#I see this on twitter mostly
xenodile · 2 years
The way a large portion of the English FFXIV community infantilizes Alphinaud and Alisaie drives me up the wall, like I absolutely understand feeling protective of them, the story is intended to make you care about them, whether you interpret the WoL's bond with them as platonic, familial, romantic, professional, or parental, it's all fair game, yet the way some people talk about them, you'd think they were describing stupid toddlers.
They've graduated college. They drink alcohol. The first thing they do is leave home because they're legally of age and their dad can't stop them any more. Actual child characters refer to them as adults. The final expansion has them returning home after years away and saving the world where everyone that came before them fell short.
Alphinaud founds a private army and talks politics with world leaders, and everyone takes him seriously. He organizes international military actions. He negotiates trade deals with globe spanning businesses, he invents two new varieties of carbuncles just because he can. He solves a problem that has plagued the Forum for decades with a single phone call. He's potentially the smartest man alive and a skilled healer besides. There's a whole bit about how he likes mature women.
Alisaie pioneers the cure for Tempering, something everyone thought impossible for hundreds of years. She's one of the strongest mages in the world and a deft swordswoman to boot. She's practically adopted a war orphan. There's an entire short story dedicated to her mourning her dead girlfriend. When she speaks everyone shuts up and pays attention, even Zenos listens to her.
But because they're short, because Alphinaud bought a sword once, people will act like none of these things happened. People will unironically call them babies and act like the plot just moves itself, like they're tagalong kids that don't actually do anything and need grown ups to protect them. It's maddening.
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caffeccino · 10 months
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Fox domestication 👀
Gangjeong is a good girl, but very repressed, but Marshmallow is going to unrepress all over her and become her little slut senpai!
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hijinxinprogress · 3 months
12 year old tim realizing robin’s not coming back to gotham and deciding that it’s Batman’s fault so he has to ruin the little bit of sanity and peace of mind Bruce has managed (read: struggled) to keep in his grasp:
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#tim drake#dick grayson#robin#dc robin#bruce wayne#batman#tim drake is a menace#tim drake was and still is a die hard Robin fan before anything else#so he 100% thinks Damian’s funny when he’s not the one being targeted#there’s mission reports with comments in the margin like ‘nice 👍🏾 do it again’ and ‘650000000/10 🎉’ and Bruce hates it sm#it starts with a mild explosion and psychological fuckery and ends with a prank war with city wide structural damage#Bruce sees Tim and Damian getting along and starts sobbing in the batcave#It was 12 year old Tim Drake and his 67 alt twitter accs against the world (Batman) when dick left#For the two years dick refused to stay in Gotham I promise you batman’s anonymous tip line was just 325 ruthless insults from tim everyday#Imagine bruce trying to figure out which of his rogues keeps photoshopping terrible .5s of Batman then mailing it to the gcpd#just to find out it’s some fucking middle schooler with a bowlcut from bristol#Tim drake is unhinged and petty#Like it gets so bad that gothamites (even the rogues) have picked a side in this mostly one sided beef between a middle schooler and batman#I want internet beef between a middle schooler and a 29 year old med school dropout bruce ‘I am the night’ wayne#Bruce is foaming at the mouth whenever someone opens Twitter next to him#and batman is breaking your clavicle if you mention twitter in his hearing range 😭#Batman showing up at Tim’s windowsill: take down all your accounts rn and im calling your parents 😡🦇#Tim pulling out a ouija board: let’s see if your parents answer before mine 🤨#I made yj on the sims so they could fight the jl and I was like middle school!tim drake w/ a twitter acc???
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skialdi · 2 years
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Splatoon’s fandom is simultaneously one of the most friendly yet toxic fandoms I’ve been in a while. How do you even pull that off my goodness
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nicxxx5 · 13 days
there are so many fandom ships that i want, so 911 is one of the very few times i don't want it because i think buck and tommy are really good together.
now i also get bashing a character that you don't like, especially when they're trash...but goddammit some of yall are so fucking nasty to tommy and he didn't do shit 😭😭😭
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heynhay · 1 year
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it's julance :-)
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deadshadowcreature · 2 years
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Haven’t been active here cuz busy, here are some murderous robot
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krystaldeath · 4 months
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Cotl Textposts… 2!!!
(Last two are suggestive)
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alligatorpie1945 · 2 years
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If you don’t want to watch a show about The Bad Batch (then maybe you shouldn’t be watching it)
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jalluzas-ferney · 29 days
THOSE Ninjago fans piss me off so bad I need them to make a Steven universe typa episode where Cole marries Geo and that’s that and they can all go cry to the corner ab it 😒😒😒😒
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
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If you've ever wondered what a chronically online clout poisoned mega celebrity who constantly flipflops between delusions of grandeur and soul crushing insecurity would pick to torment his fake-real-it's complicated husband while hopefully not COMPLETELY ruining the mood, look no further
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winnerkirkwood · 4 months
i kind of feel like i’ve been seeing a lot of nolan siegel hate which is really shitty for a multitude of reasons. 1. he’s, like, a kid. he’s 19 years old. chill the hell out. he’s also really nice. 2. he’s actually really talented and deserves this opportunity. he got rookie of the year in indynxt. And 3. he didn’t really do anything wrong. he said yes to an opportunity, something that literally everyone in his position would have done. It’s Zack brown and gavin ward who are in the wrong, they are the ones who had a contract with another driver. so, like, be mad at arrow mclaren all you want, obviously. but don’t be an asshole to nolan siegel about it.
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sixxxer · 11 days
kinda sad that trop isn't a fanart kind of fandom tbh
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shuffled-icecream · 5 months
I’m so sorry, but I just get into a extreme laughing fit every time “Glenn is Cloud’s father” discussions fall into my line of sight. Likeeeee… it’s so funny to me idk idk jdjsjdajd
(imagine your father being more of a dad to your nemesis than he ever was to you :V thats just tragic man…)
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calamitydaze · 1 year
tbh “people hear about legitimate dream fuckups and it colors their worldview to exaggerate and misconstrue harm in everything he does” is just the opposite side of the coin to “fans hear about dream being legitimately fucked over and treated badly and it raises their defenses to react to every perceived slight like a personal betrayal” literally nobody is capable of being normal about that man
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