#I think they would get along on the fact they both have shitty dads
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chloesimaginationthings ¡ 3 months ago
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FNAF teen Michael tries to cheer up teen Vanny,,
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oh-no-its-bird ¡ 1 month ago
Kakashi Anastasia AU. Specifically bc I started listening to once upon a december on loop, oops
But umm. Anastasia AU. Taking place in a weird mix of old Russia and old Japan with little to no shinobi presence. The Hatake house was once this great, powerful clan that ruled over Iron Country, till a man (stuck between Danzo or Madara— tho also Orochimaru could make for a funny Rasputin) swore to tear them down from their lofty position
Eventually pretty much the entire clan is killed and or scattered, and in the chaos Sakumo and Kakashi manage to escape the palace but are separated. Years pass and the political climate has chilled the fuck out, and while the Hatake's are no longer in charge, Sakumo remains in a position of relative wealth and power
Kakashi, meanwhile, who was a child at the time of the upheaval, has grown up and no longer remembers his father or anything of his former life— he doesn't even remember his previous name, going instead by Sukea.
But there's a rumor on the streets, that somehow Kakashi had survived. And that his father would pay his weight in gold to see him again
And so between markets selling old Hatake belongings stolen from the palace, Rin and Obito strike up a plan to find themselves a Kakashi look alike, train him to the part, and present him as the "real" Kakashi— all for the reward.
And they find the perfect Kakashi in the shape of one street boy named Sukea
So I'm typing this out and I cant lie, I'm a bit torn between Kakashi as our Anastasia or Sakumo. I think both could make for pretty interesting stories, so lets just do both, actually. For fun.
Kakashi as Anastasia
So like I said, Rin and Obito as Dimitri and Vladimir.
They're scrappy street conmen, and their latest great idea to get the hell out of their shitty situation called life is to make themselves a 'Kakashi' to present to Sakumo and hopefully get the big reward.
This plan sounds pretty shitty, but they have one big advantage— Obito and Rin both actually used to work in the palace, and were there the night the Hatake's fell. In fact, that night Obito actually helped Kakashi and Sakumo both escape through one of the hidden servants halls, set into the wall as a false wall. So he came out of that night knowing how they'd escaped and also holding onto a music box that belonged to Kakashi, which he'd dropped.
Obito's big plan is to use the music box to prove his Kakashi is the real one, as presumably only the real one would have it, especially since he'd had it on that fateful night (till he dropped it anyways)
So, Rin and Obito find Sukea, and they're like "oh man this is perfect, you have the hair and everything!" and Sukea is like "??? who are you people leave me the fuck alone???"
And the thing is, they dont like. Want to tell Sukea they want him to pretend to be Kakashi, bc he'd say no. But they have an advantage bc Sukea just so happens to have a very poor memory of his childhood, is an orphan, and is about the right age! So they instead just begin to gaslight him into believing he really is Kakashi
After a couple roadblocks, this works,,, surprisingly well, actually.
Anyways just Rin, Obito and Sukea road trip to fire country to reunite Sukea with his maybe dad, Sakumo
Over the course of getting there, little bits and pieces of his childhood begins to come back to Sukea. Helped along, ofc, by Obito and Rin feeling his own history to him.
And ofc as Rin and Obito are feeding him this information he's going "omg its all coming back to me,, I remember that guy,, I also remember (thing they never told him about)"
And they're looking nervously at each other like "??? did you tell him that?? I didn't tell him that"
and Sukea is taking to their lessons incredibly easily (almost like he really did this all as a kid, wow how impressive)
And at this point also just, have fun w the Hatake lore. Really get in there, there's a great excuse of Rin and Obito teaching him about his families history.
Uhh fun scene of Obito teaching Sukea to ballroom dance,,,, Rin is playing music for them as Kakashi takes to it like a fish to water, quickly outpacing Obito. Rin is giving a side eye at the romantic tension between them as Obito gets way too flustered as Sukea teases him ab who there is the real dance instructor
It's around this time that Sukea really does become Kakashi, even in his own mind
They arrive in fire country !!!
Obito and Rin are both starting to feel uhh,, a bit of guilt for having so thoroughly gaslit Sukea into thinking he's Kakashi, especially as when they arrive, they are hearing rumors of how there are plenty of other fake Kakashi's hounding Sakumo.
And like. Oh man, if their Kakashi is caught as a fake it'll probably fucking crush him. They've convinced this man that he's going to meet his long-lost father.
But also, hey, if they get him in, everyone's happy, right? Sukea gets a father, Sakumo gets a son, Rin and Obito get their money!
And then they'll split ways. And that's fine. Obito is so fine about that. There's no reason at all why he'd feel bad about having to split up from Kakashi now, like, at all. In the slightest. Shut the fuck up Rin.
(Obito might be starting to catch a feeling or two and its just all a mess. It's a slow moving car crash and they're in too deep to back out now)
So they approach Sakumo— or try to, anyways. Seeing as he's, yk, the last standing Hatake, important guy, all that, they don't get very far. But they do manage to get an audience with one of his servants. Who for this we're going to say is uhhhhhhh
throwing a dart at a board here, yk what? Dan. Sakumo's trusted second in this au is gonna be Dan, Tsunade's dead boyfriend. Good for him.
So they get an audience with Dan, and Obito and Rin are like "omg look its the REAL Kakashi !!!!" and Dan is like "yeah thats what the last 10 "real Kakashi's" all said."
But he starts asking Kakashi questions, ab his history, all that, and it's going pretty well. Kakashi has remembered a lot of this, and had a lot more of it trained into him by Rin and Obito— who are, by the way, also in the room and sweating bullets as the interrogation happens.
But then Dan asks the final question. How did Kakashi get out of the palace that fateful day.
And Obito is like oh fuck I didn't tell him that one. But it's too late, bc Kakashi is thinking it over, and finally Kakashi goes,
"there was this boy,,, and he,, opened up a wall, I think. For us to escape through."
Which, again, Obito never told anyone about.
So Obito is like [incredibly loud 10 car pile up noises] oh FUCK this is THE ACTUAL KAKASHI
but he cant say shit bc the interview is ongoing and hey, good news, they passed!! Dan will go tell Sakumo he has (another) Kakashi here to see him.
So as they wait, Kakashi wanders off for some fresh air and Obito tells Rin what he realized, and Rin is like, oh my GOD????? Oh fuck, we ,,, actually found his family. Obito, we actually found the Hatake heir
and Obito is like I KNOW!!!
and Rin is like Obito, we FOUND THE ACTUAL HATAKE HEIR !!!!!
And Obito is like I KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!
So they're freaking the FUCK out but then Kakashi comes back in and they have to pretend like they weren't hyperventilating 2 seconds ago while Kakashi kinda side eyes them and goes "damn, and I thought I was nervous about this"
So. They are allowed to see Sakumo.
Specifically, Obito is allowed to see Sakumo while Rin and Kakashi wait outside in the hallway.
So Obito is brought in by Dan, whos like,
"hey boss, this is uhh—"
"Uchiha Obito"
"This is Uchiha Obito, he claims to have found Kakashi."
and Sakumo, who is hella depressed and totally sick of this shit, is like "oh great, another one."
and Obito is like, "omg ur uhh. Highness. Majesty. Sir Hatake. Fuck."
And Sakumo is looking at him, very visibly unimpressed, and it's really not helping Obito's nerves right now.
So Obito tries to make his case but Sakumo is frankly just not hearing it— he's seen so many fake Kakashi's and he's just. So tired. He wants to be left alone. His son is dead, he's given up hope.
And suddenly Sakumo is squinting and going, wait what was your name again?
And when Obito tells him, Sakumo is snorting and going "yeah bitch, I've heard of you. Werent you holding auditions for a good person to play Kakashi?"
and Obito kind of bluescreens and is like, "I mean— Yes, but— Listen, you dont understand, this is the real Kakashi!"
And Sakumo is like "Yeah, sure he is kid. I bet you trained him real nice and authentic too. Bet he's very impressive. Get the fuck outta here."
And Dan pushes him out of the room— straight into Kakashi. Who heard everything and has made some pretty damn logical assumptions, and is now totally devastated
So Kakashi Rin and Obito (but mostly Kakashi and Obito) get into a shouting match as Kakashi is just. Devastated. So what, Obito and Rin have been using him this entire time? It was all a lie? They never really thought he was Kakashi, they just played into his vulnerability and desire to know his family, because they wanted the reward money?
And Obito and Rin both are trying to say no, they promise— Or well, at first, but you have to hear them out, he's the real deal!
But they're tripping over their words in their panic and Kakashi— Sukea —isn't hearing it. Isn't interested.
Sukea stomps off, leaving a totally devastated Obito and Rin and a pretty awkward Dan, who just kinda stood by and watched this all happen like "damn, tough luck"
But it's not over yet, Obito and Rin both refuse to let it be over yet. So Rin distracts Dan as Obito proceeds to car jack Sakumo when he goes to leave the opera house this whole thing went down at.
And Sakumo is like "I will literally fucking kill you. Pull the car over NOW." as Obito is absolutely terrified for his life but more determined than ever (and just praying the glass between him and Sakumo protects his ass)
And they finally get to the hotel Kakashi and them had been staying at, and Obito slams the door open and is like "LOOK—"
Sakumo punches him in the face.
Obito is pretty sure his nose just shattered.
Obito tries again, through the blood and pain, with a now harder to understand but no less determined, "LOOK—"
His nonstop determination to be a fucking maniac is impressing Sakumo just a little bit by now, so he decides to see what this loser has to say.
Obito gives Sakumo the music box he picked up from the palace way back in the beginning of all of this, and begs him to just see Kakashi. And Sakumo, sick and tired of all of this but genuinely shaken by the reappearance of his son's music box... agrees.
So! Sakumo heads upstairs to where Kakashi is very angrily packing his shit up, getting ready to haul his ass back to Iron Country, alone. And he knocks on the door and Kakashi shouts at him to go the FUCK AWAY, OBITO !!!! HE DOESNT WANT TO SEE YOUR LYING BITCH ASS EVER AGAIN !!!!!!
And Sakumo is like, "well. You have the attitude to play my son, at least."
And Kakashi freezes and is like, "oh my god Im— Im so sorry. Oh fuck, Im so sorry, why are you here, I— I'm sorry, this is a waste of you time, I never meant to pretend to be your son, I just wanted to know who I was"
And Sakumo just kind of watches him as Kakashi keeps talking, apologizing, cursing Obito and Rin's names both, trying to explain he had no idea that this was supposed to be a con, refusing not to even look at Sakumo.
Kakashi just keeps talking till Sakumo finally interrupts, admitting, "I have to say, you are the most convincing actor I've seen so far."
Kakashi kind of blanks.
They talk.
Kakashi shares things he remembers. Sakumo listens. He tries not to hope, he tries so hard not to hope, but he can't help the feeling that wells up inside of him each passing moment that Kakashi speaks.
This entire time, Kakashi has had a necklace. It's nothing too special; he likes to fidget with it sometimes. He's had it as long as he can remember. It's now, that Sakumo notices it. Asks him what it is.
"What, this?" Kakashi looks at the necklace, which he genuinely forgets he has sometimes. "I've had it since.... forever, I guess."
Sakumo shows him the music box, and immediately, Kakashi knows what to do.
The necklace fits into the music box's lock like it was made to be there. Probably because it was.
Kakashi looks at Sakumo with the same painfully hopeful eyes, the same expression of 'Was this it? Did I do it right?' that he used to aim at his father whenever he learned something new.
Sakumo crumbles.
So!!! Reuinion time !!!! Kakashi and Sakumo both cry, it's a big messy thing, they are very happy. Tears and emotional vulnerability all around.
Rin finally makes it home, looking a little ruffled from some presumed off screen fight between her and some security guards, but fine over all. She approaches Obito, gasping out an urgent, "How did it go?"
Obito doesn't even look at her, only nods up towards the second story window. "Look for yourself."
Rin follows his gaze, greeted with the sight of father in son hugging each other like they were scared the other would disappear if they loosened their grip so much as a single fraction.
"Oh." Rin says, torn between awe and relief.
"Oh." Obito echoes, feeling about the same way.
Later that week, Obito is called in to accept his reward money. He's already discussed it with Rin, and they both agreed— they can't accept it. It... doesn't feel right.
Sakumo is surprised. Impressed, even. He walks Obito out and they pass by Kakashi, who is like, "well have a GREAT life, Obito. With all your stupid REWARD MONEY, since that's all you ever REALLY wanted!"
And Obito doesn't argue, doesn't deny it, just leaves. Figuring it's the best thing he can do for Kakashi. But as he goes, Sakumo turns to Kakashi and is like "yeah so he didnt accept the money lmao"
Kakashi blue screens.
"He,,, didn't accept,,, the money?" Then, what was this all for? What the fuck? Kakashi, above all else, finds himself really fucking mad.
So what. Obito and Rin trick him, lies to him, brings him here under false pretenses that... end up not being so false, if only by chance. Then they have the gall to NOT accept their reward, to return home in defeat, abandoning Kakashi here, like cowardly little BITCHES
Long story short: Kakashi chases after Obito in the street. It's a very busy street, they have a large audience— not that either of them seem to care.
There is screaming. There may be a punch thrown. Possibly two.
In the mess of it all, someone kisses the other. It's unclear who starts it, but the next thing Kakashi knows there are lips on his, teeth clicking angrily against his teeth as they swap from fighting with their fists to fighting in a much less effective way.
When Kakashi drags Obito back inside, his father doesn't look as surprised as Kakashi feels like he should.
Umm then they all lived happily ever after, the end <3
I ended up not really using a Rasputin character for this, which tbh Im ok with. I think the more down to earth take is kinda fun in itself, so I'll stick to it.
Anyways. On the flip side:
Sakumo as Anastasia
I think Sakumo could make a particularly interesting Anastasia in part due to his age. Because where Kakashi is this young man, honestly still probably like 18/19 year old guy, reuniting with his dad, learning about his past, all of that good stuff— Sakumo is in his early 30's, a whole grown man with a child, doing the same thing.
There's no cap on how old you can be to learn about your past or rediscover yourself, and I think Sakumo would make a fun Anastasia for that alone.
Also it's an excuse to use his mother in a plot, lmao
Sakumo has already had Kakashi, so he's like lugging around his 5 year old son with him this entire adventure, which is fun for the both of them.
I think the sanin would make for a very funny Dimitri and Vladimir. It's Jiriyah and Tsunade leading the charge on this excellent get rich quick scheme, Orochimaru is along for the ride
I spent so long on Kakashi as Anastasia, I kind of don't want to go too in depth with a Sakumo as Anastasia au, but like. It could be fun. Obviously, it'd hit p much all the same beats— this is one of those easy AUs that follow the original story pretty much one to one, tho idk if Sakumo's route would include any romance like Kakashi's did
Uhh, Sakumo/Orochimaru anyone I guess? I do love that pairing, it is true
Anyways now I'm watching this and this compellations of Dimitri, picturing him as Obito, Vladimir as Rin, and Anya as Sukea/Kakashi and having way too much fun giggling about it
Final thoughts: Anastasia is an excellent movie, you should watch it.
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samwinchestersno1fan ¡ 5 months ago
Home (00:09)- Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
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cw: fem!reader, smut, fluff, a little angst, exes to lovers (kind of), vaginal fingering, p in v sex, couch sex, kinda (really) awkward (sorry), no protection (wrap it before you tap it pls), reader is shorter than sam, not proof read, cross posted on ao3, 18+
word count: 2.3k+
You were sitting on the old, worn out couch in your apartment, reading some shitty lifestyle magazine with a half empty glass of wine on the coffee table and some trashy tv show on the tv for background noise. It was dark outside, the lighting in the apartment was warm and dim. Your cat was sleeping on the window ledge, the room was quiet except for the tv. You sighed as you turned the page of the magazine, stupid celebrity gossip, makeup ads, diet plans, what's in fashion for autumn. The same as the last issue except it was summer fashion. But you were bored so you kept reading. 
But you were pulled out of your trance when you heard a knock on the door. 
Someone was at the door? This late at night? It creeped you out a little. Who would be knocking on your door at this time?
You sighed and dropped the magazine on the coffee table, slowly walking towards the door, a little weary of who it could be. Serial killer? Probably not.
Hopefully not.
You opened the door, you forgot to lock it earlier. Wow. 
You looked up.
Oh God.
It was Sam. Sam Winchester. Your ex boyfriend. 
You hadn’t seen him in a long time. You broke up not long after his brother came along. Something to do with his dad. He didn’t go into detail. You didn’t take it well. Obviously, you loved him. You still maybe loved him. You wouldn’t admit that though. You tried to date other guys but it just never worked out. They weren’t him. 
But there he was. Standing right in front of you. Wow. 
He had left some stuff at your apartment. You lived together before the break up. He left some shirts, a hoodie, CDs, books, and his cologne. You kept hold of it all, embarrassingly. You didn’t want to throw it all out. You felt a little embarrassed and shameful about the fact that you just couldn’t move on. 
You looked up at him, he hadn’t changed much. Neither had you though. You just stared at him for a few seconds. Almost mesmerised. 
“Sam…” Your voice was quiet, a little weak. You didn’t really know what to say, but the tension between you was palpable. There were a lot of unresolved feelings. A lot of things you wanted to say and do. You wanted to punch him really hard but you also wanted to kiss him. Maybe both. Who shows up at their exes place randomly this late at night? 
“I… wanted to see you.”
You just stared up at him, a little dumbfounded. Did you want to let him in? Get mad at him? Kiss him? You couldn’t exactly think straight and it was really, really annoying you. Why couldn’t you just say something?
The tension was thick. You wanted to make a move. He wanted to make a move. Why did he have to show up? 
You were doing fine. 
You weren’t but you like to tell yourself that. 
You finally managed to say something.
“Why do you want to see me?”  You spoke without thinking, your tone was blunt and cold. You mentally beat yourself up for that. Way too standoffish and a bit too hostile. Not how you wanted this interaction to go. Wow. 
“I missed you.” Oh.
He missed you. After all this time he still missed you. Of course, you missed him too. It’s not like you broke up because you didn’t love each other. He just didn’t want you involved in all the shit that was going on in his life. You didn’t think he would break things off because of it though. But it was nice to know he still missed you… and maybe still wanted you. 
“Really?” You asked. You looked a little bewildered. But who wouldn’t? 
He nodded.
“Yeah.” His voice was quiet.
Okay. What were you supposed to do now? Invite him in? Yeah. Probably. 
“Do you, uh, wanna come in?” Wow. You sounded really awkward. Just what you wanted. Good job. 
He stared at you for a few seconds before answering.
“Uh, yeah, sure…” 
There was so much unresolved tension, it was eating away at you both. You moved to the side to let him in, his arm brushed yours. Oh God. It sent a shiver down your spine. It was an accident, he barely touched you but it sent sparks through you. 
The apartment was small, he stood next to the couch, kind of awkwardly. As if he’d never been there. But he used to live there. And it wasn’t awkward like this. Obviously. 
You walked over to Sam. You stood in front of him, you looked up into his eyes. He stared back. The Tension was killing you. Just do something. Kiss him. Punch him. Strangle him. Something.
“I really, really missed you. I’m sorry.” He had a look of regret on his face, it made you a little hopeful. Maybe, just maybe it could work out. 
“Do… Do you still want to… like… be with me?” That sounded really awkward and somewhat desperate. Wow. You had a hopeful look in your eyes. He had regret in his. 
He stayed quiet for a few seconds.
Right. Of course he did. But what now? Do you make a move?
You hesitantly reached out a little to hold his hands. He almost instantly reciprocated. He pulled you in closer. This is what you wanted. But you were almost too stunned to really do anything. 
“You don’t mind if I… Uh…”
“Kiss me?” You said that maybe a little too quickly. You sounded desperate, which wasn’t how you wanted to sound but it came out that way anyway.  Probably because you actually were at this point. 
“Yeah.” He said, his voice was quiet and soft, almost a whisper. 
You could feel your face heat up when he said that. You moved a little closer, your bodies were touching now, he leaned down, you stood on your toes, your lips finally met. The kiss was soft and sweet. It didn’t last long. You missed this. It was exactly what you wanted. 
You both stared into each other's eyes before leaning in for another kiss, this time more passionate and deeper. Your hands let go of his hands, wrapping around his neck. Your bodies were pressed together, his arms moved around your waist. 
You pulled away to catch your breath, you let go of him. He let go of you. You took his hand and led him to the couch, he complied without a word. 
He was basically on top of you, your back was against the corner of the couch, he kissed you again, with the same passion as before. Your hands gripped his shoulders, one of his hands moved down to your hip. 
Sam started to trail kisses along your jawline, down to your neck. He began to bite and suck on your neck, you let out a blissful sigh, tilting your head back a little to give him more access. He bit down harder where your neck met your shoulder, you gasped softly, your grip on his shoulders tightened, your eyes closed. 
His hand slid down further, to the hem of the oversized shirt you were wearing. If you knew he was coming over you wouldn't have been wearing an old oversized shirt with nothing but your panties underneath but he didn’t care about that. He didn’t need you to be all dressed up for him. 
His fingers lightly grazed your inner thigh, right up to your panties. His fingers pressed against your heat. Your panties were soaked already, thanks to Sam, of course. You gasped again at the feeling. You hadn’t felt like this in a long time now. None of the other guys you’d been with could get you this worked up as easily as Sam could. None of them were as good as Sam. 
His long fingers rubbed your clit through the wet fabric, you moaned quietly. You tried not to be loud, the walls were thin. You both learned that pretty quickly when you first moved in. 
As good as it felt, it wasn’t enough, you wanted more. 
His fingers moved to the waistband of your panties. His movement stopped.
“Sam…” Your tone was whiny, you really, really wanted him.
He looked at you for a few seconds, like he was mesmerised by you. Then he suddenly spoke.
“You look really pretty.” 
You could feel your face heating up again.
“Thanks…” You mumbled, your voice was quiet, but you managed to keep eye contact with him. 
“You want this… right?” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
He kept eye contact with you, your face felt hot.
He leaned in to kiss you again, his fingers slipped under the waistband of your panties. Your moan was muffled by the kiss. Two of his long fingers traced up and down your folds, Sam could feel how wet you were. And it was all for him. He continued to kiss you, his thumb rubbed your clit. It felt so good. It felt so good to have him back with you, kissing you, touching you like this. You hadn’t felt like that in a long time. It was just like before. You didn’t want this to end. 
He continued to kiss you, it was passionate but not hard or messy. It was perfect. One of his fingers dipped between your folds, into you. Another small noise you made was muffled by the kiss, after a moment, he dipped another finger in. Your eyes were closed, one of your hands moved up to the side of his face, holding him there. Making sure he wouldn’t disappear. Or leave again. 
Sam's fingers curled inside you, your back arched, it felt so good.
 So good.
He kept going, his thumb was still circling your clit, his fingers pumping inside you. He pulled away from the kiss to look at you. You were so close. You could feel that tight pressure and it was going to snap. 
And then it did. 
You threw your head back on the arm of the couch, your eyes were closed. You moaned, louder than before. Your breathing was heavy. He couldn’t stop staring at you. 
You finally caught your breath again, you looked into his eyes.
You didn’t want to sound completely desperate but you couldn’t help it.
“I need you, Sam…” Not want. Need. God, that sounded desperate and you almost hated yourself for it but you couldn’t help it. 
He nodded. Your hands moved to his shirt, your fingers began to unbutton it. He let you. When you were finished he pulled his shirt off, discarding it on the floor next to the couch. You ran your hands down his toned torso, all the way down to his belt. You could see just how much he wanted you. He was so hard. And it was because of you. 
You looked up at him again, he nodded slightly, you could see in his eyes just how much he needed this. You unbuckled his belt and undid the button on his jeans. Your hand went underneath the denim and you palmed him through his boxers. His breathing got heavier and he made a few quiet noises before grabbing your wrist and pulling your hand away.
You were confused for a moment when he got off the couch, but he quickly began to pull his jeans off. You watched him and removed your shirt, throwing it on the floor so that you were in nothing but your panties. No bra. You stared at him, taking in his toned form. 
He removed his boxers and moved back to the couch, over you again. His hands slid down your waist to your hips, his fingers curled under the waistband of your panties. You lifted your hips so he could pull them off. The apartment was cold, but it felt almost overwhelmingly warm at that moment, in the best way possible. Sam looked at you again, his pretty eyes staring right into yours. You knew what he wanted, you wanted it too. You nodded, your legs wrapped around his hips. 
He slowly entered you, he always started off slow. Once he had bottomed out he stayed still for a few moments until you asked him to move. 
He started off with slow thrusts, you gasped at the feeling. It was so good. He remembered exactly how you liked it. 
He started to speed up after a short while, your arms wrapped around him, you buried your face between his neck and his shoulder. Your breathing got heavier, your moans were muffled and quiet. He groaned quietly, keeping a steady pace as he thrusted into you. You shut your eyes, all you could think about was him. How amazing this felt. How you desperately wanted things to go back to how they were before. You missed him. 
He sped up a little more, one of his hands moved down to your clit, his fingers circling it. Your nails were digging into his back, your moans and whines got louder. You were close again. He knew that. 
Sam kept going at that pace, his fingers continued to circle your clit. You could feel that familiar pressure inside you again, you were close to a release. He was too. He let out a quiet, breathy moan. And it sounded so amazing knowing it was because of you. 
You finally felt that pressure inside you snap again, you moaned again, louder but it was still muffled because your face was buried between his neck and his shoulder. Your legs tightened around him, your nails were still digging into his back. His thrusts became less steady, he was close. 
“Come inside… please…” 
That’s all it took, your soft, quiet voice asking him to come inside you. You were starting to feel overstimulated, it was almost painful but in the most blissful way possible. 
He stayed inside you, your head fell back to the arm of the couch, looking up at him with hazy eyes. He leaned down to kiss you again, it was soft and gentle. 
It felt amazing to have him back here with you, in your apartment. 
You never wanted the moment to end.
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cryingpariah ¡ 24 days ago
I know that we (Usopp Nation) love to discuss the multiple different ways the eventual meeting between Usopp and Yassop could go but today I wanted to discuss how I think the Strawhats would react to Usopp having/wanting/feeling like he needs to meet his father but hesitating for [Insert reason here].
Luffy: Likes Yassop obviously and would be excited to see him again! But our emotionally intelligent king would pick up on Usopp's vibes and just outright ask him what’s wrong. Would respect his decision to go or not go. If it’s a no though, he'd go and break the news but do it much too bluntly (“Yeah, Usopp didn’t want to come!”). Honestly the whole time there he’s unintentionally making Yassop feel like the biggest piece of shit.
Zoro: Pretends to not care/not have an opinion when he in fact has plenty of both. Zoro's just not the kind of person to care about blood connections, not his own anyway, so he'd probably veer on the side of not going but acts neutral. Regardless of Usopp's decision though Zoro is there to make sure he sticks to it, no wussing out! If he says he’s going he’s going, even if he’s got to hide behind Zoro the whole walk there.
Nami: Usopp's BFFL. She’s there to hype him up! No shitty absent father is allowed to make him feel like shit! She’s helping him get ready, picking a killer outfit and hairstyle for him, everyone knows looking good is the best social armour! If he decides not to go she’s still dressing up him but this time to go and paint the town red! If he does want to go she’s heading there right alongside him! Even if it looks like she’s engaged with something else best believe she’s keeping a hawk eye on Usopp.
Sanji: Guy who is so anti biological father. Is staunchly against Usopp going but tries to hide it behind neutrality and fails miserably. Ultimately though having had some emotional catharsis with facing his own father he’ll accept Usopp's decision no matter what. Absolutely tags along and brings a dish because he was raised a proper chef. (“Oh this? It’s Usopp’s favourite. Not that you had any way of knowing.” *faux polite customer service smile*)
Chopper: Little fella is CONFLICTED. On one hand he’s literally only heard good things about Yassop from both Usopp and Luffy so obviously this guy must be great! But if that was true why did Ussop look so..scared? He decides to approach this from a doctor perspective first by sitting Ussop for a checkup and letting him ramble all his thoughts out. If Usopp decides not to go Chopper's making an official announcement that Usopp's got ‘can’t-leave-the-boat-disease and has to stay for his own good.
Robin: Notices Usopp's discomfort immediately and whisks him away. Sits him down with a cup of her secret stash of soothing tea and lays down all the facts for him. Yes, he has no obligation to go see his father just cause he’s here. No it doesn’t make him a bad person if he doesn’t want to. Despite how wildly different they are, she’s the best at understanding his feelings right now and all that come with it. If he decides to not go, she’ll go in his stead to explain (and also to make sure Yassop doesn’t try to go himself).
Franky: He’s about as emotional as you’d expect. He’d probably be encouraging Usopp to go, not for his dad but for himself. His dreams of being a ‘proper man’ and ‘brave warrior of the sea’ means he shouldn’t live or die with regrets or what ifs. Regardless of Usopp's decision, Franky just wants to make he won’t regret for one reason or another. Will tag along and hype up Ussop to anyone and everyone.
Brook: Like Robin he’s taking Usopp somewhere else to calm down and think. He’s also playing him some soft violin to relax to. They don’t talk much, just let the music guide them for a bit. In a moment of violin driven vulnerability, Brook would tell Usopp that regardless of what does or does not happen, he has a place and a family right here, and that won’t ever change. Places neutral but would prefer if Usopp stayed and didn’t risk getting hurt.
Jinbei: Probably knows Yassop on a semi-causal level and therefore knew of Usopp long before FMI. Was really stunned upon hearing this would be Usopp's first proper meeting with his father. Jinbei's got plenty of sage of advice and can wash away Usopp's parental insecurities by reminding him of who he is and how any man worth a damn would be proud to call him his son. Stays behind if Usopp goes but only because he’s worried of overstepping if he does.
BONUS! (Argue with your mama, your daddy and your congressman Vivi will be the final Strawhat!!)
Vivi ft Karoo: They’re absolutely gobsmacked. Vivi's the one that brings out some latent anger Usopp doesn’t even realize he’s been holding in. I can definitely see Vivi wanting to go even if Usopp's not, she’s very confrontational after all but she defect to what Usopp wants ultimately. If he does want to go she’s right there with him and is totally throwing some shade Yassop's way. Karoo is there as a supportive friend and a quick exit strategy if Usopp needs it.
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yinora-evergreen ¡ 2 months ago
Hiii could i request some headcanons about reader being Dean and Sam's sibling who's coming out as a lesbian???? :3
pairing: platonic!sibling!Dean Winchester x fem!Winchester!reader, platonic!sibling!Sam Winchester x fem!Winchester!reader
warning: coming out, reader is stressed, the closet might have a glass wall, Sam kinda already knows bc he's smart, Dean being oblivious, mentions of John, headcanon style, mentions of reader wearing lipgloss/lipstick, Winchester genes aka reader has similarities to the brothers, spoilers for season 7, minor spoilers for season 8, Dean is bi, idk if i mentioned it but i headcanon that Sam is pan though i left that up to your own interpertation, kinda feel like this is shitty writing bc idek
a/n: i am SO sorry that it took me litterly forever to get this done, i've suffered of writers block and i think i finally got over it. i personally love this request! i loved writing these and lmk if you'd like an actual imagine written too, and if so, should it be more serious or maybe a little more funny/crack/casual?
let's say you've had secret girlfriends growing up, hiding it with the title "close friends" whenever John or your brothers asked about it, and it worked most of the time.
Your dad simply didn't really bother checking, simply strictly reminding you that hunters can't get too close with people.
In your teenage years, you observed Dean to kind of learn how to talk to other girls if you wanted to flirt with them, and Dean being who he is, was always oblivious to it, telling you how he got girls to makeout with him in janitor's clossets without hesitation and with a smug smirk on his face whenever you asked.
Sam however, did certainly notice when you'd be in class a little too late, hair a little more messy than it was from a girl's hands gripping onto it and lipgloss a little smudgede.
He didn't bother asking about it though, he knew you'd cover it up with some excuse such as that it was windy outside when you went there during break or that you didn't realize and that you must've accidently smudged your lipgloss when wiping something off your face, and at first he thought it was from kissing boys anyway.
later on when you three were hunting together again, after you and Dean had gotten Sam from Stanford, on a case, Sam had noticed a look on your face when you were questioning the victim's sister. a look he's seen plenty times before, on Dean's face, when he was looking at women in bars.
and in his mind, something just clicked.
Sam never mentioned it though, he wanted to let you take your time, if you ever decided to come out to them, he wanted you to have that part of your life in your control.
Dean however, was as dense as a brick wall with extra isolation and a thick layer of paint and wallpaper.
he would blatantly mention how good the waitress' ass looked in those jeans, and you'd agree, and he wouldn't bat an eye to it, he'd just give you a cheeky grin and Sam would roll his eyes in response.
eventually, later on, you three met Charlie!
When you first met her, you two got along amazingly, as if you have been friends for ages, rather than the fact that you met a day before.
When she agreed to help out with hacking into Dick Roman's computer, and she had that earpiece in, and she blatantly told you and your brothers that she liked girls and couldn't possibly flirt with that security guard, you closely watched your brothers' reactions.
it both comforted you and made your insides twist when you saw that they quite litterly didn't really care. should you come out to them?
even later than that, you desided that finally, you'd come out to Sam and Dean.
you had spent nearly all morning in your room in the bunker, pacing around and thinking through how you were gonna tell them.
when you finally did come out of your room, both Sam and Dean were sitting at the table, and when Sam saw the look on your face he instantly went worried brother mode.
"Are you okay? what's wrong?"
that makes Dean look up immediately.
"Nothing- Nothing, just, i need to tell you guys something..."
Dean closes the laptop, both of them turn their attention to you fully, worried but staying quiet for your sake.
"i uh... i've been walking around with this for a while, and I... well, I'm a lesbian, I like women and only women, and I hope you are okay with that"
most of the worry in the pit of your stomach dissappears when you can see the relief on both their faces.
"Damn, [name], don't scare us like that again" "Dean." "what? I thought she was gonna come out and say she's engaged to some guy or got bitten by a werewolf or something!"
Sam definetly scolds Dean silently.
"It's alright, [name], you're still our sibling, still our baby sister, nothing's gonna change that." Sam reassures you with those puppy eyes of his and that soft spoken tone.
"yeah, well... while we're at it, I swing both ways" Dean takes a swig of his coffee right after he says that, and you're worries dissappear.
"thanks, I don't know why i was so worried, i mean, we fight monsters every other day, i don't know why i thought being gay would sepperate me from you two" you answer with a light laugh, definetly relieved.
"yeah, i uh, know how that feels" Sam answers a little more quietly.
"well, anyway, i'm making burgers for dinner, you gonna join me for a food run?" Dean mentions as he gets up.
"yeah, sure" you answer and get your jacket.
you really can't ask for better brothers.
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babybruno ¡ 5 months ago
I feel like something that was kinda odd about golden wind was the fact that Mista and Abbacchio’s home life goes completely unmentioned.
With the way everyone’s backstory was presented, everyone had some sort of family issues. Narancia’s mom passed and his dad was an ass, Bruno’s dad passed and his mom was an ass, Fugo and Giorno’s parents were both ass, it all kinda led to the unspoken underlying theme of found family in golden wind. Like all this information was presented because Italians are very big on family, and everyone we meet has some sort of family problem that landed them in the mafia in some sort of way, and it is just heavily insinuated that the gang is just one big found family of people who just kinda found each other at their lowest points.
So it was always strange that Mista and Abbacchio never really had that part of their life elaborated on.
Like we can kind of guess in some ways what happened. I mean, after what happened with Abbacchio and the death of his partner I can imagine his family wasn’t too happy about that, and maybe even disown him. Mista is even harder to guess, in his flashback he was so chill and laid back it would be kind of hard to be able to say he had a rocky home life with shitty parents, even though he was young and seemingly lived on his own. Like I really wish these two had more details to their life besides the exact situation that led them to being picked up by Bruno.
Like does Mista still talk to his family at all ? Did he get along with them in the first place ? Does he care about that ? Did he kind of have to distance himself from them because of his position in the mafia ?
What about Abbacchio ? How did his family react to what happened to his partner ? Did they try to offer support and he just ignored them and isolated himself ? Or were they pissed and disowned him in some way ?
When I first watched golden wind this immediately stuck out to me. I really want to know more about their family life and how maybe that affected them now.
Like we can all agree that Bruno likes to pick up and help out down on their luck people because he had to do that with his family. Fugo is angry because of the pressure his parents put on him (and of course the abuse from that teacher) and most likely puts that pressure on himself, so on and so forth. I wish we had some background for these two and be able to pinpoints things like this in them. Does Mista ask weird questions (ie the cannibalism question) cause maybe someone in his family asked questions like that ? He of course saved that woman because he’s a good person, but did his dad or mom instill a strong sense of chivalry in him and in ways inspired him to protect women ? Is Abbacchio angry because of reasons beyond the death of his partner ? Was he kinda always like that, maybe because of someone in his family ? Like these are questions that could be answered if their family life was just slightly expanded upon.
I just really wish these two had just a bit more background to their story other than the exact situation that led them astray and into the mafia. It does lead to some really cool headcanons, I know a lot of people headcanon Mista as having a big family with lots of siblings and stuff like that, but I don’t know. This always stuck out to me when watching golden wind because the underlying theme of found family is so strongly rooted in that part, yet these two just get no elaboration on their family lives and why exactly they found solace in a rag tag team of people seemingly let down by those who should have supported them the most.
So I think the only reasonable thing to do is to kidnap Araki and torture him for information on their family life.
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xjulixred45x ¡ 1 year ago
EEEEE HEYYY!!! Im so happy ur request are open like omg my day has gotten SO much better!
Can I please get a Yandere Platonic Lucifer x Daughter reader? (Blue exorcist :>) As well as Yanplatonic Mephisto with daughter reader. ( blood-related. maybe with both readers growing up and realising how shitty their father is??)
We need more content with them and I loved your previous headcannon about Lucifer so- THANKSVSGFS.
Headcannons please :>>>
MORE PLATONIC YANDERE!! YESSS! and from Blue Exorcist! Thats a Plus! Deal!
Platonic Yandere Mephisto Pheles/Platonic Yandere Lucifer x Daughter! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings:(here we go) YANDERE BEHAVIOR, PLATONIC YANDERE, kind of infantilization, MENTAL DAMAGE, ISOLATION, Treats of violence, Manipulation, mental issues due all this, Mephisto is a psycho and Lucifer is NOT BETTER, LONG POST, I think is all.
Platonic Yandere Mephisto
He's a very difficult platonic yandere to have because you simply can't take him seriously and he can't take you seriously.
Mephisto is a case in which you know from the beginning that he is a screwed up father, and not in the "trash man" sense but in the sense that he has something wrong in his head and he knows it himself.
He is like the Mad Hatter in several ways. and you are Alice. HIS ALICE.
Don't get me wrong, of course he loves you, you are the Apple of his eyes, although at first he definitely only kept you out of a kind of curiosity to see how you would turn out once you grew up having been raised by him.
Would you be chaotic? His total opposite? A little of both? Maybe like Amaimon? As long as you weren't like Lucifer, he was quite amused by any outcome.
What he didn't expect was growing up to love you very fast. But he was pretty fine with it. Being your "Dad" was interesting for him and he did have fun when he did it.
And precisely although you interacted with him daily while you were growing up, not only did he raise you, but also maids and other services, it is thanks to that that you knew the difference between good parenting and what HE did.
He was not exactly bad at the start, just too chill, too relaxed, he was NOT an authority figure, but more than anything, this am
Although while you were little, there really were no Yandere tendencies other than the standard honestly.
to be somewhat unsettled, that already seemed part of his nature so it went very unnoticed.
That anyone who tried to hurt you would end up DEAD, even just children who pushed you or people who spoke slightly badly to you, was enough.
although honestly you didn't make the connection with your father and this for a long time.
simply because...it was kind of fun growing up with him? Look, the guy is a walking joke, a jester, the older you got, the more he wanted to interact with you, which led to certain pretty nice moments, like amusement parks, having tea, things like that, NORMAL THINGS you enjoy to have with him.
Remember what I said about him being the Mad Hatter and you being an Alice? You can bet he made that an official nickname for you and they even played "Alice's Underground Adventures in Wonderland" many times.
This, along with the fact that you couldn't really take him seriously, was what made you ignore its most deplorable aspects for YEARS.
that only got worse as you grew up.
For example, Overprotection was not as bad as in other cases (ahemahemDAUGHTER OF LUCIFERahem) but it was definitely annoying due to the absolute lack of privacy.
If you go to True Cross Academy, the contrast between your upbringing and that of your classmates is much more noticeable (apart from the fact that now you can notice more when someone you mention that you dislike disappears or something like that)
and when you mention it to your father or seek an explanation, you are only dismissed! as if you were a little child making up a story for his parents...
It is around this time that you realize Mephisto's unhealthy tendencies towards you, even when he tries to use the excuse that "that's how demons love" you know that he didn't used to love you like that when you were little....or rather malleable?
something is wrong with your father and you BOTH know it...
which obviously generated arguments where no matter what you said or what argument you used, he would always dismiss it by saying that he was the adult who was thousands of years old and that he had the last word over you.
All this not without first trying to infantilize you as much as possible, without success, luckily.
and it was... sad for you, because now you couldn't ignore these aspects of him anymore and know that THIS was really what he wanted.
He doesn't want a daughter, he wants an ETERNAL BABY...
He likes the idea of infantilization in the sense that it brings back good memories of when you were little, he wants to always have that and that's why he wants you to continue acting like that (if you are a complete demon it is a PLUS because you age more slowly and he can do it more easily).
another clingy one who doesn't respect personal space, although he will at least stop if you yell at him for a minute without breathing. although sometimes he prefers that you pamper him eg his dog form. don't question it. he's crazy
a great pamperer! Before all this happened, you used to love their gifts or at least they made you laugh because of how strange/extravagant/ridiculous they were, but now they just make you feel bought...
In general, the whole situation of seeing how your father is trash IS difficult.
However, it is not advisable to rebel against Mephisto, believe me, he will use his powers against you and it will be FOR THE WORSE.
I don't think he's above using his time manipulation to make the isolation that much more unbearable and distressing, even using his apparent ability to materialize things to make the experience a living hell for you.
He is simply not willing to accept that he is wrong. Yes you accept that it is morally wrong, but isn't that the fun thing?
You can't believe I'm still taking all of this as a game at this point, but not really, at least not entirely. Yes, it amuses him to see you all angry with him, but if you try something in his SERIOUS eyes he will get serious.
and that is honestly terrifying.
are you trying to escape? now the hallway is an endless loop, and time passes UNSUFFERENTLY slow. Again.
talk bad to him? He will laugh in your face, those things honestly don't affect him. He is already happy knowing that you are whole, healthy and safe (he would like you to be happy too, but hey, you can't do everything in life).
hurt him? Good try but no, you literally won't even land a hit on him, he doesn't find it that fun because you could get hurt, but he'll let you do it until you get tired. the baby has to burn energy after all.
hurt you? Yes, no, if necessary he will threaten to rip your arms off to prevent you from hurting yourself in any way or doing something worse, he doesn't mean it but for a moment he was scared by the possibility that you could REALLY do something like that.
Honestly, it was terrifying to see him so serious about something, ABOUT YOU. You almost thought he REALLY mean it if it weren't for the fact that HE TOLD YOU NO, he even scolded you for thinking something like that about him.
If he can't watch you, Amaimon does, and while he's not nearly as clever as your father, he definitely asks too many questions and eats too much.
When he is the one watching, he tries to talk to you casually, as if nothing happened. If not, try to remember old moments from the past, but really? it only makes you feel worse, you already have to deal with his current yandere tendencies and your little consolation is the good memories you have FROM THE PAST.
And now he wants to stain that little comfort you have because of a childish whim...? yeah, fuck off.
At least he has the decency to meet some of your demands, like entertainment or your favorite foods, who knows, maybe he'll let you out again if he's feeling generous one day. until then....
Platonic Yandere Lucifer
He's a suffocating platonic control freak Yandere, I mean, you can see it by how he has the Illuminati.
but you honestly didn't realize how fucked up a dad he was until you were a teenager.
precisely because Lucifer is a very manipulative and overprotective type of Yandere over you, regardless of how you have been conceived, you are the light of his eyes, the person he loves the most and the one he TRULY wants to keep safe.
I can see him having conceived you with some human or demon to see if he could use you for a cure for his condition, but he became almost instantly fond of you.
paternal instinct? He would have laughed unfunnyly before, but now it seemed very real.
But then he realized all the possible future scenarios that could happen to you. What happens if you end up with a weak body? Or with his illness? you wouldn't be able to defend yourself from the outside world.
Thanks to his paranoia, he ends up raising you exclusively in the Illuminati base, in a fairly comfortable but very lonely life, of course, maybe he lets you interact with the children of some members from time to time, but they are all terrified in your presence and have a attitude of total submission. You are Lucifer's daughter after all.
Also thanks to this everyone continued with the lie in which your father lived, everyone agreed with him, someone as precious and important as you should not leave and risk being devoured by the world.
(Can you imagine the members of the Illuminati's being platonic Yanderes for you too? ☠️ it would be the last straw but very much in character).
You lived a life very isolated from the world, but Lucifer tried to be an affectionate and attentive father as much as possible, to be better than what he had.
There were still good moments between the two of you.
Let's say you are a healthy girl, but you know that your father is not healthy, he lives in constant pain and sometimes they can't even get him out of bed.
So when one of those days happens, you sit near him and read him something that you both liked, that's how you used to spend the afternoons when there was nothing else to do. These were moments that you both treasured.
but at the same time he loves you like a demon, not like a human.
and normalizes any unhealthy attitude he has towards you as you grow up, you grew up thinking that all of that was NORMAL.
apart from the fact that he substantiated all these habits with half-truths and using his own love for you against you.
You know he loves you very much, si for him is easy to fool you (in the begging) to believe he would never do something that would hurt you BULLSHIT
Do you remember when he was more expressive when he cornered Yukio? I can see him doing something similar with you, being more emotional and expressive in order to manipulate you and get his point across.
not go out under any circumstances? The world is a screwed up place with wars and death everywhere, he doesn't want you to die, hun, you need to understand him.
not have privacy? Do you have something to hide from your FATHER? The demon who loves you most in the world and who would sacrifice everything and everyone for you? DO YOU HIDE THINGS FROM HIM? Either way it is impossible with the Illuminati's on every corner. Don't even try.
He is a master of emotional manipulation, but it is also partly because he himself is a little delusional, he believes he is right.
If you end his illness, he will be EVEN MORE obsessive and overprotective (is that possible??), I'm talking about CAMERAS IN YOUR ROOM TO "MONITOR YOU", not EVEN having a door as such, but a glass one, and he can STILL see Lucifer SICKER than in canon because it would make many resources meant to cure HIM go to you.
Even if you only have a weak body, at the slightest discomfort Lucifer acts as if you are going to die. it is not a joke. And besides, he would make you very afraid that the outside would only worsen your condition until you ended up like him.
He makes you a hypochondriac, basically.
At the same time, I don't think you'll start seeing your father's giant Red Flags until you start interacting more with the outside world or with people other than him but tolerate them (eg, Shima).
It's JUST THERE that you start to question everything. almost an emotional breakdown, because it means that there is a whole ENTIRE WORLD that you could have seen, A completely different and NEW LIFE but your father took that option away from you.
That same insensitive and seemingly cruel person is the same person who has loved you from the beginning and who believes that he does everything to protect you.
Do you see what I'm going for? He has a lot of control over you, even if you realize what a shitty parent and person he is, he makes you justify it based on your "good experience" being raised by him.
but I honestly don't think you could wake up from the "good dad" (or minimally decent) trance until the incident with Shima and Izumo.
NOW, I can honestly see Lucifer using Mrs. Kamiki as an example of "what would happen" if you were to get out of his sight (aka DISOBEY HIM), I can see Lucifer in general using others as cruel examples of what could happen. or pass you.
punishments never fall on you. but in other people so that you understand that, this is the consequence of your actions, YOU are to blame for this, YOU caused it because after all Lucifer would never harm you...
In this type of scenario, if you don't give up in, what he calls, the "revelde phase", he will simply continue bombarding you with horrible images or alien deaths until he breaks your spirit, but it won't hurt you one bit, you should be grateful for it. knowing what he can do...
(It's like he doesn't understand that not hurting you automatically doesn't make him a better father or more worthy of forgiveness, but hey, he's a Lucifer Yandere).
If he manages to mentally break you or you give up before then, he's the first to go hug you and comfort you in his characteristic clumsy and rigid way, but it's mostly because he doesn't quite know how to express how relieved he is that "you've come to your senses" and that you two can return to "normal"
But in general, Lucifer tries to remain very patient with you. You can insult him, try to hurt him, it doesn't matter, take out your anger however you need, you won't be leaving his sight any time soon.
He tries to make me see things "his way", explain himself, but the truth is you don't listen to him anymore...why should you? after all he doesn't do it when you CLEARLY want to LEAVE.
He would continue to keep you inside the Illuminati base, but he is not above using more drastic isolation methods to avoid an escape scenario (which he may not believe is possible because now you are always accompanied by a member of the CULT Illuminati's to keep an eye on you. or keep you company).
Something that remains is that when he is very sick, whether out of habit, Stockholm syndrome, or pity for him, you go and read him a story, not as happy and lively as before, but in a way it gives him a new sense of hope to Lucifer.
Maybe he can make you love again like before, to have those moments again where both of you were good. He wants to have hope...
the hope that they can fix everything once the plan is put into motion, that he can FIX YOU somehow. be happy again...
but until then, he KNOWS he can't afford to lose you, even if you hate him, if you fear him, it doesn't matter right now. just don't leave him...
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Shares, reblogs, and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️❤️❤️
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rapunzel-says-fuck ¡ 1 year ago
Pet Crack Theory
So I had a dumb thought, and while it's not actually what I expect to be true, I think it's both very funny to imagine and not technically outside the realm of possibility. Hear me out.
Alastor's deal was made with Lucifer himself.
My first thoughts upon seeing Dad Beat Dad had been that perhaps Alastor and Lilith were on friendly terms, given the seven year correlation and him generally getting along better with high society women and such, and maybe the immediate animosity toward Lucifer was a "it's her shitty ex" thing? After the finale, though, that seems far less likely. But the fact remains that...
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He is seething from literally the moment Lucifer arrives, escalates to his first true swear of the whole series so quickly. He is so utterly repulsed by this man he shakes his cane instead of his hand and still wipes his own hand after.
There's some possibility he just hates anyone definitively stronger than him, and still some chance the animosity is in some way related to Lilith or Eve or Roo or whatever! But it still feels very personal, whatever it is.
What if... What if...
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All these parts where he makes it exceedingly clear he's doing this to piss off Lucifer, and basically daring him to do something about it?
What if some part of the deal plays into Alastor's need to assist Charlie and keep her safe, to a point of the "I can't have that here" when sending Mimzy away, whatever the precise details of that may be. But in exchange, he's promised protection from Lucifer. (Possibly others? But at least him.)
Given how clear the finale made it that freedom is such a priority-- AND given that Alastor's "leash" was first revealed in this same episode, right after this, with Lucifer just down the hall even-- what if he's basically daring Lucifer to act against him because that would break their deal?
ALL I'm saying is like... "Evil" (possibly /"the Root of Evil"/"Roo" if those aren't split into two things) seems to be her own character, but there's a distinct connection between the roots and the apple, and there's all Alastor's root-like imagery when he lets out more of his power. (Hell, deer antlers kind of look like branches, which on its own would be nothing but as a "bonus point", especially the way Alastor's grow as he powers up? Sure.)
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I'll admit this isn't the most narratively interesting option, and for that reason I do expect it to go a different way. I'm not trying to convince you it's happening, just that it "could" work?
"But wait," you say. "This is all well and good, but wouldn't Lucifer have had any reaction?"
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Ahhh, but you see... This is my favorite part of this "theory".
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He fucking forgot. 😌
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zvtara-was-never-canon ¡ 6 months ago
zutarians and their cope kinda remind me of bbrae fans
You're right and you should say it. It's crazy how simmilar they are.
The writers of Teen Titans repeatedly said "We toyed with a few ideas, but Robin and Starfire was the one ship we were set on being endgame" yet these fuckers insist they meant "Robin and Starfire AS WELL AS BEAST BOY AND RAVEN."
The writers of Avatar repeatedly said "Kataang was always the heart of the show", yet zutarians keep saying shit like "Zuko was originally Katara's love interest!"
BBrae fans constantly talk about Raven disliking Terra, Beast Boys actual love interest, "due to both of them liking the same guy", but Raven didn't dislike Terra at all, she just didn't immediately trust her - and for good reason, because Terra was working with the villain, and she even explicitly pointed out that Raven was so furious at her after that revelation because she DID think of Terra as a friend.
Zutara fans insist all the drama with Zuko was because "he posed a threat to Kataang" when anyone who isn't delusional can see that it was about his former role as a villain, and the character that was originally gonna be Aang's rival for Katara's affection was TOPH, who was going to be a boy.
Raven was constantly annoyed at Beast Boy and he repeatedly said he found her creepy? Opposites attract! Even when they don't! CLEARLY the writers are just using this innitial clash in personalities to set up a romance - the fact that they NEVER move past that "innitial" clash is a detail!
Katara was mad at Zuko for wanting to help his dad commit genocide and he hated her on the basis of her resisting said genocide? No, silly, can't you see it's just sexual tension? Why else would a boy and a girl "not get along"? They want to kiss!
BBrae fans continued acting like the ship would have totally been endgame in the original show instead of just in comics or the shitty remake that was Teen Titans Go!, "if only the planned sixth season had not been canceled."
But there was no planned sixth season. The show was supposed to end in season four, but it got a bonus fifth season that was originally planned to be a bit longer, but then end up with the same number of episodes as the others - and the only plot that was "cut" was the return of the main villain, Slade. The movie "Trouble In Tokyo" was made specifically to resolve the romantic plotline of Starfire and Robin, since they couldn't do it on the actual show... yet the writers didn't make Raven and Beast Boy get together despite knowing they'd likely never have another chance at it. Almost like they never WANTED to do that in the first place!
Zutarians constantly about how "There was totally a deleted scene in the finale with Iroh saying Katara was perfect for Zuko" and how Aaron Ehasz supposedly confirmed Kataang being endgame was a last minute change, and that Zutara was supposed to happen in the "planned, but scrapped fourth season."
But there was no "planned" fourth season. Bryke were offered a bonus season, but rejected it almost right away. The interview with Ehasz was fake and so were the rumors about the "deleted" scene with Iroh. It just never existed.
Hell, even a ship I like had some of the fans try to pull that shit. A ton of Robin X Raven fans swear there was a deleted kiss scene in the season four finale (which again, was originally going to be the series finale) - like Robin and Starfire didn't almost get together in the previous episode (and probably were made an item in original version, before the show got a bonus season), and weren't made endgame on the actual conclusion of the show.
Some shippers do that in the hopes that sequels/reboots end up pandering to them - and in the case of Beast Boy and Raven it "worked", but it was shit, because it was in a bad show so clearly it wasn't worth it. Zutarians meanwhile got nothing. Nada. Zilch. No zutara in the comics, in Korra, and apparently not even in the Netflix version.
And at least there ARE moments between BB and Raven that even I call blatant ship tease, and there's five seasons worth of content of them being "the friends that don't get along but care about each other" aka having an actual dynamic that people were meant to get attached to. Zuko and Katara's "dynamic" for two and a half seasons consisted on nothing but taunts in battle, Zuko being an asshole/a legit threat to the heroes' safety and thus being hated by all of them for it. Only in the second half of the third season did they have any meaningful interactions AND half of these were still negative.
I can talk a lot of shit about BBrae fans, but I can never say that Beast Boy and Raven ever lashed out when the other saved them because there was just that much resentment there. Or that the times Raven got a bit too aggressive towards him werent pure slapstick and that she did genuinely want to hurt him, nor that he ever got so mad at her for it that he tried to leave her behind to die. Or that Raven ever hired a hitman on him. Or that Beast Boy full on said he pictured her face when he tried to imagine "the face of the enemy." Or that he ever looked Raven straight in the face and threatened to murder her if she ever did anything against his actual love interest.
That's a level of "Take the L already, Jesus" that BBrae never reached, or even got close to, and I'm surprised Zutarians managed to make people not talk about the fact that they very much did.
"Zutara sexual tension" is literally just two people legit wanting to murder each other, saying as much, actively working towards it, and the shippers sill being like "They don't mean it though."
They do, girl. They very much do. Grab a body bag.
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number1villainstan ¡ 9 months ago
do you have any headcanons in regards to kai chisaki's bio parents? did he get thrown out or do you think they died. or both. or a secret third thing i haven't considered. /from kainagant
i ABSOLUTELY have chisaki-parent headcanons. content warnings for discussions of child abuse/neglect/abandonment under the cut because chisaki is my favorite character and therefore i can and will put him through hell :)
These headcanons are kind of crack, but I think his bio father was Yaoyorozu's grandfather, the patriarch of the Yaoyorozu clan. His bio mother was the guy's secretary who he had to fire to hide the fact that he had an affair 🫢 She managed to extort a lot of child support/hush money from him, citing the fact that she had to take care of a baby and also the fact that she had his wife's phone number.
...not that any of that money actually went to child support, mind you. She was the type of mother who treated her child as an obligation at best and a show prize at worst--she enrolled baby kai in an expensive all-girls school (he's trans and i will fight you on that) so she could brag to her friends about it, but she would also make him go to school while sick and would only rarely cook any kind of meals for him. he was usually on his own to find or cook food in the house, and when an accident inevitably happened and he broke a dish she'd scream at him like he did it on purpose.
(In all honesty, I think she was the egotistical mean girl type who no one would want to hang out with if she didn't have power over them of some kind. In a modern AU Chisaki would 100% hang out on/gain a lot of comfort from r/raisedbynarcissists, as ableist as that sub can be.)
There are some points in the abuse cycle where she tries to reconcile with him, but of course solely on her terms. Usually she'd try to win him over by spending money on a bunch of new toys, almost always dolls or other "girl toys", instead of doing things like apologizing for screaming, asking him how his day went, or even asking him what toys he'd actually want and buying those. (Sound familiar?)
Of course, it only gets worse when baby Kai starts showing signs of being autistic. She absolutely takes him not looking her in the eye as a personal slight, along with playing with his toys "wrong", not liking certain foods or textures, stimming too loudly, or generally being 'strange'. Because of course she does. And of course, Overhaul isn't very easy to control at such a young age, and she takes *that* personally too--she's absolutely called him cursed and monster because of his Quirk.
But moving on to how he ended up on the street. When Kai's eight, she decides that she's done with her "creepy weirdo daughter" and dumps him at an orphanage. For the next couple years he's going to be running away from orphanages, living on the streets, getting dragged back to orphanages, and so on. There may also be shitty foster homes involved, if the Japanese welfare system is like that at all. He'll realize early on the weirdness of gender (he cuts his hair super short a few weeks after the abandonment, gets asked if he's a boy in a dress or a girl with short hair, and realizes that he could be whatever he wanted) and bounce between presentations during this time, and just so happened to be in boymode when the oyaji found him, which is how he got stuck in boymode for basically ever. But that's a story for another time, and not what you asked about.
Anyways, so, to recap: bio dad is the Yaoyorozu patriarch and Momo's grandad, bio mom is the secretary he had an affair with and also a shitbag (which left Chisaki with massive emotional scars), and I think he got abandoned/kicked out as a little girl.
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betterthanbatman1 ¡ 1 year ago
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This is so. Fucking. Stupid.
Before I dive in let me just say: This writing is so pathetic simply because this is how humans act?? Like how fragile does Bruce’s ego have to be that he’s going to start a fist fight with his son. It’s like in the damn high school movies where the bully pushes a girl and the other guy punches the bully in the face. People don’t just go around punching people!! They get frustrated and angry but they don’t just fucking punch someone who they disagree with!? (Majority of the time)
Now for the actual analysis: I actually had high expectations for this, I really thought that writers have learnt that no we actually don’t love seeing Bruce beating the shit out of Jason/his kids. “hEs a ViGaLaNtE and Jason’s a cRiMiNaL” fuck off that’s not an excuse.
Honestly Jason shouldn’t even try to convince Bruce anymore, it’s always the same shit. “They’re bad people, they deserve to die”
“You don’t get to decide that” *punches his son in the face*
How many times have I had to read this?? Every fucking comic that includes Jason and Bruce ends up in a fist fight. I’m fucking sick of it.
The writing was genuinely so stupid
“If you think one more death is fine if it stops more death- then shouldn’t I kill you?!”
There’s so much here that just doesn’t make sense and that’s excluding the fact that Bruce is threatening to kill his son.
Do these contemporary writers not understand that Jason doesn’t kill everyone who may kill others. He’s not a “Mass murderer”. He kills the dirtbags of Gotham. He kills the worst of the worst. He kills the r*pists, the abusers, and anyone who brings harm to women, children and the vulnerable. He doesn’t go storming into a restaurant and shooting up the place??? That’s what a mass murderer would do.
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Now with that in mind, the logic would be No Bruce you shouldn’t kill Red Hood because he doesn’t just kill people. You wouldn’t be reducing the deaths in Gotham because without Jason killing the scum who terrorise the vulnerable, then there will be more deaths. Killing Jason if anything would increase crime. In UTRH, when Red Hood first appears, Batman himself said “crime is down”. That shows that what Jason does is in fact effective, which is why he does what he does. If Jason was just a killer killing other killers, Jason’s whole reason his own morals would not be consistent or accurate!! If that was the case then yes YES Bruce you should theoretically kill Red Hood. If if if god forbid Jason was one of the nasty scum of the earth that he tries to wipe out, then yes by his morals he indeed deserved to die.
These writers are so clouded with having this raw masculine rage between the two characters; being allowed to kill someone or not, that they blindly and stupidly forget that both of these characters are human and therefore have complex morals and values.
Jason fundamentally believes he is doing good for Gotham- and the statistics prove that!! Bruce knows that what Jason does is needed. He knows that Jason’s methods help Gotham. Jason is a consequentialist and both Jason and Bruce should know that. Likewise, Bruce is a deontologist, he believes the actions are wrong and immoral but he knows that Gotham is better off. He just doesn’t agree with the methods. Jason said himself “I’m doing what you won’t” Bruce knows Jason isn’t a dumb vengeful maniac terrorizing Gotham. So why the fuck did the writers bring these characters so low that Bruce would even suggest that Jason should be killed along with the other criminals.
Lastly, if the answer was yes, then Bruce why the fuck are you asking to kill your son? Like you’d actually do it you little bitch. Kill the joker first and then ask about your son.
Really shitty writing, it’s so frustrating. Like, I was actually excited to see what this new Jason comic was going to give me. But now…More fights between him and his Dad. Yippeee this is really what the readers want. Smh
Call me naive but I just thought maybe Jason and the bats would be able to connect without beating the shit out of each other.
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hexcrystals ¡ 1 year ago
After being subjected to the canyons utter dismissal of anything Izzy did in s1 I honestly started to feel like I’d been misinterpreting the show. The confrontation between Izzy and Ed in s1ep10 is boiled down to Izzy just “saying some mean things”. Izzy’s controlling and shitty behavior is just him being protective and in love with Ed and it’s actually so tragic that Ed would dismiss Iz like that, guys. Take after take, I began to wonder if maybe I’d blown things out of proportion. Maybe he wasn’t that bad.
But then the gears in the logical part of my brain start turning and I remember why framing Izzy in that light is so frustratingly shitty. Like, okay. We all get that Ed isn’t an evil monster for killing his dad. It was a direct response to feeling threatened after suffering and witnessing his fathers abuse. We can all agree on that. So why is it different when Ed has a similar reaction to Izzy threatening him? Why is it okay for Izzy to berate and mock and tell Ed he was better off dead? Izzy displayed controlling and honestly abusive behavior in season 1. Ed was fighting back against his abuser when he killed Father Teach, and we got that. But suddenly that isn’t the case when he fights back against Izzy? I’m so tired of people acting like mental abuse isn’t as valid as physical. That it was only mean words, and that Izzy did everything out of love.
Homophobic parents can be controlling and abusive “out of love”. They think they’re protecting you. That doesn’t absolve them of their shitty behavior. That doesn’t change the fact that their actions are harmful. The same should be said for Izzy. Ed was mentally tormented by that man‼️ For people to dismiss that and act like abuse can only ever be physical is so disheartening. I’ve suffered both. One is not necessarily worse than the other. It feels so invalidating…I want to engage with fans and talk about this because I feel like it’s important, but if I had anyone argue with me about it I think I’d explode into a pile of silly string. It sucks that this is the state of the fandom 😭
yep people will absolutely bend over backwards to view all of izzy's actions in the best possible light. they give him the benefit of the doubt, they full on make shit up that 'must have' happened offscreen, they rationalise his abuse of ed in a hundred different ways. 'it was for ed's own good' 'he was trying to protect the crew' 'ed was going to get everybody killed' etc
(and often when they post about this it's really telling about their attitudes to stede being femme/gnc - i've seen too many posts along the lines of 'izzy needed to stage an intervention for ed, the talent show was the last in a long line of batshit things he'd been doing because he was obsessed with some ponce')
as many people in this fandom have already pointed out, it's like the canyon thinks that a white guy can say whatever the fuck he wants regardless of how threatening or abusive it is, but the moment the brown guy he's saying it to dares to retaliate to protect himself, he's an abuser and he's completely unjustified and etc etc
i resent being called an abuse apologist by the same people on this website who will unironically post takes like 'izzy wasn't abusive to ed because he wasn't trying to hurt him, he was acting in ed's best interests, ed forced his hand' (sound familiar?) or 'if izzy is so abusive then how come he tried to get ed out before the navy got there' (idk bestie maybe he could've tried not selling the crew out at all? maybe if he really did care about ed he wouldn't try to get his partner killed?)
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helpimstuckposting ¡ 1 year ago
Song: Advice by Cavetown
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Eddie wasn’t unfamiliar with bad days. In fact, he’d say he was intimately familiar with them. Biblically, even, since they’d fucked him so often. And usually he was able to adjust, to improvise, to calm down and save any serious outbursts for the privacy of his own bedroom. Or van, depending on how truly awful the day was.
Today, he didn’t make it to his room, or to the van. Instead, he walked right out of his last class of the day and trudged straight to the picnic table in the woods behind the school. He figured he had around twenty minutes to get his anger out before someone tramped along looking to buy weed. He was too wired to sit, so he set his little black lunchbox on the table, and started pacing back and forth to try and relieve some pent up energy.
He was off to a rough start from the second his alarm went off. Or didn’t go off, in the case of that morning. Somehow, the stupid electricity in the trailer had gone out at some point in the middle of the night and reset the clocks, making Eddie an hour late to the start of his day. He’d skipped breakfast, and forgot his smokes in the process which meant that all of his teachers were more unbearable than usual.
Then, he skipped lunch to run across the street and buy a pack from the convenience store to take the edge off, but apparently his dad was in town because the man behind the counter had called him Junior with that face people made when they treated him like shit splattered across their shoes. If Al was in town that meant either he hadn’t bothered to check in on his son, or Wayne was keeping it from him and both options pissed Eddie off.
On top of that, Mrs. Click had lost his essay and then claimed he’d never turned it in which was bullshit because Eddie knew for a fact he’d turned it in on time, he’d stayed up all night writing it. In between classes, someone had graffitied “Satanist Freak” on his locker, which normally wouldn’t bother Eddie at all but then he’d gotten yelled at to clean it up, like anyone would think he wrote it himself. The authority figures in this batshit town were driving him insane.
As if that weren’t fucking enough Tommy goddamn Hagan (who Eddie was pretty sure had written the little love letter on his locker) had deliberately poured his entire water bottle on Eddie’s lap in the middle of class, and then played it off as an accident to the teacher. He’ll probably get detention for ditching after that, but Eddie was fucking exhausted. Why him? Why did everything have to hit the fan all at once? Couldn’t he just have one bad thing happen per day? He’d take one bad thing a day for the rest of his life over all the shit piled on top of him in the last seven hours.
And! Eddie was sure the fact that his father was in town would bite him even harder in the ass until the son a bitch left again. He couldn’t stand the thought of going home to see his smarmy fucking face after the last time he was in town and conned Eddie out of his savings and the contents of his lunchbox. It was fucking ludicrous that the town hated him for his father when Eddie got the worst end of the stick his whole life. At least the other people could avoid him, could walk away or, hell, even call the cops on the bastard if they wanted. Eddie couldn’t ever get away from him. Every time Eddie even looked at a mirror, Al Munson looked back.
He could feel the buzzing adrenaline bubbling up behind his eyes, stabbing its claws into his sinuses. His hands shook as he tugged them through his hair and he could not let this shitty day make him cry. He wasn’t going to let the town win, let his teacher and Tommy win, let Al Munson win. He clenched his stupid shaking hands into fists and dug his nails in as hard as he could, trying to steady his breathing, but it didn’t work. He could feel the build up behind his eyes and all the shitty events of the day clogging his throat like it was strangling him from the inside.
He let out a frustrated yell, grabbing his lunchbox from the table and using all of his energy to chuck it across the little clearing, across the lunch table, and straight into a tree. It smashed against the bark with a rattle, hitting the ground without even breaking the latch. Eddie knew the thing wouldn’t break, though it might have been sporting a few new scratches and a dent. It made him feel a little better, though. Maybe he could understand why someone would do sports. Maybe. Sometimes.
“Damn, you ever try shot put?” a voice called out through the clearing.
Eddie whipped his head around to find the king himself, Steve Harrington sauntering towards the picnic table. Schools out then, he thought, grumbling in his mind like a child. Of course The King would need to stock up, it was a Friday after all.
“With an arm like that, you’d do pretty well,” he added when Eddie didn’t respond.
“I don’t know what the fuck shop put is, but I’m not in the mood, Harrington,” Eddie called back, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping a boot onto the wooden bench next to him. The second he did, he felt like an idiot, like some kind of alpha-male posturing to seem tougher. He put his foot back on the ground.
“It’s shot put, it’s… never mind,” Steve cut himself off. “Anyway… uh.” He looked nervous, rubbing his hands awkwardly before shoving them into the pockets of his pristine blue jeans. It eased some of the tension in Eddie’s shoulders. He wanted to laugh. He made the king nervous, made him look a bit scared, even. It was comical. Wayne would think it was downright hilarious.
“What do you want, Harrington?” Eddie called. The King was still standing by the treeline, a good few yards of space between them.
“Do you have any joints left? Maybe a baggie of flower or something?” he responded. Eddie rolled his eyes. The royal court was predictable, as always.
“Like I said, I’m really not in the mood.”
“I’ll pay extra,” Steve added, shrugging his shoulders. Eddie paused, contemplating the offer. He did need the money, he always needed the money, and he knew Harrington was good for it. Eddie could probably double the price and The King wouldn’t even bat an eye.
He sighed, glancing at his toppled lunch box on the ground. Eddie rolled his eyes, deciding the money was worth more than his peace and quiet. He cracked his neck before trudging over to the black metal box, noticing Steve’s flinch as he did. The boy tried to cover it, Eddie could tell, but he wasn’t quick enough and Eddie couldn’t quite hide his smirk as he snatched the lunchbox up and walked back to the table.
He sat down, placed the container on the rough wooden surface, and gestured to the bench opposite him. The King paused briefly before joining him, sitting down quietly and pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.
“How many joints?” Eddie asked.
“How many you got?”
He glanced into the lunchbox, stomach aching as he shoved the actual lunch aside to open the little metal Altoids tin. He had four joints left, a few less than Harrington’s usual haul, but enough. He gathered them all up, pulling out an empty baggie and wrapping the joins up tight. Eddie held up the baggie for Harrington to take before grabbing another, prepacked with an eighth of flower.
“Eighth or a quarter?” Eddie asked, grabbing a second baggie.
“You got a half?” Harrington asked, squinting a little like he was sheepish to ask the question. Eddie would have found it cute if he wasn’t so annoyed at that moment. He rolled his eyes instead.
“If I had a half, I would have asked, Princess,” he snapped. If Harrington had looked sheepish before, he looked downright contrite now. It made Eddie feel a little bad, but he held his glare without backing down. The world had been shit to him today, he didn’t have to care about hurting The Kings feelings.
“An eighth or a quarter ounce, Harrington?” he asked again.
“Quarter,” he mumbled. Eddie pulled both baggies out, holding them toward Harrington to take. He didn’t. Instead he looked from the baggies to Eddie’s face, eyes contemplating something and Eddie hoped like hell that Steve wouldn’t ask, but like everything else today, the world didn’t listen.
“Are you okay?” he asked, and Eddie’s anger reared its ugly head again.
“I don’t want to talk, Harrington.”
“Are you sure? Because you kind of look like you need it. Are you okay?” he asked again.
“You want a hint?” Eddie snarked, snatching the baggies back. If His Highness wasn’t taking his gold then Eddie could keep it for himself for all he cared. “Are you hungry?” Eddie asked him.
Steve looked confused, his brows scrunching together like he was trying to connect the pieces of conversation that was running away from him.
“I… why?” he asked.
“Because you can eat my fucking shorts, Harrington. I said I don’t want to talk, so take the weed, leave the cash, and leave me the fuck alone,” Eddie spat, tossing the baggies between them on the table.
“I just mean, maybe I can help! Give you some advice or-“
“I know you’re trying to help, it’s very nice of you to pay your loyal subjects some attention but you don’t know anything about me, okay? I don’t need your advice, and I don’t need to explain myself to you.” Eddie gave up, decided this was a failed transaction and he should pack his shit and leave. He made a move to stand, reaching for the baggies on the picnic table, but he was beaten to the punch. Harrington grabbed the baggies out from under his hand, quickly tossing way too many bills on the wooden table. Forget double, Eddie’s pretty sure it was enough for a whole ounce. He stared, dumbfounded, at the cash in front of him and looked back up at Harrington. He was standing now, just a step away from the bench he’d been sitting on a second ago.
Eddie snatched the cash and tried to reign in his expression. He wasn’t really sure what his face was doing, couldn’t tell if he’d schooled it or not, but Harrington wasn’t giving anything away.
“I wasn’t trying to pick a fight, I swear.” He held a hand up, like Eddie was some kind of rabid animal Steve was trying to placate. “I just… I know what it feels like to not have anyone to talk to. So, like… if you need an ear-“
“I don’t ’need an ear’, Harrington, I need you to get out of my face, I need your court jester Tommy to leave me the fuck alone, and clean my locker while he’s at it! I need Mrs. Click to find my fucking essay because I’m already failing her class, and I need people in this godawful town to stop treating me like I’m just a clone of my father!” Eddie yelled. He huffed out a large breath, startled at his own outburst. By the glint in Steve’s eye, it was exactly what he’d been trying to pry out of Eddie. He looked pleased that he’d just been screamed at, and it just pushed all of Eddie’s buttons.
How the fuck did he even do that? They didn’t talk. Steve bought weed from him before his parties, and ignored him in the hallway. That was it. That’s all they ever were. So how the hell did he just get Eddie to tell him what was bothering him? Maybe the town was wrong, and they got the wrong witch when they put Eddie up on a pyre. He felt the sudden urge to yell ‘I saw Goody Harrington with the Devil!’. Somehow, he didn’t think that would make this conversation any better.
Eddie crossed his arms like a petulant child, and he couldn’t help but notice Steve slot his hands onto his hips like some kind of scolding housewife. Everything Harrington was doing made Eddie feel smaller and smaller.
“Just… leave me alone,” Eddie sighed, feeling deflated. “I don’t owe you anything, okay? You’re not my friend, you’re not my mom,” Eddie rolled his eyes and stared pointedly at Steve’s soccer mom stance. A blush bloomed across his cheeks, and Eddie watched as he took the hands off his hips and shoved them back into his pockets. Eddie couldn’t decide if Steve’s jeans were more dad jean or mom jean but he shook the thought from his head before he figured it out.
“Right… well,” Steve sighed, pulling a hand out of his pocket and patting it lightly on his thigh. Eddie had a sudden flash of Steve wearing horn rimmed glasses, saying ‘Welp, I better hit the road’, and Eddie couldn’t figure out when Steve had gone from King to Single Father during the span of their conversation. “Thanks for the… stuff,” Steve said awkwardly. Jesus Christ, Eddie needed to get a hold of himself and quickly. It was ridiculous how endearing he was finding this, and being weirdly attracted to a father figure act was not something he needed to be unpacking right now.
“Thanks for the cash,” Eddie said back, just as awkwardly tossing a salute in and immediately wanting to jump off a cliff. He needed to get out of here. Quickly, he packed up his lunchbox, tossing the cash inside before latching it shut. He turned back toward the direction of the school parking lot and prayed that Steve would let him go without another word. He tried not to dwell on the fact that it felt a lot like tucking his tail between his legs.
“See you next Friday!” Steve called out behind him.
Eddie was halfway back to the trailer before he realized the weight in his chest was significantly lighter than it had been all day. He tallied it up to Steve being in league with the devil. They’d go back to not speaking in the hallways, and he’d forget all about their conversation today, and that was it. Eddie just hoped he’d forget it too, and tried not to think about exactly how many witch’s marks Steve might have that Eddie couldn’t see.
This was inspired by me being unhinged and thinking of Steddie literally every single time a song came on from my playlist so I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could write 26 of them. If anyone wants to try this challenge, go for it! I just thought it would be fun. I linked the playlist above, and I might add or subtract songs to it depending on how I'm feeling
Tagging some people who might be interested or helped me out with picking songs! Thank you for the suggestions (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@estrellami-1 @weirdandabsurd42 @sirsnacksalot @devondespresso @captncalamity @sluttysteddie @blahblah-hilariousname-blah @cringevalue @thereallifecath
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twothpaste ¡ 2 years ago
I feel like the fandom perceives Doctor Andonuts more harshly than Itoi probably intended. Maybe a little more harshly than the character deserves. I'm always seein him discussed n' portrayed as if he's The Worst Dad Ever, And A Terrible Person Besides. Which is a pretty tall order in a series jam-packed full of shitty fathers and morally bankrupt characters. Maybe I just read him differently than most folks do? I dunno. I like him. I'll go to bat for him. Kooky old scientist thoughts (for both EB and M3) below.
Dropping Jeff off at boarding school and never visiting for 10 years is brutal, don't get me wrong. In the scene's context, though, it comes off more like an absurd comedic circumstance than a condemnation. Peak EarthBound shit. And while Jeff's scarcely "written" in the game, nothing about the way he's presented actually conveys a sense of abandonment or bitterness. (I like to imagine he's got a lotta bones to pick with his dad, but I think that's mostly in the realm of headcanon.) (Also, while Andonuts being his only family would make it objectively much worse, there's nothing in EarthBound to suggest Jeff doesn't have a mom, or other family members.) Mother's not exactly subtle when it's putting a father worthy of harsh judgment on the table. Aloysius and Wess come to mind. I do reckon if the Doctor was supposed to be presented as an irredeemable monster, Itoi would've really driven the point home. Instead of smothering the guy's dialogue in funny off-kilter quips. Like the bit with the donuts, and inviting Jeff to come back in 10 more years, and tellin his friends he wets the bed (how would Andonuts even know that?? is he thinking of when Jeff was a toddler?? lmao). He's a socially blundering absent father, and he stirs troubled sentiments, for sure. But he's definitely not outright malignant.
The thing is, there's reason to believe the guy's working on it. Jeff and Andonuts (and pals) go through a lot of shit together over the course of the game. By the end, Jeff expresses that he's very eager to spend time with his dad, get to know him better, work collaboratively with him. Presumably Andonuts feels the same, having finally bonded with his son through all these world-saving hijinks. It feels like a sweet little character arc to me. A reclusive scientist learns to value something beyond his own work, and begins to make amends by welcoming Jeff back into his life. Perhaps death-defying circumstances shifted his perspective, reminding him of what's most important? Even if you assume the worst of Andonuts earlier in the game, EarthBound's ending is really uplifting and hopeful for these two.
Which really makes his appearance in Mother 3 all the more tragic. Andonuts was willing at last to actually be there for his son, and then Porky had to go and yoink him outta the timeline. The Doctor explicitly says he's only working with Porky because he's been forced to - and he isn't thrilled about it in the slightest. After the chimera lab, he tells Lucas he's been inspired to escape. That he wants to devote his work to benefiting all living things, whatever that means! He's the guy who really "defeated" Porky, presumably planning the Capsule trap in secret all along. He doesn't even belong in this time or place, but damn if he's not finding ways to do good for the new world he's found himself in. Same way he devoted himself to the fight against Giygas, before.
The fact he's been torn away from his son (possibly irreconcilably?) doesn't come up, and god I wish it did. But considering how much extraneous dialogue's been cut from the game (and this would've definitely been extraneous)? If he'd said "gosh I sure wish I could see Jeff again" it'd draw specific attention to the displaced plight of Porky's timetravelers - thus, failing to resolve it would probably feel like a loose end. I can see how that might've been outta line with the narrative's scope. I'm not sure it's fair to infer the streamlined writing implies Andonuts forgot about Jeff, or doesn't care about him. Dude was never very expressive about his personal life EarthBound, anyways. Call it a headcanon of course, but imo, it seems more likely he's keeping his sorry sentiments to himself.
I just think Dr. Andonuts is a really interesting character, with a lot of potential. EarthBound gives us this clever play on the "funny kooky genius scientist" trope, asking how a guy like that might prioritize work over family. Has this deadbeat dad begin earning back his bond with his son. It ends on such a wholesome feel-good note! Then Mother 3 brings forth all these gutwrenching implications. The thought of Jeff stranded back in 199X (feeling confused, abandoned, possibly even betrayed??) breaks my fuckin' heart!! Andonuts being coerced to use his genius for evil, all the while plotting Porky's eternal imprisonment? A guy who directly contributed to saving the world from Giygas gets dropped into a post-apocalyptic Earth, finding out he'd only been delaying the "inevitable"? That humans would destroy themselves, possibly thanks to the technological advancements of people like him! Realizing his efforts to reconnect with Jeff might've been all in vain, that he may never make it home again! Vowing to do good for this world anyways?? Agh. And he's presented as just a quirky unflappable oddball old fart the whole time! To call him a good person would be dubious as hell, but damn if he's not fascinating.
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joonberriess ¡ 1 year ago
ANIMAL FARM WAS TOO FUCKING GOOD!!!! okay sorry I yelled but I just had too hehe <33 the fact she’s pregnant makes me ache for her bcs why raise a child in such a shitty time yk? & what if she literally dies while giving birth because there’s no medics (obvi) + the baby is already taking such a toll on her body. Have they even thought about the possibility? If they did, what would they do? Also is she’ “theirs” only because she’s a woman & men have needs (I cringed writing that), have they done the same thing to other women before or if another pretty survivor comes along will they take them too? Do they love her or are they just deluded hornballs? It felt like while they both use her, tae seems to be the one who is most possessive over her & seems to be more of the main significant other (since he literally chained her to his bed in his room) or did I misinterpret? Of the two jk definitely seems to be the one with more sense & he does take her feelings into consideration more than tae does. Is the baby really Tae’s or is it jk? Lastly, if mc somehow convinces them to continue looking for her parents will they allow her to have a relationship with her parents or is seeing them out of the question in the first place? I’m sorry I hit you with a ton of questions, I literally just started writing out all my thoughts. This fic was literally soo good & had so many different plot twists. I’m. Never. Getting. Over. This. Fic. <33
aaaaa thank you!!! 😭❤️ also no worries im happy to answer all your questions.
first things first: tae and jk deluded themselves to thinking they’re in love with oc, it’s merely because of the situation and desperation for human connection in this world that they act like they’re in love given that society is long gone so dating, talking phases etc don’t exist to them! taehyung seems to be more desperate for human relationships/connections that oc falls victim to his possessive nature given that tae can’t really ever go back out and just meet someone in the apocalypse lol.
second: the baby’s father is unknown, and quite frankly i had no real interest on expanding on it but the choice is up to you guys! jk can be the dad or tae, whoever you want.
third: taehyung and jk weren’t opposed to letting oc see her parents, and they probably wouldn’t be if oc asked to go see them. there’s a scene i cut where taehyung tells oc that he would love to meet his in laws (which is why he agrees with jk to travel to busan) so yeah that explains tae’s feelings towards the situation.
another note: tae and jk have NOT encountered any other survivors so no they wouldn’t do the same to others like they did to oc. the reason tae and jk kept oc was simply bc they wanted to, there was no real ulterior motives or reasons it’s just flat out there. but if you want a well formed answer: they kept her to fill the void of their own loneliness given that normal things like meeting people and dating no longer exist anymore in the apocalypse and they desperately want that part of their life back so oc simply happened to be there and they decided she would be good for the role.
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clamsjams ¡ 1 year ago
opla thoughts:
i already heard abt this from someone on tiktok but it was still a little disappointing to me that they changed namis story. like don’t get me wrong it was amazing and i did end up crying at one point but like
the tragedy in the live action of nami sacrificing herself for her village, and the villagers not knowing abt her deal with arlong and hating her for it, thinking she actually joined up with arlong, including her own sister, was good but i prefer the animanga version. because not only is there the tragedy of namis abuse at arlongs hands and being forced to work for her mothers killer, and the villagers hating her, there’s the reveal that they knew all along. it’s like a double whammy of tragedy
nami works to free the village, with this basically impossible deal that arlong had no intention of honoring, while shouldering the villagers hatred, because even if they don’t know what she’s doing, it’s her home and family and she’ll save them no matter what. only the whole time, they knew exactly what she was doing, because genzo got suspicious on his own and made nojiko tell him, and they’ve been trying to make her hate them so she’ll give up on saving them and run away to live her own life. it’s just sooooo good. the tragedy of both sides trying to save each other and accepting that they need to be hated to do that, because they want the best for the other even if that means theyll never see each other again. because the villagers wanted nami to run and live her own life, and if she did then they knew she could never come back again because of arlong obvs. and on the other side i fully believe if namis deal had worked out she would’ve left cocoyasi and never come back bc that’s what she believed the villagers would want
auuughhh it’s just sooooo gooood. both trying to do what they think is best for the other but being too stubborn to try and work out a better way. being in a shitty situation and trying desperately to do what you can even if it hurts you
and also the individual relationships! like i wasn’t a huge fan of the fact that nojiko didn’t know abt the deal and also hated nami. i rlly like how in the manga nami still has one person she can trust and rely on even if nojiko can’t really help out, and she won’t let her try to help. and nojiko watching her sister work herself into the ground and not being able to do anything except have a home for her to come back too. and i believe she also knew about genzo and the villagers plans too, so seeing nami hurt by the villagers hatred and knowing it’s false but not being able to tell her
and genzo too! he was the one who realized that nami working with arlong was suspicious, made nojiko tell him about the deal, and came up with the whole plan. because before arlong came he knew nojiko and nami best he was basically their dad. he was watching over her when she was with arlong and he saw her being hurt but he couldn’t do anything!! auuughh!!! he wore that stupid pinwheel on his hat for her!! bc it made her laugh!!
in conclusion i liked the live action but im sad that they took away a lot of the depth of some of the side characters and boiled it down to just “oh yeah they all hate her for real”
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