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guiltypleasureswriting · 2 months ago
The minister pointed his finger at Harry and he felt a flash of fear in his chest. “The poison in your wine could only have come from him, Your Majesty! Your consort is trying to kill you!” It wasn’t true, he hadn’t poisoned the wine. In fact, he was shocked to think, that he would rather drink the goblet full before Draco got a chance at a single drop. He just hoped Draco knew that. 
“No,” Draco said as he stood gracefully from his throne. The light from the torches on the wall flickered and reflected off his pale hair. The precious stones and silver thread woven into his doublet glittered and his deep green cape draped elegantly from his shoulders. He shone with power as he stepped forward to tower over the minister.  “If my husband wished to kill me he would look me in the eye and push a dagger into my chest.”
The minister staggered back at the conviction in his king’s voice but before he tripped, Draco grabbed him by the collar. “You dare accuse my consort, Haveron?” He whispered in a deadly voice. “You murmur lies into the ears of my people. You sow doubt.” The minister was shaking in the King’s grasp. “You have a wicked tongue but you have lost yourself in desperation.” Draco released him with a shove and wiped his hand on his doublet like simply touching the man would infect him. “I will have no more of it; you are to leave my kingdom at once.” 
Draco ordered the guards to escort the minister out and then strode away from his throne. As he passed Harry, he met his eyes but no expression crossed his face. Harry followed him into his chambers. Draco stood in front of the hearth while Harry took a seat on the plump green chair facing him. 
“You did not poison me.” Draco stated not looking away from the flames. 
“I did not.” Harry replied. 
“As you said, sire, I would rather look you in the eye.” 
Draco hummed and turned to look at Harry. “So then, who put that poison in my cup?”
“I thought the minister did.”
Draco huffed and swept his cape as he settled into the chair next to Harry’s. He titled his head, cheek turned slightly into his shoulder and settled his gaze on Harry.
“No, Haveron does not have the fortitude to carry out such a task.” 
Harry grunted in disbelief and grumbled, “He had the fortitude to accuse me of treason in front of your court.” 
Draco smiled, “Do not worry, my dear. I never suspected you.”
“You expected me to commit such a crime until very recently.” Harry said pointedly.
Draco grimaced and sighed. “I am sorry we had such a turbulent start.” 
“Yes well, a turbulent start is to be expected when you are married off to your family's sworn enemy.”
Reaching out a hand, Draco brushed a bit of hair from Harry’s forehead and then lightly trailed his fingers down his cheek. He smiled softly and murmured, “We’re not enemies anymore, are we Harry?” 
Harry nudged his cheek into Draco’s open palm and smiled back. “No, we are not.” Draco’s fingers rested over Harry’s pulse point and Harry brushed a kiss on his palm before taking his hand from his cheek. Harry held his hand in one of his own with the palm facing upward. With his other hand, he traced his fingers over the lines in Draco’s hand. Then, once again, he bent his head and placed a purposeful kiss on Draco’s hand. 
“It is getting late.” Draco said softly. “Let us rest. We will worry about assasination attempts in the morning.” 
Harry nodded and stood with Draco, their hands still clasped together as he followed him into their bed. 
Wrapped in the warmth of the dying hearth and his lover’s arms, Harry felt he could relax and forget impending war and the attempts on his husband’s
life. Feeling safe, he drifted away to sleep. 
But the peace did not last long.
Harry was woken in the early hours of the morning by pounding on the door and a voice crying out, “My King! My King, you must wake up!” Draco groaned at the noise and tightened his grip on Harry. His bare arm was draped over Harry’s waist as they slept with their legs tangled together. 
“What is it?” Draco called out to the voice.
“An emergency, Your Highness! A rider returned with news of an army marching this way, only a day out.”
Draco jolted out of bed pulled on a nightshirt whispering, “Fuck, fuck.” to himself. Harry was barely given a chance to follow his husband’s example and cover himself before Draco was throwing open the wooden door to their chambers. The voice that had woken them belonged to a nervous looking courier. He wore a simple tunic and breeches and held a piece of parchment in his left hand and a torch in his right. “Whose army approaches?” 
The couriers tembled, “I do not know, sire. I was just told to wake you and deliver this.”  He held out the parchment for Draco to take which he did.
“Go find my advisors and Lady Pansy. Tell them to gather in the war room at once.” 
“Yes sire.” The courier skittered off. 
Draco took a deep breath and peered down at the note. Harry moved behind him quietly and placed a gentle hand on Draco’s shoulder. When he took a sudden sharp breath in through his teeth, Harry tightened his grip. “Who is it, Draco?” 
“It is Riddle’s army. But they are flying the Malfoy crest.” The air caught in Harry’s throat.
Draco turned and looked Harry in the eye. Harry still had one hand around Draco’s shoulder and with his free hand, he clasped Draco’s and squeezed. “It seems my father is returning for his throne.” 
It was common knowledge to the people of Slytherin that King Draco had not settled on the throne through simple inheritance. Although he was the heir, he became king while his father still lived. The story had spread quickly through the surrounding kingdoms, becoming legend in under a year. 
The Prince of Slytherin was always beloved. Although spoiled and stuck up, he was known to have a kind heart, even if he didn’t show it. He did not smile and he did not laugh, but when he was walking among the commoners, he gave children gifts of sweets and toys. Many times, when he came across a beggar, he sat with them and offered them a meal. He frequented taverns often, sitting in corners to avoid suspicion. He often struck up conversation with anyone interested to talk with him about the poor and suffering in the kingdom. He would hear the grievances of his people and promise them he would do what he could to convince the King to hear their case. 
The King of Slytherin was cruel. He hoarded wealth and ignored his people. He looked for power wherever he went and demonstrated it at every chance. He was not always a tyrant though. Before Draco was born, he was a decent ruler. Not particularly great, but he fed his people and kept up with concerns. When Queen Narcissa died in childbirth, the King was withdrawn. He handed his son off to nursemaids the moment Narcissa was gone and refused to take visitors for months. Until one day, he did take a visitor. This visitor promised the King riches and power and most of all revenge. He convinced the King it was the Kingdom of Gryffindor that caused the Queen’s death. It was a political plot by his most sworn enemies to undermine his reign once and for all. This manipulative visitor was named Tom Riddle. 
The Prince grew up knowing only love from Nursemaids and never his father. The King only treated the Prince with cold distance and discontent. He was only an heir. As the Prince grew he developed more and more hatred for his father. Draco loved his people. He wanted them to be happy and flourishing but his father did not treat the people with any respect. They were only peasants to be exploited. When the Prince came of age he found an old tome detailing an ancient Slytherin tradition. It said the only way to take the throne from the current ruler before their death was to challenge them to a duel and win. So the Prince challenged his father to a duel. It was very public, with the whole kingdom gathering to watch. And when Draco defeated his father and banished him from Slytherin along with Riddle, the people rejoiced. 
When Harry and Draco had made themselves decent and arrived in the war room, Draco’s advisors were gathered around the war map.
Other scenes:
The day Harry woke up a married man, it was cold. Very, very cold. He dressed in many layers and waited in his chambers until there came a knock at the door calling him to breakfast. When he arrived in the hall, the King was already sitting at his place at the head of the table. Harry stood awkwardly in the entryway for a moment wondering where he should sit. 
The King looked at him with a blank expression and then nodded to the chair on his right side. Harry tried for a smile that must not have looked right because the King’s features tightened for a moment before he simply looked away. After a few minutes waiting in tense silence, Harry’s aunt and uncle arrived with their son in tow. 
They entered noisily with Petunia’s shrill voice crying, “Good Morning, Your Majesty! I apologize for our lateness, we were held up by one of your servants.” Vernon’s angry griping that “If that boy knew his place we’d have no issue.”, and Dudley’s whining about how terribly hungry he was. 
Vernon sat at the end of the table opposing the King which must not have been custom because when he did so, the King tensed and glared. Petunia took her place at her husband's side and carried on saying, “Oh yes he was a horrid young man. You should look into how your servants are being treated, Your Majesty. It is clearly not with a firm enough hand.”  The King’s expression turned even harsher at the insult and opened his mouth to respond but he was interrupted.
“Mum! I’m starving, are they planning to feed us?” Dudley complained. 
“Oh Duddikins! Where is the food, sire? Surely your cooks know when to serve breakfast.” 
“They do.” The King responded, face pink with the effort of resisting his clear anger. “I’m afraid they were waiting until you arrived to serve us.” As the King said this, servants whisked in, placing plates of fruit, bread, and meat in front of them. Dudley immediately began stuffing his face making loud chewing noises. Harry saw the King make a face before becoming expressionless again. 
Starting on his breakfast, Harry simply let the annoying conversation wash over him. choosing not to participate. 
“You have so many lovely fruits, sire.” Petunia said brightly. Too bright.
The King replies, “Yes, my recent alliance with Hufflepuff has brought plentiful amounts of fruits to my kingdom.” 
“Oh yes.” Vernon said gruffly. “I heard you allied with those cowards.” 
The King gripped his knife. “Yes, I did ally with them. It has been very beneficial.”
“Why do you hide away in your own castle?”
“I like to have some things to myself, without my guards watching.”
“What kinds of things?” He sat beside Draco.
Draco gestured to the novel he was reading. “This. The romanticism and darkness.” Then he took Harry’s wrist and traced his veins. He looked up at Harry’s lips then brushed along the bottom lip. “And this.”
The smell from the gardens was strong from the rain permeating every crevice. Their hair was soaked and their clothes were bedraggled. When Draco laughed Harry thought it the most gorgeous thing he had ever heard. Like fresh rain after a drought. He slid one hand around Draco’s neck and pulled his body into Harry’s. They breathed together and smiled. Draco rested his forehead on Harry’s.
“Thank you.” Harry murmured and Draco smiled.
I wrote this almost 3 years ago now and forgot about it and it's 1 am and I have things to do in the morning, but I found it and was reading it and was like... damn okay. So I thought I'd post it here. It was inspired by this prompt from @writing-prompt-s:
The minister pointed his finger at the queen. “The poison in your wine could only have come from her, your majesty! The queen is trying to kill you!” “No,” said the king. “If my wife wished to kill me she would look me in the eye and push a dagger into my chest.”
I also think there were other royalty and arranged marriage AUs in my head when I wrote it so if there's any similarities that's on me. I also think I had been watching Lord of the Rings so there might be some of that in there. Hope you like it!
I wouldn't say I'm back but you might hear from me again sooner than later.
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got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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hallowshumour · 4 months ago
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Some centaurs!🐎🦩🔥
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tiger-is-a-certified-idiot · 2 months ago
The Stanley Dating Simulator Part 4 (Narrator P2)
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Go Stanley! Fluster that old man asunder! You voted for it, and here it is! The second Narrator part that I... honestly thought would take a lot longer than it did. Well, you won't see me complaining. And somehow I doubt Stanley is, either.
Part 4 of The Stanley Dating Simulator - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
This is an audience interactive comic! You can choose what happens next! Vote in the poll below, comment, or send me an ask!
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Bonus Hug! ^
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sainz100 · 3 months ago
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📸 by Martin Trenkler
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novelmonger · 2 months ago
I'd like to gauge interest in a fanfic exchange event, inspired by Blind Date with a Book, if you're familiar with that. Please read the details below the cut before voting, and if you do vote, please reblog and/or send to anyone you think might be interested!
Option A: It's a monthly event where, during a certain period of time, people can sign up to put their name on a list, and also submit a fic that they recommend. (There would be certain guidelines that would have to be followed for everyone to have fun, like an upper limit on rating, a story that can be understood without context, etc.) On the specified date, I would randomly match up names to fics and send everyone the results, at which point everyone gets to read something and leave the author a comment!
Option B: This would be more of a Secret Santa-esque event, where people would sign up with a brief description of the kind of things they're not interested in reading, e.g. categories of pairings, tags for personal triggers, etc. On the specified date, I would assign everybody a partner, and everyone finds a fic for their partner that adheres to their guidelines.
Alternatively, either of these options could also work with each person presenting a selection of, say, three fics in the form of links that don't give anything away, along with a vague description like "a peaceful day at home" or "whump leads to an important confession."
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wonder-worker · 7 months ago
Wild how we know that Elizabeth Woodville was officially appointed to royal councils in her own right during her husband’s reign and fortified the Tower of London in preparation of a siege while 8-months pregnant and had forces gathering at Westminster “in the queen’s name” in 1483 – only for NONE of these things to be even included, let alone explored, in the vast majority of scholarship and historical novels involving her.
#lol I don't remember writing this - I found it when I was searching for something else in my drafts. But it's 100% true so I had to post it.#elizabeth woodville#my post#Imo this is mainly because Elizabeth's negative historiography has always involved both vilification and diminishment in equal measure.#and because her brand of vilification (femme fatale; intriguer) suggests more indirect/“feminine” than legitimate/forceful types of power#It's still bizarre though-you'd think these would be some of the most famous & defining aspects of Elizabeth's life. But apparently not#I guess she only matters when it comes to marrying Edward and Promoting Her Family and scheming against Richard#There is very lacking interest in her beyond those things even in her traditionally negative depictions#And most of her “reassessments” tend to do diminish her so badly she's rendered utterly irrelevant and almost pathetic by the end of it#Even when some of these things *are* mentioned they're never truly emphasized as they should be.#See: her formal appointment in royal councils. It was highly unconventional + entirely unprecedented for queens in the 14th & 15th century#You'd think this would be incredibly important and highlighted when analyzing late medieval queenship in England but apparently not#Historians are more willing to straight-up INVENT positions & roles for so many other late medieval queens/king's mothers that didn't exist#(not getting into this right now it's too long...)#But somehow acknowledging and discussing Elizabeth's ACTUAL formally appointed role is too much for them I guess#She's either subsumed into the general vilification of her family (never mind that they were known as 'the queen's kin' to actual#contemporaries; they were defined by HER not the other way around) or she's rendered utterly insignificant by historians. Often both.#But at the end of the day her individual role and identity often overlooked or downplayed in both scenarios#and ofc I've said this before but - there has literally never been a proper reassessment of Elizabeth's role in 1483-85 TILL DATE#despite the fact that it's such a sensational and well-known time period in medieval England#This isn't even a Wars of the Roses thing. Both Margaret of Anjou and Margaret Beaufort have had multiple different reassessments#of their roles and positions during their respective crises/upheavals by now;#There is simply a distinct lack of interest in reassessing Elizabeth in a similar way and I think this needs to be acknowledged.#Speaking of which - there's also a persistent habit of analyzing her through the context of Margaret of Anjou or Elizabeth of York#(either as a parallel or a foil) rather than as a historical figure in HER OWN RIGHT#that's also too long to get into I just wanted to point it out because I hate it and I think it's utterly senseless#I've so much to say about how all of this affects her portrayal in historical fiction as well but that's going into a whole other tangent#ofc there are other things but these in particular *really* frustrate me#just felt like ranting a bit in the tags because these are all things that I want to individually discuss someday with proper posts...
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lokh · 1 year ago
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marchioness-of-the-flowers · 10 months ago
I learned about the existence of Gay people through N x Hilbert Pokémon yaoi.
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Everyone thank them for their service.
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muirmarie · 8 months ago
Me: I joke about writing the same McCoy centric story over and over again in different ways
Me: and like. I love doing it and imma keep doing it because it makes me happy.
Me: but also. I do sometimes wonder if it's like. A little Much.
Me: like maybe I should branch out or something
Me: [reads another fundamental and extremely insulting misread of McCoy's character by someone who is clearly making a Choice to cast McCoy as the villain, because they have to get him out of the way of spirk, because they're too???? idk immature??? to realize that even when you're in a relationship with one person, other ppl can and SHOULD still be important to you]
Me: lmao I hope I AM too much actually!!!! I hope it is 100% obnoxious how much I love that doctor!!!!! Time to write more versions of the same story of McCoy being forced to realize that he is loved and cared for!!!!!!
#mine#not putting this in the mcc*y/tr*k tags bc i am venting not trying to start 💾🐎 [discourse]#but woof. WOOF. i want you to know that if you hate the doc then sp*ck and k*rk would hate YOU#like seeing someone say they're sp*ck or jim coded and then say flagrantly absurd things about mcc*y.......u are garbage coded actually.#sp*ck and k*rk would literally never#i will never understand how so many ppl can ship mcc*y’s besties and then???? hate on mcc*y?????????#i block LIBERALLY so i have a lot of b*nes haters blocked already tbf#i just stumble across one in the wild sometimes alas#that mindset btw is how that counseling fic came about lmao - we were talking about how if sp*rk dated they'd still drag mcc*y EVERYWHERE#romantic or platonic he is THEIRS just like they're HIS. it's a triumvir*te my guy#any two of them hook up they're still making the third stay at their side 24/7 lolllllll#how can you claim to love sp*ck and k*rk and so fundamentally misunderstand them and their relationship with b*nes#genuinely tragique#you are missing out on so much fun#we are not watching the same show lmao <3 leave my doctor alone <3 leave his bfs alone too <3#me: i should let things go / sp*ck: have you instead considered being a petty bitch / me: what / sp*ck: they can get fucked and die mad 🖖#me: ur so right sp*ck / sp*ck: i usually am#guess who literally just found out that if the word is contained w/in a longer tag it now shows up if you search that word!!!!!#that change very well may not be recent but i just found out!!!! anyway. asterisks added.#i give up. tumblr keeps putting this in the fucjing tags. hellsite (full of hatred)#eta: didn't think to make this non-rebloggable earlier but now it is lmao. it's just a vent post y'all <3
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c00kietin · 9 months ago
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as I said before, I am drawing me with the characters you shipped me with. . .
Starting with @bram-appreciation-blog's Chuck E. Cheese :D
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thesesoldierboysarebi · 10 months ago
Will mostly be reblogging for a while I think, but I’m gonna be real, 70 percent of my reason for making this blog in the hopes of writing was that I noticed a big chunk of CoD x reader posts on this hellsite have readers with like…concerningly low ages. There’s a lot of reader character minor-coding going on, and it’s weirdling me out (no shade to young writers, I know a lot of the reason is that a majority of CoD fanfic writers are 18-25 here, which, yk, fair that you wanna see self-inserts with similar ages).
But as I said, it gives me the ick, so if/when I end up writing x reader, I wanna go ahead and make it clear that I will not be writing a reader character in a romantic/sexual position BELOW the age of 25 at most. Most of the Call of Duty men are, like, 28 at the youngest, and I’m more inclined to write reader characters with matching ages, especially afab readers.
In other words? I’m gonna write milfs and dilfs. I’m gonna write top!reader. I’m gonna write unhinged women that leave the various men of TF141 screaming crying throwing up. I will NOT be writing virginal, innocent, or overly naive reader characters; I do not do minor-coding. Y’all have been warned.
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fumifooms · 8 months ago
Coud you do analys about chilchuck's misogyny? Love your posts
Not something I expected to have a readymade post for hah but I’ve already made a post on the topic here, if you’ve read it already but aren’t sated sorry to disappoint but I think I’ve exhausted my thoughts on the matter
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He’s soooo. To quote a friend I need to chew on him like a polly pocket dress
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origamiyoda · 4 months ago
i would like to know more about deer hollow drive 👀
GRINS okayyyy UMM. OKAY.
Deer Hollow Drive is a story about a couple of ghost hunters investigating the weird happenings in their town, Teya Hallows and her dead older brothers best friend, Gator Perez.
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Teya, seen here in blue, can see and talk to ghosts, and as it turns out, her hometown is VERY very haunted.
Gator, orange, can't see ghosts, but he does know a lot about them. He's an amateur filmographer and researcher.
Upon discovering that Teya can see and talk to ghosts, the two decide to start investigating their town, only to realize that A) their town is much more haunted than they thought and than it has any right to be, and B) has something much darker going on beneath the surface.
Especially in the lake.
Together as they work to uncover the mystery at the heart of their town, they become wrapped up in a world of ghosts and secrets.
It doesn't have a super set in stone plot at the moment, mostly just. Story beats and vauge visuals but it's a story that I've been working on and reworking and changing and developing since literally middle school. It's for SURE a story I'd love to make into a webcomic or something similar..
You can see more detailed designs for Teya and Gator here and here , as well as a playlist and Pinterest board :J
PLEASE PLEAS ASK ME MORE ABOUT THEM... I love to talk about ocs and these guys are especially dear to me.......
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ra1nb0wdr3amscap3 · 2 months ago
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x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 2 years ago
if you're deconstructing your ideas of binary gender and binary sex— you also have to deconstruct your ideas of binary sexuality and romantic attraction, too, fyi
#'are you saying homosexuals don't really exist??!?!!?!' no. please use your brain.#im saying it literally doesn't matter if a lesbian dates someone who YOU perceive as a man.#because the people in that relationship know more than you.#and human experience does not exist in a binary.#you have to accept that sometimes other people will experience life differently than you do#this also goes for gays and bis and pans and aces and aros.#the only people who get to define their experiences are them.#so no I don't really care if a gay man says his true love is a woman and he means it.#i still consider him gay. because he knows himself and his partner better than i know how to perceive them both#and how someone else identifies is none of my business.#that woman may be only part woman. or only perceived as a woman. or only sometimes a woman. or always both woman and man.#there's so many ways to be human. you have to learn to take other queers at face value and not question them#when you question if someone is 'REALLY gay' or 'REALLY trans' or 'REALLY bi'; you're thinking with the mindset of an oppressor#you do not need to gatekeep queerness. queerness is not a limited resource. queer people are not your enemies.#learn to empathize and embrace experiences unlike yours. be a better ally to the people in your own community instead of immediately -#- searching for ways to cast them out. be better. stop thinking like our oppressors. queer people do not need to rationalize ourselves for -#- anyone. they don't owe you an explanation. you cannot take their 'gay card' away.
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