#I spend all day thinking abt my old job and how much better it was in every way
spookykestrel · 1 month
Chat how soon is too soon to return to a job after being thrown a goodbye celebration under the pretense of you moving across the country 🫣
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fatesmono · 5 months
valentines day with yoongi
✮⋆˙ warning : some language + i haven’t written in half a year so.
✮⋆˙ this is an “x reader” so yk insert gender <3
✮⋆˙a.n : so todays valentine’s day (its the 13th at 11:59 posting this, great job me :3). so happy valentines i guess. i’m spending it celebrating jaehyun's birthday and writing abt my husband who’s in the war. i haven’t written in like, six years (six months) so pls go easy on me 
✮⋆˙enjoy loves <3333 happy valentines day !!
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i never liked valentine’s day. it was always a stupid ass holiday if i do say so myself. am i saying that bc i never had a good valentine ? …maybe so, why are you so nosy ?? anyways, that was before i met him, min yoongi. i never met a man who says he hates a holiday so much but also goes all out for it. our first valentines last year i expected him to not really get me anything or like a bouquet of flowers since it wasn’t that much…i got a bouquet alright, like seven of them (he had said he didn’t know which one i would like so he just got me all of the ones he thought i would want), plus a shit ton of chocolate and just little things like one of his hoodies and this ring i had been eyeing for like months beforehand. so much for “valentines day isn’t really my thing” right ? all men do is lie, even min yoongi.
okay but anyways, here we are now, a year later. i wanna prove myself this year, i refuse to be out-valentines’d by him, no matter what that takes. now just one problem, he’s rich, i work at a coffee shop. shit, i know right ? but we will make it work i don’t care. 
so have i had this planned out for the last two months like a gta heist ? yes. but i NEED this day to go perfect. did it ? NO. NO IT DIDNT. first the necklace i got him with his name won’t be ready until the 17th, and then the kiss hoodie i was working on for him GETS BLEACHED SPILLED ON HIM, curtesy of our cat, johnny, and then; if it wasn’t going awful anyway, the cupcakes i made for him burned. and i’m going to his studio as we speak…this is my thirteenth reason. so right now all we have is his favorite flowers, a bleached hoodie with my kisses and a book of poems i wrote for him, sigh. SIGH. and if it didn’t help, he already gave me half of my gift before he left and it’s ten times better. A ROSE GOLD NECKLACE, he got me a rose gold encrusted with the sun because “i’m the sun to his moon”, he makes me wanna bash my head sometimes from how sweet he is. 
so getting to his studio, the definition of “shaking in my little boots”. i can hear him practicing his music from outside his studio, it’s like walking into beethoven working on smth if beethoven was your 30 year old idol boyfriend for a kpop group, if that makes sense, which is doesn’t so. anyways, i put in the code for his studio (it’s our anniversary, excuse me while i cry.) and quietly walk in to not disturb him, which isn’t that hard since he has tunnel vision as he invented it, and quietly tap his shoulder gently to get his attention. he turns around, taking off his headphones and noticing me with a small smile on his face, which might as well have been a kiss from him then and then. 
“hey love, happy valentine’s day, what are you doing here ?”, god why does he have to have such a perfect voice; it’s like he doesn’t even have to try. i go on to give him to give him his gift and try to explain that i had much more to give him and i knew it wasn’t enough to give and- and he cuts me off. good job if i do say so myself because the yapping i do, i could win a medal. 
“honey honey, this is perfect…you didn’t even have to get me anything, and you wrote me poems…that’s like writing me a song, this means the world to me. you remembered my favorite flowers, and this hoodie..i don’t think i’ve ever gotten a gift like this from anyone before, not even the guys. thank you so much…”, and my heart just turns into a puddle then and there. all my worries gone in a second, how does he do it ? he really should’ve become a therapist in another life, but i guess he does that with his music. but anyways, did i expect him to like the gift ? absolutely not. i did try to pay for dinner that night and he still didn’t let me do it, saying it was “an extra gift” as if i needed anymore gifts. remind me next to try and not outgift a rich idol who’s secret love language is definitely gift giving. 
i’m still getting next years gifts ready anyways. i’m so winning next year, i don't care.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 9 months
bc im bored and bc i wanna see ppl rant about their ocs
i order you to rant abt ur rottmnt oc, gimme every single detail, just let it all out and have fun
OMG I've been waiting for an ask like this!!! LOL I HAVE IT ALL WRITTEN DOWN AND EVERYTHING 💀😭🙏 TYSM ^^
Tamsin is 15 years old all through season 1, 16 in season two, and 17 in the movie! While most moments with her via future, she ranges from 21-42.
Tamsin is super laid back and kinda has that Surfer dude attitude some of the older iterations of the guys had, but she's also super outgoing and ready for anything, wether it be a dance party, or a girls day out with April going mall shopping... Or fighting a bunch of Foot Clan soldiers and going on a car chase after Warren and Hypno.
Unlike her poor gal-pal, April, Tamsin has a job! While it's not the greatest, little pay, and maybe a bit rat infested, she's glad she has it. She works at a 60s themes burger joint, you know the kind with roller-skating waiters and waitresses? Yep, that's Tams. Speaking of which, she is very skilled in skating! It's one of the things she uses when keeping up with Badguys or the Turtles.
While Tamsin seems super chill, she does have this... Competitive side...
You see, she's a people pleaser - always has been since it's what she seeks from her mother and father desperately.
Her whole life she'd spend trying to seek the approval and attention of her parents, whether it be learning the piano or joint the swim team- Tamsins grown up involved in MANY things - specifically sports.
Tamsin plays baseball, basketball, tennis, softball, she's still on the swim team, and she does track, karate, and hockey.
Is she good at all of these... Depends. Does she have that scary competitive spirit that somehow makes her survive through all of these?- defitnely yes.
There is one thing that Tamsin finds herself quite good at and definitely has her eyes set out on achieving moreover in life, and that's boxing/the wrestling team.
Tamsin is a grade A rough houser who likes the thrill and easy blowing off steam exercise that is these two sports give her- and she's pretty good at it with her brute force and just ready to throw hands whenever wherever.
So yeah, you can either have a Sweet hearted, completely chilled out Tamsin. Or you can decide to invite her to some late night basketball and get a basketball to the head at least twelve times - whether on accident or on purpose. (Sorry Raph-)
Tamsin's Role In TMNT
Her role in every iteration is the one behind the camera for our one and only April O'Neil. She's her right hand in all the reports and stories April can get her hands on.
I was kinda sad we didn't get to see (or rarely saw if you consider the movie) was Rise April and her classic News Reporter role we mostly got through the iterations, but they also made her a teen still in highschool. And it got my thinking... What's something that can keep people updated or have a good gossip, but anyone of any age can do?
A podcast/YouTube videos!
And who better to help the girl out than Tamsin as the video recorder and editor!
While thinking about this too, I also noticed that in highschool, April wasn't exactly 'popular' but she wasn't like- a person people hated or shitted on, she was just kinda there, maybe a bit invisible.
So I feel the same would be for Tamsin, which is why they stick together most of the time, so their channel only had up to 2 subscribers (note, one of those subs is Tam herself)
How she met the guys
So how I feel a Rise episode would play out is Tamsin and April just finished up a little video, April being just a bit down about it, knowing they won't get as much attention on it as she likes. Tamsin tries cheering her up with an idea to go out for a bite and maybe some karaoke or something else fun.
April overall agrees, letting the two set off on a late night adventure.
One thing April kinda forgot was that she's, you know, quite a target for some of the sudden odd dangers of New York given the group of certain friends she hands out with, and it ends up with her, and a very afraid/confused Tamsin getting caught by the Foot Clan.
Of course, after some silly goofy ahh banter, four shadowy figures come to save them. April knows who it is obviously and is very relieved... Tamsin, however...
These are four tall, big, green monsters that just took down an entire freaking army of weird ass cultists, and from where she's looking, attacking her friend (group hug)
So against better judgment, a good five minutes are spent of April trying to pry a metal pipe out of Tamsins' hands as she tries to attack Leo.
A moment it's taken to explain and introduce everyone, and Tamsin is slightly put to ease, willing to give these four supposed turtles benefit of the doubt.
And hopefully to the end of the episode, April is talking to Donnie, he's explaining how he found quite inconvenient that she and her little friend were in peril just as he was in the middle kf watching their latest YouTube video.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
(Hideko anon) No worries! Take all the time you need, and whenever you’re ready, I’d love to hear more about your OC!
thank you anon i swear you don’t know how much i love you <333
anon... anon i love you for this ask <33 i am kissing you on the cheek thank you!! thank you so much for asking this!! you’ve enabled my infodump button be prepared putting the stuff under the cut bc uh. i started rambling it’s quite long :'3
oookay first of all, she’s inspired by the hideko in the diary of a boy who will never be missed, a fic on ao3 that hasn’t been updated in months (i think it’s been over a year now?). it’s a fic in which hanma gets to have all of kisaki’s diaries after his death and reads through them. so he also writes about his mother (hideko) sometimes. yep the name is from there too but the author said they don’t mind using it even when i p much directly took it from their fic. wanted to mention that bc said fic is a big part of why my hideko even exists lol
the other big inspo was another fic on ao3 called mourning sickness, an absolute banger piece about baji’s mother trying to cope with the loss of her child. also wanted to mention that because reading that secured my want to actually write about kisaki’s mother and thus essentially made me create hideko
soo okay i took so long answering this that the fic abt her actually is out now help. in case you didn’t see it yet, it’s of loving men and /loving/ men and if you prefer to read on ao3 there’s also a link to that :3
anyways since you asked abt her i might as well talk hideko lore. especially bc the fanfic is kinda crypic-ish and the narrative is non-linear. so. on the 15th of november, 1970 she is born in japan. her parrnts are both fully japanese, and she grows up as an only child. her parents, especially her mother, are quite neglectful because they are both busy with their work. though they are rich and buy her whatever she wants. not that that makes it any better- when she’s ten years old, her mother gets a job offer somewhere in europe, and immediately leaves her family for the job without even thinking about it. hideko hasn’t heard from her ever since. from then on, her father makes efforts to get closer to his daughter, and to spend more time together, though hideko is as emotionally absent as her parents are at this point so while they eventually manage to build a healthy relationship, they aren’t really all that close, and hideko still holds personal grudges against her father’s neglect in her earlier childhood. still, even now she supposes that her teen years were some of the best.
the next big chapter in her life starts when she’s 16 and meets her future husband for the first time. he’s half american half japanese, and he’d just moved to japan with his parents after growing up in america, ending up in the same class as hideko, so school is how they meet. he’s a very sweet guy, and hideko falls in love with him pretty quickly. they happily start dating on the 2nd of july in 1987.
the next turning point of hideko’s life is november 15, 1987—her 17th birthday. she celebrates it all by herself because her father is at work, her boyfriend is ‘visiting his grieving mother who’d just lost her husband’ (she doubts that that’s true. she never actually finds out if it was a lie or not), and all of her (fake) friends make up excuses as to why they can’t celebrate with her. it’s an utterly sad day, and it’s when she starts realising that maybe, none of the people who claim to love her actually do.
her boyfriend proposes to her during the summer in which they’re both 19 (1990), and she says yes. even though she’s noticed that he’s not as sweet and kind as he pretends to be, but rather physically & emotionally abusive, plus neglecting to some extent. but she loves him too much.
they get married on the 2nd of july in 1991, when she’s 20. they move into a big two-story house together, even if she’s alone most of the time because her husband works overseas and thus is away most of the time. she’s actually already pregnant with kisaki tetta at this point, who then is born on january 20, 1992, with both his parents being 21.
nothing really major happens until ten years later. during those years, tetta grows up with his father physically abusing his mother and neglecting both of them, as well as his mother neglecting him, too. hideko tries to show her son that she loves him, but she ultimately fails. tetta still has a relatively decent life apart from that, he always has more than enough money, has good food, and has a big room all to himself. hideko makes sure that he’s okay, they just don’t ever really bond. it’s a kind of similar relationship to the one she had with her father. anyways, after those ten years, hideko is finally sick of her husband’s bullshit and abuse, and she pushes him down the stairs. it’s more an accident than anything else, but he dies because of the impact, and she can’t help but feel glad about it, in a way. tetta is the only other person to ever know that she killed him (although it wasn’t truly her intent, she feels some kind of satisfaction) because she tells everyone that he tripped and fell down all by himself, but tetta saw.
her life continues similarily, they’re still rich, and she still has difficulties bonding with tetta. however, she actually truly tries now. she realises he’s all she has left with her mother gone, her father and husband dead, and no other family members that she knows. tetta doesn’t want to be close to her, though, so she’s mostly just miserable.
her life greatly changes on the 22nd of february 2007, when her son gets hit by a truck and dies. she grieves a lot more for him than her husband, and while his death actually relieves her to some extent (which she feels incredibly guilty about), she’s even worse for quite a bit of time before she manages to start healing. she meets hanma at tetta’s grave sometime after he gets buried, and they sometimes accidentally meet there after that, too. in my ‘canon lore’ that’s everything about them, but i like to headcanon that they actually start meeting up on purpose n kinda become found family? idk
that’s really all the lore there is to her lol but uh. she’s about as tall as 2006 tetta, has long, dark brown hair that she usually keeps in a braid, eyes in the exact same shade as tetta, and moles all over her body, the most prominent one right beside the left corner of her mouth! she eventually cuts her her hair to shoulder length and bleaches the underside of it a few months after tetta’s death
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dawnsociety · 3 years
best friend!rowoon
hello everyone, I decided to start my writing work for sf9 with a bullet scenario for rowoon. the tall man has been bothering me a lot recently, idk why but I felt the urge to write something about him being y/n’s bff. I think he’d be an amazing friend, always there to support you :(((((((( okaY ANYWAYS, HERE IT IS.
lemme know if you like it, my ask box is always open!!
best friend!rowoon
okay SO
i think he’s be the most supportive friend you could ever have in your life
no matter what you’re doing, what goal you’re trying to achieve, HE’LL BE THERE FOR YOU
studying hard for an exam? he’ll bring you coffee, trying not to interrupt your study session. working on a very difficult project at work? he’ll send you a text in the morning cheering you up for the day that has just started, or at night, telling you how hard you worked that day.
honestly, you have no idea how he always finds the right words to make you feel bettere but hE DOES!!!! 
you’ve been friends for years yet sometimes you’re amazed by him
he’s the friend you’ve known the longest, and you’re pretty sure you two will get old together
“my friend, it’s time to look for a lovely nursing home where we’ll spend the rest of our lonely lives together”
“who told you I am not going to get married and that i’ll die alone?”
“you won’t, you’re too tall and don’t understand memes”
dsjklfjdlkfd you love teasing him for his height, bc he sulks when you do so and it makes you laugh (evil)
(he’s not the type to sulk easily, but when you call him a hag for not knowing the latest memes his lips turn into a lovely pout)
you’re glad to have this gentle toll man by your side tho!!!!
after all, your friendship started off thanks to his unexpected grow (when you were in 3rd grade and went to his place after school once, you’d ask his mom to cook you what she would usually make for rowoon so you’d grow as tall as him)
(his mom got all flustered and promised you to cook the both of you a delicious meal for dinner)
ANYWAYS, you were in kindergarten, coloring the drawing that you teacher had asked you to make for Mom’s day
you were really proud of it, and were coloring all happily when suddenly this little kid came to you and took the yellow colored pencil from you
you asked him to give it back to you and when he said no, you started crying (ofc, you were a little kid)
before your teacher could intervene, rowoon came to you
the kid who stole your pencil got scared as soon as he saw rowoon, due to his height (he was taller than all the other kids in class)
rowoon told him kindly to give the pencil back to you, and he quietly did so before running away
in the meantime, you had stopped crying. to thank him, you gave him half of you snack
from that point onward, you became besties!!!
always by each other’s side
you basically grew up together, always being at each other’s house
your parents became friends as well, thanks to you
what you love the most about your friendship is how you’ve always given each other space to grow: even when you opted for a different major at uni (which meant moving to a new city) he did not budge, and gave you his unconditional support
(even tho he was dying a little inside, the thought of not having his best friend by his side made him sad but didn’t want to show it so to not upset you)
time passed quickly tho, and you two soon reunited when you found a job near him
he spends most of his time at your place, stealing your food helping you taking care of the house (since you often get back home late from your new job)
as an acting major, he doesn’t have a typical 9 to 5 job so his schedule allows him to adjust his life accordingly
(which means that yes, he’s always at your place)
when you moved, he rented a pick up and came to your old place to help you move
you complained abt it, telling him he didn’t have to but NO!!!! everything for his bestie
when you started showing interest in boys and got into dating, you’d often ask him for advice
and he would tease you, telling you how clueless you are when it comes to love and romance lololol
you’d defend yourself saying how it’s men who aren’t used to communicating (unlike him tho, he was an open book and viceversa)
sometimes you think you don’t reciprocate his affection for you as much as you wish/he deserves, so you get all silent
once you were watching a movie at your place and this thought occured to you
so you got all silent, and rowoon could sense the tension immediately
“hey, is something wrong?”
“uh? uhm no, why?”
he knew you so well he could almost read your mind. “c’mon, tell me. is something going on at work?”
“oh, no no. it’s just... you do so much for me...”
he was looking at you with his big, doe eyes, waiting for you to continue
“...and i don’t do much for you. you helped me move, you’re always there for me when i need to rant, the other day your friends from uni asked you to hang out together but you said no bc of me”
“you were sick, how could i leave you alon-”
“it was just a headache, i took a painkiller and it went away”
“yeah but what if it got worse?”
you paused the movie and turned to him, his gaze fixed on your face
“i don’t want you to get overly worried, or put your life on pause bc of me”
“but i don’t”, he laughed. “to be honest i wasn’t in the mood to hang out that night, but this doesn’t mean i’ll never do that. besides, you do a lot for me, don’t be silly. remember when i injured my back and you halted your schedule to help me? this is not something anyone would do”
you two then hugged (HIS HUGS ARE THE BEST!!!!) and he promised to take you with him the next time he’d hang out with his uni friends
he introduced you to all of them, especially this guy, youngbin, who was older than both of you (he was really cute)
did i mention how he makes the best gifts?
like, you mention something once and he’s like “here!!!! :D for your bday!!!!!”
all in all, rowoon is the bestest of friends you could ever have 
please love him a lot, he deserves nothing but the best :(((
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enby-enderdragon · 3 years
Dude please tell me abt ur mc worldbuilding
Mx Elliott Whycraft, my beloved, I would give you the biggest hug right now if I could
Okie, okie, so its mostly just a pantheon of gods that I’ve made, but I do also have some ideas for, like, holidays and things that would happen on those holidays and things that certain followers of certain deities would do, but I digress. I’ll just tell you about the deities I chose mostly since I don’t wanna be too rambly. I can save the other details for other asks if people really wanna know about that. This is gonna go under a cut bc this might end up being a long post. Like I said, unfortunately for you guys, I’m very autistic and religion worldbuilding is a special interest of mine.
Uhhhhh, warning, possibly some bits that could be considered Slimecicle Cinematic Universe spoilers if you haven’t seen “The HARDEST Minecraft Difficulty” yet??
So, the first deity I chose, of course, is DreamXD, shortened down to XD. He’s the big king of the gods and he has the epithet of “the Prime” since he’s one of the bigger and more worshipped deities in the pantheon. Things like Church Prime in the DreamSMP and Techno’s channel member bell fall under his domain. XD is specifically the god of order and life so, as mortals began to worship the pantheon, it felt natural for XD to rise to the position of God King. XD is also the protector of the Dragon’s Realm. It’s his job to make sure that, if the Enderdragon ever has to die, that she is only killed A) she absolutely has to be because he’s very attached to his Dragons and B) he always makes the the Dragon has a successor.
The second deity I chose was Drista. No one is really sure how old Drista is, not even the other gods, because she’s the goddess of chaos, so she’s XD’s counterpart and has to have been around since the first chaotic thing happened in the mortal plane, but she appears very young compared to the other gods and she’s referred to in the mortal scriptures with the epithet of “the Young”. Drista falls under with the duty of being the protector of childhood and children in general, which only adds to her epithet. Aside from all that, she’s also the guide for souls of the dead into the Afterlife.
The third deity I chose was Grizzly. Now, a lot of mortal scripture about Grizzly was lost because his stories used to be burned when people would try to write them. A lot of people passed his stories around orally, but still, a lot of the scriptures were lost and mortals can’t truly now a lot about what happened with him. The biggest things that survived history of his stories is that he is the god of the forge and of mischief, but one day, he had a falling out with the other gods and they cast him out of the Pantheon Proper, which earned him the epithet of “the Fallen”. Nowadays, stories say that Grizzly is the King of the Damned, but no mortals know for sure exactly what that means.
The fourth deity is Condi. Condi is one of the oldest gods in the pantheon, even older than XD by millennium. Condi is the god of magick, so he was the deity that separated the Three Realms from each other. There’s rumors of a secret fourth realm that Condi uses as an escape from the other gods, but again, those are just rumors. No one has ever been able to craft a proper portal to this secret realm, but still, the realm of the Aether is mentioned too many times in scriptures for it to be a coincidence, right? Anyway, Condi also the Weaver of Fate, so, as you can imagine, he’s a very busy god. He has the epithet of “the Wise” because, if you’re gonna have this much shit going on as a god, you’ve gotta be wise.
The fifth deity is Bizly. Bizly, even by the other gods, is considered weak and useless, as he’s the god of animals and monsters. Most of the other gods will ignore him and couple of the other gods can be outright mean to him for no reason. This earned him the epithet of “the Dismissed”. Because of the way that the other gods treat him, Bizly took it upon himself to be the protector of the weak and underdogs. To mortals, he also become equivalent with the start of spring, so a lot of mortal stories call him the “bringer of new starts”.
The sixth deity is Foolish, of fucking course. He’s the god of storms and the seas and, even though his domains are usually very rough things to mortals, he himself is a very chill god (these days) and he doesn’t really interact with the other gods unless he ABSOLUTELY has to. He tends to spend most of his time as the protector of Mizu, a legendary city that is said to live under the deepest parts of the mortal oceans that houses only the most holy artifacts and important scriptures of the gods. There’s a specific rune that was created that is said to be a sigil of Foolish and it’s supposed to bring great wealth to a person if they draw it on themself. Foolish has the epithet of “the Undying” because I’m uncreative cgvhjbkgv
The seventh deity is Kristin, the goddess of death, because I have to. Again, she’s a goddess that doesn’t really like interacting with the other deities if she doesn’t have to. She tends to spend most of her time tending to the souls of the Afterlife, making sure everyone is happy and cared for and with their loved ones if they can be. The only deity that she has constant contact with is Drista, since the younger goddess helps her collect the souls of the dead. Kristin is known to take pity on a few souls that have no one every now and then and she’ll make them into angels and let them roam the mortal worlds again until they die and then they’re dead for real with no take-backs.
The eighth deity is Irene. She’s a very flighty goddess, not known to stick around in one place for long. As the protector of the Mortal Realm, she does her best to make sure that every mortal has a happy and healthy life on the earth. She’s typically the goddess of medicine and family in most portrayals of her scriptures, but there are a few places that will cast her as a more “dark” (using that word lightly because I can’t think of a better one) goddess of apathy and discord. Those mythos as that “darker” goddess are very rare, however. She has the epithet of “the Matron” and she’s the only recorded goddess to be referred to with the title of “Lady”. The other goddesses don’t seem to like that title.
The ninth deity is Herobrine. He’s the god of both the sun and the moon, so a lot of mortal legends say that the sun and moon are his glowing eyes and he’s watching over the mortals and he’ll punish any greedy or malevolent mortals. Because of that line of mythos, Herobrine earned the epithet of “the Watcher”. He’s known for collecting wayward souls that are stuck between Grizzly’s Damned Kingdom and Kristin’s Afterlife and he’ll make a wayward soul into an assistant of sorts to help him watch over the realm and punish mortals. Sometimes, his Watchers can get a little overzealous and will take in souls that aren’t ready yet, but Herobrine never forces a soul to stay if they don’t want to and lets them go back to the mortal realm.
The tenth and final deity is False. Yes, Miss False “Supremacy” Symmetry herself is a goddess. Specifically, she’s the goddess of war and blood. She, again, is a goddess that doesn’t much like the other gods and stays away from them as much as she can. In scripture, she’s never referred to by name because legends say that, if you speak her proper name, she’ll appear and kill your entire land or family or whatever. Most texts and stories refer to her either as “the Blood God” or by her epithet of “Animus”. She’s considered the herald of the winter months and she’s also the protector of the Nether Realm.
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koushou · 4 years
Could we get uuh,,, Todoroki x f!reader who is insecure abt their looks bc they look more "boyish" than most girls? 😳 As much as I love being an androgynous queen, I get insecure sometimes, esp when it comes to guys liking me
this is my first ask im 😳💕💕
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pairing : todoroki shoto x f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none really, like the teeniest suggestive ending, just todoroki being like the best bf ugh 😩
a/n : thank you so much for requesting anon!! i tried my best, im so sorry if it isn’t exactly what you wanted but shoutout to all the androgynous queens you’re amazing !! <3 (also can you tell im terrible at titles pls)
shopping mall dates with your friends were always something you looked forward to, shoto knew this well. so why had you come back to the dorms empty-handed?
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The familiar ringtone playing from your phone woke you up from your slumber, as bright sunlight shone through your windows where the curtains did poor job of providing you with any coverage. You opened your eyes and would’ve immediately shut them if not for the music still coming from your phone on your nightstand.
Swinging a hand blindly over, you felt the cool screen of your device and brought it close to your face, as an all too familiar contact name displayed on the top of the screen.
Grumbling slightly, you pressed the answer button and brought it up to your ear.
“Y/N!! Are you still sleeping??” You almost wanted to hang up right then and there from the cheery girl’s voice ringing into your ear. 
“Mina, it’s-” You glanced over at your alarm clock on the same nightstand, “-literally 9 in the morning, what do you want-”
“Come on! You remember we have another shopping day today, right??” 
You rubbed your eyes and rolled over in bed on your side, away from the blinding light illuminating through the glass windows.
Shopping dates with your girlfriends in Class 1-A took place almost every weekend, something you always looked forward to. Hero training was stressful, everyone was always striving to further improve and expand their quirks and skill, almost never having time for any sort of break. 
Truthfully, you had forgotten about your planned day with the girls today, since it had been a pretty tough week, with work piling up on top of one another, heck, you were barely keeping up your grades. 
“Oh...right.” You ran your fingers through your somewhat messy, medium-length hair, attempting to comb it slightly and getting rid of the small knots that had been formed in your sleep.
“Hey, don’t tell me you forgot - anyways, we’re meeting up downstairs at 10, so see you later!!” 
“Yeah, alright.” 
Quiet beeps signaling the end of your short call with Mina, you sighed and wondered how the alien girl managed to stay so hyper in the morning, not that you were surprised anymore. 
Sitting up in bed, you let out a yawn and stretched out your body, excited for the day to come. 
On some days, you just wanted to sleep in and have a day all to yourself in the comfort of your small dorm room, but these shopping sprees with the girls always took your mind off any troubles on your mind.
Throwing your blanket to the side lazily, you get up from your bed and groggily made your way to the bathroom, phone still in hand. Flicking on the light switch, you cringed at the sudden brightness.
A notification noise sounded from your phone, a smile spreading across your face as soon as you saw who the sender was - your one and only white and red haired boyfriend.
Unlocking your phone, you were met by a few text messages from your lover.
shouu <33 : good morning love, have you woken up yet?
shouu <33 : you’re going out today with the others right? i wish you could come and be with me, but i hope you have fun.💗
Your heart could not handle this level of cuteness in the morning.
Turning on the water to get ready for your morning shower, you typed out a reply to your boyfriend.
                                                             good morning shouto 🥺 i just woke upp
                      imy so much as well, i promise i’ll be with you when i get back!!💕
You stripped off your clothes and hopped into the shower, the water more on the warm side, exactly how you liked it.
After about 20 minutes, you stepped out with a towel wrapped around your torso, the cool air hitting your legs, making you shiver slightly. You made your way over to your closet in the corner of your room, picking out what clothes to wear.
It was scorching hot out, and you were feeling lazy, so a simple black t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts seemed like a good choice.
The time was about 9:40 when you had finished brushing your teeth and mindlessly slapping on some sunscreen, you didn’t want to become tan, after all.
Internally crying, you shoved your wallet with your credit card inside your small purse you usually brought when you went shopping, making a note to yourself to cut down a bit on your purchases. 
You knew that promise was going to go out the window as soon as you step foot in a store, but hey, you always felt better after coming back to the dorms with bags of clothing in your hands.
Deciding to head down to the common room earlier to grab a quick snack to eat, you received another message from your phone.
shouu <33 : i’ll be waiting for you, love.
shouu <33 : are you sure you don’t want to use my father’s credit card? i don’t think he would really care if it gets maxed out, you know.
You giggled at your boyfriend’s message even though you knew he was being 100% serious.
                                                                                   shou...bby, i cant do that-
shouu <33 : alright then, be safe and text me when you get there, okay?
                                                                                                            i will! ily <33
shouu <33 : i love you too :)
When you reached the common room, you were met by pink, black, green, and brown haired girls.
“Y/N!! Good morning!!”
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Hey Y/N-chan, ribbit.”
“Oh hey Y/N!”
You smile at your energetic friends, Mina, Momo, Tsu and Uraraka, who were all lounging on the couches. 
“Good morning, guys.”
Mina lets out a whine, “Where is Jirou? That girl is almost always never on time-”
“What’s that, Mina?”
A voice from behind the girls spoke, causing everyone to jump and turn at the same time. 
“O-oh good morning Jirou-”
The purple haired girl stood behind the couches, and your eyes scanned over her outfit. A white, loose short sleeve hung around her shoulders, paired with some black shorts. A simple outfit, yet she made it look so much more appealing.
She charged towards Mina, who was now desperately hiding behind Uraraka. It was then that you finally took notice of the other girls’ outfits, and suddenly became all too aware of your own.
Mina, with a pink shirt tucked into her jeans, a black belt as a finishing touch. Her curves showing perfectly, all in the right places. You would expect her pink hair to be messy and puffy, but it was tamed, neatly brushed, and reminded you of soft cotton candy. 
A cropped maroon top, with black jeans, complementing Momo’s smooth, black hair which was put up in a lower pony tail than usual. Her gentle features sure to attract admirers wherever she went. The way her dark bangs framed her face, the way her smile was bright, genuine - an appearance of a true, proper lady. 
You glanced down at your own outfit, trying to smooth out wrinkles in your own shirt. No genius was required to see that you obviously stood out in your group of feminine friends, you being the only female with short hair and a different style.
It wasn’t that you hated the way you looked, but it made you think sometimes that you weren’t as attractive or liked as much, compared to your friends.
“Well then,” Uraraka clasped her hands together, interrupting your thoughts, and grinned. “Shall we get going?” 
You all cheered, getting up and ready to head to the shopping mall. 
Mina locked her arms in yours and dragged you out of the doors, grinning at you while the other girls trailed behind.
“Come on old ladies! We’re gonna max out our cards!!” She yelled at the sky once you were outside, the hot summer air hitting your skin immediately. 
“Hey, who’re you calling an old lady?!” You smacked Mina’s arm, making her stick her tongue out at you.
“Fine, whoever gets there last is an old lady!!” 
Your pink haired friend takes off toward the mall which was located about 20 minutes away from your school, with you laughing and running after her, followed by your other female friends.
The negative thoughts you had on your mind previously vanished as you all ran after one another, not giving a care in the world to the questioning looks passersby shot your ways. Spending time with your friends always somehow managed to brighten your mood, regardless of whether they knew how you were feeling or not. 
And your love for them could never be put into words.
6 girls arrived at the Misako Mall, panting, out of breath as they bought water from a vending machine.
“Oh-” You pant, fumbling with the buttons on the machine, inserting a few coins in and watching as the bottle falls to the bottom. 
“Ura-ha..ha...Uraraka, you’re an old...ha...lady!” Mina teased the gravity-quirked girl in between breaths.
“Yo-you’re so mean, ha, Mina,” Uraraka coughed, sputtering as she practically shoved the water bottle down her throat, drinking half of the bottle in a few seconds.
“Slow down - ribbit - Ochaco-chan,” Tsu patted the said girl’s back, making sure she didn’t choke.
“Well, guys, where do you want to go first?” Momo spoke up, after you guys rested a bit on the benches in the lobby. 
“I kind of wanted to check out the accessories in that shop we passed earlier,” Jirou scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, nodding towards a shop near the entrance of the mall.
You all turned to look at the store she was talking about, not surprised to see the exterior of the shop decorated in dark, emo-style accessories - exactly Jirou’s style.
“I want to go there too - ribbit,” Tsu nodded in agreement, this time shocking the group, since Tsu had always seemed to be into more cuter accessories. 
“I was actually interested in that one over there,” Momo tapped her chin thoughtfully, gesturing towards a high-class looking store on the second floor of the mall. 
“That looks nice! I really like that white dress they have in the front,” Uraraka stared dreamily at the level above you guys, and an idea popped into your head.
“Why don’t we split into pairs? That way, we can all check out the stores we want to and meet up back here when we’re all done!” Your suggestion earned approving nods from the rest, all of you agreeing to text in the groupchat you had when you were finished in your stores.  
Tsu and Jirou, Momo and Uraraka, and you and Mina walked off into different directions of the mall, chatting excitedly.
You and Mina decided to first go into a casual-styled store filled with jeans, tops, jackets, etc. 
Walking into the store, a friendly cashier at the counter greeted you guys, who you both smiled back at.
Thankful for the cool air conditioner providing a contrast to the burning weather outside, you scanned the racks for anything that caught your eye.
“Oh! Y/N look here!” You turned to where your pink friend had ran to, spotting her a few aisles down.
Making your way towards her, she holds up a light pink, off the shoulder top decorated with small flowers and a lace ribbon in her hands eagerly.
“Do you think this would look good on me? I really like the color!” She beams at you, holding the clothing item up to herself, admiring it in a tall mirror nearby. 
You study it for a second, before smiling back at her and nodding excitedly in agreement.
“It suits your skin color so well too! You should go try it on!”
“You think so??” She grins at you happily as you chuckle back in response. 
“You should pick out some clothes first, then we can go to the changing rooms together!”
“Okay, let me look around a bit more!” You walk off to the other side of the store, studying any clothes that may peak your interest. 
A striped red, orange, and white button-up shirt catches your eye, hanging on one of the racks. You take it and hold it up to your torso, satisfied with the way it looked. 
Keeping it around your arm to try on later, you decide to pick out a few more clothes to try on to avoid making multiple trips to the changing room. Just as you were about to turn around and continue your search for more clothes, you felt a figure approach behind you. 
“Hey, uh, sorry to bother you but I thought you were really pretty, and I was wondering if I could get your number?”
A voice made you turn around, and you were met by a man who looked a bit older than you. 
He was standing right in front of you now, his eyes staring at...the top of your head?
You cleared your throat awkwardly, not expecting the sudden question. 
“Oh! Thank you, but I have a boyfriend already, I’m sorry-”
The man’s eyes finally focus on your face, before laughing at you.
Wait, what?
You furrowed your eyebrows at the still laughing man, who looked down at you like you were a mere piece of dirt below him.
“I’m not talking to you, you’re not even pretty?” He scoffed when you gaped at him. 
“I’m talking to the hottie behind you,” He grinned and stared past you to whoever was standing there.
You slowly turned around, expecting to see some random stranger behind you, but you were met by a puff of familiar pink hair.
“O-oh, Mina...” You mumbled, not wanting to make eye contact with your friend, disheartened from the man’s words.
You were never one to get bothered by anyone’s words, especially not from a stranger, but this one hit you differently.
“What did you say to my friend?! You wanna repeat that, huh?!” Mina yelled at the man, steam almost emitting out of her pink ears. 
“Woah, calm down, pinkie, I just wanted to get your number - I didn’t know she was your friend.” He chuckled, and glanced at you again.
“Just saying, you could do so much better.” It was like bullets, the man’s words, aimed straight at your heart.
Storming up to the man, Mina slapped him directly on his face, leaving both of you in shock.
“Say that again, I dare you!!” You ushered Mina away from the furious man despite her protests of wanting to beat him up.
“Hmph, who does he think he is?!” You stopped walking when you guys were a good distance from the stranger.
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your emotions and not make a fool of yourself in a public space.
“It’s fine, I-I don’t really care,” Sighing, you gave Mina a small unconvincing smile, which she saw right through.
“Are you okay, Y/N? Don’t listen to him! He’s just blind,” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 
You chuckled softly, trying to change the subject, “I’m fine, come on, let’s go try on our clothes.” 
Mina sighed, eyeing the one top you had on your arm. “You only have one shirt? Don’t you want to try on more?” 
You scanned the racks around you guys, randomly picking a pair of black plaid pants, flashing your friend another smile. 
“It’s okay, there’s not much I like here,” You grabbed her arm and led her into the changing rooms, chuckling at her pile of clothes hanging over her arm. 
“You sure got a lot, Mina.”
“Their clothes are really nice!!” 
Mina and you went into rooms besides each other, and you could hear the girl squealing while trying on her clothing.
Instead of trying on your clothes immediately, you slumped against the white door, taking a deep breath, the man’s comments still on your mind.
You’re not even pretty.
You could do so much better.
Wrapping your arms around your torso, you looked in the mirror on the wall across you, taking in your appearance.
There were few things about you that would seem appealing to any man, and you should’ve gotten over the stares people give you wherever you go by now, but it was hard.
It really was.
Of course people would be attracted to Mina first, or anyone in your friend group, for that matter. She was outgoing, kind, bright, and feminine. 
Tears poking at the corners of your eyes, you quickly wiped them away with the back of your hand before they fell. 
Why couldn’t people just accept who you were?
Why couldn’t people accept the fact that you were happy in your own body, and that you loved yourself the way you were?
The common stereotype that all females had to be feminine, had to be proper, you were tired of it.
A loud knock from the other side of the door you were leaning against sounded, and you jumped a little, before hearing your friend’s cheery voice. 
“Y/N! Are you finished? I want to show you the top!”
“Oh- One second!”
Quickly tidying up your appearance to get rid of any hints of your silent breakdown, you unlocked the door and looked over Mina.
You were right.
The light pink color of the top really did complement her skin color well, her slender shoulders were exposed, and the lacey ribbon around the collarbone area of her shirt gave it a finishing touch.
Gasping, you admired how good it looked on her, while she giggled and jumped excitedly in place.
“It looks so beautiful on you Mina!!” You gave her a small hug, giggling along. “It’s like it was made for you!”
“Thanks!! What about your clothes?” She nodded towards your top and pants still sitting in the changing room, untouched.
You coughed, “Oh- uh give me a second, I still need to try on the top,” She nodded and pushed you back into the room eagerly.
“Show me when you’re done!”
You nodded and smiled back at her before walking back into the room and locking the door behind you.
You had already lost all interest in shopping today, but reluctantly changed into the striped button-up shirt, looking at yourself in the mirror. 
It was okay, nothing really special, and you certainly wouldn’t be spared any second glances from anyone. Not that you cared, you were already in a happy and healthy relationship with Shoto.
A thought suddenly popped into your mind. 
What did Shoto think about your appearance? Coming from a rich family, it was only natural that he would be into proper, feminine females. 
Why was he even dating you? Does he actually mean it every time he calls you beautiful?
Maybe you should change your hairstyle. Or the way you dressed. Maybe then, Shoto would love you.
Maybe then, he would think you’re beautiful.
Running your hand through your short strands of hair, you suddenly didn’t want to be here anymore.
You wished you were in the safety of your dorm, under the blankets where no one would have to look at you.
You were probably an eyesore, walking around everyday at school, getting judgmental looks from left to right.
Shaking your head, you tried to push those thoughts to the back of your mind, straightening yourself back up.
Unlocking the door again, wanting to get this day over with, you were met by a excited Mina as she looked over at you. You noticed that she had changed back to her own shirt.
“You look great Y/N!!” She hopped excitedly over to you as she admired your top.
You shrugged, glancing down at your top. “I mean, it’s okay, I guess.” 
She raised her eyebrows at your response, asking worriedly, “Do you not like it?” 
“Not really, it’s kind of plain.” Sighing, you picked at the sleeves and wrinkles of the shirt. 
“Oh,” Mina pursed her lips together, cocking her head to the side. “That’s alright, then. What about the pants?”
Truth was, you had forgotten to try on the pants while you were inside, and you didn’t want to risk purchasing something you weren’t sure would look good on you.
“Oh-uh, I didn’t like that one too much either,” You glanced back at the item still hanging in the changing room.
“Oh no,” Mina pouted. “Are you going to buy anything?”
Biting your lip, you shook your head. “Guess not.”
It wasn’t really that you didn’t want to buy anything, you just thought that at this point, it didn’t matter what you wore.
Because, you weren’t as feminine as other girls.
"Give me a second to change back, and we can go to another store.” She looked like she was about to say something, but decided to close her mouth and nodded instead.
The remaining time you spent with Mina was just her jumping around stores excitedly and you mindlessly staring at clothes you wouldn’t ever buy.
It was about 2 in the afternoon when you all decided to meet back up, ready to head back to school.
You realized that you hadn’t bought a single item in the past 4 hours spent in wandering around the mall. 
“Y/N! Did you not buy anything?” Momo asks worriedly as you and Mina approach the other two pairs in the lobby.
You shook your head at the tall girl, sighing, “Nothing really caught my eye today.”
“Oh, we can walk around a bit more together if you’d like!” Uraraka offers, holding a large bag in her own hands.
You smiled at her words, shaking your head again. “No, it’s alright! I’m sure we’re all tired, let’s head back.” 
“Gosh, this weird man came up to us earlier and had the audacity to call our little Y/N here unattractive??! And then proceeded to ask for my number??” Mina huffed, clenching her fists dramatically at the memory.
You chuckled awkwardly. “Mina, you didn’t have to slap the poor man.”
“Poor man? By the sounds of it, he hasn’t learned his lesson yet.” Jirou speaks up, cracking her knuckles, eyes darkening. “Where is he?”
You laughed. “Jirou-”
“Oh dear, that’s terrible.” Momo patted your shoulder. “You’re very beautiful, Y/N, you know that?” 
You smiled at the kind girl, letting out a deep breath. 
“I understand where he’s coming from, though...” You mumbled quietly.
“Did you say something, Y/N?” Uraraka asks from next to you.
Shaking your head quickly, you link your arms with the brown haired girl, grinning at everyone. “Let’s head back now!”
Pushing open the large glass doors, you were met once again by the humid air, the sun’s rays burning down on your exposed skin.
The girls chattered happily about their new purchases, peeking inside the others’ bags and taking a couple out to show.
Even though you walked in the middle of Uraraka and Momo, you couldn’t help but feel left out, not having any new clothing to wear.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nudged Momo, making her turn around and look at you.
“Hey Yaomomo, what’d you get?”
She smiled and opened her bag for you to peek inside, and you almost had to close your eyes from the amount of bling inside,
Bling, meaning dresses decorated in gems, with a few jewelry pieces and other accessories. Of course, there were a couple casual wear on the bottom of the bag.
“Oh, I’m not even surprised anymore,” You pretended to huff at Momo, turning the other way.
“You’re so classy and fancy, Yaomomo, are you trying to flex your class on me?” 
She laughed, slapping your back lightly. “Oh sorry, I just can’t help that I’m so rich and proper.” 
You tensed up at her words. Of course, you knew she was being sarcastic, but her use of words hit the same spot in you again as earlier. 
“Hey guys...” Mina starts, wiggling her eyebrows.
“What?” An ominous feeling settles in all of your stomachs. 
“Last one to the dorms is an old lady!” 
All of you groan, watching as the pink alien girl takes off once again, having no choice but to follow behind.
6 girls arrived back at the dorm building, panting once again. 
“Mina- ha, I swear to - god,” You breathe out, pants coming from all six of you.
Mina just giggles at you as you all arrive back in the common room. Your classmates are sprawled out in different places throughout the room, and their heads all perk up simultaneously at the new arrivals. 
Bakugou were surrounded by Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero, as always, trying his best to swat them away. 
Tokoyami and Aoyama were chatting in the kitchen, while Iida, Midoriya and Shoto hung around the TV, watching whatever movie was put on.
Ojiro, Koda, Shoji, and Sato were nowhere to be seen, you guessed they were up in their own rooms. 
“Oh, hey guys! Welcome back!” A certain red-head’s voice chirped from the middle of the room, flashing you all his big smile.
“Hey Kirishima!” Mina smiled back at the boy before making her way up to her own room to organize her newly bought items. 
Momo, Tsu, Jirou, and Uraraka followed after her, while you made your way over to where your boyfriend was on one of the other couches. 
“Hey, love.” Shoto smiles at you softly as he opens his arms for you to give him a hug. 
“Hey Sho,” You happily accept your place in his arms, tired from the long day you had. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you as well,” He plants a small kiss on the top of your head. He was about to say something else before a realization dawns on him.
“Love, did you not buy anything?” You gulp, afraid that your boyfriend would see through your feelings and ask you what was wrong.
“Oh- uh, I just didn’t feel like anything caught my eye today!” You shrug, hoping that he would accept your answer and move on.
Of course, Shoto could be dense at times, but he is everything but stupid.
He always knew how you adored these little shopping sprees with your girls, and never once had you arrived back empty handed. On top of that, your vibe just seemed a bit...off.
“Can we go to your room and cuddle? I’m a little tired,” You look up at him, to which he responded by giving you a small kiss and chuckling.
“Of course, let’s go, love.” 
After saying goodbye to Iida and Midoriya, you both made your way to Shoto’s dorm, immediately flopping down on the bed after stepping inside.
Shoto laughed softly at your eagerness, wasting no time and following in after, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you flush against his chest.
The warmth and vanilla scent of your boyfriend was enough to calm you down and get rid of any past bad thoughts you were having earlier that day.
You felt him bury his face inside your hair, inhaling softly your shampoo from this morning. Normally, you would’ve swooned at the action, but it somehow made you feel uneasy. Insecure.
Shriveling away a little from his body, you were met by a very confused Shoto staring back at you.
You bit your lip, not sure how to explain why you seemed uncomfortable.
“I-,uh, Shoto?” Your eyes made contact with his as he hummed in response. You decided it was now or never.
“Do you...think I’m pretty?” Biting your lip anxiously as you awaited his answer.
Confusion flashed through your boyfriend’s face. What kind of a question was that?
That was what he wanted to ask, until he noticed the tears forming in your eyes, and worriedly sat up, bringing you with him.
“Of course I think you’re pretty. You’re beautiful, darling.” 
Not convinced, you sniffle before asking again, “Really?”
He furrows his eyebrows together, lifting you up and onto his lap so you were straddling him now, both of you in a sitting position.
“Did something happen, love? Why are you asking me these questions?” He reaches up to wipe a stray tear that had slipped its way through your eyes with his thumb. 
“No reason-” You started, but your boyfriend’s piercing gaze told you he wouldn’t take that as an answer.
Taking a deep breath, you avoided his eyes as you began to speak.
“Today, when we were at the mall, a man came up to me, called me pretty, and asked for my number-”
Shoto raises his eyebrows, to which you wave away quickly.
“-I thought he was talking to me, but turns out he was speaking to Mina, who had been standing behind me. He then called me-” You cleared your throat, a bit anxious for your boyfriend’s reaction. 
“He said that I wasn’t pretty, and that Mina could do so much better than being friends with someone like me...” Your voice trails off as you felt Shoto’s grip on your waist tighten.
“He...what?” You could’ve sworn you saw flames flicker behind Shoto’s eyes, his left and right hands heating and cooling on your sides without thinking, to which you yelped a little, surprised by the temperature change.
His eyes softened, looking down at your waist and rubbing it softly. “Oh- I’m sorry, love, I did not mean to hurt you.”
You shake your head, smiling at him. “You didn’t hurt me at all, Shoto.”
He exhales deeply, looking into your eyes. “Baby, you’re the most beautiful, kind, amazing girl I’ve ever met in my life. Don’t ever listen to what anyone else says, you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.”
Shoto plants a deep kiss on your lips, tears threatening to spill over at his touching words.
When you pull away, there’s still a lingering thought in the back of your mind. 
“Don’t you ever wish - that you had a more...you know...” You rubbed your eyes, sniffling as the first few tears made their ways down your cheeks.
Shoto tilts his head to the side as he pulls you closer to his body, rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. 
“A what, love?”
“You know, a more...feminine...girlfriend?”
You nervously glance at him, waiting for his response. 
There’s silence for a moment, and your heart drops. 
“Who ever said that girls have to be feminine?” 
You directly look into his eyes for the first time that evening, confusion plastered on your face.
Shoto has a soft and loving, but firm expression as he speaks. 
“I don’t care if you dress, or appear differently than other girls. There is no “correct” way to look if you are a certain gender. You’re absolutely beautiful no matter what you do, or wear.” He leans forward to peck your lips once again.
“But...when I look at someone like Yaomomo, she’s just - so much more attractive and proper than someone like me...”
Shoto sighs, tilting your chin down to look at him.
“Proper? What’s not proper about you, Y/N? Your hair? Your clothing choices? Baby, you could wear a trash bag, have long hair - or even shave your head bald, I’d still fall in love with you all over again.” 
You giggle a little, making him chuckle, seeing that he successfully cheered you up a bit.
“I mean it, Y/N. I love you, and I’ll continue loving you, forever. Please don’t ever feel like you have to compare yourself to other girls, because you’ll always be the prettiest girl in my heart.”
Your heart felt like it was on the verge of bursting as you leant forward, kissing your boyfriend deeply. It was like all your emotions were expressed through that kiss. It was almost as if Shoto’s loving words washed away every single insecurity that has ever passed your mind in your whole life.
“Thank you so much, Shoto. I love you, so, so much.” You both grin as you placed your foreheads together, noses brushing against each other. 
“I want you to say it, love. Tell me you love yourself, and that you’re beautiful.” 
Your face heated up from the request, placing your hands on Shoto’s shoulders and trying to push him away, only to have your wrists caught by his strong hands as he leaned closer. 
“Come on, Y/N, I’m waiting,” he smirks at your flustered expression. 
You pouted a bit, before taking a deep breath, embarrassed from Shoto’s intense stare.
“I-uh- I love myself the way I am, and...I’m beautiful.” You squealed and cover your face with your hands after finishing your sentence, not used to those words coming out of your mouth.
A laugh escapes Shoto as he pries your hands away from your face, placing a kiss on your nose. 
“That’s right, love. What do you say we go shopping tomorrow, just me and you?” 
Your eyes brightened at the idea, and Shoto could feel butterflies flooding his stomach. 
“Yes!! I’d love that, Shoto,” You threw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, burying your face into his hair.
He chuckles in response, leaning back and studying your face for a moment, making you confused.
Then, he takes your arms and pushes you back until your back is pressed against the bed, pinning them above you. His body hovers over yours, as his knee sneakily moves up to place itself between your thighs.
“But right now, let me show you just how beautiful you are, darling.”
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
hi baby!💚okay... IF you r comfortable w this subject... what about... seb was filming (something) in (anywhere) (lots of details, i know) right before quarantine, the reader (seb's friend) that lives in that city was really worried abt him getting on a plane, airports and all.. and asked him to wait like a week to come back to ny (in her house obv) a week later its announced the quarantine, all the chaos, now theyre stuck together and some.. feelings or needs.. are really taking a toll on them
Hi, babyy! I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately! Thank you so much for the request!  This must be the fluffiest smut I’ve ever wrote? I’m soft... Hope you like it!
The news were scary. You had no idea it would get a lot worse, but still, you didn't want your best friend to get sick. He had just finished his latest movie and didn't have any new projects for now. So you insisted for him to spend just a few more days at your house, only until the situation was back to normal. Of course you didn't have to beg that much. You and Sebatian were childhood friends and his crazy career never allowed you two to have fun like the old times. What you didn't know was that at some point it wouldn't be a choice anymore. The airports closed and he couldn't go anywhere, not even if he wanted to. At first, you felt absolutely terrible. Like you forced him to stay there with you, instead of being home. But he was grateful. He would lose his mind if he had to go through all this on his own, and both of you couldn't ask for a better company. It was all about playing games, watching movies, dancing to 80's soundtracks, eating cereal at 2am cause time is an illusion... And there was this one day when it was your turn to pick the movie. "The covenant." You gasped. "I would personally rather die." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "What?" You laughed. "It's a classic! Come ooon! For the memories... I remember visiting you on that set. And we used to party a lot with those boys and..." "Fine." He tried to hold back his smile and the fact that he knew it would actually be fun. "I always do everything you want anyway." "Cause you're the best friend in the world." You said as you searched for the movie on your laptop. Half a movie later, you two already had tears on your eyes from laughing so much. Back in the year it was released, you used to thing those special effects and the acting were AWESOME. But now, it was hilarious. "God, why are you doing this to us?" Seb rubbed his eyes in pure shame. "Sebastian..." You tried to sound disappointed. "You just don't get it... the idea of living in such an aesthetically pleasant dark place with your girl friends and each one of you have a wizard boyfriend??? Fuck, my heart can't take this, I'm numb." "You're so dramatic." He laughed out loud. "It's true, though." You shrugged. "That movie is hot as fuck if you ignore a few things..." "Hot?" He mocked. "Didn't know you were into these weird stuff." "I'm into a lot of weird stuff." You admitted. "Like what?" He asked, kinda seriously now. "You don't want to know." You blushed a little. "Come on..." He insisted. "What if this is the end of the world?" "What exactly are you suggesting?" You raised your eyebrows. "That we should totally fuck cause the world is ending and you have no better options?" "I didn't say that." He tried to hold your arm, but you stood up quickly. "I'm going to bed, I'm really tired." You told him. "No, don't go to bed mad at me, let's talk, please." He stood up too. "Goodnight, Seb." --- You were laying in your bed and Seb was on the guest's room. You used to call it his room, cause he visited you whenever he could. But neither of you could sleep. You kept thinking about how Sebastian had changed and you never noticed. All you knew was that your Seb would never even think of using you like that. And Sebastian was thinking about how stupid he was. Something he never told you was that all his previous relationships ended because of you. There was a certain time when his exes would get jealous of you, but he always picked you ever them. And every single time he broke up with a girl, he promised he would finally tell you how he felt about you. But he was afraid. He was afraid of forcing you to deal with the media, it was his job and he still hated that part, he didn't want you to go through that. He was afraid you would say yes and, because of the distance or whatever could happen, he would never be the man you deserved. He was afraid you would react like you just did. In all these cases, your friendship would be ruined, and he couldn't stand being without you. --- When you woke up, you felt terrible. Not only because you barely got three hours of sleep. But also because you knew you couldn't hide in your bedroom forever. You had to go out, carry on with your life... but Sebastian was somewhere out there at this very moment, and you didn't even know how you'd be able to look at him. When you finally gathered all your strength to get dressed and go to the kitchen, you saw Seb on the sofa. He looked at you and you could see he didn't sleep much better than you. "Morning." You gave him a weak smile. "Y/N." He ignored your greeting. "Can I talk to you now, please?" You sighed and sat beside him on the sofa without saying a word, just ready to listen. "I'm so so sorry for what I said last night." He started. "You know I didn't mean that." "How would I know?" "Well... you know me..." He was clearly cofused. "I would never treat you like some... I don't know, you're too important to me." "Yeah, I didn't recognize you." You admitted. "But it was you. It's not like you were drunk or something like that." Silence. "If you want me to leave, I can find another place to stay." He suggested. "Of course not. It's dangerous." You sighed. "Y/N." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I have to tell you something, okay? Since everything is fucked up already... I just want everything to be very clear around here." You were a mix of surprised, confused and scared. He was about to tell you something big, but he wasn't nervous. He looked relieved. "Listen." He turned to you and looked deep in your eyes. "I'm in love with you. Fuck... I've been in love with you since we were teenagers. I don't remember going through a single day of my life without thinking about you. I know I dated other girls, but not one of them was half as funny and half as beautiful as you. But I know I waited so damn long to tell you this... it's probably too late now." As subtle as a punch in the face. You couldn't say anything at the moment. You had feelings for him too, but... he was a famous actor surrounded by all those gorgeous actresses and models, while you were just a normal girl. Besides that, you had the same fears as Seb, that this could ruin everything. "I love you too." You almost whispered, fighting back your tears. "What are we gonna do now?" He sighed. He always dreamt of hearing you saying that. But definitely not with tears in your eyes and barely looking at him. "I don't know. I need some time to think." You said. "But don't leave, please." "Okay, darling." He smiled at you and caressed your cheek, making you look at him. "You have all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." --- It was the longest day ever. You spent it alone in your room and Seb on his. And it hurt so much, because the last days were so fun, and suddently, all the joy disappeared. You knew that's how your life would be without Seb. The night came and it was impossible to sleep again. You daydreamed of all possibilities. You and Seb being happy. Laughing. Holding hands. Kissing. Sometimes you were haunted by images of it all going terribly wrong. Camera flashes. Other girls. Him leaving. Coming back. Forgiving him. Those lips... hands firm on your waist, or gentle on your face, just like they were earlier... no. Definitely firm on your waist. You needed them like that now. Your hands on his back. Fuck, his back. He was so hot. Your body shivered. You wanted him so bad. And he was right there... so close... You looked at the clock and made a decision. It was 2am. You would knock on his bedroom door. If he was asleep, you would consider that as a sign to forget all that. If he was awake... then you'd see what would happen. You walked slowly. Changed your mind three times on the way. Shit. The door was half open, that wasn't part of the plan. Maybe you should give up and... "Y/N?" He called. He was sitting on the bed and could see you standing there like an idiot. You took a deep breath and walked in. You stood beside his bed for a moment. The part of you that hoped you would change your mind gave up as soon as it saw how soft he looked with his messy hair and old shirt. Now there wasn't a single cell in your body that didn't want to call him yours. You sat beside him, ready to say something. But you didn't plan that part either. You didn't plan that he would look at you with those beautifully confused blue eyes and lick his lips the way you loved. "Kiss me." You asked. Seb leaned towards you slowly. He didn't close his eyes until his lips touched yours. He wanted to make sure you wouldn't give up. As soon as you felt the warmt of his mouth, you melted. Your arms automatically went to his shoulders, gently bringing him closer. It started to get deeper. You pulled him closer and closer, until he was laying on top of you. Everything was always so natural between you and Seb. When he realized how far things went, your legs around his waist and his hand under your shirt, he broke the kiss. You two looked at each other and laughed. You had never felt that comfortable in your life. He closed his eyes and was about to kiss you again, when you whispered against his lips: "Make love to me." He left a little "Fuck" escape in return. You stood like that. Lips barely touching. He allowed you to take his shirt off. "Are you sure?" He said as if it was too good to be truth. "No." You chuckled. "But we're always together when I make stupid decisions, have you noticed that?" Before he could say anything in return, you removed your shirt and guided his hand to your boobs. He started to kiss all the way from your neck to your naked chest as his hands worked on removing your pants. He looked at you one more time to make sure it was okay, before removing your panties as well. "Fuck, Y/N..." He said as his lips returned to your neck, filling it with lovebites. "You're so fucking beautiful." "Sebby..." You moaned. "Please. I need you." He nodded and pulled his pants and underwear down, throwing it somewhere in the room. His hands gently touched the inside of your thighs, pulling them apart so he could position himself between them. He entered you slowly and it felt like heaven. You never realized how bad you wanted him for all this years until this very moment. And while he made love to you, you felt nothing but the purest happiness. It was slow, passionate, filled with laughter, and whenever he hit your spot just right, the smiles would be replaced by a few swears, but when your eyes met, you'd smile again. In the end it got faster and messier. Moans filled the room. Seb's name on repeat, it was the only word you could remember. When it was all over, two rounds later - cause you were too sore for more - he held you so tightly, cause he wasn't dumb enough to let you go ever again. "Can't believe we wasted all this time." He said as he spread kisses all over your face. "Can't believe you had to be LOCKED in my house to realize that." You mocked him. "Even if the quarantine is over tomorrow, you're not getting rid of me." He shrugged.                                    
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
I see what you mean! Also the image of Curufin specifically being humiliate/paraded is very evocative! I guess I want 2 know if there are ever times when maedhros tells nolo/fingon+curufin to do something and curufin tries to refuse/slack off bc *he* feels humiliated by it and fingon/nolo are just like 'shut up and go along with it, itll be over faster/don't get me in trouble too'? i imagine they were much gentler towards their own family ofc but fingon seems to (rightfully) hate curufin. is nol
*nolo ever like 'curufin you literally used to do this all the time--don't you remember how much all of you relished in punishing 'disobedience''? it just seems like a fascinating power dynamic where ostensibly curufin, nolo, and fingon (and tyelpe later) are on the same 'level' but they dont actually all like or trust or work together and maedhros does treat them differently (he seems more affectionate with fingon?). so them interacting alone or while with mae is so interesting bc they are cons
*constantly scheming to try and make things better for themselves or at least Not Worse but totally could fuck it up for each other. i also wonder if nolo/fingon are gentler with celebrimbor once he finally comes of age and joins them? do they like...tell him what to expect when he's afraid of it happening in the future, or give him any adivce, or comfort him when it does happen? does curufin do that either or does he just refuse to think abt it? i cant iamgine nolo/finno being mean to tyelpe
wondering eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other. does curufin actually do it well? does he do a good job? does fingon? obviously neither want to touch each other, but if its nolo+fingon they have an incentive to cooperate just to make it easier on each other. do curufin & fingon actually work towards this? does fingon do a decent job bc he knows there will be consequences? what would punishment actually be if there would be any?
also i have to say its darkly ironic that being so 'low' spares fingon & nolo some very poignant humiliation that maedhros inflicts on curufin. do they still get ordered to do things to each other at parties or was that just something the feanorions did as teenagers & maedhros has 'grown out of'? (also do nolo/fingon ever get to write letters to turgon&aredhel? would they get a chance to see them if they visited? do t&a ever try to rescue them? would they rescue curufin/tyelpe too?)
There are definitely times when Curufin refuses to do things, but Nolo and Fingon would rather get it over with. Maedhros doesn’t call them all to his chamber that often, but when he does it’s for something elaborate. Also, Maglor has permission/access to them as well, and once he gets over it being weird to fuck his (former) brother, he’s going to want full on erotic plays. Curufin has been “broken in” enough that he no longer tries to run or attack, but he still has his pride. He mostly realizes that he has to obey orders for outright sex acts, but if he feels like he’s the butt of a joke, he’ll just stand there. Or sometimes if a chore is particularly humiliating, he’ll also refuse to do it, even if it’s moving something heavy that really needs multiple people.
When Curufin’s being uncooperative, Nolo will try to reason with him. “There’s only two ways this is going to end. You do it now; or you stubbornly refuse to until they punish you and then you do it. I know it’s unpleasant, but there’s no way around it.”
Fingon, by contrast, doesn’t expect reasoning with Curufin to work. If Curufin’s the only one who will get punished, Fingon leaves him to it. If not, Fingon will try to physically force him to go along. Maglor’s script calls for Curufin to crawl on his knees; Fingon trips him. Maedhros wants them all to leave their robes in their room and come to him naked on the balcony, so there’s nothing to worry about getting blown away; Fingon grabs Curufin’s hand after his bath and starts walking. It turns into a physical fight once or twice, until Maedhros makes it clear he’s far too busy to deal with them fighting, and next time anyone is punched, both of them (or perhaps even all four) will be whipped. After that, they’re both careful to keep it to plausibly deniable “bumping into each other”.
When Curufin actually disobeys in front of Maedhros, there’s really nothing Nolo or Fingon can do.
Fun fact: Since Curufin is locked up in Maedhros’s bedroom for a week straight, it falls to Nolo and Fingon to look after Celebrimbor. He’s a terrified thirteen year old who just had his entire life upended, so they both have a lot of sympathy for him. (And he never hurt them, as that was a sexual privilege reserved for adults.) They teach him how to do the tedious chores, and where lunch is served for all the servants, and where extra cleaning supplies are kept if you run out of rags halfway through polishing the mirrors. They also explain how he’ll be expected to behave, and make sure to quickly greet any nobles they see in their work so that Celebrimbor can echo their response.
They don’t really know how to comfort Celebrimbor - him “losing” all his uncles, who he actually liked, is different than it was for Fingon - but they try. Nolo reassures Celebrimbor that Curufin will be back soon, after a few days he’ll be trusted enough to be out Maedhros’s direct sight, and Curufin was not seriously injured last time Nolo saw him. Fingon assures Celebrimbor that your father being trained to be a sex slave doesn’t actually mean he’ll stop loving you or wanting to hang out with you, though of course Curufin and Celebrimbor will have far less free time than they did before.
When Curufin here’s about this he’s furious. (This scene takes place with Curufin chained to a wall in the Servant Nolofinweans’ quarters, because that’s where  Maedhros put him for the night.)
Curufin: “Get away from my son! I won’t have you perverts corrupting him.”
Nolo: “What have we done that’s so perverse? All I’ve taught Celebrimbor is some useful cleaning tips.”
Curufin: “You’ve fucked your own brother, and your children! Fingon rode his brother’s cock in front of half the court, and your daughter spends most of her time in the palace naked and covered in seed.”
Nolo is not going to punch someone who is tied up and unable to punch back. At least, not unless directly ordered to. “You were often the one who ordered such, and yet you think yourself above us?”
Curufin: “I’ve ordered mules to carry things, and I’m above them too.”
Nolo: “You’re one to talk, with how you were gagging for Maedhros an hour ago.”
Curufin: “That’s different! He forced me to do it, you walked in there on your own two feet.”
Nolo: “I walked in because I knew I’d be dragged otherwise. I desire it less than you do.”
So yeah, they’re not exactly friends. Also, Fingon locked Celebrimbor in Aredhel’s old bedroom (with himself outside the door) when the argument started, to shield him from Curufin’s anger and humiliation. Hell get to talk to Curufin once Curufin is no longer talking about sex though.
eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to  save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other.
First off: Curufin is still definitely attracted to Fingon and Nolo. He resents being told what to do, but if ordered to fuck or touch one of them he will take the excuse to get his hands all over them. He probably still won’t do a useful job though - more of playing with Fingon’s nipples or cock with one hand, while one finger of the other is in Fingon’s ass so Fingon can’t pull away. Fingon considers prer to be defined as stretching and lubing Curufin enough that Maedhros will enjoy sticking his cock in, with Curufin in little enough pain that he can come if Maedhros tries for that. So Fingon just goes with three fingers from the start, and uses Curufin’s moment of surprise to reach back and prep himself a bit better. Sure, Curufin would be punished for doing a bad job, but Fingon would be stuck with inadequate prep.
Fingon doesn’t push Curufin away because Maedhros could be back at any moment, and he ordered them to prep each other rather than themselves. (Maedhros finds the thought of his sex slaves “playing with” each other very arousing, even though he knows it’s just a show for him.)
Maedhros goes for the thematic/ironic punishments. The next night, Maedhros orders Fingon to prep Curufin as badly as he was prepped, and then puts a giant dildo in Curufin. He can take it out when he comes, and he’s not allowed to touch his cock.
That’s assuming that Curufin’s bad prep “just” caused pain or injury to Fingon. If Curufin actually did such a bad job prepping Fingon that Maedhros had to wait, or felt pain, that would be terrible. Maedhros would beat him with a crop, and then chain Curufin’s hands behind his back - if he’s not going to use them as ordered, he doesn’t need them. If Curufin apologized very, very well the next night, Maedhros might unchain his hands before putting the dildo in.
(Fingon’s prep of Curufin is judged as adequate, especially if he touches Curufin’s cock enough to get it hard before Maedhros gets back. Fingon knows what his “audience” wants.)
Getting ordered to do things to each other at parties is mostly something Maedhros “grew out of”. He’s king now, and has a whole lot more power than just making “low” people fuck on his command. Possibly Maglor still orders it though. And Maedhros does like private shows, he just doesn’t need a big audience for his sex salves fucking each other.
I don’t think Maedhros would allow Nolo and Fingon to write letters back and forth with Turgon and Aredhel - too easy to plan an escape, even if Maedhros reads the letters too. He’d probably allow one way communication though.  Tugon and Aredhel can write letters to their family that will be read by a guard, but will reach their destination. Maedhros will occasionally have Nolo or Fingon attend him at court (clothed) so that everyone can see their subservience, and Turgon and Aredhel can know they’re still alive.
They would be standing beside Maedhros’ throne, fetching notes he left in his room, or a drink of water, or his lunch; wiping up any spills immediately, whether on the throne or the floor or Maedhros’s robes. Occasionally holding a book or similar where Maedhros can see it, without wrinkling his robe by setting it in his lap. After a year or so, Maedhros has Curufin attend him as well - in a beautiful gag the first couple times, just in case.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
Oo can we know about Roman's middlespace? I think it was 6 on the list??
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Roman has a middlespace! for thise who dont know middlespace is another aspect of age dreaming and age regression - but in a more teen headspace! littlespace is 0-12 years, middlespace is 13+ years!
it's much less tapped into than his littlespace, and it's kind of hard to tell if it's just big roman since he almost acts exactly the same. But his middlespace is mostly defined by nostalgia!
so if theres a day when roman wants to watch old disney channel movies and listen to noughties music and play pokemon on his old nintendo DS then thats usually him indulging his middlespace.
honestly this headspace might be slightly involuntary! he doesnt really control when he wants to do these things, he just wakes up in this mood some days. but he is still self aware and understands he isn't a teen but he sure feels like one
again theres no defined age range for roman, he doesnt like fussing over it so the family dont dwell on it. but if you had to you could probably pinpoint his behaviour as typical of 13-16 years old. still though they dont focus on that part
one interesting feature of romans middlespace is he actually has more motivation to write!! when big he tends to gravitate more towards art for a hobby - his job as thomas' creative side includes scriptwriting so its hard for him to let go of that perfectionism and write just for fun. but when he's in middlespace he lets go of that a bit and writes!! he tends to go for fanfiction fix it stuff but also original work that tends to be fantasy worlds!
in terms of his relationship with everyone when he feels like this:
he loves patton a lot but he gets a little bit annoyed with his dad when he's in his middlespace. patton's instinct is to treat everyone like a kiddo and if he hears someone is little he likes to baby them. generally the childish treatement doesnt bother roman when he's big and he loves it when hes little, but when he feels like a teen its embarrassing and frustrating. this is probably the easiest way you can tell if roman is in middlespace - he will be a bit moody with his dad
middle roman is cheeky and is very very likely to play pranks on his mom. i cant think of any though :((
actually yes i can. inspired by my sister pranking our mum: he buys a life size cardboard cutout of danny devito and keeps hiding it around the house where he knows logan will find it. eg. in his closet - roman heard a muffled 'AAAAH! Roman!!' through his bedroom door before running downstairs cackling - and in the bathroom before he knows logan is going to jump in the shower - that time he only heard a gasp and then a deep deep sigh 'that damn kid'
but the time he is most proud of is when he knew they were running out of ice in the refridgerator and purposefully used it all then later asked his mom to get him some, knowing logan would have to go down to the basement for more. roman heard the stairs creak beneath logans feet as he went down. then while logan was down there roman quickly set danny devito up just around the corner of the stairs in a dark spot.
he heard logan come up from the basement and then there was a VERY loud scream 'aaAHH!!' and the ice got dropped all over the floor and roman started howling with laughter. it stopped when he heard logans heavy footsteps coming towards him 'LITTLE PRINCE YOURE IN BIG TROUBLE!' (dont worry he wasnt that much. he just got tickled)
if virgil is big roman likes to hang out with him if he is in middlespace! this is actually a way for them to bond, virgil feels less intimidated by him (he's not much anyway but a little bit still) and can be more open about his interests since roman constantly goes on about these nostalgic things. they tend to spend most of their time together if roman feels like a teen because they bond over nostalgic stuff like music and games and movies and they actually end up in giggle fits!! me and my sister used to get these, when you fall down a rabbit hole of high school musical and bratz dolls and scoobies and you just laugh at everything and everything is so exciting and you end up losing your voices from laughing so much
also virgil tends to write as a hobby and never shows anyone, but roman likes to show him his writing he does while in middlespace!! and virgil feels comforted seeing how roman is so carefree about it. romans writing isnt perfect and theres spelling mistakes and plot holes but middle roman doesnt care and that gives virgil confidence in his own writing! i dont know if i want virgil to share his writing with anyone - i think it might be cool for virgils writing to be literally just for him. so much of his life is exposed to his family because of his regression - he doesnt even bathe on his own most of the time - so having a private hobby is sweet. but roman's attitude to his own writing still makes virgil feel better abt his own -- and if virgil was ever to share his writing it would be with middlespace roman!
if vee is regressed though it goes a very different way
middle roman is halfway between protective babysitter and teasing big brother. so yes he still loves his baby brother to pieces and will look after him if he regresses around him, but he loves to trick baby vee for a bit of a laugh (only harmless stuff, like the cookie monster bit he pulled a while ago!)
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isolctions · 3 years
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@thvndcrstrvck​ asked: ultimate relationship tag for mars & teyani :~)
relationship tag*
*only accepting for established ships. (domo gets a pass bc i luv them <3)
who is more likely to raise their voice? — i feel like they do an equal amount of voice raising. the only real difference is that i feel like mars is more loud in tone & the type to go “i’m not yelling!!!!!” whereas teyani’s yelling takes on more of a stern tone. who threatens to leave but never actually does? — mars, prbly. who actually keeps their word and leaves? — teyani. she absolutely served him papers while he was at work. who trashes the house? — nobody, tf? they’re too old for that shit. do either of them get physical? — i...would think not. because teyani is extremely passive & if mars would’ve tried it, she would have left earlier. so no. how often do they argue / disagree? — it prbly wasn’t often in the beginning of their relationship, but one of those “when it happens it’s messy” type of arguments. now, best believe it’s an argument every two hours as their relationship is incredible strained. who is the first to apologize? — teyani.
it’s me having no idea what their sex life is like bc we haven’t plotted out this far, #help. they did the do until they no longer liked each other, now they don’t.
we also didn’t plot out this far. but i mean, teyani having her daughter is canon so she and ines were/are a package deal (like was she pregnant before this relationship??? after??? was ines already born??? chile, idk.) and i’m sure mars was cool with helping her while they were together. mmcht.
who likes to cuddle? — teyani is a big cuddler. who is the little spoon? — truthfully, mars! as much as she likes being held, she also likes to do the holding. you never know when ur partner needs that kinda comfort. who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? — while doing this, i kind of have this idea in my head that neither would like to inconvenience the other when they’re doing smthn important. but if they’re watching a movie on the couch or some shit, teyani might be the one to start sneaky touching. who struggles to keep their hands to themselves? — boffum. depends on the mood. how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? — if they’re not already asleep, maaaaaaybe an hour? hour and a half max? who gives the most kisses? — teyani. what is their favorite non-sexual activity? — teyani likes hand holding. mars might like doing smthn hands on like helping cook or some shit. where is their favorite place to cuddle? — the practical places, such as the couch while unwinding or in bed before going to sleep. who is more likely to playfully grope the other? — maybe mars. how often do they get time to themselves? — not mf often!! which is why teyani tries making the most out of it whenever they’re around each other.
who snores? — mars. do they share a bed or sleep separately? — they once shared a bed, but now they sleep separately. either in different rooms or one is in a different location all together. if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? — used to cozy up until one steals a blanket or gets hot. who talks in their sleep? — prbly teyani. what do they wear to bed? — um...pajamas? are either of your muses insomniacs? — it would more than likely be teyani. it can be hard to sleep sometimes when spirits keep bugging you at all hours. can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? — nope. do they wrap their limbs around each other or stay side by side? — it prbly was a slow transition from being wrapped around each other to laying back to back. real divorcee shit. who wakes up with bed hair? — um, mars keeps his hair short & teyani got a bonnet or a scarf on. who wakes up first? — teyani’s always been an early bird. plus she was prbly already up anyway. who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? — NO ONE!! get ur ass up to eat! like, they’ll make a PLATE for the other but you better get tf up if you wanna eat it. what is their favorite sleeping position? — teyani tends to lay on her side curled up, while i feel like mars is more of a ‘lay on the stomach sprawled out like a starfish’ kinda guy. who hogs the sheets? — mars. so selfish. do they set an alarm each night? — ya, they got jobs. can a television be found in their room? — i wanna say, like...tv’s in bedrooms are so common now...but also...i feel like no??? idk i’m making shit up who has nightmares? — mars? i mean he for the streets, so i’m sure he has nightmares? who has ridiculous dreams? — teyani has visions that mars would prbly write off as ridiculous dreams, ergnerjk. who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? — i said mars so it’s the law now what time is bed time? — uh? idk? 11pm maybe? any routines / rituals before bed? — bathing & brushing teeth. teyani does skin care and moisturizes and twists her hair. mars does...whatever he does...idk him like that who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? — depends on how much sleep they got
who is the busiest? — they both have busy work schedules, considering they both have full time careers. but whereas teyani has more of a schedule, mars has the most unpredictable hours & his lil’ hannah montana ass double life. who rakes in the highest income? — hannah marstana. are any of your muses unemployed? — nope. who takes the most sick days? — maybe teyani? i mean she has a one year old? who is more likely to turn up late to work? — i feel like neither, but again, it would likelier be teyani. who sucks up to their boss? — eye roll. i think teyani did at first. what are their jobs? — computer analyst / medium. surgeon / liar. do their muses enjoy or despise their careers? — nah, i think they both enjoy it. are your muses financially stable? — with or without mars, she good!!
who does the washing? — teyani. who takes out the trash? — boffum. who does the ironing? — teyani bc she already does laundry bc she likes it. who does the cooking? — boffum. who is more likely to burn down the house just trying? — HMMMMMMMidk. who is messier? — teyani is honestly more prone to being messy, but at least she cleans up! who leaves the toilet roll empty? — i feel like men always do this. so i’m choosing mars. who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? — teyani. but again, she goes back for it later. who forgets to flush the toilet? — ew, no one. who is the prankster around the house? — the spirits that follow teyani around. i’m not joking. who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? — teyani. who mows the lawn? — they pay somebody to do it, idk. who answers the phone? — whoever is near the damn phone? duh? who does the vacuuming? — they do their fair share. who does the groceries? — both? they’ll go together if it’s smthn specifically they want but it’s mostly just whoever calls the other and goes “hey what do u want” who takes longest to shower? — teyani if she’s washing her hair, but mostly mars. who spends the most time in the bathroom? — teyani! she has big hair! and glowing skin!
is money a problem? — no. teyani gets paid fairly well, mars is a surgeon, and also has...extracurricular activities. how many cars do they own? — teyani has to take a train to her job, so i guess one overall? maybe two if she has to go out somewhere? do they own their home or do they rent? — owned, but teyani now rents an apartment. do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? — closer to a coast. do they live in the city or in the country? — city, babey. do they enjoy their surroundings? — i mean, it’s what they’re used to. what’s their song? — ..........we’ll come back to this. what do they do when they’re away from each other? — teyani just works, really. she has a few hobbies that she tends to. has ines to care for. mars i feel like is the errand runner, and would spend his day like, doing Something. where did they first meet? — this is literally killing me i’m never doing this for a brand new ship again how did they first meet? — UHHHH whatever let’s go with they were set up. who spends the most money when they’re out shopping? — neither? at least, not intentionally? if so, it’d be on practical things like groceries. who’s more likely to flash their assets? — neither. who finds it amusing when the other trips over? — teyani. like mars is so serious...when he does smthn dumb, you just have to laugh! any mental issues? — i mean, teyani had a bout of postpartum once. who’s terrified of bugs? — not terrified, but teyani’s not exactly fond of them. who kills the spiders around the house? — mars, while teyani fearfully leads them outside. their favorite place? — the crib! who pays the bills? — boffum. do they have any fears for their future? — they are literally in the middle of getting divorced. maybe if one of them died or smthn? who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? — mars, when he feel like bein sweet. who uses up all the hot water? — mars. which is fine. who’s the tallest? — prbly mars. but teyani isn’t exactly short, either. she 5′7. who’s more likely to just randomly hop in the shower with the other? — teyani. who wanders around in their underwear? — neither. who sings the loudest when singing along with the radio? — teyani, but mostly to be annoying. what do they tease each other about? — teyani sneak-helps gianna make fun of mars abt literally anything. who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense sometimes? — i mean...they both dress kinda basic i think? do they have mutual friends? — shit, prbly. who crushed first? — teyani. any alcohol or substance related problems? — i don’t...think so? who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? — uh, maybe mars? who swears the most? — boffum.
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sweetenby · 4 years
Content warning: Animal neglect
Hi fishblr 👋 I don't have a fish blog so I'm not sure how many people this will reach who can help, but this is Roosevelt as you can tell he's missing his fins. Him and three other goldfish are technically mine but I've never cared for them before I just didn't know how and my dad was keeping them for me so I figured he knew what he was doing. Even if you don't know anything about fish you can very probably guess that is not true considering: no fins. To make a long story short my dad isn't cleaning the tank or doing water changes and I didn't realize that until now. I'm not blaming it all on him I should have been more responsible and done more research before getting fish but unfortunately 13 year old me didn't think about that. About two weeks ago I realized Roosevelt developed finrot again he actually did a year ago when I was at school so I hadn't noticed until I came back home and saw him in his current finless state. He's still getting around okay and can get food so I figured he's not good but at least okay. I noticed the tip of his tail turning white and I asked a petco employee what to do abt that, they pointed out some medicine and told me to set up a quarantine tank so I did that but I definitely need some advice on this whole situation.
Hes the only one in the tank who's fins have turned white but another one has fins that are kind of frayed looking but I didn't see that until after I moved Roosevelt into this tank. I know 10 gallons is way too small for a goldfish but I was told thats okay for a quarantine tank. I've been doing a lot of research into fin rot and keeping goldfish and the number one thing I want to do is get them a bigger tank, but I can't do that for awhile because I have no job about about 8 dollars in my bank account (my mom bought the small tank and filter and everything else I'm using now for me but she draws the line at spending money for a 55 gallon tank which is I think the minimum for three goldfish I'm not sure I saw some ppl saying bigger) so until then I'm really wondering the best things I can do. I saw conflicting stuff on the medication really helping fin rot and a lot more positive stuff for aquarium salt helping so I've put that in both tanks (I put the carbon filter back in the quarantine tank and waited two days for the medicine to be filtered out first bc I figured that'd be the best thing to do). I'm doing water changes in both tanks twice a week. I've been doing 25% water changes in the 20 gallon one with the two goldfish which I know isn't a lot but considering my dad hasn't changed the water in about three years I thought doing more than that might be too much for them right now. Since the 10 gallon tank I moved Roosevelt too is uncycled I've been doing 50% water changes twice a week. I got an ammonia test kit and unfortunately the levels are about 0.25-0.5 ppm right now I'm not sure what the ph of the water is. The tips of his fins look kind of black which some googling said was a sign of ammonia in the tank. So I know thats a lot of background but these are my questions
1. Is the amount of water changing I'm doing okay? Or should I do more? Less even?
2. Is it okay to have decorations in a quarantine tank? Bc I've heard conflicting things and right now its empty but I feel bad because he's already alone and I knew goldfish should be social but him having no decorations makes me afraid he'll get stressed and bored from the super open space. I was thinking I could put a clean terracotta pot in there as a cave or something from the other tank to give some cover
3. How can I lower the ammonia levels in the ten gallon tank? I took the filter from the 20 gallon one thats already been cycled (I tested the waters ammonia is at zero in that one) and kind of swished it around in the water bc someone said that can help. I'm doing those water changes and I aerated the tank when I was giving him medicine bc I watched a video where someone said medicating can take some of the oxygen out of the tank but I read that doing that can also help lower the ammonia levels. What else should I do?
4. If I can get his fin rot to clear up should I move him back into the 20 gallon with the other two fish or is it better to keep him in the 10 gal? Like I said I'm hoping to get a bigger tank but until then I feel like the 20 gal one will be so overcrowded. I also saw the other fish chasing him from time to time I never saw them attacking him but that could be a possibility I'm just not in my dads room more than to occasionally check on the fish so I haven't been able to observe them that much. Is he better off alone in a smaller tank for now?
If you read this far thank you if you could give me advice I'd really appreciate that so much. Please don't tell me I'm taking bad care of these fish I'm fully aware I have not cared for them correctly but I truly am just trying to do the best that I can for them now. If your advice involves buying something please still give it to me because I might be able to convince my mom to help me a little bit more.
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feisty-fae · 4 years
If you still do the flower ask thingys.. 👉👈 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙜𝙤 :)
HoooH boY hEre we gO-
Alisons: Sexuality?
I sexually identify as a can of beans
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Cis female she/her
Amaryllis: Birthday?
27 September
Anemone: Favorite flower?
All flowers pretty,, but stargazer lily, rose, dahlia and cherry blossoms
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
I don't watch tv but I'll list some other stuff i like to watch:mha, beastars and aggretsuko
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
Idk depends on scenario??
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
"Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass."
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Any Milkshakes or smoothies (mostly banana and strawberry for milkshake and p much anything for smoothie)
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I've never had kith
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Well you see yes but actually no
Baneberries: Favorite song?
I listen to a lot but to keep it short:baby in the kitchen, in my mouth and friends slowed (chase atlantic)
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
We p chill fam
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
Irl bestie,, shes not on tumblr lol
Begonia: Favorite color?
But i like most colours
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
I'd be like a doggo bc it would be the most fun i think-
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet but then when my granny asked me "but whos gonna clean up the animal poop?" I was like "eWW pO0pP!" and then decided that mayb i shouldn't be a vet
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
They're either really kind and sweet
Or literal demons from hell
Legit no inbetween
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
I'm afraid of lot of things-
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I was one dumbass bitcg-
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?
Idk eat pizza and cry or smth ajakamkw
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
When someone hugs me or just generally spends time with me
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
I used to have piercings when i was a bab but eHh haven't worn them since and i dont think my ear holes are big enough now-
California Poppy: Height?
4'10 grrr I'm the omega midget and I'll devour ur ankles
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?
Pant, pink top and black hoodie
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I think i have??
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?
My mom and my dad
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
I never kith
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
I dont have one so imma say sans bc it always looks out of place and makes me laugh-
Columbine: Are you tired?
I feel like screaming and jumping around my room like a crackhead
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Nothing in particular ig
Coneflower: Dream job?
Smth kinda fun and art or design related hopefully,,,,
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert but i also get lonley easily
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
I would get run over by 5 monster trucks, jump off a plane, get mauled by 10 bears, get trampled on by a stampede, get brutally tortured for 12 hours straight, yeet myself into the Grand Canyon and then break all my bones with my bare hands if they weren't broken already
Ok basically i care a lot
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
I had this st bernard plush called Sparky and this lion named Sammy,,
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
My memory is legit so bad it's probably concerning uHHH
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Mayb art??
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?
Ehhh i might reason with them and then if they still disagreed I'd just keep the relationship a secret
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
My parents
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Ehhh arT
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
EhhHh everything that isn't art-
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Oh boy here comes my shitty memory-
Idk but I'm mostly happy that I've been more social and stuff and i feel like im kinda coming out of my shell a bit
Not sure what to say for other 2 bc nothing in particular has really happend?
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Ehhh oK??
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
I hope to pass all my exams and get an okish job mayb
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
2. Fammm
3. eHhh yummy food,,
4. Drawing and uhhh art
6. Ok idk what else aside from like serious stuff like house and etc.-
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Drawing, crying, venting to a friend/parent
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Hugssss,kith,cuddle, *draws u stuff*
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
MmmmmMy aRRt?
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Wake up
Don't go to school
Vibe with friends
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Ehh 8yrs? We met in hell school
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
6..?? Aa idk theres some people that idk if they'd consider me a friend or not,,
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Idk any compliment is best compliment for me,,
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Ew yucky gröss
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
m y a r t
Also my hair bc its soft and wavy,,
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?
Everything else-
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Climb trees and do dumb shit
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Same irl bestie i mentioned before
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
Well I chose Fae bc i thought it sounded pretty
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Idk what to rlly say lmao
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
Kinda the same but i had toys everywhere-
Also when i was like 5 i had this legit fucking cursed thomas the tank engine shaped bed that i actually found a pic of but it's FUCKING HORRIFYING SO I PROBS WONT SHOW HERE-
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Hi mom ily ur epic
Onions: Tell about your dad.
Hi dad ily ur epic
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
Omg i miss my grannies sm bc i couldn't see em this year bc nasty pandemic
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
Haha shit memory gor brrRR-
I don't really remember too many specific parties but when i was like 7-10 i had these epic parties in those birthday places with the giant play areas
I kinda wish i wasn't too old to go to them sobs
Peony: What was your first job?
I haven't had a job yet
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Hmmmm idk? I haven't really thought abt that but i don't really mind i just wanna find someone to vibe with,,
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
I cri
Pink: Where is home?
Home is home home
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
Now where do i start...
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
I look up to people that are kind, caring, brave, funny, cool or stronger than me ig?
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
Basically my current life minus school, stress,pandemic and responsibilities lmao
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
I used to believe in ghosts after i thought i encountered one
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Peoples laughsss also music
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Bro i dont have one,, my aphantasia makes it hard for me to remember stuff-
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
I wantttt better chargersss thattt donttt telll meee thatt myyy tablett will finishh chargingg innn 1 dayy andd 7 hoursss
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Kinda difficult but im opening up more
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hrs
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Idk ig i kinda have to go to school and do stuff
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
Non existant
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My black and white stripy top, and all my hoodiess
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.
I don't think i have just one aesthetic bc im drawn to so many different aesthetics at the same time-
Like vintage, neon, dark, spoopy, pastel, cute, etc etc
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
I haven't been reading anythinggg
But i should really finish reading Percy Jackson bc it do be picking up dust-
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Mmm yummy 👅
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
I am currently living and breathing yes
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hyphypmic · 5 years
HypMic: Baby
@melolala asked: Could I Get The scenario about they reaction when s/o want a baby. 🤣 I really think that will be funny :v
He would be like: what
And he really asks if you’re serious or not like, no joke
Because he’s fucking 19 and is like: what no not yet I mean if you want a dog sure but not a human being maybe in the future when we’re I mean not to ASSUME anything but yeah
And it’s cute because Ichiro is really a family man and imagines having kids with you and growing old with you so like it has been on his mind, he’s just shy abt it
And yeah, after you leave he’s still smiling and thinking about it like a dork
Like flat out refuses and just says why can’t you be normal and want a dog we’re fucking 17 what the hell
And he knows you’re joking but he starts sweating
Like he really offers a fucking doll or something or he tries to brush it off and all but he’s blushing because he’s also secretly a family guy and does want kids in the far future
Freaks the fuck out inside and is like what do I say what do I say what do I say
Him: yeah cool
And he tries to play it off but his brains starts wandering and he’s like: what would it be like having kids, because he’s the youngest and the boy of the fam so he doesn’t have much of an idea
But his imagination starts wandering and he has all these fluffy domestic thoughts running in his head
I think he would be like: children are hard to take care of
Then you’re like: it’s just another you what’s the diff
And then Samatoki nods then realises what you said and you’re like running while he chases you and all that
Of course he catches you and then kisses your forehead and like whispers: if you really want one, we can always try in the future when it’s not so… dangerous
Because seriously, Samatoki is a family man and I think at his age and like life experiences, he wants to be a better father than his dad ever was
But babies make him uwu so he’s thinking of domestic shit already
Is kind of like what??? And replace me???
He kind of deflects it because he’s the type to text back: fuck no and then teases you around like saying: and the baby will replace me what about my cuddles what about meeeeee
But part of him is like: if ever I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with you then… maybe one day when everything is settled
Because no way in hell he’ll put the baby through shit like not knowing his father because he died or something (the world is dangerous)
It will backfire on you if you’re not serious because Riou will take it seriously and genuinely like asks
Because he would want a serious conversation about it
And from a joke it becomes a deep convo on wether or not you want children because honestly Riou is game for it because he probably loves protecting and would be thrilled to have a kid that looks like you and him together
I really see him being uwu about it and you being taken aback by the surge of affection
He is also the type to be like: uh uh no way nope never I’m your baby
Nah he’s more of you DADDY
No anyway, he’d like freeze for a while and be like: why do you want a baby
And you’re probably joking and he tries to brush it off my distracting you with like kisses and all that then pouting and like: am I not baby enough for you mommy? Can I take care of you instead uwu
But the kid thing freaks him out a bit inside, so he deflects it and distracts
Flat out goes: sure let’s go
And then you know he’s not serious as he just stares at you with the flattest expression nd he brings out a chart on his phone on how to take care of baby
At this point you know he’s teasing you hard and you just pout instead but gentaro smiles instead and kisses you: Darlin, as much as I’d like a mini gentaro, maybe not yet hmm?
Even if gentaro secretly wants one, he just goes: nah not yet okay, in the far future
but author imagination strikes and he thinks just how the baby would look like
“Sure, where do we get them”
The dumbass actually looks at you in earnest in where you can get this baby and it like takes fifteen seconds to register in his brain
And he’s suddenly like: NOT WITH MY INCOME!
And he’s a homeless dude so like his fear is kind of like not being able to provide so he’s like; nope not like this and even if you say you will support, he wants to be able to support the baby with his own work
He just shrugs and goes: maybe, but we should adopt
Bc tbh he’s seen too many orphans and he wants to help them out and all
Old man probably gets domestic uwu and goes like: sure
And it gets from joking to real soft real quick and the two of you talk it out like actual adults with mature minds dn how the two of you will take care of the baby
Also like, he gets super excited and baby about it because he van pull out all the medical plans and what you want and the healthcare and the planning and the time the two of you will have sex
And really he gets excited and smiley (of course assuming you’re serious) but he also says: we should adopt so we can help other kids too yay
Freaks the fuck out externally he goes like: AH WHAT I MEAN SURE BUT WAIT AM I READY OH MY GOD AM I????
And then he spirals downwards into himself and he’s worrying nd you have to cuddle and comfort him and tell him he’ll be a fantastic father
But of course doppo is having none of that and is still spiralling downwards and is like: are you sure ill be good what if I’m not good enough oh my god what if I lose my job
And you really just tell him that you’ll do it together okay and it will work out, you’re not in a rush anyway
Hugs and celebrates and kisses you because why not you know
And it’s adorable as fuck because he wants a baby really because he’s super soft
But then he thinks if he’s ready or not and he’s actually kinda worried about it because he’s like with a split persona thing with the suit or what if they’re ashamed of their father
And you’re like: wtf you’re literally famous, you own a super popular host club AND YOU’RE RICH AND AN ACTUAL PUPPY
But high is still kinda insecure about it + his fear of girls so like
And you’re like: it’s okay, we’re together yay and hifu just softens
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stoncs · 4 years
ay  buddies  what  is  up  !  i’m  tay  ,  n  i’m  here  to  reintroduce  you  to  my  emotional  support  bag  of  trash  ,  stone  .  we  were  here  a  minute  ago  ,  but  now  that  i  have  a  job  w  pretty  good  hours  i  thought  ...  huh  ,  isnt  it  time  for  stone  to  be  a  scumbag  again  ?  anyhow  ,  i’m  from  the  gmt-3  tmz  i  think  ,  maybe  .  i  go  by  feminine  pronouns  ,  n  it’s  hot  as  balls  in  this  wonderful  brazilian  weather  so  yall  can  catch  me  ugly  sweating  over  here  anytime  !  so  down  below  u  can  find  a  whole  ass  intro  abt  this  douchenozzle  ,   n  if  u  smash  the  gd  like  button  i  will  hit  u  up  for  some  plots !
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𝐈.  𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋  :  
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  :  stone  louis  liberman
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  :  stoney 
𝐀𝐆𝐄  :  twenty  five  
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  /  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  :  cismale  /  he & him
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  :  bisexual  ,  biromantic
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  :  part  time  professional  photographer
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘  :  charles  liberman  &  elena  hardwell
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐎  :  scott  disick  ,  jean  ralphio  saperstein  ,  chuck  bass  (  ish  )  .
stone  was  born  into  what  is  considered  hollywood  royalty  .  kind  of  like  brangelina  (  pre  breakup  )  ,  or  richard  burton  &  liz  taylor  ,  or  kim  &  k*nye  (  just  kidding  )  .  but  yes  ,  they  were  both  really  famous  actors  who  were  both  in  commited  relationships  when  they  first  met  on  a  movie  set  and  fell  in  mad  love  with  each  other  .  by  the  time  the  movie  had  premiered  they  were  already  secretly  married  and  just  the  most  talked  about  topic  in  the  movie  industry  .
AND  they  lived  happily  ever  after  .  just  kidding  ,  mr.  liberman  died  in  a  car  crash  when  stone  was  ten  years  old  ,  and  his  loss  really  broke  his  mother  .  she  grieved  the  best  way  she  knew  how  :  by  drinking  a  lot  and  getting  remarried  less  than  a  year  after  losing  her  husband  .  and  then  getting  remarried  5  more  times  after  that  . stone  actually  gets  along  really  well  with  most  of  his  mom’s  ex-husbands  ,  and  is  still  friends  with  some  of  them  even  after  elena  eventually  ditches  them  .  stone  also  claims  not  to  remember  his  dad  ,  but  actually  does  and  really  misses  him  and  the  family  they  were  specially  .
in  regards  of  family  ,  his  dad  had  2  kids  before  marrying  his  mom  ,  and  his  mom  had  one  after  losing  his  dad  so  he  has  plenty  of  siblings  .  he  isn’t  particularly  close  to  them  since  they  never  saw  much  of  each  other  growing  up  ,  but  he  is  very  close  to  his  little  sister  ,  who’s  13  and  just  as  chaotic  as  he  is  but  definitely  a  lot  smarter  .  he  loves  her  to  pieces  even  though  sometimes  he  thinks  she’s  satan  hiding  inside  a  teenage  girl’s  body  .
okay  ,  so  ,  as  previously  mentioned  ,  stone  views  life  in  a  ‘before  dad  &  after  dad’  kinda  way  ,  in  regards  that  childhood  before  his  father  died  was  amazing  ,  they  were  always  travelling  and  going  to  cool  spots  and  having  fun  .  his  mom  was  awesome  &  he  loved  his  dad  to  pieces  and  he  never  had  to  go  to  school  .  life  was  like  ,  perfect  .  and  then  his  dad  died  and  his  mother  was  such  a  mess  .  she  was  having  such  a  hard  time  dealing  with  losing  him  that  she  honestly  couldn’t  give  stone  the  affection  and  structure  he  needed  ,  so  he  was  mostly  left  behind  in  the  chicago  house  with  babysitters  and  homeschool  teachers  while  his  mom  was  off  working  and  getting  married  .  he  doesn’t  really  hold  a  grudge  or  anything  ,  but  he’s  definitely  not  as  close  to  his  mom  because  of  it  ,  it’s  like  he  can’t  really  connect  with  her  anymore  .
stone  never  went  to  college  ,  his  mom  had  to  actually  pay  for  his  high  school  diploma  because  she  didn’t  want  him  to  be  a  dropout  ,  and  stone  spent  most  of  his  life  with  zero  life  prospects  ,  all  he  did  for  a  while  was  spend  his  parent’s  money  and  get  super  fucked  up  .  that  being  said  ,  he’s  really  shaped  up  the  last  couple  of  years  &  ran  with  the  passion  he  had  for  photography  .  he’s  quite  a  bit  more  serious  about  it  than  most  people  know  ,  and  has  shot  big  pieces  for  mags  like  time  and  rolling  stone  ,  but  he  doesn’t  really  want  anyone  creating  expectations  about  him  so  he  usually  keeps  quiet  .  ALSO  because  he’s  having  sex  with  a  bunch  of  models  who  he  definitely  shouldn’t  be  associating  with  ,  so  he  likes  to  keep  a  low  profile  .
growing  up  and  to  this  day  ,  stone  never  minded  the  attention  he  got  from  being  a  hollywood  baby  .  he  just  was  never  bothered  by  it  ,  and  even  like  makes  it  a  game  to  see  how  many  paps  he  can  gather  by  going  out  to  get  groceries  or  to  some  fancy  sushi  place  all  the  celebs  are  going  to  .  he’s  basically  an  attention  wh*re  ,  we  hate  him  .
ALSO  he  is  a  daddy  !  literally  has  a  five  year  old  son  who’s  called  bodhi  .  there’s  a  lot  of  drama  with  his  mother  so  he  doesn’t  get  to  see  him  very  often  ,  but  he  loves  bodhi  very  much  and  is  a  pretty  good  dad  ?  not  the  best  ,  but  he  tries  really  hard  to  be  good  actually  .
stone  is  generally  a  great  person  to  be  around  if  you’re  looking  for  a  good  time  ,  he’s  always  up  to  something  fun  and  anything  you  wanna  do  that  most  people  would  consider  crazy  ,  stone  is  the  guy  that  will  say  hell  yea  and  not  think  twice  to  do  it  with  you  .  he  loves  to  be  surrounded  by  people  and  is  just  a  party  animal  .
he’s  also  super  chill  .  crazy  chill  .  too  chill  .  nothing  gets  him  mad  ,  like  ,  nothing  .  usually  that  annoying  dude  who  will  tell  you  to  calm  down  when  you’re  arguing  and  make  you  wanna  choke  him  .  the  least  threatening  dude  you  will  ever  meet  .
just  a  cool  dude  to  have  around  overall  ,  like  people  are  always  having  fun  when  they’re  around  him  .
but  ...  has  NO  moral  compass  ,  not  even  a  single  ounce  of  it  .  he  is  the  most  opportunistic  person  .  will  100%  do  whatever  it  takes  to  get  things  to  go  his  way  ,  and  has  no  concern  about  how  his  actions  affect  others  .  he  usually  thinks  since  nothing  bothers  him  ,  he  can  do  whatever  he  wants  to  everyone  else  and  no  one  will  mind  .
kinda  a  nice  douchebag  ?  he’s  really  charming  and  nice  and  cool  but  will  probably  screw  you  over  at  least  once  in  your  life  ,  maybe  more  if  you  let  him  ngl  .
is  a vegetarian  !  tried  to  go  vegan  once  but  he  really  likes  chocolate  milk  and  gave  up  .
speaks  very  slowly  ,  says  ‘i mean’  ,  and  ‘uh’  ,  a  lot  .  you’ve  probably  asked  him  to  talk  a  little  faster  once  or  twice  .
is  named  stone  because  he  was  conceived  at  a  rolling  stones  concert  .  shout  out  to  mick  jagger  .  his  mom  always  tells  him  that  and  he  is  traumatized  by  it  .
does  a  LOT  of  drugs  ,  if  he  ever  zones  out  feel  free  to  assume  he’s  tripping  about  purple  crocodiles  or  something  freaky  .
is  6  foot  tall  and  very  clumsy  about  it  !  
was  actually  born  in  greece .
best  friend  :  someone  who’s  been  there  for  stone  through  pretty  much  everything  and  vice  versa  ,  knows  all  his  fuckups  and  either  tries  to  get  him  to  become  a  better  human  being  or  just  fucks  up  right  along  with  him  .    
half  sibling  :  they’re  kinda  awkward  in  that  …  cousins  at  family  get  together  type  of  way  ?  stone  doesn’t  particularly  see  this  person  as  his  actual  sibling  and  they  neither  love  nor  hate  each  other  ,  it’s  just  rly  awkward  .
skinny  love  :  they’re  like  …  the  relationship  that  never  was  ?  they  both  cared  about  one  another  ,  but  for  some  reason  didn’t  end  up  together  so  now  ….  weirdness  happens  ?  they  dont  really  know  where  they  stand  with  one  another  n  might  still  care  but  it  doesn’t  seem  like  it’s  gonna  happen  .
exes  on  good  or  bad  terms  :  like  previously  mentioned  ...  stone  is  kinda  an  asshole  ,  so  his  relationships  mostly  end  up  not  in  the  best  way  possible  ?  that  being  said  ,  he  can  sometimes  be  decent  ,  so  maybe  there  could  be  relationships  that  end  up  in  a  generally  positive  note  ?  possibly  .
CHEATING  PLOTS  :  honestly  stone  might  be  the  king  of  cheating  ?  he  just  doesn’t  care  ?  he’s  such  an  asshole  .  this  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  romantic  either  ?  he  could  have  hooked  up  with  someone  his  friend  liked  or  someone’s  MOM  ,  like  .  he  just  cheats  everyone  on  everything  all the  time  . 
first  love  :  the  person  who  he  thought  was  going  to  give  him  the  romance  that  his  mom and  dad  had  ,  could  have  ended  on  good  or  bad  terms  but  he  always  holds  a  special  place  in  his  heart  for  them  . 
flings  or  fwbs  :  he  probably  has  plenty  of  those  because  stone  is  at  a  phase  in  life  where  he  doesnt  really  believe  in  monogamy ?  i’m  serious  i  hate  him  .  he  probably  has  a  bunch  of  flings  and  not  gonna  lie  ,  he  could  be  stringing  some  of  them  along  just  because  i  love  me  some  drama  .
platonic  siblingish  friendship  :  someone  he  doesn’t  even  think  about  being   with  .  probably  someone  he  kind  of  sees  like  a  sibling  and  is  just  really  protective  about  . 
party  pals  :  they  don’t  really  have  much  in  common  ,  but  they  have  a  great  time  whenever  there  are  parties  and  fun  adventures  around  .
bad  blood  :  stone  doesn’t  really  hate  anyone  ,  but  there  are  definitely  people  he’s  uncomfortable  around  or  who’s  presence  he’s  really  not  fond  of  ?  possibly  a  lot  of  cold  shouldering  and  some  snarky  remarks  ,  nothing  to  extreme  though  .
okay  so  i  feel  like  this  ran  a  little  long  .  it  probably  did  .  a  lot  of  it  was  recycled  from  my  old  intro  but  yall  still  wouldnt  believe  how  long  that  took  me  .  so  like  this  if  u  hate  stone  &  lets  plot  !  
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jawnjendes · 5 years
shawn meets... | kat
SUMMARY: in the life of a rockstar, shawn mendes comes across some unique people. sometimes, things stray from the norm. (AU, shawn x every one of my oc’s)(continuation/spin off of goth gf)
AN: sry for the lack of writing lets blame a little green dude. no one cares abt this story anymore lmao anyways this kinda goes with @fourtristattoos spooky fest. i used one quote from the list lol and the oc for this chapter is uh,,, fitting for this fest :) ALSO i know it says k1, but this is the third chapter of the series so go ahead n clicky ze masterlist if u wanna catch up
***let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist
previous chapter
kat’s blog | kat’s playlist | masterlist
Five years later.
Despite what the media, the fans, and all of Shawn’s team said five years ago, Shawn has actually been single for six years. Any relationship that was “outed” to the public was merely for promotional purposes. Shawn has kissed whatever person he was supposed to be seen with, and took the backlash from his fans with a smile. He was supposed to be in a happy relationship with the girl he went to university with, no one needed to know the stress and anxiety that weighed down on him, even after that stunt was over.
Thinking back, it really hurt Shawn internally. The stunt with Camila happened only a few short months after the actual relationship with the goth girl from university had ended. Shawn was just reminded of what used to be, and how badly he missed his ex. Wondering what she must think, seeing her ex-boyfriend go after one of her friends. After practically breaking down in front of Andrew, it was discovered that Shawn and Camila were in this for good, for as long as their careers were standing. There would be “break ups” every so often, but there would always be a “getting back together” chapter of this narrative. Shawn really regretted not reading his contract back when he was 21. Camila probably did too, though they didn’t really speak much during that time unless they were staging a date in public.
In the last five years, Shawn and Camila have broken up and gotten back together three times. Singles, albums, or other projects were always announced following these stories, and anyone who was not on Twitter were able to call out their shit. Shawn knew this shit was obvious, painfully obvious, but there were good reasons for keeping this stunt going.
Shawn hasn’t been in a real, serious relationship since university. He’s been on dates and one night stands, but a relationship in this life was nearly impossible. A typical twenty six year old might wonder about settling down, but nothing about this life was typical. Marriage, romance, anything that was remotely stable… Sure, Shawn thought about it every so often, but there was just no time. Not to mention, his PR team was very anal about who he chooses to publicly spend time with if it wasn’t Camila. In the six years he's been going at the music thing, there weren't any signs of slowing down, and Shawn preferred it this way. He wouldn’t know what else to do with his time.
That being said, Shawn made time for pretty ladies, men, and nonbinary friends when he wasn't bombarded with photoshoots, interviews, and a hectic tour schdeule. He went on dates and the public (and sometimes his team) were none the wiser. His sex life was fulfilled, and he had little desire to make relationships with these people. Other times, pretty ladies reached out to him. Like today, for instance.
Shawn was currently off tour and off writing songs for the month, which was perfect timing for a socialite by the name of Sapphire Venus Lilith. She wanted Shawn to be the entertainment at her 27th birthday party in London. The only reason why Andrew approved of it was the amount of zeros on the baby pink check that was sent in advance. Shawn had been in Los Angeles for one day, with plans to hang out with Aria and her fiance, but by the afternoon, he was put on a plane to England.
He had intended to Google this socialite on the flight, just to see what about her was going to make this random show worth it, but he knocked out as soon as he was in the air. There was no time to stop at the hotel either; Apparently, Sapphire demanded they land on her estate. Meaning, this girl was so rich that she could afford a private jet to land on her massive flower garden.
The property was surrounded by lush green trees and a large field that would have been better for the jet to land on. There was a walkway between the two crushed flowerbeds, and it led to a massive, old school mansion. Shawn was looking at the structure through the tiny jet window before following Andrew and Brian out to the walkway.
"You know how I know you've changed?" Andrew said. "We just killed a bunch of daisies, and you didn't even argue."
Shawn looked down at the crushed little plants, trying to identify the petals. "They're jasmines…" He mentally blew a kiss and apologized to the poor plants, as if they had the capacity to appreciate it.
Then, Brian came up on his side. "You think they'll let us stick around for the party after your set?"
"We're here on business," Andrew reminded him.
"All work and no play makes Shawn a dull boy!"
It was a joke, but there was a certain type of energy to that. Shawn woke up this morning with plans to hang out with an old friend and have some normal fun. Instead, it was morning again and he had a job to do. He went up the walkway, staring at the massive structure ahead.
His condo in Toronto felt like a rickety shack compared to this place. The red bricks probably cost more than a single paycheck he gets. The large fountain in the roundabout had scented water spouting out of it and pink rose petals floating around. There was a staircase leading up to the front doors and ramps on either side. Some roadies were walking up and down the ramps, carrying various types of equipment. An elderly butler was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, smiling politely.
"Welcome to the Lilith estate," he greeted to the three men.
Andrew introduced himself first, shaking the man's hand. Then Shawn, then Brian.
"What's your name?" Brian asked.
"Charles, sir," the butler replied, his wise blue eyes lighting up. Probably wasn't asked that too often.
"Good to meet you, Charles!"
"Likewise, Mr. Craigen. Now, if you will all follow me…"
Charles led the three of them up the staircase. He pushed open the massive doors, revealing the inside of the luxurious home. Note: the outside of the mansion was all red brick and dark cobblestones, but the inside was pink. Soft, baby pink. The walls of the entrance hall were white, but the decor, the knickknacks on the long tables, the artwork on the wall, and the chandelier were tinted with pastel pink. It was the first thing anyone would notice stepping in here.
"Would you care for some refreshments, gentlemen?" asked a maid who had walked in, carrying a tray of - you guessed it - pink lemonades, garnished with tiny little yellow flowers. The maid was in a white uniform, a pink flower tucked behind her ear.
They graciously accepted the drinks, thanking the maid who nodded with a smile before disappearing down the hall.
"I thought just her checks were pink," Andrew commented before taking a sip through the straw.
Shawn and Brian agreed, looking around at the frilly room. The rug they were standing on was the loudest of all, being a bright Barbie pink. Wonder what her favorite color is…
Then, Shawn noticed the pink flower in Charles's blazer pocket. It was the same as the maid's one. He tilted his head, studying the ruffly pink petals.
"Is, is that a carnation?" he asked.
Charles glanced down at his blazer. "A peony, actually. Ms. Lilith recently added it to her staff's uniforms. She believes it will 'boost morale,' as she put it."
"Oh." Shawn shouldn't have kicked himself mentally for the mistake. The flower shop kid in him has been dead and gone for a while, anyway.
The further Charles led them into the mansion, the more pink there was. There were also workers moving equipment, tables, and chairs in and out of the vicinity. The party wasn't for another couple of days.
Finally, they stopped in one of the many pastel pink sitting rooms, and even that wasn't empty. Again, white walls, pink furniture. Giant, sparkling chandelier. There was a grand piano (you already know what color) and a girl sitting at the stool with her back to the others, playing a classical song.
Shawn's heart went fast and slow at the same time. This girl was decked out in a black pantsuit and had long dark hair cascading down her back. Even though she was sitting down, Shawn could determine that she was just the right height. There's no fucking way…
"Ms. Adair," Charles politely called from the entrance.
Oh. There really is no fucking way.
The girl turned her head as she kept playing, revealing a pale face, high cheeks, and a strong jawline. Shawn's insides relaxed completely, but also went slightly heavy with disappointment.
"Is Ms. Lilith ready?" Charles asked, voice going softer upon making eye contact.
Ms. Adair's dark eyes flickered over to Shawn. She stopped the classical piece she was playing and instead played the last few notes of Memories. Shawn didn't know how to feel about this.
"Sapphire had a last minute visitor," she finally said as she stood up, her voice even, professional, and very British. She stepped towards the group, her stilettos clacking on the floor. She was honestly really beautiful. She looked nothing like the woman Shawn was thinking of, but Katherine’s neutral expression was uncanny.
"A visitor?" Charles repeated. "Has Mr. Doyle returned once again?"
"I'm not authorized to give specifics but-" Ms. Adair pointed to the ceiling just as a loud bang came from there. Some debris sprinkled down in the space separating her from the group.
Shawn, Brian, and Andrew were equally put off by this, while the two staff members were unfazed. There were several other bangs following, causing more debris to sprinkle down onto the floor.
"I was asked to fill in for her. My name is Katherine Adair, personal assistant to Sapphire Venus Lilith."
"Ah, you're the one I spoke to on the phone," Andrew said, holding out his hand to shake hers.
However, she turned and walked through the other entrance. "If you'll follow me, we will go over to the garden, where the entertainment will take place."
Andrew mostly spoke to her, asking all the questions that Shawn seemed to forget the moment he laid eyes on Ms. Adair. He usually spoke and brainstormed ideas for how the set would look, but his stomach was flipping. He doesn’t have a type, does he? He wouldn’t be putty in the hands of a girl with dark hair, dark eyes, and dark clothes, would he?
He wouldn’t, because Ms. Adair was very uptight and professional. She remained stone faced when Andrew cracked a joke. They just flew over her head, or maybe she understood them and just chose not to emote. She just let an awkward silence take over until Andrew stuck to the topic at hand.
“So, Ms. Adair, where will the stage be?” he asked.
“This way,” she said, leading them through some French doors and out to the yard. “And please, call me Katherine.”
“Kat?” Shawn tried.
Her dark eyes went over to his. She quirked her eyebrows and said nothing, reminding him too much of-
Brian nudged his friend’s arm as they walked outside. He gave Shawn that look. This girl is hot as fuck. At least that’s probably what Brian thought. Shawn was busy watching Katherine’s general body language.
She stood up straight at all times, her chin up with confidence. She had the same neutral, almost cold look on her face. Speaking of her face, it was white. Very white. The pink blush on her cheeks only emphasized it. But she was still practically flawless. She pursed her lips when she thought about a question Andrew asked her, nearly smoldering. Her eyes were alert when she was spoken to, but something about them seemed different. Did she even blink? She was serious, but not too serious if she gave some type of reaction to Shawn’s nickname for her.
Katherine gestured to the big grassy yard, where the stage was yet to be built. There were workers running around like busy bees, moving around speakers and pink party decorations.
“The set needs to be at most, an hour,” she said, “because after that, we have acrobats coming in, as well as some firebreathers.”
“Wow,” Shawn said, “she’s really going all out, eh?”
“Sapphire does as Sapphire pleases,” Katherine confirmed.
“Are we gonna get to meet the birthday girl anytime soon?” Brian asked, sounding eager.
Katherine checked the time on her black iPhone. “Not until the party, I’m afraid. Oh, and she did want me to inform you all that you are more than welcome to stay and enjoy the party after the set.”
Brian and Shawn shared excited glances. Anytime there was a chance to party, they ran with it. Keeps them young.
“Excellent, I just have to make a phone call,” Andrew said, typing on his phone. He walked in a random direction and pressed the device to his ear.
Katherine turned to the other two boys. “Is there anything I can get for you two? Anymore refreshments, perhaps?”
Shawn looked at the pink lemonade in his hand. He hadn’t even drank it yet. “No thank you. This is fine.”
“Everything is fine,” Brian added.
“How long have you been working here?” Shawn asked her.
“Nine years,” she replied shortly.
“Live nearby?”
“Closer than you can imagine.”
“Is your place pink too?” Brian asked with a chuckle.
Katherine said nothing, only blinking before changing the subject. “Sapphire is very excited for you to be here, Mr. Mendes. You’re one of her favorite singers.”
“Oh, thank you,” Shawn said. “And call me Shawn.”
“Shawnie?” she tried, quirking her eyebrows once again.
He grinned. “You can call me whatever you want.”
Shawn wasn’t always the one being pinned against the wall, but Kat was apparently very strong. She was able to reach his height in her stilettos as she hungrily pressed her lips against his. Shawn was already too hot and bothered to notice how cold she was, and he was too busy trying to wrangle his hands free so he could pin her to the hotel room wall.
It was a blur of heat and panting and kissing before Shawn was down to his boxers underneath her, while she was in just a pair of black panties. His hands felt up her thighs, her stomach, and her breasts with fervor.
“You’re fucking freezing,” he said, running his hands over whatever skin he could reach.
Kat hummed as she took his hand from her collarbone. She looked him in the eye as she wrapped her plump, wine colored lips around the tips of his fingers. Her mouth was nowhere near as cold as her body. Warm, soft, inviting… Shawn let out a slow breath, feeling it all the way down in his groin.
She used her mouth on him, practically begging for him to move his hips as well, only intensifying the feel. Kat was relentless, kept going until Shawn was whimpering and coming hard in her mouth. She even insisted that Shawn didn’t have to return the favor. He probably wouldn’t have been able to muster up the energy if he tried. His whole being was just sucked out through his-
“Let me hold you, I’ll keep you warm,” he mumbled as Kat lied down next to him.
“Or maybe I’ll make you cold,” she replied as she moved closer to him. She nuzzled into his side like it was second nature. “I had fun, did you?”
“Yeah,” Shawn sleepily hummed. Not even the chills of Kat’s skin kept him from dozing off.
She was in the exact same position when he woke up. Not a hair on Kat’s head was out of place, her hand was still open on his chest, and her legs were still tangled around his. Shawn didn’t even feel her toss or turn while they slept. In his experience, the one night stand would eventually turn away from him completely, already unconsciously showing their disinterest.
Oh, and Kat was wide awake by the time he started stirring. She picked her head up, dark eyes alert.
“You need anything from me, honey?” he asked as he stretched his legs from the position he was in. Despite what Kat had told him, he wanted another taste of her.
She shook her head. “I only wish to please you.”
He grinned. “It’ll please me if you let me, I don’t know, go down on you?” He left it as an offer, giving her the chance to accept or deny.
Kat returned the smile, revealing a tiny dimple in her cheek. It was a very cute dimple. “What if… you guide me?”
It got Shawn all hot and bothered again, so he accepted. Kat lied on her back and obeyed every touch and caress that was commanded until she was moaning and writhing on top of the sheets. Shawn had his hand in his underwear as he watched, and he tired himself out yet again, and knocked out.
He didn’t know the amount of stamina Kat had. Shawn wouldn’t remember the hickeys he left on her skin because they would be gone the very next day. The only thing he would remember was just how goddamn cold her skin was.
next chapter
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @justordinaryjen @chillingbythesea @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsunflower @someoneunimportantxx
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