#I studied English language so I’m just very interested in how we speak n use language lol
danganronpa96 · 1 year
This might be a redundant question depending on how you look at it, but how do you write a fanfic crossover made up of a random cast of characters.
Because I tried it myself and the dialogue felt way too off for me. Do you have any advice for that?
I think this is a good question actually. Dialogue is a very important part of a character — the way someone speaks is a heavy reflection of their character. In fact, it’s a mixture of what they say, and how they say it (accents, stutters, pauses, hiding information, sharing too much etc.).
The first place to start is to just listen to the character. Either watch, or read (depending on the medium the character comes from) them speak. Try to find different situations, some where they are happy, sad, angry, conflicted, etc. See how they react to different situations, and how their language changes. What words do they usually say? When do they break their usual conventions? Do they have specific speech habits?
Next, see how they interact with other characters within their media. This may be harder if they’re a minor character or don’t interact often with people. Still, try to interpret their relationships with what information you have already.
Now, this is where your creative control comes into play. How does this character interact in a crossover setting? Knowing how they speak to certain types of people already, how would they talk to a character with traits that they like? Don’t like? Talk too often? Too quiet? Who are abrasive? Give them kindness?
I already enjoy writing dialogue, so these things kind of just come naturally to me. But if you feel like your dialogue is off, try to think about how you speak to others in a normal conversation. Think about the tone of the conversation too. Is it a light-hearted chat between friends? Or is it a more formal meeting between acquaintances? Context is a major factor of how the dialogue should flow. I like to think about the types of colloquial phrases characters would say. Things that roll off the tongue without too much thought. A lot of characters tend to speak before they even think, especially in tense situations.
If it helps, also plan a summary of the conversation. How does the topic spark? What is the goal of the speakers? How does new ideas or speakers get introduced, or removed?
It takes practise, but as long as you’re having fun, and taking breaks when you get stuck, you’ll get there ^^
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1ore · 6 months
me again (insert man standing emoji here)
A) my previous ask asking for reading materials really proved useful in my course actually! ive been very busy but it was interesting to compare outside knowledge with what we've been learning about in class c:
B) I've noticed the little Japanese notes sometimes in your post and I'm also attempting to learn - I've got hiragana down, but I was wondering what you/who you learn from :o? I've found the tofugo (think I spelled that right) website n have been just goin through it.
Thank you! ^u^
A.) I’m so happy to hear that it was enriching : D I hope the class makes good conversation with those articles!
B.) I’m taking a Japanese class at my college, this semester. I did self-study about 2 years ago using duolingo, toucan, and whatever activities I could scrounge up from the internet, but I fell off the wagon for a while. The difference between self-study and a structured course is night and day for me, but I’m also in my last semester… So… I still have the same questions you do LOL. I want to talk to my professor about how to keep going without the classroom structure. When I do, I’ll share anything that I haven't already. (I have also heard good things about wanikani and sometimes refer to Tofugu for grammar weirdness. I want to check them out more!)
Anyway, the textbooks that we’re using are good ‘ole Genki and Kanji Look & Learn. They come with workbooks that are pretty good for giving you a variety of writing and listening activities to do. I also use the Renshuu app, which is kinda like Duolingo, but beefier and more customizable. I set it up to be very writing- and kanji-focused, so any time I do text input, I have to write it out. This works great for learning vocabulary and kanji, but I haven’t used it as much for grammar.
Apart from that, I have my friend @soulfullofold who speaks Mandarin Chinese at a much higher level than I do Japanese. I find it helpful to vex and haunt her talk about kanji with her. The characters are mostly the same, but the readings, the meanings, the pronunciations—it’s a complete tossup, we’re lucky if they sound even a little alike. Still, learning the characters is more intuitive if I have a memory attached to them, even if that memory is “oh, snoodles hates 自転車 because it’s pronounced じてんしゃ ji ten sha and not zi xing che.”
(this Does create situations where I know 口 as “kou” first and not “くち / kuchi,” so. you win some, you lose some.)
We also get together on Mizu Mondays to learn and teach one another about a quirk in our respective language. Some of our prompts have been “terms of endearment,” “things you can’t do in english,” “learn a new character with this radical,” etc. Maybe a more generalizable activity to do with someone you know who is learning any second language. Keeps you accountable and lets you learn something new+fun with a friend.
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頑張って!! がんばって!! ganbatte!
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duncebento · 1 year
you study abroad right? how has that been? i want to but im worried its going to be too hard to adjust to plus school
i do!! i’ll give pros n cons though they might be specific
- i’m confident that i’m getting some of the best education i could be, which even though i’m from new york where there r many college options i still feel that it would’ve been settling to stay at home. to me it’s worth being there for the school
- i do like having the opportunity to immerse myself in another language as someone interested in linguistics!
- for italy specifically, food, art, architecture, pre-capitalist city planning which i feel is more….human-centric?
- since my school is in english, i have meet ppl from allll around the world. my class was originally 16 ppl and we were from 10 different countries across 5 continents. of the friends i’ve made there, one is chinese from hungary, one is from portugal, one is from india, one is from zimbabwe, and two are other usamericans.
- the cost isn’t great since it’s a private school, but i’m still paying less than i could have been in the US, n godwilling i will not graduate w student debt
- europe has trains so i can go places so easily
- night-out bar and club culture that i wouldn’t have access to yet in the US w/out a fake, but which i feel is crucial to the college experience lol. will treasure memories dancing to live music at the cuban bar, drinking spritzes on the river, bringing bottles of prosecco to house parties
- paperwork is so annoying ESPECIALLY because italian bureaucracy is ill-managed. BUT americans have such a passport privelege, my old roommate from iran couldnt come to school for months bc of her visa
- apts are still expensive i general, especially in places like florence w a high tourist appeal bc they are also airbnb infected, which has totally jacked up rent rates. right now i’m blessedly paying what i would definitely call reduced rent because a rich friend of a friend of a friend had an old apartment that she’s renting to me for far less than market price. but without knowing people from the area already apt hunting is hell.
- it’s not entirely a con, but def a learning curve around communication, because european profs are often excitable or brusque or sometimes even cruel in my experience in a way that wouldn’t fly so much in american colleges (though part of that is the fashion element imo.) it was hard for many americans to adapt to this sort of criticism
- i am definitely more conscious of my blackness in italy, ppl are more ignorant about black people (though imo not actually more hateful.) but ppl are also so amazed by my hair which is nice sometimes lol…..american whites will like never compliment black hair cos theyre scared. but yeah white ppl in europe dont have much of a faux pas developed against certain racism yet
- i do miss my family when i’m there— though now i miss my friends when i’m not there! and the time zone diff >_<
- it is very easy to be lonely, esp. at first. at fashion school i’m not really around “my type” of people, which means i feel really isolated even around the other americans. they just don’t know how to make heads or tails of me i suppose. but then, if i really think of it, that might just be a con of being weird in general. my usual odds of finding someone i really gel with are about 1/500, so that puny statistic decreases even further when most ppl around me don’t speak english as a first language.
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Light Shall Smite Her
Pairing: Mildred Ratched x Reader
A/N: hello @serawalkerwrites​, this is my humble gift to you as your SP secret gifter 😌😘 I’m so nervous to post this, I hope you’ll like it. If you don’t, in the words of Puck, “This weak and idle theme, / no more yielding but a dream, / gentles do not reprehend. / If you pardon, we will mend.” x
(please bear in mind English isn’t my first language, so my apologies for weird sentences)
Word count:  ≃ 5 600
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“I heard the new head nurse is very beautiful.”
Rosie waited expectantly for an answer. You hummed.
“I said,” Rosie repeated, in a louder, slightly annoyed voice, for she was excited and couldn’t bear your ignoring her right now, “I heard she’s very beautiful.”
You gave her a sideways glance by way of an acknowledgment, not bothering to stop your quick scribbling.
Rosie rested her elbows on the table and leaned towards you. “Don’t you care?”
“I’m writing,” you mumbled.
“Aren’t you interested, though?”
“Listen, Rose,” you started, setting your pen down and finally meeting your co-worker’s eyes, ”my break is over in five minutes, and I want – no, I need – to finish this, so would you be so kind as to postpone this conversation until later?”
Rosie straightened up with an irritated click of her tongue. “Fine,” she hissed. “I was just trying to be nice. Knowing you’re single, and all.” She turned, made to leave, but suddenly stopped to mock over her shoulder, “And by ‘and all’, I’m referring to the pathetic rant I had to suffer through last night about how ‘lonely’ you feel and how ‘unfair’ the universe is. I’m just trying to help.”
“Thank you, Emma Woodhouse,” you called after her as she angrily stomped out of the room.
With a sigh you resumed your writing. You hadn’t meant to be so harsh with Rosie, but you really needed to get rid of your thoughts and ideas by writing them down before your break was over. If you didn’t, the words would howl reproachfully in your head for the rest of the day, make a racket and fog your brain till you were finally able to spit them out on paper.
Just a few minutes more, you begged the clock on the wall. Your wrist was aching. Two more lines, and then you finally sat back in your chair with a huff like a warrior who has won their hardest battle.
You glanced up at the clock. Break over.
The clinic was unusually quiet today. A few patients looked up at you as you passed them on your way down the corridor. You offered them smiles, blinked at the sun when you glanced outside.
The lobby was deserted. You worked at the front desk, and were in charge of most administrative tasks – a rather boring job, but it paid well and left you enough time to write.
You were sorting out schedules when Rosie crossed the lobby, pushing an old man in a wheelchair. She shot you a moody look and mouthed something you didn’t understand. Five minutes later she was back; and, planting her elbows on the front desk, mouth tight and eyes studying your face, she started, “So, as I was saying, the new –” but before she had time to finish there was the sound of a door opening, heels, a voice speaking quickly, and then two people walked briskly into the lobby.
And one of them was a male nurse you knew called James, a boring, conceited person you couldn’t care about; and the other – but someone had drugged your coffee. There was no other explanation.
James came to a halt before your desk. With a contemptuous look to Rosie, he pushed her to the side, and ignoring her angry hiss announced proudly, “Y/N, this is Mildred Ratched, our new head nurse.”
You stared at her. The world around you vanished. It was as if someone had shone a spotlight on her, the rest of the room going dark as the audience held their breath. You were suddenly too hot, the air in your lungs was burning gas and it hurt – but Mildred’s face stayed perfectly composed.  
She gave you a polite smile and extended one hand to you as if nothing terrible was happening, as if you and her were meeting for the very first time and the only thought crossing your mind, as it had two years ago, simply was, What a beautiful woman.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Mildred said, red lips curling up into a smile.
You knew that smile. It was the smile that reached her eyes but was fake and cold and meant to signify, I know what I’m doing. I’ve got this. There’s nothing you can do but submit.
You shook her hand. Mildred saw the way your arm trembled when you drew it back and pressed it against your chest.
“I’m giving Miss Ratched a tour of the clinic,” James was saying, with a note of pride in his voice. “She’s been very impressed by our equipments.”
“Yes,” Mildred answered, gaze boring into you. “The place where I used to work certainly didn’t enjoy such modern facilities.”
Your brain took over. It really was the only way you could survive this moment. You swallowed and locked up your heart and let coolness and calm seep through you.
“The place where you used to work?” you asked. You congratulated yourself on how neutral your voice sounded.
Mildred’s brow pushed up slightly, for she knew exactly what you were doing. She knew you. And despite your best efforts, you felt heat creep up your cheeks, heat creep up your ears, heat everywhere it was too damn hot.
But you would be damned, you told yourself, you would be damned before you averted your gaze from hers.
“Oh, it was a small place,” Mildred answered – and was her smile turning a little cruel? “You wouldn’t know it,” she added, and just like that, with her smile lingering on her lips, she turned from you and gestured for James to lead the way.
You stared at her back as she walked off, gait as decisive as you remembered it to be, but with that nervousness to it, as if she were constantly running from something. Do you only know where you’re headed?, you had asked her once – and she had gazed at you thoughtfully as she’d blown out cigarette smoke, and hadn’t answered.
“What was that all about?”
A door slammed shut, making you jump. Only know did you realize that your fists were tightly clenched, and your lungs were burning from lack of oxygen. You forced yourself to take a deep breath.
“What was that all about?” Rosie asked.
You glanced at her. “Don’t you have something to do?” you snapped.
Mildred and you. The story was a simple one.
She had been a nurse at the local state hospital, you had been a professional writer; you had met at a coffee shop, where you would both spend your Saturday afternoons. You had talked. You had laughed.
The sparkles in her eyes when she would talk about things she loved, things that made her happy, had caught your attention. So had her smiles, and her laughs, and every little thing she had said and pointed out.
You had ached. And then one day you had been bold enough, and leaned in to kiss her. And she, with a half-disgusted, half-shocked laugh, had pressed one hand to your chest to push you away – and in a voice that was only slightly shaking, had demanded what the hell you thought you were doing.
Turned out she had been hunting. For a young, happy woman, who would “fill the needs” of her brother, just recently got out of prison. You had gawped at her as she had explained the whole scheme to you, talking for all the world as if she were having a perfectly casual, perfectly normal conversation –
And then –
The anger and the disgust and the pain and the betrayal. You had stormed out of the coffee shop with the need to scream and to destroy something. To make someone bleed. To make someone pay for what you were feeling.
And the hatred – how you hated her. And yet, there had been signs, you had seen them – how she would bite her lower lip sometimes when she listened to you talk, how she would glance up at you, eyes a little darker and a little stormier and a little shy, how when she would reach out to cup your face in her hands, to comfort, to reassure, her touch would linger and her fingers would hold as if you were made of the most precious star matter in the universe – you couldn’t have been wrong. She had wanted you. You knew it. But she had been on a mission, and nothing could distract that kind of a woman from her goal.
To know you had been used, to know you had been seen as nothing more than a piece of meat to be fed to a hungry animal, made you feel dirty and disgusted with yourself. You couldn’t get rid of the feeling. So, with a desperate need to get rid of yourself, of the way you had been seen, you moved and got a new, different job – tried not to think of the reasons why you applied to a clinic of all places. You made yourself new, in a way.
And now – now your old self slammed back into you with a vengeance. It wouldn’t have been a problem, not really, had it come alone; but it was accompanied. It stood hand in hand with hope. And hope – hope was the worst.
The rest of the day passed quickly. You focused on your work, let your brain hold the wheel and did your best to ignore the thing, the thing that was warm and insistent and that you could feel growing in your chest, from making too much noise. It was adamant it would make itself known, though, and you were well aware it would only take a spark to set the fire roaring – and sure enough, at 5:30pm, as you were gathering your things and about to leave, the warmth started to burn – for Mildred, in her nurse uniform, walked up decidedly to your desk and, lips curled up, said, “Doesn’t your shift end at six?”
You clenched your teeth as you slowly looked up at her. “You’re not the boss of me,” you retorted, low and mean.
Mildred’s mouth twitched. “I would not be so sure of that.”
“I arrive earlier in the morning so I can leave earlier in the afternoon,” you snapped, louder this time.
She hadn’t changed a bit. She still looked exactly the same. You stared at her impeccable hairdo, at her collar, trying not to pay too much attention to the pale column of her neck; up, past her lips – a shudder, at the reminder of how they had felt against yours – to meet her eyes again, and catch a glint of amusement in them.
You cleared your throat, pretended the heat that flooded your face was fueled by anger, not embarrassment.
“So how’s your brother?” you taunted.
Mildred blinked. Her smile faded. She glanced over her shoulder, then leaned towards you and said, “Can we talk somewhere private?”
“I have things to say to you.”
“Things to say to me?” You snorted. Crossed your arms against your chest. “I don’t care what you have to say. I’m going home. Move.”
She didn’t move. She stood resolutely planted in front of your desk, eyes boring into yours, so you picked up your bag and walked around her, bumping her shoulder to make a point.
She flinched, as she always did when you would touch her without warning. You felt her gaze burning the nape of your neck as you hurried off. It was all you could do not to run when you reached the door.  
“This woman isn’t trustworthy,” you told your boss the next morning.
He barely looked up from his paperwork. “Which woman?”
“Miss Ratched.” You pretended you felt nothing, pretended it was not like music, when you uttered her name. “You made a mistake hiring her.”
“Did I?”
“She doesn’t have the credentials for the post of head nurse.”
A glance at you, annoyed and distracted.
“Her credentials are excellent.”
“They’re fake,” you insisted, shaking your head. “Everything about this woman is fake. Believe me, you cannot trust –“
“Miss Y/L/N,” he interrupted with a sigh, “if you do not have proof for these allegations then you’re only making me lose my time.”
You sat at the front desk in a bad mood. Patients glared at you when you answered their questions too shortly, and you glared right back at them until they lowered their gaze. Every time you heard footsteps, every time you heard a voice, your heart would speed up and your head buzz and you would look up, half in fear, half in (but that was hard to admit and, at first, you denied it) hope, expecting to see Mildred. You didn’t, though. The hours passed by and the nervousness in you increased, but Mildred never once crossed the lobby. She wasn’t in the break room at lunch; a nurse told you she had gone out to a restaurant with a friend.
At 5:30pm you left in an even worse mood. You told yourself it was because you hadn’t had the opportunity to be mean to Mildred, to take out on her some of your resentment and anger. There was no other possible reason, and if there was, it certainly was not that you were disappointed you hadn’t had the opportunity to at least steal a glance at her.  
At home that evening you tried to write, but the words had disappeared from your brain. You sat at your desk, eyes glazed, fingers unmoving. There was something in your chest that was made of emptiness and yet weighted heavy near your heart.
As you lay in bed you tried to summon bright images in the dark, the brightest you could create, red sunsets and turquoise oceans, anything to outshine the image of Mildred. You tossed and groaned and got too hot. In the corner of your room it seemed to you something was crouching, and looking up at you, and hoping.
In the morning you opened your window and stuck your head outside. The air still carried the chill of winter and made you shiver. But your blood was boiling. It was boiling still when you got into your car, boiling when you settled at the front desk and turned on your computer.
You decided it was boiling out of anger.
And yet – did anger make one’s heart beat so very fast at the mere sound of heels on tiles?
You told yourself it did.
It wasn’t until your lunch break that you saw Mildred. As usual, you gulped down your lunch to have time to write; and you were just starting when the door opened, and without so much as an introduction Mildred walked in and stopped right in front of you.
You looked up from your work.
“What do you want?” you growled.
Mildred gave you a pacifying smile.
“Good afternoon,” she started, lacing her fingers together in front of her. “As I said the other day, I merely want to talk.”
You snorted, and pretended to focus on your writing. But just as last night, words fled from your brain. Mildred’s presence was taking all the room inside your head, filling it with her scent and her colours, her voice, the shapes of her body. Your heart was beating too fast, your pen was frozen on the piece of paper, and out of the corner of your eye the blue from Mildred’s uniform was too bright, it was too flashy, it drew all of your attention.
After a few, long seconds of tense silence, you dropped your pen on the table and almost barked, “Fine, go ahead, talk.” You met Mildred’s eyes and tried to scowl, tried to convey to her the vehemence of your anger. “Say what you have to say and then get out and don’t talk to me ever again.”
“You’re quite overreacting, wouldn’t you say?”
“You’ve got some nerves, wouldn’t you say?”
More silence, as you both stared at each other. Mildred’s gaze wasn’t cruel or angry, you noticed; if anything, she looked nervous.
“Since you want us so badly to speak,” you said before she had time to, “answer this question: what would have happened, if I hadn’t tried to kiss you?” You waited, but since she didn’t answer, merely kept on looking at you with one hand sliding up her other arm to hug herself, you went on, “What would have happened, uh? You would’ve dropped a sleeping pill in my drink, kidnapped me, locked me up somewhere for your brother to do to me whatever he wanted?”
Mildred let out a short, offended laugh. “Don’t be so crude.”
There was yet another pause, during which she looked at you, nervously, and you looked at her, angrily; and then, entirely of its own, your gaze flicked to her mouth, and she noticed it, and her eyes widened a little.
You looked away and cleared your throat, praying – praying! – that the heat you could feel everywhere didn’t show in your face.
“I would merely have introduced you to Edmund,” Mildred answered eventually.
You met her eyes again. “I don’t believe you,” you growled. A pause. “Why did you wait so long?”
“I needed to make sure you were the right one for him.”
“And how many women,” you went on, slowly standing up and slamming your fist on the table,” did you try out before me?”
Mildred’s eyes darted to your hand as it hit the table. She jumped slightly, fear widening her eyes, and for a moment regret washed part of your anger away. You took a step towards her with the intention to reassure, no longer to fight.
You caught yourself, though. You stopped, and folded your arms on your chest.
“Answer me,” you growled.
“You were the first,” Mildred said, voice a bit tight. She hesitated, stroked her arm with her thumb. “I had no idea you were the kind of woman who doesn’t like the company of men.”
You laughed mirthlessly. “And you think that excuses everything?”
“It must have made it more unpleasant.”
“Any woman would know how fucked up it was,” you growled. “Except you, clearly.”
Silence settled between you two. Mildred’s thumb was still stroking her arm nervously, and you found yourself staring at it, as if drawn by the repetitive movement.
“I apologize for what I did,” Mildred said after a few moments.
Your eyes flicked back to her face. “Do you really? Do you really mean it? Or is it another lie, meant to coax me?”
“I do mean it,” Mildred replied.
“Then prove it.”
Something like annoyance flicked across Mildred’s features; but then, as quickly as it had come, it faded, and the nervousness settled back.
“How?” she asked.
You took another step towards her, meaning to invade her space, just a little, just to show her you had the upper hand. An idea flashed in your brain, but you couldn’t quite see its contours through the mist of boiling anger, so when you voiced it, it was without fully knowing what the words would be.
“Let me make sure you’re the right one for me.”
You paused. You decided you rather liked these words.
Mildred’s mouth opened, closed again. She titled her head, eyes narrowing.
You took another step forward.
“Let me,” you breathed, extending one hand to brush invisible dust from her sleeve, “try you out and decide whether I want you for myself.”
Mildred held your gaze with a stubborn, challenging – amused? – kind of fierceness, and you noticed how she had started breathing through her mouth, how her cheeks were coloring, not with embarrassment, but with excitement it seemed; like a champion in the starting blocks, adrenaline racing through her veins.
Something was drumming in your ears. Certainly it was your heart, but maybe it was something else - and this time you couldn’t fool yourself into thinking it was anger. Anger never drummed, anger thundered. Desire – longing – had its own particular kind of music.
You wondered, vaguely, if Mildred could hear it too.
She blinked. The fierceness in her gaze faded. She looked away, the black in her eyes turning sad and shy, then looked up again, hopeful this time, and you couldn’t help but marvel at the mirror that was her gaze, always reflecting, always revealing.
“Alright,” she said.
Your lips twitched into a smirk.
And then, just when you thought you had won, she smiled that victorious smile of hers that reached her eyes but was always cold, except this time it was warm, and there was mischief shining under it like a child up to no good.
“You have 24 hours, not a minute more,” she said, playful, almost singing. “Make the best of them.”
And then, and then - she lifted one hand, brushed the back of her fingers down your cheek, to mock your previous touch and remind you who was in control. Her cold skin made you shiver and instantly ache for more; and you would have leaned in and crashed your mouth against hers had you not regained control of yourself at the last second.
She left you with a glance over her shoulder as if to dare you to follow her. She left you standing burning and aching, trying to process what had happened.
You collapsed on your chair, because this all meant, dear you this all meant – that you had been right? That she was interested in you?
You raised a hand to your chest as if that could help slow down your heart. You did not know what you should be feeling. There were too many emotions, and which one was supposed to be right? You needed someone, a guide, to point out and say, This. This is the proper emotion to feel.
You spent the rest of the day in a state of overwhelming nervousness. Every minute you expected Mildred to appear with a cup of coffee or a bouquet of flowers for you. Nothing happened. The afternoon went by as usual. Rosie stopped at your desk for a chat. An old man threw up in the lobby and the cleaning lady cursed.
When the clock reached 4pm, you almost got up and stormed into Mildred’s office to demand what she was doing. Why the hell wasn’t she trying to win your heart? Why wasn’t she being excessively nice, voice dripping with honey, wide eyes begging?
You couldn’t believe the nerves of this woman, and you were fuming, until you saw her crossing the lobby with a young nurse in tow, and she glanced your way, and smiled. And her eyes weren’t wide, they weren’t begging, but they were nice, and they reflected the genuine good intention of her smile.
This is when you realized. There would be no excessive attentions or sweet little lies to flatter. She was aiming for the exact opposite of what you had run away from. Honesty. Being herself.
A little while later she walked up to your desk with a bunch of reproaches because you had messed up with a few patients’ schedules. Her tone was firm, her gaze hard. Brief apologies dropped from your mouth before you had time to think them. You eyed her curiously as she walked away, and kept on gazing at her long after she had disappeared. Then you cleared your throat, and willed yourself to focus on your work again.
When you saw her again, you were making ready to leave. She had changed into a long, forest green pleated skirt and a creamy white blouse with cuffed sleeves. You eyed her up and down as she came close to you, which made a small smug smile tug at the corner of her lips. You prayed all the gods the heat in your cheeks didn’t paint itself pink, and pretended you were busy with your handbag.
“Dinner?” Mildred asked simply. “I know a place.”
The place in question was a small, cozy and fashionable restaurant with a menu of fancy dishes that made your eyes widen. Mildred asked for a table on the terrace, in the setting sun; the waiter pulled out a chair for her with a respectful bow of his head, and for you with merely a nod.
You said something about the sunset, about how glad you were the weather was getting warmer, how dearly you loved the spring; you pointed out flowers. Mildred lit up a cigarette and listened to you speak, her gaze kind and attentive, and it struck you how easily you two were falling back into your old routine. How peaceful it was, how natural it felt to just sit there with her as the sun yawned and stretched, as cigarette smoke and laughter curled lazily up towards the sky.
Mildred folded her napkin and set it neatly on her lap. You glanced at her as you pretended to muse over the menu; and when Mildred’s gaze met yours, an awkward laugh burst out of your mouth and danced in Mildred’s eyes.
“I honestly do not know…” you started.
“Try this,” she smiled, tapping a finger on the menu.
“I do not trust anything with asparaguses in it.”
“Trust me, then,” Mildred retorted with a laugh.
The laugh died prematurely as your face hardened. Mildred swallowed, glanced down at the menu, looked up again to meet your eyes.
“I’ll have it myself,” she said in a slightly subdued voice. “So you’ll know what you’re missing out.”
You hummed, and took a sip of your drink to swallow the lump in your throat.
Dinner passed in easy, casual conversation. Sometimes, after you had said some random thing, Mildred would smile a shy, fond smile at an object on the table or at something around her, like sharing a secret with herself. You didn’t notice the waiter when he came back. Mildred let you steal a forkful of her meal, and laughed victoriously when your eyes widened at the rich taste that filled your mouth.
For dessert you both ordered rose and lemon Turkish delights, and fell in a comfortable silence. You watched Mildred and she watched you. At one point she ran the tip of her tongue over her lower lip to lick off powdered sugar. You felt yourself blush. Mildred noticed, smiled a little smugly; when your eyes met again, hers flicked down to her glass, and her smile turned shy.
“You never answered my question,” you said.
“Which question?” Mildred smiled at her glass.  
“How is your brother doing?”
There was cruelty in your words, but you thought you were entitled to some of it. The sun had set by now, the moon and the stars were not out yet: there was no witness.
Mildred’s smile faded. She looked up at you, a little reproachfully.
“He’s doing fine,” she said after a short while, in the voice she used at work with the other nurses. “Better than I thought he would. He found a job taking care of animals at the local shelter. It makes him happy.” A pause. A soft, dreamy smile to the tree on your left. “The animals help ease his mind. They give him purpose. He says he likes caring for innocent souls, that they would never hurt anybody, not because they can help themselves, but because the very idea would never even cross their minds.”
“That’s nice, but I was referring to his love life.”
She searched your eyes. “Nothing much to say about that.”
“So you didn’t find him the perfect spouse?” you asked with a mirthless laugh. “What happened? Set the bar too high?”
A gust of wind tangled in your hair, like a reproach from the universe, but you chose to ignore it. You brushed the strands of hair from your face and scowled at Mildred, awaiting – demanding – an answer.
Someone turned on the overhead lights, which threw a sudden bright, yellow glare on Mildred’s face and chased all the shadows.
“I stopped searching after you,” Mildred replied.
You snorted. There was a need to be cruel that was growing inside you and that was too loud, too outraged to be ignored. It was a military leader, and it had at its command an army led by Resentment, Pain, Anger and Revenge.
“What happened?” you mocked. “Got tired so quickly? Got so disappointed in me you thought it wouldn’t be worth your time?”
Mildred refused to take the bait. She stayed completely calm, face impassible and gaze bold, but soft. Her behavior made Anger give a low war cry and charge.
“The truth is,” Mildred said, and she leaned over the table towards you, and smiled and with her smile was swept away the impassiveness on her face to let a loving intensity shine, “just before you left I had made up my mind to keep you for myself.”
You clenched your fist. “Then why the fuck,” you hissed, “did you push me away?”
“I didn’t! All I did was inform you what my plans had been, for the sake of honesty –”
“For the sake of honesty?” you repeated. “Are you kidding me?”
“But then you ran away,” Mildred finished. Had there been the slightest note of reproach in her voice, you would’ve jumped to your feet and broken something.
“As if you cared,” you growled.
“I tried looking for you,” Mildred said.
She paused. There was a nervous twitch to her mouth that, in the absence of shadows, you saw.
“I don’t believe you,” you growled.
“But you disappeared. You moved, didn’t you? You changed your job, you disappeared so completely and I –”
“– and I tried to find you, but there was my job, and there was Edmund, and I couldn’t give up on him when he –“
“So you gave up on me instead.”
Mildred cut herself short. Silence hung heavy as she struggled, weighed up ugly truth against beautiful lies, until she said in a breath, “Yes.”
A sense of victory washed over you, but it felt sick, unsatisfying, and you wondered whether defeat wouldn’t have been better.
For a long moment none of you spoke. Then you realized in your anger you had leaned towards her, too, and your faces were only a few inches apart.
Mildred’s eyes flicked to your lips. You stopped breathing. You were so mad, you swore if she tried to kiss you right now you would flip the table, rip off the lights, break your chair. She had no right to ask to come back in your life, not after what she had done, and you were so mad, and definitely not leaning in and your lips were not parting as if to taste the air she exhaled –
Mildred raised her hands to cup your face. Her touch was like thunder, except you were not a tree but the sky; you had not been hit and burnt, but sublimated and illuminated.
You flinched, and sat back in your chair.
“So?” you asked, folding your arms on your chest. You couldn’t quite meet Mildred’s eyes. Your face was burning.
Mildred raised her eyebrows questioningly.
“So what happens now? What’s your plan now that you’ve found me?”
Mildred smiled. “That,” she answered, “is entirely up to you.”
Was this a blatant lie? You stared at her, forcing yourself to silence the fresh burst of anger her words triggered in you. For if there was one thing you were quite sure of, it was that Mildred Ratched never relented. When she sank her fangs into a prey, she never let go. She would forever be just a few inches behind you, the shadow gliding on your walls day and night, the fingers brushing your shoulders and making you jump.
“So tell me,” Mildred asked after a short while, “do you like what you see?”
You almost said no. Just to tempt her, just because you could and being cruel was so easy and felt so good. You almost said you would disappear again and change your name so she could never find you. Because deep down you knew that if you really, really tried, you would forget her. Only be reminded of her face once in a while in the middle of a crowd or in a poem.
But did you want that?
You pursed your lips to hold back the word “no”. Mildred would have looked confident enough had it not been for the flicker of nervousness in her eyes. They were so dark, her eyes, they sometimes reminded you of a big cat, crouching in tall grass, silent, body taut, ready to jump on its prey.
She had jumped. And you had run away. But now she was jumping again, and this time, you had seen her coming. And you let her claws sink into your flesh.
You shifted on your seat with a low noise of anger at yourself, glanced up at her and blurted out moodily, “Yes.”
Victory shone in Mildred’s eyes. A smile danced across her lips. She leaned towards you, hands coming up to rest on the table with her nails digging into the wood, her gaze so intense, so wild, and when her lips parted to say something you slipped one hand around her right wrist, pushed back your chair so you could lean across the table, and kissed her.
It was a quick, angry kiss, pulling away before it really had time to start. Mildred blinked in surprise. You scowled at her, your mouth a tight, angry line. Your hand clutched her wrist to prevent her from moving.
“Yes,” you repeated.
A smile. Soft, nervous, hopeful.
“Am I forgiven?” she asked.
“No,” you growled, eyes riveted to her lips. “You’ll have to make it up to me, times and times again.”
Mildred’s lips curled up.
“Oh,” she breathed, “I can live with that.”
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lilacmeadows · 4 years
Made For You pt. 2
Omg you guys thank you so much for all the support! Part 1 was my first fic and you guys were so sweet. I had to get started on part 2 right away. If you want to be on my taglist, just let me know! This is just leading up to the next few chapters that’s just gonna be FILTHY. I needed a bit of backstory to be satisfied, but now that the boring part is out of the way, I’m gonna go research other names for genitals. Hope you enjoy! -Savvy
Summary: Hydra had just finished training you to be the Winter Soldier’s perfect mate when the Avengers saved him. But what’s going to happen to you now that Hydra has deleted your old life and left you with nothing but a soldier that needs to learn to love himself before he can love someone else.
Part 1    Part 2     Part 3
WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, explicit language, underage reader (nothing sexual happens underage), stockholm syndrome, mentions of family death, eventual dom/sub dynamics, mentions of captivity and kidnapping. violence- guns, mutual pining, eventual smut, fluff, angst if you squint (must be 18+)
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“Make the Soldat happy. He is my mission.” 
When she was first taken, of course she was scared. She didn’t know why, where she was going, if she’d be rescued. It was a painful adjustment, and some days it was as if the tears would never stop. It’s not like she was worth anything to anyone who mattered, her family wasn’t rich. Just her mom and brother. They lived a happy and normal life. 
She’d guess it didn’t really matter. At the age of 10, y/n was old enough to understand basic concepts, carry a conversation with adults, and she had strict teachers in school, so she knew how to behave. 
What she didn’t know was how to be a wife. Or a ‘life-partner’. None of the Men would ever call her a future ‘wife’. She was training to be a mate. Someone the Soldat could own and connect with so he didn’t fly off the rails if things got out of control. If he got out of their control. Every morning, a watcher would wake her up at 8AM so she could stretch, eat, and meditate. By 10AM, her first trainer of the day would come in and teach her the schooling she was missing. Just basic math and reading, a little German, and a little Russian. Not enough for her to eavesdrop on their plans, but enough to understand her Soldat if he didn’t feel like speaking English. 
At 1PM, another trainer would come and bring her to the small kitchenette down the hall. They had no intention of domesticating the ‘couple’, but she was learning to be a woman- of course the Men would have her start in the kitchen. She would learn very simple meals that could feed a fully grown man, and usually had something light for lunch herself. The men brought her the other 2 meals a day. At 3PM she would have lessons on ‘Womanhood’. At least that’s what she called it. A trainer would come in and teach her a never-ending list of rules that she had to follow in order to be a ‘lady’. It reminded her of an old Barbie movie she would watch when she was little. There was a song called ‘To Be a Princess’, where a poor girl learned how to act proper. Once she started seeing herself as that princess, the days got a little easier. Some days, they would go over how to sit and lie down like a lady. Others, they would walk laps around the halls open to her, reviewing how to walk on the balls of her feet. She learned to talk in short sentences with excellent manners, and how to brush her hair, so she could look more presentable for her Soldat. 
Over the years of compliance, the trainers softened on her just as the watchers had. Of course, they were still horrible people, but they knew she was a kind girl at heart and wouldn’t cause trouble. Some days, she would be made to sit perfectly still with a stack of books on her head, while her trainer would tell her something silly happening outside the walls of the building that became her home. She learned little bits of information about their lives, music, art. But never anything political or having to do with who the Men even worked for. That was strictly forbidden. They would let her color in her free time. Sometimes a watcher would bring a book from his home for her to read, and when she was old enough, she was given a few colors of yarn and started knitting sweaters and scarves on plastic needles. She didn’t have a clock, but she would learn by the rotating shifts of her watchers what time of day it was.
There were children whose lives sucked more than hers. And for that, she was grateful.
When she got older (let’s say 18), the training started to change. She never knew what day it was, or even what year. She had stopped keeping track so long ago, but the changes were made gradually. She would be made to read books on intimacy, and then watch videos of men brutally ravishing ladies about her size. She had to learn what to do to please her Soldat, without being taught physically. This made her happy. The thought of any of the watchers or trainers doing that to her made her sick. And everyone thought it was in her best interest to be completely innocent to the touch of a man when she has her first encounter with the Soldat.
Which turned out exactly as planned. But on the day Steve and Sam plucked her out of her bedroom, she was not expecting the Soldat to be sitting right in front of her. In all his glory.
The quinjet was eerily silent for all of seven seconds before Clint had the audacity to continue the conversation he started.
“You make the soldier happy?” was the best the shocked man could come up with.
“I haven’t met him yet, but I’m ready. They made me ready for him.” y/n said with bright, hopeful eyes. Her words flowed so easily, they sounded rehearsed.
“Do we tell her?” Tony asked Steve, who was getting greener by the second. He couldn’t believe he just got his best friend back, not two weeks ago, and now he has to worry about a girl who’s obsessed with said best friend.
“I don’t think we really have a choice.” Steve replied, taking a deep breath. The whole quinjet looked like they were holding their breath. y/n still didn’t know the names of the three men on the opposite side of the quinjet. Two of them standing together, pausing their conversation, and the brooding man, who everyone keeps looking at.
“y/n, meet Bucky.” Steve said, pointing at the man across from her. But ‘Bucky’ went completely over her head- the name being unfamiliar to her.
“Hello, sir. Pleased to meet you.” She said, offering a genuine smile, but clearly not picking up what Steve was putting down. Clint chimed in again, wanting to be out of his confused misery.
“Wait a second. Y/n. You mean the soldier, as in the Winter Soldier?” Y/n immediately nodded at hearing that name. She knew her Soldat went by that name. “As in that guy right there?” 
Her eyes went wide at the realization. He was sitting right in front of her. Staring at her since the minute she stepped onto the plane. And he was gorgeous. Long hair, thick thighs, piercing blue eyes, and a jaw that could probably cut glass. But he looked upset. Pissed really, and that scared her. She had one job: Make the Soldat happy. And there she was, barely presentable. She hadn’t even addressed him properly, how she was taught. With all the eyes on her, she felt a blush rush through her whole body at the embarrassing thought. But she had to. He wouldn’t like her if she didn’t follow the rules she grew up with.
Y/n daintily stood up and walked until she was right in front of Bucky. He held her eye contact the entire way, still not having said one word during this whole exchange. She gently knelt down until she was on her knees in front of him. 
“I hope I can make you happy, my Soldat. I am a gift from the Men who take care of us, and I am entirely yours.” Bucky’s jaw twitched. He hadn’t said anything this whole time, but his mind was moving at lightning speed. He watched this gorgeous, barely dressed girl sit across from him, and was already in awe. But then that girl got on her knees and declared her loyalty to him? In front of everyone he knows? He couldn’t lie to himself, he’d never been more turned on. But everything about this was wrong. She was just a Stockholm Syndrome’d girl who wanted to follow orders. But her orders were to make him happy. He finally broke eye contact with her to see Tony’s shocked face looking over at Bruce and Thor, to make sure he’s not hallucinating this. 
“Y/n, you should stand up.” He said to her in a hushed tone. Probably harsher than he meant to. He could see her visibly take a breath at the sound of his voice, his eyes followed the gentle slope of her neck down to her breast. She dreamed for years about what his voice would sound like, and it just rolled over her. But she quickly obeyed and stood in front of his seat. He expected her to say something else, but she was silent then. Her previous outburst was one of the few exceptions to her ‘only talk when spoken to’ rule. “What do you want? Where is your family so we can take you home?” He asked her. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes. He didn’t want her was all she could assume. She was made for him, so why was he turning her away?
“I want to make you happy, sir. It’s all I want. Please let me be good for you. I promise, I’ll be so good for you.” Begging was familiar to her from her studies. She didn’t expect to be begging for her to be able to please him, but she would do whatever it took to get him to keep her.
“No. Y/n. This isn’t right. You were being kept there, whatever Hydra told you to do is over. You’re free now.” The tears flowed freely down her cheeks and it broke his heart. She tried to cover her face with her hands. He didn’t want to see her cry, nor did he want to turn her away, but he also couldn’t just let her be his sex slave. It wasn’t right. 
“Please don’t be sad. This is for the best-” He tried to reason with her, but when he took her hand off her face so she would look at him, the contact only made her sob harder. This was all she wanted. 
“Buck, I think we should just let her sit for a minute. Can you grab her some water? Tony and I will try to figure out where she was from.” Steve said to Bucky- trying to end this painful and awkward situation. Bucky stood and walked to another area of the quinjet. He was grateful to be able to use this time to think.
“Y/n, we’re gonna need your help to get you home okay. What’s your last name? How old are you?” 
“Y/L/N” And then she went quiet. It never occurred to her that she didn’t know how old she was. Of course, she remembered her birthday, but she couldn’t tell the weeks and months apart, so she hadn’t celebrated it since she turned 10 in 2006. “What year is it?”
“When did they take you?” Steve asked gently. Being a man from another time, he could remember well the day he woke up in 2011 when it was supposed to be 1944. He knew how jarring it was to discover all the time that’s been lost, and wanted to spare her that grief.
“2006. I was 10.” She looked at him, and she could tell it’s not just 2008 by the look on his face. She knew her body went through changes over her time with the Men, but between the ‘dietary supplements’ they gave her, and the fact that she wasn’t looking in a mirror- much less shopping for clothes- she didn’t realize she had fully completed puberty. 
“Y/n, it’s 2016. You’re 20 now.” And that made the tears come harder. But she wasn’t so upset about the 10 years of her life. She was mad at 20 years of her life wasted. Since Bucky didn’t want her, all of the training was for nothing. She knew living for him made her the definition of a broken person- she wasn’t dumb. The idea of her Soldat was what grounded her all that time. When she was lonely, she’d think about the man the Men always tell her about. They told her how he was their ‘greatest asset’. And she often fantasized about if he would fall in love with her. So by the time she met him, she had already been in love with him for much longer than she’d care to admit- which makes the heartbreak of rejection hurt that much more.
Unfortunately for Bucky, his heart was heavy too. He tucked away into the tiny bed area on the jet after quickly handing Steve the water to give to y/n. It was too much. Being in that room with her, she looked at him like he hung the moon. But he most certainly had not. He was a murderer. Tony’s father was a scientist during the war, and Bucky knew him pretty well through Steve. And he killed him. He had scattered memories of hurting dozens of people, so why would she be so willing to be with someone like him?
Part of him wanted it. After almost a century of not owning anything and not having a choice, he was given the opportunity to have something that belonged only to him. A gift from the men who take care of us. If it wasn’t cruel, he would have laughed in her face. Maybe she was taken care of, but he most certainly wasn’t. She was brought in young enough to still be under the impression that Hydra wasn’t evil, just strict. He imagined for a minute how things could have turned out for the two of them if he hadn’t gotten free. If Hydra really was planning on giving him a gift. He didn’t like the last gift they gave him in the shape of an arm, but y/n was perfect. She was the perfect size for him- although his broad frame could dwarf most women. And her smile pulled at his heart.
He wanted to kiss her the minute he saw her. He knew he wanted to make her his.
And that was bad.
He rubbed his hand over his face and decided to rejoin the group in the middle of their conversation. Thor and Bruce decided to stop being passive members of the conversation and introduced themselves. Y/n was very confused at Thor’s proclamation as ‘God of Thunder’, but with all that was happening, she didn’t feel it was her place to question it.
“- a good thing we have spare rooms at the compound. You can stay as long as you like.” Tony finished speaking to y/n just as Bucky was walking into the room. “We’re gonna have a new house guest MC.” He waggled his eyebrows at the man who caught the back half of that conversation.
Bucky’s jaw dropped. This would only make the situation much harder than it needed to be. He looked to Steve for an explanation. The blond stood up and made his way over to Bucky.
“Look, Hydra scrubbed her records off of every database and-” He took a deep sigh, “Her family is dead, Buck. They probably killed them after they took her.” 
Then it was Bucky’s turn to sigh. He knew the right thing to do was to help her, but he also knew how much he wanted to feel her soft skin in his hands. And that made her dangerous to be around. 
What nobody knew was why Hydra took the 10 year old from Georgia. In 2006, the Winter Soldier was sent on a mission to kill a scientist that lived there. Of course the poor guy didn’t have a chance when the Soldier was sitting in his house, waiting for him when he got home, but what the Soldier wasn’t expecting was a little girl to be coming inside with him. The scientist looked sleazy and didn’t have any children, so who knows what would have happened to her if the Soldier didn’t get there in time. She screamed and cried. The comm in his ear commanded him to kill the girl for being a witness. But the part of the Soldier that was still Bucky wanted her to be safe. He shushed the little girl and asked her for her address. When she recited it to him, he rubbed her head and told her she was a good girl, before he dug his metal fingers into the child’s pressure points and she fell limp into his arms. y/n woke up in her bed, crying at the bad dream she must have had- her mother not even home yet. That was the first act of defiance Hydra ever experienced from the Winter Soldier. First sign of humanity and compassion. They knew if the mind control was getting weaker, he would be harder to control next time they unfroze him, but his protective nature of the girl would make her an asset to them.
Her capture was arranged before his heart was fully frozen in the chamber. Neither Bucky nor y/n remembered this- Bucky only remembering parts of his time under their control, and y/n never thinking about that bad dream again, but the connection was still there as strong as it was that day 10 years ago.
Part 3
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justvibewith · 3 years
Surprise Visit
Summary: You are a nursing student who just survive a hell week and you missed your husband, Wonwoo who is a doctor at a hospital in another state. Why not surprise him with a visit? Definitely a surprise visit that contains a whole drama.
Genre: fluff, a bit of suggestive (?), angst (more like a verbal fight tho)
Characters: Doctor Wonwoo x Female OC
Word Count: 3052
A/N: Hi! I’m a new writer and I only write for Seventeen atm. The name is Angel or you can call me Ella. English is my second language, so hopefully explain why writing is so bad. I used to write before but I had a writing block for over 3-4 years. Recently, I’m trying to train myself to write again. So I hope that all of you could give me some feedback or might challenge me to write some stories~ All of things happen on the story are fiction and some are real life experience. Enjoy!
"Finally, the hell week is over '' Hana lay her head down on the table. It was called hell week for a reason since the students had to take their final exam while also completing their practicals at the hospital. This is the week where a lot of students stay up, cry and stress together. Hana was also one of the students that pulled an all-nighter. To make it worse, she was not feeling herself. For a positive ball of energy like her, it’s unusual for that to happen.`I'm craving drinks, man. I wanna get drunk.." Siyeon said as she sat next to Hana with her iced americano. "Should we? Hana, you wanna go out tonight?" Jinjoo looked excited as she poked Hana. "I'm tired.." Hana mumbled from her arm. "That is why we should go out.." Jinjoo pouted as she tried to persuade her best friend. Hana sits up and drinks her iced tea in a daze. "Earth down to you, Hana. Are you good?" Jinjoo squeezed her friend's hand. "It must be about your husband, is it?" Siyeon guessed correctly which made Hana pouted. She looked at her sparkling wedding band on her ring finger. Jeon Wonwoo is Hana's husband and also a neurosurgeon at Seoul University Hospital. But currently, both of them are in a long-distance relationship since they are working and studying in different states. "How did you know?" Hana questioned, making Siyeon snicker. "It is so obvious, woman.." Hana pouted as she twirls the ring on her finger. Jinjoo looked at her best friend with a beaming smile. "How about you go and visit him? You know, give him a cute surprise~" Immediately, Hana's eyes lit up at the idea. “I mean, we already started our break. It doesn’t hurt for you to spend your time with your husband,” Siyeon encouraged her friend with a smile.
Hana was preparing her luggage when her phone rang. It is Wonwoo, who face-timed her. Hana scrambled, panicked before jumping on the bed to make it look like she did nothing. "Hi, baby. How are you?" Wonwoo's deep and gentle voice soothes Hana. She could make out that Wonwoo was also having a busy day judging by the tired smile on his face. Not only that, he was still wearing his white coat and his black thin-rimmed glasses subtly covered his dark eye bags. "Survived hell week. How are you? I missed you so much.." Hana beamed at the screen. "Miss you too, honey. Well, I had a few surgeries and I am also on call tonight, which is not fun. Have you eaten yet?" Hana nodded. "I did.. Take a quick nap okay? you look so tired, babe. Take care of your health too, if you are sick, how are you gonna take care of your patient?" Hana nagged her husband. "Yes, I understand, Mrs Jeon." He giggled. "I missed you so much.." Hana spoke softly. "Come here then.." Wonwoo grinned as he stretched. "Oh, I will. Just wait~" He laughed at her cute face scrunched.
"Who did you call?" Wonwoo turned to look at his fellow surgeon, Kwon Soon Young who pushed the door open. He came in with a cup of ramen with Jihoon, tagging along behind him. "My wife.." Wonwoo stood up and took a seat near the men as Jihoon put his ramen on the table. "You are married?" Sooyoung shouted. He was so shocked. He can’t believe this cold and stoic-looking man is already married. Soonyoung’s mind is revving to spill the tea about Wonwoo’s secret marriage to Seungkwan and Seokmin, the friendly nurses that he is close with. "It's obvious. He didn’t even hide that he is married. He even has his wife's picture in his locker and on his phone lock screen.Oh, I've met her once too," Jihoon said as he slurped the noodles. "Wait, am I the only person who didn't know? Can I meet her? Please?" Wonwoo sighed at his friend's persistence.
Wonwoo was finishing his round when he approached the nurses and doctors that he’s close with. "The infamous Jeon Wonwoo. Come and join us.." Yoon Jeonghan, the pediatric doctor called him. "We are talking about going out for dinner together tonight. I know your shift is gonna end today, so join us." Another pediatric doctor, Mingyu, excitedly urged him. "Mrs Jung, do you seriously agree with these nasty boys?" Wonwoo turned and asked the oldest nurse who is like his mom in the hospital, Mrs Jung. "I can't decline if someone is gonna buy me food and drinks. Doctor Min Ah Ra and Nurse Han Seo Jin are also going, so at least there are more women added to the party." She smiled. "I mean Doctor Min Ji seems very interested in you~You both would suit each other very much" Nurse Han Seo Jin wriggled her eyebrow at Wonwoo. Wonwoo looked very uncomfortable at the mention. Doctor Ah Ra is known for her straightforwardness in work and her love life. She always goes all out. Yesterday, she even bought him and Jihoon coffee and cakes. Even before that, she would always buy him food and sit near him. It’s not like he didn’t drop hints that he is not interested but in fact, he always declined and avoided her. Somehow, she didn't get it or she was just being persistent. "Should I be upfront and tell her that I'm married?" He thought. Sensing his discomfort, Mrs Jung said "I don't think that Doctor wonwoo think Doctor Ah Ra that way." Jeonghan also jumped to save him, "I guess it's true that Wonwoo is not interested in anyone.Oh, great news!  Soonyoung and Jihoon said that they are going to join us too. This is going to be more merrier!" 
Hana was very happy when she arrived at his apartment. When she entered the house, she smiled. The house was very clean despite being a bit dusty. "He must be very busy.." Hana cleaned his house and even stocked his fridge with food. She can't wait for him to come back home. After doing all the chores,she texted him to ask when he is available so she could call him, in order for her to  know when he is going to go home. "Sorry babe, I'm going out to eat with the team. Might be home around midnight though." He spoke softly. "Well, I miss you.." He chuckled. "If you want me to call you around midnight, sure~" Hana laughed as she snuggled in his bed. "Well, it's okay. We can talk tomorrow.." He sighed when he heard his name "sorry babe, duty calls.." She smiled. "Take care babe, love you.." He whispered. "Love you too darling". After the phone call, Hana pouted, thinking what she should do to kill some time. " Well, I should go shopping and eat great food.." She grinned as she searched for the restaurants that are popular in that area.
Not only SoonYoung and Jihoon follow them but the nurses, Seokmin and Seungkwan also joined the team. They were having bbq and enjoying the meat. "You know, I'm glad my children are older now. I can enjoy going out with you youngsters without stress." Mrs Jung laughed happily as she ate a piece of meat. "This is so good!" Seokmin sighed happily. Wonwoo nodded as he munched on his food. Doctor Ah Ra, like always, would stick near him. "Here a wrap. Says ahh..'' she tries to feed him a wrap. Wonwoo put his hand in front of him "it's okay. You should eat it.." Jeonghan and Jihoon looked at each other and sipped at their shots, at the awkward drama. Before nurse seojin can try to be a wing woman, Mrs Jung speaks out. "I guess we should play a game.. I really wanna see all of you youngsters play the game truth or dare without dare.. I'm too old for dare.." All of them laughed at her joke.
Hana grinned happily as she walked into the BBQ shop. "Hi, can I have a seat for a person.." The waitress nodded and brought her to a seat. "I'm sorry to inform you that the set comes for 2 people," she smiled at the waitress. "It's okay.., '' she grinned at the waitress. The waitress nodded at her before sitting her down at an empty table. Hana was looking around the BBQ restaurants when a group of people caught her eyes. They were laughing at one of the women's jokes. "I should invite Siyeon and Jinjoo here.." She pouted as she looked at her phone. However, the guy who sits at the edge of the table looked very familiar which made her double take. She looked up again to see the man,clearly. Lo and behold, it's her husband. She quickly ducks her head, hiding her face. "Oh no! I'm going to be caught."
"Which department doctor do you hate so much?" Jihoon asked the oldest nurse. "We all know Mr Kang Ho Jun from the cardiology department. That man is annoying!" Mr Jung huffed. All of them laugh. "Yup I can't deny it."  Jeonghan sighed, taking a shot. "So now let us turn the bottle.." It landed on Doctor Ah Ra. "Who is your ideal type amongst the doctors and why?" Nurse Seojin asked her. "My ideal type is doctor wonwoo. He is tall, handsome, and great at his work..." Everyone just wooed at her responses. Wonwoo wants to focus on the game despite his annoyance but the lady at the table in front of him caught his eyes. She was ducking her head awkwardly with a menu in her hands. He narrowed his eyes at the ring on her ring finger that looked awfully familiar. Then, he saw one of the waitresses come to her table. That is when she dropped the menu to talk with the waitress. She looked very hurried."Wonwoo it's your turn." He looked at them. "Huh?" Nurse Seojin goes again. "What nickname would you give to doctor Ji A?" Wonwoo's eyes travelled back to the familiar woman at the table in front and when the waitress moved, both of him and her eyes met. "Baby!" 
"Baby!" When Hana's eyes met Wonwoo, she knew she was busted. She waves awkwardly. Wonwoo spoke briefly at them before standing up and walked towards her. Before she said anything, he immediately hugged her. "Umm... Surprised..?" She giggled." When did you arrive?" He looked at her, grinning happily. "This afternoon..." He barked a laugh, "so when you called me earlier.." Hana grinned "I was on your bed.." Wonwoo shakes his head at her and leads her to his table. She looked at the people nervously. Not even wonwoo's hand behind her could soothe her nerves."Guys, this is my wife, Hana. Hana, this is my friend and colleague." She bowed to them "hello, I'm Hana, wonwoo's wife. Thank you for taking care of him while he is working at the hospital." Jeonghan waves "we met again, Hana..." Jihoon also put his hand's up, saying hi to her as they met before.
Hana sat next to Wonwoo. The woman next to him look at her with unreadable expression. "I never know you were married!" Seungkwan bellowed. "I thought everybody knows.. Mrs Jung knows too.. " wonwoo said as his hand wandered behind Hana's back. "How was your internship?" Jeonghan smiled at her. "It was great. I learned a lot at the hospital.." Hana mused. "No wonder wonwoo hides her. She is so pretty..." Soonyoung's word makes Hana hides her face to his side. “You are studying nurse, right? I hope I can work with you in the future,” Mrs Jung smiled fondly at her. “ I hope she can do her job very well then,” the woman next to her rudely. All of the people at the table looked uncomfortable at her statement. “ Oh! Since you never met us formally, this is Nurse Han Seo Jin and Doctor Ah Ra. Both of them worked in neurosurgery too,” Hana nodded in understanding and turned to Doctor Ah Ra. “It’s nice to meet you,”  Doctor Ah Ra rolled her eyes and just nodded as she drinks her soju.
Doctor Ah Ra keeps drinking her soju which makes all the people at the table become very nervous. The thing about doctor Ah Ra is, she is very outspoken but she can be much worse when she’s drunk. “ How did you guys meet?” Hana looked at Doctor Ah Ra.  “Oh, we were in the same school,” Doctor Ah Ra hummed. “So, you become a nurse because he is a doctor?” before Hana could retort her reason to be a nurse. “Are you stupid? You think that you can date while working if you do that?” Doctor Ah Ra snickered. Hana frowned. She doesn’t understand why this woman is attacking her. “I did not become a nurse because my husband is a doctor. I don’t get why you insinuate things, Doctor Ah Ra.” Doctor Ah Ra laughed bitterly. “I don’t get it. Why does he like you? Because you are cute? We all know cute girls are the most foxy ones. You are not even that pretty.” The others were rendered speechless by Doctor Ah Ra’s words. Hana could sense Wonwoo is heated with Doctor Ah Ra’s statement. “ Doctor Ah Ra, I think you should get home now. You drank too much..” His voice is low and serious. “ I don’t get it. Why don’t you like me back? I don’t care if you are married, you should be with me,” Hana was heated with Ah Ra’s childish words. “Are you even hearing what comes out of your mouth?” Doctor Ah Ra laughed. “Look, a lot of guys left their wife for me. It’s not my fault that they want me. Jeon Wonwoo, I don’t understand what is so attractive about her. Her look is just basic, and I doubt she is that intelligent-” The sudden bang shocked everyone. “ I don’t mind if you insult me but don’t insult my wife. You have crossed the line, Doctor Ah Ra. Excuse us, it is better for both of us to retire for the night. I’m sorry everyone,” Wonwoo stood up and gathered their things. Hana looked at the others, feeling bad for ruining their dinner. “I’m sorry for this Doctor Jeon,” Mrs. Jung looked at him, feeling guilty. He shook his head, “ No, It’s not your fault, Mrs.Jung. See you guys tomorrow,” 
“Are you okay,Wonwoo?” Hana sat down next to Wonwoo on the couch. “ I can’t believe Doctor Ah Ra has the nerve to say all of that. I thought that I didn’t drop hints that I was married and uninterested in her. It seems like she was ignoring those hints all along,” Wonwoo sighed. He used to feel so guilty when Doctor Ah Ra made moves on him, even though he, with the help of his other friends, did drop hints to her that he was uninterested and married. “It’s not your fault. It’s not like you give her false hope or anything. Some people choose to ignore things for their own happiness,” “Are you not mad or anything?” “ Why would I be angry about something that you can’t control? It’s not your fault that she falls for you. To be honest, I couldn’t get angry at her for falling for you but I am angry at her for not understanding boundaries,” Wonwoo hummed in understanding. “Anyway-” Hana quickly jumped on him, covering his face and neck with kisses. Wonwoo hauled in laughter. “You really miss me huh?” Hana kissed on the tip of his nose before answering. “ Of course. Who wouldn’t miss their husband, especially someone as hot as you?” Wonwoo grinned before flipping her on the couch. “Well, I guess I should give you all those loving that I missed during our last meeting,” 
“ Someone’s glowing,” Mrs. Jung grinned when she spotted Wonwoo walking to their circle. “I guess you have a good night,” Jeonghan lifted his eyebrow, teasing Wonwoo, making the man groan. “ Did he fu-” before the words leave Soonyoung’s mouth, Jihoon shoved the rice cakes into his mouth. “ Have some rice cakes, I brought when I was out of town for conference meeting,” Doctor Seungcheol from cardiology department pat Wonwoo’s back. “I heard about yesterday’s tea. I hope you will be fine today,” he smiled to assure Wonwoo. Before Wonwoo could say anything, Doctor Ah Ra made way for him. “ Doctor Jeon, can I talk to you for a minute?”. Wonwoo nodded before making her way to her office. “Have a seat,” She offered when they got into her office. “I’m fine. What is it?” He spoke coldly. Doctor Ah Ra sighed before apologizing. “ I apologize for yesterday. I guess I’m not good at handling things,” Wonwoo nodded without saying anything. “ I also hope to apologize to your wife directly. It was low on me for blowing my anger at her,” Wonwoo nodded before opening his mouth. “ I accept your apology. I hope we can work like before without any personal feeling attached,” . Hana was surprised when Doctor Ah Ra apologized to her directly when she was having lunch with Wonwoo. “ It is fine. I accept your apology,” she smiled softly at the woman. “ What I did was very wrong, so I am very sorry once again,” said Doctor Ah Ra before she dismissed herself. “ Did she really apologize?” Jeonghan ran and sat near the couple. “Yeah, why?” Wonwoo spoke as he finished chewing his food. “ Very surprised because she has a reputation,” Hana nodded, “ What reputation?” Wonwoo immediately cut, “ No need to worry baby,” Jihoon and Soonyoung came and sat at their table. “ Baby? Gross,” Jihoon snorted as he took a sip of his coke. Soonyoung grinned at Hana “ Hi, we meet again. I have a lot of questions to ask you,” Hana laughed at the man. “ Yeah, ask away” Soonyoung giggled when he got the approval before typing in his Tiger cased phone. “ Does Wonwoo love skinship?” Hana giggled before grinning deviously. “ He does look cold but he loves skinship. He is a very romantic guy despite his looks,” All of the boys wooed at the shy man who’s gaze was straight on his food. “ Ewww, tell me more!” Jihoon giggled. 
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jombocostello · 4 years
Lost in Translation (Polnareff x Reader)
Anonymous asked: Hey! Would you mind writing a little Polnareff fic where the reader tried to learn French pick up lines to finally drop some hints, but messes up/forgets a word and gets embarrassed? 🥺
Now this is just too sweet. I changed the request up a little bit, I hope you don’t mind!! (Also if you spot any mistakes with the French, please let me know!! I’m not sure how much my high school education of French prepared me for writing Polnareff fanfiction lmao)
"(Y/N), what the hell are you doing?"
You jump, tearing your eyes from the book you're scouring. You look at Joseph, who's sitting a few feet away from you on his hotel bed. He frowns. "It's three in the morning. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
"I... Well..." You laugh nervously, attempting to discreetly slide the book under your pillow as you search for the right words. "Yeah. I probably should be."
Joseph stands up and turns on the lamp that sits between you two, and you wince when the light hits your eyes. "But seriously, what have you been doing?" he asks again as he sits back down. "I've been trying to get some sleep and all I can hear is you muttering nonstop over there."
You can feel yourself start to blush, and you fix your eyes on the fascinating corner of the door behind Joseph. "Ah... I was just reading out loud. It helps me take it in better, y'know?" It's not a very good lie, and though you're not looking at Joseph, you know he's not buying it. "Half of enjoying a good book is visualization, isn't it?" You're audibly anxious.
"Fine. But what exactly are you reading?" You start to sweat; he's ruthless in his interrogation.
"Uh, it's... I mean you're probably not interested in it." Joseph's patience suddenly runs thin, and he leaps up and snatches the book out of your hand. "What the hell?" you shout, forgetting about the thin hotel walls and attempting rather aggressively to grab the book back.
Joseph, thanks to his powerful Joestar genes, is easily able to hold you off. "Hmm, what is... English-to-French dictionary...?" He looks up at you, confused, and you freeze. He rolls his eyes. "(Y/N), I'm failing to see what's so embarrassing about this. You want to learn a new language? More power to you - " Mid-sentence, he seems to come to a revelation, and you wince. You had almost made it out alive.
"...You're learning this for Polnareff, aren't you?"
"Isn't that the million dollar question?" you mumble, gluing your eyes to the floor. "Yes."
You can hear him horribly containing his laughter. "You've - you've got dedication, I'll give you that!" Little giggles are starting to escape him, and as he suddenly begins to howl with laughter, you try again to grab the paperback out of his hands.
Without breaking a sweat, he shoves you back onto your bed and starts leafing through the book. "Oh my God," Joseph wheezes, wiping a tear away with one hand and holding the book close to his face with the other. "I mean I knew you had feelings for the guy, but I had no idea you loved him like this!" The word 'love' hits you viscerally and you cover your face with your hands, trying to push down your unbearable embarrassment. "Oh God, that's so cute."
"Shut up!" you hiss, finally managing to wrestle the book back from Joseph. "I don't have to explain myself to you," you spit with as much rudeness as you can muster.
"You don't have to explain a thing, my friend," Joseph replies without missing a beat. "I can read you like a book right now."
"Oh my God," you groan, turning away and looking down at the bed. Your face is on fire, and you gingerly set the book down next to your pillow and you fold your arms on your lap. "Just... Fine. You got me, okay?"
"I guess I did get you! I really didn't mean to." Joseph's laughter seems to have finally ended, and he watches as you shift uncomfortably under his gaze. "Sorry for laughing, (Y/N). I'm not trying to make fun of you, I promise - it's just so ridiculous that you're going to all these lengths to win Polnareff over when I'm sure it shouldn't be that difficult."
"Shouldn't be that... What do you mean?" You momentarily put aside your anger when you hear Joseph's words.
"Isn't it obvious? You two are perfect for each other. I'm positive that Polnareff shares your feelings."
"That's funny," you respond, huffing out a little laugh. "He's always flirting with girls, isn't he? I know you've seen him do it."
Joseph rolls his eyes. "Of course I have. That's just the way he is. He can be a bit...familiar with the young women he meets, but I'm fully convinced that you're the person he has his eyes on." Before you can interject with another rebuttal, Joseph speaks again. "Don't argue with me on this. I've been alive far longer than you and I've seen lots of people fall in love in this lovely world!"
You don't want to admit it, but Joseph's actually giving you some confidence here. "You, well... You might be right." Joseph grins. "I'm still gonna try to figure out some of this stupid language, though. I think he'll be happy to hear it - I mean, he's been away from home for a long time." You swing your legs up onto the bed and cross them, grabbing the book and flipping it open as you do.
Joseph marvels at the sheer concentration in your eyes as you force your way through the paperback dictionary. He can't believe how in love you are; it's honestly making him a little teary-eyed. "Well, goodnight," he says as he climbs back under the covers. "Want me to leave the light on?"
"If that's okay, yeah." Joseph nods and lays his head down on his pillow. As he shuts his eyes and drifts off to sleep, he listens to you faintly mutter to yourself, "Je t'aime. Je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime..."
The next day comes quickly, and unfortunately you haven't really slept enough to prepare for it. You'd stayed up all night after your little encounter with Joseph, so you're left with about an hour and a half of sleep to get through the day. You and Joseph quickly get ready, and you go to meet the rest of the group in the lobby.
You yawn loudly as you step out of the elevator, and Joseph takes a second to laugh at you before following. You elbow him in the arm as you walk up to Jotaro, Avdol, Iggy, and Polnareff. Kakyoin's still resting up in the hospital; you all miss him dearly.
"Good morning!" Avdol calls, watching as you shuffle into the little group. "Did you two sleep well?"
You simply shake your head, and Joseph laughs a little at your severe expression. "(Y/N) stayed up all night reading," he explains, but after you shoot a look his way he shuts his mouth.
"Oh, really?" Polnareff asks brightly, raising his eyebrows. You look up at him and feel your heart start pounding; if he asks what you were reading you think you might drop dead on the spot. "Didn't take you for the reading type."
You nearly laugh at that, looking incredulously up at Polnareff. "What the hell does that mean - are you calling me dumb?"
"No!" he says hastily, eyes wide. "I mean - maybe." You both start laughing now, and Joseph leaves to return the hotel keys and check out. "In all seriousness," Polnareff starts with a little smile on his face, "I just didn't think you could sit still long enough to enjoy a novel. You seem like a more active person, I guess."
You honestly can't - your little French study sessions have been nothing short of torture. Still, you just shrug. "Everyone enjoys a good story, don't they?"
"Yeah." Polnareff turns to Jotaro and Avdol, who have been chatting to each other. "So, what's on the agenda today?" he asks, leaning against the wall behind him.
"Well..." Avdol thinks to himself for a moment. "We're a few hours away from Cairo. I think we should stay here for a while longer and then start heading there at around midday - so we can arrive under the cover of night."
"You're a good strategist, Avdol," you comment. "I would've just had us all drive into the city and parade around to find a hotel."
Avdol huffs out a laugh. "As much as I'd like to do that, our lives are in danger. We'll have to be really careful once we get to Cairo. I'm sure Dio has eyes everywhere."
"Yeah." You turn to Jotaro, who's been silent so far. Iggy's on the ground next to him, looking as pissed off as a dog possibly can. "How did you sleep last night?"
He just shrugs. "Same old. It was nice having the room to myself, save for this little asshole." He jabs his thumb in Iggy's direction, and you snort. "But yeah, it was fine. I just wanna get this over with. I've been..." He glances down at his shoes. "I've been thinking about my mom."
You'd almost forgotten about the original reason Joseph and his grandson set out on this mission. You had heard from the Foundation a few days ago that Holly Kujo's condition was only worsening. "You're gonna see her soon, huh? When we get to Cairo we'll practically be in Dio's backyard."
Jotaro nods. "Yep. Can't wait to beat the shit out of him."
You grin and nod vigorously. "I'm with you there."
Joseph returns to your little group, and the five of you all huddle together. "So," he starts, taking a deep breath. "Are you thinking we should wait, Avdol?"
"Yes. I was just saying that we should give it a few hours before we get on the road."
Joseph seems satisfied with that answer. "Perfect. So until then... I guess we can do a bit of sightseeing! We should pair up and try to stay at least a little close by. I'll stick with Avdol, and Jotaro - would you mind going with Iggy? If anything happens, both of your stands would be more than capable of taking care of things." Jotaro rolls his eyes and hums in agreement. "Okay. That leaves you two."
The sheer glee in Joseph's shit-eating grin as he looks at you and Polnareff honestly astounds you. Polnareff doesn't seem to notice, and he looks down at you. "Well this'll be fun! I haven't gotten to spend much time with you in the past couple days, (Y/N)." There's a pure affection in Polnareff's voice as he speaks to you, and you feel yourself fall even deeper in love. "We'll see you guys here in three hours, alright?" Joseph nods, waving goodbye with a sickly sweet smile, and Polnareff takes your hand and drags you through the revolving door.
The sun feels great on your skin. You follow Polnareff out, looking at your hand clasped in his as he leads you down the street a ways. He makes you feel so, so happy, and you're overcome by the desire to tell him that. "Where are you going?" you call, laughing a little when you realize you've been following him without having a clue where he's taking you.
He halts suddenly, and you run right into his back. "Oh, shit! Sorry." He spins around and rights you, peering down at your face. "That didn't hurt, did it?"
"N-no." You wince and feel your nose, which had rammed right into one of his shoulder blades. "I'm all good." After a thumbs-up for confirmation, Polnareff is satisfied. "So we're here?"
"Yep!" Polnareff gestures to the shop you're standing in front of. It's a café by the looks of it, and it seems pretty nice. "We passed it while we were driving in yesterday."
"Oh, cool!" Polnareff heads inside and you follow him. At the counter, Polnareff orders a couple pastries and two espressos for both of you. Once he gets his order, he hands you your espresso and walks out the door. He's really intent on getting the most out of these few hours of respite, it seems.
"Now that we have some food," he says, gesturing to the little bag of desserts, "we can have a picnic!" He starts walking briskly down the street, and you nearly have to jog to keep up with him.
"Did you spot this on the way in too?" you ask. He nods. "Damn, I missed so much. I was sleeping." He laughs, and you join in. After a few more minutes, you reach your destination.
It's a little park that overlooks a small, tranquil pond. "Oh, this is neat!" you say. "It's really pretty."
"Yeah." You look up at Polnareff as he gazes out at the scenery. You haven't seen him this relaxed in a long time; he's usually being pestered by Iggy or attacked by some enemy stand user. You're really grateful that you get to share a calm, sweet moment with him before you have to head out to battle in Cairo.
You decide to take a seat on the grass a few feet away from the pond. Polnareff sits down beside you and carefully sets his espresso down on the grass, making sure it doesn't spill, and you do the same. You cross your legs as Polnareff reaches into the bag and pulls out a pastry.
"For you," he says, bowing his head as he hands you a croissant.
You laugh as you take it from him. "I'm honored," you reply, dipping your head in mock gratitude to Polnareff. He smirks a little and takes out a croissant for himself, leaning back and taking a big bite. You try yours, and it tastes amazing. "You're got a good eye," you tell Polnareff, your voice a little muffled as you eat. "This is really good."
"Well it's only natural that I would have an eye for cuisine," he replies with a smug grin. You reach over and slug him in the arm, and he lets out a startled laugh when you hit him. "Hey! It's true." You sigh and turn towards the pond, watching the little ripples in the water as the breeze gently brushes over it. Polnareff's still laughing a little beside you, and the whole scene suddenly feels completely and utterly romantic. You realize with a start that this is the perfect moment to try out your newly acquired language skills!
You pick up your espresso and take a sip; it's just as good as the food had been. Tentatively, you look over at Polnareff and find him staring out at the pond. "C'est un bon café," you say as nonchalantly as you can.
Polnareff nods and smiles faintly. "Oui, je suis d'accord," he replies, but the second the words leave his mouth he whips his head around, staring at you with wide eyes. "What did - did you just - was that French?" he sputters, starting to grin like an idiot.
You return the smile, nodding. "Oui. I'm glad you could understand me."
"Glad I could - God, (Y/N), you're so - " Polnareff suddenly reaches out and wraps you in a huge hug, knocking the wind from you as he practically pulls you into his lap.
"H-hey!" you yelp, laughing loudly as he rests his chin on your shoulder. He sighs, placing his hand at the base of your neck, and you feel a shiver run through you. After a moment, he pulls away and beams at you.
"I didn't know you knew French!" he says brightly; he looks ecstatic. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't know it until a few days ago," you tell him with a little smile. "I've been picking it up little by little. I still barely know anything."
"You've been...learning it?" he asks softly, raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah! I found a little dictionary at a shop about a week ago, and that's actually what I stayed up all last night reading. Can't say that I'm grasping it very well, but I'm giving it a shot just for you!" The smile drops from your face a bit when you notice that Polnareff's expression has grown somber.
"(Y/N)..." Your eyes widen when you notice tears welling up in Polnareff's eyes. "You've been such a good friend to me. You're always there to make me smile, and well, you've saved my life a few times too. But this, I - you don't know what it means to me."
You reach out and take his hands in yours, a little clumsily. "You're the one who makes me smile. You're my best friend." You're suddenly made acutely aware of the butterflies in your stomach, and you suck in a deep breath. It feels like it's now or never. "Polnareff, there's something I want to tell you." He blinks the tears from his eyes, and you hold his hands a little tighter. "I really - "
Before you can finish, you're punched in the jaw by an impossibly powerful fist. You fly back, landing hard in the grass a few feet away. As you stumble to your feet, swearing and clutching your face, you summon your stand. It fucking figures there's a stand user here. Sometimes you wonder if you're some sort of stand magnet.
Polnareff frantically pulls himself up and dashes over to you. "(Y/N)!" he shouts, holding you by the shoulders and looking at your jaw. "Shit, are you alright?!"
You wince when Polnareff ghosts his fingers over the spot. "Probably not," you mutter, breathing in sharply through your nose. Polnareff freezes, and you shrug his other hand off of you. "We've gotta beat this guy, okay?"
"Y-yeah." Polnareff summons Silver Chariot and stands against your back, scanning the area for the stand or its user. You do the same, trying to push the pain out of your mind. "There!" Polnareff suddenly shouts, and you twist your head around.
It's a man; he's standing on the other side of the pond. He stalks up to the two of you, and as he walks, his stand slowly materializes behind him. It's extremely threatening, with a build that could rival Star Platinum and deep-set, bright red eyes. You force yourself to approach him and Polnareff follows you. Your stand is an archer, suited for long-range battle, and Polnareff's works better at a closer range, so you're usually able to cover each other's blind spots. Your stand pulls out an arrow and nocks it, aiming for the head of your enemy. "(Y/N), right?" he calls, a lax smirk on his face. "And Jean Pierre Polnareff." He and his stand take another step forward, and you tense. Polnareff's Silver Chariot is ready to strike at any moment. "Easy, easy!" he says, raising his hands on either side of his head. "I'm a fair man. Allow me to explain my stand to you."
You glance at Polnareff, and after a moment of hesitation he nods his head. Your stand lowers its bow while Silver Chariot points its rapier to the ground. The man slowly and surely approaches the two of you, and his stand waits beside him. "Thank you. Truce for now?" You grit your teeth and will yourself to nod. "I'm glad. Well, my stand is the Seven of Swords. Essentially, it's extremely powerful. I doubt you'll be able to get a single hit in, if I'm being honest." You can feel rage bubbling up inside you, and as hard as you try to fight it, you just can't kick the feeling. Your gaze flits to Polnareff; he looks just as angry as you.
Grimacing, you look back to the user. "My stand specializes in strength. Every punch it deals leaves a lasting effect - as I'm sure you've noticed, (Y/N)."
You want to scream. The smug look he's wearing and the searing pain in your face is all too much, and before he can continue, you have your stand quickly nock an arrow and fire. You hit him in his right shoulder - he had punched you with that arm - and he falls back, grasping at the wound. "Shit!" he shouts, leaning against his giant stand. With its left arm, Seven of Swords reaches out and yanks the arrow from its user's body.
You start to grin; it looks like you've knocked this guy down a notch. However, just when Polnareff moves to strike and you ready another arrow, he and his stand vanish. "What the hell?" Polnareff mutters, scanning the area. "Where could they have - "
"(Y/N), I'm disappointed!" You scream when the stand wraps its left arm around your neck, squeezing painfully but just lightly enough to let you remain conscious. The man leans in far too close and speaks. "You broke our truce. I suppose I can't be too angry... I wasn't exactly being completely truthful either." The stand's grip on you tightens, and you choke out a cough. Polnareff goes to slice through the arm around your neck, but before you even know what's happened, you're on the other side of the pond. Polnareff, now a great distance away, gapes at you before running over as quickly as he can.
"My Seven of Swords is a master of teleportation," the man announces. "Everything else is just a plus." His stand abruptly releases you, and as you gasp for air, the man grins. "I'm surprised by how easy it was to take care of you, (Y/N). Lord Dio had made you sound a lot tougher." You try to swear at him, but your voice is hoarse and barely understandable.
"(Y/N)!" You turn your head when Polnareff cries your name, and suddenly you're punched hard in the abdomen. You're knocked to the ground and your head smacks into the dirt, and the last thing you see before you lose consciousness is Polnareff's face, equal parts anguished and enraged.
The first thing you note when you fade back into consciousness is a strong pain in your midsection. You groan, forcing your eyes open; looks like you were rescued. You're in your hotel room, and it seems like you're alone. You glance over at the window, gritting your teeth as you shift your aching neck, and you nearly laugh out loud when you see that stupid little dictionary sitting on your bed.
You hear the door open, and you turn to find Polnareff stepping through the doorway. "Hey," you say, your voice quieter than you'd intended.
He looks down at the sound of your voice and grins. "Glad to have you back," he replies softly. "I'm so relieved that you're alright." He carefully sits down beside you on the bed.
"Of course I'm alright." You crack a smile. "I wasn't gonna let that asshole kill me."
Polnareff laughs a little and nods. "Yeah, he was a real piece of shit. After he - after he knocked you out, I held him off for a little while until reinforcements arrived in the forms of Star Platinum and The Fool. The three of us had him crying like a baby."
"Thank God," you sigh. "He deserved it." You both fall into a little silence, neither of you quite sure of what to say. You remember exactly what you had been about to tell Polnareff when you were attacked, but you can't muster up the courage to try again now. "Even if it got fucked up at the end, thank you for the lovely afternoon," you finally say. "I really enjoyed our little picnic."
"So did I." Polnareff starts to speak more, but something catches his eye. You watch as he reaches over you and grabs something; it's the French dictionary. He peers down at it and starts flipping through the pages. Almost instantly he looks completely affronted, and you feel a laugh rise in your chest.
"What is it?" you ask him as he scoffs, shutting the book definitively and setting it back down.
"They made that thing so difficult to understand! It's so much simpler than that makes it out to be, really!" He shakes his head, clearly disappointed with the publication, and you let a little laughter escape. "How about this." He leans in towards you. "Instead of learning out of that stupid book, I can teach you! It'll be a lot more fun."
He's just so...charming. He's always so sincere, especially with you, and the pure kindness in his eyes as he speaks nearly takes your breath away. "That - that would be fun," you reply, too taken with him to think of anything else to say.
He grins. "Good. We can have your first lesson right now."
You laugh at that, making Polnareff jump a bit. "Already? What, am I gonna get homework too?"
He joins in on your laughter and shakes his head. "No, no, it'll be quick." Something in his expression softens, and you blink as he reaches out and places his hand gently over yours. He suddenly looks a lot more serious. "Tell me what I'm saying. Je suis amoureux de toi."
You open your mouth, softly whispering the words. Your mind's nearly a total blank; it seems you really didn't learn much from that dictionary. You're at least determined to get the beginning. "Ah... Je is 'I', so je suis would be 'I am',  right?"
Polnareff nods. He wraps his hand around yours and holds it, just as he had earlier today. "Yes. Je is 'I', suis is 'am'..." He lifts his other hand and entwines it with yours. You're not sure what he's saying but you allow yourself to hope, just a little.
Polnareff's voice is hardly above a whisper as he says, "Je suis amoureux de toi - I'm in love with you."
A huge smile breaks across your face and you feel like you're floating. When Polnareff sees your reaction, his smile widens as well, and he leans down and wraps you up in a careful hug. "I love you too," you murmur in his ear; you think you might burst into tears if you try to speak any louder. "I have for a while now. I'm so happy you - " Despite your best efforts, you feel yourself start to cry. Polnareff leans back a bit, and you're almost amused to see that he's crying too. You probably look like a couple of lovesick fools, and you're so, so, happy.
"I'll never be able to show you how much you mean to me, (Y/N)," Polnareff murmurs before pressing a tender kiss to your cheek. "How much it means to me that you care."
"Of course I care," you whisper back, reaching up and running your fingers through his hair. "I care because you mean the world to me."
Polnareff looks down into your eyes, and you both take in each other's expressions. "You know, I think we're perfect for each other," he breathes, and as you start to agree, he moves forward and captures your lips in a kiss.
Nothing has ever felt more right than Polnareff's lips on yours. You wrap your arms around his back, pulling him as close as you possibly can. He parts from you for just a moment to help you sit up a bit, so that he doesn't cause the injury to your midsection any pain. You wince when a particularly sharp pang of pain hits you, and Polnareff softly runs his hand over your hair. After a moment, the feeling dissipates, and you kiss him again.
"Je t'aime," you breathe against his lips, and he smiles. You gently kiss the corner of his mouth and then rest your head on his shoulder. As he presses a kiss to the crown of your head, you whisper, "Je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime..."
It's pitch black out as Joseph drives the group's large car down the winding roads to Cairo, with only the faint radio and Avdol's occasional snores to keep him company. He isn't exactly happy about driving in these conditions, but you had needed a few extra hours of bedrest before you could start this little road trip. Every once in a while, he glances at the back seat, and he finds you, Jotaro, and Polnareff all fast asleep.
After a couple hours of driving, Joseph hears someone stir behind him. He glances up at the rearview mirror and watches as Polnareff rubs his eyes and groggily looks to his left. You're sleeping against him, with your head on his shoulder and one arm loosely wrapped around his midsection. Polnareff's mouth turns up in a little smile, and he carefully wraps his arm around your shoulder.
"So I see everything worked out for (Y/N)," Joseph comments. Polnareff looks up at him, surprised and a little embarrassed to find he was being watched, and Joseph just laughs shortly. "I've always known you two were going to end up together. You really are a perfect fit."
Polnareff's face goes red and he looks back at you. "...Yeah. I'm really lucky."
"Oh, I know!" Joseph laughs again, startling Polnareff. "You should've seen (Y/N) last night, pouring over the French language like their life depended on it. They wanted so badly to make you happy after this hell we've been through."
Polnareff almost feels like crying again. He can't believe how truly lucky he is to have found you. "Still," Joseph says, "it's not quite over yet." Polnareff watches Joseph's expression turn somber through the rear-view mirror. "We've still got to kill Dio."
"Yeah." As he gazes down at you, so peaceful in sleep, he feels a fire light in his mind. He'd do anything to keep you alive, and while killing Dio will surely be extremely difficult, he knows he's going to do it - for Joseph, for Jotaro, for Holly Kujo, and for you. "We'll do it. We'll kill him and we'll all be fine."
"You're quite the optimist," Joseph mutters, sighing. "I try to be as well, but I'm worried that our luck so far will finally catch up to us in this final battle."
Polnareff isn't quite sure what to say, but now there's no doubt in his mind that they'll succeed in the fight against Dio. He just sighs, careful not to disturb you, and rests his head against the car window. "Do you want me to stay awake with you?" he asks Joseph.
"No, I'm fine. We'll be there pretty soon." Polnareff nods and shuts his eyes, and Joseph quickly turns his eyes back to the road.
As Polnareff begins to doze off, he gently clasps your hand in his. He hasn't had a home for a long time; ever since he lost his sister, he hasn't known that feeling of having somewhere - or someone - you truly belong with. Now, next to you, he dares to hope he's feeling it again. He's always loved you, he's realizing - you've always made him feel this way, whenever you joked around together or fought side-by-side in battle. Knowing that you feel the same was the best thing that's ever happened to him.
Just before he falls asleep, he whispers a gentle, "I love you." He holds your hand a little tighter and finally drifts off.
Joseph casts one final glance at the two of you in the back seat. Unlike Polnareff, he's a little more worried about the potential outcome of the face-off with Dio. Maybe, though, just maybe - the endless love you two possess for one another will be what wins the fight.
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decayandfanfics · 3 years
The great book of sayings
PAIRINGS: Tomura Shigaraki x FemReader
SUMMARY: He looks at you, his scarlet eyes fixed on yours, burning a hole through your head, every bit the predator he is, but you are as tough as it gets, so, against your better judgment and any well-founded logic, you answer his silent threat, the animalistic look he gives you with nothing less than a fearless smirk, irises burrowing into his pupils.A clever girl. He thinks, finally labeling you inside his head, cursing himself in the very moment he allows his brain to think of you as more than an asset. He is sure (he knows himself enough to know) he’ll think of this moment many times from now on.A clever pretty girl.
Reader is a typical college student until she gets herself tangled with the league of villains.
WARNINGS: Unhealthy/complicated relationships, violence, Tomura being Tomura, mentions of murder, heroes’ abuse of power.
A/N: I’m trying so hard to write crusty boy here really in character. At least after AfO is taken. Any misspelled words, english is not my native language so i’m trying Helen.
As always, let me know what you think!
Chapter 12 / Chapter 13
Any port in a storm
Tomura knows a bastard when he sees one, and Chisaki Kai looks like someone who could stab his own mother just to prove a point.
And he’s not only a bastard, but he’s also very full of it. The way Chisaki talks like he knows better than anyone else, questioning Tomura and calling him out on his previous failures, as if he knew anything about dealing with pro heroes and a bunch of overpowered children ruining your plans.
Tomura knows where he’d failed and he learned from it, but that doesn’t mean he’ll have to waste his time hearing this asshole lecture him about leadership and planning. After all, Chisaki Kai is nothing but a low thug that works for money or whatever the fuck someone like him cares for. The league, on the other hand, has bigger matters to attend.
He sure like the sound of his own voice. Tomura thinks, narrowing his eyes when Overhaul begins to babble about leadership and pawns like they are nothing else than mere meat at his disposition, and not people with interests and wants.
It doesn’t take long before shit goes down. Magne’s remains puring over them like rain because the bastard makes her explode like a piñata with just a single touch.
Yes, Tomura also knows a deadly touch when he sees one, and Overhaul’s looks ridiculously overpowered.
“Compress, wait-!” Tomura shouts, but Chisaki is faster and before they understand what’s happening, Compress quirk goes off and Overhaul blows Atsuhiro’s arm with a simple touch and the fucker is so damn coward that the moment Tomura lounges towards him, he just orders one of his pitiful pawns to act as a fucking shield and die in his place.
The yakuza has the nerve to call himself the next leader and Tomura is almost impressed by the audacity.
“Now I get it. You should have just started with this, saved us all some time.” Tomura spits making a monumental effort to keep his cool for his sake and the sake of the league.
“Where are they come from?! We weren’t followed, I swear!”
“One of them probably has a tracking quirk.” He’s also trying his utter best to not smack Twice’s masked head for being so damn naïve.
“We’ll cool our heads and try again later. I ow your side an arm.”
“Bastard! I’ll eviscerate you!” Twice barks at his side, holding Compress against his chest.
“Tomura-kun. Let me cut him. Real quick.” Toga ask, pulling out her knife.
“it’s my responsibility!” screams Twice.
“I don’t wanna rush you, but the sooner we talk the better.” Think things over carefully. Consider how your organization should be run, then when you’ve calm down, call me.” Overhaul speaks like he didn’t just killed Magne, comparing her with one of his ridiculous pawns and Tomura hates him, truly. It’s not like when he says he hates society and heroes, no. This is more personal. He hates Chisaki Kai the same way you hate your childhood bully, the same way you hate someone because you had the misfortune of knowing them.
“They’re gonna pay for this. Why can’t I go after them?!”
“Now thinking, we need to get Atsuhiro-san to a doc. “
“That wouldn’t work…damn that hurts” Atsuhiro whispers almost unconscious.
“Maybe we do have time to make them bleed.”
“C’mon, Tomura-kun!”
“Another time.” He orders, watching as overhaul and his band of assholes disappear into the night “You’ll pay for what you’ve done today.” He swears already thinking in a million ways he could make him regret this.
“Shigaraki! We need to see the doctor! Atsuhiro is bleeding out!”
Ah, doctor Ujiko really found and excellent time to go missing, didn’t he? Now without his sensei and the hideout completely wrecked by the heroes, he’s between kidnapping some doctor or finding some abandoned hospital and pray there is some supplies that could work. But kidnapping someone would take time and efforts and the nearest abandoned hospital is forty minutes away and Compress doesn’t have so much time.
Ah, the perks of being a villain.
“Tomura-kun! What do we do!?”
He clenches his fists until his knuckles go numb, his mind rushing, thinking what to do besides the obvious, trying his best to ignore that option.  
“We need to take him now!”
Tomura rolls his eyes and suck his teeth hating his life because this is the last thing he thought he would be doing when he woke up that morning, something withing him twisting painfully between excited and done with this awful feeling he can’t rid off.
“Tomura-Kun! What do we do?!” Toga presses again, panicking because Compress is getting paler and paler.
He groans kicking some rock completely fed up. Why couldn’t Atsuhiro just stay sit there when he told him to wait? Now the itch gets insufferable out of nowhere and Tomura scratch his neck raw, snarling under the hand that covers his face. He doesn’t want to go there, but Twice needs help to carry Atsuhiro now that the man just fainted, and he can’t do copies of himself, so he’ll need someone else. It could be Toga, but Tomura hardly thinks she’s going to be helpful with that tiny body of hers. Besides, they’ll need someone who can clear out the streets before rushing out, so, he’ll have to go anyways.
Tomura sighs defeated, this isn’t about him, so he decides to ignore the knot in his stomach and the quick drumming of his heart against his ribs, preparing for the imminent headache before barking the orders.
“Follow me.”
 A loud bang on your door wakes you suddenly.
You observe your room, remembering that you were studying before falling asleep over your desk after a whole day of paper reading and a pack of oreo’s for dinner. Your laptop screen flashes 00:23 am, so you’ve been sleeping for hardly an hour.
Another bang and this time the sound of someone trying to enter your apartment at midnight shoots your adrenaline levels to the top.
“Big sister! Please!” Toga’s voice sounds desperate from the other side of the door turning your fear in worry, so without thinking, your feet tap quickly through the flat to just opening it before some neighbor sees her, but your mouth falls open the moment Toga rushes into your apartment with Twice and Shigaraki behind her, carrying a half-conscious Compress.
In a second that feels like hours, your eyes travel quickly between all three men, to stop on the red ones that bore into you, sending shivers through your spine as you heart do a flip inside your cage because your infatuation with the villain is right there, in the same place he left it last time he touched you.
“What the…” Your voice gets stuck in your throat when you notice that Compress bloodied wound is in fact him missing an arm.
“Shit. Lay him down on the table” You order already running across your flat looking for a hairband. “Take his shirt off, Toga, bring me some towels.” You rush to your bathroom to wash your hands quickly, and Shigaraki follows you without a word, clutching at your side looking for the first aid kit your keep under the sink.
“Tell me what happened.”
“A Yakuza bastard blew his arm of with his quirk.” He spits carrying the kit to the kitchen. “He shoot him something and his quirk went off.”
“You think it’s some kind of drug?”
“Crap. It could be dangerous if I don’t know the effects.”  
You run behind him, taking some latex gloves from the kit before approaching your patient. Atsuhiro breathes heavily over your kitchen table, his legs dangling from the edge as he bleeds all over the floor.
Your quirk activates in full force the moment you get close to him.
“Hello, Mr. Compress.” You talk to him trying to calm him the same way you would talk to a child patient as you remove the poor bandage that wraps the remains of his left arm. “Long time no see.”
“Lovely to see you, dear.” He whines with his hand holding the gory pieces of meat that still dangles from his shoulder, a chonk of his broken bone horribly exposed. “It hurts a lot, you know?”
You wince at the sight but straighten yourself to do your job and let your hands hover over his wound, numbing his nerves, keeping his blood from spilling out because he’s already at the brim of drying out.
“I know, but it’s okay now, Compress. I’ll take care from here. Now…sleep…” you lull him with a smile, relaxing him quietly, slowing his heart rate to make him pass out.
“Is he..?” Twice ask watching with trembling voice.
“he’s unconscious now. I can stop the bleeding with my quirk for now, but I’ll need to…sew this…. somehow.”
“Oh! Big sister! Your quirk is amazing to cure people!” Toga says joyfully, leaving the towels close to you.
“Himiko-chan. I need you to wash your hands very carefully. I’ll need some assistance.”
“Okay! I’ll be back.”
You begin to clean the wound, retiring the little fragmenst of bone from between the exposed muscle with some tweezers.
“How bad.” Shigaraki is behind you, towering over your shoulder and you can feel his warmth on your cheek, as he winces watching the mess over the table.
“His arm is destroyed. I need to cut a little of bone, it’s too jagged to just close this, it could lead to an infection. Only after that I’ll be able to rearrange this mess.”  
“What do you need.”
You look at him worried. He’s covered in blood and for a moment you panic thinking that maybe he’s injured too.
“A-Are you al right?”
The question comes out as desperate product of your impossible nerves from having him so nearby. It caught him by surprise from the way his jaw clenches before answering.
“…I’m fine. What else do you need.”
Relief washes over you, so you return your eyes to the man over your kitchen table.
“I…my dad had a garden saw in the closet. Disinfect it the best you can. This is going to be nasty.”
 When she’s finally done, it’s already 3 am.
Compress lays over the couch, finally sleeping after some gruesome scalpel work that lefts her panting from her quirk overuse, siting in the floor with her back against the front door.  
A thick trace of blood drifts down her nose, but she’s too tired to even care, so she just let her head rest on the cold wood.
Silence and shadows fill the apartment. The lights are off so Atsuhiro can sleep, but the lights of the street are enough to see inside the flat. In her room, twice and toga share the bed, already sleeping after helping with the cleaning. Her kitchen looks spotless under the moonlight, none could guess she just operated someone over the table with a gardening saw.
“Are you sure you are okay?” She asks with hooded eyes, her own conscience drifting slowly.
“…I told you I’m fine.”
Tomura watches her, leaning against the wall in front of her. She’s grown thinner and paler than the last time he stood in her home. Her bloodied clothing only accentuating her lack of color and the dark bags that rest under her sleepy eyes.
She stares back, neither of them wanting to look away, not when the three steps gap between them extends so wide and deep that it hurts. The notion of being face to face again stirs quietly inside of him and all his anger and dread goes silent now she’s there at the reach of his hand, and Tomura understand that he doesn’t know how to feel now.
Her stomach growls of hunger and her eyes open in embarrassment and surprise.
“Stop staring at me.” She mumbles cleaning her face with the back of her sleeve, getting up to walk over her kitchen.
“You were staring first.” He mumbles annoyed “whatever…” Before he can even walk to the door, she stops him dead on his tracks.
“You can stay…if you want.”
Tomura looks at her while she prepares a sandwich, trying to avoid his gaze at all costs to no avail. Her hand trembles as she tries to put some butter on her bread, giving away her internal turmoil, because as him, she doesn’t know how to feel about this sudden intrusion in her life. Again.
Well, at least he’s not he only one who feels awkward.
She laughs halfheartedly out of the blue.
“What’s so funny?” he asks looking at the wall, his voice mellow because he doesn’t have the energy to quarrel with her now. Not after everything that happen.
“It’s just…I swore I was going to choke you with my own hands next time I saw you.” She cannot stop the laughing.
He doesn’t know what to do with that statement, finding difficult to keep his distant mask now she’s trying to sound playful. He can feel his anger and awkwardness dissolving into something more bearable so he just smirks amused.
“Bare hands, huh? no quirk involved?”
“Yep. Acapella”
“And how is that working for you?” he asks, gravitating closer to her, standing at her side, very aware of the height difference between them as he leans to see her face better.
“Oh, fuck off.” She smiles.
“Ladies first.” He cannot contain the little smile that blossom in his face.  
Tomura feels his shoulders relaxing softly now. He falls in the ease of her company, the roaring turmoil he’s been feeding all these past weeks, going silent now that she’s finally close, smiling tired and lightheartedly.
It was this, and he almost forgot about it. It was the soft wittiness, the clever jokes and back and forth. He liked to talk to her because it was like playing a game, but somehow, he forgot between his bitterness and rage.
“Sandwich?” She asks, handling him half oh her own.
They eat in silence. Atsuhiro’s breathing is the only sound in the house.
Tomura is tired, his eyelids weight heavy over his eyes, but this moment is enough to keep him awake, so in exchange he memorizes the smell of her home, her presence filling him softly and gently, calming the rage and the fury he’s been feeling over a month in a rare peaceful moment that feels dangerously too much like finally coming home.
What a stupid thought to think he could get rid of this sweet softness, the only one he’s ever felt. A foolish desire made of spite and bitterness in a place that can only be filled with their silent bond.
He feels the gap closing slowly, luring him to stay for the night. He should…he could...maybe this…
“I’ve missed you.” She whispers suddenly without looking at him, her eyes fixed in the wall in front of them.
Time stops and he whips his head so fast he could hear something crackling in his neck.
He definitely didn’t though about this when he woke up that morning.
“Like wise.” He raps swallowing hard, thinking about all the things his done in a month, realizing there was not a single minute of the day in which he did not think of her.
He’s truly smitten, isn’t he?  
“I’m sorry about what I said…i…I got nervous. I thought you would get mad, I just made it worse.”
“Why would you think that, huh? I thought I was pretty obvious.” He says, hiding his hands in his coat before changing his weight to the other leg.  
“Because you are a big bad villain, aren’t you? and I’m just…me.”
“Just you” he snorts “you managed to terrorize one of the most dangerous villains without even touching him. Just you is fine enough to deal with anyone. Even big bad villains.”
She smiles shyly.
“Tomura.” He interrupts, finally looking at her.
She looks beautiful under the pale light; the shadows of the night drawing angles and shapes on her face.
“Tomura.” She states, meeting his gaze and he delights in the way his name falls from her lips like a spell and less like a curse. She looks at him decided, certainty written all over her face and he knows she’s about to do something reckless. “I really like you.”
Tomura has learned his lesson. As he always does, so he absorbs her words and weighs them carefully inside his chest.
“A horrible decision, really.” He mocks back with a grin, closing the gap between them until he has her trapped between him and the kitchen counter. “Your parents never told you about big bad villains?” this time he asks close enough for her smell to fill his personal space as he gives her a hungry look, licking his lips.
“Oh, Fuck you.” She sighs laughing quietly.
“I hope you do.”
“You heard me.”
“Are you going to keep talking back or are you going to kiss me already?” She whispers feeling his warm breath against her lips.
He stops entranced with the way her eyes reflect the streetlights from the outside. He’ll think of her like this frozen in time and undercover darkness, just a silver string of light between the shadows of her home and his life.
Tomura kisses her hungry and desperate. His jagged lips bruising against her mouth, invading her, eager to feel her closer, but is not enough. Him yanking her against his chest, four fingers gripping tight over her wrist as his right arm encircle her waist is not enough. Feeling her hands clutching at his shirt pulling him is not enough. Sensing the motion of her rising cage as she began to suffocate is not enough.  
No, nothing is enough when he wants to split her chest open to hide inside her ribs, filling her with this feeling that’s been smothering him for too long.
He’s overwhelmed by this unforgiving desire that goes beyond anything physical. Is about the terrifying nature of the world that surrounds him, where she’s the only hideout that could contain his horror and everything that scares him about himself.
Like sensing his despair, she moves her hands to his face, caressing his jaw enamored with the shape of his face, the texture of his skin and the soft locks of white hair that brush over her fingers every time he tilts his head to kiss her deeper and deeper.
A low rumble fills his chest as she opens her mouth fully to him, giving him access to her warmth for him to gorge on her taste, terrifyingly close and needy.
She breaks contact searching for air, but he moves ever so little.
“The things I’ll do with that bickering mouth of yours” He whispers before biting her low lip, giving her a ravenous look.
“Like wise.”
He considers to just shove her against the wall and take her right there over the dishwasher, finally sinking his teeth on her skin, buried deeply in her; but since she was bleeding not long ago, tired and in desperate need of sleep, he keeps it gentle. They are both tired. Tired from the fight, tired from the operation, tired of this game of cat and mouse they’ve been playing for two months, so he shoves his animal instincts under the rug and treats the situation the same way he holds things carefully with his fingers.
Just this one time he promises, knowing he will go absolutely feral on her as soon as he has the chance. So, he just leans over and kisses her gently…surprised by his own tenderness and the warmth that fills him, something akin to happiness and peace.
Tomura nuzzles against her cheek before resting his face on her shoulder, the awful longing that’s been eating him alive finally shut down.
“Come.” She calls him softly, a ghost of a kiss burning over his lips before she tugs him by the hem of his coat, leading him to the spare room.
He follows her quietly, taking off his sneakers and coat before getting inside the little bed, wrapping his arms tightly around her, fists safely closed at her back.
“You’ll be here when I wake up?” She asks merely a whisper, her lips delicately brushing his own.
His forehead rest against hers, her warmth inviting him to close his eyes and rest, lulling him silently into sleep.
“…yes.” He whispers as he drifts away, feeling the light touch of her lips kissing the scar over his mouth.
Chapter 14
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 4 years
Ævi - The Protector
Hey, so this is going to be a mini series on something I have tried to do before. But I thought of a different way to make it shorter and to make it make more sense. I hope you like it, this idea has been in my head for honestly.. a couple of years now lol. I just decided I really want to put it down somewhere. And where is better than here? Am I right?! lol
Summary: This is set in 2010. There are no such things as superheroes. Right? Maybe Iron Man, but that is it. It has to be. Y/n was just trying to celebrate her birthday, but that quickly changed when she got a gift from a mysterious man.
Warnings: Non so far
Characters: Y/n, Bjorn Ironside, Ragnar Lothbrok, OC Emma, OC Lars, OC Sanna, OC Nils, OC David Mentioned: Iron Man, Odin
Part 1
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It was Summer 2010, my birthday. Growing up I always thought there is no such thing as super heroes. But recently that has changed. Now there is a man that calls himself Iron Man. It sounded insane. But I thought, of course America needs another crazy thing to stand out with. I never expected something like that to happen here, Goteborg Sweden. Never, not in a million years, but it did. On my birthday of all days. It’s a long story..
Like I said it started on my birthday. It was a warm Summer day. I had planned to celebrate my birthday in the woods, so we were all allowed to do whatever. We were celebrating me twentieth birthday. I was so excited, I got to see a lot of my old friends from high school, college and even some from middle school.
My friend Emma, Lars and Sanna were helping me getting all the liquor. “So many people are gonna come! It’s like a reunion, we haven’t seen a lot of people since high school.” Emma cheered. She was always so excited to party. I’ll have to say me too. I loved being with my friends and having a great time.. drinking.. but also seeing everybody of course. Sanna was always a little on the background she doesn’t like to be the center of attention. Totally fine. And Lars I met in college. He also doesn’t really care for parties. Just for the guys that might be there. And I totally get that.
“I’m excited too! Can’t wait to hear what everybody has been up to.” I smiled at Emma. She has been my best friend since we were basically babies. We’ve always been inseparable, you could say that we are sisters at this point.
After we got all the alcohol from the liquor store we went to the woods. We brought a lot, but everybody is also bringing their own stuff. This is going to be a crazy night.
So many people had shown up. I also think that people just heard there was a party and came, cause there are some faces I’ve never seen before.
When it was getting darker people started turning on the lights of their cars. It gave such a cool effect. Lars was standing next to me. “So the people from your town.. how openminded are they?” He said questionably. “Pretty openminded.. and I heard that Sven over there with the yellow shirt is very openminded.” I smiled at him. “Hmm, I’m gonna check him out for his openmindedness.. I’ll report back to you.” He said walking away. I laughed at that.
“Hey can you help for a second?” Emma came running towards me. I turned around a bit startled. “Yeah, what happened?” I asked her. “Somebody got his car stuck and we need to push it out.” “And you think I’m strong enough to push a car out?” I asked smirking. “Well.. No.. But the guy who got the car stuck is Nils.. aaannddd I know you have had a crush on him since forever. Soo.. just come.” She said as she pulled me by my arm towards where ever that car was. I did have a crush on Nils, but that was high school and I haven’t seen him in two years. So I don’t know if those feelings were still very accurate.
Coming closer to Nils’s car I saw him standing by it with one other guy I haven’t seen before. His friend was quite short. “Hey Nils! I found some muscle.” Emma said pointing at me. Nils turned around. Yep, I definitely still have a crush on him. He had dark curly hair and dark blue eyes. “Hi.” I said awkwardly. “Hey! It’s been a while! Happy birthday y/n!” He said as he gave me a hug. “Thank you.” I smiled at him. “So.. you got your car stuck?” He looked down a bit embarrassed. “Yup, I’m an idiot. Would you mind helping?” “I don’t mind, I do have the muscle after all.” I said as I gave Emma a pointed look. “Alright I think me, David and you can push the car and Emma you sit in the car to reverse it... Oh sorry this is David by the way.” He gave me a wave. “Well sounds good to me.” Emma said and went to sit in Nils’s car.
“Ok, you ready? lets push.” We were standing in front of the car with our hands on the hood. We were all trying to push it and Emma was pushing the reverse. But nothing was happening. “Alright again, give it all you got!” Nils said jokingly. I took a deep breath trying to push the car as hard as I could. And then it almost flew back. “Wow! Nice! I really didn’t want to call someone for this. Guess the reverse finally worked.” Nils said as Emma climbed out of the car a little out of it. “That was no reverse.” She said. “Oh well. It’s out, that’s all I care about.” Coming closer to the car I saw two small dents where I had put my hands to push the car. Did I?.. I shook my head. It had to be the reverse. “Well thanks for helping me.” Nils said turning to me. “Yes, no problem.” I smiled at him and I felt my cheeks turning hot. “So how have you been all this time?” He asked. “Good, uhmm, I’m studying history right now. Very interesting.” He smiled at that. “You always loved that subject.” “How’d you know?” I asked him. “Well I sat behind you in class. I could see how well you payed attention to that.” And I felt my cheeks turning hotter. “You didn’t like history then?” I asked avoiding his gaze. I didn’t want him to see me blush. “Not really, but I liked the class. There was this girl I had a huge crush on.” Now I was trying to avoid his gaze to not look disappointed. “Oh who?” I asked. “You.” He laughed. But I could only stare at him with big eyes. “What! Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked shocked. “Well you also didn’t tell me.” He said as a matter of fact. “Well is als.. Wait, how did you know?” I asked him. “Emma just told me.” I turned around. “Em.. Where did she go?” She and David had left us by the car. I looked around and in the distance I could see her waving at me. I just gave her the finger.
“Welp.. the secret is out then I guess, that’s embarrassing.” I said. “No it’s not, cause now I can ask you on a date.” I was again a little shocked how easy this was. “So, waht do you say? Do you wanna go on a date with me?” He asked. “Yes, sure, I’d like that.” I don’t think the smile I had on my face will ever leave. “Great! you wanna take a walk and just catch up right now?” I nodded my head. This is the best birthday ever.
We had been walking for a little bit, just walking around where the party was at. Some people went in to the woods to do some ‘funny business’ Like nobody would notice.
“What is the era you’re studying right now?” Nils asked after a while. “Right now it’s everything Viking. Pretty interesting really. About their beliefs and how they lived also the language. Some important figures in that time as well.” He nodded. “You like that era?” He looked at me. “Yes, I feel like a lot of Sweden is shaped on the era and...” “Happy birthday.” A tall man said to me in English. He handed me a gift and a card. Looking back up the tall man had already turned around and walked away. “Who was that?” Nils asked. “I don’t know.” I told him. “I’m just.. gonna check I guess.. that was strange.” I said as I walked the direction the man went. “Do you want me to come with you?” Nils asked. “No I’m fine!” I yelled back as I picked up my speed.
I was walking further into the forest. I could hear the people from the party in the distance. It was very dark out here so I got the flashlight of my phone to try and see better. When I shone it up I was startled by a figure. “GOD!” It was Sanna. “What are you doing out here?” I asked her. “I was following you.. Who goes out into a forest by themselves.” She stated. It was kind of stupid of me to do, I could get lost. “Why are you out here?” She asked. “This man who spoke English gave me a gift and then walked away towards here.” She gave me a look. “And you decided to follow this strange man by yourself.” Sanna said as she crossed her arms. “I guess that was not very smart of me.” “Nope it certainly was not. What did he give you anyway?”
I looked at the gift and the card the man gave me. I decided to open the card first. ‘Happy birthday! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’ In English again. Sanna was looking over my shoulder. “Do you know anybody that speaks English?” She asked. “No I don’t.” In the card there was a drawing of a tree. “That looks like Yggdrasil.” I said quietly. “What is that?” Sanna asked. “It’s Viking.. It’s the tree of life or it’s what they believed the tree of life is.” I explained. “What’s in the box?” It was wrapped in white paper with a golden bow. I pulled on the bow and opened the box. In it there was a white rock with a golden glow to it. Something in me wanted me to touch it and never let go. Like I needed to protect it with all my strength. I had never seen this rock before, but it felt like it was part of me. Like a stuffed animal you got when you were a baby and had sentimental feelings for, no one could touch it, it was yours. That was what it felt like. I decided to pick the rock up out of the little box. It fit in my hand perfectly.
“It could be a nice.. big necklace?” Sanna said a little questionably. I decided to humor her and put it up to my chest. When I did It started glowing white and gold. I tried to pull the rock away from my chest but it was stuck. All of a sudden there were these golden white lights swimming around me. “What are you doing?! Drop the rock!” Sanna said distraught. “I can’t!” I yelled. This was freaking me out, what were these lights. Sanna came over to me trying to grab the rock from me. But when she touched it she flew back in the air. The lights became brighter and brighter. They were almost blinding me. I finally was able to let go of the rock, but it didn’t drop it was going into my chest. It was burning me I had never felt this kind of pain before. I was screaming my lungs out. It hurt so much. And my eyes were hurting from all the bright lights surrounding me. I put both my hands over my eyes to shield them. As soon as I did I felt like I was floating, but as soon as that feeling came it went away and I landed on the ground with a thud.
Looking around I was in the same place in the woods as I was before It was only day now. The trees looked smaller. Or did I become a lot bigger. I looked around me for Sanna, but she was nowhere to be seen. I only saw the card laying next to me. I picked it up. And gave it another look. I looked around for the stone, nut it was gone. “What the hell was that?” I said under my breath. I tried to find the rock that.. I don’t know what it did. It must’ve been a dream. But I couldn’t find the rock anywhere. I stood up and decided to walk back to where the party was before. Maybe if it’s early enough there are still some people. But when I got there nobody was there. But it looked like nobody had ever been there. I decided to walk to the spot where Nils’s car got stuck, but even the tires that had damaged the ground before was gone. “How long was I out for?” I asked nobody but myself. Looking around there were no traces at all of anybody. How is that possible? I decided to walk towards the road. It wasn’t too far. But even the dirt road that would lead to the main road was not there. Was I lost? It did seem like the same place only the trees looked smaller for some reason. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” The main road was also gone. What was happening?
I looked around again, just for any sign of anybody. I have to be lost. Looking around again I saw a dark figure in the far distance. It looked like a woman. “Hello?! I think I might be lost, where is the nearest city?!” I Yelled at her. But there was no answer. “Hello?!” I did not want to stay here so I decided to walk towards her. As I came closer I could kind of make out her face. She had high cheekbones and eyes that felt like they were staring into your soul. “Hello?!” I yelled again.
All of a sudden there was a knife being put to my throat. “Who are you?!” I was taken a back. “Uhm I.. I’m y/n. I’m just lost, if I was trespassing I’m so sorry.. I., I just don’t know where I am.” I was stammering. “Who where you talking to?” The man asked. “That lady over.. there..” But she was gone. “Are you with the English?” He asked. “I.. No I’m not with the English. Look I don’t know what happened. Something strange happened and now I’m here. I don’t know where I am and I just.. I don’t know what happened just please don’t kill me.” I begged him. He pressed the knife closer to my throat for a second before putting it away. “Come with me.” He said while grabbing me elbow and dragging me with him. “Where are you taking me?” I asked struggling to get out of his grip, but he didn’t answer only held me tighter. “Who are you?” I asked. “Bjorn.” He said and looked down at me.
He had a few scars on his face. Now really looking at him he looked out of time. His clothes or armor looked Viking. His hair was braided but the sides of his head were shaved. On his belt there was a sword. It looked Viking as well. “Where are you taking me?” I tried again. But nothing. This time I was hitting him just trying anything for him to let me go. “You’re making it harder for yourself.” He said as he tried to grab my other arm. “No!” I yelled and he flew back by a golden white force. I froze. Did I do that? I looked at my arms and they were glowing that same glow I had when I touched the stone and then it slowly faded away.
I looked up at the man named Bjorn. I didn’t mean to do that. He looked just as shocked as I felt. He slowly stood up and put his hand on his sword. “I didn’t mean to do that. I’m so sorry.” I said. “What are you?” He asked. “I.. Human?” I mean how do you answer a question like that.. “Who send you?” He asked probably trying to understand what happened. “I.. Look I don’t know how I got here and what’s going on.. I just don’t know, ok?” I told Bjorn. He looked up at the sky. I followed his gaze up. But there were just clouds. “Did He send you?” He asked looking at me. “Who?” I was a bit confused by the question. “Odin. Did Odin send you?” That only confused me more. And then in the distance there was a snap of a twig. Bjorn quickly pulled out his sword in the direction the sound came from. He quietly walked over to me. “Come with me, I will not hurt you.” I looked around towards where the twig snapped briefly before nodding. “Just please tell me where you’re taking me.” He nodded before we started walking again. “To Kattegat. You’re going to see my father, Ragnar Lothbrok. He is the king.” What? that didn’t make any sense. “Is this real?” I wondered out loud. “What?” Bjorn asked me. Did I fall back in time? That’s not possible.. Right? But Bjorn looks like he really dresses like that. It doesn’t look like some kind of costume. I sighed. I’m just going to ask. “What year is it?” He stopped in his tracks. “What?” I sighed again. “What year is it?” He looked confused. “Its nine-hundred-sixty-five.” I looked at him with big eyes. “Can we go now?” He asked and started walking and I followed him straight away. “If your father is Ragnar Lothbrok.. Does that make you Bjorn Ironside?” Now he stopped in his tracks again. “How do you know that? You were send by Odin right. He’s the all father.” I didn’t know how to answer that. How do I explain I know this, because non of this made any sense. “I.. I just.. know?” I didn’t know how else to answer that question. He searched my eyes trying to see if the answer was there. But he didn’t say anything. He just motioned for me to follow him again.
After a while of walking we came to a town. It looked outdated. the houses looked like the ones I have seen in books, but now they’re really here. They looked old, but you could see they were just made. The people in the town all kind of looked the same like Bjorn. They either had armor on or wore dresses I had seen in museums and books. Now I felt like the one out of place with my jeans and t-shirt. “This is Kattegat.” Bjorn said putting his arms and pointing around. Everybody we were walking past looked questionable at me. I felt very out of place. Straight ahead there was a house. A longhouse. It stood out from the rest, it was far bigger than any of the houses we walked past. My guess would be that Ragnar would live there. And then I was standing in front of the longhouse where people were guarding the doors. Bjorn motioned for me to come in, so I followed him. The guards gave me a weird look as I walked in.
Inside there was a big and beautiful chair in front and center, covered with fur. “Father!” Bjorn Yelled. There were some people inside cleaning, servants maybe? “Son!” A man yelled back he came out of somewhere behind the throne with open arms. Bjorn walked towards him and gave him a hug. “What did you hunt for? You were not gone for very long.” he asked Bjorn. “I didn’t get the chance. I found her.” Bjorn said as he pointed at me. I looked up at them still standing by the door. “Who is this? A new servant?” The man asked. “No, this is y/n. I found her in the woods by herself.” He told him. The man walked over to me. “Is she with the others?” He asked. “I don’t think so.”  The man walked around me. “Why is she dressed like that?” He turned around and asked Bjorn, but Bjorn just shrugged. So the man looked back at me looking for answers. “This is how I dress.” I didn’t know what else to tell him, it was the truth. “Father.” Bjorn said and nudged his head, motioning for him to come to Bjorn. They started talking in hushed tones. “I think she was end by Odin. I the woods she glowed a golden color. Not like I have ever seen before. She could be here to protect us. But..” Bjorn shook his head. “But what?” The man asked quietly. “I don’t think she remembers.” The man looked back at me. “Maybe her memory will come back and she can help us.” The man patted Bjorn on his shoulder.
“Where are my manners? I am Ragnar Lothbrok. Welcome to my kingdom.” He said as he made a bow. This was all strange. This couldn’t be happening. Being sent back in time? That happens in movies. Not real life.
Let me know what you think and if you wanna be tagged :)
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doctenwho · 4 years
Purest Expression
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Hello! Welcome back! I think these three asks all go together, right? So, really cute idea! You keep giving me prompts I have to think about for a while, and songs I don’t know! A bit more work, but fun all the same :D After studying all three songs, and listening to the lyrics, I’ve come up with this!
I hope you like it, and that it’s what you’re looking for! Enjoy :D
Warning: Alcohol?
Word Count: 4,599
Summary: Read the prompt above!
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“You’ll love it, I’m sure,” the Doctor told you without looking up from the TARDIS control console. He wasn’t looking at you, but you could see the smile on his face, “it truly is a wonderful place, full of art and song, and creativity in general. The locals are always very friendly, and there’s never a dull moment between all the entertainment happening.”
“Sounds awesome,” you replied from where you were standing opposite the Doctor, looking down at some of the knobs and buttons on the console. You glanced away from the console to look over at the Doctor as he pushed a few buttons.
“It is,” the man promised, finally looking up and flashing a bright, happy smile, “here we go!”  
He pulled a lever, and suddenly the TARDIS was landing. It was a bit bumpy, but you were used to worse landings. You still grabbed a hold of the console to keep yourself upright, as the Doctor dashed around the console to finish up with the landing.
You knew he was finished when he stepped back, overviewing his TARDIS before finally setting his attention back onto you, with that same bright smile.
“It’s been ages since I’ve been here,” he told you as he rounded to stand with you, “I promise, this planet is somewhere you’ll never forget!”
You were excited to see. Since announcing where the two of you were heading, the Doctor had been ecstatic to arrive, and to show you around. He said nothing but good things, and shared some of his fond memories of the place, which only made you want to see it sooner.  
He wasn’t usually one to be recounting things, so this place must be special to him.  
You watched from where you were stood as the man strode to the TARDIS doors, throwing them open and stepping out. He looked both ways before tipping his body back in the TARDIS to throw a grin back at you.
“Right,” he called from the doorway, tilting his head and giving you a sideways grin. He held his hand out to you, for you to take, “allons-y.”
You returned the grin, making your way towards him and grabbing his hand, “yeah, let’s go.”
He pulled you out the door, then let your hand go so he could lock the doors.  
The TARDIS was nestled right between two tall buildings, impeccable parking for the TARDIS. There was barely half an inch on either side of the TARDIS between the buildings, but the Doctor really had a knack for parking his space and time machine, but that probably had to do with owning and flying it for hundreds and hundreds of years.  
You took two steps back from the TARDIS as the Doctor worked on locking the doors, looking up and around and gaping in amazement. It really was like nothing you’d seen before.
This planet didn’t look much different than earth—your earth. It was as if you were just dropped in New York City. Building wise, at least. There were tall buildings, and small shops and restaurants. Busy streets and people similar to humans walking.
The only really noticeable difference was really the colours. Everything was colourful. All the buildings, instead of clean and pristine, were painted. Colour running up along the side of the buildings, and you were sure it was on each and every side.  
It looked like graffiti from your planet, beautiful and bold. But it was prideful instead of despised. There was no way it could simply be graffiti, not when they building occupants were clearly very proud of the murals and detailing running along the length of the building.  
What few trees were here were explosions of colours, each leaf being a different from the others. You wondered briefly if the locals around this planet painted each leaf, or if they just kinda grew those beautiful colours.  
And it really was beautiful.  
You spun on your heels, simply taking everything it.  
It was exactly as the Doctor had described, but not at all how you’d imagined it. The people living here liked colours and paintings as much as the people on earth liked boring and uniform. And it was refreshing. To look around and see nothing that matched anything. Everything was different, and bold, and you really liked it.  
The more you looked, the more you really loved the place. People were out painting things; walls, the sidewalk—others were singing or playing an instrument both inside buildings and outside on the sidewalks.  
It really was a planet of the arts.
“I love it,” you told the Doctor when you felt his hand land on your shoulder as he joined you at your side, “it’s beautiful.”
“That it is,” the Doctor responded, voice warm as his eyes swept over the sights as well. “A bit like your earth, but, well, they’re a tad more into celebrating the arts. I doubt we’ll manage to leave this planet without hearing at least one song—it's kinda the thing around here.”
“I like songs,” you shrugged with a bright smile. “There’s so much happening, I don’t know where to look.”
“We’re in the right place for you then,” the Doctor grinned widely, “I believe we’ve arrived during a festival of sorts. I’ve only been around when everyone was like this once. Things aren’t usually quite so hectic around here.”
“A festival?” you asked in interest. “Like Christmas or Halloween on earth?”
“Eh,” the Doctor paused to think, “a bit, I suppose. It’s more a celebration of creativity. Like re-paintings of buildings and murals when things start fading or chipping away due to weather and such.”
“So, kinda like spring cleaning on earth? Not a true holiday, but known and celebrated by many?”
The Doctor froze, chewing his lip before grinning at you, “Yes!” He cheered, “exactly like spring cleaning on earth. That’s the closest comparison I’ve come across. Brilliant, (Y/N)!”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the praise from the Doctor. There really was nothing better than a genius alien telling you, you were brilliant. The Doctor was more known for his digs at people, so getting something kind and friendly was always amazing.  
The Doctor looked around for a second before returning his look back to you, “though, this celebration does have a bit more hype than spring cleaning on earth though. They’ve really made it a social event with fun and traditions, instead of just a day of cleaning.”
“If only we could do that for spring cleaning,” you sighed, but smiled almost immediately after.  
“If only,” the Doctor laughed in agreement.  
“Now, if I remember correctly, and I do, the last time I was here during this festival, I found the best cocktail I think I’ve ever had in my whole life. It was just a festival special though, since I haven’t seen it since.”
“Well, let’s go then!” You cheered, grabbing the Doctor’s hand again. “You can’t tell me you found the best cocktail in existence and not bring me to taste it, that’s just a tease. Lead the way, Doctor!”
“Alright, alright,” the Doctor smiled, “I’ll bring you to try the cocktail. It truly is delicious, I’m excited to have another taste.”
You pouted at the teasing look on the Doctor’s face. He had way too much fun teasing you, whenever he got the chance, he would.
“Now you’re really just teasing,” you huffed, but you really didn’t sound angry—more amused than anything else. The Doctor laughed, finally starting to move and lead you along.
The two of you chatted quietly about cool things you saw, or songs you heard. Everywhere you looked there was something new and just as exciting happening. Everyone was out and about, practicing their singing, or instruments, or painting freely along the pavement, or exterior siding of the buildings.
Everything was just so free. There didn’t appear to be any restrictions when it came to the creative process here. Everyone looked content in what they were doing, grinning and laughing.  
It didn’t take long to arrive at your destination.  
It was a small little bar, hidden between buildings and decorated just as nicely as everything else. It was small, but packed full of people when the two of you stepped in. There wasn’t a single open table in the whole place.
Luckily though, the bar counter had two open stools side by side, which the Doctor was quick to lead you towards. You slipped easily into the stool, glancing and watching the Doctor do the same before you continuing to look around and take everything in as the Doctor gesture the bartender over and ordered the cocktails and a language that was similar to English, but not quite your English.
The TARDIS hadn’t converted the English for you, so you shot the Doctor a confused look. As soon as he was finished ordering, his attention shifted to you, where he turned completely, studying your expression. He didn’t say anything for a moment, and then your confusion seemed to click in his head.
“Oh,” he frowned, “oh right. They are speaking English here,” he explained, “the TARDIS knows this as English too, and your English is basically the same thing. She won’t convert something she thinks we both understand—because to her, they’re speaking your language... even if it is a bit different.”
“Oh.” You tilted your head, “I got a bit of it, I think. I understand a lot of the songs they’ve been singing too.”
“Yes,” he grinned, “very similar to your English—trust me, if we stayed for a few days I’m sure you’d be fluent by the time we left. And they have a few songs from your earth as well, travelers sharing, you know. Your planet does have some of the best music I’ve heard. Every planet has its perks.”
“Well, it’s nice to know other planets like our music too,” you mused.  
Before you could say anything else, the bartender was sliding two drinks towards both you and the Doctor. Like everything else on this planet, it was filled with colours. It looked like someone had dumped a rainbow into a glass.
Was there anything on this planet that wasn’t beautiful?
You held your drink up to get a better look, as the Doctor sipped his and grinned. He gave you a sly look, head tilted in your direction as he held his glass to his lips.  
“What’s in it?” You couldn’t help but ask. Last thing you needed was there to be something toxic to humans in it. The Doctor, as much as he looked like a human, was still a Gallifreyan, and he really wasn't the same as a human.  
“Berries native to this planet mostly. Ice, a weak alcohol made from fermented grains also native to the planet. It’s a bit weaker than vodka from your earth, but it’s really the same thing. Nothing will harm you in any way, I promise. I wouldn’t’ve suggested it, if I didn’t know it was safe for you as well.”
You studied the Doctor for another second before you decided you believed him and took a sip of the drink. It was honestly like nothing you’d ever tasted before. You’d had cocktails on your earth, and they were alright. It was a gamble, really depending on where you got it. Sometimes the alcohol was too stong, or sometimes it wasn’t strong enough—or it was too sweet, or not sweet enough—but this, this cocktail was amazing.
It was perfectly sweet, each colour in the cup tasted like something different, but it all blended together perfectly into an amazing taste you couldn’t explain or describe if you tried. And the alcohol was perfect—sharp enough that you could taste it, but not enough so that it was overwhelming or over powering of the other flavors.  
Overall, it was like nothing you’d ever think could exist, and you were definitely going to be begging the Doctor to buy a few bottles of whatever this space vodka was, because you were sure you could make your own amazing cocktail with earth ingredients and this liquor.  
“Good?” the Doctor prompted with a knowing smile. He lifted his cup back to his lips to take another sip of his drink.
“I can’t imagine my life without you,” you moaned, taking another sip and savoring the unique flavors. This cocktail was what you imagined the colourful world outside to taste, if it were edible at least.  
“Same here.” The Doctor snorted as he took another sip as well.  
“I was talking to the drink.”
“So was I.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the Doctor. He gave you a goofy grin, laughing lightly as well. The two of you continued to banter as you sipped your drinks. The Doctor ordered a second round when the two of you were almost finished the first, and the bartender, as if he were magic, returned just as you finished the last of your drink.
The second was just as good as the first, and the third, well, the third was the best of all three. Or maybe it tasted the same, but you still couldn’t get over the flavor. You really couldn’t imagine anything tasting as good as this cocktail did.  
“I don’t know how they do it,” you told the Doctor, who was asking the bartender for some kind of food, since the two of you hadn’t really eaten, and alcohol, weak or not, hits you harder on an empty stomach. “we need this alcohol, imagine it was raspberries, or strawberries... or even with blue berries—ooh, or black berries. All the possibilities.”
“Why stick to berries?” the Doctor shrugged, “imagine peach, or mango. Maybe even watermelon or something.”
“Good call,” you mumbled, “can we buy this stuff and bring it with us?”
“Of course,” the Doctor smiled, “before we leave tomorrow we can head to the shops and do a bit of a shop.”
“Perfect,” you grinned, just a little tipsy. The food would help reel you in though. A plate of chips was set in front of you and the Doctor, and he was first to take one and eat it.  
“Regular potatoes,” the Doctor told you. “It’s hard to change root vegetables. Especially in a solar system so similar to your own.”
You shrugged in reply, grabbing a few chips and showing them in your mouth. They were good too.  
“Should we get water now?” you asked, “three drinks is quite a few, and we still have to walk back to the TARDIS.”
“Well,” the Doctor turned to look at you, “this alcohol is very, very weak compared to what we had on Gallifrey, so it’s not really affecting me as it is you. I can order you a water if you’d like though, I don’t think we should have any more cocktails. Especially you—I'm not entirely sure how you’ll feel when the effects wear off. Not many humans have tried these drinks, let alone had a couple.”
“Oh, a hangover,” you huffed. That was tomorrow’s problem anyways. And you weren’t too intoxicated, tipsy at best. You’d be in no condition to drive, but you could probably still walk a straight line if you tried.
“It shouldn’t be too bad, since it is weaker than anything you have on earth, but I still don’t want you to be too sick tomorrow, no matter how good the cocktail is. Now, would you like me to order you a water?”
“No, it’s alright,” you waved it off slowly, “I really don’t need a water... as long as you make sure I get back safe, alright?”
“Always,” the Doctor promised, “we can go as soon as we finish up the chips.”
“Sounds good,” you agreed, stuffing another chip into your mouth.  The Doctor followed your lead, taking another chip for himself, but you were almost sure he’d bought the chips for you specifically. Especially if the alcohol was barely affecting him.  
You ate the chips one by one, enjoying and savoring them as you also finished off what was left in your glass. You’d probably never get to taste anything like that again—well, depending on how often they have this festival. And how long you can manage to stay travelling with the Doctor.  
You’d been so absorbed in your drink and chips, that you’d barely noticed the bartender talking to the Doctor. But now that you had, you couldn’t seem to drag your attention away from his conversation. The bartender was leaning against the counter, almost like he was lecturing the Doctor, who’s cheeks were very slowly starting to tint a light blush.  
Now you really wanted to know what the man was saying. If it had the Doctor awkwardly blushing, it had to be something good.  
Suddenly the man turned to you, grinning brightly. “Sing!” he prompted, gesturing to you and the Doctor.
“Sing?” you repeated in question, looking back towards the Doctor in confusion. Hoping he'd translate what that meant, or, maybe tell you what they’d been talking about. Anything that would clear of the some of the confusion you were drowning in.  
“Right, well,” the Doctor cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck, “the last time I came here... I was, well, I was alone. This time you’re here with me, of course.”
“Sing,” the bartender said again, almost impatiently.
“This planet... well, it’s quite big on expression through song.”
“Well...” you started, then stopped yourself and reconsidered. You really didn’t know what was happening, “and what exactly does that mean?”
“Sing, lovers!” the bartender cheered, which, in turn, drew in most of the other bar patrons attention and then they were also cheering. Beside you, the Doctor winced, and you turned a surprised look to him. Lovers?
“They think we’re... well, that we’re involved, I suppose. And here, on this planet, couples are to, uh, well, they’re to sing to each other. It’s pure expression through song. It doesn’t matter what you try to sing, a song that you really feel describes your feeling of the other person will come out. Even if you don’t know the song, you’ll be able to sing it perfectly to your partner. It’s completely honesty, even if you try to lie, the truth will come out instead. I saw it last time I was here, but I was alone, so...”  
“Did you tell him that we aren’t, uh, lovers?”
“I tried too,” the Doctor frowned, “but, he didn’t believe me. He, uh, well, he actually made some pretty solid points that we were a couple, if I’m honest... But, if we just leave, we’ll basically be dishonoring their traditions—like mistletoe on earth at Christmas.”
“So, we have to sing,” you tilted your head. It wasn’t the worst thing that could possibly happen. And you thought very fondly of the Doctor, so nothing you sing should be rude, or anything like that. Infact, you were just hoping you didn’t give too much away when you sang.  
“We have to sing,” the Doctor gave a small nod.
“We can sing then,” you decided. “It can’t be that bad, right? You don’t hate me, do you?”
“Of course not,” the Doctor furrowed his eyebrows, like he was offended by even the thought. “I just... don’t really sing.”
“Well,” you clicked your tongue with a smile, “you’re about too! Tell him we’ll do it,” you gestured to the man watching the two of you in interested, as if he were trying to understand the conversation. The Doctor gave you a kicked puppy look before he turned and was speaking in that almost-but-not-English again.  
Cheers erupted in the bar, and then you and the Doctor were being led to a small little stage off the side of the room by the bartender. It was almost like a karaoke bar back on earth, but it was still different. There were no screens anywhere, so the song you sing must really come from the heart.
“How do we know what song to sing?” you asked the Doctor meekly, a bit more nervous now that you were up on the small stage. At least he was up here with you, so you weren’t terrified out of your mind with stage fright.  
“You’ll know,” he answered simply. “You’ll know exactly what to sing—you won’t even have to think about it. Just... sing whatever comes to mind, don’t worry, alright?”
“Okay,” you breathed out. “Should I go first, or you?”
“I will,” the Doctor gave you a small smile, “you’ll do fine, I promise.”
The Doctor took a second to think before he looked around the room, then at you. Suddenly, music was playing- but from where, you couldn’t tell. The Doctor was clearly waiting for some kind of que from the song to start, and when he heard whatever que that was, he began.
“There's no one in this world for me,” the Doctor started, voice soft and instantly silencing the crowd watching. It blended perfectly with the music, and you almost couldn’t believe it was the Doctor singing. “There's never gonna be.”  
He paused for just a second, “there's no one in this world needs me,” he glanced towards you, then looked down. “There's never gonna be.”
You’d never heard this song, but you still... well, you knew it. There was something about it that you just... knew. The Doctor continued on, gazing around the crowd before looking at you again, “Yet sometimes in my dreams I hear--”
“Sundown, I miss you sundown,” you were singing before you even knew what was happening. It just felt right. Like you needed to sing it, “Sundown, I need you sundown.”
The Doctor turned to you, beyond surprised, as the crowd went nuts in cheering and applause. They settled down almost instantly as you delivered the next few lines, “Come on, come on, come on, come on back to me. Come on, come on, come on, come on back to me.”
You really weren’t sure where the lyrics were coming from, and from you understanding, you’d each be singing a different song. But you were doing a duet. The Doctor looked just as confused as you felt, but it didn’t stop you from continuing on with your next line, “I need you sundown, I need you sundown.”
No other lyrics found their way into your mind, which made sense since the Doctor had continued on right after you, “There's no hands ever reached for me,” he was staring at you now, confused but happy all the same, “there's never gonna be.”
You frowned at the lyrics he was singing, but the Doctor continued on, “there's no one meant for lonely me,” he took a step towards you, giving you a tiny smile before saying the next lyrics, “there's never gonna be.”
“Yet sometimes in my dreams I hear--” he continued on with his next lines, but this time you were ready for the urge to continue the song. You were waiting for it, and you really couldn’t believe it. The two of you were effortlessly pulling off this duet—and you didn’t even know the song!
“Sundown,” you gave him a bright smile, “I miss you sundown.”
You moved to stand beside him, taking his hand into yours, where he squeezed your hand as emotional support. You were sure you were finishing the song, “Sundown, I want you sundown.”
You continued on, blaring the lyrics perfectly, “Come on, come on, come on, come on back to me.” You paused for one beat in the music, “Come on, come on, come on, come on back to me.”
You felt a sudden sinking feeling of fear, looking around at everyone watching the two of you intently. You bit your bottom lip, almost forgetting what you were doing.
You gave a nervous look around the room before the Doctor grew in your attention, almost as if sensing you were suddenly afraid, “I love you sundown,” you sang nervously to him, trying to focus on just the Doctor. His eyes were shining with something, something you’d seen before but not very often. Adoring, if you were to guess.  
“I love you sundown,” you sang again, bit softer but more confident, attention flicking to the crowd before settling on the Doctor again. He looked so happy, almost like he was in love, that look you’d seen in romance films, or on your friends faces whenever they were with their significant others—but it couldn’t be right, because he was looking at you.
“I love you sundown,” you finished it off finally, barely above a whisper. It was quiet-- sang just to him, but you knew that everyone in the bar had heard it too. You grinned at the Doctor as the music in the background faded off, and the Doctor returned the smile as he pulled you into a tight hug.  
“You did so well,” he told you over the eruption of cheers and clapping from all around the bar. They were apparently happy and content with the performance. You were too, but you really hoped you never had to do it again.  
“That was so weird,” you couldn’t help but mutter into the Doctor’s shoulder, “I didn’t even know that song. But I did. I knew all the words—well, not your parts.”
“It was strange,” the Doctor agreed. “I really didn’t think you’d... feel the same. You couldn’t have known the chorus if you didn’t feel the same way I do. And... well, I never heard a single duet the whole evening I was here during the last festival.”
“That’s crazy. How we both knew the song,” you blinked in surprise, “what... what does that mean?”
“Lovers,” the bartender was back, voice cheerful and fond. He was grinning ear to ear, like you’d passed some sort of secret test. He held his hand up, pointer finger and thumb curled into a circle, as his middle finger, ring finger and pinky all stayed straight, which was apparently a universal way to say ‘perfect’. “Very good.”
Then the man was speaking a mile a minute to the Doctor, who could barely get a word in. He patted the Doctor on the back with one last grin before shuffling through the crowd and returning to his post behind the bar.
“What did he say?” you asked as the Doctor led you away.
“That our drinks were on the house,” the man frowned, “and that the last time he saw a duet like that was when he was a child. It’s been years.”
The Doctor looked towards you, chewed the inside of his cheek before grinning dismissively.  
“Who knows,” he shrugged with a laugh, throwing an arm over your shoulders as he pushed the doors open and led you out. When the two of you passed through the door and out onto the colourful streets, he pulled you into his side, “let’s get back to the TARDIS, it’s been a long night.”
“It has,” you sighed, leaning into his side. You wouldn’t forget his hesitance to answer, nor the fact that he didn’t answer even though you were sure he knew exactly what it meant. “I’m beat,” you mumbled.
“I’m sure,” the Doctor sympathized, leading you along the way you’d come before, “we’ll get you to bed and see how you’re feeling in the morning.”
“Okay,” you yawned, “and then tomorrow you can tell me what that was all about when I’m not exhausted.”
“Sure,” the Doctor promised with a smile, “I’ll tell you everything I know.”
Hopefully it was what you were looking for! I tried. It was a bit hard describing the scenary of the art planet without repeating myself too much lol, but thank you so much for the prompt! As always, feel free to ask again if it’s not what you’re looking for! 
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“School Life:” A Hoodie Season AU Prequel
F/M Pairing: Y/N x Hwang Hyunjin (SKZ)
Genre: Married Life AU (Hoodie Season Prequel)
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Mild Language
Summary: When Y/N is hired as the librarian at her former high school, she isn’t exactly thrilled to return. Of course, there’s also the issue of the persistent dance teacher who seems determined to win her affections.
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Here’s a funny story: imagine promising yourself that you’d attend college, nail an awesome degree, and then find a job making six figures on an annual basis, only to return home with a teaching license to work at the same school that you attended when you were 16 while making less than acceptable.
Yeah, life had a funny way of making a joke out of itself, and the punch line is never really that good. 
But there wasn’t time for me to complain about my prospects since I had been unemployed for six months with a lousy degree in literature that led to absolutely nothing. In desperate times, we’re often forced to do things that we hate, and I was certainly disenchanted with the idea of working in a high school library surrounded by horny and immature devils all the time. 
“Good morning, Y/N!”
Oh, and I also had to deal with one of the most annoyingly persistent men on a regular basis. “What do you want, Hyunjin?”
Despite my dismissive tone, Hyunjin still leaned in across the check-out counter, and I could feel his eyes staring at my ass. “It’s my free period.”
“And...you should come have coffee with me,” Hyunjin said, and I finally turned around to endure his flirtatious smile. It had only been two months since the start of the semester, and a grand total of two weeks since Hyunjin had first started trying his luck with me. But I was beginning to think that he didn’t know how to take a hint. 
“I’m busy with paperwork,” I said, ignoring his crestfallen expression. However, in my defense, I wasn’t looking for a relationship, and I was far too preoccupied with my own self-loathing to entertain his advances.
“Again?” he pouted, giving me a look that I’m sure won the heart of any girl that he had the chance to impress.
It was too bad that they didn’t work on me. 
“Bye, Hyunjin,” I said, giving him a cheeky smile before disappearing into my office.
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The next morning, I noticed that Bang Chan, one of the upperclassman teachers, had arranged to pick up some books for his students. It required some set-up on my end with the computer system, and I was completing the necessary paperwork when Chan walked into the library. “Good morning, Y/N,” he said with a pleasant smile.
“Mr. Bang,” I greeted him in return. “I brought an empty cart for your request.”
“Perfect!” Chan smiled, walking around the counter to pull the cart towards the surrounding bookshelves.
I watched him from the corner of my eye while inputting the final codes for my spreadsheet. “Is this for a class project?”
Chan lifted his head from where he was examining a nearby book display. “Oh! Yeah, the kids like it when we do this kind of stuff. Well, I mean, they don’t like reading so much, but it’s better than tests.”
I nodded my head because I could certainly appreciate that considering some of the more stringent high school examinations that I recalled from my teenage years. “The school wants me to read you this long and boring list of protocols after you check-out something.”
“Yeah...” Chan trailed off with a chuckle. “Do you want to do it now...or?”
I grinned, closing out one of the tabs on my computer screen before joining Chan by the bookshelves. This close, I could appreciate the subtle scent of his cologne and his easygoing smile. “I think we can just skip it,” I said, raising a brow. “I’m sure you’ve heard it before.”
“You’ll let me off easy, Y/N?” Chan asked, turning around with a knowing look and I reveled in our simple flirtation. 
“Since you’ve been so nice,” I said, breaking off when I heard the door to the library open again.
“There you are!” Hyunjin announced his presence, waltzing over to the two of us without a single care in the entire world. “How can I last all day without seeing this smile?”
I sighed when said smile disappeared. “What did you do before I came here?”
“It was a lonely workplace,” Hyunjin said, and I noticed the way that he had positioned himself between me and Chan.
“Anyway,” Chan continued, attempting to speak over Hyunjin despite his unexpected presence. “As a thank you, Y/N, would you like to come to the school’s basketball game this Friday? I coach the men’s team, and we’re undefeated this year.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Oh, it’s basically a tradition,” Hyunjin intervened, sending Chan a look. “The boys love the support from their teachers.”
“But Hyunjin, you don’t even-”
“You’ll come, right?” Hyunjin asked, interrupting Chan’s train of thought. In return, the older man merely shrugged before occupying himself with the task of stacking the books that he required onto the cart. 
I studied Hyunjin’s beaming expression because, in all honesty, it was one of the very last things that I wanted to do, but it seemed unusually important - which meant that a small part of me was quite curious. “I guess I can try and clear some time,” I said with a shrug.
Hyunjin’s smile was impossibly large, and he leaned against Chan’s cart like he wanted to look as cool and laid-back as possible. “You know, Y/N,” he started. “I think you and I share a lot in common.”
“I doubt that,” I said with a tense smile.
“We both care a lot about our students,” Hyunjin said, and I tried not to laugh because Hyunjin couldn’t begin to imagine just how much I didn’t want this particular job on my resume. “We’re also good-looking people.”
The comment was shallow, and I didn’t feel that impressed by his attempt to compliment me. Meanwhile, Chan snorted around a laugh as he pushed his cart back, nearly sending Hyunjin sprawling into the floor. “I have things to do,” Chan said, excusing himself politely while a flustered Hyunjin tried to play off his decidedly uncool moment.
“If only your students were around to see this...” I trailed off with a distracted sigh, leaving Hyunjin behind spluttering out nonsensical words while I returned to the sanctity of my private office.
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On Friday night, I parked my car near the back of the school before entering the loud and unusually crowded gymnasium where, for just a split second, I almost considered walking back out the door. It smelled like sweat and dirty laundry, and the bleachers looked uncomfortable, especially since everyone was forced to sit shoulder-to-shoulder. “What fresh hell is this?” I grumbled, shouldering off my jacket since I definitely wouldn’t need it.
I proceeded to walk around the proximity of the gym, searching for familiar faces. I spotted Chan standing on the sidelines with another teacher (Changbin, maybe?) before I realized that someone was calling my name from behind me. I turned around to greet Han Jisung, one of the Freshman English teachers, and he pointed to a section where I recognized several other staff members. “You can join us if you want,” Jisung said and I nodded my agreement.
He led us through the crowd of eager fans, keeping an eye on me as I teetered precariously on the old bleachers wearing high heels that I definitely regretted. But at the very top, I could see some familiar faces, including one that appeared far more eager than the rest. “Oh, Y/N,” Hyunjin said. “I’m glad to see you. It’s nice to have the teachers support our teams.”
“You never come to the basketball games,” Felix said, and Hyunjin shot him a silencing glare.
“What are you talking about, Felix?” Hyunjin asked with wide eyes. “I always support the school.”
“Sure,” Seungmin snorted as if he was simply placating Hyunjin’s obvious fabrication.
“Yeah, I heard it was something else,” I said, taking a seat next to Han before turning my attention to the game.
I wasn’t a big sports fan by any means, and I struggled to make sense of the chaos that included a bunch of teenage boys running up and down the court wearing their brightly-colored uniforms. Sometimes a whistle blew or the shot clock made a truly horrible sound when the buzzer went off to conclude the end of game-time. Otherwise, I felt utterly confused as I sat back and nodded when one of the other teachers surrounding me made a comment that I certainly didn’t understand.
When the game reached halftime, Hyunjin immediately stood up from his seat, starting down the staircase as he chanced a look back over his shoulder. “They have refreshments outside,” he said to me. “My treat?”
I placated him with a nod, following him into the slowly forming crowd attempting to migrate outside of the gymnasium where the smell of pizza and nachos was especially prominent. Hyunjin and I stood at the back of the line, and I swallowed down a feeling of claustrophobia. Meanwhile, I hadn’t noticed that Hyunjin was looking at me until he finally made his voice audible over the white noise of the surrounding crowd. 
“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” Hyunjin said, giving me, what I assumed, was his best attempt at a humble expression. “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to offend you...”
“It’s not so much that,” I said. “But it’s tiresome to see you put so much effort into flirting with me.”
“Oh...” Hyunjin said, clearing his throat awkwardly, but he also seemed hurt by my admission. “I’m not, like, some kind of serial dater or something. I genuinely thought you were interesting when we met at the teacher’s conference for the first time.”
“You did?” I asked, studying this vulnerable version of Hyunjin with close scrutiny.
“Yeah.” He nodded, adjusting the beanie hugging the crown of his hairline. “I’m kinda bad at this type of thing, but you’re different from the others. I think you and I both know that’s not always a bad thing, and I was hoping that you might at least give me one tiny little chance at a date.”
I gave him my full attention then, and I found myself taken aback by the look of earnest interest reflecting back at me in warm swirls of brown. “Okay,” I said, deciding that it couldn’t possible hurt to give him an opportunity. “But do me a favor and at least have a better excuse the next time you come into the library,”
Hyunjin had the decency to blush, and I couldn’t help but smile as we took another step forward.
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It was Saturday evening when Hyunjin picked me up in front of my small apartment complex. I settled next to him in the front seat, smiling in his direction when he extended a tentative greeting. “How are you, Y/N?” he asked, and I was surprised to hear a hint of nervousness in his tone.
“I’m good,” I said. “But what’s this surprise all about, Hyunjin?”
“No spoilers,” Hyunjin said, and he seemed to regain some semblance of his former confidence as we drove down the crowded city streets in the direction of the main interstate.
“Well, I expect something classy since you made such a big deal about dressing up for the occasion,” I said, reaching down to smooth my hands along the hemline of my skirt.
“I don’t know much about you,” Hyunjin admitted. “But I had a friend give me some advice.”
“Dating advice?” I questioned, smirking in his direction. “You must not go on very many dates.”
“Not really,” Hyunjin remarked. “Despite what you might be thinking, it’s never been a big thing for me.”
I contemplated his words, watching as he drug his bottom lip between his teeth to worry the skin. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Hyunjin said. “I guess I’m not very good at making connections with people. I’ve been told that I can come on too strong.”
I laughed at the honest assessment. “Maybe you just need more practice.”
“Yeah,” Hyunjin agreed. “But is that okay with you? I mean, now that you know that I don’t have any idea about what I’m doing.”
“I think it’s more exciting,” I told him. “It also explains why you’re flirting was so over the top at the beginning of the semester.”
Hyunjin groaned as if embarrassed by the reminder. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” I said, reaching across the console to take his willing hand. “If you were quiet, then we wouldn’t be here right now.”
Hyunjin let out a shaky exhale, studying me for a moment from the corner of his eye. “I want to make a better impression on you, Y/N.”
“Trust me,” I said with a smile. “The impression I already have of you is quite persuasive.”
Hyunjin nodded, and a comfortable silence proceeded before he fumbled with the buttons on the radio to allow some music to accompany the remainder of our drive together. It was something techno and upbeat - the kind of thing that just made sense to me because I knew that he was a dance teacher. But in any case, I only really started to pay attention when I noticed that we had somehow entered the more upscale part of the city. 
Maybe Hyunjin was really doing his best to impress me.
“Here we are,” Hyunjin said, pulling into a parking spot lining the side of a very familiar building.
I realized immediately that it was the opera house which meant that the Hwang Hyunjin had brought me to a pretentious affair that certainly held no appeal to someone like myself. But I tried to keep my smile, nodding at him while he handed our tickets over to the attendant. Meanwhile, at the back of my head, all I could think about was the fact that Hyunjin might’ve been trying too hard with our first date. Especially as I observed the expensive theater.
“I heard it’s a classic,” Hyunjin whispered to me after we found our seats in the middle of the enormous crowd.
“Great,” I murmured back, trying not to feel so out of place.
Instead, I focused on the show in front of me, clapping along with everyone else because I had no idea when it was actually appropriate to do so. In fact, I was forced to laugh even though I couldn’t figure out what was funny, and I shifted uncomfortably when the older gentleman next to me started crying during one of the scenes. Apparently, the gathered crowd of patrons had rehearsed all of this before attending the show, and I was left pretending to understand the social cues that the others had already memorized.
It was actually rather draining, and I forced a smile at Hyunjin when he looked down at me. “You’re not having fun,” Hyunjin finally said during intermission.
“What do you mean?” I asked, but I wasn’t nearly as convincing of an actress as the people on stage.
Hyunjin sighed. “Honestly, Y/N, do you even like this?”
I swallowed hard, struggling under the scrutiny of his gaze. “It’s...alright?”
Hyunjin grinned, but it didn’t seem genuine. “Come on,” he said, rising from his seat. “I don’t think we’ll be missing out by leaving early.”
I reluctantly took Hyunjin’s outstretched hand, allowing him to pull me down the aisle before we trudged through the crowded lobby and into the refreshing night air. The parking lot was still full of cars, and Hyunjin had parked us somewhere near the back since we weren’t aware of the necessity of arriving to these shows several hours before start time. But I didn’t mind the walk because I was trying to think of something to say to a downtrodden Hyunjin who paused next to his car.
“Look,” I finally said with an endeared smile. “You don’t have to try so hard to impress me.”
“I screwed everything up,” Hyunjin said, and I was sad to see that he was genuinely upset as he leaned against the side of his car.
“No, you didn’t, Hyunjin,” I tried to tell him, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“I really like you,” Hyunjin said. “And this felt like my one opportunity to get something right, but I fucked up again.”
I took a deep breath, tilting my head to catch Hyunjin off-guard as I brushed a soft kiss across his lips. “I can tell you have a good heart, and that’s all I care about, okay?”
Hyunjin seemed completely taken aback, and I was worried that I had sent him into some kind of shock, but he allowed one hand to wrap around my waist as he brought us closer. “Thank you, Y/N,” he said, and our second kiss was reciprocated by both sides - a tender exchange of out deepest feelings. “Does this mean that I might get a chance at another date?” he asked, looking at me with sincere brown eyes.
“I think you’re worth it,” I told him despite how cheesy it sounded inside my head.
“This makes us official, right?” Hyunjin asked, and I should’ve known better than to expect something normal with him. Doing things by the book with all the cliches involved didn’t really seem like Hyunjin’s kind of thing - and I liked him even more because of it.
“Yeah, if you want labels or whatever,” I grumbled, but his teasing laugh was the best kind of medicine. Needless to say, our first night together was perfect in every way.
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fagundescamila · 4 years
Power Couple (Severus Snape x Reader)
As odd as it may seem, I like the idea of imagining how Lily and James would react to Severus finding someone and how they would “behave” about it, so it’s an AU where the Potters survive... I mean to write and add more parts to this, if you want me to do so, just let me know! I might do it anyways, though hahahhaha As always, english is not my native language, so please, be kind xD Hope you like it! 
Severus walked into the kitchen with Dumbledore only to hear the end of a conversation held by the other members. The one who was speaking was Y/N, the new member, who worked at the Ministry and graduated from Hogwarts just a couple of years after the rest of them. Snape didn’t really know her yet, but Dumbledore was thrilled by the fact that she was joining the Order.
“...I mean, I felt genuinely ashamed for the guy. I don’t think of myself as an expert, I really don’t. In all honesty, my skills as a potion maker go as far as a decent beginner… In a good day, at the best of my performance, I could pass as a poor intermediate. And I swear to god, I could have done better than him. The man is a total and complete disaster.” That got his attention, absolutely, but he wasn’t sure of the subject they were discussing. 
“Don’t you think you’re being too harsh on him?” Lily asked with a fond smile.
“Oh no… I’m being kind to him.” Y/N stated as she drank another sip from her coffee. “There were so much better essays that could have been published instead of his. I’m telling you, some of the researchers were really on the verge of having a brilliant book released by the Ministry’s publishing company. But all those stupid people voted on Lockhart’s poor attempt of a fairy tale.” 
“Auch. I guess that was a big insult for a nerd, right?” James asked trying to make fun of Y/N���s annoyance. 
“Oh yeah, we - nerds - tend to take our fairy tales very seriously.” Y/N said rolling her eyes at his joke. “But that was it. I had to go to that event nonetheless and pretend to be proud of the result of the voting. Absolutely ridiculous.” 
“I’m sorry to intrude, but what was it all about?” Dumbledore asked with an interested grin. Also, he could tell Snape was also interest but would never summon the will to ask about it. 
“My god, you’re gonna make us all hear that again?” James asked before Y/N could say anything. 
“I’m just expressing my loathing of Lockhart’s last achievement, that’s all.” Y/N answered rolling her eyes again and pretending that James never interrupted. 
“You mean that essay the Ministry published today?” Severus asked. Dumbledore was quite surprised by his sudden participation. 
“‘Poor attempt of a fairy tale’, I believe was the actual term, Sevy.” James teased with a grin. 
“Yeah, the essay those ignorants chose to publish.” Y/N confirmed, again ignoring James’ remarks. “It actually got me feeling bad about being a member of the voting staff.”
“It was odd that it actually got as far as being submitted to voting.” Severus said sitting by the table, in a corner far from the others. 
“Precisely! Thank you very much.” Y/N said finally happy that someone would agree to everything she was saying just moments ago.
“What were the other researches submitted to voting?” Severus asked.
“Oh god, no.” James said and gained a small slap from Lily. “What?” She stared at him, trying to make him shut up with just a look.
“We received lots of abstracts, but actual researches came down to five. There was Lockhart’s, which… Well, you read it. Then there was an essay written by a Beauxbatons’ substitute teacher about the issues of the legal uses of Amortentia, which was terrific from an ethical point of view, but didn’t get my vote, ‘cause well… It didn’t quite fit the requisites. There was a research on a new ingredient cataloging method… Can’t remember the author, though… It was interesting, but if you’re presuming to propose a new method of doing anything, it at least…”
“Should be better than the one that is currently being used.” Severus completed. 
“Yeah! My point, exactly.” She confirmed with a smile. “Then there was this really technical one about stirring processes and its effects. Kinda boring, actually…”
“Oh, don’t say! How come boring? I can’t believe it!” James exclaimed feigning surprise and gaining another slap from Lily. 
“And the one that got my vote, which was a research from that potion master of Castelobruxo, you must have heard of her, the woman is a genius.” Severus confirmed with a nod and a discreet smile. “She described this brazilian herb which is already largely commercialized and the possibility of using it to substitute almost 50% of the ingredients used on calming draughts and other potions of the sort. She showed the maths of it, which quite frankly I could only partially absorb, but it seemed accurate. And her writing was so brilliant it could be a potions’ essay or poetry, I can’t really tell.”
“You seem very passionate about the subject, Y/N.” Dumbledore stated, looking forward to hear Severus’ remarks on it later.
“Well, not really…” She said with a chuckle. “As James so thoughtfully stated, I’m a nerd.” She shrugged. “Potions is not exactly my forté, but I do find it interesting. And when you get to vote on the next publishings of the Ministry, the least you can do is really take some time to study. Otherwise you could vote for Lockhart’s awful excuse of work.” 
“I see…” Dumbledore smiled. 
“Do you still have access to those other essays?” Severus asked. 
“I guess so, yes… I must still have them on my office.” Y/N said. “They are not meant to be read yet, but I won’t tell if you don’t.” She chuckled and Severus smiled just a bit wider than before. “We can go to my office after this meeting and I lend it to you.” 
“Fine.” Severus confirmed. 
“Okay, it’s a date! Now can we please get started with this meeting? I swear to god, if I hear one more word from the nerd power couple, I’m out.” James asked and Lily slapped him again. This time actually chuckling a bit at his joke.
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viwihere · 4 years
189 (Spencer Reid x Female Reader)
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y/n is a new addition to the BAU team, she is also a doctor, so can she and Dr. Reid work together to solve her first case or will the keep butting heads? Reader is 21 in this, it is set in season 3. (Spencer is 26 for reference) 
Bad editing, a few nono words. Mention of drugs, kidnapping, and murderey stuff. somewhat implied smut. enjoyyyy. this is my first fic, I tried with the case stuff so hopefully it makes sense. teehee it probably sucks.
word count:
5,280 The time it took for the elevator to get from the ground floor to the bullpen was too long, but not long enough. I only gained the privilege of drinking a few weeks ago but here I was walking into the bullpen of the Bau. The weight of my Go bag over my shoulder couldn't match the weight of nerves and excitement in my head right now. Jesus y/n. Get yourself together, I cursed myself in my head. You have three doctorates in your name, you can do this. 
I watched as a man walked down from an elevated platform leading to what seem to be a bunch of offices. 
“Ah you must be Ms. y/l/m, I’m Supervisory Agent Hotchner. If director Struass wants you here so bad you must be special. Not many people warm up to that woman, me included. Please follow me.”
 I’m not sure if I should be happy or frustrated he didn't let me get a word in. Probably happy, he saved me the embarrassment. I followed him up the stairs into what I assumed was a meeting room. And I was right. He pushed open the door to reveal a bunch of people sitting around a round table. 
“This is your new team, ssa Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, derek Morgan, Emily Pretniss, tech analyst Penelope Garcia, and… Dr. Reid.” 
I looked right at the man he pointed to as he said that. Tall nerdy type. He looked very young to be a doctor. Then I remembered I’m a doctor times three and I can't even rent a rental car yet. He was cute, scratch that absolutely adorable, and his hair. Jesus. I was pulled out of my trance when Hotch continued,
“Team this is new special supervisory agent y/n y/l/n.” 
That's when I realized I could make my impression and the world fell out. 
“Actually it’s Doctor.” 
Everyone in the room stared for a few seconds. Emily was the first to speak,
“what are you 16? I mean I shouldn't be surprised cause Spence is only 26 but I didn't realize young people are getting smarter.” 
This reaction wasn’t new to me. 
“I’m 21” 
I replied with a smile as I sat down next to Garcia. I quickly turned to see Morgan pat Dr. Reid on the shoulder and proceeds to say, 
“Well pretty boy, looks like she beat your record by a year. You were 22 when you joined.” 
Dr. Reid quickly brushed off his hand and shifted in his seat. 
JJ was the next to speak,
 “Where did you study?” 
I quickly thought back to two years ago as I received my third (and final) PHD from MIT. I missed school, things were easier there. 
“MIT, that’s where I got my doctorates.”  I replied. 
“Wait, Doctorates? As in plural?” David Rossi asked even more dumbstruck. 
“Yeah…” I replied hesitantly “Mathematics, psychology, and humanities. I was only going to study psychology but after I received it I realized no one was hiring 15 year olds so I stayed in school till 17. After that I participated in a few field studies with professors and my mom made me take a break and do some normal things, like friends and stuff.”
 I don't know if it was possible but everyone was even more shocked. Everyone but Dr. Reid, he seemed more… shameful. Derek spoke first, turning to Dr. Reid 
“dude she broke your doctorate record by two years AND has friends.” 
That certainly didn't help with the shame he was displaying. But seconds later he resituated himself and seemed more closed off, even angry. I tried not to think much of it. 
“Alright folks, you spent all our briefing time interrogating Dr. y/l/n here, Garcia you’ll have to prep us on the jet.” 
He turned to me this time. “You have a go bag with you?” 
I nodded my head in reply as everyone stood up. “Good, wheels up in 30.” 
Everyone shuffled out of the room. Across the table Derek was rubbing Dr. Reids back again saying, “don't worry kid, you still have your IQ of 187.”
 I smirked and even giggled a little at the statement, but when they both looked up at me questioningly I quickly squeaked out a “sorry nothing.” Now, about this jet…
Spencer’s POV:
When y/n first entered the conference room I took her in. She was very pretty with a “doe in the headlights” type of innocents. She looked extremely young, I was happy to have someone more my age around. I assumed she had just excelled at her training at Quantico, but when she announced she was a doctor my heart sank a little. She was beautiful and smarter than most people in the room already, how would she like me at all? At least I have my two other PHDs I told myself, but then she delivered the second blow. She did too. And sooner than me. 
I could already tell the team was going to go to her as their “resident genius.” Most of them found me annoying already. And she said it herself, she has friends. Which means she has some sort of social skill… Even Morgan expressed his belief I had been beaten out.  I have to prove to the team that I’m just as smart as her though I may lack most of her other attributes. Especially after she smirked when Morgan mentioned my IQ of 187.
Like Hotch said, we were wheels up in 30. Garcia was on the monitor briefing us. 
“You guys are on your way to Ann Arbor. There have been three deaths of males, ages 20-26.” 
Rossi interrupted “why haven't we been called sooner?” 
“I was getting to that…” garcia retorted 
“All of the causes of death were overdoses. The local police didn't think much after the first one of it till two more showed up. All the bodies dumped in public places. Each male did very well education wise. One was valedictorian, the other two honors at university of Michigan”
 y/n jumped in this time. “What did they all overdose on?” 
I could immediately see the change in demeanor on Garcias face. She paused for a second before she proceeded to answer 
“they all overdosed on...Dilaudid.” 
y/n's POV
As soon as Garcia spoke those words the whole mood on the place shifted. I could immediately tell Dr. Reid was the most uncomfortable. I tried to break the silence but I could tell right after I said it it just made things worse. 
“Hydromorphone? That’s an oddly specific drug. This could be personal.” Everyone remained quiet. 
“Is something wrong?” I asked directed at everyone.  
“No.” Dr. Reid replied immediately so I took the hint to let it go. 
JJ and Emily made knowing eyes with me right after. Hotch broke the awkwardness soon after and begane giving assignments. 
“Ok, so the sheriff informed me they still have the most recent crime scene barred off, so y/n and Spencer I need you to check that out. JJ I need you to get ahead of the press, this is a school so it's going to be a mess, the rest of us will go down to the precinct and meet the local police.” 
The rest of the plane ride was calm with nothing but a whisper or two from everyone. 
We landed and headed to the latest dump site. It was a public library. The ride to the library was even more awkward then that moment on the plane, Dr. Reid was acting very guarded. 
Many people have asked me what goes on inside my head, what makes me a genius? I hate that word. The only way I can describe it is that like most people our brain is aware of everything going on around us, but does not register it. My brain does. I can assume it's the same for Dr. Reid. 
“So…” I began, “You know a lot about me already… how about you?”
He obviously dreaded the fact I opened my mouth. He didn't take his eyes away from the windshield as he responded. 
“My name is Dr. Spencer Reid, I graduated from Caltech with three doctorates in Engineering, chemistry, and mathematics, I can read 20,000 words a minute, I have an IQ of 187, I have an eidetic memory, speak four languages and partial of a bunch more, and I work as a profiler for the BAU. ” 
I honestly couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic, or just trying to piss me off. I really wanted him to like me but I guess that wasn't happening. Was he showing off? I tried to lighten the mood, 
“four? I only speak three. English, latin, and greek. But I can sing the alphabet backwards so I guess that makes up for the rest.”
He didn't say anything afterwards. So I sat back and enjoyed the quiet car ride to the library. That’s not true. I silently spiralled about how to get Dr. Reid to like me. But the more and more time I spent with him, the more closed off he became.
Everything about the crime scene was textbook. There wasn't anything obstruct, just the body. Nothing of interest was found at the crime scene except how Dr. Reid was obviously ignoring me, and when he finally did speak it was a passive aggressive remark.  
The coroner confirmed it was a dilaudid overdose. When Reid and I arrived back at the station the rest of the team was just as stumped. All we could profile was that it was probably someone with a hatred for successful scholars. They were probably rejected by The university. 
We had Garcia look at rejects, and people on dilaudid prescriptions. There were no red flags in either categories. We were all sitting around bouncing ideas off each other. Everyone seemed to be glossing over the fact dilaudid was the drug of choice but I knew it was important in some way. Hotch got the team's attention a little while later stating,
“The sheriff informed me we have another body at a public park.” 
And a few minutes later we were all on our way to see it. I was in a car with Emily and JJ this time. I liked them both, they seemed like a good group of people to get blackout drunk with on a saturday night. And trust me, I'll be needing that with all the worrying I've been doing about Dr. Reid hating me. Almost like Emily could read my mind she bagan,
“So, y/n, you’re 21. Have you had the time to get a drink at your first bar yet? JJ and I are going out tonight if this case goes nowhere.” 
JJ jumped in, “just a drink or to, can't get drunk on the job… Emily.” Emily scoffed at her remark. 
“Depends, are you buying?” I gave my answer in my response. 
When we arrived at the park, most of it was barred off, the body was covered in a white tarp. Hotch lifted the tarp to reveal a female body lying there. 
“Wait a second, she's female, that doesn't fit the profile,” Emily stated. 
“We have to wait for the coroner's report to determine if it's the same cause of death.” Hotch replied. “Derek get Garcia on the phone, see if we can identify her.” 
Derek walked away talking to Garcia on the other end of the line. 
I jumped in “the crime scene is the same as the one at the library, nothing” 
Dr. Reid finally spoke an unamused look on his face, “that could mean this isn't related at all, actually She looks like a druggie who just overdosed in the park last night.”
I bent down and examined the body, that's when I noticed a bit of dried vomit in her nose. “She definitely overdosed, there is vomit in her nose. She probably aspirated. But there isn’t any on her lips or on her face. It looks like she was wiped clean. Remorse? Her clothes are dirty but that could just be from the rain last night”
Reid seemed to be making a game out of dismantling everything I was saying with his reply “Or she aspirated and the rain washed the vomit away. And her clothes could just be dirty cause she's an addict. We won't know till we have the coroner's report. I don't think this is related at all.”
Damn he was getting on my nerves. Something nagging in me knew this was connected just like the dilaudid. Derek came back,
“Garcia couldn’t identify her, she doesn't have any ID on her. We have to wait a bit.”
Hotch added “Well then, till the coroner report we can't do anything so I think we should all head to the hotel.”
Emily lit up “woohoo drink timeeeee,” everyone shook their head. I got in a final word before everyone left,
“Something tells me the dilaudid, and this woman are connected to this case in a way we aren't seeing.” 
Reid seemed even more annoyed with me now. Then it hit me, the denial, the walls I knew it all to well. I had been there. 
Loud music and people chatting filled the room. JJ, Emily, and I are out at a bar like promised earlier. Two drinks in we all cut ourselves off in case we needed to chase someone down later that night. We were all still tipsy and chatting now. JJ was talking about the annoying parents trying to interfere with the investigation and press. Emily suggested we take them out next. Yeah, she wasn’t tipsy. She was drunk. 
“Is Reid always such an asshole?” I asked bluntly.
“No, I think he just doesn’t know how to act around girls. Especially his age.” JJ snickered. 
I followed up “Did he have a problem with hydromorphone? He gets more and more annoyed with me everytime I bring up dilaudid.” 
The girls immediately looked at eachother sceptical. At that moment I knew. “Nevermind, forget I asked.” 
The rest of the night consisted of giggles and silly stories, but the wheels about the case were still turning in the back of my head. 
_______________________________________________________________________The next day came quickly. We were all back at the precinct, waiting for Hotch and the sheriff to arrive. Emily and JJ were sitting in the corner whispering to themselves, when derek walked over to them, 
“Why are you wearing sunglasses inside girls?” He asked them. I giggled cause I remembered back to last night after they decided to order more than two drinks. Emily could see the smirk on my face and responded with a very sincere “shut-up.” 
Reid sat in the corner of the room observing. I took that silence as a time to speak up,
“Guys, I’ve been thinking a lot, what if the unsub isn't targeting a certain type of person because they don't like scholars, what if they are playing with us?” 
Derek chimed in “what do you mean?”
“Well it depends, do any of the males on the team have a history with dilaudid?”
That was the final straw. In that moment Dr. Reid got up and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. I immediately got up and followed him out of the precinct into the ally behind the building. 
“WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?” he yelled at me. He was frantic running his hand through his hair. 
“What's MY problem? I DUNNO YOU ALSO HAVE THREE PHDs WHY DON'T YOU FIGURE IT OUT?” He looked startled but I continued, 
“The MINUTE I joined the team you’ve tried to upstage me or ignore me. You’ve completely closed yourself off to me, you only speak to me when you want to challenge me.” 
He was slowly inching closer to me but I wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention as I continued,
“And stop trying to hide the dilaudid thing! You make it so obvious! You forget I’M ALSO A PROFILER!...” I had many more things to say to him but I was immediately cut off by his lip on mine. They were soft, which confused me, one would think his lips would be dry for someone who doesn’t know how to shut-up. 
We stayed like this forever which was really only 30 seconds. He pulled away and looked at me. I couldn't read his facial expression. Not two seconds Hotch came into the ally. 
“Is everything good, we got the ID and coroner report of the woman from yesterday.” Before I could speak Reid replied, 
“Yes everything’s fine.” He began walking back into the building. 
Regret, that's what the look on his face was. 
“Linda Ferell, age 20. She graduated from MIT this year.” Garcia gave us the woman's ID. 
“Why was she all the way out here?” Emily questioned, 
Spencer was sitting across the room yet again ignoring me as I made eye contact with him. He was unreadable again.
“She has a mother who lives a mile from here. She fits the profile but why would the unsub start killing women?” 
“Cause of death?” I asked. 
Then my fear, the thing that was weighing on my gut for the past 24 hours. 
At that moment I knew my theory was right. 
“I know what this is about.”
Everyone turned to me, I gulped and began telling the story that you’ve only ever told your parents and your therapist. 
“I had a hunch the unsub was targeting someone personally for the specific use of dilaudid and how all of the male victims matched the description physically and education wise of well… Reid.”
Everyone was confused. I could see it in their faces. The only person keeping up was Dr. Reid. genius’s I guess. I continued….
“So when I thought that Dr. Reid had some past involvement with umm… dilaudid I began to think the unsub was targeting him.”
Some of the team was starting to get it… I think. I looked over at Reid, he was ashamed but he nodded at me to keep going. Almost as if he knew what I was going to say next.
“Two years ago. I was out of school, I had no plans. Like I said my parents pretty much forced me out of school and I was lost. I could pretty much do anything and I became overwhelmed and decided to do nothing... That makes no sense but it does in my head, anyway, I got into well… Xanax. So just now when Garcia confirmed the victim not only excelled academically, but graduated from MIT young and overdosed on Xanax…”
I took a pause and the team was obviously on edge,
“I think this unsub is targeting Dr. Reid and I.”
Everyone was caught up now. And they seemed even more on edge now.
The room filled with “Hows?” and “whys?” Everyone began questioning me and the memories started coming back. Doing drugs made me feel powerful, it was the after where you felt worthless, not only worthless, but wasted potential. I couldn't bear to relive it. I had moved on. I started to feel bad cause these are the feelings I Probably brought up for Dr. Reid.
“I um, I need to take a breather, when I come back I’ll give you the rundown list of everyone who possibly knows about my… past.”
And with that, I quickly walked back out into the ally.
But then, everything went black
 I woke up in a room with industrial lighting next to boxes. Wait, am I in a supermarket? Shit, what the hell happened. I can feel my hands tied, not ziptie or duck tape, which are the two things I know how to get out of, dammit. Rope? My feet are tied as well. My mouth Is free though. There's a figure walking towards me. 
“Well well well, guess who's awake. y/n y/l/n. Or should I say Dr. y/n y/l/n. Or even Agent y/n y/l/n! Where’s your little friend Dr. Reid?” The voice was a woman.
“Wha- who are you? How do you know me, how do you know us?” 
“Your little genius counterpart, I was in his class.” she paused and bent down in front of me. I got a good look of her face, she was young. No more than a few years older than me. 
“Ya Know…” she continued “you guys aren’t the only geniuses. There was one time… i was in his class, Dr. Reid was sweating, frantic, constantly itching his hands. He was so obviously high, didn’t take much sleuthing to figure out what he was constantly fidgeting with in his pocket. Good ol’ dilaudid.”
She took a long pause and sat on a crate on the other end of the room. 
“He’s such a hypocrite ya know? He comes into class high like three times, but I come into class high once and he reports me. Given it wasn’t MY class but…”
“You’re mad cause Dr. Reid got you kicked out of school for being high in the wrong class? Why didn't you just report him?” I said groggily. 
“Nah, my revenge was going to be much sweeter. So yeah, anyways got kicked out sent to mandatory rehab, I’m surprised you don’t remember me. I was in one of your field studies. Jesus Dr. Rohden lovedddd youuuu. He totally wanted to get in your pants. I bet Dr. Reid does as well. Heh” 
I thought back to that field study with Dr, Rohden, it was just a simple eco testing site. I was the youngest person on the case. And it was also the last time I got high. The woman continued.
“The first few days on site, YOU were high to! No one noticed though, cause ur miss goody goody.but four weeks later I was fired for showing up high. Well I guess my point or the “source of my pain” is the fact you two still have a future. Well not anymore. Here I am, working at Blue market or some shit after you two ruined my life.”
Blue market. Keep that in mind! She walked over two me and pulled a bag out from behind me. She unzipped it and… shit, pulled out a homemade bomb. 
“Well, I guess my major in chemistry will finally come in handy for once!” she said gleefully. 
“Now, lets see if the two of you are truly the geniuses you say you are… you can send him a hint to come and get you. Also if you couldn't tell already, those other dead people didn't mean anything to me. I just needed to get your attention babe. They were just some smart people who are now dead. Sad. wasted potential, almost, like, soon to be, you.” 
She handed you a phone, you carefully grab it with your tied hands getting ready to tell him where you are. 
“But there’s an exception” she started again. I dreaded her next words.
“You can only use numbers… and you have 30 seconds starting, NOW!”
Shit, what the fuck am I supposed to write?!? Ok I thought back to any conversation we ever had (which was very limited) Finally after almost 15 seconds of contemplating I knew what to write. I had no faith he would know what it means though. He better, He’s the only one who could know. I typed it up and handed it to her. 
“really , you seriously think he’ll figure this out?” she snickered. “Oh well, he doesn’t have a choice.”
- She sent that, come get her you have two hours.
(figure it out spencer, you’re the only one who can ;))
“And… sent.”
She taped up my mouth, walked out of the room, a remote in hand. She closed the door. I felt relieved. It was short lived. Cause seconds later the timer on the bomb I was tied to started ticking. 2 hours. Come on, Spencer. 
Spencer’s POV
Dammit, I felt like a jerk. She knew what I went through, if I hadn't pushed her away she could've related to me. Then I kissed her. Wow Spencer, you can’t get anything right. The room was full of chatting. Morgan and Garcia were digging into y/n’s past. 
I left the room for a second, JJ coming out a few seconds later. She put her hand on my shoulder.
“Hey Spence, are you ok?”
“Yeah,” I gave her a look of sincerity. I fumbled my hand through my pocket and pulled out a coin. 
“My ten month chip. Ten months sober. I’m ok. I’m gonna go check on y/n.” She had gone outside around 15 minutes ago. JJ smiled and went back inside. 
I made my way out to the ally, but y/n wasn’t there. I checked the block, and the car, she wasn’t there. Don’t panic, she’s an adult, she probably just went somewhere. Only 30 seconds later I got a text.
-  She sent that, come get her you have two hours.
(figure it out spencer, you’re the only one who can ;))
I ran back into the precinct extremely frantic. I burst into the room. 
“Hey pretty boy, what's wrong?”
I was on the verge of tears. Ignoring her couldn’t be the last thing I did. All I could do was hold up my phone to everyone. 
That's when I received the text. I had to have those numbers figured out by 4:00pm, no 3:30 to be safe to get there in time. Garcia couldn’t track where the text came from. So I had to. 
A cup of coffee, it did nothing. Come on, Spencer, she's a genius. So are you. She gave you a message only you would understand. 
“Are they coordinates?” “A phone number?” “address?” “Social security?” No.
Everyone was working frantically, I’ve translated the numbers through five computer codes, nothing. Garcia was fiercely translating as well. 
Time was running out. No, no… I was drifting to sleep.
“My name is Dr. Spencer Reid, I graduated from Caltech with three doctorates in Engineering, chemistry, and mathematics, I can read 20,000 words a minute, I have an IQ of 187, I have an eidetic memory, speak four languages and partial of a bunch more, and I work as a profiler for the BAU. ” 
“four? I only speak three. English, latin, and greek. But I can sing the alphabet backwards so I guess that makes up for the rest.”
I jolted awake. That’s it! I looked at the clock
Why did no one wake me? Oh well, I got it!
“Guys! I think i got it!” I walked over to the dry erase board where the numbers were written down, staring at me for the last hour and a half taunting me.
“We were in the car yesterday, she told me something, we were talking about languages, I told her I can speak four languages, her response was four? I only speak three. English, latin, and greek. But I can sing the alphabet backwards so I guess that makes up for the rest.”
Everyone was confused. I started re-arranging the numbers up on the board.
Alphabet backwards, to greek, to latin, to english.
2 12 5  6 15 18 15 21 13
“If each number corresponds to a letter…”
Ble foroum, greek. 
forum blue, latin 
“BLUE MARKET. GARCIA LOCATION OF BLUE MARKET!” I rushed out of the precinct, everyone followed and we jumped into the cars. 
y/n’s POV
There were 16 minutes left on the countdown and I had pretty much given up all hope of being found. Oh well, I wonder what happens when you die. Time to find out. That’s when I heard footsteps. I immediately started making noise. With my hands, feet, yells that really came out as moans. Then I almost cried because they were telling my name. Oh my god, Reid actually figured it out. 
The team burst in. JJ cut my free on my hands and feet free. As soon as I got to my feet Spencer pulled me into a huge bear hug. Almost like he forgot he kissed me earlier. But I wasn’t going to let him.
“You figured it out genius,” I ruffled his hair up, and he blushed. 
“You’re the genius.” I left him with a peck on the cheek and walked outside, leaving him blushing even harder. 
I gave my statement and told the team that she didn't care about the people she drugged and killed, it was just to drag us out here. Bomb squad had enough time to disable the bomb. A female body was discovered a few minutes later on a street a block away from University of Michigan. I identified her as the woman who kidnapped me. She had overdosed. Her name was Tracy Stern. After the field study incident her parents kicked her out and she was stuck working at that supermarket. That must’ve been the trigger. She had been stalking us ever since. Spencer said he remembered her incident from a few years ago. She had an Opioid problem, which is what she had overdosed on. Hotch sent us all to the hotel, we’d be wheels up in the morning. For my first case I’d say that went ok. 
I guess opioid was her poison, and like most of us, we eventually succumb to it. 
I had just showered and changed, I was getting ready to sleep when I heard a knock at my hotel room door. I opened the door to see none other than Dr. Reid standing there. 
“Rei-” He cut me off,
“I know I acted like an asshole this entire time, I know I kissed you when you were expressing your feelings and I shouldn't have, and I promise I wasn’t trying to shut you up I just don’t know what came over me. And I promise you I’m not very ego protective but when you walked in you were just as smart as me if not smarter, and you have friends which I don’t, and your pretty, like extremely pretty, beautiful, and you have everything and all I have is my brain so I got worried everyone was gonna pass over me even more than they already do, and I’m also sorry for pushing you away about the drug thing and basically i just wanted to come here to tell you I’m ten months sober and I really want a fresh start, and please stop me cause I’m rambling-” 
“I forgive you Spence, and I’m two years sober, and I’d love a fresh start. If it includes this…” 
I stepped forward, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him as though I WAS going to blow up, that we were going to explode together but the only thing exploding in this moment was my heart. And by the way our lips moved together I could definitely tell he felt the same. 
I pulled away for a second, “so you think I’m pretty…” He began blushing. “I’m kidding.” I snickered. We gravitated back towards each other and our lips met again. I pulled away again speaking again,
“You wanna know why I giggled yesterday when Derek said your IQ is 187?” He nodded, obviously eager to go back to kissing. 
I got on my toes, brought my mouth to his ear and whispered,
“Mine’s 189.”
A fire lit in his eyes, he crouched down and picked me up by my thighs making his way into my room.
I knew I was in for it now. 
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jungwnn · 3 years
Hiiiii😚 i wanna request for a ship with txt, enhypen and bts, thank you soo much for taking the time to do this!☺ I hope you have a good day, stay healthy and take care for yourself🤗
INFP-T | enneagram type 4 | sun: Sagittarius, moon: Cancer | Hate studying anything except English | Competitive when it comes to things I love and am passionate about | Like creative writing and interior designing(basically architecture) | Novels over movies | Even if i watch movies its either action or angst-drama, and always like the evil characters more than the good ones because I'm able to sort of understand why they do what they do, I believe everything has a reason, and every action is a result of something | I also believe in soulmates, love at first sight and all sorts of tropes like these | Obsessed with Greek and Roman mythology and ancient Egypt and just in general medieval eras | Love taking polaroid pictures and traveling | Aesthetic all the way, love being in the nature | I love fairylights and abstract paintings and night walks and stargazing | Love sad things | I'm sensitive to smell and don't like artificial scents | I like going to libraries and museums and cathedrals and old medieval buildings, beaches also and other nature aesthetic places | Always observing little details about everything that other people fail to notice | Easily scared or startled | Have huge trust issues and very sensitive | Have very few friends and am loyal before anything | I'm moved by little things and don't really like much of fancy dates, I like it simple and my favorite would be walk along the beach at night | Am very open-minded and wise but no one's really aware of that | Like disturbing people and then giving puppy eyes | Shy at first but when you get close with me I'm very loud, talkative, playful and annoyingly funny and weird | Just realized it yesterday that i tend to 'huh' a Lot | Clingy with people I am very close to(might even jump and koala hug them tbh) | Everyone's comfort pillar | Very expressive with words and actions | CLUMSY(I hit or bump into something at least once a day) | Love eating (taking advantage of my never getting fat genes lol) but am sort of quite picky | 5'2 - 157cm and I like tall people but I have no problem connecting with people on the shorter side of the height spectrum | Baby voice and baby face | side bangs and dark brown short almost straight hair which reaches just 4cms above the shoulders | Big chocolate brown eyes | Have slightly honey tanned skin | I'm a crybaby too, like if someone I love or care a lot about is getting scolded for whatever reason or they are sad or something then I tend to cry immediately. And while watching or reading sad things too | I do random sounds or actions too and I noticed recently I go 'huh' and 'uh' all the time | sometimes I don't even understand myself like a few days back I was wearing a black sock on my left foot and a white one on my right and then i forgot that i wore mismatched socks so when I noticed it after a while I got fascinated for literally no reason then within seconds i forgot about it again and then when it came to my notice again i got fascinated again and this went on the whole day lmao | My fashion style leans towards boho chic/bohemian and casual | And prefer bare face over makeup and converse over other footwear and dusk(sunset) over dawn(sunrise) but in the album I like dawn ver more🤭 | I love spicy and sour food and have a high tolerance of spice | And my love languages are acts of service>physical touch>quality time>words of affirmation.
in txt i ship you with!! Beomgyu !!
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pls I can already already see yall fighting over movie chararters😭 I just get the vibe y’all met in a really weird way like he was reaching over to grab a random ass toy and you were too and bam!!! Talking, numbers exchanged. He instantly fell in love with you dude. Like gyu isn’t one to simp but your the exception here. Like dude had a big smile when you responded to his text message. Will he ever tell you that he would bounce up like a puppy whenever he got even a notification hoping it was you?? No. Never. That never happened I swear. There was a time where kai texted and was like “hey soobin said practice in an hour” and gyu straight out texted back “idiot shush I’m waiting” and Kai was just like ??? “...ur weird” basically gyu is literally in love with you from the beginning like it’s insane. That doesn’t stop him from teasing you though. Dude you better stay on high alert this dude is constantly pranking you. They are all harmless but if he ever did hurt you or do something wrong. He will instantly hug you and literally apologize all day and shower you in love. Just finding comfort in each other!! Like he is always there to listen to you talk about anything and just comfort you, He also trust you enough to share his issues! He loves to call you idiot all the time but he says it in the sweetest way or just to tease. He also loves to carry you, it makes him feel super tall ( esp when moas be calling him tiny 😭) also sleepy gyu!! Clingy!!! Let’s say y’all went on a date just a quick ice cream and a walk around the park right, He would look at you and be like “your so pretty~” then you look up and be like “huh? What did you say?” And he would just pull you closer to his side and be like “nothing idiot~” in the same cheeky sweet tone. Then later on that day y’all would just to hang out on the couch cuddled up. He was obviously tired since he was yawning every five seconds. He pulled you against his chest and just started mumbling about how happy he was to have you!! But that’s for your ears only!!
Your overall relationship would consist of:
☼lots and lots screaming like dude is loud but he is expressing his love so it’s okay!
☼movie marathons!!
☼pls don’t use puppy eyes on him he’ll cry at how cute you are
☼let him kiss your forehead and your head he wants to be tall
☼he makes u meals but sometimes they burnt 😣
☼brags abt you all the time like I’m pretty sure taehyun knows your favorite food and your birthday by how much gyu talks
☼he loves listening to you talk abt your interest and fascinations !!
so for Enhypen I ship you with !! Mr.Jake sim!
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I just know this boy loves you for your witts bro, like.. how can you be so smart, interesting and pretty at the same time?? Like you completely captured this boys heart!! He loves hearing you talk about Roman and Greek mythology and ancient Egypt!! He thinks it’s honestly so amazing to listen to you speak about your interest🥺 He has this thing, where like whenever you do something cute or he just looks at your face he just walks over and squishes your cheeks. He loves loves loves showing physical affection! He WANTS you to know that you are the light of his life and you make him so so happy!! He talks abt Layla to you all the time and even called you her mom like WOAH. Speaking of mom, Jake gives me the vibe he talks to his parents about you!! Like mans is so serious abt you he just adores you!! Dude is so worried about you when you bump into things, like let’s say you accidentally hit a wall. He will be by your side in a second telling you to be more careful them kissing your forehead. He calls you princess 🧍(HAVE U SEEN THAT ONE FAN CALL BYE) he also treats you like a princess as he should. I have a feeling when he can’t see you in person he calls you and y’all will fall asleep on call. like he would be all sleepy and be like “i miss you :(“ and just talk about your guys day and it would be so sweet!! I’m sure you get the idea !! He’s in L word with you hardcore!!
Your overall relationship would consist of!!
☼he always buys snacks for you because he wants his baby to eat well
☼he is a romantic he loves taking walks on the beach with u!! (And Layla)
☼always compliments your eyes !!
☼always gets you flowers or lil things that remind him of you !
☼he has you as his wallpaper!
☼if y’all go see scary movies together he will most definitely try to act tough and protect you but he fails and hides his face in your neck
for bts I ship you with !! Kim taehyung himself !!
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okay okay!! I feel like taehyung loves your mind, he loves hearing your side of things and just loves everything about the way you think! He truly thinks your a piece of art !! like homeboy just loves spending time with you and just talking. He is a hopeless romantic like he loves taking you out to dates that mean a lot to both of you! He takes you to art museums and beaches and takes so many pictures of you!! he has a whole folder dedicated to you!! He also loves hanging out with you and your guys friends!! He just wants everyone to know he’s with you forever and ever!! He is the kinda dude to rest his elbow on your head like deadass just to tease you. He takes you to his hometown often because like I said he wants a future with you!! Expect a lot of snacks from his mom because she adores how happy you make him and he is just!! ugh you lucky lucky girl!! He likes to travel with you, like he can be so unpredictable!! dude will sit there and go “for dinner can we get pizza? Also I got us a trip to Paris for my week off” LIKE OKAY WE GET IT YOUR RICH!! But good for you I guess🙄 also matching outfits. He’s buying you a matching beret and your gna wear for that boxy smile idc. He looked at your matching socks and instantly wanted to try and now he claims it’s the coolest shit ever like Yoongi is always like “why tf?? You bought these in pairs?” Like mind your business Yoongi. His baby does it so he wants to do it too !!🙄✋
overall relationship!!
☼kisses on the lips all the time
☼plane ride cuddles
☼ur boyfriend is your professional photographer
☼pls tell him he’s a good boyfriend he just wants to make you happy
☼always talks to you abt the future <3
☼no joke he has y’all’s kids names planned
☼fun fact.. he bought you a promise ring 😣
a/n aaa!! I hope you like it!! I’m so sorry for the wait!!
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nsheetee · 4 years
Can I request idol!xiaojun and idol!reader on a show together with their groups and the hosts ask them who wrote the English version of love talk and they point at xiaojun and they ask him if the song is about someone and he says it’s about the reader or something like that
a/n: yes, I love writing characters in embarrassing situations, I get second hand embarrassment as I write lol. I also added in some crackhead yangyang because why not :’)
it’s proving to be way harder than you thought to not look at your boyfriend
he’s only five feet away, newly dyed blonde hair styled out of his face in the way he knows you like, performance clothes fitted to every sleek muscle of his body, his angelic laughter ringing throughout the studio as he talks with his members
he’s practically torturing you, and all you can do is try your hardest not to look his way or react to anything he does
it’s more draining than the energetic four minute dance you just performed
although the world knows about your and xiaojun’s relationship, it’s still so fresh and new that acting like a couple in front of cameras would be a bit too much
for you and xiaojun, and for your fans
so you just stand prettily next to your own members, waiting for this taping of the after-performance interview to begin
you’re surprised by the lack of questions directed towards you or xiaojun
until you reach the very end of the interview
“you guys just released a very sexy english version of love talk which has fans’ hearts from all over the world fluttering.” the mc leads
“yes, we hope to bring out the more mysterious side of us with this version of love talk.” kun comments, making you struggle to suppress your smile at how skillfully he went around the fact that the song is definitely about sex
“we heard that a member got to participate in the writing of the lyrics, was it you yangyang?” you can see the camera pan to him
you don’t even need to look directly at him to know he has a smirk on his face, and the playful tone of his voice makes you slightly nervous
“no, it wasn’t me. it was our xiaojun, who had a muse throughout the entire process.” yangyang wraps his arm around xiaojun’s shoulders and shakes him slightly
“yes, I’ve been studying english and this was a great way for me to understand the language better.” 
xiaojun hopes his quick change of topic will make the mc’s pass over the last bit of yangyang’s comment
but to no avail
“oh, that’s interesting! so, who was your muse?”
xiaojun laughs nervously, and you can see your’s and xiaojun’s managers exchange glances from the other side of the cameras
“well, y/n, of course. I’ve never been more inspired by anyone in my whole life.” a chorus of whoo’s and aww’s take over the whole studio at xiaojun’s charming words
you can’t help but smile at his comment, feeling a bit giddy and embarrassed at the attention that turned to you
the interview ends soon after that and once the cameras turn off, you reach around one of your members and hit yangyang’s shoulder, who in turn bumps into xiaojun 
“what was that yang? you couldn’t keep your mouth shut?” if it wasn’t for the make up on your face, you’re sure that your flustered look would be a lot more obvious
“the interview was getting boring. I had to make it entertaining somehow.”
“I think he’s just jealous I’m not giving him enough attention at the dorms,” xiaojun ruffles yangyang’s hair, “don’t worry, I’ll take care of him later.”
you roll your eyes, about to walk back to your spot before xiaojun motions for you to come back
“speaking of the dorms,” his voice is low, “you’re still coming over later, right?” before you can answer, yangyang rips away from xiaojun’s hold with the most disgusted look on his face
“ew, you guys! my innocent ears!”
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bangtanloverboys · 5 years
thought trade (i) // jjk
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summary - In a world where soulmate systems exist, you get one of the strangest ones you can think of. You speak your soulmates thoughts without any regard for context and that’s your only hint. At first it’s a bit strange, as you start blurting out random Korean phrases and stuff but one day you get so fed up that you start cursing at the world for giving you the most useless systems there is. It isn’t until you check twitter and see that a certain K-Pop Idol is trending for a random outburst in English that’s your words. . .
pairing - idol!jungkook x gender neutral!reader
genre - fluff; soulmate au
word count - 4.2k
warnings - none 
author’s note - the reader in this fic in gender neutral and when there’s italics it means they’re talking in korean. also this is the first story i’ve published publicly in 6 years, if you’ve noticed anything about this fic grammarwise, please tell me and i’ll correct it.
part ii
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You honestly don’t know what you expected when you turned 20 as you awaited for your soulmate system to show. Most common it was tattoos that showed up, your soulmates first words or birthdays. The lucky ones got to share thoughts or perhaps even see each other in dreams but none of that happened to you. No, soon as you turned 20 nothing really changed. It wasn’t until 2 weeks later when you were out having dinner with some friends and you just blurted out a random full sentence in full Korean. 
You were confused. You didn’t speak Korean at all, you could barely speak Spanish from the 4 years you took it in high school. So how in the world did you say. . .whatever you said without any prior knowledge. The friend you were having dinner with suggested it was your soulmate system. But you’ve never heard of a system that would have you blurt out Korean. Keeping the soulmate system in mind though, you decided to seek out a sort of soulmate doctor.
With soulmate systems becoming more and more common, they were confusing to the people that had the system as well as the people around them, so some people have taken it upon themselves to study and record different types of soulmate systems to help understand. Very next day after your Korean dinner burst, you google the nearest one and book an appointment for the following week. 
You still had no idea what you’re saying so you’ve started a habit of keeping a voice memo recorder on you at all times recording every single thing you say or hear throughout the day. You’ve gone through three so far and only caught one outburst. You managed to roughly translate a few words: Army, dance, and concert. You have no idea about any of the context behind those words but you’d have to wait before you’d get any answers.
Finally your appointment with the soulmate doctor rolls around and you explained your situation, how you randomly burst out in Korean and how you have no idea what to do with what’s going on or how to communicate with your soulmate. The doctor frowned upon hearing your description. Turning to her computer, she began to type in your system attributes. 
“Well, your system is fairly unique, I’ll say that for sure.” She responded, as she turned back to face you. “What I mean is, there have only been about 3 or 4 other cases with systems similar to yours. It’s called thought trade. You’re speaking your soulmates thoughts or words. As for the Korean bit, your soulmate is Korean and that’s as much as I can tell.”
“Is there any way I can control it? To a point where I don’t randomly blurt out stuff in another language?” You asked, desperate for any sort of solution. The three times you burst out were very embarrassing and the looks you got made you feel weird and shameful.
“Hmm, soulmate systems have only been known to let up until after the fact you’ve met. As for controlling? The only record we have of that is pressing enough thought to a point where you can force them to say it. Other than that, no, I’m sorry.”
You left the soulmate doctor feeling a bit dejected. You honestly didn’t know what to do about this; soulmate systems were supposed to make finding your soulmate easier and this didn’t seem to help you get anywhere. The only logical thing you could think of was to start taking a Korean language class at your college. Before the first class had started, you were sure to explain to your professor your reasoning behind taking the course. Thankfully, he was very understanding and promised he’d help you personally with any translations if needed. 
After a few classes you finally had an outburst in class. Everyone in your class turned to stare at you in confusion, clearly whatever you said wasn’t a part of class and you felt your face grow red. The looks of their faces made you want to curl up under your desk and hide until the end of class. Your professor took liberty to explain to the class that it was your soulmate system upon seeing your embarrassment; to which your fellow classmates were understanding. 
“Y/N, if it’s alright with you, may I incorporate your outburst into the lesson.” You gave a small nod as he clasped his hands together. “Alright, can anyone guess or translate what Y/N, or moreso, what their soulmate said?” He asked the lecture class, a few people raised their hands. He pointed to one of the guys in the front row. “Yes, Jay?”
“They said ‘I don’t know why I’m speaking like I don’t know my own language, hyung!’” Jay responded, before turning to look at you at your desk. “Perhaps he caught on to you learning the language and you’re mispronouncing some things?” 
“He?” You question, you’ve never known the gender of your soulmate, so with Jay using the male pronouns you were rightfully taken back.
“Yeah, he said hyung. That’s the honorific he used.” He responded. Once the professor confirmed that is in fact what your soulmate said, he resumed the class yet you barely paid attention. For as little as it was, you had something. A clue.
As the months passed, the outbursts became more and more common happening at least twice every other week. Fortunately, your Korean had improved enough for you to start translating your bursts on your own. Some of it was a bit difficult to understand as to what he was talking about as it varied from a bunch of things like fire being too hot, and leaves falling down. Other times it was stuff about body aches. 
Your classmate Jay had slowly become a blessing in your life when it came to further trying to understand your outbursts and your soulmate system in general. After your first outburst in class, he approached you and asked you a couple more questions about your system. He admittedly was interested in the many vast different types that existed and had never heard of yours before. He had offered his help on translating and thus your friendship began. 
The semester was finally drawing to a close and you had Jay over to help study for the Korean final when you had another burst about the army, something about purple, and food. If you were completely honest, you were getting fed up with it. “I’m honestly tired of it! Why the fuck does nothing he say make sense! I’m already learning another fucking language to understand whatever the fuck he’s talking about but what he says doesn’t make sense!” You shouted, completely frustrated with the entire situation. “I’m still completely clueless as to who my soulmate is! And he’s not giving me any hints!” 
Jay merely sat in silence as you sat back down, cooling down after your little meltdown. “Feel better after that?”
“Yes, a little bit.” You sighed, “Sorry you had to . . . witness that though.”
“No problem, honestly, I think you are being given hints they’re just too. . .vague to connect them.” He said in an attempt to reassure you. 
“You on his side or mine here?” You retorted, eliciting a chuckle from your friend. “I just. . .want to strangle him sometimes.”
“I would too, if I had your system. I got lucky though, I just doodle on my arm and it shows up on her arm.” He smiled proudly as he looked at his forearm. He really was lucky when it came to having a soulmate system. Jay had been able to quickly locate his soulmate within a matter of hours after his system made itself apparent. His soulmate, Jenna, lived in Canada and he had plans on flying over to meet her for Hanukkah. 
“Can we put a pin in this study session until tomorrow? After that, I’m exhausted and don’t think I can look at another sentence without getting angry at him.” You huffed as you leaned back on your couch.
“Yeah, final ain’t till next week. Call me if anything happens.” He assured you as he started collecting his things. 
Once he was gone, you pulled out your phone and opened twitter. You barely use it unless to check up on some random celebrities tweets or check random news stuff. Upon opening the trending page, the top trend catches your eye: 
As someone with a weird soulmate system, you’re intrigued with what’s going on with this ‘Jungkook’. Upon opening the hashtag, you learned he is a sort of K-Pop idol, now you don’t know a lot about the music industry of the language of your soulmate so you decided to leave it, but before you close it you come across a video of said Jungkook from a livestream. He’s this cute guy that can’t be any older than you with brown hair that’s swept over his eyes and staring into the camera lovingly. He’s sitting in a hotel room and he’s just talking in Korean, and you vaguely understand what he’s talking about. He’s talking about his day, the food he’s tried lately, and addresses the viewers as ARMY. Then in the middle of a sentence about an interview he bursts out in full English “I’m still completely clueless as to who my soulmate is! And he’s not giving me any hints!” before he slapped his hands over his mouth and scrambled to the camera to end the livestream. 
Those were your words. He said your words.
He’s your soulmate?
You swipe more down the tag and you see a bunch of stuff about theories about what his system might be. You come across a thread of several times his voice was bleeped out in a bunch of videos, while fans assumed it was swearing they began theorizing it was his soulmate system and he didn’t want them to hear him talk about things that probably didn’t make any sense. 
That didn’t help you on your part. Now you only have one piece of evidence that proves he’s your soulmate. Exiting the app, you moved to google and see if you could find anything else about this Jungkook and low and behold, more photos of the cute guy from the video clip was there and you frantically called Jay. 
“I just left what’s up-”
“I found him.”
“You what? You found him?” Jay was astonished to say the least, especially since less than 10 minutes ago you were cursing him out over not knowing who he was.
“Either I found him or I’m having a nervous breakdown.” You chuckled nervously as you began pacing back and forth in your living room. 
“Okay, I’m coming back over.” You heard him turn and make his way back over to your apartment. “Who is he?”
“This sounds. . . completely insane but like. . he’s a K-Pop Idol named Jungkook, whoever the fuck he is, he’s my soulmate and I have no fucking idea how to get to him now.”
“Wait wait wait, slow down. Jeon Jungkook, of BTS, is your soulmate?” Jay inquired, “How did you find that out?”
“Well apparently the universe heard me complaining about not having a clue and went BAM ‘Here’s your clue’.” You still couldn’t believe this was real. Of all people that had to be your soulmate, he was it. You opened your mouth to speak again but instead of English, Korean toppled over your lips. One word that mainly stuck out was ‘I’m sorry’. “I think he’s in trouble. Fuck, I got him in trouble.” You hadn’t even met the guy and you were already causing problems for him. Or maybe this wasn’t new at all, maybe you’d gotten him in trouble before?
“Open the door, I’m outside.” You ran to the door and wrapped your arms around your friend. To say you were overwhelmed and scared, didn’t cover half of it. You knew who he was now, but now had no idea who you were and now you were clueless as to how you can even get to see him!
The next day and a half, instead of studying for your Korean final, you made it your business to find out anytime you could on Jungkook. As you watched some of the music videos, slowly more and more of what you’ve said in the past made sense. The weird sayings that you thought were completely random were song lyrics, the complaints about muscle pains made more sense when you saw how intense and hard they all danced. The “army” you constantly burst about was the fanbase they had, ARMY. You were given clues, you were just too stupid to use google once in a while. 
Meanwhile, your outbursts have gotten more and more frequent. Happening almost twice a day. You could almost feel Jungkook’s concern and fear behind his thoughts because apparently BigHit was really good at hiding their idols’ soulmate systems and with your one outburst you ruined it for him. 
ARMY slowly became a concern for you on your side because apparently a site of soulmate systems crashed because so many people were frantically searching for what his system might be. Once people found out about the rare thought trade system, almost daily you saw on Twitter of people claiming to be his soulmate. Those were easily debunked as the impostors were either too young to even get their soulmate system or the phrases they said in Korean were badly pronounced. Usually one of those two or they didn’t speak English fluently. That was the only clue ARMY had about their Golden Maknae’s soulmate, you spoke English. 
You thought quietly to yourself, trying to push a thought to Jungkook about being sorry about this happening and that you weren’t posting any videos on Twitter, because either way you wanted him to know you were you and not give him the wrong idea. You don’t know if he got the message until several hours later when you were getting out of the shower and in perfect English said, “I understand.” You smiled, happy he got the message and you were able to connect to him at least in some way. 
A full month after the “live burst” as ARMY dubbed it, you (and Jungkook) were able to decipher with the fact that you could only get each other's thoughts when you were extremely emotional, which explained the live situation. Sometimes if you thought really long and hard you could push the message across but that was usually hit or miss. It was currently winter break and Jay was currently on his way back from Canada when he called you. 
“Pack your bags.”
“Uh, nice to hear from you too, Jay. I’m doing great. Why should I pack my bags?” You rolled your eyes as his demand. 
“Because my dear YN, for Christmas I got you tickets to go see BTS on Jimmy Fallon-”
“You fucking what!? First of all that’s all the way in fucking New York City! Second of all, fucking wHAT?!” You screamed into the phone, a bit flinching seeing how you probably just got Jungkook to yell at the top of his lungs. 
“Listen to me, YN. This is crazy yeah, but it’s like, the only chance we can get for you two to meet. Hence why I got you a round trip ticket to New York. You’re welcome,” the smugness evident in his voice.
“Jay. . .I can’t believe you’d do this for me? All I got you was socks, you can’t just buy me a plane ticket!” 
“Jenna helped pay for it if it makes you feel better, we both want you to get your man. It’s our gift to you. Now go pack, the show is in two days and you leave tomorrow morning. We also got you a hotel ticket. You’re going to be there at least 5 days at least. Have fun!” 
Soon as the call ended, you felt like you were going to cry. Was this going to work? You had no idea. “New York City? You go?” You heard your voice speak.You quickly thought back a yes for him and scrambled to your room to pack. You threw together your best and nice clothes to wear at the show and as you were getting ready for bed you heard yourself say “See you maybe.” You smiled as you tucked yourself in, wanting to be asleep as soon as possible in order to leave.
You barely slept that night, to a degree was somewhat okay because you could always sleep on the plane. You left two hours before your flight with the information that Jay had forwarded to you, and soon enough you were seated outside your gate waiting for your flight to be called. Seconds seemed like hours as you waited, you just wanted to get to New York as soon as possible and see Jungkook. Live and in person, right in front of you. But then it came to you, Jungkook had no idea what you looked like. So you came up with a little plan for the opportunity to arise.
After you came up with a plan, you saw on your VLIVE app, after the live burst last time you decided to download the app to be sure you didn’t have another repeat, you would simply sit in silence as you watched your soulmate talk but after the outburst, it seems he was limited from going live. But he was allowed to go live with other members because there he was with Jimin, sitting and talking to ARMY. After a sudden lack of Jungkook, the chat was spammed with questions about his soulmate and his system but he avoided that entirely. You watched them as you waited for your flight to be called, they playfully bickered about some dumb little game they were playing. 
After nearly an hour, your flight was called and you decided to leave one message in the chat. ‘See you maybe.’ You watched for a few seconds as Jungkook scanned the chat. He saw his eyes light up a bit and open his mouth but before he said anything you had already closed the app. You couldn’t reopen it now as you were steps away from boarding your plane. You made your way to your seat and put your phone on airplane mode. The flight attendants went over the safety precautions but you didn’t hear a word they said for you were so close to Jungkook now.
Soon enough the plane took off and you put in your earbuds and played some of your already downloaded music, including some of BTS and more specifically Jungkook’s solo songs and covers. While you did love and appreciate the other members and their talent, you obviously had to be biased to your literal soulmate. His soothing voice lulled you to sleep and sure enough you slept the entire flight to New York City. 
Soon as you landed you made your way over to baggage claim and called an uber to your hotel. You were getting more and more antsy to the point you were giggling like a maniac. “You okay?” Your voice spoke up. Okay, maybe you were getting too excited by this. You laughed a bit and thought back that you were just excited. You unpacked your things and then decided to check through twitter, and of course, Jungkook was trending again. Clicking on it you see a clip of the live stream after you commented and left. Jungkook’s eyes lit up and he said “You too”, you chuckled and scrolled through and saw a bunch of people’s theories as to who his soulmate is and as his response to your comment was vague, no one pointed to you. 
After a few hours of mindlessly scrolling and watching videos, getting to know what these people thought of Jungkook. He was very important to these people and you couldn’t help but be a little scared because they automatically assumed a lot about idols’ personal lives and you were possibly going to be added to that equation. You felt your stomach grumble and you decided to make a quick stop at a McDonald’s as it was cheap and easy food. Belly full, you fell asleep and happy to possibly see your soulmate within 24 hours.
You woke up a bit early to get ready, the dress code was smart casual so you dressed as such, only messing with your physical appearance very little as you didn’t bring much with you in your rush to pack. Once you noticed the time, you were on your way to the studio and you felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. After waiting for a few hours, you all filed into the audience and watched as the crew set up for filming. You couldn’t breathe as Jimmy stood in front and announced that BTS was here and you felt your heart stop when they came out. 
They all came out looking very cute in their current concepts style, and they all look ethereal. Then your eyes landed on Jungkook and all of time seemed to stop. He looked so cute and you couldn’t believe it. There he was. So close yet so far. Every fiber of your being, every atom yelled at you to get up from your seat and run to him but you couldn’t, that was the stupidest thing you could ever do. No, you had to stick to your plan. Hopefully it will work. They danced their way to their seats as the band played, then they all sat down around and on the couch. You couldn’t register anything that was going on, all you could hear was your heartbeat in your ears. You watched them introduce themselves and you had to bite your tongue, because all you wanted to do was scream out to Jungkook that you were here. Just wait, you reminded yourself. Wait.
As they talked about their new music, you heard Jimmy ask about soulmates, more specifically Jungkook, with his system being exposed recently and if he found them. 
He shook his head no. “Still looking.” he shyly admitted as the nearest member, Jimin, patted his thigh. 
This was it. You shut your eyes and thought hard as possible trying to get him to hear you. Please please please. 
“It’s been difficult to find them as-” Namjoon started to explain when suddenly
“I’M HERE!” Jungkook blurted out, cutting him off. It worked! His eyes frantically searched the audience and suddenly a bunch of screaming people were claiming it was them, even people with the most obvious soulmate marks exposed on their bodies, desperate for the love of their bias.
“Wait, they’re here?!” Jimmy shouted over the growing screams of the crowd, Jungkook stood up and watched the crowd intently, unable to pin point you. 
Namjoon said something in Korean to Jungkook, encouraging the younger member to do something. Listening to him, Jungkook closed his eyes and the entire audience went quiet. Waiting for his soulmate to show themselves.
You felt the similar pull, the need to speak. Opening your mouth and standing as you let the words tumble out of your mouth in a shout, shrieking something about raw eggs and Jimin. As random as the saying was, Jungkook’s eyes locked with you and suddenly you felt your legs move without your permission. You frantically pushed past all the people sitting around you and you ran down the stairs to your soulmate. Your Jungkook. As he saw you run down the stairs, he ran to meet you halfway across the stage. You leapt into his open arms and you felt him spin you around as you held on for dear life. 
Soon as everything stopped spinning you could feel him cry into your shoulder. You pulled away to see his eyes starting to grow red from the amount of tears he let go. From that sight alone, you as well burst into tears. He pulled you back into the hug by your neck and you both openly wept into each other's arms. You felt the other members (and you think Jimmy as well), join in the hug as you all stood there. You heard Jimmy say they’re gonna have a quick break and you all were gestured to go backstage. You almost didn’t follow but Jungkook pulled you along, not letting go of you. 
Once in a back room, you were surrounded by the 7 members of the biggest boyband in the world, one of which was your soulmate and you honestly? You were a bit starstruck because while you had hoped that the plan would work, you didn’t think this far ahead. 
“So, uh, what’s your name?” Namjoon broke you out of your trance and you felt your face flush, looking to the ground a bit. 
“Uh, YN LN.” You said, continuing to stare at your toes.
“It’s perfect.” You heard Jungkook mutter as he pulled you into another hug from behind, burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
Jimin lightly scolded the maknae in Korean, saying something along the lines of something about the conversation, the interrupted interview, and 'schedule mess up'.
“Sorry about that, didn't really. . .think of that. . .” You lightly chuckled as you dragged your fingertips up and down Jungkook’s arms that were still wrapped around you. 
“Don’t apologize. I don’t care. I have my soulmate now. I have you.” Jungkook whispered into your ear. 
“We have to go back to the interview. JK, they’ll be here when you get back, right?” Namjoon’s turned to you, putting you on the spot. 
“Y-yes, of course.” You sputtered out, nodding your head. 
You could feel Jungkook pouting as he looked up to face his members. Talking really fast, you managed to understand a bit of what he was saying to them. Asking them about missing the rest of the interview and something about Jin and his soulmate. A few of them went back and forth about whether or not it would be good with Jimmy or the staff. But it was when Hoseok spoke out that the other members agreed, Namjoon only sighed in response. Telling Jungkook he’d be excused from the rest of the schedule today. He then told him to get out of the outfit and get back into his normal clothes and take one of the cars back to their hotel. Jungkook agreed almost immediately as the rest of the members filled out of the room, leaving you and your soulmate alone for the first time.
“This why you excited for New York City? You seeing me?” Jungkook asked as he turned you to face him, you nodded. He laughed lightly. “You really surprised me, and you kept me on my toes the past two years.” Oh shit, he’s been voicing your thoughts way before you even started it because he’s two years older than you.
“Oh shit- I’m, I’m so sorry!” You laughed, you can’t imagine all the weird thoughts he got and not to mention in English so he was probably just as confused as you were. 
“It made concerts difficult, but motivated me to learn English better.” He teased. He placed his hand on your face and you closed your eyes, leaning into his touch. He whispered a small plea. “Please don't let this be a dream.”
“It’s not. This is real.” You whispered back, opening your eyes and looking into his.
“Good, because then I can do this.” He gently pulled your face closer to his and met you halfway with a kiss. You’ll admit, you’ve never kissed anyone before but with Jungkook it all felt right. Granted it was a short and brief kiss, but you felt the emotion behind it all. He pulled away first and just looked at you. You could definitely see what all those comments were talking about with them saying Jungkook has the entire galaxy in his eyes. “I need to change now. Be right back?”
“I’ll be here.”
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