#I see vampire Dick and I cringe
whalehouse1 · 10 months
Someone: I have an AU.
Me: Interesting.
Them: It’s a vampire AU.
Me: Flashbacks to DC vs Vampires: G-go-good for you.
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sheepinthebigcity · 2 months
you know what. let's make a poll with some of the nominated women that weren't valid nominations bc i like a lot of them and all them were beaten to the punch by sexymen...
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All of these women were not eligible to be nominated because someone from their show was already on sexypedia, meaning the role of sexyperson was taken.
If you'd like to nominate someone GO HERE! Make sure to read the rules! I'm looking for some really obscure characters for this one!!!
Propaganda under the cut, of course!!!
Aviva Corvicado (Beaten out by Zach Varmitech): "Her inventions were so cool... literally everyone on the tortuga would be absolutely fucked without her. She's so badass. She could beat any of the other characters in a fight."
Ms. Bellum (Beaten out by HIM, Ace, Professor Utonium, and Dick Hardly): "She is sexy herself. She's the brains behind the man. She's got legs for days. Somehow, never seeing her face makes her even SEXIER."
Spider (Beaten out by Centipede): "If this thing is getting scorned by the furry/vampire enthusiast/milf enthusiast website I'll eat my hat. Her boyfriend is even on sexypedia while she somehow isn't. She's even Fr*nch."
Splatter Phoenix (Beaten out by Quackerjack, Darkwing Duck, Negaduck, and Steelbeak): "She's a punk artist with dyed hair, a leather jacket and big boots. Tumblr loves that! She's also made of paint which is cool. She can turn anything she paints alive or change the real world by painting it. She was one of few returning villains in the show (she got two episodes instead of one like most characters). She is a villain as well and one of the more successful ones. I just think she's really cool okay"
Maddie Fenton (Beaten out by Vlad Masters): "first milf i ever loved 😭😢"
Carmen Sandiego (Beaten out by Mime Bomb): "she is cool, hot, succeeds in taking down a criminal organization and can be a little cringe at times i love her"
Catherine (Beaten out by Judgment Boy, Hell's Chef, and Dr. Fritz) and Dora Smarmy (Beaten out by Sketch and Jumpin' Johnny Jumble) have no propaganda.
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katz-rambles · 3 months
Hi can I request damon salvatore dating hcs?
I JUST SCREAMED OML! My first TVD request 💓💓💓
I'm only on the 3rd season, so I'm not super familiar with his whole character, so I apologize if his ooc.
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(fluff, gn!reader, this is a bit short, sorry anon, blood mentioned, marking, I think this is it!)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
• Okay, so from what I know.. he can be a bit of a dick, even to the people he cares about. But he tries.
• He would actually do anything for you. You need someone dead, done. You've run out of something, he's already at the store just tell him what you need. He's whipped for you.
• He'll be super soft with you, though. Like, breakfast in bed soft.
• If you're human, you know he's putting vervain in everything and making sure he finds you a good ring so he won't lose you too soon. If you're a vampire, you're in for a wild ride. He's still head over heels for you, but imagine this, you're a vampire, and you're both starving. Take a normal dinner date and turn it. You'll both be out snacking on whoever you can find, and he loves it.
• He gets so possessive over you, not an unbearable amount, but enough that everyone knows you're off limits.
• Speaking of possessiveness, if you're a human and let him, he will gladly bite you. Not enough to drink your blood if you don't want him too, but enough to leave a nice mark so everyone knows your his. He loves seeing them scattered along your pretty body.
• If you're a human and a little weird, in a good way, I promise and later in your relationship offer him your blood. He might just get on one knee and marry you right then. He's super careful about it and might even let you bite him back, he just likes to watch you cringe if you bite a little too deep and break his skin.
• Obviously, he's not going to compell you for anything. No, this is pure love between the both of you, hopefully.
• He likes to take you out and buy (or steal) the most expensive things he can for you. He's a show off. (He might also borrow/steal Stefans old porshe and take you for a nice drive.)
• His phone is full of pictures of you two, mainly just you, though. He might even make one of them his wallpaper. He's just so in love with you.
• Overall, you two probably have an amazing relationship, vampire or not, he loves you all the same. He will make an amazing boyfriend, and hopefully husband.
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dollwrites · 11 months
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, heavy noncon, abuse and injuries, threats of violence against reader in detail, graphic depictions of blood, foot fucking, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day twenty-six [ jan valentine + foot fucking ]
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the last dime-shaped burn was still sizzling on your flesh, a faint gray stream curling up from your ankle as your bare feet rub against his lap. your skin was already littered with marks— bruises, cuts, burns. dozens of them. a staggering reminder, most of which would permanently marr your visage, that you were at the vampire’s mercy.
“You know what you are now, don’tcha?” his smirk was wide and toothy, twisting his ragged features into a chilling sight to behold. the gold hoops in his lower lips glint as he speaks, catching what little bit of light still held from the flickering, broken bulb that hung from the ceiling. you were grateful that your surroundings were mostly concealed in darkness, but you could smell the carnage. all the blood and gun smoke. the stench of the death of your friends and coworkers that lingered in the hallways. you were humiliated enough when you couldn’t even fight back, but the fact that Jan Valentine hadn’t even bothered to kill you yet, and instead had played with you, was even worse. treating you like a child’s doll, he left his marks on you, and pretzeled you into whatever position he wanted to torture you in next, and you could do nothing to stop it. unlike your stronger and more courageous comrades, who’d fought to their demise, you were left for the vampires to do with as they pleased. you sniffle, but the tears had mostly dried on your face, and look up at him with big, scared eyes. you’d already learnt better than to beg him for mercy, if your busted lip was an indication. Jan grinned wider, cocked his head to the side, and snickered. “You’re my little fuckslut now.” his razor’s edge fangs were stained red. with whose blood? you didn’t want to know. “A piece of meat, for me to carve up however the fuck I want to.”
you flinch at that, and push your trembling toes against his cock more fervently, allowing the entire sole of your soft foot to massage the rigid veins. he seems harder now that he’s describing cutting you.
“Thinking about making you bleed some more is making me hard, fuck.” Jan hisses, malevolently, as he reaches for you. one, rough grip takes hold of the hair at your scalp, and you cry out, closing your eyes tightly as he jerks you closer. “I think that’s what I’ll do. Make you a real prime cut of fuckmeat. Take away any part of you that wants to tell me no, or fight back, and leave only the places I can stick my dick untouched. What do you say? Want me to cut you?”
you shake your head, whimpering a nearly incoherent babble of no’s and god no’s.
“Then you better make every limb that that you want to keep useful, because only the parts of you that I can fuck interest me.” his threat spurs you, and you whimper, rubbing your soles against his cock with more urgency. you had a feeling he wasn’t bluffing, and that the sick bastard would actually cut your feet off if you didn’t make them useful to him. and that meant servicing him. “Keep going,” Jan grinned like the devil, jutting his hips forward as the toe of his heavy boot taps against the floor. “Wanna see my dick between your feet. Make it feel as good as a pussy, and I’ll letcha keep ‘em once I’ve shot my load on ‘em.”
you physically cringe and recoil at his words— they were so vulgar. but, you do as instructed and clamp your feet together, creating a tight gap for his cock to slide into, and you pump them up and down, your motions awkward and erratic, lacking skill. after all, you’ve never had to do this for anyone before. but you got the feeling this wouldn’t be the last time you were forced to do this for him.
“You’re gettin’ it.” Jan grunted in mild approval, and launched a wad of spit into his own lap. it soaked your feet, and you had no choice but to smear it over his twitching, swollen cock as they stroked it. your eyes flit to the sight of your disgraced, bruised feet and then away, humiliated and ashamed. Jan laughs, a loud and raspy cackle, stomping one foot close to you. “What, you still shy?” he taunts, menacing and cruel. “Stupid bitch, I’m not even close to being done here. You better get used to watching me fuck every part of ya, and show some gratitude for my choice to keep you alive while I do it.”
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so i’ve been thinking
i know, dangerous
in all honesty, what is our cast of characters supposed to do about Fukuchi..?
i’ve already made my rant analysis (that you can read here if you’re interested) about how Fukuchi is really just an old man with a time traveling stabby stick that makes for a horrible OP villain. up until now, when presented with such a crisis, either soukoku or shin soukoku will partner up and defeat the big bad… or at least they had weaknesses, like Dostoy not anticipating Dazai was going to find him at the end of the cannibalism arc, or how most of his henchmen and underlings were eventually foiled or defeated to come to a satisfying conclusion that set us up for the next story beat. even Ranpo has his weaknesses, and his whole character is centered around knowing everything
well, we know for a fact that that’s not going to happen this time considering our usual duos and their friends are having some technical difficulties at the moment...
so that makes me think…
who is left to fight at this point..?
obviously we have Fukuzawa, who is currently fighting, and Atsushi is... around. but, the character on my mind the most at this point is Mori, since he’s been missing for quite a long time now. this by itself isn’t a big deal considering side characters often go literal years without any story time. however, this becomes a bit more interesting considering what’s happening to the rest of the Mafia and the world right now in bsd
so, i’m going to analyze some pieces that might be added to this 4d chess board of a story line. including more than just Mori. however, i’ll be talking about Mori quite a bit in this post, like almost half of it actually, so if you don’t feel like reading this, that’s fine
🔺minor spoiler warning for chapters 30/31, 50, and 84, and Dead Apple and Stormbringer. also spoilers for basically the entire current arc up to the most recent chapter as of writing this (ch 105) since i talk about most of the main events/situations🔻
I’ll start by taking a moment to talk about the European android everyone knows and loves(?) from Stormbringer…
Adam Frankenstein
Ah yes, the android, the myth, the legend, and the being that made me cringe so hard i got face cramps the first time I read him chewing and swallowing multiple pieces of gum like candy. That Adam.
We never see him or even hear of him in any other part of the story, including the main manga. He’s kind of just in Stormbringer and never brought up again, supposedly living somewhere in Europe doing android detective things. We haven’t even gotten a hint or any foreshadowing that he might show up in the main story, either. The reasons I think he may show up now are kind of simple to be honest.
He’s an android. That’s it. He’s, y’know, not made of flesh… And he doesn’t have blood.
What makes blood important right now? The vampires. Considering we know that Bram can transform a human, alive or otherwise, into one of his minions by ingesting their blood, we can probably assume that this is how it works for the other vampires as well. Therefore, Adam is at a major advantage against such an enemy since 1. his body is made of metal that couldn’t be damaged by Piano Man’s wire guillotine or regular bullets and survived the heat of Chuuya’s first Corruption with minimal damage, and 2. he doesn’t have blood. He does have this blue substance that I assume acts something like oil or fuel for his body, but since he’s most definitely not human, this doesn’t count as blood for him. He can’t be turned into a vampire. I don’t even think Fyodor could hack him or put a virus into his system, like he did to the Moby Dick (which is technically an ability that got turned into a mechanical ship). If anything, the vampires would just break their fangs trying to bite into his neck.
Since he’s in Europe, which is where our two jail kings and their entourage are, it’s more likely that Adam will appear in the jail scene with Dazai and Dostoy. I’d honestly be happy to see this because it would be interesting to see how he and Chuuya would interact now after so many years apart if Chuuya is ever cured of his, y’know, vampirism. Since he most definitely isn’t going to just die. It would also introduce a new character for people who haven’t read Stormbringer, which could reignite interest in this god forsaken arc for those of us who have given up on getting more than a few cliffhangers and a reminder that Fukuchi sucks every new chapter (trust me, I feel you).
Moving on to another semi-short analysis for a character we haven’t seen outside of light novels. And the mildly disappointing adaption of one said novel.
Shirase Buichirou
Another character who is also in Europe, specifically London, is Shirase. At the end of Stormbringer, he and Chuuya parted ways on somewhat good terms when Shirase heard of a group called the Stray Sheep in Europe, which he joined. Nothing has been heard of him since, similar to Adam. The only reasons I bring him up here is that 1. he’s in Europe, same as Adam and the jail kings, and 2. he is also connected to Chuuya (and is familiar with Dazai, to some degree, but this isn’t important).
I’m hesitant to say he’ll appear in the story considering we truly have no idea what the state of the BSD world is right now. Japan is overrun with vampires, and there’s probably nobody left there who hasn’t been bitten unless they’re a major character in the story (that hasn’t already been bitten). We know that the vampires have been moving out by disguising themselves with sunglasses and stuff to hide their eyes and complexion and getting on planes. Where those planes went to, we only know it’s somewhere overseas. There’s also mentions of fictional countries that only exist within the BSD world, similar to Kenji’s home town being a fictional one from a novel written by the irl Kenji. Fukuchi mentions he “needs to control half the nations’ armies” in order to carry out whatever plan he has, and it’s probably safe to say this has already come to fruition since he threatened to set the vampire army in motion if One Order wasn’t unlocked.
The likelihood of a character like Shirase appearing without being a vampire is much, much lower than Adam, and for more reasons than just because he’s a regular human. Shirase has no ability and is not named after an author or any other real-life person (that I know of), therefore it’s very unlikely he’ll be revealed to have one unless he wields an ability weapon like Fukuchi’s sword. Which is also highly unlikely. Given these conditions, he’s probably already been turned into a vampire along with the rest of the organization he joined. Another possibility for his inclusion is just to be killed off (by, perhaps, a vampire Chuuya). Or he might make a joint appearance with Adam, but I still doubt he’ll be a major character unless he’s there to die to further the plot.
Not to mention Asagiri has mentioned many times that Chuuya’s story is a long one that’s full of hardships, so perhaps one of those hardships may just be having to kill an old friend.
Sorry Shirase fans, but that’s just my thoughts on the matter.
From here on, I’ll be discussing Mori and how he’s appeared and disappeared throughout major story arcs and how he’s interacted with the ADA since the cannibalism arc. I know he’s apparently a controversial character to talk about because of his ability and the comments he makes about underage girls and whatever, so if you don’t feel like reading this part, that’s fine.
In case you’re interested in another character appearance, I have added a few honorary mentions at the bottom of this post.
Mori Ougai
Port Mafia Boss. Underground doctor. Ex-military doctor. A third of the Tripartite Framework. And one half of the first version of soukoku before it was known as soukoku.
His titles honestly don’t mean much to me as the only thing he continuously claims to motivate him is his position as the Boss, which is reasonable as his entire livelihood is dependent on the organization and its success. He fills his role well as a clear villain character with extremely black if not straight up non-existent morals, which we get plenty of examples of during the Dark Era, the Guild arc, and even the Cannibalism arc. The currently arc also proves that he’s both willing to provide some aid to the ADA, as well as make manipulative requests of them despite the horrible position they’re in currently for his own potential benefit. He is truly, wholeheartedly, an evil character.
What I want to focus on the most is his hand in moving the pieces on the chess board, so to speak. We know that Dazai and Dostoy are both sitting on the board, presumably in control of every piece, but is that really true? Remember, Dazai is only the way he is because Mori manipulated and taught him to be that way, which we can see from the parallels in how they act when making threats or doing something morally wrong. The comparison between Dazai’s attitude and Mori’s in chapter 30 is telling enough, seeing that Mori’s expression when he murdered the previous Boss 8 years ago (as well as when he talks with Hirotsu in this chapter) is almost identical to the one Dazai makes as he says his thinly veiled threat to do the same to Mori. The anime makes these expressions even more similar than they are in the manga, but I take everything studio bones does with a heavy grain of salt at this point… And not just with BSD
The last time we saw Mori was when he was mentioned in chapter 91 as the liaison who informed Tanizaki and Kenji that it was time to come out of hiding. He appeared normal and not infected by the vampire virus, which isn’t much of a surprise to me. Stormbringer showed that he’s more than capable of avoiding death, and by proxy, avoiding the master assassin Verlaine. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to assume he was able to avoid the hive mind army of vampires that are just regular soldiers, and most of the ability users that have been infected are mafioso who Mori is very familiar with. However, whether or not he’ll intervene in the prison arc is not what I plan to discuss here.
The previous two characters would only make sense to appear in the prison because of their relationship to Chuuya and their location. Mori is Chuuya’s Boss, sure, and sure he probably wants to keep Dazai alive and on his radar, but Mori is still in Japan and knows that Meursault isn’t a place to be taken lightly.
No, I think Mori is about to become a player in the battle against Fukuchi.
My evidence isn’t necessarily anything concrete or even any foreshadowing, such as with chapter 84 when it was pretty obvious that Akutagawa was going to show up to aid Atsushi when he was saying he was all alone, or back in chapter 31 where it was obvious that soukoku was going to reunite for a big fight.
Fukuzawa, so far, has been the only person capable of standing up against Fukuchi alone and not being beaten within seconds (except Tachihara, but, well… yknow). So this alone is interesting to me because Fukuzawa is one of the strongest fighters in the ADA, and arguably one of the strongest fighters in the entire story considering his ability has nothing to do with his raw swordsmanship and martial arts skills. Keeping that small fact in mind, I want to jog your memory of the battle that happened in chapter 50 between Fukuzawa and Mori. Both of them are afflicted with the cannibalism virus, which is probably causing them to feel horrible with symptoms, but they still face off in a 1v1 that looks a little unfair. Mori has his ability, Elise, that does whatever he tells it to do and is basically a highly skilled and deadly combat ability. Fukuzawa, while still an ability user, only has his sword and his physical talents. His ability is a support ability that works on his subordinates, he can’t use it to fight like Mori or Fukuchi. However, he still holds his ground extremely well and even destroys Elise within minutes if not seconds of the fight starting, and Fukuzawa deals the fatal blow to Mori first. Even though Mori also severely wounds Fukuzawa just seconds later, it’s more important that this fight showed us that they are practically equal in combat skill. Not to mention Natsume makes an appearance to tell the two of them to stop fighting since both of their organizations need to survive to uphold the Tripartite Framework, which is something they both agree to disagree on basically.
There’s also the events of Dead Apple where, while under the effects of Shibusawa’s fog, Mori and Fukuzawa are fighting their own abilities and struggling. However, when they meet and switch opponents, they easily take down the other’s ability. They even share a few lines of dialogue that shows they’re familiar with each other’s fighting styles and tricks, similar to their explosive meeting in chapter 30 during the Guild Arc.
Now let’s look at the situation Fukuzawa is in right now. His subordinates are in all danger, and the only one that could potentially be coming to his aid is Atsushi, which is a possibility that I’ll mention at the end of this post. However, doesn’t this setup of our protagonists in a life-or-death situation with no help in sight, seem a little familiar to you?
Dazai was surrounded by soldiers in chapter 31 when Chuuya arrived to (begrudgingly) help him out, on Mori’s orders. Dazai was literally dead in Dead Apple when Chuuya showed up to punch him in the face (deserved) to save him.
Atsushi rarely wins on his own, but with Akutagawa’s help and the singularity created by their combined abilities, they’re able to defeat almost any enemy. And when Atsushi was desperate for help in chapter 84, Akutagawa arrived, even if it was on Dazai’s orders.
Fukuzawa is currently losing the fight against the OP time traveling stabby stick wielding grandpa, putting him in a dire situation of trying to save the ADA while not dying in the process. So, will Mori come out from wherever he’s hiding to provide aid to Fukuzawa? Will zenki soukoku come back and parallel the other soukoku’s reuniting/working together to defeat the big bad? It’s hard to say, honestly, but I do believe it’s entirely possible considering Mori has been strangely missing in the story after agreeing to aid the ADA. Well, the ADA needs aid. Badly. And it’s about time they finally got some.
I think Fukuzawa and Mori have the potential to defeat Fukuchi together considering their both equal in strength, so perhaps putting their finely tuned skills together is what will prove to be our deus ex machina that defeats Fukuchi’s self-induced deus ex machinas that are honestly getting pretty damn tiring at this point.
There’s also the fact that Mori had originally agreed to aid the ADA on the condition that one of their members transfers to the Mafia, so perhaps Mori showing up to aid Fukuzawa will be a manipulation tactic to force them to agree to let him choose who he wants to join, since he only actually wants Yosano out of the deal. However, it’s possible that maybe Tanizaki will be the one to change organizations? He did offer to go in Yosano’s stead in chapter 65 when the deal was originally proposed by Mori, who straight up lied about what Fukuzawa told him over the phone that the one person Mori couldn’t choose was Yosano. Mori is a very, very smart man, so he probably knows that if he forces the ADA into enough of a corner under the guise of helping them, he can get what he wants out of them as well. He could also allow the majority/some of the ADA members to die or come close to force Yosano to heal them and work for him one way or another, since we saw in her backstory in the military that Mori isn’t above shooting someone to make Yosano heal them because now they’re “close to death”. He most likely hasn’t changed much in those ways over the years, so I’m expecting to see some extreme manipulation taking place on his part if he does come back into the story.
Honorable mentions that came to mind as I was working to gather potential suspects:
He’s there, kind of, I guess. So much of the arc recently has been like 2 pages of one perspective before changing to the next that I’m not even sure if he’s still the main protagonist anymore. /j
Since he’s also at the airport where this whole *gestures wildly* thing is happening between the two Fuku’s, it would make sense that he at least shows up during the fight. We also know he’s actively looking for Fukuzawa because he can’t decide on what to do next now that he knows what the DOA is after.
The only way I see Atsushi being implemented in the battle is if he gets super upset or angry over seeing all his friends and coworkers in serious trouble, and either Fukuzawa releases his ability (if that’s even possible) from Atsushi and allows him to use the full power of the White Tiger to fight Fukuchi, which could potentially defeat the time-traveling sword since the Tiger’s claws can cut through abilities. The other option is he goes feral? I don’t really know to be honest. Maybe he just gets his ass beat again by Fukuchi. Who knows. I’ll just be over here preparing the party poppers for Kunikida’s promotion I guess.
Why? For fun.
He’s never appeared in the main story line since he lives in the Port Mafia’s basement basically. But considering the Mafia kinda went up in flames (or vampires, I guess) it’s possible he’s on the move now. Whether he’d appear in the jail, to save Chuuya, or appear at the airport, potentially under Mori’s orders, I honestly don’t know. But, since he’s part of the Mafia and another character we haven’t seen, and the cover of volume 22 as well as other official artwork has been featuring several Stormbringer and Sheep references, some people believe we might be seeing someone from that cast of characters in an upcoming chapter. But honestly I think they might be on as much copium as I am…
It would be funny to see Verlaine show up and just crush Fukuchi in like 3 seconds while the rest of the protagonists couldn’t defeat him though.
We see Ango last in chapter 95 when it’s revealed he’s the one that demanded a seal be put on One Order, at Dazai’s request as part of his plan to counter Dostoy. He hasn’t been a big player in this arc beyond being the coordinator early on for the ADA’s moves, but since they all were reunited and came up with their own plans, he’s been more active as just a background character acting on the messages from Dazai. But, since he is the final piece of the Tripartite Framework, I thought I’d just mention him here as well. Natsume clearly wants the three organizations to work together, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Dazai has also given Ango a message or plan to relay to Mori. I don’t think he’ll ever be a super big part of the current events, though, just more of the background coordinator.
The Guild?
We kind of see them and then we don’t. We know Fitzgerald wants to work with whoever is winning, which as far as we know, he thinks is going to be the ADA. He was giving them aid in exchange for Yosano healing Mitchell, but we don’t really see anything come after this agreement is made? Atsushi and Kyouka get into one ambulance with Mitchell inside to bring her to Yosano, and at the same time, Yosano (along with Tanizaki and Kenji) are attacked by the government who set up their own trap unknown to Fitzgerald and Atsushi. We know Fitzgerald didn’t set them up because in the first few pages after we see the government attacking, we see Fitzgerald explaining why he didn’t go with the 74 plans Alcott prepared that included selling out the Agency’s location. Technically, it only happened because Tachihara is a Hunting Dog, so he betrayed the location of the meeting since Mori sent him and the other Black Lizard captains for security, and Tachihara is using his metal manipulation to pretend as if there’s an ability user attacking them with the government so they have to retreat after Kenji is severely injured. He’s also there to prevent Atsushi from reuniting with Yosano just a few minutes later. Which is truly impressive since he’s technically fighting himself the entire time? Wow is that symbolism of him as a character if I’ve ever seen it, that’s for sure. Not to mention he also stabs himself with Gin’s knife, just *chefs kiss* of a character I really wish he wasn’t killed/vampire-d whatever the fuck happened because he deserved so much better. But anyway, we never see the Guild again after this. So we have no idea what they’re currently doing, nor have we seen the other branch of the “Guild” that Steinbeck created at the end of the Guild arc since the end of that arc. So, I doubt they’ll come back.
The Clock Tower?
They’d have jurisdiction over Meursault, but it’s hard to say if they’ll step in. They haven’t been a part of the story at all beside Agatha’s little cameo from chapter 12. On a side note, I believe Agatha’s ability will be something along the lines of causing death in accordance to the lines in the poem “Ten Little Soldiers” (obviously I’m not putting the original name here) since her ability is named after the mystery novel And Then There Were None that’s about ten people dying on an island of various means that follow the reasons in the rhyme of the poem. It’s quite interesting, actually. But back to my main point, I don’t really see why they would suddenly come into the story now. If anything, they might appear if Fukuchi decides to try and use his vampire army against the governments of the world and create a world-wide coup d’etat with One Order.
Is this a copium-driven fever dream of a hope to have? Haha, fuck yeah it is! But I’ll let the copium win today if it means having at least a little hope that Fukuchi’s arc of shitty OP-ness will come to an end soon. Please. Asagiri I’m begging. I’m on my knees. Just PLEASE
Anyways, that's my thoughts on the matter. This theory was a little out there and not really based on too much evidence, but I still felt the need to write up this post, or else the brainrot might actually get my final braincell and it'd be all downhill from there.
As always, I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading. If you have your own idea of what you think will be the thing to defeat Fukuchi, feel free to say it in the comments or send a message to my Inbox on my profile. We can cope theorize together :)
**i just finished editing this oh my god this is so long i’m sorry i just had a lot of brainrot about this and i’m desperately awaiting whatever is going to end Fukuchi to the point i want to do it myself
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nerdby · 1 year
I both am deeply concerned for and deeply disgusted with the fanfiction authors on this site.
I love fanfiction especially Marvel and Loki fanfiction just in case the profile pic wasn't a dead giveaway. But while reading fics on this app, I've been noticing a very triggering trend which goes a little something like--
Avengers treats love interest like shit but the love interest forgives them as soon the Avenger confesses because they wanna be worshipped by them and be associated with the Avengers.
And like I knew there was something familiar about the plot, but I couldn't really figure out what it was until I roasted someone this morning for hating on Rob Pattinson for being in Twilight. Cause Rob loathes those movies and for very, very good reasons aside from the fact that Edward is a controlling, stalkery, manipulative dick who wants Bella to be a kept woman with no close friends other than his own family or people he's hand-selected from the vampire community, there is all kinds of cringe shit going on behind the scenes with the author of the series Stephanie Meyer.
Meyer is a self-proclaimed conservative Mormon who has bragged about never swearing or seeing an R-rated movie, and that makes me so sad for her. Cause aside from the fact that she is missing out on some of the greatest cinema of all time, it sounds like she has the personality of a literal twelve-year-old. Like Stephanie Meyer is stuck in a neverending LARP session where she roleplays as a puriteen influencer.
I'm referring to Mormonism as LARPing cause you are seriously delusional if you think that shit isn't a cult, and it only gets more disturbing there. Like all of the Twilight characters are named after people from her real life and the pedo-wolf love interest Jacob Black is named after
Stephanie Meyer's brother.
Fucking YIKES😬
But anyway getting back to the point, I finally realized that the fics I've been reading have all been ripping off the plot of Twilight. Especially the ones with Loki as a love interest cause for some reason the fic authors on this app all have degradation kinks and are desperate for Total Power Exchange relationship dynamics.
For those of you who aren't in the know, a Total Power Exchange dynamic is when a sub agrees to allow a Dom to control certain aspects or sometimes even all areas of their personal life. Basically, it's when you get off on having a controlling partner.
Edward and Bella have what could be considered a TPE dynamic except that the difference between their relationship and a real TPE dynamic is that Bella never consented to Edward controlling every aspect of her personal life. In BDSM the key to a healthy relationship is open and honest communication -- Safe, Sane, and Consensual, right? I mean, that's the key to every healthy relationship but it's especially important in BDSM because of the sadomasochism aspect. Some people take it a lot farther than just spanking.
And aside from the aforementioned issues this trend concerns me because Twilight came out when I was in high school, right, and I went through a serious Twihard phase. It's fucking embarrassing. It was also dangerous because not only do I have a super abusive mother who did not give a shit about what I did, I also had a whole bunch of undiagnosed mental health issues -- thanks, mom🙃 -- and ended up internalizing a lot of what I read in Twilight because I had zero media literacy because of said mental health issues.
So I ended up fetishizing abusive relationships, I got married way too young to an abusive asshole and had a string of abusive relationships after we divorced, I got raped, and ended alternating between couch surfing and homeless shelters for a while. And it was all because of Twilight.
And you could be like, "Well, it's not Stephanie Meyer's fault that your mom's a cunt and you were stupid." And you're right. I take responsibility for my own questionable taste, but there's also a little something called artistic integrity.
Artistic integrity is a personality trait kind of where an artist -- IE Stephanie Meyer -- gives a shit about their audience and the media they are putting out into the world. They aren't doing it for a cash grab -- they're doing it because they have a story to tell and a message to send. One that is important, culturally relevant, and asks important questions -- their work is political. It questions the social norm. These things, in my opinion, is what makes something art -- it separates art from trash.
Stephanie Meyer has no artistic integrity.
She didn't stop to wonder if readers like me or with issues similar to mine exist -- we do and, yeah, I'm kinda bitter about it. That is why Twilight is a problematic series -- that is why everyone from Robert Pattinson to Stephen motherfucking King has roasted that series to hell and back.
And I know someone out there is gonna be like, "Well, Rob said he lied all the time bac--"
Well, Robert fucking Pattinson is an actor and a damn good one.
And he wasn't lying when he said that Edward Cullen was a whiny, pathetic, suicidal virgin. Ya know how I know this -- because I read the books, for one thing, and for another I paid attention.
Like have all the Twihards out there suddenly forgotten when Edward tried to commit suicide by stepping out into the sun half-naked, so he could he trigger the Volturi into curb stomping his ass? Or when he straight up told Bella that he wouldn't fuck her until AFTER they were married cause there was just one rule that he wanted to leave unbroken?
It was in the movies, so if reading is too hard for you there ya go.
And, yeah, I'm triggered right now and no, I'm not sorry cause if you are knowingly ripping off the plot to Twilight to use for Marvel fanfiction and give absolutely ZERO shits about your readers' mental health you are a shit person. I don't care. I'm not sorry and that brings me to the part that is most concerning about this situation.
I know that there are other ND and mentally ill users on Tumblr. I know that some of them have the same issues I had growing up because of lack of access to mental healthcare. That means that some of these authors are doing this subconsciously: Some of them aren't even aware that they're copying Twilight or why it's wrong or why they need to be concerned about having artistic integrity. And to you guys, I am truly so so sorry and I really hope you are able to get some sort of help or at least talk to someone about this.
But the rest of ya -- the ones who truly do not give a shit that I know exist because this app is crawling with TERFs, radfems, and tradwives -- that movement was popularized by white supremacists by the way. Look it up. And those people are abusive, self-obsessed cunts with a perpetual victim complex that don't care who they hurt cause they will always, always, always try to blame someone else for their actions.
You guys -- the abusers that decided to basically plagiarize Twilight to boost your reblog numbers for your fanfics -- are shitty people.
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g33se · 1 year
Playing bg3 right now. Got to the point with the druids and the tiefling city. A couple of opinions about the party:
Lae'zel: I liked her a lot when I met her first (competent, straightforward, my type of girl) but she's being very rude about the tieflings. Given that I'm playing a tiefling... well. Not keen on the way she compared us to cockroaches or the way she made the tiefling bow- granted the tieflings did have reason to want to stab her. So liking her quite a bit less now. Still, looking at her respectfully. She is hot.
Shadowheart: Never really liked elves all that much. Not super keen on the way she did a racism at Lae'zel as soon as we met her, but the moments of emotional vulnerability have me liking her a lot more.
Astarion: Stupid loser bastard. That man is clearly a vampire- I mean, look at the eyes/teeth/the literal VAMPIRE BITE on his neck and the ten thousand clues he's been dropping. Sexy of him to greet me by holding a knife to my neck I thought he was going to rob me. He's such a fucking idiot I want to jump his bones.
Gale: This man has bard energy. At least, the way I play bards. Also kind of single dad energy? Just a random wizard running around. Just a Dude, if you will. Had to put him back in the campsite since I'm a sorcerer and party comp will get fucked though.
Wyll: Thought he was a paladin at first. Then he started doing warlocky things. I like how he acts it's a nonstandard edgy warlock thing, I hope his storyline pans out well. Really like his back-and-forth with Lae'zel about ever doing nice things with her life. Immediately taken with the fight scene I saw him in first, looked fucking epic.
Overall, I really love Mind Flayers. They're fucking cool, that little starter scene when I converted a woman into one was fucking nightmare fuel. I did see the button saying perfect and press it knowing what it would probably mean. What the hell were they doing in Avernus though. And isn't Zariel the angel who fell because she wanted to kill demons with GREAT PREJUDICE?
I've also been save scumming whenever I steal stuff a lot because, habit. I just want to collect all the boxes and put them into the campsite. Also reloaded the same save three times because I wanted Asterion to take that one potato off a crying guard. (Probably going to try to see if I can do a revivify on the dead guard later? I don't know if the game has the 1 min timer on revivify or not.) Also I do like how yoinking just makes people do 'hey wtf' or 'you're getting arrested' because instantly trying to kill the party is. Weird.
Also reloaded the save once because I couldn't revivify Shadowheart because she died on stairs that were on fire. I know how to play dnd I just have a hard time conceptualizing it with game graphics.
Lower level dnd's always interesting. The take action to restore someone else at 1hp is also... inspired. Would be interested to see normal downing rules- that would force me to think in more dnd terms to play the game. I also keep clicking wrong and wasting attacks on the space right next to a person.
Weird how everyone can use scrolls.
I hate the 1/short rest mage hand it's a fucking cantrip and it can do, like, nothing. Going to download a mod for it later.
Going to have to use the speak with dead amulet a lot I hope. I love that spell. Not quite sure how I feel about your camp being a separate room- I feel like it trivializes inventory management and sending things there is. Weird. Where is all the weight going. I do like stacking all the boxes I find though.
Thought the Absolute people were part of a mind flayer cult so had to kill a few of them.
Current leader druid is a bit cringe. Don't want to kill her but definitely ousting her asap. Stop being a dick to my people (tieflings). Also really liking the tiefling responses so far.
Also wonder at the deal about the tiefling village. They seem to have a lot of hell stuff going on there.
Anyway, this is cool! Looking forward to what happens next.
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cto10121 · 11 months
Watching Breaking Dawn: Part 1, easily the most boring and slow-paced of all the Twilight movies until the pregnancy drama—and that’s saying something. I’ll just get right to it:
Bella voiceover-ing the St. Millay quote is not it. For one thing, that is not Bella’s line, that is just the epigraph of the whole book. It’s as if they decided to have Bella V.O. the Genesis quote from the first book. Nah, son
Yeah, let’s start a movie all about Bella and Edward with…Jacob finding out about the invitation. Because the script is so patently in love with Jacob
Not Bella touching the dreamcatcher just before her wedding…Script Being in Love With Jacob Part 383872928
“You aren’t a virgin?” If the movies had been smart about their humor they could have included Emmett laughing at this O.S. I would have
And of course they had Edward tell Bella about his Batman vigilante years just before the day of!!!!! Meanwhile Book!Edward told her in the very first book of the series. No wonder people call this relationship abusive. It’s not…it’s just the movies sucked hard at adaptation. Also the scriptwriter just could not write Edward for shit
They finally show some Emmett/Edward/Jasper bromaderie…last movie of this series but better some than never
Dream Bella’s wedding looks so nice in all white with the rose petals…also Stewart is styled better than her wont, she actually looks more in line with Book Bella. Also her dream wedding dress looks better than her official one. Not by much, though.
But! I have to question why the movie included this as the dream instead of the immortal child dream in canon. Bella is definitely not having second thoughts about being with Edward—she just hates being center of attention, so the whole experience of the wedding is onerous to her. So she wouldn’t dream about this particular cold feet. I suppose the dream is actually about her worries about losing herself to her vampire bloodlust once she turns. I’ll be generous for once and opt for that interpretation
“Are those graduation caps?” Billy Burke!Charlie being the best as ever, I see. But also I’m reminded of that movie-only detail, so bleurgh. So stupid
The human characters gawking hilariously at the Denalis and being realistically shallow and catty…This Script Loves the Human Characters Too Much Part 848472728
Yeah, Bella’s actual wedding dress is a bit of a disappointment. It’s not old-fashioned enough to be charming and not modern enough to be sleek and sophisticated. It’s kind of in that bland middle.
Stephanie Meyer cameo!!! She honestly looks more Esme than the actress playing Esme. Hate how the antis say Bella’s her self-insert…they’re both brunette and that’s basically it. Meyer is actually too curvy and her hair is curly, not wavy like Bella’s. Also, Bella’s top lip is supposed to be bigger than her bottom half—not the case with Meyer.
The music is still the worst, I see. Generic orchestral scoring + mediocre pop songs that will be instantly dated in some years. As always, Hollywood only get actually good composers for dumb dick flick shit.
Carmen just straight up smooching Bella on the cheeks…movie, I beg you to please remember that they are all vampires here.
Irina’s face when she sees the wolves 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The acting, I swear. But I guess the movie introducing that conflict early is good set up. But the execution…Irina just implying Bella is a liar is not it, fam. That Laurent wanted to kill Bella is verifiable.
“Bella, I hope you’ve gotten enough sleep these last years, ‘cause you won’t be getting any more in a while.” 💯 Script Writes Good Emmett Lines Part 939383828. Also, Charlie just *chugging champagne* just clinches it
“Edward will be a good husband. I know this because I’m a cop. I know things.” 💯 Script Writes Charlie the Best For No Good Reason Part 393982727.
Bella and Edward actually laughing together and having a good time during the cringe toasts is probably the closest I’ll ever get to canon Book Bedward and that makes me so, so irritated
Edward’s speech is actually…well-written? Let me see…holy shit. That was actually an adaptation and not dutiful verbatim. Script had (1) braincell about Edward after all
Aaaand once again Movie Bella is more happy to see Jacob than she is at her whole wedding. 🤮Script Is In Love With Jacob Part 48837727272. But this is even more egregious, since in the book Bella was happy at her wedding!!! In fact, it’s the first time that she actually described herself as beautiful!!!!! She couldn’t stop kissing Edward!!!! Please, movie, I beg you to let Stewart emote!!!!!
Trying hard for that Bella/Renée feels…actually it’s tragic that Bella never realized how dirty she had been done by having Renée as a mother
So many beautiful Brazilian compositions out there and many fun rhythms (the baión in my favorite) and they chose the most generic samba imaginable. Ahimè
Isle Esme looks nice. That’s it, but…yeah, it does
Do we really need a whole montage over Bella’s human minutes post sex scene? Nah, son. Some book-accurate details could have definitely been shortened. Also, that song is horrible
…Why do they look like there’s a green screen when they’re in the water? It’s so weird. Oh God…
🎶I’ve waited a hundred years 🎶 Oh God the horrible music is so on-point it’s cringe
Listen, I understand that some people were disappointed by the fade-to-black sex scene (I know I was in my tender years) but in hindsight it made the comedy of Edward’s angst and Bella riding on the vampire dick high so much better. You just don’t get that vibe in the movie.
Edward: “Bella, I can’t tell you how sorry I am.” 😐 Pattinson really dngaf
Bella: “Why can’t you see how perfectly happy I am???” Idk, Bella…maybe because you looked shocked and appalled when he revealed your bruises? Instead of being cutely bemused and nonchalant as you were in the books? Stewart’s acting choices really are questionable
They actually showed the reactions of the Ticuna housemaids to Bedward’s bedroom 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If movie movie’d properly they could have had a scene with Kaure warning her husband or something
I will say this for Pattinson’s Portuguese, it’s at least intelligible. So kudos, I guess
Book Edward: *burning man look, literally half-mad, will do anything so that Bella would survive* Movie Edward: 😔 So unserious
…Why the hell did they overlap the actors’ voices with the wolves’ growls???? It’s so damn corny. And these actors aren’t clearly voice actors…
So Movie Bella accepts that she will die and the baby will live (Book Bella meanwhile stuck to her plan and was adamant she and the fetus would both live), thereby fucking over Movie Edward and just being OOC in general. Meanwhile Movie Edward yells at Bella for her choice and slams the door. Kind reminder that no matter his hatred of the fetus Book Edward does help Bella and is always at her side, to the point where he rejects hunting with the rest of the family
They do portray Bella’s malnourished state well…I hope those bones on poor Stewart were not real
I’m so happy that they just got rid of Bella’s sense of humor through her pregnancy (“Hey, it’s good practice”) and her dark sense of humor in general. By happy, of course, I mean “fucking irked”
I like how awkwardly/casually they spring the “Edward can hear the fetus’s thoughts” thing and of course Patt!Edward just accepts this. Meanwhile Book Bella almost shrieked in surprise and Edward was having a second revelation.
So Movie Jacob wants Sam to take back Leah and Seth. He also decides now that he would kill Renesmee and tells Sam this. And this is somehow Jacob playing them for fools…? I don’t even know, this makes no sense. Why can’t Jacob and Leah and Seth guard the Cullens as in the book?
Edward: *stabs Bella’s stomach huge ass needle* “It’s my venom.” Why, movie? He looks like he’s impaled her! At least RPatt’s acting is good here
JACOB’S IMPRINTING VISION HAS ADULT RENESMEE FROLICKING, OH GOD. Movie truly took the worst possible route re: the imprinting. Nothing in the books justify this. And with corny editing too
The wolves attacking the Cullens was so stupid…movies always got to movie, I guess
The transformation sequence was okay…dislike the use of Bella’s Lullaby, though. Totally inappropriate for the pain and drama of the transformation.
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pop-punklouis · 1 year
did you like wake up sunshine? if so, what's changed since then? i don't really follow atl, just curious.
wake up sunshine is still such a solid album. it’s one of their best albums to date. imo it infuses so much of what made all time low great sonically and lyrically over their career but with more polish. especially off the back of the atrocious last young renegade concept album they released in 2017.
their newest record, tell me i’m alive, is just blatant radio chasing, younger audience baiting, and parched relevancy all mixed into one. so many of the lyrics make me physically cringe as they’re so vapid and juvenile for grown ass men in their 30s. like please tell me why we’re having lyrics such as “bite marks on my lip from kissing vampires” in songs now 💀 or completely ditching what they do best in the rock arena for oversaturated, plastic electronic production?? they’re too old and talented to be creating music this cheesy and lazy. it just feels like another last young renegade where they will dick around for three years before realizing (again) where their strengths lie. it just. isn’t good and there isn’t much to say about it besides knowing how painfully obvious it is they’re coughing up dust to try and hold onto their fanbase and garner new fans after the allegations and messy image they’ve had the past year. it’s embarrassing to see rip
but! there are still a few songs off the new album that remind me of old all time low and are just wickedly good. such as modern love or sleepwalking which plays to all their strengths or english blood/american heartache that is pumped full of sonic nostalgia or even the other side which genuinely feels like one of the best all time low songs they’ve ever inked. the melodies in this track are insane. but otherwise, it’s unfortunately garbage
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I’m honestly working the story and my Oc’s background information, because this is an old idea and an old story so please bare with some of the cringe! And I’m really jumping right into the story and I’ll upload her info once I get it finished! Thank yall for your patience!
    I walked onto the boardwalk, trying to find a tent to slip into to leave the crowd. I sighed as I pushed my way through the other teenagers  that were there. They were so annoying,  like most people my age but the surfers on the other hand were beyond aggravating and a hard to stomach at times. I don’t know how else to describe them besides that and that they are such arrogant dicks, and how most people really can’t stand them either. I  just try to steer clear of them, and don't fool with anyone affiliated with them because  nine times out of ten they’re insufferable too. I slipped into a tent with comic books, somewhat intrigued I begin to look around. Barely touching one comic before, "If your looking for the frozen yogurt bar, it closed down last summer." a voice rang out. I jumped slightly not expecting it but I turned towards the direction the voice was coming from, "Trust me I'm not. I also know it did. Seeing as I worked there last summer." I responded taking in the boy across for me appearance. He was average height with brown hair and a red bandanna draped across his forehead. 
    He raises an eyebrow at me, and looks off to the side. I turn my head to see another guy just standing there. He was a bit taller with lighter hair, i tilt my head slightly, "Yes?" I say. "Nothing. Just thinking." He replies and he looks away from me and back to what I’m assuming is his brother . I shrug and turn back to the first guy as well. After another moment of silence I open my mouth again to introduce myself. " Maiara. Its nice to meet you." I say. "Edgar Frog,and that's my brother Alan." Edgar says introducing himself and his brother with a jerk of his thumb. "Nice to meet you as well." Alan says dully. I brush it off with a smile.
"I honestly didn't know what this had turned into. I just wanted to get off the boardwalk. This setup is pretty nice though." I say. "Thanks. We run it for our parents." Edgar says.Something about the tone of his voice let me  know he was holding out on something with that statement,but I didn't say anything about it.I started looking around again for a little while answering a couple of questions Jerry and them and asking some in return. These two were quite the characters, I soon discovered. “ Hey Mar, I have another question for you.” Edgar says as he walks up to me once again, “Shoot.” I responded, not really thinking twice about my new nickname. “How do you feel about vampires?”  And I  can’t help but give him my full attention, I guess it was the sound of his voice that let me know it’s was a serious question. But I really didn’t have an answer, vampires weren’t something I thought about a lot. In a fictional or non fictional sense, “I can’t really say. I don’t think about them a lot to really form an opinion on them.” The brothers both stepped a little closer and something told me I wasn’t going to like what got said next, and I wanted an out. “Well we have something to change your mind-.” Edgar starts but I cut him off with a poorly timed excuse , "Thats  sounds cool but the crowd has settled a bit and I have to get back up the place I’m staying before it gets too dark!  See you later. Edgar and Alan." I say in a rush. "Later Maiara." They both say as i head out the tent. I know in hindsight i should have stayed to hear what he said but I don’t need any supernatural adventures to put on my plate. 
As I walk a little ways down from the tent and to the center of the boardwalk,   I stumbled onto a scuffle of sorts. An officer is choking a guy with his baton. I shake my head at the scene, lagging behind to see what happens, the cops says something to the blonde on his grasp and then o lets go of him. Saying something else that  I couldn't quite make out from where I was standing. I shift back a little bit more so I could   watch as they walked away without being spotted. They all seem to be collected despite being roughed up by the cop. And just when I think I’m home free I catch one of their eyes. My eyes widen and I hurried to look away from them. I couldn't  moved away fast enough from the carousel.  I wasn't meaning to attract attention to myself. 
   One I got past all of the attractions,  I hurried to my car, I struggled to get my keys out of my pocket. In the midst of me looking for my let’s, I felt someone watching me and a chill ran down my spine, hurrying my moments because I didn’t want to end up  on the back of a milk carton. With that thought I finally find my keys and leap into my car, shove the key into the ignition starting it, I got in and drove away from the boardwalk and to "Grandpa"  Emerson's house. I sped up  in part because I was on edge and slid because I already knew  that nobody was coming up or down the road. I got  there in one piece and got out of the car,and after making sure I locked my car doors,  I started walking up to the door with my key in hand, the feeling of being watching never once went away even as I drove so, as I turned the key I felt my heart beating even faster, like. I was on the verge of a panic attack. I breathed a sigh relief when I got in and locked the door. "Back late again I see. What's got you so shaken up this time?" "Grandpa" Emerson asks. "Nothing really. Just paranoid a little but I'm fine." I reply. "Okay. Well its time to hit the hay." He says. I chuckle at his words nodding my head. "Yeah sure." I say.  We both head up the stairs at our own pace and head our separate ways.  
   I watched her walk into the house with a smirk on my face. Her paranoia was radiating off of her in pools. The other boys were shifting in the trees and I began to chuckle. I heard the door lock click and I burst into laughter.  "Looks like sweet cheeks doesn't want to let us in any time soon. "  That makes the others howl with laughter. "Lets go. We have an annoying guard to deal with." I say. "He always spoils our fun." "And our  little fights." I just scoff as we take off. We get back to the boardwalk just in time to see him heading to his car. Too bad he'll never make it back home. We soop down on him just to scare him a little bit.
   He instantly begins to struggle to hurry himself up. He struggles to open his car door now that he has it unlocked. 'Pathetic.' I think. 'All bark yet no bite.' 'Lets kill him now.' 'Can we?' The boys look at me. 'Go for it.'  They instantly attack his car. Ripping of the roof and dragging him out. The guard kicking and screaming as they fly off with him. He's going to be so much fun to drain. I know that much, I turn my head to see golden rays peep out. Thats how i know its time to head back in. Time flies by fast when you're raising hell, don't it? 
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ja3hwa · 11 months
♡ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 | 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 ♡
【Synopsis】 : The aftermath of Seonghwa ravishing, you had left your thirsty. Good thing whole you wander through the large easte, a grumpy vampire is more than happy to help show you the kitchen. After all, he, too, is thirsty.
『Word count』 : 1.89k
-> Genre: Fantasy. Gore. Suggestive. Mafia au.  
Pairing: Vampire!Yeosang x Reader | Vampire!Seonghwa x Reader [Eventual Poly] 
[Warnings] : Mention of sex. Blood drinking. Kissing. Seonghwa is already whipped for the reader. Nakedness. Pet names. Swearing. Mention of death. Mention of gore scenes involving flesh being ripped from bone by teeth. (whoops) Blood drinking. Yeosang is a grumpy boy. Modern meets medieval
Part One | Masterlist | Mini Series Materlist | Navigation
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564 years later
Music infected the brain making it hard to hear your own thoughts. Liquor was everywhere. From the mouths of the drunk to the floor of the poor bar. Night clubs were where singles could find a chance to walk home with another and takens to hide their love affairs. It was sickening, to say the least. People throwing themselves at each other, hands falling to parts of the body only the private eye should take advantage of. Guess the saying "think with your dick" was invented at a club because all everyone does here is just that.
Yeosang sat quietly in the VIP lounge, sipping his drink while closely watching his entertainment for the evening. A piss poor excuse for humanity. He regrets agreeing to this ordeal now. Why couldn't San be the watchman or even Wooyoung? They love to spend time around humans. Especially when they get to drink off them. Yeosang was not the same. The idea of partying or drinking from a filthy human's neck, it scream disease in this era...
The thought makes Yeosang cringe. Have you ever tasted the flavour of a sexual disease in blood? It’s not pleasant. Bitter, tangy, and downright vial. Like tasting death. But alas no matter how much Yeosang pleaded his pain to the older males, they declined saying ‘We need you there tonight. Everyone else has their duties, now do yours’. Yeosang huffs reminding himself he needs to kill San and Wooyoung the next time he sees them.
His eyes wandered aimlessly at the passing face. One of his jobs here was not just to see who entered the club but to also do some side deals, moving drugs, importing expensive alcohol. You name it. So of course that means he had to deal with humans. Typical drunk humans. Typical horny drunk humans. Typical…. “Wait….” Yeosang cut off the cowardly man in front of him with the raise of his finger. His eyes locked on to a young woman dressed in black sitting at his bar. She was nursing a drink while another woman in a tight skimpy dress had caught her attention. They seemed to be chatting about something. More like yelling at one another but that was beside the point. The girl in black looked so familiar like he had met her before, a long time ago.
You shifted slightly, feeling an ache on your upper thighs. Your eyes were hazy, trying to look around the dim room. You felt a weight on your waist, making it hard to move. Your head turned to the side seeing Seonghwa’s peaceful face. You could still see some of your blood stained on his bottom lip. A tingle surged against your neck, reminding you about the small wound on it. Hwa hadn’t full-on bit you like vampires would normally do to their prey but the idea still lingered on your mind. He was a beast that had fed from you, slept with you and you like it? Something must be wrong with you.
“I can feel you staring at me.” His voice was deeper, more gravelled. It sent shivers down your spine. But you didn’t know how to answer, so instead, you leaned in closer, sealing your lips on his. He gladly took them, deepening the sensual yet passionate kiss. It didn’t last as long as Seonghwa would have liked though, as you pulled away you spoke softly.
“I’m going to go get a drink.” You shifted once again but this time, pulling away from Hwa’s bare body. He whined in the loss of your warmth but you just giggled reassuring him you wouldn’t be long.
“Are you sure you don’t need me to go with you? It’s still sunny out. No one will be awake other than our workers.” He yawned clearly still in rest mode. Once again you eased his mind by saying if you needed help you’re sure one of the workers would help. And as you finished chatting to a sleepy Seonghwa while putting on your sleepwear, you left, slowly making your way down the hall. It might been dim inside but the sun was slinking its way in through some of the curtains as you passed them. One by one, until you reached the end of the seemingly never-ending hallway. It dawned on you that maybe you should have taken Seonghwa’s advice about him going with you or maybe just asked him which direction was the kitchen.
Huffing out, you place your hands on either side of your hips, trying to think about where it could possibly be but your thoughts don’t last long as a tall man with thick biceps and slicked back hair that seemed to have a slight tinge of green in it appeared suddenly. He was very handsome, just like the others and the minute he closed the door behind him he knew you were in the all with him. A low grumble surged through him, making the vibrations disturb the ground, shocking its way up your legs. H was intimidating but you weren’t scared. If anything you felt safer with the idea of creatures like him roaming around, making you aware no human from your village and by that you mean your mother, would have no second thought in coming to the ruined castle.
“Wooyoung was right, you do have a staring problem.” His sharp voice made your heart sting a little. He seemed uninterested in you compared to the others. Which you didn’t mind but part of you wanted to know why? What made him feel different?
“I uh…” He had caught you so suddenly, that you probably looked like a deer in headlights from his perspective which made a sly smile paint his god-like features.
“Cat got your tongue, human?” He made it painfully aware to you that he was no mortal like you, showing off his fangs in the smile. His eyes were glowing and he was clearly not in the mood for small talk. Taking a few steps, he was suddenly in front of you. You could finally take in some details noting he was still wearing outing clothes instead of sleepwear. It only then dawned on you, that he was either Hongjoong or Yeosang. The vampires you hadn’t met yet. his smirk faded quickly, huffing out a shallow breath. He took one last step in front of you, chest to chest to him. Letting you feel his breath on your cheek, your heart started racing. You could smell death around him as if he had been hunting recently. His eyes staring at you harshly, such a familiar gaze. And then you realized as you noticed some of the blood stains sticking out from his undershirt who he was…
“Y-You are the one I saw last night. The one that bit…” Your voice was slacked and shaky, with your eyes wide. His pupils were blown out, with his iris’s changing from a brown to a deep red. His fingers dance along your exposed collarbone, dragging up over the already healed where Seonghwa had pricked you a couple of hours ago.
“Oh no, Pet…” His chuckle was dark, seductive. “I ripped his jugular out.” His words made your breath hitch, imagining long teeth shredding flesh down to the bone against Lucas’s neck. His face tilted down towards your neck, rubbing his nose against your skin. “He tasted fowl, tainted. I’m surprised if he lasts the day.” his tongue licked a stripe up your hot neck, taking in your scent.
“He’s still alive?” Again with the stupid questions. Did you even care about knowing? Why would you want to know about the life of a guy who could have done such terrible things to you?
“For now…” He pulled away with a groan, his hands holding your waist. “Sadly Hongjoong had patched him enough so if he is…'strong', then I guess he’ll live.” It fell silent for a moment, you had no idea how to respond. So he was Yeosang and from what you’ve heard, he was known for having a temper. “Enough about him. I’m more interested in why Hwa didn’t bite you properly. Hmm? All that talk about being your first for everything and oh I mean everything. Yet he didn’t drink from you?”
Your face was flustered at his words. Seonghwa wanted to be your first in everything. How long have these men been watching you? You gulped, not breaking eye contact with the vampire. His lip was sucking in tightly between his teeth, taking in yet another deep breath, as if he needed to get your scent in his system to live. “I guess he wouldn’t mind if I took the offer.”
Your eyes widened, feeling his grip tighten on your hips. One hand freed itself, snaking out to the back of your neck, pulling your head to the side sharply. You hissed at his forcefulness but did not dare to voice any such uncomfortableness, not wanting him to push away from your aching body. He didn’t waste another breath, not caring whether you even wanted this or not, licking a strip along your main vein before his long sharp fangs sank into your soft flesh.
“Y-Yeo…” You squirmed against him, the pain was nothing like you experienced before. It wasn’t a burning pain like a broken bone or a sprained ligament but a dizzy pain. One that is mixed with pleasure, or euphoric notions. You felt like your brain was in the clouds, untouched, protected. His grip got tighter, the hand that held your hip was now wrapped around your middle, caging you in his tight grasp. Your fingers dig into his shoulders, pulling at his tunic. His groans rumbled in your ears, making your core wet.
He finally pulled back, blood pouring down his chin, staining his button-up and neck. His groans were music to your ears, the velvet vocals melting your brain. “Fuck pet, if I’d kept going I’d drink you dry. I’ve never tasted such sweetness.” He lapped at your wounds, cleaning any blood that had spilled out down your collarbone. The air seemed thinner to you, while your heart was racing, trying to pump more blood in you from the large amount you had just lost. “I wonder if other parts of you hold such palatableness.”
You had no clue the meaning behind his rambles, but if they meant anything like Seonghwa’s charming words, you soon realized where it makes you end up. He finally lets go of your head, your neck completely clean to the best of his abilities. Sadly he couldn’t say the same about your pj’s. one a nice baby blue, now covered in crimson. Your head was dizzy but no longer just from the loss of blood but more so from the intoxicating undead beast holding your caringly. Your body was yearning for him, like some sickness, wanting nothing other than these vampiric men. Not one, not two, but all of them.
Yeosang couldn’t control his feet, weaving quickly through the crowd, trying to get to the hypnotic woman sitting at the bar, but as he finally pushed the last drunk pig of a human past him, the woman was gone. He stood there for a moment, in disbelief. Was he dreaming? Was he losing his mind? Becoming unattached from the world? Raking his fingers through his hair he sighed out a frustrating growl, needing to contact someone. Holding his finger in his ear and the phone to the other, he searched through his contacts, but no one seemed to answer not until one did, “Jongho I think I just saw her…”
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brightjin · 4 years
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neochan · 2 years
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PAIRING | haechan x reader
SYNOPSIS | you've had your eye on haechan for a while. who knew a costume frat party would be the time you got to have him.
WC | 2.8k
WARNINGS | alcohol, bunny pet name, panty biting, oral fem receiving, slight nipple play, choking, he spanks reader one time, big dick!haechan, reader calls him daddy once, breeding kink (no mention of pregnancy or kids), acts like a typical dude at the end lmao
A.N | happy hyuck day !
“I won’t bite. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.”
A deep voice tickles your ear, making you whip your head around. Haechan stands tall, eyes glinting with mischief; his plastic glow-in-the-dark fangs are bared to you in a wide smile. His hands are occupied with two drinks, one which is slightly extended to you.
“Ha Ha.” you say dryly, and snatch the plastic solo cup out of his hand.
The last party of the school year and here you were listening to pathetic jokes from a poorly costumed vampire. You couldn't brag about yours though, the play boy bunny ears were constantly sliding off your head, and the faux tail kept getting pulled by obnoxious frat boys.
Looking around you take it all in. Last party of the semester ... last party with him.
Lee Donghyuck, the boy you can't seem to get out of your head even though he was oblivious to it all. He stood in front of you, handsomer than you've ever seen. Clad in a white button up spotted with fake blood and a black cape tied around his throat by a matching ribbon, all you wanted to do was rip those clothes off of him, but you couldn't. It was out of the question - especially here.
The frat house wasn't exactly the best place for hooking up. Downstairs was cluttered with people and alcohol; basically one big open room, and upstairs was where coke heads took their turns bumping lines. The bathrooms were absolutely nasty and usually covered in piss and vomit by the time you actually wanted to fuck someone.
Who were you kidding? You'd never get the chance to fuck Haechan so there was no use worrying about where the best place was.
You take a sip of your drink, cringing at the bitter burn that slides down your throat, "Is this just straight Titos?" you splutter.
He shrugs nonchalantly, nodding towards the kitchen, "They were all out of mixers."
"Not surprised" You murmur, throwing your head back and drinking the rest in one swallow. Usually the alcohol was gone by now anyways, it was a surprise he came back with Titos.
Haechan's eyes watch you admiringly, twinkling when you spill some of the alcohol down your chin.
"You know," he starts, "This party is kind of lame." He fiddles with the tied bow of his cape for a second before continuing, "I was wondering if you just want to come back to my place and chill?"
Your eyebrows shoot up on their own accord. Was the boy you've had a crush on the last four years asking you to go back to his place?"
"How sober are you?" you question.
"Stone cold."
"Prove it."
"Come back to my place and I'll show you how sober I am."
His words shock you, heat creeping into your cheeks and flushing through your entire body. You can feel your knees go weak.
"I mean, if you want to, that is." his smile stretches from ear to ear, the fangs glowing a bright green.
"Are you going to fuck me?" you ask coyly. It's satisfying to see the way his smile drops and his cheeks grow red, but the next words out of his mouth aren't shy at all.
"Oh little bunny... I'm gonna absolutely ruin you."
Your back hits the wall alarmingly hard, but you don't even notice. All you can focus on right now is Haechans soft lips moving against your own at a pace way too fervent for the amount of alcohol coursing through your blood. The lack of oxygen leaves you dizzy, fingertips running over his shoulders, trying to steady yourself. His own graze over the supple flesh of your thighs left exposed by your costume.
The bunny ears and fangs are gone now, leaving you both to meld into each other. His lips move from yours to travel down your throat which finally allows you to take a deep breath.
"Fuck Haechan." you whisper, your hands coming up to pull at the hair tickling the nape of his neck. It sends goosebumps down his spine but he doesn't tell you, just keeps giving you wet kisses against your throat and collarbone. By the end of the night he wants you to be painted in bruises.
"You like my tongue?" he coos, darting it out to lick a wet stripe from the base of your neck to your ear lobe, nibbling it just a bit to make you shudder. He ruts against you, and you gasp. You can feel every inch of him through the thin material of his pants - and he's big. You groan and pull him close, capturing his lips in another kiss. He tasted like you always dreamed of - like a cherry blow pop. He did have a thing for those after all.
He pulls away, leaning his forehead against your own, "How about I show you what my tongue can really do?" his trademark grin spreads across his face, almost daring you to accept his offer.
"N- No, I need you in me." You whimper.
"Little bunny wants my cock, hm?"
All of a sudden you feel the floor fall out beneath you, and for a second you think you've passed out because of your alcohol consumption, but all is right when you realize that Haechan has picked you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and throw your arms around his neck squealing at the sensation of being carried.
It's just a few steps to the bed and in no time he's laying you down gently, body caging you against his soft sheets.
"You shouldn't have worn lingerie to the party." He growls, eyes drinking in the sight of your body for the thousandth time tonight, "Other guys shouldn't see you like this."
You roll your eyes, "It was a dress up party, what else was I supposed to wear?"
"A potato sack?" he offers.
"You wouldn't have wanted to fuck me if I wore that."
He's directly overtop of you now, the cross chain around his throat swinging in your face, accidentally brushing the tip of your nose. "I've wanted to fuck you since the moment we met. A potato sack is nothing."
"Then stop talking about it and do it." You groan.
You don't need to ask him twice because as soon as the last word is out of your mouth he's quickly unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it across the room. His cape and pants follow suit and soon he's overtop of you in only boxers. They hid nothing to the imagination, the outline of his cock painfully obvious.
"I think it's your turn bunny."
When you go to undo your bra he stops you, "Let me do it." With ease Haechan undoes your bra and soon your upper body is bare to him, "You're so fucking hot." He groans, dipping his heads down to take one of your perky nipples in his mouth.
The feeling of his hot tongue against your sensitive bud is enough to make you arch up against him, and again, you can feel every inch of him. The thought of how big he is makes your thighs clench together, heat pooling in your panties.
His tongue roves across your skin, sucking harshly. At one point he rolls your nipple between his teeth and it's like nothing you've ever felt.
"Haechan please!" you whine, lifting you hips so maybe he'll get the hint that you want him in you now.
He chuckles, lips skimming down your stomach until they hover right above the waistband of your panties. He looks at you through his dark eyelashes, honey brown eyes glinting with mischief.
"Don't worry bunny, I'm just as impatient, trust me." and with that he sinks his canines into your waistband and drags your panties down. Its unbearably hot, the sight of Haechan holding your panties in his mouth, but as you're whining and moving your legs restlessly, he spits them onto the floor and shoves your thighs apart.
"Just one taste, okay?"
You furiously nod your head and he wastes no time attaching his lips to your core to suckle on your clit.
White hot pleasure shoots through you, "Oh fuck!"
His tongue moves against you with grace, swirling patterns against your swollen clit. Two of his fingers disappear between your legs, easily sliding into you with how wet you were. The stretch of his fingers mixed with his tongue is enough to send you over the edge but you hold back.
"D- Don't wanna cum on your fingers." you whimper, eyes fluttering shut.
He pulls away from you completely, letting you gather your thoughts, "Cum on my cock then." He throws a wink at you before ridding himself of his boxers, and when you catch sight of him you gasp.
Never in all your years of knowing him did you think he was going to be this big. His cock stands tall against his abdomen, his pretty pink tip leaking precum.
He must have seen your eyes widen because he chuckles, "Understand why I wanted to eat you out a little first?"
Dumbly you nod your head, "I want you to fuck me."
"Bunny, you've said that already."
The muscles in his stomach contract when he palms his hard on, slowly stroking himself. Air hisses between his teeth when he touches his tip, eyes fluttering closed with the sensation.
You pout, throwing your fists against the comforter, "Then why're you taking your time!!"
Leaning overtop of you, your eyes following his every move, he lines himself up you’re your entrance, teasing you a bit before gently pushing into you, "Been thinking about this for a while, just wanted to do it right." He grits his teeth, the overwhelming urge to just completely bottom out and fuck into you almost overtaking the rational side of his brain.
The fact that he had been thinking about this almost as much as you sends a tingle through your body. It was nice to know the attraction was mutual and not just a one night stand the last night you were supposed to see each other.
You inhale sharply, the sensation of his thick cock stretching you out making you lose touch with reality. You fumble to grip onto something and end up using his shoulders as a grounding spot. Your nails dig into his honey golden skin, surely leaving red crescents for him to later discover.
He pushes into you slowly, inch by inch, until he’s completely buried in your cunt. You were so fucking wet, Haechan didn’t know how long he was going to be able to play nice for.
"You don't have to be gentle. I won't break.” You whisper.
Guess he didn’t have to play long.
“I don’t plan on being gentle.” He grunts, pulling out of you completely just to slam back into you, a piercing moan falling from your lips, “I said I was gonna ruin you, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing .”
He starts thrusting into you fast, his hips slamming into yours, the sound of skin slapping against skin permeating the otherwise still air. The chain around his throat keeps hitting your nose and at one point he grabs it and throws it over his shoulder. He can’t be bothered with little shit like that when he has such a pretty fucking girl underneath him.
His hands are braced on either side of your face, fingers twisting the fabric of the sheets, bunching it up until he’s clenching it in his fist. You feel so goddamn good, so tight, so wet … for him.
“Haechan! Fuck, you’re so big.” Sobs wrack your chest, eyes going crossed as he pounds into you, one hand wrapping itself around your throat. He squeezes a little and takes satisfaction in the way your eyelids flutter.
He shushes you, “I know bunny, I know. Just take it, I know you can.” He dips down to kiss you, his lips perfectly aligning with yours, “You’re doing so well. Being such a good girl for me.” He mumbles against you.
You feel the band in your stomach start to tighten, and between that and Haechans words, you put your hand on his stomach trying to get him to slow his movements.
He glances down, “Move your hand.”
“No, It’s too much.” You squeak out, but he doesn’t care.
“I said move your fucking hand.” With each word he thrusts all the way into you, brushing your g-spot every time.
You don’t listen to him, instead pushing against his abdomen even harder. He retaliates by closing his fist a little tighter, cutting off even more oxygen. The lack sends you into a head high, eyes crossing again, but you refuse to give in.
A dry laugh leaves his lips, “Fine.” He pulls out of you completely and taps your hip, “Flip over.”
Completely struck by how hot he was commanding you, you comply and flip over, face down ass up. He pushes back into you without warning, forcing your body to shoot forward. “Give me your hands.” He groans, reaching for your wrists. When they’re securely in his hand, he uses the leverage to fuck into you deeper.
“Fuck!” you cry.
“Take it little bunny.” He grunts, letting go of your wrists and pushing your face into his pillows instead. His scent fills your nostrils – cherry blow pops and some kind of cologne. Feeling his cock filling you up mixed with the intense smell of him sends you into another head high.
Your walls clench around him every time he thrusts into you and it almost makes him lose his mind, but there was something he wanted to do first. He stills his movements inside of you, leaving you panting.
“Why’d you stop?” you moan, but you’re sure the pillow muffled you too much for him to make out what you said so you start moving on your own accord. He lets go of your head and throws his arms up behind his own, admiring the way you back up against him.
"Yeah, that's right, throw that ass back little bunny."
The sight is almost enough to make him cum, but he holds back, gazing at the way your pussy swallows him.
You were growing impatient. This wasn’t filling your needs like before, “Haechan!!” you whine.
“Yeah, yeah.” He spits, grabbing a handful of your ass and fucking into you faster now. He couldn’t contain himself; you were just that fucking hot. "Want me to fill you up?” he whispers, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. When he sees you shake your head as much as the pillows can allow, his mind turns crazed, "Gonna watch it drip out of your pretty pussy."
Your arms are thrust out to the side, gripping the sheets between your fingers, “Please Haechan! Want your cum so bad. Need it, please!”
"God you're such a slut." He groans, “Love the way your ass moves when I fuck into you.” One of his hands smacks your ass, a thin pain spreading throughout your bottom.
Your high-pitched moans rang throughout the room, pushing Haechan closer to his orgasm.
“Want you to fill me up daddy!” the name slips from your tongue too easily for Haechan to ignore it… not like he could though, because it tickles the right part of his brain and soon, he’s emptying ropes of cum into you.
The thought of him filling you up and then realizing it was actually happening has you clutching the sheets for dear life as your own orgasm wracks through you. Your walls spasm around him, milking every last drop from him.
For a second nobody moves and all you can hear is Haechan breathing rapidly as he tries to come down from his high. You shift so that your face is turned to the side, and you can finally breathe but you start laughing instead. “This… this is not how I thought the night was gonna go.”
“Me neither.” He agrees.
Slowly, he pulls out of you, making sure not to get any on the sheets below him. You flip over on your back and reach a hand over the edge of the bed fishing for a shirt or something to clean yourself up with. You end up grabbing one of Haechans shirts to which he just shrugs and lets you do your thing.
When you’re done you toss it into the corner of his room, not caring where it lands.
“God that was so good.” He smiles over at you, eyes crinkling in the corner.
You hum in response, eyelids fluttering shut. The alcohol in your system mixed with the workout you just did has left you exhausted and all you were craving was sleep.
“You can stay here tonight. I’m sure we have a lot to talk about in the morning.” He says softly, one arm propped up, watching as you slowly slip away into dreamland, the promise of tomorrow with the boy you’ve liked for the past four years sure to bring you happy dreams.
A.N | happy haechan day!!!! i wanted to give you guys something a little special bc of the celebration! i heard he got covid though so i hope he recovers fast </3 also.. send feedback please.
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kooksbliss · 3 years
How about vampire Jungkook saving reader when another vampire tries to drain her dry? Perhaps some sexual tension between Jungkook and his damsel in distress too. Maybe Jungkook is a little thirsty for her blood as well. I'm open to smut but you do you and write what feels good to you.
⇢ pairing: vampire!jungkook x reader
⇢ genre: friends to lovers, suggestive content
⇢ type: oneshot/request
⇢ word count: 1.4k
⇢ summary: getting cheated on was not fun, and after finding out your best friend who you've secretly had a crush on is a vampire, you are in for a night you won't forget.
⇢ warnings: some cursing, cheating, drinking, harassment, suggestive, some sexual tension, one action of grinding, not proof read
a/n: hello! thank you so much for this request i enjoyed writing it! i hope it was up to your standards and that you like it ~
— posted 03.6.2022
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those white digital numbers stared at you as you turned your phone on. looking away as soon as you see your lockscreen. your heart clenched as you find your eyes moistened for what seemed like the 100th time just tonight. thoughts filled with what you did wrong, how you were an awful girlfriend, the cause of your three year boyfriend to cheat.
about four hours ago, you were in your apartment getting ready to go out for dinner with your lovely boyfriend. it was just a simple outing, the two of you have been so busy with school and work that once the weekend rolled around you suggested to go out for dinner. it took a bit of convincing at first but he agreed as well as setting the time and place.
everything was fine.
so why. why are you at a lowly bar crying and drinking? oh right. because when he left you waiting at the restaurant for forty-five minutes with no call or text you were worried, like any good girlfriend would be.
pulling into his apartment building you saw his car which further hinted to your confusion, using the spare key you have you hesitantly opened the door hoping that nothing was wrong. you were worried sick that something may have happened to your boyfriend, you canceled your saturday movie night with your best friend, jungkook for the dinner with your boyfriend.
“honey? are you home?” your voice rang out in what you thought was an empty apartment, no sign of him anywhere. “hone-” your voice catching itself in its throat. no, maybe you misheard… that wasn’t.
“ah yes, don't stop.” an unknown woman's voice pierced your ears confirming the suspicion in your head. your wet cheeks was the only thing that brought you back to reality. firming your hand against your throat you ripped your necklace that he had given you for your birthday, letting the pearls scatter throughout the floor. one last look around the apartment that you’d be damned to see again, pulling out your phone clicking the “block” button you turn to the door slamming it with all your strength.
you wanted to call jungkook and tell him all about your dick of a boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now. but you couldn’t, you canceled your plans tonight with him and you don’t want him to feel like a second option. and well you really didn’t have any other friends to turn to, well none that actually cared enough about your feelings so, what did you turn to? the thing that you knew wouldn't let you down.
“another drink miss?” the bartender brought you out of your night replaying in your head. “no thanks, i think this” you say, mentioning the glass in your hand, “will be my last one.” the bartender just looks at you and shrugs moving on to his next customers. you weren’t drunk you wanted to remember some things but you definitely weren't sober, just buzzed enough to numb your pain, even by a little.
“you ladies better watch out, there’s been vampire sightings out here.” you overhear a very drunken man say to two girls that were across from you at the bar. “oh, well maybe i want to get bitten by a hot sexy vampire!” she drunkenly states giggling to her friend.
the whole conversion made you cringe but you’ve also heard about these vampire sightings at first you didn’t believe it. but it’s been months and there’s still reports growing now more than ever, so sure you were a bit skeptical but you had your guard up.
drinking the last of your contains your lazily get off the stool, closing your open tab with the bar. pulling down your dress you made your way to the door, stepping outside breathing in the fresh air you open your phone to call a cab.
“hey beautiful, where you off to?” you resist the urge to roll your eyes, being much too tired from crying, you decided to not answer.
looking up you see two men looking directly at you, sudden fear washes over you as you notice there was no one is around, sure you could run back inside you aren’t that far from the door. turning your heel you start fast walking to the door just to run into a chest, looking up you see one of the men who was definitely not there before, “how…” you began to ask just as you felt a sharp pain through your shoulder, “what the fuck?” did this man just cut you?
“yeah the bar is right around this corner!” some voices broke the silence, to your dismay you were pulled away into an alleyway. “hurry up and suck her blood. we don't have much time there’s people coming.” what. there’s no way. “right, hey now no need to look so scared. i’ll make it as painless as possible.”
“in your dreams asshole.” you say mustering up all your strength and kicking him as you attempt to run out of the alleyway, “somebody help!” and that’s as far as you got before you're slammed against the brick wall, “do that again and you are dead, you hear me?!” tears filling up your eyes you simply nod, seriously fuck your boyfriend for putting you in this mess. “don’t cry, heh you smell so delicious that i’ll forgive you.” feeling him near your shoulder you brace yourself for the worst.
suddenly the man is ripped off of you and thrown to the ground, “don’t you ever lay your hands on her!” a voice, a voice you know all too well made you look up, “jungkook?” eyes glazed over you can barely see him but one thing you do notice is the piercing red eyes that stare back at you. “dude let’s go, there's no point now.” and with that the men disappear to the end of the alley.
“those bastards.” jungkook says getting ready to chase after them, “jungkook no it’s o-okay.” you choke down a sob, what a night. “oh beautiful.” he says wiping your tears, “i thought you were having dinner tonight? what are you doing here and at this hour?” you look up into his eyes, still red but much lighter than before. “jungkook?” for some reason you already know the answer but you want the confirmation, “are you um…”
“a vampire? yeah.” his answer, simple. “are you scared now? i’m sorry i didn’t tell you before-”
“-i was just worried that you wouldn’t be friends with me and.”
“jungkook shut up before i kiss you.” you say rolling your eyes once he stops and stares at you like a deer caught in headlights, “and no i’m not scared because i know it’s you. but i know… jungkook, what are you doing?” your breath hinges as he gets close to your shoulder resting his head against it. “jungkook?” you ask a bit more worried.
“excuse me? jungkook, seriously what’s wrong with you?” you say moving up as he grabs you keeping you in place. “fuck yn just don’t move.” he says taking in a deep breath letting out a chuckle, “well that bastard was right about something, you do smell delicious.” his red eyes meeting yours again.
after staring into each other you were the one to break the silence “we broke up.” you say eyes not once leaving his, saying this surprised yourself but you couldn't care. “he, uh he cheated on me.”
“yeah? now why would he be so stupid to cheat when he had you? anyways, it's his loss.” he glances down to your lips before back into your eyes. you had to admit you always had feelings for jungkook but he was your best friend and way out of your league, but now here he is dressed in all black, wavy hair covering his crimson eyes, looking amazing as ever. “fuck beautiful, i know this is not a good time but fucking hell do i want to taste you.” he says practically growling.
your eyes widened at this did he mean your blood leaking out of your shoulder or something else? blushing at the thought, jungkook raises an eyebrow at you almost as if knowing what you are thinking and calming says, “well there's a couple of things i want to taste.”
“do it, taste me jungkook.” if his eyes could get anymore red they just did, they were glowing. “fuck, do you even know what you are doing to me?" he says grinding into you earning a whine from you. "not here, my place or yours?” he says caressing the hem of your dress.
your mind was foggy, were you really about to do something with jungkook, your best friend? but that didn’t stop you from answering, “yours.”
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (2/?)
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Description: James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
Warning: Sexual assault, mention of an anxiety attack.
Word Count: 1641
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It turns out you definitely can't do this. Working in retail sucks, majorly. Customers are so awful to you and other employees as well. You didn't make the products, you don't control the prices, then why should you listen to them rant about it all day?
This job was from 9 am to 4 pm, which reminded you a lot of your previous job. By the time you got home, you were exhausted mentally and physically. Your current schedule was eerily similar to your previous lifestyle, which left you with no time to work on your book.
You felt like you were stuck in an insufferable loop that you just can't seem to escape no matter how hard you try. You thought about Mr. Barnes a lot, too. If only you weren't so egoistic and been a little nicer, then maybe you could have had that job.
With each passing day, you were becoming desperate. The only reason why you didn't run to Mr. Barnes a week ago was your pride. A pride that would not let you bow down to that rude, egoistic asshole.
It's like the universe could hear your thoughts and the devil himself walked through the doors of the store. Fuck, he can't see you here. He's going to think you're some nut job who's chasing stupid dreams after having an excellent degree. At least that's what your parents think.
You were about to run and hide behind an aisle when the voice you knew too well called out for you.
"Hey, do you know where I could find-"
"You," He said, without an emotion. "What are you doing here?"
You pointed towards the badge with the name tag on your shirt and mouthed working.
"Why?" You pretended to think, "I don't know, I interviewed for this other job about a week ago, but the boss was an ass."
"You lied to me," he stated as if it wasn't the most obvious thing.
"Gee, sorry, dad."
"You're doing it again."
"Doing what again?" You questioned.
" Diverging a question with a joke," He answered with an unaffected tone like he was studying you and your reaction.
"You know who I am." he stated. It should have been a question, but both of you were aware of what he meant.
"A vampire?" You mocked. He didn't look like one though, but hey, neither did Edward nor Stefan. But God, those steel-blue eyes could drink you up and you wouldn't complain. Focus.
For the first time you saw an emotion on his face that wasn't unaffected or bored, he was confused. Of course, he was confused, you were referencing twilight to a mob boss (you think, you weren't sure, but that's all you could gather from all the articles you found about him online).
"I need that job," you confessed. " I know it's not very convincing, but I need you to trust me-"
He raised a brow at that and his lips turned into a smirk. God, you wished you could swipe off that smirk from his stupidly handsome face.
"But you don't trust me, " you stated dejectedly and started turning around. "You wanted something? "
In an instant, his hand wrapped around your wrist gently, stopping you in your tracks. You ignored the involuntary shudder that ran through you and immediately yanked your hand out of his grasp.
You turned around and were about to give him a piece of your mind about how he shouldn't just come to your place of work and touch you without consent. He clearly guessed your thoughts and cut in.
"Clint Barton, the manager, he will tell you everything you need to know about bartending and handling the customers."
Did he just hire you? What changed between this and your previous meeting with him?
And just like that, he left. There was a part of you that wanted to say fuck off I don't need your help, but you knew better, so you went to that club later that evening. You found the Manager, Clint. He told you he was expecting your arrival and that made you feel weird because Mr. Barnes was totally opposite the day you met.
Your new job required you to be at work from 8 pm to 3 am, which was ideal for you. You usually reach home and pass out till 4 in the morning and wake up around noon. This schedule gave you a lot of time to work on your book.
You ended up making friends with some other people that work there as well. Wanda was the smart, sarcastic one that you'd have died to have as a friend in high school. Pietro, her twin brother, was also nice, a bit fast and impatient, but he was nice to you. Peter looked very young, but he knew what he was doing and he'd help you out a lot. That kid had a lot of energy and adrenaline, which surprised you every time he'd be done with work way before you.
You didn't see Mr. Barnes frequently. You saw him one time entering the club, and you tried to give him a smile which he ignored and went straight to his office upstairs. And then you decided to ignore him as well. It wasn't like you to be petty, okay, maybe you were being petty, but in your defense, he started it.
You were finishing up cleaning the table and were about to call it a day when a man you didn't recognize, probably wasn't a regular, came in asking for a drink.
"I'm sorry, sir. We're closed." You told him politely.
"Whiskey on the rocks."
You wanted to refuse him again, but you stopped yourself when he came into your sight. He didn't look like the kind of man who'd take your no seriously. He looked just as intimidating as Mr. Barnes, even more, but Mr. Barnes knew his boundaries, whereas this man in front of you evidently didn't. You could tell this by the way his gaze was slowly taking your body in and stopping a little longer at your cleavage.
You wanted to cringe and curse yourself for choosing to wear a top like that in a place filled with drunk men. The smarter part of your brain told you that he can go fuck himself, and you shouldn't think about men when you dress up. Women are entitled to wear whatever they want to and fuck men and people who tell them otherwise.
Carefully, you made his drink and handed it to him. His hand lingered on yours while taking the glass from you, and you wanted to just throw the drink across his face. His gaze remained on your chest even when you fixed your top and coughed twice to call his behavior out.
"What time do you get off?" he asked, eyes still on your chest.
Is this guy for real? , you thought.
"Um, this is highly inappropriate and I think you should leave now because I have to call it a night." you rejected politely, raising your hand towards the door, hoping he'd leave.
He chuckled darkly, his stare still drinking in your body as if you were a piece of meat, and it made you very, very uncomfortable. He obviously wasn't taking no for an answer, and you had no clue what to do. You were the only person left, and you didn't even know who to ask for help.
"Come on, baby girl," he said, walking towards you and forcefully snaking his hands around your waist to settle on your hips. " Don't make this harder than it should be. "
"No!" you yelled, pushing him away and creating some distance between you.
"Hard way it is then," he decided, walking towards you and forcefully holding the hem of your shirt in his hands to remove it. You struggled, yelled, and pushed him off you again. He furiously lunged forward towards you and hit you hard across the face. "Fucking bitch."
"Rumlow!" a voice boomed from behind you, and you hated yourself for being in such a vulnerable state. As much as you tried not to, tears welled up in your eyes and you hated being the helpless damsel in distress.
"Get the fuck out of here." the familiar voice ordered.
"Chill, Barnes. We were just having a little fun," the man known as Rumlow reasoned nonchalantly. "Besides, it's not my fault if she wears clothes like this."
You were all about feminism and how women should be treated equally with respect despite their attire, but at that moment you hated yourself for choosing that deep-neck shirt this morning.
"I'm not going to chill while you sexually harass my employees, so get the fuck out of here," Mr. Barnes warned again.
You closed your eyes and hoped that maybe this was a shitty dream and you'd wake up in your bed and have an anxiety attack because of the nightmare. You hoped that maybe the ground beneath you would open up and swallow you, so you could just not think about this ever.
You heard two sets of footsteps faintly in the background, one dragging its way away from you and the other rushing towards you. Furthermore, you didn't have it in you to open your eyes and meet the ocean blue ones that you knew were waiting for you.
In your head, you had already taken up the blame. The verdict came out the moment his gaze landed on your chest that it was your fault that you wore this shirt. Of course, if you were thinking right, you would have realized that you were undoubtedly the victim here and Rumlow was an asshole who assaulted you, but in your helpless state, your mind decided you were at fault here.
TAGS: @bananapipedreams​
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shatteredhourglass · 2 years
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Winterhawk Bingo Round 3 - Masterpost - shatteredhourglass
we did it, lads! check under the readmore for the full list of fics (and links) or the series on ao3 - and make sure you check out @winterhawkbingo​ for the other great creations brought on by this event. thank you mods for another great whb season!
B1 (Slutty Clint) - touch, touch, touch Summary: Turns out single-bed motel rooms on missions aren't always conducive to getting laid, as much as Clint's trying to make it that way. (E Rating, 2,544 Words)
I1 (Little Dick Bucky Barnes) - mouth where your money is Summary: Clint keeps thinking about it. And then he thinks about it some more. (E Rating, 1,685 Words)
N1 (DC Comics AU) - The Joke(’s on You) Summary: The Harlequin is a clown-faced criminal, a merciless mercenary, and the most favoured pet of Joker. He causes misfortune and mayhem for all those that come close enough to see his terrible grin, and leads a successful life of crime with the equally infamous Poison Ivy at his side. Peace, happiness, diamonds - nothing is safe from those black and red gloves. There is no Clint Barton. There is no James 'Bucky' Barnes. ...or is there? (E Rating, 5,354 Words)
G1 (Gradually Moving in Together) - the mirror and the lights and the smoke clear Summary: “A kid just took a picture with me,” Clint says. “On purpose.” “Sounds like you need some sushi,” Bucky offers. (T+ Rating, 2,967 Words)
O1 (Senior Citizen Discount) - Entertainment’s Free Summary: If things keep going like this, Steve's going to pluck out his eyeballs. Clint's... slightly less opposed to Bucky's sexual reawakening. (E Rating, 6,079 Words)
B2 (Metal Arm Malfunction) - BANG! Chapter 5: Then Summary: The Winter Soldier has gone missing while on mission. A special team with a set of unique abilities have been sent to retrieve him. What could possibly go wrong? (E Rating, 40,256 Words)
I2 (Kobik) - BANG! Chapter 10: Now Summary: The Winter Soldier has gone missing while on mission. A special team with a set of unique abilities have been sent to retrieve him. What could possibly go wrong? (E Rating, 40,256 Words)
N2 (Biting) - make me feel alive Summary: Bucky cringes a little, because it’s embarrassing to admit he’s still thinking about it – and because if Clint doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he’s definitely not going to be able to bring it up again without fleeing from the room. Vampire sex. What’s wrong with him? (E Rating, 3,736 Words)
G2 (Failed Mission) - Hit Me (With Your Best Shot) Summary: The Venus flytrap is a flowering plant best known for its carnivorous eating habits. It is one of nature's cleverest plants, and most have evolved to survive in situations where the soil holds little or no nutrition, so the plant makes its own food. It has one of the quickest movements ever seen in a plant in order to catch its prey, which it then dissolves and digests. Poison Ivy, or Bucky Barnes?The trapper, or the trapped? (M Rating, 4,833 Words)
O2 (Masquerade AU) - (Modern) Love Summary: One fancy party at an expensive manor, held by a very rich man for the villains of New York. One suspiciously familiar clown-themed guest. Joker is dead. Harlequin lives on. (M Rating, 5,867 Words)
B3 (Swordsman/Jacques Duquesne) - BANG! Chapter 4: Now Summary: The Winter Soldier has gone missing while on mission. A special team with a set of unique abilities have been sent to retrieve him. What could possibly go wrong? (E Rating, 40,256 Words)
I3 (Thank God We’re Alive Sex) - Upside Down Chapter 3 Summary: "I'm looking for someone named Clint," he says, fingers tightening on the note in his hand. "Think I might be in the wrong place. There’s something following me. Something – not human.” (E Rating, 15,304 Words)
N3 (Free Square) - the count that thoughts Summary: Bucky likes cheesy vampire movies. Clint likes Bucky's dick. Sam likes asking questions. (E Rating, 2,067 Words)
G3 (Summer Soldier) - Sun Kissed Summary: A romantic tale of two kazoos. (T+ Rating, 5,910 Words)
O3 (Bookworm Bucky) - Booked & Busy Summary: Clint's gotta do something to get Bucky to put his book down, right? (E Rating, 1,900 Words)
B4 (Meet Ugly) - give me your key Summary: "Your mission," Fury says, his one eye boring into Steve, "is to stay the fuck out of my hair. I don't need Captain America and his peanut gallery getting in the way of these professionals." “You want us to stay out of your hair,” Steve repeats. Bucky lets out a snicker. (E Rating, 3,940 Words)
I4 (They Fuck. That’s It.) - (You Don’t) Own Me Summary: “I got bored without you here,” Harlequin murmurs. “Why’d you have to leave?” “Eco-terrorism doesn’t happen on its own,” he responds, breath catching as teeth graze his throat ever-so-gently. “I have to go out and do things sooner or later, or I’m going to lose my reputation.” “Then lose it,” Harlequin says, lips brushing his ear. “Stay here. With me.” (E Rating, 2,487 Words)
N4 (Quickies) - all for a good time Summary: “You’re supervillains,” Steve says. “You’re killing people.” “Eh,” Bucky says, blowing a bubble with his gum and letting it pop loudly for emphasis. “Not really a downside.” (E Rating, 6,602 Words)
G4 (Prison AU) - (Where Is) My Mind? Summary: Your head will collapse, But there's nothing in it- And you'll ask yourself, Where is my mind? (M Rating, 3,743 Words)
O4 (Presumed Dead) - Just A Sucker (For Pain) Summary: “This isn’t healthy,” Sam says. “You know why I’m out here? It’s because Steve worries about you so much that he can’t stop rolling around in the bed. He talks in his sleep now because he’s stressed that you’re going to kill yourself with this shit.” “I’ll be fine,” Bucky answers. “Once I find him, I’ll sleep for a thousand years. Alright?” “Once you find him.” “That’s what I said.” (M Rating, 5,376 Words)
B5 (Threesome (+1 Of Your Choice)) - Roped In Summary: “Sex pollen is not a real thing,” Clint scoffs. (E Rating, 7,072 Words)
I5 (Black Coffee Only) - (Wine) Red Summary: Clint always comes home to Bucky, and Bucky can’t leave Clint behind. Is there still a Clint Barton left to save? (E Rating, 9,694 Words)
N5 (Ameriwinterhawk) - sinking into the deep Summary: “Aw, Steve,” Clint says, soft and a little teasing. “You’ve really got yourself in a situation now, huh?” “He likes getting himself in situations,” Bucky interjects. (E Rating, 4,820 Words)
G5 (Not Iron Fist) - Playing with Fire Summary: “Three o’clock,” Natasha says and Clint looks automatically, not registering the glint of mischief in her eyes until he’s already looking. “Why is he stripping,” Clint whispers, outraged. Bucky Barnes is standing a few meters away from them, tugging his shirt over his head. He doesn’t wax his chest during the winter months, apparently, because there’s a trail of dark hair that Clint really, really wants to get his mouth on. He’s stuck staring like an idiot as Bucky throws his shirt over the door of the firetruck, every inch of his ridiculously hot upper half on display. He can almost feel the brain cells in his head frying just from the sight. (E Rating, 5,387 Words)
O5 (Fucking Machine) - easy on me, baby Summary:  “Barnes has been wearing you out at night, huh,” Sam says dryly. “Can’t keep up with that supersoldier metabolism?” (E Rating, 3,156 Words)
See you next WHB season!
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