#I should make some ace attorney ones I love AA
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I wanna know if any of my non jjba followers (of which I have like 3) have learned anything about the characters through my stupid text posts,
ALSO please send in asks/requests for characters/ships/parts please I’m begging you
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science-lings · 5 months
I think Tumblr ate my last one so here.
Tis your sign to ramble to thine hearts content
I've been saving these until I have thought about something in particular to ramble about so get ready,
I am obsessed with the vibe of the Wright's being born performers. Before choosing to pursue law, Phoenix was an art student, implied to either be pursuing illustration or Shakespearian theater. I like to think that part of the appeal of criminal law for him was how dramatized everything was. It's more about weaving a story that connects all the dots provided for the evidence and witness statements than about, you know, knowledge of the law. It's about plot twists and last-minute saves and becoming the sturdy pillar for your client. Phoenix only chooses cases that are so wacky and hopeless that make for excellent stories. What I'm saying is that Phoenix lives for the drama and how the courtroom turns into a stage where he has to convince everyone else of the story he's piecing together that very moment. There's just something so theatric about yelling 'objection' and slamming the desk and making some improvised quips to taunt the guy you're arguing against.
I'm also of the opinion that the whole Beanix persona was originally intended to be more of a character that Phoenix put up to get Kristoph to believe that he had given up. It's clear that it was all about hiding his true thoughts and his identity from anyone who would recognize his spikey hair and wiggly eyebrows. He deliberately stopped wearing his iconic blue and general business casual getup and you cannot tell me that there wasn't so much thought into how he started to present himself. He's known for being highly saturated and spikey and generally pretty emotionally open so this character he built is the exact opposite of all those things and it's totally on purpose.
And just like Trucy, this character performance is a coping mechanism to keep themselves safe and seemingly confident. They both smile so convincingly and refuse to let anyone know if something is wrong. They're both manipulative but not out of malice, out of need for survival. They've both been on the wrong side of public opinion and in some capacity are aware that they're in the crosshairs of someone incredibly dangerous. They can only try to keep each other safe by playing into the act that they've worked on for years.
So sure they have to hide their true feelings under a quirky guise, but also I think they would join a community theater and be so good at it. They're in musicals together, I think Phoenix can sing, and he can sing well. He was in all his school plays and got so good at projecting his voice that they didn't even need to give him a mic (me core). That's what made him so good at objecting. I think that the ace attorney stage plays should be canon in the aa universe and Phoenix should play himself and he gets Trucy to play Pearl. He accidentally has so much homoerotic tension with the guy who plays Edgeworth that the real Edgeworth gets jealous.
Phoenix should also know about a lot of technical stuff that comes with theater, so he does a lot of the setup for lights and audio for Trucy's magic shows, he helps her move props around and should be so involved because I think that would be fun.
I also think he should know enough magic that she sometimes incorporates him into the act around their friends, so she makes a card disappear and Phoenix pulls the same one out of Edgeworth's ear. I love it when they're concerningly in sync and they can basically read each other's minds. They stare at each other and have fully silent conversations.
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oodlyenough · 2 months
aa6-1 foreign turnabout
finished off DD last week and we're straight into soj.
i know the least about soj of any of the games probably, which is kind of nice because these later games really need the element of surprise they don't have a lot else lmao.
some thoughts on the tutorial case:
the good
this is a big visual upgrade from dual destinies (although i'm still unconvinced the games needed to move to 3d assets). phoenix's model looks better in ways i found hard to articulate until someone on twt pointed out SOJ gets rid of the bulky black outlines. it's so much smoother!
aside from the models, the sprite animations for the new characters are very detailed (almost too detailed... i mean do we need ninety animations per NPC? can we get some extra ones for phoenix lmao), i like how the UI has been refreshed to match khurain, overall it just looks more polished/complete than DD.
insight is new, and subject to suck more later lmao, but so far it's the best minigame since the magatama. both perceive and mood matrix suffer from being kind of nonsensical; it never stopped being goofy to me in DD that you just had interactions like "well i found the body and i was shocked" "UM ACTUALLY my robot says you were RED EMOJI FACE, so you're lying!" insight, on the other hand, is more based on logic/reason -- spot the contradiction, think through a couple different layers of info (rayfa's words vs what's on screen and what makes sense), etc. i also like the idea that the ghost witness isn't lying, you just have to interpret the memory -- it's a bit of a refreshing change from everyone just committing perjury 30000000 times.
the defense culpability act is very funny. i can't be mad at it because it is too funny. i think i should get to kill the prosecutor if i win.
also, maya having lived here for unspecified time period, surely being aware of the lawyer stuff and still inviting her best friend, ace attorney phoenix wright, is very hilarious. i hope edgeworth, academic of foreign legal systems, had a heart attack as soon as he heard where nick's vacation was
it is also funny to see supervillain payne. winston payne was just kind of an asshole and largely incompetent. gaspen is a supervillain who longs for murder. well, okay. why not i guess
the questionable
khura'in is but the latest in a long line of exciting AA countries that will have you asking "what are the geopolitics of this world?" and "...is this racist?"
it's really funny to me that the first culprit was a white guy on an eat pray love journey but that his eat pray love journey is totally incidental to the crime, apparently. khurain is apparently very welcoming to immigrants if one can become head monk guarding their sacred treasures after a mere six months, and payne is chief prosecutor after three.
it's also very funny that with his life potentially on the line, the only person phoenix is worried about is maya. i think there is an understandable in-game explanation, which is that you have to assume every game might have a new audience and that new audience has only been told of maya so far. but returning players who know he has a teenage daughter might uh. wonder.
the bad
i can sense that the more lore i learn about khurain the more racially uncomfortable i am going to become
the names are BRUTAL i wish they'd stop. i get that ace attorney always has silly goofy pun names. but i feel they're veering further and further from the... slightly more believable names into stuff that just sounds stupid, and man, trying to apply ace attorney pun name goofiness to names that are also supposed to be in a fake fictional language .... i mean it sounds like i'm reading racist jokes from the 90s. it's uncomfortable.
i also think khura'in lore is bound to upend or retcon the superior kurain village lore, which ruled in the trilogy and did not need expanding into a kingdom. isolated little village matriarchy of witch family that are constantly committing sorocide >>> whatever's about to happen here. it's great for rayfa that she does her lil dance for enrichment 2x a day to have temporary hallucinations in a pool of water, but maya crosses her fingers and shapeshifts. checkmate.
lastly, one thing i found myself thinking as i moderately enjoyed the tutorial case was that it was honestly kind of nice having a case scaled back. i can't shake the sense that three playables is just too much for these games; apollo was dead weight narratively in DD and i think athena is about to suffer that fate in SOJ. the character writing in these new games is just not strong enough to manage this many major characters and their whole entourages. the mistake of the original trilogy was accidentally setting a precedent for "new prosecutor every game, who is also our friend by the end :)". the main cast is so huge that most of them just end up stagnating or disappearing into the void or whatever; apollo and athena cannibalized each other's screentime in DD, athena usurped trucy, SOJ is introducing a whole whack of new characters to replace THOSE newbies... it's a lot. we don't need to reinvent the wheel every new game.
anyway... i know a little about 6-2 and i expect it to exacerbate a lot of these issues lmao.
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4ragon · 2 years
So I just reblogged another aa fanfic masterlist, and that seemed like a cool idea. SO, since so many people are migrating to here from Twitter (and especially since this is the only place where my name doesn't match my AO3 account) I thought should put a list of my AA fics together! (I'd do the other fandoms but I don't think I'd have a substantial enough list)
So here's the JJ Ace Attorney fanfic masterlist:
Long Fics -
The Miraculous Disappearance Of Phoenix Wright (107,213 words)
Phoenix Wright wakes up in a world where he never existed. What will he do when he's trapped in a world where everything he's ever loved is gone? Minor narumitsu. My first AA fic, and the fic that got me back into writing for the first time since I was a shitty teenager.
(Also please read the tags, this one has some heavy subject matter and a LOT of spoilers)
Singderella (28,103 words)
Apollo decides to try his hand at a singing contest, held by a certain ex-rockstar, for a chance to win some runner-up money. He didn't want to win the dang contest. And he sure as hell didn't want to become Klavier Gavin's mysterious disappearing muse. This one is Klapollo and this one's Silly As Hell.
Vacation All I Ever Wanted (111,197 words)
Six lawyers and a magician spend a week at the beach. One condo. Six lawyers. Seven secret plans. What could possibly go wrong? Established narumitsu, getting-together klapollo, platonic Athena and Simon, and Trucy Wright in all her glory. (Also has some AA4 and 5 spoilers)
also @/ministarfruit drew me fanart and it made me cry
Shorter Klapollo fics -
Google Search: how to turn off a gaviners alarm clock
Google Search: off button on gaviners alarm clock Google Search: how to end my suffering Google Search: please god i just wanted to sleep in
No I did not write this as a thinly veiled excuse to complain about my roommate's alarm clock what are you talking about
Also fanart from @/lycheestew
Don't Get Too Comfortable
Apollo gets caught in a rainstorm, so Klavier invites him to wait it out at his condo. Written for the Klapollo Unfolding Melody zine. I'm really proud of this one!
Either Way
It's Klavier's first week back since the Misham Trial, and Klavier had yet to gather the courage to see Apollo Justice. At least, until Apollo Justice grabs him in a panic and shoves the two of them into a broom closet.
(Klapollo Week 2021 - Protection)
Atroquinine My Love (Accoustic)
When Apollo asks Klavier for guitar lessons, Klavier is more than happy to oblige. Written for the 2021 Klapollo minibang, featuring lovely art from the wonderful @/nhuquyen
Klavier and Apollo go on their first date. That's it. That's the fic.
(Klapollo Week 2021 - Firsts)
Of Petals and Punctuality
Klavier forgets about their anniversary. That's also it. (Everyone also says this fic makes them sad but I thought it was fucking funny when I wrote it)
(Klapollo Week 2021 - Flowers)
Just A Quiet Morning
Apollo Justice wakes up to make breakfast on his wedding anniversary.
(Klapollo Week 2023 - Domesticity)
“Hey, Athena, what does ‘shots’ mean?” Pre-dating, Athena and Phoenix mess with Apollo.
(Klapollo Week 2023 - Nicknames)
Narumitsu fics -
Prompt: Pre-dating narumitsu pinning and yearning for each other and all their friends and family trying to find a way for them to be finally be together
This was for a secret santa.
The Gentleman Always Gets the Girl
Sorry, Mr. Edgeworth, but the gentleman always gets the girl.
(Narumitsu Week 2023 - Foreign)
But I Thought You Hated The Mall
Miles takes Trucy to the mall. This does not go as planned.
(Narumitsu Week 2023 - Family)
Gen Fics -
A Different Kind of Lullaby (Warning, major AAI2 Spoilers)
“Hi Mr. Edgeworth, do you think Pops killed my mom?”
@/ehlihr drew the coolest fucking comic btw holy shit
Baking and Entering
Kay and Sebastian break into Edgeworth's house to bake a cake. This one was for the Dadworth Lion Lillies zine and I'm also super proud of it.
Juniper Dumped Me
Wait, wait when were Juniper and I dating?!
In which Juniper dumps Apollo, who absolutely knows what's happening, don't worry about it. Minor Junithena, literally the stupidest thing I've ever written. Dedicated to my discord friends who helped me come up with the idea.
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Kay Faraday has a secret and Miles has to get to the bottom of it. Also has some AAI2 spoilers.
Another Trip Around The Sun
Apollo Justice's first birthday without Clay Terran. Minor klapollo. It's a story about grief and I did cry while writing it.
Just a Roll of Stamps
It's been a year since Phoenix officially adopted Trucy, and Phoenix is starting to worry that she hasn't made any friends.
(Wright Family Week 2021 - Friends)
Bet On It
Apollo and Athena vs. Trucy and Phoenix. Whoever beats the escape room first wins. Whoever loses buys noodles for a year. But…it can't be that simple, right?
(Wright Family Week 2021 - Scheming and Hijinks)
Dear Runo
Phoenix and Trucy decide to clean out their spare room, and discover an old cardboard box labeled Grandpa Ryuu. Inside, they discover some old books, some letters, and possibly an old secret?! (Or maybe not). This one was for another secret santa exchange.
First Class Accomodations
After the events of Investigations 2, Sebastian Debeste is invited to spend a few nights at the Courtney residence while he figures out what to do next.
This was written for the AA Writer Zine and I am very proud of it.
Tumblr Original Ficlets
Ficlets include narumitsu, klapollo, and a few junithena, and one (1) blackmadhi.
Anyway, I think that's everything. Y'all super don't have to read these, I just wanted all of them in one place. If you do read them, though, feel free to let me know if you liked them! Comments and stuff make my day.
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fraeuleintaka · 2 months
Mind Chess (Logic Chess)
This is the 45th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 36 days left until release!
Today's topic: Mind Chess!
I've already talked a little about Logic with another countdown post so I thought I'm also going to do a segment on Mind Chess (Logic Chess), the new mechanic introduced in Investigations 2.
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To say it directly, this is by far my favourite gameplay mechanic in the entire AA series! I just love the entire concept and how it's used. While the other lawyer mechanics are fun as well they all have some kind of mystical (or near mystical) justification, a "superpower", that grants them lie-detecting abilities. I never particularly liked that because it was something they just inherently had to have (or get from someone else like Phoenix' magatama) to be able to solve their cases and it always resulted in plot holes (only the lies the plot wants them to get detected but they get lied to all the time and their abilities don't trigger). Miles' specific gameplay mechanic are both different because they don't have any mystical source, they're just his purely human abilities that he excels in. That not only makes Miles look more badass in comparison (he doesn't need any special "powers" to solve his cases) but also avoids creating unnecessary plot holes.
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Mind Chess is a bit more elaborate than Logic and since they're used for completely different things they don't interfere with each other which is nice. Logic involves Miles combining pieces of information he has to reach new conclusions while Mind Chess is a way to get information from people or to convince them of something through simply talking to them. It's used when Miles has no evidence to argue with or people refuse to engage with him altogether. Mechanically, you get various conversation options and have to choose the correct ones depending on what information you have and how your opponent reacts. That means, which questions to ask, to pursue a line of questioning more relentlessly when needed or to back off a little when your opponent gets too defensive to get them to talk more. It's a simplified version to make it playable but I love how it's essentially Miles using established rhetoric methods to do "battle" on a purely verbal playing field. It's the perfect gameplay mechanic for him, to outsmart and corner people with nothing but his rhetoric skills, no evidence needed.
There is a timer running while you think about which answer to pick and it decreases significantly if you pick the wrong one. When it runs out though you only get about the same punishment as you'd get for presenting wrong evidence and have to restart the Mind Chess segment again so you'd hardly be able to go Game Over because of it. Honestly, the penalty for failing should be harsher (like an immediate Game Over when the timer runs out). Mind Chess itself is a lot of fun to play and the difficulty is balanced nicely so that you can always come to the correct answer when following the conversation and paying attention to the opponent's behaviour but it doesn't hold your hand or makes everything painfully obvious either. If you stay within the time limit even with some mistakes it feels like a nice challenge but the minuscule penalty failing the whole thing gives you makes it feel a little cheap. It's a minor issue, since the gameplay itself is still the right amount of challenging, but still. It's also a little disappointing that there's no unique failure dialogue for the various wrong answers Miles can give. Some of them are so wonderfully ridiculous that it'd be hilarious to see his opponents (and Miles himself) react to them!
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The chess theming behind Mind Chess is more an aesthetic than really having much significance. It definitely has some similarities with chess in that Miles plans his moves and uses different strategies depending on what his opponent does but that's about it. It's visually stunning though! And I love how the amount of chess pieces is used to communicate how many defenses Miles must break through, that the last one is always the king and how Miles attacking with his own pieces is used as a visualisation of his verbal attacks. I really can't be mad at the chess imagery when these beautiful visuals are the result. Not to mention that it perfectly fits Miles' character to imagine intense verbal debates as chess games in his head, I totally believe he does that.
One last reason why Mind Chess is unquestionably my favourite attorney-specific gameplay mechanic is how versatile it is. It can be used as a simple "replacement testimony" when Miles has no evidence to present but it can also be used for so much more than that. As long as there's any kind of (verbal) conflict between the characters, no matter its nature, it can be turned into a Mind Chess segment. That gives it so many different and exciting ways in which it can be used. On top of that, every Mind Chess segment is new and unique depending on the opponent character because their personality shapes the way their segment works. To give some examples, Lotta's requires you to be and think quicker as her timer runs faster due to her lack of patience; Larry's mostly consists of just letting him talk as he can't help but run his mouth when you let him and Blaise' is a complete show of intimidation that you can barely get through. It works wonders to not only make the gameplay more varied and exciting but also build on the personalities of these characters. No other "gimmick" in the series manages this. After saying all of that I couldn't possibly go without mentioning Sebastian's segment in particular as it encapsulates everything I've said perfectly. It's peak Mind Chess performance and peak Ace Attorney in general. It's central to Sebastian's arc and one of the major reasons why it's so impressive. When you can say that about a new gameplay mechanic, you've done something extremely right.
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windor-truffle · 1 month
many thoughts head full they're only tangentially graces related but idk where else to vent:
I feel like I should have/did already know this about myself but holy shit I (and many others) am an absolute slut for the redemption-style ship trope, the ol' "I know you and I love you and that's why I can't let you deviate into this darker place I'm stopping you I'm saving you I'm helping you I'm bringing you back." and now I'm gonna ramble abt it because aaaaaaaaaa
I swear I've loved this trope for a while now but I think analyzing graces in part heightened my awareness of it until it hit a breaking point (w an ace attorney video of all things) and I realized that *all* of my favorite ships are this way 😅 Richard and Asbel fit it of course they're like the prototype of the simplest yet effective way to enact this: a pure-hearted protagonist who believes in his friends until the end but is willing to stand against them vs the love interest coerced (and in this case also outright possessed) into very obviously morally wrong actions by the exacerbation of a flaw but ultimately saved when they can put aside their pain and embrace the help that comes with companionship and makes that pain bearable. Paragons that cling on to hope even if it makes them seem naive or causes them to get hurt sometimes along the way are SO sexy and when that hope is rewarded with what they wanted, the redemption of someone who others thought to be beyond salvation, I the audience am also bursting into tears I don't care if it's cliche it's SO GOOD 😭
You know which other popular ship does this? Not hard to figure out I already mentioned Ace Attorney but yeah Phoenix Wright changed his whole career just because he heard that the hero who once stood up for him when no one else would was now a ruthless prosecutor and he had to find the truth of what had happened to his beloved childhood friend Miles Edgeworth (I've made the Richass comparison before and there's even an AA AU fic for graces but I haven't read it yet 😔). The AA fandom eats this gay ship up but how can you not 💜 Edgeworth being stopped in his tracks by this incessant bluffing optimistic man who stood fast against his selfishness (paraphrasing something Edgeworth literally says in JFA 😅) until he starts to question himself (because of some "unnecessary feelings") and eventually actually believes in himself after years of feeling guilt over a crime he thought he committed and shame of letting down the beliefs his supposed victim instilled him (the same beliefs that Phoenix is determined to bring out in him again) and ultimately leaves to figure out what his goal as a prosecutor really is then returns for my all-time favorite case Farewell and Turnabout and now it's Edgeworth's turn to say "I've learned what I stand for and the lengths to which I'd go to maintain it because you set me on this journey, now it seems it's your turn to walk this same path of doubt and discovery but don't worry I'll be right beside you, I'll walk it with you so you don't have fear going as far astray as I once did." Like. ;_;
But holdup I'm not done naming ships 'cause Fluri also does this to an extent. Yuri has to call out Flynn when it becomes apparent his blind trust in his mentor has made him complacent in the very crimes he sought to fix from within, and Flynn retorts by condemning the methods that Yuri has resorted to, the "dirtying of his hands," though I'd argue though that Yuri's double homicide is actually not a deviation from his morality but rather an extreme fulfillment of it. But it's still delightful though the way they have to pull each other back from the pitfalls of their own brands of justice, ie. entrusting too much power in fallable governments vs. appointing yourself the power to decide who gets to live or die. And like the previously mentioned ship, this pair works the best when they combine their different approaches (everything about how they infiltrate Ragou's manor is brilliant) because that way they can keep each other in check. It's almost like finding the balance in enacting justice is the theme of these games or something 😅
Last ship I wanna mention isn't even in canon but I can't resist the opportunity to plug my own (unfinished 😓) sormik fic "Falling Awake" because this is DEFINITELY what I was going for, a Mikleo threading the line of morality out of both despair and desperation to see their dream fulfilled even if the cost is steep, and a Sorey who struggles to reconcile whether this fallen seraph before him really is his friend or whether he can even be saved. A Mikleo who places the decision of whether to cross that line fully in Sorey's hands, trusting him to make the right call even as he begs him to let him do this, and a Sorey who can't let down the dreams of their past by allowing this particular tainted method to be its fulfillment. Everytime I work on it I start weeping even though I'm the one who wrote it 😅
Before I wrap this up though I wanna shoutout some variations of this trope, because it can obviously go a lot of different ways. I know V's rather fond of the more twisted love version in which instead of trying to bring their loved one back from the brink they jump off together, a la Kresnik Bros Bad End Best End 😁 In some ways I almost think this trope is "purer" because rather than trying to restore their beloved to what they think they should be (morally good) they embrace them as they are (amoral but kinda sexy bc of it 😂). True love lets the world burn 💜
Also worth mentioning is the delicious variation wherein the fallen party really was bad from the start, such as being a mole for an evil group, but caught feelings along the way and started wanting to be the kind of person the other seemed to think they already were. Dramatic irony is my fave and there's so much angst you can tease as the character evolves from "haha I'm deceiving them can't wait to betray them" to "shit I'm actually so much happier here with them but our relationship is built on a lie and when it comes out that I am a villain I will be undone and have nowhere to turn except from whence I came but I no longer want to be there." I feel like there's a lot of instances of this trope but the one that came to my mind first was Shadowhand Essek from Critical Role, there's the excellent Shadowgast ship of course but I like that he has this dynamic with the whole party who have been nothing but kind to him and inspire him to want a better life despite what he's done and what he's still trapped in.
Anyway, if anyone read this far first of all thank you 💜💜💜 I really have just been stuck in fandom ramble analysis mode for the past few days it's kinda insufferable but at least tumblr blogs are a good outlet for it 😅 And secondly uhhh if any of my impassioned ship/trope descriptions remind you of a particular media/ship lmk (I feel like Soriku might fit this but I never got that far into the series). I can't say I'll get to anything right away but if it's got this kinda vibe that's like catnip to me I'll happily stash the recommendation away for a future obsession someday 😅
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penumbraphantasm · 2 years
big old wordy post for anyone wanting to get into the layton series and support it in a slightly more legal manner loool
first off, the Original Trilogy. probably the easiest option is purchasing the first 3 games on mobile. yes, these are the full games that debuted on the DS but in HD with BONUS content.
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oh hey katrielle and alfendi. i guess mystery journey and mystery room are there too but i'll get back to those.
anyways, the layton series comes in different parts with some spinoffs. the first three as seen are Curious Village, Diabolical Box and Unwound Future. these are first in order of Release. so you can't go wrong starting here.
the next three that came after are the Prequel trilogy: Last Specter, Miracle Mask and Azran Legacy. this means even though they were released later, they take place before Curious Village chronologically. so maybe you want to make LS a starting point if you like that sort of order? LS was the last layton game for the DS while MM and AL were for the 3DS. this is where it gets difficult.
currently, Last Specter has no other port. if you search on something like ebay, you will see a clear price difference compared to listings for the original DS trilogy. and with renewed interest in the series, the amount of ppl looking for copies has probably grown too. so i don't recommend joining the fight unless you really love layton and physical media lol. i still probably RecOMmend finding another way to play it.
also my fav part of Last Specter is London Life!! a game within a game where you can create an avatar, dress up, decorate your room, get a job, fish, meet characters from the past 3 games (and a couple from Eternal Diva!) HOWEVER, London Life is only available in versions for Japan, US and Australia. if you have a European copy, you won't see it... so keep this in mind...
but before you get to the 3DS titles, you should watch the movie i mentioned earlier. what, a movie? YES! Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva! released in 2009 and takes place between Last Specter and Miracle Mask. it's animated in the game's style and comes with subs and dubs. you can easily look it up on youtube.
okay now you can move on to 3DS. Miracle Mask and Azran Legacy are available digitally in 3DS eshop but that is CLOSING MARCH 27 2023. physical copies are also expensive to acquire. they currently do not have mobile ports either.
there's another 3DS title available as well and it's a wild one. Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney! a crossover spinoff where you get to enjoy the gameplay of both series and the work done here would later influence some stuff they did in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles so you can check that out too. but i rec this title if you are already a fan of PL and AA so you can get the most out of the experience. if you hope to get this physically, be aware it's an extremely expensive hassle. otherwise, just grab it from the 3DS eshop for $29.99 before it closes or brew up another method at home.
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okay okay but what about Mystery Journey? well, the protagonist this time is Prof Layton's daughter Katrielle! her game's available on 3DS and mobile (with free demo) and there are extra purchases if you want more goodies. but you may want to consider the switch version instead. it comes with all DLC unlocked, extra outfits and nicer graphics. it also has some new and improved puzzles. why is that? well, some of the puzzles in the original release weren't popular. if you try out the mobile demo, you may notice a totally different vibe with the puzzles. well, why is That? sadly, the original puzzle master for the layton games passed away in 2016. Mystery Journey is a more divisive title so maybe don't make this your first layton adventure.
BUT WAIT! there's also a Mystery Journey anime you can watch! Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katori no Nazotoki File! it goes through the events from Mystery Journey and MORE! yes, the story goes BEYOND the game!! it's only available in japanese though (but there are subs lol)
HOLD IT! there's one more mobile game to talk about. Layton Brothers: Mystery Room! this time, you follow Lucy Baker, a fresh detective constable assigned to assist Inspector Alfendi Layton, son of Prof Layton. this game is less about puzzles and more about investigation and interrogation. it's a freemium game, which means the prologue and first 2 cases are free. the rest of the cases are in-app purchases.
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if you've already played all these games, well congrats! now we just sit here and wait for New World of Steam
(and keep praying for Mansion of the Deathly Mirror lol)
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planeoftheeclectic · 1 year
Oh boy, this is about to be a blast from the past. Thanks @skarabrae-stone for the tag!
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
So I only recently started writing again, meaning I've only got 2 works that are from the last decade, but honestly I'm still very fond of those older ones; they do an excellent job at being what they are.
Doing the no pressure tags above the cut because I don't know if that messes them up: @stonemaskedtaliesin, @zyrafowe-sny, and @firecoloredwater, plus anyone else who sees this and has written something! Hyping yourself up is good practice!
Columbo: Turnabout's Fair Play | 19k (Incomplete) | T | Columbo x Ace Attorney set between AA3 and AA4
Technically speaking, Mr. Wright, this isn't my usual beat. But Detective Gumshoe - you know Dick, right? - I owed him a favor, see? And it had been a slow week, so I figured I'd look around, see if I could give the guy a hand. Real stand-up guy, he is, we could use more like him. And anyway, I know you're a real busy guy Mr. Wright, so I'll make this real quick, get out of your hair. I know you and he were real good friends, so I'm sure this is a difficult time for you. Oh, uh, just one more thing Mr. Wright. Why were the two of you such good friends again?
As I say in the dedication, this is the idea that helped me break a very, very long dry spell, so it has to take the top spot for that if nothing else. @stonemaskedtaliesin had introduced me to Ace Attorney, I had introduced them to Columbo, and at some point they went looking to see if there were any crossovers and were disappointed to find none. They come tell me this in discord and I, like a fool, say:
"Well, actually, it makes sense there aren't any. I mean, they're kind of contradictory worldviews. The whole point of Columbo is that he always gets the right guy, and the whole point of Ace Attorney is that the police never get the right guy."
Fortunately for all of us, I continued:
"I mean, for it to even work you'd need some kind of convoluted setup - maybe that would stop the AA police from just arresting someone immediately. And who would be the killer anyway? Well, ok, there's an option there, but who should they murder? Maya? That'd be mean, but that's the obvious choice. Hmm...nobody likes him, I could murder him, but how--oh."
And at that point I stopped talking because the end of this story materialized in my brain and I wanted to make sure it was a surprise. Spoiler culture may be overblown, but murder mysteries are an exception, I feel.
Anyways, if you're a fan of either series, enjoy gen fic, like seeing characters get what they deserve, or just want to see Columbo at an anime convention, this is the fic for you! From a writing standpoint, it's been really fun to experiment with a very limited POV, to try to mimic the feel of a television camera. And of course, Columbo's dialogue is a joy to write. (As you'll see later, dialogue is one of my strengths)
Song of the Peregrine [Podfic] | OG fic is 39k (Incomplete) | T | Chrom/F!Robin but honestly it's mostly gen | Kid Icarus Uprising x Fire Emblem Awakening
There were reports of something in the skies of eastern Ylisse. Something with wings as black as pitch and eyes as red as rubies. Dark Pit has no clue where he's managed to land himself, but it turns out that Pit and Palutena don't have a monopoly on annoying. He can leave these humans anytime he wants, and he will. Soon. Any day now. If the Shepherds have it their way, that day won't come any time soon. (In which Dark Pit ends up joining the Shepherds, and the world tilts.)
The original fic is @stonemaskedtaliesin's, but I like to consider myself its honorary godparent. We've spent a lot of time worldbuilding for it, and it's so good you guys. It's going to be amazing. There are long term plans.
I started the podfic because I wanted to listen to it as I fell asleep. The audio quality is definitely shakier in the first couple chapters as I figure things out, but it's been really fun learning new skills and doing lots of fun silly voices.
...still need to finish editing chapter 5.
Anyway, blanket recommendation to go read this if you know anything about Kid Icarus (Fire Emblem is a bonus but not necessary, iit's pretty well-explained in-story) and if you like podfic, hey! You're in luck! Fun fact: this is the only Awakening podfic as of right now. Yes I'm also surprised. Maybe if I ever finish this one I'll set out to try and change that. goat milk and oats Grima would be so much fun to voice.
Warrior Cats Smoofs | 8.5k | G | Gen | Warrior Cats
Okay I'm kind of cheating here but that's going to be a theme for these last few answers. I wrote these over a decade ago with my best friend at the time. She had internet, I didn't, so we had a joint account on the Warrior Cats Wiki and the Warriors Fanfiction Wiki, which are both Fandom now I believe. I archived them to AO3 because of that, and because even years later they would occasionally get a new comment from someone who really enjoyed reading them. And, as I said, I'm still very fond of them. My handle on most of the internet still comes from these stories and that account. They are simple, silly, dialogue and stage directions only parodies, and they were a blast to write. I still remember the melody we came up with for the ending jingle. I'm pretty sure these guys (plus the playwriting class I took) are a big part of why I tend to be very dialogue-heavy. I like fun purple-prosy descriptions, but sometimes a few spoken words can convey a whole lot of actions. Show Don't Tell taken to the extreme, I guess.
I'm pretty sure The Library was our most popular one back in the day (to the point we made a sequel)! The Auction was the first (though doesn't hold up quite as well...lol they're all 15 years old anyway). I'm very fond of Christmas Caroling because all the lyrics are singable and that is my PET PEEVE IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT THE METER HAD BETTER BE RIGHT OR AT LEAST CLOSER THAN A CATHOLIC HYMN. Most of all though, I'm fond of all the memories these have. I don't know where Moss is now, but I hope they're doing well. It is also fun to see where I've come from over the years - like I said, upon reflection it makes sense that I tend to default to pretty dialogue-heavy.
The Palutena Trap | 4.7k (Incomplete) | T | Gen (past Palutena/Medusa | Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus meets the Parent Trap.
That's it, that's all I've got.
Ok now this one is cheating because it's not published anywhere yet except in snippets on tumblr. This was actually conceived at almost the same time as Turnabout's Fair Play, but I'm trying to only focus at one at a time, so this one won't properly see the light of day until TFP is finished. (We're getting there! We're almost at the end of Act 2 out of 3!!) That does mean that I'm going about writing it in a very different way - there's going to be lots and lots of editing once I finally set down to publish this. Which is probably for the best - I'm sure there are bits of tfp that would be better if I wrote the whole thing and then went back to edit.
My favorite part of this story is still the normal-people jobs I've given everyone, since this is technically a modern AU. We have an investigative journalist who lives on a yacht, mob boss, butler who's retired MI6, and front woman for a punk band which is actually a front for an eco-terrorist group, for example. I talk more about this story here and here. Aside from that, my favorite thing is exploring the relationship between Dark Pit and Lady Palutena, and between Lady Palutena and Medusa.
The former gets off on the worst possible foot in canon, and it's only ever obliquely addressed, so it's a lot of fun to play with and extrapolate from. In this version, Dark Pit is a child whose mother gave up everything to do with him (and said some pretty nasty things in the court record). So that's where we stand: how do you reckon with that? What does it mean that you still want some kind of relationship, or at least answers? What is family and blood, in the end?
The latter relationship is one that's...well, I wouldn't say it's canon, but it's definitely canon-compliant. It's rather like Narumitsu, in that I look at it and go "hm. whatever is going on between those two, they're not normal about each other." This is true in canon, and if anything it's less true in The Palutena Trap, since despite the name the story is not about getting the parents back together so much as reconciling a mother and son. But the more this idea ferments in my brain the more I want to have some kind of meeting at the end. Maybe it goes badly, maybe it goes less badly, but I have this mental image in my head: Imagine the messiest divorce you've ever seen. Ugly, dragged through the papers, all kinds of legal issues, you part ways never to speak again. You hate her guts, and you can't go a month without thinking about her because she's always got Yet Another Stupid News Article coming out. You find out your kids have been playing some switcheroo on you, and when you meet her again you're coldly civil, both of you clearly holding yourselves back from starting a slugfest in the local forum, and then you see: she's still wearing your wedding ring. The one you picked out, the one you put on her finger 14 years ago. I just. IDK they're not normal about each other and the complexity and ambiguity of it compels me.
Vaguely Remembered 2nd Grade Writing Assignment | like 2 pages maybe | G | Gen | The Land Before Time
Alright this one's definitely cheating but this has already been a lot of reminiscing about the past, so here's a toast to the very first thing I ever wrote: an adventure story starring the main cast of The Land Before Time. All I remember about it is it absolutely sucked to get started but once I did it was longer than it needed to be and I used the word Petrie-ball™. Yes, including the ™. The Petrie-ball™ was how they solved the big obstacle, I think. Like I said, I don't remember much of it, but I remember how proud and happy I felt when it was done. So here's to you, long-forgotten fanfiction adventure story. Here's to the first of many, with many more to follow after.
(Also, if you want to see more of TFP, Palutena Trap, or Peregrine Podfic, you can bother me in a few hours for WIP Wednesday! If you want more OG Peregrine you have to bother @stonemaskedtaliesin instead. Actually, make sure you do that, I know they've got chapter 8 waiting in the wings and I NEED to see how that scene with Pip and Lissa plays out)
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kiraqueen-2 · 5 months
Hey, guys! If you have Pony Town and love Ace Attorney but can't seem to find anyone who also does. Then come to this spot!(in the Safe server) I noticed that there is no spot for AA people to hang out, so I'm making one now! :)
This place is right next to the library, and there should be a heart-shaped pond and table next to it
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That's all for now. Feel free to tell some Ace Attorney people about this spot, too! Thank you! ^^
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trlvsn · 1 year
I love dahlia and I often say I relate to her- because I do. I also talk about how mistreated she is by the canon and the fanon a fucking lot. I, also, do not support her literally murdering people. She's an incredibly interesting character that really does sum up the worst of the Fey Family legacy so well. But, like, obviously she is so not a good person at the end of her miserable and death ridden life. Relating to her is so strange because in a lot of ways, she is the literal worst way my life could have gone with some similar life events. I rarely see a character who I can see my own anger and grief and struggle in, which is why I end up advocating for more people to actually think about her character and trauma. When I first got into ace attorney, I felt weird about Kristoph Gavin and people who really liked him because my brain had a hard time separating the fact that he's an interesting and a complex character, from his horrible fucking actions.I am now one of those people who is obsessed w a character who is just like blatantly a terrible person. Anyway, Kristoph Gavin character enjoyers and relaters I stand with you so hard as a Dahlia Hawthorne enjoyer and relater. Thinking a character is interesting and has a lot of unexplored depth =/ condoning their immoral actions.
- lanamia lover n dahlia defender
EXACTLY!!!! agreed fully and completely. about the kristoph gavin thing, too - i kind of had a mild dislike for him before aa4 and now i'm. well. i shall not say (<- finds him more relatable than any other aa character besides maybe lana)
dahlia SHOULD be thought about and analyzed and loved as a character because that is the only way to not see her as this plain villian/evil incarnate like the narrative wants us to. villains SHOULD be thought about bc that is how you digest what you read/watch properly and take something valuable out of it!! also that's how you make art with a lot of weird symbolism
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onceuponalegendbg · 1 year
Top Ten Ace Attorney Games
So this seems appropriate given recent announcements. Note: I’ve never played the Professor Layton crossover so it will not be on this list. Can’t really rank something you never interacted with, you know? Also, goes without saying but all opinions expressed in this are fully subjective and should be taken with a grain of salt. Like, seriously, guys. I’ve warned you.
10) Apollo Justice - Okay, so I just want to say that AA4 is not a bad game, but good lord is it the one I have the most problems with. Good things first, however. I love the dynamic between Apollo and Trucy. Their banter is so fun. I like this version of Phoenix. Really seems like he’s grown a lot in the time between games due to circumstances. I feel his relationship with Trucy could have been explored more but what we do get is good. Ema’s back, and I’ll never say no to that. Klavier is a good rival for Apollo. All that said, man do I remember barely anything about any of the cases of this game. Outside the main cast I remember Lamoire, Kristoph, and that a couple of Gramaryes are in this one. That last case also just... gives me a headache if I think about it too long.
9) Justice For All - Oh boy. So outside of introducing my favorite Prosecutor of the OG trilogy, JFA is a bit meh overall. Don’t get me wrong, Case 2 with all the Fey Drama is very solid and the final case... Come on, do I really need to say how good the Engarde Case is? I don’t even hate the Berry Big Circus case as much as most people (except for the very uncomfortable love triangle, that I detest) but even I can’t deny it’s one of the weaker cases in the series and the first case is... the whole amnesia device is more annoying than clever. Again, I’m sure I’m not saying anything new here.
8) Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright - Man, I wonder if this is some form of sacrilegious putting the first game this low on the list. Honestly, there’s not much to truly criticize with this one. It’s a very solid first entry into what would grow into such a beloved franchise. But I also just don’t have a ton of things to say about it in general? At least not many that haven’t already been said by more articulate people than I. It’s a good game. Solid starting point. Weakest case is the first one but... It’s the first case. So. To be expected.
7) Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth - Admittedly, this is only so low because I love the other games more and the last case is.... unbearably long. It was brilliant of Capcom to take what is likely AA’s most popular character and give him his own games, and even better to give us characters like Kay and Lang while also giving us Tiny Franziska. We did not deserve Tiny Franziska but they gave her to us anyway. A very enjoyable foray with a new game-play style.
6) Trials and Tribulations - Oh man, I am going to get so much crap for this one. Before anyone comes at me! Yes! T&T is a near flawless entry. Genuinely, the writing for this one is insane and Dahlia is such a well used antagonist. The through line for this game is masterful. Even the third case, which is indeed the weakest case, I find some charm in. So don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware that objectively this probably should have at least been in the top three. But this isn’t an objective list. This is my list. And while I do love T&T, I just adore the games in the top five more.
5) Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Path - An improvement from the first Investigations in almost every way. While I do think that the last case is still a bit too long, I think it’s overall more interesting than the first’s. More of Kay, Miles, and Gumshoe having the best dynamic. The addition of Ray, Sebastian, and Justine only making the cast all the better. Again, I’m a sucker for Justine being the best mom ever and her dynamic with John (and even Sebastian) is something I wish we’d had more of.
4) Dual Destinies - I don’t care what ya’ll say, AA5 is a fun addition and Athena is an amazing new character. I freakin love Athena. Like, I’m sorry but any character that has been through that much crap and still manages to smile and cheer up the people around her even when she’s feeling the absolute worst is a good character and I will die on this hill. Not to mention Blackquill being an equally fantastic rival for our protagonists. And that reveal in the last case while Aura is forcing them to do a retrial for her brother! “Oh but Phoenix is back to being goofy and it’s like AA4 never happened.” “Oh, but Apollo is angsty for no reason.” Sorry, doesn’t bother me. Like, I’m not even willing to call these things nitpicks because they’re just such non-issues for me. The only thing I’ll say is that the models do look a little off sometimes. This is a good game, ya’ll are just mean.
3) Spirit of Justice - So confession, SOJ was the first AA game that I saw from start to finish. I’d tried before but I’d never found the right let’s play of the AA franchise. Then I did find one, and I watched SOJ through start to finish. And I really enjoyed it. I love the setting of Khura’in, Rayfa, the final boss looking like a Power Rangers’ villain. Also, while we do get a lot of father son stuff, I’m such a freakin sucker for the mother daughter stuff between Rayfa and Gharan and Amara. Also, the Magical Turnabout is just... such a fun case? And of course, Maya can’t be in a game without getting accused of murder. But her growth as a character is great. I just really really enjoy this game, guys.
2) Great Ace Attorney: Adventures - I’m sure this comes as very little shock to anyone who knows me. The first GAA game is astounding. I love this cast of characters so much. Susato, Ryu, Sherlock, Iris, Barok, Gina, Toby, they’re all great! The new mechanics with the jury and multiple witnesses on the stand are great. The story is great. Yeah, the first case goes on for too long, but at least it feels fresh due to the new setting and characters. I feel like I can’t properly articulate how much I love this game. Which, speaking of...
1) Great Ace Attorney: Resolve - Yeah, yeah. Predictable, I’m sure. But what can I say, this took everything I loved about the first game and just made it better and expanded on it. The story takes so many twists and turns and it takes the characters and their bonds from the first game and makes me love them even more. WE LOVE THE FOUND FAMILY TROPE! Kazuma comes back and he becomes such a fascinating character. Rei, Courtney Sithe, Esmeralda Tusspells, Drebber are only some of the memorable new characters for this part 2. The fight against Stronghart (Vortex is still the cooler name) is such a triumphant moment! And playing as Susato in the first case!? That was amazing! And Ryu’s growth throughout all of this!? Like excuse me! I love this boy! 
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omg those are some fun asks. so i'm gonna send a few. if any of them arent your kind of thing please dont feel like you have to answer
2, 6, 12, 19
Going through these in first-come-first-served order, let's do this!
2) I can do you one better & argue why she wouldn't do either; She's Asexual. :3 Ok, the long answer is that I don't think about these things often enough to give a proper one. It just feels wierd for me to consider. No disrespect if that's your thing!
6) Thankfully haven't bumped into too many bad actors (mostly because the extent of my shipping is lamenting that I enjoy it), though if I had to pick... Those who vehemently insist their OTP is canon to the point of denial. This is more a dig at people who get a little too attached to their pet headcanons, but shipping in particular is just exhausting when this happens. The best examples I can think of are Narumistsu and Narumayo (go figure) - neither of which I mind post-Trilogy, but can occassionally feel like you're reading Pearl Fey posting about them if that's any inditement.
12) Hmm... I think more people should appreciate just how unlikable Dr Turner Grey is. Most victims in Ace Attorney are painted as at least a little sympathetic - Cidney Stone was murdered out of the blue, Mia goes without saying, even Jack Hammer was dicked around by Global Studios enough for you to understand his actions. Every victim in DD is sung to the highest of praise too, so no need to touch on that. Grey? He's a prick who overworked his nurse to the point of racking up 15 bodies and then expects her to cover his ass post-mortem. On top of just being an unpleasant guy to be around, there's nothing about him that doesn't make you want to punch him in the teeth. And that is bloody incredible to me, how thoroughly they went out of their way to make him so terrible (in an intentional dramatic way, not like Oldbag or Hotti where they suck because lol stereotypes).
19) ...Dual Destinies. There's a lot worth liking, don't get me wrong, but man does it feel like I've picked a mid-tier AA game to get attached to. The Trilogy is fantastic and tightly-written, standing above the 3DS games by quite a margin, but I have been saddled with unnecessary... feelings. When it comes to Dual Destinies. Screw you for making me feel this way DD, I love you.
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corvarrow · 9 months
2023 Wrap up and 2024 Goals
So I have been keeping track of what books I've read and what games I've played each year, for many years now. It's actually been really fun and interesting to look back and see what I ended up with, and it helps when I have to reference when I last looked at something :D So! I'm gonna put my Book/Games list year and combine it with any goals for 2024
Things I've read since Jan 2023
The Written by Ben Galley
Ariel by Steven R Boyette (read most)
STNG: Grounded by David Bischoff
Ascendant by Michael R Miller
STNG: A Call to Darkness by Michael Jan Friedman
STNG: Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah
Denver Moon: The Minds of Mars by Warren Hammond and Joshua Viola
Masters of Doom by David Kushner
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler
The Tiger and the Wolf by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
This Gilded Abyss by Rebecca Thorne
Witch Hat Atelier 1-11 and Witch Hat Atelier Kitchen
All That Glitters by Loren K Jones
Comments: This is an example of like...I don't even remember reading some of these items. The STNG books (picked up from a library sale) were unexpectedly decent, I believe those were ones actually written by the show's screenwriters, so they read almost exactly like regular episodes. Also, I include manga (and some visual novels) on these lists because of the large quantities of reading ~ as such, WHA was probably my favorite read this year. The art is so gorgeous and the artistic struggles really resonates with me. My favorite non-manga waaas :Ta hmm, probably This Gilded Abyss, though I did not like the ending that much. Its fine if a book is going to be a series but I think that books should be able to be read as a one-off. I guess what I'm saying is make sure the ending is reasonably satisfying for THAT book, even if you want to set up for the next one. For example I'm well aware that ADSOM is a series however it's written with a satisfying ending that I can treat as Just One Book. Which I'm going to do. (Hopefully this all makes sense)
Currently Reading: Well my first book of the 2024 list is Heaven Official's Blessing 1, since its been on my shelf for a while ~ I'm already halfway through and just couldn't finish it before the new year. I see there's a ton in this series so IDK if I'll get through it all, but I do like it more (so far) over the other series by the same author
2024 Book Goals: I have a lot of unread ebooks so I'd like to start getting through those this year, as well as a couple paperback books on my shelf that have been there for years.
2023 Video Games:
Baba is You
Cats Organized Neatly
Resident Evil: Village
Ghost Song
Salamander County Public Television
Cassette Beasts
The Mortuary Assistant
Vampire Survivors
Cult of the Lamb
Milo and the Magpies
Pizza Tower
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (DNF)
Celeste (again)
Super Mario RPG remake
The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark
Comments: Honorable mention is MyHouse.wad ~ I haven't played classic DOOM in so long and didn't want to learn how to mod it to play this, but I watched videos obsessively for several weeks when it came out. Its super cool. The Mortuary Assistant I found....strangely relaxing, I'm pretty sure this was not the common experience LOL. TGAAC made me kinda mad, I love AA but I COULD NOT with this one. I got 3 cases in, the pace was absolutely glacial and I did not like any of the side characters so I wasn't enjoying it. Oh well. My favorite game was probably either RE:V or collectively the two Darkside Detective games I just played.
Currently Playing: I just started Super Mario Wonder yesterday after getting it for Christmas. It's cute! I haven't played any mainline Mario games in like 10 years. Seriously the last ones were like Super Luigi Bros and Mario Maker 1 (and even then I think these are spinoffs 🤣)
2024 Game Goals: I have several games in my backlog that I would consider "Large RPGs", such as BG3, and I'd like to get through at least one of them. They're really daunting because of the time commitment required to finish. I'm currently working on some stupid grindy stuff in FFXIV so hopefully (lol) I will just take a break afterwards and can work on one of them.
Other 2024 Goals/Art Goals
Yeah I don't like to go too wild with goals anymore. 2023 was just a hot mess year in terms of my day job, for the entire year, and my brain got pretty scrambled. I couldn't think of any silly goal this year (I did "all Ghibli Movies" in a past year for example), so I'm gonna say:
Finish at least 1 sketchbook
Do/Post more finished pieces
Finish a piece of art I've had sitting on my desk since June 2022
I did a big consolidation of art supplies at the end of the year so hopefully I won't be so daunted by what to use in general. The ink challenge I did was very helpful getting a little bit of motivation back. I also have this piece of art that's been sitting unfinished on my desk for a year and a half and I really need to finish it, LOL. I think what happened is the lineart is pretty complicated - once I finished transferring it to a nice sheet of paper I got overwhelmed with the idea of 'ruining' it and put it aside. I really need to get it done though, however it turns out, and move on, as I think the lingering thought is blocking all other pieces.
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rivalsforlife · 2 years
ok new pinned post of general info about this as the twitter people are coming here and I feel like changing my spoilers policy so I’m not tagging like four spoiler tags on one post.
This isn’t strictly an ace attorney blog though it is most of what I talk about. As a result, I will post and reblog posts that contain spoilers, lots of which is untagged.
My current policy is that if a game has been out with an official English version for ten years or more, I am not going to tag spoilers for it. As of the time I am making this post, this contains the trilogy, aa4, and the first investigations game.
(The exception to this is the crossover, which I don’t think enough people have played.)
With all other AA games, major spoilers (such as major plot twists or final killers) will be tagged under their corresponding tags: “aai2 spoilers”, “dd spoilers”, “soj spoilers”, “plvsaa spoilers”, “tgaa spoilers”. The latter now corresponds to both great ace attorney games, since they’ve been out in English for over a year now. If you don’t have those tags blocked, then be prepared.
I don’t reblog other things enough to justify having a separate “ace attorney” tag, so if for whatever reason you’re following me for something else, be prepared for the ace attorney posting. If I do post other things they’re generally under a tag for that particular fandom (or no tag if it’s just. a random thing.) but not a specific spoilers one, unless under my discretion, or whatever. basically I’m not going to make it a policy.
Miscellaneous things:
- possibly annoying low-effort thoughts are under the “ramblings” tag, which you can block if you don’t want to see those.
- the tag “my writing” can be used to find writing I’ve done while on tumblr. Some of this does not have a corresponding ao3 page.
- the tag “art for my fics” has art (posted on tumblr) that other people have done of my fics, which is cool and you should check it out. If you have ever made art and I haven’t responded to it, tumblr didn’t notify me, please do reach out because I love to see that stuff.
- the tag “aa7 speculation” has the record of all the times I’ve tried to predict aa7, and all of them have been wrong.
- this is my eight thousand word long review of the second official ace attorney musical which is currently my favorite post I’ve made but probably no one else’s 
anyways thanks for reading. enjoy.
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folkdances · 2 years
REAL huge fan of the fact that me and misha are both each other's numbah one blogs.. love is real. and it is on tumblr dot com
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I posted 23,129 times in 2022
That's 22,502 more posts than 2021!
2,702 posts created (12%)
20,427 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15,505 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#aa - 2,876 posts
#m.txt - 2,089 posts
#art - 1,259 posts
#fav - 1,030 posts
#mail - 601 posts
#rgu - 585 posts
#trc - 533 posts
#sw - 528 posts
#tlt - 433 posts
#vid - 431 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#help help i am glad you have seen throguh my basic exterior... 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 anyway your franziskaisms bewitched me body and soul
My Top Posts in 2022:
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what haunted house are YOU!!
1,983 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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teens are very much into the following: bullying miles edgeworth online
[id: art of miles edgeworth from ace attorney cropped into a cardboard box with a paper taped to it reading, "everytime you repost he gets kicked down the fucking stairs. end id.]
2,376 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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post dark age of the law klavier proposes the prosecutor's office get a tiktok to boost public confidence and it goes about as well as you'd expect.
[ID: A digital drawing of Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney done as a fake TikTok. Edgeworth is posing in front of a row of hedges with two thumbs-ups with a deadpan expression. The text overlay reads: "HEY TEENS! Learning your rights is totally radical! Click the link to learn MORE!" The account is listed as 'cali.prosecutors.office', and the video is tagged as #law #relatable #yippee. The bio reads 'link: tinyurl.com/hkr7ccfd'. The song playing is 'My Boyfriend is the Prosecutor's W[itness]' by the Gavinners. The video has 10.2 k likes and 906 comments. End ID.]
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[ID: The same image, minus the TikTok overlay. End ID.]
2,703 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
actually at risk of sounding terminally online um a lot of fandom makes gratuitous use of trans hcs which is really good i think go u i do this also BUT i also think that u need to be more critical of which characters you assign as being trans especially if u look and all the effeminate men have been designated transmasc and all the muscular women have been assigned transfem like sorry but at some point it stops being projection and just becomes harmful stereotyping. like i just think u should be more conscious of this.
7,297 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
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82,069 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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4ragon · 2 years
How about Susato and Gina for the ask thing?
Hell yes, I'll do both! Let's go with Susato first.
Sexuality Headcanon: Susato :clap emoji: likes :clap emoji: girls Gender Headcanon: I feel like Susato has a sort of complicated relationship with gender that she should explore more. I'm not sure how to word this. Maybe like nonbinary, or gender fluid? A ship I have with said character: I do really enjoy susahao. They're girl best friends! What's not to love! A BROTP I have with said character: Her and either Ryuu or Asougi. Both are completely different relationship dynamics, practically opposites, but man. They're just so important to me. A NOTP I have with said character: Already said it in another ask, but her and Ryuu as a ship makes me uncomfortable. A random headcanon: I think Susato is the best at keeping in touch with everyone that they've met in London. She absolutely loves being someone's pen pal. She was Haori's pen pal when they were in London, and when they moved back to Japan, she would write to everyone back in London all the time, especially Iris. General Opinion over said character: She's one of the smartest characters in Ace Attorney and I adore her. She's so very different from the other female assistants, and I think that really helps her stand out and shine.
Next, Gina!
Sexuality Headcanon: I. Have never actually given her sexuality much thought? Huh. I don't particularly ship her with anyone. I could absolutely see her as aroace, or gay. Gender Headcanon: Same with gender, I've never really thought about it. I feel like she's the sort of person who just never really felt strongly about gender one way or another. Like she thinks of herself as a girl but doesn't really have any attachment to that label, you know. A ship I have with said character: Again, I don't really have any strong feelings on Gina ships. I've seen some cute ones, though. Gina and Susato is really cute. Also Mini keeps drawing Gina and Maria Gorey, which is conceptually fun. A BROTP I have with said character: Gina and Iris. Hands down, so much fun. They're buds. They're pals. They're practically sisters. Gina cares about this bubbly little girl so much. I love them. A NOTP I have with said character: I don't know enough about Gina ships to know what's out there. There're certainly some age gap ones I'd feel uncomfortable with though. A random headcanon: I think many years down the line she would help make an orphanage in the East End. She'd name it after Gregson. General Opinion over said character: Truly one of my favorite DGS characters. One of my favorite defendants in any AA game. I'm a sucker for characters who have deep seated trust issues, if you haven't noticed by now.
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