#I shall enjoy my ramen now
moonchild-in-blue · 9 months
Eppie eel for you babes 💙
I am currently waiting for food, so I'll try to upload some cute photos and videos for you guys later/tomorrow most likely. In the mean time, please accept this humble offering.
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Daily Check-in: April 20, 2024 🎀
No update for Friday as all I did was go to class then go to work, come home, and sleep. But Saturday was a very good day and I feel as tho I did a good amount of things! And I feel good about the thing I did! <3
🩷 What I Accomplished:
woke up early before work (didn't hit my alarm three times and wake up tired, like I've been doing)
worked a ~7hour shift
agreed to cover a coworkers morning shift on Sunday 4/21
created a budget/ work plan for next semester to see how much I can make vs what most of my spending will look like
made an appointment to get a tattoo at the beginning of May (it's a tattoo to honor my dad and my late mother, who will have been gone 10 years this year. I wanted to honor my dad with the tattoo as well because he has been an amazing parent for the last 10 years, and I love and appreciate him so much)
booked an intro class at club pilates for mid-may (finally going to see if I enjoy it, and if so, will continue taking classes next semester!)
did a morning yoga workout
reflected on why I've been having a hard time sticking to my goals/daily tasks lately
washed my laundry (didn't put away tho)
💞 Good Things That Happened:
my friend gave me a ride to work
my favorite supervisor gave me a ride home from work
ate some spicy cheesey ramen
had a really good day at work
was able to request a day off work for beginning of May
got told my tattoo won't cost as much as I had thought
talked more with my roommates
💔 What Could've Gone Better:
drank too much coffee, and too late at night
had a near panic attack because of the coffee and cried myself to sleep
didn't zoom with my boyfriend because of how bad the coffee made me feel
lost trust with a different supervisor that I had thought was cool with me ( made me realize you can't trust most men to keep their word nowadays. not all men. just the men where I live at least.)
didn't study anything or do anything I felt was productive
💗 Stuff For Sunday:
work a shift
clean bathroom
wash pillowcases and towels
dust bedroom
practice some past chemistry homework problems
pick up medication from pharmacy after work
draw up rough sketch of tattoo idea
morning yoga?? we shall see
DONT drink too much caffiene
til next time lovelies 🩷
p.s Check Out My Depop shop!
💕 Song of The Day: Pied Piper - BTS
this song has been making me feel the same way that House of Cards has, which is saying a lot. I love this song so much right now.
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hyeahgaku · 9 months
Jump Festa 2024 SAKAMOTO DAYS Special Stage
(Part 1) Here are some of the things that were discussed, & exchanges that the guests had, which i manage to understand from the panel. I did not include those that i couldn't quite catch. Apologise if i misheard anything cuz my listening for Japanese isn't top-notch 🙏
Guests for SAKAMOTO DAYS JF2024 panel are Sōsuke Ishikawa (editor in charge of SakaDays; from here on shall be referred as Ishikawa-san) and Ryōta Suzuki (special guest appearance; from here on shall be referred as Suzuki-san)
Ishikawa-san did not cosplay as anyone this time (lol; previously he cosplayed as Tarō Sakamoto in JF2022, fyi). However, he wore Sakamoto's Store apron this year & said that it is no longer sold in Jump Shop but there is a newer version which fans can still purchase.
Ishikawa-san mentioned that now that the series has reached its 3rd year anniversary, the battle with Slur is heating up which makes it more exciting to witness its future development.
When Suzuki-san came on stage he made a joke about how there's an X mark (meaning Slur lol) at the spot designated for him. He jokingly commented that we would chance upon so many Slurs (X marks) in our everyday life so he's hyperalert of his surroundings lmao.
1st Segment - Suzuki-san's Favourite Manga Scenes
Suzuki-san chose chapter 16, "Department Store War": the limited edition Sugar-chan backpack sale scene. He expressed that he could really feel Sakamoto's love for his daughter, Hana-chan, in this chapter. And seeing how Sakamoto is now fighting as a Dad, & not as a hitman, really stood out here & it's amazing to see. He also praised the series' comedic scenes and remarked that those grannies in the chapter are way more scarier than any other assassins in the series.
Ishikawa-san added that as a backpack enthusiast, he felt that he need to get his hands on a Sugar-chan backpack too.
Suzuki-san's next favourite manga scene is chapter 28, "First Rate" (or "Top Notch" whichever yall prefer), specifically Seba versus Shin & Heisuke. Suzuki-san recounted his experience when reading this chapter, he wondered how Shin would fight an invisible person & moreover Shin couldnt read his mind when Seba wore the invisibility suit. But then Heisuke came to assist Shin, and Suzuki-san praised Heisuke for being a great guy who not only consoled Hana-chan when she cried (cuz she was left by herself in store) & told her that Piisuke would help find them. Ishikawa-san also agreed that Heisuke is a really good guy!
Suzuki-san explained that he had put lots of thoughts into choosing his favourite scenes as he took into account those people who have yet to read the series. He actually wanted to add a scene with "the strongest grandpa" Takamura! Suzuki-san confirmed it when Ishikawa-san guessed if it was the Tokyo Tower-slicing scene. Suzuki-san remarked that he was mindblown when that scene happened.
Ishikawa-san was asked to provide his thoughts on Suzuki-san's scene choices. He said that Sakamoto is always fighting a lot so seeing him take a breather and get to do a normal everyday life kind of stuff plus those hilarious (department store war) scenes was refreshing so he's glad Suzuki-san chose that chapter. As for chapter 28, the Seba versus Shin & Heisuke happened to be one of his favourites too. He enjoyed how Shin & Heisuke both try to adapt in the battle, with Shin not being able to mind-read, but the two never once gave up as they pushed on to defeat Seba, who has the invisibility ability.
2nd Segment - Special Q&A with Suzuki-sensei (done behind-the-scenes)
You may refer to the JF2024 Q&A questions which I have previously translated.
Q1. ALTERNATIVE CAREERS // Ishikawa-san thought that all the characters' alternative careers made sense. As for Suzuki-san, he was absolutely convinced that Sakamoto would have opened a ramen shop business & be the manager there. He added that Sakamoto's current shop could pass as a ramen shop as it already looked the part so he was really surprised with the home improvement/hardware store manager answer lol. He also commented that Nagumo is very handsome so him being an actor or model makes a lot of sense. As for Ishikawa-san, he also added that he can already picture Heisuke to still be in training even after he becomes a Chef lmaooo.
Q2. REST DAYS // Suzuki-san was just fanboying over Osaragi 😂 He said "Osaragi-san is the best and she's super cute!" and Ishikawa-san agreed. Ishikawa-san said she reminds him of a cat! Ishikawa-san further stated that, according to Suzuki-sensei, Nagumo is the kind who can switch between On & Off modes easily. Sensei also said that he would sometimes just sit on his bed on his day off, with his hair all messy, and just do Sudoku puzzles. Ishikawa-san confessed that he never expected such information though it's interesting, and then Suzuki-san chimed in & said that everyone generally likes guys with gaps (aka gap moe. Meaning: contrast between one’s appearance and personality, or the difference between someone’s actual personality and from first impression you had of them). Suzuki-san also added that Nagumo is pretty sly.
Q3. COOKING ABILITIES // Suzuki-san never would have guessed that Osaragi can cook! He even joked that Osaragi would cut her food/ingredients using her buzzsaw & then they joked that she'd even cut through the kitchen counter lmaooo. As for Ishikawa-san, he felt that Osaragi is good at cooking home-cooked meals. Then moving on to Yotsumura (the goat), Ishikawa-san stated that he actually asked Suzuki-sensei what Yotsumura's specialty was & Sensei stated that Yotsumura can cook just about anything -from Italian, French to Japanese cuisines you name it, anything at all! Lastly, Ishikawa-san remarked that since Mafuyu is a clean freak or a germophobe, he probably would not touch anything, much less cooking. Suzuki-san seconded this & went on to say that Mafuyu would never cook at all.
Q4. AOI & SAKAMOTO FIRST MEETING // Suzuki-san commented that Sakamoto being all shy, hesitant & fidgety is super cute & adorable. Ishikawa-san thought Aoi has great communication skills as Aoi strikes him as the type who would instantly speak what's on her mind so she must have been really worried for Sakamoto at that time (seeing him w blood).
Q5. SUZUKI-SENSEI'S MESSAGE TO SHIN & SAKAMOTO // Suzuki-san remarked that while Shin doesn't look like the series MC -cuz he imagined the MC to be someone really strong- he felt that Shin & the rest of the characters around him have made an impact & things have been exciting thanks to them too. Ishikawa-san pointed out that Shin is more of a "growth" type character. Comparing him to Sakamoto, who could just defeat anyone single-handedly and easily, Ishikawa-san explained that Shin doesn't have all that but no matter the obstacles & difficulties thrown his way, he constantly tried his best & never gave up, and that's what makes one want to root for him. Suzuki-san also expressed his opinion on how he feels like Sakamoto is the “I got your back” type of person, to which Ishikawa-san agreed, saying that whenever Shin is in a pinch, Sakamoto would always come to his rescue.
continue to pt.2 》
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rad-ramenkingles · 2 months
A Multiverse Versus
"Father and Son, 1v1!!"
Well hey there everyone, managed to get this finished and done a bit sooner than I thought I would. (To be real though it's not like I did too much new, just had to repurpose some side bits I was already working on for hopeful later posts.)
I have high hopes to do more things like this, a capturing of a moment in time. Whether it be a headcanon/fanfic moment, or a fan favourite reinterpretation from the manga or anime.
I shall call posts of this specific nature “MUSCLE Moments”, because Muscle you see. It's fitting right? Beefy Beef dudes, just slinging their Beefy muscles to beat down on each other. Definitely works for my liking.
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To start this trend off here is something I would have wanted to see, and did do a lot in “Galactic Wrestling” on my PS2. - Kid Muscle Vs his Father in his Prime in a one on one match. Both with their respective Meat Sidekicks for guidance.
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So I've had Kid Muscle/Mantaro revamped for a decent time, just sitting in the wings for a post of him mid face off against Kevin Mask. But I unfortunately never started Kevin and I wasn't going to be doing that task with a Trackpad. So rather than sitting on him further. Have him here head to head against his dear old dad, but younger.
The rest of what you see on display was heavily altered work of a really old bg I found from some old wrestling pixel game. Don't ask what it was called, I genuinely don't know. I saved it as “Wrasslin Pixel Ring” back in my youth. So who knows what it was from. Maybe I'll throw up the original at some point and you all can let me know. It was a really fun undertaking to do back a couple months ago, was doing it for this purpose of making in ring moments. (Something I had done a tiny bit of back in 2011) Bonus Points to whoever can figure out what moment in the classic Kinnikuman anime the ring's specific colors are based off.
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With this text dump done, and these sprites and inaugural “Muscle Moment” shared. I shall now get back to my Ramen consumption, Kinnikuman reading, and anime watching. (Currently burning through “Mobile Fighter G Gundam” and “Ultimate Muscle”, enjoying the nostalgia) Expect some Kinniku Text thoughts in the near future, and I'll try doing more of these “Muscle Moments” again as soon as I can.
Ramen… Out! ✌🏼🍜
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azlan-snow · 2 months
Broadcast Husbands
Chapter Seventeen: Hunting Season
(Told from Alastor’s POV. Trigger Warning for gore and extensive details.)
The next morning, after my knife was found by my glorious shadow, I headed to my territory, the Redlands, a dense forest of immense space, and began my hunt. Tracking my prey, I begin to enjoy the hunt, eyes tuning into their malicious red dials, and a rack of antlers displaying themselves. Catching sight, I chase down the buck, speed being of the essence, and pull out the trusty shotgun, quickly shooting it, causing the hydrostatic shock to the central nervous system to kill it instantly. Putting the gun away, I follow my bullet’s path, leading me to the dead 8-pointer bleeding out.
“We can’t have that, now can we?”
Taking the buck back to our tower, I greet Vox’s assistant. “Hello again, Thomas.”
“Hello, Mr. Alastor, sir. Would you like some assistance with your catch?”
“That would be lovely, if you’re.not busy.” He leaves his desk and grabs the buck from me gently, making sure he doesn’t damage the goods. We transport it  to the meat locker a couple floors down and prepare it for butchering. I remove the skin from the body, then hanging it out to dry as I separate the flesh from the bones, placing out each organ, collecting the blood, and piling the bones to use for broth. After a good hour, I finish the intricate process and prepare to take everything back to the hotel, snapping my fingers to transport myself and the dissected buck to the kitchen inside the hotel. I accidentally surprised the Princess and the King, who were making a snack together.
“My apologies, your Majesties. I did not realize anyone would be here at this time of day,” I say, bowing my head towards the Royals. 
“It’s fine, Alastor. Why are you just appearing, though?”
“Well, I have just returned with my catch from hunting! Which I shall cook some of it for dinner feast tonight!”
“Why of course! We ran out of meat, so I went and fetched some more!”
“Oh, okay. Thanks!” 
“Of course.” The two leave the kitchen, leaving me to prepare dinner. I chop vegetables, grab the loins of the deer, and place them in the fridge. I snap the bones and throw them in the largest pot there, along with water and stock to render the bones usable for a broth. Vox plans on making something called ‘Ramen’ for dinner that he needs a broth for, so I set that on the burner to boil for a couple of hours. I then retreat to my room, and find Vox resting peacefully, and I lay down next to him, falling asleep quickly by his side.
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starsfic · 1 year
Shadow singer //lmk one shot//
Macaque is alone in his house. He’s cleaning it up. He never could quite live in a dirty house like Monkey King. Mac preferred organization and cleanliness. Something Wukong could never truly appreciate. He grows tired of the quiet sweeping though. He taps his tail on a CD player. His hips sway as the song picks up from where it left off last time he turned the player on. “Hey. I just wanna say ‘hey’. To let you know you blow, and all you did was-” He alters his voice to auto tune it as he sings. “Feed my ego.” He changes it back and sounds bitter as he dances while sweeping. “And baby even in the end, I tried to make amends. I guess till then I got myself a,” He smiles. Getting lost in the groove. “It’s funny how the tables have turned. I know it’s crazy, but I love it. So for now in return, I guess I got myself a-” He jumps on a table. “FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! IT’S FAAAAAAAAAAAN BEHAVIOUR!” “Woaaaaaaaah!” Macaque falls off the table as he hears the amazed boy’s exclamation.
“Ah- Kid- Didn’t expect you here today. How about you join the club, and help me clean up?” He tries to slide past him singing. “You can sing!? That’s amazing!” MK is bouncing around excitedly. “Ugh. Yes. I can sing. I just don’t do it often since…” He trails off. Thinking about Wukong mocking his singing. It was just some light words, but with DBK, Azure Lion, and Peng joining in it hurt all the more. “I just don’t enjoy it.” Mk frowns. “Can I hear some more? Pweaaaaaaaase?” Mk’s eyes glitter as he begs. “No. What are you here for, kid?” Macaque glares. “OH! Here.” He holds out a bowl of ramen. “I know you haven’t been eating right, mister.” Macaque sighs at Mk’s words. “For a kid. You’re quite an intuitive boy.” Mk blinks. “I’m quite what?” Macaque laughs, and takes the bowl.
Later, Mk is fighting a new villain. He is a strange creature. Tall and slender. With long, dark gray hair. His skin is a pale peach color with golden markings around his face, arms, and down his back. He wore an open backed robe that seemed to be similar to those in the Celestial Realm. His eyes glowed with a shining a silvery gray that seems almost hypnotizing. “I grow tired of this charade boy,” He hisses between gritted, fanged teeth. “I do not have time for games such as these. You are as annoying as your predecessor.” Mk breathes hard, but smiles. “I can keep this going aaaaaall day if I have to!” The creature smiles. “You don’t even understand what this is, do you?” He motions to the strange object he attempted to steal. “Uuuuuuuuuuh a trophy?” Mk blinks. They’re at a singing competition’s backroom. “No. It’s a scroll that holds the secret to amplifying one’s power to the point of being more powerful than Buddha himself.” Mk’s eyes widened. “And I, Gēr Zhànshì, shall use it to raise my kingdom back from the depths! From whence Sun Wukong destroyed.” Mk groans. Of courrrrrse he’s another person his teacher ticked off. Maybe he should have a long talk with him.
Before he can react, Gēr lets out a super sonic scream that sends Mk flying into a wall. “I guess I'll just win it ‘legally’.” He laughs as he vanishes. Mk starts to panic. He runs home. “PIGSY! WE NEED YOU TO SING IN A-” A cough resounds through the shop. “No can do MK.” Tang says with the pale, sickly Pigsy shaking and coughing. “Pigsy lost his voice after getting sick. I won’t be singing much of anything right now.” Mk grows pale. Pigsy was his major shot. He tries to think who could win that contest. Tang sounds like a dying cat when he sings, Sandy is too old school, Mei hates singing in front of people- Wait a minute. “MEIIIIIIIIIIIII! WE NEED TO GO FIND MACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQUE!” He runs out.
Cut to Macaque in front of Mk and Mei with arms crossed. “No.” He says plainly. “THE FATE OF THE WORLD DEPENDS ON IT!” Mei says, panicking. “I’ll move to the underworld.” Macaque jokes. “I’ve been there before.” Mk blinks. “What?” Macaque pats his head. “Uh. Don’t worry about it.” He mutters. “Please Macaque!” Mei and Mk say with puppy dog eyes. Macaque sighs. “Fine. But. I have one condition.” “Anything!” Mk says excitedly. “Wukong has to be there.” Mei and Mk are shocked. “You WANT him there?” Macaque nods. “I want him to learn. I’ll meet you there later tonight. I’ll even take a human form for you.” He goes into his shadows. “Wait, they can take human forms?” Mk asks, shocked. “Well I guess you can so…” Mei makes a “I guess it makes sense” motion.
Skip to Monkey King staring down a peach cobbler. “You. Are made of peaches. And I love peaches. But you also look funny which I don’t like. But peaches. But-” Mk zooms in. “MONKEY KING!” Monkey King screams, and sends the tray flying into the sky. He blinks slowly. “Chang’e probably is going to enjoy that.” He turns to Mk, and sighs. “Kid I was in the middle of-” Mk starts rapidly shaking Wukong. “WE NEED YOU TO COME TO A CONCERT TONIGHT! THE FATE OF THE WORLD DEPENDS ON IT!” Mei stops Mk. “Calm down Mk. We gotta do this slowly.” She clears her throat and starts shaking Wukong. “YOU BETTER COME TO THE CONCERT OR I WILL PERSONALLY RIP YOUR TAIL OFF AND-” Wukong picks up Mei. “Mk did you lose a small dragon pup?” He has an annoyed look. “SMALL!?” Mei says angrily. Mk explains what’s going on.
Wukong was a bit shocked. He sighs. “I guess I can come. I’ll go in human form as well. Won’t let him show me up.” Mk blinks. “YOU HAVE A HUMAN FORM!? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!?” Wukong sighs. Feeling a bit of embarrassment. “I tend to look like a middle aged dad. Which is less than flattering.” He sighs, and closes his eyes. In a second, he turns into his human form. He has fluffy, blonde hair with golden eyes. His smile is less sharp, and a bit of a peach fuzz beard covers his chin. He has a bit of hair on his arms and legs. The funniest part though, is his beer belly. To see the very fit, very strong Monkey King with a beer belly just makes Mei and Mk giggle.
“The human form reflects our eating habits and such. And… I like peaches okay!? Don’t judge me.” Wukong pouts a bit. “You actually kinda look like Mk’s dad.” Mei squishes his face. “He’s not my dad,” “He’s not my son.” The two say at the same time. “Pigsy’s the one who raised me, and he’s my dad.” Mk explains. “And I'm nowhere near ready to have children. Maybe in a few more centuries, but not now.” Monkey King says while shaking his hands in front of him. Mei rolls her eyes. “Alrighty.” Wukong starts to look in his clothes. “I need to look good for this. If I'm going out in… this… form I'm going to look good.” He pulls out the hoodie he wore in Lantern City. He brushes his hair out, and smiles. “Alrighty.” Finger guns. “Let’s go.”
The three are soon in the front row of the contest. Wukong is annoyed how everyone is saying how cute it is that he’s taking out his two kids. “I’m not that old.” He mutters. Mk and Mei give him a “are you serious?” look. “Who even is the villain Mac is going up against?” Wukong leans back. “Gēr Zhànshì.” Mk says plainly. Wukong springs up. “HIM!? WHY DIDN’T YOU-” Suddenly music spreads through the area. Mei suddenly leans forward. Very interested. Mk is confused. Gēr Zhànshì walks on stage. He’s wearing a black vest, gray slacks, and spiked boots. “Ladies and gentlemen, please. Would you bring your attention to me?~” He smiles. The only ones not affected by the music is Wukong and Mk due to the golden vision allowing them to see what he truly is. A siren beast. “For a feast for your eyes to see. An explosion of catastrophe.” He moves his hips rhythmically. Walking across the stage with a wild grin. “Like nothing you've ever seen before. Watch closely as I open this door.” He flips his hair back. Causing the crowd to go wild. “Your jaws will be on the floor. After this you'll be begging for more.”
“Monkey King what’s happening?” Mk tries to shake Mei who seems to have abandoned wanting to cheer for Macaque, and instead is screaming Zhànshì’s name. “He has the ability to sing and hypnotize people. We’re immune mostly due to our golden vision.” Zhànshì smirks, and dances. “Welcome to the show. Please come inside. Ladies and gentlemen!” He starts throwing his head down causing his hair to fly violently on every boom. “Boom! Do you want it? Boom! Do you need it? Boom! Let me hear it! Ladies and gentlemen!” He repeats it a couple times. A pair of purple eyes watch from the shadows. Macaque scowls. He’s never really liked Zhànshì. He actually took pleasure in watching Zhànshì’s kingdom fall when Wukong destroyed it. He hated the man in front of him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.” Zhànshì gently runs his hand under a girl’s chin. She starts to cough up blood. Mk freaks out. “You've seen, and seeing is believing. Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding. Please check to see if you're still breathing.” Wukong knows if he intervenes, everyone listening will be very very hurt. They have to listen to the entire song otherwise they will end up like that girl. “Hold tight 'cause the show is not over. If you will please move in closer. You're about to be bowled over.” Mk tries to touch Mei, but Wukong stops him. ‘By the wonders you're about to behold here. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the show! Please come inside. Ladies and gentlemen!” Zhànshì repeats what he did on the chorus. “His spell makes it so if you interrupt the song everyone will be hurt. We have to let it go. Otherwise Mei…” He trails off. Mk feels red hot anger, but he numbs it. Tears pierce his eyes. “Okay.” He says quietly.
After the song is over, Zhànshì bows, and blows a kiss to the crowd. The crowd goes wild. He walks past Macaque, and shoulder checks him. “Beat that monkey boy.” Macaque glares. The announcer comes on stage. “After that dazzling performance. Welcome Mac Shadowheart!” Wukong rolls his eyes at the name. Macaque walks on stage. He has tanned skin, black hair, a beard, and deep purple eyes. He’s wearing a black jacket with a popped collar. His shirt is a crop top, dark purple shirt. Exposing his abs to the crowd. His black jeans were ripped, and he wore black combat boots. Mei’s jaw dropped. She is staring with hearts in her eyes. “Oh my god who is that!?” She giggles like a schoolgirl. “Yeah he looks awesome!” Mk says with stars in his eyes. “Macaque.” Wukong says with a sting of jealousy and annoyance. Mei and Mk stare at Wukong shocked. “WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT AND YOU LOOK LIKE- THIS!?” they say. “HEY I DON’T LOOK THAT BAD!” He snaps back. Macaque gently grabs the mic as the music starts. “I owe this as a tribute to an old friend of mine. Peaches.” Wukong freezes at the old nickname.
“This… is for me?” Wukong is surprised. Macaque leans back as he sings. “I try to make it through my life. In my way there's you… I try to make it through these lies. That's all I do.” Macaque meets his eyes with Wukong. “Just don't deny it. Just don't deny it. And deal with it. Yeah, deal with it.” Wukong crosses his arms, and pouts. Macaque smirks. “You tried to break me. You wanna break me.” Wukong pauses, and stares back up. He shakes his head quietly. “Bit by bit. That's just part of it.” Macaque shrugs. Letting his shadows dance in the background. “If you were dead or still alive! I don't care! I don't care!” Wukong feels his heart break a bit. Does Macaque really care so little for him? “And all the things you left behind! I don't care! I don't care!” Mk frowns. He feels almost bad for dragging his teacher here to be dragged across the stage by Macaque’s words.
“I try to make you see my side. Always try to stay in line. But your eyes see right through! That's all they do!” Macaque is getting more into the song. Struggling to keep his emotions at bay. The crowd cheers at him showing his emotions. “I'm getting tired of this. I've got no room when it's like this. What you want of me, just deal with it!” Wukong has a tear trail down his face. “Macaque. I didn’t. It wasn’t my fault.” Mei pauses, and looks at him. “Not your fault? Is NOTHING your fault?!” Mk silently looks away. “You’ve caused SO MUCH pain. Just as much pain as good in my opinion. I used to think so highly of you. But as i’ve gotten to know you. I see you’re nothing.” Mei says angrily. She’s sick of his attitude. “You deserve this.” Mei says. Macaque sings as they talk. “So… If you were dead or still alive! I don't care! I don't care! And all the things you left behind! I don't care! I don't care!” Zhànshì starts to worry about losing this.
“Nothing can care about. I'm taking care of it! You won't be there for me! YOU WON’T BE THERE FOR ME!” He screams out the last part. Tears falling down Macaque’s face. During the bridge, Macaque takes gasps of breaks to calm down a bit to finish the song. Wukong grips his fists tightly. “If you were dead or still alive. I don't care! I don't care! And all the things you left behind! I don't care! I DON’T CARE!” Wukong grits his teeth, but then… his body relaxes and he slumps in his seat. Burying his head in his hands. Feeling a bit ashamed. “If you were dead or still alive! I don't care. Nothing can care about. I don't care... I'm taking care of it. And all the things you've left behind. I don't care. you won't be there for me. I don't care... at all.” Macaque drops the mic, and leaves. The crowd going wild.
Macaque felt a bit better. He was able to get all those pent up emotions out. Zhànshì pinned him against a wall. Growling. “You’re going to forfeit the competition.” He says angrily. Macaque laughs. “Scared, are we Zhànshì? That’s what you always were. A coward. You couldn’t even save your people from one. Little. Monkey.” Zhànshì moves to hurt Macaque, but Wukong tackles him and starts pounding his fist into Zhànshì’s face. Tears flow down his face as he repeatedly beats Zhànshì over and over in the face. Macaque eventually pulls him off. “Why…” Wukong asks. “Why what?” Macaque says. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” Wukong snaps. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU THOUGHT OF ME LIKE THAT!? THAT I HURT YOU!” Macaque stares at him dumb founded. “You cannot be serious.” Wukong growls. Showing he is very much serious. “Buddha. You’re stupider than I thought. I did everything to comfort you when you were trapped. Yet, you treated me as your enemy. I betrayed the brotherhood for you. It left me alone, and broken when even you didn’t wanna see me anymore. Finally, you made new friends. Forgot all about me. I admit I was… I was jealous. I wanted to BE you Wukong. Then… our fight and…” His hand drifts to his eye.
“My death.” He could still feel the phantom pain from when he was killed. The betrayal he felt in his last moments. Wukong looks away. “You could have talked to me.” That ticked Macaque off. “Talk to you? And you say I'm overreacting? Or that I'm stupid for having feelings? That I'm WEAK!? Even after you traveled with that ‘master’ of yours, you grew no more intelligent Wukong.” He starts to walk towards the awards ceremony. Monkey King glances back at Macaque as he leaves. He didn’t want to leave it like this. An idea hits his head. A bit of bile rises up in his throat as he thinks about it. “Oh boy.” He feels sick as he rushes up on stage, and grabs the mic. “I HAVE A SONG I WANT TO SING FOR MY FRIEND MAC!” Macaque is shocked. What in the rings of hell is Wukong doing? Wukong stares out at the crowd. They all seem confused. He swallows the vomit gathering in his throat. He picks up a guitar. Starting to strum. Ignoring the eyes. “Empty home, no trace of you. Can't say that I'm surprised. All the Hell I put you through. Was showing in your eyes.” His voice shakes slightly.
“Can't say I blame you at all. I hate myself for what I've done. I swore that I'd never call. But I just need you to know…” Macaque watches Wukong unimpressed. He then hears Mk and Mei talking. “Isn’t he afraid of performing?” Mk says surprised. “Maybe he finally wants to do something right by Macaque?” Mei says with a huff. “That I'm so sorry! That I had to be the one! The one to break you! And let you come undone!” Wukong is closing his eyes tight to try to avoid the fear and nausea over taking him. “I know I let you down. You deserve much more than me. Just leave me here for dead, I'm begging, please! Kill my memory!” Macaque glances at him. Is he trying to apologize? “6 a.m, I'm getting weaker. Keep reaching for the phone. I tell myself it's wasted time, 'cause you're not coming home.” Wukong thinks of all the 6 a.m. regrets with peach schnapps and broken memories. “I left you so many scars. I don't deserve a second chance. You gave me all that you are. I let you slip through my hands…” Macaque stares in shock and amusement.
Does he really think Mac would forgive him with a silly song? “That I'm so sorry! That I had to be the one! The one to break you! And let you come undone!” Macaque pauses, and realizes. Wukong isn’t asking for forgiveness. No. He’s asking to not be forgiven and to be forgotten. “I know I let you down! You deserve much more than me… Just leave me here for dead, I'm begging, please. Kill my memory.” Oh if only the crowd knew the great Monkey King was begging for his memory to be forgotten and killed off. One of the most beloved and revered legends. Begging to finally be forgotten. “It's keeping me awake, every chance I had! Now it's just too late, there's no going back. You are better off without a trace of my memory. Can you just erase me?!” Macaque snickers that Wukong in all his pride is begging to have his transgressions forgotten. Things that will not be forgotten even after he is long gone as proven by the five hundred years away.
“That I'm so sorry! That I had to be the one! The one to break you! And let you come undone!” Macaque feels his smug smile soften a bit. To be forgotten… as he had been… A tear escapes his eyes. “I know I let you down. You deserve much more than me. Just leave me here for dead, I'm begging, please! Kill my memory…” Wukong places the guitar down softly, and runs off. Violently vomiting into a trash can. Throwing up repeatedly. Shaking. Macaque claims his prize since the other main competitor is… incapacitated. He goes, and gently pats Wukong’s back. “Get it all out moron.” Wukong throws up once again.
Later, Mei, Mk, Wukong, and Macaque are together with the scroll. Mk smiles. “Maybe we should read it! It’ll give us ultimate power so we can use it in the future.” Mei glares. “If anyone’s gonna read it, it’s gonna be me. I handled the Samadhi Fire! I can handle this!” Wukong scoffs. “That was nothing kid. If anyone should read the scroll, it should be me!” “YOU!?” Mei says annoyed. It causes a three way argument. While they fight, Macaque grabs a lighter, and lights the scroll on fire. It burns to ashes. “Wait- NO!” Mk says in shock. “There. Now no one can read the scroll.” Macaque dusts his hands off. “Why did you do that!?” Wukong says shocked. “Wukong. You don’t deserve any more power. Mei would go crazy with that much power. And Mk can’t control that much power yet as a kid.” Mei pouts. “I guess you’re right.” Mk perks up. “Wanna go get ice cream, and then go to the arcade?” Mei lights up. “DOI! LET’S GO!” The two run off. Wukong moves to go after them, but Macaque grabs his shoulder. “You aren’t forgiven yet. But… I guess we can start anew. Just as long as you don’t keep acting like a jerk.” Wukong pauses, but then chuckles. “Deal Mango.” The two walk off. The ashes of the scroll blowing in the breeze.
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Utsuki Chikage - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Itaru: Here you go.
Chikage: …
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Itaru: So dirty. Is this actually washed? …Can you stop giving me that look? They’re freshly washed. Rest assured.
Chikage: I’ll borrow them for a second then.
Chikage: Heh, they’re comfortable. These clothes.
Itaru: Is this how a kid feels when they lend their clothes to their parents…
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Chikage: Oh, right. I’d like to borrow a controller.
Itaru: Well, I do use those. Here you go. It’s okay if this one breaks.
Chikage: I’m not going to act that violently. Or perhaps I should exaggerate my acting a bit?
Itaru: Please put a cap on it.
Chikage: Understood. Alright, I’m starting. “Ha? Time out? It’s a Friday night, there’s no way nobody’s on. Damn normies enjoying their lives.” “I’m gonna banish you shitty small fry to the shadow realm.” “Rip in peace in pieces.”
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Itaru: (That’s probably me when my match up isn’t going well, or when I'm pissed off because I can't beat a lower ranked opponent…)
Chikage: “Hell yeah! You really thought, huh? Trash.”
Itaru: (Wait, this trash-talking vocabulary…!)
Chikage: “Ah, senpai came back without me even realizing, huh? GJ with the corporate slaving.” “Woah, it’s already 2AM…”
Itaru: (Here’s the turn of events I hate… It’s me when I’m torn between sleeping or eating, but I’m doing neither.”
Chikage: “Should I have some ramen? Do you want some too, senpai? I’ll share.” “Eh, clean up my garbage? Of course I will.” “Tomorrow or the day after that.” And scene. That was typical Chigasaki. What do you think?
Itaru: …It was good. I’m not aware of my typical movements or facial expressions. But I just naturally accepted that was me.
Chikge: Good to hear.
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Itaru: That’s why I have mixed feelings though. When I'm shown my undisciplined self objectively, it’s not that… I don’t feel sorry or a little ashamed.
Chikage: Do you understand what I’m trying to convey to you?
Itaru: “Re-evaluate how you live”, right?
Chikage: You’re not wrong. But I’ll give you 40 points.
Itaru: Here comes the sudden scoring system.
Chikage: Even you yourself feel ashamed of your lifestyle… But, even so, I have never thought I wanted to switch rooms. To my great surprise.
Itaru: We all know that’s a lie.
Chikage: I’m not counting the times it’s merely crossed my mind. You can say what you feel out loud. And you can relieve your stress and lift your own spirits by creating a space to release your emotions… I think that’s one good thing about you that I don’t have. I wonder if that means in a way, I envy you.
Itaru: —.
Chikage: Of course I do want you to improve and fix your lifestyle.
Itaru: That stings.
Chikage: In any case, you can just stay as you are. Surprisingly, I don’t dislike seeing you being so free, Chigasaki.
Itaru: Seriously?
Chikage: Probably.
Itaru: Probably? Well… thank you. I look forward to continuing living together.
Chikage: I’ll be in your care.
Itaru: Shall we take the instant photo now? I’ll leave the pose to you.
Chikage: Understood.
Itaru: Here goes. 3, 2, 1—.
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Chikage: What do you think? I tried to be you.
Itaru: 82 points.
Chikage: I feel like I just barely achieved an “A” rank in this minigame of dodging-the-question.
Itaru: Oh, that’s my roomie for you. Correct.
Chikage: By the way, I ate this to prepare for my role.
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Itaru: Oh, that’s the cup noodles I like.
Chikage: You told me it tastes good when it’s a little soggy, so I made sure to leave it a little longer before I ate it.
Itaru: It was good, right?
Chikage: 35 points.
Itaru: That’s the lowest score of the day…
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Death Note, meet Supernatural- CHAPTER 6
Relationships: L (Death Note)/Reader, L (Death Note)/Original Female Character(s)
Summary: What if Death Note existed in a world with Winchesters in it? Would L finally have the evidence he needs to prove Light is Kira? How will L fare in a world where monsters are real and not every case is solvable by him? Lucky for him, there's a hunter here to work side-by-side with him.
Chapter Summary: Just spending time with team. Medium-ish interaction with L.
Chapter 6: Bantering and Resting
A table has been brought in and everyone is assembled in chairs around them. There are 2 serving trays emitting steam and delicious aromas. Mouth watering, I shake off Misa and head towards the food. To my disappointment, I recognize none of it except rice with fish which I can’t eat.
Watari greets me, “What shall I serve for you, Miss? I imagine you must be quite hungry.” 
I puff up my cheeks and shrug, “I’m vegetarian, is there anything in here I can eat?”
“Oh, we did not know that. I’m sorry. Well, you can have some tea and cake. There are also grilled rice balls with soy sauce. The rest of it contains meat, I’m afraid. I could make some ramen if you’d like. Won’t take 10 minutes.”
“Ramen sounds good. Just point me to the kitchen and I’ll make it myself. You can get started on dinner here.”
“That’s kind of you but it’s no trouble. This dinner is for you after all. Please start eating and I’ll bring your ramen shortly.”
Nodding, I get a cup of tea and a couple of those rice balls. Everyone has already started eating. L has got his own trolley loaded with sweets and it’s half-empty by now. Misa has made herself very comfortable on Light’s lap while the dude looks as uncomfortable as Dean in shorts. She’s chatting away at him at lightspeed. Wanting to avoid that area, I move to the other side of the table to find the only empty seat beside Matsui. If I take that one, Misa will never shut up about it. Lord…I need booze. Now. Except there’s not a drop in sight. Is this some kind of freak alcohol-free zone? Sure, Light and Misa are underage and L doesn’t look like he’d handle liquor well but what about the grown-ups? Surely they drank. Chief seems a little holier-than-thou to ask and since I’m avoiding Matsui for now, that leaves Moji. Finishing my plate, I head over to him.
“Hi Moji, enjoying dinner?” 
He looks startled at my appearance but recovers quickly, “Sure, Miss Anne. Are you?”
“I’d enjoy it a lot more if I had something to wash it down with,” I whisper.
“There’s always more tea.”
“Come on, man. I’m talking about the strong stuff. Where’d you keep that stash?”
Moji looks scandalized. “We don’t drink here. Everything is non-alcoholic.”
“Well, I cannot be non-alcoholic. I’ll get my own stuff if you don’t have any.”
Ignoring his offended gasp, I head over to my duffle bag and get my wallet filled with Yen. There’s nothing more I want to do than eat and sleep but my dinner is only riceballs and ramen. Shopping for lots of junk food, and alcohol too, will go a long way to keep my sanity. Seeing me heading out, Misa calls after me, “You can’t leave! You haven’t even talked to me or eaten anything!”
“I’m just doing a quick beer run 'cause you guys don’t have any. Be back in 20.”
“Oh, okay. But hurry. I’ll save some cake for you before Ryuzaki eats it all.”
Hearing the threat to his cake, L calmly proclaims, “Watari will bring more from the kitchen for her. This is mine. Hands off, Misa.”
Listening to their fading bickering sounds with Light trying to keep the peace, I feel my lips curl up. They are just children. One is the world’s greatest detective and the two could be serial killers with no memories of it. Introducing them to the world of monsters could be the last straw on the camel’s back. Especially L. The guy relies on logic and facts- knowing that something is beyond his control can crack his brain. Great, I’m already worried about the little weirdo. Blame his stupid eyes and stupid hair and stupid lips. Slippery slope. Screw beer, we’re going with wine tonight.
The room seems livelier when I get back. I hand the bags to Watari after taking out a bag of chips and a bottle of wine for myself. “Please help yourself and others to whatever you like. Unload the rest in the kitchen. Also, can I have a glass for my drink?” He nods and points towards a steaming bowl of spicy-looking ramen which I make a beeline for saying, “Thanks, Watari!” His answering chuckle fades away as it’s just me and the food now. After slurping down almost half the bowl in minutes, cause it’s freaking delicious, the conversation around me registers. 
Misa is calling L a pervert because he won’t uncuff Light even for their date. Why does L want to be the third wheel with those two if they’re Kiras is beyond…no wait. I understand. Maybe he’s hoping they’ll play 20 criminals on their dates. Hehe. I’m hilarious, I think. Flashes of dumb jokes, late nights, and stupid, deep-belly laughter pass through my mind. Gut-wrenching pain follows, guilt right on the heels. Swallowing becomes difficult so I drain the entire wine glass in one go.
“I have nothing against alcohol but if you’re an alcoholic , you must leave the team.”
Fixing L with my best glare, I snap, “Says the addict. Go to sugar-rehab yourself before giving me ultimatums.”
“I’m not addicted to sugar. I can stop anytime I want. I don’t because sugar helps me think.”
“I’m not addicted to alcohol. I can stop anytime I want. I don’t because alcohol helps me tolerate you.”
“You barely know me.”
“ You barely know me and you’ve already labeled me an alcoholic.”
“You drained the glass in one go.”
“I had difficulty swallowing.”
“Ah, my apologies. So you’re not an alcoholic. Just someone who doesn’t know how to eat. No problem. Shall I instruct Watari to cut up your food into small pieces for you? He can spoon-feed you, too.”
I want to scream and tear my hair out. I want to scream and tear his hair out. 
Except there’s no scorn in L’s eyes, just concern. Looking at him, I realize his words are genuine and well-meaning. There’s no doubt he’s socially awkward. Must have trouble with many things. And now he’s taking my words at face value and trying to help me. To my horror, my eyes start stinging. Figuring hugs wouldn’t be well received just yet , I settle for a genuine, bright smile. L looks alarmed and I tone it down so I don’t resemble the Joker.
“Thank you, L- Ryuzaki. But it was just a one-time thing. My mind was elsewhere so…don’t worry about me.”
“Hm. Be careful so you don’t choke to death stuffing your cakehole and do Kira’s work for him.”
There’s that barely-there smile again with a twinkle in Bambi eyes.
Pitter-patter goes my ticker. 
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Despite the dinner being in my honor, nobody pays much attention to me except L. Throughout the meal, we keep looking at each other, not even trying to hide it. There are so many questions I want to ask him but none of them are related to the case. I want to know where he grew up and what his favorite sweet is and does he watch movies or not. Though he is a smart-ass, his voice is better than any ASMR I’ve tried. It’d be impossible for me to get tired of listening to him when he’s not being a little shit obviously. 
At some point, the food and wine are all gone and I’m just sitting looking at him. He’s doing the same so I don’t feel terribly self-conscious. His tilted head makes him look even more adorable. I should be taking the time to know more about the team but I’m beat right now. In preparation for coming here, a lot of security had to be reviewed and installed back home. My absence was dangerous but the Kira case needs solving. I almost didn’t want to come but staying under the radar was hard when I was in the States. Hopefully, they’d just figure I’d gone deep underground with my precious cargo, prepared to strike. Although I was confident everything would be fine, it was impossible not to worry. On top of that, the 14 hours flight to Tokyo was barely manageable thanks to my claustrophobia. I got a couple of hours of shut-eye but felt terribly nauseous after waking up. Since then, I've been running on fumes.
Right now, slightly tipsy with my belly full and the most hypnotizing eyes staring at me, my eyes start to droop. I know from experience that falling asleep in a chair would make me very sore so I summon all my willpower to get up. To my surprise, the room is empty save Light, Misa, L and me. Misa has fallen asleep in Light’s lap and he’s about to doze off too. L could not be more awake if he were an owl, considering the amount of sugar he’d consumed. Giving him a sleepy wave, and mumbling a “G’night”, I head to my room.
The morning after my mouth tastes like butt, multiple someones are hammering my head and my body aches everywhere. Peeling my eyes open is a challenge but when I get them to focus, I see a glass of water, an aspirin with some dry toast and orange juice as a personal treat. I make a mental note to thank Watari later and immediately chug down the pill with water and even though the food looks appetizing, brushing my teeth comes first. Groaning, I piteously make my way to the bathroom and make it back to bed in record time, mouth fresh now. The toast feels perfect right now even though I can only nibble, not bite. Orange juice is skipped because I feel nauseous and don’t want any fluids in me. Head still pounding and body still hurting, I sink back into the bed, Morpheus already pulling me under.
The next time I wake up, I feel heavy. Good heavy you feel when you’ve had deep, uninterrupted sleep in a long time. Basking in the sensation a bit longer, I start planning my day. Shower first, supernatural second. Today will be spent comfortably indoors reviewing all Kira case data. Taking a long shower, complete with hair wash and exfoliating, I feel like a new, cheerful person. The building that felt eerie yesterday now looks full of possibilities (It also helps the EMF in my hand picks up no readings).
Everyone, save Misa (thank God), is already in the briefing room when I arrive. A couple of new sofas have been placed near the table from last night. Some greetings are directed my way and I hand out smiles and nods. L and Light are stationed in front of the screen. “Hello bo-”, the words feel wrong, these are not my boys. 
I clear my throat, “Hey guys, any new updates?” 
“Here you are. Had a good rest, Anne? Ryuzaki and I have been at this all morning but nothing new from Yotsuba or elsewhere”, replies Light.
A cup of tea is thrust toward me by a tired-looking L. The guy has apparently pulled an all-nighter. Not that he can’t pull off the raccoon look but sleep is important. As we’re not close enough that I can order him to bed, my displeasure shows through my pursed lips. The tea tastes surprisingly normal as I expected L to have put a bajillion sugar cubes in it. On second thought, it’s exactly as I take it. My heart lifts as I wonder if he pays me special attention. The raccoon in question speaks up, “Here is your laptop with all the data in it. If you try to take it out of the building, it will self-destruct.”
“Thanks for the show of trust honey, really warms my heart.”
Settling down on the sofa, I get comfortable. It’s research time.
A/N: From next chapter, supernatural view is coming in!
Please leave ❣️, comments and reblogs if you enjoyed this! CHAPTER 7
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exo-wvrse-bbl · 6 months
06/04/24 - chen
Jongdae time😎💛
I told you! I set the alarmㅋㅋ
Today How was it??
I was resting well today too😎
The weather is really warm today!!
It was a day when I realized it was really spring~ now🩷
But I think it's a little chilly at night!?
How about a beer at the Han River in this weather?👻
In the cool night air
A good date at the park🩷
Snacking and eating
Because I like snacks
I'll buy snacks and go🫡
Let's look for today's song!!😎
I'll be looking for a song
Soondaengies please prepare snacks to eat together while listening to the song🕺
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Shall we start?🩷
Sudden enjoyment
Snack time ㅋㅋ
Next time Let's really prepare and enjoy it
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Next song💛
I also like raw ramen😎
Do not boil and cook ramen Eating it mixed with soup like a snack🫠
That's really good too
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It's the next song~🫡
I also like convenience store snacks!!
I don't know what to say… I'm not particularly picky.. I don't think I especially like anything ㅋㅋ
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(eng) going~❤️
It reminds me of the Ko Ko Bop challenge ㅋㅋ
It was so funnyㅋㅋㅋ
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There was this one, too💛
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This was good too😎
This is what I feel when I listen to the song with Soondaengies
I want to be on stage for a long time
When we listen to music together
You have memories, right? I think it's really powerful
So I wanted to make more memories like that!
That's what I'm saying🦾
Then as the last song~
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(eng) Dear My Dear❤️
I love you Soondaengies❤️
Let's play again! Bye!!💛🔜
source in desc
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childofthestarpower · 7 months
Internet Angels
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Hey guys! Morin here! Today I've decided to do a post on some of my Denpa-esque thoughts ive mentioned, this post is going to be dedicated to Internet Angels, so let's get started☆
"What's an Internet Angel?"
Internet Angels are being who are what I'd describe as regulars on the Internet. They (most of the times) try disguising themselves as normal people, but not all the times they succeded, and as I mentioned, sometimes they dont even try at all.
Anyone can become an Internet Angel, but it takes effort, resistance and resiliance to ascend to that plane, and yes, you ascend.
Note: You can ascend to it at any age, but i don't recommend doing that at young ages. Because the brain is still in development stage, too much exposure of radio waves and Internet content can either cause brainrot or premature ascension, which is no good!! If you want a kid to ascend, please wait until they're around ages 13 and up, so if brainrot/premature ascension happends, at the very least its not so fatal.
"How does it work?"
It's simple! It all works in a video game like way. Everybody has an NetXP bar, that bar serves to track how much media you consume, and when you consume media, that fills the bar with Xperience Points (XP) and that's what used to track it.
The more media you consume, the more XP you gain, and at one point, if you consume enough media, you will ascend (level up) and become a 2G type Angel. Oh yeah, I didn't even mention the Giga Types..
"Giga Types?"
There are many types of Internet Angels, some more stronger than others. As scientists, programmers and what not find out and "create" newer mobile networks, more Giga Types are of Internet Angels are discovered, and as of now, we have 4 types.
2G - The weakests, when you ascend for the first time, you become this. 2G angels can blend in well among non-angels and they're like normal humans, just with a little above the average screentime. Oh, and due to that, they tend to be more hostile towards the other types.
3G - The most common ones, at this stage, the Angel will be a little more net minded, but still able to mask it, the most prominent feature about them is their interests, which are all sorts of unique and non-mainstream media, which they can ramble on about for hours.
4G - In this stage, the Angel has a mindset that a normie/2G type may call "chronically online", this Angel dosen't leave the house often and only rarely ever does, they are really net minded, with their brain already re-wired to think in the Internet way. But because of the fact they still leave the house and talk to other humans with that Netizen mindset, they come off as weird and offputting.
5G - The highest we know of. These Angels do not leave the house, and they can be smarter than a 4G type. They are your typical hikkikomoris/shut-ins and they have big knowledge of the Internet, it's history, the textese and laws. Some of them have seen things that only Angels of this type shall understand, and I've also never seen a 5G Angel younger than 18. Legend has it these angels only come out to do pilgrimage routes to the nearest internet poles... They stand there, just absorving the radio waves in, maybe to ascend to what could one day be dubbed as 6G Angels... But we're not there yet, so let's not get ahead of ourselves.
"Where do they live? What do they eat? What are some of their habits?"
1. Anywhere in the world, in any state and city, but they tend to live in big developed cities. I've never seen an Internet Angel living in rural area, countrysides or farms.
2. Unhealthy food, high energy level drinks (coffee, energy drinks, etc) and anything instant (mostly instant ramen, for whatever reason). That dosen't really mean some of them wont try diets or don't eat healthy food.
3. Long screen time, usage of textese and other internet languages, long time on social medias knowledge of Internet history, reference to medias they enjoy and more I'm probably forgetting.
"What powers does an Internet Angel posses?"
With the help of some supplements, they can enter in contact and channel with higher beings, deities and gods and etc, the higher the level, the higher the deity they can have contact with, I've heard of people even channeling God!
Guide lower types, newbies and humans through the Internet.
Guarding and protecting potentially dangerous media to beings with lower resistance.
Create Digital Cultures.
Withstand stronger radio waves
Influence the modern day world and politics as it is, although i think this needs more research on...
Questions with simpler answers
"What type are you?" Seeecret☆! ;;;;;;;;)
"Are celebrities Internet Angels?" Depends on who we're talking, but they're mostly 2G Angels, the celebrities with highest Giga Type I've seen are Jungkook and Jimin from BTS, I'd say they're probably 3G/4G Angels who mask it reaaaaally well.
"What are Digital Cultures?" Topic for another post! This one is long enough~
"Is this a cult thing?" No!!! These are personal beliefes!!! Not a cult thing!!! >:<
"Are you insane?" I dunno,,
Anyways, if you've read this far, thanks for giving this post attention and reading it! It took a little longer than what i thought to write it and i hope you enjoyed it!! If you have any questions, leave them below. For now, Morin signing off—☆!!
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Sequel to Guard Rat??
Okie dokie. I've been putting off making this post, but I think it's time I do make it. About a year (ish) ago, I wrote a little crack fic called Guard Rat. I didn't think much of it. It was cute, yeah, a little funny, but far from my best work (at least in my opinion).
You guys evidently thought otherwise 😅
So for the past year, my notifications have been FILLED with people demanding a part two to Guard Rat. Now, I made a post shortly after the fic was first published saying it wasn't getting a sequel. That it's a stand alone. That it was a one and done kind of situation. But the notifications and the sometimes rude demands persist.
So I shall say again: As grateful as I am for all the love and support you all give Ramen/Bruno and Guard Rat, and as much as I love to see you guys excited over my work, there will NOT be a part two.
I have so many other exciting projects like Sister's Keeper, For Forever With You, the Deaf MC AU, and even more individual requests in my inbox that I've yet to get to that I cannot give energy to begin a new series that I never intended on continuing.
I love the comments and excitement! Just please don't yell or demand fics from me 😅 I'm a person. A very busy, easily distracted person. And as much as I wish I could, I don't have the time or energy to constantly pump out every single fic asked for.
That being said I have an extensive Masterlist that I highly reccomend you check out if you enjoy my writing! It has over 70 fics and you're bound to find something of interest there! It means a lot to me.
Thank you all again for the love you give Guard Rat. I assure you, Bruno would love you all just as much as you love him.
Thank you 💗💗💗 - B
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shimbongulus · 2 years
Pies and Pasta: Another Look
(Read another perspective of this scene here.)
Goodness, I do enjoy everyone’s company, but the preparation for Mettaton Bingo always is quite a hassle. Fortunately darling Frisk helped prepare the second pie - they have been doing more lately. 
Right! Plates and napkins - Myself, Frisk, Sans… Hee hee hee, I should find that whoopee cushion some time. Undyne, Alphys - Always an entertaining pair to have over.
And…. Him. 
It was far simpler in the early days. I was able to keep our interactions to strictly kingdom-related affairs. How did he get this far?
Right - my darling child. Despite his murderous intent, they somehow could forgive him and take him as a father. If nothing else, he is cooperative - and has come around to see reality far better. 
Perhaps that is why I have put him at the opposite end of the table, rather than off to the side where I would not have to look at him. 
Ah - the bell! That must be Papyrus.
Sans! Hee hee hee, come here - 
Oh, that little devil! Hee hee, it is time to frustrate Papyrus. The puns are not that bad. I am sure he is exaggerating for dramatic effect. 
Their surface home is in New Snowdin, is it not? I ought to ask if there is any issue that we have missed. It is quite removed from the rest of the town.
Perhaps we should consider new power lines from the CORE to New Snowdin? We will need more refrigeration for the temperature-sensitive creatures soon.
Alphys! Good to see her - and Undyne, too - she is rather energetic. 
No, I should try not to hold too much of a grudge for her attempts to actively kill my child. I have forgiven, but the soreness is not entirely gone. 
Alphys has made such major strides with her confidence since they have made their relationship permanent! I wonder how she would be as a parent?
Speaking of parents, that heavy and cautious foot-tread. That would be him.
Breathe. In, out. Control your breath when you can control little else, Tor. 
There he is, with that “howdy.” Goodness, it is strange to see him in my living room, and somehow stranger yet that I am happy to see him. 
No “Tori” this time, he is doing far better about that. Especially since the incident at town hall. That reminds me - the garden, I ought to ask about that. 
Good, he has brought the tea kettle. His tea-making was always a great talent, very helpful for long nights with the children. It will be good to taste it again. 
And there he is with Frisk again. He still has not lost his touch with children.
His touch as a father, I should say. Is it right to say that “we” are still parenting Frisk? We cooperate enough that it fits in terms of grammar, but… 
That troublesome word, we. It does not entirely fit. 
And yet it somewhat does. Drat this complexity, let us simply enjoy some food. 
Papyrus’ pasta is actually… decent? This is an unexpected turn! I was entirely prepared to wait until afterward to have some leftover food from last night. 
And now for the moment - Asgore’s tea. That clear orange with the slight murkiness - a little sugar never hurts. 
Oh, goodness, Frisk is going to try that red ramen. That much spice could cause problems.
Determined as ever, I suppose. I shall simply have to keep my eyes on them -
Gracious me! They are fast as ever. All of that sparring must be yielding results. 
Mmm. The tea is excellent - not bitter in the slightest, and the sugar manages to make it that extra little bit sweet, like it always was. 
Oh, goodness, Frisk is struggling with that ramen. Perhaps I should -
Aaah! The sweat, the distress, the - 
Calm yourself! Calm yourself… it is Frisk, not them… This is now…
Goodness, moments like this can feel so alone.
Asgore is looking at me - oh, that smile. That smile. He understands, of course he would.
Yes, yes, it will be all right. They will be fine. It is only some spice. 
I had never thought I could feel so relieved by his smile. 
Ah, the food was refreshing. First, to Frisk - they deserve it for the difficulty of that ramen.
No, he shall not be left for last this time. I have been reluctant to share it with you thus far, but today, you shall receive this piece first. 
Goodness, that smile is massive. He will split his head in two if he continues like that. 
It is oddly infectious, however. 
Calm yourself, Toriel. That is still Dreemurr you are looking at. 
Some television will be welcome after this. 
Curses, the end of this episode approaches, and I have not gotten anything towards this bingo! 
Gracious, Alphys is excited! I have never seen her this energetic! How delightful! A shame that I have not won a single bingo tonight. I must have used all of my luck last time. 
That concludes tonight, I suppose. It is always entertaining to see Alphys cling onto the back of Undyne’s motorcycle like that. 
Sans’ dimensional shortcuts are always an oddity - I have never managed to find out how they work. 
And… him. He is taking an awful long time crossing the lawn -
Oh, he is turning back. Did he forget something?
He is waving - and I am returning it. 
My, my smile is quite broad.
I should clean this all tonight, but it can wait until tomorrow morning.
Pajamas, there - comfortable bed there - ahh, relief. It was enjoyable, but exhausting.
Let me pull the covers up a bit…
Ahh, that’s better.
His visit went well today - perhaps we shall meet  more often?
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gorgeouslymisfit · 2 years
Two Different Worlds
 I used to fill up my mind with tragedies before falling asleep. Sleeping with warmed cheeks from my falling tears feels like a hug. A thin blanket feels like arms that hold me. I used to pray that my life would look like it came from a movie. 
I used to think that my life was such a bore. Before I met you. Before I couldn't even have the gut to fall in love with you. That time, you felt so far and hard to reach. You are beyond my imagination, and I am out of your league. 
But, I used my lifetime luck to be with you. Somehow, God granted my wishes. I met you and we became one. 
But life hit hard lately. All I want to think about is a happy moment. Slow walk near the river. Then, we eat a cup of ramen noodles and drink a can of cola. I'm sorry that I haven't told you about it sooner. I'm afraid that you prefer another memory. Enjoying the city view from your apartment, riding in your favorite car while we listen to your song or your friend's new single. If there's a technology where we can write our memory and play it in our minds before we fall asleep. We'd probably do that every night, even when we're apart. 
How are you? It's been so long since we had time to spend together, not in my imagination, nor my memory. You said that it would be the consequence if I ended up with you. Your busy schedule, your nonstop traveling, you. You are one hell of a ride, you said. Yet I chose you. I chose to be with you. Just as Simone once wrote in her letter to Sartre. "You are now so far, so far, you so near."
But, the world might stop sometimes. You deserve to take a break from your schedule. You deserved to take a little rest. On my end, I deserved to be with you. I deserved you. The world might not stop for us. But, we can stop our world for a moment and spend some time, our time. 
In the different world, we live. At different paces, we shall walk. But you always, you always keep your long legs and slow down your pace so we can walk in rhythm. You let me ride your world. You take my hand so I can keep up with you.  That's how I remember how you treat me. 
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rad-ramenkingles · 19 days
Bye for Now...
So I'm going to be packing it in for a bit and leave this Tumblr for awhile. I'll set up some timed posts to throw up my remaining Kinniku Pixel work for you all as I said I would, and then I'll let it be. Till that spark comes back, and that drive presents itself again for me.
I've appreciated all the engagement I have gotten, and I've greatly enjoyed Pixeling some of my favorite characters. Also the few great and genuine people I've met along the way within this fandom have been awesome too. But I just think for the time being now, I need to go away and maybe come back again when life makes a bit more sense for me. We shall see. Until then. Catch you all later, and stay cool everyone.
Ramen… Out! ✌🏼🍜
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hanmasghost · 2 years
Could I get uuuuuuuhhhhh
Smiley x dad reader?
“Smileys Dad”
400 Special
Author’s Note:
My big bro is my first special request<3 anyways, you asked and I shall deliver hopefully this is what you expected^^;
Pronouns: He/Him
Warning(s): mentions of divorce,
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◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
❥ You and the twins mother divorced after she realized that she fell out of love
- You’re still friends with the twins mother
- Smiley likes that even tho you’re both divorced you still get along
❥ Nahoya learned how to cook from you
-Begged you to teach him how to cook dishes from other countries
❥ He rambles on and on about how annoying people are and the ‘super cool’ punches he throws when they get on his nerve too much
- He once told you about how he jumped over a table without knocking anything off and punching this dude after he cat called his boss’ little sister or something
- Normally wouldn’t commend him on such brash acts but you couldn’t say much as he and his brother were just you and your ex wife when you were their age and definitely got it from you both
❥ He likes to do the dishes
- He likes to do the dishes with you after a long day at the shop
- Only if you do them with him
- Also likes to talk to you about the customers and what he thought about certain ones throughout the day
❥ He feels a lot more free with you
- You being his dad, and just a bigger version of him, he feels like he can be more childish, and enjoy more than just kicking ass
⌦ .。.:*♡
Mikey thought it’d be a great idea to stop by the twins shop and buy some good old ramen. Well more like Draken did, he didn’t want to eat more Doroyaki. He just couldn’t handle another night of even looking at the damned thing.
And after running into Baji, Chifuyu, and Takemichi, Mikey decided to invite them aswell. More like forced them, but that’s besides the point.
Once they got there they expected to see one or both of the twins, but they didn’t expect to see Smiley standing there with an older male who was like two times older than the smiling boy.
Tapping on Nahoya’s shoulder, Mikey asked “Who’s the old guy?”
Both males who worked at the restaurant turned to the blonde.
Everyone behind Mikey froze in place.
Smiley and the older man before them both bore a strained smile on their face.
They looked as if they were the same person. And it was horrifying.
“What did you call me young man?”
Mikey, unfazed repeated his words from before “uh.. old guy?”
Nahoya, obviously upset tried to confront Mikey, only to stop when his dad burst out laughing.
“Oh my god! HA! Been forever since someone had the balls to call me that! What’s your name kid?” {Reader} asked as he folded his arms, giving the blond a smirk as he raised one of his brows.
“Manjiro, call me Mikey.”
“Alrighty than Mikey!” {Reader} exclaimed as he put his hands on his hips. “What would ya like? You obviously came here for food yeah?”
Nahoya stepped infront of his dad before Mikey could speak. “I got it, he orders the same thing everytime.” The smiling boy sighed.
“Oh? Well then, let’s get this show started than!” Walking behind the counter, {Reader} washed his hands as Nahoya, who had already washed his hands a minute or two prior, started getting things ready for his friends dishes.
As the two males made everyone else their food, they made small conversation.
Once the blonds and the arsonist monkey left, {Reader} and Nahoya began to clean up, now being closing time.
They started washing dishes from previous customers in silence for a good while, before {Reader} decided to break it with an awkward “Soooo…”
Nahoya looked to his dad for a split second before focusing on the task at hand, giving the older man a him of acknowledgment, a thing he inherited from his father.
“Those your friends?”
“Yeah… total weirdos.”
{Reader} snorted. “I see that, the vampire looking one called me hot.”
This time it was Nahoya’s turn to snort. “I mean ya gotta be right? Where else would I get my looks from?”
“True true. All facts. Pass me that sponge.”
Passing the sponge his dad pointed to, Nahoya continued “surprised Mikey liked you. He doesn’t really like adults.”
“Well I’ve been told I’m quite the child, so I guess you could just say he found his kind.” {Reader} smirked.
Nahoya set his dish down has he gripped the side of the counter, wheezing.
“Don’t die there buster, yer mom will kill me. I’ll have to be like ‘he just snorted soap! I didn’t know it’d kill him’ and then she’d spout a ton of random words I don’t even know.” {Reader} smirked as he watched as his son was hurled over laughing his peach haired ass off.
Finishing up the last dish {Reader} leaned up against the counter as his son finally began to get some good ol’ oxygen into his lungs again.
“Ya done there kiddo? I want ice cream, and I can’t leave you here on the floor sooo…”
Nahoya seemingly instantly recovered from his laughing fit, Nahoya stood up as he practically dragged his dad out of the ramen filled building and down the street after making sure they did in fact close up before leaving.
Smile softening, you let your son drag you to the ice cream shop.
You loved these moments with your sons, they meant the world to you, and you would do anything for your baby boys.
“Make sure we get Souya one too!”
“Yeah yeah whatever old man.”
“I’ll eat your ice cream I swear to god Nahoya…”
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sukirichi · 4 years
Breakfast for Choso with ingredients #17 and 34 with #2 sugar? Wine is optional.
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— Nothing is ever easy with Choso, but for him, you’d push through hell and back.
meal order: breakfast + 17, 34 (fake dating, rentboy au) + 2 (enemies to lovers) + biting, scratching, choso eating reader out, sex on the beach
warnings: mature content, unedited fic, choso is mean and harsh when he’s angry
notes: thank you so much for this anon! I really enjoyed writing this and this totally made my day. I hope you like it!
word count: 10k+ LOL CHOSO BRAIN ROT
check out the fanart @tigressnej-chan made, it s so beautiful HURRR
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Your day was absolutely ruined. Dark, deep bags covered your under eyes as you stormed through the convenience store downstairs your apartment, body clad in an oversized hoodie and socks visible through slippers, hair greasy and lips chapped. You’re aware you look like a mess, but did you care?
Absolutely not, especially when you haven’t been sleeping well the moment you moved into this cursed apartment because of a certain fucker.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. That specific fucker – the cause of your ruin and the devil who prevented you from living a good life – waltzed inside the store, the small bell chiming to signal his presence. You scoffed at his confident, suave walk, further irritated because he just had to be insanely attractive – in an alternative, laid-back kind of way.
He wasn’t even your type; you preferred more refined men who wore pressed suits and leather shoes, but you had to admit this man was insanely attractive.
With deep, sunken eyes, a dark tattoo across the bridge of his nose and dark hair twisted into twin ponytails, large, muscular body covered in a black sweatshirt and a red scarf – he looked very much like a former member of a gang who retired because their barbaric ways wasn’t his thing. It was an odd theory, and you sat there at the corner of the store, glaring at the man who tiredly pressed the coffee maker machine for a dark roast.
As if feeling eyes on him, his lazy eyes slid over to yours, and almost automatically, one corner of his lips tilted up in humor. This fucker knew how much he annoyed you, and he only further pushed your buttons by walking over to you, the steam of his coffee nearly blocking your gaze.
“Good morning,” he greeted sarcastically, well aware that it definitely not a good morning for you.
“Have fun last night, neighbor?”
“Jeez, you won’t even bother denying it?”
“I see no point in it,” he invited himself by sitting next to you, long legs crossed over his muscular thigh. You found yourself staring at how he seemed so firm even in loose sweatpants, averting your gaze and staring at your soggy ramen noodle cup instead.  “And you’re not trying to hide the fact you’re listening, either.”
“I wasn’t listening!” you slammed your fist down the table – he didn’t even flinch, only continuing to sip his coffee as if you weren’t burning in anger beside him – as you hissed, “The walls are too damn thin and you’re so fucking loud.”
“No, I wasn’t. She was loud, though.”
Scoffing, you crossed your arms against your chest. He really was shameless. You already knew this man didn’t have enough shame in his body, but you didn’t think he’d have absolutely nothing.
Upon witnessing your stupefied state, he reached over to knock at your skull. “Still there, princess?” you cringed at his nickname for you; you didn’t even know this guy’s name, for pete’s sake! “Or are you still too bothered by the fact I got some good fucking last night?”
You flicked his arm away from you, nearly seething in your seat. “God, you’re insufferable. I should move out.”
“Yes, I think that would be for the best too,” he nodded to himself as he stared at his now empty coffee cup. Had it been that long already? Apparently, it was, because your noodles turned cold and your neighbor was already leaving your seat, dipping for a mocking bow. “Have a nice day, neighbor. Don’t think of my cock too much,” he teased, even going as far as winking until your jaw dropped.
You watched as he threw the paper cup in the proper bin, a little surprised he was decent enough to do mundane tasks like that. Sometimes, it was so easy to forget your neighbor was also a decent human being, but whatever.
You absolutely, utterly hated him, and you kept mumbling to yourself of the different ways you’d get your revenge on him as he walked out the door, his annoyingly gorgeous ass in view. “Yeah, right,” you scowled to yourself, “As if I can get that image out my mind now.”
He would not be an easy feat.
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Despite your constant pleas for him to at least be silent during the weekdays to give you enough peace of mind to study for the finals, he didn’t stop. Hours just after the sun sets, you’d hear giggles and sloppy kisses on the hallway.
No matter how much you pressed your hands into your ears and set your music on full volume to block out the noise, you could always hear them.
Your neighbor was undeniably a fuckboy. 
Every night, he’d have a different girl dangling in his arms. You knew, because the voices squealing his name while he fucked them right next door were always different. Some days, it was deep and throaty, and on other days it’d be high-pitched and nearly scraping at your ears. They all said the same thing though, such as fuck, right there, you feel so good or harder, harder, please, I’m so close!
To say you were traumatized was an understatement. You never wanted to hear such things again, but alas, your neighbor apparently couldn’t give a single shit because he was fucking someone again.
As if things couldn’t get worse, the person he brought home this time around just had to have the most fucking annoying voice ever. Or maybe it sounded like the others, but you were in the middle of memorizing veins and brain chemicals in alphabetical harder when you heard the headboard of his bed slam against your wall, the sound hard and loud enough you dropped your book in surprise.
They didn’t stop. If anything, he kept going harder until nothing but his low sexy groans and his partner’s screaming – that was right, she was fucking screaming – like she was having her insides rearranged.
You didn’t doubt the possibility that maybe she really was. Your neighbor was such a huge, attractive guy, after all, it would make sense he was capable of such. Before you knew it, you could no longer understand the words in your textbook. You kept rereading the same line over and over again, but nothing registered into your mind. You were so close to screaming at them to stop and shut the fuck up because it was three in the morning and they were still going at it, but you weren’t that mean.
Yes, you hated him, but you weren’t going to blue ball someone or make sex awkward. Sex with your ex was always awkward, so you knew how painful it was to live with that memory. No matter how much you hated your neighbor, you wouldn’t go that far.
So you trudged all the way up to the building’s public balcony, bringing a blanket with you to survive the chilly bite of the night.
You used your phone’s flashlight to read all over the textbooks, keeping your little note cards organized and color coded beside you. Finally, you could make sense of things a little bit more, and you chugged at your Red Bull to keep you awake. Time passed by so fast whenever you were lost with your nose stuck in a book, and your attention was only ripped away when the balcony door swung open, revealing your neighbor with messed up hair and bruised lips.
He looked totally fucked out.
“Oh, fuck, no – what are you doing here?”
“This balcony is for all tenants,” your neighbor barely blinked as he walked closer to you, but instead of joining you on the table, he leaned against the railings and stared into the night sky. He seemed so placid, a little approachable despite his intimidating face even, and for a moment, you were studying his sharp, masculine features before he turned your way with a passive face. “Last time I checked, I’m a tenant, therefore I have the rights to be here.”
“I don’t care,” you retorted childishly, pulling your books closer to you as if he wanted to steal it. He only raised a brow at your actions, the large muscles of his arms bulging up from where he stood.
It felt so hard to not salivate at the sight, but for the sake of your pride, you had to push those thoughts down and remind yourself why you hated him so much. “I evoke your rights. You’re not welcome here.”
“You’re awfully harsh to a stranger.”
“You’re not a stranger, you’re my neighbor who brings girls in his home every night and I can never get a wink of sleep because all I can hear is them moaning and the sound of balls slapping!”
“Vulgar,” he smirked, and he had no business looking so attractive with that arrogant smirk on his face that it took all energy you had in you to not whack him with your book.
“I think I deserve an apology.”
“I think you should mind your business.”
You stood up with a scowl, nearly shoving the book right in his chest. “Bro, I’m this close to slapping this book right in your pretty face. You see how thick this is? I’m not kidding, this will hurt. Listen, I’ve got a final exam and a suture practice this weekend. All I’m asking for is just a few hours of sleep – that’s all. I just don’t get why you always seem to be balls deep in someone at every god forsaken hour; I can’t focus on my work when the noises are so distracting. At this point, I remember their begging more than I’m familiar with nerves. I need to study, okay? I really want to graduate.”
He fell silent at your sudden rant, then, he tilted his head to the side, a small smile on his lips. “You think I have a pretty face?”
“After everything I said, that’s all you remember?”
“It’s kind of hard to listen to every word when I’m distracted by your eyes.”
His comment caught you off-guard, and your eyes widened, arm coming up to hide your face that soon began to felt warm. He only chuckled at your reaction, the sound deep and throaty that it went right straight into the pools of your belly. “My eyes – what are you talking about? Seriously, what’s wrong with you? You’re so creepy!”
“Hmm,” he snickered, “That’s the first time I’ve heard that.”
“What, no one tells you you’re creepy?”
“No, people always say I’m handsome,” he said it with such a straight face that you gave him an are you serious look, and he raised one shoulder to shrug. “I’m surprised you’re not attracted to me, to be honest.”
“Wow,” you drawled out, shaking your head with a laugh as you plopped down back to your seat in defeat. “Aren’t you full of surprises? First, I get a really horny man as my next door neighbor who keeps me up at night with his shenanigans, and now he’s got the audacity to ask me why I’m not attracted to him?”
“I mean,” he scrunched his nose cutely, a huge contrast to his domineering stature. “Why aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I give up. I’m just gonna crash at my friends tonight,” you mumbled to yourself while gathering your things, leaving your neighbor all by himself. As you reached the door, you called out to him one more time, “Oh, and by the way, you reek of pussy. Go shower or something.”
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“So how’s your exams going?”
“They’re fine,” you lied through gritted teeth, slicing through the fish a lot harsher than you intended. The knife scraped against the plate and you winced at the sound, ignoring your father’s loud munching. “Not too much of a big deal. My professors are nice and my classmates are nice too. I’m fitting in really well and I think I’ll even come out on top of my class this time if it weren’t for that stupid little bastard…” your last words ended up as a whisper, eyes glazing to the side as you glared at nothing in particular.
“Stupid little what?”
“Nothing, nothing,” you waved your hand in the air, “Someone’s just distracting me from my studies, is all.”
At the mention of someone distracting your usually composed and unbothered self, your father straightened up in his seat, a large smile on his face that made him look younger than he really was. “Is it a guy? Do you finally have a boyfriend?”
“Ugh, dad, really, you’re the only father who’s so eager for his daughter to have a boyfriend. Shouldn’t you be more proud that, I don’t know, I’m pretty and smart? I don’t need a boyfriend or anything.”
Your father nodded, “True, you don’t need them, but trust me when I say life is going to get pretty lonely when you grow old and you’re all by yourself. It’s still better – and life is a lot happier – when you’ve got a stable supporting and loving figure in your life.”
“I have you for that.”
“And you always will,” he patted your hand gently across the table, “But a parent won’t always be there for their child, and if you’re still not prepared for the future or ready to stand on your own two feet, then that means I didn’t do a great job at raising you; that means I’ve failed as a parent. Tell me, have I failed? Have I raised my wonderful daughter to be so repulsed by the idea of love that she’s willingly closing her doors and locking herself away in isolation?”
“I didn’t think so,” he grinned to himself, and you watched with a frown as his eyes crinkled in happiness. Your father was such the complete opposite of you; he was always so loving and open to everyone, while you were mopey and afraid of attachment.
“Don’t be too afraid to love, child. It’s one of the most wonderful things in this world – it’s a blessing – the absolute core of our being. Why do we exist if not to love?”
“Not everyone is a romantic like you, dad,” you sighed, “Plus…how is it so easy for you to finally find someone after Mom died? Isn’t she your soul mate?” you questioned, putting your fork and knife down as you looked your father in the eye. “I just can’t believe you’re getting married again.”
“It’s already been years since she passed away, Y/N. And yes, she is my soul mate, but that doesn’t mean I’m incapable of loving someone again. Our hearts aren’t limited like that, and your mother wouldn’t want me to keep mourning her when she’s resting in peace,” he gestured to the both of you after swallowing his food, “She would’ve wanted the both of us to be happy.”
At the mention of your passed mother, your shoulders deflated, and your eyes watered at the thought of her kind smile. You wished you could see that again.
“I miss her…”
“I know, child, I know,” your father smiled encouragingly, “I also know the reason you’re so afraid to love is because you’re scared they’ll end up leaving you too, like how your mom just slipped past our fingers like that, but it’s only her body that withered. She’s still with us, right in our hearts and in our memories.”
“You really do sound like a lovesick fool.”
“That’s because I am,” your father laughed with a slap to his knees. When his phone buzzed for his alarm, he quickly dabbed a towel on his lips, standing up to excuse himself. “Now, this lunch was lovely and I dearly missed you, but I need to go back to work. We doctors just never get a break. This is a life you have to prepare for if you want to follow my footsteps.”
“I won’t follow your footsteps – I’ll surpass you.”
“I’ll be waiting for that to happen then,” he announced proudly; pride bursting in his chest at how determined his daughter was. “Oh, and Y/N?”
“Yes?” You squinted at the mischievous look in his eyes, wary of what your cunning father had in mind this time.
“You won’t outsmart me. You better bring a boyfriend or at least introduce someone to me on the wedding – or else I’m pulling you out of the university hospital.”
“Wha – Dad, that’s not fair!”
“All is fair in love and war, child, you’ll learn soon.”
“Oh, I just hate men!”
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You really did hate men.
Your final exam was tomorrow already and you’d lost count of the coffee and Red Bull you’ve inhaled today, all so you could study one last time for the test, but no, something – or rather someone – just had to get in your way.
“I’ve had enough,” you announced before slamming your door open; not hesitating as your fists came banging down on your neighbor’s door. “Hey! Keep it the fuck down – someone’s trying to study here! Seriously, man, is it really that hard for you to keep it in your pants for one night? This is what, the sixth woman you’ve had around the past four days? Don’t you get tired? Because I sure as hell am very tired of you!”
The moans and the sounds of bed creaking stopped. For a moment, you almost smirked to yourself when they fell silent.
If only you knew it would be that easy to shut them up, you would’ve done so long ago. You were about to turn back into your room when his door swung open, and you were met by his sweaty and muscular chest heaving up and down – either in anger or from his previous activities – you couldn’t tell.
Your throat felt dry as you peered at him under your lashes, almost afraid of the way he loomed over you. Thank goodness he found the time to wear pants, though, because had he been baby naked, you would’ve run for the hills already.
His dark eyes cut through yours as he seethed, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m the one who wants to ask you that,” you were surprised to find your voice despite the way your pussy actually ached just by the sight of his chiseled body, but when you did, you forced yourself to stand up taller, refusing to back down from his gaze. “It’s literally three in the morning and you’re about to fuck a hole through my wall!”
“I thought you said you’d be crashing at your friends. What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to have your permission to come back home. Next time, I’ll give you a heads-up, good sir. And for your information, unlike you, I actually don’t like bothering the people around me so I came home. Now would you please kick her out and shut the fuck up for once?”
“Babe, are you coming back here or what?”
Red acrylic nails wound from his body out of nowhere, and your mouth fell open as you watched the naked woman press kisses on the blades of his shoulder. You were conflicted, torn between feeling jealous that she got to touch him like that because damn was he fine, but you also felt appalled your neighbor would be this type of person.
“Babe?” you repeated with a sarcastic laugh.
Stepping away from your neighbor’s tempting pecs, you waved to the stunning woman behind him. “Hi, I’m his neighbor, I don’t mean to be a cock block or anything but I’ve been a witness to his fuckboy ways for months now. If you think you’re special to him, I assure you, you’re not. Yesterday he was just banging two girls until the sunrise. If you’re really as sane as I hope you are, I suggest you skedaddle before this man feeds you with more lies. You’re not special, hun, he’s just going to fuck everything that walks on two legs.”
“Is that true?”
“Nadia, you know how this works—”
“I was literally just on the phone with you last night!” the woman named Nadia pushed him away, but because he was bigger, he didn’t budge. Nadia turned to you, her lipstick smudged and a suspicious white stain on the edge of her lips. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look down her head, and you and your neighbor both watched as she got dressed and left, hands up in the air. “Thank you for this. I should’ve known better than to waste time and money on him.”
You snickered as Nadia pressed on the elevator buttons, a scowl sent his way. Turning to him with pride swelling up in your chest, you smirked, “How does it feel—”
“Happy now?” he growled, his eyes so dark and slit into tiny cuts you took a step back, your heart pumping frantically for different reasons. You never thought he’d be this bothered for not being able to bust a nut. “Satisfied now, Y/N? Do you even realize what you’ve just done?”
“Uhm, yes,” you scoffed, matching his tone. “I just saved that poor girl’s life. Who else knows what you would’ve done and said to her. We don’t deserve to be looked down on and treated like this, you know.”
“Neither did I. I’m just doing my job.”
“Job? You don’t even have a job! You don’t even go to university for fuck’s sake – your apartment is rundown and smells like sour cunt and feet! Maybe you should even thank me because I’m trying to give you ideas on better things to do!”
“Yeah, and be like you?” he snapped, tugging at the strings of your hoodie until you fell a step forward. “Dressed in loose shirts to hide the fact you’ve got no tits and your ass is flatter than your back? Lying to her neighbor that she’ll crash somewhere but ends up waddling back home anyway because she’s always cooped up in her apartment studying to prove that she’s not as worthless as she is and that she doesn’t have a life or friends to begin with?” tears pooled at your eyes at his words, and you knew it hurt because it was true, but did he really have to say it that way?
However, his anger got the best of him, and he didn’t stop there. “I don’t want to be like you. I don’t want to skip meals and lose sleep studying for something I don’t care about because I don’t know anything else other than following daddy’s footsteps so he’d notice me more than his new bride. I’m happy with my life.”
“How did—”
“Like you said, the walls are thin. You’re not exactly so quiet to yourself, neighbor. It’s kind of pathetic you talk to the walls when you think I’m asleep because you’ve got no one else to talk to.”
Hands balled into fists at your side, you stood on your tiptoes to spit the words out. “You’re a terrible human being,” no matter how much you tried to exert dominance over him, your lips still quivered as you fought back the urge to cry. “Go fuck yourself.”
“You’re the one who needs to go fuck yourself and get laid,” he didn’t let you have another word as he slammed the door in your face, but you still heard him through the door anyway. “Uptight bitch.”
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You were wrong.
Your neighbor wasn’t just difficult – he was completely impossible.
[Dad:] Don’t forget your date!
[You:] Dad…don’t push it.
[Dad:] I find it hard to believe my beautiful daughter can’t have one. Go out there and make some friends, Y/N, I know you isolate yourself too much. It doesn’t even have to be a boyfriend. You could date a girl for all I care. I just don’t want you to be too bored at the wedding. Bring a friend.
[You:] Fine, fine, okay.
[Dad:] But a boyfriend would still be better. Your old man isn’t getting any younger and I want grandkids in the future.
[You:] Dad!
[Dad:] love ya kid !
And so it was the turn of your events that had you groaning in your swiveling chair, the grip on your phone so tight you wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up breaking it. As if your week couldn’t get any more horrible with your neighbor’s hurtful words still living at the back of your mind, your father hadn’t stopped talking about you to his co-workers and his equally crazy mother that your grandmother didn’t waste time in calling you.
You loved your nan, you really did, but more often than not, she was much more of a pain in the ass than your father was. The old woman was ruthless, shooting you question by question on why her pretty granddaughter was still single, then came the demeaning comments of how you “weren’t living life to the fullest.”
Frustration eating away at you, you let out a silent scream.
The escort site blinked back at you mockingly, temptingly, as if to remind you that your problems could easily be solved with just a click. You chastised yourself for always having the need to solve problems fast and as easily as you could, because before you even realized what you were doing, your heart started beating a mile a minute as the other line kept ringing.
You ended up lying to your grandmother that yes, nan, I have a boyfriend, can I study for my exams now please, to which the pressing woman responded with, oh, finally! well, I won’t bother you anymore. study well, my dear, I can’t wait to see him!
Just thinking about how she would react if you came alone at your father’s wedding had you breaking out in a sweat, and you chewed at your nails while waiting for the site to pick up.
You were truly desperate now, so much so that you were actually calling a rental boy site.
“Good afternoon, thank you for calling Kamo Escorts! I’m Ijichi, here to assist you. What can I help you with?”
You held back a really painful cringe, biting the insides of your cheek as you got your heart to calm down. “Uhm, yeah…so this is like my first time c-calling a site like this and I don’t know what to do but…yeah.”
“I see, we get new callers too. Would you like a guide?”
“Yes, please, that’d be great thank you.”
“Kamo Escorts is all about, well, as you can see on our webpage – we have men and even women you can hire to escort you on special events. We mostly cater to clients who only need a pretty face to dangle off their arm for social company or even care, or whatever reasons the client may have and the relationship is purely business and professional, but in some cases, the escorts may have sex with the client too under the condition they are paid more.”
The gasp that left your lips was barely stifled, and you furrowed your brows at the implication. “Wh-what, so that’s like a real thing? Isn’t this…?”
Ijichi chuckled from the other line, almost as if he’d been asked this question many times before. “In a way, it is, which is why Kamo Escorts is commercially advertised for purely social company only. You may, however, negotiate with your escort if you would like more services, but we do require that you keep our escorts’ dignity and not look down on them. The service we provide may not be your typical honorable one, but we are dedicated and equally eager to be of service to this society. Should we find that you’re dehumanizing or harassing our escort, we won’t hesitate to…take some action,” the light warning of his tone didn’t go unnoticed by you, and Ijichi took note of your hesitant silence. “Would you still like to proceed?”
“Ye-yeah, I didn’t want the sex anyway.”
“Very well, then. What event are we looking for?”
“It’s for a relative’s wedding,” you supplied, “I need a date.”
“Any preference in escorts? Male, female, tall, short, sociable or introverted?”
Your eyes widened, your back flattening against your chair. “Oh, wow, so this is like a Build-A-Bear, okay, wait,” you chewed your nails again, racking up on your mind on who or what exactly you liked. “My ideal guy is…someone tall, and has pretty broad shoulders…I think I prefer a more introverted one too because people with too much energy sort of drains me…and someone caring and attentive, yes. Handsome too – but if that’s too much to ask for then—”
“It’s okay, Miss. I assure you all our escorts are definitely blessed in the gene department.”
At his confidence, you scrunched your nose and made yourself small on your chair. “Okay, but now that you say it, if he’s too handsome then I’m going to look like a potato next to him.”
“We’ll find someone compatible for you; we always never fail to please our clients. We’ll be able to match you with a more suitable escort if you’re more descriptive with what you want.”
“Okay, okay,” you continued, “Oh, and I like guys with long hair too, but really, anything is fine. I just want someone to effortlessly pretend they’re enamored after just one date and that they’re very glad to be there with me on the wedding. It’s even better if they’re introverted but can communicate well and isn’t shy at all. My relatives are kind of…freaky.”
Freaky couldn’t even begin to describe the chaos of your relatives.
In fact, had you not been paying for this service, you would’ve almost felt bad for the guy. He had no idea what he had coming for him – but then again, neither did you.
“I think we’ve got just the perfect guy for you,” Ijichi answered after a beat, “May I ask when is this event and how long you’d like to book the escort service for?”
“The event is in two weeks. I don’t need to meet him before the wedding because I’m very busy with exams, so I hope this guy can just act really well. As for the duration…I think just one day is enough. After the wedding, I’m coming right back home.”
“Convenient then,” he mused to himself, and you heard slight clicking from his side. “Let’s see…someone introverted and able to communicate well…definitely not Satoru, and his entirely booked by sugar mommies too…” Ijichi whispered to himself, followed by a slight humorous snort. “One last question: would you like someone older, younger, or the same age as you?”
“I’m in uni – I’d be more comfortable if they were closer to my age.”
“Oh, perfect, his schedule is oddly open for the whole month. Wonder what happened, he’s barely had free slots before…” the man was speaking to himself again, and you sat there pouting, even more dumbfounded at how this whole process worked.
Ijichi talked about this escort service and guided you so easily you almost couldn’t believe that it was as…simple as that. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but deep down in your mind, you were waiting for something fishy or weird to happen.
“I found someone for you. He’s one of our best escorts and I believe he’ll be great for this event. However, due to privacy issues, the disclosure of contacts and personal information can only happen once the escort agrees to this service. We’ll shortly get back to you if he’s up for the job. If not, I’ll find you another one quickly; you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Okay, thank you so much!”
“It’s our pleasure. Thank you for contacting Kamo Escorts – we hope to see you again!”
Once the call ended, you fell back on your bed with a sigh. Your neighbor wasn’t around the whole day, leaving you in peace and silence, and you took advantage of the rare quietness by pulling out a book. Hours passed, and you were nearly finished with half the textbook, fingers slightly numb from practicing sutures over and over again when your phone lit up with a text.
It came from an unknown number, but the words were loud and clear. Hey, this is Choso, I’ll be your escort for the wedding. Please text me here for the details and what else you expect from my service. I’m only a text and call away, please don’t hesitate to ask me for anything else.
You blinked at your phone, unsure of how to process the whole thing.
So it was official now – you rented an escort and you had a date for the event. Quite frankly, you were kind of expecting that escorts would be a lot more…flirtatious or even eager to please, but this Choso guy sounded too formal for you to picture yourself having this stranger be a good company for your event. Ijichi sounded so sure though that you no longer questioned it; smiling instead now that you’ve finally solved one of your problems.
Life felt a lot easier.
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At around four in the morning, you were too worn out to keep going. Your exam was in the afternoon so you still had plenty of time to sleep, your stomach grumbled, prompting you to leave your unit to get some snacks.
Keys in hand and feet cold in your socks, you locked your door, halting in your steps when you saw your neighbor. Different from his usual comfortable clothing, he was dressed in a formal white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his large, masculine hands coming up to loosen his tie. He wasn’t aware of your presence, almost blindly walking to his door and sighing. You didn’t miss the fact his shoulders were slumped, and he looked absolutely worn out.
For a moment, you actually felt worried, until you remembered what he said to you.
“What, no pussy to fuck tonight?”
He froze in front of his door for a moment, slightly tilting back to see your aggravated stance. Upon seeing it was just you, he shook his head and turned back to unlock his door. “No thanks to you.”
“Aw, did I ruin your reputation?” you mocked sarcastically, “I’m surprised people aren’t smart enough to pick up the smell of women’s perfume on you already. Seriously, are people that desperate for touch?” It was ironic; you’d never admit it, but you weren’t any better than them. You were equally desperate to be touched despite your aversion to romantic relationships, but he didn’t need to know that.
“It’s normal when you’re someone people are naturally attracted to. Not that you’d get it, of course, because it’s clear you don’t get some.”
“At least my apartment doesn’t smell like pussy.”
“At least I don’t masturbate every night then pass out after one weak orgasm.”
Your cheeks burned at his offhanded comment, and even with his back turned to you, you could see the slight smile tugging at his cheeks. He must’ve felt so cocky, thinking that he’d defeated you, so you blurted out the most intelligent thing possible: “How dare you!” while grabbing onto his shoulders to make him face you. “Look me in the eye and take that back!”
“Whatever you’re planning,” he crooned, head tilted to the side and making strands of his bangs fall over his eyes. He looked absolutely handsome under the flickering lights of the hallway in that moment, and you hated how you weren’t able to take your hands off of his strong shoulders, his masculine and spicy perfume clouding your mind. “It’s not going to work. Surprise surprise, but you’re not as cute as you think you are.”
Your eyes burned with fire, the nerves in your body so closing to popping. He infuriated you so much. “And you’re not as sexy as you believe you are!”
“Oh, yeah?” The positions are suddenly switched as he cornered you beside his doorframe, both of his arms planted beside your head. Because he was taller, he had to lean down to look you in the eye, his warm, minty breath brushing over your lips. You stared at him with wide eyes, fingers raking over the wall in a silent attempt to flee. Upon seeing your pursed lips, he laughed.
“Then why are you so shaky? Do I make you nervous?” his head dipped down, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. “Say…you only pretend to hate me, but you actually wish it was you I’m fucking every night, don’t you? Tell me…do you touch yourself when you hear me eating someone out?”
“I-I’m not—”
Before you could combust under his gaze, he pulled himself away from you, a satisfied smirk on his face at your flustered state. He chuckled lowly, keys spinning on his thick finger. “I was just teasing you, princess. No need to get so worked up.”
“I never want you near me again!”
He raised both brows as if to challenge you, and you knew from the glint in his eyes he was up to no good. “Princess, you jumped on me first.”
“I didn’t!” You shouted, immediately slapping your palm over your lips after realizing people were sleeping. He snickered at your reactions, and you pushed past him back to your unit, suddenly losing the appetite to get your precious snacks. “God, I hate you so much.”
“Believe me, the feeling is mutual.”
Difficult. Unbelievable. Complicated. Idiotic. Nothing was ever easy with him.
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“Would you stop fidgeting?” your father scolded from his chair, his body barely moving as the stylists fixed his hair and makeup, but his eyes glared at you from the mirror. “You’re a lot more nervous than I am, and it’s my wedding.”
“Sorry, I can’t help it.”
Your father sighed to himself, standing up after they were done with him. He checked his appearance in the mirror for a while, nodding to himself in satisfaction. It was still a little surreal that he was going to get married again, to a woman half his age of all people, but he was happy, and his bride seemed to really love him too, so you no longer questioned your father’s decisions. He was an adult, anyway, he could make his own decisions.
“You’re waiting for your boyfriend, you say?”
“What’s he like?”
You stiffened at the question. Not wanting your sharp-eyed father to pick up on the smallest cues, you lied through your teeth despite not having any idea on who or what kind of person the escort was.
Other than discussing details of how you two supposedly met, conversations had been crisp and short. You were lucky that the escort seemed to be nice and smart enough to not always ask you to explain everything, and he was crisp and curt in his texts too. No flirty or suggestive messages, not even a single emoji. He seemed a little stiff, and while you worried if you could fake chemistry with someone who seemed like a wall, you were also assured by the fact he wasn’t some creep.
“Nice. He’s sweet. You’ll like him.”
“And when did you meet him?”
“Dad, do I have to tell this story all over again?” you groaned, “We met after exams, he goes to a different uni and he studies law—”
“Law. Impressive.”
“Of course you’re impressed,” you rolled your eyes. Coming from a family of doctors and engineers, your father, and pretty much everyone else in the family, also expected that you’d date someone who was equally intelligent and had enough connections in different industries at least. It just so happened you were really lucky your escort also really did study law for a bit before he became an escort; a detail you never got enough explanation for. “He’ll be here anytime soon. Just you wait.”
In reality, you were the one who couldn’t wait.
You were excited and nervous at the same time to see this mysterious escort, and you were in the middle of talking to your father and his bride when someone called you.
You turned around with a bright grin. That must be him! You clasped at the hems of your dress so you could meet this mysterious, rigid man properly, but the moment your eyes met his equally startled gaze, you choked on your own breath. “Y-you—”
Choso stood before you; handsome as ever in his suit and tie, his iconic twin tails still there. How ever would your father believe you now that he was a lawyer, especially with his messy hair and face tattoo? You loved it and found it sexy on him, no denying that, but your father was a little bit more traditional. But that aside, it was Choso?!
His professionalism arose and he regained his composure quicker than you did, the smile on his face so natural and alluring even you almost fell for it.
Choso wrapped an arm around your waist before kissing you on the cheek, and the skin felt extremely hot under his lips. You couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak, because Choso was pressed flush against you, and he looked at you with stars shining in his eyes you didn’t know whether to be flattered or afraid.
Maybe a fucked up mix of both.
“I’m sorry I’m late. Traffic was bad,” he explained with a small smile on his lips, and he looked so handsome and smelled so good in that moment you were left gaping at him as he bowed to your father, arm politely extended. “You must be Y/N’s father. It’s very nice to meet you sir. I’m her boyfriend, Choso.”
To your surprise, your father eagerly shook his hand with the brightest grin he’d worn the whole night before he faced you with a laugh. “No way,” he beamed, gesturing to Choso. “He’s your boyfriend? You managed to snag this fine man?”
“Dad!” your ears burned with embarrassment. Choso only laughed; making you painfully aware of his large, warm hand resting at the small of your back.
“I heard you’re a lawyer, son?”
“Yes, sir.”
Your father nodded in approval, the two exchanging over words about what his plans were for the future and how his studies were going. You stood there with a pounding heart, fearful that Choso could fuck up any moment, but he was so effortless and easy going. Had you not been the one paying him, you would’ve been fooled too.
So this was the life of an escort.
“So how much did my daughter pay you?”
“Dad, I didn’t—”
“I mean, there’s no way she actually charmed you with her non-existent social skills. My daughter here can’t even talk to someone and look them in the eye, much less ask someone out, so how did this happen?”
Choso laughed at your father’s lighthearted comment, saving the day for what seemed like the hundredth time already. “I approached her first, sir. We were both eating in this small diner and it was cramped, so we shared tables and started conversation,” Suddenly, his grip tightened on you as he pulled you closer, your ear now resting above the lulling and steady beating of his heart. How was he so calm?
He lightly squeezed your hip and it had you freezing under his touch, stiffening even more when he looked down at you so adoringly. “Guess it went downhill from there.” God, you had no idea who this man was.
“Really? What did you guys talk about?”
Choso opened his mouth to speak, but it was there, that damned glint on those dark eyes again that you clutched at his bicep. He may be damn good at this job, but knowing Choso, he was enjoying this way too much.
Anything you couldn’t predict or control properly was a huge no in your game, and you pulled Choso away before he could say something downright humiliating.
“Dad, just go focus on your wedding. I want to spend time with my boyfriend, okay?” You couldn’t even begin to fathom the inward cringe upon your words, the feeling only worsening when Choso fought back a laugh masked with a cough. Before your father could say anything else, you dragged Choso rather harshly, but he didn’t mind; he followed you obediently. “Come with me. I need to talk to you,” You didn’t stop until you were both alone in a desolated corner, and finally, you hissed at him. “What are you doing here?!”
“I should be asking you the same thing – but it turns out you’re my client.”
“Client? So you really are my escort?”
“Yes, I am.”
“So those women…”
“All my clients,” he confirmed your thoughts. “I assure you they knew what they were getting into. In fact, they were the ones who asked for that special service that caused you to lose your sleep every night. That woman the other day was just pissed because she booked me for three days, but I lied that I was available until the duration she wanted when I wasn’t.”
“You mean you were still working an escort for somebody else?”
He shrugged. “Pretty much.”
“Why did you lie then?”
“It’s more money,” Choso stared down at his hands before his eyes flitted back up to yours, his face unreadable. “I’m saving up so I can move somewhere else. Our apartment isn’t exactly the most ideal considering my profession. I need to find someplace quieter with thicker walls this time,” he smiled, “That way, I’ll no longer bother my sweet neighbor,” your lips felt dry at his words, your tongue darting out to lick at them while Choso scrutinized you under his gaze.
“I have to admit though – you asking for escort service is the last thing I’d ever imagine you doing. Not that I’m complaining since it’s still money in my pocket, but you’re not the most pleasing company to be with.”
“Oh, you bet, Choso. Had I known you were going to be my escort, I would’ve declined long ago,” you groaned, your head dropping in your hands. “What was Ijichi thinking when he said I would be compatible with you?”
“You’re not,” he stated, “But I am compatible with you – as I am with pretty much everyone else. I’m one of the best escorts, and soon you’ll see why.”
You didn’t understand what he meant by then, but it seemed Choso was quite eager to show his skills off when he dragged you back inside the reception event. The whole time, you couldn’t pay attention to anything or anyone else other than Choso. It still felt hard to believe that the whole time, he really was doing his job, and upon seeing how easily he had people believing you two were an item despite you just standing silently beside him, you felt guilty that you disrupted his “work” like that.
Guilt gnawed at you as Choso made everyone laugh, and soon your relatives were cooing, praising you and congratulating you that you were “happy” now.
Back then, you always looked down on him and even called him a mere fuckboy, but Choso was so much more than that. He was intelligent; his past as a lawyer proved that, and whatever happened that caused him to work in this industry kept lingering in your mind.
There was no denying it now.
You respected this man – admired him even.
“And now it’s time to join the newly married couple on the dance floor! Come on, people, bring your dates up here for a twirl!”
You remained planted in your seat, too comfortable with Choso’s jacket draped around your bare shoulders. You’d lost count of how many times your head ducked down for the lack of sleep, and as much as you loved your dad, you wanted nothing more than to go home and rest.
Choso offered his hand to yours, a teasing smile on his face. He wriggled his eyebrows up and down, and he looked so utterly ridiculous that you couldn’t believe the boring man you were texting was the same infuriating yet undeniably attractive bastard who was your neighbor was the same fun. The world is very small, it seemed, and you weren’t sure whether you were brave enough to venture these strange places and feelings.
“Uh-uh. No. I’m not dancing.”
“Two left feet?”
“No, I’m wearing heels. My feet hurts.”
“Then take it off.”
“And get my feet dirty?” you scoffed. As if to prove your point, you snuggled deeper into his jacket that smelled heavenly like him, closing your eyes as you pretended to sleep. “Sitting here isn’t so bad. Plus, look at them, all staring at each other with goo-goo eyes. It’s revolting,” you shuddered.
Through the sickeningly romantic music playing in the background, Choso fell silent. You cracked an eye open, frowning when Choso studied each of your features carefully. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You seem to hate the idea of love.”
“Because it’s pointless.”
Choso narrowed his eyes at your answer, brows bunching up at the way your shoulders squared to keep yourself away. Then, he stood up and sighed, offering his hand to you once more.
“I won’t really ask you to explain why, because frankly, I don’t care,” you stared at his large palms for a few seconds. There must be a ghost possessing your body because you looped your fingers through his and allowed him to guide you on the dance floor despite your mind’s protests, and soon, Choso’s eyes were all over you. “But if you don’t want your money to go down the drain and you really want to convince everyone, I suggest you forget about that mindset for just a few more hours,” his voice dropped down to a low whisper, his forehead pressed to yours. His eyes turned solemn, his hand on your waist gentle. “Dance with me. Let’s show them how madly in love we are with each other.”
“We met just last week, remember?”
“Love at first sight, princess,” Choso kissed your forehead, sending your heart thumping and running to another dimension. Oddly enough, you didn’t mind, and your hands travelled from his strong arms to his broad shoulders instinctively. “Take your heels off. You can step on my feet and I’ll dance for us both. Just put your arms around my neck – yes just like that,” he nodded with a smile when your fingertips nervously played with his hair, and Choso began to dance you both in time with the music. “Are you good?”
“I don’t like this lack of space between us.”
Choso smirked, “Why, do I get you all hot and bothered?”
“Jesus, Choso, you can’t be serious for a minute, huh?”
“It’s kind of hard to be serious when you’re so flustered and adorable right now,” you pulled at his hair in response, but of course, he wasn’t really hurt.
“Look at me,” he demanded, but you refused, keeping your gaze planted on your bare feet on top of his again. “Hey. I said look at me,” he tilted your chin up until you’re forced to be like prey under his gaze, his breath tickling the bow of your lips. “I am your escort for tonight – and I humbly ask that you do your part as my client so I can perform my job well. I need you to look into my eyes and pretend you’re in love with me.”
“I don’t want to fall in love with anyone,” you suddenly admitted, “I’m scared.”
“You don’t have to be,” he replied, softly this time, and his hands ran down tenderly to your hips to pull you closer to him. “I’ll be there to catch you.”
You couldn’t remember who leaned in first. The only thing you remembered was that the music faded in the background when you kissed him – or maybe he kissed you – fuck, you didn’t really remember. Eventually, the kiss grew too heated, his hands squeezing your waist while you moan at the taste of chocolate and wine on his expert tongue.
Choso easily read your mind and swooped you away from the crowd, the both of you stumbling until you made it out to the venue and onto the beach.
The salty air kissed your skin while Choso carried you bridal style, arms looped around his neck while he kept moving his lips above yours. He was laughing through the kiss with how messy and eager you were, tugging at his shirt to encourage him to unbutton it. Choso set you both down on the darker, isolated part of the beach where nothing but the sound of waves lapping against one another could be heard with your breathless pants and his chuckles.
You were lying on his jacket, dress bunched up to your chest while your legs were spread wide open for him. “Ch-Choso,” you choked out when his tongue ran flat across your slick folds, his hands keeping your hips pinned down to the sand. “I-I, please.”
“I got you, princess,” was all he said before he completely dived into your heat, his sharp nose brushing into your cunt.
It didn’t take long until you were spasming in his hold, legs closing around his head. Choso groaned into your pussy, a finger working its way inside your sopping cunt while he licks and slurps your arousal like it was fucking water. Now you understood why those girls always lost their mind – Choso was a fucking expert when it came to worshipping pussy.
Choso pulled his fingers out of you, making you whine at the sudden emptiness, but he was kind, eager to please you that he immediately replaced it with his tongue.
You cried out when you felt his tongue entering your hole, one thumb pulling the hood of your lips up to reveal your sensitive pearl. Choso rubbed your clit fervently, his other hand reaching up to squeeze and tug at your breasts while he drank your juices dripping down his tongue as if you would be his last meal – and he honestly wished you were, because you tasted like heaven on him and he wanted more.
Once he felt you clamping down on his tongue so tightly he struggled to retrieve his warm muscle back, he helped you reach your high by pinching your clit. You moaned out his name, the sound sending blood straight down his cock, and he groaned into your pussy the moment you grinded on his face as you relaxed from your orgasm.
Choso didn’t give you the chance to recover from your orgasm, pulling you up to his lap before he’s kissing you again. You moaned when you tasted yourself on his tongue, his face and cheeks sweet from your arousal and cum.
You should be ashamed, but you couldn’t find a single bone in your body that felt shy right now. Choso was right – there was no point in being shameful when it came to your pleasure.
The kiss was sloppy, more tongue than lips and teeth clashing onto another. Choso grinded you on his hardened erection in search of your heat that would bring him relief, but he slowed down and pulled away from you, a string of saliva connected from your lips. He wanted you – wanted to fuck you so badly – so he searched your eyes for the answer when you aligned the tip of his cock to your entrance. “Is this okay? Are you sure with this?”
“Yeah,” you gritted your teeth when his tip entered your tight cunt, your walls sucking him in greedily already. Choso’s head dropped down to your shoulder, his teeth sinking down to your shoulder. You slowly sat down on his thick length, but then froze before he could bottom out. “Wait, no, I’m broke! I can’t pay for your extra services!”
“It’s free for you, princess,” he rasped out, “Now sit on my lap so I can feel you around me already.”
“Do you always have to be so vulgar?”
Through the pleasure that had his abs rippling, Choso managed a laugh. “You might want to get used to it.”
“Why would I?” you breathed out, eyes shutting tight once he fully slid into you. He allowed you to get used to the sudden stretch; it had been too long since you’ve been touched this way that you were impossibly tight around him right now. Your chest rose and fall with each faltering breath, your nails running down his back when Choso gave a deep, experimental thrust that immediately hits your sweet spot.
You moaned, cheek resting on his shoulder as Choso set the pace, squeezing your ass as he bounced you up and down his cock. “You’re gone after this. Once this contract is over, you’re moving away and I won’t get to see you anymore. I-I won’t lose sleep anymore after hearing you fuck all those women and gosh, I hate you so much, you know that?”
“I hated you too,” he groaned through your skin, “Or at least, that’s what I told myself so I wouldn’t get hurt.”
“Hurt? I would never hurt you,” Really, you praised yourself for still being able to form coherent sentences even after Choso kept fucking into you.
“I’m an escort, princess, I’m everybody’s and nobody’s at the same time,” he explained almost angrily, and his lips zealously sucked love bites to the sensitive flesh of your neck, “Even if you won’t hurt me, we’re bound to crash and burn at some point. This is why we’re not allowed to get attached to anyone,” his lips brushed over her collarbone, his canines dragging along to make red marks. “Why we’re not allowed to fall,” he squeezed her breast in the palm of his hand, twisting the peaked nipple until you whined, hips bucking deeper into his cock. “Why we’re not allowed to love.”
“I-I don’t understand.”
“I’ve always liked you,” he laughed through the pleasure, holding your hips down so he could drive his cock deeper into you. Yes, he was selfish, yes, he was frustrated – and his feelings burst through the way Choso powered into you. You fell limp in his arms and he easily caught you like he always did, his eyes blown wide as he stared right into your eyes, his dick still pummeling through your gummy walls.
Choso inhaled sharply when you clenched down on him, an elongated moan spilling past your lips. “I liked you the moment you moved in and you fell flat on your face before you could greet me.”
“Shut up, don’t remind me of that!” you raked your nails down his back hard enough to draw blood, and Choso concealed the pain with light chuckle, the pain only prompting him to absolutely use you. “You’re seriously bringing it up now when you’re – ah, fuck – b-buried in me?”
Choso tugged at one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist, the sudden change of angle had you pressing down deeper into him. It felt like you were sinking closer and closer to his cock, the tip of his dick kissing your cervix until you’re crying out in his arms, scratches evident on his back.
“For now,” he breathed out, “I want to at least be selfish enough to want you now, just for now if fate won’t still allow it.”
“W-we can try,” you said in your lust-filled gaze, lips crashing down messily to his while you bounced on him, your hips slamming down at the same to meet his thrusts. “It’s not going to be easy, but we can try, right?” You cupped his face, surprised with the sudden vulnerability from his hooded eyes, looking so innocent and beautiful as if he wasn’t painting your insides white.
“Okay,” he nodded, brows pinching together. And that was all the both of you needed before Choso sank his fangs down the column of your neck to hold on his low groans; your head thrown back as you both drown in the pleasure of being with one another.
In the blink of an eye, all tenderness is Choso’s touches replaced by the hunger in his eyes and the power of his lust-filled thrusts. You were a moaning mess by the time your hips sit flat on his pelvic bone and his balls brush on your ass from how deep he was hitting you, and you felt his teeth nibble at the side of your breasts again as he warned, “But for now, I’m not going to go easy on you – not when I’ve wanted you for so long and I’ve been so hard for you these all time.”
And you allowed him. Because nothing was ever easy with Choso, but for him, you’d try pushing through hell and back.
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