered in a mixture of your saliva and his, reddened and swollen with his attention. Vernon smiles, running his tongue along your lips.
“Do you feel it?” He whispers, pressing kisses along your jaw.
Oh, you feel nothing but the bubbling desire that pools along your stomach, burning through your veins with its lingering longing. By kissing you, Vernon has given you a taste of heaven, so how must you go on, knowing what his lips feel like?
You’re so busy with your thoughts of his kisses, you don’t notice the show Vernon makes of running his lips along your neck or the wink he sends Chan.
Vernon liked to say he wasn’t a possessive person, especially when it came to material assets, he wasn’t attached to his laptop or phone, and would happily lend his clothes to friends.
But when it came to you, there weren’t limits to his possessiveness, you were his from the moment you first smiled at him.
“…Fuck,” Chan grunts, looking down at his very obvious hard-on.
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