#I still hate Mr. Perry
average-joseph · 1 year
Thinking a lot about Mr. Perry.
For easy math let's say he was born in 1910. When he's just a little kid WWI starts. His father probably goes to war. He either has to deal with no father for those important years of childhood, or his father not coming back at all.
When he's about to start his life as a young adult 19 or 20, the great depression happens. Probably from a middle class family, his family is going to suffer greatly. If he's the oldest, he'd be the one to try to make money for them but there aren't any jobs so what can you do.
He's going to grow up in bad circumstances, try to make it, raise a family, and just as his son is born he has to go fight in WWII.
Not to mention Neil is the only son they have. Middle class families typically didn't have just one child so I'm imagining just how much pressure Neil was going to have on him from the start.
I think that Mr. Perry is the way he is because he's in a mindset for sheer survival. He couldn't imagine Neil having other ambitions when he considered Neil to be so lucky.
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inahallucination · 1 year
Controversial Dead Poets Opinion: Mr. Perry is trying his best; let's give him a break. Both Mr. and Mrs. Perry deeply care about Neil. They did handle the whole theater kid situation poorly, but still… Let's give credit to Kurtwood Smith for his performance. As he said in an interview, in the hallway scene, he tried to play it down and not act as if Mr. Perry was harassing Neil because Tom loves his son and genuinely believes he is acting in Neil's best interests. Thank you. Now you can lynch me if you wish.
The interwiew is on YouTube "MOVIE TRAILER Action Trailer Movie | DEAD POETS SOCIETY - Actor Interviews | Club der toten Dichter", I'm refering to the bit from 12:53 onwards.
mr perry is such an interesting character and reducing him to just a dimensionless horrible person not only does a disservice to him but also to neil's character and story line
kurtwood smith is an amazing actor and his performance was amazing
dont get me wrong i very much dislike him and i dont think how he treats neil is okay or excusable but i also do believe he thinks he's doing what he thinks is good for neil
actually a lot of parents will push their own ideas and dreams onto their kids in the hope that theyll live a better/happier life
anyway im not gonna go on a analyzing rant about him and his relationship to neil but yea i get ya
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desire-mona · 6 months
things abt dps i feel like we dont address enough (photos attached will be shit quality, i took screenshots from yt clips LMAO)
heavily ib @pencileraser1's post abt stuff he noticed n such
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the fucking KIDS at welton. the CHILDREN. maybe its just me but i always find myself forgetting that welton isnt a highschool + there are in fact a lot more students than the ones we're focusing on. thats what makes welton so like. evil? to me? they start pushing these kids into a box EARLY.
related, i wouldve LOVED to see how(/if?) keating taught these kids, or rly any other class! he has other classes!!! i think!
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ok. of course. neil is a smoker, we've touched on that. but charlie is too?? and he's the one who provides the cigs???? obviously the easy explanation is that he does it to be rebellious and stuff but also Is There Something Else. much to think abt. also wondering where he gets his cigs but thats not rly anything i dont think.
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this ones just funny but when mr perry tells the boys they can take a seat and todd simply does not. i KNOW he wasnt sitting before and he needs to unpack and stuff but ITS STILL FUNNY.
"take your seats boys"
also my guilty pleasure is the dps but its todd being anxious video bc man usually crack videos arent my jam but unfortunately i find it so funny
also!!! neil calling his dad sir. obviously its something so glaringly obvious that we dont need to have a discussion abt how theres a disconnect between them. like wow rly thanks mona i didnt know. but come on!!! it makes me sad!!! also they shake hands later in this scene and its the most affectionate/ friendly we see these two get. and its a handshake. and i think what makes it worse is that neil is a SUPER physically affectionate person with his friends. if u watch the movie and pay attention to how often he's touching someone else then ur gonna be like man. he rly was jumping at every opportunity huh.
something about the way neil and the boys act around mr perry makes me view him as more of a drill sargent than anything. everyone immediately stands upon him entering the room. they dont sit until given permission. it rly puts the whole military school thing into perspective but NOT ENOUGH TO SATISFY ME. as much as i hate mr perry, i wanna know what his life was like growing up. this man lived thru the great depression AND wwii, theres stories.
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cam's stupid fucking face when keatings behind him larping ghosts. i will never stop talking about how sassy this kid is. the dps redheads go criminally unacknowledged in terms of comedy because OH MY GOD. CAM AND MEEKS WERE SO FUCKING FUNNY??? they both pulled the most dastardly judgemental looks and they make me cackle. a bit earlier in this scene meeks goes full 🙄🤨 on sniffles (tissue kid. i call him sniffles) and it is, without exaggeration, my fav part of the movie.
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the fact that i totally thought knox was gonna fall off his bike and eat shit in this scene. it would be so out of place since dps isn't exactly full of physical comedy but GOD i still fully anticipated it. either that or him getting attacked by a bird. theres totally symbolism surrounding birds in this movie btw and idk what to make of it. if any of u lovely ppl have a theory then lmk immediately.
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keating so accurately calling cam out being like "is this right is this right. am i walking right." BC YESSS. i will eventually make a fully fledged cam post but to briefly touch on it, i find cam to be very confused on what is right, usually in terms of morals. a whole situation of confusing your personal values with the rules, thinking theyre one in the same, and completely abandoning what u actually believe. unfortunately i think neils death rly amplified that nd is what led him to tattle. cuz cam is still willing to break the rules in the beginning of the movie!! he's outwardly judgemental but he still does it!! much to discuss, i promise i will eventually.
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keatings face after todd yawps!!! theres not much to say here he is just so proud!!! sweet little moment!!!! keatpostin!!!!!!!!
u guys know im an avid knox hater but this made me giggle. rip knox overstreet u wouldve loved twitch streaming.
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THE SPECIFICS OF THIS SHOT. i was gonna make a post a while ago being like "idk i find it funny that the main focus of this shot isnt even one of the poets" and then i realised that WAITTTTTTT THATS THE POINT!!!! keating reached kids besides the poets!!! u didnt have to be in the dead poets society to be affected by the way he taught his classes!!! u just had to be his student!!!!! also i love the fact that the kids who stayed seated r ASHAMED. EMBARRASSED.
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the ending shot. oihghgghgg. it was SUCH a choice to set it up this way and honestly i adore peter for making it. this shot is SOOOO UNCOMFORTABLE TO LOOK AT and i love it. when i first watched this i was like "uhm ok interesting choice putting todd between this kids legs but I GET IT. one of the biggest things i remember from the film classes i took is that the way u set up shots is sooo important narratively, and one way to rly push the narrative is the space around a character in a shot. for example! if u have a character on screen surrounded by a TON of negative space then it rly emphasises how alone/ isolated they are. on the other end of the spectrum (the todd spectrum), if you surround a character in a shot with other objects or obstructions, like todd and this kids legs, then it rly emphasises how trapped and confined they are. looking at this makes me feel like. claustrophobic almost, like it's genuinely a bit harder to breathe looking at it. TODD IS STILL TRAPPED IN THAT SCHOOL. YES HE STOOD ON THE DESK AND YES HE NOW HAS THE MOTIVATION TO BE MORE CONFIDENT BC OF NEIL BUT HE! IS STILL! TRAPPED THERE!
more on todd since im on a roll here.
i was also gonna add that we dont rly talk about todd personality wise outside of poetry and anxiety but then i realised, what else is there? we dont really see much about him as a person outside of that, and i think thats the point! todd is constantly overshadowed by his brother, we know that, but i dont think we realise HOW MUCH that ties in with his entire character. quite honestly, outside of poetry and anxiety, ALL we have surrounding todd is his brother and his achievements. and of course! that makes sense! his parents want him to be just like his brother, they dont care about who he is as a person. UGH.
the desk set scene rly is the most insight we'll get into todds actual personality and desires imo, and thats what kills me. he wants a car!!!! get this boy a car!!!!!!!!! we rly see him start to open up before neils death and i wouldve LOVED to get to know todd when he's actually in a place to be himself!! but of course we never got that! sobs.
anywho. thats all i have for now. PLEASE share ur thoughts if u have any pls pls pls. encouraging discussion!! i love love love hearing about the specifics nd stuff, theres soooo much to pick apart abt this movie so i wanna hear everyones thoughts.
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str4wberryfo4m · 3 months
End & Beginning (Na Jaemin)
“… let this ending of ours be the bloom of your beginning.”
pairing: jaemin x f!reader
genre: angst, best friends to strangers
summary: in which you and jaemin has been best friends for years, until one random day he decided to distance himself. a month later, he published something you never thought you’d witness.
warning: -
wc: 1.7k
You’re passing notes with Jaemin, not focusing at all on what Mr Lee is saying. It’s no shock, considering you both hated sociology class. ‘Wanna play badminton later?’ you smiled when you read the note, and you wrote back, ‘sure, a badminton date sounds nice ><’ you hesitated to pass it back to him, too afraid that he’d thought you were weird thinking it’s a date when it’s just playing badminton with a friend. Yes, best friends. You had been dropping subtle hints that you liked him for two years now, yet Jaemin has always been so oblivious. The moment you almost passed the note, Mr Lee spoke, “Jaemin. Y/n. What are you guys doing passing notes in my class?” Jaemin just grinned and replied, “It’s a love letter. Want me to read it to the whole class, sir?” Your face has been red thinking about how you’ll spend your time with Jaemin, and now it’s even redder when he says it’s a love letter. “Out from my class. Bring your books too,” you’re supposed to be mad, getting punished for something that is not true. Yet here you are, smiling, and the whole hour you’re standing outside with Jaemin, both of you playfully nudged each other to the point giggles are heard and Mr Lee had to create a ‘barrier’ for both of you.
It has always been this way. He’s your everything. And he would always remind you that he feels the same. The problem is, that the line between being friends and lovers is always blurry. He’ll come as fast as he can to your house with your favorite snacks just because you called him while crying? As a friend. He kisses your forehead and both of your cheeks when he is leaving your house? In a friendly way. Both of you cuddling so lovingly while deciding whether to watch a movie or just talk? That’s what best friends do. He calls you baby? Well, he loves babying you, so that makes you his baby. He ditched the girls who asked him out just because “they can’t compare to you, why can’t they just be more like you”? Yes, totally what a guy who doesn’t have feelings for his best friend would do and say! You liked him long before these blurry lines existed. You decided that twelve years was more than enough to confirm what you feel for him, and you know for sure that you want him forever, not just as best friends, but as your husband. Your future. You once asked him if he thought about if you would randomly end up together, hoping that he’d catch the point in you asking. He just teased you back saying, “What? You’ve been thinking about that lately?” Of course, you couldn’t answer, he’s indirectly saying he never thought of it, right?
Two months passed, yet both of you are still best friends. Just best friends. One week, and then you’ll graduate. You became anxious to think that this might be your last chance. Yes, you’ll still be friends, both of you applied to the same university; yet you want a fresh beginning with him, this time, as his lover. You were thinking about how to confess when he texted you.
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While you were waiting for his drink, he texted you with a simple “Y/n, don’t come over. I’m not in the mood to watch movies. I think I need some space,” and to say you're shocked was an understatement, considering how he was so excited and this never happened before. You tried calling him twice but decided to stop when he kept rejecting your call. Why was he asking for space? It never existed between both of you. Holding his iced green tea, you decided to drop it off in front of his house, hoping that he’d feel better from whatever he was feeling. You texted him informing him that you left the drink and were already walking away so he wouldn’t bump into you. And he didn’t reply.
Since the day he asked for space, he no longer talks to you, never replies to any of your texts, and the worst part is he acted like you both are strangers who never knew each other at all. It’s as if you were invisible. You on the other hand are desperate to get him to talk again, almost going crazy because you missed him and how you guys were. This went by for three weeks, until you decided enough is enough. So you go to his house, and it’s so foreign for you to ring his doorbell and wait for him to open. You’d never have to do that since you both have no secrets. You both know the passwords of each other's phones, houses, and even social media. The moment the door opened, he asked, “What are you doing here?” you sighed and just stared at the floor. When he almost shut the door, that’s when you said, “I miss you. What happened? What is it that made us this way?” he laughed sinisterly, “You just miss someone always being there for you. Find someone else. Oh, and don’t bother being afraid to ruin us, you already did,” wanting to ask for explanations, he slammed the door not leaving any space for discussion. You’re standing there, confused. And you know this will be the only thing you can think about until you get an answer.
It’s been a month since the coffee shop incident. Meaning it’s been a week since he said you ruined the friendship. You’re scrolling through your old conversation with Jaemin, mainly because you miss him and you’re hoping you could find where it went wrong. A notification pops up.
[na.jaemin0813 uploaded a post!]
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You could not be angry even if you wanted to; all you felt was sadness. Everything—the teasing, holding, kissing, gesturing, and so on. It means everything to you, but nothing to him. You decided to wear just a hoodie, but what slipped your mind was that it was your matching hoodie with him that he gave you for your birthday. You went to the coffee shop that used to be your and Jaemin's go-to spot for dessert and a drink. Your eyes automatically saw a cup of americano and an iced green tea. When he pushed the cup toward you and said, "Your favorite," you badly wanted to splash him in the face. Taking deep breaths, you can feel tears threatening to spill, "Why did you do this to me? I guess twelve years means nothing to you.” He stared right into your eyes before saying “Y/n, you meant a lot to me. You’re my priority. If I had to choose between you or anybody else, you’d always be the one I’d choose. I wanted to make us official. I thought you felt the same way over the years. I can’t be with someone who just enjoys my company without wanting to commit to me,” you’re becoming more confused. Noticing your expression, he continues, “I heard your conversation with Yena. I’m sorry. I came as a surprise, I wanted to pick you up, then I heard what you said.” Your eyebrows furrowed, “Jaemin, if you really heard what I said, why would you go and find someone else?” now he’s the one confused. You asked him to tell you about what happened.
“Have you thought about telling him?” Yena was your desk mate, that was before Jaemin practically begged to change desks. “What? To Jaemin? No! What if I ruin our friendship? Ruin us? I don’t want him to freak out.” “You should at least try. He would understand. I’m sure about that,” you sighed, considering what Yena said. “This is not easy. I don’t want us to be awkward. I enjoy his presence. I don’t want to lose him as my best friend.” That’s it. Jaemin couldn’t bear to listen any longer. You have a crush on someone and see him as a platonic friend. He storms out and texted you afterward.
“You’re so stupid, Jaemin. You didn’t even listen to the whole thing. You skipped the important parts. I told Yena I liked you since our second year being friends. Yena was just helping me with how to talk to you before graduation. What I meant by I’m afraid of losing you as a friend is… I’m afraid you’ll reject me. Then we’ll stop being friends. My point is, I’ll bottle my feelings so I can stay with you for a long time without messing up. Yet here we are,” Jaemin’s eyes were watery. “Can we still.. I don’t know, fix this? I mean, am I too late? Are we like, done? No wait, because I truly don’t.. My new girlfriend isn’t.. I don’t want to lose you,” his words don’t make any sense, but you can understand the desperation in him. Jaemin has always been like this. Whenever he tries to cheer or comfort you, he always blabbers nonsense because he’s desperate to make you feel better. Sometimes he’d blabber until you giggled because of how cute and funny he was. “Jaemin, you can’t do that. You’re with someone right now. I’m happy if you’re happy. I feel grateful that I got closure about why you acted that way. Would’ve been painful for me to lose my once best friend without knowing what went wrong,” you smiled as wide as you could, but both Jaemin and you knew it was fake.
“Y/n, I want you. Please,” hearing Jaemin say that made you speechless, so you just stared at the americano he bought you. When you finally made eye contact with him, you slowly stood up. “You can’t leave someone just to be with someone else. I know you’re not that kind of person. We just needed closure, Jaemin. This is our last chapter. Let’s close our book together. I pray that your new beginning will be filled with happiness, comfort, and warmth. Let this ending of ours be the bloom of your beginning,” and you walked away, with the hope that this closure would heal your heart of losing your ‘almost’.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Papillon (1) - The lion's den
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Summary: Your secret is out and there is no way out...
Pairing: Mobster!Clark Kent x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, roughness, unwanted kissing, threats, dubcon, pre-smut, tension, betrayal, mafia au, darkish!Clark Kent
&lt;< Prologue
Papillon Masterlist
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“This is insanity,” you try to outstep Clark, but he roughly grabs your arms. He shakes you, laughing like one of the villains in a bad movie. “Let go of me. I’m not some bitch you found at a bar. I’m a federal agent!”
“You are what I allow you to be, Papillon. Tonight, I want you to be my whore. Tomorrow, I haven’t decided yet,” he snarls. “So, what will it be? Will you go down on your knees and beg me for forgiveness or call your boss?”
You purse your lips and raise your chin. Clark Kent is scary as shit, but you won’t cower in front of him. Your boss and colleagues will have your back. You’re sure about it.
“I’ll call my boss,” you grit out as his hold on your arms tightens.
Fuck, he’s so strong and tall, and the glimmer in his eyes tells you to not make another mistake.
“How about I call him? He will confirm that you are mine to play with.”
You look up at Clark with angry eyes, but your pulse quickens. He looks so confident and sure about what he says. “Go ahead.”
“Aw, you still believe someone will come for your aid,” he taunts you. “Watch me, papillon. Soon, you will know that only I care for your well-being from now on.”
He cups your face with both hands, making you feel even smaller. “I don’t think so.”
“You’ll change your mind,” he roughly claims your lips, tongue forcing its way inside your mouth. You weakly push against his chest, while debating to bite his tongue. “Let me call him, and after, you will go down on your knees.”
He steps away, leaving you breathless and scared as he walks toward his desk. You want to tell him to shove his arrogance up to his ass, but you are not suicidal.
Clark sits on his comfortable swivel chair, smirking darkly as he dials your boss’s number. He leans back, watching you wring your hands.
Your eyes drift toward the door, and you wonder if you can make it out of the room and house before a bullet ends your life.
“Perry, how are you,” Clark’s grin widens. He imitates a Cheshire grin, making you squirm. “I got your little agent here. I caught her in my web, and I’d like to keep her for fun.”
You swallow thickly when Clark puts your boss on loudspeaker.
“She’s all yours, Mr. Kent. I always keep my word. I just don’t know why you wanted me to send her.”
“I have my reasons.” You feel like a fool listening to your boss and Clark talks about your fate as if your life doesn’t mean a thing to them. “She’s going to be so good for me.”
“If you are happy, I’m happy,” Perry, the man you considered a second father, replies. He laughs and tells Clark to have fun.
“One more thing,” Clark sizes you up. He crooks his finger, gesturing to you to step closer. “Burn her place down. Make it look like she died in the fire.”
“Consider it done.”
“No…please…my cat,” you jump into motion, almost pouncing on Clark. “All my memories…my picture album. It’s all I have left of my family. Please.” You kneel in front of Clark, hands running over his long legs. “Please…”
“Hmmm…” He dips his head to watch you cry. “So pretty when you cry.” Clark leans forward to cup your face with one large hand. He wipes away a tear, humming when you close your eyes. “Why should I shelter your place? What will I get in return?”
“What do you want?” You try to sound strong and confident, but your hope just died. Clark was right. Your boss offered you to the monster in front of you on a silver plate.
“You know what I want, papillon,” his features darken when your eyes drop toward his crotch. “You are already on your knees, so…”
“I’ll do it.” You try to forget about the situation you are in, and that you hate the man in front of you. If you can pretend you like going down on him, he will believe you caved in. You can use his demands to your advantage.
“Perry, I changed my mind. I will send someone to grab a few things. I’ll call you later, and you can burn the place down.”
No…no. You had hoped he wouldn’t go that far. Giving in to keep Clark from burning down your place was your last hope. If everyone believes you are dead, no one will come to your rescue.
“I’ll be waiting for your call then, boss,” Clark ends the call and tosses the phone somewhere on the desk.
“Now, you owe me much more than going down on your knees, papillon. I hope that mouth is worth all the trouble.”
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“I always wondered what you are hiding underneath,” Clark watches you strip down to your underwear with hungry eyes. He dips his head, and hums. “My men got your cat, the picture album, and personal stuff. We left all of your papers; you won’t need them anymore. You’re mine now.”
You blend the man out, and his threats too. If you must do this to survive the night, you will try to do it your way.
“Thank you, Sir,” you purr as you drop to your knees to crawl toward Clark. “I bet you are tall everywhere. I cannot wait to get my hands on your cock.”
He looks surprised, but groans, nonetheless. “Come here and get what you deserve. You’ll love tasting me.”
Clark is a dangerous opponent, deadly even. But he’s just a man. After he gets off, he will forget about you, and turn his attention toward business. If you play your cards right, you can slip out of the house and look for help.
He squirms in his seat when you run your hands up his long legs again. You take your time, nuzzling his legs, purring, and moaning as you rub yourself on one of his shoes.
"You make me so wet," the lie easily rolls off your tongue. You inch closer, spreading his legs to kneel between them.
“Fuck,” he curses loudly, barely able to hold back. He may have tricked you and had you on your knees, but you studied all of his weaknesses and kinks. You will be damned if you don’t use your knowledge against him. “You’re such a good slut.”
“I know,” You hate yourself for enjoying having the power over this powerful man. He watches you bury your face in his clothed crotch and nuzzle him while you plan to get him arrested.
He pants heavily, and his eyes are dilated when you look up at him from between his legs. Clark runs his hands over his thighs, fingers digging into his muscles. “Go ahead, pretty papillon.”
Men are so predictable. Doctor, garbage man, or mafia boss. The weakness between their legs will always be their downfall.
You will be waiting for your chance to bring him down. Even if you have to do it on your own…
Part 2
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anhonest-puck · 14 days
THOUGHT ON MY MIND okay so we all know Charlie was a music kid probably a band kid not by choice—my og headcanon is that Charlie and Neil had friends as kids but they really were each others only friends—so adding onto that what if bc they didn’t rlly wanna hang out with other people in other classes they took music together. Neil plays piano and he’s really good at it. Like he’s really impressive and stuff right and so they just spend that class together hanging out bc not really many people take music lol. Another couple random thoughts which is way worse and way more depressing: do you think Charlie would’ve played piano in honor of him? do you think as the dead poets started to go their separate ways one of them would’ve heard Clair de lune in the music room, a piece Neil used to love? do you think they thought of him?
also if he did survive, would Neil have still been friends with them? would he have reverted back to his old self who didn’t talk to anybody except Charlie? Do you think his father would’ve still put him in military school? Would military school even accept him if he was hospitalized? Do you think his father would’ve put him in a mental institution?
that hc is by far one of my favs!!! they were def friends far before welton, id say maybe even back to 1st or second grade? but they def both took music!! and that is actually. heartbreaking. he would, and the only reason he’d do it is because of neil (another hc: charlie hated the piano until he became best friends with neil) they would think of him, too.
i think he would’ve been wary of the poets for a little bit after, but eventually he would talk to them all, except for cameron. i think that he would try to avoid cam and not talk to him as much as he used to. and yeah, unfortunately i do. i think mr perry would try to put him in military school, but they would reject him because of his past medical history and he would get pissed and send him off to a mental institution :((
somewhere in my heart still hopes that he’d kept contact with the poets, because i think that he did
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blackstarchanx3new · 6 months
FSR rambles 18 dreams about being gannon
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Direct parallels to Gannon/OOT.
Sweet time to mention Shadow can play the piano haha. I have a plan for a comic on HOW he learned but that's a later date type thing.
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He's here to murder shadow. Noice.
Seems like Shadow's just getting haunted by this guy considering his appearance earlier in the comic in page 290 -
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Seems like Hero of Time just isn't a fan of him or smth. XDDD
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Ouch. That looked like it hurt.
Also hi who are you.
Also considering I know who you are...Why are your eyes Blue buddy? :D
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"Aw shit. I got sliced"
"Also I'm younger"
Ah dream logic.
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Hi Perry-
I mean uhhh
Totally mysterious purple clad hero.
This is a character from the planned sequel of FSR. and I can't speak much about him. You'd know a decent amount about him if you've seen the FSRA posts.
Also his eyes changed...Again...
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When I dream I have nothing but nightmares too shadow. Smh.
Oh Hi Link. Why are you wearing white and black. Basically the reverse of Dark Link's fit? Not weird at aaaaall considering that wasn't what he was wearing before he pulled the sword...
It's been around for awhile NOW but Shadow's hair changing to have a red streak...much like a certain gerudo man we know isn't odd at ALLLLLL.
Also nice Malice eyes Shadow.
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Yeah I'm sure the magic demonic 8 ball will have the answers you seek Shadow.
Considering the Gannon flashbacks we just saw...Who's "him" Dark? Because Dark could just as easily be talking about Vaati here. But really it's up in the air on who he meant exactly.
Dark keeping his horns from his vaati convo and it appearing on his human ish form was a fun detail to add.
Random note to think about: Dark had to put himself back in Shadow's hat after sneaking off to vaati's house and that imagery is funny so I'm sharing it with you.
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Dark's hair is still vaati colored as well and his behavior is reflecting him still.
Link talking about food and sleeping is just about the most link thing ever so Dark gives absolutely no shits about it.
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Haha you should have chosen your words more wisely shadow...
It ALMOST sounds like you don't WANT Link here...which Dark can pick up on pal-
Oh shit. You repeated it you meant it.
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Yeah don't shout Link could wake up.
Dark kinda SORTA seems to know what's happening...
But he's using "I think" and uncertain language. (You know he's not sure of smth if he's using phrasing like that hah. Since he's usually so self assured in his assumptions.)
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Lol ignore how often my dumbass forgot to keep Shadow's hair right. Mistakes happen. 😅
Hey Shadow, abusing the nutcase isn't gonna get you very far.
Especially because he hates your guts.
Dark's kinda right here tho. Shadow's being selfish as hell rn.
The phrase "Does the word "HERO" just have no meaning to you? You disgust me" specifically gets a chuckle out of me considering who's mouth it's coming out of.
Dark continues to miss identify Shadow as Gannon when he said "you're as old as time" (More of a reference to demise depending on how you look at it but same diff)
Dark sweating visibly showing he's still very much scared of Shadow.
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Shadow pulled his head out of his ass for a second and realized Dark's acting weird. (Like Vaati)
Dark's instant snap back is amusing but also sad. Like. Shadow doesn't "know him" not in any meaningful way. But he does yield and admit he was looking at memories for... YEARS in the head space.
Which is just a level of horror beyond comprehension.
Imagine spending YEARS looking at other people's memories just to get yanked out of it randomly by mr root of all evil himself bitching at you about smth you don't even know about, some guy you had a single conversation with YEARS AGO. But oh yeah. It's only been maybe 8 hours in the real world and all perception of time and reality was thrown off and you're being accused of being a different person after all that shit.
To say Dark Link isn't having a fun or good time would be an understatement.
I touched on it in a fic where Link and Dark bang of all places but Dark's existence is an existential nightmare.
Dark Link's EXISTANCE isn't fun for him. He's gonna mention it later too but he's MISSERABLE and vocal about his misery and pain just being alive.
Something weird to think about: Who's memories was he even looking at?
Really from his vague description it could be ANYONE.
I personally like to think it's vaati's considering he still has his hair shifted to be vaati's tone, is acting like vaati and mentions shadow being "Annoying"
though Link and vio are high possibilities too haha.
A mix of all of them aren't off base either.
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Identity crisis how fun...Dark struggling to separate himself from the memories he's witnessed is concerning to say the least.
At least he's willing to be helpful with what he thinks is going on.
Really he could have just said "Fuck off figure it out yourself" but he offers to try and explain shit to Shadow from his perspective.
Dark's openness to cooperate despite everything is smth noteworthy.
He has literally no reason to do shit like this (Even if it fails) ESPECIALLY considering his distaste for Shadow. He just does shit that's helpful or nice cause he can.
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Just little characterizations that Dark Link is more like Link than you'd first think considering his introduction.
Also OOT reference again with Ganon entering the sacred realm to steal the Triforce of power.
The second Shadow mentions them splitting is a relief, Dark cosplays Vio. XDDDD
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Even Shadow thinks that was Vio like haha.
Dark's avoiding Link is the funniest part of this. "Oh shit he's waking up, gotta run. Don't wanna talk to him." XDDD
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Don't do it Shadow.
It's a terrible idea.
Last time Link was here he was wanting to off himself so he might not be the most mentally sound individual!
Also who's happy to be woken up...
Dark Link being the voice of reason here about the pros and cons to waking Link up or even listening to him haha.
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Considering what happens HAPPENS, that probs would have happened REGUARDLESS of if he was woken up or not. The change really is down to whether or not Shadow would A. Even be around for it. B. Be the one to wake Link up and have that burden on his mind or C. Just let shit happen.
Shadow is putting a ton of pressure on Dark to give answers or be helpful AND CORRECT but like...dude Dark doesn't know, he's guessing too lmfao.
Shadow makes what I consider a very foolish choice which was waking Link up.
Dark held back the explosion aspect but he is here to have fun first so uhhhh...Well he DID say it'd be funny to him and not Shadow.
Shadow defaults to blaming Dark Link "Damn demon" which...Shadow learn some accountability.
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Panel by panel breakdown cause stuffs getting jucy:
1- Interesting outfit choice Link. It's the one he wore when he was a bit younger. So he's got a younger mindset when waking up. Which is just sad.
2- his outfit changes to half blue half green with a purple sleeve, his hands are all sorts of wrong and mish mashed with red and purple nails. His eyes also have the wrong color. His body is distorting all over the place...Interesting.
3- Shadow you shouldn't have said anything. The coward's hiding too lmfao he knows he fucked up.
4- Safe to say he's not very happy.
Link's distorting and glitching is based on video game glitches. Which is fun because: LOZ is a video game.
There's something distinctly haunting and uncanny about buggy/glitchy game assets and I wanted to capture it here.
Like the reality of four people being forced into one body is quite horrifying and the idea of them just bugging out unable to process how many thoughts there are is overwhelming. Literally like overloading a computer or gaming system.
There's also something to be said about how he fully breaks after seeing Shadow Link.
This is brought up later so I'll expand upon it later but the fact literally the only words Shadow Link spoke to LINK was "I'm the hero Link" or smth like that is hysterical.
For living together for 7 years: They truly don't know each other well on a personal level considering their ability to communicate was stunted by Shadow being...Well a Shadow. And I wanna explore that more as the series goes on.
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1- Lol Green hi thanks for trying to stay calm.
2- Vio's here too. Something tells me calming down isn't working considering your face is cracking more and the tunic is flashing different colors.
3- Shadow I swear to god, shut your mouth-
4- Yeaaaaaah we saw that coming. Ouch looks painful. Good thing that body is magic hahaha.
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Link's just not having a good time at all. XD
I think a few people caught this but Link breaking down here was based on the forced gem fusions in SU also the distorted static version of the cartoons from learning with pibby XD
It was good inspo for how horrific this scenario is.
Really all of them are just kinda, shoved in there. Unable to truly escape and they're NOT HAPPY about it.
Blue specifically is trying to get out as we'll know later and we get more context on his thoughts about this ordeal from the Darkblue chapter... But visually you can see Link's got two faces and it remains consistent that that's Blue.
Which, is terrifying.
There's also the underlying horror that the "Why" Link is back in one body isn't truly addressed but we'll get more into that later.
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Shadow running for his damn life haha.
I'd be scared too if that mess was crawling at me.
The sad thing is that Link's reaching out for help and Shadow responds by screaming in terror lmfao.
Cause Link seems monstruous at the moment but the reality of the situation is he's very clearly conscious and scared. He's reaching out to the only person he can, which is Shadow.
I think this might be my favorite design of Link in this state. It's just horrific to look at. The eyes bleeding onto both his faces which are cracked like mirrors so you can't tell what he's looking at. He has Vio and Blue's legs sticking out of his back, and entire extra head forcing its way off his main one, it's hard to tell from these but his skin is glitching in both Red and Blue's separate skin tones (Blue's being a bit darker and Red's being lighter)
His tunic is pitch black which, black absorbs all wavelengths of light and reflects none...Literally keeping it trapped haha.
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Anyway, Link/Green, Vio and red are all reaching out to shadow but blue is suspiciously absent haha.
Them grabbing onto Shadow is smth Vio would do...
The four sword's lil gem thingy is glitched to shit too. Each colored piece being a different size. Green's is noticeably larger while Blue and Red's are about the same size. Vio's is the smallest.
Shadow's hat is doing that thing Dark does when he's upset where it clings to his body.
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Yeah feeling like you can't do anything would be a feeling you fall into frequently being trapped as a shadow.
Take that agency back Shadow it's been robbed from you for too long.
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Jokes aside I love this moment. Link getting more stable as he keeps Shadow close to him is sweet.
Link just needed a hug. UwU
Or...Less cute option: Maybe...The triforce of power had something to do with it...
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Link/Red crying immediately when Shadow says a single word lmfao.
Link's so pretty I love him. I'm glad he's back a bit.
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"Shadow, stop talking." could apply to everything he says to link as of rn. XD
Link's still very much emotionally distressed and I'd be too after THAT SHIT SHOW.
I do think it's funny how Link is wearing black here and Shadow is wearing white. (It's just his usual underclothes without his tunic)
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Yes shut up and please just hug him it's clearly what he needs rn Shadow. X'D
Perfect cut off point lmfao.
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toddtakefive · 1 year
do you have anderperry and/or dps headcanons you feel very strongly about?
- Neil’s favorite thing to do is come up behind Todd and hug him and just… stay there for any period of time. From anywhere between a minute and the rest of the time they’re in a given place. Todd never comments on it, Neil never explains, it’s just a thing.
- Todd always stands on Neil’s right and vice versa Neil always stands on Todd’s left. If it’s the other way around, no matter what they’re doing, they’ll switch places because it feels wrong.
- Neil gets too caught up in retelling Todd his dreams in the morning so it can take him upwards of ten minutes to do his tie, which sometimes makes him late to leaving, so to combat it Todd started doing Neil’s tie in the morning while he talked.
- Neil and Ginny (and by extension Chet) are cousins by marriage. Does that make sense at all? No. But I do not care.
- Charlie was the tallest of the group up until tenth grade when everyone else got growth spurts and left him in the dust.
- Cameron lives with his grandparents.
- The Anderson family is HUGE (I’m talking 4 pairs of grandparents, 6 aunts, 5 uncles, 8 cousins kind of huge) and Jeff and Todd are the only boys in their generation.
- Jumping off from the last one: Todd’s cousins used to use him as a guinea pig because he was the youngest.
- Mrs. Perry’s first name is Nancy.
- Mr. And Mrs. Anderson are named Patrick and Rebecca respectively.
- Out of the entire group, Pitts is the only one that’s ever actually had a girlfriend by the start of the movie. (For like 3 weeks in 7th grade, but still)
- Ginny and Chris have complete opposite tastes in music and are always exchanging records for the other to see if they like.
- Todd loves snakes.
- Knox jumps a solid half a foot in the air when scared.
- Meeks hates spiders. Charlie loves them. You can imagine how that tends to go down.
- Neil had always wanted a dog but could never get one because his mom has a fur allergy.
- Cameron does origami in his spare time.
- Meeks can���t do a cartwheel and EVERYONE makes fun of him for it.
- Neil had a one-sided beef with Jeff pre-junior year that he could never justify or rationalize until he met Todd.
- Chris does Ginny’s lipgloss for her every morning before school.
- Todd Anderson autism + Neil Perry AuDHD is real TO ME.
- Neil and Todd can’t be alone together for longer than five minutes without breaking out into hysterical laughter over essentially nothing.
- Neil and Charlie once tried to convince a store clerk they were orphan brothers for free ice cream. It did not work.
- Todd can’t cook for shit and is on ‘handing-people-things-they-need’ duty. Neil can cook just barely. Cameron, somehow, is a master chef. Knox consistently nicks his fingers with knives and is no longer allowed in the kitchen.
- In a modern setting, Knox would absolutely have two moms.
- Neil and Todd’s wardrobes have essentially morphed into one singular wardrobe and they can’t differentiate what belongs to who anymore. They’ve stopped caring and just wear each others clothes if they want to.
- Neil is a master at drunk karaoke. Charlie is a master at drunkenly pressuring Neil into doing drunk karaoke.
- The ribbon Chris wears in her hair is a gift from Ginny.
- Pitts is almost scarily good at checkers.
- Charlie can hold his breath for almost three minutes.
- Neil is a biter.
- ‘Spazs’ name is Eugene, Stick’s name is Roy, Hopkins’ first name is Albert.
- Keating’s implied british wife(?) is named Jessica.
- Charlie is the only one of the guys that can SOMEWHAT dance.
- More often than not, Todd is actually the one to reach out and hold Neil’s hand rather than the other way around.
- Todd’s middle name is Augustus.
And that’s all the ones I can remember right now!!! Questions, comments, concerns?????
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lookingglasswolf · 4 months
Charlie Dalton Head Cannon
So I watched Shaking the Tree (Duane Clark) recently, and I was thinking about how much Sully resembles Charlie.
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(fair warning - this is kind of a long one and it's a little tragic, but it does have a good ending) My hc for Charlie is set years after Neil's death and Charlie having gotten expelled from Welton for punching Cameron. Charlie is devastated by having lost his best friend and goes on to continuously blame himself for not having talked with Neil head on when he had seen even the smallest of signs - for not having done something, anything to prevent it. Without Mr. Keating's guidance and Neil being around to help ground him, Charlie does not bother with getting back into school. He is still the "rich-boy" of his parents who are emotionally unavailable to him when he needs it the most. They are disappointed in him and his "antics" that robbed him of opportunities he may have had at Welton, and they ground him and give him the cold shoulder. Everything that happened causes his relationship with them to continue to falter and he decides to 'take out' (or rather steal) a loan from them in order to move to New York and get away from everything. Charlie stays in touch with the other dead poets like Knox and Todd when he can, but rather than settling into a downward spiral, they have been inspired by Neil's legacy and most of them have gone on to college so they can study in order to become positive influencers of their own (teachers, writers, lawyers, etc.). Charlie feels as if he is the only one who is still grappling with what he wants to do with his life. He doesn't say it outright but he's envious that the other poets are doing well out there. What he'd said in the cave years ago during one of the DPS meetings still rings true (pulled from the book):
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Fastforward 10 years later and Charlie is still just as much of a free spirit as ever, but lately it's gotten more out of hand. He's gotten in with a bad crowd and developed a gambling addiction (it feels good to take risks!) and a drinking problem as an attempt to numb his ongoing pain. He usually drinks when there is no feasible distraction or cheap thrill to keep his mind occupied. One night he goes too far after a few drinks and has a meltdown late at night in front of his new friends. He can't get Neil's death out of his head; it has haunted him ever since and he can almost feel his ghost in the room. He gets ahold of a gun and has to be talked down by his new friends, which proves to be a difficult feat since they are not on the same level of friendship as the dead poets. "You know what is funny? Or maybe pathetic is a better word...Look at me. I'm 27 years old. I still don't have a clue what I'm doin' with my life. I don't know...I don't know! I don't know what I'm doin'...I don't even know what I wanna do! I hate my life! There's a pain inside of me...and it's just gettin' worse..." -Sully aka Charlie (Shaking the Tree - Duane Clark) Pics below: (these are taken from Shaking the Tree and Dead Poets Society but just look how similar the setting is compared to Mr. Perry's study - thought that was kind of eerie)
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Charlie has a close call in which the gun goes off, but merely grazes and stuns him while his friends hold him and console him. He gets through the night alive and apologizes once he has sobered up - this is a side to him that he doesn't want anyone to see. The experience jars him enough that he decides to reach out to Knox and the rest of the dead poets, and initiate a meeting after all this time. Although he had very nearly met a similar end to Neil, he is now desperate to keep going in his honor. He knows in his heart that Neil would have wanted that for him.
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⁽⁽ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ'ᵛᵉ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᶦᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶠᵃʳ ᴵ ᵃᵐ ᵗʳᵘˡʸ ᵍʳᵃᵗᵉᶠᵘˡ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵗᶦᶜᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵃʳᵒᵘⁿᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᶦᵏᵉᵈ ᵐʸ ʰᶜ ᵇᶜ ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉⁿ'ᵗ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ˢᵃᵗ ᵈᵒʷⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵈᵒⁿᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ⁾⁾
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
i kissed a girl // logan sargeant
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summary: logan should have known better than to kiss the college girl at that dive bar. especially when to the untrained eye, she looked like she had a boyfriend already
pairing: logan sargeant x female reader
warnings: bar fight, nicholas latifi gets punched in the face, miscommunication. alcohol based bad decisions. logan also gets punched once or twice. y/n isn't taking any of his shit.
making fun of him is so easy and also so much fun-
author's note: this is pure satire, this is a joke. please do not take it seriously. it’s not that deep.
please do not take this seriously.
austin, texas. october 2022.
"i'm sorry, again, about taking your seat next year."
across the booth, nicholas latifi grumbled, reaching for his beer bottle. "somebody was going to take it eventually. i just wish i'd had more time."
the drivers for the williams formula one team were sitting in the middle of a dive bar following the free practice sessions on friday morning. there was an air of unease among the group, an awkward bit of tension between logan sargeant and nicholas latifi, on edriver coming in to take the other's place.
"he doesn't even have his super license yet, mate." jack aitken shook his head. "there's still hope for you yet, i don't think jost has a backup plan."
alex albon chuckled. "good old jost. he's retiring, you know. he doens't want people knowing until the season is over."
nicky sighed softly, raising his bottle of corona. "to jost."
"to jost!" the other three drivers echoed, clinking the bottles together.
a country song roared in the background, a group of girls in tight jeans and cowboy hats gathered around a pool table, guys in tight white shirts and cowboy boots at the bar. it was the most texan joint in the whole of texas. there wasn't a single meal that didn't have red meat in it.
and that's when he saw her, out of the corner of his eye, walking into the bar in a tight denim jacket, the collar of a white buttoned shirt poking out over the top, a pair of suede booties on her feet as she shyly meandered over to the bar.
"dude," alex laughed. "she's so not your type."
"fuck off, alex." logan glowered. "i'm just lookin'."
"she looks like she'd punch him in the face if he tried to talk to her." nicky remarked.
logan rolled his eyes. "no she doesn't."
"she has that 'i hate everybody' look on her face."
"i'm settling this." logan shook his head, placing his bottle of corona back on the table. "i'm going to buy her a drink."
"and you think that's really going to work, mr. questionable family ties and cocky american charm?" jack snickered.
tuning out his teammates, logan slid out of the booth as a kid rock song began to play. the girl was alone at the bar, her muscular escort in the back playing a round of pool with some college students that he appeared to know.
clearing his throat, logan took a seat at the barstool next to her.
"that seat is taken." her voice was deeper than he expected, her texan drawl faint. "i don't appreciate it when strange men in bars, where the entire counter seating section is empty, decide to sit right next to me without asking first.
"my apologies." logan dialed up the charm, extending his arm for a handshake. "logan sargeant, future williams f1 driver."
this got her attention.
she swiveled in her seat, raising her eyebrows. her skin was washed purple under the bar lights. up close, logan was wondering if maybe she really was his type.
"i've heard about you, sargeant. you're a pay driver. williams' last hope. i know my shit, and i know that guys like you don't date girls like me."
logan leaned against the bar, trying to pretend that he couldn't hear nicholas, alex and jack laughing at him from the booth. "what do you mean 'guys like me'?"
"cocky florida frat boys who think they're entitled to everything because they have money. and i'm the quiet, independent type who was raised better than to think that dating a man with money would solve all of my problems." she smiled sweetly, playing with the straw in her soft drink. cherry coke, if logan was pressed to make a guess.
she didn't even fucking drink. and he didn't know what to say.
maybe he liked being put in his place.
or maybe he was just looking for a fight.
she laughed. "cat got your tongue, sargeant? god, you're just as shallow as i thought. the kind of television character i'd enjoy making fun of."
"who said i was looking for a relationship? even just a first date?"
"i don't do one night stands. nice try, though."
back at the booth, the other three williams drivers could hardly contain their laughter.
"look at how red he is!" nicholas latifi panted. "she really put him in his place."
alex raised an eyebrow "i think he's enjoying it a little too much, if you know what i mean."
"this has been fun, logan. you're a real charmer, even though i've done all the talking." the mystery girl said, gathering her jacket in her arms and moving to get off the barstool. "but i came here with someone, and we were actually waiting for a table to open up next door."
"is he your boyfriend? you're too good for him."
it was just supposed to be a line. but as he said it, logan was realizing that it was the truth.
"maybe he is, maybe he isn't. what's it to you?"
logan grinned. "i just think you're really pretty."
he shouldn't have done it. every synapse in his body was telling him not to do it. but impulse control and good-decision-making, especially while drunk has never been logan's forte.
so when he kissed her, he should have known there would be consequences.
for a moment, it felt like she was kissing him back. but it's not like he could explore that feeling before his body was yanked away from hers.
"who the fuck do you think you are?" the man in the muscle tank and sweats barked at the driver, who was likely only half the body weight of the tattooed muscle man standing across from him.
"look, i don't want any trouble, dude. she kissed me back!"
she rolled her eyes. "manolo, knock it off."
the bar quieted, the last bars of 'all summer long' fading out. y/n didn;t trust people who knew all the words to more than one kid rock song, and logan looked like the type who had memorized 'all summer long'. that's not to say that she didn't think it might be fun to mess around with him for a little, never going too far or getting too serious.
but the line to 'serious' had been crossed when manolo forgot that he was a family friend, not her older brother.
"no, i won't knock it off, y/n! he kissed you even after you said you were already here with someone."
"don't make a scene!"
nobody was sure who acted first.
it could have been logan, who was just trying to get his polo shirt free from manolo's fingers and accidentally headbutted the man in the arm. it could have been manolo, who'd hold on logan's shirt quickly became a punch in the jaw.
but that's when all hell broke loose.
nicky and jack jumped up from the table to try and separate the two men, just as logan threw his first punch.
nicholas latifi just happened to be the unfortunate fucker who pushed logan back when manolo retaliated, with the canadian catching a fist to the nose.
"that wasn't very nice!" he shouted, holding his now-bleeding face as alex joined the fray, pulling logan back from the italian.
"manolo, stop!" y/n shouted, standing in the middle of the fray. "let's just go."
she watched manolo leave, mumbling and huffing to himself about how men should know better than to make moves on girls who so clearly aren't interested.
not to say that y/n wasn't mildly intrigued by the florida man, but she wouldn't go as far as to say she was interested.
"sorry about manolo. he forgets his place sometimes. and you should learn yours, sargeant." she grinned. "it's at the back of a twenty car grid, bottom of the wdc. i'll see you on the big screen, pay driver."
"thanks for making my night more interesting."
"dude," alex chuckled. "you were in way over your head."
"shut up!"
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
It's karaoke night. What songs do you think each of the hacketteers would sing?
I love this ask and I spent entirely too long thinking about it! Thank you!
Nick: “American Girl” - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. He’ll dedicate this one to Abi and play a whole lot of clumsy but enthusiastic air guitar during the instrumental breaks. He’ll also do really on-the-nose inside joke choices like “Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon (he'll change 'London' to 'Melbourne' because he's really lame) or “Once Bitten, Twice Shy” by Great White.
Emma: “Style” - Taylor Swift. She just reads as a Taylor girlie to me and this one’s a classic. She could do "We Are Never Getting Back Together" but Jacob might cry. So, "Style" it is. Not too tough in range and it doesn’t require her to do the cringey rap-talking part she’d have to do if she picked “Shake It Off” (although that one would also be fun and maybe if Abi gets drunk enough she’ll join Emma onstage and do that part for her).
Jacob: he wants to pick “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey but it has been banned because basic bitches like him just keep singing it. If he’s still moping about Emma, he might choose “Somebody to Love” by Queen. If someone else gets to it first, then it’s The Killers' “Mr. Brightside” all the way until the bar bans that one too.
Kaitlyn: she almost always picks a song you can scream-sing to. She has some rage to get out, okay? Her go-to is either "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" by Joan Jett or "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. If you get enough alcohol in her for her to get in her feelings though, she might do Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart," as a treat.
Laura: "Dog Days are Over" - Florence + The Machine. Is that another werewolf joke? Yes, yes it is. She can't help being overjoyed to say goodbye to the (meat)dog days. She'd probably also absolutely crush "Help I'm Alive" by Metric.
Max: I will never recover from the post that said Max and Dylan would know every step from the JustDance version of “Rasputin” by Boney M (which I think is completely correct) so I’m picking that one for Max. However, if he gets a second song or he’s feeling extremely sentimental, he might do the Michael Bublé version of “L.O.V.E.” for Laura.
Abi: I think Abi's actual musical listening tastes might be a little moodier than this, but for karaoke she wants it light and easy, and it doesn't get much lighter or easier than ABBA. "Dancing Queen" or "Mamma Mia." She'd really like it if Emma would come sing backup for her so she doesn't have to go up by herself.
Dylan: He never does the same song twice; he wants everyone to be surprised every time. He's done Lady Gaga's "Poker Face. He's done "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! At the Disco." He's done Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream." Tonight, it's "Still Into You" by Paramore.
Ryan: He can't believe he got talked into this. Ryan hates attention and doesn't really love the sound of his own voice. He would prefer to sit quietly and watch everyone else perform. Beer won't be enough, Ryan will have to drink an entire pitcher of LITs to be drunk enough to sing. Then he will sing "Love You Madly" by CAKE and absolutely slay. Dylan will be facedown on their table pretending to have fainted when he gets back.
Bonus: Duets!
Laura and Max have perfected their version of “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John and Kiki Dee. You should really see it. There’s choreo and everything.
Jacob and Kaitlyn will sing "I Believe in A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness. Nobody knows why. Neither of them has the upper range to pull it off and they know it. It's awful. They're just screeching. Ryan has to go outside until they're finished. His nerves can't take it. They have fun though.
Dylan would really like Ryan to duet with him on Peter Bjorn and John's "Young Folks," he'll even do the girl parts and the whistling! But Ryan's one and done at karaoke, and even that is asking a lot. Instead, Dylan and Nick duet The Proclaimers' "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" in absurd and potentially offensive Scottish accents.
Emma and Abi end up duetting half the time when they're supposed to be doing their own songs anyway, especially when it's Abi's turn! Somehow Emma just ends up there too. But they do "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper together with some frequency and they're great at it.
Bonus 2: Group Number!
You already know what it is. You know what's coming. You get it stuck in your head every time you play the damn game (don't you? I know it's not just me.) How could they not all sing Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" together? Of course they do.
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inlovewithregencyera · 8 months
Elmsworth House, July 4th, 1818
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John: And that damn scandalous politician, Theophile Baxter! I will not be voting for that bloody liberal!
Elizabeth: Please dear, reduce your swearing.
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Peregrine: I wouldn't say Baxter is completely liberal, John. Some of his policies are more conservative than liberal. I don't like him much either though so he doesn't have my vote!
Helena: *sighing* Must you always bring up politics during dinner, Perry?
Peregrine: No dear but-
Helena: I dare say, may we change the topic?
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Ashley: I think Miles Bragg is a very good polit-
Helena and Peregrine: Oh shut it, Ashley!
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Emma: What do you think of this muslin, Laurence? Does it make me look like a proper young lady?
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Laurence: If you ask me about another damn "mouslin" or whatever the devil it's called I believe I'll go mad!
Emma: It's called muslin!
*Laurence sighs*
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William: Mar-Dear Ms. Ramsbury. Are you enjoying your dinner?
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Martha: Yes-yes. Quite well.
William: Capital!
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Aurelia: I think your muslin is lovely Ms. Carew. Please disregard your dear brother.
Emma: Oh thank you, Lady Aurelia!
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Patience: Oh yes, it's very lovely. I'm not sure why Mr. Carew hates muslin so!
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Laurence: My apologies my dearest Lady...oh and Mrs. Ramsbury.
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Aurelia: *whispering* Why are you looking at me like that? Are you cross?
Frederick: *whispering* Am I cross, "My dearest Lady.."? Perhaps I "je n'aurais pas à résister à l'envie d'embrasser tes lèvres pulpeuses et d'embrasser ta silhouette parfaite..." or whatever the hell he said.
Aurelia: Oh heavens, it worked.
Frederick: Whatever do you mean it worked?!
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Aurelia: You paid no compliments to my hair. I thought you didn't notice it. I did it this way for you and you paid me no compliments!
Frederick: I noticed you and your pretty blue silks the moment you stepped into the drawing room. Had I not been engaged in conversation with your uncle, I would've gone and talked to you.
Aurelia: I'm sure of it. I still haven't received a compliment on my hair from you, perhaps I shall invite Mr. Carew to my birthday in four da-
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Frederick: Dearest, sweetest, loveliest Lily. I love your gorgeous hair and how those little ringlets adorn your beautiful face. I love that style and if it makes you happy, I would wish you wear it more often. Not saying I don't like any other style you wear, but that one is my favorite so far. Is this good enough for you? Please know that I sincerely mean it.
Aurelia: *blushing* More than good enough.
Frederick: Now will you stop giving that scoundrel any ounces of your attention and affection?
Aurelia: I shall try.
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Aurelia: *giggling* I shall be cordial with him. It is the polite thing to do. You're also a fool if you ever think Cornelius Grey would allow one of his daughters to marry a second son! Let alone an atheist. I'm sure he will invite you to stay with us in Brindleton at Paelford.
Frederick: *laughing* I hope he does. But you tease me too much. You enjoy vexing me.
Aurelia: Admit that you like it when I vex you.
Frederick: I only like it when I do not have the urge to rip someone's tongue from their throat.
Aurelia: Frederick Worthington!
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This grandiose dinner continued for the next hour until everyone was stuffed. Aurelia found herself mainly conversing with Frederick throughout this dinner, and no one paid them any mind. It was quite obvious to everyone in the room, including Laurence of the affection they shared, even if it was in modesty due to them being surrounded by others. Peregrine, knowing the coming events decided that the gentlemen would not smoke directly after dinner. Once the table was cleared of dinner and dessert plates, William Carew mustered the courage to arise to make a speech, with his wine glass in his hand.
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William: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed family and friends, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude. The warmth in my heart exceeds the glow of any candle that graces this room. Before we head to the drawing room, I must share with you a moment that has forever altered the course of my life. A fortnight ago, at the ball held by Viscount Markham, I dared to utter words that have forever changed the trajectory of my and Ms. Ramsbury's future. I asked a question that resides in the chambers of every romantic heart. A question that binds souls and weaves fabrics of destiny.
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William: I inquired if she would be my forever partner in this so-called journey called life. I asked Miss Martha Ramsbury if she would be my loving, and faithful wife. I am pleased to tell you she has happily accepted!
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Helena: Oh my goodness! My dear girl is to be wed, how wonderful! I shall have to ask my dear brother if you two may tie the nuptials at Auglire! Oh Peregrine, how blessed are we!
Peregrine: *in between tears* Yes, quite blessed my dear!
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William: To love, to friendship, and to the uncharted seas of me and my dear bride's shared future-cheers!
Everyone in the room stood, and the room was filled with the clinking of crystal, followed by a chorus of heartfelt congratulations and well-wishes. The only one who didn't seem to wish the couple good wishes was Patience Ramsbury, who Aurelia couldn't help but notice her fake smile and discomfort.
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Laurence Carew ordered nearby footmen to bring him a bottle of brandy.
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John and Elizabeth Carew let out a long sigh at how embarrassed they were by this son of theirs. But their annoyance didn't last long, for their firstborn and heir to their estate was to marry Miss Martha Ramsbury! At this moment, Aurelia realized who Laurence reminded her of. No other than that of Thaddeus Skeffington, a man whom she had a lot of disdain for. Despite her teasing Frederick to get him jealous, she knew she could never marry someone like Laurence. Laurence was more up to speed with her friend Villoria. Frederick was the only man she could ever see herself marrying.
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Although she was happy for Martha, she couldn't help but wish she had a ring on her finger and a lace bonnet on her head to share Martha's bliss. How she wished she was Lady Worthington, Countess of Henford. Oh, how she regretted rejecting Frederick's proposal. Perhaps they even would have had babies by now had she accepted.
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okay okay yes i KNOW i should be writing my fanfic BUT
Community characters as AJJ songs bc it's my favorite show and favorite band :] (If you want anyone added, feel free to ask!) Jeff Winger - Brave As A Noun. Okay, hear me out. This song not only applies to him lyrically but also shares the energy he has in the later seasons. He's just forcing himself to be satisfied with a life he doesn't really want, but also doesn't hate, is very season six finale. That is very much BAAN.
Britta Perry - Dissonance. It really has her energy. From the pilot to the finale, it fits her consistently despite her major character change. She is not put together. She hates herself because everyone's told her to. Britta is the best, but no one sees that. Not even herself. The only people who treated her with respect were the people she spent the least amount of time with! Think about it, she's had - what? - One touching scene with Duncan and Pierce each? She deserves more.
Abed Nadir - Goodbye, Oh Goodbye. Just listen to the song and you'll agree. This is mostly because of Troy's departure or in Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas. Whenever he has to confront his emotions, he has this distance between himself and everyone else. The opening lines, "I was thrown onto the ground/I was locked inside a basement/The guards went on vacation while I plotted my revolt." really, really, REALLY reminds me of 'Virtual Systems Analysis' when Annie's talking to Abed in the mind locker. It's a sad song, but it really fits him. The line "It's nothing like the nothingness that normally numbs one pain" is very clearly related to Troy. He got so used to Troy, and he never took him for granted, but Troy became a constant. He was Abed's anchor, and now he's gone.
Annie Edison - No one. This is Annie, particularly as the Ace of Hearts in 'A Fistful Of Paintballs'.
Troy Barns - A Big Day for Grimley. It's giving post-sea voyage Troy. He's changed, he's traumatized, and he's a little bit alone. He's proud of himself but is full of regret. What happened to Abed? He doesn't know.
Pierce Hawthorne - People Ii: The Reckoning. THIS IS PIERCE!!! Now, many of you know I love Pierce, so if you don't then you might not agree with this choice lmao
Pierce is sad. He is so sad. In Britta's words, he has spent so long looking out for himself, but he would give it all up for a shot at a family. He never gets that family. The study group never fully accepts him, despite his efforts and his becoming a better person with their help. Even Annie, the nicest to him in the group, seems to see him as a project or something. Like, he's just some old racist, homophobic old man, and not someone with 60+ years of trauma that he gradually works through with the help of his friends. He gains a brother. He defends the LGBTQ+ community. He wants nothing more than to be close to Jeff. And he dies alone.
So, yeah. "Here's to you Mrs. Robinson, people love you more, oh nevermind."
Dean Craig Pelton - Human kittens. No, I don't know why. Someone needs to give him a hug (Jeff).
Ben Chang - Dipping Things In Stuff. I don't know, he's batshit. He wants love though, just like the rest of us. This is very seasons 5/6 of Chang, I believe.
Buzz Hickey - Hate, rain on me. Tired, nihilistic, and praying for hope. I really like this song for him.
Elroy Patashnick - Normalization Blues. Don't ask me why. It works.
Ian Duncan - Fucc The Devil. Sad, distant, desperate, and hallow. But enough about Duncan. This song is the perfect example of, "I have what I want. Why am I still not okay?" which is what Duncan faces a lot. "I wanna go away for a while/Away for awhile/Because the things that I have seen/Are turning me into a shitty human being." Look me in the eyes and tell me that's not Ian. This man deserves so much more then people will let him have. Don't get me wrong, he's awful. But aren't we all, just a little bit?
Frankie and Shirley are too sane for this band im sorry to them
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thirstnotes · 2 years
| Rivals to Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Two - Steal Your Girl Clark |
Pairings: Clark Kent x AFABBlackPlusSizedReader
Warnings: language, shameless shenanigans, typos, morally gray Clark, thirst, attempts at humor, angst, smut later, minors DNI, you use me I use you dynamic, she fell hard he fell harder tropey goodness
Ya’ll know the drill: If you don’t like it, don’t read it
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“So let me get this straight. You want me to help you nab Lois from Luke?” you asked, enjoying the coffeehouse ambiance. It was one of your favorite spots. Kissing up Clark was one of your favorite Clarks. Second only to Hot, Steal Your Girl Clark.
“Pretty much,” he said, watching you quietly enjoy your favorite coffee and baked treat. He opted for a simple black coffee. All business.
“What did you have in mind? Make Lois jealous by making her think you’re dating me?” you laughed, pinching off another piece of your pastry, “I might not be an expert, but if she started dating another dude while you were both single, chances are she’s not gonna care if you’re dating somebody.”
His expression never faltered, smirk still in place on his stupidly handsome face. “Believe me, I know she will. People tend to want things they can’t have.”
For once he took a sip and it was your turn to try and figure him out. Since when was Mr. Do Everything Right into passive aggressive manipulation and scheming?
“That include you?”
His eyes pierced yours much like they did when he announced his intent in the first place. “Especially me.”
You shook off the shiver it gave you.
“Yeah but me though? Shouldn’t you be asking Wonder Woman or somebody? I heard y’all are tight,” you sassed, unknowingly making his body tense a bit at the phrasing. You were, of course, talking about his recent story with the Princess that he had managed to scoop from under you yet again. Perry said it was written like they were old friends, to which Clark had responded that it was like talking to an old friend. Still, you didn’t realize how closely that hit home for him. How dangerously close you were to putting two and two together.
You were very clever. He’d always liked that about you.
Unbeknownst to you, while you slurped down your snack:
Clark thought you were a snack
He thinks this is a ploy to get Lois, but tbh he sealed his fuckin fate asking you to be his fake girlfriend. We all know this. Don’t act surprised. Or do. I’m not the boss of you
“She was busy,” he sassed back and you rolled your eyes with a sarcastic laugh.
“Besides. I’m sure seeing you in another man’s arms might wake something up in Ol’ Luke.” Ol’Luke. The way he said it, you’d thought it left a bad taste in his mouth. Understandable. You weren’t feeling Lois too deep either. Still, you had to laugh again. Luke did not want you. He’d had plenty of chances, but he dove under Lois Lane first chance he got.
“Mmhm,” you hummed again, swallowing another bite.
He watched you suck some fritter icing from the heel of your hand casually as you read a message that had popped up on your phone, eyes fixed on the warm muscle running across your bottom lip in satisfaction. You were absolutely adorable. Messy and comfortable with him. Eating like he wasn’t even there asking you a question that would throw most women. But you just laughed at the idea.
Now, however, you were frowning at your phone. His eyes curiously flickered from it to you.
“This bitch just—“ you said, taking a deep breath and regaining your composure.
“What happened?” Clark asked with a frown of his own now. You paused, trying to keep from flipping the table in front of you. You were raised better than that. After a couple of taps of reply, you dropped your phone to the table.
“Luke just messaged me. He’s gonna take Lois to the cooking class from now on.”
You chewed on your lip and picked apart the paper wrapper that held the devoured fritter that was now turning sour in your stomach. You hated everything. Life. This town. That job. The class. Luke. Lois. Clark looking at you like he felt sorry for you. You hated it all. Especially the fact that Clark was there for what was one of the lowest lows you’d ever experienced.
“It’s stupid,” not really giving much of a shit anymore, since it was all being blown open anyway, “I know we weren’t even dating, but it feels like a breakup, you know?”
He quietly listened to your rant, taking the opportunity to drink his coffee. Truthfully, the hurt in your voice destroyed him; it took everything in him not to crush the cup in his hand. Sure you were abrasive, but amidst all the back and forth, a friendship blossomed between you. One close enough that made him want to crush Luke’s windpipe for doing you dirty like that. It was abhorrent. He liked to think the man was more decent than that, but clearly not. He swallowed, ready to leave you be and call the whole thing off, but your eyes met his again.
“Fuck it. Let’s do this.”
“What? You sure?” he asked, obviously thrown. You wiped a stray tear threatening to fall, righteous petty anger bubbling beautifully to the surface.
“Yeah. There’s no way I’m losing my slot in class because he decided to downgrade. No offense.”
He shrugged awkwardly, an amused smirk returning to his face.
You went back to his place to discuss the rules
Insert montage featuring “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish
Because every good scheme deserves a great soundtrack
Rule 1: Feed off of each other’s energy
“Like a dance. I lead a little, you lead a little,” he elaborated, rounding you closely, erasing your personal space completely. He slipped his hand in yours and turned to gaze down at you. You stood your ground, eyes flickering from his to his soft, warm lips. You just knew they were. Absolute traps. You pressed two fingers against them when he came closer.
“Which brings me to rule two.”
Rule 2: No kissing unless the situation calls for it
“What qualifies as the situation calling for it?” he asked with an amused smirk. You pulled back and sat on the arm of his couch while he went to grab a couple of drinks from the fridge.
“I dunno. Like if people are watching us be all lovey dovey and expect a kiss? Kiss. Mistletoe is a traditional obligation. Also New Years.”
“Exactly how long do you see us carrying on this charade?” he laughed, handing you a Coke.
“I like to plan ahead. Point is, you’ll know it when you see it,” you said snapping it open with a bottle opener. He simply twisted his off.
“Okay, damn, Superman, careful with that brute strength.”
He laughed at the irony of the comparison, dipping his head modestly. “Anyway.”
Rule 3: Chemistry
“We have pretty good chemistry as it is,” you pointed out, taking a swig of your drink, practically straddling the arm of his couch now. His eyes quietly acknowledged your point—and your position.
“True enough. We’ve got arguing down. But, to tell you the truth, I don’t tend to argue with my lovers at every turn.”
“Really? You mean you don’t bring that out in every woman you meet?”
He rolled his eyes at you. “Shocking, I know. C’mere.”
You heaved a puff of air and set your drink down, lazily climbing off your comfortable post and approaching him. His broad hands captured your hips and pulled you the remaining distance to him, his eyes still in yours. You fell against him with a soft “oof”. A sound you weren’t familiar with. At least not tumbling from your lips.
“You okay?”
“After being manhandled? Yeah I think I can deal,” you joked, hands on his broad, hard, chest.
Seriously, what did this man do? Eat boulders every morning?
He was Superman
He had to be
You never saw them in the same room together. I mean.
It was possible
“Y/N,” he softly reprimanded, his grip around your hips firming a bit. It was kinda sexy. You liked chemistry training.
“Sorry, you’re just so easy,” you laughed, mostly at the irony at using the word “easy”. Since you were the one melting in his arms. But if he was gonna use you, you were gonna use him too.
“You’re not gonna quietly let me seduce you, are you?”
“Wow. Okay. Are you seducing me now?” you asked with a surprised hum. He rolled his eyes again.
“To prove a point.”
“You sure you don’t just like feeling me up?”
“You’re gonna give me hell the entire time, aren’t you?”
“You always did know me.”
It was his turn to huff and puff, only he did so with a laugh. He slid his hands a bit lower, nesting in the small of your back. Such a small action shouldn’t have affected you like it did, but you both knew it did.
Shit, Clark had game. Lois was a lucky bitch
Fuck. You were seriously getting a little jealous
You knew this was a bad idea, but it felt so good
Were you that touch starved? You liked to think you weren’t
But right now, you were such a slut for the delicious weight of his hands at the top of your ass
“Chemistry,” he purred—the man purred at you, for Hera’s sake—“isn’t always arguing, L/N.”
“I know that,” you joked, smoothing your hands up his chest and looping them over his shoulders, “It’s just kinda my love language. Well. With you anyway.”
“We have a love language now?” he volleyed back, breath tickling your lips. You opened your mouth, but your back pocket vibrated and interrupted your thought. You paused, common sense smacking you in the back of the head and bringing you back to reality.
“Well, I mean. You know what I mean,” you laughed, turning your head and letting him go to answer it. He let you slip from his grip with a small frown. “Hello?…Yeah, Luke. Whats’ up?”
Your eyes flickered toward Clark, but he wasn’t standing in the same place. You listened to him try to explain his text and how he didn’t have time to call you instead. Or whatever. You couldn’t really register anything when Clark appeared behind you, snaking his hands around your waist, pulling a small purring laugh from you. You were ticklish. He had to make a mental note of that for later.
“Y/N, what are you doing? I was waiting,” he hummed needily in a low tone, mouth beside the receiver. You gawked at him, a bit embarrassed at your shameless interactions assaulting Luke’s ear.
There was a pause on his end. “Oh I’m. Are you busy?”
Before you could answer, Clark scooped the phone from your grasp. “Very.” You audibly gasped as he hung up. You thought you were gonna combust as he set the phone back into your open palm, dumb grin on your face.
“Really? I can’t believe you did that.”
“Take no prisoners,” he smirked, looking very satisfied with himself.
Maybe it wasn’t his place to roast Luke for being an insensitive asshole
But damn it felt good to listen to him choke on his own tongue at the sound of you having more than a little fun on your end.
You both ended the day on that note, things having gotten a bit too high energy for you both. Though Clark seemed even more rejuvenated than normal; he’d even asked if you wanted to order a little dinner in. But in truth, you didn’t trust yourself. Steal Your Girl Clark—rather just Clark Kent himself—was proving to be very problematic indeed. He was charming, funny, awkward yet smooth as Egyptian silk when he wanted to be.
You were trippin’
By trippin, I mean trippin and fallin deep into this farm boy’s arms
He had you
You hated it
It was sick
But he had you and you loved it
Who cared if he was using you to get to Lois?
Right now, you had him and it felt so damn good
(Part 3)
(Part 1)
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alwayschasingrainbows · 8 months
Number three in Emily's Quest
I had never before considered how important the symbolism of the number three was in the final book of the Emily of New Moon trilogy.
Of course, somewhere in the dark corner of my mind, there were memories of frequent references to "three am" and "white nights", but I didn't realize how often the number three manifested itself in the pages of this novel. Here are some examples:
At the beginning of the novel, Emily's three close friends (Teddy, Ilse and Perry) leave their hometown to persue their dreams, while Emily stays in Blair Water.
During their last conversation before Teddy leaves, he and Emily discuss how much they hate the agony of three o'clock in the morning.
When Emily tries to comfort Teddy (who fears that by leaving he is doomed to failure), she notices Vega of the Lyre, shining above the "Three Princesses" (i.e. the three lombard poplars). Emily and Teddy then make their life-long vow to think of each other every time they see this star.
Emily says that there is "no three o'clock in the morning in that star."
Some time later, Emily writes in her diary that "This was a 'big day.' I had three acceptances."
As Emily watches over the dying Mr. Carpenter's bed, she notices that he becomes "restless" at three in the morning. They share a conversation in which Mr. Carpenter warns Emily to write only for herself. He dies shortly thereafter.
Dean's eyes are described as a mixture of three expressions: tenderness, passion and sorrow, when he tells Emily that her stories are only "pretty cobwebs".
As Montgomery puts it "Only three dynamic things happened that year to vary the noiseless tenor of Emily's way." (Emily's "love affair" with Mr. Wallace, Emily falling in and out of love with Aylmer Vincent).
Emily suffers numerous white nights, and the agony of "three a.m." is mentioned many times.
Emily has an idea for her first book at three in the morning: "In her first anguish of loneliness, as she lay awake at three o'clock, Emily had remembered a certain wild winter night when she and Ilse and Perry and Teddy had been "stormed in" in the old John House on the Derry Pond [...] that night of rapt delight "thinking out" a story that had flashed into her mind at a certain gay, significant speech of Teddy's."
Seller of Dreams (Emily's first novel) is rejected three times. After the first rejection, Emily needs three weeks to recover, before she is able to send her book to another publisher.
Dean, asked to review Emily's books, brings it back three nights later. Again, he tells her the book is "Cobwebs—only cobwebs".
When Emily gets injured, three doctors are called.
Emily writes in her diary: "not althogether the [...] failure she supposes bitterly when three MSS. are rejected in succession."
Ilse tells Emily there are times she wants to tell Teddy "something [...] he'd think of for years whenever he woke up at three o'clock o'night."
Murrays are worried for three weeks that Emily might fall in love with a "handsome, dashing Jack Bannister, the Derry Pond Don Juan—"a picturesque scoundrel,"
Emily writer in her diary "How much difference in one's outlook three acceptances make!"
Emily reads a letter about Ilse and Teddy's engagement three times.
Ilse and Teddy's wedding is supposed to take place in the afternoon, at three o'clock.
Ilse and Perry's midnight car escapade takes place three nights before Ilse and Teddy's wedding day.
Ilse's Aunt - Mr. Isabella Hyslop - believes that the wedding isn't going to go well, because she saw a "fragment of an old election poster, 'Blue Ruin,' in black letters three inches long staring us in the face." (She has been married three times herself).
When Teddy comes back to Emily, Three Princesses are mentioned again ("in that old-world garden where the three Lombardies still kept guard.").
In my opinion, the number three is the most important number in this novel.
It appears as many as thirty-seven times and mostly suggests something negative or unpleasant. It is often used to describe Emily's depression and loneliness, her sleepless nights and moments of weakness.
It appears often in the context of Teddy; it is with him that Emily talks about how difficult this hour is for her, when, looking at the three poplars, they make a lifelong promise to each other.
However, it is also a number that manifests itself in the context of her literary career (her first novel was rejected three times, her short stories were accepted for publication three times).
As for Dean, this number only appears when he is belittling Emily's literary talents (when he refers to her writing as "cobwebs"). During the description of their engagement, there is no mention of this number (except in Emily's "white nights").
This number also often appears in reference to Ilse and Teddy's relationship (especially if Perry or Emily are concerned!). It is the hour Teddy and Ilse are planning to wed, or the number of times Emily reads Ilse's news about the engagement. Perry and Ilse's midnight car-drive takes place three days before Ilse and Teddy's wedding.
To end this too-long post, let me quote:
"The number 3 is a very mystical and spiritual number featured in many folktales (three wishes, three guesses, three little pigs, three bears, three billy goats gruff). [...]
Plato saw 3 as being symbolic of the triangle, the simplest spatial shape, and considered the world to have been built from triangles." [*]
[*] https://www.britannica.com/topic/number-symbolism
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lewmagoo · 2 years
Leah I have a Rhett thought that I really wanna share with you but I dunno if you'll like it or not.
Rhett x wifey!reader adopting Amy as a baby after Perry left her in the Wabang General Store (Royal and Cecelia were probably rip-shit after they found out) and ever since then, Amy calls Rhett x wifey "mommy and daddy" instead of Perry.
rhett had tried to give his brother the benefit of the doubt. he'd tried to understand his grief. tried to put himself in perry's shoes. how would rhett feel, if he lost you? he couldn't fathom the thought of you not being in his life. the thought was nearly more than he could bear. he supposed he could cut perry some slack. but there was a nagging in the back of his mind. a feeling that something just wasn't right. part of him didn't trust perry. and he hated it. hated the fact that he had to question his own brother's morals. hated that it was even a possibility in his mind that perry had done something to rebecca. but it was there just the same, because he knew how perry could get. knew how terrifying he could be when he went into a blind rage. rhett had been on the receiving end of that rage many a time.
it had only gotten worse since rebecca disappeared. and now, perry was essentially a single father, with a little baby to care for. if he didn’t have his parents, and you and rhett looking out for little amy, it was almost certain that she would suffer from neglect. and that was what really angered rhett. when he looked at that little one, he was filled with only love. how could anyone disregard her existence? how could anyone neglect to give her the care she needed? it took everything in rhett to keep his mouth shut. he was tired of fighting. tired of riding perry’s ass over it, because his words always fell on deaf ears. perry was too wrapped up in his own grief to focus on his child.
but it made rhett so angry, because in the midst of it all, was you. you wanted a child of your own so badly. but your body would not allow it. no matter how many times you tried, no matter how many specialists you saw. your womb remained empty and your heart was heavy. rhett knew that you would be a wonderful mother. you would love and care for your child so deeply. so to him, it wasn’t fair that perry got to have a child that he didn’t even care for, when that was all you’d ever wanted. rhett saw the way you handled amy. you loved her like she was your own. except, she wasn’t. and the one line that you didn’t want rhett to cross was trying to take custody of that little one. “she should stay with her daddy,” you insisted. but even you could see that her daddy was not capable of being the father she needed.
but as time went on, it seemed that perry was slipping further into madness. he essentially stopped taking care of amy altogether, leaving you and cecelia to mind her. and the more time you spent watching over her, the deeper your bond with her grew. you were so attached to her, she might as well have come from your own loins. but she wasn’t yours. not truly. she was still perry’s child, and there were times when he insisted on taking her on excursions with him. you didn’t like it, but you had no choice but to allow it. you couldn’t very well bar him from seeing his own daughter. but then came the fateful day when perry left her behind in the general store in town.
you and rhett were the only ones home that day when the store owner, mrs. alban, called the house phone. you were just sitting down to eat the lunch you'd prepared after a long morning of guiding one of the animals through birthing a calf. when the phone rang, you were tempted to ignore it, but when it started ringing again just after you let it go, you groaned and stood to your feet, shuffling over to the phone and lifting it from the hook. "mrs. abbott?" she spoke. "yes. younger mrs. abbott. rhett's wife," you answered. "ah, well, i'm calling because it seems that perry left little amy all alone in my store. just walked out empty handed without a care in the world. i tried to find him but he was gone."
you turned to rhett, your eyes wide. placing a hand over the receiver, you hissed, "perry left amy all alone at the general store." he stood abruptly from his chair, sending its wooden legs scraping against the old linoleum. "what?" and that was how you found yourself in his truck, speeding toward wabang. "i can't believe he'd fuckin' do this," rhett growled, white knuckling the steering wheel. "well, i can believe it, i just don't want to." he was vibrating, rippling with rage that he kept in check, waiting to let it out at the right moment. you knew that moment would be whenever perry decided to show his face again. but for now, his only priority was to make sure amy was safe. and she was, mrs. alban had many children, and was perfectly capable of caring for the little babe in the time it took for you to get there. that didn’t stop you from running into the store and immediately taking amy out of her carrier, hugging her close to your chest.
“poor baby,” you hummed, kissing the top of her little blonde head. “i’m here, i’m right here.” you weren’t quite sure why you were moved to tears, but the emotion of the situation caught up with you, and you closed your eyes, trying to keep it together. you thanked mrs. albany, and then grabbed amy’s carrier and headed back outside, while rhett remained in the store for a minute more, asking a few questions about the situation. while you waited for him, you walked back and forth along the sidewalk, bouncing amy in your arms. she seemed entirely unbothered, in that innocent way that only babies can be. “i’m so sorry, sweet girl,” you whispered. “i’m sorry your daddy doesn’t care for you like he should. i’m sorry your momma is gone. i’m sorry…i’m sorry that i’m not your momma.” and that was what brought those repressed tears forth.
just as rhett came out of the store, you turned to him, the tears streaming down your cheeks. “this isn’t fair! i should be her momma! i would never do this to her. never! how come perry is allowed to have a child he doesn’t even care about, when all i’ve ever wanted is one of my own?!“ you wailed. those deep blue eyes you loved so much welled with his own tears, and he rushed toward you, pulling you into his arms. one of his large hands rested atop amy’s head. “i don’t know, baby. i-i don’t know.” then he pulled back, tipping your chin up. “but i do know that this ain’t gonna happen ever again. i’m not letting him put this baby in danger. we’re going to take custody of her.” before, you might’ve disagreed, might’ve told him it wasn’t right to take amy away from her father. but now, you didn’t care. something had to be done, and fast.
that decision plunged you into a drawn out production. although perry could not care for amy, he adamantly refused to allow you to take her. he went off the rails, to the point where you feared for your own safety, and rhett had to intervene to see to it that his brother didn’t hurt you. that moment in time was horrible. it scared you, and only solidified the fact that this man was not fit to be a father. the court recognized this as well, and soon, you were granted full custody of amy. that day was one of mixed emotions. but ultimately, when you went home at the end of the day, holding that little one in your arms, your little one, a sense of peace washed over you. she was not your child by blood, but in your heart of hearts, she was still yours. and she was safe, loved, and cared for by two people who wanted only what was best for her.
together, you built a life for your little family of three. you were able to take on that role of motherhood like you’d always wanted. and rhett? he relished in being a father. he protected and nurtured amy as if she was his own. although you had gone through so much to get to this point, it all felt well worth it in the end. as amy grew, so did your love for her. and you swore, along with rhett, that love was all she’d ever know. she would never experience a raised voice or a harmful hand. she would know gentleness and peace. and that was a promise you would keep for the rest of your life.
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