#I shan't stop you
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phillipcarlyle · 1 year ago
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PT & Phillip ~ office aesthetic
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fisheito · 2 months ago
e.eiden. p.e rcentg.e.eitorkoom
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rad-roche · 6 months ago
now and then i'll think about making an about me page before realizing i don't think i have anything all that interesting to say in it so if i do ever make an about me page all that will ever be in it is this specific video
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daemon-in-my-head · 24 days ago
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Somehow this escalated at some point.
The frame can be untoggled and I've somehow added another... thing (which is just chilling untoggled as well).
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jadewritesficshere · 8 months ago
Eddie, high out of his mind, rambling on and on and on about Steve. Yeah, he drones on about how good he looks (its a crime that he's that hot). Yet, Eddie's going all philosophical even, talking about soulmates and alternate universes where they are together. He's saying this to the guy who's sitting next to him. Grey at his temples, a few wrinkles around his eyes.
It's Steve, but Eddie is convinced it isn't because he never noticed the signs of aging before
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rustedleopard · 2 months ago
15. for dalv?
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Dalv × Orion. Before you go "What the heck?" hear me out! Orion is very invested in the family business (more than Starlo, who ditched the farmer life and only started to open up to it again in True Pacifist). He plans to go to Snowdin to investigate why some of his family's corn is being grown over there. The potential for a meeting between them is there.
Keep in mind that with Starlo out of the house and Crestina and Solomon getting older, somebody had to stay behind and help take care of the farm, and that person happened to be Orion. But because he's stayed behind and still sleeps in his childhood bedroom and expresses jealousy because Starlo gets to have fun all day in the Wild East while he works, I get the sense that Orion feels stifled. Like he never really got to "grow up" and test his independence. Plus the way that Crestina talks about Starlo, calling Clover one of Starlo's new friends without considering that Orion could've made a friend, gives me the vibes that Orion is lonely.
So Orion tries to exercise his independence and holds his first big "investigation" for the Sunnyside business and comes across Dalv, who's grown beyond locking himself away in the Dark Ruins and is making friends and writing those children's books and playing those concerts. Maybe Orion tries to intimidate Dalv into no longer growing his family's corn only to realize that he doesn't have bad intentions with the corn he's growing, he's just very passionate about their crop. They both are. Loner × Former Loner. Could be cute.
I feel like some sort of relationship between them, romantic or platonic, would do both of them some good.
From this ask game
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powerbottomblake · 1 year ago
I have developed that same specific brand of hatred that makes homophobes call every gay relationship in media toxic and underdeveloped and forced but for straight relationships instead I'm fighting the war on toxicity on the side of toxicity if the hets are anything less than exceptional i'm gonna be a hater and i'm gonna be docking points in my reviews based on the inanity of that heterosexuality
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desceros · 9 months ago
Is it weird that I lowkey hope that this Dredge au ends with the reader finally being able to go home with Donnie? Like finally going into the ocean and leaving humanity behind to be with the only living being they have ever felt close to? Kind of a shape of water type ending but with a more eldritch horror twist to it.
not weird at all! i think i find too great an interest in the long-distance yearning of two people living in two separate worlds coming together for that ever to be canon, enjoying the sweetness of reunion, basking in the heartbreak of needing to separate... but it's a lovely idea and certainly satisfying!!
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missmugiwara · 11 months ago
Me with my writer pals, seeing they're all slowly falling in love with a certain rubber pirate captain:
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navree · 6 months ago
the thing that makes perusia SO fascinating is that the sources legitimately paint it as a religious sacrifice. it's not that octavian killed a bunch of enemies during a war, that's par for the course for the guy. but on the anniversary of caesar's death, octavian chose to honor him with a religious offering in the form of the slaughter of 300 human beings. it's the religious component, the worshipful aspect, the way this was a decision to honor caesar and express some degree of emotion wrt his passing (all from someone who was never outwardly emotional or especially religious minded) taht makes it SO delicious.
also human sacrifice was a major major taboo in rome but octavian seems to have liked breaking taboos as much as he liked killing.
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1ore · 6 months ago
every time i staple In Circles to a pair of canon lesbians a guinea pig gets a hay bale
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years ago
I have many opinions on TWW and some of them are fairly unpopular so uhhhh here goes.
I'll get the biggest one out of the way first: for when it happened, I actually don't find the shuttle leak storyline out of character for Toby, nor do I hate it. If it had happened back in season 4, sure, and I'm mad at the post-Sorkin writing team for their slow destruction of Toby's character, but by end of s6, start of s7, it's not out of character for him. Could it have been better executed? Sure. But where he is as a character, unfortunately, it doesn't feel supremely terrible to me.
Second, the best Donna is season 1 Donna. A bit of an audience surrogate sometimes but in a not-overly-clumsy way, funny and spunky and just a bit quirky... and her dynamic with Josh is SO fun in season 1. I'm almost through s1 in my rewatch and I'd genuinely forgotten how much I enjoyed Donna. I feel like she really got flattened out once they really committed to the will they/won't they with Josh, and then was worse because of the whole season 6/7 disaster (that was a mess!), PLUS they had her make some very dumb decisions to advance the plot that did not feel realistic (the dumb shit with Cliff Calley, the accidentally voting for Ritchie).
(more under the cut because apparently I'm not done!)
I know season 5 was the weakest season overall, BUT season 4 was the weakest Sorkin season. I'm not saying season 4 needed to be all about re-election, but I feel like there was a better balance to strike between the "rush through all the election stuff by episode 8-ish" and "stretch it out into a season and a half long affair" (as in 6-7). It also just, despite everything it took to get to this point, felt INCREDIBLY rushed and unsatisfying. it didn't feel like there were any stakes! I wanted to see the whole debate, I wanted to see a genuine election night with stakes, dammit! And I think, much as I love Will, that dedicating so much time to THAT storyline was part of the problem. This also wasn't helped by the fact that Ritchie was a caricature and a Bush expy which worked when the episodes were airing but just makes him look cartoonish and one-dimensional now. Like Arnie Vinick may be a unicorn of a Republican and impossible to believe in now, but at least he's a person and not a cardboard cutout. Anyway! It feels like for all the build-up to the difficulty of getting re-elected post-MS scandal, it was just. they won, shuffle them offscreen again.
Okay, fuck, this is getting long.
I don't MIND Annabeth but I find the whole Leo-Annabeth flirtation thing REALLY weird and honestly out of left field. That scene in the elevator where she says they shouldn't be spending too much time together 'because of the tension', I was RIGHT THERE with Leo like 'what tension?' Like I'm sorry, I just don't see it!
Okay a few more bullet-point gripes just because
I got used to it eventually but I'm still not a fan that CJ got promoted to COS. Like yeah by the end she did a damn good job and she has one of the best relationships with Jed, but c'mon. she loved being press secretary, and she was a damn good one.
CJ's dark hair in season 7 is not a good look on her, I'm sorry CJ my love, but it doesn't look good. The only non-canon part of the flashfoward is that she definitely does NOT still have that hair.
Amy was fun when she first appeared, but in seasons 6 and 7 her character definitely got worse.
For the most part, I actually wanted less election plot in season 7 and more focus on the west wing (and I say this as loving both Matt and Arnie!)
Gina Toscano/CJ is a great ship also. I rewatched "six meetings before lunch" last night and remembered that I ship them.
Episode specific: the B-plot of Requiem makes absolutely no sense to me and I've watched the episode about 6 or 7 times now (the whole 'meddling in the speaker race' plot).
And finally: Danny should've been in every single season, as a regularly recurring character. I know that Tim Busfield was busy with other commitments but Mr. Busfield, I'm begging you.
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appledotcodotuk · 10 months ago
it's actually slightly scary how badly reading middle english messes with my spelling. makes me worried somethings gonna leak into my emails 😭 visions swarm me of saying 'if ye culdst be so kinde, and so seemly as to yeven me the PDF' or something 😭
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yaekiss · 10 months ago
looking at comifuro catalogues and I SPOT DOL MERCH???? argh I wish I could go... I don't think anyone makes DOL merch here orz
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goatsandgangsters · 2 years ago
I can’t believe I forgot to mention this this in 6 different liveblogs but I’ll give it its own post then 
I’ve been saying “neek-o-lai” for years and they’re not gonna stop me now. it’s too late. I’m not getting on the “nick-o-lai” train.
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fruchtfleisch-art · 1 year ago
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