#I swear if anyone I like dies in here I will scream
darkbluekies · 4 months
A little game
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Yandere!king oc x fem!reader
Summary: Edmund going insane when he finds you hurt and unconscious and swears to kill everyone in town.
Warnigns: behading, insanity, blood, guns, abuse, arson, everything like that
Word count: 2.3k
His eyes wander over your lifeless body. Numerous signs of brutal harm can be seen on your body. He can't even imagine what you've been put through, and when he tries he feels sick.
“Kill them all.”
His secretary widens his eyes.“But … your majesty-”
Edmund turns to him with eyes burning with rage. “Do I speak another language?!” he screams. “Kill them all! Every single one of them!”
Maids look at each other in fear, the secretary gulps. Edmund can feel his body tremble. He wants to grab the glass bottle on the bedside table, break it and plunge it deep into someone's, anyone's, heart. Wants to see blood, wants to kill. 
His hammering heart thumps in his ears. A chanting “kill them all, make them pay” repeats in his head, sounding better and better each time.
It all had happened so quickly, and yet so slow. You were kidnapped on a town visit and hurt by someone, badly. A knight had found you after hours of search lifeless in the forest, body torn and beaten. Edmund had thought that you had died. The few moments of uncertainty had felt like hours. Millions of thoughts had passed through his head. What would he do if you were dead? Could he live without you? Why did it hurt so much? Why couldn't he breathe? Was he dead too? Why was he alone again?
But now he was only angry. Someone had hurt you … and the entire town hid the truth, protected the culprit. Edmund didn't care who had done what, everyone was guilty. They are no individuals, only a herd of characterless peasants. And he hates them all.
He wants to touch your face, but he doesn’t dare to. He’s scared that if he touches you, he’s going to kill you. His touch is deadly. You’re already so fragile, so vulnerable. 
“Take families, one by one”, Edmund starts, still shaking, “and bring them here.”
“What are you going to do, your majesty?” the secretary asks, sounding worried. 
“Give this castle a fucking paintjob.”
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His hands are bloody — they’re never bloody. He never gets down and dirty, always watched. His heart is beating even quicker, but he can’t seem to get enough. He can’t get rid of the unimaginable anger he feels. It’s like a beast has taken control over his mind and soul and given him a new unclenched blood thirst. Every time he lets his fist make contact with a poor peasants body he sees your broken face in front of him. It makes him hit them more, with even more force. He enjoys it, he finds. 
“Your majesty, please!” the man he’s holding begs. “Please spare me, I’m sorry!”
“What are you sorry for?” Edmund questions harshly. “What can your filthy little peasant heart be sorry for, huh? Was it you who abused my wife?!”
“No! No, your majesty, I didn’t-”
His voice echoes across the court yard. “Then who did?! Who was it?! Who are you covering up for?!”
Before he has the time to answer, Edmund has thrown the man against the castle’s wall with such force that he cracks his skull open on the harsh, sharp stones. Blood splatter. Edmund’s heavy breaths are enough to cause his head to spin. He runs a bloody hand through his black hair. Bodies are lined up against the castle’s walls, stacked on top of each other.
Edmund turns to the knights standing a few meters away from him. 
“If no one fesses up I will kill the entire town!” he shouts. “Every single one!”
“Your majesty, if you kill everyone, who will you rule over?” a knight asks. 
In a swift motion, Edmund grabs a gun from the nearest knight and shoots him. 
“Does anyone else have idiotic questions?!” he screams, directing the gun around. “Huh?! Ask them now so we can get them over with!”
To show that he’s not kidding, he shoots a bullet straight up into the air. None of the knights answer. Edmund scoffs and throws the gun to the side. He catches a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the window and flinches. He didn’t need his mirror to let him know that he’s drenched in blood and sweat. The look inn his eyes is what is startled by. He looks … animalistic. There’s no humanity left in his ice blue eyes anymore. He can feel himself drift into insanity, but he can’t stop it — maybe he doesn't want to.
“Bring the next group”, he demands.
“They are fleeing into the woods, your majesty”, a knight says. 
“Then stop them?!”
“How, your majesty?”
He thinks for a moment. Head spinning, heart thumping in his ears, tast of blood in his mouth. 
“Burn it all down”, he decides. “Burn every possible way out. Burn them in, if necessary.”
The knights nod. Edmund turns back to the poor body on the bloody gravel and picks him up by the collar, carrying him to the others. 
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“Isn’t it pretty? The color?”
His secretary tilts his head as he studies the flames in the distance. “I suppose so, but the smell is God awful.”
“Smells like victory to me.”
Edmund turns away from the window, eyes darting to all the things scattered all over the floor. His office is near destroyed. Things lay broken everywhere after his tantrums. He used to value his materialistic obsessions highly, but now they’re not worth a dime to him. Nothing is. Only you. He has to avenge you rightfully. 
“How is my darling doing?” he asks and gives the secretary a stern gaze. “You know to tell me the second she awakes, right? If you don’t, I will drag you out on the court yard and put you with the other bodies.”
“Of course, your majesty, I will come running right away”, the secretary answers. “You can rest assure. I won’t betray you. Besides, her skin is healing. You won’t have to see her grotesque marks.”
Edmund nods. “I want to see her now. To see if you are telling the truth.”
The secretary leads Edmund through the large, dark halls. The people passing him makes his blood boil. They haven’t done anything, but he’s ready to lash out in case anyone gives him a foul look. Anyone showing any signs of distrust need to be killed. Roughly. He will not be made a fool.
A maid opens the door to your shared chamber and Edmund walks over to the bed. For a few seconds, he doesn’t believe that it’s you sleeping under the white sheets. You look so awfully small in the big bed, so unbelievably broken. Your skin looks so weird compared to the white sheets … washed out, somehow. He hates it, absolutely despises it all. 
Edmund sits down on the side of the bed and takes your hand in his, sighing heavily at the state of you. Seeing your frail figure makes him even madder. Why aren’t you waking up? What have that creature done to you to make you look like this? His secretary was right, however, you seem to be doing a bit better. Your body heals. So why aren’t you waking up?
“I will punish them”, he whispers and kisses your forehead. It must be one of the sweetest gestures he has done since you disappeared and came back in whatever state you are in now. “I promise. I love you so much, my darling, I will make them pay.”
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The guillotine is working over time. The blade is covered in blood, heads everywhere. Edmund has realized that all people about to be beheaded has either of three possible reactions. Pleading and crying, begging for forgiveness, and emotionless and accepting. He likes to guess who will have what reaction, and when he guesses right he gives himself a clap on the shoulder. He’s standing on the balcony, leaning forward against the railing with his arms resting on it. Smiling. It’s all a big game for him. Like how hurting you and covering up the deed is a big joke to them. But now he’s the hunter, and they’re the pray. They are the punchline in his joke. Not the other way around. His blood boils when he thinks about what the ones hurting you must have been thinking while performing such a merciless act. Were they thinking about him, about how mad he would be? Thinking: “we will have caused a reaction to form in him but he will not know who have done it”, in that case they were wrong. Everyone is punished for their stupid game.
“Please, please!” a woman screams, about to be beheaded. “I know who it was!”
Edmund freezes. 
“Wait!” he shouts to the man holding the rope controlling the blade. 
Edmund hurries down to the court yard and walks over to the woman with her head in the locked hole. He grabs her chin roughly, trying to direct her head up without luck. 
“Who was it?” Edmund spits. “Tell me their names.”
She seems to have lost all speaking ability when nearby Edmund. All color is drained off her face. She faints. Angrily, Edmund lets go of her chin, grabs the rope and lets the blade fall. Her head falls down on the gravel and rolls towards the others. No one says anything.
“Your majesty!” he hears his secretary shout. “The queen is awake!”  
Edmund feels his entire body go numb. He spins around, looking at the secretary in the doorway with large, shocked eyes. He runs after. 
You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake.
“Get out of my fucking way!” Edmund growls and shoved a maid into the wall when she tries opening the door for him.  
You’re laying in the bed, but your eyes are open! Edmund runs over and throws himself at you, hugging you tightly. You start to cry the second he wraps his arms around you and brings your face into his shoulder. He can’t believe that he’s holding you again, to feel your body tremble under his fingertips. He wants to cry. 
“It’s okay”, he whispers and caresses your hair as you sob against his neck. “Everything is okay, my dear. I’m here now, I will not let anything happen to you.”
He can feel his entire body relax. He has you back. Your shaking body feels so … alive. 
“Does it hurt?” he asks. 
You nod against his shoulder and try to pull back, out of his embrace. He doesn’t let you, he only moves you closer. What if you slip away when he lets you go?
“Not yet”, he whispers. “Stay with me a bit longer.”
His hands grab at you, trying to reassure himself that you are, indeed, alive. 
When he does let you go, your eyes are red with tears. He puts his hand on your cheek, wiping your tears carefully with his thumb. 
“I’m so sorry”, he mumbles and feels a stone in his throat. “I really am.”
“Your hand smells like blood …”, you whisper.
He becomes cold as your eyes start to widen in fear.  
“No, no, no!” he says quickly and grabs your face in his hands. “I will stop. Is that what you want? Hm? I-I’ll stop, I’ll show mercy to the ones left if you just give me the name of who … who hurt you. Okay? Please?
The name you give is one he’s familiar with. It’s suddenly clear why everyone wanted to shield the guilty one. His father is one of the richest men in the town. Edmund has yet to kill him. 
“I will take care of him”, he says. “Everything he did to you, I will do to him. I promise. Not more, not less.”
Your shaking hand takes his. Edmund gulps and lifts your intertwined to his lips and kisses. 
“I love you”, he whispers. 
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“What is that?” you ask and point towards the forest.”Why is it so black?”
Edmund hesitates and hugs your other hand tighter. They have cleaned the entire court yard and scrubbed the walls so that you won’t have to see any of the horror that has occurred while you were unconscious, but he can’t replace the forest with a new one.
“A wildfire happened while you were unconscious”, he lies. “It was just fixed. Nothing to worry about.”
He continues to walk with you, hand in hand, through the large corridors. He’s on his way down to the dungeon where a certain someone is waiting for him. Edmund’s hands itch when he thinks about what he’s going to do to him. He can’t wait. 
You suddenly hug him. He flinches, but is quick to wrap his arms around you, to secure you against his body. You fit so well against him 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. 
“Nothing”, you say, sounding shy. “Thank you for saving me. I think that I would be dead without you.”
“I would kill everyone in this world for you. You know that.”
But hearing you say ‘thank you’ to him, after everything hes done for — and towards — you causes his stomach to to fill with butterflies. He really would kill everyone for you. Over and over again. 
“I’ll have to leave you here”, he says as you reach the stairs down to the dungeon. “I have something to do. Will you wait for me here?”
“What are you going to do?” you ask hesitantly. 
Edmund smiles, showing off his teeth. “Play.”
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
All I Want ( after the canon event)
Hobie brown x reader
Angst. Headcanons. Slight fluff.
Summary: If Hobie could see you once more, he could die a happy man.
a/n: You can find more here “ Hobie's masterlist”.
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Hobie forget how to breathe when he sees you again, well, he's not really seeing his Y/n , but a variant from his own universe that he didn't even know existed. It's been two years since he lost you, the guilt he carries on his shoulders is so heavy that he can hardly live.
He still remembers Lyla saying "Canon event completed", Miguel trying to get him away from your cold body and the screams of his friends. Everyone says home is where his heart is, but his is buried. So if anyone were paying attention would know by the way he's breathing at any moment Hobie is going pass out
And luckily, you are that person, you see that he's about to breakdown and Hobie is so confused and wants to throw up that he doesn't realize that you're approaching him.
"Are you alright mate?" as soon as he hears your voice, he swears he might pass out, but once again you're there to hold him, just like your version of the other side of the universe did. And the feeling is so intense that Hobie swears the world has stopped.
Hobie looks at you, he wants to memorize your face in case this is one of his many dreams where you are with him, alive. The way he's looking at you doesn't scare you 'cause it seems the handsome stranger you're holding the hand of knows you, but it's impossible because you'd never forget such a pretty face.
"You look like someone I knew" his voice cracks when he speaks. "And where is she now?" “died” a tear falls from his cheek and your heart breaks for the stranger crying in front of you, you've never been in a situation like this, so you awkwardly wrap your arms around his long body, your head is against his chest and he sobs before wrapping you, pulling you closer to his body, wanting to feel your warmth once more, your body alive against him.
"I'm sorry" you lament his loss, whispering against his chest and he hums. Hobie holds you in his arms for what seems like an eternity, but as soon as he lets you go he wants to have you back against his body.
He looks at you with such intensity that you can't help but feel warm. "I'm Hobie, Hobie Brown" "I'm Y/N L/N" you say smiling and Hobie bites his tongue to keep from saying out loud "I know."
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urfavlarry · 6 months
omg I have an awful idea! can I request tyler and aiden (separate) x reader hcs where the reader dies their death instead of them?
Tyler & Aiden x reader (swapped AU)
warnings: swearing, bad grammar
genre: angst
Tyler Hernández
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Omg poor baby would fr freak out sm
He would try to pull you back into the cat but your hand would just slip from his grasp
His face goes pale when he sees you get impaled by the tree and screams your name
He yells and cusses and Ashlyn to go back
The poor boy starts hyperventilating he’s sobbing and just hoping you will be okay when they get to the normal world
Everyone looks at him with a sympathetic look and he just looks away from everyone
He has tears going down his face but his face was more pissed then sad (probably at Ashlyn)
Everyone shoots awake and quickly look your direction. The scene was not pleasant to look at, your pupils were big, your whole body was shaking as if you were having a seizure and you weren’t responding to anyone. “Mom!!” Taylor yells as Tyler rolls you on your side and rubs your back; “Shit.. Y/N, you’re okay.. we’re here..” He whispers when suddenly he gets pushed away by Ashlyns dad who lifts you up, running from the old school bus and runs to his car.
Everyone goes to the hospital with you, along with Tylers parents and Ashlyns too. Some stayed behind, knowing they would just be in the way but made sure to tell them they wanted updates on you.
The moment you could have visitors Tyler freezed. His thoughts clouded up in his mind, the regret becoming worse and worse by the second. He went in after everyone left, wanting to speak to you privately and didn’t want anyone to bother you. He saw your weak figure sitting on the hospital bed, looking into quite literally nothing, clearly you were caught up in your thoughts as well, but you soon snapped out of it as Tyler closed the door behind him. You look at him and get out of bed, running over to him and pull him into a bone crushing hug; “Hey, hey hermosa, be careful.” He says and lifts you up bridal style and lays you back into the bed, careful not to mess with wires and IVs that were hooked up to you. He lets you hold onto him, rubbing your back and kissing your forehead, just being there for you. You stay like that for a few minutes, you were thinking about what you should even say to him. Both of you were traumatized, you were impaled by a tree and he tried to save you but failed.
“Are you.. okay?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper as you look up at his face. His eyes were red snd he looked like he would pass out from exhaustion any minute. “I should be the one asking you that.” He says and you smile weakly; “As okay I can be after getting impaled by a tree.” You joke and he chuckles, ruffling up your hair; “Hey, don’t joke about that.” He says and kisses your cheek, laying down next to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He lays his head between your thighs and you play with his hair, too tired to care about anything that was happening. Your mind starts to wander and you look down at him; “Hey, Ty?” He hums, waiting for you to continue and shifts slightly; “Do you.. do you think you’ll ever find me.. You know.. bavk there in that place? It seemed like you guys drove pretty far.” You say and quickly shut up when he sits up and had a “are you serious?” look on his face. “Y/N, don’t you dare think like that, we will find you and help you. You got that?” He says and cups your cheek bringing your soft lips to his.
You pull away and he looks at you with a love struck gaze; “I couldn’t bear the thought of loosing you, in this universe, or in the thousand other ones.” You raise a brow and give him a mischievous smile; “How do you know we’re together in every universe?” He chuckles and leans in towards your ear; “Because were made for each other, like the moon and the sun.”
Aiden Clark
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He would hear Ashlyn screaming your name, everyone already under something while the ceiling was about to collapse
Aiden wanted to run to get you but Ben stopped him, knowing that wouldn’t end well if he also went under the collapsing ceiling
His whole “happy” aura changed and he starts sobbing, Ben having to keep him in place so he doesn’t die
Would probably be shaking sm
Praying you would be okay
Instantly looks away as he sees your body in the rubble, bloody and your head having a big gash in it
He runs over to you and brings you under a table, hugging you close and mumbling incoherent things into your ear
He wouldn’t know how to comfort you in words
He would just freeze and the boy that was usually yapping your ear of would be quiet
The moment you wake up your whole body starts shaking and your pupils get ten times their size. You wheeze, cough and try go catch your breath, gripping your chest and your pupils go back to normal. You looked shaken up and so did everyone else, the adults ‘yelling’ at each other whether they should take you to the hospital or not. “I.. I’m.. m’fine..” You say between coughs, your voice raspy and barely above a whisper.
“I don’t.. need.. to go..” You have another coughing fit and your eyes get a bit teary from all the coughing. You sit up and look up at the adults pushing them away; “I don’t need the hospital..” You being your knees to your chest and stay quiet, an awkward silence engulfing the room. “Y/N..” You hear your name being called and you look up to see Aiden crouching in front of you, his usual smile no where to be seen. You smile weakly at him; “Hey, you okay?” You ask and he frowns slightly pulling you into an embrace. You pat his back and breathe in his scent, your shoulder relaxing.
You felt safe and your heart beat started to calm down, along with your breath getting more steady. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you..” He says, his voice shaky and genuinely concerned for you. You smile weaky and pinch his cheek; “Come on, I’m here right? That’s what matters.” He smiles softly at you and you kiss his cheek; “There’s the smile I love so much.” He chuckles and you go back to listening to the rest of the group, parents suggesting you get some well deserved rest. The group all decide to sleep together, everyone someone cuddles up together. But the only person you had on mind was Aiden, who was holding you close to his chest and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. You smile, finally getting a good nights rest.
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Cute Asshole
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Maybank!Reader
Warnings:  Swearing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: Y/N lets something slip that Rafe wasn't supposed to hear.
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Rafe Cameron only has one priority; himself. He doesn’t care if he has to step on someone’s back to come up on top as long as he is the winner. He goes through girls like a doctor goes through gloves and he doesn’t see an end in sight. The music coming from the speaker pounds into his brain. This doesn’t help his crankiness from the lack of drugs and alcohol in his system. He goes in search of the relief that is necessary, bumping into anyone who is in his path. He is disgusted by the Pogues surrounding him, but Barry insists that he pick up the goods at the party. The phone chimes and his eyes dart down to see Barry’s text saying to go to one of the bedrooms. He opens a door, stepping in to check if Barry is within. The door shuts behind him before he hears a voice call out. “Don’t let the door close.” Slam. Y/N is at the shut door, banging her hand against the flat surface. “No. No. No. Hello, I’m stuck in here. Can anyone hear me?” she screams. Rafe looks at her with an arch brow, “Just open the door.” She turns toward him with a glare. “Don’t you think I tried that? It’s locked from the outside. We are locked in,” she growls. He chuckles, “Don’t be ridiculous. That doesn’t make sense.” He shoves her aside and places his hand on the doorknob. His hand twists with the knob yet is met with resistance. 
She gives him a sarcastic smile. “Just open the door,” she mocks in a low voice. She walks back to the bed and sits with her back on the headboard. He sees her exasperated expression. “How long have you been in here for?” he asks. She shrugs, “Since the party started. I don’t know the specifics because my phone died. I was looking for the bathroom and I got locked in.” “Why does it not surprise me that no one went looking for you, Pogue?” he laughs. She glares, “God, just because you are cute it doesn’t mean you are allowed to be an asshole. Plus, I don’t see anyone organizing a search party for you, Kook.” 
His face freezes at her words, “What did you say?” He angles an ear toward her. “I said I don’t see anyone looking for you either,” she repeats, closing her eyes. He steps forward, tilting her head to look at him with his fingers, “Before that, Sweetheart.” Her eyes fly open at the new nickname and notices how close his face is now hovering over her. Her mouth falls open and close as she tries to collect her thoughts. “You aren’t allowed to be an asshole,” she exhales. His face inches toward hers, “The full sentence, Sweetheart.” Her breath hitches at the feeling of his hitting her skin. She doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of winning what he wants, but there is a part of her dying to say it to find out what will happen next. Even if she hates the man. “Being cute isn’t an excuse for being an asshole,” she reveals, daring herself to bring her face closer to Rafe. His lips smack against hers and she is consumed by the scent of his aftershave. He settles on the bed, tugging her onto his lap with him. Her hand tangles through his hair to deepen the kiss. A few minutes later, the door swings open to reveal JJ. Y/N scrambles off of Rafe, turning toward her younger brother. “It took you long enough to find me,” she chastises. She doesn’t give Rafe a second glance as she storms out of the room, ignoring her brother’s question about what is going on. Leaving Rafe to wonder how far they would’ve gotten if the other blonde hadn’t shown up and why he wanted nothing more than to be able to have more with her.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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chososwifey24-7 · 26 days
Yakuza boss sukuna x fem!reader
Cw: Nsfw, 18+, blood, death, kidnapping, swearing, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), pv penetration, mating press, consensual sex, no protection (reader is on birth control), cum eating, rough sukuna, aftercare.
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Run. Breathe. Survive.
That's all you could do. The image of the tattooed man entering your house and beating your father to death. The cut on your side from one of his lackeys stung on your side and burned.
Where the hell would you run? Where the hell would you hide? They had seen your face. They had seen the fear, the pain, your face.
You could only assume your father got himself into more debt. Unpayable debt. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you continued to run. Labored breaths escaping you.
Legs giving out. That's all you felt as you fell to the concrete in the alleyway you were escaping through. You scraped your knees and your palm.
Gasping. Your lungs needed air. You needed to breathe! Why the fuck wouldn't your body cooperate?
You heard the footsteps before they saw or heard you. You pulled yourself behind a dumpster, a mouse scurrying across your foot. You wanted to scream, wanted to run, but where would you go? You'd be caught.
You heard their voices up and down the alleyway. They stalked it like predators. They sounded excited, excited to finally catch their prey.
You felt more blood seeping through your shirt. It couldn't be that deep of a gash, but through all the running and escaping, you had no time to put pressure on the wound to stop it from bleeding.
That's when you heard him. The man that had beaten your father to death and enjoyed it.
"Where the fuck did she go? You two were supposed to get her."
His voice was low, gravelly, haunting.
You could feel your chest rise and fall quicker and quicker as you heard the footsteps come closer and closer yet to the garbage can.
"We tried to Mr. Ryomen. That bitch is quick."
The other man laughed at his buddies words. He laughed obviously in agreement to the statement. That's when you heard the click of a gun.
"If you can't do something as simple as catching a damn brat, you aren't useful to me."
You tried to stay calm and quiet. You covered your mouth with both hands. Your phone was still at home. You could call anyone to save you.
"No, no, Mr. Ryomen, we'll find her, we swear."
The man quickly tried to beg for his life. Plead for this Ryomen guy to spare him. That he could do better.
"No need."
You heard Mr. Ryomens voice before you felt his hand ensnared in your hair. Your eyes widened. How the hell did he know you were there?
You tried to scream and kick and punch, but this man was strong. He snapped his finger, and the lackeys of his were on you zip, tying your hands and feet together.
"No, no! Stop!"
You screamed and tried to wriggle from the tattooed man's grasp. The man you know now as Mr. Ryomen.
He simply threw you over his shoulder and a car came around the corner.
"Ah, Uraume, right on time. Perfect."
You were thrown into the backseat of the car before being blindfolded. That's all you remember before being dragged into a basement and left there.
It had been days. It must have been. They brought you food and water ever once in a while. That's how you tried to track the days tied to a chair.
Unfortunately, things began to blur together. Things became more dull, you knew you couldn't get out of this, so why were you trying?
That's what you thought until Mr. Ryomen came into the basement and cut the zip ties off of you. Your immediate reaction was to try to fight. To throw punches.
He easily grabbed your wrists and held you with a grin. That sickening grin.
"I see you still have some fight left in you. It's surprising, but I came here to talk, not fight."
He simply threw you to the side, your back hitting a cold concrete wall before you fell to your knees coughing.
"You see, your father died because he couldn't pay back his money, and he refused to do anything to even try. So we told him we would take you. Sell you off, maybe. I haven't quite decided yet,"
He began explaining as he stalked towards you slowly and intimidatingly. You couldn't even run away, your back was against the wall, literally.
"But you're so damn pretty I thought, why not just pay me back with your body. Yeah?"
He said as he kneeled in front of you and grabbed your chin roughly.
"Because that sounds more appealing to me."
He licked his lips and leaned in closer to you. His face was so damn close. His lips planted a kiss on your cheek before he grabbed you by the hair and tilted your head back.
He chuckled to himself as he watched your tears stream down your face and your eyes closed tight. He took his other hand and wiped a tear from your face and cooed in a mocking tone.
"Oh, there there. There's no need to cry. I'll simply use you until your father's debt is paid back, then I'll send you on your way."
That's when your eyes met his and you bit your lip a bit.
"How much is my father's debt?"
He thought for a moment and then turned back to you with a glint in his teeth. His smile so damn bright, but so scary attention same time.
"I think it was somewhere around 500,000 yen. Quite a bit if you ask me."
Your jaw dropped. How were you supposed to pay that back off soon. The doubt began to creep in. You thought that maybe you could screw him for a few days and get out of here, but 500,000 yen! That was almost impossible to pat back soon.
He saw your facial expression and chuckled.
"3 months. Stay with me and let me do with you as I please for 3 months. After that, I will let you go."
His deal was intriguing, but 4 months, that was a long time. Could you honestly handle him? He wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't the person you'd want to spend the rest of your life with either.
You only had this option, though. You looked up at him in the eyes with determination. You didn't want to be sold off, so you'd chose the lesser of two evils.
"Fine. 3 months. I'm all yours."
The glint in his eyes seemed even more evil than it did the first day he had caught you.
"Alright. Since I can do whatever I want with you, why wait. Let's get your debt repayment started."
That's how you fou d yourself on your knees in sukunas room on your knees in front of his aching cock.
It was huge, and he wanted you to fit all of that in your mouth? There was no way. You leaned forward, though. After all you did tell him yes.
Your tongue gently licked the underside of his base, and he groaned deeply. You got to his tip and began to gently suck on it before going down on him a bit more.
"Oh fuck. Keep going."
He said as he tried to push your head down a bit. You were sucking him off, and he was loving it. Your mouth was addicting.
After thrusting into your throat and making you gag, he came.
"Swallow it."
Tears rolled down your face from his roughness, but you listened to him. Swallowing it, you looked at him and stuck out your tongue.
"Oh fuck, good girl. Now, up on the bed, I'm not done with you yet."
You did as he said once again and got up on the bed laying on your back and spreading your legs.
He whistled lowly as he took his fingers and ran them ul and down your folds, collecting your slick before roughly shoving them in you. You let out a scream before he began to finger you.
The pain slowly melted into pleasure and you were a whimpering mess on his finger.
"Ah, Mr. Ryomen, oh, please! I'm gonna cum!"
You screamed out, and before that knot could break, he pulled out his fingers and began to suck them clean.
"Mmm, you taste divine. Ilm have to save that for another day, but right now I want you cumming on my cock."
He strocked himself once, then twice, then lined himself up with your entrance.
You squirmed a bit before he shoved himself into you. Your mouth opened in a silent scream before his lips met yours in a hot teeth and tongue make out.
His thrusts were hard, rocking your entire body and the bed. He pulled away from the kiss and growled lowly as he continued.
"Are you in the pill?"
He asked as he thrusted a bit quicker as he was approaching his high.
"Ah, yes, yes. I'm on the pill."
You manage to get out in between thrusts. After those words left your mouth, he was grabbing your legs and pushing them to your chest in the meanest mating press ever.
Your moans became more high-pitched, and his thrusts picked up to an almost inhumane speed. You both were getting close.
Your hands moved to his shoulder and gripped them tightly. Your vision going white and his thrusts stilling as you both came together. His hit seed filling you and feeling weird.
You laid there for a second coming down from your high, and you couldn't help but admire his tattoos. You lazily took a finger and began to trace over them. He hummed gently and let you.
You groaned as he pulled out of you and left you to run to his bathroom and run a bath.
Soon, he came back to you and picked you up bridal style. Another groan leaving your lips, your lower abdomen hurting a bit.
He slowly set you down in the warm water before getting in behind you and holding you close to him.
Your eyes were fluttering closed as his chest met your back. This felt better than the sex itself. Being taken care of.
His arm wrapped around your chest and pulled you closer to him. He gently bit your ear before whispering to you.
"Get some rest, I'll carry you to bed if you fall asleep because both know this is far from done."
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riverbutghost · 1 year
Can I get who did this to you + you could’ve died with ghost ? With injured reader ? I love ur writing !
Omg stopp I love you <3 I love angst so I hope I’ll deliver the bestttt. Please keep up with prompts like this guyss I love it.
Here are some angst prompts !!
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN!Reader
Summary: You accidentally came face to face with Graves after his betrayal, and he attacked you. Ghost wasn’t happy that you kept this a secret.
Warnings: military stuff, wounds, Graves stabs your hand, slight torture, we hate Graves in this one lol…
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You were tired, exhausted. You could barely walk. The mission was almost done.
You gripped your gun tighter, hardened your gaze and pushed through the fire. It was hard for your to walk with an injured leg, but that wasn’t important. You were going to get checked out anyway.
There was a noise coming from behind. You turned around, fingers dancing around the trigger.
“Well, well, well… Look who’s here.”
You turned around again, the voice was familiar.
You clenched your jaw after remembering his betrayal. He had betrayed you, your team. Your anger was getting worse.
Your hand automatically moved to your comm, but Graves pushed you to the ground. You gasped and looked up to him. He crouched down.
“Yeah, no need to inform anyone here. We will just have a talk.”
You grimaced as he kicked your gun harshly.
“Fuck you, Philip. I thought we were friends-“
“Oh, really?”
He laughed and smirked sinisterly. You furrowed your eyebrows. It was like he was someone else.
A sudden pain jolted through your hand as you screamed. You looked down, and saw that Graves had a knife in your hand. A fucking knife was deep down inside your hand.
“Stop it fucker!”
You yelled at him, trashed and turned but he didn’t pull it out.
“You’re naive, to think that we were friends. I always hated you to be honest.”
You gritted your teeth in pain. You couldn’t concentrate on his words as your hand throbbed. It was worse than your leg obviously, and it made you forget about your leg.
“Oh for fuc-“
You gripped your side and screamed as he kicked your ribcage quite forcefully. You curled up in a ball, and whimpered.
“Shut it. You stole something from me. Give it back.”
He wasn’t playing around anymore, he was serious as fuck. And you didn’t know what he was talking about.
“I don’t know-“
He stepped on your injured leg, making a noise coming from it. You yelled and trashed. You started hitting his leg, but he wasn’t budging.
“Please- Please!”
He eventually let go, but your leg was still throbbing. You whimpered again as you looked down on the ground. There was blood everywhere.
“Give. It. Back. Or else, I swear-“
His attention immediately went to the noise that came from his comm. Your breathing was getting better and you prayed for him to leave.
“You’re lucky, next time I won’t play games. I will kill you immediately.”
He kicked you one last time before leaving. You laid down for a moment, with closed eyes. What did he want? You absolutely had no clue.
You tried standing up, but whimpered at the way your hand and your leg throbbed. Still tensed up, you held your breath and got up in a swift motion.
“Aghh, fuck!”
Your face scrunched up and you cursed yourself, Graves, war and everything.
“We found Graves, meet us in front of the heli.”
You sighed.
“Hey, you okay?”
You turned towards your Captain and smiled.
“Yeah, all good. Need a few stitches, though.”
You chuckled with him. You swiftly looked at Ghost to see how he was when the helicopter touched the ground. His eyes met yours instantly, but he averted them again and gritted his chin.
You found this pretty weird, but shrugged it off.
You got up, body focusing on your injuries as you walked out of the heli. You waited for one of them to turn around. Why would they though?
“Give your old pal a hand !”
You jokingly said as Simon turned around and lifted you in his arms. He put you on your feet and continued his walk.
“Uhm- thank you..?”
You mumbled and tagged along. What was his problem now?
“Come with me,”
You held your breath and cursed. You had to get checked out but Simon was asking you to come with him.
“I’m gonna take a sho-“
He left no room for a reply and you followed him, a little annoyed. When you realized that he was actually taking you to get checked out, you furrowed your eyebrows.
He opened the door an closed it back after you two got in.
“Did something happen..?” You asked him with a shaky voice.
“You tell me.” He grumbled, eyes never leaving yours.
You stopped mid sentence, sucked your bottom lip up and looked up at him. His gaze softened a little and he took a step closer. His hand came towards your waist, but you whimpered in pain. His hand was pulled back immediately.
He mumbled and took a deep breath. His hand made contact with your vest, and he pulled it off. You didn’t say anything.
He looked at your bruised ribcage, and opened his mouth to speak again.
“Where else?”
You pointed down to your leg, dried blood was still there. He ripped your pants of within a second, and you gasped lightly as the sudden contact with air.
Simon looked up at you with…disappointment… which then turned into anger. He took your arm and inspected it as well. After a few calming breaths, he opened his mouth. He took a few steps back.
“Who did this to you?”
You took a deep breath. There was no denying now.
“Graves… He attacked me.”
Simon furrowed his eyebrows and took a step towards you.
“What..?” He asked in confusion.
You just swallowed and pursed your lips. Simon’s confused face suddenly turned into an angered one, and he took a step back.
“Why didn’t yo- Why the fuck didn’t you tell us-me?!” You looked down in shame and held your tears in.
“I can’t believe you! You could’ve fuckin’ died!”
He slammed his fist into the medical cabinet, and the glass shattered into pieces. You flinched.
There was a loud silence for a few minutes. Only the breathing of Simon was heard. You opened your mouth to speak.
“I didn’t want you to think..low of me.”
Simon averted his eyes away from you and shook his head slightly.
“You could’ve died. That’s what matters. You matter.”
A choked sob left your throat as you buried your face to your hands. Your arm was throbbing, but you didn’t care.
“Hey, hey- It’s okay. Don’t pull that shit again, yeah?”
Simon rushed towards you and lifted your chin with his thumb.
“We can’t lose you. I can’t, lose you. Not you, okay? just want you to be more careful with your life.”
You looked up to him with big broken eyes and his gaze softened even more if that was possible.
He sighed after a minute of you staring at him with pleading eyes.
“C’mere, pretty..”
You pulled him closer to you and threw your arms around him.
“Gotta check on your wounds too, love.”
Simon mumbled against your head, breathing deeply into your hair while thinking of ways to make Graves suffer for almost killing you.
You just sniffled and held him tighter. Simon didn’t know how to approach you, but one thing he knew was, Graves was about to get fucked, that was sure.
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dreamescapeswriting · 6 months
BTS Reaction || Their S/O is Clumsy
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2024
Jin had heard the smash before he saw it and walking into the kitchen he'd seen exactly what he had been expecting when he heard the smash followed by a scream.
"Not again," He chuckled a little.
"I know, I'm sorry." You mumbled as you carefully swept up the pieces of glass from the floor.
"You're just clumsy, maybe we should invest in plastic mugs," He teased but you pouted at him,
"I think I have a personal vendetta against mugs, all I seem to do is break them." You went to reach out and pick up a big piece but Jin stopped you, doing it himself so you wouldn't harm your hands.
"They can't see to catch a break around you." He winked but you sighed, leaning back against the cupboard and shaking your head,
"I'm cursed, it's the only explanation." 
"Or maybe it's just a conspiracy by the dishware industry to keep us buying more mugs." He tried to make light of it all knowing you were probably beating yourself up about it enough already.
  "Wouldn't surprise me at this point." You were staring down at the floor and Jin pouted moving closer to you, 
"Hey, accidents happen. It's all part of your quirky charm."
"Thanks for not making me feel like a complete klutz." He smiles placing a gentle kiss to the side of your temple 
"Of course not. Besides, it gives me an excuse to be your knight in shining armour, saving the day from rogue mugs."
"I love this place," You whispered to Yoongi as you both walked around what was going to be your wedding venue. The two of you were trying to find the perfect place and this was it, it had stunning architecture and fit with your theme.
"We should have our first dance in here," You gasped out to Yoongi, swinging your arms around not noticing the vase right next to you until you saw what was about to happen.
"Oh shit," You whimpered out, Yoongi sprung into action, reaching out and catching it before it fell to the floor.
"Got it," He whispered, carefully putting it back into place before anyone could notice what had happened.
"Are you secretly spiderman?" You giggled at him, noticing how fast he'd been to catch it,
"No, I just have a fiancee who likes to dance with inanimate objects. Are you trying to start a pottery disaster?" He teased you lightly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you away from anything else you could knock over. 
"I swear, it's like I have a magnet for clumsiness." You laughed, your body heating up as you realised you were pretty clumsy.
"Well, lucky for you, I'm here to save the day." You nudged him softly and he smirked at you,
"Hey! Just doing my duty, protecting the world from your accidental chaos." You roll your eyes at him and kiss his cheek softly. 
"Thanks for always having my back." You whispered in his ear as he blushed deeply. 
"For you? Always."
"Do you want some help bringing in the final box?" Hoseok asked as he watched you proudly walk in the direction of your car,
"I'm fine, just make sure you lock it once I'm back." You smiled happily, the two of you were moving into your first place together and so far everything had been going well, a little too well.
"Whoa! Yn!" Hoseok cried out as he rushed over to you, the car boot was starting to shut on its own,
"Damn, that would have hurt."
"You think?" He laughed dryly, looking at the car and pouting. The thing was practically falling apart but you insisted on keeping it anyway.
"You need to get rid of this thing, it's almost as accident-prone as you are." He teased, shutting the boot and making sure the thing was locked, not that anyone would steal it.
"The car is my first ever car, I deserve to keep it until it dies."
"Or it kills you," He pouted, you knew he was just looking out for you but the car meant everything to you, it was the first thing you'd ever bought.
"It won't kill me, I'm just a klutz like you said," You grinned at him and he nodded, kissing your cheek.
"Let's go and unpack." He smiled, he knew he'd be able to convince you one day to get rid of the death trap.
"Mother fucker!" You cried out dropping the paper you were holding and clutching your finger to your chest.
"What's wrong?! What happened?!" Namjoon called out as he raced into the room, you winced a little and put your finger into your mouth. 
"Just a silly paper cut. I swear, I'm like a walking disaster today." You mumbled, pulling your finger out of your mouth as Namjoon knelt down beside you on the floor.
"A paper cut, huh? You're lucky it's not a full-blown catastrophe. Let's see." You extend your hand slowly and bite your lip.
"It stings a bit." You whispered as he took your hand carefully in his and began to examine it, exaggerating the seriousness of it all.
"Ah, the dreaded paper cut. A foe worthy of any warrior." You rolled your eyes playfully at him and bit your lip,
"Yeah, yeah. I should've known better than to mess with that piece of paper." You grinned making Namjoon chuckle at you,
"Well, you know what they say, 'Handle paper with care, or face the wrath of its tiny, sharp edges.'"
"You're ridiculous." You laughed out and he smirked at you, happy he could make you smile over it. He gently lifted your finger to his lips and kissed it softly.
"There, all better. Consider yourself rescued from the evil paper."
"Thanks, my hero! My hero!" You yelled dramatically as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
"Anytime, clumsy cutie. Let's try to avoid any more battles with office supplies, alright?" You nodded, kissing him softly.
Today was a beautiful day, you and Jimin were on a hike up some big mountain and it was lovely, the sun was just warm enough for you not to pick up too much of a sweat and the views were beautiful, 
"Gonna get a photo," You whispered, reaching into your bag as you walked which was a bad idea for someone as accidental as you. Before you knew it, your foot caught behind your ankle and you could feel yourself falling unable to stop,
"Whoa, watch your step there!" Jimin chuckled, catching you and bringing you into his chest, your heart thumped,
"T-Thanks, that would have been a disaster," You mumbled, your whole body burning in embarrassment
"Seems like you're having a bit of a clumsy day, huh?" He chuckled and you rolled your eyes,
"Story of my life, it seems. I swear, I have a magnet for tripping hazards."
"I'm here to be your personal balance assistant." He saluted you and you giggled a little.
"I guess I should add that to your list of boyfriend duties, huh?"
"Absolutely. Alongside 'snack provider' and 'backpack carrier'," He told you, taking your bag from your shoulder and giving you your phone so you could get some photos.
The door flew open as a very sweaty Taehyung came racing through the door to find you. You'd called him at work crying and begging for him to come home, not giving him any details and as soon as he saw you he knew why.
"Oh my goodness, what happened? Are you okay?" He panicked, sitting down beside you and looking down at your leg, about to run his hand over the very painful leg but you winched at him,
"I, uh, had a little accident...tripped over my own feet." You admittedly sheepishly, you'd been cleaning up around the house when you tripped, taking a tumble down a flight of stairs and now here you were.
"You tripped? Are you hurt anywhere else?" Concern dripped from his voice as he looked at you, you shook your head,
"No, just my leg. I'm sorry, I know how clumsy I am." The tears began to build inside of your eyes and Taehyung shook his head at you.
"Hey, accidents happen. Let's get you some help. Can you move?" He stood back up and you nodded at him, you'd managed to limp to the sofa where you were sitting. Carefully he helped you up,
"Let's get you to the hospital. We'll get this taken care of." Tears began to run down your cheeks as you realised you had taken him away from work for this.
"I'm sorry for ruining your day."
"Hey, you didn't ruin anything. You're more important than any plans. I just want to make sure you're okay." He promised you, kissing your cheek softly as you sniffled.
Jungkook was standing in the kitchen when he first sat the bruise on your thigh and his mouth almost fell open,
"Babe!? What happened?!" Concern laced his voice as he rushed to you and gently ran his thumb over your skin causing you to hiss out.
"I...I don't know, must have been the doorframe again," You mumbled looking down at his fingers, it was common for you to walk into everything, doors, tables, hell you even walked into the counter the other week.
"Does it hurt?" He pouted at you,
"A little," You whined as he gently touched the bruise.
"You're lucky I'm here to protect you from those menacing door frames. We should put some ice on it," He told you before making his way over to the freezer and hunting for an ice pack.
"My knight in shining armour." You giggled hugging him from behind.
"Let's try and be more careful in the future," He said as he took out the ice and smiled warmly at you. 
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ihavethedreamies · 6 months
Watermelon | Juicy Fruit | Mark
Mark Lee - NCT Dream
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~1.6k
Pairing: Mark x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Established Relationship, Porn without Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Quickie, Sex in the Bathroom, Unprotected Sex (Don’t!!)
Summary: You end up making a bit of a mess with the watermelon…
Author's Note: This series was supposed to be of drabbles, and this is the second shortest one…sorry.
This is only vaguely based off of Smoothie…I say this because I got the idea for a fruit theme, but past that its unrelated.
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🍇 Renjun 🍇
🍌 Jeno 🍌
🍒 Haechan 🍒
🍑 Jaemin 🍑
🍓 Chenle 🍓
🍍 Jisung 🍍
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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It was hot. For you, too hot. And it was just your luck that the boys wanted to dick around outside because the weather was nice. Nice? No, it was hot as balls. While they ran around screaming, playing games and throwing stuff, you sat on a canvas camping chair. Your electric fan's batteries had died so you were futilely fanning yourself with a paper plate. Your thighs were sticking together, and your shorts were no help against the chafing. You shuffled again, grunting in discomfort, adjusting your sunglasses since they had slid down your nose from the sweat. Even in the shade of the tree and a slight breeze, it was still much too hot. Mark had offered to run to the convenience store down the road from your rental house and get something to cool you off. Glancing at your phone for the time, you wondered what the hell was taking so long, you were about to melt away.
"Noona~" Chenle called but you couldn't see him. Finally, he and Mark appeared from around the house as they went to the backyard where the rest of your group was. The second youngest had several bags of snacks, but what really caught your attention was what your boyfriend had in his arms. It was to no one's surprise he had somehow acquired a watermelon.
"Finally!" You exhaled harshly and Chenle dashed over to you, digging a cold bottle of water out and you yoinked it from him eagerly, chugging it down and he laughed.
"Slow done, babe." Mark huffed, letting the watermelon wrapped in a mesh settle on the grass near your feet. He watched as a bit of water slipped past your mouth and down your throat, landing on your white tank top, making the fabric darken. Swallowing, he shook his head to focus his attention elsewhere and kneeled near the melon so he could start cutting it.
"Uh, no." You shook your head, taking the knife from Mark that Renjun had brought out.
"I can do it!" He whined and you gave him a deadpan look and he just grumbled. Mark scooted over and you sat next to him, wrapping your legs around the big fruit to hold it in place. That looked even more dangerous than what he was planning, but you didn't keep it like that for long. Once you had dramatically stabbed the knife into the end of the rind, you adjusted and easily and evenly sliced it in half. Everyone watched in amazement as you deftly cut up the melon, laying each quarter of a slice into the big bowl Renjun had also brought out.
"Wow, she actually cut it evenly." Jaemin pointed out, giving Mark a very pointed look. The eldest looked back at him, slightly confused then offended.
"Hey!" He grumbled again and you grabbed a few slices with Mark and put them on a plate. While the rest of them continued to do whatever nonsense they were doing before, you and your boyfriend sat on the grass under the tree to eat the watermelon. Not thinking anything of it, because who would, you started to eat. It was very juicy, and the man's attention kept going back to your collarbone. After a big bite of the fruit, the juice spilled over your bottom lip and ran down your chin, your throat, pooled on your collar bone, then continued down to run into your cleavage. When you took another bite and even more juice spilled out you cringed, sucking in to try and keep it in your mouth.
"Geez." You mumbled, looking for a paper towel or napkin, something, to dry the juice. The pink liquid was already soaking into the white of your tank and luckily your bra was nude. Not only was your face and chest a mess, but your hands had gotten sticky. Mark watched your tongue lick furiously along your bottom lip, trying to get some of the juice off your chin.
"Let's get you cleaned up." You were shocked at the speed of your boyfriend, who had stood, hauling you up with him, and into the rental house. You both barely slipped your sandals off up entering and you were a bit surprised he dragged you toward the bathroom and not the nearby kitchen to get to a sink.
"Where are we going?" you questioned, blinking in shock as he pulled you into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. As you stood near the vanity, hands in the air to avoid getting things stuck to them, you watched in surprise as he pinned you against the sink, his face getting very close. Even though he was your boyfriend, the proximity and intense look on his face made your own warm up red. His tongue flicked out, lapping at the drying juice on your face that was just as sticky as the stuff on your hands. He groaned as you shivered, his lips sealing over your own. Immediately you forgot about your sticky hands, going to the back of his shirt to hold on as he lifted you to rest on the bathroom vanity. You did at least have the subconscious thought to not touch his hair. His own sticky hands had met your waist, sneaking under your flimsy white tank, running his thumb over your smooth skin, it stuttered a bit from the juice. When his tongue entered your mouth, you both tasted the sweet watermelon on each other. A trail of saliva connected your lips when he finally pulled away, both of you panting.
"Fuck." He loved the dazed look that had spread across your face, and his smirked when his lips met your neck and you whined. His tongue ran along the path he had watched the juice flow over the skin, cleaning you off and at the same time heating your skin and core. Your hips jumped up from the counter, your denim covered mound grinding against his cock tenting his swim trunks. Mark continued to suck and nibble at you as he moved to follow that path of the watermelon juice, before your shirt covered the final destination. He pulled back just enough to get it off of you, the white material sticking briefly to his fingers. Yours stuck even more to his shirt as you hauled it off of him. Mark's mouth and tongue traced and nuzzled your breasts as he got your bra unhooked and off. Using his tongue to follow the trail of juice, he diverted at your sternum, sealing his lips over your nipple. You sighed, resting back on the counter so your bare back touched the cold mirror. As your boyfriend focused on the other side, he helped you wiggle your shorts off. You didn't have any panties on since your shorts were so tight, and it was so hot out anyway.
"Fuck… (Y/N)~" You would never get used to way he would moan your name.
"Mark, hurry." You furrowed your brow in playful frustration, trying to reach the waist band of his swim trunks to get them off. He huffed in amusement, having a better reach to do it himself.
"Hurry, hurry~" You nearly bounced in anticipation and his chuckle turned to a groan as he started to sink his cock inside of you. Your body shivered, your hand went to your mouth to try and muffle the pitiful moan you let out as he bottomed out. Like usual, you were soaked for him, making the entry easy.
"Try and stay quiet, baby." He rested his forehead on your shoulder, hands on your hips. You hiccupped when he gave a short but hard thrust, keeping up that pace, rapidly bringing you close to your orgasm already. His pelvis would grind against your clit every time he filled you fully, and your breath hitched each time. He gave a breathless chuckle at how cute you were, not noticing that his thrusts were strong enough to shake the vanity. The ceramic cup holding some toothbrushes rattled each time, growing closer and closer to the edge.
"Damn-" Mark groaned as quietly as he could, pulling your hips to the very edge of the vanity, your back slid down the mirror before landing on the marble. You wrapped your legs around his waist, hand pressed hard over your mouth, the other gripping the bar on the wall that held up the hand towel. Your boyfriend ran his tongue over his smirking bottom lip, enjoying watching you try desperately to stay quiet as he fucked you. He only slightly paused when the cup finally fell over, landing on the tile floor and shattering. It was out of the way, so his hips stuttered a bit, but he continued with a huff when you whined in desperation at the halt.
"Shit, babe-" He groaned, and you moaned as well, feeling your own climax getting closer. You both fell over when he did a final grind against your clit, as deep as he could go, spilling inside of you. The heat of his cum brought you over as well, and you pulled your hand from your mouth, panting quietly.
"S-sorry." Mark suddenly felt guilty for hauling you into the bathroom to fuck while all of your friends were possibly in ear shot.
"Th…that's okay." You gave him a tired smile and he kissed you softly with a giggle. After cleaning up a bit and straightening clothes and hair back up, you slipped back outside, and it seemed like no one had even noticed you two had been gone. Later, when you were inside to eat supper, you heard a loud shout from the bathroom.
"Who broke the toothbrush mug?!"
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
would it be a sin if i stayed?
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pairing: ghostface!sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: you find out your girlfriend is hiding something from you
words: 3.120k
warnings: mentions of murders, gf!sam, knife, scream shenanigans, stab wounds, treating wounds, fear of cheating(?), swearing, bad writing
authors note: so it's been a minute huh, excuse the rusty writing i've been in pain and in a writers block
Everyone's entitled to their own secrets; there's nobody in the world that doesn't have at least one secret. 
Some people have small secrets such as not liking a certain food but saying they like to please the other person. Others don't have such sweet secrets.
The darkest secret you have is the fact you slit your ex's tire once after she cheated on you, it's not insanely dark or even cool, it's simply just a secret that you don't want people to know about.
Yet there's people in your life that hold such darker secrets, ones that could never be revealed to anyone; not even their most loyal loved ones. 
Unbeknownst to you that person is Sam Carpenter, your girlfriend of over a year.
Me (17:29pm): i'll get started on dinner soon then?
Sammy<3 (17:32pm): Yes please. Hopefully I'll be done soon with my shift and can hopefully even help you a bit with the cooking! 👩‍🍳😊
Me (17:33pm): maybe i'll postpone for a bit then
Sammy<3 (17:33pm): No, start cooking. You need to eat and Derek is a bastard who won't let me off early anyways 😂😂
Me (17:34pm): fineeeee 
Me (17:34pm): see you soon then, love you <33
Sammy<3 (17:36pm): I love you too, Y/n ❤️
Me (18:12pm): i finished making dinnerrrr:)) 
Me (18:22pm): sammmm
Me (18:29pm): sam? 
Me (18:31pm): please answer me sam, where tf are you?? ik you finish your shift at six 
Me (19:06pm): Sam this isn't funny, please answer my calls.
You bite your bottom lip nervously as you reread over the messages hoping to see that small bubble pop up any second. 
Sure traffic was a reasonable reason to why Sam's late but she'd always message you after finishing her shift at work.
Sam's one of those people who never leaves the house without her phone being higher than 80%, meaning her phone being dead wouldn't explain it. She always made sure it had more than enough battery in case Tara or you called her and there was an emergency 
So why the fuck isn't Sam answering your texts? You can't help but worry after everything that's happened to the poor woman and her family with Ghostface. 
You've already tried calling her three times to no avail. Nervously you switch over to Tara's contact as your thumb hovers over the call button, debating whether you should ask her if she's seen Sam or not.
If Tara hasn't seen her and Sam is in fact just running incredibly late then you're just going to worry the younger Carpenter for no reason.
"Fuck." You mumbled to yourself as you lowered your thumb to dial Tara, deciding it's worth the risk.
Just as you're about to press down you hear the doorknob to your front door jangle, immediately you whip your head around to see Sam entering calmly.
You drop your phone and rush over to her throwing your arms around her desperately as you cling to her. 
Sam doesn't say anything as she slowly raises her hand to your back, rubbing it up and down slowly.
"Where were you, Sam? I thought something had happened." You say worriedly as you pull away staring into your eyes intently, noticing a glimmer in her eyes that you have never seen before. 
Her eyes looked darker, almost a lustful look in them. 
She sighed as she smiled apologetically. "Some girl puked all over the place so I had to clean it up so I wasn't done till six thirty, then my phone died so I couldn't text you."
You ponder for a second on the possibility of Sam's phone actually being dead since the messages and calls went through, meaning it would be impossible for her phone to be dead.
Biting your tongue you nod as you smile at Sam, just relieved to have her here. 
"Okay, glad you're safe then. I've made a plate for you so you just need to reheat it." Sam grins as she presses a quick kiss to your cheek making your ear burn just as they did the very first time they kissed you. 
"You're the best." She says and you chuckle giving a weak smirk. "I know right, the best girlfriend."
Sam pulls away from you as well, finally giving you a proper look of her. You tilt your head confused as you notice the baggy black hoodie she's wearing, practically devouring her and hiding her arms and upper body.
"You didn't leave wearing that this morning." You comment mindlessly as you grab the end of the sleeve, rolling your fingers around the soft texture.
Sam stiffens as she roughly pulls her arm away from your grip, crossing her arms over her chest. You frown at her abruptness. 
"It was in the trunk of my car." Sam replies dismissively with a wave of her hand before turning to enter your room. 
You remain where you stand a little frown toying on your lips. What was that about? You thought as you glanced at the doorway to your bedroom, the light being flickered on by Sam.
"I'm just gonna take a shower real quick then I can eat dinner and we can watch some movies?" You hear Sam yell from your room also hearing the erratic movement from her as you walk closer.
Leaning on the doorway you see Sam placing her phone, car keys and work badge on the dresser. 
"Want me to reheat your food for you?" You suggest with a smile. Sam nodded her head as she turned to face you, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead this time as she whispered, "I love you so much." before passing you and locking herself in the bathroom. 
A few moments later you hear the loud sound of the shower water hitting the bottom of the tub before it gets muffled by Sam entering the shower.
Against your better judgement you glance back into the room where Sam's phone is kept, the desperate urge to check it gnawing at you. 
You didn't want to snoop through it, no, you just wanted to see if she was lying or not. Which you basically already knew she was. 
You glance back at the bathroom door before rushing into the room to look at Sam's phone.
Reaching the drawer you picked up her phone and to your horror the movement of you picking it up lights the screen up. 

Sam's phone wasn't dead.
She lied to you. 
Sam wouldn't cheat on you, right? No, Sam would never. She loves you too much for that. 
Shaking your head in hopes of getting rid of those thoughts you place Sam's phone back into its original position, staring at it before leaving the room to reheat Sam's plate of food.
You trust Sam with your life and more and don't believe she's cheating on you since she's already quite possessive and protective of you after Ghostface. 
After placing the plate into the microwave you move back into the living room, dropping down onto the couch with a sigh as you wrap your fingers around the TV remote, pressing the on button.
The TV started up and immediately you were introduced to the loud male voice of the news reporter. You pulled out your phone and didn't pay much attention till you heard him utter a line that made your blood run cold.
"-two male victims stabbed to death near Parker Street, the police have no lead suspects as of now but a CCTV footage has been leaked showing the brutal murder and the killer wearing the infamous Ghostface costume."
Your eyes widened as you slowly lowered your phone, pushing yourself up the couch as you straightened your posture.  
Ghostface is back? It doesn't help that Parker street, that's the street where the bar Sam works at is at. 
"Sam!" You yelled and panicked as your eyes remained focused on the screen.
You could hear the shower stopping before moments later the door the bathroom being thrown opened and Sam rushes into the living room soaking wet with a towel wrapped around her body.
"What's wrong?" Your girlfriend asked as she moved to your side, holding your face with a possessive grip as she turned it to the side to see if you were hurt. 
You shake your head making her let go and nod towards the TV, Sam takes your hint and turns to focus on the screen.
She's silent for a moment, her breathing eerily calm as her eyes meet with yours.
"Ghostface is gone, we don't have to worry." She says as her hand glides into yours. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion as this is a total 180 reaction to how she reacted last time when Tara's classmate was murdered, and it wasn't even confirmed it was Ghostface at that time.
"Sam, the person was literally wearing a Ghostface outfit and two people were murdered on the same block where you work! This cannot be a coincidence." You rush out as you look down at your phone where it lay on the couch.  "We have to call Tara, Mindy and Chad. I'm not letting you all go through this again." You say as you grab your phone but you're stopped by Sam's hand wrapping around your wrist.
Looking up at her confused you see a blank expression on her face, not a panicked look you expected to see. 
"This is not our Ghostface, Y/n, calm down, please." Sam replies, moving her hand to interlock with yours with a tight grip.
Your jaw slackens as the crease between your brows gets even bigger. 
"A dude in a Ghostface outfit killed two people near where you work, Sam!" You insist on trying to make Sam notice how dire this situation is.
She shakes her head as she shuffles a bit closer, the droplets falling off of her and a few dropping onto you. 
"My Ghostface doesn't do random public killing, this is very out of character. It's probably just some psycho who's using it as a disguise, Y/n. It's fine. I'm safe, Tara's safe, the twins are safe and you're safe." You're speechless at Sam's smooth words, never hearing her so calm and confident. 
Last year she threatened to move countries instantly when it wasn't even confirmed it was about them. 
You let out a humourless chuckle as you shake your head. "And what did Mindy say when Tara was acting like you right now last year? It's a bit too close to home." 
Sam shakes her own head as she flashes a smile that never fails to make your heart skip a beat. "You trust me, don't you?" 
You let out a barely audible scoff as you nod your head at the question as if it was a stupid question to ask.
"With my life and more Sam." Sam's smile softens as she nods her head gently, as if knowing what you were going to say.
"So trust me on this, my love." She whispers, raising her wet hand to lay on your cheek lovingly. "Please." She adds in a whisper as her thumb runs up and down your cheek slowly. 
You maintain eye contact with Sam as you begin to feel yourself getting lost in her dark brown eyes, unconsciously nodding your head slowly.
Sighing you snap out of your trance as you smile weakly at her, squeezing your interlocked hands. 
"I trust you." 
A few days have passed and the only person other than you who's showing concern over the murders is surprisingly Tara. The girl who was very adamant last year that this almost exact scenario wasn't related to them in any way.
You've been texting her non stop about your worries about the entire situation but you haven't said anything about your concerns about Sam. 
She lied to you, sure it was something very niche but with the timing of the murders; something just felt off. 
You have also noticed that Sam has been even more loving lately, not that she isn't always wonderful to you, but it's more than usual. 
You love the attention but you still can't help but feel that there's something wrong. 
It's a Saturday night and Sam's working the night shift again, you're not doing anything special so you decided to sleep in early. 
It's around two in the morning when you get awakened by a slam of the door, it immediately sprung you out of sleep since you've always been a light sleeper since the entire Ghostface incident. 
You rub your eyes as you slowly sit up, glancing around the room and notice Sam isn't in bed. 
Concern runs through your veins immediately as you push yourself off the bed to stand up, your feet hurting the cold floor as you move towards the door. Is it a complete dumb move to investigate the random loud noise? Yes, absolutely. But you can't help but think it's most likely Sam and maybe she's having another one of her attacks. 
"Sam?" You yell out softly as you open the door and glance around your small apartment, squinting your eyes to see better in the dark.
There's no sign of Sam but then you notice the light peeking through the bottom of the bathroom door. You definitely didn't leave the bathroom light on.
You head towards the bathroom door and go to open it but it's locked, you frown as your concern grows.
"Sam? Are you there?" You ask as you keep trying to unlock the door but to no use. 
A muffled grunt is heard through the door before you hear Sam's raspy voice. 
"Go back to bed, Y/n, I'll join you soon." Sam's muffled voice says as another low grunt is heard. That doesn't help your nerves at all.
You can feel your heart pick up a pace as you desperately keep trying to unlock the door.
"Open the door, Sam, please." You beg as you keep trying to open the door, shaking the doorknobs desperately. 
"No." Sam says sternly, making you shake your head at her stubbornness. "Sam if you don't unlock this door I swear I'll kick it down. Please open the door."
"No I-" Sam goes silent for a moment before continuing her words. "You can't see me like this, you'll leave me." 
"Sam I love you more than anything in this world, if you're hurt I want to see you and help you. Please." You say sincerely as you still your moments on trying to open the door, trying to show Sam how much you care for her. 
She doesn't say anything for what feels like an eternity, your fear growing with each passing second as you swallow nervously. 
Then you hear it, the door unlocking but Sam doesn't open it for you. Immediately you throw the door open and scan your eyes to find Sam sitting on the edge of the bathtub wearing her usual grey tank top, tight black cargos and thick black boots with bruises and a singular stab wound on her arms.
Your breath hitches as your eyes widen dramatically, your fear about Ghostface attacking Sam again being confirmed. 
Sam refuses to make eye contact with you as she sloppily tries to patch herself up, wrapping a bandage around below her shoulder that's already staining with a ruby red shade.
"Let me help." You whisper as you move to stand in front of her knowing in the frenzied state Sam is in she wouldn't tend her wounds properly.
She finally looks up at you and you notice the look of pure fear in her eyes, it breaks your heart. 
Sam stiffly nods her head as she lets go of the dirty bandage and lets it fall gracefully onto the floor. 
You don't take notice of anything else around you as your entire focus is only on your bleeding girlfriend. 
As you focus on the slash below her shoulder you see that she's sterilised it and only needs help with bandaging it up.
You grab a new roll and gently hold onto her elbow for a grip as you begin to tightly wrap the bandage around her wound.
As you keep wrapping enough layers around your eye's unconsciously flicker over to the bathtub, and the moment you see the objects scattered inside you feel your heart drop.
A bloodied knife is peeking out through a thick pile of black which almost looks like a blanket but that isn't what catches your attention. The bloodied Ghostface mask thrown carelessly near what you presume is the cloak is what makes your heart come back to life and rapidly speeds up. 
Suddenly everything makes sense.
The lie about her phone being dead when it wasn't, coming home late and the very calm reaction to the murders.
Sam wasn't attacked by the Ghostface on the news; Sam is Ghostface. 
You can pull your eyes away from the hollow eyes of the Ghostface mask as you keep bandaging Sam's stab wound up, the feeling of shame making your throat tighten. 
Not ashamed of Sam but the fact you don't immediately want to run away. Call the cops or even scream. Instead you stand there as you treated her wound. 
"That's enough layers, Y/n." Sam's quiet voice breaks you out of your stare as you avert your eyes back to hers, stilling your hands as you lock with her brown eyes.
Oh those big brown eyes. 
Grief swirls around in her eyes as if she's already grieving your relationship; grieving her life. 
You take a deep breath as a shaky smile slowly forms on your lips making Sam's eyebrows scrunched together confused. 
"I'll never stop loving you." You whisper to her as you finish bandaging her wound up, dropping your hand from her elbow to place on her cheek. 
Sam leans into your touch laying her own cold hand over yours, looking up at you with a softer gleam in her eyes. 
"I'm not a bad person, I only hurt bad people I promise." Sam whispers in a gravelly voice. You feel some reassurance from that but what shocks you the most is the fact you're not sure if you wouldn't have minded if they were bad or not. 
Would it be a sin if you stayed with her? Probably. But killing is most definitely a bigger sin which only makes you think of one thing. 

You and her will still be together in the afterlife. 
"Let's go to bed, my love." You whisper as you offer Sam your free hand to take to help stand up. 
Sam stares at it for a moment before she complies and slides her hand into your hand, a small smile grazing her lips. 
Everyone has their secrets and who are you to share them with?
authors note: i'd do anything for sam (i hate this so fucking much)
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cobaltperun · 8 months
Lost (17) - Satellite
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 5.4k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-That's why we won't back down we won't run and hide-
Telling Chad you’d be fine without him, that he should focus on protecting Mindy and Anika in case anyone went after them was a right thing to do, but you still had no idea what to do. How to find Ghostfaces targeting you this time, or how to avoid them, you were stuck at the moment.
But, as the three of you left the hospital you saw her… Gale, like a reporter shark that she was, smelled blood and found you before any other reporter could.
“I heard what happened, are you okay?” she walked up to you, at least she didn’t have her equipment or anyone shoving a camera in your faces, with her.
“Gale, I swear,” Sam had no patience to deal with the woman right now, frankly, neither did you and Tara, but you couldn’t deny that maybe, just maybe you needed as much help as you could get, even if that help was Gale.
Gale immediately raised her hands in surrender. “Truce, okay? I’m- I’m here for whatever you need,” she said that, but, well, you’ve seen Gale going back on her word before. Maybe that was being too harsh, she didn’t go back on her word when Ghostface was on the loose, but she did break an important promise.
“Just like last time,” you said, already trying to spot a cab that would take you back to the apartment. Or anywhere else really. Staying near the hospital could put your friends at risk.
“Okay fine, off the records, okay?” she offered and well, you were stuck and all four of you knew that.
Sam sighed, nodding slightly. “Fine. Thank you,” she agreed.
Gale glanced at Tara.
“Nope! That punch was beautiful, and you will not be getting an apology for it!” you interrupted before Tara could even begin to utter an apology she didn’t mean anyway.
Gale chuckled and shook her head, expecting as much from you and Tara. “Guess I should be thankful you weren’t the one punching me,” she sighed.
“Exactly!” Tara grinned and lifted your arm up. “She packs a punch,” she rolled your sleeve up and patted your forearm.
Mere seconds later you saw a cop car stopping and Kirby and Bailey stepping out, and that’s how the six of you ended up following Gale’s lead and going to a former movie theater turned shrine for Ghostface.
You felt sick. Angry that someone could actually worship these monsters. So many people died. Everyone in this theater, aside from Bailey, was attacked at least once. You kept an eye on others, on Gale as she passed by Dewey's photos or her own books. On Kirby and Bailey as they focused on whatever grabbed their interests. On Sam as she went and touched the glass case holding Billy's mannequin. On Tara as she went over to Sam.
You were stuck observing crime scene photos from when Amber attacked Tara. You saw Tara's wounds, you knew minute details of each and every scar she had. You never saw the photos of her house from that night. It looked even worse than it did when you went to clean the house, it looked fresh, the blood was still not dry. You clenched your fists, wishing you shot Amber, you wished you could go back and finish her off instead of forcing Tara to do it. How many times did you wish for nothing more than for some kind of instinct or a precognition that would allow you to stop Amber before she got to hurt Tara in the first place.
You saw Tara going outside and were about to follow her when your phone rang. This time you checked the ID and saw it was Thomas. His timing really was the worst. With a groan, you answered the phone.
"Hey, Y/N, sorry to call like this, but I heard you didn't go to the gym last night," he opened up with that right away.
"Yeah, sorry, something came up," you didn't sound sorry at all, you'd abandon the gym a hundred times over if needed.
"Look, I know these past two weeks have been tough and I may have asked too much of you-" you really didn't feel like having this conversation.
"I'm busy right now, we'll talk later," you hung up before he could even respond to that. Since your phone was already in your hand you tried to call Susan one more time, but, as it always did these past two days, it just went to voicemail. "Fuck!" you cursed and stuffed your phone in your pocket.
"Troubles?" Bailey asked and you just now realized you were alone with him.
"Are you asking or questioning me?" you still didn't know where the police tracker came from. There was no way you were trusting anyone other than Tara and Sam, and, as much as it annoyed you Gale, as far as not being a Ghostface went.
"Just asking, sorry if I'm overstepping," he raised his hands apologetically and backed away.
You nodded. "You are overstepping," you said and tilted your head in the direction Tara and others went. "After you."
He sighed, but otherwise remained silent and complied with your wishes. The two of you found Sam and Gale in the midst of, from what you could see, burying the hatchet.
"Where's Tara?" you asked right away, honestly hoping you didn't all walk into a trap set by Ghostface.
"Kirby is with her, they went upstairs, wherever that leads," Sam told you and you tried not to panic. Kirby survived a Ghostface attack herself, surely she wouldn’t be a Ghostface, right?
"I think I have a plan how to catch these fuckers," Bailey said and you desperately wanted to agree with the plan. The sooner this was over the better.
You absolutely hated the plan Bailey had. And you were vocal about it. So, here you were, at the park, next to the van Kirby would trace the call from with Tara trying one last time to get her to change her mind. It was reckless, it was unnecessary, and you were sure a bit more of thinking would give you a better plan.
"Tara, please, at least think this through," you pleaded, already certain you were wasting your breath, but you couldn't just give up.
"I thought it through, Y/N, I'm staying with Sam," Tara leaned against the van with her arms crossed over her chest. She refused to look at you, but you saw the furrow of her brows, you saw her biting her lower lip, and you knew she was getting angry.
You’d still take her being angry at you over her being in danger. "It's dangerous, at least let me come with you," if you couldn't get her to stay safe, then you might be able to convince her to let you come with her and Sam. Sure, Bailey explicitly argued that you being there could discourage Ghostface from attacking, and you could see his logic, but you still wanted to stay by Tara’s side.
"It won't work if you're there. You can fight them," Tara huffed, clearly getting even more frustrated as you kept arguing. The two of you had been going back and forth on this ever since Bailey proposed the plan and she decided she wouldn't let Sam do it alone.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, already feeling a headache over this whole plan. And they weren't even out in the open yet. "I don't want you to get hurt."
Tara narrowed her eyes at that. "And it's fine if Sam gets hurt?!" she raised her voice and tightly gripped her left biceps.
"I didn't say that," you took a step back, trying to cool your head at least a bit.
"No, but you think I could get hurt, so you think Sam could get hurt and you're not trying to convince her not to do it," Tara took a few deep breaths.
"You and I both know I'd much rather take Sam's place, but no, Ghostface is after her so anyone else won't do!" you yelled, what little cool you managed to regain fading away way too quickly for your liking.
"Like you left last night? Right? Like how you chose to put yourself in danger even after you saw there was a tracker on your car?! Do you even understand how worried I was?!" somehow this was reminding you of the night you told Tara you were retiring from MMA.
"I fucked up, okay?" you spread your arms for a moment then let them drop at your sides. "I thought they'd try to finish me off first and figured I could use the opportunity."
"Yeah, you thought putting yourself in danger and possibly fighting someone that defeated you before was okay, but this isn't?" Tara asked incredulously.
"So, your solution is to go ahead and do something equally reckless? Is that what you're saying, Tara?" you had no idea how you weren't already shouting. You felt like screaming, but you still didn't shout, if for no other reason than because you didn’t want unwanted attention on the two of you.
"She's my sister, Y/N! I'm her backup, and if it comes down to it, we'll keep each other safe!" Tara yelled and, perhaps to avoid arguing further began walking toward where Sam was getting ready with Kirby and Bailey.
"Yeah, because being with Sam sure kept you safe every time Ghostface was involved!" you just snapped and watched as Tara turned around.
She was glaring at you. "Don't you fucking dare, Y/N," she warned, her voice barely louder than a whisper.
For once you glared back. "Am I wrong?" you challenged. As long as you could move and you were there no one, not Amber, not Richie, not whoever these Ghostfaces were, managed to touch her, let alone hurt her. Sam didn’t have the same track record.
Tara reached you, anger evident in her eyes, and then, as if she just made that decision at that exact moment, swung her palm toward your face. You caught her wrist, entirely unimpressed with how telegraphed the attempted slap was. "Don't ever try that again," you let go of her wrist and climbed into the van, shutting the door behind you, you missed the way Tara looked down at her palm, horrified by what she just tried to do.
You slumped down and absentmindedly touched the scar on the right side of your jaw. Once again you called Susan, once again you were left in silence. You looked at the last text exchange you had with her, the word fun popping up for some reason. Maybe you should take that vacation the moment this all ends, or at least the moment everyone heals up. Maybe spend a week or two in Sacramento, only you and Susan, and then come back to New York with her for Thanksgiving.
Maybe taking that small break from one another's company would be good for Tara, after all this wasn't the first fight in the past few days, and that one was before you even knew Ghostface was back. Sure, you talked it out and kissed it better, but this one just brought it back to your mind.
You only opened your eyes when you heard the doors opening because you wanted to be sure Kirby was the one coming in.
"You look awful," she commented.
"You look like it's none of your business," you replied, not really in the mood to discuss this with her.
"Someone's cranky," she just shrugged, not bothered by your reaction and you chose not to respond.
Too much time passed before Ghostface finally called, bragging about being a step ahead. And he was. He went after Gale. Bailey got in the van and turned the engine on.
"Where are Tara and Sam?!" you jumped to your feet when you saw he was alone. Your blood pressure probably skyrocketed as the worst possible scenarios came to your mind.
"They stole my car!" he exclaimed angrily.
At this rate, you were going to have a heart attack. "Who's driving?!"
"Tara," that girl was going to be the death of you.
"Are you crazy?! Tara can't drive! How are you even a cop you incompetent fuck?! How could someone just steal your damn car?!" a rage-fueled part of your brain cynically told you this was to be expected. That you should have realized Tara was too reckless to consider her own safety even back when she stubbornly convinced you to take her with you when you went after Sam back to Woodsboro after she just barely survived two attacks and had a broken leg. That you should have realized it when she first disappeared and went to a party with complete strangers.
When you finally reached Gale's apartment building you saw Tara and Sam sitting in the hall and you ran up to them.
Tara looked up when she heard you, or rather the running, and she got up, rushing to meet you halfway, only to stop, as if suddenly remembering the last interaction you had. You took a deep breath and just pulled her into a hug. She quietly sobbed into your chest as you held her.
"Is Gale still alive?" you asked softly and relaxed when Tara nodded.
"She was seriously injured, but she should be fine," she told you when you released her, your heart cracking a bit when you saw the pain in her eyes when you pulled away. With a hand on her back, you led her back to where Sam was still sitting.
"Hey," you squeezed Sam's shoulder, hoping to comfort her a bit.
"Hey, sorry we left you with Kirby and Bailey," she apologized and placed her hand on top of yours for a moment. You just nodded and sat down with Tara. There would be a better, more appropriate time to tackle that reckless decision.
Soon enough you saw Danny running in. "Hey, I came as soon as I could," he ran up to the three of you, looking mostly at Sam.
"Did you?" Tara challenged and he just looked at her, perhaps knowing better than to add fuel to the fire.
"More importantly, what now?" you chose to save him from Tara's anger.
"Maybe he gets to win this time," Sam's words made alarms go off in your head as you turned to look at her.
"What?" you demanded, not quite sure if it was just your exhaustion catching up to you, or if Sam actually just said that.
"He wants to punish me," she explained, on the verge of tears. "Me," she stood up and faced Tara and you. "So maybe I let him. I'll just give myself up."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing and for a split second, you wondered if Sam lost her mind. "Fuck that! Who do you think you are, huh?!" you got up and stormed away from Sam. "Giving herself up? Unbelievable!"
"If this is what it takes to keep you safe, it's worth it," the only reason you weren't yelling that she was out of her mind was because she was crying. Sam was crying and you rarely saw that.
You couldn't convince her, so you'd leave it to Tara and maybe scold her once this was all over, because not only was Sam important to you and your friends you did not want to see Tara dealing with losing Sam once again.
Tara stood up and approached Sam. "No, we're not doing that, Sam. You went back to Woodsboro to protect me. Every single day you make the decision to protect me. None of us would even be alive if it weren't for you. You have to let us protect you this time," Tara told her without a single hint of doubt in her words.
"No," Sam said weakly.
"Yes," Tara said firmly and from the corner of your eye you saw her pulling Sam into a hug. "We're a team, remember? I can't lose you, Sam, it feels like I just got you back in my life."
That was definitely going to work. The question remained though. What to do next?
"He's gonna keep coming after us," Sam pointed out while hugging Tara back.
"We could use that, though," Tara said and somehow you just had the feeling she was about to suggest something reckless before she even spoke up.
The plan? That involved Bailey and Kirby? Lure Ghostface into the movie theatre they used as a shrine and execute them. When Tara said she intended to execute Ghostface you looked at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and just accepted it.
'At this point, the best I can do is be the fucking bodyguard,' a moment later you wondered when was the last time you cursed this much. "Right, off to the murder shrine, where we'll definitely have the upper hand," you couldn't help but grumble.
You drove to the murder shrine, in your car, just you, Tara, Sam, and Danny. No public transport. Nope. none of that. You were not about to be suspicious of every stranger on the train.
When you parked outside the theatre you saw Kirby waiting for you.
"I talked to Bailey, let's get you all inside," she went right down to business, but Sam abruptly turned around and faced Danny.
"Not you," she said.
"What?" he asked.
"Don't trust anyone, remember? We don't know you, not really," she told him.
"I don't know, Sam, we could use extra muscle," you still weren't sure you could defeat that Ghostface in a one-on-one, let alone with at least two more on his side. And why did the three of you even bring him along then?
"Y/N is right and you know me," Danny tried to convince her.
"You're not Woodsboro. I'm sorry," Sam wasn't listening.
"It's okay. It's okay, I get it. Just be safe, okay?" he kissed her cheek.
Sam nodded. "You too," with that, she turned around and the rest of you followed, leaving Danny behind.
"Good call," Kirby said as the four of you entered the theatre.
Things just kept getting better and better, Kirby was the only one with a gun, the only one with any weapon, really, and you only had one exit, that could be blocked fairly easily.
Perhaps seeing the tense look on your face prompted her to do it, but Tara took your hand and pulled at it, frowning when you didn't comply. "Come with me for a minute?" she requested, looking softly into your eyes.
"Now? You want to separate from Sam now?" you couldn't help but ask.
"Please, Y/N," you could never resist her for long. Thus, you complied, letting her lead you outside of the shrine and into the hall where you figured tickets used to be sold. "You're stressed," she said, not quite getting into your personal space, but still remaining close to you.
"Can you honestly blame me? I'm one bad thing away from just breaking down, Tara. I'm just tired," the first time this happened you had moments to rest, you slept, and you felt safe at Susan's place, for the last twenty-four hours even when you weren't in constant danger you were either arguing with Tara or trying to reach Susan.
Sure, you slept yesterday, but that was over thirty hours ago at this point and you were really feeling the stress that accumulated over the past two weeks.
"It'll be over soon," she said, reaching up to touch your cheek, but stopping mere inches away from it. As if trying to slap you suddenly put an invisible barrier between you that was only temporarily broken by the adrenaline caused by what happened to Gale.
For once, you chose not to lean into her touch. "Let's go back to Sam," you said, and Tara nodded, lowering her hand. She walked in front of you, and you went back to the shrine to see Sam running toward the doors you just walked through with a knife in her hand.
You were immediately looking around, trying to see if she was running from someone, but somehow you couldn't see anyone.
"It's Kirby! She made this whole theatre a kill box, for us!" Sam explained rapidly.
"What?" you asked, but it made sense. The police tracker on your car, only Kirby having a gun, locking you here... Why would she wait though, and who was she working with? You knew there were at least three Ghostfaces this time, and it didn’t seem like Kirby had any definitive allies.
"Bailey is on the way here, but-" Sam continued as you went back to the middle of the shrine.
"Stay back to back," you interrupted her and the three of you stood in a circle, making sure you had each other's back.
"Wait, wasn't it Bailey's idea to use you as bait?" Tara reminded Sam.
"And Kirby refused to let Gale come with us," Sam said, frantically looking around for any trace of Kirby.
"Unless he figured that's what would happen. Just to be sure, how about we don't trust either of them?" you suggested, and she was alone with Tara, but she would have to be stupid to just try and kill Tara before.
Tara nodded and you felt her brushing her fingers over your hand.
You took and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Ghostface appears you stay still, you hear me. Don't make sudden moves," you could pull either of them behind you and counter-attack at any time, you just needed them to stay calm.
You heard footsteps coming from your left, where Sam was and you moved, getting between the masked attacker and her just in time to catch his fist and punch his face. "Fuck running, I'm fighting you head-on," you said as he stumbled back, from the grunt of pain you figured this was probably the one you stabbed last night.
The second one jumped out, but they didn't attack, choosing to circle the three of you instead.
"Sam, Y/N," Tara was close to panicking and you knew why. The third one. He still wasn't there, and you didn’t have that much luck one on one, let alone now that there were three of them here with you.
"I need you to be ready! You ready?" Sam asked she had her back to Tara's while you moved to stand closer to the front of her while not blocking her direct line of sight. Sam even handed Tara a brick, which was good, Tara needed something to even the playing field a bit.
Tara took a deep breath. "I'm ready," she took another deep breath. "Come on motherfuckers!" unnecessary, but as long as she was calm and ready. Or at least ready.
Shooting made both Ghostfaces take cover and you turned to see Kirby, bleeding from the side of her head, and more importantly with a gun in her hands.
Somehow, you relaxed, if she wanted to shoot you, she probably would have done it and used the element of surprise.
"Maybe it's not you after all," you said and turned to Sam. "Come on, what's the point of keeping cover at this point? Your aim really sucks though. Not even one bullet hit them," you said, you'd still keep your guard up around her, but for now you figured you could tentatively trust her.
"My head is bleeding, Y/N," she deadpanned.
"Meh, excuses," you replied, though Kirby having a gun really eased some of your worries.
"Kirby, get away from the girls!" Bailey rushed in, with his gun raised.
"Whatever you think, I'm not the killer!" Kirby quickly denied any involvement in this mess. "I don't know what he's been telling you, but don't listen to him!"
And then the third Ghostface, the one you were the most worried about, came up behind Bailey.
"Behind you!" Kirby yelled only for Bailey to shoot her.
"Great job, you three," Bailey said as the three Ghostfaces stood by his side.
'Right, this is happening. Four of them, just great,' you thought as you fully expected Bailey to point his gun at the three of you.
"You?" Tara asked, and you shared her disbelief, after all Bailey had no reason to go after you.
"Yeah, of course, it's me. Frankly, I expected more from you after what you did to us," he declared, as if this was reasonable, as if they should have expected him to be the Ghostface.
"Us?" Sam repeated, as puzzled by his statement as you and Tara.
"Let me guess, Quinn?" you figured since he was saying 'us' maybe his daughter was involved as well.
Indeed, the Ghostface to Bailey's right took the mask off, and sure enough, it was Quinn. "Hello, almost roomies. Too bad I couldn't resist messing with you when we met, but it was a good way to not be on the suspect list," she said.
You narrowed your eyes, realizing that this might actually be worse, because this now meant anyone could be a Ghostface, that they no longer played by the rules and skipped getting close to you and becoming a part of the friend group.
Then the Ghostface to Bailey's left took off his mask. "Mindy was right, it was easy to juke the roommate lottery!" Ethan exclaimed. "All I had to do to get close to you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad. Fuck, I can't wait to kill him!" he pointed the knife at the mask he was holding. "This was your grandmother's Sam. Nancy Loomis. Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family..."
"Wait for it," Bailey chimed in.
"My name isn't Ethan Landry, is it dad?" and Bailey just laughed at that, as if there was actually something funny.
"Dad?" Tara's eyes widened.
"And then they tell Sam it runs in her family," you sighed as Ethan and Quinn began pacing around once again. You remained focused on the only remaining masked one.
Bailey explained his plan, saying how they were counting down to Billy's mask. Jason and Greg, bodega, Sam's therapist, your shared apartment, that was four, with four of them there were now eight masks. The idea that one, Amber's mask, was still missing worried you. Was Gale the ninth mask? That didn't make sense, no mask was left behind and it was the last attack, not the first as the countdown should imply.
Convinced that the fourth one was content with watching you began walking around Tara and Sam, keeping light on your feet, and making sure Quinn and Ethan were on your opposite sides the whole time. This way you could react to either of them attacking. They wouldn't be allowed to touch either Tara or Sam, not with you right there.
"I'm gonna need you to put it on," Bailey offered the mask to Sam, but she slapped it out of his hand.
Ethan went in to slash her, but you stepped in, making him halt before he could reach you. "How are the wounds?" you taunted and just as it looked like he was about to back away the fourth one spoke, still using the voice changer.
"Step back, she'll just hit you again," he warned, actually sounding amused, and though it was clear Ethan didn't like that, he did step away.
Their plan was insane, though it was working out well for them so far. They ruined Sam's reputation, courtesy of Quinn's efforts, and as Ethan explained it further Quinn made a mock attempt to stab Tara.
You once again moved in time, regardless of her intentions, and pulled Tara behind you.
"Truly a guard dog," Quinn mocked and that's when it all clicked for all three of you.
They weren't Amber's family, but... "You're Richie's family," Sam realized.
"Yeah," Bailey said slowly, just for a moment showing the pain of losing his family.
"Ding, ding, ding!" not liking the enthusiasm Ethan had when he said it you stopped between him and Sam, he seemed ready to lunge at you, but the warning he got before kept him at bay, at least for now.
"Now! It wasn't until I saw those photographs of what you did to him that I knew! I knew you had to die for what you did to him! You had to be punished!" Bailey yelled, angry at Sam for what she did to his son. You couldn’t say you blamed him, you wanted revenge for what was done to Tara and she survived. Even if Richie was the one who started it all, he was still Bailey’s family, so you understood. But you still weren’t about to let him, or his children hurt Tara and Sam.
"Real great parenting, by the way," Tara commented as she glared at the man.
"Shut your whore mouth!" Quinn screamed at her but didn’t attack knowing she had to go through you first. Ah, so she was the one that called you.
"And you? What's your deal?" you gestured toward the still masked Ghostface, interrupting whatever Bailey was about to say.
"You really should have figured it out by now. I get that you probably didn't want to consider it since I did help you out so much," he removed the mask.
Your jaw dropped slightly as you recognized Thomas. Honestly, you should have seen it coming just from how well the bastard fought. "What the fuck?" you couldn't help but ask. "Are you kidding me right now? Do you have any idea how bad it'll look when I end up putting 'Killed my employer' down as the reason for unemployment?" why was he even after you. Richie's family you could understand on some level, they were the bastard's family, but Thomas? Really?
Thomas actually genuinly laughed at that. "Trust me, that's the least of your worries, Y/N," he said and held up a paper bag for you to see. "You wondered where Amber's mask ended up?" the smirk on his face, the tone of his voice, it all made you feel unexplainable dread. "Take a good look," he opened the bag and turned it over, letting a very familiar pair of MMA gloves fall to the dirty floor.
Despite Tara's attempt to grab your hand you took steps forward, stopping right between Tara and Sam and the gloves at Thomas' feet. "Susan," your throat was dry when you said her name. This couldn’t be happening, she couldn’t be dead, but he took Zack’s gloves.
"Exactly, it's been four days now, just so you know why she hasn't been responding all this time," he was taunting you. He was amused by your failure to figure out what happened to Susan.
"Why?! What did she ever do to any of you?!" you weren't the one asking that, it was Tara.
You just stared at the gloves, barely even registering your surroundings. If anyone wanted to kill you, well, there wasn't a better opportunity than this very moment.
"It's simple really. Susan was the only one who'd always, no matter what, no matter what the other choice is, choose Y/N. Your friends won't, Samantha won't, not even you would Tara. It would hurt you, you'd never forgive yourself, but you'd choose Samantha in the end," he turned to you as Tara remained silent. "Parents? Oh, they really don't care. Zack and Susan? Dead. You can try to deny it all you want, but the only reason you are still alive is because you were strong enough to survive on your own. Twice now you were stuck with me, no one came to help. Your girlfriend put up a better fight to protect a friend than she did to protect you. You are alone, Y/N, and you threw everything you could have been for nothing. Quite frankly, what I'm about to do is a mercy kill."
You heard everything he said and you relaxed. There was nothing. No rage. No despair. No remorse. No sorrow. Nothing. Just an empty state of mindlessness.
"That's it," Thomas grinned, tossing aside his robes. Then his eyes abruptly widened. "Wait, Quinn!"
"Y/N!" you heard Tara and Sam's scream.
You glanced to your left and focused on nothing but the blade that was approaching you.
A/N: Here's a fun question, how much would Tara suffer if she had to choose between Sam and Reader?
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
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bahrtofane · 7 months
here we go again - pt.2
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pt.1, pt.3
jude x fem!reader , trent x fem!reader
empty promise after another leaves you walking in the cold. alone. on valentines day. youre never speaking to another player again. but, a familair face is here to save the day
word count - 2.2k+
watch it - jude is still an ass sorrehhh. angsy angst and more angst ! ur welcome
You don't know where the hell you are, what time it is. A few more minutes you're going to forget your own name and start screaming to feel something other than misery. So  much for the holiday of love. You are feeling so much love you could jump out of a plane. With no parachute. And land on a pile of rocks. 
You kick a trash can out of frustration and groan at the impact it gives your poor exposed and suffering toes. 
You can not believe the events of today. Everything keeps replaying over and over like a broken projector. The fact that he got you to dress up in your favorite special occasion floor length dress just to have it drag across the grimy dirty fucking disgusting club floor. Oh god you want him dead. 
You're deep into Birmingham nightlife by the time your senses come back to you enough to fish your phone out of your bag. The bag is a birthday gift from your mother of all people forced to be seen among that bunch of people,it makes you seeth. 
You should have known taking you to Birmingham wasn't a good idea. It made no sense in your head, why fly from Madrid to god damn Birmingham. You both live and work in Madrid? Your sweet naive mind thought he came up with something unique, something sweet. 
You groan the second your phone turns on. One too many notifications to keep up with and by the looks of it they aren't stopping anytime soon. Twitter is blowing up, you already know what it is. A bunch of low quality pixels of you entering with him and looking lost with a bunch of tacky headlines. You'll get that settled when you get home. You go to order an uber, but your phone manages to die on you miraculously. How lucky. All the times you spent trying to get a hold of Jude really drained the battery. You clench your jaw. 
Good god. You shove your phone back in your purse and keep stomping through birmingham. Shivering with each step. You didn't bring a jacket, how foolish.
You try to follow streets you think you know, but it's not going very well. There aren't very many people this far out. Leave it to fucking Jude to take you to the worlds more obscure club location. It's been about an hour since you left him at the club you think. An hour of walking through alley ways and neighborhoods that only raise the hair on the back of your neck. He couldn't even get you a ride home?
You think the last person you saw was a nurse chucking coffee at a bus station, the bus that you tried to catch but it sped away faster than your aching legs could take you. Better night than yours you're sure. You wander about trying to find at least a store open to be able to call for a taxi. 
You hear the crunch of slowing tires come up behind you, and you instantly quicken up your pace. You almost swear you hear your name shouted, but you don't stop. The second time, it's a little too clear to be mistaken for anyone else's name as the car comes to a crawl side by side to you. 
You turn on your heel harshly, “why in god's name-“ your voice dies the moment you recognize the familiar car model, and its driver. Trent. Oh.
“Get in the car." he dead pans, windows rolled at the way down, door already unlocked for you.
You wrinkle your nose, “I don't want to talk trent." 
The very last thing you need is that sorry excuse of a man to send his friend of all people to run after you and do his bidding where he fell short just hours before. This is so embarrassing it only makes you wish his car would explode. And then drive it into the club. While it's on fire. 
“I'm not letting you roam around these parts at this time, just get in." he sighs. 
You scowl, "he’s low for sending you to change my mind, after this whole fucking night why cant you leave me alone."
He gives you a look, “this has nothing to do with him, this is me. Worried for you. “
“Fuck off." you spit. 
“You’re so hard headed, just get in the damn car before someone robs you. Or worse." 
"How'd you even know I was here?" you squint at him. 
he sighs, rubbing his eyes, "i still have your location from when i picked you up for his birthday. And I heard about everything from just about everyone. "
"You have nothing else to do on valentines day?" you jab. 
He stays silent, hands wringing the steering wheel. You notice he's in what looks like pjs, Liverpool jacket thrown on top. He drove all this way for you?
You swallow your pride for a moment, hiking up your dress while you duck inside the car. Sighing in relief as the pressure is taken off your aching legs. Snapping your seatbelt over you, swinging your purse over your head and gently setting it on your lap, wiping away the tears that blur your vision. 
Your rage has turned into a simmer for now. The main goal at the moment is to just get out of these clothes and sleep till you forget what year it is. 
Trent is quiet while he lets you get comfortable, rolling up his windows backup and locking the doors. You've never sat passenger in his car before. Hell you haven't seen him in months.
“Did he touch you." he asks, turning the heater on higher.
You put your hand out in front of where the hot air blows oh so nice on your frozen hands,“What?”
“You have a bruise on the back of your arm. Did he do that? “
“No.” you sigh. 
he turns to face you, brows furrowed,“i need to know if he did. “ 
“He didn’t trent, i'm alright.'' your voice softens.
he nods, hands resting on the wheel,“where do you need to go? “
“Just take me to my hotel please."
He nods, handing you his phones to put the directions in. You watch as he takes the car out of park, making a u turn and heading out of whatever bizarre neighborhood you're in, back into the city. And  soon the freeway. Birmingham flashes by you and you try to forget the man that sits like a heavy weight in your mind.
You still wonder why Trent would make the trip all the way out just to pick you up. especially if Jude wasn't involved. You're somewhat close you suppose. The kind where you would call him a friend in a group setting, but not much more. You've spent only a couple of times truly alone. You don't know if you're that close.
 Trent has always been somewhat of a mystery to you. Few appearances and even fewer words. Jude had told you once he was shy, just taking a minute to warm up to new people. He has a habit of staring off into nothing you noticed at Judes birthday party. Always quick to snap out of it the moment eyes were on him. Oh so different from the way he plays. You've seen him now and again in highlights and clips posted on instagram. He's good, but man is he aggressive. You expect it for a defender but the man gets up in everyones space on the pitch.
A complete 180 from the way he can barely look you in the eye now. What is he thinking?
You don't let your curiosity blind you from being at least a little courteous. 
“Thank you, " you mumble, playing with the fabric of your dress, "and sorry for being a bitch.“
“Hey I don’t blame you.” he shrugs. 
You hum and leave it at that. You'll put unraveling Trent on the to do list. 
Your hotel comes into view and you thank him again for the kindness, promising to make it up to him some day. He waves you off, seeing till you're inside to leave. 
Your mind is so blurred you can barely stand anymore, every step only throws you off balance. You need your bed. Asap. Or you will fall over and die.
The hotel's heating is a welcome treat as you beeline for the elevator. The staff give you a strange look but you do NOT. have the time for any of that. Right now all you care about is getting in bed. Can this elevator hurry up? It finally comes and you lean against the metal walls when you step inside, sliding your purse lazily over you.
You all but tear your clothes off the second you make it inside your room, in a rush, wiping your makeup off while you undo your shoes, hobbling around with one foot while you dig for your pajamas. You end the night with a trip to the bathroom. Skipping on your usual night routine and just settling for a quick shower and brush of the teeth. 
Hotel covers have never felt better, warmer, safer. 
In the quiet of the room and the hum of the ac, you can't but let your thoughts consume you. Can't help but circle back to him. Why?
Why weren't you enough? Why did it have to end in fucking flames on whats supposed to be the most romantic love filled day of the year. 
You think back of every moment and piece of you shared with Jude. You remember the first time you kissed you, under the stands at his first madrid home game, clutching onto his jersey like a lifeline. He looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered. Gently holding your hand all the way back inside the building. Mumbling confessions and making you smile with every cheesy pick up line.
That jude is gone now, instead replaced by the man who you have to fight for even a second with. But are expected to drop all for. A selfish bitter man. 
It doesn't matter anymore. It's over, you can rest now and deal with the inevitable fall out as it comes. You know you're more than enough, but with the way you let yourself be treated it's hard to let yourself believe that. 
Never again though. From now, you're swearing off footballers. 
You wake up as early as you can manage, getting all your things together and booking a flight out of here as soon as possible. You need to get back to madrid.
Your headache is massive as you shove the last of your things in your suitcase. You can't believe you took days off for this. Nonetheless, you need to get back. You have a team to get back to and plenty of work to get done. Real Madrid's creative department never rests does it.
Your phone has a slew of missed calls, mainly from Jude but you see a few from Trent, rather recent ones. You give him a call back but it all goes to voicemail.
The key card jams while you're locking it for the last time, it takes a hit from your hand to get the scanner working but you make it out in one piece. Smoothing your clothes down and making your way to the lobby. Sitting down for a few minutes while you confirm your flight details and triple check that you haven't forgotten anything. You hear your name and are greeted again by Trent, who's all but spriting to you. It's a little early for him to be here now isn't it. 
“Can I help you ?” 
“I'm sorry I tried calling and I couldn't answer when you called. Judes outside waiting for you. he-“
So last night really was all just a ploy from Judes end? You try to get up and far far away from him, but he stands in front of you. 
“Listen.  He told me to come and get you out there so you can talk to him and to not tell you. But obviously, I'm not. i’ll tell him you're not here yeah? Take care.”
Trent doesn't leave you with anything else, leaving in the other direction. You take this as a sign to leave while you can, grabbing one of the many taxis outside to the airport. 
Trent gives Jude a scowl, “She's not there Jude, give it up. “
“I can't just lose her. “ Jude sighs, furiously typing on his phone. 
Trent rolls his yees, patience wearing thin,“You’re fucked in the head you know that? After all you’ve done to her, you still want her to come running back?”
“I care about you Jude I really do. But you left her walking around at 3 am with a dead phone in the middle of alleyways dude. That's not okay. “
The airport has never felt lonelier, but you swallow the lump in your throat, boarding your flight home and trying to forget the man that you've come to associate it with. Madrid will be a hard place to move on in, when its walls shine with its star boy. Its halls all but cheering his name. Every corner you're bound to be reminded of him. You can do it, one way or another you won't let yourself be miserable. 
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bones4thecats · 9 months
Sleep Problems ~ Apollo x Reader
Type of Writing: Poll Result Characters: Apollo, Reader, & Asclepius Name: Sleep Problems Original Poll Links: One & Two
A/N: God this is the longest piece I have ever made! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this angst + comfort poll result!
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☀️ It was a long day.
☀️ You and Apollo were busy helping the different pantheons honoring the deaths of their fallen members, you both were extremely drained with helping out with the remembrance of Poseidon, Hades, and Heracles
☀️ Apollo was cleaning himself off from the day while you spent time with your son, Asclepius, who was rambling about the day he had with his uncle Shiva, his aunties, and his cousin, Ganesha
☀️ While you didn’t want to, leaving him with his aunts and uncle was the wise part, you knew bringing up Ragnarok around him would send the kid into a frenzy
☀️ He was around 5-years-old in God-years when his father took to the fields in Ragnarok
☀️ Asclepius was very clingy with his father after that, and Apollo could say the same exact thing about you and his son
☀️ You both mean the world to him, and having his son watch that kind of brutality made his stomach turn
☀️ Once you heard the water shut-off, your son buried himself underneath the sheets of you and your husband’s bed, giggling as the familiar footsteps approached the door and eventually bleed into the room
☀️ Apollo chuckled quietly and stood over your son’s form and tore the sheets off before lifting his son up by his foot and laughing as he blew raspberries on his stomach before holding him and telling him to tell you goodnight
☀️ You loved your husband and son to oblivion, but remembering how Asclepius had to watch his own father fight at such a young age made your heart ache
☀️ Hearing your door close made you look up and watch as your husband walked up to the bed and de-summon the letters you had to read from Zeus
☀️ Apollo sighed lovingly as you laid down next to him and allowed his arms to wrap around your smaller form from behind
“ My sunrise, I love you so much. “ “ And I love you, my love. “
☀️ A soft creak could be heard as your door was opening, causing you and your husband to awake and look at the door, ready to attack if necessary
☀️ Your eyesight adjusted as the light of golden eyes burst through the darkness that surrounded your room
☀️ Apollo groaned as he sat up, asking the little boy what he was doing and why he wasn’t asleep
“ I had a bad dream… “
☀️ Anyone could hear how distraught and sad Asclepius sounded, and it made you guys look at each other and coax the young child into your bed and into your arms for comfort
☀️ When he settled in between you both, he started tearing up once asked what the dream was about
“ It- it was about you, daddy! You were fighting that big man, and- and you died… I was so scared, mommy was crying and screaming while uncle Shiva and my aunties held her back! Cousin Ganesha was holding me while covering my ears! I just wanted to make sure you were okay! “
☀️ Apollo looked at you and looked away in disgust, not with you or his son, but with himself, why did he have to let his son watch?! Why didn’t he have him stay with one of the nymphs at his estate?!
☀️ You reached up and cupped your husband’s cheek, your eyes looking into his, saying ‘it’s not your fault’
☀️ He sighed and hugged his son and you closely, saying the words he wished he had said after that fight oh so long ago
“ I’m sorry for allowing you to witness that ordeal, Asclepius. I should’ve had you stay with your nymph nanny here. But I promise you, do not fear that man, Leonidas. He was a great warrior, and he deserves to be looked upon with honor and respect, not fear. And your daddy won’t be leaving you anytime soon, I swear it. “
☀️ Asclepius smiled as he looked at you, knowing what you were gonna say, but he wanted to put on a bit of a show to make you smile, he was to much like his father
“ Can I stay here with you guys? Please?~ “
☀️ You chuckled as Apollo looked down and rubbed his head in a noogie before saying the words that made you laugh;
“ Of course you can, our Prince of the Sun! “
☀️ Asclepius smiled and tucked himself in between you and Apollo while your husband wrapped his arms around you and his son as you did the same
☀️ Apollo may still feel guilty as his son grows older, but with you by his side, and with his son’s undeniable love and devotion, he knew, he would get through it
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sturniolos-blog · 7 months
Hii can u please do a dad matt story when estrella is 13ish and upset over boy problems and matt is there is reassure her ?
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Boy problems - Matt sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - cute, swearing, ella being upset
quick disclaimer (important‼️‼️): the other request under the first one asked for when she like has a boyfriend but i mixed the two requests together so this story is about ella with boy problems and then matt and y/n realized she’s growing up, hope you enjoy ‼️‼️
It was a Friday afternoon and I was sweeping in the living room when the front door opened, Ella and Mailo both walked in but Ella slammed the front door shut, dropped her back pack and ran upstairs, not giving me a word to speak.
I look at Mailo as i turn the vacuum off, “What’s wrong with your sister?” I ask him.
Mailo shrugs, “How should i know? She didn’t talk the whole bus ride home!” Mailo says, kicking his shoes off and walking to the kitchen to get a snack.
I furrowed my eyebrows, “I thought you guys don’t sit near each other because you both needed ‘space away from each other’?” Making quotation marks with my fingers.
“We don’t, but she didn’t talk to anyone! Not even her friends.” Mailo said, coming back into the living room with a bag of chips.
“Seriously dude? I just spent the whole day cleaning.” I pointed out.
Mailo looks at me then back down to his chips, “I’ll be neat.” He says, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.
“You say that ev-” I cut myself off and shook my head, “Okay, i’m done cleaning anyway, i have to go check on your sister.” I sighed before starting to wrap up the vacuum wire.
“Have any idea why she’s upset at least?” I pleaded.
Mailo shrugged, “Probably about a boy.”
My eyes widened, “How old am i getting?” I whispered to myself.
“Pretty old, mom.” Mailo interrupted.
“Be quiet and eat your chips.” I scoffed walking upstairs, hearing Mailo laugh at his own joke.
I get to Ella’s room door and knock on it softly before opening it.
I see Estrella laying on her bed, on her side scrolling on her phone.
I walk in before shutting the door behind me.
“Hey, El. How was school, love?” I asked her, coming to sit on the bed next to her.
She didn’t answer me, staying silent.
I let out a sigh, reaching over and stroking her hair. “Obviously not good.” I said quietly.
“Wanna talk about it?” I suggested.
She shook her head no.
“Do you..want a hug?” I offered.
She shakes her head no with no reaction.
“Okay, well we are gonna have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight. I know you like that..” I said softly.
Estrella then turned off her phone, her back still facing me as she seemed to just lay on her side staring at the wall.
I leaned down and kissed her forehead, rubbing her side before getting up and leaving the room.
I walk downstairs, “Mailo, you’re making a mess!” I scoffed at the 11 year old boy as the chip crumbs scattered around my couch.
Estrella POV
My mom had just left my room and i began to cry.
Boys were talking about me at school today and not in a flattering way, it was so humiliating.
And then a boy i thought liked me said nevermind and made everyone laugh at me.
It hurt so bad, and i yelled at him in the lunch room, a couple teachers heard it but they never reported it to the office.
I called him a loser and a weirdo and a wanna be popular kid, it was well deserved.
He had it coming for him.
I was washing the dishes after dinner. Ella didn’t come down to eat and now i was getting worried.
Mailo was playing a video game on the TV, yelling and screaming every time he died.
I hear the front door open and close before Mailo yells, “Hi dad!” Followed by a “Hey buddy,” From Matt.
I dry my hands and walk to the living room, leaning against the wall.
I point at Matt, “You, come here.” I make the come here motion with my finger.
Matts eyebrows furrow before he comes over to me, kissing my lips quickly.
“I missed you.” He whispered.
“Yeah, i’m gonna go bother Ella you guys are disgusting.” Mailo gags.
“Don’t you dare go bother your sister, Mailo.” I threaten.
“I’m kidding, i’m going to my room, Jeez. She definitely got her mean-ness from you.” Mailo put his hands up in surrender.
“Mailo!” I yell.
“I’m going!” He yells back.
Matt lets out a laugh before i slap his chest. “Don’t encourage that.” I shake my head, letting out a laugh myself.
“Okay, i need to talk to you.” I say seriously, Matt nods and puts on a look which tells me he’s listening.
“Somethings wrong with Ella.” I say in a hushed tone.
“Wrong? What is she crazy or something?” Matt jokes, but when i give him a look telling him it’s not funny he changes his expression.
“She came home, threw her bag on the floor, didn’t say anything, slammed the door shut and ran upstairs, she also didn’t come down and eat dinner,” I tell him.
Matts eyebrows furrow, “I thought you were making spaghetti? That’s her favorite.”
I nod, “I did and it is.”
Matt sighs, “Did you try to talk to her?”
I roll my eyes, “What kind of mother would i be if i didn’t?” I shake my head, “I think you should talk to her, it’ll mean a lot coming from her dad.”
Matt looks at me, “Sure.”
I smile and put up a thumbs up as Matt starts to walk away. “Great. It’s about a boy by the way.” I mumble.
Matt pauses in his tracks and turns around, “It’s about a what?” He scoffs.
I sigh, “Matt, please, she’s 13 she’s obviously going to have boy problems.” I reasoned.
Matt shook his head and put his finger up, “Yeah, but i can’t. She’s my baby girl, i can’t think about her having a boyfriend yet!” He tells me, sighing as he put his hands on my waist.
“Please…” I drag out, wrapping my arms around his neck.
Matt rolled his eyes and let out a groan, “I hate you so much.” He joked, looking down at me.
“Sure you do, now go.” I booped his nose before pushing him to walk upstairs.
He looked at me before sighing, finally walking upstairs.
3rd Person POV
Matt walked upstairs to his daughter’s room, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself for this talk.
He knocked on the door softly, but after getting no reply he slowly turned the knob, walking in.
He spots his daughter laying on her bed, her lamp that sat nicely on her nightstand was turned on, lighting up the room as she had her back towards Matt, the same position she was in since Y/n last checked on her.
“Hey honey..” Matt says in a hushed tone, slowly walking in the room, shutting the door behind him.
He makes his way over and sits on her bed, sitting in silence for a couple of moments.
He hears sniffles come from her tiny figure, a small weep escaping her lips as a little piece of Matt’s heart shatters at every small sniffle coming from his baby.
“If this is about a boy, then he’s definitely not good enough for you. A-and i’m not even saying that because you’re my daughter, i’m saying that cause i mean it.. and also cause i love you, and i know that you are an amazing person and anyone who doesn’t realize that can go fuck themselves.” Matt’s eyes widen as he says the last part, surprised by his own words. “Don’t tell your mother i said that.”
He hears Ella let out the smallest, quietest chuckle, but it made him smile.
He watches as Estrella sniffles one big sniff, wiping her eyes and then sitting up against her headboard, he gets a good look of her face.
Tear stained covered both her cheeks, her eyes avoiding eye contact with her father at all cost.
Picking at her finger nails that were now chipped with nail polish, a habit she got from her mother when she was nervous or upset.
Matt noticed how short her nails were, the biting problem coming from himself.
“Boys are just so weird dad!” Estrella started, “They’re crazy and disgusting and fools and i just- i don’t know what to do anymore, it hurts dad.” Ella’s voice cracked as she spoke, Matt looking at her with guilt, like it was his fault.
“I’m so sorry, baby. They don’t deserve you, i promise, anybody who thinks he has any right to talk to you like that is a total loser, and i will beat the shit out of any boy that talks bad about you.” Matt threatens.
Ella let’s out a giggle and shakes her head, “You don’t have to do that, dad.”
Matt shrugged, “But i would. And you know why?” He paused, “Because i love you. Your mom loves you-”
“My room isn’t even that messy, mom!” Matt gets interrupted by Mailo yelling in the hallway.
“Mailo, for the love of- there are clothes everywhere! Is that a cup of expired milk?!” Matt and Ella hear Y/n yell also.
Matt and Estrella both share a quick laugh.
“And even your crazy brother loves you. We all do. And one day you’ll find a man who loves you too. And then we will love him.” Matt finishes, Ella having a big smile on her face.
She nods, “Thank you, dad. I love you guys too, even Mailo.” She jokes, making Matt chuckle.
Matt leans forward and kisses Ella’s forehead, “Goodnight, sweetheart. Love you.”
Ella smiles, finally feeling okay again.
Matt walks out into the hallway, walking into Mailo’s room seeing Y/n picking up all of Mailo’s clothes and throwing them into a laundry basket that she had tucked under her arm.
She was muttering things like, ‘Disgusting’ ‘did not get this from me’ ‘crazy kid’
Matt laughed as he leaned against the doorway, Mailo walking in his room with another glass of milk.
Y/n stands up normally and gives him a death stare.
“I’ll take this downstairs then.” He shrugs, walking downstairs with his milk.
Y/n signs and drops the laundry basket, rubbing her eyes before clasping her hands together.
“Okay, how’d it go with Ella?” She wondered, her voice quiet as she kicked some of Mailo’s dirty clothes that were still on the floor out of the way of the door way, both of them making there way out as she shut the door.
Matt shrugged, “You’re right, it was about a boy. But i talked to her and she’s alright now.” Matt said, but his tone wasn’t very excited and Y/n noticed it.
“And…?” Y/n urged him.
Matt let out a sigh, “I don’t know, my baby is getting older. I mean just yesterday was her first day of kindergarten and Mailo’s first day of pre-school. I mean, isn’t that crazy?” Matt ranted.
Y/n nodded, wrapping her arms around her husbands neck, twirling a piece of her husbands hair around her finger. “It is crazy, but it’s just a part of life, and we will just have to deal with it.” Y/n shrugged, not knowing what else to say.
Matt nodded, wrapping his arms around his wife’s waist. “You’re right, thank you.” He leaned down and kissed his wife’s lips quickly. “Is it weird i feel old?” Matt asked as he pulled away.
“You guys are old.” Mailo chimed in.
“Mailo!” Y/n scolded as Mailo let out a loud laugh.
alright what a crazy fic but i think i like third person better but yall voted for first person so that’s here to stay i guess, love yall and i hope yall liked the fic
tag list: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
warnings: attack description, clicker attack, nightmares, anxiety, wound description, angst, denial of feelings, alcohol mentioned, swearing, mentions and descriptions of gun use, near death experience (if u can’t handle the game don’t read)
a/n ive played tlou 3x and tlou2 2x (going through my second round rn) so shut up pls i dont want any of the ‘you only like joel bc hes pedro’ fr come on ive been playing this game since i was 12. (i’m not like other girls 🥵) jackson joel just does something to me mmmm. wrote this nov 18 ‘22 saved for today
Don’t forget 9PM EST on HBO Max
summary Y/N gets attacked by a clicker during an intense time with Joel
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read time: 12 mins 28 seconds
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You could feel the air escaping your lungs at a dangerous rate. The rifle at your side slammed against your thigh as you kept running. The thick forest was just as you remembered it; wet, cold, and dark.
You were outnumbered. Mostly runners, but you spotted a few clickers. The brush on the forest floor wasn’t helping. Your heavy breathing and the sloshing of your boots against the snowy ground were making too much noise.
Where the fuck was Ellie?
3 bullets. Rifle was empty, spent that on some sharp shooting up the hill on some runners you and Ellie found in the town. How stupid were you? Those were an easy kill with a knife. But your childish games on who could get the best headshot left you empty.
Your heart dropped as the rock formation appeared. It was too high. It covered the forest like the earth split into two. That is when you came to terms, and you had to come to it quickly.
You were going to die.
Soon enough, the first runner appeared. Easy kill. One down, maybe 7 to go?
Where the fuck was Ellie?
The next one came. Two down. Three at a time now? A fucking clicker followed them? You wished the brush was tall enough to hide in.
It was useless fighting off three runners at a time with a clicker on their heels. This was it. Death.
The stone wall was cool against your backside. You hugged your knees to your chest as you pulled out your handgun.
At least the clicker would have a good meal.
Shot- one down. Shot- another. The clicker sped up. Shot, wounded but not dead. Quick slice with the knife. Dead.
The shrieking screams of the clicker engulfed your senses as the monster came running at you. It’s flailing arms we’re the last thing you were prepared to see.
You felt the hands on your shoulder. Dead hands of a monster, unspeakable to most. The hands grabbed your shoulders, but no bite came.
Just blinding white noise and a splatter on your face.
You had convinced yourself you were dead. You would never see anyone again. You had died the same death as your father years prior. The death that left you alone.
“Dad?” you managed to mutter out.
The white noise turned into ringing as two hands held your shoulder and shook you.
“Y/N? Y/N please, are you okay?”
“Maria I found her! Here!”
Cloth material wiped over your eyes and they opened. Ellie, splattered with blood stood in front of you with the most panicked look you had ever seen on the girls face.
“Your okay!” she yelled at you, wrapping her arms around you.
Sitting besides you two was the headless clicker that should have killed you.
You should be dead. Get this horrible life over with. Dead with your father, with the mother you never knew. Living a life without this disease, these creatures. Free of pain.
When you woke up in the medical wing you were pretty sure almost the whole town was there. You felt like an item on display at a museum. Looking over all the eyes, you most definitely were not searching for his. The whole reason you volunteered to go out with Ellie that day instead of Dina. And of course, he was not there. Why would he be?
“She’s awake!” someone yelled from the crowd. Every eye in the room seemed to fall on you at once. The nurse pushed past the group of people and went to your side.
“For heavens sake! Get out!” the nurse yelled to the group of onlookers. “Give her some goddamn space.” you heard from the crowd as people started to walk towards the exit.
Everyone wanted a look at the girl who survived a clicker attack.
“Hey,” she said, slowly approaching you and sitting on the chair next to your bed. “Ellie!” you exclaimed, embracing the girl tightly. “What happened?” you asked Ellie, releasing your grip on her and settling back into the bed.
The bond had been there since the day you met her. You always remember the look of the scared little girl on the back of Joel’s horse when they first entered Jackson. The bond you two had helped her grow into the person she is now. Ellie had always described you as an older sister. But Ellie was always there for you, and you for her. She was your best friend, platonic soulmate. And a damn good shot.
“I killed it,” she said bluntly. “I-I came at the right time it was about to bite you and- you should have seen it Y/N my shotgun did a number on that thing.”
“A-am I infected?” you asked, looking down at your body for the first time. Your tank top was still on, your jacket was missing. Your jeans were covered in dry blood and smelt of pine needles.
“It’s been three days. You got some pretty nasty scratches though. Sick looking if you ask me. Scars of a warrior.” she added, referring to her tattoo.
And that’s when you saw them. The claw marks were sewn shut on your left shoulder. Your eyes widened as you began to panic. You began to squirm and the pain set in.
“Hey, hey calm down. She took care of you. Best nurse in town, I made sure.” Ellie said, grabbing your good shoulder and stroking your arm to calm you down.
“The doctors said if your vitals stay stable for the next few hours you can go home. Dina and I cleaned up the place for you,” Ellie smiled, stroking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“What have people been saying?” you asked, holding her hand tightly in yours. “That your a hero. You cleared out that building and we found a stash of food that’s going to last for… well, probably a good year. That’s amazing Y/N! They found baby formula for JJ- tons of it. You were right it was the old warehouse.”
A small smile rose to your lips but Ellie could tell what you really wanted to hear about.
What Joel had been saying.
And Joel hasn’t said much. Tommy had told him a brief description in passing of what happened when it was happening. He figured you were dead when they sent out a rescue wagon for you. He even watched as Maria’s horse lead in your body. Ellie was sitting with you in her arms screaming for a nurse, your whole left arm was covered in blood. What was visible of your face was white as a sheet and you weren’t moving. Joel had to silently give up the inkling of what could have been. Hell, you were the first girl who he even considered after his divorce over thirty years ago. It had to end one day and he had to silently agree with it.
“I don’t…” Ellie began, following with a sigh. “Y/N, don’t get yourself worked up over it. It’s not worth it.” Ellie began, knowing her friend too well. “Did he even come and see me?” you asked, looking to Ellie’s eyes. She couldn’t look into yours. She closed her eyes for a quick moment and shook her head. “No,” she whispered.
“Am I a fool?” you asked her. “I’m not sure,” she replied, weary.
The whole reason you went with her instead of Dina was because of Joel. You most definitely could not face him that day after the previous night.
He had knocked on your door a little after nine. He noticed a change in your demeanor today when he came in the room while teaching the some of the kids how to shoot. He wanted to make sure you were okay. Joel felt like he had some responsibility over you to make sure you were always okay because of what happened.
Joel was the one who was with your father when he died.
Sure, he was older than you. You weren’t sure exactly, but he was younger than your father by many years. The attraction from your end started when you saw him drunk off his ass during a celebration dancing with Tommy in the bar. It was the most unconventionally attractive thing, but it flipped some switch in you. When your dad died he taught you how to perfect your aim and kill efficiently. Never crossing any line because you were his dead friend’s daughter. And you were so close to Ellie. Ellie wasn’t too fond of your crush that you confided in her, but she grew to love the idea. Her family.
He came and visited you a little after nine. You were about to slip into bed before you heard the knock on your door. The night was cold and your pajama pants and thin tank top was not cutting it. You invited him inside. He had brought you a tiny gift to lift your mood; a bottle of gin. Your favorite. And you two drank at least half of that bottle of gin. You talked about everything from your father’s death to the time Tommy accidentally washed his clothes with Maria’s pink bra and still has an abundance of pink clothing to this day. The gin was most definitely speaking when you told him how you felt.
And he left.
“Let it go for now- okay? We’re gonna get you out of here and back home.” Ellie reassured you. Nodding your head, you fell back into the cold bed and closed your eyes just wishing it could all go away.
Home was empty as it could be. The bottle of gin sat on your coffee table. Your bed was made for the first time in years. Your work station was organized and all of your pens and art supplies were cleaned. You had remembered when Joel gave you those pens, he found them one day and thought of you. Your rifles now hung on your wall. Definitely was Dina’s idea, but you liked it. A tiny gift wrapped in a beige paper with a tiny bit of twine around it sat under your newly mounted rifles.
“Woo hoo. Christmas.” you said to yourself sarcastically. Kneeling down, you opened the package.
For safe keeping, ~Maria
Of course it was from Maria. She always played the mother you never had when she wanted to.
The immense feeling of sleep hit you like a brick wall. I guess being attacked by a clicker and living was a strenuous activity. All you wanted now to do was sleep. Unmaking the nicely folded sheets, you melted back into your bed. The sun was setting in your window and the horses were coming in for the day. You could hear them trotting past your window. You wondered if Joel was just feet away. It was what now… Thursday? You couldn’t remember if he still did the Thursday shift or if he switched with someone else. Who cares, sleep was creeping up slowly and the thought of Joel set you out cold.
The forest was blacker than usual. Without a doubt, you recognized where you were. Running again. All you seemed to do was run now these days. Taking a brief look back while you ran through the forest, you stopped as you realized a whole hoard of clickers were just at your heels. You didn’t have time to react. They were on you ripping your flesh off your body. The dream never seemed to end. You felt each bite and tear of your flesh until-
“Y/N!” Maria screamed, shaking you awake and still being mindful of your wound. “Fuck!” you screamed, sobbing into her arms. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” you continued, squirming in bed as she held you.
Your door was wide open and it was now pitch black out. The screams alerted security, and they called for a search of the town. Tommy quickly found the source of the screams and sent Maria in.
Standing outside your door was Tommy, peering in on the sight of his wife with you.
“Gather people. She needs to be watched.” Maria commanded Tommy as she held your shaking body. Too many people had left their homes now to look at the scene and disrupted the peaceful night.
Ellie sat with your head in her lap, slowly stroking your hair trying to get you to fall asleep. “Don’t worry. Nobody in this town will let anything happen to you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The whole previous night you didn’t sleep. You stared at your wall and just thought. And that whole day you delved yourself in drawings you hadn’t finished or poems you had the inspiration for. Took a shower. You looked through your closet and picked out a fresh outfit. You tried all the little things that usually worked on your old self, but your old self was gone.
That bottle of gin sat on your coffee table and haunted you throughout the day as well. You didn’t have the heart to throw it away, or the mindset to drink it. So there it sat. Pitiful.
You were at a loss for words. No words could describe the immense amount of pain re living that memory caused last night.
Ellie began to hum a tune. It was sweet and reminded you of something innocent. Your eyes began to get heavy. “You ready?” she asked, fluffing up your pillow. Reluctantly, you shook your head yes.
The absolute end was there and tiredness finally seeped in. Distraught sleep left and peaceful sleep took its place.
Ellie dimmed your lamp and smoothed the covers on your bed. It reminded you of the time you took care of Ellie years ago when she was sick. “Sweet dreams,” she said, giving your forehead a brief kiss.
Mumbling was heard outside your door, but you didn’t care.
The field was beautiful. Finally, peace. The flowers stemmed beautifully and the sun shown down on your face. Your hands ran through the fresh green grass. Laying in the rays, you suddenly felt the field get smaller. Sitting up, you realized the sun had disappeared and the field was getting smaller and smaller by the second. The sudden edge of a forest was getting closer and closer. And then with one blink you were back. The forest erected around you. You were back.
“No, no…” he heard from your house. Joel’s interest peaked from the grounds left in his coffee mug to the silent struggles in your bedroom. He lifted himself off your porch chair and looked through your window. You were writhing in bed.
“Ellie!” you let out the first yell. It was so loud that it startled Joel to his core and began a flight of panic. Joel didn’t hesitate to burst your door open. “Ellie don’t leave!” you yelled again.
“Hey,” he said softly, patting your shoulder. A loud groan of pain came from your lips. Joel’s heart sank as the feelings on guilt he felt for letting you go on patrol that day set in once again.
“Y/N!” he whisper yelled, yanking your body over to face him. Your eyes shot open. Ripped from the dream into another one.
You looked him up and down. This wasn’t real. It was another dream. Tears welled up in your eyes as you shut them tight, praying you would wake up somewhere else.
“It was a bad dream,” he whispered, resting his hand on your thigh. His thumb patiently rubbed your thigh as your breathing sped up. Your legs matched up perfectly, knees facing him. Your face was buried in your hands that were now grasping at your eyes.
“Stop it,” Joel hissed, grabbing your manic hands tightly. “This isn’t real,” you cried out, sobs following it.
His heart seemed to break into a million pieces when you started to full on cry. The last time he dealt with a crying girl it was Ellie. Wait- no, maybe it was Sarah. He honestly wasn’t sure, but it was most definitely years ago.
“Everything is alright. I know how it is. I-I didn’t sleep for a few days after my first clicker encounter. Those things are nasty fuckers.” he said, his hand returning to your thigh trying to soothe you. He was clueless on what he was supposed to do.
At this point, you realized you weren’t dreaming. He was here. His hand was on your thigh. He was sitting on your bed. You were in a tank top that cut a little too low for your liking.
Your teary eyes looked up and met his. He hadn’t moved his gaze off of your face. He gave you a soft reassuring smile.
Joel cursed himself for letting his feelings creep back in. This was wrong anyways, he felt sick any time he thought about you. The pit of his stomach couldn’t handle it much more, he had pretty much forgotten about you (as much as he would like to admit). But when Tommy assigned him second watch of you that night, he just knew it had trouble written all over it.
“Go back to sleep now. Pretty girls need their beauty sleep.” he said, instantly regretting it.
That line worked on Sarah, but in a whole different way with a much different meaning. He wanted to suck back in the words as fast as he said them.
Letting a tense breathe go, he steadied himself on your bed frame and made his way to the door.
He had made his way to the door as you spoke.
His hand stopped his motion as it rested on the top of your door frame.
“Yeah?” he asked, turning around.
“W-will you stay? Just for a little bit.” you said, stuttering as you realized how large his body was compared to your door.
He paused. “I suppose.”
You moved your legs so he would have enough room to sit next to you. You heard his knee crack as he sat down on the low rise bed. His legs sat upward as he leant a hand behind your legs to steady himself.
“I’m sorry.” you said. It had to be said, what better time than now? “I don’t want to hear your apologies.” he huffed. “It was inappropriate.” you spit out again. “No- Y/N, stop. Please.” he asked. “You need to get some sleep.”
“I can’t sleep. Every time I sleep I go… back there. I can’t.” you whimpered. He sighed, groaning and wiping his brow.
“What would you like me to do about it? I can’t do anything.”
Joel was left confused on how your calmness met his angry tone. He knew you well, he was surprised you weren’t screaming in his face. You didn’t take shit. You were being patient for once in your life.
Oh, how you’ve changed since the attack.
“I’m here. What more do you want from me?” he asked. His tone had extra edge of anger to it that was fueled with a faint passion.
In the darkness, you reached for his hand. It was coarse and dry, with many various scars and callouses you could feel just with a slight touch. He instinctively pulled back a bit, but gave in within the second. Wrapping your fingers with his, you places his hand back on your thigh.
“Y/N I-”
“The thing you were doing before on my leg. It was nice.”
“Oh,” he said, defeating the original thought from his head. His thumb began slowly moving in circles once again.
You were showing him what you needed.
He watched as your sad face closed your eyes and sighed. You felt safe for the first time in days.
Joel felt the pit in his stomach widen and fully consume him. The girl who practically raised Ellie from when she arrived; his dead friend’s daughter; one of the best damn killers in all of Jackson; Y/N. God, he was in so much trouble with his morals.
“I’m too far deep in this shit,” he muttered to himself, rubbing his forehead with his free hand.
Your eyes fluttered open to see him. “What?” you asked.
“I can’t…” he said, beginning to shake his knee up and down. “What?” repeated yourself in a confused tone.
His strong body swept over yours. He grabbed your shoulder ever so softly and perched you in his arms. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck.
No initiative had to be made besides the movement of your lips against his. Your hand wrapped itself in his hair, playing softly as he held your back strongly. A slight moan came from his lips that he instantly regretted when you accidentally tugged ever so slightly on his graying strands of hair. For the split second that you two separated gasping for air, he pulled you tighter.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been fighting this,” he whispered on your lips. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” you sighed, staring back at his scruffy face.
Joel came back to his senses. He felt different. He could never go back to the same person he was a minute ago. His world revolved around something new. No more obsessing over patrol and how to appease Tommy. No more worrying over how Ellie could handle herself. No more worrying about his aching joints and the fear of getting older. Something new became the center of his universe. He had folded.
The girl laying in his arms who now rested her head against his chest.
“You really need sleep darlin’,” he sighed. You sighed in resistance.
“You want me to stay?” he asked, looking down at your exhausted face.
You moved over in your bed as he made himself comfortable. Joel never realized how much larger he was than you until he slept with you in his arms.
You layed on his chest as one arm wrapped around your shoulders. His hand rested comfortably on your shoulder.
“Thank you.” you whispered. He placed a small kiss on your head. Your arms wrapped around your stomach, making yourself more comfortable in his embrace. The only sound in the room was your soft breathing.
“Go to sleep now. Your safe with me, my sweet girl.”
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @samanthacookieone @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @jmillerswife
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e-dubbc11 · 2 months
The First Date…A Little Late
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Retired Dad Dean Winchester x F! Reader; supporting character Sam Winchester
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (18+ Please or I’m telling on you) “Magic Fingers”, P in V Sex, jealousy, brief confrontation
Word Count: 6.1K-ish (sorry it’s a little long)
Summary: Sam comes to visit Dean and his nephew Charlie and it’s the first time you’re meeting your boyfriend’s brother. It’s also the first time Dean takes you out on a date.
A/N: Part of the Carrying On series. If you haven’t read it, I’ll leave it linked HERE. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA for a little bit. It’s just been a little tough for me lately with life but I digress. Anyway, I hope you like this, I enjoyed writing it 🧡 Oh and I used one of my favorite 90’s country songs in this too, Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter. I’ll link it at the end.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Uncle Sam!” Exclaimed Charlie as he watched Sam walk through the front door.
Dean had mentioned to you that his brother would be visiting for about a week. He hadn’t seen them in a little while and Dean said that he also wanted to meet you.
Although you shouldn’t be, you felt a little nervous meeting Dean’s brother. Sam was the only family Dean had left and you were also the first real relationship Dean had since his wife’s passing. You already had Charlie’s approval but somehow, you felt like you needed Sam’s also.
Charlie ran over and wrapped his arms around his uncle. He was so happy Sam was visiting and you couldn’t help but smile at the two of them as they gave each other a hi-five.
“Hey buddy! How have you been?” Asked Sam.
“GOOD!” Said Charlie. “You wanna meet Dad’s girlfriend?!”
Sam chuckled.
“Oh I sure do.” Sam said as he walked over to you, extending his hand for you to shake. “Hi…I’m Sam.”
“Hi Sam, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m y/n. Dean’s told me a lot about you.” You said, shaking his hand in return.
One side of Sam’s mouth curled into a slight smile.
“Don’t believe anything he says.” Said Sam. “But the stories I could tell you about him.”
Extending his pointer finger, Dean aggressively shook his head. “Nope, not happening. If you had brought me some pie, I might have considered it but ya didn’t.” He said.
Their brotherly banter was amusing and a playful smile stretched across your lips watching them together as they hugged and Dean showed Sam to his room.
Your mother died when you were very young so you don’t have any memories of her. You only had pictures and the stories your father used to tell you.
He used to tell you how much you reminded him of her like the way you smiled, your laugh was the same as hers, and how kind you were. And he loved to tell you how you used to ask for a sister every chance you had.
“Your mom had the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met…just like you.” Dad had said.
Charlie had been trying to get your attention for a few minutes while you were replaying that moment in your head about your father.
“Y/N!!” Yelled Charlie.
Breaking your daydream, you finally answered him.
“I’m sorry, buddy. I was daydreaming. What’s up?” You asked.
Charlie gave you a concerned look.
“Oh…What were you daydreaming about?” He asked.
You smiled warmly at him and replied, “Oh…I was just remembering some things my dad had told me and how much I reminded him of my mom. And if my mom didn’t get sick when I was young, maybe I could have had a brother or a sister. Seeing your Dad and Uncle Sam together just got me thinking of what it would be like to have a sibling. So…what’s up?”
“I was just gonna ask if you were gonna stay for dinner.” Charlie said with a wide grin.
You smiled back and replied, “Of course I’ll stay, Charlie.”
“…Then when I opened the locker and he saw the cat inside, your dad started screaming like a little girl.” Said Sam.
You and Charlie were laughing hysterically while Dean sat with his arms crossed protectively across his chest, sulking. Taking a sip of his beer, he glared at Sam, and absolutely hated the fact he was telling that particular story.
Sam looked over at Dean and continued, “He was scared of EVERYTHING.”
Charlie looked like he was thinking about something. His eyes were narrowed and his brow furrowed as he asked, “Dad, if you and y/n get married, do you think I could have a sibling?”
Dean started to choke on his beer as heat rose to your cheeks. “Out of the mouths of babes,” you thought to yourself but also you were completely mortified, covering your eyes with your hand.
While Dean was still trying to compose himself, you replied to Charlie.
“Easy buddy. Pump the brakes a little, ok? You made your dad choke on his drink.” You said with a little laugh and brushed the tip of his nose with your finger.
“I can’t breathe!” Dean yelled.
Sam shook his head and replied, “Dude, calm down. He was just asking a question.”
Finally, Dean was able to catch his breath and stop coughing long enough to put Charlie to bed and when he returned you thought maybe it was best if you went home and let the two of them spend some time together.
“What do ya mean you’re gonna go?” Asked Dean.
“Yeah, I thought we were havin’ fun.” Added Sam.
You didn’t want it to seem like you weren’t enjoying yourself because you really were. Sam is really sweet.
“Oh I am, I really am. I just thought since you guys haven’t seen each other in awhile that it might be nice if you guys caught up on brother stuff or whatever. I dunno, I don’t have any siblings so I don’t really know what I’m talking about. I’ll see you both tomorrow. It really is SO nice to finally meet you, Sam.” You said.
“Likewise. I’ll see ya tomorrow.” Said Sam.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Sam mouth something to Dean. Unsure of himself, Dean stood up and said, “Uh…lemme walk you home, sweetheart.”
“OH! Well that’s a first, that would be really nice, baby.” You said shyly.
The two of you quietly walked back to your house before you broke the silence.
“Sam’s really great, Dean. You’re lucky to have each other.” You said.
You stopped outside your door and you could hear Bear whining on the other side.
Dean placed his hands on your hips and pulled you in close as you snaked your arms around his neck. He tucked some stray hairs behind your ears before he leaned in close and gently pressed his lips to yours.
Still tasting the beer, you kissed him back and expressed a low moan as he parted your lips with his tongue so it could tangle with yours. Dean hadn’t kissed you since Sam arrived and it felt so good to be in his embrace again.
He was the one who broke the kiss to say, “You know I love you, right?”
“I know you do, Dean.” You said smiling against his lips after another quick kiss.
“Just because…I know my reaction to what Charlie said…I…uh…just. I don’t want you to think that I…” Dean started to say before you cut him off.
“You don’t have to say anything, baby. It’s ok. I like where we’re at and we’ll just take it as it comes, ok?” You said, delicately brushing his beard with your thumb.
He glanced away from you for a brief moment then nodded.
“Now go spend some time with your brother.” You said sternly with a smile.
“Ok, ok I’m goin’. Can I come over later?” Dean asked with raised eyebrows.
God, he looked cute when he did that and it was hard to say no.
You rolled your eyes playfully at him and answered, “You have your key, right?”
“Wear somethin’ skimpy, alright?” He said, smacking you on the ass.
Dropping your shoulders, you replied, “Dean, you know I don’t have anything like that.”
“Naked works too, ya know.” He said with a wink.
That made you laugh and you playfully shouted, “Get outta here!”
On the Back Porch at Dean’s House
They sat and talked for hours, reminiscing about their hunting days, and talking about their parents. The slight cool breeze blew over the tops of their beer bottles causing them to make a deep whistling noise. The sounds of crickets echoed around them as a shooting star dashed across the night sky.
They were content.
Sam broke the brief silence when he asked, “Dude, in the 8 months since she’s moved here, have you taken y/n on an actual date?”
“Oh come on, Sam.” Dean snapped.
“Have you?” Sam asked.
Dean narrowed his eyes and pulled his eyebrows together, annoyed that Sam would even ask that question.
He shrugged and replied, “She doesn’t strike me as THAT kinda girl. She’s a hunter.”
“That doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to go out on a real date, Dean.” Said Sam.
Dean retorted, “Well MAYBE I haven’t taken her out on a real date because I can’t leave Charlie by himself while we go out, ok?”
“I’ll watch Charlie.” Sam blurted out. “Look Dean, I know you care about her and she’s the first one since…well anyway, just show her how much you love her.”
Dean knew Sam was right. He hadn’t been on a date in, maybe ever. He told you that he met and fell in love with his wife very quickly so they didn’t really go out together much either so this really would be like a first for him too.
“Alright, well what do I do? Take her to dinner or somethin’?” Asked Dean.
“Wow, you really don’t know anything, do you? Do you have OpenTable on your phone?” Asked Sam.
“I have no idea what you just asked me.” Dean said.
Sam gave Dean a look of disappointment and said, “Alright, I’ll help you. I know you wanna go see her so just go and I’ll figure it out.”
Dean rubbed his hands together with excitement and replied, “Don’t mind if I do.” Dean stopped and changed his tone. “Thanks, Sam.”
Sam’s lips curled into a slight smile and he said, “You’re welcome.”
You weren’t expecting Dean to make it over tonight with it being Sam’s first night in town so it surprised you to hear Bear’s low growl coming from outside your bedroom door. You left the porch light and a living room lamp on for him, mostly because you didn’t want him crashing into one of your side tables followed by shouting out an angry string of curse words like he did last time.
After your shower, you had a cup of tea, watched a little tv and went to bed. The steady wind cut through the silence outside your window as your pillow gently cradled your head. The deep growl coming from Bear continued, then you could hear whisper yells of “BEAR! It’s just me ya big dummy!” right before he carefully opened the bedroom door.
Half asleep, your eyes fluttered open briefly before you felt the mattress dip underneath you and a warm body cozy up behind you. Under the blanket, Dean’s chilled hands slowly crept up the side of your bare thigh as he nuzzled into the side of your neck and pressed his lips against your soft warm skin.
“Well…you’re not naked but I like this no pants thing you got goin’ on right now, sweetheart. I think your dog hates me, by the way.” Whispered Dean in your ear.
His thick fingers pushed against the outside of your thigh then gripped your waist tightly and he pulled you flush to him. His hardening length pressed into your back as his name softly fellfrom your lips.
“Mmmmm…Dean.” You moaned. “And Bear doesn’t hate you, baby. He’s just protecting me.”
You felt him smile and bite down gently on your earlobe before he said, “Well maybe he should protect his eyes, I don’t think he’s gonna wanna see what happens next.”
The bristles of his beard tickled the side of your neck causing you to let out a little chuckle before rolling onto your back. Dean was propped up on his side, gazing down at you as if he hadn’t seen you in days before his lips collided with yours. The dim glow from the street light outside was just enough for you to make out some of his features, especially his smile.
Brushing his beard with your thumb, Dean reached for your hand, took it in his, kissed your palm and the placed your hand wrapped with his, over his heart. It was beating erratically as your own pulse began to quicken, desperately wanting his lips to be on yours again.
“I didn’t think I would see you again tonight.” You whispered. “I’m glad you came over.”
You pulled Dean in close to kiss him again. Gently raking your nails against his scalp, he rolled on top of you and firmly nestled in between your legs. In the gathering darkness, his hands urgently tried to find the hem of your t-shirt.
Dean removed it with ease and tossed it onto the floor, his fingers pressed deep into your skin as he sensually explored the curves of your breasts and hips. You gasped as his lips covered your nipple and you felt yourself soaking the sheet underneath you.
Dean didn’t waste any time, letting his talented fingers reach down to see how wet you were for him, then pushed them inside as you arched your back while he curled them and teased you exactly where you needed it. Dripping down his knuckles, he buries his fingers inside you until your vision goes white and your entire body tightens all around him.
The grip you have on his hair makes him wince but in the best way, he knows he’s working you just the way you want him to so he eases back to watch as you lose control and cries of his name fall from your lips.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” He growled into your ear.
You still couldn’t see straight as you shakily replied, “Y-yes.”
He barely let you finish the word before he hungrily captured your lips again, his rock hard cock pressed against you, and the ache you felt for him to be inside you. He started to kiss your collarbone, inching his way down but you stopped him. Dean had teased you enough.
Pulling him back up by his soft brown hair, you said, “Dean…Dean…no…no.”
“What is it, baby?” He asked.
Trembling, you replied, “Want you.”
Even in the mostly dark room, you could see the sly smile stretch across his lips and could tell he wanted you just as much. A shiver danced up your spine as he lined himself up at your entrance and easily pushed into you as far as he could go while sinful cries of passion echoed throughout the room. With each rut of his hips, your walls clenched tighter around him and goosebumps suddenly peppered all over your skin.
“This what you wanted, baby?” Dean purred.
The ache of wanting more just kept building as he hit that sensitive bundle of nerves over and over again and you were on the verge of exploding. The tilt in your hips allowed him to go deep and completely bury himself in you as another orgasm started to build.
In barely more than a whisper you breathed, “Y-yes, yes.”
“Oh you’re gonna have to be louder than that…no one’s here. Let me hear you, sweetheart.” He said in a devilish tone.
It turned you on so much to hear his sexy voice while he fucked you. That deep growl while he told you what he wanted from you made you feel drunk with pleasure. You pulled him in as close as you possibly could, it felt like he was dissolving into you, molding and fitting perfectly to your body.
Your hands traveled from his toned arms to his shoulders as his movements became more rapid and erratic while he pulled multiple orgasms from you. Hearing your moans and cries turned him on and made him absolutely feral.
He was close, thrusting faster and grunting louder until his abs and thighs tightened and he let go of his release as you continued to ride out your orgasm.
Breathing heavily, he kissed your forehead as you let out a satisfied sigh.
“God I love you.” He said.
You just held him close and replied, “I love you too, Dean.”
Without warning, Dean blurted out, “I’m gonna take you out on a date.”
“Is that my reward for letting you fuck me, Winchester?” You asked, sarcastically.
“Sweetheart…” Dean started to say before you cut him off.
“I’m kidding, baby. I’m just kidding. I’d love to go out on a date with you. Where are we going?” You asked.
Dean shrugged.
“I dunno…Sammy mentioned something about an open table? I didn’t understand what he was talking about.” He said in a confused tone.
You started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” He asked.
When you finally stopped laughing, you replied, “You’re so cute. OpenTable is an app that allows you to make reservations for restaurants.”
Still looking confused, Dean said, “Oh…well why didn’t he just say that?”
“I dunno, handsome. But I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” You said, pressing your lips to his.
Saturday Night
“Uncle Sam said that Dad’s taking you out on a date tonight.” Said Charlie.
“That is the plan, buddy. But I guess it’s a surprise so I have no idea what we’re doing.” You replied to Charlie. “Will you keep Bear here with you while your Dad and I go out? He gets lonely sometimes.”
“SURE!!” Exclaimed Charlie.
“Thank you Charlie. I’m gonna go home and finish getting ready.” You said. “Lemme just tell your uncle I’m leavin’.”
Sam was in the kitchen, cleaning up and washing the dishes.
“You’re supposed to be on vacation, Sam. Stop doing the dishes.” You said with a warm smile and a slight chuckle.
“I don’t know how he just leaves dishes in the sink like this.” Said Sam, shaking his head.
“It’s really nice of you to watch Charlie tonight and help Dean out with the date planning and everything, thank you.” You said.
“You’re welcome, y/n. Dean just needs a little help sometimes.” He said. “But he’s gonna pick you up in a little while so don’t come back here after you’re finished getting ready.”
“You don’t want me to—“ You started to say.
Same aggressively shook his head.
“Well…alright then. I’ll see you later and thank you again, Sam.” You remarked.
You could hear the Impala rumbling outside in your driveway so you grabbed your keys, purse, and your jacket but suddenly the engine stopped followed by the signature squeak from the driver’s side door before it closed and then there was a knock at your side door.
Dean may not be familiar with what he was supposed to do on a date but you were also unfamiliar with what to do also aside from watching what happens in movies so he really took you by surprise when you opened the door and he was standing in front of you wearing a new flannel shirt, a nice leather jacket and holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
A wide smile played across your lips as you looked at the flowers then up at him. Dean had a slight smile on his face but he also looked a little confused.
“Well hey there, handsome.” You said.
“Did I get the right ones?” Dean asked nervously. “Sam wouldn’t answer me when I asked him what kind of flowers I should get. He just told me to ‘figure it out’ so I just got a bunch of different ones along with some sunflowers because I know those are your favorite.”
Dean remembering your favorite flower was probably the sweetest thing any man has ever done for you to the point where you had to fight back the tears you felt welling up at the back of your eyes.
“Dean…they’re beautiful. I can’t believe you remembered my favorite flower. I think I had only mentioned it once. Thank you, baby.” You said, leaning in and gently pressing your lips to his.
“Well I think YOU look beautiful, sweetheart.” Said Dean.
Warmth rushed to your cheeks and across your chest as you felt yourself start to blush. You really weren’t wearing anything all that special, a black floral tea length dress with a denim jacket over top, and new black cowboy boots. You felt confident in it and you wanted to look nice for him.
You did a slight twirl in the dress and replied, “Awww, thank you baby. And you look incredibly handsome. New shirt?”
“Sam said a lot of my shirts had holes in them.” He answered.
He sounded grouchy that he had to buy a new shirt but that’s just how Dean was so it made you laugh that he actually went out and bought one but you could see him complaining the entire time about having to buy a new one.
“Let me just put these in some water and we can go, ok?” You said.
He nodded.
It was apparent that Dean was trying to remember everything he thought he was supposed to be doing on this date. It just seemed to make him more nervous though so after he closed the car door behind you, you tried to make him feel more at ease.
“Dean…are you ok? You seem so nervous.” You asked, gently touching his shoulder after he sat down inside the car.
With one hand on the steering wheel, Dean turned to face you, looking a little uneasy.
“I-I don’t know what I’m doing, sweetheart!” Said Dean, stumbling a little over his words.
He was trying so hard to be perfect but he didn’t have to be. All he had to do was try.
Inching closer to him, you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and the bristles of his beard tickled your lips. It was hard not let out a little chuckle while watching him try so hard.
“You’re doing fine, handsome. And besides, I don’t know anything about going out on dates either. We’ll learn together, ok?” You stated.
Starting the car, Dean nodded and replied, “I-I just want you to have a good time. You deserve it.”
“I’m sure I will, baby. So where are we going? I’ll put it into the GPS.” You said, holding your phone.
Looking at his phone, Dean replied, “Uh let’s see…Aha! Here it is…it’s called Hunters Chop House. Sam said it’s a ‘casual steakhouse.’ Whatever that means.”
“Well that’s very fitting now, isn’t it.” You said with a warm smile. “Sounds great, I’m starving.”
Of course, they offered pie for dessert which Dean couldn’t wait to taste and dinner was delicious. The restaurant was quite cozy with its low lighting and roaring fireplace. Your date so far was going great.
Dean told some stories about Sam from when they were younger.
“…So yeah, Sam’s deathly afraid of clowns.” Said Dean with a wide smile.
“He’s not here to defend himself, ya know.” You said with a narrowed expression.
Dean’s wide smile turned into a slight frown, you could tell by the way he talked about his brother that he missed not having him around all the time but he would never admit that to you or anyone.
You decided to ask about it anyway.
“You miss him, don’t you…because he’s not around all the time?” You asked, touching his hand.
Dean pressed his lips together and the muscles in his entire body tensed after you asked him that question. He emphatically answered, “NO!”
“Alright…you keep tellin’ yourself that. But really, you don’t have to hide it, Dean. I don’t have any siblings but I’m pretty sure I’d miss them if I didn’t get to see them often and especially if all you have now is each other.” You said.
“Way to lay on the guilt, sweetheart.” Said Dean with a slight eye roll. “Ok, well yeah I guess I do miss him sometimes.”
“So tell him that. Maybe he’ll come to visit more often or you and Charlie could visit him. I’m sure Charlie would love to see the bunker. I know I would!” You said with raised eyebrows.
Dean leaned in closer and gently pressed his lips to your temple. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.” He said.
“Good.” You replied.
The server set down the piece of pie Dean ordered in front of him but also left two forks in case you wanted a bite. Dean took one look at the pie, then looked at the two forks and brought his gaze up to yours, silently begging you not to take a bite. You knew that look.
“You didn’t want any of this did you?” Asked Dean, pointing his fork down at the pie.
You just smiled and replied, “Nah, you go ahead, baby. Buuuuut…”
He had already taken a bite. You watched carefully as the pecans and the golden brown crust touched his lips which is when you asked for a kiss.
“Can I have a kiss…please?” You asked.
Dean’s lips delicately touched yours and they tasted like sugar and butter with a slight bitterness from the pecans but decadent too.
You pulled away, a sly smile stretched across your lips as you said, “That’s the only taste I wanted, baby. Now it’s all yours.”
With a childlike smile on his face, Dean devoured his pecan pie and you enjoyed watching him wolf it down like someone was going to take it away from him. You loved seeing him so happy even if it was from something as simple as a piece of pie.
It really was the little things in life that brought the biggest smiles to his face.
“Oh we’re not going home yet?” You asked.
“Nope, not yet sweetheart. Close your eyes for me though.” He said.
Dean had been a perfect gentleman all night, opening doors, pulling out chairs, and walking on the outside of the sidewalk. Sam must have drilled it into Dean’s head hard to make sure he did all the right things but you were just happy to be out and having fun with the man you love.
He could have taken you for fast food and watched the stars from the hood of the Impala and that would have been a perfect evening in your eyes.
As the Impala purred along, you and Dean sang along to old rock songs, talked and laughed with each other until you felt the car start to slow down. He turned the radio down but you still faintly heard music coming from outside.
“Alright y/n, open your eyes.” He said.
Your eyes had to adjust to the bright neon lights shining on the outside of the bar. The sign on the front read The Wheel Bar. Dean had mentioned before that they have really good food and music plus they have pool and tabletop shuffleboard.
Your face was as bright as a child’s on Christmas morning while your excitement was pure and unfiltered.
“Is there live music tonight?!!” You asked.
Dean turned the car off. “According to Sam, there is. You ready to go check it out?” He asked.
You nodded furiously and bit back a wide smile.
The red neon lights were glowing from the bar and shined from behind all of the liquor bottles. The band sounded great and you couldn’t explain it but this place really put out good vibes.
Pointing at the pool table, you asked Dean, “Wanna play? I’m actually pretty good.”
“Oh are you.” Said Dean with a sly smile. “Ok, but I’m not gonna take it easy on ya just because you let me see you naked.”
Slightly embarrassed, you covered your eyes as you felt yourself start to blush.
“Just rack ‘em, Winchester.” You said.
Trading shots back and forth, Dean had his chance to run the table but he missed his last solid ball so you had to sink both of your striped balls and the eight ball to win. You had managed to get your last two balls in but the eight ball shot was going to be tough.
You were going to have to bounce it off the side and sink it on the opposite side pocket, it was a shot you’ve taken a thousand times but you hated to lose so it still made you nervous every time you had to drain that shot.
The cue ball hit the eight ball with force, propelling it into the wall, it bounced back toward you and dropped into the side pocket. A perfect shot.
“Son of a bitch! You hustled me, sweetheart!” He shouted.
Batting your eyelashes at him, you sarcastically answered, “I am offended you would actually think that. And I don’t appreciate your accusatory remarks. Ok maybe I hustled you just a little bit.”
You snaked your arms around Dean’s neck, looked up at him through your long dark lashes, and leaned in to kiss him. With his hands firmly on your waist, he kissed you back, parting your lips with his tongue, and growling slightly against your mouth. He knew he was beat in more ways than one.
“Unfair, baby.” He said, pulling away slightly with a wry grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Looking over at the dance floor, you saw everyone line dancing. You had always wanted to try it but never had the chance to. The life of a hunter never stopped, there was always another case so living a normal life was still very new to you but you finally had the chance to try something new that looked like a lot of fun.
“You wanna try it with me!?” You asked emphatically.
Dean shook his head.
“Nope. You go ahead though, baby. I’ll be here drinking my beer.” He said.
With a shrug, you took off toward the dance floor and followed along with everyone. Glancing over at Dean, he watched you with a big smile on his face while sipping on his beer.
You really were having the best time until you noticed a youngerwoman with blonde hair in a tight red dress walk over and startto chat with your boyfriend. Dean still kept his eyes on you while the woman tried to pull his gaze toward her but he wasn’t taking the bait.
His eyes were firmly looking at you and when she tried to stand in his line of sight, he just moved which gave you butterflies in your stomach. However, you still didn’t like what you were watching.
The mystery blonde woman was not taking the hint so you decided to intervene.
“Hey handsome! Who’s this?” You said, kissing Dean on the cheek as he handed you your beer.
Before Dean could answer, the woman responded in a cocky tone, “I’m Christy. I think your boyfriend is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen and I want to take him home.”
The sultry look in her eyes told you that this wasn’t the first time she had tried this little act. Used to getting her way, she was almost surprised Dean wasn’t jumping at the chance to go with her.
“This is what I’ve been dealin’ with while you were out there dancin’.” Said Dean with a look of “help me” on his face.
A fake laugh escaped your lips as you said, “Well…CHRISTY…as you just said, he’s MY boyfriend and he’s going home with me so I suggest you just call it a night and leave. It’s probably past your bedtime anyway.”
Reaching for the knife in your boot, Dean stepped in between you and the other woman after you tried to invade her space.
“Sweetheart, I am REALLY turned on right now but I don’t want to have to bail you outta jail. Leave that knife in your boot, ok?” Dean whispered in your ear with a slight growl.
He was right. It probably wasn’t the best idea to get into a fight while out on a date although it wouldn’t have been the first time you pulled your knife on someone at a bar but serves her right for making you jealous.
You left your knife sheathed inside your boot and you firmly told Christy to leave. She finally did, grudgingly and you and Dean finally got back to enjoying your night out but that feeling of jealousy still sat in the pit of your stomach.
The band started to play a slow song, you watched as couples walked out onto the dance floor hand in hand and fondly looked out as they swayed back and forth with each other.
“C’mon baby, let’s dance.” Said Dean.
With a slight frown, you reluctantly took his hand as he led you to the dance floor, but you had a hard time looking at him as you were a little embarrassed by your behavior.
“I’m sorry, Dean.” You said softly.
He narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips together as he replied, “Sorry? For what?”
“I shouldn’t have acted that way. She just…tried to…” You started to say.
“…Take what was yours?” He questioned.
You blurted out, “No…no that’s not what I…You’re not mine to…” You trailed off.
The song that the band was playing was Strawberry Wine.
Strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love, whoa-oh bittersweet
And green on the vine
Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love, oh, bittersweet
And green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
“I just got jealous, baby. I’m sorry.” You said, swiping a tear off of your cheek.
Dean kissed your forehead, and replied, “Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. I’m all yours and no one else’s, ok?”
I still remember
When thirty was old
And my biggest fear was September
when he had to go
A few cards and letters and one long distance call
We drifted away like the leaves in the fall
But year after year I come back to this place
Just to remember the taste
Of strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love, whoa-oh, bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
“Also…you have any idea how hot that was that you were ready to pull a knife on her?” He purred in your ear.
That made you laugh.
“Thank you for tonight, Dean. I love you.” You said as you delicately pressed your lips to his.
The fields have grown over now
Years since they've seen the plow
There's nothing time hasn't touched
Is it really him or the loss of my innocence?
I've been missing so much
He enveloped one of your hands inside of his and held it close to his chest. His green eyes looked like fresh spring leaves, the laugh lines around his eyes made him look quite distinguished, and the freckles on his nose looked as though they were sprinkled there like paint splattered onto a blank wall.
“I love you too, sweetheart. I hope I did alright for our first date.” He said.
Smiling against his chest, you said, “You did more than alright, baby.”
Dean’s fingers delicately skipped up and down your back as he held you while you danced together. The scent of stale beer and peanuts hung in the air while the faint scent of his cologne clung to his shirt; you almost forgot music was actually playing.
His lips collided with yours as he cupped your cheeks, you gasped against his mouth and tightly clung to him like you didn’t want to let him go.
“You mind if we take a detour on the way home?” He asked with a sly smile.
Confused, you replied, “A detour? Where?”
“I’m still half hard thinkin’ about you with that knife in your boot. Thought maybe we could practice making a sibling for Charlie, and show you what Baby’s spacious back seat looks like.” Dean said with a wink.
Glancing down at the floor, you bit down on your bottom lip and then replied, “Spacious huh? It doesn’t look that big. And they do say practice makes perfect.”
“It’s bigger than you think.” Said Dean with one corner of his mouth turned up and raised eyebrows.
His words sent delightful shivers down your spine but also brought tears to your eyes.
Dean didn’t forget what Charlie had asked for and maybe he did think about you actually becoming a part of their little family and the possibility of making it just a little bit bigger. The thought of having a family never crossed your mind until you met Dean and Charlie, even Sam.
You thought being a hunter was your path of life but maybe it was time to drive down a different path, time to start doing more things that made you happy, and make new memories with people that love you.
But for now, your first date had turned out better than you ever thought it could be.
Tag List: @munsonownsmyass @gijos @stoneyggirl2
Others that might enjoy: @jvanilly @k-marzolf @fluffyprettykitty @vaguekayla @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @deans-spinster-witch
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myhornysaga · 19 days
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If there's ever a conversation in context of you or you and Keegan, there's 4 words that are always present in the sentence... 'crazy, psychotic beautiful bitch'
You and keegan are nothing but a messy 'couple'(?) Heck you two are both insane. For crying out loud, you married him the evening he was leaving for his deployment, he was 21, you were 19. After that deployment his entire life and personality changed.
He would never talk about what happened in that deployment, neither any of his colleagues did. All you knew was something really bad went on there and he lost most of his teammates.
The marriage started to turn sour due to Keegan's sudden PTSD/panic attacks. And they were bad. Its something you never told anyone or ready to talk about.
Needless to say in almost 2 years of your marriage, it ended as abruptly as it began, all on a whim.
The reason keegan's teammates started calling you crazy is due to the fact you just stomped into the Marines base on a fine tuesday to drop the divorce papers. Keegan had a 36 hour shift that day.
And that is how you both divorced.
Everyone thought you both are on your different path now, with someone new. Keegan's friends tried to encourage him to find 'some other chick' or 'plenty fish in the sea' or saying that you were toxic anyway. The boys did their best to encourage the man who got divorced so publicly.
But all their 'encouragement' went to waste.
As it turned out, as soon as keegan's shift ended, he came to the abode which was two days ago a marital home and you both had verbal fight which turned physical in under few moments...
"I CAN'T do this SHIT anymore Keegan", you screamed at him.
Your ex husband has always, by nature, has been quiet man. Only speaking when spoken to and only speaking if necessary.
But on god you ARE something else! You make this usually quiet man want to scream his throat out.
"Couldn't you have waited ONE FUCKING DAY for the divorce?!" He growled.
You two sweared like sailors at each other and then you came a little close to his face pointing your index finger, trying to look intimidating.
Your finger pointed towards him so close triggered his PTSD. He immediately grabbed held your finger then tricep and then he threw you onto the ground on your belly while your arm behind your back.
It all happened so fast you couldn't grasp what even happened. All you knew was your right arm was hurting a little and keegan was on top of you.
Shit. Its started. You know this is one of his panic attacks! You have seen it before but this was new. This has never happened in midst of a 'conversation'.
"Keegan? Babe? Its me y/n babe you need to calm down its just me", you started frantically calm him down. Your chest hurts due to his weight on top of you.
Keegan was in a daze, all that was going in his head was how all his squad died on that fateful day. How he hid under the corpse of a Sargeant, covered in that dead man's blood in order to look like corpse.
He snapped out of it the moment he heard your voice and rolled off of you and laid on the wooden floor with his hand on his chest, heavily panting as if to grasp as much air as possible.
You were finally free of his weight and quickly got up and saddled on him and started to calm him down by gently patting, caressing his face. You started to kiss him.
"It will be okay babe, I'm here, im right here. Its okay, you're safe now." You whispered into his ear while peppering him with your warm kisses.
He was back. He opened his arms to hug you and happily gave in.
He hugged you tight.
"I'm sorry y/n", he mumbled.
And since then, despite being officially Ex husband and Ex wife, you still live in his house and still sleep with him.
Your bond has become more stronger than when you two were 'married'.
You two still fight, but it always ends up in a rough makeout session.
Keegan's teammates will never get why Keegan is with you. But then again, even they know nothing beats 'the crazier the better'.
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