#I think. I might have overdid it yesterday
shima-draws · 1 year
Walking around at a con for 6 hours while dealing with major back and hip issues is not a good idea send tweet
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Again not a request though but… imagine if Ange Ushiromiya encounters Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3.
i feel like they'd have quite a bit in common! though because they're both so snarky in their own slightly different ways, i'm not sure they'd get along very well lmao, at least not as teens or young adults. maybe they could meet on equal footing after taking the time to work through their trauma.
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More of You, Pt. 1
Direct continuation from the fic Wildflower! I'd recommend reading it first before this one (。・∀・)ノ゙
Part 2
One month since Ghost got deployed, one month since their 'date' got postponed, until Laswell called Jade to tell her that he'd gone missing in action.
Pairing : Simon “Ghost” Riley x Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin (OC)
Word Count : ~ 7.8k words (I overdid it but idc lmao)
Warning : some angst with flufff don't worry, some whump, light gore, hurt/comfort, and good ol’ cursings.
Prompt : There's only one bed oop
Title and story inspired by the song with the same title by JP Saxe!
“Ghost, give me a sitrep now!” 
“Watcher-1, things are not lookin’ good-- They found me.”
“We cannot get you an exfil in that area. You need to lose them first. Get out of there right now!”
“My ammo’s runnin’ out… I can’t lose them—”
“Ghost, do you copy?!
It's been two months since Simon told her that he's going out of the country to go on a mission. It's honestly crazy how much she missed him already, considering the fact that they were not even a couple yet. Jade couldn't even fathom how much his presence, or at least his mere existence in the same country, meant to her. Two months felt so long. Too long. 
No one to call her names, no one to ask her to go explore London culinaries, no one to go thrifting with (for Ghost's lack of variety of wardrobe), no one to have a drink while stargazing.
And no one to hug. 
Well, not that she ever hugged him for more than 2 seconds anyway. Ghost was certainly not a hugger. The only times they hug were after each… 'date', they'd come in contact for a short hug, before Ghost took off. 
He must've hated hugs. 
Jade sighed, resting her chin on her palm at the Le Jardin floristry counter.
It was a slow day. There were a few pre-orders, but there weren't even 15 clients that came in. One hour until the shop closes, and Jade was the only person at the shop. Her employees had left, while her parents were on a trip to Asia. Honestly, it miffed her, because now her mind was full of Ghost and Ghost only.
Where is he?, she wondered. 
The ringtone of her phone snapped her out of her thoughts. Jade reached for her phone on the counter, and Laswell's name was written on the screen. She raised her eyebrow at the sight, thinking of what else the CIA agent had in store for her after Jade clearly told her that she was retired. 
Rolling her eyes, Jade tapped the green button and put the phone on her ear, "Kate, you can't just call me whenever you run out of people to send out–"
"Ghost is MIA."
Not even a second later, her legs brought her to the front door before she flipped the tag from 'Open' to 'Closed'. "For how long?"
"Yesterday." Laswell's calm voice continued on the phone, "Ghost going dark is not an uncommon occurrence. He's used to it, and all this time he always comes back, but the situation was awry."
"What happened before he went MIA?" Jade switched the light off, climbed the stairs to reach her room and quickly opened her drawer to change into 'proper' clothes. 
"We had an intel about a hidden drug stash in South America. There was a suspicion that it might be related to the Las Almas drug cartel. After months of tracking, Ghost then found a hidden facility. He went to investigate, but it appeared that his position was compromised, and the last thing we know, he was being chased by the Narcos before the radio cut off." The CIA agent explained, her tone was stable, yet there was a tinge of guilt in them. "I fear he might be in a dangerous situation, or worse."
Zipping up her turtleneck, Jade then walked to her father's study, obtaining the key to open the discreet stash of weapons behind the shelves. 
"Price and Gaz are with Farah in Urzikstan, while Soap is halfway around the globe on another mission." 
She took her plate carrier, her karambit knives and their holsters, plus her firearms along with the ammo. 
“I apologize to you, Jade. I truly do. But you're our best tracker, and I know what he means to you, so I notified you first.”
Putting all the necessary pieces of equipment into a duffle bag, Jade then lifted the bag downstairs, moving fast to the backdoor and made her way to her sedan, sitting in the driver’s seat. 
“Your wheels are up in 3 hours and I'll brief you more on the way. Are you up for this?”
“Brief me now.”
The facility was deep in the middle of a rainforest. Made of cement, hidden by the tall trees of South America, it was a well-hidden building, obviously far out of the public eye.
Hiding behind the tall bushes and her steps covered by the pouring rain, it was relatively easy for her to take a tour around the building to scout the area. Jade could at least count 12 armed guards outside, guarding the many sides of the building. They rotate the place constantly every hour, occasionally talking into their radio for reports. 
Twelve was a ton of people for the building’s size, almost too much. They were in the middle of a rainforest and far from any city. The only reason they need this much guard out would be a whole pack of hungry jaguars. 
However, judging by the number of Narcos' dead bodies that Jade had encountered in the mud along the way, the reason for the many guards was definitely not big cats.
He must’ve stealthily killed his way in, and somehow he got noticed by a guard, and they started to hunt him down with guns blazing.
Jade swallowed. The only thing she was relieved about was the fact that none of those lifeless bodies was Ghost’s. It had been 4 days since Laswell lost contact with him. Ghost being captured had the highest possibility at this point, as the guards might not be placed to guard against who’s outside. 
But to contain who’s inside. 
"Watcher-1 this is Sierra-4, twelve armed guards on the exterior. I'm thinking of infiltrating them from the south side of the building." Jade spoke with a low voice to her PTT, preparing herself to go in, picturing every single step of her feet towards the building, every motion of her limbs to reach the point of entrance.
"Copy that, Sierra-4, you may proceed. Keep updating me on the situation."
Just after Laswell’s confirmation, sounds of gunshots rang from inside the building. That shocked and confused Jade as she lowered her scope which she had used to scout the area. All the guards turned around to face the building as more shots were fired from the inside. She could hear their loud chatters and shoutings through their radios, panic was written all over their faces as most of them ran inside to check the situation. 
Jade couldn’t quite hear what the guards were talking about as their voices were muffled by the rain, but one thing she could clearly hear in Spanish was,
‘The prisoner escaped!’
Ghost was fighting his way out.
"Watcher-1, I hear gunshots from the inside. I suspect it's Ghost." Jade spoke with urgency in her voice.
"Copy that, Sierra-4. It's your move. You need to go in and help him." Laswell replied.
"Way ahead of ya."
"Good luck." 
She scoffed, half-afraid and half-amused, taking aim with her rifle again as the guards were lowered to five. It was equipped with a suppressor, and taking out the dumbfounded guards outside was an easy fit. Their heads exploded upon impact with her bullets before collapsing to the ground, leaving the exterior unguarded. It was finally time for her to get inside.
To finally see him. 
'See you tomorrow, Lottie.'
Ghost had said before he softly kissed her on her cheek, promising to ice skate and eat Korean barbecue with her on the 15th of February, only for her to be left disappointed when she received a text from him the next morning that he’ll be going on a mission. This mission. 
Jade gritted her teeth at the memory, "I'm going in."
Rushing forward to the entrance of the building, She used her feet to silently press herself to the cement walls, the sound of gunshots was still going, albeit muffled. It’s like the sounds were coming from below. 
Loading her HK416, Jade infiltrated the area. She perceived at least four armed people in the main room, all looking towards one particular hallway while muttering nervously in Spanish, which she immediately suspected was the way to where Ghost was. Throwing a stun grenade inside, five bodies quickly fell to the ground from her shots.
Suddenly, another group of armed narcos came out of another room from the northern side, opening fire towards Jade while she was reloading. A bullet went past her shoulder, the sound of it ripping the air around it left a ringing sound on her ear. She could do nothing but quickly hide herself from the incoming rain of bullets behind a wall. The narcos emptied their mags like their fingers were glued to the trigger. It seemed like they were not properly trained.
When they were reloading, Jade took another flashbang and threw the can to the middle of the group. Quickly canting her aim, her rifle couldn't pick a better time to be jammed, prompting her to curse and switch to the pistol on her hips on the right and picked up her karambit blade with her left. 
While the guards were stunned, it became muscle memory from there. Taking out three front-most people with the gun, using another as a shield from the incoming aimless fire, slitting the throat, and then  another Narco in the face with the butt of the gun before forcing her blade up to the under jaw.
Having cleared the main room, Jade huffed, quickly fixing the jammed rifle, and proceeded by silently going even further into the building. 
There was a long hallway with a number of doors along them. Jade smacked one door open, only to see white-coloured blocks of drugs on a table, and judging from the colour, cocaine must be the identity of the drug. She checked each and every one of the doors and found the same things. This building was a drug warehouse; a place where the drugs were stored before their export or distribution for sale. At first, she couldn’t discern for sure if this facility was indeed owned by the Las Almas drug cartel, but when she looked upon the notable stamp of El Sin Nombre’s skull, her doubt vanished.
Jade then moved further into the hallway and reached an intersection, where another set of gunshots and screams found her ears. Her legs brought her closer to the noise, finding a stairway downwards to the basement area. She quickly descended the stairs, finding herself surrounded by a dirty, poorly dug tunnel. Nevertheless, the ex-MI6 focused on her objective and ran to the source of the sound, when she finally reached the source of all the ruckus.
She turned from a corner with her aim up on an intersection, finding Ghost with his mask on, fighting four men at once, below them were the bodies of Narcos that he had killed prior. With a knife in one hand and his own pistol in the other, he stabbed a Narco in the neck and used his body as a shield from the incoming bullets. He then threw the knife straight at his assaulter’s face as Jade saw the other two taking aim at him. Upon reflex, Jade shot down the remaining Narcos, leaving Ghost the one standing alone in the tunnel seemingly dumbfounded at what just happened right in front of him.
With relief washing over her, Jade rushed towards Ghost, finding him still standing, still fighting, still alive. “Ghost!”
Only to be welcomed by the barrel of his gun aiming straight at her. 
Before Ghost could pull his trigger, Jade’s reflex kicked in and defeated her own sadness and sorrow of not seeing him for more than two months, and leapt to his side, grabbing the barrel of the firearm away from her. She then used her speed and abundance of energy to kick his ankle strong enough to push Ghost off his balance. He fell down to the ground with a loud thud on his back. Jade kicked the pistol out of his hand, before putting her whole weight to press on his entire figure. 
Still, Ghost was known for his superior combat ability and survival instinct. His hand found another knife on his hip holster, ready to stab the person who was holding him down.
The sound of his first name stopped his knife on its track, stopping right beside her neck – a few mere inches before blood could’ve been spilt. And just after he heard his name, he felt a soft touch on his uninjured cheek. 
Jade had opened his mask, revealing his face in the open. With how skilled and lethal Ghost was as an operator, she never thought she’d ever see Ghost in this state. His left cheek and eye were swollen, and there were traces of blood running down his temple. Even though black in colour, his clothes had darker spots where only blood could stain them. He had his plate carrier and his knife holsters on, but they too were stained with blood. 
And his eyes, it was filled with rampage, pure anger and wild want for blood. Yet it was unfocused, like a blind beast ready to get rid of anyone standing in his way. 
Imprisonment. Torture. 
“It’s me. It’s me. I’m here for you. You’re okay.” He blinked a number of times, and the red fog that had been clouding his vision disappeared, finding the face of the woman he loved right above him.
“You’re okay now. I’m here. Please, it’s over, Simon.” Her shaky voice continued, desperation filling her tone. Her green eyes were already brimming with tears threatening to fall down. “It’s over.” She breathed, hoping that somehow, her voice could bring him back.
Hearing her nickname in his deep, hoarse voice was all the sign she needed. Ghost lowered his knife, and before he knew it, Jade dropped down to hug Ghost tightly, burying her face in his shoulders. She sobbed into the side of her neck, grasping his clothes with her fingers in relief. Finally, finally, he’s back in her arms. After days of anxious and dark thoughts about losing the only man she’s ever allowed herself to love, he’s finally here, in her arms.
However, that relief was short-lived as Ghost grabbed her shoulders and lifted her smaller figure away from him. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN’ HERE?!” 
That response startled her, “WH– I’M HERE TO SAVE YOU, YOU BIG BOZO!”
Jade then wrestled her way out of Ghost’s weak hands, “YOU WENT MIA FOR DAYS!”
“FUCKIN’ HELL–” Trying to sit up abruptly turned out to be a big mistake as a sharp pain burst out from his side, making him grunt out loud. Noticing this, Jade held him up before he fell back down to the floor. She then glanced to his side, and there, she caught sight of a fresh graze wound on his side. Observing him further, she found a crudely tied, blood-stained bandage wrapped around his right shoulder. Judging by the sight of it, this might be the lucky shot that had subdued Ghost and made the Narcos manage to capture him. 
Nevertheless, they needed to get out of this building before reinforcements arrived. Seeing the condition he was in, he'll need some assistance to even stand now. fighting off the reinforcement would be impossible. “This warehouse – where’s the supervisor?”
“I gutted him.” He growled, hatred filling his voice. She could easily deduce that the supervisor was the one who had been inflicting these wounds to him.
And so, she used all her strength to lift and help Ghost stand up. "Can you walk?" 
"I can–" he stumbled to the wall, using his pained arms to support himself up. "Fuck…" It had been four days since he went MIA. That meant four days of badly treated wounds, blood spilling from the tortures, and no food. Still, he managed to escape and fight his way out, leaving dead bodies as his footsteps.
Such mental fortitude was something to be feared indeed.
"Alright, come 'ere, Big Man." Jade sneaked her hand behind his back and circled his arm around her shoulder before assisting him to quickly walk out of the damned warehouse. To hell with these drugs and the people inside. 
"Watcher-1, this is Sierra-4.” Pressing the PTT, Jade contacted the CIA. “I've secured Bravo 0-7. I repeat, Bravo 0-7 is secured."
Prior to arriving at the warehouse, Jade had located a rickety old cabin inside the forest. It was placed near a river far away from the warehouse. Though it’s not fully hidden, it worked well as a resting place for the night as it was pretty deep inside the forest, and of course, because there’s no way that the man that she was currently holding up could walk all the way to the nearby city. 
Stepping into the wooden floors of the cabin, Jade glanced to the side where she found a single bed placed on the edge of the room. “There’s a bed there. Let’s get you down.” Straining her voice from holding Ghost’s weight for the entire 30-minute walk there, she finally sat Ghost down on the bed before he collapsed to his back, panting heavily and clearly out of fuel.
“Fuck… I’m beat.” He managed to breathe out with his sore voice.
“Here, drink some water. Drink all of it since we have a river in front.” Jade gave her own canteen to him, to which he chugged down to the last drop while still lying down. 
In the meantime, Jade tinkered with her radio, pressing down on her PTT to contact Laswell.
“Watcher-1 this is Sierra-4 do you copy?” 
Not long, the radio buzzed, “Sierra-4 this is Watcher-1, send traffic.” 
“We’re currently holed up in an old cabin near a river about four clicks northwest of the warehouse. His radio was destroyed by a bullet, so that might be why his comms suddenly disappeared.”
A loud sigh of relief could be heard on the radio, “That’s great news. How is he looking?” 
She took a glance at Ghost, who was still laying back while covering his eyes with the back of his hand. “Beat. But alive. Very lean. Injuries and wounds all over. He’d worn his mask when I found him, but…” A thought had been weighing on her mind the whole way they walked to the cabin. “If he got captured, then the first thing the Narcos did was obviously to take off his mask. Is his identity compromised now?”
“No. It’s still the same as ever. Even if they saw his face - as long as Ghost didn’t give out his name - there’s no record of his face anywhere. Every earlier visual identity had also been redacted.” Jade raised her eyebrows. So that’s how he maintained his anonymity all this time. 
“That sounds like him. Anyway, we’re pretty deep in the woods. Sun’s going down, and the nearest town is around 15 kilos from here. I think we need to lay low for a while.” 
“Copy that. I’ll see what I can do for your exfil, I’ll be in touch. You guys should rest for a while.” Laswell finally said, a tone of calm in her voice. “And thank you so much, Jade. I’m sorry for dragging you back again.”
Jade could only scoff at that. “It’s fine. Besides, if you’d sent out anyone else to find him… I’d be a wee~ bit offended.” 
“Oh? Is this what I think it is?” She could clearly hear the wide smile on the CIA agent’s face.
“I’m gonna go patch the big man up now. Sierra-4 out.” Finally finishing her report with Laswell’s chuckle as the last thing she heard, Jade sighed, watching the strong and steady flow of the river below. It was freezing, but at least they had shelter. Now all she needed to do was keep Ghost alive and comfortable while keeping tabs with Laswell.
"Lottie, why are you here."
Ghost’s strained voice pulled Jade’s attention from the wound that she was currently treating on his shoulder. That crudely-tied bandage was not replaced at all after his capture and left a terrible-looking injury, which by the look of it, was obviously infected that when she’d pulled it, the skin that already tried to heal got pulled along with it.
"What? I thought I said to you already. Your radio cut off abruptly, so Laswell sent me out to find you." Jade answered, still dabbing cotton onto the lacerated skin caused by the bullet.
"Fuckin' hell…" 
That tone irked her. "You sound like you don't want me here."
"That's right! I do NOT want you here!" Ghost yelled to her, making her lean back on the chair she was sitting on and stopped what she was doing. His angered face was a new sight for her.
"What?! Are you telling me to just stay back while I know you were captured?!"
“Laswell knew for a fact that this was not my first time going MIA. She did not have to tell you about it because as you could see, I got out on my own.” He told her harshly, that tone starting to aggravate her.
“You were missing! Can’t you see that I was worried for you?!” Jade countered, trying to keep her composure while he palmed his face in visible frustration, “More than two months you’ve been gone for a mission alone, and now that I finally have news about you, I was told that your radio cut off with gunshots!” 
“You should’ve just stayed home and get on with your days. I never asked for you to come here.” Gravely he told her as he saw Jade’s eyes start to turn sombre. Those words came out of his mouth on their own.
Deep inside, Ghost knew what was coming – He needed to stop himself.
“I found you battered and bruised, Simon! You can’t just expect me to–”
"I don't need you to save me!”  He raised his voice harshly, shocking her. 
No. That was not what he wanted to say. 
He knew; he truly knew it was the opposite. 
He didn't want her to get hurt.
"I don't need you!” 
Her face was everything he needed to know that he fucked up. Ghost saw her face turn to dread like her heart just got stabbed a thousand times over, that after everything she did, after everything she felt – it was only for him to tell her those words. 
For a moment the only thing they heard was the pouring rain outside. 
Before Ghost saw the woman in front of him grit her teeth, seeming like she chose to not believe what he just said.
“There were at least a dozen armed guards outside! What did you think you could do with those wounds?!" It was her turn to raise her voice, “If I hadn't been there to find you, what could you do with a gun an a knife?!"
It was the last thing that snapped him. Ghost ignored all the pain in his arms to grab onto her shoulders, 
And just like that, Jade gasped as she blinked. His grasp on her shoulder felt firm yet shaky, and she couldn’t tell if it was because of the searing pain or from the emotion he felt, as this is the first time she saw Ghost with that expression. Maskless, bruises all over, bloodshot eyes brimming with tears, and a face that had desperation and sorrow painted all over it.
He started with a low voice, but the emotions in his words still remained, “You’ve left this life for a reason, Lottie. And for a good one. Think of your mother, your father, your friends, who love you and care for you! What if you get hurt alone inside this fucking rainforest?! What if you die, huh?! What do I say to your parents?!"
"What if you die?!" Jade countered, trying to make sense of his words.
"I don't fucking care if I die!"
"You say that as if no one is waiting for you to come home! I DO!” Jade grabbed both of his hands from her shoulders, gathering them with her own. ”I love you!"
Her action surprised Ghost, but more than anything, the last three words felt like an epiphany. 
"You think Kate should've just shut up about it and left me in the dark?! Well, that's just fucking stupid, Ghost. If you think that you did this for me, then you're wrong!” She shouted bitterly, her scowl taking over her face in such a way that it looked out of place, tears already brimming in her eyes. 
"You think I didn't know that your missions are dangerous? I know that! That's why I can't just stand back while I know I have the full capability to find you! If it means that I can finally have you back, then to hell with my retirement! Great, now I'm crying!" All that stress and frustration of finding him these last four days came out of her in the form of tears streaming down her cheek. The thought of finding him beaten up, all bloody, or even worse, lifeless on the ground had been eating her mind. Nevertheless, she moved her body to find him, clinging to a desperate hope that he was still alive somehow. 
Ghost could only watch as Jade buried her face in her palms, her sobs muffled by her hands. "We had a date, Simon…" That sentence felt like a thousand knives impaling his heart. He remembered being very excited that early morning, anticipating the ‘date’ with her. He remembered himself being so happy and delighted for the date, heck, he even fucking looked through his wardrobe to find the best fit for the occassion, only to be left feeling empty when he suddenly got a call to go on a mission. He could still recall how shaky his hands were when texting Jade that he couldn’t make it for the date.
"I was waiting for it. It's my first date, ever. So I'm sorry if I'm a little excited to see you, alright?" Jade raised her head to face him again, revealing her messy hair, red eyes, and cheeks smeared by tears. “I can’t lose you too."
Ghost didn't know if it was because of his courage or something else, but he moved his hand and put it right above hers, gently enveloping her hands. "I don't want you to get hurt, especially because of me." He started, looking softly into her eyes, "I'm sorry." 
Hearing that broke something in him, as for once in his life, someone waited for him to come home. Someone wanted him to be fine, and it felt… foreign.
Now, that person was sitting before him. The woman he loved, and the one who loved him back, more than he deserved. 
The fact that Ghost initiated the touch made butterflies fly wildly inside her stomach. The temperature of his skin was quite alarming though, so she kept that in mind. "Well thank you, for your consideration, but please,” Jade lifted her arm to wipe her face from the tears aggressively, sniffing her nose. “I can't have you just promise me a date one day and then disappear the next. I won't let you ghost me." Her lips pouted in a way that made him chuckle. He might go crazy if she kept doing this. "If it means finding you, then getting hurt is nothing. If you went MIA again, then I will go out and find you again."
Ghost still felt the pain all over his body, that argument took all the spare energy that he got. Meanwhile, Jade took the sewing kit from the side table, getting them ready to close Ghost's laceration. 
"Also, put some credit on my name, alright? You know I can take care of myself, Ghost." Jade muttered while taking the forceps.
"I almost stabbed you though." He replied.
"Ah." That only occurred to her now. When he was fighting off the Narcos, he thought she was an enemy and launched a knife straight to her neck. "You were in full survival mode since the whole warehouse was trying to kill you. I understand." 
"Shit… what would I say to your parents if I'd killed you?" 
"Hmmm. 'Sorry, Sir, Ma'am. I killed your daughter by accident.’, and then your body would never be seen ever again, perhaps."
That got a light laugh out of him, "We're a crazy lot aren't we?"
"Damn right we are."
There was barely any alcohol to hold the pain as Jade sutured his wounds close, and even though she had mastered the medical suturing techniques, the searing pain was going to be there to stay.
All the while her hands work, she started again, "What did they do to you?"
Ghost flinched at the question. She really hoped it wasn't something too bad. From her observations, he was badly injured on the left side, which meant he must've been punched and kicked quite a lot by the Narcos. The right side had way fewer injuries, but the little lacerations on his head looked like something sharp.
He took a deep breath, "After they caught me, I was brought to the basement and they tied my hands on my back to a pole with a rope. My feet as well. They interrogated me about who I am and my ties with Alejandro Vargas. Of course I shut my mouth the entire time."
Jade still looked at him, sending him a signal that it was not was she was asking about. Ghost sighed, before answering again, "It wasn't much, just punches and kicks, splashed water on me. The leader was a huge twat though. He smashed a bottle of alcohol on my head." Ah. There's the answer to her questions.
"And I'm assuming you used the shards to cut the ropes to escape?" She inquired, her hands still working.
"...You okay?"
He always hated the question, but coming from her, it felt different. Ghost knew how she had experienced the same things before considering they work on similar grounds. And if he wanted to be honest on the answer, she won't get much. "I'm mostly annoyed at their leader the whole time. Just thinking of how to get out of there." Ghost finally answered, "I've experienced far worse. If anything, they lacked creativity."
Jade sighed, not the worst answer. Either he was hiding the mental trauma or he's just that dulled to tortures. From the outside he looked fine and he acted like this was just another business day, but she could never guess what's going on inside his mind.
That last sentence made her chuckle though. "What do you think they should've done to make you speak?"
Ghost looked like he really considered it, "...To make me speak? No idea. Probably your favourite method."
"My method?" She raised her eyebrows.
"I--" Oh good heavens, he'd set 'nail-pulling' as her favoured method of tortures. "Okay, if and only if you have the right tools, alright."
He let out a chuckle, prompting her to laugh as well as she finished the suture on his wounds.
Cleaning up Ghost's injuries was relatively easy, as he didn't have any lethal wounds that required urgent care and deep medical knowledge. Still, watching him hiss and grunt as she sewed his lacerations was hard to do. She kept mumbling soft "Sorry, sorry." to him in a vain attempt to soothe his pain. At some point, it appeared that Ghost was completely out of fuel and dozed off sitting up while she was cleaning his skin from the blood and dirt. Closing his wounds was only the first step of first-aid care because what came after could be harder to treat since he had that infected wound on his shoulder. 
He hadn't eaten in days, was completely out of energy, had a significant blood loss, bruises all over his body, and that infected wound had finally shown its damned effect: fever. 
Jade sighed. As much as he needed the rest, he needed to eat. She'd brought some antibiotic meds, but in order to have them he had to eat first. Her legs brought her to the cabinet near the end of the bed, fortunately finding a good clean sheet of the blanket. Though, it wasn't thick enough for her liking, plus it was pretty small in size and would barely cover his large frame. Beggars can’t be choosers, so she draped the cloth onto his shoulders and his legs, making sure his figure was covered.
Opening her backpack, Jade fished out two sets of MREs, along with a ration heater. With his wounds finally dressed up and he's sleeping soundly, she walked out of the cabin to the riverside, filling her canteen with fresh river water. Pouring the water into the ration heater along with the MREs inside, Jade walked back to the doorway to avoid the rain, waiting patiently as she wiped the rainwater off of her skin.
While she was letting the heating pack do its job, she sat back on the wooden floor, slowly untying her braids that had gone messy from the actions and the rain. Fully getting the braids undone, her hair finally became loose completely, falling on her shoulders, back, and chest in the most chaotic way possible that Jade had to run her hands through her thick hair to detangle the mess. 
Ghost's weak voice startled her, making her turn around and saw the man himself standing right behind her, blanket around his shoulders. “Ghost?! What– you should’ve just slept! You can’t stand just yet–” 
“Relax,” He said softly, sitting down beside her with visible struggle. “This isn’t my first rodeo. I won’t die from moving 10 steps.” 
Seeing how he coughed wetly made her pout in disagreement. She still thought he needed to stay in bed. “How are you feeling though?”
"...like death.” 
“I thought so. Your temp was concerning. May I touch your forehead? I have to feel your temp." Ghost nodded, still, her soft touch on his forehead and neck caught him off guard, as she stared at him trying to concentrate on measuring the heat of his skin. “You’re burning up! Dammit.” Jade exclaimed upon feeling the rise of his fever, it baffled her how he still had the energy to stand up with all those wounds. 
Out of nowhere, Ghost felt pressure on his chest, before realizing that it was Jade pressing her ears to his thorax. 
He froze right there and there, turning into stone like Medusa just stared him down. Ghost sucked his teeth and looked up to hold in his blush. He knew a hundred per cent that she was checking his breathing for that terrible wet cough he let out, but his brain had turned into a mush, his heart beating so fast like he just ran a fucking marathon. She definitely could hear his racing heartbeat, but no matter how much he tried to tell his heart to stop fucking beating like there's a whole damned carnival inside his chest, it was proven futile.
“Take a deep breath.” Her voice was the only thing that snapped him out of his thoughts, doing what she told him to do. 
After hearing the air going in and out of his lungs a number of times, Jade finally leaned back again. “Yup. I’m no medic, but I can hear pneumonia coming when I hear one. You need to go back to bed.” She stood up and tried to pull him up, which was to no avail as he was still dumbfounded on the event that just happened. "The sun's setting down and the rain won't stop anytime soon. It'll get colder than this."
“I just got here–”’
“Back. To. Bed.” 
Has she always been this demanding? He never liked being told what to do when it's not from someone of higher rank, but he could surely get used to this one. Ghost couldn't help the small smile on the corner of his lips as he stood up, walking towards the hard bed slowly before sitting down again. She gathered the steaming rations on her hands and sat back on the chair, his heart swole in a way he never thought it could. 
"I brought chicken sausage and… pasta bolognese. You can choose whatever and I'll take the other one." Jade said, opening the lids to let the heat out while waiting for Ghost's answer, but when he didn't say anything, only gazing at the foods, a thought clicked in her mind. "Or or or, you can have both of them, if you want. I'm sure you're starving."
"...What about you?" Yep, she guessed right. He wanted both of them. Big man needed a big meal. 
"Don't worry about me. You haven't eaten in days. I already had mine before coming to the facility, so I'm good, I promise."
A gulp, "Can I have both?"
He’s back under that suffocating, smothering coffin under the ground. Trapped alone in the dark, he felt his heart beat racing, pounding against his chest that he could hear it on his ears. 
He couldn’t breathe. 
He’s afraid. 
Ghost tried to bang his fist against the roof, but it wouldn’t budge. Even until his arms were bruised, until blood came out, he felt that the earth would swallow him whole any second, before Ghost felt the wooden base of the coffin disappear into dust, which made his body fall into a deep, bottomless void, getting farther and farther from the coffin.
Just as he thought that he’d forever fall without end, his back hit the ground with a great force, waking him up from his nightmare. Ghost opened his eyes with a jolt of his entire body, breathing fast and laboured as if he’d just gained back his ability to take air in. 
The familiar voice called to him, prompting the man to focus his blurred vision, finding Jade. He’s finally awake enough to register that this is no longer inside the coffin where he was buried alive, but inside a wooden cabin deep in a rainforest. The rain still falling outside, the sun long gone, only the moon to accompany them. His surroundings were dark, save for the soft yellow lighting from a portable bonfire on the bedside table. Ghost was laying on his side facing her, nothing to support his head from the absence of pillows. 
He then saw that his hand was grabbing Jade’s wrist in a death grip, almost shaking. She looked like she was startled by the sudden grip of her wrist when she'd just been wiping the sweat off his face with a handkerchief, but she didn’t show any sign of panic or daze, just calmness inside her eyes. "Nightmare?" 
Ghost released his grip and answered with an alarming wet cough, his breathing starting to sound difficult, before weakly muttering, "Why aren't you asleep?" 
"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor–" He tried to wake up before being pushed down back to the bed on his side. 
"Your fever got worse, you were sweating, and shivering as well. That infected wound on your shoulder added to the problem." Ghost might not be in his best condition, but he could hear her worry as clear as day.
She looked messy with the very long red locks of hers undone, contrasting with her usual tidy and orderly appearance. And to be frank, she’d had that worried tone since the second she found him in the warehouse, since she heard that he was missing, and probably since the day he texted her that he’d had to go on a mission. 
"That is total nonsense! I'm not the one who's beaten up right now!” The logic must have left him because of the fever. Did he really want to sleep on the hard wooden floor with those bruises all over his body?! 
The usual Ghost would retort some sarcasm towards her, but all he did right now was to stare at her. Jade would've thought that he's completely out of it from the illness, until he mumbled,
"...You should let your hair down more often."
"...wHaT?” her voice cracked at his words. Why was he talking about her hair all of a sudden?
A light cough, “I said you should let your hair down more.”
“Wh– Why?" She chuckled, half amused and half confused. "Look at them. My hair's a mess if I let it down. It's really hard to take care of, especially in the wind. Let it touch the rain, and air drying it is basically a recipe for disaster." The ginger said while rubbing her heavily tangled hair. She had intended to brush them when Ghost was asleep earlier, but she must admit that she didn’t have the energy to do it. Days of tracking and helping him had taken more of her than she’d expected.
"That's precisely why." Ghost started, still eyeing her face softly.
"...What do you mean?"
"Beautiful.” He confessed, "You're beautiful when your hair's a mess, so let it down."
A pause as he tried to rack up an answer in his jumbled brain. "It's not sudden. I've always liked it." 
The sentence baffled, perplexed, and shocked her. Why did he say that? Why was he doing this?? What kind of dream or nightmare did he have?? Jade’s jaw dropped to the floor, her face turned almost as red as her hair because of that particular sentence. Ghost had never been one for talking, let alone compliments. That was the normal, healthy Ghost, then. So if he's on the opposite condition…
"I– What's with the sudden flattery??"
No one ever complimented her hair. Since she was a baby, a child, a kid in the orphanage, she kept being skipped by potential parents because of her striking red hair. 
Jade recalled how she would see a couple shake their heads as they whispered among each other, quickly looking at the other orphans. Her brothers and sisters come in and go to their new parents, while she stayed. And for that reason, she grew to dislike – hate her hair, only until recently did she ever see a good in them.
And now, this man just admitted that he had always liked her hair since the day he met her, albeit… in a feverish, delirious state?
"T-thank you for saying that, Simon." Finally finding the courage to react, Jade continued, "but anyway, how are you feeling? Dizzy? Nauseous?"
"...cold." Ghost mumbled.
For sure that thin blanket would be doing anything in the cold rain. There was no more piece of clothing or any blankets left inside the house to use. She had started a little portable bonfire on the bedside table to give the room some form of luminescence as the sun was long gone, but it wouldn’t be enough to stop his shiverings. 
Holding his eyes open was already a heavy task for him, but this cold felt like a thousand knives on his skin. He wanted to sleep, God, he wanted to sleep. He’s exhausted, except getting trapped in that coffin and buried alive inside that dream was the last thing he wanted to experience right now. Getting air into his lungs was also a burden to his chest. Even with the painkillers and antibiotic Jade had given him, his wounds hurt all over. 
However, this is nothing. 
Ghost had experienced this before, far, far worse than this, and he was still alive. He’ll tank through the cold, he could endure any pain. 
It’s the same as ever. 
Nothing’s different.
Had he ever heard that kind of sentence before?
"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
Jade softly muttered to him, looking at him not with a look of pity, but of compassion and willingness to help. 
"Do you mind a– um… A cuddle?” The woman sitting beside his bed said nervously, prompting him to look at her face. "Shared body temperature. I suppose it's effective in this situation."
He took that back.
It's different now.
“...No.” He replied shortly.
“O-okay! The bed’s small, can you face the other way?” She asked, to which he nodded before he used all the energy he had left in his body to lie on his other side. With heavy clumsiness, he finally faced the wooden wall. The light of the moon shone through the window, hitting his face softly. Not long, he felt a dip on the other side of the bed. Jade had climbed on the bed and fixed the thin blanket to cover his figure properly. Ghost could feel her presence on his back, looming behind him. He didn’t know what to do, obviously. He never really shared a bed with anyone in a long time, let alone a woman. It’s almost pathetic. 
“Can I… wrap my arm around you?” Jade asked hesitantly to the back of his head. “I–I don’t mean anything weird, just to warm you up! Like I said I love you and all – and I do mean that – but in case you’re not comfortable with me hugging you I will totally understand and—”
“I said I don’t mind it.” Ghost cut her off before she could blabber more.
“Okay… I’ll just. Put my left arm above you. Like this.” Lifting her arm, she then gently put her wrist on his shoulder, just barely beyond his side line. “This okay?”
“...Hm.” She’s pressed to him. She’s affirmatively pressed to his back. Her warmth instantly traveled to his entire figure, pleasantly so. 
“Good. That’s really great, yeah. Your shoulder is really high, wow." He couldn’t say anything to that. Is that a compliment? “While we’re at it, lift your head up a little bit.” 
Even though it confused him, he did what she told, and an arm sneaked its way past his cheek and placed it firmly there, and before he could ask her what was she trying to do, he got his answer. “I’m your pillow.” 
Ghost let out a chuckle at her retort, and to be honest, he didn’t have any strength left to refuse the offer. His neck hurt and his head felt dizzy without a pillow, so he dropped his head right then and there on Jade’s bicep, and what she didn’t expect was the fact that he deliberately scooted back even further, finally clinging to her figure – a relaxed huff leaving him.
And just like that, Jade’s assumption that Ghost didn’t like hugs went down the bloody drain. She had to bite her lips in order to hold in the scream inside her. God, he must’ve felt her racing heartbeat on his back. He sounded like a literal puppy with that last huff. If she has a third arm she would’ve loved to pet his hair.
The rain hadn’t stopped since they arrived at the cabin. The cold seeped through the woods, piercing through Jade’s skin as she made Ghost have the blanket. Other than that, the woman couldn’t deny the soreness on her arm as his head was pretty heavy. She didn’t mind it at all though, as long as he was comfortable, a sore arm was nothing compared to what he must be feeling.
It’s been about an hour since she climbed the bed to cuddle with him. Jade could really tell a lot about his condition from this distance. He’s really hot to the touch, his shoulders moved up and down in a quite fast pace. Still, it seemed that the shared body temperature worked as his shivers stopped. Was he already asleep?
Jade moved the hand that was on his shoulder to the front of his face – waving it up and down.
"I'm still up." His deep voice startled her.
Shit. He’s still awake. "S– Sorry. Just checking."
Meanwhile Jade was waiting for him to sleep, Ghost couldn’t even bring himself to sleep, for fuck’s sake. And not because of the nightmare, but because of her presence on his back was all he could think about. He felt relaxed, but not relaxed at the same time. It’s like his entire being felt safe in her arms and presence, yet his mind thought that he didn’t deserve this. Because she had searched for him, she had to leave her home, family, and friends again, and even though Jade had told him that she would always go and find him – and the things he said to her – he still felt like an arse. 
Jade noticed the name, prompting her to blink. "Mm? You okay?"
“Thank you... for saving me. And about what I said,” A brief pause, “I've hurt you. I'm sorry."
She stayed silent, looking at the back of his head. Ghost was always a blunt person, and it wasn't the first hurtful thing that he'd said to her. Calling her a midget was one thing, but saying that he didn't need her?
She knew he was in immense pain and under heavy mental duress from the imprisonment, but if what he said was true…
"Did you mean it? What you said?" Jade finally replied back, questioning him about the words he'd said. She wanted to know if he really mean what he said. She needed to know.
It took a few seconds for Ghost to answer, seeming like he was preparing himself. "No. Quite the opposite."
Hearing those words from him felt like a earning medal, prompting a smile coming from her lips. "Thank you, Simon. For staying alive.” 
“Will you forgive me?”
“I forgive you, because..." Jade lightly sighed behind him, "I need you too.''
And he thought he had a cold heart. That one simple sentence coming out from the one person he allowed himself to love after such a long, long time, made his heart - no, his entire being melt right then and there, in her arms.
A mosquito decided to land on Jade’s hand, making her sway the bug away. “Oof, there’s some bugs here.” 
"...What's the bugs' favourite band?"
Oh great heavens. A pun at a time like this? "...what is it?"
"Bee Gees." 
"Oh that's goooood." She must admit that his timing was immaculate. "You ever watch Bee Movie though?"
"...Only bee I know in movies is Bumblebee in Transformers." 
"Yeah well. Suits you I guess. And good for you for being oblivious about the Bee Movie."
"What kind of movie is that?" He asked.
"A movie. About bees suing humans."
"The fuck?"
"Yea yea yea we'll watch it when we get home. Now sleep." Jade chuckled. "Good night, Beanpole."
"Goodnight, Midget."
"I'm right here if you need me."
"I know."
It's finally here!! To be continued in Part 2!
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diabolicalacid · 2 months
birds of a feather— the head and the heart
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warning/s : nsfw (smut), minors DNI.
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atsumu’s hand reaches for the dial to turn off the sound system of his car. the soft music in the backdrop of him and you fades as his fingers rotate the dial to zero. he puts his foot on the break, halting the car in front of the gate to your dormitory, exactly where he had parked it when he received you in the morning.
you surmise this is your cue to leave. today has been fun, not it’s time to end the day, go your separate ways. you don’t want to, but that’s what the deal between the two of you was. a day full of fun, then it’s all over.
you take a look at your cellphone, checking in the time. it’s half past ten, a little before your curfew. if you don’t hurry, they won’t let you in. you twist your body in order to take hold of your belongings from his backseat, but he quickly makes an effort to grab your shoulder. he stops you in your tracks.
“wait.” he orders, opening the door to his car.
he alights, voice fading in a distance, “i’ll get it for you.”
atsumu quickly opens the door to the backseat and grabs all of your stuff, including the bouquet of flowers he offered you this morning. he proceeds to make his way to the door to the passenger seat. he swings it opens it for you, holding out his hand for you to take. for a moment, you find yourself hesitating.
you wonder if a few more moments of proximity with this man might cost you your dignity. if you let him hold you at the end of day, you’d start thinking it’s unfair how this good thing has to come to an end, and you’d beg for him to make it last longer. you’d lose your footing, end up looking extremely desperate, but you’d want him to have you regardless. despite deductions, you’re quick to accept his offer.
you place your palm over his. he wraps his hand around yours, helping you out of the car seat. you push the car door behind you. he hands you your tote bag and the bouquet of flowers. you receive it, offering him a gentle smile. he doesn’t let go of your hand, and you find it difficult to hold everything using one hand.
atsumu notices, relieving you of your tote bag. your hand is still held by his. you gulp as he pulls you closer to him. his hand releases your own and finds your waist, and he’s smiling softly at you. he really isn’t making this easy, if anything, you think you’re about to combust into a thousand burning flames. you’ll just take the liberty to pretend you haven’t been feeling the exact way since the beginning.
he takes the initiative, “i’ll drop you off to your room.”
“you don’t have to.” you’re quick to refuse his kind offer, coming off rather impolite.
you need to consider that amane san must be on rounds right now, and the last thing you want is to get caught sneaking in a perfect stranger into your room. as far as things with tobio went, amane was well acquainted with him, so she stopped taking things seriously after one point. but atsumu is a completely new entity, and you don’t want to wreak a havoc.
his hand that is enveloping your waist, tightens it’s hold around your figure, drawing you closer to his body, and you seek support, holding onto his arm. he insists, “but i want to.”
you want to deny deny deny, but his hold on you is making you so damn weak. your heart is a gullible child not even your head can convince otherwise. then there’s also the second surprise you prepared for atsumu, staying up all night yesterday. you were planning to discard it, since you thought you overdid yourself. but in the end you surmised that it would be best to hand it over.
though you intended on making him wait by the car so that you could make your way to your room and grab the gift to bring it to him, now it seems it wouldn’t hurt to invite the man to your room. whatever follows this bold decision of yours will be purely as intended by destiny.
as much as you’d like to shift the blame on the gift you prepared, deep down you know that your heart is the full fledged culprit. you’ve never been a bold person, but right now, you’re overflowing with courage you never knew you had.
you’ve snuck in tobio plenty of times without ever getting caught, so atsumu shouldn’t be a problem either. you’ll just have to play it safe. you’ll have to make him follow your instructions to the t, and it’ll be just fine. nothing to worry about per se.
“okay.” you grant him the permission to take you to your room, taking a step away from him. you don’t mention that you plan on inviting him inside.
atsumu’s smile widens and gaze locks into yours. It’s so contagious, you find yourself smiling back at him. he chuckles, mentioning a crucial point, “not sure where you stay, you’ll have to be the one to guide me, cutie.”
he pokes your cheek, you swat his hand off your face, glaring at his action. you growl, “let me go.”
but he isn’t swayed. so you request, “please?”
atsumu withdraws the hand placed around your waist. you try to encase his hand in your own, but yours is just too small to cut the deal. you drop his huge hand in frustration.
atsumu chuckles at you. your glare intensifies furthermore. you decide not to entertain him, commanding as you start walking toward your dormitory, “follow.” and so he does.
once you reach the lobby, you find yourself at crossroads once again. whether to invite him in or not to invite him in. it’s a pressing matter that needs to be thought through.
the possibilities are endless, and you aren’t sure which amongst them is the most favourable for you, or if you’ll ever reach the ending you so desperately desire for.
you think for a moment or two. he isn’t sure what the hold up is. now that he’s safely escorted you in, the next obvious thing to do should be to say your goodbyes and go your own ways. the one day contract between him and you should officially end as of right now, and you should be treading your own separate paths, never colliding again.
you give in. your heart gives in. you decide you want to invite him to your room. whatever may be the consequences, you’ll come to face them bravely when you have to.
you muster the courage to speak up. nervously rubbing the skin of your arm as you ask him, “i’ve prepared something for you. do you mind coming to my room?”
it isn’t an understatement to say that he’s shook. you’re quite bold to bring that up, and he wasn’t expecting it. neither were you. but here you are, asking him to come over, and here he is, contemplating whether it’s a good idea to go over.
he doesn’t give it much thought. he thinks for a second, then decides to go for it, agreeing, “alright, i don’t mind.”
“but no naughty business, cutie.” he winks at you, teasing as he pulls you in his embrace, hands casing your waist, bodies hanging only a few centimetres apart.
your cheeks instantly flush a deep red shade, and your gaze drops to the floor. you mumble, rolling your eyes, “i don’t know which one one of us needs the warning more.”
atsumu moves a loose strand of your hair out of the way, and tucks it behind your ear, inching in closer to your face to whisper to you, “exactly what are your intentions with me, cutie?”
you cannot take it anymore, it’s too much. the tension between atsumu and you is far too much than your fragile heart can take, and in the moment, you vacillate, quickly taking a step back to free yourself from his grasp.
you clear your throat, breathing in a haste, clarifying oneself, “i have no intentions of doing what you’re thinking of.”
“and exactly how do you know what it is that i’m thinking of, cutie?” he smirks, cupping your chin to level your eyes with his so as to hold your gaze, “you don’t read minds, or do you?”
“because then you’d know i’m thinking no pure thoughts.” he sneers, pecking the corner of your lip, then your neck.
you tremble as you feel his heavy breath against your neck, a wise thought dashing to your mind, wondering if it’s still a good idea to invite him in. your hand pushes him away, and you separate yourself from him before it becomes detrimental for you.
you fix your eyes to the floor, relenting to spare him a look, as you’re still too nervous to allow yourself to hold his gaze. you mutter, grimacing, “i didn’t know if i knew what you wanted back then, but i do now.”
“good.” atsumu walks over to you, cupping your chin once again, coercing you to look him in the eye, ridiculing you, “and you still think it’s a good idea to invite me over?”
“i don’t want my gift to go to waste.” you hiss, grabbing his hand in order to force him to release your chin, but his grip is too strong for you to negotiate.
annoyed, you drop the effort, menacingly fixing your gaze elsewhere so that you don’t have to meet his. it would be too much for you if you stare into his eyes any longer. you’re already faltering as it is, you don’t know what consequences this will lead to. you’re sure none of them will be holy. next thing you know, you might kiss miya atsumu like there’s no tomorrow, allowing him to take you whole.
he lets go of you, asking as he looks in the direction of the entrance to the building, “where to, cutie?” he spanks you, jolting you in the direction of the entrance.
you jibe at him, “don’t get too freaky, miya.”
“you aren’t getting anything out of me.” you warn, and atsumu scoffs. you’re glaring daggers at him.
you roll your eyes, “be respectful, will you?”
“alright, lead me, my liege.” he requests, bowing down to you.
you moue at his terrible theatrics, stepping into the building, looking around for amane’s presence on the ground floor.
you confirm amane’s absence and take his hand, jolting towards the stairs to climb to your floor. you’re careful with every floor you ascend, avoiding amane like a pro. once you’re on the third floor, having successfully avoided her, you peep around to discover a suitable spot for him to hide until you can scan around to make sure the coast leading to your room is safe and sound.
“there.” you point at one of the pillers, gesturing him to take a spot behind it, “hide.”
“don’t come out until i wave my hand.” you state sternly, then inform him, “once i reach my door and wave my hand, you’re to run at your fastest speed.”
you question, making sure he’s understood every instruction that has been pushed his way, “clear?”
he nods, then raises his thumb at you, a cheeky smile painting his face. a confirmation that your instructions were clear enough, and he’s to make no mistakes until your mission is successful and done for.
you carefully tread, neck craning around to look for amane’s presence, as you actively trail in the direction of your bedroom. once you’re at your door, you’re quick to unlock, enter and wave to atsumu.
catching your gesture from where he is hiding, he rushes in your direction in response, and before amane makes it down the stairs to your floor, you quickly pull him inside your room, locking the door shut.
you breathe heavily, sighing in contentment that the two of you didn’t get caught pulling this off. you look up at atsumu who’s already looking your way, a hearty laugh ready to burst through. you both end up laughing in unison, taking in the moment, digesting whatever just happened.
then, you pause together. for no particular reason. there’s a few moments of unexplained silence. you aren’t sure what brought this on, but neither atsumu, nor you dare to speak a word. but you find him wavering his stare between your lips and your chest. that doesn’t make you uncomfortable per se, but your hand instinctively moves to cover your chest.
you’re pressed against the door, and atsumu moves a step closer to you, close enough that you can hear his heart beating faster than usual because of the short cardio session your little stunt put him through. but that’s all he does.
he doesn’t make any further efforts. you aren’t sure if you were expecting him to, and if you wanted him to. maybe it’s the way you shielded yourself that made him stop in his tracks. maybe if your hand wasn’t covering your chest, he’d have done what he intended to.
you place your hand on his chest, requesting, “please, move.”
“i need to go in.” you tell him, hinting, “the present won’t bring itself out.”
he doesn’t budge. you apply some force to move his body to the side, and enter your room. once you’re inside, you invite him in as well, “come on, take off your shoes and get inside.”
“you know, i have a gift for you.” you stretch your lips into a smile, highlighting your dimples. his eyes are instantly caught by the particular sight, prying him to stare in the direction of your lips.
“you’ve only mentioned it a few times now.” atsumu shakes his head as he sighs.
he gets rid of his footwear and walks into your dorm room, coming to stand right in front of you.
you walk up to him, stand on your tip toes to quickly peck his lips, and praise him, “good boy.”
you turn around and dally your way towards the mini refrigerator to acquire the cake you prepared for him last night. once you’ve taken it out, you turn around, holding it out to him.
“tada.” you make a sing song voice.
you approach him, while singing a birthday song, pushing the cake in his direction, hoping he’d accept your offering. you look at the blueberries and lemons decorating the cake, pointing, “it’s cute, isn’t it?” no response.
you pout, expressing disappointment, “why won’t you take my gift.”
“i spent so much time preparing it for you.” you whine, cheeks puffed out.
atsumu sighs, unsure of what he is thinking of. the more he looks at you, the more it seems he wants this night to lead the two of you to someplace he’s sure neither of you were expecting it to lead to. to think this way when he’s already made it so obvious to you is rather stupid.
he isn’t sure if he should be thinking these thoughts at all. they shouldn’t be whirring around his head to begin with. after all, this is only supposed to be a one time thing, and he was specifically warned by bokuto san not to lead you on.
he’s led you on enough as it is. he really shouldn’t take this any further. it’s bound to make things worse for you as well as for him. he knows this well, he can put two and two together to decipher the pros and cons of his unideal thoughts. his head and his heart cannot reach reach a comprise.
in the battle between the two, the head loses, and atsumu let’s go of the remains of his rationality. he takes the the cake out of your grasp and puts it on your desk, returning to stand face to face with you. you’re left swarmed by confusion.
but before you can interrogate him, he puts a lip to your finger, inching his body closer to you. once he’s close enough, he pulls you further in by the waist, until your chest is pressed firmly against his. you don’t retaliate. you just let him take control.
“the cake can wait.” he smirks, speaking in a breathy voice, wrapping an arm around your waist and resting the other against the nape of your neck.
he tells you, his lips only an inch apart from your own, “right now, this is what i want to do, cutie.”
your cheeks are burning, your body is trembling, your mind is fogged, and your palms are sweaty as they wrap around his shoulders for the balance. he can feel your body shaking against his. you’re nervous, he knows. he’s making you nervous, he knows. he’s at an advantage, and he likes it.
“you alright?” atsumu loosens his hold on you, asking out of concern when he notices the state of your body. you hum in response to him, granting him a green light to proceed.
just to make sure, he inquires yet again, “are you sure you’re okay with this?” you hum once again, confirming your agreement regarding the matter.
“great.” the corner of his lip raises as he voices, fain.
atsumu pulls you closer to him once again, clashing his lips against yours. his tongue entwines with your own, exploring around your mouth. you can taste the strawberry from his froyo swishing around your mouth as his tongue swarms around. you like whatever it is that you’re feeling. you grab his blonde hair and press his face against your own, urging him to continue further.
soon enough, breathless and quite uncomfortable, you’re quick to interfere, and you step back. he isn’t sure what warranted your reaction, but he’s willing to be patient.
he rubs your back, asking worrisomely, as he leaves a trail of kisses in the region of your neck, “did i do something wrong?”
“it’s me. i’ve never done this before.” you admit, moaning as you feel his hot breath condensing all over your neck, enticing a reaction from your end.
you mumble, embarrassingly, gripping his hair to move his face off your body, “sorry, i’m a spoilsport.”
“that’s all?” atsumu laughs, twirling his finger around a strand of your hair, playing with it.
he stoops lower and uses his teeth to pull your dress off your breast, placing a quick kiss on your cleavage through your brasier, reassuring, “don’t worry, cutie.”
“i got you, i’ll be gentle.” he looks up at you, winking, as he raises himself back up, proceeding to press his lips against your own once again.
atsumu’s frisky hands rummage around your back to discover the zip to your dress. he unzips your garment while his lips are still glued to yours. he pulls himself apart from you for a moment, swinging your body around as he presses you against a wall, the impact making your paints fall to the ground, painting the floor around you in a myriad of shades.
his hands mischievously, and quite easily undress you, completely revealing your brasier and underwear, two different colours. not a set. you really didn’t think it through before making your pick, and you really weren’t expecting to be fucked by atsumu miya on your first date.
your cheeks glow red in embarrassment, but frankly, atsumu doesn’t care if it’s a pair or not, he just wants to get those pieces of fabric off you and eat you out. he finds himself releasing his belt and loosening his pants while you stand there, hands covering your brasier and your underwear like it matters at this point.
he inches closer, finding himself pushing his lips against yours for the third time today, finding himself rock hard down there, ready to go. his arms envelope your body as he lifts you up. you cross your legs around his waist, putting your arms around his neck.
atsumu throws you onto the bed, hovering over you, with his large, throbbing cock erect underneath his loosened clothing. you’re desperate and you want him to put it inside of you this instant. he reaches out to get rid of your underwear. you can’t help it but let out a loud moan when you feel his hands prancing around your private parts in an attempt to rid you of your undergarment. you’re sure you were loud enough for your neighbours to hear, and they’ll know you’ve been a naughty girl tonight, but you don’t seem to care. you just want his cock inside of you, is all.
you’re hasty enough pull off his pants and his undergarment, revealing his large, veiny, aching cock ready to be inserted into your vagina. you throw the piece of cloth to the ground, spreading your legs wide apart for him, smirking.
“you really want me, don’t ya, cutie?” atsumu teases you, cupping your chin to catch a hold of your wavering gaze.
“too bad i don’t have protection on me.” he purses his lips, shrugging as he lays on top of you, pinning his chin against your cleavage.
his large hands cup your boobs, stimulating the nerve endings around your nipples, irking you to let out a vague cry.
your voice cracks, as you plead to him, “it’s okay, i need you inside of me.”
he commands, taking your chin into his hands, shooting a coy smile at you, “look at me, cutie.”
“hold my gaze.” he orders, assuring, “and you’ll get exactly what you want, cutie.” you nod, following his order, forcing yourself to look right into his eyes.
you’re already sweaty and he hasn’t even started yet. you don’t know what to expect from the process, but your instant reflex is the shut your eyes when you feel his cock sliding against your walls, inside of you. he’s too big for and it’s too painful. when he breaks through your hymen, you feel sharp, lancinating pain, warranting you to let out a loud moan as you bleed a little, “a-ah.”
“stop.” you speak up, huffing for air.
atsumu withdraws his cock from inside of you, caressing your cheek, inquiring, worried, “are you okay?”
“it hurts.” you cry, still in the midst of catching your breath.
you permit him, “try again.”
accepting your request, he inserts himself into your vagina once again. as you feel his large dick sliding against your walls, you scrunch your face in pain, whimpering, “o-ouch.”
“do you want me to stop?” he asks.
you refute, shaking your head, wanting him to continue pleasuring you. you scratch your nails against the bedding when you feel him thrust his cock inside you again, and again and again, making you groan and wail in pain because his size is just too big for you to take. as you feel his cock glide in and out of your pussy rhythmically, your moans get louder and louder, and the pleasure of having him inside of you intensifies tenfold. you find yourself gasping for air.
you feel yourself about to cum. atsumu drags his dick out of your vagina. his lips move away from your neck to your ear. he nibs your ear, while he inserts his fingers inside your pussy, letting your cum drips over his fingers, tainting them slimy white.
“you’re leaking, cutie.” atsumu states, chuckling, as he inserts his dick inside your cunt again, licking your ear, prying you to let out a scream when you feel the friction of his girth against you as he slides in and out.
smiling proud of himself, he kisses your neck, relieving you momentarily when he removes his cock out of your pussy, but only after he cums inside you. his fluid drips down your thighs, mixing with your own. he finds himself pressing his head between your thighs, tongue reaching to lick your walls to cleanse them of the filth of your act. as you feel his tongue brush around your lips, you can’t help but ask him for more.
“n-need more.” you stammer, breathless, overwhelmed with guilty pleasure as you grab his neck to make him face yourself, smiling tiredly at him, “tsumu, gimme more.”
atsumu lays right beside you, rubbing your cheeks as he teases you, sliding his hand down slowly and steadily, with fingers that tread over flesh, from your cheeks to your neck down to your stomach, leaving behind a ticklish sensation on your skin.
he places his hand over your mons, whispering as he bites the cartilage of your ear, “want more, cutie?”
you nod, signaling him to continue.
atsumu inserts his fingers into your vagina, curling them up and down, rubbing the area between your inner and outer labia, slowly stimulating your clitoris. you feel a pleasurable sensation wash all over your body. the motion of his fingers demands you to moan. he’s so good as he rubs your inside, you feel yourself cum all over his fingers.
satisfied with your response, and proud of himself, he inserts his fingers deeper, curling them in a come-hither motion, coercing you to whimper quite loudly. you’re sure were loud enough for your neighbours to hear you. once again. but you simply do not care. you’re too busy bathing his fingers with your cum.
tonight is going to be a long night, you think to yourself, closing your eyes shut, moaning over and over again as atsumu’s fingers twist and curl inside of you. he finds himself entertained, hearing you mewl and watching your squirm as he pleasures you. you cum over and over again, every time you’re stimulated, as his fingers move methodically within your walls, drenched in your fluid that you can’t seem to stop the flow of.
atsumu retrieves his fingers, holding onto your waist as he raises himself to hover over you. he brings his lips closer to you body, designing a trail of feathery kisses from your neck all the way down to your desperate pussy. he presses his face against your folds, inserting his tongue, licking you on the inside. when his tongue brushes past your clitoris, you whimper, cumming all over his face.
he laps it like a street dog, asking for more, “give me some more, cutie.”
you’re heaving for breath as atsumu explores your throbbing pussy with his tongue alone, hitting the spot every chance he gets, obligating you to wail over and over again. you’re profusely cumming, with his mouth covered in your fluids. he loves it, you love it. he’s too good.
“we’re about to have fun tonight.” he sneers, raising his head to look at the state of you.
atsumu shuts your legs close, giving you a break. he puts his body on to you, feeling your chest rise and fall evidently while you’re breathless. he snakes himself upwards. he kisses you on the lips, allowing you to get a quick taste of yourself.
“i- i think i want a r-round two.” you stutter, pushing him off you. your hand slides down to grab a hold of his penis. you start to fondle with his tip, doe eyed as you look at him with pursed lips and an expecting expression, “you’ll be gentle, just like the last time, won’t you?”
his eyes widen when he feels your soft hands playing around with his cock, moving upwards and downwards, stroking it. he likes the feeling of your soft skin feeling his penis, your fingers prancing around like you own his cock, and what was drooping becomes rock hard once again, aching to be slid inside of your pussy that’s clearly asking for more.
atsumu climbs on top of you, lacing his sticky fingers with your own, pinning your hand against the bed, his other hand rubbing the skin of your cheek as he prepares to enter your cunt. you grab the nape of his neck, dragging his face closer to yours.
he feels your heavy, needy breath dissipate against his cheeks as he bites your nose. with his lips brushing against yours, as he presses his dick into your cunt, he mutters, “want this, don’t you?”
you feel him cum inside of you, filling you up. as a stream of his semen trickles down your inner thigh, you shoot him a wide grin, huffing, “yes, w-want this.”
“s-so good, tsumu.” you groan, feeling his cock rub against your lips, inciting you to squirt all over his cock.
atsumu is so proud of himself for pleasuring you so good on your first time. he presses his dick deeper inside of you. you’re a wailing, crying mess as his large dick inserts itself further inside you, making you ache. but the feeling of his cock being thrust inside of you is too good to make him stop.
he chuckles at your sweaty face painted crimson, with a weary but satisfactory smile lining your pink lips, smirking at you as he kisses your lips, then your neck, “alright, cutie, it’s time we have more fun throughout the night.”
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౨ৎ yn and atsumu got along too well for his own liking, and he actually ended up having a great time with yn.
౨ৎ yn lost her v card to atsumu, meaning this is the first time she even hooked up with someone.
౨ৎ the security guards saw yn sneaking atsumu into the dormitory, but they just assumed it’s tobio.
౨ৎ tobio definitely cried on his way to practice.
౨ৎ you’re going to hate me for the next few chapters.
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previous : d day
masterlist | next : rebound sex
🐰 i want you to be real scared for the upcoming chapters, that’s all.
taglist— @wolffmaiden @kafkassexchoe @luna-mothii @bomjug @le000xxgrd @dazqa @ineednanami @iluvaquaphor @debussy42 @choizzn @bunninio @empress-pug-pug @karasunoya @sereniteav @yuminako @reooreo @loveelylacey @nbcvs
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112 notes · View notes
potatomountain · 6 months
CIY- CH 10
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Chapter Ten
📍pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader 📍word count: 3.1k 📍network: @pirateeznet 📍Warnings: tbd 📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer, @yessa-vie and edited by the amazing: @daesukiii
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There was a good chance you overdid it at the shooting range yesterday, if your sore muscles and oversleeping were anything to go by. The fact you dismissed all of your alarms at different times, without even attempting to get out of bed, was also a good indicator.
When you had realized you were late for work, the momentary panic was quickly chased away by the realization they probably weren’t even aware of when you got there so why worry about being on time? That mindset had you falling right back to sleep, not even the idea of San worrying about you could keep the sleep at bay.
Your phone going off startled you awake, knocking it onto the floor in the process and leaving you scrambling for it out of habit. You didn’t even check caller ID, hitting answer and expecting an emergency because why else would you be getting a call? After grumbling out your name, you froze up at the familiar voice on the other side. “Ah so you’re not dead?” Your nose scrunched up as you flung your feet over the side of the bed. “No Yunho, I’m not dead. Is there a reason you have my number and are calling me?” You scoffed out, taking one glance at your clock on your desk and wincing. Oh, it was that late? “I’ve been tasked with finding out why our beautiful Goddess hasn’t arrived at work yet despite it being an hour after her usual time and no notification was given. Considering how prideful you are of your job, I assumed death was the only reason to miss out.” He easily drawled over other muffled voices in the background, which did wonders for your imagination. It even overlooked his heavy sarcasm that might normally be a reason to bite back.
You spent several hours shooting targets to get these damned curious thoughts out of your head and apparently it was all for naught. Not like you could hear what was being said, but with all their secrecy, you could only blame it on one secret you now knew. “Just overslept, and didn’t think anyone would miss me enough that an hour would matter.” While that was true, an hour did have your panic spiking a little bit.
It was very unlike you to be this late, and the reason just had shame bubbling in your gut. Like hell you would tell Yunho that of course, trying to play it off as nonchalantly as you could. 
“Aw, already tired of us? Every second counts, especially if you want to do field work so how about you get that cute ass out of bed and down here to the Precinct? You have work to do.” “Yunho you could say it nicely!” This time you heard the other voice, trying to pinpoint who. Yunho scoffed, pulling away from the phone a bit. “If you wanted it said nicely you could’ve called, Vice. It’s done so stop yapping.” “May I remind you that you insi-” Seonghwa’s voice was cut off as the call was dropped, leaving you a bit confused and plenty awake now.
The one thing that really stuck from that phone call was that, to an extent, your presence was noticed, and your absence was cause of enough concern that Yunho called you.
Whatever emotions were going to blossom from that, were derailed when you noticed many many notifications on your phone: all from the S.K Unit.
Right, your probation was up regarding them now. That was… you weren’t sure how to feel about it, but being late on time already you ignored the messages and started getting ready. Thirty minutes later and you were stepping into the precinct, unsure of what to expect. The lack of bodies around when you walked in was a tad disappointing, which you wouldn’t ruminate on, but finding a coffee and lunch on your desk from the deli was a nice surprise.
Since you were late- was left on a note in handwriting you didn’t recognize, but of course you haven't seen any of theirs enough to tell. San would be the most likely option, since he was the only one who knew your order, but you couldn’t put it past any of them with their ability to surprise you. Either way, you smiled down at the drink, just as you liked it, and didn’t care who it was from.
You sat down to enjoy your gift just as the phone on the desk beeped, line 3 flashing red. Right, probably should have let them know you arrived. “Yeah I’m here Seonghwa, sorry about that.” You called out after hitting the button to connect.
“We thought we heard the door. Glad you made it safely.” “Mhmm. What would you have me do? Captain mentioned field work but said it would take a few days?” Better to keep the conversation on work. Keep it on work.
Seonghwa chuckled on the other side, humming a bit in thought. “Wooyoung is taking care of San’s injuries so that will take a few days anyways. I suppose we can test your undercover skills, would you be up for that? I can talk to the Captain about the suggestion, we can get back to you by the end of the day. Why don’t you get more familiar with the other gangs in the meantime, we have a new board set up for you back here.”
One surprise after another, it was really throwing you for a loop. “Oh uh, sure. I’ll head back there after I eat then?”
“Take your time.” The line went dead afterwards, leaving you a bit lost.
“Huh… are they sucking up to me? This is… weird.” Mumbling to yourself, you shrugged it off after a moment and enjoyed your free meal and drink, checking the notifications finally from S.K. You only really looked at the names, not ready to read what they had to say.
Most were from Jisung and Felix, quite a bit from Changbin and a few from the two youngest as well. Hyunjin’s chat was the only one you read, which consisted of a miniature spiel about a cute guy he saw at the gym this ‘fine morning’ that could spice up your lack of a sex life. You scoffed, sending him a few choice emojis to tell him to kindly fuck off before finishing up your meal.
You couldn’t help but notice not a single message or call or anything from Chan or Minho, and it somewhat hurt. Did you really expect them to apologize though?
If they did, would they mean it?
Sighing, you grabbed your coffee and headed towards the back. No use worrying over those two, not when you just wanted to move on and do your job.
“Ah there she is, definitely not dead.” Yunho startled you when you stepped into the back, a smirk on his features as he leaned back against his desk. “Come to join the party?” Rolling your eyes, you ignored him and instead turned your attention to the board. It was definitely set up differently, several different faces and gangs by the looks of it. “What’s this?” “This is how downtown is run.” Mingi stood before the board, tacking up a picture before stepping back. “Downtown is where a majority of gang activity goes on. It’s mostly prostitution, illegal gambling rings and brothels, drug rings. It’s considered neutral territory despite being part of the Golden Circle and heavily run by the Pink Boas- but they’ll let anyone operate there for a fee. Most independent players will operate there as well.” “Like Hwon Taejin?” You sought out his picture instantly, jaw clenched as your eyes landed on the familiar face that had your blood boiling.
Mingi and Yunho shared a look before Mingi stood in your way. “Yes, but that’s not the point.” He narrowed his eyes on you while Yunho wouldn’t even look your way now. What the hell had suddenly gotten under their skin? Sure you expected hostility but this felt different. “Oookay, then continue.” Not your problem, that's what you told yourself, glancing back at the board. 
“The point is, that downtown is where all the action happens. As ‘neutral’ ground, any deals or talks between gangs will happen here. Drops of product, money, but the most important is that fights don’t happen downtown, meaning less likely to get killed accidentally.” Yunho offered, a chip in his tone that was hard to miss at the end.
They couldn’t actually be worried you would get yourself killed? Is that where they were going with this? “So what I’m hearing is, this is the area I am most likely going to be in the field. Plenty of opportunities and information to pick up without my head getting blown to bits or choking on poison?” They both nodded solemnly. “New players are always watched carefully by the Pink Boas, and they don’t have to take you out on their turf. So it will also be a test to see how well you can maintain undercover. Course, no idea what you’ll be doing in the field, could just be doing stakeouts like Captain does.” You narrowed your eyes on Yunho as he shrugged, but he still wouldn’t meet your eyes.
Mingi also hadn’t insulted you once since you got here. Something felt off.
“What the fuck is it? What did I do this time or not do? What did you fuckers do?”
Both of them paused as you cocked your hip, hand nestling there with coffee in the other. “Uh, nothing?” “Exactly! No insults and you’re acting like a sad kicked puppy for fucks sake-” You jerked your chin at Mingi before pointing at Yunho. “And you were so snarky on the phone and when I walked in and now you’re like a ball of anxiety or some shit. The desk is going to break if you grip it any harder.”
Once more the two shared a look, Yunho’s grip relaxing on the edge of the desk so his veins weren’t popping out- which you totally hadn’t noticed multiple times- and Mingi’s cocky grin was back. But neither could give you an answer before Yeosang stepped in, calling your name. Great, another ass to deal with. “We were given orders to give you a bit of a break from our… abrasiveness. And I have some things to upload to your laptop, may I?” He held up a flash drive, his sculpted face impassive of any emotion. You couldn’t tell if he was good at hiding it or just didn’t have much emotion. Annoyance he had shown plenty of, is this what was left under it?
It felt… odd. You didn’t like it. “Yeah, I’ll give these two some time to, I don’t know, pull the sticks out of each other’s ass? Suddenly being nice to me? No thanks.” You shivered at the thought, making your way towards the hall to your desk. The laughter from the two that were left behind eased a knot in your chest you didn’t know was there.
“What do you need to upload?” Glancing back at Yeosang, you tried once more to get a read on him. A vibe or something, but he resembled a walking doll almost.
He opened his mouth to reply, eyes moving past yours and brows pushing together. You turned to see what had gotten his attention, just to visibly stiffen.
“Hey there Trouble.”
“Don’t even start.” You pointed your finger at him, hoping he didn’t notice the sudden tremble. “You don’t get to call me that any more, Chan.”
Really, what right did he have to walk into your new workplace as if he was here for a friendly visit or lunch? As if he wasn’t the reason you were here in the first place. As if he hadn’t turned his back on you.
He didn’t need to come into your new space, looking fine in his jeans and tight tee, watching you with that smile of his that said “I’m here” as if to take on all your problems for you. There was no need for him to remind you of your feelings… the same feelings you had hoped you had smashed in the last month.
“Who’s this?” Yeosang stepped around you, clearly a bit annoyed that their space was being trespassed on by someone unfamiliar. “My old unit Chief. Who was just leaving.” You snarled out, crossing your arms over your chest. “You can just upload whatever you need to Yeosang, don’t pay him any mind.” Chan’s smile faltered, shoving his hands into his pocket. “I was worried about you tr- sorry, won’t say it again.” He chuckled nervously when you hardened your glare. “I know you weren’t happy about this-” “Who would be happy that they got kicked off their team? Seriously?” You took a step closer. “You didn’t want me there Chan, and I don’t want you here. So fucking leave.” Chan didn’t back down, lifting his chin a bit as he pursed his lips in thought. “Can I… Can I at least apologize?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you shook your head. “I don’t want to hear it. You made your choice Chan, just fucking live with it.”
When he called your name out in a plea, taking a step closer, you would have preferred “Trouble” instead. “Please let me explain, I didn’t want to hurt you.” He closed the distance enough to reach for you, just for you to slap his hand away. “I think she told you to leave.” Yeosang’s voice rang out behind you before you could tell Chan off yet again. “And frankly speaking, we don’t allow anyone else here in the Precinct unless you clear it with our Captain or Vice. I don’t think you did, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Chan looked between you two, shoulder’s slumping in defeat. “Alright. I’ll talk to you another time.” Before you could make a quip back, he was walking out the door.
Your head pounded from the sudden increase in stress, hand going to your temple as you turned to Yeosang. “Was that true? The Vice or Captain needs to give permission for visitors?” Yeosang steeled his expression the moment you turned back, gently pushing your open laptop towards you. “Yes. Considering our work, we can’t just let anyone walk in. Especially other cops. Your pin?” It was comforting to hear, typing in your password quickly before pushing it back towards him. “That’s… reassuring. I didn’t think any of them would bother me here.” “Would… would you prefer they not?”
Shrugging, you leaned against the desk while he plugged in the flashdrive, dozens of screens popping up as Yeosang got to work. When you didn’t answer right away, he glanced at you. “Oh well, definitely not him. There’s one or two I don’t think I’d mind- wait no, that’s just a bad combination waiting to happen.” You grimaced, thinking about what would happen should Hyunjin come here or the two worrywarts. The conversation would get far too sexual or the poor beans would get too worried about you and most likely plan, very poorly, your kidnapping away from this unit.
Changbin could be the only one you saw getting along well enough but chances of him keeping quiet to the others? Unlikely.
Yeosang nodded as if you had just given him vital information, odd but somewhat endearing of him. “I see. I’ll let Seonghwa know.” His fingers flew across the keyboard, focused on whatever he was doing. “Can you… not? Or at least avoid the details. I don’t like how much you all know of me and my unit already. My beef with Chan I would like to keep on the downlow.” “What makes you think I would keep it as such?” Yeosang asked, lacking any sort of condescension or malice, just pure curiosity in his voice.
You shrugged, standing back up. “You didn’t like it when I dug into you all when I first got here, so privacy is important to you. And whether it’s personal morals or because you were told to play nice, I don’t think you are going to go around sharing my business.”
He paused what he was doing, turning to you confused. “You have reason to believe I would though?” “No, I don’t.” You sighed, leaning back down. “Just because you don’t like me or haven’t been the nicest doesn’t mean you would purposely exploit sensitive information about me. You can still have morals even as an asshole. Anyways, what are you doing? I can’t follow along with any of this.” Yeosang let his head fall forward a bit so his hair blocked his eyes from your sight, his fingers moving once more. “It’s a program I built that only we here at A.Z use. Takes a bit to install, connect to our servers here. I'm still working on the mobile version, but this has to be installed with a copy of the program. If anyone without access to the program tries to get in through one of you, the program will wipe itself clean and the connection.” “That’s… a bit scary of a protection measure.” You mumbled out, but also quite impressed. “These gangs have access to multimillion dollar security companies and tech, better not to risk them trying to get our information. We also have different levels of information. Right now, you are getting access to level one, which is a bit more detailed than what you already had on the Green Vipers. We’ll move you up if you gain a successful cover,” he explained, moving a few things around and code flashing across the screen. It took you a moment to realize what he meant, what this all meant. “Is this… I thought I still had a trial run?” Your voice was soft, afraid to speak any louder as if it would scare off the possibility.
Yeosang paused once more, hunching further over the computer. “Well uh, I- that’s not for me to…”
“Welcome to the team, Firecracker. Believe it or not, we are happy to have you.” Hongjoong called out, drawing your attention to the hall, a smirk on his face. “He means on the team. Happy to have you on the team.” Seonghwa sighed behind him. “Well that too.” “Joong- is it really a good time to try and flirt?” “It’s always a good time. Especially now that she knows what we do around here- oh? Is it that funny?” Hongjoong broke off, brow lifted as laughter had bubbled out of you.
“It’s just- mmm, I think I’m a bit happy to be here. When ya’ll stop trying to act so damn friendly fake.” Hongjoong and Seonghwa shared a look before the Captain matched your very real smile. “I knew you liked the bickering. Ready for your first mission briefing?”
You practically bounced up straight. “Yes, Captain, ready.”
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse | @philijack | @lelaleleb | @idfkeddieishot | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames | @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630 | @hongjoongswifefr | @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @bts-army380 | @iwishiwasrichasfuck | @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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johnwickb1tsch · 23 days
Sympathy for the Devil ~ Part 7
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A Donaka Mark x housekeeper!Reader fic, based on @discoscoob 's concept & bot! Warnings: Donaka Mark is a bad man with a soft spot for you. dark romance, possessive behavior, nonconsensual voyeurism, red flag red flag girl!🔺, psychological games, power imbalance, eventual dubcon/nsfw.
one. two. three. four. five. six.
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Seven. 柒
The next day you are going about the house doing your duties, cleaning, vacuuming, dusting. Every day you do a deep clean on a room. Today is the theater room, the den with all the dark monitors that you find so creepy. It almost feels like a lair to you, and you spend as little time as possible in there.
You are caught by surprise to see Mr. Mark is in the center of the long couch. Usually, he's not home at this hour. He's seated with his arms up on the back, watching martial arts tournaments, it looks like. He turns his head to look at you when you pause in the open door, clearly wondering if he noticed you, and if you can run away. 
"Excuse me, sir, I didn't realize you were home." You turn to go, praying, but he calls you back.
The satisfaction he feels for catching you off guard again is so very sweet. He flashes you a predatory curl of lips, calling out to you before you can escape in a commanding tone. “Wait.”
Slowly you approach, clutching your cordless vacuum like it might save you from this imposing man.
Donaka feels a dark gratification as you slowly approach. He almost chuckles in his throat like a Bond villain, the way he can feel your intimidation. He pats the empty spot on the couch beside him, gesturing for you to sit. “Come here,” he repeats, his voice low and authoritative.
"Sir, I'm on duty, and I already had my break..."
Your resistance irritates him, as though your true occupation is not obeying his every whim in this house. 
“I don’t care,” he says firmly. “Come. Sit.”
With a small sigh you do as you’re told, perching on the edge of the black leather seat like a bird ready to take flight at any moment. It is comfortable...and it does feel good to sit down.
Donaka enjoys a small sense of satisfaction as you finally do as you’re told. His eyes roam over your tired features–he’s sure you’re exhausted from your day before. A part of him delights in how adventurous you are, even if it just makes him want to clip your wings all the more. 
“You look tired. You overdid it yesterday.” 
You frown, open your mouth to deliver a sassy reply–then think better of it. “Maybe. My feet hurt,” you admit. 
“When you make use of a driver, you don’t have to walk so much,” he quips. 
However, you wouldn’t have changed a thing about the way your birthday went…except maybe that little midnight ambush in the garden. You’d had a field day writing that up in your journal into the wee hours of the morning–perhaps the real reason you were tired that day. 
You just narrow your eyes at him, and somehow this seems to delight your employer, counting your cowed silence as a point for his side.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he admonishes, holding out his hand. “Give it here.” 
Puzzled, you tilt your head at him. 
“Your foot,” he clarifies in a tone that brooks no argument. “Give it here.”
You are horrified. If this man gets those big strong mitts on your aching feet–you’re done for. You will melt for him.
He has the urge to simply drag you over into his lap. 
“Do I always have to tell you twice? Give. Me. Your. Foot.” He beckons with those long fingers, snapping and pointing like you are a naughty dog. His annoyance is palpable; his hunger, undeniable. At last you give in with a sigh, slipping out of your sandal to reluctantly offer up the appendage in question. 
Your foot looks tiny in his hands, as he wraps his fingers around you, squeezing. His thumb runs down your plantar fascia, and you think you see god, a small sound escaping you.
His lips curl in a triumphant smile. “Not so bad, is it?”
“No, only slightly mortifying,” you sigh, closing your eyes. It feels too good.
He’s semi hard just watching your reaction to his touch, even if it is just your feet.
“Why? You have such pretty feet.”
You wish the couch would just swallow you whole. 
You just shake your head, unable to engage with him while he works this magic on you. His gaze trails up your legs, and he imagines how he would like to caress the sweep of your calf, the sensitive skin behind your knee, and keep going until the curve of your ass is in his hand. He could just…pin your body down with his weight and his mouth on yours. You might even welcome it, opening to him like the soft petals of a lotus flower after he's sweetened you up. He wants to take you, but he also wants you to want him. That is something…unexpected.
A squeak of pain escapes you as he squeezes your foot too hard, his handsome features pulled in a frown of consternation as he glares down at your leg. Your protest brings him back from somewhere–when his blazing dark eyes meet yours, you think this man could burn down the world. You have trouble distinguishing, as ever, if the rollicking adrenaline his hungry look inspires is due to fear, or desire.
Donaka’s eyes suddenly re-focus on your face as you sit up straight. He could have pushed you over with a feather, when his touch softens, his big hands just holding your foot, and a single soft word leaves his mouth: “Sorry.”
You can hardly believe what you heard.
"You're...very strong." You try not to sigh like you're in some stupid bosom buster bully romance book. Never mind the fact that you know later you’re going to write all about this in your ongoing fantasy epic, and it will not be G rated.
Just like that, the moment shatters, when a smirk pulls his lips again. He gestures for your other foot, and this time you obey without protest. Might as well, or you’ll be walking in circles…
The satisfaction Donaka feels for your submission spreads through him like warm poison. It was just a matter of time. He had to remember to be patient with you.
It would make his victory all the sweeter.
When he’s done with your foot he sets it aside with a light final caress of your arch. “There now. Get back to work, tou zai yee.”
You don't know what that means, but you take your opening to escape without questioning his sudden generosity.
Deep down, you know he’s just biding his time.
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neobubz · 1 year
Tension Release (M) Chapter 4 - New Friendship
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i am so sorry for the lack of updates. i was sick on two separate occasions. also, this section gave me such a headache to write because i could lead it toward many different directions. so, please forgive me. i hope you enjoy this chapter. oh, and chapters may not come out regularly as i’m in the process of cleaning and packing in order to move in the fall. so please follow and set up notifications so you know when the story is updated. thank you for your patience
Prologue || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
Word Count: approx. 9.2k Pairing(s): fem reader jeno || fem reader x husband Warning(s): mature audiences only, 18+, explicit language, slow-paced, storytelling, cheating, infidelity, smut, oral (female receiving) Preview: Sighing and shaking his head Jeno takes one look up at your bedroom before sliding his hands into his pants pockets. “As much as it was nice talking to you Matthew,” he whispers to himself. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to walk away after today…” With a roll of his eyes Jeno disappears into the night.
Your eyes pop open as a sharp lightning bolt of pain shoots up your spine. Curling into a ball to find solace you’re stopped midway when a warm arm wraps around you tightly. Pulling you towards the person behind you. 
“Good morning babe,” Matthew snuggles up to you after placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“G-Good morning,” you manage to squeak out. Though the pain was strangely subsiding due to his body heat acting as a heating pad, there were still small sparks pulsating along the length of your back that has you wincing.
“How are you feeling?”
“Sore. My back is killing me right now. I think I overdid it yesterday.” 
And then some…
Sitting up abruptly Matthew leans over to see the speckles of sweat decorating your forehead and the small grimace on your face.  “Baby!” He rushes off the bed and over to your side bending down on his haunches to reach your eye level. “Baby are you okay? Do you want me to get you some Tylenol? Do you need some ice? Tell me how I can help you…”
Chuckling through the discomfort you reach out to which he instantly grabs hold of your hand kissing your knuckles. “Some Tylenol would be amazing right now.”
“Of course. I’ll be right back.” Leaving your side Matthew sprints downstairs to get you some pain killers. 
Yesterday absolutely showed you that you should have said no three times. One for Jeno, one for Matthew, and one for your own stupidity. Barely able to sit up on your own, you whimper propping yourself up to greet the new day. 
Grabbing your phone you find its 8:40AM. After all of the physical activity you passed out in Matthew’s arms at around 10PM. Your eyes scan your bedroom a soft smile coming to your face. After your rounds with Matthew you both apologized for your behaviors, promising the other to do better in the future. Then he proceeded to ask you to come back to your bedroom which didn’t take much convincing on Matthew’s part considering the quilt and sheets of the spare room need to be washed and dried. 
Both of you ending up shocked by how much of your squirt poured out of you. Honestly, you’d forgotten that was even possible. You had only squirted twice in your life. Once with some moron from the neighboring school who fingered your pussy so hard you squirted like a geyser but were sore for days, the other, with Matthew. 
Giggling, your face starts to warm. Yesterday was amazing! Your husband finally taking a leap of faith and entering a world of lust, on a Sunday, of all days — even the thought has your spent cunt clenching. Hopefully with a little time and patience on your part you’ll be able to have more days like yesterday. Of course, your back needs to hurry up and get better for the real fun to begin!
“Here we go,” Matthew comes in with not only a glass of water and your Tylenol but also a bowl that smells like apple cinnamon oatmeal. “Thought you might be hungry as well.”
“I’m famished! Thank you babe!”
Placing the tray on your lap, Matthew crawls back into bed next to you. Popping the pills quickly into your mouth, you down them with some lukewarm water. Smiling you glance at your wonderful husband. 
“You sure know how to treat a woman,” you place the tips of your fingers under his chin pulling him close to you. “Thanks for making me breakfast.” You kiss him gently.
“It’s the least I can do for being a jerk. I still can’t believe I acted like a child yesterday. Here you were upstairs, in pain, stuck in the bathroom, without breakfast, and I left you. What kind of man does that?” He pouts.
“A man who has been dealing with a lot. Truly Matthew, I’m sorry for that remark about getting a toy. I really didn’t mean it.”
“My love, we both know Roz would have gotten you something if she doesn’t have one for you on standby.”
“Matthew!!” You playfully slap his chest. “She’s not that much of a deviant!”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me she doesn’t already have a stock of her own!” He leans down his face inches from yours.
Avoiding his eyes you erupt in giggles. “Okay, so she has a few BUT!!! It’s not a stock. Just about six? I believe.”
“SIX?! Wow…I suddenly feel bad for Bill.”
“Oh stop,” you pat his cheek. “Bill is the one who suggested four of them. He likes how Roz reacts, plus, he’s the one controlling them.” Lifting up your spoon you blow gently on the steaming hot oatmeal. 
“And they both like them?” Matthew whispers beside you. 
“Sure do! I mean she doesn’t talk about all that stuff but whenever he surprised her with a new toy she would tell me what it was like. Personally, if I had to choose a toy that we should try it would be the wand. After last night,” your face starts to warm. “I want to experience that again. Plus, I could always tease you with the wand too!” You smirk. 
Matthew looks at you confused. “How can you tease someone with a stick?” 
Pausing midair you turn to your sweet naïve husband. “Baby a wand is a vibrator.”
Nodding he settles down next to you. “A vibrator…I see…” suddenly his body becomes stiff as a board next to you. “Wait!!! Why do you want to use something like that on me?!” Shaking his head he moves away from you. “No, no, no…I can’t…that’s…that’s —”
Reaching out you grab hold of his wrist before he gets off the bed completely. “Baby, it was just a thought. I would never do anything to you that you weren’t comfortable with. Plus, this is something very far down the road. What we did last night tells me we don’t need to add any gadgets to the bedroom just yet.” 
“Is…Is there anything else you would like to try?” 
“Ummm maybe these vibrators that would go inside me and you can control the speed and power of the vibrations. That would be a lot of fun! Especially,” you pull him to you. “If it’s in public.” You kiss his nose.
“IN PUBLIC?!!!” 
“Yes! Picture it! We’re sitting across from each other at let’s say the dinner. Having a nice meal together when you pull out your phone, casually having it under the table and away from prying eyes. You turn on the vibrator when I least expect it,” your eyes become hazy just thinking about Matthew toying with you. “And all throughout the rest of the meal with people around me and knowing our town, plenty of people coming up to talk — I have to keep my reactions undetectable. No moaning, screaming, begging for more. Just a neutral expression for as long as I can handle it.”
Gulping Matthew wets his dry lips. “How long have you been thinking about this exactly?”
“We’d have to have a safe word or something that would let you know when to turn it up or down. Or when I can’t handle it anymore and I need to come. Yeah…”
Arching a brow Matthew watches you play out the entire scene in your head. Seeing your eyes fixated on something he can’t see. The cogs in your brain turning rapidly. The way your tongue slowly skates across yours lips as your mind slips further into your fantasy. To him, right here and now you’re the most beautiful person to ever grace this earth. Even if your mind is full of  impure thoughts at the moment. 
Leaning over he breaks you out of your daydream with a gentle kiss on the lips. 
“Wh-What was that for?” You giggle. 
“No reason. You just looked really beautiful while thinking is all.”
“Oh, so me thinking about the naughty things I want my husband to do to me somehow makes me beautiful.” 
“Stunning!” Matthew leans into you again, but this time placing his forehead against yours. “I still can’t believe what happened last night.” 
“Neither can I,” she nuzzle your nose with his. “Whatever happened let’s pray that it happens again.”
Smiling softly, Matthew starts to leave gentle kisses on your nose, cheeks, jaw, and heads for your neck.  “Did it feel good?” He asks while his lips gingerly move across your neck. 
Closing your eyes you succumb to him. It felt better than good, sweetie.”
“Maybe when you’re feeling better we can try again.”
Getting lost in his kisses, your arms fall from the tray of food on your lap.  “S-So, it felt good for you too?”
Smiling against your neck, Matthew kisses and sucks hard on your skin near your collarbone. “I wish we had thought about doing that before. Actually,” he pulls away. “I wish I did a lot of things for you and to you before yesterday. I know I’m not perfect and I have a lot to work on but I hope I made up for some of it yesterday.”
“What made you want to eat me out yesterday?”
Startled by your question, the warm and fuzzy mood dissipating quickly, Matthew stills beside you. His complexion growing darker the longer he waits to answer you. “I…well…I mean…” 
“Don’t get me wrong,” you quickly add thinking he’s questioning whether you wanted to have him taste you or not. “It was amazing! I want to feel your lips on me again as soon as possible because for someone who skipped the foreplay department of our marriage you sure knew your way around down there.”
His face now a bright red, Matthew turns away from you, fingers fumbling against each other. “I mean, well you see, I’ve always wanted too…but I couldn’t. How could I? It seemed so…so…”
Reaching out to him you turn his face to you with nothing but love in your eyes. “You always wanted to taste me?”
Lowering his head Matthew nods. “Yes. From the first time we were intimate I’ve wanted to know how you tasted. I just didn’t…no that’s not it…I couldn’t bring it up.”
“Why not?”
“How could I?” He looks at you with innocent eyes. “You’re so beautiful and amazing and strong and confident. To this day I still can’t help but stare at you wondering how I ended up being blessed to have you as my wife. I want to cherish you, respect you, hold you close. Not defile you or treat you like some…”
“Whore?” You giggle.
Scoffing Matthew nods. “Jeno said the same thing.”
Freezing, his mouth popping open in an ‘oh shit’ manner he turns his gaze from you. “Yes, yesterday, before he left.”
“You talked to Jeno?”
“Well, I mean we didn’t talk talk but we talked.”
“About our sex life?”
“Not in so many words,” Matthew gulps. 
“I see…” 
Sighing you pick up your spoon and begin eating again. It’s strange. When you talked to Jeno it was more ranting about your life and just wanting someone who doesn’t have a biased opinion give you some advice. Where things ended up should not have happened but it did. There’s no going back or taking back the fact you cheated on Matthew, but hearing Matthew say he talked to Jeno about you…it feels…odd…
As if the one person who you saw as your confidant has now been compromised — not having anyone else to talk to about things that really piss you off. 
Granted you did ask Jeno to get the details about Matthew’s problem but that was a completely different situation than what is going on now. Matthew spoke to Jeno about your intimate life and Jeno somehow convinced Matthew to devour your pussy? After the two of you fucked? That doesn’t make any sense at all…
“You’re mad aren’t you?” Matthew’s worried tone pulls you out of your thoughts. “I didn’t intend on talking to him. He just…he has this soothing nature about him. Sort of like you can talk to him about anything that’s on your mind and he won’t beat around the bush. He’ll tell you exactly what you need to hear. Baby, please!” Matthew holds your hands in his. “Please don’t be mad. I promise I won’t talk to him about us again.”
“I’m not mad,” you laugh trying to play things off as if you don’t mind. “In fact, I suppose I should thank him.” 
Nodding you go back to eating. It’s the sad but honest truth. What happened last night might be because of whatever Matthew and Jeno talked about. The primal feeling that was coursing through your body chasing not only your high but your husband’s high could in fact be thanks to Jeno. 
“Do you like talking to Jeno?” You ask. Shrugging he stares at you like a child terrified that at any second he’s going to get yelled at. “Do you want to continue to talk to him?”
“We didn’t really get to finish our conversation.”
“Jeno is very easy to talk to. I understand why you felt so at ease around him. I’m thankful that you finally feel comfortable talking to someone. If you want to continue talking to him go ahead. Plus, having a guy friend to talk about guy things might be just what you need.”
“R-Really?” Matthew’s face brightens. 
“Of course, there is just one thing we should keep in mind…” glancing down you take the final bite of your oatmeal. “Let’s just be careful not to talk about things we don’t want anyone else to know about. Okay?”
“Of course!” 
Smirking you move the tray off your lap before wiggling your brows at Matthew. “So, was it your idea or Jeno’s to eat me out yesterday?”
Sighing in both pain and relief you slide further into the nice warm water. Your muscles beginning to loosen up. Sitting on a chair next to you, Matthew watches over you carefully.
“What are the plans for today?”
“I called Mr. Smith and told him I’d be running late and to have everyone start without me. “We’re hoping to get the basement filled in today and work more on the outer foundations.”
“I was thinking of asking Mrs. Smith and maybe a few other girls to join me and pick out some furnishings. Though I’d love to get straight back to work I think I should take it easy for a while.”
“You shouldn’t have been hauling around bags of cement in the first place.”
“It helped clear my mind. I liked doing it. Plus,” you lean into him. “I was getting sick and tired of hearing half the towns wives lustful thoughts about men other than their husbands. Then again…I don’t want to hear their lustful comments about their husbands.”
Laughing Matthew shakes his head in disbelief. “Perhaps we should talk more about this town.”
“At the picnic yesterday,” he sighs heavily. “I felt your absence. Though I was born and raised here it took you not being by my side to show me that I truly don’t know anyone here. Yes, our congregation is a mixture of parents, grandparents, and families of people we went to school with who moved away — of course the people whom we did go to school with are still here as well, but I just know who they are and what they ask to be forgiven for. That’s it. I don’t know anything that goes on in their personal lives. I didn’t know how to talk to anyone excluding our parents.”
Staring up at Matthew both a feeling of pity and happiness fills your soul. Pity because he must have truly suffered a lot yesterday. Talking to everyone, making small talk, and just ensuring that everyone was happy and being taken care of — non-spiritually, was your job. Having to take on your roll yesterday must have been a lot for him. At the same time, seeing his sullen face shows just how much he needs you and that you are valued. Perhaps more so now than before. 
“You’ve never liked hearing about what’s going around.”
“I can’t help but wonder how much is gossip and how much is fact. Judging people is not up to me or to anyone else, it’s up to God.”
“Yet you judge Roz,” you quickly point out.
Lips curving into a deep frown, Matthew turns from you. “That’s because she’s trying to take you away and corrupt you,” he mumbles.
Giggling you reach out and touch his knee gaining his attention. “I’m not going anywhere. Plus we’d both miss our men far too much. But, as for this town I can assure you 90% is fact! Only 10% is gossip. The people here are crazy! Small towns bring out the true freaks if you know what I mean.”
“90% fact you say?” He moves from the chair down to you, his lips meeting yours in a light kiss. “Give me a little taste.”
“For starters, Bethany my hair dresser,” you begin.
“Is she the one who’s dating Tom down at the bakery?”
“Yep! She apparently slept around A LOT when we were in high school. Like a lot a lot! With people from our school’s rival! I mean yeah some of the guys we went to school with were total dogs and I’m not talking about their attitudes but to sleep with the guys from our rival school Ewwwww! They are complete assholes who have no respect for women at all! Like some of the stuff I heard would make you want to call the cops asap and have them investigated from some of the shit they pulled! Plus they were worse than the guys here in terms of looks! No offense to anyone but it’s true.”
Gaping at you bewildered Matthew tilts his head. “I heard about that. It surprised me. She only transferred to our district about a year and a half before you came. There were rumors about her being…easy, back in middle school. Very promiscuous,” he wiggles his brows.
“No!!!” You lean over the edge of the tub. 
“Yeah. I didn’t believe them she looked super innocent to me. She was also kind of sweet so I just figured the other girls were jealous.”
Waving him off you grab your washcloth and some soap. “Oh she told me she thought you were super cute. She even admitted to wanting to date you but you were far too innocent for her. So, she dated half the guys at our school,” you crack up.
“Bethany wanted to date me?!” Matthew gasps. 
“Ah huh, she said you were her type. Naïve, inexperienced, and ripe for the picking!”
“She told you this?!”
“Of course! We’re friends,” you laugh. “She has been my stylist for two years now. We became close after she did our hair for Roz’s wedding. Plus, she’s the true eyes and ears of this town. She knows everyone’s dirty little secrets!”
“My wife thriving on the towns’ gossip,” he sighs shaking his head amused.
“Hey! It’s only gossip if there are no facts to back it up. Bethany and the others always come with receipts.”
“What about the men?”
“Pfft,” you roll your eyes. “Don’t even get me started. First, let me ask you this, George who works alongside…Anna,” you roll your eyes again. “How long has he been married to Kim?”
“My dad married them when I was in middle school so maybe thirteen years? Give or take.”
“He’s cheated on Kim for half their marriage then.”
“Yep. Jun, at the salon, well he saw George and some blonde woman making out one night at a bar and since has seen him and that woman sneaking around late at night. So, he’s done a little digging and found out that George and this woman have been in contact with each other for years. 
“Pictures of them on ‘company retreats’ passing it off as just a friendly co-worker moment and blah blah blah, but he said the lip lock and their tongues down each other's throats clearly states that they are much much more.”
“Kim is a wonderful woman! How could he? They have children!!”
Shrugging you start washing your body. “They were young when they married, right? Fresh out of high school?”
“I think they didn’t have time to explore and find out who they truly were and what they actually want. It happens. My uncle the one back where I lived before,” Matthew nods. “He cheated as well. Actually, his wife cheated too.” You chuckle. “At our rehearsal dinner we had a long conversation about the sanctity of marriage. He told me that for him and his wife they were just too young. He said if they had waited until after college and truly got to know each other without the pressures of marriage they may have been able to make it last.”
“What about us,” Matthew whispers.
“What do you mean?” You rid your arms of soap.
“We got married young as well. What if…I don’t…promise me that it won’t happen with us.”
Stilling, your heart starts racing. Knowing full well Matthew isn’t talking about cheating but about the love disappearing you close your eyes, dip your washcloth into the water and pour some water on your chest. 
“Matthew, just because something happened to someone else doesn’t mean it will happen to us.” 
“I just…with the way I’ve been acting…” he mumbles. “I promise I’ll get some help for whatever is going on. I won’t let this marriage end because of me!”
Sighing you finish up and go to stand. Quickly Matthew helps you up but what he doesn’t expect is you wrapping your arms around him, your body soaking his night shirt and shorts. 
“This marriage will not end no matter what, do you hear me?” You state firmly. “I love you, Matthew. I’m in love with you. That will never change.”
Squeezing you tightly in his arms, he buries his face in the crook of your neck. “I love you too. Without you…I’d be lost.”
“Now, enough gossip talk for today. I need to get dried and dressed before Jeno comes over.”
“Or you could stay like this and scare him off.”
Lips move across yours lazily. Giggling your hand rests on Matthew’s cheek as he attempts to say goodbye to you for a few hours. It’s strange how all it took was a little release to get the two of you back to snuggling, kissing, and loving each other properly. Still, there is the fact that Matthew needs to get through whatever is holding him back from being inside of you for longer periods of time and from coming inside of you — deciding it wasn’t the time yesterday to talk to him about why he pulled out you opt to save it for another day. Preferably a time when you’re not in pain and can leave if the conversation becomes heated.
Then, there is the issue of whatever is going on between Jeno and yourself. Talking to Matthew about what your uncle told you brought on a wave of guilt you didn’t expect to feel. Yes, you cheated. But Matthew begging, pleading for you not to leave him and pleading for nothing to go wrong between the two of you is what’s killing you. 
When Jeno was inside you, when he kissed you, touched you, tasted you, and came inside you, a huge part of you wanted to be with him. To know what it would be like to be desired the way he desired you. The thrill of not being able to keep your hands off of the other in public, even the thought of it has your heart racing. 
With Matthew…everything is hopefully, someday, and perhaps. It’s always dangingling in front of you but strangely out of reach. Its not a guarantee and that’s what you want. A guarantee that you’ll be loved. A guarantee that when you look into his eyes the most salacious sinful thoughts of what he wants to do to you will bring out the animal in him. But with Matthew, that’s unlikely. 
Yesterday, though amazing, feels like a fevered dream. A manic moment where he acted on impulse instead of rationality. If you were guaranteed a husband that would thrill you more you would have never sought solace in another man’s arms. If you could only have lived in that moment with Matthew for the rest of your life…if only…
“I don’t want to leave you,” Matthew mumbles against your lips.
“Mr. Smith needs you,” you whisper.
“He’s the one leading the construction. I’m just there as support. People respect him. I’m not needed.” His lips trail down to your neck. 
Giggling, you arch your head back giving him more access. “I love feeling your lips on me.”
“Hurry up and get better,” Matthew peeks up at you. “Yesterday was amazing but you’re now very sore and it’s killing me to know I pushed you to this point.”
“I pushed myself, Matthew. Please don’t blame yourself.”
“Still I shouldn’t have —”
“Hello? Matthew?” Jeno’s voice echoes from downstairs. 
Exhaling deeply Matthew sits up. “I guess that’s my cue to leave.”
“Have fun today and don’t overwork yourself,” you give him one final peck on the lips before he pulls away.
“I promise. Just get some rest. I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” he strokes your cheek.
Rushing down the stairs Matthew smiles happily seeing Jeno waiting patiently at the front door. “Sorry for keeping you. She’s having a rough morning.”
Worried Jeno’s eyes widen darting to the staircase. “Is she okay?”
“She’s a little sore from yesterday. She took a bath and some pills so that should help ease some of the discomfort but I think she’ll need a good massage when the painkillers wear off.” He scratches the back of his neck. “I blame myself…”
“Why? You didn’t do anything to her…” Jeno mumbles as guilt washes over him.
“Well that’s not entirely true…you know how yesterday we were talking? And you mentioned that I should be a little less restrictive in my interactions with her?”
Tilting his head Jeno nods slowly. “Less restrictive?” He chuckles. “You mean when I told you to stop treating her like a porcelain doll?”
“Precisely!” Matthew claps his hands shouting joyfully. “Well… last evening…what I mean to say is…” he pulls at the collar of his t-shirt. “We’re friends, right? I can confide in you…?” He gulps loudly.
Friends? Jeno scoffs internally. “I would say we’re on friendly terms so yes you can confide in me.” Slowly at the sides of his arms Jeno’s hands ever so slowly ball up into fists.
“Well…we might have fooled around a little and things got out of hand and that’s why her back is killing her. It’s all my fault!” Matthew lowers his head in shame. “I shouldn’t have initiated anything. I shouldn’t have acted like I did…I don’t know what came over me… so any pain that she feels today is all because of me…I just hope she won’t be in bed any longer than necessary…”
Matthew goes on and on about how guilty he feels asking question after question and rationalizing what happened last night, letting a few things slip past his lips. The words, eating, pleasure, and you on top are the only things his brain picks up from Matthew’s babbling. 
“You don’t think she’ll be in bed longer do you?”
Shaking his head Jeno runs a stressed hand through his hair. “Well, any physical activity might have caused more harm than good, or it might have helped. She needed to get some kind of activity going on so her muscles can loosen up but maybe that went a little too far,” he tries his best to chuckle. “I’ll be sure to work out any kinks she might have. I know staying in bed isn’t her favorite thing in the world.”
“Tell me about it. She’s already talking about what she can do with the project once she’s better. I  would actually prefer it if she stayed far away from this project. I don’t want her to get ahead of herself and get hurt again.”
“She knows her limits so I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Plus, what is she supposed to do when you leave for hours to work on the house? Sit at home and knit?” Jeno chuckles. “She’ll be fine,” he claps a hand on Matthew’s shoulder. “She’ll have the women to keep her company and if need be I’ll help keep an eye on her.”
“Really?!” Matthew perks up. “You’d really help me watch out for her?”
“Of course.”
“You have no idea how much that means to me. Well, I better get going before Mr. Smith throws a fit. She’s upstairs in our room. She’s eaten some breakfast so you won’t have to worry about that. I’ll be back around 5 this evening. If you don’t have any plans I’d love to continue our conversation from yesterday over dinner.”
“Our conversation?” Jeno tilts his head. “About your bedroom situation?”
Rubbing the back of his neck Matthew chuckles. “You REALLY helped us.”
“Well, if it really helped, sure we can talk. Try not to tire yourself out today.”
“Will do! And thanks, Jeno.”
Sighing against the fluffy pillow on your bed you hear muffled voices downstairs. Your brain running over every scenario that could be discussed between Matthew and Jeno, but your mind keeps drifting back to Matthew’s confession of talking to Jeno about your love life. Yes, you talked to Jeno about it, but that’s different. Right…?
Suddenly footsteps start to ascend the stairs and for some strange reason you’re terrified to see Jeno. Yesterday, you were awkward, nervous, but excited. Today, after what happened between the two of you and then your husband…how can you dare look him in the eyes? 
His footsteps draw closer. A shadow creeps into view on the floor outside the master bedroom. Your heart beats like a drum in your ears. Your mind grows foggy. 
This is ridiculous! You scream internally. 
This is just Jeno! Your friend! Your best friend’s cousin! He’s practically family! There’s no need to be scared of him.
Jeno comes into view. Hair slicked back slightly. Eyes staring you down as he leans against the door frame. His arms and legs crossing with the most accusatory smirk on his face.
“For someone who got their rocks off twice yesterday you’re looking quite well.” He snickers.
“Fuck you, Jeno!” You grumble.
“You will once you’re better.”
Cheeks blazing with heat your head rises slowly. Eyes glistening with a million and one different emotions. “Wh-What?!”
Pushing off the wall, Jeno saunters ever so slowly towards you. His eyes staring you down as if he were the predator and you his prey. “A little birdie told me that you had some fun last night but now you’re sore.” Shaking his head he sighs. “I do blame myself for some of the soreness, but you,” he chuckles sitting down next to you. “You went overboard.”
“What all do you know?”
Shrugging, Jeno peers down at you. “Not a lot actually. Care to explain why your husband is worried sick about you?”
Turning from him you slide down into bed, your arms crossing over you as if to protect you from his judging gaze. “We just fooled around is all.”
“Fooled around, oh yes, that makes sense.” 
“What do you want a play by play?” You snap.
“No, but a little indication of how much pressure I’m going to need to use to help work out the kinks in your back would help.” Getting up he goes down to the foot of the bed. “Brace yourself.” He winks.
“Wh-Wha…AHHHHHH!!!” You scream when he grabs your ankles and yanks you down till your flat on your back. “Shit!!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You groan.
“That is for fooling around twice yesterday. I admit I shouldn’t have fucked you until your back was better, but you missy, what the hell were you thinking?! A second round when your back is so fucked up you can barely move on your own…are you crazy?!”
Not saying a word you do the only thing your body will allow you to do, flip him the bird.
“That’s mature of you.”
“And yanking me down like that is mature?!”
Now next to you, Jeno motions with his finger for you to turn onto your stomach.
“I can’t,” you whimper.
“Don’t make me flip you over. I won’t be gentle.” Groaning you flip yourself over in one breath. “See you could do it,” he gives your ass a light slap.
“Remind me to kick your ass when I’m feeling better.”
“I’ll be counting the days until you’re better.”
Crawling onto the bed and on top of you, Jeno straddles your hip. Sitting just below your bottom he pushes your loose fitted shirt up to your shoulders. Blowing on his fingers so that they’re not icy he starts to rub over your aching muscles.
A long moan moves past your lips as Jeno works his magic. “Fuck why do you have to be so god at this?”
Chuckling Jeno rubs over your lower back where most of the pain lies. “This is part of my job, you know. I should be good at it.”
“If you keep this up players may get hurt on purpose.”
Sliding his hands up your spine you melt into his touch. His hands curve around your shoulders giving them a little massage before slowly moving his way back down to right above your tailbone.
“Matthew invited me to stay for dinner tonight.”
“Oh?” You peek back to see a strange look on his face. “Matthew’s a wonderful cook. I don’t know what he’s planning on making but I’m sure you’ll love it.”
“He wants to talk to me about you and him.”
“I see…” Jeno’s hands still which causes you to look back again to see him looking down a darkness shrouding his face. “Jeno…” you whisper.
“What happened last night after I left?”
“Why does your husband want to talk to me about his problems fucking his wife?”
“You said that the two of you fooled around, right?”
“Yeah…but I don’t understand how that has anything to do with what you just said.”
“What did he do to you? Why are you in your bedroom and not the guest room?”
“Tell me!” He shouts. “I need to know why I’m going to have to give your husband advice about how to fuck the person I’m trying so hard not to fuck right now! Why does he want to talk to me? I know I agreed to this arrangement but that’s because it was just for you, because I —” sighing he slides off of you. “Did he fuck you last night?”
Struggling to get to your knees you manage to sit up enough to crawl back to your pillows to rest your back. “If you’re asking me if his penis went inside of me, yes. If you’re asking me if he fucked me like you did, the answer is no.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Matthew…” you sigh. “He’s going through something, like I said. Last night, hell, I should thank you for last night.”
“Please don’t.” 
“Come here,” you tap his shoulder with your foot. Glancing up and back he sees your arms opened wide for him. “Come here, Jeno.”
Rolling his eyes he scoffs. “I’m a grown ass man. I don’t need to be coddled like a child.”
“A woman has her arms open for you and you deny laying against her. Wow…”
“If it’s for pity then hell yeah I won’t go into your arms!”
“It’s not for pity. It’s for comfort. Something is bothering you. Jeno, as much as you helped me and were there for me, I want to be there for you.”
“I gave you a nice fuck that was it. I hardly think that constitutes as helping you and being there for you.”
“JENO!” You shout startling him. “Either get your pouting behind up here or leave now!”
Shocked his eyes dart across your face. Defeated he plops down on top of you. His arms encircling your waist while his head rests on your chest.
“I do need to thank you. Yesterday,” you giggle. “Yesterday you made me feel like I was someone to be desired. That I wasn’t made of glass. Matthew treats me with kid gloves but you,” your hand runs through his hair. “You treated me how I’ve always dreamed Matthew would treat me. To just fuck the shit out of me!” 
“Damn you have issues don’t you?” Jeno chuckles, glancing up at you.
“Yes, I do.” You say bluntly.
“I didn’t mean it like that…”
“I do have issues. What I want and desire go against what my husband finds suitable. However, last night after you left, something changed in Matthew’s demeanor. He looked at me like a husband who wanted to dive into the depths of lust and desire. For once in our whole marriage I thought this is it! This is what I’ve been waiting for.”
“So he did fuck you…”
“Yes, and no. It was only when he was going to come did he enter me. And even then,” you groan. “He didn’t finish inside of me. He never does.”
“And that’s a problem?” 
“Yes and no. When you came inside of me,” you start to feel your face getting warm. “I don’t know there was something very intimate about the act that I loved. I just wish Matthew understood how I feel about it.”
“Are you not going to tell me what happened? I mean who knows,” Jeno kisses your neck tenderly. “Maybe we can give it a shot too.”
“I was on top of him grinding against him. That’s it.”
Pulling away from you Jeno’s gaze goes from shocked to furious. “Well no shit your back is killing you! Are you crazy?! I tried my damndest to make sure your back wasn’t going to strain too much and here you are sputtering on top of your husband like a crazy person!”
“It was in the heat of the moment!”
“Heat of the moment my ass! That’s it, on your stomach! Now I’ve got to try to work out all of your stupid mistakes and then some!”
“Come on we were having a nice moment…”
“On your stomach now!!!”
“Je-Jeno…” your breath hitches as his fingers ghost over your inner thighs. 
“Hush, I’m working.”
“Are you?” You hold back a moan.
“This is a full body massage. You acted stupid and reckless so now we’re going through preventative measures.”
“And your hands between my thighs are for what reason?”
“Did I not speak clearly when I said full body massage?” 
Squeezing tightly at your quadriceps, Jeno moves his hands up over your pelvic bones and back down to your thighs. Now laying in your back after an eon of Jeno tortuously working out the severe kinks in your back he decided to give you a full body massage. Sort of a sorry for breaking you even more than you were already broken. However, every time he slides his hands up and down your thighs, his ring and pinky fingers ghost between your legs — ever so close to your core.
“You know you really didn’t need to give me a full body massage. I was fine after the back massage. This is a little much…” you squeak feeling his pinky finger graze your outer folds. “JENO!” 
Licking his lips Jeno looks down at you innocently. “What is it?”
“You know exactly what! You’re trying to touch me!”
“Sweetheart if I was going to touch you I would have already. Like I said this is a full body massage and I want to be as thorough as possible.”
“Thorough my ass…”
With one quick glance to see your gaze is off to the side Jeno slips his hands between your legs gripping your inner thighs. 
“I need to massage your inner thighs too. Geez you’re jumpy.” He tsks.
“I’m not…you’re doing this on purpose!” You gulp feeling your body become warmer the longer this massage progresses.
“Doing what on purpose?”
“Damn it, Jeno!”
Sliding his hands out from between your legs, he looms over you, his arms holding his body up. Lowering himself to where his breath cascades over your face he chuckles. “I promise nothing is going to happen unless you want it to happen. Yesterday,” he lowers himself more, the heat from his body mixing with yours. “Yesterday we were caught up in our emotions. Today, well, I don’t want to break you.” 
“Break me? How in the hell do you think you’ll break me?”
“Yesterday was a taste of what’s to come in the future,” leaning on one arm, Jeno’s other hand travels down your body gently until he cups your core. Your breath hitches as his eyes darken. “So do both me and your husband a favor and get better soon. Mostly for me though,” bending down he snags your lower lip between his teeth.
“Ahhhh!!!! Jeno!!”
“What?” He pulls back smiling sweetly. 
Your pelvis raises to meet his hand. Adding some pressure that you desperately needed to feel. “Help me…”
“Which way do you prefer?” He places a kiss on your lips. “Mouth,” he licks your lips. “Or fingers?”
“Mouth!!” You gasp when he rubs over your pulsing nub over top your pajama shorts.
“Excellent choice,” he growls before pulling away from you. 
“J-Just this…o-okay? Nothing more!” You try to lay some ground rules.
Settling between your legs, Jeno makes himself comfortable. “Of course. I wouldn’t think of doing more.”
“Jeno…” you whisper.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
The room becomes quiet as the two of you stare into each other's eyes. Reaching up, Jeno grabs the waistband of your shorts as well as your underwear and yanks them down your legs until you can pull one leg out. Leaving the other leg entangled with your clothing, he pushes your right leg open to give him access to your soaking cunt. 
“Enough with those questions. If and when I have a problem with things you’ll be the first to know.”
Gripping onto the bed sheets for what’s about to come you brace yourself. But what happens next shocks you…
Leaning in, Jeno kisses over your mound gently. His lips barely touching you. Feeling as if a feather was lightly brushing against your skin. Taking his time to leave no area untouched you find this soft and sweet side very arousing and shocking. 
Not that you’re complaining but Jeno has an air about him that when he looks at you all you want to do is spread your legs and have him fuck the daylights out of you. To have him kissing your soaking outer folds with such tenderness is unexpected, but extremely enjoyable!
Looking up with a look in his eyes you haven’t seen yet, he spreads open your folds giving your clit a little smooch as well. Jerking slightly he continues his sweet actions until every part of your pussy has been shown some form of affection. 
“Jeno~~~” you moan gently.
Smiling lightly at the sound of you saying his name, he sticks out his tongue and licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit.
“Ahhh~~~ yes!!!”
Wrapping his lips around your overly sensitive bundle of nerves he suckles on your clit like a newborn babe — giving himself a break to breathe every now and then he doesn’t stop pleasuring you. He sucks, licks, and lapse all of your juices that seep from you. 
Your body coming alive as a particular swipe of his tongue at your entrance has your slick pouring out of you, Jeno does a good job of cleaning you up.
“You taste amazing,” he compliments with a loud slurp of your juices. “I should have done this yesterday!”
“My pussy is yours anytime you want it,” you say deliriously.
Peering up and seeing the rise and fall of your chest and your already fucked out expressions, Jeno lowers himself back to your pussy. “I wouldn’t say that if I were you…” He warns. 
Wrapping his arms around your thighs, he pulls you down closer to his mouth. Diving into your pussy with more vigor, he has your back arching in mere seconds. Gripping onto his hair you keep him right where you want him. His lips smooching your clit, his tongue flicking quickly over your bud driving you closer to the edge. 
Hips starting to grind against his face, he swiftly pushes down on your pelvic bones. “Don’t strain your back,” he pops up between your legs — face flustered pink, lips swollen, with your slick all over his lips and chin.
“Your mouth feels too good. I can’t help it.” You whimper. 
“When you’re better you can ride my face, okay? But for now,” he dives back down giving your pussy — entrance to clit, a long hard lick, “keep your back flat and your hips down,” he kisses your inner thigh.
“Fine…” you grumble.
“Good girl,” he whispers.
The moment Jeno whispers ‘good girl’ your body engulfs in flames. From your toes to the top of your head your body tingles with something you’ve never felt before. How could two simple words cause you to react in such a way. 
Now, the slightest touch from him has you moaning loudly. A mere flick of his tongue has your body sliding down closer to his mouth. Your breath choppy as you try to breathe. The air not making it quite to your lungs before another moan escapes you. Heart pounding in your chest and ears your stomach starts to churn. Heat pooling to your core, your hand flails to Jeno’s hair gripping on it tightly.
“Don’t you fucking stop, Jeno.” You groan.
Sucking on your clit harder, groan after groan comes from you. Wanting to twist and turn, to grind against his lips, to do something to quicken things to reach your climax you do the only thing you can do — fist the bed sheets until you can’t feel your fingers. 
“Fuck! Yes! Yes!!!” You thrash your arms down onto the bed. “Faster!!! Please!!! Faster!!!”
Keeping his tongue out, Jeno bobs his head up and down while his tongue skates over your clit and entrance. Holding your folds wide open he slurps and soaks every inch of your pussy. Your body starts to tremble as the swiftness of his tongue starts to send you over. 
Legs starting to enclose around him your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
“Sh-Sh-Shit!!!!” You screech. “Ahhh fuck!!!!”
Pulling back from you, Jeno hastily rubs his fingers over your clit. 
“Fuck!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!”
A burst of liquid comes from you in a stream. Doing his best, Jeno bends down taking your squirt into his mouth. Clamping his mouth over your pussy, your juices have no other place to go but down his throat. Drinking you up, he takes every last bit of your essence. 
Body twitching and sensitive, Jeno lapse up some of your squirt that dropped from the corners of his mouth. Using his tongue he makes sure that you’re as clean as can be before coming up to you for a kiss.
“Thanks for that,” he smirks against your lips. “Was a little thirsty there.” 
“Tha-That was…amazing!!!” You wrap your legs around his waist. “Fuck, Jeno!”
Crashing his lips onto yours, you clean up the mess you made. Relishing in the taste of your essence, your eyes for a second time roll back into your head. But not before you lick over his neck to get the remnants of your slick. 
“Now I can’t wait till I’m better!” You sigh. Your head falling back against the bed.
Laying his body on top of yours,  you wrap your arms around Jeno securely. “Why?”
“If you made me come that much when I wasn’t able to do anything, imagine when I’m better and can ride your face!” You squeal.
Busting out in laughter Jeno buries his face in the crook of your neck. “You want to drown me don’t you?”
“Never!!! But I am certified in CPR if anything happens.” You giggle hugging him tightly.  
“Sweetheart! Jeno!!!” Matthew shouts as he walks through the door. Body drenched in sweat with a pizza and a small bag in hand. 
“She’s upstairs taking a nap,” Jeno raises a finger to his lips coming down the stairs as quietly as possible. “She passed out after the massage.”
“Well, we’ll have to save some pizza for her then.” He holds up the box. “I also picked up some soda on the way home.”
“Oh wow a pizza!!!”
“Didn’t know what you liked so I just got pepperoni and some Cola.”
“Perfect, let’s eat!”
Heading to the kitchen, Jeno offers to carry the pizza and the sodas. Setting them down at the table he glances over at Matthew who cools himself off with some cold water from the sink. The atmosphere light and less awkward then this morning. 
“Was she really tight today?” Matthew asks taking a seat at the table.
“Yeah, her lower back had a lot of tough knots but I think the pain meds and the massage will take away any discomfort.”
“It was my fault. After our conversation I got ahead of myself when I should have just let her rest.” Matthew states popping open a can of cola and sliding it to Jeno.
“Thanks,” Jeno takes a sip. “Exactly what was it about our conversation that led you to do whatever it was.” Curiosity getting the best of him, Jeno leans forward. “What exactly happened, if you don’t mind me asking.”
His face turning a bright pink, Matthew pops open his can of soda chugging a good amount down. “Uhhh, well, we kind of…we-we didn’t do it do it, but we did other things.” He fidgets in his seat.
“Wait, you guys didn’t fuck? Why not?” Jeno chuckles trying to keep the mood light, however inside his stomach churns in an uncomfortable manner. 
“You can’t expect me to fu…I mean have intercourse with my wife when she’s in pain!!!”
“I mean missionary’s always an option. It’s okay but not my favorite. Why not go with that?”
“Missionary?” Matthew peeks up from looking at his soda.
“You know when the girls on her back and the guys in between her legs. The typical position. Now me,” he leans in smirking. “While missionary is great, there’s something about the woman on top, or taking her from behind.” Jeno wiggles his brows.
Opening up the box of pizza Matthew takes out a slice and urges Jeno to start eating as well. “From behind…” he whispers. “An-And women like this?”
Munching on the slice of pizza Jeno shrugs. “Depends,” he takes a swig of soda. “Every woman is different. What does…oh shit…maybe I shouldn’t ask…” he laughs.
“Ask what?”
“I was just about to ask what your wife likes in bed.”
“I…I ummm…I know she likes oral,” his face brightens more. “Sort of found that out last night.” Realizing what he just said Matthew sits up straight. “DON’T TELL HER I TOLD YOU!”
“Anything we talk about is safe between us. I won’t say anything. I swear.” Seeing Matthew settle back down Jeno asks in a whisper, “so, she liked you eating her out?”
“A LOT!! I always wanted to try it but…it just felt…dirty, you know?”
“Nope.” Jeno chuckles. “Sex is a part of life. There are moments where it’s sweet and loving or passionate and aggressive and other times where it’s just downright nasty, but even in those moments it’s about the connection. Whether it’s with a lifelong partner or a one night stand. Two souls, two bodies connected for a brief time…That’s what I love about it.”
“How many people have you been with?”
“Three,” Jeno sighs. “Kind of lame when you think about it. My first time was when I was fourteen. She was a year older and I wanted to seem mature and it lasted all of thirty seconds I think. It was fucking embarrassing! So, when I did it for the second time, a different girl, I basically trained like I was aiming for the Olympics. 
“Figured out how to last longer and just realized that even if I came that doesn’t mean it was over. I always make sure that my ladies are thoroughly satisfied. If it takes multiple rounds, so be it. I just want both of us to feel fulfilled by the end of it.”
“And the third person?” Matthew asks. “I’m sure you’ve learned to master things by then.”
Clearing his throat, Jeno averts his gaze. “The third woman,” he says softly. “She was someone I didn’t really know. Someone I had heard about through an acquaintance. But the stories they told and how well a picture they painted of her, man…when I finally met her I couldn’t believe my eyes. 
“An absolute beauty. I fucked up in the beginning — said something I shouldn’t, but she was very kind and understanding. She made me feel…seen…you know?” Shaking his head Jeno exhales deeply pushing his can of soda away from him. “Well, anyway, I wish things turned out different but when we did have sex,” he snickers. “It was fucking amazing! The best I ever had. Of course it was…Her heart wasn’t available…”
“You guys broke up?”
“We were never together. She was…is…in love with someone else.”
“I’m sorry Jeno…I know there is someone out there for you. I mean look at me. I never would have thought I’d have such a beautiful wife but here I am!” Reaching over the table Matthew touches Jeno’s hand giving him a reassuring smile. “Just have faith and hang in there.”
Pretending to be embarrassed Jeno looks down and away. “Thanks…anyway…back to the subject at hand. So it seems like you took some of my advice about letting loose. Think you’ll do it again?”
“ABSOLUTELY!” Matthew beams. “Maybe not now though. I don’t want her to get hurt.”
“Yes, please try to keep the fooling around to a minimum.” Jeno laughs holding up his hands. “I think I might get carpal tunnel if the two of you do anything else.”
For the rest of the evening Jeno stayed and talked to Matthew. Strangely having quite a nice time. Matthew, despite being a man of God, was a pretty down to earth person. And yet, as he walks away from your home a darkness seems to surround him. Did he fuck things up for himself and you before the two of you truly experienced each other? Or is Matthew all bark and no bite?
Sighing and shaking his head Jeno takes one look up at your bedroom before sliding his hands into his pants pockets. “As much as it was nice talking to you Matthew,” he whispers to himself. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to walk away after today…” 
With a roll of his eyes Jeno disappears into the night.
✞ tag list ✞ if i forgot you or if you want to be added just let me know right here and i’ll add you. thanks and see you in the next part! @raquelvsblog @sfsrm-blog @matchahyuck @kikiisda1 @cheyehc 
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hime-bee · 5 months
"Also I'd let this old man hit it raw but that's just me"
omg hoederer unlocking a secret breeding kink he didn't know he had?? poor guy is just so tired and weighed down from life so why not just give him some pussy to at least get him through the week, however many times he wants until he feels just a smidge better. letting him hit it raw for the first time, as a little treat, and moaning that he's gonna knock you up with how much he's spilling inside your needy cunt.
the thing is, he knows that he can't afford to become a father, much less a decent enough one (or one who isn't infected). the guilt of it would eat him up alive, but fuck, the risk of it, your squelching cunt clamping tightly onto his dick and you chanting his name with that hazy and love stricken expression just makes something inside him snap. and just like that, he's taken away the reigns you've always had by pummeling into you like his very life depends on it. he's not usually one to be this rough, but you aren't gonna complain when he's this deadset on knocking you up.
he might have complicated feelings towards you, but damn if he doesn't know how to fuck you so hard and good that all you can think about is his dick. and getting endlessly bred by him of course.
(really sorry about your hand :(( i hope it gets better!! and pls pls don't feel bad about taking a break, you ABSOLUTELY deserve it! >33 enjoy this lil hoederer thirst and i hope it makes you feel a bit better >:3c)
Just... Being so hypnotized by the pussy that he throws caution to the wind and abandons all his morals and inhibitions, all for pussy 😩 There's just something about a man like that, my God you know my type LOL. Bless you for this Hoederer thirst, Lati, I shall be saving this for various reasons 😌💞💞 Fuck Buddy Hoederer???
And thank you for the well wishes!! I think I overdid it a bit yesterday, but pain meds and rest today will help, I'm sure! 😍 This thirst makes me wanna write tho ngl 😩 I'll try to refrain... For now-
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14 notes · View notes
My Favorite Song
Fandom: The Killing, Stephen Holder
Summary: When your boyfriend starts avoiding you, you try everything to figure out what went wrong.
Word Count: 1827
TW: Fluff with Slight Angst, Steamy Ending
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"Ugh. Not this song again!" You reach for the skip button on your phone and try desperately to hit it with your elbow since your hands are still covered in flour from the pie you were making.
Holder chuckles as he reaches around you to skip the song. "What up? I thought you loved this one?”
"I did, until about the fiftieth time I heard it. But I was an idiot and listened to it on repeat so many times that now I am just sick of it."
Holder glances at you, face scrunched in confusion, “Really? Why’d you do that?”
“It’s not that I did it on purpose. I just loved it so much that I wanted to hear it over and over again. By the time I realized I was tired of it, I had already gotten to the point that I hated it. I do the same with food. I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning for about three months, then I won’t be able to eat it again for almost a year because I overdid it. Haven’t you ever had something like that? That you loved but just got tired of after experiencing it over and over again? Like a movie or tv show?”
“Nah…. Not that I can think of.” Holder is frowning now, his brow furrowed and he’s chewing on his lip.
“Nothin’. Just didn’t realize you were like that.”
You shrug. “It’s not a big deal. I just go through cycles of things I like. I’ll come back around to it eventually. Just for now, I’ve had enough.” Your eyes shift to the skillet Holder had been cooking in. “Um, you might want to stir that before it burns.”
He nods and does as you suggested, but you can still see the wheels turning in his head. After a few more minutes, he pulls the skillet off the heat and sets it to the side. Then he excused himself so he could go for a smoke on the balcony.
When he came back in ten minutes later, Holder was more himself, but you can tell something was still wrong. During dinner, his laugh doesn’t quite meet his eyes and he is downing more beers than usual. When you are both finished and you start to clear the plates, Holder finally speaks up.
“I gotta go home. I got an early mornin’ tomorrow,” he mumbles, not meeting your eye.
“What? But you said you were staying over? You have clothes here so you wouldn’t have to go home to change in the morning and my place is closer to the precinct anyway.” You can’t understand what happened to make him change his mind so suddenly. Before the two of you had started dinner, all he could do was talk about all the things he was going to do to you later tonight. Now he wanted to leave? “But we haven’t even eaten the pie yet.”
“Sorry, but it’s just better if I go. We have a pretty fucked up new case and it ain’t gonna be an easy one to solve. I need ta get some sleep.”
“Um, alright…. If you think that’s best.” You place the dishes in the sink and return to where he is still sitting at the table. Stepping up next to him, you run your fingers lightly through his messy hair. “But we’re still good, right?”
“Yeah, of course, babe.” He gently kisses your wrist then stands up and grabs his things.
You walk him to the door, where he gives you a quick peck on the head before shuffling off down the hall. You stare after him, wondering what is really going on in his head.
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“Hey, baby. I just wanted to call and see how your day was going. I know you said you had this really hard case you were working on, and I didn’t want to bother you. But, uh, you haven’t responded to any of my texts the last two days. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay…. That we’re okay….. So, uh, just give me a call or text when you can… please? I love you.”
“Hey, it’s me again. I know you texted me back yesterday, but I still would love to see you. I understand this case is taking a lot out of you, so I was thinking I could make you feel good, do that thing you like…. But I understand if you can’t. Maybe Saturday? They have to give you a day off sometime. And, Holder…. I love you.”
“Stephen, please. If I did something wrong, can you just tell me? You haven’t called me in over a week, barely texted. I know you’re busy, but usually, you’re blowing up my phone when you’re on stakeouts or have downtime in the office or Linden is driving. I just want to see you, even for a few minutes! I can come by the precinct. Or your apartment. Or you can come to my place. Hell, I’ll meet you in the McDonald’s parking lot halfway between the two! Just… something…. please. I still love you. I just hope….”
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A small nudge at your hip startles you awake. Blinking in surprise, you look up to see your boyfriend towering over you. “Holder!” you exclaim as you unfold your aching limbs.
“Yo, what’re you doin’ here? How long you been sittin’ like that?” He asks, a slight edge of concern tinting his words at seeing you curled up on the carpet just outside his apartment door.
You glance at your watch and think. “Fou- no, five hours? I didn’t know how else to see you since you’ve been avoiding me.”
He offers you his hand and helps pull you to your feet. “So, this was the best ya could come up with?”
“Well…. Yeah.”
He chuckles softly and shakes his head as he starts to unlock his door. “And what happened to your key?”
“……” You hang your head, lip trembling as tears spring to your eyes.
As the door to the apartment swings open, he glances back at you. The second he sees your forlorn expression, his smile fades and he gathers you into his chest. “Hey, mama, don’t cry. Yo, come on. It’s okay.” He gently steers you into his apartment and shuts the door. Once inside the privacy of his place, he kneels in front of you and cups your face. “What up?”
You sniffle as you say, “I didn’t know if you would want me to use my key. I didn’t know if you would even want me at all anymore.”
“What! Why the fuck would you think that?”
“Because, you kept ignoring me all week. I came by because if you want to break up, I wanted you to do it to my face,” you mutter quietly.
“No, babe, that’s not…. No, I never… Of course, I….” He stands abruptly and starts pacing in front of you.
“Ah, I fucked this up. I’m so sorry. I just…. I thought….” He finally stops and sighs. Then he whispers, “Normally, I text you over a hundred times a day. We talk on the phone every chance we get and we’re practically livin’ together. I just…. I didn’t want ya ta get tired of me.” He hangs his head dejectedly.
But you can only stare at him, a baffled expression on your face. “What? What are you talking about? When did I ever say I was getting tired of you?”
“Last time we made dinner. You said you have a habit of overdoin’ it with things you love then you grow tired of ‘em after a while.” He is still just staring at the floor, refusing to look you in the eye. Then in a whisper, he says, “I didn’t want to be one of those things.”
Your heart breaks for him as it all begins to make sense. “No, baby! I didn’t mean you! I would never mean you!” You take his face into your hands and lift it up so he is gazing into your face. “Stephen, you make me feel alive. When we met, for the first time ever, I felt like I could breathe. Don’t you get it? You aren’t a stupid song or a food that I could just get over or get sick of. You…. you’re air. You’re water and gravity. You’re all the things that I need in my life to keep going. There is no me without you anymore and that is something that I will never get sick of.”
He hesitates, “Do… do you mean it?”
You nod, “With all of my heart.”
He stares at you for just a second before surging forward and capturing your lips with his. His kiss is frantic and almost feral as if he is trying to devour you, but you don’t mind. You kiss him back with just as much ferocity, trying to show him how much he means to you, how much you need him. Never breaking contact with your mouth, he slides one arm under your ass and lifts you up so your legs can wrap around his waist.
Quickly, he carries you back into his bedroom and lays you down on the bed. In this new position, you use your legs still wrapped around him to pull him in closer, eliciting a needy moan from his lips that sends a rush of pleasure through you.
He starts trailing kisses across your jaw and down your neck, sliding backward off the bed to his knees. You know what he plans on doing next, but you need to clarify one thing before he does.
Lifting his gaze back up to yours, you say breathlessly, “Baby, next time, just talk to me if something’s wrong. I need to know so we can work it out, okay?”
He nods, his hazel eyes sparkling in the dim light. “Fuck, I missed you so much. Your smile, your laugh, your touch, your taste.” He nibbles your collarbone as if to prove his point. “I ain’t ever gonna do that again, I promise. Damn, there’s so much I wanna tell ya. So much we missed out on this past week.”
You caress his face gently, “We’ve got time. I’m not going anywhere.” You drag him back up to place another kiss on his swollen lips. Then you whisper, “And I promise, even if you were a song, you would be my favorite one and I could listen to you on repeat for the rest of my life without ever getting tired of you."
He grins brightly as he presses his forehead against yours, “Well, babe, how ‘bout tonight, we try for a remix?”
He drops back to the floor where he uses your legs to pull you flush to the edge of the bed. And as he dips his head and lets out a heady groan, it is music to your ears.
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #219
It's done.
All of the music box notes are arranged in Audacity. I got it done. I started when I woke up this morning at like 8 or so, and now it's almost 10:30 at night. But it's done.
Oh, and… if you've been reading my letters up until this point, you might be worried, but I am going to tell you not to worry, because even though I am in more pain than usual today because I overdid it yesterday, somehow I managed to properly tend my body basically the whole time. I ate things and I even remembered to drink water. It's good. I'm good. We're good.
...Sephiroth, the music box sounds AMAZING. I can't wait to show it to you.
But it's still not ready to be shown to you yet, because I still gotta sing over it. And unlike the last one I tried to sing over, I'm pretty sure this isn't out of my range. I'm like 99% sure I can pull this off, even with my stupid bullshit rib injury. I just gotta ask my guys to find an excuse to leave the house so I'm not all self-conscious while doing it.
For now, it's uploaded to SoundCloud as a private track. I might send it along to those who ask for it. Once I have the words, it will no longer be private. I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow.
…I suddenly had to step away to tend to some things. It is now 12:14am. I really have to get to bed; I have an appointment tomorrow. I overdid it yesterday with all the things, and I'm actually in quite a lot of pain today thanks to the stupid rib. I did the things today anyway, and I managed. But I still feel pretty drained. So I'm going to stop writing now and sleep.
I'm sorry this letter was short. But do know that all day today was spent thinking of you, and putting this thing together for you. I even got a few pictures for you of various things today, but I think I'll have to show them to you tomorrow. Look forward to it, okay?
I love you. And I'll write again soon. So please stay safe…
Your friend, Lumine
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dollsonmain · 1 year
I should probably do a lot of nothing today because I overdid it yesterday but there's still a ton of catching up to do.
Every time I get angry about the boys not picking up the slack when I'm unable to do the chores and things I try to think about it as though I were single and living alone.
Someone living alone would also have to let everything slide downhill when they were ill or injured and then have to try to pick it all back up again [unless they had friends and family nearby to come help, which I don't*], and if they can do that AND work, then I can at least do the catching up on chores half since i don't have to go to work.
*my neighbors are nosy and gossipy and would probably be MORE than willing to come in and help me with chores so they could gossip about the decor, or the cleanliness, or go looking to find out what meds I'm on so they can gossip about that, too, but I'm not interested in any of that thank you.
That Guy had been trying to have people come over to play table top games relatively regularly before I got sick and I've been thinking about how unfriendly our home is to guests. We have a Very Nice Guest Room, other than the room being rather small and the furniture in it being too big which makes it a little difficult to navigate. The bed is also squeaky.
I would like to get rid of the larger dresser in there at least, get rid of all of the random crap he's shoved in that closet, and maybe move the tall dresser into the closet.
I'm not allowed to get rid of the huge dresser, though, because it came from his grandparents' house.
A few of his friends are very large, too, and I think a good host would swap out the old, uncomfortable, cushionless, broken grandparents' dining chairs for nicer, more comfortable ones. I might look at those high-weight-capacity church chairs someone mentioned a ways back on my dash if I can find them again.
His friends all have to drive at least an hour to get here, he could make an effort to make them comfortable. He doesn't even lay out snacks or enough drinks.
He is devoid of empathy and doesn't even think about that sort of thing. His guests comfort doesn't matter to him, all that matters is that they're here to play with him and he's the center of attention.
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cookinguptales · 9 months
I guess that's as good a segue as any for a post on my experiences at Sleep No More last night.
I get the impression that Fulton was only out temporarily last night (and might have switched performers...?) so Bargarran definitely went off script. I ended up stalking him for the entire back half of the show, though I was not able to follow him down to 3 to see what he got up to down there.
(I uh. Let's just say that I overdid it yesterday and by the end of the show had very low mobility.)
Bargarran... was a lot last night. lmao. Just furious and violent and horny. Just completely unhinged. He couldn't have Fulton fix his coat because Fulton was MIA, so I watched this man wander into Fulton's empty shop, take a needle that was threaded with red thread, and use his tongue to draw it up into his mouth. Like his just wound the thread around his tongue until he had the needle between his teeth. I was kind of in shock for a second lmao. (And uh, from the reactions of A Few Audience Members, I think that some others had an equally visceral reaction to this man eating thread and needles.)
Then he just left his coat and... I think the bird? With a needle in it and a business card propped up against it and flounced off.
Fulton did come back later in time for a very horny coat dance (well... horny and violent in the case of Bargarran, it was a very meek Fulton last night so he mostly just looked kind of traumatized by the experience) and I did see the two of them lock horns earlier in the night when the first Fulton was out.
And... I do mean lock horns. They always fight and kind of grab onto each other's shoulders, but Bargarran was different last night. Very animalistic. When he first tore into Fulton's office after him and then attacked him in the street, he launched himself at him, like a bull charging or something. I've never seen a Bargarran quite so intense in his attack before. There was absolutely nothing graceful about it, just lumbering and furious. And when he grabbed arms with Fulton, he really did have his head down and in like they were stags locking horns.
Add this to the fact that his ritual up on 5 was violent, horny, and animalistic (that was............ a lot of hips, sir, a lot of doing back bends and thrusting violently up at the goat king, and he did actually manage to startle me when got on all fours and jumped at us) and I watched him uhhhh make out with a dead elk for a while...
I've been really interested in Bargarran as a sort of Horned God/Green Man figure/devotee lately (yes, yes, I know it's pseudohistory but the allusions remain) and I just. I'm sorry, but I've spent a lot of time at national parks in the fall.
I know an elk in rut when I see one.
Every year the NPS has to put out PSAs like "bro please stop approaching the elks! they're in rut! all they want to do is fight and fuck and if you try to get a selfie with one, you will die!"
and uhhhhh boy were those the vibes I got off Bargarran last night. I watched that man tear around the hotel trying to fight and/or fuck anything that got near him and he even seemed to view Hecate as a very minor and temporary distraction. ONE-TRACK MIND. fighting and fucking.
(I have also never seen a taxidermist so deeply willing to molest the mounts before lmao.)
so uh yeah, watching Bargarran in rut was uhhhhh something, especially when he didn't have Fulton to harass so he decided to take it out on various pieces of taxidermy. :')
good time had by all, though. except Fulton, I guess, but that man's almost never having a good time.
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beautiful-enigma · 1 month
Coffee & cat cuddles while listening & glancing at spooky shows & browsing tumblr is what my afternoon least for the next hour may consist of. Might game. Idk
Walked for about 45 mins yesterday in the park but i overdid it cause of the heat and my mobility. Ended up seizing and scaring the ppl i was with. Scraped my knees kinda good but overall today is going to be chill. Therapy was earlier this morning and it was a bit rough but eh.. ya know how therapy may go in general.
Have pt tomorrow and friday so i may not do a lot of walking plus i have to go to the grocery tomorrow morning before pt & I'm not looking forward to it. Debating on walking or using my wheelchair. It sucks in a way being disabled and having an 3d cause i have to eat to take my meds twice a day but i literally drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day or a cup of a coffee and a cup of green tea & of course will have 1-2 bottes of flavored water(the taste of plain water is just ick lol i will drink it plain if I'm super thirsty) i try not to overwater myself. I usually do not have a plan in mind when it comes to my drink of choice on the daily. I ate a lot yesterday but i think i may twice a week go over my limit but it still be healthy-ish then be low the other 5 days.
A nap is starting to sound really good. The day or more after seizing i am so exhausted and sore.
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timeoverload · 1 month
Today wasn't great but it could have been worse I guess. I managed to avoid having a panic attack earlier. I had 12 cases this morning and that wasn't too bad. I had 18 cases this afternoon so I got slammed. I was not too happy about that but I survived. I also got out of there on time so that was good.
That guy that has a crush on me was saying weird shit again today. He told me he is going to nursing school. He told me that he needed help learning to change people. He basically asked if he could practice on me. He immediately said he was kidding, but I was disgusted. I yelled at him and left the room for a little bit. I want to talk to the director about his behavior but I don't know if it will do any good. I have gone to talk to him about the other creepy guy at work, and I feel like he didn't take me seriously then because nothing got resolved for months so I had to continue to be around him. I don't know if my boss would be able to do anything about it. I don't know what to do. I have already made it very clear that I'm not interested in him but he is persistent. I am probably going to have to go to HR at some point.
I'm pretty sure I tore the disc in my back again yesterday when I was in decontam. I have still had pain since my injection, but it has been manageable until now. I thought my tear was slowly healing but I overdid it and I lifted too much. I was moving too fast because I wanted to be as efficient as I used to be. I regret it. I haven't felt like this in a while. I want to take a muscle relaxer but I'm not going to. My legs feel like jello because I had to move too much earlier. I hate this.
Maxwell, I have also been frustrated today. I don't think that you actually expected me to apply for that job and now you don't know what to do. I'm sorry if I surprised you in a bad way, but I'm not afraid of you. I might be quiet and shy, but I have more guts than you think. I want to keep things moving and it's impossible because you are so stubborn! I am trying to show some initiative. I'm not going to apologize for wanting to spend time with you. You also told me that I need to "put myself out there more", and I did, so why can't you do the same? I'm not trying to stress you out but I think that maybe you should take your own advice. Now you know how I felt every time I had to do something that scared me to come see you. It's not a good feeling to be that anxious and I'm sorry you have to experience that. I felt like i was going to die and I know it sucks. That feeling isn't going to go away until you take action. It's not going to kill you and you will feel better when it's over. We will both feel better. After that happens, we won't have to get stressed out about seeing each other and everything will be great.
I don't really want to keep trying to search for other jobs. I might have to because I am so miserable and no one has gotten back to me. Maybe I don't have the right qualifications so I guess I understand that. I don't really want to go anywhere else other than the shop. I think it might be difficult to get a job now since I have a lot of tattoos. Honestly, I will probably feel humiliated if I don't get that job. It is going to make it hard for me to go back, even though I have an appointment next month. I might have to reschedule when it gets closer if I am still sad about it. I don't want to have to do that but I don't want to burden anyone with my tears. I'm not saying I will never go back, but it's not going to be easy. I am just going to warn you about that now. I don't like feeling rejected and I don't want to cause any problems either. We will see what happens I suppose.
I am also frustrated because I don't understand why you are still being mean to yourself. I don't understand why you can't accept that you are a wonderful person. You are not ugly at all. I try to compliment your appearance often and I have told you that I think you are handsome many times. You are a beautiful man. I don't think that I am shallow, but I don't think that I would settle for somebody that I wasn't extremely attracted to. Do you really think that I would want to have a baby with someone that I didn't find attractive? I think that we would make cute babies. When you say negative things about yourself, I feel like my words of encouragement aren't reaching you. I feel sad when I don't feel like the things I say make a difference. I am going to kick your ass (affectionate) if I hear you putting yourself down again! I think that maybe your negative view of yourself could be affecting your relationships.
I think that you are very smart and incredibly talented. You are very good looking. You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. I love your hair. You also can make me laugh so that's a bonus. I love that we have a lot of the same interests. I'm glad that we share the same views about politics and the world. You have a nice personality and you are unique. I like that you are sensitive and caring. I love that you make me feel special. I know that you can be very sweet and I want you to show me that. You are everything I want in a partner. There's no one else that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. I really hope things get better soon. I love you so much no matter what. 💖💖💖
Anyway, I have other shit that I need to do tonight and it's already after 8:30. I don't have much of an appetite because I have been stressed. I am going to have to eat something cold because hot food is nauseating when I feel like this. I have some boost in the fridge too. I will be ok. I think I need to put some ice on my back and try to relax. I am enjoying being able to have my window open since it is so nice outside. I am going to do my best to get to bed earlier than I have the past 2 nights. I am so tired. I am hoping that tomorrow won't be as hectic and I'll try to make it a good day.
I hope everyone else has a great day tomorrow. 💖💖💖
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taigaoftundrablog · 1 year
I'm afraid this isn't a weekly blog anymore, but here's something to make up for it
Experiment on phone usage starring myself
The main goal here is to:
1. Reduce my phone usage
2. See how your phone affects your life
Day 1
it's a tuesday. i have decided to go a decent portion of my day without my phone. i did not touch my phone during school, but after it, usage was pretty much average. i have not touched discord for the entire day, and i don't seem to be getting any notifications from there. hopefully i can lessen usage tomorrow, as i did use my phone quite a lot, still.
i did notice how not using my phone affected me though. for example, i was out of things to do for most of the breaks, since everyone else is stuck looking at their phones constantly. i'm marking this as a decent start.
Day 1 usage: 3h 30min
Most used app: Google (i look through the news feed a lot, it's a bad habit, but I will hopefully be looking at it a lot less by the end of this study/experiment.)
Time I went to bed: 21.30
Day 2: Plans
it's not wednesday yet, but my plans are:
- try get phone usage down to 3 hours
- start working on something, which i might find productive
- don't check discord, as not doing so will show myself that i'm actually determined about this
hopefully i fill my expectations of myself tomorrow.
Day 2
now it's wednesday, just got out of school. it's 14.26 right now and i have around 45 minutes of phone usage right now after allowing myself to use my phone normally school. 45min is about average for me and most of that time is used on school related stuff (checking schedule, etc.). i got out of school a few hours later yesterday so we'll see how today goes at home. have not touched discord, don't know how people there are doing, as the app quite literally is not giving me any notifications right now.
22.08. i am about to go to bed. i've spent most of my day playing on switch, which i feel like is more productive than being on my phone all day. first discord notifications popped up, apparently people are hoping i'm alright. it's nice to know that people care about how i'm doing but i have still yet to open discord. honestly opening it up seems worse than not doing so, so i may delay that to tomorrow evening, where i'll have something to talk about (nintendo direct).
Phone usage: 2h 18m (I really overdid myself there.)
Most used app: Chrome (I looked at random stuff online, Nintendo and school related)
Time I went to bed: 22.16
Day 3: Plans
plans for day 3 are: keep phone usage around the same, try not to go above 3 hours if plausible (opening discord for the first time in 4 days may change that to be over 3h though), and to stay focused on schoolwork. i'm honestly seeing some improvement, although not too much.
Day 3
literally just woke up. it's 6.09. i'm pretty intrigued to see how this day goes as i'll most likely be opening discord for the first time in a while.
welp, can say that people were worried about me. i do feel like i should've notified them about that before as uh they thought i pretty much died. whoops.
it's pretty late, and from what i've noticed, discord is the main reason i go to bed late and use my phone so much. not much else to note for today.
Phone usage: 3h 38min
Most used app: Geometry Dash (The game's just fun, alright?)
Time I went to sleep: 21.59
Stuff about day 4 & 5
have to preface these days a bit, as i did not initially write anything for these days, so i'm writing them on monday. main reason: i was too busy spending time doing other things + i did not feel like it. i'm currently thinking why i just stopped for two days, but i believe it's due to a lack of motivation/willingness, which i've seen a lot in myself. could honestly be due to improper phone usage, which was the main thing i need to work on here.
i've got to fix this somehow.
Day 4
pretty much spent all day at home playing on switch and whatever.
Phone usage: 3h 6min
Most used app: Discord (i KNEW this was gonna happen)
Time I went to sleep: presumably around 23.00
Day 5
same thing as yesterday, but we went to the store etc.
got new shoes, it'll take some time to get used to these but they're nice so far.
Phone usage: 2h 46min
Most used app: Discord (I'm genuinely addicted to human interaction, could be worse though of course (ahem TikTok, thank god I don't use that app))
Time I went to sleep: around 22.00
Day 6
start of a brand new week, it's monday now, i am currently at school, maybe i'll try reading this dang book in the evening as i got an assignment to read it, have to be done on thursday and this has like 250 pages. i will promise to you that i'll have less than an hour tomorrow, if i fail, i will draw something daily for a month AND it won't be myself constantly.
it's 22.02. sitting in bed, have done absolutely nothing productive today. have not touched that book which i have to read in like 3 days. guys i am so mentally stable and motivated
anyway yeah tomorrow is the sub-hour phone usage day which only means that i should probably be sleeping soon. i'ma actually get started on that book
Phone usage: 5h 31min (Mostly due to me also drawing for a decent while, 1h 21min to be exact.)
Most used app: Discord (Who would've thought?)
Time I went to sleep: around 23.00
Day 7
last day, i have like 15 minutes to write this
i have officially passed the test of less than an hour of phone usage and i am pretty proud of that. i've read the book i was meant to read a decent lot, at page 75 or something now. very cool.
not using my phone much does feel very odd honestly, but it feels kinda freeing in a way too, since i'm not stuck to this screen for 4 hours a day. i will do the final thoughts section tomorrow.
Phone usage: 48min
Most used app: Notes (Diary thing about this book which I have to write)
Time I went to sleep: 21.55, goodnight everyone
Closing thoughts (very cool)
i am finally free
phone usage has dipped a decent bit i would say, as it previously was up to 5 hours some days, now it seems to be at around 3 hours a day. there are of course exceptions, though, but i accept them
well, i shouldn't say free but still
pretty interesting how that week went. i believe my main lesson here is that you pretty much can't get rid of your phone in your life no matter how much you want to, since actually important things are sort of mixed up with less important ones.
i believe i have succeeded at this odd test somewhat
feels like i've been focusing more properly on the things i actually need to focus on, which is good for a change.
will see you all at some point, i'll try next week maybe!
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virgopropaganda · 1 year
Cleaned the apartment yesterday thank god my husband came with me because it was a little bit more disgusting than I thought previously. We finished most of it but I think I overdid myself because now I feel exhausted and nauseous and tired. I might have accidentally inhaled too many cleaning fumes plus getting overheated
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