#I think this may be another video that isn't out there anymore?
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tangerineastronaut · 18 days ago
can you do how they would be when your pregnant ot8
ATEEZ during your pregnancy ❤︎ ot8
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Pairing: ot8 headcanons Genre: fluff, mentions of smut Requested: Yes w.c. 2.5k Warnings: pregnancy discussion, talk, sexual bits (not a whole lot of smut I promise) A/N: This took a surprisingly long amount of time I'm sorry!! I'm not sure if you meant ateez or not, I assumed so since that's what I've been posting recently. If not please send me an ask and I will do this for another group! Requests: Open (link below)
Requests | WIPs Masterlists: BTS | ATEEZ | GOT7 | Stray Kids
Taglist: @baby-stay92 @cozypaint If you'd like to be added to my taglist, please DM me or click here.
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🔞Content Below the Break🔞
The absolute worst (best)
Scolds you for "doing too much" aka walking up the stairs or picking up a gallon of milk.
Buys you the most expensive brand of prenatal vitamins despite your doctor insisting the cheap ones are fine
Checks on you via text every hour when he's not with you
^ and when he is with you
Is lowkey afraid of failure as a father, reads parenting articles
Sends you decaf coffee at work
Wants to feel your belly but won't unless you invite him to
Teary eyed when he feels the baby kick for the first time
Sampled the heartbeat at the ultrasound visit to use in a song
Writes letters to you and the baby and keeps them in a memory book for you to read later (but you don't know this)
Nursery is fully decked out and the baby already has a full wardrobe
Your crying makes him panic, he hates seeing you cry and will frantically try to soothe you every time
Is grossed out by your cravings but will get them for you anyway—why do you have to crave vegetables?
Sex is soft and lazy in the best way
Side sex (think sunday morning sex except any day) >>>
Like imagine his chest against your back, his cheek against yours, one of his hands keeping your leg up so he has room to fuck you, asking if it feels good and if you're comfortable, except he's kind of whining and breathless ~
No pregnancy kink but thinks you're breathtaking, as always
^ even when you haven't showered, your legs are hairy, etc. He thinks you're a work of art
Plays music for you and the baby, asks what he/she responds to and makes note of it
Overprotective, does not like it when people touch you in general, let alone when you're pregnant
Visibly dies inside every time someone's hand goes to your belly without asking you first—would scold people if you'd let him
Posts photos of you each month documenting your pregnancy and leaving a words of appreciation for you
Keeps a copy of the ultrasound photo with him
May not have his hands on you 24/7, but he makes sure you know you're loved as well as the baby
So freaking soft for you both
Loves babies anyway but your baby??
Him leaning against the headboard so you can lean against him, he'll curl his arms around you and rub your belly while you talk
Talks to the baby, even when you're asleep
"I can feel you kicking in there. Let's let mommy sleep, hm? She gets cranky at daddy when she's tired."
Watches parenting videos
Loves showering with you since you can't take baths
When you joke that there's not much room anymore he'll say he knows that and pulls you closer
Shaves your legs for you when it gets too difficult, even if you're too shy to ask him
Buys you gifts every time he gets something for the baby
"The mom group says it's important for me to make you feel as loved and wanted as the baby."
^ has joined mom groups on social media, because "dad groups are just full of men complaining"
Calls him/her 'the little one'
"How are you? How was the little one today?"
Isn't overprotective but has moments when he hovers
You don't mind
Sex is always slow and full of giggles and him reassuring you when you're out of breath
He likes you on your back so he can kiss you and keep pressure off of you, arms on either side of you to support his weight
Likes taking naps with you even though you're always napping due to exhaustion
^ rarely actually sleeps, just wants to be near you and the baby
Knows your cravings by heart
"Pickle juice and french fries? That's a new one."
His nesting is as bad as yours if not worse; you both frantically clean the house months before the baby arrives
Loves when you send him selfies/belly pics
Isn't fazed by your emotions, helps you work through them and validates you
"Being pregnant doesn't mean you aren't allowed to have feelings, pretty girl. I'm here."
Probably the most excited externally
Loves rubbing your belly and watching the baby kick his hand
Unironically purchased the "I'm proof daddy doesn't play video games all the time" onesie
Brings you ice cream even if you don't ask for it
"I'm telepathically linked with our baby, he/she said they want ice cream. I don't make the rules, y/n."
p r e g n a n c y k i n k
"Look at you, so fucking pretty and full."
Sex is unbelievably gentle despite his filthy words
Won't put you on your back, likes to have you in his lap so he can do all the work
Likes taking you out and showing you off, even when you feel like a mess
Posts pictures of you constantly to the point where people joke he's running a y/n maternity account
Foot rubs
Sympathy pains
"Our heartburn is bad today. I want a cinnamon roll. With sprinkles."
Teases you relentlessly
"I'll race you to the kitchen—oh yeah."
Handsy af but you don't mind
Walks up behind you to hold your belly
Sits up at night to rub it when the baby won't settle
He/she loves Yunho's voice and they begin kicking when he speaks
^ he uses this to his advantage
"Mommy's calling herself ugly again, I'm gonna need some backup from my internal ally."
Already 2 v 1 and the thing isn't even here yet
His google search history is worse than yours
^ "can pregnant women eat carrots"
"how long does pregnancy really last"
"how to make pregnant woman stop crying"
"why is my pregnant girlfriend crying"
"why am I crying"
"how to stop crying when your pregnant girlfriend cries"
Loves when people ooh and awe over you; beams and grins like an idiot bc you're his and he put the baby in you.
Seems calm
Is not calm
Is just as protective/concerned as Hongjoong but is so quiet about it you don't even notice
You haven't lifted a grocery bag since he found out about your pregnancy
Has the dates of your appointments memorized
No one touches the belly. He doesn't even say anything to anyone. They just don't.
Does little things to make sure you're extra comfortable, bought you a pregnancy pillow
Whispers to your belly
^ "I'm afraid my voice will scare the baby. I'll just whisper."
Pouts if the baby won't kick for him
You: "Please, Yeosang, for the millionth time fetuses cannot choose favorites! Our baby loves you, I promise!"
King of pregnancy cravings
2 a.m. runs to the convenience store because you want some strawberry milk
Forehead kisses with a hand on your belly >>>
Will literally get on his knees for a chat with him/her
Like imagine looking down and seeing this man smiling up at you, both hands on your tummy with so much love in his eyes I just—
His calm facade dissolves when you cry
It physically hurts him to see you break down and he will do all he can to help you
Talks about you nonstop and your symptoms, experiences, etc literally to anyone with ears
Signs you both up for a parenting class
Cannot believe how horny you are, but is happy to help
^ a little afraid of you tbh but still very much in love
Like Hongjoong, prefers side sex so he can still be close to you
Also loves foreplay/eating you out even more now because of how sensitive you are
Ultrasound visits/pics make him choked up though he tries to hide it
His brain has not processed the fact that his baby is literally inside of you
It isn't going to fully sink in until there's a baby in his arms
^ is never going to put him/her down
Proud Dad™
Is excited, but calm
Similar to Yeosang but not as intense
^ still protective, but doesn't mind when people touch your belly as long as they ask first
Buys two copies of baby books for you both to read at the same time
Posts pictures of your pregnancy journey with quotes or long paragraphs about how beautiful you are
lowkey pregnancy kink?
Armchair sex/you in his lap - super slow and soft
Loves showering with you after to hold you and massage your back/shoulders
Doesn't necessarily treat you like you'll break but is still very gentle with you
Hugs are softer, he doesn't squeeze as tight, likes to hug you from behind and look over you to see what you're doing
Touches your belly in a reassuring way, likes to brush his hand against it and feel the baby's reaction
Does it in public probably the most of the members, though it's not really intentional
His hands used to go to your waist and now they go to your bump ~
Doesn't talk to the baby as much as he sings to him/her
Is way too excited to take maternity photos
Gets caught staring at you by literally everyone
Does not care
Thinks you hung the stars
Loooooves being snuggled in bed with you with your bump between you, rubbing your belly and whispering as though the baby is sleeping
Is very expressive about his fears/doubts and wants you to be as well
Blushes when people call him daddy
Blushes harder when you call him daddy
Pretty calm when it comes to your emotions, will just go with the flow and give you what you need, whether that's space, affection, or food
secretly hopes you want another one
When I tell you this man is terrified
Does not think he can care for a baby despite your reassurance
Asks all the questions
"I mean, how do we know when it's done? You know, like, cooked all the way?"
Oddly protective despite his fears
Does not like anyone touching your belly
Any time someone comments on your size/roundness/etc he's ready to throw hands, does not care if it's the ajumma two doors down from you
You: "Mingi for the love of god, I have told you, you cannot threaten people."
"She threatened you first!"
You: "She just said I look ready to pop??"
Horny af and has a pregnancy kink but will not initiate sex
You have to beg, and even then it's like ~
"No I mean just stand there, and I'll hold you and put it in. Yeah don't move at all."
Will still eat you out daily
Treats you like a glass doll
Belly kisses >>>>>
Buys baby books, gets one page in and declares this is too much to remember and you both should get a refund
^ shrugs at your look of horror "obviously I meant a refund for the books..."
Raps??? at your belly? Like nursery rhyme raps????
Also talks. A lot. Not cooing or baby talk
"Today at practice I slipped and it sucked, kinda hurt my knee. I'm still a good dancer, definitely better than Yunho. I'll show you. But I mean like after you can walk and stuff, or maybe you'll dance before you can walk and we can win money or something. Do they have baby dance competitions?"
Doesn't post the pictures he takes of you and your belly, looks at them when he misses you and won't let anyone else see them
Unironically refers to himself as your baby daddy and changes his contact in your phone [proudly]
When you cry, he cries, so please don't cry
Asks if he can attend his own child's birth
^ is excited when you say "...yes, Mingi. You can attend the birth of our child."
Knows all there is to know about babies??
Is not concerned at all
Reassures you constantly
You ask him questions
Will lay on your thighs and absentmindedly rub your belly while watching tv or scrolling on his phone
Actually, will rub your belly anywhere, and usually does it without realizing it
Refers to you as mama and himself as dada even out of context
"Do you want a drink, mama?"
Is completely unfazed by your weird cravings and will get them for you as long as it's not harmful
"No, y/n, you cannot have sushi with your oreos. Mercury levels..."
Not overprotective in the slightest
Your biggest advocate
The only member who would fuck you properly while pregnant, as he knows it's safe within reason
Does not have a pregnancy kink, but loves how sensitive you are, the changes to your body, etc and thinks you're a goddess
Loves going shopping with you
Will absolutely argue with you over nursery themes
Finds you adorable when you're emotional, but will still try to calm you down and comfort you
Loves talking about you nonstop
May not praise you to your face as much as the others but tells everyone else he's so incredibly lucky to have you as the mother of his child
He was so clingy before
It's worse
His camera roll is full of selfies with him and your bump
Imagine woo making bunny ears over your belly (and telling your unborn child to say cheese)
Has full on conversations with him/her
Baby talks and coos and informs them they have the best parents ever
Probably the most genuinely calm member when it comes to your pregnancy
Still very excited
Does not know as much as wooyoung but is fairly confident, not terrified or anxious like some of the others
Touches your belly from day 1, even without a bump
Sings and hums to it
The baby LOVES his voice and always kicks when he's near
He finds this adorable and loves talking to him/her while touching your stomach
Massages >>>>
Your pregnancy aches are afraid of him
Is a little shaken by your emotions but handles them well
Not too overprotective but really hates it when people touch you
Won't say anything though unless you're uncomfy
Dear god
2ho breeding/pregnancy kink is my headcanon and I am sticking with it
Do not make eye contact for more than a few seconds
Is unbelievably horny for you
Doggy style with pillows underneath you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Is extra gentle despite how badly he wants you
Takes care of you first also ^ he knows it helps you relax so that's always his end goal
Loves the way you look while pregnant
Thinks you're beautiful anyway but something about the fact that you're literally creating a brand new human being
When you wear his t-shirts and nothing else because your clothes don't fit anymore it makes him melt ~
^ he complains for the fun of it but would probably cry if you stopped
Brings you snacks/drinks/whatever without you having to ask
Is willing to try your cravings with you as long as it's nothing vile (frito chips + peanut butter)
Wants to do every social media pregnancy trend with you
*buys your unborn child soccer cleats*
Doesn't post photos of you often but when he does, they're tearjerkers
Wants more kids but knows how difficult pregnancy/motherhood is so ultimately it's up to you
He's the cutest - kissing your temple while snuggling on the couch and rubbing your belly
"Our baby bear"
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rin-and-jade · 2 years ago
Heres a reminder for you that being dissociated isn't limited to the common misconception where you are frozen in place, incapable of doing anything or even thinking, or experiencing a significant time gap,, those things. (This is a very important post, read till bottom so im happy!)
And while its hard to spot the milder signs when you're dissociating, don't worry i got you covered by bringing awareness, im showing what those signs could look like:
Dazing/blanking out several times
Hands looking weird (depersonalization)
Surroundings also looking weird (derealization)
Feeling detached emotionally, physically, or both
Less reactive in responding
Forget things more often
Unable to focus or keep concentration straight
And many more..!
When you have multiple of those signs at once, then chances are you are dissociating (extra note that it can also co-occur with derealization/depersonalization). While it can be caused by various factors, i would like to add that it may or may not get worse as time passes and no one wants that thing to snowball until it got too bad (remember, preventing now is better than dealing later) so having a few tips would help:
Grounding (sensory): listening to music, feeling different textures, paying attention to things in your surroundings, trying different fragrant or scents, have some snacks to occupy your senses
Grounding (physically): feel your chest as you breathe, get your body moving to redirect focus, splash some cold water, hold something you can squeeze (such as a stress ball)
Practice being mindful. As it can help you re-anchor back to reality faster, regulate better, building more resilience, increasing awareness of oneself's state
Sometimes we go do our day without giving a thought that were detached from reality, usually by going autopilot and scrolling through social medias without being aware (well, atleast for me) and forget lots of things while being dysregulated at the end. So by being aware of the mild signs and incorporating grounding skills im sure memory gaps and those funny aftermath stuffs won't be a problem anymore, have a good day peeps.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that another sign is your hearing feels muffled, that you can hear sounds feel more distant despite close, i thought it could be grouped with the “less reactive” before.
EDIT 2: It is true that sometimes these techniques will not work,, so it's recommended to create a peaceful environment in hopes of going away sooner when waiting it out. grab some videos to watch, put some of your favorite musics or cuddle your soft pillows (if any, pets) and stay comfy! Do not stress about it because it'll be counterproductive. Full explanation at here.
- j
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transmascaraa · 8 months ago
Hi! It's 🍓 anon again >_<
May I request Ga ming, Freminet, Thoma, Aether, Scaramouche + whoever you wanna add with a S/O whos kinda a depressed bed rotter?
yk, doesn't really get out of bed, doesn't take care of themselves
example: brushing their hair, their teeth, eating, cleaning (they don't know how to cook or do a lot for themselves anymore)
I've been kinda a bed rotter these months (few years) it's actually really embarrassing being in this state 😭😭
multiple characters headcannons!
bed rotter.
characters: gaming, freminet, thoma, aether, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: hi long time no see(it's been a few days)🥰 sorry for the lack of posts lately lmfao i kinda had basically NO motivation for writing whatsoever but i'm back for this one now‼️(i was busy with obsessing over the natlan characters for half of the time yes) so like i hope you enjoy this rn lol ^^ (🍓anon you're not alone in that state😔 it happens)
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✷ Gaming
-WILL take care of you if you won't
-didn't get out of bed to eat?
-breakfast in bed, dinner in bed, lunch in bed just for you.
-he will brush your hair for you. (if you have longer hair/hair that can be brushed lol and if not, ignore this lmao😭)
-don't feel motivated to get up? he'll do his best to motivate you to get you out of bed, but if it doesn't work, he'll try again tomorrow.
-he never loses hope like he's literally sure of himself that he will help you one day
-and it works because he's literally the sweetest bf ever for caring about you
-if you don't wash your teeth or something, he WILL offer to wash your teeth in bed somehow for you but sometimes that offer was literally what made you get up
☆ Freminet
-again, will be absolutely the most caring and understanding bf of all time
-problems with brushing your teeth? okay, you don't have to do it immediately. if too much time passes he'll motivate you out of bed.
-not eating? he's gonna cook you the best food ever and bring it to you in bed.
-and he'll even bring some really tasty food from the house of the hearth if it ends up being really good for you.
-if your room is a mess, judging by the type of person he is, he'll clean it for you.
-but he won't kill himself for you, instead, he will try to motivate you throughout doing things that make you happy like drawing in front of you if you like drawing and stuff.
✧ Thoma
-literally will do anything and everything to make sure you feel okay
-trying to motivate you through sending you some typa tiktoks like "dancing in the rain together<3" with the caption "we should do this💕" or stuff that is very wholesome WHILE not being in bed and rotting basically
-i mean it did help quite a few times
-about the food part, you know who thoma is. he will cook for you BUT sometimes he will force you to get out of bed just to eat with him in the kitchen
-that's a really big thing actually (to get you out of your bed at all) and he's proud of it.
-will try to motivate you to brush your teeth by walking in your room while he's brushing his(i have no idea why i js think he might)
✿ Aether
-okay YES
-y'know how thoma got you out of bed by making you come to the kitchen to eat sometimes? yeah? well aether does it ALL the time.
-literally there isn't a time he will bring you food in your bed unless you've stopped bed rotting.
-brushing teeth? he will not let you come out of the bathroom when you go in to do literally anything(might force you to take a shower sometimes as well)
-if your room is messy, he'll just quietly scold you to himself while cleaning everyone for you, then afterwards confronting you about it
-another way to also get you out of your bed is him calling you to the living room to see some random video/tiktok instead of just sending it to you(it usually works)
★ Wanderer
-does NOT tolerate this shit
-nuh uh not in the LEAST bit
-wanna eat instead of literally starve to death? come to the kitchen yourself(the best food is waiting you there)
-not showering and/or not brushing your teeth? he will scold you and insult you(lovingly) until you get up and do everything to be clean in the bathroom.
-messy room? standing next to your door with his arms crossed looking at you as if you were his 4th betrayal hoping that you care for him enough to do something for HIM if not for yourself.
-but like deep down, which he won't admit, if you don't do something he tells you to because you feel that bad and unmotivated, he might let it slide and tell you beautiful things while you're asleep on his chest.
-he loves you no matter how big of a bed rotter you are tho
woah i love scara's part
anyways i liked it as a whole lol
i hope you guys like it too^^
| @mariaace <3
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knightyoomyoui · 7 months ago
Mina x M/F Reader - "Need You Now"
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One of my shortest one-shots in the book. Sorry if this is unlike most of my longer fics, unfortunately I have to say that due to how busy I am in my life right now, I can still insert wriing stories in my free time, but not as long as I use to do anymore. Probably my one-shots from now on will be like less than 3 or 5k word count. This fic is inspired from one of my favorite songs of all time, "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum. The structure of this story is in a music video-type narrative, so while reading this you can just imagine this as an alternative MV with the song in the background. I may have done the ending a little bit longer for the final chorus but I needed to add atleast more dialogue so yeah, just skip any unneccesary parts in your mind to fit it in the song haha. Lastly, I don't accept any commissions for now but I'm very open to accept any donations for you kind readers as another way of appreciation for my works. I can use this for my upcoming on-the-job training so please if you can spare some, I would be highly grateful. ko-fi.com/knightyoomyoui Enjoy reading!
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It is nighttime of a random day in the 1700s in Japan, and Myoui Mina is currently living alone in her house. She is standing in front of the window as she views the townscape of Kobe with all the illuminated lights coming from the houses and posts. While her eyes are fixed on the scenery, her mind is busy projecting an image of a certain person to cope with the sadness she’s feeling.
Picture perfect memories with you is what she has been replaying on her mind again and again, in which she won’t stop or get tired at all, just like she can do with just being around you. All she feels is joy and tranquility within your presence, and although she needed it right now, it makes her disappointingly wonder why this day is just going to end up unlike what she had with you before.
Her almost-a-month of longing for you has already reached its breaking point, not for the idea of only meeting you in her dreams but to the annoying fact that you had to disappear without leaving any trace for her to follow or indication to be relieved that you’re doing well on wherever you may be at right now.
She reached for the telegraph in her table and tries to contact you until she realizes that she never had your contact with him and it will rather end up being pointless, just like as her search around the town that she has done few days ago, inquiring for your whereabouts.
Slamming the telegraph back into its place, Mina groaned and sighed heavily with a frown on her face. She sat on the bed, her energy deteriorating as the likelihood of receiving a response or an update about you increased. It’s already a wasted 49th attempt at reaching back to you, and she wondered how long it would take to be ignored like this.
Mina then started to question you by herself: did you ever become happy with her and do you even still think about her even when you're not around to spend time together with her? She knows that you already knew that she hates feeling abandoned anymore, and now that you act like you are unaware of it, Mina is now wondering twice if you even listened or understood why she said that and especially
when she told you how much you mean for her.
If she'll be the one to ask the same, she admits that she is and she does it always until now. She won’t be this determinated to find and learn any news about what you may be doing if you’re just somebody that she’s close with. No, for Mina… you turned out to be the only person that holds special purpose in her life.
And not having you anymore will make Mina lose interest or simply, a reason to continue living again. Twice is enough if the pain will just be doubled, she believes.
Mina has checked the time and realizes it's been already quarter after 1 AM that she remained awake. It made her broke down in tears, knowing that this isn't like her who waits for this long and the fear to be alone again is eating her up inside more in which you once helped her to fight it since the first time she met you.
Looking at the telegraph again, she said to herself that she won't call anymore, thinking that she might probably be disturbing you or becoming strange with her frantic efforts of searching for you, but Mina has already lost control, and she doesn't care anymore if she has become this desperate.
She just needs you tonight, and now that you’re gone after showing her how it feels to have someone by her side after living most of her life without a family, relative, or even friends, she doesn't know how she can manage without having you again in her life.
Meanwhile, not so far away from your hometown and from Mina’s sanctuary, you were cleaning your weapons until it got interrupted when your concentration vanished again just by the memory of Mina affecting your heart and mind.
You looked out the window, reflecting the dark sky and atmosphere outside. A sudden concern about how she may be doing had obliged your body to react. Letting out a huge exhale, you stood up and proceeded to your brewery to grab another bottle of whiskey.
Pouring one into the glass and taking it as medicine for missing Mina a lot again alleviates the loneliness from the state you are in. You kept your composure; you know the time is running out, and you just had to remain still and focus on the plan.
The more you keep remembering Mina, the more you have begun to appreciate every aspect of her, even more than you have ever crossed your mind. But then you have seemed to notice that whenever you have an episode of this, a strange feeling is lingering inside your heart.
Which led you to speculate if maybe you are now enjoying the existence of Mina like, way more or far away from just being a friend or a companion that you met when you were alone strolling through the forest. The thoughts of her being actually deadly gorgeous in a way that is obviously not a normal compliment anymore and her admiring personality have captured your attention further to how she really is as a mesmerizing woman.
You looked at the door shut, missing those moments where Mina would just freely sweep open through it and greet you with her gummy smile and her adorable cheeks that puff whenever she’s happy. If only she can visit you again, it will not be the same exchange that you’ll definitely do for her this time.
You owe her one that is more than that, that’s why. But then you took note that you'd save it for later as the perfect time is about to arrive soon nonetheless.
You checked the time and it's been quarter to 1 AM already. You also became aware that you’re starting to get drunk now. The alcohol increased the emotions you’ve been caging up inside, causing you to lose control that results to your tears containing the minimum of what you’re entirely feeling right now that’s making you obvious that you simply want to see Mina again.
You swore that you wouldn't call for her to keep your focus on the plan but at your drunken state, you have gotten lost out of your control, betraying your very own words.
You kept on mentioning Mina's name as you promised to yourself that you’ll come find and save her because if you don’t, you aren’t sure at all on what you can do without her.
And at the same time as when Mina declares to herself that she needs you, it wasn’t coincidental that you share the same sentiment.
Timeskip to 4AM early in the morning, Mina was peacefully sleeping on her bed when her enhanced senses had her alerted back to conscience. She rose from the bed and noticed some flashing lights and growing silhouettes coming from outside the window. It should’ve been dark and quiet during this time since it was still too early.
Checking out to gain a better glimpse of what source its coming from, she observed that the townspeople are marching into her house all bringing their tall torches and knives with them.
“Is there a ceremony being performed today? W-why are they making their way through here?” Mina then watched them seperate, in a form that they’re surrounding her house.
“D-do they know already?” Getting the hint that they all are now aware of her true nature, based on the knives and torches they brough with them, she became scared that this will be the time that she'll die.
They all began to yell and some went on to bump the front door repeatedly. Mina rushes to close the door of her bedroom. Hearing the door collapse from outside, footsteps and chatters came near towards her hiding place.
Mina started to block the door with her body as the townspeople banged through her door again, their intentions come full obvious that they came here with one objective, and that is to eliminate the impostor that has been living with them all along.
“Ah! P-please, stop!” she yelps and cries for mercy as she remains to secure all the doors for her safety while they barge into her place, she wishes for you to come for the last time
until she heard series of growls, curses, and screams from outside.
She tried to take a peek through the little gap that she made by opening the door a little. “YN!!!!!!!” Mina became horrified to witness you getting teamed up by your fellow townspeople with some dead people lying around as they bathe in their own blood along with some scattered through the walls because of what you did.
With your bloody huge knife, she realized that you came all around here to rescue Mina only to get outnumbered because of the ampunt of townspeople gathered to hunt and kill her kind.
“MINA!!! RUNNNN!!!!!” She heard you yell for her name while being battered and dominated by your monstrous townsmen. They all looked around to find her, and they spotted Mina peeking through the door.
She closed it again and barricaded it with her body. Their more aggressive bumps and your wails with your brutally awful state had Mina whimpering and crying poorly.
The pity she feels for you however loaded her infuriation. Every second her eyes blink, her pupils flicker into a purplish color. As she gritted her teeth, her hands clawed with some bio-kinetic energy forming like a ball through her grasp.
Her hair floats at the intense air caused by her transformation, and suddenly her witch powers awakened. She points her hands at the door and blast through it, sending all the townspeople back. The rest looked at her horrifyingly as Mina steps out of the shadows with her figure beaming in all purplish magic.
“KILL THE WITCH!!!” The all roared but Mina used her magic to dismantle every townspeople who go against her and YN, all in brutal fashion.
After she splits a woman in half in mid air with her innards and blood splattered across the room and into her face, she then got caught by the last three men by firing bullets at her, making her groan in pain.
They were about to do a double tap when you quickly stood back up despite being wrapped around in ropes. You attacked them by tackling and headbutting them away from Mina before you leave them for her to finish them all by exploding their brains out.
As she slowly calmed down and degenerates her magic, she breathe heavily and saw you staring at her in awe, speechless at her true identity as a witch. You know who she really is, but this is the first time you’ve seen her in her full potential.
Mina got afraid of how you will but in her surprise, you ran through her and reconciled with her in an embrace.
“A-aren’t you scared of me?”
“Of who you really are? I have accepted you since the beginning, I’m rather scared of what they might do to you.”
She immediately broke down in tears around your arms. “W-where have you’ve been all time? I thought you’ll leave me forever.”
“I’m sorry, Mina. I know, it’s all my fault that I didn’t inform you at all, but its all according to my plan and it has to be done.”
“So you knew about this?”
“I did. I overheard my tutors that one of them discovered your background of being a Myoui, a well-known family came from a coven of witches that they’ve… k-killed years ago. And since they knew me being close to you, I hide and there, I began making my plan to rescue you with the help of an informant.” You revealed the reason to your disappearance.
“Y-you did that f-for me? B-but you hurt yourself came all the way back here because of me… and you killed your-”
“Ofcourse and I don’t care about it, I rather can’t consume the guilt more of having you harmed than killing others who dares to lay their abusive hands at you. Y-you’re… you’re the only person I care… and love the most than anyone, Mina. You’re the only one I have left as much as you have me only in your life. I came here not just because I have to save you. I need you now, Mina. I can’t wait any longer again to see you.”
Mina cried again and buried her head deeper in your chest. “I need you now too, YN. And always. I’ve waited for you to come back.”
“And I’m here now, Mina. I’m never going away anymore. Whoever come across against us, we’ll face them together.”
You kissed her on the lips after breaking your hug with her. She was shocked at your action but it didn’t took her more time to catch up with your movement. As you and Mina stare at each other, both then smiled at this new found relationship that grew within your bond.
You helped Mina stand up and covered all her gunshot wounds, not minding your own evidence of violence through your beaten body. “I think we should go now, others will start coming here and they won’t like what they’re gonna see.”
You offered her hand at her and she looked at it before she returned her gaze at your face. “Should we run away from here?”
“I’ll follow you wherever we go.” Mina accepted, holding your hand with firm grip, enough to consider that she’ll forever stay by your side.
You nodded at her. Pulling her along with you, both left her house and all the deceased fellow townspeople inside as you escape the grotesque scene with Mina.
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foggybear42 · 1 year ago
i need to remind everyone of one of my favourite non-roleplaying moments of dndads s2. it’s basically just freddie suffering for almost 2 minutes straight. also i copy pasted the transcript if you can’t/don’t want to listen to the video. it’s under the cut
Beth: Hi. I’m Beth May, and I play… [intensely] Scary Marlowe.
Freddie: [harsh coughing]
Will: She's back.
Beth: I’m…
Freddie: [off mic] Oh, shit! [more coughing]
Beth: Oh my God!
Freddie: I— [still coughing off-mic]
Beth: Have you ever scared somebody so bad that they got COVID?
Freddie: No, I swallowed—[sniff]—spit…
Matt: Freddie doesn't have hiccups anymore.
Freddie: Into my… [coughs] Into my— lungs. [back on mic] I gasped too hard.
Anthony: What a way to die, that would be.
Beth: Wow.
Freddie: [off mic] Holy shit.
Beth: That's how I want to go. Fun fact about… S—
Freddie: [hiccups] Oh, fuck, I—
[group laughter]
Anthony: Oh, no…! You buffoon!
Matt: Freddie, leave the room!
Anthony: Augh!
Will: Freddie, that's disgusting!
Matt: Freddie, leave the room!
Freddie: [off mic] Hold on!
Matt: Beth needs to give a fact. Get outta here!
Freddie: No, no. I have a straw!
Matt: You stay away from your microphone!
Freddie: [off mic] I have a straw!
Anthony: Who gives a shit about your straw?
Matt: You’re like getting cl—
Freddie: [off mic] I got a straw!
Matt: You’re like, getting closer when you're coughing.
Freddie: [off mic] Guys, shut up, I have a—
Freddie: [off mic, yelling] Ow!
Anthony: Oh fuck!
[joyous group laughter]
Anthony: He just ran into the kitchen and…
Freddie: [off mic, yelling] Ow!
Anthony: …tripped on a cord and hit his fucking foot.
Matt: You don't have to run! This isn't a live show.
Anthony: You can edit this!
Freddie: [off mic, yelling something]
Beth: He didn't even trip on a cord!
Will: [off mic] We can cut this out!
Anthony: He didn't?
Will: [off mic] What are you doing?
Anthony: What did he…?
Beth: I think that we should cut it out!
Will: Freddie’s…
Beth: I don't even think it's that funny.
Will: Freddie’s walking back with a glass and he's…
Matt: Freddie bought this… $40 hiccup straw that he tried to show me last time. And it did not work.
Freddie: Okay, okay.
Matt: It's my favorite thing that's ever happened.
Anthony: It’s an anti-hiccup straw?
Freddie: I have a— see this straw… [hiccup]. So this straw was invented by a doctor to cure hiccups, so you have to just suck water through it.
Matt: By a quack!
Anthony: Alright, here we go!
Freddie: Okay. [tiny noise of air]
Will: [quiet chuckling]
Beth: [sighing] Oh…
Matt: Last time he did this, he hiccuped five seconds afterwards.
Beth: I’m gonna—
Freddie: It worked!
Beth: All right. Hey! I'm Beth May.
Freddie: Hey, Beth!
Beth: And I play [intensely] Scary Marlowe.
Beth: A goth pu— [laughs]
Anthony: How much money would you give to make Freddie cough in it right now and hiccup? For another hour?
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genericpuff · 1 year ago
oh boy rachel's telling on herself a little-
so we noticed that her Twitter name recently changed again, now featuring her bluesky social in her username to obviously advertise to people that she has a Blue Sky.
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She's had BlueSky for a while, but it obviously doesn't have as massive of a following because 1.) Blue Sky is still a much smaller platform than Twitter (undoubtedly because it still requires invite codes to join), and 2.) it's really, REALLY hard to move the entirety of your fanbase from one platform to another as many followers are bound to be "dead" (i.e. not active on the platform anymore) and others will naturally fall off because they may have followed ages ago but never bothered to keep up or unfollow from a page that was just on their backburner.
But interestingly enough, this change is very recent and when you check her BlueSky, which she would only post to every once in a while, it's now seeming to be a lot more active with multiple posts over the past couple days. So I think it's very clear at this point that she's trying to actively commit to the migration from Twitter to BlueSky.
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You've all seen me dissect the SHIT out of Rachel's art process and y'all can verify it yourself through those posts that never once has she shown herself drawing this way. Never in the process reels, or the time lapse videos, or the single sketch posts she's made. So her claiming that she "likes doing this as well" is just flatout false because she doesn't do this. So I literally don't know who she's trying to fool with this (aside from her own fanbase) but she ain't fooling me LMAO
But that's not even the best thing she's shared, oh no. Because this isn't even the full kit of clown makeup.
Nope, that goes to this repost-
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No hate to the person who posted this, I'm sure they're chill and cool, I just think the fact that Rachel of all people reposted this to her BlueSky which she's trying to replace her Twitter with is very telling. We all know this isn't just Rachel sharing something funny for the gag, we know exactly what Rachel likes and portrays in her work that she could see herself in through this post.
And what's even more telling (and hilarious) is that this may as well have been her running away to BlueSky after the "Never apologize for being Sicilian" tweet became the top result when you search "Lore Olympus" on Twitter LMAOOO
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I'm not saying that's exactly what's going on here, but the thought of Rachel deciding to fully commit to moving to BlueSky out of sheer embarrassment over this one out-of-context panel from years ago that went viral overnight - and staying at the top of the search result feed because no one's engaging with good faith LO posts anymore - is hilarious, and if it takes this dumbass panel of Hades telling Persephone she should never apologize for being Sicilian to get people talking about how stupid and hilarious LO is, then I say it's about damn time.
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fixfoxnox · 2 years ago
How about 141 boys with a S/O who used to date Makarov, but like before he started his career as a terrorist
Oooh I've always wanted to do one of these
141 With a S/O Who Used To Date Makarov
Pairings: 141 x Male Reader (btw guys this is my default but I will write fem reader if you request it!) (No use of Y/N)
Notes: You'll get a bit of background, but essentially we're using my headcanons for Makarov's backstory in this, so if you don't understand after reading you may want to take a moment to read that! Also wasn't sure if Alejandro and Farah were included in this cause I think they're 141 but also they may just be like temporary members for whenever needed so??? I left them out.
Warnings: Possessiveness, implied abuse/kidnapping
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Silence hung around the room for several moments, everyone standing tense as the offending video stood paused on the last frame, clicking over itself. No one knew quite what to say or do and most of the members of the 141 were looking between their captain and one of their lieutenants. The entire team knew about their relationship.
"Everyone out," Price's voice was harsh and it only took a few moments for the room to fully clear out, Gaz and Soap practically tripping over one another in an attempt to escape the stifling tension that had filled the room. Ghost and Roach were at least a bit more subtle with their rush to leave.
There was a moment of silence when it was finally just the two of them. Price was staring hard but his boyfriend was doing his best to avoid his gaze. "So," Price started carefully, "Do you want to tell me?"
"There's nothing to tell," his boyfriend responded carefully, still avoiding his gaze. His eyes trailed back over toward the small screen, frozen on the face of a familiar figure. He looked much the same and yet so different from the boy that he'd followed into the military. It broke his heart in an odd way.
"You," Price took in a calming breath, pushing himself away from the table and turning away, "You can't lie about this. Tell me, please."
There was another moment of quiet between them. "I don't love him anymore," his boyfriend spoke quietly, "if that's what you're worried about."
Price wheeled around to face him, his eyes hard, "That's what you think I'm worried about?" He moved around the table to him in several quick strides. Despite the hard look on his face, his hands were soft as he tilted his face toward him, forcing their eyes to connect, "That isn't what this is about. I'm worried about you. I'm worried about what he might have done to you. I'm worried about what he might want to do to you."
He turned away, unable to hold Price's gaze any longer. The man was so intense with his affection and care at times. It could be overwhelming for him. It was hard for him to talk about these things. His past wasn't exactly his favorite thing to discuss. He preferred to leave his past where it was. Where it couldn't hurt him anymore.
After a moment, Price gave a deep sigh. "Listen," his voice was soft, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I just...I need you to know that I won't judge you. I need you to know that at the end of the day, all I want is to know that you're alright."
"Makarov," he started quietly, his eyes moving back to the image on the screen, "We were raised together." He spoke carefully trying not to wince at the memories of that cold orphanage where they spent their childhood. "We were close. He was...different then. Sweeter, not obsessed with power and revenge. When he went into Spetsnaz, I followed."
He shook his head at himself, remembering the two's secretive relationship, the shared kisses when they would see each other between work with their squads. He remembered the way that Makarov had started to change as well. The little things, little things that were probably only noticeable to him.
"When he was discharged, when I found out what he'd done, I broke things off." He looked to Price, "I swear that was it. I broke things off and I haven't seen him since. I don't know what he was talking about," he pointed at the little screen, "I promise I have no idea what he was talking about."
Price grabbed his hand tugging him closer to press them together. He leaned their foreheads together, just sharing the space between them for a moment before nodding, "I believe you." He pressed closer, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist. "I believe you. Just," he seemed to hesitate for a moment, his face twisting up with something akin to rage, "if he tries anything," his voice was much harsher, "I'll fucking hang him."
"He's a terrorist," he reminded Price with a low voice, "We're going to bring him in and, no matter what sort of feelings he thinks he still has for me, nothing is going to happen." He tugged Price closer to him, pressing their lips together for a moment in a sweet kiss.
With the sweet slide of their lips together, he could feel Price relaxing in his touch. His relationship with Makarov was long over and, no matter what his former lover wanted, he knew that Price never let the terrorist even get close. He knew that Price was all that he wanted.
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"Simon, this is ridiculous," he sighed, turning his head to watch his boyfriend pace across the floor of the safe house, "I will be fine."
"Makarov sent you roses," Ghost shot back lowly, still pacing around. His mask was still on, something rare for when it was just the two of them alone. It let his boyfriend know how serious he was, how on edge he was. "He knows you. He's managed to find something out about my personal life and now he's targeting you."
His boyfriend could feel guilt eating at his chest and he was quick to look away. He knew about Ghost's past, he knew what happened to his boyfriend's family. He knew how much this was stressing Ghost out. "It isn't because of you," he spoke quietly, shame tinting his words.
He'd never told Ghost, he'd never told anyone. Running away was the most he'd been able to do. When things got tough, when he realized what the man he loved had become, he'd taken the coward's way out. He'd run and hidden and changed who he was in an attempt to avoid his past. Now it was back to haunt him.
Ghost continued pacing, "We have to keep you somewhere safe. If Makarov gets his hands on you, he'll kill you."
"I don't think he wants to kill me. Simon, I need to-"
"I need to get you a gun," he muttered, "I'll show you how to use it. You shouldn't have to use it, you aren't meant to get mixed up in this." He tugged at the edge of his mask aggressively, as though he wanted to tear at the material.
"Simon," he tried again. He had to tell him, "Come sit down, there's something-"
"We'll need to move locations too. The more we move the harder it will be for Makarov to take you. We can-"
"Simon!" He didn't like to yell, but his boyfriend wouldn't listen. He was so lost in his mind, so lost in his stress that he needed something to bring him back. His sudden shout seemed to do the job.
Ghost stopped in his place, frozen with wide eyes as he looked at his boyfriend. His boyfriend gave him an apologetic smile before patting the spot on the couch next to him and slowly motioning for Ghost to join him. There was a moment of silence that passed before Ghost hesitantly moved, sitting close enough that their legs were pressed together.
He took a moment, taking in a deep calming breath before speaking, "Makarov isn't after me because he figured out who you are." He held a hand up, stopping Ghost from speaking. He took another moment, trying to work up the courage to say what he wanted to. "Makarov knows me because we were together, years ago."
There was a long pause. "When you say together?"
"We dated," he looked away from Ghost, feeling heat run through him. "Before he was a terrorist. When I found out what he'd done, that he was working with the ultranationalists, I broke things off and ran." Hesitantly, he reached out to take one of Ghost's hands in his own, "I'm sorry I never told you. But this, him sending me those flowers, coming after me, it isn't because of you." He looked away from Ghost's blank gaze, nerves and shame eating at him. He wasn't quite sure how the man would react, but he understood that this could be too much for the man that he loved. "I understand if you-"
He didn't get a chance to finish as he was tugged into his boyfriend's chest and wrapped up in his arms. He was quick to relax against Ghost's chest, burying his face in his warmth as a kiss was pressed against the top of his head. "Thank you for telling me," Ghost's voice was still serious. He pulled back and took his boyfriend's face in his hands, pulling him close. There was a hint of something new in his eyes, something low and possessive, "He won't lay a finger on you. I'll tear him apart before he can."
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"C'mon, say something," he begged, watching Gaz's face closely. His boyfriend was frozen in place, his expression frozen in shock and horror. He should have expected this. "Gaz, please."
Gaz still didn't speak, he just blinked at him, eyes wide. His boyfriend could feel anxiety clawing at his chest and creeping up his throat. He started to pace around, rubbing at his face as he waited for the verdict from the man that he loved. He should have expected this. He should have known that he couldn't just explain things and expect everything to be fine.
He had to explain though, he just had to. He couldn't tell Gaz and have it come up during a mission. He couldn't let Makarov use it against him. His team needed to know, Gaz needed to know. He'd thought it would be easiest to start with Gaz, but now he wasn't too sure. Maybe he should have started with Price instead.
"You," Gaz's voice was high, but his sudden words stopped his boyfriend in his tracks, "You used to date Makarov? The terrorist?"
"It was before he was a terrorist!" His boyfriend rushed to explain, his voice nervous. "Listen he was still Spetsnaz and he was so nice! He hadn't done anything then but I swear when he did start doing things and I found out I broke it off! I haven't seen him since!" He stepped closer to Gaz, trying to plead his case. "I promise that I'm not-"
Laughter interrupted his speech and he found himself frozen in his place. Gaz was laughing? His shoulders were shaking and one of his hands was covering his mouth, but his laughter and the amusement in his eyes was clear to see. It sent a flush over his skin. His boyfriend was laughing about this?
"I'm sorry," Gaz held a hand out to him, his laughter growing louder and louder, "I'm, oh my god, I'm sorry." He doubled over, his hands on his knees to support him as he continued laughing, "You used to date Makarov," the words seemed to only add to his amusement.
"Stop laughing!" He complained, his cheeks a bright red as Gaz nearly fell to the ground with the force of his laughter, "It isn't funny!" His words didn't stop his boyfriend's laughter and he could do nothing but stand with embarrassment running through him as Gaz continued laughing. "I expected you to be mad," he grumbled out after a few minutes as Gaz's laughter started to finally calm down.
"Would," Gaz wiped tears from his eyes, "Would you prefer me to be mad?"
"I guess not," his boyfriend looked away from him with a huff, "I would prefer it if you hadn't laughed at me though."
"Baby," Gaz had a grin on his face as he stepped forward and wrapped his boyfriend up in his arms, "I wasn't laughing at you I just," he paused for a moment, chuckling again, "You have to admit that it's funny."
"How is it funny?" He leaned his head against Gaz's chest with a grumpy pout.
"My boyfriend," Gaz started with a grin, "Who is so overly cautious about everyone that he interacts with, and he of all people ended up dating a terrorist. An ugly terrorist too, in my opinion."
"You're certainly a step up from him," his boyfriend couldn't help but grin and tuck himself closer to Gaz's chest.
"Only a step up?" Gaz complained. Still, he had a grin on his face as he pulled back to press their lips together. The kiss was sweet, as most of the kisses that he and Gaz shared were. After a moment they pulled back, just enough that Gaz could mutter, "You know we have to tell the team about this right?"
"I'm already dreading it," his boyfriend pulled him back into a kiss.
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"Why didn't you tell me!" Soap followed close behind him, both of them storming into the locker room in quick strides. His boyfriend had a scowl on his face but was trying desperately to ignore the clawing guilt and anxiety in his chest.
"It wasn't important," he shot back, starting to strip himself of his gear with shakey hands. "It still isn't important."
"Not important?" Soap stopped next to him, tossing his bag on the bench next to his boyfriend's discarded tac vest. "If you don't consider that important, I hate to see what you do."
He gave a deep sigh before turning to face Soap, crossing his arms over his chest with an indignant huff. "What do you want me to say?" He met his boyfriend's eyes, wincing at the anger that was so clearly there.
"I want you to explain," Soap stepped closer to him, taking one of his hands in his own and tugging him closer. He avoided Soap's gaze, looking away from him as things grew too intense. When he was so close he could see the worry that was so clearly undercutting his boyfriend's anger. It was much easier to handle when he could only see the anger, it was so much more familiar.
Soap wasn't like his past relationships. Soap was sweeter and more excitable and he'd never let his anger or his rage paint him into something that he wasn't. It was much easier to separate himself though. To justify his desire to push away if Soap was angry.
"You already know everything," he muttered, allowing himself to be pulled even closer until he and Soap were chest to chest.
"I don't think I do," Soap spoke carefully, "All I know is that you used to be with him and that apparently that," he seemed to struggle for a moment to contain the venom he was feeling, "bastard wants you back."
His boyfriend shrugged hesitantly, shame creeping up his spine as he remembered the last time that he'd seen Makarov, when he'd realized that a man that he'd trusted all his life had been lying to him. "I was raised with him," he spoke carefully, "I trusted him, he broke that trust, so I ended things."
"Did you," Soap seemed to hesitate for a moment, "Did you know that he was..."
His boyfriend gave a humorless chuckle, "When he was discharged, he told me it was all false accusations. That they needed a fall guy and chose him. I believed him." He looked up at Soap with wide pleading eyes, "When I found out that he'd joined the ultranationalists, I knew that he'd lied to me. I swear to god that I broke things off then."
"So what Makarov said," Soap's hands began to slowly rub up and down his arms, trying to comfort him even when he was worried himself. "You're not going to-"
"I'd never join him." He spoke seriously, stepping closer to Soap to whisper softly, "I'd never betray you. I swear."
Soap gave a relieved sigh, like that was all that he needed to hear. "Thank fuck," his whisper was muffled toward the end as he pressed closer to his boyfriend, connecting their mouths in a passionate kiss. All he needed was the reassurance that his boyfriend was his.
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"You are not doing this, absolutely not," Roach's voice was harsh and he was giving a hard glare to the general who'd suggested it.
"No," Roach shook his head, "This is crazy. I am not letting you do this. Makarov would kill you!"
Laswell looked between Roach and his boyfriend for several moments, a knowing look on her face. "You haven't told him," she guessed, pulling a wince from him and a confused look from Roach.
"Told me what?" Roach looked between them carefully, "What's going on?"
"We'll step out," Laswell motioned for the general to follow her and, though he looked grumpy about it, he begrudgingly stood to follow her out of the room. "Take your time," she gave him a small, supporting smile before fully leaving the room.
Silence hung around them for several moments. He did his best to avoid Roach's gaze, his hands tightening in his clothes for support. "What was Laswell talking about?" Roach's voice was quiet.
The words hung in the air for a few moments, sitting between them heavily. Finally, he worked up the courage to respond, "They didn't choose me randomly."
Roach moved around the couch he'd been standing behind, taking a quick seat beside his boyfriend before taking his hands in his own. "What do I need to know," he asked quietly, his thumbs rubbing circles onto the back of his boyfriend's hands.
Even in this moment, even when he thought that his boyfriend was hiding something from him, he was trying to provide him with some form of comfort.
"Makarov and I...we were together. Years ago." He moved closer to Roach, looking up at him seriously as he continued, "When I found out that he was working with the untranationalists, I tried to break things off."
"Tried?" Roach spoke carefully, but his boyfriend could hear the deep concern in his voice.
"He'd changed too much at that point," his boyfriend looked away, avoiding his gaze, "He, uh, well, he refused to let me leave. Tried to lock me up. Soon as I got the chance I ran, came to the US Embassy for help. Laswell is the one who helped me dissappear."
Roach was silent for a long moment, just taking in the information he'd just been given. He hid his reaction well, keeping his face politely neutral. His boyfriend knew him well though, he could read all of the microexpressions that he tried to conceal. He could read the barely contained rage that Roach was trying to hide. "I'm sorry," he muttered after a moment, "I should have told you."
That seemed to bring Roach back into the moment and his hands clenched around his boyfriend's. "I'm not mad at you," he spoke quickly, already knowing where his boyfriend's mind had gone. He tugged himself closer, wrapping him up against his chest with loving strokes of his hands. "You aren't going undercover," he spoke quietly, "You aren't going near Makarov ever again. I'll never let him get anywhere close to you again."
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 months ago
Heyyyy weird question my sister is trying to get into Minecraft YouTubers but doesn't know who to watch do you have any recckmendations (she's young)
This turned out WAY longer than I meant it too, sorry in advance! XD Also, this is all my opinion obviously, please no one get mad at me!!
Redstoners: 1. Ethoslab is one of my favorites, but his editing style can be a little bit of an acquired taste depending on the episode. (It is very very barebones.) He is completely family friendly and I find him entertaining, but he might be aimed at a somewhat older audience than the person you are talking about, just because of the stuff he does in minecraft being often more technical or specific.
2. If she likes technical stuff but wants slightly more "childish" editing style, Tangotek is a good option. He can sometimes be a little bit inappropriate, but I don't think he has been recently...?
3. Mumbojumbo isn't usually my style but he's another classic family friendly pick. Again, if she likes technical minecraft but not Etho or Tango, he might be a good option.
Builders: 1. Grian is a classic and I like a lot of his stuff, he also does a lot to make himself seem even more family friendly than a lot of even his other family friendly buddies, but not in a way that's boring or overly childish.
2. Goodtimeswithscar is also extremely entertaining and an incredible Minecraft builder if she cares about the beauty of the stuff, but he can be a little bit less family friendly than the other people I have listed. No swearing or excessive joking, just occasional... interesting word choices and stuff like that.
3. Smallishbeans probably has the flashiest editing style out of all of these people, as well as usually the shortest episodes, but they are almost always very engaging and I like them a lot.
Pvpers? 1. I don't watch PVPers besides Purpled* and he hardly uploads anymore, and I don't remember if he is family friendly enough to recommend to this person.
2. *Technoblade may also be a good pick for your sister, but as you probably/maybe know he unfortunately passed away a few years ago now. :9 His videos were always extremely entertaining and are still up to be watched, but it can be a little bit depressing knowing that he's not with us anymore and some of his jokes could be somewhat inappropriate for children at times. Despite all of that he is one of my favorites and I would recommend him to pretty much anyone in, like, the highschool and up range maybe??? I didn't know about youtube until middle school so I could be entirely off and he could be fine for younger people, but it's kinda up to you based on how old she is.
Extra notes: Out of these people, my favorites are Ethoslab, Goodtimeswithscar, and Grian, but any of the others are also really good. :) In order I probably watch them with this priority (depending on which series of course, but I mean in general): Ethoslab, Goodtimeswithscar, Grian, Tangotek, Smallishbeans, Mumbojumbo
I personally much prefer to watch builders over redstoners, but the things that some of those people can pull off (*cough* *cough* Tangotek's Decked Out 1 and 2 *cough* *cough*) is mindblowing. Idk if that's her thing but, like, if it is. Oh my God tell her to check out Decked Out 1 and 2. (Decked Out one is in Hermitcraft season 7, Decked Out two is Hermitcraft season 9.)
Another person I watch who is NOT in this group and is NOT popular is StormLordZeus, he's SO FUN THOUGH. I love him!!! (Also Huntedskelly!!) Scratchcraft!!! Completely family friendly, but very small scale. Tight knight community so maybe not, but I Love It.
As for specific Minecraft series, I recommend Grian's Hermitcraft Season 6, and 3rd and Double Life, Tangotek's Hermitcraft Seasons 7 and 9, pretty much anything from Goodtimeswithscar but maybe especially his Hermitcraft in general and Secret, 3rd, Double Life, Smallishbeans' Hermitcraft 10, Limited Life and X Life, Ethoslab's Hermitcraft 7 and 9 and Secret and Last Life, Mumbojumbo's random little videos, Hermitcraft 10, and Last Life.
For Stormlordzeus and Huntedskelly, Scratchcraft season two feels the most completed. For Technoblade his Skyblock Potato war with Squidkid is iconic. For Purpled his random storytime videos are the most fun.
Life Series order: 3rd Life, Last Life, Double Life, Limited Life, Secret Life, Real Life (april fools episode), Wild Life
TLDR: Ethoslab might be boring to some but he's my favorite, Grian and Mumbojumbo are both very popular for the right reasons and are usually engaging, Smallishbeans might be slightly inappropriate sometimes but he is the most engaging in my opinion, Tangotek is a lot of fun and very engaging but I get very lost in his technical videos, and Goodtimeswithscar is very very funny and very very talented. (If sometimes slightly inappropriate.)
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yanderes-galore · 1 month ago
Noelle holiday w/ Relitive darling (Platonic obvi) 🪲 [Shiny Bug Anon]
I feel like this would hit her harder than I thought....
Yandere! Platonic! Noelle Holiday with Relative! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Unhealthy coping, Trauma, Manipulation, Fear of abandonment, Dubious companionship.
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Noelle has a complicated view when it comes to family.
Her mother is always working, her father is in the hospital...
Her oldest sister disappeared mysteriously.
Not only that but the Holiday family isn't as close to the Dreemurrs after the disappearance of December Holiday.
So, based on what Noelle has gone through in the past, and how she acts now...
She'd cling to another sibling.
I imagine you're also an older sibling to her.
Perhaps you were even the middle child, someone also heavily affected by the disappearance of your older sister.
Due to what's going on in your family, you're probably used to taking care of Noelle.
You take her to visit her father and even allow her to get past the gate by keeping a key on you.
You turned down college to help with Noelle, which has allowed you two deer to get along.
Since you both were young, you've essentially helped parent Noelle due to your parents being unable to.
You've been used to Noelle's submissive demeanor for a long time now.
You never mind looking after her, especially since you know how easy it is for her to be influenced.
Since Kris drifted from her when you were younger, you've been by her side.
Due to what happened with December, I have an idea of what Noelle would be like towards you.
Clingy and anxious is what comes to mind for me.
She's a soft yandere and not violent unless, well, influenced.
I can see her being manipulative but not controlling.
She needs validation and attention.
As her sibling, she gets it from you as you're the only family member that really pays attention to her besides your dad.
She's always been scared to interrupt mother so you've been the only one she could turn to for years.
You being her only sibling now is what makes her cling to you.
You two do everything together, like video games and making dinner.
Noelle is used to this attention.
Which is why her more obsessive behavior may show itself when you redirect her attention.
For example, maybe you're more focused on working, maybe you actually try going for college, or maybe you find a partner to pay attention to?
You think it's fine due to Noelle's age.
She's in high school now and can take care of herself.
She shouldn't need her older sibling to parent her anymore.
That's what you think, however...
Noelle is having trouble dealing with the fact you won't be available anymore.
You getting more focused in work reminds her of your mother.
Will you ignore her like she does?
The same thing goes for college.
Will she not see you once you get accepted by the college you're choosing?
She wants you happy... yet even when she sees you in a relationship, she's envious.
She misses you.
Since she's such a soft yandere I can see her behavior being subtle... yet still toxic.
Things like... sabotage.
She hates lying and making you upset... but what if Noelle sabotaged emails and letters?
She struggles to properly tell you how she feels.
Does sabotaging you make things any better?
Noelle is a bit ashamed of her attachment to you.
She can tell it's wrong to be so scared of you leaving her.
Yet she just thinks of December... and thinks of your parents...
Then she tries to justify her feelings.
She's just... This is her way of looking out for you.
You won't suspect her of anything, will you?
You just think the college is taking long to respond... or maybe you really did miss an email?
You don't think it's your sister doing it because she supports you too much....
In reality, she really is sabotaging you as she isn't sure what she'd do without you.
I feel even Snowgrave wouldn't affect her behavior towards you much since she doesn't seem to act violent in the real world.
Although... It does give her extra trauma...
Which may make her cling to you tighter.
While a soft yandere, Noelle may still do bad things for you.
She fears losing you like December.
That's her greatest fear... Even if you're just leaving town to continue your life.
Is it selfish? Of course it is... But Noelle is more troubled than you think.
She'll do her best to find excuses as to why you can't leave.
For example, Dad needs you...
She needs you.
Noelle may hate making you upset, but she'd also guilt you into staying with her.
Surely you'll understand in the end, right?
It's wrong to manipulate you, sure...
Yet she refuses to experience loss again...
Even if it means trapping you with her as though you're frozen in place.
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miss-musings · 9 months ago
Analyzing the Allegories in The Bad Batch Episode 3.05 "The Return"
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I know a lot of folks out there love analyzing the metaphors and allegories in The Bad Batch Episode 2.09 "The Crossing." (This video has a great breakdown! I highly recommend it.) It really dives into Tech's psyche, his autism (or the Star Wars equivalent of it) and his bond with Omega.
And, as much as I love that episode, I have to admit: I love Episode 3.05 "The Return" even more so for a lot of the same reasons people love "The Crossing." It really dives into Crosshair's psyche, his trauma and his bond with his family (especially Hunter).
Both episodes are so rich and layered, giving us a lot of time for introspection in an otherwise fast-paced, action-packed show.
I'd like to present two allegorical readings for "The Return." While there is some overlap, they ultimately have major contrasts and reinterpret some moments very differently. They ultimately hinge on whether you want to interpret the Wyrm as a good thing or a bad thing.
Thus, you may prefer one over the other, or maybe you'll like both. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments/reblogs!
Author's Note: This will end up being the second part of a much longer analysis I want to write about 3.05 "The Return." But, this second part about the allegories wasn't as time-consuming as I imagine Part 1 about the character beats/analysis will be, so I'm tackling it first. Once I've written Part 1, I'll update this intro section with a link. Cheers!
Allegory #1: The Wyrm is a Good Thing
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The one overlapping point between both of these allegorical interpretations is that the Outpost base represents Crosshair, mainly his heart.
Like the Outpost, Crosshair was abandoned by the Empire. He served his purpose and was cast aside, set adrift. Now, he is alone, isolated and purposeless.
Additionally, Crosshair carries Mayday in his heart (which is something TBB composers recently confirmed on Twitter), and the Outpost is home to the last remnant's of Mayday and the other clones -- their helmets.
But while he carries memories of Mayday, Tech and other clones in his heart, he doesn't have anyone actively in his life. Just as the Outpost doesn't have anyone actively stationed there anymore.
Now, under Allegory #1, the snow represents Crosshair's trauma.
Just as the snow has covered the Outpost, Crosshair has been buried in trauma -- from many things, but especially from his experiences in 2.12 "The Outpost" and from his time on Tantiss.
The snow is emblematic of his trauma because the last time he was on Barton IV, he and Mayday are nearly buried in an avalanche and then they have to fight their way back through the snow-covered terrain, in a blizzard. While it isn't actively snowing at the Outpost in 3.05 "The Return," the snow that's covering the base has left it inaccessible.
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Arguably, the snow can represent the specific trauma of losing a brother, because Crosshair audibly freaks out when Hunter falls into the crevasse. He's afraid of losing Hunter the same way he lost Mayday. He doesn't want to lose another brother to this planet and its snow.
So, just as the Outpost and Crosshair were both abandoned by the Empire, now they're both buried under the weight of the snow (or what it represents).
Now, enter: The Bad Batch.
Crosshair's family arrive at the Outpost and they take down the perimeter defense at the base. But, under Allegory #1, this is a Good Thing.
Because the Wyrm represents Crosshair's family, love and hope.
You can argue that the Wyrm represents Hunter specifically. They're the only two characters we see in the tunnels, and Crosshair has the remark about "I think I just made it angrier," which applies to both Hunter and the Wyrm at different points in the episode.
You can also argue the Wyrm represents Omega, because it shows up as they're talking about her. Plus, just as the Wyrm ultimately brings Hunter and Crosshair together and forces them to reconcile, so too does Omega. Plus, Hunter's line of "Not alone -- we'll do it together" can apply to facing the Wyrm as much as it does to eventually raising Omega.
But, ultimately, the Wyrm represents Crosshair's family (whether Hunter or Omega specifically) and the love and hope that they bring with them.
In the final shot of the episode, we see that -- even though the snow still covers the Outpost -- we also now see tunnels that the Wyrm created during its attack. They're essentially inlets into and/or outlets out of the Outpost now that weren't there before — a way through the snow.
Now that his family and their love and hope are back in his life, Crosshair has a way out and a way forward in life (or back to his family) that he didn't have before — a way through the trauma. He has their love and support. He has an outlet now.
(P.S. I also just love the idea of his family metaphorically wyrming their way back into his heart. LOL)
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Allegory #1 fits better when you put it in the context of 2.12 "The Outpost" and the final scene in 3.05 "The Return."
Crosshair, in a very big character moment for him, takes the initiative and opens up to Hunter.
Crosshair in general, but in this episode specifically, is very closed off. Earlier in the episode, he avoided talking to Hunter, and wasn't forthcoming about his time on Tantiss or his experiences at the Outpost. Part of that is because of his personality, but a lot of it is because of his trauma.
But, at the end of the episode, Crosshair now feels comfortable enough to open up to Hunter. Arguably, he didn't really need to, at least not right then. He and Hunter had reached an equilibrium or understanding after facing the Wyrm together. Whatever anger and resentment they had for each other had dissipated.
Yet Crosshair feels he's ready to and needs to truly reconcile with his brother. Despite everything he's faced, he feels he has an outlet now, and he uses it and basically starts his healing process.
(PS - There’s a great side-by-side comparison of this scene vs. the S1 finale here.)
And, as I said, in the final shot we see the Outpost still covered in snow, but now there are tunnels going into/out of the base. There is now a way out, a way forward.
Allegory #2: The Wyrm is a Bad Thing
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Just as in Allegory #1, the Outpost represents Crosshair -- isolated, abandoned and purposeless. But, now we're going to switch gears on what the Bad Batch and the Wyrm represent.
After months of isolation on Tantiss, Crosshair has his guard up. He isn't letting anyone in. He isn't letting anyone save him.
Until Omega.
It's clear from 3.01-3.05 that he has bonded with her in a way he hasn't bonded with anyone since arguably Mayday.
That's because he keeps letting people in, and then failing them and subsequently losing them -- his brothers, especially Tech; then Cody; and then Mayday. It's partly why he pushed Omega away so much on Tantiss. He definitely wanted her to increase her chances of escaping successfully by not risking breaking him out too, but he also didn't want to get emotionally close to her after failing and losing so many other people.
But, thanks to Omega, he escapes Tantiss and reunites with his brothers, and he suggests they go to the Outpost to pull more intel on Tantiss.
Under Allegory #2, by bringing them to Barton IV and the Outpost, Crosshair is inviting them into his heart. And the fact that the group debates whether Omega should go and that it's Omega who ultimately deactivates the sensors is significant.
The Bad Batch, specifically Omega, deactivating the Outpost’s sensors represents how they make Crosshair feel vulnerable again.
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Just as the base’s guards were up until they (specifically Omega) deactivated them, so too were Crosshair's guards up until his family (specifically Omega) re-entered his life and his heart.
This is partly why, when Hunter confronts him about betraying their family and then the Empire, Crosshair goes for the proverbial throat by bringing up Hunter's insecurities about failing Omega.
For a combination of reasons, Crosshair is feeling vulnerable for the first time in a long time, and while Hunter had very reasonable concerns and questions, he picked the worst possible moment to confront Crosshair about it.
Enter: the Wyrm.
Under Allegory #2, the Wyrm represents everything that threatens Crosshair and his heart -- whether that's external threats like the Empire or Tantiss, or internal threats like his fear and trauma.
After Crosshair comes face-to-face with the Wyrm, his initial response is to confront it alone. He likely feels guilty for endangering his family by bringing them to the Outpost, and doesn't want to risk failing and subsequently losing them the way he lost Mayday and others.
However, Hunter and the others emphasize that Crosshair can't and shouldn't face the Wyrm alone -- that they have to do it together.
Hunter also says: "Then let's get to it, before it tears this place apart." Crosshair and his family have to work together to protect the base, the same way they have to work together to protect him.
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Allegory #2 fits better in the larger context of Season 3, specifically everything that happens after this episode.
Crosshair insists on facing CX-2 alone in 3.07 "Extraction" and would've died if Howzer and the others hadn't saved him. He is alone in 3.11 "Point of No Return" when he misses the shot to track Omega's ship. And he feels like, because of his failures, he needs to spare Hunter and Wrecker by infiltrating Tantiss alone in 3.15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived."
But, just as the Bad Batch work together to restore the Outpost's defenses and protect it from the Wyrm, Crosshair is best protected when he is with his family -- when they are working together.
With prompting from Hunter, Omega helps Crosshair to start facing his physical and emotional trauma in 3.08 "Bad Territory." His brothers refuse to let him infiltrate Tantiss alone in 3.15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived," and after they get captured, Echo and Omega work to break them out. And, when faced with an impossible shot to save Omega from Hemlock, Crosshair makes it thanks to Hunter's support and Omega's faith in him.
These are situations he wouldn't have been able to navigate alone, just as he wouldn't have been able to face the Wyrm and protect the Outpost alone. Heck, even Batcher helps Crosshair find and save Hunter after he falls into the tunnel. He probably couldn’t have done that by himself.
Crosshair needed his family to support and protect him from both his external and internal threats, just as they protected the Outpost.
So, in the final shot of 3.05 "The Return," we see the ship flying away from the Outpost. The Wyrm's tunnels are visible in the snow -- reminiscent of scars or wounds -- but the Outpost is still standing, still protected.
Analyzing the Title, Final Thoughts
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I honestly can't decide which allegory I like better. I think they can both be powerful ways to interpret and 'read' the episode. Let me know if you have any additional insights or opinions.
As I said, I really love how emotionally poignant and significant this episode is. Just like 2.09 "The Crossing" was about Tech and Omega's bond, 3.05 "The Return" is definitely about Crosshair's bond with Hunter specifically, but his family in general.
Like Jennalysis says in The Crossing allegory analysis, I also enjoy thinking of all the things a TBB episode title can refer to. The Return has a lot of options:
Crosshair's return to Barton IV, obviously
Omega's return to Pabu, and her return to Hunter and Wrecker
Echo's return to the Bad Batch family, even if temporarily
Under Allegory 1: Hope returning to Crosshair's life and heart, as Hunter alludes to in the final line: "And who knows? There just might be hope for us yet."
Under Allegory 2: Crosshair's physical and emotional return to his family; or said another way, allowing his family to return to his heart
There might be more but that's all I have for now. As I said, this will end up being Part 2 of a much larger analysis on the episode. I plan to write Part 1, which will break down Hunter and Crosshair's character beats and some other fun details, in the coming days.
Stay tuned! :)
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pythoness94 · 7 months ago
Fanon party and how they react to Byler. (and how it makes the party OOC.)
One thing I hate about some fics is that SOME people get to damn deep into the fanon. Like, I swear some people treat Will like he's incapable. It's like people think Will is going to completely break and fall apart if Mike is straight. Like no? Will already thinks Mike IS straight, chat he's sad but he isn't some "uwu baby". It's completely apparent that some people think Will NEEDS to be protected at all cost and it shows in how they write the Party treating Mike. Basically, in multiple fics and videos i have seen (Cough, cough, gacha reacts, cough, COUGH.) the creators write the party absolutely LOATHING Mike. Berating him, putting him down, taking apart his every insecurity, calling him homophobic, MAKING him homophobic, acting like he's satan for not showing that he likes Will back. I've seen a few were they kick Mike OUT OF HIS OWN PARTY, for not liking Will back. Like, I've also seen a couple where they treat the garage scene like it was worse than the upside down. They don't even have the party try to understand why Mike did that, or ask if Will forgives him, or even make Mike apologize. No! Because that would be just TO inconceivably. No, they say fuck that noise and chose the secret fourth option of making Mike into some homophobic dickhead that hated Will from the start and everything he did before that was just acting. Like WTF???
The way they treat Will is WORSE. Like I touched on it earlier, but they have the party FAWN over him. Acting like Will can do no wrong, and like Will needs every member at the party at his beck and call while sobbing every five seconds. This is, of course, the most extreme cases but once you see these things you can't UNSEE it. They make Will into some fragile thing that Mike sought out to break, it also seems to like babyfy? (i don't know the word.) Will, he's more childish and well fragile. he's not Will anymore. Like did we all collectively forget the POINT of season two's byler relationship? Mike was the only one who didn't treat Will like he was going to break, Will hates that shit, he would NEVER act like this and yet some fanfic writers do that. Also,also, Will would be SO FUCKING PISSED at the party if they excluded and bullied Mike like they do in those fics. He would lose his shit on him. People forget but while Mike and Will may have crushes on each other. They are BEST FRIENDS above all else.
One of the plots of season four was that despite the relationship getting in the way of their friendship, they will stay friends. That "let's make our own party" line wasn't just romance coding, it was saying that they are always friends solo. If Dustin and Will fought, Mike and Will would still be friends. If Lucas and Mike fought, Will and Mike would still be friends. If something happens to the rest of the party, Mike and Will are always going to be Mike and Will because they have their own "Solo party." they are best friends above everything. So the party bullying the fuck out of Mike would NOT slide with Will. The party babying Will wouldn't slide. The party trying to keep Mike and Will away from each other wouldn't slide. Which is another thing, the party would NEVER pull that shit on Mike, because they are FRIENDS too.
Season one was Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and El being best friends without Will. Mike even said that they are all his best friends. The party all adore each other, they would never side with one person and isolate the other. No, they would make each other work it out. They would help Mike make it up to Will and visa versa (REMEMBER THIS REMEMBER VISA VERSA!) because of that "Drawn first blood" rule. You think that they would establish that in season one for no fucking reason? Hell no, Lucas and Mike made up because Mike drew first blood, he apologized, and Lucas held no grudges and that the fucking point. The party doesn't do grudges, they are all each other have and they know it, they know that each member doesn't mean to hurt each other. They will make up every time because they care for each other EQUALLY above all else. So them taking one side doesn't make sense.
Now, here is where visa versa comes in. Some fanfics treat Will like he can NEVER be in the wrong, ever. Like even if it's a throwaway line. i've seen in some really good fics that the characters first reactions, even Nancy and El's, are "Oh, what did Mike do now!" When they have a fight. Like it's never. "Oh what happened?" It's always. "What did MIKE do?" It's a small thing but it shows how DEEP fanon has it's claws in all of us, hell I'm at fault of doing it and I try to go back in fix it. Since, being for real, not a single party member would say that other than Max. As said about, they are all about equality, equal grounds and first blood, they would always say. "What happened?" instead of, "what did Mike do?" because they would be drawing first blood by saying that since it's a unfair slight against a party member. Especially since they've all dealt with bullying in the past, they all know how hard words dig into you, so they would never do something like that to one of their friends. I also hate how some authors don't make Will start a fight too? Like relationships always have dumb fucking fights from both sides, Will would pull some stupid shit just the same as Mike. They are both fourteen in season 4 not only old enough to work their own shit out without being coddled but also old enough to be responsible for their actions.
Will lied to Mike, it doesn't matter if he's trying to save Mileven, he lied and Mike would hate that. Pulling up Mike's past actions doesn't change the fact that Will can slight Mike just as Mike can slight Will. So the party dismissing that but hounding on Mike for paying attention for his girlfriend (even if the way he went about it was dickish and completely messy.) is OOC. Jonathan hating Mike is OOC, the party hating Mike is OOC, Will hating Mike is OOC, Mike hating Will is OOC. They are all equal and equal rights is equal fights. Also, doubling back for a second. Jonathan would NEVER fucking hate Mike. EVER, he's worried for Will's feelings. He wants Will to be happy, but he's known Mike is WHOLE life. Jonathan would be more concerned about why tf Mike is wigging out like this then angry. He knows well enough that you can't make somebody love you (Being in love with Nancy and the whole Steve thing.) He would be annoyed that Mike hurt Will and El, but not pissed of and cold to him. That's the thing fics get wrong. Jonathan would be CONCERNED not COLD. He would grill Mike for answers but not interrogate aggressively, more like gently guide it out of him. Creating a safe space to get the information.
Now, going back to the Will thing. if you can't imagine your party that you're writing, your cast if you will, being mad at Will but can imagine them all being mad at Mike with ease. Then you aren't writing them in character. They can all be mad at each other; Jonathan can be mad at both Will and Mike. Nancy can be mad at Will and Mike, the party can be mad at Will and Mike, and it's never all on one person. The party are scientists and detectives at heart, they don't jump to conclusions, they get the full story. Also, shovel talks. Another thing I hate is when the entire CAST, not just the party, tells Mike that "If you hurt Will, i'll kill you." but Mike is never given the same treatment. They will have NANCY threaten Mike about hurting Will but not Will? She'll threaten her own brother but not his boyfriend? No fucking wonder Mike doesn't really care for Nancy in some fics, I would to if my sister expecting me to hurt my own fucking boyfriend! WHAT THE HELL??? Like, never, in any fic that I have seen. (if you guys have one that does, DROP THE LINK OR NAME! I need to see it and comment my praises.) does any, ANY, of that characters give Will a shovel talk for Mike. They never do a "if you hurt Mike." it's like everybody expects Mike to being a callous bitch at all times.
Like if I was Will, and heard all my friends threatening my other friend and boyfriend but I wasn't getting the same talk, I WOULD BE PISSED. Because not only is that a dick move, since they are already expecting the worse out of my boyfriend and that's THEIR FRIEND too. But because they don't think that i'm capable of the same thing, I know damn well that i can accidently hurt my girl, I don't want to and I would never if i could but I know it. So it would feel like my friends expect me to be some frail thing that my partner could only hurt. FUCK THAT! I want my relationship to always be EVEN, no power imbalance and a shovel talk on always one party is implying one. (i'm not explaining this well but I hope my point is getting across.)
Anyways TL:DR, Will's not an incapable UWU baby that can do no wrong he's a fourteen-year-old boy as of season 4. Mike's not satan incarnated and is also a fourteen year old boy as of season 4. And the party wouldn't pick sides in a fight. Write your characters more in canon instead of STEEPED in fanon.
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sdmnpact · 2 months ago
˗ˏˋHow Harry met Y/N ˎˊ˗
Part 2
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Tuesday Morning ~
"Do you want to hang out some time?" It replayed in my head over and over again. It has been a couple days now. I've been about as normal. After he had asked me that I said nothing and just 'went to sleep'. He had probably noticed and also went to sleep. I actually lied awake thinking about it until I fell asleep. When I woke up that morning he had left but he left his phone number on a notepad on the table stand near the couch. It read:
Text me whenever you're free, Harry.
This is so weird, but not in a bad way. Like he was pretty cute but I don't know if he's actually a nice guy. I've watched a couple of the sidemen's videos and looked up George Clarkey. George is actually quite handsome himself but I focused on Harry. I mean he seems like the nicest guy in those videos! He's so considerate, I mean usually he's kind of a weird guy but I like weird. I'm debating if I should send him a text. Jules told me to do it, and then, told Tom the whole run down making him also be in favor of texting him.
I haven't dated anyone in quite a while, everytime I dated someone, they turned out to be quite a knob. You can never find good guys anymore. Tom is such a good guy, Jules is so lucky to have found him. I need someone like him!
"Are you alright love?" Bea asked me. She is the owner of the flower shop. She's quite a nice older lady, around 50 to 60 years old. She treats me like the daughter she never had. Literally, she only had 3 sons. She tried to set me up with her youngest son but we didn't hit it off and he ended up finding a nice girlfriend anyways.
"I'm alright, thank you. Just deep in my thoughts."
"About what?"
"Well you see, there was a guy at this party. We accidentally kissed and I thought it was just a drunken mistake, you know like he did it for no reason other than to do it, but he left me his number and told me to call him when I'm free. He said he wants to hang out." I told her fiddling with my necklace.
"Well, is he a nice guy?"
"He seems nice."
"Listen here, I think you need to get out there! You are so young and time will pass by and then you will be an old bitty like me." She said with a smile. "Call him! He may be the one! And if he isn't then what have you got to lose? The worst that could happen is he can bury you in his backyard." She laughed. She said that knowing full well how much true crime I listen to. I always talk about how anyone can be a murderer. I looked at her with a smile.
"Alright I guess it can't hurt"
Tuesday night ~
I don't know what to send him. 'Hey it's that girl you kissed, I'm free'. Based on the research I've done on him, It seems like he has a sort of bachelor life right now. Always playing golf, drinking, or hanging out with his mates- well when he's not recording videos.
*ring* *ring* Jules is calling me.
"Seriously y/n!! Take the plunge already!!"
"How do you kno-"
"You would have called me by now! You said you were gonna text him tonight, and it's almost 11. At this point he probably won't respond until tomorrow." I'm so predictable but she's right.
"Okay okay, I'll do it right now and text you what I sent him."
"Okay, you better, love you!"
"Love you too!"
Whatever. I'm just gonna send him a simple message.
[11:17] Hey Harry, it's Y/n, I'm free on Friday :)
I felt nervous about it but sent it without another thought. My phone buzzed shortly after.
[11:19] Great! Send me your address and I'll pick you up at 11 am!
This will be interesting...
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lostcherii · 4 months ago
CHP(2) Meeting places here and there in search of caffeine
Ace pov:
“ACEE ACE WAKE UP WAKE-” Like the hangover wasn't bad enough, I had an unemployed rat yelling at me first thing in the morning.
“WHAT-” before i could say anything more, luffy shoved a phone in front of my face 
Sabo gave me a small grin and said, “We did it; our small gig has gone viral.”
Wait, hold up It took me about a few moment to function until i understood what sabo was saying and why luffy was yelling.
I quickly grabbed the phone from Luffy and saw a video of our band performance yesterday at the club. It was quite well edited, and surprisingly, my voice doesn't sound like a dying druggie who had one too many cigarettes.
“Fucking hell,” i said, smiling and running my finger thru my messy hair 
“500 thousand views over night,” sabo chuckled
“I know right, we’re so cool." luffy went mumbling on and on about how amazing it would be when we were popular but honestly 
I never had hope in myself to make this band popular. I mean, sure, Sabo and Luffy are amazing at what they do, but am I? 
I always felt as if my tune or beats were never on point or I just couldn't be as talented as Luffy and Sabo, but this video was giving me some dangerously high hopes. 
“Who made it?” i asked sabo and luffy 
Sabo just shrugged, and Luffy was too busy dreaming about all the rich meat he said he’d eat once we became rich and famous. In the middle of it, Luffy snaps out of it and replies
"Oh, i think it may have been y/n”
“Why do you say that?” said sabo
“She had some ad assessment due; I don't remember the details, but she told me she had to make an ad on some kind of small business, i guess.” 
I was not processing a lot of what luffy was saying considering my horrible headache 
“I need coffee,” i said, groaning in pain 
“We don't have any,” said Sabo, looking at luffy
“Why not? I just bought a whole ass packet of coffee beans..luffy, what did you do?” i said, glaring at him
"Well, I wanted to go feed the pigeons in the park, and Sabo said take some small beans or pieces of bread, but the only beans I saw were the coffee beans.”
“IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL ANY BETTER THEY NEVER ATE THEM, I COULD GO PICK THEM UP IF YOU WANT." said Luffy, ready to go to the park to get the beans or run away from me—I don't know which one.
“Forget it, I’ll go to some cafe," I said, getting ready to head out for the day to one of my favorite cafes. i usually go there on weekdays in the middle of college breaks It's quite a cool cafe, having some classic vinyls like Queen and Bon Jovi and some vintage cars; I loved their Porsche 911 2.7 Carrera Rsh.
such a waste that the engine isn't working anymore; it's just kept on display. I thought while heading out.
Y/N pov 
About 7 to 6 hours ago 
"Fuck-," I said, taking a sip of my 7th cup of coffee while editing the video. I had completely messed up my assessment dates and realized that I needed to submit my commercial by tomorrow evening. It was about 11:30 at night when I came back from the club and realized that I needed to submit my assessment. 
So like any other raging caffeine addict, I made myself a pot of coffee and prayed for me to survive another all-nighter.
About 4 hours later, i was done with visuals and was quite pleased with it, The lighting with the vintage camera gave the video a nice natural retro look. Now just the audio 
“I swear to god this video needs to look damn amazing. i have not just wasted an entire pot of coffee for a mediocre commercial,” i said, finishing the entire video at 5 in the morning 
“This deserves more appreciation,” I thought to myself and decided to post the video online as well and passed out on my bed.
Not even 2 or 3 hours later, i get a call 
“You have a shift at the cafe.”
I was too sleepy to realize what my manager just told me 
Until 2 or 3 minutes later i realized it and before i could protest, he cut the call 
I rolled around in bed not ready to leave, but knew i had to, considering the fact that it was a really well-paying job, and i worked quite close to campus so a job like this would be hard to find 
I somehow got myself up and walk out the door
“Oh woah, did you sleep at all?” said Nami, taking a bite off her pancake 
I just frowned and sat down, Robin patted me on the head and offered me some pancakes 
A true angel, I thought.
“I need to go,” i said as i grabbed my bag
“Why so soon? Where are you going? It's a saturday morning,” nami said, protesting to me leaving the dorm
“The manager called me at last minute,” i said, frowning 
Nami pitted my poor sleep-deprived ass and said she’d make something good for dinner today 
I thanked her and left.
I arrived on the shift seeing that law wasn’t there, which was expected; he doesn't take early morning shifts usually, i put on my apron and got the coffee beans ready When i heard the door open, i groaned silently, knowing it was far to early for me to deal with some karen who said her latte was made with milk so before she could say anything, i turned to them and-
"Oh, hey,” said Mr. Freckles. 
"Fuck, I thought I mentally cursed myself for not dressing up and looking like a sleepless drunkard.” 
“Hi” was all i could say and just stared at his face 
How is he looking so good even with homeless-looking clothes? What the hell?
He was wearing an oversized guns n’ roses shirt with some jackets layered over it and some baggy jeans; his hair was even more messy than yesterday but it just looked more fluffy, honestly-
“You gonna take my order,” he said as he smirked at me 
I quickly realized that i'm on duty 
"Ah, sorry, what can I get you?” i said, taking out my notepad and looking at him
"Well, i have venti coffee with a chicken sandwich on the side,” he said and he rubbed his head 
I guessed he was having a hangover from yesterday's drinks. 
"Sure, coming right up," I said, smiling, and started to heat the sandwich. I started to make the coffee and kept it on the other counter. Before he walked, he just looked at me and spoke 
“Hey, did you make that video of us?”
what - what video Oh, wait, was I not supposed to? Oh no, they didn't like it Shit. i knew i should have asked sabo or him instead of luffy for permission
“It was pretty good, you know,” he said, smiling 
I went in shock and grinned 
“Did you really enjoy it?” i said
“Yeah and about 500 thousand other people as well,” he said, chuckling 
“What-” i said 
“You don't know?” he said looking at me and pulled out his phone, showing my video of them 
It had gone viral oh my god, oh my god.
I was so happy. 
I'm pretty sure ace saw me smiling like an idiot looking at the video but i didn't care; i proved to everyone that i could do something 
“Thanks,“ said ace i just looked at him confused
“Why are you saying thanks, I should be thanking you for the amazing performance,” i said, grinning
He chuckled and said, “Well, that’s not much. You did the impossible by making me sound good,” he said, chuckling
Before i could protest, his phone rang 
He picked it up and spoke. 
“Really right now—shit, um yeah, ok, i'll try to make it in time,” he closed his phone and look at me and said while smirking
“I’m sorry,“ he just paused for a moment before talking again
“To leave you, but I have to go; maybe we could meet at the club tomorrow night?” he said, taking his order from the other counter and smiling at me 
"Sure," i said "bye,” i said pleasantly  
And he just rushed out the door 
What THE FUCK is wrong with me I thought, covering my mouth with my hand and thinking, What was I going to say? "I'm sorry, darling, for leaving so soon." The fuck does that even mean i said, "I’m too hungover That beer was a little too strong. My brain isn’t co-operating. “
I continued to dwell on that thought while walking back to the dorms and strummed my finger while softly humming a beat and the lyrics to a new song 
"I'm sorry I met you, darling; I'm sorry I met you."
As she turned into the night, all he had were the words
"I'm sorry I met you, darling; I'm sorry I've left." 
I chuckled to myself at such a stupid song, I thought.
Such a stupid thing to think, I thought, Remembering her gentle, yet pretty smile,
And chuckled to myself.
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roadkillremi · 2 years ago
Randy Meeks x Ghostface!Fem!Reader and TOXIC!Poly!Ghostface x Ghostface!Fem!Reader
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Part 1 Part 3 MasterList
Warnings : MINORS DNI Mentions Killing, Mentions plans on Killing, Language, Mentions Family Problems, Non consented kiss, Smut, Blow Job, Switch!Reader, Sub!Randy, fingering, Toxic Relationship. (If I missed any let me know please!)
I do NOT support toxic relationships like the one displayed or murdering. If this is happening to you or a loved one reach help ASAP!
Summary : Being childhood friends with Billy Loomis wasn't always easy. As you got older he demanded revenge and that you helped him. (He may have manipulated you along the way). After helping kill Sydney's mother you refused to help anymore. Billy and Stu forced you to stay due to blackmail causing you to be in a toxic secret relationship.
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You put your duffle bag in the corner of Tatum's room. Dewey had brought you a sleeping bag and pillow which was curled up near Sydney's temporary bed.
"Isn't this fun!" Tatum smiled.
"I mean under bad circumstances but super fun!" She sat on her bed watching you put your stuff aside. You smiled at her, "Yeah we should do this more often!". Sydney walked in holding a book bag one for school and one for clothes. She sat on the bed and smiled softly.
"We don't have to go to Stus dumb party, Tomorrow do we?" You asked looking at the two girls.
"Uh, of course we do! It'll be fun! Plus maybe you'll finally take Randy's virginity!" Tatum joked. You rolled your eyes and smiled, "there's nothing wrong with waiting, Tatum". Sydney looked over at you, "why are you waiting?". You sighed and sat on the floor between the girls.
"I never told him I'm not a virgin. I think that'll upset him..it's stupid." You lied.
You've gotten pretty good at that lately.
"Wait you'd you lose your virginity to?!" Tatum bounced on the mattress. You smirked, "Some guy. It's when I was visiting my dad. He was cool I guess.".
Another lie. It was Billy.
Dewey came into the room, "hey uh, we gotta go to the station." Tatum rolled her eyes before getting up.
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You sat on the cold metal chair next to Tatum.
"I was with Randy the night of Casey's death. He closed up around 9:30 he was my ride home." You stared into the sheriff's eyes. Your dad had a bad reputation in the past and it seemed the cops believe it carried down.
"We have to ask it's nothing personal." Dewey said with a small smile. You nodded, "is that all?!" Tatum said staring at the two officers. You both left to go sit by Sydney.
"I'm gonna call Randy real quick" you said as you got up. You asked to use a phone and they lead you to a desk where there wasn't much people. You dialed the video stores number hoping Randy would answer.
"Bradley Video, this is Randy speaking"
"Randy.." your voice came out tired and weak.
"Baby? What's up?" He sounded concerned.
"I'm at the police station and I got questioned. They mentioned my dad since y'know.."
"Those asshats.. Do I need to get you?"
"No, I'm staying at Tatum's. I just wanted to update you. How's work? Any new suspects?" You asked trying to lighten the mood.
"No, but don't you think it's weird it's near Sydney's Moms death anniversary..". Your stomach dropped, you noticed and it wasn't an accident.
"Yeah, you think it's like a Requal or Franchise?" You asked twirling the cord with your fingers.
"No, clue. Anyway I gotta get back to work before they try to fire me again. Bye, love youuu"
"Love you too, Geek." You hung up the phone and walked back to the girls. Tatum was explaining how the cops assumed the worse of you due to your father.
"The nerve. Her dad just had a habit of stealing and the town goes wild." Tatum complained. You smiled interrupting the conversation, "don't worry about it. I'm used to it." You sat by Sydney, "need anything?". She shook her head no, you looked at her.
"I really think we shouldn't go to that party."
"What?! Why?! You think Stu's the killer!!" Tatum practically yelled.
"No! I'm just saying a big group of teenagers its bound to draw attention." You said trying to ease Tatum. She bit her bottom lip, "Come on, it'll be fun".
"Tatum's right. It'll be fun." Sydney said softly. You sighed, Billy was escorted into the integration room.
"Sydney!" He yelled. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off as he walked by. Tatum sighed checking the clock on the wall.
"Can we go, Dewey!" She yelled. Dewey sighed looking around before nodding. You all squeezed past the mob of news reporters and cameras. Gale somehow pushed her way to Sydney and held a microphone to her mouth. It was too loud to catch what Gale was saying. You were busying panicking and looking for an escape. Then Gale was practically on the sidewalk, Sydney put her fist down. All four of you ran to Dewey's car before heading back to Tatum's house.
You laid in your sleeping bag worrying about Randy. All Stu had to do was get the idea and kill him. You sat up, "Can I use your phone?".
"Randy's fine, honey. I promise." Tatum smiled before tossing one of her stuffed bears in the air. You sighed before laying back down. He'd call you if anything went wrong. His sister would tell you if he got home late and would ask if he was with you, right? You tried to close your eyes ignore the girls conversation.
"Sydney there's someone on the phone for you." Tatum's mom stood in the doorway. You looked over and watched Sydney walk away moments before her scream. You stumbled out of the sleeping bag.
Sydney was in tears clinging to the phone, Tatum's mom was telling trying to get Dewey's attention. Once he came out from his room the caller hung up. You looked at Sydney before she went into the room hiding under her covers. You sighed looking at the ground. Tatum went to comfort Sydney, "may I use your phone?" You looked at Tatum's mom. She nodded following Dewey downstairs. You dialed Randy's house phone, it continued to ring.
"come on jackass." You whispered. His mom picked up in a bit of a tired tone.
"Mrs.Meeks hi! It's uh... It's Randy's Girlfriend. I need to speak to him it's important."
She mumbled an okay, moments later Randy was on the phone.
"What's up?" He grumbled softly.
"Sydney just got a call from the killer.." you kept your voice low. You heard shuffling, "Do I need to get you? Are you safe?". You bit your bottom lip, "I feel bad if I leave.".
"It doesn't matter. Are you safe or not?" You went silent again. Tears pooled in your eyes, not from fear from guilt.
"Can you get me?" You asked sheepishly.
"Yeah give me a minute." His cranky voice left the phone leaving you in the hall. You looked in Tatum's room, "Um, my Aunt's gonna get me, she's worried.". Another lie, your Aunt was probably hooking up with some guy. The girls nodded before continuing the conversation. You packed up your things and said goodbye and waiting by the front door looking out the window.
Once Randy's car appear you quickly walked outside. The cold breeze making your legs feel numb. You were in pajama shorts and a giant Carrie Tee Randy gifted you. You put your stuff in the back seat before hoping in the passenger seat.
"Thank you." You smiled softly. He smiled lazily, his eyes coated with sleep. He was in his pajamas too, his hands lazily grasping the wheel.
"Sorry I woke you and your mom up.." you whispered.
"It's fine. Shes too old to remember that it happened."
You gently placed your hand on his thigh. You observed him while he drove to his place.
"Darling, you gotta stop starin' " he joked in that damn British accent. You smiled, "but you're so pretty..". Randys face turned a soft pink, you smiled at him.
Pretty wasn't a normal word for men. But Randy loved it, he loved being called your pretty boy. You treasured him a bit too much Tatum would tell you. Now you're just afraid of losing him.
"Randy, I need to tell you something.."
"What is it?"
"You can't freak out.. or tell anyone."
"okay..." He parked into the driveway turning the car off.
"Sydney's mom slept with my dad. My parents spilt obviously. That's why I live with my aunt." Randy just stared at you.
"I'm not a suspect." You add in a harsh tone.
"Says any suspect." He smiled. He didn't look weirded out just confused.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Because Billy made you feel like a freak.
"I was ashamed."
"I mean, I wouldn't mention it to Sydney she might freak out. But I'm not gonna humiliate you and pour pigs blood all over you." He smiled referencing your T-shirt.
He gently kissed you before getting out the car. You grabbed your bags quietly walking into the house. You placed your stuff by the left side of his bed before climbing in. Randy flopped on the bed groaning.
This could be the last time you see him. You moved closer to him fiddling with the waist band of his pajama pants. He groaned looking over at you.
"Randy... can I?.." you bit your lip before finishing the sentence. You were scared it was your only chance before tomorrow. He just stared at you, drowsiness taking over, "I wanna.. blow you.." you whispered. Both of your faces covered in pinks and reds. He nodded watching you gently pull down his pants.
You knew you had to do this before he died. You needed to show him how much you love him. You cupped his member which was held back in his boxers. He whined softly fluttering his eyes closed. A gentle squeeze before pulling his boxers down. His member sprung up, precum already leaking from the tip.
"Baby.." you cooed at him. He just whined waiting for you to do what you asked. He was bigger than you expected, you spat in your hand before stroking him. He breathed heavily, his virgin body trying to take it all. He gripped the sheets fucking himself into your hand.
"Randy... You're so cute like this.. all pathetic and needy.." you whispered. He moaned in response, you licked a stripe up his needy cock before taking him in your mouth.
His moans grew a bit louder, his hand touched your hair before leaving it. He wasn't sure what to do but he liked it. Your head bobbing up and down on him. He knew this would be great but not heavenly. Your tongue did wonders around him while your hand caressed his balls. He bit his lip trying not to come undone so quickly.
"I'm... I'm.." he tried to speak but breathy moans would escape.
"I'm gonna cum.." he whined. You lifted your head up replacing your mouth with your hand.
"Do you wanna come in my mouth?" You asked softly. He nodded quickly trying to hold back. You out your mouth back to work downing him faster as he fucked into your mouth. Randy arched his back a bit before letting out a soft cry. His seed was inside your mouth, you swallowed taking rushed breaths.
"I'm gonna die now.." He whispersd with a goofy smile on his face. You smiled at him before crawling back up to him. You took his clammy hand and slid it up your shirt. Randy watched in disbelief, you lead his hand to your breast. He gently squeezed it smiling at you.
"Can I hold them when I try to sleep?"
You smiled nodding, his thumb went over your nipple releasing a breathy moan from you. You laid down beside him letting his spoon you so he had access. He held onto your chest gently squeezing them. Your core was uncomfortable due to the lack of attention. You softly humped the blanket searching for a release. Randy dug his face into your neck letting out a smirk.
"We're breaking the rules.." he whispered. You whined knowing he was watching you try to find a release. Your hand softly rubbing through your shorts.
"Randy..." You whined, his hand slide down in between your legs. He wasn't sure he was doing but he tried. He put his hand through your underwear softly touching your soaked folds. You softly moaned, "Randy please...". He prayed he was doing the correct thing puting his finger in your hole. You back softly arched, he smiled knowing he was right. He left sloppy kisses on your neck. His thumb gently rubbed your clit as he fingered you.
"H-how... Do.. you know.. how to.." you moaned and whined in between words. He continued gaining another boner which was pressed against your ass.
"Porn tapes" he whispered, you went silent with your moaning. He got scared you were mad, "I wanted to pleasure you correctly..". You smiled to yourself, "keep going, Randy..". He smiled and continued to finger you, he learned to use two fingers and curl them up. He listened to your moans, they got more frequent when you were close. You bit your lip, his fingers pumped in and out of you quickly. Randy softly moaned as you tightened around him. Your framed stiffened and body arched as you came. Randy watched in amazement of the scene. He slowly took his fingers out licking them off. He groaned at the taste, you smiled and curled up to him.
"Did you like it?" You asked. Randy nodded aggressively, "Yes!". He gave you a giant sloppy kiss before passing out on the bed.
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School was painful to get through knowing the party was soon. You tried to talk Randy out of going but he insisted on going also. Billy was back in class and eyed you every chance he got. When he got the chance he pulled you into a janitors closet pinning you against the wall.
"Thought your stunt was funny last night, huh?" He tilted his head.
"Billy grow up-" you glared trying to escape him. His grip was too strong and he didn't move a muscle.
"tonights the night." He whispered.
"you know the plan?" He added watching you avoid him. You nodded, he grabbed your chin making you look at him.
"What's the matter?"
"Scared about your little boy toy?" He smiled.
"He fucked me last night. And it felt great. Better than you actually." He chuckled in response.
"Randy? You've gotta be joking! Guy couldn't find the clit if he tried."
"Oh but he did." Your eyes narrowed. Billy's demeanor darken, he aggressively kissed you trying to reclaim you. You squirmed pushing him back, "You asshole." You whispered.
"Watch it. All I have to do is tell Randy how much of a bad girl you are and it's over." He said with a sly smile. Your eyes drooped before you nodded.
"Watch your damn tone too. Before I fuck it out of you." He left the closet slamming the door. You stood in the dark waiting to leave.
Once you felt confident enough to leave you walked into the hall. You went to your history class a couple minutes late.
"Glad you could join us." Your teacher sighed before continuing. You sat behind Randy, he turned around.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, Billy's being a dick so watch out."
He nodded turning his attention towards the board.you would sometimes mess with his hair or shirt. You tried to distract yourself from the growing guilt in your stomach.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 months ago
Fics Written As Gifts To Authors (2) Masterlist
part two
and true, the vision's hazy (ao3) - sensorydephrivation (memoryofamurder)
Summary: Ever since he was a small child, Phil had strange dreams. They seem to foretell terrible things, and a certain curly-haired man keeps showing up in them...
another day of sun (ao3) - blossomsphan
Summary: breakfast together, 12 years apart.
Baby it’s cold outside (ao3) - Allthephils
Summary: Dan’s car is stuck in the snow and Phil just happens by
Broken Like You (ao3) - TearDrop1234
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a theater in a nowhere town. Their friendship is instant, but the rest not so much.
Chips (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan struggling with the concept that all healthy couples should fight.
colder on the inside (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: A strong wind alone shouldn't suggest that something isn't quite right. That is the beginning, but a perfect idyllic night for Dan and Phil somehow devolves into a nightmare where nothing is as it should be, a night where the impossible happens.
Come Clean (ao3) - castrotophic
Summary: Dan thinks Phil might be in love with him, but he's not quite sure how to figure it out.
close up magic (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: Phil is a witch. Dan finds out.
dan and philly's wet moments (ao3) - heartsopenminds
Summary: Phil loathes hiring people to come and fix stuff around the house - he never imagined that watching someone power washing a patio could be so much fun though.
DreamCasts Presents (ao3) - SummerFlingsAndThings (QueenJunoTheGreat)
Summary: Phil's son is obsessed with the faceless man who narrates audiobooks.
Dan's daughter is obsessed with the brightly dressed librarian in charge of the children's department.
And Dan and Phil? Well, they're a little obsessed with one another.
Dress (ao3) - ForeverJustAnEmoKidAtHeart
Summary: After the Halloween Baking video, Sister Daniel has some fun with Phil and Phil… Well, Phil should just be glad he made it through the end of the filming.
eloquent graffiti (ao3) - danhedonia (deathpeach)
Summary: Phil didn’t know it at the time, but that was the first painting of his that Dan inspired. Dan was his spaceman, his beautiful work of art that Phil wanted to spend the rest of his life recreating in every possible way.
Forever & Always (ao3) - ForeverJustAnEmoKidAtHeart
Summary: This was written for possumdnp who wanted a fluffy tour fic. I hope you like it.
(from the wings) i'll be watching (ao3) - moonanonymous
Summary: Phil is the assistant lighting director. Dan is the nutcracker prince. It's going to be a long day.
Imagine It (ao3) - Tesseractingrey
Summary: Dan realizes, after 15 years of being with Phil, he may not have commitment issues anymore. This leads to Dan and Phil taking a step that would have been unthinkable, even a year ago, let alone ten years ago.
ink and alice (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan joins a band instead of going to university, and then he meets Phil.
it is you (ao3) - manchestereyes
Summary: @danisnotonfire: I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone D:
When Dan gets permission to spend a week with Phil in December, he has a stunning realisation.
June Bug (ao3) - ZackStriker (PyroStormIsBae)
Summary: When the kiss ended, Dan ignored all the applause and pressed their foreheads together, took a breath just to feel the hot spring air swell deep in his lungs, tricked himself into thinking he could inhale Phil if he tried hard enough. When they were this close, so close that Dan could count the frail eyelashes that stuck out from Phil’s translucent eyelids, he forgot himself. Dan Howell became a heart without a body.
or: Dan and Phil have a June wedding.
Just Let Me Adore You (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: Dan didn't know what to expect when he agreed to go to Switzerland with his brother to 'find themselves' again. But he certainly wasn't expecting a massive snow storm to pass by and completely shut down any roads, train stations, and airports. However, when the snow gets worse, a mysterious man stumbles into the hostel he's staying at, and Dan figures out pretty quickly that he and the man are going to have to get to know each other fast.
Keep My Hand In Yours (ao3) - totalincandescense
Summary: It was kind of just an unspoken rule of their relationship. At least one part of Phil’s body had to be touching Dan at all times or it would throw the balance of the universe.
Love Comes Without a Warning (ao3) - beaniebopbaby
Summary: Phil Lester wanted nothing more than to find his soulmate, his other half.
Dan Howell could not care less about finding his.
Love From The Other Side (ao3) - sapphic_sunflower_kid
Summary: It’s 2011 and Dan is struggling through university. This is, in short, three of the times Dan’s university life felt like it was spiraling and the three times Phil was sending love from the other side to help him cope with it.
AKA. The power of love and friendship drives Dan Howell to drop out of university.
Love you through it all (ao3) - Lesbianphan
Summary: A glimpse into Dan and Phil’s journey over the years, through dates/holidays and all the adventures they’ve embarked on together. Just some introspective fluff, featuring the many different stages of their relationship we’ve witnessed over the years
Neighbourly Nook (ao3) - wednesday_ukiru
Summary: The stranger had a dimple on his cheek that appeared when he laughed.
“I’m Dan,” he said, extending his hand. Phil reached for it with extreme eagerness, their knuckles knocking together in a particularly painful way, and they both winced, but Dan immediately broke into a smile. “I don’t know why I offered you a handshake, I never know how to do them.”
never quite as it seems (ao3) - Ablissa
Summary: Phil has a unique gift that allows him to see something he never expected to see - his best friend Dan, meeting the person that would most likely become the love of his life.
It hasn't happened yet, and right now, Dan has no idea what lies ahead.
When old feelings resurface and every choice may have a big impact on the upcoming events, will Phil be able to make the right decision?
Not Since I Posted The Cat Photo (ao3) - Absolutefilthimsosorry
Summary: Dan hasn’t been a ‘top bunk kinda guy’ since he posted the catboy photos.
Set after the catboy photoshoot
put a ring on it (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: “Maybe the reasons we dismissed it before don’t really apply anymore.”
still so lucky (ao3) - jonsaremembers
Summary: Dan and Phil take a little trip, but Phil gets a migraine.
storm sirens (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan and Phil are headed to another in the endless string of American tour dates for Interactive Introverts when a storm shakes them up a bit.
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Phil (ao3) - castrotophic
Summary: Phil buys a motorcycle. Dan can't decide whether he's horny or upset. Kissing ensues.
The Great Golden Pig Debate (ao3) - husbants
Summary: Phil wants to bring the pig to the new house. Dan does not.
The Knight of Wands (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil had always had dreams that he couldn't quite comprehend and a certain intuition about what was truly important for his future.
The Perfect Gift (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: Phil Lester didn't particularly like Secret Santa that his maths teacher did every year. He normally received just simple gifts and was always underwhelmed. But this year, his Secret Santa gives him the perfect gift and he's determined to find out who this person is. It also helps that his Secret Santa has a crush on him too.
this is the place (where i don't feel lost) (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: He loved it here. He loved being with Phil and his family. He loved not being on the internet or thinking about what people are saying online, he loved the walks and the talks and the freeness that being here brought. Or Dan spends Christmas and New Years Eve with the Lesters.
through the years, we all will be together (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Martyn comes home for Christmas in 2009 and finally meets Dan, that guy his brother won’t shut up about. Ten years later, and it’s like Dan’s always been a part of the family.
Two of Martyn’s family Christmas celebrations, a decade apart.
Today Is For Us (ao3) - CaibrynM
Summary: Dan and Phil take a day for themselves in between the tour ending, planning for their premiere in Brazil and the upcoming Christmas Holidays. Lots of Fluff and a little smut.
two wolves (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: They're in the middle of a meeting, and Phil seems to be trying to tell him something. But what?
(or, Dan accidentally wears a certain novelty wolf t-shirt to an online meeting with their tour team.)
Tuppence, tuppence (ao3) - ottertrashpalace
Summary: Dour joyless businessman meets quick-witted handsome chimney sweep who shows him the true meaning of Christmas
When the Storm Ends (ao3) - letspartyrightnow
Summary: dan gets caught in a snow storm and has to knock on a stranger's door to take shelter
Woman Who Doesn't Believe in Marriage Proposes to Long Term Girlfriend (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT) (ao3) - communist_cowboy
Summary: Dani and Phil are in it together for the love of the game. Yet as the years pass and they continue to intertwine their lives, what more really is marriage to two women who share a mortgage and a couple million kids on the internet?
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manchestereyes · 1 month ago
i saw you mention the video that shan't be named and the tweets and i agree they were definitely a couple back then... but what if theyre not anymore and instead just exes who are friends in the current day ;-;. i remember back when the video went huge on tumblr how adamantly dan denied it, in such a way that would be hurtful to phil in some posts if they were still together at that time. idk maybe all the break up fics that were inspired by those posts poisoned my mind lol
you're totally valid! honestly a lot of what they did at that time is super confusing but i see it as dan coming from a place of fear. as we know, he'd been bullied all his life for being different and seeming gay, to the point where he genuinely thought he couldn't be gay if he wanted to survive in his hometown.
but then he found phil, and learned that phil was openly gay in his real life and things were going alright for him. so dan started to think that maybe it would be okay for him too. fast forward a few years and their videos were blowing up faster than either of them expected, to the point where they were getting amazing opportunities with the BBC. and those opportunities play such a huge part in their story. because, think about it--the BBC is a HUGE national corporation and radio 1 is one of the top radio stations in the world. having their own radio show would make them national celebrities.
and sure, the BBC and especially radio 1 weren't homophobic by any means--nick grimshaw came out shortly after taking over the breakfast show in 2012. but dan still wasn't out to his family yet. so when the video leaked and people started digging into his past, he got super defensive because he wasn't even close to feeling like he could tell his family yet and things were coming dangerously close to his family finding out from someone other than him. so he did everything he possibly could to make it seem like he couldn't possibly be gay--and yeah, that included saying things like "ew, phil and i are friends i could never think about kissing him!!!1!!11!!!1"
and sure, we don't know anything about the inner workings of their relationship. but we do know they felt like they had to say yes to every opportunity just in case saying no to things made these opportunities dry up, to the point where they'd have to get jobs outside of youtube. and along with being outed, that was dan's biggest fear at the time. he had dropped out of uni and his family didn't have a financial safety net for him to fall back on. that is an INCREDIBLE amount of stress for anyone, let alone someone in their early 20s!
i like to think phil understood that, though, especially since he was under a similar amount of stress. sure, every gay couple is different and we've seen countless stories where one person isn't willing to go back in the closet for another. but considering that they are always talking with each other and checking in on each other even now, i think they have excellent communication--to the point where dan likely told phil about these posts before he posted them. heck, they even edit each other's videos! so they always know what the other is putting out into the world, and understands why they're saying that. and seeing as they've been joined at the hip this whole time (even when we didn't always see it) and never made the slightest attempt to date anyone else, i feel pretty confident saying they've been together the whole time! we may never know for sure, and maybe i'm being overly optimistic, but i hope not 😊
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