#I think the aesthetic for coquette is really nice
samwinchestermydude · 3 months
I’m sick and tired of seeing coquette femcel Lana del ray posts in the Ethel Cain tag. I want to see ETHEL and discussion about and related to her music! Not your posts fetishizing mental illness and skinny white girls and infantalizing grown women. I had to scroll a bunch to find an actual post about Ethel. Anyways We should post more incest to scare them away. Help me out y’all.
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hi hiii !! I luv your work sm !! I was wondering if i could request something like the cullens with a very sweet/gentle look about them, (pastels, like coquette) but they love heavy metal, horror, they collect odd things like bones and such ! I love the way you write and all your work so far !! <3
The Cullens with a Reader who has an opposite aesthetic
Thank you so much for the kind words!
I was having so much trouble trying to come up with a title for this btw
And I definitely understand this one. My car is completely decorated with pink cutesy stuff and then I blast mcr so
Anyway thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He got whiplash the very first time he saw you
He could hear the music playing through your headphones, but he did not think it was coming from you
He thought he must have been going crazy or something
But he loves it
Blah blah insert something very deep and philosophical about you two being very similar
He thinks of himself as two very different things
The one that people see, the beautiful man
And then the monster he is on the inside
So he feels like you two are one in the same
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She absolutely loves it
She loves anything to do with fashion in the first place
And she thinks it’s so fun that you’re such a polar opposite on the inside
It always amuses her whenever she asks you what you’re listening to and you give her an earbud
Only for it to be like death metal
She enables this btw
Anytime she sees something cutesy she buys it for you
And if she sees any bones she gives them to you too
“Hold on Jasper there’s a deer skull over there, I need to get it for my partner”
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He would love you the same if you wore a trash bag
He doesn’t particularly care
He’s not really too “hip” with subcultures to know that bright pink and screamo music don’t really go together
So he doesn’t really see anything odd with it
As for collecting weird stuff like bones and various horror paraphernalia, he’s a little confused
Like what do you mean you want his scraps after he’s done hunting?
But he’ll do it anyway
He always makes sure to clean off a piece of whatever he ate that day to bring it back to you
He just loves seeing you happy
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In a way, she’s the same as you
She presents herself as a stereotypically beautiful woman
But on the inside she loves rebuilding and fixing up cars
So that aspect she can understand at least
What she’s a little confused about I is your love for horror movies
I feel like she doesn’t get them
She just thinks they’re all funny
She’s tried to sit down and watch them with you before, but she just can’t get into them
“The color of the blood in this movies is so wrong”
“That’s not what zombies actually look like”
“These people are so stupid! Just leave the house and go to the police!”
And she’s a little grossed out by the bones thing
She might bring you back a bear tooth if you ask nicely, but don’t make it a habit
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He’s so down
He loves it
Some guy tried to make fun of you once, asking if you were listening to like cocomelon or something at school and you just unplugged your headphones and cannibal corpse started blasting
He didn’t talk to you again after that
He thinks it’s hilarious
And I feel like he would like his partners to be a little freaky
Like hell yeah babe I’ll bring back a mountain lion femur
He secretly thinks you’re a witch or a sorcerer or smthn
He won’t ask though
That’s between you and your spell book
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She was so confused at first
She got to know you at first, hanging out with you a couple of times, and then randomly on like the fifth date you asked to aux
She was shocked to say the least
And don’t even get me started on when she first saw your bones and other weird stuff
She definitely rethought the relationship
But she loves you and who cares if you’re a little weird
She’s not gonna bring home anything for you tho sorry
If you want weird shit you’re gonna have to go get it yourself
I have a feeling she doesn’t really like horror movies either
She jumps too easily
So you guys are gonna have to agree to disagree
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He doesn’t really care too much
Not in the way that he doesn’t care, but in the way that you could literally wear anything and he would still love you
He is a little shocked by your music and movie tastes at first, but ultimately he doesn’t care
He’ll sit down and watch your movies with you as well
They’re not his favorite, but he can stomach them
He won’t talk bad about them at all
He’s very respectful
And if you ask him to, he’ll bring back all of the bones you could ask for
He’ll clean them up for you and everything
He’s just a spoiler at heart
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Vampire! Bella:
She loves it
She thinks it’s so fun that you look so different from what you actually like
She was pretty shocked at first
Definitely did not expect it from you
But she’s pleasantly surprised
She enjoys horror movies and heavy music too, so you guys get along
She’s always down to let you aux or pick out the movie you guys watch
And she’s always ready to bring you home whatever you want
You want specifically a moose skull?
Well, she was going to go hunting for a bear, but she’ll run up to Canada for you
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pixie-ass · 10 months
Tim LaFlour x F!Coquette(ish) reader
Readers a girl in his english class, inspired by the scene of him reading Langston Hughes. They're opposites bc I think the opposite aesthetic trope is so damn cute.
I have a lot of ideas for this trope that I'll try to add!
Warnings - none except for fluff with my fav punk!
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Tim was not the best at poetry. Needless to say, english literature wasn't one of his strongest suits. That's why when the professor had assigned a very long, very taunting poetry book along with an analysis, he was fucked. Not only that but he didn't really know anybody in that class to ask for help and he was sure his roommate, Daryl, was as clueless as him.
As class was dismissed and all the students were beginning to leave, Tim packed his stuff up, sighing as he began to think. The class size wasn't big, so as people walked out, he looked around for anyone who seemed helpful, only to catch eyes with a particular girl.
He'd noticed her since the beginning of the semester. She always sat second row on the right and would never talk unless called on. He noticed all her supplies were a light shade of pink, which he thought suited her. She'd always dress with light colors too, very put together. Tim sat in the row behind her a few seats to her left so he'd always find himself zoning out on her, only because she stood out.
“Do you know how to do this?” He'd take his chance and ask her, she seemed so sophisticated taking notes everyday, he was sure she'd know what she was doing. Her eyes widened and she seemed to go from shock, to confusion, to acceptance all in the span of a second. “Yeah, we're just going through the book assigned and analyzing the poems. Pretty easy.” She smiled as she swung her backpack (light pink of course) over her shoulders.
“I got that, but I don't get it, like how we're supposed to analyze. I suck at this class.” She giggled in response, causing Tim's brows to knit in confusion, he couldn't find what was amusing. “It's pretty simple, if you want, I can help you.” She offered him a sweet smile that caused him to smile. He nodded, “Yeah, that'd be awesome! We can work in my dorm.”
She nodded, “I'm y/n by the way.” She offered her hand out for him to shake. He slipped his hand into hers, feeling her soft skin and admiring how well taken care of her nails were. “Tim! Nice to meet ya." He stared into her eyes almost dumbfounded as he shook her hand, a dumb smile plastered on both their faces.
A knock on the door startled Daryl as he sat in the living room, tense from the drug effects. Tim opened the door to his dorm, quickly walking over to the front door and opening it, “Hey! Welcome, welcome, you can make yourself right at home. My rooms over here.” Daryl raised a brow as he watched the very opposite girl walk in. Her light clothed and accessories a blinding contrast to everything Tim owned. It was almost comedic.
“We’re gonna be studying, dawg, so don't interrupt so we can get smart.”
“Yeah man, don't worry. You have fun.” He responded, a teasing hint in his tone.
As the girl walked into his room, she couldn't help but look around, admiring all the punk posters and dark themes. She stood out like a sore thumb. Her white sweater, blue jeans, and pink accessories were almost blinding in there. Tim noticed straight away, letting out a small chuckle as he shut the door. “You listen to any of them?” He asked, pointing to his various punk band posters. As expected, she shook her head, “No, haha. They look sick, though.” This caused Tim to smile as she set her bag down on the floor next to his bed. He motioned for her to sit, and she did.
Immediately, she began pulling out the poetry book and some paper. I guess she was here for business. Tim sat down across from her, getting his own stuff out. As she got a paper, she began explaining, Tim nodding in response as he listened. It seemed a hundred times easier to listen to her than the professor. After explanations he began to understand, they'd take turns reading poems out loud, analyzing, highlighting, and annotating what they agreed was important, (though it was mostly Y/n who would point out most and Tim would just agree since she seemed so pleased).
Tim noticed that when she would concentrate she would chew on the end of her pencil, her glossy pink lips attracting him like a moth to light. She had pretty lips and he couldn't help but stare at them, his own mouth seeming to slightly open as he stared until he had to catch himself multiple times.
After about 2 hours of this, they'd finished more than half the assignment, and they were both more than exhausted. It was nearly midnight. Yawning, y/n shut the poetry book, packing her papers into her folder. They hadn't chit chatted a lot, Tim didn't want to interrupt her focus so as they cleaned up Tim spoke up.
“So do you enjoy poetry? You seemed really into all the poems.” Y/n shrugged as she packed away the last of her things, “I guess I do. I like the beauty and emotion put into poems. They're really beautiful if you read them right.” Her response was said in a sleepy tone but was so sincere, Tim found himself feeling a sort of admiration along with a tingling in his stomach.
He smiled at her as she broke out into a yawn again. “You seem tired, we should get to sleep, eh.” He suggested standing up and fixing his bed to rest. She also stood up, stretching her body. “How fars, your dorm? I can walk you. It's pretty late, so I wouldn't want you to get spooked.” She giggled as he said it. Mostly, his tone was what made her laugh.
“It's all across campus, on the other side of the main hall.” His brows raised in concern. “That far? That's like a 10 minute walk.” He knew it wasn't far but she seemed so tired he wasn't sure if she'd even make it, she looked one blink away from knocking over like a leaf in the wind.
“You'd be better off staying here.” She raised a brow at his comment, a frown appearing on her soft face, “I'm not dumb enough to stay in a college guys dorm for the night. If you're thinking what you are, know I'm not the one.” Her sleepy voice was now stern as she headed for the door, her walk telling him that his comment had made her upset.
“Hey, hey. I didn't mean it like that. I promise! I'm on a no sex, drugs, or anything sinful pact so I swear I didn't mean anything that you're thinking.” He raised his arms up in defense, watching as she stopped and turned around, eyeing him.
“I was just saying, since you look so tired. I think it'd be better for you to just sleep here than walk all the way over there.” She stared at him in silence for a few long seconds.
She was only thinking it through so much since she really found Tim to be cute. Ever since she'd laid eyes on him as he walked in through the door mid-lecture, she'd felt her cheeks go pink. Something about the way he looked, or carried himself, or talked, it all fascinated her, and soon enough, she found herself crushing on him like a high school girl.
Sighing, she responded, “Okay, fine. But only because I really am so exhausted.” Tim's face seemed to go from upset to a beaming smile quickly. “Awesome! You can borrow one of my T-shirts if you want. And you can take the bed. I'll take the floor.” He exited the room after tossing a t-shirt onto the bed, leaving her a very flustered and hot mess. Her heart was racing as she lifted up the shirt he'd left for her. It was of a punk band. It smelled just like Tim. She blushed as she put it on. She blushed as she got into Tim's very soft and warm bed, blushed at how sweet it was for him to offer to sleep on the floor.
As she tucked in, Tim knocked, walking in after she answered and smiled down at the view of her covered in his blanket, completely bundled from neck down.
"Thank you for helping me by the way. Learned more from you then the professor, goodnight.”
He shut the lights off, and y/n heard as he shuffled on the floor. Looking down, she saw him lying with a comically small blanket and a decor pillow. Her heart raced in her ears as she decided if she should speak or not.
“You can sleep on the bed, Tim. It's your bed anyway, so I'd feel terrible if you slept on the floor.” She was also pitied by the sight of his tall figure under that poor excuse of a blanket. She heard him shuffle and next thing he was standing.
“You sure? Really, I'm alright sleeping on the good ole floor.” He chuckled.
“Im sure.” She scooted over to the other side, patting the bed. He didn't hesitate even a second as he tucked in beside her, far enough to not make her uncomfortable. As her eyes adjusted, she could begin to make out his silhouette in the dark. That's when she realized how close he really was, and she found a new found heat on her face. She went to cover her head with the blanket as if he could see her reddened cheeks.
“Tim.? You still awake?” She spoke softly under the covers. The soft ruffle of the pillow case sounded, “Yeah. What's up?” He whispered back.
Her hands seemed to tingle along with the butterflies in her stomach. She uncovered herself and moved her body so she could stare at him and him at her, he was already facing her direction though.
“Thank you for letting me stay, I didn't tell you, but it means a lot that you care.” She offered a sleepy smile as she stared into his face. He smiled back, and though she couldn't see it, she could see the outline of his cheeks when he did so.
“It's no biggie. Just the right thing to do. You tell me if you had a pretty girl in your dorm who was tired and lived far away that you wouldn't feel bad if she was alone.” His statement caused her to let out a small giggle into the sheets, which in turn caused her heart to flutter.
She scooted closer to him, not much, not enough to be noticeable in the dark but enough to where she could feel how warm he was, a huge grin spread across her face. "Goodnight, Tim…" Her eyes were far too heavy to keep open now, she shut them, and without a thought cuddled into Tims side causing him to freeze.
He slowly looked down at her, watching the slow rise and fall of her chest, her closed eyes and her features. Gently he wrapped his arm around her, feeling her shift closer to him, his heart ramming against his chest. She was so small in his arms, so warm, he felt himself leaning into her head, resting his head against the top of hers, caressing her back as she slept. He wasn't sure why he was doing this or why he felt so much in his gut.
All he knew was that he was happy, holding her and admiring her. That he was feeling far too much all at once.
He'd have to talk to her about this tomorrow. His emotions would be the death of him.
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PAC: How you see your appearance vs how other people percieve your beauty 🤍
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"I see your true colors shining through. . . And that's why I love you 🌈"
Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Platform Shoes by Slayyyter
Splish Splash by DreamDoll ft. Cupcakke
Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey
Ace of Water, The Emperor, & Seven of Water "Illusion"
You are just tooooo cute, Pile 1 💞! Literally the embodiment of sugar, spice, and everything nice. I feel like you are a very cute and adorable person. Your appearance could be feminine and clean. I'm thinking of the pink, coquette aesthetic. I also see glossy lips, nail sets, and long eyelashes (you could wear extensions or need to go get them filled in again). You see yourself as gentle and caring. You may think you are fragile or dainty? Or resemble characters from those 2000s movies or you remind people of a novel love interest. Your style could be either soft, mcbling, or y2k, possibly a mixture of them all. You could use like childhood movies, stuffed animals, or shopping for comfort or as a coping method. There is also something unique about your appearance, perhaps you have beauty mark, freckles, a crooked tooth, round cheeks, etc. You have something that makes you stand out! Which is really cool :D! How people percieve your beauty - they think you are unreal somehow? They think you are like "Hollywood star" beauty. Even though you are not "perfect" it makes you likeable and relatable. For those who have a social media influence or popular regarding to their school, hometown, etc. Some might even wonder if you had plastic surgery done. Also for those wondering if you'd look good with plastic surgery - yes you would! I'm not seeing anything too extreme as regards to plastic surgery but for those who like the "bimbo" look they could totally rock it. Or you are able to transform yourself with makeup. People who identify as more masculine or men find you so attractive. You could be popular amongst mascfems, studs, or men who are comfortable with their masculinity. It's giving "my girl can wear whatever she wants because I know how to fight". For any men reading this 🥰 I feel like people are so in awe or you! Like you would be the prettiest man anyone has ever seen in their life. (Clarified by The Moon. Faking It by Sasha Alex Sloan). Aw you really are a sensitive person deep down, pile 1. I feel like not many get to see you when you are down or know about the late nights you stayed up crying. You may have had your heart broken before or had your heart broken by someone more than once (I'm so sorry :(!). I feel like when you have your moments of depression or feel sadness you feel really self conscious. So you could use makeup as a mask to cover to what you're feeling down. You don't have to fake a smile or portray being happy, baby. Try to practice some self care and focus on your inner beauty when you feel deep down. Spend time with a trusted friend and tell then what's been on your mind. Practicing affirmations and mirror work can also help past wounds. Take care of that precious, tenderheart of yours my little carebear 🐻!
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
I Am Who Am (Killin' Time) by Mac Miller ft. Niko Randa
Wake Up by Logic ft. Lucy Rose
Wife You Up by Russ
King of Fire, Adjustment, & The Sun
Pile 2, I feel that you are a natural beauty! You're not one for wearing lots of makeup or styling your hair too much. I see that you just really like to be comfortable. For how you view yourself, you could really like your facial structure :)! Your cheekbones might be defined or you have a nice jawline. On a typical day to day, your everyday style would consist of your hair pulled up into a ponytail or bun, wearing sweats, or a t shirt and jeans. You could also be a hard worker or your job requires you to have shifts early in the morning. For some of you in this pile, you could work in a café and make coffee, tea, boba, smoothies, or anything to do with drinks. People at your job love coming to you because you give great customer service. Also they see you as "girl/boy next door type". A friendly, good citizen. For how others percieve your beauty - they think your features are balanced and harmonious. Perhaps your face is quite symmetrical or your beauty feels familiar. You also have a very radiant smile or your laugh could be unexpected! You are a very bright and charming person ☀️! (Clarified by Four of Earth "Stability". Baby Girl by Chloe x Halle) I feel that you have been putting off a dream or haven't been paying attention to your inner child. pile 2. What have you done for yourself lately? You should take a break and focus on doing some fun activities to take care of your spirit. You are very generous towards others but seem to neglect your own needs sometimes! Try to go for a nice walk or be in nature, it'll do you some good! Also don't be afraid of being silly, you don't have to be so serious all the time. Perhaps doing volunteer work at a children's school or museum could let your playful side come out to play. Your inner child also wants to do some coloring or dancing. For some people in this pile, leap frog could be significant or a favorite childhood game 🐸.
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Stretch You Out by Summer Walker ft. A Boogie Wit da Hoodie
Masquerade by Siouxxie Sixxsta
Test Drive by Ariana Grande
Two of Earth "Change", Nine of Water "Joy", & Nine of Earth "Gain"
This pile is very specific. I'm seeing dark hair, dark eyes, and fair to medium skintones. Your hair could be straight and black or dark brown (some of you have dyed your hair a wine red). Your eyes are almond shaped and your eyebrows are arched. If you identify as feminine, you really give off like 2014 ig baddie vibes, pile 3! Some of you could be black, Hispanic/Latin, or Southeast Asian descent. I'm reminded of those tiktoks of girls doing "chicana" makeup, so that could be how you like to do your makeup. For the fellas, you could have nice eyebrows, and a moustache that compliments your full lips. I feel very strongly that you have Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Virgo in your big 3. For how you view yourself, you don't like to stick with one look, you are always changing up your appearance 😂. I feel like when you are sticking to one thing for too long you're like "ugh I need to dye my hair" or "I need a new tattoo". You always have a different style. You like to switch it up every now and then. For how others see your beauty, they see you as very abundant! You may wear high quality jewelry (diamond earrings, gold necklace, etc.), luxury brands, and expensive shoes (some people here are sneakerheads 👟). They could admire as well that you're generous with your wealth and you could do a lot or provide for your family. (Clarified by Four of Water "Comfort". Again by P-Lo, E-40, & LaRussell). Some of you could like to party?! LMAO. In my card there is otters here and I feel that you have a group of friends that you hang out with on a daily basis. Some of you could like to go out clubbing and enjoy drinking alcohol? 😂 You usually have to be responsible in your family but with your friends you get to be the one who can be reckless instead. There's something about a car so if that doesn't resonate with you, either you or your friend take turns being designated drivers. Be careful when driving, pile 3! Have fun rolling with the homies 🚗
Pile 4:
Shufflemancy -
Unique by Miliyah
Smoke Weed Eat P*ssy by Ängie
Roof by Rico Nasty
Four of Fire "Perfection", Ace of Earth, & Four of Air of "Truce"
Pile 4, you are really confident in yourself! I'm seeing that you don't really care what other thinks about how you look and live to please yourself. Your style could be alternative, you have bangs, and your hair has layers. Perhaps you have a mullet, curtain bangs, or a feathered layers. Some of you have your hair dyed with highlights such as green, blue, blonde, etc. For your makeup, your eyeliner could have a thick wing, or you have a signature smokey eye look. You could also like to have wear faux freckles or you have actual freckles. Your lips could often be seen with black lip liner and a signature cherry red lipstick. You could have piercings, I'm seeing specifically a septum piercing, snake bites, or gauges. There could also be a tattoo on your shoulder, forearm, or back, even possibly a sleeve. There could be Aries, Taurus, or Aquarius in your big 3 as well. You could also be apart of the LGBTQ+ community. How people perceive your beauty is that you have a tough exterior but deep down you are a calm and peaceful person. Which is interesting in comparison to your appearance. Your aura is comforting and nice to be around :D! (Clarified by Six of Fire "Success". Falling for U by Peachy!, MXMTOON) This is so cute 🥺! So there is someone who secretly has a crush on you or you have some secret admirers. Possibly someone in your friend or group you interact with on a daily basis. They are super shy around you and wish they could tell you how pretty/handsome that you are ☺️. If you already know who this is and feel the same way, perhaps encourage them a bit or flirt with them so they could confess their feelings 💞 (*sniffles* I ship 🤧😍)
Pile 5:
Shufflemancy -
Use Your Heart - Interlude by SWV
Love You Down by Ready For The World
Freakend by Megan Thee Stallion
The Empress, Ace of Water, & Temperance
Okay Pile 5, I know this is tired and old but... Mommy? Yes. Mommy? Yes. I cannot 😭 Some of you could give off milf vibes and you know this. You are either mature for your age or this pile is for my ladies in their 30s and up (It's giving "Damn Ms.Parker finer than a motherf*cker, I'd knock the dust OFF that p*ssy!" 😂😂😂). This Pile is very feminine and sensual. Your body could be very curvaceous 😏 body shaped like a figure 8 fr. Your lips could be plump and kissable as well 😚. If you identify as a masculine (either pronouns, style, gender, etc). You are just a very beautiful man. You could possibly get babied by the female figures in your life lol. Perhaps you have older sisters or a lot of women in your family. You just appear as the people would say "written by a woman". You could like to wear long flowy dresses, heels, cardigans, blouses, etc. Some people here could love the 80s/90s aesthetic. I'm visualizing somebody with big fluffy curls. Also you could attract partners who are younger than you or crave someone who is maternal in their life 🥴. (Clarified by The High Priestess. So Much More by Xaiver Omär) For how people perceive your beauty, you are down to earth, and just naturally stunning. You could have a good heart as well and possibly do some sort of service for the community. You could be great with kids or love animals as well. Religion or spirituality is significant in your life. So your devotion to God or your faith in the spiritual realm is admirable. People find you wise and want to gain knowledge from your life lessons. I feel that some of you may worry people only consider you just a pretty face with a nice body but that's far from the truth. The people who do appreciate you think you are so kind and memorable to them. Also if you ever feel insecure or lonely, your spirit guides want you to know how much they love you. So if you ever need someone to comfort you in a time of need, call upon your deities, angels, etc.
Pile 6:
Shufflemancy -
Girls by Kid Cudi ft Too $hort
Single by The Neighbourhood
겨울 탓 (Winter) by SAAY ft. Woo
The Tower, Eight of Earth "Circumspection", & Ace of Air
Trigger warning
This is interesting. So Pile 6, I see that your appearance actually makes you feel stress or turmoil at times. You could be really self conscious about how you look. For some of you, you could have experienced some sort of traumatic event, or had an injury which drastically caused for you to change. For example, you could have burn scars, large bruises, etc. Some other messages coming through that your self image is warped due to experiencing some sort of abuse (either from a partner, bullying at school, etc). I am really sorry for everything you're going 🥺! I wish you healing and hope you can grow to learn to like how you look. Just know that what other people said or done to you is never your fault and just projecting their own self hatred and insecurities onto you. Now to talk about your physical traits that stand out. You have wavy light brown hair, brown to hazel eyes, and textured skin (sun spots, freckles, wrinkles, etc). For how people perceive your beauty, I see you have some supporters who find your story very motivational. People in your family know the hard work and the steps you took in order to survive and they commend you for it. This is a selective message for only of a few of you but your ancestors have been with you since the beginning of your journey. In this card there is a family of elephants, animals who are known to never forget. Your guides want you to remember the people who did you wrong but also learn to not hold grudges because it will hinder your growth. Practicing journaling, shadow work, and using prompts could help improve your self esteem and provide clarity as to why you have such negative thoughts about your appearance. Also maybe asking your loved ones what makes you beautiful could you help a boost of condience. (Clarified by Mother of Earth. Glitch by Buddy ft. Tinashe) I feel as you get older, you are going to appreciate yourself, your life, and the lessons it had for you. I'm even seeing as you age you will look even more beautiful! One day your will develop wrinkles in the corner of your eyes and see gray hairs at your roots but you will find yourself to be happy about it. Gratitude is a big thing here. The reason why it's because you have to think about not many people live a long life so the fact that you will be blessed to do that, is amazing! Also for some of you I could see that you will look into manifestation. Perhaps you will use law of attraction, subliminals, or affirmations to work on your confidence and feeling more beautiful. You will start trusting your intuition and experiencing "glitches" in the matrix. You will see life doesn't have to be so hard or always be difficult, there can be wonderful moments as well.
Pile 7:
Shufflemancy -
January 28th by J. Cole
EARTHA by Jamila Woods
Six of Air "Knowledge", Five of Air "Conflict, & The Hermit (reversed)
Pile 7, I feel that you are just now acknowledging how beautiful you are! Perhaps you went through a period of being a wallflower or were very shy. You are coming out of your shell and taking steps in embracing your beauty :D! Awesome! Your appearance could be very ethereal. I'm getting that you have features that stand out and you are beautiful with an eclectic style. I'm reminded of like a alien or stars in the galaxy (some of you could be interested in starseeds, sci-fi, or conspiracy theories). This message could be only for some but there was either a friend or ex partner that you had in your life that was jealous of you. They would put you down so you wouldn't feel confident in yourself (Yuck! What a hater 🙄). This caused you to feel self conscious and out of place but now you are taking back your power. You are realizing this person was just projecting their own issues onto you. If this person is still in your life, I highly advise that you cut this person off! They don't wish to see you happy or succeed. I am sure you know who this person is as well. (Clarified by The Star. Vamp by Father ft Tommy Genesis) Oh yeah this person is gonna be fucking miserable 😂. You are gonna experience a huge glow up, Pile 7! I feel like this person has been giving you the evil eye and your spirit guides are not playing that shit. They are gonna get what's coming to them for trying to dim your light and sabotage you. The energy vampire will be gone 🧛🏽‍♀️! You are going to be healing your self esteem and from the past wounds people have inflicted onto you. You get to shine bright and be the star that you are my lovely, pile 7 🌠 Congratulations!
Pile 8:
Shufflemancy -
BIBI Vengeance by BIBI
Icy by Kim Petras
Do You? By Troyboi
The Magus, The High Priestess, & Mother of Air
Pile 8, honestly you are cool as fuck 😎! You could be a model or into fashion, if not, you totally should to start pursuing something along those lines of a career because you have such a chic aura! I'm seeing that you could have sleek hair, slanted eyes, and a prominent facial structure. I'm being reminded of models like Sora Choi and Anok Yai. You could have cool toned skin and wear colors that contrast well with your undertones. You have almost like a ice queen/king presence. People could be intimidated by your presence or find you very intriguing. You could have a popular social media presence or would be eventually be big on the internet. I believe you are aware that because of your appearance it could be marketable or know your looks could attract financial wealth. For how others perceive your beauty; They consider you mysterious, smart, and strong. (Clarified by Two of Air "Equilibrium". DICTATOR by REI AMI.) I'm being reminded of Azula from The Avatar: The Last Airbender. She was raised to be a weapon by her father but was just only a teenager. She began to crack under pressure and suffered a mental breakdown in the dual with her brother Zuko and Katara. You could have a duality to yourself. On the outside, you are stoic and regal - but deep down you could be sentimental and nervous. You could be nostalgic about some things in your life and possibly worry about if you are making the right decisions. Some of you could have parents with strong expectations as well. Please don't be so hard on yourself, pile 8! It's okay to make mistakes for that is how we learn. I know it can be scary to be vulnerable but try to let others in and get to know you for the real you. You could have a avoidant attachment and often doubt others when they try to show their love for you. You don't trust many people and either stay alone or only have a few close friends that you adore. I'm seeing also that you are artistic and have a strong work ethic. For some of you, you could have anxiety, which affects your mental health. Try to pick up a hobby to help calm you down or ease those racing thoughts of yours. Being in nature, socializing with animals, or going to a art class could be helpful or significant to some of you.
Pile 9:
Shufflemancy -
Press Your Number by Taemin
Deja Vu by ATEEZ
Pretty by FAKY
Daughter of Fire, Ace of Fire, & Wheel of Fortune
Omg pile 9, you are my hotties 🥵😍!!! You know you're the shit and nobody could tell you different (period!). You really have the mindset of being the "main character" and live life to the fullest. You could have short hair, buzzcut, or part of your head is shaved while the rest of it is long (Word to Doja: "Lost a lil' weight, but I ain't never lost a tushy. Lookin' good, but now my bald head match my 🐱"). You could also have a prominent nose, plump lips, darker skin, piercings (eyebrow, nose, or lip? Possibly all 3!), and a tummy pouch (you could have a belly button piercing too). Some of you could be proud of your booty or like to twerk, don't matter the size 😂. You wear bangles, crystals, waistbeads, and gold hoops. As for your style you dress like it's summer all the time. You could wear tube tops, crop tops, denim shorts/capris, baggy jeans, flip flops, and sneakers. You could get compliments a lot and be told that your style is "fresh". For how people perceive your beauty, they think you are lucky, blessed, and a joy to be around! I'm getting a vision of someone rub their hands 👏🏽. So people want to rub off some of your luck. NSFW but some people want to feel up on you 😂. They think your skin looks radiant and soft or want to touch your curves/muscles. (Clarified by The Sun. Going Off by P-Lo) Idk why I'm hearing "Step outside hoe. Step outside!" 🤣 You are enjoying your freedom and letting loose. You could be the type of person people always see on social media traveling places or partying. If any of you still live with your parents, y'all are stressing your mfin' parents tf OUT 😭💀! You could have to sneak out or lie about where you're going with a cover up outfit just to go places. You get away with a lot though because of how much they love you 😮‍💨 I'm getting some of you could be the youngest child. Your family think you can be a knucklehead but they love your energy and you make them laugh and smile during the hard times. Also this could be a message for a select few but some of y'all need to stop getting into fights or arguments 😭! Please learn to pick and choose your battles lol. Make sure to handle your substances responsibly (Mary Jane by Rick James came on so if you guys like to smoke weed or drink alcohol, be careful of your surroundings 😅!).
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asarajaa · 5 months
Me encanta los colores de tu blog!!
Do you have any head canons for Bachira?
How he would react to falling in love with someone? :)
I hope you are doing well!
Omg mil gracias! Me pasé como 2 días buscando el aesthetic correcto, en un principio iba a ser coquette pero cambie de idea en último momento jajsjsja
Said and done, my love! Hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: fem!reader, spanish lyrics, bllk fem!manager Words: 565 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
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Bachira falling in love hcs
₊˚ෆ We have to be realistic, this man wouldn't notice.
₊˚ෆ I believe Bachira hasn't any experience with the female genre except his mom, so he think of you as just a friend.
₊˚ෆ At first he didn't know how to 'name' you, because it felt different being your friend compared to being Isagis, but he thought it was because you were girl.
₊˚ෆ It isn't until Chigiri pointed out your treatment to each other. How you always give him first water or anything he needs, how his eyes look for your presence when he enters any room and so on.
₊˚ෆ Then is when he started to notice.
₊˚ෆ Bachira is confused af, so before making any move (or making another one, apparently) he waited until break and ask advice from his mama.
₊˚ෆ How can you blame him? You were such a really nice friend (?) and he didn't wanna mess things up.
₊˚ෆ When his mama tells him about the feeling in his stomach (know he knows they're called butterflies), the heart beating faster and more signs, he agreed with the idea of being in love with you.
₊˚ෆ "How to make my crush like me back".
₊˚ෆ After some advice (from his mama ofc), he decided let the things flow. Again, I believe Bachira is very cautious with this thing and doesn't wanna mess thing up (plus i'll be awkard if he does bc you guys will see eachother everyday for a long time, he doesn't want that).
₊˚ෆ His mamas advice help him, but he's still confused. Like, does he really fall in love? He doesn't know the answer to that.
₊˚ෆ You, on the other hand, were 100% sure you were in love with him.
₊˚ෆ Until on day, the day. It was during the break, you were hanging out with the boys when all of a sudden it started raining.
You were alone with Bachira, in the middle of the way back to the arcade. All of you were hungry and since the arcades food wasn't cheap, you guys decided to go to a convenient store.
All of you put your names on a roulette you find on the internet to decide the 2 persons who had to went, and omg- Bachira and you? How unexpected.
However, it started raining and you were with Bachira. Bachira, as the gentleman he is, offered to carry all of the bags ( because mama didn't raise no ungentleman boy ✋🏽).
And your first thought wasn't to put on the hood you had, or going to a covered place- no.
Your first thought was to touch your fingertips making a little house and cover Bachiras head.
Of course, it barely worked.
But the effort.
The effort. Because you were shorter than him, you have to tiptoe so his face was pretty close to yours.
The effort. Because you were getting your hair wet, which made it stick to your cheeks while his face was almost all dry.
The effort. Because you put his needings before yours (and he'll be damned if he didn't do the same).
At that moment, with your face millimeters away from him, he could only had one thing in his mind:
Mama will like her.
₊˚ෆ "Ya encontré, la que será mi futura esposa" was his only though at that moment apart from the fact that his mother would like you AND U CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND 😻✋🏽
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₊˚ෆ For those who not know spanish, that is a line from a very popular song here in Spain. It's called "Mi Estrella Blanca", the line appears in the 1:45 minute. It means "I have already found the one who will be my future wife" and the song means "My White Star", it's a very beautiful song, go listen to it!!!
I LOVED how this turned on, I think I'll be making content inpired by lyrics from now on, tell me your opn!!
idk if you guys understant what y/n was doing with her hands?? here's a picture:
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WHJBDJHD SRRY IT'S THE ONLY ONE THAT MATCHES. Imagine it like that but the thumbs are w/ the rest of the fingers.
btw I finished 4 today, my abdomen hurts a little bit from sitting for a long time, lovya'll 💗💗💗
3 post in a day wow
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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coquettedragoon · 3 months
could you expand a little on your writing and worldbuilding process for coquette? the way you write characters is really nice
my writing process is kind of informed by a sense of wanting every part of the thing i'm working on to be fun to work on, which sounds obvious... but well im one of those people who made webcomics excited to get to the big story payoffs 5 years down the track but didn't put any thought into what came before it and got burnt out. in the past i would've shown xios life before enlistment as a slow burn but instead i'm just opening right on it.
the overarching structure of coquette is informed by hxh... i really like how each arc of it is a drastically different setting and genre with a rotating primary cast, i don't intend for coquette to be as varied but it struck me as a really fun way of making longform work that feels consistently enjoyable to work on... ig as a brief example, the first section will focus on the zephyranthes, after this xio and co are sent to fight in sunset as part of the lilac occupation and then are left behind after the lilac force retreats (careful what you wish for ayane...) and Stuff Happens, ig what i mean is i dont want to linger on a status quo for too long.
as for the world, i mostly am drawing from legend of the galactic heroes/gundam 79 as a template. the duchy is the empire/zeon, the lilac is the FPA/earth federation, and sunset is fezzan/side six.
for the lilac in particular, i'm kind of drawing from like... how things felt being in school during the iraq war and the fervor among the students around me, i knew so many people who wanted to enlist after graduation etc and saw the army as like a winning ticket compared to the deadend town we were in, like girls wanting to join the army to get a degree as a lawyer or a pilot etc. the core of the lilac is its a society that exists to funnel people (especially like xio) into the army.
the duchy is a bit more vibes based, i just like when the baddies in scifi are anachronistic aristocrats. theres a section in the gundam origin manga about like... interpreting the zeon invasion of earth as a return to 'the sacred grounds of the soul' that carries a lot of weight. i think it sort of gave me an impression of the zeon as like... people living in the void of space and feeling spiritually/intellectually starved by it and driven mad by it, and i kind of used that as my basis for the duchy. they are obsessed with tradition and antiquity to feel like they have a sense of place in the world and aren't just drifting in space, the aesthetic sense is rooted in a sense of like.. older feeling things are more connected to earth and feel more 'human' to them. then ofc like the imperialism and arranged marriages and social stratification are all 'old' and can't be questioned so they are miserable anyway.
i guess it's all based on the thing in LOGH of how it opens on 'no human or society is immortal', and then depicts the slow collapse of the two nations founded on flimsy ideas. the lilac and the duchy are both dead end nations.
as for character writing... i think i kind of just take archetypes i like from moe anime etc and then try and dig into how their brains work living in the world of coquette. xio could be a happy little moeblob in most other worlds. ryukishis writing is probably what informs me better than anything else... i just want to try and depict what it's like to live inside these characters heads.
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Hey hey! I was wondering if you could do the greasers with a hyperfeminine reader? 🫶🏽
Sureeeeeee pookie
The Gang x Hyperfem! Reader
(Tried to find accurate pics but there’s like none on friggin google- ps I could only find pink but hyperfem doesn’t necessarily mean always pink! And Hyperfem can be an umbrella term for many aesthetics (Lolita, coquette, old money, etc. that help you embrace a youthful look and femininity!)
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Ponyboy Curtis
-he sees you sitting under a tree, studying one day
-and he’s like Whoa
-the background is fitting, it’s just begun spring and all the flowers are blooming around you
-quite fitting indeed for your flowy dress with light pastel heels
-he really loves your style
-and loves that you embrace your femininity
-he would try to get you things that he thinks you would like
-he smiles when he sees a pretty fabric that reminds him of you 😊
-he compares you to a lot of similar women he sees on screen with similar style (Marylin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, etc. maybe not time period accurate but whateverrr)
-“Hey uh Y/n! I saw one of those girls that dressed like you in the movie the other day!”
-absolutely draws you
Johnny Cade
-he thinks you’re stunning
-he really loves your style and how it stands out from most people
-I think fashion wise you two contrast pretty well with you wearing more lacy things and him wearing a jean jacket
-just an aesthetically pleasing couple tbh
-he calls you things like “lovely” “love” “princess”
Sodapop Curtis
-he also adores your style
-you two fit like a key and lock
-I think for even his time period sodapop is the most embracing of his own femininity
-and he loves that you can appreciate yours
-he would let you doll him up for fun
-like putting lace or bows in his jeans and hair
-he shrugs it off whenever the other greasers give him shit for it
-he’s simply above their opinions
Darry Curtis
-he’s stunned when he sees you
-you look as graceful as a swan
-his illusion is quickly destroyed whenever you fall on a rock, right in front of him
-and before you fall he quickly catches you
-and you awkwardly get up, uttering a small thank you with an embarrassed smile
-which he thinks is adorable
-I love you guys yall are such perfect husband and wife vibes
-he loves your outfits and you both are such opposites fashion wise
-💀he throws on whatever is clean
-while you spend thirty minutes deciding what to wear
Dallas Winston
-oh, he hasn’t seen a broad like you since New York
-he thinks you’re amazing
-all dolled up
-you two definitely met when he was catcalling you on the street (why is it always Dallas 💀😭)
-and you know walked up to him, in pretty neat strides despite your heels
-and gave him a hard slap (poor dal I always make y/n slap him)
-(cuz he needs it)
-but anyway he’s kinda like whoa… you’re feisty. Don’t worry, I like that. (bc he would say that 😭)
-and you would roll your eyes at him, giving him a polite hand gesture
-before storming away in your heels
-I don’t even know how he’d manage to date you it would take months of effort
-but once you both are dating you’re pretty cute together, and you try to make him less of an asshole
-(which idk what voodoo you pulled out to make that happen but it eventually works a little)
Two Bit Mathews
-when he sees you his jaw drops to the ground
-he really loves your style
-he touches the lace and various things a lot in admiration
-he shoplifts things for you that he thinks you’ll like
-“Aw, Two! This is so nice! But, where’d ya get it?”
-“Y’know…. Don’t worry ‘bout it, y/n.”
-he makes jokes but their kinda more just about admiring your outfits
-he’s really proud of you
- drinks less when you both are a couple
Steve Randle
-he pretends to not be super impressed and amazed at your style whenever you walk into the gas station
-but he totally is and talks to Sodapop about you way too much
-“Hey, but, did you see that one chick, y/n? With all the pretty clothes and stuff?”
-sodapop makes him talk to you next time you’re at the DX
-you actually think he’s pretty cool and you two hit it off really well
-even if you both have different styles and hobbies you both love learning about eachother
-he remembers all the small things, what perfume you like, what lipgloss is your favorite brand, etc.
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likesunsetorange · 2 months
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to the anon who’d asked for more outfit moodboards, i decided to go and make make some more for each of the mikasa’s in my au’s and kind of explain my reasoning behind each!
i’m such a visual person, and to me, i think fashion is such an important part of a person’s personality, so i think a lot about my characters’ personal aesthetics, just because i think it helps me envision them as a character more!
so here are all the ones for mikasa in all my main au’s, and i’ll also include the previous ones i’ve done so they’re all in one place together!
— 𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚
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to me, dol mikasa is very much “girl next door” kinda vibes! when i think of her, i think of a girl you’d have in one of your classes, like she’s the girl you see in class and think “oh, she’s pretty and dresses nice.” but she’s also a very simple person at the same time, and like half the fic, they’re at their apartments, so she’s also a pretty cozy/simple person at the same time! i also like to think she’s a bit girly, but not overly girly, so there’s a lot of softer colors in her style. BUT in addition to her softer and simple style, we have to remember dol mikasa was once a party girl, so there’s def the typical “going out” outfits in there too lol (also she wears scrubs five days a week, so she’s used to wearing a uniform so her being a bit simple with her fashion kinda makes sense) also i just imagine her wearing overalls, people who work with kids ALWAYS wear overalls to me in my head idk.
so the keywords i’d describe dol mikasa’s style are probably: comfortable & casual, but still a bit girly! she’d be djerf avenue if she were a brand!
— 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚
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so for bodyguard mikasa, i’ve mentioned that she really loves fashion, it’s one of her main indulgences! so she definitely cares a lot more about her clothes than say dol mikasa does. so for bodyguard mikasa, since she is rich, her style is definitely a bit more preppy, but she’s also an artist, so her style does have a bit more of a slight “quirky” and artistic flare to it! she def has a typical new york girl edge to her style too when i imagine it, and one of the key things to remember is her signature ribbon! so that sort of coquette aspect is def incorporated into her style, just a bit more with a “mikasa” touch! her style is definitely honed in to be more elevated considering she’s been forced to keep up appearances bc of her parents as well, so that’s one thing to keep in mind! i see her as a very “put together” person! as a result i see her kind of wearing a lot of stuff like flats and heels, things that make her look very “dressy”! she’s not a casual person by any means, she’s always dressed to the nines!
but i like to think once she meets eren, since he’s definitely way more casual than she is, her style starts to change a bit, and she’ll start wearing things like sneakers and stuff, something she probably didn’t wear as much!
the keywords id describe bodyguards style are probably: preppy with an artistic touch! but the particular brand that reminds me the most of her style is the mirror palais 2024 valentine’s day collection!
— 𝐞𝐱𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚
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so for e2l mikasa, i think her style is probably my personal favorite, just because it’s the most similar to my personal style, but also because it’s just so fun! similar to bodyguard mikasa, e2l mikasa is also pretty artistically inclined, so her style is a bit colorful and fun! she definitely wears a lot of color, and i’d say it’s very whimsical! her style reminds me a lot of realisation par and mirror palais overall, that’s how i’d best describe it! since she’s an art curator, she definitely has to dress a bit more professional at work, so her style would have a lot of blouses and professional wear overall, but she still manages to incorporate fun pieces and include her personal style, so i don’t think she’d lose her fashion sense just because of her job.
overall i’d say her style is probably artistic and whimsy! it kinda reminds me of a european summer tbh!
— 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚
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because the foundation of this au was basically inspired by bella hadid and her boyfriend, when i think of model mikasa’s style, i think of bella hadid! but on top of that i also think of cute cowgirl inspired fashion! so i think model mikasa’s style is a mix of those two. i think she definitely is still gonna be a fashionable model, but once she becomes more intertwined with eren, she’s def gonna put her model flare on cowgirl fashion!
so i would describe her style very plainly as: high fashion! (which is why i just used images of off duty models haha)
— 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚
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so cowgirl mikasa is def opposite to model mikasa in regard to her cowgirl aesthetic. i def see cowgirl mikasa being a bit more “tomboy-ish” (i use that word extremely loosely)! like she’s definitely girly, but i see her wearing more casual things, so more sneakers, overalls, and t-shirts! she’s a working girl! so i think her style would be a lot of denim since she definitely has to make it work for her work life, but i think she would overall wear a lot of neutral tones with maybe a few fun prints! she just gives country girl basically but she’s a cutie LOL
i’d describe her style as maybe casual & maybe retro? idk the word to describe it but i think the moodboards make up for it LOL. the brand she reminds me of is tecova (a boot brand, very fitting)
— 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚
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okay for academic rivals mikasa, there’s this specific influencer i actually found that is the perfect person (tingting_lai on ig) for all of mikasa’s little socmed posts and her aesthetic, so i’m actually just basing her aesthetic off of hers LOL! i just kinda see this mikasa as someone who’s mostly fashionable and kind of well put together, but also simple, because this mikasa, if we’re being completely honest, is fucking uptight. she’s always stressed but cares a lot so i think she would wanna seem out together, but also sometimes can’t be bothered to do the most, so i think that’s why she’ll opt for simple things that look good! also i think sometimes she’ll opt for stuff like hoodies like a typical college student (and maybe she’ll end up stealing eren’s hehe)
so her style is probably: simple but put together! if she were a brand i’d say maybe aritzia!
i think it’s really fun to make all these moodboards and i def think it’s a fun way for me to characterize my characters! i love fashion so much so it’s honestly just something that i have fun doing! but i def don’t think it’s essential, more so something that i just really enjoy :)
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angelic--kitty · 2 months
Hello, kitty! I've always adored your works, your writing is impeccable, and you feed us sapphics with your writings. Thank you so much! You are so amazing!
This isn't really a request, but more like a question, I've been wanting to draw modernized Arlecchino, but the thing is, I don't know what aesthetics or what kind of fashion she would wear 😔 since you're one of the many talented writers who writes Arle accurately, I wanted to know what do you think she'd wear? Would she be feminine? Or Androgynous? Or would she even have a coquette style /j
Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Your answer is highly appreciated!
(Ps: If you're still accepting anon emojis, would it be okay for me to take the 🫧 emoji?)
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you have no idea how much that means to me. you're very kind ;w; and i am really glad to hear my characterization of her is accurate. i really strive to keep close to the canon versions of characters. i'm happy that is well-received
i am a huge fan of artists as well. it takes lots of time and dedication with any form of art, and i love looking through the art tags on tumblr ♡
also!!! i have plenty of thoughts on a modern arlecchino's attire. i'd like to think she would often wear suits (in my mind, she is still some sort of powerful figure. maybe just at a company?)
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i know they're male models, but pretend it's a woman with me, if you will.
this + a pair of black heels along with her signature rings and nails? perfection
maybe for a more relaxed take, she is into dark academia fashion. perhaps when she isn't working?
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something like this!! i can see her enjoying nice, form fitted pants with a high collar top and a long coat. very arlecchino coded, if i do say so myself.
but you be the judge if my interpretation is what you were looking for or not!
also, you're more than welcome to stick around as one of my anons ♡ i'm very happy to have you. and i appreciate all of your kindness
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cindol · 4 months
i think i'm going to fill your account with requests 😹 i love your writing🩷 kisses from Brazil🩷💋 can i request waka with a coquette reader?🤞🏽 coquette black girls are the most precious thing to me🤏🏽
coquette black fem reader x wakasa imaushi
cw— final timeline wakasa, reader is 26 and waka is 28,
wc : 364 words
a/n — very short because honestly the coquette aesthetic is hard to get 😭 but hope you enjoy ! greetings from America 🇺🇸
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You and wakasa imaushi are a match made in heaven, at least to the two of you. Your peers may have found it confusing that a martial arts gym co-owner with tattoos was dating a pretty clean pink girl who was nicer but it worked for you both.
Wakasa was always the man for you, despite how he looked and his cadence he could be sweet, well at least the sweetest to you. Always giving you feedback when you spin around asking how he feels about you in your pink tracksuit.
“So, do we like? Or should I switch this out? Or maybe I should take the ribbons out and replace them with pink ones?” while you rambled he just scanned his eyes over your body. If he was being honest, he couldn’t give a shit on fashion or how it matched he just knew it looked good on you.
“Makes ya look good, your ass fills it up real nice.” that gets a gasp out of you but a hidden smile and giggle under your breath.
Wakasa lets you live out your coquette girl fantasy too as much as you please with him. He may play it cool but he likes sitting at your dining table as you happily make nut butter and chia berry jam for sandwiches in your cute pink floral nightgown with a bow holding up your dark brunette box braids into a ponytail.
Wakasa even feeds into your aesthetic of the coquette lifestyle. He says it’s for you but in secret he really likes the lifestyle you live and the coquette dates he takes you on.
“Just doin’ it for you.” Those words from wakasa were just an excuse with the way he watched you enjoy taking photos of the date and drink your milkshake while dipping the fries into the shake.
If you’re a social media girl he could careless about cameras as long as some weirdo doesn’t come knocking at his place of business. He’ll gladly let you tie a funny pink bow around his arm and allow the posts of your sitting on his lap in your pretty black stockings with pink bows at the top.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
Hiii, umm, can I make a request about Natalie x a reader coquette? you are my favorite writer jsjjsj💗
A/N: hi pooksss!! thank you for your request! hope you enjoy!!! Also guys remeber that even if requests are closed thoughts and asks are still open (and encouraged!!!!) MUAHHH
Nat doen't really understand the aesthetic but as long as you're happy she's happy
may not be the biggest fan of the clothes but she would absolutely love the red heart-shaped sunglasses
it would probably start out as a joke, you putting your sunglasses on Nat and her acting like she hates it but slowly starting to wear them more and more
i'm pretty sure she would absolutely despise both you and the clothing for a couple of minutes
"You put me in a pink and white heart printed shirt?"
"I also have one with the bows-"
imagine. putting. little. bows. in. her. hair. OMG.
"Does it look good?"
"Of course it does" *passes the mirror*
She would save up some money and get you a nice heart locket necklace with a picture of you two together tbh if someone ever got that for me I would combust
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ros3ybabe · 11 months
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Life Update After a Few Days: October 18th, 2023 🎀
I’ve been a little busy with school, work, resting, and starting my workout routine back up, so here’s a little update!
I’m getting a tattoo soon! I know the aesthetic of my blog is pink and girly and coquette and I love everything that comes with the aesthetic and the lifestyle but I have an affinity for gothic style/spooky tattoos, so I’m getting a decent sized spider tattoo on my right thigh and I’m super excited! This is the first big ish sized tattoo besides the two small ones I have, and it’s the first tattoo appointment I’ve ever made so I’m really excited. A little anxious, especially for the shading portion of it, but I’m looking forward to how good it’s going to look when it’s finished and how much more confident it’s going to make me!
I’ve started working out at the gym again! My current schedule is three days of weightlifting (pull day, leg day, push day), and two days of just cardio. It feels so nice both mentally and physically to be taking care of myself like this again. I even bought some new workout shorts and gym clothes and I’m feeling better than ever! I’m focusing on improving my mental health right now and working out is doing wonders for me!
I’m working so much right now, but it’s worth it because I need the money for rent, tattoos, gym stuff, groceries, and whatever other necessities and wants pop up. I’m pulling doubles most Saturdays and it’s a little tiresome and energy draining but I’m managing pretty well. I won’t pull doubles every Saturday tho because that drives me straight into burnout and I’m trying to avoid that.
I hit 31 days on Duolingo and I’m at 28 days on Busuu, super proud of myself for keeping up with those two goals for now! I’m still working through the first two lessons of Genki and I’m still using the Kanji app but my studying has been a little bit more spread out because of my busy schedule. I’m trying to learn how to better balance multiple things without hyperfixating on just one and forgetting about everything else. I’ve noticed I tend to do that and that’s not the most productive thing for me.
I think I mentioned in a previous post that I spent a lot of money on stuff from Amazon (and Ulta) and most of it is here already besides the last couple Amazon items coming in today! I love the workout clothes I bought and the fitness/health tracker planner I bought is really interesting. I also got my language tracking bullet journal stuff in the mail so I am super looking forward to starting that up soon. Again, I noticed I tend to hyperfixate on one thing at a time but right now I’m trying to balance all my interests and things I need to do. My current “balance breakup” is: fitness/nutrition, Japanese language study, school/classes and academic success, work/making money, self care (sleep, skincare, reading, journaling, etc), boyfriend time, appointments, and chores/cleaning/housework. Sounds like a lot but there’s 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Not everything has to be done in one day and as long as I manage my time efficiently, then I’ll be successful. I also try to take into account my energy levels, daily tasks, possible “curveballs”, and my current physical and mental/emotional well being. Flexibility is a must in my life but I do like having routines and things to stick to, plan and schedule wise.
I’ve been working on some posts ideas for this blog so it’s not just daily updates and stuff, but actual tips, advice, and my current routines and schedules too, to maybe help motivate and inspire you guys! I have some things in mind currently, so hopefully I can find the time to type them up and post them!
Thank you guys for 850+ followers! I never thought my blog could grow like this and I’m super happy it has! This community has given me such a safe and comforting place where I can just be myself without worry. I appreciate all of you so much!! I hope all of you have amazing days, amazing sleep, amazing skin, amazing grades, and that life is going great for all of you!
that’s pretty much all I have to update you on for now. I will be posting a Daily Check In tonight about how today went as well, to help me get back on track with posting!
til next time, lovelies 🩷🤍
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dabisbratz · 8 months
Halo I've been following your blog for like months now! How did you make your blog so sparkly and nice please help! o(╥﹏╥)o
sparkly :O ?! uhmmm for m’header !! i use alight motion tmake graphics n animations (see below !!), but ycould also use capcut, ae, videostar.. maybe picsart?
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can’t really drop da colorin settins (think it’s specific to da app) but !! can show how i give it the lil sparkle particles !!
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usin this gif !! (screen record it !), ycan put it on top of a picture or video . . on any software? you blend it in by selectin ‘screen’ or !! ‘chroma key’ (erase) the black background out !! then yhave your sparkles on top !! ૮꒰ ྀི๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘ ྀི ꒱ა
umm in general !! try lookin at pinterest for inspo !! or other apps too, mknow a lot of writers like havin ig/spotify/netflix/youtube inspired layouts !! mthinkin of doin one next . .
ycan find cute pngs t’add from pinterest too !! n youtube has overlays like da one i just showed !! for your aesthetic ymight wanna try ‘grunge pngs’ or ‘goth pngs’ but t’match mine specifically!! m’usually searchin ‘pink png’ or ‘coquette png’ !!
import fonts too !! ycan download em easy from dafont.com, mthinkin ‘ghastly panic’ would fit your current layout !!
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would look somethin like that ^^ !!
as for tags . . i jus try somethin that looks cohesive !! dats da key. . cohesiveness !! emoji combos, kaomojis. anythin !! would suggest gettin into graphics (gfx) or graphic design !! really helps !!
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janeduck · 2 months
The problem with the
🚬🎀virgin suicides coquette femcel aesthetic 🎀🕯️
I just saw someone rant about why romanticising Lolita is wrong and I 100% agree, but something I never see someone else talk about is how The virgin suicides is romanticised.
Listen, I love aesthetics. But people are misusing tags.
If you’ve read the book, you would know that it’s about a group of teenage boys literally romanticising/sexualising the sisters. They don’t really know them, only lust after them.
I’m the movie we see more of the girls perspective and therefore it might seem like that is who they really are but-
I repeat, what we see in the movie is a idealised version of who the girl really were: yes they wore nice clothes and had cute rooms but they were isolated, mentally ill locked up teenage girls. They committed mass suicide. Why is no one talking about that? Why is being mentally ill in general an aesthetic nowadays? It’s okay to nog be okay but being suicidal is not an aesthetic.
Why are we just using their faces as aesthetic just like the boys did? Why are people putting Cecilia’s quote (‘obv doctor, you’ve never been a 13 year old girl’) in their bio? She was only 13 year old and committed suicide because she was raised strictly religious (locked up) and depressed.
The boys didn’t understand that and you don’t either if you just use her as an icon because you are a ‘girlblogger 🎀’ and she was a kid that wore aesthetic coquette little flower dresses.
Then just say that it’s about her clothes, not that you are ‘literally her.’
Same goes for Lux. She was betrayed by a guy she liked and then just started sleeping with random boys and smoking because she was so lonely. She’s not ‘American whore country Lana del Rey aesthetic’, she was severely mentally ill and committed suicide, JUST LIKE HER OTHER SISTERS.
They were not cute silly little ‘nymph3ts’, that is literally a term that pedo’s use to describe little girls they think are sexy.
WHY IS EVERYONE MISSING THE POINT OF THE VIRGIN SUICIDES?? The point of the book is that people are just using the girls for their beauty and aesthetic and not actually talking about who they were.
I understand liking the clothes the girls wore and their rooms and stuff, yes they had a very nice ‘aesthetic’ but please don’t romanticise what happened to them.
Don’t use ‘Lux (or any of the sisters) Lisbon’ as a hashtag when you have no idea who she is.
I know this is a really messy rant please say someone understands what I’m trying to say.
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miss-dollette · 9 months
I'm going to get a lot of hate comments for thinking like you.
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But I don't really care Lmao
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I'm sooo freaking happy rn 😊
I want more people to speak up about all the junk going on in this fandom. I want to hear rants and opinions. People are too nice to these people, and I think they deserve a wake up call on how harmful and disgusting this content is.
A misunderstanding a lot of people have about me is that I dislike "dark" content, but I really don't. I actually enjoy dark content. What I mean about that is that I believe rape and pedophilia should be discussed but never been seen in a positive way.
I mostly blame TikTok for the wave of rape and pedo content on this app. For some reason, they are OBSESSED with older men x young (barely legal) reader.
The "coquette" aesthetic is very beautiful and sweet, but there are many types of girls who twist the aesthetic, to which I like to call groomercore.
Why on Earth would you want to be the victim of a pedophile? Why? W h y??
I wish one of these people would explain the appeal of it, but all they do is insult me.
I can't stand it anymore. And if people hate on me for speaking my mind, so be it.
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shxtodxroki · 6 months
This is for the matchups for Haikyu! There’s no one i wouldn’t wanna be matched with so anyone is fine!
Appearance: I have short brown curly hair that’s about shoulder length but when straightened it goes down to my butt (Shrinkage is real), I have Hazel eyes and i’m 5 tall. My skin color is pretty tan leaning on the warmer side and i’m Half Black Half Hispanic.
Hobbies: I really like singing and reading. In highschool, I do choir and musical theatre. For sports I love cheerleading and I love reading my favorite book atm is The Butterfly effect!
Personality: I’m an ENFP but when you first meet me i’m shy, really shy but i’ll gradually get more hyper and confident as someone gets to know me. I’m chaotic and a really nice. If someone i don’t know is being blatantly disrespectful i’ll be too shy to say anything but if it’s someone i know i’ll shut that shit down so fast. I’m the Mom friend of the group
Astrology (If you believe in that stuff): My Zodiac sign is a Libra! Birthday is Oct 22!
Extras: My favorite music genre is pop/K-pop. A few of my fav artists are ENHYPEN, Lana del rey and Melanie Martinez. My aesthetic is coquette and light academia. My favorite color is pink and my signature perfume scent is Miss Dior Absolutely blooming & Bath and Body works Champagne Toast! My favorite food is a good chicken sandwich and my fav dessert is Cheesecake! I think that should be everything! Thank you lovely! <3
Thank you thank you so much for messaging me and agreeing to this exchange, I had a lot of fun writing this and you were super friendly and nice to talk to! I hope you enjoy your match-up, I’d love to hear what you think once you read it! And you’re more than welcome to pay a visit to my blog anytime from now on, either to request something or just to chat! :D
I’d Match You With:
Koutaro Bokuto! :)
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Reading your description of yourself, my mind honestly just immediately went to Bokuto before anyone else! You two are so similar in a lot of ways, and even in the ways you differ I feel like they’d just make you match better together! He’s such a sweet, loving s/o, and you’re the perfect person to give him that same love and affection in return :D
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- Bokuto absolutely love love loves that you enjoy cheerleading! Even if you’re not an official cheerleader for his team, he enjoys seeing you cheer for him in the stands and always looks for you to see your reactions when he does something particularly cool, and when he gets in slumps during games he now looks to you in the audience for a cheer as a pick-me-up rather than forcing Akaashi to give him another pep talk lol
- I can totally see Bokuto being the type of boyfriend to regularly bring food with him whenever the two of you hang out over at your house. He’s pretty much always hungry and knows what you like, so he frequently picks up some chicken sandwiches from your favorite restaurant and two slices of cheesecake from a local bakery on his way! It’s sort of become a ritual for the two of you after his games, and it always manages to lift his mood whether he’s won or lost :)
- Bokuto knows how much he loves having you come see his games, it means a lot to him to see you there and knowing you took the time out of your day to be supportive always warms his heart before a match. So in return, he always makes sure to attend all your choir concerts and your theater performances, no matter how he has to rearrange his schedule to do so <3 He wants to make sure you always feel supported and loved by him, and that you know that he’s just as committed to you as you are to him!
- And because you’re in choir, he also really loves hearing you sing :) Whenever he catches you singing when you’re over at his house or vice versa he’s quick to run into the room with a big grin and joins you (no matter how off-key he is lol he just wants to share the moment with you). And, on those rare days when he’s truly feeling down and having a hard time, he likes to lay his head in your lap and have you sing to him until he eventually drifts off for a nap :>
- I also think Bokuto would be a complete sucker for your curly hair, he just thinks it’s so so pretty! He loves watching you style it or do your hair-care if you have a specific routine and does his best to learn how when he does watch, so if you ever ask him to help he does his absolute best! He just loves getting to help you however he can, and he always thinks you look so pretty at the end <3
- He really really likes your signature scents as well, they both smell so nice to him and always remind him of you :> If he ever has a game away from school that you can’t join him for (after getting all pouty and whining about how much he’ll miss you lol) he always borrows one of your perfumes and spays it on his favorite jacket, because smelling the scent manages to comfort him and make it feel like you’re still there with him in some way. He sees it as a good luck charm <3
- I don’t really see Bokuto as a big reader, he doesn’t hate it or anything but it’s just never really caught his attention and he’s so busy that he just doesn’t often have time to pick up a book and relax. When you two start spending the night together more often, though, sometimes if there’s a book you’re really into he’ll let you read it aloud to him before bed and gets invested into the plot with you, or if you ask him to read a specific book, he does his best to (slowly) listen to the audiobook in his free time!
- Honestly I could see Bokuto being really into k-pop as well! He loves either bright bubblegum concepts or super aggressive, energetic ones (I can see him loving a lot of “noise music” songs, as someone who loves that kind of music myself lol) and whether or not he can dance, sometimes he tries practicing some of the choreography as a work-out if he doesn’t feel up to going to the gym some days! He’s also the perfect concert buddy, he gets so excited and loves singing along and doing all the fanchants alongside you!
- Bokuto very much has the same extroverted, bubbly/energetic and sometimes chaotic vibes that you do once you’re comfortable with someone, so the two of you match each other’s energy really well :D You’re the first person he goes to when he’s excited about something because he knows you’ll be just as giddy and excited as he is, and he just feels so happy and hyped up whenever he’s around you because you manage to return that same energy and excitement back to him!
- Though he’s a total sweetheart, Bokuto also doesn’t tolerate rude or disrespectful people in any form. Whether they’re targeting you directly or just making you uncomfortable and you don’t want to say anything, he’s quick to step in and tell them to get lost because he doesn’t like seeing you so overwhelmed or stressed out! He always wants you to feel at ease with him, and he’ll happily get rid of any disturbances in order to ensure that you do :D
Second Choice:
I also strongly considered Nishinoya when deciding your match-up, and I considered Akaashi as well! Noya gives me similar vibes to Bokuto in a lot of ways, and I could also see the two of you meshing really well together! For Akaashi he’s more subdued then the other two, but he’s incredibly supportive and may be a bit more of a balance for your extroversion, especially since he’s already best friends with Bokuto lol, but in the end I felt Bokuto just fit the best with your personality and interests :)
Song For Your Relationship:
Heart Attack by Chuu <3
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