#I saw cool dogs today though
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leatherbookmark · 2 months ago
Another great thing about rereading the Inkworld trilogy is that while my copy of Inkdeath is hardbound, the former two aren't -- and it just so happens that they were what my dogs chose to nibble on when they were puppies/young dogs. Especially Inkspell -- the upper left corner of the back cover is torn, and there are little bumps where my dogs' teeth didn't manage to pierce the paper. The last five or so pages have a tiny little chunk bitten out of them -- not even half the size of my pinky fingernail, but still.
And it's like. Man. Dude. Something something books holding memories in them. Maybe that's not precisely how the author meant it? But oh man absolutely.
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winter-hoof · 3 months ago
Simply not having a wonderful Christmas time. I was up all night last night because my dog got sick from a treat we gave her and was puking a bunch :(
#she seems to be doing fine today thank god. thought we were going to have to call the vet but she hasn't puked since 4:30am#and she's acting normal today & kept her food + water down. i 100% freak myself out & worry too much about everything#b/c i was like oh god what if she has a blockage i haven't seen her poop yet today even though my bf told me he saw her multiple times#so then i started googling about gi blockages in dogs & reading reddit posts of people whose dogs died or had surgery b/c of it#got myself WAY too worked up over it & was crying all night. then i went outside & watched her poop very normally at like 4am#so it's like ok clearly she's not blocked up & i'm just jumping to the worst case scenario like i tend to do about everything#DO NOT buy petsmart merry & bright treats. i'm so upset at myself for it. i was like oh haha treat shaped like a drumstick that's cute#but then reading reviews on their website so many of those treats have reviews from people saying they made their dogs sick#like oh cool i should have fucking read that before buying the treats i feel so stupid & bad like I KNOW BETTER wtf was i thinking#like i just would not be able to forgive myself if she had died from it or had to have a surgery to remove a blockage#but anyway thankfully she seems to be back to her normal self today although a little tired but not lethargic tired just regular tired#b/c we were up all night. she's back to herding the cats & barking at everything & all her usual goofy behaviors#actual thing i said last night: 'i lost my dad right before christmas i don't need to also lose my dog right before christmas'#p
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bones-n-bookles · 11 months ago
Why did my coworker call me handsome twice today
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emometalhead · 10 months ago
#ran out of tags on last post but still want to rant without filling anyone's inbox or dash#sorry but here's the continuation#anyway so also we went to my grandma's house and I saw my dogs which breaks my heart every damn time#I miss them so much and it kills me. it causes me physical pain to not have them with me#I'm still mad at my mom to this day for being so horrible to them and giving them away. so it pissed me off to see her cuddling them#everyone disagrees with me but I don't think she has any right to act like she cares about them after she discarded them so easily#I will never stop being upset with her for it and even though everyone thinks I'm a b**** for it I refuse to release the grudge#anyway I'm tired and as nice as parts of my day were I feel like the lows were just really low#this morning we took some lovely graduation photos at my campus (which I visited for the last time) and I'm excited to post a few tomorrow#I'm truly proud of myself and grateful my college experience is over#I just foolishly allowed myself to have a vision of how today would go and parts of it really brought me down#I don't want to complain (which is probably a lie since this is the 3rd post I'm making to rant) but I wasn't expecting to breakdown today#I spent time with people I love and I got cool photos and a really soft sweater with my school's logo on it and I shouldn't be sad right now#plus we're having people over tomorrow for a party to celebrate me#I'm just really reliving the day and a lot of it was negative at my expense and I really hoped everyone would work to make it nice#some of it was obviously out of my family's hands but I feel like they handled that stuff in a way that guilted me and it sucked#I'm just a mess of emotions and I'm lowkey icing everyone out because I don't want to end my night crying again#welcome to real life I guess?#I really shouldn't complain#ashley rants#sorry if anyone read this
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radawaycunt · 4 months ago
Veni, Vidi, Amavi
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Also on AO3
Part I // Mini-Series Masterlist
Pairing: Lucius Verus Aurelius x Fem!Reader
WC: 2.8k words
Summary: After your first encounter, you attend the next games to watch Lucius fight, and celebrate his victory with him after.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ ONLY MINORS DNI), canon naval battle with some canon divergence, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of blood and death, reader is a courtesan (so SW), some angst, mutual pining, semi-exhibitionism (there are guards around), sort of audio voyeurism, unprotected p in v, aaaaand I think that's it but lmk if anything else!
The roar of the crowd was near deafening as you made your way to the Emperor’s box behind Queen Lucilla, General Acacius, and Senator Gracchus. Hundreds of feet pounded in a war-like rhythm, all eager — or more like absolutely salivating — for a good spectacle. Snapping and jeering like rabid, bloodthirsty dogs.
You would never understand that insatiable, sadistic need to see another’s brutal destruction. Nobody ever thought they would watch somebody they loved be subjected to it, just strangers who weren’t really people in their eyes. But it was more common than most would like to admit, the sand forever stained not just with crimson, but also with the salt of mourning tears.
You hid your unease behind a cool, placid mask, smiling back at Senator Gracchus as he glanced at you over his shoulder. He had been curious when you had first requested to attend the games with him, but having just found out about Prince Lucius’ return and rising fame in the arena, he was amused at your antics. 
Your patron might be old, but he was no fool. Gladiators always caught the eyes of pretty, young girls like you, especially ones such as Lucius. It was really no wonder you’d want to see his glory for yourself, so he had conceded if only to indulge you.
And when he’d helped you off the litter that had carried you to the Colosseum, he had not been surprised to notice you were hiding a garland of myrtle inside your sleeve. A common enough offering to Venus, goddess of love. He made no mention of it, though, content to just watch how things played out. 
Once you’d arrived at the box, each of you knelt in front of the twin emperors and kissed their rings. Emperor Geta smiled down at you in that enigmatic, impish way of his, but his brother mostly ignored you. Not that you really minded escaping his notice, though. Better than his scorn or, worse, his interest.
“Let us begin,” Geta said, his excitement palpable as he rose to address the crowd. “We are all in for a real treat.”
You went to stand next to Queen Lucilla, sensing that her tension matched yours, even if she was perfectly poised and regal. She’d had many more years of experience hiding her true emotions, after all. You shared a small smile with her, both silently recognizing it as a moment of solidarity.
“Citizens of Rome!” Geta called out, his voice rising above the crowd. “Today, in honor of General Marcus Acacius' triumph in taking over Numidia, you will be witnessing no mere games!”
A heavy, metallic noise resounded throughout the arena as it seemed to shift, the ground underneath you shaking fiercely. But what you heard next made dread sink into your stomach like a heavy stone – rushing water. A flood’s worth of it. Soon enough, the arena was immersed and massive sharks were fed into it, menacingly circling about. At opposite sides, great iron gates groaned open to reveal two war vessels flying different colors – Roman and Barbarian.
And captaining one of them was a figure you recognized all too well, even at a great distance. You felt as if a fist were closing in around your throat, robbing you of breath. Instinctively, you stepped forward to try to get a better look, but Senator Gracchus put a hand on your back to stop you from going past the thrones. 
This seemed to anchor you back to the present, and you reminded yourself that the Lucius that you saw in the arena was not the tender one, but the fearsome warrior.
Let him live, you thought pleadingly, clutching the garland tighter. Oh, Gods, please let him live.
General Acacius waved at the crowd, muscles tensed even as he smiled, thanking them for the great honor. Emperor Caracalla, infected by the madness of bloodthirsty enthusiasm, jumped to his feet. 
“It is war!” he cried, smiling sadistically from ear to ear. “Real war!”
If it was even possible, the crowd roared louder, the cacophony railing against your eardrums. Queen Lucilla clenched her jaw, gripping the headrest of one of the thrones tightly. With a shaking hand, you accepted the wine Senator Gracchus offered you and clinked your glass against his.
The two vessels circled each other closely, quickly searching for any weaknesses and readying to strike. The Roman fleet was cocky, though, moving in without a shred of uncertainty. The Barbarian vessel narrowly missed their initial attack, but they came close enough that a few Roman fighters jumped onto their boat.
The loud clash of swords followed, a few bodies falling overboard, some still living. The waters bloomed crimson, the sharks going into a frenzy at the scent of blood. You spotted Lucius again in the chaos, driving his sword through the last invading Roman fighter and yelling out commands to his fellow gladiators. 
Both Emperors leaned over the edge of the balcony, shouting and jeering along with the rest of the Roman populace. General Acacius hovered near them, but he watched as somberly as the rest of you. The vessels came close again, but in a cunning move, Lucius made his rowers pull the oars at the last moment before impact. 
The oars of the Roman vessel tore into the side of the Barbarian one, tipping it sideways but effectively getting them both stuck together. Fighters from both sides clashed once more, desperation seeming to take place as both boats were threatening to capsize. 
Without noticing, you grasped Senator Gracchus’ arm as you waited for the outcome. He placed a hand over yours, watching just as raptly. Numbers dwindled quickly in favor of the Barbarian fighters, and you felt like you could almost sight in relief. But what happened next was so fast that you almost thought you’d imagined it.
Before anyone could actually be declared victor, an archer loosed an arrow that sailed towards the emperor’s box, landing between their thrones. Chaos ensued, the two of them crying in outrage and surprise. Immediately, General Acacius and the Praetorian guard moved to safely evacuate them. 
“Let’s go, all of you!” he commanded, voice booming.
Senator Gracchus ushered you and Queen Lucilla to follow as some guards encircled the three of you. You tried getting one last look at the arena but saw nothing more than the splintered masts of the vessels. Thankfully, Lucius was still alive, at least for the time being.
But just in case, you sent a prayer up to the Gods that nobody else noticed he was the one to shoot the arrow. 
A small torch was your only source of illumination as you navigated through the streets of Rome to the prison where Lucius and his fellow gladiators were being kept. After relaying Lucius’ demand to see you, Queen Lucilla insisted on sending one of her guards with you. He marched at your side, one hand resting on the hilt of his sword, ready for any possible assailants leaping forth from the dark. 
You hid your face under a hooded cloak and let your companion speak to the jail’s guard as you arrived at the iron gates. The jail was cavernous, damp, and cool, and oppressive in the darkness of night. You shuddered, unable to fathom being imprisoned in such a place, even for a day. Your heart ached for those who already were, ignorant of when – or if – they might be released.
He guided you to Lucius’ cell, opened the large, heavy padlock, and let you in. Both guards waited outside of the cell to give you some privacy, and you removed your hood so Lucius could see you. He stood up from his cot, a smile slowly breaking out on his handsome face.
You let him take you into his arms and kiss you, leaving you swaying on your feet. You pulled away just enough to look him over as if reassuring yourself he was alive and all in one piece. His smile didn’t falter under your assessment – in fact, it seemed like he was proud to have proved himself to you, keeping the promise he’d made at the bathhouse. 
“Today was… I don’t even have the words to describe it,” you said, hugging him close. “When I realized it would be no ordinary fight, I feared for you… I still do.”
He placed one of your palms on his chest, right over his heart. “You have nothing to fear. I’m here.”
You glanced over your shoulder to make sure the guards weren’t watching, then lowered your voice to a whisper.
“What you did at the end, it was beyond foolish,” you said, shaking your head slightly. “I made an offering to Fortuna for all the favor she bestowed on you today. I do not think anybody else realized, or else we would not be standing here.”
“Another reason to celebrate,” he said, not bothered in the slightest. “Perhaps it was even luckier that the arrow didn’t strike true.”
“You really meant to kill one of the Emperors?” 
He shook his head. “Not them. Acacius. But in reality, I wouldn’t have minded if either of them had fallen.”
“I suppose it was a good thing the rest of us were out of range,” you murmured, looking down.
“I would never harm you,” he said gravely, grasping your chin and making you look him in the eye. “Never.”
You were nearly floored by the sincerity in his gaze, but even more so by the passion you found there, as well. It went beyond lust, even. Nobody had ever looked at you in such a way. You leaned forward and kissed him gently, letting him know that you trusted him.
“I know, Lucius,” you said.
“Then, let us not concern ourselves with anything, or anyone, else for now,” he said. “Tomorrow, the sun will rise and Rome will still be Rome. In the meantime, there is only us.”
The echo of his words at the bathhouse made you smile softly. A part of you wanted to ask more questions about his wanting to kill Acacius, but there was a slight edge of finality to his tone. Regardless, it wasn’t like you wanted to waste what little time you had together lecturing him. 
You reached up to undo your cloak, intently holding his gaze, and let it fall on his cot. “Claim your prize, then, fierce warrior. I am all yours.”
With a glance outside, he extinguished the torch in his cell and closed the distance between you. His lips melded against yours desperately, tongue slipping into your mouth. With ease, he lifted you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist.
He sat on the cot so you could straddle him, his hands wandering down your back and settling on your ass, giving it an appreciative squeeze. He groaned into your mouth, his chest rumbling against yours. He pulled your dress over your head as best as he could, leaving you in your thin shift. 
His hands traced the curves of your hips and waist, like a sculptor working clay into a masterpiece. He cupped your breasts, your nipples poking through the fabric, and you leaned back to give him access. He managed to pull the shift down to your midsection, revealing your chest. He trailed open-mouthed kisses on your sternum, moving lower. 
His tongue teasingly flicked one of your nipples, making you suck a breath through your teeth. He lavished them both with attention, the graze of his teeth and the pinch of his fingers igniting a fire within you. You continued trying to be as quiet as possible, even if he made it extremely difficult.
You reached between your bodies to palm his growing erection over his tunic. His hips bucked upward, seeking more of your touch. One of his hands cupped the back of your neck, leaning your forehead against his.
“How does it feel,” he rasped. “To be the only one who can disarm me so completely?”
You felt a heady, triumphant rush, nipping at his bottom lip. “I’ll keep the secret for you.”
He chuckled, surrendering to another fervent, dizzying kiss from you. You hiked up your shift as he lifted you slightly so he could free his cock from beneath his tunic. You spat on your hand and reached down to spread it on the sensitive head, moving to grip the base so you could line it up with the entrance of your cunt. You sank down slowly, your face so close to his you seemed to share breath. 
“Just like that,” he groaned, hands gripping your hips tightly. “I needed this more than you know…”
“Let me take care of you,” you whispered, letting out a breathy moan, head tipping back in ecstasy. 
You felt like you were filled to the brim by him, clouding all your other senses. He slid in and out of you easily, your arousal dripping down his length and pooling on his sac. His mouth was on your chest again, your fingers weaving through his hair. 
“Oh, Lucius…” You sighed dreamily. 
He pulsed at the sound of his name on your lips. In order to prolong the pleasure for both of you, he rolled you onto your back on the cot, keeping himself sheathed inside of you. He pushed your legs back, driving your knees past your elbows, his weight pinning you down. 
His thrusts were deep and hard, but not fast, intent on letting you feel him in his entirety. Your face contorted with pleasure, the intensity of it all nearly too much for you to bear. He groaned your name with the intensity of a supplicant. His sac tightened as he felt you squeeze around him, knowing he wouldn’t last too long no matter how much he tried. 
“Say my name again,” he said, eyes blazing. “Say who you belong to.”
“Lucius,” you panted deliriously, tears gathering on your lashes. “Ah, Lucius!”
His thrusts picked up the pace, frenzied, the sound of flesh slapping together unmistakable. You cupped his face in your hands as you felt yourself coming apart under him, trembling. A cry threatened to escape you, but he covered your mouth with one hand, muffling it. 
He shushed you gently, but his breathing became ragged as he reached oblivion himself. You felt warmth flooding your cunt, his last thrusts shallow, fucking his spend deeper inside you and making sure no drop was wasted. He uncovered your mouth and kissed you as if in apology, both of you dazed and content.
He rolled over to lie very closely at your side, the cot barely big enough for the two of you. His strong arms enveloped you once more, making you feel safe perhaps for the first time in your life. There were still a few hours before sunrise – before Rome and everything else that came along with it became real again – so you could languish with him for a little while longer.
The last thing you wanted was to untangle yourself from him, anyway, instead nuzzling closer. Your fingers softly traced patterns on his forearm as you pondered what this might mean for the two of you.
“Do you… really intend to stake your claim on me?” You asked tentatively. “Outside of this?”
You deliberately avoided any specific labels, not foolish enough to presume anything. Things were still precarious and new, but you already felt bonded to him in a way you couldn’t truly explain, and a part of you had to believe he felt the same way.
“Of course,” he said, but seemed hesitant to say more.
You shifted onto your belly to look at him, his fingers now tracing up and down your spine lazily. 
“Are you certain?”
He nodded, sighing deeply. You’d already known there was a lot weighing on him that he did not speak about, and while you didn’t want to add to his burden, you needed to know this. If only to save yourself some pain.
“There are a great many things at stake right now, including my freedom,” he said, looking up at the ceiling pensively. “Much of what I still have to do is dangerous, and only the Gods know the outcome of it all. I intend to do everything in my power to protect you, in the meantime, and I cannot allow you to become a part of what must happen. I cannot risk losing you.”
You weighed his words for a moment, then nodded in understanding. “You are lucky, patience is a virtue I possess in great quantities.”
He looked back at you and kissed the tip of your nose affectionately. 
“I don’t make promises I don’t intend to keep,” he said, lacing his fingers through yours. “And I can promise you that as soon as I walk a free man, the first one I will run to is you.”
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prismuffin · 10 months ago
Okay, can I get an ask of the batboys (Dick, Jason, Tim (separately), reacting to them thinking Male Reader called them(the bat boys) a 'good boy'?!
Like the batboys are talking about something they did today, and they hear the reader say something like , 'looks like someone's been a goodboy' while standing beside them.
BUT! But when they turn around, they see Reader talking to his pet.
this is soo funny to me LMFAO- anyways i think that-
Dick had just gotten back from a run with you and your dog. He was making idle chatter as he refilled his water bottle in the kitchen, his back to you as you kneeled down to remove the harness from your dog. "You know we ran an extra mile today," Dick said, closing up his water bottle as you hummed, scratching behind your dogs ear. "And you did it without any breaks, good boy." Dick choked, turning around quickly to look at you, "what did you just?!-" He cut himself off, noticing you still cooing over your dog before looking at him in confusion at his sudden outburst. Noticing that you were talking to your dog he immediately felt embarrassed at himself and he started to blush a bit, clearing his throat as he looked away from you. "N-Nothing...nevermind," He was quick to leave after that, wondering why that interaction made his heart pound a bit in his chest. Jason was cooling off after a particularly rough workout and he was talking to you about it. He'd just hit a deadlift goal and was telling you about it while he made his meal prep, kind of bragging, kind of not. The last thing he expected to come out of your mouth as a response was you calling him a good boy. He paused, smirking at your teasing before turning to you slowly with an eyebrow raised only to see you petting your dog, completely ignoring him. His face fell immediately as he realized you were just talking to your dog and he just turned back around, deciding to leave you in the dark about his little mistake. Tim would be ranting to you about a new contraption he had made, he had tested it out on a recent mission and it'd worked perfectly so he was proud to be ranting about it to you. He's not sure why but he felt his heart skip a beat when he'd heard your response, "Awww Good boy! Good job buddy-" A blush broke out on his face at your words. Were you babying him? "Wh-what?!" He turned, stopping as he saw you looking at him in confusion, you were kneeling and petting your dog though you'd stopped after he'd turned to you. "Oh you were- uhh-" His eyes darted between you and your dog and you couldn't help but chuckle as you realized what just happened. "You thought I was talking to you?" You raised an eyebrow and his blush deepened. He shook his head, "No! thats not-" "Aww did you want me to call you a good boy because your little invention worked?" You teased and he turned away from you as you laughed at his embarrassment, your dog yipping in a sound that was all too similar to laughter it was practically mocking to Tim.
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svt-luna · 5 months ago
ʚིᵋ ⋆ MY ALCOHOL DIARY 2.0 ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── the aftermath.
sound_of_coups: 이게뭐야? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ @/lunabae @/youngji_02 (Translation: What is this? hahahahahaha)
synopsis: The dance practice aftermath after Luna’s appearance at Lee Youngji’s My Alcohol Diary.
due to popular demand, here is My Alcohol Diary 2.0 — The Aftermath. i highly recommend reading that first before reading this one!! this will be a short one, short but comedic!! happy reading, my loves 🤍
╰ ౨ৎ my alcohol diary
╰ ౨ৎ LUNA-VERSE MASTERLIST ╰ ౨ৎ more interviews
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bold dialogues are spoken in english ღ
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Luna was gonna regret this tomorrow, she already knew that.
She could barely keep still the second she was guided into the van by her managers after her interview with Youngji.
The seatbelt clicked, but her body vibrated with the kind of energy one would expect from a child hyped on too much sugar.
She felt unstoppable as if she could run the entire way back to the HYBE building without even breaking a sweat.
Luna’s legs jittered, her fingers drummed on her lap, and her head buzzed with warmth. She’d had so much fun with Youngji; the adrenaline from their conversation and the alcohol still surged through her.
She couldn’t stop giggling.
The van started to move, but her thoughts were already racing ahead to practice.
I’m late… I should call Hannie!
Reaching for her phone with slightly unsteady hands, Luna quickly found Jeonghan’s contact, hitting the call button.
He picked up almost instantly as if he had been waiting for her.
“Nana-ya,” came his familiar voice, soft and calm, a smile in his tone. He knew exactly what state she’d be in. “You called just like I told you to.”
“Han!” Luna exclaimed, a little too loudly. Her giddiness was undeniable. “We’re practicing, right? Have you guys started already? Oh no, am I late? Are you practicing hard? Are you having fun without me?”
She threw the questions at him rapid-fire, her voice high and playful, so far from her usual composed demeanor that it made Jeonghan chuckle softly.
“Yes, we’ve started,” he answered, his voice warm and patient. “You are a little late but that’s okay. We are practicing hard. And no, we’re not having fun without you. We’re waiting for you, actually.”
Luna pouted, even though he couldn’t see her, and her voice dropped to a childish whine. “I wanna see…”
Jeonghan, ever indulgent, didn’t even hesitate. “Alright, hold on.”
A few moments later, the familiar ding of FaceTime echoed through her phone, and Luna eagerly answered.
The screen filled with Jeonghan’s face, leaning back casually on one of the sofas in the practice room. His soft, doting smile was the first thing she noticed. Behind him, faint voices of the other members could be heard, but Jeonghan’s attention was solely on her.
“Hi,” he said softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he watched her.
Luna giggled, giddy. “Hi.” She paused for a second, her eyes roaming his face on the screen. “You’re so handsome.”
Jeonghan’s lazy grin grew wider, his voice dropping into that soft, sing-song tone he reserved just for her. “And you’re cute. Are you on your way here?”
“Yeah,” Luna sighed happily, leaning back into her seat, her eyes glued to his face. “But, Hannie, guess what! I saw the cutest dog outside just now! It was so fluffy! I wanted to take it with me.”
Jeonghan chuckled again, the sound low and affectionate. “You always want to take dogs with you.”
“I do! I can’t help it.” Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “If I find another one, I might just bring it to the practice room.”
Jeonghan shook his head, his voice filled with fond amusement. “Maybe not today, hmm? Just come here in one piece.”
Luna giggled, her eyes lighting up when the van passed a billboard featuring SEVENTEEN. “Oh! Hannie! I see you! You’re on a billboard, looking all pretty and cool.”
He tilted his head playfully. “Am I? You know that’s just how I look when I’m thinking of you.”
She felt her face warm at the compliment, a shy blush creeping up her cheeks. “Stop it,” she muttered, but her grin was wide, her heart fluttering despite the alcohol fuzzing her mind.
Jeonghan, of course, didn’t stop. His voice stayed soft and teasing, a gentle hum in her ears. “Are you embarrassed? I can see your cheeks turning pink, Nana-ya.”
Her eyes flickered back to him on the screen, and despite herself, she laughed, covering her face with her hand. “I’m not! You’re just saying that to make me flustered.”
“I’m just telling the truth,” he cooed, his gaze soft and admiring as he watched her. “You’re cute when you’re drunk, you know that?”
Luna bit her lip, feeling a rush of affection and giddiness. “You say that like I’m not cute when I’m sober,” she teased back, her smile softening into something more tender as their playful banter continued.
Jeonghan’s voice dropped even lower, almost a whisper, meant just for her. “You’re always cute.”
Blushing harder, Luna glanced away from the screen briefly, her heart doing somersaults. She didn’t even care that her managers were in the front seat, listening in— they were used to this kind of exchange between the two of them by now.
It was nothing new, just Jeonghan being his sweet, doting self.
“I’ll be there soon,” she said, trying to rein in her giggles. “Don’t miss me too much, okay?”
Jeonghan chuckled, his voice softening into a melodic hum. “I always miss you. See you soon, okay? Stay safe on your way.”
As Luna’s van continued to roll through the city, her heart was light, the buzz of alcohol making everything feel a little brighter, a little softer. And Jeonghan’s compliments in her head only made it all the sweeter.
Once they finally pulled up to the HYBE building, the reality of returning to practice in her current state made her giggle.
Luna wasn’t stumbling, not at all— she was far too energetic for that— but her managers still held her firmly, each with one hand clasped on her arms.
It wasn’t to support her; no, it was to contain the buzz of excitement that threatened to make her bolt through the building. She felt like she could run straight into the practice room, but she behaved, her steps quick but steady as her managers guided her toward the elevator.
She giggled again, shaking her head as if trying to clear the happy haze she was floating in. “I’m fine, really!” she insisted brightly to her managers, her voice echoing in the empty halls. But she kept walking, letting them hold on to her. She wouldn’t be reckless, not when she was so close to seeing her members again.
When they reached the elevator, her fingers danced across her phone, even though she wasn’t really texting anyone— just scrolling through the apps.
The metallic doors opened, and the three of them stepped inside, the managers still lightly gripping her arms as if any second she might try to run off. Luna rocked back on her heels, eyes sparkling as the familiar ding signaled their arrival on the practice floor. Her managers exchanged a glance as they led her out.
The second the doors opened, the hum of conversation from the practice room filled her ears. The sound of SEVENTEEN’s chatter was warm, and comforting, like stepping into a familiar, noisy home.
Luna’s grin widened, and she barely noticed when one of her managers softly called, “Delivery,” as they gently guided her into the room.
Inside, the members were scattered around the room. Some were seated on the ground, leaning against the sofa, while others stood in loose groups.
The moment they saw her, a ripple of recognition passed through the group. Her half-closed, droopy eyes, paired with the enormous smile on her face, were enough of a giveaway.
Luna didn’t even have to speak for them to know what had happened.
“Aigoo,” Seungkwan groaned with a chuckle, looking at her fondly. “She’s drunk.”
Hoshi, as always, was the first to react, popping up from his seat. He clapped enthusiastically, pointing at her with a dramatic gesture. “Good job! She’s back! Look at her! She’s so cute!”
Luna blinked slowly at the outpouring of attention, still smiling but now a little more bashful. She waved weakly, not moving from where her managers had let her go. “Hello,” she greeted them in perfect English, her accent bright and innocent.
The cheerfulness in her voice made them laugh, and a chorus of amused responses followed.
Mingyu and Dokyeom immediately joined in, chuckling as they cooed over her. “Aigoo, Lulu-ya, you’re so cute!” Mingyu teased, his tall figure looming over the others as he leaned in, his voice dripping with affection.
Dino, sitting cross-legged on the floor, clapped his hands together, grinning. “Noona did you have fun?” he asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.
Joshua, Jun, Wonwoo, Woozi, Minghao, and Vernon stood in the background, their expressions neutral but clearly amused as they watched her. Joshua shook his head slightly, the corner of his mouth curling up. Jun looked like he was holding back a laugh, while Woozi raised a brow, bemused.
Seungcheol, always the responsible leader, stood off to the side, watching the scene with a mixture of amusement and concern. His arms were crossed, his expression torn between being entertained and exasperated. “Should I be worried?” he asked no one in particular, his tone dry.
Jeonghan, however, hadn’t moved from his spot on the sofa. He was leaning back lazily, his eyes half-lidded with a knowing smirk playing on his lips. He watched with quiet satisfaction as Luna was brought closer, her wide smile and droopy eyes making him chuckle under his breath.
Hoshi leaned in, mock-solemn as he nodded towards Seungkwan. “I think she had a good time,” he remarked, his tone light as he clapped again, proud of his assessment as if he was having deja vu.
“Did you drink water?” Dokyeom asked, his brow furrowed with concern, even as he struggled to contain his laughter.
Luna blinked, looking around at all the familiar faces. The warmth of their voices, and the playful teasing, made her feel at home. “I did,” she nodded earnestly, though there was a slight wobble in her voice. Her hand shot out in a grand gesture toward the room, her eyes landing on each member one by one. “And you guys! You guys are all so… so… amazing!”
Jeonghan chuckled, the sound soft and low as he sat up a little straighter. “Nana-ya,” he called out to her, his voice smooth, the teasing lilt unmistakable. “Why don’t you come over here and sit down, huh?”
Luna blinked at him, her smile widening at the sight of him lounging back, looking completely at ease. “Okay!” she chirped, taking a few steps toward him before stopping to grin at everyone again.
The laughter and overlapping chatter followed her, the sound of a warm hug as they all tried to get her attention at once.
“Did you have fun?” Hoshi repeated, more insistently this time, beaming at her.
“Are you feeling okay?” Minghao asked, his voice quiet but laced with amusement.
“Sit down first,” Seungcheol finally interrupted, stepping forward to guide her towards the sofa.
Luna blinked up at him, her grin still bright, her energy bubbling over. “I’m okay, really,” she insisted again, though her steps were slightly wobbly as she finally reached the sofa, letting herself sink down next to Jeonghan.
“Hello!” she greeted once more, waving her hand in a little flourish before her head rested against the back of the sofa, a content sigh escaping her lips.
The members exchanged glances, their amused expressions softening into affection as they continued to watch her, the room filled with their overlapping voices of concern and playful teasing.
As the rest of the members began to disperse, some returning to their casual conversations, others stretching or preparing for practice, Luna and Jeonghan remained on the couch, enveloped in their own little world.
Jeonghan’s lazy smile softened as he looked at Luna, whose head had found a comfortable spot on his shoulder. She hummed softly, her voice muffled but content, as her fingers toyed with the hem of her top. Her cheek pressed against him, the warmth of his presence grounding her amidst the happy, drunken haze she floated in.
With a soft chuckle, Jeonghan reached up, his long fingers brushing away a few stray hairs that clung to her face. “You look like a mess,” he teased gently, his voice low and affectionate as he smoothed her hair down with slow, careful strokes. He tilted his head slightly, eyes tracing the soft lines of her face as he continued, “How much did you drink, huh?”
Luna giggled, her droopy eyes glancing up at him through half-closed lids. “I… don’t remember… not much… I think,” she mumbled, though her slurred words betrayed the truth. “I’m okay.”
Jeonghan smirked, clearly unconvinced, but his teasing remained light. “Right,” he replied, drawing out the word with playful skepticism. His fingers grazed the top of her head again, patting it softly as if to soothe her. “You’re definitely okay. Just the picture of sobriety.”
Luna pouted slightly but nuzzled her face closer into his shoulder, her body relaxing further against him. “I am,” she insisted, though the effort to sound serious only made her sound more adorable. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment before she added, “I missed you guys…”
Jeonghan’s smirk softened into something warmer, more tender. “We missed you too, Nana-ya,” he murmured, continuing to absentmindedly play with her hair. His voice dropped even lower, his tone filled with quiet affection as he leaned a little closer, “You should rest after this, though. Don’t push yourself too much okay?”
Before Luna could respond, Seungcheol’s firm voice cut through the conversation. He approached them, his expression still a mixture of concern and exasperation. “Jiyeon-ah, you should sit out for practice today,” he said, crossing his arms as he looked down at her.
At that, Luna lifted her head from Jeonghan’s shoulder, her eyes widening in dismay. She blinked up at Seungcheol with her heart in her eyes, lips forming a soft pout as she protested, “But I’m okay! I can practice…” Her voice had taken on a pleading tone, almost like a child trying to convince a parent to let her stay up past bedtime.
Jeonghan couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face at her reaction. “Coups,” he drawled, tilting his head towards Seungcheol with a teasing glint in his eyes. “Come on, if she says she can do it, she can do it. She’s a pro.” His arm tightened around Luna, still gently playing with her hair as if to show solidarity.
Seungcheol shot Jeonghan an exasperated look, clearly unimpressed. “Don’t encourage her, Jeonghan,” he scolded lightly, his brows furrowing. But when he looked back at Luna, his expression softened despite himself.
Jeonghan’s smirk only grew wider as he leaned back against the sofa, his arm still around Luna. He nodded towards Seungcheol as if to say, Go ahead, try to argue with her. She’s not going to give up. Especially not drunk Luna…
Seungcheol sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced at Luna, who was now looking at him with even bigger, more pleading eyes. “Luna,” he began gently, crouching down to her level. “You need to rest. You could hurt yourself if you try to practice like this.”
But Luna wasn’t ready to give up. She stood up— wobbly but determined— and made her way over to Seungcheol, wrapping her arms around his side as she pressed her cheek against his arm. Her brows furrowed, and her pout deepened as she looked up at him. “Do you not love me anymore?” she asked, her voice small and almost heartbroken.
That was the final straw for Jeonghan, who burst out laughing, throwing his head back as he watched the scene unfold. The room echoed with his amusement, drawing the attention of the other members again.
Seungcheol, for his part, softened immediately, his stern expression melting as he looked down at her. “Of course I love you,” he sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I love you too much, which is exactly why I don’t want you to practice right now.”
Before Luna could reply, a loud voice from across the room interrupted them. “Let her dance!” Hoshi called out, raising his hand like a student making a bold suggestion in class. His grin was wide and mischievous, clearly entertained by the whole situation.
Several of the members burst out laughing at the memory, knowing exactly what Hoshi was referring to— his own infamous post-Youngji interview dance practice a few months ago, where he, too, had returned drunk, overly enthusiastic, and hard-headed.
Seungcheol groaned, shooting Hoshi a look. “You, out of all people, should not be giving Jiyeonie advice right now,” he retorted, his tone sharp but laced with amusement. “That’s two out of fourteen of us who have shown up drunk to practice.”
The room broke into laughter again, some members shaking their heads while others clapped Hoshi on the back in solidarity.
Luna, however, remained focused on Seungcheol, her eyes wide and earnest as she tightened her hug around his side. “I’m fine,” she repeated with determination, her voice slightly muffled against his arm. “Youngji made sure I was okay… She said she was scared of Hannie and you… mostly you.”
Seungcheol raised a brow at that, glancing over at Jeonghan, who simply hummed in agreement, his arm still loosely draped around the back of the sofa. Luna’s words brought a fresh wave of laughter from the members, their overlapping voices filling the room as they teased and bantered amongst themselves.
Luna’s arms stayed looped around Seungcheol’s side, her face still nestled into his arm, as she continued to pout slightly, holding onto him as if he were her last lifeline. Her brow furrowed deeper when one of her managers quietly entered the room, holding out a set of loose clothes— perfect for practice as opposed to the outfit Luna had worn for her interview with Youngji.
“Luna,” her manager called softly, trying not to interrupt the moment too abruptly. “Let’s get you changed into these. You’ll be more comfortable for practice.”
Luna blinked up, her eyes flickering between Seungcheol and the clothes her manager held. Her pout deepened, and she dramatically sighed, tightening her grip on Seungcheol. “What’s the point in changing?” she mumbled, half under her breath but loud enough for everyone to hear. “Cheollie doesn’t love me anymore, and he won’t even let me practice…”
The room erupted into laughter, the sound bouncing off the studio walls as the members chuckled at her exaggerated dramatics.
Jeonghan’s eyes were trained on her, his amusement clear in the soft, lazy smile playing on his lips. He didn’t say anything, but the way his gaze lingered on her, watching her every move, showed just how entertained he was.
Seungcheol threw his head back in disbelief, exasperation, and fondness battling in his expression as he let out a long sigh. “I—” he began, but his words were cut off by more laughter from the others, clearly finding Luna’s antics too endearing and hilarious to stop.
Her manager, who had clearly dealt with Luna’s stubbornness before, just smiled gently and approached her again. “You still need to change, Luna, regardless of what Seungcheol says,” they insisted softly but firmly, holding out the clothes to her.
Luna tilted her head up at Seungcheol again, mustering every ounce of puppy-dog eyes she could, her lips parting in a hopeful pout as if this was her final attempt at breaking his resolve.
Seungcheol, sensing the trap, quickly averted his eyes, refusing to look at her, clearly trying to maintain his stance. But the soft, playful sigh that escaped Luna’s lips made him falter.
“He really doesn’t love me anymore,” she said loudly to herself, her voice full of exaggerated melancholy as she turned her head away, her hold on him loosening slightly.
Her words were followed by a pointed silence from the room, only broken by Jeonghan’s quiet, low laughter from where he sat, watching in pure amusement.
Seungcheol groaned, shoulders sagging in defeat. He glanced down at her, finally giving in, the resistance in his expression melting away. “Alright, alright,” he caved, his voice softer now, filled with the affection he couldn’t hide. “You can practice… but if you start feeling tired or sick, you stop immediately. No arguing, okay?”
Luna’s eyes lit up instantly, a gleeful squeal escaping her lips. “Thank you, Cheollie!” she exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over as she hugged him even tighter, burying her face into his chest. In one swift motion, she leaned up and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before letting go, practically bouncing on her feet with renewed energy.
Seungcheol chuckled, rubbing his cheek where she’d kissed him, a slightly flustered look crossing his features. He didn’t have much time to react before Luna dashed off toward her manager to grab the practice clothes.
“Be careful!” Seungcheol’s voice echoed in the room.
“Stop running!” Jeonghan called out right after, his voice lilting with amusement as both men watched her disappear toward the bathroom to change.
As the door clicked shut behind her, Jeonghan turned toward Seungcheol, a teasing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He leaned back against the couch, crossing one leg over the other in his usual laid-back posture, eyes gleaming mischievously. “Folded,” was all he said, the single word dripping with teasing satisfaction as if he was proud of his girlfriend for getting her way.
Seungcheol sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge of his nose before turning to glare half-heartedly at Jeonghan. With a playful scowl, he grabbed his cap and tossed it lightly at him. “Shut up,” he muttered, though the smile tugging at his lips betrayed the fact that he wasn’t really upset.
Jeonghan chuckled lazily, catching the cap mid-air with ease before placing it back on his lap. “You know I’m right,” he said, still smirking as he leaned further back, clearly enjoying himself.
Seungcheol just shook his head, a soft chuckle escaping him as he resigned himself to the fact that when it came to Luna— especially drunk Luna— no one could resist her.
Luna emerged from the bathroom, her usual polished interview look swapped for something far more relaxed: a loose red basketball jersey paired with white joggers that bunched slightly at her ankles. Her hair, now loosely behind her bounced as she made her way back into the practice room, looking noticeably more comfortable.
The slight sway in her steps hinted that the alcohol was still very much in her system, but her eyes were sharp with determination, ready to dive into practice.
The music started, filling the room with the bass-heavy beat of their latest choreography. Immediately, Luna fell into formation, her movements precise, sharp, and perfectly timed with the rest of the group. Her body moved effortlessly through the routine, hitting each step with an intensity and focus that surprised even the members watching her.
It was as if she wasn’t even drunk, her dance sharp and fluid, almost second nature to her.
“Wow,” Joshua muttered under his breath, glancing at Jeonghan who was leaning casually against the mirrored wall. “She’s still killing it.”
Jeonghan smirked, his arms folded across his chest as he watched her. “That’s Jiyeonie for you,” he said, pride evident in his voice. Despite her condition, she was a professional through and through.
Typically, Luna was one of the quieter members of the group during practice or in general. She would keep her head down, laser-focused on perfecting her moves.
She only spoke when necessary, giving or receiving feedback, and often took her breaks in silence, either hydrating or resting beside Jeonghan on the sidelines. Together, they would sit in a comfortable quiet, the kind of wordless communication they’d developed over years of being together.
But today was different.
Though Luna still moved with that same focus during the routine, the clear sign that she wasn’t completely sober became apparent during their breaks.
Instead of quietly retreating to Jeonghan’s side, she would giggle every now and then— small bursts of laughter that felt like sunshine breaking through clouds, surprising the others as much as it endeared them.
During the small moments when the music stopped, she became clingy, her usual quiet demeanor replaced with a playful, affectionate energy.
At one point, she draped her arms over Vernon’s shoulders from behind as he took a sip of water. He barely flinched, as if this was normal, simply adjusting so she could rest her chin comfortably on his shoulder. “You good?” he asked, his voice gentle, not wanting to push her.
“Mhm,” Luna hummed, her face close to his cheek. “Just resting.”
A few minutes later, when the group started stretching for the next set, Luna slid down next to Dino, her fingers quickly lacing through his hand without a word. He looked down at their interlocked fingers, his lips twitching into a small smile, but didn’t comment on it, allowing her to hold his hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
When it was Hoshi’s turn to stand and clarify a particularly tricky part of the choreography, Luna bounded up and jumped on his back with a giggle. “Piggyback?” she asked, her voice playful. He let out an exaggerated sigh, but smiled nonetheless, supporting her weight with ease as he carried her across the room.
“Alright, alright, off you go,” Hoshi said after a minute, gently setting her back down. He gave her an affectionate pat on the head as she settled back onto the floor, her laughter filling the room.
The break stretched on longer than expected as the members settled into their own rhythms, some lying down on the couches, others chatting, and a few playing random music over the speakers.
It started slow— light background music while they all took a breather—but as the tempo picked up, Luna, who had been lounging comfortably in a chair moments before, suddenly got up.
A familiar song filled the room, and without hesitation, she grabbed the sparkly pink mic from a nearby stand. Her voice, light and playful, danced through the notes as she sang along. She wasn’t performing, not in the way she normally would on stage, but there was a relaxed confidence in the way she moved. Her body swayed to the rhythm, hips shifting with the beat, her feet barely leaving the ground as she danced in place.
From the couch, Jeonghan watched her with an unmistakable fondness, his head tilted to the side, one arm stretched lazily across the backrest. Beside him, Seungcheol had his phone out, already filming her from a low angle, capturing Luna’s spontaneous moment of joy.
“Look at this. What is happening?,” Seungcheol muttered, eyes still trained on his phone screen as he continued recording. “Youngji-ssi, what is this? She’s like an animal in the wild.” His voice was deadpan, the tone as serious as if he were narrating a wildlife documentary. He zoomed in slightly, the camera catching Luna mid-twirl as she continued to sing into the mic. “She’s unaware of the predators, blissfully ignorant of her surroundings. Perhaps she’s intoxicated from her previous meal.”
Jeonghan chuckled softly beside him, leaning back against the couch as if settling in for a show. “You’re gonna get us all killed, you know that, right?” he murmured, eyes twinkling with amusement.
Luna, still twirling and dancing along, caught something in her peripheral vision— Seungcheol’s phone, pointed directly at her.
A mischievous smile spread across her lips as she turned to fully face the camera, suddenly amping up her movements, adding an exaggerated shimmy and a playful spin to Seungcheol’s video. She pointed the mic toward the camera like a pop star acknowledging her audience, winking as she finished the verse she was singing.
The room filled with laughter, Seungcheol shaking his head as he lowered his phone slightly. “And here we have the moment the subject becomes aware of the camera,” he continued, still keeping up the faux-safari narration. “This behavior is rare and should be documented carefully.”
Jeonghan could barely contain his laughter now, a hand coming up to cover his mouth as he watched Seungcheol dramatically stop the recording. “I’m so posting this,” Seungcheol announced, his face as neutral as ever, but the corner of his lips twitching in amusement.
“You’re gonna regret that tomorrow,” Jeonghan said, still smiling, his eyes flicking between Seungcheol and Luna, who was now dancing in place with even more enthusiasm.
“Oh, I’m well aware,” Seungcheol replied, his fingers already moving across his phone screen as he opened Instagram and uploaded the video to his story, captioning it:
이게뭐야? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ @/lunabae @/youngji_02
(Translation: What is this? hahahahahaha)
Within seconds, the notification popped up for their fans, and it wouldn’t be long before the comments and reactions flooded in.
Luna, blissfully unaware of her sudden social media fame, continued to sing into her sparkly mic, completely in her element.
Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan watched her, now sharing a silent understanding as they waited for the inevitable storm of fan reactions that would surely follow.
“Be careful what you wish for,” Jeonghan teased quietly, his gaze still locked on Luna as she danced across the room. Seungcheol smirked but didn’t reply.
Both of them knew, though— that tomorrow, Luna is gonna be pissed over that video.
Throughout it the rest of the day, the members made sure to keep an eye on her.
Whenever they paused, someone— usually Jeonghan— would hand her a bottle of water, making sure she stayed hydrated.
He teased her relentlessly, his voice filled with fondness, but there was an underlying care in every action he made toward her. Despite his laid-back demeanor, he never missed a beat in checking on her, sliding water into her hands and watching closely for any sign of exhaustion.
“Drink,” Jeonghan said, pushing the bottle toward her after one particularly intense set.
Luna pouted but took it, gulping down the water obediently. Jeonghan patted her head lightly, smoothing down some of the stray hairs that had stuck on her face during the dance. “Good job,” he murmured softly, his voice barely audible over the music.
Her eyes sparkled up at him, and for a moment, it was just the two of them in their own little bubble.
But then, as soon as the break ended, Luna was up again, this time clinging onto Mingyu’s arm as they walked back to the center of the room. Mingyu playfully pouted, but let her hang onto him as they prepared for the next run-through.
She was their Luna, after all, and no one could resist her, especially not like this.
Every now and then, Jeonghan would check in, calling out small reminders to her, making sure she didn’t push herself too hard despite how well she was performing. But even he had to admit, as he exchanged a glance with Seungcheol across the room, there was something about a tipsy Luna that brought out the softest side of everyone around her.
Luna was rarely the one to seek out affection, at least not openly. She was independent, strong, and often kept to herself especially during practice sessions, relying on her own grit to push through the fatigue.
The only exception, of course, was Jeonghan.
With him, Luna would let down her guard, and let herself be cared for in those quiet moments, but it was a side of her few others saw.
But tonight, that wall was down, and not just with Jeonghan.
The usual reserved Luna had melted into this softer, more open version of herself, allowing the other members to fuss over her, to baby her in a way that she never let them do.
It was rare, and that rarity seemed to pull a tender response from everyone in the room. There was something so disarming about seeing her like this— giggling, playfully clinging to the others, seeking out their affection without reservation.
Jeonghan watched from the sidelines, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he observed her moving between the members, hanging onto Seungkwan, then Dokyeom, then Woozi.
They each handled her in their own way— some with teasing, some with gentle pats or words of reassurance— but all of them were softened by her presence, their protectiveness surfacing in small, quiet gestures.
Luna’s independent streak was something they all admired— her resilience, her focus, and the way she never asked for help unless it was absolutely necessary.
But seeing her like this, in such a vulnerable and open state, brought out something in them all. It was as if they felt the need to protect her even more, to make sure she was okay, not just as a teammate, but as a sister, a friend.
As the practice continued, the members would sneak glances her way, checking on her without making it too obvious. They made sure she had water, and that she wasn’t pushing herself too hard, even though she was moving through the choreography flawlessly, almost as if she wasn’t tipsy at all.
But in between the intense sets, during those moments of rest, they took turns being there for her, offering small comforts she normally wouldn’t accept.
At one point, Dino, the youngest of the group, found himself with Luna’s arms wrapped around his waist as she rested her head on his shoulder. He looked down at her, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “Noona, are you okay?” he asked, his tone gentle.
Luna nodded, humming in response, her voice muffled against his shoulder. “Mhm… just a little tired.”
Dino patted her hand, his smile growing. “You’re doing great. But don’t push too hard, okay?”
She nodded again, and the group continued with their practice, but the energy in the room had shifted. There was a warmth, a quiet protectiveness that filled the space as they worked. Despite the teasing, the laughter, and the playful banter, they were all attuned to her, making sure she was okay, even if she wouldn’t admit that she needed them.
And Jeonghan, standing off to the side, couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. Luna, his Luna, was letting them in.
Even if it was just for tonight, it was a moment they all cherished, a rare glimpse of the girl who, for so long, had carried herself with such strength, now letting herself be cared for by the people who loved her most.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 months ago
Arrowheads and Rose Rocks
Tyler Owens x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 1K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Glen Powell, Glen Powell, Glen--
“I think that’s enough data for one day,” Tyler said as he began to pack up his equipment. “Got a good start to the season.”
Kate stood beside him, watching as the others gathered their gear, and did a mental headcount. “Uh…Tyler?” she asked, and he hummed, not looking up at her. “I think we’re missing one.”
He suddenly looked up, counting himself, then he shut his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “She’s like a kid finding a toy store. Boone!”
Boone stuck his head out the other side of the truck. “I didn’t do it.”
“She wandered again.”
Boone looked around. “Nu uh! She’s been beside me the enti…oh…”
Kate looked between them. “I’m so confused.”
“Tyler’s girlfriend likes to wander when you take your eyes off her,” Boone answered. “Kinda like a dog when you take it off the leash.”
“Don’t call her a dog,” Tyler chastised as he walked past. “Did anyone see her?”
Ben looked over at an expanse of trees. “I do believe she walked off towards the forest over there.”
Tyler rubbed a hand over his face. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Everyone keep packing.”
As he walked off, Kate leaned by the window and asked Boone, “So, she wanders around a lot? She get bored fast?”
“Oh yeah,” Boone snorted. “She’s a lot like a crow. When she sees something shiny, she’s going to take off after it.” He popped a piece of beef jerky into his mouth and chewed. “Notorious for finding shit though. Never seen her come back empty handed.”
“Huh…didn’t know that.”
Tyler trudged through low hanging branches and bushes knee high until he found boot prints following the path of a stream. He walked along, enjoying the peace and quiet, then he caught sight of her bent over a part of the stream, digging around in the mud. He tipped his head, watching her for a moment, then cleared his throat, watching with a smile as her shoulders jumped.
“Find anything cool?” he asked, and she lifted up something above her head.
“Arrowheads.” She dug around a few more times. “Some rose rocks.”
He walked over and crouched beside her. “Didn’t stay to gather data?”
“Got bored,” she answered and cleaned one of the arrowheads off in the water before she turned slightly, and wiped it on his jeans, then she put it in his hand.
Tyler flipped it over. About the size of his thumb, white in color, serrated edges. “Good find.”
“Found a few of them. Put ‘em in my backpack.”
He looked at her from the corner of his eye. “You mad at me?”
“You are.”
Tyler nudged her. “Why you mad at me? What’d I do?”
She hummed low in her throat. “Remember how you promised me last year we’d go to the Ritz for our anniversary?”
“Yeah?” he said, brows furrowing, still not understanding.
“Wanna take a stab at what day today is?” she offered and immediately his eyes went wide.
"It sure as hell isn't our anniversary." He fumbled for his phone. “Our anniversary isn’t until—” he thumbed into the calendar and then pursed his lips. “Ah…shit,” he muttered. “Baby, I swear I didn’t—”
“It’s fine,” she interrupted and stood up from the dirt.
He quickly stood up too, dropping the arrowhead into his shirt pocket. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Yep,” she nodded, and he frowned.
“I will. I’ll make dinner a-and I’ll get us some good wine, and we’ll listen to some George Strait and dance, and I’ll run you a bath, and give you a completely non-sexual massage, and then—” he trailed off when he saw the annoyed but fond look on her face. “Baby,” he murmured. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Tyler,” she nodded.
“No, it’s not,” he sighed. “I made a promise last year and…I couldn’t keep it.”
She shrugged. “We’re doing decent work up here. Takes precedent.”
Tyler wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against him. “No, it doesn’t.” he nuzzled her neck. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
With a sigh, she patted his back. “C’mon, big boy, the others are probably waiting.”
He let out a noise in his throat, refusing to let her go. “Stop being mad at me.”
“I’m not mad,” she snorted.
“You’re mad,” he groaned. “I can’t stand it when you’re mad at me.”
“Tyler, I’m not mad,” she laughed, poking at his back. “C’mon, let go so we can go back.”
“Tell me you love me.”
“Or what? We’ll spend forever locked here in this little forest?”
She sighed wistfully. “Well, I don’t think I’d mind all that much.” She pulled back enough to see his face. “I love you.”
“Mmm…mean it.”
Rolling her eyes, she reached up and took his face in her hands, squeezing his cheeks together as she promised, “I love you, Tyler Owens. Even if you forget our anniversary to chase tornadoes.”
He hummed and leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. “I love you, pretty girl.” He took her hand and started leading her back to the others.
“Y’know…there is one way you can make it up to me.”
“Do tell, pretty girl.”
“Could always go for a good strip tease.”
Tyler snorted, looking back at her. “That’s all I’m good for to you, ain’t it? Strip teases and thrills.”
“I dunno, you’re pretty good in the sack too.”
He turned, winding his arms around her and dipping his hands into her back pockets. “Be careful or we won’t get out of this forest for a completely different reason.”
“You and I are too old to be doing that out here,” she snorted and yelped when he squeezed her butt.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve still got it. I’m in my prime you know.”
“With knees that pop every morning when you get out of the bed? Prime, my ass.”
“At least I don’t complain about my back every morning,” he shot back with a grin.
“Hey, my back hurts because of you,” she teased, poking his stomach. “Now seriously, let’s get back before they send out a search party.”
“Heaven forbid,” Tyler gasped dramatically, and she rolled her eyes.
As they walked, she murmured, “I love you.”
He looked over at her and squeezed her hand and smiled warmly at her. “I love you, pretty girl. More than you’ll ever know.”
She smiled at him. “Yeah? You feeling it?”
Tyler grinned. “And I’m chasin’ it too.”
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o-sachi · 7 months ago
Nose Boops - Drabble for WinBre Week!
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ᯓ something's suspicious about sakura... time to find out why ᯓ character; sakura haruka (wind breaker) ᯓ tags; fluff, tsundere sakura, afab reader, no y/n
[🐟]: for day 4 - accidental pet acquisition prompt! @windbreakerweek
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Sakura's been acting strange.
Like reaaaaaally strange.
He was supposed to walk with you back home today, but somehow he suddenly has to patrol at that exact time. You knew his patrol schedule like the back of your own hand and you were certain that he didn't have to patrol. Besides, you knew Hiragi wasn't the type of guy to stray from fixed routines.
Anyway, you didn't like doubting him, so you asked Nirei. One text message and you confirmed that... Sakura was lying to you.
At first, you didn't know what to feel. Sakura was the most honest person that you knew and even if he did lie—he was way too obvious. But then again, it's always the person that you least expect to do you wrong.
Instead of walking straight back home later that day, you decided to investigate a bit. You checked out the usual streets that their team would roam around in. But nothing. You saw a couple of Furin boys, but none of them were familiar to you.
You even checked the cafe and asked Kotoha if he had been there. But still no luck. It was then you figured that maybe he was already at home. If he wasn't there either... well, that's definitely a cause for concern.
Part of you was incredibly nervous with what was waiting for you at his place, but all that worry dissipated in an instant at the sight that greeted you: Sakura walking the little puppy that you two found on the side of the street a week ago.
He had a small smile on his face, one that he reserved only for you (sometimes for his friends too, but he won't admit it). Sakura even bought the little thing a new collar and leash. You weren't exaggerating when you thought it was the most adorable thing ever.
Soon enough, he noticed your presence. His smile shifted into a flustered frown. "W-what are you doing here?" he asks, pointing at you.
You walk over to them, a toothy grin on your face. "Oh, I dunno... maybe I just wanted to see what my boyfriend was so busy with. But it's definitely not because of patrolling."
He turns to look away, hoping to hide the rosiness of his cheeks. But as he looks away, the puppy takes notice of you and rubs her tiny head against your leg.
Crouching down, you pat her softly. "Aww, hey there. Is he taking good care of you hm?"
The dog can't really speak, but with the way it's wagging its tail—tells you that she loves her new owner.
"He can be a bit scary sometimes, but he's the biggest sweetheart. Don't you think so?"
Sakura clicks his tongue. "Stop talking about me with Momo."
His cheeks turn into a deeper shade of scarlet. He was biting down on his lower lip so hard that you wouldn't be surprised if it just started bleeding.
"T-the dog... Momo," he replies. As much as he tried to keep his cool, he was certainly failing at it. Even though you two have been going out for a few months now, it still wasn't that difficult to render him into a blushing mess.
"You named her?"
"How would I talk to her if I didn't?"
Point. You turned to look back at the dog, smiling warmly at her. "Your name's Momo huh? That's cute," you say before booping her nose.
You stand back up and face Sakura who was struggling to look you in the eye. He opens his mouth to speak only to stop. But he tries again.
"Don't even start and tease m—"
Boop. You just booped his nose—the same way you did with Momo.
It left his jaw hanging, unsure if you really just did what you did. With his brows furrowed, he picks up the dog in his arms. You wanted to be serious just like him, but you found it hard to maintain your composure at such an unusual (but lovely) sight.
"Keep teasing me and I won't let you go near her. No petting... defintiely no booping."
He says all that with a straight face. And off he goes—back inside his humble abode with his little friend in his clutches.
For a guy that refused to take in that dog a week ago... he sure has taken quite a liking for her.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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sannasruins · 5 months ago
you had a choice
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mark grayson x reader
type: angst, unrequited feelings, honestly idk
warnings: reader is the one with unrequited feelings, gn!reader but term "other girl" is used
a/n: i made the reader a bit more complicated in this fic, i honestly don't think they are wholly right in their approach, but are acting human and in a way i think many including myself might act. also i tried to keep to the cannon time line of season one but i haven't watched it in a few months and am basing it off the wiki so if there are any mistakes, don't at me
word count: 2.1k
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You had known Mark since the two of you were young children, with your mother being a famous superhero, she and omni-man often socialized. You would attend his birthday parties, go on play dates with him, and as the two of you got older, his house would become a refuge for you when yours was empty. The two of you would play Mario Kart and Wii Sports in his living room, ordering pizza and talking about the newest Seance Dog comic that was out.
You were there to watch him grow, and change from the Mark that you had known to the Mark that he is today. There when he had his first crush in middle school, and when your chest weirdly hurt when he told you about her, you assumed you were just jealous at the idea of him spending time with someone more than you, and that it was nothing else.
But, you became more aware of him, flushing red when he leaned in close to you to see what you were holding or to murmur a comment to you under his breath. Blushing when he complimented you on a high score in a game or congratulated you for getting a good grade on a hard test. You would try to look nice around him, wearing pretty clothes and using the expensive perfume you got for your birthday. You would laugh at every joke he made, even if they weren’t especially funny, and you always smiled when you saw him.
He never noticed all your efforts though, poor oblivious Mark.
As the two of you entered high school, you started to notice the way some other girls would look at Mark, they looked at him almost in the same way that you did. But you told yourself that they didn’t know him like you did, they were not justified in their longing gazes.
You were there for Mark, his only peer he could talk to as he struggled with his lack of powers and feelings of letting down his father. Nobody else could support him in the way that you could, and did. You understood his struggle, being the child of a super hero yourself, you had expected that one day you would have powers manifest, but they hadn’t come yet if they were going to come at all.
And you were there to celebrate when he did get his powers, jumping with joy, holding his hands and telling him how proud of him you were, and how you knew he was going to be such a great hero.
When mark met Amber, you felt something form in your stomach, it was hard and it was cold, and every time you saw him looking at her, you were made aware of its freezing presence inside of you.
When you found out that Mark had managed to get a study date with Amber, the thing in your stomach seemed to double in size, filling you with bitter iciness that you didn’t fully understand. You tried to dissuade him from the date, telling him that he doesn’t need to be worrying about dating when he just got his powers, he should be training and starting his hero reputation.
“Thank you for your advice,” he told you, “But I don’t really think you could even understand what you’re talking about, its not like you have powers to speak from experience.”
His words bit at you, and he saw the hurt on your face, and he immediately felt regret for his harsh words.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed running a hand through his dark locks, “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that, I really like her, and you trying to dissuade me just isn’t cool with me.”
You nodded and apologized to him too, saying you’ll keep your opinion out of his choice of dates and dating.
You were there when he told you about the kiss he had shared with Amber in his bedroom, talking about how sweet and understanding she was, despite the fact that he had left her for over an hour on their date with no explanation to go save Mt. Rushmore.
You again felt the chill in your stomach spread, reaching up to wrap its way around your chest.
“That’s great Mark, I’m glad it went well.” You smiled and told him, but neither he nor really you noticed that your words weren’t truthful.
You watched as he grew closer to Amber, despite his erratic behavior with being a hero, and he would gush to you all the time about how it was going with her, and how much he liked her, and so on.
And as he went through the trials and tribulations of being both a boyfriend and a superhero, you found yourself, someone who used to spend hours upon hours with him, the person who was once closest to him, being pushed to the side, forgotten, and neglected.
He would cancel the plans the two of you had made to reschedule a date with Amber that he had missed or messed up.  
When Amber dumped him after Mark didn’t show up to volunteer at the community center because he was out saving the world and got severely injured. You were the one at his bedside, holding his hand and tearfully looking at your best friend’s bruised and battered face.
You were called by Debbie and told that he had woken up, you rushed to his side, relief flooding over you as your eyes met his, and you smiled at him and sat down on his hospital bed.
The first thing he asked you however, brought back the freezing pit that you had forgotten since he had been so badly injured.
“How’s Amber?”
Your face morphed from smile to something between shock and disgust, before you quickly fixed it back into a now forced and small smile.
“She said she dumped you for ghosting.” You answered his inquiry, not trying to sugar coat your words at all.
“What?” he asked, and his face fell.
“Mark,” you told him, your voice softening for the boy who you care so deeply for, for your best friend who you love and only want the best for, “I think maybe you should let it be. You can’t keep doing this where you’re dating someone who doesn’t understand that you have a greater purpose, and more important commitments than just them. You can’t date someone who doesn’t know that you’re Invincible.”
He looked at you angrily, “I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t comment on my relationship anymore.”
“…yeah.” You responded quietly and left his hospital room. Watching him go through this off and on, riding the seas of emotional turmoil over some high school relationship, hurt you. You didn’t want to see him struggle or be sad, he was still your best friend, at least in your eyes.
Once Mark was able to, he went to Amber and begged for forgiveness, which she for some reason granted to him. And to top it off, he then went on a weekend trip to a see a college with his once again newly reinstated girlfriend and Willaim, leaving you behind because you didn’t want to watch the two of them being together all weekend. You just told Mark that you didn’t want to fifth wheel when he invited you.
You were there when he came for you after that weekend, in incredible emotional distress, and told you about the fight he had with Amber, and that she had broken up with him again. Worst of all, he told you that he had revealed to her that he was Invincible to try to get her to understand him, in a last-ditch effort to win her back. And still after having that closely held secret told to her, and still having her turn him away.
You sat by him as he poured his heart out to you with watery eyes. But as you watched him, you felt the frigid cold in your stomach and chest spread even further, up into your throat, out into your arms, and down your legs.
“I just don’t know what to do.” He said to you weepily, “I thought she would understand if I told her, if I explained everything to her. I thought it would be alright.”
You didn’t respond and just looked at him, you didn’t know what you were feeling but it was a foreign feeling that you have never had before while looking at Mark. You felt tired, and almost apathetic.  
“I don’t know Mark.”
He continued on, rambling about how he thought he could fix it, and now how he can’t think of anything to make things better.
He turned to you after you hadn’t said anything for a few minutes, the only sound in the room being your slow breathing and his occasional sniffle.
“What’s going on with you?” he asked
“I don’t know Mark,” you said once again.
And then you got up, and walked out of your bedroom, leaving a confused Mark Grayson behind you.
You knelt frozen in front of your tv as you and most of the world watched the fight between Omni-Man and Invincible destroyed Chicago. You couldn’t tear your eyes away as you watched your best friend and his father, a man you had been close to since childhood, fought, causing death and destruction through out their super powered path. You felt horror, and selfishly, feared for Mark’s life more than anything.
You were there, when Mark awoke at the GDA hospital, sleeping on top of your folded arms that lay on his bed as you sat by his side.
You had been there for days, sitting sometimes with others who would come see him, but most of the time it was just you and Debbie, watching his swollen sleeping face, and wishing for him to wake up.
Mark looked at you, and around the room, and then back to you, with bags under your closed eyes, messy hair and most likely days old clothes.
It suddenly clicked for him, that you alone had always been there. Since a time before he could fully recall, you had been there. And here you were once again, by his side. He began to weep. Feelings of gratefulness and adoration flooded him.
You awoke slowly to the quiet sounds of Mark crying, but once you realized what the sound you were heard as, you jumped to your feet and looked at Mark. Worry morphing your face.
“Are you in pain?” you asked, quickly looking over him, as if you could find the source of his tears and presumed pain, and make them stop.
Mark reached out and grabbed your hand, and your eyes drew to his face. He shook his head.
“No, I’m not,” then he winced when you sat on the bed, shifting its weight and causing him to also shift, and added, “well maybe a little sore but that’s not what’s wrong.”
You watched him expectantly, still holding his hand, waiting for him to go on, wanting to know what was going on and how you could help fix it.
“I…” he started and stopped, clearing his throat that was rough from its lack of use and nerves, “I think I am in love with you.”
Your blood ran cold. The freeze made itself known once more, settling deep inside of you, in a place you could never take it out. It took over torso, and quickly seeped into your limbs, before finally it made its way to your head.
You pulled your hand away from his.
“What?” you asked, and though it just one word, the question came out harsh and sharp.
“I just realized now,” he explained to you, “that you’re the one that’s always been here. You’re the one who understands me. You’re the one who I need in my life, the only one able.”
You frowned at him, “So, I’m the most convenient? The one who is content with being push to the side, so you can prioritize other things? Who already knows who you are, what you are, so you don’t have to explain to the next girl you date?”
“No no no,” he shook his head, looking desperate to get his point across, “that’s not what I mean at all.”
“Forget it Mark,” you told him, standing up from his bed and taking a step back. “You were too busy loving another girl to notice that I was there, loving you.”
He looked at you, distress showed on his damaged face.
“I didn’t know,” he half whispered dejectedly.
“I’m pretty sure it was obvious Mark, if you ever once looked my way and actually truly saw me, and the way that I looked at you.”
You sighed and shook your head.
“It’s too late Mark. You had a choice, and you chose wrong.”
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spinninhavs · 7 months ago
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madison beer
ꜝ haven’s notes / this is kind of like ‘tense’ but a very much advanced and madison version 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
ꜝ genre / smutty smut smut
ꜝ pairing / madison beer x fem!reader
ꜝ warnings / oral (f receiving), soft dom!madison, fingering, praise, pet names (baby, princess, angel) and 2nd person pov
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you finally got to your house after a long and tiring shift at work. you hooked your raincoat onto the rack next to the multiple jackets that were waiting for you to pick them up. you sigh, greeting your cat that was waiting for you to get there and feed it. you walked over to the kitchen and poured some kibble in the small pink bowl that sat next to the white one that was filled with some water.
you let the cat take a nibble of its food before you walk over to your bedroom. flicking on the lights, you immediately sit down on your bed, laying down and taking in the comfort that wrapped around you. you put your bag on the floor before you heard a small buzz coming from your phone. you slowly sit up and lean over to pickup the tote bag. you saw that it was from madison, your girlfriend. a lazy smile tugged at the corners of your lips.
mads 🤍
〡 hi baby!
︱ are you home from work?
︱ hey mads
︱ mhm, i js got home
︱ whats up ?!
mads 🤍
︱ i js wanna see you!!
︱ can i come over?
︱ of course
︱ see u soon <3
read 7:23pm
you notice that you were still in the same clothes that stunk from working all day long. you pulled yourself up and walked over to your bathroom. you peeled off your clothes and threw them into the laundry bin. you ran yourself a hot shower, the water splashed against your back as you start to wash your body with a wash cloth.
after your relaxing shower, you stepped on the white fluffy carpet and walked over to the sink. you do your haircare and skincare before walking back inside your room to change into a pair of comfortable pajamas. a few minutes go by before you hear your doorbell ring, automatically running over to see your girlfriend. you open the front door and smile warmly to see madison, two leashes in hand for presely and toast. “hi angel” she says softly while walking in and letting her dogs walk in. “hi mads.” you say back, pulling her into a hug. “how was work?” the brunette asks while closing the door and walking into your living room. “terrible, i got yelled at today and i almost fell from someone spilling their coffee.” you sigh while sitting down on your couch, presely jumping up on your lap. “aw im sorry.” madison cooed gently, sitting down next to you.
“it’s fine, how was your day though?” you reply, changing the subject. madison shrugged slightly. “it was alright, spent my morning in the studio, then me and nick went to go get lunch.. then i just spent my time back at home.” she stared to ramble about her day, you listening closely as you scratch behind presely’s ear. “you want to go to your room and just watch a movie?” mads suggested as she noticed how exhausted you had looked. you nod lazily, picking up presely and putting him on the floor. the two of you walked over to your bedroom and flopped down onto your mattress. she picked up the remote and turned on the tv. “what do you wanna watch? you pick.” she hummed gently. you shrug slightly to her question. “pick whatever you want, i don’t mind.” you reply, getting closer to madison. “hm, you cool with adventure time again?” she giggled softly. you nod lazily, still visibly exhausted about work.
madison smiled gently as she hit ‘continue playing’ on the tv. you two got into a more comfortable position where you laid on top of her chest, close enough to hear her heartbeat. “keep telling me about work.” madison said softly, her hands going up to your hair and playing with the strands gently. “well, i had to help this girl find this book for thirty minutes because she didn’t even know the name of it.” you start, giggling a little. “then i almost fell on a coffee spill when i was trying to get through an aisle.” you sigh. “sounds exhausting, baby.” madison hummed while scratching your scalp with her acrylic nails gently. “yeah, ‘m probably gonna quit soon.” you say softly, melting like butter in her hands. “you want me to help you relax?” she asked in a bit more suggestive tone. you drag your head up and looked up at madison, not really understanding what shes talking about. “what do you mean?” you ask curiously.
madison smirked softly and pushed off of you, trying her best to not hurt you. after a few seconds, you finally realize what she was hinting at. madison cupped your cheek and pulled your lips into a warm kiss. you shut your eyes and kissing the brunette girl back passionately. her tongue grazed your bottom lip gently, asking for permission for her to slip her muscle into your mouth. you parted your lips slightly, just enough for madison to let her tongue explore your mouth. you let a soft hum come out into her mouth before she pulled back. madison started to plant soft kisses against your cheek down to your neck. your hands find her back, your fingers kneed her skin gently. madison nibbled on your collarbone softly, her fingers tugging at the hem of your sleep shirt.
your own hands goes down and pulls the shirt over your head, throwing it somewhere in your room. the brunette girl immediately starts to work on your chest. madison took in one of your tits into her mouth, her tongue circling your bud teasingly. you feel a shock run down your spine as you look down at her. “mmh, feels good.” you breathe. madison looked up at you with soft doe eyes to your small praise. “yeah?” she whispered back, her mouth trailing over to your other tit to give it the same attention. she used her thumb to run over your hardened nipple softly, rubbing it gently. you hiss in pleasure, your body melting into her mouth. her mouth leaves your chest and she continues to plant kisses down your body until she reaches the waistband of your pajama pants. “can i take these off baby?” she asks softly, her fingers already hooked onto the band. you nod eagerly, trying to hold yourself up with your elbows. “i need words.” madison giggled gently. “mhm, please.” you reply almost instantly.
she pulled your pants down slowly, just to tease you a little more. she tugged them down entirely, neatly putting the article of clothing on the floor. she pressed her finger tips against your core that was already begging for attention. madison bit her bottom lip and let it bounce back, seeing how desperate you were. she slowly pushed your lacy black panties with the little bows (i had too LMFAOOO) to the side and licked a small stripe from your entrance to your clit. a shiver ran down through your whole body, leaning your head back slightly. madison pulled the underwear off and tossed them back on the floor. she let her tongue run flat against your heat, collecting all of your arousal. “taste so sweet f’me angel.” she hummed, starting to suck on your sensitive clit. a small whimper left your lips as you bucked your hips up forward into her mouth. your hands raked down and tugged onto madison’s brunette loose wavy curls gently, having her groan against your cunt. her tongue flicked over your heat, slowly tracing two of her fingers to insert into you. your back arched off of the white comforter, you moan out her name gently, your stomach muscles tightening. madison’s finger tips rub your g-spot gently to stimulate you as she enjoyed how you tugged onto her hair. her free hand went to squeeze on your inner thigh gently, her acrylic nails leaving small crescent marks.
“mmh, ‘m so close mads.” you hum in pleasure, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “want you to cum when i say so, you can handle that, yeah?” madison purred softly against your pussy. you nod quickly, not wanting to disappoint your lovely girlfriend. her two slim fingers left your entrance and replaced them with her wet muscle. you clenched around her tongue tightly, an automatic response to her actions. your thighs close around her head, having her free hand to slap your thigh gently. “careful.” she warned, immediately going back to suck onto your clit harshly. you whine out of slight frustration as you look down to see her plump pink lips to suction your sensitive area. madison’s thighs clenched together, getting wetter and wetter from how sweet you both sounded and tasted. “pl-please! need to cum!” you plead, your hips rolling in circles against her mouth, her nose hit your bundle of nerves just perfectly. “alright angel, go ahead, let go f’me pretty girl.” she hummed on your core. almost instantly, the knot in your stomach quickly coming undone. you release all over her mouth, your hips stutter as you now try to move them away. “hold on baby, let me clean you up.” madison giggled, her tongue lapping up your mess. she moved in between your thighs, putting her fingers in her mouth to lick then clean. you look up at her with soft eyes, still trying to catch your breath. “you feel better?” she asks, placing her hand on your ribcage and kissing your cheek softly. you nod slowly, enjoying the feeling of her hands on your body. madison sat up and picked up your clothes that were scattered around your room before she walked over to dress you up. “i love you pretty.” she hummed, kissing the top of your head. “i love you too.” you sigh back. you two lay down and get comfortable, and try your guys’ best to continue watching the cartoon.
ꜝ taglist : @flouvela @hearts4werka @bambi-slxt @mattscoquette @mattsluttywaist @her-favorite @conspiracy-ash @sturnsloverrr @luverboychris @mxqdii @sweetstars-posts @xoxo4chrisss
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moonstruckme · 1 year ago
no cause I was thinking…. reckless driving by lizzy is so james coded!!! so I wanted to ask if you could write something inspired by it with reader being a bit insecure about loving him loudly and he’s just like a walking „I love my gf“ sign
ily I hope you are having a great day/night🫶🫶
Thanks for requesting, love you!
modern au
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
It’s beginning to frighten you how often you think of James. One of your friends will make a joke and you’ll catch yourself trying to remember it for him, or you’ll see a cute dog and want to send him a picture, or you’ll overhear a conversation in public and wish he were with you to press in close to your ear and ask Did you hear that? 
It’s sort of pathetic, really, considering you’ve only been dating a few weeks. The last time you’d met up you talked about how much you both loved the thin oreos, and when you saw a pack in the store yesterday you’d almost bought it for him. Only the realization of how much your life has started to revolve around him stopped you. 
You can’t be acting like James’ girlfriend. You’re only dating. It’s not like you love him—though you could, definitely, in time. But if you start doing girlfriend things, he’s going to think you are his girlfriend, and things will spiral out too fast for you to stop them. You have to dole out your affection in measured doses. Careful, controlled. 
You feel James enter before you see him. He holds the door to the coffee shop open wide, letting another woman exit before he steps inside, and the cool air that comes in with him has you turning your head. 
James is smiling as soon as he sees you. It’s a seemingly perpetual thing for him, this expression. You’re tempted to look out the window to the sidewalk and see if he’s left a trail of sunshine in his wake. 
“Hey,” he says, sitting down across from you. “You look really lovely.” 
You look exceedingly normal, but you thank him for the compliment anyway. “So do you.” 
“Thanks,” James says easily, like he gets this all the time (he probably does) but appreciates it nonetheless. He starts to dig in the tote he’s hung on the back of his chair. “I’ve brought you something.” 
You start to protest, but he anticipates you. 
“It’s tiny, don’t worry. Here.” 
He slides something crinkly across the table. It’s a pack of thin oreos. 
“Oh, no way! I almost…” You look up, meeting James’ eyes as your brain catches up to your mouth. Too late, you’ve blurted. You can hardly roll it back now. “I almost got a pack for you the other day, too.” 
He doesn’t seem to take your insensitivity to heart. In fact, his eyes light up. “Really! That’s so funny.” His hand remains still on the table but his fingers stretch towards yours, the barest of touches. “It was nice of you to think of me.” 
Your heart slumps. “I’m sorry I didn’t get them for you, though,” you say. “We should share these ones.” 
“Nope.” James leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. “Those are all you, love. Say, have you had a look at the menu?” 
You wince. “I’ve already ordered, actually.” 
“That’s alright,” he says breezily. “Back in a sec.” 
He stands and gets in line, leaving you to contend with the semi-awkward silence of being in the same place yet not speaking. Right as he finishes ordering, the barista calls your name. James looks like he might grab your drink for you, but you meet him at the counter, thanking the barista as you take it. 
“No problem,” she says with a smile. “Love your outfit, by the way.” 
You fluster a bit at the compliment, a break from the typical coffee shop dialogue you were prepared for, but James wraps a friendly arm around your waist and beams right back at her. 
“She’s got great taste, doesn’t she?” he asks, and you manage to cast a quick thanks over your shoulder as he steers you back to the table. “See, it’s not just me that thinks you look especially pretty today.” 
“Oh, hush,” you say, taking your seat and looking down to stir your drink bashfully. “What’d you order?” 
“Irish cream latte. Limited edition, apparently.” 
“So, the sweetest thing on the menu.” 
The smile spreads on James’ face. It ebbs and flows like the tide, you think, never really leaving. “You know me so well.” 
The warmth in his voice makes your chest feel hollow and achy. James goes to such lengths to do nice things for you, to show you that he pays attention and thinks about you and cares, and yet when it comes to you he’s left settling for whatever scraps of affection he can get. 
“James…” Your tone reveals your shift in mood instantly, and James’ head straightens the way a dog’s ears perk when it hears something alarming. “You know I want to take things slow, right?” 
He nods, and when he speaks his voice is considerately softer. “Yeah, you’ve said. Do you think we’re—I’m moving things too fast right now?” 
“No, just,” you wet your lips, having some trouble looking at his face, “I don’t know, I feel like I’m not being as good as you deserve. You’re such a sweet person, and I think…sometimes I feel like maybe you’d be happier dating someone who could be more all-in. You know?” 
For a second, the silence is torture. Then: “Someone you’re trying to set me up with, sweetheart?” 
You look up in surprise, but James is smiling again. Softer, now. Almost tentative. You find yourself mirroring him reflexively. 
His knee bumps yours under the table. “I don’t mind moving slowly with you,” he says. 
“Are you sure?” you ask. “Because you seem like you’re ready for more.” And I don’t know if I can manage that yet. 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He takes your hand in his, and his eyes are soft, sweet caramel. He looks almost like he could love you. “If I’m coming on too strong, you can tell me, but I care about you. It’s hard for me not to be all-in, but that doesn’t mean I’m expecting the same thing from you. You seem like a sane, well-adjusted person.” James nods seriously. “Something I could use, I’ve been told.” He tries to keep the poker face when you grin, but fails in half a second. 
“Okay.” You give his hand a little squeeze. “Let me know if you change your mind, okay?”
“I won’t,” he says certainly. “I always go for the sweetest thing on the menu, remember?” 
You take your hand back to cover your face, and James’ laughter echoes off the walls. 
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bippot · 2 months ago
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Cowboy & Piggy
Story Summary -> No, Adrian had not been crushing on his colleague. That's just, like, not true in the slightest. It's not as if the moment she became available, he said something he could never take back.
Tags -> Idiots in Love, Violence, Fluff, Fights, Butt Dialing, Break Up, References to Supernatural (TV 2005), Identity Reveal, Co-workers, Self Confidence Issues, Punching, Smut
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Fennel Fields wasn't a good restaurant. It didn't have the funding franchise restaurants do, nor did it have the homegrown passion of a family-owned business. It just existed to make money for the boss, who wasn't even there most of the time. The food was cheap and unhealthy and often covered in cheese, so whoever was eating it was far more focused on that cheesy goodness than the fact that the meatballs tasted a fair bit like horse.
All of the employees were underpaid and underappreciated by their bosses, so why the hell did Adrian Chase work there? As of late, he'd been earning a steady income thanks to Task Force X so it wasn't a financial decision. It wasn't to conceal his identity either - if anything, he'd almost revealed his secret at Fennel Fields too many times to count. Why, oh why, did he work a menial job with an awful wage when it mainly consisted of being ordered around and shouted at by customers and managers alike?
Well, he wouldn't get to see Y/N if he left.
The best part of his day was when she rushed through the double glass doors and, as soon as she looked up to find him standing at the counter, she'd do a little half smile and greet, "Hi Ade, how late am I today?" He'd check his watch and tell her the exact time, often adding a little comment like 'it's your new record', or 'not as late as yesterday', or 'you missed the bus, didn't you?' Adrian was down bad. He memorised her shifts whenever the rota was posted and swapped so she wouldn't have to go too long without his presence. It was stupid and a little stalkerish, but it kept him going.
Half - if not more than that - of all of his shifts were spent watching her with big puppy dog eyes, just admiring from across the room as she worked. It was pathetic, he knew that. And even if he didn't know that, their other coworkers were more than willing to point it out to him.
"Drooling over Y/N again?" Taylor jeered as he slapped Adrian on the back of the head to snap him out of the trance he'd been in ever since she started bending over a table to clean it. Hey, she had a great ass! Was he supposed to not look? It's human nature to look.
"Ah, no. No, no, no, of course not. I wouldn't... I don't..." He spluttered helplessly, flustering himself into an even deeper blush at the implications. "We are just friends. Pals. Buddies. Y'know, all platonic and shit."
Taylor rolled his eyes. "Sure." He said sarcastically, unaware that Y/N had walked up to them at the moment he teased, "You're a lost cause, man. I'd give up. She'll never like you. You're, uh... you."
"That's not very nice." Y/N gave Taylor a stare that told him exactly what she thought about his comment and turned to Adrian, placing her palm gently on his forearm as she assured him, "Any girl would be lucky to have you, cowboy."
He smiled shyly and nodded, feeling incredibly grateful for her words because they'd given him some kind of hope that the thought of them, yeah, maybe it wasn't so outlandish. She thought he was dateable. Maybe not dateable for her, but at least she saw enough qualities within him that she believed he had the ability to be dateable to someone. And if he was cool enough in her eyes to get a nickname like 'cowboy', there must be someone else who thought the same and was available.
Though, the term had come from their first shift together when Adrian got so nervous meeting her and his mouth decided to talk about the movie 'Cowboys and Aliens' the entire time. By the end of the day, she may not have known his name, but she did know that Robert Downey Jr was originally set to be the lead but there were scheduling difficulties because he was filming on the 2nd Guy Richie Sherlock Holmes movie and had to be replaced by Daniel Craig.
The next time they worked together, Y/N tried to get Adrian's attention but couldn't since he'd never told her his name. So, she called out, "Cowboy guy!" and, surprisingly, Adrian turned around. He pointed to himself as if to say, 'Me?' and came running as soon as she nodded.
"You didn't tell me your name." She tilted his name tag so she could read it. "Adrian."
"That's me."
"That's you, cowboy."
That, as they say, is history. Not only did a hot girl give him a nickname, but she continued to seek him out whenever the job got boring and she wanted someone to talk to. Or someone to ramble on and on about useless stuff at her. Adrian was that guy™️.
"Come on, Y/N. Don't give him false hope." Taylor remarked with a sly smile. "The girl he's drooling over is way, way out of his league."
Whatever Y/N had planned to do was cut short. She stopped in place.
"I didn't know you liked anyone." Her head tilted as she surveyed Adrian's entire flushing face. "I thought you told me everything?"
That was mostly true. Adrian did have a habit of spilling his guts to Y/N. So far, there had only been two things that he managed to keep under wraps - his secret identity and his secret crush - yet every other thought he had, she had been told about it.
"I, uh, I.. I gotta keep some cards to close my chest." Adrian mumbled out, glancing away before continuing, "But, uh, it's okay, y'know. She doesn't like me like that."
Scoffing, Taylor confirmed, "No, she certainly doesn't." Y/N slapped his arm for being so rude, so he was quick to justify himself by adding, "She's got a boyfriend, doesn't she, 'cowboy'?" and left the kitchen as quickly as he could.
As much as it killed him to say, yes, Y/N had a boyfriend. He was cool and handsome and a total dickhead. That wasn't Adrian's jealousy talking; Steve was just like all the jocks that had beat up Adrian in high school - all macho and womanising - and if he had to try to quantify how many times Steven had cheated on Y/N, Adrian wouldn't even begin to know what two-digit number to guess.
Y/N sighed, "Oh, I'm sorry, that sucks. There's plenty more fish."
"Yeah... Maybe. I don't know." Adrian shrugged, trying to seem as nonchalant about it as he possibly could - he probably wasn't very convincing given that she was still looking at him with so much sympathy on her face - and he didn't feel like elaborating further. "How's Steve? Is he coming in today?"
The quick change of topic was noted by Y/N, yet she simply replied, "Nope!"
"Told him not to. If you do see him though, tell me so I can hide."
"Why'd you wanna hide from your boyfriend?" He wondered out loud curiously, tilting his head as he examined her. Then, his eyes went wide as he realised what he'd said. "Shit, don't answer that. Unless you want to. It's up to you. Obviously. You can tell me if you want to. Not that you should. You can. I want to know. Not in, like, a creepy way, but in a 'I'm your friend and I'm here for you' way..."
He proceeded to spiral into a nervous ramble that overexplained everything and had at least 4 completely irrelevant tangents, none of which made any sense whatsoever, while Y/N stared at him in amusement. His words were coming out at a mile a minute, and they just kept coming, and she had learnt that it was best if she just waited for his breath to run out.
His rants always went in a weird direction. And unlike other people, Y/N liked his weirdness. It was her favourite thing about him. Well, that and his dimples. Or how easy it was for him to make her laugh. Or that mole on his cheekbone. Or the way he'd push up his glasses with his middle finger and forget that he was technically flipping her off, only to realise and purposefully flip her off playfully.
Or his biceps, which she hadn't seen often as he usually kept to baggier, unflattering clothes, but she had seen them once when a customer spilt their drink on her and she hadn't brought a spare top. Adrian had offered his cardigan to her, and she finally got a small glimpse of what he looked like underneath it. It's safe to say she was impressed.
Adrian was cute when he was rambling - he was always cute, but especially so when his brain had no control over his mouth - so all Y/N could do was to beam at him and softly laugh every time he'd start to babble nonsense. After a few minutes, his breathing finally calmed down; he blinked twice, cleared his throat, took a few deep breaths, then looked up at her.
Thanks to his rant and how wildly he gestured, his glasses were slightly crooked on his nose. Y/N fingers hovered by his ears as she scrutinised his glasses and tilted them back into place and gently brushed her fingertips through the hair just above his ear so it wasn't so unruly. Adrian swallowed. It was an audible gulp that caught Y/N's attention, and she met his eye.
He seemed somewhat uncomfortable, so Y/N was blurting out, "Sorry, cowboy. I should've asked before I did that. Consent and all, y'know?" to apologise and smooth things over.
"You can touch me whenever you want to."
Shit. That was a little too obvious. 'You can touch me whenever you want to'? That's what his mouth came up with? In his head, it sounded innocent enough, but as soon as it left his lips, he scrunched his eyes up in embarrassment. That is not something you say to a girl with a boyfriend.
A blush came to Y/N's cheeks. She knew he was awkward and often said things without thinking before they came out. He hadn't intended that sentence to sound the way it did, she was aware, but there was a hint of hope that maybe, just maybe, he did mean it exactly as he said it.
"I'll, I'll be sure to remember that next time I invade your personal space," she joked with a sheepish smile.
All of a sudden, doing the washing up became very appealing to Adrian. He needed to be doing something; he needed to have something to split his focus in order to remain in one piece. Any more slip-ups with Y/N and he would become a mess. He made a big deal of turning the tap on and squidging far too much washing-up liquid into the sink.
The sound of the rusty pipes and gushing water almost overwhelmed Y/N's voice as she uttered, "Steve and I, we, uh, broke up."
Adrian immediately switched off the tap. It took him a second to register what Y/N had said. "What?"
"We broke up. I called it quits with him."
Boom. A bomb had been dropped. This was huge news. The biggest news ever. They had broken up. Like, officially. It wasn't everyday that something so great happened in Adrian's life, so he was ecstatic.
"Thank God!" he cheered, completely forgetting to put up any facade or pretend that he wasn't over the fucking moon.
Steve and Adrian hadn't been the best of friends, but in the limited interactions they had had, Adrian had been polite to her ex-boyfriend. Y/N raised an eyebrow at her friend's display of excitement.
"I thought you two got along?"
"He was an asshole, Y/N! Seriously!" His grin was almost manic, and his hands shook as he clapped them together a few times. "You're so much better off without him."
"Hell yeah, I am!"
His happy mood was infecting Y/N. Before, she'd been going back and forth on whether breaking up with Steve had been the right thing to do or not, but now, thanks to Adrian's support, she knew it was 100% the right choice. Yeah, they'd been together for a year or so, and giving that up instead of working on it could be considered a waste, but...
"He didn't deserve me. That cheating asshole didn't deserve a single minute, no, second of my time!"
At that, Adrian remembered one time when he caught her boyfriend ogling their coworker Jennifer, who had a very prominent chest. She was a provocative person. All her clothes were a little bit small and slutty - not that being a slutty was a bad thing since Adrian was a big advocate of women being sexually liberated and having the ability to fuck whoever they wanted to. Jennifer wasn't the problem, far from it.
The way Steve caught eye contact with him and gave him a look that screamed 'I'd hit that ass' turned Adrian's blood into pure fire. In his mind, Adrian couldn't fathom ever wanting to leer at other women when Y/N - his literal dream girl - was right beside him. Steve had a smoking hot 10/10 on his arm and still wanted to play the field.
Fuck that guy!
Still, it sucks to be cheated on. Despite the brave face Y/N was putting on, it still sucked to have your trust betrayed over and over and, as far as she knew, at least another 17 times again.
"I'm really sorry, dude," Adrian said, and meant it. He wanted to comfort her in some way but didn't know how without looking weird, so he just half-heartedly pinched at her arm, trying his best at reassuring. Y/N let out a tiny chuckle. It wasn't as bright as usual, but it was more than sufficient to reassure Adrian.
"Hey, it's all good. My plan now is to stay single until Mr. Right comes knocking at the door."
"Yeah? That's a good plan," Adrian nodded eagerly. "He's around; I'm sure of it."
"I hope he is. I haven't had an orgasm in the past - Jesus, how long? - year, I would love one right about now," Y/N laughed. Then, her brain caught up with what she'd said. "Not that you needed to know that. That was TMI, wasn't it?"
Was it? Was it really too much information? Maybe it was a little private, sure, but it was information that Adrian wanted to know. Well, he didn't want her unsatisfied and unhappy, but he now knew that he was capable of something that Steve hadn't thought about doing in an entire calendar year.
"I could fuck you better than he ever could."
There was a level of confidence in Adrian's voice that Y/N had never heard before. Her mind briefly blanked out due to the shock of hearing such words come out of Adrian's lips, and thanks to her dazed state, he got the wrong idea. His shoulders slumped, and his ears became bright ruby red.
"What?" she mumbled.
"What?" He parroted back, his voice raising into a panicked squeak. Maybe she hadn't heard him. At this moment in time, he wished she hadn't heard him. "I didn't say anything. Did you hear something? Could've been Jennifer. I think I heard her saying something like that the other day."
Y/N's imagination was going wild, and every single image that popped up was appealing to her. It would be a lie if she tried to say that she hadn't thought about it before, that she hadn't thought about him before. He was so nice and cute and had big biceps, and was one of the only reasons she stayed at her shitty paying job.
"I heard you, cowboy." His eyes shot to meet hers. "You finish at 6 today, right?" He nodded. "Are you doing anything after that?"
No fucking way! Jackpot! He grinned to himself and looked at his hands in the soapy water. He simply couldn't help it.
"I have a few errands to do."
She attempted to not sound as disappointed as she felt. "...Oh, maybe another day then."
"No! No, I mean, I'm totally free after 7. Once I do my shit, I'm, like, totally not doing anything, so if you wanted to - only if you want to. Seriously, no pressure or anything - we could watch a movie, or I have a bunch of video games we could play, or, I don't know... do something together and hang out and stuff? Anything you want, really. If you'd like?"
He cringed at how desperate he sounded when he finished his sentence. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin his chances. Yet Y/N wasn't dissuaded by his words at all. If anything, she was more than tempted.
"I'd really like that, Ade."
"...Okay. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Very cool, very nice. I'll text you my address."
Time flew by as Adrian couldn't wait to finish work. They continued chatting as they worked, but both knew they were subconsciously focused on what would happen later that night. It was like some kind of gravitational pull that was making it difficult to keep them away from each other for more than a few minutes, and it was driving both of them crazy.
6pm hit, and Adrian was speeding to his 'errand'. He pulled up a few streets away, yanked on his Vigilante suit, and was stalking his way towards a suburban house. Steven had posted an image of him next to his car (that wasn't even particularly fancy, so why he showed it off like it was, Adrian didn't know) whilst outside this very house.
Be careful what you post, folks, or somebody might use your images to find where you live so they can beat you up.
Technically, cheating isn't illegal. But it is a sin - not that Adrian was religious in the slightest - and Adrian thought Y/N should have the world, and this guy, this Steven, couldn't even provide her with basic human decency? Vigilante would be willing to expand his usual set of rules tonight. Steven deserved it.
Vigilante whistled to himself as he knocked and waited for Steven to appear. Once the asshole did open the door, Vigilante swung and hit him straight in the nose. "What the fuck, man?" The bastard grabbed his nose to stop the bleeding and stared angrily up at Vigilante. "Vigilante does house calls now?"
"This ain't a house call. This is a message." Adrian paused for dramatic effect. "You're a cheating scumbag! I should chop your shrivelled dick off for being such an ungrateful cunt."
"Who sent you? Was it Tina?"
"Not Tina."
"Abby, then?"
"Liz, no."
"Dude, are you for real?"
"Emily A?"
"Jesus christ."
"Emily L?"
"OMG, you're the whoriest whore to ever whore!
Steven stood there, mouth opening and closing a few times before his pea brain managed to say, "No, you," and despite how lacklustre of a comeback that is, Steven seemed proud of himself.
It was quiet.
Then, because both of these men will ultimately try to solve everything with their fists, the boys lunged at each other. Steven had never been smart - he knew Vigilante was adept at hand to hand and had killed people before and still tried to fight the guy - so as he saw an opening, he drove his fist into Vigilante's stomach. He was a beefy dude, so Adrian was aware that there was going to bruise there for a few days, but Vigilante had been in hundreds of fights. One blow to the stomach was not going to slow him down for long.
If anything, it urged Vigilante to be more vicious. With two quick punches - one to the groyne and another to the neck directly on his Adam's apple - Steven was crumpled on the ground in severe pain and having a hard time breathing.
"You hurt Y/N, you jackass!" Vigilante yelled, giving his reasoning away. Shit. He hadn't meant to divulge that. He'd been so caught up in the moment that it slipped right out. And so, before anything else gave away snippets of his identity, Vigilante left the scene and rushed as fast as he possibly could back to his apartment building.
It was 6.56 when he finally got home. He had 4 minutes - well, probably around 9 because of her tendency to be late - and he spent most of that time throwing his suit off. Did he smell like he had just beaten somebody up? He didn't really have time for a shower but could give himself a quick wipedown, a whore’s bath.
The punch patch on his stomach was something he couldn't do anything about. He could hide it with his shirt for the time being. If things went well and there was some under the clothes type action, she'd definitely see it. Would she care? Would she stay long enough to notice? The night would have to go either really good or really bad if it ended with him with his shirt off. In the best-case scenario, they would make sweet, hot, passionate love, and she'd become totally beguiled by his moves. Worst-case scenario: a fire. Or a battle. Or a war. Or maybe she didn't like him that way, which would be crushing, but he'd still pine from afar.
So, with the hope that he would be shirtless at some point tonight, Adrian began brainstorming excuses he could use. He'd never been a great liar, but he had to try. Got headbutted by a baby goat? Nope, he doesn't look like the sort of guy who'd do well on a farm. Walked into a bookcase? Fuck, that made him look clumsy as shit (which he was), and clumsy is not sexy.
What if he told her the truth? Would she believe him?
Three gentle knocks cut his workshopping short. Y/N was here. He took a deep breath, sprayed some cologne, and opened his front door.
"Hi," he said back, a crooked smile plastered onto his face. His heart was beating faster than a hummingbird. "C-come, come in."
She walked through the doorway, and her eyes were immediately scanning his place as she slipped her shoes off. His apartment was mostly bare, apart from the geeky accoutrements littered here and there. There was a poster of Hellboy on the wall, his bookcase was filled with Dungeons and Dragons books - both guidebooks and the accompanying novelisations - he had multiple Critical Role figurines, and an old-looking gun on a stand.
"Is that the colt from Supernatural?" Y/N asked, walking towards the revolver.
"Yup. Yeah, it is," he leaned against his desk and rested his elbow over the surface. "It's one of the ones they used in the show. I got it at an auction on eBay. Pretty awesome, huh?"
"So awesome!" She knelt down a bit to read the inscription on the gun stand, and her eyes lit up a little when he casually lifted the gun up and handed it to her. Her fingers closed around it and gently touched the smooth, cold metal. "Do you like guns? Like regular ones?"
"Uh, yeah, I think they're pretty cool."
That was an understatement.
"Do you like gunslingers? Like, Dean? Or Percy de Rolo? Or Rambo, even?"
"I love Rambo!"
Something in Y/N's demeanour changed. "What about Vigilante? Do you think he's cool?" she asked, trying not to sound too eager for the answer.
Adrian looked back at her. He felt nervous about all this before she asked that, and now it had only increased. Y/N kept her eyes locked on Adrian, watching for any slight change in his face or body language as she twirled the gun between her hands. "Vigilante? He's cool," Adrian replied carefully. He tried to sound nonchalant and casual like nothing happened, but his voice cracked slightly upon saying his last word, and he cursed himself out mentally. "Do you think Vigilante is cool?"
Y/N looked down at the gun. "Steven called me before I got here - I don't know why I picked up but I did - and he was screaming down the phone at me. He kept saying that I was such an asshole for telling Vigilante to beat him up, but I've never met Vigilante," she explained slowly, her brows furrowed a little as she frowned. "Steven was certain Vigilante said, 'You hurt Y/N, you jackass!'"
The walls felt as if they were closing in.
"Weird," Adrian commented dryly.
"Yeah, it is weird." Y/N put the colt back down on its stand. "I only told you about my breakup."
A pin drop could be heard. It was so silent for far too long. The silence was so thick that Adrian wondered whether or not time had stood still and they were frozen in the moment.
"Either you told a stranger my personal information -"
"No, no, I would never do that."
"So, if I only told you and you didn't tell anyone else..." Y/N trailed off as she got closer and closer to Adrian until he could feel the warmth of her breath on his cheeks. Her eyes flickered down to the hem of his shirt, and her fingers soon followed.
Fuck. He couldn't breathe. He didn't want to breathe. His brain was going wild. His lungs couldn't keep up with its demands to keep inhaling air because every breath was so shallow. Every gasp was so sharp and desperate. Every intake was so painful. Everything was hurting.
All Adrian wanted to do at that moment was run. Run. Just fucking run.
He broke from her grasp and crossed the room. He couldn't bring himself to say anything. What was there to say? 'I put on hockey pads and beat up criminals when everyone else is sleeping'? That made him sound kinda insane.
"Adrian, I'm not going to tell anyone." She said softly, her tone completely devoid of judgement as she reached out so he'd come closer. "C'mere, please?"
Historically, he'd never been able to deny her, and his streak wasn't going to end today. Though he was reluctant and slow to move, he let her take hold of his hand and was tugged closer and closer until the very tips of their socked toes were mere millimetres apart.
"You're doing good. Real good. Not that save the turtles corporate bullshit. There's a lot of bad people who slip through the cracks. And, yeah, maybe I'm not fully on board with all the murder and violence thingy going on, but..." Y/N's hand came up to cradle his cheek and gently stroked it. "You help me sleep at night; did you know that? You're a good man and a great friend, so please don't pretend that you're some monster."
And with those final words, her soft lips found his, and everything seemed to explode in sparks. It was like everything he'd ever imagined and more. He pulled her in by the waist as he deepened the kiss, his thumb drawing circles on her hip bone. Everything became a blur of sensation: her body, her hair, the scent of her perfume, and the faint taste of cherry chapstick on her lips.
Before he knew what was happening, he'd lifted her in his arms, and her legs were wrapped around his waist as he pressed her back against the nearest wall.
"I should've dumped him months ago," she muttered against his lips. Her breathing was ragged, and he could feel her heart beating fast against his chest.
That sentiment was something said in his mind for the entirety of Y/N and Steve's relationship. They weren't a good fit. Literally everyone could see that. So, Adrian had to ask, "Why didn't you?" as he dragged his lips down her neck while his hand slid underneath her sweater and started roaming over the warm skin of her lower back.
"Because..." Y/N breathed his name. "... I don't know. I genuinely don't know. He was obnoxious and lazy and I always imagined it was you whenever we got intimate -"
She stopped midsentence when Adrian groaned at her words. "Oh my God, that's so fucking hot," Adrian moaned, finding her pulse point and sucking directly on the skin there. She was like putty in his hands, completely unable to pull away even if she wanted to. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she tilted her head back, giving him easier access to her neck.
"You wanna fuck me, yeah?" he felt the need to confirm.
Just because she was grinding herself onto him, her hips rolling against Adrian's crotch, didn't necessarily mean she wanted to go all the way.
"Yeah, I wanna fuck you."
"Hell yeah, fuckin' sick."
If those hours in the gym were used to lift Y/N to his bedroom, then it was time well spent. They were a mess of tangled limbs and kisses, hands wandering freely as Adrian walked them to his room. The bed creaked as Y/N was set down upon it, her head falling backward onto his pillow with a soft poof. Adrian climbed above her with a knee on either side of her hips.
"Hi," he beamed.
"Hi baby."
His face softened at the nickname, and his lips formed into the widest smile his face was capable of, making him look as stupidly happy as he felt. With Y/N beneath him, everything just seemed perfect. Nothing was wrong with the world, and the universe had agreed to give him the most almighty of wins.
He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply, his tongue sweeping across her bottom lip and begging entrance without a second thought. Y/N eagerly opened her mouth for him, granting him permission as her legs widened to allow him to slot himself between them.
"Can you take this off? I wanna feel you," she urged, tugging at the bottom of his shirt. He complied, shrugging it off casually and throwing it somewhere, and was immediately bombarded with the feeling of Y/N's palm drifting down his abs. "Jesus christ! You're shredded, dude!"
Adrian got a smug little look on his face as he watched her explore every inch of his body. But the way his eyes widened made her realise that he wasn't used to this. He wasn't used to people being nice to him and wanting to be around him. She could change that. She would change that.
"You're so hot." She ran her finger down his stomach and then along his navel, pausing momentarily to brush her fingers through his happy trail, before her hand continued its path even further down. "Do you want me to-"
"Fuck, do whatever you want to me."
Y/N could feel herself falling in love with him even more each minute. And she knew it would only get worse when undid his trousers to palm the bulge in his boxers, and he let out the most pitiful whine she'd ever heard. She laughed a little at the sound of it, kissing his bare shoulder briefly as her hand slid underneath his underwear and wrapped around him.
"Shit," he hissed, bucking up against her touch. He sounded desperate, and when she looked into his eyes, his pupils were dilated in arousal. His cheeks were splotches of red, his bottom lip hooked on his teeth, brows scrunched together, his chest moving dramatically and his gaze focused on the ceiling as he tried desperately to control himself as she jerked him off.
"Baby," she spoke lowly. "Look at me."
Slowly but surely, he tilted his head to focus on her, his green eyes meeting hers for a split second. She smiled and brought her free hand up to cup his cheek. "Your eyes are so pretty, cowboy," Y/N cooed. "It's almost impossible for a girl to look away."
"I watch you all day," he began, his face scrunching up when he realised how stalkerish his rant had started. "I mean, whenever we're in the same room, I can't help it. Part of me wants to make sure that you're safe, happy, and comfortable, and the other part just can't resist. I'm a moth, and you're the flame, y'know? You're bright and beautiful - you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen - and I can't help myself."
Her hand stopped. His chest heaving for a completely different reason now.
"Do you mean that?" Y/N asked in disbelief.
The only answer Adrian could give was an exhale and a "Yeah."
That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. And since it was so nice and she'd been in a relationship with a prick for so long, Y/N didn't know how to respond.
"Fuck, uh, forget I said that. I understand if -"
"Why would I want to forget?" she asked, surprising even herself with the firmness in her voice.
Adrian gave her one of those tight-lipped smiles that he usually gave whenever people made fun of him at work, and he just had to stand there and take it. "You know, you're you," he eventually explained, sitting up and gesturing excitedly, his hands brushing up and down her body. Then, his voice quietened when he added, "And I'm just me."
"Adrian, 'just you' is my favourite thing in the world."
He blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. The gears in his mind were whirring furiously until his brain finally caught on to Y/N's words. In an instant, he was surging forward, kissing her hard and possessively with a vigour that left Y/N breathless. The smooch was long and hot and wonderful, and she wound her arms around his neck, holding him close as they continued to deepen their kiss.
When the need for air overwhelmed her and she had to break apart from him, they simply rested their foreheads together and giggled, both of their chests rising and falling rapidly as they struggled to catch their breaths. Adrian's thumb stroked her cheek, and Y/N couldn't help but notice that he was watching her with such affection it made her heart flutter.
That's why she had no qualms urging, "Let's get naked." Adrian grinned wickedly at her suggestion, leaning down to place another searing kiss on her lips as his fingers fumbled with the zip of her trousers.
They were both down to their underwear in five seconds and completely naked a few seconds after that. After the initial shock of 'holy shit, the hottest person I've ever seen is naked in front of me', Adrian got to work and pressed his mouth along Y/N's thighs, kissing his way up towards her centre.
But before the real pleasure could start, Y/N felt the need to warn, "It's just, uh, could you take it easy on me, cowboy?"
"Been a while?"
"You have no idea."
So, he started off slow. Very slow. He kissed the inside of her thigh softly and brushed his nose against the sensitive skin there. He traced light circles on her waist as he went further and further inwards until the very tip of his tongue made contact with her clit. She jolted at the sensation and bit down on her bottom lip, his name falling from her lips as she did so. Adrian kept going, and soon his tongue was swirling around the tip of her clit. It drove her wild, made her moan, and made her lose herself completely in his touches and tastes.
Previous partners had told him he was particularly good at this part and he was going to use that to his advantage. What if he ate her out so good that she never left and fell in love with him and became his girlfriend? Wouldn't that just be great?
Locking her into place with an arm locked around her stomach, he took her clit into his mouth and sucked so she was grabbing at his hair again, a string of whimpers coming from deep within her throat with every stroke of his tongue. "Oh my God, oh, Jesus fucking Christ," she swore as Adrian slipped two fingers inside of her and curled them as he sucked.
Her whole body tingled, a pleasurable ache taking over her stomach like someone was pulling a rubber band until it snapped. Y/N's eyes crossed, and she arched her back and cried out Adrian's name, her whole body shaking uncontrollably beneath his mouth. Steve had never been this attentive. He had never paid attention to her needs. Even when they'd been intimate, he'd been focused on his own pleasure. This was new. This was brilliant.
And there was no going back.
"You good?" He chuckled huskily, lifting up his head and looking at her with those captivating green eyes. Y/N nodded, unable to speak for fear of her voice cracking and giving away that she wanted him so badly, she felt like she might combust. "That was literally the hottest thing I've ever seen. Steven was, like, a complete dumbass because I'm gonna do that as often as I can.... Is that cool? You down for that? It's totally okay if not -"
"You can do that whenever you want."
"I can't believe I've been so stupid." Y/N huffed out a laugh and straddled his thighs. "You can fuck me better than Steve ever could. We could've been doing this months ago, and I wouldn't have wasted my time on him."
"Wish we could rub it in that asshole's face."
A light bulb appeared above Y/N's head. She momentarily got off his lap to search through all her clothes pockets, and once she found what she wanted, she returned to her previous position.
"Why don't we?"
"A buttdial will make him furious." She waved her phone around, but she insisted, "If you don't wanna be on the call, it'll just be me. Or if it makes you uncomfortable all together, we can forg -'
No hesitation. "Put it on speakerphone."
"That's hot as shit, yeah."
Giddy with excitement, Y/N gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, gently placed Adrian's glasses on his bedside table, and found Steve's contact before putting the call on speaker. The prick didn't pick up, but they could still leave a voicemail.
"Oh God!" She moaned as she lowered herself onto Adrian's cock, her fingers gripping his shoulders when he was fully buried inside her, her body feeling deliciously stretched.
"Feel good, pretty girl?"
"So full." She breathed. "Never been so full."
In response, he gripped her hips and pulled her down onto him harder and deeper, making her whimper into his mouth. The muscles in his jaw flexed as he ground himself against her slowly, causing her to cry out and hold tighter. "That's right, baby," Adrian crooned in her ear, his voice low and seductive. "You sound so sexy like that... so sweet. So fucking beautiful."
Y/N bit her lip and closed her eyes, letting the vibrations of his voice send her higher on cloud nine. All thoughts of being mad about Steve completely vanished. Steve was nothing. Adrian was everything.
Sweat soon started trickling down their bodies, dripping between them as she reached for him to help him finish, and the sounds they exchanged sounded almost animalistic, needy, and dirty. And Y/N couldn't help herself. Her tongue drew a line up his neck, tasting the saltiness of his skin and making him go feral.
He manoeuvred her back against the mattress, her phone squished between the duvet and her back, and held her wrist above her head as his hips thrust. His face was contorted as he rode her relentlessly, the muscles in his abdomen tensing as he fought to contain himself and not cum before she did.
"Think if I rub this pretty clit, you'll cum so fuckin' hard?"
"Please, Adrian. Please, please, please -" She chanted like a prayer while she writhed under him, though her throat let out silent screams when he did exactly as he said.
Once she felt her orgasm approaching, Y/N wrapped her legs around him and panted, "On the pill. Don't worry." If Adrian was honest, he hadn't thought of that - even though he should've - but he wasn't complaining. Not one bit.
"Come on, baby. I want to hear you," he coaxed. "You gonna cum for me?"
Filled with awe, he watched as Y/N clenched around him with a look of pure ecstasy on her face, tears brimming in her eyes, and that was it. It was the hottest thing he had ever witnessed, and he couldn't hold it back anymore. Adrian jolted, and his vision blurred even more than normal as he came.
Y/N smiled crookedly at him as he flopped his weight onto her, burying his face into her neck as they got their breath back. Now things were a lot more peaceful and slower paced; Y/N could feel her phone poking into her back and wiggled it out from under her, hanging up the call without saying anything else.
The pair cuddled together, neither one speaking or moving much for a few minutes. As he lay atop her, Y/N ran her hands lightly over the strong planes of Adrian's back, smiling at the soft sighs escaping from his lips.
"I gotta pee before I get a UTI." Y/N nudged Adrian's shoulder. "Where's the bathroom, cowboy?"
He gave her the directions and checked out her ass as she left the room. Then he turned onto his back and began excitedly fist-punching the air. "Fuck yeah, oh fuck yeah. Me and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," he began to sing to himself, unable to keep in his glee any longer. And he was still smiling at the ceiling when Y/N slid underneath the duvet beside him.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?"
"Sick, lemme find my glasses."
Before he could shoot his hand out and knock his lamp off the bedside table, Y/N lifted his glasses up and delicately placed them on his nose. "There we go. How do I look? Like a sweaty pig, right?" She joked, brushing her thumb along his jawline.
"The sexiest pig I've ever seen."
"How many sexy pigs have you seen?"
"So many," he playfully replied. "Peppa Pig is my dream woman."
"Not Mrs. Piggy? She's hot as hell."
"Too high maintenance."
To further the joke, he took his finger and gently pushed the tip of her nose up so it would look more like a snout. She couldn't help but laugh. Well, she thought it was going to be a laugh, but it actually came out as a snort.
Calling the girl he was hopelessly in love with a piggy was not where he thought his night was going to go. But that's obviously his nickname for her now.
"See? My little piggy."
She gave him a halfhearted slap on the bicep, then snuggled into his side as he lifted his laptop from under his bed and onto his lap. Adrian picked some campy horror movie, and they barely paid attention to it since they alternated between makeout sessions and bouts of playful teasing.
An hour into the movie, Y/N's phone began to blow up with notifications.
Steven: Adrian?
Steven: You fucked that guy from work?
Steven: Slut
Steven: Absolute whore
Steven: Fucking 4eyes?
Steven: You fucked him?
Steven: Him? Of all people?
Steven: You fucking piece of shit
Steven: Tell me it's a joke
Steven: You're fucking with me
Steven: Baby, I know you didn't
Y/N: Did you not hear me on the voicemail?
Y/N: I thought I made it very clear that I did.
Together, they laughed at all the messages that came through. Y/N eventually blocked Steven and closed that chapter of her life forever. "That problem is solved," she reassured with a smug smile, earning a cheek kiss from Adrian.
He played with her fingers and wrongly declared, "If you think about it, we are the perfect pair. Me being a cowboy. You, a pig."
"How so?"
"Cowboys herd pigs. Duh."
Their romantic relationship officially started in hysterical laughter since Y/N cackled at his comment, and it would continue in the exact same way. They were devoted to not only each other, but making each other laugh, and from that moment on would ensure that their romance was fun and hot and exceedingly loving.
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rekino2114 · 6 months ago
You and makima as nayuta's parents
(Part 2 to this)
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Pairing:makima x male reader/nayuta as your daughter
A/n: it's finally part 2! I love this au so much It's so adorable i genuinely love writing for it, feel free to request stuff for it too if you want
Summary:The people at your daughter's school don't believe who her mom is, so she decides to show them
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You stood patiently as you heard the sound of the last bell ringing, followed by tens of tiny footsteps made by the children exiting the school in a orderly line, you waited until it was your daughter's class turn and looked for her, when you two finally spotted each other she told her teacher she saw you and sprinted to give you a hug.
You wrapped your hands around the short girl as she tried her best to do the same before you pulled back, putting her bag around your shoulder in the process,and held her small hand while starting to walk back home.
"How did your day go, yuta?"
"It was awesome, I did a really cool drawing and the teacher said it was the best of the class"
"That's great, I can't wait to see it"
"And-and then at recess we played hide and seek and no one could find me"
"Yeah you've already been the best at that game not even I can find you"
The half devil just giggled and continued to drag you faster to your home.
When you arrived there you started preparing snacks for her, after you finished, you found her in the living room watching cartoons while petting one of the dogs
"This is in case you get hungry ok?"
"Yay thanks"
You sat near her and watched her eat the snacks you gave her
"Hey daddy when is mommy coming home?"
"Oh you know, she's still working, she'll come pretty soon though"
Your wife often got stuck working on paperwork at public safety headquartered (often because of some stupid stunt denji and power pulled), so she let you leave early to go pick up your daughter, nayuta knew this and she usually never complained about it so you were pretty surprised she asked
"Is something wrong? you usually never ask about mom"
".....mommy is like super important right?"
"Well she is the boss of the people who fight devils so yes. Super duper important why?"
While it was definitely true public safety still mainly fought strong devils, they were much much rarer and less powerful than they once were, the fact that an incredibly powerful and practically invincible horseman of apocalypse was now actively and happily helping humanity deterred the smarter ones from doing large scale attacks and as a result the public wasn't as scared of them in turn making them weaker,but to your daughter anyone who fought devils was cool and her mother triply so because she was the boss.
"Some jerks didn't believe me when I said that!"
"Yeah they said stuff like "no way your mom is that important" or "you don't look rich" and "you look nothing like her! They're just some idiots"
You were very confused at the comments, especially the last one since nayuta literally had the same eyes as her mother but quickly pulled her into another hug to comfort her
"It's alright yuty, they're just wrong"
"You know what, I think mom wouldn't be happy to hear what those people said about you. When she comes home, we'll tell her all about it, ok?"
"Yeah, and then she'll show them"
"Yeah, let's continue watching your show now ok?"
"OK I love you daddy"
"I love you too sweetie"
Not that long after you heard the door open and turned to see your beautiful wife
"I'm home"
You and nayuta immediately walked up to her. You hugged her, and you two shared a kiss
"I missed you dear"
"I did too"
She then turned to nayuta and started ruffling her black hair
"And how did my favorite girl do at school today?"
"It was great I did a super cool drawing"
"Oh really? Sounds great"
"But then someone told me that they didn't believe you're my mom"
"Yeah they were all like "there's no way your mom is that important" they also told me I don't look rich and we look totally different"
"Ah, I see. Well, I guess it's to be expected after all y/n Is the one to pick you up, and I am quite an important figure in Japan, so skepticism is natural"
"But they're wrong and they don't get it, I'm tired of them treating me like a liar"
Makima pulled her daughter into her third hug of the day (she loves them a lot) to calm her down before coming up with something
"How about tomorrow I come back early and pick you up, then we'll show them who's wrong"
"*gasp* really? But don't you have some super important work to do?"
"It's just boring paperwork I'm sure someone else can take care of that, seeing my daughter smile is more important, I'll even let you leave early ok?"
"Thanks. You're the best mom ever"
The next day, nayuta was in her class listening to the teacher when a knock on the door caught her attention. When it was opened, she saw you and makima standing there
"*gasp* mommy,daddy!"
She immediately ran to you with a huge smile on her face, you grabbed her small body and lifted her over your shoulders giving her a piggyback ride
"You came!"
"Of course sweetie"
Nayuta stuck her tongue out at her classmates while enjoying seeing their bewildered and envious faces, so she decided to push her luck
"I'm really hungry can we get ice cream?"
"Of course, we can get all the ice cream you want"
The young girl smiled even brighter at that, especially because her classmates got even more jealous. You and makima were also pleased to see that as it meant that your daughter wouldn't get picked on again.
You went outside and started walking towards the ice cream shop
"They were so jealous! I bet tomorrow they'll be saying how cool how I am"
"That's because you are yuta, be careful though some of them may want to be your friend only because of your mom, choose your friends carefully"
"Don't thank us. By the way, if they start actually bullying you even more, please tell us, I only want to see you happy"
"Yeah.....You're the best parents ever, I love you so much mommy and daddy"
Makima felt a warmth in her heart at her daughter's words. She loved hearing that she loved her and considered her a good mom. It made all of the suffering she had felt worth it knowing that there were two people who she could love forever and who felt the same way towards her made her so happy, a feeling that only increased when you kissed her cheek and held her hand. Now that she could truly feel love, she was sure of three things: she loved you, she loved nayuta, and she loved this life.
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tsuyalovebot · 21 days ago
i saw this post and it was so clearly a cod post but all i can think about is caleb and specifically the way YOU write him bc you write him so delicious
oh my. hello, anon! i'm kind of giggling and kicking my feet right now, so thank you so much for sending this in! i'm so happy knowing that the way i write for caleb is well-received. i try to put a lot of thought into his mannerisms and dialogue without it being too much, so this means a lot.
(even though 90% of what's on my blog is inherently nsfw... i have two long caleb pieces coming out please wait for me (´˘ -˘ 人))
also the post you linked. oh yeah. i totally see this with caleb. his necklace drives me insane sometimes. knowing that it has a tracker and that he constantly wears it, going as far as to kiss is before he flies? everything.
ramble below on this thought for you, nonnie. :]
in missionary, caleb's got so much control. but unless you've purposefully riled him up prior, he won't be rough. underneath the tough exterior of the colonel is still your dearest childhood friend or brother (contextualize this accordingly if you are more comfortable with en or cn material). it's only natural that he craves you in every way, shape, or form.
he's hoisting your legs upward at first, contemplatively squeezing your calf with a thoughtful expression. it takes a moment before he's instructing you — "keep 'em up, yeah, like that" — and lowering himself onto you. (you don't realize until later that he was contemplating having your legs up on his shoulders instead.)
kisses with him were almost always needy. starting off with an almost hesitant connection of your lips, like he was afraid you'd dissolve. but all it takes is either his own desire or your encouragement before he's pressing harder, heated breaths fanning over your face and his groans falling low into your mouth.
his hips buck in time with his fueled desire, little grunts ripping from caleb's pursed lips in agonizingly dragged out thrusts, the veins of his length like threads of a corkboard mapping your interior. always moving as if he was determined to merge your body with his.
and those biceps. your eyes tracing the flattering bulge of skin and muscle on either side of your head, sometimes trailing down to his abdomen and watching the muscles flex with every sticky withdrawal and introduction of himself inside you. the breathy sighs and whispered i love yous that leave his mouth were almost always accompanied by a knitted brow and concentrated gaze.
it's all overwhelmingly attractive. but the most attracted was caleb's damn dog tags.
whenever you'd keen, lost in the violin strings of a harmonics that carried you into ecstasy, the jangle of the chain and the light tap of cool metal met your chin. caleb doesn't notice it past the first few thrusts, his eyes wrenched shut in concentration as the hottest groans known to mankind leave his open mouth. but you do.
your laughter is what makes him open his eyes. the violet hues fall upon your crinkled eyes, the curvature of a smile he's memorized with his lips and tongue greeting him instantly.
it's contagious, and he smiles too. "well, aren't you a beauty today. what's got you smiling like that, huh?"
blown pupils meeting yours, you find it in yourself to reply as he slowed to a halt. eyes falling down to the offending object around his neck.
"your necklace keeps hitting me," you comment.
not at all are you mad; simply amused by a thought that emerged in the middle of your entanglement. the sweat that dots his hairline matches the rosin-like finish to his bare chest, and you place a hand over one pec.
"ah. does it hurt?"
"do you want me to take it off?"
your frown was so quick to form, it makes caleb laugh above you. the asshole was clearly pulling your leg.
grouchy, you grumble, "never say that again."
a charming tilt to those chapped lips is all it takes for you to shift beneath him, walls tenderly contracting around his girth. he bows his head, forehead narrowly missing your chin as he stutters out a low moan. the glare he shoots you is playful. serves him right.
you sigh and grin, relenting. "i just think it's a good view. it's a good look on you.
he murmurs an "i agree," (though you aren't too sure if he was referring to his view or yours) while propping himself up more securely. you could feel the heat from his arms as they shift beside your head, how his legs shift slightly further apart, thus nudging yours.
the openness makes the penetration all the more apparent. the look on his face tell you he's more than pleased, the crescent moon fold of his eyes reflecting your closest person when they open.
"cute, pipsqueak. real cute, tellin' me all that while i'm like this. you planned this out." caleb moves down, stealing a languid kiss from your lips. teeth teasingly pulls at your lower lip. he likes to do that now — the little thief. two can play that game.
there's movement once more, like he was rewarding your honesty. your back slides against the bed in time with the expert grind of his pelvis, pleasure jolting your your body with a vengeance.
it takes a moment, but when he moves, the dog tag swings. the metal apple glints, and you raise yourself, snagging it between your teeth. and before he could question what you're doing, you dig your nails into his back and move up, just enough so you could kiss him.
when you fall back on the soft, cottony sheets, the spit-glistening metal glimmers between his lips. the famished glower appears, and your body responds with harsh pulsations like a heartbeat. he looks famished.
"mine, now." one hand lazily cups his face, thumb sweeping over his cheekbone and kiss-swollen mouth, then dropping to your side. you're smiling before you even realize it, a giddy giggle escaping you as you say, "good dog."
there's nothing but heavy breathing between your two bodies. you barely have time to register the heavy throb and swelling of him inside you.
until he huffs, galactic gaze thinning into a cross-section of disbelief and mirth. "huh."
his mouth is sinful in its smirk, and he thrusts. hard. a garbled gasp leaves you, the bed creaking and the headboard thudding precariously.
heartbeat kicking up a gear, you're wide-eyed as caleb readjusts his position. completely sinking down onto you and into you, your hips tilted up and legs freely in the air. all oxygen escapes you in that very moment — you swore you could feel him in your throat, stars decorating the outline of your vision.
"good dog? so i guess it wouldn't hurt for me to misbehave a little bit?" he taunts, honeyed words vibrating against your cheek. he's nuzzling you, cooing at the drunken state of your expression.
then, you feel his lips ghosting your clavicle, cool steel on your chest as he presses impossibly deeper into you, drawing back to just the tip.
and as if to really drive it in when he starts pistoning into you, he snickers. "woof."
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multiheadcanons · 2 months ago
soldier: soldier started calling everything a “glizzy” after he heard scout say it exactly once. he was eating a hot dog and said “damn this glizzy is perfectly dressed.” he did not get it, he did not care enough to ask what that meant. he just started calling everything a glizzy. rockets? glizzy. ammo? glizzy. the medigun, fully charged and primed for an ubercharge? “HIT ME WITH THAT GLIZZY, DOC!” this was the beginning of the end with scout, once he got past the white knuckled shock of hearing that man say glizzy way too many times to the wrong things.
pyro: pyro eats up a whip and nae nae, no lie. they saw scout do it after a successful push of the payload, and everyone looked at scout weird, but pyro registered that smile, and those movements and committed it to heart. on the next battle, pyro physically dragged scout to a location near the edge of the map, and made a motion to stay still and watch. it freaked scout out until pyro air blasted one, two, three, four of the opposing team off the map; and after the fourth’s screams were cut short from hitting the bottom; they turned slowly to scout, and hit a whip. it’s the only time scout actually laughed. “yeah, get that shit pyro!”
demo: everything scout knows demo knew well before him, it just never came through right with his accent. but when scout started dapping people up demo was ALL IN for that. always brings scout in way too hard and knocks the wind out of him and stings his hands. “you’re not doing it right, lad! like this!” scout never wants to complain because it feels cool to get dapped up by someone he also thinks is cool, though he doesn’t want to admit that. scout does not want demo dapping up anyone else though because they’re not cool enough, except heavy he’s got no opinion on that because it’s funny to watch demo get the wind knocked out of him.
engineer: engineer hits that “gyat DAMN” often because of his accent. scout is convinced he’s using it wrong, that pisses engie off because it’s literally his accent and scout can get the fuck over himself he’s not from the first generation that made up language. sometimes to piss him off he’ll say skibidi toilet with no actual context to go around it. and scout hates that bc he hates skibidi toilet. also an enjoyer of the dap even when heavy and demo practically lift him off his feet with it.
heavy: heavy will dap people up. he loves it. makes him feel like he’s getting closer with his team. will always end a dap by pulling them in for a brief, yet crushing hug. everyone eats it up, laughing after they catch the breath he forcibly removed from their lungs and patting his arm or back, whatever the recipient can reach. also loves to say rizz, it makes his teeth vibrate in a good way. “doctor, you are a rizz master!” “demoman, keep rizzing your weapons!” “i LOVE my weapons rizz!” he doesn’t know if he’s using it right, scout just wholeheartedly assures him he’s using it right.
medic: medic heard scout say something fucks once. now, for him, EVERYTHING fucks. he himself DEFINITELY fucks. he assumed it’s a good thing. there was one time in the throes of battle, he managed to catch scout to heal him, and used the speed boost he got from it to catch up and yell over the din “you’re FUCKING today, scout!” and scout jumped his ass about how he’s not even using it right and he never wanted to hear that again. unfortunately, the doctor is a hellish bastard who loves pissing people off, so now everything does indeed fuck. he definitely fucks. “oh, my medigun? ja, that fucks. and i fuck too.” “doc, nobody wants to hear what you’re fucking, dude”. pissed scout off more when he and soldier were ubered, running into battle, and soldier said very confidently “your glizzy tops ALL OTHER GLIZZIES” and medic responded, making direct eye contact with scout in the heat of battle; “ja, my glizzy fucks.”
sniper: snipes dabbed twice in the privacy of his own nest to see how it felt and couldn’t get over his own shame that he did that. he did it twice because he alternated arms to see if it felt less stupid to do it the other way. it didn’t. he will never bring himself to do that again. that was embarrassing. has a dreadful feeling the other teams sniper saw him do it. sometimes after a really good kill streak he’ll do a small dab as a treat. he does unironically use “deadass”
spy: anything that will piss scout off spy is happy to do. spy has used words he knows does not exist to confuse scout as to the current slang going around. he’ll have scout on the internet desperately searching words that not only don’t exist, but he can’t even spell, just to make sure spy isn’t a step ahead of him. but spy is always two steps ahead of him. spy will say shit just to feel the bostonians eyes burn holes in the back of his skull, only to turn to him and say “what, you’ve never heard that before? look it up!” then hides in his room to watch him desperately search a word he can’t even spell. unironically uses “deadass” because he heard snipes say it once and it wriggled its way into his mind like a worm. he says it after like… everything.
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